PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 Form of Governments: Unitary and Federal

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class Political Science Book Solutions Chapter 13 Form of Governments: Unitary and Federal Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 11 Political Science Chapter 13 Form of Governments: Unitary and Federal

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Discuss the meaning and features of Unitary government.
In the modern age there are big States and each State is divided into many units or provinces. In ancient India, the State was divided into many provinces. Each State was governed by a Governor or a Subedar and he was responsible for the smooth running of the administration of that State. Now-a-days we find two types of Governments in each State:
1. Central Government and
2. Provincial Government.

On the basis of- relationship between the centre and the provincial governments, there can be two types of governments-unitary government and federal government.

Meaning of Unitary Government:
The whole power of the State is concentrated in the hands of the central government from which the local governments derive their existence and powers. Under this system, the Constitution does not divide the powers between the central government and the local governments.

But for administrative convenience, the State is divided into a number of local areas which are placed under local authorities. They exercise powers within limits set by the central government which is responsible for the government of the people. The local governments are merely the agents of the central government and are subject to its control. In this type of government the entire country is ruled from one seat or authority. The definitions of Unitary government are given below:

1. According to Garner, “Unitary government is that system where the whole power of government is conferred by the Constitution upon a single central organ or organs from which the local governments derive whatever authority or autonomy they may possess and their very existence.”

2. According to Strong, “A Unitary State is one organised under a single Central Government.”

3. According to Dicey, “Unitary Government is the habitual exercise of supreme legislative authority by one Central power.”

Features of the Unitary Government:

On the basis of the definitions given above, we come to know about the following features of the unitary types of government: .
1. Single Administration:
The entire authority of administration is vested in the central government. The central government is all powerful and it can make any, law it likes.

2. No Division of Powers: The Constitution does not divide the powers between the Centre and the States.

3. Powers of Local govts, are not Original:
The existence of local government depends upon the will of the central government. The central government allots power to the local governments and it can take them back if it so desires.

4. Written or Unwritten Constitution:
The Constitution of Japan and India is written whereas Constitution of England is unwritten. The Constitution can be written as well as unwritten.

5. Flexible or Rigid Constitution. The Constitution can be flexible as well as rigid.

6. Parliament Supreme. In a unitary government parliament is supreme. In England there is supremacy of the Parliament.

7. Single Citizenship: The citizens are given single citizenship.

8. Judiciary Not Supreme:
The Judiciary is not considered as the supreme authority and it is not given the right to reject a law passed by the Parliament. Unitary governments exist in Great Britain, France, Japan, China etc.

Merits Of Unitary Government:
Following are the merits of a unitary government:
1. Strong Administration:
In a unitary type of government the administration is quite strong. All the powers are concentrated in the hands of central government and it can enforce the laws strongly in all the parts of the State. No State can dare revolt against the central authority because the States are always at the mercy of the central government. The disputes between the Centre and the States very rarely arise.

2. Uniformity of Administration:
The main advantage of unitary government is that there is uniformity of administration. Such uniformity in legislation and administration enables the central government to act quickly, promptly and vigorously in all matters. There is no duplication of functions and authorities. Thus waste and unnecessary expenditure is avoided. Both in external and internal matters, such a government can speak with one voice and follow a consistent policy. In a federal type of State the units make their own ties but in a unitary State, it is the central government which is the fountain head of all authority.

3. Administration is Simple and Flexible:
The unitary government had the advantage of flexibility and simplicity. There is no multiplicity of law issued by different authorities which it is difficult for a common man to understand. There is no need of a rigid and written Constitution. In a monarchical system of government there is never a Constitution and the entire authority rests with the king.

In a unitary type of government also the central government exercises supreme power and it can use all the powers according to his own sweet will. As the Constitution is flexible so it can be changed with the change of time. The British Constitution is very flexible. The Parliament can change it wholly or partially by an ordinary majority.

4. Less expensive Government:
The unitary type of government is less expensive. There is only one central legislature which frames laws for the entire country. This central government runs the administration of the whole country. This way quite a less amount is spent on the administration of the State. The money which is spent on State legislatures and executives is saved.

5. Useful in Time of Emergency:
The unitary type of government is very useful in time of emergency. As the central government controls the entire administration so it can well face the situation during emergency. It can take quick decisions and implement them speedily. It is not essential that the central government should seek the advice of the States. The central government can successfully face an emergency because it possesses wide powers.

6. National Unity:
In a unitary State there is greater degree of national unity. All the citizens are governed by the same laws of the land and the same government governs all the people. People do not develop the spirit of provincialism because the States are not given powers. The people of different States do not have ill-will against each other.

7. Single Citizenship:
In a federal type State there can be double citizenship as in case of U.S.A. Double citizenship results in the division of loyalty and the individuals loves only his own State and not the other States. In a unitary type of State there is only single citizenship and every individual is a citizen of the whole State and not of a province. This way his loyalty is not divided and he remains loyal to the country.

8. Suitable for Small States:
A unitary type of government is most suitable for small States. It is not good to divide a State with a small territory into small States. If in each small State a Government is established, it will be a very expensive proposition.

Demerits Of Unitary Government:
1. Central government becomes despotic:
The main objection to this type of government is the danger that the central government may take for itself all important powers delegating very insignificant functions to the local units. In the hands of people who are power drunk, such powers may lead to the creation of a despotic State.

2. It is harmful for big States:
Unitary government is not suitable to a country with a large size and with a population with varied cultural interests, different political standards, ideals and levels of economic achievement. The problems of these different areas requiring different treatment and uniform treatment may not be desirable.

3. It cannot fulfil local needs:
Each State or each locality has its own needs. The central government cannot fulfil the particular needs of a State or a locality. The central government makes laws which are applicable in all provinces. It does not make separate laws for a particular State. A particular law may not suit all the States.

4. Administration become inefficient:
In a unitary government it is the central government which is to bear the entire responsibility. National and provincial issues are to be handled by the central government. The central government becomes over-burdened with work and it loses its efficiency. Even the national problems are not tackled properly.

5. People do not get political education:
People do not receive political education even in a unitary type of government. The entire administration of the State is run by the officials of the central government and the people do not participate in the administration of the State. There are not frequent elections and the people have no opportunity to make use of their votes frequently. In a unitary type of government it is the bureaucracy which reigns supreme.

The unitary government has its merits and demerits. In some countries this system of government is very suitable and in some countries it does not bear fruit. Some of its principles are desirable but they are not practicable. There is a unitary type of government in Britain but at the same time local government have also been established in the country. The unitary form of governments is not very popular these days because it cannot be a success in big States.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 Form of Governments: Unitary and Federal

Question 2.
What do you understand by Federation? Discuss its characteristics.
The federal system of government has its origin in U. S. A. when after independence some independent States formed a federal type of government. Subjects of national importance were-given to the central or federal government and subjects of local importance were given to the local governments.

According to Hamilton, Federation is an association of States that form new ones. Indian federation has not come into existence by the union of interdependent States. The federation in India has come into existence by the integration of independent States into the British provinces.

According to Prof. Garner, “Federal government is a system in which the totality of government powers is divided and distributed by the national Constitution or the organic act of Parliament creating it, between central government and the government of the individual States or other territorial sub-division of which the federation is composed.” According to JelKnek.” A federal State is a sovereign state formed out of several states.”

According to Montesquieu, “Federal government is a convention by which several similar states agree to become members of a large one.”
According to Dicey, “It is a political contrivance intended to reconcile national unity with maintenance of state’s rights.”

Essential Features Of Federation:
Following are the essential features of a federal type of government-
1. Division of Powers,
2. Written Constitution,
3. Rigid Constitution,
4. Supremacy of the Constitution and
5. Independent Judiciary.

1. Division of Powers:
The powers of the government in a federation are distributed between the centre and the States. Matters of national importance which require uniformity of legislation and administration, such as defense, foreign affairs, coin and currency, railway, post and telegraphs customs, etc. are put under the control of the federal government.

Subjects of local importance like health, education, industries, law and order, jails, justice and works of public welfare etc. are controlled by the States or units. There is one government for national affairs and a number of local governments for local affairs. Generally the Constitution gives three list of subjects. Subjects on which state authorities can legislate (state list); subjects on which the centre is competent to legislate (federal list); and subjects on which both the centre and the units might legislate (concurrent list).

2. Written Constitution:
A written Constitution is essential in a federation in the sense that both the centre and states should be definite about their sphere of action. In an unwritten Constitution, the distribution of powers is not definite and it leads to disputes between the centre and the States.

3. Rigid Constitution:
The Constitution should be rigid so that it is not easily changed by impatient hands. The amending procedure is invariably more difficult than the enactment of ordinary laws. In almost all federal states, amendments require favourable action by the federal government and a large majority of the states.

4. Supremacy of the Constitution:
In a federal type of government it is the Constitution which distributes the powers between the Centre and the States. Therefore it is essential, that the supremacy of the Constitution should be maintained. Both the Centre and the States should run the administration in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and should not violate any of the provisions.

5. Independent Judiciary:
The presence of an independent and powerful judiciary is most essential in a federation. It is the business of the Supreme Court to see whether or not the Constitution is being faithfully acted upon by the Centre and the units. The Supreme Court serves as the guarctum of the Constitution. It has the special function of interpreting it and deciding all disputes that may arise with reference to the Constitution.

Other Features:
The above-mentioned features are essential for the formation of the Federation. Besides these features there are certain other features but they are not found in all the federations. .

1. Double Citizenship:
Some people are of the opinion that the presence of double citizenship is also essential in a Federation. An individual is citizen of his state as well as he is a citizen of the Central Government. In America there exists double citizenship. In India there exists only single citizenship.

2. Bicameralism:
Some people are of the opinion that the legislature in a federation should be bicameral. The units should get equal representation in a Upper chamber of the Parliament. In America and Switzerland the States have been given equal representation in the Second Chamber of the Parliament but in India it is not so.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 Form of Governments: Unitary and Federal

Question 3.
Discuss the merits and demerits of Federal Government.
Merits of Federal Government. Following are the merits of federation:
1. National Unity and Local Autonomy:
A federation combines the spirit of nationalism with the zeal for localism. People do not mind certain powers being enjoyed by the Central government if they are able to enjoy a big share in the control of their own affairs. They thus get political training in managing their own affairs.

Local initiative is encouraged and people naturally come to realize their responsibilities to the State. The component States keep their separate entity and enjoy complete sovereignty in their own affairs. Thus a federation affords the benefit of both the centralized as well as the local government.

2. Efficiency in Administration:
The administration of a federal type of State is always very efficient. There is a division of work between the Centre and the States. The central government is not over-burdened with work. The central government can control matters of national importance quite efficiently and State governments can handle the local affairs.

The States are left free to deal with the State subjects and central government is not to bother much about the administration of the States. It is only a federation that the component states together with their citizens can get the best opportunity to improve the conditions
because being on the spot, they can find a better solution than the central government situated at far-off distance.

3. Central Government cannot become Despotic:
The powers in a federation are rigidly distributed between the central and State governments and hence there is no danger of central government becoming dominant and despotic and overriding the liberties of people. The federation creates conditions whereby people can enjoy their freedom without difficulty and this is always safeguarded by the Constitution and the Supreme Court.

4. It is useful for Big States and Small as well:
The federal type of government is very useful both for the big States and the small states as well as small States by merging themselves into a federation become strong. They enjoy defence advantages such as large army, navy and air force. For this advantage they are not to sacrifice much.

The central government also becomes strong by the merger in it of so many small States. The federation is economically advantageous. The States are not to maintain many departments and it is the central government which shoulders the entire responsibility.

5. Political Education:
The federal type of government provides political education to the people. In a federation local matters are put under control of local citizens. This stimulates interest in public matters and gives them efficient training in matters of administration. The citizens are thus prepared, for higher responsibilities in political and administrative work.

6. Interest in Local Affairs:
People start taking interest in local affairs in a federal type of government. Local problems are to be dealt by the people themselves and this way they develop interest in matters of local concern. People think that they have a share in the government and the government is their own. They become politically conscious and share responsibility of administration.

7. A step towards world State:
A federal type of government is a step towards the establishment of a world State. Peace can be maintained in the world only if there is a world government. When some States can form a federation then world federation can also be formed. A world State would usher a new era in the world.

Disadvantages Of Federal Government:
We must not overestimate the merits of a federation because there are some main defects in this form of government. The defects are as follows:
1. Weak Government:
A fedreal type of government is weak in the conduct of internal as well as external affairs. The division of powers between the central government and the State governments always results into a conflict of legislation and administration between the two governments. In the conduct of foreign affairs, the federal government possesses an inherent weakness which is not to be found in a unitary type of government. Such a defect exists because the governments of component. States always interfere in the administration of the central government and put great difficulties with regard to the performance of international obligations.

2. Threat to National Unity:
If has been observed that in a federation there is always a threat to national urpty. In certain federations the people are given double citizenship. An individual is a citizen of the State and at the same time he is a citizen of the component unit in which he resides. It is difficult to maintain national unity under such circumstances. An individual owes loyalty to the central as well as his State Government.

This divided loyalty is not always desirable. People generally are more loyal to their units than to the State. People demand the creation of new units on the basis of language, religion and other things. Federation creates so many local and selfish interest by dividing the component States into different groups as a result of which the whole of the national solidarity and unity is destroyed.

3. Possibility of Revolt:
There is always a danger in a federation of the revolt by the States against the central government. The component units have their own governments and they run the administration as it suits them. If there is a difference of opinion between the Centre and the States over a particular issue, the States can arise the banner of revolt against the Centre. It is possible that the federating units on account of their grievances against the centre may form themselves into groups and factions. If this happens the federation would become a scene of hell and its dissolution might take place any moment. In 1991 U. S. S. R. disintegrated into Fifteen Republics.

4. Expensive Government:
There is a multiplicity of government in a federation. There is central government and there are State governments. Such multiplication of authorities is always expensive. People have to pay the taxes imposed by the central as well as the State government. Elections are held to the central as well as the State legislature and this is a very expensive proposition. The candidates also spend a huge amount of money in the elections. It is a misuse of public money.

5. Constitution does not change with the time:
The Constitution in a federation does not keep pace with the times. The Constitution in a federal State is always very rigid and it cannot be changed easily. With the passage of time the Constitution becomes out-dated and it fails to satisfy the people.

6. No Uniformity of Administration:
The federal State suffers from the defect that there is no uniformity of administration in the whole of the country. Each state makes laws according to its needs. Each State imposes its own taxes. In all the component units the people are governed by different sets of laws. The taxes of different articles vary from State to State. Moreover, in such a system of government, people develop the spirit of provincialism.

7. Double Citizenship is Harmful:
In a federal type of State the citizens are granted double citizenship. But double citizenship is harmful to the interests of the state. A citizen is to remain loyal to two sets of governments. No citizen can loyally perform his duties and” responsibilities towards the central and state governments. Generally the people are more loyal to their units as compared to the central government.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 Form of Governments: Unitary and Federal

Question 4.
Distinguish between unitary and federal forms of government.
On the basis of relationship of the units with the central government, the government is divided into two ways-Unitary government and federal government. In a unitary type of government the supreme authority is vested in the central government but in a federal government the authority is divided between the centre and the states. Sir John Seeley did not consider that there was any vital difference between the unitary and federal states. To him there was no difference in ‘kind’ between them. But Merriott declares that the distinction is one of kind and not merely of degree. Following are the main points of differences between the two types of government.

1. Firstly, in a unitary government there is a concentration of powers in the central government, whereas in a federal government powers are divided between the Centre and the Units.

2. Secondly, in a unitary government the units are created for administrative convenience and they are mere parts or agents of the central government, whereas in a federation the units possess their own entities. In a federation the units derive their powers from the constitution and not from the central government and for their existence the units do not depend upon the central government.

3. Thirdly, in a unitary government there is a single government in the country, while in a federation there is double set of government-one at the centre and the others in the units. Federation makes provision for separate legislatures and executives for the centre as well as the units. But in a unitary government there is one legislature and one executive for the whole country.

4. Fourthly, a unitary state is unity while .a Federal state is only a union, not a unity.

5. Fifthly, a federal constitution generally is the outcome of a government by which the constituent units create a new state for common purposes while retaining autonomous powers for themselves. Hence, such a constitution can be altered through a special method of amendment. But the constitution of a unitary government is not the outcome of a treaty. Hence the procedure of amendment is simple.

6. Sixthly, in a unitary government it is not essential that the constitution should be in a written form. British constitution is unwritten. But in a federation it is essential that the constitution should be in a written form. The constitution of U. S. A. and India are written one.

7. Seventhly, in a unitary government there is a single citizenship, whereas in a federation generally there is a double citizenship. In U. S. A. and in Switzerland citizens enjoy double citizenship.

8. Eighthly, in a unitary government the constitution may or may not be rigid. For example the constitution of England is flexible whereas the constitution of Japan is rigid. But in a federation the constitution is rigid.

9. Ninthly, in a unitary government it is not necessary that the judiciary should be supreme and independent. In England judiciary is not supreme, there is supremacy of parliament. But in a federation judiciary is supreme and independent.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 Form of Governments: Unitary and Federal

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What do you understand by Unitary Government?
Unitary form of government is a system of administration in which all the powers of the state are vested with the central government. The centre sets up administrative units and grants some powers for the convenience of administration. The powers of these units solely depend on the Centre which can reduce or enhance their powers as the circumstances demand. The Central government is fully empowered to alter the boundaries of these units. In short, the very existence of these units is dependent upon the Centre.

Question 2.
Define a Federation.
According to Hamilton, “ Federation is an association of States that form new once.” Indian federation has not come into existence by the union of independent States. The federation in India has come into existence by the integration of independent States into the British provinces.

According to Prof. Garner, “Federal Government is a system in which the totality of governmental powers is divided and distributed by the national Constitution or the organic act of Parliament creating it, between central government and the government of the individual States or other territorial sub-division of which the federation is composed.” According to Jellinek, “A federal state is a sovereign state formed out of several states.”

Question 3.
Discuss the main features of the Unitary government.
Following are the main features of the unitary form of government:

  • All the powers of the states are concentrated in the hands of the central government.
  • The constitution does not distribute the powers between the central government and the local governments.
  • The local governments are merely the agents of the central government and are subject to its control.
  • The entire state is ruled from one seat of authority.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 Form of Governments: Unitary and Federal

Question 4.
What do you mean by Federal type of Government?
The word ‘Federation comes from the Latin word ‘Feodus’which means “agreement”. The federal government is a type of agreement by which many states with similar objectives, decide to become the members of a bigger unit. Under federal type of government, all the states that form federation enter into a government.

The first example of this type of federation is of America. These 13 states entered into an agreement after freedom and formed a federation. Under the agreement they granted all matters of national importance to the federal government and retained the local subjects with them. Federation is always formed by independent states. In India, the federation did not come into being as a result of independent states. Federation has been formed by provinces and states and the powers of both have been fully defined.

Question 5.
Describe the merits of Unitary government.
Following are the merits of a unitary form of government:

  1. In this type of government the administration is quite strong. The disputes between the Centre and the states rarely arise.
  2. The main advantage of this government is that there is uniformity of administration. Such uniformity enables the government to act quickly and promptly.
  3. The unitary government has the advantage of flexibility. As the constitution is flexible, it can be changed with the change of time.
  4. This type of government is less expensive. The money which is spent on State legislature and executives is saved.

Question 6.
What are the demerits of a unitary government?
Following are the demerits of a unitary government:

  • This form of government leads to the creation of despotic state.
  • It is not suitable to a country with a large size and population with different cultural interests.
  • It cannot fulfil the particular needs of a state or a locality.
  • In this type of government the central government becomes overburdened with work and it loses its efficiency.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 Form of Governments: Unitary and Federal

Question 7.
What are the essential features of federal type of government?

  1. Written Constitution: A written constitution is essential in a federation in the sense that both the centre and the states should be definite about their sphere of action.
  2. Division of Powers: The powers of the government in a federation are distributed between the centre and the states.
  3. Independent Judiciary: The presence of an independent and powerful judiciary is most essential in a federation.
  4. Bi-cameralism: Some people are of the opinion that the legislature in a federation should be bi-cameral.

Question 8.
What is the difference between the Unitary and federal forms of government?
1. In unitary form of government, there is one central government for the whole state. But in federation, there are two types of government-central government and the state governments.

2. The constitution may be written or unwritten in unitary form of government, but there is definitely a written form of constitution in a federation.

3. In a unitary form of government, the citizens have single citizenship, but in a federal government, they have dual citizenship. .

4. In Federal Government the powers of the state are distributed between the centre and the state governments. But in unitary form of government they are vested with the centre only.

Question 9.
Mention the merits of a Federation.
A federal government has following advantages:

  • A federation develops the spirit of nationalism. It also affords the benefits of the local government.
  • The administration of a federal government is always very efficient. The central government can control the matters of national importance efficiently and the state government can handle the local affairs.
  • In a federation the central government cannot become despotic.
  • This type of government is useful for the big states and the small states as well.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 Form of Governments: Unitary and Federal

Question 10.
What are the demerits of Federal Government?

  • A federal type of government is weak in the conduct of internal as well as external affairs.
  • The division of powers between the central govt, and the state governments always results in a conflict of legislation and administration between the two governments.
  • It has been observed that in a federation there is always a threat to national unity.
  • There is always a danger of the revolt by the states against the central government.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What do you understand by Unitary Government?
Unitary form of government is a system of administration in which all the powers of the state are vested with the central government. The centre sets up administrative units and grants some powers for the convenience of administration.

Question 2.
Define a Federation.
According to Hamilton, “ Federation is an association of States that form new once.” Indian federation has not come into existence by the union of independent States. * The federation in India has come into existence by the integration of independent States into the British provinces.

Question 3.
Explain the main features of the Unitary government.
Following are the main features of the unitary form of government:

  • All the powers of the states are concentrated in the hands of the central government.
  • The constitution does not distribute the powers between the central government and the local governments.

Question 4.
What do you mean by Federal type of Government?
The word ‘Federation comes from the Latin word ‘Feodus’ which means “agreement”. The federal government is a type of agreement by which many states with similar objectives, decide to become the members of a bigger unit.. Under federal type of government, all the states that form federation enter into a government.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 Form of Governments: Unitary and Federal

Question 5.
Explain the merits of Unitary government.
Following are the merits of a unitary form of government:

  • In this type of government the administration is quite strong. The disputes between the Centre and the states rarely arise.
  • The main advantage of this government is that there is uniformity of administration. Such uniformity enables the government to act quickly and promptly.

Question 6.
Discuss the demerits of a unitary government.
Following are the demerits of a unitary government:

  • This form of government leads to the creation of despotic state.
  • It is not suitable to a country with a large size and population with different cultural interests.

Question 7.
What are the essential features of federal type of government?

  1. Written Constitution: A written constitution is essential in a federation in the sense that both the centre and the states should be definite about their sphere of action.
  2. Division of Powers: The powers of the government in a federation are distributed between the centre and the states.

Question 8.
What is the difference between the Unitary and federal forms of government?

  1. In unitary form of government there is one central government for the whole state. But in federation, there are two types of government-central government and the state governments.
  2. The constitution may be written or unwritten in unitary form of government, but there is definitely a written form of constitution in a federation.

Question 9.
Discuss the merits of a Federation.
A federal government has following advantages:

  • A federation develops the spirit of nationalism. It also affords the benefits of the local government.
  • The administration of a federal government is always very efficient. The central government can control the matters of national importance efficiently and the state government can handle the local affairs.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 Form of Governments: Unitary and Federal

Question 10.
Discuss the demerits of Federal Government.

  • A federal type of government is weak in the conduct of internal as well as external affairs.
  • The division of powers between the central govt, and the state governments always results in a conflict of legislation and administration between the two governments.

Question 11.
Write the names of three modern states having federal form of government.

  1. U.S.A.
  2. India
  3. Switzerland.

Question 12.
Write the names of four modern states having unitary form of government.

  1. U.K.
  2. Japan
  3. China
  4. Bangla Desh.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 Form of Governments: Unitary and Federal

One Word to One Sentence Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Mention any one feature of Unitary Government.
The Constitution does not divide the powers between the Centre and the States.

Question 2.
Mention any one demerit of Unitary Government.
In a Unitary System Central government becomes despotic.

Question 3.
Write down any one merit of Federal Government.
The administrator of a federal type of state is always very efficient.

Question 4.
Write down any one demerit of Federal Government.
A Federal type of government is weak in the conduct of internal as well as external.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 Form of Governments: Unitary and Federal

Fill in the blanks:

1. In a Unitary type of government the administration is quite …………………… .

2. A …………………… Constitution is essential in a federation.

3. In a federal type of state the citizens are granted …………………… citizenship.

True or False Statement

1. According to strong, A Unitary state is one organised under a single central govt.

2. Unitary government is a Expensive government.

3. The presence of a federal sentiment is very necessary for the successful working.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 Form of Governments: Unitary and Federal

Choose The Correct Answer

Question 1.
Unitary form of government is found in:
(A) U.S.A.
(B) Switzerland
(C) U.K.
(D) India.
(C) U.K.

Question 2.
Federal form of government is found in:
(A) India
(B) Japan
(C) U.K.
(D) Nepal.
(A) India

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 8 Justice

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class Political Science Book Solutions Chapter 8 Justice Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 11 Political Science Chapter 8 Justice

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Define the term ‘Justice’. Discuss the fundamental postulates of Justice.
‘Justice’ is of utmost importance in Political Science. Its existence is as ancient as human society. Several scholars have defined justice differently in every age.
Meaning and definitions of Justice. The word ‘Justice’ has been derived from Latin word ‘ Jus’ which means, Bond or Tie. It means, Justice is that system where in all individuals are related to each other. In modern Political Science, Justice stands for that state of social life in which personal rights are combined with social welfare. Main definitions of justice are mentioned below :
1. To quote J.S. Mill, “Justice is the name for certain classes of moral values, which concern the essentials of human well-being more clearly and are, therefore, of more absolute obligations, than any other rules for the guidance of life.

2. According to Barker, “Justice is an order of persons and an order of the principles regulating the distribution of rights to persons, which is measured and determined by a final and ultimate value.”

3. According to Salmond, “Justice means to give every individual his due share.”

4. Merriam opines, “Justice consists in a system of understandings and procedures through which is accorded what is agreed upon as fair.”

Merriam’s definition highlights the following four aspects:

  • Justice is concerned with moral values and conceptions of society.
  • Justice is related to procedures also. Law and Courts are set to get justice.
  • The aim of Justice is to arrange rights and conveniences for people.
  • Different classes of society at a time can have different conceptions of rights and conveniences.

On the basis of above-mentioned definitions, we can conclude that Justice is that state in which a man can lead a well-set and disciplined life.

Fundamental Postulates Of Justice:
Arnold Brecht has described the following Fundamental Postulates of Justice-

1. Truth: Truth is the basic postulate of justice. Truth means exact presentation of an incident. Truthfulness of the facts stated in courts is of primary importance.

2. Generality of the Systems of Value: It means that the same conception of justice should be applied to every matter.

3. Equality before Law: All the citizens should be equal before law. The citizens should not be discriminated in the name of caste, colour, creed and sex.

4. Freedom: Justice and freedom are co-related. The Liberals are of the view that man can get justice only in a free atmosphere. Freedom should be restricted for the welfare of society and nation.

5. Respect for the Essentials of Nature: It is against the spirit of justice to compel a man to do some work which is beyond his capacity naturally. For example, to expect an old and ill man to put in physical labour is purely injustice.

These above-mentioned five fundamental postulates are necessary to be followed to get justice at the local, national and international level.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 8 Justice

Question 2.
What are the socio-economic dimensions of Justice ? Explain fully.
What do you understand by the phrase, ‘Justice, Social and Economic’? Indicate five of its major implications.
Two forms of Justice- Moral and Legal were prevalent traditionally. But these days Justice has various aspects – legal, political, social and economic. The importance of social and economic justice is increasing day-by-day and both are inter-connected. Social and economic justice is the very basis of present welfare states.

Social Justice:
Social justice is extremely popular in modem age. Innumerable people, all over the world, have adopted Socialism and Marxism only because of social justice. Once Pandit Nehru expressed his view that Marxism is extremely popular not because of its scientific principle but for its readiness for social justice.

According to Gajendra Gadker, “ Social Justice means the abolition of all social inequalities and provision of equal opportunities to all the individuals living in society.” Allen says, “ Social justice means removal of inequalities and discrimination amongst the members of the society.” Thus social justice means that all the people living in society are equal. The people should not be treated discriminately on the basis of caste, religion, colour and sex.

All the people should have equal opportunities to develop their personalities, all should have equal facilities to use public places, religious places and the places of entertainment. The State shouldn’t adopt the policy of untouchability and the interests of the minorities should be. safeguarded.

According to Barker, it is the main objective of society to give opportunity to each individual to develop his inborn talent. So establishment of adequate conditions for all is Social Justice.
Laski is of the view that to provide equal social rights is social justice. Establishment of social justice is the responsibility of the State. Social justice has been strongly emphasised in Indian Constitution and the Government of India has passed general laws to establish Social Justice.

Economic Justice:
Social justice and Economic Justice are intimately related to each other. Aristotle considered economic inequality to be improper. Kautilya suggested that the State would provide means to live to the orphans, helpless and the disabled. The State would organise economic system in such a way as to provide justice to its citizens.

Karl Marx, the expounder of Communism, called Economic Justice to be the basis of social, political and cultural justice. Now-a-days social justice without economic justice is thought to be sheer imagination. M.C. Chagla has rightly commented, freedom is meaningless if it obstructs the realization of economic justice. Social justice has no value for a hungry and unemployed person.

According to Setalvad, “Economic justice is the provision of equal opportunities to the citizens to acquire wealth and use it for their living, it is applied to those persons who are disabled or old or unemployed and therefore not in a position to acquire wealth and should be helped by society to live.”

Important elements of economic justice are mentioned below:

  • The bare necessities of all the citizens should be provided with.
  • Every individual should be given the sources of livelihood. Adequate wages for their work should be given.
  • Under special circumstances citizens have the right to get government aid. The State should protect the old, unemployed and economically infirm.
  • Men and women should get equal wages for equal work.
  • The scholars differ in their views about the control over property and sources of production.

It is the State’s responsibility to establish economic justice. The State aims at eliminating economic inequality. Economic justice is the very foundation of modem state. A just society can’t he established without economic justice. The Government of India is trying its best to maintain economic justice.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 8 Justice

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Explain the term Justice.
The word ‘Justice’ has been derived from Latin word ‘Jus’ which means, Bond or Tie. It means, Justice is that system where in all individuals are related to each other. Justice is connected with the fact as to what type of moral, social, economic, political and legal relations an individual has with the other individual. In Modern Political Science, Justice stands for that state of social life in which personal rights are combined with social welfare.

  1. According to Salmond, “Justice means to give every individual his due share.”
  2. Merriam opines, “Justice consists in a system of understanding and procedures through which is accorded what is agreed upon as fair.”

Question 2.
Distinguish between legal and moral justice.
The difference between legal justice and moral justice is as follows:
1. Legal justice deals with Principles and procedures as laid down by the system of law prevailing in a state whereas moral justice deals with what is right and what is Wrong. What are our rights and what are our duties as human beings.

2. The coercion power of state works behind legal justice whereas the strength of morality is behind moral justice.

3. The scope of legal justice is limited than moral justice.

4. Legal codes are defined and fixed but this is not so with moral justice.

Question 3.
Discuss the meaning and importance of Social Justice.
Meaning of Social Justice:
Social Justice means that all the people living in a society are equal. Social Justice implies that there should not be any discrimination among citizens from social point of view. No discrimination should be made on the basis of religion, caste, colour, sex, etc. All the people should have equal opportunities to develop their personalities.

Importance of Social Justice:
The importance of social justice is increasing day-by-day in a modern democratic state. Social justice is the very basis of present Welfare state. Once Pandit Nehru expressed his view that Marxism is extremely popular not because of its scientific principles but for its readiness for social justice. Social justice is very essential for the maintenance of social harmony and peace in the society. To make democracy a success, social justice is essential.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 8 Justice

Question 4.
What do you mean by Social Justice? Do you agree that majority of the people are denied social justice in India?
Meaning of Social Justice:
Social Justice means that all the people living in a society are equal. Social Justice implies that there should not be any discrimination among citizens from social point of view. No discrimination should be made on the basis of religion, caste, colour, sex, etc. All the people should have equal opportunities to develop their personalities.

Majority of the People are denied Social Justice in India:
Though the makers of the Indian constitution have made a provision for social justice through Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy, yet majority of the people are being denied social justice in India. The citizens enjoy right to equality which is the very basis of the social justice, but in practice economic equality does not exist which is the pre-condition for social and political equality.

Though Article-17 had abolished untouchability yet in practice untouchability is followed in many parts of the country. Poor people are not getting social justice and more than thirty per cent of the people are living below poverty line. Children, women and weaker sections of the society are still exploited and they do not enjoy social justice.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 8 Justice

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Discuss the term Justice.
The word ‘Justice’ has been derived from Latin word ‘Jus’ which means, Bond or Tie. It means, Justice is that system where in all individuals are related to each other. In Modem Political Science, Justice stands for that state of social life in which personal rights are combined with social welfare.

Question 2.
Define Justice.

  1. According to Salmond, “Justice means to give every individual his due share.”
  2. Merriam opines, “Justice consists in a system of understanding and procedures through which is accorded what is agreed upon as fair.”

Question 3.
Discuss the meaning of Social Justice.
Social Justice means that all the people living in a society are equal. Social Justice implies that there should not be any discrimination among citizens from social point of view. No discrimination should be made on the basis of religion, caste, colour, sex, etc. All the people should have equal opportunities to develop their personalities.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 8 Justice

One Word to One Sentence Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
From which language has the word ‘Justice’ been derived?
The English word ‘Justice’ has been derived from the Latin word ‘Jus’.

Question 2.
Write down the meaning of Justice.
The Enghsh word Justice means a Bond or tie.

Question 3.
Give a definition of Justice.
According to D.D. Raphael,“Justice protects the rights of the individual as well as the order of society.”

Question 4.
Write down the definition of Justice given by Salmond.
According to Salmond,“Justice means to provide everybody his share.”

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 8 Justice

Question 5.
Mention two basic postulates of Justice.

  1. Truth
  2. Liberty.

Question 6.
Mention any two dimensions or forms of Justice.

  1. Legal Dimension of Justice.
  2. Social Dimension of Justice.

Question 7.
What is the meaning of Political Justice?
Political Justice means that every individual, without any discrimination, should have the right to participate in the governance of the state.

Question 8.
Write down any two means to get political justice.

  1. Democratic System
  2. Political Rights.

Question 9.
What is meant by Social Justice?
Social Justice means that all individuals living in a society are equal and there should be no discrimination in their mutual relations.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 8 Justice

Question 10.
What is the meaning of Economic Justice?
There should be a proper division of the material means of the country. They should be used for the benefit of more and more people. They should serve the interest of maximum people.

Question 11.
What is Legal Justice?
Legal Justice is concerned with the principle and process established by law in a state.

Fill in the blanks

1. Justice is that state in which a ……………… can lead a well-set and disciplined life.

2. The word justice has been derived from ……………… word.

3. According to ……………… “justice means to give every individual his due share.”

4. Truth is the basic postulate of ……………… .

5. All citizens should equal before ……………… .

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 8 Justice

True or False statement

1. Justice and freedom are co-related.

2. Social justice is extremely popular in modem age.

3. Social justice -and Economic justice are not related to each other.

4. Men and women should get equal wages for equal work.

5. It is not the state responsbility to establish economic justice.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 8 Justice

Choose The Correct Answer

Question 1.
Justice require:
(A) Committed judiciary
(B) Fearful judges
(C) Independent judiciary
(D) Dishonest judges.
(C) Independent judiciary

Question 2.
People get proper justice in:
(A) Dictatorship
(B) Totalitarian state
(C) Monarchy
(D) Democracy.
(D) Democracy.

Question 3.
Which one of the following Is not the fundamental postulate of justice:
(A) Truth
(B) Equality before law
(C) Freedom
(D) Property.
(D) Property.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 8 Justice

Question 4.
Justice la administered by:
(A) Executive
(B) Judiciary
(C) Legislature
(D) Political Parties
(B) Judiciary

Question 5.
Justice Is essentially a:
(A) Legäl concept
(B) Moral concept
(C) Socia) concept
(D) All of the Above.
(D) All of the Above.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 7 Equality-Meaning and Kinds

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class Political Science Book Solutions Chapter 7 Equality-Meaning and Kinds Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 11 Political Science Chapter 7 Equality-Meaning and Kinds

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Equality? Discuss its important kinds.
Like liberty equality also has its importance for the individual. Both liberty and equality are very closely related to each other. There can be no liberty in the absence of equality. From the very beginning the individuals have tried to attain the right to equality. In ancient times the system of slavery was considered natural and it is quite clear from this thing that the individuals were not considered equal and they were not entitled to all the rights.

