PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 7 A Thing of Beauty is a Joy for Ever

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class English Book Solutions Poem 7 A Thing of Beauty is a Joy for Ever Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 11 English Poem 7 A Thing of Beauty is a Joy for Ever

Question 1.
Why does the poet think that a thing of beauty is a source of eternal joy?
A thing of beauty gives us joy. It leaves a permanent impression on our mind. It stays in our imagination for ever. It never passes into nothingness. Our imagination adds new colours to it. Its loveliness increases every time we think of it. Thus it becomes a source of eternal joy.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 7 A Thing of Beauty is a Joy for Ever

सुन्दरता की कोई चीज़ हमें खुशी प्रदान करती है। यह हमारे मन के ऊपर एक स्थायी प्रभाव छोड़ जाती है। यह हमारी कल्पना में सदा के लिए बनी रहती है। यह कभी लुप्त नहीं होती है। हमारी कल्पना इसमें नए रंग भर देती है। इसकी सुन्दरता हर बार बढ़ जाती है जब हम इसके बारे में सोचते हैं। इस प्रकार यह अनन्त खुशी का एक स्त्रोत बन जाती है।

Question 2.
What, according to the poet, keeps us attached to this earth ?
According to the poet, it is only beauty that keeps us attached to this earth.
कवि के अनुसार, यह सिर्फ सुन्दरता ही है जो हमें इस धरती से बांधे रखती है।

Question 3.
How does eternal beauty help us to cheer up our spirits or clear our despondence?
Eternal beauty stays in our mind for ever. It removes the sadness from our heart. It makes us forget the sorrows and sufferings of the world. It gives us peace of the mind and health of the body. Thus is helps us cheer up our spirits and clear our despondence.

अलौकिक सुन्दरता हमारे मन में सदा के लिए बस जाती है। यह हमारे दिल से उदासी को दूर कर देती है। यह संसार के दुःख तथा पीड़ा भूलने में हमारी सहायता करती है। यह हमारे मन को शांति तथा शरीर को तंदुरुस्ती प्रदान करती है। इस प्रकार यह हमारे दिलों को खुश करने तथा हमारी निराशा को दूर करने में हमारी सहायता करती है।

Question 4.
Where do musk-roses bloom ?
The musk-roses bloom here and there among the forest brake.
सफेद गुलाब जंगल की झाड़ियों के बीच कहीं-कहीं खिलते हैं।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 7 A Thing of Beauty is a Joy for Ever

Question 5.
Name some objects of beauty mentioned in the poem.
The objects of beauty mentioned in the poem include the sun and the moon. There are young and old trees that give pleasant shade for gentle sheep. There are daffodils, clear rills and musk-roses growing in the forest brake. Then there are lovely tales that we have heard or read.

इस कविता में जिन सुन्दर चीज़ों का वर्णन किया गया है उनमें सूर्य और चांद शामिल हैं। वहां नए और पुराने पेड़ हैं जो भोली-भाली भेड़ों को छाया देते हैं। वहां नरगिस के फूल हैं, उज्जवल सरिताएं हैं तथा जंगली झाड़ियों के मध्य उगे हुए सफेद गुलाब के फूल हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त वहां प्यारी-प्यारी कहानियां हैं जो हमने सुन रखी हैं या पढ़ी हैं।

Question 6.
Apart from nature, which other objects are mentioned in the poem as sources of beauty ?
There are great myths and tales of olden days that we have heard or read.
वहां पुराने समय की महान् पुराण-कथाएं और लोक-कथाएं हैं जो हमने सुनी हैं अथवा पढ़ी हैं।

Question 7.
How is beauty the source of nectar (immortal drink) ?
Beauty is the source of nectar because it provides us as much joy as the angels get from the immortal drink of heaven.

सुन्दरता अमृत का स्रोत है क्योंकि यह हमें उतनी ही खुशी प्रदान करती है जितनी फरिश्ते स्वर्ग के अलौकिक पेय से प्राप्त करते हैं।

Question 8.
Underline the odd word in each set. The first one is done for you :
PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 7 A Thing of Beauty is a Joy for Ever 1
2. open
3. tiny
4. ugly
5. centre
6. miserable.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 7 A Thing of Beauty is a Joy for Ever

Question 9.
Read the lines given below and answer the questions that follow :

Some shape of beauty moves away the pall
From our dark spirits. Such the sun, the moon,
Trees old, and young, sprouting a shady boon
For simple sheep; and such are daffodils.

(a) What moves away the pall from our dark spirits ?
(b) Name the heavenly bodies mentioned in the above lines
(c) Why does the poet think that the trees, sheep and daffodils can cheer up our gloomy spirit ?
(d) Do you think only daffodils can cheer our spirit up or other flowers can also do the same? Give reasons for your answer.
(e) List the two ryhming words in the passage.
(a) Some shape of beauty removes the pall from our dark spirits.
(b) The sun and the moon.
(c) Because these are all the things of beauty that give us joy.
(d) All other flowers are as much a part of nature as the daffodils are. And a thing of beauty, wherever it is, is bound to give us joy.
(e) moon-boon.

Important Stanzas For Comprehension

Note : A complete Answer Key has been given at the end of the stanzas.

Stanza 1.

A thing of beauty is a joy for ever.
Its loveliness increases, it will never
Pass into nothingness; but will keep
A bower quiet for us, and a sleep
Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing.

1. Name the poem and the poet.
2. What is the poetic creed of Keats ?
3. According to the poet, what blessings do beautiful things offer us ?
4. Give the words that rhyme in the given stanza.
1. The name of the poem is A Thing of Beauty is a Joy for Ever’ and the name of the poet is John Keats.
2. Romanticism.
3. Beautiful things make us forget the sorrows and sufferings of the world. They give us peace of the mind and health of the body. They make our painful stay on this earth bearable.
4. (ever — never) ; (keep — sleep).

Stanza 2.

Therefore, on every morrow, are we wreathing
A flowery band to bind us to the earth.
Spite of despondence, of the inhuman dearth,
Of noble natures, of the gloomy days.

1. Name the poem and the poet.
2. What binds us to the earth ?
3. What dearth does the poet talk of ?
4. Write the figure of speech that has been used in the second last line of the given stanza.
1. The name of the poem is A Thing of Beauty is a Joy for Ever’ and the name of the poet is John Keats.
2. A thing of beauty binds us to the earth.
3. It is the dearth of noble natures.
4. Alliteration.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 7 A Thing of Beauty is a Joy for Ever

Stanza 3.

Of all the unhealthy and o’er-darkened ways
Made for our searching : yes, in spite of all,
Some shape of beauty moves away the pall
From our dark spirits.

1. Name the poem and the poet.
2. What does the poet mean by ‘o’er-darkened ways’ ?
3. What does ‘all refer to in the phrase ‘in spite of all’?
4. “Some shape of beauty moves away the pall
From our dark spirits.’ Which figure of speech is used in the given lines?
1. The name of the poem is A Thing of Beauty is a Joy for Ever’and the name of the poet is John Keats.
2. He means mysterious things that man fails to understand.
3. The word all? here refers to all the gloom and sadness in man’s life.
4. Personification.

Stanza 4

…… and clear rills
That for themselves a cooling covert make
Gainst the hot season; the mid forest brake,
Rich with a sprinkling of fair musk-rose blooms.

1. Name the poem and the poet.
2. What do clear rills do ?
3. What protects rills from the hot season ?
4. Which figure of speech is used in the given stanza ?
1. The name of the poem is A Thing of Beauty is a Joy for Ever’ and the name of the poet is John Keats.
2. They make for themselves a cooling covert.
3. A covert (a growth of thick low bushes) protects ‘rills from the hot season.
4. Personification.

Stanza 5.

And such too is the grandeur of the dooms
We have imagined for the mighty dead;
All lovely tales that we have heard or read;
An endless fountain of immortal drink,
Pouring unto us from the heaven’s brink.

1. Name the poem and the poet.
2. What have we imagined for the mighty dead ?
3. What lovely tales does the poet talk of ?
4. Give the rhyming words from the given stanza.
1. The name of the poem is A Thing of Beauty is a Joy for Ever’and the name of the poet is John Keats.
2. We have imagined that they will be richly rewarded by God on the day of judgement.
3. He talks of the great myths and tales we have of the olden days.
4. (dead — read) ; (drink – brink).

A Thing of Beauty is a Joy for Ever Poem Summary in English

A Thing of Beauty is a Joy for Ever Introduction:

This poem conveys the idea that a thing of beauty is a joy for ever. It leaves a permanent impression on our mind. It stays in our imagination for ever. It never passes into nothingness. Our imagination adds new colours to it. Its loveliness increases every time we think of it.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 7 A Thing of Beauty is a Joy for Ever

Thus it becomes a joy for ever. Besides this, it makes us forget the sorrows and sufferings of the world. It gives us peace of the mind and health of the body. It makes our painful stay on this earth bearable.

A Thing of Beauty is a Joy for Ever Summary in English:

In this poem, the poet tries to explain how a beautiful thing is a joy for ever. He says that the loveliness of a beautiful thing never fades. We find in it new beauties as we watch it day after day. It never passes into nothingness. It gives joy to the beholder for ever.

A beautiful thing is a kind of quiet bower that sends us to a sleep full of sweet dreams. It gives us health of the body and peace of the mind. The poet believes that man’s life on the earth is nothing but a tale of grief and sorrow.

There is sadness and gloom in every heart. There is a terrible lack of truly noble hearts. Many mysterious things happen that man fails to understand in spite of all efforts. None could bear to live on such an earth.

The poet says that it is beauty alone that takes away the gloom from the human heart. It is a kind of flowery band that binds us to the earth. The poet lists some such beautiful things. He says that we have the sun and the moon. There are big and small trees that give cool shade for simple sheep. There are lovely daffodils and cool clear streams. There are musk roses that bloom in forests.

Then there is also the beauty of thoughts we have for the mighty dead. We imagine that they will be suitably rewarded by God on the day of judgement. Then there are lovely tales of olden days that we have heard or read.

The poet calls all these beauties an endless fountain of immortal drink that heaven itself is pouring down for us. In other words, God himself has created these beautiful things for us so that we can derive joy from them during our stay on this earth.

A Thing of Beauty is a Joy for Ever Poem Summary in Hindi

A Thing of Beauty is a Joy for Ever Introduction:

यह कविता इस विचार को प्रस्तुत करती है कि सुन्दरता की कोई चीज़ सदा के लिए खुशी देती है। यह हमारे मन पर स्थायी प्रभाव छोड़ जाती है। यह हमारी कल्पना में सदा बनी रहती है। यह कभी लुप्त नहीं होती है। हमारी कल्पना इसमें नए रंग भर देती है। इसकी सुन्दरता हर बार बढ़ जाती है जब हम इसके बारे में सोचते हैं।

इस प्रकार यह सदा के लिए एक खुशी बन जाती है। इसके अतिरिक्त यह संसार के दुःखों और कष्टों को भुलाने में हमारी सहायता करती है। यह हमें मन की शान्ति और शरीर की तन्दुरुस्ती भी प्रदान करती है। यह धरती पर हमारे पीड़ा भरे जीवन को सहनीय बना देती है।

A Thing of Beauty is a Joy for Ever Summary in Hindi:

इस बात की व्याख्या करने का यत्न करता है कि सुन्दरता की कोई चीज़ सदा के लिए खुशी कैसे हो सकती है। वह कहता है कि एक सुन्दर चीज़ की सुन्दरता कभी धुंधली नहीं पड़ती। जैसेजैसे हम दिन-प्रतिदिन इसे देखते चले जाते हैं, हमें इसमें नई-नई सुन्दर बातें दिखाई देती हैं।

यह कभी लुप्त नहीं होती है। यह देखने वाले को सदा के लिए खुशी प्रदान करती है। एक सुन्दर चीज़ एक प्रकार का शान्ति-कुन्ज है जो हमें मीठे स्वप्नों से भरी हुई मीठी नींद की तरफ ले जाता है। यह हमें शरीर की तन्दुरुस्ती और मन की शान्ति प्रदान करती है।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 7 A Thing of Beauty is a Joy for Ever

कवि का विश्वास है कि इस धरती पर मनुष्य का जीवन और कुछ नहीं, बल्कि दुःख और शोक की एक कहानी है। हर दिल में दुख और उदासी है। बहुत कम लोग ऐसे हैं जिनके पास वास्तव में श्रेष्ठ दिल है। ऐसी बहुतसी रहस्यमय बातें होती हैं जिन्हें मनुष्य अपने पूरे यत्नों के बावजूद समझने में असमर्थ रहता है।

कोई भी ऐसी धरती पर रहना बर्दाश्त नहीं कर सकता। कवि कहता है कि यह सिर्फ सुन्दरता ही है जो मनुष्य के दिल से उदासी को दूर करती है। यह एक किस्म की फूलों की एक डोरी है जो हमें धरती के साथ बांधे रखती है। कवि कुछ सुन्दर चीज़ों की एक सूची तैयार करता है। वह कहता है कि हमारे पास सूर्य तथा चांद हैं। वहां बड़े और छोटे पेड़ हैं जो भोली-भाली भेड़ों के लिए सुखद छाया प्रदान करते हैं।

वहां सुन्दर नरगिसी फूल हैं और स्वच्छ जल वाली सरिताएं हैं। वहां पर जंगलों में खिलने वाले बड़े-बड़े सफेद गुलाब (भी) हैं। फिर वहां पर उन विचारों की सुन्दरता भी है जो हम मरे हुए शक्तिशाली लोगों के बारे में सोचते हैं। हम कल्पना करते हैं कि अन्तिम निर्णय (कयामत) के दिन उन्हें ईश्वर की ओर से उचित पुरस्कार प्राप्त होंगे। फिर वहां पुराने दिनों की सुन्दर कहानियां हैं जो हमने सुनी हैं या पढ़ी हैं।

कवि इन सभी सुन्दरताओं को अलौकिक अमृत का एक अनन्त झरना कहता है जो स्वयं स्वर्ग हमारे लिए उंडेल रहा है। अन्य शब्दों में, स्वयं ईश्वर ने इन सुन्दर चीज़ों की रचना हमारे लिए की है ताकि हम इस धरती पर अपने निवास के दौरान उनसे प्रसन्नता प्राप्त कर सकें।

A Thing of Beauty is a Joy for Ever Poem Translation in Hindi

(Lines 1-5)

A thing of beauty is a joy for ever.
Its loveliness increases, it will never
Pass’ into nothingness; but will keep.
A bower quiet for us, and a sleep
Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing.

Explanation : The poet says that a thing of beauty can give us a joy for ever. Its loveliness never fades in our imagination. On the contrary, it goes on increasing as our imagination adds new colours to it. It never passes into nothingness.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 7 A Thing of Beauty is a Joy for Ever

It always remains fresh in our memory. It is a kind of quiet bower for us. We can visit this bower whenever we like. In other words, in the moments of sorrow we can recall the beauty of that thing and can be happy again. Its memory will take us to a sleep full of sweet dreams. It will keep us fit and give us full peace.

कवि कहता है कि सुन्दरता की कोई चीज़ हमें सदा रहने वाली खुशी प्रदान कर सकती है। इसकी सुन्दरता हमारी कल्पना में कभी धुंधली नहीं पड़ती है। इसके विपरीत यह बढ़ती चली जाती है क्योंकि हमारी कल्पना इसमें नए रंग भर देती है। यह कभी अपना अस्तित्व नहीं खोती। यह हमारी याद में सदा ताज़ा बनी रहती है।

यह हमारे लिए एक शान्ति-कुंज का काम करती है। हम जब चाहें इस शान्ति-कुंज में जा सकते हैं। अन्य शब्दों में, उदासी के क्षणों में हम उस चीज़ की सुन्दरता को फिर से अपने मन में ला सकते हैं तथा दोबारा प्रसन्न हो सकते हैं। इसकी याद हमें मीठे स्वप्नों से भरी हुई एक मीठी नींद की तरफ़ ले जाएगी। यह हमें स्वस्थ रखेगी और पूर्ण शान्ति प्रदान करेगी।

(Lines 6-13)

Therefore, on every morrow, are we wreathing
A flowery band to bind us to the earth,
Spite of despondence, of the inhuman dearth,
Of noble natures, of the gloomy days,
Of all the unhealthy and o’er-darkened ways
Made for our searching : yes, in spite of all,
Some shape of beauty moves away the pall
From our dark spirits.

Explanation : Here the poet says that it is only beauty that enables us to live on this earth. Beauty is a kind of flowery band that binds us to earth. It is beauty that keeps us going in our life from day to day. There are so many painful things in the world that if there were no beauty, it would be impossible to live here. There is desperation and sorrow everywhere.

There are few people who have truly a noble heart. Man’s life is absolutely hopeless. Many mysterious things, happen that man fails to understand in spite of all efforts. But despite all these painful things man continues living on this earth. The poet says that its only reason is that there are some beautiful things also in this world. It is the beauty of these things that removes the sadness from our sorrowful hearts.

यहाँ कवि कहता है कि यह केवल सुन्दरता ही है जो हमें इस धरती पर चलाए रखती है। सुन्दरता एक प्रकार की फूलों की डोरी है जो हमें धरती के साथ बांधे रखती है। यह सुन्दरता है जो हमें एक दिन से दूसरे दिन तक चलाए रखती है। संसार में दुःखी होने को इतनी चीजें हैं कि यदि सुन्दरता न होती तो यहां रहना असंभव हो जाता। वहां सभी तरफ़ निराशा और उदासी है। वहां बहुत कम लोग हैं जिनके पास वास्तव में ही एक श्रेष्ठ दिल है।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 7 A Thing of Beauty is a Joy for Ever

मनुष्य का जीवन पूरी तरह से निराशापूर्ण है। यहां अनेकों ऐसी रहस्यमय बातें होती रहती हैं जिन्हें मनुष्य अपने पूरे यत्नों के बावजूद समझ पाने में असमर्थ रहता है। किन्तु इन सभी दुख-भरी बातों के बावजूद मनुष्य इस संसार में रहना जारी रखता है। कवि कहता है कि इसका एकमात्र कारण यह है कि इस संसार में कुछ सुन्दर चीजें भी हैं। यह इन चीजों की सुन्दरता है जो हमारे दिलों की निराशा को समाप्त कर देती है।

(Lines 14-19)

Such the sun, the moon,
Trees old, and young, sprouting a shady boon
For simple sheep; and such are daffodils
With the green world they live in; and clear rills
That for themselves a cooling covert make
‘Gainst the hot season; the mid forest brake,
Rich with a sprinkling of fair musk-rose blooms.

रंग भर देती है। यह कभी अपना अस्तित्व नहीं खोती। यह हमारी याद में सदा ताज़ा बनी रहती है। यह हमारे लिए एक शान्ति-कुंज का काम करती है। हम जब चाहें इस शान्ति-कुंज में जा सकते हैं। अन्य शब्दों में, उदासी के क्षणों में हम उस चीज़ की सुन्दरता को फिर से अपने मन में ला सकते हैं तथा दोबारा प्रसन्न हो सकते हैं। इसकी याद हमें मीठे स्वप्नों से भरी हुई एक मीठी नींद की तरफ़ ले जाएगी। यह हमें स्वस्थ रखेगी और पूर्ण शान्ति प्रदान करेगी।

(Lines 6-13)

Therefore, on every morrow, are we wreathing
A flowery band to bind us to the earth,
Spite of despondence, of the inhuman dearth,
Of noble natures, of the gloomy days,
Of all the unhealthy and o’er-darkened ways
Made for our searching : yes, in spite of all,
Some shape of beauty moves away the pall
From our dark spirits.

Explanation : Here the poet says that it is only beauty that enables us to live on this earth. Beauty is a kind of flowery band that binds us to earth. It is beauty that keeps us going in our life from day-to-day. There are so many painful things in the world that if there were no beauty, it would be impossible to live here.

There is desperation and sorrow everywhere. There are few people who have truly a noble heart. Man’s life is absolutely hopeless. Many mysterious things, happen that man fails to understand in spite of all efforts. But despite all these painful things man continues living on this earth.

The poet says that its only reason is that there are some beautiful things also in this world. It is the beauty of these things that removes the sadness from our sorrowful hearts.

यहाँ कवि कहता है कि यह केवल सुन्दरता ही है जो हमें इस धरती पर चलाए रखती है। सुन्दरता एक प्रकार की फूलों की डोरी है जो हमें धरती के साथ बांधे रखती है। यह सुन्दरता है जो हमें एक दिन से दूसरे दिन तक चलाए रखती है। संसार में दुःखी होने को इतनी चीजें हैं कि यदि सुन्दरता न होती तो यहां रहना असंभव हो जाता।

वहां सभी तरफ़ निराशा और उदासी है। वहां बहुत कम लोग हैं जिनके पास वास्तव में ही एक श्रेष्ठ दिल है। मनुष्य का जीवन पूरी तरह से निराशापूर्ण है। यहां अनेकों ऐसी रहस्यमय बातें होती रहती हैं जिन्हें मनुष्य अपने पूरे यत्नों के बावजूद समझ पाने में असमर्थ रहता है। किन्तु इन सभी दुख-भरी बातों के बावजूद मनुष्य इस संसार में रहना जारी रखता है। कवि कहता है कि इसका एकमात्र कारण यह है कि इस संसार में कुछ सुन्दर चीजें भी हैं। यह इन चीजों की सुन्दरता है जो हमारे दिलों की निराशा को समाप्त कर देती है।

(Lines 14-19)

Such the sun, the moon,
Trees old, and young, sprouting a shady boon
For simple sheep; and such are daffodils
With the green world they live in; and clear rills
That for themselves a cooling covert make
‘Gainst the hot season; the mid forest brake,
Rich with a sprinkling of fair musk-rose blooms.

Explanation : Here the poet gives a list of some beautiful things that give some charm to the life on this earth that is, otherwise, full of sorrow. He says that there are beautiful sun and moon. There are big and small trees that give cool shade for simple sheep.

There are lovely daffodils in the green world where they live. There are clear streams that make cooling bushes to save themselves from the heat of the summer. Besides this, in the midst of the. forest, there are small bushes which have a few beautiful musk-roses growing here and there.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 7 A Thing of Beauty is a Joy for Ever

यहां कवि कुछ सुन्दर चीज़ों की एक सूची देता है जो इस धरती पर के जीवन में कुछ आकर्षण भर देती हैं जो अन्यथा उदासी-भरा है। वह कहता है कि वहां सुन्दर सूर्य और चांद हैं। वहां बड़े और छोटे पेड़ हैं जो भोलीभाली भेड़ों के लिए सुखद छाया प्रदान करते हैं। वहां सुन्दर नरगिस के फूल हैं, उस पूरे हरे-भरे संसार के साथ जिसमें वे रहते हैं।

वहां स्वच्छ जल वाली सरिताएं हैं जो अपने मार्ग के साथ-साथ गर्म मौसम से बचने के लिए ठण्ड पहुंचाने वाली झाड़ियां उगा लेती हैं। इनके अतिरिक्त जंगल के मध्य में छोटी-छोटी झाड़ियां होती हैं जिनके मध्य कहीं-कहीं सुन्दर सफ़ेद गुलाब उगे होते हैं।

(Lines 20-24)

And such too is the grandeur of the dooms
We have imagined for the mighty dead;
All lovely tales that we have heard or read;
And endless fountain of immortal drink,
Pouring unto us from the heaven’s brink.

Explanation : Continuing with the list of beautiful things, the poet says that we imagine that those mighty people will be suitably rewarded by God on the day of judgement who are lying dead in their graves. We think about those beautiful gifts and are filled with joy. Besides, there are lovely tales of olden days that we have heard or read.

The poet calls all these beautiful things ‘an endless fountain of immortal drink that heaven itself is pouring down for us. In other words, God himself has created these beautiful things for us so that we can derive joy from them during our stay on this earth. They can give us as much pleasure as the angels get from the immortal drink of the heaven.

सुन्दर चीज़ों की अपनी सूची को जारी रखते हुए कवि कहता है कि हम अन्तिम निर्णय (कयामत) के दिन ईश्वर से उन शक्तिशाली लोगों के लिए सुन्दर (उचित) पुरस्कारों की कल्पना करते हैं जो इस समय अपनी कब्रों में मरे पड़े हैं। हम उन सुन्दर उपहारों के बारे में सोचते हैं और खुशी से भर जाते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त वहां पुराने दिनों की सुन्दर कहानियां हैं जो हमने सुनी या पढ़ी हैं।

कवि इन सभी सुन्दर चीज़ों को अलौकिक पेय (अमृत) का एक अनन्त झरना कहता है जो स्वयं स्वर्ग हमारे लिए उंडेल रहा है। अन्य शब्दों में, स्वयं ईश्वर ने इन सुन्दर चीजों की रचना हमारे लिए की है ताकि हम इस धरती पर अपने निवास के दौरान उनसे प्रसन्नता प्राप्त कर सकें। वे हमें उतनी ही खुशी प्रदान कर सकती हैं जितनी फरिश्ते स्वर्ग के अलौकिक पेय से प्राप्त करते हैं।

A Thing of Beauty is a Joy for Ever Central Idea Of The Poem of English

This poem conveys the idea that a thing of beauty is a joy for ever. It leaves a permanent impression on our mind. It stays in our imagination for ever. It never passes into nothingness. Our imagination adds new colours to it. Its loveliness increases every time we think of it.

Thus it becomes a joy for ever. Besides this, it makes us forget the sorrows and sufferings of the world. It gives us peace of the mind and health of the body. It makes our painful stay on this earth bearable.

A Thing of Beauty is a Joy for Ever Central Idea Of The Poem of Hindi

यह कविता इस विचार को प्रस्तुत करती है कि सुन्दरता की कोई चीज़ सदा के लिए खुशी देती है। यह हमारे मन पर एक स्थायी प्रभाव छोड़ जाती है। यह हमारी कल्पना में सदा बनी रहती है। यह कभी लुप्त नहीं होती है। हमारी कल्पना इसमें नए रंग भर देती है।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 7 A Thing of Beauty is a Joy for Ever

इसकी सुन्दरता हर बार बढ़ जाती है जब हम इसके बारे में सोचते हैं। इस प्रकार यह सदा के लिए एक खुशी बन जाती है। इसके अतिरिक्त यह संसार के दुःखों और कष्टों को भुलाने में हमारी सहायता करती है। यह हमें मन की शान्ति और शरीर की तन्दुरुस्ती भी प्रदान करती है। धरती पर हमारे पीड़ा भरे जीवन को यह सहनीय बना देती है।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 6 The Little Black Boy

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class English Book Solutions Poem 6 The Little Black Boy Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 11 English Poem 6 The Little Black Boy

Question 1.
Why does the black child think that the English child is an angel ?
The English child is white as an angel. That is why the black child thinks that the English child is an angel.

अंग्रेज़ बच्चे का रंग एक फरिश्ते की भांति सफेद है। यही कारण है कि अश्वेत बच्चे को लगता है कि अंग्रेज़ बच्चा एक फरिश्ता है।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 6 The Little Black Boy

Question 2.
What does the rising sun give us ?
The rising sun gives us heat and light.
उगता हुआ सूर्य हमें ऊष्मा तथा प्रकाश प्रदान करता है।

Question 3.
What are the black bodies compared to?
The black bodies are compared to clouds or shady groves that hide from us the light of the sun.
काले शरीरों की तुलना बादलों से तथा छायादार वाटिकाओं से की गई है जो हम से सूर्य की रोशनी को छुपा लेते हैं।

Question 4.
What happens when our souls learn to bear the heat ?
When our souls have learnt to bear the heat of love, the clouds of our black bodies will disappear. In other words, we shall no longer remain conscious of our black bodies. Then we shall be able to hear God’s voice.

जब हमारी आत्माएं प्यार की गर्मी को धारण करना सीख जाएंगी, तो हमारे काले शरीरों रूपी बादल गायब हो जाएंगे। अन्य शब्दों में, हम फिर अपने काले शरीरों के बारे में सचेत नहीं रहेंगे। तब हम ईश्वर की आवाज़ को सुन पाएंगे।

Question 5.
When will the black cloud vanish ?
When our souls have learnt to bear the warmth of love, the clouds of our black bodies will vanish.
जब हमारी आत्माएं प्यार की गर्मी को धारण करना सीख जाएंगी तो हमारे काले शरीरों रूपी बादल गायब हो जाएंगे।

Question 6.
What will God’s voice tell the black boy and his mother to do?
God’s voice will say to them : ‘Come out from the grove of your black bodies. You are my love and my care. You shall come with me to my golden tent and play joyfully round it like little lambs.’

ईश्वर की आवाज़ उनसे कहेगी : ‘अपने काले शरीर रूपी वाटिका से बाहर आ जाओ। तुम मेरा प्यार हो और मेरी जिम्मेवारी हो। तुम मेरे साथ मेरे सुनहरी तम्बू पर आओगे और इसके गिर्द छोटे-छोटे मेमनों की भांति प्रसन्नतापूर्वक खेलोगे।’

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 6 The Little Black Boy

Question 7.
What does the black boy want to do for the white boy ?
He wants to win the white boy’s heart with love and become his friend.
वह गोरे लड़के का दिल प्यार से जीतना चाहता है और उसका दोस्त बनना चाहता है।

Question 8.
Do you think that the poem is about a child’s acceptance of suffering and injustice ? Give reasons for your answer
We can’t say that the child accepts suffering and injustice. He simply wants to end it through love. He wants to win the English boy’s heart with love and be his friend.

हम यह नहीं कह सकते कि बच्चा पीड़ा तथा अन्याय को स्वीकार कर लेता है। वह तो सिर्फ इसे प्यार से खत्म करना चाहता है। वह प्यार से अंग्रेज़ लड़के का दिल जीतना चाहता है और उसका दोस्त बन जाना चाहता है।

Question 9.
Match the words given in column A with their comparisons in the poem) given in column B :
A — B
angel — black body
east — innocent child
sun – burnt face — English child
cloud — God’s home
lamb — shady grove
angel = English child
east = God’s home
sun-burnt face = black body
cloud = shady grove
lamb = innocent child.

Question 10.
Select the correct figure of speech used in the following lines from the list given at the end of each line :
1. White as an angel is the English child ……….. . (simile, metaphor)
2. And these black bodies and this sun-burnt face Is but a cloud ……? (simile, metaphor, personification)
3. “And round my golden tent like lambs rejoice’: (simile, metaphor, personification)
1. simile
2. metaphor
3. simile.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 6 The Little Black Boy

Important Stanzas For Comprehension

Note : A complete Answer Key has been given at the end of the stanzas.

Stanza 1.

My mother bore me in the Southern wild,

And I am black, but O! my soul is white;
White as an angel is the English child,
And I am black, as if bereavd of light.

1. Name the poem and the poet.
2. Who is the ‘T’ in these lines ?
3. What do you understand by : ‘my soul is white ?
4. Write the figure of speech that is used in the following line :
O ! my soul is white; White as an angel ……
1. The poem is ‘The Little Black Boy’ and the poet is William Blake.
2. The l’ in these lines is the little black boy.
3. The little black boy says that though he is black in body, his soul is pure.
4. Simile.

Stanza 2.

She took me on her lap and kissed me,
And, pointing to the east began to say :
‘Look on the rising sun – there God does live
And gives his light, and gives his heat away,
And flowers and trees and beasts and men receive
Comfort in morning, joy in the noon day.

1. Name the poem and the poet.
2. What do the heat and light of the sun represent ?
3. What is the effect of this heat and light ?
4. Give the words that rhyme in the given stanza.
1. The poem is ‘The Little Black Boy’ and the poet is William Blake.
2. The heat and light of the sun represent the warmth of God’s love.
3. God’s heat and light give comfort and joy to flowers, trees, beasts and men.
4. (say — away — day) ; (live — receive).

Stanza 3.

And we are put on earth a little space,
That we may learn to bear the beams of love;
And these black bodies and the sun-burnt face
Is but a cloud, and like a shady grove.

1. Name the poem and the poet.
2. What does the first line mean?
3. What are we supposed to do while we are on this earth?
4. Write the figure of speech that has been used in the following line :
And these black bodies and the sun-burnt face’.
1. The poem is ‘The Little Black Boy’ and the poet is William Blake.
2. The first line means : Our life on the earth is short.
3. Here we are supposed to learn the way of living in the warmth of love.
4. Alliteration.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 6 The Little Black Boy

Stanza 4.

For when our souls have learnt the heat to bear,
The cloud will vanish, we shall hear His voice, Saying” :
“Come out from the grove, my love and care,
And round my golden tent like lambs rejoice.”


1. Name the poem and the poet.
2. What happens when our souls learn to bear the heat ? What heat ?
3. Which cloud will vanish? When ?
4. Write the figure of speech that has been used in the following line :
And round my golden tent like lambs rejoice’.
1. The poem is ‘The Little Black Boy’ and the poet is William Blake.
2. When our soul learns to bear the heat (or warmth) of love, we forget all the distinctions of caste, colour and creed. The word ‘heat here refers to the hatred of others.
3. The cloud of our body-consciousness will vanish. It will vanish when we have learnt to live in the warmth of love.
4. Simile.

Stanza 5.

When I from black and he from white cloud free,
And round the tent of God like lambs we joy,
I’ll shade him from the heat, till he can bear
To lean in joy upon our father’s knee;
And then I’ll stand and stroke his silver hair,
And be like him, and he will then love me.

1. Name the poem and the poet.
2. When will the two boys be free from the black and white clouds ?
3. ……. he will then love me.’ Who will love whom? When ?
4. Write the figure of speech that has been used in the following line :
I’ll shade him from the heat, till he can bear’.
1. The poem is ‘The Little Black Boy’ and the poet is William Blake.
2. The two boys will be free from the black and white clouds when their souls learn the lesson of love.
3. The white boy will love the black boy when he frees himself of the white cloud over his soul.
4. Alliteration.

The Little Black Boy Poem Summary in English

The Little Black Boy Introduction:

This poem gives the message of universal love and brotherhood. The poet gives very beautiful examples. He says that the sun gives its heat and light equally for all things and persons. Similarly, God gives warmth of His love to all creatures without any distinction. Man should also learn to bear the beams of love in his heart. He should love men of all castes, colours and creeds.

The Little Black Boy Summary in English:

यह कविता सब के प्रति प्यार और भ्रातृभाव का सन्देश देती है। कवि बहुत सुन्दर उदाहरण देता है। वह कहता है कि सूर्य अपना प्रकाश और अपनी ऊष्मा सभी चीज़ों और व्यक्तियों के लिए समान रूप से देता है। उसी प्रकार ईश्वर अपने प्यार की ऊष्मा सभी जीवों को बिना किसी भेदभाव के प्रदान करता है। मनुष्य को भी अपने दिल में प्यार रूपी किरणों को धारण करना सीखना चाहिए। उसे सभी जातियों, रंगों और सम्प्रदायों के लोगों से प्यार करना चाहिए।

The Little Black Boy Poem Summary in Hindi

The Little Black Boy Introduction:

In this poem, the poet gives the message of universal love and brotherhood. He gives this message by telling the story of a little black boy. One day, a little black boy says to his mother, “I am black in my body, but the English child is as white as an angel. It seems as if all light had been taken away from me.” At this, the little black boy’s mother says, “Look at the rising sun.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 6 The Little Black Boy

God lives there. It is He who gives us light. He gives us heat also. Flowers, trees, animals and men all receive God’s light and heat. These black bodies and faces of ours have little importance. They are merely like a cloud or a shady grove that hides from us the light of the sun. When our souls have learnt to bear the warmth of love, the cloud of our black bodies will disappear.”

Thus the little black boy learnt the lesson of love from his mother. Now he tells the same thing to his little English friend. He tells him that when they free themselves from the clouds of bodies, they shall be like God’s lambs and play round His tent joyfully.

In other words, when the black boy and the white boy forget about the differences of race and colour, they will start loving each other. Then they will earn the love of God also. Thus this poem teaches the lesson of universal love.

The Little Black Boy Summary in Hindi:

इस कविता में कवि सब के प्रति प्यार और भ्रातृभाव का सन्देश देता है। इस सन्देश को वह एक छोटे से अश्वेत अर्थात् अफ्रीकी बच्चे की कहानी के माध्यम से प्रस्तुत करता है। एक दिन एक छोटा-सा काले रंग का लड़का अपनी मां से कहता है, “मेरा शरीर काले रंग का है, किन्तु अंग्रेज़ बच्चा एक फरिश्ते के समान सफ़ेद है।

ऐसा प्रतीत होता है जैसे मुझ में से सब प्रकाश निकाल लिया गया है।” इस पर उस अश्वेत लड़के की मां कहती है, “उस उदय हो रहे सूर्य की तरफ देखो। ईश्वर वहां रहता है। यह वही ईश्वर है जो हमें प्रकाश देता है। वह हमें ऊष्मा भी प्रदान करता है। फूल, जानवर, पेड़ और मनुष्य सभी ईश्वर के प्रकाश को तथा उसकी गर्मी को प्राप्त करते हैं।

हमारे ये काले शरीर और चेहरे कोई महत्त्व नहीं रखते हैं। वे मात्र एक बादल या किसी छायादार वाटिका की भांति हैं जो हम से सूर्य के प्रकाश को छिपा देते हैं। जब हमारी आत्माएं प्यार की ऊष्मा को धारण करना सीख जाएंगी, तो हमारे काले शरीरों का बादल ओझल हो जाएगा।”

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 6 The Little Black Boy

इस प्रकार छोटे अश्वेत लड़के ने अपनी मां से प्यार का पाठ सीख लिया। अब वह वही बात अपने गोरे अंग्रेज़ नन्हे मित्र से कहता है। वह उससे कहता है कि जब वे स्वयं को अपने शरीर-रूपी बादलों से मुक्त कर लेंगे तो वे ईश्वर के मेमनों की भांति हो जाएंगे और उसके तम्बू के गिर्द प्रसन्नतापूर्वक खेलेंगे।

अन्य शब्दों में, जब अश्वेत लड़का और गोरा लड़का जाति और रंग के भेद के बारे में भूल जाएंगे, तो वे एक-दूसरे से प्यार करने लगेंगे। फिर उन्हें ईश्वर का प्यार भी प्राप्त हो जाएगा। इस प्रकार यह कविता सभी से प्यार करने का पाठ पढ़ाती है।

The Little Black Boy Poem Translation in Hindi

(Lines 1-4)

My mother bore me in the southern Wild,
And I am black, but O! my soul is white;
White as an angel is the English child,
And I am black as if bereav’d of light.

Explanation : A little black boy says, ‘My mother gave me birth in the forests of Africa. I am black in my body, but my soul is white and pure. The English child is as white as an angel, but I am as black as coal. It seems as if all light (whiteness) had been taken away from me.’

