PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 13 Rise of the Dal Khalsa and its Mode of Fighting

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class History Book Solutions Chapter 13 Rise of the Dal Khalsa and its Mode of Fighting Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 History Chapter 13 Rise of the Dal Khalsa and its Mode of Fighting

Long Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
What were the main causes of the rise of Dal Khalsa?
Discuss the main causes of the foundation of Dal Khalsa.
After the death of Banda Bahadur in 1716 A.D., the Sikhs were left with no able leader to lead them. Under such conditions, the Mughal Governors of Punjab, Abdus Samad Khan, and Zakariya Khan vigorously persecuted the Sikhs. Awards were announced for the heads of the Sikhs. They were forced to take shelter in hills and forests. The Mughal army chased them. Whenever they were seen alone, they were killed. Under such circumstances, they felt the need to organize themselves in ‘Jathas’. So they formed themselves in small Jathas. In 1734 A.D. Nawab Kapoor Singh, by merging all small Jathas organized them into two chief Dais.

This dais was named Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal. In 1745, on the occasion of Diwali at Amritsar, 25 Jathas, each consisting of 100 Sikhs were formed. Gradually the number of these Jathas rose from 25 to 65. On 29th March 1748 A.D., Nawab Kapoor Singh organized Dal Khalsa by merging 65 Sikh Jathas into 12 Jathas.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 13 Rise of the Dal Khalsa and its Mode of Fighting

Question 2.
Discuss the main features of the Dal Khalsa.
What do you know about the organization of Dal Khalsa?
What are the main principles of Dal Khalsa?
When was Dal Khalsa founded? Describe its main features.
Dal Khalsa was established at Amritsar for the unity of Sikh Panth at the suggestion of Nawab Kapoor Singh on March 29, 1748. The sixty five Jathas of the Sikhs were merged into 12 Jathas. Each Jatha had a separate leader and a separate banner. SardarJassa Singh Ahluwalia was appointed the Commander-in-Chief of Dal Khalsa. Every Sikh who had faith in the principles laid down by Guru Gobind Singh Ji was considered a member of Dal Khalsa.

It was essential for every Sikh to join Dal Khalsa in order to face the enemies of the Panth. The Sikhs who joined Dal Khalsa were expected to be experts in horse riding and proficient in the use of arms. Every member of Dal Khalsa was free to join any Jatha. One of the twelve Sardars was elected Commander-in-Chief during war time and the other Sardars obeyed him. Cavalry was the most important part of Dal Khalsa’s army. The members of the Dal Khalsa fhced their enemies through guerilla warfare.

Question 3.
Write the five main features of military administration of Dal Khalsa.
The following were the main features of the military system of the Dal Khalsa:

1. Cavalry: Cavalry was an important organ of the army of the Dal Khalsa. To fight without horses was considered an insult by the Sikhs. In fact in the 18th centpry, it was impossible to win victory without cavalry. The horses of the Sikhs were well-trained. They could cover a distance between fifty to one hundred miles in a single day.

2. Infantry : In the army of the Dal Khalsa, infantry was considered to be of little importance. The function of this section of the army was only to keep watch. The Sikhs did not consider it worthwhile to join this wing of the army.

3. Arms : There was absence of artillery in the army of the Dal Khalsa. In the battle, the Sikhs used swords, spears, ‘khandas,’ bows and arrows and guns. For lack of ammunition, guns were scarcely used.

4. Salary: The soldiers of the Dal Khalsa were not given any regular pay. They were given only a share of the booty. Later on they began to be given a part of the ‘ land under their possession. If a soldier was wounded in the battle, he was given compensation.

5. Mode of fighting: The most important characteristic of the Dal Khalsa was its mode of fighting. The Sikhs had adopted guerilla tactics. The guerilla warfare proved very useful for the rise of the Sikh power. The Sikhs used to fall upon the enemies suddenly and inflict heavy losses on them. By the time the enemy got alert, the Sikhs escaped hurriedly into their hideouts in forests and hills. It was because of their mode of fighting that the Sikhs were able to challenge the Mughals and the Afghans.

Question 4.
Write a note on Guerilla mode of fighting of the Dal Khalsa.
What were the features of Dal Khalsa’s mode of fighting?
Briefly explain the mode of fighting adopted by Dal Khalsa.
Dal Khalsa’s most important feature was the adoption of the guerilla system of warfare. The Sikhs had to adopt this method of warfare due to many reasons. First in the battle of Gurdas Nangal, several Sikhs were arrested along with Banda Singh Bahadur who were later on executed ruthlessly. The Sikhs learnt a lesson that clashing openly with the Mughals would be harmful for them. Secondly, due to limited resources, the Sikhs had no other alternative but to face the tyranny of Abdus Samad Khan, Zakariya Khan, Yahiya Khan and Mir Mannu. The Guerilla system of warfare proved very useful for the rise of Sikh power.

The Sikhs used to pounce suddenly upon the enemy and inflict heavy losses on them and plunder the treasury. By the time the enemy got ready, the Sikhs again escaped into the forests and hills. The Sikhs did it with agility and quickness. The Sikhs succeeded in facing the Mughals and the Afghans through this system of warfare.

Question 5.
Describe the importance of Dal Khalsa.
What is the significance of Dal Khalsa?
Dal Khalsa was set up on March 29, 1748, on the eve of Baisakhi at Amritsar. Nawab Kapoor Singh played a vital role in laying the foundation of the Dal Khalsa. The foundation of Dal Khalsa is considered a very significant event in Sikh history. It infused a new life into the Sikh nation. It unified the Sikhs. It enabled the Sikhs to face the tyranny of Mughal and Afghan Governors. It was the outcome of the efforts of Dal Khalsa that the Sikhs could set up their independent Misls in Punjab. The Dal Khalsa propagated democratic principles. In fact, with the foundation of the Dal Khalsa, the Sikhs came out from the era of darkness and entered into a glorious era. Undoubtedly, the contributions of the Dal Khalsa were great.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 13 Rise of the Dal Khalsa and its Mode of Fighting

Essay Type Questions:

Question 1.
What were the causes responsible for the rise of the Dal Khalsa?
Discuss the reasons for the creation, organization, importance, and mode of fighting of the Dal Khalsa.
Discuss the origin, important features, and importance of the Dal Khalsa.
Describe the circumstances leading to the rise of the Dal Khalsa.
Examine its organization, importance and mode of fighting.
Discuss the circumstances leading to the establishment of the Dal Khalsa? What is its significance in the History of Punjab?
Describe the circumstances leading to the establishment of the Dal Khalsa. Give a brief account of its organization, mode of fighting, and importance.
Discuss the circumstances leading to the establishment of the Dal Khalsa. What is its significance in the History of Punjab?
What do you know about the origin, main features and significance of the Dal Khalsa?
How was the Dal Khalsa founded? Describe Its features and significance.
What were the causes responsible for the rise of the Dal Khalsa?
When and why was the Dal Khalsa founded? Explain its main features and importance.
Give an account of the organisation of the Dal Khalsa and examine its significance.
What were the reasons of the creation of the Dal Khalsa? What is its importance in the History of Punjab?
What was the significance of the Dal Khalsa in the History of Punjab?
Describe the main features of the military system of the Dal Khalsa.
1. Persecution of the Sikhs: After the death of Banda Singh Bahadur in 1716 A.D., the Sikhs were left with no able leader to lead them. As a result the Sikhs could not keep themselves united. Under such conditions the Mughal Governors of Punjab, Abdus Samad Khan and Zakariya Khan vigorously persecuted the Sikhs. Awards were announced for the heads of the Sikhs. The Sikhs were arrested and martyred d£ily at Lahore. They were forced to take shelter in hills and forests.

They had to face innumerable hardships. The Mughal army frequently chased them. Whenever they were seen alone or in a small number they were killed. Under such circumstances, they felt the need to organise themselves in ‘Jathas’. So they grouped themselves in small Jathas. These Jathas formed the basis of the Dal Khalsa.

2. Organisation of Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal : In 1734 AD. Nawab Kapoor Singh, by merging all small Jathas organised them into two chief Dais. These Dais were named Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal. In the Buddha Dal,- Sikhs above 40 years of age were recruited. The function of this Dal was to look after the religious places and to propagate Sikh religion. The chief function of the Taruna Dal was to defend the community and to fight with the enemies. The Taruna Dal was further divided into five Jathas and each Jatha was placed under an experienced Sikh Jathedar. The establishment of these Dais infused a new spirit among the Sikhs.

3. Reorganisation of the Dais: The death of Zakariya Khan in 1745 A.D. led to anarchy in Punjab. Taking advantage of the prevailing conditions, the Sikhs passed a ‘Gurmata’ on 14th October, 1745 AD. on the occasion of Diwali at Amritsar. In this ‘Gurmata’ it was decided that 25 Jathas each consisting of 100 Sikhs should be formed. The leaders of these Jathas were appointed by virtue of their ability and bravery. These Jathas adopted guerilla policy to face the government.

These Jathas started killing such ‘Chaudharis’ and ‘Muqaddams’ as had rendered active help to the government against the Sikhs. Gradually the number of these Jathas rose from 25 to 65.

Establishment of the Dal Khalsa:

On 29th March, 1748 A.D. On the day of Baisakhi, the Sikhs gathered at Amritsar. Nawab Kapoor Singh suggested that in view of the hard time ahead, there was a great need for unity and strength of the Panth. Keeping this objective in view, the Dal Khalsa was established on this day. 65 Sikh Jathas were merged into 12 Jathas. Each Jatha had its own separate leader and flag. Sardar Jassa Singh Ahluwalia was appointed the Supreme Commander of the Dal Khalsa. It was imperative for every Sikh to join the Dal Khalsa to face the enemy. It was expected of every Sikh who joined the Dal Khalsa to be expert in both horse-riding and use of weapons. Every member of the Dal Khalsa was at full liberty to join any Jatha.

A meeting of the ‘Sarbat Khalsa’ was held every year on the occasions of Baisakhi and Diwali at Amritsar. Sarbat Khalsa meant the whole Sikh ‘Sangat’. In this meeting ‘Gurmatas’ on matters of vital importance were passed in the presence of the Guru Granth Sahib. All the Sikhs would obey these ‘Gurmatas’.

Features of the Military System of the Dal Khalsa:

The following were the main features of the military system of the Dal Khalsa :

1. Cavalry: Cavalry was an important organ of the army of the Dal Khalsa. To fight without horses was considered an insult by the Sikhs. In fact in the 18th century, it was impossible to win victory without cavalry. The horses of the Sikhs were well-trained. They could cover a distance between fifty to one hundred miles in a single day.

2. Infantry : In the army of the Dal Khalsa, infantry was considered to be of little importance. The function of this section of the army was only to keep watch. The Sikhs did not consider it worthwhile to join this wing of the army.

3. Arms : There was absence of artillery in the army of the Dal Khalsa. In the battle, the Sikhs used swords, spears, ‘khandas,’ bows and arrows and guns. For lack of ammunition, guns were scarcely used.

4. Recruitment and Discipline : There was no fixed rules for recruitment in the army of the Dal Khalsa. Every Sikh was free to join any Jatha of the Dal Khalsa of his own accord. Whenever he wanted, he could leave one Jatha and join the other. No written record of the names and salaries of the soldiers was maintained. There was no arrangement for the training of the soldiers. In spite of these shortcomings, there was always discipline in the rank and file of the Dal Khalsa. The Sikhs would fight with religious fervour.

5. Salary : The soldiers of the Dal Khalsa were not given any regular pay. They were given only a share of the booty. Later on they began to be given a part of the land under their possession. If a soldier was wounded in the battle, he was given compensation.

6. Mode of fighting: The most important characteristic of the Dal Khalsa was its mode of fighting. The Sikhs had adopted guerilla tactics. Several reasons led the Sikhs to adopt this system. Firstly, in the Gurdas Nangal battle, Banda Singh Bahadur and hundreds of Sikhs were taken prisoners, who were later mercilessly killed. The Sikhs learnt a lesson that open confrontation with the Mughal army could prove harmful.

The guerilla warfare proved very useful for the rise of the Sikh power. The Sikhs used to fall upon the enemies suddenly and inflict heavy losses on them. By the time the enemy got alert, the Sikhs escaped hurriedly into their hideouts in forests and hills. It was because of their mode of fighting that the Sikhs were able vto challenge the Mughals and the Afghans.

Significance of the Dal Khalsa:

The establishment of the Dal Khalsa proved a turning point in the history of the Sikhs. After the martyrdom of Banda Singh Bahadur, it unified the scattered power of the Sikhs.’ It taught them to lead a disciplined life and sacrifice their everything for the safety of their religion. It instilled a new confidence into the Sikh community. Under the able leadership of the Dal Khalsa, the Sikhs stoutly resisted the Mughals and the AfghAnswer: As a result of the efforts of the Dal Khalsa, the Sikhs finally succeeded in establishing independent Misls in the Punjab.

In fact, the credit for all the great achievements of the Sikhs during this period goes to the Dal Khalsa. Nihar Ranjan Ray aptly says, “The organisation of the Dal Khalsa has been rightly characterised as a landmark in the history of the Sikhs.”

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 13 Rise of the Dal Khalsa and its Mode of Fighting

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
What were the main causes of the foundation of the Dal Khalsa?
What were the three main causes of the establishment of Dal Khalsa?
After the death of Banda Singh Bahadur in 1716 A.D., the Sikhs were left with no able leader to lead them. The Mughal Governors of Punjab, vigorously persecuted the Sikhs. Under such circumstances, they felt the need to organise themselves in ‘Jathas’. In 1734 A.D. Nawab Kapoor Singed, organised them into two Chief Dais named Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal. It was a stepping stone in the foundation of Dal Khalsa. On 29 March, 1748 A.D., Nawab Kapoor Singh formed Dal Khalsa.

Question 2.
Write down the main features of the Dal Khalsa.
What do you know about the organisation of the Dal Khalsa?
What are the main principles of the Dal Khalsa?
When was the Dal Khalsa founded? Describe its main features.
Dal Khalsa was established at Amritsar on March 29, 1748. Sardar Jassa Singh Ahluwalia was appointed the Commander-in-Chief of Dal Khalsa. Every Sikh, who had faith in the principles laid down by Guru Gobind Singh Ji was considered a member of Dal Khalsa. The Sikhs who joined Dal Khalsa were expected to be expert in horse riding and proficient in the use of arnis. The members of the Dal Khalsa faced their enemies through guerilla warfare.

Question 3.
Write the main three features of military administration of the Dal Khalsa.

  • Cavalry was the most important constituent of the army of Dal Khalsa. The Sikhs deemed it an insult to fight without horses.
  • The Sikhs joined Dal Khalsa according to their will.
  • No written record was kept of their names and salaries,
  • The Sikhs used swords, spears, bows and guns in battles. The guns were occasionally used due to dearth of ammunition,
  • The Sikhs faced their enemies through guerilla warfare.

Question 4.
Write a note on guerilla mode of fighting of the Sikhs.
Write a note on Guerilla battle policy of Sikhs.
What were the features of the Dal Khalsa’s mode of fighting?
Briefly explain the mode of fighting adopted by Dal Khalsa.
Dal Khalsa’s most important feature was the adoption of the guerilla system of warfare. Due to limited resources, the Sikhs had to adopt guerilla warfare. The Sikhs used to pounce suddenly upon the enemy and inflict heavy losses on them and plunder the treasury. By the time the enemy got ready, the Sikhs again escaped into the forfeits and hills. The Sikhs succeeded in facing the Mughals and the Afghans through this system of warfare.

Question 5.
Describe the importance of Dal Khalsa.
What is the significance of Dal Khalsa?
Dal Khalsa was set up on March 29, 1748, on the eve of Baisakhi at Amritsar, The foundation of Dal Khalsa is infused, a new life into the Sikhs. It enabled the Sikhs to face the tyranny of Mughals and AfghAnswer: It was the outcome of the efforts of Dal Khalsa that the Sikhs could set up their independent Misls in Punjab. The Dal Khalsa propagated democratic principles. In fact, with the foundation of the Dal Khalsa, the Sikhs came out from the era of darkness and entered into a glorious era.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 13 Rise of the Dal Khalsa and its Mode of Fighting

Objective Type Questions:

Question 1.
Give anyone cause responsible for the origin of the Dal Khalsa.
What was the reason for the creation of the Dal Khalsa?
The Sikhs wanted to consolidate their power.

Question 2.
When were Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal established?
In 1734 A.D.

Question 3.
Which Sikhs were included in Buddha Dal?
The Sikhs are above the age of 40.

Question 4.
Who was the leader of Buddha Dal?
Nawab Kapoor Singh.

Question 5.
Which Sikhs were included in Taruna Dal?
The Sikhs are below the age of 40.

Question 6.
What was the main duty of the Taruna Dal?
To face the enemy.

Question 7.
When was Dal Khalsa established?
March 29, 1748 A.D.

Question 8.
By whom was the Dal Khalsa founded?
Who founded Dal Khalsa?
Nawab Kapoor Singh.

Question 9.
Where was the Dal Khalsa founded?

Question 10.
What is meant by the Dal Khalsa?
Military organization of the Sikhs.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 13 Rise of the Dal Khalsa and its Mode of Fighting

Question 11.
Write the total number of main Jathas of the Dal Khalsa.

Question 12.
Write the name of one main Jatha of the Dal Khalsa.
Sukarchakia Jatha.

Question 13.
When was the Chief Commander of the Dal Khalsa appointed?
1748 A.D.

Question 14.
Who was the Chief Commander of the Dal Khalsa?
Jassa Singh Ahluwalia.

Question 15.
Who was the First Commander of the Dal Khalsa?
Jassa Singh Ahluwalia.

Question 16.
What title was conferred upon Jassa Singh Ahluwalia by the Khalsa?

Question 17.
What do you mean by Sarbat Khalsa?
Gathering of all the Sikhs.

Question 18.
What was the characteristic mode of warfare of the Dal Khalsa?
What was the mode of fighting of the Dal Khalsa?
Guerilla warfare.

Question 19.
Why did the Dal Khalsa adopt the guerilla mode of fighting?
Because the resources of the Sikhs were very limited.

Question 20.
What was the importance of the Dal Khalsa?
It consolidated the scattered Sikh force.

Fill in the blanks:

1. Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal were established in ……………..
1734 A.D.

2. ………………. established Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal.
Nawab Kapoor Singh

3. The Dal Khalsa was established in ……………….
1748 A.D.

4. The Dei Khalsa was established at

5. Sardar ……………….. was appointed the Chief Commander of Dal Khalsa.
Jassa Singh Ahiuwalia

6. ………………… was an important organ of the army of Dal Khalsa.

7. The Dal Khalsa adopted …………………. mode of fighting.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 13 Rise of the Dal Khalsa and its Mode of Fighting

True or False:

1. Nawab Kapoor Singh established Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal in 1738 A.D.

2. The Dal Khalsa was established in 1749 A.D.

3. The Dal Khalsa was established at Sri Anandpur Shib.

4. Sardar Jassa Singh Ramgarhia was appointed the Chief Commander of Dal Khalsa.

5. The cavalry was an important wing of the Dal Khalsa.

6. The Dal Khalsa’s mode of fighting was gureiha warfare.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 13 Rise of the Dal Khalsa and its Mode of Fighting

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Why was the Dal Khalsa established?
(a) The Sikhs wanted to consolidate their power
(b) Nawab Kapoor Singh wanted to create unity among the Sikhs
(c) The Sikhs wanted to teach the Mughals a lesson
(d) All of the above
(d) All of the above

2. When was the Dal Khalsa established?
(a) In 1733 A.D.
(b) In 1734 A.D.
(c) In 1739 A.D.
(d) In 1748 A.D.
(d) In 1748 A.D.

3. By whom was the Dal Khalsa established?
(a) Nawab Kapoor Singh
(b) Jassa Singh Ahluwalia
(c) Jassa Singh Ramgarhia
(d) Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
(a) Nawab Kapoor Singh

4. Where was the Dal Khalsa established?
(a) Delhi
(b) Jalandhar
(c) Amritsar
(d) Ludhiana.
(c) Amritsar

5. Who was the Chief Commander of the Dal Khalsa?
(a) Jassa Singh Ahluwalia
(b) Jassa Singh Ramgarhia
(c) Nawab Kapoor Singh
(d) Baba Ala Singh.
(a) Jassa Singh Ahluwalia

6. The title of Sultan-ul-Qaum was conferred upon which person by the Khalsa?
(a) Maharaja Ranjit Singh
(b) Nawab Kapoor Singh
(c) Jassa Singh Ahluwalia
(d) Jai Singh.
(c) Jassa Singh Ahluwalia

7. Where were the Sarbat Khalsa congregations held?
(a) Delhi
(b) Lahore
(c) Amritsar
(d) Khadur Sahib.
(c) Amritsar

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 12 Abdus Samad Khan, Zakariya Khan and Mir Mannu: Their Relations with the Sikhs

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class History Book Solutions Chapter 12 Abdus Samad Khan, Zakariya Khan and Mir Mannu: Their Relations with the Sikhs Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 History Chapter 12 Abdus Samad Khan, Zakariya Khan and Mir Mannu: Their Relations with the Sikhs

Long Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Write a note on Abdus Samad Khan.
Explain Abdus Samad Khan’s relations with the Sikhs from 1713 to 1726.
The Mughal emperor Farrukh Siyar appointed Abdus Samad Khan the Governor of Lahore in 1713 A.D. to crush the growing power of the Sikhs. Abdus Samad Khan succeeded in 1715 A. D. in arresting Banda Singh Bahadur and some of his Sikh companions. It enhanced the prestige of Abdus Samad Khan. Emboldened by his success, he opened a new chapter of perpetuating tyranny on the Sikhs. Every day the Sikhs were arrested, taken to Lahore, and put to the sword.

The Mughal emperor Farrukh Siyar was pleased with the success of Abdus Samad Khan and honored him with the title ‘Sword of the State’. In order to escape his tyranny, the Sikhs took shelter in the forests and hills. Later on, the Sikhs started guerilla warfare against the Mughals. Consequently, Abdus Samad Khan failed to check their power. As a result, he was removed from his post in 1726A.D.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 12 Abdus Samad Khan, Zakariya Khan and Mir Mannu: Their Relations with the Sikhs

Question 2.
What is meant by Bandai Khalsa and Tat Khalsa? How were their differences resolved?
What was the difference between Tat Khalsa and Bandai Khalsa? Who compromised them?
What do you mean by Bandai Khalsa and Tat Khalsa? Explain.
After the martyrdom of Banda Singh Bahadur, the Sikhs were divided into two Dals-Bandai Khalsa and Tat Khalsa. The followers of both the Dais had faith in the doctrines of Sikh religion but they differed in their practical actions. The Sikhs who continued to follow the principles of Guru Gobind Singh Ji came to be known as Tat Khalsa (True Khalsa) while those who followed the principles of Banda Singh Bahadur came to be known as Bandai Khalsa. Bandai Khalsa accepted Banda Singh Bahadur as their Guru while Tat Khalsa accepted Guru Granth Sahib as their Guru.

Followers of Bandai Khalsa used the words ‘Fateh Dharam’ and ‘Fateh Darshan’ when they met one another while the followers of Tat Khalsa used ‘Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh’. Bandai Khalsa wore red robes while Tat Khalsa wore blue robes. In 1721 A.D. Bhai Mani Singh Ji, Head priest of Sri Harmandir Sahib, resolved the differences between them. As a result of this Bandai Khalsa merged into Tat Khalsa.

Question 3.
Describe the tyrannies inflicted on the Sikhs during the time of Zakariya Khan.
How did Zakariya Khan try to deal with the Sikhs?
Describe briefly the persecution of Sikhs under Zakariya Khan.
Zakariya Khan became the Governor of Punjab in 1726 A.D. He adopted a tough policy to deal with the Sikhs. He arrested the Sikhs in a large number and martyred them. But when he did not succeed in crushing the Sikhs completely, he planned to placate them. Zakariya Khan gave Sardar Kapoor Singh the title of Nawab and a big Jagir. The Sikhs made use of the opportunity and began to organize their power once again. After some time the Sikhs once again started looting the Mughals. Zakariya Khan confiscated the Jagir that he had given and ordered their persecution.

He announced many awards in this regard. As a result, the massacre of the Sikhs started once again. Famous personalities like Bhai Mani Singh, Mehtab Singh Ji, Bhai Taru Singh Ji, and llaqiqat Rai Ji were martyred. But these martyrdoms infused a new spirit into the Sikhs. Despite his best efforts, Zakariya Khan could not succeed in crushing the Sikh power till his death in 1745 ‘ A.D.

Question 4.
Who was Tara Singh Van? What is the importance of his martyrdom in Sikh History?
Tara Singh was a resident of village Van in district Amritsar. He was very popular among the Sikhs for his bravery and services to the Sikh Panth. He had taken an active part in the battles of Banda Singh Bahadur. Now he had taken to farming in his village. The Chaudhary of Naushehra, Sahib Rai, used to let loose his horses into the farms of the Sikhs, so as to damage their crops. When the Sikhs objected to it, he used to insult them. The Sikhs could not tolerate this insult. One day, Tara Singh Van caught hold of a mare of Sahib Rai and sold it. He bought grain with that money and gave it in the ‘langar’. When Sahib Rai came to know about it, he sought help from Zakariya Khan. Zakariya Khan sent a troop of 2200 cavaliers under the command of his General Moman Khan.

Tara Singh Van and his 22 companions inflicted a heavy loss on the Mughal force throughout the night. It was only in the morning that the Mughals came to know of the actual strength of the Sikhs. All these Sikhs became martyrs while fighting. Before their martyrdom, they killed 300 Mughal soldiers and wounded many more. This event took place in February 1726 A.D. The martyrdom of Tara Singh Van infused new confidence among the Sikhs.

Question 5.
Who was Bhai Mani Singh Ji? What was the impact of his martyrdom in Sikh History?
What were the causes of the martyrdom of Bhai Mani Singh Ji?
What do you know about Bhai Mani Singh Ji and his martyrdom?
Write a short note on Bhai Mani Singh Ji.
The martyrdom of Bhai Mani Singh Ji was the most significant event of Zakariya Khan’s period. Bhai Mani Singh Ji was the Head Priest of Sri Darbar Sahib, Amritsar. He was greatly respected among the Sikhs. Zakariya Khan imposed a ban on the Sikhs visiting Sri Darbar Sahib. Bhai Mani Singh Ji got a sanction from Zakariya Khan for the Sikhs to gather at Sri Darbar Sahib on the eve of Diwali by promising to give him Rs. 5000. The Sikhs started assembling at Amritsar in a large number. But a day before Diwali, Zakariya Khan attacked Amritsar. It created pandemonium among the Sikhs and they could not assemble on the eve of Diwali. Zakariya Khan arrested Bhai Mani Singh Ji and demanded the stipulated sum.

Bhai Mani Singh Ji could not pay this amount as Diwali festival could not be held. He was asked to either Embrace Islam or to face death. When Bhai Mani Singh Ji refused to accept Islam, he was ruthlessly martyred at Lahore in 1738 AJD. The martyrdom of Bhai Mani Singh caused deep resentment among the Sikhs. So they resolved to uproot the Mughal empire.

Question 6.
Who was Bhai Taru Singh Ji and what is the significance of his martyrdom in Sikh History?
Write a short note on Bhai Taru Singh Ji.
Bhai Taru Singh Ji belonged to Puhla village in Majha region’ His profession was agriculture and he used to help the Sikhs with his income. It was a great offence in the eyes of the government. Harbhagat, a man from Jandiala got him arrestetl. He was brought to Lahore where Zakariya Khan asked him to shave off his hair and accept Islam. He was offered all the comforts of the world. Bhai Taru Singh Ji refused to accept both the proposals.

At this Zakariya Khan ordered Bhai Taru Singh Ji’s hair to be scrapped off his scalp. Complying with the orders, the executioner started tearing his skull. At that time Bhai Taru Singh Ji was reciting Japji Sahib. His whole body was drenched in blood but he did not budge. After 22 days, on July 1,1745 he merged with Immortal. This supreme sacrifice of Bhai Taru Sing ;h Ji infused a new spirit among the Sikhs.

Question 7.
Who was Nadir Shah? What was the effect of his invasion on Punjab?
Give a brief account of Nadir Shah’s invasion of Punjab and its impact.
Nadir Shah was the emperor of Iran. He invaded India in 1739 A.D. During this invasion, his forces ravaged and ransacked many cities of India including Delhi. It spread: ruin and disorder throughout India and Punjab in particular. Nadir Shah was so ruthless that enemies trembled on hearing his name. When he was returning through Punjab, the Sikhs suddenly pounced upon him and seized a large amount of booty. Nadir Shah was wonder-struck.

He enquired about these Sikhs from Zakariya Khan, the Governor of Punjab. He warned him that if he did not take stern steps immediately against the Sikhs, they would one day get hold of Punjab. As a result, Zakariya Khan stepped up his tyranny over the Sikhs. But after the invasion of Nadir Shah, lawlessness spread in Punjab. Availing themselves of this opportunity, the Sikhs started consolidating their power.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 12 Abdus Samad Khan, Zakariya Khan and Mir Mannu: Their Relations with the Sikhs

Question 8.
Write a brief note on Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal.
When were Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal o.rganised? What is their importance in Sikh History?
What do you mean by ‘Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal’?
After the settlement with the Mughals in 1733 A.D., the Sikhs got a golden chance to consolidate their power. Nawab Kapur Singh sent messages to the Sikhs to return to their homes from forests and hills. In this way,’ the persecution of the Sikhs which had continued during the last two decades came to an end. They heaved a sigh of relief. In 1734 A.D. Nawab Kapoor Singh formed two Jathas or Dais with a view to strengthening the Sikh power. These two Jathas came to be known as Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal. The Sikhs above 40 were included in Buddha Dal and below 40 years were included in Taruna Dal.

Taruna Dal was further divided into five groups, each of which had 1300 to 2000 Sikhs. Each group had a separate leader and a flag. Buddha Dal looked after the religious places while Taruna Dal fought against the enemies of the Sikhs.

Question 9.
Who was Yahiya Khan? Give information about his rule?
After the death of Zakariya Khan, Yahiya, Khan became the Governor of Lahore in 1746 A.D. He remained on this post till 1747 A.D. In the matter of committing oppressions on the Sikhs, Yahiya Khan did not lag behind his father, Zakariya Khan.

1. Activities of the Sikhs : When Yahiya Khan assumed t;he charge, the atmosphere of anarchy was prevalent in the Punjab. Taking advantage of the opportunity, the Sikhs had organised their power. They attacketd many villages and killed their Chaudharis and Muqaddams for co-operating witk i the government and taking actions against the Sikhs. The Sikh jathas intensifie d their activities in many regions of Punjab.

2. Death of Jaspat Rai: In 1746 A.D. a Sikh jatha which wai3 proceeding on a pilgrimage to Gurdwara Rohri Sahib in Eminabad took away a few goats and sheep from the village Gondlawala. On the complaint of the people, Jaspat Rai, ordered the Sikhs to return the goats and sheep . The Sikhs refused to do so. Consequently, Jaspat Rai with some of his soldiers attacked the Sikhs. In the course of action, Jaspat Rai was killed. With the death of Jaspat Rai hisi soldiers ran for their lives.

3. Actions of Lakhpat Rai against the Sikhs : Diwan Lakh pat Rai’s blood began to boil on hearing the news of his brother Jaspat Rai’s de ath. He took a pledge that he would annihilate the Sikhs. He ordered Diwan Lakhpat Rai to crush the Sikhs. Those who defied these orders were sentenced to death. Many Sikhs inhabiting Lahore were arrested and executed.

4. First Holocaust: With a view to decimate the Sikhs, Yahiya Khan and Lakhpat Rai raised a huge army. This army, unexpectedly, besieged 15,000 Sikhs at Kahnuwan. The Mughal soldiers gave them a hot chase. Here the Sikhs were trapped in a difficult situation. In this attack, 7000 Sikhs were martyred and 3000 arrested. These Sikhs were butchered at Lahore. It was the first occasion in Sikh history, when the Sikhs suffered such a heavy loss of life. That is why this event is known as first Ghallughara or small holocaust in history. This holocaust took place in May 1746 A.D.

Question 10.
What do you know about the First Holocaust of 1746 or the Chhota Ghallughara?
Write a short note on Chhota Ghallughara?
What do you know about ‘First Holocaust?
Yahiya Khan and Lakhpat Rai had raised a vast army in order to wipe out the Sikhs. This army suddenly surrounded about 15000 Sikhs at Kahnunwan. The Sikhs escaped from there and took refuge in the hills of Basoli. Here -they were trapped in an awkward situation. On the one side there were steep mountains and on the other Ravi, river was in full spate. The Mughal forces were hotly chasing them from behind while the hill chiefs and people in front were their sworn enemies. The Sikhs had no provisions. Their horses were also in a miserable condition due to the shortage of fodder.

In this attack 7,000 Sikhs were martyred and 3,000 were taken prisoners. These were martyred at Lahore. It was the first instance in Sikh history when the Sikhs suffered such a heavy loss of life. That is why this event is known as First Holocaust or Chotta Ghallughara in Sikh history . It occurred in May, 1746 A.D. Despite this bloody holocaust, morale of the Sikhs remained high and buoyant.

Question 11.
Who was Mir Mannu? What steps did he take against the Sikhs during his period of rule?
How did the rule of Mir Mannu help in the rise of Sikh power?
Study the persecution of the Sikhs by Mir Mannu.
What do you know about the relations between Mir Mannu and the Sikhs?
Write briefly the relations of Mir Mannu with the Sikhs.
Mir Mannu was also known as Muin-ul-Mulk. He remained the Mughal Governor of Punjab from 1748 A.D. to 1752 A.D. and the Afghan Governor from 1752 A.D. to 1753 A.D. He represented Ahmad Shah Abdali. Mir Mannu was the sworn enemy of the Si£hs. He issued strict orders to crush the power of the Sikhs and sent military contingents at various places in Pvinjab. As a result, everyday the Sikhs were arrested and brought to Lahore for execution. They were executed in thousands at Shahid Ganj. They were hard pressed. Consequently, they had to take shelter in forests and hills.

When the soldiers of-Mir Mannu could not get hold of the Sikhs, they started arresting Sikh women and children. The cruelty with which they were tortured cannot be explained in words. Despite his extreme cruelty, Mir Mannu could not crush the Sikh power till his end.

Question 12.
Why did Mir Mannu fail to crush the Sikh power?
What were the causes of the failure of Mir Mannu against the Sikhs? Write any five causes.
1. Organisation of the Dal Khalsa: The main cause of Mir Mannu’s failure was the organisation of Dal Khalsa. The Sikhs greatly respected Dal Khalsa and were always ready to make any sacrifice at its call. As a result, it became difficult for Mir Mannu to crush the power of the Sikhs.

2. Uncommon qualities of the Sikhs: Another factor responsible for the failure of Mir Mannu was the uncommon qualities of the Sikhs. They had firm determination, unlimited zeal, bravery and spirit of sacrifice for their Panth. They never lost heart despite big hurdles. Mir Mannu subjected Sikh women and children to numerous persecutions, but they remained firm like a rock. It was not an easy task to crush such a community.

3. Guerilla tactics of the Sikhs: The Sikhs adopted guerilla tactics because of their limited resources. According to this policy, whenever the Sikhs found an opportunity, they would attack the Mughal forces, plunder their regions and again take shelter in forests and hills. Since the Sikhs did not confront Mir Mannu in the open field, he failed to crush their power.

4. Cooperation of Diwan Kaura Mai to the Sikhs : Diwan Kaura Mai was an adviser of Mir Mannu. He was a Sahijdhari Sikh. So, he was compassionate towards the Sikhs. Whenever Mir Mannu decided to take any strict action against the Sikhs, Kaura Mai persuaded him to adopt a soft attitude towards the Sikhs. Owing to this valuable co-operation, the Sikhs used to call him ‘Mitha Mai’. This co-operation of Kaura Mai proved helpful in the rise of the Sikh power.

5. Problems of Mir Mannu: During his rule, Mir Mannu was surrounded by several problems, because of which he could not pay his undivided attention to crush the power of the Sikhs. His greatest problem was the invasions of Ahmad Shah Abdali. For fear of these invasions, Mir Mannu had to postpone action against the Sikhs. Secondly, the Wazir of Delhi, Safdarjang, was jealous of Mir Mannu. So, he was always busy hatching conspiracies to remove Mir Mannu from his post. Consequently, he failed to crush the power of the Sikhs.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 12 Abdus Samad Khan, Zakariya Khan and Mir Mannu: Their Relations with the Sikhs

Essay Type Questions:

Abdus Samad Khan 1713-26 A.D.

Question 1.
What was the condition of the Sikhs after the martyrdom of Banda Singh Bahadur? How did Abdus Samad Khan tackle the Sikhs?
What steps were taken by Abdus Samad Khan to crush the powers of the Sikhs during 1713-1726 A.D.?
What were the relations of the Sikhs with Abdus Samad Khan from 1713 to 1726 A.D.?
Abdus Samad Khan was made the Governor of Lahore by the Mughal emperor, Farrukh Siyar in 1713 A.D. He was appointed to this post with the aim of completely crushing the power of the Sikhs. He started his administration with an iron hand. After defeating Banda Singh Bahadur in the battle of Gurdas Nangal in 1715 A.D. he arrested him along with many other (740) Sikhs. They were brutally martyred in Delhi on 19th June 1716 A.D. Farrukh Siyar was very happy over Abdus Samad Khan’s action. He honored Abdus Samad Khan with many rewards. Abdus Samad Khan remained on this post till 1726 A.D. The main events of his rule were as follows :

1. Farrukh Siyar’s Edict: In 1716 A.D., the Mughal emperor Farrukh Siyar, issued a royal edict. In this edict, he ordered the Mughal officials to kill any Sikh they could lay their hands on, but pardon those who embraced Islam. All the Hindus were ordered to shave off their heads and beards. He, who violated this order, was to be treated as a Sikh and to be killed. Even those, who gave help or provided shelter to the Sikhs, were also to be killed. Any person, who gave any clue about the whereabouts of any Sikh or helped the government in arresting the Sikhs, was to be amply rewarded.

2. Steps taken by Abdus Samad Khan against the Sikhs: After the issuance of the edict, Abdus Samad Khan started torturing the Sikhs in various ways. Hundreds of innocent Sikhs were daily arrested and brought to Lahore. They were tempted to embrace Islam in exchange for their life but the Guru’s Sikhs preferred death to this type of life. The executioners killed such Sikhs after subjecting them to untold tortures. In order to escape this bloody policy of Abdus Samad Khan, many Sikhs took shelter in the jungles and in the Shivalik hills.

There they had to face many hardships. In this way during the early years of Abdus Samad Khan’s rule, this policy paid rich dividends. Feeling happy with him Farrukh Siyar honoured him with the title of ‘Sword of the State’.

3. Split among the Sikhs: After the martyrdom of Banda Singh Bahadur, the Sikhs were divided into two chief sects “Tat Khalsa’ and ‘Bandai Khalsa’. Tat Khalsa’ were the firm advocates of Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s religious principles. ‘Bandai Khalsa’ began to regard Banda Singh Bahadur as their leader. The followers of Tat Khalsa used to greet each other with ‘Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa and Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh’, while those of Bandai Khalsa used to greet each other with ‘Fateh Darshan’ and ‘Fateh Dharam’.

The disciples of Tat Khalsa wore blue robes, while those of Bandai Khalsa wore red ones. As a consequence of their differences the Sikhs could not jointly resist the cruelties of Abdus Samad Khan.

4. Change in Circumstances: After 1720 A.D, things began to change and events turned in favour of the Sikhs. The royal court had become a den of conspiracies. In view of political instability, the central govt, could not pay due attention towards the Sikhs. In Punjab too, Abdus Samad Khan was involed in crushing the revolts of Isa Khan and Hussain Khan. Therefore, laxity crept into the action against the Sikhs. In 1721 A.D., with the efforts of Bhai Mani Singh Ji a compromise was made between ‘Tat Khalsa’ and ‘Bandai Khalsa’ at Amritsar on the occasion of Baisakhi. Consequently, Bandai Khalsa merged itself into Tat Khalsa. Thus, they were united.

5. Activities of the Sikhs: The changed circumstances and the newly achieved unity gave a new impetus to the Sikhs. They formed Jathas consisting of one hundred Sikhs each and started looting the Mughal provinces. They began to inflict heavy punishments on those Hindus and Muslims, who had handed over the Sikh women and children to the Mughals and had seized their property. In order to teach the Sikhs a lesson, Abdus Samad Khan sent a force under Aslam Khan to Amritsar. The Sikhs launched a surprise attack and gave a crushing defeat to the imperial forces. Har Sahai was killed in this battle, and Aslam Khan and Dev fled for their lives.

6. Failure of Abdus Samad Khan: Despite his best efforts, Abdus Samad Khan failed to crush the power of the Sikhs. There were many reasons for it. Firstly, Abdus Samad Khan had started aging, so-he lacked the enthusiasm of his youthful days. Secondly, the Sikhs had forged unity. So they were able to counter the cruelties of Abdus Samad Khan. Thirdly, Abdus Samad Khan became the victim of the conspiracies of the Mughal nobles. So, Abdus Samad Khan was removed from his office in 1726 A.D.

Question 2.
What measures were adopted by Zakariya Khan to crush the powers of the Sikhs? How far did he succeed in his efforts?
Describe briefly the persecution of the Sikhs in the reign of Zakariya Khan.
Discuss the relations of Zakariya Khan with the Sikhs.
How did Zakariya Khan treat with the Sikhs?
After Abdus Samad Khan, his eldest son Zakariya Khan succeeded him as the Governor of Lahore in 1726 A.D. He continued to occupy this post till 1745 AiD. Zakariya Khan was even a greater tyrant than his father. That is why he was honoured with the title of ‘Khan Bahadur’.

1. Harsh measures against the Sikhs: Immediately after assuming his office, Zakariya Khan started taking repressive measures against the Sikhs. In order to crush the power of the Sikhs completely, he recruited 20,000 soldiers in his army. The villagers were warned against giving shelter to the Sikhs. They were required to inform the Government, if they sighted any Sikh. Through an order, it was declared that anybody who gave information about a Sikh, got him arrested, handed him over to the Government or presented his head to the Government, would be awarded Rs. 10, Rs. 25, Rs. 50 and Rs. 100 respectively. Hundreds of Sikhs began to be martyred everyday at Delhi gate in Lahore. Therefore the place began to be called ‘Shahid Ganj’.

2. Martyrdom of Bhai Tara Singh Ji Van: Bhai Tara Singh Ji was a resident of village Van in district Amritsar. He was very popular among the Sikhs for his bravery and services to the Sikh Panth. He had taken active part in the battles of Banda Singh Bahadur. The Chaudhary of Naushera, Sahib Rai, used to let loose his horses into the farms of the Sikhs, so as to damage their crops. When the Sikhs objected to it he used to insult them.

The Sikhs could not tolerate this insult. One day Bhai Tara Singh Ji Van caught hold of a mare of Sahib Rai and sold it. He bought grain with that money and gave it to the ‘langar’. When Sahib Rai came to know about it, he sought help from Zakariya Khan. Zakariya Khan sent a troop of 2200 cavaliers under the command of his General Moman Khan. Bhai Tara Singh Ji Van and his 22 companions inflicted a heavy loss on the Mughal force. All these Sikhs became martyrs while fighting. Before their martyrdom they had killed 300

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 12 Abdus Samad Khan, Zakariya Khan and Mir Mannu Their Relations with the Sikhs Img 1

Mughal soldiers and wounded many more. This event took place in February, 1726 A.D. In the words of S.S. Seetal, “The news of his martyrdom deeply moved the feelings of the Sikhs.”

3. Retaliatory measures of the Sikhs: All the Sikhs of Punjab were provoked to avenge the martyrdom of Bhai Tara Singh Ji Van and his companions. The Sikhs who had hidden themselves in jungles and hills took a pledge to end the Mughal rule. They began to raid and loot the government treasuries. Besides, they attacked certain places and killed the government henchmen. Whenever, Zakariya Khan sent his soldiers to take action against the Sikhs, they would at once take shelter in jungles and hills.

4. Incident of Haidri Flag : Zakariya Khan was greatly disturbed due to the growing activities of the Sikhs. He raised the slogan of ‘Jihad’ to crush the Sikhs. As a result, thousands of Muslims gathered under the banner of Innayatullah Khan. The command of this army was entrusted to Inayatulla Khan. On the auspicious day of Id, they were given a Haidri flag and it was proclaimed that God would certainly bestow victory on those who fought under this flag. One day about seven thousand Sikhs suddenly attacked these Ghazis and caused havoc in their ranks. Thousands of Ghazis were killed. It gave a great jolt to the Government.

5. Agreement of Zakariya Khan with the Sikhs : Now, Zakariya Khan realised that it was not easy to annihilate the Sikhs. So, he adopted the policy of placating the Sikhs; In 1733 A.D., he sent a message that if the Sikhs stopped their anti-government activities, they would be given ‘Jagir’ which would yield an annual revenue of one lakh rupees, and their leader would be honoured with the title of ‘Nawab’. At first the Sikhs were opposed to this compromise, but later they accepted it. The Sikhs gave this honour of receiving the ‘Jagir’ and the title of Nawab to Sardar Kapoor Singh Faizalpuria.

6. Organisation of Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal: The compromise with the Mughals gave the Sikhs a golden opportunity to organise their power/ Nawab Kapoor Singh sent a message to the Sikhs that they should return to their homes from their hideouts in jungles and hills. Thus, the two decade old struggle between the Mughals and Sikhs came to an end. The Sikhs heaved a sigh of relief. In order to strengthen the power of the Sikhs Nawab Kapoor Singh organised them in two groups in 1734 A.D. These groups were known as Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal.

The Sikhs above the age of 40 were recruited in the Buddha Dal and below the age of 40 in the Taruna Dal. The Taruna Dal was further divided into five groups. Each group had its own leader and banner. The Buddha Dal looked after the religious places and the Taruna Dal fought with the enemies.

7. Renewed struggle between the Mughals and the Sikhs: After organising their power, the Sikhs again started creating disturbance in Punjab. They again began to plunder the government treasuries. This enraged Zakariya Khan and in 1735 A.D. he confiscated the ‘Jagir’ which he had given to the Sikhs. He again announced awards for getting the Sikhs arrested or killed. He gave full freedom to the Hindus and the Muslims to burgle Sikh houses. The Sikhs again began to be arrested and killed. Thus, the Sikhs were once again compelled to take shelter in forests. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Mughals took possession of Sri Harmandir Sahib.

8. Martyrdom of Bhai Mani Singh Ji: The martyrdom of Bhai Mani Singh Ji occupies a significant place in the Sikh History. He had been the head priest of Harmandir Sahib since 1721 A.D. The Sikhs were greatly perturbed when the soldiers of Zakariya Khan occupied Harmandir Sahib. In 1738 A.D. Bhai Mani Singh Ji requested Zakariya Khan to allow the Sikhs to enter Sri Harmandir Sahib on the Diwali festival and he would offer him Rs. 5000. Zakariya Khan readily accepted the offer. In fact, he hatched a plan. According to this plan he wanted to make a surprise attack and completely decimate the Sikhs who were supposed to gather at Amritsar on Diwali.

Zakariya Khan took the Sikhs unawares and killed a large number of them. Consequently, the festival of Diwali could not be observed at Sri Harmandir Sahib. Afterwards Zakariya Khan demanded Rs. 5000/- as promised by Bhai Mani Singh Ji.

Because the government had prevented the Sikhs from entering Sri Harmandir Sahib, Bhai Mani Singh Ji was unable to pay the stipulated amount. On his inability to pay, the government arrested Bhai Mani Singh Ji and sent him to Lahore. Bhai Sahib Ji was asked to embrace Islam but he refused. Therefore, he was cut to pieces limb by limb in 1738 A.D. This martyrdom of Bhai Mani Singh Ji supplied the much.needed fillip to the Sikh struggle for independence. In the words of Khushwant Singh, “The killing of the pious and venerable head priest caused deep resentment among the Sikhs.”

9. Sikhs robbed Nadir Shah : The Sikhs were on the look out for a golden opportunity to avenge the martyrdom of Bhai Mani Singh Ji. They got this opportunity in 1739 A.D. at the time of Nadir Shah’s invasion on India. After ruthless looting in Delhi, he was going back to Iran via Punjab. When the Sikhs came to know of it, they suddenly attacked and made away with most of the booty. Nadir Shah made enquiries from Zakariya Khan about these Sikhs and warned him that the day is not distant, when the Sikhs would rule in Punjab.

10. Zakariya Khan’s actions against the Sikhs : Nadir Shah’s warning had made a deep impact on Zakariya Khan’s mind. So, he decided to annihilate the Sikhs. The Sikhs again began to be killed ruthlessly daily as before. Here is given a brief description of some prominent martyrs :

(a) Bhai Bota Singh Ji : Zakariya Khan killed many Sikhs. In haughtiness, he announced that he had annihilated all the Sikhs. In order to show the existence of the Sikhs, Bhai Bota Singh Ji had set up a toll-post at Sarai Nurdin and began to charge one anna as toll-tax per cart and one paisa per donkey-load. When Zakariya Khan learnt of it, he could not tolerate it. He sent some soldiers under Jalal Khan. Jalal Khan asked him to surrender, but the brave warrior refused to do so. He fought valiantly with the enemy and finally achieved martyrdom.

(b) Bhai Mehtab Singh Ji and Bhai Sukha Singh Ji: Chaudhary Massa Rangar of village Mandiala, District Amritsar had desecrated Sri Harmandir Sahib by his activities. Therefore, the blood of the Sikhs was boiling for revenge. They wanted to teach Massa Rangar a lesson. Bhai Mehtab Singh Ji and Bhai Sukha Singh Ji hatched a plan. They packed some bags with pieces of stone and covered them with some coins, and reached Sri Harmandir Sahib. When enquired by the soldiers, they told them that they had brought revenue which they wanted to present to Massa Rangar.

Seeing the bags full of coins, they were allowed to go in. At that time, Massa Rangar was busy in merry-making. He was immensely pleased to see the bags full of coins. The moment he bowed forward to receive the bags, Mehtab Singh beheaded him with his sword. Later on Bhai Mehtab Singh and Bhai Sukha Singh were arrested and martyred mercilessly in 1740. A. D.

(c) Bal Haqiqat Rai Ji : Bal Haqiqat Rai Ji was the resident of Sialkot. One day a Muslim boy uttered some words, which were derogatory to the Hindu deities. Bal Haqiqat Rai Ji could not tolerate it. He said some offensive words about Prophet Mohammad and his. daughter Fatima. So, Bal Haqiqat Rai Ji was arrested. In order to, save himself, he was asked to embrace Islam. Bal Haqiqat Rai Ji spurned this offer. As a result, Bal Haqiqat Rai Ji was beheaded in 1742 A.D. The martyrdom of Bal Haqiqat Rai Ji inflammed the feelings of the Hindus and the Sikhs.

(d) Bhai Taru Singh Ji: Bhai Taru Singh Ji was the resident of village Puhla in the Majha region. He did farming and hepled the Sikhs with his incdme. In the eyes of the government, it was a blatant crime. He was brought to Lahore. Here Zakariya Khan offered him the usual choice of Islam or death. Bhai Sahib Ji refused to embrace Islam. Complying with the order of Zakariya Khan, the executioners removed his skull. When Bhai Sahib Ji’s skull was being removed, he was reciting Japji Sahib. This unique martyrdom in 1745 A.D. deeply stirred the Sikhs.

Zakariya Khan undoubtedly committed great cruelties on the Sikhs till his end. However, he failed to crush the power of the Sikhs. Zakariya Khan died on 1st July, 1745 A.D. In the words of Patwant Singh, “No one persecuted the Sikhs with greater zeal than Zakariya Khan.”

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 12 Abdus Samad Khan, Zakariya Khan and Mir Mannu: Their Relations with the Sikhs

Question 3.
Briefly describe the relations of Abdus Samad Khan and Zakariya Khan with the Sikhs.

Abdus Samad Khan was made the Governor of Lahore by the Mughal emperor, Farrukh Siyar in 1713 A.D. He was appointed to this post with the aim of completely crushing the power of the Sikhs. He started his administration with an iron hand. After defeating Banda Singh Bahadur in the battle of Gurdas Nangal in 1715 A.D. he arrested him along with many other (740) Sikhs. They were brutally martyred in Delhi on 19th June 1716 A.D. Farrukh Siyar was very happy over Abdus Samad Khan’s action. He honored Abdus Samad Khan with many rewards. Abdus Samad Khan remained on this post till 1726 A.D. The main events of his rule were as follows :

1. Farrukh Siyar’s Edict: In 1716 A.D., the Mughal emperor Farrukh Siyar, issued a royal edict. In this edict, he ordered the Mughal officials to kill any Sikh they could lay their hands on, but pardon those who embraced Islam. All the Hindus were ordered to shave off their heads and beards. He, who violated this order, was to be treated as a Sikh and to be killed. Even those, who gave help or provided shelter to the Sikhs, were also to be killed. Any person, who gave any clue about the whereabouts of any Sikh or helped the government in arresting the Sikhs, was to be amply rewarded.

2. Steps taken by Abdus Samad Khan against the Sikhs: After the issuance of the edict, Abdus Samad Khan started torturing the Sikhs in various ways. Hundreds of innocent Sikhs were daily arrested and brought to Lahore. They were tempted to embrace Islam in exchange for their life but the Guru’s Sikhs preferred death to this type of life. The executioners killed such Sikhs after subjecting them to untold tortures. In order to escape this bloody policy of Abdus Samad Khan, many Sikhs took shelter in the jungles and in the Shivalik hills.

There they had to face many hardships. In this way during the early years of Abdus Samad Khan’s rule, this policy paid rich dividends. Feeling happy with him Farrukh Siyar honoured him with the title of ‘Sword of the State’.

3. Split among the Sikhs: After the martyrdom of Banda Singh Bahadur, the Sikhs were divided into two chief sects “Tat Khalsa’ and ‘Bandai Khalsa’. Tat Khalsa’ were the firm advocates of Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s religious principles. ‘Bandai Khalsa’ began to regard Banda Singh Bahadur as their leader. The followers of Tat Khalsa used to greet each other with ‘Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa and Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh’, while those of Bandai Khalsa used to greet each other with ‘Fateh Darshan’ and ‘Fateh Dharam’.

The disciples of Tat Khalsa wore blue robes, while those of Bandai Khalsa wore red ones. As a consequence of their differences the Sikhs could not jointly resist the cruelties of Abdus Samad Khan.

4. Change in Circumstances: After 1720 A.D, things began to change and events turned in favour of the Sikhs. The royal court had become a den of conspiracies. In view of political instability, the central govt, could not pay due attention towards the Sikhs. In Punjab too, Abdus Samad Khan was involed in crushing the revolts of Isa Khan and Hussain Khan. Therefore, laxity crept into the action against the Sikhs. In 1721 A.D., with the efforts of Bhai Mani Singh Ji a compromise was made between ‘Tat Khalsa’ and ‘Bandai Khalsa’ at Amritsar on the occasion of Baisakhi. Consequently, Bandai Khalsa merged itself into Tat Khalsa. Thus, they were united.

5. Activities of the Sikhs: The changed circumstances and the newly achieved unity gave a new impetus to the Sikhs. They formed Jathas consisting of one hundred Sikhs each and started looting the Mughal provinces. They began to inflict heavy punishments on those Hindus and Muslims, who had handed over the Sikh women and children to the Mughals and had seized their property. In order to teach the Sikhs a lesson, Abdus Samad Khan sent a force under Aslam Khan to Amritsar. The Sikhs launched a surprise attack and gave a crushing defeat to the imperial forces. Har Sahai was killed in this battle, and Aslam Khan and Dev fled for their lives.

6. Failure of Abdus Samad Khan: Despite his best efforts, Abdus Samad Khan failed to crush the power of the Sikhs. There were many reasons for it. Firstly, Abdus Samad Khan had started aging, so-he lacked the enthusiasm of his youthful days. Secondly, the Sikhs had forged unity. So they were able to counter the cruelties of Abdus Samad Khan. Thirdly, Abdus Samad Khan became the victim of the conspiracies of the Mughal nobles. So, Abdus Samad Khan was removed from his office in 1726 A.D.

After Abdus Samad Khan, his eldest son Zakariya Khan succeeded him as the Governor of Lahore in 1726 A.D. He continued to occupy this post till 1745 AiD. Zakariya Khan was even a greater tyrant than his father. That is why he was honoured with the title of ‘Khan Bahadur’.

1. Harsh measures against the Sikhs: Immediately after assuming his office, Zakariya Khan started taking repressive measures against the Sikhs. In order to crush the power of the Sikhs completely, he recruited 20,000 soldiers in his army. The villagers were warned against giving shelter to the Sikhs. They were required to inform the Government, if they sighted any Sikh. Through an order, it was declared that anybody who gave information about a Sikh, got him arrested, handed him over to the Government or presented his head to the Government, would be awarded Rs. 10, Rs. 25, Rs. 50 and Rs. 100 respectively. Hundreds of Sikhs began to be martyred everyday at Delhi gate in Lahore. Therefore the place began to be called ‘Shahid Ganj’.

2. Martyrdom of Bhai Tara Singh Ji Van: Bhai Tara Singh Ji was a resident of village Van in district Amritsar. He was very popular among the Sikhs for his bravery and services to the Sikh Panth. He had taken active part in the battles of Banda Singh Bahadur. The Chaudhary of Naushera, Sahib Rai, used to let loose his horses into the farms of the Sikhs, so as to damage their crops. When the Sikhs objected to it he used to insult them.

The Sikhs could not tolerate this insult. One day Bhai Tara Singh Ji Van caught hold of a mare of Sahib Rai and sold it. He bought grain with that money and gave it to the ‘langar’. When Sahib Rai came to know about it, he sought help from Zakariya Khan. Zakariya Khan sent a troop of 2200 cavaliers under the command of his General Moman Khan. Bhai Tara Singh Ji Van and his 22 companions inflicted a heavy loss on the Mughal force.

All these Sikhs became martyrs while fighting. Before their martyrdom they had killed 300 Mughal soldiers and wounded many more. This event took place in February, 1726 A.D. In the words of S.S. Seetal, “The news of his martyrdom deeply moved the feelings of the Sikhs.”

3. Retaliatory measures of the Sikhs: All the Sikhs of Punjab were provoked to avenge the martyrdom of Bhai Tara Singh Ji Van and his companions. The Sikhs who had hidden themselves in jungles and hills took a pledge to end the Mughal rule. They began to raid and loot the government treasuries. Besides, they attacked certain places and killed the government henchmen. Whenever, Zakariya Khan sent his soldiers to take action against the Sikhs, they would at once take shelter in jungles and hills.

4. Incident of Haidri Flag : Zakariya Khan was greatly disturbed due to the growing activities of the Sikhs. He raised the slogan of ‘Jihad’ to crush the Sikhs. As a result, thousands of Muslims gathered under the banner of Innayatullah Khan. The command of this army was entrusted to Inayatulla Khan. On the auspicious day of Id, they were given a Haidri flag and it was proclaimed that God would certainly bestow victory on those who fought under this flag. One day about seven thousand Sikhs suddenly attacked these Ghazis and caused havoc in their ranks. Thousands of Ghazis were killed. It gave a great jolt to the Government.

5. Agreement of Zakariya Khan with the Sikhs : Now, Zakariya Khan realised that it was not easy to annihilate the Sikhs. So, he adopted the policy of placating the Sikhs; In 1733 A.D., he sent a message that if the Sikhs stopped their anti-government activities, they would be given ‘Jagir’ which would yield an annual revenue of one lakh rupees, and their leader would be honoured with the title of ‘Nawab’. At first the Sikhs were opposed to this compromise, but later they accepted it. The Sikhs gave this honour of receiving the ‘Jagir’ and the title of Nawab to Sardar Kapoor Singh Faizalpuria.

6. Organisation of Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal: The compromise with the Mughals gave the Sikhs a golden opportunity to organise their power/ Nawab Kapoor Singh sent a message to the Sikhs that they should return to their homes from their hideouts in jungles and hills. Thus, the two decade old struggle between the Mughals and Sikhs came to an end. The Sikhs heaved a sigh of relief. In order to strengthen the power of the Sikhs Nawab Kapoor Singh organised them in two groups in 1734 A.D. These groups were known as Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal.

The Sikhs above the age of 40 were recruited in the Buddha Dal and below the age of 40 in the Taruna Dal. The Taruna Dal was further divided into five groups. Each group had its own leader and banner. The Buddha Dal looked after the religious places and the Taruna Dal fought with the enemies.

7. Renewed struggle between the Mughals and the Sikhs: After organising their power, the Sikhs again started creating disturbance in Punjab. They again began to plunder the government treasuries. This enraged Zakariya Khan and in 1735 A.D. he confiscated the ‘Jagir’ which he had given to the Sikhs. He again announced awards for getting the Sikhs arrested or killed. He gave full freedom to the Hindus and the Muslims to burgle Sikh houses. The Sikhs again began to be arrested and killed. Thus, the Sikhs were once again compelled to take shelter in forests. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Mughals took possession of Sri Harmandir Sahib.

8. Martyrdom of Bhai Mani Singh Ji: The martyrdom of Bhai Mani Singh Ji occupies a significant place in the Sikh History. He had been the head priest of Harmandir Sahib since 1721 A.D. The Sikhs were greatly perturbed when the soldiers of Zakariya Khan occupied Harmandir Sahib. In 1738 A.D. Bhai Mani Singh Ji requested Zakariya Khan to allow the Sikhs to enter Sri Harmandir Sahib on the Diwali festival and he would offer him Rs. 5000. Zakariya Khan readily accepted the offer. In fact, he hatched a plan. According to this plan he wanted to make a surprise attack and completely decimate the Sikhs who were supposed to gather at Amritsar on Diwali.

Zakariya Khan took the Sikhs unawares and killed a large number of them. Consequently, the festival of Diwali could not be observed at Sri Harmandir Sahib. Afterwards Zakariya Khan demanded Rs. 5000/- as promised by Bhai Mani Singh Ji.

Because the government had prevented the Sikhs from entering Sri Harmandir Sahib, Bhai Mani Singh Ji was unable to pay the stipulated amount. On his inability to pay, the government arrested Bhai Mani Singh Ji and sent him to Lahore. Bhai Sahib Ji was asked to embrace Islam but he refused. Therefore, he was cut to pieces limb by limb in 1738 A.D. This martyrdom of Bhai Mani Singh Ji supplied the much.needed fillip to the Sikh struggle for independence. In the words of Khushwant Singh, “The killing of the pious and venerable head priest caused deep resentment among the Sikhs.”

9. Sikhs robbed Nadir Shah : The Sikhs were on the look out for a golden opportunity to avenge the martyrdom of Bhai Mani Singh Ji. They got this opportunity in 1739 A.D. at the time of Nadir Shah’s invasion on India. After ruthless looting in Delhi, he was going back to Iran via Punjab. When the Sikhs came to know of it, they suddenly attacked and made away with most of the booty. Nadir Shah made enquiries from Zakariya Khan about these Sikhs and warned him that the day is not distant, when the Sikhs would rule in Punjab.

10. Zakariya Khan’s actions against the Sikhs : Nadir Shah’s warning had made a deep impact on Zakariya Khan’s mind. So, he decided to annihilate the Sikhs. The Sikhs again began to be killed ruthlessly daily as before. Here is given a brief description of some prominent martyrs :

(a) Bhai Bota Singh Ji : Zakariya Khan killed many Sikhs. In haughtiness, he announced that he had annihilated all the Sikhs. In order to show the existence of the Sikhs, Bhai Bota Singh Ji had set up a toll-post at Sarai Nurdin and began to charge one anna as toll-tax per cart and one paisa per donkey-load. When Zakariya Khan learnt of it, he could not tolerate it. He sent some soldiers under Jalal Khan. Jalal Khan asked him to surrender, but the brave warrior refused to do so. He fought valiantly with the enemy and finally achieved martyrdom.

(b) Bhai Mehtab Singh Ji and Bhai Sukha Singh Ji: Chaudhary Massa Rangar of village Mandiala, District Amritsar had desecrated Sri Harmandir Sahib by his activities. Therefore, the blood of the Sikhs was boiling for revenge. They wanted to teach Massa Rangar a lesson. Bhai Mehtab Singh Ji and Bhai Sukha Singh Ji hatched a plan. They packed some bags with pieces of stone and covered them with some coins, and reached Sri Harmandir Sahib. When enquired by the soldiers, they told them that they had brought revenue which they wanted to present to Massa Rangar.

Seeing the bags full of coins, they were allowed to go in. At that time, Massa Rangar was busy in merry-making. He was immensely pleased to see the bags full of coins. The moment he bowed forward to receive the bags, Mehtab Singh beheaded him with his sword. Later on Bhai Mehtab Singh and Bhai Sukha Singh were arrested and martyred mercilessly in 1740. A. D.

(c) Bal Haqiqat Rai Ji : Bal Haqiqat Rai Ji was the resident of Sialkot. One day a Muslim boy uttered some words, which were derogatory to the Hindu deities. Bal Haqiqat Rai Ji could not tolerate it. He said some offensive words about Prophet Mohammad and his. daughter Fatima. So, Bal Haqiqat Rai Ji was arrested. In order to, save himself, he was asked to embrace Islam. Bal Haqiqat Rai Ji spurned this offer. As a result, Bal Haqiqat Rai Ji was beheaded in 1742 A.D. The martyrdom of Bal Haqiqat Rai Ji inflammed the feelings of the Hindus and the Sikhs.

(d) Bhai Taru Singh Ji: Bhai Taru Singh Ji was the resident of village Puhla in the Majha region. He did farming and hepled the Sikhs with his incdme. In the eyes of the government, it was a blatant crime. He was brought to Lahore. Here Zakariya Khan offered him the usual choice of Islam or death. Bhai Sahib Ji refused to embrace Islam. Complying with the order of Zakariya Khan, the executioners removed his skull. When Bhai Sahib Ji’s skull was being removed, he was reciting Japji Sahib. This unique martyrdom in 1745 A.D. deeply stirred the Sikhs.

Zakariya Khan undoubtedly committed great cruelties on the Sikhs till his end. However, he failed to crush the power of the Sikhs. Zakariya Khan died on 1st July, 1745 A.D. In the words of Patwant Singh, “No one persecuted the Sikhs with greater zeal than Zakariya Khan.”

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 12 Abdus Samad Khan, Zakariya Khan and Mir Mannu: Their Relations with the Sikhs

Yahiya Khan 1746-47 A.D.

Question 4.
What steps were taken by Yahiya Khan to crush the power of the Sikhs?
After the death of Zakariya Khan, Yahiya Khan became the Governor of Lahore in 1746 A.D. He remained on this post till 1747 A.D. In the matter of committing oppressions on the Sikhs, Yahiya Khan did not lag behind his father, Zakariya Khan.

1. Activities of the Sikhs : When Yahiya Khan assumed the charge, the atmosphere of anarchy was prevalent in the Punjab. Taking advantage of the opportunity, the Sikhs had organised their power. They attacked many villages and killed their Chaudharis and Muqaddams for co-operating with the government and taking actions against the Sikhs. The Sikh jathas intensified their activities in many regions of Punjab.

2. Death of Jaspat Rai: In 1746 A.D. a Sikh jatha which was proceeding on a pilgrimage to Gurdwara Rohri Sahib in Eminabad took away a few goats and sheep from the village Gondlawala. On the complaint of the people, Jaspat Rai, who was the Faujdar of Eminabad, ordered the Sikhs to return the goats and sheep . The Sikhs refused to do so. Consequently, Jaspat Rai with some of his soldiers attacked the Silkhs. In the course of action, Jaspat Rai was killed. With the death of Jaspat Rai his soldiers ran for their lives. This event happened in March 1746 A.D.

3. Actions of Lakhpat Rai against the Sikhs,; Diwan Lakhpat Rai’s blood began to boil on hearing the news of his brother Jaspat Rai’s death. He took a pledge that he would annihilate the Sikhs. Yahiya Khan was already thinking of crushing the power of the Sikhs. He ordered Diwan Lakhpat Rai to crush’the Sikhs. Lakhpat Rai imposed many restrictions on the Sikhs. Thereafter, no one could utter the word ‘Guru’. He told the people to use ‘Rori’ for ‘Gud’ because the word ‘Gud’ sounded like ‘Guru.’ Likewise, he ordered to use the word ‘Pothi’ for the ‘Granth’. Those who defied these orders were sentenced to death. Many Sikhs inhabiting Lahore were arrested and executed.

4. First Holocaust: With a view to decimate the Sikhs, Yahiya Khan and Lakhpat Rai raised a huge army. This army, unexpectedly, besieged 15,000 Sikhs at Kahnuwan. The Sikhs escaped from there and took shelter in the hills of Basoli. The Mughal soldiers gave them a hot chase. Here the Sikhs were trapped in a difficult situation. On one side there were high hills, while on the other the river .Ravi was in full spate. The Mughal soldiers were chasing them from behind while in front they were faced by the Hill Chiefs and, those people, who were their bitter enemies.

The Sikhs were short of food-stuffs. Owing to the shortage of fodder, the horses too were suffering from starvation. In this attack, 7000 Sikhs were killed and 3000 arrested. These Sikhs were butchered at Lahore. It was the first occasion in Sikh history, when the Sikhs suffered such a heavy loss of life. That is why this event is known as first Ghallughara or small holocaust in history. This holocaust took place in May 1746 A.D. Gurbaksh Singh aptly says, “This devastating blow to the Sikhs in 1746 made them more determined than ever to put an end to the genocide.”

5. Fall of Yahiya Khan: In November 1746 A.D., the younger brother of Yahiya Khan, Shah Nawaz Khan, raised the banner of revolt. It resulted in a civil war between the two brothers. This war continued till 1747 A.D. In this war, Shah Nawaz Khan ultimately succeeded and he threw Yahiya Khan and Diwan Lakhpat Rai into the prison on 17 March, 1747 A.D. In this way, their cruelties came to an end, but they could not put an end to the Sikhs.

Question 5.
What steps were taken by Zakariya Khan and Yahiya Khan from 1726-1746 A.D. in order to crush the power of the Sikhs?
Describe the persecution of the Sikhs during the rule of Zakariya Khan and Yahiya Khan.

After Abdus Samad Khan, his eldest son Zakariya Khan succeeded him as the Governor of Lahore in 1726 A.D. He continued to occupy this post till 1745 AiD. Zakariya Khan was even a greater tyrant than his father. That is why he was honoured with the title of ‘Khan Bahadur’.

1. Harsh measures against the Sikhs: Immediately after assuming his office, Zakariya Khan started taking repressive measures against the Sikhs. In order to crush the power of the Sikhs completely, he recruited 20,000 soldiers in his army. The villagers were warned against giving shelter to the Sikhs. They were required to inform the Government, if they sighted any Sikh. Through an order, it was declared that anybody who gave information about a Sikh, got him arrested, handed him over to the Government or presented his head to the Government, would be awarded Rs. 10, Rs. 25, Rs. 50 and Rs. 100 respectively. Hundreds of Sikhs began to be martyred everyday at Delhi gate in Lahore. Therefore the place began to be called ‘Shahid Ganj’.

2. Martyrdom of Bhai Tara Singh Ji Van: Bhai Tara Singh Ji was a resident of village Van in district Amritsar. He was very popular among the Sikhs for his bravery and services to the Sikh Panth. He had taken active part in the battles of Banda Singh Bahadur. The Chaudhary of Naushera, Sahib Rai, used to let loose his horses into the farms of the Sikhs, so as to damage their crops. When the Sikhs objected to it he used to insult them.

The Sikhs could not tolerate this insult. One day Bhai Tara Singh Ji Van caught hold of a mare of Sahib Rai and sold it. He bought grain with that money and gave it to the ‘langar’. When Sahib Rai came to know about it, he sought help from Zakariya Khan. Zakariya Khan sent a troop of 2200 cavaliers under the command of his General Moman Khan. Bhai Tara Singh Ji Van and his 22 companions inflicted a heavy loss on the Mughal force.

All these Sikhs became martyrs while fighting. Before their martyrdom they had killed 300 Mughal soldiers and wounded many more. This event took place in February, 1726 A.D. In the words of S.S. Seetal, “The news of his martyrdom deeply moved the feelings of the Sikhs.”

3. Retaliatory measures of the Sikhs: All the Sikhs of Punjab were provoked to avenge the martyrdom of Bhai Tara Singh Ji Van and his companions. The Sikhs who had hidden themselves in jungles and hills took a pledge to end the Mughal rule. They began to raid and loot the government treasuries. Besides, they attacked certain places and killed the government henchmen. Whenever, Zakariya Khan sent his soldiers to take action against the Sikhs, they would at once take shelter in jungles and hills.

4. Incident of Haidri Flag : Zakariya Khan was greatly disturbed due to the growing activities of the Sikhs. He raised the slogan of ‘Jihad’ to crush the Sikhs. As a result, thousands of Muslims gathered under the banner of Innayatullah Khan. The command of this army was entrusted to Inayatulla Khan. On the auspicious day of Id, they were given a Haidri flag and it was proclaimed that God would certainly bestow victory on those who fought under this flag. One day about seven thousand Sikhs suddenly attacked these Ghazis and caused havoc in their ranks. Thousands of Ghazis were killed. It gave a great jolt to the Government.

5. Agreement of Zakariya Khan with the Sikhs : Now, Zakariya Khan realised that it was not easy to annihilate the Sikhs. So, he adopted the policy of placating the Sikhs; In 1733 A.D., he sent a message that if the Sikhs stopped their anti-government activities, they would be given ‘Jagir’ which would yield an annual revenue of one lakh rupees, and their leader would be honoured with the title of ‘Nawab’. At first the Sikhs were opposed to this compromise, but later they accepted it. The Sikhs gave this honour of receiving the ‘Jagir’ and the title of Nawab to Sardar Kapoor Singh Faizalpuria.

6. Organisation of Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal: The compromise with the Mughals gave the Sikhs a golden opportunity to organise their power/ Nawab Kapoor Singh sent a message to the Sikhs that they should return to their homes from their hideouts in jungles and hills. Thus, the two decade old struggle between the Mughals and Sikhs came to an end. The Sikhs heaved a sigh of relief. In order to strengthen the power of the Sikhs Nawab Kapoor Singh organised them in two groups in 1734 A.D. These groups were known as Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal.

The Sikhs above the age of 40 were recruited in the Buddha Dal and below the age of 40 in the Taruna Dal. The Taruna Dal was further divided into five groups. Each group had its own leader and banner. The Buddha Dal looked after the religious places and the Taruna Dal fought with the enemies.

7. Renewed struggle between the Mughals and the Sikhs: After organising their power, the Sikhs again started creating disturbance in Punjab. They again began to plunder the government treasuries. This enraged Zakariya Khan and in 1735 A.D. he confiscated the ‘Jagir’ which he had given to the Sikhs. He again announced awards for getting the Sikhs arrested or killed. He gave full freedom to the Hindus and the Muslims to burgle Sikh houses. The Sikhs again began to be arrested and killed. Thus, the Sikhs were once again compelled to take shelter in forests. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Mughals took possession of Sri Harmandir Sahib.

8. Martyrdom of Bhai Mani Singh Ji: The martyrdom of Bhai Mani Singh Ji occupies a significant place in the Sikh History. He had been the head priest of Harmandir Sahib since 1721 A.D. The Sikhs were greatly perturbed when the soldiers of Zakariya Khan occupied Harmandir Sahib. In 1738 A.D. Bhai Mani Singh Ji requested Zakariya Khan to allow the Sikhs to enter Sri Harmandir Sahib on the Diwali festival and he would offer him Rs. 5000. Zakariya Khan readily accepted the offer. In fact, he hatched a plan. According to this plan he wanted to make a surprise attack and completely decimate the Sikhs who were supposed to gather at Amritsar on Diwali.

Zakariya Khan took the Sikhs unawares and killed a large number of them. Consequently, the festival of Diwali could not be observed at Sri Harmandir Sahib. Afterwards Zakariya Khan demanded Rs. 5000/- as promised by Bhai Mani Singh Ji.

Because the government had prevented the Sikhs from entering Sri Harmandir Sahib, Bhai Mani Singh Ji was unable to pay the stipulated amount. On his inability to pay, the government arrested Bhai Mani Singh Ji and sent him to Lahore. Bhai Sahib Ji was asked to embrace Islam but he refused. Therefore, he was cut to pieces limb by limb in 1738 A.D. This martyrdom of Bhai Mani Singh Ji supplied the much.needed fillip to the Sikh struggle for independence. In the words of Khushwant Singh, “The killing of the pious and venerable head priest caused deep resentment among the Sikhs.”

9. Sikhs robbed Nadir Shah : The Sikhs were on the look out for a golden opportunity to avenge the martyrdom of Bhai Mani Singh Ji. They got this opportunity in 1739 A.D. at the time of Nadir Shah’s invasion on India. After ruthless looting in Delhi, he was going back to Iran via Punjab. When the Sikhs came to know of it, they suddenly attacked and made away with most of the booty. Nadir Shah made enquiries from Zakariya Khan about these Sikhs and warned him that the day is not distant, when the Sikhs would rule in Punjab.

10. Zakariya Khan’s actions against the Sikhs : Nadir Shah’s warning had made a deep impact on Zakariya Khan’s mind. So, he decided to annihilate the Sikhs. The Sikhs again began to be killed ruthlessly daily as before. Here is given a brief description of some prominent martyrs :

(a) Bhai Bota Singh Ji : Zakariya Khan killed many Sikhs. In haughtiness, he announced that he had annihilated all the Sikhs. In order to show the existence of the Sikhs, Bhai Bota Singh Ji had set up a toll-post at Sarai Nurdin and began to charge one anna as toll-tax per cart and one paisa per donkey-load. When Zakariya Khan learnt of it, he could not tolerate it. He sent some soldiers under Jalal Khan. Jalal Khan asked him to surrender, but the brave warrior refused to do so. He fought valiantly with the enemy and finally achieved martyrdom.

(b) Bhai Mehtab Singh Ji and Bhai Sukha Singh Ji: Chaudhary Massa Rangar of village Mandiala, District Amritsar had desecrated Sri Harmandir Sahib by his activities. Therefore, the blood of the Sikhs was boiling for revenge. They wanted to teach Massa Rangar a lesson. Bhai Mehtab Singh Ji and Bhai Sukha Singh Ji hatched a plan. They packed some bags with pieces of stone and covered them with some coins, and reached Sri Harmandir Sahib. When enquired by the soldiers, they told them that they had brought revenue which they wanted to present to Massa Rangar.

Seeing the bags full of coins, they were allowed to go in. At that time, Massa Rangar was busy in merry-making. He was immensely pleased to see the bags full of coins. The moment he bowed forward to receive the bags, Mehtab Singh beheaded him with his sword. Later on Bhai Mehtab Singh and Bhai Sukha Singh were arrested and martyred mercilessly in 1740. A. D.

(c) Bal Haqiqat Rai Ji : Bal Haqiqat Rai Ji was the resident of Sialkot. One day a Muslim boy uttered some words, which were derogatory to the Hindu deities. Bal Haqiqat Rai Ji could not tolerate it. He said some offensive words about Prophet Mohammad and his. daughter Fatima. So, Bal Haqiqat Rai Ji was arrested. In order to, save himself, he was asked to embrace Islam. Bal Haqiqat Rai Ji spurned this offer. As a result, Bal Haqiqat Rai Ji was beheaded in 1742 A.D. The martyrdom of Bal Haqiqat Rai Ji inflammed the feelings of the Hindus and the Sikhs.

(d) Bhai Taru Singh Ji: Bhai Taru Singh Ji was the resident of village Puhla in the Majha region. He did farming and hepled the Sikhs with his incdme. In the eyes of the government, it was a blatant crime. He was brought to Lahore. Here Zakariya Khan offered him the usual choice of Islam or death. Bhai Sahib Ji refused to embrace Islam. Complying with the order of Zakariya Khan, the executioners removed his skull. When Bhai Sahib Ji’s skull was being removed, he was reciting Japji Sahib. This unique martyrdom in 1745 A.D. deeply stirred the Sikhs.