There were many struggles for the attainment of the right to equality. In the American Declaration of Independence (1776) it was declared that all the individuals are equal. In the French Declaration of Rights it was said that “Men are born and, always continue, free and equal in respect of their rights.” In the 19th and 20th centuries almost all the States recognized the right to equality. Russian constitution declared all individuals as equal and gave equal rights to all the citizens. In India also the right to equality is an important part of fundamental rights.

Meaning Of Equality:
Equality does not mean that all persons may be treated equal in all respects. Nor does equality imply that all persons should be given identical treatment irrespective of their capacity and temperament. Equality also does not mean ‘the identity of reward’ for efforts that are undesirable. The popular meaning of equality is that all men are equal, that all should get equal incomes and equal treatment. But this is a misconception of the principle of equality.

All men are never equal. Nature has endowed different men with different capacities. One individual is bom with the genius of the poet, another with that of the musician, a third with that of an engineer. The vast majority do not possess special aptitude of any kind. Men are not bom equal. In the words of Elton Trueblood, “Physically some men are three or four times as strong as others, able to perform many times as much work.

Intellectually the contrast is still greater, as may be realised when we compare an average person with a man like Sir Winston Churchill If intellectual in equality is more marked than physical inequality, moral inequality is still more so. The contrast between self-centred and cruel persons on the one hand, and the saints and heroes on the other, is really incalculable.”

All that is necessary to ensure the principle of equality is that special privileges of all kinds should be abolished. The State should grant equal civil and political rights to all people, making no discrimination on the ground of race, colour or income. All persons should be regarded as equal before the eyes of law.

Like liberty, equality has also a positive connotation. Not only all special privileges should be abolished, but all men should be given adequate opportunities to develop their abilities. This does not mean that all should get equal opportunities or that the State should make equal arrangements for everybody. All that is necessary to ensure equality is that the State should provide suitable opportunities for everybody.

If a citizen feels that he has the making of a good doctor in him, nothing stands in the way of his joining a good medical institution. He should be enabled to develop his abilities with the help of the State. The principle of equality is satisfied when the State provides its citizens with adequate opportunities for developing their abilities.

Thus there should be adequate and suitable facilities in the State for everyone to develop his own genius. The State should pass such laws that everyone in the State should be given full chances of development. The State should actively promote the welfare of all citizens.

Definitions of Equality:

  1. According to Laski, “Whatever rights inhere in another by virtue of his being a citizen must inhere and to the same extent in me also.”
  2. According to Barker, “The principle of equality accordingly means that whatever conditions are guaranteed to me in the form of rights shall also and in the same measure be guaranteed to others and that whatever rights are given to others shall also be given to me.”
  3. According to Laski, “Equality means, first of all the absence of special privileges and in the second place it means that adequate opportunities are laid upon to all.”

Characteristics of Equality:
On the basis of the above-mentioned facts we come to know about the following features of equality:
1. Absence of Special Privileges:
An important feature of equality is that no individual or section of people is given special privileges in society. Nobody is given special privileges on the basis of caste, colour, creed, religion and blood. All the members of the State and society should get equal opportunities on equal basis. The principle of equality cannot enjoy special privileges.

2. Provision for Adequate Opportunities of Development:
Equality means that every man in the State should get adequate opportunities for realizing his best self. Nature has not made all men equal. But it is not proper for the State to follow the law of Nature. On the other hand, the State through its laws should not increase this natural inequality. Rather it should pass such laws that no one in the State should be denied the opportunity of developing his own genius.

No one can be deprived of the opportunity to make progress on the basis of caste colour, creed and religion. The right to vote and the right to be elected should be given to all equally so that everybody gets the chance to participate in the administration, merit should be the main criterion to enter government service. Evferybody should be governed by the same law of the land and all should be equal in the eyes of law.

3. Provision for Minimum Standard of Living for every Individual:
Another important feature of equality is that all the basic needs of every individual should be satisfied in the society. The things without which life is meaningless must be accessible to all. “The urgent claims of all must be met before we can meet the particular claims of some.”

All the individuals in society cannot have the same amount of income. Every individual earns money according to his capacity and ability but everyone should have reasonable income so that he can make his both ends meet. Nobody should die of starvation. There should not exist gross inequalities of wealth among the members of society.

Kinds Of Equality:
Equality can be classified under the following heads:

  • Natural Equality.
  • Social Equality.
  • Civil Equality.
  • Economic Equality.
  • Political Equality.
  • National Equality.

1. Natural Equality:
Natural Equality has been explained differently by different writers. Some thinkers hold the opinion that Nature has created all the people equal and all persons should be given identical treatment irrespective of then- capacity and temperament. But the fact is that the Nature has not created all people equal.

People differ in colour, health, temperament and ability. Nature has not willed that all men should be equal. On the other hand, they are endowed with unequal abilities from their very birth. Natural equality may mean that all the individuals are basically equal and they should be treated equally. No individual can be sacrificed at the cost of the development of personality of another individual.

2. Social Equality:
Social equality implies that no distinction is made in the social status of the people on the ground of their riches, race, colour, religion, sex, class or caste. It implies that all members of the society are equal and no man is recognised as socially superior or inferior to other member of the community.

It also means that all persons should be treated as equal regardless of wealth, colour, caste and creed. If the society is divided into different castes or classes, that shows absence of social equality<197>that an untouchable should hold the same status in society as a Brahmin and a lord should not be considered superior to an ordinary citizen. But unfortunately that is not so in any State of the world except perhaps in Russia and that to a very limited extent. It will be nice if the sense of social inequality is uprooted and men are considered socially equal.

3. Civil Equality:
Civil equality means that everyone in the State enjoys the same status in the sphere of private law. It also sometimes implies the rule of law: It means that no person in the State should enjoy any special privileges. Fair justice is not possible in the absence of civil equality. This means that civil rights and liberties are enjoyed equally by all citizens irrespective of creed, colour and caste.

4. Economic Equality:
The aim of economic equality is to make all individuals equal in respect of wealth and income. This is the socialist idea.

Laski defines economic equality in a limited sense as consisting in equal opportunities for everyone to develop his natural faculties and power. Bryce considers that economic equality should not be an idea of democracy which is only a form of Government and should not disturb the foundations of social and economic order.

Nevertheless it should be the aim of democracy to reduce great inequalities in wealth. The concentration of property in the hands of a few is fatal to the purposes of the State and the socialist is right in his insistence that either the State must dominate property or property will dominate the State.

A very poor or starving man, having no economic opportunities has absolutely no use for the concept of equality. Therefore, economic equality has to be. given an important place in a State. Economic equality can exist, when all people have reasonable economic opportunities to develop themselves. Adequate scope for employment, reasonable wages, adequate leisure and other economic rights create economic equality.

5. Political Equality:
Political equality means that all the citizens should be treated equally in political sphere. According to Laski, by political equality is meant equal access of everyone to the avenue of authority. All the citizens should get equal political rights.

Every citizen should get the right to vote, right to contest elections, right to get Government job, right to criticise the Government and the right to address petitions and nobody should be discriminated against on the basis of caste, colour, creed, religion and blood. Certain qualifications can be laid down for getting the right to vote but these conditions should not be laid down on the basis of caste, colour, creed and religion.

6. National Equality:
National equality means that all nations of the world are equal while dealing with other nations of the world.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 7 Equality-Meaning and Kinds

Question 2.
Discuss the relationship between Equality and Liberty.
‘Liberty is meaningless without equality.’ Do you agree with this view? Give reasons for your answer.
‘The passion for equality has made vain the hope of liberty.’ Do you agree with this view?
Are Liberty and Equality opposed to each other? Discuss.
Why do you think equality is a pre-condition of enjoying liberty in a democratic set-up? Comment.
Both Liberty and Equality are the two basic principles of democracy. Since time immemorial people have struggled hard to attain them. Human life cannot develop fully without the attainment of liberty and equality. Now-a-days almost in all the States the citizens enjoy the right to liberty and equality.

Relation between Liberty and Equality:
Political thinkers differ among themselves on the exact relationship between liberty and equality. Some thinkers are of the opinion that the concept of equality is only a Utopia and not a reality. They say that both liberty and equality are opposed to each other and they are complementary terms. Both liberty and equality cannot go together. There are thinkers also who say that liberty and equality are closely related to each other and one cannot exist without the other. Liberty in the absence of equality is meaningless.

Liberty and Equality are opposed to each other:
There is a viewpoint that both liberty and equality are opposed to each other and they cannot go side by side. The main advocates of this viewpoint are De Tocqueville and Lord Acton. According to Lord Acton, “The passion for equality has made vain the hope for liberty.”

Equality curtails individual liberty. If everybody is considered equal in the eyes of law and equality is established in economic sphere then everybody’s liberty will be curtailed. Nobody will have the liberty to earn money according to his own sweet will. If equality is established then the intelligent and hard-working people will riot be able to develop their personality to the full. These thinkers say that liberty and equality are opposed to each other on the following grounds.

1. Natural Inequality:
People are of the opinion that Nature has not created all the people equal. Nature has created all the people unequal and all of them do not possess the same qualities. From their very birth some people are intelligent, some are fools, some are weak some are strong, some are active and others are lazy. Therefore, all these people cannot be considered equal. If all these people are treated equally, it will be unjust and irrational.

2. One Destroys the Other:
On the basis of the principles of individualism some people consider that both these concepts are opposed to each other. The individualists say that the individual should be left alone in the economic sphere and there should be free trade and competition. This will greatly help in the development of individual personality and the individual will live in a free atmosphere.

If the State establishes economic equalty then intelligent and hard-working people will not be able to make the best use of ability and capacity. If the individuals are left to themselves every individual will earn money according to themselves every individual will earn money according to his ability and capacity. It will result in gross inequalties of wealth and hence the end of equality. If the Government controls production and fixes the wages of the labourers* it will also result in the curtailment of liberty and the difference between the capable and incapable will come to an end.

3. Checks the Progress:
It is great injustice to treat the capable and incapable, the intelligent and the fool equally. This neither enhances the liberty of the people, nor it helps in the promotion of public welfare. The labourers, doctors, engineers, scholars, scientists, traders and artists, all cannot be treated on equal footing. This way equality is such a concept which is far away from reality.

Liberty and Equality are not opposed to each other. Most of the thinkers do not accept the viewpoint that liberty and equality are opposed to each other. In the modern age nobody would like to accept this viewpoint. Now-a-days the viewpoint that liberty and equality are closely related to each other is accepted at all hands. It is said that liberty in the absence of equality is meaningless.

Prof. Laski, Prof, Towny, Pollard and Maclver are the thinkers who support this viewpoint. According to Prof. Towny, “A large measure of equality, so far from being inimical to liberty is essential to it.” According to Pollard, “There is only one solution of problem of liberty. It lies in equality.”

Those who think that liberty and equality are opposed to each other misunderstand the meaning of these words. If liberty means unrestricted and unrestrained liberty and equality means equal wages and equal work then these people are right. But liberty does not mean unrestricted and absolute liberty. Nobody can be allowed to do things arbitrarily while living in society. Certain restrictions will certainly be imposed on the actions of every individual.

These restrictions should, of course, be reasonable, just and logical. The imposition of reasonable and moral restrictions instead of unjust and immoral restrictions on the actions of man is called liberty. The aim of liberty is to create comfortable atmos¬phere which can be conducive to the development of individual personality.

The people also misunderstand the meaning of equality. Equality does not mean that all the people are bom equal and all are entitled to get equal wages and equal work. This is not the real meaning of equality. All the people are not bom equal and, therefore, they are not entitled to get equal income and equal work.

Equality means that nobody should enjoy special privileges in the State and everybody should be entitled to get equal opportunities in life. Equality means reasonable distribution of wealth and not equal distribution of wealth among the members of the society.

Thus equality instead of being opposed to liberty is an essential condition of it. It is only when equal opportunities are provided to all that a man can be really free to develop his personality and powers according to his choice. In a society where social privileges and differences in income are the rule, there can be hardly any liberty for those placed in a position of inferiority.

Thus properly understood the two terms are not opposed to each other but rather complementary to each other. Laski rightly says, “De Tocquevile and Lord Acton misunderstood the meaning of the term equality They wrongly thought that equality means the identity of treatment of all or identity of reward of all and, therefore, it is incompatible with liberty, which means freedom for everybody to develop his or her personality according to his or her nature.”

According to Prof. Ashrivatham, “The French Revolutionists were neither mad nor stupid when they made their way cry Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.”

It is quite clear from the above discussion that both liberty and equality go together. They are not opposed to each other. One cannot be had without the other. Both are consistent and the progress of man is impossible till he can enjoy political liberty and economic equality. Both of them are compatible and complimentary. They must be enjoyed together to bring about maximum individual and social welfare. Both must exist side by side and in the absence of one we cannot have the other.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 7 Equality-Meaning and Kinds

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is implied by the term ‘Equality’?
Give the meaning of Equality. .
Equality does not mean that all persons may be treated euqal in all respects. Equality stands for the absence or removal of special privileges available to some and denied to others. The state should grant equal civil and political rights to all people, making no discrimination on the grounds of race, colour or income. All persons should be regarded as equal before the eyes of law. Equality also means that all men should be given adequate opportunities to develop their abilities. The state should provide suitable opportunities for everyone to develop his own genius.

Question 2.
Define Equality.
Some of the important definitions of equality are as under:
According to Barker, “The principle of equality accordingly means that whatever conditions are guaranteed to me, in the form of rights, shall also, and in the same measure be guaranteed to me and that whatever rights are given to others shall also be given to me.” .

Accroding to Prof. Laski, “Undoubtedly, it implies fundamentally a certain levelling process. It means that no man shall be so placed in society that he can over-reach his neighbour to the extent which constitutes a denial of the latter’s citizenship”.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 7 Equality-Meaning and Kinds

Question 3.
What do you understand by equal opportunities for all?
Equality means that every man in the state should get equal and adequate opportunities for realizing his best self. The state should pass such laws that no one in the state should be denied the opportunity of developing his own geinius. No one should be deprived of the opportunity to make progress on the basis of caste, colour, creed and religion. Everybody should be governed by the same law of the land and all should be equal in the eyes of law.

Question 4.
What is the meaning of Economic Equality?
Properly understood economic equality implies the elimination of excessive inequalities of material resources. Economic Equality does not mean that everybody should have equal income. But it does mean that every citizen should enjoy equal opportunities for earnining his livelihood. All the citizens should have the means to meet their needs. Economic equality also implies the absence of exploitation of man by man or of one class by another.’

Question 5.
What is Political Equality?
Political Equality means that all the citizens should be treated equally in political sphere. According to Laski, by political equality is meant equal access of everyone to the avenue of authority. All the citizens should get equal political rights. Every citizen should get the right to vote, right to contest election, right to get government job, rigtht to criticise the Government and right to address petitions.

Nobody should be discriminated against on the basis of caste, colour, creed, religion and blood. Certain qualifications can be laid down for getting the right to vote but these conditions should not be laid down on the basis of caste, colour, creed and religion.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 7 Equality-Meaning and Kinds

Question 6.
Explain four types of Equality.
Four types of Equality are as follows:

  1. Civil Equality: Civil Equality means that every one in the state enjoys the same status in the sphere of private law.
  2. Social Equality: Social equality means that no distinction is made in the social status of the people on the ground of their riches, race class or caste.
  3. Political Equality: Political equality means that all the citizens should be treated equally in political sphere.
  4. Economic Equality: Economic equality means that there should be minimum inequality in the society and everyone should have equal opportunities to develop his natural faculties and power.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Discuss the meaning of Equality.
Equality does not mean that all persons may be treated euqal in all respects. Equality stands for the absence or removal of special privileges available to some and denied to others. The state should grant equal civil and political rights to all people, making no discrimination on the grounds- of race, colour or income.

Question 2.
What is the meaning of Economie Equality?
Properly understood economic equality implies the elimination of excessive inequalities of material resources. Every citizen should enjoy equal opportunities for eamining his livelihood. All the citizens should have the means to meet their needs.

Question 3.
What do you understand by Political equality?
Political Equality means that all the citizens should be treated equally in political sphere. Every citizen should get the right to vote, right to contest election, right to get government job, rigtht to criticise the Government and right to address petitions. Nobody should be discriminated against on the basis of caste, colour, creed, religion and blood.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 7 Equality-Meaning and Kinds

Question 4.
Mention any two kinds of Equality.

  1. Social Equality: Social equality implies that no distinction is made in the social status of the people on the ground of race, class, caste, sex, religion etc.
  2. Economic Equality: Economic equality can exist when all people have reasonable economic opportunities to develop themselves.

One Word to One Sentence Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What do you mean by Equality ?
Every individualmust get equal facilities so that he may grow and develop in accordance with his ability.

Question 2.
Write down any one definition of Equality.
According to Laski,“Equality means first of all the absence of special privileges. In the second place, it means that adequate opportunities are laid open to all.”

Question 3.
Mention any one feature of Equality.
The main feature of equality is that no individual or class enjoys special rights.

Question 4.
Describe different kinds of Equality.

  • Natural Equality
  • Civil Equality
  • Social Equality
  • Political Equality
  • Economic Equality.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 7 Equality-Meaning and Kinds

Question 5.
What is the meaning of Natural Equality?
Natural Equality means that nature has made all individuals equal. So all the individuals should be equally treated.

Question 6.
What is Civil Equality?
Civil Equality means that all individuals should get equal rights. In other words, all men are equal before law.

Question 7.
What is meant by Social Equality?
Social equality means that all individuals should be considered equal. They should not be discriminated on the basis of religion, caste, colour, sex and money.

Question 8.
What is meant by Political Equality?
Political Equality means that all citizens, without any discrimination, should have the right to vote, to be elected, to petition and to hold any public office.

Question 9.
What is the meaning of Economic Equality?
Economic inequality should be minimum in society. Every individual must get salary sufficient enough to fulfil his basic needs.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 7 Equality-Meaning and Kinds

Question 10.
Liberty and Equality are opposed to each other. Discuss.
Because of an open competition in the economic field, the rich will become more rich. It will increase economic inequality.

Question 11.
Liberty and Equality are not opposed to each other. Elucidate.
The objective of both Liberty and Equality is the same. It is to provide facilities for the development of individual so that every individual may develop his personality.

Fill in the blanks

1. Justice is that state in which a ……………… can lead a well-set and disciplined life.

2. The word justice has been derived from ……………… word.

3. According to ……………… “justice means to give every individual his due share.”

4. Truth is the basic postulate of ……………… .

5. All citizens should equal before ……………… .

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 7 Equality-Meaning and Kinds

True or False statement

1. Justice and freedom are co-related.

2. Social justice is extremely popular in modem age.

3. Social justice -and Economic justice are not related to each other.

4. Men and women should get equal wages for equal work.

5. It is not the state responsbility to establish economic justice.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 7 Equality-Meaning and Kinds

Choose The Correct Answer

Question 1.
Justice require:
(A) Committed judiciary
(B) Fearful judges
(C) Independent judiciary
(D) Dishonest judges.
(C) Independent judiciary

Question 2.
People get proper justice in:
(A) Dictatorship
(B) Totalitarian state
(C) Monarchy
(D) Democracy.
(D) Democracy.

Question 3.
Which one of the following Is not the fundamental postulate of justice:
(A) Truth
(B) Equality before law
(C) Freedom
(D) Property.
(D) Property.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 7 Equality-Meaning and Kinds

Question 4.
Justice la administered by:
(A) Executive
(B) Judiciary
(C) Legislature
(D) Political Parties
(B) Judiciary

Question 5.
Justice Is essentially a:
(A) Legäl concept
(B) Moral concept
(C) Socia) concept
(D) All of the Above.
(D) All of the Above.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 10 State and Government

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class Political Science Book Solutions Chapter 10 State and Government Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 11 Political Science Chapter 10 State and Government

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Bring out the distinction between the state and the government.
State is the main subject of Political Science. Without state development of personality of the individual is not possible. State is a community of persons, permanently occupying a definite territory, having a government which is sovereign in internal and external matters. There are four essential elements population, definite territory, government and sovereignty. Without these four elements there can be no state.
Government is one of the elements of the states. State does not perform any functions. Its functions are performed by the government. The government performs this function by framing laws. According to Garner “Government is the collective name for the agency magistracy or organisation through which the will of the state is formulated, expressed and realised.” We in our daily life use the word state for government and government for i state. But distinction exists between state and government.

Distinction between State and Government:
In ancient times no distinction was made between state and government. King of France, Louis XIV used to say, ‘I am the state.’ He could claim that he was the government as he was the absolute monarch and all governmental authority was vested in him. But he could not claim himself to be the state as the state is altogether a different concept.

Similarly Stuart King of England tried to prove their absolutism never made a distinction between state and government. Even Hobbes has not made any distinction between state and government. Locke was the first writer who made a distinction between state and government. But even today masses do not consider any distinction between the two. Laski has pointed out that “the state is for the purposes of practical administration, the government.”

Following are the distinctions between State and Government : s 1. Government is a Part of State. Government is a part of the state and not itself a state. There are four elements of the state-population, fixed territory, government and sovereignty. Government is only one of the . elements which constitute the i state. No doubt without government there can be no state but government itself cannot be a state.

2. Government is the Agent of the State:
Government is the agent of the state. Just as it is the function of the’agent to carry out the will of the owners of his company, similarly aim of the government is to fulfil the wishes of the state. According to Laski, “It exists to carry out the purpose of the state. . It is not itself the supreme coercive power. It is simply the mechanism of administration which gives effect to the purposes of that power.

3. State is Abstract, Government is Concrete:
State is an idea. It has no form. It can be imagined only but we cannot see the abstract state. We can see the population and territory but not the state. But on the other hand government is a concrete institution. For example, we can think of Indian state but we cannot see it whereas we can see Indian government.

4. Membership of the State is compulsory, but not of Government:
Membership of the state is compulsory. Every citizen must be the member of one or the other state but every person cannot be the member of a government even if he so desires. The membership of a state is not voluntary. A man becomes a citizen of that state where he is bom, he cannot refuse to become a citizen of that state.

But every man is not a member of the Government and its membership is also not compulsory. To become a member of a government depends upon the will of the individual. To be a member of the government one must possess certain necessary qualifications and the persons fulfilling those alone can become the members of the government. The individual can leave the membership of the government at any time but no citizen can leave the membership of the state when he so likes.

5. Territory is essential for State, but not for Government:
Fixed territory is an essential element of the state. Without definite territory there can be no state. But definite territory is not essential for the government. Government is an institution which can be established in a closed room. During Second World War when Germany conquered many European countries then the governments of these countries were run in other countries. For example, government of France was run from England. But there cannot be a state without a definite territory.

6. State possesses Sovereignty but government does not posssess the same:
Sovereignty is an essential element of the state. Without sovereignty there can be no state. Before 1947 India was under the British empire and hence India was not a state. But sovereignty is not with the government. The powers enjoyed by the government are conferred upon it by the state. Powers of the state are unlimited whereas powers of the government are limited. Generally government derives its powers from the constitution, just in India. If government exercises its power in a corrupt manner, it can be changed.

7. State is peramanent, government is temporary:
State is permanent, though it is not immortal. A state remains state so long as it has four essential elements— population, definite territory, government and sovereignty. State ends when it loses sovereignty. But after gaining sovereignty it becomes state again. When Hitler conquered Austria, Poland etc. they did not remain states but after the war when they gained sovereignty they became states. But government is changeable.

Governments come and go but states continue for ever. If today, in one state there is monarchy, tomorrow there can be a democratic government. Before March, 1977, in India there was a Congress government but in the general election Congress Was defeated and Janata Party came into power but in the general election of 1980, Congress (I) gained a thumping majority in the Parliament.

8. Government does not include the whole population of the state:
Population is an essential element of the state. All the persons living within a territory of a state are included in the population of a state. But in the government only those persons are included who are working in different organs of the government, e.g., members of the parliament, members of the executive and judges of the judiciary etc. In other words in the population of the government only those persons are included who are drawing salary from the treasury.

9. State without government is impossible but government without state is possible:
Government is an essential attribute of the state and without government there can be no state. But it is not essential that there must be a state for the existence of a government. A government may exist without a state. During Second World War government of France was in England but there was no France state as France was conquered by Hitler.

10. Difference of Nature:
State is a result of growth. It is a natural institution. But government is an artificial institution which is formed by men. Thus from nature point of view state is natural whereas government is artificial.

11. States are the same everywhere, but Governments are different:
All states are essentially alike. Every large or small state has the same four elements-population, definite territory, Government and sovereignty. India, Pakistan, Japan, England, America, Russia, China etc., are having these four elements. But there are various forms of governments. Forms of government vary from state to state and from time to time. In India, Japan, England, Bangladesh etc. there is a parliamentary government but in U.S.A., there is a presidential government. In Communist China, Vietnam, Cuba, North Korea etc. there is a dictatorship of the Communist Party.

12. People can resist the Government, not the State:
People cannot oppose the state because whole population is included in the state. How can the population oppose themselves? Will of the state is expressed through government. All functions of the state are performed by the government. If a government does not work for the welfare of the people and enact such laws which are not in the interests of the masses, then masses have a right to oppose such a government and even government can be changed by peaceful or revolutionary methods.

On the basis of above discussion we can say that differences exist between state and government. American Supreme Court has made a distinction between state and government in one of its decisions : “The state itself is an ideal personal, intangible, invisible, immutable. The government is an agent and within the spare of the agency a perfect representative, but outside of that it is lawless usurpation.” But state and government cannot exist without each other.

Both are different entities and though everything is done in the name of the state yet it is done by the government. According to Laski, “All institutions act through persons, the power they exercise cannot operate in any other fashion. The state, therefore, needs a body of men who operate in its name, supreme coercive authority which it disposes and this body of men is what we term the government of the state.”

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 10 State and Government

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What do you mean by Government?
There are four essential elements of a state-population, definite territory, government and sovereignty. Without these four elements there can be no state.

Government is one of the elements of the state. State does not perform any functions. Its functions are performed by the government. The government formulates and expresses the will of the state. The government performs this function by framing laws. According to Garner, “ Government is the collective name for the agency magistracy or organisation through which the will of the state is formulated, expressed and realised.”

Question 2.
Distinguish between state and government.

  • Government is a part of the state and not itself a state.
  • Membership of the state is compulsory, but not of government.
  • Fixed territory is an essestial element of the state. But definite territory is not essestial for the government.
  • State possesses sovereignty but government does not possess the same.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 10 State and Government

Question 1.
What do you mean by Government?
Government is one of the elements of the state. State does not perform any functions. Its functions are performed by the government. The government formulates and expresses the will of the state. The government performs this function by framing laws.

Question 2.
Distinguish between state and government.

  • Government is a part of the state and not itself a state.
  • Membership of the state is compulsory, but not of government.

One Word to One Sentence Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Define the term Government.
According to Garner- “Government is the collective name for the agency magistracy or organisation through which the will of the state is formulated expressed and realised.”

Question 2.
Mention any one difference between state and Government.
Territory is essential for State, but not for Government.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 10 State and Government

Fill in the blanks

1. Government is one of the elements of the

2. King of France used to say , “I am the state.”
Louis XIV

3. State is but Government is concrete.

True or False Statement

1. The government formulates and expresses the will of the state.

2. State is a part of Government.

3. State is parmanent, but Government is temporary.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 10 State and Government

Choose The Correct Answer

Question 1.
What is the difference between state and government?
(A) State is more comprehensive than Government
(B) Government is an agent of the state
(C) State is abstract, Government is concrete
(D) All of the Above.
(D) All of the Above.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 9 Society, State and Nation

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class Political Science Book Solutions Chapter 9 Society, State and Nation Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 11 Political Science Chapter 9 Society, State and Nation

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Define Society. Explain the characteristics of Society.
Man is by nature a social animal and he cannot live without a society. A man who does not five in a society is either a beast or a God.
Meaning and Definitions of Society:
Whenever a number of people unite together to carry out some definite purpose, they make a society. It is the most general form of human organization. But it is to be noted that the individuals who wander aimlessly in the street or gather in a picture-house without any common purpose among them do not constitute a society. In simple words common purpose and interest is the basis for the formation of any society.

Different writers have given different definitions of society:

  1. According to Dr. Jenks, “The term society means harmonious or at least peaceful relationship.”
  2. According to Ginsberg, “A society is the collection of individuals united by certain relation of modes of behaviour which mark them from others, who do not enter into those relations or who differ from them in behaviour.”
  3. According to Maclver, “Society includes every willed relationship of man to man.”
  4. According to Summer and Keller, “Society is a group of human beings living in co¬operative efforts to win subsistance and perpetuate the species.”
  5. According to Wright, “It is not a group of people, it is the system or relationship that exists between individuals or groups.”
  6. According to Giddings, “Society is a group of individuals cooperating for the achievement of any objective of common interest or utility.”
  7. According to G.D.H. Cole, “Society is the complex of associations and institutions within the community.”
  8. According to Leacock, “Society suggests not political relations by which men are bound together, but the whole range of human relations and collective activities.”

On the basis of above definitions we may define society as a group of people, large or small, who are combined together for the achievement of some definite aim or common purpose or plan with common effort. For instance there exist many societies like the Royal Asiatic Society, the Scientific Society and the Historical Society etc. for the welfare of the people.

The society may be local like a cricket club or may be national like national trade union or even it may be international like Red Cross Society which maintains its branches in every part of the world. In the ancient times societies existed in a very simple form because the desires of the people were limited and few.

But, the modem society is complex in nature because of increased desires as a result of advancement of culture and civilization. Thus many associations and organizations may exist in one wide society. Hence in the true sense, society is an assemblage of such associations through which men develop their physical, mental and spiritual qualities for human welfare.

Characteristics Of Society:
1. A Group of Persons:
Society is a group of persons living and working together in a spirit of peace and harmony for the satisfaction of their common wants and the promotion of their common good. It is a group of human beings living together and working together to achieve a common purpose for a common good, through their joint efforts.

2. Common Aims:
Persons living in a society have common interests and common wants for the attainment of which they work together and live together. Societies as Aristotle said were formed for the sake of good life. But they are maintained afterwards for the sake of good life. Thus the aim of society is to promote the good life of the members. Common needs and common interests of the members of the society give them common activities which serve as a bond of unity among the members of society. Unity gives strength and solidarity to the group.

3. Mutual Cooperation:
The individual is dependent on the society for the various needs. His ideas and actions are coloured by the society in which he lives. He is what the society makes him. As life becomes more complex, the necessity of living in society grows more urgent. From the early childhood to full grown manhood, the individual needs society at every stage of his life. He cannot satisfy his material needs for food or shelter without the co-operation of others. He cannot solve the problem of security of protection by his isolated efforts. Hence a good and happy life is possible only through co-operation.

4. Voluntary Membership:
The membership of a state is compulsory while that of a society is voluntary. An individual may become the member of a society or may not or he may become the member of the more than one society. State and family are two natural associations of which an individual must be a member. But once he accepts the membership of a society he must abide by the rules and regulations of that society. .

5. Equality among Members of the Group:
All the members of society irrespective of caste, colour, creed and sex must enjoy equal rights. There should be no discrimination against any member of the society. No member should be above the rules of the society and no member should enjoy special privileges. Majority decisions should be final.

6. Loyalty to the Group:
Lack of discipline creates a confusion and chaos and so all the members of the group must show perfect loyalty to that group by thoroughly observing the rules of discipline. All the members should be loyal to the organisation. Strength, permanance and unity can be had in the organization only if all the members are thoroughly disciplined.

7. Aims of Society:
The society always aims at the development of the individual. It provides the individual with all those opportunities or facilities with which he can develop his powers and faculties to the fullest extent. Moreover, the society aims at general welfare and not merely looks to the benefit of a particular section of people. The ultimate aim of society consists in the development of national life, cultural and ideal as constrasted with individual personality.

8. Fulfilment of Social Instinct:
According to Aristotle, “Man is a social animal.’ Man wants to live in society for the fulfilment of his social instinct. He cannot lead life in isolation. He possesses an instinct of gregariousness. If there is anybody who wants to lead an isolated life, he is either a god or a beast. Man’s social instinct is satisfied only if he leads a group life.

We can conclude in the end that the proper progress of life is impossible without society. A man can develop his personality and be at his best only in society. It is because man lives in society that he proudly calls himself, “The top and crown of all creation.” Society enables man to live happily.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 9 Society, State and Nation

Question 2.
Define State and discuss its essential elements.
Discuss the essential elements of a State.
State is the main subject of Political Science, but the term ‘State’ is used in many ways due to which it is difficult for a common man to understand the proper meaning of the word ‘State’. Generally distinction is not made between State, Society and Nation and ordinarily the people use the word State for society, country, nation, government etc. But from Political Science point of view, it is not correct because all these terms have different meanings.

Many times the word State is used for the federating units and for the federation. For example, the word ‘State’ is used for United States of America as well as the units of U.S.A. Similarly the word ‘State’ is used for India and for its units. Punjab, Bengal, Haryana, U.P., M.P. etc. are often called states but in fact these are not states. For a student of Political Science it is essential to know the meaning of term ‘State’.

Etymology of the word State:
The word ‘State’ is derived from the Latin word ‘Status’. The term ‘Status’ means social status of a man. In ancient times, no distinctioin was made between state and society. Hence the word ‘state’ was used to connote social status. But gradually its meaning changed and during the time of Cicero it was used for the status of the whole society.

In modern sense this term was used for first of all by Machiavelli, a great political scientist of Italy, in the book ‘The Prince’. In ‘The Prince’ Maehiavelli writes “All the powers which have had and have authority over men are states (state) and are either monarchies or republics.” Explaining the importance of the word ‘State’ as used by Machiavelli, Sir Earnest Barker writes, “The word ‘State’ when it came into use in England during the sixteenth century, brought with it from Italy the idea of a high ‘State’ or stateliness vested in some one person or some body of persons.”

Definition of State. According to Garner, there are as many definitions of the state as much is the number of writers. Different writers have given definitions from their own point of view. Some writers on the basis of source, some on the basis of elements, some on the basis of the origin of the state and some on the basis of aims of the state has defined the word ‘State’.

1. According to Aristotle, “State is a union of families and villages having for its end a perfect and self-sufficing life by which we mean happy and honourable life.” But Aristotle’s definition cannot be used in modem times as Aristotle has not made any distinction between state and society. Moreover, Aristotle’s definition has not mentioned territory and sovereignty.

2. According to Bluntschli, “State is politically organised people of a definite territory.”

3. According to Oppenheim, “The State exists when people are settled in a country under its own sovereign Government.”

4. According to Laski, “The State is a territorial society divided into government and subjects claiming within its alloted physical area a supremacy over all other institutions.”

5. According to Woodrow Wilson, “The State is a people organised for law within a definite territory.”

6. According to Gamer, “The State, as a concept of Political Science and Public Law, is a community of persons, more less numerous, permanently occupying a defined portion of territory, independent or nearly so of external control, and possessing an organised government to which the great body of inhabitants render habitual obedience.”

7. According to Gilchrist, “The State is a concept of Political Science and exist when a number of people, living on a definite territory are unifed under a government which in internal matters is the organ for expressing their sovereignty, and in external matters is independent of other governments.”

8. According to Bodin, “The state is an association of families and their common possessions governed by Supreme Power and by reason.”

9. According to Burges, “The State is a particular portion of mankind viewed as an organised unit.” .

10. According to Maclver, “The state is an association which acting through law as promulgated by a government endowed to this end with corecive power maintains within a community territorially democrated the universal conditions of social order.”

Among all these definitions, Garner and Gilchrist’s definitions are considered the best one because in these definitions all the four elements i.e. population, territory, government and sovereignty are clearly mentioned.

Elements of State:
On the basis of different definitions of State, we can say that state is a group of people having sovereignty, living in a fixed territory under the control of an organised Government. This definition of ‘state is based on four elements: Population, Fixed territory, Government and Sovereignty. It is true that different writers have stressed different elements. Some have emphasised Population, Government and Sovereignty and others have stressed Population, Territory and Government. But modem writers agree with the fact that state has four elements and state can’t exist without any one of them.

These elements are given below:
1. Population
2. Fixed Territory
3. Government
4. Sovereignty.

1. Population:
Population is the main element of state. State is not a group of animals and birds. It is a political institution of human beings. Existence of State can’t be imagined without population. No fixed rules are there to fix the limit of population, but sufficient population is needed for the state. Ten to twenty people can’t make a State.

However, difference of opinions exist among the writers about number of persons in a state. According to Plato, the number of population in a ideal state should be 5040. But according to Aristotle the number of population should neither be too small nor too large, but large enough to be self-sufficing and small enough to be well governed.

In other words, according to Aristotle population of the state should not be 50-60 because with this number the state cannot become self-sufficient and at the same time it should not be ten lakhs because such a big population is not controlled properly. Rousseau was a supporter of direct democracy, hence he fixed the population of a state at ten thousand and remarked that larger the population of state, less and liberty of the people.

But in the present time it is not possible to fix the population of the state. Modem tendency is in favour of states with huge population. Population of Communist China is about 135 crores whereas that of India more than 130 crores. Population of Russia is about 20 crores, and that of U.S.A. 30 crores.

