Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class Political Science Book Solutions Chapter 7 Party System Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.
PSEB Solutions for Class 12 Political Science Chapter 7 Party System
Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Define Political Party and discuss its characteristics.
Explain the main characteristics of Political Parties.
It is an age of political parties. It is not possible to run the administration of any country without the existence of political parties. Elections are held on party basis and the legislative work is also done by the parties. The administration is also run according to the programme of the political party which has a majority in the legislature. Lord Bryce is of the opinion that the existence of political parties is most essential and no great country can do without them.
Definitions of Political Parties:
Different writers have defined political parties differently. We hold out here some of the traditional as well, as modern definitions of a political party.
Traditional Definitions:
1. According to Burke, “A political party is a body of men united for the purpose of promoting, by their joint endeavours, the public interest upon some principles on which they are all agreed.”
2. According to Dr. Leacock, “By a political party we mean, a more or less organized group of citizens who act together as a political unit. They share or profess to share the same opinions on public questions and by exercising their voting power towards a common end, seek to obtain control of the government.”
3. According to Maclver, “A political party is an association organised in support of some principle or policy which by constitutional means endeavours to make the determinant of the government.”
4. According to R. G. Gettell, “A political party consists of a group of citizens more or less organised, who act as a political unit and who, by the use of their voting power, aim to control the government and carry out their general policies.”
5. According to Gilchrist, “A political party may be defined as an organised group of citizens who profess to share the same political views and who by acting as a political unit, try to control the government.” From the above given definitions we can conclude that a political party is a group of citizens who held identical views on national problems and in an organized way try to capture the government machinery through constitutional means in order to promote national interest.
Modern Definitions:
The modern writers have defined political party is an organised group of individuals seeking to seize power in order to enjoy the benefits to be derived from such control. According to Schumpeter, “A party as a group whose members propose to act in concert in the competitive struggle for political power.” The French scholar Maurice Duverger believes that a party consists of a few ‘notables’ and a large body of dues paying members who are interested mainly in ‘electoral activity’.
Essentials of a Political Party. A political party should possess the following essentials:
1. Same Views on Public Matters:
The first essential of a political party is that all its members should hold same view point on public matters. Common political views act as a cement for their common views and keep them united.
2. Fixed Programme:
Every political party has its own policies and programmes which it wants to implement after winning the election. Every political party prepares a comprehensive programme for the economic, social, political and cultural development of the country.
3. Organization:
It is necessary that the political party should be well- organized. Every political party has its own constitution according to which the organisation of a political party is determined.
4. Control of Gqvernment for Common Good. The aim of political party is to capture the government machinery.
5. Faith in Peaceful and Constitutional MeAns. The political parties keep faith in peaceful and constitutional meAns.
6. True and Proper Basis. Political parties should be organised on economic and political basis.
7. To promote National Interests. Political party is a group of people who by their joint efforts seek to promote national interest.

Question 2.
Define Political Parties. Describe any four functions of Political Parties in democracy.
Discuss the role of Political Parties in Democratic State.
Meaning and Definition of Political Party.
It is an age of political parties. It is not possible to run the administration of any country without the existence of political parties. Elections are held on party basis and the legislative work is also done by the parties. The administration is also run according to the programme of the political party which has a majority in the legislature. Lord Bryce is of the opinion that the existence of political parties is most essential and no great country can do without them.
Definitions of Political Parties. Different writers have defined political parties differently. We hold out here some of the traditional as well, as modern definitions of a political party.
Traditional Definitions:
1. According to Burke, “A political party is a body of men united for the purpose of promoting, by their joint endeavours, the public interest upon some principles on which they are all agreed.”
2. According to Dr. Leacock, “By a political party we mean, a more or less organized group of citizens who act together as a political unit. They share or profess to share the same opinions on public questions and by exercising their voting power towards a common end, seek to obtain control of the government.”
3. According to Maclver, “A political party is an association organised in support of some principle or policy which by constitutional means endeavours to make the determinant of the government.”
4. According to R. G. Gettell, “A political party consists of a group of citizens more or less organised, who act as a political unit and who, by the use of their voting power, aim to control the government and carry out their general policies.”
5. According to Gilchrist, “A political party may be defined as an organised group of citizens who profess to share the same political views and who by acting as a political unit, try to control the government.” From the above given definitions we can conclude that a political party is a group of citizens who held identical views on national problems and in an organized way try to capture the government machinery through constitutional means in order to promote national interest.
Modern Definitions:
The modern writers have defined political party is an organised group of individuals seeking to seize power in order to enjoy the benefits to be derived from such control. According to Schumpeter, “A party as a group whose members propose to act in concert in the competitive struggle for political power.” The French scholar Maurice Duverger believes that a party consists of a few ‘notables’ and a large body of dues paying members who are interested mainly in ‘electoral activity’.
Essentials of a Political Party. A political party should possess the following essentials:
1. Same Views on Public Matters:
The first essential of a political party is that all its members should hold same view point on public matters. Common political views act as a cement for their common views and keep them united.
2. Fixed Programme:
Every political party has its own policies and programmes which it wants to implement after winning the election. Every political party prepares a comprehensive programme for the economic, social, political and cultural development of the country.
3. Organization:
It is necessary that the political party should be well- organized. Every political party has its own constitution according to which the organisation of a political party is determined.
4. Control of Gqvernment for Common Good. The aim of political party is to capture the government machinery.
5. Faith in Peaceful and Constitutional MeAns. The political parties keep faith in peaceful and constitutional meAns.
6. True and Proper Basis. Political parties should be organised on economic and political basis.
7. To promote National Interests. Political party is a group of people who by their joint efforts seek to promote national interest.
Functions of Political Parties in a Modern Democracy:
In a democratic state political parties are of great importance. They perform the following functions :
1. Formation of Public Policies:
The main function of the political parties is to frame public policies. The parties are to frame the best political programme for the general welfare of the society. They form a policy to deal with national and international problems. In order to get full support of the people upon this programme, they arrange public meetings, distribute pamphlets and start newspapers to propagate their policy. In this way the people can judge the merits and demerits of all programmes put before them. They can decide to support one or the other party.
2. Formulation of Public Opinion in its Favour:
The political party aims at capturing the government so that it can put its programme into practice. Each political party tries to win the support of the maximum number of the people, and this is why the political parties frame their policies and put them before the general public. They explain the national and other problems to the people and impress upon them that it is by following the policy of their party that these problems can be solved. If they succeed in winning the majority of the voters to their side, they can capture the government.
3. Political Education:
The political parties explain to the people their programmes and policies through press, through speeches and the publication of literature. It is through such propaganda that parties create and influence public opinion. Education of the public is very important in a democracy and parties undertake this task of education not only before elections, but even afterwards. The majority party in power explains government’s programmes and actions and the parties in opposition criticise government’s inaction and its bad policies. All such education of public helps to determine the general will, which is very important in a democracy.
4. To Contest Election:
The political parties select candidates for contesting election. If the candidates are not men of ability and reputation, the voters will not send them into power and the party is condemned for future. Election campaigns are conducted for the purpose of securing office and power for the party. In these elections every effort is made to persuade voters that they are to vote for the party because its policy and candidates are better than its rivals. Nowadays, the independent candidates contest election in a small number because the people have little faith in an independent candidate. His policy is quite independent and hence it may not be in public interest. The voter of today generally votes for a party and not for an individual.
5. To Run the Government:
The main function of the political party is to run the administration. If a party gets the majority of seats in the legislature, it forms its government and runs the administration of the State. It puts its policies and programmes into pr. ’tice. The political parties which cannot run the administration efficiently cannot become popular with the people. The party in power must try to fulfil the promises to the voters. Often however, once the party gets a majority it conveniently forgets its promises.
6. Criticism of Government:
The parties try to find out the defects of the government in power by a sound criticism for the welfare of the people. By such criticism the party in power remains efficient and is always kept on its right path because the government can learn more from the criticism of its opposite parties than the praises of its own members who wish to seek some promotion in their States by unnecessary praise.
7. Link between the Government and the People:
The political parties serve as good links between the government and the voters. The important members of the party remain in touch with their supporters, explain the policy of the government to them and carry grievances to the government for removal. In this way the contact between government and voter is properly maintained.
8. To Keep Control on its Members:
The political parties are to keep control on their members. The parties keep the members in discipline. The members who are elected on the party ticket to the legislature are very much under the rigid control of the party. The members are to express their opinion in the House in the light of the policy framed by the party. The members of the legislature cannot function properly without some leadership and this leadership is provided by different parties in the legislature. The members who hold the same views organize themselves under different enlightened leaders who maintain the whole discipline in the legislature. Without this discipline the legislature becomes an arena of conflict between the different members.
In the modem age the political parties play an important role in the administration of the country. Man has come out victorious in political life only with the help of political parties. Some writers think that the political parties are the fourth organ of the State. To exercise the right to vote, to contest election, to create public opinion, to give political education to the people, to run the government and to criticise the working of the government we feel the need of political parties. According to Lord Bryce, ‘Parties are inevitable. No free large country has been without them. No one has shown how representative government could be worked without them.”