Zakariya Khan undoubtedly committed great cruelties on the Sikhs till his end. However, he failed to crush the power of the Sikhs. Zakariya Khan died on 1st July, 1745 A.D. In the words of Patwant Singh, “No one persecuted the Sikhs with greater zeal than Zakariya Khan.”

After the death of Zakariya Khan, Yahiya Khan became the Governor of Lahore in 1746 A.D. He remained on this post till 1747 A.D. In the matter of committing oppressions on the Sikhs, Yahiya Khan did not lag behind his father, Zakariya Khan.

1. Activities of the Sikhs : When Yahiya Khan assumed the charge, the atmosphere of anarchy was prevalent in the Punjab. Taking advantage of the opportunity, the Sikhs had organised their power. They attacked many villages and killed their Chaudharis and Muqaddams for co-operating with the government and taking actions against the Sikhs. The Sikh jathas intensified their activities in many regions of Punjab.

2. Death of Jaspat Rai: In 1746 A.D. a Sikh jatha which was proceeding on a pilgrimage to Gurdwara Rohri Sahib in Eminabad took away a few goats and sheep from the village Gondlawala. On the complaint of the people, Jaspat Rai, who was the Faujdar of Eminabad, ordered the Sikhs to return the goats and sheep . The Sikhs refused to do so. Consequently, Jaspat Rai with some of his soldiers attacked the Silkhs. In the course of action, Jaspat Rai was killed. With the death of Jaspat Rai his soldiers ran for their lives. This event happened in March 1746 A.D.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 12 Abdus Samad Khan, Zakariya Khan and Mir Mannu: Their Relations with the Sikhs

3. Actions of Lakhpat Rai against the Sikhs,; Diwan Lakhpat Rai’s blood began to boil on hearing the news of his brother Jaspat Rai’s death. He took a pledge that he would annihilate the Sikhs. Yahiya Khan was already thinking of crushing the power of the Sikhs. He ordered Diwan Lakhpat Rai to crush’the Sikhs. Lakhpat Rai imposed many restrictions on the Sikhs. Thereafter, no one could utter the word ‘Guru’. He told the people to use ‘Rori’ for ‘Gud’ because the word ‘Gud’ sounded like ‘Guru.’ Likewise, he ordered to use the word ‘Pothi’ for the ‘Granth’. Those who defied these orders were sentenced to death. Many Sikhs inhabiting Lahore were arrested and executed.

4. First Holocaust: With a view to decimate the Sikhs, Yahiya Khan and Lakhpat Rai raised a huge army. This army, unexpectedly, besieged 15,000 Sikhs at Kahnuwan. The Sikhs escaped from there and took shelter in the hills of Basoli. The Mughal soldiers gave them a hot chase. Here the Sikhs were trapped in a difficult situation. On one side there were high hills, while on the other the river .Ravi was in full spate. The Mughal soldiers were chasing them from behind while in front they were faced by the Hill Chiefs and, those people, who were their bitter enemies.

The Sikhs were short of food-stuffs. Owing to the shortage of fodder, the horses too were suffering from starvation. In this attack, 7000 Sikhs were killed and 3000 arrested. These Sikhs were butchered at Lahore. It was the first occasion in Sikh history, when the Sikhs suffered such a heavy loss of life. That is why this event is known as first Ghallughara or small holocaust in history. This holocaust took place in May 1746 A.D. Gurbaksh Singh aptly says, “This devastating blow to the Sikhs in 1746 made them more determined than ever to put an end to the genocide.”

5. Fall of Yahiya Khan: In November 1746 A.D., the younger brother of Yahiya Khan, Shah Nawaz Khan, raised the banner of revolt. It resulted in a civil war between the two brothers. This war continued till 1747 A.D. In this war, Shah Nawaz Khan ultimately succeeded and he threw Yahiya Khan and Diwan Lakhpat Rai into the prison on 17 March, 1747 A.D. In this way, their cruelties came to an end, but they could not put an end to the Sikhs.

Question 6.
Explain in brief the persecution of the Sikhs during 1716 to 1747 A.D.
What steps did the Mughal Governors take to crush the Sikhs between 1716-1747 A.D.? Why did the Mughal Governors fail to suppress the Sikhs?
Abdus Samad Khan was made the Governor of Lahore by the Mughal emperor, Farrukh Siyar in 1713 A.D. He was appointed to this post with the aim of completely crushing the power of the Sikhs. He started his administration with an iron hand. After defeating Banda Singh Bahadur in the battle of Gurdas Nangal in 1715 A.D. he arrested him along with many other (740) Sikhs. They were brutally martyred in Delhi on 19th June 1716 A.D. Farrukh Siyar was very happy over Abdus Samad Khan’s action. He honored Abdus Samad Khan with many rewards. Abdus Samad Khan remained on this post till 1726 A.D. The main events of his rule were as follows :

1. Farrukh Siyar’s Edict: In 1716 A.D., the Mughal emperor Farrukh Siyar, issued a royal edict. In this edict, he ordered the Mughal officials to kill any Sikh they could lay their hands on, but pardon those who embraced Islam. All the Hindus were ordered to shave off their heads and beards. He, who violated this order, was to be treated as a Sikh and to be killed. Even those, who gave help or provided shelter to the Sikhs, were also to be killed. Any person, who gave any clue about the whereabouts of any Sikh or helped the government in arresting the Sikhs, was to be amply rewarded.

2. Steps taken by Abdus Samad Khan against the Sikhs: After the issuance of the edict, Abdus Samad Khan started torturing the Sikhs in various ways. Hundreds of innocent Sikhs were daily arrested and brought to Lahore. They were tempted to embrace Islam in exchange for their life but the Guru’s Sikhs preferred death to this type of life. The executioners killed such Sikhs after subjecting them to untold tortures. In order to escape this bloody policy of Abdus Samad Khan, many Sikhs took shelter in the jungles and in the Shivalik hills.

There they had to face many hardships. In this way during the early years of Abdus Samad Khan’s rule, this policy paid rich dividends. Feeling happy with him Farrukh Siyar honoured him with the title of ‘Sword of the State’.

3. Split among the Sikhs: After the martyrdom of Banda Singh Bahadur, the Sikhs were divided into two chief sects “Tat Khalsa’ and ‘Bandai Khalsa’. Tat Khalsa’ were the firm advocates of Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s religious principles. ‘Bandai Khalsa’ began to regard Banda Singh Bahadur as their leader. The followers of Tat Khalsa used to greet each other with ‘Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa and Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh’, while those of Bandai Khalsa used to greet each other with ‘Fateh Darshan’ and ‘Fateh Dharam’.

The disciples of Tat Khalsa wore blue robes, while those of Bandai Khalsa wore red ones. As a consequence of their differences the Sikhs could not jointly resist the cruelties of Abdus Samad Khan.

4. Change in Circumstances: After 1720 A.D, things began to change and events turned in favour of the Sikhs. The royal court had become a den of conspiracies. In view of political instability, the central govt, could not pay due attention towards the Sikhs. In Punjab too, Abdus Samad Khan was involed in crushing the revolts of Isa Khan and Hussain Khan. Therefore, laxity crept into the action against the Sikhs. In 1721 A.D., with the efforts of Bhai Mani Singh Ji a compromise was made between ‘Tat Khalsa’ and ‘Bandai Khalsa’ at Amritsar on the occasion of Baisakhi. Consequently, Bandai Khalsa merged itself into Tat Khalsa. Thus, they were united.

5. Activities of the Sikhs: The changed circumstances and the newly achieved unity gave a new impetus to the Sikhs. They formed Jathas consisting of one hundred Sikhs each and started looting the Mughal provinces. They began to inflict heavy punishments on those Hindus and Muslims, who had handed over the Sikh women and children to the Mughals and had seized their property. In order to teach the Sikhs a lesson, Abdus Samad Khan sent a force under Aslam Khan to Amritsar. The Sikhs launched a surprise attack and gave a crushing defeat to the imperial forces. Har Sahai was killed in this battle, and Aslam Khan and Dev fled for their lives.

6. Failure of Abdus Samad Khan: Despite his best efforts, Abdus Samad Khan failed to crush the power of the Sikhs. There were many reasons for it. Firstly, Abdus Samad Khan had started aging, so-he lacked the enthusiasm of his youthful days. Secondly, the Sikhs had forged unity. So they were able to counter the cruelties of Abdus Samad Khan. Thirdly, Abdus Samad Khan became the victim of the conspiracies of the Mughal nobles. So, Abdus Samad Khan was removed from his office in 1726 A.D.

After Abdus Samad Khan, his eldest son Zakariya Khan succeeded him as the Governor of Lahore in 1726 A.D. He continued to occupy this post till 1745 AiD. Zakariya Khan was even a greater tyrant than his father. That is why he was honoured with the title of ‘Khan Bahadur’.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 12 Abdus Samad Khan, Zakariya Khan and Mir Mannu: Their Relations with the Sikhs

1. Harsh measures against the Sikhs: Immediately after assuming his office, Zakariya Khan started taking repressive measures against the Sikhs. In order to crush the power of the Sikhs completely, he recruited 20,000 soldiers in his army. The villagers were warned against giving shelter to the Sikhs. They were required to inform the Government, if they sighted any Sikh. Through an order, it was declared that anybody who gave information about a Sikh, got him arrested, handed him over to the Government or presented his head to the Government, would be awarded Rs. 10, Rs. 25, Rs. 50 and Rs. 100 respectively. Hundreds of Sikhs began to be martyred everyday at Delhi gate in Lahore. Therefore the place began to be called ‘Shahid Ganj’.

2. Martyrdom of Bhai Tara Singh Ji Van: Bhai Tara Singh Ji was a resident of village Van in district Amritsar. He was very popular among the Sikhs for his bravery and services to the Sikh Panth. He had taken active part in the battles of Banda Singh Bahadur. The Chaudhary of Naushera, Sahib Rai, used to let loose his horses into the farms of the Sikhs, so as to damage their crops. When the Sikhs objected to it he used to insult them.

The Sikhs could not tolerate this insult. One day Bhai Tara Singh Ji Van caught hold of a mare of Sahib Rai and sold it. He bought grain with that money and gave it to the ‘langar’. When Sahib Rai came to know about it, he sought help from Zakariya Khan. Zakariya Khan sent a troop of 2200 cavaliers under the command of his General Moman Khan. Bhai Tara Singh Ji Van and his 22 companions inflicted a heavy loss on the Mughal force.

All these Sikhs became martyrs while fighting. Before their martyrdom they had killed 300 Mughal soldiers and wounded many more. This event took place in February, 1726 A.D. In the words of S.S. Seetal, “The news of his martyrdom deeply moved the feelings of the Sikhs.”

3. Retaliatory measures of the Sikhs: All the Sikhs of Punjab were provoked to avenge the martyrdom of Bhai Tara Singh Ji Van and his companions. The Sikhs who had hidden themselves in jungles and hills took a pledge to end the Mughal rule. They began to raid and loot the government treasuries. Besides, they attacked certain places and killed the government henchmen. Whenever, Zakariya Khan sent his soldiers to take action against the Sikhs, they would at once take shelter in jungles and hills.

4. Incident of Haidri Flag : Zakariya Khan was greatly disturbed due to the growing activities of the Sikhs. He raised the slogan of ‘Jihad’ to crush the Sikhs. As a result, thousands of Muslims gathered under the banner of Innayatullah Khan. The command of this army was entrusted to Inayatulla Khan. On the auspicious day of Id, they were given a Haidri flag and it was proclaimed that God would certainly bestow victory on those who fought under this flag. One day about seven thousand Sikhs suddenly attacked these Ghazis and caused havoc in their ranks. Thousands of Ghazis were killed. It gave a great jolt to the Government.

5. Agreement of Zakariya Khan with the Sikhs : Now, Zakariya Khan realised that it was not easy to annihilate the Sikhs. So, he adopted the policy of placating the Sikhs; In 1733 A.D., he sent a message that if the Sikhs stopped their anti-government activities, they would be given ‘Jagir’ which would yield an annual revenue of one lakh rupees, and their leader would be honoured with the title of ‘Nawab’. At first the Sikhs were opposed to this compromise, but later they accepted it. The Sikhs gave this honour of receiving the ‘Jagir’ and the title of Nawab to Sardar Kapoor Singh Faizalpuria.

6. Organisation of Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal: The compromise with the Mughals gave the Sikhs a golden opportunity to organise their power/ Nawab Kapoor Singh sent a message to the Sikhs that they should return to their homes from their hideouts in jungles and hills. Thus, the two decade old struggle between the Mughals and Sikhs came to an end. The Sikhs heaved a sigh of relief. In order to strengthen the power of the Sikhs Nawab Kapoor Singh organised them in two groups in 1734 A.D. These groups were known as Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal.

The Sikhs above the age of 40 were recruited in the Buddha Dal and below the age of 40 in the Taruna Dal. The Taruna Dal was further divided into five groups. Each group had its own leader and banner. The Buddha Dal looked after the religious places and the Taruna Dal fought with the enemies.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 12 Abdus Samad Khan, Zakariya Khan and Mir Mannu: Their Relations with the Sikhs

7. Renewed struggle between the Mughals and the Sikhs: After organising their power, the Sikhs again started creating disturbance in Punjab. They again began to plunder the government treasuries. This enraged Zakariya Khan and in 1735 A.D. he confiscated the ‘Jagir’ which he had given to the Sikhs. He again announced awards for getting the Sikhs arrested or killed. He gave full freedom to the Hindus and the Muslims to burgle Sikh houses. The Sikhs again began to be arrested and killed. Thus, the Sikhs were once again compelled to take shelter in forests. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Mughals took possession of Sri Harmandir Sahib.

8. Martyrdom of Bhai Mani Singh Ji: The martyrdom of Bhai Mani Singh Ji occupies a significant place in the Sikh History. He had been the head priest of Harmandir Sahib since 1721 A.D. The Sikhs were greatly perturbed when the soldiers of Zakariya Khan occupied Harmandir Sahib. In 1738 A.D. Bhai Mani Singh Ji requested Zakariya Khan to allow the Sikhs to enter Sri Harmandir Sahib on the Diwali festival and he would offer him Rs. 5000. Zakariya Khan readily accepted the offer. In fact, he hatched a plan. According to this plan he wanted to make a surprise attack and completely decimate the Sikhs who were supposed to gather at Amritsar on Diwali.

Zakariya Khan took the Sikhs unawares and killed a large number of them. Consequently, the festival of Diwali could not be observed at Sri Harmandir Sahib. Afterwards Zakariya Khan demanded Rs. 5000/- as promised by Bhai Mani Singh Ji.

Because the government had prevented the Sikhs from entering Sri Harmandir Sahib, Bhai Mani Singh Ji was unable to pay the stipulated amount. On his inability to pay, the government arrested Bhai Mani Singh Ji and sent him to Lahore. Bhai Sahib Ji was asked to embrace Islam but he refused. Therefore, he was cut to pieces limb by limb in 1738 A.D. This martyrdom of Bhai Mani Singh Ji supplied the much.needed fillip to the Sikh struggle for independence. In the words of Khushwant Singh, “The killing of the pious and venerable head priest caused deep resentment among the Sikhs.”

9. Sikhs robbed Nadir Shah : The Sikhs were on the look out for a golden opportunity to avenge the martyrdom of Bhai Mani Singh Ji. They got this opportunity in 1739 A.D. at the time of Nadir Shah’s invasion on India. After ruthless looting in Delhi, he was going back to Iran via Punjab. When the Sikhs came to know of it, they suddenly attacked and made away with most of the booty. Nadir Shah made enquiries from Zakariya Khan about these Sikhs and warned him that the day is not distant, when the Sikhs would rule in Punjab.

10. Zakariya Khan’s actions against the Sikhs : Nadir Shah’s warning had made a deep impact on Zakariya Khan’s mind. So, he decided to annihilate the Sikhs. The Sikhs again began to be killed ruthlessly daily as before. Here is given a brief description of some prominent martyrs :

(a) Bhai Bota Singh Ji : Zakariya Khan killed many Sikhs. In haughtiness, he announced that he had annihilated all the Sikhs. In order to show the existence of the Sikhs, Bhai Bota Singh Ji had set up a toll-post at Sarai Nurdin and began to charge one anna as toll-tax per cart and one paisa per donkey-load. When Zakariya Khan learnt of it, he could not tolerate it. He sent some soldiers under Jalal Khan. Jalal Khan asked him to surrender, but the brave warrior refused to do so. He fought valiantly with the enemy and finally achieved martyrdom.

(b) Bhai Mehtab Singh Ji and Bhai Sukha Singh Ji: Chaudhary Massa Rangar of village Mandiala, District Amritsar had desecrated Sri Harmandir Sahib by his activities. Therefore, the blood of the Sikhs was boiling for revenge. They wanted to teach Massa Rangar a lesson. Bhai Mehtab Singh Ji and Bhai Sukha Singh Ji hatched a plan. They packed some bags with pieces of stone and covered them with some coins, and reached Sri Harmandir Sahib. When enquired by the soldiers, they told them that they had brought revenue which they wanted to present to Massa Rangar.

Seeing the bags full of coins, they were allowed to go in. At that time, Massa Rangar was busy in merry-making. He was immensely pleased to see the bags full of coins. The moment he bowed forward to receive the bags, Mehtab Singh beheaded him with his sword. Later on Bhai Mehtab Singh and Bhai Sukha Singh were arrested and martyred mercilessly in 1740. A. D.

(c) Bal Haqiqat Rai Ji : Bal Haqiqat Rai Ji was the resident of Sialkot. One day a Muslim boy uttered some words, which were derogatory to the Hindu deities. Bal Haqiqat Rai Ji could not tolerate it. He said some offensive words about Prophet Mohammad and his. daughter Fatima. So, Bal Haqiqat Rai Ji was arrested. In order to, save himself, he was asked to embrace Islam. Bal Haqiqat Rai Ji spurned this offer. As a result, Bal Haqiqat Rai Ji was beheaded in 1742 A.D. The martyrdom of Bal Haqiqat Rai Ji inflammed the feelings of the Hindus and the Sikhs.

(d) Bhai Taru Singh Ji: Bhai Taru Singh Ji was the resident of village Puhla in the Majha region. He did farming and hepled the Sikhs with his incdme. In the eyes of the government, it was a blatant crime. He was brought to Lahore. Here Zakariya Khan offered him the usual choice of Islam or death. Bhai Sahib Ji refused to embrace Islam. Complying with the order of Zakariya Khan, the executioners removed his skull. When Bhai Sahib Ji’s skull was being removed, he was reciting Japji Sahib. This unique martyrdom in 1745 A.D. deeply stirred the Sikhs.

Zakariya Khan undoubtedly committed great cruelties on the Sikhs till his end. However, he failed to crush the power of the Sikhs. Zakariya Khan died on 1st July, 1745 A.D. In the words of Patwant Singh, “No one persecuted the Sikhs with greater zeal than Zakariya Khan.”

After the death of Zakariya Khan, Yahiya Khan became the Governor of Lahore in 1746 A.D. He remained on this post till 1747 A.D. In the matter of committing oppressions on the Sikhs, Yahiya Khan did not lag behind his father, Zakariya Khan.

1. Activities of the Sikhs : When Yahiya Khan assumed the charge, the atmosphere of anarchy was prevalent in the Punjab. Taking advantage of the opportunity, the Sikhs had organised their power. They attacked many villages and killed their Chaudharis and Muqaddams for co-operating with the government and taking actions against the Sikhs. The Sikh jathas intensified their activities in many regions of Punjab.

2. Death of Jaspat Rai: In 1746 A.D. a Sikh jatha which was proceeding on a pilgrimage to Gurdwara Rohri Sahib in Eminabad took away a few goats and sheep from the village Gondlawala. On the complaint of the people, Jaspat Rai, who was the Faujdar of Eminabad, ordered the Sikhs to return the goats and sheep . The Sikhs refused to do so. Consequently, Jaspat Rai with some of his soldiers attacked the Silkhs. In the course of action, Jaspat Rai was killed. With the death of Jaspat Rai his soldiers ran for their lives. This event happened in March 1746 A.D.

3. Actions of Lakhpat Rai against the Sikhs,; Diwan Lakhpat Rai’s blood began to boil on hearing the news of his brother Jaspat Rai’s death. He took a pledge that he would annihilate the Sikhs. Yahiya Khan was already thinking of crushing the power of the Sikhs. He ordered Diwan Lakhpat Rai to crush’the Sikhs. Lakhpat Rai imposed many restrictions on the Sikhs. Thereafter, no one could utter the word ‘Guru’. He told the people to use ‘Rori’ for ‘Gud’ because the word ‘Gud’ sounded like ‘Guru.’ Likewise, he ordered to use the word ‘Pothi’ for the ‘Granth’. Those who defied these orders were sentenced to death. Many Sikhs inhabiting Lahore were arrested and executed.

4. First Holocaust: With a view to decimate the Sikhs, Yahiya Khan and Lakhpat Rai raised a huge army. This army, unexpectedly, besieged 15,000 Sikhs at Kahnuwan. The Sikhs escaped from there and took shelter in the hills of Basoli. The Mughal soldiers gave them a hot chase. Here the Sikhs were trapped in a difficult situation. On one side there were high hills, while on the other the river .Ravi was in full spate. The Mughal soldiers were chasing them from behind while in front they were faced by the Hill Chiefs and, those people, who were their bitter enemies.

The Sikhs were short of food-stuffs. Owing to the shortage of fodder, the horses too were suffering from starvation. In this attack, 7000 Sikhs were killed and 3000 arrested. These Sikhs were butchered at Lahore. It was the first occasion in Sikh history, when the Sikhs suffered such a heavy loss of life. That is why this event is known as first Ghallughara or small holocaust in history. This holocaust took place in May 1746 A.D. Gurbaksh Singh aptly says, “This devastating blow to the Sikhs in 1746 made them more determined than ever to put an end to the genocide.”

5. Fall of Yahiya Khan: In November 1746 A.D., the younger brother of Yahiya Khan, Shah Nawaz Khan, raised the banner of revolt. It resulted in a civil war between the two brothers. This war continued till 1747 A.D. In this war, Shah Nawaz Khan ultimately succeeded and he threw Yahiya Khan and Diwan Lakhpat Rai into the prison on 17 March, 1747 A.D. In this way, their cruelties came to an end, but they could not put an end to the Sikhs.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 12 Abdus Samad Khan, Zakariya Khan and Mir Mannu: Their Relations with the Sikhs

Mir Mannu 1748-53 A.D.

Question 7.
Discuss the persecution of Sikhs under Mir Mannu. Explain the causes of his failure also.
Describe Mir Mannu’s relations with the Sikhs. Why did he fail to achieve his objective?
Who was Mir Mannu? What were the causes of his failure to crush the Sikhs?
Describe the relations between Mir Mannu and the Sikhs.
What were the main reasons of the failure of Mir Mannu against the Sikhs?
Why did Mir Mannu fail to crush the Sikhs?
Explain the causes of failure of Mir Mannu.
Mir Mannu who was also known by the name of Muin-ul-Mulk, was the son of Mughal emperor Mohammad Shah Rangila’s Wazir Qamar-ud-Din. He was known for his bravery, strict discipline and wise diplomat. He remained the Governor of Punjab from 1748 to 1753 A.D. According to Harbans Singh, “Mir Mannu proved a worse foe of the Sikhs than his predecessors.”

1. Difficulties of Mir Mannu: When Mir Mannu became the Subedar of Punjab he had to face many uphill tasks. Owing to the struggle for power between Yahiya Khan and Shah Nawaz Khan anarchy had prevailed in Punjab. The invasions of Ahmad Shah Abdali further complicated the political situation of Punjab. Taking advantage of this situation, the Sikhs had intensified their activities of looting. Besides these, the state treasury was almost empty. Mir Mannu paid special attention to overcome these difficulties.

2. Action against tjie Sikhs: Mir Mannu first of all turned his attention towards the Sikhs. In order to crush the Sikhs, he. sent military troops to different regions of Punjab. He issued strict orders to Adina Beg* the Faujdar of Jalandhar Doab, to take severe action against the Sikhs. As a result, the Sikhs were arrested and martyred daily in Lahore. In June 1748 A.D. in a battle between Adina Beg and the Sikhs, 600 Sikhs were martyred. For their self-defence the Sikhs took shelter in their hideouts in hills and forests.

3. Siege of Ram Rauni Fort: The Sikhs had assembled at Amritsar orr the occasion of Diwali in October 1748. When Mir Mannu came to know about it, he decided to take action against the Sikhs. On hearing this news 500 Sikhs took shelter in the Ram Rauni fort and others fled to their hideouts. Mir Mannu besieged the Ram Rauni fort. This siege continued for four months. Under such trying times, Jassa Singh Ramgarhia came to the help of the Sikhs.

His arrival encouraged the morale of the besieged Sikhs. At that time Mir Mannu got the information that Ahmad Shah Abdali was about to attack Punjab. Therefore, Mir Mannu compromised with the Sikhs and lifted the siege. According to the compromise, Mir Mannu gave the estate of Patti to the Sikhs so that they might give up their activities of looting and live peacefully.

4. Second Invasion of Abdali: Ahmad Shah Abdali invaded Punjab for the second time in December 1748 A. D. In the absence of any help from Delhi, the defeat of Mir Mannu was certain. Acting wisely, Mir Mannu entered into a pact with Abdali. According to this pact, Mir Mannu agreed to give Abdali the revenue of four mahals (districts) that included Sialkot, Gujarat, Pasrur and Aurangabad.

5. Persecution of the Sikhs: The second invasion of Ahmad Shah Abdali gave an excellent opportunity to the Sikhs to indulge in looting. Taking advantage of Mir Mannu’s absence from Lahore, the Sikhs under the leadership of Jassa Singh Ahluwalia, ruthlessly looted Lahore. When Mir Mannu came to know about it, he flew into a rage. He took a pledge to annihilate the Sikhs completely. He confiscated the estate, which he had given to the Sikhs. Awards were announced for arresting and killing the Sikhs. Thus, the persecution of the Sikhs was started once again with full vigour.

6. Revolts of Nasir Khan and Shah Nawaz Khan: At the instigation of Wazir Safdarjang of Delhi, Nasir Khan, the Faujdar of four mahals revolted against Mir Mannu. He was defeated near Sialkot by Mir Mannu and succeeded in fleeing to Delhi. At the insistence of Safdarjang, Shah Nawaz Khan, the Governor of Multan also revolted. Shah Nawaz Khan instigated the Sikhs to create disturbance in the region around Lahore. Mir Mannu could not tolerate it. He sent Kaura Mai to crush the revolt of Shah Nawaz Khan. In this battle, Shah Nawaz Khan was defeated and killed.

7. Third Invasion-of Abdali: ‘Ahmad Shah Abdali invaded Punjab for the third time towards the end of 1751 A.D. A fierce battle was fought near Lahore between the forces of Ahmad Shah Abdali and Mir Mannu on 6th March, 1752. A.D. In this battle Kaura Mai was killed and Mir Mannu was arrested. In this way, Ahmad Shah Abdali took possession of Punjab in 1752 A.D. and annexed it to his kingdom. Ahmad Shah Abdali appointed Mir Mannu as the Governor of Punjab and ordered him to take strict action against the Sikhs.

8. Renewal of Sikh Persecution : Mir-Mannu once again pledged to annihilate the Sikhs. Prices (awards) were fixed for the heads of the Sikhs. Severe punishments were awarded to those who gave shelter to the Sikhs. In March 1753 A.D. on the occasion of Hola Mohalla the Sikhs assembled at Makhowal (Anandpur Sahib), Adina Beg suddenly attacked them and killed many Sikhs. Mir Mannu sent his troops to different places of Punjab in order to quell the power of the Sikhs. When they could not lay hand on the Sikhs, these troops arrested large number of women and children and took them to Lahore.

The atrocities committed on these women and children defy description. Despite such fierce persecution, the number of the Sikhs continued to increase rather than showing the downward trend. The following couplet was in vogue :

“Mannu is our sickle,
We the fodder for him to mow,
The more he reaps the more we grow.”

9. Death of Mir Mannu : Mir Mannu’s actions against the Sikhs had reached their climax. On November 3,1753 A.D. when he received the information that some Sikhs had hidden themselves in a sugarcane farm, he immediately rode on a horse to teach sikhs a lesson. His horse frightened by the bullet shots of the Sikhs went berserk and overturned Mir Mannu, but one of his feet was trapped in the stirrup. The horse kept on dragging Mir Mannu leading to his death. Thus, nature avenged Mir Mannu’s cruelties. Famous historian, Dr. N.K. Sinha has rightly written, “Indirectly Mir Mannu was responsible for the growth of the power of the Sikhs.”

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 12 Abdus Samad Khan, Zakariya Khan and Mir Mannu: Their Relations with the Sikhs

Causes of the Failure of Mir Mannu:

Question 8.
What were the main reasons for the failure of Mir Mannu against the the Sikhs?
Why did Mir Mannu fail to crush the Sikhs?
Explain the main reasons of the failure of Mir Mannu.
During his rule of five years, Mir Mannu left no stone unturned to crush the growing power of the Sikhs. Despite all this, he failed in his objective. The following were the chief factors, which contributed to his failure :

1. Organisation of the Dal Khalsa: The main cause of Mir Mannu’s failure was the organisation of Dal Khalsa. There were 65 Jathas of the Sikhs before 1748 A.D. Now they had regrouped themselves into 12 Jathas to resist the cruelties of Mir Mannu. The Sikhs greatly respected Dal Khalsa and were always ready to make any sacrifice at its call. As a result, it became difficult for Mir Mannu to crush the power of the Sikhs.

2. Uncommon qualities of the Sikhs: Another factor responsible for the failure of Mir Mannu was the uncommon qualities of the Sikhs. They had firm determination, unlimited zeal, bravery and spirit of sacrifice for their Panth. They never lost heart despite big hurdles. Mir Mannu subjected Sikh women and children to numerous persecutions, but they remained firm like a rock. It was not an easy task to crush such a community.

3. Guerilla tactics of the Sikhs: The Sikhs’ Guerilla tactics contributed a great deal to defeat the purpose of Mir Mannu. The Sikhs adopted guerilla tactics because of their limited resources. According to this policy, whenever the Sikhs found an opportunity, they would attack the Mughal forces, plunder their regions and again take shelter in forests and hills. Since the Sikhs did not confront Mir Mannu in the open field, he failed to crush their power.

4. Cooperation of Diwan Kaura Mai to the Sikhs : Diwan – Kaura Mai was an adviser of Mir Mannu. He was a Sahijdhari Sikh. So, he was compassionate towards the Sikhs. On the other hand, Mir Mannu too had deep faith in him. He did not take any action against the Sikhs. Whenever Mir Mannu decided to take any strict action against the Sikhs, Kaura Mai persuaded him to adopt a soft attitude towards the Sikhs. It was because of Kaura Mai that Mir Mannu gave an estate to the Sikhs. Owing to this valuable co-operation, the Sikhs used to call him ‘Mitha Mai’. This co-operation of Kaura Mai proved helpful in the rise of the Sikh power.

5. Dual Policy of Adina Beg: Mir Mannu also failed to crush the Sikh power owing to the dual policy of Adina Beg. He was the Faujdar of Jalandhar.Doab and dreamt of becoming the Governor of Punjab after Mir Mannu. So, whenever Mir Mannu ordered him to take strict action against the Sikhs, he left the action incomplete. He had made a secret alliance with the Sikhs to create disturbance off and on. He knew it well that if he took strict action against the Sikhs, the atmosphere of unrest will continue. Then, his dream to become the Governor of Punjab would not come true.

6. Problems of Mir Mannu: During his rule, Mir Mannu was surrounded by several problems, because of which he could not pay his undivided attention to crush the power of the Sikhs. His greatest problem was the invasions of Ahmad Shah Abdali. For fear of these invasions, Mir Mannu had to postpone action against the Sikhs. Secondly, the Wazir of Delhi, Safdarjang, was jealous of Mir Mannu. So, he was always busy hatching conspiracies to remove Mir Mannu from his post. It was at his instigation that Nasir Khan and Shah Nawaz Khan raised the banner of revolt against Mir Mannu. Mir Mannu remained busy in crushing these revolts. Consequently, he failed to crush the power of the Sikhs.

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Write a note on Abdus Samad Khan.
Briefly explain the repressions done on the Sikhs by Abdus Samad Khan.
Abdus Samad Khan remained the Governor of Lahore from 1713-1726 A.D. Abdus Samad Khan succeeded in 1715 A. D. in arresting Banda Singh Bahadur and some of his Sikh companions. With this opened a new chapter of perpetrating tyranny on the Sikhs. The Mughal Emperor Farrukh Siyar was pleased with the success of Abdus Samad Khan and honoured him with the title ‘Sword of the State’. However, Abdus Samad Khan failed to check the of the Sikhs power. As a result, he was .removed from his post in 1726 A. D.

Question 2.
What is meant by Bandai Khalsa and Tat Khalsa? How were their differences resolved?
How were the differences between Bandai Khalsa and Tat Khalsa finished?
What was the difference between Tat Khalsa and Bandai Khalsa? Who compromised them?
What was the position of the Sikhs after the martyrdom of Banda Singh Bahadur?
After the martyrdom of Banda Singh Bahadur, the Sikhs were divided into two Dals-Bandai Khalsa and Tat Khalsa. The Sikhs who continued to follow the principles of Guru Gobind Singh Ji came to be known as Tat Khalsa while those who followed the principles of Banda Singh Bahadur came to be known as Bandai Khalsa. In 1721 A.D. Bhai Mani Singh Ji, Head priest of Sri Harmandir Sahib Ji, resolved the differences between them.

Question 3.
Describe the tyrannies inflicted on the Sikhs during the time of Zakariya Khan.
How did Zakariya Khan try to deal with the Sikhs?
Discuss the persecution of the Sikhs under Zakariya Khan.
Describe briefly the persecution of Sikhs under Zakariya Khan.
What measures were adopted by Zakariya Khan to crush the power of the Sikhs?
What measures were adopted by Zakariya Khan to crush the power of Sikhs? How far did he succeed in his efforts?
Zakariya Khan became the Governor of Punjab in 1726 A.D. He adopted a tough policy to deal with the Sikhs. He arrested the Sikhs in a large number and executed them. But when he did not succeed in crushing the Sikhs completely, he planned to placate them. After some time the Sikhs once again started their activities against the Mughals. So Zakaria Khan had to change his policy towars the Sikhs. He started massacre of the Sikhs once again.

Question 4.
Who was Tara Singh Van? What is the importance of his martyrdom in Sikh History?
Write a short note on Tara Singh Van.
Bhai Tara Singh Ji Van was very popular among the Sikhs for his bravery and services to the Sikh Panth. The Chaudhary of Naushera, Sahib Rai, used to let loose his horses into the farms of the Sikhs, to damage their crops. One day, Bhai Tara Singh Ji Van caught hold of a mare of Sahib Rai and sold it. He bought grain with that money and gave it in the ‘langar’. When Sahib Rai came to know about it he attacked the Sikhs to teach them a lesson. Bhai Tara Singh Van and his 22 companions became martyrs while fighting in Feb, 1726. It deeply moved the feelings of the Sikhs.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 12 Abdus Samad Khan, Zakariya Khan and Mir Mannu: Their Relations with the Sikhs

Question 5.
Who was Bhai Mani Singh Ji? What was the impact of his martyrdom?
What were the causes of the martyrdom of Bhai Mani Singh Ji?
What do you know about Bhai Mani Singh Ji and his martyrdom?
Write a note on martyrdom of Bhai Mani Singh Ji.
Write any three causes of the martyrdom of Bhai Mani Singh Ji.
Who was Bhai Mani Singh Ji? What were the causes of his martyrdom?
Bhai Mani Singh was the Head Priest of Sri Darbar Sahib, Anlritsar. Zakariya Khan imposed a ban on the Sikhs visiting Sri Darbar Sahib. Bhai Mani Singh Ji got a sanction from Zakariya Khan for the Sikhs to gather at Sri Darbar Sahib on the eve of Diwali by promising to give him Rs. 5000. But one day before Diwali, Zakariya Khan attacked Amritsar. Bhai Mani Singh Ji could not pay this amount. He was ruthlessly executed at Lahore in 1738 A.D. His martyrdom infused a new confidence among the Sikhs.

Question 6.
Who was Bhai Taru Singh Ji and what is the significance of his martyrdom in Sikh History?
Write a short note on Bhai Taru Singh Ji.
Bhai Taru Singh Ji belonged to. Puhla village in Majha region. His profession was agriculture and he used to help the Sikhs with his income. It was a great offence in the eyes of the government. So Bhai Taru Singh was arrested. He was asked to accept Islam but Bhai Taru Singh Ji refused to accept. On the orders of Zakaria Khan he was martyred on July 1, 1745. His unique martyrdom deeply stirred the Sikhs.

Question 7.
Who was Nadir Shah? When did he invade India? What was the effect of his invasion on the Punjab?
Give a brief account of Nadir Shah’s invasion on Punjab and its impacts.
Nadir Shah was the emperor of Iran. He invaded India in 1739 A.D. During this invasion his forces ravaged and ransacked many cities of India including Delhi. When he was passing through Punjab, the Sikhs suddenly pounced upon him and seized a large amount of booty. Nadir Shah was wonder struck. He warned Zakaria Khan that if he did not take stern steps immediately against the Sikhs, they would one day get hold of Punjab. As a.result, Zakariya Khan stepped up his tyranny over the Sikhs.

Question 8.
Write a brief note on Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal.
When were Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal organised? What is their importance in Sikh History?
What do you mean by ‘Buddha Dal’ and ‘Taruna Dal’?
Write a short note on Taruna Dal.
In 1734 A.D. Nawab Kapoor Singh formed two Jathas or Dais in order to strengthen the Sikh power. These two Jathas came to be known as Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal. The Sikhs above 40 were included in Buddha Dal and below 40 years were included in Taruna Dal. Taruna Dal was further divided into five groups. Buddha Dal looked after the religious places while Taruna Dal fought against the enemies of the Sikhs.

Question 9.
Who was Yahiya Khan? Give information about his rule.
Yahiya Khan became the Governor of Punjab in 1746 A.D. and remained on this post upto 1747 A.D. He followed the policy of persecution of the Sikhs. In a battle with the Sikhs in 1746 A.D. Jaspat Rai, the brother of Diwan Lakhpat Rai of Lahore, was killed. In order to take revenge on the Sikhs, Lakhpat Rai perpetrated tyranny on the Sikhs. As a result, 7000 Sikhs were killed and 3000 were taken prisoners. This ghastly massacre is known as Chhota Ghallughara (Small Holocaust) in Sikh History. In 1747 A. D. Yahiya Khan was toppled.

Question 10.
What do you know about the First Holocaust of 1746 or the Chhota Ghallughara?
What do you know about First Holocaust?
Write a short note on Chhota Ghallughara?
What do you know about the ‘Chhota Ghallughara’?
Yahiya Khan and Lakhpat Rai had raised a vast army in order to wipe out the Sikhs. This army suddenly surrounded about 15000 Sikhs at Kahnuitwan. In this attack 7,000 Sikhs were killed and 3,0 00 were taken prisoness. The Sikhs suffered a heavy loss of life. That is why this event is known as First Holocaust or Chotta Ghallughara in Sikh History. It occurred in May, 1746 A.D. Despite this bloody holocaust, morale of the Sikhs remained high.

Question 11.
Who was Mir Mannu? What steps did he take against the Sikhs during his period of rule?
Describe briefly the Sikh persecution under Mir Mannu.
Study the persecution of the Sikhs by Mir Mannu.
What do you know about the relations between Mir Mannu and the Sikhs?
Write briefly the relations of Mir Mannu with the Sikhs.
Mir Mannu remained the Governor of Punjab from 1748 A. D. to 1753 A. D. Everyday the Sikhs were arrested and brought to Lahore for execution. They were executed in thousands at Shahid Ganj. They were hard pressed. Consequently, they had to take shelter in forests and hills. When the soldiers of Mir Mannu could not get hold of the Sikhs, they started arresting Sikh women and children. The cruelty with which they were tortured cannot be explained in words. Despite his extreme cruelty, Mir Mannu could not crush the Sikh power till his end.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 12 Abdus Samad Khan, Zakariya Khan and Mir Mannu: Their Relations with the Sikhs

Question 12.
Why did Mir Mannu fail to crush the Sikh power?
What were the causes of the failure of Mir Mannu against the Sikhs?
Write any three causes of the failure of Mir Mannu against the Sikhs.

  • The Sikhs never lost heart despite heavy odds. They founded Dal. Khalsa in 1748 A.D. It organised the Sikh power in 12 Jathas. All the Sikhs respected the instructions of Dal Khalsa and were ready to sacrifice everything on its directive,
  • The guerilla warfare of the Sikhs played a major role in the failure of Mir Mannu’s plans,
  • Mir Mannu’s Diwan Kaura Mai was sympathetic towards the Sikhs.
  • The dual policy of Adina Beg, the Faujdar of Jalandhar Doab also became the cause of the failure of Mir Mannu.
  • Mir Mannu had to face several problems during his period of the rule so he could not crush the Sikh power.

Objective Type Questions:

Question 1.
Give the name of one Mughal Governor who persecuted the Sikhs.
Name anyone Mughal Governor of Punjab from 1716 A.D. to 1752 A.D.
Abdus Samad Khan.

Question 2.
When was Abdus Samad Khan appointed the Governor of Lahore?
1713 A.D.

Question 3.
Which was the most important success of Abdus Samad Khan?
The defeat of Banda Singh Bahadur.

Question 4.
With which title Abdus Samad Khan was honoured by the Mughal emperor, Farrukh Siyar?
The Sword of the State.

Question 5.
Name the two sects of the Sikhs after the death of Banda Singh Bahadur.
Bandai Khalsa and Tat Khalsa.

Question 6.
What was the difference between Banzai and Tat Khalsa?
What do you understand by Bandai Khalsa and Tat Khalsa?
Tat Khalsa believed in the principles of Guru Gobind Singh Ji while Bandai Khalsa believed in the principles of Banda Singh Bahadur.

Question 7.
When were the differences between Tat Khalsa and Bandai Khalsa solved?
In 1721 A.D.

Question 8.
Who abolished dispute between Bandai Khalsa and Tat Khalsa?
Bhai Mani Singh Ji.

Question 9.
Who were called Sahajdhari Sikhs?
Sahajdhari Sikhs were those persons who believed in the principles of Khalsa but had not embraced it.

Question 10.
Who was Zakariya Khan?
Governor of Lahore.

Question 11.
When did Zakariya Khan become the Subedar of Lahore?
In 1726 A.D.

Question 12.
Name any one famous Sikh who was martyred during Zakariya Khan’s period as Governor.
Bhai Mani Singh Ji.

Question 13.
When did Zakariya Khan make a treaty with the Sikhs?
In 1733 A.D.

Question 14.
Name the Sikh leader who was given the title of Nawab according to the treaty of 1733 A.D.
Sardar Kapoor Singh.

Question 15.
Name the two Dais of the Sikhs.
Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal.

Question 16.
When were Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal established?
In 1734 A.D.

Question 17.
Where were Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal founded?

Question 18.
Who founded Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal?
Nawab Kapoor Singh.

Question 19.
What is meant by Buddha Dal?
Buddha Dal included the Sikhs above the age of 40.

Question 20.
What is meant by Taruna Dal?
It included the young Sikhs.

Question 21.
During whose reign occur the incident of Haidri Flag?
Zakaria Khan.

Question 22.
When was Bhai Tara Singh Ji Van martyred?
1726 A.D.

Question 23.
Who was Bhai Mani Singh Ji?
Bhai Mani Singh Ji was the Head Granthi of Sri Harmandir Sahib, Amritsar.

Question 24.
When was Bhai Mani Singh Ji martyred?
1738 A.D.

Question 25.
Who was Nadir Shah?
The ruler of Iran.

Question 26.
When did Nadir Shah invade India?
1739 A.D.

Question 27.
Who was Massa Ranghar?
Chaudhary of Mandiala village in Amritsar district.

Question 28.
When was Haqiqat Rai executed?
1742 A.D.

Question 29.
Why was Bal Haqiqat Rai executed?
Because he had said some objectionable words for Bibi Fatima.

Question 30.
When did Zakariya Khan die?
1745 A.D.

Question 31.
For how long Yahiya Khan remained the Governor of Punjab?
1746 A.D. to 1747 A.D.

Question 32.
When did the First or Small Holocaust (Chhota Ghallughara) take place?
When did First Ghallughara take place?
1746 A.D.

Question 33.
Where did the Small Holocaust take place?

Question 34.
When did Mir Mannu become the Governor of Lahore?
1748 A.D.

Question 35.
With what other name Muin-u-Mulk became popular?
Mir Mannu.

Question 36.
Who was the last Mughal Governor of Punjab?
Who was the first Afgan Governor of Punjab?
Mir Mannu.

Question 37.
Who was Mir-Mannu?
Son of Qamru-ud-din, the Wazir of Delhi.

Question 38.
Why did Mir Mannu oppress the Sikhs?
Because of increasing influence of the Sikhs in Punjab.

Question 39.
Give any one reason for success of the Sikhs against the Mughals.
Their policy of guerilla warfare.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 12 Abdus Samad Khan, Zakariya Khan and Mir Mannu: Their Relations with the Sikhs

Question 40.
Why did Mir Mannu fail in suppressing the power of the Sikhs?
The guerilla warfare of the Sikhs.

Question 41.
When did Mir Mannu die?
In 1753 A.D.

Question 42.
Who was Mughlani Begum?
The Subedar of Punjab in 1753 A.D.

Question 43.
Who was the widow of Mir Manuu?
Mughlani Begum.

Question 44.
When did Mughlani Begum become the Subedar of Punjab?
In 1753 A.D.

Question 45.
Why did the Sikhs call Kaura Mai as Mitha Mai?
For his sympathy towards the Sikhs.

Fill in the blanks:

1. Abdus Samad Khan was appointed the Governor of Lahore in ………………
1713 A.D.

2. For the persecutation of Sikhs, Abdus Samad Khan was honoured with the title of ………………
The Sword of the State

3. The names of the two sects of Sikhs after the death of Banda Singh Bahadur were ………….. and ……………
Bandai Khalsa, Tat Khalsa

4. In 1721 A.D. the conflict between Bandai Khalsa and Tat Khalsa came to an end with the efforts of …………….
Bhai Mani Singh Ji

5. The Subedar of Punjab was …………….. before Zakariya Khan.
Abdus Samad Khan

6. Zakariya Khan was appointed the Governor of Lahore in ………………
1726 A.D.

7. Zakariya Khan compromised with the Sikhs in …………………
1733 A.D.

8. Sardar ……………… was given the title of Nawab according to the treaty of 1733 A.D.
Kapoor Singh)

9. Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal were organised in …………….
1734 A.D.

10. Bhai Mani Singh Ji was martyred in ………………..
1738 A.D.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 12 Abdus Samad Khan, Zakariya Khan and Mir Mannu: Their Relations with the Sikhs

11. Chaudhary ……………….. of Mandiala Village of Amritsar district broke the sanctity of Sri Harmandir Sahib.
Massa Ranghar

12. Chaudhary Massa Ranghar was the chaudhary of ……………… village.

13. Nadir Shah invaded India in ………………..
1739 A.D.

14. Nadir Shah was the emperor of ………………

15. First or Chotta Ghallughara occurred in ………………
1746 A D.

16. ……………….. was the Governor of Punjab when First Ghallughara occurred.
Yahiya Khan

17. Mir Mannu was also known by the name of ………………

18. Mir Mannu was elected Governor of Punjab in …………….
1748 A.D.

19. Mir Mannu appointed …………………. as the Faujdar of Jalandhar Doab.
Adina Beg

20. Mir Mannu died in ……………..
1753 A.D.

True or False:

1. Abdus Samad Khan became the Subedar of Lahore in 1716 A.D.

2. Mughal Emperor, Furrukh Siyar appointed Abdus Samad Khan as Subedar of Punjab.

3. Abdus Samad Khan was called ‘Sword of the State.

4. After the martyrdom of Banda Singh Bahadur the Sikhs of Punjab were divided into two sects Tat Khalsa and Bandai Khalsa.

5. Bhai Mani Singh Ji made a compromise between two sects i.e. Tat Khalsa and Bandai Khalsa.

6. In 1721 A.D. a compromise was made between Tat Khalsa and Bandai Khalsa.

7. Zakariya Khan was appointed the Subedar of Lahore in 1720 A.D.

8. Tara Singh Ji Van was martyred in 1726 A.D.

9. An agreement was made between Zakariya Khan and the Sikhs.

10. Sardar Jassa Singh Ramgarhia founded Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal.

11. Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal were established in 1734 A.D.

12. Nadir Shah invaded India in 1739 A.D.

13. Zakariya Khan executed Bhai Mani Singh Ji in 1738 A.D.

14. Bal Haqiqat Rai Ji was martyred in the time of Abdus Samad Khan.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 12 Abdus Samad Khan, Zakariya Khan and Mir Mannu: Their Relations with the Sikhs

15. Bhai Taru Singh Ji was martyred in 1745 A.D.

16. Zakariya Khan died in 1745 A.D.

17. The Chotta Ghallughara happened in 1746.

18. Mir Mannu became the Governor of Lahore in 1748 A.D.

19. Ahmad Shah Abdali occupied Punjab in 1752 A.D.

20. Mir Mannu died in 1754 A.D.

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Who was the Governor of Lahore in 1716 A.D.?
(a) Abdus Samad Khan
(b) Ahmad Shah Abdali
(c) Mir Mannu
(d) Zakariya Khan
(a) Abdus Samad Khan

2. With which title Abdus Samad Khan was honoured by Farrukh Siyar?
(a) Khan Bhadur
(b) The Sword of the State
(c) Nasir Khan
(d) Mittha Mai
(b) The Sword of the State

3. When were the differences with .Tat Khalsa and Bandai Khalsa solved?
(a) In 1711 A.D.
(b) In 1716 A.D.
(c) In 1721 A.D.
(d) In 1726 A.D.
(c) In 1721 A.D.

4. With whose efforts did the conflict between Bandai Khalsa and Tat Khalsa come to an end?
(a) Baba Deep Singh Ji
(b) Nawab Kapoor Singh
(c) Bhai Mani Singh Ji
(d) Bhai Taru Singh Ji.
(c) Bhai Mani Singh Ji

5. When was Zakariya Khan appointed the Governor of Lahore?
(a) In 1716 A.D.
(b) In 1717 A.D.
(c) In 1726 A.D.
(d) In 1728 A.D.
(c) In 1726 A.D.

6. In whose rule the incident of Haidri flag took place?
(a) Abdus Samad Khan
(b) Yahihya Khan
(c) Ahmad Shah Abdali
(d) Zakariya Khan.
(d) Zakariya Khan.

7. When did compromise take place between Zakariya Khan and the Sikhs?
(a) In 1721 A.D.
(b) In 1724 AD.
(c) In 1733 A.D.
(d) In 1734 A.D. .
(c) In 1733 A.D.

8. When were Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal organised?
(a) In 1730 A.D.
(b) In 1735 A.D.
(c) In 1734 A.D.
(d) In 1733 A.D.
(c) In 1734 A.D.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 12 Abdus Samad Khan, Zakariya Khan and Mir Mannu: Their Relations with the Sikhs

9. By whom were Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal established?
(a) Nawab Kapoor Singh
(b) Bhai Mani Singh Ji
(c) Baba Deep Singh Ji
(d) Bhai Mehtab Singh Ji
(a) Nawab Kapoor Singh

10. When was Bhai Mani Singh Ji martyred?
(a) In 1721 AD.
(b) In 1733 AJ).
(c) In 1734 A.D.
(d) In 1738 A.D.
(d) In 1738 A.D.

11. When did Nadir Shah invade India?
(a) In 1736 A.D.
(b) In 1737 A.D.
(c) In 1738 A.D.
(d) In 1739 A-D.
(d) In 1739 A-D.

12. Who was Massa Ranghar?
(a) Chaudhary of Mandiala
(b) Chaudhary of Vaan
(c) Faujdar of Jalandhar
(d) Faujdar of Sirhind
(a) Chaudhary of Mandiala

13. When was Bal Haqiqat Rai martyred?
(a) In 1739 A.D.
(b) In 1740 A.D.
(c) In 1741 A.D.
(d) In 1742 A.D.
(d) In 1742 A.D.

14. When did Zakariya Khan die?
(a) In 1742 A.D.
(b) In 1743 A.D.
(c) In 1744 A.D.
(d) In 1745 A.D.
(d) In 1745 A.D.

15. Where did First Ghallughara take place?
(a) Kahnuwan
(b) Kup
(c) Sirhind
(d) Mandiala
(a) Kahnuwan

16. When did First Ghallughara take place?
(a) In 1733 A.D.
(b) In 1734 A.D.
(c) In 1739 A.D.
(d) In 1746 A.D.
(d) In 1746 A.D.

17. When did Mir Mannu become the Subedar of Punjab?
(a) In 1748 A.D.
(b) In 1749 A,D.
(c) In 1752 A.D.
(d) In 1753 A.D.
(a) In 1748 A.D.

18. Who was Adina Begh?
(a) Advisor of Mir Mannu
(b) Diwan of Zakariya Khan
(c) Faujdar of Jalandhar Doab
(d) Chaudhary of Mandiala Village
(c) Faujdar of Jalandhar Doab

19. When did Mir Mannu die?
(a) In 1750 A.D.
(b) In 1751 A.D.
(c) In 1752 A.D.
(d) In 1753 A.D.
(d) In 1753 A.D.

20. Why did Mir Mannu fail against the Sikhs?
(a) Dual policy of Adina Beg
(b) Guerilla warfare of the Sikhs
(c) Cruelity of Mir Mannu
(d) All of the above.
(d) All of the above.

21. When did Mughlani Begum become the Subedar of Punjab?
(a) In 1751 A.D.
(b) In 1752 A.D.
(c) In 1753 A.D.
(d) In 1754 A.D.
(c) In 1753 A.D.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 11 Banda Singh Bahadur

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class History Book Solutions Chapter 11 Banda Singh Bahadur Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 History Chapter 11 Banda Singh Bahadur

Long Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Give a brief account of the early life of Banda Singh Bahadur.
Describe briefly the early life of Banda Singh Bahadur.
Banda Singh Bahadur occupies an honourable place in the Sikh history. With his ability he secured many significant successes one after the other in Punjab. A brief description of the early career of Banda Singh Bahadur is as under :

1. Birth and Parentage: Banda Singh Bahadur was born on 27th October 1670 A.D. at village Rajauri, in district Poonch of Kashmir. His childhood name was Lachhman Dev. His father’s name was Ram Dev, who belonged to the Dogra Rajput caste.

2. Childhood: Lachhman Dev belonged to an extremely poor family. When Lachhman Dev grew up a little, he began to lend a helping hand to his father in agriculture. In his free time, he would go out hunting with his bow and arrow. Gradually, he became a skilful hunter and a good shooter.

3. As a Bairagi: One day when Lachhman Dev was fifteen years old he shot a she-deer who was pregnant. She died in great pain. Therefore he decided to renounce the world. He became a barrage. He changed his name to Madho Das. One Day Madho Das came across a Yogi, Aughar Nath, who was famous for his achievements in Tantric Science (Occultism). Madho Das became Aughar Nath’s devotee. He soon became popular with the people because of his knowledge of occult science.

4. Meeting with Guru Gobind Singh Ji: In 1708 A.D., Guru Gobind Singh Ji had a chance to visit Nanded. During this meeting, a conversation took place between Guru Gobind Singh Ji and Madho Das. Madho Das was so much impressed by the personality of Guru Sahib. Guru Gobind Singh baptised him according to Sikh traditions and renamed him Banda Singh Bahadur.

5. Banda Singh Bahadur proceeds towards Punjab: When Banda Singh Bahadur heard about the cruelties committed on the Sikhs of Punjab and the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji and the four sons of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, the Rajput blood in his veins began to boil. In order to avenge these cruelties, he sought Guru Gobind Sahib’s blessings and permission to proceed to Punjab. Guru Gobind Singh Ji accepted his request. He moved for Punjab in October 1708 A.D.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 11 Banda Singh Bahadur

Question 2.
Who was Banda Singh Bairagi? How did he become a Sikh?
Banda Singh Bahadur, whose first name was Lachhman Dev was a resident of Rajauri village in district Poonch of Kashmir. His father was a poor peasant. His heart was moved when he hunted down a pregnant she-deer. As a result, he turned a barrage. He changed his name from Lachhman Dev to Madho Das. He obtained teaching in occultism (Tantric Knowledge) from a saint of Panchvati, named Aughar Nath. Staying there for some time, Madho Das came to Nanded. It was at Nanded that a meeting took place between him and Guru Gobind Singh Ji in 1708 A.D.

A discussion took place between Madho Das and Guru Gobind Ji. In this meeting, Madho Das was so much impressed by the personality of Guru Gobind Singh Ji that he became his Banda (slave). Guru Gobind Singh Ji administered him Amrit and gave him a new name Banda Singh Bahadur. In this way, Banda Bairagi became a Sikh.

Question 3.
Discuss the meeting of Banda Singh Bahadur with Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
In 1708 A.D., Guru Gobind Sing Ji had a chance to visit Nanded. Here, he heard about the magical powers of Madho Das. Once Guru Sahib visited the monastery of Madho Das along with some of his Sikhs. During this meeting, a conversation took place between Guru Gobind Singh Ji and Madho Das. Madho Das was so much impressed by the personality of Guru Sahib that he fell at his feet and asked the following, questions to Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Madho Das: Who are you?
Guru Gobind Singh Ji: He Whom you know.
Madho Das: What do I know?
Guru Gobind Singh Ji: Think it over in your mind.
Madho Das (after a pause): So you are Guru Gobind Singh!
Guru Gobind Singh: Yes!
Madho Das: What have you come here for?
Guru Gobind Singh: I have come so that I may convert you into a disciple of mine.
Madho Das: I submit, my Lord. I am a Banda(a slave) of yours.

Guru Gobind Singh Ji baptised him according to Sikh traditions and renamed him Banda Singh Bahadur. He was, now, no longer a Bairagi. He became a full-fledged Sikh.

Question 4.
What action and orders were given to Banda Singh Bahadur by Guru Gobind Singh Ji before sending him to Punjab?
Before sending him to Punjab, Guru Sahib gave him a sword, five arrows, a council of 5 Pyaras Binod Singh, Kahan Singh, Daya Singh, Ram Singh and Baj Singh and 20 other brave Sikhs for his succour. Besides this, Guru Sahib issued some Hukamnamas (orders) to the Sikhs of Punjab. In these Hukamnamas Guru, Gobind Singh urged them to volunteer for service under the banner of Banda Singh Bahadur. Moreover, Guru Gobind Singh also advised Banda to follow these instructions :

  • Don’t approach a woman, but lead a life of chastity,
  • Always think the truth, speak the truth and act on the truth.
  • Regard yourself as a servant of the Khalsa and always act in accordance with his wishes,
  • Don’t try to form any sect of your own.
  • Don’t let victories elate you or kingly pride turn your head. Banda Singh Bahadur promised to obey the commands of the Guru. He moved for Punjab in October 1708 A.D.

Question 5.
How did Banda Singh Bahadur set up the Sikh empire?
Guru Gobind Singh Ji ordered Banda Singh Bahadur to lead the Sikhs in Punjab against the Mughals. When Banda Singh Bahadur came to Punjab, the Sikhs extended him their full cooperation. His first job was. to take revenge on Wazir Khan, the Nawab of Sirhind for the martyrdom of Guru Ji’s sons. With this objective in mind, he marched off to Sirhind with several Sikhs. On the way, Banda Singh Bahadur looted Kaithal, Samana, Kapuri and Sadhaura and slew many Muslims. In a bloody battle on May 12, 1710 A.D. at Chappar Chiri, Wazir Khan, the Faujdar of Sirhind was killed.

The Muslims were massacred in large numbers. The conquest of Sirhind was a great success of Banda Singh Bahadur. He brought many regions of Ganga Doab, Jalandhar Doab and Gurdaspur under him. He made Lohgarh his capital. He issued new coins and established an independent Sikh State.

Question 6.
Give a brief account of the five important conquests of Banda Singh Bahadur.
Describe four major military achievements of Banda Singh Bahadur.
The main battles of Banda Singh Bahadur were as follows :

1. Attack on Sonepat: First of all Banda Singh Bahadur attacked Sonepat with his 500 Sikhs in November 1709 A.D. The ruler of Sonepat was so afraid of the Sikhs that he ran away to Delhi without facing them. This victory greatly enhanced the morale of the Sikhs.

2. Conquest of Samana: The executioners of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji and the younger sons of Guru Gobind Singh Ji lived in Samana. Banda Singh Bahadur attacked Samana and slaughtered many Muslims. It was the first and important conquest of Banda Singh Bahadur.

3. Conquest of Kapuri: The ruler of Kapuri, Qadam-ud-Din was very cruel. He ill-treated the Hindus. So, Banda Singh Bahadur attacked Kapuri, put to death Qadam-ud-Din and conquered the town.

4. Conquest of Sadhaura: Usman Khan the ruler of Sadhaura was notorious for his tyranny. He was a sworn enemy of the Hindus, He tortured and got Pir Buddhu Shah killed for he had helped Guru Gobifld Singh Ji in the battle of Bhangani. In order to settle the score for this insult, Banda Singh Bahadur attacked Sadhaura and slaughtered a large number of Muslims. That is why the place came to be known as Qatalgarhi.

5. Conquest of Sirhind: Wazir Khan, the Faujdar of Sirhind had got the two younger sons, Zorawar Singh and Fateh Singh, of Guru Gobind Singh Ji killed by bricking them alive in the wall. So, Banda Singh Bahadur wanted to teach him such a lesson that should be remembered by the Muslims for a long time. On May 22, 1710 A.D., Banda Singh Bahadur attacked the army of Wazir Khan at Chappar Chiri. The Sikhs massacred the Muslims to such an extent that they shuddered at the very thought of it. Wazir Khan was killed and hanged on a tree upside down. This glorious conquest further boosted the morale of the Sikhs.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 11 Banda Singh Bahadur

Question 7.
Write briefly about the battle of Sirhind.
Write a short note on the conquest of Sirhind by Banda Singh Bahadur.
Describe Banda Singh Bahadur’s conquest of Sirhind. Why was this battle significant for the Sikhs?
Give an account of the battle of Chapparchiri.
Wazir Khan, the Faujdar of Sirhind had got the younger sons (Sahibzada Zorawar Singh Ji and Sahibzada Fateh Singh Ji) of Guru Gobind Singh Ji bricked alive in a wall for not accepting Islam. It happened in December 1704 A.D. Moreover, it was Wazir Khan’s emissaries who had assassinated Guru Gobind Singh Ji at Nanded. Consequently, there was a great resentment among the Sikhs. They wanted to take revenge on Wazir Khan for this. This mission was accomplished by Banda Singh Bahadur, the disciple of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. He gathered several Sikhs and attacked Wazir Khan at Chapparchiri on May 22, 1710 A.D. It was a bloody battle.

The Sikh’s slew Wazir Khan hung his body on a tree upside down and left it at the mercy of crows and vultures. Muslims were massacred on a large scale and many we’re burnt alive. Sirhind was taken under control. In this way, Banda Singh Bahadur took revenge on Wazir Khan for his cruel deeds. This important conquest boosted the morale of Sikhs to a great extent. Sirhind yielded annual revenue of more than 50 lakh, as a result of which Banda Singh Bahadur could further consolidate his power.

Question 8.
Write a short note on the battle of Lohgarh by Banda Singh Bahadur.
The increasing power of Banda Singh Bahadur was a challenge for the Mughals. Therefore, the Mughal emperor, Bahadur Shah decided to crush the power of Banda Singh Bahadur. So, he sent a big force of sixty thousand soldiers under General Munim Khan to Punjab. This force suddenly attacked Banda Singh Bahadur’s capital Lohgarh on 10th December 1710 A.D. The Sikhs continued to resist the Mughals from inside the Lohgarh fort. As provisions were running short, it was not possible for the Sikhs to sustain the resistance for long. Banda Singh Bahadur was not a man who could easily be caught. He succeeded in escaping in disguise and went into the hills of Nahan. Next day when the Mughals took possession of the fort, they were disappointed to know that they had missed the catch.

Question 9.
Write a brief note on the battle of Gurdas Nangal.
The Mughal Emperor Farrukh Siyar appointed Abdus Samad Khan, the Governor of Punjab to check the growing power of the Sikhs under Banda Singh Bahadur. He was directed to take stern steps against the Sikhs. .’Taking a vast army with him he surprisingly besieged Banda Singh Bahadur at Gurdas Nangal in April 1715 A.D. Banda Singh Bahadur and his Sikh companions fought against the Mughal army from the farmhouse (haveli) of Duni Chand. This siege continued for eight months. Gradually provisions were running out and the condition of the Sikhs grew critical.

At this juncture, Baba Binod Singh advised Banda Singh Bahadur to escape from the haveli but Banda Singh Bahadur refused to do so. As a result, Binod Singh escaped from the haveli with his companions. It further worsened the condition of Banda Singh Bahadur. At last Banda Singh Bahadur had to give in, perforce. Thus, Banda Singh Bahadur was arrested on December 7, 1715 A.D. along with his 200 Sikh companions.

Question 10.
When, where and how was Banda Singh Bahadur martyred?
Abdus Samad Khan had arrested Banda Singh Bahadur and 200 Sikhs from Gurdas Nangal. But to please the Mughal Emperor he arrested 540 more Sikhs on his way to Lahore. In February 1716 they were sent to Delhi. In Delhi, a big procession of the Sikh prisoners was taken out. Banda Singh Bahadur was put in an iron cage placed upon an elephant. Behind Banda’s elephant followed the rest of the Sikh prisoners. They were put in chains and mounted upon lame and worn down asses and camels. But there was not the slightest sign of dejection or humiliation on the faces of the prisoners.

The execution of the Sikhs began on 5th March 1716 and continued for a week. On June 9, 1716 came the turn of Banda Singh Bahadur.

He was offered the usual choice between Islam and death. But he refused to abjure his faith. Then his young son, Ajay Singh, about four years, was hacked to pieces before his eyes. Thereafter, the eyes of Banda Singh Bahadur were taken out one by one. Then his hands and feet were cut off. Thus, he was hacked to pieces limb by limb. Banda Singh Bahadur remained calm and serene amidst these tortures.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 11 Banda Singh Bahadur

Question 11.
Mention the causes of early success of Banda Singh Bahadur.
What were the five causes of early success of Banda Singh Bahadur?
What were the five causes of success of Banda Singh Bahadur?
The following factors can be attributed to his initial success :

1. The unbearable atrocities of the Mughals: The Mughal rulers of Punjab were sworn enemies of the Sikhs. They committed unending atrocities on them. The most hateful personality was Wazir Khan of Sirhind. He had bricked alive in wall the two younger sons Sahibzada Zorawar Singh Ji and Sahibzada Fateh Singh Ji of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. He was also responsible for the martyrdom of Sahibzada Ajit Singh Ji and Sahibzada Jujhar Singh Ji. They were martyred in the Battle of Chamkaur Sahib. All these factors made the Sikhs unite against Wazir Khan under the supreme command of Banda Singh Bahadur.

2. The Hukamnamas of Guru Gobind Singh Ji: Guru Gobind Singh Ji had despatched some Hukamnamas for Sikhs through Banda Singh Bahadur. Through these Hukamnamas or edicts, the Great Guru Sahib had appealed to the Sikhs to fight religious wars against the Mughals. The Sikhs obeyed these orders and their unbounded cooperation became a major factor for the military success of Banda Singh Bahadur.

3. Inefficient Successors of Aurangzeb: After the death of Aurangzeb in 1707 A.D., there was a war of succession among his sons. Prince Muazzam, who assumed the royal title of Bahadur Shah could not pay the needed attention to Punjab. He had to face chaos or disorder in his kingdom. After his death in 1712 A.D., once again the war of succession was fought. Jahandar Shah became the next Mughal emperor. His illicit relations with a prostitute and lack of administrative capabilities wrecked the threads of the kingdom. So, Banda Singh Bahadur could achieve success after success in Punjab.

4. Praiseworthy Administration of Banda Singh Bahadur: Banda Singh Bahadur was. gifted with a good deal of administrative ability. The places conquered by him were efficiently administered. Highly able and honest officials were given top-ranking administrative jobs. The down-trodden, but deserving people were made to come forward to manage the administrative set-up. The aim of ‘land to the tillers’ was fulfilled. Moreover, impartial justice was given to one and all, therefore, Banda Singh Bahadur got the full support of the people of Punjab.

5. Efficient leadership of Banda Singh Bahadur: Banda Singh Bahadur was an intrepid and efficient military commander. He was an expert in the art of warfare and the soldiers under him were made to fight with religious fervour. He led his forces boldly. He also received co-operation from gallant or brave warriors like Baj Singh, Binod. Singh, Fateh Singh and Kahan Singh.

Question 12.
What were the five causes of the failure of Banda Singh Bahadur?
What were the causes of the final failure of Banda Singh Bahadur?
Write down the causes of the ultimate failure of Banda Singh Bahadur against the Mughals.
The causes of the ultimate failure of Banda Singh Bahadur are as follows :

1. Strength of the Mughal Empire: Banda Singh Bahadur had limited resources. Compared with the Mughals, the number of his soldiers was also very small. Besides plundering, he had no other source of income. Under such conditions, it was quite impossible for Banda Singh Bahadur to crush the mighty Mughal empire.

2. Lack of Organisation among the Sikhs: The Sikh soldiers lacked organisation and discipline. They did not fight according to a set plan. Banda Singh Bahadur could not organise and discipline these soldiers. As a result, it was not surprising that such soldiers could not succeed.

3. Measures of Farrukh Siyar against the Sikhs: In 1713 A.D., Farrukh Siyar became the new emperor of the Mughals. He was a very cruel and merciless ruler. He could not tolerate the growing strength of the Sikhs under Banda Singh Bahadur. In order to crush the power of the Sikhs, he appointed Abdus Samad Khan, Subedar (Governor) of Lahore. Abdus Samad Khan spared no effort to crush the power of the Sikhs. Finally, he succeeded in arresting Banda Singh Bahadur and his fellows.

4. Surprise attack on the Sikhs at Gurdas Nangal: Abdus Samad Khan made a sudden attack on Banda Singh Bahadur in April 1715 A.D. Banda Singh Bahadur and his fellow Sikhs were besieged in the ‘haveli’ of Duni Chand. It was not easy to resist the Mughals for a long time. Despite these hardships, Banda Singh Bahadur sustained the resistance for eight months but finally gave in.

5. Differences between Banda Singh Bahadur and Binod Singh: Differences cropped up between Banda Singh Bahadur and Binod Singh during the battle of Gurdas Nangal. Binod Singh was in favour of running away from there. Banda Singh Bahadur was not prepared for it. He wanted to offer resistance for some more time. Owing to these differences, Binod Singh with his companions fled from the place. Consequently, Banda Singh Bahadur had to face defeat in the end.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 11 Banda Singh Bahadur

Question 13.
Describe any-five traits of Banda Singh Bahadur’s personality.
1. Physical Appearance: Banda Singh Bahadur’s physical appearance resembled to Guru Gobind Singh Ji. He had a thin body, medium height and wheatish complexion.. In reality, Banda Singh Bahadur’s personality was so impressive that even his enemies could not help being influenced.

2. Brave and Bold: Banda Singh Bahadur was very brave and bold. Banda Singh Bahadur did not lose heart in adversity. When he was besieged in the fort of Lohgarh, he pierced through the Mughal army, buf none could dare lay hands on him. He gave evidence of his unique courage in the battle of Gurdas Nangal. Hundreds of such examples can be cited from the life of Banda Singh Bahadur.

3. A true follower of Sikhism: Banda Singh Bahadur was a deeply religious man. He had firm faith in Sikh religion. He issued coins and mohurs in the name of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

4. Tolerant: Although Banda Singh Bahadur was a devout Sikh, he was tolerant towards other religions. He committed no oppression on others to propagate his religion. His fight was against the Mughal tyrants, but not against the Muslims. He had recruited many Muslims in his army. They enjoyed full religious freedom. It is the most obvious proof of his tolerance.

5. As a Warrior and General. Banda Singh Bahadur was a great warrior and an eminent General. Compared with the Mughals, Banda Singh Bahadur’s resources were limited, but by virtue of his ability he got on the nerves of Mughal forces for 7-8 years. He won glorious victories in almost all the battles that he fought. In the battle-field, he would very promptly assess the situation and take quick decision accordingly.

Question 14.
Describe briefly the achievements of Banda Singh Bahadur as a warrior and general.
Explain the main contributions of Banda Singh Bahadur as a brave warrior and great military organiser.
Banda Singh Bahadur was a great warrior and a top-class army commander. He had meagre resources in comparison to those of the Mughals, still he kept the Mughals on tenterhooks for 7-8 years through his sheer ability. He got glorious successes in almost all the battles he fought. He quickly guessed the situation in the battlefield and made quick decisions according to the situation. He was an expert in making moves in battles.

He did not consider it an insult in retreating if he sensed that the army of the enemy was vast. He started the battle only when he was confident of success. He used to fight in open fields, from hills or . from within the fort according to the need of the hour. In fact, his military strategy had made him a great general.

Question 15.
Write briefly about Banda Singh Bahadur’s achievements as an administrator.
Banda Singh Bahadur was an able administrator. He provided sound administration in the regions that he had conquered. He ruled in the name of Khalsa and promulgated the principles as shown to him by the Gurus. He shunted out the corrupt officials and appointed honest and worthy officials in their places. He appointed the poor and low-caste people to high posts and gave them the much needed respect. Banda Singh Bahadur did an admirable thing in abolishing the Zamindari system. The peasants were, thus, saved from tyranny of feudal lords.

The tillers of the soil were made the owners of the land. Banda Singh Bahadur was also known for his impartial justice. While doing justice he never made a distinction between high or low in his mind. Undoubtedly, the administration of Banda Singh Bahadur was in accordance with the Khalsa grandeur and dignity.

Question 16.
What is the place of Banda Singh Bahadur in the history of Punjab?
Undoubtedly, Banda Singh Bahadur occupies a prominent place in the history of the Punjab. He was the first man who laid the foundation of political sovereignty of the Sikhs. He taught the Punjabis the lessons to do or die in order to resist tyrannies. In a short span of 7-8 years he succeeded in shaking the very roots of the mighty Mughal empire. It was indeed his most crowning achievement. He shattered the myth that the Mughals were invincible. He succeeded in infusing a new spirit among the Sikhs for the attainment of independence. The spark of independence ignited by him continued flickering internally which was ultimately converted into a blaze and which reduced to ashes the great Mughal empire.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 11 Banda Singh Bahadur

Essay Type Questions:

Early Career:

Question 1.
What do you know about the early career of Banda Singh Bahadur? Explain briefly.
Banda Singh Bahadur occupies an honourable place in Sikh history. With his ability he secured many significant successes one after the other in Punjab. A brief description of the early career of Banda Singh Bahadur is as under :

1. Birth and Parentage: Banda Singh Bahadur was bom on 27th October, 1670AJ). at village Rajauri, in district Poonch of Kashmir. His childhood name was Lachhman Dev. His father’s name was Ram Dev, who belonged to the Dogr. Rajput caste.

2. Childhood : Lachhman Dev belonged to an extremely poor family. When Lachhman Dev grew up a little, he began to lend a helping hand to his father in agriculture. In his free time, he would go out for hunting with his bow and arrow. Gradually, he became $ skilful hunter and a good shooter.

3. As a Bairagi: Soon Lachhman Dev came into contact with a Bairagi named Janki Prasad. Being impressed by him, he too became a Bairagi (recluse) and joined his band. As per practice of the Bairagis, Janki Das changed Lachhman Dev’s name to Madho Das. This band of Bairagis, after many wanderings reached Panchwati (Nasik). Here, Madho Das came across a Yogi, Aughar Nath, who was famous for his achievements in Tantric Science (Occultism). Madho Das became Aughar Nath’s devotee. Being impressed by Madho Das’s service and devotion, Aughar Nath gave him the knowledge of occultism.

Before his death in 1691 A.D. Aughar Nath nominated Madho Das his successor. After staying there for some time, Madho Das came to Nanded. Madho Das soon became popular with the people because of his knowledge of occult science. Consequently, his small hermitage grew into a regular monastery.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 11 Banda Singh Bahadur Img 1

4. Meeting with Guru Gobind Singh Ji: In 1708 A.D., Guru Gobind Singh Ji had a chance to visit Nanded. Here, he heard about the magical powers of Madhp Das. Once Guru Sahib visited the monastery of Madho Das along with some of his Sikhs. During this meeting a conversation took place between Guru Gobind Singh Ji and Madho Das. Madho Das was so much impressed by the personality of Guru Sahib that he fell at his feet and said, “I am your Banda (slave)”. Guru Gobind Singh baptised him according to Sikh traditions and renamed him Banda Singh Bahadur. He was, now, no longer a Bairagi. He became a full-fledged Sikh.

5. Banda Singh Bahadur proceeds towards Punjab : When Banda Singh Bahadur heard about the cruelties committed on the Sikhs of Punjab and the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji and the four sons of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, the Rajput blood in his veins began to boil. In order to avenge these cruelties, he sought Guru Gobind Sahib’s blessings and permission to proceed to Punjab. Guru Gobind Singh Ji accepted his request. Before sending him to Punjab, Guru Gobind Singh Ji gave him five arrows and 25 other brave Sikhs for his succour.

Besides this, Guru Gobind Singh Ji issued some Hukamnamas (orders) to the Sikhs of Punjab. In these Hukamnamas, Guru Gobind Singh urged them to volunteer for service under the banner of Banda Singh Bahadur. Moreover, Guru Gobind Singh Ji also advised Banda Singh Bahadur to follow these instructions :

  • Don’t approach a woman, but lead a life of chastity.
  • Always think the truth, speak the truth and act on the truth.
  • Regard yourself as a servant of the Khalsa and always act in accordance with His wishes.
  • Don’t try to form any sect of your own.
  • Don’t let victories elate you or kingly pride turn your head. Banda Singh Bahadur promised to obey the commands of the Guru. He moved for Punjab in October 1708 A.D.

Question 2.
Discuss the military exploits of Banda Singh Bahadur and estimate their significance in the history of Punjab.
Write in detail the battles fought between Banda Singh Bahadur and the Mughals.
Explain the military exploits or achievements of Banda Singh Bahadur.
After reaching Punjab, Banda Singh Bahadur released the Hukamnamas (orders), which Guru Gobind Singh Ji issued in the names of the Sikhs. Thousands of Sikhs rallied around him, within a few days ready to fight and die under his banner. After this Banda Singh Bahadur embarked on his military exploits. His important conquests are as follows :

1. Attack on Sonepat: Banda Singh Bahadur started his victory spree from Sonepat. In 1709 A.D. he with his 500 Sikhs attacked Sonepat. The Faiijdar of Sonepat fled away to Delhi without offering any resistance. In this way, the Sikhs captured Sonepat without any difficulty.

2. Conquest of Samana: In Samana lived Jalaluddin, the executioner, who had martyred Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji and the executioners (Sashal Beg and Bashal Beg) who had bricked up alive in the wall two younger sons of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Banda Singh Bahadur wanted to avenge these murderers. So in November 1709 A.D., he made a fierce attack on Samana. The Sikhs killed 10,000 Muslims and reduced the beautiful buildings of the town to heaps of ruins. It was the first great victory of Banda Singh Bahadur.

3. Conquest of Ghulam and Mustafabad: After the victory of Samana, Banda Singh Bahadur attacked Ghulam. The Pathans of this place could not offer any resistance and flee away. Banda Singh Bahadur attacked this town arid conquered it easily. Then, he attacked Mustafabad. The Faujdar of Mustafabad with his 2000 soldiers tried to resist Banda Singh Bahadur, but he had to give in before the enthusiasm of the Sikhs. As a result, the Muslims fled for life, leaving their guns behind in the battlefield.

4. Conquest of Kapuri: The ruler of Kapuri, Qadam-ud-Din was very cruel. He ill-treated the Hindus’. So, Banda Singh Bahadur attacked Kapuri, put to death Qadam-ud-Din and plundered the town.