But on the other hand there are very small states like San Marino and Monaco which have population of about 25 thousand and 32 thousand respectively. There are also countries which have the population in lakhs. Luxemburge has the population of 4 lakhs whereas that of Switzerland is more than 70 lakhs. For some countries large population becomes a big problem.

For example for India large population is problem and government is emphasising family planning so that the growth of population is checked. But there are states which encourage the couples to produce more children. Before World War in Germany as in Italy state prizes to the couple were offered who produced children above a fixed number. But those who were issueless and the married they were heavily taxed by the state.

But seeing the population of the modern states, we can say that it is not only difficult but rather impossible to fix the population of the state. But still we agree with the view expressed by Aristotle that the population of the state should be large enough to be self-sufficing and well governed. In fact the population of the state should be to such an extent that the masses of that state lead a happy and prosperous life.

2. Fixed Territory:
Just as population is an essential element of the state, similarly fixed territory is an essential attribute of the state. But some scholars do not consider fixed territory as an essential element of the state. According to Jellinek before 19th century no writer had included territory in the definition of the term ‘State’. Kulber was the first writer who wrote and talked about the element of territory. Seeley and Duguit have not regarded fixed territory as an essential element of the state. In the words of Duguit, “Territory is not an indispensable element in the formation of state.”

But modern writers are not ready to accept this view. According to them, without fixed territory there can be no state. If masses are the soul of the state then fixed territory is the body of the state. According to Bluntschli, “As the state has its personal basis in the people, so it has its material basis in the land. The people do not become a state until they have acquired a territory.

So long as the people do not occupy a fixed territory, state cannot come into existence. Nomadic tribes and gypsies who wander from one place to another do not constitute a state because they do not have fixed territory. Before T948 Jews were scattered all over the world but they could not form a state because they were having no fixed territory. But when they started living on a fixed territory of Israel, then Israel became a state. In fact this element of the state made state separate from other associations.

Meaning of State Territory:
When we say that territory, is essential for the state then territory does not mean only a part of land but it means land, water and air. All the rivers, mountains, lakes and the mineral resources which are within the area of the state, are included in the territory. If sea is along the land then certain miles of that set is also a part of the territory of the state. The air¬space over the land is also included in the territory of the state.

Limits of State Territory:
Just as population cannot be fixed for the state, similarly no definite limit can be laid down about the territory. In ancient times the area of Greek City-states was very small. In those days the means of transportation and communication had not much developed. In those days small city-states were preferred for the successful running of direct democracy because all the people were personally acquainted with one another and hence could easily assemble together for some discussion or to take some decision. But modern age is a scientific age.

Means of transport and communication are fully developed and it is not difficult to administer a vast territory. Today, big states have been established. There are countries, like China, India, Russia, America etc. whose territory spreads into lakhs of squre miles. At present the largest territory is under the jurisdiction of Russia. The area of Russia is 17,075,000 square Kilometre while that of Canada is 9,976,139 square kilometre.

But there are also countries with small territories like Monaco, San Marino, Liechtenstein Vatican, Luxumberge etc. which have 1.95 sq Km., 61 sq Km., 160 sq Km., 0.44 sq Km., 2586 sq Km. areas of land respectively. But in internationalism all countries are equal. For example, in the United States all member-states are equal. In the modem age that state is considered more powerful and important which is having a large territory because in a large territory there are more natural resources.

3. Government:
The third essential element of a state is government. People inhabiting a certain territory cannot by themselves constitute a state, until and unless there is a political organisation of the people. Such a political organisation is the government. Government is that agency which formulates, expresses and fulfils the collective will of the people. Without the government masses cannot be organised. In the words of Garner, “Without a government the population would be an incoherent, unorganised anarchic mass with no means of collective action.”

In a state government can be of any type. In India, U.S.A., England, Switzerland, Canada, France, Germany etc. there is a democratic form of government while in China, Cuba, North Korea, etc. there is a dictatorship of the communist party. In Nepal there is a monarchy. In some states there is a parliamentary form of government, while in some there is a presidential government. In Japan, India, England etc. there is a parliamentary government, while in U.S.A. there is a presidential government.

In some state there is a federal government, while in some there is a unitary government. In U.S.A., Switzerland and India there is a federal government, while in Japan and in England there is a unitary government. It is immaterial which form of government exists in a state because government is changeable. With a change of government the status of state does not change. Whatever the form of government, every government has three main functions- law-making, enforcement of law and interpretation of law.

To perform, these three main functions there are three organs of the government,
(1) Legislature,
(2) Executive and
(3) Judiciary.
The government should be powerful enough to maintain law and order and should be able to defend its territory against any sort of foreign aggression.

4. Sovereignty:
The fourth essential element of the state is sovereignty. Population, fixed territory and government cannot constitute a state unless there is sovereignty also. The word sovereignty is derived from Latin word Superanus which means supreme. In this way sovereignty means the supreme power of the State. State possesses supreme right and no body can disobey the state. Due to sovereignty state is having full control over all the citizens and their associations. It also implies freedom from control from any outside authority. According to Laski, “It is the possession of Sovereignty that the state is distinguished from all other forms of human associations.” Sovereignty is of two types-Internal Sovereignty and External Sovereignty.

(i) Internal Sovereignty:
Internal sovereignty implies that the state has full control over all individuals, associations, institutions, and organisations within the state. No one can challenge its authority. If anyone disobeys the orders of the state, state has a right to punish him. The will of the state is supreme and must prevail under all circumstances and in all cases. Sovereignty cannot be divided among the different associations within the state.

Some people think that in a federal government internal sovereignty is divided between the Centre and the states. But this view is not correct. Internal sovereignty cannot be divided. In a federation, instead of sovereignty, powers are divided between the Centre and the units.

(ii) External Sovereignty:
External sovereignty implies that outside the state there is no institution of power which can compel the state to do certain things which state is not otherwise interested to do. A sovereign state is complete independent. It is absolutely free to determine its policy towards other states. If the policies of a country are controlled by other countries then it means that country is not state. Before 1947 India was under the control of Great Britain, hence it was not a state.

But India got independence on 15th August, 1947 and then India became a state. International treaties and agreements are made by the will of the state. To be a member of the United Nations is not against the external sovereignty of the state because to become a member of the United Nations is the will of the state concerned. The United Nations cannot be called a state, because it does not give sovereign powers to its members. Similarly Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh etc. are not states because they don’t possess sovereignty which is with India. Thus there are four essential elements of the state and if out of these four elements one element is missing, state cannot be established.

Can any element be called the most important one ? Ordinarily, this question is raised which of the four elements of the state is the most important. Every element in its own place is important and if one element is missing we cannot have a state. We cannot think of a state without population. Without fixed territory we cannot have a state. Peace and order cannot be established without a government.

Government formulates, expresses and fulfils the collective will of the state. Fourth element of the state i.e., sovereignty is very important because other three elements are available in other associations also but sovereignty is possessed only by the state. Sovereignty is the only element which draws a line of demarcation between the state and the other associations and hence state is the highest association.

That is why some writers give more importance to sovereignty than other elements. In the word of Gettell, “The state is not the people, nor the land, nor the government, but all of them and in addition the state must possess that unity which makes it a distinct and independent political unity.”

But the truth is that all the four elements are essential elements for the formation of the state. In the words of Gettell, “The absence of any one of these elements destroys the state, all must exist in combination.”

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 9 Society, State and Nation

Question 3.
Distinguish between State and Society.
In ancient time no distinction was made between the State and the government. Aristotle has not made any distinction between state and society. For Plato and Aristotle state was society. It was due to the reason that at that time city-state was so small that it was very difficult to make a distinction between state and society. Greek city-states covered all aspects of human life-State was not only a political organisation, but it was also a religious, economic and cultural institution.

Hence it was natural not to make a distinction between state and society. In the modern age Hegel and Bosanquet have not made any distinction between state and society. Hitler and Mussolini have also not considered any distinction between state and society. Mussolini remarked, “Everything within a state, nothing outside the state and nothing against the state.”

But State and Society are not one. Maelver has rightly said that, “To identify the social with the political is to be guilty of the grossest of all confusions, which completely bars any understanding of either society or of the state.”
Following are the differences between State and Society:

1. Society is prior to the State:
According to Aristotle man is a social animal by nature and necessity. From the beginning man is living in the society. With the advent of man on earth, society began. But state was established at that time when political organisation with the society was established. Political organisation was established when men realised the necessity of peace and political consciousness was created among them. Thus state was established after the formation of a society.

2. Aim of Society is wider than that of State:
Aim of the society is wider, whereas the aim of the state is narrow. Aim of the society is development of all aspects of individual life. It is concerned not only with the political relations of man but with the whole range of human relations such as religious, educational, recreational, economic, social etc. But the state is mainly concerned with the political aspect of individual life.

3. Society is larger than the State:
Size of the state is small in comparison to the size of society. If we take a broader view of the word ‘Society’ then we can include whole humanity in it. For example members of Hindu Samaj are in many countries-India, Pakistan, Canada, Great Britain etc. Hence the size of society is larger than the State.

4. Definite territory is essential for the State, not for the Society:
Definite territory is an essential element of the state and without it there can be no state. But for a society definite territory is not essential. The group of people who wish to form a society may live in a particular country or may be scattered all over the world. Before the establishment of Israel, Jewish society was spread all over the world. Red Cross Society has its branches all over the world.

5. State is organised, Society can be organised as well as unorganised:
Political organisation is very essential for a State. Without political organisation (government) there can be no government. Government is an essential element of the state and will of the state is expressed through it. But society includes organised as well as unorganised communities.

When there was no state man lived in family and in tribes and these tribes wandered from place to place but still there was society though it was unorganised. With the establishment of government organisation came into society and with this state came into being.

6. State possesses sovereignty, Society does not:
Sovereignty is an essential element of the state. State has a power to issue orders and get them obeyed. Those who disobey the laws of the state, they are punished by the state. But the society has no such power through which it can enforce its rules. Society can only make rules for the guidance of man’s conduct. But if anyone disobeys the rules of society, he cannot be punished by the society. At the most, society can exert moral pressure but it is up to the people whether to obey rules of the society or not.

7. Society regulates both External and Internal activities of man while state regulates only the external activities of man. State is concerned with the external activities of man and not with the internal, whereas society is concerned with both. State regulates the external activities of man through its laws. State can take action against the activities of the individual but when a man thinks, state has nothing to do with that. But society is concerned not only with external activities but also with what man thinks.

8. The rules of State are different from the rules of Society:
Rules, and laws and the state are definite and clear and they are enacted by the legislature. But rules of the society are based on customs traditions and conventions and hence they are not definite and clear.

Prom the above discussion it is clear that clear-cut distinction exists between the State and the Society. This distinction is not only theoretical but practical also. State’s sphere is political and it should not interfere in the social life of the individual. If it interferes then it becomes a totalitarian state. However, modern state is a welfare state and hence it cannot interfere into religion, culture, language and morality etc. of the people.

Though State and Society are different entities, yet they are closely related and interdependent. According to Barker “Society is held together by the state and if it were not held together, it could not exist.” Though state is an organ of the society, but society is maintained by state and if the state does not maintain the society, state will cease to exist.

In the words of Barker, “State and society have the same moral purpose. They lend and borrow from each other.” In the end we can say that though both are closely related yet they are not one. Laski has rightly said that, “the state may set the keynote of the social order but it is not identical with it.”

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 9 Society, State and Nation

Question 4.
Define ‘Nation’ and discuss the distinctions between ‘Nation’ and ‘State’.
Various terms which are generally used in Political Science have been defined differently by different writers. The term ‘Nation’ has also been defined in various ways. Different writers have defined this term from different points of view. These view-points can be divided into three parts:
1. Ethnic view;
2. Cultural and Psychic view;
3. Political view.

These three view-points are explained as follows:
1. Ethnic view:
The word ‘Nation’ comes from the Latin word ‘natus’ which means ‘bom’. A nation, therefore, means a people having common origin of coming from a common stock. The definitions given from this point of view are as follows:

  • According to Burgess, “A nation is a population of an ethnic unity, inhabiting a territory of a geographic unity.”
  • According to Leacock, “Nation is a union of men having racial or ethnographic significance.”

In the ancient times the oneness of community or race may have been the basis of a nation but in the modem age this view is not acceptable. No community or a race can call itself absolutely pure. Therefore, this view-point is not acceptable because it does not suit the present conditions.

2. Cultural and Psychic View:
Some people are of the opinion that a nation refers to the large number of people in a state who are bound together by certain emotional and cultural ties and who have a feeling of oneness. They feel that the feeling of oneness is the result of same language, religion, culture, history and traditions. The definitions given from this point of view are as ahead:

Society, State And Nation:
(i) According to Bluntschli, “Nation is a union of masses of men .bound together, specially by language and customs in a common civilization which give them a sense of unity and distinction from all foreigners.”

(ii) According to Barker, “A nation is a community of persons living in a definite territory and there by bound together by the bonds of mutual love.” Comments. This view-point is comparatively better than the one given before. One thing is quite clear now that psychological and spiritual unit is quite essential for the building up of a nation.

3. Political View:
The modern writers generally take the meaning of a nation as a political organisation. Most of the writers are of the opinion that the nation does not only mean that group of people which has a cultural and spiritual unity but it should also have a political unity.

Following definitions have been given from this point of view:

  • According to Hyes, “A nationality by acquiring unity and sovereign independence becomes a nation.”
  • According to Gilchrist, “Nation is the State plus something else the unit of the people organised in one State.”

Most of the writers now-a-days consider nation a political institution but this view-point is not wholly correct. It is not proper to use the word ‘nation’ from political point of view. According to J. W. Garner, “ a nation is not necessarily a people organized as a State nor is a State essentially a nation.”

From the above discussion we can conclude that no single point of view can justifiably define or interpret nation. No point of view is complete in itself, there is some truth in every point of view. In a nutshell we can say that a nationality is a group of people bound together by certain ties like religion, culture, traditions, conventions and literature, etc. in such a manner that they have a sense of oneness. One nation, one state principle in the modern times is the most important one.

Difference Between State And Nation:
Ordinarily no difference is considered between nation and nationality. Nation comes very near to the State. Union of states is often called the union of nations, e.g., League of Nations, United Nations Organisation. In the modern age we find nation state which are formed on the basis of ‘one nation, one State’ principle.

The theory of one nation, one state itself points out towards the distinction between state and nation. According to this theory every nation should have the right to form a state and the states formed in this manner are called natural states. It implies that there can be state without the nation and there can be nation without the state.

Following points would make the distinction between the nation and the state clear:
1. State has four essential Elements:
State has four essential attributes- population, territory, government and sovereignty. Out of these, if there is even the lack of one element, the state cannot come into existence. We don’t need any of the four elements for the making of a nation. Nation is an association organised through cultural and spiritual feelings.

Nation can come into existence only when the people get conscious of unit. e.g., themselves into one group. That one group must have the feeling of oneness and that is possible only if the people have the same language, religion, culture, traditions and conventions etc. The elements of a nation may change and they go on changing, but the elements of state are permanent and they are always the same.

2. Idea of oneness is Essential for the Nation but not for the State:
Only that group of people can be called a nation which has sense of unity, but it is not essential in the case of a State. In case of State, it is essential that the people should be politically organised. Before Bangladesh’s coming into existence Pakistan was certainly a State but it was not a nation.

3. Definite Territory is essential for the State but not for the Nation:
State is a territorial organisation and it is only a definite territory. Nation is connected with the feeling of unity and not with any fixed territory. The members of an association or an organisation may be limited to small territory and they may also be spread all the world over.

4. There can be Many Nations in one State and Many States in one Nation:
Austria-Hungary was a single State before World War I, although there was no sense of spiritual unity among her people. In fact, she was a State having two distinct nations-Austria and Hungary within its fold. This proves that there can be many nations in one State. Pakistan and Bangladesh were two nations but they were one State. It is now that Pakistan and Bangladesh are two different States. On the other hand, one nation may be divided into two States, as North Korea and South Korea are one nation but they are two different States.

5. Sovereignty is essential for the State and not for the Nation:
State has the elements of sovereignty and it is essential for the existence of the State. The nation does not have any sovereignty. Nation attempts at attaining freedom and when it wins it, it gets sovereignty and with it also becomes a State and starts using its sovereignty. Now Bangladesh has become a State and the sovereignty which previously was in the hands of the rulers of Pakistan, now rests with the rulers of Bangladesh.

6. The State can Neither Create a Nation Nor End a Nation:
Due to the element of sovereignty, the State has control over all its citizens and other foreigners living in its territory and also controls the associations and other organisations but- the State can neither create that sentiment for unity in the hearts of the people which is essential for the making of a nation nor it can end a nation. We can very well see the things in our own case. The English tyrannized over the Indians for a long time but despite that they could not become a hindrance in our uniting as a nation.

Despite all these differences it would not be wrong to say that as in the modem times, on the basis of one nation, one State theory, national states are emerging, the nation and the state are coming close to each other.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 9 Society, State and Nation

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What do you understand by Society?
Society is a group of persons living and working together in a spirit of peace and harmony for the satisfaction of their common wants and the promotion of their common good. It is a group of human beings living together and working together to achieve a common purpose for a common good, through their joint efforts.

  1. According to Dr. Jenks, “The term society means harmonious or at least peaceful relationship.”
  2. According to Maclver, “ Society includes every willed relationship of man to man.,
  3. According to Giddings, “ Society is a group of individuals co-operating for the achievement of any objective of common interest or utility.”
  4. According to Wright, “Society is not a group of people, it is the system or relationship that exists between individuals or groups.”

Question 2.
Write down any four characteristics of society.
Answer: .

  1. Group of Persons: Society is a group of persons living and working together in a spirit of peace and harmony for the satisfaction of their common wants and the promotion of their common good.
  2. Voluntary Membership: The membership of a state is compulsory while that of a society is voluntary.
  3. Mutual Co-operation: The individual is dependent on the society for various needs.
  4. Social Instinct: Society provides the individuals with all those opportunities or facilities with which he can develop his powers and faculties to the fullest extent.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 9 Society, State and Nation

Question 3.
Describe the meaning of the word state.
The word “State’ is derived from the Latin word “Status’. The term ‘Status’ means social status of a man. In ancient times, no distinction was made between state and society. But gradually its meaning changed and during the time of Cicero it was used for the status of the whole society. In modern times this term was used for first of all by Machiavelli. State is a superior organisation to all other associations.

Different writers have given different definitions of the State. According to Bluntschli, “ State is politically organised people of a definite territory.” According to Garner, “ The State, as a concept of political science and public law, is a community of persons, more or less numerous. Permanently occupying a defined portion of territory, independent or nearly so of external control, and possessing an organised government to which the great body of inhabitants render habitual obedience.”

Question 4.
What are the essential elements of a State?
There are four essential elements of a state. These elements are:
1. Population
2. Fixed territory
3. Government
4. Sovereignty.

1. Population:
Population is an essential element of the State. No fixed rules are there to fix the limit of population, but sufficient population is needed for the state.

2. Fixed Territory:
So long as the people do not occupy a fixed territory state cannot come into existence. Territory does not mean only a part of land but it means land, water and air. All the rivers, mountains, lakes and mineral resources which are with in the area of the state are included in the territory.

3. Government:
People living in a certain territory cannot by themselves constitute a state until and unless there is a political organisation of the people. Such a political organisation is the government. In a state the government can be of any type.

4. Sovereignty:
Sovereignty means the supreme power of the state. State possesses supreme rights and nobody can disobey the state. Due to sovereignty state is having full control over all the citizens and their associations.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 9 Society, State and Nation

Question 5.
Make a distinction between State and Society.
Following are the differences between state and society:

  1. Society is prior to the state. With the advent of man on earth, society began. But state was established at that time when organisation within the society was established.
  2. Aims of the society is development of all aspects of individual life whereas the state is mainly concerned with the political aspects of individual life.
  3. Size of the state is small in comparison to the size of society.
  4. Definite territory is essesntial for the state but not for society.

Question 6.
Is Punjab a State?
Punjab is not a State. It is one of the provinces of Indian State. The population of Punjab is infact not the population of Punjab because people residing in Punjab are the citizens of India. Centre has a right to change the boundary of Punjab. Punjab government is not sovereign neither in internal matters nor in external matters. Hence, Punjab is not a State.

Question 7.
Define Nation.
The Word ‘Nation’ comes from the Latin word ‘Natus’ Which means ‘bom’. A nation, therefore, means a people having common origin of coming from a common stock. Many writers defined Nation according to their view point. Following are the definitions of the Nation.

  1. According to Burgess, “A nation is a population of an ethnic unity, inhabiting a territory of a geographic unity.”
  2. According to Leacock, “Nation is a union of men having racial or ethnographic significance.”
  3. According to Barker, “A nation is a community of perons living in a definite territory and thereby bound together the bonds of mutual love.”
  4. According to Gilchrist, “Nation is the state plus something else the unit of the people organised in one state.”

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 9 Society, State and Nation

Question 8.
Distinguish between State and Nation.

  1. State has four essential elements, but elements of nation are not fixed.
  2. The element of a nation may change and they go on changing, but the elements of state are permanent and they are always the same.
  3. Idea of oneness is essential for the nation but not for the state.
  4. Definite territory is essential for the state but not for the nation.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What do you understand by Society?
Society is a group of persons living and working together in a spirit of peace and harmony for the satisfaction of their common wants and the promotion of their common good. It is a group of human beings living together and working together to achieve a common purpose for a common good, through their joint efforts.

Question 2.
Discuss any two characteristics of society.
1. Group of Persons. Society is a group of persons living and working together in a spirit of peace and harmony for the satisfaction of their common wants and the promotion of their common good.
2. Voluntary Membership. The membership of a state is compulsory while that of a society is voluntary.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 9 Society, State and Nation

Question 3.
What do you understand by state?
The word “State’ is derived from the Latin word “Status’. The term ‘Status’ means social status of a man. In ancient times, no distinction was made between state and society. In modern times this term was used for first of all by Machiavelli. State is a superior organisation to all other associations.

Question 4.
Define State.
According to Garner, “ The State, as a concept of political science and public law, is a community of persons, more or less numerous. Permanently occupying a defined portion of territory, independent or nearly so of external control, and possessing an organised government to which the great body of inhabitants render habitual obedience.”

Question 5.
What are the essential elements of a State?
There are four essential elements of a state. These elements are:-
1. Population,
2. Fixed territory,
3. Government, and
4. Sovereignty.

Question 6.
Make a distinction between State and Society.
Following are the differences between state and society:
1. Society is prior to the state: With the advent of man on earth, society began. But state was established at that time when organisation within the society was established.

2. Aims of the society is development of all aspects of individual life whereas the state is mainly concerned with the political aspects of individual life.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 9 Society, State and Nation

Question 7.
Is Punjab a State?
Punjab is not a State. It is one of the provinces of Indian State. Punjab government is not sovereign neither in internal matters nor in external matters. Hence, Punjab is not a State.

Question 8.
Discuss the meaning of Nation.
The Word ‘Nation’ comes from the Latin word ‘Natus’ Which means “bom’. A nation, therefore, means a people having common origin of coming from a common stock. Many writers defined Nation according to their view point. Following are the definitions of the Nation.

Question 9.
Distinguish between State and Nation.

  • State has four essential elements, but elements of nation are not fixed.
  • The element of a nation may change and they go on changing, but the elements of state are permanent and they are always the same.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 9 Society, State and Nation

One Word to One Sentence Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
From which word the word state is derived?
The word state is derived from the Latin word status.

Question 2.
Define state.
According to Blunstachli, “State is politically organised people of a definite territorý.”

Question 3.
Write down any two elements of state.

  1. Population
  2. Government.

Question 4.
Define society.
According to G.D.H. Cole, “Society is the complex of association and institutions with in the communit.”

Question 5.
Write down any one feature of society.
Society is a group of persor.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 9 Society, State and Nation

Question 6.
Distinguish lietween state and socIety.
Aim of society is wider than that of state.

Question 7.
Define Nation.
According to Barker, “A nation is a community of persons living in a definite territory and there by bound together by the bonds of mutual love.”

Question 8.
Write down any two factors which promote feelings of Nationalism.

  1. Common motherland
  2. Common Language

Question 9.
Write down any one difference between nation and state.
State had four essential elements but elements of nation are not fix.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 9 Society, State and Nation

Fill in the blanks

1. The term …………………….. means social status of man.

2. …………………….. and Gilchrist definition of state are considered the best.

3. In China there is a …………………….. of the Communist Party.

4. Sovereignty means the …………………….. power of the state.

5. U.N.O. is not considered a …………………….. .

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 9 Society, State and Nation

True or False statement

1. Jammu and Kashmir is not a state in the strict scientific sense.

2. State is prior to society.

3. State possess sovereignty, society does not.

4. State has four essential elements, but nation has five essential elements.

5. Ideas of oneness is essential for the Nation but not for the state.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 9 Society, State and Nation

Choose The Correct Answer

Question 1.
Who said “Society is the web of social relationships and it is always changing.”
(A) Ogg and Zink
(B) Garner
(C) Maciver and Page
(D) Karl Marx.
(C) Maciver and Page

Question 2.
The main difference between ‘State’ and ‘Society is:
(A) State is an association within society.
(B) Society is territorial, while the state may or may not be.
(C) Society is prior to state.
(D) State commands force, while ‘Society’ rnly uas’io.
(D) State commands force, while ‘Society’ rnly uas’io.

Question 3.
The principle “that the population of a state should be large enough to make it self-sufficient and small enough to make good government
possible” was advanced by:
(A) Rousseau
(B) Plato
(C) Aristotle
(D) Laski.
(C) Aristotle

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 9 Society, State and Nation

Question 4.
Who said, “A nationality by acquiring unity and sovereign independence becomes a nation.”?
(A) Gilchrist
(B) Hayes
(C) Burgess
(D) Barber.
(B) Hayes

Question 5.
Which of the following is not a difference between State and Nation?
(A) State has four essential elements but no essential elements of Nation.
(B) Idea of oneness is essential for the Nation but not for the State.
(C) Sovereignty is essential for the State and not for the Nation.
(D) Sovereignty is essential for the Nation and not for the State.
(D) Sovereignty is essential for the Nation and not for the State.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 12 Western Sociological Thinkers

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 12 Western Sociological Thinkers Important Questions and Answers.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 12 Western Sociological Thinkers

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Who is known as the father of Sociology?
(a) Anguste Comte
(b) Karl Marx
(c) Durkheim
(d) Max Weber
(a) Auguste Comte

2. In which year the word Sociology was used for the first time?
(a) 1840
(b) 1839
(c) 1842
(d) 1844
(b) 1839

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 12 Western Sociological Thinkers

3. When was Karl Marx born?
(a) 1820
(b) 1822
(c) 1818
(d) 1816
(c) 1818

4. Who wrote Communist Manifesto?
(a) Weber and Marx
(b) Marx and Durkheim
(c) Durkheim and Weber
(d) Marx and Engles
(d) Marx and Engles

5. According to Marx, how many classes are there?
(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) Five
(a) Two

6. Which of these classes present in every type of society?
(a) Capitalist Class
(b) Labour Class
(c) a + b
(d) None of these
(c) a + b

7. According to Karl Marx, what is the reason of class struggle in society?
(a) Exploitation of labourers by capitalists
(b) Exploitation of capitalists by labourers
(c) Historical problems between the both
(d) All of these
(a) Exploitation of labourers by capitalists

8. Which of these concepts was given by Karl Marx?
(a) Class struggle
(b) Historical Materialism
(c) Theory of Surplus value
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

9. When was Durkheim born?
(a) 1870
(b) 1858
(c) 1964
(d) 1868
(b) 1858

10. Who is known as the successor of Comte in France?
(a) Weber
(b) Marx
(c) Durkheim
(d) Spencer
(c) Durkheim

11. Which of these books was written by Durkheim?
(a) Division of labour in society
(b) Suicide-A study of Sociology
(c) The Rules of Sociological Method
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

12. Which of these concept was given by Durkheim?
(a) Division of Labour
(b) Social Fact
(c) Suicide
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

13. How many types of Social Facts are given by Durkheim?
(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) Five
(b) Three

14. Which of these concepts was given by Weber?
(a) Authority
(b) Ideal type
(c) Social action
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 12 Western Sociological Thinkers

Fill in the Blanks:

1. Karl Marx was a ……………… philosopher.

2. Max Weber gave the concept of Social …………….

3. The concept of division of labour was given by ……………….

4. Historical materialism is the contribution of ………………
Karl Marx

5. Karl Marx gave the theory of Class ……………..

6. According to Weber, ……………… religion is responsible for the advent of capitalism.

7. The theory of suicide was given by ……………….

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 12 Western Sociological Thinkers


1. Durkheim was born in France.

2. Durkheim explained about three types of suicide.

3. Weber gave four types of authority.

4. According to Marx, there are three types of classes in society.

5. Labour class exploits the capitalist class.

6. The concept of social solidarity was given by Dürkheim.

One Word/Line Question Answers:

Question 1.
Who is known as the father of Sociology?
Auguste Comte is known as the father of Sociology.

Question 2.
When was the word Sociology used for the first time?
An 1839 A.D. the word Sociology was used for the first time.

Question 3.
When and where was Karl Marx born?
Karl Marx was born on 5th May, 1818 at Rearcity of Ryan state of Prussia.

Question 4.
When and where did Karl Marx receive his Doctrate?
Karl Marx received his Doctrate in 1841 at Jena University.

Question 5.
When and who wrote ‘Communist Manifesto’?
Karl Marx and Engles wrote ‘Communist Manifesto’ in 1848 A.D.

Question 6.
When did Karl Marx die?
Karl Marx died on 14th March, 1883.

Question 7.
According to Karl Marx, how many classes are there in society?
According to Karl Marx, there exist two classes in society, Capitalist class and Labour class.

Question 8.
Name the Concepts given by Karl Marx.
Class Struggle, Historical Materialism, Dialectic Materialism, Social Change, Alienation, Surplus Value etc.

Question 9.
Who is known as the successor of Comte in France?
Emile Durkheim is known as the successor of Comte in France.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 12 Western Sociological Thinkers

Question 10.
In which university, Durkheim was appointed as a professor in Sociology?
In Paris University, Durkheim was appointed as a professor in Sociology.

Question 11.
Name the Concepts given by Durkheim.
Social Fact, Suicide, Religion, Division of Labour etc.

Question 12.
Name the types of authority given by Max Weber.
Max Weber gave three types of authority-traditional, legal and charismatic.

Question 13.
According to Weber, which religion is responsible for the emergence of capitalism?
Weber was of the view that Protestant religion was responsible for the emergence of capitalism,

Question 14.
Name the concepts given by Max Weber.
Authority and its types, domination, ideal type Capitalism, Protestant Ethics and the spirit of capitalism, social action, Verstehen etc.

Very Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
What is Capitalist Class?
According to Karl Marx, Capitalist Class is that which owns all the means of production with the help of which it exploits all the other classes. With the help of means of production, it earns more money and spends its leisureful life. Marx was of the view that one day will come when labour class will throw away its power and authority.

Question 2.
What is Labour Class?
According to Marx, labour class is that which does not own any means of production. It does not have any money or wealth. It does not have anything to sell except its labour to earn its livehood. It is always exploited by the capitalist class.

Question 3.
What is Social Solidarity?
According to Durkheim, each society has some of its own ideals, beliefs, ways of behaviour, institutions and laws which bind it. Due to such elements, solidarity is maintained in society. They help in the formation of social relations and create unity in society which is known as social solidarity.

Question 4.
What is Capitalism?
Capitalism is an economic system in which private property is of great importance and there is negligible govt, control on the market. Every one earns according to his qualification and ability. In Capitalism, capitalist earns more money with the help of its existing resources and exploits the labour class.

Question 5.
What is Division of Labour?
According to Durkheim, division of labour is the division of work among the people or groups, according to their ability so that the work could be done in an organised and efficient way. It exists in every society. It does not originate but it gradually develops.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 12 Western Sociological Thinkers

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
What is Class Struggle?
Karl Marx has studied two classes in every society. According to him, in every society two opposite classes are there. One who exploits and other who is exploited by first one and there is always a struggle in them. To this struggle Marx has given the name of Class struggle. The class which exploits, to whom he gives the name of Capitalist class or Bourgouise, has all the means of production. With these means of production it always tries to suppress the other classes. Second class to which he has given the’name of Labour class or Proletariats, don’t have any means of production. They don’t have anything to earn their livelihood except to sell their labour. They are always exploited by Capitalist class. A continuous struggle is always going on in these both the classes. To this struggle Marx has given the name of ‘Class Struggle’.

Question 2.
When class and class struggle will come to an end?
Under the leadership of labour class with the help of class struggle, the tools of state will come in its hands and then the age of Socialism will start. According to Marx, “State is the biggest tool in the hands of capitalists to exploit others.” After the revolution, Feudalism and Capitalism will try for anti revolution. That’s why the stage of Socialism from Capitalism is the temporary stage of authority of labourers. After the establishment of Socialism, exploitation will come to an end, groups also will come to an end and every one will be able to get according to his labour. But in the developed stage of communism every one will be able to get according to his needs. Slowly and slowly the state will disintegrate and the institution based on cooperation will come into being and class and class struggle will come to an end.

Question 3.
What is Capitalist Class?
Marx has given the concept of Capitalist Class. According to him, one group in society is of that type which has all the means of production and which is the owner of all the means of production. With the help of its means of production it always exploits other classes. With the help of its means it earns more money and becomes more and more rich. Because of the ownership of money and means of production the capitalist lives a luxurious life. It is a developing class which has become the powerful owner of production forces in a short span of time. It stops the social progress and exploits the labour class. One day will come when the labour class will throw away their authority and will establish a Socialist Society.

Question 4.
What is Labour class or Proletariat class?
According to Marx, there are two classes in society—Capitalist class and labour class. Labour class doesn’t have the ownership of means of production. It doesn’t have any money. It doesn’t have any other way to earn their livelihood except selling its labour. They are always exploited at the hand of capitalist class. Capitalist class always take more work from them and pays less money for their work, Because of the labour of labour class always produces surplus value and keeps it with themselves. Because of this exploitation labourer will become poorer and poorer. One day will come when a struggle will start in both the classes and labour class will throw the capitalist class from their authority and Socialist Society will be established.

Question 5.
What is meant by Capitalism?
About Capitalism Marx was of the view that the reason of exploitation is Capitalism. Capitalists always taking away everything economically from labourers. They are taking extra work from labourers but are not paying them enough money. The capitalist is taking away the whole surplus value produced by labourer. Labourers are forced to do more work than the definite time. Capitalists are taking advantage of thier economic condition and are not giving them enough money. In this condition one day will come when all the labourers will unite and throw away the whole Capitalism.

Question 6.
What is a Social Fact?
In every type of society some facts are there which are different from materialistic, Biological—Psychological facts. This type of facts Durkheim calls as social facts. Durkheim has given some definitions of social fact. At one place Durkheim writes, “Social facts are those ways of thinking, doing work and feeling which has the special characteristics to maintain its existence exterior to the individual consciousness.” At one more place Durkheim writes, “Social facts are those ways of working, thinking and feeling which are exterior to man and which controls the men by their power of constraint.”

Question 7.
Give Types of Social Fact.
Durkheim has described two types of social facts—Normal social fact and Pathological social fact. Normal social facts are those facts which are scattered everywhere in the human society and if they are not common among all the persons then atleast they are common in most of them. Pathological social facts are those social facts which are not scattered everywhere in human society but are available at some places or at some particular place.

Question 8.
What is Division of Labour?
According to Durkheim, meaning of division of labour is division of functions among different people according to their ability and capacity. Works are divided in this so that the work could be done in an organized way. Division of labour is a social fact, moral system and a universal phenomenon which exist in all the societies. It does not originate but it develops.

Question 9.
What is Social Solidarity?
Answer: Durkheim says that in every society some values, ideas, beliefs, ways of behaviour, institutions and laws are there which binds the society in one knot. Because of these elements, the relations and unity or solidarity exists in society. These elements increase acceptance and solidarity in society. This type of solidarity is known as social solidarity. If these elements start to disintegrate then the society will also start to disintegrate.

Question 10.
What is meant by Mechanical solidarity?
According to Durkheim Mechanical solidarity can be seen in the repressive laws of society. The basis of this solidarity are the similarities exist among the members of society. The society in which the life of members is full of similarities, where general norms of thoughts, beliefs, functions, life styles and ideas are there and the society which thinks, works as a collective unit on the basis of these similarities shows mechanical solidarity. Its members are united like parts of a machine. In old primitive socieities, mechanical solidarity was there.

Question 11.
What is meant by Organic solidarity?
Darkheim says that second type of solidarity is organic solidarity. In modern societies man is not directly united with group. In these socieities, there is a lot of importance of mutual human relations. That’s why Durkheim was of the view that Restitutive laws are important in modern socieities. In the societies, which are based on differences, humans are dependent upon each other. Each individual can specialize in one field and for other works, he is dependent upon others. This interdependence of members of group or society and their personal inequalities force them to come closer to each other. It leads to establishment of solidarity in society. This, according to Durkheim, is organic solidarity.

