PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary One Word for Many and their use in Sentences

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class English Book Solutions English Vocabulary One Word for Many and their use in Sentences Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary One Word for Many and their use in Sentences

1. Something that can be heard – Audible
What he said was not audible.

2. Something written by an unknown person – Anonymous
I received an anonymous letter yesterday.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary One Word for Many and their use in Sentences

3. A written declaration made on oath in the presence of a magistrate or a government official – Affidavit
I submitted an affidavit as a proof of my date of birth.

4. A person who does not believe in God – Atheist
An atheist does not believe in God.

5. A government by one person or one party – Autocracy
Autocracy is not a popular form of government.

6. A word opposite in meaning – Antonym
The antonym of ‘good’ is ‘bad’.

7. A life story of a person written by himself – Autobiography
Gandhiji’s autobiography gives a true description of his life.

8. Medicine to counteract the effect of poison – Antidote
What is the antidote for the poison of the snake ?

9. A representative of a government in a foreign country: -Ambassador
Mr. S.R. Sharma is India’s ambassador in Pakistan.

10. A word or sentence the meaning of which is not clear. – Ambiguous
The minister’s replies were ambiguous.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary One Word for Many and their use in Sentences

11. Place for keeping birds – Aviary
This aviary contains almost all kinds of birds.

12. A place for the storage of weapons – Arsenal
Our neighbouring country is building up a big arsenal.

13. To increase the gravity of a situation – Aggravate
Your perpetual agruing with your father will certainly aggravate his rage.

14. The crime of setting things on fire – Arson
Terrorists caused arson on a large scale.

15. A list of things to be discussed at a meeting – Agenda
What is the agenda for the next meeting ?

16. A state of growth between boyhood and youth – Adolescence
Adolescence is an impressionable period of life.

17. A carriage for the sick and wounded – Ambulance
The injured man was taken in an ambulance.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary One Word for Many and their use in Sentences

18. Objects having life -Animate
Plants and trees are also animate things.

19. A state where no government exists – Anarchy
Unemployment can lead to anarchy.

20. A person liable to be called to account – Accountable
You are accountable for all your misdeeds.

21. An assembly of listeners – Audience
The audience heard Mr. Modi’s speech very attentively.

22. A person who plays a game or does a work only for pleasure – Amateur
Many amateurs also participated in this mission.

23. One who lives in a foreign country – Alien
An American is an alien in our country.

24. A government managed by state officials – Bureaucracy
Bureaucracy should be responsible to the public.

25. Marrying two wives or husbands – Bigamy
Bigamy is not approved in the Indian society.

26. A man who is not married – Bachelor
A bachelor is generally a carefree man.

27. A thing which can be broken easily – Brittle
Glass is hard but brittle

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary One Word for Many and their use in Sentences

28. To speak ill of a person in his absence – Backbite
Gentlemen don’t indulge in backbiting.

29. A bunch of flowers -Bouquet
I presented her a bouquet on her birthday.

30. The science which deals with life – Biology
Biology is her favourite subject.

31. A girl just before or after her wedding day – Bride
The bride was wearing a red saree.

32. A boy just before or after his wedding day – Bridegroom
The bridegroom came riding a horse.

33. A person who believes everybody – Credulous
A credulous person easily believes what others say.

34. That which can be corrected – Corrigible
Certain defects are not corrigible.

35. A list of names of books – Catalogue
You should consult the library catalogue.

36. A period of one hundred years – Century
We are living in the twenty-first century.

37. A piece of machinery used for mathematical calculations – Calculator
A calculator helps us in making big calculations easily.

38. The peak point of a story or a plot – Climax
The climax of the film was its best part.

39. A place where the dead are buried – Cemetery
The Christians bury their dead in a cemetery.

40. The art of beautiful writing -Calligraphy
The art of calligraphy is now dying.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary One Word for Many and their use in Sentences

41. A musical entertainment given in a public hall – Concert
People came in thousands to the concert.

42. One who eats human flesh – Cannibal
This book gives an account of cannibals of the past.

43. Government of the people, by the people, for the people – Democracy
We are the biggest democracy in the world.

44. One who drinks too much – Drunkard
A drunkard is certain to have a short life.

45. A government by one person – Dictatorship
Dictatorship cannot continue for long.

46. Money or gifts given to a girl at her marriage -Dowry
Her rich parents gave her a big dowry.

47. To injure one’s reputation – Defame
Each new government defames the previous one.

48. The art of management practised by statesmen -Diplomacy
Nehru was very good at international diplomacy.

49. A speech made without preparation -Extempore
His extempore speech impressed the listeners.

50. A book containing every kind of information -Encyclopedia
An encyclopedia enriches our knowledge.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary One Word for Many and their use in Sentences

51. A person who examines -Examiner
The examiner has marked the answer-books very carelessly.

52. A thing which is fit to be eaten – Edible
All mushrooms are not edible.

53. To root out an evil —Eradicate
Dowry system cannot be eradicated by law alone.

54. To send articles out of the country —Export
India now exports cars to European countries.

55. One who loves his own religion and hates other religions —Fanatic
A fanatic can never be truly religious.

56. Murder of a brother —Fratricide
He was suspected of fratricide by the police.

57. One who is not easily pleased —Fastidious
She is very fastidious about her dress.

58. A period of two weeks —Fortnight
He comes here every fortnight.

59. That which ends in death —Fatal
He was killed in a fatal accident.

60. A man interested in the welfare of women —Feminist
A feminist favours equal rights for women.

61. A person who eats too much —Glutton
He eats like a glutton.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary One Word for Many and their use in Sentences

62. A make-up room behind the stage —Green room
Th hm’oine was dressing up in the green room.

63. Money paid to an employee after his retirement —Liratul:y
He got a big gratuity at his retirement.

64. A place for storing grain —Granary
Punjab is called the granary of India.

65. A medicine that kills germs —Germicide
Keep germicides away from children.

66. A post for which no salary is paid .‘ —Honorary
No wages are given for an honorary post.

67. To cause eggs to produce the young —Hatch
The hen hatches its eggs in a dark place.

68. A place of shelter or safety —Haven
This zoo is a haven for birds.

69. A writing which cannot be read clearly —Illegible
Your handwriting is illegible.

70. One who does not show favour to anyone —Impartial
He gave an impartial decision.

71. That which cannot be solved or dissolved —Insoluble
Oil is insoluble in water.

72. One who cannot read or write —Illiterate
The poor farmer was illiterate.

73. That which cannot be conquered —Invincible
Death is invincible.

74. That which cannot be corrected —Incorrigible
He is an incorrigible gambler.

75. One who never dies —Immortal
The soul is immortal.

76. That which is against law —Illegal
I never do an illegal act.

77. That which cannot be cured —Incurable
Cancer is incurable.

78. That which is not proper —Inept
An inept remark can turn friends into enemies.

79. A thing that must happen —Inevitable
Death is inevitable.

80. A loss which repaired or made good —Irreparable
This loss is irreparable.

81. A person easily made angry —Irritable
He has an irritable nature.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary One Word for Many and their use in Sentences

82. That which can be understood —Intelligible
Her lecture was intelligible to everyone.

83. An article or thing liable to catch fire easily —Inflammable
Petrol is highly inflammable.

84. Worship of idols —Idolatry
Many religions are against idolatry.

85. Showing or having good sense and wisdom —Judicious
It was a judicious decision.

86. A special skill or ability —Knack
Mohan has a knack of pleasing everybody.

87. A problem or question hard to solve —Knotty
It is a knotty problem.

88. One who can read and write —Literate
Very few people in the village are literate.

89. A copy of a book, piece of music, etc. before it has been printed. —Manuscript
The manuscript was neatly handwritten.

90. A disorderly crowd of people —Mob
The police was unable to control the mob.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary One Word for Many and their use in Sentences

91. A person with a bad reputation. —Notorious
Jagga was a notorious dacoit.

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran भाववाचक संज्ञा-निर्माण

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class Hindi Book Solutions Hindi Grammar bhav vachak sangya nirman भाववाचक संज्ञा-निर्माण Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Grammar भाववाचक संज्ञा-निर्माण

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran भाववाचक संज्ञा-निर्माण 1
PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran भाववाचक संज्ञा-निर्माण 2

निम्नलिखित बहुविकल्पी प्रश्नों में से किसी एक विकल्प को चुन कर लिखें

प्रश्न 1.
आदमी की भाववाचक संज्ञा है
(क) आदमीता
(ख) आदमियत
(ग) आदमीयता
(घ) आदमीयत।
(ख) आदमियत

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran भाववाचक संज्ञा-निर्माण

प्रश्न 2.
युवक की भाववाचक संज्ञा है
(क) युवकता
(ख) यौवकता
(ग) यौवन
(घ) युवना।
(ग) यौवन

प्रश्न 3.
नारी की भाववाचक संज्ञा है
(क) नारिता
(ख) नारित्व
(ग) नारीर्य
(घ) नारीत्व।
(घ) नारीत्व

प्रश्न 4.
ऊँचा की भाववाचक संज्ञा है
(क) ऊँचाई
(ख) ऊँची
(ग) ऊँचता
(घ) ऊँचत्व।
(क) ऊँचाई

प्रश्न 5.
उड़ना की भाववाचक संज्ञा है
(क) उड़ता
(ख) उड़त्व
(ग) उड़ान
(घ) उड़ाई।
(ग) उड़ान

प्रश्न 6.
हँसना की भाववाचक संज्ञा है
(क) हँसत्व
(ख) हँसी
(ग) हँसा
(घ) हँसाई।
(ख) हँसी

प्रश्न 7.
‘बूढ़ा’ की भाववाचक संज्ञा बुढ़ापा है (हाँ या नहीं में उत्तर लिखिए)

प्रश्न 8.
थकना की भाववाचक संज्ञा थक है. (हाँ या नहीं में उत्तर दीजिए)

प्रश्न 9.
हरा की भाववाचक संज्ञा हरिता है (सही या गलत लिखकर उत्तर दीजिए)

प्रश्न 10.
पढ़ना की भाववाचक संज्ञा पढ़ाई है (सही या गलत लिखकर उत्तर दीजिए)

निम्नलिखित में से किसी एक शब्द की भाववाचक संज्ञा बनाइए
1. खामोश, वीर
खामोश = खामोशी
वीर = वीरता।

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran भाववाचक संज्ञा-निर्माण

2. बच्चा, सफेद
बच्चा = बचपन
सफेद = सफेदी।

3. चालाक, घबराना
चालाक = चालाकी
घबराना = घबराहट।

मधुर, दास
मधुर = मधुरता
दास = दासता।

मित्र, नमक
मित्र = मित्रता
नमक = नमकीन।

बुरा, शांत
बुरा = बुरी/बुराई,
शांत = शांति।

मीठा, अपना
मीठा = मिठास
अपना = अपनापन

प्रश्न 1.
संज्ञा किसे कहते हैं?
किसी व्यक्ति, स्थान, वस्तु अथवा गुण का बोध कराने वाले विकारी शब्द को संज्ञा कहते हैं; जैसे-प्रीतम कौर (व्यक्ति का नाम), जालंधर (स्थान का नाम), आम (वस्तु का नाम), सुंदर (गुण)।

प्रश्न 2.
संज्ञा के कितने भेद हैं?
संज्ञा के तीन भेद हैं-
(i) व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा-जिस संज्ञा शब्द से किसी एक व्यक्ति, पदार्थ अथवा स्थान का बोध हो, उसे व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा कहते हैं; जैसे-सुजान सिंह (व्यक्ति), अमृतसर (स्थान)।

(ii) जातिवाचक संज्ञा-जिस संज्ञा शब्द से किसी जाति के संपूर्ण पदार्थों, स्थानों अथवा व्यक्तियों का बोध हो उसे जाति वाचक संज्ञा कहते हैं; जैसे-पुस्तक, मनुष्य, नदी, फल।

(iii) भाववाचक संज्ञा-जिस संज्ञा शब्द से किसी भाव, गुण, दोष, स्वभाव आदि का बोध हो, उसे भाववाचक संज्ञा कहते हैं; जैसे-बुढापा, मानवता।

प्रश्न 3.
भाववाचक संज्ञा का निर्माण कैसे होता है?
भाववाचक संज्ञा का निर्माण संज्ञा, सर्वनाम, विशेषण, क्रिया तथा अव्यय शब्दों में ता, ई, पन, आई, त्व, इया, आहट आदि प्रत्यय लगाने से होता है; जैसे-

  1. जातिवाचक संज्ञा शब्द ‘मित्र’ में ‘ता’ प्रत्यय लगाने से ‘मित्रता’ भाववाचक संज्ञा बनती है।
  2. सर्वनाम शब्द ‘अपना’ में ‘पन’ प्रत्यय लगाने से ‘अपनापन’ भाववाचक संज्ञा बनती है।
  3. विशेषण शब्द ‘भला’ में ‘आई’ प्रत्यय लगाने से ‘भलाई’ भाववाचक संज्ञा बनती है।
  4. क्रिया शब्द ‘गिरना’ में ‘आवट’ प्रत्यय लगाने से ‘गिरावट’ भाववाचक संज्ञा बनती है।
  5. अव्यय शब्द ‘निकट’ में ‘ता’ प्रत्यय लगाने से ‘निकटता’ भाववाचक संज्ञा बनती है।

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran भाववाचक संज्ञा-निर्माण

प्रश्न 4.
मूलरूप से भाववाचक संज्ञा शब्द कौन-से हैं?
मूलरूप से भाववाचक संज्ञा शब्द-प्रेम, सुख, दुःख, क्रोध, घृणा, मरण, दया, ईर्ष्या, सत्य, भय, जन्म हैं।

प्रश्न 5.
जातिवाचक संज्ञाशब्दों से भाववाचक संज्ञाशब्दों का निर्माण कीजिए।
PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran भाववाचक संज्ञा-निर्माण 3

प्रश्न 6.
सर्वनाम शब्दों से भाववाचक शब्दों का निर्माण कीजिए।
सर्वनाम शब्द से भाववाचक शब्द निर्माण
PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran भाववाचक संज्ञा-निर्माण 4

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran भाववाचक संज्ञा-निर्माण

प्रश्न 7.
विशेषण शब्दों से भाववाचक संज्ञाशब्द बनाइए।
विशेषण शब्द से भाववाचक शब्द निर्माण
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प्रश्न 8.
क्रिया शब्दों से भाववाचक शब्द निर्माण कीजिए।
क्रिया शब्द से भाववाचक शब्द निर्माण
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‘क्रिया शब्दों में दीर्घ स्वर ‘आ’ के स्थान पर ह्रस्व स्वर ‘अ’ लगाने से बनने वाले भाववाचक संज्ञा शब्द:
PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran भाववाचक संज्ञा-निर्माण 9

क्रिया शब्दों के अंत में लगे ‘ना’ को हटाने से बने भाववाचक संज्ञा शब्द:
PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran भाववाचक संज्ञा-निर्माण 10

क्रिया शब्दों के अंत में लगे ‘ना’ के दीर्घ स्वर ‘आ’ को उससे पहले वाले वर्ण के साथ लगाने से बने भाववाचक संज्ञा शब्द:
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PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran भाववाचक संज्ञा-निर्माण

प्रश्न 9.
अव्यय शब्दों से भाववाचक संज्ञा शब्दों का निर्माण कीजिए।
अव्यय शब्द से भाववाचक संज्ञा शब्द निर्माण
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PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran समास

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class Hindi Book Solutions Hindi Grammar samas समास Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Grammar समास

1. निम्नलिखित पदों में समास कीजिए:
PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran समास 1
मनगढंत, जेबखर्च, धर्मभ्रष्ट, कर्तव्यनिष्ठा, देशप्रेम, लखपति, आरामकुर्सी, सर्वप्रिय, परीक्षाकेंद्र, पापमुक्त।
बाढ़ से पीड़ित, युद्ध के लिए अभ्यास, भूख से मरा, जन्म से रोगी, भारत का रत्न, राजा की कुमारी, आँखों से देखी, मृत्यु का दंड, नगर में वास, पैदल चलने के लिए पथ।

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran समास

प्रश्न 1.
राजपुरुष समस्तपद का विग्रह है राजा का पुरुष (सही या गलत में उत्तर दीजिए)

प्रश्न 2.
प्रधानाध्यापक समस्तपद का विग्रह है प्रधान अध्यापक (हाँ या नहीं में उत्तर दीजिए।)

प्रश्न 3.
श्वेतांबर तत्पुरुष समास है (सही या गलत में उत्तर दीजिए)

प्रश्न 4.
परीक्षाभवन कर्मधारय समास है (हाँ या नहीं में उत्तर दीजिए)

निम्नलिखित बहुविकल्पी प्रश्नों में से एक सही विकल्प चुनकर लिखिए-

प्रश्न 5.
तत्पुरुष समास है-
(क) धर्मशाला
(ख) नरसिंह
(ग) प्रतिदिन
(घ) पंजाब।
(क) धर्मशाला

प्रश्न 6.
कर्मधारय समास है
(क) रसभरी
(ख) नीलकमल
(ग) त्रिदेव
(घ) गजानन।
(ख) नीलकमल

प्रश्न 7.
गौशाला का विग्रह होगा
(क) गौ की शाला
(ख) गौ और शाला
(ग) गौ के लिए शाला
(घ) गौ रहन शाला।
(ग) गौ के लिए शाला

प्रश्न 8.
महादेव का विग्रह होगा
(क) महान् है देव
(ख) महान् है जो देव
(ग) महान् देव
(घ) महादेव जो है।
(ख) महान् है जो देव

प्रश्न 9.
कर्मधारय समास है
(क) धर्माधर्म
(ख) चंद्रमुख
(ग) सेनापति
(घ) लोकसभा।
(ख) चंद्रमुख

प्रश्न 10.
तत्पुरुष समास है
(क) वनवास
(ख) बैलगाड़ी
(ग) पंचतंत्र
(घ) माता-पिता।
(क) वनवास।

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran समास

1. निम्नलिखित समस्त पद (समास) का विग्रह कीजिए
निम्नलिखित विग्रह का समस्त पद (समास) बनाइए
जेब के लिए खर्च।
गौशाला = गौ के लिए शाला
जेब के लिए खर्च = जेब खर्च।

2. निम्नलिखित समस्त पद का विग्रह कीजिएसेनापति
निम्नलिखित विग्रह का समस्त पद (समास) बनाइए
घोड़ों की दौड़।
सेनापति = सेना का पति
घोड़ों की दौड़ = घुड़दौड़।

3. निम्नलिखित समस्त पद का विग्रह कीजिएघनश्याम
निम्नलिखित विग्रह का समस्त पद (समास) बनाइए
दान में वीर।
घनश्याम = घन के समान श्याम
दान में वीर = दानवीर।

विग्रहपद को समस्त पद में बदलिए-
कर्म में निष्ठा, राष्ट्र का भवन
कर्म में निष्ठा = कर्मनिष्ठा
राष्ट्र का भवन = राष्ट्रपति भवन।

समस्तपद का विग्रहपद बदलिए-
बाढ़ + पीड़ित, भुख + मरा
बाढ़ + पीड़ित = बाढ़ से पीड़ित
भुख + मरा = भुख से मरा।

विग्रहपद को समस्तपद में बदलिए-
गंगा में स्नान, रसोई के लिए घर
गंगा में स्नान = गंगास्नान
रसोई के लिए घर = रसोईघर।

प्रश्न 1.
समास किसे कहते हैं?
‘समास’ का शाब्दिक अर्थ है-छोटा करना, पास रखना। परस्पर संबंध रखने वाले दो या दो से अधिक सार्थक शब्दों के मेल को समास कहते हैं। भाषा में समास का प्रयोग संक्षिप्तता और शैली की सुंदरता के लिए किया जाता है। इसे समस्त पद या ‘सामासिक शब्द’ भी कहते हैं। जब समस्त पद को पृथक्-पृथक किया जाता है तो उसे समास-विग्रह कहते हैं। समास करने पर दो पदों के बीच आने वाली विभक्तियों का लोप हो जाता है और दोनों पद एक-दूसरे के निकट आ जाते हैं। समास रचना में पहले पद को ‘पूर्व पद’ और दूसरे पद को ‘उत्तर पद’ कहा जाता है, जैसे-
PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran समास 2
समास होने की दशा में जहाँ संधि संभव हो वहाँ नियमानुसार संधि भी हो जाती है।

प्रश्न 2.
समास की विशेषताओं पर प्रकाश डालिए।

  1. हिंदी में समास प्रायः दो शब्दों से बनते हैं। इसके विपरीत संस्कृत में समास अनेक शब्दों से बनते हैं और काफ़ी लंबे-लंबे होते हैं। हिंदी में संभवत: ‘सुत-बित्त-नारी-भवन-परिवारा’ ही सबसे लंबा समास है।
  2. समास कुछ अपवादों को छोड़कर प्राय: दो सजातीय शब्दों में ही होता है, जैसे-रसोईघर एवं पाठशाला शब्द ही बन सकते हैं। ‘रसोईशाला’ तथा ‘पाठ घर’ नहीं बन सकते।
  3. सामासिक शब्द या तो मिलाकर लिखे जाते हैं या दोनों के बीच योजक चिह्न लगाकर लिखे जाते हैं, जैसेघरबार, दहीबड़ा अथवा घर-बार, दही-बड़ा आदि।
  4. किसी शब्द में समास ज्ञात करने के लिए समस्त पद के खंडों को अलग-अलग करना पड़ता है, जिसे विग्रह कहते हैं; जैसे-माँ-बाप’ का विग्रह माँ और बाप तथा ‘गंगा-तट’ का विग्रह गंगा का तट है।
  5. सामासिक शब्द बनाते समय दोनों शब्दों के बीच की विभक्तियां या योजक आदि अव्यय शब्दों का लोप हो जाता है।
  6. समास बहुधा वहीं होता है जहां परस्पर संबंध रखने वाली दो या अधिक शब्द मिलकर एक तीसरा सार्थक शब्द बनाते हैं।
  7. समास के दोनों शब्दों (पदों) को क्रमशः पूर्व पद अर्थात् पहला पद तथा उत्तर पद अर्थात् दूसरा पद कहते हैं, जैसे-‘राम-लक्ष्मण’ शब्द में ‘राम’ पूर्व पद है और ‘लक्ष्मण’ उत्तर पद है।
  8. सामाजिक शब्दों में पुल्लिग शब्द पहले और स्त्रीलिंग शब्द बाद में आते हैं; जैसे-लोटा-थाली, देखा-देखी, भाई-बहन, दूध-रोटी आदि।
  9. कभी-कभी विग्रह के आधार पर एक ही शब्द कई समासों का उदाहरण हो जाता है; जैसे-‘पीतांबर का विग्रह यदि “पीत है जो अंबर” करें तो कर्मधारय तथा “पीत हैं अंबर (वस्त्र जिसके) अर्थात् कृष्ण” करें तो बहुब्रीहि होगा।

