PSEB Solutions for Class 12 Physical Education Chapter 5 Disability
Physical Education Guide for Class 12 PSEB Disability Textbook Questions and Answers
One Mark Question-Answers
Question 1.
What Is the meaning of disability?
Disability means inability to do certain physical or mental work. When the capacity to perform any physical or mental work decreases that stage is called disability.
Question 2.
What is social rehabilitation?
In this restoration of social relationship within the family and the society is done. In spite of the disability the social upliftment is given to restore the social status of a person.

Question 3.
Where are industrial units set up for the blinds?
In order to provide occupational or industrial training, industrial home for blinds was established in Mumbai in the year 1971. Under various branches of these industrial training centre the vocational training is given to visually challenged at state level.
Two Marks Question-Answers
Question 4.
What is permanent disability?
This term is used when a person is unable to work in normal conditions for long term or life long.
Question 5.
What is functional disability?
In this type body organs are affected, generally these faults occur due to chronic diseases and some times the reason may be congenital. This disability itself restrict the normal functioning of a person.
Question 6.
What is the difference between permanent disability and temporary disability?
(a) Permanent Disability:
This term is used when a person is unable to work in normal conditions for long term or life long.
(b) Temporary Disability: It is consider to be the inability to discharge normal work for a short period of time.

Question 7.
Write two reasons of disability.
There are many factors which causes disability. These are explained below:
1. Mental factors:
Mental disability may be hereditary but some times it may be due to mental stress or tension. Mind and body are interrelated therefore these mental effects, badly affects the physical condition of the body.
2. Physical diseases:
Due to physical disease or ailments, some deficiency may developed which leads to disability e.g. smallpox can cause blindness, so physical disease can one of the cause of disability.
Three Marks Question-Answers
Question 8.
Write the types of disabilities caused due to occupations.
According to the Occupational Safety and Health Convention, the term “occupational disease” covers any disease contracted as a result of an exposure to risk factors arising from work activity. Occupational diseases are many and varied. They arise out of or the course of employment. The following is a list of the important occupational diseases.
- Diseases due to physical agents or physical hazards
- Dust diseases or dust hazards
- Chemical diseases or chemical hazards
- Diseases due to unusual timings/shift workers.
1. Diseases due to physical agents/physical hazards:
Diseases which are occurred due to physical condition of the working places e.g. a high and low temperature falls under this category.
2. Dust diseases/dust hazards: There are so many lung diseases which are occurred due to accumulation of dust.
3. Chemical diseases/Chemical hazards:
Chemicals are used extensively both in industry and in our daily lives. Many useful products are derived from chemicals, such as plastics, paints, pharmaceuticals, detergents etc. some chemicals may appear harmful only after prolonged exposure.
4. Diseases due to unusual timings/shift workers:
In today’s scenario due to technological development in the world, it has been noticed that most of the IT companies are coming into existence as a job opportunity.

Question 9.
Write a note on the following:
(i) Anthracosis
(ii) Lead poisoning
(iii) Cancer and Asthma
(iv) First Aid.
The name has been derived from the word anthrac meaning-‘coal and carbon and on’s means condition.
(i) Anthracosis:
This type of occupational disease is common in the people who works in coal mines and fumances. The disease affects the respiratory track related organes such as trachea, lungs and nasal cavity. The lungs gets affected with the inhalation of coal particles at work place. This disease is also known as ‘black lung’ disease.
(ii) Lead Poisoning:
The lead is a toxic metal that may affect the health. This disease is common in of a the people who are engaged in construction works such as painting, building construction plumbing. Ceramic work etc. This is caused due to inhalation of lead particles in body through respiratory track. The common symptom for the lead poisoning are abdominal pain, nausea, headache, body pain, paralysis, lungs disorder etc.
(iii) Cancer and Asthma:
It is mainly related to the occupations where the workers are exposed to chemicals, dust, radiation etc. The risk factor related to cancer is more common in coal and metal processing industries. The workers of these industries may develop cancer related to skin, lungs, blood cancer etc. The worker who are engaged in coal mines, fumances, dust hazards, chemical etc. are more prone to lung diseases such as asthma and bronchitis etc.
(iv) First Aid:
“First aid is the immediate treatment given to the victim of sudden illness before medical help is made available.” It is applied to prevent further injury, reduce pain experienced by the patient, and shock from the injury. The most important basic concept in first aid is to stop bleeding, restore adequate breathing and treat the patient from shock.
This is very necessary to make sure that the patient has an open airway, is breathing apporpriately, and has circulation intact i.e. pulses, normal skin colour and no uncontrolled bleeding. If the patient has stable other specific injuries can be addressed with first aid. The basic concepts of first aid includes keeping wounds clean, applying pressure to stop bleeding and keeping suspected broken bones immobile until they can be evaluated and aligned appropriately.

