PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 9 Effective Communication

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Book Solutions Chapter 9 Effective Communication Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 10 Welcome Life Chapter 9 Effective Communication

Welcome Life Guide for Class 10 PSEB Effective Communication In Text Questions and Answers


Question 1.
What would you do, if you would be the C.R./monitor of the class?
If I would be made the C.R./monitor of the class, I will make the discipline of the class correct because I know who is disturbing the class. Along with this, I will take care of the cleanliness of the class and make sure that no one should throw garbage in class. I will take the help of other students to make the class beautiful.

Question 2.
Which improvement do you want to inculcate in yourself?
First of all, I will bring myself under discipline so that others must learn it. If the monitor of the class will not remain in discipline, how to pan other students will remain in the discipline. I will study hard to get good marks and make my teachers and parents happy.

Question 3.
How will you improve the class?

  • I will continually remind others to remain in the discipline.
  • I will tell them the advantages of keeping a class plan and the disadvantages of having a filthy class.
  • I will continue to motivate students to study hard and get good marks.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 9 Effective Communication

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Guide Effective Communication Textbook Questions and Answers


Content—A half glass of water.
Students, write a sentence on this half-filled glass in your notebook. Question: What have you observed?

Question 1.
The glass of water is half empty
No, we haven’t written this.

Question 2.
The glass of water is half-filled
Yes, we have written this.

Question 3.
Have you written something different ? What is it ……………..

Think and Answer:

Question 1.
Who is your dearest Mend in class?
Ritesh Chopra is my dearest friend among all the other students in class.

Question 2.
What are the qualities which make you like the person?
His behavior is quite good, he speaks softly with others, never uses foul language, always cooperates with others and whenever I required him, he stands with me. That’s why I like him very much.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 9 Effective Communication

Question 3.
Whom you don’t like?
I don’t like Neel as he always makes fun of others.

PSEB Solutions for Class 10 Welcome Life Effective Communication Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. The meaning of ……………….. is to express one’s views, feelings, etc.
(a) Expression
(b) Interview
(c) Appreciation
(d) Personality.
(a) Expression.

2. We can express ……………. with expressions.
(a) views
(b) feelings
(c) point of view
(d) All of these.
(d) All of these.

3. Not presenting yourself in the right way has a ……….. impact.
(a) Negative
(b) Positive
(c) Sorrow
(d) Pleasure.
(a) Negative

4. Hard work brings ……….
(a) appreciation
(b) attainment of goals
(c) success
(d) All of these.
(d) All of these.

5. Why do students hesitate in giving answers to the questions asked by the teacher?
(a) Lack of self-confidence
(b) Don’t know the answer
(c) Don’t know how to reply
(d) All of these.
(d) All of these.

6. The process of asking questions before giving a job is known as ………
(a) Interview
(b) Schedule
(c) Questionnaire
(d) Observation.
(a) Interview.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 9 Effective Communication

7. While talking with someone,…………. is of great importance.
(a) personality
(b) clothes
(c) language
(d) body language
(c) language

8. What is required to impress others?
(a) Voice
(b) Facial expressions
(c) Body language
(d) All of these.
(d) All of these.

9. How to become proficient in practical life?
(a) With continuous practice
(b) With the better ways of speaking
(c) By properly using body language
(d) All of these.
(d) All of these.

Fill in the Blanks:

1. Expression tells about us…………………

2. The main reason for not replying to the questions asked by the teacher is ……………..
lack of self-confidence

3. Everyone has his own …………… to look at the things.
point of view

4. An individual must have a ………… thinking.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 9 Effective Communication

5. There is always a proper way of giving …………….

6. ……………… of a speaker is of great importance.


1. It always creates a positive impact when we are unable to express ourselves.

2. With the proper way of expression, many of our problems can be solved.

3. All have the same point of view to look at other things.

4. Our outlook defines our surroundings.

5. Positive people are liked everywhere.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 9 Effective Communication

Match the Column:

Column A Column B
(a) Communication (i) Soft
(b) Loss (ii) Testing
(c) Expression (iii) Way of Talking
(d) Checking (iv) Manifestation
(e) Voice (v) Damage


Column A Column B
(a) Communication (iii) Way of Talking
(b) Loss (v) Damage
(c) Expression (iv) Manifestation
(d) Checking (ii) Testing
(e) Voice (i) Soft

Very Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
What do you mean by Expression?
The meaning of the expression is to express one’s views, feelings, ideas in front of others.

Question 2.
When do we have a negative impact on someone?
When we are unable to express ourselves in front of others.

Question 3.
What is the advantage of expressing oneself in a better way?
One does great progress in life.

Question 4.
Masterji asked the students to write the districts of which state?
He asked the students to write the districts of Punjab.

Question 5.
From whom did Ravinder ask for a copy?
Ravinder asked Pargat for a copy to do his work.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 9 Effective Communication

Question 6.
Who told the names of all the districts correctly?
Pargat Singh told the names of all the districts correctly and the teacher praised him as well.

Question 7.
Why was Pargat Scolded?
Pargat was scolded because he was unable to keep his point of view.

Question 8.
What should we do to avoid trouble?
We must know how to keep our case firmly.

Question 9.
Students do not reply to the questions asked by the teacher. Why?
Because they lack self-confidence, don’t know the answer, or don’t know how to express themselves.

Question 10.
How can we develop the skill of self-expression in students?
They must be asked to take part in different activities to develop this skill.

Question 11.
How can we come to know about one’s personality?
From the point of view of looking at an object, we can easily come to know about one’s personality.

Question 12.
What kind of human attitude should be?
An individual must have a positive attitude.

Question 13.
What do our teachers expect from us?
They expect that we should have a positive attitude.

Question 14.
What type of people are negative-minded individuals?
They always try to find problems in others.

Question 15.
What is the advantage of being optimistic?
All respect him and he becomes popular among all.

Question 16.
What is meant by Interview?
When someone is asked few questions on any issue and he replies to those questions, it is called an interview.

Question 17.
What affects the person speaking in front of you?
Our language greatly affects the person speaking in front of us.

Question 18.
What should be kept in mind in order to influence someone?
Our language and body language.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 9 Effective Communication

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Write a note on the importance of expression?
The meaning of the expression is to express one’s ideas, views, and feelings of others. Our way of expression tells about someone’s personality. If we want to make our personality impressive, it is a must to have an ability of self in ourselves. Many times, this quality is there in oneself but we are hardly aware of it and that’s why we are unable to express ourselves. One can achieve great success with a better way of expression. That’s why express is of great importance.

Question 2.
Generally, students don’t reply to the questions asked by the teachers. What are its reasons?

  • Lack of Self Confidence. Maybe students lack self-confidence and are unable to express their views.
  • Don’t know the answer. Maybe students have not read the chapter and don’t know the correct answer.
  • Doesn’t know how to express himself. Maybe he knows the answer but hardly knows the way to express himself. That’s why he doesn’t reply.

Question 3.
Write a note on Positive attitude.
Everyone has his own point of view of looking at things. If a person likes an object and finds many qualities in it, then it is called a positive attitude. But if he sees flaws in the item and doesn’t like it, it’s called a negative attitude. The way a person looks at an object describes his or her personality. If a person has a negative attitude then he cannot progress in life. But if his outlook on life is positive, he will surely make progress in life.

Question 4.
“Our perspective defines our surroundings.” Explain the comment.
There is no denying the fact that our perspective defines our surroundings. For example, a glass of water is half empty or half full it determines a person’s point of view. If a person sees half-empty glass, he is a negative thinking person but if the glass is half full, he is a positive-minded person. A person with positive thinking always finds qualities among others but a negative-minded person always tries to find deficiencies among others. It helps in the development of a right or wrong personality and we do progress accordingly.

Question 5.
What is the result of our positive attitude?
Due to our positive or negative attitude, we like or dislike few people. If we have a positive attitude, we do not find mistakes among others. We even overlook petty issues. On contrary, the person with a negative attitude always tries to find mistakes in others. People with a positive attitude are always respected, become popular, and does progress in life.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 9 Effective Communication

Question 6.
How our language affects other people?
When we communicate with others, our language affects others. We should use very light words if we want to have a good effect on our personality. There should be sweetness in our voices. All this has a great effect on the development of our personality. Our way of talking affects our personality and relations with others.

Question 7.
What are the two effective ways to communicate effectively?

  • Language. Language plays the most important role in communicating with others. If we have softness, calmness in our language then others will definitely be influenced. But if we use foul language, then others will hate us.
  • Body language. Our body language is also important ineffective communication. What type of facial expressions do we have while talking to others, what kind of gestures do we make end how do we explain things with gestures, also influence others.

