The Giving Tree Question Answer Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 3 PSEB Solutions

Punjab State Board PSEB 6th Class English Book Solutions Chapter 3 The Giving Tree Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Class 6th English Solutions Chapter 3 The Giving Tree Question Answers

The Giving Tree Class 6 Questions and Answers

Activity 1.

Look up the following words in a dictionary. You should seek the following information about the words and put them in your WORDS notebook.
1. Meaning of the word as used in the lesson (Adjective/Noun/Verb, etc.)
2. Pronunciation (The teacher may refer to the dictionary or the mobile phone for correct pronunciation.)
3. Spellings

Swing (verb) trunk branches
business sail resource

Vocabulary Expansion

Activity 2.

Read the following phrases. Find out their meaning by reading the story again. Write two meaningful sentences using each phrase.

1. climb up
(a) He climbed up a tall tree.
(b) We climbed up a hill.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 The Giving Tree

2. Cut off
(a) Our village was cut off from the city during rains.
(b) I cut off the spoiled part of the mango.

3. cut down
(a) He cut down the old neem tree.
(b) Many trees were cut down by the villagers

4. Stay away
(a) stay away from the bad people.
(b) I stay away from the crowd of people.

5. Take away
(a) Drinking took away his life.
(b) The thief took away my purse.

Learning to Read and Comprehend

Activity 3.

Read the story carefully and answer the following questions in “Yes”/“No’. For example :

Question : Did the boy love the tree when he was a child ?
Answer : Yes, he did.

Question 1.
Did the tree love the little boy ?
Yes, she did.

Question 2.
Did the tree have money to give the boy ?
No, she didn’t.

Question 3.
Did the boy want to go to a nearby village ?
No, he didn’t.

Question 4.
Did the boy get married ?
Yes, he did.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 The Giving Tree

Question 5.
Did the tree allow the boy to sit down on the stump ?
Yes, she did.

Activity 4.

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Who would come and play with the tree ?.
वृक्ष के साथ कौन आकर खेलता था ?
A little boy would come and play with the tree.

Question 2.
Who was too big to climb and play ?
कौन इतना बड़ा था कि ऊपर चढ़ कर खेल नहीं सकता था ?
The boy was too big to climb up the tree and play.

Question 3.
Why did the boy want a boat ?
लड़के को नाव क्यों चाहिए थी ?
The boy wanted a boat to sail him away to another city.

Question 4.
Why did the boy want to go to another city ?
लड़का किसी दूसरे शहर क्यों जाना चाहता था ?
The boy wanted to go to another city for business.

Question 5.
What did the tree say in the end ?
अंत में वृक्ष ने क्या कहा ?
In the end the tree asked the boy to sit on her stump and rest.

Activity 5.

Fill in the blanks with the words given below. You can use each word twice, if necessary.
sailed, tree, stump, grew, happy, climb up, swing, house, tired, apples

1. Once there was a boy and a ……………….
2. The boy played with the ……………………
3. The tree asked the boy to …………………… and ………………….. from her branches.
4. The boy ………………….. older.
5. The tree asked the boy to sell-off …………………… to get money.
6. The boy cut off the branches to make a …….
7. The boy made a boat from the trunk of the tree and …………………. away.
8. The tree was not ……………
9. The boy came back to the tree. He said that he was
10. The boy sat on the ………………….. to rest.
1. tree
2. tree
3. climb up, swing
4. grew
5. apples
6. house
7. sailed
8. happy
9. tired
10. stump.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 The Giving Tree

Activity 6.

Give opposites of the given words in the given space.

Word — Opposite
1. happy — sad
2. give — take
3. sell — buy
4. come — go
5. quiet — noisy
6. climb up — climb down

Activity 7.

Add ‘ed to the following words and write a meaningful sentence.
Example: Stay: I stayed in Jammu for a week.
PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 The Giving Tree 1
1. want – He wanted to take rest.
2. climb – He climbed up a hill.
3. play – We played football,
4. sail – The ship sailed away to U.S.A.
5. rest – We rested under a tree.

Learning Language


A pronoun is a word used in place of a noun.
Noun (संज्ञा) के स्थान पर प्रयोग होने वाला शब्द Pronoun (सर्वनाम) कहलाता है|
The words ‘they’ ; ‘she’; ‘her’; ‘he’; ‘it are used in place of nouns.
We call them Pronouns. There are three main kinds of pronouns :
Pronouns मुख्य रूप से तीन प्रकार के होते हैं —
1. Personal Pronoun
2. Demonstrative pronoun
3. Interrogative pronoun

1. Personal Pronoun :
Pronouns which are used in place of proper nouns to avoid repetition are called personal pronouns. ये Pronouns वाक्य में Proper Noun की बारम्बारता से बचने के लिए प्रयोग में लाये जाते हैं।
For example :
My mother is very tired because my mother has been working the whole day.
My mother is very tired because she has been working for the whole day.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 The Giving Tree

There are three kinds of personal pronouns.

1. Pronouns of the First Person
Singular — Plural
I, my, mine, me, myself — We, our, ours, us, ourselves

2. Pronouns of the Second Person
Singular — Plural
you, yours, yourselves, your — you, yours, yourself, your

3. Pronouns of the Third Person
Singular — Plural
he, she, it, him, her — them, their, theirs

Activity 8.

Fill in the blanks using personal pronouns.

Question 1.
……………. often reads until late at night.
(a) he
(b) Aman
(c) Meena
(d) they
(a) he

Question 2.
…………….. is running up and down the stairs.
(a) the cat
(b) she
(c) my brother
(d) you
(b) she

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 The Giving Tree 2

Question 3.
……………….. is from Mumbai.
(a) Rosy
(b) my friend
(c) he
(d) this statue
(c) he

Question 4.
Have ……………….. got a dog, Meena ?
(a) anyone
(b) they
(c) someone
(d) it
(b) they

Question 5.
We enjoy the roses so much. ………………. really make the garden beautiful.
(a) they
(b) its
(c) someone
(d) flowers
(a) they

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 The Giving Tree

Question 6.
Aman isn’t an architect. ……………. . is an engineer
(a) he
(b) they
(c) it
(d) she
(a) he

Question 7.
Are …………. friends or not ?
(a) he
(b) she
(c) we
(d) it
(c) we

Question 8.
My doctor was born in London. …. ………….. teaches language lessons in his spare time.
(a) they
(b) it
(c) she
(d) he
(d) he

Question 9.
All my teachers are from Europe. …………….. come from all over the continent.
(a) she
(b) we
(c) they
(d) them
(c) they

Question 10.
Our friends are athletes. All of ………………. are either strong, fast, or both.
(a) we
(b) they
(c) them
(d) you
(c) them

2. Demonstrative Pronoun

A demonstrative pronoun is a pronoun that is used to point to something within a sentence. These pronouns can indicate items in space or time and they can be either singular or plural.
TE Pronoun aice À force on ha ca as forgeim H GIRT GIGI ITE Singular Haal Plural fti
नीचे दिए गए वाक्यों में italicized शब्द Demonstrative Pronouns हैं : This was my mother’s purse. That looks like the car I used to drive. These are nice shoes, but they look uncomfortable. Those look like riper than the apples on my tree.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 The Giving Tree

Activity 9.

Fill in the blanks using demonstrative pronouns. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

Question 1.
……………… was such an interesting experience.
(a) that
(b) these
(c) those
(d) such
(a) that

Question 2.
Are ……………. your shoes ?
(a) that
(b) them
(c) those
(d) this
(c) those

Question 3.
You’ll have to get your own pen. ……… is mine.
(a) that
(b) those
(c) such
(d) this
(d) this

Question 4.
There is no end to ……..
(a) such
(b) those
(c) this
(d) none
(c) this

Question 5.
Because of their bad behaviour, ……….. ……… of the children were given allowances.
(a) none
(b) that
(c) those
(d) them
(a) none

Question 6.
………………. of them had seen it before.
(a) those
(b) neither
(c) such
(d) this
(b) neither

Question 7.
Is …………… yours ?
(a) this
(b) those
(c) these
(d) such
(a) this

Question 8.
Everyone ate early. When we arrived ……………… was left.
(a) that
(b) such
(c) none
(d) neither
(c) none

Question 9.
Please give me one of .
(a) that
(b) those
(c) this
(d) such
(b) those

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 The Giving Tree

Question 10.
……………….. are nice looking.
(a) this
(b) that
(c) these
(d) such.
(c) these

3. Interrogative (प्रशनवाचक) Pronoun

An interrogative pronoun is used to make asking questions easy. There are just five interrogative pronouns. ये Pronoun प्रश्न पूछने के लिए प्रयोग किए जाते हैं और प्रायः प्रश्नवाचक शब्द से आरंभ होते हैं।

The five interrogative pronouns are what, which, who, whom, and whose.
What is used to ask questions about people or objects.
(लोगों तथा वस्तुओं के बारे में प्रश्न)
What do you want for dinner ?
What is your name ?

Which is used to ask questions about people or objects.
Which seat would you like?
Which of these ice cream flavours is you favourite ?

Who is used to ask questions about people.
(व्यकतियों के बारे में प्रशन)
Who is that man over there ?
Who is the strongest in the class ?

Whom is used to ask questions about people.
With whom did you go to the class ?

Whose is used to ask questions about people or objects, always related to possession.
Whose sweater is this?
I wonder whose dog is digging our lawn ?

Activity 10.

Fill in the blanks with an interrogative pronoun.

Question 1.
……………….. threw the football ?
(a) who
(b) what
(c) which
(d) whose
(a) who

Question 2.
…… Would you prefer, coffee or tea ?
(a) who
(b) whom
(c) which
(d) whose
(c) which

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 The Giving Tree

Question 3.
………………. time do we need to be at the station?
(a) which
(b) what
(c) whose
(d) whom
(b) what

Question 4.
…………….. bike is that ?
(a) whom
(b) whose
(c) what
(d) who
(b) whose

Question 5.
……………. is your brother’s name?
(a) who
(b) whom
(c) what
(d) whose
(c) what

Question 6.
……………. did you tell ?
(a) whom
(b) what
(c) whose
(d) which
(b) what

Question 7.
……………. of these books have you read ?
(a) what
(b) whom
(c) whose
(d) which
(d) which

Question 8.
…………….. wants ice-cream ?
(a) what
(b) whom
(c) who
(d) whose
(c) who

Learning to Write

Activity 11.

Did you like the story ? Talk to your partner and discuss two things you liked and one thing you did not like in the story. After discussion, add another paragraph to change the ending of the story.
The boy sat there thinking. He thought of trees who give something to man all through their lives. They gift their all happily and become a stump. They give the message : “Real happiness lies in giving’. But it is a pity that man cuts down trees unwisely. He has no regard for their usefulness and selflessness.

Learning to Use Language

Activity 12.

Write a letter to your friend inviting him for the birthday party.

Kailash Colony
…………. City
March 12, 20…
My dear Vinod
You will be glad to know that my birthday falls on March 20. I am planning to celebrate it at home. There will be a programme of dance and music. A dinner will also be served. All our friends are coming to the party. I hope you will also join us. I am sure you will enjoy yourself.
Yours sincerely

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 The Giving Tree

Learning to Listen

Activity 13.

The teacher will read the story to the students again. Listen to the story carefully. Write whether the statements are ‘True’ or ‘False’ in the given space.

1. The tree loved the little boy. — (True)
2. The tree liked the boy to swing from the branches of the tree. — (True)
3. The tree became sad whenever the boy came back. — (False)
4. The tree gave the boy a lot of money. — (False)
5. The tree asked the boy to cut off her branches and make a house. — (True)
6. The boy wanted a ship to go to another city. — (False)
7. The tree allowed the boy to cut down her trunk. — (True)
8. At last, the boy wanted a quiet place to sit and rest. — (True)
9. The tree refused the boy from sitting on her old stump. — (False)
10. The story shows that the boy is selfish. — (True)

Learning to Speak.

Activity 13 (Role Play)

The children will work in pairs.
Practise speaking the following sentences with your partner. One of you will become the tree and one will become the boy. After practice, all the pairs will speak in front of the class.
1. The tree: Come, boy, come. Climb up my trunk, swing from my branches, eat apples and be happy.
2. The boy: I am too big to climb and play. I want some money to buy things and have fun. Can you give me some money ?
3. The tree: I have no money but you can take my apples and sell them in the city. Then you will have some money and you will be happy.
4. The tree: Come, boy, come. Climb up my trunk, swing. from my branches, eat apples and be happy.
5. The boy: I am too busy to climb trees. I want to get married. I need a house. Can you give me a house ?
6. The trees : You may cut off my branches. Build a house and be happy.

Comprehension Of Passages

Read the given passages and answer the questions that follow each.

(1) Once there was a tree and she loved a little boy. Every day the boy would come, eat applies and play with her. He would swing from her branches and eat apples. The boy loved the tree very much. And the tree was very happy.

The time went by. The boy grew older. The tree was often alone. One day the boy came to the tree. The tree said, “Come, boy, come. Climb up my trunk, swing from my branches, eat apples and be happy.” “I am too big to climb and play,” said the boy. “I want some money to buy things and have fun. Can you give me some money ?” The tree said, “I have no money but you can take my apples and sell them in the city. Then you will have some money and you will be happy.” The boy did so and went away. The tree was happy.

(i) What made the tree very happy ?
वृक्ष को क्या बात बहुत अधिक खुशी देती थी ?

(ii) Why did the tree give the boy her apples ?
वृक्ष ने लड़के को अपने सेब क्यों दिए ?

(iii) Choose true or false statements.
(a) The boy grew younger.
(b) The boy wanted money to buy things for fun.

(iv) Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage.
(a) The tree was often ————
(b) The tree loved ————
Match the words with their meanings :

(a) alone go down
(b) climb lonely
go up

(i) The boy’s love for her made the tree very happy.
(ii) She gave the boy her apples to sell and get money.
(a) False
(b) True
(a) The tree was often alone.
(b) The tree loved a little boy.
(a) alone – lonely
(b) climb – go up

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 The Giving Tree

(2) The boy again stayed away for a long time. One day he came back. The tree was very happy and said, “Come, boy, come. Climb up my trunk, swing from my branches, eat apples and be happy.” The boy said, “I am too sad to play. I want to go to another city for business.

Can you give me a boat that will take me away to another city.” The tree said, “Cut down my trunk and make a boat. Then you can sail away and be happy. The boy did so and sailed away. The tree was very happy, but not really.

After a long time, the boy who was now an old man came back again. “I am sorry, boy. I have nothing to give you,” said the tree. I wish I could give you something. I am just an old stump.” “I don’t need anything now. I just want a quiet place to sit and rest.

I am very tired,” said the boy. “Well, an old stump is good for sitting and resting. Come, boy, sit down and rest.” The boy sat on the stump to rest. And the tree was very happy.

(i) Why was the boy sad ?
लड़का क्यों उदास था ?

(ii) What was the only thing that the boy wanted in the end ?
अंत में लड़का कौन-सी एक मात्र चीज़ चाहता था ?

(iii) Choose true or false statements and write them in your answer book :
(a) The boy had grown old.
(b) He was too sad to play.

(iv) Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage.
(a) Cut down my trunk and ……………..
(b) An old stump is good for ……………
Match the words with their meanings :

(a) business calm
(b) quiet trade

(i) The boy was sad because he wanted to go to another city for business, but he had no boat.
(ii) In the end, he just wanted a quiet place to sit and rest.
(a) True
(b) True
(a) Cut down my trunk and make a boat.
(b) An old stump is good for sitting and resting.
(a) business – trade
(b) quiet – calm

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 The Giving Tree

Use Of Words/Phrases In Sentences

1. Swing (Verb)(move to and fro on a swing) –
The girls are swinging in the park.
लड़कियां पार्क में झूला झूल रही हैं।

2. Branches (off-shoots) –
A big tree has many branches.
बड़े वृक्ष की कई शाखाएं होती हैं।

3. Business (trade) –
He has gone out for a business.
वह व्यापार के लिए बाहर गया हुआ है।

4. Climb (go up) –
I can’t climb this wall,
मैं इस दीवार पर नहीं चढ़ सकता।

5. Stump (remaining part of a chopped tree) –
The stump of tree was very hard.
वृक्ष का ढूंठ बहुत ही कठोर था।

6. Another (one more). –
Please give me another pen.
कृपया मुझे एक और पेन दीजिए।

7. Build (make, construct) –
We are building a new house.
हम एक नया मकान बना रहे हैं। .

8. Carry away (take away) –
Carry away your books from here.
अपनी पुस्तकें यहां से ले जाओ।

Word Meanings

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 The Giving Tree 3

The Giving Tree Summary in Hindi

Once there was ……………. tree was happy.

एक बार एक मादा वृक्ष था और वह एक छोटे से बच्चे को प्यार/दुलार करता था। बच्चा प्रतिदिन आता था, सेब खाता था और उसके साथ खेलता था। वह उसकी टहनियों पर झूलता था और सेब खाता था। बच्चा वृक्ष को बहुत प्यार करता था। इसलिए वृक्ष खुश था।

समय बीतता गया। बच्चा बड़ा हो गया। वृक्ष प्रायः अकेला रहता था। एक दिन बच्चा वृक्ष के पास आया। वृक्ष ने कहा, “आओ, बच्चे, आओ। मेरे तने पर चढ़ जाओ, मेरी टहनियों पर झूलो, सेब खाओ और खुश रहो।” बच्चे ने कहा, “मैं इतना बड़ा हो गया हूँ कि मैं चढ और खेल नहीं सकता।

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 The Giving Tree

मुझे मनोरंजन के लिए कुछ चीजें खरीदने के लिए कुछ पैसे चाहिएं। क्या तुम मुझे कुछ पैसे दे सकते हो ?” वृक्ष ने कहा, “मेरे पास पैसे नहीं है परन्तु तुम मेरे सेब ले सकते हो और उन्हें ले जाकर शहर में बेच सकते हो तब तुम्हारे पास कुछ पैसा आ जायेगा और तुम खुश रहोगे।”

बच्चे ने वैसा ही किया और चला गया। वृक्ष खुश था। बच्चा लम्बे समय तक वापिस नहीं आया। वृक्ष उदास था। एक दिन बच्चा वापिस आया। वृक्ष ने खुशी से कहा, “आओ, बच्चे, आओ। मेरे तने पर चढ़ जाओ, मेरी टहनियों पर झूलो, सेब खाओ और खुश रहो।” बच्चे ने कहा, “मैं इतना व्यस्त हूँ कि मैं वृक्षों पर नहीं चढ़ सकता।

मैं शादी करना चाहता हूँ। मुझे एक घर चाहिए। क्या तुम मुझे एक घर दे सकते हो ?” वृक्ष ने कहा, “तुम मेरी शाखाओं को काट . सकते हो। घर बना लो और खुश रहो। “बच्चे ने उसकी शाखाओं को काटा और ले जाकर अपना घर बना लिया। वृक्ष खुश था।

The boy again ……… was very happy.

बच्चा फिर से एक लम्बे समय तक दूर रहा। एक दिन वह वापिस आया। वृक्ष बहुत खुश हुआ और कहा, “आओ, बच्चे, आओ। मेरे तने पर चढ़ जाओ, मेरी टहनियों पर झूलो, सेब खाओ और खुश रहो।” बच्चे ने कहा, “मैं इतना उदास हूँ कि मैं खेल नहीं सकता। मैं व्यापार के लिए दूसरे शहर जाना चाहता हूँ।

क्या तुम मुझे एक नाव दे सकते हो जो मुझे दूसरे शहर ले जाये ?” वृक्ष ने कहा, “मेरा तना काट लो और नाव बना लो। तब तुम नाव चला कर दूर जा सकते हो और खुश रह सकते हो।” बच्चे ने वही किया और नाव पर चला गया। वृक्ष खुश हो गया परन्तु वास्तव में वह खुश नहीं था।

बहुत समय बाद वह बच्चा जो अब बूढ़ा आदमी बन चुका था वापिस लौट आया। वृक्ष ने कहा, “बच्चे, मुझे खेद है, मेरे पास तुम्हें देने के लिए कुछ नहीं है। काश! मैं तुम्हें कुछ दे पाता। मैं केवल एक पुराना ढूंठ हूँ।” बालक (बूढ़ा आदमी) ने कहा, “मुझे अब कुछ नहीं चाहिए।

मैं तो केवल बैठने और आराम करने के लिए एक शांत जगह चाहता हूँ। मैं बहुत थक चुका हूँ।” “अच्छा, एक पुराना लूंठ बैठने और आराम करने के लिए अच्छी जगह है। आओ, बच्चे बैठ जाओ और आराम करो।” बालक आराम करने के लिए ढूंठ पर बैठ गया। इससे वृक्ष बहुत ही खुश हो गया।

Retranslation Of Isolated Sentences

1. She loved a little boy.
वह एक छोटे से बालक से प्रेम करती थी।

2. The boy grew older.
लड़का बड़ा हो गया।

3. The tree was often alone.
वृक्ष प्राय: अकेला रहता था।

4. I am too big to climb and play.
मैं इतना बड़ा हो गया हूं कि चढ़ (ऊपर) और खेल नहीं सकता।

5. The tree was happy.
वृक्ष खुश था।

6. The boy did not come back for a long time.
लड़का लम्बे समय तक वापिस नहीं आया।

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 3 The Giving Tree

7. I want to get married.
मैं शादी करना चाहता हूँ।

8. You may cut off my branches.
तुम मेरी शाखाएं काट सकते हो।

9. I want to go to another city for business.
मैं व्यापार के लिए किसी दूसरे शहर जाना चाहता

10. Cut down my trunk and make a boat.
मेरा तना काट कर नाव बना लो।

11. I wish I could give you something.
काश! मैं तुम्हें कुछ दें पाती/पाता।

12. I just want a quiet place to sit and rest.
मुझे केवल बैठने और आराम करने के लिए एक शांत जगह चाहिए।

English Class 6 Solutions PSEB Prose

The Cracked Pot Tree Question Answer Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 7 PSEB Solutions

Punjab State Board PSEB 6th Class English Book Solutions Chapter 7 The Cracked Pot Tree Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Class 6th English Solutions Chapter 7 The Cracked Pot Tree Question Answers

The Cracked Pot Tree Class 6 Questions and Answers

Activity 1.

Look up the following words in a dictionary. You should seek the following information about the words.
1. Meaning of the word as used in the lesson (Adjective/Noun/Verb, etc.)
2. Pronunciation (The teacher may refer in the dictionary or the mobile phone for correct pronunciation.)
3. Spellings

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 7 The Cracked Pot

water-bearer delivered perfect
ashamed planted apologised

Vocabulary Expansion

Activity 2.

Look at the words given below. Write as many words as you can think of that may be related to the given words.