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 6 The Little Black Boy

एक नन्हा-सा हब्शी (काले रंग का) लड़का कहता है, ‘मेरी माता ने मुझे अफ्रीका के जंगलों में जन्म दिया था। मेरा शरीर काला है, किन्तु मेरी आत्मा सफेद तथा पवित्र है। अंग्रेज़ बच्चा एक फरिश्ते जैसा सफेद है, किन्तु मैं एक कोयले की भांति काला हूं। ऐसा प्रतीत होता है जैसे सब प्रकाश (सफेदी) मुझसे छीन लिया गया हो।’

(Lines 5-8)

My mother taught me underneath a tree
And, sitting down before the heat of day,
She took me on her lap and kissed me,
And, pointing to the east began to say

Explanation : The little black boy again says, ‘One day my mother taught me a lesson. She was sitting under a tree. The sun had not yet become very hot. She took me on her lap and kissed me. Then she pointed to the east and began to say

नन्हा अश्वेत लड़का फिर कहता है, ‘एक दिन मेरी माता ने मुझे एक पाठ पढ़ाया। वह एक पेड़ के नीचे बैठी हुई थी। सूर्य अभी बहुत गर्म नहीं हुआ था। उसने मुझे अपनी गोद में लिया और चूमा। फिर उसने पूर्व दिशा की ओर इशारा किया और कहने लगी -‘

(Lines 9-12)

‘Look on the rising sun : there God does live
And gives his light, and gives his heat away,
And flowers and trees and beasts and men receive
Comfort in morning, joy in the noon day.

Explanation : The little black boy’s mother said to him, ‘Look at the rising sun. God lives there. It is He who gives us light. He gives us heat also. Flowers, trees, animals and men all receive God’s light and heat. God’s heat gives them comfort in the morning and joy during the noon.’

नन्हे अश्वेत लड़के की माता ने उससे कहा, ‘उदय हो रहे सूर्य की ओर देखो। ईश्वर वहीं रहता है। वही ईश्वर है जो हमें प्रकाश प्रदान करता है। वह हमें ऊष्मा भी प्रदान करता है। फूल, पेड़, जानवर और मनुष्य सभी ईश्वर के प्रकाश एवं ऊष्मा को प्राप्त करते हैं। ईश्वर की ऊष्मा उन्हें प्रात: के समय आराम और दोपहर के समय खुशी प्रदान करती है।’

(Lines 13-16)

‘And we are put on earth a little space,
That we may learn to bear the beams of love;
And these black bodies and this sun-burnt face
Is but a cloud, and like a shady grove.

Explanation : The little black boy’s mother again said, “We have been sent to this earth for a very short time. God sent us here so that we may learn to bear in our souls the beams of love. These black bodies and sunburnt faces of ours have little importance. They are merely like a cloud or a shady grove that hides from us the light of the sun.’

नन्हें अश्वेत लड़के की माता ने फिर कहा, ‘हमें इस धरती पर बहुत ही थोड़े समय के लिए भेजा गया है। ईश्वर ने हमें यहां इसलिए भेजा था ताकि हम अपनी आत्माओं में प्यार की किरणों को धारण करना सीख लें। हमारे इन काले शरीरों और सूर्य की गर्मी से झुलसे चेहरों का कोई महत्त्व नहीं है। वे मात्र एक बादल अथवा वृक्षों के छायादार झुण्ड के समान हैं जो हम से सूर्य के प्रकाश को छिपा लेते हैं।’

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 6 The Little Black Boy

(Lines 17-20)

For when our souls have learn’d the heat to bear,
The cloud will vanish, we shall hear His voice,
Saying : “Come out from the grove, my love and care,
And round my golden tent like lambs rejoice.” ?

Explanation : The little black boy’s mother again said, ‘When our souls have learnt to bear the warmth of love, the cloud of our black bodies will disappear.’ In other words, we shall no longer be conscious of our colour differences.

Then we shall be able to hear God’s This voice shall say : ‘Come out from the grove of your black bodies. You are my love and my care. You shall come with me to my golden tent and play joyfully round it like little lambs.’

नन्हे अश्वेत लड़के की माता ने फिर कहा, ‘जब हमारी आत्माएं प्यार की ऊष्मा को धारण करना सीख जाएंगी तो हमारा काले शरीरों रूपी बादल ओझल हो जाएगा।’ अन्य शब्दों में, हमें अपने रंग-भेदों का आभास नहीं रहेगा। फिर हम ईश्वर की आवाज़ को सुनने के योग्य हो जाएंगे।

वह आवाज़ कहेगी : ‘अपने काले शरीरों रूपी वृक्ष-वाटिका से बाहर आ जाओ। तुम मेरा प्यार हो और मुझे तुम्हारी चिन्ता रहती है। तुम मेरे साथ मेरे सुनहरी तम्बू में आओगे, और वहां इसके गिर्द छोटे-छोटे मेमनों की भांति प्रसन्नतापूर्वक खेला करोगे।’

(Lines 21-24)

Thus did my mother say and kissed me,
And thus I say to little English boy;
When I from black and he from white cloud free,
And round the tent of God like lambs we joy,

Explanation : The little black boy says, “This is what my mother taught me under a forest tree. Then she kissed me. Now I am telling the same thing to the little English boy. I tell him that when I free myself from the black cloud and he frees himself from the white cloud, we shall be like the lambs of God and play round His tent joyfully.’ In other words, when the black boy and the white boy forget about the difference of colour in their bodies, and start loving each other, they will earn God’s blessings.

नन्हा अश्वेत लड़का कहता है, ‘ये सब बातें मुझे मेरी मां ने जंगल के एक पेड़ के नीचे पढ़ाईं। फिर उसने मुझे चूम लिया। अब मैं वही बातें नन्हे अंग्रेज़ लड़के को बता रहा हूं। मैं उसे कह रहा हूं कि जब मैं स्वयं को काले बादल से और वह स्वयं को सफेद बादल से मुक्त कर लेगा तो हम ईश्वर के मेमनों की भांति हो जाएंगे और उसके तम्बू के गिर्द प्रसन्नतापूर्वक खेला करेंगे।’ अन्य शब्दों में, जब अश्वेत लड़का और सफेद लड़का अपने शरीरों के रंगों के बारे में भूल जाएंगे, और एक-दूसरे से प्यार करने लगेंगे तो वे ईश्वर का आशीर्वाद प्राप्त कर लेंगे।

(Lines 25-28)

I’ll shade him from the heat till he can bear
To lean in joy upon our father’s knee;
And then I’ll stand and stroke his silver hair,
And be like him and he will then love me.

Explanation : The little black boy says, “I will protect him from the hatred of the blacks. Then he’ll start loving me and will look upon my father as his own father. I shall stand by him and stroke his silver hair. Then I shall become like him and he will also love me.

नन्हा अश्वेत लड़का कहता है, ‘मैं उसे अश्वेत लोगों की घृणा से बचाऊंगा। फिर वह मुझे प्यार करने लगेगा, तथा मेरे पिता को अपने पिता के समान ही समझेगा। मैं उसके पास खड़ा हो जाऊंगा और उसके चांदी जैसे बालों पर प्यार से हाथ फेरूंगा। फिर मैं उसकी तरह हो जाऊंगा और वह भी मुझसे प्यार करने लगेगा।’

The Little Black Boy Central Idea Of The Poem in English

This poem gives the message of universal love and brotherhood. The poet gives very beautiful examples. He says that the sun gives its light and heat equally for all things and persons. Similarly, God gives warmth of His love to all creatures without any distinction. Man should also learn to bear the beams of love in his heart. He should love men of all castes, colours and creeds.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 6 The Little Black Boy

The Little Black Boy Central Idea Of The Poem in Hindi

यह कविता सबके प्रति प्यार और भ्रातृभाव का सन्देश देती है। कवि बहुत सुन्दर उदाहरण देता है। वह कहता है कि सूर्य अपना प्रकाश और अपनी ऊष्मा सभी चीज़ों और व्यक्तियों के लिए समान रूप से देता है। उसी प्रकार ईश्वर अपने प्यार की ऊष्मा सभी जीवों को बिना किसी भेदभाव के प्रदान करता है। मनुष्य को भी अपने दिल में प्यार-रूपी किरणों को धारण करना सीखना चाहिए। उसे सभी जातियों, रंगों और सम्प्रदायों के लोगों से प्यार करना चाहिए।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 5 Confessions of a Born Spectator

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class English Book Solutions Poem 5 Confessions of a Born Spectator Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 11 English Poem 5 Confessions of a Born Spectator

Question 1.
What is the poet glad about ?
The poet has always remained a spectator. He has never taken part in any athletics competition. He has never been hurt or wounded. All his limbs are intact. Naturally he is very glad.

कवि सदा ही एक दर्शक रहा है। उसने कभी किसी खेल-स्पर्धा में हिस्सा नहीं लिया है। उसे कभी कोई चोट अथवा घाव नहीं हुआ है। उसके सभी अंग सलामत है। स्वाभाविक रूप से वह अत्यंत प्रसन्न है।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 5 Confessions of a Born Spectator

Question 2.
The poet admires the athletes. Give reasons for this admiration.
The poet admires the athletes for their heroic deeds. He admires them for their fighting spirit and strong determination.

वह खिलाड़ियों के वीरतापूर्ण कार्यों के लिए उनकी प्रशंसा करता है। वह उनकी मुकाबले की भावना तथा दृढ़ इच्छा-शक्ति के लिए प्रशंसा करता है।

Question 3.
Why does he call his spirit bashful ?
He calls his spirit bashful because he feels weak and shy in the field of games and sports.
कवि अपनी आत्मा को लज्जालु कहता है क्योंकि वह खेल-कूद के क्षेत्र में स्वयं को कमज़ोर और लज्जालु महसूस करता है।

Question 4.
Write a few lines on the struggle between the poet’s ego and prudence.
The poet loves to watch the heroic deeds of athletes. Sometimes, his ego goads him to show his mettle in sports. But then his prudence warns him of the dangers and risks of sports. So he follows the advice of prudence and resolves to remain a spectator. Thus prudence wins.

कवि खिलाड़ियों के वीरतापूर्ण कारनामे देखना पसंद करता है। कई बार उसका अहंकार उसे खेलों में अपनी दिलेरी दिखाने को उत्साहित करता है। किन्तु फिर उसकी समझदारी उसे खेलों के खतरों और जोखिमों के बारे में चेतावनी देती है। इसलिए वह समझदारी द्वारा दी गई नसीहत को मान लेता है और एक दर्शक बना रहने का निश्चय कर लेता है। इस तरह समझदारी की जीत हो जाती है।

Question 5.
List the things that the poet is ready to do for the athletes.
He is ready to drink to the health of the athletes. He can dine with them. In order to watch their game, he is prepared to buy even costly tickets.

वह खिलाड़ियों के स्वास्थ्य के लिए शुभकामनाएं देने की खातिर जाम टकराने के लिए भी तैयार है। वह उनके साथ बैठ कर भोजन कर सकता है। उनका खेल देखने के लिए वह महंगी टिकटें खरीदने के लिए भी तैयार है।

Question 6.
Look at the following lines taken from the poem :
My limp and bashful spirit feeds
On other people’s heroic deeds.
What does the poet mean to convey in these lines ? Select the proper option :
(a) He is not sure of his own capabilities to perform such deeds.
(b) He does not like to perform heroic deeds.
(c) He is scared of getting hurt while performing such deeds.
(a) He is not sure of his own capabilities to perform such deeds.

Question 7.
Read the following line :
Buy tickets worth their weight in radium.
Now select the correct meaning of this line from the given statements :
(a) The poet gives radium to buy tickets.
(b) The poet would pay anything for buying tickets to watch the games.
(c) The poet does not buy tickets.
(b) The poet would pay anything for buying tickets to watch the games.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 5 Confessions of a Born Spectator

Question 8.
Read the following lines and answer the questions that follow :
I’m glad that when my struggle begins
Twixt prudence and ego, prudence wins.

(a) The poet’s ego urges him to show some heroism on the playfield. How often does he show it ?
(b) Do you think he wants to show this heroism ?
(c) Write a short note on the poet’s ‘struggle’.
(d) What is he glad about ?
(e) These two lines contain the theme of the poem. Explain.
(a) He never shows any heroism on the playfield. He wants to remain a spectator always.

(b) No, he does not want to show this heroism.

(c) The poet watches the heroic deeds of the athletes. His ego goads him to perform similar acts. But his prudence warns him of the dangers and risks of sports. Thus there goes on a struggle between his ego and prudence. However, he follows the advice of the prudence and thus his prudence wins.

(d) The poet has always been a spectator. He has never taken part in any athletics competition. He has never been hurt or wounded. All his limbs are intact. Naturally, he is very glad.

(e) These two lines contain the theme of the poem which is the poet wants to remain a spectator always’. He doesn’t want to take part in any games. His ego sometimes urges him to show some heroism on the playfield. But, his prudence warms him of the dangers of injury. And the spectator listens to the voice of his prudence.

Important Stanzas For Comprehension

Note : A complete Answer Key has been given at the end of the stanzas.

Stanza 1

One infant grows up and becomes a jockey,
Another plays basketball or hockey,
This one the prize ring hates to enter,
That one becomes a tackle or centre,
I am just as glad as glad can be
That I’m not them, that they’re not me.

1. Give the name of the poet and the poem from which these lines have been taken.
2. What are generally the ambitions of children in games?
3. What peculiarity do you notice in the speaker ?
4. Give the rhyme scheme used in the given stanza.
1. These lines have been taken from the poem, Confessions of a Born Spectator’, written by Ogden Nash.
2. Children are often very fond of games. They want to shine in the field of horse riding, boxing, basketball, football, hockey, etc.
3. Generally people are fond of games and want to take part in them. But the speaker is content to remain a spectator.
4. aa bb cc.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 5 Confessions of a Born Spectator

Stanza 2.

With all my heart do I admire
Athletes who sweat for fun or hire,
Who take the field in gaudy pomp,
And maim each other as they romp,
My limp and bashful spirit feeds
On other people’s heroic deeds.

1. Give the name of the poet and the poem from which these lines have been taken.
2. What does the speaker admire ? Who is the speaker ?
3. What do the athletes do to each other ?
4. Give the figure of speech that has been used in the last two lines of the given stanza.
1. These lines have been taken from the poem, Confessions of a Born Spectator’, written by Ogden Nash.
2. The speaker admires all types of athletes; those who play for fun as well as those who play for money. The speaker is one of the spectators.
3. The athletes injure each other in a match or contest.
4. Personification.

Stanza 3.

Now A runs ninety yards to score,
B knocks the champion to the floor.
C risking vertebrae and spine,
Lashes his steed across the line, …
‘You’d think my ego it would please
To swap positions with one of these.

1. Give the name of the poet and the poem from which these lines have been taken.
2. Who are A, B and C in the above lines ?
3. How do you think C risks his vertebrae and spine ?
4. Give the words that rhyme in the given stanza.
1. These lines have been taken from the poem, ‘Confessions of a Born Spectator’, written by Ogden Nash.
2. A, B and Care athletes competing in various games.
3. C is running a horse race. He can fall off his horse and break his vertebrae and spine.
4. (score–floor) ; (spine — line) ; (please — these).

Stanza 4.

Well, ego might be pleased enough,
But zealous athletes play so rough,
They do not ever, in their dealings
Consider one another’s feelings.
I’m glad that when my struggle begins
Twixt prudence and ego, prudence wins.

1. Give the name of the poet and the poem from which these lines have been taken.
2. How will the ego of the speaker be pleased ?
3. What is it about athletes that the speaker doesn’t like ?
4. Write the figure of speech that is used in the following line :
‘Twixt prudence and ego, prudence wins.’
1. These lines have been taken from the poem, Confessions of a Born Spectator’, written by Ogden Nash.
2. The speaker’s ego will be pleased if he also makes a mark in the field of sports and games.
3. Athletes play very rough. They don’t care about one another’s feelings.
4. Personification.

Stanza 5.

When swollen eye meets gnarled fist
When snaps the knee, and cracks the wrist,
When calm officialdom demands
Is there a doctor in the stands ?
My soul in true thanksgiving speaks
For this most modest of physiques.

1. Give the name of the poet and the poem from which these lines have been taken.
2. What dangers of sports are hinted at in these lines?
3. Why is the speaker filled with a feeling of gratitude ?
4. Give the words that rhyme in the given stanza.
1. These lines have been taken from the poem, Confessions of a Born Spectator’, written by Ogden Nash.
2. Swollen eyes, broken knees and cracked wrists are some of the dangers involved in sports.
3. The speaker is filled with a feeling of gratitude for keeping his weak body safe from the dangers and risks of sports.
4. (fist – wrist) ; (demands – stands) ; (speaks — physiques).

Stanza 6.

Athletes, I’ll drink to you Or eat with you,
Or anything except compete with you,
Buy tickets worth their weight in radium,
To watch you gambol in a stadium
And reasssure myself anew.
That you’re not me and I’m not you.

1. Give the name of the poet and the poem from which these lines have been taken.
2. What is the speaker prepared to do ?
3. What is he not prepared to do ?
4. Give the rhyme scheme of the given stanza.
1. These lines have been taken from the poem, Confessions of a Born Spectator’, written by Ogden Nash.
2. The speaker is prepared to drink to the health of athletes. He is prepared to eat with them.
3. He is not prepared to compete with the athletes.
4. aaa bb aa.

Confessions of a Born Spectator Poem Summary in English

Confessions of a Born Spectator Introduction:

In this poem, the poet makes fun of athletes. But the fun is light-hearted. It is not meant to be taken seriously. The poet loves to watch the players in various contests. But he never thinks of taking part in them himself. He does not want to have his bones broken and his body injured. He is content to remain a spectator-‘That you are not me and I’m not you.’

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 5 Confessions of a Born Spectator

Confessions of a Born Spectator Summary in English:

In this poem, the poet makes fun of athletes. But the fun is light-hearted. The poet says that when the children grow up, they feel interested in different sports. One child grows up and becomes a professional horse rider. Another plays basketball or hockey. This one hates to enter the boxing ring. That one loves to play rugby at a particular position in the field.

But the poet says that he is a born spectator. He feels most glad to think that he is not like them, or that they are not like him. The poet admires all the athletes who play for fun or for money. He likes to see the players enter the field in their showy dresses. He also loves to see them hurt and injure each other in the play. But the poet is a born spectator.

He says that his weak and shy spirit loves to feed on the heroic deeds of other people. One player runs ninety yards to score a point for victory. Another one knocks down even a champion. Another endangers even his vertebrae and spine to win a prize in horse riding. One might think that the sight of these brave acts would arouse the poet’s own ego. Then he too would like to be one of the participants in these competitions.

The poet says that his ego might be pleased to change places with some player or athlete. But their game seems to him to be very rough. In their play, they show no regard for one another’s feelings. The born spectator says that often a struggle begins between his ego and his prudence. His ego goads him to become a champion, but his prudence restrains him from doing so.

In boxing, the hard-clenched fist of one boxer strikes at the swollen eye of the opponent. In other games, too, knees are broken and wrists are cracked. While all this violence takes place, the officials show no great concern for the injured players. They merely ask in an indifferent tone if there is any doctor in the stands. Seeing all this, the born spectator feels thankful to God for keeping his weak body safe from such dangers and risks.

Finally considering all the dangers and risks that athletes have to face, the poet decides to remain a spectator. He says that he can drink to the health of athletes. He can eat with them but he can’t compete with them. He would buy even costly tickets to watch their game. But he would never change places with them. The poet reassures himself afresh that he is not like the athletes and the athletes are not like him.

Confessions of a Born Spectator Poem Summary in Hindi

Confessions of a Born Spectator Introduction:

इस कविता में कवि खिलाड़ियों का मजाक उड़ाता है। लेकिन मज़ाक हल्का-फुल्का है। इसे गम्भीरतापूर्वक नहीं लिया जाना चाहिए। कवि भिन्न-भिन्न स्पर्धाओं में खिलाड़ियों को खेलते देखना पसन्द करता है। किन्तु वह स्वयं उनमें भाग लेने के सम्बन्ध में कभी नहीं सोचता है। वह अपनी हड़ियों को तुड़वाना और अपने शरीर को घायल करवाना नहीं चाहता है। वह एक दर्शक बना रहने में ही सन्तुष्ट है – इस बात में ‘कि आप मैं नहीं हो और मैं आप नहीं हूँ।’

Confessions of a Born Spectator Summary in Hindi:

कविता का विस्तृत सार इस कविता में कवि खिलाड़ियों का मजाक उड़ाता है। परन्तु यह मज़ाक हल्के-फुल्के ढंग का है। कवि कहता है कि जब बच्चे बड़े हो जाते हैं तो वे विभिन्न खेलों में रुचि लेने लगते हैं। कोई बच्चा बड़ा होकर पेशेवर घुड़सवार बन जाता है। कोई दूसरा बास्किटबॉल अथवा हॉकी खेलने लगता है। इधर एक बच्चा मुक्केबाज़ी के अखाड़े में प्रवेश करने से घृणा करता है। उधर कोई दूसरा खेल के मैदान में किसी विशेष स्थिति पर रगबी खेलना पसन्द करता है।

किन्तु कवि कहता है कि वह एक पैदाइशी दर्शक है। उसे यह सोच कर अत्यन्त प्रसन्नता अनुभव होती है कि वह उनके जैसा नहीं है, अथवा यह कि वे उसके जैसे नहीं हैं। कवि सभी खिलाड़ियों की प्रशंसा करता है, जो शौक के लिए अथवा पैसे के लिए खेलते हैं। उसे अच्छा लगता है जब वह खिलाड़ियों को भड़कीली पोशाकें पहने हुए मैदान में उतरते देखता है। उसे तब भी अच्छा लगता है जब वे खेल में एक-दूसरे को चोट पहुंचाते हैं और घायल कर देते हैं।

किन्तु कवि एक पैदाइशी दर्शक है। वह कहता है कि उसकी कमज़ोर और लज्जालु आत्मा दूसरे लोगों के वीरतापूर्ण कारनामों को देखकर ही सन्तुष्ट रहना पसन्द करती है। एक खिलाड़ी विजय के अंक प्राप्त करने के लिए नब्बे गज़ की दौड़ दौड़ता है। एक दूसरा किसी चैम्पियन तक को धराशायी कर देता है। कोई अन्य घुड़सवारी में विजयोपहार प्राप्त करने के लिए अपनी पीठ के मनकों और रीढ़ की हड्डी को भी खतरे में डाल देता है। कोई यह सोच सकता है कि इन वीरतापूर्ण क्रियाओं को देख कर कवि का अपना अभिमान जागृत हो उठेगा।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 5 Confessions of a Born Spectator

तब वह भी इन मुकाबलों में एक भागीदार बनना चाहेगा। कवि कहता है कि उसका अहंकार शायद किसी खिलाड़ी या पहलवान के साथ जगह बदलने में खुशी महसूस करे। किन्तु उनका खेल उसे बहुत क्रूरता भरा प्रतीत होता है। अपने खेल में वे एक-दूसरे की भावनाओं के प्रति कोई आदर नहीं दिखलाते हैं। पैदाइशी दर्शक कहता है कि उसके अहम् और उसकी समझदारी के बीच प्रायः एक विवाद खड़ा हो जाता है।

उसका अहंकार उसे एक सर्वविजयी खिलाड़ी बनने को प्रेरित करता है, किन्तु उसकी समझदारी उसे ऐसा करने से रोकती है। मुक्केबाज़ी में एक मुक्केबाज़ का कठोर कसा हुआ चूंसा विरोधी की सूजी हुई आँख पर प्रहार करता है। दूसरे खेलों में भी घुटने टूट जाते हैं और कलाइयां चटक जाती हैं। जब यह सारी हिंसा होती है तो अधिकारी लोग घायल खिलाड़ियों के लिए कोई विशेष चिन्ता व्यक्त नहीं करते हैं।

वे मात्र एक भावना रहित स्वर में पूछते हैं कि क्या कोई डॉक्टर दर्शक-दीर्घा में बैठा हुआ है। इन सभी बातों को देख कर पैदाइशी दर्शक ईश्वर का धन्यवाद करता है कि उसने उसके कमज़ोर शरीर को इस तरह के खतरों और जोखिमों से सुरक्षित रखा हुआ है। अन्ततः उन सभी जोखिमों और खतरों को ध्यान में रखते हुए, जिनका सामना खिलाड़ियों को करना पड़ता है, कवि यह निश्चय करता है कि वह सदा एक दर्शक ही बना रहेगा।

वह कहता है कि वह खिलाड़ियों के स्वास्थ्य के लिए शुभकामनाएँ दे सकता है। वह उनके साथ बैठ कर भोजन कर सकता है, परन्तु वह उनके साथ खेल-मुकाबला कभी नहीं कर सकता। उनका खेल देखने के लिए वह भारी कीमत पर टिकट खरीद सकता है। किन्तु वह उनके साथ जगह बदलने की बात कभी नहीं सोच सकता है। कवि अपने मन में फिर से यह निश्चय दोहराता है कि न तो खिलाड़ी लोग उसके जैसा बनें और न ही वह उनमें से किसी एक के जैसा बने।

Confessions of a Born Spectator Poem Translation in Hindi

(Lines 1-6)

One infant grows up and becomes a jockey,
Another plays basketball or hockey,
This one the prize ring hates to enter,
that one becomes a tackle or centre,
I am just as glad as glad can be
That I’m not them, that they’re not me.

Explanation : One child grows up and becomes a professional horse rider. Another plays basketball or hockey. This one hates to enter the boxing ring. That one loves to play rugby at a particular position in the field. But the poet (or the born spectator) feels most glad to think that he is not any one of them, or that they are not like him.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 5 Confessions of a Born Spectator

कोई बच्चा बड़ा होकर पेशेवर घुड़सवार बन जाता है। कोई दूसरा बास्किटबॉल अथवा हॉकी खेलने लगता है। इधर एक बच्चा मुक्केबाजी के अखाड़े में प्रवेश करने से घृणा करता है। उधर दूसरा बच्चा खेल-मैदान में किसी विशेष स्थिति पर रगबी खेलना पसन्द करता है। किन्तु कवि (अथवा पैदाइशी दर्शक) को यह सोच कर अत्यन्त प्रसन्नता अनुभव होती है कि वह उनके जैसा नहीं है, अथवा यह कि वे उसके जैसे नहीं हैं।

(Lines 7-12)

With all my heart do I admire
Athletes who sweat for fun or hire,
Who take the field in gaudy pomp,
And maim each other as they romp,
My limp and bashful spirit feeds
On other people’s heroic deeds.

Explanation : The born spectator says that he admires all sorts of athletes – those who play for fun and also those who play for money. He likes to see the players enter the field in their showy dresses. He also likes to see them injure each other in their play. The born spectator says that his weak and shy spirit loves to feed on the heroic deeds of other people. He himself would never take part in them.

पैदाइशी दर्शक कहता है कि वह सभी तरह के खिलाड़ियों की प्रशंसा करता है – जो मनोरंजन के लिए खेलते हैं और वे भी जो पैसे के लिए खेलते हैं। उसे अच्छा लगता है जब वह खिलाड़ियों को भड़कीली पोशाकें पहने हुए मैदान में उतरते देखता है। उसे तब भी अच्छा लगता है जब वे खेल में एक-दूसरे को घायल कर देते हैं। पैदाइशी दर्शक कहता है कि उसकी कमज़ोर और लज्जालु आत्मा दूसरे लोगों के वीरतापूर्ण कारनामों को देखकर ही सन्तुष्ट रहना पसन्द करती है। वह स्वयं उनमें कभी भाग लेना पसन्द नहीं करता है।

(Lines 13-18)

Now A runs ninety yards to score,
B knocks the champion to the floor.
C risking vertebrae and spine,
Lashes his steed across the line,
You’d think my ego it would please
To swap positions with one of these.

Explanation : One player runs ninety yards to score a victory. Another knocks down even a champion. Another endangers his vertebrae and spine to win a prize in horse riding. One might think that the born spectator’s ego might like to change places with one of these prize fighters.

एक खिलाड़ी विजय प्राप्त करने के लिए नब्बे गज़ की दौड़ दौड़ता है। एक दूसरा खिलाड़ी किसी योद्धा तक को भी धराशायी कर देता है। कोई अन्य घुड़सवारी में विजयोपहार प्राप्त करने के लिए अपने पीठ के मनकों और रीढ़ की हड्डी को भी खतरे में डाल देता है। कोई यह सोच सकता है कि पैदाइशी दर्शक का अहम् शायद इन खिलाड़ियों में से किसी एक के साथ अपना स्थान बदलने की इच्छा रखता हो।

(Lines 19-24)

Well, ego might be pleased enough,
But zealous athletes play so rough,
They do not ever, in their dealings
Consider one another’s feelings.
I’m glad that when my struggle begins
‘Twixt prudence and ego, prudence wins.

Explanation : The born spectator says that his ego might be pleased to change places with some player or athlete, but their game seems to him to be very rough. In their play, they show no regard for one another’s feelings. The born spectator says that often a struggle begins between his ego and his prudence. His ego goads him to become a champion, but his prudence restrains him from doing so. He feels glad that his prudence wins in the end.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 5 Confessions of a Born Spectator

पैदाइशी दर्शक कहता है कि उसका अहम् शायद किसी खिलाड़ी या पहलवान के साथ जगह बदलने में खुशी महसूस करे, किन्तु उनका खेल उसे बहुत क्रूरता वाला प्रतीत होता है। अपने खेल में वे एक-दूसरे की भावनाओं के प्रति कोई आदर नहीं दिखलाते हैं। पैदाइशी दर्शक कहता है कि उसके अहम् और उसकी समझदारी के बीच प्रायः एक विवाद खड़ा हो जाता है। उसका अहम् उसे एक सर्वविजयी खिलाड़ी बनने को प्रेरित करता है, किन्तु उसकी समझदारी उसे ऐसा करने से रोकती है। उसे प्रसन्नता महसूस होती है कि अन्त में उसकी समझदारी जीत जाती है।

(Lines 25–30)

When swollen eye meets gnarled fist
When snaps the knee, and cracks the wrist,
When calm officialdom demands
Is there a doctor in the stands ?
My soul in true thanksgiving speaks
For this most modest of physiques.

Explanation : In boxing, the hard clenched fist of one boxer strikes at the swollen eye of the opponent. In other games, too, knees are broken and wrists are cracked. While all this violence goes on, the officials show no great concern for the injured players. They merely ask in an indifferent tone if there is any doctor in the stands. Seeing all this the born spectator feels thankful to God for keeping his weak body safe from such dangers and risks.

मुक्केबाजी में एक मुक्केबाज़ का कठोर कसा हुआ चूंसा विरोधी की सूजी हुई आँख पर प्रहार करता है। दूसरे खेलों में भी घुटने टूट जाते हैं और कलाइयां चटक जाती हैं। जब यह सब हिंसा हो रही होती है तो अधिकारी लोग घायल खिलाड़ियों के लिए कोई विशेष चिन्ता व्यक्त नहीं करते हैं। वे मात्र एक भावना-रहित स्वर में पूछते हैं कि क्या कोई डॉक्टर दर्शक-दीर्घा में बैठा हुआ है। इन सभी बातों को देख कर पैदाइशी दर्शक ईश्वर का धन्यवाद करता है कि उसने उसके कमज़ोर शरीर को इस तरह के खतरों और जोखिमों से सुरक्षित रखा हुआ है।

(Lines 31-37)

Athletes, I’ll drink to you
Or eat with you,
Or anything except compete with you,
Buy tickets worth their weight in radium,
To watch you gambol in a stadium
And reassure myself anew
That you’re not me and I’m not you.

Explanation : Keeping all the above-mentioned things in view, the born spectator has decided to remain a spectator and never to become a player. He says that he will gladly drink to the health of athletes and also dine with them. He is willing to do anything with them except compete with them. In order to watch their game, he is even prepared to buy tickets worth their weight in radium. But he can never think of changing places with them. The born spectator reassures himself afresh that neither the athletes takes his place nor he becomes one of them.

उपर्युक्त सभी बातों को ध्यान में रखते हुए पैदाइशी दर्शक ने सदा एक दर्शक ही बना रहने और कभी एक खिलाड़ी न बनने का निश्चय कर लिया है। वह कहता है कि वह खिलाड़ियों के स्वास्थ्य के लिए शुभकामना व्यक्त करने के लिए प्रसन्नतापूर्वक प्याले टकरा सकता है और उनके साथ भोजन भी कर सकता है। वह उनके साथ खेलमुकाबला करने के अतिरिक्त कोई भी अन्य बात करने को तैयार है। उनका खेल देखने के लिए वह टिकटों के भार के बराबर रेडियम का मूल्य देने को भी तैयार है। किन्तु वह उनके साथ जगह बदलने की बात कभी नहीं सोच सकता है। पैदाइशी दर्शक अपने मन में फिर से यह निश्चय दोहराता है कि न तो खिलाड़ी लोग उसकी जगह लें और न ही वह उनमें से किसी एक जैसा बने।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 5 Confessions of a Born Spectator

Confessions of a Born Spectator Central Idea Of The Poem in English

In this, poem the poet makes fun of athletes. But the fun is light-hearted. It is not meant to be taken seriously. The poet loves to watch the players in various contests. But he never thinks of taking part in them himself. He does not want to have his bones broken and his body injured. He is content to remain a spectator ‘That you’re not me and I’m not you.’

Confessions of a Born Spectator Central Idea Of The Poem in Hindi

इस कविता में कवि खिलाड़ियों का मज़ाक उड़ाता है। किन्तु मज़ाक हल्का-फुल्का है। इसे गम्भीरतापूर्वक नहीं लिया जाना चाहिए। कवि भिन्न-भिन्न स्पर्धाओं में खिलाड़ियों को देखना पसन्द करता है। किन्तु वह स्वयं उनमें भाग लेने के सम्बन्ध में कभी नहीं सोचता है। वह अपनी हड्डियों को तुड़वाना और अपने शरीर को घायल नहीं करवाना चाहता है। वह एक दर्शक बना रहने में ही सन्तुष्ट है – इस बात में कि ‘आप मैं नहीं हो, और मैं आप

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 4 Upagupta

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class English Book Solutions Poem 4 Upagupta Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 11 English Poem 4 Upagupta

Question 1.
Which lines in the poem prove that it was a dark night when Upagupta lay asleep?
The following lines prove that it was a dark night when Upagupta lay asleep –
Lamps were all out, doors were all shut, and
stars were all hidden by the murky sky of August.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 4 Upagupta

Question 2.
How does the poet describe the dancing girl ?
The dancing girl was very beautiful. She was all decorated with shining jewels. She had covered herself with a cloth of pale-blue colour. She was drunk with the wine of her youth.

नर्तकी बहुत सुन्दर थी। उसका पूरा शरीर चमकते हुए आभूषणों से सजा हुआ था। उसने स्वयं को एक हल्के नीले रंग की चुनरिया से ढका हुआ था। उसे अपनी जवानी रूपी मदिरा का नशा चढ़ा हुआ था।

Question 3.
How can a face be austere yet beautiful ?
Beauty doesn’t lie in the physical ornamentation. It comes out of soul and lends charm to the face.
सुन्दरता शारीरिक सजावट में निहित नहीं होती। यह तो आत्मा से आती है और चेहरे को सौम्यता प्रदान करती है।

Question 4.
Why was the woman hurriedly removed from the town ?
The woman was struck with a horrible disease. There were sores all over her body. It was an infectious disease that could pass easily from person to person. So to save others from this horrible disease, she was hurriedly removed from the town.

वह स्त्री एक भयानक बीमारी से ग्रस्त थी। उसके सारे शरीर पर फोड़े निकल आए थे। यह एक छूत की बीमारी थी जो आसानी से एक व्यक्ति से दूसरे व्यक्ति को हो सकती थी। इसलिए दूसरे लोगों को इस भयंकर बीमारी से बचाने के लिए उसे शीघ्रता से नगर से निकाल दिया गया।

Question 5.
How did the ascetic help the woman ?
The ascetic sat down by her side. He took her head on his knees. He put water on her lips and applied balm on her body.

संन्यासी उसकी एक तरफ बैठ गया। उसने उसके सिर को अपने घुटनों पर रख लिया। उसने उसके होंठों पर पानी डाला और उसके शरीर पर मरहम लगाई।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 4 Upagupta

Question 6.
Match the words in Column A with their meanings in Column B :
A — В.
murky — flourish
mantle — a group of trees
ascetic — spreading of a disease by touch
blossom — cloudy
rampart — abstinent / living like a monk
pestilence — ointment
contagion — cloak
balm — parapet
grove — epidemic
1. murky = cloudy
2. mantle = cloak
3. ascetic = abstinent / living like a monk;
4. blossom = flourish
5. rampart = parapet
6. pestilence = epidemic
7. contagion = spreading of a disease by touch
8. balm = ointment
9. grove = a group of trees.

Question 7.
Read the following lines :
The young ascetic answered, “Woman, go on your way.”
What was ‘her’ way and what was ‘his way?
‘Her’ way led to prostitution. And ‘his’ way led to asceticism that has nothing to do with physical pleasures.

उस (नर्तकी) का रास्ता वेश्यावृत्ति की ओर जाता था। और उस (भिक्षुक) का रास्ता तपस्या की ओर जाता था जिसका शारीरिक सुखों से कुछ लेना-देना नहीं होता।

Question 8.
“Suddenly the black night showed its teeth in a flash of lightning.’
How can you say that the figure of speech used is personification ?
The figure of speech used in this line is personification because the black night’ is personified here.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 4 Upagupta

Question 9.
Write down the figure of speech used in the following line :
………. spotted with sores of small-pox.
The figure of speech used here is – alliteration. Alliteration is the repetition of the same sound, usually initial consonants of words, in any sequence of words.

Important Stanzas For Comprehension

Note : A complete Answer Key has been given at the end of the stanzas.

Stanza 1.

Upagupta, the disciple of Buddha, lay asleep in
the dust by the city wall of Mathura.
Lamps were all out, doors were all shut, and
stars were all hidden by the murky sky of August.
Whose feet were those tinkling with anklets,
touching his breast of a sudden ?
He woke up startled, and a light from a woman’s
lamp fell on his forgiving eyes.
It was the dancing girl, starred with jewels,
Wearing a pale blue mantle, drunk with the wine of her youth.

1. Give the name of the poem and the poet.
2. What woke up Upagupta ?
3. Why have the ascetic’s eyes been described as forgiving’?
4. Write the figure of speech used in the line ………….
a light from a woman’s lamp fell on his forgiving eyes.’
1. The name of the poem is ‘Upagupta’ and the name of the poet is Rabindranath Tagore.
2. The touch of a woman’s feet and the tinkling of her anklets woke up Upagupta.
3. The dancing girl had touched the ascetic’s breast with her feet, yet the ascetic did not get angry. That is why his eyes have been described as forgiving.
4. Alliteration.

Stanza 2.

She lowered her lamp and saw the young face
austerely beautiful.
“Forgive me, young ascetic,” said the woman,
“Graciously come to my house. The dusty earth
is not a fit bed for you.”
The young ascetic answered, “Woman,
go on your way;
When the time is ripe I will come to you.”
Suddenly the black night showed its teeth
in a flash of lightning.
The storm growled from the corner of the sky, and
The woman trembled in fear of some unknown danger.

1. Give the name of the poem and the poet.
2. What did the dancing girl say to the ascetic ?
3. What was the ascetic’s reply to the girls invitation ?
4. Write the figure of speech used in the following line :
Suddenly the black night showed its teeth…………
1. The name of the poem is ‘Upagupta’ and the name of the poet is Rabindranath Tagore.
2. She invited him to visit her house. She said that the dusty earth was not a fit bed for him.
3. He replied that he would visit her when the ripe time came for it.
4. Personification.