हिंदी में मुख्य रूप से तीन प्रकार के सामासिक शब्द ही प्रयोग में आते हैं-

  • संस्कृत के-यथाशक्ति, पीतांबर, मनसिज, पुरुषोत्तम आदि-
  • हिंदी के-अनबन, नील-कमल, बैल-गाड़ी आदि।
  • उर्दू-फ़ारसी आदि के-खुशबू, सौदागर, बेशक, लाइलाज आदि। ‘इसके अतिरिक्त हिंदी में रेलवे स्टेशन, बुकिंग, ऑफिस, टिकट, चैकर आदि इंग्लिश शब्द तथा कुछ संकर शब्द भी प्रयोग में आते हैं; जैसे
    बस अड्डा, पुलिस चौकी, चकबंदी, गुरुडम, पार्टीबाज आदि।

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran समास

प्रश्न 3.
संधि और समास में क्या अंतर है?
(i) दो वर्गों के परिवर्तन सहित मेल को संधि कहते हैं, जबकि परस्पर संबंध रखने वाले दो या दो से अधिक पदों के मेल को समास कहते हैं।

(ii) संधि में समीपवर्ती वर्गों की ध्वनियों में परिवर्तन होता है लेकिन समास में ध्वनियों का परिवर्तन प्रायः कम ही होता है। समास में विभक्तियों का लोप होता है।

(iii) संधि में शब्दगत अर्थ सदा बना रहता है पर सामासिक पदों में मूल अर्थ व्यक्त होता है और कभी-कभी नहीं भी होता।

प्रश्न 4.
समास के कितने भेद हैं?
समास के प्रमुख रूप से छह भेद होते हैं-
1. अव्ययीभाव समास
2. तत्पुरुष समास
3. कर्मधारय समास
4. द्विगु समास
5. द्वंद्व समास
6. बहुव्रीहि समास।
(पाठ्यक्रम में केवल तत्पुरुष और कर्मधारय समास निर्धारित हैं।

1. अव्ययीभाव समास

जिस समास में पहला पद प्रधान हो और समस्त पद अव्यय (क्रिया-विशेषण) का काम करे, उसे अव्ययीभाव समास कहते हैं। पुनरुक्ति से बनने वाले समस्त पद भी इसी के अंतर्गत आते हैं। जैसे-
प्रतिदिन = प्रति + दिन,
साफ़-साफ़ = साफ़ + साफ़।

2. तत्पुरुष समास

तत्पुरुष का शाब्दिक अर्थ है (तत् = वह, पुरुष = आदमी) वह (दूसरा) आदमी। इस समास का नाम तत्पुरुष इसी आधार पर पड़ा है, क्योंकि ‘तत्पुरुष समास’ में दूसरा पद प्रधान होता है। जिस समास में दूसरा पद प्रधान होता है और दोनों पदों के बीच प्रथम (कर्ता) तथा अंतिम (संबोधन) कारक के अतिरिक्त शेष किसी भी कारक की विभक्ति का लोप पाया जाता है, उसे तत्पुरुष समास कहते हैं। जैसे-
राजपुरुष = राजा का पुरुष
राहखर्च = राह के लिए खर्च
ऋणमुक्त = ऋण से मुक्त
वनवास = वन में वास।

तत्पुरुष के सात भेद हैं जिनका परिचय इस प्रकार है-
(क) कर्म तत्पुरुष
जिस तत्पुरुष समास में कर्म कारक की विभक्ति (को) का लोप हो जाता है। जैसे-

ग्रंथकर्ता = ग्रंथ को करने वाला
दुखप्राप्त = दुख को प्राप्त
नरकगत = नरक को गया हुआ
सुख-प्राप्त = सुख को प्राप्त
स्वर्गप्राप्त = स्वर्ग को प्राप्त
गगनचुंबी = गगन को चूमने वाला
वनगमन = वन को गमन
रथचालक = रथ को चलाने वाला
यशप्राप्त = यश को प्राप्त
आशातीत = आशा को लाँघ कर गया हुआ
परलोक गमन = परलोक को गमन
मरणासन्न = मरण को पहुँचा हुआ
ग्रामगत = ग्राम को गत (गया हुआ)
जल-पिपासु = जल को पीने की इच्छा वाला
माखनचोर = माखन को चुराने वाला
गृहागत = गृह को आगत (आया हुआ)
गिरहकट = गिरह को काटने वाला
सर्वभक्षी = सबको खानेवाला

(ख) करण तत्पुरुष

जिस तत्पुरुष समास में करण कारक की विभक्ति (द्वारा, से) का लोप हो जाता है। जैसे-
सूररचित = सूर द्वारा रचित
रहीमकृत = रहीम द्वारा कृत
वाग्दत्ता = वाणी द्वारा दत्त
भुखमरा = भूख से मरा
हस्तलिखित = हस्त से लिखित
कष्टसाध्य = कष्ट से साध्य
तुलसीकृत = तुलसी से कृत
मदांध = मद से अंधा
बाणबिद्ध = बाण से बिदु
दुखार्त = दुख से आर्त्त
वज्र-हत = वज्र से हत
मनमाना = मन से माना हुआ
ईश्वर प्रदत्त = ईश्वर से प्रदत्त
रेखांकित = रेखा से अंकित
मनगढंत। = मन से गढ़ी हुई
कीर्ति-युक्त = कीर्ति से युक्त
कपड़छन = कपड़े से छना हुआ
अनुभवजन्य = अनुभव से जन्य
शोकाकुल = शोक से आकुल
गुण-युक्त = गुण से युक्त
प्रेमातुर = प्रेम से आतुर
जन्म-रोगी = जन्म से रोगी
दयार्द्र = दया से आर्द्र
भयाकुल = भय से आकुल
अकाल पीड़ित = अकाल से पीड़ित
गुरुदत्त = गुरु द्वारा दत्त
गुरुकृत = गुरु द्वारा कृत
मुँह-माँगा = मुँह से माँगा
दुख-संतप्त = दुख से संतप्त
बिहारी रचित = बिहारी द्वारा रचित
शापग्रस्त = शाप से ग्रास्त
रसभरी = रस से भरी

(ग) संप्रदान तत्पुरुष

जिस तत्पुरुष समास में संप्रदान कारक की विभक्ति (के लिए) का लोप हो जाता है। जैसे-
देवबलि = देव के लिए बलि
मालगोदाम = माल के लिए गोदाम
प्रयोगशाला = प्रयोग के लिए शाला
गौशाला = गौ के लिए शाला
देशभक्ति = देश के लिए भक्ति
ठकुरसुहाती = ठाकुर को सुहाती
कृष्णार्पण = कृष्ण के लिए अर्पण
आरामकुरसी = आराम के लिए कुरसी
यज्ञ-शाला = यज्ञ के लिए शाला
परीक्षाभवन = परीक्षा के लिए भवन
विद्यालय = विद्या के लिए आलय
धर्मशाला = धर्म के लिए शाला
स्वतंत्रता आंदोलन = स्वतंत्रता के लिए आंदोलन
औषधालय = औषधि के लिए आलय
क्रीडाक्षेत्र = क्रीड़ा के लिए क्षेत्र
गुरु दक्षिणा = गुरु के लिए दक्षिणा
राहखर्च = राह के लिए खर्च
हवन-सामग्री = हवन के लिए सामग्री
रसोईघर = रसोई के लिए घर
रोकड़ बही = रोकड़ के लिए बही
मार्गव्यय = मार्ग के लिए व्यय
हथकड़ी = हाथों के लिए कड़ी
युद्धभूमि = युद्ध के लिए भूमि
मालगाड़ी = माल के लिए गाड़ी
राज्यलिप्सा = राज्य के लिए लिप्सा
पाठशाला = पाठ के लिए शाला
डाकगाड़ी = डाक के लिए गाड़ी
देशार्पण = देश के लिए अर्पण
जेबखर्च = जेब के लिए खर्च
विद्यागृह – विद्या के लिए गृह
सत्याग्रह = सत्य के लिए आग्रह

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran समास

(घ) अपादान तत्पुरुष

जिस तत्पुरुष समास में अपादान कारक की विभक्ति (से) का लोप हो जाता है। अर्थात् जहाँ अलग होने का भाव हो उसे अपादान तत्पुरुष समास कहते हैं। जैसे-
पथभ्रष्ट = पथ से भ्रष्ट
आकाश पतित = आकाश से पतित
शोकाकुल = शोक से आकुल
मार्गभ्रष्ट = मार्ग से भ्रष्ट
पदच्युत = पद से च्युत
देशनिकाला = देश से निकालना
ऋणमुक्त = ऋण से मुक्त
कामचोर = काम से जी चुराने वाला
देश निर्वासित – देश से निर्वासित
आकाशवाणी = आकाश से आगत वाणी
बंधनमुक्त = बंधन से मुक्त
धर्मपतित = धर्म से पतित
धर्म विमुख = धर्म से विमुख
लक्ष्यभ्रष्ट = लक्ष्य से भ्रष्ट
मदोन्मत्त = मद से उन्मत्त
जन्मांध = जन्म से अंधा
बलहीन = बल से हीन
धनहीन = धन से हीन।
शोक-मुक्त = शोक से मुक्त
विद्याविहीन = विद्या से विहीन
राज्य निकासी = राज्य से निकासी

(ङ) संबंध तत्पुरुष

जिस तत्पुरुष समास में संबंध कारक की विभक्ति (का, के, की) का लोप हो जाता है, उसे संबंध तत्पुरुष कहते हैं। जैसे-
देशवासी = देश का वासी
आज्ञानुसार = आज्ञा के अनुसार
जीवनसाथी = जीवन का साथी
भ्रातृस्नेह = भ्रातृ का स्नेह
भूदान = भू का दान
राजमाता = राजा की माता
पुस्तकालय = पुस्तक का आलय
परनिंदा = पर (दूसरों) की निंदा
अमृतधारा = अमृत की धारा
गंगाजल = गंगा का जल
राजनीतिज्ञ = राजनीति का ज्ञाता
भारतरत्न = भारत का रत्न
करोडपति = करोडों का पति
मृत्युदंड = मृत्यु का दंड
दिनचर्या = दिन की चर्या
राजसभा = राजा की सभा
जलप्रवाह = जल का प्रवाह
लोकसभा = लोक की सभा
मृगशावक = मृग का शावक
चायबागान = चाय के बगीचे
वज्रपात = वज्र का पात
वाचस्पति = वाचः (वाणी) का पति
घुड़दौड़ = घोड़ों की दौड़
विद्याभ्यासी = विद्या का अभ्यासी
लखपति = लाखों (रुपये) का पति
रामाश्रय = राम का आश्रय
राजरानी = राजा की रानी
अछूतोद्वार = अछूतों का उद्धार
काव्य-सौंदर्य = काव्य का सौंदर्य
वधू-प्रवेश = वधू का प्रवेश
स्वाधीनता संग्राम = स्वाधीनता का संग्राम
लेखन-शैली = लेखन की शैली
स्वार्थ सिद्धि = स्वार्थ की सिद्धि
सरताज = सर का ताज।
परहित = दूसरे का हित
ग्रामदेवी = ग्राम की देवी
उषाकाल = उषा का काल / समय
नक्षत्र-मंडल = नक्षत्र का मंडल
सेवाधर्म = सेवा का धर्म
इच्छानुसार = इच्छा के अनुसार
धर्माचार्य = धर्म का आचार्य
बौद्ध विहार = बौद्धों का विहार
महिषकुल = महिष का कुल
सेनानायक = सेना का नायक
देवस्थान = देव का स्थान
ब्राह्मण पुत्र = ब्राह्मण का पुत्र
अमचूर = आम का चूर
विचाराधीन = विचार के अधीन
बैलगाड़ी = बैलों की गाड़ी
देवालय = देवों का आलय
वनमानुष = वन का मानुष
लक्ष्मीपति = लक्ष्मी का पति
दीनानाथ = दीनों के नाथ
रामानुज = राम का अनुज
रामकहानी = राम की कहानी
पराधीन = पर (अन्य) का अधीन
रेलकुली = रेल का कुली
सेनापति = सेना का पति
पितृगृह = पिता का घर
पवनपुत्र = पवन का पुत्र
राष्ट्रपति = राष्ट्र का पति
राजकुमार = राजा का कुमार

(च) अधिकरण तत्पुरुष

जिस तत्पुरुष समास में अधिकरण कारक की विभक्ति (में, पर) का लोप हो जाता है। जैसे-
कार्यकुशल = कार्य में कुशल
जगबीती = जग पर बीती
डिब्बाबंद = डिब्बे में बंद
धर्मवीर = धर्म में वीर
पुरुषोत्तम = पुरुषों में उत्तम
विद्याप्रवीण = विद्या में प्रवीण
सिरदर्द = सिर में दर्द
देशाटन = देशों में अटन
दानवीर = दान (देने) में वीर
वनवास = वन में वास
कविशिरोमणि = कवियों में शिरोमणि
कविश्रेष्ठ = कवियों में श्रेष्ठ
आत्मविश्वास = आत्म (स्वयं) पर विश्वास
आनंदमग्न = आनंद में मग्न
आपबीती = अपने पर बीती
गृहप्रवेश = गृह में प्रवेश
घुड़सवार = घोड़े पर सवार
शरणागत = शरण में आगत
कानाफूसी = कानों में फुसफुसाहट
हरफनमौला = हरफ़न में मौला
कलाप्रवीण = कला में प्रवीण
युद्धवीर = युद्ध में वीर
शोकमग्न = शोक में मग्न
नरोत्तम . = नरों में उत्तम
नगरवास = नगर में वास
लोकप्रिय = लोक में प्रिय
सर्वश्रेष्ठ = सर्व / सभी में श्रेष्ठ
जलमग्न = जल में मग्न
कुलश्रेष्ठ = कुल में श्रेष्ठ
ग्रामवास = ग्राम में वास
ध्यानमग्न = ध्यान में मग्न
कर्मवीर . = कर्म में वीर

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran समास

(घ) मध्यमपद लोपी तत्पुरुष समास

जिस तत्पुरुष समास में विभक्ति चिह्न के अतिरिक्त कुछ मध्य के पद भी लुप्त हो जाते हैं उसे मध्यमपद लोपी तत्पुरुष समास कहते हैं-
पैदलपथ = पैदल चलने वालों के लिए पथ
बैलगाड़ी = बैलों के द्वारा खींची जाने वाली गाड़ी
सवारी गाड़ी = सवारियों को ले जाने वाली गाड़ी
आत्मानंद = आत्मा को आनंद देने वाला
मधुमक्खी = मधु एकत्र करने वाली मक्खी
शौर्यचक्र = शौर्य के लिए मिलने वाला चक्र
वायुयान = वायु में चलने वाला यान
जलयान = जल में चलने वाला यान
मालगाड़ी = माल ढोने वाली गाड़ी
अश्रुगैस = आँसू लाने वाली गैस
परमवीर चक्र = परमवीर को मिलने वाला चक्र
विजयरथ = विजय दिलाने वाला रथ।

इनके अतिरिक्त तत्पुरुष के तीन अन्य भेद और भी माने जाते हैं-
(i) नञ् तत्पुरुष निषेध या अभाव के अर्थ में किसी शब्द से पूर्व ‘अ’ या ‘अन्’ लगाने से जो समास बनता है, उसे नञ् तत्पुरुष समास कहते हैं। जैसे-
अहित = न हित
अपूर्ण = न पूर्ण
असंभव = न संभव
अनुदार = न उदार
अनाश्रित = न आश्रित
अनिष्ट = न इष्ट
अनाचार = न आचार
नास्तिक = न आस्तिक
अन्याय = न न्याय
अज्ञान = न ज्ञान
अनादि = न आदि
अकर्मण्य = न कर्मण्य
अनंत = न अंत
अनाथ = न नाथ
अयोग्य = न योग्य
अमर = न मर
अनश्वर = न नश्वर
अनादर = न आदर
अनदेखी = न देखी
अनहोनी = न होनी
अधीर = न धीर
अजर = न जर
अनिच्छा = न इच्छा
अनसुनी = न सुनी
अपरिचित = न परिचित
नीरस = न रस
अनर्थ = न अर्थ
अनजान = न जान
अनावश्यक = न आवश्यक
अज्ञात = न ज्ञात
अभाव = न भाव
अशिष्ट = न शिष्ट
अस्थिर = न स्थिर
अनुपस्थित = न उपस्थित
अजन्मा = न जन्मा
अधर्म = न धर्म

(क) प्रायः संस्कृत शब्दों में जिस शब्द के आदि में व्यंजन होता है, तो ‘न’ समास में उस शब्द से पूर्व ‘अ’ जुड़ता है और यदि शब्द के आदि में स्वर होता है, तो उससे पूर्व ‘अन्’ जुड़ता है। जैसे-
अन् + अन्य = अनन्य
अन् + उत्तीर्ण = अनुत्तीर्ण
अ + वांछित = अवांछित
अ + स्थिर = अस्थिर।

(ख) किंतु उक्त नियम प्रायः तत्सम शब्दों पर ही लागू होता है, हिंदी शब्दों पर नहीं। हिंदी में सर्वत्र ऐसा नहीं होता। जैसे-
अन + चाहा = अनचाहा
अ + काज = अकाज
अन + होनी = अनहोनी
अन + बन = अनबन
अ + न्याय = अन्याय
अन + देखा = अनदेखा
अ + टूट = अटूट
अ + सुंदर = असुंदर।

(ग) हिंदी और संस्कृत शब्दों के अतिरिक्त ‘गैर’ और ‘ना’ वाले शब्द भी ‘नन्’ तत्पुरुष के अंतर्गत आ जाते हैं। जैसे-
नागवार = नापसंद
गैरहाजिर = नाबालिग
नालायक = गैरवाज़िब

(ii) अलुक् तत्पुरुष
जिस तत्पुरुष समास में पहले पद की विभक्ति का लोप नहीं होता, उसे ‘अलुक्’ समास कहते हैं। जैसे-

मनसिज = मन में उत्पन्न
युधिष्ठिर = युद्ध में स्थिर
वाचस्पति = वाणी का पति
धनंजय = धन को जय करने वाला
विश्वंभर = विश्व को भरने वाला
खेचर = आकाश में विचरने वाला

(iii) उपपद तत्पुरुष
जिस तत्पुरुष समास का स्वतंत्र रूप में प्रयोग नहीं किया जा सकता, ऐसे सामासिक शब्दों को ‘उपपद’ तत्पुरुष समास कहते हैं। जैसे-जलज = जल + ज (‘ज’ का अर्थ उत्पन्न अर्थात पैदा होने वाला है, पर इस शब्द का अलग से प्रयोग नहीं किया जा सकता है।)

तटस्थ तट + स्थ
गृहस्थ = गृह + स्थ
पंकज = पंक + ज
जलद = जल + द
कृतघ्न = कृत + घ्न
उरग = उर + ग
तिलचट्टा = तिल + चट्टा
लकड़फोड़ = लकड़ + फोड़
बटमार = बट + मार
घरघुसा = घर + घुसा
पनडुब्बी = पन + डुब्बी
घुड़चढ़ी = घुड़ + चढ़ी
कलमतराश = कलम + तराश
सौदागर = सौदा + गर
गरीबनवाज़ = गरीब + नवाज़
चोबदार = चोब + दार।

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran समास

3. कर्मधारय समास

जिस समास के दोनों पदों के बीच विशेष्य-विशेषण अथवा उपमेय-उपमान का संबंध हो और दोनों पदों में एक ही कारक (कर्ता कारक) की विभक्ति आए, उसे कर्मधारय समास कहते हैं। जैसे-
अंधकूप = अंधा है जो कूप
प्रधानाध्यापक = प्रधान है जो अध्यापक
अश्रु गैस = अश्रु को लाने वाली गैस
लाल टोपी = लाल है जो टोपी
परमानंद = परम है जो आनंद
श्वेतांबर = श्वेत है जो अंबर
समास सद्धर्म = सत् है जो धर्म
नरसिंह = सिंह रूपी नर
प्राणप्रिय = प्राणों के समान प्रिय
भुजदंड = दंड के समान भुजा
स्त्रीरत्न = स्त्री रूपी रत्न
ग्रंथ रत्न = ग्रंथ रूपी रत्न
नीलकमल = नीला है जो कमल
चंद्रमुख = चंद्र के समान है जो मुख
लालमिर्च = लाल है जो मिर्च
पुरुषसिंह = सिंह के समान है जो पुरुष
पुरुषोत्तम = पुरुषों में है जो उत्तम
नीलकंठ = नीला है जो कंठ
महाराजा = महान है जो राजा
महादेव = महान है जो देव
सज्जन = सत् (अच्छा) है जो जन
बुद्धिबल = बुद्धिरूपी बल
भलामानस = भला है जो मानस (मनुष्य)।
गुरुदेव = गुरु रूपी देव
सद्गुण = सद् (अच्छे) हैं जो गुण
करपल्लव = पल्लव रूपी कर
शुभागमन = शुभ है जो आगमन
कमलनयन = कमल के समान नयन
नीलांबर = नीला है जो अंबर
कनकलता = कनक की-सी लता
महाविद्यालय = महान है जो विद्यालय
मृगनयन = मृग के नयन के समान नयन
कालापानी = काला है जो पानी
कुसुमकोमल = कुसुम के समान कोमल
चरणकमल = कमल रूपी चरण
सिंहनाद = सिंह के नाद के समान नाद
प्राणप्रिय = प्राणों के समान प्रिय जन्मांतर
अंतर = (अन्य) जन्म
वज्रदेह = वज्र के समान देह
नराधम = अधम है जो नर
विद्याधन = विद्या रूपी धन
दीनदयालु = दीनों पर है जो
दयालु = देहलता देह रूपी लता
मुनिवर = मुनियों में है जो श्रेष्ठ
घनश्याम = घन के समान श्याम
मानवोचित = मानवों के लिए है जो उचित
कालीमिर्च = काली है जो मिर्च
पुरुषरत्न = पुरुषों में है जो रत्न
महारानी = महान है जो रानी
घृतान्न = घृत में मिला हुआ अन्न
नीलगाय = नीली है जो गाय
पर्णशाला = पर्ण (पत्तों से) निर्मित शाला
करकमल = कमल के समान कर
छायातरु = छाया प्रधान तरु
मुखचंद्र = मुख रूपी चंद्र
वनमानुष = वन में निवास करने वाला मानुष
देहलता = देह रूपी लता
गुरुभाई = गुरु के संबंध से भाई
भवसागर = भव रूपी सागर
बैलगाड़ी = बैलों से खींची जाने वाली गाड़ी
पीतांबर = पीत है जो अंबर
दहीबड़ा = दही में डूबा हुआ बड़ा
मालगाड़ी = माल ले जाने वाली गाड़ी
जेबघड़ी = जेब में रखी जाने वाली घड़ी
गुडंबा = गुड़ से पकाया हुआ आम
पनचक्की = पानी से चलने वाली चक्की

4. द्विगु समास

जिस समास में पहला पद संख्यावाचक (गिनती बनाने वाला) हो, दोनों पदों के बीच विशेषण-विशेष्य संबंध हो और समस्त पद समूह या समाहार का ज्ञान कराए, उसे द्विगु समास कहते हैं। जैसे-
अष्टसिद्धि = आठ सिद्धियों का समाहार
चवन्नी = चार आनों का समाहार
दोराहा = दो राहों का समाहार
द्विगु = दो गौओं का समाहार
पंचतंत्र = पंच तंत्रों का समाहार
पंजाब = पाँच आबों का समाहार