Example: Flowers –
yellow, beautiful, smell, lovely, soft, pretty bunch, bouquet, etc.

crack — big, small, leak, pot, earth etc..
planted — tree, flower, plants, seeds, flower-pot etc.
seeds — grow, plants, improved, wheat, saplings etc.
river — long, clean, slow, small, lovely, bath etc.
Pot — big, small, cracked, perfect, earthen, copper etc.
house — big, small, drawing room, beautiful, store, white-washed etc.

Learning to Read and Comprehend

Activity 3.

Read the story and answer the following questions.

Question 1.
How many pots did the water-bearer have ?
पनहारे के पास कितने बर्तन थे ?
The water-bearer had two pots.

Question 2.
How did he carry the pots ?
वह बर्तन कैसे उठाता था?
He carried the pots on his shoulders with the help of a pole.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 7 The Cracked Pot

Question 3.
Where did he live ?
वह कहां रहता था ?
He lived in India.

Question 4.
What did he do with the pots ?
वह बर्तनों का क्या करता था ?
He delivered water to his master in the pots.

Question 5.
What problem did one of the pots have ?
एक घड़े (बर्तन) में क्या खराबी थी ?
One of the pots had a crack in it.

Activity 4.

Read the story and fill in the blanks in the passage given below.
One of the __1__ had a __2__ in it but the other pot __3__ perfect. The __4 __ pot was half filled but the other pot had __5__ water when the water-bearer reached his master’s house. For __6__ years, this went on __7__ The bearer __8__ only one and a half pots _ 9_ water to his master’s house. Of course, the perfect pot was __10 __ itself. It was perfect for what it was made. But the poor cracked pot was __11__ its crack.
1. pots
2. crack
3. was
4. cracked
5. full
6. two
7. daily
8. delivered
9. of
10. proud of
11. ashamed of.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 7 The Cracked Pot

Activity 5.

Who said to whom ?

1. For these past two years. I delivered less water than the other pot because of this crack in my side.
2. My water leaks out all the way back in your master’s house.
3. You don’t get full value for your efforts because of my crack.
4. Today when we return to the master’s house, I want you to notice the beautiful flowers along the path.
5. Did you notice that there were flowers only on your side of the path ?
1. The cracked pot to the water-bearer.
2. The cracked pot to the water-bearer.
3. The cracked pot to the water-bearer.
4. The water-bearer to the cracked pot.
5. The water-bearer to the cracked pot.

Activity 6.

Select the right option from the three given.

Question 1.
The water-bearer had ……….. perfect pot.
(a) two
(b) three
(c) one.
(c) one

Question 2.
The water-bearer ………….. about the crack in the pot.
(a) did not know
(b) knew
(c) felt ashamed
(b) knew

Question 3.
The cracked pot took notice of …………… on their return from the river.
(a) beautiful flowers
(b) water leaking from its crack
(c) the other pot.
(a) beautiful flowers

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 7 The Cracked Pot

Question 4.
The water-bearer had …………… on one side of the path.
(a) planted flower seeds
(b) planted vegetables
(c) planted small trees.
(a) planted flower seeds

Question 5.
The pot …………… its fault.
(a) informed the water-bearer about
(b) apologised to the water-bearer for
(c) tried to hide from the water-bearer.
(b) apologised to the water-bearer for

Learning Language


The verb in a sentence shows time or state of action.
That is, the time when the action takes place or whether the action is habitual, has been completed or is in progress.

वाक्य में Verb समय या काम की स्थिति बताता है, जैसे कि काम कब होता है; क्या यह प्रतिदिन होता है; यह पूरा हो गया है अथवा अभी चल रहा है।

Present tense is used shows actions happening in the present time (वर्तमान में) and their state.

Examples :
1 She writes a letter.”
She is writing a letter.
She has written a letter.
She has been writing a letter.
In all the sentences, the verb form is in the present tense.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 7 The Cracked Pot

Present Tense
In English grammar, the simple present tense is used for the following four general situations.

1. To say facts, general statements of truth and common-sense ideas that everybody knows.
सत्य या साधारण ज्ञान से जुड़ी आम बातें तथा तथ्य।

2. To state habits, customs and events that happen from time to time.
आदतों, परम्पराओं तथा घटनाओं को समय-समय पर बताने के लिए। :

3. To describe future plans and events.
भविष्य की योजनाओं का वर्णन करने के लिए।

4. To tell jokes, stories and relate sporting events in real-time.
वर्तमान रूप में चुटकुले, कहानियां तथा खेल-घटनाएं सुनाने (बताने) के लिए (जैसे आंखो देखा हाल)
We use V1, and I, You and a Plural Subject.
1. We pray to God daily.
2. They buy milk from a dairy.
नोट : V1 = verb on की पहली फार्म
We use V1 + s/es for a singular subject.
1. She speaks the truth.
2. Meena cooks delicious food.

Fill in the blanks with simple present tense.

1. I …………….. bread. (likes / like)
2. We …………… our duty. (do / does)
3. Rahul …………….. the truth. (speak / speaks)
4. The sun …………. in the east. (rise / rises)
1. like
2. do
3. speaks
4. rises.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 7 The Cracked Pot

Activity 7.

Write in the given space what you usually do every morning and evening. Start your sentences with “I”.

Morning Evening
I get up at 6 o’ clock every morning.
I go for a walk every morning.
I take my bath every morning.
I pray to God every morning.
I water the plants every morning.
I check my school bag every morning.
I play cricket every evening.
I do my homework every evening.
I water the plants every evening.
I revise my lessons every evening.
I study for two hours every evening.
I watch T.V. every evening.

Activity 8.

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb (present simple).

1. She ………….. (read) the newspaper every day:
2. We …………….. (come) to school by bus.
3. You ……….. (work) very hard.
4. She …………….. (like) sitting in the sun.
5. We ……………… (play) in the park every day.
6. Neelam and I always …………… (try) to arrive in time.
7. Sanjiv always ……………….. (walk) to school.
8. The dog ……………… (chase) the cat all around the house.
9. We …………….. (eat) together every day.
10. Raju ………………… (speak) several foreign languages.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 7 The Cracked Pot 2
1. reads
2. come
3. work
5. play
6. try
7. walks
8. chases
9. eat
10. speaks.

Learning to Listen (Refer to Appendix 1 at page no. 122) The activity requires you to follow instructions.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 7 The Cracked Pot

Activity 9.

Each student takes a piece of paper and the teacher reads the instructions. As you hear the instructions, you will perform the task. For this you must

  • close you eyes
  • not ask questions.

At the end of the task, you will check if everyone’s paper looks similar.

Activity 10 (Group Work).

You will ask questions from members of your group. The answer to these questions should either be ‘Yes, I do’ or ‘No, I don’t.’ Teacher must monitor each group.
Question : Do you like biscuits ?
Answer : Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
Question : Do you think India will win the game ?
Answer : Yes, I do. / No. I don’t.

Question : Do you get up early ?
Question : Do you like to play football ?
Question: Do you go to school in time ?
Question : Do you help your mother in the kitchen ?
Question : Do you waste your time ?

Learning to Write

Using the following format write an application for sick leave.

Addressed to
The Principal
[Name of the school]
Subject : Application for leave.
Sir / Madam
Body of Application
I beg to say that I will not be able to attend the school as I am down with viral fever. I have been advised to rest by the doctor for at least [number of days] days. Therefore, kindly grant me leave for [number of days]. I shall be really thankful to you.
Thanking youYours obediently
[Your name]
[Class and section]
[Roll No.]

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 7 The Cracked Pot

नोट: विघार्थी इस application और उसके format के अनुसार तरह – तरह की Applications लिखने का अभ्यास करें| Now, write an application to your Principal for

1. Remission of fine
2. Full fee concession Use the leave format given above.
1. The Headmaster
Govt. High School
Subject : Application for remission of fine.
Our English teacher gave us a test on Sunday. My mother was ill. So I could not come to school.
I was fined ten rupees.
I am very poor. Kindly remit my fine and oblige.
Thanking You,
Yours obediently
Raman Kumar
April 18, 20 ………..
2. The Headmaster
D.A.V. High School Amritsar
Subject : Application for fee concession.
I am a student of VI-B class. My father is a poor man. He is a peon. His pay is very small.
He cannot pay my school fee.
Kindly grant me full fee concession and oblige.
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Krishan Lal
March 8, 20………

Learning to Use Language

Activity 11 (Pairwork)

Work in pairs. Ask questions about the hobbies and interests of your partner. Then, introduce your partner to the rest of the class. Make notes while you are listening to your partner.
Note : Do it yourself.

Comprehension Of Passages

Read the given passages and answer the questions that follow each.

There was a water bearer in India. He had two large pots. Each pot hung on each end of a pole. He carried these pots on his shoulders. He delivered water to his master in these two pots.One of the pots had a crack in it but the other pot was perfect.

The cracked pot was always half filled but the other pot had full water at the end of the long walk from the river to his master’s house. For two years, this went on daily. The bearer delivered only one and a half pots full of water in his master’s house.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 7 The Cracked Pot

Of course, the perfect pot was proud of itself. It was perfect for what it was made. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its crack. It was sad that it could bring only half the water.

(i) What did the water-bearer do with his pots ?
पनहारा अपने बर्तनों का क्या करता था?

(ii) Describe the opposite feelings of the two pots.
दोनों बर्तनों की विरोधी मनोस्थिति का वर्णन करो।

Choose true or false statements and write them in your answer book.
(a) One pot had a crack in it.
(b) For two years he delivered full water.

(iv) Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage.
(a) The …………….. was always half filled.
(b) The water-bearer carried the two pots ……….
Match the words with their meanings.

(a) deliver hole
(b) crack supply

(i) The water-bearer supplied water in his pots to his master.
(ii) The perfect pot was proud of itself. But the cracked pot was ashamed of its crack.
(a) True
(b) False
(a) The cracked pot was always half filled.
(b) The water-bearer carried the two pots on his shoulders.
(a) deliver — supply
(b) crack — hole.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 7 The Cracked Pot

(2) After two years, one day the cracked pot spoke to the water-bearer. “ I am ashamed of myself and I want to say sorry to you.” The water-bearer asked, “Why? What are you ashamed of ?” The pot replied, “For these past two years, I delivered less water than the other pot because of this crack in my side. My water leaks out all the way back to your master’s house. You don’t get full value for your efforts because of my crack.”

The water-bearer felt sorry for the old cracked pot. He said to the pot. “Today when we return to the master’s house. I want you to notice the beautiful flowers along the path.” As they returned from the river, the cracked pot took notice of the sun warming the beautiful wild flowers on his side of the path. It was happy to see the beautiful flowers. But at the end of the path, it still felt bad because it had again leaked out half the water. It apologized to the water-bearer for its fault.

(i) What was the cracked pot sorry for ?
दरार वाले बर्तन को किस बात का खेद था?

(ii) On which side of the path were there beautiful flowers ?
रास्ते के किस ओर सुंदर फूल थे?

(ii) Choose true or false statements and write them in your answer book.
(a) The water-bearer was angry with the cracked pot.
(b) The cracked pot apologized to the water-bearer for its fault.

(iv) Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage.
(a) It was happy to see ……………..
(b) You don’t get full value for your efforts because ………….
Match the words with their meanings :

(a) apologize say sorry
(b) fault effort

(i) The cracked pot was sorry for delivering less water than the other pot.
(ii) The beautiful flowers were on the side of the cracked pot.
(a) False
(b) True.
(a) It was happy to see the beautiful flowers.
(b) You don’t get full value for your efforts because of my crack.
(a) apologize — say sorry
(b) fault — flaw

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 7 The Cracked Pot

(3) The bearer said to the pot, “Did you notice that there were flowers only on your side of the path. There were no flowers on the other pot’s side ? I knew about your crack. I planted flower seeds on your side of the path and every day while we walked back from the river, the leaked water fell on them. Without you being just the way you are, we would not have seen these beautiful flowers.”

(i) Where were the flowers ?
फूल कहां थे?

(ii) Who had planted flower seeds ?
फूलों के बीज किसने बोये थे?

(iii) Choose true or false statements and write them in your answer book.
(a) The leaked water fell on the seeds.
(b) The water-bearer did not know about the crack in the pot.

(iv) Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage.
(a) There were no flowers on ………….
(b) Without you, we would not have seen ……
Match the words with their meanings :

(a) notice planter
(b) bearer observe

(i) The flowers were only on the side of the cracked pot.
(ii) The water-bearer had planted flower seeds.
(a) True
(b) False
(a) There were no flowers on the other side.
(b) Without you, we would not have seen these beautiful flowers.
(a) notice – observe
(b) bearer carrier

Use Of Words / Phrases In Sentences

1. Perfect (Complete / flawless) —
He is perfect in his job.
वह अपने काम में पूर्ण है।

2. Proud of (pleased with, glad at) —
I am proud of my mother.
मुझे अपनी मां पर गर्व है।

3. Ashamed of (felt small) —
The boy was ashamed of his misdeed.
लड़का अपने बुरे काम पर शर्मिंदा था।

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 7 The Cracked Pot

4. Deliver (carry, to take) —
Please deliver my message to your father.
कृप्या मेरा संदेश तुम्हारे पिता जी को दे दो।

5. Apologise (say sorry) —
He did not apologise for his fault.
उसने अपनी गलती के लिए क्षमा याचना नहीं की।

6. Fault (something wrong / mistake) —
There is fault in this bulb.
इस बल्ब में कोई खराबी है।

7. Planted (grew) —
We planted ten new trees yesterday.
कल हमने दस नये वृक्ष उगाए।

8. Of course (Undoubtedly) —
निः संदेह आप मेरे मित्र है।

Word Meanings.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 7 The Cracked Pot 3

The Cracked Pot Summary in Hindi

There was a water ………. of my crack.”

भारत में एक पनहारा (पानी लाने वाला) था। उसके पास दो बड़े बर्तन (घड़े) थे। प्रत्येक घड़ा एक डंडे के सिरे पर लटका रहता था। वह इन घड़ों को अपने कंधे पर उठाता था। वह इन दोनों घड़ों में अपने मालिक को पानी पहुँचाता था। इनमें से एक घड़े में एक दरार थी परन्तु दूसरा घड़ा बिल्कुल ठीक था। नदी से दूर उसके मालिक के घर तक चलतेचलते दरार वाला घड़ा सदा आधा (भरा) रह जाता था। परन्तु दूसरा घड़ा पानी से पूरा भरा रहता था।

नि:सदेह ठीक घड़े को अपने ऊपर गर्व था। वह उस कार्य के लिए पूर्ण था जिसके लिए उसे बनाया गया था। परन्तु बेचारा दरार वाला घड़ा अपनी दरार के लिए शर्मिंदा था। उसे इस बात का दुःख था कि वह केवल आधा पानी ही ला सकता है। दो साल तक प्रतिदिन ऐसे ही चलता रहा। पनहारा अपने मालिक के घर केवल डेढ़ घड़ा पानी ही पहुंचाता था।

दो वर्षों बाद, एक दिन दरार वाला घड़ा पनहारे से बोला, “मैं अपने आप से शर्मिंदा हूँ। और मैं आपसे माफी मांगना चाहता हूँ।” पनहारे ने कहा, “क्यों ? तुम्हें किस बात की शर्मिंदगी है।” घड़े ने उत्तर दिया, “इन दो सालों में मैंने दूसरे घड़े की अपेक्षा अपनी दरार की वजह से कम पानी दिया है। मेरा पानी तुम्हारे मालिक के घर तक बहता रहता है। तुम्हें मेरी दरार के कारण अपनी मेहनत का पूरा मूल्य नहीं मिल पाता।”

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 7 The Cracked Pot

The water bearer ………………………… beautiful flowers.”

पनहारे ने दरार वाले पुराने घड़े के प्रति खेद प्रकट किया। उसने घड़े से कहा, “मैं चाहता हूँ कि आज जब हम वापिस मालिक के घर की ओर आएं तो तुम रास्ते के साथ-साथ सुन्दर फूलों की ओर ध्यान देना ।”
जब वे नदी से लौटे, दरार वाले घड़े ने रास्ते में सुन्दर जंगली फूलों को ध्यान से देखा जिन्हें धूप की गर्मी मिल रही थी। वह सुन्दर फूलों को देखकर खुश हुआ, परन्तु पंगडंडी के अंत में उसे अब भी बुरा महसूस हुआ क्योंकि उसका आधा पानी फिर से निकल गया था। उसने अपनी गलती के लिए पनहारे से माफ़ी मांगी।

पनहारे ने घड़े से कहा, “क्या तुमने ध्यान दिया कि पगडंडी के रास्ते में फूल केवल तुम्हारी ओर ही थे। दूसरे घड़े की ओर एक भी फूल नहीं था। मुझे तुम्हारी दरार के बारे में पता था। मैंने रास्ते पर तुम्हारी ओर ही फूलों के बीज बोये थे और प्रतिदिन नदी से वापिस आते हुए दरार से बहता हुआ पानी इन पर गिरता था। तुम्हारे बिना, जैसे कि तुम (छेद वाले) हो, हम इन सुन्दर फूलों को नहीं देख सकते थे।

Retranslation Of The Isolated Sentences

1. He had two large pots. — उसके पास दो बड़े बर्तन (घड़े) थे।
2. He carried these pots on his shoulders. — वह इन घड़ों को अपने कंधों पर उठाता था।
3. One of the pots had a crack in it. — घड़ों में से एक घड़े में दरार थी।
4. The perfect pot was proud of itself. — सही घड़े को अपने ऊपर गर्व था।
5. The poor cracked pot was ashamed of its crack. — बेचारा दरार वाला घड़ा अपनी दरार के लिए शर्मिंदा था।
6. I want to say sorry to you. — मैं आपसे माफी माँगना चाहता हूँ।
7. You don’t get full value for your efforts. — तुम्हें तुम्हारे प्रयत्नों का पूरा मूल्य नहीं मिलता।
8. I want you to notice the beautiful flowers along the path — मैं चाहता हूँ कि तुम रास्ते के साथ-साथ सुन्दर फूलों पर ध्यान दो।
9. There were no flowers on the other pot’s side. — दूसरे घड़े की ओर कोई भी फूल नहीं था।
10. I planted flower seeds on your side of the path.– मैंने रास्ते पर तुम्हारी ओर ही फूलों के बीज बोये थे।

English Class 6 Solutions PSEB Prose

How Beautiful is the Rain! Question Answer Class 6 English Solutions Poem Chapter 2 PSEB Solutions

Punjab State Board PSEB 6th Class English Book Solutions Poem 2 How Beautiful is the Rain! Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Class 6th English Solutions Poem Chapter 2 How Beautiful is the Rain! Question Answers

How Beautiful is the Rain! Class 6 Questions and Answers

Activity 1.

Look up the following words in a dictionary. You should seek the following information about the words and put them in your words note book.
1. Meaning of the word as used in the lesson (Adjective/Noun/Verb etc.)
2. Pronunciation (the teacher may refer to the dictionary or the mobile phone for correct pronunciation.)
3. Spellings

fiery lane clatter gushes tramp
hoofs swift overflowing spout

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Poem 2 How Beautiful is the Rain!

Vocabulary Expansion

Activity 2.

Pick up words from the text that match the rhyme of the following words.
1. rain – lane
2. heat – street
3. roofs – hoofs
4. out – spout
5. lane – rain/window-pane
6. pours – roars
7. wide – tide

Learning to Read and Comprehend

Activity 3.

Read the poem and write answers to the following :

Question 1.
Why does the poet say that the rain is beautiful ?
कवि क्यों कहता है कि वर्षा सुंदर होती है ?
The rain is beautiful as it presents a lovely sight. Its flow and sounds are lovely to watch and hear.

Question 2.
Which are the places where the rain falls ?
वर्षा कौन-कौन से स्थानों पर गिरती है ?
The rain falls on street, lane, roof, window-pane etc.

Question 3.
Why does the poet repeat the first line ?
कवि पहली पंक्ति को क्यों दोहराता है ?
The poet repeats the first line to lay stress on his point that the rain is beautiful.

Question 4.
What gushes and struggles out ?
क्या चीज तेजी से संघर्ष करती हुई बाहर निकलती है ?
The rain gushes and struggles out.

Question 5.
Why is the rain like a tramp of hoofs ?
वर्षा खुरों के पुलिंदे जैसी क्यों लगती हैं ?
The clattering sound of the rain on roofs makes it so.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Poem 2 How Beautiful is the Rain!

Activity 4.

Read the words in the following table and do as directed.

S. No. Word I know the word. Write the meaning. I don’t know, put a cross (x) Give yourself
1 mark if you know the meaning.
1. Beautiful lovely X 1
2. Dust fine earth particles X 1
3. Fiery burning X 1
4. Street lane X 1
5. Lane street X 1
6. Clatters clanks X 1
7. Tramp of hoofs a group of hoofs X 1
8. Gushes rushes X -1.
9. Overflowing running over the banks X 1
10. Swift fast X 1

Learning to Listen

Activity 5.

The teacher will read the following passage once. Students must complete the following blanks.

Rain …….1…… as a …..2….. relief after …..3…….. and dust of the ….4…… . Rain is a wonderful …..5……. of nature to all …..6………. If there is no ……7……. crops will not ….8……. . All vegetation will wither …….9……. We can not ……10…… of life in this … 11….. without ….12…..
1. comes
2. great
3. heat
4. summer
5. gift
6. creatures
7. rain
8. grow
9. away
10. think
11. season
12. rain.

Learning to Speak

Activity 6 (Think Pair Share)

Students will work in pairs to do the following activity. You may take notes of what your partner says. Just write points.
1. Do you like the rain ? Why ? Why not ? Tell your partner about it.
2. Why is the rain like ‘tramp of hoofs’ ? Discuss with your partner.
Note : Do it yourself.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Poem 2 How Beautiful is the Rain!

Learning to write

Activity 7.

What words would you use to describe the rain ? Make a list.
Beautiful, lovely, welcome, pouring, heavy, flooding, gushling, roaring, cooling, overflowing, clattering etc. Learning language Punctuation
Punctuation means putting full stops, commas, question marks etc. at the right places in a piece of writing. Punctuation helps to separate one sentence from another sentence, or one part of a sentence from another.

The important marks of punctuation are :
कुछ लिखते समय कुछ विशेष विराम चिन्हों का प्रयोग किया जाता है, इनके बिना अर्थ स्पष्ट नहीं होता। इन चिन्हों के प्रयोग को अंग्रेज़ी में Punctuation कहते हैं। इसके मुख्य विराम चिन्ह निम्नलिखित हैं।
Capital Letters (A, B, C ……..)
Full stop (.)
Comma (,)
Question Mark (?)
Exclamation Mark (!) etc.
In this lesson, we will concentrate on Capital Letters only.
इस पाठ में हम केवल Capital Letters के बारे में जानकारी प्राप्त करेंगे
There are different uses of capitals. We use capitals with :

1. The first word in a sentence :
(वाक्य का पहला अक्षर)
Examples :
(a) She was late for the film.
(b) She came back soon.