Long Answer Type Question:

Question 1.
What effective methods should be used while doing interviews?
At the time of the interview, the following steps should be used :

  • Questions should be simple and to the point.
  • The language of questions should be simple.
  • If the interview is for a job, then job-related qualities should be looked into.
  • Respect should be given while questioning.
  • Answers to questions should be given with full confidence.
  • Answers should be given with a smile.
  • Talk politely and say thank you while going out of the interview.
  • If you don’t know the answer, then politely tell that you don’t know the answer.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 8 Problem Solving

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Book Solutions Chapter 8 Problem Solving Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 10 Welcome Life Chapter 8 Problem Solving

Welcome Life Guide for Class 10 PSEB Problem Solving In Text Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Who was bothered by Robin’s habit?
His parents, grandparents, and younger sister were bothered by his habit.

Question 2.
Can Robin’s begrudging behavior be justified?
No, Robin’s begrudging behavior cannot be justified. We must not get angry over petty things. Instead, we must not give much importance to them. If not, it will reduce love and increase hardness.

Question 3.
Who taught Robin to control his anger?
Robin learned to control his anger from his dogs who after fighting for food, started playing with each other.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 8 Problem Solving

Question 4.
Students, what did you learn from this story?
This story tells us that we must get angry in any case. After becoming angry, we are just like rotten and squeezed tomatoes with a bad smell.

Question 5.
How do you feel after fighting with anyone?
After fighting with anyone, we become rotten and squeezed tomato with a bad smell. It means that after getting angry, the person’s state of mind deteriorates and he does the thing which he should not do. Anger does not benefit anyone but harms everyone.

Question 6.
After recess, you find a book was missing in your bag, what will you do?
First of all, I will try to find here and there, ask other students about the book and if there is no clue, I will reach my teachers to report the matter.

Question 7.
You reach the school late. How will you enter the class?
If I reach late for school, I will tell the true reason to the teacher that why I am late. The teacher will definitely listen to me and let me sit in class.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Guide Problem Solving Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Write down your fears and anxieties in your notebook that bother you all day.

  • The first fear is that something unexpected will happen.
  • The second reason is that I don’t fall behind in class. I always stand first in class and I have a fear that someone might cross me. That’s why I always remain in fear.
  • I am always afraid that my boss will get angry with me and fire me. In this way, there is a fear inside each person that bothers them.

Question 2.
What is the importance of concentration in our life?
Concentration means being completely focused. Concentration is much necessary to do any work. We can’t do anything without concentration even if it is to study, do business, do research or do anything. It takes concentration to do every type of work. Whether we do one thing or many things, we will not be able to complete the work. In this way, we can say that concentration is of great importance in our lives.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 8 Problem Solving

Question 3.
What will you do to increase your concentration?
We cannot get success in life without concentration. That’s why we must do exercise. We must focus on our goal. We must not think. What others are doing. Expertise in every task can only be acquired through practice. In this way, concentration can be acquired through practice.

True / False:

1. Work hard to reduce the fear of failure. The fear will go away.

2. Sometimes fear is also beneficial for us.

3. A soldier accepts that service to the country is more valuable than his life. He is not afraid of death during the war. In this way, fear can be avoided even by knowing more about fear.

4. Fear is very difficult to control.

5. When you grow up, all fears disappear by themselves.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 8 Problem Solving

6. A balanced diet, walks, sound sleep, meditation, etc. are very important to increase concentration.

7. Concentration cannot be increased.

PSEB Solutions for Class 10 Welcome Life Problem Solving Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. ………………….. is a state of mind in which a person feels restless and moves away from peace.
(a) Anger
(b) Happiness
(c) Jealousy
(d) None of these.
(a) Anger.

2. There is always a …………… of being angry.
(a) profit
(b) loss
(c) jealousy
(d) peace.
(b) loss.

3. From whom did Robin learn?
(a) Friends
(b) Dogs
(c) Neighbours
(d) Parents.
(b) Dogs.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 8 Problem Solving

4. What can be done to keep control?
(a) Positive approach
(b) Read good books
(c) Breathing
(d) All of these.
(d) All of these.

5. …………… is the notion of any loss In the future.
(a) Fear
(b) Anger
(c) Jealousy
(d) Peace.
(d) Peace.

6. Many a time …………… is also fruitful.
(a) anger
(b) fear
(e) peace
(d) jealousy
(b) fear.

7. …………… was the teacher of Kauravas and Pandavas.
(a) Dronacharya
(b) Kripacharya
(c) Bhishma
(d) Dhritrashtra.
(a) Dronacharya.

Fill in the Blanks:

1. ………………. can be increased.

2. To increase concentration ……………… is a must.

3. The meaning of ……………… is completely thinking about anything.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 8 Problem Solving

4. ………………… reminds us of any loss in the future.

5. We must have a ………………. thinking.

True / False:

1. Fear is the imagination of any loss in the future.

2. We must read good books to keep control of our anger.

3. Concentration cannot be increased in any way.

4. Anger destroys peace of mind.

5. There are profits of anger.

Match the Column:

Column A Column B
(a) Anger (i) Understanding properly
(b) Complaint (ii) State of Mind
(c) Focus (iii) Reading Good Books
(d) Concentration (iv) Protest
(e) Positive thinking (v) Attention


Column A Column B
(a) Anger (ii) State of Mind
(b) Complaint (iv) Protest
(c) Focus (i) Understanding properly
(d) Concentration (v) Attention
(e) Positive thinking (iii) Reading Good Books

Very Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
What is Anger?
Anger is a state in which a person feels very nervous and goes far away from the place.

Question 2.
What is the loss of being angry?
In this case, he suffers such a loss which he has to bear for a long time.

Question 3.
When do we become angry?
We become angry when we don’t get what we want.

Question 4.
What was the problem with Robin?
He used to become angry on petty issues.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 8 Problem Solving

Question 5.
What did Robin learn from dogs?
Robin learns that we must not become angry. Instead, we must live with each other.

Question 6.
What is a loss of thinking bad of someone?
Having a bad thought of someone will also make our mind dirty which will only harm us.

Question 7.
Tell one way to keep control of anger.
Read good books and keep positive thinking.

Question 8.
What happens when we apply methods to control anger?
It brings mental and behavioral change to an individual.

Question 9.
What happens with adopting the qualities like tolerance and humility?
It removes mental disorders in an individual and develops his personality.

Question 10.
What is fear?
Fear is the imagination of any loss in the future.

Question 11.
What should we do if something makes us angry?
We should take ourselves away from that thing.

Question 12.
How can we overcome the fear?
By understanding the reason, we can overcome the fear.

Question 13.
What is meant by concentration?
Concentration is the fixed state of our mind when all our powers are in a state of focus.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 8 Problem Solving

Question 14.
What is the advantage of concentration?
With concentration, we can achieve our goals.

Question 15.
What is the loss of lack of concentration?
One cannot achieve his goals and remains unsuccessful.

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Discuss the state of anger.
Anger is a state in which a person feels very nervous and restless and goes far away from peace. In this case, he suffers such a loss which he has to bear for a long time. Actually, we get angry when don’t get what we want. In such a situation, we lose our temper and do wrong things.

Question 2.
Tell few methods of keeping control and anger.

  • Always keep a positive approach to anything.
  • We must read good books.
  • Keep a hobby and spend time in that hobby.
  • When you become angry, take a deep breath and count from one to ten.
  • When you become angry, drink water slowly.

Question 3.
What changes come in an individual when he comes to know about controlling anger?
When someone comes to know about keeping control of anger, he feels many changes in his mental and behavioral aspects. If we adopt qualities like humility and tolerance, we Can remove many of our shortcomings and can develop our personalities. With this, we can create such a society that is full of responsible citizens who can live happily and enjoy their lives.

Question 4.
Write a small note on fear.
Everyone is afraid of anything. Fear is nothing but an imagination of having lost in the future and this imagination remains there in everyone’s mind. But we must overcome this fear. Many times this fear is having many advantages as well. Fear makes us aware of the danger which will come in the future. But we must not allow fear to overwhelm us. Fear can be easily eliminated if we understand the cause of fear carefully.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 8 Problem Solving

Question 5.
How should we find the solution to our problems?

  • First of all, we need to be well aware of our problem.
  • Then we should try to find a solution to that problem with full attention, confidence, and patience.
  • Sometimes multiple solutions to a problem are found. So, we need to choose the best solution out of all the available solutions.
  • While finding a solution, we must keep in mind that the solution must be according to our needs and resources.

Question 6.
Explain the power of concentration with an example.
The meaning of concentration is focussing all the powers of the mind on one thing. We have a great example of the power of concentration in Mahabhartha when teacher Dronacharya took an archery test of Kauravas and Pandavas. He put one bird far away with a diamond eye and asked all of them what they are looking for. Then only Aijun replied that he could only see the bird’s eye. It clearly tells us about Aijun’s power of concentration and that’s why he becomes the great Archer.

Long Answer Type Question:

Question 1.
Discuss the story of Maulvi Ji to control anger which is given in the chapter.
During earlier times, children visited Maulvi Ji to take education. Maulvi Ji asked his students whether they are angry with someone or not. Many students always replied positively to his question. Then Maulvi Ji asked them to bring one tomato from their home. The next day, when students brought tomatoes, Maulvi Ji asked only those students to wrap the tomato, write their names on it and keep it in the bag who are angry with someone.