Question 10.
Write about Indian Red Cross Society.
The Indian Red Cross Society is a national agency and is associated with Internal Red Cross Society. Red Cross is considered as a symbol for protecting sick and wounded including physician and nurses in-charge. The International Red Cross Society was founded in 1863 by J.H. Dunant The Indian Red Cross Society was established in 1920. It has three objectives, that is. improvement of health, prevention of disease and to decrease the severity of disease. The Indian Red Cross Society has St. John Ambulance Association which has trained several people in first aid training and nursing.
Five Marks Question-Answers
Question 11.
What is the meaning of Rehabilitation? Explain it in detail.
The word rehabilitation has been derived from the word ‘re’ which means ‘again’ and ‘habilita’, means ‘capacity’, so rehabilitation means to recapitulate. In other words rehabilitation means to regain or recapture the former fitness or to recover and settle. According to W.H.O., Rehabilitation is ‘the combined and coordinated use of medical, social, educational and vocational measures for the training or retraining the individual to the highest possible level of functional ability.”
For example A person loses his physical fitness on account of some injury. The work done to restore the former fitness is called rehabilitation.
In the ancient times disabled were neglected by the society. But, nowadays the work done to restore the social relationship of disabled is called social rehabilitation. Even persons with disability are given vocational training in spite of their restricted movements. This type of training is called vocational training.
Scope of Rehabilitation. The scope of rehabilitation has been divided into following parts:
1. Medical rehabilitation
2. Vocational rehabilitation
3. Social rehabilitation
4. Psychological rehabilitation
1. Medical Rehabilitation:
In case of any physical disorder due to injury or illness a specialized medical treatment is required This includes medicine branch, surgery, orthopaedic, physiotherapy etc. .
2. Vocational Rehabilitation:
In spite of disability the disabled persons are given training to earn for themselves e.g. blinds can be given training for the caning of furniture etc.
3. Social Rehabilitation:
In this restoration of social relationship within the family and the society is done. In spite of the disability the social upliftment is given to restore the social status of a person.
4. Psychological Rehabilitation:
In this work is done to restore the confidence. In case of mental disorder or depression the psychiatric department helps for the psychological rehabilitation.

Question 12.
Write in detail about the organisations involved in rehabilitation.
The process of rehabilitation is mostly done in hospitals. Even then some additional measures are needed. In the process of rehabilitation many private social agencies are working. Some of the voluntary agencies engaged in rehabilitation are as below:
1. The Indian Red Cross Society:
The Indian Red Cross Society is a national agency and is associated with Internal Red Cross Society. Red Cross is considered as a symbol for protecting sick and wounded including physician and nurses in-charge. The International Red Cross Society was founded in 1863 by J.H. Dunant The Indian Red Cross Society was established in 1920. It has three objectives, that is. improvement of health, prevention of disease and to decrease the severity of disease. The Indian Red Cross Society has St. John Ambulance Association which has trained several people in first aid training and nursing.
2. All India Blind Relief Society:
It was established in 1946, which is responsible for conducting eye camps and also coordinates the different associations working for the blinds. It assists people with vision disability to train in vocational courses according to their, ability.
3. Tuberculosis Association of India:
This association was established in 1939. It is engaged in research work for the prevention and control ot tuberculosis. It also organises T.B. seal compaign every year to collect funds. Tuberculosis Association of India provides training to doctors and social workers. This association has many institutions like New Delhi Tuberculosis Centre, Sanitoijum at Kasauli and Dharampur.
4. Hind Kusht Nivaran Sangh:
It was formed in 1950 in New Delhi. This sangh specially works for leprosy. The Hind Kusht Nivaran Sangh provides financial assistance to various leprosy clinics in India. Through posters it educates the community for the welfare of people suffering from leprosy. Leprosy is a chronic bacterial disease theat affects skin. This organisation also publishes a journal ‘Leprosy in India’.
5. Indian Council for Child Welfare:
Indian Council for Child Welfare was formed in 1952. It organizes various child welfare programmes and also helps the children in the development of health.
6. Bharat Sevak Samaj:
It was formed in 1952. The aim of this Samaj is to achieve good health. The most important activity of the Samaj is the improvement of sanitation in the rural areas.
7. National Centre for Deaf: This agency has a training centre at Hyderabad which works for deaf children.
8. All India Women’s Conference:
It was established in 1926. This organization helps handicapped women and children. It also works for vocational training.
9. Kasturba Gandhi National Memorial Trust:
It was formed in 1944 and generally looks after the welfare of women in villages. It is also involved in antileprosy work.
10. Industrial Home for Blind:
It was formed in 1971. It is located in Mumbai. Vocational guidance is given to people with vision impairment, so that they can earn in spite of their disability.
11. Asha Niketan Rehabilitation Centre:
It was formed in 1960 and has got a hospital with physiotherapist unit attached with it. It has also got a school for mentally retarded and deaf.
12. Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation:
This corporation was formed at Kanpur. It manufactures artificial limbs for the disabled.
13. Kamayani School:
This school was established in 1964 at Poona. In this school disabled, specially mentally disabled are given vocational training like polishing of furniture etc.
In addition to these there are many social welfare associations working for rehabilitation e.g. Indian Council of Mental Hygiene, Indian Conference of Social Work, Rama Krishan Mission, Lions Club, Marwari Relief Society. I.I.T. Delhi National Physical Laboratory, Nevedic Prosthetic Centre, Chandigarh, etc.