2. The word ‘I’ and people’s names :
(शब्द ‘I’ तथा लोगों के नाम)
Examples :
(a) Radhika likes to drive slow but I like to drive fast.
(b) Sheena likes apples.

3. The name of places, institutions and languages.
(स्थानों, संस्थाओं तया भाषाओं के नाम)
Examples :
(a) I studied in Kendriya Vidyalaya, Amritsar.
(B) Most people in the world speak Spanish language.

4. Product names :
Examples :
(a) I use Lux soap
(6) My Samsung phone was stolen.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Poem 2 How Beautiful is the Rain!

5. Calendar items :
(जत्री से जुड़े नाम)
Examples :
(a) I sent my friend a Diwali card while she sent me a Christmas Card.
(b) Seema does not like going to the office on Monday.
(c) My birthday falls in March.
However, the names of seasons are not written with a capital :
(ऋतुओं के नार्मों को बड़े अक्षर से शुरू करना ज़रूरी नहीं है।)
(d) Like cricket, baseball is played in summer.

6. Main words in titles :
(उपाधियों/ शीर्षकों के मुख्य शब्द)
Examples :
(a) The name of my doctor is Dr. Aggarwal.
(b) My favourite book is Five Run Away Together by Enid Blyton.

Activity 8.

Use Capital letters where needed in the following sentences.
1. she is a good singer.
2. are you a good singer ?
3. does pratima live in mumbai ?
4. saurabh lives in delhi but i live in chandigarh.
5. i went to the library to borrow books written by premchand.
6. do you have a samsung phone ?
7. why is february 29 important ?
8. albert einstein was a famous scientist.
9. jagdeesh chander bose was an indian scientist.
10. i will buy sony televesion from delhi.
1. She is a good singer.
2. Are you a good singer ?
3. Does Pratima live in Mumbai ?
4. Saurabh lives in Delhi but I live in Chandigarh.
5. I went to the library to borrow books written by Premchand.
6. Do you have a Samsung phone ?
7. Why is February 29 important ?
8. Albert Einstein was a famous scientist.
9. Jagdeesh Chander Bose was an Indian scientist.
10. I will buy Sony television from Delhi.

Activity 9.

Look at the following sentences carefully and do as directed.
1. Ram plays like Dhoni.
2. Ram runs like a horse.
3. Ram eats like a sparrow.
4. Ram bats like Tendulkar.
5. Ram looks like his father.
What is common in these sentences ? ‘Ram’ is like someone else.
“Ram’ is like Dhoni, horse, sparrow. Tendulkar, his father. The qualities of these people are there in Ram.
ऊपर दिए गए वाक्यों में राम को किसी ‘अन्य’ की तरह बताया गया है। वास्तव में इन वाक्यों में राम के गुणों की तुलना अन्य लोगों से की गई है।
‘Like’ is used to compare two different people/things.
दो अलग-अलग लोगों या वस्तुओं की तुलना करने के लिए ‘Like’ शब्द का प्रयोग किया जाता है। Examples.
1. Like the tramp of hoofs (rain sounds like)
2. Like a river down the gutter roars

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Poem 2 How Beautiful is the Rain!

Read the sentences given below and underline the two things that have the same quality. Also encircle the quality. For Example. (एक समान गुणों वाली दो चीज़ों को रेखांकित करें। गुण पर दायरा लगाएं।)
PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Poem 2 How Beautiful is the Rain! 1

Comprehension Of Stanzas

Read stanzas given below and answer the questions that follow each :

(1) How beautiful is the rain !
After the dust and heat,
In the broad and fiery street,
In the narrow lane,

How beautiful is the rain !
How it clatters along the roofs,
Like the tramp of hoofs.

1. What is beautiful ?
क्या चीज़ सुंदर लगती है

2. When is the rain welcome ?
वर्षा छतों पर किस प्रकार खटखटाति है।

3. How does it clatter along the roofs ?
वर्षा छतों पर किस प्रकार खटखटाती हैं ?

4. Name the poem and the poet.
कविता और कवि का नाम लिखें।
Write two pairs of rhyming words.
लय वाले शब्दों के दो जोड़े लिखें।
1. The rain is beautiful.
2. The rain is welcome after the dust and heat.
3. It clatters like the tramp of hoofs along the roofs.
4. The name of the poem is ‘How Beautiful is the Rain !’ Its poet is H.W. Longfellow.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Poem 2 How Beautiful is the Rain!

(2) How it gushes and struggles out
From the throat of the overflowing spout !
Across the window-pane
It pours and pours ;
And swift and wide,
With a muddy tide,
Like a river down the gutter roars
The rain, the welcome rain !

1. Write down the rhyming words in the stanza.
पद्य में से लयात्मक शब्द लिखें।

2. How does the rain fall across the window-pane ?
खिड़की के शीशे पर वर्षा कैसे पड़ती है ?

3. What is the rain compared to ?
वर्षा की तुलना किससे की गई है ?

4. When does it produce a roaring sound ?
यह गरजती हुई आवाज़ कब निकालती है ?
Name the poem and the poet.
कविता और कवि का नाम लिखें।
1. Out-spout; pane-rain, pours-roars; wide-tide.
2. It pours and pours across the window-pane.
3. The rain is compared to a river.
4. It produces a roaring sound while going down a gutter.
The name of the poem is ‘How Beautiful is the Rain !’ and its poet is H.W. Longfellow.

Word Meanings 

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Poem 2 How Beautiful is the Rain! 2

How Beautiful is the Rain Poem Summary in English

How Beautiful is the Rain Summary in English

The rain, with its sounds and sights, is very beautiful. It is most welcome after the dust and heat of the summer. It flows down the baked streets and presents a lovely sight. The rain clatters along the roofs like a group of hoofs. It struggles to drain out of the pipe and fell down.

It strikes the window-panes briskly and strongly. It becomes like a muddy river when it reaches the ground. It falls into some gutter producing a roaring sound. On the whole everybody welcomes, the summer rain.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Poem 2 How Beautiful is the Rain!

How Beautiful is the Rain Summary in Hindi

कवि कहता है कि गर्मियों की वर्षा बहुत ही सुंदर और सुहावनी होती है। यह सुंदर तथा दर्शनीय दृश्य प्रस्तुत करती है। धूल-मिटी के मौसम के बाद इसका पानी तपती हुई तंग तथा चौड़ी गलियों में बहने लगता है। वर्षा छतों पर खटखट की आवाज़ पैदा करती है। ऐसे लगता है जैसे बहुत से जानवर अपने खुर नीचे पटक रहे हों।

वर्षा का पानी तेज़ गति से संघर्ष करता हुआ छत की पाईप में से निकलता है। यह खिड़की के शीशों पर बड़ी ऊंची लहर की तरह नीचे की ओर बहता है। गड्ढों में से यह मटमैला होकर शोर करता (गरजता) हुआ निकलता है। ऐसे लगता है, जैसे कोई नदी की तेज़ धारा बह रही हो। ऐसी वर्षा स्वागत योग्य है।

Class 6th English Book Solutions PSEB Poetry

Kabuliwala Tree Question Answer Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 6 PSEB Solutions

Punjab State Board PSEB 6th Class English Book Solutions Chapter 6 Kabuliwala Tree Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Class 6th English Solutions Chapter 6 Kabuliwala Tree Question Answers

Kabuliwala Tree Class 6 Questions and Answers

Activity 1.

Look up the following words in a dictionary. You should seek the following information about the words.
1. Meaning of the word as used in the lesson (Adjective/Noun/Verb, etc.
2. Pronunciation. (The teacher may refer to the dictionary or the mobile phone for correct pronunciation.)
3. Spellings

worried quieten conversation lively clouds
crime recognise ceremonies terror chatterbox
sack tenderly chatter expenses

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 Kabuliwala

Vocabulary Expansion

Activity 2.

In the following table, you will see some words with their meanings. Make one sentence of each word.

S.No. Word Meaning Sentence
1. chatting (v) talking in a friendly way My friend and I sat on a bench chatting for hours.
2. conversation (n) talk between people The two friends were lost in a funny conversation.
3. lively (adj) full of life Plants look lively after the rain.
4. crime (n) an act for which you can be punished by law Stealing is a crime.
5. ceremony (n) an important religious or social event-wedding, birthdays, etc. Ceremonies of his wedding were going on.
6. afford (v) to have enough money to pay for something I can’t afford a new car.

Activity 3.

Choose the correct option to answer the following questions :

Question 1.
Why was Mini afraid of the Kabuliwala ?
मिनी काबुलीवाला से क्यों डरती थी ?
(a) Kabuliwala looked very horrible.
(b) She had heard that Kabuliwala caught the children.
(b) She had heard that the Kabuliwala caught the children.

Question 2.
What was Kabuliwala’s name?
काबुलीवाला का क्या नाम था ?
(a) Rehman.
(b) Armaan.
(a) Rehman.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 Kabuliwala

Question 3.
Why was the Kabuliwala arrested ?
काबुलीवाला को क्यों गिरफ्तार किया गया ?
(a) He had stolen money from Mini’s house.
(b) He had stabbed a man.
(b) He had stabbed a man.

Question 4.
What did Mini’s father give to the Kabuliwala ?
मिनी के पिता ने काबुलीवाला को क्या दिया ?
(a) Some clothes and food
(b) Some money
(b) Some money

Question 5.
Mini’s father could not afford the military band on her marriage. Why?
मिनी के पिता उसकी शादी पर मिल्ट्री बैंड की व्यवस्था न कर सके। क्यों ?
(a) Because he had given some money to the Kabuliwala.
(b) Because he had suffered a huge loss in his business.
(a) Because he had given some money to the Kabuliwala.

Activity 4

Put a tick (✓) or a cross (✗) against each sentence :

1. Little Mini was three years old. — (✗)
2. Rehman was a big bearded pathan. — (✓)
3. The Kabuliwala was hanged to death. — (✗)
4. Mini could not forget the Kabuliwala. — (✗)
5. Mini’s father helped Rehman with some money. — (✓)

Activity 5.

Complete the following sentences :

1. Mini could not live…………
2. The Kabuliwala and Mini would sit and………
3. There was a terrible……………..
4. Mini had grown……………. .
5. Mini’s father had to cut down…………….
1. without chatting
2. chat for hours
3. noise in the street
4. into a beautiful woman
5. the expenses on the wedding.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 Kabuliwala

Learning Language Conjunction

A conjunction is a word which joins two words, phrases or sentences.
दो शब्दों, शब्द-समूहों या वाक्यों को आपस में जोड़ने वाला शब्द conjunction कहलाता है। Some common conjunctions are : and, but, so, because. Let us see how they are used.

1. I missed the train.
I was late.
We can combine these two sentences by using ‘because’
I missed the train because I was late.

2. She wants coffee.
I want tea.
We can combine these two sentences by using ‘but’.
She wants coffee but I want tea.

Activity 6.

Underline the conjunctions in the following sentences :
1. Slow and steady wins the race.
2. Caesar and Pebble are friendly dogs.
3. I went out and had ice-cream.
4. I missed my flight because I was late.
5. Yesterday, it rained but today it is sunny.
6. I remember his name but not his mobile number.
7. He bought a book because he loves reading.
8. They went to the restaurant and had dinner.
1. and
2. and
3. and
4. because
5. but
6. but
7. because
8 and.

Activity 7.

Fill in the blanks with but/and/so.

1. I can read _____ write English.
2. Nisha can swim _____ Rani can’t.
3. Tom _____ Lucy came to my house.
4. He didn’t work hard _____ he failed.
5. I have a bat, _____ I don’t have a ball.
6. It was a holiday _____ we did not go to school.
1. and
2. but
3. and
4. so
5. but
6. so.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 Kabuliwala

Activity 8.

Match the Columns to make meaningful sentences.

Column A ___ Column B
1. He worked hard — but not tea.
2. Amrit likes coffee — so he passed.
3. I went to see my mother — because she was ill.
4. Run fast — and rested for a while.
5. Tanu and Manu came home — or you will miss the bus.
1. He worked hard so he passed.
2. Amrit likes coffee but not tea.
3. I went to see my mother because she was ill.
4. Run fast or you will miss the bus.
5. Tanu and Manu came home and rested for a while.

Activity 9.

Look at the bar graph chart below. It is about 4 cereals that children like. Read and understand the number of votes each cereal has got.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 Playing Kabaddi 6
Answer the following questions :

Question 1.
What are the names of 4 cereals that children like in the bar graph ?
Names of four cereals are : Corn Flakes, Cherries, Life and Kix.

Question 2.
Which cereal is the most favourite of children ?
Life is the most favourite cereal of children.

Question 3.
How many votes has it got ?
Six votes.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 Kabuliwala

Question 4.
How many votes has Corn flakes got ?
Four votes.

Question 5.
How many votes has Kix got ?
Kix has got three votes.

Question 6.
Which cereal has got the least number of votes ?
Cherries has got the least number of votes.

Learning to Listen

Activity 10.

Your teacher will tell you a story. Listen to the story carefully and put the sentences given below in the correct order i.e. as they happen in the story. Write the numbers in the given bracktes. The first is done for you.

1. One day, he told them to bring him a bundle of sticks. ___ ( 6 )
2. The father gave the bundle to each one of his sons. ___ ( 7 )
3. The sons tried to break the bundle of sticks. ___ ( 8 )
4. He failed to make them understand. ___ ( 4 )
5. The sons always fought with one another. ___ ( 2 )
6. The father advised them to live in peace. ___ ( 3 )
7. He thought of using another way. ___ ( 5 )
8. The sons could not break the bundle. ___ ( 9 )
9. He opened the bundle and separated the sticks. ___ ( 10 )
10. Within no time the sons broke the separated sticks. ___ ( 12 )
11. One by one he gave the sticks to his sons. ___ ( 11 )
12. The father then told his sons the importance of standing with one another. ___ ( 13 )
13. A father had three sons. ___ ( 1 )

Activity 11.

Get into pairs and tell each other a joke or a short story in English. After listening to the story, you must ask each other some questions. The questions will be on something that you do not understand in the story. You must write those questions in the space given below for your teacher to check. You will also write the answers your partner gives you.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 Kabuliwala

1. Once there was a wise crow. He was very thirsty. He flew in search of water. But he could not get water anywhere. At last he reached a garden. There he saw a pitcher of water. But the water was very low. His beak could not reach it. He saw some small stones near the pitcher. He put them into the pitcher. The water came up. He drank the water and flew away.

Moral : Where there is a will, there is a way.

2. Once a fox was very hungry. It went here and there in search of food. But it did not get food anywhere. At last it reached a garden. There it saw a crow sitting in a tree. The crow had a piece of cheese in his beak.

The fox said to the crow, “Your voice is very sweet. Please sing me a song.” The crow was happy. He opened his beak to sing. The piece of cheese fell down. The fox ate it up and went away.

Moral : Beware of flatterers.

My Questions
1. The crow is a wise bird. Then why did he opened his beak ?
2. How did the fox know the art of flattery and its power ?

My Partner’s answers
1. The words of flattery are more powerful.
2. It knew this as she is a very clever animal.

Activity 12.

Look at the following words. Learn to pronounce them by repeating after the teacher.
1. quieten — क्वाइटन
2. conversation — कन्वसेशन
3. lively — लिवलि
4. clouds — क्लाउड्स
5. crime — काइम
6. recognise — रैकाग्नाइज़
7. ceremonies — सेरेमनीज़
8. terror — टेरर
9. chatterbox — चैटरबाक्स
10. tenderly — टेंड्अली

Comprehension Of Passages

Read the given passages and answer the questions that follow each.

(1) Little Mini was five years old and a great chatterbox. She simply could not live without chatting all the time. Her mother was often worried about this non-stop chatter of Mini and tried to quieten her. But no one could think of Mini being quiet.

(i) How old was Mini ?
मिनी की कितनी आयु थी ?

(ii) Who was worried about her non-stop talking ?
उसके लगातार बोलते जाने से कौन चिन्तित था ?

(ii) Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage :
(a) Mini was a great ……….
(b) No one could think of Mini

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 Kabuliwala

(iv) Choose ‘True’ and ‘False’ statements :
(a) Mini could not live without chatting
(b) No one could try to question Mini.
Match the words in column A with their opposites in column B.
Column A — Column B
(a) quiet — start
(b) stop — loud
(i) Mini was five years old.
(ii) Mini’s mother was worried about her non-stop talking.
(a) Mini was a great chatterbox.
(b) No one could think of Mini being quiet.
(a) True
(b) False
(a) quiet — loud
(b) stop — start

(2) Mini called out to the Kabuliwala but when he looked at her, she was in terror and ran to her father. She had heard that Kabuliwalas caught children, put them in their sacks and took them away. The Kabuliwala came to Mini’s house and her father made sure that Mini came out and met him.

(i) Who did Mini call out to ?
मिनी ने किसको पुकारा ?

(ii) Why did she run to her father in terror ?
वह आतंकित होकर अपने पिता के पास क्यों भाग गई ?

(iii) Choose true or false statements and write them in your answer book.
(a) The Kabuliwala did not come to Mini’s house.
(b) In terror Mini ran to her father.

(iv) Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage :
(a) Mini had heard that Kabuliwalas caught children ………..
(b) Mini’s father wanted to make sure that …………..
Write the meanings of the following words in English :
(a) terror
(b) sack
(i) Mini called out to the Kabuliwala.
(ii) She had heard that Kabuliwalas caught children, put them in their sacks and took them away.
(a) False
(b) True.
(a) Mini had heard that Kabuliwalas caught children, put them in their sacks and took them away.
(b) Mini’s father wanted to make sure that Man come out and met him.
(a) great fear
(b) bag

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 Kabuliwala

(3) Mini’s father could not control his tears. He realised that the poor Kabuliwala was also a father. He called Mini who came out dressed as a bride. The Kabuliwala was shocked to see that Mini, the little girl he had known, had grown into a beautiful woman. He suddenly realised that his own daughter would have grown up too and broke into tears.

(i) Why could Mini’s father not control his tears ?
मिनी का पिता अपने आंसू क्यों न रोक सका ?

(ii) How was Mini dressed ?
मिनी ने कैसी पोशाक पहन रखी थी ?

(iii) Choose true or false statements and write them in your answer-book :
(a) Mini’s father laughed at the Kabuliwala’s plight.
(b) The Kabuliwala was shocked to see Mini.

(iv) Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage :
(a) He realized that his own daughter would have grown up ….
(b) Mini had grown …..
Match the words with their meanings :
(a) dressed — felt
(b) realised — clothed/clad
(i) Because he realized that the Kabuliwala was also a father.
(ii) Mini was dressed as a bride.
(a) False
(b) True
(a) He realized that his own daughter would have grown up too and broke into tears.
(b) Mini had grown into a beautiful woman.
(a) dressed — clothed/ clad felt
(b) realised — felt

Use Of Words/Phrases In Sentences

1. Chatting (v): (talking in a friendly manner) —
They were chatting and laughing.
वे बातें कर रहे थे और हंस रहे थे।

2. Worried (v) : (to be anxious) —
Why do you seem worried ?
तुम परेशान क्यों दिख रहे हो ?

3. Lively (adj.): (full of life) —
She sang a lively song.
उसने रोचक गाना गाया।

4. Terror (n) : (great fear) —
The people ran in terror to see a lion.
लोग शेर को देखकर डर से भागे।

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 Kabuliwala

5. Owe (v) : (to be indebted) —
I owe him twenty rupees.
मैंने उसे बीस रुपये ऋण में दिए।

6. Crime (n) : (a punishable act) —
Killing people is a crime.
लोगों को मारना जुर्म है।

7. Recognize (n) : (to be able to identify) —
I recognized my old friend when I met him after 25 years.
मैंने अपने पुराने मित्र को पहचान लिया जब मैं उसे 25 वर्षों बाद मिला |

8. Ceremonies (n) : (rituals/religious events) —
The wedding ceremomies are going on.
विवाह के रीति-रिवाज चल रहे हैं।

9. Afford (v): (to be able to have) —
We can’t afford a car.
हम कार नहीं रख सकते।

Word Meanings

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 Playing Kabaddi 7

Kabuliwala Summary in Hindi

Little Mini ……………………….. five-year-old.

छोटी मिनी पाँच वर्ष की थी और बड़ी बातूनी थी। उसका हर समय बात किए बिना गुजारा नहीं था। उसकी माँ प्राय: मिनी की कभी न रुकने वाली बातों से परेशान रहती थी और उसे चुप कराने का प्रयास करती थी। परंतु कोई सोच भी नहीं सकता था कि मिनी चुप हो जाएगी। अपने पिता जी के साथ उसकी बातचीत सदा बहुत ही सजीव होती थी।

एक दिन मिनी दौड़ती हुई अपने पिता के अध्ययन कक्ष में आई। वह अपने पिता को बाजुओं में भरकर बोली, “पिता जी, आप क्या सोचते हैं ? भोला कहता है कि बादलों में एक हाथी है जो अपनी सूंड से पानी बिखेरता है, इसलिए वर्षा होती है।” इससे पहले कि उसके पिता उत्तर देते वह “ए काबुलीवाला ए काबुलीवाला” चिल्लाते हुई खिड़की की ओर दौड़ी।

मिनी ने काबुलीवाला को आवाज़ दी, परंतु जब उसने (काबुलीवाला ने) उसकी ओर देखा तो वह डर गई और दौड़ कर अपने पिता के पास चली आई। उसने सुन रखा था कि काबुलीवाले बच्चों को पकड़ लेते हैं और उन्हें अपने थैले में डाल कर ले जाते है। काबुलीवाला मिनी के घर आया। मिनी का पिता इस बात से विश्वस्त होना चाहता था कि मिनी बाहर जा कर उससे मिले। शीघ्र ही मिनी को उसका डर जाता रहा। उन्हें लम्बी दाढ़ी वाले बड़े पठान को पांच वर्षीय बच्ची से मीठी-मीठी बातें करते देख बहुत खुशी हो रही थी।

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 Kabuliwala

The Kabuliwala was…………………..dors long ego.