5. द्वंद्व समास

जिस समस्त पद के दोनों पद प्रधान हों तथा विग्रह (अलग-अलग) करने पर दोनों पदों के बीच ‘और’, ‘तथा’, ‘अथवा’, ‘या’ योजक शब्द लगें उसे द्वंद्व समास कहते हैं। जैसे-
अन्न-जल = अन्न और जल
अंदर-बाहर = अंदर और बाहर
पाप-पुण्य = पाप और पुण्य
नदी-नाले = नदी और नाले
धर्माधर्म = धर्म और अधर्म
रुपया-पैसा = रुपया और पैसा

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran समास

6. बहुव्रीहि समास

जिस समाज का कोई भी पद प्रदान नहीं होता और दोनों पद मिलकर किसी अन्य शब्द (संज्ञा) के विशेषण होते हैं, उसे ‘बहुव्रीहि समास’ कहते हैं। जैसे-
चक्रधर = चक्र को धारण करने वाला अर्थात् विष्णु
गजानन = गज के समान आनन (मुख) है जिसका अर्थात् गणेश
बारहसिंगा = बारह हैं सींग जिसके ऐसा मृग विशेष
पीतांबर = पीत (पीले) अंबर (वस्त्र) हैं जिसके अर्थात् ‘कृष्ण’
चंद्रशेखर = चंद्र है शेखर (मस्तक) पर जिसके अर्थात् ‘शिव’
नीलकंठ = नीला है कंठ जिसका अर्थात् शिव

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran विशेषण-निर्माण

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class Hindi Book Solutions Hindi Grammar visheshan nirman विशेषण-निर्माण Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Grammar विशेषण-निर्माण

निम्नलिखित शब्दों के विशेषण बनाइए:
PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran विशेषण-निर्माण 1
PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran विशेषण-निर्माण 2

प्रश्न 1.
इतिहास का विशेषण है
(क) इतिहासीय
(ख) ऐतिहासिक
(ग) इतिहासिक
(घ) ऐतिहासु।
(ख) ऐतिहासिक

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran विशेषण-निर्माण

प्रश्न 2.
घर का विशेषण है
(क) घरेलू
(ख) घरीय
(ग) घरीला
(घ) घरेस्वी।
(क) घरेलू

प्रश्न 3.
परिवार का विशेषण है
(क) परिवारी
(ख) परिवारू
(ग) पारिवारिक
(घ) परिवारीय।
(ग) पारिवारिक

प्रश्न 4.
राष्ट्र का विशेषण है
(क) राष्ट्रीय
(ख) राष्ट्र
(ग) राष्ट्रिकता
(घ) राष्ट्रपन।
(क) राष्ट्रीय

प्रश्न 5.
हृदय का विशेषण है,
(क) हृदयी
(ख) हार्दिय
(ग) हार्दिक
(घ) हार्दित।
(ग) हार्दिक

प्रश्न 6.
नगर का विशेषण है
(क) नागर
(ख) नागरिक
(ग) नागर्कि
(घ) नागार्कयी।
(ख) नागरिक

प्रश्न 7.
जिज्ञासा का विशेषण जिज्ञासु है (हाँ या नहीं में उत्तर लिखें)
प्रश्न 8.
भारत का विशेषण भारतीय है। (सही या गलत में उत्तर लिखें)

प्रश्न 9.
प्रकृति का विशेषण परकृतिय है (हाँ या नहीं में उत्तर लिखें)

प्रश्न 10.
साहित्य का विशेषण साहित्यिक है (सही या गलत में उत्तर लिखें)

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran विशेषण-निर्माण

निम्नलिखित में से किसी एक शब्द का विशेषण लिखिए
1. बाहर, पंजाब।
बाहर = बाहरी
पंजाब = पंजाबी।

2. दिन, धन।
दिन = दैनिक
धन = धनवान, धनवती।

3. बुद्धि, शहर।
बुद्धि = बुद्धिमान
शहर = शहरी।

1. रंग, खामोश
रंग = रंगीला
खामोश = खामोशी।

2. सप्ताह, ज्ञान
सप्ताह = साप्ताहिक
ज्ञान = ज्ञानी/ज्ञानवान।

3. व्यापार, हित
व्यापार = व्यापारिक
हित = हितवती/हितैषी।

प्रश्न 1.
विशेषण किसे कहते हैं?
जिन शब्दों से संज्ञा या सर्वनाम की विशेषता व्यक्त होती है, उन्हें विशेषण कहते हैं; जैसेभोली राधा चतुर कृष्ण की बातों में आ गई। इस वाक्य में भोली राधा का तथा चतुर कृष्ण का विशेषण है।

प्रश्न 2.
मूल रूप से कौन-से शब्द विशेषण हैं?
मूल रूप से विशेषण शब्द अच्छा, कोमल, बुरा, लाल, पीला, विद्वान, पुराना, कठोर, नया, निपुण, मज़बूत आदि हैं।

प्रश्न 3.
विशेषणों का निर्माण कैसे होता है?
विशेषणों का निर्माण संज्ञा, सर्वनाम, क्रिया तथा अव्यय शब्दों में प्रत्यय लगाकर तथा कहीं-कहीं कुछ आवश्यक परिवर्तन करके किया जाता है; जैसे-

  1. संज्ञा शब्द ‘पालन’ में ‘अक’ प्रत्यय लगाकर तथा अंतिम वर्ण को हटाकर विशेषण शब्द ‘पालक’ बनता है।
  2. सर्वनाम शब्द ‘वह’ में ‘सा’ प्रत्यय लगाने से विशेषण शब्द ‘वैसा’ बनता है।
  3. क्रिया शब्द ‘पढ़ना’ में ‘आक् प्रत्यय लगाने तथा अंतिम ‘ना’ हटाने से विशेषण शब्द ‘पढ़ाकू’ बनता है।
  4. अव्यय शब्द ‘भीतर’ में ‘ई’ प्रत्यय लगाने से विशेषण शब्द ‘भीतरी’ बनता है।

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran विशेषण-निर्माण

प्रश्न 4.
संज्ञा शब्दों से विशेषण शब्दों का निर्माण कीजिए।
संज्ञा शब्द से विशेषण शब्द का निर्माण
PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran विशेषण-निर्माण 3
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PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran विशेषण-निर्माण

प्रश्न 5.
सर्वनाम शब्दों से विशेषण शब्दों का निर्माण कीजिए।
सर्वनाम शब्द से विशेषण शब्द निर्माण
PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran विशेषण-निर्माण 6

प्रश्न 6.
क्रिया शब्दों से विशेषण शब्दों का निर्माण कीजिए।
क्रिया शब्द से विशेषण शब्द निर्माण
PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran विशेषण-निर्माण 7

प्रश्न 7.
अव्यय शब्दों से विशेषण शब्दों का निर्माण कीजिए।
अव्यय शब्द से विशेषण शब्द निर्माण
PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran विशेषण-निर्माण 8

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Idioms

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class English Book Solutions English Vocabulary Idioms Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Idioms

I. Use the following idioms in sentences of your own :

1. Off and on
2. In the air
3. To come to light
4. Call it a day
5. In a nutshell
6. Early bird
7. To go to the dogs
8. Cry wolf
9. Down to earth
10. To end in smoke
11. Tooth and nail
12. Hat-trick
1. Off and on– Our principal addresses the students off and on
2. In the air — Corruption is in the air all over the country.
3. To come to light – Many strange facts came to light during course of enquiry.
4. Call it a day — It is very late now; we should call it a day.
5. In a nutshell – He explained everything to me in a nutshell.
6. Early bird — He is an early bird. He goes for a morning walk every day.
7. To go to the dogs — Without discipline, any organisation go to the dogs.
8. Cry wolf — Do not trust him. He is in the habit of crying wolf.
9. Down to earth — His down to earth proposal attracted immediate attention.
10. To end in smoke — All my efforts to reform him have ended in smoke
11. Tooth and nail — We shall oppose corruption tooth and nails
12. Hat-trick — Which Indian bowler performed a Hat-trick m the last World Cup?

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Idioms

II. Match the idioms in column A with their meanings in column B :

A — B
1. hard and fast — (a) in detail
2. ill at ease — (b) to happen
3. go up in flames — (c) to bribe
4. to lose face — (d) to blame
5. to foot the bill — (e) rigid
6. to find fault with — (f) uncomfortable
7. to grease the palm — (g) to pay the bill
8. to come to pass — (h) to be destroyed
9. on the cards — to lose prestige
10. at length : — (j) probable
1. — (e) 2. — (f) 3. — (h) 4. – (i) 5. — (g) 6. — (d) 7. —(C) 8. — (b) 9. (j) 10. — (a)

शब्दों के ऐसे समूह को idiom या मुहावरा कहा जाता है जिसका अर्थ उसके अलग-अलग शब्दों से स्पष्ट न हो, अपितु पूरे समूह को ही याद करना और उसके अर्थ को जानना होता हो। इस तरह के कुछ शब्द – समूह (idioms) नीचे दिए जा रहे है

1. Above board
This shopkeeper is above board in his dealings.

2. Adam’s ale
Adam’s ale is very necessary for good health.

3. An eyewash
This enquiry is only an eyewash; nothing will come out of it.

4. At par
Death treats the rich and the poor at par.

5. In the air
Terrorism is in the air all over the world.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Idioms

6. All in all
Our father is all in all in our family.

7. At a discount
They are selling everything at a discount.

8. Apple of one’s eye
The only son was the apple of his parents’ eye.

9. Apple of discord
Kashmir has become an apple of discord between India and Pakistan.

10. All Greek
He spoke in English which was all Greek to the villagers.

11. At a stretch
She can speak for hours at a stretch. At a low
Morality is at a low ebb these days.

13. As easy as ABC
Mathematics for me is not difficult. It is as easy as ABC.

14. Again and again
I have warned him again and again, but he does not care.

15. All of a sudden
He got up all of a sudden and left the room.

16. At large
Her killer is still at large.

17. At length
He talked about his problem at length.

18. Behind one’s back
You should not abuse him behind his back.

19. A bed of roses
Life is not a bed of roses for the poor.

20. Borrowed plums
Borrowed plums don’t make one rich in the real sense.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Idioms

21. Blue blood
Princess Diana was never proud of her blue blood.

22. A bosom friend
Is he your bosom friend ?

23. To beat about the bush
Do not beat about the bush; come to the point.

24. By virtue of
She got the job by virtue of her greater experience.

25. By leaps and bounds
Our school is progressing by leaps and bounds under the present principal.

26. On the cards
It is on the cards that Indian cricket team will win the World Cup this time.

27. To carry the day
Indian team carried the day against Pakistani team.

28. A cat and dog life
He has been living a cat and dog life with his wife.

29. To call a spade a spade
I have no fear and always call a spade a spade.

30. A clean state
After her divorce she started her life with a clean state.

31. A close shave
They had a close shave in the car accident last night.

32. A cock and bull story
He made up a cock and bull story for being absent.

33. To come to light
During the enquiry, many new facts have come to light.

34. To come to pass
All that you told me has come to pass.

35. Crocodile tears
The wicked wife shed crocodile tears over the death of her husband.

36. Call it a day
After playing for his country for ten years, he decided to call it a day.

37. Call the shots
It is the manager who calls the shots in our company.

38. Charity begins at home
For all politicians these days, charity begins at home.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Idioms

39. Clear the deck
The Principal asked the students to clear the deck for the welcome of the Chief Guest at the Annual Function of the school.

40. Close-fisted person
He is a close-fisted person and won’t give you any money.

41. Coin money
He is coining money from his new business.

42. Cut one’s coat according to one’s cloth
If you don’t want to get into debt, always cut your coat according to your cloth.

43. Dark horse
The lean and thin boy proved a dark horse when he won the long-distance race.

44. To go to the dogs
His business has gone to the dogs and his family is starving.

45. Down to earth
My approach to life is always down to earth.

46. A dead language
Sanskrit is now a dead language.

47. Die by inches
The poor old man died by inches.

48. Do a good turn
Try to do a good turn every day.

49. To give ear
Give ear to what I am saying.

50. To make both ends meet
It is very difficult for the poor to make both ends meet these days.

51. To end in smoke
All my efforts to reform him have ended in smoke.

52. An eye-opener
You should take your failure as an eye-opener.

53. Now start working hard. Early bird
She is an early bird and goes for a morning walk.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Idioms

54. To lose face
As a result of his mistakes, he has lost face in his office.

55. To save face
She was dismissed, but she saved face by telling everyone that she had resigned.

56. Face-to-face
I came face-to-face with a burglar when I opened the door of my house.

57. To find fault with
We should not find fault with others.

58. With flying colours
Those who work hard always come off with flying colours in their exams.

59. To foot the bill
Who will foot the bill of this party ?

60. Tooth and nail
We shall oppose the new taxes tooth and nail.

61. To gain ground
Madhuri is gaining ground in her popularity day-by-day.

62. To throw out of gear
Life was thrown out of gear because of the floods.

63. To grind one’s teeth
She grinds her teeth when she is asleep.

64. To grease the palm
In India, you can have anything done by greasing the palm.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Idioms

65. Go up in flames
The whole house went up in flames with a cracker.

66. A hen-pecked husband
He is a hen-pecked husband; his wife leads him by the nose.

67. A Herculean task
It is a Herculean task to bring up one’s children these days.

68. To lay hands on
No one can dare to lay hands on our soil.

69. To take heart
He took heart, tried again, and was successful.

70. To take to one’s heels
On seeing the policeman, the thief took to his heels.

71. Hard and fast
There are no hard and fast rules of reading a book.

72. To hush up
The minister tried to hush up the bad acts of his son.

73. Ins and outs
He quickly learnt all the ins and outs of his father’s business.

74. Ill at ease
Phatik felt ill at ease at his uncle’s house.

75. To keep an eye on
We requested our neighbours to keep an eye on our house while we were away.

76. To look sharp
Look sharp, or you will miss the train.

77. In a nutshell
Tell me the whole story in a nutshell.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Idioms

78. To cry over spilt milk
It is no use crying over spilt milk.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Pairs of Words Generally Confused

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class English Book Solutions English Vocabulary Pairs of Words Generally Confused Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Pairs of Words Generally Confused

Choose the correct word for each blank.

1. He went for a walk in the ………..(wood, woods)
2. She always ……………. good clothes. (wares, wears)
3. Please …………… here for some time. (wait, weight)
4. Bad …………….. of drugs was soon felt. (affect, effect)
5. He was set free on …………….. (bale, bail)
6. Can you ……………… this stick ? (break, brake)
7. ……. off your old shoes. (Caste, Cast)
8. Lata is my ………………. friend.(dear, deer)
9. He does not …… good clothes (wear, ware)
10. The child wanted me to tell a …………(tail, tale)
11. I …………….. whose house is this ! (wander, wonder)
12. He felt .. ……………. after illness. (weak, week)
13. Do not go out in bad ……. (weather, whether)
14. She gave …………….. to a baby girl. (birth, berth)
15. He noted it down in his (diary, dairy)
16. He is opening the garden …………… (gate, gait)
17. If a man is not …………….. he can hardly expect to succeed. (industrious, industrial)
18. He fell a ………………. to disease. (pray, prey)
19. Newton formulated the …………… of gravitation.(principal, principle)
20. He wanted to …………….. an educated girl. (marry, merry)
21. Make a list of all the ……………… members in our staff. (male, mail)
22. She never lost her …………… (tamper, temper)
23. ……………… out the damp clothes. (Ring, Wring)
24. He is in the ……………… of smoking after meals. (custom, habit)
25. Do not ……………… in the class. (doze, dose)
1. woods
2. wears
3. wait
4. effect
5. bail
6. break
7. Cast
8. dear
9. wear
10. tale
11. wonder
12. weak
13. weather
14. birth
15. diary
16. gate
17. industrious
18. prey
19. principle
20. marry
21. male
22. temper
23. Wring
24. habit
25. doze.

 PSEB 10th Class English Pairs of Words Generally Confused

अंग्रेजी भाषा के कुछ शब्द प्रायः विद्यार्थियों के मन में उलझन पैदा कर देते हैं क्योंकि कई बार वे बोलने में एक जैसे प्रतीत होते हैं, किन्तु उनके अर्थ एक-दूसरे से बहुत भिन्न होते हैं। इस तरह के शब्दों के अर्थ और उनके प्रयोग विद्यार्थियों को अच्छी तरह से समझ लेने चाहिएं। ऐसे कुछ उदाहरण प्रयोग सहित नीचे दिए जा रहे हैं।

1. Accept – He accepted my offer.
Except – All except Mohan were present.

2. Alter – Don’t alter your decision now.
Altar – He bowed his head at the altar.

3. Adapt – You should adapt yourself to new system.
Adopt – Rajni says she will adopt this child.
Adept – She is adept in painting.

4. Access – I have no access to the minister.
Excess – Excess of everything is bad.

5. Advise – He advised me to work hard.
Advice – I shall follow your advice.

6. Angle – Make an angle of 30°.
Angel – Gandhiji was an angel of peace.

7. Incident – It was a sad incident of my life.
Accident – He was killed in a bus accident.

8. Amiable – She has an amiable nature.
Amicable – They reached an amicable settlement.

 PSEB 10th Class English Pairs of Words Generally Confused

9. Affect – Overwork affected her health.
Effect – My advice had no effect on him.

10. Artisan – A blacksmith is an artisan.
Artist – A singer is an artist.

11. Bail – He was released on bail.
Bale – I bought two bales of cotton.

12. Bare – Don’t walk around in bare feet.
Bear  – I can’t bear this insult.

13. Battle – Our army won the battle.
War – The world is living in the fear of war.

14. Born – When were you born?
Borne – I have borne many difficulties.

15. Bridal – She has gone for bridal make-up.
Bridle – Can you bridle this horse?

16. Birth – What is your date of birth?
Berth – I got a berth in the train.

17. Break – You shouldn’t break the rules.
Brake – The brakes of my bike don’t work.

18. Canon – It is against the canons of morality.
Cannon – He was killed by a cannon ball.

19. Canvas – He is good at canvas painting.
Canvass – He was canvassing for votes.

20. Carrier – My bicycle has no carrier.
Career – He was successful in his career.

21. Cast – Cast off your old dress.
Caste – He is a Brahmin by caste.

 PSEB 10th Class English Pairs of Words Generally Confused

22. Childish – I don’t like her childish ways.
Childlike – Your childlike simplicity is in fact your beauty.

23. Cite – He cited an example to prove his point.
Site – This site is good for a factory.
Sight – The sight of the hills was very lovely.

24. Cord – I want a piece of cord to hang this picture.
Chord – A chord joins two points on a circle.

25. Course – The question paper was out of course.
Coarse – This cloth is very coarse.

26. Custom – The dowry is a bad custom.
Habit – Smoking is a bad habit.

27. Check – The teacher checked my homework:
Cheque – I gave her a cheque for one thousand rupees.

28. Council – He is a member of the students council.
Counsel – Listen to the counsel of your elders.

29. Dear – Arun is my dear friend.
Deer – A deer can run very fast.

30. Dose – Take your dose of medicine.
Doze – He was dozing in the class.

31. Discover – America was discovered by Columbus.
Invent – Who invented telephone?

32. Disease – Is Diabetes not a serious disease?
Decease – After her father’s decease, she joined the family business.

33. Drown – The boy was drowned in the river.
Sink – The boat sank in the flooded river.

34. Due – This loss was due to your carelessness.
Dew – The dew drops looked very beautiful.

 PSEB 10th Class English Pairs of Words Generally Confused

35. Dying – The old man was dying.
Dyeing – He has a dyeing factory

36. Diary – Diary writing is a good habit.
Dairy – We buy milk from a dairy.

37. Envelop – He was enveloped blanket.
Envelope – She received a letter with a torn envelope.

38. Fair – Our prices are always fair.
Fare – Children travel half fare.

39. Feet – I have pain in my feet.
Feat – The magician showed us many feats.

40. Farther – I am tired and can’t go any farther.
Further – Have you any further questions?

41. Flour – The bread is made of flour.
Floor – There was a carpet on the floor.

42. Fore – There was fire in the fore part of the ship.
Four – Two and two make four.

43. Foul – Never play a foul game.
Fowl – The goose is a water fowl.

44. Forth – They set forth at dawn.
Fourth – She got the fourth position.

45. Farm – Mr. Gill has a very big farm.
Form – Please help me fill in this form.

46. Gate – This big building has an iron gate.
Gait – She has a lovely gait.

47. Goal – What is your goal in life?
Gaol – The thief was sent to gaol.

48. Hail – He hails from Delhi.
Hale – He looked hale and hearty.

49. Heel – I have pain in my left heel.
Heal – Your wound will take time to heal.

50. Human – To err is human.
Humane – She has a very humane nature.

51. Hair – She has very long hair.
Hare – The hare can run very fast.

 PSEB 10th Class English Pairs of Words Generally Confused

52. Idle – Don’t sit idle…
Idol – Sachin is the idol of many cricket lovers.

53. Industrial – Ludhiana is an industrial town.
Industrious – Punjabis are industrious people.

54. Loose – I like loose clothes.
Lose – Be brave and don’t lose heart.

55. Lesson – I have learnt my lesson.
Lessen – This tablet will lessen your pain.

56. Loin – Let us gird up our loins.
Lion – He is as brave as a lion.

57. Liar – He is a liar by nature.
Lawyer – His father is a lawyer.

58. Mail – I received a letter by mail.
Male – She has one male child.

59. Miner – Seven miners were killed in the accident.
Minor – It is not a minor mistake.

60. Merry – Eat, drink and be merry.
Marry – She doesn’t want to marry.

61. Meet – I meet him almost daily.
Meat – I do not eat meat.

 PSEB 10th Class English Pairs of Words Generally Confused

62. Pail – The pail is full of water.
Pale – She turned pale at the sight of a thief in the house.

63. Pain – I have pain in my head.
Pane – Who has broken the window-pane ?

64. Pair – I have bought a pair of shoes.
Pare – Pare your nails.

65. Piece – I gave him a piece of bread.
Peace – We want to live in peace.

66. Practice – Practice makes a man perfect.
Practise – You should practise every day.

67. Quite – I am feeling quite well today,
Quiet – Keep quiet, please.

68. Pray – I pray to God daily.
Prey – The lion is a beast of prey.

69. Principal – The principal of our school is a gentle person.
Principle – He is a man of high principles.

70. Right – He is right in saying this.
Rite – Old rites must go now.
Write – She writes to me off and on.

71. Route – We took the shortest route.
Rout – The enemy was put to rout.

 PSEB 10th Class English Pairs of Words Generally Confused

72. Role – She played her role nicely.
Roll – The teacher took the roll.

73. Ring – She was wearing a gold ring.
Wring – Wring out the towel, please.

74. Sale – This house is for sale.
Sail – The ship was in full sail.

75. Sore – My eyes are sore.
Sour – These grapes are sour.
Soar – Prices are soaring these days.

76. Soul – The soul is immortal.
Sole – The sole of my shoe needs mending.

77. Stationary – The sun is stationary.
Stationery – He deals in stationery.

78. Steal – Knowledge is a thing that none can steal.
Steel – The knife is made of steel.

79. Story – He told us a false story.
Storey – This house has three storeys.

80. Son – His son is a doctor.
Sun – The sun gives us light and heat.

 PSEB 10th Class English Pairs of Words Generally Confused

81. Tail – A monkey has a long tail.
Tale – She related her sad tale.

82. Their – They have finished their work.
There – We waited there for an hour.

83. Throne – The king was sitting on his throne.
Thrown – Rotten eggs were thrown away.

84. Tamper – Someone has tampered with my books.
Temper – Do not lose your temper.

85. Vacation – We went to Shimla during the summer vacation.
Vocation – Nursing is a noble vocation.

86. Waste – Don’t waste your time. e
Waist – I have pain in my waist.

87. Weak – The old man was too weak to walk.
Week – He is coming here next week.

88. Wonder – I wonder what he wants.
Wander – He keeps wandering all day.

89. Whet – Hard work whets the appetite.
Wet – Don’t wear these wet clothes.

90. Weather – The weather was fine on the hills.
Whether – I want to know whether he will come.

91. Weight – What is your weight ?
Wait – I had to wait for a long time.

92. Ware – He goes from street to street selling his wares.
Wear – She loves to wear loose clothes.

 PSEB 10th Class English Pairs of Words Generally Confused

93. Wood – This chair is made of wood.
Woods – He left home and went to live in the woods.

94. Which – Which class are you in ?
Witch – I don’t believe in ghosts and witches.

PSEB 10th Class English Grammar Punctuation

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class English Book Solutions English Grammar Punctuation Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 10th Class English Grammar Punctuation

Note : A complete Answer Key has been given at the end of the exercises. Punctuate the following :

1. my sister is an m a bed
2. ramesh the director of the company has gone to delhi
3. the rich and the poor the high and the low the weak and the strong visit this temple
4. he asked me why i was crying
5. the sun having risen we started our journey
6. god save me from such friends
7. tibet the roof of the world is an old land
8. she is no doubt the happiest girl under the sun
9. we bought apples oranges peaches and bananas
10. unless you work hard you cant stand first
1. My sister is an M.A., B.Ed.
2. Ramesh, the director of the company, has gone to Delhi.
3. The rich and the poor, the high and the low. the weak and the strong, visit this temple.
4. He asked me why I was crying.
5. The sun having risen, we started our journey.
6. God. save me from such friends
7. Tibet, the roof of the world, is an old land.
8. She is, no doubt, the happiest girl under the sun.
9. We bought apples, oranges, peaches and bananas.
10. Unless you work hard, you can’t stand first.