After many days Maulavi Ji asked his students to take out tomatoes from their bags. When tomatoes were brought out, they were completely rotten and were smelling. Then Maulavi Ji asked his students that anger makes us like rotten tomatoes who will smell. Our minds will also become like rotten tomatoes. It is of no profit but it brings loss to us. In this way, children realized what Maulvi Ji wanted to say and they stopped becoming angry at each other.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 7 Decision Making

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Book Solutions Chapter 7 Decision Making Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 10 Welcome Life Chapter 7 Decision Making

Welcome Life Guide for Class 10 PSEB Decision Making In Text Questions and Answers

Look at the story of this picture. Here is a squirrel crossing the road but in the condition of in-decision sometimes it goes forward then comes back. Again goes forward and comes back. It doesn’t decide in which direction should it move. From the front side, there is a car and from the backside, there is a bus. It comes under the tire of the car and dies.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 7 Decision Making Img 1

Choose the correct option:

Question 1. The real cause of the squirrel’s death was ………………..
(a) bus
(b) car
(c) indecision
(d) none of these.
(c) indecision

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 7 Decision Making

Question 2.
Fill the blanks with suitable words:
The squirrel could have escaped if it took …………………. decision at ……………… Time.
right, right.

Now discuss these situations in the class and find the better decision and write it down in your worksheets :

Situation 1. A and B, both are your fast friends, but now they are not on speaking terms with each other. A asked you to leave B, while B asked you not to talk to A. Then what will be your decision?
I will call them, listen to them, remove the misunderstanding, and will make them friends again.

Situation 2. Tomorrow there will be a mathematics test in your class. You are very intelligent in maths. But your friends decided not to take the test. What will be your decision?
I will make them understand that we must give the test. Maybe you could get fewer marks but they will learn new things. I will tell them it is not good in running from the situation but we must face it with great courage.

Dear students! Now let us guess in which profession Avi can be more successful: We will give Avi a score out of 5 for each task.

Work or occupation Score (1 to 5)
1. Trade ……………………
2. Doctor ……………………
3. Driving ……………………
4. Agriculture ……………………
5. Literary (Acting) ……………………
6. Vehicle/Transportation work ……………………
7. Scientist ……………………
8. Settling Abroad ……………………
9. Mechanic ……………………

Do it yourself

You have to give a score to the profession suitable for Avi with a maximum of five marks keeping in view his nature and personality. Another aspect of Avi’s nature is their lack of attention and concentration. He used to think a lot but did not focus on one goal. Aren’t we doing the same? You must think !!!
Do it yourself by asking your friends.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 7 Decision Making

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Guide Decision Making Textbook Questions and Answers



1. I will choose the course that my parents say, even if I am not interested in that job.

2. If I do not become a doctor due to my family or other circumstances, then other courses like medical profession, pharmacist, nursing can also be thought about.

3. Everything is preplanned by luck in the form of our destiny. So there is no use of taking much tension about work.

4. I have to choose the same course as my classmates will choose.

5. What I want to be in life, only I have to choose my path. This applies to me.


Question 1.
What should I do after the tenth?
I want to become a manager in a multinational company. That’s why I will pursue commerce, do B.Com. and then M.B.A. to fulfill my dreams. Then I will be able to earn more money and will work according to my wish.

Question 2.
Write down the names of some of the occupations of the people around me.

  • Doctor
  • Engineer
  • Manager
  • Carpenter
  • Goldsmith
  • Government job
  • Dairy fanning
  • Grocery shop
  • Teacher/Professor
  • Shopkeeper

Question 3.
What makes me happier?
I want to be a manager in a big company. His work is to check the work and to tell that person to improve in one way or the other.

Question 4.
“Students, answer a question that a man was out of the house and was constantly soaking in the rain. His whole body was wet from the rain. His head was completely bare and there was no turban, safe, hat, or anything on his head to keep his head safe from getting wet. But not a single hair of his head got wet. How can this be possible?”
He is not having hair on his head as he is completely bald. Many of such questions can come in front of us for which we are required to use common sense while replying.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 7 Decision Making

PSEB Solutions for Class 10 Welcome Life Decision Making Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What does an individual need to do to live life?
(a) To do work
(b) To live a luxurious life
(c) To sleep
(d) To remain awake.
(a) To do work.

2. What type of work we should do?
(a) Which we like
(b) Which gives more money
(c) Which make us happy
(d) All of these.
(d) All of these.

3. Why did the King call his sons?
(а) To decide on who will succeed him
(b) To attack another kingdom
(c) To divide the kingdom
(d) None of these.
(a) To decide on who will succeed him.

4. The King decided to make his son the next king.
(a) first
(b) second
(c) third
(d) None of these.
(c) third.

5. What did the third son of King do that he was declared as next heir?
(a) He returned ₹ 100 to his father
(b) He filled the palace with garbage
(c) He filled the palace with fragrance
(d) None of these.
(c) He filled the palace with fragrance.

6. Who said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.”
(a) Einstein
(b) Galileo
(c) Marrie Curie
(d) Socrate.
(a) Einstein.

Fill in the Blanks:

1. Human life is too …………….

2. Students must have the quality of …………….
common sense

3. Einstein said that ……………… is more important than knowledge.

4. Einstein won the ……………… prize.

5. Every individual must have the quality of ………………
common sense.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 7 Decision Making

True / False:

1. Every student must use the quality of common sense.

2. Wisdom is required in difficult times.

3. The king had four sons.

4. We can reach our goal with continuous efforts.

5. We must adopt the career of our choice.

Match the Column:

Column A Column B
(a) Trade (i) Understanding
(b) Ability (ii) Occupation
(c) Dilemma (iii) Guess
(d) Imagination (iv) Skill
(e) Common Sense (v) Double-Mindedness


Column A Column B
(a) Trade (ii) Occupation
(b) Ability (iv) Skill
(c) Dilemma (v) Double-Mindedness
(d) Imagination (iii) Guess
(e) Common Sense (i) Understanding

Very Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
What every person has to do to make his living?
Every person has to do some work to make his living.

Question 2.
What type of work we should do?
We should do that work which could give us more money and happiness.

Question 3.
Tell whether a work is small or big?
No, we cannot say that any work is big or small.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 7 Decision Making

Question 4.
What should we keep in mind while adopting a career?
While selecting a career we should keep in mind our choice and elder’s experience.

Question 5.
Why did the King decide to check his sons?
Because he wanted to choose his heir to the throne.

Question 6.
Why did the King choose his third son to succeed him?
Because he took the right decision at right time.

Question 7.
What did the third son do with ₹ 100?
He bought, many fragrances with ₹ 100 and kept them in the palace.

Question 8.
How can we develop our personality?
We can develop our personality with good qualities.

Question 9.
What will happen if we will adopt good qualities?
Bad thoughts will not come into our minds and our personalities will develop automatically.

Question 10.
What type of human life is it?
Human life is quite complex and full of challenges.

Question 11.
Who was Albert Einstein?
He was a famous physicist who won the Nobel prize.

Question 12.
What did Einstein tell about imagination?
He told that imagination is more important than knowledge.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 7 Decision Making

Question 13.
What is the main objective of this chapter?
The main objective of this chapter is to create a feeling of common sense among students.

Question 14.
What is the importance of common sense?
With common sense, we can solve even major problems with great ease.

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Which career or occupation should we adopt?
Every person has to do some work to make his living. That’s why he is required to adopt any occupation. But while adopting an occupation, one needs to keep few things in mind. It will be better if the occupation will be of one’s choice. Also if he gets good money and happiness in it, then there is nothing better than this. In this way, if we take care of these things, we will be able to live a good life by choosing the best occupation.

Question 2.
Who can help us to choose a profession?
It is said that no work is small or big but person thinking can be. Our outlook to look at anything should be positive. Then we cannot choose an occupation quite easily. That’s why we can take advice from our parents. We can talk to our teachers or school counselors. We can use the internet, newspapers or T.V. to take the right decision. It will save our time and we will be able to choose a better profession.

Question 3.
Why should a person have the ability of decisions making?
There is no denying the fact that a person must have the ability of decision making. If a person makes the right decision at the right time, he will always make progress in life but life can be ruined if the wrong decision is made at the right time. That’s why one can take elders’ help and can talk to counselors to polish his skill of decision making. In this way, he will do great progress in life.

Question 4.
What is the importance of common sense or wisdom in life?
Every person faces many challenges in his life. If there is a problem then it is our common sense. or wisdom that helps us. The reason is that sometimes in practical life, we do not listen to the heart and have to make wise decisions that are quite fruitful for everyone. Sometimes we can solve even the major problems with the help of our imagination and common sense. That’s why every human being should have common sense and also have the skill to use it.