काबुलीवाला अब हर रोज़ मिनी के घर आने लगा। वे कई घंटे बातें करते और एक-दूसरे के साथ मज़ाक करते। “काबुलीवाला, ओ काबुलीवाला ! तुम्हारे थैले में क्या है ?” मिनी पूछती। “एक हाथी,” काबुलीवाला उत्तर देता और दोनों ठहाका मार कर हंसने लगते। वर्ष में एक बार रहमान जो काबुलीवाले का नाम था, अपने देश वापिस चला जाता था। जाने से पहले वह लोगों से उधार के पैसे इकट्ठे करता था। यद्यपि रहमान व्यस्त रहता था, फिर भी वह मिनी से मिलने के लिए सदा समय निकाल लेता।

एक दिन गली में बहुत अधिक शोर मच गया। रहमान ने एक आदमी को जिसने उसके पैसे देने थे, छुरा मार दिया था। इस अपराध में उसे जेल भेज दिया गया। समय गुजरता गया और मिनी शीघ्र ही अपने पुराने मित्र, काबुलीवाला को भूल गई। वह एक बहुत ही सुन्दर स्त्री के रूप में बड़ी हो रही थी।

उसके पिता ने मिनी के विवाह का प्रबन्ध किया। मिनी का उस रात विवाह हो रहा था। जब उसके पिता अपने अध्ययन कक्ष में बैठे थे, एक आदमी आया और उसने उनको आदरपूर्वक सलाम किया। पहले तो वह उस व्यक्ति को पहचान नहीं पाये। शीघ्र ही उन्हें यह महसूस हुआ कि वह काबुलीवाला रहमान है। मिनी के पिता ने उसे बताया कि घर में कुछ रस्में चल रही हैं, इसलिए वह किसी और दिन आए।

जाते-जाते वह मुड़ा और बोला, ” श्रीमान् जी, क्या मैं छोटी बच्ची से मिल सकता हूँ ?” . वह अब भी मिनी को छोटी-सी बच्ची समझ रहा था जो “काबुलीवाला, ओ काबुलीवाला” पुकारती हुई उसके पास दौड़ी चली आती थी। वह सोच रहा था कि वह बहुत पहले की तरह बातें करेंगे और हंसेंगें।

Mini’s father told him …………….. once again.

मिनी के पिता ने एक बार फिर उसे बताया कि घर में रस्में चल रही हैं। तब काबुलीवाले ने उन्हें मिनी के लिए सूखी किशमिश, अखरोट और बादामों का एक छोटा-सा पैकेट देते हुए कहा, “ये छोटी बच्ची को दे दें। मेरी भी उस जैसी एक बच्ची है, मैं उसके बारे में सोच कर आपके पास ये मेवे लाया हूँ।”

मिनी के पिता अपने आंसू न रोक पाए। उन्होंने महसूस किया कि गरीब काबुलीवाला भी पिता है। उन्होंने मिनी को बुलाया जो दुल्हन की पोशाक में बाहर आई। काबुलीवाला यह देख कर स्तब्ध रह गया कि वह जि छोटी सी मिनी को जानता था वह बड़ी हो कर एक सुन्दर स्त्री बन गई है।

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 Kabuliwala

अचानक उसने महसूस किया कि उसकी अपनी पुत्री भी बड़ी हो गई होगी और वह रोने लगा। मिनी के पिता ने कुछ पैसे निकाले और रहमान को देते हुए बोले, “जाओ, जाकर अपनी पुत्री से मिलो। भगवान करे तुम्हें हर खुशी प्राप्त हो।” मिनी के पिता को विवाह के खर्चे घटाने पड़े। वह अब मिल्ट्री बैंड या बिजली की व्यवस्था नहीं कर सकते थे परन्तु उन्हें इस बात की प्रसन्नता थी कि उनके धन से बहुत समय पहले अपनी इकलौती बच्ची से जुदा हुआ पिता पुनः उससे मिल जाएगा।

Retranslation Of Isolated Sentences

1. Little Mini was five years old. — छोटी मिनी पांच साल की थी।
2. What do you think father ? — पिता जी आप क्या सोचते हैं ?
3. She ran to the window. — वह खिड़की की ओर दौड़ी।
4. She was in terror. — वह बहुत भयभीत थी।
5. They would sit and talk for hours. — वे बैठकर घंटों तक बातें करते रहते थे।
6. What have you got in your bag ? — तुमने थैले में क्या रखा हुआ है ?
7. Mini was getting married that night.– उस रात मिनी की शादी हो रही थी।
8. Give these to the little ones. — ये छोटे बच्चों को दे देना।
9. Mini’s father took out some money. — मिनी के पिता ने कुछ पैसे बाहर निकाले।
10. Mini soon forgot her old friend.– मिनी शीघ्र ही अपने पुराने मित्र को भूल गई।

English Class 6 Solutions PSEB Prose

My Furry Friend Question Answer Class 6 English Solutions Poem Chapter 1 PSEB Solutions

Punjab State Board PSEB 6th Class English Book Solutions Poem 1 My Furry Friend Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Class 6th English Solutions Poem Chapter 1 My Furry Friend Question Answers

My Furry Friend Class 6 Questions and Answers

Activity 1.

Look up the following words in a dictionary. You should seek the following information about the words and put them in your WORDS notebook.
1. Meaning of the word as used in the Lesson (Adjective/Noun/Verb, etc.)
2. Pronunciation (The teacher may refer to the dictionary or the mobile phone for correct pronunciation.)
3. Spellings

tummy nibbles tear down conversation quick on feet
fuss growls frown treat

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Poem 1 My Furry Friend

Vocabulary Expansion

Activity 2.

Give the rhyming words of the following words :

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Poem 1 My Furry Friend 1

Activity 3.

Read the following words/phrases and use them in meaningful sentences :

1. conversation : I was listening to their funny conversation.
2. frown : A frown on her face shows that she is angry.
3. tear down : The baby girl torn down her doll.
4. quick on feet : My servant is very quick on his feet.

Learning to Read and Comprehend

Activity 4.

Read the poem and answer the following question :
Write a few things about the furry friend of the poet.
1. The furry friend of the poet is a little puppy.
2. He is black and white.
3. He sleeps day and night.
4. His tummy is very fat.
5. His eyes are soft brown.

Activity 5.

Read and answer :

1. I brought home a puppy
He looked very happy!

Q. What did the poet bring home ?
कवि घर में क्या लाया ?
The poet brought a puppy home.

2. Nibbles like a mouse
Eats whatever he finds in the house.

Q. What does the puppy nibble at ?
पिल्ला क्या कुतरता/चबाता है ?
The puppy nibbles at whatever he finds in the house.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Poem 1 My Furry Friend

3. You ask him to go
he growls loudly to say NO.

Q. Why does the puppy growl ?
पिल्ला क्यों गुर्राता है?
The puppy growls to say ‘No’ to go.

4. He is quick on his feet
When you give him a treat.

Q. When is the puppy quick on his feet ?
पिल्ला तेजी कृब दिखाता है ?
The puppy is quick on his feet when you give him a treat. (विशेष भोजन)

Learning Language

The Noun-Number

Study the following words in the table :

Singular Noun (one) Plural Noun (many)
doll dolls
bat bats
baby babies
city cities
orange oranges

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Poem 1 My Furry Friend 2

Now let us look at the following sentences :
1. Radhika has one doll. Rita has three dolls.
2. Amrit got two chocolates on his birthday.
3. I have an orange in my bag.
Nouns Singular भी हो सकते हैं Plural भी। किसी एक वस्तु को व्यक्त करने वाले Nouns Singular तथा एक से अधिक वस्तुओं का बोध कराने वाले Nouns Plural होते हैं।

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Poem 1 My Furry Friend

Examples :
1. one orange, three oranges
2. one bird, two birds
3. one star, many stars
4. one puppy, four puppies

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Poem 1 My Furry Friend 3

Making Plural
Singular Nouns से Plural बनाने के कई नियम हैं। मुख्य रूप से हम Singular के साथ ‘-s’, ‘-es’ या ‘-ies’ जोड़ते हैं। कई अन्य नियम भी हैं। इन सबका अध्ययन कीजिए
To make plural from singular we add ‘-s’, ‘-es’, ‘-ies’. Also, -becomes ‘-ves’ (self-selves, knife-knives). Some nouns remain the same in their plural form too. For example : sheep, fish, deer.

Let us look at some examples :
(i) By adding ‘s’

Singular Plural Singular Plural
cat cats ball balls
flag flags lion lions
horse horses sister sisters
goat goats owl owls

(ii) Nouns ending in -S, -X, -sh, -ch, take “-es’ after them.

bunch bunches brush brushes
dish dishes bush bushes
tax taxes box boxes
dress dresses class classes

(iii) Nouns ending in -y with a consonant letter before it take-ies’ after replacing ‘y’.

city cities baby babies
story stories lady ladies
family families sky skies
puppy puppies country countries

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Poem 1 My Furry Friend

(iv) Nouns ending in -y with a vowel letter before -y take only ‘-s’ after them.

key keys storey storeys
boy boys holiday holidays
play plays monkey monkeys
day days valley valleys

(v) Nouns ending in -f or -fe change by replacing -f, -fe with -ves.

calf calves knife knives
thief thieves half halves

Rule ( नियम) (v) का अपवाद

roof roofs proof proofs
chief chiefs hoof hoofs

(vi) Nouns ending in -o with a consonant before -o take ‘-es’ after them.

echo echoes hero heroes
potato potatoes mango mangoes

अपवाद photo—photos; piano—pianos (‘-s’ only).

(vii) Nouns ending in -o with a vowel letter before -o take ‘-s’ after them.

radio radios bamboo bamboos
cuckoo cuckoos video videos

(viii) Compound nouns change by taking ‘-s’ after the main noun.

daughter-in-law daughters-in-law son-in-law sons-in-law
step-daughter step-daughters step-son step-sons

(ix) Some irregular plurals (अनियमित रूप से बदलने वालो Nouns)

man men woman women
foot feet goose geese
mouse mice child children
ox oxen tooth teeth
person people louse lice

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Poem 1 My Furry Friend

(x) Some compound nouns take double plural. (दोनों भागों में change)

man-servant men-servants woman-servant women-servants

(xi) Others – No change :

fish fish deer deer
cattle cattle dozen dozen
sheep sheep furniture furniture

Activity 6.

Solve the crossword given below. You have to make plurals of the words given.
For example :
1 down is given – baby-babies :

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Poem 1 My Furry Friend 4

Activity 7.

Make a list of action words used for the furry friend of the poet in the table given below.

S.No. Verbs
1. fights, loves, listens
2. bites, spoils, sleeps
3. nibbles, finds
4: eats
5. makes, comes, sits
6. tears, growls.

Such words that show action are called Verbs.
क्रिया को व्यक्त करने वाले शब्द Verbs कहलाते हैं।

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Poem 1 My Furry Friend

Comprehension Of Stanzas

Read stanzas given below and answer the questions that follow each :

(1) I brought home a puppy
He looked very happy!
Soft brown eyes !
Is very small in size

Black and white
Sleeps day and night
As small as a rat.
But has a tummy so fat !

1. What did the poet bring home ?
कवि घर में क्या लाया ?

2. What was his colour ?
इसका रंग क्या था ?

3. How were his eyes ?
इसकी आँखें कैसी थी?

4. What does the poet compare him with ?
कवि इसकी तुलना किससे करता है?
Name the poem and the poet.
कविता तथा कवि का नाम बताओ।
1. The poet brought home a small puppy.
2. His colour was black and white.
3. His eyes were soft brown.
4. The poet compares him with a mouse.
The name of the poem is ‘My Furry Freind and that of the poet (poetess) is Vandana Lunyal.

(2) He makes a funny noise
When he tears down his toys
He loves to be part of the fun
And listens to our conversation.

He comes and sits between us.

And makes a fuss
You ask him to go
He growls loudly to say No.

1. When does the poet’s puppy make a funny noise ?
कवि का पिल्ला अजीब (मज़ेदार) शोर कब करता है?

2. What does he enjoy listening to ?
उसे क्या चीज़ सुनने में आनंद आता है?

3. Who makes a fuss ?
शोर – शराबा कौन करता है?

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Poem 1 My Furry Friend

4. How does he behave to say “No’?
Write the rhyming words in the stanzas. Two or three pairs. दो या तीन जोड़े
The poet’s puppy makes a funny noise when he tears his toys.
2. He enjoys listening to the conversation between the poet and his family.
3. The poet’s puppy makes a fuss.
4. He growls (Txfa) loudly to say ‘No’
noise-toys; us—fuss ; gono.
Now fully grown His forehead has a frown If you touch his food He spoils his mood. He loves to eat
1. The poet brought home a small puppy.
2. His colour was black and white.
3. His eyes were soft brown.
4. The poet compares him with a mouse.
The name of the poem is ‘My Furry Freind and that of the poet (poetess) is Vandana Lunyal.
He makes a funny noise When he tears down his toys He loves to be part of the fun And listens to our conversation.
He comes and sits between us. And makes a fuss You ask him to go
He growls loudly to say No.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Poem 1 My Furry Friend

1. When does the poet’s puppy make a funny noise ?
कवि का पिल्ला अजीब (मज़ेदार) शोर कब करता है?

2. What does he enjoy listening to ?
उसे क्या चीज़ सुनने में आनंद आता है?

3. Who makes a fuss ?
शोर – शराबा कौन करता है।

4. How does he behave to say “No’?
‘No’ करने के लिए वह कैसा व्यवहार करता है।
Write the rhyming words in the stanzas. Two or three pairs.
दो या तीन जोड़े
1. The poet’s puppy makes a funny noise when he tears his toys.
2. He enjoys listening to the conversation between the poet and his family.
3. The poet’s puppy makes a fuss.
4. He growls (गुर्राता) loudly to say ‘No’
noise – toys; us – fuss ; go – no.

(3) Now fully grown
His forehead has a frown
If you touch his food
He spoils his mood.
He loves to eat

Always hungry for meat
He is quick on his feet
When you give him a treat.

1. Name the poem and the poet.
कविता और कवि का नाम लिखें।

Write the words that rhyme together.
वे शब्द लिखें जिनकी लय एक जैसी है।

2. Who is now fully grown ?
अब पूरी तरह बड़ा कौन हो चुका है?

3. What does he love to eat most ?
वह सबसे ज्यादा क्या चीज़ खाना पसंद करता है?

4. What is his reaction when you give him a treat ?
विशेष आहार/खाना मिलने पर उसकी क्या प्रतिक्रिया होती है?
The name of the poem is ‘My Furry Friend’ and the poet is Vandana Lunyal.
grown – frown, food – mood, eat – meat, feet – treat.
2. The poet’s puppy is now fully grown.
3. He loves to eat meat most.
4. He is quick on his feet.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Poem 1 My Furry Friend

Word Meanings
PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Poem 1 My Furry Friend 5

My Furry Friend Poem Summary in English

My Furry Friend Summary in English

The poet brought a furry puppy in home. He was black and white in colour. His eyes were soft brown. He looked very happy and slept day and night. Though the puppy was small in size, his tummy was very fat. He nibbled at everything it found in the house.

He tore down his toys and made a funny noise. He enjoyed family talks and growled when he was asked to go away. Next he was fully grown and always looked angry. He would not allow you to touch his food. Meat was his favourite food. He was always hungry for it and ate it greedily.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Poem 1 My Furry Friend

My Furry Friend Summary in Hindi

कवि एक छोटा सा रोएंदार (फर वाला) पिल्ला घर ले आया। देखने में यह एक चूहे जितना लगता था। इसका रंग काला और सफेद था। इसकी हल्की-भूरी आंखें थीं और इसका पेट मोटा था। यह हर समय सोया रहता था और बहुत ही खुश दिखाई देता था।

पिल्ले की आदतें अजीब थीं और वह अजीब हरकतें करता था। वह चूहे की तरह चीज़ों को कुतरता था और उसे जो कुछ भी मिलता था खा जाता था। वह बहुत ही फुर्तीला था और हर समय लड़ने को तैयार रहता था। वह अपने खिलौने तोड़-फोड़ देता था और अजीब शोर करता था।

पिल्ले को कवि तथा परिवार की बातचीत सुनने में आनंद आता था। इसलिए वह उनके बीच आ बैठता था। भगाने पर भी वह नहीं जाता था और गुर्राने लगता था। अब पिल्ला कुत्ता बन चुका था और हर समय गुस्से में रहता था। वह खाने का बहुत शौकीन था और हर समय मांस खाने को मांगता था। जब भी उसे उसका मनपसंद खाना दिया जाता था, वह तेज़ी से उठ खड़ा होता था। उसके बाद वह अपने खाने को हाथ भी नहीं लगाने देता था।

Class 6th English Book Solutions PSEB Poetry

Playing Kabaddi Question Answer Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 5 PSEB Solutions

Punjab State Board PSEB 6th Class English Book Solutions Chapter 5 Playing Kabaddi Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Class 6th English Solutions Chapter 5 Playing Kabaddi Question Answers

Playing Kabaddi Class 6 Questions and Answers

Activity 1

Look up the following words in a dictionary. You should seek the following information about the words and put them in your WORDS notebook.
1. Meaning of the word as used in the lesson (Adjective/Noun/Verb, etc.)
2. Pronunciation (The teacher may refer to the dictionary or the mobile phone for correct pronunciation.)
3. Spellings

repeat formed breath
touched international tournament

Activity 2.

Read the meanings and sentences of the following words. Make one sentence of your own and write in the given space.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 Playing Kabaddi

1. breath (n): the air that goes in and out of mouth/nose
He took a deep breath and jumped into the water.
He could not hold his breath.

2. member (n): a person who belongs to a group or a team
He is a member of the football team.
I am a member of School Science Club.

3. touch (v): to put one’s hand on or against something
Don’t touch that pot; it is very hot.
He touched the tree and won the race.

4. Continued (v): something that goes on and on
The game continued for two hours.
The fair continued for two days.

Learning to Read and Comprehend

Activity 3.

Read and Write Answers.

Question 1.
What qualities are needed to play kabaddi ?
कबड्डी खेलने के लिए किन गुणों की आवश्यकता होती है ?
We need to be strong, quick and able to hold our breath.

Question 2.
When is a person out in kabaddi ?
कबड्डी में खिलाड़ी आऊट ह्यकब होता है?
When a visitor touches a player of the other team and comes back to his side holding his breath, the player touched is out.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 Playing Kabaddi

Question 3.
How many players are needed in a kabaddi team ?
कबड्डी की टीम में कितने खिलाड़ियों की जरूरत होती है ?
Seven players are needed in a Kabaddi team.

Question 4.
Which team wins the game ?
कौन – सी टीम खेल जीतती है?
The team that is able to get all the players of the opposite team out, wins.

Question 5.
Is kabaddi a local or an international game ?
क्या कबड्डी एक स्थानीय अथवा अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय खेल है ?
Now kabaddi is becoming an international game.

Question 6.
When did the game start as an international event ?
अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय खेल के रूप में कबड्डी का आरंभ कब हुआ ?
It was in 2004 World Cup.

Activity 4.

Select the correct word from the box given below and write in the given space.
draw, court, stands, referee, pitch, coach, whistle, spectator, umpire, pavillion
1. This is where you bat and bowl in cricket. — pitch
2. This is where you can play basketball. — court
3. This person watches a game or a match. — spectator
4. This is something that makes a loud noise. — whistle
5. This is the result of a match in which neither side wins. — draw
6. This is someone who judges the performance of the players. — selector
7. This is where you sit or stand to watch a match. — stands
8. This is someone who teaches you how to play a sport. — coach
9. This person makes sure that rules are followed on the cricket ground. — umpire
10. This is the place where players rest and get ready for the game. — pavillion

Learning Language


‘A’, “an’ and ‘the’ are called Articles. They are used before noun.
Articles किसी Noun से पूर्व प्रयोग होने वाले शब्द होते हैं। ये तीन हैं-‘A’, ‘an’ तथा ‘the’.

1. Words/Nouns that begin with a consonant sound such as ‘dog’, ‘man’ take ‘a’
e.g.a dog, a cat, etc. आरंभ में किसी व्यंजन (जैसे- घ, ब, ड, आदि) की आवाज़ देने वाले शब्दों से पहले ‘a’ का प्रयोग होता

2. Words that begin with a vowel sound such as ‘apple’, ‘ant’, ‘umbrella’ take ‘an’
e.g., an apple, an ant, an umbrella etc. आरम्भ में किसी स्वर (जैसे-अ, ए. ई आदि) की आवाज़ देने वाले शब्दों से पहले ‘an’ का प्रयोग होता

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 Playing Kabaddi

3. Particular person or thing take ‘the’ such as the sun’, ‘the black dog’, ‘the yellow car
etc. विशेष वस्तुओं से पहले ‘the’ लगाया जाता है।

Activity 4.

Select the correct word from the box given below and write in the given space.
draw, court, stands, referee, pitch, coach, whistle, spectator, umpire, pavillion
1. This is where you bat and bowl in cricket. — pitch
2. This is where you can play basketball. — court
3. This person watches a game or a match. — spectator
4. This is something that makes a loud noise. — whistle
5. This is the result of a match in which neither side wins. — draw
6. This is someone who judges the performance of the players. — selector
7. This is where you sit or stand to watch a match. — stands
8. This is someone who teaches you how to play a sport. — coach
9. This person makes sure that rules are followed on the cricket ground. — umpire
10. This is the place where players rest and get ready for the game.– pavillion

Learning Language


‘A’, “an’ and ‘the’ are called Articles. They are used before noun. Articles किसी Noun से पूर्व प्रयोग होने वाले शब्द होते हैं। ये तीन हैं-‘A’, ‘an’ तथा ‘the’.

1. Words/Nouns that begin with a consonant sound such as ‘dog’, ‘man’ take ‘a’
e.g.a dog, a cat, etc. आरंभ में किसी व्यंजन (जैसे- घ, ब, ड, आदि) की आवाज़ देने वाले शब्दों से पहले ‘a’ का प्रयोग होता

2. Words that begin with a vowel sound such as ‘apple’, ‘ant’, ‘umbrella’ take ‘an’
e.g., an apple, an ant, an umbrella etc. आरम्भ में किसी स्वर (जैसे-अ, ए. ई आदि) की आवाज़ देने वाले शब्दों से पहले ‘an’ का प्रयोग होता

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 Playing Kabaddi

3. Particular person or thing take ‘the’ such as the sun’, ‘the black dog’, ‘the yellow car
etc. विशेष वस्तुओं से पहले ‘the’ लगाया जाता है।PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 Playing Kabaddi 1

Activity 5.

Fill in the blanks with “a’/ ‘an’.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 Playing Kabaddi 2
1. an
2. a
3. An, an
4. an
5. A, an
6. An, a
7. A, a
8. An, a

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 Playing Kabaddi

Activity 6.

Fill in the blanks with ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’.

Sanjay lives in __ 1__ small house. It is __ 2__ old house, but Sanjay is very happy there. __3__ house has ___4__ nice garden with __5__ mango tree in __6__ centre.
1. a
2. an
3. The
4. a
5. a
6. the

Using ‘The

1. We use ‘the‘ for unique things (when there is only one of the kind).
(अपनी किस्म की एक ही वस्तु से पहले)
Examples : the sun, the moon, the earth/the library, the bank, etc.

2. We use ‘the‘ when the noun before which the article has to be used comes the second time in the same passage.
(किसी अनुच्छेद में किसी वस्तु का दोबारा उल्लेख होने पर)
For example : I saw a movie last night. The movie was so boring that I fell asleep.

Activity 7.

Select the right article and underline it.