1. kashmir the Switzerland of india is very beautiful
2. may i come in sir
3. well well meet at the station tomorrow
4. money is after all not the most important thing
5. she is an american she a dutch
6. mohan in his heart of hearts felt sad
7. harpreet was elected an mla
8. balwinder to tell you the truth is a crook
9. there are five m a beds in our school
10. sita is a dancer gita a singer an
1. Kashmir, the Switzerland of India, is very beautiful.
2. May I come in, sir ?
3. Well, we’ll meet at the station tomorrow.
4. Money is, after all, not the most important thing.
5. She is an American; she, a Dutch.
6. Mohan, in his heart of hearts, felt sad.
7. Harpreet was elected an M.L.A.
8. Balwinder to tell you the truth is a crook.
9. There are five M.A., B.Eds in our school.
10. Sita is a dancer; Gita, a singer.

PSEB 10th Class English Grammar Punctuation

1. ram singh the captain of the team is from makhan majra
2. he passed the ba exam last year
3. balinder came first he was therefore given a prize
4. bill clinton the president of the usa was a very active politician
5. the ramayana is a sacred book of the hindus
6. Harpreet is a student of khalsa college amritsar
7. she is a phd student
8. do as I tell you said the magician
9. gitanjali was composed by tagore
10. the teacher said students don’t make a noise
11. I like the poems of Amrita pritam
12. he lost money reputation and friends
1. Ram Singh, the captain of the team, is from Makhan Majra.
2. He passed the B.A. exam last year.
3. Balinder came first. He was, therefore, given a prize.
4. Bill Clinton, the-President of the U.S.A., was a very active politician.
5. The Ramayana is a sacred book of the Hindus.
6. Harpreet is a student of Khalsa College, Amritsar.
7. She is a Ph.D. student.
8. “Do as I tell you,” said the magician.
9. ‘Gitanjalf was composed by Tagore.
10. The teacher said, “Students, don’t make a noise.”
11. I like the poems of Amrita Pritam.
12. He money, reputation and friends.

1. portia is the heroine of Shakespeare’s merchant of Venice
2. I would rather die she said than beg
3. the brave and the coward the intelligent and the dull the weak and the strong came to ashok for guidance
4. his story was in several ways improbable
5. mahatma gandhi was killed on 30th january 1948 and was cremated at raj ghat delhi
6. example as the proverb says is the best precept
7. friends romans countrymen lend me your ears
8. we want help not sympathy
9. being dissatisfied he resigned his post
10. john smith lived soberly honestly and prudently
1. Portia is the heroine of Shakespeare’s ‘Merchant of Venice’.
2. “I would I rather die,” she said, “than beg.”
3. The brave and the coward, the intelligent I and the dull, the weak and the strong, came to Ashok for guidance.
4. His story was in several ways improbable.
5. Mahatma Gandhi was killed on 30th January, 1948, and was cremated at Raj Ghat, Delhi.
6. Example, as the ! proverb says, is the best precept.
7. “Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears.”
8. We want help, not sympathy.
9. Being dissatisfied, he resigned I his post.
10. John Smith lived soberly, honestly and prudently.

PSEB 10th Class English Grammar Punctuation

1. i have opted for punjabi, english, economics and philosophy
2. some men are born great some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them
3. william the conqueror is remembered for his courage and fortitude
4. anand and not you is to blame
5. have you read shakespeares as you like it
6. long live the president
7. the headmaster said to the student yes come in
8. Ashoka the great declared buddhism as the state religion
9. the examination being over we decided to have a holiday
10. the room was spacious but dark and suffocating
1 have opted for Punjabi, English, Economics and Philosophy.
2. Some men are born great; some achieve greatness; some have greatness thrust upon them.
3. William, the conqueror, is remembered for his courage and fortitude.
4. Anand and not you is to blame.
5. Have you read Shakespeare’s ‘As You Like It’
6. Long live the President!
7. The Headmaster said to the student,”Yes. come in.”
8. Ashoka, the great, declared Buddhism as the State Religion.
9. The examination being over, we decided to have a holiday.
10. The room was spacious; but. dark and suffocating.

1. if you go to agra do visit the taj mahal
2. welcome he said have a seat what can i do for you
3. on tuesday the prime minister of afghanistan reaches india
4. sir said the lamb you surely see that the water flows from you to me how can i then make the water muddy
5. he said asha looks terrible is she ill
6. reading makethat  full man speaking a ready man writing an exact man
7. men may come and men may go but I go oh for ever
8. i tell you sir i have read king lear
9. my uncle DRC i sharma lives in shimla
10. how stupid I have been said vandana
1. If you go to Agra, do visit the Taj Mahal.
2. “Welcome,” he said. “Have a seat. What can I do for you ?”
3. On Tuesday, the Prime Minister of Afghanistan I reaches India.
4. “Sir !’’ said the lamb. “You surely see that the water flows ! from you to me.
How can I then make the water muddy ?”
5. He said, “Asha ! looks terrible. Is she ill ?”
6. Reading maketh a full man; speaking a ready man; writing an exact man.
7. Men may come and men may go; but I go on for ever.
8. I tell you, sir. I have read ‘King Lear’.
9. My uncle, Dr. C.L. Sharma, lives in Shimla.
10. “How stupid I have been !” said Vandana.

PSEB 10th Class English Grammar Punctuation

1. i now fully understand who he was why he came to kolkata and where he went away

2. once during a break in the rains there was a cool soft breeze blowing a bird was singing a sweet song among the green trees

3. he studies in hindu college

4. O death where is thy sting

5. i left this place on Sunday the 9th of October and returned on Thursday the 15th of November

6. your son is certainly a boy of ability said the headmaster but all depends upon you whether he is to do well at school what an extraordinary statement said the father how can his progress possibly depend upon me you can see replied the headmaster that he does his homework carefully oh yes said the father i can do at least that much

7. one day walking together up a hill i said to Hemant do you not wish yourself in your own country again yes he said what would you do there said i would you turn wild and eat mens flesh again he looked full of concern and shaking his head said no no

8. a gentleman thinking he was charged too much by a porter for the delivery of a parcel asked him what his name was my name replied the man is the same as my fathers

9. no smoking in this compartment said the ticket inspector to the traveller i am not smoking was the travellers reply but you have got your pipe in your mouth answered the inspector yes was the sharp reply i have got my feet in my boots but i am not walking

10. you coward he said gently as if to himself then with neither hurry nor any particular violence he struck the man in the mouth the man sprang to his feet and cried a blow I would not take a blow from god almighty.

11. a blind man carrying a lantern in his hand and a pitcher on; his shoulder was walking along one night alone when he met a thoughtless young fellow who asked him to explain the use of a lantern to a blind man

12. I wish i had lots of money said the wife if one could get what one wished for i think i should wish for common sense not for money said the husband naturally everybody wishes for what he has not got said the wife

13. who is the man you speak of asked rama leaving his seat buttoning up his coat and moving towards the door

14. the hare said to the tortoise you bulky fellow how slowly you crawl i could run a mile while you ran a dozen yards the tortoise replied o boaster do you really think so let us have a race and we shall see who is faster

15. a few years ago a man named smith was tried on a charge of entering a house and committing theft there he had made an opening into which he had thrust the upper part of his body and he had removed the articles he could lay his hands on his pleader said my lord my client did not enter the house only his upper half went in
1. I now fully understand who he was. why he came to Kolkata, and where he went away.

2. Once, during a break in the rains, there was a cool, soft breeze blowing. A bird was singing a sweet song among the green trees.

3. He studies in Hindu College.

4. O. Death ! Where is thy sting?

5. I left this place on Sunday, the 9th of October, and returned on Thursday, the 15th of November.

6. “Your son is certainly a boy of ability,” said the Headmaster, “but all depends! upon you whether he is to do well at school.”
“What an extraordinary statement!” said the father, “how can his progress possibly depend upon me ?”
“You can see,” replied the Headmaster, “that he does his homework
“Oh, yes,” said the father, “I can do at least that much.”

7. One day, walking together up a hill, I said to Hemant. “Do you not wish yourself in your own country again ?”
“Yes,” he said.
“What would you do there ?” said I. “Would you turn wild and eat men’s flesh again ?”
He looked full of concern and, shaking his. head, said, “No, no !”

8. A gentleman, thinking he was charged too much by a porter for the delivery of a parcel, asked him what his name was. “My name,” replied the man, “is the same as my father’s.”

9. “No smoking in this compartment!” said the ticket inspector to the traveller. “I am not smoking,” was the traveller’s reply. “But you have got your pipe in your mouth,” answered the inspector. ‘Yes,” was the sharp reply. “I have got my feet in my boots but I am not walking!”

10. ‘You coward !” he said gently, as if to himself. Then with neither hurry nor any particular violence, he struck the man in the mouth. The man sprang to his feet and cried. “A blow ! I would not take a blow from God Almighty.”

11. A blind man, carrying a lantern in his hand and a pitcher on his shoulder, was walking along one night alone when he met a thoughtless young fellow who asked him to explain the use of a lantern to a blind man.

12. “I wish I had lots of money,” said the wife. “If one could get what one wished for, I think I should wish for common sense, not for money,” said the husband. “Naturally, everybody wishes for what he has not got,” said the wife.

13. “Who is the man you speak of ?” asked Rama, leaving his seat, buttoning up his coat, and moving towards the door.

14. The hare said to the tortoise, ‘You bulky fellow ! How slowly you crawl ! I could run a mile while you ran a dozen yards.” The tortoise replied, “O boaster ! Do you really think so ? Let us have a race and we shall see who is faster.”

15. A few years ago, a man named Smith was tried on a charge of entering a house and committing theft there. He had made an opening into which he had thrust the upper part of his body and he had removed the articles he could lay his hands on. His pleader said, “My lord, my client did not end the house; only his upper half went in.”

PSEB 10th Class English Grammar Punctuation

(2015) – Sets – A, B & C

(A) Do as directed :
(i) Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners :
Chandigarh is …………. capital of Punjab. It is …………. favourite city.

(ii) Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions :
(a) He took pity …………. the poor man.
(b) He jumped …………. the wall.

(iii) Fill in the blanks with suitable modals :
(a) She worked hard so that she …………. pass………….. (may, might)
(b) You…………. clean your teeth every morning. (could, should)

(iv) Combine the sentences with the given conjunction :
He is very weak. He cannot stand. (So-that)

(v) Identify the Subordinate Clause and name it :
Look before you leap.

(vi) Fill in the blank with the correct form of the non-finite verb given in the bracket :
He is used to ………… (go) to cinema too often.

(vii) Change the voice :
(a) He will do his duty.
(b) What was Sohan doing ?

(viii) Change the narration :
(a) Sita said, “Goodbye, my friend.”
(b) I said to my brother, “Let me study more.”

(ix) Change into Past Indefinite Tense :
He rides a bicycle.

(x) Punctuate the following sentence :
i tell you sir i have read king lear
(i) the, my
(a) on
(b) over
(a) might
(b) should
(iv) He is so weak that he cannot stand.
(v) before you leap – Adverb clause
(vi) going
(a) His duty will be done.
(b) What was being done by Soban ?
(a) Sita bade her friend goodbye.
(b) I asked my brother to let me study more.
(ix) He rode a bicycle.
(x) I tell you, sir, I have read King Lear.

(B) Do as directed :

(i) Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners :
…………… poor peasant went off early in ………….. morning to plough.

(ii) Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions :
Translation is an art. Good Translation is the result ………….. practice and patience. It requires skill to translate words and ideas …….. a language.

(iii) Fill in the blanks with suitable modals :
(a) Walk fast lest you ………….. miss the train. (should, would)
(b) You ………….. pay your debts. (must, should, can)

(iv) Combine the sentences with the given conjunction :
I cannot stand. I cannot sit. (neither, nor)

(v) Identify the Subordinate Clause and name it :
He is the man who displayed those magic tricks

(vi) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the non-finite verb given in the bracket :
The children seemed ………. on seeing the giant. (frighten)

(vii) Change the voice :
(a) The peon was ringing the bell.
(b) I know this man.

(viii) Change the narration :
(a) He said, “0, for a glass of water”
(b) I say, “He is an honest man.”

(ix) Change into Past Indefinite Tense :
Mohan helps his father.

(x) Punctuate the following sentence :
harpreet is a student of khalsa college amritsar.
(i) The, the
(ii) of, of
(a) should
(b) must
(iv) I can neither stand nor sit.
(v) who displayed those magic tricks Adjective clause
(vi) frightened
(a) The bell was being rung by the peon.
(b) This man is known to me.
(a) he cried for a glass of water.
(b) I say that he is an honest man.
(ix) Mohan helped his father.
(x) Harpreet is la student of Khalsa College, Amritsar.

PSEB 10th Class English Grammar Punctuation

(C) Do as directed :

(i) Fill in the. blanks with suitable determiners :
In my last summer vacation, I went to ………….. historical place. It was very beautiful place.

(ii) Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions :
Once there lived a hermit ……….. a forest. He was very kind ……….. others.

(iii) Fill in the blanks with suitable modals :
(a) Candidates ……….. answer all questions. (should, must)
(b) ……….. borrow your pen, Sir ? (may, could, shall)

(iv) Combine the sentences with the given conjunction :
Rajan is kind. He is honest. (both-and)

(v) Identify the Subordinate Clause and name it :
Such students as work hard are liked by all.

(vi) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the non-finite verb given in the bracket :
It is no use ……… over spilt milk. (cry)

(vii) Change the voice :
(a) They were not selling their books.
(b) Do not make a noise.

(viii) Change the narration :
(a) He said, “What a great misery !”
(b) Sunita says, “ I am doing my homework.”

(ix) Change into Past Indefinite Tense :
We shall help you with money

(x) Punctuate the following sentence :
i tell you sir i have read king lear
(i) a, a
(ii) in, to
(a) must
(b) could
(iv) Rajan is both kind and honest.
(v) as work hard – Adjective clause
(vi) crying
(a) Their books were not being sold by them.
(b) Let a noise not be made,
(a) He exclaimed with sorrow that if was a great misery
(b) Sunita I says that she is doing her homework.
(ix) We would help you with money.
(x) I tell you sir, I have to read ‘King Lear’

(2016) – Sets — A, B & C

(A) Do as directed :

(i) Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners,:
She does not want ……….. interference in ……….. lifestyle.

(ii) Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions :
We belong ……….. a country which is known ……….. its traditions and cultures.

(iii) Fill in the blanks with suitable modals :
(a) A rich man ……….. buy anything he likes. (must, can)
(b) You ……….. do as you are told. (must, should)

(iv) Combine the sentences with the given conjunction :
He worked hard. He fell ill. (so-that)

(v) Identify the Subordinate Clause arid name it :
My fear was that Mohit would reach late.

(vi) Pill in the blank with the correct form of the non-finite verb given in the bracket:
It is no use ……….. over spilt milk. (cry)

(vii) Change the voice :
(a) The teacher will punish the naughty boys.
(b) Help everybody.

(viii) Change the narration :
(a) He said to his friends, “Please let me study.”
(b) Seema said to me, “My husband does not like me.”

(ix) I am going home. (Change into Future Indefinite Tense)

(x) Punctuate the following sentence :
there are five beds in our school
(i) any, her
(ii) to, for
(a) can
(b) should
(iv) He worked so hard that he fell in.
(v) that Mohit would reach late – Noun clause
(vi) crying
(a) The naughty boys will be punished by the teacher.
(b) Everybody should be helped.
(a) He requested his friends to let him study.
(b) Seema told me that her husband did not like her.
(ix) I will go home. til
(x) There are five M.A., B.Eds. in our school.

PSEB 10th Class English Grammar Punctuation

(B) Do as directed :

(i) Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners :
Mr Gupta went to bazaar and bought ……… honey from ……… shop.

(ii) Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions :
Now women are conscious ……… their position ……… society.

(iii) Fill in the blanks with suitable modals :
(a) ……… I smoke here ? (may, might)
(b) You ……… be home by 11 o’clock”. (should, must)

(iv) Combine the sentences with the given conjunction :
I was late for school. I missed the first bus. (because)

(v) Identify the Subordinate Clause and name it:
I am glad that you have acted honestly.

(vi) Fill in the blank with the correct form of the non-finite verb given in the bracket:
He dislikes ……….. in the village. (live)

(vii) Change the voice :
(a) She will water the plants.
(b) Learn it by heart.

(viii) Change the narration :
(a) The teacher said to the boy, “Shut the door.”
(b) He said to you, “I have passed the test today.”

(ix) We are locking the door.
(Change into Future Indefinite Tense)

(x) Punctuate the following sentence :
he asked me why i was crying
(i) some, a
(ii) of, in
(a) May
(b) must
(iv) I was late for school because I missed the first bus.
(v) that you have acted honestly — Adverb clause
(vi) living
(a) The plants will be watered by her.
(b) It should be learnt by heart
(a) The teacher ordered the boy to shut the door
(b) He told you that he had passed the test that day.
(ix) We shall lock the door
(x) He asked me why I was crying.

(C) Do as directed :
(1) Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners :
He earned …………. money from …………. profession.

(ii) Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions :
Once there lived a hermit …………. a forest. He was very kind ……….. others.

(iii) Fill in the blanks with suitable modals :
(a) She worked hard so that she ………. pass. (may, might)
(b) You ………….. clean your teeth every morning. (should, could)

(iv) Combine the sentences with the given conjunction :
He was tired. He could hardly stand. (so-that)

(v) Identify the Subordinate Clause and name it :
This is the school that the President visited.

(vi) Fill in the blank with the correct form of the non-finite verb given in the bracket :

She objected to …………. her bicycle. (take)
(vii) Change the Voice :
(a) Nikhil will buy a new house.
(b) Do not make a noise.

(viii) Change the Narration :
(a) Neetu said to Mr Sanjeev, “Please go to the station with him.”
(b) Dinesh said to Simran, “You cannot save me now.”

(ix) I had written a letter. ” (Change into Future Indefinite Tense)
(x) Punctuate the following sentence :
friends romans countrymen lend me your ears
(i) much, his
(ii) in, to
(a) might
(b) should
(iv) He was so tired that he could hardly stand
(v) that the President visited — Adjective clause
(vi) taking
(a) A new, house will be bought by Nikhil.
(b) Let a noise not be made
(a) Neetu requested Mr Sanjeev to go to the station with him.
(b) Dinesh told Simran that she could not save him then
(ix) I will write a letter
(x) Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears.

PSEB 10th Class English Grammar Punctuation

(2017) Sets -A, B & C

(A) Do as directed:

(i) Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners :
He opened ………….. bag and spread out …………….. articles.

(ii) Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions :
Trust ….. God and have faith ………. Him.

(iii) Fill in the blanks with suitable modals :
(a) …………………. that I were a minister! (Would/Will)
(b) …………….. you climb up this tree ? (Can/Should)

(iv) Combine the sentences with a suitable conjunction :
(a) The patient had died.
(b) The doctor came afterwards.

(v) Identify the Subordinate Clause and name it :
It know that he is wrong.

(vi) Fill in the blank with the correct form of the non-finite verb given in the bracket :
This pen is not worth ……….. (buy)

(vii) Change the voice :
(a) I play cricket every day.
(b) Who does not want liberty ?

(viii) Change the narration :
(a) He said, “I shall be coming tomorrow.”
(b) Ram said to Sham, “Is the earth round ?

(ix) Change into the Past Indefinite Tense :
She speaks the truth.

(x) Punctuate the following sentence :
he is an ma in english
(i) his, the.
(ii) in, in
(a) Would
(b) Can
(iv) The patient had died before the doctor came
(v) that he is wrong – Noun clause
(vi) buying,
(a) Cricket is played everyday by me.
(b) By whom is liberty not wanted ?
(a) He said that ho would be coming the next day.
(b) Ram asked Sham if the earth was round
(ix) She spoke the truth.
(x) He is an M.A. in English.

(B) Do as directed :

(i) Fill in the blank with a suitable determiner :
He looks as stupid as ………………. owl.

(ii) Fill in the blank with a suitable preposition :
He was accused …………… theft.

(iii) Fill in the blanks with suitable modals :
(a) It ………………… rain today. (may/must)
(b) You ……………. follow the traffic rules. (must/can)

(iv) Combine the sentences with a suitable conjunction
(a) The sum is difficult.
(b) We cannot solve it.

(v) Identify the Subordinate Clause and name it :
Life is what you make it.

(vi) Fill in the blank with the correct form of the non-finite verb given in the bracket :
Do you want …………. my address. (know)

(vii) Change the voice :
(a) I know his ways.
(b) He has been punished.

(viii) Change the narration : the narration :
(a) My mother said to me, “Did you break the cup ?
(b) “Why are you sad ?” she said to Naini.

(ix) Change into the Past Idefinite Tense :
She is going to Shimla with me.

(x) Punctuate the following sentence :
harpreet is a student of khalsa college amritsar
(i) an
(ii) of
(a) may
(b) must
(iv) I he sum is so difficult that we I cannot solve it.
(v) What you make it – Noun Clause
(vi) to know
(a) His ways are known to me.
(b) The teacher has punished him.
(a) My mother asked me if I had broken the cup.
(b) She asked Naini why she was sad.
(ix) She went to Shimla with me.
(x) Harpreet is a student of Khalsa College, Amritsar.