Question 3.
Examine the basis of formation of political parties in modern times. In your view, which basis is the best for the formation of a political party?
What are the different bases on which political parties are organised?
At any moment certain issues-social, economic and political continuously press for solution. A political party may be organized on the basis of any one of them. Moreover, all the individuals do not hold the same opinion on all the issues. People see all things from different angles. All the people can’t be unanimous on all issues. All people have different solutions to different problems.
But it does not mean that two persons can never reach an agreement. If it had been so then social life could not have been possible. People do possess different opinions on different issues but still there are people who hold identical views on certain issues. The people who hold same view point come closer to one another, organize themselves politically and try to achieve the required end. The group of people who hold identical views on public matters or political matter is called a political party. The political parties are based on various grounds and they are given below:
1. Political Basis:
A political party may be formed on the basis of certain political issues. There may be differences in the community about the form of government, the rights of the people and utility of any particular institution. In India the Indian National Congress was organized for the achievement of independence. In England Whigs and Torries came into being on the question of what should be the position of monarchy in the State.
2. Economic Basis:
The political parties are formed on economic basis. Such parties stand for or against a particular system in vogue. The Communist Party of India wants to do away with the system of private property. To counter this the Indian National Congress has also framed an economic programme for itself which is more or less a compromise between Socialism and Capitalism. In fact no political party can exist in modern times unless it has an economic programme to offer to the community.
3. Religious Basis:
Sometimes political parties are formed on religious basis. The people belonging to one religious community do not like to come closer to the people having faith in another religion. These parties want to solve the political problems in their own way and to attain their purpose they form a separate party. In India there are quite a number of such parties. But such parties are not a healthy type since they introduce a narrow outlook in the political life of the country.
4. Social Basis:
A political party may be formed to remove certain social ills in the society. The social ills are of the nature of disabilities relating to certain sections of community, or certain anti-social customs resulting in certain social injustices. An example of such a party in India is the All India Depressed Classes League or Scheduled Caste Federation. These parties have a programme for the uplift of the Scheduled Castes in India.
5. Racial Basis:
Some political parties are formed on the basis of caste or race. The people of a particular race consider themselves as superior to others and they always try to promote their own interests. Hitler formed the Nazi party on the racial basis.
6. Psychological or Natural Basis:
There is always a large number of such people in society who consider the past culture as the best as compared to the present one. They always aim at reviving the past customs, traditions and modes of life. They are called Reactionaries. Some people are of the opinion that the present system is the best and they do not favour any change in it. They are called Conservatives. Persons who want a total change in society are called Radicals. The parties which are in favour of reforms and progress are called parties of the Left and the parties which are in favour of old way of living are called parties of the Right.