5. Conquest of Sadhaura: The ruler of Sadhaura, Usman Khan, was notorious for his cruelties. He had got Pir Buddhu Shah tortured to death because he had helped Guru Gobind Singh Ji in the battle of Bhangani. In order to avenge these insults, Banda Singh Bahadur launched a vigorous attack on Sahara. Banda Singh Bahadur put to the sword such a large number of Muslims that the place came to be known as Qatalgarhi or slaughterhouse.

6. Conquest of Sirhittd; The conquest of Sirhind was one of the most significant victories of Banda Singh Bahadur. The Faujdar of Sirhind, Wazir Khan, had Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s two younger sons bricked up alive in a wall. Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s two elder sons had fallen martyrs in the battle of Chamkaur Sahib. A Pathan sent by Wazir Khan had stabbed Guru Gobind Singh Ji as a result of which Guru Gobind Singh Ji passed away.

Owing to these reasons Banda Singh Bahadur wanted to teach Wazir Khan such a lesson as the Mughals might remember for long. On May 22,1710 A.D. both the armies met at Chappar Chiri, 16 kms. from Sirhind, where a bloody battle was fought in the beginning. Fateh Singh killed Wazir Khan. It created panic among Muslim soldiers. The corpse of Wazir Khan was hung on a tree and left at the mercy of crows and vultures. This glorious victory infused a new confidence among the Sikhs.

7. Conquest of Jamuna-Ganga Doab : After the victory of Sirhind, Banda Singh Bahadur paid attention to the provinces of Jamuna-Ganga Doab. Soon after this Banda Singh Bahadur brought Behat, Nanota and Ambeta under his control. After these victories, Banda Singh Bahadur proceeded towards Jalalabad. Jalal Khan, the Faujdar of this place, was very cruel. Banda Singh Bahadur’s forces inflicted a crushing defeat on his forces, but could hot take possession of the fort.

8. Conquest of Jalandhar Doab: Shamas Khan was the Faujdar of Jalandhar Doab. He was a very cruel ruler. The Sikhs sought help of Banda Singh Bahadur. In October 1710 A.D. a fierce battle was fought between the forces of Banda Singh Bahadur and Shamas Khan at Rahon. The Sikhs emerged victorious. As a result the whole Jalandhar Doab came under his possession. After this Banda Singh Bahadur very easily took possession of Amritsar, Batala, Kalanaur and Pathankot.

9. Attack of Mughals on Lohgarh : The increasing power of Banda Singh Bahadur was a challenge for the Mughals. Therefore, the Mughal emperor, Bahadur Shah decided to crush the power of Banda Singh Bahadur. So, he sent a big force of sixty thousand soldiers under General Munim Khan to Punjab. This force suddenly attacked Banda Singh Bahadur’s capital Lohgarh on 10th December 1710 A.D. The Sikhs continued to resist the Mughals from inside the Lohgarh fort. As provisions were running short, it was not possible for the Sikhs to sustain the resistance for long. Banda Singh Bahadur succeeded in escaping in disguise and went into the hills of Nahan.

10. Battle of Gurdas Nangal: Soon after Banda-Singh Bahadur consolidated his power. He very easily took possession of Bahrampur, Raipur, Kalanaur and Batala. On the instructions of Farrukh Siyar, Abdus Samad Khan made a surprise attack on Gurdas Nangal, Banda Singh Bahadur and-his men took shelter in the Haveli of Lala Duni Chand. The imperial forces laid siege to the Haveli, which lasted eight long months. The besiegers kept so watchful guard that not a blade of grass or a grain of corn could find its way in. Consequently, the Sikhs were reduced to great extremities.

They had to eat their horses, mules and even oxen. At this critical juncture, Banda Singh Bahadur developed some differences with Baba Binod Singh, the right hand man of Banda Singh Bahadur. Banda Singh Bahadur held on doggedly for quite some more time. Ultimately, he and his two hundred companions were forced to surrender on December 17, 1715 A.D.

11. Martyrdom of Banda Singh Bahadur: In February 1716 A.D. Banda Singh Bahadur and other arrested Sikhs were sent to Delhi. In Delhi a big procession of the Sikh prisoners was taken out. Banda Singh Bahadur was put in an iron cage placed upon an elephant. He was dressed in clownish clothes and was bound in chains. Behind Banda’s elephant followed the rest of the Sikh prisoners. They were put in chains and mounted upon lame and worn down assess and camels. There was hardly any one in the city, who had not come out to see the tamasha. They mocked at the grotesque appearance of the prisoners. But, there was not the slightest sign of dejection or humiliation on the faces of the prisoners. Life was promised to them on the condition of embracing Islam, but none renounced his faith.

On June 9, 1716 A.D. Banda Singh Bahadur’s young son, Ajay Singh, about four years, was hacked to pieces before his eyes. But he did not yield. Soon afterwards, he was also hacked to pieces. Patwant Singh aptly says, “So ended the life of a man who in seven short years had so mocked the might of the Mughals with his victories that they could never again reassert their authority over the land they had once ruled with such aplomb.”

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 11 Banda Singh Bahadur

Question 3.
Describe the career and achievements of Banda Singh Bahadur.

Banda Singh Bahadur occupies an honourable place in Sikh history. With his ability he secured many significant successes one after the other in Punjab. A brief description of the early career of Banda Singh Bahadur is as under :

1. Birth and Parentage: Banda Singh Bahadur was bom on 27th October, 1670AJ). at village Rajauri, in district Poonch of Kashmir. His childhood name was Lachhman Dev. His father’s name was Ram Dev, who belonged to the Dogr. Rajput caste.

2. Childhood : Lachhman Dev belonged to an extremely poor family. When Lachhman Dev grew up a little, he began to lend a helping hand to his father in agriculture. In his free time, he would go out for hunting with his bow and arrow. Gradually, he became skilful hunter and a good shooter.

3. As a Bairagi: Soon Lachhman Dev came into contact with a Bairagi named Janki Prasad. Being impressed by him, he too became a Bairagi (recluse) and joined his band. As per practice of the Bairagis, Janki Das changed Lachhman Dev’s name to Madho Das. This band of Bairagis, after many wanderings reached Panchwati (Nasik). Here, Madho Das came across a Yogi, Aughar Nath, who was famous for his achievements in Tantric Science (Occultism). Madho Das became Aughar Nath’s devotee. Being impressed by Madho Das’s service and devotion, Aughar Nath gave him the knowledge of occultism.

Before his death in 1691 A.D. Aughar Nath nominated Madho Das his successor. After staying there for some time, Madho Das came to Nanded. Madho Das soon became popular with the people because of his knowledge of occult science. Consequently, his small hermitage grew into a regular monastery.

4. Meeting with Guru Gobind Singh Ji: In 1708 A.D., Guru Gobind Singh Ji had a chance to visit Nanded. Here, he heard about the magical powers of Madhp Das. Once Guru Sahib visited the monastery of Madho Das along with some of his Sikhs. During this meeting a conversation took place between Guru Gobind Singh Ji and Madho Das. Madho Das was so much impressed by the personality of Guru Sahib that he fell at his feet and said, “I am your Banda (slave)”. Guru Gobind Singh baptised him according to Sikh traditions and renamed him Banda Singh Bahadur. He was, now, no longer a Bairagi. He became a full-fledged Sikh.

5. Banda Singh Bahadur proceeds towards Punjab : When Banda Singh Bahadur heard about the cruelties committed on the Sikhs of Punjab and the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji and the four sons of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, the Rajput blood in his veins began to boil. In order to avenge these cruelties, he sought Guru Gobind Sahib’s blessings and permission to proceed to Punjab. Guru Gobind Singh Ji accepted his request. Before sending him to Punjab, Guru Gobind Singh Ji gave him five arrows and 25 other brave Sikhs for his succour. Besides this, Guru Gobind Singh Ji issued some Hukamnamas (orders) to the Sikhs of Punjab.

In these Hukamnamas, Guru Gobind Singh urged them to volunteer for service under the banner of Banda Singh Bahadur. Moreover, Guru Gobind Singh Ji also advised Banda Singh Bahadur to follow these instructions :

  • Don’t approach a woman, but lead a life of chastity.
  • Always think the truth, speak the truth and act on the truth.
  • Regard yourself as a servant of the Khalsa and always act in accordance with His wishes.
  • Don’t try to form any sect of your own.
  • Don’t let victories elate you or kingly pride turn your head. Banda Singh Bahadur promised to obey the commands of the Guru. He moved for Punjab in October 1708 A.D.

After reaching Punjab, Banda Singh Bahadur released the Hukamnamas (orders), which Guru Gobind Singh Ji issued in the names of the Sikhs. Thousands of Sikhs rallied around him, within a few days ready to fight and die under his banner. After this Banda Singh Bahadur embarked on his military exploits. His important conquests are as follows :

1. Attack on Sonepat: Banda Singh Bahadur started his victory spree from Sonepat. In 1709 A.D. he with his 500 Sikhs attacked Sonepat. The Faiijdar of Sonepat fled away to Delhi without offering any resistance. In this way, the Sikhs captured Sonepat without any difficulty.

2. Conquest of Samana: In Samana lived Jalaluddin, the executioner, who had martyred Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji and the executioners (Sashal Beg and Bashal Beg) who had bricked up alive in the wall two younger sons of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Banda Singh Bahadur wanted to avenge these murderers. So in November 1709 A.D., he made a fierce attack on Samana. The Sikhs killed 10,000 Muslims and reduced the beautiful buildings of the town to heaps of ruins. It was the first great victory of Banda Singh Bahadur.

3. Conquest of Ghulam and Mustafabad: After the victory of Samana, Banda Singh Bahadur attacked Ghulam. The Pathans of this place could not offer any resistance and flee away. Banda Singh Bahadur attacked this town arid conquered it easily. Then, he attacked Mustafabad. The Faujdar of Mustafabad with his 2000 soldiers tried to resist Banda Singh Bahadur, but he had to give in before the enthusiasm of the Sikhs. As a result, the Muslims fled for life, leaving their guns behind in the battlefield.

4. Conquest of Kapuri: The ruler of Kapuri, Qadam-ud-Din was very cruel. He ill-treated the Hindus’. So, Banda Singh Bahadur attacked Kapuri, put to death Qadam-ud-Din and plundered the town.

5. Conquest of Sadhaura: The ruler of Sadhaura, Usman Khan, was notorious for his cruelties. He had got Pir Buddhu Shah tortured to death because he had helped Guru Gobind Singh Ji in the battle of Bhangani. In order to avenge these insults, Banda Singh Bahadur launched a vigorous attack on Sahara. Banda Singh Bahadur put to the sword such a large number of Muslims that the place came to be known as Qatalgarhi or slaughterhouse.

6. Conquest of Sirhittd; The conquest of Sirhind was one of the most significant victories of Banda Singh Bahadur. The Faujdar of Sirhind, Wazir Khan, had Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s two younger sons bricked up alive in a wall. Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s two elder sons had fallen martyrs in the battle of Chamkaur Sahib. A Pathan sent by Wazir Khan had stabbed Guru Gobind Singh Ji as a result of which Guru Gobind Singh Ji passed away.

Owing to these reasons Banda Singh Bahadur wanted to teach Wazir Khan such a lesson as the Mughals might remember for long. On May 22,1710 A.D. both the armies met at Chappar Chiri, 16 kms. from Sirhind, where a bloody battle was fought in the beginning. Fateh Singh killed Wazir Khan. It created panic among Muslim soldiers. The corpse of Wazir Khan was hung on a tree and left at the mercy of crows and vultures. This glorious victory infused a new confidence among the Sikhs.

7. Conquest of Jamuna-Ganga Doab : After the victory of Sirhind, Banda Singh Bahadur paid attention to the provinces of Jamuna-Ganga Doab. Soon after this Banda Singh Bahadur brought Behat, Nanota and Ambeta under his control. After these victories, Banda Singh Bahadur proceeded towards Jalalabad. Jalal Khan, the Faujdar of this place, was very cruel. Banda Singh Bahadur’s forces inflicted a crushing defeat on his forces, but could hot take possession of the fort.

8. Conquest of Jalandhar Doab: Shamas Khan was the Faujdar of Jalandhar Doab. He was a very cruel ruler. The Sikhs sought help of Banda Singh Bahadur. In October 1710 A.D. a fierce battle was fought between the forces of Banda Singh Bahadur and Shamas Khan at Rahon. The Sikhs emerged victorious. As a result the whole Jalandhar Doab came under his possession. After this Banda Singh Bahadur very easily took possession of Amritsar, Batala, Kalanaur and Pathankot.

9. Attack of Mughals on Lohgarh : The increasing power of Banda Singh Bahadur was a challenge for the Mughals. Therefore, the Mughal emperor, Bahadur Shah decided to crush the power of Banda Singh Bahadur. So, he sent a big force of sixty thousand soldiers under General Munim Khan to Punjab. This force suddenly attacked Banda Singh Bahadur’s capital Lohgarh on 10th December 1710 A.D. The Sikhs continued to resist the Mughals from inside the Lohgarh fort. As provisions were running short, it was not possible for the Sikhs to sustain the resistance for long. Banda Singh Bahadur succeeded in escaping in disguise and went into the hills of Nahan.

10. Battle of Gurdas Nangal: Soon after Banda-Singh Bahadur consolidated his power. He very easily took possession of Bahrampur, Raipur, Kalanaur and Batala. On the instructions of Farrukh Siyar, Abdus Samad Khan made a surprise attack on Gurdas Nangal, Banda Singh Bahadur and-his men took shelter in the Haveli of Lala Duni Chand. The imperial forces laid siege to the Haveli, which lasted eight long months. The besiegers kept so watchful guard that not a blade of grass or a grain of corn could find its way in. Consequently, the Sikhs were reduced to great extremities.

They had to eat their horses, mules and even oxen. At this critical juncture, Banda Singh Bahadur developed some differences with Baba Binod Singh, the right hand man of Banda Singh Bahadur. Banda Singh Bahadur held on doggedly for quite some more time. Ultimately, he and his two hundred companions were forced to surrender on December 17, 1715 A.D.

11. Martyrdom of Banda Singh Bahadur: In February 1716 A.D. Banda Singh Bahadur and other arrested Sikhs were sent to Delhi. In Delhi a big procession of the Sikh prisoners was taken out. Banda Singh Bahadur was put in an iron cage placed upon an elephant. He was dressed in clownish clothes and was bound in chains. Behind Banda’s elephant followed the rest of the Sikh prisoners. They were put in chains and mounted upon lame and worn down assess and camels. There was hardly any one in the city, who had not come out to see the tamasha.

They mocked at the grotesque appearance of the prisoners. But, there was not the slightest sign of dejection or humiliation on the faces of the prisoners. Life was promised to them on the condition of embracing Islam, but none renounced his faith.

On June 9, 1716 A.D. Banda Singh Bahadur’s young son, Ajay Singh, about four years, was hacked to pieces before his eyes. But he did not yield. Soon afterwards, he was also hacked to pieces. Patwant Singh aptly says, “So ended the life of a man who in seven short years had so mocked the might of the Mughals with his victories that they could never again reassert their authority over the land they had once ruled with such aplomb.”

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 11 Banda Singh Bahadur

Question 4.
Examine the causes of early success and ultimate failure of Banda Singh Bahadur.
What are the causes of the initial success and ultimate failure of Banda Singh Bahadur?
Give a brief account of the initial success and ultimate failure of Banda Singh Bahadur.

1. Causes of Banda Singh Bahadur’s Early Success:

After the death of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, Banda Singh Bahadur, successfully and devotedly led the Sikhs to the path of glory in an admirable manner. The Sikhs welcomed and followed him because of Hukamnamas of Guru Gobind Singh Ji and gathered under his flag in large numbers. Banda Singh Bahadur and his followers occupied many areas of Punjab within a short time and established the Sikh Rule.

The following factors can be attributed to his initial success :

1. The unbearable atrocities of the Mughals: The Mughal rulers of different parts of Punjab were sworn enemies of the Sikhs. They committed unending atrocities on them. The most hateful personality was Wazir Khan of Sirhind. He had bricked alive in wall two younger sons of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. They were Sahibzada Zorawar Singh Ji and Sahibzada Fateh Singh Ji. He was also responsible for the mortyrdom of Sahibzada Ajit Singh Ji and Sahibzada Jujhar Singh Ji, two other sons of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. They were martyred in the Battle of Chamkaur Sahib. Gul Khan was hired by Wazir Khan and he fatally wounded Guru Gobind Singh at Nanded. All these factors made the Sikhs unite against Wazir Khan under the supreme command of Banda Singh Bahadur.

2. The Hukamnamas of Guru Gobind Singh Ji: Guru Gobind Singh Ji had despatched some Hukamnamas for Sikhs through Banda Singh Bahadur. Through these Hukamnamas or edicts, the Great Guru Sahib had appealed to the Sikhs to fight religious wars against the Mughals. The Sikhs obeyed these orders in letter and spirit and their unbounded co-operation became a major factor for the military success of Banda Singh Bahadur.

3. Inefficient Successors of Aurangzeb : After the death of Aurangzeb in 1707 A.D., there was war of succession among his sons. Prince Muazzam, who assumed the royal title of Bahadur Shah could not pay the needed attention to Punjab. He had to face chaos or disorder in his kingdom. After his death in 1712 A.D., once again the war of succession was fought. Jahandar Shah, became the next Mughal emperor. His illicit relations with a prostitute and lack of administrative capabilities wrecked the threads of the kingdom. So, Banda Singh Bahadur could achieve success after success in Punjab.

4. Praiseworthy Administration of Banda Singh Bahadur : Banda Singh Bahadur was gifted with a good deal of administrative ability. The places conquered by him were efficiently administered. Highly able aqd honest officials were given top-ranking administrative jobs. The down-trodden, but deserving people were made to come forward to manage the administrative set up. The aim of ‘Land to the tillers’ was fulfilled with the abolition of Zamindari System. Moreover, impartial justice was given to one and all.

5. Banda Singh Bahadur’s Early Exploits were against petty local Mughal Officials: With the exception of Sirhind, Banda’s early military exploits were directed against petty and weak Mughal officials, who were no match .for his forces. The local inhabitants were fed up with the atrocities of these Mughal officials and readily co-operated with Banda Singh Bahadur in order to get rid of them. The central polity of the Govt, could not provide any help to these petty Mughal officials. That naturally led to military success of Banda Singh Bahadur and his forces.

6. Efficient leadership of Banda Singh Bahadur : Banda Singh Bahadur was an intrepid and efficient military commander. He was an expert in the art of warfare and the soldiers under him were made to fight with religious fervour. He led his forces boldly. He also received co-operation from gallant or brave warriors like Baj Singh, Binod Singh, Fateh Singh and Kahan Singh.

2. Causes of Banda Singh Bahadur’s Ultimate Failure:

1. Strength of the Mughal Empire : Banda Singh Bahadur had limited resources. Compared with the Mughals, the number of his soldiers was also very small. Besides plundering, he had no other source of income. Under such conditions, it plundering was quite impossible for Banda Singh Bahadur to crush the mighty Mughal empire.

2. Lack of Organisation among the Sikhs : The Sikh soldiers lacked organisation and discipline. They did not fight according to a set plan. Banda Singh Bahadur could not organise and discipline these soldiers. As a result, it was not surprising that such soldiers could not succeed.

3. Violation of Instructions by Banda Singh Bahadur: Before Banda Singh Bahadur proceeded to Punjab, Guru Gobind Singh Ji had given him some instructions. For sometime Banda Singh Bahadur followed these instructions faithfully, but then he began to deviate from them. Against the advice of Guru Sahib, he had married and started living a luxurious life. His victories and power had made him haughty. Besides, he tried to bring about changes in Sikhism. For example, in place of Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh, he introduced the word ‘Fateh Darshan’ and ‘Fateh Dharam’. As a result, several devotees of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, turned against him.

4. Measures of Farrukh Siyar against the Sikhs: In 1713 A.D., Farrukh Siyar became the new emperor of the Mughals. He was a very cruel and merciless ruler. He could not tolerate the growing strength of the Sikhs under Banda Singh Bahadur. In order to crush the power of the Sikhs, he-appointed Abdus Samad Khan, Subedar (Governor) of Lahore. Abdus Samad Khan spared no effort to crush the power of the Sikhs. Finally, he succeeded in arresting Banda Singh Bahadur and his fellows.

5. Surprise attack on the Sikhs at Gurdas Nangal: Abdus Samad Khan made a sudden attack on Banda Singh Bahadur in April 1715 A.D. Banda Singh Bahadur and his fellow Sikhs were besieged in the ‘haveli’ of Duni Chand. It was not easy to resist the Mughals for a long time. Despite these hardships, Banda Singh Bahadur sustained the resistance for eight months, but finally gave in.

6. Differences between Banda Singh Bahadur and Binod Singh: Differences cropped up between Banda Singh Bahadur and Binod Singh during the battle of Gurdas Nangal. Binod Singh was in favour of running away from there. Banda Singh Bahadur was not prepared for it. He wanted to offer resistance for some more time. Owing to these differences, Binod Singh with his companions fled from the place. Consequently, Banda Singh Bahadur had to face defeat in the end.

Question 5.
What were the reasons for the failure of Banda Singh Bahadur?

1. Causes of Banda Singh Bahadur’s Early Success:

After the death of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, Banda Singh Bahadur, successfully and devotedly led the Sikhs to the path of glory in an admirable manner. The Sikhs welcomed and followed him because of the Hukamnamas of Guru Gobind Singh Ji and gathered under his flag in large numbers. Banda Singh Bahadur and his followers occupied many areas of Punjab within a short time and established the Sikh Rule.

The following factors can be attributed to his initial success :

1. The unbearable atrocities of the Mughals: The Mughal rulers of different parts of Punjab have sworn enemies of the Sikhs. They committed unending atrocities on them. The most hateful personality was Wazir Khan of Sirhind. He had bricked alive in wall two younger sons of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. They were Sahibzada Zorawar Singh Ji and Sahibzada Fateh Singh Ji. He was also responsible for the martyrdom of Sahibzada Ajit Singh Ji and Sahibzada Jujhar Singh Ji, two other sons of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. They were martyred in the Battle of Chamkaur Sahib. Gul Khan was hired by Wazir Khan and he fatally wounded Guru Gobind Singh at Nanded. All these factors made the Sikhs unite against Wazir Khan under the supreme command of Banda Singh Bahadur.

2. The Hukamnamas of Guru Gobind Singh Ji: Guru Gobind Singh Ji had despatched some Hukamnamas for Sikhs through Banda Singh Bahadur. Through these Hukamnamas or edicts, the Great Guru Sahib had appealed to the Sikhs to fight religious wars against the Mughals. The Sikhs obeyed these orders in letter and spirit and their unbounded cooperation became a major factor for the military success of Banda Singh Bahadur.

3. Inefficient Successors of Aurangzeb: After the death of Aurangzeb in 1707 A.D., there was a war of succession among his sons. Prince Muazzam, who assumed the royal title of Bahadur Shah could not pay the needed attention to Punjab. He had to face chaos or disorder in his kingdom. After his death in 1712 A.D., once again the war of succession was fought. Jahandar Shah, became the next Mughal emperor. His illicit relations with a prostitute and lack of administrative capabilities wrecked the threads of the kingdom. So, Banda Singh Bahadur could achieve success after success in Punjab.

4. Praiseworthy Administration of Banda Singh Bahadur: Banda Singh Bahadur was gifted with a good deal of administrative ability. The places conquered by him were efficiently administered. Highly able and honest officials were given top-ranking administrative jobs. The down-trodden, but deserving people were made to come forward to manage the administrative set-up. The aim of ‘Land to the tillers’ was fulfilled with the abolition of the Zamindari System. Moreover, impartial justice was given to one and all.

5. Banda Singh Bahadur’s Early Exploits were against petty local Mughal Officials: With the exception of Sirhind, Banda’s early military exploits were directed against petty and weak Mughal officials, who were no match .for his forces. The local inhabitants were fed up with the atrocities of these Mughal officials and readily co-operated with Banda Singh Bahadur in order to get rid of them. The central polity of the Govt, could not provide any help to these petty Mughal officials. That naturally led to the military success of Banda Singh Bahadur and his forces.

6. Efficient leadership of Banda Singh Bahadur: Banda Singh Bahadur was an intrepid and efficient military commander. He was an expert in the art of warfare and the soldiers under him were made to fight with religious fervour. He led his forces boldly. He also received co-operation from gallant or brave warriors like Baj Singh, Binod Singh, Fateh Singh and Kahan Singh.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 11 Banda Singh Bahadur

Question 6.
What are the causes of the ultimate failure of Banda Singh Bahadur? What was his objective?

2. Causes of Banda Singh Bahadur’s Ultimate Failure:

1. Strength of the Mughal Empire: Banda Singh Bahadur had limited resources. Compared with the Mughals, the number of his soldiers was also very small. Besides plundering, he had no other source of income. Under such conditions, it plundering was quite impossible for Banda Singh Bahadur to crush the mighty Mughal empire.

2. Lack of Organisation among the Sikhs: The Sikh soldiers lacked organisation and discipline. They did not fight according to a set plan. Banda Singh Bahadur could not organise and discipline these soldiers. As a result, it was not surprising that such soldiers could not succeed.

3. Violation of Instructions by Banda Singh Bahadur: Before Banda Singh Bahadur proceeded to Punjab, Guru Gobind Singh Ji had given him some instructions. For some time Banda Singh Bahadur followed these instructions faithfully, but then he began to deviate from them. Against the advice of Guru Sahib, he had married and started living a luxurious life. His victories and power had made him haughty. Besides, he tried to bring about changes in Sikhism. For example, in place of Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh, he introduced the word ‘Fateh Darshan’ and ‘Fateh Dharam’. As a result, several devotees of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, turned against him.

4. Measures of Farrukh Siyar against the Sikhs: In 1713 A.D., Farrukh Siyar became the new emperor of the Mughals. He was a very cruel and merciless ruler. He could not tolerate the growing strength of the Sikhs under Banda Singh Bahadur. In order to crush the power of the Sikhs, he-appointed Abdus Samad Khan, Subedar (Governor) of Lahore. Abdus Samad Khan spared no effort to crush the power of the Sikhs. Finally, he succeeded in arresting Banda Singh Bahadur and his fellows.

5. Surprise attack on the Sikhs at Gurdas Nangal: Abdus Samad Khan made a sudden attack on Banda Singh Bahadur in April 1715 A.D. Banda Singh Bahadur and his fellow Sikhs were besieged in the ‘haveli’ of Duni Chand. It was not easy to resist the Mughals for a long time. Despite these hardships, Banda Singh Bahadur sustained the resistance for eight months, but finally gave in.

6. Differences between Banda Singh Bahadur and Binod Singh: Differences cropped up between Banda Singh Bahadur and Binod Singh during the battle of Gurdas Nangal. Binod Singh was in favour of running away from there. Banda Singh Bahadur was not prepared for it. He wanted to offer resistance for some more time. Owing to these differences, Binod Singh with his companions fled from the place. Consequently, Banda Singh Bahadur had to face defeat in the end.

Question 7.
Form an estimate of the character and achievements of Banda Singh Bahadur.
Describe in detail the achievements of Banda Singh Bahadur.
Assess the character and achievements of Banda Singh Bahadur. Was he a ruthless blood-sucker?
Banda Singh Bahadur possessed a multi-faceted personality. He was a great warrior, an able general, an efficient administrator, tolerant, a true disciple of Sikh religion, a well-wisher of the poor, an opponent of injustice and a man of noble principles. His character proved a source of great inspiration for the coming generations.

1. As a Man:

1. Physical Appearance: Banda Singh Bahadur’s had a very charming personality. He had a thin body, medium height and wheatish complexion. In reality, Banda Singh Bahadur’s personality was so impressive that even his enemies could not help being influenced.

2. Brave and Bold: Banda Singh Bahadur was very brave and bold. Banda Singh Bahadur did not lose heart in adversity. When he was besieged in the fort of Lohgarh, he pierced through the Mughal army, but none could dare lay hands on him. He gave evidence of his unique courage in the battle of Gurdas Nangal. Hundreds of such examples can be cited from the life of Belinda Singh Bahadur.

3. A true follower of Sikhism: Banda Singh Bahadur was a deeply religious man. He had firm faith in the Sikh religion. He issued coins and mohUrs in the name of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

4. Tolerant: Although Banda Singh Bahadur was a devout Sikh, he was tolerant towards other religions. He committed no oppression on others to propagate his religion. His fight was against the Mughal tyrants, but not against the Muslims. He had recruited many Muslims in his army. They enjoyed full religious freedom. It is the most obvious proof of his tolerance.

5. High Character: Banda Singh Bahadur was a man of high character. He led a very simple and pious life. He had never made use of meat, wine and other intoxicants. He had great respect for women. He had instructed the Sikhs not to misbehave with women during the battles. Even the women of the enemies were fully respected. It was proof of the fact that Banda Singh Bahadur was a man of high character.

2. As a Warrior and General:

Banda Singh Bahadur was a great warrior and an eminent General. Compared with the Mughals, Banda Singh Bahadur’s resources were limited, but by virtue of his ability he got on the nerves of Mughal forces for 7-8 years. He won glorious victories in almost all the battles that he fought. In the battle-field, he would very promptly assess the situation and take quick decision accordingly. He was a great strategist. If at a point, he realized that the number of enemy forces was stronger, he would not think it below dignity to withdraw. He would start a battle only, when he was sure of his victory. He would invariably attack at the weak point of the enemy in order to ensure his victory.

He would fight in the open or from the hills and forests according to the need of the situation. In fact, these war strategies had made him a top-class General. The famous historian S.S. Gandhi is quite apt when he says, “He was a warrior and General of the highest order.”

3. As an Administrator:

Banda Singh Bahadur was an able administrator. He had set up an efficient administration in the areas conquered by him. He dismissed Muslim officers because they had become very cruel and corrupt. In their places were appointed able Hindus and Sikhs He also appointed the low-caste people to high posts in his administration. Banda Singh Bahadur did a wonderful job of abolishing the Zamindari system. Thus, the tillers became landowners. Banda Singh Bahadur was also known for his impartial and prompt justice. While dispensing justice, he never discriminated between the high and the low. Harbans Singh aptly says, “Banda Singh’s rule, though short-lived, had a far-reaching impact on tile history of the Punjab.”

4. As an Organiser:

Banda Singh Bahadur was a great organiser. At the time, when he came from Nanded to Punjab, he had only 25 Sikhs with him, but soon he mobilised thousands of Sikhs under his banner. He infused a new spirit into them and prepared them to face the powerful Mughal empire. It was with the help of these Sikhs that Banda Singh Bahadur was able to shake the mighty Mughal empire to its very foundations. Moreover under the able leadership of Banda Singh Bahadur, these Sikhs were prepared to sacrifice their every thing. Consequently, Banda Singh Bahadur succeeded in establishing an independent Sikh State in Punjab.

5. Banda Singh Bahadur’s Place in History:

Banda Singh Bahadur occupies an important place in the history of Punjab. He was able to shake the foundations of the mighty Mughal empire in a short period of 7-8 years. It was indeed his remarkable achievement. The notion that the Mughals were invincible was proved wrong by Banda Singh Bahadur. He infused a new spirit among the Sikhs to achieve independence. The spark of independence ignited by him, took the shape of conflagration, which enveloped the Mughal empire and reduced it to ashes. By abolishing the Zamindari system, he took a very revolutionary step.

He set up an example by appointing the poor and the destitute to the highest positions in the territories under his rule. Undoubtedly, the character and achievements of Banda Singh Bahadur were great. Dr. Raj Pal Singh aptly says, “No doubt, Banda Singh Bahadur emerges as one of the most outstanding leaders that produced in the eighteenth century. In fact, his name has come to symbolize freedom, dedication and sacrifice.” Dr. G.S. Deol aptly writes, “Banda Singh Bahadur occupies a significant place in the history of the Punjab of the 18th century.”

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 11 Banda Singh Bahadur

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
What was Banda Singh Bahadur’s childhood name? Why did he become a Bairagi?
Give a brief account of the early life of Banda Singh Bahadur.
Describe briefly the early life of Banda Singh Bahadur.
The name of Banda Singh Bahadur in his childhood was Lachhman Dev. He was very fond of hunting right from his childhood. One day he shot at a she-deer who was pregnant. When Lachhman Dev cut open its belly, two offsprings also died after writhing for some time. This heart moving scene left a deep impact on Lachhman Dev’s mind. Impressed by the personality of a Janki Prasad, Lachhman Dev became a Bairagi.

Question 2.
Who was Banda Bairagi? How did he become a Sikh?
Banda Singh Bahadur, whose first name was Lachhman Dev was a resident of Rajouri village in district Poonch of Kashmir. His heart was moved when he hunted down a pregnant she-deer. As a result, he became a bairagi. He changed his name from Lachhman Dev to Madho Das. It was Nanded that Madho Das met Guru Gobind Singh Ji in 1708 A.D. He was so much impressed by the personality of Guru Gobind Singh Ji that he became a Sikh.

Question 3.
What action and orders were given to Banda Singh Bahadur by Guru Gohind Singh Ji before sending him to Punjab?
Before sending Banda Singh Bahadur to Punjab, Guru Sahib gave him a sword, five arrows, 5 Pyaras and 20 other brave Sikhs for his help. Besides this, Guru Sahib issued some Hukamnamas (orders) to the Sikhs of Punjab. Guru Gobind Singh Ji also advised Banda Singh Bahadur to follow :

  • Not to approach a woman, but lead a life of chastity,
  • Always, speak the truth,
  • Regard yourself as a servant of the Khalsa.
  • Not to found any sect of your own.
  • Never let victories elate you.

Question 4.
How did Banda Singh Bahadur establish the Sikh State?
Guru Gobind Singh Ji ordered Banda Singh Bahadur to lead the Sikhs in Punjab against the Mughals. When Banda Singh Bahadur came to Punjab, the Sikhs extended him their full cooperation. He soon conquered Sonipat, Kaithal, Samana, Kapuri and Sahara. The conquest of Sirhind in 1710 A.D. was a great success for Banda Singh Bahadur. He made Lohgarh his capital. He issued new coins and established an independent Sikh State.

Question 5.
Give a brief account of any three important conquests of Banda Singh Bahadur.
Describe any three major military achievements of Banda Singh Bahadur.

  • Banda Singh Bahadur’s conquests started in 1709 A.D. from Sonipat which he conquered easily.
  • He attacked Samana in 1709 A.D. and massacred 10 thousand Muslims.
  • He attacked Kapuri and slew Qadam-ud-Din.
  • The ruler of Sadhaura was also notorious for his cruelties. Banda Singh Bahadur put to death a large number of Muslims in cold blood.
  • To teach a lesson to Wazir Khan, Banada Singh Bahadur attacked his army at Chapparchiri on May 22, 1710 A.D and gave them a crushing defeat.

Question 6.
Write a short note on the conquest of Sadhaura by Banda Singh Bahadur.
The ruler of Sadhaura, Usman Khan, was notorious for his cruelties. There was hardly a Hindu woman whose honour had not been attacked by his lust. Moreover, he never allowed the Hindus to celebrate their festivals. Cows were slaughtered in front of the Hindu houses. Banda Singh Bahadur launched a vigorous attack on Sadhaura. Banda Singh Bahadur put to the sword such a large number of Muslims that the place came to be known as Qatalgarhi.

Question 7.
Describe the conquest of Sirhind.
Write briefly about the battle of Sirhind.
Write a short note on conquest of Sirhindby Banda Singh Bahadur.
Describe Banda Singh Bahadur’s conquest of Sirhind. Why was this battle significant for the Sikhs?
Give an account of the battle of Chapparchiri.
There was a great resentment among the Sikhs. They wanted to take revenge on Wazir Khan for bricking alive in the wall the younger Sahibzadas of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. So Banda Singh Bahadur, attacked Wazir Khan at Chapparchiri on May 22,1710 AD. It was a bloody battle. The Sikhs slew Wazir Khan, hung his body on a tree upside down and left it at the mercy of crows and vultures. The whole city was mercilessly plundered and Sirhind was taken under control. This conquest boosted the morale of the Sikhs.

Question 8.
Write a short note on the battle of Lohgarh by Banda Singh Bahadur.
The increasing power of Banda Singh Bahadur was a challenge for the Mughals. Therefore, the Mughal emperor Bahadur Shah decided to crush the power of Banda Singh Bahadur. So, he sent a big force of sixty thousand soldiers to Punjab under General Munim Khan. This force suddenly attacked Banda Singh Bahadur’s capital Lohgarh on 10th December 1710 A.D. In the event of provisions running short it was not possible for the Sikhs to sustain the resistance for long. He succeeded in escaping in disguise.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 11 Banda Singh Bahadur

Question 9.
Write a brief note on the battle of Gurdas Nangal.
Abdus-Samad-Khan besieged Banda Singh Bahadur at Gurdas Nangal in April 1715 A.D. This siege continued for eight months. Gradually provisions ran out and the condition of the Sikhs grew critical. At this juncture, Baba Binod Singh advised Banda Singh Bahadur to escape from the haveli but Banda Singh Bahadur refused to do so. So, Binod Singh escaped from the haveli with his companions. At last Banda Singh Bahadur had to give in on December 7, 1715 A.D.

Question 10.
When, where and how was Banda Singh Bahadur martyred?
In February 1716 AD. Banda Singh Bahadur and 740 Sikhs were sent to Delhi. In Delhi, a big procession of the Sikh prisoners was taken out. On June 9, 1716 came the turn of Banda Singh Bahadur. He was offered the usual choice between Islam and death. But he refused to abjure his faith. Then his young son, Ajay Singh, only four years old, was hacked to pieces before his eyes. Thereafter, Banda Singh Bahadur was hacked to pieces limb by limb. The martyrdom of Banda Singh Bahadur infused a new confidence among the Sikhs.

Question 11.
Mention the causes of early success of Banda Singh Bahadur.
What were the main causes of early success of Banda Singh Bahadur?
Write any three causes of early success of Banda Singh Bahadur.

  • The people of Punjab were infuriated by the great atrocities of the Mughal rulers on Guru Gobind Singh Ji and his Sikhs.
  • The Hukumnamas issued by Guru Gobind Singh Ji appealed to the Sikhs of Punjab so they gave every support to Banda Singh Bahadur.
  • The successors of Aurangzeb were incompetent. Therefore, they could not pay attention to the rising power of the Sikhs.
  • Banda Singh Bahadur got the support of many Sikh Sardars.
  • Banda Singh Bahadur’s efficient administration also went a long way in bringing him success.

Question 12.
What were the causes of final failure of Banda Singh Bahadur?
Mention the causes of ultimate failure of Banda Singh Bahadur.
Write any three causes of the failure of Banda Singh Bahadur.
Give any three causes of failure of Banda Singh Bahadur.

  • Banda Singh Bahadur’s had to face Mughal empire which was very powerful at that time,
  • Banda Singh Bahadur violated the instructions given by Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
  • The Hindu chiefs and feudal lords of the Punjab also sided with the Mughal government against the Sikhs,
  • Abdus Samad Khan, the Governor of Punjab, left no stone unturned in crushing the Sikh power.

Question 13.
Describe the main traits of Banda Singh Bahadur’s personality.

  • Banda Singh Bahadur was very daring and fearless. He was never unnerved in the face of heavy odds,
  • He was a true follower of Sikhism. He issued coins in the name of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
  • Banda Singh Bahadur was a great army commander. Despite his limited resources, he kept the Mughal rulers on tenterhooks,
  • Banda Singh Bahadur was also an able administrator. He provided good administration in the conquered areas.

Question 14.
Describe briefly the achievements of Banda Singh Bahadur as a warrior and general.
Explain the main contributions of Banda Singh Bahadur as a brave warrior and great military organiser.
Banda Singh Bahadur was a great warrior and a top-class army commander. He had meagre resources in comparison to those of the Mughals, still, he kept the Mughals on tenterhooks for 7-8 years through his sheer ability. He got glorious success in almost all the battles he fought. He quickly accessed the situation in the battlefield and made quick decisions. He was an expert in making moves in battles. He used to initiate the battle only when he was confident of success.

Question 15.
Write briefly about Banda Singh Bahadur’s achievements as an administrator.
Banda Singh Bahadur was an able administrator. He provided sound administration in the regions that he had conquered. He shunted out the corrupt officials and appointed honest and worthy officials in their places. He appointed the poor and low-caste people to high posts and gave them the much-needed respect. Banda Singh Bahadur did an admirable thing in abolishing the Zamindari system.

Question 16.
What is the place of Banda Singh Bahadur in the History of Punjab?
What is the main contribution of Banda Singh Bahadur to Sikhs?
Undoubtedly, Banda Singh Bahadur occupies a prominent place in the History of Punjab. He was the first man who laid the foundation of the political sovereignty of the Sikhs. He taught the Punjabis the lesson to do or die in order to resist tyrannies. In a short span of 7-8 years, he succeeded in shaking the very roots of the mighty Mughal empire. The spark of independence ignited by him continued flickering and which ultimately reduced the great Mughal empire to ashes.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 11 Banda Singh Bahadur

Objective Type Questions:

Question 1.
When was Banda Singh Bahadur born?
October 27, 1670 A.D.

Question 2.
Where was Banda Singh Bahadur born?

Question 3.
What was the real name of Banda Singh Bahadur?
Lachhman Dev.

Question 4.
What was the name of the father of Banda Singh Bahadur?
Ram Dev.

Question 5.
What name did Banda Singh Bahadur adopt after becoming Bairagi?
Madho Das.

Question 6.
Why did Banda Singh Bahadur become Bairagi (ascetic)?
Narrate the event in the early life of Banda Singh Bahadur on account of which he became a Bairagi.
Banda Singh Bahadur had hunted a pregnant she-deer.

Question 7.
Where did Banda Singh Bahadur meet Guru Gobind Singh Ji?
At Nanded.

Question 8.
Who gave the name of Banda Singh Bahadur to Madho Das?
Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Question 9.
When did Banda Singh Bahadur start his military exploits?
1709 A.D.

Question 10.
From where did Banda Singh Bahadur start his military exploits?

Question 11.
Which was the first important conquest of Banda Singh Bahadur?

Question 12.
Why did Banda Singh Bahadur attack Sadhaura?
Because the ruler of Sadhaura Usman Khan was known for his acts of tyranny.

Question 13.
Which was the most important conquest of Banda Singh Bahadur?

Question 14.
When was Sirhind conquerred by Banda Singh Bahadur?
May 22, 1710 A.D.

Question 15.
Why did Banda Singh Bahadur attack Sirhind?
Because the Faujdar of Sirhind was the enemy of the Sikhs.

Question 16.
Who was defeated by Banda Singh Bahadur in the battle of Sirhind?
Wazir Khan,

Question 17.
Who was Wazir Khan?
Faujdar of Sirhind.

Question 18.
Name the capital of Banda Singh Bahadur.

Question 19.
Which princess did Banda Singh Bahadur marry?
Princess of Chamba.

Question 20.
What was the name of Banda Singh Bahadur’s son?
Ajai Singh.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 11 Banda Singh Bahadur

Question 21.
Which was the last battle fought between Banda Singh Bahadur and the Mughals?
Gurdas Nangal.

Question 22.
Who was the Chief Commander of the Mughal forces in the last battle between Banda Singh Bahadur and the Mughals?
Abdus Samad Khan.

Question 23.
When was the battle of Gurdas Nangal fought?
1715 A.D.

Question 24.
When was Banda Singh Bahadur martyred?
June 9, 1716 A.D.

Question 25.
Where was Banda Singh Bahadur martyred?

Question 26.
Who was the Mughal emperor at the time of martyrdom of Banda Singh Bahadur?
Farrukh Siyaf.

Question 27.
Mention any one cause for the initial success of Banda Singh Bahadur.
Due to the atrocities of the Mughals, the people of Punjab rebelled under the banner of Banda Singh Bahadur. ”

Question 28.
Mention any one cause for the ultimate failure of Banda Singh Bahadur.
The sources of Banda Singh Bahadur were limited in comparison to those of the Mughals.

Question 29.
In whose names did Banda Singh Bahadur issue coins?
Nanak Shahi and Gobind Shahi.

Question 30.
What was the main contribution of Banda Singh Bahadur to the Sikhs?
Banda Singh Bahadur taught the Sikhs the lesson of political independence.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 11 Banda Singh Bahadur

Fill in the blanks:

1. Banda Singh Bahadur was bom in ………………..
1670 A.D.

2. Banda Singh Bahadur was born in ………………. village.

3. The name of the father of Banda Singh Bahadur was …………….
Ram Dev

4. The earlier name of Banda Singh Bahadur was
Lachhman Dev

5. The hunting of a ………………. changed the entire course of his career.
She deer

6. Bairagi Janaki Das changed Lachhman Dev’s name to ……………..
Madho Das

7. In 1708 A.D. Banda Singh Bahadur met Guru Gobind Singh Ji at ………………

8. Guru Gobind Singh Ji gave Madho Das, the name …………………..
Banda Singh Bahadur

9. Banda Singh Bahadur started his military exploits from ……………..

10. Banda Singh Bahadur won Sonepat in ………………
1709 A.D.

11. Banda Singh Bahadur gave a crushing defeat to ruler of Sadhaura, ……………..
Usman Khan

12. ……………….. was the Faujdar of Sirhind at the time of Banda Singh Bahadur.
Wazir Khan

13. Banda Singh Bahadur appointed ……………… as the ruler of Sirhind.
Baaz Singh

14. The name of the Capital of Banda Singh Bahadur was ………………..

15. The Battle of Gurdas Nangal was fought in ………………
1715 A.D.

16. Banda Singh Bahadur was martyred at ……………..

17. Banda Singh Bahadur was martyred in ………………
1716 A.D.

18. The first coins of Sikhism were issued by ……………..
Banda Singh Bahadur

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 11 Banda Singh Bahadur

True or False:

1. Banda Singh Bahadur was born on 27 October, 1670 A.D.

2. Banda Singh Bahudur was born at Rajauri.

3. Lachhman Dev was the name of the father of Banda Singh Bahadur.

4. The childhood name of Banda Singh Bahadur was Ramdev.

5. Janaki Parsad, a Bairagi changed the name of Lachman Dev to Madho Das.

6. Guru Gobind Singh Ji met Banda Bahadur in Delhi.

7. Banda Singh Bahadur started his military exploits in 1709 AD from Sonepat.

8. Banda Singh Bahadur defeated Qadam-ud-din at Kapuri.

9. Banda Singh Bahadur defeated Usman Khan, ruler of Sadhaura.

10. Banda Singh Bahadur conquered Sirhind in 1710 A.D.

11. The most important victory of Banda Singh Bahadur was that of Ropar.

12. Wazir Khan was the Faujdar of Sirhind at the time of Banda Singh Bahadur.

13. Banda Singh Bahadur made Lohgarh his capital.

14. The battle of Gurdas-Nangal was fought in 1715 A.D.

15. Banda Singh Bahadur was martyred in 1716 A.D.

16. Banda Singh Bahadur was martyred at Lahore.

17. Banda Singh Bahadur was the first ruler of Punjab to issue Sikh coins.

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. When was Banda Singh Bahadur born?
(a) In 1625 A.D.
(b) In 1660 A.D.
(c) In 1670 A.D.
(d) In 1675 A.D.
(c) In 1670 A.D.

2. Where was Banda Singh Bahadur born?
(a) Rajgarh
(b) Rajouri
(c) Sadhaura
(d) Nanded.
(b) Rajouri

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 11 Banda Singh Bahadur

3. What was the original name of Banda Singh Bahadur?
(a) Lachhman Dev
(b) Ram Dev
(c) Madho Das
(d) Garib Das.
(a) Lachhman Dev

4. What was the name of the father of Banda Singh Bahadur?
(a) Nam Dev
(b) Ram Dev
(c) Seh Dev
(d) Lachhman Dev
(b) Ram Dev

5. Why did Banda Singh Bahadur become Bairagi?
(a) For hunting a pregnant she-deer
(b) For hunting a pregnant lioness
(c) For hunting a pregnant she-elephant
(d) None of these.
(a) For hunting a pregnant she-deer

6. What name did Banda Singh Bahadur adopt after becoming a Bairagi?
(a) Lachhman Das
(b) Ram Dev
(c) Janki Parsad
(d) Madho Das
(d) Madho Das

7. Where did Banda Singh Bahadur meet Guru Gobind Singh Ji?
(a) Sri Anandpur Sahib
(b) Amritsar
(c) Goindwal Sahib
(d) Nanded
(d) Nanded

8. Why did Guru Gobind Singh Ji send Banda Singh Bahadur to Punjab?
(a) To establish Sikh rule.
(b) To take revenge on the Mughals for their tyranny
(c) To take revenge on the Afghans for their tyranny
(d) All of the above.
(b) To take revenge on the Mughals for their tyranny

9. When did Banda Singh Bahadur start his military exploits?
(a) In 1708 A.D.
(b) In 1709 A.D.
(c) In 1710 A.D.
(d) In 1713 A.D.
(b) In 1709 A.D.

10. From where did Banda Singh Bahadur start his military exploits?
(a) Panipat
(b) Sonipat
(c) Samana
(d) Kapuri
(b) Sonipat

11. Which ruler of Sadhaura was defeated by Banda Singh Bahadur?
(a) Rehmat Khan
(b) Zakariya Khan
(c) Usman Khan
(d) Wazir Khan
(c) Usman Khan

12. Which was the most important victory (conquest) of Banda Singh Bahadur?
(a) Sadhaura
(b) Lohgarh
(c) Ropar
(d) Sirhind
(d) Sirhind

13. Who was the Faujdar of Sirhind at the time of Banda Singh Bahadur?
(a) Wazir Khan
(b) Nazeeb Khan
(c) Mir Mannu
(d) Zakariya Khan
(a) Wazir Khan

14. When did Banda Singh Bahadur conquer Sirhind?
(a) In 1708 A.D.
(b) 1709 A.D.
(c) In 1710 A.D.
(d) 1712 A.D.
(c) In 1710 A.D.

15. What was the name of the capital of Banda Singh Bahadur?
(a) Lohgarh
(b) Gurdas Nangal
(c) Amritsar
(d) Kalanaur
(a) Lohgarh

16. Princess of which state did Banda Singh Bahadur marry?
(a) Bilaspur
(b) Chamba
(c) Mandi
(d) Kulu.
(b) Chamba

17. What was the name of Banda Singh Bahadur’s son?
(a) Ajai Singh
(b) Abay Singh
(c) Daya Singh
(d) Binod Singh.
(a) Ajai Singh

18. When was the battle of Gurdas Nangal fought?
(a) 1709 A.D.
(b) 1710 A.D.
(c) 1712 A.D.
(d) 1715 A.D.
(d) 1715 A.D.

19. Where was Banda Singh Bahadur martyred?
(a) Delhi
(b) Lahore
(c) Multan
(d) Amritsar
(a) Delhi

20. When was Banda Singh Bahadur martyred?
(a) 1714 A.D.
(b) 1715 A.D.
(c) 1716 A.D.
(d) 1718 A.D.
(c) 1716 A.D.

21. Which Mughal King ordered to martyr Banda Singh Bahadur?
(a) Aurangzeb
(b) Bahadur Shah
(c) Jahandar Shah
(d) Farrukh Siyar
(d) Farrukh Siyar

22. What was the cause of initial (earlier) success of Banda Singh Bahadur?
(a) Good leadership of Banda Singh Bahadur
(b) Hukamnamas of Guru Gobind Singh Ji
(c) Incompetent successors of Aurangzeb
(d) All of the above
(d) All of the above

23. What was the cause of the ultimate failure of Banda Singh Bahadur?
(a) Strong (powerful) rule of the Mughals
(b) Sudden attack on Gurdas Nangal
(c) Differences between Banda Singh Bahadur and Baba Binod Singh
(d) All of the above
(d) All of the above

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 5 Development of Sikhism Under Guru Angad DevJi, Guru Amar Das Ji and Guru Ram Das Ji

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class History Book Solutions Chapter 5 Development of Sikhism Under Guru Angad DevJi, Guru Amar Das Ji and Guru Ram Das Ji Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 History Chapter 5 Development of Sikhism Under Guru Angad DevJi, Guru Amar Das Ji and Guru Ram Das Ji

Long Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
What was Guru Angad Dev Ji’s contribution to the development of Sikhism?
What did Guru Angad Dev Ji do for the development of Sikh Panth?
Write five achievements of Guru Angad Dev Ji for the development of Sikhism.
1. Popularisation of Gurmukhi: Guru Angad Dev Ji’s first significant effort for the development of Sikhism was the popularisation of Gurmukhi script. Guru Angad Dev Ji improved and polished it. Now it became very easy even for common people to understand it. This script was also instrumental in rapid spread of education among the Sikhs.

2. Expansion of Langar System: Langar system was introduced by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Guru Angad Dev Ji expanded it. In his time, the langar was managed by his wife Mata Khivi Ji. All people ate food in Langar collectively without any „ consideration of sex, caste or creed. Money for the Langar was given by the Sikhs to the Guru. This institution strengthened feelings of co-operation and fraternity among the Sikhs.

3. Organisation of Sangat: Guru Angad Dev Ji organised institution of Sangat more effectively founded by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. The ‘Sangat’ means ‘sitting together collectively’. All people (male or female) could take part in it. The Sangat was considered to be a replica of God. The Sangat met every morning and evening to listen to the Bani (hymn) of the Guru. This institution helped a lot in the success of Sikh missionary work.

4. Denunciation of the Udasi Sect: Udasi sect was founded by Baba Sri Chand Ji, the elder son of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. This sect laid emphasis on ‘Sanyas’ or renunciation. Many people began to join the Udasi sect. Thus, the Udasi sect posed a formidable challenge to Sikhism. Therefore, Guru Angad Dev Ji made it clear in unequivocal terms that Sikhism was essentially a religion of householders and no true Sikh could be an Udasi. Thus, Guru Angad Dev Ji succeeded in preserving the purity and originality of Sikh religion.

5. Foundation of Goindwal Sahib: Guru Angad Dev Ji founded a new town named Goindwal Sahib near Khadur Sahib and thus accomplished another very significant step for the development of Sikhism. The town began to be built in 1546 A.D. Guru Angad Dev Ji made one of his devoted followers Amar Das fully responsible for this project. This town soon became a place of pilgrimage for the Sikhs.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 5 Development of Sikhism Under Guru Angad DevJi, Guru Amar Das Ji and Guru Ram Das Ji

Question 2.
What contribution was made by Guru Angad Dev Ji to improve Gurmukhi script?
Guru Angad Dev Ji took the first important step towards the consolidation of Sikhism by popularising the Gurmukhi script. Although Gurmukhi script had come into being well before Guru Angad Dev Ji anybody could get confused by reading it. So Guru Angad Dev Ji made requisite improvements in this script and gave it a new look. As a result, it became easy for people to understand it. All the Sikh scriptures were subsequently written in this script.

As this script became popular, the Brahman class suffered a major setback because they considered Sanskrit as the only language of religion. The popularity of Gurmukhi proved helpful in the spread of Sikhism.’ This script reminds the Sikhs of their duty towards Guru. This script also proved very helpful in the spread of education among the Sikhs. Besides, a separate identity of the Sikhs from Hindus could be established. Undoubtedly the spread of the Gurmukhi script gave a new impetus to the development of Sikhism.

Question 3.
Write a short note on the importance of Sangat and Pangat.
What do you know about Sangat?
What do you mean by Pangat or Langar?
1. Sangat: Sangat means a congregation of the Sikhs. This Sangat gathered in the morning and evening to listen to the Bani (Hymns) teachings of Guru Ji. This institution of Sangat was established by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Guru Angad Dev Ji developed it further. Any man or woman could join the Sangat without the discrimination of caste, creed, or religion. Sangat was considered as God’s incarnation. Undoubtedly, this institution proved very significant in the development of Sikhism.

2. Pangat: Pangat or Langar was established by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Guru Angad Dev Ji continued it and Guru Amar Das Ji further developed this institution. The Mughal emperor Akbar and the King of Haripur also had partaken Langar before meeting Guru Amar Das Ji. Langar was open for people of all religions and castes. The contribution of Langar was significant for the spread of Sikhism. This institution greatly helped in eradicating the caste system and untouchability in society. As a result of this institution, a feeling of mutual brotherhood developed among the Sikhs.

Question 4.
What problems had Guru Amar Das to face in the early years of his pontificate?
1. Opposition of Dasu and Datu: Soon after Guru Amar Das Ji succeeded to the Guruship, he had to face the opposition from both the sons of Guru Angad Dev Ji, Dasu and Datu. They refused to recognise Guru Amar Das Ji as the Guru. In spite of provocation Guru Amar Das Ji showed utmost tolerance and humbleness.The Sikhs refused to consider them to be their Guru.

2. Opposition of Baba Sri Chand Ji: Baba Sri Chand Ji was the elder son of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and he considered himself to be the rightful successor to Guruship. Baba Sri Chand Ji had many followers. Guru Amar Das Ji showed great wisdom at this occasion. He clarified to the Sikhs that the principles of Udasi sect were totally against the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. The Sikhs were convinced by his reasoning and logic. So, they left Baba Sri Chand Ji.

3. Opposition by the Muslims of Goindwal Sahib: The Muslims of Goindwal Sahib grew jealous of increasing popularity of Guru Amar Das Ji. They began to harass the Sikhs in many ways. They stole the belongings of the Sikhs. They pelted stones at the earthen pitchers in which the Sikhs brought water from the Beas and often broke them. Whenever the Sikhs complained about it to Guru Ji, he advised them to remain calm.

4. Opposition by the Hindus: Many Hindus were joining Sikhism as a result of the social reforms undertaken by Guru Amar Das Ji. Sikhism laid emphasis on social equality. All the people were Served Langar without any discrimination. The Sikhs had got a separate place of pilgrimage with the construction of a Baoli. The high caste Hindus of Goindwal Sahib complained to the Mughal emperor Akbar that Guru Amar Das Ji was propagating against Hinduism. After meeting Bhai jetha, Akbar declared that all charges against Guru Amar Das Ji were baseless.

Question 5.
Give an account of the development of Sikhism under Guru Amar Das Ji.
Write down the five services done by Guru Amar Das Ji for the development of Sikh religion.
Give five contributions of Guru Amar Das Ji for the development of Sikhism.
1. Construction of the Baoli at Goindwal Sahib: The first significant step undertaken by Guru Amar Das Ji for the development of Sikhism was the construction of a Baoli at Goindwal Sahib. The construction work of the Baoli was started in 1552 A.D. and it was completed in 1559 A.D. Eighty-four steps were built to reach the Baoli. The construction of Baoli Sahib gave the Sikhs a place of pilgrimage of their own.

2. Expansion of Langar Institution: Guru Nanak Dev Ji started the institution of Langar. Guru Amar Das Ji expanded it greatly. Guru Amar Das Ji declared that no visitor could meet him unless he had taken the Langar. Mughal emperor Akbar and the ruler of Haripur had partaken the Langar in the Pangat before meeting Guru Amar Das Ji. It was open for people of every religion and caste. The institution of Langar proved much helpful in the propagation of Sikhism. It gave a shattering blow to the caste System.

3. Manji System: The establishment of Manji system was one of the most important works of Guru Amar Das Ji. During his Guruship, the number of the followers of Sikhism had increased considerably. Thus, it became impossible for Guru Amar Das Ji to reach every Sikh. So, he established twenty-two Manjis to convey the message of Sikhism in far off areas.

4. Denunciation of the Udasi Sect: The Udasi sect once again began to gain strength during the time of Guru Amar Das Ji. Many Sikhs were becoming Udasis, as they were impressed by the ascetism of Baba Sri Chand Ji. Guru Amar Das Ji showed considerable courage at this juncture. He left no stone unturned to explain to the Sikhs that Udasi sect was totally different from Sikhism. Thus, Guru Amar Das Ji saved Sikhism from being merged into Hinduism.

5. Social Reforms: Guru Amar Das Ji was a great social reformer. He launched a frontal attack on the caste system and Sati system. Guru Amar Das Ji vigorously opposed child marriage and the purdah systeifl. He was in favour of widow re-marriage. Besides, he introduced new (special) rituals for the Sikhs to be observed on occasions of birth, marriage and death. Thus, Guru Amar Das Ji founded a new society.

Question 6.
What was the importance of the construction of the Baoli of Goindwal Sahib in Sikh History?
The first significant step undertaken by Guru Amar Das for the development of Sikhism was the construction of a Baoli at Goindwal Sahib. The construction work of the Baoli was started in 1552 A.D. and it was completed in 1559 A.D, Guru Ji had two objectives in its construction. First, he wanted to give the Sikhs a separate place of pilgrimage so that they could be separated from the Hindus. Secondly, he wanted to solve the water problem of the people of that place. Eighty four steps were built to reach the Baoli. After its construction was over, Guru Ji declared, “Whoever would attentively and reverently repeat the Japji on every step after a bath in the Baoli would escape from the wandering in the wombs of the 84 lakhs of living creatures.” The construction of Baoli Sahib proved a very important step in the development of Sikhism. It gave the Sikhs a place of pilgrimage of their own.

Question 7.
Describe briefly the social reforms of Guru Amar Das Ji.
Describe five reforms of Sri Guru Amar Das Ji.
Discuss the social reforms introduced by Guru Amar Das Ji.
Why is Guru Amar Das Ji called a social Reformer?
Give an account of the five major social reforms of Guru Amar Das Ji.
1. Denunciation of Caste Distinctions and Untouchabilities: Guru Amar Das Ji condemned the social evils like caste system and untouchability with strong words. He made it compulsory for each visitor to eat food in Langar before Guru’s darshan. He thus spread the message of universal brotherhood of mankind.

2. Denunciation of Female Infanticide: Bu$h of girl child was considered an ill-omen. The girls were mostly killed at the t^e of birth. Guru Amar Das Ji condemned this evil vehemently. He told that person, who kills girl child, is a sinner. He preached to Sikhs to do away with this evil.

3. Denunciation of Child Marriage: In that period, girls were married at a very young age. Thds the life of women was very deplorable. Therefore, Guru Amar Das Ji preached against child marriage.

4. Denunciation of Sati System: The worst evil of that time was Sati system. According to this inhuman system, if husband of any woman died, then she was forced to burn herself with her husband’s pyre. Guru Amar Das Ji raised his powerful voice against this century old system.

5. Denunciation of Purdah System: Purdah system was quite rampacnt at that time. This system was a great hindrance in the physical and mental growth of women. Therefore, Guru Amar Das Ji criticized this system, openly. He forbade the use of purdah.

Question 8.
What was the Manji System? How did it contribute in the development of Sikhism?
What do you know about Manji System?
Write a note on Manji System.
The Manji system played a commendable role in the development of Sikhism. Guru Amar Das Ji was the founder of this important institution. A brief description of the origin and development of the Manji system is as given ahead:

1. Necessity: On account of the great efforts made by Guru Amar Das Ji, people in large numbers embraced Sikhism. Because the number of Sikhs had increased tremendously and they were spread out within and outside Punjab, hence it had become difficult for Guru Ji to personally approach them. Secondly, Guru Amar Das Ji had grown quite old by that time. Due to his growing age, it was difficult for Guru Ji to preach ip distant areas. Hence, Guru Amar Das Ji felt the need to start the Manji system.

2. Meaning of Manji System: While preaching, Guru Amar Das Ji sat on a huge cot. It was called Manja. The other Sikhs either sat on the floor or on mats to listen to his sermons. Guru Ji established 22 Manjis during his lifetime. Their heads were called the Manjidars. These Manjidars in order to show their respect towards Guru Ji used a small cot called Manji. For this reason, this institution came to be known as the Manji system.

3. Functions of the Manjidar: The Manjidar represented the Guru in the area under him. He was responsible for several types of works

  • He worked tirelessly for the propagation of Sikhism.
  • He conveyed the Hukams of Guru Ji to the Sangat.
  • He imparted religious education to the people,
  • He taught Gurmukhi to people,
  • He visited Guru Ji at least once in a year with the Sangat of his region at Goindwal Sahib,

4. Importance of Manji System: The Manji system made a valuable contribution towards the development and organization of Sikhism. This helped in the propagation of Sikhism to distant areas. Due to the influence of the Manjidars, people joined Sikhism in large numbers. It had far-reaching effects. The Manjidars collected money for langar and other works from the Sikhs besides the propagation of religion. Guru Amar Das Ji spent this money for the development of Sikhism. It greatly enhanced the popularity of Sikhism.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 5 Development of Sikhism Under Guru Angad DevJi, Guru Amar Das Ji and Guru Ram Das Ji

Question 9.
What type of relations did Guru Amar Das Ji have with the Mughals?
Explain the relations between Mughal emperor Akbar and Guru Amar Das Ji,
Guru Amar Das Ji had good relations with the Mughals. At that time Akbar was the Mughal ruler of India. As a result of Guru Amar Das Ji’s prayer, Akbar had succeeded in the expedition of Chittor. So Akbar came to Goindwal Sahib to convey his gratitude towards Guru Ji in 1568 A.D. He ate Langar with other people before meeting Guru Ji and complied with the tradition of partaking food in the Langar. He was very impressed by the personality of Guru Ji and the Langar system. He offered a few villages as Jagir for the conduct of Langar. The offer was declined by Guru Ji, In short, Akbar’s visit to Goindwal Sahib not only enhanced the prestige of Guru Amar Das but it also made Sikhism more popular.

Question 10.
Give the five contributions of Guru Ram Das Ji in the development of Sikhism.
Explain the contribution of Guru Ram Das Ji to the growth of Sikhism.
What was the contribution of Guru Ram Das Ji to Sikh religion?
Guru Ram Das Ji retained the Guruship from 1574 to 1581 A.D. Although, his tenure of Guruship was very short, yet he took many significant steps for the organisation and development of Sikhism.

1. Foundation of Ramdaspura: The most important contribution of Guru Ram Das Ji towards the Sikh Panth was the foundation of Ramdaspura or Amritsar. After assuming the Guruship, he himself settled here. In 1577 A.D. he founded Ramdaspura. He settled fifty two other traders, belonging to different trades, at this place in order to make it popular and attract people. The market formed by these traders came to be known as ‘Guru Ka Bazaar’. The foundation of Amritsar Occupies an important place in the history of Sikhism.

2. Introduction of Masand System: Guru Ram Das Ji had started the digging work of two Sarovars (Amritsar and Santokhsar) at Ramdaspura. He needed money to complete this work. So, he sent his representatives to different places to collect money from the Sikhs and to propagate Sikhism. This institution later came to be known as Masand system. It contributed a lot to the spread of Sikhism.

3. Reconciliation with the Udasis: Another important event relating to jthe pontificate of Guru Ram Das Ji was his reconciliation with Udasis. Once Baba Sri Chand Ji, the founder of Udasi sect visited Amritsar to see Guru Ram Das Ji. Baba Sri Chand Ji was so much impressed by Guru’s modesty and humility that he gave up opposing Sikhism from that day. This reconciliation between the Sikhs and the Udasis proved very useful for the Sikh Panth.

4. Some other Important Works: Guru Ram Das Ji did some other important works also for the development of Sikhism. He maintained the tradition of composing hymns. Guru Ram Das Ji composed 679 Sabads. He composed four Lawans . He further consolidated the institutions of Pangat, Sangat and Manji system. Guru Ram Das Ji also condemned in strong words such social evils as caste-system, sati system, child marriage, denial of widow re-marriage.

5. Friendly Relations with Akbar: Friendly relations between the Sikhs and Mughal emperor Akbar continued during his tenure of Guruship. Guru Ram Das Ji had met Akbar at Lahore. He was much impressed by Guru Ram Das Ji’s personality. So, he donated 500 Bighas of land to Guru Ram Das Ji.
Besides, he remitted one year’s land revenue of the farmers of the Punjab on recommendation of Guru Ram Das Ji. All this added to the fame and prestige of Guru Ram Das Ji.

Question 11.
What is the importance of the foundation of Ramdaspura (Amritsar) in Sikh History?
The most important contribution of Guru Ram Das Ji towards the Sikh Panth was the foundation of Ramdaspura or Amritsar. After assuming Guruship, he himself settled here. In 1577 AJD. he founded Ramdaspura. He settled fifty two other traders belonging to different trades at this place in order to make it popular and attract people. The market formed by these traders came to be known as ‘Guru Ka Bazaar’. It soon became a famous trade centre. Guru Ji planned to construct two sarovars (tanks) Amritsar and Santokhsar at Ramdaspura. First, the digging of the Amritsar sarovar was started. Baba Buddha Ji was entrusted to look after this project. Later on the name of Ramdaspura came to be knpwn as Amritsar. The foundation of Amritsar occupies an important place in the history of Sikhism. It gave them a separate place of pilgrimage which soon developed into the most famous centre of religious propagation.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 5 Development of Sikhism Under Guru Angad DevJi, Guru Amar Das Ji and Guru Ram Das Ji

Question 12.
Write a note on Udasi Sect.
Write a brief note on Baba Sri Chand Ji.
1. Baba Sri Chand Ji. The Udasi sect wa%founded by Baba Sri Chand Ji, the elder son of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Many Sikhs, impressed by the asceticism of Sri Chand, began to join Udasi sect which stressed the life of aloofness or renunciation. On the other hand Guru Nanak was in favour of family life.’ The other principles of Udasi sect were in tune with the principles of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Under such circumstances, it was feared that the Sikhs might forget the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and adopt Udasi sect.

2. Guru Angad Dev Ji. Guru Angad Dev Ji had strongly opposed the Udasi sect. He said that a true Sikh could not be an Udasi.

3. Guru Amar Das Ji. Guru Amar Das Ji too strongly opposed the Udasi sect.

4. Guru Ram Das Ji. During the pontificate of Guru Ram Das Ji a reconciliation was made with Udasis. Once Baba Sri Chand Ji, the founder of Udasi sect visited Amritsar to see Guru Ram Das Ji. Baba Sri Chand Ji felt much ashamed at this and withdrew his feet. Baba Sri Chand Ji was so much impressed by Guru’s modesty and humility that he gave up opposing Sikhism from that day. This reconciliation between the Sikhs and the Udasis proved very useful for the Sikh Panth.

Essay Type Questions:

Question 1.
What do you know about the early career of Guru Angad Dev Ji? Explain briefly.
Guru Angad Dev Ji was the second Guru of the Sikhs. His period of pontificate was from 1539 to 1552 A.D. A brief description of his early career is as under:

1. Birth and Parentage: The original name of Guru Angad Dev Ji was Bhai Lehna Ji. He was born in a village named Matte Di Sarai on 31st March 1504 A.D. His father’s name was Pheru Mai, who was a Trihun Khatri. His mother Sabhrai Devi was a religious minded lady. Her religious thoughts had a deep influence on Bhai Lehna Ji.

2. Childhood and Marriage: When Bhai Lehna Ji grew young he helped his father in his profession. At the age of 15 years, he was married to Bibi Khivi, the daughter of Devi Chand of the same village. In due course of time, Bhai Lehna was blessed with two daughters Bibi Amro and Bibi Anokhi and two sons Datu and Dasu. In 1526 A.D., Babar sacked Matte Di Sarai, so Pheru Mai along with his family shifted to Khadur Sahib, a village in Amritsar district. Soon after, Pheru Mai died and therefore the entire responsibility to run his family fell upon the shoulders of Bhai Lehna Ji.

3. Bhai Lehna Ji Becomes the Disciple of Guru Nanak Dev Ji: Before meeting Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Bhai Lehna Ji was a devotee of Mata Durga. He used to visit Jawalamukhi (in Kangra district) every year along with a group of devotees (Jatha) One day he heard in Khadur Sahib, the recitation of ‘Asa Di Var^from Bhai Jodha, Bhai Lehna Ji was so much stirred by it that he determined to meet Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Thus, when he set out for the pilgrimage of Jawalamukhi with his group of devotees next year, he stopped on the way at Kartarpur to meet Guru Nanak Dev Ji. He was so much overwhelmed and awed by the great personality and teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji that he felt his destination was at hand. Therefore, Bhai Lehna Ji became a follower of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and spent his life in the service of the Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

4. Assumption of Guruship: Bhai Lehna Ji served Guru Nanak Dev Ji dedicatedly and with full devotion. Guru Nanak Dev Ji put his disciple to hard tests from time to time. Bhai Lehna Ji passed all these tests. Guru Nanak Dev Ji decided to ordain Guruship to Bhai Lehna, as he was fully satisfied with his true devotion and endless affection. So, he placed one coconut and five paise before Bhai Lehna Ji and greeted him and appointed him as his successor. Guru Nanak Dev Ji named him (Bhai Lehna Ji) ‘Angad’ because he considered him a part of his own body. It happened on 7th September, 1539 A.D. The appointment of Guru Angad Dev Ji by Guru Nanak Dev Ji as his successor is considered one of the most important events of Sikh history. If Guru Nanak Dev Ji had not done so before leaving for his heavenly abode, Sikhism undoubtedly would gradually have ceased to exist. G.C. Narang aptly says,

“Had Nanak died without a successor, there would have been no Sikhism today.”

Development Of Sikhism Under Guru Angad Dev Ji:

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 5 Development of Sikhism Under Guru Angad DevJi, Guru Amar Das Ji and Guru Ram Das Ji

Question 2.
What was the contribution of Guru Angad Dev Ji to the development of Sikhism? Explain.
What was the contribution of Guru Angad Dev Ji to the early development of Sikhism?
Guru Angad Dev Ji became the second Guru of the Sikhs in 1539 AD. and retained Guruship till 1552 AD. At the time of his attaining Guruship, Sikhism was facing many dangers. It was feared that Sikhism might merge in Hinduism. The second danger to Sikhism was from the Udasis. The Udasi sect was founded by Baba Sri Chand Ji,the elder son of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Naturally many Sikhs were joining the Udasi sect*. Under such circumstances constant vigil was needed to safeguard the interests of the Sikhs. Guru Angad Dev Ji not only succeeded in removing all the hurdles in the path of Sikhism, but also in consolidating it. The significant contribution of Guru Angad Dev Ji to the.development of Sikhism can be described as under:

1. Popularisation of Gurmukhi: Guru Angad Dev Ji’s first significant effort for the development of Sikhism was the popularisation of Gurmukhi script. Guru Angad Dev Ji improved and polished it. Now it became very easy even for common people to understand it. All the religious books of Sikhism Were written in it. Its very name ‘Gurmukhi’ (an utterance of words from the Guru’s mouth) reminded the Sikhs of their duties towards the Guru and constantly kept alive in their minds the consciousness that they were something distinct from the common mass of Hinduism. This script was also instrumental in rapid spread of education among the Sikhs. Besides, the introduction of this script gave a severe blow to the supremacy of the BrahmAnswer: who recognised Sanskrit as the only religious language. Undoubtedly, the popularisation of Gurmukhi proved most significant in the development of Sikhism. According to H.S. Bhatia and S.R. Bakshi, “Guru Angad Dev Ji gave the Sikhs a written language different from the language of the Hindus and Muslims and thus made them realise that they were separate people.”

2. Collection of Hymns: The collection of the hymns of Guru Nanak Dev Ji was the second great work of Guru Angad Dev Ji. Guru Nanak Dev Ji had composed many hymns, but these hymns (Bani) lay scattered at many places. Guru Angad Dev Ji collected all the hymns at one place. According to Sikh traditions, Guru Angad Dev Ji summoned Bhai Bala, a devotee of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and got a Janam Sakhi written by Bhai Peda Mokha on Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s life. This Janam Sakhi is known as Bhai Bala’s Janam Sakhi. Some historians are of the view that this Janam Sakhi was written later on. Guru Angad himself composed Bani in the name of ‘Nanak’. In this way, firstly, Guru Angad Dev Ji preserved the original form of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s hymns and saved it from distortion. Secondly, Guru Angad Dev Ji prepared the basis for the compilation of Adi Granth Sahib Ji.

3. Expansion of Langar System: Langar system was introduced by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Guru Angad Dev Ji expanded it. In his time, the langar was managed by his wife Mata Khivi Ji. All people ate food in Langar collectively without any consideration of sex, caste or creed. Money for the Langar was given by the Sikhs to the Guru. This institution strengthened feelings of co-operation and fraternity among the Sikhs. It also gave a shattering blow to the caste system among the Hindus. The habit of charity was developed by it among the Sikhs. It provided a powerful aid in propaganda work. It helped a lot to make Sikhism popular. Prof. Harbans Singh, a famous historian, rightly remarks, “This served as an instrument of a far-reaching social revolution.”

4. Organisation of Sangat: Guru Angad Dev Ji organised institution of Sangat more effectively founded by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. The ‘Sangat’ means ‘sitting together collectively’. All people (male or female) could take part in it. The Sangat was considered to be a replica of God. The Sangat met every morning and evening to listen to the Bani (hymn) of the Guru. This institution not only brought the Sikhs under one banner but it also helped a lot in the success of Sikh missionary wprk.

5. Denunciation of the Udasi Sect: Udasi sect was founded by Baba Sri Chand Ji, the elder son of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. This sect laid emphasis on ‘Sanyas’ or renunciation. It also believed in yoga and worship of nature. Many people began to join the Udasi sect. Thus, the Udasi sect posed a formidable challenge to Sikhism. Therefore, Guru Angad Dev Ji made it clear in unequivocal terms that Sikhism was essentially a religion of householders and no true Sikh could be an Udasi. This action of the Guru Angad Dev Ji brought rich dividends. Udasism could not become the mass movement. Thus, Guru Angad Dev Ji succeeded in preserving the purity and originality of Sikh religion.

6. Physical Training: Guru Angad Sahib was of the view that just as it is essential to recite Nam to cleans the Atma, similarly, it is necessary to do exercise for the fitness of the body. He held the view that a sound mind develops in a sound body. With this object in view, he built a wrestling ground at Khadur Sahib. Thus, Guru Angad Sahib laid the foundation of the martial spirit, which in the times of the sixth and the tenth Gurus blossomed into the Khalsa.

7. Foundation of Goindwal Sahib: Guru Angad Dev Ji founded a new town named Goindwal Sahib near Khadur Sahib and thus accomplished another very significant step for the development of Sikhism. The town began to be built in 1546 A.D. Guru Angad Dev Ji made one of his devoted followers Amar Das fully responsible for this project. This town soon became a place of pilgrimage for the Sikhs.

8. Meeting with Humayun: In 1540 A.D. Sher Shah Suri gave a crushing defeat to Mughal Emperor Humayun at Kanauj. After the defeat, Humayun reached Punjab and came to Khadur Sahib for Guru Angad Dev Ji’s blessings. At that moment’ Guru Angad Dev Ji was in deep meditation, so he did not open his eyes. Humayun felt insulted and drew out his sword in anger. Suddenly, at that very moment, Guru Angad Dev Ji opened his eyes and said to Humayun, “Where was this sword that you have unsheathed against me during the battle with Sher Shah Suri?” On hearing these words, Humayun felt very much ashamed and prayed for his pardon. Thereafter, Humayun, sought Guru Angad Dev Ji’s blessings. Guru Angad Dev Ji gave his blessings to Humayun and said that he would have to wait for some time for his folly and thereafter he would regain the throne. This prediction of Guru Angad Dev Ji was proved true.

9. Nomination of the Successor: The greatest service rendered by Guru Angad Dev Ji for the development of Sikhism was the nomination of his successor. After deep and prolonged thinking and consideration, Guru Angad Dev Ji chose his most faithful disciple Amar Das for nomination to the highest post of Guruship. Guru Angad Dev Ji placed one coconut and five pjaise before Amar Das and bowed his head. Thus, Amar Das Ji was appointed the third Guru of the Sikhs. By doing so, Guru Angad Dev Ji took a step of far reaching consequence. Guru Angad Dev Ji Immersed in Eternal Light on 29 March, 1552 A.D.

10. Estimate of Guru Angad Dev Ji’s Achievements: Guru Angad Dev Ji took many important steps for the development of Sikhism during his Guruship. He rendered a great service to the Sikh Panth by popularising Gurmukhi, collecting Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s hymns, expanding Sangat and Pangat, separating the Udasi sect from Sikhism, founding Goindwal Sahib and appointing his successor. K.S. Duggal, a famous historian, estimates the achievements of Guru Angad Dev Ji in the following words,

“ It is amazing how much Guru Angad Dev Ji could achieve in the short time at his disposal.”
According to another famous historian S.S. Johar,
“The pontificate of Guru Angad Dev Ji is indeed a turning point in the history of Sikh faith.”