Stanza 3.

The branches of the wayside trees were aching with blossom.
Gay notes of a flute came floating in the
warm spring air from afar.
The citizens had gone to the woods for the
festival of flowers.
From the mid-sky gazed the full moon on the
shadows of the silent town.
The young ascetic was walking in the lonely street,
While overhead the love-sick koels uttered from the
mango branches their sleepless plaint.

1.Give the name of the poem and the poet.
2. Why were the streets lonely ?
3. Who was walking in the lonely street ?
4. In which line of the given stanza is the figure of speech ‘alliteration’ used ?
1. The name of the poem is ‘Upagupta’ and the name of the poet is Rabindranath Tagore.
2. The streets were lonely because people had gone to celebrate the festival of flowers.
3. The young ascetic Upagupta, was walking in the lonely street.
4. “Gay notes of a flute came floating in the warm spring air from afar.’

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 4 Upagupta

Stanza 4.

Upagupta passed through the city gates, and
stood at the base of the rampart.
Was that a woman lying at his feet in the
shadow of the mango grove ?
Struck with black pestilence, her body
spotted with sores of small-pox,
She had been hurriedly removed from the town
To avoid her poisonous contagion.

1. Give the name of the poem and the poet.
2. Who did Upagupta see lying in the shadow of the mango grove ?
3. Why was she lying there?
4. Write the figure of speech used in the following line :
……spotted with sores of small-pox.’
1. The name of the poem is ‘Upagupta’ and the name of the poet is Rabindranath Tagore.
2. He saw the dancing girl lying in the shadow of the mango grove.
3. She was suffering from a terrible disease. The people had turned her out of the city.
4. Alliteration.

Stanza 5.

The ascetic sat by her side, took her head
on his knees,
And moistened her lips with water, and
smeared her body with sandal balm.
“Who are you, merciful one ?” asked the woman.
“The time, at last, has come to visit you, and
I am here,” replied the young ascetic.

1. Give the name of the poem and the poet.
2. Why did the woman call the ascetic ‘merciful one’?
3. Why did the ascetic say: ‘The time, at last, has come to visit you.’ ?
4. Write the figure of speech used in the very first line of the given stanza.
1. The name of the poem is ‘Upagupta’ and the name of the poet is Rabindranath Tagore.
2. The girl was suffering from a horrible disease. The ascetic came to help her when nobody would come near her. Therefore, she called him the merciful one.
3. In her youth, she had invited the ascetic to visit her. But he had refused saying that he would visit her when the ripe time came for it. Now when she was in sore need, everybody had deserted her. That is why the ascetic said, “The time, at last, has come to visit you.”
4. Alliteration.

Upagupta Poem Summary in English

Upagupta Introduction:

This poem is about the strength of character of a great Buddhist monk named Upagupta. He was a true ascetic. He had wonderful self-control. Once a young and beautiful girl invited him to come to her house. Upagupta simply looked at her with pity.

He said that he would visit her when the ripe time came for it. And when the time did come, he proved how his heart was full of the milk of human kindness. He felt no hesitation in nursing the woman who was suffering from a horrible disease. This poem is, in fact, a great tribute to Upagupta.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 4 Upagupta

Upagupta Summary in English:

Upagupta was a disciple of the Buddha. One dark night, he was lying asleep on the ground near the city wall of Mathura. All the lamps had gone out. All the doors were shut. All of a sudden, Upagupta was awakened by the tinkling sound of anklets. A dancing girl’s feet had touched his breast.

Upagupta woke up with a start. The woman had a lamp in her hand. Upagupta saw that she was a dancing girl. She was all decorated in shining jewels. She was drunk with the wine of her youth. The dancing girl bent down and lowered her lamp. She saw the handsome face of the monk. She begged him to forgive her. She invited him to her house.

At this, the ascetic replied, “O woman, go on your way. I shall visit your house when the time is ripe for it.’ Some time later, it was a spring night. All the people of the city had gone to the woods. They had gone there to celebrate the festival of flowers. The full moon was shining high up in the middle of the sky. Upagupta passed through the city gates, and stood near the outer wall.

Just then the monk saw a woman lying near his feet. She was struck with a horrible disease. There were sores all over her body. She had been driven away from the city because of her dangerous disease. The ascetic sat down by her side. He took her head on his knees. He wetted her lips and applied balm on her body.

The woman asked, “O merciful one ! Who are you ?” The young ascetic replied, “Perhaps you remember, once you invited me to your house. I told you then that I would visit you when the ripe time came for it. Now at last the time has come to visit you and I am here.”

Upagupta Poem Summary in Hindi

Upagupta Introduction:

यह कविता उपगुप्त नाम के एक महान् बौद्ध भिक्षु के चरित्रबल के बारे में है। वह एक सच्चा संन्यासी था। उसमें गज़ब का आत्म-नियंत्रण था। एक बार एक जवान तथा सुन्दर औरत ने उसे अपने घर आने का आमंत्रण दिया। उपगुप्त ने उसकी तरफ सिर्फ दया-भाव से देखा।

उसने कहा कि वह उसके पास आएगा, जब इसके लिए उपयुक्त समय आएगा। और जब वह समय आया तो उसने सिद्ध कर दिया कि वह दयालुता की भावना से भरपूर था। उसने उस औरत की देखभाल करने में कोई हिचकिचाहट न दिखाई जो कि एक भयानक बीमारी से पीड़ित थी। यह कविता वास्तव में उपगुप्त के प्रति एक महान् श्रद्धांजलि है।

Upagupta Summary in Hindi:

उपगुप्त बुद्ध का एक अनुयायी था। एक अन्धेरी रात को वह मथुरा नगर की दीवार के पास धरती पर सोया हुआ था। सभी दीपक बुझ चुके थे और सभी दरवाज़े बंद थे। अचानक उपगुप्त पाजेबों की छन-छन से जाग उठा। एक नर्तकी के पाँव उसकी छाती से छू गए थे।

उपगुप्त चौंक कर उठ बैठा। उस स्त्री के हाथ में एक दीपक था। उपगुप्त ने देखा कि वह एक नर्तकी थी। उसका पूरा शरीर चमकते हुए गहनों से सजा हुआ था। उसे अपनी जवानी रूपी मदिरा का नशा चढ़ा हुआ था। वह नर्तकी झुकी तथा उसने अपना दीपक नीचे की तरफ किया। उसने भिक्षुक के युवा तथा सुन्दर चेहरे को देखा। उसने उससे क्षमा माँगी तथा उसे अपने घर आने के लिए आमंत्रित किया। इस पर संन्यासी ने उत्तर दिया, “ए औरत, तुम अपनी राह लो। मैं तुम्हारे घर आऊँगा जब इसके लिए उपयुक्त समय आएगा।”

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 4 Upagupta

कुछ समय पश्चात् बसन्त की रात थी। नगर के सभी लोग वन में गए हुए थे। वे वहां फूलों का त्योहार मनाने गए हुए थे। पूर्ण चन्द्रमा ऊंचे आकाश में चमक रहा था। उपगुप्त नगर के दरवाज़े से बाहर आया तथा बाहर वाली दीवार के पास खड़ा हो गया। – तभी भिक्षुक ने अपने पैरों के समीप एक औरत पड़ी हुई देखी। वह एक भयानक बीमारी का शिकार हो गई थी। उसके पूरे शरीर पर फोड़े बने हुए थे।

उसकी भयानक बीमारी के कारण उसे नगर से बाहर निकाल दिया गया था। संन्यासी उसके पास बैठ गया। उसने स्त्री का सिर अपने घुटनों पर रख लिया। उसने औरत के होंठों को पानी से गीला किया तथा उसके शरीर पर मरहम लगाया। उस स्त्री ने पूछा, “हे दयालु पुरुष! आप कौन हैं ?” युवा संन्यासी ने उत्तर दिया, “तुम्हें शायद याद होगा – तुमने मुझे अपने घर आने के लिए आमंत्रित किया था। तब मैंने तुम्हें कहा था कि मैं उपयुक्त समय आने पर तुम्हारे घर आऊँगा। अब आखिर में वह समय आ गया है तथा मैं यहां तुम्हारे पास हूं।”

Upagupta Poem Translation in Hindi

(Lines 1-6)

Upagupta, the disciple of
Buddha, lay asleep in the dust by the city wall of Mathura.
Lamps were all out, doors were all shut, and
stars were all hidden by the murky sky of August.
Whose feet were those tinkling with anklets,
touching his breast of a sudden ?

Explanation : Upagupta was a disciple of the Buddha. One day, he was lying asleep on the ground near the city wall of Mathura. It was late night and all the lamps had gone out. All the doors were shut. It was a dark August night and there were no stars in the sky. All of a sudden, Upagupta was awakened by the tinkling sound of anklets. It was a dancing girl. Her feet had touched against the breast of the sleeping monk.

उपगुप्त बुद्ध का एक शिष्य था। एक दिन वह मथुरा नगर की दीवार के समीप धरती पर सोया पड़ा था। देर रात हो गई थी और सभी दीपक बुझ चुके थे। सभी द्वार बन्द थे। यह अगस्त मास की एक अन्धेरी रात थी और आकाश में कोई सितारे नहीं थे। अचानक उपगुप्त पाजेबों की छन-छन से जाग उठा। यह एक नर्तकी थी। उसके पांव सोए हुए भिक्षु के वक्षस्थल के साथ छू गए थे।

(Lines 7-16)

He woke up startled, and a light from a woman’s
lamp fell on his forgiving eyes.
It was the dancing girl, starred with jewels,
Wearing a pale blue mantle, drunk with the wine of her youth.
She lowered her lamp and saw, young face
austerely beautiful.
“Forgive me, young ascetic,” said the woman,
“Graciously come to my house. The dusty earth
is not a fit bed for you.”

Explanation : Upagupta woke up startled. The woman had a lamp in her hand. In its light, she saw Upagupta’s face. There was a look of forgiveness in the monk’s eyes. He saw that it was a dancing girl. She was all decorated with shining jewels. She had covered herself with a cloth of pale-blue colour. She was drunk with the wine of her youth.

The dancing girl bent down and lowered her lamp. She saw the young and handsome face of the monk. Then she begged the ascetic to forgive her and invited him to her house, saying, “Please do me the favour of coming to my house. This dusty earth is not a fit bed for you.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 4 Upagupta

उपगुप्त चौंक कर जाग उठा। उस स्त्री के हाथ में एक दीपक था। इसके प्रकाश में उसने उपगुप्त का चेहरा देखा। भिक्षु की आंखों में क्षमा का भाव भरा हुआ था। उसने देखा कि वह एक नर्तकी थी। उसका पूरा शरीर चमकते हुए आभूषणों से सजा हुआ था। उसने स्वयं को एक हल्के नीले रंग की चुनरिया से ढका हुआ था।

उसे अपनी जवानी रूपी मदिरा का नशा चढ़ा हुआ था। वह नर्तकी झुकी और उसने अपना दीपक नीचे को किया। उसने भिक्षु के जवान और सुन्दर चेहरे को देखा। फिर उसने संन्यासी से क्षमा मांगी और उसे यह कहते हुए अपने घर. आमन्त्रित किया, “कृपया मेरे घर पधारने की कृपा कीजिए। यह धूल-भरी धरती आपके लिए उपयुक्त शैय्या नहीं है।”

(Lines 17-23)

The young ascetic answered, “Woman,
go on your way;
When the time is ripe I will come to you.”
Suddenly the black night showed its teeth
in a flash of lightning.
The storm growled from the corner of the sky, and
The woman trembled in fear of some unknown danger.

Explanation : At this, the ascetic replied, ‘O woman, go on your way. I shall visit your house when the time is ripe for it.’ Suddenly, there was a flash of lightning in the dark black night. A thundering storm began to blow from a corner of the sky. It frightened the woman and she began to tremble in fear.

इस पर संन्यासी ने उत्तर दिया, ‘ए स्त्री, तुम अपना रास्ता लो। मैं तुम्हारे घर आऊंगा जब इसके लिए उपयुक्त समय आएगा।’ अचानक वहां काली अन्धेरी रात में बिजली चमकी। आकाश के कोने से गरज के साथ तूफान चलने . लगा। इससे वह स्त्री भयभीत हो उठी और डर के मारे कांपने लगी।

(Lines 24–35)

The branches of the wayside trees were aching with blossom.
Gay notes of a flute came floating in the
warm spring air from afar.
The citizens had gone to the woods for the
festival of flowers.
From the mid-sky gazed the full moon on the
shadows of the silent town.
The young ascetic was walking in the lonely street,
While overhead the love-sick koels uttered from the
mango branches their sleepless plaint.
Upagupta passed through the city gates, and
stood at the base of the rampart.

Explanation : Some time later, it was the spring season. The branches of trees on the roadside were full of blossoms. In the pleasant spring air, gay notes of the flute were coming from afar. All the people of the city had gone to the woods to celebrate the festival of flowers. The full moon was shining high up in the middle of the sky.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 4 Upagupta

It seemed to be looking below on the shadows of the silent town. At this time, the same young ascetic was going through a lonely street of the town. The koels were sitting in the mango orchards. They were singing their love-sick songs in the silence of the night. Upagupta passed through the city gates, and stood near the outer wall.

कुछ समय पश्चात् बसन्त ऋतु का समय था। सड़क के किनारे उगे हुए वृक्षों की टहनियां पंखुड़ियों से भरी हुईं थी। बसन्त ऋतु की मधुर पवन में बांसुरी के मीठे स्वर दूर किसी जगह से सुनाई पड़ रहे थे। नगर के सभी लोग फूलों का उत्सव मनाने के लिए वन में गए हुए थे। पूर्ण चन्द्रमा आकाश के मध्य में ऊंचा चमक रहा था।

वह नीचे की तरफ खामोश पडी नगरी की परछाइयों को देखता हआ प्रतीत हो रहा था। इस समय वही जवान संन्यासी नगर की एक सुनसान गली में से चला जा रहा था। कोयलें आमों के उद्यान में बैठी हुई थीं। वे रात की खामोशी में अपने प्यार के व्यथा-भरे गीत गा रही थीं। उपगुप्त नगर के द्वार में से निकला और दीवार के समीप खड़ा हो गया।

(Lines 36-48)

Was that a woman lying at his feet in the
shadow of the mango grove ?
Struck with black pestilence, her body
spotted with sores of small-pox,
She had been hurriedly removed from the town
To avoid her poisonous contagion.
The ascetic sat by her side, took her head
on his knees,
And moistened her lips with water, and
smeared her body with sandal balm.
“Who are you, merciful one ?” asked the woman.
“The time, at last, has come to visit you, and
I am here,” replied the young ascetic.

Explanation : The monk saw a woman lying near his feet in the shadow of the mango grove. She was struck with a horrible disease. There were sores all over her body. She had been driven away from the city because of her dangerous disease. The ascetic sat down by her side.

He took her head on his knees. He put water on her lips and applied balm on her body. The woman asked, “O merciful one ! Who are you? The young ascetic replied, “Perhaps you remember I told you once that I shall visit you when the ripe time comes. Now at last the time has come to visit you, and I am here.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 4 Upagupta

भिक्षु ने आमों के उपवन की परछाई में अपने पैरों के समीप एक औरत को पड़े हुए देखा। वह एक भयानक बीमारी से ग्रस्त थी। उसके पूरे शरीर पर फोड़े बने हुए थे। उसकी भयानक बीमारी के कारण उसे नगर से बाहर निकाल दिया गया था। संन्यासी उसकी एक तरफ बैठ गया। उसने उसके सिर को अपने घुटनों पर रख लिया।

उसने उसके होंठों पर पानी डाला और उसके शरीर पर मरहम लगाई। उस स्त्री ने पूछा, ‘ओ दयावान ! आप कौन हैं ?’ जवान संन्यासी ने उत्तर दिया, ‘शायद तुम्हें याद हो – मैंने तुम्हें एक बार बतलाया था कि मैं उपयुक्त समय पर तुम्हारे पास आऊँगा। अब आखिर में तुम्हारे पास आने का समय आ गया है और मैं यहां तुम्हारे पास बैठा हूँ।’

Upagupta Central Idea Of The Poem in the English

This poem brings out the strength of character of a great Buddhist monk named Upagupta. He was a true ascetic. He was forgiving by nature. He had wonderful self-control. He was full of the milk of human kindness. He felt no hesitation in nursing a woman who was suffering from a horrible disease. This poem is, in fact, a great tribute to Upagupta.

Upagupta Central Idea Of The Poem in the Hindi

यह कविता उपगुप्त नाम के एक महान् बौद्ध भिक्षु के चरित्रबल को स्पष्ट करती है। वह एक सच्चा संन्यासी था। वह स्वभाव से ही क्षमाशील था। उसमें अद्भुत आत्म-संयम था। वह मानवता के प्रति प्यार से भरा हुआ था। उसे उस स्त्री की सेवा करने में कोई झिझक अनुभव न हुई जो एक भयानक रोग से ग्रस्त थी। यह कविता, वास्तव में, उपगुप्त के प्रति एक महान् श्रद्धांजलि है।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 3 Television

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class English Book Solutions Poem 3 Television Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 11 English Poem 3 Television

Question 1.
Why does the poet not want to let children go near the television ?
The poet feels that television is doing a great harm to our children. He says that this ridiculous invention has killed all the imaginative faculties of children. It has made them dullards and they have lost all their power to think. That is why he. does not want to let the children go near the television.

कवि महसूस करता है टेलीविज़न हमारे बच्चों को बहुत नुकसान पहुंचा रहा है। वह कहता है कि इस बेहूदा सी खोज ने बच्चों की कल्पना संबंधी सारी क्षमताओं को मार डाला है। इसने उन्हें मंदबुद्धि बना दिया है और वे अपनी सोचने समझने की सारी शक्ति गंवा चुके हैं। यही कारण है कि कवि नहीं चाहता कि बच्चों को टेलीविज़न के निकट जाने दिया जाए।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 3 Television

Question 2.
The poet gives a still better option. What is it?
As an alternative to watching television, the poet suggests the reading of books. He says that the reading of books is a better option. Watching television dulls the mind. It kills the imagination. On the other hand, the reading of books stirs the imagination. Books enrich our mind and give food for thought.

टेलीविज़न देखने के विकल्प के रूप में कवि किताबें पढ़ने का सुझाव देता है। वह कहता है कि किताबें पढ़ना एक बेहतर विकल्प है। टेलीविज़न देखने से हमारा दिमाग़ सुस्त हो जाता है। यह हमारी कल्पना शक्ति को मार डालता है। दूसरी ओर पुस्तकें पढ़ने से कल्पना में हलचल सी मच जाती है। किताबें हमारे दिमाग को तेज़ करती हैं और हमारे विचारों को खुराक देती हैं।

Question 3.
How does the television hypnotize children ?
Children in every house keep sitting in front of the television set staring at its screen for hours. The ghastly junk that appears on the screen of the television keeps them hypnotised. They seem to have gone drunk with the shocking junk.

प्रत्येक घर में बच्चे टेलीविज़न के आगे बैठे रहते हैं, घण्टों इसकी स्क्रीन को घूरते हुए। स्क्रीन पर दिखाई देने वाला भयानक सा कबाड़ उन्हें सम्मोहित किए रखता है। वे ऐसे दिखाई देते हैं मानो उस आश्चर्यजनक कबाड़ ने उन्हें वशीभूत कर लिया हो।

Question 4.
Mention any three damages done if a child goes on watching television ?
Television causes following damages to a child :

  • It rots all sense a child has in his head. It spoils his mind.
  • It kills all his imagination. The child loses the ability to think any new thoughts of his own.
  • It clogs and clutters his mind. The child becomes a dullard.

टेलीविज़न एक बच्चे को निम्नलिखित नुकसान पहुंचाता है –

  • यह उसकी सोचने-समझने की सारी शक्ति जो उसके दिमाग़ में है, उसे नष्ट कर देता है। यह उसके दिमाग को दूषित कर देता है।
  • यह उसकी सारी कल्पना-शक्ति को मार डालता है। बच्चा अपने स्वयं के नए विचारों को सोचने की योग्यता गंवा देता है।
  • यह उसके दिमाग को अवरुद्ध बना देता है और व्यर्थ के विचारों से भर देता है। बच्चा एक बुद्धू बन जाता है।

Question 5.
What shall we do to entertain our darling children?
We should entertain our children with good books. We should give them different storybooks. We should provide them the books containing the wonderful tales of dragons, gypsies, queens, whales, treasure isles, smugglers, sea robbers, etc. Such stories will stir their imagination and transport them to the charming fairylands.

हमें अच्छी पुस्तकों से अपने बच्चों का मनोरंजन करना चाहिए। हमें उन्हें भिन्न-भिन्न प्रकार की कहानियों की किताबें देनी चाहिएं। हमें उन्हें वे किताबें देनी चाहिएं, जिनमें ड्रैगनों, खानाबदोश जातियों, रानियों, व्हेल मछलियों, खजाने वाले टापुओं, तस्करों, समुद्री डाकुओं, आदि की अद्भुत कहानियां शामिल हों। ऐसी कहानियां उनकी कल्पना-शक्ति में हलचल मचा देंगी और उन्हें सुन्दर परीलोकों में पहुंचा देंगी।

Question 6.
What should we replace the television with ?
We should replace the television set with a lovely bookshelf.
हमें टेलीविज़न को हटा कर इसकी जगह एक सुन्दर-सी किताबें रखने वाली शैल्फ लगा लेनी चाहिए।

Question 7.
What will the children learn in the absence of television ?
The children will learn reading books in the absence of television.
टेलीविज़न के न होने पर बच्चे किताबें पढ़ना सीख जाएंगे।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 3 Television

Question 8.
Complete the sentences in Column A, filling in the blanks with the words most suitable given in Column B :

A — B
1. It ……. in the head — he only sees
2. It …… dead. — as soft as cheese
3. It ….. up the mind — kills imagination
4. It makes a child so — rust and freeze
5. His brain becomes — rots the sense
6. His powers of thinking — clogs and clutters
7. He cannot think, — dull and blind
1. It kills imagination in the head.
2. It rots the sense dead.
3. It clogs and clutters up the mind.
4. It makes a child so dull and blind.
5. His brain becomes as soft as cheese.
6. His powers of thinking rust and freeze.
7. He cannot think, he only sees.

Question 9.
Read the following pairs of rhyming words :

1. cheese — freeze
2. understand — fairyland
3. install — wall.
Now find out at least ten more such pairs of rhyming words used in this poem.
1. let – set
2. been – screen
3. drunk – junk
4. punch – lunch
5. sink – think
6. know – slow
7. tales – whales
8. potter – rotter
9. pray – away
10. books – looks.

Important Stanzas For Comprehension

Note : A complete Answer Key has been given at the end of the stanzas.

Stanza 1.

The most important thing we’ve learned,
So far as children are concerned,
Is never, NEVER, NEVER let
Them near your television set –
Or better still, just don’t install
The idiotic thing at all.

1. Give the name of the poet and the poem from which this stanza has been taken.
2. What, according to the poet has been found about the television ?
3. What does the poet say about the television ?
4. Give the rhyme scheme of the given stanza.
1. This stanza has been taken from the poem, “Television, written by Roald Dahl.
2. It has been found that children should in no case be allowed to go near a television set.
3. He says that there should not be any television set in the house.
4. aa bb cc.

Stanza 2.

In almost every house we’ve been,
Weve watched them gaping at the screen.
They loll and slop and lounge about,
And stare until their eyes pop out.
(Last week in someone’s place we saw
A dozen eyeballs on the floor.)
They sit and stare and stare and sit
Until they’re hypnotised by it,
Until they’re absolutely drunk
With all that shocking ghastly junk.

1. Give the name of the poet and the poem from which this stanza has been taken.
2. What is common in almost every house?
3. What is meant by ‘a dozen eyeballs on the floor’?
4. Write the figure of speech used in the following line : “They sit and stare and stare and sit’.
1. This stanza has been taken from the poem, Television, written by Roald Dahl.
2. In every house, children keep sitting or lying lazily in front of a television set.
3. It means six children sitting or lying on the floor and staring at the screen.
4. Alliteration.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 3 Television

Stanza 3.

Oh yes, we know it keeps them still,
They don’t climb out the window sill,
They never fight or kick or punch,
They leave you free to cook the lunch
And wash the dishes in the sink —
But did you ever stop to think,
To wonder just exactly what
This does to your beloved tot ?

1. Give the name of the poet and the poem from which this stanza has been taken.
2. What, according to the parents, is the use of watching television ?
3. What can the mothers do when their children are busy watching television ?
4. Give the rhyming words of the given stanza.
1. This stanza has been taken from the poem, “Television’, written by Roald Dahl.
2. Here the poet presents the viewpoint of some parents who do feel that television is of not much use for kids, still they find one advantage of it.
3. They can do their cooking and washing in peace.
4. (still – sill) ; (punch – lunch) ; (sink – think) ; (what – ‘tot).

Stanza 4.

It rots the sense in the head !
It kills imagination dead !
It clogs and clutters up the mind !
It makes a child so dull and blind !
He can no longer understand A fantasy, A fairyland !
His brain becomes as soft as cheese!
His powers of thinking rust and freeze !
He cannot think – he only sees !

1. Give the name of the poet and the poem from which this stanza has been taken.
2. How does the television kill the imagination of a child ?
3. What does the endless viewing of television do to a child’s brain ?
4. “His brain becomes as soft as cheese’. Give the figure of speech used in this line.
1. This stanza has been taken from the poem, “Television, written by Roald Dahl.
2. The child loses the ability to think any new thoughts of his own.
3. It makes a child’s brain as soft as cheese. In other words, the child loses the ability to think hard. He becomes mentally almost dead.
4. Simile.

Stanza 5.

All right ! you’ll cry. All right ! you’ll says
‘But if we take the set away,
What shall we do to entertain
Our darling children ? Please explain !’
We’ll answer this by asking you,
What used the darling ones to do?
How used they keep themselves contented
Before this monster was invented ?
Have you forgotten ? Don’t you know?
We’ll say it very loud and slow :
THEY … USED …. TO …. READ ! They’d READ and READ,
AND READ and READ, and then proceed
TO READ some more.

1. Give the name of the poet and the poem from which this stanza has been taken.
2. What would the parents, according to the poet, ask him ?
3. What harm does the television do to the children ?
4. Write the figure of speech used in the line : Before this monster was invented’.
1. This stanza has been taken from the poem, ‘Television, written by Roald Dahl.
2. They would ask him if they removed the television, how they would entertain their children then.
3. It kills all the mental faculties of a child.
4. Personification.

Stanza 6.

Oh, books, what books they used to know,
Those children living long ago !
So please, oh please, we beg, we pray,
Go throw your TV set away
And in its place you can install
A lovely bookshelf on the wall.
Then fill the shelves with lots of books,
Ignoring all the dirty looks,
The screams and yells, the bites and kicks,
And children hitting you with sticks

1. Give the name of the poet and the poem from which this stanza has been taken.
2. What, according to the poet, could be the reaction of the children if television is taken away from them ?
3. What does the poet advise the parents ?
4. Give the words that rhyme in the given stanza.
1. This stanza has been taken from the poem, ‘Television, written by Roald Dahl.
2. The children can cry and yell against it. They can even behave rudely and hit their parents with sticks.
3. He advises the parents to ignore all such rude acts and protests of their children.
4. (know — ago) ; (pray — away) ; (install — wall) ; (books — looks) ; (kicks — sticks).

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 3 Television

Stanza 7.

Fear not, because we promise you
That, in about a week or two
Of having nothing else to do,
They’ll now begin to feel the need
Of having something to read.

1. Give the name of the poet and the poem from which this stanza has been taken.
2. What is the ‘fear the poet is talking about ?
3. Why do you think that the children will start reading books ?
4. What is the rhyme scheme of the given stanza ?
1. This stanza has been taken from the poem, “Television, written by Roald Dahl.
2. The parents fear that if they throw away the television, the children would cry and yell against it. They might even behave rudely and hit them with sticks.
3. When the children would not have television for entertainment, they would start reading books.
4. aaa bb.

Stanza 8.

And once they start — oh boy, oh boy!
You watch the slowly growing joy
That fills their hearts.
They’ll grow so keen
They’ll wonder what they’d ever seen
In that ridiculous machine,
That nauseating, foul, unclean,
Repulsive television screen !
And later,’ each and every kid
Will love you more for what you did.

Questions :
1. Give the name of the poet and the poem from which this stanza has been taken.
2. How will the children look at the television when they start finding enjoyment in reading books ?
3. Why will the children start loving their parents even more ?
4. Write the figure of speech that has been used in the first line of the given stanza.
1. This stanza has been taken from the poem, “Television’, written by Roald Dahl.
2. They will look at the television as a repulsive thing.
3. They will start loving their parents even more for getting them books to read.
4. Alliteration.

Television Poem Summary in English

Television Introduction:

This poem is an extract from Dahl’s Charlie and Chocolate Factory’. Here the poet describes in detail the damage that television is doing to little children. He says that this ridiculous invention has killed all the imaginative faculties of children.

It has made them dullards, and they have lost all the power to think. Parents feel helpless since they find no other means of entertainment for their children, which can keep them away from mischief. To this, the poet makes a very useful suggestion.

He says that before the television was invented, children entertained themselves through reading books which had in them very interesting stories. The poet suggests that instead of the television set, parents should get for their children interesting books to read, and thus save the little ones from becoming dull and blind.

Television Summary in English:

The poet calls the television an idiotic thing which serves no useful purpose. It makes one dull and stupid. So he suggests that children should in no case be allowed to go near a television set. In almost every house, children are found sitting lazily in front of a television set.

They keep staring at the television screen for hours. They remain hypnotised by all the ghastly junk that appears on the screen. Some parents do feel that the television is of not much use for kids, still they find at least one advantage of it. They say that it keeps the kids calm and quiet.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 3 Television

They don’t make any mess in the house. They don’t keep jumping in and out of the windows. They don’t indulge in fights. Their mothers can thus do their cooking and washing in peace. The poet asks such parents if they have ever realized what effect this addiction to television has on their little kids. He says that it makes the child a dullard.

It rots all sense in his head. It kills all his imagination. The child loses the ability to think. He becomes the proverbial ass. Some parents do agree that television is doing no good to children. They do want to take the television away from home.

But they find no other way to entertain their kids. At this, the poet wants parents to think of the children of former times, before the television was invented. He wants them to think what the children of those days did for their entertainment.

They would read and read and read. Just as the present-day children do nothing but watch television all the time, the children in earlier days did nothing but read and read and read. Reading was for them the biggest entertainment. They spent almost half of their time in reading books only. They had books and books on their nursery shelves.

They had books in their bedroom also. They had books by their bed. They read books before they went to sleep. Those books, specially written for children, had in them wonderful stories of dragons, gypsies, queens, whales, treasure isles, smugglers and sea robbers.

The poet calls upon the parents of today to throw away the TV set that they have in their homes. He wants them to install a lovely bookshelf in its place. He adds that they should fill the shelves with lots of books. It is possible that in the beginning, the children will cry and yell in protest, but parents should ignore all that.

The poet feels certain that in about a week or two, the children would get used to the reading of books. By and by, they would begin to find great entertainment in the reading of books.
The poet feels confident that once the children start reading books, they will slowly begin to enjoy them. They will begin to find in their hearts an ever-increasing joy.

They will then wonder what they had ever seen in that ridiculous screen. They will begin to look upon the television as a nauseating and repulsive thing. They will start loving their parents even more for getting them books to read.

Television Poem Summary in Hindi

Television Introduction:

यह कविता दहल की एक रचना, ‘चार्ली एण्ड चॉकलेट फैक्टरी’, में से लिया गया एक अंश है। यहां कवि उस नुकसान का विस्तारपूर्वक वर्णन करता है जो टेलीविज़न छोटे-छोटे बच्चों को पहुँचा रहा है। वह कहता है कि इस बेहूदा सी खोज ने बच्चों की कल्पना संबंधी सारी क्षमताओं को मार डाला है।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 3 Television

इसने उन्हें मंदबुद्धि वाला बना दिया है और वे अपनी सोचने की सारी शक्ति गंवा चुके हैं। माता-पिता स्वयं को बहुत विवश महसूस करते हैं क्योंकि उन्हें अपने बच्चों के लिए मनोरंजन का कोई और दूसरा साधन दिखाई नहीं देता, जो उनके बच्चों को शरारतों से दूर रख सके। इसके लिए कवि एक बहुत बढ़िया सुझाव देता है।

वह कहता है कि टेलीविज़न का आविष्कार होने से पहले, बच्चे पुस्तकें पढ़ कर अपना मनोरंजन करते थे, जिनमें बहुत मजेदार कहानियां होती थीं। कवि सुझाव देते हुए कहता है कि टेलीविज़न सैट की बजाए माता-पिता को चाहिए कि वे अपने बच्चों को मनोरंजक पुस्तकें पढ़ने के लिए ला कर दें, और इस प्रकार इन नन्हे-मुन्ने बच्चों को मंदबुद्धि वाला होने से तथा अन्धे होने से बचाएं।

Television Summary in Hindi:

कवि टेलीविज़न को एक मूर्खतापूर्ण वस्तु कहता है जो किसी काम नहीं आता। वह व्यक्ति को मंदबुद्धि वाला तथा मूर्ख बना देता है। इसलिए वह सुझाव देता है कि बच्चों को किसी भी हालत में टेलीविज़न सैट के नजदीक नहीं जाने दिया जाना चाहिए। लगभग हर घर में बच्चों को देखें तो वे टेलीविज़न सैट के सामने आलस्यपूर्वक बैठे मिलेंगे। वे अपने मुंह खोले टेलीविज़न की स्क्रीन को एकटक देखते रहते हैं। वे स्क्रीन पर दिखाई देने वाले उस भयानक कबाड़ (व्यर्थ की चीज़ों) से सम्मोहित हुए रहते हैं।

कुछ माता-पिता ऐसा जरूर महसूस करते हैं कि टेलीविज़न उनके बच्चों के लिए कुछ ज्यादा काम की चीज़ नहीं है, परन्तु फिर भी उन्हें इसका एक फायदा तो दिखाई देता ही है। वे कहते हैं कि यह बच्चों को शान्त तथा निश्चेष्ट बनाए रखता है। वे घर में कोई गड़बड़-सड़बड़ नहीं करते। वे खिड़कियों से अंदर-बाहर कूदते नहीं रहते। वे लड़ाई-झगड़ों में नहीं उलझते। इस तरह उनकी माँएं अपना खाना पकाने का काम तथा कपड़े धोने का काम शान्तिपूर्वक कर सकती हैं।

कवि ऐसे माता-पिता से पूछता है कि क्या उन्हें कभी एहसास हुआ है कि टेलीविज़न की इस लत का उनके नन्हे-मुन्ने बच्चों पर क्या प्रभाव पड़ता है। वह कहता है कि यह बच्चों को बुद्ध बना देता है। यह उसके दिमाग की सोचने-समझने की सारी शक्ति को नष्ट कर देता है। यह उसकी सारी कल्पना-शक्ति को मार डालता है। बच्चा सोचने की शक्ति गंवा देता है। वह लोकोक्तियों में वर्णित एक गधा बन के रह जाता है।

कुछ माता-पिता इस बात को मानते हैं कि टेलीविज़न बच्चों के साथ कुछ अच्छा नहीं कर रहा। वे भी टेलीविज़न सैट को अपने घर से दूर करना चाहते हैं। परन्तु उन्हें अपने बच्चों का मनोरंजन करने का कोई अन्य तरीका नजर नहीं आता। इस बात पर कवि चाहता है कि मां-बाप उस जमाने के बच्चों के बारे में सोचें, जब टेलीविज़न का आविष्कार नहीं हुआ था। वह चाहता है कि वे इस बारे में सोचें कि उस जमाने के बच्चे अपने मनोरंजन के लिए क्या किया करते थे।

वे हर समय किताबें ही पढ़ते रहते। जैसे आजकल के बच्चे और कुछ नहीं करते, बल्कि हर समय टेलीविज़न ही देखते रहते हैं, वैसे ही पहले जमाने के बच्चे और कुछ नहीं करते थे, बल्कि हर समय किताबें ही पढ़ते रहते थे। किताबें पढ़ना उनके लिए सबसे बड़ा तथा सबसे प्रिय मनोरंजन था। अपना लगभग आधा समय तो वे सिर्फ किताबें पढ़ने में ही गुजारा करते थे। उनकी नर्सरी की शैल्फों पर किताबें ही किताबें होतीं थीं।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 3 Television

उनके शयन-कक्ष में भी किताबें होती थीं। वे किताबों को अपने बिस्तर की बगल में रखते थे और सोने से पहले उन्हें पढ़ा करते थे। विशेष रूप से बच्चों के लिए लिखी गई उन किताबों में ड्रैगनों, खानाबदोश जातियों, रानियों, व्हेल मछलियों, खजाने वाले टापुओं, तस्करों और समुद्री डाकुओं की अदभुत कहानियाँ होती थीं। कवि आज के माता-पिताओं से कहता है कि उनके घरों में जो टी० वी० सैट पड़ा है, वे उसे उठा कर परे फेंक दें।

वह चाहता है कि वे इसकी जगह एक सुन्दर सी किताबें रखने की शैल्फ लगवा लें। वह यह भी कहता है कि उन्हें चाहिए कि वे शैल्फों को बहुत सी किताबों से भर दें। ऐसा हो सकता है कि बच्चे शुरू में इसके विरुद्ध रोएं और चिल्लाएं, परन्तु माता-पिता को चाहिए वे ऐसी सभी बातों की तरफ ध्यान ही न दें। कवि को पूर्ण विश्वास है कि एक या दो हफ्तों में बच्चे किताबें पढ़ने के आदी हो जाएंगे। धीरे-धीरे, उन्हें किताबें पढ़ने में ही बहुत मनोरंजन प्राप्त होने लगेगा।

कवि को पूर्ण विश्वास है कि एक बार जब बच्चे किताबें पढ़ना शुरू कर देंगे तो धीरे-धीरे उन्हें उनमें आनन्द आने लगेगा। वे अपने दिलों में एक निरन्तर बढ़ती हुई खुशी को महसूस करेंगे। उन्हें तब इस बात पर हैरानी होगी कि टेलीविज़न कही जाने वाली उस व्यर्थ सी मशीन की स्क्रीन पर वे क्या देखते थे। अब वे टेलीविज़न को एक घिनौनी और अरुचिकर चीज़ के रूप में देखने लगेंगे। उन्हें पढ़ने के लिए किताबें लाकर देने के कारण वे अपने माता-पिता से और ज़्यादा प्यार करने लगेंगे।

Television Poem Translation in Hindi

(Lines 1-6)

The most important thing we’ve learned,
So far as children are concerned,
Is never, NEVER, NEVER let
Them near your television set –
Or better still, just don’t install
The idiotic thing at all.