Question 4.
Discus the merits and demerits of Political Parties.
Define the term ‘Political Party’ and mention three advantages and two disadvantages of the multi-party system.
The present age is an age of democracy. All the citizens have the right to express their views and to criticise the functioning of the government. People have got the right to run the administration. The individual cannot himself make the proper use of these rights and this is why the political parties came into existence. In the absence of political parties our political life will be incomplete today.
Meaning and Definition of Political Party.
It is an age of political parties. It is not possible to run the administration of any country without the existence of political parties. Elections are held on party basis and the legislative work is also done by the parties. The administration is also run according to the programme of the political party which has a majority in the legislature. Lord Bryce is of the opinion that the existence of political parties is most essential and no great country can do without them.
Definitions of Political Parties. Different writers have defined political parties differently. We hold out here some of the traditional as well, as modern definitions of a political party.
Traditional Definitions:
1. According to Burke, “A political party is a body of men united for the purpose of promoting, by their joint endeavours, the public interest upon some principles on which they are all agreed.”
2. According to Dr. Leacock, “By a political party we mean, a more or less organized group of citizens who act together as a political unit. They share or profess to share the same opinions on public questions and by exercising their voting power towards a common end, seek to obtain control of the government.”
3. According to Maclver, “A political party is an association organised in support of some principle or policy which by constitutional means endeavours to make the determinant of the government.”
4. According to R. G. Gettell, “A political party consists of a group of citizens more or less organised, who act as a political unit and who, by the use of their voting power, aim to control the government and carry out their general policies.”
5. According to Gilchrist, “A political party may be defined as an organised group of citizens who profess to share the same political views and who by acting as a political unit, try to control the government.” From the above given definitions we can conclude that a political party is a group of citizens who held identical views on national problems and in an organized way try to capture the government machinery through constitutional means in order to promote national interest.
Modern Definitions:
The modern writers have defined political party is an organised group of individuals seeking to seize power in order to enjoy the benefits to be derived from such control. According to Schumpeter, “A party as a group whose members propose to act in concert in the competitive struggle for political power.” The French scholar Maurice Duverger believes that a party consists of a few ‘notables’ and a large body of dues paying members who are interested mainly in ‘electoral activity’.
Essentials of a Political Party. A political party should possess the following essentials :
1. Same Views on Public Matters:
The first essential of a political party is that all its members should hold same view point on public matters. Common political views act as a cement for their common views and keep them united.
2. Fixed Programme:
Every political party has its own policies and programmes which it wants to implement after winning the election. Every political party prepares a comprehensive programme for the economic, social, political and cultural development of the country.
3. Organization:
It is necessary that the political party should be well- organized. Every political party has its own constitution according to which the organisation of a political party is determined.
4. Control of Government for Common Good. The aim of political party is to capture the government machinery.
5. Faith in Peaceful and Constitutional Means. The political parties keep faith in peaceful and constitutional means.
6. True and Proper Basis. Political parties should be organised on economic and political basis.
7. To promote National Interests. Political party is a group of people who by their joint efforts seek to promote national interest.
Merits of Party System:
1. It helps democracy:
Parties are essential for the successful working of a democratic government, since democracy is based on the will of the people and parties create this will. Stable Government is only possible in a country where the parties are fully organized. No government can be stable unless it is sure of general support of a majority in the legislature. If there is no organized party to back it in the legislature, a government will be weak since it will always be in doubt about the attitude of the legislature which ultimately controls the government in most countries. A democratic government ultimately is possible only when people organize themselves politically and act on set lines.
2. Political Education:
If parties did not exist most of the citizens would remain ignorant of current political questions. It is mainly through an organization like that of a party that the average citizen can get himself acquainted with the various aspects of a political problem and its solution. Particularly, the election campaign becomes primarily an educative campaign.
3. Government becomes stable:
The administration can be sound and stable only if the political parties exist in the country. The ruling party runs the administration quite strongly because it is certain about the support of majority of the members in the legislature. Moreover the members of a well- organized political party very rarely defect from the party. It is a system that ensures stability in administration and, orderly change for democratic parties in discussion and exchange of ideas rather than violent demonstrations and exchange of blows.
4. Essential for Parliamentary form of Government:
The Parliamentary system of government is based on political parties. It is an important feature of parliamentary form of government that the Prime Minister would be the person who is the leader of the majority party in the legislature. All other members of the Council of Ministers are also to be taken from the majority party. The members of the legislature cannot organise themselves in the absence of political parties and it cannot be ascertained who is the leader of the majority of the members in the House if there are no political parties.
5. They put a check on the autocratic activities of the government:
The political parties are a great check on the absolutist and autocractic activities of the government. The opposition parties criticise the wrong actions and policies of the government and they keep the government on the right path. The opposition parties bring to light the drawbacks of the administration and in this way the public opinion goes against the government party. No party can afford to lose public support. The ministers never do any such thing which goes against the party. The opposition parties always exploit the weakness of the ruling party. The government always does everything keeping in view the opinion of the public.
6. Formulation of public opinion:
Public opinion cannot be created in the absence of political parties, because in the society everyone has his individual opinion and unanimity of opinions can only be had with the help of political parties. The political parties are the brokers of ideas. The political parties select the more important, urgent problems and offer solutions to these problems. This thing helps in the formation of public opinion.
7. Political Parties establish relation between the Executive and the Legislature in Presidential government:
In a presidential form of government there is no relationship between the legislature and the executive and it leads to deadlocks in administration. This defect is removed by the political parties. The party to which the President belongs has its members in the Congress also. The political parties coordinate the working of the executive and the legislature and it brings efficiency in the administration of the State. The executive can succeed in getting the laws framed according to its needs.
8. Poor people can also contest elections:
The rich people can afford to contest election but the poor cannot afford to spend a huge sum on the elections. But this hindrance in the way of the poor people is removed by the political parties. Each political party possesses an election fund and the candidates are given financial help from this fund. If a member of a political party is capable and popular among the people but he is financially unsound, he is given financial aid by the party. Political parties help the poor to contest election. A poor person having rich ideas can help the legislature in many ways.
9. Discipline among the representatives:
The political parties impose strict discipline upon their members. The members who win the election on party ticket are kept in discipline. The members are not permitted to do anything of their own accord. The main advantage of imposing strict discipline is that the members do not forget the promises which the party made with the people during elections. The members are to act according to the election manifesto.
10. Reforms:
Political parties introduce various reforms in the society. Each party performs such functions in order to win public opinion. Each party expresses its opinions on the social evils prevailing in society. The parties try to remove these evils.
11. National unity:
The political parties help a lot in the maintenance of national unity. In each political party there are members from different castes, religions and communities. All these people have the same view¬points and it leads to the abolition of religious and caste differences. All members of the party work for the promotion of national interests. This leads to the development of the spirit of national unity among them.
Demerits of Party System:
The political parties suffer from various defects-
1. Dictatorship of the Majority Party:
The main effect of political parties is that the majority party establishes its dictatorship for a definite period in the State. The elections are held after four or five years and a party which gains majority in the legislature, forms its own government. The government is certain about its absolute majority in the legislature so it can afford to be dictatorial. The members of the party cannot go against the directives of the party and hence they do what is desired by the party. The governing party does not care about the criticism of the opposition parties.
2. No Importance of the Individual Opinion and Liberty with the Representatives:
The party system destroys individuality. It tends to make men put reliance more and more on party labels. Measures are judged not on their merits but according to the quarter they proceed from. A man who is a member of a party is not allowed, under the rules of party discipline, to hold and express an opinion in opposition to the principles and commitments of the party. All members must accept the policy of the party. All of them are expected to support the party policy in public. There is no room in the party for a member with independent views. The best men are more likely to possess some independent views of their own which may not suit the party.
3. Obstacle in National Unity:
Some people are of the opinion that the political parties are a big obstacle in national unity. The political parties divide the people and go on fighting among themselves. There are as many divisions of the country as there are political parties. Each party tries to promote its personal ends. The parties sacrifice the national interests at the altar of their personal interests. The party expects that all the members should remain loyal to it and they should always act according to the directives of the party. Loyalty to the country is replaced by loyalty to the party. Where there are political parties based on caste and religion, there is always a danger to national unity.
4. Standard of Public Morality is Degraded:
The political parties are responsible for degrading the moral standard of the people. Under the party system the people are unduly flattered for the purpose of capturing votes. This results sometimes in what is known as catching legislation. Proper legislation of this type is usually unscientific, bad legislation. The party organisation passes into the hands of unscrupulous people to private cliques which arrange matters to suit themselves. The leaders of these private cliques utilize the forces of the State to promote the selfish interests. The party system is responsible for the introduction of spoiled system in the matter of distribution of governmental jobs.
5. Encouragement to Communalism:
The party system encourages communalism. There is no scarcity of the tactful, wicked and shrewd persons. Such persons are always after achieving their ends. They form a political party by organising the people on the basis of caste and religion and exploit the people in the name of religion. In India there are a number of communal parties. They are always a danger to national unity.
6. Government becomes Unstable:
Multiplicity of parties within the legislature results in the formation of an unstable government. In France the governments used to change very frequently due to this reason. The opposition parties unnecessarily criticise the government and never co-operate with the government in the execution of its policies. The people’s progress is hampered when the governments change too frequently.
7. Laws are made to attract Public Opinion:
The political parties tap all the possible measures to win public opinion in their favour. The ruling party frames such laws as can attract public opinion to its side. These laws may not be in the best interests of the nation but they must stand the party in good stead. Sometimes laws are framed which seem to be good at the value, but in fact they do not serve the purpose of the people. Moreover the opposition parties consider it as their primary duty that they must criticise the government, whether the government is right or wrong.
8. Clique of Selfish Leaders in the Party:
Another serious objection against the party system is that the parties are run by small cliques of leaders commanding their followers. The leaders deceive their unintelligent followers, the average masses and frustrate the will of the people for better government.
9. Embitter the Local Atmosphere:
Political parties necessarily extend national political issues to local election. In election to local bodies like municipalities or corporations, votes should be cast on the personal merits of candidates or on local issues of policy. But political parties spoil the local atmosphere and decisions in local bodies are not taken impartially.
The party system has been regarded by many as more of a curse than a blessing yet nobody denies that it is essential for the working of a representative government. It is true that parties are liable to serious abuses but the remedy lies in the creation of a sound, just and vigilant public opinion. The party system is essential for the creation of public opinion. Parties should be organised on right fines and controlled by the honest citizens of the State.