Long Answer Type Question:

Question 1.
Discuss the story of the King about the decision-making given in the chapter.
Once there was a King who had three sons. The King wanted to select his heir that who will succeed him. That’s why he decided to check them along with their ability of decision-making. He gave ₹ 100 each to his three sons and asked them to buy anything with which the whole of the palace can be filled. The eldest son thought that how can he fill the whole palace only with ₹ 100. That’s why he returned the money to his father.

The second son bought the garbage with ₹ 100 and filled the whole palace. The King got angry and he gave him the work of cleaning the palace. The third son of the King bought many fragrances with ₹ 100 and filled the palace with their fragrance. In this way, he filled the palace with fragrance with ₹ 100. The King gave him the prize of selecting him as his heir as he took the right decision at right time. So, an individual must have the ability to take the right decision at right time.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 3 Inter-Personal Relationship

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Book Solutions Chapter 3 Inter-Personal Relationship Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 10 Welcome Life Chapter 3 Inter-Personal Relationship

Welcome Life Guide for Class 10 PSEB Inter-Personal Relationship Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What did you feel after reading this play?
After reading this play, we felt that we must not misbehave with the elders but should behave with them in a good way. When we were children, they raised us with great love and when they are old enough to do nothing, we should not turn away from them but serve them with the same love. It gives us their blessings and also inspires our children how to behave with the elders.

Question 2.
How do you care for your elders?

  • We never misbehave with our elders. Instead, we talk with them with great affection. This makes them happy no matter how much difficulty they are facing.
  • We lovingly feed them so that they do not feel isolated.
  • We sit lovingly with our elders and listen to their life experiences so that we must not make the mistakes in life that they may have made.
  • Occasionally, we should sit and talk with them so that they should not feel isolated.

Question 3.
Which character of the play, you find the most tolerating person?
I find Romi, the grandson, as the most tolerating character in the play. The reason is he loves his grandmother a lot but he can’t do anything for her. He observes how his father Karanbir and mother Simran misbehave with his grandmother. Many times, he opposes it but is helpless. His grandmother is sent to an old age home but he is unable to do anything. He is having no option left except to show patience.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 3 Inter-Personal Relationship

Question 4.
Give your opinion about the characters of the play.

  1. Grandmother
  2. Romi
  3. Mom
  4. Papa

1. Grandmother. She is the finest character of this short play because she knew that Karanbir is her adopted son and instead of saying anything else, she asks him to send her to an old age home. It will stop daily’s infighting that is going on in the house. She lives in hot conditions in the old age home but calls her son to donate two fans and a fridge so that others can have relief from the scorching heat. In this way, she endures every sorrow as a matter of fate.

2. Romi. Romi is the most tolerating character of the short play because he loves his grandmother a lot, but he can’t do anything for his grandmother. He even fights with his parents for his grandmother but they never care for his emotions. That’s why he seems quite tolerating.

3. Mom (Simran). Simran has played the character of a daughter-in-law in this play and she is of double character. On one side she persecutes her mother-in-law and forces her husband to send her to the old age home and on the other side, she threatens her brother to take care of their mother. In this way, she is portrayed as a cruel daughter-in-law and a loving daughter.

4. Papa (Karanbir). Karanbir is a character of the play who sends his mother to the old age home. He never cares about his son and hardly shows any love for his mother. Finally, when he comes to know that he is the adopted son, he decides to take his mother back to their home.

Situation 1. You are going on a road. In front of you, a boy is eating a banana and he throws the banana peel on the road, then what will be your reaction?

  1. You will try to persuade the boy.
  2. You will call someone else to pick up the banana peel.
  3. You will yourself pick up the banana peel and throw it in the dustbin.
  4. You will call the police and complain to the boy.


  1. You will try to persuade the boy.

Situation 2. Your friends were gifted an empty chalk box on your birthday. The box is totally empty. What will be your reaction?

  1. You will stop talking to them.
  2. You will look at them and smile.
  3. You will ignore them.
  4. You will see in anger towards them.

2. You will look at them and smile.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Guide Inter-Personal Relationship Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What is the age of Romi?
(a) 7-8 years
(b) 8-9 years
(c) 9-10 years
(d) 11-12 years
(a) 7-8 years

2. Who told Karanbir that he is the adopted son?
(a) Mother
(b) Simran
(c) Manager
(d) Romi
(c) Manager

3. Where was grandmother sent by her son Karanbir?
(a) At Simran’s home
(b) Old age home
(c) Pilgrimage
(d) To move around.
(b) Old age home

4. There are social limitations of ……………
(a) Country
(b) Relations
(c) State
(d) All of these
(b) Relations

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 3 Inter-Personal Relationship

5. What is the need to maintain relations?
(a) to break relations
(b) to make relations
(c) to save relations
(d) none of these
(c) to save relations

6. Whenever we get farewell from someone :
(a) Say thanks
(b) By sharing sweet memories
(c) By sharing phone numbers
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

7. Which of these is a feature of good behaviour?
(a) Remain happy
(b) Be positive
(c) Speak happily
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

8. Who among all the characters was clever?
(a) Grandmother
(b) Romi
(c) Simran
(d) Manager
(c) Simran

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 3 Inter-Personal Relationship

Fill in the Blanks:

1. Spending time with the …………… is true worship.

2. Simran asked her to take care of her mother.

3. Karanbir left his mother at …………….
old age home

4. After …………… months, Karanbir went to meet his mother.

5. ……………. told Karanbir that his father adopted him from Ashram.

6. There is always a limitation of every ……………….

7. ……………… shines our personality.
Good behaviour


1. Karanbir was the father of Romi.

2. We must forget bad memories.

3. We must leave relations on a good note.

4. Individuals maintain relations for their whole life.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 3 Inter-Personal Relationship

5. Good behaviour shines on our personality.

6. We must not test social limitations.

Match the Column:

Column A Column B
(a) Ominous (i) Prohibited
(b) T.B. (ii) Method
(c) Norms (iii) One who thinks wrong about someone
(d) Restriction (iv) Disease
(e) Etiquette (v) Rules


Column A Column B
(a) Ominous (iii) One who thinks wrong about someone
(b) T.B. (iv) Disease
(c) Norms (v) Rules
(d) Restriction (i) Prohibited
(e) Etiquette (ii) Method

Very Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
How can we truly worship our elders?
Spending time and serving them is the true worship of our elders.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 3 Inter-Personal Relationship

Question 2.
Who is an ‘Ominous’?
According to Grandmother, “One who is bad, thinking bad about others and who fights for the whole of day at home is an Ominous”.

Question 3.
Why did Simran stop Romi from going to his grandmother?
Because Simran thought grandmother had a cough, maybe T.B. and can make Romi sick.

Question 4.
Who asked Karanbir to leave his mother at an old age home?
Simran asked Karanbir to leave his mother at an old age home.

Question 5.
To whom and what good news Simran gave?
Simran gave the good news to her brother that Karanbir has left his mother at the old age home.

Question 6.
What threat did Simran give to her brother?
Simran threatened her brother to take care of her mother or she will take her to Simran’s home.

Question 7.
What did Romi tell his father?
Romy told his father that one day he will also send his father to any old age home.

Question 8.
Why did grandmother call her son to the old age home?
Because she wanted Karanbir to donate two fans and a fridge to the old age home.

Question 9.
What secret did Manager tell Karanbir?
The manager told Karanbir that thirty-five years ago, his father adopted him from the same old age home.

Question 10.
When did Karanbir realize his mistake?
When he realized that he is the adopted son, he realized his mistake.

Question 11.
What did Karanbir do when he realize his mistake?
He took back his mother to his home.

Question 12.
Which limit we should not cross?
We must not cross limits of relations.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 3 Inter-Personal Relationship

Question 13.
What should we check in society?
We must check the limitations made and kept by society.

Question 14.
What etiquette we must understand?
We must understand the etiquette of relationships.

Question 15.
What to look for while maintaining relationships?
We must not cross the limits of relationships.

Question 16.
Do all relationships last a lifetime?
No, not all relationships last for the whole life.

Question 17.
How can we get farewell from someone?
We must get farewell from someone with proper etiquette.

Question 18.
What are the features of good behaviour?
To remain happy, positive, hard work, speak softly etc. are the features of good behaviour.

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
How does the short play begin?
The play begins in the drawing-room of the house where grandmother and her grandson Romi are sitting and playing. Grandson asks grandmother to play with him but she refuses as she is tired. Then the grandson asks his grandmother that what is the meaning of ‘Ominous*. At first, the grandmother avoids him by calling him small to understand but in the end, she tells him that the person is Ominous who himself is bad and thinks bad for others and the one whose house is always in trouble.

Question 2.
Why doesn’t Simran (mother) want her son to play with his grandmother?
Simran did not like her mother-in-law. When the mother-in-law coughs, she thinks that she is suffering from T.B. and by playing with his grandmom, Romi will also get suffered from the same. Along with this, she also says that her mother-in¬law never does any household work and coughs up all day. That’s why Simran doesn’t want her son to play with his grandmother.