PSEB 12th Class Physical Education Guide Disability Important Questions and Answers
One Mark Question-Answers
Question 1.
Give literal meaning of rehabilitation.
The word rehabilitation has been derived from Latin word ‘re’ means ‘again’ and ‘habitare’ meaning ‘make fit’.
Question 2.
Enlist two types of disability.
- Structural disability
- Functional disability.

Question 3.
What is the full form of WHO?
World Health Organisation.
Question 4.
Name two structural disability.
Question 5.
Highlight any two factors causing disability.
- Mental Factors
- Physical diseases.
Question 6.
Name any two chemicals causing disability.
- Carbon monoxide
- Sulphur dioxide.
Question 7.
Mention two Physical agents causing occupational disease.
- High heat and low temperature
- Radiation.
Question 8.
Enlist two dust hazards causing occupational disease.

Question 9.
Write two preventive measures of occupational disability.
- Medical examination before joining
- Maintance of work place.
Question 10.
Give two causes of environmental pollution.
- Noise pollution due to loud noise at factories etc.
- Air pollution due to chemicals and dust hazards.
Question 11.
What does ‘Habita’ means in Rehabilitation?
Habilita means to regain capacity.
Question 12.
The word rehabilitation is derived from which language?
Latin Language.
Question 13.
Write any two scope of Rehabilitation.
- Medical rehabilitation
- Vocational rehabilitation.
Question 14.
What is Medical Rehabilitation?
In case of any physical disorder due to injury or illness a specialized medical treatment is required.
Question 15.
When did the Indian Red Cross Society came into existence?
In the year 1920.

Question 16.
In which year Kamayani school was established?
In the year 1964.
Question 17.
Where did the Artificial limbs manufacturing corporation was established?
Question 18.
Which society works for the deaf?
National Centre for deaf.
Question 19.
Name the society which works for the welfare of children.
Indian Council for Child Welfare.
Question 20.
When did the tuberculosis association of India was developed?
In the year 1939.
Question 21.
On which part of body Kyphosis effects?
Upper part of the spinal column.
Question 22.
What do you mean by Lordosis?
It is caused by forward exaggeration in the lumbar region resulting in prominent abdomen and stoop in the upper part of the body.
Question 23.
What do you mean by scolosis disability?
It is caused due to an exaggeration of lateral curvature of the spine.
Question 24.
Where the Kamayani School is located in India?

Question 25.
In how many parts disability can be divided according to ’’Rehabilitation Council of India”?
Question 26.
In which year All India Blind relief society has been established?
In year 1946.
Question 27.
When and where Hind Kusht Nivaran Sangh was established?
In the year 1950 at New Delhi.
Question 28.
When was Bharat Sevak Samaj started?
In the year 1952.
Question 29.
Where was National Centre of Deaf located?
At Hyderabad.
Question 30.
Where is the Industrial Home for Blind?
At Mumbai.

Two Marks Question-Answers
Question 1.
What do you mean by disability?
Disability means inability to do certain physical or mental work. When the capacity to perform any physical or mental work decreases that stage is called disability.
Question 2.
Elucidate various types of disability.
- Structural disability such as Kyphoris, Lordoris etc.
- Functional disability such as chronic disease like respiratory disorder etc.
Question 3.
Explain the term functional disability.
In this body organs are affected generally, these faults occur due to chronic disease and sometimes the reason may be congenital. This disability itself restrict the normal functioning of a person.
Question 4.
Define Rehabilitation.
According to W.H.O. Rehabilitation is ‘the combined and coordinated use of medical, ‘ social, educational and vocational measures for the training or retraining the individual to the highest possible level of functional ability.”