Question 5.
Discuss the different party systems. Also describe their respective merits and demerits.
Describe the types of Party System. Which party system do you like and why?
Party system is essential for a democratic system of government. Party system is of various types Two party system, Multiple-party system and Single party system. In each country there exists some party system. In Britain and America there exists a two party system, in France Multiple-party system and in China Single party system.
Where there are two main political parties we call that a Dual Party or Double Party or Bi-party system. The essence of such a party system is that there are only two well organized parties which may enjoy public confidence. After the elections, one party forms the government and the other party sits in the opposition. The system, however, is elastic enough to provide for the existence of certain minor political parties.
But they are of no major consequence because the people habitually are not prepared to put their confidence in one of them. The real contest is usually confined to the two major political parties. In England there exists a two-party system, as the labour party and conservative party are the two major parties in the country. All other minor parties have no importance in the country.
Merits of Two-Party System:
Following are the merits of two-party system-
1. Formation of Government is easy:
The main advantage of the two-party system is that in it the formation of ministry is very easy. The council of ministers is chosen from the members of majority party in the legislature. In a two party system, one party gets a clear majority and the leader of that party is appointed the Prime Minister and all other ministers are appointed on his recommendations. In case of a failure on the part of the party in power the electorate can easily express their dissatisfaction by voting the other party to power at the new elections.
2. People directly choose the Government:
In a two-party system the government is chosen according to the wishes of the people. The leaders of both the parties are already known to the people. It is the will of the people to elect either of the two to head the government. Moreover, it is quite easy for the voters to cast their votes. The people can cast their votes for the party which they want to come to power. The party which gets the majority of the seats controls the government. In a two-party system the government is stable and strong.
3. Government remains responsible:
In a two-party system the responsibility for a good or bad government can be easily fixed. The administration is more responsible because administrative responsibility falls on a particular political party. If the ruling party does not run the administration smoothly the people will vote it down and they vote to power the other party. The government cannot be dictatorial because the opposition party criticises its wrong actions and policies. The opposition keeps the government always alert.
4. Government becomes stable:
In a two-party system the government generally remains stable. The government is formed by the majority party. All the ministers are taken from a single party. As a matter, of course, they work as a team and they remain in office as long as they continue to enjoy the confidence of that party.
5. Strong Government:
In a two-party system the government is strong. The ministry is always sure of the support of majority party and therefore whatever decisions it takes it can pursue it strongly. The ministry is certain about the fact that the measures introduced by it in the legislature will be carried out because they will be backed by the majority party. The opposition party may criticise the government to any possible extent but the measures initiated by the ruling party are always carried out.
6. Strong Opposition:
In a two-party system the opposition party also plays a very important role. One party forms the government and the other party is called the opposition party. The opposition party always makes a constructive criticism of the government. It brings to light the defects of the ruling party and tries to create public opinion in support of its policies.
Demerits of Two-Party System:
No doubt in most of the countries two-party system is considered the best but still it suffers from various defects. Following are the defects in a two-party system:
1. Limited choice before the voters:
The main defect of the Bi-party system is that the voter enjoys no more independence except the right to vote. The voter is to cast his vote in favour of either of the two parties, he has no other choice. He should either cast his vote in favour of these two parties or he should not exercise his right to vote at all. The choice in this system is very limited.
2. Nation is divided into two halves:
In a two-party system the nation is divided into two groups. These two groups never come closer to each other. Both the parties always try to defeat each other at the elections. Each party criticises the other on unhealthy grounds. The system promotes an intolerant party spirit.
3. Dictatorship of the Cabinet:
Under two-party system one of the parties is sure to be in the majority. Having gained the majority the party can exercise governmental powers in utter disregard of public good. Having an absolute majority in the legislature the government may even indulge in corrupt practices with impunity. This despotism of majority has further led to the establishment of Cabinet dictatorship in England. The members of the Council of Ministers are to work under the directives of the party. The Cabinet being sure of its majority in the legislature can act according to its sweet will. It can afford to ignore public welfare.
4. Prestige of the legislature is lowered:
The importance of the legislature is affected under a two-party system. The legislature becomes a plaything in the hands of the Council of Ministers. The legislature can do nothing which is contrary to the wishes of the ministry. It is said that in England the legislature does not exercise any control over the Cabinet, rather it is the Cabinet which controls the legislature. These are the ministers who prepare the bill, pilot them and see that they are passed. The legislature is only a forum for discussion and these are the ministers who do all the important jobs.
5. Legislature does not represent all shades of opinion:
In a two-party system small communities do not get due representation in the legislature. In no country live the people who have only two types of opinions. People have various types of opinions over public matters and political matters and only two political parties cannot safeguard and promote their interests. Therefore such a legislature cannot satisfy the needs of all communities.
6. Tyranny of the majority party:
In a two-party system the majority party controls the government. It has every temptation to misuse authority. The party members are bound by party discipline to follow the decisions of the party. No member can afford to violate party discipline. The majority party always aims at furthering its own interests and it ignores the interests of the minority parties. It tries to get such laws framed which help it in gaining control of the administration. It tries to remain in power through fair or foul means.
If there are more than two well organized parties that share almost an equal degree the confidence of the people, we may say that there is a multiple-party system. Let us suppose that there are five political parties namely A, B, C, D, E and A got 30%, B got 20%, C got 15%, D got 25% and E got 10% seats in the legislature and this system is called multiple-party system. The multiple-party system prevails in France, Japan, Switzerland, Italy and in India.
The merits and demerits of the multiple-party system are given below:
Merits of Multiple-Party System:
Following are the merits of multiple-party system:
1. Representation of all shades of opinion:
An important merit of multiple- party system is that in the legislature all shades of opinion get representation. There exist various political parties that represent different shades of opinion and each party gets somewhat representation in the legislature. The members of each political party support their view-point in the legislature. This way the legislature becomes such an institution which represents every type of view-point.
2. More choice to the voters:
In multiple-party system the voter enjoys a greater degree of independence and choice because so many
parties contest the elections. The voter can vote for a candidate of his own choice.
3. Position of the legislature becomes significant:
In a multiple-party system the legislature does not become a tool in the hands of the cabinet, rather it keeps the cabinet under its control. No party gets absolute majority in the legislature and therefore no party can establish its dictatorship. A measure can be passed in the legislature if two or more than two parties support the measure. In fact the ministry functions in accordance with the wishes of the legislature. It gives importance to legislature.
4. Government changes according to times easily:
In multiple-party system the government can be changed easily even before the next election. In this system no single party can have its own way. Therefore if the ministry does not change its policy according to the time then one or other party quits the ministry and thus the government falls. This way the ministry can be changed when the time so demands.
5. Nation is not divided into two halves:
In a multiple-party system the political parties do not bitterly criticise one another because after the resignation of the cabinet no single party is confident of forming the government.
Demerits of Multiple-Party System
Following are the demerits of multiple-party system:
1. Formation of Government is not easy:
The main defect of the Multiple- Party System is that great difficulty is experienced in the formation of government. No party gets majority of the seats in the legislature and it is not easy for two or three parties to join hands in order to form the government. The parties differ in ideologies and hence they cannot come closer.
2. Government is Unstable:
In a multiple-party system the government is unstable. The governments are usually coalitions composed of diverse elements. There goes on a war of privileges between these elements. Compromise is reached and broken frequently, consequently the governments are formed and broken also too frequently. In France governments are notoriously unstable.
3. Weak position of the Prime Minister:
The position of the Prime Minister is very weak in a multiple-party system. The party of the Prime Minister is not the majority party in the legislature, so he is to depend upon other parties for support. He can do nothing of his own accord. He is to please his ministers and normally he acts on the dictates of the ministers.
4. Government is not the direct choice of the people:
The government in the multiple- party system is not formed according to the wishes of the people. As no party attains majority in the legislature so it is always uncertain that who will become the Prime Minister of the State. It is also always uncertain which parties will participate in the coalition government.
5. Responsibility of the Government cannot be determined:
In a multiple- party system many parties join hands and form a coalition government. This way the responsibility of administration is divided and rather the government becomes irresponsible. Each party shifts the responsibility to the other party. No party can be held responsible for the weaknesses in the administration. No party takes responsibility and hence the public welfare is completely ignored.
6. Continuity of policy is not possible:
The ministry is never certain about the tenure of office. The ministry little knows when it will have to tender its resignation. Therefore the ministry cannot execute any policy forcefully and strongly. The ministry never makes long term plans.
7. Lack of well organised and strong opposition party:
In a multiple- party system there is always lack of well organized and strong opposition party. Normally many parties join hands and form a strong opposition. But in a multiple party system most of the parties are partners in a coalition government and there are no effective opposition parties. Therefore government’s wrong actions and policies do not come under criticism. The opposition is never sure whether after the fall of the government it will be able to form the new government and this is why the opposition party is never particular about criticising the wrongs committed by the government.
8. Lack of party discipline among the Legislators:
In a multiple-party system there is lack of party discipline among the legislators. The governments are the outcome of manipulation and manoeuvring. Self-seeking parties come together not because they have common interest but because through such combination they can acquire power.
A single party system is that system where only one political party functions in the whole of the State. The same party runs the administration of the State and no other party can come into existence. In fact the single party system cannot exist in a democracy. It is but natural that the party will establish its dictatorship in the State. There is a single party system in Cuba, China and some other communist countries. In these countries nobody can criticise the communist party and people have no right to form a second party.
Merits of Single Party System:
A single party system is in accordance with the democratic principles but still it has some merits:
1. National Unity:
A single party system helps in building up national unity. The nation is not divided into various hostile groups. The entire country becomes one political unit and functions quite successfully.
2. Strong Government:
In a single party system the government is always strong and it can carry out its policies more efficiently. Once a policy is framed, all the members of the party must follow that policy. No member of the party is allowed to criticise the policy of the party.
3. Continuity of Policy:
In a single party system there is always continuity of policy. The party can make long-term plans, because the party knows that it will remain in power for all times to come. This way the country can follow the same policy for a long time.
4. National Progress:
In a single party-system the nation progresses very speedily. The political parties have no clash and struggle for power. There is no unhealthy criticism of the government. The entire country functions as one political unit and the nation progresses by leaps and bounds.
5. Party Discipline:
There always prevails rigid and iron discipline in a single party system. No member of the party can afford to violate party discipline. If any member dares to violate party discipline it results in his political death. If a member is expelled from the party, he cannot participate in the political functions.
Demerits of Single Party System:
A single party system suffers from various defects and that is why this system has not been adopted in any democratic country. Its defects are given below:
1. It is against democratic principles:
This system is against democratic principles because in this system the people do not enjoy the right to freedom of speech and expression. The people cannot express their viewpoints on matters of public concern. All shades of opinion do not get representation in the legislature.
2. Election is a mere show:
In a single party system election is a mere show. All the candidates belong to the same political party. They do not hold different views on the problems of the State. The election or defeat of any candidate does not result in the change of policy of the government.
3. Government does not feel responsible:
The government is not responsible for all its actions and policies to the people. There is no other party to oppose and criticise the government.
4. Dictatorship of one party:
In a single party system the party establishes its dictatorship and it runs the government according to its will. All the benefits are taken by the members of the party and the general public suffers a lot.
5. No rights and liberties to the people:
In a single party system people do not enjoy rights and civil liberties and hence their personality does not develop. The individual functions like a part of the machine.
6. No political education:
In a single party system the people do not get any political education. Press and platform are used only by the ruling party. People do not come to know about different shades of opinions.
Which is the best Party System?
In all the forms of governments all party systems cannot be considered as the best. In dictatorship one party system is the best while in a democratic government a single party system finds no place. In a parliamentary form of government the two-party system is considered the best system. Multiparty system suits a country where there are many minority communities. But under such circumstances it will be better if instead of Parliamentary form of government Presidential system of government is adopted.