Explanation : The poet says that, as far as children are concerned, one important thing has been found about television. It has been found that children should in no case be allowed to go near a television set. The poet says that it would be even better if there is no television set at all in the house. He calls the television an idiotic thing which serves no useful purpose. It is rather something that makes one dull and stupid.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 3 Television

कवि कहता है कि जहां तक बच्चों का संबंध है, टेलीविज़न के बारे में एक बहुत महत्त्वपूर्ण बात पता चली है। इस बात का पता चला है कि बच्चों को किसी भी हालत में टेलीविज़न सैट के नजदीक नहीं जाने दिया जाना चाहिए। कवि कहता है कि बेहतर होगा यदि घर में कोई टेलीविज़न सैट हो ही नहीं। वह कहता है कि टेलीविज़न एक मूर्खतापूर्ण चीज़ है जिससे कोई भी उपयोगितापूर्ण काम नहीं होता। यह तो बल्कि वह चीज़ है, जो व्यक्ति को मंदबुद्धि और मूर्ख बना देती है।

(Lines 7-16)

In almost every house we’ve been,

We’ve watched them gaping at the screen.
They loll and slop and lounge about,
And stare until their eyes pop out.
(Last week in someone’s place we saw
A dozen eyeballs on the floor.)
They sit and stare and stare and sit
Until they’re hypnotised by it,
Until they’re absolutely drunk
With all that shocking ghastly junk.

Explanation : The poet says that they have seen that in almost every house, children keep sitting or lying lazily in front of a television set. They keep looking at the television screen with their mouths wide open. They keep staring at it till their eyes get swollen and pop out.

The poet says that last week, they saw six children, all sitting or lying on the floor at one place. In fact, children in every house keep sitting in front of a television set, staring at its screen for hours. They remain hypnotised by all the ghastly junk that appears on the screen.They remain unaware of anything around them, as if they were absolutely drunk with that shocking junk.

कवि कहता है कि उन्होंने देखा है कि लगभग हरेक घर में बच्चे टेलीविज़न सैट के सामने आलस्यपूर्वक बैठे रहते हैं अथवा लेटे रहते हैं। वे अपने मुंह खोले टेलीविज़न की स्क्रीन को एकटक देखते रहते हैं। वे तब तक इसे घूरते रहते हैं जब तक कि उनकी आंखें सूज नहीं जातीं और बाहर नहीं निकल आतीं। कवि कहता है कि पिछले सप्ताह उन्होंने छ: बच्चों को (टेलीविज़न के सामने) एक ही जगह पर फर्श के ऊपर लेटे हुए अथवा बैठे हुए देखा।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 3 Television

वास्तव में, हर घर में बच्चे टेलीविज़न सैट के सामने बैठे रहते हैं, घण्टों इसकी स्क्रीन पर नजरें टिकाए। वे स्क्रीन पर दिखाई देने वाले उस भयानक कबाड़ (व्यर्थ की चीजों) से सम्मोहित हुए रहते हैं। वे अपने इर्द-गिर्द होने वाली किसी भी चीज़ के प्रति यूं बेसुध रहते हैं मानो उस भयानक कबाड़ ने उन्हें वशीभूत कर लिया हो।

(Lines 17-24)

Oh yes, we know it keeps them still,
They don’t climb out the window sill,
They never fight or kick or punch,
They leave you free to cook the lunch
And wash the dishes in the sink –
But did you ever stop to think,
To wonder just exactly what
This does to your beloved tot ?

Explanation : Here the poet projects the viewpoint of some parents who do feel that television is of not much use for kids, still they find at least one advantage of it. They say that it keeps the kids calm and quiet. They don’t make any mess in the house.

They don’t keep jumping in and out of the windows. They don’t indulge in fights. They don’t kick or punch each other. They keep watching the television and don’t indulge in little acts of mischief. Their mothers can thus do their cooking and washing in peace.

The poet asks such parents a very pertinent question. He asks the parents if they have ever stopped to think what exactly this endless viewing of television does to their beloved ones. He asks if they ever realize what effect this addiction to television has on their little kids.

यहां कवि कुछ ऐसे माता-पिता के विचारों को व्यक्त करता है जो ऐसा महसूस करते हैं कि टेलीविज़न उनके बच्चों के लिए कुछ ज्यादा काम की चीज़ नहीं है, परन्तु फिर भी उन्हें इसका एक फायदा तो दिखाई देता ही है। वे कहते हैं कि यह बच्चों को शान्त तथा निश्चेष्ट बनाए रखता है। वे घर में कोई गड़बड़-सड़बड़ नहीं करते।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 3 Television

वे खिड़कियों से अंदर-बाहर कूदते नहीं रहते। वे लड़ाई-झगड़ों में नहीं उलझते। वे एक-दूसरे को लातें अथवा मुक्के नहीं मारते। वे टेलीविज़न देखते रहते हैं और शरारत की छोटी-छोटी बातों में नहीं पड़ते। इस तरह उनकी माँएं खाना पकाने तथा कपड़े धोने का अपना काम शान्तिपूर्वक कर सकती हैं। कवि ऐसे माता-पिता से एक बहुत प्रासंगिक प्रश्न पूछता है।

वह माता-पिता से पूछता है कि क्या उन्होंने कभी रुक कर यह सोचा है कि टेलीविज़न को निरन्तर इस प्रकार देखते रहना उनके जिगर के टुकड़ों के साथ वास्तव में क्या कर रहा है। वह पूछता है कि क्या उन्हें कभी यह एहसास होता है कि टेलीविज़न की इस लत का उनके नन्हेमुन्ने बच्चों पर क्या प्रभाव पड़ता है।

(Lines 25-33)

It rots the sense in the head !
It kills imagination dead !
It clogs and clutters up the mind !
It makes a child so dull and blind !
He can no longer understand
A fantasy, A fairyland !
His brain becomes as soft as cheese!
His powers of thinking rust and freeze !
He cannot think – he only sees !

Explanation : Here the poet describes in detail the terrible harm that the television can do to little kids. He says that it rots all sense one has in one’s head. In other words, it spoils a child’s mind. It kills all his imagination. The child loses the ability to think any new thoughts of his own. It clogs and clutters the mind. The child becomes a dullard. It makes the child so dull that he becoms blind to all sense.

He can no longer understand the beauty of imagination. He can’t understand what a fairyland one has in one’s imagination a fairyland that can be visited any time one likes. The television makes a child’s brain as soft as cheese. In other words, the child loses the ability to think hard. His powers of thinking rust and freeze. The child becomes almost dead mentally. He cannot think; he only sees. He becomes the proverbial ass.

यहां कवि उस भयंकर क्षति का विस्तारपूर्वक वर्णन करता है जो टेलीविज़न नन्हे-मुन्ने बच्चों को पहुँचा सकता है। वह कहता है कि यह व्यक्ति की सोचने-समझने की सारी शक्ति जो उसके दिमाग़ में है, उसे नष्ट कर देता है। अन्य शब्दों में, यह एक बच्चे के दिमाग को दूषित कर देता है। यह उसकी सारी कल्पना-शक्ति को मार देता है।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 3 Television

बच्चा अपने स्वयं के नए विचारों को सोचने की योग्यता गंवा देता है। यह दिमाग़ को अवरुद्ध कर देता है तथा इसे व्यर्थ के विचारों से भर देता है। बच्चा एक बुद्ध बन जाता है। यह बच्चे को इतना मन्दबुद्धि का बना देता है कि वह सभी प्रकार की चेतनता (विवेकशीलता) के प्रति अन्धा हो जाता है।

अब वह कल्पना की सुन्दरता को नहीं समझ पाता। वह समझ ही नहीं पाता कि किसी व्यक्ति की कल्पना का परीलोक कैसा होता है – वह परीलोक जहां व्यक्ति जब चाहे आ-जा सकता है। टेलीविज़न बच्चे के दिमाग़ को पनीर के जितना कोमल बना देता है। अन्य शब्दों में, बच्चा ज़्यादा सोचने की योग्यता खो देता है।

उसकी सोचने की शक्तियों को जंग लग जाता है और वे सुन्न हो जाती हैं। बच्चा मानसिक रूप से लगभग मृत सा हो जाता है। वह सोच नहीं सकता; वह सिर्फ देखता है। वह लोकोक्तियों में वर्णित एक गधा बन के रह जाता है।

(Lines 34 – 41)

‘All right !’ you’ll cry. All right !’ you’ll say,
‘But if we take the set away,
What shall we do to entertain
Our darling children ? Please explain !’
We’ll answer this by asking you,
What used the darling ones to do ?
How used they keep themselves contented
Before this monster was invented ?’

Explanation : The poet imagines what the parents of children could say in spite of their agreeing about the harmful effects of television on children. They agree that television is doing no good to children. They are also willing to take the television set away from their home. But they want to know what they would then do to entertain their kids.

The poet answers this question by asking the parents a counter-question. He asks : ‘What used the children to do before this monster of television was invented ?’ The poet calls the television a monster because, he says, it kills all the mental faculties of a child.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 3 Television

कवि कल्पना करता है कि बच्चों के माता-पिता क्या कह सकते हैं, इस बात पर सहमत होने के बावजूद भी कि टेलीविज़न बच्चों पर बहुत बुरे प्रभाव डाल रहा है। वह मानते हैं कि टेलीविज़न बच्चों के साथ कुछ अच्छा नहीं कर रहा। वे टेलीविज़न सैट को अपने घर से दूर भी करना चाहते हैं।

परन्तु वे जानना चाहते हैं कि फिर वे अपने बच्चों के मनोरंजन के लिए क्या करेंगे। – कवि इस प्रश्न का उत्तर माता-पिता से बदले में एक प्रश्न पूछ कर देता है। वह पूछता है : ‘तब बच्चे क्या किया करते थे जब इस राक्षस (टेलीविज़न) का आविष्कार नहीं हुआ था ?’ कवि टेलीविज़न को एक राक्षस का नाम देता है जो बच्चे की सारी मानसिक क्षमताओं का नाश कर देता है।

(Lines 42-47)

Have you forgotten ? Don’t you know ?
We’ll say it very loud and slow :
THEY …….. USED …….. TO ……. READ !
They’d READ and READ,
AND READ and READ, and then proceed .
To READ some more. Great Scott ! Gadzooks !

Explanation : The poet reminds the parents of childern that before the television was invented, children used to entertain themselves through reading. They would read and read and read. Just as present-day children do nothing but watch television all the time, the children in earlier times did nothing but read and read and read. After reading one set of books, they would pick up another set and start reading it. Reading was for them the biggest and the most loved entertainment.

कवि बच्चों के माता-पिता को याद दिलाता है कि टेलीविज़न का आविष्कार होने से पहले बच्चे किताबें पढ़ कर अपना मनोरंजन किया करते थे। वे हर समय किताबें ही पढ़ते रहते। जैसे आजकल के बच्चे और कुछ नहीं करते, बल्कि हर समय टेलीविज़न ही देखते रहते हैं, वैसे ही पहले जमाने के बच्चे और कुछ नहीं करते थे, बल्कि हर समय किताबें ही पढ़ते रहते थे। किताबों का एक सैट पढ़ने के बाद वे दूसरा सैट उठा लेते और उसे पढ़ना शुरू कर देते। किताबें पढ़ना उनके लिए सबसे बड़ा तथा सबसे प्रिय मनोरंजन था।

(Lines 48-62)

One half their lives was reading books !
The nursery shelves held books galore !
Books cluttered up the nursery floor !
And in the bedroom, by the bed,
More books were waiting to be read !
Such wondrous, fine, fantastic tales
Of dragons, gypsies, queens, and whales
And treasure isles, and distant shores
Where smugglers rowed with muffled’ oars,
And pirates wearing purple pants,
And sailing ships and elephants,
And cannibals crouching ’round the pot,
Stirring away at something hot.
(It smells so good, what can it be ?
Good gracious, it’s Penelope.)

Explanation : Continuing with his account of how children entertained themselves before the television was invented, the poet says that the children then read lots of books. They spent almost half of their time in reading books only. They had books and books on their nursery shelves. The floor of their nursery remained cluttered with books.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 3 Television

They had books in their bedroom also. They kept their books by the bed, and read them before they went to sleep. Then the poet details the kind of material these books contained. He says that these books had wonderful stories of dragons, queens, gypsies, whales, treasure isles, smugglers, sea robbers, and cannibals crouching round the pot.’

अपनी उस बात का वर्णन जारी रखते हुए कि बच्चे तब अपना मनोरंजन कैसे किया करते थे, जब टेलीविज़न का आविष्कार नहीं हुआ था, कवि कहता है कि बच्चे तब बहुत सी किताबें पढ़ा करते थे। अपना लगभग आधा समय तो वे सिर्फ किताबें पढ़ने में ही गुजारा करते थे। उनकी नर्सरी की शैल्फों पर किताबें ही किताबें होती थीं। उनकी नर्सरी के फर्श पर किताबें बेतरतीब ढंग से बिखरी पड़ी रहती थीं।

उनके शयन-कक्ष में भी किताबें होती थीं। वे किताबों को अपने बिस्तर की बगल में रखा करते थे और सोने से पहले उन्हें पढ़ा करते थे। फिर कवि उस विषयसामग्री की किस्म का विस्तारपूर्वक वर्णन करता है, जो उन किताबों में होती थी। वह कहता है कि इन किताबों में ड्रैगनों, खानाबदोश जातियों, रानियों, व्हेल मछलियों, खजाने वाले टापुओं, तस्करों, समुद्री डाकुओं और ‘हांडी के गिर्द रेंगते हुए आदमखोर व्यक्तियों’ की अद्भुत कहानियाँ होती थीं।

(Lines 63-70)

The younger ones had Beatrix
Potter With Mr Tod, the dirty rotter,
And Squirrel Nutkin, Pigling Bland,
And Mrs Tiggy-Winkle and
Just How The Camel Got His Hump,
And How The Monkey Lost His Rump,
And Mr Toad, and bless my soul,
There’s Mr Rat and Mr Mole

Explanation : Continuing with the kind of interesting stories children used to read in their books, the poet mentions the names of some well-known writers of children’s books, like Beatrix Potter. The poet also names some popular classics for children and some wellknown characters in these books.

उन मनोरंजक कहानियों की किस्मों का वर्णन जारी रखते हुए, जो बच्चे अपनी किताबों में पढ़ा करते थे, कवि बच्चों की किताबों के सुप्रसिद्ध लेखकों के नामों का जिक्र करता है, जैसे कि बीट्रिक्स पॉटर । कवि बच्चों की कुछ प्रसिद्ध साहित्यिक रचनाओं के नाम लेता है और इन पुस्तकों में वर्णित कुछ जाने-माने पात्रों के भी नाम लेता है।

(Lines 71- 85)

Oh, books, what books they used to know,
Those children living long ago !
So please, oh please, we beg, we pray,
Go throw your TV set away,
And in its place you can install
A lovely bookshelf on the wall.
Then fill the shelves with lots of books,

Ignoring all the dirty looks,
The screams and yells, the bites and kicks,
And children hitting you with sticks –
Fear not, because we promise you
That, in about a week or two
Of having nothing else to do,
They’ll now begin to feel the need
Of having something to read.

Explanation : Recalling the good old times when children used to have wonderful books to read, the poet calls upon today’s parents to throw away their TV sets and install a lovely bookshelf in its place. He adds that they should fill the shelves with lots of books.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 3 Television

It is possible that the children cry and yell against this. They can even behave rudely and hit you with sticks. The poet advises parents to ignore all such rude acts and protests of their children. He says that they should not get afraid of it at all.

He feels certain that in about a week or two, the children would get used to the reading of books. Having nothing else to do, they would begin to feel the need of having something to read. Thus, by and by, they would begin to find great entertainment in the reading of books.

उन पुराने अच्छे दिनों को याद करते हुए, जब बच्चों के पास पढ़ने के लिए किताबें हुआ करती थीं, कवि आज के माता-पिताओं से कहता है कि वे अपने टी० वी० सैटों को उठा कर फेंक दें और इसकी जगह एक सुन्दर सी किताबें रखने की शैल्फ लगवा लें। वह आगे कहता है कि उन्हें चाहिए कि वे शैल्फों को बहुत सी किताबों से भर लें।

ऐसा हो सकता है कि बच्चे इसके विरुद्ध रोएं और चिल्लाएं। वे बदतमीजी भी कर सकते हैं और आपको छड़ी से मार भी सकते हैं। कवि माता-पिता को समझाता है कि वे अपने बच्चों की ऐसी सभी बदतमीजीपूर्ण बातों तथा उनके विद्रोहों की तरफ ध्यान ही न दें। वह कहता है कि उन्हें इस सबसे बिल्कुल भी डरना नहीं चाहिए।

उसे पूर्ण विश्वास है कि एक या दो हफ्तों में बच्चे किताबें पढ़ने के आदी हो जाएंगे। करने के लिए कुछ और पास न होने के कारण उन्हें इस बात की ज़रूरत महसूस होने लगेगी कि पढ़ने के लिए कुछ तो पास हो। इस प्रकार, धीरे-धीरे, उन्हें किताबें पढ़ने में ही बहुत मनोरंजन प्राप्त होने लगेगा।

(Lines 86-94)

And once they start — oh boy, oh boy!
You watch the slowly growing joy
That fills their hearts.
They’ll grow so keen
They’ll wonder what they’d ever seen
In that ridiculous machine,
That nauseating, foul, unclean,
Repulsive television screen!
And later, each and every kid
Will love you more for what you did.

Explanation : The poet feels confident that once the children start reading books, they will slowly begin to enjoy them. They will begin to feel that reading fills their hearts with growing joy. They will then wonder what they had ever seen in the screen of that ridiculous machine, called the television.

Now they will look upon the television as a nauseating, foul, unclean and repulsive thing. Now each and every kid will start loving his parents even more. They will love them for getting them books to read, and which they will find to be the greatest source of entertainment.

कवि को पूर्ण विश्वास है कि एक बार जब बच्चे किताबें पढ़नी शुरू कर देंगे तो धीरे-धीरे उन्हें उनमें आनन्द आने लगेगा। उन्हें ऐसा महसूस होने लगेगा कि किताबें पढ़ने से उनके दिल निरन्तर बढ़ती हुई खुशी से भर जाते हैं। उन्हें तब हैरानी होगी कि टेलीविज़न कही जाने वाली उस व्यर्थ सी मशीन की स्क्रीन पर वे क्या देखते थे।

अब वे टेलीविज़न को एक घिनौनी, बदबूदार, गंदी और अरुचिकर चीज़ के रूप में देखेंगे। अब प्रत्येक बच्चा अपने मातापिता से और भी ज्यादा प्यार करने लगेगा। वे उनसे प्यार करेंगे क्योंकि उन्होंने उन्हें पढ़ने के लिए किताबें लाकर दी हैं और जो उनके लिए सबसे बड़ा मनोरंजन का साधन साबित हुई हैं।

Central Idea Of The Poem in English

In this poem, the poet wants to convey the idea that television is doing a great harm to little children. It has killed all the imaginative faculties of children. It has made them dullards, and they have lost all the power to think. Parents feel helpless since they find no other means of entertainment for their children.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 3 Television

To this, the poet says that before the television was invented, children entertained themselves through reading books. He suggests to the parents that instead of the television set, they should get for their children interesting books to read, and thus save them from becoming dull and blind.

Central Idea Of The Poem in Hindi

इस कविता में कवि यह विचार प्रस्तुत करना चाहता है कि टेलीविज़न छोटे-छोटे बच्चों को बेहद नुकसान पहुंचा रहा है। इस ने बच्चों की कल्पना संबंधी सारी क्षमताओं को मार डाला है। इसने उन्हें मंदबुद्धि वाला बना दिया है
और वे अपनी सोचने की सारी शक्ति गंवा चुके हैं। माता-पिता स्वयं को बहुत विवश महसूस करते हैं क्योंकि उन्हें अपने बच्चों के लिए मनोरंजन का कोई और दूसरा साधन दिखाई नहीं देता।

इस पर कवि कहता है कि टेलीविज़न का आविष्कार होने से पहले बच्चे पुस्तकें पढ़ कर अपना मनोरंजन किया करते थे। कवि माता-पिता को सुझाव देते हुए कहता है कि टेलीविज़न सैट की बजाए उनको चाहिए कि वे अपने बच्चों को मनोरंजक पुस्तकें पढ़ने के लिए लाकर दें और इस प्रकार उन्हें मंदबुद्धि वाला होने से तथा अन्धे होने से बचाएं।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 2 Mother’s Day

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class English Book Solutions Poem 2 Mother’s Day Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 11 English Poem 2 Mother’s Day

Question 1.
What is the significance of ‘Chinese house of dreams’ ?
‘Chinese house of dreams’ means a world of imagination. The poet uses this phrase to ridicule the foreign custom of presenting colourful poems to one’s mother on Mother’s Day. According to the poet, they present their mother a string of spurious poems kept safely in a bouquet which is shaped like a Chinese house of dreams. In simple words, they honour their mothers merely with fake words that have no real value. In the manner of a world of imagination, their magic too goes off in no moment.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 2 Mother’s Day

‘सपनों का चीनी घर’ का अर्थ है कल्पना का संसार । कवि इस वाक्यांश का प्रयोग विदेशी लोगों के उस रिवाज की खिल्ली उड़ाने के लिए करता है जिसमें व्यक्ति ‘मदर्स डे’ पर अपनी मां को उपहार स्वरूप रंग-बिरंगी कविताएं भेंट करता है। कवि के अनुसार, वे नकली गीतों की एक कड़ी एक ऐसे गुलदस्ते में सजा कर भेंट करते हैं जो सपनों के घर जैसा बना होता है। सरल शब्दों में, वे नकली शब्दों में अपनी मांओं का सम्मान करते हैं, जिनका कोई वास्तविक मूल्य नहीं होता। कल्पना के संसार की भांति उनका जादू ग़ायब होते भी देर नहीं लगती।

Question 2.
In what way is ‘my mother’ more demanding ?
In this poem, ‘my mother’ refers to an Indian mother. In India, children consider their mother as their God. Mother too loves her children very dearly. She always worries for the welfare of her children. She wants to keep all ills away from her children.

She wants her children to pay her obeisance at each sunrise. She wants them to touch her feet and take her blessings before starting their new day. She believes that her blessings would make their life safe and sound. Only this much more ‘my mother’ demands.

इस कविता में ‘मेरी मां’ एक भारतीय मां की ओर संकेत करती है। भारत में बच्चे अपनी मां को अपना भगवान मानते हैं। मां भी अपने बच्चों से अत्यधिक प्रेम करती है। वह हमेशा अपने बच्चों की भलाई की चिन्ता करती रहती है। वह अपने बच्चों से हर बुराई को दूर रखना चाहती है।

इसलिए वह चाहती है कि वे प्रत्येक दिन सुबह उसे नमन करें। वह चाहती है कि वे उसके पांवों को छुएं और अपने नए दिन की शुरुआत करने से पहले उसका आशीर्वाद लें। उसका विश्वास है कि उसका आशीर्वाद उनके जीवन को सुगम तथा सुरक्षित कर देगा। सिर्फ इतना ही अधिक चाहती है ‘मेरी मां’।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 2 Mother’s Day

Question 3.
What, according to the poet, amounts to desecrating a mother?
Dedicating just one day in the whole year to one’s mother amounts to desecrating the mother.
व्यक्ति द्वारा अपनी मां को पूरे वर्ष में सिर्फ एक दिन समर्पित करना उस मां का अपमान करने के बराबर होता है।

Question 4.
How often does the poet invoke his deity ?
The poet invokes his deity sometimes twice a day. The poet’s mother is his deity.
कवि कभी-कभी दिन में दो बार अपने ईश्वर के आगे आह्वान करता है (अर्थात् उसे पुकारता है)। कवि की मां ही उसका ईश्वर है।

Question 5.
Write a short note on ‘how we Indians celebrate the mother’s day’.
In India, mothers are held in high esteem. They are adored like a goddess. It is in keeping with the tradition that India has been symbolized as Mother India. We Indians believe that the mother is a blessing for life. She brought us in this world. So we owe our whole life to her. Then how can we dedicate to her just one day of the year ? In fact, each day of the year is mother’s day for us.

And we celebrate it by paying obeisance to our mother at sunrise daily. We touch her feet and with her blessing start our new day. However, the modern ‘Mother’s Day has been adopted in India also. It is celebrated on the second Sunday of May every year. It is celebrated mostly in urban areas. People perform special acts to honour their mothers and their contribution to the family.

भारत में मांओं को बहुत सम्मान दिया जाता है। एक देवी की भांति उनकी पूजा की जाती है। इस परम्परा के चलते ही भारत को भारत मां का प्रतीक माना गया है। हम भारतीयों का मानना है कि मां जीवन के लिए एक वरदान है। वह हमें इस संसार में ले कर आई। इसलिए हमारा पूरा जीवन उसका ऋणी है।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 2 Mother’s Day

फिर हम वर्ष में उसे सिर्फ एक ही दिन समर्पित कैसे कर सकते हैं? वास्तव में, हमारे लिए तो वर्ष का हर दिन ‘मदर्स डे’ है। और हम इसे प्रतिदिन मनाते हैं, सुबह होने पर अपनी मां को नमन करके। हम उसके पाँव छूते हैं और उसके आशीर्वाद से अपने दिन की शुरुआत करते हैं।

किन्तु आधुनिक ‘मदर्स डे’ को भारत में भी स्वीकार कर लिया गया है। इसे प्रति वर्ष मई के महीने के दूसरे रविवार को मनाया जाता है। इसे अधिकतर शहरी क्षेत्रों में मनाया जाता है। लोग अपनी माताओं को तथा परिवार के प्रति उनके योगदान को सम्मानित करने के लिए विशेष कार्य करते हैं।

Question 6.
Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B :.
A — B
obeisance — violate / show disrespect
slouch — inherited
invoke — goddess
ancestral — courtesy, respect
deity — appeal to / call up
spurious — stoop (to move forward)
desecrate — false
1. obeisance = courtesy, respect
2. slouch = stoop (to move forward)
3. invoke = appeal to / call up
4. ancestral = inherited
5. deity = goddess
6. spurious = false
7. desecrate = violate / show disrespect.

Question 7.
Read the following lines and mention the figures of speech used in each of them

(simile, metaphor, personification) :

1. ‘Like a devotee throwing a handful of yellow rice to the birds:
2. ‘T invole my deity.
3. Bouquet shaped like a Chinese house of dreams.
4. ‘Hear ancestral voices in a wind’s howl’
1. Simile
2. Personification
3. Simile
4. Metaphor.

Important Stanzas For Comprehension

Note : A complete Answer Key has been given at the end of the stanzas.

Stanza 1.

We do it differently
in this dark continent.
Not just once a year
a string of spurious verses
ensconced in a bouquet
shaped like a Chinese house of dreams.

1. Give the name of the poet and the poem from which this stanza has been taken.
2. Who does the word ‘We refer to in this stanza ?
3. What do ‘We do differently ?
4. Write the figure of speech used in the following line : ……. a bouquet shaped like a Chinese house of dreams’.
1. This stanza has been taken from the poem, Mother’s Day, written by Shiv K. Kumar.
2. It refers to Indian people.
3. We too honour our mothers and their contribution to the family. But we do it in a different way.
4. Simile.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 2 Mother’s Day

Stanza 2.

My mother is more demanding
an obeisance at each sunrise,
like a devotee throwing a handful
of yellow rice to the birds.
Holding a candelabrum before an idol,
just once a year
is desecrating it.

1. Give the name of the poet and the poem from which this stanza has been taken.
2. What does ‘my mother’ demand ?
3. List the two things, mentioned by the poet, we are supposed to do at sunrise.
4. Write the figure of speech used in the line : …… a devotee throwing a handful of yellow rice to the birds.’
1. This stanza has been taken from the poem, Mother’s Day, written by Shiv K. Kumar.
2. She wants her son to touch her feet with respect at sunrise every day.
3. At each sunrise, we should touch our mother’s feet with respect. We should also throw a handful of yellow rice to the birds.
4. Simile.

Stanza 3.

Whenever I see a caterpillar slouching
towards a pansy’s eye,
or hear ancestral voices in a wind’s howl,
I invoke my diety —
sometimes twice a day.

1. Give the name of the poet and the poem from which this stanza has been taken.
2. What is a pansy?
3. Who does the poet call upon whenever he hears the loud noise of the wind ?
4. Give an example of metaphor in the given stanza.
1. This stanza has been taken from the poem, Mother’s Day, written by Shiv K. Kumar.
2. A ‘pansy’ is a small garden plant which has brightly coloured flowers.
3. He calls upon his mother whenever he hears the loud noise of the wind.
4. ……….. hear ancestral voices in a wind’s howl.

Mother’s Day Poem Summary in English

Mother’s Day Introduction:

In this poem, the poet describes his views about the Mother’s Day which is celebrated all over the world once a year. It is celebrated to honour the mother by showing gratitude for her contribution to the family. The poet says that dedicating a single day in the whole year to one’s mother is of no use. It is nothing but disrespect to the mother.

Dedicating to her only one day of the year leaves a question on the rest of 364 days of the year. In fact, mother is a blessing for life. She gave us life and brought us in this world. So we owe our whole life to her. Then how can we dedicate to her just one day of the year ? The poet is against this new tradition. In this poem, he expresses his views in this regard.

Mother’s Day Summary in English:

इस कविता में, कवि Mother’s Day के बारे में अपने विचार प्रस्तुत करता है, जिसे साल में एक बार पूरे विश्व भर में मनाया जाता है। इस दिन को मां का सम्मान करने के लिए मनाया जाता है, परिवार को दिए गए उसके योगदान की खातिर उसके प्रति कृतज्ञता प्रकट करके। कवि कहता है कि पूरे साल में सिर्फ एक दिन मां को समर्पित करने का कोई फायदा नहीं है। यह मां के अनादर के अतिरिक्त और कुछ नहीं है।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 2 Mother’s Day

साल में सिर्फ एक दिन मां को समर्पित करना साल के बाकी बचे तीन सौ चौंसठ दिनों पर प्रश्न लगा देता है। वास्तव में, मां तो जीवन के लिए एक वरदान होती है। उसने हमें जीवन दिया तथा हमें इस दुनिया में लाई। इसलिए हमारा संपूर्ण जीवन उसका ऋणी है। फिर हम साल में सिर्फ एक ही दिन उसे कैसे समर्पित कर सकते हैं ? कवि इस नई परंपरा के विरुद्ध है। इस कविता में वह इसी के संबंध में अपने विचार प्रकट करता है।

Mother’s Day Poem Summary in Hindi

Mother’s Day Introduction:

In this poem, the poet says that people in India celebrate the Mother’s Day, but in a different way. They don’t celebrate it just once a year like the people of other countries. They don’t adore their mothers in false words. They don’t present their mothers a string of spurious poems kept safely in a bouquet shaped like a Chinese house of dreams.

A Chinese house of dreams means a world of imagination. Here the poet ridicules the foreign custom of honouring the mother. He wants to say that Indian people don’t honour their mothers with words only. They honour their mothers through their actions. Then the poet says that his mother is a bit more demanding.

She wants her son to pay her obeisance at each sunrise. Here the poet’s mother refers to an Indian mother. An Indian mother loves her children very dearly. She always worries about the welfare of her children. She believes that her blessings would keep all the ills away from her children.

So she wants them to touch her feet every morning and take her blessings before starting a new day. Then the poet says that his mother wants him to throw a handful of yellow rice to the birds regularly. She asks him to do it like a devotee. In other words, an Indian mother wants to make her children kind to the birds and animals. She demands only this much from her children.

Then the poet says that worshipping an idol just once a year by holding a candelabrum to it is all useless. It is nothing but showing disrespect to it. In the same way, honouring one’s mother once a year is nothing but showing disrespect to her. The poet says that whenever he sees a caterpillar moving towards a pansy plant, he calls upon his deity, i.e. his mother.

And whenever he hears the fearful noise of the long loud sound of the strong wind, he calls upon his deity. He says that sometimes he calls upon his deity twice a day. Whether he is amazed to see anything or he is frightened, mother comes to his mind first.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 2 Mother’s Day

And he calls upon her – no matter, how many times a day. The poet concludes the poem with the idea that at all times, either in joy or sorrow, we call upon our mothers to be with us. Then how can we dedicate just one day in a year to her ?

Mother’s Day Summary in Hindi:

इस कविता में, कवि कहता है कि भारत में लोग Mother’s Day मनाते हैं, लेकिन एक अलग तरीके से। वे इसे दूसरे देशों के लोगों की भांति साल में सिर्फ एक बार नहीं मनाते। वे अपनी माँओं की झूठे शब्दों में आराधना नहीं करते हैं। वे अपनी माँओं को बनावटी कविताओं की लड़ी भेंट नहीं करते हैं जिसे सपनों के चीनी घर वाले आकार के गुलदस्ते में संभाल कर रखा जाता है।

सपनों के एक चीनी घर का अर्थ है, कल्पना की एक दुनिया। यहां कवि मां को सम्मानित करने की विदेशी परंपरा का मज़ाक उड़ाता है। वह कहना चाहता है कि भारतीय लोग अपनी माँओं का सम्मान सिर्फ शब्दों के द्वारा नहीं करते। वे अपनी मां का सम्मान उनके लिए कुछ कर्म करके करते हैं। फिर कवि कहता है कि उसकी मां कुछ ज्यादा आशाएं रखती है। वह चाहती है कि उसका पुत्र प्रत्येक दिन सूर्योदय के समय उसको प्रणाम करे।

यहां कवि की मां एक भारतीय मां की ओर संकेत करती है। एक भारतीय मां अपने बच्चों से अत्यधिक प्रेम करती है। वह हमेशा अपने बच्चों की भलाई के बारे में चिंता करती रहती है। वह मानती है कि उसका आशीर्वाद सभी बुराइयों को उसके बच्चों से दूर रखेगा। इसलिए वह चाहती है कि प्रत्येक सुबह अपने दिन की शुरुआत करने से पहले उसके बच्चे उसके पांव छूकर उसका आशीर्वाद लें।

फिर कवि कहता है कि उसकी मां चाहती है कि वह नियमित रूप से पक्षियों के सामने मुट्ठीभर पीले चावल फेंके। वह उसे ऐसा एक श्रद्धालु की भांति करने के लिए कहती है। अन्य शब्दों में, एक भारतीय मां चाहती है कि उसके बच्चे पक्षियों तथा जानवरों के प्रति दयाल बनें। वह अपने बच्चों से सिर्फ इतना सा ही चाहती है।

फिर कवि कहता है कि साल में सिर्फ एक बार हाथ में दीपवृक्ष पकड़कर किसी (देवी-देवता की) मूर्ति की पूजा करना व्यर्थ है। यह उस मूर्ति का अनादर करने के सिवाए और कुछ नहीं है। बिल्कुल उसी तरह ही साल में सिर्फ एक बार अपनी माँ का सम्मान करना उसके प्रति अनादर प्रकट करने के सिवाए और कुछ नहीं है। कवि कहता है कि जब कभी भी वह किसी इल्ली को पैन्ज़ी के पौधे की तरफ बढ़ता देखता है, तो वह अपने ईश्वर अर्थात् अपनी माँ को याद करता है।

और जब कभी भी वह तेज़ चल रही हवा के भयानक शोर को सुनता है तो वह अपने ईश्वर को याद करता है। वह कहता है कि कई बार वह अपने ईश्वर को दिन में दो बार याद करता है। चाहे वह किसी चीज़ को देखकर चकित हो जाता हो अथवा वह डर जाता हो, मां का ख्याल उसके मन में सबसे पहले आता है और वह उसे पुकारता है इससे कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता, दिन में कितनी बार वह उसे पुकारता है।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 2 Mother’s Day

कवि इस विचार के साथ कविता का अंत करता है कि सभी समय, चाहे वह खुशी का समय हो अथवा दुःख का समय, हम इच्छा करते हैं कि हमारी माँएं हमारे पास हों। फिर हम वर्ष में उसे सिर्फ एक ही दिन समर्पित कैसे कर सकते हैं ?

Mother’s Day Poem Translation in Hindi

(Lines 1-6)

We do it differently
in this dark continent.
Not just once a year
a string of spurious verses
ensconced in a bouquet
shaped like a Chinese house of dreams.

Explanation : In these lines, the poet says that people in India celebrate the Mother’s Day, but in a different way. They don’t celebrate it just once a year. They don’t adore their mothers in false words. They don’t present their mothers a string of spurious poems kept safely in a bouquet which is shaped like a Chinese House of dreams.

A Chinese House of dreams means a world of imagination. Here the poet wants to say that Indian people don’t show their gratitude towards their mothers in imaginary words only and that also just once a year. Rather they give honour to their mothers by serving them all their life.

इन पंक्तियों में कवि कहता है कि भारत में लोग Mother’s Day मनाते हैं, लेकिन एक अलग तरह से। वे इसे साल में सिर्फ एक बार नहीं मनाते। वे अपनी माँओं की झूठे शब्दों में आराधना नहीं करते। वे अपनी माँओं को बनावटी कविताओं की लड़ी उपहारस्वरूप नहीं देते हैं जिसे सपनों के चीनी घर वाले आकार के बने गुलदस्ते में संभाल कर रखा गया हो। सपनों के एक चीनी घर का अर्थ है, कल्पना की एक दुनिया।

यहां कवि यह कहना चाहता है कि भारतीय लोग अपनी माँओं के प्रति कृतज्ञता काल्पनिक शब्दों में प्रकट नहीं करते और वह भी साल में सिर्फ एक ही बार। बल्कि वे तो अपनी माँओं के प्रति अपना सम्मान पूरा जीवन उनकी सेवा करके व्यक्त करते हैं।

(Lines 7-13)

My mother is more demanding
an obeisance at each sunrise,
like a devotee throwing a handful
of yellow rice to the birds.
Holding a candelabrum before an idol,
just once a year
is desecrating it.

Explanation : The poet says that his mother is a bit more demanding. She wants him to pay her obeisance at each sunrise. Here ‘my mother’ refers to an Indian mother. An Indian mother wants to keep all the ills away from her children. So she wants her children to touch her feet every morning and take her blessings before starting a new day.

Then the poet says that his mother wants him to throw a handful of yellow rice to the birds regularly. In other words, an Indian mother wants to make her children kind to the birds and animals. She demands only this much from her children.

The poet says that worshipping an idol just once a year by holding a candelabrum to it is all useless. It is nothing but showing disrespect to it. In the same way, honouring one’s mother once a year is nothing but showing disrespect to her.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 2 Mother’s Day

कवि कहता है कि उसकी मां थोड़ी-सी ज़्यादा आशाएं रखती है। वह चाहती है कि वह प्रत्येक सुबह सूरज निकलने पर उसे नमन करे। यहां ‘my mother’ भारतीय मां की ओर संकेत करता है। एक भारतीय मां सभी बुराइयों
को अपने बच्चों से दूर रखना चाहती है। इसलिए वह चाहती है कि उसके बच्चे प्रत्येक सुबह उसके पांव छुएं तथा नया दिन शुरू करने से पहले उसका आशीर्वाद लें।

फिर कवि कहता है कि उसकी मां चाहती है कि वह नियमित रूप से पक्षियों को मुट्ठी-भर पीले चावल डाले। अन्य शब्दों में, एक भारतीय मां चाहती है कि उसके बच्चे पक्षियों तथा जानवरों के प्रति दयालु बनें। वह अपने बच्चों से सिर्फ इतना ही चाहती है। कवि कहता है कि साल में सिर्फ एक बार ही हाथ में दीपाधार थाम कर किसी मूर्ति की पूजा करना व्यर्थ है। यह उस मूर्ति का अनादर करने के अतिरिक्त और कुछ नहीं है। बिल्कुल उसी प्रकार, साल में सिर्फ एक बार अपनी मां का सम्मान करना उसका अनादर करने के अलावा और कुछ नहीं है।

(Lines 14-18)

Whenever I see a caterpillar slouching
towards a pansy’s eye,
or hear ancestral voices in a wind’s howl,
I invoke my deity –
sometimes twice a day.