Question 5.
Elucidate the literal meaning of rehabilitation.
The literal meaning of the word rehabilitation has been derived from two words ‘re’ means ‘again’ and ‘habilita’ means ‘capacity’.
Question 6.
Enlist various agents causing occupational disability.
- Diseases due to physical agents or physical hazards
- Dust diseases or dust hazard
- Chemical diseases or chemical hazard
- Diseases due to unusual timings/shift workers.
Question 7.
Write any two scope of rehabilitation.
Medical Rehabilitation:
In case of any physical disorder due to injury or illness a specialized medical treatment is required This includes medicine branch, surgery, orthopaedic, physiotherapy etc.
Vocational Rehabilitation:
In spite of disability the disabled persons are given training to earn for themselves e.g. blinds can be given training for the caning of furniture etc.

Question 8.
Name various society providing services for rehabilitation.
- All India Blind Relief Society.
- Tuberculosis Association of India.
- Tuberclons Association of India.
- Hind Kusht Nivaran Singh.
Question 9.
Highlight various preventive measures for disability.
Medical examination before joining:
The purpose of this examination is to place the right man in the right job. A person should be given job only when he is found medically fit so that he can perform his work efficiently without any danger e.g. a person suffering from asthma should be rejected at the time of employment in mining industry.
Periodical examination of workers:
Since many occupational diseases take long time to develop, it is difficult to recognise them at an early stage. If a disease is detected at initial stage, it can be cured easily and quickly. The purpose of this examination is to detect and cure the disease at an early stage. The frequency of examination depends upon type of occupational exposure. Monthly examination is preferred for the employees.

Question 10.
What is the function of Indian council for Child welfare?
Indian Council for Child Welfare was formed in 1952. It organizes various child welfare programmes and also helps the children in the development of health.
Question 11.
What do you know about Kamayani school?
This school was established in 1964 at Poona. In this school disabled specially mentally disabled are given vocational training like polishing of furniture etc.
Question 12.
Elucidate about Asha Niktan Rehabilitation Centre.
It was formed in 1960 and has got a hospital with physiotherapist unit attached with it. It has also got a school for mentally retarded and deaf.
Question 13.
What do you know about All India Blind Relief Society?
It was established in 1946, which is responsible for conducting eye camps and also coordinates the different associations working for the blinds. It assists people with vision disability to train in vocational courses according to their ability.

Three Marks Question-Answers
Question 1.
Elaborate about the types of disability.
Structural disability:
It is related to the bony structure of the body, generally these are posture related deformities. Such deformation of the body may be acquired or congenital. The reasons may be accident, inadequate diet, wrong habits of sitting while working, etc.
Some examples of structural disabilities are kyphosis, lordosis and scoliosis etc.
Functional disability:
In this type body organs are affected, generally these faults occur due to chronic diseases and some times the reason may be congenital. This disability itself restrict the normal functioning of a person. According to WHO, ‘ ‘A functional disability is a disability as any long term limitation in activity resulting from a condition or health problem.
Some examples of functional disabilities are respiratary disabilities, lead poisoning, anthracosis etc.
Question 2.
Elaborate any two factors causing disability.
Physical Factors:
Many occupational hazards occur due to physical factors which include heat, cold, light, pressure, noise, radiations, etc. For example working in cold climate can cause from bite. Heat cramps can be caused due to high temperature. Excessive noise in factories can be a cause of occupational deafness.
Social Factors:
The various social hazards arise in worker whenever he is not able to adjust in the social environment. The social hazards are often more in introverts. A worker who is not socially adjusted my face depression, tension, anxiety and insecurity. The causes may be due to introvert nature, lack of confidence and poor human relationship.