Question 6.
Discuss the merits and demerits of Bi-party System.
Where there are two main political parties we call that a Dual Party or Double Party or Bi-party system. The essence of such a party system is that there are only two well organized parties which may enjoy public confidence. After the elections, one party forms the government and the other party sits in the opposition. The system, however, is elastic enough to provide for the existence of certain minor political parties.
But they are of no major consequence because the people habitually are not prepared to put their confidence in one of them. The real contest is usually confined to the two major political parties. In England there exists a two-party system, as the labour party and conservative party are the two major parties in the country. All other minor parties have no importance in the country.
Merits of Two-Party System:
Following are the merits of two-party system-
1. Formation of Government is easy:
The main advantage of the two-party system is that in it the formation of ministry is very easy. The council of ministers is chosen from the members of majority party in the legislature. In a two party system, one party gets a clear majority and the leader of that party is appointed the Prime Minister and all other ministers are appointed on his recommendations. In case of a failure on the part of the party in power the electorate can easily express their dissatisfaction by voting the other party to power at the new elections.
2. People directly choose the Government:
In a two-party system the government is chosen according to the wishes of the people. The leaders of both the parties are already known to the people. It is the will of the people to elect either of the two to head the government. Moreover, it is quite easy for the voters to cast their votes. The people can cast their votes for the party which they want to come to power. The party which gets the majority of the seats controls the government. In a two-party system the government is stable and strong.
3. Government remains responsible:
In a two-party system the responsibility for a good or bad government can be easily fixed. The administration is more responsible because administrative responsibility falls on a particular political party. If the ruling party does not run the administration smoothly the people will vote it down and they vote to power the other party. The government cannot be dictatorial because the opposition party criticises its wrong actions and policies. The opposition keeps the government always alert.
4. Government becomes stable:
In a two-party system the government generally remains stable. The government is formed by the majority party. All the ministers are taken from a single party. As a matter, of course, they work as a team and they remain in office as long as they continue to enjoy the confidence of that party.
5. Strong Government:
In a two-party system the government is strong. The ministry is always sure of the support of majority party and therefore whatever decisions it takes it can pursue it strongly. The ministry is certain about the fact that the measures introduced by it in the legislature will be carried out because they will be backed by the majority party. The opposition party may criticise the government to any possible extent but the measures initiated by the ruling party are always carried out.
6. Strong Opposition:
In a two-party system the opposition party also plays a very important role. One party forms the government and the other party is called the opposition party. The opposition party always makes a constructive criticism of the government. It brings to light the defects of the ruling party and tries to create public opinion in support of its policies.
Demerits of Two-Party System:
No doubt in most of the countries two-party system is considered the best but still it suffers from various defects. Following are the defects in a two-party system:
1. Limited choice before the voters:
The main defect of the Bi-party system is that the voter enjoys no more independence except the right to vote. The voter is to cast his vote in favour of either of the two parties, he has no other choice. He should either cast his vote in favour of these two parties or he should not exercise his right to vote at all. The choice in this system is very limited.
2. Nation is divided into two halves:
In a two-party system the nation is divided into two groups. These two groups never come closer to each other. Both the parties always try to defeat each other at the elections. Each party criticises the other on unhealthy grounds. The system promotes an intolerant party spirit.
3. Dictatorship of the Cabinet:
Under two-party system one of the parties is sure to be in the majority. Having gained the majority the party can exercise governmental powers in utter disregard of public good. Having an absolute majority in the legislature the government may even indulge in corrupt practices with impunity. This despotism of majority has further led to the establishment of Cabinet dictatorship in England. The members of the Council of Ministers are to work under the directives of the party. The Cabinet being sure of its majority in the legislature can act according to its sweet will. It can afford to ignore public welfare.
4. Prestige of the legislature is lowered:
The importance of the legislature is affected under a two-party system. The legislature becomes a plaything in the hands of the Council of Ministers. The legislature can do nothing which is contrary to the wishes of the ministry. It is said that in England the legislature does not exercise any control over the Cabinet, rather it is the Cabinet which controls the legislature. These are the ministers who prepare the bill, pilot them and see that they are passed. The legislature is only a forum for discussion and these are the ministers who do all the important jobs.
5. Legislature does not represent all shades of opinion:
In a two-party system small communities do not get due representation in the legislature. In no country live the people who have only two types of opinions. People have various types of opinions over public matters and political matters and only two political parties cannot safeguard and promote their interests. Therefore such a legislature cannot satisfy the needs of all communities.
6. Tyranny of the majority party:
In a two-party system the majority party controls the government. It has every temptation to misuse authority. The party members are bound by party discipline to follow the decisions of the party. No member can afford to violate party discipline. The majority party always aims at furthering its own interests and it ignores the interests of the minority parties. It tries to get such laws framed which help it in gaining control of the administration. It tries to remain in power through fair or foul means.