Question 12.
Give four differences between Mechanical and Organic solidarity.

  • We can see mechanical solidarity in repressive laws but organic solidarity could be seen in restitutive laws of society.
  • Mechanical solidarity is based on similarities but organic solidarity is based on division of labour.
  • Mechanical solidarity lies in the hands of collective representation but organic solidarity lies in the hands of functional differences.
  • Mechanical solidarity establishes direct relations between an individual and society but in organic solidarity no direct relation is there between society and an individual.

Question 13.
What is Ideal Type?
Weber has used the term Ideal Type not to indicate any ideal thought or some normative ideology but as a specific name for general nomenclature of the social phenomena or the social events. This is based on rational understanding and characteristics. This ideal type forms the basis of his methodology. In fact, this ideal type is an attempt at a scientific explanation of the social phenomenon. Martindale has defined it in these words, “Ideal types are hypothetical concrete individuals constructive out of their relevant components by researchers for the purpose of instituting precise comparison.” Ideal type is not a general or abstract concept but they are such assumed ideal units that have a realistic acceptance.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 12 Western Sociological Thinkers

Question 14.
What is Social Action?
According to Weber, social action is very much different from individual action. While giving its definition Weber has written, “Action is social in so far as, by virtue of the subjective meaning attached to it by the acting individual or it takes into account of the behaviour of others and is there by oriented in its course.” Weber has not recognised very overaction as a social action. Social action has to be guided by the object or the meaning because of which it has been done. Similarly, it is to have a social connotation. Every action or any action that is guided towards inanimate object alone, is not a social action. It has to be a meaningful orientation to the actor imitating it.

Question 15.
What is Legal Authority?
Authority based upon formal rules and laws is known as legal authority. This type of authority is being given by laws or rules of the country. Jurisdiction of the concerned person is being given in this. Authoritative person uses this type of authority according to the definite rules and he can be punished if he will go beyond his Jurisdiction. All the persons, who have got legal authority, don’t have same type of authority but the authority of the concerned person depends upon his post. There is a definite hierarchy among the different posts.

Question 16.
What is meant by Traditional Authority?
Authority given on the basis of Social values, folkways, mores, traditions, customs etc. is known as traditional authority. No written rules or laws are behind this authority. Traditional authority always depends upon unwritten rules. Social Sanction is the main force behind this type of authority. If anyone defies this type of authority then he is punished by social boycot. Example of this type of authority is head of the joint family in Indian Society. Authority of Brahmins in caste sytem was also based upon traditions.

Question 17.
What is Charismatic Authority?
The source of individual authority can be completely different from traditional authority. The power of order can be used by a leader, a prophet, a hero etc. but this type of person can be a charismatic leader if he has any magical power, revelation or any other extraordinary quality and he has some sort of charisma.

This type of authority is neither based on legislative rules and nor on tradition but is based on some sort of charisma. This type of power only those people who have some charismatic forces. It takes a lot of time to achieve this type of authority. In other words the person should develop his personality in such a way that the people should be able to understand that this person has developed some charismatic powers and people accept his authority. Magicians, Prophets, Pir, Military-General, Religious leaders come in this type of category.

Question 18.
What were Weber’s views about Social Actibn?

  • Weber says that social action can be influenced by the past, present or future’s behaviour of other persons. If we are doing any action for the answer of our past action then it will be a past action. If we are doing any action in present then it will be a present action and if we will do any action while keeping in mind the future then it will be a futuristic action.
  • Weber says that every type of external action cannot be a social action. Exterior action can be non-social action if it is influenced by non-living things.
  • Few human contacts can come in the category of social action upto that extent when these contacts are influenced by the meaningful behaviour of others.
  • If so many persons are doing some action then it cannot be called a social action and that action also cannot be called a social action which is only influenced by other persons.

Question 19.
Law of three stages.
In the field of Sociological concepts, Comte has given a very important contribution and that is the concept of ‘Law of three stages’ given by him. He has written about this concept in his famous book ‘Positive Philosophy’. Comte gave this concept in 1822 when he was only 24 years of age. Comte got the thought of this law from ‘Conderecet’, Turoget and from ‘Saint Simon’. Comte wrote that the human knowledge was not developed at once. It came through a number of stages. Comte says that by studying the intellectual development of man in all ages and societies, we can come to know about its base and basic law under which man’s thinking is there and whose concrete result is included in the facts of our structure and in our historical experiences. These laws are like this. Our every main concept, every branch of our conceptual knowledge goes through three different stages and these three stages are :

  • Theological or Fictitious Stage
  • Metaphysical or Abstract Stage
  • Scientific or Positive Stage

In simple words, the meaning of this law is that when humans wanted to get knowledge about any subject then they were thinking on the theological basis. With the passage of time, people started to get knowledge about any subject on metaphysical basis instead of theological basis. But again with the passage of time, instead of using these two bases, -people started to understand any phenomena on positivistic basis. In first stage fiction, in second stage feeling and in third stage rational or reason became important.

Question 20.
Theological stage.
In the conceptual scheme of Comte this theological stage is of great importance. According to him to understand the beginning of social evolution, evaluation of first stage is must. In theological stage thoughts or views of man were fiction or of imagination. Man sees, believes and understands all things as a result of actions at that time of God. They believe that all things whether they are living or non-living are supernatural. It means that there exists some supernatural power in all the things. While talking about human thoughts in religious stage Comte says that in theological stage while finding the essential nature of the universe and while finding the last reasons of natural phenomena human mind believes that all phenomena are the proof of the phenomena of supernatural beings.

In this stage man believed too much in magic and totemism. He believed that in every object, one God or soul or the other resides. That’s why they had separate gods for separate things. As a result of this a number of Gods multiplied. When this number became quite large then an hierarchical order was established and the most important God was placed at first. According to Comte, this stage can be divided in three different sub-stages and these three sub-stages are :

  • Fetishism
  • Polytheism
  • Monotheism

Question 21.
Metaphysical stage.
Comte has called this stage the revolutionary time of modern society. This stage lasts long for five centuries and infact it was started in 14th century and lasted upto 19th century. We can divide this passage of time in two parts. In first part revolutionary movement was started automatically or by itself. Second part started in 16th century. In this negative principle was started whose main aim was social change. The start of revolutionary stage can be accepted as from the time of differentiation of spiritual and worldly powers of monotheism. Revolutionaly Philosophy was started from the arrival of Protestentism in 16th century. Here one thing should be kept in mind that in Roman Catholicism the differentiation of spiritual and worldly powers has also encouraged the theological questions to think over the social problems. The second part of metaphysical stage can be divided in three parts. In first part old system came on to an end automatically at the end of 15th century.

In second stage Protestentism came in front of us. Here there was complete independence of observation but it was limited only to Christian religious matter. In third stage deism came forward in 18th century. It has broken all the limits of observation and said that it has no limit. In this stage the middle aged Philosophy and experts of Law came forward and got higher status in society. These both attacked a lot on Catholic System. Because of it Spiritualism came down. Feudal Society and higher class also see a lot of downfall in them. Protestantism has shown the way of wider independence with the help of which people became ready to finish the social and intellectual elements of old system. In this stage Negative philosophy was established.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 12 Western Sociological Thinkers

Question 22.
Positivism stage.
At the start of this stage two things are important. First thing is this that Comte views it as Industrial society. Second thing is that he believes that it was started in 14th century. It means that this stage was started in comparison with metaphysical or revolutionary stage but in 19th century it started to gain momentum. One difference came into being between the concept and its usage in this stage. Intellectual imagination was divided in three parts. These are Industrial, Asthetic and scientific or philosophical. These three stages are matching with three aspects of every subject like Good or Useful, Beautiful and Truth. From these three parts the most important part is industrial part on the basis of which we can- compare primitive society with modern stage. The special quality of industrial movement was the birth of political independence. One more quality is its revolutionary aspect.

Long Answer Type Questions:

Law of Three Stages:

Question 1.
Explain Comte’s theory of Law of Three Stages.
What do you know about Comte’s Law of Three Stages? Give in detail.
In the field of sociological theories, one of the major contribution of Comte is the theory of Law of Three Stages. He gave this theory in his book ‘Positive Philosophy. He created this concept in 1822 when he was only 24 years of age. Comte got this concept from Conderecet, Turoget and Saint Simon. Comte was of the view that human knowledge and contemplation processes did not develop momentarily. It has crossed many stages, Comte was of the view that after studying human intellectual development in all ages, we come to know about the basic rules under which human contemplation does occur and its result is included in our historical experiences and organisational facts.

All of our major concepts, every branch of knowledge has gone through three separate theoretical conditions and these are—Theological or fictious stage, Metaphysical or abstract stage and Scientific or positive stage. In simple words, this rule says that initially in human life, when people wanted to get knowledge on any subject, they thought about it on theological base. Gradually, instead of thinking on theological level, people started thinking on metaphysical level. Later on, humans left both the levels and started to observe any phenomenon on scientific or positive level. In first stage, imagination was important. Feeling in second stage and reason in third stage became important.

Comte made this law on the basis of different aspects of human nature. There are three important aspects of human nature and these are :

  1. Feelings. Human feelings motivate a person to do work and these feelings serve his functions.
  2. Thought. An individual always thinks to satisfy his feelings and makes a few thoughts. These thoughts take responsibility of satisfying such feelings and help in regulating them.
  3. Action. Humans do work (action) to satisfy their feelings.

Comte was of the view that an individual can live life after maintaining balance in all the three aspects of his nature. If human feelings are different, he thinks differently and acts differently, he cannot live a simple life. In this way, there is a need of a system of knowledge, institutions and beliefs for the existence and continuation of a system regulating behaviour between social individuals. It can lead to the successful establishment of ideological relations between different members of society.
Comte studied the history of human society and said that for giving answer to the given problem, three social systems developed, during the course of time, which had such co-ordination. These three systems were :

  • Theological Stage
  • Metaphysical Stage
  • Positive Stage.

1. Theological Stage. Theological stage has an important place in the conceptual scheme of Comte. According to Comte to understand the beginning of social evolution, the proper observation of first stage is necessary. He believed that in theological stage, all the human ideas were imaginative. Humans always considered every thing as a consequence of activities of a supernatural power i.e. God. He believed that in all the things—alive or lifeless, that supernatural power exists. About human views in theological stage, Comte writes that human brain believed that all the events occurred in the world, are the proof of instant events of that supernatural power. According to Comte, this stage can be divided into three sub stages and these are :

1. Fetishism. Comte established social mobility as a basic element in his philosophy and used it to study human society. Comte believed that his basic element will help in the re-establishment of social sciences. Comte believed that theological stage starts with fetishism. In human thinking, it was a naturally born idea that all the external things have humans like life. At this stage feelings were more dominant than intellectual life. The basic element of fetishism philosophy was the belief that some unidentified influences on human life come forward due to actions of few . things which they considered are alive. Fetishism is an impaired form of theology but is one of its sources.

Fetishism had a close relation with morality, language, intellect and society. At the initial level of human life, sentiments were quite dominant and that is why much stress was given on morality and moral values. Language had no symbolic base. Comte believed that human language has a formative structure. At intellectual level, fetishism was a thumping system. At this stage, humans could only understand theological concepts. There were very few natural phenomenon of which he had personal experience and about which he had very good knowledge. Consequently, the level of this stage’s civilization was of low level. At social level, fetishism gave birth to a specific type of priesthood or clericalism. In this, priests came into being who were astrologers and knew the art of magic. In this stage, humans had direct relation with everything. That is why priesthood or clericalism did not develop in an organised way. The fetish gods did not influence much human life. Consequently, there was not any chance of the birth of intellectual class in this stage.

Here one thing should be kept in mind that in the sub stage, humans started conquering over nature. The most important aspect in this sub stage was the domestication of animals. Comte was of the view that Polytheism, which is the second sub stage, beginning was started in Fetishism. He takes this stage to a historical level. To reach the second sub stage of theological stage, the most important change came at intellectual level was the change in human views about stars. Stars were worshipped in fetishism but when they reached the level of Gods, it took a concrete form.

2. Polytheism. This stage remained for the maximum time. To explain this sub stage, Comte tells us about his analysis method. He tells us that our analytical method must study abstractly the major features of polytheism. After that, polytheism must be analysed in the context of its features. Basically, Polytheism was completely against every type of scientific explanation but the beginning of science started in this stage. Actually reaching polytheism from fetishism was one of the major achievements of human intellect. The social thought of polytheism can be observed from two sides and these are political and moral.

1. Political Structure. Humans sowed the seeds of politics, right from the beginning, in many ways. Initially in politics, military features such as courage and strength were the most important aspects in politics. Later on intelligence and diplomacy became the base of politics. According to Comte, there were many aspects of political structure in Polytheism such as, religious wars (crusades) and military system. In this sub stage, religion gained social importance. Religious festivals in the Greek civilisation express this aspect very well. Except this, in this sub stage, there was a need of military development. The major reason of military development was that without this, the political structure and its progress was almost impossible. Polytheism not only established military discipline but it maintained this discipline as well. Political structure of Polytheism had two important features and these were slavery and centralisation of spiritual and temporal forces.

2. Morality. The above given explanation of political structure clearly tells us that morality, at this stage, was not in good shape. According to Comte, under the system of slavery, personal, familial and social relations became corrupt to a great extent. Except this, in comparison with political structure, morality was at its lower level. -According to

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 12 Western Sociological Thinkers

Comte, Polytheism had three phases :

1. Comte gives the name of Egyptian phase to the first phase. Intellectual and social elements of primary phase can develop only when whole power comes in the hands of priest class. Its important function was to accept different occupations on a large scale. Consequently, in this stage, one important institution came into being which is known as caste system. First of all, caste system developed in the Asian countries. Yet, the caste system emerged out of military system but it curbed the wartime interests and gave authority to the priest class. Caste system did not develop in the western societies. According to Comte, social equalitarianism was the main aspect of the civilisation. Sometimes he seems to agree with Karl Marx when he says that Colonialism was good for the Asian countries because the equalitarianism of western countries played an important role in breaking the clutches of caste system. Its universality is a major proof of its activeness for the human needs. Major role of caste system in the intellectual progress is to differentiate theory and its execution. Politically, its importance was to maintain system and peace in society. Even after having many advantages, this phase was against any type of progress or change.

2. Second phase was Greek or intellectual in which, first time, discrepancy was created between intellectual and social progress. In this stage, in Greece, one such intellectual class took birth which did not do any work except the conceptual framing. That is why it emerged as an alternative to the pries’! class. Its direct impact was on the progress of science. The revolutionary change occurred in this was the progress in Geometry. The progress of philosophy was started with the progress of science.

3. Comte gave the name Roman or Military phase to the third phase. Major achievement of Rome was to make free itself from the priest class. Consequently the authority of Senate was established in Rome or Roman Civilisation. The centralised feature of the Roman Civilisation was its war policy. Main objective of the wars was to establish colonial areas. The development of individual personality was based on war culture. Humans were nurtured under military discipline. The reasons of Rome’s decline can be seen in its expansionist policy.

These three phases of Polytheism had a universal character. Comte observes them as a specimen of Egypt, Greece and Rome. His main objective was to express three types of Polytheism.

3. Monotheism. When Rome united whole of the civilised world, Monotheism got a chance to work on intellectual level to raise the living standard. Intellectual decline of theological philosophy was bound to happen. Comte gave the example of Roman Catholicism to explain this stage. Monotheism basically is a belief system which is independent from the political system. Differentiation of religion and political power was the major achievement of modern age. One of the achievements of Roman Catholicism was to bring morality under its control. Initially, morality was controlled by political needs. In this stage, an independent and effective existence of an intellectual class was established. Consequently differentiation between theory and its usage came into being. Now, there is no need of empirical context to create new theories. To bring reforms in political system, abstract theories can be created. In the same way, talks could take place about the needs of future society.

In Monotheism’s sub stage, feudalism could be considered as a base of modern society. In the field of morality, Roman Catholicism was able to maintain a universal morality. It helped in creating different moralities such as personal morality, familial and social morality but there was an intellectual decline in this stage. In comparison to this stage, Polytheism was having better opportunities of intellectual progress.

2. Metaphysical Stage. Comte gave the name of revolutionary time of modern society to this stage. This stage remained for five centuries i.e. from 14th till 19ril centuries. This stage can be divided into two parts. In first part, revolutionary movement started without any deliberate efforts. Second stage started in the 16th century. One negative theory started in this whose main aim was to bring social change. The time of revolutionary stage could be considered at the time of differentiation of spiritual and worldly powers in Monotheism. Revolutionary philosophy started in 16th century with the advent of ‘Protestantism’. Second part of Metaphysical stage can be divided into three phases :

  • In first phase, old system automatically ended in the later part of 15th century.
  • In second phase, Protestantism came into being. In this, there was a complete right of observation but it remained confined with the Christian religion. It broke the limits of observation and said that it has no limits.
  • In third stage, Deism came forward in the 18th century. It broke the limited limits of observation. This phase established the authority of medieval philosophy and legal experts. These both gave a great blow to the Catholic system. Consequently, spiritualism declined which greatly affected the world. Feudalism and upper classes also declined. Protestantism gave birth to universal freedom and consequently people became ready to remove social and intellectual elements of ancient system. Negative philosophy was also established in this stage.

3. Positive Stage. To understand the beginning of positive stage, two things should be kept in mind. First of all, Comte considered it as Industrial society. Secondly, he considers the beginning of this stage also from the 14th century. It means that the positive stage also started with the revolutionary stage but it started dominating in the 14th century. In the positive stage, one difference occurred in its concept and usage. Intellectual imagination was divided in three phases and these were’ industrial, aesthetic and scientific. All of these phases were similar in three aspects of each subject such as good or profitable, beautiful and truth. Most important aspect out of these is industrial on the basis of which, we can compare ancient society with modern system. Major feature of the industrial aspect was the advent of political freedom. One of its another feature is its revolutionary nature.


Question 2.
Explain Positivism theory given by Auguste Comte.
Discuss the theory of Positivism given by Comte.
Auguste Comte used the word ‘Positivism’ in his book ‘Positive Philosophy’ in a way that it became polemical. Actually, he used this word as an ideological weapon to struggle against the revolutionary culture. Comte’s main objective, to understand social phenomenon, was to dismiss critical and destructive theories of negative philosophy and, in place of it, to establish formative and constructive theories of positive philosophy. In other words, main objective of Comte was to bring social study and research at scientific level. Positivism wanted to use methods of natural sciences in social studies and to make social sciences more realistic such as Physics, Chemistry etc. He believed that through positivism, real and positive knowledge could be attained. He said that through their practical use, social progress could be made possible. Real and positive knowledge will become strong base of social reorganisation. In this way, the ultimate objective of positivism is social reconstruction or reorganisation.

Now the question is that what is meant by the concept of Positivism given by Comte. In simple words, the scientific method used by Comte to study social phenomenon is positivism. Comte adopted this method as study method from Huem, Kont and Gaul. He used positivism while formulating his theories but never gave its clear cut explanation in his books. He never tried to prove the correctness of its rules. He did so deliberately because he believed that the explanation of method cannot be differentiated from the study of its phenomenon which can be found through these methods.

After studying Comte’s writings, we can say that the meaning of positivism is a scientific method. Scientific method is the method in which, to understand and explain any subject matter, there is no place of imagination, guessing, exchange etc. It is a systematic functional method of observation, experience, classification, comparison and scientific method. In this, to understand and to gain any knowledge of any subject, the scientific method based on observation, experience, classification, comparison and historical method is known as positivism.

Chamblis explained the meaning of Comte’s positivism in these words. Comte rejected the thing that positivism is antitheist because, in any form, it is not attached with supernaturality. He also believed that positivism is not fatalist because it accepts that change can come in outer phase. It is also not optimistic because it lacks the metaphysical base of optimism. Positivism is related with reality, not with imagination, is related with useful knowledge, not with complete knowledge. It is related with those definite facts whose pre-knowledge is possible. It is also related with real knowledge, not with indefinite ideas. In short, positivism is the system of ideas which is universally accepted.

From the given description, it is clear that positivism is the scientific method based on observation, explanation, classification, comparison and historical method through which the real and positive knowledge about any subject is gained. While following Huem and Kont, Comte was clear about the fact that what any science should achieve and what it should try to achieve. The scope of scientific knowledge is limited. Such logics are included in scientific knowledge which are about the relations of traditions and can be checked. These logics, are of two types :

  • Uniformity of co-existence
  • Uniformities of succession.

During the times of Comte, natural sciences such as mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry and biology were completely developed and the study of their subject matter was done through scientific method. But Comte was not satisfied with the study system of social phenomenon through prevailing hypostatical and religious methods. He gave the utmost importance to scientific method. He was in favour of bringing social study system into the scientific study system of observation, classification, analysis etc. Comte was of the view that, with the help of systematic functional systems based on observation, experience, classification etc., the study of not only natural phenomenon is possible but the study of society is also possible because society is a part of nature. The way in which natural phenomenon are based on few definite rules, in the same way, as a part of nature, social phenomenon also occur according to certain rules.

Social phenomenon never occur suddenly but occur according to pre-determined rules. It means that the study of collective life and its related basic rules is realistically possible. This is the basic concept of positivism. So, it is clear that Comte’s Positivism is not based on imagination but is based on the systematic functional system of observation, comparison, classification, historical method which explains social tradition and instead of finding reasons, it gives more stress on finding causal-effect relationship.

It is clear from the given description that in positivistic system, initially we select a topic and then, through observation, we collect all the related facts. In the eyes of Comte, observation is the major method to study any phenomenon, natural or social. After this, it is explained, analysed and on the basis of general features, they are classified. In the end, related with the topic, conclusions are drawn and they are verified by using comparison and historical method.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 12 Western Sociological Thinkers

Theory Of Social Action:

Question 3.
Discuss Max Weber’s theory of Social Action.
Among the propounders of the theory of Social Action, Max Weber is quite prominent. Weber gave a detailed and scientific explanation of the theory,of Social Action. Only through the concept of Social Action, Weber explains scientific nature of Sociology. A number of Sociologists, such as Raymond Aaron, Irwing Zetlin, Bogardax, Rex etc. criticised Max Weber and they started their work of criticism only with the theory of Social Action. Before the beginning of this theory, we must keep in mind that there must be no technical difference between action and behaviour. It is necessary for the members of the society to interact with others for the formation of relations. There is always an objective behind every type of human action. One needs to act to achieve his objective. As a sociologist, one cannot include all the actions in the purview of Social Action. Only such actions come in its purview which are given any particular meaning by the actor. This action of an individual can be external, internal, mental and material. Along with this, actions can be related with any time present, future or past. It means it can be related with any age.

First of all the theory of Social Action was given by ‘Alfred Marshall’. Marshall studied Utilitarianism and developed the concept of action. Marshall considered action as a special category of value. After Marshall, Vilfredo Pareto developed the theory of ‘elites’ and ‘circulation of elites’. In this category, Durkheim gave the theory of ‘Social Fact’.  In modern age, major propounder of the concept of Social Action was Max Weber who gave the concept of meaningful ‘Social Action’. In the same way the names of Weblin, Commons, Karl Manheim, Parsons and Merton are quite important. We can also include the names of William White and C. Right Mills in this category. Max Weber gave his theory of ‘Social Action’ in his book ‘The Theory of Social and Economic Organisation’.

Weber says that social action is very much different from individual action. While defining social action, Max Weber writes that, “That action is social in so far as by virtue of the subjective meaning attached to it by acting individual it takes account of the behaviour of others and is ther eby oriented in its course.” To explain his concept of social action, Weber divided it into four parts. According to Weber, this classification of Weber is based on the relations with things. Parsons considered it a form of orientation. Gerth and Mills call it as a motivational direction.

Before understanding Weber’s classification of action, we need to understand the concept of Social Action. According to Weber, we need to keep in mind four things before accepting any action as Social Action :

  1. Weber believed that social action can be affected by the past, present and future behaviour of other individuals. If we act in accordance with our action of past, it will be a past action. If we act in present time, it is a present action and if we act while keeping in mind future, it will be a future action.
  2. Weber says that every exterior action cannot be a social action. Exterior action is non-social which is influenced completely by non-living things.
  3. Few human contacts come in the category of social action till the extent that they are related and influenced by meaningful behaviour of others.
  4. Action is neither called social if same type of action is done by many and nor it can be called social which is only affected by others. For example, during rain, if every one opens up his umbrella, it cannot be a social action because action of every one is not related with the action of others. Weber says that imitation of someone’s action is not social until your action is having a meaningful relation with others’ action.

Types Of Social Action:

1. Rational Action. Rational Action (also known as value-rational ones, wertrational) is the action which is taken because it leads to a valued goal, but with no thought of its consequences and often without consideration of the appropriateness of the means chosen to achieve it (‘the end justifies the means’). Value rational or Instrumentally rational social action is divided into two groups : rational consideration and rational orientation. Rational consideration is when secondary results are taken into account rationally. This is also considered alternative means when secondary consequences have ended. Determining this mean of action is quite hard and even incompatible. Rational orientation is being able to recognize and understand certain mediums under common conditions. According to Weber, heterogeneous actors and groups that are competing, find it hard to settle on a certain medium and understand the common social action.

2. Instrumental Action (also known as value relation, goal-instrumental ones, zweckrational): actions which are planned and taken after evaluating the goal in relation to other goals, and after thorough consideration of various means (and consequences) to achieve it. An example would be a high school student preparing for life as a lawyer. The student knows that in order to get into college, he/she must take the appropriate tests and fill out the proper forms to get into college and then do well in college in order to get into law school and ultimately realize his/her goal of becoming a lawyer. If the student chooses not to do well in college, he/she knows that it will be difficult to get into law school and ultimately achieve the goal of being a lawyer. Thus the student must take the appropriate steps to reach the ultimate goal.

Another example would be most economic transactions. Value Relation is divided into the subgroups commands and demands. According to the law, people are given commands and must use the whole system of private laws to break down the central government or domination in the legal rights which a citizen possess. Demands can be based on justice or human dignity just for morality. These demands have posed several problems. Even legal formalism has been put to the test. These demands seem to weigh on the society and at times can make them feel immoral.

The rational choice approach to religion draws a close analogy between religion and the market economy. Religious firms compete against one another to offer religious products and services to consumers, who choose between the firms. To the extent that there are many religious firms competing against each other, they will tend to specialize and cater to the particular needs of some segments of religious consumers. This specialization and catering in turn increase the number of religious consumers actively engaged in the religious economy. This proposition has been confirmed in a number of empirical studies.

It is well known that strict churches are strong and growing in the contemporary United States, whereas liberal ones are declining. For lannaccone’s religious experience is a jointly produced collective good. Thus members of a church face a collective action problem. Strict churches, which often impose’ costly and esoteric requirements on their members, are able to solve this problem by weeding out potential free riders, since only the very committed would join the church in the face of such requirements. Consistent with the notion that religious experience is a collective good, lannaccone et al. show that churches that extract more resources from their members (in the form of time and money) tend to grow in membership.

3. Affectional Action (also known as emotional actions) are the actions which are taken due to one’s emotions, to express personal feelings. For example, cheering after a victory, crying at a funeral would be affectional actions. Affectual is divided into two subgroups : uncontrolled reaction and emotional tension. In uncontrolled reaction there is no restraint and there is lack of discretion. A person with an uncontrolled reaction becomes less inclined to consider other peoples’ feelings as much as his own. Emotional tension comes from a basic belief that a person is unworthy or powerless to obtain his/her deepest aspirations. When aspirations are not fulfilled there is internal unrest. It is often difficult to be productive in society because of the unfulfilled life. Emotion is often neglected because of concepts at the core of exchange theory. A common example is behavioral and rational choice assumptions. From the behavioral view, emotions are often inseparable from punishments.

Emotion. Emotions are one’s feelings in response to a certain situation. There are six types of emotion : social emotions, counterfactual emotions, emotions generated by what may happen (often manifested as anxiety), emotions generated by joy and grief (examples found in responses typically seen when a student gets a good grade, and when a person is at a funeral, respectively), thought-triggered emotions (sometimes manifested as flashbacks), and finally emotions of love and disgust. All of these emotions are considered to be unresolved. There are six features that are used to define emotions : intentional objects, valence, cognitive antecedents, physiological arousal, action tendencies, and lastly physiological expressions. These six concepts were identified by Aristotle and are still the topic of several talks.

4. Rational choice theorists, on the other hand, believe that all social actions are rationally motivated. Rationality means that the actions taken are analyzed and calculated for the greatest amount of (self)-gain and efficiency. Rational choice theory although increasingly colonized by economist, it does differ from microeconomic conceptions. Yet rational choice theory can be similar to microeconomic arguments. Rational choice assumes individuals to be egoistic and hyperrational although theorists mitigate these assumptions by adding variables to their models.

5. Traditional actions. Actions which are carried out due to tradition, because they are always carried out in a particular manner for certain situations. An example would be putting on clothes or relaxing on Sundays. Some traditional actions can become a cultural artifact. Traditional is divided into two subgroups: customs and habits. A custom is a practice that rests among familiarity. It is continually perpetuated and is ingrained in a culture. Customs usually last for generations. A habit is a series of steps learned gradually and sometimes without conscious awareness. As the old cliche goes, “old habits are hard to break” and new habits are difficult to form.

Social Action models help to explain social outcomes because of basic sociological ideas such as the Looking Glass Self. The Idea of Cooley’s Looking Glass Self is that our sense of self develops as we observe and reflect upon others and what they may think of our actions. Additionally, impression formation processes allow us to interpret the significance of others’ actions.
Social Actions and Institutions Model. An ‘institution’ consists of specialized roles and settings that are linked together semantically, with the complex typically being devoted to serving some function within society.

In sociological hierarchy, social action is more advanced than behavior, action and social behaviour, and is in turn followed by more advanced social contact, social interaction and social relation.
Weber said that social actions are directed in three ways :

  1. Traditional Usage: It means that which is edited on the basis of tradition. Social customs affect human actions. Consequently human actions never move away from social traditions which led to the maintenance of social decorum.
  2. Interest: The meaning of interest is by such similarities in which actions could be understood in the form of prudential guidance.
  3. Legitimate Order: In this, actions are directed by actor’s ideals.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 12 Western Sociological Thinkers

Authority-Concept And Types:

Question 4.
What is meant by Authority? Explain the types of authority given by Max Weber.
Human activities are always according to social structure. In each organised group, elements of authority are always there. In an organised group, few general members are there and few other members are there who are given responsibility as well as authority. Few persons work as administrators. Composition of a group is always according to this rule of authority which states that few are empty handed and few are given enough. Legal or sanctioned form of power is known as authority. Meaning of sanction of power is by that power which is sanctioned by society. This sanction can be given through written rules, laws, traditions or written norms. Power is the capacity of a person or a group of influencing other’s behaviour according to one’s wish. Power is an institutionalised concept and Weber’s analysis is in this direction. Weber has given three basic types of authority and these are :

  1. Legal Authority
  2. Traditional Authority
  3. Charismatic Authority

1. Legal Authority. The authority based upon formal rules and laws is known as legal authority. This type of authority is being given by laws or rules of the country. Jurisdiction of the concerned person is being given is this. Authoritative person uses this type of authority according to the definite rules and he can be punished if he will go beyond his jurisdiction. All the persons, who have got legal authority, don’t have some type of authority but the authority of the concerned person depends upon his post. There is definite hierarchy among the different posts..

There are certain rules in using authority which keep restrictions on those who use authority. Authority differentiates his personality as an individual and as an authoritative person. It is expected from him to keep all of his activities in written form. In this way State makes certain rules according to which few statuses are there with which some authority is associated. So if any person gets that status, he automatically enjoys the authority associated with that status.

In this type of authority, the source of authority is not the individual prestige of a person but is the authority associated with the rules. For this his scope is limited until the authority is given to him by laws. An individual cannot go beyond the limits of authority which is given to him by his official status or laws. In this way there is a basic difference between his scope of official activities and personal activities. For example, if any one is working as an officer then in office he enjoys certain type of authority which he cannot enjoy at home. At home he enjoys the authority of a father and a husband but not of an officer. In any complex society, legal authority is not the same in every one’s hand but there is definitely a hierarchy in it. It means that in legal authority certain higher and lower authorities are there.

2. Traditional Authority. Authority given on the basis of social values, folkways, mores, traditions, customs etc. is known as traditional authority. No written rules or laws are behind this type of authority. Traditional authority always depends upon unwritten rules. Social sanction is the main force behind this type of authority. If any one defies this type of authority then he is punished by social boycot. Example of this type of authority is head of the joint family in Indian society. Every one obeys the orders of head of the family due to traditions. Authority of Brahmins caste system was also based upon traditions. They are considered as superior to other castes and they have the permission to perform religious rituals. Even today, Brahmin plays a very important role as a religious consultant. In the same way authority of husband over wife is the fine example of traditional authority in Indian society.

This type of authority is not given according to one’s status or is given to any one under certain rules but one enjoys it because authority to him is given by tradition. This status is defined according to traditional system because of which one gets a specific type of authority. In this way authority based on traditional beliefs is known as traditional authority. For example, in earlier times, the authority given to panchs in panchayat was not according to certain rules but was according to traditions associated with the status of panchs. Even the authority of panchs was compared with the authority of God. It means that panch was seen as replica of God. In the same way the authority given to father in a patriarchal society is not according to rules but is based on traditions. We do not follow father’s orders because of any legal authority given to him but we follow him because traditionally this process is going on from the ages. Legal authority is definite and limited according to certain defined rules but this is not the case in traditional authority because traditions are not clearly defined and they don’t have any definiteness. There is no limit of this type of authority. For example, the limit of authority of an officer can be defined but we cannot define his authority as a father or as a husband.

3. Charismatic Authority. The source of charismatic authority can be completely differ ent from traditional authority. The power of order can be used by a leader, a prophet, a hero etc. but this type of person can be a charismatic leader if he has any magical power, revaluation or any other extraordinary quality and he has some sort of charisma. Those people who obey his orders, are his followers who, instead of belie’zing in legal or traditional authority, believe in his charismatic abilities and individual charisma. Those followers can barely be characterized as an organisation and their activi ties are based on the authority of the leaders. Officials of this type of organisation can be designated by ithe leader not by any rule or tradition. They are bounid to the orders given by their charismatic leader.

This type of authority is neither’ based on legislative? rules and nor on tradition but i:s based on some sor-t of charisma. This type of power only those people enjoy who have some charismatic forces. It takes a lot of time to achieve this type of authority. In other words; the person should develop his personality in such a way that the people- should be able to understand that this, person has developed some charismatic powers and people mus?t accept his authority. Magicians, Prophets, Pir, Military General, Religious leaders come in this type of authority. People accept authority of thin type of person because they feel that this person has some charismatic traits; which ordinary people don’t have. Thai’s why they even bow in front of him. This type of au thority don’t have any limit. This type of authority has a feat ure that after some time, it changes into either legal or traditional autho:rity.

Social Fact:

Question 5.
Explain the concept of Social Fact of Durkheim. Critically examine it also. .
Explain the nature and characteristics of Social Fact. Criticise it also.
The analysis of‘social fact’ given by Karl Marx is very important. Durkheim’s views about ‘Social Fact’ can be seen in his second main book ‘The Rules of Sociological Method’. Durkheim felt that Sociology cannot be established as independent science until or unless its subject matter is not clear and for the analysis of this there is need of systematic objective methodology. Because of these two objectives Durkheim wrote ‘The Rules of Sociological Method.’Durkheim clearly felt the drawbacks of Sociologists like Comte, Spencer, Mill etc. and clearly wrote, “These Sociologists have gone forward unclear towards the relations between nature of Sociology and Socio-biological areas.”

What are Social Facts? From the point of view of subject matter and study methodology, Durkheim has tried to establish Sociology as an independent Social Science. Durkheim was of the view that Sociology does not include all the human activities in its study’ but it limits itself to the study of social facts. In this chapter Durkheim tries to clarify that actually which facts oan be called as Social Facts? What are the characteristics of social facts and how these can be studied?

While explaining the meaning of Social Fact, Durkheim said that there are many wrong views about social fact and that’s why many misconceptions are there regarding the subject matter of Psychology, Biology and Sociology. Himself Durkheim has written, “Before knowing methodology of social facts we should know that which facts are generally known as ‘Social’? This is also important from this point that the word ‘Social’ has been used in very indefinite way. Today this word is used for that phenomenon which occurs in society. That is a different thing that how much interest that phenomenon have in society. But we don’t have any human phenomenon which cannot be called as social. Every man is sleeping, eating, drinking and thinking and it is in the interest of society that everthing should be done in a systematic way. If we’ll call all these social facts then there will be no independent subject matter of Sociology and there will be a great confusion in Sociology and Psychology and Biology.

While explaining the meaning of social fact, first of all Durkheim said that social facts should be seen as things. Yet Durkheim has not given clear meaning of the word ‘thing’. Durkheim has used the word ‘thing’ in four different meanings. These are :

  1. Social fact is that thing which has some characteristics and externally which can be seen.
  2. Social fact is that thing which we can know with experience only.
  3. Social fact is that thing whose existence is not dependent upon humans,
  4. Social fact is that thing about which we can understand externally. But because social fact is like thing so it is not a static concept but it should be taken as moveable concept.