PSEB 10th Class English Grammar Punctuation

(C) Do as directed :

(i) Fill in the blanks with a suitable determiner :
Would you like ……………….. coffee ?

(ii) Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions :
Cholera has broken ………………… ; beware ……………. it.

(iii) Fill in the blanks with suitable modals :
(a) You ……………… Avoid him. He is a liar. (insistence)
(b) It ……………….. rain; it is cloudy. (may/should)

(iv) Combine the sentences with a suitable conjunction :
(a) He is working hard.
(b) He wants to get a scholarship.

(v) Identify the Subordinate Clause and name it :
Go where you came from.

(vi) Fill in the blank with the correct form of the non-finite verb given in the bracket :
He wants …………. (sleep)

(vii) Change the voice :
(a) How do you know him ?
(b) I have finished my work.

(viii) Change the narration :
(a) Rama said, “India won freedom in 1947.”
(b) The doctor said to me, “What can I do for you ?”

(ix) Change into the Past Continuous Tense :
They are taking food.

(x) Punctuate the following sentence :
sita bought pens books pencils and notebooks
(i) some
(ii) out: of
(a) must
(b) may
(iv) He is working hard because he wants to get a scholarship
(v) Where you came from-Adverb clause
(vi) to sleep
(a) How is he known to you ?
(b) My work has been finished by me.
(a) Rama said that India won freedom in 1947.
(b) The doctor asked me what he could do for me.
(ix) They were taking food
(x) Sita bought pens, books, pencils and notebooks.

(2018) — All Sets

Note : All the questions in all sets are the same.

1. Do as directed :

(i) Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners :
My grandmother was ………. old lady ………… parents left me with her.

(ii) Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions :
Dreams have been the topic …………. discussion with men …………. centuries.

(iii) Fill in the blanks with suitable modals :
(a) If I were the Prime Minister, I ………… fight corruption. (will, would)
(b) How …………. you abuse your elder brother ? (could, should)

(iv) Combine the sentences with, suitable conjunctions :
Mohan is honest. He is sincere. (both-and)

(v) Identify the Subordinate Clause and name it :
This is the doctor who treated me.

(vi) Fill in he blank with the correct form of the non-finite verb given in the bracket
Every miser hates …………. money………… (spend)

(vii) Change the voice :
(a) Who had been fined ?
(b) Sit down, please.

(viii) Change the narration :
(a) “Stand up on the benches”, I said to the children.
(b) My mother said to me, “Did you break the slate ?

(ix) Change into the Past Indefinite Tense :
I shall go to Delhi.

(x) Punctuate the following sentence :
i like the poems of amrita Pritam

2. Answer the following objective type questions :

(i) Walk slowly lest you …………….. fall.
(Fill in the blank with a suitable modal from the options given below.)
(a) might
(b) should
(c) might
(d) would.

(ii) Fill in the blank with the Future Continuous form of the verb given in the brackets.
He …………… not ……………….. his friends. (cheat)
1. (i) an, my
(ii) of, for
(a) would
(b) could
(iv) Mohan is both honest and sincere
(v) who treated me – Adjective clause
(vi) spending
(a) Whom had the teacher fined ?
(b) You are requested to sit down
(a) I ordered the children to stand up on the benches
(b) My mother asked me whether I had broken the slate
(ix) I went to Delhi
(x) I like the poems of Amrita Pritam.

2. (i) (b)
(ii) will (not) be cheating.

PSEB 10th Class English Grammar Punctuation

(2019 – All Sets)

1. Do as directed :

(i) Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners :
……………. Ganga is ………….. sacred river.

(ii) Mr. Smith is known ……….. me.
He is a man ……….. letters. (Use Prepositions)

(iii) Fill in the blanks with suitable modals ?
(a) Duty …………. be done. (must, should)
(b) Rita …………… speak English fluently. (can, need)

(iv) Combine the following sentences :
I cannot stand. I cannot sit. (Use neither … nor)

(v) I know that she loves music. (Identify the Subordinate Clause and name it)

(vi) Use the correct form of the non-finite verb to fill in the blank:
She bade us ……….. away. (go)

(vii) Change the voice :
(a) Quinine tastes bitter.
(b) I like music.

(viii) Change the narration :
(a) Rashmi says, “I am doing my homework.”
(b) The teacher said to the boy, “Honesty is the best policy.”

(ix) Change into Future Indefinite Tense :
He helps his father.

(x) Punctuate the following sentence :
we bought apples oranges peaches and bananas
(i) The, a
(ii) to, of
(a) must
(b) can
(iv) I can neither stand nor sit.
(v) that she loves music—Noun Clause
(vi) go
(a) Quinine is bitter when tasted
(b) Music is liked by me.
(a) Rashmi says that she is doing her homework
(b) The teacher told the boy that honesty is the best policy
(ix) He will help his father
(x) We bought apples, oranges, peaches, and bananas.

PSEB 10th Class English Grammar Tenses

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class English Book Solutions English Grammar Tenses Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 10th Class English Grammar Tenses

Supply the correct form (Present Indefinite Tense) of the verbs in brackets.

1. Who (swim) in the pond every day?
2. We (burn) fuel to get heat.
3. Here (come) the bride.
4. The sun (rise) in the east.
5. They (come) to school by bus.
6. I (go) for a walk every day.
7. The Governor (arrive) tomorrow morning.
8. Raindrops (fall) from the clouds.
9. You always (speak) the truth.
10. I (be) the people, the mob, the crowd.
11. Father asked me, “How (be) you ?”
12. I (not object) to this proposal.
13. He (not like) mangoes.
14. When (leave) the train ?
15. The boys (know) the answer.
1. swims
2. burn
3. comes
4. rises
5. come
6. go
7. arrives
8. fall
9. speak
10. am
11. are
12. do not object.
13. does not like
14. does (the train) leave
15. know.

PSEB 10th Class English Grammar Tenses

Fill in the blanks with the Present Continuous form of the verbs given in brackets.

1. What ………………… you ………………… now ? (do)
2. They ……………… to London next week. (go)
3. Meera ………………… to see me tomorrow. (come)
4. We ………………… football. (play)
5. I ……………….. notes. (not take)
6. Why ……………. he ……………… at me ? (laugh)
7. Rajan ………………… a book. (write)
8. The boys ………………… in the river. (not swim)
9. The workers ……….. (paint)
10. Why ………………. he …………….. his clothes ? (change)
11. She ……………….. the candles. (blow out)
12. The old man …………….. with cold. (shiver)
1. are (you) doing
2. are going
3. is coming
4. are playing
5. am not taking
6. is (he) laughing
7. is writing
8. are not swimming
9. are painting
10. is (he) changing
11. is blowing out
12. is shivering.

Rewrite the following sentences using the Present Perfect Tense of the verbs in brackets.

1. We (know) each other for the past ten years.
2. The appointed day (come).
3. Do you know what (happen) to his leg ?
4. I (finish) my work.
5. I (never deceive) you.
6. The train ……………….. just ……………….. . (arrive)
7. I shall go there after he (finish) his homework.
8. Why ………………. they …………….. there ? (go)
9. ………. She …………. her meals ? (have)
10. I (never see) the Taj.
1. We have known each other for the past ten years.
2. The appointed day has come.
3. Do you know what has happened to his leg?
4. I have finished my work.
5. I have never deceived you.
6. The train has just arrived.
7. I. shall go there after he has finished his homework.
8. Why have they gone there ?
9. Has she had her meals ?
10. I have never seen the Taj.

Complete the following sentences, using the Present Perfect Continuous Tense of the verbs given in brackets.

1. We ………………. for you for two hours. (wait)
2. It ………………… since morning. (rain)
3. Who ……………… at the door for ten minutes ? (knock)
4. They ………………. here since 1997. (live)
5. The girls …………….. for two hours. (sing)
6. ……………….. he ………………… from fever since Monday ? (not suffer)
7. You ………………… this book since January. (write)
8. ………………… the tap ……………….. for two hours ? (not run)
9. Why ………………… you ………………. since yesterday ? (fight)
10. Why …….. to school for three days ? (not come)
1. have been waiting
2. has been raining
3. has been knocking
4. have been living
5. have been singing
6. Has (he) not been suffering
7. have been writing
8. Has (the tap) not been running
9. have (you) been fighting
10. has (he) not been coming.

PSEB 10th Class English Grammar Tenses

Fill in the blanks with the Past Indefinite form of the verbs given in brackets.

1. Meera ……………….. (turn) and ………………. (move) to the door.
2. We. ……………. (see) a lion in the jungle.
3. I ………………… (meet) him yesterday.
4. While the girls …………………… (sing), we ………(dance).
5. He…….. (go) out for ten minutes.
6. Who ………. (break) the window yesterday ?
7. She ………………. (send) him a letter last month.
8. They …………….. (know) the answer.
9. We ……….. (copy) from the blackboard.
10. The dog …….. (bite) the postman.
11. The birds ………………… (fly) away.
12. The little girl ………………. (cry) bitterly.
1. turned, moved
2. saw
3. met
4. sang, danced
5. went
6. broke
7. sent
8. knew
9. copied
10. bit
11. flew
12. cried.

Rewrite the following sentences, using the Past Indefinite Tense of the verbs.

1. He counts the books.
2. The peon rings the bell.
3. We play cricket.
4. Mohan helps his father.
5. She reads a story.
6. Neetu drinks a glass of milk.
7. Suman shuts the window.
8. He rides a bicycle.
9. A thief steals some money.
10. The policeman holds up his hand.
1. He counted the books.
2. The peon rang the bell.
3. We played cricket.
4. Mohan helped his father.
5. She read a story.
6. Neetu drank a glass of milk.
7. Suman shut the window.
8. He rode a bicycle.
9. A thief stole money.
10. The policeman held up his hand.

Fill in the blanks with the Past Continuous Tense of the verbs given in brackets.

1. I ………………. the truth. (speak)
2. A spider ….. over my body. (crawl)
3. When we arrived, they …………….. lunch. (have)
4. When I came, she ………………… (sing)
5. What . ….. when you arrived ? (do)
6. The plane ………………… violently. (shake)
7. My mother ………………. rice. (cook)
8. Why ………………. you ……….. (run)
9. What ………….. you ……. ……. last evening ? (do)
10. We …………….. a film when they came. (watch)
1. was speaking
2. was crawling
3. were having
4. was singing
5. was (he) doing
6. was shaking
7. was cooking
8.were (you) running
9. were (you) doing
10. were watching.

PSEB 10th Class English Grammar Tenses

Fill in the blanks with the suitable form (Past Perfect Tense) of the verbs given in brackets.

1. He ……………….. just ………….. his breakfast when I arrived. (finish)
2. The Nawab ……………. (die) years before his son took over.
3. The train ……………. (leave) before he reached the station.
4. The patient …………….. (die) before the doctor arrived.
5. The ship ………………. (sink) before help could reach.
6. He ………………… (completed his work when Meera came.
7. Why ……………… you ……………….. home till then ? (not reach)
8. I ……………(never expect) it to come this way.
9. ……… they …………. (buy) the tickets before the train arrived ?
10. Mother ………………. (tell) him not to go there.
11. Mahmood ………………… (be known) well throughout the city.
12. We ………………… often ………………… such messages. (receive)
1. had (just) finished
2. had died
3. had left
4. had died
5. had sunk
6. had completed
7. had (you) not reached
8. had never expected
9. Had (they) bought
10. had told
11. had been known
12. had (often) received

Fill in the blanks with the Past Perfect Continuous Tense of the verbs given in brackets.

1. We …….. (wait) for you for ten hours when you came.
2. He said that he ………………… (live) here for ten years before they met him.
3. She told me that she ………………… (work) for four hours before the light went off.
4. Seema ………………. (suffer) from fever for a month before her examinations started.
5. She ………………. (knit) a sweater for a month before she fell ill.
6. It …………….. (rain) for two days.
7. The farmer ………………. (milk) the cow for an hour before the bell rang.
8. She ……………….. (teach) us English since 2001.
9. The police ……………… (look for) this thief for the last five years.
10. The boys ………………… (learn) their lessons for two hours before the test started.
1. had been waiting
2. had been living
3. had been working
4. had been suffering
5. had been knitting
6. had been raining
7. had been milking
8. had been teaching
9. had been looking for
10. had been learning.

Rewrite the following sentences, changing the verb in each sentence into the Future Indefinite Tense.

1. Malcom closed his eyes.
2. I am going home.
3. The boys have been playing cricket.
4. She has finished her homework.
5. I had written a letter.
6. They paint pictures.
7. We are locking the door.
8. Madan is listening to the radio.
9. The teacher teaches us a new lesson.
10. Kalpana has been dancing and singing.
11. Did you go there?
12. Why did you break the windowpane?
1. Malcom will close his eyes.
2. I will go home.
3. The boys will play cricket.
4. She will finish her homework.
5. I shall write a letter.
6. They will paint pictures.
7. We shall lock the door.
8. Madan will listen to the radio.
9. The teacher will teach us a new lesson.
10. Kalpana will dance and sing.
11. Will you go there ?
12. Why will you break the windowpane ?

Rewrite the following sentences after changing the Tense into the Future Continuous.

1. I boarded a plane.
2. She was playing on the harmonium.
3. The peon rings the bell.
4. Hari bought this watch from this shop.
5. They are reading newspapers.
6. We have been playing football.
7. Mamta has cooked the dinner.
8. She sang a beautiful song.
9. The children have eaten a chocolate ice cream.
10. He had been collecting stamps.
1. I shall be boarding a plane.
2. She will be playing on the harmonium,
3. The peon will be ringing the bell.
4. Hari will be buying this watch from this shop.
5. They will be reading newspapers.
6. We shall be playing football.
7. Mamta will be cooking the dinner.
8. She will be singing a beautiful song.
9. The children will be eating a chocolate ice cream.
10. He will be collecting stamps.

PSEB 10th Class English Grammar Tenses

Fill in the blanks with the Future Perfect Continuous Tense of the verbs.

1. It ………………. (snow) in Shimla since morning.
2. What ………………… you ………………… ? (write)
3. We ……………….. (play) for three hours when you come here.
4. Anand ……………… (live) in Jaipur for ten years.
5. She ……………… (read) this book for ten days.
6. I ………………… (live) in Chennai for two months.
7. ……………… the tap …………….. (run) for an hour before you turn it off ?
8. The mechanic ………………… (repair) my car for an hour.
9. He ……. (suffer) from fever for six days before you get him admitted to the hospital.
10. Sita ……………….. (knit) my sweater for a month before she leaves for Mumbai.
1. will have been snowing
2. will (you) have been writing
3. shall have been playing
4. will have been living
5. will have been reading
6. will have been living
7. Will (the tap) have been running
8. will have been repairing
9. will have been suffering
10. will have been knitting.

Correct the following sentences.

1. She had left yesterday.
2. I had gone to Chennai last week.
3. She is reading the ‘Gitanjali’ for the last six days.
4. She finished her work when I met her.
5. When I finished my dinner, I shall read a book.
6. The train left the station before I reached there.
7. I lived in Chandigarh since 1978.
8. Edison has invented the gramophone.
9. She had been born in 1980.
10. They are working hard since last month.
1. She left yesterday.
2. I went to Chennai last week.
3. She has been reading the “Gitanjali’ for the last six days.
4. She had finished her work when I met her.
5. When I have finished my dinner, I shall read a book.
6. The train had left the station before I reached there.
7. I had been living in Chandigarh since 1978.
8. Edison invented the gramophone.
9. She was born in 1980.
10. They have been working hard since last month.

Tense (काल)-Verb के जिस रूप से यह पता चले कि क्रिया कब हुई है, उसे Tense कहा जाता है।

Tense तीन प्रकार के होते हैं
(A) Present Tense (वर्तमान काल)
(B) Past Tense (भूतकाल)
(C) Future Tense (भविष्य काल)

(A) present tense

1. Present Indefinite Tense

प्रयोग – इस Tense का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित स्थितियों में किया जाता है-…
1. सदा-सत्य बातों के लिए –
(The sun shines by day, and the moon by night.)

2. चरित्र-सम्बन्धी स्थायी आदतों के लिए –
(He never tells a lie.)

3. वास्तविक वर्तमान और निकट भविष्य के लिए –
1. I understand what you say
2. He leaves for Mumbai tomorrow.

नियम — (1) इस Tense में Verb की पहली फार्म का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
(2) यदि subject एकवचन हो, तो verb की पहली फार्म के साथ s या es का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
(3) Negative तथा Interrogative वाक्यों में Helping Verb के रूप में do/does का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
(4) बहुवचन subject के लिए do का, तथा एकवचन subject के लिए does का प्रयोग किया जाता है। Does के साथ प्रयोग की जाने वाली Verb की पहली फार्म के साथ 8 या es नहीं लगाया
जाता है।
(5) I तथा you के लिए प्रयोग की जाने वाली Verb की पहली फार्म के साथ s या es नहीं लगा जाता है। इनके लिए बहुवचन subject की भान्ति केवल Verb की पहली फार्म का’ प्रयोग किया जाता है।

2. Present continuous Tense

प्रयोग – इस Tense का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित स्थितियों में किया जाता है.
1. बोलने या लिखने के समय चल रही किसी घटना का वर्णन करने के लिए; जैसे
(He is writing a letter.)

2. किसी आदत अथवा व्यवहार का वर्णन करने के लिए भी कभी-कभी इस Tense का प्रयोग किया जाता है; जैसे
(She is working regularly these days.)
नियम – इस Tense के वाक्यों में is / am / are लगा कर Verb के ing वाले रूप का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
Subject + is / am / are + Verb का ing वाला रूप + …………..

Note : Present Continuous Tense तथा Present Indefinite Tense के अन्तर को अच्छी
प्रकार समझ लेना चाहिए। निम्नलिखित नियम याद रखिए
Present Indefinite Tense – for habitual actions; for universal truths; for actions going to take place in near future.
Present Continuous Tense – for actions in progress at the time of speaking.

3. Present Perfect Tense
प्रयोग – इस Tense का प्रयोग अभी-अभी (वर्तमान में) पूरी हुई किसी घटना का वर्णन करने के लिए किया जाता है। नियम – इस Tense के वाक्यों में has / have लगा कर Verb की तीसरी फार्म का प्रयोग किया जाता है; जैसे
1. She has just finished her work.
2. I have spent all my money on books.

PSEB 10th Class English Grammar Tenses

4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
प्रयोग – इस Tense का प्रयोग तब किया जाता है जब कोई क्रिया भूतकाल में आरम्भ हुई हो और अब भी ।
चल रही हो; जैसे
1. He has been reading English for two years.
2. They have been reading this book since morning.

नियम –
(1) इस Tense के वाक्यों में has / have + been + V1-ing + since / for at sem किया जाता है।
(2) For का प्रयोग तब किया जाता है जब क्रिया के जारी रहने की अवधि (period of time) दी हुई हो; जैसेfor fifteen minutes; for half an hour; for a month; for three years; for a long time.
(3) Since का प्रयोग तब किया जाता है जब क्रिया के आरम्भ होने का निश्चित समय (point of time) दिया हुआ हो; जैसे since Sunday; since breakfast; since yesterday; since Diwali; since January 1998; since the first of May.

Past Tense

1. Past Indefinite Tense
प्रयोग – इस Tense का प्रयोग तब किया जाता है जब कोई घटना भूतकाल में आरम्भ होकर भूतकाल में ही समाप्त हो गई हो।
(We learnt English at school.)
नियम –
(1) इस Tense के affirmative वाक्यों में Verb की दूसरी फार्म का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
(2) Negative वाक्यों में did not + Verb की पहली फार्म का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
(3) Interrogative वाक्यों में Did + subject + Verb की पहली फार्म का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
(4) Did का प्रयोग करने के बाद सदा Verb की पहली फार्म का ही प्रयोग किया जाता है।

2. Past continuous Tense
प्रयोग – इस Tense का प्रयोग तब किया जाता है जब कोई क्रिया भूतकाल में किसी निश्चित समय पर चल रही हो।
(He was writing a letter when I saw him.)
नियम – इस Tense के वाक्यों में was / were लगा कर Verb के ing वाले रूप का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
Note : Past Continuous Tense तथा Past Indefinite Tense के अन्तर को अच्छी प्रकार से समझ लेना चाहिए। निम्नलिखित नियम याद रखिए
Past Indefinite Tense for completed activity.
Past Continuous Tense – for. continuity in past.

3. Past Perfect Tense
प्रयोग – इस Tense का प्रयोग तब किया जाता है यदि कोई क्रिया भूतकाल में किसी निश्चित समय (moment) से पहले या किसी निश्चित समय तक पूरी हो चुकी हो।
1. The patient had died before the doctor came.
2. I had finished my work by evening.
नियम – इस Tense में had लगा कर Verb की तीसरी फार्म का प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Note : यदि किसी वाक्य में भूतकाल में घटी हुई दो घटनाओं का वर्णन हो, तो उनमें से जो घटना पहले घटी हो, उसके लिए Past Perfect Tense का प्रयोग किया जाता है, और जो घटन अपेक्षाकृत बाद में घटी हो, उसके लिए Past Indefinite Tense का प्रयोग किया जाता

4. Past Perfect continuous Tense
प्रयोग – इस Tense का प्रयोग तब किया जाता है यदि कोई क्रिया भूतकाल में आरम्भ होकर भूत ही किसी निश्चित समय पर चल रही हो; जैसे
(When I reached there at 2 p.m.he had been waiting for 1:30 p.m.).
नियम- इस Tense के वाक्यों में had + been + V1-ing + since / for का प्रयोग कि

Future Tense

1. Future Indefinite Tense प्रयोग -इस Tense का प्रयोग साधारण रूप में भविष्य में होने वाली किसी घटना का वर्णन करने के लिए किया जाता है; जैसे
(The post will arrive late. We shall start early.)
नियम- इस Tense के वाक्यों में will / shall लगा कर Verb की पहली फार्म का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
Note : Will और Shall सम्बन्धी प्रयोग के लिए निम्नलिखित नियम ध्यान में रखिए

Assertive alert
1. यदि किसी भविष्य की घटना का केवल साधारण रूप से ही वर्णन हो, तो First Person के लिए shall का प्रयोग किया जाता है। Second और Third Persons के लिए will का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
2. यदि वाक्य में किसी भविष्य-सम्बन्धी आदेश (command), प्रण (promise), निश्चय (determination), धमकी (threat), आदि का वर्णन हो, तो First Person के लिए will का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
3. यदि वक्ता अपने किसी भविष्य-सम्बन्धी उद्देश्य (intention) को प्रकट करना चाहता हो तो वह अपने लिए will का प्रयोग करेगा। अर्थात् ऐसे वाक्यों में First Person के साथ will का प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Interrogative वाक्यों में
1. प्रश्नवाचक वाक्यों में प्रायः Will I और Shall you का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है।
2. Third Person के लिए will अथवा shall, किसी का भी प्रयोग किया जा सकता है।
Shall he – भविष्य-सम्बन्धी आदेश, आदि के लिए।
Will he – भविष्य-सम्बन्धी साधारण क्रिया के लिए।

2. Future Continuous Tense
प्रयोग- इस Tense का प्रयोग तब किया जाता है जब भविष्य में किसी विशेष समय का वर्णन हो, और कोई क्रिया उस विशेष समय से पहले आरम्भ होकर उसके बाद में पूरी होनी हो; जैसे (We shall be waiting for you when you get back tomorrow.)
नियम- इस Tense के वाक्यों में will / shall के साथ be लगा कर Verb के ing वाले रूप का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
Note: Future Continuous Tense तथा Future Indefinite Tense के अन्तर को अच्छी तरह से समझ लेना चाहिए।
निम्नलिखित नियम याद रखिए
Future Indefinite Tense – for an action which begins at a certain future moment.
Future Continuous Tense – for an action which begins before and finishes after a certain future moment.