Question 3.
Describe in brief the life and achievements of Guru Angad Dev Ji.
Discuss the life and contribution of Guru Angad Dev Ji to the development of Sikhism.
Note:—For answer to this question students may refer to Question No. 1 and 2.

Early Career And Difficulties Of Guru Amar Das Ji:

Question 4.
Give a brief account of the early career and difficulties of Guru Amar Das Ji.
A brief account of the early career and difficulties of Guru Amar Das Ji is as under:
1. Birth and Parentage: Guru Amar Das Ji was born in Basarke village of Amritsar district on 5th May, 1479 AD. His father Tej Bhan belonged to Bhalla family of Khatri caste. He was rich. No definite information is available about his mother’s actual name. The various sources gives her name as Bakhat Kaur, Roop Kaur and Lakshmi, Sulakhni.

2. Childhood and Marriage: Nothing is known of Guru Amar Das Ji’s childhood except that he was religiously inclined. On coming of age, he took over his father’s profession. As his parents were followers of the Vaishnav sect, he also became a follower of Vaishnavism. At the age of 24 years, he was married to Mansa Devi, daughter of Devi Chand. He was blessed with two sons Baba Mohan and Baba Mohri and two daughters Bibi Dani and Bibi Bhani.

3. Becoming Guru Angad Sahib’s Disciple: Once, when he was returning from Haridwar’s pilgrimage, he met a Sadhu on the way. Both of them took food together. Afterwards, the Sadhu enquired, “Who is your Guru” (spiritual leader)?” Amar Das replied, “ I have none, I am in search of one, but have not found as yet.” The Sadhu exclaimed with sorrow, “ What! have I been associating with a person who hath no Guru. Oh man ! thou hast polluted all my sanctity. All my vows, austerities, fasts and penances have been rendered fruitless. As for thyself all thy charities are of no avail. These sixty two years thou hast passed in vain.” Amar Das was dumb-founded at this behaviour of the Sadhu. So he resolved to have a Guru.

One day, Amar Das heard the Bani of Guru Nanak Dev Ji from Bibi Amro. He was greatly impressed by the Bani. Therefore, Amar Das decided to meet Guru Angad Dev Ji. Soon, he visited Khadur Sahib along with Bibi Amro. He was so much impressed by Guru Angad Dev Ji that he became his follower. He was 62 years old at this time.

4. Assumption of Guruship: After becoming a follower of Quru Angad De Ji, Amar Das Ji started living at Khadur Sahib. He served Guru Angad Dev Ji dedicatedly for about eleven years. He used to bring water for Guru Angad Dev Ji’s bath daily, carrying it on his head from the river Beas, situated three miles away from there. He served the Sangat (people coming to see Guru Angad Dev Ji) and the Langar whole-heartedly.

One day, in January 1552 A.D. when Amar Das was returning from the Beas carrying water on his head as usual, he stumbled in the dark and fell down. There was a weaver’s hut near by. On hearing the thud sound, the weaver woke up and asked who was there. His wife, who had also awoken, by now, replied that it must be Amru Nithawan (who has no place to take shelter). The word reached Guru Angad Dev Ji gradually. He honoured Amar Das and declared that from then onward, Amar Das Ji would no longer remain without shelter (Nithawan). Instead he would provide shelter to the shelterless, on 16 March, 1552 A.D., Guru Angad Dev Ji placed five paisas and one coconut before Amar Das and bowed his head before him. Thus, Amar Das Ji became the third Guru of the Sikhs. Guru Amar Das Ji was 73 years old at that time.

5. Early Difficulties of Guru Amar Das Ji: After assuming Guruship, Guru Amar Das Ji shifted from Khadur Sahib to Goindwal Sahib as per instructions from Guru Angad Dev Ji. In the beginning of his pontificate Guru Amar Das Ji had to face many difficulties. A brief description of these difficulties is given below:

(1) Opposition of Dasu and Datu: Soon after Guru Amar Das Ji succeeded to the Guruship, he had to face the opposition from both the sons of Guru Angad Dev Ji, Dasu and Datu. They refused to recognise Guru Amar Das Ji as the Guru. They used to ask how a water carrier to their house till yesterday could become their Guru. One day in a fit of anger, Datu went to Goindwal Sahib and kicked Guru Amar Das Ji in the presence of the Sangat. As a result of this Guru Amar Das Ji fell down from his seat. In spite of provocation Guru Amar Das Ji showed utmost tolerance and humbleness. After this incident, Guru Amar Das Ji left Goindwal Sahib and returned to his village Basarke. The Sikhs refused to consider Datu to be their Guru. Finally, he retreated to Khadur Sahib with extreme disappointment. Guru Amar Das Ji once again came to Goindwal Sahib on the request of Baba Buddha Ji and other Sikh Sangat.

(2) Opposition of Baba Sri Chand Ji: Baba Sri Chand Ji was the elder son of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and he considered himself to be the rightful successor to Guruship. He did not oppose Guru Angad Dev Ji, because Guru Nanak Dev Ji himself had appointed him (Guru Angad Dev Ji) the Guru. But, after Guru Angad Dev Ji, he tried to get his father’s Guruship. Baba Sri Chand Ji had many followers. Guru Amar Das Ji showed great wisdom at this occasion. He clarified to the Sikhs that the principles of Udasi sect were totally against the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. The Sikhs were convinced by his reasoning and logic. So, they left Baba Sri Chand Ji. In this way, Guru Amar Das Ji separated the Sikhs from Udasi sect for ever.

(3) Opposition by the Muslims of Goindwal Sahib: The Muslims of Goindwal Sahib grew jealous of increasing popularity of Guru Amar Das Ji. They began to harass the Sikhs in many ways. They stole the belongings of the Sikhs. They pelted stones at the earthen pitchers in which the Sikhs brought water from the Beas and often broke them. Whenever the Sikhs complained about it to Guru Ji, he advised them to remain calm. Once some armed men came to that village. The Muslims picked up a quarrel with them over some matter. A fight took place between the two parties and as a result of which many Muslims were killed. This incident greatly impressed the Sikhs. They thought that God had punished the Muslims for their misdeeds. Thus, their faith in Sikhism became stronger.

(4) Opposition by the Hindus: Many Hindus were joining Sikhism as a result of the social reforms undertaken by Guru Amar Das Ji. Sikhism laid emphasis on social equality. All the people were served Langar without any discrimination. The Sikhs had got a separate place of pilgrimage with the construction of a Baoli. The high caste Hindus of Goindwal Sahib complained to the Mughal emperor Akbar that Guru Amar Das Ji was propagating against Hinduism. Akbar summoned Guru Amar Das Ji to his court to investigate into the charges levelled against Guru Amar Das Ji. Guru Amar Das Ji sent his most competent follower Bhai Jetha Ji to the Mughal court. After meeting Bhai Jetha, Akbar declared that all charges against Guru Amar Das Ji were baseless. It spread Guru Amar Des Ji’s fame in all corners and gave a great boost to Sikhism.

Development Of Sikhism Under Guru Amar Das Ji:

Question 5.
Describe the contribution of Guru Amar Das Ji in the development of Sikhism.
What was the contribution of Guru Amar Das Ji in the development of Sikhism?
Describe the services rendered by Guru Amar Das Ji for the development of Sikh religion.
What were the measures taken by Guru Amar Das Ji for the consolidation and expansion of Sikhism?
Describe in brief the organisatonal development and spread of Sikhism by Guru Amar Das Ji.
Guru Amar Das Ji was the third Guru of the Sikhs. He retained Guruship from 1552 to 1574 AD. When Guru Amar Das Ji assumed Guruship, the Sikh Panth was passing through a critical juncture. Guru Nanak Dev Ji had left for his heavenly abode only thirteen years ago. No doubt, many significant steps had been undertaken for the development of Sikhism in this short period, but still there remained much to be done in this regard. Guru Amar Das Ji continued the work started by Guru Angad Dev Ji for organisation and development of Sikhism and established many new institutions and traditions.

1. Construction of the Baoli at Goindwal Sahib: The first significant step undertaken by Guru Amar Das Ji for the development of Sikhism was the construction of a Baoli at Goindwal Sahib. The construction work of the Baoli was started in 1552 A.D. and it was completed in 1559 A.D. Eighty-four steps were built to reach the Baoli. After its construction was over, Guru Ji declared, “Whoever would attentively and reverently repeat the Japji on every step after a bath in the baoli would escape from the wandering in the wombs of the 84 lakhs of living creatures.”

The construction of Baoli Sahib gave the Sikhs a place of pilgrimage of their own and it helped in separating the Sikhs from the common mass of the Hindus. Moreover, the prestige and prosperity of Goindwal Sahib enormously increased. In the words of H.S. Bhatia and S.R. Bakshi, “The pontificate of Guru Amar Das Ji is thus a turning point in the history of the Sikh movement.”

2. Expansion of Langar Institution: Guru Nanak Dev Ji started the institution of Langar. Guru Amar Das Ji expanded it greatly. Guru Amar Das Ji declared that no visitor could meet him unless he had taken the Langar. He gave the injunction, “Pehle Pangat, pachhe Sangat” (First eat together and then meet together.) Mughal emperor Akbar and the ruler of Haripur had partaken the Langar in the Pangat before meeting Guru Amar Das Ji. It was open for people of every religion and caste. The Langar was served till late at night. The remaining food was thrown to birds aSid animals. The institution of Langar proved much helpful in the propagation of Sikhism. It gave a shattering blow to the caste system and developed a feeling of brotherhood among the Sikhs. According to Dr. Fauja Singh,
“This institution gave a shattering blow to the rigidity of the caste system and paved the way for social equality.”

3. Collection of Hymns: The next important work of Guru Amar Das Ji was to collect the hymns (Bani) of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Guru Angad Dev Ji. He himself composed 907 Sabads (hymns). It prepared the basis for the compilation of Adi Granth Sahib.

4. Manji System: The establishment of Manji system was one of the most important works of Guru Amar Das Ji. During his Guruship, the number of the followers of Sikhism had increased considerably. Thus, it became impossible for Guru Amar Das Ji to reach every Sikh. So, he established twenty-two Manjis to convey the message of Sikhism in far off areas. It should be kept in mind that Guru Amar Das Ji did not establish all the Manjis at one time. Instead, the process continued throughout his Guruship. The head of every Manji was called Manjidar. These Manjidars appealed to more and more people to join Sikhism. As the Manjidars used to sit on Manji (the cot) while preaching, the system came to be known as Manji system in history. It made tangible contribution to the development and progress of Sikhism. According to D.S. Dhillon,
“The establishment of Manji system gave a big thrust to the missionary activities of the Sikhs.”

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 5 Development of Sikhism Under Guru Angad DevJi, Guru Amar Das Ji and Guru Ram Das Ji Img 1

5. Denunciation of the Udasi Sect: The Udasi sect once again began to gain strength during the time of Guru Amar Das Ji. Many Sikhs were becoming Udasis, as they were impressed by the ascetism of Baba Sri Chand Ji. Guru Amar Das Ji showed considerable courage at this juncture. He left no stone unturned to explain to the Sikhs that Udasi sect was totally different from Sikhism. He clarified that Sikhism taught normal family life and to earn one’s livelihood by the sweat of one’s brow, whereas the Udasi sect taught to escape one’s social responsibilities and wander in the forests in search of salvation by running away from the world. As a result of indefatigable efforts made by Guru Amar Das Ji, the Sikhs broke away from the Udasi sect for ever. Thus, Guru Amar Das Ji saved Sikhism from being merged into Hinduism.

6. Social Reforms: Guru Amar Das Ji was a great social reformer. He wanted to give a new form to the social set up of the Sikhs. Guru Amar Das Ji launched a frontal attack on the caste system and untouchability. He made it compulsory for each visitor to eat food in the Langar, before he was allowed to have Guru’s darshan. In this way, Guru Amar Das Ji laid emphasis on the universal brotherhood of mankind. Guru Amar Das Ji also condemned the sati system vehemently. He said, “They are not satis who are burnt alive on the pyres; rather satis are they who die of the blow of separation.” Guru Amar Das Ji vigorously opposed child marriage and the purdah system. He was in favour of widow re-marriage. Guru Amar Das Ji laid stress on inter¬caste marriages. He strongly forbade the use of narcotics. Besides, he introduced new (special) rituals for the Sikhs to be observed on occasions of birth, marriage and death. Thus, Guru Amar Das Ji founded a new society.

7. Akbar’s visit to Goindwal Sahib: Mughal emperor Akbar visited Goindwal Sahib in 1568 A.D. In accordance with the practice then established by the Guru Akbar first took the Langar before he met Guru Amar Das Ji. He was deeply impressed by the Langar system and Guru Amar Das Ji’s personality. He offered some villages as Jagir to meet the expenses of the Langar. Guru Amar Das Ji refused this offer. This visit of Akbar is of special significance in the history of the Sikh religion. People were greatly impressed by it. They joined Sikhism in large numbers. The Sikh Panth gained more popularity.

8. Nomination of the Successor: In 1574 A.D. Guru Amar Das Ji decided to nominate Bhai Jetha Ji as his successor, before he immersed with Immortal. Bhai Jetha Ji was the son-in-law of Guru Amar Das Ji. Guru Amar Das Ji was so much impressed by the humbleness and devotional service of Bhai Jetha Ji and his wife Bibi Bhani, that he not only appointed Bhai Jetha as his successor, but also blessed that in future Guruship would remain in their family. Guru Amar Das Ji immersed in Eternal Light on 1 September, 1574 A.D. at Goindwal Sahib.

9. Estimate of Guru Amar Das Ji’s Achievements: Sikhism made multifaceted development under the efficient leadership of Guru Amar Das Ji. Guru Amar Das Ji gave the Sikhs a new place of pilgrimage. He expanded the Langar system. He collected the hymns of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Guru Angad Dev Ji and he himself composed hymns. In this way, he prepared the ground for the compilation of Adi Granth Sahib. He condemned in unequivocal terms the empty rituals prevalent in the Hindu society and opposed the Udasi sect. He, thus, gave the Sikhs a separate entity. In fact, under the able and benign guidance of Guru Amar Das Ji, Sikhism passed through a remarkable transformation. That is why the pontificate of Guru Amar Das Ji is considered a milestone in the history of the Sikh Panth. According to Dr. Sangat Singh, a noted historian,
“Under Guru Amar Das, Sikhism made rapid strides.”
According to another famous historian, Dr. D.S. Dhillon,
“Guru Amar Das’s contribution to the growth of the Sikh Panth was great.”

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 5 Development of Sikhism Under Guru Angad DevJi, Guru Amar Das Ji and Guru Ram Das Ji

Social Reforms Of Guru Amar Das Ji:

Question 6.
Examine the social reforms of Guru Amar Das Ji.
“Guru Amar Das Ji was a great social reformer.” Discuss.
Guru Amar Das Ji was a great social reformer in the Sikh history. He wanted to give a new form to the social set up of the Sikhs. He wanted to relieve them of complex rules of medieval period and to establish universal brotherhood of mankind. The brief explanation of social reforms*of Guru Amar Das Ji is as given below:

1. Denunciation of Caste Distinctions and Untouchabilities: Guru Amar Das Ji condemned the social evils like caste system and untouchability with strong words. He was of the opinion that those people are fool and illiterate, who have an ego of higher caste. He made it compulsory for each visitor to eat food in Langar before Guru’s darshan. Besides, he got common wells dug for every caste to use and thus spread message of universal brotherhood of mankind.

2. Denunciation of Female Infanticide: Birth of girl child was considered an ill-omen. The girls were mostly killed at the time of birth. Guru Amar Das Ji condemned this evil vehemently. He told that person, who kills girl child, is a sinner. He preached to Sikhs to do away with this evil.

3. Denunciation of Child Marriage: In that period, girls were married at a very young age. Thus the life of women was very deplorable. Therefore, Guru Amar Das Ji preached against child marriage.

4. Denunciation of Sati System: The worst evil of that time was Sati system. According to this inhuman system, if husband of any woman died, then she was forced to bum herself with her husband’s pyre. Guru Amar Das Ji raised his powerful voice against this century old system. He said, “They are not satis, who are burnt alive on the pyres, rather satis are those, who die of the blow of separation of their husbands.”

5. Denunciation of Purdah System: Purdah system was quite rampant at that time. This system was a great hindrance in the physical and mental growth of women. Therefore, Guru Amar Das Ji criticized this system, openly. He forbade the use of purdah.

6. Prohibition of Intoxicants: At that time society was deteriorating rapidly due to increase in use of alcohol and narcotics. Guru Amar Das Ji strongly condemned this evil. He told that all types of narcotics destroy intelligence, so the distinction between friend and foe cannot be done. A person should not consume such things which let him forget his God.

7. Favoured Widow Marriage: A widow had to live a miserable life. They were not allowed to re-marry. The life of a widow was like hell. Guru Amar Das Ji said that we should respect widows and emphasised on re-marriage of child widow.

8. New Ceremonies .related to Birth, Marriage and Death: Hindu rituals prevalent at the time of birth, marriage and death were very complex and detailed. Guru Amar Das Ji introduced new rituals to be observed at time of birth, marriage and death, which were very simple. He composed ‘Anand Sahib’ having 40 stanzas to be sung at such occasions.

9. New Mode of Celebrating Festivals: Guru Amar Das Ji asked Sikhs to celebrate Baisakhi, Magi and Diwali in a new mode. On these three occasions Sikhs used to visit Goindwal Sahib in huge numbers. This step of Guru Amar Das Ji, proved a milestone in popularizing Sikhism. Famous historian Dr. B.S. Nijjar has aptly said,
“Social reforms started by Guru Amar Das Ji should be considered as a turning point in the history of Sikhism.”

Question 7.
Describe the life and achievements of Guru Amar Das Ji.
What were the difficulties faced by Guru Amar Das Ji at the time of his accession? Discuss the steps taken by him to consolidate and expand Sikhism.
Note: For answer to this question students may refer to Question Nos. 5 and 6.

Question 8.
Examine the development of Sikhism from 1539 to 1574 A.D.
Describe the contribution of Guru Angad Dev Ji and Guru Amar Das Ji in the development of Sikhism.
Note: For answer to this question students may refer to Question Nos. 2 and 5.

Life And Achievements Of Guru Ram Das Ji:

Question 9. Write an informative note on the life History of the fourth Guru Ram Das Sahib and his contribution to the Sikh faith and the organisation of the Sikh Panth.
Write a detailed note on the development of Sikhism under Guru Ram Das Ji.
Describe the life and achievements of Guru Ram Das Ji.
Describe the contribution of Guru Ram Das Ji in the development of Sikhism.
What was the contribution of Guru Ram Das Ji to the development of Sikh History?
Guru Ram Das Ji was the fourth Guru of the Sikhs. He remained on Gurgaddi from 1574 to 1581 A.D. During his pontificate there was made considerable progress fh the consolidation and development of Sikhism. A brief description of early life of Guru Ram Das Ji and the development of Sikhism under him is as under:
Early Career of Guru Ram Das Ji

1. Birth and Parentage: Guru Ram Das Ji was born at Chuna Mandi in Lahore on 24th September, 1534 AD. His childhood name was Bhai Jetha Ji. His father Hari Das belonged to Sodhi family of Kashatriya caste. The name of his mother was Daya Kaur. His parents were very poor.

2. Childhood and Marriage: Bhai Jetha Ji was of a very religious disposition from his childhood. Once his mother sent him to the market to sell boiled grams. Some hungry saints met him on the way. Bhai Jetha Ji was very kind-hearted. He served all the grams to the hungry saints and came back home empty-handed. He was always ready to serve the people. Once he got a chance to visit Goindwal Sahib in the company of a group of Sikhs. Here he became the disciple of Guru Amar Das Ji. Guru Amar Das Ji was greatly impressed by the devotion and qualities of Bhai Jetha Ji. So, in 1553 A.D., when Bhai Jetha Ji was 19 years old, Guru Amar Das Ji married his younger daughter, Bibi Bhani, to him. Bhai Jetha Ji was blessed with three sons, Prithi Chand (Prithia), Mahadev and Arjan Dev.

3. Assumption of Guruship: Even after his marriage Bhai Jetha Ji lived at Goindwal Sahib and continued doing service as usual. Selfless service, humility and the sweet nature of Bhai Jetha Ji had a profound effect on Guru Amar Das Ji.

So, he nominated Bhai Jetha Ji as his successor to the Guruship in 1574 A.D. From then onward Bhai Jetha Ji was called Ram Das. Thus, Guru Ram Das Ji became the fourth Guru of the Sikhs. Development of Sikhism Under Guru Ram Das Ji Guru Ram Das Ji retained the Guruship from 1574 to 1581 A.D. Although, his tenure of Guruship was very short, yet he took many significant steps for the organisation and development of Sikhism.

1. Foundation of Ramdaspura: The most important contribution of Guru Ram Das Ji towards the Sikh Panth was the foundation of Ramdaspura or Amritsar. After assuming the Guruship, he himself settled here. In 1577 A.D. he founded Ramdaspura. He settled fifty two other traders, belonging to different trades, at this place in order to make it popular and attract people. The market formed by these traders came to be known as ‘Guru Ka Bazaar’. Guru Ram Das Ji planned to construct two sarovars (tanks) Amritsar and Santokhsar at Ramdaspura. At first, the digging of Amritsar sarovar was started. Baba Buddha Ji was entrusted to look after this project. Later on the name of Ramdaspura came to be known as Amritsar. The foundation of Amritsar occupies an important place in the history of Sikhism. It gave the Sikhs a separate place of pilgrimage which soon developed into the most famous centre of religious propagation.

2. Introduction of Masand System: Guru Ram Das Ji had started the digging work of two Sarovars (Amritsar and Santokhsar) “at Ramdaspura. He needed money to complete this work. So, he sent his representatives to different places to collect money from the Sikhs and to propagate Sikhism. This institution later came to be known as Masand system. It contributed a lot to the spread of Sikhism in remote places. According to S.S. Gandhi, “Masand system played a big role in consolidating Sikhism.”

3. Reconciliation with the Udasis: Another important event relating to the pontificate of Guru Ram Das Ji was his reconciliation with Udasis. Once Baba Sri Chand Ji, the founder of Udasi sect visited Amritsar to see Guru Ram Das Ji. Baba Sri Chand Ji was so much impressed by Guru’s modesty and humility that he gave up opposing Sikhism from that day. This reconciliation between the Sikhs and the Udasis proved very useful for the Sikh Panth.

4. Some other Important Works: Guru Ram Das Ji did some other important works also for the development of Sikhism. He maintained the tradition of composing hymns. Guru Ram Das Ji composed 679 Sabads. He introduced a new system of marriage among the Sikhs by circumambulation (Lawan) around Granth Sahib four times. Guru Ram Das Sahib composed four Lawans in this respect. He further consolidated the institutions of Pangat, Sangat and Manji system. Guru Ram Das Ji also condemned in strong words such social evils as caste-system, sati system, child marriage, denial of widow re-marriage.

5. Friendly Relations with Akbar: Friendly relations between the Sikhs and Mughal emperor Akbar continued during his tenure of Guruship. Guru Ram Das Ji had met Akbar at Lahore. He was much impressed by Guru Ram Das Ji’s personality. So, he remitted one year’s land revenue to the farmers of the Punjab on recommendation of Guru Ram Das Ji. All this added to the fame and prestige of Guru Ram Das Ji.

6. Nomination of the Successor: In 1581 A.D., Guru Ram Das Ji nominated his youngest son Arjan Dev as his successor. The reason for this nomination was clear. Prithia or Prithi Chand, the eldest son of Guru Ram Das Ji had annoyed him because of his conspiracies. His second son, Mahadev, was not interested in worldly affairs. Thus, the youngest son, Arjan Dev was considered competent for the Guruship from every angle. Guru Ram Das Ji immersed with Immortal on 1 September, 1581 A.D.

7. Estimate of Achievements of Guru Ram Dass Ji: Although the period of Guruship of Guru Ram Das Ji was seven years Qnly, he succeeded in giving a new impetus to Sikhism. Guru Ram Das Ji by laying the foundation of Ramdaspura and Masand system, by conciliating with the Udasis, by adding his own verses, by refuting the prevalent evils in the society, by continuing the Sangat, Pangat and Manji institutions and by establishing friendly relations with Akbar, he contributed significantly to the consolidation of Sikhism. So, finally we agree with a famous historian, Dr. D.S. Dhillon’s words,

“During the short period of his Guruship of about seven years, Guru Ram Das provided a well-knit community with a form and content.”

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 5 Development of Sikhism Under Guru Angad DevJi, Guru Amar Das Ji and Guru Ram Das Ji

Question 10.
Describe briefly the development of Sikhism from 1539 to 1581 A.D.
Note: For answer to this question students may refer to Question Nos. 2, 5 and 9.

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
What was Guru Angad Dev Ji’s contribution to the development of Sikhism?
What did Guru Angad Dev Ji do for the development of Sikhism?
Mention any three achievements of Guru Angad Dev Ji for the development of Sikhism.
(a) A new dimension was given to Gurmukhi script, so that people may understand it easily. (b) Sangat and Pangat institutions were further strengthened. These institutions gave a shattering blow to the caste-system. (Hi) He did a praiseworthy work by keeping Sikhism aloof from the Udasi sect. (d) He maintained strict discipline in Guru Darbar. (v) He founded Goindwal Sahib.

Question 2.
What contribution was made by Guru Angad Dev Ji to improve Gurmukhi script?
What contribution was made by Guru Angad Dev Ji to popularise Gurmukhi script?
Guru Angad Dev Ji made requisite improvements in this script and gave it a new look. As a result, it became easy for people to understand it. All the Sikh scriptures were subsequently written in this script. As this script became popular, the Brahmin class suffered a major set back, because they considered Sanskrit, as the only language of religion. The popularity of Gurmukhi proved helpful in the spread of Sikhism. This script also proved very helpful in the spread of education among the Sikhs.

Question 3.
How did Guru Angad Dev Ji denounce the Udasi sect.
The Udasi sect was founded by Baba Sri Chand Ji, the elder son of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. This sect laid emphasis on ‘Sanyas’ or renunciation, whereas Guru Nanak Dev Ji held strong belief in family life. The remaining tenets of Udasi sect were same-as those of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. As a consequence, many people began to join the Udasi sect. Therefore, Guru Angad Dev Ji made it clear in unequivocal terms that Sikhism was essentially a religion of householders and no true Sikh could be an Udasi.

Question 4.
What do you know about Sangat?
Sangat means a congregation of the Sikhs. This Sangat gathered in the morning and evening to listen to the Bani (Hynfns) of Guru Angad Dev Ji. This institution of Sangat was established by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Guru Angad Dev Ji developed it further. Any man or woman could join the Sangat without the discrimination of caste, creed or religion. Sangat was considered as God’s incarnation.

Question 5.
What do you mean by Pangat or Langar?
What do you know about Langar System?
Write a note on Pangat or Langar.
Pangat or Langar was established by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Guru Angad Dev Ji continued it and Guru Amar Das Ji further developed this institution. Guru Amar Das Ji declared that none could meet him without taking Langar. He gave the slogan of first Pangat and then Sangat. This institution greatly helped in eradicating caste system and untouchability in the society.

Question 6.
Write a short note on Sangat and Pangat.
What is the meaning of Sangat and Pangat?
For answer to this question students are requested to see the answer of Question No. 4 and 5.

Question 7.
What problems had Guru Amar Das Ji to face in the early years of his pontificate?
(0 Guru Amar*Das Ji had to face the opposition of Dasu and Datu, the two sons of Guru Angad Dev Ji. They claimed that being sons of a Guru, they had a right to Gurgaddi. (b) Baba Sri Chand, elder son of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, staked his claim to the Gurgaddi. So, he also started opposing Guru Amar Das Ji. (c) Guru Amar Das Ji’s growing popularity also made Muslims of Goindwal Sahib jealous of the Sikhs. They started harassing the Sikhs in many ways, (d) The orthodox Hindus also started opposing Guru Amar Das Ji for his social reforms.

Question 8.
Give the contribution of Guru Amar Das Ji for the development of Sikhism.
Write down the three services done by Guru Amar Das Ji for the development of Sikh religion.
Make a mention of the three major contributions of Guru Amar Das Ji to the growth of Sikhism.
Describe any three services done by Guru Amar Das Ji for the development of Sikh religion.
(a) First of all he completed the work on Baoli, initiated at Goindwal Sahib. Soon it became a central place of pilgrimage for the Sikhs, (b) The Langar system was further developed, (c) The Manji system established by the Guru gave a new impetus to the spread of Sikhism, (d) The Guru kept Sikhism aloof from Udasi sect and thus, saved it from merging into Hinduism, (v) Guru Amar Das Ji strongly criticised the prevalent social evils.

Question 9.
What was the importance of the construction of the Baoli of Goindwal Sahib in Sikh History?
Why is Goindwal Sahib called the centre of Sikhism?
The construction work of the Baoli at Goindwal Sahib was the first significant step of Guru Amar Das Ji towards the development at Sikhism. It was started in 1552 A.D. and it was completed in 1559 A.D. Guru Ji had two objectives in its construction. First, he wanted to give the Sikhs a separate place of pilgrimage so that they could be separated from the Hindus. Secondly, he wanted to solve the water problem of the people of that place. It gave the Sikhs a place of pilgrimage of their own. ,

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 5 Development of Sikhism Under Guru Angad DevJi, Guru Amar Das Ji and Guru Ram Das Ji

Question 10.
Describe briefly the social reforms of Guru Am&r Das Ji.
Describe any three reforms of Sri Guru Amar Das Ji.
Discuss the social reforms introduced by Guru Amar Das Ji.
Why is Guru Amar Das Ji called a Social Reformer?
Give an account of three major social reforms of Guru Amar Das Ji.
(a) He condemned in strong words the social evil of sati. (b) Guru Ji opposed child marriage and purdah system also, (c) He was in favour of widow re-marriage, (d) He emphatically criticised the prevalent caste system and untouchability. In order to eradicate this evil, he made it obligatory for everyone to partake Langar before meeting him.(u) He condemned all kinds of intoxicants.

Question 11.
What was fhe Manji system? How did it contribute to the development of Sikhism?
What do you know about Manji system?
Write a note on Manji system.
The setting up of Manji system was a great achievement of Guru Amar Das Ji. The number of the Sikhs had greatly increased during his Gurgaddi. So it was not possible for him to reach every Sikh personally. In order to intensify the propaganda of Sikhism, he created 22 Manjis. Head of each Manji was called Manjidar. He could go anywhere in connection with the propaganda. Manjidar motivated people to come into the fold of Sikhism. Besides, he used to collect money from the Sikhs and passed it on to Guru Amar Das Ji.

Question 12.
What were the main functions of the Manjidar?

  • He tried his best to spread Sikhism.
  • He delivered the messages of the Guru Sahib to the Sikh Sangat.
  • He used to give religious education to the people and used to teach them the Gurmukhi language.

Question 13.
What type of relations did Guru Amar Das Ji have with the Mughals?
Explain the relations between Mughal emperor Akbar and Guru Amar Das Ji.
Guru Amar Das Ji had good relations with the Mughals. At that time, Akbar was the Mughal ruler of India. Akbar came to Goindwal Sahib to convey his gratitude towards Guru Amar Das Ji in 1568 A.D. He ate Langar with other people before meeting Guru Amar Das Ji and complied with the tradition of partaking food in the Langar. He was very impressed by the personality of Guru Amar Das Ji and the Langar system. Akbar’s visit to Goindwal Sahib enhanced the prestige of Guru Amar Das.

Question 14.
Explain the contribution of Sri Guru Ram Das Ji to the growth of Sikhism.
What was the contribution of Guru Ram Das Ji to Sikh religion?
Give a brief account of the contribution of Guru Ram Das Ji to the growth of Sikhism.
Guru Ram Das Ji remained on Gurgaddi from 1574 A.D. to 1581 A.D. First of all, he set up Ramdaspura (Amritsar). Guru Ji started Masand system for collecting money from the Sikhs, which was required for the preaching and developmental works of the Sikh Panth. Guru Ram Das Ji put an end to the long standing tussle between the Sikhs and the Udasis, thus, ensuring a new era. Guru Ram Das Ji continued the institutions of Sangat and Pangat.

Question 15.
What is the importance of the foundation of Ramdaspura (Amritsar) in Sikh History?
The most important contribution of Gu»u Ram Das Ji towards the Sikh Panth was the foundation of Ramdaspura or Amritsar. In 1577 A.D. he founded Ramdaspura. He settled fifty two other traders belonging to different trades at this place in order to make it popular. It .soon became a famous trade centre. The foundation of Ramdaspura or Amritsar occupies an important place in the history of Sikhism.

Question 16.
Write a short note on Udasi Sect.
Discuss the three principles of Udasi sect.
Write a brief note on Baba Sri Chand Ji.
The Udasi sect was founded by Baba Sri Chand Ji, the elder son of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Many Sikhs, impressed by the asceticism of Sri Chand Ji, began to join Udasi sect. It stressed on the life of renunciation. It also believed in yoga an worship of nature. Guru Amar Das Ji had strongly opposed the Udasi sect. He said that a true Sikh could not be an Udasi. A settlement was however reached between the Sikhs and the Udasis during Guru Ram Das Ji’s pontificate.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 5 Development of Sikhism Under Guru Angad DevJi, Guru Amar Das Ji and Guru Ram Das Ji

Objective Type Questions:

Question 1.
Name the second Guru of the Sikhs.
Guru Angad Dev Ji.

Question 2.
When was Guru Angad Dev Ji born?
1504 A.D.

Question 3.
Where was Guru Angad Dev Ji born?
Matte-di-Sarai in Mukatsar.

Question 4.
What was the original name of Guru Angad Dev Ji?
Bhai Lehna Ji.

Question 5.
What was the name of the mother of Guru Angad Dev Ji?
Sabhrai Devi.

Question 6.
What was the name of the father of Guru Angad Dev Ji?

Question 7.
Who gave the name of Guru Angad to Bhai Lehna Ji?
Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

Question 8.
To whom did Guru Angad Dev Ji get married?
Bibi Khivi Ji.

Question 9.
Name the sons of Guru Angad Dev Ji.
Datu and Dasu.

Question 10.
Name the daughters of Guru Angad D.ev Ji.
Bibi Amro and Bibi Anokhi.

Question 11.
When did Guru Angad Dev Ji attain Gurgaddi?
In 1539 A.D.

Question 12.
Which was the religious headquarter of Guru Angad Dev Ji?
Name the centre of the religious activities of Guru Angad Dev Ji.
Khadur Sahib.

Question 13.
Who presented the modified form of the Gurmukhi script?
Guru Angad Dev Ji.

Question 14.
Who laid the foundation of Goindwal Sahib?
Who founded Goindwal Sahib?
Guru Angad Dev Ji.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 5 Development of Sikhism Under Guru Angad DevJi, Guru Amar Das Ji and Guru Ram Das Ji

Question 15.
When was the foundation of Goindwal Sahib laid?
1546 A.D.

Question 16.
Name any one important contribution of Guru Angad Dev Ji to the development of Sikh Panth.
How did Guru Angad Dev Ji spread Sikhism?
He made the Gurmukhi script popular.

Question 17.
Who was the founder of Udasi sect?
Baba Sri Chand Ji.

Question 18.
What do you mean by Udasi?
Sanyasi—who denounces the worldly life.

Question 19.
Name the two singers (Ragis) punished by Guru Angad Dev Ji with a view to infuse discipline in the Sikh religion.
Who were the important Kirtan reciters of Guru Angad Dev Ji’s period who defied the discipline of the Sangat?
Satta and Balwand.

Question 20.
Which Mughal emperor came to see Guru Angad Dev Ji?

Question 21.
From which Sikh Guru, Mughal Emperor Humayun took the blessings?
Guru Angad Dev Ji.

Question 22.
Who was the third Guru of the Sikhs?
Guru Amar Das Ji.

Question 23.
When was Guru Amar Das Ji born?
In 1479 A.D.

Question 24.
Where was Guru Amar Das Ji born?
At Basarke.

Question 25.
What was the name of father of Guru Amar Das Ji? .
Tej Bhan Bhalla Ji.

Question 26.
What was the name of mother of Guru Amar Das Ji?
Mata Sulakhni Ji.

Question 27.
What was the surname of Guru Amar Das Ji?

Question 28.
How old was Guru Amar Das Ji when he succeeded to Guruship?
73 years.

Question 29.
Who was Bibi Bhani?
Who was Bibi Dhani?
She was the daughter of Guru Amar Das Ji.

Question 30.
Baba Mohri Ji was the son of which Guru Sahib?
Baba Mohan Ji was the son of which Guru Sahib?
Guru Amar Das Ji.

Question 31.
In which year Guru Amar Das Ji became Guru?
In 1552 A.D.

Question 32.
Write down the Guruship period of Guru Amar Das Ji.
1552 A.D. to 1574 A.D.

Question 33.
Who got the Baoli of Goindwal Sahib constructed?
Guru Amar Das Ji.

Question 34.
How many steps were built in the Baoli of Goindwal Sahib?
84 steps.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 5 Development of Sikhism Under Guru Angad DevJi, Guru Amar Das Ji and Guru Ram Das Ji

Question 35.
Name any one achievement of Guru Amar Das Ji.
Mention any one contribution of Guru Amar Das Ji.
Construction of Baoli at Goindwal Sahib.

Question 36.
By which Guru was Manji system started?
Guru Amar Das Ji.

Question 37.
How many Manjis were founded by Guru Amar Das Ji?

Question 38.
With what objective was Manji system started?
To carry on missionary work of Sikhism.

Question 39.
What contribution was made by Manji system to the development of Sikhism?
It went a long way in strengthening the foundations of Sikhism.

Question 40.
How many Shabads (Hymns) were composed by Guru Amar . Das Ji?
907 Shabads.

Question 41.
Which Guru Sahib pronounced Anand Sahib Bani?
Guru Amar Das Ji.

Question 42.
Which social evils were denounced by Guru Amar Das Ji?
Untouchability, child marriage, sati system and purdah system etc.

Question 43.
Which Mughal emperor came to Goindwal Sahib to see Guru Amar Das Ji?

Question 44.
When did Mughal emperor Akbar came to Goindwal Sahib?
1568 A.D.

Question 45.
Whom did Guru Amar Das Ji appoint his successor?
Guru Ram Das Ji.

Question 46.
When did Guru Amar Das Ji immerse with the Immortal?
1574 A.D.

Question 47.
Who was the fourth Guru of the Sikhs?
Guru Ram Das Ji.

Question 48.
What was the duration of pontificate of Guru Ram Das Ji?
1574 A.D. to 1581 A.D.

Question 49.
When was Guru Ram Das Ji born?
1534 A.D.

Question 50.
What was Guru Ram Das Ji’s original name?
What was the first name of Guru Ram Das Ji?
What was the early name of Guru Ram Das Ji?
Bhai Jetha Ji.

Question 51.
What was the name of Guru Ram Das Ji’s mother?
Daya Kaur.

Question 52.
What was the name of Guru Ram Das Ji’s father?

Question 53.
To which caste did Guru Ram Das Ji belong?

Question 54.
Which Guru Sahib is known as Sodhi Sultan?
Guru Ram Das Ji.

Question 55.
Name the wife of Guru Ram Das Ji.
Bibi Bhani.

Question 56.
Name the sons of Guru Ram Das Ji.
Prithi Chand, Mahadev and Arjan Dev Ji.

Question 57.
Who was Prithi Chand?
The eldest son of Guru Ram Das Ji.

Question 58.
When was Ramdaspura founded?
In 1577 A.D.

Question 59.
When did Guru Ram Das Ji succeed the Guruship?
1574 A.D.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 5 Development of Sikhism Under Guru Angad DevJi, Guru Amar Das Ji and Guru Ram Das Ji

Question 60.
Describe any one work done by Guru Ram Das Ji for the development of Sikhism.
Mention any one achievement of Guru Ram Das Ji.
Guru Ram Das Ji founded Ramdaspura.

Question 61.
With what name Ramdaspura got famous?

Question 62.
When was Amritsar founded?
1577 A.D.

Question 63.
Who founded Amritsar?
Guru Ram Das Ji.

Question 64.
During which Guru’s time was the settlement between the Sikhs and Udasis made?
Guru Ram Das Ji.

Question 65.
Who started the Masand system?
Guru Ram Das Ji.

Question 66.
Give any one aim of the Masand system.
To preach Sikh religion.

Question 67.
Which Guru Sahib started articulation of ‘Chaar Lavan’?
Guru Ram Das Ji.

Question 68.
How many Shabads were composed by Guru Ram Das Ji?

Question 69.
In which year Guru Ram Das Ji immersed in Eternal Light?
In 1581 A.D.

Question 70.
Who was the successor of Guru Ram Das Ji?
Guru Arjan t)ev ji.

Fill in the blanks:

1. The Second Sikh Guru was …………….
Gum Angad Dev Ji

2. The original name of Gum Angad Dev Ji was ………………..
Bhai Lehna Ji

3. Gum Angad Dev Ji was born in …………….
1504 A.D.

4. The name of father of Guru Angad Dev Ji was …………….

5. Gum Angad Dev Ji attained Gumship in ………………..
1539 A.D.

6. Gum Angad Dev Ji popularised …………….. script.

7. ………………. was the founder of Udasi Sect.
Baba Sri Chand Ji

8. Guru Angad Dev Ji founded Goindwal Sahib in ………………
1546 A.D.

9. Guru Angad DeV Ji immersed in Eternal Light in ………………….
1552 A.D.

10.The third Guru of Sikhs was …………….
Guru Amar Das Ji

11.Guru Amar Das Ji was born in ………………
1479 A.D.

12.Guru Amar Das Ji belonged to …………… family.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 5 Development of Sikhism Under Guru Angad DevJi, Guru Amar Das Ji and Guru Ram Das Ji

13.Guru Amar Das Ji assumed Gumship in ………………..
1552 A.D.

14.Guru Amar Das Ji succeeded to Gumship at the age of ……………….

15. Guru Amar Das Ji got the Baoli of ……………….. constructed.
Goindwal Sahib)

16. Guru Amar Das Ji started the construction of the Baoli of Goindwal Sahib in ……………
1552 A.D.

17. Manji system was raised by ……………..
Guru Amar Das Ji

18. Mughal Emperor …………………. came to Goindwal Sahib to see Guru Amardas Ji.

19. Guru Amar Das Ji met Mughal Emperor ……………….

20. Guru Amar Das Ji immersed in Eternal Light in …………………
1574 A.D.

21. ………………… was the fourth Guru of the Sikhs.
Guru Ram Das Ji

22. The original name of Guru Ram Das Ji was ……………..
Bhai Jetha Ji

23. Guru Ram Das Ji belonged to ……………… caste.

24. Guru Ram Das Ji was married to ……………….
Bibi Bhani

25. Guru Ram Das Ji attained Guruship in ………………..
1574 A.D.

26. Guru Ram Das Ji established Ramdaspura in ……………….
1577 A.D.

27. Masand system was started by ……………..
Guru Ram Das Ji

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 5 Development of Sikhism Under Guru Angad DevJi, Guru Amar Das Ji and Guru Ram Das Ji

True or False:

1. Guru Angad Dev Ji was the third Sikh Guru.

2. The original name of Guru Angad Dev Ji was Bhai Lehna Ji.

3. Guru Angad Dev Ji’s father’s name was Tej Bhan.

4. Sabhrai Devi was the mother of Guru Angad Dev Ji.

5. Guru Angad Dev Ji was married to Bibi Khivi.

6. Guru Angad Dev Ji became second Sikh Guru in 1539 A.D.

7. Guru Angad Dev Ji made afforts to popularize Persian language.

8. Baba Sri Chand founded the Udasi Sect.

9. Guru Angad Dev Ji met Mughal Emperor, Akbar.

10. Guru Angad Dev Ji immersed in Eternal Light in 1539 A.D.

11. Guru Amar Das Ji was the third Guru of the Sikhs!

12. Guru Amar Das Ji was born in 1479 A.D.

13. Tej Bhan was the name of the father of Guru Amar Das Ji.

14. The name of one of the daughters of Guru Amar Das Ji was Bibi Bhani.

15. Guru Amar Das Ji assumed Guruship in 1552 A.D.

16. Guru Amar Das Ji got constructed Baoli at Goindwal Sahib.

17. Guru Ram Das Ji established Manji system.

18. Guru Amar Das Ji vigrously opposed Sati system.

19. Guru Ram Das Ji was the fourth Guru of the Sikhs.

20. Bhai Jetha Ji was the original name of the Guru Ram Das Ji.

21. Guru Ram Das Ji belonged to Sodhi family.

22. Bibi Bhani was the wife of Guru Ram Das Ji.

23. Guru Ram Das Ji assumed Guruship in 1574 A.D.

24. Guru Ram Das Ji laid the foundation of Ramdaspura in 1578 A.D.

25. Guru Amar Das Ji started Masand system.

26. Reconciliation of the Sikhs with Udasis took place during Guru Ram Das Ji’s time.

27. Guru Ram Das Ji introduced Four Lavan system of marriage.

28. Guru Ram Das Ji immersed in Eternal Light in 1581 A.D.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 5 Development of Sikhism Under Guru Angad DevJi, Guru Amar Das Ji and Guru Ram Das Ji

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Who was the second Guru of Sikhs?
(a) Guru Amar Das Ji
(b) Guru Ram Das Ji
(c) Guru Angad Dev Ji
(d) Guru Arjan Dev Ji.
(c) Guru Angad Dev Ji

2. When was Guru Angad Dev Ji born?
(a) In 1469 A.D.
(b) In 1479 A.D.
(c) In 1501 A.D,
(d) In 1504 AD,
(d) In 1504 AD,

3. Where was Guru Angad Dev Ji born?
(a) Matte-di-Sarai
(b) Kiratpur Sahib
(c) Goindwal Sahib
(d) Harike.
(a) Matte-di-Sarai

4. What was the original name of Guru Angad Dev Ji?
(a) Bhai Jetha Ji
(b) Bhai Lehna Ji
(c) Bhai Gurditta Ji
(d) Bhai Daeu Ji.
(b) Bhai Lehna Ji

5. Who was the father of Guru Angad Dev Ji?
(a) Tyagmal Ji
(b) Pherumal Ji
(c) Tej Bhan Ji
(d) Mehrban Ji.
(b) Pherumal Ji

6. What was the name of mother of Guru Angad Dev Ji?
(a) Lakshmi Devi Ji
(b) Sabhrai Devi Ji
(c) Mansa Devi Ji
(d) Subhag Devi Ji.
(b) Sabhrai Devi Ji

7. Who was the wife of Guru Angad Dev Ji?
(a) Bibi Khivi Ji
(b) Bibi Nanaki Ji
(c) Bibi Amro Ji
(d) Bibi Bhani Ji.
(a) Bibi Khivi Ji

8. When did Guru Angad Dev assume Guruship?
(a) In 1529 A.D.
(b) In 1538 A.D.
(c) In 1539 A.D.
(d) In 1552 A.D.
(c) In 1539 A.D.

9. Which was the religious headquarter of Guru Angad Dev Ji?
Name the centre of religious activities of Guru Angad Dev Ji.
(a) Goindwal Sahib
(b) Amritsar
(c) Khadur Sahib
(d) Sultanpur Lodhi.
(c) Khadur Sahib

10. Which Guru Sahib popularised the Gurmukhi Script?
(a) Guru Nanak Dev Ji
(b) Guru Angad Dev Ji
(c) Guru Amar Das Ji
(d) Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
(b) Guru Angad Dev Ji

11. Who was the founder of Udasi sect?
(a) Baba Sri Chand Ji
(b) Baba Lakshmi Das Ji
(c) Baba Mohan Ji
(d) Baba Mohri Ji.
(a) Baba Sri Chand Ji

12. Which town was founded by Guru Angad Sahib?
(a) Kartarpur
(b) Tarn Taran
(c) Kirtpur Sahib
(d) Goindwal Sahib
(d) Goindwal Sahib

13. Which Mughal Emperor came to Khadur Sahib to see Guru Angad Dev Ji?
(a) Babar
(b) Humayun
(c) Akbar
(d) Jahangir
(b) Humayun

14. When did Guru Angad Dev Ji immerse in Eternal Light?
(a) In 1550 A.D.
(b) In 1551 A.D.
(c) In 1552 A.D.
(d) In 1554 A.D.
(c) In 1552 A.D.

15. Who was the third Guru of the Sikhs?
(a) Guru Angad Dev Ji
(b) Guru Ram Das Ji
(c) Guru Amar Das Ji
(d) Guru Arjan Dev Ji
(c) Guru Amar Das Ji

16. When was Guru Amar Das Ji born?
(a) In 1458 A.D.
(b) In 1465 A.D.
(c) In 1469 A.D.
(d) In 1479 A.D.
(d) In 1479 A.D.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 5 Development of Sikhism Under Guru Angad DevJi, Guru Amar Das Ji and Guru Ram Das Ji

17. Where was Guru Amar Das Ji born?
(a) Khadur Sahib
(b) Harike
(c) Basarke
(d) Goindwal Sahib.
(c) Basarke

18. What was the name of father of Guru Amar Das Ji?
(a) Tej Bhan
(b) Meharban
(c) Mohan Das
(d) Pherumal.
(a) Tej Bhan

19. Who was Bibi Bhani?
(a) Daughter of Guru Angad Dev Ji
(b) Wife of Guru Amar Das Ji
(c) Daughter of Guru Amar Das Ji
(d) Daughter of Guru Ram Das Ji.
(c) Daughter of Guru Amar Das Ji

20. When did Guru Amar Das Ji succeed to Guruship?
(a) In 1539 A.D.
(b) In 1550 A.D.
(c) In 1551 A.D.
(d) In 1552 A.D.
(d) In 1552 A.D.

21. Who got the Baoli of Goindwal Sahib constructed?
(a) Guru Angad Dev Ji
(b) Guru Amar Das Ji
(c) Guru Ram Das Ji
(d) Guru Arjan Dev Ji.
(b) Guru Amar Das Ji

22. How many steps were built in the Baoli of Goindwal Sahib?
(a) 62
(b) 72
(c) 73
(d) 84
(d) 84

23. Which Guru Sahib pronounced Anand Sahib Bani?
(a) Guru Nanak Dev Ji
(b) Guru Angad Dev Ji
(c) Guru Amar Das Ji
(d) Guru Ram Das Ji.
(c) Guru Amar Das Ji

24. By which Guru was Manji system started?
(a) Guru Angad Dev Ji
(b) Guru Amar Das Ji
(c) Guru Ram Das Ji
(d) Gur« Arjan Dev Ji.
(b) Guru Amar Das Ji

25. Why was Manji system started?
(a) To make Sikhism popular
(b) To collect ingredients for Langar
(c) To construct Gurudwaras
(d) All of the above.
(a) To make Sikhism popular

26. ‘Which social evil was denounced by Guru Amar Das Ji?
(a) Child marriage
(b) Sati system
(c) Purdah system
(d) All of the above
(d) All of the above

27. Which was the centre of religious activities of Guru Amar Das Ji?
(a) Amritsar
(b) Goindwal Sahib
(c) Khadur Sahib
(d) Lahore.
(b) Goindwal Sahib

28. When did Guru Amar Das Ji immerse in Eternal Light?
(a) In 1552 A.D.
(b) In 1564 A.D.
(c) In 1568 A.D.
(d) In 1574 A.D.
(d) In 1574 A.D.

29. Who was the fourth Guru Ji of the Sikhs?
(a) Guru Ram Das Ji
(b) Guru Amar Das Ji
(c) Guru Arjan Dev Ji
(d) Guru Har Krishan Ji.
(a) Guru Ram Das Ji

30. When was Guru Ram Das Ji born?
(a) In 1479 A.D.
(b) In 1524 A.D.
(c) In 1534 A.D.
(d) In 1539 A.D.
(c) In 1534 A.D.

31. What was Guru Ram Das Ji’s original name?
(a) Bhai Bala Ji
(b) Bhai Jetha Ji
(c) Bhai Lehna Ji
(d) Bhai Mardana Ji.
(b) Bhai Jetha Ji

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 5 Development of Sikhism Under Guru Angad DevJi, Guru Amar Das Ji and Guru Ram Das Ji

32. What was the name of the father of Guru Ram Das Ji?
(a) Haridas Ji
(b) Guru Amar Das Ji
(c) Tej Bhan Ji
(d) Pherumal Ji.
(a) Haridas Ji

33. What was the name of the mother of Guru Ram Das Ji?
(a) Daya Kaur Ji
(b) Roop Kaur Ji
(c) Sulakhni Ji
(d) Lakshmi Ji.
(a) Daya Kaur Ji

34. To which caste did Guru Ram Das Ji belong?
(a) Bedi
(b) Bhalla
(c) Sodhi
(d) Sethi.
(c) Sodhi

35. To whom did Guru Ram Das Ji marry?
(a) Bibi Dani Ji
(b) Bibi Bhani Ji
(c) Bibi Amro Ji
(d) Bibi Anokhi Ji.
(b) Bibi Bhani Ji

36. Who was Prithi Chand?
(a) Elder brother of Guru Ram Das Ji
(b) Elder brother of Guru Arjan Dev Ji
(c) Son of Guru Arjan Dev Ji
(d) Son of Guru Har Krishan Ji.
(b) Elder brother of Guru Arjan Dev Ji

37. When did Guru Rain Das Ji succeed to Guruship?
(a) In 1534 A.D.
(b) In 1552 A.D.
(c) In 1554 A.D.
(d) In 1574 A.D.
(d) In 1574 A.D.

38. Which Guru laid the foundation of Amritsar or Ramdaspura?
(a) Guru Amar Das Ji
(b) Guru Ram Das Ji
(c) Guru Arjan Dev Ji
(d) Guru Hargobind Ji.
(b) Guru Ram Das Ji

39. When did Guru Ram Das Ji lay the foundation of Amritsar?
(a) In 1574 A.D.
(b) In 1575 A.D.
(c) In 1576 A.D.
(d) In 1577 A.D.
(d) In 1577 A.D.

40. Who started the Masand system?
(a) Guru Ram Das Ji
(b) Guru Arjan Dev Ji
(c) Guru Amar Das Ji
(d) Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.
(a) Guru Ram Das Ji

41. During which Guru’s pontificate was the settlement between the Sikhs and Udasis made?
(a) Guru Angad Dev Ji
(b) Guru Amar Das Ji
(c) Guru Ram Das Ji
(d) Guru Arjan Dev Ji.
Answer: (c)

42. Which Sikh Guru started four Lavan system of marriage?
(a) Guru Amar Das Ji
(b) Guru Ram Das Ji
(c) Guru Arjan Dev Ji
(d) Guru Har Krishan Ji.
(b) Guru Ram Das Ji

43. Which Mughal King visited Guru Ram Das Ji?
(a) Babar
(b) Humayun
(c) Akbar
(d) Aurangzeb.
(c) Akbar

44. When did Guru Ram Das Ji immerse in Eternal Light?
(a) In 1561 A.D.
(b) In 1571 A.D.
(c) In 1575 A.D.
(d) In 1581 A.D.
(d) In 1581 A.D.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 4 Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and His Teachings

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class History Book Solutions Chapter 4 Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and His Teachings Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 History Chapter 4 Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and His Teachings

Long Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Give a brief account of the contribution of Guru Nanak to Sikhism.
When Guru Nanak Dev Ji was born in the 15th century, the political, social and religious condition of India was pitiable. The Muslims belonged to the ruling class. They hated the Hindus and perpetrated cruelty on them. Religion had been reduced to the level of mere outward show. People were groping in the darkness of ignorance. The condition of women-folk in society was very deplorable. Guru Nanak Dev Ji undertook travels in the various parts of the country and abroad to dispel superstitions prevalent among people and to bring awareness in ’ them.

Guru Ji preached to worship only one God, to lead pious and truthful life, to give equal rights to women and to shun superstitions. Wherever he went, ‘ he deeply impressed people through his teachings. Guru Ji raised a voice against the tyranny of the ruling class and officials and injustice. He founded two institutions namely Sangat and Pangat. A new religious brotherhood had come into being in the lifetime of Guru Nanak. Before he immersed with Immortal in 1539 A.D. Guru Nanak appointed Lehna (Guru Angad) his successor. The appointment of Guru Angad proved very significant for the development of Sikh Panth.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 4 Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and His Teachings

Question 2.
What do you n$ean by Udasis? What were the aims of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’ Udasis?
What were the aims of the Udasis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
Udasis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji mean the travels undertaken by him. The main objective of Guru Nanak’s Udasis was to dispel the ignorance and superstitions of the people. He wanted to convey the message of the universal brotherhood of mankind and worship of the only one God to the people. Both the religions — Hinduism and Islam had gone astray and forgotten their true principles. The priestly class whose duty was to guide people had themselves turned corrupt and characterless.

When the religious leaders themselves grope in the dark, it is not difficult to ascertain the condition of the common people. The people had started worshipping a number of gods, goddesses, graves, trees, snakes, stones etc. In this way, the true spirit of religion had disappeared. Society was divided into many castes and sub-castes. People of one caste hated the people of the other castes. The condition of women-folk in society was pitiable. They were not treated as equal to men. Guru Nanak started his Udasis to show a new path to the people who were groping in darkness.

Question 3.
Write a brief note on any five important Udasis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
1. Saidpur: Guru Nanak Dev Ji started his first Udasi from Sultanpur and reached Saidpur (Eminabad). When he reached there, Malik Bhago, a landlord of the village, invited Guru Ji to a feast, but Guru Ji stayed in the house of a poor carpenter Bhai Lalo. Malik Bhago compelled Guru Nanak Dev Ji to explain his conduct. Guru Nanak Dev Ji took the food of Malik Bhago in one hand and the rough and dry bread of Bhai Lalo in the other hand and pressed them. Blood dripped from Malik Bhago’s food, whereas milk dripped from Bhai Lalo’s bread. In this way, Guru Nanak Dev Ji proved that we should earn our livelihood by honest means and hard labour.

2. Talumba : Guru Nanak’Dev Ji met Sajjan at this place. He had built a temple and a mosque within his Haveli. During the day, he served these travellers nicely but at night he used to rob them and sometimes killed them and threw their bodies into a secret well. He was planning to play the same trick with Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Bhai Mardana. However, when at night Guru Nanak Dev Ji recited his melodious Bani, Sajjan thug was moved and he fell at the feet of the great Guru and sought his pardon for his bad deeds. Guru Nanak Dev Ji forgave him. After this incident, Sajjan gave up cheating and killing, became a true Sajjan and spent his remaining life propagating Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings.

3. Gorakhmata: After Haridwar, Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Gorakhmata. Here, Guru Ji told Sidh Jogis that one cannot get salvation by wearing earrings in the ears, by applying ash (vibhuti) to the body or by blowing horns, by holding sticks or by shaving of heads. These Jogis were so impressed with his teachings that they became his disciples. Since then, Gorakhmata is called Nanakmata.

4. Hasan Abdal: On his return journey to Punjab, Guru Nanak Dev Ji stopped at Hasan Abdal. Here an arrogant Faqir, Wali Kandhari in a fit of rage, rolled a very heavy stone rock downward from the hilltop to kill Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Guru Nanak Dev Ji stopped it with his palm. This place is known as ‘Punja Sahib’ these days and there stands a splendid Gurdwara.

5. Mecca: Mecca is the birthplace of the Prophet Mohammad. According to Sikh tradition, when Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Mecca, he slept with his feet towards the Kaaba. When Qazi Rukun-ud-Din noticed it, he flew into a rage. Guru Nanak Dev Ji explained to him that Allah is present everywhere.

Question 4.
Give a brief account of the First Udasi of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
1. Saidpur: Guru Nanak Dev Ji started his first Udasi from Sultanpur and reached Saidpur (Eminabad). When he reached there, Malik Bhago, a landlord of the village, invited Guru Ji to a feast, but Guru Ji stayed in the house of a poor carpenter Bhai Lalo. Malik Bhago compelled Guru Nanak Dev Ji to explain his conduct. Guru Nanak Dev Ji took the food of Malik Bhago in one hand and the rough and dry bread of Bhai Lalo in the other hand and pressed them. Blood dripped from Malik Bhago’s food, whereas milk dripped from Bhai Lalo’s bread. In this way, Guru Nanak Dev Ji proved that we should earn our livelihood by honest means and hard labour.

2. Kurukshetra: Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Kurukshetra on the occasion of a solar eclipse. Here, Guru Nanak Dev Ji told the gathered people that one should lead a simple and precious life. His words worked like magic and many people became his disciples. The majority of historians don’t agree with this incident.

3. Gorakhmata: After Haridwar, Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Gorakhmata. Here, Guru Ji told Sidh Jogis that one cannot get salvation by wearing earrings in the ears, by applying ash (vibhuti) to the body or by blowing of horns, by holding sticks or by shaving of heads. These Jogis„were so impressed with his teachings that they became his disciples. Since then, Gorakhmata is called Nanakmata.

4. Kamrup : When Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Kamrup in Assam, a famous witch Nur Shahi along with some other beautiful women, tried to cast a spell on Guru Nanak Dev Ji by her alluring gestures and extraordinary display of tempting charms but she failed. Guru Nanak Dev Ji showed them the right path.

5. Jagannath Puri : After a visit to Assam, Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Jagannath Puri in Orissa. The priest of Jagannath Puri temple asked Guru Nanak Dev Ji to pay homage to their Lord Jagannath. Guru Nanak Dev Ji told them he did not believe in formal worship of aarti. Nature, all the time, is busy with the worship of that Almighty God. So, there is no need of offering artificial worship to Him.

Question 5.
What do you know about the Second Udasi of Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
1. Kailash Parbat: Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Kailash Parbat (Sumer) via Tibet. The Siddhas were greatly surprised at Guru’s arrival there. Guru Nanak Dev Ji told them that the truth had disappeared from the world and falsehood and corruption prevailed everywhere. Guru Nanak Dev Ji advised them to serve humanity.

2. Ladakh: Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Ladakh from Kailash Parbat. Impressed by the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, many people became his disciples.

3. Kashmir : Guru Nanak Dev Ji held a very lengthy religious debate with Pandit Brahm Das at Mattan in Kashmir. Guru Nanak Dev Ji explained to him that mere reading or reciting of the Vedas and the Ramayana could not bring salvation. Salvation can be attained only by one’s actions in accordance with the teachings of these holy scriptures.

4. Hasan Abdal : On his return journey to the Punjab Guru Nanak Dev Ji stopped at Hasan Abdal. Here an arrogant Faqir, Wali Kandhari in a fit of rage, rolled a very heavy stone rock downward from the hill top to kill Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Guru Nanak Dev Ji stopped it with his palm. This place is known as ‘Puuja Sahib’ these days and there stands a splendid Gurdwara.

5. Sialkot: Guru Nanak Dev Ji met a Muslim saint named Hamza Ghaus at Sialkot. He was angry with the people of this town over some issue and he was determined to destroy the whole, city with his power. But, when he met Guru Ji he was so impressed that all his anger disappeared. This incident impressed the people.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 4 Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and His Teachings

Question 6.
Give a brief account of the Third Udasi of Guru Nanak Dev Ji
1. Multan : Mhny Sufi saints lived in Multan. Here Guru Nanak Dev Ji met a famous Sufi saint Shaikh Bahauddin. He was greatly impressed with Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings and became his disciple.

2. Mecca : Mecca is the birth place of the Prophet Mohammad. According to Sikh tradition, when Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Mecca, he slept with his feet towards the Kaaba. When Qazi Rukun-ud-Din noticed it, he flew into a rage.When the Qazi turned Guru Ji’s feet to the other directions, the Kaaba also began to turn towards those directions. At this, the Qazi and other Muslims present were deeply impressed. Guru Nanak Dev Ji explained to them that Allah is present everywhere.

3. Medina : From Mecca Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Medina. Guru Nanak Dev Ji gave here his message of love. He had a religious debate with Imam Azim here.

4. Baghdad : Guru Nanak Dev Ji met Shaikh Behlol in Baghdad. He was so much impressed with the Bani of the great Guru Nanak Dev Ji that he became his disciple.

5. Saidpur: When Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Saidpur at the end of 1520 A.D., Babar attacked this town with a view to occupy it. The Mughal army put to death thousands of innocent people during this attack. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was also arrested along with them. But when Babar came to know that Guru Nanak Dev Ji was a great saint, he set free not only Guru Nanak Dev Ji but many other prisoners also.

Question 7.
Briefly describe the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
Give a brief account of the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
The Nature of God : Guru Nanak Dev Ji believed in one God only. He laid stress on the oneness of God in his Bani again and again. According to Guru Nanak Dev Ji, God is the Creator, Sustainer and Destroyer of the world. He is Nirguna (without attributes) as well as Saguna (with attributes). He is the absolute Lord. He is the greatest of all.

2. Maya : According to Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Maya is the biggest obstacle in man’s way of attaining salvation (mukti). An unregenerate (manmukh) man always indulges in the vicious circle of worldly things like wealth, status, power, luxury, beautiful woman, son etc. It is Maya. Thus, one who yields to Maya is caught in the cycle of transmigration and his chains are not cut.

3. Denunciation of the Caste System: The Hindu society of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s time was divided not only into four main castes but into many sub-castes also. The members of the upper castes hated the people of the lower castes and treated them very badly. The practice of untouchability was very common. Guru Nanak Dev Ji condemned the caste system in unequivocal words. Guru Nanak Dev Ji preached the principle of universal brotherhood of mankind.

4. Denounced Ill-treatment of Women : During the time of Guru Nanak Dev Ji the condition of women in Indian society was extremely pitiable. Many evil practices had crept in. Guru Nanak Dev Ji condemned emphatically all such evils as were prevalent among women of that time. Guru Nanak Dev Ji laid emphasis on the equal rights of men and women.

5. Importance of Guru : Guru Nanak Dev Ji regarded the blessings of the Guru as most important in order to reach God. According to him the Guru is the ladder by means of which one reaches God. It is the Guru who leads a man from darkness (ignorance) to light (enlightenment). But it is not an easy affair to find out a real Guru. Man cannot find the real Guru without the blessings of God Himself.

Question 8.
What was Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s concept of God?
What were the views of Guru Nanak Dev Ji about God?
1. The Unity of God : Guru Nanak Dev Ji believed in one God only. He laid stress on the oneness of God in his Bani again and again. According to the Sikh tradition the letter ‘IK ONKAR’ (afi) which appears in the beginning of the Mool Mantra stands for oneness of God. According to Guru Nanak Dev Ji, God is the Creator, Sustainer and Destroyer of the world and His direct exercise of these functions reduces all other deities to meaningless shadows. They are just a tiny star before God.

2. Nirguna and Saguna: God has two forms. He is Nirguna (without attributes) as well as Saguna (with attributes). In the beginning, God created the earth and the space and He existed in Himself. It was His Nirguna form. Then, He created this world and through it He revealed Himself in His creation. This is His Saguna aspect.

3. Creator, Sustainerand Destroyer : God alone is the Creator, Sustainer and Destroyer of the world. By His order (Hukam) men, animals, birds, rivers, mountains, forests etc. Came into existence. God does not merely create.He is also the Destroyer and Recreator of the world.

4. Immortal: The universe created by God is unstable and impermanent but God is immortal. He is beyond the cycle of birth, death and rebirth. Thousands of Mohammads,
Brahmas, Vishnus, and Ramas stand in obedience before Him. All of them are mortal, whereas God is immortal.

5. Greatness of God : According to Guru Nanak Sahib, God is the greatest of all. His greatness is beyond description. Thousands of Saints and Bhagatas have sung songs in praise of His greatness, yet not a fragment of His greatness could they express. His praise, His mercy, His knowledge, His gifts cannot be described.

Question 9.
What was Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s concept of Maya?
Guru Nanak Dev Ji regarded Maya as the biggest hurdle in the way of man’s salvation. The.multicoloured Maya allures man to itself. An unregenerate man remains engrossed in worldly things such as wealth, status, beautiful women, sons etc. It is called Maya. In fact, the entire creation is God’s Maya. It is a snare. An unregenerate man does not know the difference between the Creator and His creation. He does not realize that all other than5 God is subject to annihilation. Maya whom he loves so much does not accompany him after his death. It separates man from God by keeping him absorbed in worldly things. One who yields to Maya also remains caught in the cycle of transmigration. By accumulating riches-gold, silver etc.-a man considers himself to be a great person of the world. But actually, he is collecting poison for himself. Thus, he ruins his life by being caught in ‘dubidha’ (misery arising from affiliation to anything other than God).

Question 10.
What is the importance of ‘Guru’ in Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings?
What was the concept of “Guru” according to Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
In his teachings Guru Nanak Dev Ji laid much emphasis oil Guru. The Guru is a ladder by means of which one attains salvation. Without the Guru’s guidance no one can attain salvation. An unregenerate man remains engrossed in worldly enjoyments. It is the Guru who purifies his mind. He can become one with the God if he follows the instructions of the Guru. A meeting with the Guru results in killing the ego. The misery born of vices ends and the good fortune is awakened. The Guru gives knowledge about Truth, Nam and Shabad. The Guru dispels the darkness of ignorance. Only the Guru leads a man from darkness (ignorance) to light (realisation). It is not easy to get a true Guru. One cannot get Guru without the Nadar (grace) of God. It is worthy to note that when Guru Nanak Dev Ji talks of Guru, he does not refer to any human Guru. The human Gurus are blind. A true Guru is God Himself who is revealed through the Word (Shabad).

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 4 Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and His Teachings

Question 11.
Throw light on the importance of Kirat Karo, Nam Japo and Wand Chhako.
Nam Japna, Kirat Kama and Wand Chhakna are the three basic principles of Sikhism. Remembering Divine Name : Remembering the Divine Name or Simran is considered to be the highest form of worship of God. Guru Nanak Dev Ji said that on one hand remembering the Divine Name eradicates all sins of the heart, on . the other hand it becomes placid. For this reason, man’s sorrows come to an end. All his fears are dispelled. By remembering the Divine Name, a man’s works are accomplished easily because God Himself helps him in all his works. Without Name, man’s life on this earth is futile.

Honest Labour : Kirat means honest labour* Honest labour is extremely important. It is the ordain of the Absolute (Hukam). We observe everyday that every creature earns his livelihood through Kirat. Hence the need for honest labour is extremely essential for man because he is the head of all creatures. A person who does not perform honest labour cannot keep his body fit. Such a person actually performs a sin against the Absolute.

Sharing with the Needy: Sikhism hasgreatlyemphasised on Wand Chhakna. Wand Chhakna means to share with the needy. Sikhism does not advocate sharing after eating but sharing before eating. It also inspires to treat others as brothers and sisters and to share with them. Sikhism believes in donating Daswandh. It means that one should spend one tenth of one’s income towards the cause of social welfare.

Question 12.
Write the views of Guru Nanak Dev Ji about the women.
The condition of women-folk during Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s time was very miserable. They were considered not equal in status to men in society. Many evils existed among them like-child marriage, polygamy, purdah system, sati system and divorce etc. For these reasons, birth of a female child was considered an ill- omen. Guru Nanak Dev Ji strongly criticised the prevalent evils relating to women. He launched a forceful campaign to enhance the respect of women in society. He opposed child-marriage, polygamy, purdah system and sati system etc. He was in favour of according women equal rights with men. In this regard Guru Nanak Dev Ji allowed Women to join Sangat and Pangat. Guru Nanak Dev Ji said that woman who gave birth to great emperors, should not be called inferior. He was in favour of giving education to women also.

Question 13.
What was the social meaning and significance of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s message?
What was the impact of teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
The social meaning of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s message is very important. His message was for everyone. Any man or woman could take the path shown by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. The path of salvation was open for all. Guru Nanak preached social equality. Guru Nanak Dev Ji condemned the caste-system in strong words. In order to put his message of social equality into practice, he founded two institutions-Sangat and Pangat. No discrimination of caste was observed while preparing the Langar. Guru Nanak Dev Ji strongly criticised unjust policies of the rulers and corruption existing in his time. Besides the ruling class, Guru Nanak Dev Ji condemned in unequivocal terms the corrupt officials of the government. In this way, Guru Nanak Dev Ji identified himself with the masses.

Question 14.
How far were the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji different from the Bhakti reformers?
The teachings of Gum Nanak Dev Ji were different from the teachings of other religious preachers in many ways. According to Guru Nanak Dev Ji, God is formless. He never acquires the human form. The Bhakti preachers regard Krishna and Rama as the incarnations of God. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was deadly against idol- worship while the other religious preachers had full faith in it. Guru Nanak Dev Ji nominated Guru Angad Dev Ji his successor for preaching Sikhism and continuing the Gurgaddi. On the other hand very few Bhakti preachers continued the tradition of establishing Gurgaddi. As a result they couM not maintain their identity for long. Guru Nanak Dev Ji believed in leading a married life. The Bhakti preachers thought it to be a big hurdle in the way of salvation. Gum Nanak Dev Ji founded two institutions of Sangat and Pangat. Anybody could join these without any discrimination of caste and creed. The Bhakti preachers .did not set up any such institution. Guru Nanak Dev Ji did not consider Sanskrit a holy language. He preached his teachings in Punjabi, the language of the masses. Most of the Bhakti preachers gave Sanskrit the status of a holy language.

Question 15.
How and where did Guru Nanak Dev Ji spend last 18 years of his life?
Guru Nanak Dev Ji established Kartarpur (Abode of God) on the banks of the Ravi in 1521 A.D. He spent the last 18 years of his life with his family at this place. During this period he set up the institutions of Sangat and Pangat. Sangat meant the congregation which gathered to hear the Bani of the Gum everyday. Every man or woman could join the Sangat without any discrimination. Only the name of God was recited and chanted in the Sangat. Pangat means to sit in a line and take food together. In this Langar (the community kitchen), no discrimination of caste, creed or religion was observed. Both these institutions proved helpful in the spread of Sikhism. Besides Guru Ji composed here 976Shabads. This work of the. Guru proved extremely useful for the development of Sikhism. Main Bani of Guru Nanak Dev Ji includes Japji Sahib, Var Majh, Sidh Gosht, Var Malhar, Barah Maha and Patti etc.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 4 Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and His Teachings

Essay Type Questions:

Question 1.
Give a brief account of the life of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
The life time of Guru Nanak Dev Ji can be divided into three periods. Accordingly, the first period, 1469 to 1499 A.D. is related from his birth to enlightenment. The second period, 1499 to 1521 A.D. is related to the Udasis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. The third period, 1521 to 1539 A.D. is related to his stay at Kartarpur wdth his family and his work for the spread, growth and development of Sikhism.

First Period : 1469 to 1499 A.D.:

1. Birth and Parentage : Guru Nanak Dev Ji was born on 15 April, 1469 – AD., on Purnima (the day of full moon) at Rai Bhoi Ki Talwandi, a place-now situated in Sheikhupura district of Pakistan. This holy place is now known as Nankana Sahib. His father Mehta Kalu Ji, a Patwari of the village, belonged to Bedi Kshatriya family. His mother, Tripta Ji, was a pious and religious minded lady. According to Sikh traditions, many miracles were witnessed at the time of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s birth.

2. Childhood and Education : Guru Nanak Dev Ji was quite serious and thoughtful by nature since his childhood. He was not much inclined to games and was interested in the worship of God. When he was seven years old, he was sent to the Pathshala of Pandit Gopal for elementary learning of Hindi and Mathematics. He surprised Pandit Gopal by his spiritual knowledge. Later on he learnt Sanskrit from Pandit Brij Nath and Arabic and Persian from Maulvi Qutub-ud-Din. When he was nine, Purohit Hardyal was called to perform the ceremony of the sacred thread (Janeu). Guru Nanak Dev Ji categorically refused to wear the sacred thread and remarked that he would wear the thread of kindness, satisfaction, truthfulness and restraint which would never break, burn or get besmeared.

3. In various occupations: Having noticed the over indulgence of Guru Nanak Dev Ji in his thoughts, his father was alarmed. So, he tried to keep his son busy with one work or other. First of all, he was asked to graze buffaloes, but Guru Ji did not show any interest. Consequently, his father decided to set him in trade. He gave Guru Ji a sum of twenty rupees and sent him to the market to strike a profitable bargain. On way to the market, Guru Ji met a group of sadhus, who were hungry for many days. Guru Ji spent the whole amount on feeding those sadhus, and returned home empty handed. This event is known as ‘Sacha Sauda’ (true bargain) in history.

4. Marriage : Mehta Kalu Ji married him to Sulakhni Ji, daughter of Mool Chand of Batala. He was 14 years old then. In due course of time, he was blessed with two sons named Sri Chand and Lakhmi Das.

5. Service at Sultanpur Lodhi: At the age of 20 years, Guru Nanak Dev Ji was sent to Sultanpur Lodhi by his father Mehta Kalu to his son-in-law Jai Ram (Guru Ji’s brother-in-law). On his recommendation, Guru Nanak Dev Ji got a job in Modikhana (the store). Guru Nanak Dev Ji did this job honestly for ten years.

6. Enlightenment: While at Sultanpur Lodhi, Guru Nanak Dev Ji used to go to the rivulet Kali Beip daily in the morning to take a bath. One day, he went as usual for taking bath and remained untraceable for three days. During these three days Guru Nanak Dev Ji gained true knowledge. At that time, he was 30 years old. After enlightenment, Guruji uttered, “Na Ko Hindu, Na Ko Musalman”.

7. Udasis: After attaining enlightenment in 1499 A.D. Guru Nanak Dev Ji started his travels in India and abroad. These travels were called the Udasis. These Udasis were conducted with the objective to dispel the ignorance of the people and to preach the unity of God and brotherhood of mankind. In India Guru Nanak Dev Ji travelled from Kailash mountain in north to Rameshvaram in south and from Pakpattan in west to Assam in east. Outside India Guru Nanak Dev Ji travelled to Mecca, Madina, Baghdad and Sri Lanka. We get important information from his Bani about the travels of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. He spent about 21 years in these Udasis. Guru Nanak Dev Ji succeeded in his aim to a great extent during these Udasis.

8. Settled at Kartarpur: Guru Nanak Dev Ji founded a town named Kartarpur (the abode of God) at the banks of the Ravi river in 1521 A.D. and spent the last 18 years of his life at this place. He started the institutions of ‘Sangat’ and ‘Pangat’ during this period. Besides, he composed 976 Sabads, which also proved extremely helpful for the spread and development of Sikhism. The prominent Banis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji are Japji Sahib, Var Majh, Asa di Var, Sidh Goshti, Var Malhar, Bara Maha and Patti.

9. Nomination of the Successor: Guru Nanak Dev Ji nominated Bhai Lehna Ji, his famous disciple as his successor, before he immersed in Eternal Light. Guru Nanak Dev Ji placed one coconut and five paise before Bhai Lehna Ji and bowed his head. In this way, Bhai Lehna Ji came to be known as Guru Angad Dev Ji. Thus, Guru Nanak Dev Ji planted a sapling, which became a dense tree at the time of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. According to Dr. Hari Ram Gupta,

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 4 Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and His Teachings Img 1

” The appointment of Angad was a step of far-reaching significance.”

10. Immersed in Eternal Light : Guru Nanak Dev Ji Immersed in Eternal Light on 22 September, 1539 A.D.

Question 2.
Write a note on the Udasis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. What was the aim of these Udasis?
What is meant by Udasis? Give a brief account of the Udasis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
Briefly discuss the travels of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. What was their aim?
Give an account of the Udasis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
Describe briefly the Udasis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. What was their impact on society?
After attaining enlightenment in 1499 A.D., Guru Nanak Dev Ji set out on long travels in India and in foreign countries. He spent about 21 years in these travels. These travels of Guru Nanak Dev Ji are known as Udasis because he wandered like an Udasi (unconcerned, unattached) during these years and renounced his home and family. The historians also disagree on the total number of the Udasis undertaken by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. However, the latest researches have proved that Guru Nanak Dev Ji undertook three Udasis.