Question 7.
Discuss the merits and demerits of multi-party system.
If there are more than two well organized parties that share almost an equal degree the confidence of the people, we may say that there is a multiple-party system. Let us suppose that there are five political parties namely A, B, C, D, E and A got 30%, B got 20%, C got 15%, D got 25% and E got 10% seats in the legislature and this system is called multiple-party system. The multiple-party system prevails in France, Japan, Switzerland, Italy and in India.
The merits and demerits of the multiple-party system are given below:
Merits of Multiple-Party System:
Following are the merits of multiple-party system:
1. Representation of all shades of opinion:
An important merit of multiple- party system is that in the legislature all shades of opinion get representation. There exist various political parties that represent different shades of opinion and each party gets somewhat representation in the legislature. The members of each political party support their view-point in the legislature. This way the legislature becomes such an institution which represents every type of view-point.
2. More choice to the voters:
In multiple-party system the voter enjoys a greater degree of independence and choice because so many
parties contest the elections. The voter can vote for a candidate of his own choice.
3. Position of the legislature becomes significant:
In a multiple-party system the legislature does not become a tool in the hands of the cabinet, rather it keeps the cabinet under its control. No party gets absolute majority in the legislature and therefore no party can establish its dictatorship. A measure can be passed in the legislature if two or more than two parties support the measure. In fact the ministry functions in accordance with the wishes of the legislature. It gives importance to legislature.
4. Government changes according to times easily:
In multiple-party system the government can be changed easily even before the next election. In this system no single party can have its own way. Therefore if the ministry does not change its policy according to the time then one or other party quits the ministry and thus the government falls. This way the ministry can be changed when the time so demands.
5. Nation is not divided into two halves:
In a multiple-party system the political parties do not bitterly criticise one another because after the resignation of the cabinet no single party is confident of forming the government.
Demerits of Multiple-Party System
Following are the demerits of multiple-party system :
1. Formation of Government is not easy:
The main defect of the Multiple- Party System is that great difficulty is experienced in the formation of government. No party gets majority of the seats in the legislature and it is not easy for two or three parties to join hands in order to form the government. The parties differ in ideologies and hence they cannot come closer.
2. Government is Unstable:
In a multiple-party system the government is unstable. The governments are usually coalitions composed of diverse elements. There goes on a war of privileges between these elements. Compromise is reached and broken frequently, consequently the governments are formed and broken also too frequently. In France governments are notoriously unstable.
3. Weak position of the Prime Minister:
The position of the Prime Minister is very weak in a multiple-party system. The party of the Prime Minister is not the majority party in the legislature, so he is to depend upon other parties for support. He can do nothing of his own accord. He is to please his ministers and normally he acts on the dictates of the ministers.
4. Government is not the direct choice of the people:
The government in the multiple- party system is not formed according to the wishes of the people. As no party attains majority in the legislature so it is always uncertain that who will become the Prime Minister of the State. It is also always uncertain which parties will participate in the coalition government.
5. Responsibility of the Government cannot be determined:
In a multiple- party system many parties join hands and form a coalition government. This way the responsibility of administration is divided and rather the government becomes irresponsible. Each party shifts the responsibility to the other party. No party can be held responsible for the weaknesses in the administration. No party takes responsibility and hence the public welfare is completely ignored.
6. Continuity of policy is not possible:
The ministry is never certain about the tenure of office. The ministry little knows when it will have to tender its resignation. Therefore the ministry cannot execute any policy forcefully and strongly. The ministry never makes long term plans.
7. Lack of well organised and strong opposition party:
In a multiple- party system there is always lack of well organized and strong opposition party. Normally many parties join hands and form a strong opposition. But in a multiple party system most of the parties are partners in a coalition government and there are no effective opposition parties. Therefore government’s wrong actions and policies do not come under criticism. The opposition is never sure whether after the fall of the government it will be able to form the new government and this is why the opposition party is never particular about criticising the wrongs committed by the government.
8. Lack of party discipline among the Legislators:
In a multiple-party system there is lack of party discipline among the legislators. The governments are the outcome of manipulation and manoeuvring. Self-seeking parties come together not because they have common interest but because through such combination they can acquire power.

Question 8.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the Single Party System.
A single party system is that system where only one political party functions in the whole of the State. The same party runs the administration of the State and no other party can come into existence. In fact the single party system cannot exist in a democracy. It is but natural that the party will establish its dictatorship in the State. There is a single party system in Cuba, China and some other communist countries. In these countries nobody can criticise the communist party and people have no right to form a second party.
Merits of Single Party System:
A single party system is in accordance with the democratic principles but still it has some merits :
1. National Unity:
A single party system helps in building up national unity. The nation is not divided into various hostile groups. The entire country becomes one political unit and functions quite successfully.
2. Strong Government:
In a single party system the government is always strong and it can carry out its policies more efficiently. Once a policy is framed, all the members of the party must follow that policy. No member of the party is allowed to criticise the policy of the party.
3. Continuity of Policy:
In a single party system there is always continuity of policy. The party can make long-term plans, because the party knows that it will remain in power for all times to come. This way the country can follow the same policy for a long time.
4. National Progress:
In a single party-system the nation progresses very speedily. The political parties have no clash and struggle for power. There is no unhealthy criticism of the government. The entire country functions as one political unit and the nation progresses by leaps and bounds.
5. Party Discipline:
There always prevails rigid and iron discipline in a single party system. No member of the party can afford to violate party discipline. If any member dares to violate party discipline it results in his political death. If a member is expelled from the party, he cannot participate in the political functions.
Demerits of Single Party System:
A single party system suffers from various defects and that is why this system has not been adopted in any democratic country. Its defects are given below:
1. It is against democratic principles:
This system is against democratic principles because in this system the people do not enjoy the right to freedom of speech and expression. The people cannot express their viewpoints on matters of public concern. All shades of opinion do not get representation in the legislature.
2. Election is a mere show:
In a single party system election is a mere show. All the candidates belong to the same political party. They do not hold different views on the problems of the State. The election or defeat of any candidate does not result in the change of policy of the government.
3. Government does not feel responsible:
The government is not responsible for all its actions and policies to the people. There is no other party to oppose and criticise the government.
4. Dictatorship of one party:
In a single party system the party establishes its dictatorship and it runs the government according to its will. All the benefits are taken by the members of the party and the general public suffers a lot.
5. No rights and liberties to the people:
In a single party system people do not enjoy rights and civil liberties and hence their personality does not develop. The individual functions like a part of the machine.
6. No political education:
In a single party system the people do not get any political education. Press and platform are used only by the ruling party. People do not come to know about different shades of opinions.
Which is the best Party System ?
In all the forms of governments all party systems cannot be considered as the best. In dictatorship one party system is the best while in a democratic government a single party system finds no place. In a parliamentary form of government the two-party system is considered the best system. Multiparty system suits a country where there are many minority communities. But under such circumstances it will be better if instead of Parliamentary form of government Presidential system of government is adopted.

Question 9.
Discuss the role of opposition in the Democratic State.
Define the role of opposition in Democracy.
Opposition Party is Essential for the Success of Democracy. Democracy is a Government by criticism. Government is run by the representatives of the people according to their wishes. Every individual has a right to criticise and oppose the policies and actions of the Government. In a Parliamentary system one party that has gained majority at the polls, forms the Government and runs the administration and other party or parties go into opposition. Because of the existence of opposition parties, the party in power or Cabinet remains alert about its duties and functions and cannot act arbitrarily. In England there are two political parties one forms the Government and the other forms the opposition.
In a democratic system opposition performs many functions and the most important are as follows:
1. Criticism:
One of the most important functions of the opposition is to criticise the government. The opposition exposes the anti-people activities of the government. This is exposed outside the Parliament through demonstrations and inside the Parliament through various questions and motions. Opposition asks questions concerning the working of various departments, misuse of powers by the civil servants and lapses on the part of government.
2. Co-operation with the Government:
The opposition does not hinder the working of the Government. As a matter of fact both the majority and the opposition work in co-operation with one another. On important matters there are always consultations between the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition. The Government gives full opportunity to the opposition to place its point of view before the House and the opposition accommodates the Government on many matters.
3. Political Education to the People:
The opposition keeps supervision over the work of the Government. The opposition knows that by criticism it cannot change the government and its policies. But it criticises to educate the people.
4. Appeal to the Electors:
The opposition criticises the Government in the House just to unmask the Government before the nation and tries to win the public opinion for next election by exposing the lapses and lacuna in the Government policies. If the Government cannot defend itself on the floor of the House, it may continue in office, but it is bound to find itself in a deplorable position in the next elections. According to Prof. Laski, “Responsible Government lives in England under the shadow of the coming defeat.”
5. Ventilation of Public Grievances:
Opposition is also an effective safeguard of the liberties of the people. If a person is wronged he can approach any member of the opposition who by putting questions can ask for the explanation of the wrong done. Thus the grievances of the people reach the Government mainly through the opposition and are got redressed.
6. It makes Democracy Real and Effective:
Thus opposition plays an important role in the working of democratic set-up. It makes democracy real and effective. Where there is no opposition, Jennings has rightly pointed out, there is no democracy. Opposition may delay legislation but does not let it be hustled through. In times of national emergencies, in England national governments have been working and the opposition has been giving full co-operation to such Governments. Thus instead of putting obstructions it has been giving a helping hand to the Government in giving the nation good, efficient and clean administration.
We can conclude by saying that the opposition occupies an important place in a democracy. It criticises the Government and does not let it become arbitrary. It safeguards the interests and liberties of the people; it exposes the lapses of the Government before the people. It provides a ready alternate Government and in times of emergency fully co-operates with the Government to face any crisis. Hogy Quintin has rightly observed, “It is not a long step from the sense of an organised opposition to a complete dictatorship.”