PSEB 10th Class English Grammar Tenses

3. Future Perfect Tense प्रयोग – इस Tense का प्रयोग तब किया जाता है जब कोई क्रिया भविष्य में किसी समय से पहले पूरी होनी हो; जैसे
(I will have finished my homework by evening.)
नियम- इस Tense में will / shall + have लगा कर Verb की तीसरी फार्म का प्रयोग किया जाता है।

4. Future Perfect Continuous Tense प्रयोग-इस Tense का प्रयोग तब किया जाता है यदि क्रिया भविष्य में किसी निश्चित समय
(point of time) तक अथवा किसी निश्चित अवधि (period of time) के लिए जारी रहनी हो; जैसे
(By six o’clock, I will have been sitting here for ten hours.)
नियम- इस Tense में will / shall + have been लगा कर Verb के ing वाले रूप का प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Indefinite Continuous Perfect Perfect Continuous
write (s)
will/shall write
is/am/are writing was/were writing will/shall be writing has/have written
had written
will/shall have written
has/have been writing had been writing will/shall have been writing

I. Fill In the blanks with the Present Indefinite form oF the verbs given in the brackets.

1. He ……….. for a walk every day. (go)
2. She ……….. up early in the morning. (get)
3. The peon ……… the bell at 9 o’clock. (ring)
4. I ……….. my parents. (obey)
5. We ……….. our teachers. (respect)
6. We ……….. our prayers in the morning. (set)
7. She ……….. sweetly. (sing)
8. I do not ……….. sweets. (like)
1. goes
2. gets
3. rings
4. obey
5. respect
6. say
7. sings
8. like

II. Fill in the blanks with the Present Continuous form of the verbs given in the brackets.

1. ………. it ……….. today? (rain)
2. …….. the peon ……….. the bell? (ring)
3. ………. the boys ……….. football? (play)
4. He ………. a picture. (paint)
5. We ………. our lesson. (learn)
6. She ……….. not ……….. food. (cook)
7. I……….. a letter. (write)
8. You ……….. a race. (run)
1. Is, raining
2. Is, ringing
3. Are, playing
4. is painting
5. are learning
6. is, cooking
7. am writing
8. are running.

III. Fill in the blanks with the Present Perfect form of the verbs given in the brackets.

1. I …… my homework. (finish).
2. He ………………….. first in the class. (stand)
3. ………………………. you ……………. your scooter? (sell)
4. ……… she ……………. a car? (buy)
5. They ……….. their enemy. (defeat)
6. We …………….. the match. (win)
7. The peon ………………….. the bell. (ring)
8. We …………………… our duty. (do)
1. have finished
2. has stood
3. Have, sold
4. Has, bought
5. have defeated
6. have won
7. has rung
8. have done.

IV. Fill in the blanks with the Present Perfect Continuous form of the verbs given in the brackets.

1. ……………… since morning. (rain)
2. She ………………. from fever for a week. (suffer)
3. I ………………… for you for half an hour. (wait)
4. He ………………… his brother with money for five years. (help)
5. We ……. for a long time. (fight)
6. She ………………… for a job for several months. (look)
7. …………………… he ……………………. books from you since 1991 ? (borrow)
8. ……… she…… in this office since 1987 ? (work)
1. has been raining
2. has been suffering
3. have been waiting
4. has been helping
5. have been fighting
6. has been looking
7. Has been borrowing
8. Has been working

V. Fill in the blanks with the Past Indefinite form of the verbs given in the brackets.

1. India ……………….. independence in 1947. (get)
2. He ……………………. government service in 1980 (join)
3. It ………………….. heavily last night. (rain)
4. ……………….. he …………………. you money ? (lend)
5. She ……………….. not ………………… to my proposal. (agree)
6. Why …………………. he …………………… angry with you ? (become)
7. The teacher …………………. the student. (punish)
8. He …………………. to go for a walk daily. (use)
1. got
2. joined
3. rained
4. Did, lend
5. did, agree
6. did, become
7. punished
8. used.

VI. Fill in the blanks with the Past Continuous form of the verbs given in the brackets.

1. It …………….. in the morning. (rain)
2. The peon …………………. the bell. (ring)
3. Why ……………. she (weep)
4. She ……………….. clothes. (wash).
5. …………………… she …………………… food ? (eat)
6. …………. the hunter …………………….. birds ? (kill)
7. It …………………… Since
6. She ……….. not food …………… (cook)
7. I ………………….. a letter. (write)
8. You ……………………. a race. (run)
7. He ………………….. a novel. (read)
8. My grandmother ………. a story. (tell)
1. was raining
2. was ringing
3. was, weeping
4. was washing
5. Was, eating
6. Was, killing
7. was reading
8. was telling.

PSEB 10th Class English Grammar Tenses

VII. Fill in the blanks with the Past Perfect form of the verbs given in the brackets.

1. He ……… a tiger before I reached the forest. (kill)
2. She …………………. a sweater before I bought a new one. (knit)
3. I …………….. money from my friend before I received my salary. (borrow)
4. The river …………………… its banks before the dam was built. (overflow)
5. …………………… she ………………….. a new dress before his father came ? (buy)
6. Why …………….. he ……………. ……. you before everybody ? (abuse)
7. My uncle ……………… a new house before he retired from service. (build)
8. …….. you in the race before you defeated him in boxing ? (beat)
1. had killed
2. had knitted
3. had borrowed
4. had overflowed
5. Had,bought
6. had, abused
7. had built
8. Had, beaten.

VIII. Fill in the blanks with the Past Perfect Continuous form of the verbs given in the brackets.

1. We ………. in Delhi for ten years. (live)
2. He ……… in this office since 1990. (work)
3. She …………………. in this school for ten years. (teach)
4. ……………………. you ……………………. your brother for five years ? (look after)
5. Who ………………….. you with money all these years? (help)
6. The farmer …………………. the fields for many days. (plough)
7. The teacher …………………… the students for a long time. (guide)
8. They …………………… their country for thirty years. (serve).
1. had been living
2. had been working
3. had been teaching
4. Had, been
looking after
5. had been helping
6. had been ploughing
8. had been guiding
8. had been serving.

IX. Fill in the blanks with the Future Indefinite form of the verbs given in the brackets.

1. I ……………….. to Delhi.(go)
2. We …….. you with money. (help)
3. The peon ……………….. the bell at 9 o’clock. (ring)
4. …………. she ………………….. in time ? (crime)
5. …………………… he …………………… you his book ? Glend)
6. She ……………………. a rich man. (marry)
7. The train …………………… in time. (arrive)
8. They …………………… a match tomorrow. (play)
1. shall go
2. shall help
3. will ring
4. Will, come
5. Wil, lend
6. will marry
7. will arrive
8. will play

X. Fill in the blanks with the Future Continuous form of the verbs given in the brackets.

1. She ………………….. a picture. (paint)
2. I ……. a new car. (buy)
3. He ………………….. to Delhi tomorrow.(go)
4. They …………………… their friends. (help)
5. People ……………………. their work. (do)
6. ……………………. she ………………….. food ? (cook)
7. ….. in the river ? (bathe)
8. He …………………. not …………. his friends. (cheat)
1. will be painting
2. shall be buying
3. will be going
4. will be helping
5. will be doing
6. Will, be cooking
7. Will, be bathing
8. will, be cheating

XI. Fill in the blanks with the Future Perfect form of the verbs given in the brackets.

1. She ……….. her work in time. (finish)
2. He ……………………. you with money. (help)
3. They …………………. their clothes. (wash)
4. I. ……………… the situation. (handle)
5. She ……………….. her promise. (break)
6. He ……………………. you money. (lend)
7. she ………. you English? (teach)
8. ………… bravely? (fight)
1. will have finished
2. will have helped
3. will have washed
4. shall have handled
5. will have broken
6. will have lent
7. Will, have taught
8. Will, have fought.

PSEB 10th Class English Grammar Tenses

XII. Fill in the blanks with the Future Perfect Continuous form of the verbs given in the brackets.

1. It …………….. for two hours. (rain)
2. They ……………………. here for many years. (live)
3. She …………………. English since 1980. (learn)
4. He ………………… Mathematics for many years. (teach)
5. …………………. she ……………………. in this office since 1985 ? (work)
6. He ………………….. you for a long time. (cheat)
7. They ………………….. the poor since 1982. (help)
8. ……………. she ……………… food for the whole family for several years? (cook)
1. will have been raining
2. will have been living
3. will have been learning
4. will have been teaching
5. Will, have been working
6. will have been cheating
7. will have been helping
8. Will, have been cooking.

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran संधि

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class Hindi Book Solutions Hindi Grammar Sandhi संधि Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Grammar संधि

1. निम्नलिखित में संधि-विच्छेद/संधि कीजिए।
PSEB 10th Class Hindi Grammar संधि 1
(क) संधि-विच्छेद करना:
चरणामृत = चरण + अमृत
पुस्तकालय = पुस्तक + आलय
मुनीश = मुनि + ईश
लघूत्तर = लघु + उत्तर
दशमेश = दशम + ईश
यथेष्ट = यथा + इष्ट
लोकोक्ति = लोक + उक्ति
पर्यावरण = परि + आवरण
उपर्युक्त = उपरि + उक्त
इत्यादि = इति + आदि।
संधि करना:
प्रति + एक = प्रत्येक
गज + आनन = गजान
सु + अच्छ = स्वच्छ
वन + ओषधि = वनौषधि
यदि + अपि = यद्यपि
शिष्ट + आचार = शिष्टाचार
गुरू + आगमन = गुर्वागमन
सूर्य + उदय = सूर्योदय
अति + अंत = अत्यंत
मत + एक्य = मतैक्य।

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran संधि

वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्नोत्तर

[एक पंक्ति में उत्तरात्मक प्रश्नों के लिए ऐम० बी० डी० हिन्दी गाइड दसवीं भी देखें]
निम्नलिखित बहुविकल्पी प्रश्नों में से एक सही विकल्प चुनकर लिखिए-

प्रश्न 1.
प्रत्येक का संधि-विच्छेद होगा
(क) प्रति + एक
(ख) पर्त + एक
(ग) पृत्य + ऐक
(घ) प्रति + ऐक।
(क) प्रति + एक

प्रश्न 2.
सूर्योदय का संधि-विच्छेद होगा
(क) सूर्य + ओदय
(ख) सूर्य + औदय
(ग) सूर्य + उदय
(घ) सूर्य + ऊदय।
(ग) सूर्य + उदय

प्रश्न 3.
विद्यार्थी का संधि-विच्छेद होगा’
(क) विद् + आर्थी
(ख) विद्या +. अर्थी
(ग) विद्य + आर्थी
(घ) विद् + अर्थी।
(ख) विद्या + अर्थी

प्रश्न 4.
उपरि + उक्त की संधि होगी
(क) उपरोक्त
(ख) उपरीउक्त
(ग) उपर्युक्त
(घ) उपरिउक्त।
(ग) उपर्युक्त

प्रश्न 5.
परि + आवरण की संधि होगी-
(क) परीवरिण
(ख) पर्यावरण
(ग) पयार्वरण
(घ) पर्यावरण।
(ख) पर्यावरण

प्रश्न 6.
सत्य + अर्थ की संधि होगी
(क) सत्यार्थ
(ख) सतिर्थ
(ग) सतीयर्थ
(घ) सत्यर्थ।
(क) सत्यार्थ

प्रश्न 7.
महर्षि का संधि-विच्छेद महा + ऋषि (सही है या गलत)

प्रश्न 8.
राजा + ईश्वर की संधि राजीश्वर (सही है या गलत)

प्रश्न 9.
परम + ईश्वर की संधि है परमीश्वर (हाँ या नहीं में उत्तर दीजिए)

प्रश्न 10.
महात्मा का संधि-विच्छेद महा + आत्मा है (हाँ या नहीं में उत्तर दीजिए)

बोर्ड परीक्षा में पूछे गए प्रश्न निर्देशानुसार उत्तर दीजिए:

(क) निम्नलिखित शब्दों की संधि कीजिए
रजनी + ईश
निम्नलिखित शब्द का संधिविच्छेद कीजिए
(क) रजनी + ईश = रजनीश
प्रत्येक = प्रति + एक

(ख) निम्नलिखित शब्दों की संधि कीजिए
सत्य + अर्थ
निम्नलिखित शब्द का संधिविच्छेद कीजिए- .
(ख) सत्य + अर्थ = सत्यार्थ
परोपकार = पर + उपकार

(ग) निम्नलिखित शब्दों की संधि कीजिए
परम + अणु
निम्नलिखित शब्द का संधिविच्छेद कीजिए
(ग) परम + अणु = परमाणु
वसन्ततु = वसंत + ऋतु

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran संधि

संधिविच्छेद कीजिए-
फलाहार, राजेन्द्र
फलाहार = फल + आहार
राजेन्द्र = राजा + इन्द्र।

संधि कीजिए-
प्रति + एक,
गज + आनन
प्रति + एक = प्रत्येक
गज + आनन = गजानन।

संधिविच्छेद कीजिए-
परमात्मा = परम + आत्मा
संगीताचार्य = संगीत + आचार्य।

संधि कीजिए-
हत + उत्साहित

संधिविच्छेद कीजिए-
पितृ + अर्पण।

प्रश्न 1.
संधि किसे कहते हैं ?
संधि का सामान्य अर्थ है-मेल। मुख्य रूप से जब वर्गों का संयोजन होता है तो शब्दों की रचना होती है। दो वर्गों के विकार या परिवर्तन सहित मेल को संधि कहते हैं; जैसे-
विद्या + अर्थी = विद्यार्थी, = आ + अ = आ = ा
मत+ ऐक्य = मतैक्य = अ + ऐ = ऐं = ै
उत् + हरण = उद्धरण, = त् को न हो जाता है
निः + झर = निर्झर = निः के विसर्ग को ”’ हो जाता है।
वनः + पति = वनस्पति = न: के विसर्ग को स् हो जाता है
संधि से नए शब्दों की रचना होती है जिससे भाषा नए शब्दों को प्राप्त कर समृद्ध होती है।

प्रश्न 2.
संधि की परिभाषा दीजिए।
परिभाषा: दो वर्गों के पास-पास आने से उनमें जो विकार सहित मेल होता है, उसे संधि कहते हैं।

प्रश्न 3.
संधि-विच्छेद किसे कहते हैं?
जब संधि हुए वर्गों को अलग-अलग कर उनकी पूर्व स्थिति में पहुँचा दिया जाता है, तो उसे संधि-विच्छेद कहते हैं। जैसे-
संधि = संधि-विच्छेद
परीक्षा = परि + ईक्षा
उच्चारण = उत् + चारण
नमस्कार = नमः + कार
मूसलाधार = मूसल + धार

प्रश्न 4.
संधि के कितने भेद हैं?
संधि के तीन भेद हैं-
(i) स्वर संधि
(ii) व्यंजन संधि
(iii) विसर्ग संधि।
(i) स्वर संधि-स्वर से परे स्वर होने पर उनमें जो विकार होता है उसे स्वर संधि कहते हैं; जैसेधर्म + अर्थ = धर्मार्थ, यहां अ और अ मिलकर आ हुआ है। दीर्घ स्वर संधि हुई है।

(ii) व्यंजन संधि-व्यंजन के पास व्यंजन या स्वर होने से व्यंजन में जो विकार होता है, उसे व्यंजन संधि कहते हैं; जैसे-जगत् + ईश = जगदीश, जगत् + नाथ = जगन्नाथ, दिक् + गज = दिग्गज, वाक् + ईश = वागीश, वि + सम = विषम, वाक् + मय = वाङ्मय।

(iii) विसर्ग संधि-विसर्ग (:) के पास स्वर या व्यंजन होने से विसर्ग में जो विकार होता है उसे विसर्ग संधि कहते हैं; जैसे-निः + आशा = निराशा, तपः + वन = तपोवन, नमः + ते = नमस्ते, हरिः + चन्द्र = हरिश्चन्द्र, निः + धन = निर्धन।
पाठ्यक्रम में केवल स्वर संधि है, इसलिए इस पर विस्तार से चर्चा करेंगे।

स्वर संधि

प्रश्न 1.
स्वर संधि किसे कहते हैं? इसके कितने भेद हैं?
स्वरों के परस्पर निकट होने से उनमें जो विकार या परिवर्तन सहित मेल होता है, उसे स्वर संधि कहते हैं। स्वरों में परिवर्तन के आधार पर इसके पाँच भेद हैं-
1. दीर्घ संधि
2. गुण संधि
3. वृद्धि संधि
4. यण संधि
5. अयादि संधि।

1. दीर्घ संधि
परिभाषा-जब दो सवर्ण स्वर परस्पर निकट-निकट आ जाते हैं तो दोनों मिलकर उसी वर्ण का दीर्घ स्वर बनाते हैं। इसे दीर्घ संधि कहते हैं।
नियम-जब दो सवर्ण स्वर (अ, आ, इ, ई, उ, ऊ) पास-पास आ जाते हैं तब दोनों के परस्पर मेल से एक ही दीर्घ स्वर (आ, ई, ऊ) बन जाता है।
(क) अ+ अ = आ
चर + अचर = चराचर
स्व + अर्थ = स्वार्थ
अन्य + अर्थ = अन्यार्थ
परम + अर्थ = परमार्थ
सूर्य + अस्त = सूर्यास्त
स्व + आधीन = स्वाधीन
भाव + अर्थ = भावार्थ
सत्य + अर्थ = सत्यार्थ
परम + अणु = परमाणु
शस्त्र + अस्त्र = शस्त्रास्त्र
धर्म + अर्थ = धमार्थ
कर्म + अर्थ = कर्मार्थ
वेद + अंत = वेदांत
राम + अवतार = रामावतार
धर्म + अधर्म = धर्माधर्म
अन्य + अर्थ = अन्यार्थ
शश + अंक = शशांक
एक + एक = एकाएक
देश + अटन = देशाटन
सूर्य + उदय = सूर्योदय
अल्प + अवधि = अल्पावधि
जन्म + अंतर = जन्मांतर
पर + अस्त = परास्त
नव + अंकुर = नवांकुर
अनेक + अनेक = अनेकानेक
स्व + अनुभव = स्वानुभव
सत्य + असत्य = सत्यासत्य
मत + अनुसार = मतानुसार
देह + अंत = देहांत
हिम + आद्रि = हिमाद्रि
सह + अनुभूति = सहानुभूति
स्व + अधीन = स्वाधीन
देव + अर्चन = देवार्चन
सत्य + अन्वेषी = सत्यान्वेषी
सुख + अनुभूति = सुखानुभूति
स्व + अर्थी = स्वार्थी
शरण + अर्थी = शरणार्थी
शब्द + अर्थ = शब्दार्थ
कृष्ण + अवतार = कृष्णावतार
राम + अवतार = रामावतार
वस्त्र + अभाव = वस्त्राभाव
अन्न + अभाव = अन्नाभाव
अधिक + अंश = अधिकांश
मलय + अनिल = मलयानिल
दिन + अंक = दिनांक
कीट + अणु = कीटाणु
पीत + अंबर = पीतांबर
उत्तर + अंचल = उत्तरांचल
मुख्य + अध्यापक = मुख्याध्यापक
ब्रह्मा + अस्त्र = ब्रह्मास्त्र
मत + अधिकार = मताधिकार
शत + अधिक = शताधिक
योग + अभ्यास = योगाभ्यास
धन + अभाव = धनाभाव
परम + अर्थी = परमार्थी
हिम + अंशु = हिमांशु
रस + अयन = रसायन
जीव + अणु = जीवाणु
नील + अंबर = नीलांबर
देव + असुर = देवासुर
पुष्प + अंजलि = पुष्पांजलि
चरण + अमृत = चरणामृत
राग + अनल = रागानल
धर्म + अर्पित = धर्मार्पित

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran संधि

(ख) अ + आ = आ

देव + आलय = देवालय
विश्राम + आलय = विश्रामालय
सचिव + आलय = सचिवालय
जन + आदेश = जनादेश
परम + आनंद = परमानंद
शिव + आनंद = शिवानंद
परम + आत्मा = परमात्मा
ध्वज + आरोहण = ध्वजारोहण
शुभ + आकांक्षी = शुभाकांक्षी
विरह + आतुर = विरहातुर
धर्म + आत्मा = धर्मात्मा
नव + आशय = नवाशय
धन + आकांक्षी = धनाकांक्षी
कुश + आसन = कुशासन
युग + आदि = युगादि
वर्तुल + आकार = वर्तुलाकार
पुस्तक + आलय = पुस्तकालय
अभ्य + आगत = अभ्यागत
विवेक + आनंद = विवेकानंद
महत्त्व + आकांक्षी = महत्त्वाकांक्षी
देव + आसन = देवासन
पद्म + आसन = पद्मासन
मंगल + आचार = मंगलाचार
प्राण + आधार = प्राणाधार
शिव + आलय = शिवालय
धन + आदेश = धनादेश
हिम + आलय = हिमालय
भोजन + आलय = भोजनालय
वृक्ष + आरोपण = वृक्षारोपण
गज + आनन = गजानन
राम + आनंद = रामानंद
नव + आगत = नवागत
रत्न + आकर = रत्नाकर
अश्व + आरोहण = अश्वारोहण
फल + आदेश = फलादेश
काम + आतुर = कामातुर
मरण + आसन्न = मरणासन्न
दिव्य + आकार = दिव्याकार
छात्र + आवास = छात्रावास
मंडल + आकार = मंडलाकार
पंच + आनन = पंचानन
वाचन + आलय = वाचनालय
शरण + आगत = शरणागत
पूर्व + आग्रह = पूर्वाग्रह
शुभ + आरंभ = शुभारंभ
शव + आसन = शवासन
मयूर + आसन = मयूरासन
गत + आचार = गताचार
विस्मय + आदि = विस्मयादि
राम + आलय = रामालय
देव + आगम = देवागम
सत्य + आग्रह = सत्याग्रह

(ग) आ + अ = आ

दीक्षा + अंत = दीक्षांत
कदा + अपि = कदापि
रेखा + अंश = रेखांश
यथा + अवसर = यथावसर
परीक्षा + अर्थी = परीक्षार्थी
विद्या + अर्थी = विद्यार्थी
महा + अर्णव = महार्णव
विद्या + अर्जन = विद्यार्जन
यथा + अर्थ = यथार्थ
विद्या + अर्पण = विद्यार्पण
परीक्षा + अभ्यास = परीक्षाभ्यास
सेवा + अर्थ = सेवार्थ
सीमा + अंत = सीमांत
परा + अस्त = परास्त
सीता + अर्थ = सीतार्थ
यथा + अर्थ = यथार्थ
शिक्षा + अर्थी = शिक्षार्थी
सीमा + अंकन = सीमांकन
मिथ्या + अर्थ = मिथ्यार्थ
तथा + अपि = तथापि
विद्या + अभ्यास = विद्याभ्यास
दया + अर्थ = दयार्थ