Explanation : In these lines, the poet says that whenever he sees a caterpillar moving towards a pansy plant, he calls upon his deity. And whenever he hears ancestral voices in the long loud sound of the strong wind, he calls upon his deity. And sometimes he calls upon her twice a day. Here the poet’s deity is his mother.

In these lines, the poet wants to say that whether he is amazed to see anything or he is frightened, his mother comes to his mind first. Whether it is his pleasure or his pain, he wants to share everything with his mother. And he calls upon herno matter, how many times a day even.

इन पंक्तियों में कवि कहता है कि जब कभी भी वह एक इल्ली को पैन्ज़ी के पौधे की तरफ बढ़ता हुआ देखता है तो वह अपने ईश्वर को याद करता है। और जब कभी भी वह तेज़ हवा के भयानक शोर में पूर्वजों की आवाज़ों को सुनता है तो वह अपने ईश्वर को याद करता है।

और कई बार वह अपने ईश्वर को दिन में दो बार याद करता है। यहां कवि का ईश्वर उसकी मां है। इन पंक्तियों में कवि कहता है कि चाहे वह किसी चीज़ को देखकर चकित हो गया हो या डर गया हो, सबसे पहले उसकी मां का ख्याल उसके मन में आता है। चाहे यह उसका सुख हो या उसका दु:ख, वह सब कुछ अपनी मां के साथ बांटना चाहता है। वह उसे याद करता है – इससे कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता कि दिन में कितनी बार।

Mother’s Day Central Idea Of The Poem in English

In this poem, the poet wants to convey the idea that dedicating just one day in the whole year to one’s mother is useless. It is nothing but showing disrespect towards the mother. Mother is a blessing for life. She brought us in this world.

So we owe our whole life to her. Then how can we dedicate to her just one day of the year ? If we want to show our gratitude towards our mother, we should not indulge in such useless celebrations. Rather, we should honour our mothers by serving them.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 2 Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day Central Idea Of The Poem in Hindi

इस कविता में कवि यह विचार प्रस्तुत करना चाहता है कि व्यक्ति द्वारा अपनी मां को पूरे वर्ष में से सिर्फ एक दिन समर्पित करना व्यर्थ है। यह और कुछ नहीं, बल्कि उस मां के प्रति असम्मान प्रकट करना है। मां जीवन के लिए एक वरदान है। वह हमें इस दुनिया में लेकर आई। इसलिए हमारा पूरा जीवन उसका ऋणी है।

फिर हम उसे वर्ष में सिर्फ एक ही दिन कैसे समर्पित कर सकते हैं ? यदि हम अपनी मां के प्रति अपना आभार प्रकट करना चाहते हैं, तो हमें इन व्यर्थ के समारोहों के चक्कर में नहीं पड़ना चाहिए। बल्कि हमें अपनी मांओं का सम्मान उनकी सेवा करके करना चाहिए।

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Prepositions

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class English Book Solutions English Grammar Prepositions Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Prepositions

ऐसे शब्द को Preposition कहा जाता है जो स्थान (place), दिशा (direction), साधन (source), विधि (method) आदि का बोध कराने के लिए किसी Noun अथवा Pronoun से पहले लगाया गया हो; जैसे-
In the room; towards the city; through the forest; by all means; into the well; beside me; between us आदि।

The Use Of Some Prepositions

(1) At का प्रयोग छोटे नगरों तथा गांवों के नामों के साथ किया जाता है।
In का प्रयोग बड़े नगरों, प्रान्तों और देशों के नामों के साथ किया जाता है।

  • Mohan lives at Kathua.
  • She was born at Batote.
  • The last National Games were held in Nagpur.
  • There are many film studios in Mumbai.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Prepositions

(2) On का प्रयोग तिथियों तथा दिनों के नामों के साथ किया जाता है।
In का प्रयोग महीनों तथा वर्षों के लिए किया जाता है।
At का प्रयोग Point of Time के लिए किया जाता है।

  • I shall go to Delhi on Sunday.
  • Our examination begins on 24th July.
  • Rains started in July.
  • His grandfather died in 1995.
  • We had tea at 5 o’clock.
  • He came at the right time.

(3) In और At के निम्नलिखित समय-सम्बन्धी प्रयोग याद रखिए
In the morning. At noon In the evening At night
In the afternoon At dawn

(4) Between का प्रयोग दो पुरुषों । स्थानों / वस्तुओं आदि के लिए किया जाता है। Among का प्रयोग दो से अधिक पुरुषों / स्थानों / वस्तुओं आदि के लिए किया जाता है।

  • The two brothers quarrelled between themselves.
  • The three brothers quarrelled among themselves.

(5) In स्थिरता (rest) को प्रकट करता है। Into अन्दर की ओर गति (motion) को प्रकट करता है।

  • He was sitting in the room.
  • The fox fell into the well.

(6) On स्थिरता (rest) को प्रकट करता है।
Upon ऊपर की ओर गति (motion) को प्रकट करता है।

  • The book is on the table.
  • The cat jumped upon the table.

(7) With उस यन्त्र (instrument) की ओर संकेत करता है जिसका प्रयोग कोई काम करने के लिए किया गया हो। By काम करने वाले (doer) की ओर संकेत करता है।

  • He beat his servant with a stick.
  • The book was written by me.

(8) Beside = निकट, असंगत
Besides = के अतिरिक्त

  • She came and sat beside me.
  • Your answer is beside the mark.
  • I have three other pens besides this.

(9) Since तथा for का प्रयोग Perfect Tense के बाद किया जाता है।
From का प्रयोग किसी भी Tense के बाद किया जा सकता है।
Since और from का प्रयोग point of time के लिए किया जाता है।
For का प्रयोग period of time के लिए किया जाता है।
Since का प्रयोग केवल भूतकाल के सम्बन्ध में ही किया जा सकता है।
From और for का प्रयोग किसी भी काल के लिए किया जा सकता है।

  • He has been ill since Monday last.
  • This timetable has been in force since August.
  • He studied English from the age of ten.
  • This timetable will come in force from Monday.
  • I have been ill for five days.

Words Followed By Appropriate Prepositions

नोट- कई शब्दों के साथ किसी विशेष अर्थ के लिए किसी विशेष Preposition का ही प्रयोग किया जा सकता है। ऐसे शब्द और उनके साथ लगने वाले उपयुक्त Prepositions याद रखने चाहिएं।

1. Abide by (पाबन्द रहना) – We must abide by the rules of the road.
2. Absorbed in (मग्न) – I was absorbed in my work.
3. Abstain from (परहेज़ करना) – We should abstain from drinking.
4. Accede to (मान लेना, स्वीकार कर लेना) – He acceded to my request.
5. Accuse of (दोष लगाना) – He was accused of murder.
6. Act upon (आचरण करना) – He acted upon my advice.
7. Addicted to (बुरी आदत में फँसे होना) – He is addicted to gambling.
8. Admit to (दाखिल करना) – He was admitted to the 9th class.
9. Agree to (स्वीकार करना) – Do you agree to this proposal ?
10. Agree with (सहमत होना) – I agree with you.
11. Alarmed at (चौंक उठना) – We were alarmed at the sight of a lion.
12. Angry with (नाराज़ होना) – He is angry with me.
13. Angry at (नाराज़ होना) – The teacher was angry at your misconduct.
14. Apologize to, for (क्षमा मांगना) – He apologized to me for his rude behaviour.
15. Appeal to, for (प्रार्थना करना) – He appealed to the judge for mercy.
16. Apply to, for (प्रार्थनापत्र देना) – He applied to the headmaster for leave.
17. Approve of (पसन्द करना) – I do not approve of your action.
18. Arrive at (पहुंचना) – He arrived at Jalandhar at six o’clock.
19. Ashamed of (लज्जित होना) – He feels ashamed of his conduct.
20. Assure of (विश्वास दिलाना) – I assure you of my help.
21. Astonished at (हैरान होना) – I was astonished at his failure.
22. Attend on (देखभाल करना) – You should attend on your ailing mother.
23. Attend to (ध्यान देना) – Attend to your lesson.
24. Aware of (सचेत होना) – I am aware of my shortcomings.
25. Believe in (विश्वास करना) – I do not believe in ghosts.
26. Belong to (सम्बन्ध रखना) – He belongs to a rich family.
27. Beware of (सावधान रहना) – Beware of thieves.
28. Bless with (आशीर्वाद देना) – She was blessed with a son.
29. Blind in (अंधा) – He is blind in one eye.
30. Blind to (अपरिचित) – You are blind to your shortcomings.
31. Boast of (शेखी मारना) – Do not boast of your riches.
32. Born in (पैदा होना) – He was born in a poor family.
33. Born of (पैदा होना) – She was born of rich parents.
34. Borrow from (उधार लेना) – I borrowed a book from my friend.
35. Busy with (व्यस्त) – I was busy with my work.
36. Call at (मिलने के लिए जाना) – I called at his house this morning.
37. Call on (बुलाना) – Tomorrow I shall call on you.
38. Call in (बुला कर लाना) – Please call in the doctor at once.
39. Care for (परवाह करना) – He does not care for his studies.
40. Charge with (दोष लगाना) – He was charged with murder.
41. Cling to (चिपटना) – The baby clings to her mother.
42. Collide with (टक्कर खाना) – My cycle collided with a tonga.
43. Compare to (उपमा देना) – We may compare the world to a stage.
44. Compare with (तुलना करना) – Compare Ashoka with Chandragupta.
45. Complain of (शिकायत करना) – He always complains of headache.
46. Complain against, to (शिकायत करना) – I complained against him to the officer.
47. Conscious of (ज्ञान होना) – I am conscious of my shortcomings.
48. Consist of (बना हुआ होना) – The class consists of forty boys.
49. Contented with (सन्तुष्ट होना) – Be contented with your lot.
50. Cure of (स्वस्थ करना) – The doctor cured him of his disease.
51. Deal in (व्यापार करना) – His father deals in cotton.
52. Deal with (व्यवहार करना) – I know how to deal with you.
53. Deprive of (वंचित करना) – He was deprived of his share.
54. Desire for (इच्छा रखना) – I have no desire for name or fame.
55. Die of (मरना) – He died of cholera.
56. Differ from (भिन्न होना) – This pen differs from that.
57. Differ with (सहमत न होना) – I differ with you on this point.
58. Dismiss from (निकाल देना) – He was dismissed from service.
59. Dispose of (बेच देना) – He disposed of his old books.
60. Due to (के कारण) – His success is due to hard work.
61. Eligible for (जो चुना जा सके) — You are not eligible for this post.
62. Engaged in (लगा हुआ) – He is engaged in writing a book.
63. Engage to (सगाई होना) – She is engaged to a doctor.
64. Enquire after (हाल पूछना) – He enquired after my health.
65. Enquire (Inquire) into (पूछताछ करना) – I will enquire into the matter.
66. Excel in (श्रेष्ठ होना) – He excels me in speaking English.
67. Familiar to (परिचित) – His face is familiar to me.
68. Familiar with (परिचित) – I am not familiar with him.
69. Famous for (के लिए प्रसिद्ध) – Ludhiana is famous for hosiery goods.
70. Feed on (निर्वाह करना) – Cows feed on grass.
71. Feel for (अनुभव करना) – We should feel for the poor.
72. Fond of (इच्छुक) – Children are fond of sweets.
73. Full of (भरा हुआ) – The glass is full of milk.
74. Glad at (प्रसन्न) – We are glad at your arrival.
75. Good at (योग्य) – He is good at Mathematics.
76. Grateful to (कृतज्ञ) – I shall be grateful to you for this kindness.
77. Grieve at (दुःखी होना) – He was grieved at his failure.
78. Guilty of (अपराधी) – He was found guilty of theft.
79. Honest in (ईमानदारी) – He is honest in his dealings.
80. Hope for (आशा करना) – Let us hope for better result this time.
81. Ignorant of (अज्ञानता में) – He was ignorant of the facts.
82. Import from (आयात करना) – India imports oil from other countries.
83. Indifferent to (लापरवाह होना) – You are indifferent to your health.
84. Inferior to (घटिया) – This pen is inferior to that.
85. Inform of (सूचना देना) – You did not inform me of his arrival.
86. Injurious to (हानिकारक) – Smoking is injurious to health.
87. Insist on (जिद करना) – He insisted on going with me.
88. Interest in (रुचि) – He has no interest in his studies.
89. Interfere with (दखल देना) – Do not interfere with my work.
90. Introduce to (परिचय कराना) – He introduced me to his friend.
91. Invite to (निमन्त्रण देना) – He invited me to dinner.
92. Jealous of (ईर्ष्यालु) – I am not jealous of his good fortune.
93. Junior to (छोटा) – He is junior to me in service.
94. Knock at (खटखटाना) – Who knocked at the door ?
95. Known to (विदित) – He is known to everybody.
96. Lame in (लंगड़ा) – He is lame in one leg.
97. Laugh at (हंसी उड़ाना) – Do not laugh at the poor.
98. Listen to (ध्यान से सुनना) – Listen to what I say.
99. Live on (गुजारा करना) – He lives on milk and fruit.
100. Long for (इच्छा करना) – I long for happy days.
101. Married to (विवाह होना) – Rama was married to Sita.
102. Match for (मुकाबले का) – Pakistan is no match for India.
103. Negligent in (लापरवाह) – He is negligent in his studies.
104. Notorious for (बदनाम) – He is notorious for gambling.
105. Obedient to (आज्ञाकारी होना) – Be obedient to your teachers.
106. Object to (आपत्ति करना) – He objected to my proposal.
107. Occur to (सूझना) – An idea occurred to me.
108. Part from (जुदा होना) – I was sorry to part from my friends.
109. Part with (जुदा होना) – I cannot part with this book.
110. Pity for (दया) – Have pity for the poor.
111. Pity on (दया) – He took pity on me.
112. Pleased with (प्रसन्न होना) – The teacher is pleased with her.
113. Polite to (नम्र) – Be polite to all.
114. Popular with (लोकप्रिय) – This teacher is popular with the students.
115. Preferable to (अच्छा) – Death is preferable to dishonour.
116. Prefer to (से अच्छा समझना) – I prefer death to dishonour.
117. Pray to (प्रार्थना करना) – I pray to God daily.
118. Prepare for (तैयार होना) – Mohan is preparing for the examination.
119. Preside over (सभापति होना) – Who presided over the meeting?
120. Prevent from (रोकना) – He prevented me from going there.
121. Prey to (शिकार होना) – He fell a prey to drugs.
122. Pride in (अभिमान) – She takes pride in her beauty.
123. Proud of (अभिमानी) – She is proud of her beauty.
124. Recover from (मुक्त होना) – He has recovered from illness.
125. Reduce to (घट जाना) – He was reduced to a skeleton.
126. Regard for (मान) – He has no regard for his teachers.
127. Related to (सम्बन्ध होना) – She is related to me.
128. Rely on (भरोसा रखना) – I rely on your support.
129. Remember to (याद करवाना) – Please remember me to your father.
130. Remind of (याद कराना) – He reminded me of my promise.
131. Repent of (पछताना) – He repented of his folly.
132. Responsible to (उत्तरदायी) – We are responsible to God for our actions.
133. Satisfied with (सन्तुष्ट होना) – I am not satisfied with his work.
134. Search for (तलाश करना) – What are you searching for ?
135. Send for (बुला भेजना) – We sent for the doctor.
136. Shock at (दुःखी होना) – I was shocked at the news of his death.
137. Sick of (तंग आना) – He is sick of his son.
138. Similar to (वैसी ही) – This knife is similar to that.
139. Slow at (सुस्त) – He is slow at Arithmetic.
140. Slow of (सुस्त) – He is slow of understanding.
141. Succeed in (सफल होना) – He succeeded in getting a job.
142. Succeed to (उत्तराधिकारी बनना) – Akbar succeeded to the throne after Humayun’s death.
143. Suffer from (पीड़ित होना) – He suffered from malaria.
144. Superior to (बढ़िया) – My cap is superior to yours.
145. Sure of (विश्वासी) – I am sure of my success.
146. Surprised at (हैरान होना) – I am surprised at your behaviour.
147. Sympathise with (सहानुभूति करना) – Always sympathise with the poor.
148. Talk to (बात करना) – I talked to him about his problem.
149. Taste for (दिलचस्पी) – I have no taste for games.
150. Tired of (तंग हो जाना) – I am tired of this type of life.
151. Tired with (थका हुआ) – I am tired with the day’s work.
152. Trust in (भरोसा करना) – Trust in God and do the right.
153. True to (के प्रति सच्चा होना) – I am true to my friends.
154. Useful for (लाभदायक, किसी उद्देश्य के लिए) – Exercise is useful for health.
155. Useful to (लाभदायक, किसी व्यक्ति के लिए) – This book is very useful to me.
156. Warn of (सचेत करना) – He warned me of the danger.
157. Warn against (चौकन्ना करना) – I warned him against false friends.
158. Wish for (इच्छा करना) – I wish for your success.
159. Worthy of (के योग्य) – I shall try to be worthy of your love.
160. Yield to (झुक जाना) – Never yield to injustice.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Prepositions


I. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.
1. People should abide …………… the norms of society.
2. Students should abstain …………… politics.
3. He was accused …………… making inflammatory speeches.
4. He was acquitted …………… corruption charges.
5. It is not easy to adapt oneself ……………. an alien culture.
6. Children are getting addicted …………. cartoon programmes.
7. He is determined to adhere ……………. his convictions.
8. His grandfather is afflicted …………… arthritis.
9. He aimed the punch …………… my nose.
10. Hypocrisy is alien ……………. his nature.
1. by
2. from
3. of
4. of
5. to
6. to
7. to
8. with
9. at
10. to.

II. 1. She was born …………… cultivated parents.
2. Several people burst ………………. spontaneous tears on hearing about the Columbia disaster.
3. She wastes a lot of her time in brooding …………… her past.
4. He was charged …………… neglecting his duty in the battlefield.
5. It is not easy to find a person one can confide ………..
6. Parents who connive ………….. the faults of their children spoil them.
7. She was convicted …………… making a false statement.
8. These conditions are not conducive ………….. the healthy development of a child.
9. She was deaf ……………. his plea for forgiveness.
10. A totalitarian regime deprives its people ……………. their civil rights.
1. to
2. into
3. over
4. with
5. in
6. at
7. of
8. to
9. to
10. of.

Miscellaneous Exercise (Based On The Textbook)

Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

I. 1. Sudha Murthy was surprised to be called …………. the interview.
2. Life was full ……….. fun and joy.
3. I saw an advertisement ……………. the noticeboard.
4. They have cared for higher education in India …………. 1900.
5. I was taken aback ……….. the telegram.
6. Sudha fell ………. love with the beautiful city.
7. There were six people ………. the panel.
8. I was transferred ……….. Mumbai in June 1999.
9. She hobbled ………… the house in spotless white with one hand resting on her waist.
10. She carried several stale chapattis ……….. her for the village dogs.
11. That was a turning point ………….. our friendship.
12. She took ……… feeding sparrows in the courtyard of our city house.
13. She could not help me ……….. my lessons.
14. She lay peacefully …………. bed praying and telling her beads.
15. A peaceful pallor spread ……………. her face.
1. for
2. of
3. on
4. since
5. by
6. in
7. on
8. to
9. about
10. with
11. in
12. to
13. with
14. in
15. on.

II. 1. She had done better than most ………… her male peers.
2. Her face was a criss-cross ……….. wrinkles.
3. She used to get up ……….. the morning and get me ready …….. school.
4. He rules ……….. a vast empire.
5. I never bothered ……… learn the prayer.
6. The driver jumped ………. of the car.
7. Studies pass ……….. the character.
8. Many a learned professor took part ………. the conference.
9. Your reply must be exact and ………… the point.
10. Discipline is a restraint ……………… liberty.
11. Discipline should not be imposed ……… physical violence and fear.
12. If you hold a position of authority, you must impose discipline yourself first.
13. You cannot have liberty ………. discipline.
14. We think more …………. liberty than ……… responsibility.
15. History teaches us the need ……………. a disciplined living.
1. of
2. of
3. in, for
4. over
5. to
6. out
7. into
8. in
9. to
10. on
11. by
12. on
13. without
14. of, of
15. of.

III. 1. Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam has three visions …….. India.
2. Indians have never tried to enforce their way of life ………. others.
3. India must stand up …………. the world.
4. India is first ……….. milk production.
5. We are ………. the top five nations of the world in terms of GDP.
6. Her lips constantly moved ………… an inaudible prayer.
7. Do we realize that self-respect comes ……… self-reliance ?
8. I came here the day ……………. yesterday.
9. Everything in this store is ………….. sale.
10. We expect the government to do everything ………… us.
11. Let’s do what our country needs ………….. us.
12. Our conscience is mortgaged …………. money.
13. Discipline is unavoidable …………… a modern man.
14. India got its first vision ………… Freedom in 1857.
15. The earth is a treasure we hold ………… trust for our descendants.
1. for
2. on
3. to
4. in
5. among
6. in
7. with
8. before
9. for
10. for
11. from
12. to
13. for
14. of
15. in.

IV. 1. India has made wonderful success ……….. many fields.
2. Kalam refers to our obsession …………. foreign goods.
3. We are in the habit of finding fault ………… the government.
4. Major Som Nath Sharma was honoured ……………. the Param Vir Chakra.
5. Trust …………… God and do what is right.
6. I wear a ring ………… my finger.
7. We believe …………… freedom to think.
8. A man becomes a gentleman only ……….. overcoming his weakness.
9. Globalisation leads to a better understanding ……….. nations.
10. Man has always been …………. the fear of wars.
11. The United Nations was founded ………….. the name of common people.
12. They have to survive …………. very little income.
13. Half of the human race is living ………. poverty.
14. Internal wars result ………. unfair distribution of power and wealth in a country.
15. Som Nath Sharma’s right hand was ……… plaster.
1. in
2. with
3. with
4. with
5. in
6. on
7. in
8. by / after
9. among
10. in
11. in
12. on
13. in
14. from
15. in.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Prepositions

V. 1. Major Thapa and his men inflicted heavy losses …….. the enemy.
2. Abdul Hamid was enrolled ………… the grenadiers Infantry Regiment in 1954.
3. He was badly wounded ………… a highly explosive shell.
4. Vikram Batra soon rose ………… the rank of Captain.
5. He was given the task ……….. recapturing Point 5140.
6. They hurled two grenades ………….. the machine gun post.
7. Captain Vikram alone killed three enemy soldiers ……… close combat.
8. Major Som Nath’s company was sent to Badgam in Kashmir …………… a fighting patrol.
9. Water is the basis ……….. all life.
10. By cutting ………….. our forests, we have disturbed the water cycle.
11. Water bodies add ………… the beauty of nature.
12. Eyes reflect the state ………….. human mind.
13. Many people had fled ……….. Hiroshima.
14. It was built …………. the delta of the river Ota.
15. Absolute silence reigned …………. the whole city.
1. on
2. into
3. by
4. to
5. of
6. at
7. in
8. on
9. of
10. down
11. to
12. of
13. from
14. on
15. in.

VI. 1. A new war would leave nothing worthy ……….. mention.
2. Force is not a solution ……….. man’s problems.
3. Too much has been destroyed …………. this war.
4. They were deeply moved ………. seeing those photographs.
5. They were writhing ……….. agony because of the unbearable pain of their burns.
6. Trees went ………. in flames.
7. There was left nothing ………….. burn.
8. Barb continued writing ………….. Malcolm.
9. An emergency operation was performed ………… Malcolm.
10. Malcolm called …………. to Barb in a weak tone.
11. He received from Barb a proposal ………….. marriage.
12. They went …………. a hiking trip to Balu Pass.
13. Malcolm thought there was no time ………… fear.
14. His one knee-cap was torn …………. .
15. What he saw ……………. the mirror made him sick.
1. of
2. to
3. in
4. on
5. in
6. up
7. to
8. to
9. on
10. out
11. for
12. on
13. for
14. off
15. in.

Exercises From Grammar Book (Fully Solved)

Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

1. The show will be over ………. 5 p.m.
2. His interview will be held ……….. Monday, 30th October.
3. Two boys quarrelled ………. the teacher had gone.
4. The new session starts ………. April.
5. They have been living here ……….. 2009.
6. We were at Shimla ……… Monday ………. Friday.
7. The hockey match was played ………. 1 p.m. ……….. 2.20 p.m.
8. They met only ……….. thirty minutes.
9. The train arrives ……….. 11 o’clock sharp.
10. Our shop opens ………. weekdays only.
1. by
2. on
3. after
4. in
5. since
6. from, to
7. from, to
8. for
9. at
10. on.

Exercise 2
Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

1. He stays ……….. Karol Bagh.
2. He spent his early life ……….. India.
3. He made his son sit ……… him and his friend on the bike.
4. Manav was sitting ……….. his mother.
5. He distributed the toffees ……….. all the children.
6. He was hiding ……….. a big board.
7. We stood ……….. the Sun Temple for a while to admire its beauty.
8. My cat was resting ……….. the table.
9. A big statue of Mahatma Gandhi has been placed ……… the Gandhi Museum.
10. The papers were scattered ………. the floor.
1. at
2. in
3. between
4. beside
5. among
6. behind
7. in front of
8. under
9. in front of
10. on.

Exercise 3
Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

1. We were on our way ……….. school.
2. Winter vacations start ……….. 25th December.
3. The axe fell ……….. the canal.
4. They were running ……….. the beach.
5. Our school is ………. the temple.
6. The wheel went ……….. .
7. He will have to pay ……….. his nose.
8. We must face the challenge ………. courage.
9. You must learn the lesson ………. heart.
10. He threw the packet ……….. the wall.
1. to
2. on
3. into
4. along
5. near
6. off
7. through
8. with
9. by
10. over.

Exercise 4
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. I was surprised ………. the contents of the notice.
2. He sat ……….. the sofa.
3. She was looking forward ………. your proposal.
4. The cat jumped ……….. the table.
5. I fell ……….. love with the picturesque beauty of Darjeeling.
6. Sudha was not afraid ……….. challenges.
7. Gulmohars were scattered all ……….. the fields.
8. The rat ran ……….. its hole.
9. I saw the advertisement ……… the Sunday newspaper.
10. She was transferred out ……….. Mumbai.
1. at
2. on
3. to
4. upon
5. in
6. of
7. over
8. into
9. in
10. from.

Exercise 5
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. We walked ………. the park.
2. He lives ………. India.
3. My grandfather’s portrait hung ……….. the mantelpiece.
4. His cat was sitting ……….. the table.
5. Grandmother’s lips constantly moved ……….. prayers.
6. I was left alone …….. my village.
7. Her face was covered ………. her silver locks.
8. My school was attached ………. the village temple.
9. She used to sit ………. the temple till my school finished.
10. She hobbled ……….. the house with a stick in her hand.
1. to / into
2. in
3. over
4. under
5. in
6. at / in
7. by
8. to
9. in
10. about.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Prepositions

Exercise 6
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. I used to get up early ……….. the morning.
2. A brisk walk is best ……….. the heart.
3. Some books are ……… be tasted, while others are to be read ……… parts.
4. You should not take things ………. granted.
5. Some students were reading books ………. the library.
6. Books serve ………. delight and ornament.
7. He is good ………. studies.
8. We will be free ……….. the end of the day.
9. Francis Bacon wrote an essay ……….. the importance of studies.
1. in
2. for
3. to, in
4. for
5. in
6. for
7. at
8. at / by
9. on.

Exercise 7
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. The children climbed ……….. the wall.
2. We watched the match ……… a big screen.
3. He answered some ……….. the questions only.
4. Wasan was admitted ……….. the class.
5. We must pray ……….. God.
6. I have no interest ………. games.
7. Kalam had three visions ……….. India.
8. I believe ……….. equality.
9. Discipline is important ……….. success.
10. He was worried ……….. the results of the competition.
1. up
2. on
3. of
4. to
5. to
6. in
7. for
8. in
9. for
10. about.

Exercise 8
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. He was moving ……….. the stage.
2. Kalam would not rest ………. he achieved his aim.
3. The students stood ……… the Taj for some time to admire its beauty.
4. We remained seated ………. the entire performance.
5. Self-respect comes ……….. self-reliance.
6. I could see only his head ………. the water.
7. I parked my car exactly ……….. the bridge.
8. I waited for him ……….. 5.00 p.m. and then left for my walk.
9. Cubs were jostling ……….. each other.
10. We should wash our hands ………. the meals.
1. towards
2. till
3. in front of
4. through
5. from
6. above
7. under
8. till
9. with
10. before.

Exercise 9
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. I have been waiting for you ……… 11.00 a.m.
2. He has been visiting our place ………. many weeks now.
3. They have lived here ……….. 2015.
4. You must learn ……….. stand ………. yourself.
5. The meeting was held ……….. 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
6. He got a deep cut ……….. his right hand.
7. Both the vehicles collided …….. each other.
8. The plane flew ……….. the fields.
9. Children generally quarrel ………. themselves over trifles.
10. India is ………. the top five nations of the world.
9. 1. since
2. for
3. since
4. to, for
5. from
6. on
7. against
8. over
9. among
10. among.

Exercise 10
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. His car knocked ………. the pillar and overturned.
2. The crowd pressed ……….. the gate.
3. Captain Vikram Batra stormed ………. the enemy.
4. Major Som Nath Sharma laid down his life ………. the nation.
5. Indian troops were airlifted ……….. Srinagar.
6. Flying Officer Nirmaljit exposed himself ……….. danger.
7. The aeroplane flew ……….. the clouds.
8. Indian soldiers displayed highest bravery ……….. the battle.
9. Captain Batra led his company ……….. victory.
10. Our soldiers inflicted heavy casualties ………. the enemy.
10. 1. against
2. against
3. at
4. for
5. from / to
6. to
7. over / under
8. in
9. to
10. on.

Exercise 11
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. We can see ……….. clear water.
2. We should leave the natural resources ……….. future generations.
3. Rivers have been flowing ……….. ages.
4. Forests are essential ……….. human life too.
5. Saving our environment is the need ……….. the hour.
6. Many parts of Punjab are on the verge ………. becoming a desert.
7. Many cities were developed ……… the banks of rivers.
8. Man has always longed ……….. the imaginary elixir of life.
9. We must take steps ………. preserve it.
10. People should be educated ……….. the adverse effects of globalization.
1. through
2. for
3. for
4. for
5. of
6. of
7. on
8. for
9. to
10. about.

Exercise 12
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. U.S. forces dropped atomic bombs …….. Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
2. A soldier renders selfless service ………. his nation.
3. Violence is not a solution ……… any problem.
4. Man must learn ………. love.
5. Many animals hunt ………. night.
6. I requested the commander ……….. explain the situation of the patients.
7. I waited ……….. the doctor.
8. ……. attending to the patients, he gave them medicines also.
9. General Fitch took ……….. his glasses after reading the telegram.
10. The nurse was attending ………. the sick people.
1. on
2. to
3. to
4. to
5. at
6. to
7. for
8. While
9. off
10. on.

Exercise 13
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. Malcolm was walking ………. a creek.
2. He saw the grizzly ……… a distance of a few yards.
3. The grizzly pounced ……….. Barb.
4. Malcolm was standing ……… the grizzly and Barb.
5. She kept slipping ……….. the ice.
6. Grizzly grabbed him ………. both hands.
7. She squeezed him ………. her chest.
8. Barb burst ……….. tears.
9. There was no time ……….. fear.
10. Barb did not give ………. on Malcolm.
1. along
2. at
3. on
4. between
5. on
6. with
7. against
8. into
9. for
10. up.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Prepositions

Exercise 14
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. Nobody warned us ………. the dangers of pollution.
2. He never thought I would be ready ……….. the challenge.
3. The new law prohibits us ……….. drinking while driving.
4. Will you wait ………… your turn ?
5. The teacher handed ……….. the answer sheets ……… the students.
6. The Prime Minister was very keen ……… reforms.
7. BMW has recalled many cars because ………. some technical fault.
8. The policeman was walking ………. the street at night.
9. People of India know how ……….. welcome a guest.
10. Swami Vivekananda influenced millions of people ………. the world.
1. aganist
2. for
3. from
4. for
5. ovet, to
6. on
7. of
8. on/about
9. to
10. around.

Exercise 15
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. He was looking ……….. the board.
2. The haze prevented me ……… seeing the train.
3. She complained ……….. headache.
4. I could not agree ………. his proposal.
5. There is no exception ………. the rules of traffic.
6. They fought ……….. the last round.
7. Swami’s father was shocked ………. his behaviour.
8. I insist ………. his speaking the truth.
9. He was sorry ………. the delay.
10. My friend is a professor ………. profession.
1. at
2. from
3. of
4. to
5. to
6. till
7. at
8. on
9. for
10. by.

Exercise 16
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. Children are generally fond ………. laddoos.
2. A drowning man catches ……….. a straw.
3. We are now ………. good terms with each other.
4. He has not come to my house ……….. many days.
5. It is difficult ……….. convince him.
6. He knew that he was ……….. fault.
7. Maharana Pratap fought tooth and nail ……….. the Mughals.
8. Shivaji fought ……… his motherland.
9. He fell a victim ……….. drinking. 10. Her voice is familiar ………. me.
1. of
2. at
3. on
4. for
5. to
6. at
7. against
8. for
9. to
10. to.

Exercise 17
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. The child was clinging ……….. his mother.
2. He wrote a letter ……….. his friend.
3. She closed the door ……….. him.
4. Always be kind ……….. children.
5. I am pleased ……….. her.
6. Write ……….. ink.
7. I don’t care a fig ……….. him.
8. He ran short ……….. money.
9. We haven’t met ………. last week.
10. Her efforts were rewarded ………. success.
1. to
2. to
3. upon / after
4. to
5. with
6. in
7. for
8. of
9. since
10. with.

Exercise 18
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. This book is superior ……….. that.
2. I congratulated her ……….. her success.
3. He will deliver the mail ………. you.
4. The postman delivered the letter ……….. my home.
5. The man was leaning ……….. the wall.
6. I will get ………. the difficulties.
7. I wished him a speedy recovery ……….. illness.
8. She takes pride ………. her beauty.
9. My office is opposite ……….. the post office.
10. I never exempted him ……….. class.
1. to
2. on
3. to
4. at
5. against
6. over
7. from
8. in
9. to
10. from.

Exercise 19
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. She belongs ……….. a poor family.
2. Beware ………. stray dogs.
3. One should never boast ……… one’s knowledge.
4. He appealed ……….. the public for keeping the area clean.
5. My bed is made ……… teak wood.
6. I was not angry ……….. her.
7. Mr. Verma is sure ……….. his success.
8. He was anxious ……….. his son’s safety.
9. He believes ……….. fair dealing.
10. I solved the problem ………. any difficulty.
1. to
2. of
3. of
4. to
5. of
6. with
7. of
8. about
9. in
10. without.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Prepositions

Exercise 20
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. We go to office ……….. our official car.
2. He works in the factory ……… 8.30 a.m. ………. 4.30. p.m.
3. The boy hid himself ………. the tree.
4. He was found sleeping ……….. the class.
5. His mobile fell ……….. the water tank.
6. Sweets were distributed ………. the street children.
7. There is a cinema hall in front ………. his office.
8. The river is flowing ……… the danger mark.
9. Always hope ……… the best.
10. Always be positive ………. life.
1. by
2. from, to
3. behind
4. in
5. into
6. among
7. of
8. above
9. for
10. in.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 1 Lines Written in Early Spring

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class English Book Solutions Poem 1 Lines Written in Early Spring Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 11 English Poem 1 Lines Written in Early Spring

Question 1.
The poet describes a bitter-sweet moment. Why is the moment ‘bitter sweet’ ?
The poet was in a sweet mood and was filled with pleasant thoughts. Since extremes always meet, the pleasant thoughts led the poet to sad thoughts. This is the reason why the moment described in the poem is bitter-sweet.

कवि बहुत अच्छे मूड में था और उसका मन सुहावने विचारों से भरा हुआ था। क्योंकि चरम सीमाएं हमेशा मिलती हैं, इसलिए सुहावने विचार कवि के मन में उदासी वाले विचार भी ले आए। यही कारण है कि कविता में वर्णन किया गया वह पल खट्टा-मीठा है।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 1 Lines Written in Early Spring

Question 2.
Write a few lines about the simplicity of the language used in the poem, ‘Lines Written in Early Spring’.
Wordsworth’s poetry is straightforward and simple. He has written his poems in plain words from everyday speech. In this poem also, he has used words from the common man’s language. Through the use of simple language, he has made the scenes, described in the poem, seem real to the readers.

वर्डजवर्थ का काव्य सीधा और सरल होता है। उसने अपनी कविताएं आम बोलचाल की भाषा के सरल शब्दों में लिखी हैं। इस कविता में भी उसने ऐसे शब्दों का प्रयोग किया है जो आम आदमी की भाषा से हैं। सरल भाषा के प्रयोग से उसने कविता में वर्णित दृश्यों को अपने पाठकों के लिए वास्तविक के जैसा बना दिया है।

Question 3.
What abilities, according to the poet, does nature have ?
According to the poet, the nature has the ability to give joy and beauty. It provides beauty to the man’s eyes and it gives joy to his soul. It fills all its creations with joy and beauty. In fact, nature has the cure of all human ills.

कवि के अनुसार प्रकृति के पास प्रसन्नता तथा सुन्दरता प्रदान करने की योग्यता है। यह मनुष्य की आंखों को सुन्दरता प्रदान करती है तथा उसकी आत्मा को प्रसन्नता प्रदान करती है। यह अपनी सभी रचनाओं को प्रसन्नता तथा सुन्दरता से भर देती है। वास्तव में, प्रकृति के पास मनुष्य की सभी बीमारियों का उपचार है।

Question 4.
What does the poet lament about ?
The poet thinks that all objects of nature were full of pleasure. Man was also meant to be a part of nature. He could be happy like the various objects of nature. But man separated himself from nature. Now he has made himself unhappy by running after material things. It grieves the poet much to think what man has made of man.

कवि सोचता है कि प्रकृति के सब पदार्थ खुशी से भरे हुए थे। मनुष्य को भी प्रकृति के एक हिस्से के रूप में बनाया गया था। वह कुदरत के भिन्न-भिन्न पदार्थों के समान खुश रह सकता था। लेकिन मनुष्य ने खुद को प्रकृति से अलग कर लिया। अब उसने भौतिक चीज़ों के पीछे दौड़-दौड़ कर खुद को दु:खी कर लिया है। यह सोचकर कवि को बहुत दुःख होता है कि मनुष्य ने अपना क्या हाल बना रखा है।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 1 Lines Written in Early Spring

Question 5.
How does the poet glorify nature ?
According to the poet, nature is not something dead and lifeless. He thinks of nature as something living with a spirit of its own. And he believes that nature everywhere is beautiful and full of joy. He finds music in the different sounds of nature. He finds beauty in the different sights of nature. That is the reason why he talks of flowers as dancing in the breeze.