In this way we can see that in every type of society some those type of facts are there which are quite different from Material, Biological and Psychological. To this type of facts Durkheim is calling them social fact. Durkheim has given many definitions of social facts. At one place Durkheim has written, “Social facts are those ways of doing work, thinking and experiencing, in which they have extraordinary characteristic of keeping their existence outside of personal consciousness.” At another place Durkheim has written, “Social facts are the ways of doing work, thinking and experiencing, which are external from man and which controls the man with the help of their power of constraint.”

In the end of first chapter of his book Durkheim gave clear definition of social fact. He wrote, “A social fact is a temporary, permanent way of doing work, which is capable of putting external pressure or every way of doing any work which is available in any society in general form but with that they are independent from personal consciousness and have their independent existence.”

From all these definitions of Durkheim it is clear that way of acting are social facts. In ways of acting all human behaviour are included which are related with his thinking, feeling and acting. These are the parts of social reality. These phenomenon can be temporary or can be permanent. For example in any society there is little bit difference between numbers of suicide, marriages and dead people. It means that their annual rate is .generally static or permanent. So these can be called social facts. In this way ‘God’ cannot be called as social fact because it is always from real observation.

In this way any thought of mind cannot be called as social fact because it doesn’t have any external form. But any concept as rule given by any scholar or any pray, in which Totemism is included, can be called as social fact because their real observation is possible. Language, folk stories, religious beliefs, business laws, actions moral rules are the best examples of social facts because their observation, experimentation is possible and they are external of humans and they are capable to pressurise them.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 12 Western Sociological Thinkers

Characteristics of Social Facts:

On the basis of given description we can say that there are three characteristics of social facts. These are :

  1. Exteriority
  2. Constraint
  3. Generality

1. Exteriority. The first and most important characteristic of social fact is its exteriority. By exteriority it means that it is right that social facts are made by the members of society but when they are developed once then they are not under control of any particular person and they are taken as independent reality. Then they don’t have any internal relation with scientist or maker of that fact and no one can influence these social facts.

To explain exteriority of social facts Durkheim has explained this on the basis of difference between individual consciousness and collective consciousness. According to Durkheim if we will analyse the organization and forms of individual consciousness then it will be clear that the main bases of individual consciousness are sentiments. Sentiments are the results of interaction of different cells. But these sentiments, which develop from different cells, have their own characteristics which are not there before the birth of cells. With collection a system comes in front. To this concept Durkheim is calling ‘Synthesis and Suigeneris. Durkheim believes that the way in which the main base of personal thoughts is the different collection of cells, in that same way the main base of social thoughts is members of society. Collective consciouness is developed from the organization of personal consciousness. In this way “these show the exceptional fact of living outside of individual consciousness.”

2. Constraint. The second characteristic of social fact is its constraint. In other words, social facts have a type of pressure or constraint on man. Social fact cannot be made by one man or by some men, it will be made by many or a number of humAnswer: So that why these are very powerful and they can put effect of constraint on any man. Durkheim was of the view that social facts not only affect the behaviour of man but they affect his way of thinking and doing work. In this way according to Durkheim we can see this characteristic of social fact in this way that it is not according to the interests of humans but the behaviour of humans is according to them. Durkheim is giving a number of explanations to explain this characteristic.

According to him, the behaviour and ways of humans all are influenced by many social facts like moral rules, religious beliefs, economic systems etc. Durkheim has written, “Constraint is their internal characteristic and its proof is that how much I am trying to opposing them they are exerting more pressure or constraint on me. If I will not use the ways of my country, If I will not wear clothes and obey rules of my country then my countrymen will keep me away from them. In actual words these are as effective as punishment. Yet these are indirect but still they are influential.”

At another place Durkheim has written, “It is’not necessary for me to talk with other French people in French language or I should use popular currency, but it will not be possible for me to do work against this. As an industrialist I am free to use old methods of business but if I will do this then definitely I will’ call my destruction. It means that these social facts are exerting on me to work according to them.”

In this way social facts are coming in the category of collective consciousness and collective consciousness is the collection of individual consciousness. This is the consciousness of consciousnesses. A social fact can be seen with the power of constraint pressure.

3. Generality. The third characteristic of social fact is its generality and these have been distributed right from the ancient times till today and these are spread in every sphere of life. These are common to all. These do not belong to any particular person. This generality is not just the collection of many personal facts. They are collective by nature and they are influencing people because of their characteristics of generality and collectiveness. In this way we can see that according to Durkheim, there are three important characteristics of social facts :

  1. Social facts are keeping their independent existence from personal thoughts.
  2. Social facts have an effect of constraint on humans.
  3. They are universal and general and are available everywhere.
    In short, according to Durkheim social fact is the every way of doing work which is external, puts pressure on humans and are general in nature.

Rules For Distinguishing Between Normal and Pathological Facts. In his 3rd chapter Durkheim has given laws for distinguishing normal and pathological facts. Marx has said that the social facts of subject matter of Sociology generally are coming in front of us in two forms. First are those which are according to the accepted behaviour of the society and others are those which are different from these. To these Durkheim has given types of social facts and these are of two types.
Types :

  • Normal facts
  • Pathological facts

According to Durkheim, science must have power to formulate those rules on the basis of which we can differentiate these normal and pathological facts. Normal social facts are those facts which are spread everywhere in human society and if they are not spread in all then atleast they are spread in most of these.

Pathological social facts are those facts which are not spread everywhere but are spread only in some parts. To clarify Durkheim’s view, Raymond Arron has written, “Any phenomenon is normal at that time when they are found in the special stage of evolution of any particular society.” With this definition of Arron the types of facts will be cleared. According to him any social phenomena or fact will be normal in that condition when it is available in any particular stage of evolution of one particular society. In contrary to that if any fact is not of that type or it don’t have characteristic of this type then it can be called as pathological fact.
Durkheim has given three important rules to -differentiate in Normal and Pathological facts.

1. According to Durkheim, the first important rule of differentiating between these two is Generality. Generality is called to that fact when any characteristic or fact is available in most of the members of the group. According to Durkheim the General Phenomenon available in any society or group can be called as normal. Those phenomenon or facts don’t have this characteristic means the phenomenofi which are not average those will be called as Pathological.

In this way Generality is the main base of differentiating in Normal and Pathological facts but Generality is a neutral concept. It is not sure that we can find all the facts everywhere and in every type of society. We can give two examples to clarify this rule. In U.S.A. ‘Kissing’ at any place is a General Phenomena but it is not in India. In this way ‘untouchability’ was a general phenomena in India before independence but now it is not.

2. The second rule of differentiating between normal and pathological fact according to Durkheim is that all use the result of preceding method (Generality) to show that the Generality of the phenomena is related with the general condition of community life of that society. It means that if it is called any fact as general fact according to first rule then to verify our result we can say that this phenomenon is related with the general conditions of community life of that society. For example, marriage is a social phenomena which can be found in every type of society. It is general because it is related closely with our life.

3. According to Durkheim’s 3rd rule we can verify any social phenomena as formal fact in that condition when that normal fact is available in that society which has not evolutionized fully or which is in underdeveloped condition. It is must in that condition when that particular fact is available in that society which has not evolutionized fully.

Division Of Labour:

Question 6.
What do you know about the concept of Division of Labour given by Durkheim? Give its functions and reasons also.
Write a note on ‘Division of Labour’ as described by Durkheim.
In 1893 Durkheim published his first book in French language called ‘De La Division due Trovail Social’. Though it was his first writing yet it was a strong base for his popularity. On this book only he got doctorate from Paris University in 1893. In this great book he has fully explained the social division of labour. Durkheim’s this book has been divided into three parts. In every part he has analysed the different aspects of division of labour. These three parts are :

  1. The Functions of Division of Labour
  2. Causes and Conditions
  3. Abnormal forms of Division of Labour

In the first part of this book ‘Functions of Division of Labour’ he has tried to prove that division of labour is the base of social solidarity. With that from the point of view of scientific study he has explained different forms of Law, types of solidarity, different forms of human relations, crime, punishment, social evolution and some problems of society. In second part of this book he has given detailed explanation of reasons and results of division of labour. In third part of this book he has given some abnormal forms of division of labour.

Here we will give brief description of two parts and with this we will explain the concept of division of labour.

Functions of Division of Labour:

Durkheim accepts every social fact as moral fact. Any social behaviour lives on the base of moral base. As a functionalist first of all Durkheim has given function of division of labour. According to him, division of labour is a social fact, that’s why he started his book from its functional analysis. First of all, Durkheim has given the meaning of function. He has given two meanings of function:

  • Meaning of function is from system of movement it means from action.
  • Second meaning of function is from this action or movement and from interrelation according to its needs which means the need to be fulfilled by action.

Here Durkheim is using meaning of function from second point of view. In this way by function of division of labour his meaning is that which basic of social existence is fulfilled by the process of division of labour. Function is that in the absence of which, the basic needs of its units cannot be fulfilled. Generally it has been said that the function of division of labour is the development of Society because it is a truth that with the development of division of labour and

  • Penal law. These are related with giving suffering, causing loss, to kill and to obstruct independence. We can call them organised Repressive laws.
  • Diffused law. Some repressive laws are there which are spread in the whole society or group on the basis of morality. That’s why Durkheim is calling them diffused law.

According to Durkheim, Repressive laws are related with criminal functions. These laws explain the crime and its punishment. These laws also show the basic conditions of collective life of society. Every society has its basic circumstances. So in different societies repressive laws are also different. The power of these repressive laws is based in collective mind and collective mind gets power from equalities.

2. Restitutive law. Another type of law is Restitutive law system. These laws provide balance to the imbalance produced in the human relations. In this group civil laws, business laws, constitutional laws, administrative laws are coming. These laws are not related with the whole society but are related with human. These laws are regulating the balance and imbalance produced in the personal relations of members of society. Restitutive laws are joining individuals and society with some middle institutions.
On the basis of these two types of laws according to Durkheim two types of solidarities can be made. These two types of solidarities are the result of two different types of life styles. Repressive laws are related with general nature of man and with equalities. But Restitutive laws are realted with differences or with division of labour. The type of solidarity which comes due to Repressive Jaws, according to Durkheim, it is Mechanical Solidarity arid the solidarity which comes due to Restitutive laws is called Organic Solidarity whose base is division of labour.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 12 Western Sociological Thinkers

In this way according to Durkheim there are two types of social solidarities :

1. Mechanical Solidarity. According to Durkheim, Mechanical Solidarity can be seen in the repressive laws of society. The basis of this solidarity are the equalities available in the members of society. The society in which the life of members is full of equalities, where general norms of thoughts, beliefs, functions, life style and ideal are there and the society which thinks, works as a collective unit on the basis of these equalities shows mechanical solidarity. Its members are united like a machine. In old primitive socieities mechanical solidarity was there. He was of the view that even crime helps in binding the people in solidarity. In this way there is existence of one social solidarity which comes out of definite conditions of consciousness which are normal for the members of any society. These can be shown by Repressive laws. These are based on the power of collective consciousness.

2. Organic Solidarity. According to Durkheim, second type of solidarity is organic solidarity. The power of Repressive laws is in collective consciousness. Collective consciousness gets power from equalities. In primitive societies repressive laws were there because the base of social life was equalities. According to Durkheim, modern societies are influenced by division of labour and specialization in which instead of equalities, inequalities are the base. This difference of group or collective life gives importance to individual consciousness.

In modern societies man is not directly united with group. In-these societies there is a lot of importance of mutual relations of humAnswer: That’s why he was of the view that in modern societies instead of Repressive laws, Restitutive laws are important. In the societies which are based on differences humans are dependent upon each other. Every human can specialize in one field and for other works he is dependent upon others. This interdependent of members of group or society and their personal inequalities force them to come closer to each other with the help of which solidarity in society would be established. To this type of solidarity Durkheim is saying organic solidarity. This can be seen in restitutive social system.

According to Durkheim, this solidarity is just like Physical solidarity of man. Because of their specialized functions Hand, Feet, Nose, Ear, Eye etc. have different existence as independent parts of body but their function is possible in that condition when they are united with each other. Hand cannot work until or unless it is not joined with body. In other words, there is unity or solidarity between different parts of body but that is dependent upon mutual dependence. With the increase of population, needs also increase. For the growing demands of people division of labour and specialization take place and with that organic solidarity can be seen in modern societies.

3. Contractual Solidarity. After analysing mechanical and organic solidarity Durkheim has also written about one more solidarity which is known as Contractual Solidarity. According to Durkheim, the process of division of labour gives birth to contractual relationships. People of a group are getting the services of each other on the basis of mutual contracts and mutually they are cooperating with each other. It is right that in modern societies people are establishing cooperation and solidarity on the basis of contracts. But the function of division’of labour is not to give birth to contractual solidarity. According to him, contractual solidarity is individual fact, but it is regulated by society.

Social Evolution. Durkheim has explained social evolution on the basis of development of division of labour. He was of the view that the social evolution from primitive society to modern society should be called as result of continuously increasing division of labour. The changes which came in the social life of primitive societies which were easy and based on equalities, all those can be found in the explanation of process of division of labour. In other words, according to Durkheim, the development of division of labour is social evolution.

Causes and Conditions:

Second part of book ‘Division of Labour in Society’ is related with causes, conditions and results and these are given below :
Causes of Division of Labour. Durkheim has explained division of labour on Sociological basis. He has found the causes of division of labour in the conditions of social life and in the social needs produced from them. From this point of view, he had divided the cause of division of labour in two parts :

  • Primary Causes
  • Secondary Causes,

In Primary causes Durkheim has taken the cause of increase of population and its result. To Secondary reasons he has divided them in two parts and these are increasing unclarity of General consciousness and the decreasing influence of Ancestors. Now we explain them in detail :

(1) Increase in the size and density of Population. According to Durkheim, the increase in size and density of population is the central and Primary reason of division of labour. He says that the increase of population has two aspects—increase in size of population and increase in density of population. These both aspects give birth to division of labour. With the increase in population old primitive societies are disintegrating and new mixed societies are coming into being. Population started to concentrate in few centres. The density of population he has divided in two parts :

  • Material Density. From physical point of view concentration of people at one place is material density.
  • Moral Density. Because of material density relations of the people are increasing with which actions and reactions are increasing. To the complexity coming out of increased mutual relations and inter-relations Durkheim gives the name of dynamic or moral Density.

(2) Unclarity of Collective Consciousness. In secondary reasons of division of labour he has given first place to unclarity of collective consciousness. In equality based societies, collective consciousness is quite strong because of which members of societies cannot be motivated by individual or personal point of view. Collective feelings are showing them the way. Durkheim was of the view that division of labour and individual specialization is possible in that condition when instead of collective point of view, individual point of view will develop and when individual consciousness suppresses collective consciousness. So according to him the development of division of labour will be slow and difficult if collective consciousness is strong and definite. If this collective consciouness will be loose enough then the’ division of labour will move with quite a good speed.

(3) Ancestral reasons and division of labour. The second cause of division of labour according to Durkheim is the decreasing influence of ancestral influence. How much more influence these ancestral qualities can exert on man that much less chances will be there for change. In other words for the development of division of labour it is must that we should not give importance to ancestral qualities. The development of division of labour is possible only if there will be differences in the nature and behaviour of the people.

The result of classifying people on the base of their ancestral qualities and binding them with their ancestors is that man has not been able to develop his special qualities and does not change. In this way it is an obstacle in the distribution of division of labour. He was of view that with the passage of time ancestral binding will become so weak and their ancestral qualities will also become weak. So slowly and slowly different qualities of people will develop and then division of labour will also develop. In this way we have seen that Durkheim was of the view that increase of population, unclarity of collective consciousness and decreasing influence of ancestral qualities are the causes of division of labour.

3. Consequences of Division of Labour:

After giving primary and secondary factors of division of labour Durkheim gives us the results or consequences which come out of development of division of labour. We should keep in mind that ‘Functions’ and. ‘Consequences’ are two different words. So many facts which just seem like functions of this, are actually consequences of this. He has given a number of consequences of division of labour and some of these are given below :

1. Functional independence and specialization. Durkheim has differentiated between physical division of labour and Social division of labour and has given consequences of social division of labour. According to him, its one result is this that, the way in which work will be divided in that some way the independence of doing work and mobility also increases. Because of division of labour man keeps his special qualities in special function. So according to him, the result of development of division of labour is that the functions of humans become independent from their physical features. In other words human’s structural qualities are not influencing its functional nature.

2. Development of civilization. In the early part of the first part of his book he clarifies that development of civilization is not the function of division of labour because division of labour is a moral fact and all aspects of civilization-industrial, scientific and intellectual aspects don’t have any relation with moral development.

He has given development of civilization as a result of division of labour. He was of the view that the increase in size and density of population makes the development of civilization compulsory. Division of labour arid civilization both develop side by side but division of labour develops first and then because of its result civilization develops. So in this way he was of the view that civilization is not the aim and function of division of labour but it is its compulsory result-.

3. Social development. Development is the result of change. Division of labour gives birth to change. Change is a continuous process in society, so development is also a continuous process in society. According to him, the main result of this change is division of labour. Because of division of labour changes come and with change development comes. In this way social development is the result of division of labour. He said that the main reason of development is society. We change because society changes. Development will stop if the movement of society will be stopped but from scientific point of view it is not possible. So according to him, development is the result of social life.

4. Social Change and Individual Change. Durkheim has also explained social change on the basis of division of labour.The change which happens in individual is the result of changes in society. He was of the view that the main reason of changes of society is the change of size, distribution and density of population which does division of labour in humans are all individual changes. It happens due to result of these social changes.

5. Origin of new groups and interdependence. According to him, one of the results of division of labour is the development of social interest of persons engaged in special functions. For the security of their special interests new groups will be formed. In this way how much more division of labour is there that much more interdependence will be there. Interdependence gives birth to cooperation and division of labour makes compulsory the process of cooperation in social life.

6. Individual Ideology. He was of the view that because of division of labour individual ideology develops. Now there is less control of collective consciousness. Individual independence and specialization gives birth to individual ideology. So in the end because of division of labour individual ideology came into being.

7. Restitutive Laws and Moral Pressure. According to Durkheim, division of labour changes the law system. Because of division of labour mutual relations increase and because of functional relations and complexity, the importance of personal contract reduces. To keep a balance between contractual relations of humans restitutive laws develop. On one side division of labour promotes individualism and on other side it makes moral awareness related to social welfare and social behaviour of the people. According to Durkheim’s views individualism is not the result of human’s wish but is a compulsory result of social circumstances coming out of division of labour.

8. Organic Social Solidarity. To establish the organic solidarity is the function of division of labour. Therefore the end of function is result. That’s why we can take it in the consequences of division of labour.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 6 Liberty-Meaning and Kinds

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class Political Science Book Solutions Chapter 6 Liberty-Meaning and Kinds Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 11 Political Science Chapter 6 Liberty-Meaning and Kinds

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is Liberty? Explain the negative and positive aspect of Liberty.
Liberty is essential for the development of the personality of the individual. Montesquieu remarked that no other word left so indelible an impression on the mind of the individual as the word liberty. It has indeed been a magic word in history which has inspired millions to revolt. Even today the battle-field of freedom is not silent.

Wherever individuals suffer from injustice, they invoke the name of liberty. Everybody has the feeling that his personality cannot develop without the enjoyment of liberty and, therefore, every individual wants to enjoy maximum degree of liberty. The term liberty is derived from the Latin word ‘liber’ which means ‘free’. In other words, liberty means freedom to do whatever a man likes to do. Liberty is understood in two different ways negative aspect of liberty and positive aspect of liberty.

1. Negative aspect of Liberty:
The negative aspect of liberty means absolute freedom of the individual or i,t means that the individual has the freedom to do anything. Absence of all restraints is the meaning of negative liberty. According to J.S. Mill, liberty means absence of all restraints. J.S. Mill divided man’s sphere of activity into ‘self-regarding’ and ‘other- regarding’ and state interference is justified only in other regarding activities in case his action amounts to an intervention into the domain of the freedom of his fellow-beings.

2. Positive aspect of Liberty:
Real liberty has a positive connotation. It does not mean the absence of restrictions. On the other hand, true liberty exists only when every citizen enjoys the opportunity for self-realization and the State maintains those rights and opportunities which help the citizens to develop all that is best in them. “The true test of liberty lies in the extent to which the law of the land helps the citizen to develop all that is good in him.”

The positive aspect of liberty includes the right of man to do or enjoy something that is worth enjoying. Laski says, ‘Liberty is the eager maintenance of that atmosphere in which men have the opportunity to be their best selves.” In brief it means, the enjoyment of certain important rights such as freedom of life, freedom of thought and freedom of worship, etc.

Now-a-days liberty cannot be accepted in the absolute form. Liberty can be accepted in its positive aspect. An individual is allowed to do all those things which do not do any harm to others and which are essential for the development of his personality. So many writers have defined liberty and the most important deinitions are given as ahead:

(i) According to Prof. Seeley, “Liberty is the opposite of over-government.” Prof. Seeley is of the opinion that true liberty lies in the existence of a right type of government. The individual cannot enjoy liberty under absolute rule.

(ii) According to Gettell, ‘Liberty is the positive power of doing and enjoying those things which are worthy of enjoyment and work.”

(iii) According to G.D.H. Cole, “No external restrictions should be imposed on those functions of the individual which are essential for the development of his personality.” He further says, ‘Liberty is the freedom of the individual to express without external hindrance of his personality.”

(iv) According to McKechnie, “Freedom is not the absence of all restraints, but rather the substitution of rational ones for the irrational.”

(v) According to T.H. Green, “Freedom consists in a positive power or capacity of doing or enjoying something worth doing or enjoying.”

(vi) According to Laski, “I mean by liberty the absence of restraints upon the existence of those social conditions which in modern civilisation are the necessary guarantees of individual happiness.” Laski further says, “By liberty is meant the eager maintenance of that atmosphere in which men have the opportunity to be their best selves.”

On the basis of above given definitions we can say that liberty does not mean absence of all restrictions because unrestrained or unrestricted liberty cannot be given to anybody in society. It means that no unjust restrictions be imposed on the liberty of the individual because they hamper the growth of individual’s personality.

Liberty means power to do anything that does not injure others. It does not mean licence. Some restraints are ‘ necessary for the healthy social life and liberty implies freedom of thought and action within those restraints which are necessary for the larger good of society.

There should be no undue restraints on the individual’s freedom of action. Normally the State should – allow its citizens to five freely, have freedom of speech and expression, of thought, freedom of worship, etc.
From liberty we understand the following things:

  • Liberty does not mean absence of all restrictions.
  • Liberty means absence of unjust and tyrannical restrictions.
  • Liberty means legal, moral and resonable restrictions on the functions of man.
  • Liberty is an essential condition for the development of individual personality.
  • Liberty means the rights of the individual to do things-which are not harmful to others.
  • All the individuals are entitled to liberty equally.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 6 Liberty-Meaning and Kinds

Question 2.
Discuss the kinds of Liberty.
The term ‘Liberty’ conveys a wide range of ideas, and one can speak of different types of liberty. R.M. Maclver observes in his The Modem State (1950): ‘Liberty itself is not one but manifold. There are many forms of liberty: liberty of thought and of its expression, liberty of action in hundred external spheres, civil liberty, economic liberty and so forth, each of these again having many divisions, such as in the economic field, the liberties of contract and of competition.” To have a clear idea of liberty as understood in various capacities, it is necessary to examine the different types of liberty.

1. Natural Liberty:
As generally understood, natural liberty implies complete freedom for a man to do what he pleases. It is another name for the liberty of the woods that is also known by the name of licence. Natural liberty existed in the State of Nature which existed before the birth of Society. Contractualists like Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau speak in terms of a State of Nature in which there were no restraints. In his social contract theory, Rousseau stated that man enjoyed true liberty only in the State of Nature.

Some other writers also hold that natural liberty is the liberty that existed in the State of Nature. But it must be remembered that the State of Nature was pre-social and pre-political and it is difficult to visualise liberty that existed in the pre-social period of history. It must be governed by the law of the jungle and liberty must have implied “Might is Right” Prof. Gettell has rightly said: “In a State of Nature, each person would possess natural might, but not natural right.”

But natural liberty is no liberty. If every one is in the State of Nature begins to act as he wishes; there will be confusion and chaos. The strong alone will enjoy certain things and the weak will perish. Liberty of this unrestricted character is, therefore, not possible in the society. Thus with the emergence of society and state, and with the rise of several restraints, natural liberty had to end. Liberty can be enjoyed only in a society.

2. Moral Liberty:
Moral Liberty is of great importance in the life of an individual. Moral liberty means freedom to do things according to the dictates of one’s conscience. The ideas of Green, Kant and Bosanquet have supported the idea of Moral Liberty. Moral liberty is not at all concerned with the State. It is concerned with the individual’s own self.

3. Civil Liberty:
Civil liberty is the liberty which a man enjoys in a State or civil society and it consists of the rights and privileges which the State creates and protects for its subjects. It implies the right of each to do as he chooses within the limits set down by law. It may involve protection from interference at the hands of the government.

Civil liberty in the main, consists of freeedom of conscience and belief, freedom of, opinion, freedom of action, freedom of movement and equality in the eye of the law. Lord Bryce says that “Civil liberty has a positive as well as a negative side. It imparts activity, it implies the spontaneous exercise of the powers of willing and doing.” Civil liberty is of immense value to the individual and association in a State.

4. Economic Liberty:
Another sphere in which liberty is demanded and its importance increasingly recognised is the economic sphere. In fact, without economic liberty there can be no political nor true civil liberty.

Economic liberty means security of one’s daily bread and reasonable opportunities for earning it. The individual must be made free from the constant fear of ’unemployment and insufficiency and must be safeguarded against the wants of tomorrow.

Economic liberty consists in the individual’s right to work and to a minimum wage, the right to leisure by the regulation of hours of work in fields, factories and mines, the right to form unions and the right to provision against old age, sickness, unemployment, accidents and also maternity benefits. Democracy can be real only if it rests on economic as well as political liberty.

5. Political Liberty:
Political liberty is considered synonymous with democracy. By political liberty is meant the right of the people to share in the administration of the State. It consists of

  • the right to vote
  • right to be elected to various legislative bodies in the State
  • the right to hold political office and
  • the right to make constructive criticism of the government policy. Political liberty thus can exist in democracies.

6. National Liberty:
The term liberty is applied to nations as well as to individuals. A nation or people is said to be free when it has a government of its own choice and when it is not subject to any foreign control.
National liberty exists where the State is a National State, that is, where the community is independent and sovereign. The individual can have little liberty, civil, political or economic unless there is national liberty. India attained national liberty in 1947. In the recent past Bangla Desh attained national liberty with the help of Indian forces. National liberty is more important than all other types of liberty.

7. International Liberty:
The ideal of international liberty covers the world as a whole. It implies renunciation of war, limitation on the production of armaments, abandoment of the use of force and peaceful settlement of disputes. It also desires adequate curbs on the strength of military force so that it may not crush the liberties of the local people or of the people of any other country.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 6 Liberty-Meaning and Kinds

Question 3.
Describe the main safeguards for the maintenance of Liberty.
‘Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.’ In the light of this statement discuss the main safeguards of liberty.
Liberty has its importance for every individual. It is regarded as very precious by all people of the world. If the citizens do not enjoy any liberty, they will not be able to develop their faculties. If their actions, movements and speeches are interferred with at every step by a tyrannical authority, life is not worth-living.

Hence many attempts have been made in every country to safeguard the liberty of the individual citizens. Liberty cannot exist under a dictatorship. If the citizens have full liberty of speech and action, the dictator will soon find that his will or power will be questioned and opposed by the enlightened conscience of the citizens. Hence dictators have been forced to curtail the liberty of the subjects in order to retain their power. There was no liberty in Nazi Germany. Liberty will be secured only in a democracy where the sovereign power resides in the masses.

Generally, following safeguards are included in constitution for the protection of liberty:
1. Democracy:
In democracy the people can share the character of the Government as they like because political power lies in their hands. The people are masters of Government. They enjoy full opportunity for safeguarding their rights and liberties. Democracy is a Government of the people, by the people and for the people.

The Government is run according to the wishes of the people and nothing can be done which is against public interest. In no other form of Government the people can enjoy this much liberty. Democracy and liberty are very closely related to each other, therefore, democratic Government should be established for guarding liberty.

2. Declaration of Fundamental Rights:
Another safeguard that is adopted is to include a bill of Fundamental Rights in the constitution. According to this Bill of Rights, the citizens are guaranteed the enjoyment of their rights, free from all interference. In the modern age the constitutions are generally written and rigid and if there is a declaration of fundamental rights in the constitutions, it will serve quite a good purpose. Moreover, the Government cannot violate the right so easily. This way liberty is safeguarded by the constitution and the judiciary.

3. Independent Judiciary:
There should be independent, impartial and honest judiciary for safeguarding liberty. For the protection of rights and liberties of the individuals and for equal justice between man and man and between individuals and Government competent and an independent judiciary is a great necessity. Most of the modern States have made their judiciary thoroughly honest and impartial so that liberty for the people may be fully protected.

4. Rule of Law:
This expression means the equality of all persons before law. Law makes no distinction between the rich and the poor, the high and the low. The rule of law is the most vital principle that guarantees full liberty to the individual and prevents the executive from becoming high-handed and unjust. Rule of law means equal justice for all, no one can be tried by special courts, no one can be punished except for a breach of law and no one can plead the orders of superiors as justification for disobeying the law.

5. Equal Rights:
For safeguarding liberty it is quite essential that all the citizens be given equal rights. No individual or a section of people be given special privileges. Everybody should be equal in the eyes of law. Nobody should be discriminated against on the basis of colour, creed, religion and caste. The same law should apply to all the persons, may he be Prime Minister Or an ordinary person.

6. Economic Equality:
Economic condition of an individual essentially influences his political condition. Liberty has no meaning for a poor person. An individual can enjoy political liberty only if he is free from economic worries. As long as there is great economic inequality there can be no liberty for those who are economically depressed. In an economically divided state, it shall only be liberty of the rich or the poor. Though perfect economic equality is not possible yet the idea is that there should be as little economic inequality as possible.

7. Separation of Powers:
The ‘separation of powers’ is also regarded as one of the most important safeguards of liberty. It is held that if the three branches of government in a State legislature, executive and judiciary are separated from one another and one does not interfere with the other, individual liberty is better safeguarded. If one part of government tends to oppress the people, its actions will be checked by other parts. If the executive encroaches upon the liberty of any citizen, he can appeal to the judiciary or the legislature which will check the executive and protect his liberty.

8. Decentralization of Powers:
Prof. Laski says, “The more wide spread the distribution of power in the State, the more decentralized its character, the more likely are men to be jealous for freedom.” Instead of centralization there should be decentralization of powers. This greatly helps in the promotion of individual liberty. Bryce is of the opinion that local self- government institutions should be established for promoting the spirit of individual liberty among the people.

9. Free and Honest Press:
Democracy is considered the most important condition of liberty. But democracy also depends upon certain other conditions for the attainment of its objectives. Free and honest press plays an important role in making democracy a success. In the modem age the people come to know about all the happenings in the world only through newspapers and journals.

If the news published in the newspapers is not impartial and free from pressure then the people cannot remain well informed about the developemnts in their country as in other countries of the world. Laski has very correctly remarked, “A people without reliable news is sooner or later a people without the basis of freedom.”

10. Political Education:
For safeguarding liberty the people should be politically educated. Political education makes people conscious about their rights and liberties. The people who have political education can well understand and discuss the problems of their State. The people who are politically awakened will not tolerate any interference in their liberty.

11. Well-knit Party System:
Well-knit party system is most essential for safeguarding liberty. In England there is neither separation of powers nor a comprehensive bill of rights. There, the organised political parties, in a permanent state of tension, mutually restraining one another, ensure the continuous popular enjoyment of liberty.

The opposition parties keep a strict watch on the working of the government. The sword of criticism must always hang on the head of the government. The mere existence of political parties is not essential rather the parties should be well-organized and should be based on sound and healthy grounds.

12. Eternal Vigilance:
Prof. Laski says, “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.” The most important safeguard of liberty is enlightened and vigilant public opinion. Individual liberty is best protected when citizens are conscious about their rights and freedom. It is, therefore, said, “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty and those who are trained to that vigilance become the conscious guardians of liberty.” They must be active and vigilant and be prepared to stand up to defend their rights, if they find they are in danger.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 6 Liberty-Meaning and Kinds

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Give the meaning of Liberty.
The term liberty has been derived from the Latin word ‘Liber’ which means free or absence of restraints. But in a true sense Liberty does not mean absence of all kinds of restraints. Absence of all restraints is the meaning of negative liberty but true Liberty exists only when every citizen enjoys the opportunity for self-realization and the state maintains those rights and opportunities which help the citizens to develop all that is best in them. The true test of liberty lies in the extent to which the law of the land help the citizen to develop all that is good in him. Liberty includes the right of the men to do or enjoy something that is worth enjoying.

Question 2.
Define the term Liberty.
1. According to Laski, “I mean by liberty the absence of restraints upon the existence of those social conditions which in modem civilisation are the necessary guarantees of individial happiness.” Laski further says, “ By liberty is meant the eager maintenance of that atmosphere in which men have the opportunity to be then- best selves.”

2. According to T.H. Green, “Freedom consists in a positive power or capacity of doing or enjoying something worth doing or enjoying.”

3. According to Gettell, “Liberty is the positive power of doing and enjoying those things which are worthy of enjoyment and work.” .

4. According to Mekechnie, “Liberty is not the absence of all restraints, but rather the substitution of rational ones for the irrational.”

Question 3.
Explain four types of Equality.
Four types of Equality are as follows:

  • Civil Equality: Civil Equality means that every one in the state enjoys the same status in the sphere of private law.
  • Social Equality: Social equality means that no distinction is made in the social status of the people on the ground of their riches, race, class or caste.
  • Political Equality: Politcal equality means that all the citizens should be treated equal in political sphere.
  • Economic Equality: Economic equality means that there should be minimum inequaltiy in the society and everyone should have equal opportunities to develop his natural faculties and power.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 6 Liberty-Meaning and Kinds

Question 4.
Explain-the negative and positive aspect of liberty.
Liberty is understood in two different ways negative and positive aspects of liberty. The negative aspect of liberty means absolute freedom of the Individual. Absence of the restraints is the meaning of negative liberty. But true liberty does not mean the absence of restrictions.

True liberty exists only when every citizen enjoys the opportunity for self-realization and the state maintains those rights and opportunity which help the citizens to develop all that is best in them. The positive aspect of liberty includes the rights of the man to do or enjoy something that is worth enjoying. In brief it means the enjoyment of certain important rights such as freedom of life, freedom of thought and freedom of worship, etc.

Question 5.
Explain the meaning of Political Liberty.
Political Liberty is considered synonymous with democracy. By political liberty is meant the right of the people to share in the administration of the State. According to Barker, “If a man is free to advocate his thoughts, and to associate himself with others for their common advocacy, he must be free to advocate personal thoughts of his own about the affairs to the Commonwealth and not only so, but also to form or join political parties by which such or similar thoughts are generally advocated.”

It consists of 1. the right to vote, 2. the right to be elected to various legislative bodies in State 3. the right to hold political office and 4. the right to make constructive criticism of the government policy. Political liberty thus can exist in democracies.

Question 6.
Describe any two pre-conditions which are essenstial for an individual to enjoy liberty. *
1. Independent Judiciary. There should be independent impartial and honest judiciary for safeguarding liberty. For the protection of rights and liberties of the individuals and for equal justice between man and man, between individuals and government, a competent and an independent judiciary is a great necessity.

2. Rule of Law. The rule of law is the most vital principle that guarantees full liberty to the individual and prevents the executive from becoming high handed and unjust. Rule of law means equal justice for all, no one can be tried by special courts and no one can be punished except for a breach of law.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 6 Liberty-Meaning and Kinds

Question 7.
What is National Liberty?
The term liberty is applied to nations as well as to individuals. A nation or people is said to be free when it has a government of its own choice and when it is not subject to any foreign control.
National liberty exist where the State is a National State, that is, where the community is independent and sovereign. The individual can have little liberty, civil, political or economic unless there is national liberty. India attained national liberty in 1947. In the recent past Bangla Desh attained national liberty with the help of Indian forces. National liberty is more important than all other types of liberty.

Question 8.
Political liberty in the absence of Economic equality is meaningless. Explain.
According to Laski, “ Political liberty, in the absence of economic equality is held to be a mere myth.” A multi-millionaire and a street beggar, in a formal sense, have the same political rights. But political rights are useless for a starving man. Right use of vote by a poor man is impossible. The poor man may sell his vote to a rich candidate. A poor man cannot afford to spend money on contesting an election. Moreover, political parties are controlled by the rich because the rich people finance the political parties. Press and platform are also under control of the rich. Thus in the absence of economic equality political power tends to become the handmaid of economic power.