(घ) आ + आ = आ

दया + आनंद = दयानंद
वार्ता + आलाप = वार्तालाप
सदा + आचार = सदाचार
श्रद्धा + आनंद = श्रद्धानंद
सभा + आगार = सभागार
चिकित्सा + आलय = चिकित्सालय
महा + आशय = महाशय
कृपा + आलु = कृपालु
दिवा + आकर = दिवाकर
मिथ्या + आडंबर = मिथ्याडंबर
महा + आत्मा = महात्मा
विद्या + आलय = विद्यालय
महा + आनंद = महानंद
कारा + आवास = कारावास
कृपा + आकांक्षी = कृपाकांक्षी
प्रतीक्षा + आलय = प्रतीक्षालय
विद्या + आनंद = विद्यानंद
श्रद्धा + आलु = श्रद्धालु
छात्रा + आवास = छात्रावास
करुणा + आगार = करुणागार

(ङ) इ + इ = ई

कपि + इंद्र = कपींद्र
रवि + इंद्र = रवींद्र
गिरि + इंद्र = गिरींद्र
अभि + इष्ट = अभीष्ट
कवि + इच्छा = कवीच्छा
अति + इव = अतीव
प्रति + इति = प्रतीति
शशि + इंद्र = शशींद्र
मुनि + इंद्र = मुनींद्र
कवि + इंद्र = कवींद्र

(च) इ + ई = ई

मुनि + ईश्वर = मुनीश्वर
प्रति + ईक्षा = प्रतीक्षा
मुनि + ईश = मुनीश
अधि + ईश्वर = अधीश्वर
कवि + ईश्वर = कवीश्वर
फणि + ईश्वर = फणीश्वर
कपि + ईश = कपीश
हरि + ईश = हरीश
रवि + ईश = रवीश
गिरि + ईश = गिरीश
कपि + ईश्वर = कपीश्वर
परि + ईक्षा = परीक्षा

(छ) ई + इ = ई

अवनी + इंद्र = अवनींद्र
नारी + इच्छा = नारीच्छा
यती + इंद्र = यतींद्र
नारी + इंद्र = नारींद्र
नदी + इंद्र = नदींद्र
पत्ली + इच्छा = पत्नीच्छा
मही + इंद्र = महींद्र
रजनी + इंदु = रजनींदु
देवी + इच्छा = देवीच्छा
नारी + इष्ट = नारीष्ट
महती + इच्छा = महतीच्छा
नारी + इंदु = नारीदु

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran संधि

(ज) ई + ई = ई

रजनी + ईश = रजनीश
मही + ईश्वर = महीश्वर
सती + ईश = सतीश
नदी + ईश = नदीश
नारी + ईश = नारीश
नारी + ईश्वर = नारीश्वर
फणी + ईश = फणीश
जानकी + ईश = जानकीश
योगी + ईश्वर = योगीश्वर
श्री + ईश = श्रीश
मही + ईश = महीश
जानकी + ईश्वर = जानकीश्वर

(झ) उ + उ = ऊ

भानु + उदय = भानूदय
गुरु + उपदेश = गुरूपदेश
सु + उक्ति = सूक्ति
लघु + उत्सव = लघूत्सव
साधु + उत्सव = साधूत्सव
बहु + उद्देशीय = बहूद्देशीय
अनु + उदित = अनूदित
लघु + उत्तर = लघूत्तर
विधु + उदय = विधूदय
लघु + उपदेश = लघूपदेश

(ञ) उ + ऊ = ऊ

सिंधु + ऊर्मि = सिंधूर्मि
लघु + ऊर्मि = लघूर्मि
अंबु + ऊर्जा = अंबूर्जा
अंबु + ऊर्मि = अंबूर्मि

(ट) ऊ + उ = ऊ

भू + उन्नति = भून्नति
वधू + उत्सव = वधूत्सव
भू + उत्सर्ग = भूत्सर्ग
भू + उद्धार = भूद्धार
भू + उत्कर्ष = भूत्कर्ष
भू + उत्क्षेप = भूत्क्षेप

(ठ) ऊ + ऊ = ऊ

वधू + ऊर्मि = वधूमि
भू + ऊर्जा = भूर्जा
भू + ऊर्ध्व = भूर्ध्व
सरयू + ऊर्मि = सूरयर्मि

2. गुण संधि
(क) जब अ या आ के आगे इ या ई हो तो दोनों को मिलाने से ‘ए’ बनता है।
(ख) जब अ या आ के आगे उ या ऊ हो तो दोनों को मिलाने से ‘ओ’ बनता है।
(ग) जब अ या आ के आगे ऋहो तो ‘अर’ बनता है।
इसे गुण संधि कहते हैं।

क. (i) अ + इ = ए
ज्ञान + इंद्र = ज्ञानेंद्र
नर + इंद्र = नरेंद्र
रूप + इंद्र = रूपेंद्र
सत्य + इंद्र = सत्येंद्र
सुर + इंद्र = सुरेंद्र
वीर + इंद्र = वीरेंद्र
जैन + इंद्र = जैनेंद्र
स्व + इच्छा = स्वेच्छा
गज + इंद्र = गजेंद्र
धर्म + इंद्र = धर्मेंद्र
ज्ञान + इंद्र = ज्ञानेंद्र
जोग + इंद्र = जोगेंद्र
पूर्ण + इंद्र = पूर्णेद्र
शुभ + इच्छा = शुभेच्छा
कर्म + इंद्रिय = कर्मेंद्रिय
शुभ + इंदु = शुभेंदु
भारत + इंदु = भारतेंदु
सोम + इंद्र = सोमेंद्र
लोक + इंद्र = लोकेंद्र
पूर्ण + इंदु = पूर्णेदु

(ii) अ + ई = ए

रूप + ईश = रूपेश
गण + ईश = गणेश
भुवन + ईश्वर = भुवनेश्वर
सोम + ईश = सोमेश
देव + ईश्वर = देवेश्वर
राम + ईश्वर = रामेश्वर
विमल + ईश = विमलेश
अखिल + ईश = अखिलेश
योग + ईश = योगेश
नाग + ईश = नागेश
दिन + ईश = दिनेश
नर + ईश = नरेश
कमल + ईश्वर = कमलेश्वर
सुर + ईश = सुरेश
परम + ईश्वर = परमेश्वर
ज्ञान + ईश्वर = ज्ञानेश्वर
ब्रज + ईश = ब्रजेश
कमल + ईश = कमलेश
पर्वत + ईश्वर = पर्वतेश्वर
महा + ईश = महेश

(iii) आ + इ = ए

राजा + इंद्र = राजेंद्र
यथा + इष्ट = यथेष्ट
महा + इंद्र = महेंद्र
रमा + इंद्र = रमेंद्र

(iv) आ + ई = ए

राजा + ईश = राजेश
महा + ईश्वर = महेश्वर
रमा + ईश = रमेश
लंका + ईश = लंकेश
गंगा + ईश्वर = गंगेश्वर

ख. (i) अ + उ = ओ

सह + उदर = सहोदर
सर्व + उच्च = सर्वोच्च
सूर्य + उदय = सूर्योदय
धीर + उचित = धीरोचित
भाग्य + उदय = भाग्योदय
देव + उपम = देवोपम
नव + उदित = नवोदित
पूर्व + उदय = पूर्वोदय
प्रश्न + उत्तर = प्रश्नोत्तर
देव + उत्सव = देवोत्सव
हित + उपदेश = हितोपदेश
पुरुष + उत्तम = पुरुषोत्तम
गृह + उपयोगी = गृहोपयोगी
जीर्ण + उद्धार = जीर्णोद्धार
ब्रह्म + ईश्वर = ब्रह्मेश्वर
उमा + ईश = उमेश
राजा + ईश्वर = राजेश्वर
लंका + ईश्वर = लंकेश्वर
नर्मदा + ईश्वर = नर्मदेश्वर
पर + उपकार = परोपकार
रोग + उपचार = रोगोपचार
सर्व + उदय = सर्वोदय
लोक + उक्ति = लोकोक्ति
नव + उदय = नवोदय
सह + उदय = सहोदय
ग्राम + उन्मुख = ग्रामोन्मुख
नर + उचित = नरोचित
मद + उन्मत = मदोन्मत
चंद्र + उदय = चंद्रोदय
अछूत + उद्धार = अछूतोद्धार
वीर + उचित = वीरोचित
उत्तर + उत्तर = उत्तरोत्तर
शुभ + उदय = शुभोदय
वार्षिक + उत्तर = वार्षिकोत्सव
नव + उदित = नवोदित
दक्षिण + उत्तर = दक्षिणोत्तर
नर + उत्तम = नरोत्तम
पश्चिम + उत्तर = पश्चिमोत्तर
पूर्व + उत्तर = पूर्वोत्तर

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran संधि

(ii) अ + ऊ = ओ

सागर + ऊर्मि = सागरोर्मि
नव + ऊढ़ा = नवोढ़ा
सूर्य + ऊष्मा = सूर्योष्मा
समुद्र + ऊर्मि = समुद्रोर्मि
भाव + ऊर्मि = भावोर्मि
दया + ऊर्मि = दयोर्मि
जल + ऊर्मि = जलोर्मि
पय + ऊर्मि = पयोर्मि

(iii) आ + उ = ओ

महा + उत्सव = महोत्सव
महा + उदय = महोदय
गंगा + उदक = गंगोदक
महा + उदधि = महोदधि
महा + उष्ण = महोष्ण
विद्या + उत्तमा = विद्योत्तमा

(iv) आ + ऊ = ओ

गंगा + ऊर्मि = गंगोर्मि
यमुना + ऊर्मि = यमुनोर्मि
रंभा + ऊरू = रंभोरू
महा + ऊर्जा = महोर्जा ग.

ग. (i) अ+ ऋ = अर्
देव + ऋषि = देवर्षि
सप्त + ऋषि = सप्तर्षि
ब्रह्म + ऋषि = ब्रह्मर्षि
कनाद + ऋषि = कनादर्षि
राज + ऋषि = राजर्षि
वसंत + ऋतु = वसंतर्तु

(ii) आ + ऋ = अर्

महा + ऋषि = महर्षि
राजा + ऋषि = राजर्षि

3. वृद्धि संधि
नियम- जब ‘अ’, ‘आ’ के आगे ‘ए’ अथवा ‘ऐ’ हों तो उन्हें मिलाकर ‘ऐ’ विकार हो जाता है। इसी प्रकार ‘अ’, ‘आ’ के सामने ‘ओ’ अथवा ‘औ’ के होने की स्थिति में दोनों को मिलाने से ‘औ’ हो जाता है। इसे वृद्धि संधि कहते हैं।
(क) अ + ए = ऐ

हित + एषी = हितैषी
लोक + एषणा = लोकैषणा
धन + एषणा = धनैषणा
एक + एक = एकैक

(ख) अ + ऐ = ऐ

नव + ऐश्वर्य = नवैश्वर्य
देव + ऐश्वर्य = दैवश्वर्य
परम + ऐश्वर्य = परमैश्वर्य
मत + ऐक्य = मतैक्य
लोक + ऐक्य = लौकेक्य
राज + ऐश्वर्य = राजैश्वर्य

(ग) आ + ए = ऐ

यथा + एव = यथैव
तथा + एव = तथैव
सदा + एव = सदैव
कदा + एव = कदैव

(घ) आ + ऐ = ऐ

रमा + ऐश्वर्य = रमैश्वर्य
राजा + ऐश्वर्य = राजैश्वर्य
महा + ऐश्वर्य = महैश्वर्य
इला + ऐश्वर्य = इलैश्वर्य

(ङ) अ+ ओ = औ

जल + ओध = जलौध
परम + ओजस्वी = परमौजस्वी
अधर + ओष्ठ = अधरौष्ठ
वन + ओषधि = वनौषधि
महा + ओज = महौज
दंत + ओष्ठ = दंतौष्ठ

(च) अ + औ = औ

देव + औदार्य = देवौदार्य
परम + औदार्य = परमौदार्य
जल + औध = जलौध
अत्यंत + औदार्य = अत्यंतौदार्य
वीर + औदार्य = वीरौदार्य
वन + औषध = वनौषध
परम + औषध = परमौषध
उत्तम + औषध = उत्तमौषध

(छ) आ + औ = औ

महा + औदार्य = महौदार्य
महा + औध = महौध
महा + औषध = महौषध
महा + औत्सुक्य = महौत्सुक्य

4. यण संधि
नियम-(क) जब ‘इ’ या ‘ई’ के बाद ‘इ’ वर्ण के अतिरिक्त कोई अन्य स्वर आ जाए तो ‘इ’ या ‘ई’ का परिवर्तन ‘य’ में हो जाता है।
(ख) जब ‘उ’ या ‘ऊ’ के बाद ‘उ’ वर्ण के अतिरिक्त कोई अन्य स्वर आ जाए तो ‘उ’ या ‘ऊ’ का परिवर्तन ‘व’ में हो जाता है।
(ग) जब ‘ऋ’ के बाद ‘ऋ’ वर्ण के अतिरिक्त कोई अन्य स्वर आ जाए तो ‘ऋ’ का परिवर्तन ‘र’ में हो जाता है। इसे यण संधि कहते हैं।
क. (i) इ+ अ = य
प्रति + अक्षर = प्रत्यक्षर
अति + अधिक = अत्यधिक
अति + अंत = अत्यंत
अभि + अर्थी = अभ्यर्थी
यदि + अपि = यद्यपि
गति + अवरोध = गत्यावरोध

(ii) इ + आ = या

अभि + आगत = अभ्यागत
वि + आप्त = व्याप्त
अति + आचार = अत्याचार
परि + आवरण = पर्यावरण
इति + आदि = इत्यादि
अति + आवश्यक = अत्यावश्यक
अति + आनंद = अत्यानंद
प्रति + आगमन = प्रत्यागमन
वि + आयाम = व्यायाम

(iii) ई + अ = य

देवी + अर्पण = देव्यर्पण
नदी + अर्पण = नद्यर्पण

(iv) ई + आ = या

देवी + आगम = देव्यागम
सखी + आगमन = सख्यागमन
देवी + आलय = देव्यालय
रथी + आगम = रथ्यागम

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran संधि

(v) इ + उ = यु

प्रति + उत्तर = प्रत्युत्तर
प्रति + उपकार = प्रत्युपकार
उपरि + उक्त = उपर्युक्त
अभि + उदय = अभ्युदय
अति + उत्तम = अत्युत्तम
मति + उदय = मत्युदय

(vi) इ + ऊ = यू

वि + ऊह = व्यूह
नि + ऊन = न्यून
प्रति + ऊष = प्रत्यूष
अति + ऊष्म = अत्यूष्म

(vii) ई + ऊ = यू

नदी + ऊर्मि = नयूर्मि

(viii) इ + ए = ये

प्रति + एक = प्रत्येक
अधि + एषणा = अध्येषणा
अधि + एता = अध्येता
गति + एषणा = गत्येषणा

(ix) ई + ऐ = यै

नदी + ऐश्वर्य = नयैश्वर्य
सखी + ऐश्वर्य = सख्यैश्वर्य

(x) इ + अं = यं

प्रति + अंचा = प्रत्यंचा
प्रति + अंग = प्रत्यंग

ख. (i) उ + अ = व

अनु + अय = अन्वय
सु + अच्छ = स्वच्छ
मधु + अरि = मध्वरि
सु + अस्ति = स्वस्ति
सु + अल्प = स्वल्प
मनु + अंतर = मन्वंतर

(ii) उ + आ = वा

सु + आगत = स्वागत
पशु + आदि = पश्वादि
मधु + आलय = मध्वालय
गुरु + आज्ञा = गुर्वाज्ञा

(iii) ऊ + अ = व

वधू + अनुसार = वध्वनुसार
सु + अल्प = स्वल्प

(iv) ऊ + आ = वा

वधू + आगमन = वध्वागमन
गुरू + आदेश = गुर्वादेश

(v) उ + इ = वि

अनु + इति = अन्विति
अनु + इत = अन्वित

(vi) उ + ई = वी

अनु + ईक्षक = अन्वीक्षक
अनु + ईक्षण = अन्वीक्षण

(vii) उ + ए = वे

अनु + ऐषक = अन्वेषक
अनु + एषण = अन्वेषण
प्रभु + एषणा = प्रभ्वेषणा

ग. (i) ऋ+ अ = र

मातृ + अनुमति = मात्रानुमति
पितृ + अर्पण = पित्रर्पण

(ii) ऋ+ आ = रा|

पितृ + आनंद = पित्रानंद
पितृ + आदेश = पित्रादेश
भ्रातृ + आज्ञा = भ्रात्राज्ञा
पितृ + आज्ञा = पित्राज्ञा
पितृ + आलय = पित्रालय
मातृ + आनंद = मात्रानंद

(iii) ऋ+ उ = रु

मातृ + उपदेश = मात्रुपदेश
पितृ + उपदेश = पित्रुपदेश

(iv) ऋ + इ = रि

पितृ + इच्छा = पित्रिच्छा
मातृ + इच्छा = मात्रिच्छा

(v) ऋ + ई = री
मातृ + ईश = मात्रीश

5. अयादि संधि

नियम-(क) जब ‘ए’ या ‘ऐ के बाद ‘ए’ वर्ण के अतिरिक्त कोई अन्य स्वर आता है तो ‘ए’ का ‘अय्’ और ‘ऐ’ का ‘आय’ हो जाता है।
(ख) जब ‘आ’ या औ’ के बाद ‘ओ’ वर्ण के अतिरिक्त कोई अन्य स्वर आता है तो ‘ओ’ का ‘अव’ तथा ‘औ’ का ‘आव’ हो जाता है। इसी को अयादि संधि कहते हैं।
(i) ए + अ = अय्

चे + अन = चयन
ने + अन = नयन
शे + अन = शयन

(ii) ऐ + अ = आय्

नै + अक = नायक
गै + अन = गायन
गै + अक = गायक
सै + अक = सायक

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran संधि

(iii) ऐ + इ = आयि

गै + इका = गायिका
नै + इका = नायिका

(iv) ओ + अ = अव्

भो + अन = भवन
हो + अन = हवन
पो + अन = पवन

(v) ओ + इ = अवि

पो + इत्र = पवित्र
भो + इष्य = भविष्य

(vi) औ + अ = आव्

पौ + अन = पावन
पौ + अक = पावक

(vii) औ + इ = आवि

नौ + इक = नाविक

(vii) औ + उ = आवु

भौ + उक = भावुक

उक्त पाँचों स्वर संधियाँ हिंदी में संस्कृत से आई हैं। इनके अतिरिक्त हिंदी की अपनी कुछ स्वर संधियाँ और भी हैं।

(क) पररूप संधि-हिंदी शब्दों में कहीं-कहीं अ, आ के बाद ए या ओ आ जाने पर अ या आ बाद वाले ए या ओ में मिलाकर एक हो जाते हैं तो उसे पररूप संधि कहते हैं। जैसे-
अ + ए = ए = साँप + एरा = सपेरा
आ + ए = ए = मामा + एरा = ममेरा
चाचा + एरा = चचेरा
अ + ओ = ओ = बिंब + ओष्ठ = बिंबोष्ठ
अधर + ओष्ठ = अधरोष्ठ
लूट + एरा = लुटेरा
शुद्ध + ओदन = शुद्धोदन।

(ख) वर्ण आगम संधि-कुछ शब्दों में समास होते समय प्रथम पद के अंतिम वर्ण में स्थित ‘अ’ का ‘आ’ हो जाता है। इसे वर्ण आगम संधि कहते हैं। जैसे-

फट + फट = फटाफट
दीन + नाथ = दीनानाथ
विश्व + मित्र = विश्वामित्र
मूसल + धार = मूसलाधार
काय + कल्प = कायाकल्प
धड़ + धड़ = धड़ाधड़।

(ग) लघुभाव संधि-प्रत्यय जोड़ने या समस्त पद बनाते समय आ को अ’, ‘ई को उ’, ‘ए को इ’ तथा ‘ओ को उ’ में बदला जाता है। उसे लघुभाव संधि कहते हैं। जैसे-

आ को अ = काठ + पुतली = कठपुतली
काला + मुँह = कलमुँहा
कान + कटा = कनकटा
मीठा + आई = मिठाई
ई को इ = भीख + आरी = भिखारी
ढीठ + आई = ढिठाई
ऊ को उ = दूध + मुँहा = दुधमुँहा
मूंछ + कटा = मुँछकटा
ए को इ = खेल + आड़ी = खिलाड़ी
लूट + एरा = लुटेरा
एक + तीस = इकतीस
एक + तारा = इकतारा
ओ को उ = दो + गुना = दुगुना
देख + आई = दिखाई
घोड़ा + दौड़ = घुड़दौड़
लोहा + आर = लुहार
आधा + खिला = अधखिला।
मोटा + आपा = मुटापा।

PSEB 10th Class English Grammar Reported Speech

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class English Book Solutions English Grammar Reported Speech Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 10th Class English Grammar Reported Speech

Change the following sentences into the Indirect form of Narration.

Question 1.
1. Sunita says, “I am doing my homework.”
2. He will say, “I do not know you.”
3. The teacher says, “I am on leave.”
4. Bimla says, “Manju wrote a poem.”
5. He said, “Man is mortal.”
6. Rekha said,.“The first battle of Panipat was fought in 1526.”
7. He says, “I will be coming home.”
8. Preeti said, “She teaches English well.”
9. The old man said, “I am very sorry to tell you that it is true.”
10. She said to me, “You managed that very-nicely.”
1. Sunita says that she is doing her homework.
2. He will say that he does not know me.
3. The teacher says that he is on leave.
4. Bimla says that Manju wrote a poem.
5. He said that man is mortal.
6. Rekha said that the first battle of Panipat was fought in 1526.
7. He says that he will be coming home.
8. Preeti said that she taught English well.
9. The old man said that he was very sorry to tell me that that was true.
10. She told me that I had managed that very nicely.

PSEB 10th Class English Grammar Reported Speech

Question 2.
1. The young girl said, “If fashions do not change, many manufacturers will have to sit idle.” ’
2. The judge said, “Gandhiji was a victim of stupid fanaticism.”
3. Ram said, “I will write the story of my life.”
4. She said, “I may go there.”
5. Rekha said, “I am learning this art.”
6. Everybody said, “The culprit did not deserve such a severe punishment”
7. Rohit said, “I can catch the train.”
8. The Chief Election Commissioner said, “All elections will have been over by the middle of January.”
9. He said, “I will never forget you.”
10. He said to Rakesh, “We could have done much better.”
1. The young girl said that if fashions do not change, many manufacturers will have to sit idle.
2. The judge said that Gandhiji was a victim of stupid fanaticism.
3. Ram said that he would write the story of his life.
4. She said that she might go,there.
5. Rekha said that she was learning that art.
6. Everybody said that the culprit had not deserved such a severe punishment.
7. Rohit said that he could catch the train.
8. The Chief Election Commissioner said that all elections would have been over by the middle of January.
9. He said that he would never forget me.
10. He told Rakesh that they could have done much better.