Question 3.
What do you understand by occupational Environment?
Most of the disabilities occur due to occupational environment. There is great danger of respiratory disability if some one is exposed to toxic polluted air e.g. inhalation of asbestos fibres causes asbestosis. Even postural deformities can be caused because of incorrect sitting or standing while working e.g. Kyphosis is common in tailors.
Question 4.
Elucidate about social factor causing disability.
The various social hazards arise in worker whenever he is not able to adjust in the social environment. The social hazards are often more in introverts. A worker who is not socially adjusted my face depression, tension, anxiety and insecurity. The causes may be due to introvert nature, lack of confidence and poor human relationship.
Question 5.
Write about chemical factor causing disability.
Chemicals are used extensively both in industry and in our daily lives. Many useful products are derived from chemicals, such as plastics, paints, pharmaceuticals, detergents etc. some chemicals may appear harmful only after prolonged exposure. These diseases include diabetes, allergies, asthma, eczema, cancer, attention deficit disorder, autism, learning difficulties, infertility, depression, chronic fatigue, chemical sensitivities, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, thyroid disease, inflammatory bowel disease amongst many others.
Question 6.
Elucidate various dust hazards which may cause diseases.
Dust diseases/ dust hazards. There are so many lung diseases which are occurred due to accumulation of dust, most common dust diseases are as follow:
1. Coal dust:
The disease named black lung disease is caused by inhaling coal dust. It causes inflammation and scarring of the lungs. This can cause permanent lung damage and shortness of breath.
2. Silica dust:
This condition is caused by breathing in silica crystals in the dust of mines. It causes scarrying of the lungs. It can also increase the risk for other lung diseases.
3. Cotton dust /Byssinosis:
It is also known as Brown Lung Disease. This is caused by breathing in dust from hemp, flax, and cotton processing. The condition is chronic and causes chest tightness and shortness of breath. It affects textile workers, especially those who work with unprocessed cotton.
4. Occupation Asthma:
Occupational asthma is caused by breathing in dusts, gases, fumes, and vapours. It causes asthma symptoms such as a chronic cough and wheezing.

Question 7.
Give any two preventive measure of disability.
Use of Protective Devices. Many occupational health hazards can be prevented by the correct use of protective devices. For example, the use of gas masks can prevent the respiratory disabilities which are caused due to inhalation of chemical agents like dust, gases, etc. The use of many protective devices like ear-plugs, shoes, gloves, aprons, helmets, etc. can prevent various occupational health hazards.
Mechanisation of Plants and Factories. The mechanisation of the factories can reduce the hazards of stress and strain as heavy lifting can be done by mechanical devices. Even contact with harmful substances can be prevented by the use of mechanical devices.
Question 8.
Write the definition given by WHO for the term rehabilitation.
According to W.H.O., Rehabilitation is ‘the combined and coordinated use of medical, social, educational and vocational measures for the training or retraining the individual to the highest possible level of functional ability.”
For example A person loses his physical fitness on account of some injury. The work done to restore the former fitness is called rehabilitation.
Question 9.
Elucidate the scope of rehabilitation.
The scope of rehabilitation has been divided into following parts:
1. Medical rehabilitation
2. Vocational rehabilitation
3. Social rehabilitation
4. Psychological rehabilitation
1. Medical Rehabilitation:
In case of any physical disorder due to injury or illness a specialized medical treatment is required This includes medicine branch, surgery, orthopaedic, physiotherapy etc.
2. Vocational Rehabilitation:
In spite of disability the disabled persons are given training to earn for themselves e.g. blinds can be given training for the caning of furniture etc.
3. Social Rehabilitation:
In this restoration of social relationship within the family and the
society is done. In spite of the disability the social upliftment is given to restore the social status of a person. .
4. Psychological Rehabilitation:
In this work is done to restore the confidence. In case of mental disorder or depression the psychiatric department helps for the psychological rehabilitation.
Question 10.
Write a short note on:
(a) Hind Kusht Nivaran Sangh
(b) Kamayani School.
Hind Kusht Nivaran Sangh:
It was formed in 1950 in New Delhi. This sangh specially works for leprosy. The Hind Kusht Nivaran Sangh provides financial assistance to various leprosy clinics in India. Through posters it educates the community for the welfare of people suffering from leprosy. Leprosy is a chronic bacterial disease theat affects skin. This organisation also publishes a journal ‘Leprosy in India’.
Kamayani School:
This school was established in 1964 at Poona. In this school disabled specially mentally disabled are given vocational training like polishing of furniture etc.