1. My mother is a/an/the doctor and my father is a/an/the author.
2. Raghav recommended a/an/the good dentist, but a/an/the dentist doesn’t have time for alan/the next two months.
3. Mt. Everest is alan/the highest peak in the world. It is a/an/the very beautiful mountain.
4. Uma recommended a/an/the book to Babli. She didn’t like a/an/the book at all.
5. Do you have a/an/the vacuum cleaner ? I dropped a/an/the piece of cake on my carpet,and I need to clean it up.
6. Rosy, where’s alan/the leash ? I have to take a/an/the dog for a walk. I can’t find it. It was in a/an/the balcony, but now it’s not there.
7. Where is alan/the dictionary ? I need to look up a/an/the word in it.
8. Do you have a/an/the passport ? You need a/an/the passport to travel outside a/an/the country.
9. There’s a/an/the big dog in a/an/the lawn. I think alan/the dog wants something to eat. 10. Do you have alan/the laptop ? Yes, I have alm/the laptop and a/an/the iPad.
1. a, an
2. a, the, the
3. the , a
4. a, the
5. a, a
6. the, the, the
7. the, a
8. a, the, the
9. a, the, the
10. a, a, the.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 Playing Kabaddi

Activity 8.

Pick out suitable words from the lesson for the following expressions..

1. a shape like an egg — Oval
2. someone who visits a person or place — visitor
3. group of people playing together — team

Activity 9.

Based on your reading of the chapter, complete the following sentences.
1. In Kabaddi a line is drawn ………….
2. Kabaddi can be played …………
3. A Kabaddi player needs to be quick and fast ……………
1………….. on the ground.
2………… anywhere/both by men and women.
3. ………… on his feet.

Learning to Listen

Activity 10.

(Refer To Appendix 1 At Page No. 122)

Teacher will speak some words. Find them in the grid below. Each word will be spoken twice with a pause of 5 second.

Cricket Referee Soccer
Gully Penalty Century
Score Kabaddi
Pitch Comer Rich

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 Playing Kabaddi 3

नोट : विद्यार्थी इन शब्दों की Spellings याद करें और इन्हें लिखने का अभ्यास करें।

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 Playing Kabaddi

Activity 11.

Rohit and his father go to a zoo. There are a lot of animals there. Read the conversation between Rohit and his father at the zoo.

Conversation 1

Rohit : papa, is that a lion ?
Father : No, Rohit. It is not. Look Again.
A lion does not have spots on it.
It has a mane.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 Playing Kabaddi 4

Rohit : Oh, I know what it is.
It is a leopard.
Father : You are right, Rohit.
It is a leopard.

Rewrite the above conversation. Replace the words in bold with words from the box.

a fox , a wolf , a bushy tail

Conversation 2

Rohit : Papa, is that a wolf ?
Father : No, Rohit. It is not. Look again.
A wolf does not have a bushy tail.
Rohit : I know what it is.
It is a fox.
Father : That’s right, Rohit.
It is a fox.

Activity 12.

Guided Composition
Write 5 sentences on ‘The Game I Love to Play.’ You can use some of the following words and phrases.

1. hobby
2. enjoyment
3. health and fitness
4. energy/stamina
5. strength/strong
6. team-game
7. field/ground/court
8. concentration
The game I love to play
1. I love to play hockey.
2. It is a team game.
3. It is played on an open ground.
4. Some play it for enjoyment.
5. But I play it for health and fitness.
6. It gives new energy to the body.
7. It makes us active and quick on feet.

Learning to use Language

Activity 13.

Read the following information about Kabaddi.

1. one of the favourite games of punjab
2. seven members in each team
3. requires strength and energy
4. one needs to be quick
5. one has to come back to the team without being touched.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 Playing Kabaddi

Using the above information, write 60-70 words on Kabaddi. Write neatly. Leave space between each word.


Kabaddi is an interesting game. It is one of the favourite games of Punjab. There are two teams. Each team has seven players. A player requires strength and energy to play the game. He should be quick at feet. The players of the opposite side come and go across the line one by one saying ‘Kabaddi-kabaddi’. One has to come back to the team without being touched. The players touched are declared out.

Comprehension Of Passages

Read the given passages and answer the questions that follow each.

(1) Sports are very important in our lives. If we play sports, we keep young and healthy. In our villages, many sports and games are played. One game is very popular, which is Kabąddi.Kabaddi is a team game. It is very entertaining game. Players of Kabaddi need to be strong and quick on their feet. They should be able to control their breath and hold it for a long time. A line to divide the two teams is drawn on the ground. Each team has seven players.

(i) What is the importance of sports in our lives?
हमारे जीवन में खेलों का क्या महत्त्व है ?

(ii) Give two qualities needed for a kabaddi player.
कबड्डी के खिलाड़ी के लिए आवश्यक दो गुण बताओ।

(iii) Choose true or false statements and write them in your answer book :
(a) Kabaddi is a team game.
(b) In Kabaddi each team has 11 players.

(iv) Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage :
(a) A line ………… is drawn on the ground.
(b) In our villages, many sports and ………
Match the words with their meanings.

(a) quick strong
(b) drawn fast

(i) The sports keep us young and healthy.
(ii) He/She needs to be strong and quick on his/her feet.
(a) True
(b) False.
(a) A line to divide the two teams is drawn on the ground.
(b) In our villages, many sports and games are played.
(a) quick – fast
(b) drawn – marked.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 Playing Kabaddi

(2) The two teams stand opposite to each other with the line between them. A member of one team crosses the line and goes into the opposing camp, saying ‘Kabaddi’, ‘Kabaddi’ while also holding the breath. If she/he is able to touch one or two persons while saying the word ‘Kabaddi’ and holding breath and runs. back to their side, the person who is touched is declared ‘out’.

Then another team member crosses the line. However, if she/he is caught on the opposite side and is not able to get back to the team while saying ‘Kabaddi’ and holding breath, she/he is decalred out. When all the members of a team are out, the other team wins the game.

(i) How do the two teams stand ?
दोनों टीमें कैसे खड़ी होती हैं ?

(ii) Which person (Player) is given out ?
किस खिलाड़ी को आऊट दे दिया जाता है ?

(iii) Choose true or false statements and write them in your answer book :
(a) When all the players of a team are out, it wins.
(b) The player says ‘Kabaddi’, ‘Kabaddi’ while holding his breath.

(iv) Complete the following sentences accroding to the meaning of the passage :
(a) A member of one team crosses the line and ………….
(b) Then another team member crosses ……………
Match the words with their meanings :

(a) Declared go to other side
(b) Cross given/announced

(i) The two teams stand opposite to each other with the line between them.
(ii) The person touched by the player of the opposite side is given out.
(a) False.
(b) True.
(a) A member of one team crosses the line and goes into the opposite camp.
(b) Then another team member crosses the line.
(a) declared – given/announced
(b) cross – go to other side.

(3) ‘Kabaddi’ is very popular all over Punjab. Slowly, it is becoming popular internationally also. The Kabaddi World Cup is an indoor international Kabaddi competition. It is organized by the International Kabaddi Federation.

Both men’s and women’s national teams participate in this competition. The competition started in 2004 World Cup. It has countinued since then. India has done very well in these tournaments. Most tournaments have been won by India.

(i) Which game is popular all over Punjab ?
कौन सा खेल पंजाब भर में लोकप्रिय है ?

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 Playing Kabaddi

(ii) Who organizes the Kabaddi World Cup ?
कबड्डी विश्व कप का आयोजन कौन करता है?

(iii) Choose true or false statements and write them in your answer book :
(a) Women cannot take part in Kabaddi competiton.
(b) Most international Kabaddi tournaments have been won by India.

(iv) Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage :
(a) The Kabaddi World Cup is an ………
(b) India has done well in ……………..
Match the words with their meanings :

(a) Organised continued
(b) Participate held
take part

(i) Kabaddi is popular all over the Punjab.
(ii) It is organized by the International Kabaddi Fedration.
(a) False
(b) True
(a) The Kabaddi World Cup is an indoor international kabaddi competition.
(b) India has done very well in these tournaments.
(a) organised — held
(b) participate — take part.

Use Of Words/Phrases In Sentences

1. Important (significant, having worth) —
Games are as important as our studies.
खेलें उतनी ही महत्त्वपूर्ण हैं, जितनी हमारी पढ़ाई।

2. Declared (announced lout) —
Our result was declared yesterday.
कल हमारा परिणाम घोषित किया गया।

3. Competition (contest) —
I won the race competition.
मैंने दौड़ का मुकाबला जीत लिया।

4. Drawn (marked) —
A line was drawn before Sita’s hut.
सीता की कुटिया के आगे एक लाईन खींच दी गई।

5. Breath (air that goes in through nose) —
I cannot hold my breath for long.
मैं ज्यादा देर तक सांस नहीं रोक सकता।

6. Popular (favoured) —
He is a very popular leader.
वह एक बहुत लोकप्रिय नेता है।

7. All over (throughout) —
Corona has spread all over the world.
कोरोना पूरी दुनिया में फैल गया है।

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 Playing Kabaddi

8. Opposite (in front of) —
There is a big tree on the opposite side of my house.
मेरे घर के सामने की तरफ एक बड़ा पेड़ है।

9. Entertaining (full of amusement) —
Cricket is an entertaining sport.
क्रिकेट एक मनोरंजक खेल है।

Word Meanings:
PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 Playing Kabaddi 5

Playing Kabaddi Summary in Hindi

Sports are very ………………… wins the game.

खेलों का हमारे जीवन में बहुत महत्त्व है। यदि हम खेल खेलें तो हम स्वस्थ तथा युवा रहते हैं। हमारे गांवों में बहुत से खेल तथा क्रीड़ाएं होती हैं। एक क्रीड़ा बहुत ही लोकप्रिय है जिसे कबड्डी कहते हैं। कबड्डी एक सामूहिक क्रीड़ा (खेल) है। यह बहुत ही रोमांचक क्रीड़ा है। कबड्डी के खिलाड़ियों को मजबूत तथा तेजी से पैर चलाने वाला होना चाहिए।

उन्हें अपने सांस (श्वास) पर नियंत्रण होना चाहिए और इसे लम्बे समय तक रोक कर रखने की क्षमता होनी चाहिए। दो टीमों को बांटने के लिए मैदान में एक रेखा खींची जाती है। प्रत्येक टीम में सात खिलाड़ी होते हैं। दोनों टीमें एक-दूसरे के सामने खड़ी होती हैं और उनके बीच में रेखा होती है।

एक टीम का एक सदस्य (खिलाड़ी) रेखा के पार विपक्षी टीम के पाले में सांस रोक कर ‘कबड्डी, कबड्डी’ बोलते जाता है। यदि वह उस टीम के एक अथवा दो व्यक्तियों (खिलाड़ियों) को छू कर अपनी सांस रोके कबड्डी, कबड्डी कहते हुए अपने पाले में वापिस आ जाए तो उस टीम के छुए गए खिलाड़ी को आऊट घोषित कर दिया जाता है।

तब दूसरी टीम का सदस्य (खिलाड़ी) रेखा पार करता है। यद्यपि, वह विपक्षी टीम द्वारा पकड़ा जाए और सांस रोककर ‘कबड्डी-कबड्डी’ कहता हुआ वापिस अपने पाले में न आ पाए तो उसे आउट (बाहर) कर दिया जाता है। जब एक दल के सभी खिलाड़ी आउट हो जाते हैं तो दूसरी टीम गेम (खेल) जीत जाती है।

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 Playing Kabaddi

Kabaddi is ……………….. won by India.

कबड्डी पंजाब भर में लोकप्रिय है। धीरे-धीरे यह अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर लोकप्रिय हो रही है। कबड्डी विश्व कप घर में खेली जाने वाली एक अंतर्राष्ट्रीय कबड्डी प्रतियोगिता है। इसका आयोजन अंतर्राष्ट्रीय कबड्डी महासंघ द्वारा किया जाता है। पुरुष तथा महिलाएं दोनों की राष्ट्रीय टीमें इस प्रतियोगिता में भाग लेती हैं। यह प्रतियोगिता विश्व कप 2014 में आरम्भ हुई। तभी से यह लगातार चल रही है। भारत ने इन खेल-प्रतियोगिताओं में अच्छा प्रदर्शन किया है। अधिकतर खेल प्रतियोगिताएं भारत ने जीतीं हैं।

Retranslation Of Isolated Sentences

1. Sports are very important in our lives.
खेलों का हमारे जीवन में बहुत महत्त्व है।

2. Kabaddi is a team game.
कबड्डी एक सामूहिक खेल है।

3. Players of Kabaddi need to be strong.
कबड्डी के खिलाड़ियों का मजबूत होना ज़रूरी है।

4. A member of one team crosses the line.
टीम का एक सदस्य रेखा को पार करता है।

5. The person, who is touched is declared out .
जिस व्यक्ति को छू लिया जाता है उसे आउट घोषित कर दिया जाता है।

6. Kabaddi is very popular all over Punjab.
कबड्डी पंजाब भर में अत्याधिक लोकप्रिय है।

7. It is organized by the International Kabaddi Federation.
इसका आयोजन अंतर्राष्ट्रीय कबड्डी महासंघ द्वारा किया जाता है।

8. Each team has seven players.
प्रत्येक टीम में सात खिलाड़ी होते हैं।

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 Playing Kabaddi

9. India has done very well in these tournaments.
भारत ने इन खेल-प्रतियोगिताओं में बहुत अच्छा प्रदर्शन किया है।

10. Most tournaments have been won by India.
अधिकतर खेल प्रतियोगिताएं भारत ने जीतीं हैं।

English Class 6 Solutions PSEB Prose

The Farmhouse Cows Question Answer Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1 PSEB Solutions

Punjab State Board PSEB 6th Class English Book Solutions Chapter 1 The Farmhouse Cows Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Class 6th English Solutions Chapter 1 The Farmhouse Cows Question Answers

The Farmhouse Cows Class 6 Questions and Answers

Activity 1.

Look up the following words in a dictionary. You should seek the following information about the words and put them in your WORDS notebook.
1. Meaning of the word as used in the lesson (Adjective/Noun/Verb, etc)
2. Pronunciation (The teacher may refer to the dictionary or the mobile phone for correct pronunciation)
3. Spellings

appreciate loaf lump creature
moving cheese delicious underneath

नोट :-
1. विद्यार्थी Lesson के आरंभ में दिए गए Word-Meanings पढ़ें।
2. Pronunciation के लिए अपने अध्यापक से निर्देश लें।
3. दिए गए शब्दों की spellings याद करें और इन्हें बार-बार लिखने का अभ्यास करें।

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 1 The Farmhouse Cows

Vocabulary Expansion

Activity 2.

Choose sounds of animals from the given box. Write in the given blank.
Two examples are given below.
a cow moos
a lion roars.
neigh, quack, croak, bray, bleat, caw, hoot, talk
PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 1 The Farmhouse Cows 1
1. a horse —- neighs
2. an owl —- hoots
3. a goat —- bleats
4. a crow —- caws
5. a parrot —- talks
6. a frog —- croaks
7. a donkey —- brays
8. a duck —- quacks

Activity 3.

Fill in the blanks. Select suitable words from the story.
1. Rajinder was ……………… because his parents had moved to the village.
2. Cows moo and lions ……..
3. Cows send us a lot of …………….
4. Rajinder pours …………… on his apples.
5. Mother eats a piece of …………… at teatime.
1. happy
2. roar
3. gifts
4. all the cream
5. cheese.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 1 The Farmhouse Cows

Learning to Read and Comprehend

Activity 4

Read each sentence. If it is correct, write ‘yes’ or if it is not correct then write ‘no’ in the given space:

1. Rajinder’s family moved from country to town. No
2. A cow moos. Yes
3. A cow gives us a lot of presents. Yes
4. Rajinder appreciates the cows in the end. Yes
5. Rajinder’s mother says that cheese is a delicious thing. Yes

Activity 5

Read the story and answer the following questions :

Question 1.
What is the name of the boy in the story?
कहानी में लड़के का क्या नाम है ?
His name is Rajinder.

Question 2.
Where did the boy and his family come from ?
लड़का और उसका परिवार कहां से आये (के रहने वाले) थे ?
They came from a city.

Question 3.
Where does the milk come from ?
दूध कहां से आता है ?
Milk comes from cows and some other cattle.

Question 4.
What present does the Mother get from the cow ?
मां गाय से कौन सा उपहार प्राप्त करती है ?
She gets cheese.

Question 5.
What does the boy say about the cow at the end of the story?
कहानी के अंत में लड़का गायों के बारे में क्या कहता है ?
At the end, he says, “I did not know they were so kind !”

Learning Language

The Noun
A noun is a naming word. It may be a person, place, animal, thing etc.
Noun किसी व्यक्ति, स्थान, पशु, वस्तु आदि का नाम होता है।
PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 1 The Farmhouse Cows 2
Let us look at some sentences.
1. Manpreet is a good boy.
2. Chandigarh is a clean city.
3. Snakes are friends of farmers.
The words in bold are nouns.
They are the names of a person, place, animal or a thing

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 1 The Farmhouse Cows

Activity 6.

Look at the table given below. All the words are nouns. Add some more to the table.

Place Person Thing Animal
India Raghav toy dog
Punjab Divyam flowers Cat
Delhi Amit oranges snake
park boys bat fox
class girls tree wolf
Amritsar men bag lion
Jalandhar women books cow
bus-stand player shirt buffalo
city singer turban monkey

Kinds of Nouns There are different kinds of nouns. They are :
1. Common noun
2. Proper noun
3. Concrete noun
4. Abstract noun
5. Collective noun.

Common Noun

A common noun is the name of people or things in general, e.g. boy, country, river, bridge, city, evening. Common nouns do not begin with a capital letter if the word is in the middle of a sentence. Let us look at some sentences.
PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 1 The Farmhouse Cows 3
Common Noun आम लोगों तथा वस्तुओं के नाम होते है | लिखते समय वाक्य के अंदर यें ताम Capital Letters (A,B,C……..) से आरंभ नहीं किए जाते
1. Men are playing.
2. Women are running.
3. These fruits are sweet.
4. Animals are beautiful.
All the words in bold are common nouns

Activity 7.

Write common nouns in the space given and make small sentences.

1. Common Noun : book
Sentence : I have many books.

2. Common Noun : bag
Sentence : I have bought a new bag.

3. Common Noun : fruit
Sentence : Mango is a sweet fruit.

4. Common Noun : City
Sentence : Ludhiana is a big city.

5. Common Noun : toys
Sentence : Toys are playthings.

Proper Noun

A proper noun is the name of a particular person, place or thing, e.g. India, Delhi, Monday, Jamuna, Aman. In written English, proper nouns begin with capital letters.
किसी विशेष व्यक्ति, स्यान, वस्तु आदि का नाम बताने वाले Nouns, Proper Nouns कहलाते है| proper Noun अंग्रेजी में Capital Letter से आरम्भ होते हैं।

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 1 The Farmhouse Cows 4
Let us look at some sentences :
1. Radha is playing.
2. Mr. Sen and Mrs. Sen are running.
3. Mumbai is beautiful.
4. Gopal slipped in the class. All the words in bold are proper nouns.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 1 The Farmhouse Cows

Activity 8.

Underline proper nouns and encircle common nouns in the story given below :

Story Amit sells ice-cream in the Atal park. His ice-creams are of different flavours strawberry, vanilla, chocolate and many more. Harjot wants some ice-cream. He tells his mother, “I want to go to the park to buy ice-cream.” Harjot’s sister Joyti laughs and claps her hands. She also loves ice-cream. Mother says, “I have to go to the grocer’s and also to the supermarket. So let’s go by our jeep. We will go to the park by Gandhi Road. There is less traffic there. We will reach the park soon and then we can buy ice-cream there.” Harjot and Jyoti are very happy.

Activity 9.

Look at the picture given and list the common and proper nouns in the table given below :
PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 1 The Farmhouse Cows 5

Common Nouns Proper Nouns
Cap Jamuna
Clock Tajmahal
Chair Gurinder
Watch Babli
Road Delhi
Building Raghav
People Joyti
Tiger Hyderabad
Petrol Divyam
Cauliflower Earth
Forest Rosy
Blanket Kamlesh

Reading a short passage

The Right Way to Brush Not many of us know how to brush out teeth properly. Proper burshing takes at least two minutes twice a day. Brushing should be gentle. Use small headed tooth brush beacuse it can reach all the areas of the mouth. You must clean the outer surfaces of your upper teeth and then your lower teeth. You must clean the inner surfaces of your upper teeth and then your lower teeth. Also clean the chewing surfaces. You must not forget to brush your tongue too. Brushing of tongue removes bacteria and freshens the breath. You must replace your toothbrush every three months. You must also change your toothbrush if you have had a cold or any other form of mouth infection. It is because the bristles can collect germs that can lead to the same infections once again.

Activity 10.

Choose the correct option :

Question 1.
Brushing must be done at least :
(a) three times a day
(b) once a day
(c) twice a day
(d) twenty minutes a day.
(c) twice a day.

Question 2.
We should change our toothbrush every ……………. months.
(a) five
(b) three
(c) four
(d) six.
(b) three.

Question 3.
We should use large-headed toothbrush.
(a) true
(b) false
(c) not given
(d) none of these.
(b) false.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 1 The Farmhouse Cows

Question 4.
We should brush our teeth for about ………..
(a) two minutes
(b) 2 hours
(c) 15 minutes
(d) 30 seconds.
(a) two minutes.

Question 5.
Brushing of tongue removes :……….
(a) virus
(b) bacteria
(c) saliva
(d) none of these.
(b) bacteria.

Learning to Listen

Activity 11 (Pairwork)

The teacher will read out the story to the students. Listen to the story carefully and write the names of the people/animals from the story . The first letter of each word is given.
Examples :
(a) C ………….. cow.
(b) h ………… hen.
1. I …………… lion
2. ………….. goat
3. …………. horse
4. r ………… rabbit
5. k ………
6. d ………….duck
7. m ……….. mother
Now say them aloud to your partner.

Learning to Speak

Activity 12.

Speak five sentences about cow in your group using the following hints :
milk, cream, butter, moo, kind animal, delicious things, horns.
1. The cow is a kind animal.
2. It has big horns.
3. It moos.
4. It gives us milk
5. We get many delicious things like cream, butter etc from a cow.

Activity 13.

Fill in the blanks using the information given in Activity 12.

1. A cow is a kind animal.
2. Cow gives us a lot of milk.
3. It gives us other gifts too.
4. We can make many delicious things from cow’s milk like custard and cream and butter.
5. Though it has big horns we should not be afraid of it.
6. It is a friendly animal.
Now remove the numbers and put the sentences above in a paragraph form.
A cow is a kind animal. It gives us a lot of milk. It gives us other gifts too. We can make many delicious things from cow’s milk like custard and cream and butter. Though it has big horns, we should not be afraid of it. It is a friendly animal.

Learning to Use Language

Activity 14.