Question 9.
Is liberty absolute? Explain.
Supporters of negative liberty believe that liberty is absolute and unrestricted. But in practice liberty can never be absolute and unrestricted. True liberty does not mean the absence of restrictions. It is not possible for all persons in society and state to enjoy liberty in the absolute sense. Absolute and unrestricted liberty would mean ‘might is right’ and there will be the law of the jungle.

The utmost freedom of action that each and every individual can enjoy upon like terms at the same time is to be completely unrestrained in his actions in so far as they do not interfere with the like freedom of his fellows. There is not a single country in the world where people enjoy absolute and unrestricted liberty. Thus liberty cannot be absolute and unrestricted. Herbert Spencer rightly observes : “Every man is free to do that which he wills provided he infringes not the equal freedom of any other man.”

Question 10.
“Eternal Vigilance is the price of Liberty”- Laski. Discuss the Statement.
Prof. Laski says, “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.” The most important safeguard of liberty is enlightened and vigilant public opinion. Individual liberty is best protected if the citizens of the State are patriotic and vigilant.

Indolent and indifferent citizens cannot enjoy the fruit of liberty. It is, therefore, said, “ Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty and those who are trained to that vigilance become the conscious guardians of liberty.” They must be active and vigilant and be prepared to stand up to defend their rights, if they find they are in danger.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Explain the meaning of Liberty.
The term liberty has been derived from the Latin word “Liber’ which means free or absence of restraints. But in a true sense Liberty does not mean absence of all kinds of restraints. Absence of all restraints is the meaning of negative liberty but true Liberty exists only when every citizen enjoys the opportunity for self-realization and the state maintains those rights and opportunities which help the citizens to develop all that is best in them.

Question 2.
Define the term Liberty.
1. According to Laski, “I mean by liberty the absence of restraints upon the existence of those social conditions which in modern civilisation are the necessary guarantees of individial happiness.” Laski further says, “ By liberty is meant the eager maintenance of that atmosphere in which men have the opportunity to be their best selves.”

2. According to T.H. Green, “Freedom consists in a positive power or capacity of doing or enjoying something worth doing or enjoying.”

Question 3.
Mention various types of liberty.

  1. Names of four types of liberty are:
  2. Natural Liberty,
  3. Civil Liberty,
  4. Political Liberty and
  5. Economic Liberty.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 6 Liberty-Meaning and Kinds

Question 4.
Explain two types of Equality.
Four types of Equality are as follows:

  1. Civil Equality. Civil Equality means that every one in the state enjoys the same status in the sphere of private law.
  2. Social Equality. Social equality means that no distinction is made in the social status of the people on the ground of their riches, race, class or caste.

Question 5.
Explain any two pre-conditions which are essential for an individual to enjoy liberty.

  • Independent Judiciary. There should be independent impartial and honest judiciary for safeguarding liberty.
  • Rule of Law. The rule of law is the most vital principle that guarantees full liberty to the individual and prevents the executive from becoming high handed and unjust.

One Word to One Sentence Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
From which language has the English word ‘Liberty* been derived?
The word ‘Liberty1 has been derived from the Latin word Tiber’.

Question 2.
What does the negative conception of liberty mean? .
It means complete independence or absence of any kind of restriction.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 6 Liberty-Meaning and Kinds

Question 3.
What does the positive concept of liberty mean?
Every individual has the right to do all those works which do not harm other individuals.

Question 4.
Write down a definition of liberty.
According to Laski,“Liberty is the eager maintenance of that atmosphere in which men have the opportunity to be their best selves.”

Question 5.
Name supporters of negative aspect of liberty.
Locke, Adam Smith, Herbert Spencer and J.S. Mill.

Question 6.
Name supporters of positive aspect of liberty.
Kant, Fichte, Green and Laski.

Question 7.
Write down any two kinds of liberty.

  1. Natural liberty
  2. Civil Liberty

Question 8.
What do you mean by Natural Liberty?
By Natural liberty we mean that liberty which a man enjoyed in the natural state without the emergence of state.

Question 9.
What is Civil Liberty?
Civil liberty is that liberty which an individual enjoys because of being a member of organised society.

Question 10.
What is meant by Political Liberty?
Political Liberty means that liberty by which a citizen can participate in the governance of the country.

Question 11.
Tell the meaning of Economic Liberty.
Economic Liberty means that people must be free to earn their livelihood and they must have adequate means and facilities for it.

Question 12.
What is an Individual Liberty?
An individual liberty means that an individual should be free to do all those works which are limited to him and do not harm other individuals in any way.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 6 Liberty-Meaning and Kinds

Question 13.
What is meant by National Liberty?
National liberty means that the state should not be in control of any other country. In other words, the state must have an external freedom and it must have sovereignty

Question 14.
Mention any one feature of Liberty.
Liberty means the absence of arbitrary, immoral and unjust restrictions.

Question 15.
Is liberty unlimited? Explain.
Liberty is possible amidst laws and restrictions. But it must be devoid of unfair and unjust restrictions. .

Question 16.
Name any two means for the protection of liberty.
Establishment of Democracy
Declaration of Fundamental Rights.

Fill in the blanks

1. …………… means power to do any thing that does not injure others.

2. ………….. is the first condition of liberty.

3. Liberty is understood in two different ways and positive aspects of liberty.

4. Liberty is not …………. .

5. Absence of all restrictions is the meaning of …………… liberty.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 6 Liberty-Meaning and Kinds

True or False statement

1. The term liberty is derived from the Latin word Tiber’ which means ‘free’.

2. Real liberty has a positive connotation.

3. According to T.H. Green, “Liberty is the opposite of over government.”

4. There is a close relationship between political liberty and economic liberty.

5. Natural liberty means freedom to do things according to the dictates of one’s conscience.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 6 Liberty-Meaning and Kinds

Choose The Correct Answer

Question 1.
Liberty of the individual prevails when there is:
(A) No Policeman
(B) No jedge
(C) Democracy
(D) No law.
(C) Democracy

Question 2.
Liber means:
(A) Free
(B) No freedom
(C) Limited freedom
(D) None of these.
(A) Free

Question 3.
Positive Liberty means:
(A) Liberty to do any thing
(B) Liberty with restraints
(C) Only restraints
(D) None of these.
(B) Liberty with restraints

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 6 Liberty-Meaning and Kinds

Question 4.
Economic liberty means:
(A) Freedom from illiteracy
(B) Freedom from poverty and want
(C) Freedom from society
(D) Freedom from religion.
(B) Freedom from poverty and want

Question 5.
Which one of the following is the safeguard of liberty?
(A) Subordinate judiciary
(B) Centralisation of power
(C) No fundamental Rights
(D) Rule of Law.
(D) Rule of Law.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 5 Law-Meaning, Sources and Kinds

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class Political Science Book Solutions Chapter 5 Law-Meaning, Sources and Kinds Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 11 Political Science Chapter 5 Law-Meaning, Sources and Kinds

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Define Law and give its sources.
The State maintains peace and order in Society and regulates the mutual relations among the people. This function is performed through laws. The will of the State is expressed through laws. The State determines the relationship of the individual with the State, relationship of the individual with other associations and the relationship of individuals among themselves through laws. This way the individual has a very close relationship with the laws of the State.

Definition Of Law:
Different writers have defined law differently. The scientists define ‘law’ as the relation of cause and effect. The meaning of law is altogether different in the science of morality. So when we talk of Law of Morality, it means that body of rules which governs the moral conduct of man, being based on the general conscience of the people.

The word ‘Law’ has been derived from the Teutonic word lag which means definite. Therefore, the word law’ is used for a fixed rule. Rules are definite and certain only when they are enforced-by the State. For the maintenance of peace and order in society it is essential that only those rules and regulations should be applied which are recognized by law. Disputes can be decided only by the application of definite rules and regulations.

The following are some of the most important definitions of law given by different writers:
1. According to Aristotle, “True law is right reason, comfortable to nature, universal and external.”

2. The famous British Jurist John Austin says, “Law is a command given by a superior to an inferior.” Austin has further said, “Law is the command of a Sovereign.” Sovereign is superior to all in the State, therefore he issues orders to all other people in the State.

3. According to Willoughby, “Laws are those rules of conduct that control courts of justice in the exercise of their jurisdiction. As distinguished from all other rules of conduct that obtain more or less general recognition in a community of men; they are such as have for their ultimate enforcement the entire power of the State.”

4. According to Woodrow Wilson, “Law is that portion of the established thought and habit, which has gained distinct and normal recognition in the shape of uniform rules backed by the authority and power of Government.”

5. According to T.E. Holland, “Law is a general rule of action, taking cognizance only of external acts, enforced by a determinate authority, which authority is human and among human authorities is that which is paramount in a political society, or, briefly a law is a general rule of external action enforced by a sovereign political authority.”

Of all the definitions of law given above, the definition given by Prof. Holland is the best. In simple words we can say that the rules and regulations framed by the State concerning the external actions of man are called laws.
The law has the following characteristics:

  1. A law is concerned with the external actions of the people.
  2. A law is enforced by the supreme authority of the State.
  3. A law is definite and is applicable to all.
  4. The violation of law is a crime and the culprits are punished.
  5. Laws are Universal and no discrimination is made by law. Everybody is equal before law.
  6. Aim of law is welfare of the whole society.

Sources of Law:
Laws are those rules and regulations which are concerned with the external actions of the people and are habitually obeyed by them. Now the question arises which the sources of law are. John Austin is of the option that a law is a command of the Sovereign. From this thing we can understand that the Sovereign is the source of law but the fact is that there are laws which are not framed by the Sovereign but are only recognized by him.

In the formal sense the State is the main source of all laws. But the modern law has passed through many stages of development and various factors have contributed to its growth. All such factors may be defined as the sources from which law is derived. The following are the sources of law:

1. Customs:
Custom is the earlier source of law. When the State had not come into existence in its present form, the people were guided in their social relations by custom. Even now the courts recognize the force of custom prevailing in a particular comipunity. Custom was the king in the past. A custom is a body of rules universally accepted and followed by the members of the society due to their social utility. In the ancient society when there was no definite law, all the disputes were settled according to the customs and traditions prevailing in the society.

Customs were based on the general usages and practices of the family, class or tribe. But it must be remembered that these rules of conduct based upon customs are not themselves laws but they become laws when recognized by the definite political authority of the State due to their social benefit.

The common law in England is a collection of the customs and traditions of that country. There is great utility of giving recognition to and making laws of customs and traditions. First, the people readily obey such laws and secondly, the state is not to ponder more on the subject of making laws.

2. Religion:
Great seers and prophets in their sayings and writings have prescribed certain rules of conduct for their followers. In most of the states in medieval times, these religious injunctions of prophets formed an important part of law. In the ancient society all rules of conduct had a religious sanction behind them.

It is a historical fact that under the administration of Priest Kings, there was a close relation between law and religion. Moreover, the sacred books (like Quran of Muslims and Vedas of Hindus) have laid down their particular rules for the guidance of their communities. The people follow the laws of religion because of their belief in Divine origin of laws and because of the Godly punishment in the next world.

It can further be proved by the fact that in India still the Hindu and the Mohamedan laws which are enforced by the courts, are based upon religious principles of both the communities. Moreover the laws of Hindus and Muslims in the matters of inheritance, marriage and succession are also based on religion.

3. Judicial Decisions:
Many laws are framed by the judges. Judges while interpreting and applying law in a particular case may modify the provisions of law considerably by their interpretations. Such judicial decisions of eminent judges become precedents and the other courts generally follow them as rigidly as the laws passed by the legislature.

A judge has to interpret laws and apply them to particular cases. Sometimes a law is not clear. The judge gives his own interpretation and in the light of that interpretation decides the case. In this way judges expand or modify laws. The rulings of the Supreme Court, High Courts, etc., are often quoted by lawyers with effect and authority.

In this process they sometimes extend the meaning of a legal provision or modify it according to the growing requirements of the community. It can be further emphasized by the fact that the American constitution is not what the fathers of constitution made it but what the judges of the Supreme Court make it by their own interpretations.

4. Equity:
When there is no definite law according to the provisions of which a particular case may be decided, the judges follow the doctrine of equity or good conscience, and thus create new law. Equity means justice. Judges often decide a case guided by their sense of justice.

They may point out that a certain provision of an existing law is inequitable in character. In this way they help to amend that law according to the principles of equity. This is also a kind of judge-made law. Accordingly the courts in India are directed to apply the doctrine of justice, equity and good conscience in deciding such cases where the existing fixed laws cannot be applied.

5. Scientific Commentaries:
The jurists discuss the different laws and customs, find out their proper interpretation and suggest suitable modifications. In every country the legal writers attain a great importance due to their knowledge on the subject of law. The opinions of these commentators are not at all final conclusions but are only arguments for the elucidation of vague laws.

Moreover, the legal writers by collecting, analysing, comparing and logically arranging the legal principles of law, lay down certain definite guiding conclusions for the particular cases of future. It means that the legal writers interpret the existing law, find out the omissions, remove the vagueness and draw general laws to govern particular cases.

6. Legislature:
This is the most important and prolific source of law. In modem times the legislature of a country composed of the representatives of the people, makes and passes laws for the general welfare of the community. Legislature is at present the most important and direct source of law. Every state has a legislature whose business is to make laws according to the needs of the citizens.

In a despotic state, it is the will of the ruler which makes the law. In a democratic stagte, however the law embodies the wishes of the people through the decision of a majority of the popularly elected legislature. Law so made can be regarded as the true expression of public opinion.

7. Executive:
Nowadays the function of making laws is generally performed by the legislature but under certain circumstances this function is to be performed by the executive also. If the legislature stands adjourned or dissolved then the President in the Union and the Governor in the State, in India, can issue ordinances which have the force of law. These ordinances do not continue to exist permananetly but so long as they do they continue to be force of law.

8. Public Opinion:
Some thinkers are of the opinion that public opinion should also be considered as a source of law. In the modem age of democracy public opinion greatly influences the making of laws in the State. In the modem age the people are considered as the source of sovereign power of the State and laws which are framed keeping in view public opinion are readily and easily obeyed by the people.

In Switzlerland where direct democracy exists in one form or the other, this source of law has a greater role to play. There we find the greater influence exerted by public greater role to play. There we find the greater influence exerted by public opinion in case of the system of Landsgeminde, Referendum and Initiative.

Conclusion: Thus there is not only one source of law but there are many sources of laws. Each source of law has its importance keeping in with the times.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 5 Law-Meaning, Sources and Kinds

Question 2.
Define the term ‘Law’. Discuss the various kinds of law.
Definition of Law:
Different writers have defined law differently. The scientists define ‘law’ as the relation of cause and effect. The meaning of law is altogether different in the science of morality. So when we talk of Law of Morality, it means that body of rules which governs the moral conduct of man, being based on the general conscience of the people.

The word ‘Law’ has been derived from the Teutonic word lag which means definite. Therefore, the word law’ is used for a fixed rule. Rules are definite and certain only when they are enforced-by the State. For the maintenance of peace and order in society it is essential that only those rules and regulations should be applied which are recognized by law. Disputes can be decided only by the application of definite rules and regulations.

The following are some of the most important definitions of law given by different writers:
1. According to Aristotle, “True law is right reason, comfortable to nature, universal and external.”

2. The famous British Jurist John Austin says, “Law is a command given by a superior to an inferior.” Austin has further said, “Law is the command of a Sovereign.” Sovereign is superior to all in the State, therefore he issues orders to all other people in the State.

3. According to Willoughby, “Laws are those rules of conduct that control courts of justice in the exercise of their jurisdiction. As distinguished from all other rules of conduct that obtain more or less general recognition in a community of men; they are such as have for their ultimate enforcement the entire power of the State.”

4. According to Woodrow Wilson, “Law is that portion of the established thought and habit, which has gained distinct and normal recognition in the shape of uniform rules backed by the authority and power of Government.”

5. According to T.E. Holland, “Law is a general rule of action, taking cognizance only of external acts, enforced by a determinate authority, which authority is human and among human authorities is that which is paramount in a political society, or, briefly a law is a general rule of external action enforced by a sovereign political authority.”

Of all the definitions of law given above, the definition given by Prof. Holland is the best. In simple words we can say that the rules and regulations framed by the State concerning the external actions of man are called laws.
The law has the following characteristics:

  1. A law is concerned with the external actions of the people.
  2. A law is enforced by the supreme authority of the State.
  3. A law is definite and is applicable to all.
  4. The violation of law is a crime and the culprits are punished.
  5. Laws are Universal and no discrimination is made by law. Everybody is equal before law.
  6. Aim of law is welfare of the whole society.

Sources of Law:
Laws are those rules and regulations which are concerned with the external actions of the people and are habitually obeyed by them. Now the question arises which the sources of law are. John Austin is of the option that a law is a command of the Sovereign. From this thing we can understand that the Sovereign is the source of law but the fact is that there are laws which are not framed by the Sovereign but are only recognized by him.

In the formal sense the State is the main source of all laws. But the modern law has passed through many stages of development and various factors have contributed to its growth. All such factors may be defined as the sources from which law is derived. The following are the sources of law:

1. Customs:
Custom is the earlier source of law. When the State had not come into existence in its present form, the people were guided in their social relations by custom. Even now the courts recognize the force of custom prevailing in a particular comipunity. Custom was the king in the past. A custom is a body of rules universally accepted and followed by the members of the society due to their social utility. In the ancient society when there was no definite law, all the disputes were settled according to the customs and traditions prevailing in the society.

Customs were based on the general usages and practices of the family, class or tribe. But it must be remembered that these rules of conduct based upon customs are not themselves laws but they become laws when recognized by the definite political authority of the State due to their social benefit.

The common law in England is a collection of the customs and traditions of that country. There is great utility of giving recognition to and making laws of customs and traditions. First, the people readily obey such laws and secondly, the state is not to ponder more on the subject of making laws.

2. Religion:
Great seers and prophets in their sayings and writings have prescribed certain rules of conduct for their followers. In most of the states in medieval times, these religious injunctions of prophets formed an important part of law. In the ancient society all rules of conduct had a religious sanction behind them.

It is a historical fact that under the administration of Priest Kings, there was a close relation between law and religion. Moreover, the sacred books (like Quran of Muslims and Vedas of Hindus) have laid down their particular rules for the guidance of their communities. The people follow the laws of religion because of their belief in Divine origin of laws and because of the Godly punishment in the next world.

It can further be proved by the fact that in India still the Hindu and the Mohamedan laws which are enforced by the courts, are based upon religious principles of both the communities. Moreover the laws of Hindus and Muslims in the matters of inheritance, marriage and succession are also based on religion.

3. Judicial Decisions:
Many laws are framed by the judges. Judges while interpreting and applying law in a particular case may modify the provisions of law considerably by their interpretations. Such judicial decisions of eminent judges become precedents and the other courts generally follow them as rigidly as the laws passed by the legislature.

A judge has to interpret laws and apply them to particular cases. Sometimes a law is not clear. The judge gives his own interpretation and in the light of that interpretation decides the case. In this way judges expand or modify laws. The rulings of the Supreme Court, High Courts, etc., are often quoted by lawyers with effect and authority.

In this process they sometimes extend the meaning of a legal provision or modify it according to the growing requirements of the community. It can be further emphasized by the fact that the American constitution is not what the fathers of constitution made it but what the judges of the Supreme Court make it by their own interpretations.

4. Equity:
When there is no definite law according to the provisions of which a particular case may be decided, the judges follow the doctrine of equity or good conscience, and thus create new law. Equity means justice. Judges often decide a case guided by their sense of justice. They may point out that a certain provision of an existing law is inequitable in character.

In this way they help to amend that law according to the principles of equity. This is also a kind of judge-made law. Accordingly the courts in India are directed to apply the doctrine of justice, equity and good conscience in deciding such cases where the existing fixed laws cannot be applied.

5. Scientific Commentaries:
The jurists discuss the different laws and customs, find out their proper interpretation and suggest suitable modifications. In every country the legal writers attain a great importance due to their knowledge on the subject of law. The opinions of these commentators are not at all final conclusions but are only arguments for the elucidation of vague laws.

Moreover, the legal writers by collecting, analysing, comparing and logically arranging the legal principles of law, lay down certain definite guiding conclusions for the particular cases of future. It means that the legal writers interpret the existing law, find out the omissions, remove the vagueness and draw general laws to govern particular cases.

6. Legislature:
This is the most important and prolific source of law. In modem times the legislature of a country composed of the representatives of the people, makes and passes laws for the general welfare of the community. Legislature is at present the most important and direct source of law. Every state has a legislature whose business is to make laws according to the needs of the citizens. In a despotic state, it is the will of the ruler which makes the law.

In a democratic stagte, however the law embodies the wishes of the people through the decision of a majority of the popularly elected legislature. Law so made can be regarded as the true expression of public opinion.

7. Executive:
Nowadays the function of making laws is generally performed by the legislature but under certain circumstances this function is to be performed by the executive also. If the legislature stands adjourned or dissolved then the President in the Union and the Governor in the State, in India, can issue ordinances which have the force of law. These ordinances do not continue to exist permananetly but so long as they do they continue to be force of law.

8. Public Opinion:
Some thinkers are of the opinion that public opinion should also be considered as a source of law. In the modem age of democracy public opinion greatly influences the making of laws in the State. In the modem age the people are considered as the source of sovereign power of the State and laws which are framed keeping in view public opinion are readily and easily obeyed by the people.

In Switzlerland where direct democracy exists in one form or the other, this source of law has a greater role to play. There we find the greater influence exerted by public greater role to play. There we find the greater influence exerted by public opinion in case of the system of Landsgeminde, Referendum and Initiative.

Conclusion: Thus there is not only one source of law but there are many sources of laws. Each source of law has its importance keeping in with the times.

Kinds of Laws:
Laws are the outcome of the sovereign power of the State. The will of the State is formulated and expressed through the laws of the State. Many writers have given a classification of law. Prof. Gettell has classified law on the basis of the ruler and the ruled. According to Gettell, laws are of three types Private law, Public law and International law. Prof. Holland does not admit the existence of international law.

According to Holland, laws are of two types-Private Law and Public Law:
He further sub-divided the private law into

  • Law of Property and Law of Contract,
  • Law of Corporation,
  • Law of Personal Relation, and
  • Civil Procedure.

Holland sub-divided the public law into:

  • Constitutional law,
  • Administrative law, and
  • Criminal law.

Prof. Maclver has classified law on the basis of its sphere. He first of all classifies law into two types International law and Municipal Law or National Law. Then he divides National Law into Constitutional Law and Ordinary Law. Ordinary law is also of two types Private Law and Public Law. Public law is also of two types General Law and Administrative Law. The following chart makes the classification quite clear.
PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 5 Law-Meaning, Sources and Kinds 1
Laws are also classified on the basis of the source of law, for example, Statutory Law, Common Law, Judge-made Law and Ordinances.
1. International Law: The rules which regulate the relations of civilised states with one another constitute international law.

2. National Law:
National law consists of all laws that govern relations within a State. It is the law enacted by the State and governs rights and duties of citizens towards one another and towards the State.

3. Constitutional Law:
It is the type of law which is embodied in the constitution of a country and as such is supreme law of the land. It gives us the basic structure of the government and leaves details to be worked out by various organs of government and leaves details to be worked out by various organs of government, it is through constitutional law that various organs of government are regulated and relations between State and citizens are established.

4. Ordinary Law:
It is that part of the National Law by which the mutual relations of the individuals are determined. This law is enacted by the legislature in an ordinary way.

5. Private Law: Private law is that law which explains the relationship between the individuals themselves.

6. Public Law: It is that law which is applicable to the individuals and it determines the relations between, the State and the individuals.

7. General Law: It is a law which is equally applicable to the citizens as well as the government officials. It determines and regulates
activities of all individuals.

8. Administrative Law:
According to Dicey, Administrative law means rules which determine:

  • the position and liabilities of all State officials,
  • the civil rights and liabilities of private individuals in their dealing with officials or representatives of the States.
  • the procedure by which these rights and liabilities are enforced. These laws prevail in France and they are quite different from the common law of England.

9. Statutory Law: A law passed by the legislature of a State is known as statutory law.

10. Common Law:
Common law is not framed by the legislature and, therefore, it is not written. The rules which are enforced by the Courts in England and U.S.A. but are based upon customs and not on legislative enactments, are collectively called common laws.

11. Judge-made Law: While interpreting the laws, the judges also expand and develop the laws and this way they make laws.

12. Ordinances:
These are temporary laws issued by the executive for dealing with some extraordinary and emergent situation. It is in fact command of the head of the State issued at intervals when legislature is not in session and the nation is in immediate need of a particular law.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 5 Law-Meaning, Sources and Kinds

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What do you understand by Law?
The word ‘Law’ has been derived from the Teutonic word “lag’ which means definite. Therefore, the word law is used for a fixed rule. Rules are definite and certian only when they are enforced by the State. For the maintenance of peace and order in society it is -essential that only those rules and regulations should be applied which are recognized by law. Disputes can be decided only by the application of definite rules and regulations.

  • According to Holland, “A law is a general rule of external human action enforced by a sovereign political authority.”
  • According to Green, “Law is that condition of rights and duties which is introduced by the state.” ‘
  • The famous British Jurist John Austin says,” Law is a command given by a superior to an inferior.” Austin further said, “ Law is the command of a soverign.”
  • According to Aristotle. “True law is right reason, comfortable to nature, universal and external.”

Question 2.
Mention four sources of Law.

  1. Customs: Custom is the earliest source of law. Even in modem time custom is a important source of law.
  2. Religion: In the ancient society religon was the most important source of law. The laws of Hindus and Muslims in the matter of inheritance, marriage and succession are based on religion.
  3. Judicial decisions: In modern times many laws are enacted by the judges.
  4. Legislature: In modern times ligislature is the most important source of law. Every democratic state has a legislature whose main function is law-making.

Question 3.
Distinguish between Municipal Law and International Law.
Municipal Law consists of all laws that govern relations within a state. It is the law enacted by the state and governs rights and duties of citizens towards one another and towards the state. Municipal law is applied by the court of the state.

On the other hand, International law is that body of common rules and principles which determines and regulates the rights and mutual obligations of states and their conduct in their dealings with one another. International law applies to the international organisations such as the United Nations, I.L.O., U.N.E.S.C.O. etc. International law is applied by the International Court of Justice.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 5 Law-Meaning, Sources and Kinds

Question 4.
What do you understand by Constitutional law?
It is the type of law which is embodied in the constitution of a country and as such is supreme law of the land. It gives us the basic structure of the government and leaves details to be worked out by various organs of the government. It is through constitutional law that various organs of government are regulated and relations between State and citizens are established. Constitutional law can be amended by the parliament by following certain procedure.

Question 5.
Describe the four elements of Law.

  • In the first place, a law is concerned with the external action of the people.
  • In the second place law prescribes a set of rights and obligations as between one individual and another and between the individual and the state.
  • In the third place, law is a general principle or rule of action. A law is definite and is applicable to all.
  • Fourthly, a law is recognised and enforced by the State. The violation of law is a crime and the culprits are punished.

Question 6.
Mention four points of importance of Law.

  • The will of the state is expressed through law.
  • Law maintains peace in the state. Without law there will be complete anarchy in the state.
  • Law establishes equality. Everbody is equal before law.
  • Law protects the life and property of the citizens.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 5 Law-Meaning, Sources and Kinds

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What do you understand hy Law?
The word ‘Law’ has been derived from the Teutonic word ‘lag’ which means definite. Therefore, the word law is used for a fixed rule. Rules are definite and certian only when they are enforced by the State. .

Question 2.
Define the term laws.

  1. According to Holland, “A law is a general rule of external human action enforced by a sovereign political authority.”
  2. According to Green, “Law is that condition of rights and duties which is introduced by the state.”

Question 3.
Mention two sources of Law.

  • Customs: Custom is the earliest source of law. Even in modem time custom is a important source of law.
  • Religion: In the ancient society religon was the most important source of law. The laws of Hindus and Muslims in the matter of inheritance, marriage and succession are based on religion.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 5 Law-Meaning, Sources and Kinds

Question 4.
Describe the two elements of Law.

  • In the first place, a law is concerned with the external action of the people.
  • In the second place law prescribes a set of rights and obligations as between one individual and another and between the individual and the state.

One Word to One Sentence Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
From which language has the word ‘Law’ been derived?
The English word ‘Law’ has been derived from the Teutonic language word ‘Lag’.

Question 2.
What is the meaning of Law?
Law means the fixed rules. Those rules are given the name of Law which are fixed and enforced by the state. If anyone violates these laws, he is punished.

Question 3.
Write any one definition of Law.
According to Austin, “Law is a command given by a superior to an inferior.”

Question 4.
Explain Statute Law.
Statute Law is that law which is framed by Legislature of the state. This law is made to regulate the mutual behaviour and conduct of the citizens.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 5 Law-Meaning, Sources and Kinds

Question 5.
Give the most accepted definition of law.
According to Holland,“A law is a general rule of external human action enforced by a sovereign political authority.”

Question 6.
What are the main kinds of law?
Law is mainly of four kinds

  1. International Law
  2. National Law
  3. Public Law
  4. Private Law.

Question 7.
What is the main objective of Law?
The main objective of law is to maintain peace in the state.

Question 8.
Describe any one source of law.
One of the important sources of law is custom. Most of the laws of the state are based on customs. In India, the Hindu Law and Muslim Law are based on customs of the people.

Question 9.
What is an Administrative Law?
An Administrative Law is a part of public law. It regulates relation between state and governmental employees.

Question 10.
What do you mean by an Ordinance?
An Ordinance is that law which is enforced by executive, when legislature is not in session, to control a particular situation.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 5 Law-Meaning, Sources and Kinds

Question 11.
Distinguish between Public and Private Law.
A Public Law applies to all those people who live in a country whereas a Private Law is concerned with a particular institution, class or area.

Fill the blanks

1. Rule and regulations framed by the are …………. called law.

2. Legislature, is a main source of …………. .

3. The will of the state is …………. through law.

4. The word ‘Law has been derived from the …………. word “Lag’ which means definite.

5. Rules are definite and certain only when they are enforced by the …………. .

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 5 Law-Meaning, Sources and Kinds

True or False statement

1. Law is a not a general rule of action.

2. A law is’definite and is applicable to all.

3. The violation of law is not a crime.

4. Custom is the earliest source of law.

5. Executive has no role in framing the law.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 5 Law-Meaning, Sources and Kinds

Choose The Correct Answer

Question 1.
Laws are made by:
(A) The people
(B) The legislature
(C) The minister
(D) The officers.
(B) The legislature

Question 2.
Who said this, “Law is a command given by a superior to an inferior”?
(A) Willoughby
(B) Wilson
(C) Austin
(D) Holland.
(C) Austin

Question 3.
Which one of the following is not a source of law?
(A) Political Parties
(B) Customs
(C) Religion
(D) Legislature.
(A) Political Parties

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 5 Law-Meaning, Sources and Kinds

Question 4.
The book “The Spirit of Laws” is written by:
(A) Adam Smith
(B) Mountesquieu
(C) Hobbes
(D) Bentham.
(B) Mountesquieu

Question 5.
“Where there is no law, there is no liberity,” who said it?
(A) Hobbes
(B) Locke
(C) Rousseau
(D) J.S. Mill
(B) Locke

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 11 Social Change

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 11 Social Change Important Questions and Answers.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 11 Social Change

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. The nature of social change is ……………..
(a) personal
(b) collective
(c) social
(d) culture
(c) social

2. Change in the culture of a particular society is known as
(a) social change
(b) collective change
(c) cultural change
(d) none of these
(c) cultural change

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 11 Social Change

3. If change comes into the lives of most of the people in society, it is known as ………………
(a) social change
(b) collective change
(c) cultural change
(d) none of these
(a) social change

4. The change which comes suddenly to change social system is known as …………..
(a) progress
(b) development
(c) revolution
(d) evolution
(c) revolution

5. The change which comes according to our wish and creates fruitful situation is known as …………….
(a) evolution
(b) progress
(c) revolution
(d) development
(b) progress

6. When change comes in a definite direction and traits and structure of anything changes, it is known as …………..
(a) evolution
(b) revolution
(c) development
(d) progress
(a) evolution

7. Who gave the concept of cultural lag?
(a) Maclver
(b) Ginsberg
(c) Ogburn
(d) Weber
(c) Ogburn

8. Give one feature of Revolution.
(a) Sudden result
(b) Symbol of power
(c) Quick change
(d) All of these
(a) Sudden result

Fill in the Blanks:

1. ……………. is law of nature.

2. The meaning of ………………. is sequal change from internal point of view.

3. ………………. brings sudden and fast change in society.

4. ……………., ………………… and …………………. are the basic sources of social change.
Innovation, discovery, diffusion

5. ……………… is the process in which cultural traits spread from one culture to another.

6. When we move towards achieving our desired objectives, it is known as …………….

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 11 Social Change


1. Revolution brings sudden change in society.

2. Cultural traits do not spread with diffusion.

3. No social change comes with innovation.

4. Increase or decrease in population brings social change.

5. Revolution is not a type of social change.

6. Whole of social structure changes with revolution.

One Word/Line Question Answers:

Question 1.
What is social change?
The change which comes in social relations is called social change.

Question 2.
Give one reason of social change.
Geographical factors such as earthquake, flood can cause social change.

Question 3.
Can we predict about social change?
No, we cannot predict about social change.

Question 4.
In how many parts, can we divide the factors of social change?
The factors of social change can be divided into two parts—natural and human factors.

Question 5.
What is the nature of Social Change?
The nature of social change is social. It means change comes in the most part of society.

Question 6.
What is cultural change?
Change in culture of a particular society is called cultural change.

Question 7.
What is evolution?
When change comes in a definite direction and even it comes in the traits and structure of an element, it is called evolution.

Question 8.
hat is progress?
The changes which come according to our aspirations and always create a fruitful situation, it is called progress.

Question 9.
What is revolution?
When a sudden change comes to change present social system, it is called revolution.

Question 10.
What reason of social change is given by Karl Marx?
According to Karl Marx, economic reason is the only reason of social change.

Question 11.
Give one feature of revolution.
A sudden and quick change comes due to revolution.

Question 12.
What are the factors of social change?
Geographical factor, demographic factor, biological factor, technological factor etc.

Very Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Give one definition of social change.
According to Jones, “Social change is a term used to describe variations or modifications of any aspect of social process, social pattern, social interactions or social organization.

Question 2.
Give two features of social change.

  • Social change is a universal process because no society is completely static and change is the law of nature.
  • No definite prediction can be done about social change because social relations are not definite.

Question 3.
Social change is comparable. How?
When we talk about change, we generally compare the present situation with the earlier situation to see what change has taken place. This difference is only visible after comparing the two situations. So we can say that social change is comparable.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 11 Social Change

Question 4.
What are the factors of social change?

  • Social change comes due to geographical factors.
  • Biological factors also bring social change.
  • Demographic factors are one of the reasons for social change.
  • Cultural and technological factors also bring change in society.

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Meaning of Social Change.
Change is the law of nature. With this, we can come to know about differences. Social change is not related with all the changes which come in our society but the meaning of social change is that change that comes in our social system, social institutions, processes, relations, behavior, social structure etc. In this way, social change is related to social life of social individuals.

Question 2.
Characteristics of Social Change.

  • Social change is universal. It is the need of every society. That’s why this is a continuous process. We cannot find any society in history where change has never come. Change was there in ancient society and is also in modern society.
  • Rate of social change is not uniform. Yet social change is universal but its rate is different in different societies.
  • We cannot predict definitely about social change because social relations, which exist in society, are not definite.
  • Social change is the result of influence of many factors. It cannot come because of one factor because our society is complex in nature.
  • Social change is law of nature because we cannot control the natural forces and they bring changes with them.

Question 3.
Social change is unpredictable.
It is impossible to predict exactly about social change. Whenever we are giving definite views about solution of any problem then we cannot definitely keep the system of social relations. For example, we can say that caste system or unemployment in India will come to an end. But because of non-static nature of social relations, it is not necessary that our prediction would be right. So we can say that exact prediction is not possible in social change.

Question 4.
Main factors of social change.

  • Technological factor
  • Cultural factor
  • Biological factor
  • Demographic factor
  • Psychological factor
  • Educational factor
  • Economic factor

Question 5.
Social Evolution.
Social Change is one of the types of social change. Word Evolution is an English word that has come out of the Latin word ‘Evoluere’ whose meaning is to expand externally. With the evolutionary change, not only everything increases but knowledge of structural change also comes. In this way evolutionary change is that change in which continuous change comes in a definite direction. It is a process that moves from simplicity to complexity.

Question 6.
Three characteristics of Evolution.

  • Social evolution is a continuous process in which change comes about continuously.
  • With continuity, definite direction is also there in social evolution because it not only comes in size but also comes in structure.
  • Social evolution doesn’t have any external pressure because internal features of everything comes out in it.
  • Evolutionary change always goes from simplicity to complexity and it comes in definite direction.