Five Marks Question-Answers
Question 1.
Give the meaning of disability with its types.
Disability means inability to do certain physical or mental work. When the capacity to perform any physical or mental work decreases that stage is called disability. According to W.H.O., “Disability is a restriction or lack of ability to perform an activity in the manner or whithin the range considered normal for a human being”. Any abnormal condition of the body whether congenital or acquired may be called disability.
Types of Disability
It has two types:
1. Structural disability
2. Functional disability .
1. Structural disability:
It is related to the bony structure of the body, generally these are posture related deformities. Such deformation of the body may be acquired or congenital. The reasons may be accident, inadequate diet, wrong habits of sitting while working, etc.
Some examples of structural disabilities are as follows:
(a) Kyphosis: It is caused by an exaggeration of the normal dorsal curvature of the spine resulting in hump at the back.
(b) Lordosis:
It is caused by forward exaggeration in the lumbar region resulting in prominent abdomen and stoop in the upper part of the body.
(c) Scoliosis: It is caused due to an exaggeration of lateral curvature of the spine.
2. Functional disability:
In this type body organs are affected, generally these faults occur due to chronic diseases and some times the reason may be congenital. This disability itself restrict the normal functioning of a person. According to WHO, “A functional disability is a disability as any long term limitation in activity resulting from a condition or health problem. Some examples of functional disabilities are respiratary disabilities, lead poisoning, anthracosis etc.
Question 2.
Define disability. Briefly explain the factors causing disability.
Disability means inability to do certain physical or mental work. When the capacity to perform any physical or mental work decreases that stage is called disability.
According to W.H.O., “Disability is a restriction or lack of ability to perform an activity in the manner or whithin the range considered normal for a human being.” Any abnormal condition of the body whether congenital or acquired may be called disability.There are many factors which causes disability. These are explained below:
1. Mental factors:
Mental disability may be hereditary but some times it may be due to mental stress or tension. Mind and body are interrelated therefore these mental effects, badly affects the physical condition of the body.
2. Physical diseases:
Due to physical disease or ailments, some deficiency may developed which leads to disability e.g. smallpox can cause blindness, so physical disease can one of the cause of disability.
3. Occupational environment:
Most of the disabilities occur due to occupational environment. There is great danger of respiratory disability if some one is exposed to toxic polluted air e.g. inhalation of asbestos fibres causes asbestosis. Even postural deformities can be caused because of incorrect sitting or standing while working e.g. Kyphosis is common in tailors. The other environmental factors are explained below:
(a) Physical Factors:
Many occupational hazards occur due to physical factors which include heat, cold, light, pressure, noise, radiations, etc. For example working in cold climate can cause from bite. Heat cramps can be caused due to high temperature. Excessive noise in factories can be a cause of occupational deafness.
(b) Social Factors:
The various social hazards arise in worker whenever he is not able to adjust in the social environment. The social hazards are often more in introverts. A worker who is not socially adjusted my face depression, tension, anxiety and insecurity. The causes may be due to introvert nature, lack of confidence and poor human relationship.
(c) Chemical Factors:
Many diseases arise due to chemical pollution. The chemical pollution may be due to fumes of the poisonous gases like carbon dioxide. It can cause headache and breathlessness. It mostly occurs in mine workers. There are many poisonous gases like carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, carbon bisulphide, etc. The poisonous chemical agents may enter the body of workers by inhalation into the lungs and through mouth into the digestive tract.
(d) Psychological Factors:
Many occupational hazards are caused due to psychological factors. The psychological depression and inferiority complex may be developed due to lack of confidence in the work, family problems, lack of job satisfaction, etc. These psychological pressures can be a cause of occupational hazards like accidents in factories.
(e) Mechanical Factors:
Mostly industries have big mechanical processors used for increasing the production. Accidents can be caused due to machine if worker is using it carelessly. Even lack of knowledge in handling machine can put a worker in trouble. The various mechanical hazards may be caused due to lack of safety equipment.
(f) Electrical Factors:
Electrical shock may occur in the electrical device used in the various factories. It may cause even death. It mostly occurs with the workers who do not use protective devices like gloves, helmets, insulated tools, etc. Electric shock may be caused due to touching of naked wires, therefore, leakage of current should be stopped by the insulations.
4. Accident:
Accident can be a cause of disability. According to W.H.O. “accident is an event independent of human will, caused by an outside force acting rapidly which results in bodily or mental injury.” Accidents are definitely on increase and the types of accidents are road accidents, domestic accidents and occupational accidents.
5. Dietic Factors:
The most common form of malnutrition is inadequate nourishment from insufficient food. Malnutrition may cause anaemia and rickets, which is due to lack of vitamin D, calcium or phosphorus salt in food and sunlight.
6. Drug addiction:
According to W.H.O., “Drug abuse is defined as self administration of a drug for non medical reasons in quantities and frequencies which may impair an individual’s ability to function effectively and which may result in social, physical and emotional harm.” The non medical use of drugs has become a serious concern in many countries. Drugs like Cocaine, Heroin. LSD, & Alcohol disturb neuromuscular coordination which can be cause of physical disease.
7. Lack of Education:
Prevention is better than cure. Ignorance towards the prevention of disease is mostly due to illiteracy. Knowledge of prevention and cure of diseases often helps the workers to save themselves. Therefore lack of education can be a cause of disability, e.g. occupational disability can occur if the worker does not know about protective devices which are used for his personal protection