Have you seen a buffalo ? How does it look like? Write 5 sentences on a buffalo of your own.
1. My buffalo is black.
2. Most buffaloes are black or dark grey in colour.
3. A buffalo is a big animal. It looks like a bison.
4. It has four feet and a bushy tail. (गुच्छेदार पूंछ)
5. It has big horns which are bent. (झुके हुए)
6. It gives us a lot of delicious milk.
7. We make many things like curd (दही), cream, butter etc. from its milk.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 1 The Farmhouse Cows

Comprehension Of Passages

(1) Read the given passages and answer the questions that follow each :
Rajinder got very happy that his parents had bought a farm in a village, where they were moving from a city. It was so different ! There were small green lanes instead of busy streets, big trees instead of tall buildings, and a lot of animals and birds.

Rajinder counted the animals and said to his mother, “There are thirty two goats in the fields and six little kids. Mom !” said Rajinder to his mother, “and there are nine horses at the farm, and I saw two rabbits this morning and about twelve ducks. I could not count them properly because they would not stay still in one place. The hens would also not stay still”.

(i) Where were Rajinder’s parents moving to ?
राजेंद्र के माता-पिता घर बदल कर कहां जा रहे थे ?

(ii) Name two things in the village which were not in the city,
गांव की दो चीजों के नाम बताओ जो शहर में नहीं थीं ।

(iii) Choose true or false statements and write them in your answer book.
(a) There were thirty-two goats in the field.
(b) The hens were staying still.

(iv) Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage.
(a) Rajinder could not count the ducks properly because ……..
(b) There were six little kids in ……….
Match the words with their meanings.

(a) Still young one
(b) kids motionless stay

(i) Rajinder’s parents were moving to a farm in a village.
(a) Small green lanes
(b) a lot of animals and birds.
(a) True
(b) False.
(a) Rajinder could not count the ducks properly because they would not stay still in one place.
(b) There were six little kids in the fields.
(a) still – motionless
(b) kid – young one.

(2) “No, they are very good friends ! They give us delicious gifts,” said mother. She took down a jug of milk. She poured it into a mug and gave it to Rajinder. He drank it. “So, did that come from the cow ?” he asked. Mother nodded, “Well, it was simply delicious !” At lunch time mother put down a dish of sweetened apples for Rajinder.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 1 The Farmhouse Cows

He looked around for the custard that mother usually made for him with this dish. There was none. “The cow has sent you this gift instead !” said mother and she gave Rajinder a little jug full of thick cream. How lovely it was ! Rajinder poured it all over his apples.

They tasted much nicer than usual. “So that comes from the cow too !” said the little boy, “Well, it must be a very kind animal !” “Yes it is. All these things are made of cow milk.” said mother. Rajinder was surprised to know that cows give so much milk that his mother could make so many things out of it.

(i) Who gives us delicious gifts ? Name the two gifts.
हमें स्वादिष्ट उपहार कौन देता है ? दो उपहारों के नाम बताओ।

(ii) What increased the taste of Rajinder’s apples ?
राजेन्द्र के सेबों का स्वाद किस चीज़ ने बढ़ाया ?

(iii) Choose true or false statements and write them in your answer book :
(a) Mother usually made custard for herself.
(b) Rajinder did not know that milk is delicious.

(iv) Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage :
(a) At lunch time mother gave Rajinder a ……………….
(b) Rajinder was surprised to know that cows give …………
Match the words with their meanings :

(a) delicious tasty
(b) nicer usual

(i) Cows give us delicious gifts. Two of them are-milk and cream.
(ii) Thick cream increased the taste of Rajinder’s apples.
(a) False
(b) True.
(a) At lunch time, mother gave Rajinder a dish of sweetened apples.
(b) Rajinder was surprised to know that cows give so much milk.
(a) delicious — tasty
(b) nicer — better.

Use Of Words/ Phrases In Sentences

1. Afraid of (frightened) —
I am not afraid of this dog.
मैं इस कुत्ते से नहीं डरता।

2. Instead of (in place of) —
Instead of tea I drank milk.
चाय की बजाय मैंने दूध पिया।

3. Lead to (take in the direction of) —
This road leads to Khanna.
यह सड़क खन्ना जाती है।

4. Delicious (tasty) —
This mango is very delicious.
यह आम बहुत ही स्वादिष्ट है।

5. Creature (animal) —
Ant is a small creature.
चींटी एक छोटा सा जीव है।

6. Appreciate (admire) —
I appreciate him for his good act.
मैं उसके अच्छे काम के लिए उस की प्रशंसा करता हूँ।

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 1 The Farmhouse Cows

7. Serve (lay) —
Who will serve food ?
भोजन कौन परोसेगा?

8. Lump (chunk) —
I broke the lump of salt.
मैंने नमक का ढेला तोड़ा।

9. Lift up (pick up) —
I lifted up my coins from the ground.
मैंने ज़मीन से अपने सिक्के उठाये।

10. Reason (cause) —
What is the reason ? You are late today.
क्या कारण है आज आप देर से आये हैं ?

Word Meanings

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 1 The Farmhouse Cows 6

The Farmhouse Cows Summary in Hindi

Rajinder got very ………………………. simply delicious !”

राजिन्दर के माता पिता ने शहर से गांव में जाने के लिए गांव में एक खेत (फार्म) खरीदा था, इसलिए वह बहुत खुश था। यहाँ सब कुछ भिन्न था। यहाँ पर व्यस्त सड़कों के विपरीत छोटी-छोटी हरी-भरी गलियां (सड़कें), ऊँची इमारतों के विपरीत बड़े-बड़े पेड़ और ढेर सारे पशु-पक्षी थे।

राजिन्दर ने जानवरों को गिना और अपनी माता से कहा, “माँ, खेतों में बत्तीस बकरियां और छ: छोटे-छोटे बच्चे हैं। खेत पर नौ घोड़े हैं और मैंने सुबह दो खरगोश तथा लगभग बारह बत्तखें भी देखी हैं। मैं उन्हें ठीक ढंग से नहीं गिन पाया क्योंकि वे एक स्थान पर नहीं टिक पा रही थीं। मुर्गियां भी नहीं टिक रही थीं।” माता ने पूछा, “गायों के बारे में क्या?” “क्या तुमने उन्हें गिना है?”

राजिन्दर ने कहा, “मुझे गाय पसन्द नहीं हैं। उनके सींग बड़े-बड़े होते हैं और वे मुझ पर गरजती (गुस्सा करती) हैं। माता ने कहा, “अरे, नहीं। शेर गरजते हैं। गाय तो केवल भाएं-भाएं (Moo) करती हैं।” राजिन्दर ने कहा, “ठीक है, मुझे तो यह शेर की आवाज जैसी लगती है।” “मैं गायों को बिल्कुल भी पसंद नहीं करता ।

वे बुरी होती हैं।” माता ने कहा, ” नहीं, वे बहुत अच्छी मित्र होती हैं। वे हमें स्वादिष्ट उपहार देती हैं।” उन्होंने एक दूध का जग नीचे उतारा। उन्होंने उसे एक प्याले में डालकर राजिन्दर को दिया। वह उसे पी गया। उसने सिर हिलाकर मां से पूछा, “तो, क्या यह गाय से मिला है? अच्छा, पर यह तो स्वादिष्ट था।”

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 1 The Farmhouse Cows

At lunch time …………………………. out of it.

दोपहर के भोजन के सश्चश्चमय माता जी ने राजिन्दर को सेब वाला एक मीठा पकवान खाने को दिया। उसने कसटर्ड के लिए, इधर-उधर देखा जो साधारणतया उसकी माँ उसके लिए इस पकवान के साथ बनाती थी। वह नहीं था। माता ने राजिन्दर को मोटी गाढ़ी मलाई से भरा एक छोटा सा जग दिया और कहा, “गाय ने तुम्हारे लिए यह उपहार भेजा है।” कितना प्यारा था यह। राजिन्दर ने इसे अपने सेबों पर डाल लिया।

ये पहले से अधिक स्वादिष्ट लग रहे थे। छोटे बच्चे ने कहा, “तो ये भी गाय से मिलती है! अच्छा, तो यह एक दयालु जानवर होगा।” माता जी ने कहा, “हाँ, यह तो है। ये सभी चीजें गाय के दूध से बनती हैं।” राजिन्दर यह जानकर हैरान था कि गाय हमें इतना सारा दूध देती है जिससे उसकी मां इतनी सारी चीजें बना लेती है। चाय के समय माता जी ने ब्रैड के एक पीस घर का बना जैम लगाकर मेज़ पर परोसा। सामान्यत: यहाँ पर ब्रेड के स्लाइस (टुकड़े) और मक्खन होता था। राजिन्दर देखो, “गाय ने मेरे लिए भी एक उपहार भेजा है।”

माता जी ने यह कहते हुए पनीर वाले बर्तन का ढक्कन उठाया। राजिन्दर ने उसके अंदर घर में बने पनीर का बड़ा सा ढेर देखा। माँ ने अपने लिए पनीर का एक टुकड़ा काटा और कहा यह बहुत स्वादिष्ट है। राजिन्दर ने कहा, “क्या मैं अपने ब्रेड पर भी थोड़ा सा लगा सकता हूँ।” राजिन्दर ने कहा, “ओह! मेरे भगवान ! कितना अच्छा मित्रों जैसा जीव है गाय ! अब न तो मैं इससे घृणा करूँगा और न ही इससे डरूँगा।”

माँ ने कहा, “इसका कोई कारण भी नहीं है।” राजिन्दर ने कहा, “मैं गायों के खेतों की ओर जाने वाले गेट पर जाऊँगा और वहाँ खड़े होकर गायों का धन्यवाद करूँगा। मैं नहीं जानता था कि वे इतनी दयालु होती हैं !” और अब राजिन्दर गायों से बिल्कुल भी भयभीत नहीं है और वह उन्हें बहुत पसंद करता है। वह कहता है कि ये उसकी मित्र हैं। आप क्या कहते हैं ?

Retranslation Of Isolated Sentences

1. There were small green lanes instead of busy streets.
यहाँ पर व्यस्त सड़कों की बजाय छोटी-छोटी सी गलियां थीं।

2. There are thirty two goats in the fields and six little kids.
खेतों में बत्तीस बकरियां तथा छ: छोटे बच्चे हैं।

3. I could not count them properly.
मैं उन्हें ठीक से नहीं गिन पाया।

4. They have big horns.
उनके सींग बड़े-बड़े होते हैं।

5. They roar at me.
वे मुझ पर गरजती हैं।

6. They give us delicious gifts.
ये हमें स्वादिष्ट उपहार देती हैं।

7. She poured it into a mug.
उन्होंने उसे एक प्याले में उंडेला।

8. The cow has sent you this gift instead.
इसकी बजाय गाय ने तुम्हारे लिए यह उपहार भेजा है।

9. Well, it must be very kind animal.
अच्छा तो यह बहुत दयालु जानवर होगा।

10. Rajinder poured it all over his apples.
राजिन्दर ने इसे पूरी तरह अपने सेबों पर डाल दिया।

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 1 The Farmhouse Cows

11. Rajinder was surprised to know that cows give so much milk.
राजिन्दर यह जानकर हैरान रह गया कि गाय इतना सारा दूध देती है।

12. What a nice friendly creature the cow is !
कितना अच्छा मित्रों जैसा जीव है गाय!

13. I did not know they were so kind.
मैं नहीं जानता था कि वे इतनी दयालु होती हैं।

14. They tasted much nicer than usual.
उनका स्वाद पहले से अधिक अच्छा हो गया।

English Class 6 Solutions PSEB Prose

Rosy’s meeting with Nessy Question Answer Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 8 PSEB Solutions

Punjab State Board PSEB 6th Class English Book Solutions Chapter 8 Rosy’s meeting with Nessy Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Class 6th English Solutions Chapter 8 Rosy’s meeting with Nessy Question Answers

Rosy’s meeting with Nessy Class 6 Questions and Answers

Activity 1.

Look up the following words in a dictionary. You should seek the following information about the words and put them in your WORDS notebook.
1. Meaning of the word as used in the lesson (Adjective/Noun/Verb, etc.)
2. Pronunciation (The teacher may refer to the dictionary or the mobile phone for correct pronunciation.)
3. Spellings

ripples dangerous run past merged
herbivore creature scared monster


Vocabulary Expansion :

Meanings of new words can often be discovered by carefully reading words that come before and after the difficult word. Look at the sentences from the story and their meanings. The meanings can be guessed from other words in the sentence.

1. Go down to the Lake.
Meaning : Rosy wants to go to the lake which is at a lower place than her house.

2. I will throw some stones into the water and watch the ripples.
Meaning : Rosy wants to see a series of waves on the water by dropping stones into the water.

3. She ran past a board that read. …….
Meaning : She left the board behind.

4. Her parents had told her that there was no such thing. It was a myth.
Meaning : Myth is a story about something. It may not be true.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Rosy’s meeting with Nessy

Activity 2.

Given below are some words from the lesson. Guess their meaning taking hints from the story. Write the meaning in the blanks.

monster giant
creature living animal
merged joined together
herbivore vegan
dangerous unsafe/risky

Activity 3.

For each word given below, find a word from the lesson that sounds the same.

1. wood — would
2. two — too
3. board — bored
4. site — sight
5. no — know

What did you notice ?
Each pair of words has the same sound but different meanings.
Such pairs of words are called homophones.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Rosy’s meeting with Nessy

1. Write 5 more pairs of homophones.

1. by-buy
2. sun-son
3. pray-prey
4. male-mail
5. eight-ate.

2. Choose the correct word for each.

(a) Give me ……………… address. (there/their)
(b) He …………….. the ball. (caught/cot)
(c) We …………….. with our eyes. (sea/see)
(d) I have only …………….. pen. (won/one)
(e) Please give me …………… sugar. (some/sum)
(a) their
(b) caught
(c) see
(d) one
(e) some.

Learning to Read and Comprehend

Activity 4.

Answer the following questions :

Question 1.
Where did Rosy go ?
रोजी कहां गई ?
Rosy went to meet her Aunt Tina in Scotland.

Question 2.
What is Loch Ness ?
Loch Ness क्य है ?
Loch Ness is a deep and dangerous lake.

Question 3.
Where did Rosy go when she felt bored ?
बोर होने पर रोज़ी कहां गई ?
Rosy went down to the lake when she felt bored.

Question 4.
What did Rosy want to do at the lake ?
रोजी झील पर क्या करना चाहती थी ?
Rosy wanted to throw stones into the water and enjoy the scene of ripples.

Question 5.
Who did she find in the lake ?
उसने झील में किसे देख ?
She found Nessy, a huge creature in the lake. It had pointed spikes on its back.

Activity 5.

Say ‘True’ or ‘False’ for the following statements.

1. Rosy went to visit her Aunt Teena in Scotland. — (True)
2. Aunt Teena told her to go out and throw stones into the lake. — (False)
3. Rosy met Nessy who wanted to eat her. — (False)
4. Nessy was a herbivore. — (True)
5. Rosy went around the lake on Nessy’s back. — (True)

Activity 6.

Read the statements given below. Three options are given. Tick the right option.

Question 1.
Scotland is in the ……………… of the United Kingdom.
(a) South
(b) West
(c) North.
(c) North.

Question 2.
The lake is …………..
(a) nice and blue
(b) deep and dangerous
(c) black and dirty.
(b) deep and dangerous.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Rosy’s meeting with Nessy

Question 3.
Rosy gathered some stones because ………………
(a) she wanted to count them
(b) she wanted to put them in her pocket
(c) she wanted to throw them into the lake.
(c) she wanted to throw them into the lake.

Question 4.
The stone made a ……………. sound when they touched water.
(a) splash
(b) ouch
(c) eeks.
(a) splash.

Question 5.
Nessy was a …………… creature.
(a) huge
(b) small
(c) bad.
(a) huge.

Question 6.
Nessy looked like a …
(a) rhinoceros
(b) dinosaur
(c) crocodile.
(b) dinosaur.

Question 7.
Nessy offered Rosy ………….
(a) a ride on its neck
(b) some fruits from the lake
(c) more stones to throw
(a) a ride on its neck.

Question 8.
People called Nessy a monster because ……
(a) they were scared of its size
(b) they did not know her
(c) she talked like humans.
(b) they did not know her.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Rosy’s meeting with Nessy

Question 9.
Rosy caught onto Nessy’s strong … to sit on her back.
(a) neck
(b) horns
(c) humps
(b) horns

Question 10.
Rosy did not see Nessy’s cave because ………..
(a) she was scared to go underwater
(b) she had to go to Edinburgh
(c) her aunt was waiting for her.
(c) her aunt was waiting for her.

Learning Language

Past Tense

Look at the following passage from the story.
Nessy started the journey through the lake. Soon they were swimming all around the lake. Rosy caught hold of Nessy tightly. Nessy went in and out of the water. “Whoosh!” said Nessy as it went into the water and “Whee!” as it came out. Rosy was also enjoying it. She said, “This is fun!”

What do you see ? Have the action words (verbs) such as started’, ‘caught’, ‘went’ been used in their first forms ? No. Is the action happening currently ? No. It has happened in the past. When we talk of the past, we use the past tense.  इस अनुच्छेद में Past की घटना का वर्णन किया गया है। Past के लिए हम (Verb की दूसरी फार्म) Past Tense का प्रयोग करते हैं।

Activity 7.

Complete the following passage using the correct form of the verb given in the brackets.
Once an elephant

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Rosy’s meeting with Nessy 1

1. _____ (live) in a village. He 2. _____ (become) friend with a tailor. The elephant used to 3._____ (go) to a river for a bath. After drinking water and taking a bath it 4. _____ (pass) by a tailor’s shop and the tailor 5. _____ it something to eat. One day the tailor _____ (be) in an angry mood. The elephant 7. _____ (come) that day as usual. The tailor 8. _____ (prick) the elephant’s trunk with his needle The elephant 9. _____ (feel) pain. He 10. _____ (make) up his mind to teach a tailor a lesson. 11. _____ to the river, 12. _____ (have) his bath and then 13. _____ (fill) up its trunk with muddy water. He 14._____ (stop) at the tailor’s shop and 15. _____ (throw) the muddy water on the clothes in the shop. The clothes were 16. _____ (spoil) with mud. He 17._____ (feel) sad for his misdeed. But it 18. _____ (be) too late.
1. lived
2. became
3. go
4. passed
5. gave
6. was
7. came
8. pricked
9. felt
10. made
11. went
12. had
13. filled
14. stopped
15. threw
16. spoiled
17. felt
18. was.

Past Tense Explained

We have already done the present tense. Let us look at the past tense now. The past tense in English is used :
1. to talk about the past
2. for politeness There are four past tense forms in English. But we will look at only two
i.e. Past Simple and Past Continuous.
Examples : Past simple : I worked.
(a) to talk about the past :
1. Sonu lived in Mumbai.
2. Seema worked in a bank.
3. The elephant felt pain.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Rosy’s meeting with Nessy

(b) to talk about the present in a few polite expressions :
1. I would like some tea, please.
2. Could you please shut the door ?
3. I just hoped that you would help me.

Activity 8.

1 Given below are some newspaper headlines. Change them into Simple Past.
1. A strong earthquake jolts Uttarakhand.
2. Amitabh Bachchan wins the best actor Filmfare award.
3. India outplays West-Indies in cricket.
4. Salman Ali wins the Indian Idol.
5. Bachendri Pal becomes the first Indian woman to scale Mount Everest.
1. A strong earthquake jolted Uttarakhand.
2. Amitabh Bachchan won the best actor Filmfare award.
3. India outplayed West-Indies in cricket.
4. Salman Ali won the Indian Idol.
5. Bachendri Pal became the first Indian woman to scale Mount Everest.

Activity 9.

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow :

The Himalayas are the highest mountains on Earth. The mountains are covered with snow. The highest peak, Mount Everest is 8848 metres above sea level. Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hilary were the first two people to set foot on Mount Everest. Since then, many people have successfully scaled the peak. Avtar Singh Cheema was the first Indian to reach Everest. Many climbers have also died while attempting to reach the peak. Some climbers have reported that they have seen large human-like footprints in the snow. There is a myth that a snowman called Yeti lives there.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Rosy’s meeting with Nessy 2

1. New answer the questions :
(a) Which are the highest mountains in the world ?
The Himalayas are the highest mountains in the world.

(b) What is the height of the highest peak in the world ?
It is 8848 metres above the sea level.

(c) Who were the first people to set foot on Mount Everest ?
They were : Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hilary.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Rosy’s meeting with Nessy

(d) What was the name of the first Indian to scale Everest ?
His name was Avtar Singh Cheema.

(e) What is the name given to the snowman that some people believe lives there?
He is Yeti.

2. Give meanings of the following words :
(a) myth : an imaginary story, काल्पनिक कहानी
(b) footprints : footmarks, पैरों के निशान
(c) climbers : People who go up, आरोही

Activity 10.

Match the following phrases with the right pictures and write them in the space given under the pictures/symbols.
1. go straight ahead
2. turn right
3. go down (the road)
4. go past (the toy shop)
5. take the exit
6. turn left
Look at the following symbols.
PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Rosy’s meeting with Nessy 4
The teacher will read the directions and the students will match them with the appropriate symbol.

Activity 11.

(Refer To Appendix For Text At Page No. 123)

Listen carefully to two phone messages that were there in your voicemail. Your teacher will read them twice.

Write the following sentences from the messages in the correct group (Message 1 and Message 2).

The message was at a quarter to five. — (2)
The woman says thank you for the birthday message. — (1)
The woman decribes the house. — (2)
The woman gives directions. — (2)
The woman talks about a swimming pool. — (1)
The woman talks about a bank. — (2)

Message 1 Message 2
The woman says thank you for the birthday message.
The woman talks about a swimming pool.
The message was at a quarter to five.
The Woman describes the house.
The woman gives directions.
The woman talks about a bank.

Comprehension Of Passages

Read the given passages and answer the questions that follow each.

(1) Rosy had come to visit her Aunt Teena in Scotland, which is in the north of the United Kingdom. Her aunt lived near the Loch Ness. Loch Ness is a deep lake. Rosy felt bored at her aunt’s home. “Aunt Teena, I want to go down to the Lake. I am feeling bored,” she said. Her aunt said, “Sure, Rosy, you may. What will you do there ?”

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Rosy’s meeting with Nessy

“I will throw some stones into the water and watch the ripples,” said Rosy, “Don’t go too near the Lake. It is very deep and dangerous” said Aunt Teena. Rosy ran out of the door and then to the lake. She ran past a board that read, “Loch Ness-Home of the farmous Loch Ness Monster.” Rosy read the board and smiled. Her parents had told her that there was no such thing. It was a myth. Rosy believed them.

(i) Where did Rosy’s Aunt Teena live ?
रोजी की आंटी टीना कहां रहती थी ?

(ii) What warning did Aunt Teena give Rosy? Why?
आंटी टीना ने रोज़ी को क्या चेतावनी दी और क्यों ?

(iii) Choose true or false statements and write them in your answer book :
(a) Teena was feeling bored.
(b) She ran past the lake.