He talks of waves as jumping in pleasure. He talks of the tree branches as spreading their arms. In this poem, he expresses his attitude towards nature in very clear words. He says And it’s my faith that every flower Enjoys the air it breathes.’

कवि के अनुसार प्रकृति कोई निर्जीव या मृत वस्तु नहीं है। वह प्रकृति के विषय में ऐसा सोचता है कि वह एक ऐसी चीज़ है जिसमें स्वयं की एक आत्मा है। और उसका विश्वास है कि प्रत्येक स्थान पर प्रकृति सुन्दर है तथा प्रसन्नता से भरपूर है। वह प्रकृति की विभिन्न आवाजों में मधुर संगीत पाता है। प्रकृति के विभिन्न दृश्यों में उसे सुन्दरता नज़र आती है।

इसी कारण से वह फूलों के विषय में यह कहता है कि वे मंद पवन में नाच रहे हैं। वह लहरों के विषय में यह कहता है कि वे प्रसन्नता से उछल रही हैं। वह वृक्ष की डालों के विषय में कहता है कि वे अपनी बांहें फैला रही हैं और इस कविता में वह प्रकृति के प्रति अपनी भावना को बहुत स्पष्ट शब्दों में प्रकट करता है। वह कहता है ‘और मेरा विश्वास है कि प्रत्येक फूल आनन्द लेता है, उस हवा का जिसमें सांस लेता है यह।’

Question 6.
Give an example of personification of nature in this poem.
“To her fair works did Nature link……

Question 7.
Give the central idea of the poem, ‘Lines Written in Early Spring’.
The central idea of the poem is that man’s separation from Nature is the only cause of all ills and worries. Man has become greedy for material things. He has no peace of mind. He must go back to Nature if he wants to regain his lost happiness.

He should develop true love for Nature. He should accept Nature as his friend and guide. Only then can he be happy again. He can be as happy and carefree as Nature herself is. Such was Wordsworth’s firm belief and also Nature’s holy plan.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 1 Lines Written in Early Spring

Question 8.
Add more words that rhyme with the rhyming words given below :

  • Reclined, mind, find, rewind.
  • Link, think, sink, stink.
  • Measure, pleasure, treasure, leisure.
  • Sent, lament, tent, cement.

Important Stanzas For Comprehension

Note : A complete Answer Key has been given at the end of the stanzas.

Stanza 1

I heard a thousand blended notes,
While in a grove I sate reclined,
In that sweet mood when pleasant thoughts
Bring sad thoughts to the mind.

1. Give the name of the poem and the poet.
2. Where is the poet sitting ?
3. What does he hear?
4. Give the rhyme scheme of the given stanza.
1. The name of the poem is ‘Lines Written in Early Spring’ and the name of the poet is William Wordsworth.
2. He is sitting in a grove.
3. He hears numberless sweet sounds. They are as sweet as the harmonious notes of music.
4. abab.

Stanza 2.

To her fair works did Nature link
The human soul that through me ran;
And much it grieved my heart to think
What man has made of man.

1. Give the name of the poem and the poet.
2. What are the fair works of nature referred to in this stanza ?
3. Why is the poet grieved ?
4. Write the figure of speech used in the following line :
“To her fair works did Nature link.
1. The name of the poem is ‘Lines Written in Early Spring’ and the name of the poet is William Wordsworth.
2. ‘Fair works’ means the various beautiful objects in the world of Nature.
3. The poet is grieved to think what man has made of man.
4. Personification.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 1 Lines Written in Early Spring

Stanza 3.

Through primrose tufts, in that green bower,
The periwinkle traiļd its wreaths;
And tis my faith that every flower
Enjoys the air it breathes.

1. Give the name of the poem and the poet.
2. What type of flower is primrose ?
3. Where did the poet see the periwinkle ?
4. Give the words that rhyme in the given stanza.
1. The name of the poem is ‘Lines Written in Early Spring and the name of the poet is William Wordsworth.
2. ‘Primrose’ is a wild plant that has pale flowers in spring.
3. He saw the periwinkle trailing through the primrose tufts.
4. (bower – flower) ; (wreaths — breathes).

Stanza 4.

The birds around me hoppd and play’d,
Their thoughts I cannot measure
But the least motion which they made
It seem’d thrill of pleasure.

1. Give the name of the poem and the poet.
2. What were the birds doing?
3. Could the poet know the thoughts of the birds ?
4. Give the rhyme scheme of the given stanza.
1. The name of the poem is ‘Lines Written in Early Spring’ and the name of the poet is William Wordsworth.
2. The birds were hopping around the poet.
3. No, the poet could not know the thoughts of the birds because there was no channel of communication between them.
4. abab.

Stanza 5.

The budding twigs spread out their fan
To catch the breezy air;
And I must think, do all I can,
That there was pleasure there.

1. Give the name of the poem and the poet.
2. What was there on the branches of the trees?
3. What were the budding twigs doing?
4. Which figure of speech is used in the very first line of the given stanza ?
1. The name of the poem is ‘Lines Written in Early Spring’ and the name of the poet is William Wordsworth.
2. There were delicate buds and blossoms on the branches of the trees.
3. The fresh twigs of the trees were sprouting forth their leaves. It appeared as if they were trying to catch the gentle wind.
4. Personification.

Stanza 6.

If this belief from heaven be sent,
If such be Nature’s holy plan,
Have I not reason to lament
What Man has made of Man ?

1. Give the name of the poem and the poet.
2. What ‘belief’ is the poet talking about ?
3. What is the holy plan of nature, according to the poet ?
4. Write down the figure of speech used in the following line :
‘What Man has made of Man’.
1. The name of the poem is ‘Lines Written in Early Spring’ and the name of the poet is William Wordsworth.
2. Here the poet it talking about the belief that there is a close relationship between man and nature.
3. It is nature’s holy plan that all her creations should live in peace and harmony.
4. Alliteration.

Lines Written in Early Spring Poem Summary in English

Lines Written in Early Spring Introduction:

Wordsworth was a great lover of Nature. He found in nature the cure of all human ills. He thought that separation from nature was the only cause of modern man’s unhappiness. Man leads an artificial life in cities. He lives away from the beauties of nature.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 1 Lines Written in Early Spring

He is caught in the rat-race of earning and spending. In this poem, he expresses his joy at the sight of beautiful objects of nature. But the thought of man’s misery makes him sad. He thinks that man is himself responsible for the misery. He can get back his joys by returning to nature.

Lines Written in Early Spring Summary in English:

It was early spring. The poet was sitting in a grove. He was resting there. He heard numberless sweet sounds. They were as sweet as the harmonious notes of music. These sweet sounds filled the poet’s mind with pleasant thoughts.

By a natural transition, these sweer thoughts led the poet to the realm of sad thoughts. The same soul runs through man and nature. There is a close relationship between man and nature. Nature gave the same soul to man and her fair works.

But it pained the poet much to see what man has made of man. In other words, man’s separation from nature grieved the poet’s heart. This very separation, according to the poet, was the cause of all ills in the world of man.

The poet saw a creeper of periwinkle trailing through the branches of primrose. He believed that all objects of nature are living things. They are full of joy and beauty everywhere. It was his firm faith that every flower enjoys the air it breathes.

The birds were hopping around the poet. They were playing joyfully. The poet could not gauge the thoughts in their hearts. But their frolics showed that they were immensely happy. The least motion which they made was an expression of joy.

There were delicate buds and blossoms on the branches of the trees. The branches with their leaves looked like spread-out fans. It appeared as if they were trying to catch the gentle wind. The poet could not but think that the trees and plants were also enjoying themselves. The poet thought that his belief in nature as a living reality was sent by heaven.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 1 Lines Written in Early Spring

It was nature’s holy plan that all creatures should live in peace and harmony. There is a spiritual relationship between man and the beautiful objects of nature. But man has separated himself from nature. That is why he is unhappy. The poet says that his lament over man’s miserable fate is justified since it is of man’s own making.

Lines Written in Early Spring Poem Summary in Hindi

Lines Written in Early Spring Introduction:

वर्डजवर्थ प्रकृति का बहुत बड़ा प्रेमी था। उसे प्रकृति में मनुष्य की सभी बीमारियों का अर्थात् बुराइयों का इलाज नज़र आता था। वह समझता था कि प्रकृति से खुद को अलग कर लेना आधुनिक मनुष्य के दुःख का एकमात्र कारण था। मनुष्य शहरों में एक बनावटी जीवन गुजारता है। वह प्रकृति की सुन्दरता से दूर रहता है।

वह कमाने और खर्च करने की भाग-दौड़ में फँसा रहता है। इस कविता में वह प्रकृति के सुन्दर नज़ारों पर अपनी खुशी व्यक्त करता है। परन्तु मनुष्य के दुःखों के बारे में सोच कर वह उदास हो जाता है। उसका विचार है कि मनुष्य अपने दुःखों के लिए खुद ज़िम्मेदार है। वह प्रकृति की गोद में वापस जा कर अपनी खुशियाँ फिर से प्राप्त कर सकता है।

Lines Written in Early Spring Summary in Hindi

बसन्त ऋतु के आरम्भ का समय था। कवि एक वृक्ष-वाटिका में बैठा हुआ था। वह वहां विश्राम कर रहा था। उसने अनगिनत मधुर आवाजें सुनीं। ये आवाजें इतनी मधुर थीं जितने संगीत की सुरीले सुर होते हैं। इन मधुर आवाज़ों ने कवि के मन में मीठे विचार भर दिये।

एक स्वाभाविक परिवर्तन के द्वारा मीठे विचार कवि को कुछ दुःख भरी बातों की याद की ओर ले गये। मनुष्य तथा प्रकृति में एक ही आत्मा निवास करती है। मनुष्य तथा प्रकृति में एक घनिष्ठ सम्बन्ध है। प्रकृति ने मनुष्य को तथा अपनी सुन्दर रचनाओं को एक जैसी आत्मा दी हुई है।

किन्तु यह देख कर कवि को बहुत दुःख हुआ कि मनुष्य ने अपना क्या हाल बना लिया है। अन्य शब्दों में, प्रकृति से मनुष्य के अलग होने को देख कर कवि के दिल को बहुत दुःख पहुंचा। कवि के अनुसार, यही अलग होना ही मानव संसार में सभी बुराइयों तथा दुःखों का कारण है।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 1 Lines Written in Early Spring

कवि ने पेरीविन्कल की सदाबहार बेल को बसन्ती फूलों वाले पौधे के गुच्छों के बीचों-बीच ज़मीन के साथ-साथ बल खाते हुए और फैले हुए देखा। उसका यह विश्वास था कि प्रकृति की सभी वस्तुएं जीवित पदार्थ हैं। वे सभी जगह खुशी तथा सुन्दरता से भरी हुई हैं। उसे यह पक्का विश्वास था कि प्रत्येक फूल उस हवा से आनन्द प्राप्त करता है जिसमें यह श्वास लेता है। कवि के इर्द-गिर्द पक्षी फुदक रहे थे। वे खुशी से खेल रहे थे।

कवि उनके मन के विचारों को जान न सका। किन्तु उनकी हरकतों से यह पता चलता था कि वे अति प्रसन्न थे। उनकी प्रत्येक छोटी-छोटी हरकत खुशी की सूचक प्रतीत होती थी। पेड़ों की टहनियों के ऊपर कोमल-कोमल कोपलें और फूल थे। पत्तों से भरी टहनियां ऐसे लगती थीं मानो उन्होंने अपने पंख बिखेर रखे हों।

ऐसा प्रतीत होता था मानो वे मधुर पवन को पकड़ने का यत्न कर रही हों। कवि यह सोचे बिना न रह सका कि पेड़ तथा पौधे भी आनन्द मना रहे थे। कवि का विचार था कि उसका यह विश्वास कि प्रकृति एक जीवित वास्तविकता है, ईश्वर द्वारा ही दिया गया था और इसीलिए सच्चा था।

प्रकृति की यह पवित्र योजना थी कि सभी जीव शान्ति से तथा मित्रता से रहें। मनुष्य तथा प्रकृति के सुंदर पदार्थों के बीच एक आत्मिक सम्बन्ध होता है। किन्तु मनुष्य ने स्वयं को प्रकृति से अलग कर लिया है। यही कारण है कि वह दुःखी है। कवि कहता है कि मनुष्य की दयनीय स्थिति पर उसका विलाप करना उचित है क्योंकि यह मनुष्य ने स्वयं बनाई है।

Lines Written in Early Spring Poem Translation in Hindi

(Lines 1-4)

I heard a thousand blended notes,
While in a grove I sate reclined,
In that sweet mood when pleasant thoughts
Bring sad thoughts to the mind.

Explanation : It was early spring. The poet was sitting in a grove. He was resting there. He heard numberless sweet sounds. They were as sweet as the harmonious notes of music. These sweet sounds filled the poet’s mind with pleasant thoughts. By a natural transition, these sweet thoughts led the poet to the realm of sad thoughts.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 1 Lines Written in Early Spring

बसन्त ऋतु के आरम्भ का समय था। कवि एक वृक्ष-वाटिका में बैठा हुआ था। वह वहां विश्राम कर रहा था। उसने अनगिनत मधुर आवाजें सुनीं। ये इतनी मधुर थीं जितनी संगीत के सुरीले सुर होते हैं। इन मधुर आवाज़ों ने कवि के मन में मीठे विचार भर दिये। एक स्वाभाविक परिवर्तन के द्वारा मीठे विचार कवि को कुछ दुःख भरी बातों की याद की ओर ले गये।

(Lines 5-8)

To her fair works did Nature link
The human soul that through me ran;
And much it grieved my heart to think
What man has made of man.

Explanation :
The same soul runs through man and nature. There is a close relationship between man and nature. Nature gave the same soul to man and her fair works. But it pained the poet much to see what man has made of man. In other words, man’s separation from nature grieved the poet’s heart. This very separation, according to the poet, was the cause of all ills in the world of man.

मनुष्य तथा प्रकृति में एक ही आत्मा निवास करती है। मनुष्य तथा प्रकृति में एक घनिष्ठ सम्बन्ध है। प्रकृति ने मनुष्य को तथा अपनी सुन्दर रचनाओं को एक जैसी आत्मा दी हुई है। किन्तु यह देख कर कवि को बहुत दुःख हुआ कि मनुष्य ने अपना क्या हाल बना लिया है। अन्य शब्दों में, प्रकृति से मनुष्य के अलग होने को देख कर कवि के दिल को बहुत दुःख पहुंचा। कवि के अनुसार, यह अलग होना ही मानव संसार में सभी बुराइयों तथा दुःखों का कारण है।

(Lines 9-12)

Through primrose tufts, in that green bower.
The periwinkle trailed its wreaths;
And ’tis my faith that every flower
Enjoys the air it breathes.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 1 Lines Written in Early Spring

Explanation : The poet saw a creeper of periwinkle trailing through the branches of primrose. He believed that all objects of nature are living things. They are full of joy and beauty everywhere. It was his firm faith that every flower enjoys the air it breathes.

कवि ने पेरीविन्कल की सदाबहार बेल को बसन्ती फूलों वाले पौधे के गुच्छों के बीचों-बीच ज़मीन के साथसाथ बल खाते हुए और फैले हुए देखा। उसका यह विश्वास था कि प्रकृति की सभी वस्तुएं जीवित पदार्थ हैं। वे सभी जगह खुशी तथा सुन्दरता से भरी हुई हैं। उसे यह पक्का विश्वास था कि प्रत्येक फूल उस हवा से आनन्द प्राप्त करता है जिसमें यह श्वास लेता है।

(Lines 13-16)

The birds around me hopp’d and play’d,
Their thoughts I cannot measure —
But the least motion which they made,
It seemed a thrill of pleasure.

Explanation : The birds were hopping around the poet. They were playing joyfully. The poet could not gauge the thoughts in their hearts. But their frolics showed that they were immensely happy. The least motion which they made was an expression of joy.

कवि के इर्द-गिर्द पक्षी फुदक रहे थे। वे खुशी से खेल रहे थे। कवि उनके मन के विचारों को जान न सका। किन्तु उनकी हरकतों से यह पता चलता था कि वे अति प्रसन्न थे। उनकी प्रत्येक छोटी-छोटी हरकत खुशी की सूचक प्रतीत होती थी।

(Lines 17-20)

The budding twigs spread out their fan
To catch the breezy air;
And I must think, do all I can,
That there was pleasure there.

Explanation : There were delicate buds and blossoms on the branches of the trees. The branches with their leaves looked like spread-out fans. It appeared as if they were trying to catch the gentle wind. The poet could not but think that the trees and plants were also enjoying themselves.

पेड़ों की टहनियों के ऊपर कोमल-कोमल कोंपलें और फूल थे। पत्तों से भरी टहनियां ऐसे लगती थीं मानो उन्होंने अपने पंख बिखेर रखे हों। ऐसा प्रतीत होता था मानो वे मधुर पवन को पकड़ने का यत्न कर रही हों। कवि यह सोचे बिना न रह सका कि पेड़ तथा पौधे भी आनन्द मना रहे थे।

(Lines 21-24)

If this belief from heaven be sent
If such be Nature’s holy plan,
Have I not reason to lament
What man has made of man?

Explanation : The poet thought that his belief in nature as a living reality was sent by heaven. It was nature’s holy plan that all creatures should live in peace and harmony. There is a spiritual relationship between man and the beautiful objects of nature.

But man has separated himself from nature. That is why he is unhappy. The poet says that his lament over man’s miserable fate is justified since it is of man’s own making.

कवि का विचार था कि उसका यह विश्वास, कि प्रकृति एक जीवित वास्तविकता है, ईश्वर द्वारा ही दिया गया था और इसीलिए सच्चा था। प्रकृति की यह पवित्र योजना थी कि सभी जीव शान्ति तथा मित्रता से रहें। मनुष्य तथा प्रकृति के सुन्दर पदार्थों के बीच एक आत्मिक सम्बन्ध होता है।

किन्तु मनुष्य ने स्वयं को प्रकृति से अलग कर लिया है। यही कारण है कि वह दुःखी है। कवि कहता है कि उसका मनुष्य की दयनीय स्थिति पर विलाप करना उचित है क्योंकि यह मनुष्य ने स्वयं बनाई है।

Central Idea Of The Poem in English:

The central idea of the poem is that man’s separation from Nature is the only cause of all ills and worries. Man has become greedy for material things. He has no peace of mind. He must go back to Nature if he wants to regain his lost happiness. He should develop true love for Nature. He should accept Nature as his friend and guide. Only then can he be happy again. He can be as happy and carefree as Nature herself is. Such was Wordsworth’s firm belief and also Nature’s holy plan.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 1 Lines Written in Early Spring

Central Idea Of The Poem in Hindi:

कविता का केन्द्रीय भाव यह है कि प्रकृति से मनुष्य की जुदाई उसकी सभी बुराइयों और चिन्ताओं का कारण है। मनुष्य भौतिक चीज़ों के लिए लालची बन गया है। उसे कोई मानसिक शान्ति नहीं है। उसे प्रकृति की तरफ़ वापस जाना होगा, यदि वह अपनी खोई हुई खुशी फिर से प्राप्त करना चाहता है। उसे प्रकृति के साथ सच्चा प्यार बनाना चाहिए। उसे प्रकृति को अपना मित्र और मार्गदर्शक स्वीकार करना चाहिए। केवल तभी वह फिर से प्रसन्न हो सकता है। वह उतना ही प्रसन्न तथा चिन्तारहित हो सकता है जितनी स्वयं प्रकृति है। वर्डज़वर्थ का ऐसा पक्का विश्वास था और यही प्रकृति की पवित्र योजना भी थी।

PSEB 11th Class English Message Writing

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class English Book Solutions English Message Writing Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 11th Class English Message Writing

A messsage is a piece of information, news, request, etc. sent to somebody in writing, speech, by telephone, etc. Telephone is the quickest means of sending a message. Sometimes it so happens that a message is received on telephone, but the person for whom the message is meant is not at hand. So someone else has to receive it. And if he himself has to go out, he has to leave in writing the message for the person for whom it is meant.

Always Remember :

  1. Address need not be given in a written message.
  2. Salutation should be very brief (e.g. Dear Uncle).
  3. Date and time of penning down the message should be given.
  4. Mention Clearly mention the name of the person from whom the message was received.
  5. Only important points should be written.
  6. The language used should be very clear and comprehensible.
  7. Nothing should be added of your own.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Message Writing

A specimen of message writing

Read the following telephonic conversation between Mrs Gupta and Surinder. Mrs Gupta is about to leave home and won’t be able to meet her son, Sanjay. She leaves a message for him. Write this message in your answer sheet in not more than 50 words. Put your message in a box.

The telephone rings and Mrs Gupta lifts the receiver.
Mrs Gupta : Hello ?
Suriner : Hello, could I speak to Sanjay ? This is Surinder.
Mrs Gupta : He’s not at home, dear. He has gone out with one of his friends.
Suriner : Oh, what a pity ! Aunty, we have arranged a cricket match this morning and we want him to play on our side. He’s such a good player. Please tell him to reach Kotla Grounds as soon as he comes. We shall be waiting for him.
Mrs Gupta : I won’t be able to meet him, but I’ll leave your message.
Suriner : Thanks, Aunty. Please don’t forget.
Mrs Gupta : Oh, never. Rest assured.
PSEB 11th Class English Message Writing 1

Examination-Style Examples of Messages

1. Read the following notes from the notepad of Shri M.A. Khan, the Principal of Samson Public School, Srinagar. He asks his assistant to draft a message on his behalf for Mr Q.M. Sagar, the Vice-Principal of the school. Using the information from the notepad, draft the message.

  • Request attend urgent meeting
  • Meeting in my office – 10 a.m. – today
  • Agenda – planning for a two-week excursion to Gangotri
  • Duration – 2 weeks – summer vacation
  • Inform – class teachers of X, XI & XII : – should attend meeting


8 April 20 ……
8.30 a.m.

Mr QM. Sgyar
( Vice-Principal)

You’ are requested to attend an urgent meeting along with the clars teachers of X, XI and XII in my office* at 10 a,.m. today to discuss the agenda regarding planning for a tun-ureeh excursion, to gangotri, during summer vacation, Teachers are reguasted to take their seats by 9.50 a,.m. sharp.

M.A. Khan

2. You are Miss Shahida. You received a telephone call from Mr Vivek who informs you to tell Mr Rashid, your brother, that a cricket match is arranged this morning and his participation is a must. You leave a message for Rashid. Write this message in not more than 50 words. Put your message in a box.
Message From Vivek

16 March 20 ……..
7.30 a,.m.

There mas a, callfor you,from Mr Vivek. He monied to tellyou, that a, cricket match has been arranged this morning and your participation, in it is a, must.


3. Read the given sample and complete the message suitably:
You wish to inform your mother, who hasn’t come home from duty, that you are going to your friend’s house to prepare a class project with her / him. Inform her about this, requesting her to phone you up as soon as she gets home, and also tell her about your time to return.

14 September 20 ……
5.30 p.m.

I am gouty to my friend Naseewis house to prepare a, class projest with huso. Please ring me up at my mobile number as soon as yon get homefrom duty. It’ll take me a, couple of hours before I am able to finish the project. However, l hope to be bask, before 8.00 p.m.


PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Message Writing

4. Read the following notes from the notepad of Shri Ramnath, Principal of Secondary School, Ram Nagar. He asks his assistant to draft a message on his behalf for the class representatives and the staff secretary. Using the information from the notepad, draft the message in not more than 50 words. Put the message in a box.

  • Growing tendency of not attending the school regularly.
  • Sending applications with one or the other excuse.
  • Indiscipline created there by
  • All the class representatives and the staff secretary to attend the meeting.

Message from the Principal
(For all Class Representatives and the Staff Secretary)

18 May 20 …..
11.30 a.m.

A growing tendency of net attending the school regularly has been noticed among me students and some members of the staff Applications for leave are sent wide one excuse or the other. It leads to the creation of indiscipline. To check this tendency, a, meeting will be held in the Principal’s office today in the recess period. All class representatives and the staff secretary should make it a point to attend the meeting.

For Principal
(P.A. to Principal)

5. You are Sonal, who has arrived at the New Delhi railway station to board the Shatabdi Express to Ludhiana. You hear the following announcement. Write a message to be sent to your father through your driver. Use not more than 50 words. Put the message in a box.

This is for the attention of all the passengers of the Shatabdi Express bound for Ludhiana scheduled to arrive at 6.55 a.m. The Shatabdi Express has derailed 20 kilometres from here. Please note that the Howrah Express that leaves the New Delhi railway station at 8.30 a.m, will carry all the passengers to their destination. You are requested not to buy a new ticket. Your ticket for the Shatabdi Express holds valid and at par for the Howrah Express. Additional coaches are being attached to the Howrah Express to accommodate passengers of the Shatabdi Express.

15 June 20 ……
6:40 a,m.
Respected Father

I shall be, going by the, Howrah, Express instead of the, Shatabdi Express. When, I resulted, the, New Delhi, railway station, to board, the, Shatabdi Express, it was announced, that the, train had, derailed, 20 kilometres from, here,. Ail the, Shatabdi passengers bound for Ludhiana, are now being accommodated in the Howrah, Express that will leone at 8.30 hrs. Till then, I shall be waiting at the station itself. And I am sending the driver bash.

Your Coving daughter

6. Mr Ujwal, the Managing Director of Ceramics India Ltd., asks his P.A. to draft a message for Mr Ramesh, the P.R.O. of his company. Use the following information in the M.D.’s notepad to draft the message. Put the message in a box. Your answer Should be in not more than 50 words.

  • Two dignitaries arriving from Delhi on 4th April.
  • Accommodation to be booked in a five-star hotel.
  • Show them around the factory.
  • Book return tickets for the 6th of April.


27 March 20……..

Two dignitaries are* arriving prom, Delhi an/ 4th April to visit our factory. Please/ arrange/ to booh suitable/ accommodationfor them/ ire a five/-star hotel of ike/ city. Also shour them/ around the/ factory at any time’ convenient to them/. They will be staying here/for two days. Also, booh their return/ tickets for the/ 6th of April.

(P.A. to M.D.)

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Message Writing

7. Read the following notes from the notepad of Mr Ram Nath, Principal, Secondary School, Ram Nagar. He asks his Office Superintendent to draft a message on his behalf for the Staff Secretary and the class representatives. Using the information from the notepad, draft the message in not more than 50 words. Put the message in a box.

  • Growing cases of bunking / missing class without any solid reason.
  • Most truants found in parks, cinema halls or wandering on the roads.
  • Indiscipline on the rise.
  • Strict measures needed.
  • All class representatives and the staff secretary to attend the meeting in my office at 10.30 a.m. tomorrow.



18 May 20 ……….
11 : 30 am

A growing tendency of bunking / missing classes has been noticed among the students. Most of such truants are seen Cohering in parks, cinema/ halls, etc. It leads to the creation of indiscipline. To check this tendency, a/meeting will beheld in the Principal’s office tomorrour at 1030 am. All class representatives and the staff secretary should make it a point to attend the meeting.

Far Principal
(Office Superintendent)

Exercise From Grammar Book (Fully Solved)

Read the following telephonic conversation and write the message.
Kunaal : Hello, can I speak to Jasmine ?
Saina : Hello, Jasmine is not at home. I am her friend.
Kunaal : Would you please give my message to her ?
Saina : I will. Please tell me what do you want me to tell her ?
Kunaal : Kindly tell her we shall be visiting her office tomorrow at 11.00 for accounts inspection. She should keep her records ready.
Saina : I will convey your message to her.

ZS August 20 ……..

Mr Kunaal rang up to inform you, that they unit be inciting your office tomorrow out 11.00 a.m. for accounts inspection. You have to keep- your records ready.


2. Read the following telephonic conversation and write the message.

Mrs. Gupta : Hello, am I speaking to Seema ?
Maid : Good morning, madam. Memsahib is not at home. I am her maid.
Mrs. Gupta : Will you convey my message to her ?
Maid : Please tell me, madam.
Mrs. Gupta : Please tell her that my son is getting engaged on this Saturday. The marriage ceremony is going to be solemnized at Hotel Taj, Mumbai, on coming Monday at 7.00 p.m. She, along with her family, is invited to attend the ceremony. Her attendance will be highly appreciated.
Maid : I will convey your message.
Mrs. Gupta : Thanks.

14 July 20 ……….

There was a call from Mrs (Jupta. Her souls engagement is taking place on this Saturday. Marriage ceremony will be solemnuced at Hotel Tag, Mumbai, on the coming Monday at 7.00 p.m. You are inmted to attend true ceremony with family. Your attendance will be highly appreciated.



1. You are Nanny / Namit. In her absence, your sister Reema’s boss makes a Telephone call. He tells you to pass on the following message to Reema which you note down on the notepad.

  • Extension of her leave not approved
  • Must report to office on Monday morning
  • Important contract has to be signed
  • Documents have to be ready by lunch-time on Monday.

You have to leave for a party, so you decide to leave the message. Write down the message for Reena in not more than 50 words.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Message Writing

2. Mr Vikram Batra, the Managing Director of Oswal Mills, asks his P.A. to draft a message for Mr Rajan Jain, the RR.O. of his company. Use the following information to draft the message. Put the message in a box. Your answer should be in not more than 50 words.

  • Two dignitaries arriving from Mumbai on 14th August.
  • Accommodation to be booked in Hayat Regency.
  • Show them around the mill.
  • Book return tickets for the 16th August.

3. Read the following telephonic conversation between Kusha and Armaan. Armaan will not be able to meet Moksh. He leaves a message for him. Write this message, using not more than 50 words. Put the’ message in a box.

Kusha : Hello ! Hello ! I am Kusha from Chandigarh. Can I speak to Moksh ? I am his sister.
Armaan : Hello ! Kusha, I am Armaan, Moksh’s colleague. Moksh is on leave today. Can I take a message ?
Kusha : Yes, Armaan. I am coming to Delhi tomorrow. Ask him to pick me up at the airport. I have an interview for the post of Scientist at NPL on the day after tomorrow.
Armaan : Which flight are you coming on ?
Kusha : It is the Jetline flight which arrives there at 7:15 in the morning. I am also bringing along that big box which contains his books. I hope it won’t be any trouble for you.
Armaan : Not at all. I will leave a message on his table. Okay, Kusha.
Kusha : Thank you Armaan. Bye.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Chapter 10 No Time for Fear

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class English Book Solutions Chapter 10 No Time for Fear Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 11 English Chapter 10 No Time for Fear

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Who were Malcolm and Barb?
Malcolm and Barb, described in this story, were two young CanadiAnswer:Malcolm was a young boy of 19 and Barb was his girlfriend. She was 18 years old. Barb and Malcolm loved each other very much.

इस कहानी में वर्णित मैल्कम और बार्ब दो युवा कैनेडा-निवासी थे। मैल्कम एक उन्नीस-वर्षीय लड़का था और बार्ब उसकी प्रेमिका थी। वह अठारह वर्ष की थी। बार्ब और मैल्कम एक-दूसरे से बहुत प्रेम करते थे।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Chapter 10 No Time for Fear

Question 2.
Where did they go on their date ?
Malcolm and Barb went on their date to Balu Pass, 2050 metres up in British Columbia’s Glacier National Park. Both of them had deep love for mountains.

मैल्कम और बार्ब ब्रिटिश कोलम्बिया के ग्लेशियर नैशनल पार्क में 2050 मीटर ऊपर बालू पर घूमने गए थे। दोनों पहाड़ों से अत्यधिक प्रेम करते थे।

Question 3.
Why were they forced to spend the night in a cabin ?
They had gone on a hike to Balu Pass. The climb up to the Pass was smooth. But when they reached the top, they were caught in a freak snow flurry. So they were compelled to spend the night in an alpine cabin.

वे बालू दर्रे पर लम्बी पदयात्रा पर गए थे। दर्रे तक तो चढ़ाई बड़े आराम से चलती रही। परन्तु जब वे शिखर पर पहुंचे तो वे एक अकस्मात् हुए हिमपात में फंस गए। इसलिए उन्हें एक ऊंची पहाड़ी झोपड़ी में रात बितानी पड़ी।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Chapter 10 No Time for Fear

Question 4.
Who attacked Barb ?
When Malcolm and Barb were coming back after their trip to the Balu pass, suddenly a grizzly came over a ridge and attacked Barb. It was a she-bear. The grizzly stood on Barb’s leg and started biting hard near the back of her neck.

मैल्कम और बार्ब जब बालू दर्रे की अपनी यात्रा से वापस लौट रहे थे, एक खुंखार भूरा रीछ एक ढालुआं पहाड़ी के दूसरी तरफ से आ गया और बार्ब पर हमला कर दिया। वह एक मादा रीछ थी। वह रीछ बार्ब की टांगों पर खड़ी हो गई और उसकी पीठ के निकट गर्दन पर दांतों से जोर-जोर से काटने लगी।

Question 5.
How did Malcolm try to save Barb from the grizzly ?
When Malcolm saw the grizzly standing on Barb’s leg and gnawing at her neck, he realized that there was no time for fear. So without losing a moment, he rushed at the grizzly. To save Barb from the grizzly, Malcolm thrust his hunting knife into its neck.

जब मैल्कम ने देखा कि खुंखार भूरी रीछ बार्ब की टांगों पर खड़ी थी और उसकी गर्दन पर दांतों से काट रही थी, उसे एहसास हो गया कि गंवाने को बिल्कुल भी समय नहीं था। इसलिए एक भी पल गंवाए बगैर, वह रीछ पर टूट पड़ा। बार्ब को रीछ से बचाने के लिए मैल्कम ने अपना शिकार करने वाला चाकू उसके गले में घुसेड़ दिया।

Question 6.
Why did the grizzly leave Malcolm ?
When Malcolm attacked at the grizzly and plunged his knife into her neck to save Barb, the grizzly at once turned to Malcolm. It grabbed Malcolm with both her paws, Malcolm stopped struggling. The grizzly took him for dead. So she left Malcolm and went away.

जब मैल्कम ने खुंखार भूरी रीछ पर धावा बोला और बार्ब को बचाने के लिए उसकी (रीछ की) गर्दन में अपना चाकू घुसेड़ दिया, तो रीछ एकदम से मैल्कम की ओर घूमी। उसने मैल्कम को अपने दोनों पंजों से पकड़ लिया। मैल्कम ने संघर्ष करना बंद कर दिया। रीछ ने उस मरा हुआ समझ लिया। इसलिए उसने मैल्कम को छोड़ दिया और वहां से चली गई।

Question 7.
What did Barb do when she saw Malcolm after the grizzly had gone ?
When the grizzly had gone, Barb came to Malcolm. She was deeply shocked to find Malcolm seriously wounded. His face had been split. His one knee-cap was torn off. His front teeth were broken and his one eye was badly wounded. Barb threw her coat on Malcolm and ran back towards the lodge to call for help.

जब रीछ जा चुकी थी, तो बार्ब मैल्कम के पास आई। उसे यह देख कर गहरा आघात लगा कि मैल्कम गंभीर रूप से घायल था। उसका चेहरा चिर गया था। उसकी एक घुटने की चपनी कट कर अलग हो गई थी। उसके आगे के दांत टूट गए थे और उसकी एक आंख बुरी तरह जख्मी हो गई थी। बार्ब ने मैल्कम के ऊपर अपना कोट फेंक दिया और सहायता लेने के लिए वापस लॉज की तरफ भागी।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Chapter 10 No Time for Fear

Question 8.
Who was Gordy Peyto ? What did he say to Malcolm ?
Gordy Peyto was a warden. He was also a good friend of Malcolm. Gordy Peyto tried to cheer Malcolm saying that he always felt exhausted while looking for him.

गोर्डी पेयटो एक वार्डन (रक्षक) था। वह मैल्कम का एक अच्छा मित्र भी था। उसने यह कहते हुए मैल्कम को खुश करने की कोशिश की कि वह हमेशा ही उसे ढूंढते-ढूंढते थक जाता था।

Question 9.
Who was Ned Clough? How did the he help Malcolm ?
Ned Clough was a first-aid attendant. When Malcolm was badly wounded by the grizzly, Ned Clough came there with the rescuers. He wrapped Malcolm’s face. Then Ned strapped Malcolm in a stretcher and also sent a wireless message and arranged for an helicopter to take him to a hospital.

नेद क्लाऊ एक प्राथमिक उपचार सहायक था। जब मैल्कम को खुंखार रीछ द्वारा घायल कर दिया गया था, तो नेद क्लाऊ बचावकारियों के साथ वहां आया था। उसने मैल्कम के चेहरे को लपेट दिया। फिर नेद क्लाऊ ने मैल्कम को एक स्टेचर से कसकर बांध दिया और एक वायरलेस संदेश भी भेज दिया और उसे अस्पताल ले जाने के लिए एक हेलीकॉप्टर का प्रबंध भी कर दिया था।

Question 10.
What, according to the doctor, was like putting a jigsaw puzzle together?
According to the doctor, restoring Malcolm’s face was like putting a jigsaw puzzle together. Malcolm was seriously injured by the grizzly. There were several cuts on his face. His one eye was torn off. This was the reason that the doctor said that restroing Malcolm’s face was like putting a jigsaw puzzle together.

डॉक्टर के अनुसार, मैल्कम के चेहरे को फिर से ठीक करना एक जिगसॉ पहेली को जोड़ने जैसा था। मैल्कम को रीछ द्वारा गंभीर रूप से घायल कर दिया गया था। उसका चेहरा कई जगहों से कट गया था। उसकी एक आंख कट कर अलग हो गई थी। इसी कारण से डॉक्टर ने कहा था कि मैल्कम के चहेरे को दोबारा ठीक करना एक जिगसॉ पहेली को जोड़ने जैसा था।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Chapter 10 No Time for Fear

Question 11.
What made Malcolm almost sick ?
When Malcolm looked at himself in the mirror, he saw that he had become very ugly. His face was disfigured and horribly ugly. He had no hair left. Thick scars criss-crossed one side of his face. His skin was puffy and ugly shiny-red. All this made him almost sick.

मैल्कम ने जब शीशे में अपने आपको देखा, तो उसने देखा कि वह बहुत कुरूप हो गया था। उसका चेहरा विकृत हो गया था और भयानक रूप से कुरूप हो गया था। उसके कोई बाल नहीं बचे थे। उसके चेहरे के एक तरफ घावों के निशानों का ताना-बाना सा बन गया था। उसकी चमड़ी फूल गई थी और यह चमकीले लाल रंग वाली भद्दीसी थी। इस सब से उसे मानो उबकाई आने लग गई।

Question 12.
Why did he ignore Barb’s letters ?
After his encounter with the grizzly, Malcolm was reduced to a. freak. He had no hair left on his head. His face was a criss-cross of scars. His skin was puffy. It was ugly shinyred. This was the reason why he ignored Barb’s letters. He thought that she couldn’t love an ugly person like him..