Question 3.
What do you understand by occupational diseases? Highlight general diseases related to occupation.
According to the Occupational Safety and Health Convention, the term “occupational disease” covers any disease contracted as a result of an exposure to risk factors arising from work activity. Occupational diseases are many and varied. They arise out of or the course of employment. The following is a list of the important occupational diseases.
1. Diseases due to physical agents or physical hazards
2. Dust diseases or dust hazard
3. Chemical diseases or chemical hazard
4. Diseases due to unusual timings/shift workers.
Here, we are discussing general occupational disease:
1. Diseases due to physical agents/physical hazards:
Diseases which are occurred due to physical condition of the working places e.g. a high and low temperature falls under this category. Many industrial worker who are working under extremely heat temperature like mine and furnaces may face bum, cramps, exertion etc. and such type of physical problems. Those who are working under extremely cold temperature may face frost bite, trench foot etc. There are few basic physical agents which creates health hazard are as ahead:
(a) Light:
High light and low light can cause eye sight problem. Working in high light can cause mental fatigue and working under low light conditions can cause mental stress, heaviness on eyes, headache etc.
(b) Noise: Working under severe noise or listen loud sound for long time can cause hearing loss, headache, stress etc.
(c) Radiation:
Radiation damage to the intestinal tract lining will cause nausea, bloody vomiting and diarrohea. Long-term health effects of radiation can be cancer and cardiovascular disease.
2. Dust diseases/dust hazards: There are so many lung diseases which are occurred due to accumulation of dust, most common dust diseases are as follow:
(a) Coal dust The disease named black lung disease is caused by inhaling coal dust. It causes inflammation and scarring of the lungs. This can cause permanent lung damage and shortness of breath.
(b) Silica dust This condition is caused by breathing in silica crystals in the dust of mines. It causes scarrying of the lungs. It can also increase the risk for other lung diseases.
(c) Cotton dust/Byssinosis:
It is also known as Brown Lung Disease. This is caused by breathing in dust from hemp, flax, and cotton processing. The condition is chronic and causes chest tightness and shortness of breath. It affects textile workers, especially those who work with unprocessed cotton.
(d) Occupation Asthma:
Occupational asthma is caused by breathing in dusts, gases, fumes, and vapours. It causes asthma symptoms such as a chronic cough and wheezing.
3. Chemical diseases/Chemical hazards:
Chemicals are used extensively both in industry and in our daily lives. Many useful products are derived from chemicals, such as plastics, paints, pharmaceuticals, detergents etc. some chemicals may appear harmful only after prolonged exposure. These diseases include diabetes, allergies, asthma; eczema, cancer, attention deficit disorder, autism, learning difficulties, infertility, depression, chronic fatigue, chemical sensitivities, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, thyroid disease, inflammatory bowel disease amongst many others. There are few chemical hazards which cause death. They are as follow:
(a) Diseases Caused due to Inhalation of Poisonous Gases:
Many types of gases such as chlorine, phosgene, sulphurdioxide, hydrogen sulphide, nitrogen dioxide, and ammonia may suddenly be released during industrial accidents and may severely irritate the lungs. Gases such as chlorine and ammonia easily dissolve and immediately irritate the mouth, nose, and throat.
(b) Lead Poisoning: By swallowing tiny particles of lead, a worker may face constipation abdominal colic, anaemia, pain in muscles etc.
(c) Mercury poisoning: The ingestion of mercury may cause breathlessness, swelling of gums, falling of teeth, anaemia etc.
4. Diseases due to unusual timings/shift workers:
In today’s scenario due to technological development in the world, it has been noticed that most of the IT companies are coming into existence as a job opportunity. These companies provide jobs in Indian scenario at night or evening shifts due to time difference of countries like USA and Australia etc. So, the workers who are working in night shifts usually falls prey to diseases like lifestyle diseases, e.g. diabetes, hypertension, insomnia, lack of sleep (sleep deprivation) and improper dietary habits etc. So, this is also an occupation related disease which is caused due to unusual timings and work hour shift etc.