Short Answer type Questions
Question 1.
What do you understand by Political Parties?
A political party is a group of citizens who hold identical views on national problems and in an organised way try to capture the government machinery through constitutional means in order to promote national interest.
1. According to Burke, “A political party is a body of men united for the purpose of promoting, by their joint endeavours the public interest upon some principles on which they are all agreed.”
2. According to Dr. Leacock, “By a political party we mean, more or less organised group of citizens who act together as a political unit. They share or profess to share the same opinions on public Question’s and by exercising their voting power towards a common end, seek to obtain control of the government.”
3. According to Maclver, “A political party is an association organised in support of some principle or policy which by constitutional means it endeavours to make the determinant of the government.”

Question 2.
Write four essentials of a Political Party.
Write down three characteristics of Political Parties.
- Same Views on Political Matters: The first essential of a political party is that all its members should hold same viewpoint on public matters.
- Organisation: It is necessary that the political party should be well- organized.
- Control of Government for Common Good: The aim of political party is to capture the governmental machinery.
- The political parties keep faith in peaceful and constitutional means.
Question 3.
On what basis the political parties are formed?
There are many bases of the formation of Political Parties. Following are some important bases of parties:
1. Social Basis:
In those states where discriminations are made on the bases of caste, colour, creed, race, religion etc. people belonging to a particular caste, religion or social class form a particular party. In India many parties are formed on social grounds. For example B.S.P. is based on social ground.
2. Political Basis:
On various political issues, political parties hold different stand, and people holding different views form different political parties. In India Leftist Parties, Congress and B.J.P. have their particular bases.
3. Economic Basis:
Different people hold different views on economic matters and they form political parties according to their views. For example, Congress, B.J.P. and Leftist Parties are of different economic views.
4. Religious Basis: Sometimes political parties are formed on religious basis.

Question 4.
Describe the different types of political parties prevalent in the world.
Mention the different types of Party System.
Following three types of political parties are prevalent in the world:
1. Two-Party System:
In two-party system there are only two major and well organised political parties. Besides the two main parties, there can be some more political parties but having no importance in the political system. Two-Party System exists in England and America.
2. Multiple-Party System:
If there are more than two well organised parties who share in almost an equal degree the confidence of the people, we may say that there is multiple-party system. The Multiple-Party System prevails in India, France, Italy etc.
3. Single-Party System:
A Single Party System is that system where only one party functions in the whole state. The same party runs the government and the administration of the country and no other party can come into existence. These days Single Party System exists in China, Cuba etc.
Question 5.
Describe any four functions of Political Parties.
Discuss in brief any four functions of Political Parties.
- Formation of Public Policies: The main function of the political parties is to frame public policies.
- Formation of Public Opinion:Political parties explain the national and other problems to the people and also give suggestions to solve the problems. In this way political parties help in the formulation of public opinion.
- To Contest Election: Main function of political parties is to contest election. For this candidates are selected and election campaigns are conducted.
- To Run the Government: The main function of the Political Party is to run the administration.

Question 6.
Write down any four advantages of Political Parties.
- It helps democracy. Political parties help in making democracy successful. Political parties organise the people politically.
- Political education. Political parties give political education to the people. They explain their policies to the people. The election campaign becomes primarily an educative campaign.
- Political parties are a great check on the absolutist and autocratic activities of the government.
- Government becomes stable. The administration can be sound and stable only if the political parties exist in the country.
Question 7.
Mention three main demerits of Political Parties.
Write down any four demerits of Political Parties.
- An important merit of Multi-party system is that in the legislature all shades of opinion get representation.
- In a Multiple-party system the legislature does not become a tool in the hands of the cabinet; rather it keeps the cabinet under its control.
- In a Multiple-party system the voter enjoys a greater degree of independence and choice because so many parties contest the elections. The voter can vote for a candidate of his own choice.
- In a Multiple-party system the government can be changed easily even before next election.
Question 9.
Define Multi-party system and give the example of two countries where this system is in existence.
Explain Multi-party system with an example of a country where it prevails.
If there are more than two well-organised parties who share in almost an equal degree the confidence of the people, we may say that there is Multiple-Party System. The Multiple-Party System prevails in India, France, Japan, Switzerland etc.
Question 10.
What do you understand by One-party System?
A single-party system is that system where only one political party functions in the whole of the State. The same party runs the administration of the State and no other party can come into existence. In fact, the single-party system cannot exist in a democracy. It is but natural that the party will establish its dictatorship in the State. There is a single-party system in China, Cuba, North Korea etc. In these countries nobody can criticise the communist party and people have no right to form a second party.
Question 11.
What do you understand by Two-party System?
Where there are two political parties, we call that a Two-Party or Double Party or Bi-Party System. The essence of such a party system is that there are only two well-organised parties which may enjoy public confidence. After the elections, one party forms the government and the other party sits in the opposition. The system, however, is elastic enough to provide for the existence of certain minor political parties. Two-party system exists in England and U.S.A.

Question 12.
Write any four merits of Two-party System.
Give three arguments in favour of Bi-party System.
1. Formation of Govt, is easy:
In a two-party system it is easy to form government. One party gets a clear majority and the leader of that party is appointed the Prime Minister and all other ministers are appointed on his recommendations.
2. Easy to fix Responsibility: In a two-party system the responsibility for a good or bad government can be easily fixed.
3. Strong Government:
In a two-party system the government is strong. The ministry is always sure of the support of majority party and therefore whatever decisions it takes it can pursue them strongly.
4. Stable Government. In a two-party system the government generally remains stable.
Question 13.
Write any four demerits of Multi-party System.
1. Not easy to form government:
In a multi-party system it is very difficult to form government because no party gets majority in the legislature.
2. Unstable government: In a multi-party system generally coalition governments are formed and the result is unstable government.
3. Weak position of the Prime Minister:
The position of the Prime Minister is very weak in a multiple-party system. The party of the Prime Minister is not the majority party in the legislature. So he is to depend upon other parties for support. He can do nothing of his own.
4. Lack of Strong Opposition Party: In a multiple-party system there is always lack of well organised and strong opposition party.

Question 14.
Write any four demerits of Single-Party System.
1. Against Democracy:
Single-party system is against democratic principles because in this system the people do not enjoy the right to form associations.
2. Election a Mere Show: In a single-party system an election is a mere show. All the candidates belong to the same political party.
3. Dictatorship:
In a single party system the party establishes its dictatorship and it runs the government according to its will. The people do not enjoy rights and civil liberties.
4. In a single party system the people do not get any political education.
Question 15.
Write four merits of Single-Party System.
- National Unity: A single party System helps in building up national unity.
- Strong Govt: In a single party system the government is always strong and it can carry out its policies more efficiently.
- Continuity of Policy: In a single-party system there is always continuity of policy. Political party can make long-term plans, because the party knows that it will remain in power for all times to come. This way the country can follow the same for a long time.
- In a single party-system the nation progresses very speedily.
Question 16.
Mention four demerits of Two-Party System.
1. Limited Choice:
In a two-party system the voter’s choice is limited. The voter is to cast his vote in favour of either of the two parties; he has no other choice.
2. Nation is divided into two Halves:
In a two-party system the nation is divided into two groups. These two groups never come closer to each other.
3. Dictatorship of the Cabinet:
Under two-party system one of the parties is sure to be in the majority. Having gained the majority, the party can exercise government powers in utter disregard of public good. Having an absolute majority in the legislature, the government may even indulge in corrupt practices with impunity. In a two party system, the legislature becomes a plaything in the hands of the council of ministers.

Question 17.
What is Opposition Party?
Opposition Party is very essential for the successful working of democracy. In a parliamentary democracy one party, that has gained majority at the polls, forms the government and other party or parties go into opposition. Opposition party criticises to policies of the government and checks the despotism of the government. It makes democracy real and effective. Opposition party opposes, criticises and removes the government.
Question 18.
Explain the role of opposition party in democracy.
Write any three functions of opposition in democracy.
- The opposition criticises the wrong policies of the government. The opposition checks the anti-people policies of the government.
- The opposition gives political education to the people. The opposition parties create political consciousness among the people and make them aware of the day-to-day happenings.
- The opposition makes democracy real and effective. The opposition safeguards the rights and liberties of the people.
- The opposition makes democracy real and effective.
Question 19.
Explain the role of the political parties in democracy.
Mention the importance of political parties in democracy.
- The political party forms the government. The party which gets majority in the legislature forms its government and runs the administration of the state.
- The political parties point out the defects of the government by a sound criticism for the welfare of the people.
- The political parties mobilise public opinion. They explain the national and other problems to the people.
- The political parties serve as good links between the government and the voters.
Question 20.
What do you mean by Leftist Parties?
Left political parties are effected by communist ideology. They are in favour of revolutionary changes in social and economic pattern and also support socialist set up. The Communist Party or Marxian Party is known as Left Political Party in India.