Question 3.
1. “Why are you so sad today ?” she said to Rani.
2. He said, “How is your mother ?”
3. I said to him, “Will you return tomorrow ?“
4. He said to me, “Do you like mangoes ?”
5. “Do you like this poem ?” he said to his sister.
6. The stranger said to me, “Can you tell me the way to the school ?”
7. He said to the boy, “What do you want from me ?”
8. The teacher said to Krish, “Where do you live ?”
9. He said to the porter, ‘When will the next train arrive ?”
10. She said to me, “Do you want any money ?”
1. She asked Rani why she was so sad that day.
2. He asked me how my mother was.
3. I asked him if he would return the next day.
4. He asked me if I liked mangoes.
5. He asked his sister if she liked that poem.
6. The stranger asked me if I could tell him the way to the school.
7. He asked the boy what he wanted from him.
8. The teacher asked Krish where he lived.
9. He asked the porter when the next train would arrive.
10. She asked me if I wanted any money.

PSEB 10th Class English Grammar Reported Speech

Question 4.
1. He said to me, “Why did you write me such an insulting letter ?”
2. My mother said to me, “Did you break the slate ?”
3. She said to me, “What brings you here ?”
4. The teacher said to the students, “Why did you not do the homework ?“
5. The postmaster said to the postman, “What are you doing ? Have you sorted the mail ?“
6. The mother said, “Son, why did the teacher punish you ?”
7. Jai said to me, “Why did you insult my brother ?”
8. He said to us, “Are you coming to the meeting today ?”
9. The master said to the servant, “Why did you not report for duty in time ?”
10. The teacher said to the boy, “Why are you late again ? Don’t you feel ashamed about it ?”
1. He asked me why I had written him such an insulting letter.
2. My mother asked me if I had broken the slate.
3. She asked me what brought me there.
4. The teacher asked the students why they had not done the homework.
5. The postmaster asked the postman what he was doing and if he had sorted the mail.
6. The mother asked her son why the teacher had punished him.
7. Jai asked me why I had insulted his brother.
8. He asked us if we were going to the meeting that day.
9. The master asked the servant why he had not reported for duty in time.
10. The teacher asked the boy why he was late again and if he didn’t feel ashamed about that.

Question 5.
I said to him, “Don’t smoke.”
2. The teacher said to the boys, “Do not make a noise.”
3. The hare said to the tortoise, “Let us run a race.”
4. He said to me, “Go to the railway station.”
5. My father said to me, “Do not waste your time.”
6. Raju said to me, “Please give me your pen.” ‘
7. She said to her sister, “Take exercise regularly.”
8. My mother said, “Let’s sit in the sun.”
9. “Leave this room,” said the teacher to the boy.
10. I said to him, “Please be quiet.”
1 forbade him from smoking.
2. The teacher asked the boys not to make a noise.
3. The hare suggested to the tortoise? that they should run a race.
4. He ordered me to go to the railway station.
5. My father advised me not to waste my time.
6. Raju requested me to give him my pen.
7. She advised her sister to take exercise regularly.
8. My mother proposed that we should sit in the sun.
9. The teacher ordered the boy to leave that room.
10. I requested him to be quiet.

PSEB 10th Class English Grammar Reported Speech

Question 6.
1. Krishna said, “Let’s do our duty and not run after the reward.”
2. She said to her friend, “Marry him and be happy in life.”
3. Gobind said to his followers, “Throw the enemies out.”
4. My father said to me, “Avoid bad company.”
5. My father said to my mother, “Bring me a cup of tea.”
6. He said to me, “Let’s go to Shimla.”
7. The officer said to the clerk, “Show me all the records.”
8. Sita said to Ram, “Let Lakshman do what he wants.”
9. Kabir said to him, “Continue to worship God till there is life.”
10. “Stand up on the benches,” I said to the children.
1. Krishna suggested that we should do our duty and hot run after the reward.
2. She advised her friend to marry him and be happy in life.
3. Gobind ordered his followers to throw the enemies out.
4. My father advised me to avoid bad company.
5. My father asked my mother to bring him a cup of tea.
6. He proposed to me that we should go to Shimla.
7. The officer ordered the clerk to show him all the records.
8. Sita asked Ram to let Lakshman do what he wanted.
9. Kabir advised him to continue to worship God till there was life.
10. I ordered the children to stand up on the benches.

Question 7.
1. The teacher said, “How tough the question paper is !”
2. He said, “Goodbye, friends.”
3. “What a charming scene !“ said the girl.
4. “What a lovely rose !” she said.
5. She said, “How sad you look !”
6. He said, “Alas ! He is no more !”
7. “What a clever fellow I am !” said the crow.
8. “Good morning, Raju,” said Anil. “How are you ?”
9. The old man said, “Alas ! I am ruined.”
10. We said, “May God bless your child !”
1. The teacher exclaimed that the question paper was very tough.
2. He bade his friends goodbye.
3. The girl exclaimed with wonder that it was a very charming scene.
4. She exclaimed admiringly that it was a very lovely rose.
5. She exclaimed that I looked very sad.
6. He exclaimed sorrowfully that he was no more.
7. The crow exclaimed proudly that he was a very clever fellow.
8. Anil wished Raju good morning and asked him how he was.
9. The old man exclaimed sorrowfully that he was ruined.
10. We prayed that God might bless her child.

Question 8.
1. The visitor said to us, “Farewell !”
2. He said, “I wish I were a king !”
3. She said to me, “How charming Dalhousie is !”
4. “What a terrible storm it is !“ he said.
5. The boy said, “Hurrah ! My brother stands first !”
6. Harry said, ’’Alas ! I have failed !”
7. He said, “O, for a drop of water !”
8. Raghu said, “May God pardon this sinner !” ,
9. She said, “Alas ! How careless I have been !”
10. He said to them, “Congratulations ! You have done well.”
1. The visitor bade us farewell.
2. He wished that he had been a king.
3. She exclaimed to me that Dalhousie was very charming.
4. He exclaimed that that was a very terrible storm.
5. The boy exclaimed with joy that his brother stood first.
6. Harry exclaimed sorrowfully that he had failed.
7. He longed for a drop of water.
8. Raghu prayed that God might pardon that sinner.
9. She exclaimed regretfully that.she had been very careless.
10. He congratulated them and praised them saying that they had done well.

PSEB 10th Class English Grammar Reported Speech

Question 9.
1. They wished that their Prime Minister might live long.
2. She said that she had her own choice.
3. He told me that he loved me.
4. She said that she was not feeling well that day.
5. He requested me to help his brother.
6. He said that he had seen the Taj the previous year.
7. He says that Raju likes fruit.
8. She asked her mother if she might go out.
9. She asked me why I had written that letter.
10. The old man thanked him and asked if he could do something for him.
1. They said, “May our Prime Minister live long !”
2. She said, “I have, my own choice.”
3. He said to me, “I love you.”
4. She said, “I am not feeling well today.”
5. He said to me, “Please help my brother.”
6. He said, “I saw the Taj last year.”
7. He says, “Raju likes fruit.”
8. She said to her mother, “May I go out ?”
9. She said to me, “Why did you write this letter ?”
10. The old man said to him, “Thank you. Can I do something for you ?“

Question 10.
1. He said to me, “Are you not afraid ?”
2. Father said, “Rani must learn the basics of a computer.”
3. She said to her friend, ‘Will you help me ?”
4. Radha says, “It is raining heavily.”
5. Rama said, “I had taken tea before you arrived.”
6. He said to the driver, “Be quick.”
7. Asha said to Sudha, “Let’s solve these sums.”
8. I said to him, “Do you need money ?”
9. He said to me, “Life is not a bed of roses.”
10. The Captain said, “All the players must report on time.”
1. She asked me if I was not afraid.
2. Father said that Rani had to learn the basics of a computer.
3. She asked her friend if she would help her.
4. Radhu says that it is raining heavily.
5. Rama said that she had taken tea before he arrived.
6. He ordered the driver to lie quick.
7. Asha suggested to Sudha that they should solve those sums.
8. I asked him if he needed money.
9. He told me that life is not a body of roses.
10. The Captain ordered all the players to report on time.

Direct Speech को Indirect Speech में बदलते समय निम्नलिखित परिवर्तन किए जाते हैं

(1) Direct Speech में प्रयोग किए गए inverted commas हटा दिए जाते हैं।
(2) Reporting Verb के बाद लगा हुआ comma हटा दिया जाता है।
(3) यदि आवश्यकता हो तो Reporting Verb के बाद that, if अथवा whether का प्रयोग एक योजक शब्द (linking word) के रूप में किया जाता है।

(4) Pronouns के सम्बन्ध में होने वाले परिवर्तनों के लिए निम्नांकित नियम याद रखिए

  • Reported Speech में जो First Person के Pronouns होते हैं, उन्हें Reporting Verb के Subject (कर्त्ता) के Person में बदला जाता है।
  • Reported Speech में जो Second Person के Pronouns होते हैं, उन्हें Reporting Verb के Object (कर्म) के Person में बदला जाता है।
  • Reported Speech में जो Third Person के Pronouns होते हैं, उनके Person में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं किया जाता है।

(5) Tenses अथवा Verbs के सम्बन्ध में होने वाले परिवर्तनों के लिए निम्नांकित नियम याद रखिए

  • Reporting. Verb का Tense कभी भी बदला नहीं जाता है।
  • Reporting Verb में said to के स्थान पर told, asked, requested, ordered, exclaimed, आदि शब्दों का प्रयोग किया जाता है, परन्तु इसका Tense वही रहता है।
  • Reporting Verb यदि Present Tense अथवा Future Tense में हो, तो Reported Speech के Tense में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं होता है।
  • Reporting Verb यदि Past Tense में हो, तो Reported-Speech के Verb का Tense नीचे दिए नियमों के अनुसार बदला जाता है
    V1, को V2 में बदल दो।
    V2 को had + V3 में बदल दो।
  • Reported Speech में यदि किसी Universal Truth, Habit, Fact अथवा किसी Historical
    Truth का वर्णन हो, तो इसे Indirect में बदलते समय इसके Tense में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं किया जाता है, यद्यपि Reporting Verb का Tense कुछ भी हो।

PSEB 10th Class English Grammar Reported Speech

(vi) यदि Reported Speech में दो क्रियाएं एक ही समय पर हो रही हों (two actions taking place at the same time), तो इसे Indirect में बदलते समय इसके Tense में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं किया जाता है, यद्यपि Reporting Verb का Tense कुछ भी हो।

(vii) Reported Speech में दिया गया वाक्य यदि साधारण (Assertive) हो, तो योजक के रूप में that का प्रयोग किया जाता है।

(viii) Reported Speech में दिया गया वाक्य यदि प्रश्न-वाचक हो, तो योजक के रूप में if या whether का प्रयोग किया जाता है। परन्तु यदि प्रश्न-वाचक वाक्य What, When, Where, Why, Which, Who, How, आदि प्रश्न-वाचक शब्दों से आरम्भ हुआ हो, तो किसी भी योजक का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है। वाक्य के आरम्भ में लगा हुआ प्रश्न-वाचक शब्द ही योजक का काम करता है। प्रश्न-वाचक वाक्य को indirect में बदलने के बाद उस वाक्य को सादा (Assertive) बना दिया जाता है।

(ix) Reported Speech में दिया हुआ वाक्य यदि Imperative हो, तो Indirect में बदलते समय नीचे दिए परिवर्तन किए जाते हैं

  • Reporting Verb में दिए गए said to के स्थान पर ordered, asked, requested, begged, advised, आदि शब्दों का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
  • Imperative Verb के आगे to लगाकर उसे Infinitive बना दिया जाता है।

(6) समीपता (nearness) सूचक शब्दों को दूरी-सूचक शब्दों में बदल दिया जाना चाहिए। इन परिवर्तनों के लिए निम्नांकित तालिका याद रखिए

Direct Indirect Direct Indirect
Now Then Today That day
This That Tomorrow The next day
These Those Yesterday The previous day
Here There Last night The previous night
Ago Before Next month The following month

किन्तु ये परिवर्तन नहीं किए जाते हैं यदि समय अथवा स्थान की दूरी का भाव क्रिया के रूप से ही स्पष्ट हो जाता हो।

Change of Tenses

1. I said to the teacher, “I am sorry.”
I told the teacher that I was sorry.

2. I said to the teacher, “I am working hard.”
I told the teacher that I was working hard.

3. I said, “I have been ill since Monday.”
I said that I had been ill since Monday.

4. I said to him, “I was doing my duty.”
I told him that I had been doing my duty.

5. He said to me, “You have done well.”
He told me that I had done well.

6. He said, “I shall go there.”
He said that he would go there.

PSEB 10th Class English Grammar Reported Speech

7. She said to me, ‘You will miss the train.”
She told me that I would miss the train.

Facts, Sayings & Universal Truths

1. He said, “God is great.”
He said that God is great.

2. The boy said, “I take exercise daily.”
The boy said that he takes exercise daily.

3. The teacher said, “The First Battle of Panipat was fought in 1526.”
The teacher said that the First Battle of Panipat was fought in 1526.

4. “Gandhiji believed in non-violence,” said the Prime Minister.
The Prime Minister said that Gandhiji believed in non-violence.

Interrogative Sentences

1. The teacher said to me, “Are you feeling well today ?”
The teacher asked me if I was feeling well that day.

2. The traveller said frame, “Can you tell me the way to the nearest inn ?”
The traveller asked me if I could tell him the way to the nearest inn.

3. Hari said to his father, “May I go to the pictures tonight ?”
Hari asked his father if he might go to the pictures that night.

4. I said to her, “Do you want my help ?”
I asked her if she wanted my help.

5. She said, “Kamla, do you like this book ?”
She asked Kamla if she liked that book.

6. He said to the old man, “What do you want ?”
He asked the old man what he wanted.

7. The teacher said to Hari, “Why haven’t you done your homework ?”
The teacher asked Hari why he hadn’t done his homework.

8. Sohan said to her, “If you fail what will you do ?”
Sohan asked her what she would do if she failed.

Imperative Sentences

1. The teacher said to the boy, “Shut the door.”
The teacher asked the boy to shut the door.

2. Mohan said to Rajan, “Please go to the station with me.”
Mohan requested Rajan to go to the station with him.

3. He said to me, “Trust in God and do the right.”
He advised me to trust in God and to do the right.

4. The boy said, “Papa ! Forgive me this time.”
The boy begged his papa to forgive him that time.

5. I said to my teacher, “Pardon me, sir.”
I respectfully begged my teacher to pardon me.

6. He said to his friends, “Please let me study.”
He requested his friends to let him study.

7. He said to his friend, “Let us dine out today.”
He proposed to his friend that they should dine out that day.

8. Mohan said to his friend, “Let me go home now.”
Mohan told his friend that he might be allowed to go home then.

Exclamatory Sentences

1. She said, “May you succeed, my son !”
She wished that her son might succeed.

2. He said, “What a great misery !”
He exclaimed with sorrow that it was a great misery.

3. The merchant said, “Alas ! I am ruined.”
The merchant exclaimed with sorrow that he was ruined.

4. The captain said, “Hurrah ! We have won.”
The captain exclaimed with joy that they had won.

5. Sita said, “Goodbye, my friend.”
Sita bade her friend goodbye.

PSEB 10th Class English Grammar Reported Speech

6. He said, “0, for a glass of water !”
He strongly desired for a glass of water.

7. The young man said, “Would that I were a bird !”
The young man wished that he had been a bird.

8. The captain said, “Bravo ! A good shot.”
The captain applauded him saying that it was a good shot.

Simple Solved Sentences

Note : Answer Key has been given at the end of the exercises.

(A) Change the Narration.

1. I say, “Life is full of struggle.”
2. Ritu says, “Meena sings well.”
3. The teacher says, “He will succeed this year.”
4. She is saying to me, “Rita is getting married.”
5. I say to him, “Death is a reality.”
6. My mother says to me, “Slow and steady wins the race.”
7. She says to me, “The sunsets in the west.”
8. He says, “She teaches English well.”
9. Manjit says to Raju, “Beauty is everlasting.”
10. Father says to the child, “Good boys do not spit on the floor.”
1. I say that life is full of struggle.
2. Ritu says that Meena sings well.
3. The teacher says that he will succeed this year.
4. She is telling me that Rita is getting married.
5. 1 tell him that death is a reality.
6. My mother tells me that slow and steady wins the race.
7. She tells me that the sun sets in the west.
8. He says that she teaches English well.
9. Manjit tells Raju that beauty is everlasting.
10. Father tells the child that good boys do not spit on the floor.

1. Hari said to Sham, “India is progressing by leaps and bounds.”
2. I said to my mother, “If winter comes, spring cannot be far behind.”
3. The teacher said to me, “The moon revolves round the earth.”
4. Rajni said to Shaloo, “Women are not slaves to their husbands.”
5. Dimple said to her friends, “These boys will fight to the finish today.”
6. I said to my mother, “I cannot do anything now.”
7. I said to Sweetoo, “The children entered the house and spoiled my studies yesterday.”
8. I said to the children, “You should not pluck flowers.”
9. Ram said to Sita, “Lakshman is loved by all.”
10. Rajeev said, “India is passing through a difficult period.”
1. Hari told Sham that India was progressing by leaps and bounds.
2. I told my mother that if winter comes, spring cannot be far behind.
3. The teacher told me that the moon revolves round the earth.
4. Rajni told Shaloo that women are not slaves to their husbands.
5. Dimple told her friends that those boys would fight to the finish that day.
6. I told my mother that I could not do anything then.
7. I told Sweetoo that the children had entered the house and spoiled my studies the previous day.
8. I told the children that they should not pluck flowers.
9. Ram told Sita that Lakshman was loved by all.
10. Rajeev said that India was passing through a difficult period.

PSEB 10th Class English Grammar Reported Speech

1. He said to you, “I have passed the test today.”
2. I said, “I love my country.”
3. You said, “I am going to sleep.”
4. Sanjay said to Nirmala, “We have lost the match.”
5. He said to me, “I love you.”
6. The old man said to his son, “I shall take care of your mother.”
7. The small boy said to his teacher, “Somebody has stolen my belt.”
8. The teacher said, “I will beat you.”
9. Ram said to Surjit, “You cannot save me now.”
10. I said to you, “You are very careless.”
1. He told you that he had passed the test that day.
2. I said that I loved my country.
3. You said that you were going to sleep.
4. Sanjay told Nirmala that they had lost the match.
5. He told me that he loved me.
6. The old man told his son that he to would take care of his mother.
7. The small boy told his teacher that somebody had stolen his belt.
8. The teacher said that he would beat him.
9. Ram told Surjit that he could not save him then.
10. I told you that you were very careless.

1. Mother said; “I am not well today.”
2. I said to my mother, ‘You do not take medicine regularly.”
3. Father said to me, ‘You should give some milk to your mother regularly.”
4. Rani said to me, “My husband does not like me.”
5. Rajan said to me, “I have brought a gift for you.”
6. I said, “I am not to blame.”
7. I said to her, “I will see you tomorrow.”
8. He said, “It is time to go.”
9. The daughter said to her father, “I shall become something in my life.”
10. Mohinder said to me, “I will write a letter soon.”
1. Mother said that she was not well that day.
2. I told my mother that she did not take medicine regularly.
3. Father told me that I should give some milk to my mother regularly.
4. Rani told me that her husband did not like her.
5. Rajan told me that he had brought a gift for me.
6. I said that I was not to blame.
7. I told her that I would see her the next day.
8. He said that it was time to go.
9. The daughter told her father that she would become something in her life.
10. Mohinder told me that he would write a letter soon.

1. I said to him, “Will you return tomorrow ?”
2. She said to me, “Will you come to the party ?”
3. She said to the fox, “Are the grapes sour ?”
4. He said to me, “Do you like sweets ?”
5. I said to him, “Do you like apples ?”
6. He said to me, “Do you need money ?”
7. I said to him, “Should I depend on you for help ?”
8. Rama said to Sohani, “Are you angry with me ?”
9. Ritu said to Gurvir, “Are you happy with my performance ?”
10. I said to him, “Did you like my new suit ?”
1. I asked him if he would return the next day.
2. She asked me if I would come to the party.
3. She asked the fox if the grapes were sour.
4. He asked me if I liked sweets.
5. I asked him if he liked apples.
6. He asked me if I needed money.
7. I asked him if I should depend on him for help.
8. Rama asked Sohani if she was angry with her
9. Ritu asked Gurvir if he was happy with her performance.
10. I asked him if he had liked my new suit.

1. Sweety said to Inder, “Go and post this letter.”
2. Rikky said to Kalu, “Show the visitor in.”
3. He requested the host to let him drink a glass of water.
4. The tutor advised the students to do their homework every day.
5. Cherry said to me, “Please give me some cash.”
6. My elder brother said to me, “Let me finish my work today.”
7. The widow said to me, “Please save me from ruin.”
8. I said to my brother, “Let me study more.”
9. I ordered my servant not to disturb me when I was busy.
10. The prisoner begged the officer to let him see his child once.
1. Sweety ordered Inder to go and post that letter.
2. Rikki told Kalu to show the visitor in.
3. He said to the host, “Please let me drink a glass of water.”
4. The tutor said to the students, “Do your homework every day.”
5. Cherry requested me to give her some cash.
6. My elder brother told me to let him finish his work that day.
7. The widow requested me to save her from ruin.
8. I told my brother to let me study more.
9. I said to my servant, “Do not disturb me when I am busy.”
10. The prisoner said to the officer, “Please let me see my child once.”

PSEB 10th Class English Grammar Reported Speech

1. He said, “May you live long !”
2. He said, “Alas ! I have failed.”
3. He said, “Would that I were rich !”
4. He said, “Goodbye ! my friends.”
5. He said, “O, for a glass of water !”
6. The captain said, “Bravo ! A good shot.”
7. He said, “Alas ! I have been ruined.”
8. The old man said, “May God bless you !”
9. “May you prosper !” said my mother to me.
10. “Pooh ! Go to-hell,” said the old lady to her son.
1. He prayed that I might live long.
2. He exclaimed with sorrow that he had failed.
3. He wished that he had been rich.
4. He bade goodbye to his friends.
5. He cried out for a glass of water.
6. The captain applauded him saying that it was a good shot.
7. He exclaimed with sorrow that he had been ruined.
8. The old man prayed that God might bless me.
9. My mother prayed that I might prosper.
10. The old lady scolded her son telling him to go to hell.

1. The father said to the son, “Go and post this letter.”
2. The officer said to the peon, “Show the visitor in.”
3. I said to my servant, “Do not disturb me while I am busy.”
4. The teacher said to the girls, “Take exercise daily.”
5. The prisoner said, “Alas ! I wish I were free.”
6. They said to him, “Do not torture the little children.”
7. The widow said to her mother, “I shall the with my husband.”
8. The widow requested him to save her from ruin.
9. She proposed to them that they should go to see the fair.
10. The mother said to the child, “Be brave and face the world.”
1. The father ordered the son to go and post that letter
2. The officer ordered the peon to show the visitor in.
3. I ordered my servant not to disturb me while I was busy.
4. The teacher advised the girls to take exercise daily.
5. The prisoner wished that he had been free.
6. They advised him not to torture the little children.
7. The widow told her mother that she would die with her husband.
8. The widow said to him, “Please save me from ruin.”
9. She said to them, “Let us go to see the fair.”
10. The mother advised the child to be brave and face the world.