Objectives of the Udasis:

The main objective of the Udasis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, was to remove the ignorance of the people and to give the message of the unity of the God and universal brotherhood of mankind. The Hindu, Brahmans and Jogis, whose main function was to show the right path to the misled people, were themselves corrupt and characterless. The people worshipped countless gods and goddesses, graves, trees, snakes, stones etc. The Muslim religious leaders had also degenerated. Although the Quran forbids sensual merry-making, music and dance, yet many Muslims led a life of sensual pleasure. The society was divided into many castes and sub-castes. The members of high caste hated those belonging to the low castes. The condition of women in the society was the most deplorable. Guru Nanak Dev Ji undertook his Udasis to show the new path of enlightenment and salvation to those, who were wandering in the darkness of ignorance. In the words of a famous historian, Dr. S. S. Kohli, “The Great Master did not confine his mission to this country, he travelled far and wide, to far off lands and countries, in order to enlighten humanity as a whole.”

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 4 Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and His Teachings

First Udasi:

Guru Nanak Dev Ji started his first Udasi at the end of 1499 A.D. Bhai Mardana, who was a famous follower of Guru Ji, also accompanied him during these travels. Guru Nanak Dev Ji completed this Udasi in 12 years. He travelled from the east to the south. He visited the following important places during this Udasi:

1. Saidpur : Guru Nanak Dev Ji started his first Udasi from Sultanpur and reached Saidpur (Eminabad). When he reached there, Malik Bhago, a landlord of the village, invited Guru Ji to a feast, but Guru Ji stayed in the house of a poor carpenter Bhai Lalo. Malik Bhago compelled Guru Nanak Dev Ji to explain his conduct. Guru Nanak Dev Ji took the food of Malik Bhago in one hand and the rough and dry bread of Bhai Lalo in the other hand and pressed them. Blood dripped from Malik Bhago’s food, whereas milk dripped from Bhai Lalo’s bread. In this way Guru Nanak Dev Ji proved that we should earn our livelihood by honest means and hard labour.

2. Talumba : Guru Nanak Dev Ji met Sajjan at this place. He had built a temple and a mosque within his Haveli. During the day, he served these travellers nicely but at night he used to rob them and sometimes killed them and threw their bodies into a secret well. He was planning to play the same trick with Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Bhai Mardana. However, when at night Guru Nanak Dev Ji recited his melodious Bani, Sajjan thug was moved and he fell at. the feet of the great Guru and sought his pardon for his bad deeds. Guru Nanak Dev Ji forgave him. After this incident, Sajjan gave up cheating and killing, became a true Sajjan and spent his remaining life in propagating Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings. According to K.S. Duggal, “Sajjan’s den of an assassin was transformed into a dharamsala.”

3. Kurukshetra : Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Kurukshetra on the occasion of a solar eclipse. Guru Nanak Dev Ji told them we should lead a simple and picess life. His words worked like magic and many people became his disciples.

4. Delhi : Guru Nanak Dev Ji stayed at ‘Majnu Ka Tila’ in Delhi. It is said, while living in Delhi, Guru Nanak Dev Ji brought back a dead elephant of Sultan Ibrahim Lodhi to life, but Sikh tradition doesn’t agree with this incident.

5. Haridwar: When Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Haridwar he saw many Hindus had gathered there to wash away their sins by a dip in the sacred water of the Ganges. While taking a bath, they were offering water to their forefathers (Pitras) facing the Sun. On seeing this, Guru Ji started throwing water towards the west. Astonished at this, many people gathered around him and asked what he was doing. He answered that he was offering water to his fields in Punjab. People laughed at his answer and asked how this water could reach his fields situated at a distance of 300 miles. Guru Nanak Dev Ji remarked that if their water could reach the Sun, which is situated millions of miles away, why his water could not reach his fields. Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s answer impressed them deeply.

6. Gorakhmata : After Haridwar, Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Gorakhmata. Here, Guru Ji told Sidh Jogis that one cannot get salvation by wearing earrings in the ears, by applying ash (vibhuti) to the body or by blowing of horns, by holding sticks or by shaving of heads. These Jogis were so impressed with his teachings that they became his disciples. Since then, Gorakhmata is called Nanakmata.

7. Banaras : Banaras was also a famous place of pilgrimage of the Hindus. Here Guru Nanak Dev Ji held a long discussion with Pt. Chatur Das about idol worship. Guru Nanak Dev Ji convinced him by saying that idol worship is as futile as watering the barren land. Highly impressed by his teachings, Chatur Das became a Sikh along with his Brahman friends.

8. Kamrup : When Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Kamrup in Assam, a famous witch Nur Shahi along with some other beautiful women, tried to cast a spell on Guru Nanak Dev Ji by’her alluring gestures and extraordinary display of tempting charms but she failed. Guru Nanak Dev Ji showed them the right path.

9. Jagannath Puri : After a visit to Assam, Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Jagannath Puri in Orissa. The priest of Jagannath Puri temple asked Guru Nanak Dev Ji to pay homage to their Lord Jagannath. Guru Nanak Dev Ji told them he did not believe in formal worship of aarti. Nature, all the time, is busy with the worship of that Almighty God. So, there is no need of offering artificial worship to Him.

10.Ceylon : After visiting South India Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Ceylon (Sri Lanka). At that time Shivnath was the ruler of Ceylon. He was greatly impressed by the personality and hymns of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. As a result he became the follower of Guru Nanak Dev Ji along with many other people.

11. Pakpattan : During his return to the Punjab from Ceylon, Guru Nanak Dev Ji stayed at Pakpattan. Here, he met Sheikh Brahm the follower of Sheikh Farid. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was greatly pleased to meet this famous Sufi saint. Sheikh Brahm was also very much impressed by Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

Second Udasi:

Guru Nanak Dev Ji began his second Udasi towards the East at the end of 1513 A.D. Guru Nanak Dev Ji spent three years in this Udasi. He visited the following important places during this Udasi:

1. Hilly States : Guru Nanak Dev Ji passed through the Punjab and visited the hilly states of Mandi, Rawalsar, Jawalamukhi, Kangra, Baijnath, Kullu etc. Many people of these hilly states were impressed by the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and thus became his followers.

2. Kailash Parbat: Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Kailash Parbat (Sumer) via Tibet. The Siddhas were greatly surprised at Guru’s arrival there. Guru Nanak Dev Ji told them that the truth had disappeared from the world and falsehood and corruption prevailed everywhere. Guru Nanak Dev Ji advised them to serve humanity.

3. Ladakh: Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Ladakh from Kailash Parbat. Impressed by the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, many people became his disciples.

4. Kashmir : Guru Nanak Dev Ji held a very lengthy religious debate with Pandit Brahm Das at Mattan in Kashmir. Guru Nanak Dev Ji explained to him that mere reading or reciting of the Vedas and the Ramayana could not bring salvation. Salvation can be attained only by one’s actions in accordance with the teachings of these holy scriptures.

5. Hasan Abdal : On his return journey to the Punjab Guru Nanak Dev Ji stopped at Hasan Abdal. Here an arrogant Faqir, Wali Kandhari in a fit of rage, rolled a very heavy stone rock downward from the hill top to kill Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Guru Nanak Dev Ji stopped it with his palm. This place is known as ‘Punja Sahib’ these days and there stands a splendid Gurdwara.

6. Sialkot: Guru Nanak Dev Ji met a Muslim saint named Hamza Ghaus at Sialkot. He was angry with the people of this town over some issue and he was determined to destroy the’ whole city with his power. But, when he met Guru Ji he was so impressed that all his anger disappeared. This incident impressed the people.

Third Udasi:

Guru Nanak Dev Ji began his third Udasi at the epd of 1517 A.D. This Udasi also took four years. Guru Nanak Dev Ji visited many countries of Western Asia during this Udasi. Bhai Mardana also accompanied him. Guru Nanak Dev Ji visited the following important places during this Udasi:

1. Multan : Many Sufi saints lived in Multan. Here Guru Nanak Dev Ji met a famous Sufi saint Shaikh Bahauddin. He was greatly impressed with Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings and became his disciple.

2. Mecca: Mecca is the birthplace of the Prophet Mohammad. According to Sikh tradition, when Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Mecca, he slept with his feet towards the Kaaba. When Qazi Rukun-ud-Din noticed it, he flew into a rage. When the Qazi turned Guru Ji’s feet to the other directions, the Kaaba also began to turn towards those directions. At this, the Qazi and other Muslims present were deeply impressed. Guru Nanak Dev Ji explained to them that Allah is present everywhere.

3. Madina: From Mecca Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Madina. Guru Nanak Dev Ji gave here his message of love. He had a religious debate with Imam Azim here.

4. Baghdad: Guru Nanak Dev Ji met Shaikh Behlol in Baghdad. He was so much impressed with the Bani of the great Guru Nanak Dev Ji that he became his disciple.

5. Saidpur: When Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Saidpur at the end of 1520 A.D., Babar attacked this town with a view to occupy it. The Mughal army put to death thousands of innocent people during this attack. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was also arrested along with them. But when Babar came to know that Guru Nanak Dev Ji was a great saint, he set free not only Guru Nanak Dev Ji but many other prisoners also. After it, Guru Ji reached Talwandi. Thus, his Udasis came to an end in 1521 A. D.

Impact of the Udasis:

The Udasis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji had a profound impact on society. He succeeded to a great extent in removing the superstitions prevalent among people and brought in them a new awakening. He won over great scholars, Jogis, Siddhas, Brahmans, thieves, thugs and criminals by his sweet hymns. Guru Nanak Dev Ji completely changed the minds of such persons. Thousands of people became his followers after being greatly impressed by his personality and his teachings. To conclude, we fully agree with these words of Dr S.S. Kohli, “He had a holy mission to perform and his performance was no less than a miracle.”

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 4 Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and His Teachings

Question 3.
Describe in detail the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
What were the main teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji? What was their social importance?
Study the main teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. what was their influence on society?
Describe the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
Study the main teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
Briefly describe the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
The teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji were simple but impressive. His teachings had a miraculous effect on the minds of the people. His teachings were not meant for any particular class, caste or province. They were concerned with the whole humanity. His main teachings are as given ahead :

1. The Nature of God : Guru Nanak Dev Ji believed in one God only. He laid stress on the oneness of God in his Bani again and again. According to Guru Nanak Dev Ji, God is the Creator, Sustainer and Destroyer of the world. There are hundreds and thousands of deities but only one God. God is known by countless names, like Hari, Ram, Gopal, Wahe Guru, Sahib, Allah, Khuda etc. His manifestations may be many, but He is One and there is no other. Guru Nanak says, “Remember the one God who is contained in sea and land.”

God has two forms. He is Nirguna (without attributes) as well as Saguna (with attributes). He is the absolute Lord. Every thing happens in accordance with His will. He alone is the Creator, Sustainer and Destroyer of the world. He is immortal. He is the greatest of all. His greatness is beyond description.

2. Maya : According to Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Maya is the biggest obstacle in man’s way of attaining salvation (mukti). An unregenerate (manmukh) man always indulges in the vicious circle of worldly things like wealth, status, power, luxury, beautiful woman, son etc. It is Maya. Thus, one who yields to Maya is caught in the cycle of transmigration and his chains are not cut.

3. Haumai : An unregenerate (manmukh) man has a very strong feeling of Haumai (ego). As a consequence of his haumai, he remains trapped in the worldly evils. The results are disastrous, for instead of leading a man to salvation, his haumai binds him more firmly to the wheel of transmigration.

4. Evil impulses : An unregenerate (manmukh) man is always surrounded by evil impulses. Kam (lust), krodh (anger), lobh (greed), moh (attachment) and hankar (pride) are five enemies of man. He commits sins and deceives others under their influence. Consequently, he is caught in stronger chains of transmigration and therefore he is destined to suffer the pains of hell.

5. Denunciation of the Caste System: The Hindu society of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s time was divided not only into four main castes—Brahmans, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras but into many sub-castes also. The members of the upper castes hated the people of the lower castes and treated them very badly. The practice of untouchability was very common. Guru Nanak Dev Ji condemned the caste system and untouchability in unequivocal words. Guru Nanak Dev Ji preached the principle of universal brotherhood of mankind.

6. Condemnation of Idol Worship: Guru Nanak Dev Ji condemned idol worship in unequivocal terms. He preached that idols are lifeless stones. If they are thrown into the water, they themselves would sink. How can those idols, which cannot save themselves help men to cross the ocean of the world? So, idol worship is useless and the worship of only one God is desirable.

7. Condemnation of Empty Rituals : Guru Nanak Dev Ji denounced empty rituals and blind faith which were in vogue in the society, in strong words. He told the people that they could not attain salvation (mukti) by putting a tilak on the forehead, applying ash on the body, by wearing earringsfby blowing of horns (shells), by keeping fasts, by undergoing penance in the forest, by offering water to the Sun, and by worshipping graves, khankahas, snakes, trees etc. Guru Nanak Dev Ji called all such acts as vain ceremonies. According to him, the religion of only such a man is true, who is true and pure at heart.

8. Denounced Ill-treatment of Women : During .the time of Guru Nanak Dev Ji the condition of women in Indian society was extremely pitiable. Many evil practices had crept in. Guru Nanak Dev Ji condemned emphatically all such evils as were prevalent among women of that time. In order to raise the status of women Guru Nanak Dev Ji laid emphasis on the equal rights of men and women. He says, “Why belittle her who gives birth to Rajas?”

9. Recitation of Nam and Sabad : Guru Nanak Dev Ji considered the recitation of Nam and Sabad as the highest form of God-worship. Man can get deliverance through Nam and Sabad from the world which is full of diseases and sufferings. Man’s arrival in this world (his birth) is futile, if he does not recite Nam and Sabad. Man remains entrapped in all sort of sins and in the vicious circle of transmigration without Nam. The Nam should be recited with a true heart and inner devotion (faith)* Dr. Dewan Singh aptly says, “Nam is the only and most efficacious source and agent for the redemption and salvation of the sinful and self-engrossed mankind.”

10. Importance of Guru : Guru Nanak Dev Ji regarded the blessings of the Guru as most important in order to reach God. According to him the Guru is the ladder by means of which one reaches God. It is the Guru who leads a man from darkness (ignorance) to light (enlightenment). But it is not an easy affair to find out a real Guru. Man cannot find the real Guru without the blessings of God Himself.

11. Hukam : The doctrine of Hukam (order) or the will of God occupies a crucial position in the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Happiness or misery is in accordance with his Hukam. God’s Hukam cannot be evaded. Man should always obey the Hukam of God. He, who does so, is blessed by God and gets salvation. On the contrary, he who does not bow before the will of God, is bound to wander from pillar to post.

12. Sach Khand : According to Guru Nanak Dev Ji, to reach the Sach Khand was the ultimate goal of human life. A man has to travel through Dharam Khand, Gian Khand, Saram Khand and Karam Khand in his journey to Sach Khand which is the final stage. Here, the soul merges with the Super Soul and all worries and sufferings disappear.

Importance of Teachings:

The teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji had a tremendous impact not only on religious and social fields, but on political fields also. His teachings went a long way in eliminating blind faiths and superstitions from the society, as the darkness of the horizon disappears before the sunrise. Consequently, a new awakening took place among people. They discarded useless rituals and started worship of one God. Guru Nanak Dev Ji laid the foundation of a new social order by condemning caste system, by propagating brotherhood of mankind, providing equal status to women in society, and by establishing institutions of ‘Sangat’ and ‘Pangat’. His teachings gave a rude jolt, even to the rulers of the time. According to famous historian Dr. I.B. Banerjee,
“The age of Guru Nanak Dev Ji was an age of ignorance and an age of strife, and we may say at once the message of Nanak was a message of truth and a message of peace.”

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 4 Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and His Teachings

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Give a brief account of the contribution of Guru Nanak Dev Ji to Sikhism.
When Guru Nanak Dev Ji was born in the 15th century, the people were groping in the darkness of ignorance. Condition of wom’en folk in society was very deplorable. Guru Nanak Dev Ji undertook travels in the various parts of the country and abroad to bring awareness in them. He founded two institutions namely Sangat and Pangat. Before he breathed his last in 1539 A.D. Guru Nanak Dev Ji nominated Bhai Lehna Ji (Guru Angad Dev Ji) as his successor. The nomination of Guru Angad Dev Ji proved very significant for the development of Sikh Panth.

Question 2.
What do you mean by Udasis? What were the aims of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Udasis?
What were the aims and importance of the Udasis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
Udasis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji mean the travels undertaken by him. Main objective of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Udasis was to dispel ignorance and superstitions of the people. He wanted to convey the message of universal brotherhood of mankind and worship of the only one God to the people. Guru Nanak Dev Ji started his Udasis to show a new path to the people, who were groping in darkness.

Question 3.
Give a brief account of the important Udasis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
Write a brief note on any three important Udasis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
(a) Guru Nanak Dev Ji started his Udasis from Saidpur. On being asked by Malik Bhago, he told that we should earn our bread by honest and not by foul means.
(b) At Gorakhmata, Guru Nanak Dev Ji told the Sidh Jogis that man cannot attain salvation by wearing earrings or by rubbing ashes on the body but through purity of soul.
(c) Guru Ji proved at Mecca that God is Omnipresent and not confined to any particular place.

Question 4.
Write an essence of the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
Give a brief account of the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
Write any three teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

  • According to Guru Nanak Dev Ji, God is one. He is formless and omnipresent,
  • He is immortal. He is omnipotent and kind,
  • He is the Creator, Sustainer and Destroyer of the world. So, we should not worship any other god or goddess except Him.
  • The Guru accepted Maya as the biggest hurdle in the way of salvation,
  • The Guru told that lust, anger, greed, attachment and pride are the five enemies of man.

Question 5.
What was Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s concept of God?
What were the views of Guru Nanak Dev Ji about God?
Guru Nanak Dev Ji believed in one God only. God has two forms. He is Nirguna (without attributes) as well as Saguna (with attributes). By His order (Hukam) the universe came into existence. According to Guru Nanak Dev Ji, God is the Sovereign Lord. Everything happens in accordance with His will. Guru Nanak Dev Ji says that the universe created by God is unstable and impermanent but God is immortal. He is beyond the cycle of birth, death and rebirth.

Question 6.
What type of religious beliefs and rituals were condemned by Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
Guru Nanak Dev Ji condemned all the blind faiths of religion prevalent in society. He opposed idol-worship, Vedic rituals, going on pilgrimages, and other rituals connected with important occasions of life. The Brahmins were the main supporters of these rituals. He did not approve of the ideology of the Jogis for two reasons-

  • The Jogis lacked faith in God.
  • They remained away from society and shirked social responsibilities.

Question 7.
What was Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s concept of Maya? Explain in brief.
Describe Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s concept of Maya.
Guru Nanak Dev Ji regarded Maya as the biggest hurdle in the way of man’s salvation. The multicoloured Maya allures man to itself. Maya to whom he loves so much does not accompany him after his death. It separates man from God, by keeping him absorbed in worldly things. One who yields to Maya also remains caught in the cycle of transmigration. Thus, he ruins his life.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 4 Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and His Teachings

Question 8.
What is the importance of guru in Guru Nanak Dev’s teachings?
What was the concept of “Guru” according to Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
Guru Nanak Dev Ji laid much emphasis on Guru. The Guru is a ladder by means of which one attains salvation. Without the Guru’s guidance, no one can attain salvation. An unregenerate (manmukh) man remains engrossed in worldly enjoyments. It is the Guru who purifies his mind. The Guru gives knowledge about Truth, Nam and Sabad. The Guru dispels the darkness of ignorance. According to Guru Nanak Dev Ji, a true Guru is God Himself, who is revealed through the Word (Sabad). ,

Question 9.
What is the importance of ‘Nam’ in Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings?
Guru Nanak Dev Ji considered the recitation of Nam as the highest form of God-Worship. Man can get deliverance through Nam from the world which is full of diseases and sufferings. Those who recite Nam are free from all illusions and all their sorrows come to an end. Such a person’s soul blooms like a lotus. A man remains entrapped in all sorts of sins and in the vicious circle of transmigration without Nam.

Question 10.
What is the importance of Hukam in Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings?
The doctrine of Hukam (order) or the will of God occupies a crucial position in the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. The world moves in accordance with the will of God. Birth and death of a creature, appreciation or dishonour, happiness or misery is in accordance with His Hukam. His Hukam cannot be evaded. He who obeys the Hukam of God is blessed by God and attains salvation.

Question 11.
Write the views of Guru Nanak Dev Ji about women.
The condition of women during Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s time was very- miserable. They were not considered equal to man’s in society. They were regarded as a commodity of sensual pleasure. Many evils existed among them like child marriage, polygamy, purdah system, sati system and divorce etc. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was in favour of women’s equal rights with men. He was in favour of giving education to women also.

Question 12.
What are Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s views on Caste?
Guru Nanak Dev Ji criticised the prevalent caste system in unequivocal terms. His main aim was to remove the social discrimination from the society. In his view no one could be rich or poor on the basis of the caste. In the court of God karma and not the caste decide the fate of a man. Guru Nanak Dev Ji opened the door of Sikhism for downtrodden classes.

Question 13.
What was the social meaning and significance of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s message?
What was the impact of teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
The social meaning of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s message is very important. His message was for everyone. Any man or woman could take the path shown by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. The path of salvation was open for all. Guru Nanak Dev Ji preached social equality. Guru Nanak Dev Ji condemned the caste system in strong words. In order to put his message of social equality into practice, he founded two institutions i.e. Sangat and Pangat. No discrimination of caste was observed while preparing the Langar.

Question 14.
How far were the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji different from the Bhakti reformers? ,
According to Guru Nanak Dev Ji, God is formless. He never acquires the human form. The Bhakti preachers regard Krishna and Rama as the incarnations of God. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was against idol-worship, while the other religious preachers had full faith in it. Guru Nanak Dev Ji believed in leading a married life. The Bhakti preachers thought it to be a big hurdle, in the way of salvation. Guru Nanak Dev Ji founded two institutions of Sangat and Pangat. The Bhakti preachers did not set up any such institution.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 4 Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and His Teachings

Question 15.
Guru Nanak Dev Ji was a great poet and musician. Explain.
Guru Nanak Dev Ji was not only a great religious saint but also a great poet and musician. There are 976 Sabads (hymns) in Guru Granth Sahib which are composed by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. It shows that Guru Nanak Dev Ji was a great poet. The poems of Guru Nanak Dev Ji touch the concept of God and Humanity and the relationship between both. He took the help of music to spread his message. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was well versed with many types of Ragas. His music had deep influence on the minds of the listeners.

Question 16.
How and where did Guru Nanak Dev Ji spend last 18 years of his life?
Guru Nanak Dev Ji spent the last 18 years of his life with his family at Kartarpur. During this period, he set up the institutions of Sangat and Pangat. Sangat meant the congregation, which gathered to hear the Bani of the Guru everyday. Pangat means to sit in a queue and take food together. In this Langar (the community kitchen), no discrimination of caste, creed or religion was observed. Guru Nanak Dev Ji composed 976 Shabads.

Objective Type Questions:

Question 1.
Who was the founder of Sikhism?
Guru Nanak Dev. Ji.

Question 2.
When was Guru Nanak Dev Ji born?
1469 A.D.

Question 3.
Where was Guru Nanak Dev Ji born?

Question 4.
With what name the birthplace of Guru Nanak Dev Ji is now called?
Nankana Sahib.

Question 5.
Who said it, “Satgur Nanak Pargatiya Miti Dhund Jag Chanan Hoa”?
Bhai Gurdas Ji.

Question 6.
What was the name of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s father?
Mehta Kalu Ji.

Question 7.
To which caste did Mehta Kalu belong?

Question 8.
Who was Mehta Kalu?
He was the father of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

Question 9.
What was the name of the Mother of Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
Tripta Ji.

Question 10.
Who was Tripta Ji?
She was the Mother of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

Question 11.
What was the name of the sister of Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
Bebe Nanaki.

Question 12.
What was the name of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Wife?
Bibi Sulakhni Ji.

Question 13.
With how many rupees did Guru Nanak do Sacha Sauda?
20 rupees.

Question 14.
Why was Guru Nanak Dev Ji sent to Sultanpur Lodhi?
To do a job.

Question 15.
When was Guru Nanak Dev Ji enlightened?
1499 A.D.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 4 Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and His Teachings

Question 16.
What was the first utterance of Guru Nanak Dev Ji after enlightenment?
With which words did Guru Nanak Dev Ji start his preaching work?
“Na Ko Hindu Na Ko Musalman”.

Question 17.
What is meant by the Udasis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
His travels.

Question 18.
What was the purpose of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Udasis?
To dispel the ignorance prevalent among people and to preach Holy Name.

Question 19.
When did Guru Nanak start his first Udasi?
1499 A.D.

Question 20.
From wh§re did Guru Nanak Dev Ji start his first Udasi?
Saidpur (Eminabad).

Question 21.
Name any two places visited by Guru Nanak during his first Udasi.
(a) Delhi and
(b) Kurukshetra.

Question 22.
Who was the constant companion of Guru Nanak Sahib Ji?
Who was the companion of Guru Nank Dev Ji during Udasis?’
Who was the companion of Guru Nanak Dev Ji at the time of Udasis?
Bhai Mardana.

Question 23.
Which instrument did Bhai Mardana play while performing kirtan?

Question 24.
Who was the first disciple of Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
Bhai Lalo.

Question 25.
Why did Guru Nanak Dev Ji refuse the food of Malik Bhago?
Because it was not earned by honest means.

Question 26.
Where did Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji met with Sajjan?
At Talumba.

Question 27.
Where had Guru Nanak Dev Ji watered the fields facing towards West?

Question 28.
Which Sufi Saint did Guru Nanak Dev Ji meet at Panipat?
Shaikh Tahir.

Question 29.
What was Gorakhmata named as after Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Udasi?
Nanak Mata.

Question 30.
Who was Nurshai?
Nurshai was the famous witch of Kamrup.

Question 31.
In which temple Guru Nanak Dev Ji explained the meaning of true Aarti to the people in Orissa?
Jagan Nath Puri.

Question 32.
What did Guru Nanak Dev Ji preach the Sidhs of Kailash Parbat?
To do social service.

Question 33.
Which ruler of Ceylon met Guru Nanak Dev Ji?

Question 34.
At which place did Guru Nanak Dev Ji move Kaba during his Udasis?

Question 35.
With which Qazi Guru Nanak Dev Ji had confrontation?

Question 36.
With what name is Hasan Abdal now known?
Panja Sahib.

Question 37.
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji met with which Shaikh at Baghdad?
Shaikh Behlol.

Question 38.
When was Guru Nanak Dev Ji arrested for some time?
Answer: 1520 A.D.

Question 39.
Who was the Mughal ruler at the time of Guru Nanak Dev Ji?

Question 40.
Name any one prominent teaching of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
God is one.

Question 41.
What was Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s concept of Maya?
Guru Nanak Dev Ji considered this world as Maya.

Question 42.
How many enemies of man have been identified by Guru Nanak Dev Ji?

Question 43.
What is the concept of Guru in Sikh religion, according to Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
Guru is the ladder by which one reaches God.

Question 44.
What is the importance of meditation of God according to Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
Without the meditation of God the coming of man into this world is fruitless.

Question 45.
Name any two traits of Manmukh (Unregenerate Man).
A Manmukh is always surrounded by sensual lust.

Question 46.
What is self-surrender?
To give up ego.

Question 47.
What do you mean by the word ‘Nadar5?
What is meant by ‘Nadar5?
Grace of God.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 4 Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and His Teachings

Question 48.
What do you mean by Hukam?
The decree of God.

Question 49.
What is the concept of Kirat?
Earning by one’s honest labour.

Question 50.
What is meant by ‘Anjan Mahe Niranjan5?
Leading a simple and pious life amidst the impurities of the world.

Question 51.
Which three things did Guru Nanak Dev Ji ask his disciples to follow?
Write the essence of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings in three words.
Do honest labour, utter Nam and eat after distributing.

Question 52.
Who started the tradition of Kirtan?
Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

Question 53.
Write the name of the town established by Guru Nanak on the bank of Ravi.

Question 54.
What is meant by word Kartarpur?
The abode of God.

Question 55.
Which two institutions were established at Kartarpur by Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
Sangat and Pangat.

Question 56.
What is the meaning of Sangat?
Sangat means the congregation which listens to the hymns of Guru.

Question 57.
What is the meaning of Pangat?
Pangat means a group of people sitting in a queue to eat langar.

Question 58.
Which Guru Sahib started the system of Langar?
Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

Question 59.
What do you know about ‘Guru Ka Langar’?
Which Guru Sahib started the Langar system?
(a) Guru Ka Langar was started by Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
(b) All men and women in the congregation take their meals together without any discrimination.

Question 60.
Give a difference between the teachings of Guru Nanak and other Bhagats.
Guru Nanak Ji was against idol worship but other Bhagats were not.

Question 61.
Where did Guru Nanak Dev Ji spend his last years?
Kartarpur (Pakistan).

Question 62.
How many Shabads were composed by Guru Nanak Dev Ji?

Question 63.
Name the main two compositions of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
Name only two compositions of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
Which two ‘Banis’ were composed by Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
(a) Japji Sahib,
(b) Asa Di Var.

Question 64.
Which Guru Sahib pronounced Babar Bani?
Guru Nanak Sahib.

Question 65.
Where did Guru Nanak Dev Ji immerse in Eternal Light?
1539 A.D. at Kartarpur (Pakistan).

Question 66.
Whom did Guru Nanak Dev Ji appoint his successor?
Guru Angad Dev Ji.

Question 67.
Why did Guru Nanak Dev Ji give the name of Guru Angad Dev to Bhai Lehna Ji?
Because he considered him as the part of his body.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 4 Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and His Teachings

Fill in the blanks:

1. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was born in ……………….
1469 A.D.

2. The name of the father of Guru Nanak Dev Ji was ………………
Metha Kalu

3. ……………… was the name of the sister of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
Bebe Nanaki

4. The name of mother of Guru Nanak Dev Ji was ………………..
Tripta Ji

5. Guru Nanak Dev Ji did Sacha Sauda with ………………. rupees.

6. Guru Nanak Dev Ji worked in Modikhana of ………………..
Sultanpur Lodhi

7. Guru Nanak Dev Ji got the enlightenment at the age of ……………..

8. After enlightenment, Guru Nanak Dev Ji uttered the first words, ………………
“Na Ko Hindu, Na Ko Muslman”

9. Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Udasis were his …………..

10. Guru Nanak Dev Ji started, first Udasis in ……………….. A.D.

11. ……………….. was the companion of Guru Nanak Dev Ji at the time of Udasis.
Bhai Mardana

12. Guru Nanak Dev Ji visited ………………. first during his first Udasi.

13. Guru Nanak Dev Ji met Sajjan thug at …………………

14. Guru Nanak Dev Ji watered his farms at …………………..

15. Guru Nanak Dev Ji told the importance of actual worship (aarti) at …………………
Jagannath Puri

16. Guru Nanak Dev Ji met the Siddhas at ……………….
Kailash Parbat

17. At the time of Udasi of Mecca, ……………… was the Qazi there.

18. Guru Nanak Dev Ji spent his last years in …………..

19. Guru Nanak Dev Ji established the two institutions of ………………… and ………………..
Sangat, Pangat

20. Guru Nanak Dev Ji believed in …………….. God.

21. Guru Nanak Dev Ji ……………….. the caste system and Idol worship.

22. There are ……………….. enemies of man as told by .Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

23. According to Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the ultimate aim of human life is to reach ……………
Sach Khand

24. Guru Nanak Dev Ji immersed in Eternal Light in ………………….
1539 A.D.

25. Guru Nanak Dev Ji appointed ……………… as his successor.
Bhai Lehna Ji

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 4 Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and His Teachings

True or False:

1. Guru Nanak Dey Ji was born on 15th April 1469 A.D.

2. The birth place of Guru Nanak Dey Ji is called ‘Punja Sahib’.

3. The name of the father of Guru Nanak Dey Ji was Mehta Kalu.

4. The name of the mother of Guru Nanak Dey Ji was Sabrai Devi.

5. The name of the sister of Guru Nanak Dey Ji was Bebe Nanaki.

6. Guru Nanak Dey Ji was related to Beth family.

7. Guru Nanak Dey Ji did the Sacha Sauda with Rs. 40 only.

8. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was married to inhabitant of Amritsar, Sulakhni.

9. Sri Chand and Lakhmi Das were the sons of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

10. Guru Nanak Dev Ji got a job in Modikhanna of Goindwal Sahib.

11. After enlightment, Guru Nanak Dev Ji uttered, “Na Ko Hindu, Na Ko Musalman.”

12. At the time of enlightment, Guru Nanak Dev Ji was 35 year old.

13. The travels of Guru Nanak Dev Ji are called Udasis.

14. Guru Nanak Dev Ji started his first Udasi from Saidpur.

15. Guru Nanak Dev Ji stayed at the house of Malik Bhago.

16. Guru Nanak Dev Ji met Sajjan Thug at Kurukshetra.

17. Guru Nanak Dev Ji offered water to his fields at Haridwar.

18. Guru Nanak Dev Ji explained about the real worship of God Almighty to the priests of Jagannath Puri.

19. At Mecca, Guru Nanak Dev Ji slept with his feet towards the Kaaba.

20. Guru Nanak Dev Ji believed in one God only.

21. Guru Nanak Dev Ji started two institutions of ‘Sangat and Pangat’.

22. Guru Nanak Dev Ji believed in caste system and idol worship.

23. Guru Nanak Dev Ji laid emphasis on the equal rights of men and women.

24. Guru Nanak Dev Ji immersed in Eternal Light in 1539 A.D.

25. Guru Nanak Dev Ji nominated Bhai Lehna Ji as his successor.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 4 Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and His Teachings

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Who was the foundier of Sikhism?
(a) Guru Nanak Dev Ji
(b) Guru Angad Dev Ji
(c) Guru Hargobind Ji
(d) Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
(a) Guru Nanak Dev Ji

2. When was Guru Nanak Dev Ji born?
(a) In 1459 A.D.
(b) In 1469 A.D.
(c) In 1479 A.D.
(d) In 1489 A.D.
(b) In 1469 A.D.

3. Which was the birth place of Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
(a) Kirtpur Sahib
(b) Kartarpur
(c) Talwandi
(d) Lahore.
(c) Talwandi

4. What was the name of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s father?
(a) Mehta Kalu Ji
(b) Jai Ram Ji
(c) Sri Chand Ji
(d) Pherumal Ji.
(a) Mehta Kalu Ji

5. What was the name of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s mother? .
(a) Khivi Ji
(b) Tripta Ji
(c) Nanaki Ji
(d) Gujari Ji.
(b) Tripta Ji

6. Who was Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s sister?
(a) Nanaki Ji
(b) Bhani Ji
(c) Dani Ji
(d) Khivi Ji.
(a) Nanaki Ji

7. With how many rupees Guru Nanak Dev Ji did Sacha Sauda?
(a) 10
(b) 20
(c) 30
(d) 50
(b) 20

8. Name the wife of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
(a) Ganga Devi Ji
(b) Sulakhni Ji
(c) Bibi Veero Ji
(d) Bibi Bhani Ji.
(b) Sulakhni Ji

9. Where did Mehta Kalu send Nanak to do a job?
(a) Multan
(b) Lahore
(c) Sultanpur Lodhi
(d) Kiratpur Sahib.
(c) Sultanpur Lodhi

10. At what age did Guru Nanak Dev Ji get the enlightenment?
(a) 20 years
(b) 22 years
(c) 26 years
(d) 30 years
(d) 30 years

11. What was the purpose of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Udasis?
(a) To dispel the prevalent superstitions among people
(b) To preach Holy Name
(c) To spread the message of universal brotherhood of mankind
(d) All of the above
(d) All of the above

12. From where did Guru Nanak Dev Ji start his first Udasi?
(a) Gorakhmata
(b) Haridwar
(c) Saidpur
(d) Kurukshetra
(c) Saidpur

13. Where did Guru Nanak Dev Ji meet Sajjan Thug (Cheat)?
(a) At Talumba
(b) At Saidpur
(c) At Delhi
(d) At Dhubri.
(a) At Talumba

14. Where did Guru Nanak Dev Ji meet with witch Nurshahi?
(a) Gaya
(b) Kamrup
(c) Dhubri
(d) Banaras.
(b) Kamrup

15. At which place Guru Nanak Dev Ji told that Nature all the time, is busy with the worship of God.
(a) Haridwar
(b) Kurukshetra
(c) Banaras
(d) Jagan Nath Puri
(d) Jagan Nath Puri

16. Which ruler of Ceylon met Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
(a) Krishandev Rai
(b) Bholenath
(c) Shivnath
(d) Shanker Dev.
(c) Shivnath

17. Which of the following place is now called Punja Sahib?
(a) Pakpattan
(b) Sialkot
(c) Hasan Abdal
(d) Gorakhmata.
(c) Hasan Abdal

18. Which Qazi stopped Guru Nanak Dev Ji to sleep with his feet towards Kabha at Mecca?
(a) Bah-ud-Din
(b) Qutub-ud-Din
(c) Rukun-ud-Din
(d) Bahlol.
(c) Rukun-ud-Din

19. When did Guru Nanak Dev Ji settle at Kartarpur?
(a) In 1519 A.D.
(b) In 1520 A.D.
(c) In 1521. A.D.
(d) In 1522 A.D.
(c) In 1521. A.D.

20. What is the nature of God according to Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
What was the concept of God of Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
(a) He is all powerful.
(b) He is immortal.
(c) He is Nirguna and Saguna.
(d) All of the above.
(d) All of the above.

21. Which of the following is not the nature of Unregenerate man?
(a) He always indulges in vicious circle of Maya.
(b) He always worships God.
(c) He has a strong feeling of ego (Haumai).
(d) He is always surrounded by evil impulses.
(b) He always worships God.

22. Which of the following was not denounced by Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
(a) Priestly class
(b) Caste system
(c) Idol worship
(d) Equality of men and women.
(d) Equality of men and women.

23. What were the means of achieving the Ultimate object of Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
(a) Recitation of Nam
(b) Self surrender
(c) To obey the Hukam of God
(d) All of the above.
(d) All of the above.

24. How many enemies of man have been identified by Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) Five
(d) Five

25. Which things did Guru Nanak Dev Ji ask every man to follow?
(a) To do honest labour (Kirat Kama)
(b) To utter Nam (Nam Japna).
(c) To eat after distributing (Wand Chakna).
(d) All of the above.
(d) All of the above.

26. Who started the tradition of Kirtan?
(a) Guru Nanak Dev Ji
(b) Guru Amar Das Ji
(c) Guru Arjan Dev Ji
(d) Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
(a) Guru Nanak Dev Ji

27. Which of the following fact proves that Guru Nanak Dev Ji was a Revolutionary?
(a) Establishment of new institutions
(b) Opposed the caste system
(c) Condemned the Idol worship
(d) All of the above.
(d) All of the above.

28. Whom did Guru Nanak Dev Ji appoint his successor?
(a) Bhai Jetha Ji
(b) Bhai Durga Ji
(c) Bhai Lehna Ji
(d) Sri Chand Ji
(c) Bhai Lehna Ji

29. In which year Guru Nanak Dev Ji immersed in Eternal Light?
(a) In 1519 A.D.
(b) In 1529 A.D.
(c) In 1539 A.D.
(d) In 1549 A.D.
(c) In 1539 A.D.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 3 Political, Social and Economic Conditions of the Punjab in the beginning of the 16th Century

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class History Book Solutions Chapter 3 Political, Social and Economic Conditions of the Punjab in the beginning of the 16th Century Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 History Chapter 3 Political, Social and Economic Conditions of the Punjab in the beginning of the 16th Century

Long Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Explain the political condition of Punjab in the beginning of the 16th century.
What was the general political condition of Punjab at the beginning of the 16th century?
At the beginning of the 16th century, the political condition of Punjab was very unstable. As a result of the wrong policies of Lodhi Sultans lawlessness prevailed all around. The ruling class remained engrossed in pleasure-seeking. Feasts were held every day in the courts. The female dancers took part in these celebrations in a big number and drinking sessions were freely held. As a result, nobody had time to attend to the problems of the people. The govt, officials had become corrupt to the core and bribery was rampant; so much so that Qazis and Ulemas delivered justice only when their palm was greased. The Muslims perpetrated. tyranny on the Hindus and converted them to Islam at the point of the sword.

The state administration had collapsed. Taking advantage of such conditions, Daulat Khan Lodhi, the Governor of Punjab declared himself independent. In this regard, he invited Babar to invade India. Babar defeated Daulat Khan Lodhi towards the end of 1525 A.D. and took control of Punjab. He defeated Sultan Ibrahim Lodhi in the first battle of Panipat on 21 April 1526 A.D. and founded the Mughal rule in India.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 3 Political, Social and Economic Conditions of the Punjab in the beginning of the 16th Century

Question 2.
“At the beginning of the 16th century, Punjab was a cockpit of triangular struggle”. Explain.
Explain the triangular struggle of Punjab at the beginning of the 16th century.
At the beginning of the 16th century, Punjab was a cockpit of triangular struggle. This triangular struggle began between Babar, the ruler of Kabul, Ibrahim Lodhi, the ruler of Delhi and Daulat Khan Lodhi, the Governor of Punjab. Daulat Khan Lodhi wanted to become an independent ruler of Punjab. When Ibrahim Lodhi came to know about it, he ordered Daulat Khan Lodhi to present himself in the royal court. In order to escape the wrath of the Sultan, Daulat Khan Lodhi sent his younger son Dilawar Khan to Delhi. When he reached Delhi, he was arrested and thrown into prison.

Somehow, Dilawar Khan managed to escape from the prison. On reaching Punjab, he narrated to Daulat Khan Lodhi, his father, the treatment meted out to him in Delhi. In order to take revenge for this insult, he invited Babar to invade India, which was already looking for such a golden opportunity. In this triangular struggle, Babar Came out victorious. In 1525¬26 A.D. he not only took control of Punjab but also occupied Delhi. Thus, the foundation of Mughal rule in India was laid.

Question 3.
Who was Daulat Khan Lodhi? What were the causes of the struggle between Daulat Khan Lodhi and Ibrahim Lodhi?
Write a short note on Daulat Khan Lodhi.
Daulat Khan Lodhi was the Governor of Punjab. He was appointed to this post in 1500 A.D. The main cause of the struggle between Daulat Khan Lodhi and Ibrahim Lodhi was that the former wanted to be an independent ruler of Punjab. For this purpose, he hatched a conspiracy with Alam Khan, the foster brother of Ibrahim Lodhi, who wanted to acquire the throne of Delhi. When Ibrahim Lodhi came to know about it, he issued an order to Daulat Khan Lodhi to present himself in the royal court of Delhi. In order to escape the wrath of the Sultan, Daulat Khan sent his younger son Dilawar Khan to Delhi. When Dilawar Khan reached there, he was arrested and put into prison. He was ill-treated in jail. But soon he succeeded in escaping from jail. On reaching Punjab, he appraised his father Daulat Khan of the ill-treatment meted out to him in Delhi. Daulat Khan invited Babar to invade India, in order to take revenge for the insult. Later on Daulat Khan Lodhi turned against Babar. Babar defeated him in 1525 A.D and occupied Punjab.

Question 4.
Who was Babar? When and how many times did he invade Punjab? Write briefly about these invasions.
Give a brief account of Babar’s five invasions over Punjab.
Babar was the ruler of Kabul. He invaded Punjab five times from 1519 A.D. to 1526 A.D. He invaded Punjab for the first time in 1519 A.D. Babar captured Bhera and Bajaur regions during this invasion. As soon as Babar returned, the people took back their control. In the same year, Babar invaded Punjab for the second time. This time Babar occupied Peshawar. During his third invasion over Punjab in 1520 A.D. Babar brought Bajaur, Bhera and Sialkot under his control. After this, he attacked Saidpur. Babar thoroughly plundered Saidpur during this invasion. The Mughal army arrested Guru Nanak also along with other people. Later on, with the intervention of Babar, Guru Nanak was released. In 1524 A.D. on the invitation of Daulat Khan Lodhi, Babar invaded Punjab for the fourth time and seized it without much difficulty. Later on, Daulat Khan Lodhi turned against Babar. In order to teach Daulat Khan Lodhi a lesson, Babar invaded Punjab for the 5th time in November 1525 A.D. He defeated Daulat Khan Lodhi and occupied Punjab. After this, Babar defeated Ibrahim Lodhi on April 21, 1526 A.D. in the first battle of Panipat. Thus, Babar established the Mughal dynasty in India. ‘

Question 5.
When did Babar invade Saidpur? What is its importance in Sikh History?
Babar invaded Saidpur in 1520 A.D. The people of this place stoutly resisted Babar. Consequently, Babar got angry. His forces massacred people in a large number, set the houses and palaces on fire after plundering them. Thousands of women were taken into custody and they were maltreated. Guru Nanak was in Saidpur at that time and he wrote in his ‘Babar Bani’ about the tyranny of the Mughal army on people. The army of Babar had arrested Guru Ji also. Later on, when Babar came to know about the piety of Guru Nanak, he at once ordered his release. Babar wrote in his autobiography Tuzak-i-Babri that if he had known that such a great saint was living in that city, he would never have attacked and ransacked it. On the intervention of Guru Nanak, several innocent people were let off.

Question 6.
Why and where did the battle take place between Babar and Ibrahim Lodhi?
Give a brief account of the First Battle of Panipat.
Explain the First Battle of Panipat and its significance.
Babar invaded India for the fifth time in November 1525 A.D. to teach Daulat Khan a lesson. Hearing the news of Babar’s invasion, Daulat Khan got frightened, that he took refuge in the fort of Malout in Hoshiarpur district. Babar besieged the fort. Daulat Khan surrendered after some resistance. Babar pardoned him. Now, Babar once again captured the whole of Punjab. Encouraged by this victory, he decided to attack Delhi, which was being ruled by Ibrahim Lodhi. So, he ordered his army to march towards Delhi. When Ibrahim got the news, he marched towards Punjab to face Babar with an army of one lakh. Babar had 20 thousand soldiers in his army. Both the armies fought a fierce battle near Panipat on 21 April 1526 A.D. This battle is known as the first battle of Panipat. In this battle, Ibrahim Lodhi was defeated and killed. In this way, the reign of the Lodhi dynasty in India came to an end and Babar founded the Mughal empire in India.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 3 Political, Social and Economic Conditions of the Punjab in the beginning of the 16th Century

Question 7.
What led to the victory of Babar in the first battle of Panipat?
Give a brief account of the causes of the victory of Babar and the defeat of the Afghans in India.
Many factors were responsible for Babar’s victory in the battle of Panipat. Ibrahim Lodhi, the Sultan of Delhi was notorious for his ill-treatment and the tyranny caused to his nobles and his subjects. They wanted to get rid of such a ruler. The army of Ibrahim Lodhi was also very weak. Most of the soldiers had joined him with the purpose of looting. Their methods of fighting were also outdated and they lacked proper training. Ibrahim committed a political blunder in not attacking Babar’s army for 8 days in Panipat. Had he not allowed Babar to strengthen his security, the results of the battle might have been different. Babar was an able commander. He had a vast experience of fighting battles. The artillery of Babar created havoc. The soldiers of Ibrahim could not face them with their swords, bows and arrows. With all these factors, the Afghans were defeated and Babar came out victorious.

Question 8.
Explain the social condition of Punjab at the beginning of the 16th century.
What do you know about the social condition of Punjab at the time of the birth of Guru Nanak Dev?
At the beginning of the 16th century, the society of Punjab was divided into two main classes-the Hindus and Muslims. The Muslims being related to the ruling class, enjoyed some special privileges. They were appointed to high offices of the State. On the other hand, the Hindus were deprived of all their rights. The Muslims called them Kafirs (non-believers). The Muslims perpetrated so much tyranny on the Hindus that several Hindus embraced Islam under duress. At that time, the condition of women was not good. The dresses of upper-class Muslims used to be costly and were made of silk or velvet. The garments worn by the people of the lower class and the Hindus were simple. Hunting, horse racing, chess-playing, dancing, music, animal-fighting and playing cards were the main sources of entertainment of the people.

Question 9.
What was the condition of women in the society of Punjab at the beginning of the 16th century? Explain briefly.
The condition of the women-folk in the society of Punjab, at the beginning of the 16th century, was highly deplorable. The women were considered not equal in status to men. They were confined within the four walls of the house. At that time many girls were killed as soon as they were born. They were married off in their childhood. As a result, no attention was given to girls’ education. Sati System was also at its climax. A widow was not allowed to re-marry. She was forced to lead a hellish life. The condition of Muslim women was also not good. Many prescriptions in society existed for them. They were treated as objects of sensual pleasure. Their condition had become deplorable due to prostitution, the divorce system and the purdah system. Women of high-class Muslims enjoyed some special privileges but they were few in number.

Question 10.
Into which classes were the Muslim society of Punjab divided and what type of life did they lead, at the beginning of the 16th century?
At the beginning of the 16th century, the Muslim society was divided into three classes:

  • Upper Class: The Upper Class of Muslim society comprised the nobles, Khans, Sheikhs, Qazis and Ulemas. People of this class led a life of pleasure, luxury and comfort. They lived in palatial buildings. Most of their time was spent on celebrations. Although Qazis and Ulemas were religious leaders, most of them had gone astray from their path.
  • Middle Class: The Middle Class included traders, soldiers, peasants and petty officials of the state government. There was a big gap between their life and that of upper-class people, But their standard of living was much better than that of the upper-class Hindus.
  • Lower Class: This class consisted of mostly slaves and servants. Their life was not good. They had to bear the tyranny of their masters.

Question 11.
What was the social condition of Muslims of Punjab, at the beginning of the 16th century?
Give an account of the Muslim classes of Punjab at the beginning of the 16th century.
The Muslim society of Punjab at the beginning of the sixteenth century had the following main features :

1. Three Classes: The Muslim society in Punjab at the beginning of the sixteenth century was divided into three groups—upper class, middle class and lower class.

  • Upper Class: The upper class of the Muslim society consisted of Amirs, Khans, Sheikhs, Maliks, Iqtadars, Ulemas, Qazis etc. They led a life of luxury and extravagance. They lived in grand palaces.
  • Middle Class: It consisted of the soldiers, traders, farmers and subordinate officials of the government. There was a considerable difference between the standard of living of this class and that of the upper class. However, their social status was much better than that of the Hindus.
  • Lower Class: It consisted of slaves, servants and labourers. They were in a very large number. They had to work hard to earn their livelihood! Their life was not satisfactory. They were often subjected to the tyranny of their masters.

2. Position of Women: The condition of women in Muslim society was not satisfactory in any way. They were the least educated. The Purdah system was in vogue. Polygamy and divorce had made the lives of Muslim women more pitiable.

3. Diet: The Muslims belonging to the upper class enjoyed delicious food of many kinds. It included meat, halwa, puri, butter, fruits and vegetables. The lower class ate very simple food.

4. Dress: The Muslims of the upper class used to wear very costly dresses. Such dresses were made of silk and velvet. These dresses were studded with many kinds of precious stones and jewels. People of the lower class used to wear cotton clothes. Men wore kurta and pyjamas and women wore long burqas.

5. Education: No remarkable progress was made in the field of education at the beginning of the sixteenth century. Ulemas and Maulvis taught the Muslims. They held classes in mosques, mastabas and madrasas. The government gave them grants. Primary education was given in the mosques and mastabas whereas higher education was provided in the madrassas. Madrasas were usually situated in cities. Lahore and Multan were well-known centres. education for -the Muslims in Punjab.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 3 Political, Social and Economic Conditions of the Punjab in the beginning of the 16th Century

Question 12.
What was the social condition of the Hindus in the society of Punjab, at the beginning of the 16th century?
Make a mention of the social condition of Hindus in Punjab in the opening of the 16th Century.
1. Caste System: The Hindu society was mainly divided into four castes and many sub-castes. The Brahmans occupied the topmost position in society. The main occupation of the Kshatriyas was to fight and rule. But under the changed circumstances, they had adopted new occupations like trade, agriculture etc. The Vaishyas, however, continued to follow their old occupations of trade and agriculture. The Shudras were treated badly in those days.

2. Position of Women: The position of women in Hindu society was also not satisfactory. She was deprived of those rights which were given to men. No attention was paid to girls’ education. The women were compelled to remain confined within the four walls of their houses for their whole lives. Purdah had become very popular among Hindu women. The custom of Sati was also on the rise.

3. Diet: The diet of the Hindus was very simple. Most of them were vegetarian. Their meals consisted of wheat, rice, vegetables, ghee and milk. They avoided meat, garlic and onion. The diet of the poor included coarse bread and lassi.

4. Dress: The dress of the Hindus was simple. They usually wore cotton clothes. Men used to wear dhoti and kurta and turban on their heads. The Brahmans wore only dhoti. Women wore a sari, choli (a blouse-like dress) and lehnga (a skirt-like dress). The poor clad their bodies with a single cotton cloth (chadar). The Hindu men and women were also fond of wearing ornaments.

5. Means of Entertainment: The Hindus were fond of singing, dancing and music. They played chess and cards also. They entertained themselves through animal fights and wrestling. Besides, they celebrated their festivals with great enthusiasm.

Question 13.
Give a brief account of prevalent education in Punjab at the beginning of the 16th century.
No special progress was made in the field of education at the beginning of the 16th century. Ulemas and Maulvis taught the Muslims. They held classes in mosques, mastabas and madrasas. The government gave them grants. Primary education was given in the mosques and mastabas whereas higher education was provided in madrasas. Madrasas were usually situated in cities. Lahore and – Multan were the well-known centres of education for the Muslims in Punjab. Besides these, Jalandhar, Sultanpur, Samana, Narnaul, Bathinda, Sirhind, Sialkot and Kangra were other important centres of education in Punjab. The Hindus received education from the Brahmins in the temples and pathshalas. They received elementary education at these’ places. There was no centre of higher education for the Hindus in Punjab. The Hindus belonging to the rich class sent their wards to the madrassas of the Muslims for higher education. However, their number used to be very negligible as the Muslims hated them.

Question 14.
What were the main means of entertainment of the people of Punjab at the beginning of the 16th century?
At the beginning of the 16th century, the Muslims entertained themselves in many ways. They were very fond of hunting and polo. They were fond of horse riding and witnessing animal fights. They used to take part in fairs and festivals with great enthusiasm. In these musicians and dancers entertained the viewers. They were also great lovers of playing chess and cheaper. They celebrated their festivals like Id, Nauroz and Shab-e-Barat etc. with great pomp and show. At the beginning of the 16th century, the Hindus were fond of singing, dancing and music. They played chess and cards also. They entertained themselves through animal fights and wrestling. Besides, they celebrated their festivals with great enthusiasm.

Question 15.
Give a brief account of the economic condition of Punjab at the beginning of the 16th century.
Explain the economic condition of Punjab during the 16th century.
Briefly mention the economic condition of Punjab at the beginning of the 16th century.
1. Agriculture: At the beginning of the sixteenth century, agriculture was the main occupation of the people of Punjab. The soil of Punjab was very fertile. The land was large and more and more land could be brought under cultivation. The people of Punjab were hard working. Agriculture was mainly dependent upon rain. Wheat, barley, maize, rice and sugarcane were major crops. Due to the rich harvests, Punjab was called the Granary of India.

2. Industries: Next to agriculture, industry was the main occupation of the people of Punjab. There were industries run both by the state and the individuals. The textile industry was the most famous industry in Punjab. Besides the textile industry, there were other industries that manufactured leather goods, arms, utensils, toys and articles of ivory.

3. Animal Rearing: Some people of Punjab were engaged in animal rearing also. This included animals like cows, oxen, buffaloes, horses, ponies, camels, sheep and goats. Milk and wool were obtained from these animals. Horses, ponies, camels and oxen were used for carrying goods.

4. Trade: The trade of Punjab was much developed. Trade was carried on by certain categories of people. In those days the foreign trade of Punjab was carried on mainly with Afghanistan, Egypt, the Arab countries, Syria, Tibet, Bhutan and China. Foodgrains, textile, silk, cottonseed and sugar were exported to these countries and in turn, Punjab imported horses, arms, fur, dry fruit and musk from these countries.

5. Standard of Living: In those days, the standard of living of all the people of Punjab was not the same. The upper class of Muslims rolled in wealth and thus led a luxurious life. The upper class of Hindus also had much wealth, but the class of Muslims enjoyed a better standard of living whereas the Hindus of the middle class were not having a good standard of living. The poor and the farmers in the society had a very low standard of living.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 3 Political, Social and Economic Conditions of the Punjab in the beginning of the 16th Century

Question 16.
Give a brief account of agriculture in Punjab at the beginning of the 16th century.
At the beginning of the 16th century, agriculture was the main occupation of people in Punjab. Land in Punjab was very fertile. There was no dearth of land to bring it under cultivation. People here were very hard-working. Canals, ponds and wells were used for irrigation. Due to these reasons, there used to be bumper harvests despite the fact that old methods were used for farming. The main crops of Punjab were wheat, barley, maize, rice and sugarcane. Besides, cotton, mustard, jawar, bajra and pulses were also cultivated. As there used to be bumper harvests, Punjab was called Granary of India.

Question 17.
What do you know about the Punjab industries at the beginning of the 16th century?
Next to agriculture, industry was the main occupation of the people of Punjab. There were industries run both by the state and the individuals. The state-owned industries were situated in big cities, whereas the industries run by individuals were situated in villages. The textile industry was the most famous industry in Punjab. As silk cloth was in great demand among the people of upper classes, so it was produced in a big quantity. Samana, Sunam, Sirhind, Dipalpur, Jalandhar, Lahore and Multan were famous centres of silk textile. Chicken (embroidered fine muslin) was produced in Gujarat and Sialkot. Multan and Sultanpur were famous for calico (chintz). Sialkot was known for its dhotis, sarees, turbans and embroidered best quality lungis. Amritsar, Kangra and Kashmir were famous centres of woollen textiles. Besides the textile industry, there were other industries that manufactured leather goods, arms, utensils, toys and articles of ivory.

Question 18.
Give a brief account of the trade of Punjab at the beginning of the 16th century.
Give an account of the main industries of Punjab at the beginning of the 16th century.
The trade of Punjab was much developed. Trade was carried on by certain categories of people. The Kshatriyas, Mahajan’s, Banias, Soods and Aroras among the Hindus and Bohras and Khojas among the Muslims carried on trade. Transportation of goods was carried on by Banjaras. The traders travelled in groups for fear of burglars and dacoits. The institution of Hundi was in vogue. The money lenders lent money on interest. Special markets were organised On the occasions of fairs and festivals. Such markets were held at Multan, Lahore, Jalandhar, Dipalpur, Sirhind, Sunam, Samana etc. in Punjab. People came to these markets in a very large number and purchased their necessities. Special markets were held for animals also. In those days the foreign trade of Punjab was carried on mainly with Afghanistan, Egypt, the Arab countries, Syria, Tibet, Bhutan and China. Foodgrains, textile, silk, cottonseed and sugar were exported to these countries and in turn, Punjab imported horses, arms, fur, dry fruit and musk from these countries.

Question 19.
What was the living standard of people at the beginning of the 16th century?
In those days, the standard of living of all the people of Punjab was not the same. The upper-class Muslims rolled in wealth and thus led a luxurious life. They lived in big palaces. They wore costly clothes. They ate a rich diet. Wine and women were part of their life. A large number of servants, slaves and women were always at their disposal. The upper-class Hindus also had much wealth, but the Muslims used to loot them. So, they spent their wealth stealthily. The middle-class Muslims enjoyed a better standard of living whereas the Hindus of the middle class were not having a good standard of living. The Hindus could hardly make both ends meet. The poor and the farmers in the society had a very low standard of living. They could neither taste good food nor wear good clothes. They always remained under the debt of the money-lenders.

Essay Type Questions:

Question 1.
Describe the political condition of Punjab at the time (In the beginning of the 16th century) of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s birth.
While describing briefly the invasions of Babar over Punjab, explain the causes of his success.
Describe the political condition of Punjab in the beginning of 16th century.
The political condition of Punjab in the beginning of the sixteenth century was very deplorable. In those days the Punjab was under the Sultanate of Delhi. The Sultans of the Lodhi dynasty were ruling at that time. Thus, it becomes essential for us to know briefly about the rule of Lodhi Sultans for proper , understanding of the political condition of the Punjab.

The Punjab Under the Lodhis:

In the beginning of the 16th century, anarchy and conspiracies prevailed everywhere in the Punjab.

1. Tatar Khan Lodhi : Bahlol Lodhi had appointed Tatar Khan Lodhi, one of his near relatives, as Governor of the Punjab in 1469 A.D. He ruled over the Punjab with an iron hand till 1485 A.D. He raised the banner of revolt against Bahlol Lodhi in 1485 A.D. due to some reasons. The Sultan sent his son Prince Nizam Khan, who later succeeded to the throne as Sikandar Lodhi, to crush the revolt of Tatar Khan. Tatar Khan was killed while fighting with Prince Nizam Khan.

2. Daulat Khan Lodhi : Daulat Khan Lodhi was the son of Tatar Khan Lodhi. Sultan Sikandar Lodhi appointed him the Governor of the Punjab in 1500 A.D. He remained fully loyal during the reign of Sikandar Lodhi, but he started thinking of becoming independent with the cooperation of his three sons (Ghazi Khan, Haji Khan and Dilawar Khan) during the reign of Sultan Ibrahim Lodhi. He even started conspiring with Alam Khan Lodhi, a step-brother of Sultan Ibrahim Lodhi, who wanted the throne of Delhi for himself. When the Sultan came to know about these conspiracies, he summoned Daulat Khan to the royal court. Daulat Khan Lodhi, sent his younger son Dilawar Khan to Delhi. Dilawar Khan was taken prisoner by the Sultan and was treated very badly. However, he managed to escape from the prison and quickly reached Punjab. He narrated the bad treatment meted out to him by the Sultan to his father, Daulat Khan. Daulat Khan Lodhi in order to avenge this insult, invited Babar to invade India.

3. Condition of Subjects : In the beginning of the sixteenth century, the condition of the subjects was also very deplorable. The rulers used to indulge in luxuries and merry-making. Extravagant parties had become a daily routine of the court. None had time to take care of the public. As a consequence of this, the government officials became corrupt. Bribery was common. Not to speak of the Sultan, even Qazis and Ulemas took bribe and delivered justice accordingly. All sorts of atrocities were let loose on the Hindus. They were being converted to Islam by force. Those, who refused were put to death. In short, atrocities, cruelties, corruption and intrigue were prevalent all over. The prevailing political condition of the time has been aptly described by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Var Majh, “Kal kati raje kasai, Dharam pankhkar udriya, Koor amavas sach chandrama dise nahin keh chariya.” This Kali age is like a sword, the Kings are butchers. Goodness has taken wings and flown away. There is pitch darkness and the moon of truth shines nowhere.

Invasions of Babar:

A triangular contest began for the possession of Punjab in 1519 A.D. It took place between Ibrahim Lodhi, Daulat Khan Lodhi and Babar. Finally Babar won the struggle. He had to invade India five times to- fulfil his aim.’ A brief description of these invasions is given below :

1. First Invasion of Babar 1519 AL.D. : Babar was the ruler of Kabul. In order to expand his empire, Babar concentrated on India, because anarchy and lawlessness prevailed in India at that time. He stormed the border areas of the Punjab in his first invasion of India in 1519 A.D. This time he captured Bhera and Bajaur without facing any resistance. He placed these areas under the charge of Hindu Beg and himself returned to Kabul.

2. Second Invasion of Babar 1519 A.D.: People of Bhera and Bajaur pushed out Hindu Beg from their region soon after Babar had returned to Kabul. So, Babar attacked the Punjab, the second time in September, 1519 A.D. Now, he captured Peshawar. However, he had to return as a revolt had broken out in Badakhshan.

3. Third Invasion of Babar 1520 A.D.: Babar’s third invasion of the Punjab took place in 1520 A.D. During this invasion he easily captured Bhera, Bajaur and Sialkot. Then he attacked Saidpur (Eminabad). The people of Saidpur resisted the attack, so Babar in a fit of fury massacred a large number of people in cold blood.

The whole city was mercilessly plundered. Thousands of women were captured and molested. Guru Nanak Dev Ji, who was present in Saidpur at that time, has mentioned in ‘Babar Vani’ the atrocities let loose on the people by Babar’s army. Guru Nanak Dev writes, ‘‘Khurasan he ruleth and Hindustan he has invaded. No blame to Thee, who ordaineth. The Moghuls hath come for retribution. So much suffering had been inflicted, People cry in agony. Hath Thou not felt?” Babar’s soldiers had arrested Guru Nanak Dev Ji also. Later, when Babar came to know that his soldiers had arrested a great saint, he immediately ordered his release. Babar writes in his autobiography Tuzak-i-Babari that if he had known that such a great saint lived in this town, he would have never attacked it.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 3 Political, Social and Economic Conditions of the Punjab in the beginning of the 16th Century

4. Fourth Invasion of Babarl524 A.D. : Babar attacked Punjab the fourth time in 1524 A.D. at the invitation of Daulat Khan Lodhi. He reached Lahore without meeting any stiff resistance. At Lahore, some Afghan Chiefs resisted him against the wishes of Daulat Khan. As a result, Babar flew into a rage and Lahore experienced a reign of terror, destruction and savagery. A large number of people were killed. Houses and streets were set on fire. Then, Babar reached Dipalpur and captured it with the cooperation of Daulat Khan Lodhi. It was also mercilessly sacked. Thereafter, he took control of the Jalandhar Doab. Thus, having conquered the Punjab, Babar placed the territories of Jalandhar Doab and Sultanpur under the charge of Daulat Khan Lodhi. But, as it was much below the expectation of Daulat Khan Lodhi, he along with his son Haji Khan, revolted against Babar. Babar defeated them, but they fled and took refuge in Shivalik hills. Soon after Babar returned to Kabul, Daulat Khan came back to Punjab, defeated the Mughals and recaptured the Punjab.

5. Fifth Invasion of Babar 1525-26 A.D. : Babar invaded India for the fifth time in November 1525 A.D. to teach Daulat Khan a lesson. Hearing the news of Babar’s invasion, Daulat Khan got frightened, that he took refuge in the fort” of Malout in Hoshiarpur district. Babar besieged the fort. Daulat Khan surrendered after some resistance. Babar pardoned him. Now, Babar once again captured the whole of Punjab. Encouraged by this victory, he decided to attack Delhi, which was being ruled by Ibrahim Lodhi. So, he ordered his army to march towards Delhi. When Ibrahim got the news, he marched towards the Punjab to face Babar with an army of one lakh. Babar had 20 thousand soldiers in his army. Both the armies fought a fierce battle near Panipat on 21 April, 1526 A.D. This battle is known as the first battle of Panipat. In this battle Ibrahim Lodhi was defeated and killed. In this way, the reign of the Lodhi dynasty in India came to an end and Babar founded the Mughal empire in India.

Causes of Babar’s Success:

There were many causes (factors) responsible for Babar’s victory in the first battle of Panipat. Sultan Ibrahim Lodhi was quite unpopular among the chiefs a nd the public for his indecent behaviour and cruelties. So, they wanted to get rid of such an incompetent ruler. The army of Ibrahim Lodhi was very weak. Many soldiers in his army had gathered for the purpose of looting only. Their method of warfare was obsolete and they lacked planning. Ibrahim Lodhi committed a grave political and military blunder, when he did not attack Babar’s army for eight days. If, he had not allowed Babar to consolidate his defence system, the result of the battle might have been different. Babar was an able army general. He had a good experience of wars and battles. His use of artillery caused havoc among the Afghan soldiers. The above description makes it clear that there was anarchy and unrest in Punjab in the beginning of the sixteenth century and it had become an arena of battles and conspiracies.

Question 2.
Discuss the social condition of the Punjab in the beginning of the 16th century?
The social condition of the Punjab in the beginning of the sixteenth century was very deplorable. The society was divided into two major classes, namely the Hindus and the Muslims. The Muslims enjoyed many privileges, because they belonged to the ruling class. On the other hand, the Hindus, who formed the majority of population, were deprived of almost all the rights. They were called ‘Kafirs’ and ‘Zimmies.’. Jaziya and the pilgrimage tax were for’cibly charged from the Hindus. The Muslims subjected the Hindus to so much atrocity that a large number of them were compelled to embrace Islam. The condition of women in the society was worse than that of animals. In the words of Dr. Jasbir Singh Ahluwalia, “When Guru Nanak appeared on the horizon, the Indian society had already become static and decadent.”

Features of the Muslim Society:

The Muslim society of the Punjab in the beginning of the sixteenth century had the following main features :

1. Three Classes : The Muslim society in the Punjab in the beginning of the sixteenth century was divided into three groups—upper class, middle class and lower class.

(a) Upper Class : The upper class of the Muslim society consisted of Amirs, KhAnswer: Sheikhs, Maliks, Iqtadars, Ulemas, Qazis etc. They led a life of luxury and extravagance. They lived in grand palaces. They spent most of their time in merry¬making and feasts. Only during the days of battles were an exception to it. Ulemas and Qazis were religious leaders of the Muslims. Their main duty was to explain Islamic laws and deliver justice to people. But, many of the Ulemas and Qazis of that time had gone astray from their real path.

(b) Middle Class: It consisted of the soldiers, traders, farmers and subordinate officials of the government. There was a considerable difference between the standard of living of this class and that of the upper class. However, their social status was much better than that of the Hindus.

(c) Lower Class : It consisted of slaves, servants and labourers. They were in a very large number. They had to work hard to earn their livelihood. Their life was not satisfactory. They were often subjected to the tyranny of their masters. The condition of the slaves working in the courts was somewhat better than those working in the houses. Sometimes they could reach to high positions in the court.

2. Position of Women: The condition of women in the Muslim society was not satisfactory in any way. They were the least educated. The Purdah system was in vogue. Institutions of polygamy and divorce had made the lives of Muslim women more pitiable. Only women of the upper class Muslim society were granted some facilities, but their number was very small.

3. Diet: The Muslims belonging to the upper class enjoyed delicious food of many kinds. It included meat, halwa, puri, butter, fruits and vegetables. They were very much fond of chewing the betel (pan) and the betel-nut (supari). They drank many kinds of flavoured cold drinks (sharbats) in the summer. The lower class ate very simple food.

4. Dress : The Muslims of the upper class used to wear very costly dresses. Such dresses were made of silk and velvet. These dresses were studded with many kinds of precious stones and jewels. People of lower class used to wear cotton clothes. Men wore kurta and pyjama and women wore long burqas. Both men and women were fond of wearing ornaments. The ornaments of the upper class were made of precious stones, jewels, gold and silver, whereas ornaments of the lower class were very simple and ordinary. The ladies used many kinds of cosmetics.

5. Education : No remarkable progress was made in the field of education in the beginning of the sixteenth century. Ulemas and Maulvis taught the Muslims. They held classes in mosques, maktabs and madarasas. The government gave them grants. Primary education was given in the mosques and maktabs whereas higher education was provided in the madarasas. Madarasas were usually situated in cities. Lahore and Multan were the well known centres of education for the Muslims in the Punjab. Besides these, Jalandhar, Sultanpur, Samana, Narnaul, Bathinda, Sirhind, Sialkot and Kangra were other important centres of education in the Punjab.

6. Means of Entertainment: The Muslims entertained themselves in many ways. They were very fond of hunting and polo. They were fond of horse riding and watching animal fights. They used to take part in fairs and festivals with great enthusiasm. In these fairs, musicians and dancers entertained the viewers. They were also great lovers of playing chess and chaupar. They celebrated their festivals like Id, Nauroz and Shab-e-Barat etc. with great pomp and show.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 3 Political, Social and Economic Conditions of the Punjab in the beginning of the 16th Century

Features of the Hindu Society:

Following were the main features of the Hindu society in the beginning of sixteenth century :

1. Caste System : The Hindu society was mainly divided into four castes and many sub-castes. The Brahmans occupied the topmost position in the society. Their supreme position had received a great set back with the establishment of Muslim rule in India. Even, then all the rituals of the Hindus were performed by them alone.

The main occupation of the Kshatriyas was to fight and rule. But under the changed circumstances, they had adopted new occupations like trade, agriculture etc. The Vaishyas however, continued to follow their old occupations of trade and agriculture. The Shudras were treated badly in those days. Besides these four main castes, the Hindu society of those days was divided into many other castes and sub-castes. According to Nicoli Conti, an Italian traveller, there were 84 sub¬castes among the Hindus. These castes badly hated one another. The high-caste people contemptuously treated the people of low castes. The caste-system was in fact a blot on the face of the Hindu society. It had weakened the Hindu society to the extent, that its very foundations had been shaken.

2. Position of Women : The position of women in the Hindu society was also not good. She was deprieved of rights given to men. No attention was paid towards girl’s education. So, they remained uneducated. As the Muslims used to take away young Hindu girls forcibly in those days, so, they \vere married at an early age. The women were compelled to remain confined within the four walls of their houses for their whole lives. Purdah had become very popular among the Hindu women. The custom of sati was also on the rise. According to sati system, after the death of her husband, the widow was forcibly burnt alive along with the dead body of her husband on the same pyre. The re-marriage of the widow was not permitted.

3. Diet: The diet of the Hindus was very simple. Most of them were vegetarian. Their meals consisted of wheat, rice, vegetables, ghee and milk. They avoided meat, garlic and onion. The diet of the poor included coarse bread and lassi.

4. Dress: The dress of the Hindus was simple. They usually wore cotton clothes. Men used to wear dhoti and kurta and a turban on their heads. The Brahmans wore only dhoti. Women wore sari, choli (a blouse-like dress) and lehnga (a skirt¬like dress). The poor clad their bodies with a single cotton cloth (chadar). The Hindu men and women were also fond of wearing ornaments.

5. Means of Entertainment : The Hindus were fond of singing, dancing and music. They played chess and cards also. They entertained themselves through animal fights and wrestling. Besides, they celebrated their festivals with great enthusiasm.

6. Education: The Hindus received education from the Brahmans in the temples and pathshalas. They received elementary education at these places. There was no centre of higher education for the Hindus in the Punjab. The Hindus belonging to the rich class sent their wards to the madarasas of the Muslims for higher education. However, their number used to be very negligible as the Muslims hated them.

Question 3.
Explain the political and social conditions of Punjab at the birth of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
Give a brief account of the political and social conditions of the Punjab in the beginning of the 16th century.

The political condition of Punjab in the beginning of the sixteenth century was very deplorable. In those days the Punjab was under the Sultanate of Delhi. The Sultans of the Lodhi dynasty were ruling at that time. Thus, it becomes essential for us to know briefly about the rule of Lodhi Sultans for proper , understanding of the political condition of the Punjab.

The Punjab Under the Lodhis:

In the beginning of the 16th century, anarchy and conspiracies prevailed everywhere in the Punjab.

1. Tatar Khan Lodhi : Bahlol Lodhi had appointed Tatar Khan Lodhi, one of his near relatives, as Governor of the Punjab in 1469 A.D. He ruled over the Punjab with an iron hand till 1485 A.D. He raised the banner of revolt against Bahlol Lodhi in 1485 A.D. due to some reasons. The Sultan sent his son Prince Nizam Khan, who later succeeded to the throne as Sikandar Lodhi, to crush the revolt of Tatar Khan. Tatar Khan was killed while fighting with Prince Nizam Khan.

2. Daulat Khan Lodhi : Daulat Khan Lodhi was the son of Tatar Khan Lodhi. Sultan Sikandar Lodhi appointed him the Governor of the Punjab in 1500 A.D. He remained fully loyal during the reign of Sikandar Lodhi, but he started thinking of becoming independent with the cooperation of his three sons (Ghazi Khan, Haji Khan and Dilawar Khan) during the reign of Sultan Ibrahim Lodhi. He even started conspiring with Alam Khan Lodhi, a step-brother of Sultan Ibrahim Lodhi, who wanted the throne of Delhi for himself. When the Sultan came to know about these conspiracies, he summoned Daulat Khan to the royal court. Daulat Khan Lodhi, sent his younger son Dilawar Khan to Delhi. Dilawar Khan was taken prisoner by the Sultan and was treated very badly. However, he managed to escape from the prison and quickly reached Punjab. He narrated the bad treatment meted out to him by the Sultan to his father, Daulat Khan. Daulat Khan Lodhi in order to avenge this insult, invited Babar to invade India.

3. Condition of Subjects : In the beginning of the sixteenth century, the condition of the subjects was also very deplorable. The rulers used to indulge in luxuries and merry-making. Extravagant parties had become a daily routine of the court. None had time to take care of the public. As a consequence of this, the government officials became corrupt. Bribery was common. Not to speak of the Sultan, even Qazis and Ulemas took bribe and delivered justice accordingly. All sorts of atrocities were let loose on the Hindus. They were being converted to Islam by force. Those, who refused were put to death. In short, atrocities, cruelties, corruption and intrigue were prevalent all over. The prevailing political condition of the time has been aptly described by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Var Majh, “Kal kati raje kasai, Dharam pankhkar udriya, Koor amavas sach chandrama dise nahin keh chariya.” This Kali age is like a sword, the Kings are butchers. Goodness has taken wings and flown away. There is pitch darkness and the moon of truth shines nowhere.

Invasions of Babar:

A triangular contest began for the possession of Punjab in 1519 A.D. It took place between Ibrahim Lodhi, Daulat Khan Lodhi and Babar. Finally Babar won the struggle. He had to invade India five times to- fulfil his aim.’ A brief description of these invasions is given below :

1. First Invasion of Babar 1519 AL.D. : Babar was the ruler of Kabul. In order to expand his empire, Babar concentrated on India, because anarchy and lawlessness prevailed in India at that time. He stormed the border areas of the Punjab in his first invasion of India in 1519 A.D. This time he captured Bhera and Bajaur without facing any resistance. He placed these areas under the charge of Hindu Beg and himself returned to Kabul.

2. Second Invasion of Babar 1519 A.D.: People of Bhera and Bajaur pushed out Hindu Beg from their region soon after Babar had returned to Kabul. So, Babar attacked the Punjab, the second time in September, 1519 A.D. Now, he captured Peshawar. However, he had to return as a revolt had broken out in Badakhshan.

3. Third Invasion of Babar 1520 A.D.: Babar’s third invasion of the Punjab took place in 1520 A.D. During this invasion he easily captured Bhera, Bajaur and Sialkot. Then he attacked Saidpur (Eminabad). The people of Saidpur resisted the attack, so Babar in a fit of fury massacred a large number of people in cold blood.

The whole city was mercilessly plundered. Thousands of women were captured and molested. Guru Nanak Dev Ji, who was present in Saidpur at that time, has mentioned in ‘Babar Vani’ the atrocities let loose on the people by Babar’s army. Guru Nanak Dev writes, ‘‘Khurasan he ruleth and Hindustan he has invaded. No blame to Thee, who ordaineth. The Moghuls hath come for retribution. So much suffering had been inflicted, People cry in agony. Hath Thou not felt?” Babar’s soldiers had arrested Guru Nanak Dev Ji also. Later, when Babar came to know that his soldiers had arrested a great saint, he immediately ordered his release. Babar writes in his autobiography Tuzak-i-Babari that if he had known that such a great saint lived in this town, he would have never attacked it.

4. Fourth Invasion of Babarl524 A.D. : Babar attacked Punjab the fourth time in 1524 A.D. at the invitation of Daulat Khan Lodhi. He reached Lahore without meeting any stiff resistance. At Lahore, some Afghan Chiefs resisted him against the wishes of Daulat Khan. As a result, Babar flew into a rage and Lahore experienced a reign of terror, destruction and savagery. A large number of people were killed. Houses and streets were set on fire. Then, Babar reached Dipalpur and captured it with the cooperation of Daulat Khan Lodhi. It was also mercilessly sacked. Thereafter, he took control of the Jalandhar Doab. Thus, having conquered the Punjab, Babar placed the territories of Jalandhar Doab and Sultanpur under the charge of Daulat Khan Lodhi. But, as it was much below the expectation of Daulat Khan Lodhi, he along with his son Haji Khan, revolted against Babar. Babar defeated them, but they fled and took refuge in Shivalik hills. Soon after Babar returned to Kabul, Daulat Khan came back to Punjab, defeated the Mughals and recaptured the Punjab.