Question 3.
What grandmother says after seeing her son and daughter-in-law have a fight?
When Karanbir comes back home, Simran speaks very bad about his mother. Simran also says that the old woman does not know what disease she has contracted and coughs up all day. When the grandmother hears a fight between them, she tells her son that there is no need to fight. It’s better if he sends her to any old age home where she will spend the rest of her life. That’s why Karanbir left his mother at the old age home.

Question 4.
Why does grandmother call her son to the old age home?
She spends the first six months at the old age home with great problems but after that, she calls her son. Simran and Karanbir think that she is on her death bed and that’s why she has called Karanbir. When they visit the old age home, she asks Karanbir to donate two fans over there as it’s quite hot out there. She also asks him to donate a fridge as well as the water is too hot during summers. She tells Karanbir that when his son Romi leaves him in the old age home, his last days will be spent comfortably.

Question 5.
When does Karanbir realize his mistake?
When Karanbir went to meet his mother at the old age home, she asks him to donate two fans and a fridge over there. At the moment, when Karanbir was talking to his mother, the Manager of the old age home comes there, recognises him and tells him that the husband of the old lady, Hardev Singh Brar, adopted him from the same old age home. After listening to this, Karanbir realizes his mistake and take back his mother with him.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 3 Inter-Personal Relationship

Question 6.
What is the etiquette of leaving a relationship?
An individual makes many relationships during his lifetime. Some relationships last a lifetime but some relationships break down along the way and remain in a comer of the heart. Many times, we realize that this relationship will not last for long. It’s better to stop it here. That’s why we should end such a relationship in a proper way. We must talk to the other person and politely tell him/her that now it is not possible to carry on with the relationship. It’s better to move on. This is the best way to move on from the relationship.

Question 7.
“Good manners and attitude shine our personality ?” Clarify.
There is no denying the fact that good manners and attitude shine on our personality. At a particular time, how do we react or behave, it all tells about our personality. That’s why we must learn to behave in a way that becomes a lesson for others. So, it is a must for us to remain happy, do hard work, be positive and speak politely with others. These are the qualities of good behaviour and it also tells about our personality.

Long Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
“All relationships have social boundaries.” Explain the statement.
Our society has made some rules that our relationships are bound to remain within some limits. In addition to this, it is also told that how. much boundary is required in every relationship. That’s why we never cross our boundaries. Our parents, teachers, friends etc. continuously tell us about such boundaries. That’s why we must identify such boundaries and check the limits made by society. If we will not do the same and violate the limits, it will not be good for us as well as for society. Relationships inside the home have closeness but relationships outside the home are artificial and have less closeness. It depends upon our love and intensity about that particular relationship. Many times we make a very good relationship with a stranger and occasionally we have sour relationships with our blood relatives. Relationships are not easy to maintain. It is not like drawing a line on paper with a pencil. It is a relationship that cannot end quickly. That’s why it is a must to maintain the boundaries of relationships.

Question 2.
Which things should be kept in mind while breaking up or leaving a relationship?
We all live in social life and while living a social life, we make many relationships. Some relationships last a lifetime but some relationships end up along the way. While ending a relationship, we must keep a few things in mind so that if in the future, a need arises to revive that relationship, we would easily do that. We must keep following things in mind while ending a relationship.

  • Remember the time spent with the person and thank him or her well.
  • Leave sour memories and only remember and share the good memories.
  • If you want to keep in contact with that person, share each other’s mobile numbers.
  • If you don’t trust the person, then don’t be emotional and don’t share personal information with that person.
  • Don’t get angry with that person or try to get revenge.

That’s why it is said that it would be nice to end a story at a nice turn that can’t be taken to the end.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 2 Critical Thinking

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Book Solutions Chapter 2 Critical Thinking Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 10 Welcome Life Chapter 2 Critical Thinking

Welcome Life Guide for Class 10 PSEB Critical Thinking Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Where is the other part of Punjab located?
(a) Delhi
(b) Canada
(c) Pakistan
(d) Rajasthan
(c) Pakistan

2. How many assembly constituencies are there in Punjab?
(a) 116
(b) 21
(c) 13
(d) 117
(d) 117

3. How many parliamentary constituencies (Lok Sabha) are there in Punjab?
(a) 117
(b) 13
(c) 21
(d) 22
(b) 13

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 2 Critical Thinking

4. By what parent did the Greeks know Punjab?
(a) Sapat-Sindhu
(b) Pentapotamia
(c) Panchanad
(d) Sindh
(b) Pentapotamia.

5. Which is the oldest university in the world associated with Punjab?
(a) Punjabi University
(b) Punjab University
(c) Takshila University
(d) Nalanda University
(c) Takshila University

(Questions for worksheet)

Question 1.
Which misconception was Sandeep holding in her mind?
There was a misconception in Sandeep’s mind that products and tonics increase physical strength and athletes perform better in sports. He was preferring to take medicine and products instead of hard work which is wrong.

Question 2.
What advice did the teacher give to her girl students?
The teacher advised her girl students not to keep misconceptions in their minds. Many people use drugs to show their strong body which is wrong. Kids get caught up in the web of social media ads. We need to think carefully before we fall into the trap of these advertisements. Instead of taking these medications, we should focus more on hard work and an indigenous diet. Madam told the girls that we have many examples where many players from ordinary families have gone through hard work and achieved great success.

Question 3.
Which things should be kept in mind while watching print media, electronic and social media?
Companies advertise their products on print media and social media. This type of advertisement is not a part of any TV channel and the name states that it is a company advertisement. So, before we buy them and fall into their trap, we must find out the truth about them. We must rationally think about whether this is possible. If not, we must not buy that product.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 2 Critical Thinking

Question 4.
How can we get rid of misconceptions?
We must think rationally about anything whether this is right or wrong. We must talk to others and if our views match, we must remove misconceptions and consider the reason behind them.

PSEB Solutions for Class 10 Welcome Life Critical Thinking Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Which students are unique and successful?
(a) One who values the time.
(b) One who plays games.
(c) One who is busy on social media
(d) None of these
(a) One who values the time.

2. What has removed gender discrimination in society?
(a) Religion
(b) Science and technology
(c) Society
(d) Government
(b) Science and technology

3. Which example tells us about the courage and kindness of females 7
(a) Mai Bhago
(b) Mata Gujri
(c) Rani Laxmi Bai
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

4. Can we see gender discrimination in modern times 7
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Don’t know
(d) Can’t say
(a) Yes

5. We should value ………………..
(a) Money
(b) Time
(b) Superstitions
(d) All of these
(b) Time

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 2 Critical Thinking

6. In the present age, we can save time by properly using ……………..
(a) Religion
(b) Social Media
(c) Newspapers
(d) Magazines
(b) Social Media

7. With ……………… we can spend our time well.
(a) Planning
(b) Mobile
(c) T.V.
(d) None of these
(a) Planning

8. In the present age of modem revolutionary changes, the role of …………… has increased.
(а) Religion
(b) Individual means
(c) Means of communication
(d) Government
(c) Means of communication.

9. What do we get with means of communication?
(a) Information
(b) Knowledge
(c) Entertainment
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

10. What is the demerit of means of communication?
(a) An individual becomes habitual
(b) Children adopt bad habits
(c) Children deviate from their actual objective
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

Fill in the Blanks:

1. With the right use of …………., we can achieve our goals.

2. We get a lot of information with the help of ……………..
means of communication

3 …………………. should not be misused.
social media

4. Discrimination between …………… and …………….. has been going on in society since time immemorial.

5. We must not follow ………..

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 2 Critical Thinking

True / False:

1. We must avoid misconceptions.

2. Gender-based discrimination is a perception of modem society.

3. Discrimination between boys and girls has been going on since ancient times.

4. Many people fall into the trap of media.

5. Eating products is essential for sports.

Match the Column:

Column A Column B
(a) Discrimination (i) Means of communication
(b) Unique (ii) Sapt Sindhu
(c) Schedule (iii) Difference
(d) Internet (iv) Special
(e) Punjab (v) Time Table


Column A Column B
(a) Discrimination (iii) Difference
(b) Unique (iv) Special
(c) Schedule (v) Time Table
(d) Internet (i) Means of communication
(e) Punjab (ii) Sapt Sindhu

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 2 Critical Thinking

Very Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Is there gen&er based discrimination in society?
Yes, there is gender-based discrimination in society.

Question 2.
What has significantly reduced gender-based discrimination in society?
Science and technology have significantly reduced gender-based discrimination in society.

Question 3.
From which aspects, we can’t see the difference between a boy and a girl?
From the point of view of courage, mental level, hard work, etc.

Question 4.
Give examples of women’s bravery and kindness.
Mai Bhago, Mata Gujri, Rani Laxmi Bai, etc. are examples of women’s bravery and kindness.

Question 5.
Is there any gender-based discrimination in modern times?
Yes, there is gender-based discrimination in modem times.