Question 7.
Revolution is also a type of social change. Through revolution change in society comes in a way that it not only affects the present time but it affects the future also. Actually sometimes situation arises in society that society goes on the way of disorganization. To remove this type of situation, revolutionary change comes in society. This revolutionary change comes at once and very quickly. It is also affected by external forces. At once change comes in revolution with which social structure changes at once.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 11 Social Change

Question 8.
Three characteristics of Revolution.

  • In revolution, at once change comes in social system because of which very quick results come out.
  • Very quick change comes in both parts of culture, material or non-material, with revolution with which society changes completely.
  • Revolution is a conscious process, not an unconscious process in which conscious efforts are being done for a long time and authority of the state changes with this.
  • In revolution, old system is generally thrown out of power with peaceful or violent method and a new system is established after this.

Question 9.
Social development is a process in which many things are moving forward towards their larger and bigger size. It means that development is that type of change in which specialization and differentiation are increased and that thing, which is being evaluated by us, always moves towards progress.

Question 10.
Characteristics of Development.

  • Development is a universal process.
  • One thing in development changes from one position to another position.
  • Development is a process moving from simplicity to complexity.
  • Development comes in all the aspects of life.
  • Continuous efforts are always there for development.

Question 11.
Three measurements of Social Development.

  • When equality in front of the law increases then this is a symbol of development.
  • When all the adults of the country will get the right to vote and country becomes democratic then it is the symbol of political development.
  • When every male and female of the society will get equal rights then it is the symbol of social development.
  • When there will be equal distribution of wealth and money in the society then it is the symbol of economic progress.

Question 12.
Any two changes due to the result of technological factor.

  • Urbanization. With the development of industries, people living at far-off places started to accumulate at industrial places for employment. Later on, they started to live at those places. Many cities like Tata Nagar, came into being because of this.
  • New Methods of Agriculture. New methods of agriculture came into being because of new discoveries and inventions. It has resulted in more production and improvement in the lifestyle of the people.

Question 13.
Technology and Urbanization.
Big industries came into being because of technique with which in dustrialization was started in India. Because of industrialization big cities were developed around these industries. In the beginning, people from villages came to these centres and with that small shops and markets were opened to take care of the needs of those people. Then hotels for people, school, business companies were opened, offices came into being. With this, slowly and slowly cities were developed and urbanization was increased. So, in this way technology has played an important role in increasing urbanization.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 11 Social Change

Question 14.
Effects of technology on the change in condition of women.
Technology has also contributed a lot in improving the condition of females. With the increase in technology, education started to spread and females started to get education. After getting education they started to move fory$r4.m economic sector. Now they are going to offices, factories and are earning a lot of money. With the advent of machines, burden of household work over females has reduced. They are doing almost every work with machines. All this has happened because of technology.

Question 15.
Effects of technology on marriage.
Marriage was a religious sacrament in ancient times. Because of advent of technology in modem societies, marriage is not a religious sacrament but has taken the form of social contract. Now, base of the marriage is contract and in case of problem this contract can be broken. Now area of selection of marriage has been increased. Person can marry in any caste with his wish. Partners can be separated with divorce. Now females are standing equally with males in economic sector. That is why now marriage is a contract which can be broken at any time.

Question 16.
Demographic factor.
Demographic factor puts a lot of effect on social organization, traditions, institutions, customs etc. Increase and decrease of population, change in ratio of male and female affect the social relations. Change in demography becomes an obstacle in economic progress of society and produces many social problems.

Question 17.
Two effects of Demographic factor.

  • Effects on Economic Life. Demographic factor’has a lot of effect on means of production, ownership of property, economic progress etc. With the increase in population production of agriculture should be increased.
  • Effects on Social Life. More population and unemployment create the condition of starvation with which corruption and conflicts are increased in society.

Question 18.
Meaning of Educational factor.
The socialization of man can happen due to education and it affects the ideals, views, values etc. Progress of a person depends upon education. It makes the person literate and removes the superstitions of the person. Educational factor is important in bringing change in every aspect of life.

Question 19.
Two effects of Educational factor.

  • Change in caste system: Illiteracy makes a person useless and humans are bounded in superstitions, traditions etc. Caste system has weakened due to modern education. This education is secular. It gives stress upon values like liberty, equality and fraternity.
  • Change in status of women: Condition of women has improved due to educational factor. She has come out of four walls of the house and now is aware about her rights and duties. They are also motivated towards economic self-dependence.

Question 20.
Literal meaning of Education.
Education is an English word which has come out of Latin word ‘Educere’ whose meaning is to bring up. Meaning of education is not only related with giving bookish knowledge but to make a future person by making good habits in him. According to Anderson, “Education is the social process by which an individual learns the things necessary to fit him to the life of his society.”

Question 21.
Effects of Education on Family.
Educational factor has a great effect on family. With education people start to develop and awareness comes in them. They start to live according to new values. Now they start to do different functions according to their wish and ability with which fiuclear families come into being instead of joint family. Now people have started to move out of the village for jobs in cities. Now people have become individualistic and materialistic. Children have started to get formal education because of which they have started to go to schools, colleges, universities. Now smaller family is known as good for society. Education plays an important role in socialization of child because he spends most of his time in educational institutions.

Long Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
What do you know about Social Evolution? Write in detail.
Define Evolution.
What is Evolution?
Social Evolution is one of the kinds of social change. Evolution is an English word which has come out of Latin word ‘Evolvere’. Evolutionary change is not only development but structural knowledge also increases with this change. In this way evolution is a change which happens in continuous and definite direction. Maclver and Page are of the view, “When there is not only the continuity of change but direction of change, we mean Evolution.”

At another place Maclver has written, “As the purpose of men grew, the social structure within which they are realized, changes in accord with these and that is the meaning of Evolution.” According to Herbert Spencer, “Evolution is the integration of matter and concomitant dissipation of motion during which matter passes from an indefinite incoherent homogeneity to a definite coherent heterogeneity.”

So from these definitions it is clear that social evolution is not the change due to external pressure but is the change due to internal forces. According to Auguste Comte, social evolution passes through three stages and these are:

1. Theological stage, 2. Metaphysical stage, 3. Scientific stage. Morgan was of the view, “Development of civilization and society has happened in same sequence. To understand social evolution we should know about the different stages of development of social institutions, organizations etc.”

Spencer gave four rules of evolution:

  1. Social evolution is the physical and cultural form of the rule of developments of universe.
  2. Social evolution comes in same way as the other developments of the world.
  3. Process of social evolution is very slow.

4. Social evolution means development from earlier situation. Maclver was of the view, “Wherever in the history of society, we can see increasing specialization in different parts of society, we call it social evolution.” In short, we can say that the change which comes due to internal hidden forces is called evolution. In this development is there from earlier situation. On the basis of given explanation of evolution, we can give certain features of evolution and these are given below:

Characteristics or Features:

1. Evolution is related with the change in living beings or with humAnswer: Spencer gave it the name of biological evolution. This development comes in same way in all the societies. For example, Amoeba is an organism whose all the bodily functions are being done only by cell. Human body is the more developed form of organism whose different functions are being done by different parts. The way in which biological development of organism increases, in that same way its nature also becomes complex.

2. Social evolution is a continuous process which always goes on continuously.

3. With continuity, definite direction is also there in the evolutionary change because it not only comes in size but it also comes in structure. This development signals towards definite direction.

4. There is not any type of external pressure on social evolution but its internal traits come out, Many elements exist in changing things. That’s why change in it comes due to these elements.

5. Change in internally existed elements comes with a very slow speed. It is so because we cannot come to know easily about the internally hidden elements. Every changing element has some internal traits.

6. Evolutionary change is from simplicity’to complexity. In earlier times human society was very simple. With the pessage of time, division of labour and specialization were developed in society with which human society became complex in nature. In this way we can say that social evolution is the change from unclarity towards clarity. The way in which after some time of birth, the body parts of child become clear and bigger, in that same way in evolution society becomes complex and clear. This type of change has definite direction and it is so because of internal elements of any thing.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 11 Social Change


Question 2.
What is Revolution? Write in detail.
What is Revolution? Explain its definitions, characteristics and stages.
Define Revolution. What are its characteristics?
Revolution is also a type of social change. With this the society changes in a way that not only present time is affected by this but future is also affected by this. Actually sometimes in society, some conditions occur because of which society starts to move on the way of disorganization. So to remove this type of situation, revolutionary changes come in society. These revolutionary changes come at once and at a great pace and it is affected not only by internal factors but by external factors as well. Change, with revolution, comes at once with which social structure changes very quickly. According to famous sociologist Karl Marx, “Society goes through the results of the process of revolutionary change in different stages. That’s why one social structure takes place of other social structure.”

Society changes collectively with revolution. Society comes out of one condition and enters in other condition with this change. Speed of this type of change is very quick. We can never imagine about what will happen in near future. Our social organization also changes with this. Elements of both advantages and disadvantages are included in revolutionary change. Sometimes, society gets advantage from this change and it starts to do progress, but some times society changes towards the course of disorganization. New social structure takes place in society and nothing can be found of old social structure. This change generally comes due to the wish of the people. According to Maclver, at once and quick change comes in its complete form in society.


1. According to Ogburn and Nimkoff, “Revolution is a rapid change of some magnitude in culture?
2. According to Guy Rochar, “Revolution means a fierce and violent popular uprising whose aim is to overthrow an authority or a regime to modify a situation.”
3. According to Kimball Young, “Revolution is an abrupt shift to new forms of power or authority within a nation state.”
4. According to Crane Brintindtion, “In sociological terms revolution is transvaluation of attitudes and the values towards the existing social structure.”
So on the basis of given definitions we can say that revolution is a change which comes with great speed, very quickly in social structure. Present authority, in revolution, is generally thrown out of power and revolutionaries establish new authority in the state. Revolution can be full of blood-shed. So the use of violence is necessary in it. Whichever power will be obtained with power, that also comes to an end with power.

1. Contingency Results. Revolution is that means in which violence is used. It can take any form like religious, economic or political. Result of this revolution is that social system and structure changes at once. That’s why social revolution is a very important means of change in the social values.

2. Rapid Change. Revolution has one feature and that is that change comes in both aspects of culture, material and non-material, with this. Whatever change comes due to revolution, it comes with the great speed. That’s why society changes in its complete form.

3. Means of Invention. Revolution is a means with which society breaks completely. New classes come into being due to breaking up of system. New rules are
formed to maintain the existence of new classes. In this way many new classes and rules come into existence due to revolution.

4. Symbol of Power. Use of Power is necessary in revolution. Political revolution only depends upon blood-shed and killing of humAnswer: For example, the French Revolution of 1789 and the Russian Revolution of 1917. Violence is used as a method to overthrow the existing authority of the state. Power or Force has a very big hand in the success or failure of revolution. If the power of revolutionaries is more then they will over-throw the authority of the state unless their revolution is suppressed by the state.

5. Revolution is a Conscious Process. Revolution is not an unconscious process but is a conscious process. Conscious efforts are being done in it and the authority of the state is overthrown by revolutionaries. Efforts of revolution start from a long time and at the end they do revolution with full strength. Revolutionaries are aware of the fact that what would be results of their revolution.

6. Revolution is because of Social Dissatisfaction. Revolution is the result of social dissatisfaction. Whenever dissatisfaction starts in society then it moves on slowly and slowly. It takes its speed with the passage of time and when this dissatisfaction goes out of control then it takes the form of revolution. A major portion of society stands against the present authority and this dissatisfaction throws present authority out of power by taking the form of revolution.

7. Establishment of New System. In revolution old system is thrown out of power with violent or non-violent means and new system comes in power. We can see many examples ofthis in the French revolution of 1789, the government of national assembly was made by throwing authority of Louis 16th out of power. In the Russian Revolution of 1917, authority of Czar was thown out of power and the authority of Bolshvic party was established. In this way old system comes to an end and new system takes its place.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 11 Social Change

Question 3.
Explain the causes of Revolution.
What are the reasons behind Revolution?
1. Social Causes. Many social reasons are responsible for revolution. Sociologists are of the view that if the prevailing customs, rituals etc. of society are not good then they can become the reason of revolution. There are some customs and traditions in every society which are totally against the unity and integrity of the society. For example in 19th century in India, Sati Pratha, Child Marriage, No Widow remarriage and in 20th century dowry system, untouchability etc. Sometimes the aim of revolution is to eliminate these customs. In this way some customs of the society produce disorganization in it. Morality of the person comes to an end due to prostitution, gambling, drinking etc. They hardy care about the prevailing values, traditions, customs etc. of the society. In this way the disorganization spreads in the society. When this disorganization crosses its limits then revolution comes in society. In this way there are many social reasons because of which revolution takes place in society.

2. Psychological Causes. Some times psychological causes become the main reasons of revolution. Some times people are unable to fulfil their basic wishes or needs. They try to eliminate these wishes in their mind. But wish has one feature that it cannot be eliminated or it never comes to an end. It remains there in any corner of ’the mind of the person. If any one tries to motivate him then that wish comes out very quickly. In this way these suppressed wishes produce the revolution in society.

Some sociologists are of the view that instincts accumulate within humAnswer: It means all the wishes of humans are unable to fulfil. They accumulate within the minds of humAnswer: With the passage of time they become instincts. In the end these instincts collectively become the reason of revolution. Except this some problems unconsciously come among humans and these problems shows their effect with the passage of time. Every person has some instinct of violence which unconsciously occurs within the minds of humAnswer: When time comes then this violence comes out of person with an explosion. When revolution takes place then people start to do violence. In this way reasons of revolution occur in the unconscious mind of person.

3. Political Causes. If we look at the history, then we will come to know that generally the political reasons were there behind revolutions and specifically these reasons were there against the existing authority of the state. Many times the authority of state becomes so authoritative that they start to work in their own way. They never take care of the wish of the people. They suppresses the wishes of common people. Dissatisfaction arises in common people due to suppression of their wishes. Slowly and slowly this dissatisfaction spreads in the whole society and this dissatisfaction becomes the reason of revolution. In this way sometimes it happens that corruption spreads among government servants. They use their status and post to earn more and more money and never take care of the problems of common people. Dissatisfaction spreads among people against those officers and they try to remove those corrupt officials from their posts. This effort takes place in the form of revolution.

Sometimes government in any country is based on any specific religion and the people of that religion are given special privileges. Because of this thing, dissatisfaction comes among the people of other religions and they start to think about removing this type of government. Their this type of thought takes the form of revolution. With this if government starts to interfere in the customs and traditions of common people then the people go for revolution against the government to save their customs and traditions. The Revolt of 1857 was also based on this type of reasons. Today’s age is of democracy. In democracy, one party is in the power and one is out of power. Whichever party is out of power, it tries to motivate the people to go against the other party and some times this motivation takes the form of revolution.

4. Economic Causes. Sometimes economic reasons are also responsible for revolution. According to Marxist ideology, history of society of humans is the history of class struggle. According to Karl Marx, there are always two types of classes in society. First is capitalist class and the other one is labour class. Capitalist class always exploits the labour class with the help of its money, wealth and political power. Labour class is unable to get a proper meal because of this exploitation. A very big gap or economic difference comes in labour and capitalist class. Capitalist class lives its life with all means of pleasure and labour class hardly gets the meal of two times. He wants to become free from the clutches of this type of life. That’s why slowly and slowly dissatisfaction spreads in the labour class because of which they go for revolution and throw away the capitalist class. In this way economic resources also force the people to go for revolution.

In this way we can see that revolution is a process which comes at once with which the structure and system of society changes at once. Revolution never comes due to one reason but it comes due to many reasons. Generally political causes are responsible for revolution but other reasons also contribute towards it.

Question 4.
What is Social development? Write in detail.
Social change has many types like evolution, progress, revolution, development etc. So development is also one of the types of change. All these processes are so much intermixed that it is very difficult to differentiate them. In modern age, development word is used for economic development. Increase in income of person, more use of natural resources, increase in capital, increase in production, increase in industries are some of the concepts which are used for complete development. But we cannot call development only to increase in these concepts. In society traditions, religion, structure, culture are also there. They also develop. If social relations expand then social structure, habits, values ideas etc. also change and develop. Independence of person, income of“group, morality, co-operation also increase. In this way, economic development is accepted as social development and it is easy to see different bases on this base.

According to Botomore, “Refer to the distinction between two types of present day societies, on the one hand, industrial societies, and on the other hand, all the societies of very different types in other respects which are predominantly rural and agricultural and have relatively low level of income.” According to Oxford Dictionary, “In ordinary usage development means a gradual unfolding, a further working out of the details of anything, the grown of what is the germ.” So in sociology the concept development shows that state in which person controls more and more over natural atmosphere with the help of his increasing knowledge and technical knowhow. With this person moves forward in every sector of social life. In other words he becomes better and develops from his earlier life.

Characteristics of Development:

  1. Development is a universal process which exists in every society. The process of development is going on in modern soceity. Todays modern society is the result of development of ancient society. Development took place in ancient societies and that is why today’s modern society came in front of us. Society from feudal times to industrial times has reached only because of development.
  2. One thing changes from one position to another position in development. This change can be right or wrong. That’s why it has been said that the relation of human development is with the change from one condition to another.
  3. Good and bad. both types of senses are there in development. It means that development never comes only in right direction. It can happen in a wrong direction also.
  4. Development is the process of moving from simplicity to complexity. If development will take place in any thing then that thing definitely becomes complex from simple. That’s why development is a complex process.
  5. In development, all those means should be kept in mind which can help in the process of development.
  6. Development never comes only in the economic sector but it comes in all sectors of life like social, political, moral etc.
  7. Process of development is that process in which the knowledge of social and gender change is necessary.
  8. Efforts of development are always going on.

Measurement of Social Development:

Many sociologists have given many measurements of social development. Their mixed form is given below:

  1. When the equality of people increases in front of law then it is the symbol of development.
  2. When any movement will start to increase literacy and to decrease illiteracy then it is the measurement of cultural development.
  3. When all the. adults of the country will get the right to vote and democracy will be established in a country then it is the indicator of political development.
  4. If females are given equal rights and all the persons of the society are given equal rights then it is the indicator of social development.
  5. When there will be equal distribution of money and capital in society then it is the indicator of economic development.
  6. When every member of the group or community are given the right of expression and right to do any work then it is the indicator of social freedom.
  7. When the sense of co-operation and service will increase among people then it is the indicator of social morality.Progress:

Question 5.
What do you know about Progress? Explain its features.
Progress on one side is related with material development and on another side it is related with the new ideas of knowledge. Progress is an English word which has come out of Latin word ‘progredior’. It means that to move forward. The word Progress is taken in the relative meaning. When we say that the family is moving forward or progressing then the meaning of this thing can be known at that time when we will come to know that in which direction it is moving. If it is moving from poverty to richness then from this direction we can come to know that this family is progressing. Here one thing should be kept in mind that if we find any one’s downward trend then it is not progress. For example if any rich businessman becomes poor after losing his business then it cannot be called as progress. Its reason is that progress is always related with the achievement of any aim. Whenever we achieve our aims then we can say that we have achieved the progress. In this way the achievement of our aims is known as progress like progress in the educational sector, progress in economic sector etc.

Different sociologists have given different definitions of progress which are given below:

  1. According to Groves and Moore, “Progress is movement towards a desired end in terms of accepted values.”
  2. According to Ogburn and Nimkoff, “Progress means change for the better and hence implies a value judgement.”
  3. According to Park and Burgess, “Any change or adaptation to an existing environment that makes it easier for a person or a group of persons or other organized form of life to live may be said to represent progress.”
  4. According to Fairchild, “Movement in the direction of a recognized and desired goal or objective is progress.”
    In this way on the basis of given definitions we can say that progress is the change in desired or approved and accepted direction. We can imagine about this change even before it comes.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 11 Social Change

Characteristics of Progress:

1. Progress is desired change. Progress is the desired change because whenever we want this change can be brought. Society always progresses with this change. Our desired aim can be any thing in progress and change which comes with progress is always useful. Actually no one wants to damage itself. That’s why this change is for social welfare.

2. Progress is always comparative. Meaning of progress is different in different societies. If any society has got advanatage from the progress then it is not necessary that other society will also get the same advantage from the progress. Actually every society has different desired aims because every society has different needs. Needs of people living in mountainous region are very much different from the needs of people living in plains. That’s why their aims are also different. In this way meaning of progress is used in comparative meaning. Different historical ages, places are defined in a different way.

3. Progress is changeable. Progress is always related with different countries and ages and it never remains same in all the ages. It is so because whatever we think today as a symbol of progress that can be taken as a symbol of downfall in any other country. It means that progress never remains the same. It changes according to the time, age, country, circumstances etc. It is quite possible that any thing which was known as the symbol of progress in ancient times, today it might not have any importance. In this way progress is always changeable and it changes all the times.

4. Progress is concerned with group. Progress is never personal. If some persons, in society, have achieved desired results then this process cannot be called as progress. Actually progress is a concept in which change comes in the life of most of the people. From sociological point of view when the whole group moves forward towards any desired direction then it can be called as progress.

5. More advantages are there in progress. We can see both advantages and disadvantages in progress but there are more advantages. If the quantity of disadvantages is more then it cannot be called as progress.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 10 Social Stratification

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 10 Social Stratification Important Questions and Answers.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 10 Social Stratification

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What is meant by the stratification of castes?
(a) Division of society in different parts
(b) To unite .society
(c) To divide society
(d) None of these
(a) Division of society in different parts

2. Disadvantage of caste system is …………….
(a) Division of society
(b) Obstacle in the way of social progress
(c) Obstacle in social reform
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

3. Marriage within caste or sub-caste is known as ……………….
(a) Anuloma
(b) Pratiloma
(c) Endogamy
(d) Exogamy
(c) Endogamy

4. Caste system is a ………………..
(a) state
(b) social institution
(c) property
(d) government
(b) social institution

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 10 Social Stratification

5. Ancient Indian society was divided into ………….. parts.
(a) four
(b) five
(c) six
(d) seven
(a) four

6. What is the function of caste system?
(a) To control behaviour
(b) To give occupation
(c) To provide social security
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

7. What is the impact of class system on society?
(a) Caste system is weakening
(b) Lower caste people are moving upward
(c) One gets a chance to show his individual abilities
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

8. Which of these is not a feature of class system?
(a) Completely achieved
(b) Change in status of groups
(c) Membership based on birth
(d) Openness
(c) Membership based on birth

9. What is the difference between caste and class?
(a) Caste is based on birth and class is based on ability
(b) One can change class but not class
(c) Many restrictions are there in caste but not in class
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

10. Which of these-is a feature of class?
(a) Feeling superiority and inferiority
(b) Social mobility
(c) Development of sub-classes
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

11. The system in which individuals get different social status on different bases is known as …………….
(a) Caste system
(b) Class system
(c) Community system
(d) Social system
(b) Class system

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 10 Social Stratification

Fill in the Blanks:

1. …………….. is the process of dividing society into different layers.
Social Stratification

2. Caste is an ……………… group.

3. Ghurye gave …………….. features of caste.

4. Varna system was based on ………………

5. Caste system is based on …………………

6. …………….. explained about capitalist and labour class.
karl Marx

7. There were ……………….. major castes in caste system.


1. Caste is an exogamous group.

2. Ghurye gave six features of caste.

3. The concept of untouchability came forward due to caste system.

4. Jyotiba Phule did a lot to bring reforms in caste system.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 10 Social Stratification

One Word/Line Question Answers:

Question 1.
Which system has divided our society?
Caste system has divided our society.

Question 2.
From which language’s word, the word caste came?
Word ‘caste’ has originated from a Portuguese word ‘CASTA’.

Question 3.
Which type of class is caste?
Caste is a closed class.

Question 4.
Who were given the highest place in Caste system?
Brahmins were given the highest place in caste system.

Question 5.
Which caste was greatly exploited in Caste system?
Fourth caste was greatly exploited in caste system.

Question 6.
What is meant by Endogamy?
When marriage is done within own caste then it is known as endogamy.

Question 7.
Which type of occupation of an individual is there in caste system?
In caste system, occupation of an individual is based on birth. It means one is required to adopt the occupation of his family.

Question 8.
On what, mutual relations in caste system are based?
In caste system, mutual relations are based on superiority and inferiority.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 10 Social Stratification

Question 9.
What is meant by closed caste system?
The class tvhich cannot be changed is known as closed caste system.

Question 10.
What is used to make Kachcha food and Pakka food?
Water is used to make Kachcha food and oil is used to make Pakka food. Question 11. How many features of caste system are given by G.S. Ghurye? Answer: G.S. Ghurye has given six features of Caste system.

Question 12.
When was Untouchability Offence Act passed?
Untouchability Offence Act was passed in 1955.

Question 13.
When was Civil Rights Protection Act passed?
Civil Rights Protection Act was passed in 1976.

Question 14.
When was Hindu Marriage Act passed?
Hindu Marriage Act was passed in 1955.

Question 15.
Which thing was restricted in Untouchability Offence Act?
It was restricted that no one will be called as untouchable.

Question 16.
How many castes approximately are available in India?
Approximately 3,000 castes are available in India.

Question 17.
Which type of marriage is allowed in caste system?
Endogamy is allowed in caste system.

Question 18.
In how many parts, ancient Indian society was divided?
Ancient Indian society was divided into four parts.

Question 19.
What was the merit of caste system?
It has protected Hindu society, has given stability to society and definite occupation to the people.

Question 20.
Which type of change is coming in caste system?
Prestige of Brahmins is declining, untouchability remains no more and traditional occupations are coming to an end.

Question 21.
Give main features of caste system.
Membership of caste remains for life, segmental division of society is there and one has to adopt his traditional occupation.

Question 22.
What is the demerit of caste system?
Lower castes are exploited, untouchability increased and personality of an individual is unable to develop.

Question 23.
How is caste a closed group?
Caste is a closed group because one cannot change it even if he has the ability to do so.

Question 24.
How occupation is fixed in caste system?
Occupation in caste is traditional. It means one has to adopt the occupation of his family.

Question 25.
Which two laws have helped in the weakening of caste system?

  • Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.
  • Untouchability Offence Act, 1955.

Question 26.
How has industrialization affected the caste system?
In industries, people of different castes started to work together with which caste based restrictions came to an end.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 10 Social Stratification

Question 27.
Inter-caste Marriage.
When people, of two different castes marry each other then it is known as inter-caste marriage.

Question 28.
Is caste system changing?
Yes, caste system is changing due to a number of factors like education, industrialisation, urbanisation, laws etc.

Question 29.
Maintenace of Purity of Blood.
When one marries within his own caste then it maintains the purity of blood as blood of other castes never mixes with one’s caste.

Question 30.
When an individual does marriage within his own caste or group then it is known as Endogamy.

Question 31.
Is class intermarriageable?
Yes, class is intermarriageable. It means endogamous as well as exogamous.

Question 32.
Hierarchy in Caste.
There were four castes—Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Lower castes. This was the hierarchy in caste.

Question 33.
What is the basis of class?
Money, wealth, prestige, education, occupation etc. are the bases of class.

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Hierarchy of Castes.
Society was divided into four castes and due to this division, there was a definite system of high or low social status in society. This system of division of society into four castes is known as hierarchy of castes.

Question 2.
How is the social status of an individual determined?
In caste system, the social status of an individual was determined by the caste in which he was born. But in class system, the social status of an individual is based on his individual ability.

Question 3.
Caste develops the sense of Co-operation.
It is a fact that caste develops the sense of co-operation among its members. As members of one particular caste has same occupation, that’s why they work in co-operation with each other.

Question 4.
What is Kachcha food?
Kaccha food is that food in whose making, oil or ghee is not used, only water is used. In caste system, it is fixed that from which caste one can take kaccha food and from which caste one can take pakka food.

Question 5.
What is Pakka food?
Pakka food is exactly opposite to Kachcha food. Pakka food is that food in whose making ghee or oil is used. It is fixed that from which caste one can take Pakka food.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 10 Social Stratification

Question 6.
Modern Education and Caste.
Now people are taking modern education which is based on Science and reason. That’s why gradually people come to know about demerits of caste and it leads to removal of caste restrictions from the society.

Question 7.
Social Security in Caste.
If any problem comes to an individual then all the members of one caste collectively solve that problem. In this members of each caste get social security from their respective castes.

Question 8.
Membership of caste based on birth.
It is a fact that membership of caste is based on birth. One cannot leave the caste in which he is born. At any cost he cannot leave his caste even if he is having the ability to do so.

Question 9.
To maintain purity of blood.
Caste is an endogamous group in which one needs to marry in his own caste. It helps in maintaining purity of blood as blood from all the castes never mixes with each other.

Question 10.
Give one definition of caste.
According to Martindale and Mona Chesi, “A caste is aggregate of persons whose share of obligations and privileges is fixed by birth, sanctioned and supported by magic and religion.”

Question 11.
Exploitation of lower caste.
In caste system, lower castes were exploited by the upper castes. They were misbehaved and were not given any rights. They lived their lives in hell like conditions.

Question 12.
Discuss two changes in the Caste System.

  • Due to the passing of many Legislations, the discrimination of untouchability is coming to an end.
  • Due to the advent of many new occupations, the hierarchical order of the caste system and the superiority of many castes is changing.

Question 13.
Caste as Segmental division of society.
Give the number and name of castes.
In caste system, whole of the society was divided into different parts. First part comprised the Brahmins, second part comprised the Kshatriyas, third part was Vaishyas and the fourth part comprised the people of lower castes.

Question 14.
Change in the caste regarding marriage.
Now people work with each other and come closer to each other. It led to increase in inter-caste marriages. People started to marry according to their own wish. Child marriage no more prevails, widow marriage is increasing day by day.

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
What is Stratification?
Social Stratification.
Stratification is a process in which high and low groups have been divided in social structure and their roles and statuses have been determined. Every group has its definite place and all the groups are related with each other with inferiority and superiority relations. English word ‘Strata’ is originated from the Latin word ‘Stratum’ whose meaning is layer. Its meaning is that any specific object has been divided in different layers and these layers have system of superiority and inferiority.

Question 2.
Two characteristics of Social Stratification.

  • Universal Process : Stratification is a universal process. We cannot find any human society where stratification was hot there.
  • Inequality of Status : Every member doesn’t have equal status. Anyone has superior position and anyone has low position.

Question 3.
Main bases of Social Stratification.

  • Social Stratification can be divided in two parts:
  • Biological basis.
  • Socio-cultural basis.

Question 4.
What are the Biological bases of Social Stratification?

  • Sex
  • Age
  • Race
  • Birth

Question 5.
Give the names of Socio-cultural bases of Stratification.

  • Economic Basis
  • Occupational Basis
  • Political Basis
  • Religious Basis

Question 6.
Age as the base of Social Stratification.
Persons have different positions in society on the basis of age like-child, young, elder. Age is the most important factor in India to give a vote, to become adult, to become M.P. or to become President of India.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 10 Social Stratification

Question 7.
The educational base of Social Stratification.
Literate persons are known as intelligent in the society and illiterate people are known as idiots. Persons who get higher education have more respect in society as compared to others and even are known as the members of higher class. Illiterate people don’t have respect in the society. In this way society has been divided in literate and illiterate persons on educational basis.

Question 8.
What is the result of stratification according to Marx?
Marx was of the view that there are two classes in society. First one is the owner of means of production and other class is not the owner of means of production. On the basis of this ownership, owner class gets higher status and non-owner class gets lower status in society. Marx has given the name of capitalist class or Bourgouise to owner class and labourer class or proletariat to non-owner class. Capitalist class always exploits the labourer class and labourer class always struggles with capitalist class to get its rights. This is the result of stratification according to Marx.

Question 9.
Which type of relations are there in different classes?
According to Marx, the mutual relations of classes are of inter-dependence and struggle. Capitalist and labourers both depend upon each other for their existence. Labourer class has to sell its labour to earn meal. It sells its labour to capitalist and depends upon capitalist to earn its meal. Capitalist gives the rent of his labour for this capitalist also depends upon labourers because without labourers, he can neither produce any thing nor he can accumulate wealth. But struggle also goes on with dependency because labourer always struggles with capitalist to achieve his rights.

Question 10.
Class Struggle.
Karl Marx lias studied two classes in each society. According to him, there exist two classes in each society. One class is the exploitive class and the other class is exploited class. There always exists conflict between them which Marx calls class struggle. Exploitive class is capitalist class which has all the means of production and with the help of which it suppresses the other classes.. Second class is labour class which doesn’t have any means of production. To earn bread and butter, it needs to sell its labour. This class i.e. labour class is always exploited by the first class i.e. the capitalist class because of which struggle is always there between these two groups. This struggle is given the name of class struggle by Karl Marx.

Question 11.
Means of Production.
Means of production are those means through which money is earned to live a happy life. A person uses means of production and production talent to produce material things and all these elements colloectively form the production forces. Means of production are owned by the Capitalist with the help of which he produces surplus value and exploits the labour class. Capitalist becomes more rich with these means of production and he uses these means to suppress the labourers.

Question 12.
Meaning of Caste.
Hindu social system has one of the important complex and interesting institutions which is known as caste system. Word Caste has been taken from Portuguese word ‘Casta’ whose meaning is birth. Caste is an endogamous group whose membership is based on birth. Occupation is hereditary and traditional, many types of restrictions are there regarding ways of living, eating, relations and marriage. According to Risley, “Caste is a collection of families or group of families bearing a common name, claiming a common descent from mythical ancestor, human or divine. Professing to follow the name hereditary calling and regarded by those who are competent to give an opinion as forming a single homogeneous community.”

Question 13.
Give any four characterises of Caste.

  • Membership of caste is based upon birth.
  • Caste is an endogamous group.
  • Restrictions on social relations are there in caste.
  • Restrictions are there in caste regarding feeding.
  • Occupation of a person is hereditary in caste. It means that no one can adopt an occupation of his choice.
  • Society is divided in different segments.
  • There is a definite hierarchy in caste system.

Question 14.
What is Hierarchy?
There was a definite hierarchy in caste system. Society was divided in different segments on the basis of their higher or lower status. Brahmins got the higher status in all parts of India. Kshatriya were coming at second place and third place was of Vaishyas. Fourth and the last place was given to lower castes. Social status of any person in society was determined on the basis of this hierarchy.

Question 15.
Membership based on birth.
Membership of any caste is based upon birth. No one can determine his caste according to his- wish. Social status of a person was determined by that caste in which caste that person was born. No one can change his caste even if he has the ability to do so. In this way the person used to get social status according to the caste in which he was born, not on the basis of individual ability.

Question 16.
Which type of restrictions are there in caste regarding food?
Some clear rules are there in caste system which tell us that with which caste we can establish relations regarding food or feeding. Whole food has been divided into two parts-Kachcha food and Pakka food. Kachcha food is that food which can be made with the help of water and Pakka food is that food which can be made with the help of oil or ghee. A general rule is that any person never takes kachcha food till that time until it has not been made by the person of his own caste. Brahmins accept Pakka food from any specific caste.

Question 17.
How occupation is fixed in caste?
According to the rules of the caste system, all the castes have their traditional, specific and hereditary occupations. Every person has to adopt the occupation of that caste in which he is born even if the other occupations are more profitable. Person had no choice instead of adopting his traditional and hereditary occupations. Main function of the brahmins was to perform religious rites and to give education to people. Function of Kshatriyas was to protect the country and rule over the country. Vaishyas were doing agriculture and business and the function of lower castes was to serve the people of three higher castes. All of them had to adopt traditional occupations.

Question 18.
Describe the functions of caste.

  • Caste determines the occupation of a person.
  • Caste provides social security to a person.
  • Caste gives mental security to a person.
  • Caste maintains purity of the blood.
  • Caste provides political stability to the country.
  • Caste saves the technical knowledge.
  • Caste determines the rules related to education.

Question 19.
Caste is a closed group.
Is Caste a closed group?
Yes, caste is a closed group. Meaning of closed group is that the membership is based on birth. Social Status of a person was determined by that caste in which he was born. Person can neither leave his caste nor can he change his caste. Anyone cannot change his caste even if he has enough ability. Membership of caste was not based upon the ability and wish of the person but was based upon birth. In this way it is a closed group.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 10 Social Stratification

Question 20.
Give merits of Caste.

  • Caste does division of labour.
  • Caste maintains the social unity.
  • Caste maintains the purity of blood.
  • Caste makes the rules of education.
  • Caste produces cooperation in society.
  • Caste provides mental and social security to the person.

Question 21.
Causes of change in caste.
Why is caste changing?

  • Socio-religious movements.
  • Efforts of Indian government and making of legislations.
  • Contribution of Britishers towards change.
  • Change in caste due to industrialization.
  • Because of the spread of education.
  • Because of development in the means of transport and communication.

Question 22.
Is caste changing?
Future of Caste.
Yes, caste is changing rapidly. Now importance is given to money instead of caste. The policy of reservation is being adopted in jobs for scheduled castes. Now a person can adopt any occupation. Inter-caste marriages have been started. Many changes have taken place in the rules of feeding. Now elections are fought in the name of caste. In this way after looking at this we can say that the caste is changing.

Question 23.
Demerits of Caste.

  • Position of women is lower in the caste system.
  • Caste system increases untouchability.
  • Caste system increases casteism.
  • Caste system increases cultural conflict.
  • aste system is a hindrance in social unity and social mobility.
  • Caste system produces hindrance inefficiency of the person.
  • It is against the democratic values of the country.