5. Fifth Invasion of Babar 1525-26 A.D. : Babar invaded India for the fifth time in November 1525 A.D. to teach Daulat Khan a lesson. Hearing the news of Babar’s invasion, Daulat Khan got frightened, that he took refuge in the fort” of Malout in Hoshiarpur district. Babar besieged the fort. Daulat Khan surrendered after some resistance. Babar pardoned him. Now, Babar once again captured the whole of Punjab. Encouraged by this victory, he decided to attack Delhi, which was being ruled by Ibrahim Lodhi. So, he ordered his army to march towards Delhi. When Ibrahim got the news, he marched towards the Punjab to face Babar with an army of one lakh. Babar had 20 thousand soldiers in his army. Both the armies fought a fierce battle near Panipat on 21 April, 1526 A.D. This battle is known as the first battle of Panipat. In this battle Ibrahim Lodhi was defeated and killed. In this way, the reign of the Lodhi dynasty in India came to an end and Babar founded the Mughal empire in India.

Causes of Babar’s Success:

There were many causes (factors) responsible for Babar’s victory in the first battle of Panipat. Sultan Ibrahim Lodhi was quite unpopular among the chiefs a nd the public for his indecent behaviour and cruelties. So, they wanted to get rid of such an incompetent ruler. The army of Ibrahim Lodhi was very weak. Many soldiers in his army had gathered for the purpose of looting only. Their method of warfare was obsolete and they lacked planning. Ibrahim Lodhi committed a grave political and military blunder, when he did not attack Babar’s army for eight days. If, he had not allowed Babar to consolidate his defence system, the result of the battle might have been different. Babar was an able army general. He had a good experience of wars and battles. His use of artillery caused havoc among the Afghan soldiers. The above description makes it clear that there was anarchy and unrest in Punjab in the beginning of the sixteenth century and it had become an arena of battles and conspiracies.

The social condition of the Punjab in the beginning of the sixteenth century was very deplorable. The society was divided into two major classes, namely the Hindus and the Muslims. The Muslims enjoyed many privileges, because they belonged to the ruling class. On the other hand, the Hindus, who formed the majority of population, were deprived of almost all the rights. They were called ‘Kafirs’ and ‘Zimmies.’. Jaziya and the pilgrimage tax were for’cibly charged from the Hindus. The Muslims subjected the Hindus to so much atrocity that a large number of them were compelled to embrace Islam. The condition of women in the society was worse than that of animals. In the words of Dr. Jasbir Singh Ahluwalia, “When Guru Nanak appeared on the horizon, the Indian society had already become static and decadent.”

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 3 Political, Social and Economic Conditions of the Punjab in the beginning of the 16th Century

Features of the Muslim Society:

The Muslim society of the Punjab in the beginning of the sixteenth century had the following main features :

1. Three Classes : The Muslim society in the Punjab in the beginning of the sixteenth century was divided into three groups—upper class, middle class and lower class.

(a) Upper Class : The upper class of the Muslim society consisted of Amirs, KhAnswer: Sheikhs, Maliks, Iqtadars, Ulemas, Qazis etc. They led a life of luxury and extravagance. They lived in grand palaces. They spent most of their time in merry¬making and feasts. Only during the days of battles were an exception to it. Ulemas and Qazis were religious leaders of the Muslims. Their main duty was to explain Islamic laws and deliver justice to people. But, many of the Ulemas and Qazis of that time had gone astray from their real path.

(b) Middle Class: It consisted of the soldiers, traders, farmers and subordinate officials of the government. There was a considerable difference between the standard of living of this class and that of the upper class. However, their social status was much better than that of the Hindus.

(c) Lower Class : It consisted of slaves, servants and labourers. They were in a very large number. They had to work hard to earn their livelihood. Their life was not satisfactory. They were often subjected to the tyranny of their masters. The condition of the slaves working in the courts was somewhat better than those working in the houses. Sometimes they could reach to high positions in the court.

2. Position of Women: The condition of women in the Muslim society was not satisfactory in any way. They were the least educated. The Purdah system was in vogue. Institutions of polygamy and divorce had made the lives of Muslim women more pitiable. Only women of the upper class Muslim society were granted some facilities, but their number was very small.

3. Diet: The Muslims belonging to the upper class enjoyed delicious food of many kinds. It included meat, halwa, puri, butter, fruits and vegetables. They were very much fond of chewing the betel (pan) and the betel-nut (supari). They drank many kinds of flavoured cold drinks (sharbats) in the summer. The lower class ate very simple food.

4. Dress : The Muslims of the upper class used to wear very costly dresses. Such dresses were made of silk and velvet. These dresses were studded with many kinds of precious stones and jewels. People of lower class used to wear cotton clothes. Men wore kurta and pyjama and women wore long burqas. Both men and women were fond of wearing ornaments. The ornaments of the upper class were made of precious stones, jewels, gold and silver, whereas ornaments of the lower class were very simple and ordinary. The ladies used many kinds of cosmetics.

5. Education : No remarkable progress was made in the field of education in the beginning of the sixteenth century. Ulemas and Maulvis taught the Muslims. They held classes in mosques, maktabs and madarasas. The government gave them grants. Primary education was given in the mosques and maktabs whereas higher education was provided in the madarasas. Madarasas were usually situated in cities. Lahore and Multan were the well known centres of education for the Muslims in the Punjab. Besides these, Jalandhar, Sultanpur, Samana, Narnaul, Bathinda, Sirhind, Sialkot and Kangra were other important centres of education in the Punjab.

6. Means of Entertainment: The Muslims entertained themselves in many ways. They were very fond of hunting and polo. They were fond of horse riding and watching animal fights. They used to take part in fairs and festivals with great enthusiasm. In these fairs, musicians and dancers entertained the viewers. They were also great lovers of playing chess and chaupar. They celebrated their festivals like Id, Nauroz and Shab-e-Barat etc. with great pomp and show.

Features of the Hindu Society:

Following were the main features of the Hindu society in the beginning of sixteenth century :

1. Caste System : The Hindu society was mainly divided into four castes and many sub-castes. The Brahmans occupied the topmost position in the society. Their supreme position had received a great set back with the establishment of Muslim rule in India. Even, then all the rituals of the Hindus were performed by them alone.

The main occupation of the Kshatriyas was to fight and rule. But under the changed circumstances, they had adopted new occupations like trade, agriculture etc. The Vaishyas however, continued to follow their old occupations of trade and agriculture. The Shudras were treated badly in those days. Besides these four main castes, the Hindu society of those days was divided into many other castes and sub-castes. According to Nicoli Conti, an Italian traveller, there were 84 sub¬castes among the Hindus. These castes badly hated one another. The high-caste people contemptuously treated the people of low castes. The caste-system was in fact a blot on the face of the Hindu society. It had weakened the Hindu society to the extent, that its very foundations had been shaken.

2. Position of Women : The position of women in the Hindu society was also not good. She was deprieved of rights given to men. No attention was paid towards girl’s education. So, they remained uneducated. As the Muslims used to take away young Hindu girls forcibly in those days, so, they \vere married at an early age. The women were compelled to remain confined within the four walls of their houses for their whole lives. Purdah had become very popular among the Hindu women. The custom of sati was also on the rise. According to sati system, after the death of her husband, the widow was forcibly burnt alive along with the dead body of her husband on the same pyre. The re-marriage of the widow was not permitted.

3. Diet: The diet of the Hindus was very simple. Most of them were vegetarian. Their meals consisted of wheat, rice, vegetables, ghee and milk. They avoided meat, garlic and onion. The diet of the poor included coarse bread and lassi.

4. Dress: The dress of the Hindus was simple. They usually wore cotton clothes. Men used to wear dhoti and kurta and a turban on their heads. The Brahmans wore only dhoti. Women wore sari, choli (a blouse-like dress) and lehnga (a skirt¬like dress). The poor clad their bodies with a single cotton cloth (chadar). The Hindu men and women were also fond of wearing ornaments.

5. Means of Entertainment : The Hindus were fond of singing, dancing and music. They played chess and cards also. They entertained themselves through animal fights and wrestling. Besides, they celebrated their festivals with great enthusiasm.

6. Education: The Hindus received education from the Brahmans in the temples and pathshalas. They received elementary education at these places. There was no centre of higher education for the Hindus in the Punjab. The Hindus belonging to the rich class sent their wards to the madarasas of the Muslims for higher education. However, their number used to be very negligible as the Muslims hated them.

Economic Condition:

Question 4.
What do you know about agriculture, trade and industries of the Punjab in the beginning of the sixteeth century?
Describe the main features of the economic condition of Punjab in the beginning of the sixteenth century.
The economic condition of the people of the Punjab was very good in the beginning of the sixteenth century. Firstly, the soil of the Punjab was very fertile which yielded rich crops with less labour. Secondly, the five great rivers flowed in the Punjab and the land irrigated by them yielded gold (i.e. rich crops). Thirdly, the Punjabis were very hard working. Fourthly, many new towns and cities were founded during the Sultanate period. These were connected with each other through roads. Consequently, they had become very famous trade centres. Fifthly, the entire Indian trade with the countries of Central Asia was carried through the Punjab only.

1. Agriculture : In the beginning of the sixteenth century, agriculture was the main occupation of the people of the Punjab. The soil of the Punjab was very fertile. Land was large and more and more land could be brought under cultivation. The people of the Punjab were hard working. Canals, tanks and wells were used for irrigation. Thus, although the farmers of the Punjab used old methods of farming. They got rich yield of crops on account of the reasons described above. Wheat, barley, maize, rice and sugarcane were major crops. Besides, cotton-seeds, millet, mustard, and many kinds of pulses were grown. Due to the rich harvests the Punjab was called the Granary of India.

2. Industries : Next to agriculture, industry was the main occupation of the people of the Punjab. There were industries run both by the state and the individuals. The state owned industries were situated in big cities, whereas the industries run by individuals were situated in villages. The textile industry was the most famous industry of the Punjab. As silk cloth was in great demand among the people of upper classes, so it was produced in large quantity. Samana, Sunam, Sirhind, Dipalpur, Jalandhar, Lahore and Multan were famous centres of silk textile. Chicken (embroidered fine muslin) was produced in Gujarat and Sialkot. Multan and Sultanpur were famous for calico (chintz). Sialkot was known for its dhotis, sarees, turbans and embroidered best quality lungis. Amritsar, Kangra and Kashmir were famous centres of woollen textiles. Besides textile industry, there were other industries which manufactured leather goods, arms, utensils, toys and articles of ivory.

3. Animal Rearing: Some people of the Punjab were engaged in animal rearing also. This included animals like cows, oxen, buffaloes, horses, ponies, camels, sheep and goats. Milk and wool were obtained from these animals. Horses, ponies, camels and oxen were used for carrying goods.

4. Trade : The trade of the Punjab was much developed. Trade was carried on by certain categories of people. The Kshatriyas, Mahajans, Banias, Soods and Aroras among the Hindus and Bohras and Khojas among the Muslims carried on trade. Transportation of goods was carried on by Banjaras. In those days the foreign trade of the Punjab was carried on mainly with Afghanistan, Egypt, the Arab countries, Syria, Tibet, Bhutan and China. Foodgrains, textile, silk, cotton seed and sugar were exported to these countries and in turn the Punjab imported horses, arms, fur, dry fruit and musk from these countries.

5. Commercial Towns : In the beginning of sixteenth century Lahore and Multan were the two most important commercial towns of the Punjab. Besides, Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Batala, Bathinda, Sunam, Ropar, Ferozepur, Sultanpur, Pathankot, Sialkot, Kjillu, Chamba and Kangra were also famous for trade and commerce.

6. Standard of Living: In those days, the standard of living of all the people of the Punjab was not the same. The upper class of Muslims rolled in wealth and thus led a luxurious life. The upper class of Hindus also had much wealth, but the Muslims used to loot them. So, they spent their wealth stealthily. The middle class of Muslims enjoyed a better standard of living whereas the Hindus of the middle class were not having a good standard of living. The Hindus could hardly make both ends meet. The poor and the farmers in the society had a very low standard of living. They could neither taste good food nor wear good clothes.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 3 Political, Social and Economic Conditions of the Punjab in the beginning of the 16th Century

Question 5.
Briefly discuss the social and economic conditions of Punjab at the beginning of the 16th century.
What were the social and economic conditions of the people of Punjab in the 16th century?
What were the social and economic conditions of Punjab at the beginning of the 16th century? Discuss it.

The social condition of the Punjab in the beginning of the sixteenth century was very deplorable. The society was divided into two major classes, namely the Hindus and the Muslims. The Muslims enjoyed many privileges, because they belonged to the ruling class. On the other hand, the Hindus, who formed the majority of population, were deprived of almost all the rights. They were called ‘Kafirs’ and ‘Zimmies.’. Jaziya and the pilgrimage tax were for’cibly charged from the Hindus. The Muslims subjected the Hindus to so much atrocity that a large number of them were compelled to embrace Islam. The condition of women in the society was worse than that of animals. In the words of Dr. Jasbir Singh Ahluwalia, “When Guru Nanak appeared on the horizon, the Indian society had already become static and decadent.”

Features of the Muslim Society:

The Muslim society of the Punjab in the beginning of the sixteenth century had the following main features :

1. Three Classes : The Muslim society in the Punjab in the beginning of the sixteenth century was divided into three groups—upper class, middle class and lower class.

(a) Upper Class : The upper class of the Muslim society consisted of Amirs, KhAnswer: Sheikhs, Maliks, Iqtadars, Ulemas, Qazis etc. They led a life of luxury and extravagance. They lived in grand palaces. They spent most of their time in merry¬making and feasts. Only during the days of battles were an exception to it. Ulemas and Qazis were religious leaders of the Muslims. Their main duty was to explain Islamic laws and deliver justice to people. But, many of the Ulemas and Qazis of that time had gone astray from their real path.

(b) Middle Class: It consisted of the soldiers, traders, farmers and subordinate officials of the government. There was a considerable difference between the standard of living of this class and that of the upper class. However, their social status was much better than that of the Hindus.

(c) Lower Class : It consisted of slaves, servants and labourers. They were in a very large number. They had to work hard to earn their livelihood. Their life was not satisfactory. They were often subjected to the tyranny of their masters. The condition of the slaves working in the courts was somewhat better than those working in the houses. Sometimes they could reach to high positions in the court.

2. Position of Women: The condition of women in the Muslim society was not satisfactory in any way. They were the least educated. The Purdah system was in vogue. Institutions of polygamy and divorce had made the lives of Muslim women more pitiable. Only women of the upper class Muslim society were granted some facilities, but their number was very small.

3. Diet: The Muslims belonging to the upper class enjoyed delicious food of many kinds. It included meat, halwa, puri, butter, fruits and vegetables. They were very much fond of chewing the betel (pan) and the betel-nut (supari). They drank many kinds of flavoured cold drinks (sharbats) in the summer. The lower class ate very simple food.

4. Dress : The Muslims of the upper class used to wear very costly dresses. Such dresses were made of silk and velvet. These dresses were studded with many kinds of precious stones and jewels. People of lower class used to wear cotton clothes. Men wore kurta and pyjama and women wore long burqas. Both men and women were fond of wearing ornaments. The ornaments of the upper class were made of precious stones, jewels, gold and silver, whereas ornaments of the lower class were very simple and ordinary. The ladies used many kinds of cosmetics.

5. Education : No remarkable progress was made in the field of education in the beginning of the sixteenth century. Ulemas and Maulvis taught the Muslims. They held classes in mosques, maktabs and madarasas. The government gave them grants. Primary education was given in the mosques and maktabs whereas higher education was provided in the madarasas. Madarasas were usually situated in cities. Lahore and Multan were the well known centres of education for the Muslims in the Punjab. Besides these, Jalandhar, Sultanpur, Samana, Narnaul, Bathinda, Sirhind, Sialkot and Kangra were other important centres of education in the Punjab.

6. Means of Entertainment: The Muslims entertained themselves in many ways. They were very fond of hunting and polo. They were fond of horse riding and watching animal fights. They used to take part in fairs and festivals with great enthusiasm. In these fairs, musicians and dancers entertained the viewers. They were also great lovers of playing chess and chaupar. They celebrated their festivals like Id, Nauroz and Shab-e-Barat etc. with great pomp and show.

Features of the Hindu Society:

Following were the main features of the Hindu society in the beginning of sixteenth century :

1. Caste System : The Hindu society was mainly divided into four castes and many sub-castes. The Brahmans occupied the topmost position in the society. Their supreme position had received a great set back with the establishment of Muslim rule in India. Even, then all the rituals of the Hindus were performed by them alone.

The main occupation of the Kshatriyas was to fight and rule. But under the changed circumstances, they had adopted new occupations like trade, agriculture etc. The Vaishyas however, continued to follow their old occupations of trade and agriculture. The Shudras were treated badly in those days. Besides these four main castes, the Hindu society of those days was divided into many other castes and sub-castes. According to Nicoli Conti, an Italian traveller, there were 84 sub¬castes among the Hindus. These castes badly hated one another. The high-caste people contemptuously treated the people of low castes. The caste-system was in fact a blot on the face of the Hindu society. It had weakened the Hindu society to the extent, that its very foundations had been shaken.

2. Position of Women : The position of women in the Hindu society was also not good. She was deprieved of rights given to men. No attention was paid towards girl’s education. So, they remained uneducated. As the Muslims used to take away young Hindu girls forcibly in those days, so, they \vere married at an early age. The women were compelled to remain confined within the four walls of their houses for their whole lives. Purdah had become very popular among the Hindu women. The custom of sati was also on the rise. According to sati system, after the death of her husband, the widow was forcibly burnt alive along with the dead body of her husband on the same pyre. The re-marriage of the widow was not permitted.

3. Diet: The diet of the Hindus was very simple. Most of them were vegetarian. Their meals consisted of wheat, rice, vegetables, ghee and milk. They avoided meat, garlic and onion. The diet of the poor included coarse bread and lassi.

4. Dress: The dress of the Hindus was simple. They usually wore cotton clothes. Men used to wear dhoti and kurta and a turban on their heads. The Brahmans wore only dhoti. Women wore sari, choli (a blouse-like dress) and lehnga (a skirt¬like dress). The poor clad their bodies with a single cotton cloth (chadar). The Hindu men and women were also fond of wearing ornaments.

5. Means of Entertainment : The Hindus were fond of singing, dancing and music. They played chess and cards also. They entertained themselves through animal fights and wrestling. Besides, they celebrated their festivals with great enthusiasm.

6. Education: The Hindus received education from the Brahmans in the temples and pathshalas. They received elementary education at these places. There was no centre of higher education for the Hindus in the Punjab. The Hindus belonging to the rich class sent their wards to the madarasas of the Muslims for higher education. However, their number used to be very negligible as the Muslims hated them.

The economic condition of the people of the Punjab was very good in the beginning of the sixteenth century. Firstly, the soil of the Punjab was very fertile which yielded rich crops with less labour. Secondly, the five great rivers flowed in the Punjab and the land irrigated by them yielded gold (i.e. rich crops). Thirdly, the Punjabis were very hard working. Fourthly, many new towns and cities were founded during the Sultanate period. These were connected with each other through roads. Consequently, they had become very famous trade centres. Fifthly, the entire Indian trade with the countries of Central Asia was carried through the Punjab only.

1. Agriculture : In the beginning of the sixteenth century, agriculture was the main occupation of the people of the Punjab. The soil of the Punjab was very fertile. Land was large and more and more land could be brought under cultivation. The people of the Punjab were hard working. Canals, tanks and wells were used for irrigation. Thus, although the farmers of the Punjab used old methods of farming. They got rich yield of crops on account of the reasons described above. Wheat, barley, maize, rice and sugarcane were major crops. Besides, cotton-seeds, millet, mustard, and many kinds of pulses were grown. Due to the rich harvests the Punjab was called the Granary of India.

2. Industries : Next to agriculture, industry was the main occupation of the people of the Punjab. There were industries run both by the state and the individuals. The state owned industries were situated in big cities, whereas the industries run by individuals were situated in villages. The textile industry was the most famous industry of the Punjab. As silk cloth was in great demand among the people of upper classes, so it was produced in large quantity. Samana, Sunam, Sirhind, Dipalpur, Jalandhar, Lahore and Multan were famous centres of silk textile. Chicken (embroidered fine muslin) was produced in Gujarat and Sialkot. Multan and Sultanpur were famous for calico (chintz). Sialkot was known for its dhotis, sarees, turbans and embroidered best quality lungis. Amritsar, Kangra and Kashmir were famous centres of woollen textiles. Besides textile industry, there were other industries which manufactured leather goods, arms, utensils, toys and articles of ivory.

3. Animal Rearing: Some people of the Punjab were engaged in animal rearing also. This included animals like cows, oxen, buffaloes, horses, ponies, camels, sheep and goats. Milk and wool were obtained from these animals. Horses, ponies, camels and oxen were used for carrying goods.

4. Trade : The trade of the Punjab was much developed. Trade was carried on by certain categories of people. The Kshatriyas, Mahajans, Banias, Soods and Aroras among the Hindus and Bohras and Khojas among the Muslims carried on trade. Transportation of goods was carried on by Banjaras. In those days the foreign trade of the Punjab was carried on mainly with Afghanistan, Egypt, the Arab countries, Syria, Tibet, Bhutan and China. Foodgrains, textile, silk, cotton seed and sugar were exported to these countries and in turn the Punjab imported horses, arms, fur, dry fruit and musk from these countries.

5. Commercial Towns : In the beginning of sixteenth century Lahore and Multan were the two most important commercial towns of the Punjab. Besides, Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Batala, Bathinda, Sunam, Ropar, Ferozepur, Sultanpur, Pathankot, Sialkot, Kjillu, Chamba and Kangra were also famous for trade and commerce.

6. Standard of Living: In those days, the standard of living of all the people of the Punjab was not the same. The upper class of Muslims rolled in wealth and thus led a luxurious life. The upper class of Hindus also had much wealth, but the Muslims used to loot them. So, they spent their wealth stealthily. The middle class of Muslims enjoyed a better standard of living whereas the Hindus of the middle class were not having a good standard of living. The Hindus could hardly make both ends meet. The poor and the farmers in the society had a very low standard of living. They could neither taste good food nor wear good clothes.

Question 6.
Give a brief account of the religious condition of the people of Punjab at the beginning of the 16th century.
In the 16th century, two main religions Hinduism and Islam were prevalent. These religions were divided into several sects further. Besides these, Buddhism and Jainism were also popular. A brief description of these religions is as follows :

1. Hinduism: Hinduism was the most important religion of the people of Punjab at the beginning of the 16th century. Hindus believed in the Vedas. Ramayana and Mahabharata were extremely popular among the people of Punjab in the 16th century. Brahmans hold the supreme position during this period. All customs from birth till death were considered incomplete without the presence of the BrahmAnswer: The following sects were popular in Hinduism in Punjab :

(a) Shaivism: Shaivism was very popular at the beginning of the 16th century in Punjab. Most of the people were devotees of Shiva. They had established Shivalayas at several places, where the teachings of Shaivism were imparted. Those who believed in Shaivism were called Jogis. The main branch of the Jogis was called Nathpanthi. It was established by Gorakhnath. Because they pierced their ears to wear kundals, they were also referred to as ‘Kaanfate Jogi’. The main centre of the Jogis in Punjab was at Gorakhnath ka Tilla in Jhelum. The Jogis preached against the Brahmanic customs and caste system.

(b) Vaishnavism: Vaishnavism was also quite popular in Punjab. The people of this sect worshipped Vishnu and his incarnations. In this period, Sri Ram and Sri Krishna were worshipped as incarnations of Vishnu. Several huge and beautiful temples were built in several parts of Punjab. The devotees of this sect did not consume wine or flesh.

(c) Shaktism: Shaktism was quite prevalent among the people of Punjab in the beginning of the 16th century. The people of this sect worshipped Durga, Kali and other deities. They considered these goddesses as the symbol of power. To please these deities, animals were sacrificed. Several temples were constructed in their memory. Of these, the famous temples were Jwala Ji, Chintapurni, Chamunda Devi and Naina Devi.

2. Islam: Islam was founded by Prophet Muhammad Sahib in the 7th century A.D. in Mecca. He vehemently opposed the social and religious malpractices prevalent in society. He gave the message of one God and the mutual brotherhood of mankind. At the beginning of the 16th century, Islam spread fervently. There were two reasons for this. Firstly, all the Sultans who ruled over India were Muslims. Secondly, they converted people to Islam at the point of a sword. The followers of Islam were divided into Sunni and Shia sects. The number of Sunni Muslims was greater and they had orthodox ideas. The religious leaders of Muslims were called the Ulemas. They interpreted the Islamic laws and inspired the people to spend a pious life. They looked down upon the other religions with hatred.

3. Sufism : Sufism was a sect that was associated with Islam. This sect was popular in Punjab. This sect was divided in 12 Silsilas. The Chishti and Suhrawardi Silsilas of Punjab were most popular. Thaneswar, Hansi, Narnaul and Panipat were the famous centres of the Sufis. The people of this sect believed in only one Allah. They respected all religions. They considered service to humanity as their greatest responsibility. They believed in music. The Sufis inspired the Hindus and Muslims to maintain cordial relations, encouraged the Sultans to give up fanaticism and contributed appreciably towards the development of music and literature.

4. Jainism : Jainism was prevalent amongst the traders. The people of this sect believed in 24 Tirthankaras, Triratnas, Ahimsa, principle of Karma and Nirvana. They did not believe in the existence of God.

5. Buddhism : In the 16th century, Buddhism was a part of Hinduism. Lord Buddha was considered to be an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Very few people of Punjab followed Buddhism. Guru Nanak Dev Ji has described the religious condition of the people of Punjab in the 16th century in his compositions. According to him, both the Hindus and the Muslims observed several religious rituals such as rubbing ash on the body, putting tilak on the forehead, piercing ears for wearing kundals, bathing in the rivers, observing rozas and worshipping the tombs etc. People had completely forgotten the true spirit of religion. In the end, we agree with the words of Dr. Hari Ram Gupta, “In short, at the time of Guru Nanak’s advent both the religions in India, Hinduism and Islam, had become corrupt and degraded. They had lost their pristine purity and glory.”

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 3 Political, Social and Economic Conditions of the Punjab in the beginning of the 16th Century

Question 7.
Describe the social and religious condition of the Punjab in the beginning of the 16th’century.
The social condition of the Punjab in the beginning of the sixteenth century was very deplorable. The society was divided into two major classes, namely the Hindus and the Muslims. The Muslims enjoyed many privileges, because they belonged to the ruling class. On the other hand, the Hindus, who formed the majority of population, were deprived of almost all the rights. They were called ‘Kafirs’ and ‘Zimmies.’. Jaziya and the pilgrimage tax were for’cibly charged from the Hindus. The Muslims subjected the Hindus to so much atrocity that a large number of them were compelled to embrace Islam. The condition of women in the society was worse than that of animals. In the words of Dr. Jasbir Singh Ahluwalia, “When Guru Nanak appeared on the horizon, the Indian society had already become static and decadent.”

Features of the Muslim Society:

The Muslim society of the Punjab in the beginning of the sixteenth century had the following main features :

1. Three Classes : The Muslim society in the Punjab in the beginning of the sixteenth century was divided into three groups—upper class, middle class and lower class.

(a) Upper Class : The upper class of the Muslim society consisted of Amirs, KhAnswer: Sheikhs, Maliks, Iqtadars, Ulemas, Qazis etc. They led a life of luxury and extravagance. They lived in grand palaces. They spent most of their time in merry¬making and feasts. Only during the days of battles were an exception to it. Ulemas and Qazis were religious leaders of the Muslims. Their main duty was to explain Islamic laws and deliver justice to people. But, many of the Ulemas and Qazis of that time had gone astray from their real path.

(b) Middle Class: It consisted of the soldiers, traders, farmers and subordinate officials of the government. There was a considerable difference between the standard of living of this class and that of the upper class. However, their social status was much better than that of the Hindus.

(c) Lower Class : It consisted of slaves, servants and labourers. They were in a very large number. They had to work hard to earn their livelihood. Their life was not satisfactory. They were often subjected to the tyranny of their masters. The condition of the slaves working in the courts was somewhat better than those working in the houses. Sometimes they could reach to high positions in the court.

2. Position of Women: The condition of women in the Muslim society was not satisfactory in any way. They were the least educated. The Purdah system was in vogue. Institutions of polygamy and divorce had made the lives of Muslim women more pitiable. Only women of the upper class Muslim society were granted some facilities, but their number was very small.

3. Diet: The Muslims belonging to the upper class enjoyed delicious food of many kinds. It included meat, halwa, puri, butter, fruits and vegetables. They were very much fond of chewing the betel (pan) and the betel-nut (supari). They drank many kinds of flavoured cold drinks (sharbats) in the summer. The lower class ate very simple food.

4. Dress : The Muslims of the upper class used to wear very costly dresses. Such dresses were made of silk and velvet. These dresses were studded with many kinds of precious stones and jewels. People of lower class used to wear cotton clothes. Men wore kurta and pyjama and women wore long burqas. Both men and women were fond of wearing ornaments. The ornaments of the upper class were made of precious stones, jewels, gold and silver, whereas ornaments of the lower class were very simple and ordinary. The ladies used many kinds of cosmetics.

5. Education : No remarkable progress was made in the field of education in the beginning of the sixteenth century. Ulemas and Maulvis taught the Muslims. They held classes in mosques, maktabs and madarasas. The government gave them grants. Primary education was given in the mosques and maktabs whereas higher education was provided in the madarasas. Madarasas were usually situated in cities. Lahore and Multan were the well known centres of education for the Muslims in the Punjab. Besides these, Jalandhar, Sultanpur, Samana, Narnaul, Bathinda, Sirhind, Sialkot and Kangra were other important centres of education in the Punjab.

6. Means of Entertainment: The Muslims entertained themselves in many ways. They were very fond of hunting and polo. They were fond of horse riding and watching animal fights. They used to take part in fairs and festivals with great enthusiasm. In these fairs, musicians and dancers entertained the viewers. They were also great lovers of playing chess and chaupar. They celebrated their festivals like Id, Nauroz and Shab-e-Barat etc. with great pomp and show.

Features of the Hindu Society:

Following were the main features of the Hindu society in the beginning of sixteenth century :

1. Caste System : The Hindu society was mainly divided into four castes and many sub-castes. The Brahmans occupied the topmost position in the society. Their supreme position had received a great set back with the establishment of Muslim rule in India. Even, then all the rituals of the Hindus were performed by them alone.

The main occupation of the Kshatriyas was to fight and rule. But under the changed circumstances, they had adopted new occupations like trade, agriculture etc. The Vaishyas however, continued to follow their old occupations of trade and agriculture. The Shudras were treated badly in those days. Besides these four main castes, the Hindu society of those days was divided into many other castes and sub-castes. According to Nicoli Conti, an Italian traveller, there were 84 sub¬castes among the Hindus. These castes badly hated one another. The high-caste people contemptuously treated the people of low castes. The caste-system was in fact a blot on the face of the Hindu society. It had weakened the Hindu society to the extent, that its very foundations had been shaken.

2. Position of Women : The position of women in the Hindu society was also not good. She was deprieved of rights given to men. No attention was paid towards girl’s education. So, they remained uneducated. As the Muslims used to take away young Hindu girls forcibly in those days, so, they \vere married at an early age. The women were compelled to remain confined within the four walls of their houses for their whole lives. Purdah had become very popular among the Hindu women. The custom of sati was also on the rise. According to sati system, after the death of her husband, the widow was forcibly burnt alive along with the dead body of her husband on the same pyre. The re-marriage of the widow was not permitted.

3. Diet: The diet of the Hindus was very simple. Most of them were vegetarian. Their meals consisted of wheat, rice, vegetables, ghee and milk. They avoided meat, garlic and onion. The diet of the poor included coarse bread and lassi.

4. Dress: The dress of the Hindus was simple. They usually wore cotton clothes. Men used to wear dhoti and kurta and a turban on their heads. The Brahmans wore only dhoti. Women wore sari, choli (a blouse-like dress) and lehnga (a skirt¬like dress). The poor clad their bodies with a single cotton cloth (chadar). The Hindu men and women were also fond of wearing ornaments.

5. Means of Entertainment : The Hindus were fond of singing, dancing and music. They played chess and cards also. They entertained themselves through animal fights and wrestling. Besides, they celebrated their festivals with great enthusiasm.

6. Education: The Hindus received education from the Brahmans in the temples and pathshalas. They received elementary education at these places. There was no centre of higher education for the Hindus in the Punjab. The Hindus belonging to the rich class sent their wards to the madarasas of the Muslims for higher education. However, their number used to be very negligible as the Muslims hated them.

In the 16th century, two main religions Hinduism and Islam were prevalent. These religions were divided into several sects further. Besides these, Buddhism and Jainism were also popular. A brief description of these religions is as follows :

1. Hinduism: Hinduism was the most important religion of the people of Punjab at the beginning of the 16th century. Hindus believed in the Vedas. Ramayana and Mahabharata were extremely popular among the people of Punjab in the 16th century. Brahmans hold the supreme position during this period. All customs from birth till death were considered incomplete without the presence of the BrahmAnswer: The following sects were popular in Hinduism in Punjab :

(a) Shaivism: Shaivism was very popular at the beginning of the 16th century in Punjab. Most of the people were devotees of Shiva. They had established Shivalayas at several places, where the teachings of Shaivism were imparted. Those who believed in Shaivism were called Jogis. The main branch of the Jogis was called Nathpanthi. It was established by Gorakhnath. Because they pierced their ears to wear kundals, they were also referred to as ‘Kaanfate Jogi’. The main centre of the Jogis in Punjab was at Gorakhnath ka Tilla in Jhelum. The Jogis preached against the Brahmanic customs and caste system.

(b) Vaishnavism: Vaishnavism was also quite popular in Punjab. The people of this sect worshipped Vishnu and his incarnations. In this period, Sri Ram and Sri Krishna were worshipped as incarnations of Vishnu. Several huge and beautiful temples were built in several parts of Punjab. The devotees of this sect did not consume wine or flesh.

(c) Shaktism: Shaktism was quite prevalent among the people of Punjab in the beginning of the 16th century. The people of this sect worshipped Durga, Kali and other deities. They considered these goddesses as the symbol of power. To please these deities, animals were sacrificed. Several temples were constructed in their memory. Of these, the famous temples were Jwala Ji, Chintapurni, Chamunda Devi and Naina Devi.

2. Islam: Islam was founded by Prophet Muhammad Sahib in the 7th century A.D. in Mecca. He vehemently opposed the social and religious malpractices prevalent in society. He gave the message of one God and the mutual brotherhood of mankind. At the beginning of the 16th century, Islam spread fervently. There were two reasons for this. Firstly, all the Sultans who ruled over India were Muslims. Secondly, they converted people to Islam at the point of a sword. The followers of Islam were divided into Sunni and Shia sects. The number of Sunni Muslims was greater and they had orthodox ideas. The religious leaders of Muslims were called the Ulemas. They interpreted the Islamic laws and inspired the people to spend a pious life. They looked down upon the other religions with hatred.

3. Sufism : Sufism was a sect that was associated with Islam. This sect was popular in Punjab. This sect was divided in 12 Silsilas. The Chishti and Suhrawardi Silsilas of Punjab were most popular. Thaneswar, Hansi, Narnaul and Panipat were the famous centres of the Sufis. The people of this sect believed in only one Allah. They respected all religions. They considered service to humanity as their greatest responsibility. They believed in music. The Sufis inspired the Hindus and Muslims to maintain cordial relations, encouraged the Sultans to give up fanaticism and contributed appreciably towards the development of music and literature.

4. Jainism : Jainism was prevalent amongst the traders. The people of this sect believed in 24 Tirthankaras, Triratnas, Ahimsa, principle of Karma and Nirvana. They did not believe in the existence of God.

5. Buddhism : In the 16th century, Buddhism was a part of Hinduism. Lord Buddha was considered to be an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Very few people of Punjab followed Buddhism. Guru Nanak Dev Ji has described the religious condition of the people of Punjab in the 16th century in his compositions. According to him, both the Hindus and the Muslims observed several religious rituals such as rubbing ash on the body, putting tilak on the forehead, piercing ears for wearing kundals, bathing in the rivers, observing rozas and worshipping the tombs etc. People had completely forgotten the true spirit of religion. In the end, we agree with the words of Dr. Hari Ram Gupta, “In short, at the time of Guru Nanak’s advent both the religions in India, Hinduism and Islam, had become corrupt and degraded. They had lost their pristine purity and glory.”

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 3 Political, Social and Economic Conditions of the Punjab in the beginning of the 16th Century

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Explain the political condition of Punjab in the beginning of the 16th century.
What was the political condition of Punjab in the beginning of. 16th century?
In the beginning of the 16th century, the political condition of the Punjab was very unstable. As a result of the wrong policies of Lodhi Sultans, lawlessness prevailed all around. The govt, officials had become corrupt to the core and bribery was rampant. The Muslims converted the Hindus to Islam at the point of the Sword. Seaving the situation, the governor of Punjab Daulat-Khan-Lodhi invited Babar to attack India.

Question 2.
“In the beginning of the 16th century, the Punjab was a cockpit of triangular struggle”. Explain.
Explain the triangular struggle of the Punjab in the beginning of the 16th century.
What do you know about the triangular struggle in Punjab?
Write in brief about the triangular struggle of the Punjab in the beginning of the 16th Century.
In the beginning of the 16th century the Punjab was a cockpit of triangular struggle. This triangular struggle began between Babar, the ruler of Kabul, Ibrahim Lodhi, the ruler of Delhi and Daulat Khan Lodhi, the Governor of the Punjab. Daulat Khan Lodhi wanted to become an independent ruler of the Punjab. When Ibrahim Lodhi came to know about it, he imprisioned Daulat Khan Lodhi’s younger son Dilawar Khan to Delhi. In order to take revenge of this insult, he invited Babar to invade India. In this triangular struggle, Babar came out victorious.

Question 3.
Who was Daulat Khan Lodhi?
Write a short note on Daulat Khan Lodhi.
Daulat Khan Lodhi was appointed as the Governor of the Punjab in 1500 A.D. Daulat Khan Lodhi wanted to be an independent ruler of the Punjab. When Ibrahim Lodhi came to know about it, he issued an order to Daulat Khan Lodhi to present himself in the royal court of Delhi. In order to escape the wrath of the Sultan, Daulat Khan sent his younger son Dilawar Khan to Delhi. When Dilawar Khan reached there, he was arrested and put into prison. But soon, he succeeded in escaping from the jail. Daulat Khan invited Babar to invade India, in order to take revenge of the insult.

Question 4.
Write any three causes of the invasions of Babur over India.

  • He wanted to expand his empire.
  • He wanted to plunder the wealth of India.
  • He wanted to spread Islam in India.

Question 5.
When did Babar invade Saidpur? What is its importance in Sikh History?
Give a brief account of Babar’s third invasion over Punjab.
Babar invaded Saidpur in 1520 A.D. The people of this place stoutly resisted Babur. Consequently, Babar got angry. His forces massacred people in a large number, set the houses and palaces on fire after plundering them. Thousands of women were taken into custody and they were maltreated. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was in Saidpur at that time and he wrote in his ‘Babar Bani’ about the tyranny of the Mughal army on people. The army of Babar had arrested the Guru Nanak Dev Ji also. Later on, when Babar came to know about the piety of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, he at once ordered his release.

Question 6.
Write a brief note on the first battle of Panipat.
Give a brief account of the first battle of Panipat.
Explain the first battle of Panipat and its significance
Babar invaded Punjab for the fifth time in November 1525 A.D. to teach Daulat Khan Lodhi, the Governor of Punjab, a lesson. After putting up a brief resistance, Daulat Khan Lodhi surrendered. Encouraged by the conquest of Punjab, Babar decided to clash against Ibrahim Lodhi. With this objective in mind, he ordered his army to march towards Delhi. On April 21, 1526 A.D. both armies clashed in the first battle of Panipat. Ibrahim Lodhi was defeated and killed in this battle. Consequently, the rule of the Lodhi dynasty in India came to an end and it led to the foundation of the Mughal dynasty.

Question 7.
What were the three results of the first battle of Panipat?

  • Ibrahim Lodhi was defeated.
  • It led to the end of the Delhi Sultanate.
  • It led to the foundation of Mughal rule.

Question 8.
What led to the victory of Babar in the first battle of Panipat?
Give a brief account of the causes of the victory of Babar and the defeat of the Afghans in India.

  • Ibrahim Lodhi, the Sultan of Delhi was notorious for his ill-treatment and the tyranny caused to his nobles and his subjects. They wanted to get rid of such a ruler,
  • Babar was an able commander.
  • The artillery of Babar created havoc. The soldiers of Ibrahim Lodhi could not face them with their swords, bows and arrows.

Question 9.
According to Guru Nanak Dev Ji why the rulers were unjust?

  • They used to collect Jaziya and pilgrimage tax from the Hindus.
  • They fleeced the peasants and committed untold atrocities on the people.
  • They did not provide justice to the people without taking any bribes.

Question 10.
What was the social condition of Punjab, at the beginning of the 16th century?
What do you know about the social condition of Punjab at the time of the birth of Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
At the beginning of the 16th century, the society of Punjab was divided into two main classes-the Muslims and Hindus. The Muslims being related to the ruling class, enjoyed some special privileges. They were appointed to high offices of the State. On the other hand, the Hindus were deprived of all their rights. The Muslims perpetrated so much tyranny on the Hindus that several Hindus embraced Islam under duress. At that time, the condition of women was also pitiable.

Question 11.
What was the condition of women in the society of Punjab at the beginning of the 16th century? Explain briefly.
Describe the condition of women in Punjab in the beginning of the 16th century.
The condition of the women folk in society of Punjab, in the beginning of the 16th century was not satisfactory. Child marriage was prevalent in the society at that time. The women were deprieved all those rights which were given to men. Hindu society. As the birth of a girl was deemed an ill-omen, many of them were killed as soon as they were bom. Sati system was also at its climax. A widow was not allowed to re-marry. Muslim society also imposed many restrictions on women.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 3 Political, Social and Economic Conditions of the Punjab in the beginning of the 16th Century

Question 12.
Into which classes was the Muslim society of the Punjab divided and what type of life did they lead, in the beginning of the 16th century?
Give an account of the Muslim classes of Punjab in the beginning of 16th century.
In the beginning of the 16th century, the Muslim society was divided into three classes-

  • Upper Class : Ihe upper class of Muslim society comprised the nobles, Khans, Shaikhs, Qazis and Ulemas. People of this class led a life of pleasure, luxury and comfort.
  • Middle Class : The middle class included traders, soldiers, peasants and petty officials of the state government.
  • Lower Class : This class consisted of mostly the slaves and servants. Their life was not good. They had to bear the tyranny of their masters.

Question 13.
What was the social condition of Muslims of Punjab, in the beginning of the 16th century?
Throw light on the condition of Muslim society of Punjab on the eve of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s birth.
The social condition of Muslims of Punjab in the beginning of the 16th century was very good in comparison to the Hindus. At that time, the Muslim society was divided into three classes. The upper class led a life of luxury and extravagance. The status of the middle class was much better than that of the Hindus. The lower class had to work hard to earn their livelihood. Their life was miserable. The condition of women in the Muslim society was not good.

Question 14.
What was the social condition of the Hindus in the society of the Punjab, in the beginning of the 16th century?
Make a mention of the social condition of Hindus in Punjab in the opening of 16th Century.
The condition of the Hindus in society of the Punjab, in the beginning of 16th century, was deplorable. They were deprived of almost all the rights. They were called Kafirs and Zimmies. A Jaziya tax was forcibly charged from them. The Muslims forced them at the point of the sword to embrace Islam. The Hindu society was fragmented into many castes and sub-castes. It system had thoroughly weakened the very roots of the Hindu society.

Question 15.
Give a brief account of prevalent education in the Punjab in the beginning of the 16th century.
No special progress was made in the field of education in the beginning of the 16th century. Ulemas and Maulvis taught the Muslims. Primary education was given in the mosques and maktabs, whereas higher education was provided in madarasas. Lahore and Multan were the well-known centres of higher education for the Muslims in the Punjab. The Hindus received their elemantry education from the Brahmins in the temples and pathshalas. They received their higher education with the Muslims.

Question 16.
Write a note on the means of entertainment of the people of Punjab in the beginning of the 16th century.
What were the main means of entertainment of the people of Punjab in the beginning of the 16th century?
In the beginning of the 16th century, the Muslims entertained themselves in many ways. They were very fond of hunting polo, dancing, singing, music, chess, wrestling, horse riding and witnessing animal fights. They used to take part in fairs and festivals with great enthusiasm. In these, musicians and dancers entertained the viewers. They were also great lovers of playing chess and chaupar. They celebrated their festivals like Id, Nauroz and Shab-i-Barat etc. with great pomp and show.

Question 17.
Give a brief account of the economic condition of the Punjab in the beginning of the 16th century.
Briefly explain the economic condition of Punjab during the 16th century.
Briefly mention the economic condition of Punjab in the beginning of the 16th century.
The economic condition of people in Punjab was quite sound in the beginning of the 16th century. Agriculture was the main occupation of the people. The soil of Punjab being fertile, resulted in bumper harvests. For this reason, Punjab was called granary of India. The other occupation of people in Punjab was industry. The textile industry, leather industry, arms manufacturing and wood work were the famous industries of the Punjab, at that time. These industries were owned both by the government and the public. Trade, at that time, was good in Punjab.

Question 18.
Give a brief account of the agriculture in the Punjab in the beginning of the 16th century.
In the beginning of the 16th century, agriculture was the main occupation of people in the Punjab. Land in Punjab was very fertile. People here were very hard-working. Canals, ponds and wells were used for irrigation. Due to these reasons, there used to be bumper harvests. Main crops of the Punjab were wheat, barley, cotton, maize, rice and sugarcane. Punjab was called the granary of India.

Question 19.
What do you know about the Punjab industries in the beginning of the 16th century?
Give an account of the main industries of Punjab in the beginning of the 16th century.
Next to agriculture, industry was the main occupation of the people of the Punjab. The state owned industries were situated in big cities, whereas the industries run by individuals were situated in villages. The textile industry was the most famous industry of the Punjab. Samana, Sunam, Sirhind, Dipalpur, Jalandhar, Lahore, Multan, Amritsar and Kashmir were famous centres of silk textile. Other industries manufactured leather goods, arms, utensils, toys and articles of ivory.

Question 20.
Give a brief account of the trade of Punjab in the beginning of the 16th century.
The trade of the Punjab in the beginning of the 16th century was developed. Transportation of goods was carried on by Banjaras. Special markets were organised on the occasions of fairs and festivals’. Foreign trade of the Punjab was carried on mainly with Afghanistan, Egypt, the Arab countries, Syria, Tibet, Bhutan and China. Foodgrains, textile, silk, cotton and sugar were exported. Punjab imported horses, arms, fur, dry fruit and musk etc.

Question 21.
What was the living standard of people in the beginning of the 16th century?
In the beginning of the 16th century the standard of living of all the people of the Punjab was not the same. The upper class of Muslims rolled in wealth and thus led a luxurious life. The upper class of Hindus also had much wealth, but the Muslims used to loot them. The middle class of Muslims enjoyed a better standard of living than the Hindus. The lower class were not having good standard of life. They led a pitiable life.

Question 22.
What was the religious condition of Hinduism in the beginning of the 16th century?
Hinduism was the cardinal religion of the people of Punjab in the beginning of the 16th century. The Hindus believed in the Vedas. The Ramayana and the Mahabharata were very popular at that time. The Hindus worshipped various gods and goddesses and believed in going on pilgrimage to holy places and taking bath in holy rivers. They showed deep reverence to the BrahmAnswer: No religious ceremony could be observed without the blessings of the Brahmins.

Question 23.
Write a short note on Islam.
What was the condition of Islam in the beginning of the 16th century?
Besides Hinduism, the other dominating religion in Punjab in the beginning of the 16th century was Islam. It was founded by Prophet Mohammad at Mecca in the 7th century. He condemned the social and religious evils prevalent in the Arabian society. He preached the oneness of God and the brotherhood of mankind. According to him, a Muslim should follow five principles. These principles were called the five pillars of life.

Question 24.
Who were Ulemas? What were their main functions?

  • Who were Ulemas? Ulemas were the religious leaders of Islam.
  • Main functions of the Ulemas.

The main functions of the Ulemas were :

  • They used to explain the Islamic laws (Shariyats).
  • They used to encourage the Sultan to take Jihad against the Hindus.
  • They prepared plans and projects for the spread of Islam.

Question 25.
Write a short note on the Sunnis.
The Sunni Muslims.
There was the majority of Sunni Muslims in Punjab. All Sultans of Delhi Sultanate and Mughal Emperors belonged to the Sunnis. So, they encouraged the Sunnis and provided many facilities to them. All Qazis, Muftis and Ulemas, who did justice and imparted education, belonged to the Sunnis. The Sunnis were disciples of Prophet Mohammad Sahib. They considered Quran their most sacred scripture. They believed in one God (Allah). Allah was omnipresent and all-powerful and kind. They were not religiously tolerant. So, they were bitter opponents of Hindus. They called them ‘Kafirs’.

Question 26.
Who were the Shias? Explain.
The Shias.
Another popular sect in Punjab was the Shias. They also belonged to Prophet Mohammad Sahib like Sunnis. Their sacred scripture was Quran. They believed in one Allah. They also performed Namaz five times a day. They observed fast in the month of Ramzan. They also considered a pilgrimage to Mecca, once in life, a necessity. Though there were many similarities between the Sunnis and the Shias yet there were many differences in them. These differences made them opponents of each other.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 3 Political, Social and Economic Conditions of the Punjab in the beginning of the 16th Century

Question 27.
Write the main teachings of Sufism.
In the beginning of the 16th century, Sufism had become very popular. They believed in Allah. According to them, Allah is omnipotent and omnipresent. One could realise Allah only through love. They started the traditions of Qawalis. They considered service of mankind as service to God. They did not believe in caste system. They respected other faiths.

Objective Type Questions:

Question 1.
What was the political condition of the Punjab at the time of Babar’s invasion?
Very pitiable.

Question 2.
What did Guru Nanak Dev Ji say about the political condition of the Punjab?
Bribery and untruthfulness were very much common.

Question 3.
Who ruled over Delhi at the time of the birth of Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
Who was the founder of Lodhi dynasty?
Bahlol Lodhi.

Question 4.
Who was Sikandar Lodhi?
He was the Sultan of India from 1489 to 1517 A.D.

Question 5.
When did Sikandar Lodhi occupy the throne of Delhi?
1489 A.D.

Question 6.
When did Ibrahim Lodhi occupy the throne?
1517 A.D.

Question 7.
Who was the last ruler of Lodhi dynasty?
Ibrahim Lodhi.

Question 8.
Who was Daulat Khan Lodhi?
He was Governor of Punjab from 1500 A.D. to 1525 A.D.

Question 9.
Who was the ruler of Punjab in the beginning of 16th century?
Daulat Khan Lodhi.

Question 10.
What do you understand by the triangular struggle of the Punjab?
Struggle which ensued between Ibrahim Lodhi, Daulat Khan Lodhi and Babar for power in the early 16th century.

Question 11.
Of which place was Babar the ruler?

Question 12.
Who was Babar?
Babar was the ruler of Kabul.

Question 13.
When did Babar first invade Punjab?
1519 A.D.

Question 14.
Why did Babar invade India? Give any one cause.
He wanted to expand his empire.

Question 15.
Which of Babar’s invasions is compared to the ‘Bridal Procession of Sins’ by Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
Third invasion of Babar (Saidpur).

Question 16.
When did Babar invade Saidpur?
1520 A.D.

Question 17.
Which Sikh Guru Sahiban was imprisoned at the time of invasion of Saidpur by Babar?
Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

Question 18.
Which Mughal emperor had imprisioned Guru Nanak Dev Ji?

Question 19.
When was the first battle of Panipat fought?
April 21, 1526.

Question 20.
Between whom was the first battle of Panipat fought?
Babar and Ibrahim Lodhi.

Question 21.
Mention any one important result of first battle of Panipat.
Foundation of Mughal rule in India.

Question 22.
Into which two main classes the society of Punjab was divided in the beginning of ’16th century?
Muslim and Hindu.

Question 23.
Name three classes of the Muslim society in the beginning of the 16th century?
Three classes
(a) Upper class,
(b) Middle class and
(c) Lower class.

Question 24.
Mention any one feature of upper class in Muslim society in Punjab in the beginning of the 16th century.
They lived a luxurious life.

Question 25.
Into how many classes was the Hindu society of Punjab divided in the early 16th century?
Four classes—
(a) The Brahman,
(b) Khatri,
(c) Vaish and
(d) Shudra.

Question 26.
What was the condition of Shudras in Hindu society of Punjab in the early 16th century?

Question 27.
Name any one centre of Islamic education in the Punjab in the 16th century.

Question 28.
What was the main occupation of the people of the Punjab in the beginning of the 16th century?

Question 29.
Name any one crop raised in Punjab during the beginning of 16th century?

Question 30.
Which was the most famous industry of Punjab in the early 16th century?
Textile industry.

Question 31.
Name any one important woollen centre of Punjab in the beginning of the 16th century.

Question 32.
Name two items of export from Punjab in the early 16th century.
Textiles and foodgrains.

Question 33.
Name any one trader community of Punjab in the early 16th century.

Question 34.
What was the name of the main sect of Punjabi Jogis in the beginning of 16th century?
Nath Panthis and Gorakh Panthis.

Question 35.
Whom did the Jogis worship?
Lord Shiva.

Question 36.
Why were Jogis called Kanphate Jogis?
Because they donned huge rings in their ears.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 3 Political, Social and Economic Conditions of the Punjab in the beginning of the 16th Century

Question 37.
What do you mean by Shaivism?
The people of Shaivism believed in the worship of Lord Shiva.

Question 38.
What do you mean by Vaishnavism?
The people of this sect believed in the worship of Lord Vishnu.

Question 39.
What do you mean by Shaktism?
The people of this sect believed in the worship of Kali, Durga and other goddesses.

Question 40.
By whom was Islam founded?
Prophet Mohammad.

Question 41.
In how many pillars Islam believed?
Five pillars.

Question 42.
By whom was Chishti Silsila founded in India.?
Shaikh Muinuddin Chishti.

Question 43.
At which place Shaikh Muinuddin Chishti founded Chisti Silsila?

Question 44.
Who was the most famous Chishti leader in Punjab?
Shaikh Farid.

Question 45.
By whom was Suharwardi Silsila founded?
Shaikh Bahauddin Zakaria.

Question 46.
Where was the foundation of Suharwardi Silsila laid?

Question 47.
Give any one principle of the Sufis?
Answer: Sufis believed in one God.

Question 48.
Who were Ulemas?
They were the religious leaders of the Muslims.

Question 49.
What is meant by Jaziya?
It was a religious tax collected from Non-Muslims.

Question 50.
Give any one principle of Bhakti Movement.
Bhaktas believed in one God.

Question 51.
Who was the founder of Bhakti Movement in Punjab?
Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

Question 52.
Bring out the main point of difference between the teachings of Bhaktas and those of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
Guru Nanak Dev Ji did not believe in incarnation, while the Bhaktas fully believed in it.

Fill in the blanks:

1. The political situation of the Punjab in the beginning of the sixteenth century was quite ………………

2. Bahlol Lodhi founded Lodhi dynasty in …………………
1451 A.D.

3. In 1469 A.D. at- the time of Guru Nanak Ji’s birth, ………………. was the king of Delhi.
Bahlol Lodhi

4. Ibrahim Lodhi succeeded to the throne of Delhi in ………………..
1517 A.D.

5. Daulat Khan Lodhi was appointed the Governor of the Punjab in …………….
1500 A.D.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 3 Political, Social and Economic Conditions of the Punjab in the beginning of the 16th Century

6. From 1519 A.D. to 1526 A.D., a ………………. struggle started for power in Punjab.

7. In 1504 A.D. Babar became the ruler of ………………..

8. Babar invaded Punjab ………………….. times between 1519 A.D. to 1526 A.D.

9. Babar invaded Punjab in ………….. for the first time.
1519 A.D.

10. Babar imprisoned Guru Nank Dev Ji during …………….. invasion.

11. The first battle of Panipat was fought on ………………….
April 21, 1526 A.D.

12. In the beginning of the 16th century Muslim society of Punjab was divided into …………….. classes.

13. Main centres of Islamic education in Punjab were ………………. and …………………
Lahore, Multan

14. In the beginning of 16th century, the ………………. occupied top most position in the Hindu Society.

15. The condition of women in Punjab was ………………… in the beginning of the 16th century.

16. Most of the Hindus were ……………….. in the beginning of the 16th century.

17. In the beginning of the 16th century, ………………. was the main occupation of the people of Punjab.

18. The ……………… industry was the most famous industry of Punjab in the beginning of the 16th century.

19. …………… and ………………… were the two important woollen centres of Punjab in the beginning of the 16th century.
Amritsar, Kashmir

20. ……………….. and ……………. were two famous trade centres of the Punjab in the beginning of the 16th century.
Lahore, Multan

21. Yogi sect was founded by …………………..
Gorakh Nath

22. ……………….. was the founder of Bhakti Movement.
Guru Nanak Dev Ji

23. Islam was founded by …………………
Prophet Mohammad

24. The most famous Chishti leader in Punjab was …………………….
Shaikh Farid Ji

True Or False:

1. The political situation of the Punjab in the beginning of the sixteenth century was quite good.

2. Sikandar Lodhi founded the Lodhi dynasty.

3. In 1457 A.D. BahloL Lodhi sat on the throne.

4. Sikandar Lodhi succeeded to the throne in 1489 A.D.

5. Ibrahim Lodhi was the new ruler in 1517 A.D.

6. Daulat Khan LOdhi was appointed as Governor of the Punjab in 1469 A.D.

7. Babar was born in 1494 A.D.

8. Babar occupied Kabul in 1504 A.D.

9. Babar invaded India in 1519 A.D. for the first time.

10. Babar attacked Saidpur in 1526 A.D.
11. Guru Nanak Dev Ji compared the ‘Babar’s invasion on Saidpur to ‘Bridal procession of Sins’

12. The first battle of Panipat was fought between Babar and Ibrahim Lodhi in 1526 A.D.

13. The Muslim society of Punjab in the beginning of the sixteenth century was divided into two groups.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 3 Political, Social and Economic Conditions of the Punjab in the beginning of the 16th Century

14. Lower class of Muslim society consisted mainly of the peasants.

15. The women in the Muslim society were highly respected in the beginning of the sixteenth century.

16. Lahore and Multan were the well known centres of the education for Muslims in the beginning of the 16th century.

17. The Brahmans occupied the top most position in the Hindu society in the beginning of £he 16th century.

18. The main Occupation of the Kshatriyas was agriculture in the beginning of the 16th century.

19. The position of women in Hindu society was very pitiable in the beginning of the 16th century.

20. In the beginning of thel6th century, animal rearing was the main occupation of the people of Punjab.

21. In the beginning of thel6th century, wheat was richly harvested in Punjab.

22. The textile industry was the most famous industry of Punjab in the beginning of the 16th century.

23. Kashmir was the famous centre of woollen shawls in the 16th century.

24. Nath Panthi sect of Yogis was founded by Gorakh Nath.

25. Islam was founded by Prophet Mohammad.

26. Chisti Silsila was founded by Shaikh Muinuddin Chisti.

27. Shaikh Farid Ji was the prominent preacher of Chisti Silsila in Punjab.

28. Shaikh Baha-ud-din laid the foundation of Suharawardi Silsila.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 3 Political, Social and Economic Conditions of the Punjab in the beginning of the 16th Century

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Who founded Lodhi dynasty?
(a) Bahlol Lodhi
(b) Daulat Khan Lodhi
(c) Sikandar Lodhi
(d) Ibrahim Lodhi.
(a) Bahlol Lodhi

2. When did Bahlol Lodhi succeed the throne of Delhi?
(a) In 1437 A.D.
(b) In 1451 A.D.
(c) In 1489 A.D.
(d) In 1577 A.D.
(b) In 1451 A.D.

3. When did Ibrahim Lodhi succeed the throne of Delhi? ,
(a) In 1489 A.D.
(b) In 1516 A.D.
(c) In 1517 A.D.
(d) In 1526 A.D.
(c) In 1517 A.D.

4. Who was Daulat Khan Lodhi?
(a) Governor of Punjab
(b) Governor of Delhi
(c) Governor of Awadh
(d) None of these.
(a) Governor of Punjab

5. When was Daulat Khan Lodhi appointed as Governor of Punjab?
(a) In 1489 A.D.
(b) In 1500 A.D.
(c) In 1517 A.D.
(d) In 1526 A.D.
(b) In 1500 A.D.

6. Who was not included in the triangular struggle of Punjab?
(a) Babar
(b) Daulat Khan Lodhi
(c) Ibrahim Lodhi
(d) Alam Khan Lodhi.
(d) Alam Khan Lodhi.

7. When did Babar first invade Punjab?
(a) In 1509 A.D.
(b) In 1519 A.D.
(c) In 1520 A.D.
(d) In 1524 A.D.
(b) In 1519 A.D.

8. When did Babar invade Saidpur?
(a) In 1519 A.D.
(b) In 1520 A.D.
(c) In 1524 A.D.
(d) In 1526 A.D.
(b) In 1520 A.D.

9. Which Guru was imprisoned by Babar during Saidpur invasion?
(a) Guru Nanak Dev Ji
(b) Guru Amar Das Ji
(c) Guru Hargobind Ji
(d) Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.
(a) Guru Nanak Dev Ji

10. When was the first battle of Panipat fought between Ibrahim Lodhi and Babar?
(a) In 1519 A.D.
(b) In 1525 A.D.
(c) In 1526 A.D.
(d) In 1526 A.D.
(c) In 1526 A.D.

11. Who was defeated in the first battle of Panipat?
(a) Babar
(b) Maharana Partap
(c) Ibrahim Lodhi
(d) Daulat Khan Lodhi.
(c) Ibrahim Lodhi

12. Into how many classes, the Muslim society was divided in the beginning of the 16th century?
(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) Five
(b) Three

13. Who were not included in upper class of Muslim society in the beginning of the 16th century?
(a) Maliks
(b) Shaikhs
(c) Iqtadars
(d) Traders
(d) Traders

14. Who belonged to middle class of Muslim society in the beginning of the 16th century?
(a) Traders
(b) Soldiers
(c) Farmers
(d) All of the above
(d) All of the above

15. Who among the following did not belong to lower class of Muslim society?
(a) Qazi
(b) Servants
(c) Slaves
(d) Labourers.
(a) Qazi

16. Name the main Islamic education centre in the Punjab in the 16th century.
(a) Sirhind
(b) Jalandhar
(c) Peshawar
(d) Lahore
(d) Lahore

17. Name the main occupation of the people of Punjab in the beginning of 16th century.
(a) Trade
(b) Agriculture
(c) Industry
(d) Animal-rearing.
(b) Agriculture

18. Which were the main crops raised in Punjab during the beginning of the 16th century?
(a) Wheat
(b) Rice
(c) Sugarcane
(d) All of the above
(d) All of the above

19. Which was the important industry of Punjab in the 16th century?
(a) Leather industry
(b) Textile industry
(c) Armaments industry
(d) Ivory industry.
(b) Textile industry

20. Which city was not important woollen centre of Punjab in the beginning of the 16th century?
(a) Jalandhar
(b) Amritsar
(c) Kashmir
(d) Kangra
(a) Jalandhar

21. Name the most important Trade centre of the Punjab in the 16th century.
(a) Lahore
(b) Ludhiana
(c) Jalandhar
(d) Amritsar
(a) Lahore

22. Which was the main religion in Punjab in the beginning of the 16th century?
(a) Islam
(b) Hinduism
(c) Christianity
(d) Sikhism
(b) Hinduism

23. Who founded the Yogis sect Nathpanthi?
(a) Gorakhanath
(b) Shivanath
(c) Mahatma Buddha
(d) Swami Mahavira.
(a) Gorakhanath

24. How many avataras of Vishnu are mentioned in Puranas?
(a) 5
(b) 10
(c) 24
(d) 25
(c) 24

25. Which of the following sect is not related with Hinduism in the early 16th century?
(a) Shaivism
(b) vaishmavism
(c) Shaktism
(d) Sufism
(d) Sufism

26. Who was the founder of Islam?
(a) Abu Bakr
(b) Umar
(c) Prophet Mohammad Sahib
(d) Ali
(c) Prophet Mohammad Sahib

27. When was Islam founded?
(a) In 5th century
(b) In sixth century
(c) In 7th century
(d) In eigth century
(c) In 7th century

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 3 Political, Social and Economic Conditions of the Punjab in the beginning of the 16th Century

28. Who was the first Khalifa of Islam?
(a) Ali
(b) Abu Bakr
(c) Umar
(d) Usman.
(b) Abu Bakr

29. Sufi mode of idealogy is known as
(a) Pir
(b) Dargah
(c) Tasawaf
(d) Silsila.
(c) Tasawaf

30. Who was the founder of Chisti Silsila?
(a) Shaikh Muinuddin Chisti
(b) Shaikh Bahuddin Zakaria
(c) Shaikh Farid Ji
(d) Shaikh Nizamuddin Auliya
(a) Shaikh Muinuddin Chisti

31. Who was the famous Chisti saint of Punjab?
(a) Sheikh Nizamuddin Auliya
(b) Sheikh Farid
(c) Shaikh Qutabuddin Bekhtiyar
(d) Khawaja Muinuddin Chisti.
(b) Sheikh Farid

32. Where was the main centre of Suharawadi Silsila in Punjab?
(a) Multan
(b) Lahore
(c) Jalandhar
(d) Amritsar.
(a) Multan

33. Who started the tradition of Qawalis?
(a) Islam
(b) Sufis
(c) Hindus
(d) Sikhs
(b) Sufis

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 2 Sources of the History of the Punjab

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class History Book Solutions Chapter 2 Sources of the History of the Punjab Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 History Chapter 2 Sources of the History of the Punjab

Long Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
What five problems are faced by historians in understanding the history of Punjab?
What are the main problems regarding the historical sources of Punjab?
What five difficulties do we face regarding the historical sources of Punjab?
What problems are faced by the students in composing the history of Punjab?
Writing the history of Punjab the historians confront numerous problems in writing the history of Punjab. These problems are briefly described below :

1. Sikhs did not find time to write their own History: Punjab became an arena of wars in the 18th century. Anarchy was the order of the day. The Sikhs were fighting for their existence. They had to flee to the mountains and jungles leaving their homes. As a result, they could hardly find time to pen down their history.

2. Biased views of Muslim Historians: Most of the sources available to understand the history of Punjab are written in Persian by Muslim historians were: They were staunch Muslims. They considered the Sikhs their inveterate enemies. They willfully distorted the facts of Sikh history in a malicious manner. Therefore, their writings cannot be trusted.

3. Destruction of Historical Sources: Till the seventh decade of the 18th century, there was no peace, and anarchy prevailed in Punjab. The invasion of Na*dir Shah in 1739 A.D..aad subsequently eight invasions of Ahmad Shah Abdali from 1747 to 1767 A.D. ruined the Punjab. How could the Sikhs preserve their sacred documents when even the lives of their families were at risk? A large number of their holy writings were lost.

4. Punjab, a part of Mughal Empire: Till 1752 A.D. Punjab formed a part of the Mughal empire. As a result, no history could be written apart from the history of India. The contemporary writers wrote largely on the Mughal emperors, but just not write about the political, social, religious, and economic conditions of Punjab. Therefore, a detailed account of the history of Punjab is not available from the works of contemporary historians.

5. Untapped Historical Sources: Many deeds of covenants, deeds of the grant, personal letters, Bhat Vahid, and religious documents of Sikh Misls and Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s times are still remained locked in the boxes of many Sikh families and feudal lords. These sources still remain unexplored.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 2 Sources of the History of the Punjab

Question 2.
Write a short note on Hukamnamas.
Hukamnamas were the orders of the Sikh Gurus or of their family members which were issued to the Sikh Sangat or individuals from time to time. In most of these Hukamnamas, they were asked to bring rations for the community kitchen, money for the construction of religious places, horses and arms to be used in battles. In all 89 Hukamnamas have been compiled so far by Dr. Ganda Singh. Of these 34 Hukamnamas were issued by Guru Gobind Singh and 23 by Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji. The other Hukamnamas belong to Guru Arjan Dev, Guru Hargobind Sahib, Guru Har Rai, Guru Harkrishan, Mata Gujri, Mata Sundri, Mata Sahib Devan, Baba Gurditta Ji and Banda Bahadur. The Sikhs obeyed these Hukamnamas as orders from God. From these Hukamnamas we learn about the political, religious, literary, and economic history of the Punjab of the period of Sikh Gurus.

Question 3.
Mention briefly any five important historical sources related to the religious literature of the Sikhs.
Give a brief account of five important sources based on religious literature of Punjab History.
Religious literature of the Sikhs contributes much to the writing of the history of Punjab.

1. The Adi Granth Sahib Ji: The Adi Granth Sahib Ji is the most sacred and authentic scripture of Sikhism. Guru Arjan Dev Ji compiled this great holy scripture in 1604 A.D. In it, the hymns of the first five Sikh Gurus and those of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji, the ninth Guru of the Sikhs, are compiled. In addition to it, the hymns of many Hindu Bhagats, Muslim Sufi Saints, Bhats, etc. were also included. Adi Granth Sahib Ji gives us the most valuable information regarding the political, religious, social, and economic life of the people of those days.

2. Dasam Granth Sahib Ji: Dasam Granth Sahib Ji is another holy scripture of Sikhism. It is a compilation of the writings of Guru Gobind Singh Ji and his court poets. This holy scripture was compiled by Bhai Mani Singh Ji in 1721 A.D. ‘Bachitar Natak’ and ‘Zafarnama’ are the most significant from the historical point of view.

3. Vars of Bhai Gurdas Ji: Bhai Gurdas Ji was the son of Bhai Datar Chand Bhalla, a brother of Guru Amar Das Ji. He was a contemporary of Guru Arjan Dev Ji and Guru Hargobind Ji. He composed 39 Vars. These Vars are considered the key to understanding Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Vars No. 1 and 11 are considered important from the historical point of view. The first Var contains a very detailed description of the life of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. In the eleventh Var, we get information of the important Sikhs and places connected with the first six Gurus.

4. Janam Sakhis: The stories relating to the birth and life of Guru Nanak Dev Ji are called Janam Sakhis. Many such Janam Sakhis were written in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. They were written in the Punjabi language. Janam Sakhis of Puratan Janam Sakhis, Janam Sakhis of Meherban, Janam Sakhi of Bhai Bala Ji and Janam Sakhi of Bhai Mani Singh Ji were the most important Sakhis.

5. Hukamnamas: Hukamnamas were those orders or proclamations that were issued by the Sikh Gurus or by the members of their families to the Sikhs from time to time. In the majority of such Hukamnamas, demands were made to supply grains for the Langar (common kitchen), to donate money for building religious places, and to bring horses and arms for battles.

Question 4.
What is meant by Janam Sakhis? Explain briefly the four Janam Sakhis.
What are the Janam Sakhis? Discuss the importance of different Janam Sakhis?
The stories relating to the birth and life of Guru Nanak Dev Ji are called Janam Sakhis.
1. Puratan Janam Sakhi: This Janam Sakhi-was edited by Bhai Vir Singh in 1926 A.D. It is considered more reliable than other Janam Sakhis.

2. Janam Sakhi of Meharban: Meharban was the son of Prithi Chand, the elder brother of Guru Arjan Dev Ji. He was a great scholar. As he himself belonged to the Guru family, he gave a very detailed description of the Udasis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. It is considered more reliable.

3. Janam Sakhi of Bhai Bala : This Janam Sakhi was written by Bhai Bala Ji. Many events denoted in this Janam Sakhi are imaginary and many others are historically incorrect. Thus this Janam Sakhi is regarded as the least authentic.

4. Janam Sakhi of Bhai Mani Singh: This Janam Sakhi, popularly known as ‘Gyan Ratnavali’, was written by Bhai Mani Singh Ji. This Janam Sakhi is very reliable due to many reasons. It contains no imaginary events. Thirdly, all events are recorded in a chronological manner.

Question 5.
What do you know about Vars of Bhai Gurdas Ji?
Write a note on Bhai Gurdas Ji Bhalla.
Bhai Gurdas Ji Bhalla (1551—1635 A.D.) was the son of Datar Chand Bhalla, the brother of Guru Amar Das. He was contemporary of third, fourth, fifth, and sixth Sikh Gurus. He was a top-class writer. He composed 39 Vars. These vars are written in Punjabi. In order to understand Guru Granth Sahib, the study of these Vars is very essential. That is why they are called a key to Guru Granth Sahib. We get useful information about the first six Gurus’ lives, teachings of Sikh religion, names of cities, and the lives of Saints and Bhaktas from these Vars. The first and eleventh Vars are considered important from the historical point of view. In the first Var, light is thrown on the Sikh history from first to 6th Guru. The eleventh Var gives information about the names of Sikhs related to the Gurus and their activities.

Question 6.
Write a note on the special features of Adi Granth Sahib.
Give a brief description of Adi Granth Sahib and its historical importance.
Guru Arjan Dev Ji used various sources for writing the Bani. The Bani of the first three Gurus—Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Guru Angad Dev Ji, and Guru Amar Das Ji were with the eldest son of Guru Amar Das Ji i.e. Baba Mohan Ji. To compile the Bani, Guru Arjan Dev Ji first sent Bhai Gurdas Ji and then Baba Buddha Ji to Baba Mohan Ji but they were not successful in their objective. After this, Guru Sahib himself went from Amritsar to Goindwal Sahib barefooted. Impressed by the humility of Guru Ji, Baba Mohan Ji gave away the entire Bani to Guru Ji. Guru Arjan Dev Ji already had the Bani of Guru Ram Das Ji with him.

Guru Sahib included his own Bani in it. After this Guru Sahib called upon the devotees of Hindu Bhagats and Muslim Saints and asked them to recite the hymns of their saints correctly. The hymns of only those Bhagats and Saints were included in the Guru Granth Sahib which was similar to the Bani of the Gurus. The works of Kahna, Chhajju, Shah Hussain, and Pilu were rejected. The compilation of the Adi Granth Sahib Ji in 1604 A.D. is a great landmark In the history of the Sikhs. It provided the Sikhs with a unique religious scripture. No doubt Guru Granth Sahib is a religious scripture, yet it furnishes valuable information regarding the social, religious, political, and economic life of the 16th and 17th centuries.

Question 7.
Write a short note on Dasam Granth Sahib.
What do you know about Dasam Granth Sahib?
Dasam Granth Sahib is another holy scripture of the Sikhs. It is an anthology of the works of Guru Gobind Singh and his court poets. Bhai Mani Singh compiled Dasam Granth in 1721 A.D. The Dasam Granth Sahib was primarily compiled to awaken heroic sentiments among the Sikhs so as to enable them to fight against political injustice and religious intolerance. It is a collection of 18 works. Jaap Sahib, Akal Ustat, Chandi di Var, Chaubis Avtar, Shabad Hazare, Shastar Nama, Bachitar Natak, and Zafarnama are worthy of special mention. Bachelor Natak is Guru Gobind Singh’s autobiography.

It is a useful source giving us information about the ancient history of Bedi and Sodhi castes, the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur, and the battles of Guru Gobind Singh against the Hill Chiefs and the Mughals. Guru Gobind Singh wrote the Zafarnama at Dina. It is a letter of Victory which Guru Gobind Singh addressed to Aurangzeb in Persian. In this letter, the Guru has daringly and fearlessly described the tyranny of Aurangzeb. It also refers to the treachery of his generals and the breaking of oaths taken on the Quran. Dasam Granth Sahib is, thus, an important source of the life and work of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 2 Sources of the History of the Punjab

Question 8.
Give a brief account of five historical sources written in 18th century in Punjabi.
1. Sri Gursobha: Sri Gursobha was written by Sainapat, a famous court poet of Guru Gobind Singh Ji in 1741 A.D. He has given an eye-witness account of the events that took place from 1699 A.D. to 1708 A.D. about its historical value.

2. Sikhan Di Bhagat Mala : This work was written by Bhai Mani Singh Ji in the eighteenth century. It is also known as ‘Bhagat Ratnavali’. It provides valuable information about the lives of the Gurus, names of the prominent Sikhs, their castes and places of residence along with the social conditions of the time.

3. Bansavali Nama : It was written by Kesar Singh Chhibbar in 1780 A.D. It covers the history from Guru Nanak Dev Ji to the middle of the eighteenth century. It is more reliable as far as later history is concerned than that of the Guru’s period because the writer gives an eye-witness account of many such events.

4. Mehma Prakash: In fact, it comprises two books:

  • Mehma Pvakash Vartik was written by Bawa Kirpal Singh in 1741 A.D. It describes the lives of the Sikh Gurus in brief.
  • Mehma Prakash Kavita was written by Sarup Das Bhalla in 1776 A.D. It describes the lives of Sikh Gurus in detail.

5. Prachin Panth Prakash: It was written by Rattan Singh Bhangu in 1841 A.D. It provides very important information regarding the history from Guru Nanak Dev Ji to the eighteenth century.

Question 9.
Give a brief account of five important Persian sources of the history of Punjab.
Give a brief mention of five important Persian sources which are essential for composing the History of Punjab.
1. Ain-i-Akbari is written by Abul Fazl, a famous historian and courtier of Akbar. It is the main source of information regarding Akbar’s relations with the Sikh Gurus. Besides, this source, tells us about the political, religious, social, and economic conditions of Punjab.

2. Tuzak-i-Jahangiri is the autobiography of the Mughal emperor Jahangir. We get valuable information about the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji from it. By reading it, it becomes clear that Guru Ji was martyred for religious reasons.

3. Jang Nama is written by Qazi Nur Muhammad. He accompanied Ahmad Shah Abdali during the latter’s invasion of Punjab in 1764 A.D. In this work, he gave an eyewitness account of the warfare of the Sikhs and their character.

4. Umdat-ut-Tawarikh’s writer was Sohan Lai Suri, a courtier of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. In it, he has written the history of Punjab from 1469 A.D. to 1849 A.D. It is a very trustworthy source about Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s period.

5. Zafar-Nama-i-Ranjit Singh. It is an important source related to the period of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. It was written by Diwan Amar Nath. This work describes the eye-witness account of events of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s reign up to 1837 A.D.

Question 10.
Mention five important English sources which give information about the history of Punjab.
1. The Court and Camp of Ranjit Singh: Capt. William Osborne wrote this book in 1840 A.D. He has given a detailed account of the grandeur of Maharaja’s court, his courtiers, and his military administration. His book is a very useful source from a historical point of view.

2. History of Punjab: Murray wrote this book in 1842 A.D. It has two parts. The history of the Sikhs has been written in detail in these parts. It is a significant source regarding Maharaja Ranjit Singh and his successors.

3. History of the Sikhs: Dr. Me Gregor wrote this book. It was written in 1846 A.D. and it has two parts. It provides useful information about the battles of Maharaja Ranjit Singh and the Sikhs against the English.

4. Punjab: This book was written in 1846 A.D. by Steinbach. He occupied a high post in the army of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Therefore, he has mentioned very important details about the army of the Maharaja in this book.

5. Sketch of the Sikhs: It was written in 1812 A.D. by Malcolm, a Colonel in the British army. He came to Punjab after Holkar IP 1805 A.D. He wrote very briefly about the history of the Sikhs and their institutions.

Question 11.
Write a short note on the historical importance of Records of the British Indian Government.
Throw light on four important sources of information on Punjab History written in English.
The records of the British Indian government provide the most important information regarding Sikh History from the beginning of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s reign from 1799 A.D. to the downfall of the Sikh Empire in 1849 A.D. The records of Delhi Residency and Ludhiana Residency are significant in particular for the history of Punjab. Among these, the records of Murrey, Ochterloney, Richmond, Me Gregor, Nicholson, Cunningham, Princep, and Broadfoot are of great historical value. These records are stored in the National Archives Department Delhi. These records throw valuable light on Anglo-Sikh relations, about the Kingdom of Ranjit Singh and his reign and the relations of the English with Afghanistan and Sind. Besides the letters written by Governor Generals to the British Government, to their friends and family members also provide valuable information regarding the important events of Punjab. Though these records are biasedly written, yet they constitute an important source of the History of Punjab.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 2 Sources of the History of the Punjab

Question 12.
Examine the importance of coins in the construction of the History of Punjab.
The coins are of special importance in the construction of the history of Punjab. We find the coins of Mughals, Banda Singh Bahadur, Jassa Singh Ahluwalia, Ahmad Shah Abdali and Maharaja Ranjit Singh. These coins throw valuable light on the dates and other important facts about the different rulers. The coins of Banda Bahadur prove that he had great respect for Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Guru Gobind Singh Ji. The coins of Jassa Singh Ahluwalia tell us that he had occupied the territory of Ahmad Shah Abdali. The coins of Maharaja Ranjit Singh throw light on the fact that he was a very kind-hearted king and he was a great follower of Sikhism. As the facts provided by these coins are very trustworthy, so they help a lot in solving many problems related to the history of Punjab.