Question 4.
Define the term disability. Also elucidate various preventive measure of disability.
Disability means inability to do certain physical or mental work. When the capacity to perform any physical or mental work decreases that stage is called disability. According to W.H.O., “Disability is a restriction or lack of ability to perform an activity in the manner or whithin the range considered normal for a human being.”
Any abnormal condition of the body whether congenital or acquired may be called disability.
Preventive Measures of Occupational Disability:
The aim of occupational health is to promote and maintain the well being of workers in all occupations. To keep the workers physically, mentally, socially and emotionally fit, some preventive measures are adopted which can prevent many occupational diseases. Many disabilities occur due to the occupational environment. Occupational hazards are more common, where the workers do not follow principles of occupational hazards. The following preventive methods should be followed to minimize the occupational health hazards:
1. Medical examination before joining:
The purpose of this examination is to place the right man in the right job. A person should be given job only when he is found medically fit so that he can perform his work efficiently without any danger e.g. a person suffering from asthma should be rejected at the time of employment in mining industry.
2. Periodical examination of workers:
Since many occupational diseases take long time to develop, it is difficult to recognise them at an early stage. If a disease is detected at initial stage, it can be cured easily and quickly. The purpose of this examination is to detect and cure the disease at an early stage. The frequency of examination depends upon type of occupational exposure. Monthly examination is preferred.
3. Maintenance of work places:
Many occupational diseases arise due to physical agents like light, heat, cold, pressure radiation, noise, etc. Therefore, special attention should be given for the maintenance of these physical agents. The physician should check and maintain temperature, light, ventilation, humidity, noise etc.
The following steps should be taken in the supervision of working places:
(a) Control of Air pollution:
Most of the diseases arise due to air pollution. It should be controlled by adopting following methods:
(i) By Increasing Humidity: Dust can be controlled by increasing humidity because dust floats more in dry air. By spraying water at working places, air pollution can be controlled. Even while grinding little moisture is added to the material to prevent air pollution.
(ii) Separate Enclosure: The harmful material should be enclosed separately to prevent the escape of dust and fumes in the factory.
(iii) Exhaust Ventilation: Proper exhaust ventilation should be provided in the factory, so that toxic fumes can be exhausted out.
(b) Control of Noise Pollution:
Occupational deafness is caused due to excessive noise in the factory. The noise can be reduced by noise absorbing ceilings and walls. Even carpet flooring also helps in reducing noise pollution.
(c) Control of fflumination:
There should be proper light at the working places in the factory so that diseases arising due to poor or high illumination can be avoided.
(d) Temperature Control:
Some occupational health hazards are caused due to excessive heat or cold. It can be avoided by regulating the temperature of the working places.
4. Use of Protective Devices:
Many occupational health hazards can be prevented by the correct use of protective devices. For example, the use of gas masks can prevent the respiratory disabilities which are caused due to inhalation of chemical agents like dust, gases, etc. The use of many protective devices like ear-plugs, shoes, gloves, aprons, helmets, etc. can prevent various occupational health hazards.
5. Mechanisation of Plants and Factories:
The mechanisation of the factories can reduce the hazards of stress and strain as heavy lifting can be done by mechanical devices. Even Contact with harmful substances can be prevented by the use of mechanical devices.
6. Maintenance of Health records:
It is very important to run an efficient occupational health service. Health record of the worker should be maintained periodically which will be helpful in assessing the health conditions of the workers.
7. Educating the Workers:
Many occupational hazards occur in the workers due to lack of education. Each worker should be taught about the correct use of protective devices. Workers must be instructed about the correct use of machines, which can avoid the accidents in the factories. All the risks involved in the occupational environment should be made clear to each worker for his safety.
8. Periodical Examination of Machines:
Many accidents occur in the factories due to fault in the machines. The aim of the periodical check up of the machines is to avoid these accidents by repairing and replacing the defective machines.
9. Prohibition of Intoxicants:
Sometimes individuals are themselves responsible for occurrence of disability due to consuming intoxicants. Therefore use of intoxicants should be strictly prohibited at the working places.
By keeping all the above mentioned points in mind a worker can lead happy occupational life.

Question 5.
Why medical examination of worker is necessary at work place?
The aim of occupational health is to promote and maintain the well being of workers in all occupations. To keep the workers physically, mentally, socially and emotionally fit, some preventive measures are adopted which can prevent many occupational diseases.
Many disabilities occur due to the occupational environment. Occupational hazards are more common, where the workers do not follow principles of occupational hazards. The following preventive methods should be followed to minimize the occupational health hazards:
1. Medical examination before joining:
The purpose of this examination is to place the right man in the right job. A person should be given job only when he is found medically fit so that he can perform his work efficiently without any danger e.g. a person suffering from asthma should be rejected at the time of employment in mining industry.
2. Periodical examination of workers:
Since many occupational diseases take long time to develop, it is difficult to recognise them at an early stage. If a disease is detected at initial stage, it can be cured easily and quickly. The purpose of this examination is to detect and cure the disease at an early stage. The frequency of examination depends upon type of occupational exposure. The monthly examination is preferred.
Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class Physical Education Book Solutions Chapter 5 Disability Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.