(iv) Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage.
(a) Rosy read the board and
(b) It is very deep and nd ………….
Match the words with their meanings :

(a) Myth to trust
(b) Believe an imaginary story
a boring story

(i) She lives near a deep lake in Scotland.
(ii) Aunt Teena warned Rosy not to go too near the lake.
(a) True
(b) False.
(a) Rosy read the board and smiled.
(b) It is very deep and dangerous.
(a) myth : an imaginary story
(b) believe : to trust

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Rosy’s meeting with Nessy

(2) Reaching the Lakeshore, she looked around for some small stones that she could throw in the lake. She gathered a few and put them in her pocket after counting them. She looked for a nice spot to sit and found a big rock near the lake.

She started throwing the stones as far as she could. Each stone said SPLASH as it touched the water ! She loved the sound of the water. And she enjoyed watching the round ripples. She enjoyed watching them going away slowly and then merging into water.

She threw another stone. “SPLASH” came the sound. She loved the sound and the sight. She kept throwing stones one after the other. The water seemed very deep there. She threw another stone. Suddenly she heard a sound, “Eeks !” Rosy was surprised. “Who’s there” she said. No answer. She threw another stone. “Eeks ! stop thowing stones !” said a voice.

(i) What did Rosy gather and why ?
रोज़ी ने क्या इकट्ठा किया और क्यों ?

(ii) What surprised Rosy ?
रोजी को किस बात से हैरानी हई ?

(iii) Choose true or false statements and write them in your answer book :
(a) Rosy loved the sound and sight.
(b) Rosy did not like to watch the round ripples.

(iv) Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage.
(a) She enjoyed the ripples going away and merging …………………. .
(b) She looked for a ……………. to sit.
Or Match the words with their meanings.

(a) Spot stone
(b) Merge mix

(i) Rosy gathered some small stones to throw them in the lake.
(ii) A sound coming from the lake water surprised Rosy.
(a) True
(b) False.
(a) She enjoyed the ripples going away and merging into water.
(b) She looked for a nice spot to sit.
(a) spot – place
(b) merge – mix.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Rosy’s meeting with Nessy

(3) Nessy started to laugh. Its laugh was very loud. Rosy looked at Nessy with fear. She could only see its head and long neck. It had triangular spikes on its neck. It had bits of plants hanging from its mouth. Rosy could see that it had sharp teeth and it could eat her in one bite if it wanted. But the plant in its mouth suggested that it was a herbivore. Rosy left relaxed.

“Why do people call you a monster? Are you really a monster ?” Rosy asked. “No, I am not a monster ! People call me a monster because they do not know me. I belong to the dinosaur family. I only eat plants, not little girls,” Nessy assured Rosy. “Would you like a ride on my back ?”? Rosy looked at Nessy. “How big are you ?” she asked.

“Well, I’m more than 100 feet long. I’ve got humps on my back. I’m very thin. I have feet and arms too but I use them only to swim and glide around the lake. Would you like a ride on my back around the lake ?”’ Nessy asked again.

(i) How did Nessy laugh ?
Nessy कैसे हंस ? ?

(ii) Give two physical features of Nessy ?
नैसी के दो शारीरिक लक्षण लिखो।

(iii) Choose true or false statements and write them in your answer book.
(a) Nessy belonged to the Rosy Family.
(b) Nessy had no feet and arms.

(iv) Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage.
(a) The plants in its mouth suggested that …………… .
(b) Nessy had triangular spikes
Match the words with their meanings :
(a) Glide – without tension
(b) Relaxed – slip/crawl
(i) Nessy laughed very loudly.
(ii) Nessy had sharp teeth. It had a long neck.
(a) False
(b) False.
(a) The plants in its mouth suggested that it was a herbivore.
(b) Nessy had triangular spikes on its back.
(a) glide – slip/crawl
(b) relaxed – without tension

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Rosy’s meeting with Nessy

(4) Nessy started the journey through the lake. Soon they were swimmings all around the lake. Rosy caught hold of Nessy tightly. Nessy went in and out of the water. “Whoosh !” said Nessy as it went into the water and “Wheeee !” as it came out. Rosy was also enjoying it. She said, “This is fun!” “Would you like to see my cave ?”? Nessy asked. “I’d love to but on another day. It’s getting late. My aunt must be waiting for me.” Rosy answered.

“Ok, then we will meet again. How long are you going to be here ?” said Nessy. “Another week. But tomorrow I am going to Edinburgh for sightseeing,” informed Rosy.

“Great, then. We’ll meet again the day after,” said Nessy. “Fine, please take me back to the Lakeshore”, Rosy said, Within no time they were at the shore and said bye to each other. Now Rosy had a friend in Scotland, Life, for Rosy, was going to be exciting!

(i) Who took Rosy in and out of the water ? Did Rosy enjoy it ?
रोज़ी को पानी से अंदर-बाहर कौन ले गया ? क्या रोज़ी को इसमें आनंद आया ?

(ii) How much time did they take to reach the shore ?
उन्हें किनारे पर पहुंचने में कितना समय लगा ?

(iii) Choose true or false statements and write them in your answer book :
(a) Life for Rosy was going to be boring.
(b) Rosy caught hold of Nessy tightly.

(iv) Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage.
(a) Soon they were swimming ……………..
(b) I’d love to but………………
Match the words with their meanings :

(a) Shore coast/bank
(b) Cave noise

(i) Nessy took Rosy in and out of the water. Rosy enjoyed it very much and called it a fun.
(ii) They took no time for this.
(a) False
(b) True.
(a) Soon they were swimming all around the lake.
(b) I’d love to but on another day.
(a) shore – coast/bank
(b) cave – den

Use Of Words/Phrases In Sentences

1. Sure (certain, definite)
I am sure to win the race.
मुझे विश्वास है कि मैं दौड़ जीतूंगा।

2. Dangerous (risky)
It is dangerous to cross this river.
इस नदी को पार करना खतरनाक है।

3. Merge (to get mix up or join together)—
The ship merged into the sea.
जलयान समुद्र में समा गया।

4. Scared (afraid, alarmed)
He got scared to see a snake.
वह सांप को देख कर डर गया।

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Rosy’s meeting with Nessy

5. Monster (giant)
Dinosaurs looked like a monster.
डायनासोर दानव जैसा लगता था।

6. Shocked (agonised, sad)
He was shocked to hear the death of his father.
उसे अपने पिता की मृत्यु का समाचार सुनकर सदमा पहुंचा।

7. Look for (search)
I am looking for a new job.
मैं नई नौकरी की तलाश कर रहा हूं।

8. Sight (Scene)
The sight at the canal was very beautiful.
नहर का दृश्य बहुत ही सुंदर था।

9. Creature (living being)
An ant is a tiny creature.
च्यूटी छोटा सा जीव होती है।

10. Huge (very big, large).
I saw a huge rock.
मैंने एक विशाल चट्टान देखीं।

Word Meanings
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Rosy’s meeting with Nessy Summary in Hindi

Rosy had come ………………….. believed them.

रोज़ी अपनी आंटी टीना से मिलने स्कॉटलैंड आई जो कि यूनाइटिड किंगडम के उत्तर में है। उसकी आंटी लॉच नैस् (Loch Ness) के निकट रहती थी। लॉच नैस् एक गहरी झील है। रोज़ी अपनी आंटी के घर पर बोर होने लगी। उसने कहा, “आंटी टीना, मैं नीचे झील पर जाना चाहती हूँ। मैं बोर हो रही हूँ।” उसकी आंटी ने कहा, “अवश्य, रोज़ी तुम जा सकती हो। तुम वहाँ क्या करोगी ?”

रोज़ी ने कहा, “मैं पानी में पत्थर फेंकूगी और लहरों को देखूगी। टीना की आंटी ने कहा “झील के बहुत नज़दीक मत जाना। वह बहुत गहरी और खतरनाक है।” रोजी दरवाज़े से बाहर की ओर भागी और फिर झील की ओर। वह एक बोर्ड के आगे से निकली जिस पर लिखा था-“Loch Ness-Home of the Famous Loch Ness Monster”.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Rosy’s meeting with Nessy

(प्रसिद्ध लॉच नैस् दानव का घर।) रोज़ी ने बोर्ड पढ़ा और मुस्कराई। उसके माता-पिता ने उसे बताया था कि ऐसा कुछ . नहीं होता। यह एक काल्पनिक कथा थी। रोज़ी उन पर विश्वास करने लगी थी। .

Reaching the Lakeshore …………….. said Nessy.

झील के किनारे पहुँचकर उसने चारों ओर कुछ छोटे पत्थरों की तलाश की ताकि वह उन्हें झील में फेंक सके। उसने कुछ पत्थर इकट्ठे किये और उन्हें गिन कर अपनी जेब में डाल लिया। उसने बैठने के लिए एक सुन्दर स्थान की तलाश की और उसे झील के निकट एक बड़ी चट्टान मिल गई। वह पत्थरों को दूर से दूर फेंकने लगी। हर पत्थर जैसे ही पानी को छूता उसमें से पाक (SPLASH) की आवाज़ आती।

उसे पानी की आवाज़ अच्छी लगती और वह गोलगोल लहरों को देखकर आनन्द लेती। वह उन्हें धीरे-धीरे दूर जाते और पानी में समाते देखकर खुश होती। उसने एक और पत्थर फेंका। पाक (SPLASH) की आवाज़ आई। उसे आवाज़ और दृश्य अच्छे लगे। वह एक के बाद एक पत्थर फेंकती रही। वहाँ पानी बहुत अधिक गहरा लगता था।

उसने एक और पत्थर फेंका। अचानक उसे ‘Eeks’ की आवाज़ सुनाई दी। रोज़ी हैरान रह गई। उसने पूछा, “कौन है वहाँ ?” कोई उत्तर नहीं मिला। उसने एक और पत्थर फेंका। एक आवाज़ आई “Eeks ! पत्थर फेंकने बंद करो।” झील में कौन है यह देखने के लिए रोज़ी ने झील में देखा। उसने पानी में एक बहुत बड़ा (विशालकाय) जानवर देखा।

वह डायनासोर जैसा था। वह हरे रंग का था। उसके छोटे-छोटे सींग थे। वह अपना सिर झील के किनारे से रगड़ रहा था। जानवर ने कहा, “तुम झील में पत्थर क्यों फेंक रही हो ? चोट लग रही है।” रोज़ी ने डर कर जीव की ओर देखा। उसने कहा, “माफ़ करना”। जानवर ने कहा, “अच्छा, तो ठीक है।” जानवर ने रोजी को देखा और उसके चेहरे पर दुःख के भाव देखे। विशाल जीव ने कहा, “मैं नैसी (Nessy) हूँ।

लोग मुझे लॉच नैस् मास्टर (Loch Ness Monster) कहकर पुकारते हैं। तुम कौन हो ?” रोज़ी बोलने वाले इस जीव से थोड़ा डर गई। वह शांत रही। नैसी ने कहा, “डरो मत। मैं किसी को कोई हानि नहीं पहुँचाती। उसने कहा, “परन्तु तुम तो बहुत ही विशाल हो।” नैसी ने कहा, “मेरे आकार के बारे में मत सोचो। क्या मैंने कभी यहाँ किसी को नुकसान पहुंचाया है ?” रोज़ी ने कहा, “मुझे नहीं पता। मैं स्कॉटलैंड की नहीं हूँ।” नैसी ने कहा, “अच्छा मुझे अपना नाम बताओ।”

“I’m Rosy. ……………………………… felt relaxed.

मैं रोज़ी हूँ। मैं अपनी आंटी टीने के यहां आई हूँ। मुझे यह स्थान बहुत ही नीरस और ठंडा लगा है। मुझे यह स्थान पसन्द नहीं है।”  नैसी हंसने लगी। उसकी हंसी बहुत ऊँची थी। रोज़ी ने डर कर नैसी को देखा। वह केवल उसकी लम्बी गर्दन और सिर को ही देख सकती थी। उसकी गर्दन पर तिकोने आकार की सीकें थी।

उसके मुंह से पौधों के टुकड़े लटक रहे थे। रोज़ी को उसके नुकीले दाँत दिखाई पड़े और यदि वह चाहती तो उसे एक ही बार (एक टुकड़े) में खा जाती। परन्तु उसके मुँह के पौधे यह बताते थे कि वह शाकाहारी है। रोज़ी ने राहत महसूस की। .

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Rosy’s meeting with Nessy

Why do people …………………………….. to be exciting!

रोज़ी ने पूछा, “लोग तुम्हें दानव क्यों कहते हैं ? क्या तुम वास्तव में दानव हो ?” नैसी ने रोज़ी को आश्वस्त किया, “नहीं, मैं दानव नहीं हूँ! लोग मुझे दानव इसलिए कहते हैं क्योंकि वे मेरे बारे में नहीं जानते। मैं डायनासोर के परिवार से संबंध रखती हूँ। मैं केवल पौधे खाती हूँ न कि छोटी बच्चियाँ। क्या तुम मेरी पीठ पर सवारी करना चाहोगी।” रोजी ने नैसी की ओर देखा। उसने पूछा, “तुम कितनी बड़ी हो ?” नैसी ने फिर से कहा,”अच्छा, मेरी लम्बाई 100 फीट से अधिक है।

मेरी पीठ पर (हम्प) कूबड़ है। मैं बहुत पतली हूँ। मेरे पैर और बाजू भी हैं परन्तु मैं उनका उपयोग केवल झील में तैरने और सरकने के लिए करती हूँ। क्या झील में मेरी पीठ पर सवारी करना चाहोगी।” रोजी ने सिर हिलाया। नैसी ने कहा, “मेरी पीठ पर चढ़ जाओ और इसे पकड़ लो।” रोजी ने उसके मज़बूत सींगों को पकड़ा और उसे उसकी पीठ पर बैठने का स्थान मिल गया। उसने उसकी एक सींक को मज़बूती से पकड़ लिया।

नैसी ने उससे पूछा, “क्या तुम तैयार हो ?” रोजी एकाएक रोमांचित हो उठी। उसने कहा, “नैसी, हाँ मैं तैयार नैसी ने झील में चक्कर लगाना शुरू किया। शीघ्र ही वे झील में सभी जगह तैरने लगे। रोज़ी ने नैसी को मज़बूती से पकड़ लिया। नैसी पानी के अन्दर और बाहर आने-जाने लगी। नैसी जब पानी के अन्दर जाती तो ‘हूश’ (Whoosh!) तथा जब बाहर आती तो ‘ही…’ (Wheeee!) की आवाज़ निकालती।

रोज़ी भी इसका आनन्द ले रही थी। उसने कहा, “मज़ा आ गया।” नैसी ने पूछा, “क्या तुम मेरी गुफा देखना चाहोगी।” रोजी ने उत्तर दिया, “जरूर देखना चाहूँगी परन्तु फिर किसी दिन। मुझे देर हो रही है। मेरी आंटी मेरा इन्तज़ार कर रही होगी।” नैसी ने कहा, “ठीक है, तो फिर मिलेंगे! तुम यहां पर कब तक रहोगी ?” रोज़ी ने बताया, “एक सप्ताह और ।

परन्तु कल मैं एडिनबर्ग (Edinburgh) के दर्शनीय स्थल देखने जा रही हूँ।”. नैसी ने कहा, “बहुत बढ़िया। तो हम परसों दोबारा मिलेंगे।” रोजी ने कहा, “ठीक है, कृपया मुझे वापिस झील के किनारे छोड़ दो।” उसी क्षण वे किनारे पर पहुंच गए और उन्होंने एक-दूसरे को अलविदा कहा। अब रोज़ी के पास स्कॉटलैंड में एक मित्र था। रोज़ी के जीवन में एक रोमांच आने लगा था।

Retranslation Of Isolated Sentences

1. I want to go down to the Lake. — मैं नीचे झील पर जाना चाहती हूँ।
2. I will throw stones into the water. — मैं पानी में पत्थर फेंकूगी।
3. Rosy read the board and smiled. — रोज़ी ने बोर्ड पढ़ा और मुस्कराई।
4. It was a myth. — यह एक काल्पनिक कथा थी।
5. She loved the sound of the water. — उसे पानी की आवाज़ अच्छी लगी।
6. She kept throwing stones one after the other. — वह एक के बाद एक पत्थर फेंकती रही।
7. The water seemed very deep there. — वहाँ पानी बहुत अधिक गहरा लगता था।
8. She saw a huge animal. — उसने एक विशालकाय जानवर देखा।
9. It had small little horns. — उसके छोटे-छोटे सींग थे।
10. Rosy looked at the creature with fear. — रोज़ी ने डरते हुए जीव को देखा।
11. She kept quiet. — वह शांत रही।
12. I find this place very cold and boring. — मुझे यह स्थान बहुत ही नीरस और ठंडा लगता है।
13. It had triangular spikes on its neck. — इसकी गर्दन पर तिकोने आकार की कीलें (सीकें) थीं।
14. Why do people call you a monster ? — लोग तुम्हें दानव क्यों कहते हैं ?
15. I only eat plants, not little girls. — मैं केवल पौधे खाती हूँ न कि छोटी बच्चियां।
16. I have got humps on my back. — मेरी पीठ पर कूबड़ हैं।
17. Would you like to see my cave ? — क्या तुम मेरी गुफ़ा देखना चाहोगी।
18. Within no time they were at the shore.– उसी क्षण वे किनारे पर पहुंच गए।

English Class 6 Solutions PSEB Prose

The Peacock and the Crow Question Answer Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 4 PSEB Solutions

Punjab State Board PSEB 6th Class English Book Solutions Chapter 4 The Peacock and the Crow Exercise Questions and Answers.

Class 6th English Solutions Chapter 4 The Peacock and the Crow Question Answers

The Peacock and the Crow Class 6 Questions and Answers

Activity 1.

Look up the following words in a dictionary. You should seek the following information about the words and put them in your WORDS notebook.

1. Meaning of the word as used in the lesson (Adjective / Noun / Verb etc.).
2. Pronunciation (The teacher may refer to the dictionary or the mobile phone for correct pronunciation).
3. Spellings

feathers perching collected
reflection ignoring humiliated
accepted realized apologized

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 4 The Peacock and the Crow

Vocabulary Expansion

Activity 2.

Look at the following pairs of words. They have the same meaning but different forms. Column 1 has the second form and column 2 has the first form. Fill up blank spaces in Column 2 with the first form of the given words. A few have been done for you.
PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 4 The Peacock and the Crow 1
PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 4 The Peacock and the Crow 2

S.No. Column 1
second form words
Column 2
first form words
1. lived live
2. liked like
3. wanted want
4. looked look
5. said say
6. wished wish
7. saw see
8. got get
9. collected collect
10. stuck stick
11. flew fly
12. felt feel
13. started start
14. accepted accept
15. thought think

Learning to Read and Comprehend

Activity 3.

Read and write answers.

Question 1.
What did the crow not like about himself ?
कौए को अपनी क्या चीज़ पसंद नहीं थी ?
The crow did not like his black feathers.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 4 The Peacock and the Crow

Question 2.
Who did he want to be like? Why ?
वह किस जैसा बनना चाहता था और क्यों ?
He wanted to be like a peacock because a peacock is a beautiful bird.

Question 3.
What did he say to the other crows ?
उसने अन्य कौओं से क्या कहा?
He told the other crows that he did not belong to them. He asked them to stay away from him.

Question 4.
What did the crow see on the ground ?.
कौए ने धरती पर क्या देखा?
The crow saw many peacock feathers on the ground.

Question 5.
What did he do with the peacock feathers ?
उसने मोर के पंखों का क्या किया?
He stuck them into his wings, his tail and on this head.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 4 The Peacock and the Crow

Activity 4.

1 Who said to whom ?

1. “You look so dull and plain. Look how beautiful the peacocks are.”
2. “Look at my beautiful feathers. I don’t belong to you anymore. So, stay away from me”.
3. “Peacock feathers will not make you a peacock.”
4. “We should accept ourselves the way we are.”
5. “You will not be able to fly properly with these stuck on your body”.
1. The crow to his fellow crows.
2. The crow to his fellow crows.
3. The peacocks to the crow.
4. The old wise crow to the crow.
5. The old wise crow to the crow.

Activity 5.

Complete the sentences in the following blanks.

1. One day perching on his tree,
Hints : …………….. the crow saw many peacock feathers on the ground.

2. The crow flew to the river to
Hints : …………….. see his reflection.

3. The peacocks knew that
Hints : …………..he was not one among them. He was a crow.

4. He tore off the entire peacock feathers
Hints : ………………. that were stuck to his feathers.

5. Then, he went to his friends
Hints : …………… and apologized for insulting them.
नोट : विद्यार्थी पूरा वाक्य लिखें।

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 4 The Peacock and the Crow

Learning Language


A preposition is a word placed before a Noun or Pronoun to indicate place, direction.
किसी Noun या Pronoun से पहले प्रयोग होने वाला शब्द, जो स्थान दिशा आदि दर्शाता है को Preposition कहते है|
on in, into, upon, between, among, under, in front of, beside, behind, आदि शब्द Prepositions है।
PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 4 The Peacock and the Crow 3
In this lesson, we will continue with punctuation and concentrate on Full stop, Comma, Question Mark and Exclamation mark.
1. The full ( . ) stop is used in the following cases (स्थितियों) :
(a) to mark the end of an assertive or imperative sentence such as :
(i) The baby is sleeping. (assertive or positive)
(ii) Don’t make a noise here. (imperative-order or request)
(b) to mark the abbreviations such as M.A., P.M.
(c) to mark the initials such as Mr. J.D. Kohli, Mrs. B. Sharma

2. The comma (,) is used in the following cases :
(a) to separate words from each other :
1. She is a tall, pretty and gentle girl.
2. Meera has pens, pencils papers and books.
3. We do our work neatly, quickly and correctly.
4. My brother was born on Friday, March 26, 1984.
A comma is generally not used before ‘and’.
प्रायः ‘and’ से पहले comma तही लगया जात |

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 4 The Peacock and the Crow

3. Question Mark (?) is used at the end of a question.

1. What is your name?
2. Do you have an umbrella ?
3. She is beautiful, isn’t She ?
4. Did Saawan go to Mumbai ?

4. Exclamation mark (!) is used to show shock, surprise or happiness, sadness, etc.
1. What a lovely place !
2. She is beautiful !
3. Wow!
4. Oh!
4. Hurray!

Activity 6.

Put comma, fullstops, capitals, question marks in the sentences given below wherever required.
1. my name is ali and i come form malerkotla
2. my favourite color is blue what is yours
3. i have a dog its name is caesar
4. my sisters name is manju she is sixty four.
5. my phone number is 260086 ·
6. her uncle hemant is from gurdaspur in punjab
7. i am not from chandigarh, i am from ludhiana in punjab
8. kumar is from australia he lives in melbourne
9. do you like tea or coffee
10. please get biscuits vegetables fruits and some nuts from the market
1. My name is Ali and I come from Malerkotla.
2. My favourite color is blue. What is yours?
3. I have a dog. Its name is Caesar.
4. My sister’s name is Manju. She is sixty four.
5. My phone number is 260086.
6. Her uncle, Hemant is from Gurdaspur in Punjab.
7. I am not from Chandigarh; I am from Ludhiana in Punjab.
8. Kumar is from Australia. He lives in Melbourne.
9. Do you like tea or coffee ?
10. Please get biscuits, vegetables, fruits and some nuts from the market.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 4 The Peacock and the Crow

Reading a short Passage

Activity 7.