रीछ के साथ हुई लड़ाई के बाद मैल्कम की शक्ल एक अप्राकृतिक चीज़ जैसी हो गई। उसके सिर पर बाल नहीं थे। उसके चेहरे पर घावों के निशानों का एक ताना-बाना बन गया था। उसकी चमड़ी फूली हुई थी। यह चमकीले लाल रंग वाली और भद्दी थी। यही कारण था कि उसने बार्ब के पत्रों को अनदेखा कर दिया। उसने सोचा कि वह उसके जैसे कुरूप व्यक्ति से प्यार नहीं कर सकती थी।

Question 13.
Barb wrote to. Malcolm, It’s a leap year.’ What is the significance of this term ?
It refers to an old custom. In a leap year, if a woman proposed to a man, he had to accept it unless he was already engaged. Bard sent her marriage proposal to Malcolm in 1972, a leap year. She wanted to draw his attention to the leap year because she sincerely wished him to accept her proposal.

यह एक पुराने रिवाज की ओर संकेत करता है। किसी लीप वर्ष में यदि कोई स्त्री किसी पुरुष के सामने विवाहप्रस्ताव रखती थी, तो उसे इसे स्वीकार करना ही पड़ता था यदि वह पहले किसी दूसरी जगह वचनबद्ध न हो। बार्ब ने मैल्कम के सामने शादी का प्रस्ताव 1972 में रखा जो कि एक लीप वर्ष था। वह उसका ध्यान लीप वर्ष की ओर इसलिए खींचना चाहती थी क्योंकि वह सचमुच चाहती थी कि वह उसके प्रस्ताव को स्वीकार कर ले।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Chapter 10 No Time for Fear

Question 14.
When did they get married ?
They got married on 21 July, 1973.
उन्होंने 21 जुलाई 1973 को विवाह कर लिया।

Question 15.
Why did Barb marry Malcolm ?
Barb truly loved Malcolm very much. Her love for him was not physical, but spiritual. She did not love him for his looks. She could not reject or dislike her Malcolm for his disfigured face. She loved Malcolm before the accident and would always love him. ‘Scars don’t change a man,’ she said.

बार्ब मैल्कम से सचमुच बहुत प्यार करती थी। उसके प्रति उसका प्रेम दैहिक नहीं, बल्कि आत्मिक था। वह उससे उसके रंग-रूप के कारण प्रेम नहीं करती थी। वह अपने मैल्कम को उसके विकृत चेहरे के कारण अस्वीकार या नापसंद नहीं कर सकती थी। वह मैल्कम से दुर्घटना से पहले भी प्यार करती थी और हमेशा प्यार करती रहती। ‘ज़ख़्मों के निशान होने से आदमी बदल नहीं जाता,’ उसका कहना था।

Question 16.
What was heroic about Malcolm’s encounter with the grizzly?
Malcolm saw the grizzly gnawing at the back of Barb’s neck. He ran at once to attack it with his hunting knife. It was really heroic on his part that he put his own life in danger to save Barb.

मैल्कम ने रीछ को बार्ब की गर्दन की पिछली तरफ दांतों से काटते हुए देखा। वह तुरन्त उस पर अपने शिकार वाले चाकू से हमला करने के लिए भागा। यह उसकी ओर से किया गया सचमुच एक वीरतापूर्ण कार्य था कि उसने बार्ब को बचाने के लिए अपनी जान खतरे में डाल दी।

Question 17.
What was the event that created an inner crisis for Malcolm when he was recovering?
One day in hospital, Malcolm stood before the bathroom mirror and had a first look at himself after the accident. He felt shocked to see how ugly he looked. He lost all interest in life. This event created an inner crisis for Malcolm when he was recovering.

अस्पताल में एक दिन मैल्कम स्नानघर के दर्पण के सामने खड़ा हो गया और उस दुर्घटना के बाद पहली बार अपने आपको (दर्पण में) देखा। उसे यह देख कर आघात लगा कि वह कितना बदसूरत दिखता था। उसको अपने जीवन में कोई रुचि न रही। इस घटना ने मैल्कम के लिए एक संकट-स्थिति उत्पन्न कर दी, जब वह ठीक हो रहा था।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Chapter 10 No Time for Fear

Question 18.
What does the writer mean by Christmas-time despondency?
One day close to Christmas, Malcolm chanced to look into the mirror. He saw his face for the first time after the accident. He was deeply shocked to see how ugly his face had become. It sent him into deep depression.

क्रिसमस के निकट एक दिन अचानक मैल्कम ने दर्पण में खुद को देखा। दुर्घटना के बाद उसने पहली बार अपना चेहरा देखा था। यह देख कर उसे गहरा सदमा लगा कि उसका चेहरा कितना बदसूरत हो गया था। इससे वह गहरी निराशा में चला गया।

Question 19.
What does the writer mean by ‘rejection period’ ?
Malcolm was deeply shocked to see his ugly face. He began to hate the world and himself. He refused to meet even his parents and close friends. This period in Malcolm’s life has been termed as the “rejection period.

मैल्कम को अपने बदसूरत चेहरे को देखकर बहुत गहरा सदमा लगा। वह दुनिया से तथा स्वयं से घृणा करने लगा। उसने अपने माता-पिता तथा अपने घनिष्ठ मित्रों से भी मिलने से इनकार कर दिया। मैल्कम के जीवन के इस काल को ‘इनकारियों का दौर’ कहा जाता है।

Question 20.
Why did Malcolm not respond to Barb’s letters when he was in the hospital ? How did Barb’s unexpected visit pull Malcolm out of his despondency?
Malcolm’s face had become very ugly. He thought Barb would not love him any longer. So he did not respond to her letters. One day, Malcolm lay sadly on his hospital bed. He was feeling deeply shocked over his ugliness. Suddenly, Barb came there after covering a long distance. Her sweet talk pulled Malcolm out of his despondency.

मैल्कम का चेहरा बहुत कुरूप हो गया था। उसे लगता था कि बार्ब अब उससे प्रेम नहीं करेगी। इसलिए वह उसके पत्रों का उत्तर नहीं देता था। एक दिन मैल्कम अस्पताल में अपने बिस्तर पर उदास पड़ा था। वह अपनी कुरूपता पर गहरे रूप से दु:खी हो रहा था। अचानक बार्ब एक बहुत लम्बी दूरी तय करने के बाद वहां आ पहुंची। उसकी मीठी-मीठी बातों ने मैल्कम को उसकी निराशा से बाहर निकाल लिया।

Question 21.
How and when did Barb propose to Malcolm ?
Barb sent her marriage proposal to Malcolm through a letter. She pointed out that it was a ‘leap year’, meaning that Malcolm must accept her proposal of marriage if he was not already engaged. It was in January, 1972.

बार्ब ने मैल्कम को विवाह का प्रस्ताव एक पत्र के माध्यम से भेजा। उसने इस बात की ओर ध्यान दिलाया कि यह एक लीप वर्ष था, जिसका अर्थ था कि मैल्कम को उसका विवाह का प्रस्ताव स्वीकार करना ही होगा, यदि वह पहले से ही किसी दूसरी जगह वचनबद्ध नहीं था। यह जनवरी 1972 की बात है।

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
How did the grizzly injure Malcolm ?
The grizzly threw Malcolm off with one swat of her paw. Malcolm went blank for a moment. Then the grizzly attacked Barb. She stood on Barb’s leg and started biting hard near the back of Barb’s neck. When Malcolm saw, this he realized that there was no time for fear.

So without losing a moment, he rushed at the grizzly and plunged his hunting knife into her neck. The grizzly at once twisted her head so powerfully that Malcolm’s right wrist was broken.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Chapter 10 No Time for Fear

Then the grizzly caught Malcolm in her paws. And squeezing him tightly, the grizzly gave Malcolm such a blow that his scalp along with the hair was gone like a wig. The grizzly mauled his face very badly. Malcolm’s face had been split. His front teeth were broken and one of his eyes was torn off.

रीछ ने अपने पंजे से एक चपत लगाकर मैल्कम को दूर फेंक दिया। एक पल के लिए मैल्कम अचेत हो गया। फिर रीछ ने बार्ब पर हमला कर दिया। वह बार्ब की टांग पर खड़ी हो गई और बार्ब की गर्दन के पिछले हिस्से के पास जोर-जोर से दांत गड़ाने लगी। जब मैल्कम ने यह देखा, तो उसे अहसास हो गया कि अब डरने के लिए कोई समय नहीं था।

अतः एक भी पल गंवाए बगैर वह रीछ पर टूट पड़ा और उसकी गर्दन में अपना शिकार करने वाला चाकू घुसेड़ दिया। रीछ ने एकदम से अपना सिर इतने ज़ोर से घुमाया कि मैल्कम की दाहिनी कलाई टूट गई। फिर रीछ ने मैल्कम को अपने पंजों से पकड़ लिया।

और उसे कसकर दबाते हुए, रीछ ने मैल्कम को ऐसा चूंसा मारा कि उसकी खोपडी बालों समेत एक विग की भांति उड़ गई। रीछ ने उसकी शक्ल का नक्शा बुरी तरह से बिगाड़ दिया। मैल्कम का चेहरा चिर गया था। उसके आगे के दांत टूट गए थे और उसकी एक आंख बाहर निकल गई थी।

Question 2.
Describe, in brief, Malcolm’s treatment in the hospital after the attack of the grizzly.
When the grizzly left Malcolm and went away, Barb came to him and saw him lying in a serious condition. She ran back to the lodge for help. Soon the rescuers reached there. Ned Clough, a first-aid attendant, wrapped Malcolm’s face and the chewed gashes on his legs in gauge.

Then the rescuers strapped him in a stretcher. Then they sent a wireless message and arranged for a helicopter. Malcolm was taken to Queen Victoria Hospital in Revelstoke. An emergency operation lasting seven hours was performed on him. More than 1000 stitches were put on his body.

Then he was taken to a hospital in his hometown, Edmonton. Here 41 skin-graft operations were done on him. The doctors assured him that he would look fine after the grafts were finished and the bandages removed.

जब रीछ ने मैल्कम को छोड़ दिया और चली गई, तो बार्ब उसके पास आई और देखा कि वह गंभीरावस्था में पड़ा था। वह सहायता लेने के लिए दौड़ कर लॉज की तरफ़ वापस चली गई। शीघ्र ही बचावकारी वहां आ पहुंचे। नेद क्लाऊ, जोकि एक प्राथमिक उपचार सहायक था, ने मैल्कम के चेहरे को लपेट दिया और उसकी टांगों पर के गहरे घावों पर पट्टी बांध दी। इसके पश्चात् बचावकारियों ने उसे एक स्ट्रैचर में डाल दिया।

फिर उन्होंने एक वायरलेस संदेश भेजा और एक हेलीकॉप्टर का प्रबंध किया। मैल्कम को रेवल्स्टोक में क्वीन विक्टोरिया अस्पताल लेकर जाया गया। उसका एक एमरजेन्सी ऑपरेशन किया गया जोकि सात घंटे तक चला। उसके शरीर में एक हजार से ज्यादा टांके लगाए गए। फिर उसे उसके गृहनगर, एडमण्टन, के एक अस्पताल में ले जाया गया।

यहां उसके 41 त्वचारोपण के ऑपरेशन किए गए। डॉक्टरों ने उसे विश्वास दिलाया कि त्वचा-रोपण ऑपरेशनों तथा पट्टियां उतर जाने के बाद वह बढ़िया दिखने लगेगा।

Question 3.
Why did Barb continue writing letters to Malcolm ?
After his encounter with the grizzly, Malcolm was reduced to a freak. He had no hair on his head. His face was a criss-cross of scars. His skin had become ugly shiny-red. When Malcolm discovered that he had become very ugly, he started ignoring Barb’s letters.

He thought that Barb could not love an ugly person like him. But Barb didn’t give up writing to Malcolm. She wrote to Malcolm faithfully five to seven letters a week even though he never responded.

Barb did so because she loved Malcolm before as well as after the accident. “Scars don’t change the person, she said. She also sent her marriage proposal to Malcolm through a letter in January 1972. In this letter, she pointed out that it was a leap year’, meaning that Malcolm must accept her proposal of marriage if he was not already engaged.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Chapter 10 No Time for Fear

रीछ से झड़प के बाद मैल्कम एक अप्राकृतिक जीव-सा दिखने लगा था। उसके सिर पर कोई बाल नहीं थे। उसके चेहरे पर घावों के निशानों का ताना-बाना सा बना था। उसकी चमड़ी चमकीली लाल रंग वाली और भद्दी हो गई थी। जब मैल्कम को पता चला कि वह बहुत कुरूप हो गया है, तो उसने बार्ब के पत्रों को अनदेखा करना शुरू कर दिया।

उसने सोचा कि बार्ब उसके जैसे किसी कुरूप व्यक्ति से प्यार नहीं कर सकती। लेकिन बार्ब ने मैल्कम को पत्र लिखना बन्द नहीं किया। उसने विश्वासपूर्वक मैल्कम को हरेक सप्ताह पांच से सात पत्र. तक लिखे, यद्यपि उसने उनका उत्तर कभी नहीं दिया। बार्ब ने ऐसा इसलिए किया क्योंकि वह मैल्कम को दुर्घटना के पहले भी प्यार करती थी तथा बाद में भी प्यार करती थी। ‘घावों के निशान से आदमी नहीं बदल जाता,’ वह कहती।

उसने जनवरी 1972 में मैल्कम को एक पत्र के जरिए विवाह-प्रस्ताव भी भेजा। उस पत्र में उसने इशारा किया कि वह एक लीप वर्ष था, जिसका अर्थ था मैल्कम को उसका विवाह-प्रस्ताव स्वीकार करना ही पड़ता, यदि वह पहले से ही किसी और जगह वचनबद्ध नहीं था।

Question 4.
Describe, in brief, Barb and Malcolm’s meeting in the hospital.
Malcolm had stopped responding to Barb’s letters. He thought that nobody could love a man with such an ugly face. He refused to meet even his parents and close friends. But one fine morning, Malcolm was filled with surprise when he saw Barb walking into his hospital room.

She had reached there after a long journey of 1250 kilometres. She came there to cheer up Malcolm. The two sat together and talked for a long time. Malcolm was stubbornly aloof. But Barb’s presence forced him to think of the good past days he had spent in her company. However, he could not decide whether Barb still loved him or not.

मैल्कम ने बार्ब के पत्रों के उत्तर देने बंद कर दिए थे। उसका सोचना था कि ऐसे भद्दे चेहरे वाले आदमी से कोई प्यार नहीं कर सकता था। उसने अपने माता-पिता तथा अपने घनिष्ठ मित्रों तक से मिलना बंद कर दिया। लेकिन एक खूबसूरत सुबह को मैल्कम चकित रह गया जब उसने बार्ब को अपने अस्पताल के कमरे में प्रवेश करते देखा।

वह 1250 किलोमीटर लम्बी यात्रा करके वहां पहंची थी। वह वहां मैल्कम को खश करने के लिए आई थी। दोनों इकट्ठे बैठ गए तथा काफी देर तक बातें करते रहे। मैल्कम हठपूर्वक अलग हुआ बैठा रहा। परन्तु बार्ब की उपस्थिति ने उसे अतीत में उसके साथ बिताए गए अच्छे दिनों को याद करने को मजबूर कर दिया। किंतु वह फैसला नहीं कर पाया कि बार्ब उससे अभी भी प्यार करती थी या नहीं।

Question 5.
What awards were given to Malcolm for his bravery ?
Malcolm had put his own life in danger to save Barb from the grizzly. Malcolm was awarded many medals for his rare courage, bravery and sense of sacrifice. The Royal Humane Society, London, awarded him the Stanhope Gold Medal for performing the bravest deed in the entire Commonwealth.

He received the Gold Medal for bravery from the Royal Canadian Humane Association. Malcolm was honoured with the Carnegie Medal for the heroism that he had shown in his encounter with the grizzly and in saving the life of his beloved, Barb. He received this medal from the Carnegie Hero Fund Commission.

बार्ब को बचाने के लिए मैल्कम ने अपनी जिंदगी खतरे में डाल दी थी। मैल्कम को उसके दुलर्भ साहस, बहादुरी तथा त्याग की भावना के लिए बहुत से मैडल प्रदान किए गए। लंदन की रॉयल युमेन सोसायटी ने उसे समूचे राष्ट्रमंडल में सबसे अधिक वीरतापूर्ण काम करने के लिए स्टैनहोप गोल्ड मैडल प्रदान किया।

उसने रॉयल कैनेडियन ह्यूमेन सोसायटी से अपनी वीरता के लिए गोल्ड मैडल प्राप्त किया। अपनी प्रेमिका, बार्ब, की जिंदगी बचाने के लिए रीछ से लड़कर जो बहादुरी मैल्कम ने दिखाई थी, उसके लिए उसे कारनेगी पदक से सम्मानित किया गया। उसने यह पदक कारनेगी हीरो फंड कमीशन से प्राप्त किया था।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Chapter 10 No Time for Fear

Question 6.
Write a paragraph on : ‘True Love Knows No Barriers’.
True love is the noblest feeling of heart. It is true love that lasts for ever. The path of love is not smooth. The lovers have to face many hardships. Sometimes, the situations become so weird that the fever of love seems to cool down.

But it’s not so. True love is not based on conditions. It doesn’t change with the situations. It always remains the same. The story, “No Time for Fear’, also shows the beloved’s unswerving love for her lover.

She doesn’t turn away from him when he becomes very ugly after his encounter with the grizzly. She marries him because she loves him the same as she loved him before that accident. It’s truly said that true love knows no barriers.

सच्चा प्यार दिल की सबसे सुन्दर भावना होता है। यह सच्चा प्यार ही होता है जो हमेशा कायम रहता है। प्यार का रास्ता आसान नहीं होता। प्रेमियों को कई मुश्किलों का सामना करना पड़ता है। कभी-कभी परिस्थितियां इतनी विकट हो जाती हैं कि ऐसा लगने लगता हैं कि अब प्यार का बुखार ठंडा पड़ जाएगा।

परन्तु ऐसा नहीं होता है। सच्चा प्यार शर्तों पर नहीं टिका होता। यह परिस्थितियों के साथ बदलता नहीं है। यह सदा एक जैसा रहता है। ‘No Time for Fear’ कहानी भी अपने प्रेमी के लिए प्रेमिका के अडोल प्यार को दर्शाती है। वह उससे मुंह नहीं मोड़ती, जब वह एक रीछ के साथ हुई अपनी मुठभेड़ के बाद बहुत बदसूरत हो जाता है।

वह उससे विवाह इसलिए करती है क्योंकि वह अब भी उससे उतना ही प्यार करती है जितना कि वह उससे दुर्घटना से पहले किया करती थी। सच ही कहा गया है कि सच्चा प्यार कोई अड़चनें नहीं जानता।

Question 7.
Write a note on Malcolm’s encounter with the grizzly.
Malcolm and Barb were coming back after their trip to the Balu Pass. Suddenly, a fierce grizzly came over a ridge and attacked Malcolm. It was a she-bear. With one swat of her paw, she threw off Malcolm. He went blank for a moment.

When he raised his head, he saw Barb lying face down. The grizzly was gnawing at her neck. Malcolm at once realised that there was no time for fear. He took out his hunting knife and plunged it into the grizzly’s neck. The grizzly at once turned and caught Malcolm in her paws.

He was badly mauled. His right wrist was broken. One of his eyes was also torn off. The skin on one side of his face was ripped loose. His hair and part of the skull were gone. Now, Malcolm stopped struggling. The grizzly took him for dead. She left him and went away.

बालू दर्रे की अपनी सैर के पश्चात् मैल्कम और बार्ब लौट रहे थे। अचानक एक भयानक (भूरे रंग का) रीछ पहाड़ी के ऊपर से आया और उसने मैल्कम पर आक्रमण कर दिया। यह एक मादा रीछ थी। अपने पंजे की एक ही चपत से उसने मैल्कम को दूर फेंक दिया। वह पल-भर के लिए बेसुध हो गया।

जब उसने अपना सिर उठाया तो उसने बार्ब को मुंह के बल पड़ा हुआ देखा। मैल्कम ने तुरन्त महसूस कर लिया कि अब भयभीत होने का कोई समय नहीं था। उसने अपना शिकार करने वाला चाकू निकाला और इसे रीछ की गर्दन में घुसेड़ दिया। रीछ तुरन्त मुड़ी और उसने मैल्कम को अपने पंजों में पकड़ लिया।

वह बुरी तरह से घायल हो गया। उसकी दाईं कलाई टूट गई। उसकी एक आंख भी निकल गई। उसके चेहरे की एक तरफ वाली चमड़ी कट कर लटकने लगी। उसके बाल और खोपड़ी का कुछ भाग चले गए। अब मैल्कम ने संघर्ष करना बन्द कर दिया। रीछ ने उसे मरा हुआ समझ लिया। वह उसे छोड़ कर चली गई।

Question 8.
Describe the incident that started a ‘rejection period in Malcolm’s life.
Why did Malcolm not respond to Barb’s letters when he was in hospital ?
One day, a nurse was changing Malcolm’s bandages. She was called away momentarily. In the meantime, Malcolm walked into the bathroom and stood before a mirror. He wanted to see how he looked after his operations. And what he saw almost made him sick. He had no hair. His face was a criss-cross of scars. His skin was puffy. It was an ugly shiny-red.

This incident started a ‘rejection period’ in Malcolm’s life. It lasted several weeks. He refused to see even his parents or friends. He hated the world and himself. He thought nobody could love a man with such an ugly face. So he stopped responding to Barb’s letters.

एक दिन एक नर्स मैल्कम की पट्टियां बदल रही थी। उसे कुछ पलों के लिए वहां से बुला लिया गया। इसी बीच मैल्कम उठ कर गुसलखाने में चला गया और शीशे के सामने खड़ा हो गया। वह देखना चाहता था कि अपने आप्रेशनों के बाद वह कैसा लगता था। तथा जो उसने देखा, उससे उसे उबकाई-सी आने लगी।

उसके सिर पर कोई बाल नहीं थे। उसके चेहरे पर घावों के निशानों का एक ताना-बाना बना हुआ था। उसकी चमड़ी फूली हुई थी। यह अपने चमकीले लाल रंग के साथ बहुत भद्दी लग रही थी। इस घटना ने मैल्कम के जीवन में ‘इनकारियों का एक दौर’ शुरू कर दिया। वह दौर कई सप्ताह तक चलता रहा।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Chapter 10 No Time for Fear

उसने अपने माता-पिता अथवा मित्रों तक से मिलने से इनकार कर दिया। वह संसार और स्वयं से घृणा करने लगा। उसने सोचा कि इस तरह के भद्दे चेहरे वाले व्यक्ति से कोई प्यार नहीं कर सकता था। इसलिए उसने बार्ब के पत्रों का उत्तर देना बन्द कर दिया।

Question 9.
How did Barb show that ‘scars don’t change the person’ and that she loved Malcolm before as well as after the accident?
After his encounter with the grizzly, Malcolm was reduced to a freak. He had no hair on his head. His face was a criss-cross of scars. His skin was puffy. It was an ugly shinyred. Malcolm thought that nobody could love a man with such an ugly face.

So he stopped responding to Barb’s letters. However, Barb proved a true beloved. She continued writing to Malcolm. She even came to visit him in the hospital. All doubts from Malcolm’s mind were dispelled when she sent him a marriage proposal.

At last, they were married on 21 July 1973. Today, they are a happy married couple. Barb married Malcolm not because he had saved her life, but because she loved him. She often says, ‘Scars don’t change the person.

रीछ के साथ हुई मुठभेड़ के बाद मैल्कम की शक्ल एक अप्राकृतिक चीज़ जैसी हो गई। उसके सिर पर बाल नहीं थे। उसके चेहरे पर घावों के निशानों का एक ताना-बाना बन गया था। उसकी चमड़ी फूली हुई थी। यह चमकीले लाल रंग वाली और भद्दी थी। मैल्कम सोचता था कि इस तरह के भद्दे चेहरे वाले व्यक्ति से कोई भी प्यार नहीं कर सकता था। इसलिए उसने बार्ब के पत्रों का उत्तर देना बन्द कर दिया। किन्तु बार्ब एक सच्ची प्रेमिका सिद्ध हुई।

उसने मैल्कम को पत्र लिखने जारी रखे। वह उसे अस्पताल में मिलने के लिए भी आई। मैल्कम के मन से सभी सन्देह समाप्त हो गए जब बार्ब ने उसे विवाह का प्रस्ताव भेजा। आखिर 21 जुलाई 1973 को उनका विवाह हो गया। आज वे एक प्रसन्न विवाहित दम्पति हैं। बार्ब ने मैल्कम से इसलिए विवाह नहीं किया था क्योंकि उसने उसका जीवन बचाया था, बल्कि इसलिए क्योंकि वह उससे प्यार करती थी। वह प्रायः कहती है, ‘घावों के निशान पड़ने से व्यक्ति बदल नहीं जाता है।’

Question 10.
In the story, No Time for Fear’, what do you think is the most striking part without which the story would lose its interest ?
This story describes the bravery of a young Canadian, Malcolm. He risked his own life to save his girlfriend, Barb, from a grizzly. He was almost mauled to death. The doctors had to put 1000 stitches on his body. Forty-one skin-grafting operations were done on him. His life was saved, no doubt, but now he looked very ugly. He began to hate himself and the world.

All this is quite moving. But the most striking part of the story is Barb’s unswerving love for Malcolm. She does not turn away from him. By her true love, she brings back hope in Malcolm’s life. But for Barb’s true love, this story would lose all its interest.

यह कहानी मैल्कम नाम के एक युवा कैनेडा-निवासी की वीरता का वर्णन करती है। उसने अपनी प्रेमिका, बार्ब, को एक रीछ से बचाने के लिए अपने जीवन को जोखिम में डाल दिया। वह इतनी बुरी तरह से घायल हो गया कि लगभग मर ही गया था। डॉक्टरों को उसके शरीर में 1000 टांके लगाने पड़े। उस पर नई त्वचा लगाने के लिए 41 आप्रेशन किए गए।

निस्सन्देह उसका जीवन बचा लिया गया, किन्तु वह अब बहुत बदशक्ल दिखलाई देने लगा था। वह स्वयं से तथा संसार से घृणा करने लगा। यह सभी कुछ बहुत हृदय-स्पर्शी है। किन्तु कहानी का सबसे अधिक महत्त्वपूर्ण तत्त्व मैल्कम के लिए बार्ब का अडिग प्यार है। वह उससे मुंह नहीं मोड़ती है। अपने सच्चे प्यार के द्वारा वह मैल्कम के जीवन में फिर से आशा ले आती है। बार्ब के सच्चे प्यार के बिना इस कहानी की सारी रुचि समाप्त

Objective Type Questions

Question 1.
Who wrote the chapter, ‘No Time for Fear’ ?
Philip Yancey.

Question 2.
Which incident is described in this chapter ?
The incident of Barb and Malcolm’s encounter with a grizzly.

Question 3.
What does the chapter, ‘No Time for Fear’, describe ?
The bravery of a young Canadian, Malcolm.

Question 4.
Who was the girlfriend of Malcolm ?

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Chapter 10 No Time for Fear

Question 5.
Why was Malcolm crazed with anger ?
Because he saw the grizzly gnawing at Barb’s neck.

Question 6.
Why was there no time for fear?
Because Barb’s life was in danger.

Question 7.
How did Malcolm try to counter the grizzly’s attack when she bent to rip into his neck with her teeth ?
By striking at her sensitive nose.

Question 8.
Why did Barb run towards the lodge ?
To call for help.

Question 9.
Why did Malcolm try to get his haversack ?
To use it as a bandage.

Question 10.
Who was Malcolm’s good friend ?
Warden Gordy Peyto.

Question 11.
Why did Malcolm ignore Barb’s letters ?
Because he thought she couldn’t love an ugly person like him.

Question 12.
Did Barb still love Malcolm ?

Question 13.
Who proposed Malcolm for marriage ?

Question 14.
When were Malcolm’s doubts finally dispelled ?
When he received a proposal for marriage from Barb.

Question 15.
When did Barb and Malcolm get married ?
On 21 July, 1973.

Vocabulary And Grammar

1. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with suitable words selected from the box given below :

gurgling .grabbed ducked nauseated ripped despondency obligation throbbing sedation
1. She ……….. the opportunity as soon as it came to her.
2. When he threw a stone at me, I ………… a little and saved my head.
3. We saw water ………… down the hill.
4. The patient had to be given a light ……….. to relieve him of the pain.
5. After having lost the case, we returned home in a mood of ………
6. It will be a great personal ………… if you help me in this hour of need.
7. With a heart ……. hard, I entered the interview room to find that it was not so difficult an affair.
8. The brave soldier ………. into the enemy defence and blew up their camp.
9. I was badly …………. at the sight of blood and violence all around me.
1. grabbed
2. ducked
3. gurgling
4. sedation
5. despondency
6. obligation
7. throbbing
8. ripped
9. nauseated.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Chapter 10 No Time for Fear

(a) Form nouns from :

immortal, store, acquaint, expand, safe.
1. immortality
2. storage
3. acquaintance
4. expansion
5. safety.

(b) Form verbs from :

conservation, protection, life, description, attention.
1. conserve
2. protect
3. live
4. describe
5. attend.

(c) Form adjectives from :

plenty, salt, imagine, margin, violence.
1. plentiful
2. salty
3. imaginary
4. marginal
5. violent.

3. Fill in each blank with a suitable determiner :

1. …………. one incident started a rejection period lasting weeks. (each / that)
2. Our team won ……………. match. (an / the)
3. I am ……….. same person that you loved last summer. (a / the)
4. “How could ……….. one love a freak ? (each / any)
5. Malcolm could not answer ………… proposal. (both / her)
1. That
2. the
3. the
4. any
5. her.

4. Fill in each blank with a suitable modal :

1. It ………. rain tomorrow. (may / shall)
2. You ……… have liberty without discipline. (can’t / may not)
3. You would not ………….. to eat in public during Ramadan, in Dubai.(dare / must)
4. Tomorrow ………. be Sunday. (may / will)
5. He ………… be thirty next birthday. (shall / will)
1. may
2. can’t
3. dare (“dare’ is not a modal here, but a full verb.)
4. will
5. will.

5. Do as directed :

1. We must set things right before it is too late. (Rewrite after removing too)
2. Water is too important a resource to be wasted. (Remove ‘too)
3. The atom bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were really very destructive. (Use ‘too’ and rewrite the sentence)
4. Too much has been destroyed in the war. (Remove ‘too’ and rewrite the sentence)
5. Barb was too afraid to make a reply. (Rewrite after removing ‘too)
1. We must set things right before it is so late that we can’t mend them.
2. Water is so important a resource that it should not be wasted.
3. The atom bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were too destructive.
4. So much has been destroyed in the war that it can never be recovered.
5. Barb was so afraid that she could not make a reply.

No Time for Fear Summary & Translation in English

No Time for Fear Summary in English:

This chapter describes the story of two young Canadians Malcolm and Barb who displayed rare courage and bravery in the face of certain death. Malcolm was a young man of 19 and Barb was a young girl of 18. They had met only two months before.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Chapter 10 No Time for Fear

Both of them had a deep love for mountains. They went on a hiking trip to Balu Pass (in British Columbia’s Glacier National Park). The climb up to the Pass was smooth. But an unexpected snowfall forced them to spend the night in one of the Park’s mountain cabins.

Late next morning, when it had stopped snowing, the young couple began their downward journey. As they reached midway, they were caught in a dangerous situation. They saw two bear cubs playing about 20 metres to their right.

They felt certain that the mother bear must also be not far. (The mother bear was a grizzly a large fierce grey-brown bear of North America.) Malcolm and Barb decided to slip away quietly. But as Malcolm lifted his foot to go forward, the grizzly came charging towards him in full rage.

Within no time, the huge beast hit Malcolm with her paws. Malcolm fell down senseless. But when he raised his head, he saw the grizzly standing on Barb’s leg and biting hard near the back of her neck. Malcolm doeided there was no time for fear.

Without losing a moment, he rushed at the grizzly and plunged his hunting knife in her back. She roared loudly and shook her head backwards. The grizzly’s twist was so powerful that Malcolm’s knife was thrown away and his wrist was broken.

Now the growling bear attacked Malcolm again. Squeezing him tightly with her paws, she gave him such a blow that most of his scalp along with the hair was gone like a wig. Malcolm hit her on the nose again and again, but it had no effect on the huge beast.

The grizzly mauled his face badly. Malcolm thought he would certainly die now. He closed his eyes and became motionless. As soon as he stopped moving, the grizzly left him and went away. Malcolm called out to Barb in a weak tone if she was all right. But Barb did not answer for she was afraid that the grizzly was still around.

She crawled nearer and looked at Malcolm’s seriously wounded face. She told him to hold on, and ran back to the lodge for help. Malcolm lay there in a serious condition. His face had been split. His one knee-cap was torn off; his front teeth were broken and his one eye was badly wounded

Meanwhile, the rescuers reached there. They sent a wireless message and arranged for a helicopter. Malcolm was taken to Queen Victoria Hospital in Revelstoke. An emergency operation, lasting seven hours, was performed on him. More than 1000 stitches were put on his body.

Then he was taken to a hospital in his hometown, Edmonton. Here 41 skin-graft operations were done on him. The doctors assured him that he would look fine after the grafts were finished and the bandages removed. One day, close to Christmas, Malcolm was alone in the hospital room. He slowly moved to the bathroom and saw his unbandaged face in the mirror.

What he saw in the mirror made him sick. His face was horribly ugly and disfigured. It disappointed him so deeply that he refused to meet even his parents and close friends. He began to hate himself and the world. He stopped sending replies to Barb’s letters.

However, Barb continued writing to him regularly. One fine morning, Malcolm was filled with surprise when he saw Barb walking into his hospital room. She had reached there after a long journey of 1250 kilometres. The two sat together and talked for a long time.

Malcolm couldn’t decide whether Barb still loved him. However, his doubts were removed when in January 1972, he received from her a proposal for marriage. Finally, they married on 21 July, 1973.

Malcolm was awarded many medals for his rare courage, bravery and sense of sacrifice. Today Malcolm and Barb are a happy, married couple. Sometimes, people ask Barb if she married Malcolm out of a sense of obligation. She replies that she loved Malcolm before the accident and she will always love him as before. She firmly declares that scars don’t change a person.

No Time for Fear Translation in English:

A native of Atlanta, Georgia, Philip Yancey earned his graduate degree in communications and English from Wheaton College Graduate School and the University of Chicago. He joined the staff of Campus Life Magazine in 1971, and worked there as Editor and then Publisher.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Chapter 10 No Time for Fear

He looks on those years with gratitude because teenagers are demanding readers, and writing for them taught hirti a lasting principle : The reader is in control ! In 1978 Philip Yancey became a full-time writer, initially working as a journalist for such varied publications as Reader’s Digest, Publisher’s Weekly, National Wildlife, Christian Century and The Reformed Journal. For many years he wrote a monthly column for Christianity Today magazine.

No Time for Fear’ is a story about the bravery of a young Canadian named Malcolm. He saved his friend Barb from a grizzly . His terrible encounter with the grizzly explains the title No Time for Fear’. He .was reduced to a frealf but Barb still loved him and married him. Her true love brings back hope in Malcolms life.

The two young Canadians huddled close to the rusty steel heater. Malcolm Aspeslet, 19, and Barb Beck, 18, were on their longest date yet a hike to Balu Pass, 2050 metres up in British Columbia’s Glacier National Park. Yesterday, the climb had seemed a pleasantly uncomplicated way to celebrate a day off from their hot, noisy kitchen work in the Park lodge.

The hike had gone smoothly until they reached the top. But there they had been unexpectedly caught in a freak snow flurry and forced to spend the night in one of the Park’s alpine cabins. Now, next morning, the two sat on the floor, talking and laughing. They had met two months before, and had spent many hours together.

Both loved the mountains enough to spend their holidays doing kitchen work just to be near the Canadian peaks. It was the first day of October, 1971, and the summer season had just ended. There were no unshuttered windows in the cabin, so periodically Malcolm would open the door and check weather conditions.

About mid morning the snow stopped, and the young couple began their descent hike. Barb, wearing smooth-soled, knee-high fashion boots, kept slipping and falling on the ice . The five-kilometre trail marked with frequent zigzags, followed a creek bed down the mountains. It took the couple only an hour to reach the half-way point.

They stopped to rest for a minute, leaning against a bank of piled-up snow. The sun, out now, had warmed them, and both were wearing only sweaters, their coats tied around their waists. A nearby waterfall gurgled with newly-melted snow. They dipped their hands in the cold water and playfully splashed each other. Then they started off again, Malcolm in the lead.

Hidden Danger : A hundred metres further along the trail, Malcolm stopped short6. Two bear cubs were playing in the creek gully, about 20 metres to their right. The day before, they had seen another grizzly and two cubs.

They had shouted and waved and watched through binoculars as the mother reared up and roared at them. That had been more funny than frightening, with a safe kilometre and a half of distance separating them. But now a mother bear — perhaps the same grizzly — could be just over the ridge, obscured by the bushes.

Malcolm stood stiffly, trying to decide what to do. Perhaps they could slip by quietly. But as he lifted his boot for the first step, the mother bear suddenly came charging over the ridge with a half-growl, half-scream of rage. Barb saw immediately

Malcolm saw the charging grizzly’s open mouth. The bear was drooling flecks of foam and making short, grunting4 sounds. A second before the bear was on him. He ducked, but one swat of the grizzly’s paw knocked him senseless.

For a moment he went blank. When he raised his head he saw that he’d been thrown three metres. The grizzly had found Barb. The girl was face-down and motionless in the snow and the giant beast was standing on her leg, gnawing near the back of her neck.

Malcolm did not hesitate there was no time for fear. Instinctively he grabbed a hunting knife from his belt and ran towards the bear, shouting. The mother bear stood well over two metres and probably outweighed him by 250 kilos.

When he leaped on her back, she didn’t even quiver. Malcolm could hear the gnawing sound of teeth against bone. Crazed with anger and desperation, he plunged himself the knife clear up to the handle into the grizzly’s neck fur.

He pulled himself higher on the thick hump back and slashed at her neck. Warm blood spurted. The grizzly let out a deafening roar and snapped her head backwards. That quick, head motion sent Malcolm’s knife flying and broke his wrist.

BEAR HUG : Now the snarling grizzly turned towards Malcolm. She grabbed him with both paws and squeezed him against her chest. The smell of blood and bear nauseated him. The grizzly swatted at him with her huge claws.

The first blow took off his hair in one piece like a wig, most of his scalp going with it. Then he was rolling over, clutched by the bear. The dizzying motions stopped, when they reached the gully bottom. The bear raked”1 his face repeatedly.

As she bent to rip into his neck and shoulder with her teeth, Malcolm freely jabbed with his fist at her sensitive nose. His jabs had no effect. Malcolm closed his eyes. It’s all over, he thought, and stopped struggling. Incredibly

almost as soon as he stopped moving, the grizzly let go. She swatted him once more, then scraped dirt and twigs over him and lumbered away. At first Malcolm wasn’t sure he was even alive. He was lying half in and half out of the creek.

He felt no pain except a throbbing in his wrist. Slowly he wriggled out of the creek and called weakly, “Barb, are you okay ?” Barb, afraid the grizzly was still around, didn’t answer. She crawled to the edge of the gully and saw a bloody clump of hair.