1. Difficulties Regarding the History of Punjab: The Janam Sakhis related to the Sikh Gurus have several inconsistencies in them—The Muslim writers who were fanatics and biased have distorted the facts of history—The Sikhs did not have any time for writing their own history during this period of anarchy—Moreover, whatever meager historical books had already been written were destroyed during the foreign invasions—Several historical sources were also destroyed during the partition of Punjab in 1947 A.D.

2. Kinds of Sources: The main sources related to the history of Punjab are as follows :

→ Religious literature of the Sikhs: The Adi Granth Sahib gives us the most authentic information of this period. It wags compiled by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in 1604 A.D.The Dasam Granth Sahib is a compilation of the works of the tenth Guru, Guru Gobind Singh Ji, and the poets of his court, of these, the ‘Bachitar Natak’ and ‘Zafarnama’ are historically the most important.The 39 Vars written by Bhai Gurdas Ji give us important information about the lives of the first six Gurus and the famous pilgrimages. Among the Janam Sakhis based on the life of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the most important are Puratan Janam Sakhi, Meharban’s Janam Sakhi, Janam Sakhi of Bhai Bala, and Janam Sakhi of Bhai Mani Singh Ji.The Hukamnamas issued by the Sikh Gurus provide us with very valuable information about contemporary society Of these 34 Hukamnamas were issued by Guru Gobind Singh Ji and 23 Hukamnamas were issued by Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.

→ Historical and Semi-Historical works in Punjabi and Hindi: ‘Sri Gursobha’ gives us an eye-witness account of the events that took place from 1699 to 1708 A.D. Gursobha was written by Sainapat a famous court poet of Guru Gobind Singh Ji in 1741 A.D. Sikhan Di Bhagatmala provides valuable information about the social condition of the periods of the Gurus. It was written by Bhai Mani Singh Ji ‘Bansavali Nama’ written by Kesar Singh Chhibbar describes the incidents from the Guru period to the middle of the 18th century  ‘Gurpratap Suraj Granth’ written by Bhai Santokh Singh and ‘Prachin Panth Prakash’ written by Rattan Singh Bhangu has an important position in the construction of the history of Punjab.

3. Historical works in Persian: ‘Babarnama’ written by the Mughal emperor Babar gives us historical information about Punjab at the beginning of the 16th century.‘Ain-i-Akbari’ and ‘Akbarnama’ written by Abul Fazl gives us information about the relations of Akbar with the Sikh Gurus‘Dabistan-i- Mazahib’ written by Mubid Zulfiqar Ardistani gives us valuable information pertaining to the Sikh Gurus‘Khulasat-ut-Tawarikh’ written by Sujan Rai Bhandari, ‘Muntakhib-ut-Lubab’ written by Khafi Khan and ‘Jang Nama’ written by Qazi Nur Muhammad gives us information about the Punjab of the 18th century‘Umdat-ut-Tawarikh’ written by Sohan Lai Suri and ‘Char-Bagh-i- Punjab’ written by Ganesh Das Wadhera give us a detailed account of the incidents related to the reign of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

4. Bhat Vahis: The Bhats used to write down all the important events with dates in their Vahis These give us useful information about the lives of the Sikh Gurus, their travels and battles.

5. Khalsa Darbar Records: These are the official records of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time They were written in Persian and their number is more than 1 lakh—The Khalsa Darbar Records give useful information on the life and times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

6. Writings of Foreign Travellers and Europeans: The writings of foreign travelers and Europeans contribute greatly to the construction of the history of Punjab—Prominent among them are ‘A Journey from Bengal to England’ by George Forster, ‘Sketch of the Sikhs’ by Malcolm, ‘Origin of Sikh Power in the Punjab’ by H.T. Princep, ‘The Court and Camp of Ranjit SingJT by Captain William Osborne, ‘The Punjab’ by Steinbach, ‘History of the Sikhs’ by J.D. Cunningham.

7. Historical Buildings, Paintings, and Coins: The historical buildings, paintings, and coins of Punjab are also a very valuable source for tracing out the history of Punjab. The architecture of Khadur Sahib, Goindwal Sahib, Amritsar, Tarn Taran, Kartarpur, and Paonta Sahib, various forts, paintings in the Gurdwaras, and coins of Sikh leaders also throw ample light on the contemporary society.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 2 Sources of the History of the Punjab

Essay Type Questions:

Difficulties Regarding The History Of Punjab:

Question 1.
Explain the difficulties of the historians while constructing the history of Punjab.
Which difficulties are being faced by historians while composing the History of Punjab?
Writing the history of Punjab has always remained a serious challenge for historians were: The historian confronts numerous problems in writing the history of Punjab. These problems are briefly described below :

1. Sikhs did not find time to write their own History: Punjab became an arena of wars in the 18th century. Anarchy was the order of the day. The Sikhs were fighting for their existence. They had to flee to the mountains and jungles leaving their homes. The government had put a price on their heads. The royal forces were always at their heels to hunt them. It was a time for the Sikhs to hold a sword rather than a pen in their hands. As a result, they could hardly find time to pen down their history.

2. Biased views of Muslim Historians: Most of the sources available to understand the history of Punjab are written in Persian by Muslim historians were: They were staunch Muslims. They considered the Sikhs their inveterate enemies. They willfully distorted the facts of Sikh history in a malicious manner. They described the Sikhs as brigands, dacoits, ruffians, and butchers. They described the teachings of the Sikh Gurus as anti-Islam. Therefore, their writings cannot be trusted.

3. Destruction of Historical Sources: Till the seventh decade of the 18th century, there was no peace, and anarchy prevailed in Punjab. Firstly, the Mughals and then the Afghans left no stone unturned to crush the Sikhs. The invasion of Nadir Shah in 1739 A.D. and subsequently eight invasions of Ahmad Shah Abdali from 1747 to 1767 A.D. ruined the Punjab. How could the Sikhs preserve their sacred documents when even the lives of their families were at risk? A large number of their holy writings were lost. Thus, the Sikhs were deprived of their numerous invaluable works.

4. Punjab, a part of Mughal Empire: Till 1752 A.D. Punjab formed a, part of the Mughal empire. As a result, no history could be written apart from the history of India. The contemporary writers wrote largely on the Mughal emperors but just wrote about the political, social, religious, and economic conditions of Punjab. Therefore, a detailed account of the history of Punjab is not available from the works of contemporary historians.

5. Partition of Punjab: With the partition of India in 1947 A.D., Punjab too was bifurcated. As a sequel to it, Lahore, the capital of Punjab, the Punjab University, many historical buildings, and valuable books were left in Pakistan. Many historical sources were destroyed due to riots caused by partition vandalization. So, we had to remain deprived of many historical sources which could have proved extremely useful in the construction of the history of Punjab.

Main Sources of the History of the Punjab:

Question 2.
Describe briefly the important sources of Punjab.
Describe the main sources of Punjab History.
Examine the sources of the History of Punjab from 1469 to 1849 A.D.
Many types of sources of the history of Punjab from 1469 to 1849 A.D. are available. These sources can be categorized into main two parts :

  1. Literary sources and
  2. Archaeological sources.

1. Literary Sources :
These sources consist of:

  • Religious literature of the Sikhs.
  • Historical and Semi-historical works written in Punjabi and Hindi.
  • Historical works were written in Persian.
  • Bhat Vahid.
  • Khalsa Darbar Records.
  • Writings of Foreign Travellers and Europeans.

2. Archaeological Sources:
These sources consist of :

  • Buildings and Monuments.
  • Coins and Pantings.

1. Literary Sources:

1. Religious Literature of the Sikhs: Religious literature of the Sikhs played an important. role in the making of the history of Punjab. Adi Granth Sahib Ji occupies the chief place among these sources. These. days it is called Guru Granth Sahib Ji. It was compiled by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in 1604 A.D. It reveals the priceless information on political, religious, social, and economic conditions of the Punjab of that time. The Dasam Granth Sahib Ji edited by Bhai Mani Singh Ji in 1721 A.D. holds second place. It is a compilation of the writings of Guru Gobind Singh Ji and his court poets. It consists of a total of 18 compositions. Bachelor Natak and Zafarnama are the most significant from the historical point of view. These books contain information about the life of Guru Gobin.d Singh Ji and relation between Mughals and Sikhs. Then come 39 Vars written by Bhai Gurdas Ji. These contain precious information about the lives of Sikh Gurus. Besides, Janam Sakhis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Hukamnamas of Sikh Gurus provide valuable information about the history of Punjab.

2. Historial and Semi-Historial Sikh Literature: Sri Gursobha compiled by Sainapat plays a significant role in writing the history of Punjab. It gives eye witness account of the events that took place from 1699 to 1708 A.D. Besides, Sikhan Di Bhagat Mala written by Bhai Mani Singh Ji, Bansavali Nama written by Kesar Singh Chhibbar, Mehma Prakash Vartik written by Bawa Kirpal Singh, and Prachin Panth Prakash written by Rattan Singh Bhangu throw ample light on the history of Punjab.

3. Historical works were written in Persian: Persian compositions are mainly compiled by Muslims. These works do not contain any history about Punjab or Sikhs, but these have helped in writing the history of Punjab. Babarnama written by Babar, Ain-i-Akbari and Akbarnama written by Abul Fazl, Tuzak-i-Jahangiri written by Jahangir, Umdat-ut-Tawarikh written by Sohan Lai Suri, Twarikh- i-Punjab written by Bute Shah, Zafarnama-i-Ranjit Singh by Diwan Amarnath, and Ibratnama by Ala-ud-din Mufti is worth mentioning.

4. Bhat Vahid: Bhats used to write down important events with dates in their Vahid. These Bhat Vahis have reliable contributions in writing Punjab history. The complete description of many important incidents that happened in the lives of Guru Hargobind Ji to Guru Gobind Singh Ji is mentioned in these Bhat Vahid.

5. Khalsa Darbar Records: Offical records of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time throw ample light on medieval Punjab. These are written in Persian. These are over one lakh in number. Sita Ram Kohli prepared a catalog of these records.

6. Writings of Foreign Travellers and Europeans: Foreign travelers to Punjab and Europeans have thrown ample light on the history of Punjab in their writings. A Journey from Bengal to England by George Foster, Sketch of Sikhs by Malcolm. Origin of Sikh Power in Punjab by H.T. Princep, The Court, and Camp of Ranjit Singh by Capt. William Osborne, History of Punjab by Murray are some significant works. History of the Sikhs written by J.D. Cunnigham is considered the most reliable and important source. It has details of incidents occurring from 1699 to 1846 A.D.

2. Archaeological Sources:

The historical buildings, monuments, coins, and paintings of Punjab also contribute to writing the history of Punjab. Towns like Khadur Sahib, Goindwal Sahib, Amritsar, Tarn Taran, Kartarpur, Anandpur Sahib, etc. which were founded by Sikh Gurus, are worth mentioning religious cities of Punjab history. Besides the royal palaces and forts built by Sikhs of the 18th century throw light on the architecture of that time. Paintings related to the Sikh Gurus and others have been found which provide us information about the social and religious conditions of that time. Coins issued by different rulers of Punjab, Banda Singh Bahadur, Maharaja Ranjit Singh, Mughal, and Sikh Chiefs reveal historical dates, religious beliefs, and economic conditions of that time. So these coins contribute an important role in writing the history of Punjab.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 2 Sources of the History of the Punjab

Religious Literature Of The Sikhs:

Question 3.
Evaluate the Sikh religious literature as a source of Punjab history.
What is the contribution of the Sikh Gurmukhi Literature in the history of Punjab?
Describe the significance of Adi Granth Sahib and Janam Sakhis as sources of Punjab history.
Religious literature of the Sikhs contributes much to the writing of the history of Punjab.

1. The Adi Granth Sahib Ji: The Adi Granth Sahib Ji is the most sacred and authentic scripture of Sikhism. Guru Arjan Dev Ji compiled this great holy scripture in 1604 A.D. In it the hymns of the first five Sikh Gurus and those of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji, the ninth Guru of the Sikhs, are compiled. In addition to it, the hymns of many Hindu Bhagats, Muslim Sufi Saints, Bhats, etc. were also included. Although the Adi Granth Sahib Ji or Guru Granth Sahib Ji was not compiled for any historical purpose, yet its thorough study gives us the most valuable information regarding the political, religious, social, and economic life of the people of those days. As this information is the most authentic, the Adi Granth Sahib Ji is a valuable source for the history of Punjab. Moreover, Adi Granth Ji is a priceless treasure of Indian spirituality, culture, literature, and languages. Dr. Indu Bhushan Banerjee aptly says, “It may be recalled the Bible of Sikhism and is admitted to be the greatest authority on Sikhism.”

2. Dasam Granth Sahib Ji: Dasam Granth Sahib Ji is another holy scripture of Sikhism. It is a compilation of the writings of Guru Gobind Singh Ji and his court poets. This holy scripture was compiled by Bhai Mani Singh Ji in 1721 A.D. The Dasam Granth Sahib was primarily compiled to awaken heroic sentiments among the Sikhs so as to enable them to fight against political injustice and religious intolerance. It is a work of 18 compositions of which ‘Jaap Sahib’, ‘Akal Ustat’, ‘Chandi Di Var’, ‘Chaubis Avtar’, ‘Shabad Hazare’, ‘Shastra Nama’, ‘Bachitar Natak’ and ‘Zafarnama’ are worth noting. ‘Bachelor Natak and ‘Zafarnama are the most significant from the historical point of view. ‘Bachelor Natak’ is the autobiography of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

It is a very important source of information about the ancient history of the Bedis and the Sodhi’s, martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji, and the battles of Guru Gobind Singh Ji against the Hill Chiefs. ‘Zafarnama’ (letter of victory) was written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji at Dina. It is a letter written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji to the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb in Persian. In this letter, Guru Gobind Singh Ji has described the cruelties of Aurangzeb, the treachery of Mughal commanders, and the breaking of oaths taken on the holy Quran in a very courageous and fearless manner. Dasam Granth Sahib Ji is thus an important source of the life and works of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

3. Vars of Bhai Gurdas Ji: Bhai Gurdas Ji was the son of Bhai Datar Chand Bhalla, a brother of Guru Amar Das Ji. He was a contemporary of Guru Arjan Dev Ji and Guru Hargobind Ji. He composed 39 Vars. These Vars are considered the key to understanding Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Vars No. 1 and 11 are considered important from the historical point of view. The first Var contains a very detailed description of the life of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Besides, we get a glimpse of Guru Angad Ji, Guru Amar Das Ji, Guru Ram Das Ji, Guru Arjan Dev Ji, and Guru Hargobind Ji’s life from this Var. In the eleventh Var, we get information of the important Sikhs and places connected with the first six Gurus.

4. Janam Sakhis: The stories relating to the birth and life of Guru Nanak Dev Ji are called Janam Sakhis. Many such Janam Sakhis were written in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. They were written in the Punjabi language. They were compiled for the faithful and not for students of history. Though they are a mixture of facts and fiction, yet they provide valuable information about the life of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. A brief description of the important Janam Sakhis is as follows :

(a) Puratan Janam Sakhi: This Janam Sakhi was edited by Bhai Vir Singh in 1926 A.D. It is prepared by coordinating ‘two Janam Sakhis’—Wilayat Wali Janam Sakhi and Hafizabad Wali Janam Sakhi. This is the oldest Janam Sakhi. It is considered more reliable than other Janam Sakhis.

(b) Janam Sakhi of Meharban: Meharban was the son of Prithi Chand, the elder brother of Guru Arjan Dev Ji. He was a great scholar. As he himself belonged to the Guru family, he had a thorough and authentic knowledge of the stories about Guru Nanak Dev Ji. He gave a very detailed description of the Udasis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and his stay at Kartarpur. For a long time, this Janam Sakhi was not considered reliable because it was written by the son of Prithi Chand, a sworn opponent of Guru Arjan Dev Ji. However, the latest researches have proved beyond doubt that this Janam Sakhi is very dependable. First, it offers a more satisfactory chronology. Secondly, the names of persons and places mentioned in it are generally correct. Thirdly, there are a few miraculous stories.

(c) Janam Sakhi of Bhai Bala Ji : Bhai Bala Ji was a childhood companion of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. He accompanied Guru Nanak Dev Ji in some of his Udasis. It is said that this Janam Sakhi was written during the times of Guru Angad Dev Ji on the verbal details given by Bhai Bala Ji himself. But .this does not seem correct, as the events mentioned in this Janam Sakhi show, that it was written either in the time of Guru Gobind Singh Ji or afterward. Some historians even deny the very existence of Bhai Bala Ji. Many events denoted in this Janam Sakhi are imaginary and many others are historically incorrect. Thus, this Janam Sakhi is regarded as the least authentic.

(d) Janam Sakhi of Bhai Mani Singh Ji: This Janam Sakhi, popularly known as ‘Gyan Ratnavali’, was written by Bhai Mani Singh Ji, a devotee of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. It was written between 1675 A.D. and 1708 A.D. This Janam Sakhi is very reliable due to many reasons. First, it is written on the basis of the first Var of Bhai Gurdas Ji. Secondly, it contains no imaginary events. Thirdly, all events are recorded in a chronological manner. Fourthly, it avoids many errors of other Janam Sakhis.

5. Hukamnamas: Hukamnamas were those orders or proclamations that were issued by the Sikh Gurus or by the members of their families to the Sikhs from time to time. In the majority of such Hukamnamas, demands were made to supply grains for the Langar (common kitchen), to donate money for building religious places, and to bring horses and arms for battles. 89 Hukamnamas are available up to this day. Of these, 34 Hukamnamas were issued by Guru Gobind Singh Ji and 23 Hukamnamas were issued by Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji. These Hukamnamas provide very valuable information about the political, religious, economic, and literary history of the period of the great Gurus.

Historical And Semi-Historical Works It Punjabi And Hindi:

Question 4.
How far are Sikh Historical and Semi-Historical literature helpful in giving information about Punjab History?
Many historical and semi-historical works were written in Punjabi and Hindi languages in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. These works throw ample light on the history of Punjab. Most prominent among them are mentioned below :

1. Sri Gursobha: Sri Gursobha was written by Sainapat, a famous court poet of Guru Gobind Singh Ji in 1741 A.D. He has given an eye-witness account of the events that took place from 1699 A.D. to 1708 A.D. about its historical value.

2. Sikhan Di Bhagat Mala: This work was written by Bhai Mani Singh Ji in the eighteenth century. It is also known as ‘Bhagat Ratnavali’. It provides valuable information about the lives of the Gurus, names of the prominent Sikhs, their castes, and places of residence along with the social conditions of the time.

3. Bansavali Nama: It was written by Kesar Singh Chhibbar in 1780 A.D. It covers the history from Guru Nanak Dev Ji to the middle of the eighteenth century. It is more reliable as far as later history is concerned than that of the Guru’s period because the writer gives an eye-witness account of many such events.

4. Mehma Prakash: In fact, it comprises two” books —(a) Mehma Prakash Vartik (b) Mehma Prakash Kavita. (a) Mehma Prakash Vartik was written by Bawa Kirpal Singh in 1741 A.D. It describes the. lives of the Sikh Gurus, in brief, (b) Mehma Prakash Kavita was written by Sarup Das Bhalla in 1776 A.D. It describes the lives of Sikh Gurus in detail.

5. Gur Partap Suraj Granth: It is a comprehensive work. It was written by Bhai Santokh Singh. It has two parts :

  • Nanak Prakash: It was written in 1823 A.D. It gives a graphic account of the life of Guru Nanak Dev Ji only.
  • Suraj Prakash: It was written in 1843 A.D. It refers to the events that took place from the time of Guru Angad Dev Ji to Banda Singh Bahadur. Although the work is very comprehensive and detailed, it is less useful from a historical point of view.

6. Prachin Panth Prakash: It was written by Rattan Singh Bhangu in 1841 A.D. It provides very important information regarding the history from Guru Nanak Dev Ji to the eighteenth century. The foremost importance of this book lies in the fact that it gives the description of the facts in a systematic manner. Dr. Hari Ram Gupta aptly says,
“This work is the first attempt made by a Sikh to compile a Sikh history and is of supreme importance.”

7. Panth Prakash and Twarikh Guru Khalsa: Both these books were written by Giani Gian Singh. ‘Panth Prakash’ is written in a poetic form whereas ‘Twarikh Guru Khalsa’ is a prose work. Both these books narrate history from Guru Nanak Dev Ji till the end of the Sikh empire (1849 A.D.). From a historical point of view, Twarikh Guru Khalsa is more useful than Panth Prakash.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 2 Sources of the History of the Punjab

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
What problems are faced by the students in composing the History of Punjab?
Describe any three important problems being faced by the students in composing the history of Punjab.
Answer: We face several problems in respect of sources of the history of Punjab.

  • The sources related to the period of the Gurus are quite insufficient
  • The Muslim writers have deliberately not presented the Sikh history correctly.
  • Several books of Sikh history were destroyed in the 18th century during the invasions of Nadir Shah and Ahmad Shah Abdali.
  • Many sources of Punjab history are still lying without scrutiny.

Question 2.
Write a short note on Hukamnamas.
Hukamnamas were the orders of the Sikh Gurus or of their family members. In most of these Hukamnamas, they were asked to bring ration, for ‘ community kitchen, money for the construction of religious places, horses and arms to be used in battles. In all 89 Hukamnamas have been compiled so far by Dr. Ganda Singh. Of these 34 Hukamnamas were issued by Guru Gobind Singh Ji and 23 by Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji. The Sikhs obeyed these Hukamnamas as orders from God.

Question 3.
Mention briefly any five important historical sources related to the religious literature of the Sikhs.

  • In the religious Sikh literature, Adi Granth Sahib occupies the highest place. Guru Arjan Dev Ji compiled it in 1604 A.D. We get valuable information about the political, religious, social, and economic conditions of that time from Adi Granth Sahib Ji.
  • Bhai Mani Singh Ji compiled Dasam Granth Sahib in 1721 A.D. It is a precious source of knowledge about Guru Gobind Singh JI’s life,
  • Bhai Gurdas Ji wrote 39 Vars. These Vars are called the key to understanding Guru Granth Sahib,
  • Gyan Ratnavali written by Bhai Gurdas Ji has presented historical facts in a sequence,
  • Hukamnamas also provide us with knowledge about the Sikh Gurus and the contemporary social structure.

Question 4.
What is meant by Janam Sakhis? Explain briefly the three Janam Sakhis.
What are the Janam Sakhis? Discuss the importance of different Janam Sakhis.
Throw light on any three Janam Sakhis.
The stories concerning the birth and life of Guru Nanak Dev Ji are called Janam Sakhis.

  • Bhai Vir Singh edited Puratan Janam Sakhi in 1926 A.D. This is the oldest and the most trustworthy Janam Sakhi.
  • The Janam Sakhi of Meharban was written by Meharban, the son of Prithi Chand. In it, he gave a detailed description of the Udasis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
  • Bhai Balaji’s Janam Sakhi. It is not trustworthy,
  • Bhai Mani Singh Ji’s Janam-Sakhi. It is a very trustworthy source.

Question 5.
Write a short note on Janam Sakhi of Meharban.
Meharban was the son of Prithi Chand, the elder brother of Guru Arjan Dev Ji. He gave a very detailed description of the Udasis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and his stay at Kartarpur. It gives a more satisfactory chronology. Names of persons and places mentioned in it are generally correct. There are a few myths.

Question 6.
What do you know about Vars of Bhai Gurdas Ji?
Write a note on Bhai Gurdas Bhalla.
Bhai Gurdas Bhalla (1558-1635 A.D.) was the son of Datar Chand Bhalla, the brother of Guru Amar Das Ji. He was contemporary of third, fourth, fifth, and sixth Sikh Gurus. He was a top-class writer. He composed 39 Vars. These Vars are written in Punjabi. We get useful information about the first six Gurus’ lives, teachings of Sikh religion, names of cities, and the lives of Saints and Bhaktas from these Vars. The first and eleventh Vars are considered important from the historical point of view.

Question 7.
Describe the importance of Adi Granth Sahib Ji as a source of the History of Punjab.
Write a note on Adi Granth Sahib Ji.
Give a brief description of Adi Granth Sahib Ji and its historical importance.
Adi Granth Sahib Ji is considered the supreme, sacred and authentic scripture of the Sikhs. Guru Arjan Dev Ji compiled Adi Granth Sahib Ji in 1604 A.D. The Bani of the first five Sikh Gurus and of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji is included in it. Besides, the Bani (hymns) of many Hindu Bhagats, Sufi Saints, Bhats, etc. are also included in it. We get valuable information about the political, religious, social, and economic life of that time by studying Adi Granth Sahib Ji.

Question 8.
Write a short note on Dasam Granth Sahib Ji.
What do you know about Dasam Granth Sahib Ji?
Dasam Granth Sahib Ji is a compilation of the works of Guru Gobind Singh Ji and his court poets. Bhai Mani Singh Ji compiled Dasam Granth Sahib Ji in 1721 A.D. It is a collection of 18 works. Jaap Sahib, Akal Ustat, Chandi di Var, Chaubis Avtar, Shabad Hazare, Shastarnama, Bachitar Natak, and Zafarnama are worthy of special mention. Bachelor Natak is Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s autobiography. Zafarnama is a letter of victory written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji to Aurangzeb.

Question 9.
What is the importance of Bachittar Natak in the life of Guru Gobind Singh Ji?
Write a short note on Bachittar Natak.
Discuss Bachittar Natak.
It is an autobiography of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. It explains the life of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. It also explains the creation of this world and History of Bedis and Sodhi’s and the battles of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. In it, the objective of the life of Guru Gobind Singh Ji is also given. It throws light on the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 2 Sources of the History of the Punjab

Question 10.
Give a brief account of five historical sources written in the 18th century in Punjabi.
The five historical sources written in Punjabi in the 18th century are as follows :

  • Sikhan Di Bhagatmala: This work was written by Bhai Mani Singh Ji in the eighteenth century. It provides valuable information about the lives of the Gurus, names of the prominent Sikhs, their castes, and places of residence.
  • Bansavali Nama: It was written by Kesar Singh Chhibbar in 1780 A.D. It covers the historic middle of the eighteenth century.
  • Mehma Prakash Kavita was written by Sarup Das Bhalla in 1776 A.D. It describes the lives of Sikh Gurus in detail.
  • Prachin Panth Prakash. It was written by Ratna Singh Bhangu in 1841 A.D. It explains the history from Guru Nanak Dev Ji to mid 18th century.
  • Sri Gursobha. It was written by Sainapat a court poet of Guru Gobind Singh Ji in 1741 A.D. He explains the events that took place between the period 1699 A.D. to 1708 A.D.

Question 11.
Write a short note on Sri Gursobha.
Sri Gursobha was written by the famous court poet Sainapat of Guru Gobind Singh Ji in 1741 A.D. It has given an eye-witness account of the events from the creation of the Khalsa in 1699 A.D. to the death of Guru Gobind Singh Ji in 1708 A.D. It gives a detailed account of the creation of Khalsa, the battles of the post-Khalsa period, how Zafarnama, was delivered by Bhai Daya Singh Ji, the meeting Guru Gobind Singh Ji with the new Mughal Emperor Bahadur Shah in Agra, and about the death of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Question 12.
What do you know about the Sikhan Di Bhagatmala?
It was written by Bhai Mani Singh Ji in the 18th century. It is also known as Gyan Ratnavali. It throws light about the lives of the Gurus, names of the prominent Sikhs, their castes, and their places of residence. It also provides valuable information about the social conditions of that time.

Question 13.
Write a short note on Bansavalinama.
Bansavalinama was written by Kesar Singh Chhibbar in 1780 A.D. It covers the history from Guru Nanak Dev Ji to the middle of the eighteenth century. This work is divided into 14 chapters. The first 10 chapters are related to the Sikh Gurus. The rest 4 are related to the martyrdom of Sahibzadas, Banda Singh Bahadur, Mata Sundri Ji, and the Khalsa Panth.

Question 14.
Give a brief account of Prachin Panth Prakash.
Prachin Panth Prakash was written by Rattan Singh Bhangu in 1841 A.D. It provides very important information regarding the history from Guru Nanak Dev Ji to the eighteenth century. The foremost importance of this book lies in the fact that it is the first history book ever written by a Sikh. Secondly, the description of the facts is systematic and correct.

Question 15.
Give a brief account of important Persian sources of the History of Punjab.
Explain any three important Persian sources which are essential for composing the History of Punjab.

  • Ain-i-Akbari. It is the main source of information regarding Akbar’s relations with the Sikh Gurus. It is written by Abul Fazl.
  • Tezak-i-Jahangiri is the autobiography of the Mughal emperor Jahangir. It explains the reasons which led to the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji.
  • Qazi Nur Muhammad wrote Jang Nama. He gave an eye-witness account of warfare of the Sikhs and their character,
  • Tarikh-i-Sikhan is written by Khushwat Rai. It describes the history of the Sikhs from Guru Nanak Dev Ji to 1811 A.D.
  • Char-Bagh-i- Punjab is written by Ganesh Das Wadehra about the administration of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

Question 16.
Write a short note on Char Bagh-i-Punjab.
This work was written by Ganesh Das Wadehra in 1855 A.D. He served as a Qanungo under Maharaja Ranjit Singh. The writer has narrated the history of Punjab from the ancient period to 1849 A.D. However, he has described the events relating to the reign of Maharaja Ranjit Singh as an eye-witness account in chronological order. He has taken special care about the authenticity of the facts.

Question 17.
Mention important English sources which give information about the History of Punjab.
Throw light on three important sources of information on Punjab History written in English.

  • The Court and Camp of Ranjit Singh: In it Capt. William Osborne has thrown light on the grandeur of Maharaja’s court, his courtiers, and his military administration.
  • History of the Sikhs: In this book, Dr. Mac Gregor provides useful information about the battles of Maharaja Ranjit Singh and the Sikhs against the English.
  • The Punjab: In this book, Steinbach has given very important details about the army of the Maharaja.
  • History of Punjab: Dr. Murray has given an account of the successors of Ranjit Singh.
  • Sketch of the Sikhs : In this book, Malcolm has given a brief account of the Sikhs.

Question 18.
Write a short note on the historical importance of Records of the British Indian Government.
The records of the British Indian government provide the most important information regarding the Sikh History from the beginning of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s reign from 1799 A.D. to the downfall of the Sikh Empire in 1849 A.D. These records throw valuable light on Anglo-Sikh relations, about the Kingdom of Ranjit Singh and his reign and “the relations of the English with Afghanistan and Sind.

Question 19.
Examine the importance of coins in the construction Of the History of Punjab.
The coins are of special importance in the construction of the history of Punjab. We find the coins of Mughals, Banda Singh Bahadur, Jassa Singh Ahluwalia, Ahmad Shah Abdali and Maharaja Ranjit Singh. These coins throw valuable light on the dates and other important facts about the different rulers. As the facts provided by these coins are very trustworthy, so they help a lot in solving many problems related to the history of Punjab.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 2 Sources of the History of the Punjab

Objective Type Questions:

Question 1.
Write anyone difficulty in the creation of the History of Punjab.
The Punjabis were not much interested in writing History.

Question 2.
Name any one historical source of Punjab related to the Sikhs.
Name any one source of the History of Punjab which is written in Gurmukhi script.
Adi Granth Sahib Ji.

Question 3.
When was Adi Granth Sahib Ji compiled?
In 1604 A.D.

Question 4.
Which Sikh Guru Sahib had compiled Adi Granth Sahib Ji?
Guru Arjan Dev Ji.

Question 5.
What is the name of the main religious book (Granth Sahib) of the Sikhs?
Which is the most famous Granth of Sikhs?
Name the central scripture of the Sikhs.
Adi Granth Sahib Ji or Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

Question 6. When was Dasam Granth Sahib Ji compiled?
In 1721 A.D.

Question 7.
Who compiled Dasam Granth Sahib Ji?
Bhai Mani Singh Ji.

Question 8.
To which Guru is Dasam Granth Sahib related?
Who is associated with Dasam Granth Sahib Ji?
Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Question 9.
Name any one composition of Guru Gobind Singh Ji included in Dasam Granth Sahib Ji.
Bachelor Natak.

Question 10.
Who composed Bachitar Natak?
Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Question 11.
What is Bachitar Natak?
Biography of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Question 12.
What is Zafarnama?
Zafarnama is a letter of Guru Gobind Singh Ji written to Aurangzeb.

Question 13.
At which place did Guru Gobind Singh Ji write Zafarnama to Aurangzeb?
Dina Kangar.

Question 14.
In which language Zafarnama was written?

Question 15.
Who was Bhai Gurdas Ji?
He was the son of Guru Amar Das Ji’s brother Datar Chand Bhalla.

Question 16.
How many vars were composed by Bhai Gurdas Ji?

Question 17.
What is meant by Janam Sakhis?
Janam Sakhis mean the episodes related to Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s birth and his life.

Question 18.
Write the name of anyone Janam Sakhi.
Janam Sakhi of Bhai Mani Singh Ji.

Question 19.
Which is the most authentic Janam Sakhi?
Puratan Janam Sakhi.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 2 Sources of the History of the Punjab

Question 20.
Who wrote Gyan Ratanavali?
Bhai Mani Singh Ji.

Question 21.
Who was Bhai Bala Ji?
A childhood companion of Bhai Mani Singh Ji.

Question 22.
What are the Hukamnamas?
What is meant by Hukamnamas?
Hukamnama means ‘an order’.

Question 23.
How many Hukamnamas issued by Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji have been found?

Question 24.
Which Guru Sahib has issued the maximum Hukamnamas found so far?
Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Question 25.
How many Hukamnamas of Guru Gobind Singh Ji have been found?

Question 26.
How many Hukamnamas have been found so far?

Question 27.
Who was Sainapat?
A famous poet in the Darbar of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Question 28.
Who composed the book Sikhan Di Bhagatmala?
Bhai Mani Singh Ji.

Question 29.
Who wrote Prachin Panth Parkash?
Rattan Singh Bhangu wrote Prachin Panth Parkash.

Question 30.
When did Rattan Singh Bhangu write Panth Prakash?
1841 A.D.

Question 31.
Who wrote Gur Partap Suraj Granth?
Bhai Santokh Singh Ji.

Question 32.
Who wrote Bansawali Nama?
Kesar Singh Chhibbar.

Question 33.
Who was the author of Tuzak-i-Babari?

Question 34.
Who was the most famous scholar in the court of Akbar?
Abul Fazl.

Question 35.
Who wrote Ain-i-Akbari and Akbarnama?
Abul Fazl.

Question 36.
Give the name of the autobiography of Jahangir.

Question 37.
Name the famous book written by Khafi Khan.

Question 38.
Who wrote the book ‘Jang Nama’?
Qazi Nur Mohammad.

Question 39.
Name any two famous Persian sources related to the period of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s rule.

Question 40.
Who was the court historian of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
Who wrote Umdat-ut-Tawarikh?
Sohan Lai Suri.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 2 Sources of the History of the Punjab

Question 41.
Who wrote Zafar-Nama-i-Ranjit Singh?
Diwan Amar Nath.

Question 42.
Who wrote Tawarikh-i-Punjab?
Bute Shah.

Question 43.
Who wrote the book ‘Char-Bagh-i-Punjab’?
Ganesh Das Wadehra.

Question 44.
Who wrote Tawarikh-i-Sikhan?
Khushwaqat Rai.

Question 45.
Who discovered Bhat Vahis?
Gyani Garza Singh Ji.

Question 46.
What were Bhat Vahis?
The records compiled by Bhats.

Question 47.
Who compiled Khalsa Darbar Records?
Sita Ram Kohli.

Question 48.
What information we get from Khalsa Darbar Records?
About the life and times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

Question 49.
In which language Khalsa Darbar Records were written?
Persian language.

Question 50.
Name the famous work of J.D. Cunningham?
History of the Sikhs.

Question 51.
Write the name of any one town founded by Sikh Gurus.

Question 52.
By whom were the first Sikh coins issued?
Banda Singh Bahadur.

Question 53.
In whose names Banda Singh Bahadur issued his coins?
Guru Nanakdev Ji and Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Fill in the blanks:

1. The main source of history concerning the period of Gurus is ………………
Janam Sakhis

2. The Adi Granth Sahib was compiled in ……………..
1604 A.D.

3. Guru Granth Sahib was compiled by ………………
Guru Arjan Dev Ji

4. ……………… compiled the Dasam Granth Sahib.
Bhai Mani Singh Ji

5. Dasam Granth Sahib is related with ……………..
Guru Gobind Singh Ji

6. ………………. is the autobiography of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
Bachitar Natak

7. A letter written by Guru Gobind Singh to Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb is called ………………

8. Bhai Gurdas Ji composed a total of ……………. Vars.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 2 Sources of the History of the Punjab

9. The stories relating to the birth and life of Guru Nanak Dev Ji are called ………………
Janam Sakhis

10. The Janam Sakhi was written by Bhai mani Singh Ji is known as ……………..
Gyan Ratnawali

11. Hukamnamas means ……………..

12. Gursobha was written by …………………

13. ……………….. was written by Bhai Mani Singh Ji.
Sikhan Di Bhagatmala

14. ………………. wrote Prachin Panth Prakash.
Rattan Singh Bhangu

15. Twarikh Guru Khalsa was written by ………………
Giani Gain Singh

16. Guru Partap Suraj Granth was written by ……………….
Bhai Santokh Singh

17. Gyan Ratnawali was written by ………………
Bhai Mani Singh Ji

18. Autobiography of the Mughal Emperor Babar is known as ……………….

19. ………………. wrote both Ain-i-Akbari and Akbarnama.
Abul Fazl

20. …………… is Jahangir’s autobiography.

21. Muntakhib-ul-labab was written by …………….
Khafi Khan

22. ……………… was written by Qazi Nur Mohammad.
Jang Nama

23. …………… was court historian of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Sohan Lal Suri

24. Sohan Lai Suri wrote ……………

25. Buta Shah wrote …………….

26. Zafarnama-i-Ranjit Singh was written by ………………….
Diwan Amarnath

27. Ganesh Das Wadhera composed ……………..

28. ………………….. was the writer of The Court and Camp of Ranjit Singh.
William Osborne

29. J.D. Cunningham wrote …………………
History of the Sikhs

30. The first Sikh coins were issued by ……………….
Banda Singh Bahadur

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 2 Sources of the History of the Punjab

True or False:

1. The Adi Granth Sahib is considered as the most sacred and authentic scripture of Sikhism.

2. Guru Arjan Sahib compiled, the great holy scripture the Adi Granth Sahib in 1604 A.D.

3. Dasam Granth Sahib was compiled by Bhai Mani Singh Ji in 1721 A.D.

4. The autobiography of Guru Gobind Singh Ji is called ‘Zafarnama’.

5. Bhai Gurdas Ji composed 39 Vars.

6. The stories relating to the birth and life of Guru Nanak Dev Ji are called ‘Janam Sakhis’.

7. Puratan Janam Sakhi was edited by Bhai Vir Singh Ji in 1926 A.D.

8. Janam Sakhi of Bhai Mani Singh Ji is also called ‘Gyan Ratnavali’.

9. Hukamnamas were those orders that were issued by the Sikh Gurus or by the members of their families to the Sikh Sangat.

10. Gursobha was written by Sainapat in 1741 A.D.

11. Sikhan Di Bhagatmala was written by Bhai Mani Singh Ji.

12. Gur Partap Suraj Granth was written by Bhai Santokh Singh.

13. The writer of Panth Parkash was Giani Gian Singh.

14. The autobiography of Babar is called Tuzak-i-Babari.

15. The writer of Ain-i-Akbari and Akbamama was Abul Fazl.

16. Tuzak-i-Jahangiri was the creation of Shah Jahan.

17. Khulasat-ut-Tawarikh was written by Sujan Rai Bhandari.

18. Jang Nama was written by Qazi Nur Mohammad.

19. Umdat-ut-Tawarikh was written by Sohan Lai Suri.

20. Diwan Amarnath wrote Zafarnama-i-Ranjit Singh.

21. Ganesh Das Wadhera was the writer of Char Bagh-i-Punjab.

22. Khalsa Darbar Records are written in Gurmukhi.

23. Malcolm wrote Sketch of Sikhs.

24. The Court and Camp of Ranjit Singh was written by Captain William Osborne.

25. History of the Sikhs was written by J.D. Cunningham.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 2 Sources of the History of the Punjab

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. When was Adi Granth Sahib Ji compiled?
(a) In 1601 A.D.
(b) In 1602 A.D.
(c) In 1604 A.D.
(d) In 1605 A.D.
(c) In 1604 A.D.

2. Who compiled Adi Granth Sahib Ji?
(a) Guru Nanak Dev Ji
(b) Guru Angad Dev Ji
(c) Guru Arjan Dev Ji
(d) Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
(c) Guru Arjan Dev Ji

3. Who edited Dasam Granth Sahib Ji?
(a) Guru Gobind Singh Ji
(b) Bhai Mani Singh Ji
(c) Baba Deep Singh Ji
(d) Guru Arjan Dev ji.
(b) Bhai Mani Singh Ji

4. To which Guru is Dasam Granth Sahib Ji related?
(a) First Guru
(b) Third Guru
(c) Fifth Guru
(d) Tenth Guru.
(d) Tenth Guru.

5. Who wrote Zafarnama?
(a) Guru Nanak Dev Ji
(b) Guru Amar Dass Ji
(c) Guru Arjan Dev Ji
(d) Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
(d) Guru Gobind Singh Ji

6. Bachitar Natak is the autobiography of :
(a) Guru Nanak Dev Ji
(b) Guru Hargobind Ji
(c) Guru Gobind Singh Ji
(d) Banda Singh Bahadur.
(c) Guru Gobind Singh Ji

7. How many Vars were composed by Bhai Gurdas Ji?
(a) 15
(b) 20
(c) 29
(d) 39.

8. Who edited Puratan Janam Sakhi?
(a) Bhai Kaan Singh Nabha
(b) Bhai Veer Singh
(c) Bhai Mani Singh Ji
(d) Meharban.
(b) Bhai Veer Singh

9. Who was the author of Gyan Ratanavali?
Who wrote Gyan Ratanavali?
(a) Kesar Singh Chhibbar
(b) Bhai Mani Singh Ji
(c) Bhai Bala Ji
(d) Bhar Gurdas Ji.
(b) Bhai Mani Singh Ji

10. Who was the writer of Meharban’s Janam Sakhi?
(a) Manohar Das
(b) Akhil Das
(c) Bhai Bala Ji
(d) Bhai Gurdas Ji
(a) Manohar Das

11. What are the Hukamnamas?
(a) Letters of Sikh Gurus
(b) The most famous Janam Sakhi
(c) Orders of Mughal kings
(d) None of these.
(a) Letters of Sikh Gurus

12. Who wrote Sri Gursobha?
(a) Bhai Mani Singh Ji
(b) Rattan Singh Bhangu
(c) Sainapat
(d) Giani Gian Singh
(c) Sainapat

13. Who wrote Bansavalinama?
(a) Kesar Singh Chibbar
(b) Bhai Mani Singh Ji.
(c) Bhai Gurdas Ji
(d) Rattan Singh Bhangu.
(a) Kesar Singh Chibbar

14.Who composed the book ‘Sikhan Di Bhagatmala’?
(a) Bhai Mani Singh Ji
(b) Bhai Daya Singh Ji
(c) Bhai Santokh Singh
(d) Rattan Singh Bhanghu.
(a) Bhai Mani Singh Ji

15. Who wrote Gurpartap Suraj Granth?
(a) Saroop Das Bhaila
(b) Bhai Santokh Singh
(c) Rattan Singh Bhangu
(d) Giani Gian Singh.
(b) Bhai Santokh Singh

16. When did Rattan Singh Bhangu compose Prachin Panth Prakash?
(a) In 1641 A.D.
(b) In 1741 A.D.
(c) In 1841 A.D.
(d) In 1849 A.D.
(c) In 1841 A.D.

17. Who wrote Tawarikh-Guru Khalsa?
(a) Giani Gian Singh
(b) Bhai Santokh Singh
(c) Rattan Singh Bhangu
(d) Bhai Mani Singh Ji.
(a) Giani Gian Singh

18. Tuzak-i-Babri was related with which ruler?
(a) Humayun
(b) Babar
(c) Jahangir
(d) Akbar
(b) Babar

19. In which language Babar wrote Tuzak-i-Babari?
(a) Persian
(b) Turkish
(c) Urdu
(d) Arabian
(b) Turkish

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 2 Sources of the History of the Punjab

20. Who wrote Ain-i-Akbari and Akbarnama?
(a) Abul Fazl
(b) Sujjan Rai Bhandari
(c) Sohan Lai Suri
(d) Quzi-Nur-Mohammad
(a) Abul Fazl

21. Who wrote Tuzak-i-Jahangiri?
(a) Babar
(b) Jahangir
(c) Shah Jahan
(d) Aurangzeb
(b) Jahangir

22. Who wrote Khulasat-ut-Tawarikh?
(a) Sujjan Rai Bhandari
(b) Quzi Nur-Mohammad
(c) Khafi-Khan
(d) Sohan Lal Sur.
(a) Sujjan Rai Bhandari

23. Name the famous book written by Khafi Khan.
(a) Dabistan-i-Majahib
(b) Jang Nama
(c) Khulasat-ut-Tawarikh
(d) Muntkhib-ul-Lubab
(d) Muntkhib-ul-Lubab

24. Who wrote Jang Nama?
(a) Sohan Lai Suri
(b) Qazi Nur Mohammad
(c) Khafi Khan
(d) Abul Fazl.
(b) Qazi Nur Mohammad

25. Which famous granth was written by court historian, Sohan Lai Suri of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
(a) Umdat-ut-Tawarikh
(b) Tawarikh-i- Sikhan
(c) Tawarikh-i-Punjab
(d) Ibratnama.
(a) Umdat-ut-Tawarikh

26. When did Khushwaqt Rai compose Tawarikh-i-Sikhan?
(a) In 1764 A.D.
(b) In 1784 A.D
(c) In 1811 A.D
(d) In 1821 A.D.
(c) In 1811 A.D

27. Who wrote Tawarikh-i-Sikhan?
(a) Diwan Amarnath
(b) Khushwaqt Rai
(c) Sohan Lai Suri
(d) Bute Shah.
(b) Khushwaqt Rai

28. Who wrote Zafarnama-i-Ranjit Singh?
(a) Sohan Lai Suri
(b) Diwan Amarnath.
(c) Allaudin Mufti
(d) Qazi-Nur-Mohammad.
(b) Diwan Amarnath.

29. Name the famous- book of Ganesh Das Wadehra :
(a) Tawarikh-i-Punjab
(b) Tawarikh-i-Sikhan
(c) Char-Bagh-i-Punjab
(d) Ibratnama.
(c) Char-Bagh-i-Punjab

30. In which language Khalsa Darbar Records were written?
(a) English
(b) Persian
(c) Urdu
(d) Punjabi
(b) Persian

31. When did Malcolm compose Sketch of Sikhs?
(a) In 1802 A.D.
(b) In 1812 A.D.
(c) In 1822 A.D.
(d) In 1832 A.D.
(b) In 1812 A.D.

32. Who wrote the famous book The Court and Camp of Ranjit Singh?
(a) H.T. Princep
(b) Wiliam Osborne
(c) Dr. Mac. Gregor
(d) J. D. Cunningham
(b) Wiliam Osborne

33. Who was the writer of the History of the Sikhs?
(a) J.D. Cunningham
(b) Alexander Burns
(c) Dr. Muray
(d) Malcolm.
(a) J.D. Cunningham

34. Who issued the first Sikh coins?
(a) Guru Gobind Singh Ji
(b) Banda Singh Bahadur
(c) Jassa Singh Ahluwalia
(d) Maharaja Ranjit Singh
(b) Banda Singh Bahadur

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 1 Physical Features of the Punjab and their influence on its History

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class History Book Solutions Chapter 1 Physical Features of the Punjab and their influence on its History Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 History Chapter 1 Physical Features of the Punjab and their influence on its History

Long Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Describe any five physical features of the Punjab.
Give a brief description of geographical features of Punjab.
1. The Himalayas : The Himalayas are situated to the north of the Punjab. ‘Himalaya’ means ‘abode of snow’. Its tops remain covered with snow throughout the year. It stretches from Assam in the east to Afghanistan in the west. Its length is 2500 kilometres and the breadth ranges from 240 kilometres to 320 kilometres. The Himalayas have proved to be of great advantage to the Punjab in many ways.

2. Sulaiman Mountain Ranges : The Sulaiman mountain ranges are situated in the north-west of the Punjab. These are the western ranges of the Himalayas. These ranges have manf ‘Passes’ which connect India with other countries of Asia. The Khyber is the most prominent pass. The other known passes are Bolan, Kurram, Tochi and Gomal. The majority of foreign invaders came to the Punjab through these passes. Besides, these passes served as trade routes for India with Afghanistan and Central Asia.

3. Sub-mountainous Region : This region is located between the Shivalik ranges and the plains of the Punjab. It is called Tarai. The height of these mountains ranges between 1000 feet and 3000 feet. This region consists of Hoshiarpur, Kangra, Ambala, northern part of Gurdaspur and some areas of Sialkot. As the region is hilly, its soil is less fertile and means of transport are under-developed. Thus, the population in this region is not dense.

4. The Plains : The Plains constitute the largest and most important region of the Punjab. It is rightly called the real Punjab. This part is located between the rivers of Indus and Jamuna. It is considered one of the best fertile plains of the world. Five great rivers of the Punjab (Sutlej, Beas, Ravi, Chenab, Jhelum) flow in this very part. The plains of the Punjab can further be sub-divided into the following three parts:

  • Five Doabs,
  • Malwa and Bangar,
  • South-West Deserts.

5. Climate of the Punjab: The climate of the Punjab also shows much variation. It is extremely cold in winter and becomes too hot in summer. December and January are bitterly cold. The hilly areas receive plenty of snowfall. The temperature falls below 0°C on many occasions. The plains experience fog and mist in winter. In the months of summer, especially in May and June, scorching winds blow. The Punjab receives rainfall from July to September. The hilly areas receive more rainfall than the plains. The climate of the Punjab in the months of October, November, February and March is very pleasant.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 1 Physical Features of the Punjab and their influence on its History

Question 2.
Why is the Punjab called as the Gateway of India?
The Punjab has acted as the gateway of India for centuries due to its geographical location. Towards its north-west are Khyber, Kurram, Tochi and Bolan passes. It was not difficult to cross these passes. Therefore, since the ancient times, the foreign invaders had been crossing these passes to invade India. The Aryans, Persians, Greeks, Kushana, Hunas, Turks, Mughals and Durranis passed through these passes and invaded India. The people of Punjab had to struggle against these invaders first of all. They could advance only after conquering Punjab. So the Punjab is called the gateway of India.

Question 3.
What is the importance of the Punjab in the Indian History?
The holy land of the Punjab, the territory of five rivers has, undoubtedly, contributed to a great’extent in diversified fields, not only to India but to the world also. About five thousand years ago, the Indus Valley Civilisation, India’s oldest and marvellous civilisation, was born and flourished on this very land. This civilisation is considered as one of the greatest civilisations of the world. The Aryans compiled their famous religious scripture ‘Rigveda’ on this holy land. The great characters of Ramayana and Mahabharata also belonged to the Punjab. The great Mahabharata war was also fought on this land and Lord Krishna delivered his spiritual message i.e. the Gita here. The world famous Takshshila University and the centre of Gandhara Art were also situated here.

This land has the honour of giving birth to great scholars like Kautilya, Charka and Panini. It was the place where Chandragupta Maurya founded India’s first empire. The most important and decisive wars of Indian history were fought here. This land gave birth to the nine Gurus of the Sikh religion. Guru Gobind Singh Ji spent most part of his life in Punjab. The Khalsa was created here. On this land Maharaja Ranjit Singh founded the first Sikh empire whose splendour is still remembered by the people. Finally, the Punjabi patriots made greatest sacrifices to break the chains of slavery of India.

Question 4.
What do you know about Himalayas ? What were its main benefits to Punjab?
What were the main benefits Of the Himalayas to Punjab?
The Himalayas are situated to the north of the Punjab. ‘Himalaya’ means ‘abode of snow’. Its tops remain covered with snow throughout the year. It stretches from Assam in the east to Afghanistan in the west. Its length is 2500 kilometres and the breadth ranges from 240 kilometres to 320 kilometres. On the basis of its height the Himalayas can be divided into three parts. The first part, the Greater Himalayas, consists of those high peaks whose height is 20,000 ft. or above. Mount Everest, the world’s highest peak, is 29,028 ft. or 8848 meters high. These peaks remain covered with snow throughout the year. The second part consists of those peaks whose height ranges between 10,000 feet and 20,000 feet. It is called the Middle Himalayas. Shimla, Dalhousie and Kashmir are situated in it. The third part, the Outer Himalayas, consists of hill areas with a height ranging from 3,000 feet to 10,000 feet. This part is known as Shivalik range of mountains.

The Himalayas have proved to be of great advantage to the Punjab in many ways. Firstly, the Himalayas stand like a watchman both for the Punjab and India because it is the highest mountain range in the world and it always remains snow clad. So, no foreign invader dared to cross these mountains. Consequently, the Punjab remained protected from the foreign invasions from the north for a long time. Secondly, the monsoon winds hit the Himalayas and cause adequate rainfall in the Punjab. Thirdly, the great rivers flowing down the Himalayas have made the land of the Punjab very fertile.

Question 5.
What do you mean by Doab? Give a brief description of five Doabs of Punjab.
Explain the five Doabs of Punjab.
‘Doab’ is a Persian word meaning ‘two waters’ or ‘land between the two rivers’. The name of each Doab is composed of the first letters of those two rivers between which it is located.

  • Bist Jalandhar Doab: The area located between the rivers Sutlej and Beas is called Bist Jalandhar Doab. This is the most famous Doab. Jalandhar and Hoshiarpur are the two biggest cities of this Doab.
  • Bari Doab: This Doab is located between the Beas and the Ravi rivers. It is also called Majha. Lahore and Amritsar are two famous cities of this Doab.
  • Rachna Doab: The area located between the Ravi and the Chenab rivers is called Rachna Doab. Gujranwala and Sheikhupura are two important cities of this Doab.
  • Chaj Doab: The area lying between the Chenab and the Jhelum is known as Chaj Doab. Gujarat and Shahpur are two important cities of this Doab.
  • Sindh Sagar Doab: The area lying between the Jhelum and the Sindh rivers is called Sindh Sagar Doab. Rawalpindi is the most famous city of this Doab. All the Doabs except Sindh Sagar Doab are very fertile.

Question 6.
What do you understand by Malwa and Bangar?
Besides the five Doabs, the plains of the Punjab also included a vast tract between the Sutlej and Jamuna. This area can be divided into two parts—Malwa and Bangar.

  • Malwa: The area lying between the Sutlej and the Ghaggar rivers is called Malwa. Patiala, Ludhiana, Sirhind, Sangrur, Malerkotla, Bathinda, Faridkot and Nabha fall in this area. In this area lived a famous tribe ‘Malavas’ in the ancient times, for which this region got the name Malwa. The inhabitants of this area are called Malwai.
  • Bangar: The area which falls between the Ghaggar and the Jamuna rivers is called Bangar. It is also called Haryana. It includes Ambala, Panipat, Rohtak, Karnal, Kurukshetra, Gurgaon, Jind, and Hissar. Many important and decisive battles of Indian history were fought in this part.

Question 7.
What influence did the physical features of the Punjab have on its political history?
What were the political effects of the geographical features of the Punjab?
1. Punjab—Gateway of India : There are a number of passes (Khyber, Kurram, Tochi, Bolan etc.) in the north-west of the* Punjab which were easy to cross. So, the foreign invaders kept on attacking India for centuries passing through these passes. First of all these invadersJiad to fight with-the people of the Punjab. So, the Punjab has been called the gateway of India.

2. Influence of the Rivers of the Punjab : The rivers flowing into this land have also influenced its history. These rivers checked the entry of foreign invaders many times and thus protected the country. When these rivers were in flood, it was almost impossible to cross them. Thus the future of the Punjab depended upon these rivers.

3. Influence of the Forests and Hills of the Punjab : The forests and the hills of the Punjab have influenced the history of Punjab to a great extent. After the martyrdom of Banda Singh Bahadur in 1716 A.D., started the persecution of the Sikhs. So they took shelter in these forests and hills. From here, they resisted the enemy and adopted guerilla warfare.

4. Special traits of the Character of Punjabis : The peculiar geographical features of the Punjab were responsible for developing certain special traits of the character of the Punjabis. These special traits provided separate identity to the Punjabis from the rest of the IndiAnswer: They developed traits like bravery, courage, hard work, sympathy, co-operation, social service, tolerance and sacrificing the self for the country.

5. Prosperity of the Punjab : The Punjab has been very much prosperous since the ancient times due to its geographical situation. The plains of the Punjab are so fertile that’ they are described as producing gold. The foreign trade of the Punjab had also been very- flourishing. Consequently, the Punjab is were very rich.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 1 Physical Features of the Punjab and their influence on its History

Question 8.
What impact did the physical features of the Punjab have on its economic history?
Name main economic influences on the geography of Punjab.
1. Punjab—Gateway of India : There are a number of passes (Khyber, Kurram, Tochi, Bolan etc.) in the north-west of the Punjab which were easy to cross. So, the foreign invaders kept on attacking India for centuries passing through these passes. First of all these invaders had to fight with the people of the Punjab. They could go further only after defeating the Punjab.

2. Punjab—Field of Historic Battles : Punjab has been the battlefield of many important and decisive battles of Indian history because of its geographical location. First of all, the Aryans fought the Dravidians in the ancient times. Then, the battles between Alexander and Porus, and Chandragupta Maurya and the Greeks were also fought on this land.

3. North-West Frontier Problem : The northrwest frontier has always remained a great headache for the rulers of India in general, and for those who ruled the Punjab in particular. It was due to two main reasons. Firstly, all the foreign invaders except the British came to the Punjab from this side. Secondly, the tribesmen living in this area were very wild and uncivilized.

4. Punjabis had to suffer for Centuries: It was also due to the geographical location of the Punjab, that the Punjabis had to suffer hardships and the cruelties of invaders for centuries. Mahmud Ghaznavi, Mohammad Ghori, Timur, Nadir Shah and Ahmad Shah Abdali were such invaders, who had let loose a reign of terror on the Punjabis.

5. Influence of the Rivers of the Punjab : The rivers flowing into this land have also influenced its history. These rivers checked the entry of foreign invaders many times and thus protected the country. When these rivers were in flood, it was almost impossible to cross them. These rivers also determined the routes of the invaders at many occasions.

Question 9.
Describe the major economic effects of geography of Punjab on the people of Punjab.
1. Agriculture : The soil of the plains of the Punjab was very fertile. Moreover, the Punjab received sufficient rainfall and has developed means of irrigation. That was why a majority of the population of the Punjab is engaged in agriculture. Wheat, rice, cottonseed, sugarcane, maize, barley and oil-seeds were main crops of the Punjab. People living in the hilly areas earned their livelihood by rearing sheep and goats, because nothing can grow on it.

2. Foreign Trade : Due to its geographical location the people of the Punjab had the opportunity to develop good foreign trade since ancient times. Being a border province, the Punjab had a flourishing trade with Afghanistan and countries of Central Asia. Much of this trade was carried on through the passes located in the north-west of the Punjab..

3. Prosperity of the Punjab : The Punjab has been very much prosperous since the ancient times due to its geographical situation. The plains of the Punjab are so fertile that they are described as producing gold. The foreign trade of the Punjab had also been very flourishing. Consequently, the Punjabis were very rich.

Question 10.
How did the rivers of the Punjab influence its history.
The rivers flowing into this land have also influenced its history. These rivers checked the entry of foreign invaders many times and thus protected the country. When these rivers were in flood, it was almost impossible to cross them. Alexander, the Great, could not cross the Beas. These rivers determined the routes of the invaders at many occasions. They advanced from those sides, where these rivers were shallow and it was easier to cross them. Thus the future of the Punjab depended upon these rivers. These rivers also proved helpful in determining the boundaries of Sarkars and Parganas. These rivers made the plains of the Punjab very fertile, which enhanced its political significance to a great extent.

Question 11.
How did the forests of Punjab affects its history?
The forests and the hills of the Punjab have influenced the history of Punjab to a great extent. After the martyrdom of Banda Singh Bahadur in 1716 A.D., when Abdus Samad Khan, Zakariya Khan, Yahiya Khan and Mir Mannu started the persecution of the Sikhs. They took shelter in these forests and hills. They adopted guerilla warfare to resist enemy. They used to attack their enemy all of a sudden and took shelter once again in their hideouts in the forests and hills. The Sikhs even looted Nadir Shah in 1739 A.D. through guerilla warfare. They had become a great headache for Ahmad Shah Abdali. He invaded Punjab for not less than eight times to crush the Sikh power, but he failed in his attempts. Finally, the Sikhs succeeded in establishing their independent Misls in many parts of the Punjab.

Question 12.
What effects did the physical features of Punjab have on its socio-cultural history?
Mention the socio-cultural effects of the geographical features of the Punjab.
1. Special traits of the Character of Punjabis : The peculiar geographical features of the Punjab were responsible for developing certain special traits of the character of the Punjabis. These special traits provided separate identity to the Punjabis from the rest of the IndiAnswer: After fighting countless wars and facing many difficulties, they developed traits like bravery, courage, hard work, sympathy, co-operation, social service, tolerance and sacrificing the self for the country.

2. Increase in the number of Castes and Sub-castes: The Punjab has been the victim of foreign invasions from the ancient times. The Iranians, Greeks, Hunas, Kushanas, Mongols, Turks, Mughals and Afghans invaded the Punjab and many of them settled here. They married the women folk of this land. Thus, many new castes and sub-castes emerged.

3. Distinct Culture of the Punjab : People belonging to different countries and practising different religions got settled in the Punjab. As a result a new culture evolved as a result of their synthesis. For example, a new language (Urdu) developed.

4. Loss of the Art and Literature: The art and literature of Punjab could not develop because of its geographical location. For cfenturies together the Punjab remained the battlefield of foreign invaders. Lack of peace and constant threat to the lives of the people resulted in the lack of art and literature. If some art and literature were ever produced they were destroyed and burnt by the foreign invaders. Consequently, the art and literature of Punjab received a great jolt.

Question 13.
How did Geography of the Punjab affect its religious life?
“Punjab was a land of religious movements.” Explain the statement.
The Punjab is considered the birth place of Hinduism. First of all, the Aryans settled in the Sapt Sindhu. They composed their holy scriptures here. Islam was much propagated in Punjab as compared to other parts of India due to many reasons. Firstly, the Muslims had occupied the Punjab in the very beginning. Secondly, the Punjab remained under the Sultans of Delhi and the Mughals for centuries. Guru Nanak Dev and his eight spiritual successors blessed this sacred land of five rivers by their incarnation. The tenth and the last Sikh Guru, Guru Gobind Singh Ji spent the major part of his life in the holy land of Punjab. People of this land were economically rich, so they contributed a lot towards the development of Sikhism.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 1 Physical Features of the Punjab and their influence on its History

Essay Type Questions:

different Names of Punjab and its Boundaries:

Question 1.
Describe the geographical features of Punjab.
Examine the physical features of Punjab.
Describe in detail the physical features of Punjab.
How did the geographical features of Punjab affect its history?
The word ‘Punjab’ is a combination of two words of Persian language: ‘Punj’ and ‘Aab’ which literally means ‘five’ and ‘water’ respectively. Thus ‘Punjab’ means the territory or land of five rivers. These five rivers are the Sutlej, the Beas, the Ravi, the Chenab and the Jhelum.

Punjab has been known by various names during different periods of history. It was called ‘Sapta Sindhu’ in the Rigvedic period, on the basis of the seven rivers that flowed in this land. They were: Sindhu (Indus), Vitasta (Jhelum), Asikni (Chenab), Parushni (Ravi), Vipasha (Beas), Sutudri (Sutlej) and Saraswati. The rivers Sindhu and Saraswati were the outer boundaries of Punjab. It is called ‘Panchnada’ in the Epics and the Puranas. ‘Panchnada’ means the land of five rivers. The Greeks named it ‘Pentapotamia’—‘Penta’ means five and ‘Potamia’ means river. So, the Greeks also called it the land of five rivers. The territories of Afghanistan and Baluchistan were annexed to Punjab during the Mauryan period. Thus its northwest boundary stretched up to the Hindukush.

As the Tak’ tribe ruled this vast land for centuries, Punjab was also called ‘Tak Desh. In the medieval period, Punjab was known as Lahore Suba, after the name of its capital (Lahore). Akbar, the great Mughal emperor, divided Punjab into two provinces i.e. Suba of Lahore and Suba of Multan. Punjab was called Lahore Raj during the reign of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Under his rule, its boundaries stretched from Ladakh in the north to Shikarpur in the south and from the Sutlej in the east to Peshawar in the west. When the British annexed it to the British empire, it was termed as ‘Punjab Province’. A famous historian S.M. Latif has rightly remarked,

“No country in the East presents the same variety of features as does the land of five rivers.” Punjab can be divided into the following three parts on the basis of its physical or geographical features:

  1. The Himalayas and the Sulaiman Mountain Ranges.
  2. Sub-mountainous Region.
  3. The Plains.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 1 Physical Features of the Punjab and their influence on its History

1. The Himalayas and the Sulaiman Mountain Ranges:

1. The Himalayas: The Himalayas are situated to the north of Punjab. ‘Himalaya’ means ‘abode of snow. Its tops remain covered with snow throughout the year. It stretches from Assam in the east to Afghanistan in the west. Its length is 2500 kilometres and the breadth ranges from 240 kilometres to 320 kilometres. On the basis of its height, the Himalayas can be divided into three parts: the Greater Himalayas, the Middle Himalayas and the Outer Himalayas also known as the Shivalik mountains.

The Himalayas have proved to be of great advantage to Punjab in many ways. Firstly, the Himalayas stand like a watchman both for the Punjab and India, because it is the highest mountain range in the world and it always remains snow-clad. So, no foreign invader dared to cross these mountains and consequently, Punjab remained protected from the foreign invasions from the north for a long time. Secondly, the monsoon winds hit the Himalayas and cause adequate rainfall in Punjab. Thirdly, the great rivers flowing down the Himalayas have made the land of the Punjab very fertile. Fourthly, the valleys of the Himalayas gave Punjab such famous hill stations like Shimla, Manali, Kullu, Kangra and Dalhousie.

2. Sulaiman Mountain Ranges: The Sulaiman mountain ranges are situated in the northwest of Punjab. These are the western ranges of the Himalayas. These ranges have many ‘Passes’ which connect India with other countries of Asia. The Khyber is the most prominent pass. The other known passes are Bolan, Kurram, Tochi and Gomal. The majority of foreign invaders came to Punjab through these passes. Besides, these passes served as trade routes for India with Afghanistan and Central Asia.

2. Sub-mountainous Region:

This region is located between the Shivalik ranges and the plains of Punjab. It is called Tarai. The height of these mountains ranges between 1000 feet and 3000 feet. This region consists of Hoshiarpur, Kangra, Ambala, the northern part of Gurdaspur and some areas of Sialkot. As the region is hilly, its soil is less fertile and means of transport are under-developed. Thus, the population in this region is not dense.

3. The Plains:

The Plains constitute the largest and most important region of Punjab. It is rightly called the real Punjab. This part is located between the rivers of Indus and Jamuna. It is considered one of the best fertile plains in the world. Its average height from the sea level is less than 1000 feet. Five great rivers of Punjab (Sutlej, Beas, Ravi, Chenab, Jhelum) flow in this very part. The plains of Punjab can further be sub-divided into the following three parts—(a) Five Doabs, (b) Malwa and Bangar, (c) South-West Deserts.

(a) Five Doabs: A bigger part of the plains is surrounded by the five Doabs. These Doabs were created during the reign of Mughal emperor Akbar and can be found in the same way even today. ‘Doab’ is a Persian word meaning ‘two glasses of water or ‘land between the two rivers. These five Doabs are briefly described below:

1. Best Jalandhar Doab: The area located between the rivers Sutlej and Beas is called Best Jalandhar Doab. This is the most famous Doab. Jalandhar and Hoshiarpur are the two biggest cities of this Doab. This Doab is very fertile.

2. Bari Doab: This Doab is located between the rivers Beas and the Ravi. It is located in the middle of Punjab, so it is called Majha and its residents are called Majhail. Lahore and Amritsar are two famous cities of this Doab. It is also very fertile.

3. Rachna Doab: The area located between the rivers Ravi and the Chenab is called Rachna Doab. Gujranwala and Sheikhupura are two important cities of this Doab. This Doab is also very fertile.

4. Chaj Doab: The area lying between the rivers Chenab and the Jhelum is known as Chaj Doab. Gujarat and Shahpur are two important cities of this Doab. It is also very fertile.

5. Sind Sagar Doab: The area lying between the rivers Jhelum and the Sind is called Sind Sagar Doab. Rawalpindi is the most famous city of this Doab. This Doab is less fertile.

(b) Malwa and Bangar: In addition to the areas covered by the Five Doabs, the vast plains located between the rivers Sutlej and the Jamuna also form a part of the plains of Punjab. It is further sub-divided into two parts—Malwa and Bangar.

1. Malwa: The area located between the rivers Sutlej and the Ghaggar is called Malwa which includes Patiala, Ludhiana, Sirhind, Sangrur, Malerkotla, Bhatinda, Faridkot and Nabha. There lived a famous tribe named ‘Malwa’ in the ancient period in this area, so the area came to be called Malwa. Its inhabitants are called ‘Malwai’.

2. Bangar: The area located between the rivers Ghaggar and the Jamuna is known as Bangar. It is known as Haryana as well. Ambala, Panipat, Rohtak, Karnal, Kurukshetra, Gurugram (Gurgaon), Jind, and Hissar are included in it. Many important and decisive wars of Indian History have been fought in this part of Punjab.

(c) South-West Deserts: Sind, Bahawalpur, and the desert of Multan which are located in the southwest also form part of the plains of Punjab. As this area receives inadequate rainfall, so it is less fertile.

4. Climate of Punjab:

The climate of Punjab also shows much variation. It is extremely cold in winter and becomes too hot in summer. December and January are bitterly cold. The hilly areas receive plenty of snowfall. The temperature falls below 0°C on many occasions. The plains experience fog and mist in winter. In the months of summer, especially in May and June, scorching winds blow. Punjab receives rainfall from July to September. The hilly areas receive more rainfall than the plains. The climate of Punjab in the months of October, November, February, and March is very pleasant.

Influence Of Physical Features On The History Of Punjab:

Question 2.
How have the physical features of the Punjab affected its Political History?
How have the physical features of the Punjab affected its History?
Examine the influence of physical features of the Punjab on the course of its history.
How did the geographical features of the Punjab affect its History?
How did the geographical features of the Punjab influence its political, social, religious and economic history?
Explain the socio-cultural, economic and religious effects of the physical features of the Punjab.
Explain the political effects of the physical features of the Punjab.
Explain the social and economic effects of the physical features of the Punjab.
What were the political, military and social effects of the geographical features of the Punjab?
History is always closely related to Geography, because the geographical conditions of a country have a great influence upon the history of that country. The political, social, economic and religious life of the people is greatly influenced and controlled by the geographical factors. Thus, the geographical conditions of the Punjab have greatly influenced the history of this land. These factors have influenced social, political, economic, religious and cultural life of the Punjab in many ways.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 1 Physical Features of the Punjab and their influence on its History

1. Political Effects:

1. Punjab—Gateway of India: As a result of its geographical location, the Punjab has been the gateway of India for many centuries. There are a number of passes (Khyber, Kurram, Tochi, Bolan etc.) in the north-west of the Punjab which were easy to cross. So, the foreign invaders kept on attacking India for centuries passing through these passes. The Aryans, Iranians, Greeks, Kushanas, Hunas, Turks, Mughals and Durranis invaded India passing through these passes. First of all these invaders had to fight with the people of the Punjab. They could go further only after defeating the Punjab. So, the Punjab has been called the gateway of India.

2. Punjab—Field pi Historic Battles: Punjab has been the battlefield of many important and decisive battles of Indian history because of its geographical location. First of all, the Aryans fought the Dravidians in the ancient times. Then, the battles between Alexander and Porus, and Chandragupta Maurya and the Greeks were also fought on this land. In the medieval period, two battles were fought between Prithviraj Chauhan and Mohammad Ghori at Tarain in 1191 A.D. and 1192 A.D. Mohammad Ghori defeated Prithviraj Chauhan in the second battle of Tarain and thus he laid the foundation of the Muslim rule in India. Similarly, the first battle of Panipat was fought in 1526 A.D. between Ibrahim LodKi and Babar, and the second battle of Panipat was fought in 1556 A.D. between Hemu and Akbar, which resulted in establishing the Mughal empire in India. The third battle of Panipat was fought in 1761 A.D. between the Marathas and Ahmad Shah Abdali, which marked the end of the Maratha power in the Punjab. Thus, we see that many historic battles of Indian history were fought on this land of five rivers.

3. North-West Frontier Problem: The north-west frontier has always remained a great headache for the rulers of India in general, and for those who ruled the Punjab in particular. It was due to two main reasons. Firstly, all the foreign invaders except the British came to the Punjab from this side. Secondly, the tribesmen living in this area were very wild and uncivilized. Their main profession was to loot and plunder the neighbouring territories. People had to face many hardships due to their cruel activities.

Consequently, every ruler of the Punjab who did not pay heed to the north-west frontier had to lose his kingdom very soon. Thus, the success or failure of any ruler depended upon his north-western frontier policy. It was one of the main causes of the downfall of the great Gupta Empire. So, having understood its significance, Balban, Alauddin Khalji, Akbar, Maharaja Ranjit Singh and the British paid special attention towards the solution of this knotty problem. As a result, they succeeded in protecting their empires to a large extent.

4. Punjabis had to suffer for Centuries: It was also due to the geographical location of the Punjab, that the Punjabis had to suffer hardships and the cruelties of invaders for centuries. As the Punjab lay in the way of the foreign invaders coming from north-western side, it had to bear the brunt of their onslaughts. Mahmud Ghaznavi, Mohammad Ghori, Timur, Nadir Shah and Ahmad Shah Abdali were such invaders, who had let loose a reign of terror on the Punjabis. Wherever, they went they looted all villages and towns and killed many people. They caused dishonour to womenfolk, who were chained and sold in foreign countries as slaves. They forcibly converted the people to Islam.

5. Influence of the Rivers of the Punjab: The rivers flowing into this land have also influenced its history. These rivers checked the entry of foreign invaders many times and thus protected the country. When these rivers were in flood, it was almost impossible to cross them. Alexander, the Great, could not cross the Beas. These rivers determined the routes of the invaders at many occasions. They advanced from those sides, where these rivers were shallow and it was easier to cross them. Thus the future of the Punjab depended upon these rivers. These rivers made the plains of the Punjab very fertile, which enhanced its political significance.

6. Influence of the Forests and Hills of the Punjab: The forests and the hills of the Punjab have influenced the history of Punjab to a great extent. After the martyrdom of Banda Singh Bahadur in 1716 A.D., when Abdus Samad Khan, Zakariya Khan, Yahiya Khan and Mir Mannu started the persecution of the Sikhs. They took shelter in these forests and hills. From here, they resisted the enemy and adopted guerilla warfare. They used to attack their enemy all of a sudden and took shelter once again in their hideouts in the forests and hills. The Sikhs even looted Nadir Shah in 1739 A.D. through guerilla warfare. They had become a great headache for Ahmad Shah also. He invaded Punjab for not less than eight times to crush the Sikh power, but he failed in his attempts. Finally, the Sikhs succeeded in establishing their independent Misls in many parts of the Punjab.

2. Social and Cultural Effects:

1. Special traits of the Character of Punjabis: The peculiar geographical features of the Punjab were responsible for developing certain special traits of the character of the Punjabis. These special traits provided separate identity to the Punjabis from the rest of the IndiAnswer: After fighting countless wars and facing many difficulties, they developed traits like bravery, courage, hard work, sympathy, co-operation, social service, tolerance and sacrificing the self for the country. Besides, one more distinct trait developed in the Punjabis. It was—‘eat, drink and be merry’. As the foreign invaders invariably looted the wealth, riches and all other belongings, so the Punjabis preferred to spend all the money rather than saving it. It was a famous saying at the time of Ahmad Shah Abdali:
“Khaada peeta laahe da, Rehnda Ahmad Shahe da.”.

2. Increase in the number of Castes and Sub-castes: The Punjab has been the victim of foreign invasions from the ancient times. The Iranians, Greeks, Hunas, Kushanas, Mongols, Turks, Mughals and Afghans invaded the Punjab and many 5 of them settled here. They married the women folk of this land. Thus, many new S castes and sub-castes emerged. Of such castes and sub-castes, Pathan, Gujjar, Dogra, Baluch, Syal, Jat, Mahajan and Arora were prominent. .

3. Distinct Culture of the Punjab: People belonging to different countries and practising different religions got settled in the Punjab. As a result a new culture evolved as a resul of their synthesis. For example, a new language (Urdu) developed.

4. Loss of the Art and Literature: The art and literature of Punjab could not develop because of its geographical location. For centuries together the Punjab remained the battlefield of foreign invaders. Lack of peace and constant threat to the lives of the people resulted in the lack of art and literature. If some art and literature were ever produced they were destroyed and burnt by the foreign invaders. Consequently, the art and literature of Punjab received a great jolt.

3. Religious Effects:

1. Origin of Hinduism: The Punjab is considered the birthplace of Hinduism. First of all, the Aryans settled in the Sapta Sindhu. They composed their holy scriptures here. These works depict geographical or natural aspects of the Punjab clearly. The rivers, the” forests and the mountains of the Punjab are mentioned in these books more than once.

2. Propagation of Islam: Islam was much propagated in Punjab as compared to other parts of India due to many reasons. Firstly, the Muslims were the first to occupy Punjab. Secondly, the Punjab was located nearer to Afghanistan and Central Asia. All these countries were populated by Muslims. Thirdly, many Muslims got settled in the Punjab. Fourthly, the Punjab remained under the Sultans of Delhi and the Mughals for centuries. All these causes \yere responsible for the spread of Islam in Punjab.

3. Origin and Development of Sikhism: Guru Nanak Dev Ji and his eight spiritual successors blessed this sacred land of five rivers by their incarnation. The development and growth of Sikhism is very closely related to the geographical features of the Punjab. People of this land were economically rich, so they contributed a lot towards the development of Sikhism. They never hesitated in contributing for the Langar, historical buildings and other necessary projects of the Sikh Panth. They always helped the needy and the poor which made many of them become the followers of Sikhism.

4. Economic Effects:

1. Agriculture: The soil of the plains of the Punjab was very fertile. Moreover, the Punjab received sufficient rainfall and has developed means of irrigation. That was why a majority of the population of the Punjab is engaged in agriculture. Wheat, rice, cottonseed, sugarcane, maize, barley and oil-seeds were main crops of the Punjab. People living in the hilly areas earned their livelihood by rearing sheep and goats, because were nothing can grow on it.

2. Foreign Trade: Due to its geographical location the people of the Punjab had the opportunity to develop good foreign trade since ancient times. Being a border province, the Punjab had a flourishing trade with Afghanistan and countries of Central Asia. The Punjab traders exported foodgrains, sugar, cottonseed, woollen, silken and cotton textile, shawls and blankets, etc. to these countries and in return imported horses, dry fruit, daris, carpets, fur and weapons, etc. Much of this trade was carried on through the passes located in the north-west of the Punjab.