Question 6.
Which students are unique and successful?
Students who value time are unique and successful.

Question 7.
Why should we value time?
Because once the time is gone, it never comes back.

Question 8.
What happens if time is wasted?
Time will not appreciate us and we will not be able to succeed in life.

Question 9.
Which student is successful in life?
The student who plans the time becomes successful in life.

Question 10.
What is meant by Time Planning?
It means that time should be planned in a way that every minute could be used.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 2 Critical Thinking

Question 11.
How can we save time?
We can save time by using social media.

Question 12.
What is the advantage of using social media?
We can get a lot of information from social media.

Question 13.
The role of what has increased significantly in modem times?
The role of means of communication has increased significantly in modem times.

Question 14.
What is the main purpose of the companies that run the media?
Their main aim is to earn money.

Question 15.
What do means of communication provide us?
They provide us with different types of information.

Question 16.
What is the disadvantage of misusing means of communication?
People adopt wrong habits and deviate from their actual motives.

Question 17.
What vow students must make before using the internet and mobile?
They must take a vow that they will use them only to increase their knowledge.

Question 18.
What is the advantage of properly using the internet and mean? of communication?
They increase one’s knowledge and shine an individual’s personality.

Question 19.
Is it necessary to use products and tonics to play games?
No, there is no need to use such things.

Question 20.
How can we master a sport?
By continuous practice, we can master a sport.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 2 Critical Thinking

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
What is means by Gender Discrimination?
There are two genders in society-male and female. If any discrimination takes place between them, it is called gender discrimination. In our society, females are greatly discriminated against in comparison to males. For example, there are certain works, about which it is said that they are only for males. Males are physically powerful and they discriminate against females. Females were not given any rights. It is called gender discrimination.

Question 2.
Does gender discrimination exist in present society?
Yes, gender discrimination still exists in society. Its common example can be seen at any workplace where females are less paid in comparison to males. There are very few women in public life. Most of the crimes are associated with females. Although they are given equal rights by the constitution but are unable to get equality in society.

Question 3.
Should we eliminate discrimination between boys and girls?
Yes, this discrimination must be eliminated from society. An ideal society is based on equality and there must be no discrimination in such a society. If we look at the functions given to males and females, we can easily observe that the more difficult works are given to females and great patience is required to complete them. Males are unable to complete such works in a proper way. That’s why discrimination must be eliminated and efforts must be made to bring social equality.

Question 4.
Why should we value time?
It is said that the past does not come back. Once time runs out, no matter how hard you try, it won’t come back. If we value time, we will be able to do all our work on time and in the right way, time will be of the essence and our lives will be successful. So, first of all, it is important that we should save our time. If we take care of our time then surely we will be able to progress in life and achieve our goals. That’s why it is said that time is money and we should not waste it.

Question 5.
“The right use of time is the best use of time.” Explain the statement.
It is rightly said the right use of time is the best use of time. Actually, it is in our hands that how can we use our time. If a person uses his time wisely, gets an education, and makes efforts to do progress, his knowledge and money definitely increase. But if he did not do so, neither knowledge nor money would have gone to him. A student is always asked to create his own timetable and pay equal attention to all the subjects. If he does not set his own timetable and spends time in vain, the time to come will not be right for him. That’s why everyone must use his time wisely to do progress in life.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 2 Critical Thinking

Question 6.
How can we use social media in a better way?
The importance of social media in our lives has increased a lot these days. Facebook, Instagram, Google, etc. are included in social media. Out of these, Google can be very helpful for us. Every type of information is available on google. No matter what the subject is, Google provides us with information within a second. In addition, when we get tired of working, we can entertain ourselves on Facebook, Instagram, etc. We can find our old friends and reconnect with them. In this way, we can make our life interesting in many ways by using them properly.

Question 7.
What are the benefits of creating a Whatsapp group of students by a school teacher?

  • By creating a Whatsapp group, teachers can give homework to students.
  • If a student faces any problem while studying, he can ask questions to the teachers.
  • Students answer each other’s questions which allow all the students to repeat the lesson.
  • Students get close to each other and help, each other during exam times.
  • Proper use of group is beneficial for children as they know what to do or not to do at a particular moment.

Question 8.
Can we improve our game by consuming products and tonics?
No, games cannot be improved by consuming products and tonics. It can only increase physical strength for a particular moment. If the body gets used to it, the body can get damaged. The game can only be improved only with hard work and can achieve great success. It is a misconception that games can be improved by consuming products and tonics. We must avoid such misconceptions.

Long Answer Type Question:

Question 1.
How can we properly use mobile, the internet, and other means of communication?
The role of communication in our lives has immensely increased in present times and we are using it a lot. We should not become habitual of it. Instead, we should properly use it. With the following methods, we can properly use mobile, the internet, and other means of communication :

  • We must not play games on mobiles. Instead, we should use it to attain knowledge.
  • Every type of information is available on Google. By using means of communication, we must collect information and become efficient in our subject.
  • Presently, students are taking education with mobile and internet. It should be used wisely.
  • More usage of mobile or computer can have an adverse impact on our eyes. It must be used to a limited extent.
  • By using such means, we can develop our personality and can create a better future.
  • With their help, students can achieve their goal i.e. progress in life.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 6 Managing Emotions

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Book Solutions Chapter 6 Managing Emotions Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 10 Welcome Life Chapter 6 Managing Emotions

Welcome Life Guide for Class 10 PSEB Managing Emotions In Text Questions and Answers


Some of the feelings have been given ahead. By completing this table try to analyze your emotions :

Question 1.
My name is ………….
A, B, C.

Question 2.
I feel happy when …………

  • When someone praises my work.
  • When my friends play with me.
  • When my result is very good.

Question 3.
I feel sad when ……………..

  • When someone, speaks wrong about me.
  • Someone gossips about me behind my back.
  • When my hard work doesn’t go well.

Question 4.
I get scared when …………….

  • The teacher tells me something wrong with me.
  • My papers are not good and I have bad results.

Question 5.
hate when ……………..
Someone slanders me by talking behind my back and not daring to speak in front.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 6 Managing Emotions

Question 6.
I feel proud when ……………….
My hard work pays off and everyone respects me.

Question 7.
I get frustrate when ……………….
Despite my hard work, the results are not as expected.

Question 8.
I sympathize when ……………..
My friends get less marks and I see a lot of poor people around me.

Question 9.
I feel confident when ………..
Everyone tells me that if not this time then next time the results will be better because the effort is not wasted.

Positive Emotions

Emotions How do I express myself? How should I react?
Happiness By talking good things with all.
  • Share the happiness with others.
  • Work for the welfare of others.
  • Make more efforts to do good deeds to prolong my happiness.
Pride By telling everyone about my achievement.
  • Be courteous and polite.
  • Don’t be arrogant.
  • Keep following the path of goodness.
Trust Telling the person how much I trust him.
  • Share your secret with someone you trust.
  • Never breach anyone’s trust.
  • Never disclose the secrets someone shared with you.
Hope Telling the person how much hope I have from him.
  • Have a positive and optimistic outlook.
  • Always think constructively.
Sympathy love, gratitude By talking loving words and by giving thanks and again.
  • Never hurt the sentiments of others.
  • Always think for the well-being of others and act according to your ability.
  • Be thankful and express gratitude.

Negative Emotions

Emotions How do I express myself? How should I react?
Sadness By not talking to anyone.
  • Think of happy moments in your life.
  • Do something you like and try to be happy.
  • Try to find the cause of your sadness.
  • Try to solve your problem.
  • Make efforts to forget the unpleasant experiences.
Anxiety, Nervousness frustration By reviewing something over and over again
  • Try to find the reason.
  • Try to resolve your problem.
  • Seek the advice of your teachers or elders.
Despair Sitting on a side with anger and not talking to anyone
  • Remember a good thing that happened to you.
  • Make efforts to improve your attitude and move ahead.
  • Try to forget the unpleasant incidences.
  • Learn from the failures.
Jealousy Thinking about that thing over and over again.
  • Try to amend your behavior by imitating the good habits of others.
Shame, regret By apologizing and promising not to do it again.
  • Should apologize for the mistake.
  • Promise not to repeat the same mistake again.
Anger, resentment Don’t talk to the person you are angry with and stay away from him.
  • Should cannily put up the case before others avoiding aggressive arguments.
  • Try to find out the cause of others’ misbehavior.
  • Make efforts to improve the behavior.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 6 Managing Emotions

Art of being Amicable

Question 1.
A. Write down the names of your friends.
1. ……………….. 2. …………………. 3. …………………

B. How often do you get angry with your friends?

C. How soon do you restart your interaction after an argument with your friends?
D. What efforts do you make to please your peers?
(A) A, B, C.
(b) Sometimes.
(c) After a while when the resentment goes away.
(D) I take them out for a walk and sit down together and eat something. I pay all the bills for this outing.