Read the following story.
Self Realisation A lioness died soon after giving birth to a cub. A mother sheep saw the cub and felt pity for it. She raised the cub among her lambs. However, the naughty lambs made fun of him for his different looks. The cub felt sad about this.

One day, a lion attacked the herd. He was surprised to see the cub running away with the herd. He caught the cub and roared angrily. “Why are you running with the sheep ?” he asked the cub. The cub was scared. He said, “Please don’t kill me. I am a very young lamb.”‘

The lion dragged the cub to a river. “Look at your reflection,”he roared. The cub was surprised. He realized that he was not a sheep but a mighty lion. He became so happy that he started roaring like a lion. One should keep trying to realize one’s worth and hidden skills. Success lies in knowing yourself like the young cub.

1. Answer the following

1. Who raised the cub ?
2. Why was the cub not happy ?
3. What did the cub do on seeing the lion ?
4. What did the lion do?
5. What did the cub see in the river ?

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 4 The Peacock and the Crow 4
1. A mother sheep raised the cub.
2. The cub was not happy because the naughty lambs made fun of him.
3. He started running with the herd of sheep.
4. The lion caught the cub and asked him why he was running.
5. The cub saw his reflection in the river.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 4 The Peacock and the Crow

2. Fill in the blanks using a word from the passage.
1. The cub realized that it was not a …………….. but a ……………
2. We should try to realize our …………….. and ……………… skills.
3. One should keep ……………. to realize one’s …………….. and hidden ……………
1. sheep, mighty lion,
2. worth, hidden,
3. trying, skills.

3. Choose the correct option :

Question 1.
The cub saw his reflection and realized that it was a ………
(a) lion
(b) tiger
(c) sheep
(d) wolf
(a) lion

Question 2.
The lion caught the cub. What did he say to the cub ?
(a) Why are you running with the sheep ?
(b) Please don’t kill me.
(c) I am a very young lamb.
(d) You are a lion.
(a) Why are you running with the sheep ?

Learning to Listen

Activity 8.

Dictation of words
The teacher will give students dictation of 10 words from the text. Students will write them in their notebooks.
Note : Do it yourself.

Learning to Speak

Activity 9 (Pairwork)

Speak the words used for dictation aloud with proper pronunciation.
Note : Do it yourself. Learning to Write

Activity 10.

Look at the picture given below and describe it in your words.
For the description, you may use the following words / phrases.
1. forest
2. trees
3. crow
4. fox
5. a piece of
6. cheese
This is a lovely forest. There are many tall trees in it. A crow is sitting in a tree. He has a piece of cheese in its beak. There is a fox under the tree. It wants to get that piece. It will flatter the crow to sing. When the crow opens its beak, the piece of cheese will fall down. The fox will take it away to eat.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 4 The Peacock and the Crow

Comprehension Of Passages

Read the given passages and answer the Questions that follow each :

(1) Once there lived a crow who did not like his black feathers. He wanted to be like a peacock because the colourful feathers of the peacock looked very beautiful. “You look so dull and plain. Look how beautiful the peacocks are. I wish I were a peacock.” he would say to other crows.
PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 4 The Peacock and the Crow 5
One day, perching on his tree, the crow saw many peacock feathers on the ground. The feathers looked very beautiful. Seeing those peacock feathers, he got an idea. He collected all the feathers and stuck them into his wings and the tail. He also put a few on his head to look like a peacock. He flew to a river to see his reflection.

(i) Why did the crow want to be like a peacock ?
कौआ मोर जैसा क्यों बनना चाहता था ?

(ii) What did he do with the peacock feathers ?
उसने मोर के पंखों का क्या किया ?

(iii) Choose true or false statements and write them in your answer book :
(a) The crow had beautiful feathers.
(b) The feathers of a peacock are colourful.

(iv) Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage :
(a) The crow saw many peacock feathers ——-
(b) He collected all the feathers and ——- wings.
Match the words with their meanings :

(a) perch sleep
(b) reflection sit

(i) The crow wanted to be like a peacock because the colourful feathers of the peacock looked very beautiful.
(ii) He stuck the peacock feathers to his body.
(a) False
(b) True.
(a) The crow saw many peacock feathers on the ground.
(b) He collected all the feathers and stuck them into his wings.
(a) perch — sit
(b) reflection — shadow

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 4 The Peacock and the Crow

(2) “Now I am also as beautiful as a peacock,” he said to himself. He thought that now he should live among the peacocks. So, he went to join the pride of peacocks but peacocks laughed at him. They did not accept him. The peacocks knew that he was not one among them.

He was a crow. “Peacock feathers will not make you a peacock,” they said to him.Sad and feeling insulted, he thought that his crow friends would be happy to see his new feathers. He returned to his fellow crows. None of his fellow crows accepted him.

They did not want him back because he had insulted them earlier. They also knew that he had been insulted by the peacocks. They also started laughing at him. They looked at his feathers and laughed at his face.

(i) Why did the crow think of living among the peacocks ?
कौए ने मोरों के बीच रहने की क्यों सोची ?

(ii) Why did his fellow crows not want him back ?
उसके साथी कौए उसकी वापिसी क्यों नहीं चाहते थे ?

(iii) Choose true or false statements and write them in your answer book :
(a) Peacock feathers will make a crow peacock.
(b) The fellow crows laughed at the crow when he came back.

(iv) Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage :
(a) None of his fellow crows ………
(b) They looked at his feathers and …………
Match the words with their meanings :

(a) Accept make fun
(b) Laugh at to be happy

(i) The crow thought so because he thought that he was as beautiful as a peacock.
(ii) His fellow crows did not want him back because he had insulted them earlier.
(a) False
(b) True
(a) None of his fellow crows accepted him.
(b) They looked at his feathers and laughed at his face.
(a) Accept — own
(b) Laugh at — make fun

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 4 The Peacock and the Crow

(3) Then, an old and wise crow came and told him, “We should accept ourselves the way we are. Don’t try to copy others, blindly. Peacock feathers are good for peacocks only. For crows the peacock feathers are heavy. You will not be able to fly properly with these stuck on your body. I hope you have learnt your lesson.”

The crow realized his mistake. Though he thought that he was looking handsome, he found it difficult to fly properly. He tore off the entire peacock feathers that were stuck to his feathers. He accepted his plain self. Then, he went to his friends and apologized for insulting them. They accepted him and became friends again. The crow was finally happy.

(i) What was the advise of the wise crow ? Write two sentences.
बुद्धिमान कौए की क्या शिक्षा थी ? दो वाक्य लिखें।

(ii) Why did the crow tear off his peacock feathers ?
कौए ने अपने मोर पंख क्यों उखाड़ फेंके ?

(iii) Choose true or false statements and write them in your answer book :
(a) The crow thought that he was looking handsome.
(b) The crow found it easy to fly properly.

(iv) Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage.
(a) He accepted his ……………..
(b) They accepted him and ………..
Match the words with their meanings :

(a) realized insulted
(b) tore off removed

(i) His advise was : We should accept ourselves as we are. Don’t try to copy others.
(ii) He tore off his peacock feathers because he realized his mistake. He could not fly properly with peacock feathers.
(a) True
(b) False
(a) He accepted his plain self.
(b) They accepted him and became friends again.
(a) realized – accepted
(b) tore off – removed.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 4 The Peacock and the Crow

Use Of Words/Phrases In Sentences

1. Apologise (say sorry) —
He apologised for his mistake.
उसने अपनी गलती पर खेद व्यक्त किया।

2. Laugh at (make fun) —
Don’t laugh at the poor.
गरीबों का मज़ाक मत उड़ाओ।

3. Accept (own/acknowledge) —
He accepted his mistake.
उसने अपनी गलती स्वीकार कर.ली।

4. Feathers (wings) —
The peacock has beautiful feathers.
मोर के पंख सुंदर होते हैं।

5. Ignore (neglect) —
Don’t ignore your studies.
अपनी पढ़ाई की उपेक्षा मत करो।

6. Perch (sit) —
Many sparrows are perching on the ground.
धरती पर बहुत सी चिड़ियां बैठी हैं।

7. Feel proud (take pride in) —
Don’t feel proud of your riches.
अपनी अमीरी पर अहंकार मत करो।

8. Entire (whole ) —
The entire hall was full.
पूरा हाल भरा हुआ था।

9. Realize (feel) —
She soon realized her mistake.
उसे जल्दी ही अपनी गल्ती का अहसास हो गया।

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 4 The Peacock and the Crow

10. Handsome (pretty) —
My elder brother is very handsome.
मेरा बड़ा भाई बहुत सुंदर है।

Word Meanings:

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 4 The Peacock and the Crow 6

The Peacock and the Crow Summary in Hindi

Once there lived …………………. was a crow.

एक बार एक कौआ था जिसे अपने काले पंख अच्छे नहीं लगते थे। वह मोर जैसा बनना चाहता था क्योंकि उसे मोर के रंग-बिरंगे पंख बहुत ही सुंदर लगते थे। वह दूसरे कौओं से कहता, “तुम बहुत ही नीरस और साधारण दिखते हो। देखो मोर कितने सुंदर हैं। काश मैं मोर होता।” एक दिन कौआ अपने पेड़ की शाखा पर बैठा था तभी उसने बहुत से मोर पंख ज़मीन पर पड़े देखे। पंख बहुत ही सुंदर लग रहे थे।

मोर के पंखों को देखकर उसे एक विचार सूझा। उसने सारे पंखों को इकट्ठा किया और उसे अपने पंखों तथा पूंछ पर लगा लिया। उसने कुछ पंख अपने सिर पर भी लगा लिए ताकि वह मोर जैसा दिखाई दे। वह अपनी परछाई देखने के लिए नदी की ओर उड़ चला। उसने खुशी से कहा, “वाह! अब मैं मोर जैसा सुंदर दिखता हूँ।”उसने अपने आप से कहा, “अब मैं मोर जितना सुंदर हूँ।”

उसने सोचा कि अब उसे मोरों के साथ रहना चाहिए। इसलिए वह मोरों के झुंड में शामिल होने के लिए चला गया परन्तु मोर उस पर हंसने लगे। उन्होंने उसे अपनाया नहीं। मोर जानते थे कि वह उनके जैसा नहीं है। वह एक कौआ है।

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 4 The Peacock and the Crow

Peacock feathers ………………. was finally happy.

उन्होंने उससे कहा, “मोर पंख तुम्हें मोर नहीं बना देंगे।” उदासी और अपमान (शर्मिंदगी) से भर कर उसने सोचा कि उसके कौए दोस्त उसके नए पंखों को देखकर खुश होंगे। वह अपने साथी कौओं के पास वापिस आ गया। उसके साथी कौओं में से किसी ने भी उसे अपना स्वीकार नहीं किया। वह नहीं चाहते थे कि वह वापिस आए क्योंकि वह पहले उनकी बेइज्जती कर चुका था। वे यह भी जानते थे कि मोरों ने उसकी बेइज्जती की हैं।

उन्होंने भी उस पर हंसना शुरु कर दिया। उन्होंने उसके पंखों को देखा और उसके सामने उसका मजाक उड़ाने लगे। तभी एक बुद्धिमान बूढ़ा कौआ आ गया और उसे कहां, “हम जैसे हैं हमें अपने आप को वैसा ही स्वीकार करना चाहिए। आँख मूंद कर दूसरों की नकल मत करो। मौरो के पंख केवल मोरों के लिए ही अच्छे हैं। कौओं के लिए मोर पंख भारी हैं।

उन्हें अपने शरीर पर लगा कर तुम ठीक ढंग से नहीं उड़ सकते। मुझे आशा है कि तुम्हें अपना सबक मिल चुका है।” कौए ने अपनी गलती स्वीकार कर ली। यद्यपि वह सोचता था कि वह सुन्दर दिख रहा है फिर भी उसके लिए उड़ पाना कठिन था। उसने अपने पंखों पर लगे सभी मोर पंख उखाड़ फेंके।

उसने अपने आपको साधारण (सादा) रूप में स्वीकर कर लिया। तब वह अपने मित्रों के पास गया और उनसे अपने द्वारा की गई बेइज्जती के लिए माफी मांगी। उन्होंने उसे अपना लिया और वे मित्र बन गए। अंततः कौआ खुश हो गया ।

Retranslation Of Isolated Sentences

1. He wanted to be like a peacock. — वह मोर जैसे दिखाई देना चाहता था।
2. You look so dull and plain. — तुम बहुत ही नीरस और साधारण दिखते हों।
3. The crow saw many peacock feathers on the ground. — कौए ने बहुत सारे मोर पंख ज़मीन पर पड़े देखे।
4. I look as beautiful as a peacock. — मैं मोर की तरह सुंदर लगता हूँ।
5. I don’t belong to you any more. — अब मेरा तुमसे कोई (संबंध) नाता नहीं है।
6. Peacock feathers will not make you a peacock. — मोर पंख तुम्हें मोर नहीं बना देंगे।
7. He returned to his fellow crows. — वह अपने साथी कौओं के पास वापिस आ गया।
8. We should accept ourselves the way we are. — हम जैसे हैं हमें अपने आपको वैसा ही स्वीकार कर लेना चाहिए।
9. I hope you have learnt your lesson. — मुझे आशा है कि तुम्हें अपना सबक मिल चुका है।
10. The crow realized his mistake. — कौए ने अपनी गलती मान ली।
11. The crow was finally happy.– अंतत: कौआ खुश हो गया।

English Class 6 Solutions PSEB Prose

I am Happy with Who I am Question Answer Class 6 English Solutions Poem Chapter 4 PSEB Solutions

Punjab State Board PSEB 6th Class English Book Solutions Poem 4 I am Happy with Who I am Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Class 6th English Solutions Poem Chapter 4 I am Happy with Who I am Question Answers

I am Happy with Who I am Class 6 Questions and Answers

Activity 1.

Look up the following words in a dictionary. You should seek the following information about the words and put them in your WORDS notebook.
1. Meaning of the word as used in the lesson (Adjective/Noun/Verb, etc.)
2. Pronunciation (The teacher may refer to the dictionary or the mobile phone for correct pronunciation.)
3. Spellings

mirror index finger confident
precious being matter

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Poem 4 I am Happy with Who I am

Activity 2.

Pick up words from the text that match the rhyme of the following words.
1. me, see, be
2. mirror, finger, matter, better, colour.

Activity 3.

Read the following words and use them in meaningful sentences.
1. Precious Life is precious.
2. Confident-I am confident of me.

Learning to Read and Comprehend

Activity 4.

Read the poem and answer the following question :

What does the poet see in the mirror ?
कवि शीशे में क्या देखता है ?
She sees herself
(a) looking back at her.
(b) showing the index finger.
(c) saying no one can be like her.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Poem 4 I am Happy with Who I am

Activity 5.

Make a list of the things that the poet says about herself.
कवि द्वारा अपने बारे में कही गई बातों की सूची बनाओ।
(a) I believe in myself, my being, my size, my shape, my colour.
(b) I am happy with who I am.
(c) I am unique and precious.

Activity 6.

Use of ‘is’, ‘am’, ‘are’. Look at these sentences :
1. I am honest.
2. They are working hard.
3. He is reading a newspaper.
4. You are very intelligent.
The words in bold – ‘is’, ‘am’ ‘are’, are helping verbs.
is, am, are here found
PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Poem 4 I am Happy with Who I am 1
1. ‘am’ is used with ‘I’.
I am doing my work.

2. ‘is’ is used with singular subjects.
She is my best friend
Rohit is singing a song.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Poem 4 I am Happy with Who I am 2

3. “are’ is used with ‘you’ and plural subjects.
You are very beautiful.
Anu and Neha are good friends.

Learning to Listen

Activity 7 (Pair Work)

The teacher will choose simple pictures of trees, flowers, hut, etc. for the students. Sit with your partner facing another side. Your partner will describe a picture. The sister will give one student a simple photograph and the other a blank piece of paper. The first student will describe in detail the photograph, while the second student will try to draw it on the paper :

Students can use phrases as
1. I am going to describe a/an….
2. It is red/blue/green ….
3. The __ is very big/small/shady/tall ….
The teacher will collect all the photos and the drawings and select the drawing that is closest to the verbal description. The teacher will show the photo to the students and tell them why she/ he has chosen that picture.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Poem 4 I am Happy with Who I am

Learning to Speak
Note : Do it yourself in the classsroom with help of your teacher.

Activity 8.

Our parents love us. They say the best things to us. Do we love ourselves ? Do you think we should believe in ourselves ? Yes ! We must if we want to give our best to other people, we must think that we are good. We must think that we can do it. Now, look at the chart given below. Read it carefully. Animal parents also love their children. Now get into pairs. Say all the sentences in the chart to your partner, Take turns in speaking. When you have finished saying to your partner, say all the sentences to yourself. Remember to add YES before each sentence.

Positive Things To Say To Myself

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Poem 4 I am Happy with Who I am 4
1. Yes, I love myself
2. Yes, I mother
3. Yes.

Learning to Write

Activity 9.

Write a short paragraph on ‘What I like about myself’. You may use the sentences given in the chart for guidance.

“What I like about myself

60-70 words.

I am a precious gift of God to my parents. God has given me many positive things. I am strong. I am smart. I have a kind heart. I am helpful. I am loving and caring. I keep going because I believe in myself. My confidence is great. I face every difficulty boldly. On the whole, I am a good person. I am unique as no one is there like me. The whole world needs me because I can make it better. Thus, I am special. I will not change myself for anyone.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Poem 4 I am Happy with Who I am

Learning to Use Language

Activity 10.

Complete the following worksheet.
My Name : X
My age : 10 years
My height : 5 feet
My colour : fair
My hair : black and curly
My hobby : painting
My favourite Book : Grandma stories
My favourite Sport : hockey
My dream : to become a scientist

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Poem 4 I am Happy with Who I am 3

Share your sheet with your partner. Are your answers the same ? Are they different ? In what ways are you both different from each other ? The beginning is given :
Our names are different. My name is X. His/her name is Y. Our age is different. My age is 10 years. His/her age is 11 years. Our heights are different. My height is 5 feet. His/her height is 5 feet 2 inches. Our colours are different. My colour is fair. His/her colour is little brown. Our hair are different. My hair is black and curly. His/her hair is black and plain. Our hobbies are different. My hobby is painting. His/her hobby is reading books. Our favourite books are also different. My favourite book is ‘Grandma Stories’ whereas his/her favourite book is ‘Animal Stories’. We like to play different games. My favourite game is hockey. But his/her favourite game is Kabaddi.

Comprehension Of Stanzas

Read stanzas given below and answer the questions that follow each :

(1) I often look into the mirror
And I like what I see,
I see myself looking back at me
Showing the index finger.
Saying no one can be like me.

1. What does the poet often look into ?
कवि प्रायः किस चीज़ में देखता है ?

2. What does he/she see in it ?
इसमें वह क्या देखता/देखती है ?

3. Which finger does the figure show ?
आकृति में कौन सी उंगली दिखती है ?

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Poem 4 I am Happy with Who I am

What does it tell the poet ?
वह कवि को क्या बताती है ?
Name the poem and the poet.
कविता और कवि का नाम बताएं।
1. He/she often looks into the mirror.
2. He/she sees himself/herself looking back at him/her.
3. The figure shows the index finger. (astant)
4. It tells the poet that none can be like him/her.
The name of the poem ‘I’m happy with who I am and that of the poet is Vandana Lunyal.

(2) I’m unique, the mirror tells me
I’m precious, I matter
The world has a need of me
If I smile and make it better
Saying no one can be like me.

1. What does the mirror tell the poet ? Mention any two things.
शीशा कवि को क्या बताता है ? कोई दो बातें लिखें।

2. Who needs him/her ?
उसकी ज़रूरत किसे है ?

3. How can he/she make the world better?
वह संसार को कैसे बेहतर बना सकता/सकती है ?

4. Pick out the word from the stanza that means ‘no one can be like me’.
Which word in the stanza rhymes with ‘matter’?
1. The mirror tells the poet that he/she is precious and that he/she matters.
2. The world needs him/her.
3. He/she can make the world better with his/her smiles.
4. ‘unique’

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Poem 4 I am Happy with Who I am

(3) Be confident, says the mirror
Whatever you are, be happy.
I believe in myself, my being
My size, my shape, my colour
I’m happy with who I am !

1. What does the mirror say to the poet ?
शीशा कवि से क्या कहता है ?

2. Name two things he/she believes in ?
उसे अपनी किन चीज़ों में विश्वास है ? कोई दो लिखें।

3. What is the poet happy with ?
कवि किस बात से खुश (संतुष्ट) है ?

4. Name the poem and the poet ?
कविता तथा कवि का नाम बताएं।
Complete the given sentence :
I ………….myself.
1. The mirror asks the poet to be confident. He/she should be happy with whatever he/she is.
2. He/She believes in his/her shape and size.
3. The poet is happy with who he/she is.
4. The name of the poem is ‘I’m Happy with who I am. Its poet is Vandana Lunyal.
I believe in myself.

Word Meanings
PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Poem 4 I am Happy with Who I am 5

I am Happy with Who I am Poem Summary in English

I am Happy with Who I am Summary in English

This three stanza poem gives us a lot of a self confidence. It inspires us to believe firmly in what we are. The poet sees into mirror and sees his/her reflection. It tells him/her that he/she is unique. No one is like him/her in the world.

To he/she is precious because the world needs him/her. He/she should be proud of his/her size, colour shape and everything of his/hers. He/She should be happy of whatever he/she is, His/her smiles can makes the world better place to live in.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Poem 4 I am Happy with Who I am

I am Happy with Who I am Summary in Hindi

कविता यह संदेश देती है कि व्यक्ति जैसा भी हो उसे उसी में खुश रहना चाहिए। कवि को शीशे में अपना चेहरा देखना अच्छा लगता है। उसका चेहरा उसकी ओर देख रहा होता है और अपनी तर्जनी से इशारा करते हुए कहता है कि कवि जैसा और कोई नहीं हो सकता। वह कवि को बताता है कि वह अद्वितीय है और संसार के लिए मूल्यवान है।

वह अपनी मुस्कान से संसार को बेहतर बना सकता है। शीशा कवि से कहता है कि वह अपने आप पर विश्वास रखे और जैसा है, उसी में खुश रहे। कवि उत्साहित होकर कहता है कि उसे स्वयं में विश्वास है। उसे अपने आकार, आकृति तथा रंग पर मान है। इसलिए वह जैसा भी है, उसी में खुश है।

Class 6th English Book Solutions PSEB Poetry