Very Short Answer type Questions
Question 1.
What is a Political Party?
A political party is a group of citizens who hold identical views on national problems and in an organised way try to capture the government machinery through constitutional means in order to promote national interest.
Question 2.
Define Political Party.
- According to Burke, “A political party is a body of men united for the purpose of promoting, by their joint endeavours the public interest upon some principles on which they are all agreed.”
- According to Maclver, “A political party is an association organised in support of some principle or policy which by constitutional means it endeavours to make the determinant of the government.”
Question 3.
Write two essentials of a Political Party.
- Same Views on Political Matters: The first essential of a political party is that all its members should hold same viewpoint on public matters.
- Organisation: It is necessary that the political party should be well- organized.
Question 4.
Describe the different types of political parties prevalent in the world.
Following three types of political parties are prevalent in the world:
- Two-Party System: In two-party system there are only two major and well organised political parties.
- Multiple-Party System: If there are more than two well organised parties who share in almost an equal degree the confidence of the people, we may say that there is multiple-party system.
- Single-Party System: A Single Party System is that system where only one party functions in the whole state.

Question 5.
Write down any two functions of Political Parties.
- Formation of Public Policies: The main function of the political parties is to frame public policies.
- Formation of Public Opinion: Political parties explain’the national and other problems to the people and also give suggestions to solve the problems. In this way political parties help in the formulation of public opinion.
Question 6.
Write any two advantages of Political Parties.
- It helps democracy: Political parties help in making democracy successful. Political parties organise the people politically.
- Political education: Political parties give political education to the people. They explain their policies to the people. The election campaign becomes primarily an educative campaign.
Question 7.
Write down any two demerits of Political Parties.
- The party system destroys individuality. It tends to make men put reliance more and more on party labels.
- The majority party establishes its dictatorship for a definite period in the state.
Question 8.
Mention any two merits of the Multi-party System.
- An important merit of Multi-party system is that in the legislature all shades of opinion get representation.
- In a Multiple-party System the legislature does not become a tool in the hands of the cabinet; rather it keeps the cabinet under its control.
Question 9.
What do you understand by One-party System?
A single-party system is that system where only one political party functions in the whole of the State. The same party runs the administration of the State and no other party can come into existence. There is a single-party system in China, Cuba, North Korea etc. In these countries nobody can criticise the communist party and people have no right to form a second party.

Question 10.
What do you understand by Two-Party System?
Where there are two political parties, we call that a Two-Party or Double Party or Bi-Party System. The essence of such a party system is that there are only two well-organised parties which may enjoy public confidence. Two-party system exists in England and U.S.A.
Question 11.
Write any two merits of Two-party System.
- Formation of Govt, is easy: In a two-party system it is easy to form government. One party gets a clear majority and the leader of that party is appointed the Prime Minister and all other ministers are appointed on his recommendations.
- Easy to fix Responsibility: In a two-party system the responsibility for a good or bad government can be easily fixed.
Question 12.
Name any two countries with Bi-party system.
Question 13.
Write the names of two main countries with One Party System.

Question 14.
Mention any two demerits of Multi-party System.
- Not easy to form government. In a multi-party system it is very difficult to form government because no party gets majority in the legislature.
- Unstable government. In a multi-party system generally coalition governments are formed and the result is unstable government.
Question 15.
Write any two demerits of Single-Party System.
- Against Democracy: Single-party system is against democratic principles because in this system the people do not enjoy the right to form associations.
- Election a Mere Show: In a single-party system an election is a mere show. All the candidates belong to the same political party.
Question 16.
Write two merits of Single-Party System.
- National Unity. A single party system helps in building up national unity.
- Strong Govt. In a single party system the government is always strong and it can carry out its policies more efficiently.
Question 17.
Write down any two demerits of Two-Party System.
- Limited Choice. In a two-party system the voter’s choice is limited. The voter is to cast his vote in favour of either of the two parties; he has no other choice.
- Nation is divided into two Halves: In a two-party system the nation is divided into two groups. These two groups never come closer to each other.
Question 18.
Write any three functions of opposition in Democracy.
- The opposition criticises the wrong policies of the government. The opposition checks the anti-people policies of the government.
- The opposition gives political education to the people. The opposition parties create political consciousness among the people and make them aware of the day-to-day happenings.

Question 19.
Explain the role of the Political Party in a democracy.
- The political party forms the government. The party which gets majority in the legislature forms its government and runs the administration of the state.
- The political parties point out the defects of the government by a sound criticism for the welfare of the people.
One Line Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
What do you mean by Political Party?
A political party is a group of such citizens who have similar views on public matters.
Question 2.
Write down any one function of a Political Party.
An important function of a political party is to provide political education to the people.
Question 3.
What kind of party system is found in China?
Write down the name of any one country having Single Party System.
In China, there is a one-party system.

Question 4.
Mention any one definition of a political party.
According to Maclver, “A political party is an association organised in support of some principles or policies which by constitutional means endeavours to make it the determinant of Government.”
Question 5.
What do you mean by one-party system?
If in a state, only one party participates in politics and other political parties do not have any freedom or right to organise themselves, such a party system is called as one-party system.
Question 6.
Mention any one merit of bi-party system.
The greatest merit of bi-party system is that in it the government can be made very easily.
Question 7.
Mention any two countries which have adopted Bi-party system.
Write down name of one country having Bi-party system.
Bi-party system has been adopted in England and America.
Question 8.
Name any two countries which have adopted multi-party system.
India, Russia and Switzerland have adopted the multi-party system.

Question 9.
Mention any one merit of single-party system.
It maintains national unity.
Question 10.
Mention one demerit of one-party system.
It is against democracy.
Question 11.
Write names of two countries of single- party system.
Question 12.
Write down the name of any one country having hi-party system.
Write names of two countries of bi-party system.
Question 13.
What is meant by Multi-party system?
Where three or more than three political parties exist, that system is named as multi-party system.

Question 14.
Write one merit of political parties.
They make the representative democracy creditable.
Question 15.
Write one demerit of political parties.
They are harmful for national unity and national interests.
Question 16.
Write one basis of the formation of political parties.
Political Basis.
Fill in The Blanks
1. In China there is ………………….. party system.
2. Multi-party system exists in ………………….. .
3. Government is stable in ………………….. party system.
4. Political parties are essential for the successful working of ………………….. government.
5. One party system is against ………………….. .
6. Political Party is the key element (compulsory) for ………………….. .

True Or False Statement
1. A political party is a group of such citizens who have similar views on public matters.
2. In U.S.A. there is a multi-party system.
3. In England there is a bi-party system.
4. The greatest merit of bi-party system is that in it the government can be made easily.
5. Multi-party system exists in India.

Choose The Correct Answer
Question 1.
In which country multi-party system exists?
(a) U.S.A.
(b) China
(c) U.K.
(d) Switzerland.
(d) Switzerland.

Question 2.
Which of the following country is having one-party system?
(a) India
(b) China
(c) France
(d) Russia.
(b) China
Question 3.
Two party system exists in:
(a) U.S.A.
(b) France
(c) India
(d) China.
(a) U.S.A.
Question 4.
Who said, “Parties are inevitable, no free country has been without them.”?
(a) Bryce
(b) Laski
(c) Gettell
(d) Garner.
(a) Bryce
Question 5.
Which one of the following is not a merit of single party system?
(a) National Unity
(b) Weak government
(c) Strong administration
(d) None of the above.
(b) Weak government

Question 6.
Which among the following countries has a disciplined opposition?
(a) Switzerland
(b) 18th Century
(c) England
(d) 20th Century.
(c) England
Question 7.
The main goal of political parties is to:
(a) Capture political power
(b) Educate people
(c) Contest Election
(d) Form opposition.
(a) Capture political power