Question 24.
Meaning of class system.
Class is a group of people which are equal to each other and every class has its own status in society. According to this, every member of class has some responsibilities, rights and powers. Class consciousness is the main necessity of class. Person in class thinks about others as higher or lower than him.

Question 25.
Two characteristics of class system.

  • Class consciousness : Every class is conscious about the fact that its status or prestige is higher than the other class. It means person knows about higher, lower or equal status.
  • Restricted social contracts : In class system people like to establish close contacts with the members of their own class and have very limited relations with members of other class.

Question 26.
Bases of Division of Class.

  • Family and kinship
  • Property income and wealth
  • Occupation
  • Direction of place of living
  • Education
  • Power
  • Religion
  • Race
  • Caste
  • Status symbols.

Long Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Explain different bases of social stratification.
Stratification, in every society has diffemt features because they are based upon the social values and the important ideologies. That is why the bases of social stratification are also different. Nature of the process of social stratification is different in different societies. It is related with the social values which exist in that society. That is why social stratification has many bases. But we can divide these bases in two parts

  1. Biological Basis
  2. Socio-Cultural Basis

Now we will explain both of these basis in detail.

1. Biological Basis. Humans, on the base of their Birth, are given higher or lower position in society in biological basis. In simple words, the relation which exists in different humans and groups can be determined on biological basis.
Biological base, in social stratification, is related with the birth of the person. Some times persons get higher or lower status in society on the basis of their birth. Some of the biological bases are given below:

1. Birth. Stratification, in the society, also exists on the basis of the birth. If we look carefully at the ancient Hindu society then we can see that humans were getting higher or lower social status on the basis of their birth. There were mainly 4 castes existing in Hindu society. Persons related with those castes in which they were bom were getting status on the basis of their birth. Persons were not allowed to change their castes even if they had the ability to do so. In this way there was a hierarchy in caste system. So on the basis of this description we can say that humans were not getting social status according to their ability or wish. The main base of social startification in caste system was birth. Humans were getting higher or lower social status on the basis of the birth.

There was no value of personal ability of the person in this. Person’s ability was neither helpful in changing caste nor it was helpful in taking up his social status. Maximum what a person was able to do was that he was free to take his position up only in his caste. But his position was definitely lower from other castes even if he had the higher status in his own caste. Social Status of person in caste stratification is not determined on the basis of his ability but is determined by his birth. Even today we can find this ype of stratified life on the basis of caste in Indian rural societies.

2. Age. After birth, social stratification also exists in society on the basis of age. Famous sociologist Harry M. Johnson has given different stages of human age in his book ‘Sociology’ and these are :

  • Childhood stage
  • Adolescence stage
  • Adult stage
  • Old stage

Many other scholars also have given different stages of life of the person. Status of a small child is never higher in any society because a child doesn’t have complete development. The way in which he becomes older his mental level also develops. Maturity also comes in it with the development of mental level. That is why mature persons are also given preference over younger ones. If we look at the Indian government then we can see that most of the people in it are of older age. Minimum age of 35 years is required to become the President of India. If we look at the family system in ancient Indian society then we can see that the control of the family was in the hands of people of more or higher agd. In India minimum age to give vote is 18 years. But many changes were brought in modem society by Indian government. Like age of giving vote is now 18 years instead of 21 years. Today more and more young people are coming in politics like Rahul Gandhi, Naveen Jindal, Omar Abdullah etc.

But the older people are the pillars of politics. They prepare the younger generation to take the responsibility of the country. In this way government has fixed the age of marriage so that the custom of child marriage could be stopped. People of more age has more respect in all the societies. In many tribes a council is made with the people of more age and they take many decisions related to their societies. In Australian tribes, Administrative rights are in the hands of people of more age.

In ancient Indian Society a scheme of Ashramas existed in which age of 100 years was fixed for every person. Age was fixed for every Ashrama. For example age of 1— 25 years was fixed for Brahmcharya ashrma, 26—50 years for Grihastha ashrama, 51—75 years for Vaan-Prashta Ashrama and the age of 75 years till death was fixed for Sanyasa Ashrama. In this way we can see that stratification exists in every society on the basis of age and person gets status in the society on this base. So age is given enough importance in determining responsibility of different status. Any function of more responsibility is neither given to any child nor it is given to any young one. It is definitely with age. That is why age is fixed to become President, Prime Minister or M.P. and even to give vote. It is so because it is believed that mental level and experience increases only with age.

3. Sex. Sex is also the basis of stratification. Difference on the base of sex is of male and female. If we will see the history then earlier societies were divided only on the base of sex. Females were doing household works and males were going out of the house to collect the eatables.

Family is divided in two parts on the basis of authority :

  • Patriarchal Family.
  • Matriarchal Family.

Both types of families exist on the basis of sex. Father’s authority is very important in Patriarchal family. But family is under the control of mother in matriarchal families. But if we look at the ancient societies then we will see that males have got higher status in society. Functions of males and females are also different. Even in modern societies differntiation still exists on the basis of sex. The government has done a number of efforts to bring females in many sectors. Some states are giving free education to females. But still we can see many differences on this base. In western countries females are considered as equal to male but even till today no female has been able to become the President of U.S.A. Some roles are different naturally in males and females. Like only female can give birth to child. In this way we can say that sex is also a very old base of startification through which status of male and female is determined in society.

Right from the ancient times females were considered as inferior to males becuase of which their social status and functions remained differnt. After independence, many laws were made,in India with the help of which many disabilities of females were removed. Now the girl has the right to take share from the father’s property. But still in many states, females are considered as inferior to males and discrimination is there on the basis of sex. Yet females are doing every type of work these days and are working with males but still discrimination is there on the basis of sex.

4. Race. Race is also one of the biological hases of the process of social startification. Society has been divided in different groups on the basis of race. Mainly three types of races of humans exist and these are :

  • Caucasion
  • Mangoloid
  • Negroid

A system of hierarchy exists in these three classes. White race means Caucasion has got a higher status in society. Yellow race means Mangoloid comes at the middle level and black race means Negroid has got the lowest status in society. In U.S.A., even today, white race is considered as superior to black race. People of white race are sending their children to different schools to study. Even they never marry in each other’s race. Yet some changes have come in this base but still it is one of the bases of social startification. Blacks are discriminated by whites. Even discrimination is there between them while giving certain facilities. White people even discrminate with Asian people because they consider themselves superior to yellow and black people.

2. Socio-Cultural Basis. Stratification, in society, not only exists on biological basis but it also exists on socio-cultural basis. There are many socio-cultural bases which are given ahead

  • On the basis of occupation
  • Political basis
  • Economic basis
  • Educational basis
  • Religious basis
  • On the basis of blood relations.

Now we will explain them in detail.

1. Basis of occupation. Society has been divided in many parts on the basis of occupation. Some occupations in society are considered as very important and some are considered as less important. In the varna scheme, society was stratified on the basis of occupation. Humans were getting the social status according to the occupation which they had adopted. For example if any one was getting education of vedas and adopted the occupation of giving education to the people then he was included in brahmin varna. The wish of adopting occupation was of person himself. According to Kingslay Davis, the achievement of able person for any specific occupation affects the status of that occupation. Some sociologists have considered it as the main base of social startification.

In modern society, person adopts his occupation according to his ability to do work. For example, in modern Indian society, the occupations of Doctor, Professor, Engineer etc. have a better place in society than the occupation of clerk or suprintendent. Those occupations have higher social status in society which are considered as important in controlling the society. In this way society gives them status by checking the abilities, disabilities etc. of different occupations.

Yet the occupations in earlier societies were based upon caste and the status of person was also determined according to caste but in modem societies, occupation is considered more important than the caste. The position of an I.A.S. officer will definitely be higher than the peen. In the same way some officers, Judges, Megistrates etc. don’t have same status even if their occupation is same. In short, stratification in society exists on the basis of different occupations. For example, the occupation of a prostitute will be considered as lower even if she has a lot of money.

2. Political base. Different types of stratification exist in every society on political basis. Stratification, in Indian society, exists on this base. Political system in India, remains important on the basis of family or lineage. India is a democratic country. The main power in it is in the hands of President. Position of Vice-President is lower than that of President. Two types of groups exist in every class.

  • Ruling class
  • Ruled class or Suppressed Class.

The position of ruling class is higher than that of ruled class. Even in administrative system different officers get social status according to their job. According to famous sociologist Sorokin, “If political organization spreads then political stratification also increases. Complexity also increases in social stratification with political system. If any sudden change comes in political system due to any revolution then political stratification also changes. There are many political parties in India but the status of that political party is higher which rules over the country. In ancient tribal societies, every tribe had one head who takes care in solving the problems of the tribe and was loyal towards the tribe. Administration in the kingdoms was in the hands of kings end they were running the administration according to their wish.”

Politics also exists in family. Father has the highest position in family. Higher place in the administration of country is of President, then is of Vice President, Prime Minister, cabinet ministers, state ministers and deputy ministers. Some leaders in every political party have higher status and some have lower status. Some leaders are of National Level and some are of regional level. Some political parties also are of national level and some are of regional level. Position of that political party will definitely be higher which has political power in its hands. For example, today the status of B.J.P. is definitely higher then that of Congress because it has political power in its hands.

3. Economic base. Famous sociologist Karl Marx has considered economic base the alone base of stratification in society. According to him, two classes always exist in every society.

1. Owners of means of production i.e. capitalist class
2. Those who don’t have means of production i.e. labour class. Position of those persons is higher who own the means of production. Marx has given them the name of capitalist class. On other side labour class is there which works under the control of capitalist class. Capitalist class always exploits the labour class. On the basis of wealth, three classes are there in society :

  • Higher Class
  • Middle Class
  • Lower Class

In this way the relations of inferior and superior exist in them. According to Sorokin as base of social stratification, economic elements are moving up and and down. This moving up and down is of two types—progress and downfall of any group in economic sector and the more or less importance of economic element in the process of stratification. Its result comes in the form of going upwards like economic pyramid and spreading after reaching at one level and not to go more high. According to Sorokin, the average income of every society and group is different. This average income of groups keeps on changing in different times with which status of these groups also changes. In this way position always moves higher or lower in socio-economic sector.

Generally having or not having property is the main base of stratification in society. Person with more property will definitely have higher status in society and person with less property will have lower status in society. We can take example of capitalist and labour class in modern society. Society generally is divided in three classes-higher, middle and lower class and these classes are very much conscious about their membership. They never like that any lower class people would enter their class. Every class has many sub-classes because difference of income is always there. One millionaire is also rich and one multi-millionaire is also rich but the position of multi-millionaire is higher than that of millionaire. Because income is the base of this class that is why a person can change his class and membership by increasing his income. If a person can move to higher class with more income then he can also move to lower class in the absence of more income. This type of society is also known as open society.

Relations between economic based classes are quite limited in nature. Many sub classes exist in one class like in capitalists class one is multi millionaire and one is billionaire. Persons are free to achieve higher status in class system which is based on economy. Poor person can achieve middle or higher class by earning more and more money.
In short, modern society is known as industrial society. Hierarchy of high or low exists in society on the basis of having or not having property. In this way it is also one of the important bases of social stratification.

4. On the basis of Education. We can also stratify society on the basis of education. Society can be stratified in two parts on the basis of education i.e.

  • Literate Class
  • Illiterate Class

Status of literate class is definitely higher than that of illiterate class. Person who gets education, with hard work, gets more respect in society. It is one of the important bases of stratification in modern society. Literate person gets more respect than that of illiterate person. Position of a Professor, who has done Ph.D., is definitely higher than that of a Matric pass person. Status of an engineer, doctor or teacher is higher than that of a peon because they are more literate than a peon. In this way stratification is there in society on the basis of education.

5. Religious base. Society is also stratified on religious base. In ancient Hindu society, brahmins had got the highest place in society according to religious system. It is so because they were getting education of religious vedas and were giving education to others. Shudras had got the lowest position because according to Hindu religious system, they are considered as untouchables. Many religions exist in India. Members of every religion consider themselves superior to the members of other religions. In this way social stratification also exists on the basis of religion. There are many religions in India which consider themselves superior to the other religions. Any religion, whose members are more than the other religion, is definitely considered as higher than that of other religion. We can take example of Hindu religion and Christianity in India.

6. Basis of blood relations. Person also gets higher or lower status in society on the basis of the family in which he is born. For example son of any king is given the status of king when he becomes younger. In., this way sometimes human gets social status on the basis of the family or blood relations. Position of any child who is born in the Gandhi family is definitely higher than that of child of any ordinary people. In this way there are many bases of stratification in society on the basis of which inequality exists in society.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 10 Social Stratification

Question 2.
What is Caste System? Explain the features given by G.S. Ghuriye.
Caste system is one of the most important social institutions which is coming on from ancient times. It was one of the important bases of social stratification on the basis of which status and role of the person was determined in society. Meaning of caste system. The word ‘caste’ originated from the Portuguese word ‘Casta’ which means Race. It is also closely related with the Latin word ‘Castus’ whose meaning is Pure race. Actually, caste system is based upon birth. The caste in which the person takes birth, he needs to live with that caste only for the whole life. With the birth of the child, his ways of living life are determined. It keeps some restrictions on its members which are necessarily to be obeyed by the person. This caste system was one of the main bases of Indian social system and all the aspects of Hindu social life were affected by this system. Its effect was so powerful that it affected every group and community living in India. Word caste has been taken from the Sanskrit word ‘Jana’ whose meaning is birth. Yet this system prevailed in other societies also but its developed form was available in India.

Definitions of Caste System:

(1) According to Risley, “Caste is a collection of families or group of families bearing a common name, claiming a common descent from mythical ancestor, human or divine. Professing to follow the same hereditary calling and regarded by those who are competent to give an opinion as forming a single homogeneous community.”

(2) According to Robert Bierstdt, “When a class system is a closed group on one or more than one issue then it is known as caste system.”

(3) According to Blunt, “A caste is an endogamous group or collection of endogamous groups, bearing a common name, membership of which is hereditary, imposing on its members certain restrictions in the matter of social intercourse, either following a common traditional occupation or claiming a common origin and generally regarded as forming a single homogeneous community.”

(4) According to Ketkar, “Caste is a social group having two characteristics :

  • Membership is confined to those who are born as members and includes all persons so born.
  • The members are forbidden by a social law to marry outside the group.”

G.S. Ghuriye has given features of the caste system which are more acceptable :

  • Segmental division of society
  • Hierarchy
  • Restrictions on feeding and social intercourse
  • Civil and religious disabilities and privileges of various castes.
  • Lack of unrestricted choice of occupation
  • Restrictions on marriage.

Now we will see these features in detail:

1. Segmental division of society : The caste system divides the Hindu society in many parts in which it determines or fixes the status, position and functions of the members of every part. That is why members of any specific group are conscious about their position and because of which they think themselves as unbreakable part of that group. The area of interaction of members of one caste is limited to its own caste because of this division of society in parts. Every caste has its own ways of living, traditions, values etc. Generally members of one caste interact with the members of its own caste. In this way according to Ghuriye one caste is a social unit in which person lives his whole life.

2. Hierarchy : In most of the parts of India, Brahmin varna has got the highest status. We can see a definite hierarchy in caste system in which all castes are kept in a definite hierarchy. In this system the status of highest and lowest caste is definitely determined but there is some unclarity between the middle caste.

3. Restrictions on feeding and social intercourse : There are some definite and detailed rules in caste system which tell us that with which caste a person can keep social relations and with which caste he can keep relations of feeding. Whole food has been divided in two categories of‘Kacha Food’ and ‘Pakka Food’. We need water to cook ‘Kacha Food’ and we need oil to cook Pakka Food. There are a number of restrictions in giving and taking food to different castes.

4. Civil and religious disabilities and privileges of various castes : Different castes have special civil and religious disabilities. In ancient times impure castes were kept out of the limit of the village. There were restrictions on social intercourse with impure castes. They were restricted to go to the temples of higher castes, they were restricted to take water from the wells. They were restricted to read religious books. Children of lower castes were restricted to get education. Higher castes had special privileges over lower castes.

5. Lack of unrestricted choice of occupation : According to the rules of caste system, some castes had traditional occupations. Members of the caste had to adopt the traditional occupation. But some occupations like trade, agriculture, job etc. were free to be done by anyone. But still with that a number of castes had definite occupations like carpenter, blacksmith, potter etc.

6. Restrictions on marriage : Castes were again divided into sub-castes. These sub-castes were restricting their members to marry out of their group. The characteristic of caste is that it is an endogamous group. Person has to marry in his own sub-caste. If any one was breaking this rule then he was generally thrown out of his caste.

Question 3.
Give features of Caste System.
1. Membership is based on birth : Membership of caste is based upon birth and no one can fix his caste with his own wish. Person used to get social status according to the caste in which he was born. One cannot change his caste even if he has the ability to do so. Is this way membership of caste is based upon birth and not on the ability of an individual.

2. Restrictions in social relations : In earlier times, whole of the society was divided into different castes and their status was pre-determined. There were a number of restrictions regarding keeping relations with other castes. People of upper castes were keeping relations only with upper castes. They were not allowed to keep relations with lower castes.

3. Restrictions on eatables : Several clear rules are there in caste system which tells that with which caste one has to keep feeding relations or not. Whole of the food was divided into two categories and these were Kachha food and Pakka food. Water was used to make Kachha Food and oil was used to cook Pakka food. There was a general rule that one never eats the Kachha food unless it is made by the member of his own caste or the food must be made by the Brahmin or his Guru. That’s why most of the castes accepted the food given by Brahmins. But Brahmins never accepted Kachha food made by any one of the other caste. Pakka food was accepted only by a specific caste. In this way restriction on feeding was one of the major features of caste system.

4. Restriction on occupation : According to the rules of caste system, castes had their specific traditional occupations. Person had to adopt the occupation of his own caste even if the other occupations were more profitable. Man had no choice except adopting his caste’s occupation. But some occupations were free to be adopted by any one like trade, agriculture, job in military etc. Even many castes were free to adopt any occupation but many castes used to do their traditional functions like carpenter, blacksmith, barber, potter etc. Main function of Brahmins was to give education and to perform religious rites, function of Kshatriya was to protect the country, function of Vaishyas was to do agriculture and trade and lower castes used to serve the higher castes. They had to perform their traditional functions.

5. Restrictions on marriage: Caste system was again divided and different castes were divided into sub-castes. These sub-castes used to restrict their members to marry out of their group. Endogamy is the important feature of caste system. It means to marry in the group. Yet in some specific conditions, there were some relaxations. But generally they had to marry in their own caste. If anyone was breaking this rule then he was generally thrown out of his caste and was restricted to enter any other caste. In this way everyone used to marry in his own caste or sub-caste.

6. Segmental division of society : Hindu society was divided into many parts by caste system and the status, place and function of every part were determined by it. That is why members had some consciousness of being members of a group and used to think themselves as the unavoidable and unbreakable part of the group. Because of this segmental division of society the area of interaction for a person was generally restricted to his own caste. Panchayats were free to give punishment to the person who will break the rules of caste. Different castes had different traditions and way of living. People of one caste were generally interacting with the persons of their own caste.

7. Endogamy : There were strict restrictions related to marriage. Man was not allowed to marry out of his caste but he had to marry in his own sub-caste. If anyone was breaking this rule then he was generally thrown out of his caste. Anulom marriage was also allowed to a certain extent. That is why boy of higher caste used to marry girl of lower caste. So endogamy was the main base of caste system.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 10 Social Stratification

Question 4.
Explain the functions of caste system.
1. To control individual’s behaviour: Rules of the caste system were forcing the person to live acoording to the rules made by society. Caste used to tell the person about his behaviour of occupation, restrictions of feeding, social intercourse and marriage and man was working according to them.

2. To provide social security : Caste provides social security to all its members. Members of a caste were ready to give help .to the* other members of their caste from any aspect. Whenever person was in great problem, caste always comes forward for his help. In this way all the members of caste were joining their hands at the time of problem. At every moment they were ready to give help to each other.

3. To provide occupation : Occupation of a person, in caste System was pre-determined even at the time of his birth. Different castes had different functions like function of Brahmin was to give education, function of Kshatriya was to protect the society, function of Vaishya was to do business and the function of lower castes was to serve higher castes. People believed in Karma theory that person will take next birth according to the deeds of his birth and he will get functions according to that. In this way every person had to adopt his traditional occupation.

4. Functions related to Marriage : Rule of Endogamy exists in caste system. Person has to marry in the same caste in which he is born. Caste puts certain restrictions on its members to marry in the caste only and if he tries to break the rule then he is thrown out of the caste.

5. To provide Mental Security: Persons don’t have any individual responsibility in the caste system because whatever caste is determined for him he has to accept that. The person used to get status according to his caste in which he was born. There was no mental pressure on him of occupation or marriage. In this way he was getting mental security from the caste.

6. It develops the feeling of co-operation : Members of the caste were always ready of give help to each other. Every person obeyed the rules made by caste. Rule breaker was thrown out of caste. In this way all the members of caste lived with each other with which stability was maintained in caste.

7. Educational Function : Caste always tried to tell about the rules related to education of its members. Education was confined only to the people of higher castes. Only Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vaishyas were allowed to take education.

8. Preservation of culture : Every caste has its own culture. Members of caste preserve their culture from generation to generation. Every caste has its own rules and traditions of eating, living, marriage, education etc. Children adopt these traditions from their parents. In this way it is an important function of caste system to preserve the culture of the caste.

9. Maintenance of the Purity of blood : Rule of endogamy exists in caste system. According to this rule man has to marry in the same caste in which he is born. On the basis of this rule members of higher castes marry in higher caste and members of lower castes marry among lower castes. In this way this rule maintains the purity of blood.

10. Security of Religious customs : Religious customs are also related with i ;aste. Every caste has’its own different religious customs. It is necessary to perform religious customs among Brahmins. So caste system helps in securing religious functions of caste.

Question 5.
What are the merits and demerits of caste system?
Merits or Advantages of Caste System:

1. It gives Social Security. The biggest advantage of caste is that it provides social security to all its members. Members of one caste are always ready to give help to other members of the caste. That is why there is no need to worry for anyone because he knows that if any problem comes on him then .his caste will definitely give him help. Caste system determines social status of man and reduces the Impossibility of competition.

2. Fixation of Occupation : Another characteristic of caste system is that it cletermines the occupation or function for the person. This occupation is according t o his family and is transmitted from one generation to another generation. Occupational qualities come automatically in the child of the family. In this way specialization comes in the person without any formal education. Except this it also reduces the competition of occupation in society and provides economic security. but this way it is an important advantage of caste system.

3. Purity of Blood : Caste System is an endogamous group. The meaning of (endogamy is that man has to marry in his own caste and if any one was trying to 1 break this rule then he was forced to leave the caste. Advantage of this thing is that : it stops the blood of other castes to come in their caste and it maintains the purity i af blood. In this way its advantage is that it helps in maintaining purity of blood.

4. Division of Labour : Another important advantage of caste system is that it i produces feeling of love and dedication among humans towards their duties. Humans vvith lower duties were doing their functions properly. Caste system fills one feeling within its members that every person has got his function according to the deeds of 1 lis previous birth and if he will do good deeds in this birth then he will get next birth in higher caste. It reduced the sense of hatred towards their functions and toward others. With this people did their functions properly. Caste system has divided the society in four varnas. Everyone knows about its functions properly. All of them do their functions properly and transmit their trade secrets to their next generations. In this stability is maintained in the society towards their functions and it helps in increasing division of labour and specialisation.

5. To make rules of education : Another important merit of caste system is that it has made definite rules regarding getting education and has made religion as the base of education. Education helps the person in learning self control, knowledge about occupation and to live in discipline. Education also gives knowledge about daily routine and occupation. Caste system determines that who will get education and which rule he has to obey. In this way caste system arranges the education for person according to the social status of his caste.

6. It maintains Social Unity : Another merit of caste system was that it kept the Indian society in unity. Caste system has divided the whole society in four parts and has given different functions to different parts. The way in which everyone has s different functions in division of labour, in that same way caste system has producec t division of labour in society. These different parts do different functions but he each other and fulfill each other’s needs. In this way even after this division, the are tied in the thread of unity.

7. It gives Mental Security : Caste gives mental security to its members. Fron n the rules of caste, every person comes to know that which occupation he has t o adopt, in which group he has to marry and perform religious customs and wit] a which groups he has to establish social relations^In this way when a person is fre e from these burdens then he feels secured himself mentally.

Demerits or Disadvantages of Caste System:

1. Low Status of Women : The main reason of the low status of women is cast e system. Because of controls of caste system, the position of Hindu women was no t more than a maid in the family. Because caste is an endogamous group, that is wh y to find a match for their children in their own caste, they advocated the child marriage;. It has resulted in polygamy. Kuleen Vivaha has also produced many evils in societ; y like polygamy, dowry system. Females used to work only in the house. They had n o rights. In this way the main reason behind all the problems of women was cast e system. Even it had not given the permission of widow remarriage and female wa s a server for the family only.

2. Untouchability: Problem of untouchability came into being because of divisioi i of society by caste system. A big portion of total population was made untouchablt e and they were generally disgraced by the higher castes because their function wan known as non-sacred. Their position was even less than servants. They were restrictec l in many ways. They were not allowed to take part in economic sector. In this way J i large portion of population was just like a burden on society. That is why poverty r came in society. It produced the sense of hatred in society and the problem of casteism came into being.

3. Casteism : With caste system, our thinking has been shrinked. Too much dependence upon caste related to marriage, occupation, social relations etc. increase d the sense of casteism among people. It has increased the sense of prestige and hatred among people. It has increased the social and physical farness among the people. Because of this we have to face the problem of casteism. People only think about their caste.

4. Cultural Conflict : There are many restrictions in the relations of different castes and because of this every caste is a closed group which has its own ways of living. This differentiation has given birth to cultural conflict. Different castes have been divided in different cultural groups. We can see a number of conflicts in these groups. Higher castes think that their culture is superior and that is why they keep themselves away from other castes.

5. It stops Social Mobility : Distribution of status in caste system depends upon birth. No one can change this with his ability. Every member knows that he cannot change or improve his position. This system never motivates to do hard work because person knows that he cannot change his position even with hard work. It is an obstacle in economic progress. People cannot invent anything even if they have ability to do so because people have to adopt their traditional occupation. Many occupations are running at very less pace because of caste system.

6. It stops efficiency among persons : The main reason of people lacking in efficiency is that they are under the control of caste and caste system. All the members of all the castes ard not working by coordinating with each other instead they try to create obstacles in the way of other caste. Their occupation is hereditary and even if they don’t have any ability to do that work, they have to adopt their ancestral occupation. It reduces efficiency in person.

Question 6.
Which changes are coming in Caste System? Write in detail.
Many changes are coming in caste system. These changes are not the result of any factor but are the result of many factors like industrialization, urbanization, modem education, development in means of transport, governmental efforts, new laws etc. They have completely changed the caste system and these changes are given below:

1. End to the discrimination and untouchability. In 1955, Indian government passed a law ‘Untouchability Offence Act’ and tried to eradicate untouchability. Now if any one says ‘Untouchable’ to any person of lower caste then he will be considerd as criminal. Government adopted the policy of reservation in government institutions to uplift the lower castes. On the basis of this policy, special provision is kept to give jobs to lower caste people. In modern times person of every caste is doing every type of work. Government gave scholarships to the people of backward classes so that they should be able to get any status in society with some hard work. In this way the discrimination of untouchability has been reduced to a great extent.

2. Change in caste hierarchy. The hierarchy which was determind by the caste system in Indian society, has been changed completely. Lower castes have been uplifted in society by a number of processes like urbanization, industrialization, sanskritization etc. In modem times, no caste considers itself inferior to the other castes. Even people of higher castes are ready to marry in the lower castes. Some want to obtain the facilities given to lower castes by the government and some want to marry in them after looking at their richness. In this way social mobility came into being in Indian society and now we cannont find the hierarchy of castes anywhere.

3. Changes in restrictions of food and drink. In ancient times, feeding of the caste was determined by the caste. Food was divided into two parts and feeding relations of a caste were pre-determned. But in modern times it was very difficult to adopt these restrictions. When people of differnt castes came in contact with each other in cities then these restrictions slowly and slowly came to an end. Cooks in hotels belong to different castes and people eat in hotels by sitting with each other and without asking each other’s caste. In cities people work with each other and that is why they start to eat with each other. In this way a number of changes have come in the feeding restrictions of a caste.

4. Decline in the status of Brahmins. Changes in caste system were started even under the rule of Britishers on Indian society. First of all British government started to behave equally with all the people of different castes. According to them all of them are IndiAnswer: They started to give western education to Indian people instead of religious education. Every one was free to get education in these educational institutions. In this way there was no question of superiority of brahmins because humans started to attain social status according to their ability and not on the basis their caste. Lower castes have taken their status upwards by doing progress in economic sector. After Independence, Indian government tried to remove the superiority of upper castes by making some laws. Now every one can get higher status in society by getting higher education. In this way the importnce of the birth of the person has come to an end. Importance of money has reduced the superiority of upper castes. Now the rich person gets more respect and prestige in society.

5. Freedom in Selection of Occupation. In ancient Indian society, occupation of person was determined right after his birth and it was according to his caste. Person had to adopt the occupation of his caste, even against his wish. He was not allowed to adopt any other occupation except his pre-determined occupation. But because of many reasons, society started to give importance to personal ability. Now humans are free to adopt occupation of their choice. It means that person can select the occupation according to his ability. Even the concept of profit has been tied with this. No occupation is higher or lower in their eyes. Now they adopt that occupation in which they see more profit. In this way the freedom, which a person has got in selection of occupation, has brought changes in caste system.

6. Change in Status of Woman. The status of woman was not good under the influence of caste system. She used to spend her life only by living in the four walls of the house. She was neither free to get education nor she was free to speak on any subject. In this way she had to spend her life in a suppressed way. But in modern times, she has got freedom in all sectors of life and she is now no more under the control of males. Now she is economically self-dependent. Status of females have been completely changed. Now people feel happy in case of birth of a baby girl. Now there is no differnce in boy or girl child. Even government has given reservation to females for their upliftment. Now every female is free to marry anywhere she wants. Even her parents are not interfering in her decisions.

7. Change in the Marriage System. In ancient times, caste system had made many tough rules related to marriage. No one was free to marry out of his sub-caste. But in modern times people have started to work with each other with which they came closer to each other. Inter-caste marriage has got sanctions of society. Now person can marry anywhere with his wish. Second change which came in the sector of marriage is that earlier child marriage was very popular. Widow had to live as a widow for the whole life and she was not allowed to remarry. But government has banned child marriage and has set the age for mariage i.e. 18 years for girl and 21 years for boy. Widow remarriage was also given sanction by society and governments.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 10 Social Stratification

Question 7.
Explain different bases of class distribution.
There are many bases of class distribution which are given below.

  1. Family and Kinship
  2. Property, income and money
  3. Occupation
  4. Location of Residence
  5. Education
  6. Power
  7. Religion
  8. Race
  9. Caste
  10. Status Symbol

1. Family and Kinship : Family and kinship are very important in determining status of class. According to Bierstdt, “As a base of social class, importance of family and kinship is not eqiial in all societies, but it is one of the base out of those bases which can be used as a part of the whole system.” Status given by family goes from generation to generation. For example the children born in the family of Tata, Birla will remain capitalist because their ancestors have earned a lot of money for them and they can live their life happily without doing anything. In this way person will get higher status who is born in a rich family. So in this way person gets higher status in class system due to his family and kinship.

2. Property, income and money: Property, income and money are the important base of class. That is why modern society is known as capitalist society. Money is a source which can take person to higher class in quick succession. Karl Marx has also believed that money is the alone base of class determination. Here more money doesn’t mean that person is rich, the thing which is important is how this money has been earned. Smugglers have a lot of money but their status is very low. Prostitutes also have a lot of money but their way of earning is not good. So the means is also important for determination of class.

3. Occupation : Occupation is also known as the determinant basis of social class. Which type of occupation a person is doing in society, is also related with class system. Some occupations in our class system are very important and some are less important. The social status of Doctor, Engineer, Professor is always higher irrespective of their family status. People give them a lot of respect. Occupation of an illiterate person is always lower in society. In this way occupation is an important determinant in class system. Every person has to do some work in life to live and he does this1 work according to his ability. He gets social status in society according to his occupation. If any one accumulates money with wrong deeds then his position is always low in society. In modern Indian society occupations related to education are of more importance.

4. Location of Residence : Where the person is living, is also a determinant factor of his class. We can see that people are very choosy, about their place of living. Some areas in the city are ‘posh areas’ and some are backward areas. Persons who are living in posh areas have higher status and persons living in backward areas,slums and small colonies are of low status. Labourers, sweepers are generally making their colony in any area. Rich people are living in big and clean houses but poor people are living in slums.

5. Education : Modern society has been divided in two classes on the basis of education:

  • Literate Class
  • Illiterate Class

Importance of education exists in every society. We can generally see that literate people have more prestige in society irrespective of money. That is why today every person is trying to get education according to his present position. Nature of education is also responsible for the determination of class status. Status of technical persons is higher in industrial societies as compared to a simple person.

6. Power : Because of development of industrialisation and with the advent of democracy, power has also become a base of class structure. More or less power also determines the class of the society. With power, the social, economic and political status is also determined. Power is in the hands of people of higher strata and these can be politicians, military officers, rich people etc. We can take example of Indian Government. Status of Narendra Modi or Arun Jaitley is definitely higher than the position of Sonia Gandhi or Rahul Gandhi because they have power and authority in their hands. In the same way the position of B.J.P. is definitely higher than the Congress because today B.J.P. government is there in centre.

7. Religion : According to Robert Bierstdt, religion is also one of the important factors of social status. Some societies exist in” the world where traditional fundamentalist views have great influence. Status is determined on the basis of higher or major religion. In modem times, where.society is developing very quickly, the importance of religion has been reduced due to industrialization, western education, modernization etc. In ancient Indian society, Brahmins had highest status but today it is not so. Status of Muslims in Pakistan is definitely better than that of Hindus and Christians because Islam is the religion of Pakistan. In this way sometimes, religion also plays an important role in the determination of status of class.

8. Race : Race is also a determinant of class in many societies of the world. White people are considered as of higher class and black people are considered as of lower caste. Asian countries are seen with the sense of hatredness in western countries. We can see racial conflict commonly in these countries.

9. Caste : In Indian Society, where caste system has played an important role from centuries, caste is also an important factor in determining class. Caste is based on birth. You cannot change your caste even if you have the ability. The membership of caste in ancient times was based on one’s birth.

Difference and Interface Between Caste and Class:

Question 8.
Give difference between Caste and Class.
What are the differences between Caste and Class? Write in detail.
1. Caste is based on birth but class is based on action : Membership of a person in caste system was based upon birth. Person was related with that caste for the whole life in which he was born. For example, a person, who was born in Kshatriya caste, will remain Kshatriya for the whole life an d he cannot change his membership. Membership of a person in class system is based upon income, education, occupation, ability etc. Person can change his membership according to his wish. A person can relate himself to the higher caste with hard world. Member ship of class is based upon ability. If the person does have ability but he never does any work can go from higher caste to lower caste. But if he does his work then he can change hi.s position from lower caste to higher caste. In this way cash is based upon birth class is based upon action.

2. Occupation of caste is determined but not of class : In caste system occupation was determined by the birth of the person. It means that occupation a were related with different castes. Person had to adopt the occupation of the caste in which he was born. He cannot change his occupation for this whole life. In this way he had to adopt the occupation of his caste even against his wish. Scope of selection of occupation in class system is very wide. It if 5 the wish 0f the person to choose the occupation. He adopts that occupation in which the is expert or which is more profitable. He can change his occupation at any time this way the selection of occupation deponds upon the ability of the person.

3. Membership of caste is ascribed but members! hip of class is e achieved : Status of person in caste system was; related with his cas te. It means status was not achieved by him but was related with his birth. That is why the – word ascribed was used for his status and that is why stability was there in caste system. Status of person was determined by the status; of the family.Status of person in class system is achieved. It means has to achieve his position in society. That is why the person in hard working righ from the start. Person can get higher or lower status in society with his ability. Birth i & of no importance. Person’s ability and hard work are important in changing his position.

4. Caste is a closed system but class is an open syste. Caste system is a close system of stratification because person has to live in its restrictions for the whole life. He can neither change Inis caste nor his occ upatir jn. Class system is an open group of stratification. Person has every type of indej jendence in it. He can move forward in any area with hard work. He gets full ch and to change his position from lower to higher. Class is open for everyone. Person car . become member of any class according to his ability. Perseverance and hard work can change his class many times in his life.

5. There are many restriction in caste system but at in class: Caste system puts various restrictions on its members. There were ma ny restrictions related to feeding, social intercourse. Caste had full control over the 1 ife of the person. One was not in a position to break these re strictions. Person has individual freedom in class system. There is no control or restriction over feeding, marriage, social int ercourse etc. Person if any class can establish contacts with person of any class.