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Then she saw Malcolm, half-buried. His face had been split with a wicked slash, and the right side of it was peeled back to reveal muscle and sinew and a nearly severed eye. She shouted, ‘Malcolm, hold on  I’m going for help.’ Tossing her coat to him, she started running towards the lodge.

Malcolm lay still for a while, trying to take stock of his injuries. His wrist wouldn’t move and must be broken. One knee-cap had been torn off, and he couldn’t feel any front teeth with his tongue. He could partially see out of one eye, but was afraid to turn his head because he saw loose facial skin hanging down. He felt no revulsion, just an aching hope that it hadn’t happened, that it was all a nightmare.

Spotting his haversack up toward the trail, he determined to reach it and use it as a bandage. Tediously, he dragged himself up backward. His one good eye kept sticking shut and periodically he’d have to stop and open it with his good hand.

Finally, he reached the haversack and lay back, physically drained from the exertion. He prayed and wondered whether he would live, and what he’d look like if he did.

LONG ROAD BACK : Meanwhile, Barb, her arm slashed and her hair flecked with blood, had run along the winding trail to the lodge. Staggering into the lobby, she cried, ‘A grizzly got Malcolm ! He can’t walk ! Help’ And then she burst into sobs. People appeared from nowhere wardens, fellow workers, lodge guests.

The first that Malcolm heard of his rescuers was the static of a walkie-talkie. He had sat propped against a stump for an hour and a half, and was still conscious. Warden Gordy Peyto, Malcolm’s good friend, ran to him. ‘Well, pal,’ he said, ‘I always end up looking after you. How you doing, man ?’

Im okay, but kind of hungry,’ Malcolm replied gamely. ‘Guess I really did it this time, Gordy. I think my wrist is broken.’ Gordy sucked in his breath. He saw bloodless white head. The bear’s swipe had cleanly lifted off the scalp and blood vessels , exposing a layer of tissues next to the skull.

Ned Clough, a first-aid attendant, wrapped Malcolm’s face and the chewed gashes on his legs in gauze , then strapped him in a stretcher. They radioed for a rescue helicopter to pick him up at a clearing down the trail and take him to Queen Victoria Hospital in Revelstoke.

Surgery began with a seven-hour emergency operation. The surgeon put in more than 1,000 stitches. ‘Restoring Malcolm’s face was like putting a jigsaw puzzle1”1 together,’ one attending doctor later said.

Malcolm was then moved to a hospital in his hometown, Edmonton. He remembered little of the first weeks. He was under heavy sedation, and his mind wandered endlessly, drifting between dreams and semi consciousness. He underwent 41 skin-graft operations.

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In time, life began to look up. Doctor assured Malcolm that he would soon look fine, after the grafts were finished and the rolls of gauze came off. But one day close to Christmas, when the nurse was changing his bandages and was called away momentarily, Malcolm edged over to the bathroom mirror for the first look at himself.

It almost made him sick. The doctors had tried to repair the damage by constructing a nose from arm muscle and by grafting skin from leg across his face. He had no hair, and thick scars’ criss-crossed one side of his face. The skin was still puffy and an ugly shiny-red.

That one incident started a rejection period lasting weeks. Malcolm refused to see parents or friends, hating the world and himself. He couldn’t bear the thought of people’s stares . He ignored the growing stack of letters from Barb.

How could anyone love a freak ? But Barb wouldn’t give up. She wrote to Malcolm faithfully five to seven letters a week even though he never responded Malcolm’s friends who knew Barb wrote to her about his self-pity. ‘He simply can’t believe you care about him, looking the way he does,’ they told her.

One day, shortly after his Christmas-time despondency, Barb surprised Malcolm by walking into his hospital room after a journey of 1,250 kilometres. The two spent long hours together, talking across the barriers of bandages. Malcolm was stubbornly alo of.

But her presence forced him to reminisce about the good times he had shared with her. Perhaps she does love me, he thought. After all, I’m the same person she said she loved last summer. Whatever doubts Malcolm had were dispelled in January when he received a marriage proposal in the mail. ‘It’s a leap year,’ Barb explained demurely Her persistence began to pay off.

Though Malcolm would not answer her proposal, he did promise to visit her. In February 1972, five months after the accident, an unsteady, slim figure with a badly scarred face and one arm in a cast stepped off a train at Fort Langley, near Vancouver. Malcolm was promptly smothered by a delighted Barb.

And a few days later she had her answer. Malcolm drove her to the town of Langley and stopped at a jewellery store so that they could choose an engagement ring. Barb, smiling and crying simultaneously , was overwhelmed.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Chapter 10 No Time for Fear

On 21 July 1973, they were married. Meanwhile, Malcolm discovered that word of his exploit had spread all across Canada.(To his surprise, it had never occurred to him that he could have run and left Barb with the grizzly, and he had never seen his.

deed reported that year in the entire Commonwealth. He received the Gold Medal for bravery from the Royal Canadian Humane Association and the Carnegie Medal for heroism from the Carnegie Hero Fund Commission.

Today, Malcolm and Barb live near Vancouver. Except for scars and harrowing memories, they seem little different from any of Vancouver’s other couples. Sometimes people ask Barb if she married Malcolm out of a sense of obligation . She says, “I loved Malcolm before the accident and I always will love him. Handicaps’ should be accepted in life. Scars don’t change the person.”

No Time for Fear Summary & Translation in Hindi

No Time for Fear Summary in Hindi:

मैल्कम और बार्ब – का वर्णन किया गया है जिन्होंने निश्चित मौत के विरुद्ध दुर्लभ साहस तथा बहादुरी का प्रदर्शन किया। मैल्कम एक उन्नीस-वर्षीय युवक था और बार्ब एक अठारह-वर्षीय युवती थी। वे केवल दो मास पूर्व ही मिले थे। दोनों को ही पहाड़ों से गहरा प्रेम था।

वे (ब्रिटिश कोलम्बिया के ग्लेशियर नैशनल पार्क में स्थित) बालू दर्रे की लम्बी पदयात्रा पर निकल गए। दर्रे तक तो चढ़ाई बड़े आराम से चलती रही। लेकिन अचानक हुए हिमपात ने उन्हें पार्क की एक ऊंची पहाड़ी झोंपड़ी में रात बिताने को विवश कर दिया।

अगली प्रातः देर से, जब बर्फ पड़नी बन्द हो गई, युवा जोड़े ने अपनी उतराई शुरू कर दी। वे जैसे ही आधे रास्ते पहुंचे, वे एक खतरनाक स्थिति में फंस गए। उन्होंने रीछ के दो बच्चों को अपनी दाईं तरफ लगभग बीस मीटर की दूरी पर खेलते हुए देखा। उन्हें यह निश्चित महसूस हुआ कि रीछ-मां भी अवश्य ही ज़्यादा दूरी पर नहीं होगी।

(रीछ-मां एक ग्रिजली थी जोकि उत्तरी अमेरिका का एक बड़े आकार का खूखार धूसर-भूरे रंग वाला रीछ होता है।) मैल्कम और बार्ब ने वहां से चुपचाप खिसक लेने का फैसला किया। लेकिन मैल्कम ने जैसे ही आगे बढ़ने के लिए अपना पांव उठाया, रीछ पूरे क्रोध में आक्रमण करने के अन्दाज़ में उसकी तरफ दौड़ी आई। शीघ्र ही विशालकाय जानवर ने अपने पंजे से मैल्कम पर वार किया। मैल्कम बेसुध होकर नीचे गिर पड़ा।

लेकिन जब उसने अपना सिर उठाया, उसने रीछ को बार्ब की टांग पर खड़ी हुई और उसकी गर्दन के पिछली तरफ बुरी तरह से दांत काटते देखा। मैल्कम ने सोच लिया कि वहां भयभीत होने के लिए कोई समय नहीं था। एक पल भी गंवाए बगैर उसने अपना शिकार करने वाला चाकू उसकी पीठ में घुसेड़ दिया। उसने ज़ोर से गर्जना की और अपना सिर पीछे की ओर झटका। रीछ का अपने सिर को घुमाना इतना शक्तिशाली था कि मैल्कम का चाकू दूर जाकर गिरा और उसकी कलाई टूट गई।

अब गुर्राती हुई रीछ ने मैल्कम पर दोबारा हमला कर दिया। उसे अपने पंजों से ज़ोर से दबाते हुए उसने उसे एक ऐसा घुसा मारा कि उसकी अधिकतर खोपड़ी बालों समेत एक विग (बनावटी बालों की टोपी) की भांति उड़ गई। मैल्कम ने उसकी नाक पर बार-बार चूंसे लगाए, लेकिन विशालकाय जीव पर इसका कोई प्रभाव न पड़ा। रीछ ने उसके चेहरे का नक्शा बुरी तरह बिगाड़ दिया। मैल्कम ने सोचा कि वह अब अवश्य ही मर जाएगा।

उसने अपनी आँखें बंद कर ली और हिलना-डुलना बिल्कुल बन्द कर दिया। ज्यों ही उसने हिलना बन्द किया, रीछ ने उसे छोड़ दिया और वहां से चली गई। मैल्कम ने कमज़ोर-सी आवाज़ में बार्ब को पुकारा कि वह ठीक-ठाक थी या नहीं। लेकिन बार्ब ने उत्तर न दिया क्योंकि उसे भय था कि रीछ अभी भी समीप ही थी। वह रेंगती हुई नज़दीक आई और उसने मैल्कम का गंभीर रूप से जख़्मी चेहरा देखा।

उसने उसे हौसला रखने को कहा और वह सहायता लेने के लिए वापस लॉज की तरफ भागी। मैल्कम गंभीर हालत में वहीं पड़ा रहा। उसका चेहरा एक लम्बी फांक की भांति कट गया था। उसके एक घुटने की एक चपनी टूट कर अलग हो गई थी; उसके आगे के दांत टूट गए थे और उसकी एक आँख बुरी तरह से जख्मी हो गई थी।

155 इसी बीच बचाने वाले वहां पहुंच गए। उन्होंने वायरलेस के द्वारा संदेश भेजा और एक हैलीकॉप्टर का प्रबंध किया। उसे रेवल्स्टोक के क्वीन विक्टोरिया अस्पताल पहुंचाया गया। उसका एमरजेन्सी ऑपरेशन किया गया जो कि सात घंटे तक चला। उसके शरीर में एक हजार से ज्यादा टांके लगाए गए।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Chapter 10 No Time for Fear

फिर उसे उसके घर वाले शहर, एडमन्टन, के एक अस्पताल में ले जाया गया। वहां (शरीर के एक भाग से उतारकर दूसरे भाग पर लगाने के लिए) उसके इकतालीस चमड़ी-रोपन ऑपरेशन किए गए। डॉक्टरों ने उसे विश्वास दिलाया कि वह ठीक दिखलाई देने लगेगा, जब चमड़ी लगाने का काम पूरा हो जाएगा और पट्टियां उतर जाएंगी। एक दिन क्रिस्मस के समीप मैल्कम अस्पताल के कमरे में अकेला था।

वह धीरे-धीरे चलकर गुसलखाने में गया और शीशे में अपना बिना पट्टियों वाला चेहरा देखा। उसने शीशे में जो भी देखा, उससे उसका दिल घबराने लगा। उसका चेहरा भयानक रूप से भद्दा तथा विकृत हो गया था। इससे वह इतना निराश हो गया कि मैल्कम ने अपने माता-पिता तथा करीबी मित्रों तक से मिलने से इनकार कर दिया। वह स्वयं से तथा संसार से घृणा करने लगा। उसने बार्ब के पत्रों का उत्तर देना बन्द कर दिया।

किन्तु बार्ब उसे नियमित रूप से पत्र लिखती रही। एक खूबसूरत सुबह मैल्कम चकित रह गया जब उसने बार्ब को उसके अस्पताल के कमरे में प्रवेश करते हुए देखा। वह वहां 1250 किलोमीटर लम्बी यात्रा करके पहुंची थी। दोनों इकट्ठे बैठे और काफी देर तक बातें करते रहे। मैल्कम फैसला नहीं कर पाया कि बार्ब अब भी उसे प्यार करती थी।

किन्तु उसके सभी संदेह दूर हो गए जब जनवरी 1972 में उसे उसकी तरफ से एक विवाह-प्रस्ताव प्राप्त हुआ। अंतत: 21 जुलाई, 1973 को उन्होंने विवाह कर लिया। मैल्कम को उसके दुर्लभ साहस, बहादुरी तथा त्याग की भावना के लिए बहुत-से मैडल दिए गए। आज मैल्काल्म तथा बार्ब एक सुखी, विवाहित जोड़ी हैं।

कई बार लोग बार्ब से पूछते हैं कि क्या उसने मैल्कम के साथ किसी एहसान की भावना के कारण विवाह किया था। वह उत्तर देती है कि वह दुर्घटना से पहले मैल्कम से प्यार करती थी और वह उसे सदा ही पहले के जैसे प्यार करती रहेगी। वह दृढ़तापूर्वक कहती है कि घावों के निशान पड़ जाने से आदमी बदल नहीं जाता है।

No Time for Fear Translation in Hindi:

एटलांटा जॉर्जिया के एक निवासी, फिलिप यांसे ने व्हीटन कॉलेज ग्रैजुएट स्कूल तथा युनिवर्सिटी ऑफ शिकागो से संचार तथा अंग्रेजी के विषय में डिग्री प्राप्त की। 1971 में वह कैम्पस लाइफ मैग्ज़ीन का कर्मचारी बना और वहां उसने संपादक के तौर पर तथा बाद में प्रकाशक के तौर पर काम किया।

उन वर्षों की तरफ वह बड़ी कृतज्ञता के साथ देखता है क्योंकि किशोर बहुत ही अपेक्षा रखने वाले पाठक होते हैं, और उनके लिए लिखने के काम ने उसे एक स्थायी सिद्धान्त प्रदान किया : लगाम पाठक के हाथ में होती है! शुरू-शरू में रीडर्ज़ डाइजेस्ट, पब्लिशर्स वीकली, नैशनल वाइल्डलाइफ, क्रिश्चियन सेन्चरी तथा रिफॉरमड जर्नल जैसे विभिन्न प्रकाशनों के लिए पत्रकार के रूप में काम करते हुए 1978 में फिलिप यांसे पूर्णतया एक लेखक बन गया। कई वर्षों तक उसने क्रिश्चियनिटी टुडे मैग्ज़ीन के लिए मासिक स्तम्भ लिखा।

No Time for Fear’ कैनेडा-निवासी एक युवक, मैल्कम की बहादुरी के बारे में एक कहानी है। उसने अपनी मित्र बार्ब को एक रीछ से बचाया। रीछ के साथ उसकी ज़बरदस्त मुठभेड़, कहानी के शीर्षक की व्याख्या करती है। वह शारीरिक रूप से एक असामान्य (डरावना) सा हो गया, लेकिन बार्ब उसे फिर भी प्रेम करती थी तथा उसने उससे विवाह कर लिया। उसका सच्चा प्रेम मैल्कम के जीवन में दोबारा उम्मीद ले आता है।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Chapter 10 No Time for Fear

दो युवा कैनेडा-निवासी एक-दूसरे के साथ बहुत नज़दीक एक पुराने जंग लगे स्टील हीटर के पास बैठे हुए थे। उन्नीस-वर्षीय मैल्कम एस्पेज़लेट और अठारह-वर्षीय बार्ब बैक्क अभी तक का अपना सबसे लम्बा मधुर मिलन मना रहे थे – ब्रिटिश कोलम्बिया के ‘ग्लेशियर नैशनल पार्क’ में स्थित ‘बालू ट्रै’ की लम्बी पदयात्रा पर निकलकर जो 2050 मीटर की ऊंचाई पर था।

पिछले दिन उन्हें यह चढ़ाई एक सुन्दर सुखद रास्ता प्रतीत हुई थी और वे अपने पार्क लॉज वाले गर्मी तथा शोर भरे रसोई घर के काम से दूर छुट्टी का एक दिन गुज़ार रहे थे। चोटी पर पहुंचने तक तो चढ़ाई बहुत अराम से चलती रही।

किन्तु वहां अकस्मात् हुए हिमपात में वे फंस गए और उन्हें पार्क की एक ऊंची पहाड़ी झोपड़ी में रात बितानी पड़ी। अब अगली प्रातः वे दोनों फर्श पर बैठे हुए थे, बातें करते और हंसते हुए। वे एक-दूसरे से दो मास पूर्व मिले थे और कई घण्टों का समय इकट्ठे बिता चुके थे।

दोनों पर्वतों से इतना प्यार करते थे कि वे कैनेडा की पहाड़ी चोटियों के समीप अपनी छुट्टियां बिता पाने के लिए वहां (ग्लेशियर नैशनल पार्क में) रसोई घर का काम कर लिया करते थे। वह अक्तूबर 1971 का पहला दिन था और ग्रीष्म ऋतु अभी-अभी समाप्त हुई थी। वहां उनके कैबिन में कोई खुली खिड़कियां नहीं थीं तथा इसलिए मैल्कम थोड़ी-थोड़ी देर के बाद दरवाजा खोलता और बाहर मौसम की स्थिति का जायजा लेता।

आधी प्रातः के| लगभग बर्फ पड़नी बन्द हो गई तथा युवा जोड़े ने अपनी उतराई शुरू कर दी। बार्ब ने चिकने तलों वाले घुटनों तक ऊंचे सजावटी बूट पहने हुए थे, तथा वह बार-बार फिसल जाती और बर्फ पर गिर जाती।

नोट- Kitchen Work—पश्चिमी देशों में ऐसे पर्यटक युवक-युवतियां, जिनके पास पैसे कम पड़ जाते हैं, प्रायः अपने यात्रा-खर्च को पूरा करने के लिए किसी होटल, आदि में रसोई-घर का काम करके थोड़े-बहुत पैसे प्राप्त कर लेते हैं जिससे उनका ख़र्च पूरा हो जाता है। पांच किलोमीटर लम्बी पगडण्डी, जो लगातार बल खाती हुई जा रही थी, पहाड़ी के नीचे को जा रहे एक पतले से जलमार्ग के साथ-साथ बनी हुई थी।

आधे रास्ते तक पहुंचने में उस जोड़ी (अर्थात् मैल्कम और बार्ब) को केवल एक घण्टे का समय लगा। वे आराम करने के लिए पल भर रुके, और इकट्ठी की हुई बर्फ के एक टीले के साथ टेक लगाकर बैठ गए। सूर्य चढ़ चुका था और उन्हें गर्मी पहुंचा रहा था, तथा दोनों ने केवल स्वैटर ही पहन रखे थे तथा अपने कोटों को अपनी-अपनी कमर के गिर्द बांध रखा था। समीप ही एक झरना ताज़ा पिघली हुई बर्फ के पानी से गलगल की आवाज़ करता हुआ बह रहा था।

उन्होंने ठण्डे पानी में अपने हाथों को डुबोया और मज़ाक से एक-दूसरे के ऊपर पानी के छींटे फेंके। इसके बाद वे फिर से चल दिए, मैल्कम आगे-आगे। छिपा हुआ खतरा – पगडण्डी के साथ-साथ एक सौ मीटर आगे जाने के बाद मैल्कम अचानक रुक गया। रीछ के दो बच्चे पतले जलमार्ग में खेल रहे थे, उनके दाईं तरफ लगभग बीस मीटर की दूरी पर। एक दिन पहले ही उन्होंने एक भूरे रंग वाली रीछ-मां तथा उसके दो बच्चों को देखा था।

तब वे (मैल्कम और बार्ब) उनकी तरफ देखकर चिल्लाते रहे थे, बांहों से इशारे करते रहे और दूरबीन में से देखते रहे, जबकि (रीछ) मां अपने पिछले पैरों के सहारे खड़ी होकर उनकी तरफ चिंघाड़ती रही थी। वह दृश्य भयानक कम था और मनोरंजक अधिक, क्योंकि डेढ़ किलोमीटर की सुरक्षित दूरी उन्हें एक-दूसरे से अलग रखे हुए थी।

किन्तु अब रीछ-मां – शायद वही भूरे रंग वाली (मादा) रीछ — ढालुआं पहाड़ी के दूसरी तरफ हो सकती थी, झाड़ियों की वजह से अदृश्य। मैल्कम पत्थर बना खड़ा था, यह निश्चय करने का यत्न करता हुआ कि क्या किया जाए। शायद वे चुपचापवहां से खिसक सकते थे। किन्तु ज्यों ही उसने पहला कदम लेने के लिए अपना बूट उठाया, तो अचानक पहाड़ी के ऊपर से क्रोध में आधा गुर्राती हुई और आधा चिल्लाती हुई रीछ-मां आक्रमण करने के अन्दाज़ में दौड़ी

आई। बार्ब तुरन्त जान गई कि यह एक भूरे रंग की रीछ थी — उसके चांदी जैसे सफ़ेद किनारों वाले बाल सूर्य की रोशनी में चमक रहे थे, और उसकी पीठ पर (उसकी विशिष्ट नस्ल वाला) कूबड़ बना हुआ था। ‘इतनी विशाल चीज़ इतना तेज़ कैसे चल सकती है?’ वह सोचने लगी; तभी उसे महसूस हुआ कि मैल्काल्म ने उसे एक बर्फ की खड्ड में उछाल फेंका था। मैल्कम ने आक्रमण करने के लिए बढ़ती हुई रीछ का खुला मुंह देखा।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Chapter 10 No Time for Fear

रीछ के मुंह से झाग के छोटे-छोटे कतरे निकल रहे थे और वह छोटी-छोटी गुर्राने की आवाजें निकाल रही थी। एक ही पल पूर्व रीछ उसके ऊपर झपट पड़ी थी। वह (मैल्कम) तुरन्त एक तरफ को झुक गया, किन्तु रीछ के पंजे की एक ही चपत से वह बेसुध होकर नीचे गिर पड़ा। एक पल के लिए वह बिल्कुल बेसुध हो गया। जब उसने अपना सिर उठाया तो उसने देखा कि उसे तीन मीटर दूर फेंक दिया गया था। रीछ ने बार्ब को देख लिया था।

लड़की अपना मुंह नीचे किए हुए बिना हिले बर्फ में पड़ी हुई थी और वह विशालकाय जानवर उसकी टांग पर खड़ा था और उसकी गर्दन के पिछली तरफ दांत काट रहा था। मैल्कम ने कोई झिझक न दिखलाई – वहां भयभीत होने को कोई समय नहीं था। एक अन्तःप्रेरणा के द्वारा उसने तुरन्त अपनी पेटी में से शिकार करने वाला एक चाकू निकाला और चिल्लाता हुआ रीछ की तरफ लपका। रीछ-मां दो मीटर से अधिक ऊंचाई बनाए हुए खड़ी थी और मैल्कम की अपेक्षा उसका भार शायद 250 किलो अधिक होगा।

जब वह कूद कर उसकी पीठ पर चढ़ा तो वह तनिक भी न हिली। मैल्कम को हड्डी के ऊपर दांतों के काटने की आवाज़ सुनाई दी। क्रोध और निराशा में पागल हो कर उसने चाकू | को रीछ की गर्दन के ऊपर वाले बालों में पूरे दस्ते तक घुसेड़ दिया। वह उसकी कूबड़ वाली स्थूल पीठ के ऊपर और ऊंचा चढ़ गया और उसकी गर्दन पर लम्बी फांकें काटने लगा। गर्म खून वेग सहित बाहर बहने लगा। रीछ ने बहरा कर देने वाली गर्जना की और अपना सिर पीछे की ओर झटका। (रीछ के) सिर की उस तेज़ गति ने मैल्कम के चाकू को उड़ा कर फेंक दिया और उसकी

रीछ के साथ अलिंगन अब गुर्राती हुई रीछ मैल्कम की तरफ हो ली। उसने उसे दोनों पंजों से जकड़ लिया और अपने वक्ष स्थल के साथ दबा दिया। खून और रीछ की गन्ध से उसका मन मिचलाने लगा। रीछ अपने भारी पंजों के साथ उसे चपत लगाने लगी। पहली ही चपत उसके बालों को एक विग (बनावटी बालों की टोपी) की भांति पूरे का पूरा उड़ा ले गई, उसकी अधिकतर खोपड़ी भी साथ ही चली गई।

फिर वह रीछ के पंजों में फंसा हुआ गेंद की भांति लुढ़कने लगा। सिर को चकरा देने वाली यह गति रुक गई जब वे दोनों पहाड़ी नदी के तल पर जा पहुँचे। रीछ ने बार-बार उसके मुंह को अपने पंजों से नोचा। जब वह उसकी गर्दन और कन्धे को अपने दांतों के द्वारा फाड़ने के लिए झुकी तो मैल्कम ने उसकी कोमल नाक पर खुलकर ज़ोर-ज़ोर से चूंसे लगाए। किन्तु उसके घूसों का कोई प्रभाव न हुआ।

मैल्कम ने अपनी आंखें बन्द कर लीं। उसने सोचा कि अब सब समाप्त हो चुका था और उसने ज़ोर लगाना छोड़ दिया। तब अविश्वसनीय बात यह हुई कि लगभग ज्यों ही उसने हिलना बन्द किया, रीछ ने उसे छोड़ दिया। उसने (रीछ ने) एक बार फिर से उसे चपत लगाई, तब खुरच कर उस पर कुछ मिट्टी और छोटी-छोटी टहनियां डाल दी तथा फिर भद्दे ढंग से चलती हुई वहां से चली गई। पहले तो मैल्कम को इतना भी निश्चय नहीं था कि वह जीवित है अथवा नहीं ।

वह आधा जलमार्ग के अन्दर और आधा बाहर पड़ा हुआ था। उसे अपनी कलाई में फड़कन के अतिरिक्त और कोई पीड़ा महसूस नहीं हो रही थी। धीरे-धीरे वह नाली में से घिसटता हुआ बाहर आया और कमज़ोर सी आवाज़ में पुकारा, ‘बार्ब, क्या तुम ठीक-ठाक हो ?’ इस भय से कि रीछ अब भी वहां समीप ही होगी, बार्ब ने उत्तर न दिया।

वह रेंगती हुई जलमार्ग के किनारे पर आई और वहां उसने खून से भरा हुआ बालों का एक गुच्छा देखा। फिर उसने मैल्कम को (मिट्टी, आदि में) आधा दबा हुआ पाया। उसका चेहरा एक लम्बी फांक की भांति कटा हुआ था, और उसका दायां हिस्सा इस तरह से पीछे को छिल गया था कि नीचे वाली मांसपेशियां और

स्नायु नंगे हो रहे थे और एक आंख कट कर लगभग अलग हो गई थी। उसने चिल्लाते हुए कहा, ‘मैल्कम, हौसला रखो – मैं कोई सहायता लेने के लिए जा रही हूं।’ फिर अपना कोट उसकी तरफ फेंकते हुए उसने लॉज की तरफ भागना शुरू कर दिया। मैल्कम कुछ देर के लिए निश्चल पड़ा रहा, अपने घावों का जायाज़ा लेता हुआ। उसकी कलाई हिल नहीं रही थी और (उसने सोचा कि) यह अवश्य टूट गई होगी।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Chapter 10 No Time for Fear

एक घुटने की चपनी चिर कर अलग हो गई थी, और उसे अपनी जीभ के साथ आगे के कोई दांत महसूस नहीं हो रहे थे। वह एक आंख से कुछ थोड़ा-बहुत देख सकता था, किन्तु उसे अपना सिर घुमाने में भय लग रहा था क्योंकि चेहरे पर की उखड़ी हुई चमड़ी उसे नीचे को लटकती हुई दिखलाई दे रही थी। उसे कोई घृणा महसूस न हुई – केवल एक पीडायुक्त आशा सी महसूस हुई कि वास्तव में ऐसा कुछ घटित नहीं हुआ था, तथा यह मात्र एक भयानक स्वप्न ही था।

ऊपर पगडण्डी की तरफ पड़े हुए अपने थैले को देखकर उसने निश्चय किया कि इस तक पहुंचा जाए और इसे एक पट्टी के रूप में इस्तेमाल किया जाए। बड़ी कठिनाई से वह पीछे को घिसटता हुआ ऊपर की तरफ गया। उसकी बची हुई आँख बार-बार चिपक कर बन्द हो जाती थी, और उसे थोड़ी-थोड़ी देर के बाद रुक कर इसे अपने बचे हुए हाथ के साथ खोलना पड़ता था।

अन्त में वह थैले तक पहुंच गया और पीठ के बल लेट गया, थकावट की वजह से उसका शरीर बिल्कुल जवाब दे चुका था। वह ईश्वर से प्रार्थना करने लगा, और हैरान हो रहा था कि क्या वह जीवित बचेगा अथवा नहीं, तथा यदि वह जीवित बच गया तो उसकी शक्ल कैसी लगेगी ।

वापस लम्बी सड़क पर – इसी बीच बार्ब जिसकी बांह चिरी हुई थी और बाल खून से लथपथ हुए पड़े थे, बल खाती पगडण्डी पर से भागती हुई लॉज में पहुंच गई थी। लड़खड़ा कर बरामदे में प्रवेश करती हुई वह चिल्ला-चिल्ला कर कहने लगी, ‘एक भूरे रीछ ने मैल्कम को घायल कर दिया है ! वह चल नहीं सकता ! सहायता कीजिए ……….. ।’ और फिर वह फूट-फूट कर सिसकियां लेती हुई रोने लगी। पता नहीं कहां-कहां से लोग एकत्रित हो गए – चौकीदार, साथी मज़दूर, लॉज में रुके हुए अतिथि ।

पहली आवाज़ जो मैल्कम को अपने बचाने वालों की तरफ से सुनाई दी, वह एक वाकी-टाकी (सन्देश देने-लेने का एक बेतार यन्त्र) में खड़-खड़ की आवाज़ थी। वह पिछले डेढ़ घण्टे से एक टूटे वृक्ष के साथ टेक लगा कर बैठा हुआ था और अब भी होश में था। वार्डन गोर्डी पेयटो जो मैल्कम का अच्छा मित्र था, भाग कर उसके पास गया। ‘सुनाओ मित्र,’ उसने कहा, ‘मैं सदा तुम्हें ढूंढता हुआ थक जाता हूं। सुनाओ क्या हाल है, जवान ?’ मैं बिल्कुल ठीक हूं, किन्तु थोड़ी सी भूख लगी हुई है,’ मैल्कम ने मज़ाक के अन्दाज़ में उत्तर दिया।

‘गोर्डी, देखते हो मैंने इस बार वास्तव में ही कर दिखाया है। मैं समझता हूं मेरी कलाई टूट गई है।’ गोर्डी ने अपना श्वास अन्दर को खींच लिया। उसे एक रक्तरहित सफेद सिर नजर आया। रीछ के भयंकर प्रहार ने खोपड़ी और खून की नाड़ियां पूरी तरह से उड़ा दी थीं और खोपड़ी के नीचे के तन्तुओं की तह दिखलाई देने लगी थी।

नेद क्लाऊ, जो प्राथमिक सहायता देने वाला एक सहायक था, ने मैल्कम के चेहरे को लपेट दिया, तथाउसकी टांगों पर के गहरे घावों पर पट्टी बांध दी, फिर उसे एक स्ट्रेचर में डाल दिया। उन्होंने रेडियो द्वारा सन्देश भेजा कि बचाव कार्य वाले एक हैलीकाप्टर को भेजा जाए जो उसे पगडण्डी के नीचे की तरफ बने अड्डे पर से उठा कर ले जाए और रेवल्स्टोक के क्वीन विक्टोरिया अस्पताल

में पहुंचा दे। सात घण्टे के एमरजेन्सी ऑपरेशन के साथ सर्जरी का काम शुरू कर दिया गया। सर्जन ने एक हजार से ज्यादा टाँके लगाए। ‘मैल्कम के चेहरे को फिर से ठीक करने का काम एक पहेली को जोड़ने के समान था,’ इलाज करने वाले एक डॉक्टर ने बाद में कहा। मैल्कम को फिर अपने घर वाले शहर एडमन्टन के एक अस्पताल में ले जाया गया। पहले सप्ताहों के बारे में उसे कुछ भी याद नहीं था।

उसे नींद दिलाने वाली भारी दवाइयां दी गई होती थी, और उसका मन लगातार घूमता रहता था, स्वप्नों और आधे होश के बीच मण्डराता हुआ। (शरीर के एक भाग से उतार कर दूसरे भाग पर लगाने के लिए) उसके 41 चमड़ी–रोपन आप्रेशन किए गए। कुछ समय के पश्चात् जीवन आशापूर्ण लगने लगा। डाक्टरों ने मैल्कम को विश्वास दिलाया कि वह शीघ्र ही ठीक दिखलाई देने लगेगा, जब चमड़ी लगाने का काम पूरा हो जाएगा और पट्टियां उतर जाएंगी।

किन्तु क्रिस्मस के समीप एक दिन जब नर्स उसकी पट्टियां बदल रही थी उसे और एक पल के लिए वहां से बुला लिया गया, तो मैल्कम धीरे से गुसलखाने वाले शीशे के सामने अपने मुंह को पहली बार देखने के लिए चला गया। अपना मुंह देख कर उसका दिल घबराने लगा।

डाक्टरों ने उसके बाजू की मांसपेशी से एक नाक बनाकर और उसकी टांग की चमड़ी को उसके चेहरे के आर-पार लगाकर क्षति को पूरा करने का यत्न किया था। उसके सिर पर कोई बाल नहीं थे और उसके चेहरे एक तरफ घावों के गहरे निशानों का ताना-बाना बना हुआ था। चमड़ी अब भी फूली हुई थी और भद्दे लगने वाले चमकदार लाल रंग जैसी थी।

उस एक घटना ने इनकारियों का एक दौर शुरू कर दिया जो कई सप्ताह तक चलता रहा। मैल्कम ने अपने माता-पिता अथवा अपने मित्रों को मिलने से इनकार कर दिया, तथा वह संसार से और स्वयं से भी घृणा करने लगा। वह लोगों द्वारा घूर-घूर कर देखे जाने के विचार को सहन नहीं कर सकता था।

वह बार्ब से प्राप्त होने वाले पत्रों के बढ़ते हुए ढेर की ओर कोई ध्यान नहीं देता था। एक डरावनी चीज़ से भला कौन प्यार कर सकता था ? (मैल्कम के मन में ऐसा विचार आता रहता।) किन्तु बार्ब ने साहस न छोड़ा। वह ईमानदारी से मैल्कम को पत्र लिखती रही – पांच से सात पत्र प्रति सप्ताह यद्यपि वह कभी उत्तर नहीं देता था। मैल्कम के मित्र, जो बार्ब को जानते थे, बार्ब को मैल्कम की हीन-भावना के बारे में लिखा करते थे।

‘जिस तरह से उसकी शक्ल बन गई है, यह देखकर उसे विश्वास ही नहीं होता कि तुम उसकी परवाह (अर्थात् प्यार) कर सकती हो,’ वे उसे बताया करते थे। एक दिन, क्रिस्मस के दिनों वाली उदासी के कुछ ही समय बाद, बार्ब ने मैल्कम को चकित कर दिया जब वह 1250 किलोमीटर की यात्रा करने के बाद उसके अस्पताल वाले कमरे में चल कर आ पहुंची। दोनों ने कई घण्टे इकट्ठे बिताए, पट्टियों रूपी सीमा के आर-पार से बातें

करते हुए। मैल्कम हठपूर्वक अलग बैठा रहा। किन्तु बार्ब की उपस्थिति ने उसे मजबूर कर दिया कि वह उन प्रसन्नता भरे क्षणों के बारे में सोचे जो उसने उसके साथ बिताए थे। शायद वह मुझे सचमुच प्यार करती है, वह सोचने लगा। आखिर मैं वही व्यक्ति तो हूं जिसे पिछली ग्रीष्म ऋतु में उसने कहा था कि वह उसे प्यार करती थी।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Chapter 10 No Time for Fear

मैल्कम को जो भी सन्देह थे, वे जनवरी में समाप्त हो गए जब उसे डाक के द्वारा विवाह-प्रस्ताव प्राप्त हुआ। ‘यह एक लीप वर्ष है,’ बार्ब ने शालीनतापूर्वक समझाने की कोशिश की थी। बार्ब की दृढ़ता फल लाने लगी। यद्यपि मैल्कम ने कभी भी उसके विवाह-प्रस्ताव का उत्तर नहीं दिया था, उसने (घर लौटने के बाद) बार्ब से जाकर मिलने का प्रण कर लिया।

दुर्घटना के पांच मास पश्चात् फरवरी में लड़खड़ाती हुई एक आकृति जिसका चेहरा बुरी तरह से घावों के निशानों से भरा हुआ था और जिसकी एक भुजा पलस्तर में पड़ी हुई था भुजा पलस्तर में पड़ी हुई थी, वैन्कोवर के समीप. फोर्ट लैंगले नामक स्टेशन पर गाड़ी से उतरी। मैल्कम को खुशी से भरी बार्ब ने तुरन्त आलिंगन में कस लिया। तथा कुछ दिन बाद ही बार्ब को अपना उत्तर प्राप्त हो गया।

मैल्कम उसे अपने साथ गाड़ी में बिठाकर लैंगले शहर में ले गया, और वहां वे जेवरों की एक दुकान पर जाकर रुके ताकि वहां पर सगाई की अंगूठी का चयन कर सकें। बार्ब जो मुस्कराती और साथ-साथ रोती भी जा रही थी, भावनाओं में पागल सी हो रही थी। जुलाई 1973 को उनका विवाह हो गया।

इसी बीच मैल्कम को पता चला कि उसके कारनामे की कहानी पूरे कैनेडा में फैल चुकी थी। (उसे हैरानी हुई कि उसे बिल्कुल सूझा नहीं था कि वह बार्ब को रीछ के पास छोड़कर भाग सकता था, तथा उसने अपने द्वारा किए कार्य को कभी पराक्रमयुक्त नहीं माना था।) लन्दन की रायल हयूमेन सोसायटी ने उसे उस वर्ष पूरे कामनवैल्थ में अत्यन्त वीरतापूर्ण काम करने के लिए स्टैनहोप गोल्ड मैडल प्रदान किया। उसने रायल कैनेडियन हयूमेन

एसोसिएशन से अपनी वीरता के लिए गोल्ड मैडल प्राप्त किया, तथा कारनेगी हीरो फण्ड कमीशन से अपने पराक्रम के लिए कारनेगी मैडल। आजकल मैल्कम और बार्ब वैन्कोवर के समीप रहते हैं। घावों के निशानों और रोंगटे खड़े कर देने वाली यादों के अतिरिक्त वे वैन्कोवर के किसी भी अन्य जोड़े से तनिक भी भिन्न दिखलाई नहीं देते हैं।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Chapter 10 No Time for Fear

कई बार लोग बार्ब से पूछते हैं कि क्या उसने मैल्कम के साथ किसी कृतज्ञता की भावना के कारण विवाह किया था। वह कहती है, ‘मैं दुर्घटना से पहले मैल्कम से प्यार करती थी तथा सदा उससे प्यार करती रहूंगी। जीवन में अपंगताओं बाधाओं को स्वीकार किया जाना चाहिए। घावों के निशान पड़ने से आदमी बदल नहीं जाता है।’