Question 2.
Suppose a friend of yours goes to the canteen with you one day, you order tea and samosas but he only takes tea, after asking the price of the Sarnosa. What would you do in such a situation?
In this situation, I will buy him a samosa and we will eat samosas together.

Question 3.
A student In your class has arrived at school without having his breakfast. He is not carrying his tiffin-hox. What will you do for him?
I will share my tiffin with him and tell him not to worry. We are with him.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Guide Managing Emotions Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What is affected the most when we don’t keep control of our emotions?
(a) Mental health
(b) Family relations
(c) Social relationship
(d) All of these.
(d) All of these.

2. What should we do to save ourselves from bad effects?
(а) Enaptipps should be expressed openly.
(b) Emotions should be kept under control.
(c) There must be no emotions.
(d) None of these.
(b) Emotions should be kept under control.

3. Which of these is a positive emotion?
(a) Happiness
(b) Depression
(c) Jealousy
(d) Disappointment.
(a) Happiness.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 6 Managing Emotions

4. Which of these is a negative emotion?
(a) Regret
(b) Proudness
(c) Love
(d) Sympathy.
(a) Regret

5. Find out the positive feeling :
(a) Proudness
(b) Faith
(c) Sympathy
(d) All of these.
(d) All of these.

6. Find out the negative feeling :
(a) Regret
(b) Anxiety
(c) Fear
(d) All of these.
(d) All of these.

Fill in the Blanks:

1. Writing a ……………….. is a good habit.

2. Proudness is a ………………. feeling.

3. Jealousy is a ………………. feeling.

4. We must keep control of our ……………….

5. Diary becomes a valuable ………………..

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 6 Managing Emotions

True/False :

1. We must keep emotions under control.

2. Showing happiness is a negative feeling.

3. Anxiety and fear are positive feelings.

4. We must not have a habit of writing a diary.

5. There must be a limit to expressing emotions.

Match the Column:

Column A Column B
(а) Sensation (i) Negative Feeling
(b) Balance of Feelings (ii) Positive Feeling
(c) Anger (iii) Good habit
(d) Faith (iv) Feeling
(e) Writing Diary (v) Expressing emotions


Column A Column B
(а) Sensation (iv) Feeling
(b) Balance of Feelings (v) Expressing emotions
(c) Anger (i) Negative Feeling
(d) Faith (ii) Positive Feeling
(e) Writing Diary (iii) Good habit

Very Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
What is meant by managing emotions?
It means that we must know that when and how many emotions are to express.

Question 2.
What is the need to control emotions?
If we will not control our emotions, we can face many consequences.

Question 3.
What type of feelings do we have?
Fear, happiness, sorrow, regret, faith, love, etc.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 6 Managing Emotions

Question 4.
What is the loss of not controlling emotions?
It can have a bad effect on our mental health, family relations, and social relationships.

Question 5.
What is necessary for expressing emotions?
There is definitely a fixed limit to expressing emotions.

Question 6.
What is the advantage of writing a diary?
With this, we can save the good moments which we have in our lives.

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Write a note on expressing emotions.
We have lot many emotions such as fear, anxiety, depression, nervousness, happiness, love, etc. It is very much necessary to keep emotions in control or we have to face consequences. If emotions will go out of control, it can have a bad effort on our health, social relationships, and family relations. That’s why it is necessary to keep them under control. At the same time, we need to learn not to make mistakes that we will regret later.

Question 2.
Show positive emotions with the help of a picture.
PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 6 Managing Emotions Img 1

Question 3.
Show negative feelings with the help of a picture.
PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 6 Managing Emotions Img 2

Question 4.
What should we need to have a habit of diary writing?
Writing a diary is a good habit as we can save in it the events which happen in our lives. We are happy when we remember the past in our diary. Diary becomes a valuable document for us. So, everyone should get in the habit of writing a diary and make it an important part of their life.

Long Answer Type Question:

Question 1.
What do we learn from this chapter? Explain in brief.

  • Individuals have a lot of emotions that they express at different times.
  • In positive emotions, we take pride, trust, love, happiness, etc. In negative emotions, we take anger, shame, restlessness, jealousy, fear, etc.
  • We need to control our emotions or else they have a detrimental effect on our mental, family, and social relationships.
  • We must deliberately limit our feelings so that no one else gets angry. So, it is important to keep a balance of emotions.
  • We should get in the habit of writing a diary and express our feelings only in the diary.
  • The diary becomes a precious document that we can read at any time to refresh our old memories.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 1 Self-Awareness and Self Discipline

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Book Solutions Chapter 1 Self-Awareness and Self Discipline Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 10 Welcome Life Chapter 1 Self-Awareness and Self Discipline

Welcome Life Guide for Class 10 PSEB Self-Awareness and Self Discipline Textbook Questions and Answers

Choose True/False

1. Repeated practice sharpens the skills.

2. Singing can be refined with practice.

3. Skills are given to lucky people by birth. He who has not got his boon cannot do anything.

4. Talent should also be trained to be carved.

Think and Tell

Question 1.
Upon which thing, a good choice of career depends?
The choice of a good career depends on one’s own inclination that in which field he is most inclined. If a person chooses a career that he does not like, then that career will not be good for him. It also depends on the circumstances of the person’s home and the need of the hour which career he chooses.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 1 Self-Awareness and Self Discipline

Question 2.
How many types of counseling did the career counselor suggest?
The career counselor suggested three types of counseling

  • Personal Counselling. When a counselor councils an individual personally, it is called personal counseling.
  • Group counseling. When some students or individuals interact with a counselor, it is called group counseling.
  • Class counseling. When the counselor talks to the whole class together and tells them about their career choices, it is called class counseling.

Question 3.
About which thing Navdeep was happy?
Navdeep was happy that the school is now doing well as the students are being made career conscious.

Question 4.
Nowadays, why is it become good to move with a lot of career options?
Nowadays, it is becoming good to move with a lot of career options because :

  • Maybe the person may lose interest in that occupation in the near future.
  • It is possible that in the future, the importance of a particular career in society will be lost.
  • Maybe in another job, a person starts to get self-satisfaction and more money.

Question 5.
What good things do you notice in your school?

  • Our school focuses on the multifaceted development of students.
  • Students are introduced to a range of future career choices.
  • Students are told to think not just about one career but about at least three career options.
  • The school teachers have a good relationship with the children and counsel them from time to time.

Question 6.
Which quality do you find in Manisha?
In Manisha, we saw the quality of knowing. She wanted to know why the kids were asked to fill three choices in the form. This quality should be in every child that why should he do any work. The advantage of this is that the child develops the quality of rational thinking.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Guide Self-Awareness and Self Discipline Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Skill conies with ………….. in person.
(a) Practice
(b) Study
(c) Wandering
(d) All of these
(a) Practice

2. How can we improve one’s singing skills?
(a) By learning songs
(b) By practice
(c) By listening to songs
(d) None of these
(b) By practice

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 1 Self-Awareness and Self Discipline

3. How to find someone’s skills?
(a) With hard work
(b) With a concentration
(c) With practice
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

4. Human nature is …………..
(a) changeable
(b) same
(c) static
(d) none of these
(a) changeable

5. An individual with narrow mindedness :
(a) Spreads negativity
(b) Never becomes happy
(c) Never accepts criticism
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

6. An individual’s thinking :
(a) should be open
(b) should be closed
(c) should be same
(d) should be unsatisfied
(a) should be open.

7. Which of these is a feature of a good personality?
(a) Sociable
(b) Accept the challenge
(c) Ready to learn
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

8. Everyone must keep ………………… career options.
(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) Five
(b) Three

9. Which of these is a type of counseling?
(a) Individual
(b) Class
(c) Group
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

10. One must choose a career according to his
(a) Ability
(b) Interest
(c) Needs
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 1 Self-Awareness and Self Discipline

Fill in the Blanks:

1. Varinder Kumar was a teacher and a ………………. as well.

2. One must keep …………… career options.

3. An individual’s ……………… nature becomes an obstacle in the way of his progress.

4. ………………. has given great progress to society;

5. …………………. is the law of nature.

True / False:

1. A narrow-minded person always makes progress.

2. Not every child is skilled.

3. Practice enhances one’s skills.

4. An individual should openly accept his own criticism.

5. Individuals should choose a career according to their interests.

Match the Column:

Column A Column B
(a) Talent (i) Trend
(b) Foreigner (ii) Quality
(c) Point of view (iii) British
(d) Personality (iv) Outlook
(e) Interest (v) Individual’s outlook


Column A Column B
(a) Talent (ii) Quality
(b) Foreigner (iii) British
(c) Point of view (iv) Outlook
(d) Personality (v) Individual’s outlook
(e) Interest (i) Trend

Very Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
What makes a Person Special?
The skills presented in a person make him a person special from the ordinary.

Question 2.
How do a person’s skills shine?
A person’s skills shine only with practice.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 1 Self-Awareness and Self Discipline

Question 3.
How can we improve one’s singing skills?
The singing skills of an individual can be improved only with continuous practice.