3. Prosperity of the Punjab: The Punjab has been very much prosperous since the ancient times due to its geographical situation. The plains of the Punjab are so fertile that they are described as producing gold. The foreign trade of the Punjab had also been very flourishing. Consequently, the Punjabis were very rich. So, we conclude with the befitting remarks by Dr. B.S. Nijjar, “The effects of physical features of the Punjab have exercised a great influence on its history.”

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 1 Physical Features of the Punjab and their influence on its History

Question 3.
Throw light on the physical features of the Punjab. How did they influence the History of the Punjab?
Explain the geographical features of the Punjab. How did they influence the History of the Punjab?
Note: To answer this question the students are requested to see the answers of question numbers 1 and 2.

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Describe any three physical features of the Punjab.
Give a brief description of geographical features of the Punjab.
The Himalayas is located to the north-west of the’Punjab. As this mountain is very high, it acts as a watchman for the Punjab and India. The monsoon strikes ‘ against these mountains and brings rain in the Punjab. The sub-mountainous region of the Punjab is situated between the Shivalik hills and the plains. This region is also known as Tarai. The land being rocky is less fertile and means of transportation are also not much developed. The plains of Punjab is counted among the most fertile regions of the world.

Question 2.
Why is the Punjab called as the ‘Gateway of India’?
The Punjab has acted as the gateway of India for centuries due to its geographical location. Towards its north-west are located Khyber, Kurram, Tochi and Bolan passes. It was not difficult to cross these passes. Therefore, since the ancient times, the foreign invaders had been crossing these passes to invade India. The people of the Punjab had to fight with these invaders. They could advance only after conquering the Punjab. So, the Punjab is called the gateway of India.

Question 3.
What is the importance of the Punjab in the Indian History?
The Punjab has occupied a pivotal position in the history of India due to many reasons. The Aryans compiled their famous religious scripture Ttigveda’ on this holy land. The great Mahabharata war was also fought on this land. Lord Krishna delivered his spiritual message i.e. the Gita here. It was the place where Chandragupta Maurya founded India’s first empire. The most important and decisive wars of Indian history were fought here. This land gave birth to the nine great Gurus of the Sikh religion. The tenth Guru, Guru Gobind Singh Ji spent most part of his life in Punjab.

Question 4.
What were the main benefits of the Himalayas to the Punjab?
Write any three benefits of the Himalayas to the Punjab.
What were the three merits of the Himalayas to the Punjab?

  • The Himalayas stood like a watchman both for the Punjab and India.
  • The sub-mountainous region has given us many beautiful townships and tourist resorts like Kulu, Manali, Dalhousie and Shimla etc.
  • It has contributed a lot to the economic prosperity of the state.

Question 5.
What do you mean by Doab? Give a brief description of Doabs of the Punjab.
Explain any three Doabs of the Punjab.
‘Doab’ is a Persian word meaning the ‘land between the two rivers’.

  • Bist Jalandhar Doab: The area located between the rivers Sutlej and Beas.
  • Bari Doab: It is located between the Beas and the Ravi rivers.
  • Rachna Doab: The area located between the Ravi and the Chenab rivers.
  • Chaj Doab: The area lying between the Chenab and the Jhelum.
  • Sind Sagar Doab: The area lying between the Jhelum and the Sind.

Question 6.
Describe briefly about plain areas of Punjab.
The plains constitute the largest and most important region of the Punjab. It is rightly called the virtual Punjab. This part is located between the rivers of Indus and Jamuna. It is considered one of the best fertile plains of the World. Its average height from the sea level is less than 1000 feet. Five great rivers of Punjab (Sutlej, Beas, Ravi, Chenab, Jhelum) flow in this very part. The land of this area is very fertile, it receives ample rainfall and the means of transport are fairly developed. So, the population of this area is very dense. The plains of the Punjab can further be sub-divided into the following three parts:

  • Five Doabs,
  • Malwa and Bangar and
  • South West Deserts.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 1 Physical Features of the Punjab and their influence on its History

Question 7.
What do you understand by Malwa and Bangar?

  • Malwa: The area lying between the Sutlej and the Ghaggar rivers is called Malwa. Patiala, Ludhiana, Sirhind, Sangrur, Malerkotla, Bathinda, Faridkot and Nabha fall in this area. In this area lived a famous tribe ‘Malavas’ in ancient times, for which this region got the name Malwa. The inhabitants of this area are called Malwai.
  • Bangar: The area which falls between the Ghaggar and the Jamuna rivers is called Bangar. It is also called Haryana. It includes Ambala, Panipat, Rohtak, Karnal, Kurukshetra, Gurugram (Gurgaon), Jind and Hisar. Many important and decisive battles of Indian history were fought in this part.

Question 8.
What influence did the physical features of the Punjab have on its political history?
What were the political effects of the geographical features of the Punjab.
Write any three political effects of the geographical features of the Punjab.

  • The Punjab remained the gateway of India for centuries due to its geographical location.
  • Many important and decisive battles of the Indian history were also fought in the Punjab,
  • The rivers flowing through the Punjab, its forests and hills have deeply influenced the history of the Punjab,
  • The forests and mountains lying in the Punjab have also affected its history.

Question 9.
What impact did the physical features of the Punjab have on its economic history?
Write any three main economic influences on the geography of the Punjab.

  • As the plains of the Punjab were very fertile, so the main occupation of people here was agriculture,
  • People reared sheep and goats in the mountainous regions of the Punjab,
  • It being a frontier province, foreign trade was carried on with Afghanistan and Central Asian countries on a large scale,
  • The cities like Lahore, Multan, Sirhind, Jalandhar and Amritsar became trade centres.

Question 10.
How did the rivers of the Punjab affect its history?
What were the effects of Punjab rivers on the history of the Punjab?
The rivers flowing through the Punjab also greatly influenced its history. These rivers checked the advancement of the foreign invaders many times and defended the country. These rivers, when in spate, were very difficult to cross. These rivers also determined the passage of many invaders. The soil of the Punjab became very fertile due to these rivers and it yielded bumper crops. The economic prosperity of the Punjab was mainly due to these rivers.

Question 11.
The forests and hills of the Punjab have deeply influenced its history. Do you agree with this statement?
How did the forests and hills of the Punjab influence its history?
How did the forests of the Punjab affect its history?
The forests and hills of the Punjab have also deeply influenced its history. After the martyrdom of Banda Singh Bahadur in 1716 A.D., when Mughals and Afghans vigorously persecuted the Sikhs, they took shelter in these forests and hills. They faced their enemy from here through guerilla warfare. By adopting the guerilla warfare the Sikhs had plundered even the great tyrant Nadir Shah and Ahmad Shah Abdali.-Ultimately, the Sikhs succeeded in setting up independent Misls in many parts of the Punjab.

Question 12.
What effects did the physical features of the Punjab have on its socio-cultural history?
“Punjab was a land of religious movements.” Explain the statement.
The Punjab is considered the birthplace of Hinduism. First of all, the Aryans settled in the Sapta Sindhu. They composed their holy scriptures here. Islam was much propagated in the Punjab as compared to other parts of India due to many reasons. Guru Nanak Dev Ji and his eight spiritual successors blessed this sacred land of five rivers by their incarnation. The tenth Guru, Guru Gobind Singh Ji spent most part of his life in Punjab. Many religions were prevalent in the Punjab. That is why it came to be called, “The land of religious movement.”

Question 14.
Physical features of the Punjab greatly influenced its history. Write briefly three important effects.

  • The Punjab has acted as the gateway to India for ages, due to its physical features,
  • The foreign invaders had been invading India through Khyber, Kurram, Tochi and Bolan passes since ancient times,
  • The Sikh religion was bom on the sacred land of the Punjab,
  • As the Punjab had remained a battlefield for ages, art and literature could not flourish here,
  • Since the ancient times, the Punjab has been an economically prosperous state due to its physical features.

Objective Type Questions:

Question 1.
What is the meaning of the word Punjab?
The land of five rivers.

Question 2.
Why did Punjab get its name Punjab?
Because of the five rivers flowing here.

Question 3.
Name any one river of Punjab.

Question 4.
By which name was the Punjab known in the Rigvedic period and why?
By which name Punjab was called during Rigvedic period and why?
Sapta Sindhu.

Question 5.
What is meant by Sapta Sindhu?
The land of seven rivers.

Question 6.
With what name did Greeks call Punjab?

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 1 Physical Features of the Punjab and their influence on its History

Question 7.
What is meant by Pentapotamia?
The land of five rivers.

Question 8.
What name was given to Punjab by the Epics and Puranas?

Question 9.
What is meant by Panchnada?
The land of five rivers.

Question 10.
Why was Punjab called Tak Desh?
Because Tak tribe ruled here for a long time.

Question 11.
By which name was Punjab known in medieval period?
What was Punjab known as in the Medieval Period?
What was the name of the Punjab in the Medieval Period?
Lahore Suba (Province).

Question 12.
What was the name given to Punjab during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s times?
Lahore Raj.

Question 13.
When was Lahore state annexed to the British empire?
March 29, 1849 A.D.

Question 14.
Why was Punjab annexed by the British last of all?
Due to the geographical location of Punjab.

Question 15.
Which part of Punjab was given to Pakistan in 1947?
Western part.

Question 16.
Write the names of the physical features of the Punjab.
Give the three physical features of the Punjab.
Himalayas and Sulaiman Mountain Ranges, Sub-Mountainous Region and the Plains.

Question 17.
Punjab is known as the Sword Arm of whom?

Question 18.
Why is Punjab known as ‘Sword Arm of India’?
Because people of Punjab played the role of defending India’s security.

Question 19.
Which was called the Gateway of India?

Question 20.
Why is the Punjab called the Gateway of India?
Because the foreign invaders had to cross Punjab to reach India.

Question 21.
Name the frontier direction through which foreign invaders entered Punjab.
North West Frontier.

Question 22.
Name any one pass through which the invaders came to Punjab.

Question 23.
Name the ‘pass’ through which maximum foreign invasions took place.

Question 24.
Which is the highest peak of the Himalayas?
Mount Everest.

Question 25.
Mention any one advantage of Himalayas to Punjab.
It saved Punjab from the invaders of the North.

Question 26.
Name the beautiful city in the mountainous regions of the Punjab which is the outcome of Himalayas.

Question 27.
Where is Tarai or sub-mountainous region located?
Himalayas and the plains of the Punjab.

Question 28.
What do you mean by ‘Doab’?
The region between the two rivers.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 1 Physical Features of the Punjab and their influence on its History

Question 29.
Into how many Doabs has Punjab been divided?
Five Doabs.

Question 30.
Name any one Doab of Punjab.
Bist Jalandhar Doab.

Question 31.
In which Doab Jalandhar is situated?
Bist Jalandhar Doab.

Question 32.
In which Doab Hoshiarpur is situated?
Bist Jalandhar Doab.

Question 33.
Name any one city located in Bari Doab.

Question 34.
What is meant by Bari Doab?
The area located between the rivers Sutlej and Beas.

Question 35.
Why is Bari Doab called ‘Majha’?
Because it is located in the middle of Punjab.

Question 36.
By what other name Bari Doab is known as?

Question 37.
In which Doab is Amritsar situated?
Bari Doab.

Question 38.
With which name are the people of Malwa known?
People of Malwa are called Malwai.

Question 39.
Write the names of any two main citiSs of Malwa.
Mention any two cities of Malwa.

  • Patiala,
  • Ludhiana.

Question 40
Where is Malwa situated?
Between Sutlej and Ghaggar rivers.

Question 41.
Why is Malwa so called?
Because it was inhabited by a brave tribe called Malav.

Question 42.
Write the names of any two main cities of Malwa.
Mention any two cities of Malwa.

  • Patiala,
  • Ludhiana.

Question 43.
What is meant by Rachna Doab?
The region located between the Ravi and the Chenab rivers.

Question 44.
Name two famous towns of Rachna Doab.
Gujranwala and Sheikhupura.

Question 45.
What is meant by Chaj Doab?
The region located between the Chenab and the Jhelum rivers.

Question 46.
Where is Chaj Doab situated?
Between the Chenab and the Jhelum rivers.

Question 47.
Where is Sind Sagar Doab situated?
Between the Sind and the Jhelum rivers.

Question 48.
Where is Bangar situated?
Between Ghaggar and Jamuna rivers.

Question 49.
Name two important agricultural products of the Punjab.
Wheat and cotton.

Question 50.
Name the most important town of Sind Sagar Doab.

Question 51.
When was the first battle of Tarain fought?
1191 A.D.

Question 52.
When was the second battle of Tarain fought?
1192 A.D.

Question 53.
When was the first battle of Panipat fought?
1526 A.D.

Question 54.
When was the second battle of Panipat fought?
1556 A.D.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 1 Physical Features of the Punjab and their influence on its History

Question 55.
Name any effect of the Himalayas on the History of Punjab.
It increased the economic prosperity of Punjab.

Question 56.
How have the plains of Punjab affected its History?
The economic prosperity of Punjab became the main source of attraction of foreign invaders.

Question 57.
Write any’one reason for the economic prosperity of Punjab.
Foreign trade.

Question 58.
How is the soil of Punjab?
Very fertile.

Question 59.
How have the rivers of Punjab affected its history?
These rivers acted as the defense barrier of “the country.

Question 60.
How have the mountains and forests affected the history of Punjab?
They gave invaluable contribution to the rise of the power of the Sikhs.

Fill in the blanks:

1. Punjab is combination of two Persian words ……………. and ……………….
Punj, Aab

2. Punjab means a land of ……………….. rivers.

3. Punjab was called the ………….. of India.

4. The Punjab was called ……………. in Rigveda period.
Sapt Sindhu

5. The Greeks have named Punjab …………….

6. In Puranas Punjab was called …………….

7. During medieval times Punjab was called …………..
Lahore Suba

8. Punjab was named ……………… at the time of Ranjit Singh.
Lahore Raj

9. Himalaya means ……………
Abode of snow

10. The highest peak of the Himalayas was …………….
Mount Everest

11. The most famous …………….. pass lies in the North-west of Punjab.

12. There are ………….. Doabs in Punjab.

13. The word ‘Doab’ means ……………
land between the two rivers

14. Bari Doab is also called ……………..

15. The most important city of Rachna Doab is ………………

16. ……………. is most important city of Sind Sagar Doab.

17. The inhabitants of Malwa are called ………………..

18. The first battle of Tarain was fought in …………….

19. In …………… second battle of Tarain was fought.
1192 A.D.

20. …………….. battle of panipat was fought between Hemu and Akbar in 1556 A.D.

21. Third battle of Panipat was fought in …………………
1761 A.D.

22. The main occupation of people of Punjab was …………….

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 1 Physical Features of the Punjab and their influence on its History


Pick out the True or False statements:

1. The word ‘Punjab’ means a ‘land of five rivers’.

2. The Punjab was called Sapt Sindhu in the Rigvedic period.

3. The Punjab was called Tak Desh in the Epics and the Puranas.

4. The Greeks called Punjab Pentapotamia.

5. In medieval period, Punjab was known as Lohore Suba.

6. The word ‘Himalaya’ means ‘abode of snow’.

7. The Punjab was given name ‘Lahore Raj’ during the reign of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

8. The name of the famous pass in the north-west of Punjab is Gomal.

9. The word ‘Doab’ means ‘land between the two rivers’.

10. Hoshiarpur is a city of Bari Doab.

11. Bari Doab is also known as ‘Majha’.

12. The area located between the rivers Sutlej and Beas is called ‘Bist Jalandhar Doab’.

13. The area located between the rivers Ravi and Chenab is called ‘Rachna Doab’.

14. Gujranwala is an important city of Rachna Doab.

15. The area lying between the rivers Sutlej and Chenab is called Chaj Doab.

16. Rawalpindi is the most famous city of Sind Sagar Doab.

17. The Plain located between the Sutlej and the Jamuna river is called Malwa.

18. The inhabitants of Malwa are called ‘Malwai’.

19. The area located between the Ghaggar and the Jamuna rivers is known as Bangar.

20. The second battle of Tarain was fought in 1193 A.D.

21. The first battle of panipat between 1536 A.D.

22. In 1556 A.D. the second battle of Panipat was fought between Hemu and Akbar.

23. The third battle of Panipat was fought in 1761 A.D.

24. Sikhism was originated in Punjab

25. The main occupation of the people of Punjab was agriculture.

26. Punjab has been very much properous since the ancient times due to its geographical situation.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 1 Physical Features of the Punjab and their influence on its History

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What is the meaning of the the word ‘Punjab’?
(a) Land of two rivers
(b) Land of three rivers
(c) Land of four rivers
(d) Land of five rivers
(d) Land of five rivers

2. Punjab is the word of which language?
(a) Persian
(b) Urdu
(c) Hindi
(d) Gurmukhi
(a) Persian

3. By which name was Punjab known in the Rigvedic period?
(a) Sapt Sindhu
(b) Pentapotamia
(c) Tak Desh
(d) None of these
(a) Sapt Sindhu

4. Which name was given to Punjab by the Greeks?
(a) Panchnad
(b) Sapta Sindhu
(c) Tak Desh
(d) Pentapotamia
(d) Pentapotamia

5. Why was Punjab called Tak Desh in ancient times?
(a) Tak tribe
(b) Tak ruler
(c) Tak coin
(d) Tak mountain.
(a) Tak tribe

6. What was the name of capital of Punjab in medieval period?
(a) Multan
(b) Rawalpindi
(c) Kabul
(d) Lahore
(d) Lahore

7. Which was the famous pass on the North-West Frontier of the Punjab?
(a) Khyber
(b) Kurram
(c) Tochi
(d) Bolan.
(a) Khyber

8. Which is the highest peak of the Himalayas?
(a) Kanchanjanga
(b) Nanda Devi
(c) Mount Everest
(d) K/2
(c) Mount Everest

9. What is average length of the Himalayas?
(a) 1200 km
(b) 1800 km
(c) 200 km
(d) 2500 km
(d) 2500 km

10. What do you mean by ‘Doab’?
(a) Region between two rivers.
(b) Region between two mountains.
(c) Region between two plains.
(d) None of these.
(a) Region between two rivers.

11. How many Doabs are there in Punjab?
(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) Five
(d) Five

12. In which Doab Amritsar is situated?
(a) Chaj Doab
(b) Bist-Jalandhar
(c) Rachna Doab
(d) Bari Doab
(d) Bari Doab

13. Where is Rachna Doab situated?
(a) Between the Ravi and the Chenab rivers
(b) Between the Chenab and the Jhelum rivers
(c) Between the Ravi and the Sutlej rivers
(d) Between the Sutlej and the Beas rivers?
(a) Between the Ravi and the Chenab rivers

14. Which Doab has Gujarat and Shahpur as main cities?
(a) Chaj Doab
(b) Rachna Doab
(c) Bari Doab
(d) Bist-Jalandhar Doab.
(a) Chaj Doab

15. Which is the most important town of Sind Sagar region?
(a) Sind
(b) Jalandhar
(c) Ludhiana
(d) Rawalpindi
(d) Rawalpindi

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 1 Physical Features of the Punjab and their influence on its History

16. When was the first battle of Tarain fought?
(a) In 1191 A.D.
(b) In 1192 A.D.
(c) In 1291 A.D.
(d) In 1491 A.D.
(a) In 1191 A.D.

17. When was the second battle of Tarain fought?
(a) In 1152 A.D.
(b) In 1192 A.D.
(c) In 1292 A.D.
(d) In 1526 A.D.
(b) In 1192 A.D.

18. In which year was the second battle of Panipat fought?
(a) 1526 A.D
(b) 1536 A.D
(c) 1556 A.D
(d) 1656 A.D
(c) 1556 A.D

19. In which year was the third battle of Panipat fought?
(a) 1526 A.D
(b) 1561 A.D
(c) 1556 A.D
(d) 1761 A.D
(d) 1761 A.D

20. Name the city of Punjab which was considered important from the geographical point of view.
(a) Multan
(b) Lahore
(c) Peshawar
(d) All of the above
(d) All of the above

21. Which language was not spoken in Punjab in 16th century?
(a) Urdu
(b) Hindi
(c) Punjabi
(d) Tamil
(d) Tamil

22. Which trait is not the outcome of the geographical condition of Punjab?
(a) Bravery
(b) Hard work
(c) Tolerance
(d) Treachery
(d) Treachery

23. Which foreign invaders did not come through North-Western Frontier?
(a) Mughals
(b) Hunas
(c) Greeks
(d) British
(d) British

24. What led to the spread of Islam in Punjab?
(a) Muslims of Punjab were economically happy.
(b) Muslims had occupied Punjab in the very beginning.
(c) People of Punjab liked this religion.
(d) Muslims had more propaganda centres in Punjab.
(b) Muslims had occupied Punjab in the very beginning.

25. Which of these was not exported by Punjab in the sixteenth century?
(a) Horses
(b) Cotton
(c) Sugar
(d) Clothes
(a) Horses

26. Which of these was not imported in Punjab in the sixteenth century?
(a) Dry Fruit
(b) Weapons
(c) Horses
(d) Cotton
(d) Cotton

27. Which city was not an important trading centre in 16th century?
(a) Amritsar
(b) Lahore
(c) Hisar
(d) Rawalpindi
(d) Rawalpindi

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 19 India’s Approach to Major World Issues

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class Political Science Book Solutions Chapter 19 India’s Approach to Major World Issues Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 Political Science Chapter 19 India’s Approach to Major World Issues

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Write the arrangements made for the protection of Human Rights in India in detail.
Discuss any six steps taken in India for the protection of Human Rights.
India is one of the largest democracy of the world. After Independence the makers of our Constitution had made provision for Human Rights. Not only after independence even before independence our national makers worked for Human Rights. The Fundamental Rights enumerated in the Indian Constitution are the most elaborate in the world. Part III of Indian Constitution provides for Fundamental Rights those are as following:

  1. Right to Equality; Articles 14-18
  2. Right to Liberty ; Articles 19-22
  3. Right against Exploitation; Articles 23-24
  4. Right to Freedom of Religion; Articles 25-28
  5. Cultural and Educational Rights; Articles 29-30
  6. Right to Constitutional Remedies; Article-32.

The Indian Constitution has not only made provision for the Fundamental Rights but also made provision for the machinery to implement the rights properly. A number of legislations have been made to eliminate exploitation of the weaker section of the society. Apart from this the Indian government has set up National Human Rights Commission at the level of the central Government and State Human Rights Commission at the state level. These Commissions look into complaints and incidents of violation of Human Rights. Their function includes protection and promotion of Human Rights.

Following steps have been taken in India for the protection of ‘Human Rights’:
1. Establishment of Human Rights: Indian Constitution has established six human rights. Indian citizens have the right to writ five petitions for the protection of these human rights in the court.

2. Establishment of a Commission for ‘Human Rights’: For the protection of ‘Human Rights’-Indian Constitution has established a commission for ‘Human Rights’.

3. Establishment of Commission for Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes: For the protection of Human Rights of Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes a special Commission is established.

4. National Women Commission: For the security and safety of women’s rights National Women Commission has been established.

5. National Minority Commission: For the security of rights of minorities a “Minority Commission’ is also established.

6. Independent Judiciary. Independent judiciary works like chowkidar for the protection of ‘Human Rights’. Thus independent judiciary is the strongest step for the protection of all Human Rights.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 19 India’s Approach to Major World Issues

Question 2.
Discuss the functions of National Human Rights Commission.
National Human Rights Commission performs the following functions under the Human Rights Protection Act 1993.

  • To investigate complaints regarding the violation of Human Rights.
  • To investigate the failure on the part of any public official in respect of his duties for preventing a violation of Human Rights.
  • Commission encouraged the functions of non-government institutions for the protection of Human Rights.
  • To review the steps taken under the Constitution or law for protecting the Human Rights and to make recommendations for making such steps more effective.
  • To encourage research in the field of human rights.
  • To visit jails and to examine the conditions of living of the persons undergoing imprisonments or under detentions.
  • To study the international treaties and conventions and try to give it practical shape.
  • To spread knowledge among various classes of people about their human rights.
    To prepare necessary programmes for the development of human rights.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 19 India’s Approach to Major World Issues

Question 3.
What do you mean by Disarmament? Discuss the necessity of Disarmament in present world.
Present age is an age of Science. Today, armaments and war, because of their totally destructive power, have come to be regarded as the biggest dangers to mankind. The havoc caused by the two World Wars convinced the people over the world that if humanity is to be saved from complete annihilation, something should be done to reduce or limit certain or all types of armaments.

Meaning and Definition of Disarmament:
In simple language the term disarmament is used for reduction or elimination of armaments. In actual practice, it has come to mean everything from total elimination of all the weapons to the regulation or control of only some kind of (offensive and totally destructive) weap¬ons. Disarmament includes everything which has to do something with the limitation, reduction, abolition or control of certain or all armaments through the voluntary agreement of two or more states.

1. According to Morgenthau, “Disarmament is the reduction or elimination of certain or all armaments for the purpose of ending the armament race.”

2. According to V.V. Dyke, “Any regulation or limitation have to do with armed power is treated as a measure of disarmament.”

3. According to Jacob and Atherton, “disarmament seeks to establish conditions that will assure a country that others are neither intending to attack it or capable of doing so, at least in the immediate future. The strategy is to unwind rather then to build up a confrontation of armed forces.”

In its absolute sense, disarmament requires the global destruction of weapons and the dis-establishment of all armed forces. General disarmament means a kind of disarmament in which all the nations participate whereas local disarmament means disarmament by a limited number of nations.

Need and Necessity of Disarmament:
Disarmament is needed due to following reasons:
1. World Peace and Security:
World peace and security is possible only by disarmament. Armaments lead to armament race and armament race leads to war. Arms race can itself be the cause of bloody and costly wars. Disarmament is the most effective means or preventing war and maintaining peace.

2. Disarmament reduces International Tension:
Disarmament reduces international tensions whereas arms race increases international tensions and international tensions encourage war. Disarmament can certainly check the growing war hysteria in international relations.

3. Reduces the Destructiveness of War: Disarmament is needed as it reduces the sufferings and destructiveness of war.

4. Helpful in Economic Development:
Disarmament is needed because it is very helpful in economic development. By disarmament states can save a very large amount of funds and that money can be used for the welfare and economic development of the people of the states. In the timeless dilemma of choosing between ‘guns and butter’, the advocates of arms reduction opt for the latter. It is argued that even if a small portion of millions of dollars now spent on armament everyday is transferred to economic development the world would be entirely different.

5. Helpful in ending Colonialism and Imperialism:
Armaments encouraged Imperialism and Colonialism because states having big stocks of arms used arms for expanding their territories. Hence disarmament is very helpful in ending Colonialism and Imperialism.

6. Moral Reasons:
Disarmament is needed for moral reasons also. Philosophically most solid argument is that war is morally wrong and hence armaments as the means of war are also evil. It is always rational and moral to nip the evil in the bud. Thus elimination of war demands the elimination of arms and armament races.

7. Social Reasons:
Disarmament is also needed due to social reasons. Money saved by disarmament can be utilised for solving the problems of poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, housing etc.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 19 India’s Approach to Major World Issues

Question 4.
What do you understand by the concept of Globalization? Discuss its main features.
What do you mean by Globalization? Explain four features of Globalization in India.
In the late 20th century the revolution in the means of communication has changed the world in ‘global village’ by lessening its distances. It has encouraged the emergence of world society. Although the concept of globalisation became popular in the last phase of the 20th century but its background is quite old. The ill effects of the two world wars on the rich nations led them to think about the ways and means of coming out of the economic recession.

To achieve this aim they made full use of the international organisations such as General Agreement on Trade and Tariff, World Trade Organisation, International Monetary Fund and World Bank etc. All these organisations brought the countries of world close to each other. Martin Shaw has observed, “Society has been globalised not because human beings thought or act 1 globally, but because in pursuit of other suit – profit, power communication worldwide connectedness has developed.”

Definition and Meaning of Globalization:
Scholars differ regarding the meaning of globalization. Their views are given below:
1. According to Anthony Giddens, “Globalisation means the intensification of world-wide social relations which link distant localities in such a way that local happenings shaped events occurring many miles away and vice-versa.”

2. According to Robertson, “Globalisation is a concept that refers to the compression of the world and the intensification of the consciousness of the world as a whole.”

3. According to Mild and McGrew, “Globalisation refers to a historical process which transforms the spatial organisation of social relations and transactions, generating, transcontinental or inter-regional networks of interaction and the exercise of power.”:

In general we can say that globalisation is a process by which the planet Earth is:
considered to be one single unit where social and economic interaction among the people are based on interdependence. The world is considered to be a global village with global issues and problems likely to be talked with global efforts and co-operation. Globalisation can also be explained as globalisation of world market and to link the economy of all the countries of the world with world market. It is also manifest in the rapid flow of information capital and goods. Different cultures and societies have come face to face with each other.

It has created global electronic communications. Observing the impact of globalization Martin Shaw said, “With the development of global relations, the understanding of human relations in common world wide frame comes to predominate over other, more partial understanding.”

Thus, globalization is a step towards one world, one state and to strengthen the world peace. It is a step towards socio-economic, scientific and technological development of the whole mankind. It has made easier to solve the world problems.

Features of Globalization: Globalization is a multi-dimensional phenomenon-
It’s features are as given below:
1. Global Economy:
Global economy is the most important feature of globalization. In the process of globalization, it has been observed that national economies have been integrated into global economy. Trade has come out of national boundaries. Global economy promotes international harmony.

2. Expansion of Industrialisation and MNC’s:
Expansion of industrialisation is another feature of globalisation. Globalisation has increased the value of multi-national business organisations. The output of multi-national corporations is more than a state corporation, that’s why now MNC’s dominate the world market. The notable examples of MNC’s are General Motors and Ford in the automotive industry. ESSO, Shelt and B.P. in Oil industry, McDonald’s fast food-chain AT & T, and International News Corporation in the communication sector.

3. World Wide Institutions:
Establishment of world wide institutions is one of the features of globalisation. Globalisation has brought the countries of the world close to each other. These countries have formed institutions those have global appeal and those work to resolve global problems such as U.N.O. It is an international system of states and they are committed to the cause of universal welfare and upliftment. U.N.O. tries to fight against natural calamities as well as man-made problems.

4. Global Movements:
Global movements is the another feature of globalisation. The members of the global village have come out of their national boundries and fences and started thinking about welfare in broader terms including national and international concern. Women’s liberation movement has been launched on global level. Various other global movements have been launched to eradicate economic inequality, environment problems and armaments.

5. Competitive Economy:
Competitive economy is another important aspect of globalisation. The developing countries are trying to compete with the developed countries. The developed countries are trying to advance and strengthen their economy more and more and developing countries are trying to improve their performance, products and industries to compete with the industry of developed countries.

6. World Trade Organisation:
The emergence of WTO is another feature of globalisation. WTO is an indication of globalisation process. Martin Shaw observes that although, “The WTO remains dominated by the west and is partly a forum for resolving intra-western economic differences, it is now more or less universally accepted as the frame work for regulating trade, as China’s admission in 1999 recognised.”

7. The declining relevance of geographical distance and the insignificance of territorial boundries is the feature of globalisation.

8. International Law for the security of international peace and to resolve trade problems is another important aspect of globalisation.

9. Increase of Foreign Investment in countries is another feature of the process of globalisation.

10. Technological Innovations is another feature of globalisation.

11. Information Revolution is an important aspect of globalisation. Information technology has brought countries closer.

Thus, the process of globalisation has changed the world scenario. It has brought nations closer to each other and has formed world wide society.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 19 India’s Approach to Major World Issues

Question 5.
What do you mean by Globalisation? Why India adopted the policy of Globalisation?
Meaning of Globalisation:
In the late 20th century the revolution in the means of communication has changed the world in ‘global village’ by lessening its distances. It has encouraged the emergence of world society. Although the concept of globalisation became popular in the last phase of the 20th century but its background is quite old. The ill effects of the two world wars on the rich nations led them to think about the ways and means of coming out of the economic recession.

To achieve this aim they made full use of the international organisations such as General Agreement on Trade and Tariff, World Trade Organisation, International Monetary Fund and World Bank etc. All these organisations brought the countries of world close to each other. Martin Shaw has observed, “Society has been globalised not because human beings thought or act 1 globally, but because in pursuit of other suit – profit, power communication worldwide connectedness has developed.”

Definition and Meaning of Globalization:
Scholars differ regarding the meaning of globalization. Their views are given below:
1. According to Anthony Giddens, “Globalisation means the intensification of world-wide social relations which link distant localities in such a way that local happenings shaped events occurring many miles away and vice-versa.”

2. According to Robertson, “Globalisation is a concept that refers to the compression of the world and the intensification of the consciousness of the world as a whole.”

3. According to Mild and McGrew, “Globalisation refers to a historical process which transforms the spatial organisation of social relations and transactions, generating, transcontinental or inter-regional networks of interaction and the exercise of power.”:

In general we can say that globalisation is a process by which the planet Earth is:
considered to be one single unit where social and economic interaction among the people are based on interdependence. The world is considered to be a global village with global issues and problems likely to be talked with global efforts and co-operation. Globalisation can also be explained as globalisation of world market and to link the economy of all the countries of the world with world market. It is also manifest in the rapid flow of information capital and goods. Different cultures and societies have come face to face with each other.

It has created global electronic communications. Observing the impact of globalisation Martin Shaw said, “With the development of global relations, the understanding of human relations in common world wide frame comes to predominate over other, more partial understanding.”

Thus, globalisation is a step towards one world, one state and to strengthen the world peace. It is a step towards socio-economic, scientific and technological development of the whole mankind. It has made easier to solve the world problems.

Features of Globalization: Globalization is a multi-dimensional phenomenon-
It’s features are as given below:
1. Global Economy:
Global economy is the most important feature of globalisation. In the process of globalisation, it has been observed that national economies have been integrated into global economy. Trade has come out of national boundaries. Global economy promotes international harmony.

2. Expansion of Industrialisation and MNC’s:
Expansion of industrialisation is another feature of globalisation. Globalisation has increased the value of multi-national business organisations. The output of multi-national corporations is more than a state corporation, that’s why now MNC’s dominate the world market. The notable examples of MNC’s are General Motors and Ford in the automotive industry. ESSO, Shelt and B.P. in Oil industry, McDonald’s fast food-chain AT & T, and International News Corporation in the communication sector.

3. World Wide Institutions:
Establishment of world wide institutions is one of the features of globalisation. Globalisation has brought the countries of the world close to each other. These countries have formed institutions those have global appeal and those work to resolve global problems such as U.N.O. It is an international system of states and they are committed to the cause of universal welfare and upliftment. U.N.O. tries to fight against natural calamities as well as man-made problems.

4. Global Movements:
Global movements is the another feature of globalisation. The members of the global village have come out of their national boundries and fences and started thinking about welfare in broader terms including national and international concern. Women’s liberation movement has been launched on global level. Various other global movements have been launched to eradicate economic inequality, environment problems and armaments.

5. Competitive Economy:
Competitive economy is another important aspect of globalisation. The developing countries are trying to compete with the developed countries. The developed countries are trying to advance and strengthen their economy more and more and developing countries are trying to improve their performance, products and industries to compete with the industry of developed countries.

6. World Trade Organisation:
The emergence of WTO is another feature of globalisation. WTO is an indication of globalisation process. Martin Shaw observes that although, “The WTO remains dominated by the west and is partly a forum for resolving intra-western economic differences, it is now more or less universally accepted as the frame work for regulating trade, as China’s admission in 1999 recognised.”

7. The declining relevance of geographical distance and the insignificance of territorial boundries is the feature of globalisation.

8. International Law for the security of international peace and to resolve trade problems is another important aspect of globalisation.

9. Increase of Foreign Investment in countries is another feature of the process of globalisation.

10. Technological Innovations is another feature of globalisation.

11. Information Revolution is an important aspect of globalisation. Information technology has brought countries closer.

Thus, the process of globalisation has changed the world scenario. It has brought nations closer to each other and has formed world wide society.

Why India Adopted the Policy of Globalisation:
Following are the factors responsible for India’s globalisation policy:

  • India’s economy will become competitive due to globalisation policy.
  • Foreign Wealth and technique both will be imported in India due to globalisation and this will be helpful for the development of India.
  • The policy of globalisation will encourage a good competition in production and consumers will get better quality of production.
  • With the globalisation process Indian economy will automatically link with the world economy and it will be beneficial for Indian economy.
  • Industrial development will take place due to globalisation.
  • Globalisation will create more employment.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 19 India’s Approach to Major World Issues

Question 6.
What do you mean by Globalisation? Discuss the demerits of policy of Globalisation adopted by India.
Meaning of Globalisation:
In the late 20th century the revolution in the means of communication has changed the world in ‘global village’ by lessening its distances. It has encouraged the emergence of world society. Although the concept of globalisation became popular in the last phase of the 20th century but its background is quite old. The ill effects of the two world wars on the rich nations led them to think about the ways and means of coming out of the economic recession.

To achieve this aim they made full use of the international organisations such as General Agreement on Trade and Tariff, World Trade Organisation, International Monetary Fund and World Bank etc. All these organisations brought the countries of world close to each other. Martin Shaw has observed, “Society has been globalised not because human beings thought or act 1 globally, but because in pursuit of other suit – profit, power communication worldwide connectedness has developed.”

Definition and Meaning of Globalization:
Scholars differ regarding the meaning of globalization. Their views are given below:
1. According to Anthony Giddens, “Globalisation means the intensification of world-wide social relations which link distant localities in such a way that local happenings shaped events occurring many miles away and vice-versa.”

2. According to Robertson, “Globalisation is a concept that refers to the compression of the world and the intensification of the consciousness of the world as a whole.”

3. According to Mild and McGrew, “Globalisation refers to a historical process which transforms the spatial organisation of social relations and transactions, generating, transcontinental or inter-regional networks of interaction and the exercise of power.”:

In general we can say that globalisation is a process by which the planet Earth is:
considered to be one single unit where social and economic interaction among the people are based on interdependence. The world is considered to be a global village with global issues and problems likely to be talked with global efforts and co-operation. Globalisation can also be explained as globalisation of world market and to link the economy of all the countries of the world with world market. It is also manifest in the rapid flow of information capital and goods. Different cultures and societies have come face to face with each other.

It has created global electronic communications. Observing the impact of globalisation Martin Shaw said, “With the development of global relations, the understanding of human relations in common world wide frame comes to predominate over other, more partial understanding.”

Thus, globalisation is a step towards one world, one state and to strengthen the world peace. It is a step towards socio-economic, scientific and technological development of the whole mankind. It has made easier to solve the world problems.

Features of Globalization: Globalization is a multi-dimensional phenomenon-
It’s features are as given below:
1. Global Economy:
Global economy is the most important feature of globalisation. In the process of globalisation, it has been observed that national economies have been integrated into global economy. Trade has come out of national boundaries. Global economy promotes international harmony.

2. Expansion of Industrialisation and MNC’s:
Expansion of industrialisation is another feature of globalisation. Globalisation has increased the value of multi-national business organisations. The output of multi-national corporations is more than a state corporation, that’s why now MNC’s dominate the world market. The notable examples of MNC’s are General Motors and Ford in the automotive industry. ESSO, Shelt and B.P. in Oil industry, McDonald’s fast food-chain AT & T, and International News Corporation in the communication sector.

3. World Wide Institutions:
Establishment of world wide institutions is one of the features of globalisation. Globalisation has brought the countries of the world close to each other. These countries have formed institutions those have global appeal and those work to resolve global problems such as U.N.O. It is an international system of states and they are committed to the cause of universal welfare and upliftment. U.N.O. tries to fight against natural calamities as well as man-made problems.

4. Global Movements:
Global movements is the another feature of globalisation. The members of the global village have come out of their national boundries and fences and started thinking about welfare in broader terms including national and international concern. Women’s liberation movement has been launched on global level. Various other global movements have been launched to eradicate economic inequality, environment problems and armaments.

5. Competitive Economy:
Competitive economy is another important aspect of globalisation. The developing countries are trying to compete with the developed countries. The developed countries are trying to advance and strengthen their economy more and more and developing countries are trying to improve their performance, products and industries to compete with the industry of developed countries.

6. World Trade Organisation:
The emergence of WTO is another feature of globalisation. WTO is an indication of globalisation process. Martin Shaw observes that although, “The WTO remains dominated by the west and is partly a forum for resolving intra-western economic differences, it is now more or less universally accepted as the frame work for regulating trade, as China’s admission in 1999 recognised.”

7. The declining relevance of geographical distance and the insignificance of territorial boundries is the feature of globalisation.

8. International Law for the security of international peace and to resolve trade problems is another important aspect of globalisation.

9. Increase of Foreign Investment in countries is another feature of the process of globalisation.

10. Technological Innovations is another feature of globalisation.

11. Information Revolution is an important aspect of globalisation. Information technology has brought countries closer.

Thus, the process of globalisation has changed the world scenario. It has brought nations closer to each other and has formed world wide society.

Demerits of Globalisation in India. Following are the demerits of policy of globalisation adopted by India:

  • Due to Globalisation multinational companies are interfering in the political system of India.
  • This policy has encouraged economic inequality which has increased the unemployment in India.
  • Critics advocate that this policy is a forceable but not an accepted one. The objective like welfare of all is just out of the scene from this.
  • This is an undemocratic process. This process has weakened the democratic set up by limitation of the labour, limited role of the welfare state.
  • Deduction in subsides etc. by the Government which has indirectly hit the poor category.
  • Globalisation has created a cultural crisis. By it encouragement is given to the Constitutism. The young generation is mad for Pepsi, Coca-cola and other brand of western products.
  • Critics say that the Policy has also influenced the education system, which has established dominance of English language. This education has led to commercialization and has stressed on the markets which has made fall in values and ethics.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 19 India’s Approach to Major World Issues

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Write down the composition of National Human Rights Commission.
Write down composition of National Commission for Human Rights.
The National Human Rights Commission started on 12th October 1993. It has eight members, a chairperson, a present or former judge of the Supreme Court, a present or former Chief Justice of a High Court; two members knowledgeable in the area of human rights and the chairperson of the National Commission for Women, National Commission for SCs and STs and the National Commission for Minorities. It protects and promotes Human Rights. It looks into the complaints of violation of human rights and works to protect the rights of all the members of society.

Question 2.
Write down four main functions of National Commission for Human Rights.
Write four main functions of National Human Rights Commission.
Following are the main functions of National Commission for Human Rights.

  • To investigate complaints regarding the violation of human rights.
  • To investigate the failure on the part of any public officials in respect of his duties for preventing a violation of Human Rights.
  • Commission encouraged the functions of non-government institutions for the protection of human rights.
  • To visit jails and to examine the condition of living of the persons undergoing imprisonments or under detentions.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 19 India’s Approach to Major World Issues

Question 3.
What do you mean by Globalisation?
The term global literally means, belonging to the globe which in turn implies connected with the natural habitat of humankind i.e., ‘global planet earth’. Globalisation is a process by which the planet earth is considered to be one single unit where social and economic interactions among the people are based on interdependence. The world is considered to be a global village with global issues and problems likely to be solved with global efforts and co-operation. Globalisation can also be explained as globalisation of world market. In simple words, globalisation means free flow of goods, services, people, capital and cultures across national borders. It has created global electronic communications. Globalisation is a step towards one world, one state and to strengthen the world.

Question 4.
What do you mean by Disarmament?
Disarmament is the need of present age. The term disarmament is used for reduction or elimination of armaments. In actual practice, it has come to mean everything from total elimination of all the weapons to the regulation or control of only some kind of weapons. Disarmament includes everything which has to do something with the limitation, reduction, abolition or control of certain or all armaments through the voluntary agreement of two or more states. Morgenthau says, “Disarmament is the reduction or elimination of certain or all armaments for the purpose of ending the armament race. In its absolute sense, disarmament requires the global destruction of weapons and the disestablishment of all armed forces.”

Question 5.
Why is disarmament necessary? Give four reasons.
Disarmament is necessary due to following reasons:

  • World peace and security. World peace and security is possible only by disarmament.
  • Disarmament reduces International tension. Disarmament reduces international tension whereas arms race increases international tension and international tension encourages war. Disarmament can certainly check the growing war hysteria in international relations.
  • Reduces the destructiveness of war. Disarmament is needed as it reduces the sufferings and destructiveness of war.
  • Money saved by disarmament can be utilised for solving the problems of poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, housing etc.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 19 India’s Approach to Major World Issues

Question 6.
Mention any four hindrances in the way of Disarmament.
Following are the major hindrances in the way of Disarmament:

1. Fear and Security. Nations preferred security than disarmament. Until some system can be evolved whereby nations will be secure with less arms, disarmament will remain a far cry. Fear of insecurity is a big hindrance in the way of disarmament.

2. Faith in Armament. For security of the nations states have more faith in armament than in disarmament.

3. Mutual Distrust. Every state views with suspicion the disarmament proposals put forth by others. Mutual distrust among nations makes it difficult for the international community to go in for disarmament and arms control.

4. The political rivalry between the superpowers served as a stumbling block in the way of disarmament.

Question 7.
What do you mean by New International Economic Order (NIEO)?
New International Economic Order constitutes a framework for eliminating the existing era of international economic system which is mostly catering to the needs and interests of the developed countries to the deterrence of the under-developed third world. The NIEO is based on assumption that the prevalent international order perpetuates and aggravates international inequalities and that new relationship of interdependence should replace the order patterns of interdependence and unequal exchange.

NIEO stands for making the international system fairer, just and equitable by adopting a code of conduct for the developed countries. It stands for reducing the gap between the developed countries and under-developed countries. It seeks to end the existing imbalance and inequalities in the economic relationship between the under-developed and developed world.”

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 19 India’s Approach to Major World Issues

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Write down the composition of National Human Right Commission.
The National Human Rights Commission started on 12th October 1993. It has eight members, a chairperson, a present or former judge of the Supreme Court, a present or former Chief Justice of a High Court; two members knowledgeable in the area of human rights and the chairperson of the National Commission for Women, National Commission for SCs and STs and the National Commission for Minorities.

Question 2.
Explain the term ‘Colonialism’.
According to the Western concept, Colonialism is the establishment and maintenance of an extended rule over an alien people that is separate and subordinate to the ruling power. It implies rule over people of different races inhabiting lands separated by salt waters from the imperial centre.

Question 3.
Explain the meaning of the term Cold War.
After Second World War, cold war started between U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. A cold war is a state of tension between countries in which each side adopts policies designed to strengthen itself and weaken the other. A line falling short of actual hot war. The cold war has been a predominant factor in determining the conduct of international affairs in post-second world war.

Question 4.
What do you mean by Disarmament?
The term disarmament is used for reduction or elimination of armaments. In actual practice, it has come to mean everything from total elimination of all the weapons to the regulation or control of only some kind of weapons. Disarmament includes everything which has to do something with the limitation, reduction, abolition or control of certain or all armaments through the voluntary agreement of two or more states.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 19 India’s Approach to Major World Issues

Question 5.
Why is disarmament necessary? Give two reasons.
1. World peace and security. World peace and security is possible only by disarmament.

2. Disarmament reduces International tension. Disarmament reduces international tension whereas arms race increases international tension and international tension encourages war. Disarmament can certainly check the growing war hysteria in international relations.

Question 6.
Write two obstacles in the way of Disarmament.
1. Fear and Security. Nations preferred security than disarmament. Until some system can be evolved whereby nations will be secure with less arms, disarmament will remain a far cry. Fear of insecurity is a big hindrance in the way of disarmament.

2. Faith in Armament. For security of the nations states have more faith in armament than in disarmament.

Question 7.
What do you mean by New International Economic Order (NIEO)?
The NIEO is based on assumption that the prevalent international order perpetuates and aggravates international inequalities and that new relationship of interdependence should replace the order patterns of interdependence and unequal exchange. NIEO stands for making the international system fairer, just and equitable by adopting a code of conduct for the developed countries.

Question 8.
Write down any two basic principles of New International Economic Order.
Following are the main principles of New International Economic Order:

1. NIEO is based on, the principles of sovereign equality of states, territorial integrity and non-interference in the internal affairs of other states.

2. NIEO is based on the principle of co-operation of all the member-states of the international community.

Question 9.
Write down any two Human Rights mentioned in Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
1. Right to Liberty and Equality. According to Article of Human Rights Declaration, all human beings are free by birth.

2. Equality before Law and Equal Protection of Law. Human Rights Declaration guarantees all persons equality before law and equal protection of laws. All human beings should have the right to an effective judicial remedy.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 19 India’s Approach to Major World Issues

Question 10.
Discuss the importance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Following points show the importance of this declaration :
1. The Declaration of Human Rights has exercised profound influence on the constitution of new nations. The Declaration also deeply affected treaties and agreements between the nations.

2. The Declaration has served a very useful purpose at the international level. The Declaration has been often cited in support of human rights.

Question 11.
Mention any two defects of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
1. The Declaration of Human Rights lacks legality. This is not a legal declaration but a moral document. No legal sanction can be imposed on member states for the violation of the declaration.

2. This Declaration is neither any international policy nor any agreement.

Question 12.
Name any four Human Rights.

  1. Right to life
  2. Right to freedom
  3. Right to work
  4. Right to family.

Question 13.
Explain any two merits of globalization.

  • Globalisation gives rise to the worldwide information, which has effected every class of society. This has encouraged the social mobility.
  • Possibilities of employment in Multinational companies have increased.

Question 14.
Name two nuclear treaties on which India refused to sign.

  1. N.P.T.
  2. C.T.B.T.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 19 India’s Approach to Major World Issues

One Line Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Explain the meaning of Human Rights.
According to Laski, rights are those conditions of social life without which no man can seek himself to be at his best or make full growth.

Question 2.
What do you mean by Disarmament?
Disarmament means the abolition of all material and human resources, for physical violence. Any control or restriction on military power is called as disarmament.

Question 3.
Why is disarmament necessary?
During the cold war, both the sides developed modem weapons. If all these weapons are not destroyed through disarmament, they can prove detrimental to human race.

Question 4.
Give one difficulty in the way of Disarmament.
The great powers have lust for modernisation of weapons.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 19 India’s Approach to Major World Issues

Question 5.
What is the meaning of New International Economic Order?
New International Economic Order means to provide food-items to the developing countries and to migrate resources from the developed countries to the developing countries.

Question 6.
What do you mean by Globalisation?
Globalisation means the unhindered flow of material, service, capital and intellectual property-from one country to another.

Question 7.
Write one effect of Globalisation on India.
Because of Globalisation, the investment of foreign capital has increased in India. It has generated new opportunities of employment.

Question 8.
‘Initiative of Six Nations’ Conference was held in.
‘Initiative of Six Nations’ Conference was held in 1985.

Question 9.
Give one argument in favour of Globalisation.
Because of Globalisation, the dependence of developing countries on International Monetary Fund and World Bank has reduced.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 19 India’s Approach to Major World Issues

Question 10.
When is the Human Rights Day celebrated every year?
Human Rights Day is celebrated on 10th December every year.

Question 11.
Name the forms of Disarmament

  1. Complete Disarmament,
  2. Partial Disarmament,
  3. Compulsory Disarmament,
  4. Voluntary Disarmament,
  5. Unilateral Disarmament,
  6. Bilateral Disarmament.

Fill in The Blanks

1. National Human Rights Commission was established on
12 Oct. 1993

2. New International Economic Order means to provide food to
Developing Countries

3. Initiative of Six Nations Confrence was held in

4. India is committed to the use of Nuclear Energy for purposes

5. India is fully committed to the rights and liberties included in the Declaration of Human Rights

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 19 India’s Approach to Major World Issues

True Or False Statement

1. Disarmament means the total abolition of arms.

2. Due to Globalisation, the investment of foreign capital has increased in India.

3. Human Rights Day is celebrated on 10th December.

Choose The Correct Answer

Question 1.
The National Human Rights Commission was formed on
(a) 12 October, 1991
(b)12 October, 1992
(c) 12 October, 1993
(d)12 October, 1994.
(c) 12 October, 1993

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 19 India’s Approach to Major World Issues

Question 2.
Main problems of world are
(a) Terrorism
(b) Problem of Human Rights
(c) Problem of Disarmament
(d) All of the above
(d) All of Above.

Question 3.
Main hindrances in the way of disarmament are :
(a) Fear and Security
(b) Faith in armament
(c) Mutual distrust
(d) All of Above.
(d) All of Above.

Question 4.
When was ‘Six Nations Initiative Conference’ held ?
(a) 1985
(b) 1986
(c) 1990
(d) 1991.
(a) 1985

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 19 India’s Approach to Major World Issues

Question 5.
World Trade Organisation was formed on
(a) 24 October, 1945
(b)1 January, 1995
(c) 10 December, 1948
(d) 29 April, 1954..
(b)1 January, 1995

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 18 India’s Relations with USA and Russia

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class Political Science Book Solutions Chapter 18 India’s Relations with USA and Russia Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 Political Science Chapter 18 India’s Relations with USA and Russia

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Examine Indo-American relationship.
Analyse India’s relations with U.SA.
India’s relations with America were not friendly in the beginning. America intended to dominate India and so adopted the policy of pressure and assistance. Both the countries differed from each other because of the following reasons:

1. Different Views:
The main cause of the tense relations between both the countries was their varied attitudes towards international communism and colonialism.

2. India’s policy of non-alignment:
When India became free, America and Russia had inimical relations. America expected India to join its bloc like other newly liberated countries.

3. Kashmir:
When the Kashmir issue was put forth in the U.N.O. in December, 1947 because of Pak aggression, America fully supported Pakistan. This attitude was completely opposed to the spirit of justice.

4. Recognition of Communist China:
When Communist China came into existence, America didn’t want India to grant recognition to China. But India recognised China in December, 1949.

5. Korean War: America didn’t approve India’s policy in case of Korean War.

6. Military Assistance by America to Pakistan:
America signed a military pact with Pakistan in 1954 and started providing military assistance to Pakistan on the pretext of stopping expansion of communism by using war- weapons. But the wars which took place in 1965 and 1971 proved that these weapons were used against India.

Pt. Nehru visited America in 1957, and consequently, relations between both the countries improved. Eisenhower, the President of America, paid a visit to India in Dec., 1959, to strengthen friendly ties. President Eisenhower signed an agreement with India’s Food Minister S.K. Patil in Washington on 4th May, 1960.

Indo-American relations during Lai Bahadur Shastri Period (1964-65):
The Indo-Pak War of 1965 completely worsened relations between India and America because Pakistan used the American military aid against India. America didn’t check it, and rather favoured Pakistan. America sympathised with India at the sudden death of Shri Shastri at Tashkent.

Indo-American relations during Indira Period (From 1966 to March 1977):
Mrs. Gandhi became the Prime Minister of India on 16th Jan., 1966 after the death of Shri Shastri. Mrs. Gandhi visited America on 18th March, 1966, but the visit didn’t prove fruitful.

The year 1971 proved worst for Indo-American relations because of Bangladesh issue. America supported Pakistan on Bangladesh issue. The Government of India emphatically condemned the unfriendly attitude of America on 7th Aug., 1971. The ‘foreign policy of America suffered a great set-back as India signed a friendship treaty with Russia on 9th Aug., 1971.

America presented anti-India resolution before the Security Council during Indo-Pak war but Russia exercised its veto power. America sent its Seventh Fleet in the Bay of Bengal to pressurise India. But Russian Naval forces warned America by declaring that it would not tolerate any action against India. Afterwards, when India was reckoned as a great power in South Asia after winning Bangladesh war, America stopped giving economic assistance to India.

Janata Government and Indo-American Relations:
President Jimmy Carter visited India in January, 1978 and had discussions with Indian leaders. The Government of India valued this visit the most and extended a warm welcome to President Carter.
Prime Minister Morar Ji Desai and External Affairs Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee visited America in June, 1978 and President Carter assured them to supply uranium to India.

Indo-U.S. Relations During 1980-85:
In December, 1980 the U.S. President Mr. Ronald Reagan, affirmed the desire of his administration to forge closer ties with India. Prime Minister, Mrs. Indira Gandhi’s visit to U.SA. In July 1982, Mrs. Gandhi visited U.S.A. The U.S.A. and India reached a compromise so that India could keep getting nuclear fuel for Tarapur Atomic Power Plant. The agreement ended a dispute that had soured relations between the two countries for four years.

In June 1985, Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi visited U.S.A. Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and President Reagan urged all governments to take appropriate steps to combat the ‘new danger of organised terrorism’ which they noted was a ‘threat to peace and democracy’. With regard to science and technology collaboration, Mr. Rajiv Gandhi and Mr. Reagan decided to initiate two new efforts.

Prime Minister Narasimha Rao Visits U.S.A. :
Prime Minister Narasimha Rao visited U.SA. in May, 1994. American President Bill Clinton expressed satisfaction with his wide ranging talks with Narasimha Rao and described his meeting with the Indian Prime Minister as productive. The American President extended full support to the Prime Minister in economic reforms and the liberalisation process and dubbed them as an ‘engine of growth’ for building new bilateral economic relations and giving India a ‘rightful place’ in the comity of nations as a major economic power.

Nuclear Proliferation Treaty and CTBT:
The Nuclear Proliferation Treaty was given permanent and indefinite expansion in May, 1995, but India refused to sign the treaty. India firmly vetoed the draft text of the controversial CTBT on the ground that it did not serve the purpose of promoting the realisation of the universal disarmament.

Nuclear Tests and Relations With U.S A-
India conducted five nuclear tests at Pokhran, three on May 11, 1998 and two on May 13, 1998 in order to develop a full- fledged nuclear deterrent to safeguard India’s security. American President Bill Clinton ordered tough sanctions against India in retaliation for its underground nuclear tests. The sanctions include an end to U.S. assistance to India, a prohibition of the export of certain defence and technology material, an end to U.S. credit and credit guarantee to India etc. Mr. Jaswant Singh, special emissary of Prime Minister, visited America in June, 1998 and held talks with U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott.

On 25th July, 1999 U.S.A. asked Pakistan to pull out its forces from the remaining areas of Kargil and immediately stop acts of terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir, showing for the first time Washington’s greater understanding of India’s concern on cross-border militancy.

U.S. President Bill Clinton’s Visit to India:
On 19th March, 2000 U.S. President Mr. Bill Clinton visited India. India’s tension with Pakistan and nuclear disarmament were the two major issues which dominated Mr. Clinton’s talks with the Prime Minister, Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee.

Both leaders signed a ‘Vision Document’ on the future of Indo-U.S. relations in the new millennium. After signing ‘Vision 2000’, Mr. Clinton described it as laying the foundation for a dynamic and lasting partnership between two growing economic powers. The US President Clinton advised India to move towards nuclear non-proliferation and begin a dialogue with Pakistan to establish a ‘working relationship’ with it.

On 23rd March, 2000 India and U.S.A. entered into agreements worth over $ 1.4 billion on various sectors, including information technology, power and environment. Companies from both sides signed 11 business agreements. President Clinton anounced a $ 5 million aid to India to undertake projects to fight the dreaded Aids and TB diseases. He also announced a $ 10 million U.S. aid package for the development of Internet in rural areas. Describing his visit as ‘remarkable and wonderful’, Mr. Clinton said, “It would help in developing a new partnership at higher levels than in the past 22 years.”

Prime Minister Vajpayee’s Visit to U.SA. :
Prime Minister Vajpayee visited U.S.A. in Sept. 2000. In a stirring speech at the Joint session of U.S. Congress, Mr. Vajpayee spoke of the deleterious impact of cross border terrorism and was emphatic that India and the U.S.A. should close ranks in combating state-sponsored terrorism as distance offered no insulation. The American Congress adopted a resolution unanimously imploring Bill Clinton administration to lift the remaining sanctions against New Delhi. India signed five commercial agreements totalling $ 6 billion in key sectors like power, e-commerce and banking. India’s ties with U.S.A., so goes the Vajpayee strategy, rest on two pillars : anti-terrorism and close economic co-operation.

Sanctions Lifted: On September 23, 2001 President Bush lifted sanctions imposed on India in the wake of 1998 nuclear tests.

Powel’s visit to India:
The Secretary of State Mr. Powell visited India in October 2001 and expressed support to India’s fight against terrorism. He endorsed the Indian stand that the Kashmir issue could not be resolved on the basis of a two-nation theory. On October 17, 2001 the two countries signed a new bilateral treaty on Mutual Legal Assistance in criminal matters.

Prime Minister Vajpayee’s Visit to U.S.A. :
Prime Minister Vajpayee visited U.S.A in November 2001. Prime Minister Vajpayee and President Bush pledged to fight terrorism. Mr. Bush said that his administration is committed to develop a fundamentally different relationship with India, one based upon trust and mutual values.

Indo-US Relations in the year 2004:
In January 2004 taking a step ahead towards co-operation India and U.S. has agreed to increase co-operation on three issues-civilian nuclear programme, civilian space programmes and high technology.

Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh’s Visit to U.S.A. :
In July 2005 Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh visited United States. India and U.S.A. sign 10 years defence agreement.
Nuclear Deal. United States had agreed to the nuclear deal with India because both sides stood to benefit from it.

Bush Signs US-India Nuclear Bill. U.S. :President George W. Bush on 18 December, 2006 signed the historic legislation allowing Civilian Nuclear Trade with India.

Indo-U.S. Civil Nuclear Co-operation Agreement 2008:
The Indo-U.S. Civil Nuclear Co-operation agreement consists of 22 pages and 17 articles. The agreement will remain in force for 40 years. The purpose of the agreement is to enable full civil nuclear energy co-operation between India and the United States. This agreement would help to address the problem of energy deficit that has emerged as one of the primary constraints on accelerating India’s growth rate. The agreement does not hinder India’s military nuclear programme and provides for uninterrupted supply of fuel.

India Signs Naval Reconnaissance Deal with U.S.A. :
India-U.S. defence co-operation received a big boost with India formalising a mega deal with U.S.A. for the supply of eight long-range naval-reconnaissance aircraft. This deal will fill a vital gap in India’s maritime domain awareness and will be followed by another deal for medium range maritime reconnaissance planes.

Purchasing the sophisticated reconnaissance aircraft from the U.S.A. : instead of from Russia despite the fact that the latter was the old supplier of the same aircraft to India there seems a clear cut shift in India’s focus from Russia to U.S.A.

Barack Obama 44th President of the U.S.A. :
20th January, 2009 witnessed a new dawn of history in the U.S.A. when Barack Obama took oath as the 44th President and dismantling racial barriers as the first black leader of a country.

In Nov., 2009 Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh visited U.S.A. where he held meeting with President of U.S.A., Mr. Barack Obama. In their Joint Declaration, both leaders announced to abolish terrorist Camps which were activated in Pakistan and Afghanistan. In Nov. 2010 U.S. President Barack Obama visited India. During his visit, Obama supported India’s claims for permanent member seat in U.N. Security Council.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and American President Obama meet on September 28, 2013 at White House:
The U.S. and India sought more intensive engagement on a gamut of issues, including defence, security, bilateral trade and efforts to dismantle terrorist safe havens and promote clean energy. Both leaders emphasised the need for more intensive defence cooperation. Defence trade between the two nations has reached nearly $9 billion. The U.S. and Indian sought expansion of cooperation to address 21st century challenges in the areas of counter-terrorism, cyber, space and global health security.

Indian Prime Minister Sh. Narender Modi and American President Obama met in September 2014:
During this meeting, both leaders discussed Terrorism, Trade and Civil Nuclear Agreement. In Jan. 2015, American President visited India. During this visit both countries discussed Civil NuLcear Deal and other economic and world issues. In June 2016 and 2017, Indian Prime Minister visited U.S.A. During this visit both countries discussed bilateral Trade, Regional Security clean energy and climate change.

In Sept. 2019, Indian Prime Minister Sh. Narender Modi visited U.S.A, to attend U.N.O. conference. During this visit the U.S.A. President Donald Trump attented ‘Howdy Modi’ Programme on 24 Sept. 2019. Dining their joint press conference, both leaders showed concern on Terrorism and climate change. In Feb. 2020, American president Sh. Donald Trump visited India During this visit both countries discussed Biletral trade, climate change and terrorism.
This shows that both the countries are doing their level best to maintain healthy and lasting relationship.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 18 India’s Relations with USA and Russia

Question 2.
What are the main six points of disagreement between India and U.S.A.?
Following are the main issues of disagreement between India and U.S.A.
1. Different Views:
International Communism and Colonialism are the subjects of disagreements and differences between the two countries.

2. Policy of Non-Alignment:
Policy of Non-Alignment is another issue of disagreement between India and U.S.A. U.S.S.R. and U.S.A. were not having co-ordial relations at the time of India’s independence in 1947. America was eager to have India in its group, whereas India adopted a policy of Non¬Alignment and it was not appreciated by U.S.A.

3. Kashmir Issue:
Kashmir issue remained a main issue of disagreement between both the countries, as U.S.A. always sided with Pakistan and it is never relished by India.

4. Recognition of Communist China: India gave recognition to Communist China in 1949. U.S.A. did not favour this act of India.

5. Korean War: U.S.A. disagreed with India’s attitude toward Korean War.

6. Military Assistance to Pakistan: U.S.A. is continuously assisting Pakistan with military help and India has always disliked this assistance of Pakistan by U.S.A.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 18 India’s Relations with USA and Russia

Question 3.
Describe in detail Indo-Russia Relations.
After the disintegration of the U.S.S.R. in December 1991, Russia emerged as the legal successor state of the former super power in world politics. Russian President Yeltsin assured, the Indian Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao that Russia’s relationship and co-operation with India would continue. In early 1992 India and Russia took first firm steps to rebuild economic relations. The decision to end Rupee trade and to switch over to hard currencies was taken. Russia also favoured strategic co-operation with India. Russia also decided to supply another three million tonnes of oil to India in 1993. Indian Defence Minister Sharad Pawar visited Russia and Russia agreed to finance both trade and defence projects.

Visit of Russian President Boris Yeltsin:
In the last week of January, 1993, Russian President Boris Yeltsin visited India. President Yeltsin announced that Russia would support India in the United Nations’ Security Council bn the Kashmir issue. India and Russia agreed to co-ordinate their activities and exchange information and experience to combat different manifestations of terrorism, organised crime and illegal arms trade. The signing of a new Treaty of Friendship and co-operation was designed to guide the path of Indo-Russian relations in the next 20 years.

P.M. Narasimha Rao’s Visit to Russia:
In June, 1994, the then P.M. Narasimha Rao visited Russia. The visit produced two significant declarations and nine agreements. Both the countries denounced the efforts to weaken the unity of pluralisation states through religious extremism. Both agreed to jointly fight the forces of aggressive nationalism and religious fanaticism. The agreement signed related to increased defence co-operation, extension of the $ 830 million defence credit, peaceful space research, etc.

Russian P.M.’s Visit to India:
In December, 1994, the Russian Prime Minister visited India and during his visit, India and Russia signed 8 agreements covering such vital areas as defence, technology and space exploration. Russia assured India that it has no desire to supply arms to Pakistan. The Russian leader voiced support for India’s demand for a permanent seat in the UN Security Council.

P.M. H.D. Deve Gowda’s Visit to Russia:
In March, 1997, the Indian P.M. led a powerful delegation to Russia for holding Summit level talks with Russian President and other top leaders. P.M. Gowda and Russian President Boris Yeltsin declared their commitment to further strengthen their bilateral co-operation. The Prime Ministers of both the countries further cemented this foundation by concluding bilateral agreements for checking double tarriffs, co-operation in respect of custom matters and promotion of cultural and sports co-operation.

India, Russia Sign N-Pact:
On 21st June, 1998, in a far reaching nuclear deal, India and Russia signed an accord for construction of two 1000 mw light-water nuclear power reactors at Kudankulam in Tamil Nadu.

Russian P.M.’s visit to India:
In the end of December, 1998, Russian P.M. Yevgeny Primakov visited India. Traditional Indo-Russian relations got a further boost with the two sides signing seven bilateral agreements ranging from military and technical co-operation to a wide array of economic areas. The agreements signed included a long-term agreement on military technical co-operation upto the year 2010, one on extradition treaty, a joint document on development of trade, economic, industrial, finance, science and technology co-operation between the two countries.

Defence Agreement:
On 22nd March, 1999, India and Russia further cemented their defence ties with the signing of defence agreement on training of Indian service officers in military educational institutions of the Russian federation.
In March 2000 Mr. Vladimir Putin was elected President of Russia. On April 15, 2000, President Putin ratified extradition treaty with

India aimed at curbing terrorism:
A senior Russian atomic energy official called for recognition of India and Pakistan as nuclear weapon states. On June 28, 2000, India and Russia decided to set up a commission on Military—Technical Co-operation to impart greater impetus to defence ties and accelerate decision making. India agreed to buy $ 1 billion worth of Russian arms. On June 29, 2000, India and Russia signed a number of agreements on Indo-Russian defence co-operation.

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Visit to India:
On 2nd October, 2000, President Putin visited India. India and Russia forged a strategic partnership that proposes structured co-operation in the fields of nuclear sciences, defence, space and in fight against international terrorism, separatism, religious extremism, organised crime and illegal drug-trafficking. India and Russia signed 10 agreements to enhance their bilateral ties in various fields.
Russia also declared its unqualified support for India’s permanent membership of an expanded United Nation’s Security Council. On Oct. 4, 2000 a new era dawned in the Indo-Russian defence ties with the two countries signing multi-billion dollar agreements for sale of armaments. They also decided to set up an Inter-governmental Commission on defence and technical co-operation.

Defence Accord:
Indian Foreign and Defence Minister visited Moscow in June 2001. On June 6, India and Russia signed a ‘ground breaking’ accord on bilateral defence co-operation.

Accord on Terrorism:
Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee visited Moscow in November 2001. India and Russia signed the far reaching Moscow Declaration on international terrorism declaring that the struggle against this scourge had become one of the priority tasks of the world community. The two sides reaffirmed the central role of the United Nations in the efforts of the international community in the struggle against terrorism. India and Russia rejected any role for the Taliban, moderate or otherwise, in the post-conflict government structure in Afghanistan.

Visit of Russian Deputy Prime Minister to Delhi (February 2002):
On February 8, 2002 India and Russia signed four key protocols and decided to develop satellite global surveillance system and fifth generation combat aircraft.

Defence Agreement:
On 20th January 2004, India and Russia signed the historic and their biggest ever defence deal of almost ? 7,000 crore. The defence ministers said that the military and technical co-operation between India and Russia has reached a higher level.

Visit of Russian President (Dec. 2004):
Russian President Vladimir Putin visited India in Dec. 2004. India and Russia moved closer vowing to reconcile their positions on two contentious issues of Russian entry into the W.T.O and New Delhi according market economy status to Moscow. The two countries signed 10 agreements and Memorandum of understanding to strengthen bilateral co-operation in banking, energy, space exploration, navigation and visa sectors. Russian President supported India’s Candidature for a permanent seat in U.N. Security Council with veto power.

Visit of Indian Prime Minister to Moscow (December 2005):
Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh visited Moscow on Dec. 6, 2005. Moscow agreed to help India in acquiring the latest nuclear energy generation technology to meet the country’s growing power requirements. India and Russia have identified three key areas—nuclear energy, defence and trade and industry to give special attention to while transforming their buyer-seller relationship into one that aims at joint planning and manufacture of high technology arms and armaments. The agreements have opened the doors for the production of the multi-role transport aircraft and the fifth generation fighter planes which India needed urgently. The new thrust on Joint production has its own significance.

Recent relations between India and Russia:
Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh’s Visit to Russia in Nov. 2007:
Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh visited Russia in November 2007. India and Russia signed four agreements on November 12, 2007.

India and Russia have resolved a long pending issue on utilization of the rupee debt fund totalling ₹ 80 billion for Russian investments and trade and signed an accord on development and production of a multi-role transport aircraft.

At the joint press conference with Russian President Putin, Dr. Manmohan Singh said the two countries have agreed to redouble their efforts to achieve a bilateral trade target of 10 billion dollars by 2010.

Top Priority to ties with India:
Russia’s new foreign policy doctrine assigns priority to relations with India. The passage on India gives greater emphasis to political and economic co-operation between India and Russia.

Uranium from Russia:
Due to Indo-U.S. civilian nuclear agreement India has been successful in clinching a deal with Russia for the supply of 2000 tonnes of uranium from there. With the adequate availability of uranium from Russia, India’s nuclear power plants will now be able to run on nearly full capacity. Russia will also help India in setting up four additional nuclear plants at Kudankulam, where two plants are already functioning with Russian help. Under the accord signed by Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in New Delhi (7-12-2008), the two countries will work on establishing more such plants keeping in view India’s fast growing energy requirement.

In Dec., 2009: Prime Minister of India Dr. Manmohan Singh visited Russia, where he held talks with Russian President and Prime Minister. During this visit both countries strengthened their military, economic and cultural relations.

In March, 2010: Russian Prime Minister Mr. Valdimir Puntin visited India. During his visit, India and Russia signed a siew of a agreement in by areas like Defence, Nuclear Energy, Petroleum and Aviation.

Visit of Indian Prime Minister to Moscow (2011):
In Dec. 2011, Indian Prime Minister visited Moscow. During his visit, Prime Minister confirmed that India and Russia had concluded negotiations and agreed on terms and conditions for Russian credit for unit 3 and 4 of the Kundalkulam Project.

Visit of Russian President to India:
In Dec. 2012, Russian President Baldimir Putin visited. During this visit, both countries signed 10 pacts related to cooperation and security. ,

Visit of Russian President to India:
In December 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin visited India. During this visit, both countries signed 20 importaht agreements. In Oct. 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin visited to attend ‘BRICS’ Summit. During this visit both countries signed 16 Agreements.

In June 2017, Indian Prime Minister Sh. Narendra Modi visited Russia. During this visit, both countries signed 5 agreements.
In Oct. 2018, Russian President Sh. Vladimir Putin visited India. During this visit both countries signed eight important agreements.
In Sept. 2019, Indian Prime Minister Sh. Narendra Modi Visited Russia. During this visit, both countries signed 15 important agreements.

Thus, India-Russia relations are cordial and friendly. Both the nations have always helped each other in the hours of need.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 18 India’s Relations with USA and Russia

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Describe the relations between India and United States of America.
The end of the cold war marked significant changes in Indo-US relations. Both the countries realised the importance of each other. They have increased co-operation in various spheres of bilateral relations—economic, political, technological and military. America has recognised the economic strength of India and felt that the economic and political growth of India can never be ignored.

The economic and political potential of India has changed the shape of India’s economic and defence relations with America. But after the nuclear test in 1998 USA imposed sanctions on India. But after Kargil issue, USA recognised the necessity of an international war against terrorism. In Oct, 2008 India and U.S.A. signed Civil Nuclear Agreement. Now USA looks India as the potential part of global surveillance that USA wants to build against terrorism.

Question 2.
Write a note on Indo-American Nuclear Treaty.
The Indo-U.S. Civil Nuclear co-operation agreement consist of 22 pages and 17 articles. The agreement will remain in force for 40 years. The purpose of the agreement is to enable full civil nuclear energy co-operation between India and the United States. This agreement would help to address the problem of energy deficit that has emerged as one of the primary constraints on accelerating India’s growth rate. The agreement does not hinder India’s military nuclear programme and provides for uninterrupted supply of fuel.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 18 India’s Relations with USA and Russia

Question 3.
What were the main provisions of Indo-Soviet Treaty of 1971?
On 19th August 1971, India and Soviet Union signed a treaty of peace, friendship and co-operation. This treaty was for twenty years and its documents were exchanged at Moscow. It led to intimate relations between both the countries. The 1971 treaty was the first political-treaty concluded by India with one of the super powers. There were 12 Articles in this treaty and following were the main among 12 articles:

  • Both the countries are desirous of maintaining and developing the present mutual friendly relations.
  • Both the countries believe that mutual friendship and co-operation will be in the interests of Asia and world peace, apart from the mutual benefit of both the countries.
  • Faith in the peaceful co-existence and co-operation.
  • Solution of international problems with peace and mutual co-operation.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Write a short note on US aid towards Pakistan.
America has a soft corner for Pakistan: America has always supported Pakistan against India because India adopted the Non-Aligned Movement against
America’s wish: America provided military alliance to Pakistan, against India, during two Indo-Pak wars of 1965 and 1971.

Question 2.
Write a short note on Post Cold War relationship between India and USA. .
The end of the cold war marked significant changes in Indo-US relations. Both the countries realised the importance of each other. They have increased co-operation in various spheres of bilateral relations—economic, political, technological and military. America has recognised the economic strength of India and felt that the economic and political growth of India can never be ignored.

Question 3.
Describe India’s changing relations with the United States of America.
1990s heralded a new era in Indo-US relations. The two countries have shown eagerness to improve their relations.

  • In 1999, U.S. Supported India’S Stand On Kargil Issue.
  • In October 2008, India And U.S.A. Signed A Civil Nuclear Co-Operation Agreement.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 18 India’s Relations with USA and Russia

Question 4.
What were the main provisions of Indo-Soviet Treaty of 1971?

  • Both the countries are desirous of maintaining and developing the present mutual friendly relations.
  • Both the countries believe that mutual friendship and co-operation will be in the interests of Asia and world peace, apart from the mutual benefit of both the countries.

Question 5.
What are the two causes of tension between India and U.S.A.?

  • India did not sign Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). For this, American attitude towards India is not positive.
  • Another cause of tension between the two countries is the military assistance by America to Pakistan since Pakistan uses its weapons against India.

Question 6.
Write two main features of Indo-US Civil Nuclear Co-operation Agreement.

  1. The agreement between two states (India and U.S.) possessing advanced nuclear technology, both parties having the same benefits and advantages.
  2. The purpose of the agreement is to enable full civil nuclear energy co-operation between India and the United States.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 18 India’s Relations with USA and Russia

One Line Answer Type Questions

Question 1
Mention any one main point of the treaty signed between India and Soviet Union in 1971.
Both the countries will try their best for the establishment of World Peace and disarmament.

Question 2.
Write one reason for the discordant relations between India and America.
American supply of modem weapons to Pakistan.

Question 3.
Write one reason for change in the foreign policy of America in the context of India.
India is the largest democratic country of the world.

Question 4.
1, 2, 3 Nuclear treaty was signed between which two countries?
India and U.S.A.

Question 5.
Write one cause because of which America needed to be a friend of India.
Both America and India are the two big democratic countries of the world.

Question 6.
Mention any one reason for differences between India and America in 1954.
In 1954, the main reason for differences between India and America was the problem of Indo-China.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 18 India’s Relations with USA and Russia

Question 7.
In which year disintegration of Soviet Union took place?
Disintegration of Soviet Union took place in 1991.

Question 8.
What is the importance of Russia for India?
Russia is important for India’s Nuclear Energy Plans and India’s space industry.

Fill in The Blanks

1. A very important treaty between India and …………….. was signed in 1971.

2. Disintegration of Soviet Union took place in …………….. .

3. Both America and …………….. are the two big democratic countries of the world.

4. During Indo …………….. War of 1971, USSR supported India.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 18 India’s Relations with USA and Russia

True Or False Statement

1. India and America signed friendly treaty in 1971.

2. Russia is giving no assistance to India’s Nuclear Energy Plan.

3. India is the largest democratic country in the world.

4. India and Russia are having friendly relations.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 18 India’s Relations with USA and Russia

Choose The Correct Answer

Question 1.
India and Soviet Union signed friendly treaty in:
(a) 1988
(b) 1971
(c) 2004
(d) 1990.

Question 2.
Disintegration of Soviet Union took place in:
(a) 1989
(b) 1990
(c) 1994
(d) 1991.
(d) 1991.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 18 India’s Relations with USA and Russia

Question 3.
Which country is more closer in the context of relationship to India than other?
(a) Pakistan
(6) U.S.A
(c) Russia
(d) France.
(c) Russia

Question 4.
When was World Trade Center attacked?
(a) Dec. 13, 2001
(6) Sept. 15, 2002
(c) Sept. 11, 2001
(d) Dec. 25, 2002.
(c) Sept. 11, 2001

Question 5.
When was Civil Nuclear Treaty signed between India and U.SA.?
(a) Oct. 2008
(b) Oct, 2009
(c) Oct, 2009
(d) Oct, 2006.
(a) Oct. 2008