Question 4.
What is needed to improve a person’s talent?
Continuos practice, hard work, and concentration can improve one’s talent.

Question 5.
What kind of human nature should it be?
Human nature must be changeable.

Question 6.
Give one demerit of narrow-mindedness.
A narrow-minded person always spreads negativity.

Question 7.
What is the advantage of open-mindedness?
An open-minded person always remains happy and keeps others happy.

Question 8.
Can a narrow-minded person maintain a relationship?
No, he cannot maintain a relationship.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 1 Self-Awareness and Self Discipline

Question 9.
What is meant by openness?
Openness is the quality of one’s nature that helps, us to think openly.

Question 10.
Give one quality of an open-minded person.
An open-minded person is always sociable.

Question 11.
Give one flaw in a narrow-minded person.
He is critical of everything.

Question 12.
How can the stubborn nature of a person is detrimental to him?
Because stubborn nature becomes an obstacle in the way of his progress.

Question 13.
What kind of stubbornness should the person have?
The stubbornness of doing work with honesty, hard work, not to take a bribe, etc.

Question 14.
How can we become responsible citizens of society?
By following social rules and removing wrong things from society, we can become responsible citizens.

Question 15.
How many career options a person should have?
He must have a minimum of three career options.

Question 16.
What should a person keep in mind while choosing a career?
His interest and need of the hour.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 1 Self-Awareness and Self Discipline

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
How can we master a task? Explain with an example.
Every person has some other skill and there is a need to polish that skill. To polish one’s skill, there is a need to do the practice. One cannot be a master of a skill if he is short of practice. For example, the writing of a first-class student can never be good but can be after writing continually. As children, we did not know how to ride a bicycle but with practice, we learned to ride a bicycle. In this way, practice is a must to masterwork.

Question 2.
What should a person keep his mind open?
A person must keep his mind and perspective open. As the saying goes, running water looks good but stagnant water becomes dirty. In the same way, a narrow-minded person cannot make progress in life. He neither makes himself happy nor allows others to be happy. He can’t even handle relationships properly. He never accepts his criticism which actually he should do. One should keep his thinking open and must accept criticism positively.

Question 3.
What are the benefits of being open-minded?

  • An open-minded person always accepts a change.
  • He accepts his criticism positively and brings changes in himself.
  • He contributes to social progress and does his own progress as well.
  • He keeps himself happy and keeps others happy too.
  • Does he maintain relationships in a better way?

Question 4.
What is the role of technology in our lives?
Nowadays new technology is coming before us and we own it in a positive manner. Life is constantly progressing with technology. The older generation is not as fast as today’s youth in adopting modem technology. That’s why today’s generation is progressing so fast with this technology, we can do all our work easily. For example., clothes used to be washed by hand but now the machine washes them easily. In this way, we can say that technology plays a very important role in our lives and makes our work quite easy.

Question 5.
“The person should be stubborn or flexible”, Give a reason in favor of your answer.
The person should not be stubborn but flexible in nature. His stubbornness becomes an obstacle in the way of his progress such as not accepting boys and girls as equals. People start to discriminate and pay a heavy price for it. Such stubbornness should be changed. One can contribute to the family’s progress, society’s progress, and national progress by changing according to changed circumstances.

Question 6.
What are the duties of a responsible citizen?

  • He must change himself according to changed circumstances.
  • He must not accept Social evils. Instead, he must try to eliminate them.
  • He must remain within social boundaries.
  • He must motivate others to follow social rules.
  • He must try to bring social change and change himself as well.

Long Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Give merits and demerits of an individual’s personality.

  • First of all, he must be ready to learn something new so that he could change himself according to changed circumstances.
  • He must be sociable and keep healthy relationships with others.
  • He must accept every challenge because if he will not, he will become static and will not be able to do individual progress.
  • He must follow all the social rules and must motivate others to do the same.


  • A stubborn person never takes anyone’s advice. He always does his own thing which is to his detriment.
  • A stubborn person always runs away from his responsibilities which can be harmful to his life.
  • He gets angry suddenly which can be dangerous.
  • He loses his temper very quickly.
  • Many times, he never follows the rules. Instead, he breaks the social norms.

Question 2.
Observe the following pictures and answer the given questions.
PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 1 Self-Awareness and Self Discipline Img 1

  1. What is shown in picture 1?
  2. What do you observe in picture 2?
  3. What do we come to know from both the pictures?

1. Picture 1 tells us about a person with narrow-mindedness. He always remains unhappy. He not only hurts himself but also hurts those around him. He cannot maintain his relationships as well.

2. Person in the second picture is of open thinking and nature who always accepts a change. He himself remains happy and keeps others happy as well. He maintains his relationships well.

3. After looking at both the pictures, we can say that an individual must not be stubborn but be of open mind and perspective. It makes his life happy. On contrary, the stubborn person remains sad every time which is not correct. So, we must take a vow that We must accept challenges and will remain happy.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 5 Creative Thinking

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Book Solutions Chapter 5 Creative Thinking Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 10 Welcome Life Chapter 5 Creative Thinking

Welcome Life Guide for Class 10 PSEB Creative Thinking In Text Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Who are the parts of the tree of school?
The principal, teachers, clerk, peon, students, management all are parts of the school tree.

Question 2.
How do flowers of school’s trees spread their fragrance in the world?
These flowers can spread their fragrance in the whole world by getting a good education, doing individual progress, getting good marks, etc.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 5 Creative Thinking

Question 3.
Do you irrigate your family tree with love, respect, time, and cooperation?
Yes or No. If yes, tell how …………………
Yes, we irrigate our family tree with love, respect, time, and cooperation. We give and take love from the family members. We respect elders and cooperate with the younger ones. We spent time with each other, listen to their problems, to get rid of such problems. We always cooperate with the parents to do their work. It helps in reducing their load of work. Detail of given and taken cooperation to the single-family, joint (maternal/paternal) family.

Sr. No Name of the family member and relation Cooperation got from them Cooperation was given to them

Note: Do it yourself.

Question 4.
How do you feel when someone else helps you at time of need?
It feels great when someone helps me at the time of need and at that time, I also think of helping others when required.

Question 5.
Do you cooperate with the ‘School-Family’?
Yes or No

If yes, give detail: …………………….

Sr. No Name of the members of the school family Cooperation was given to them Cooperation got from them

Do it yourself.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 5 Creative Thinking

Question 6.
Someone helps you, when you need help, how do you feel?
It seems great when someone helps us in distress. At this time, a small help is of great importance. We feel great at that time.

For these How will you cooperate with them For these How will you cooperate
Family Class
Elders School
Youngsters Classmates
Society Needy/with special needs

Do it yourself.

Let us enjoy

1. Be a companion to all
Be a companion to all
Empower the needy,
If you’re a man of God.

2. By supporting the powerless,
By supporting the powerless,
You will make their strength
And power double.

3. What you sow is what you reap,
What you sow is what you reap,
Be positive and
Never wish badly on anyone

4. Don’t live a life of selfishness,
Don’t live a life of selfishness,
Nobody will stand with you
In the time of hopelessness.

5. When you live in harmony and togetherness,
When you Jive in harmony and togetherness,
You will always lead a life full of happiness
Nobody will be able to break your spirit of happiness.

6. You’ll never see the face of defeat,
You’ll never see the face of defeat,
When you start.
Finding unity in diversity

7. Good & bad are never at parity,
Good & bad are never at parity,
Helpful people bring to the world,
love and solidarity.

8. First is more powerful than a finger,
First is more powerful than a finger,
While the religions teach the world to be united.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 5 Creative Thinking

Question 1.
What do these poetic lines tell us?
The poetic lines tell us the importance of cooperation that nothing is possible in society without cooperation. If all will not cooperate with, each other, family and society cannot run smoothly. An individual cannot do anything alone. He needs the cooperation of others to do every type of work.

Question 2.
How do we double their impact?
If we stand with a weak person, his strength becomes double. It means that the strength of an individual becomes double if we help or cooperate with him in any manner.

Question 3.
What happens if we don’t live in togetherness?

  • If we don’t live together, nothing will come out of anything.
  • Everyone will do his or her work, will not cooperate with others, and finally, society will not do progress.
  • Maybe the enemy will attack him alone and he will have to repent later.

Question 4.
Who runs the society?
Society runs with cooperation and cooperative families. If there will be no cooperative families, society will not run smoothly.

Question 5.
Who never lost the bet?
Those who cooperate with others never lose the bet.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 5 Creative Thinking

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Guide Empathy Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. To watch the beauty of the world :
(a) Depends upon the world
(b) Depends upon the perspective of an individual
(c) Depends upon society
(d) None of these.
(b) Depends upon the perspective of an individual.

2. What do we expect from others?
(а) They should respect us
(b) They should accept our friendship.
(c) They must’ be willing to talk to me.
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

3. How can we increase the tree of the family?
(a) By cooperation
(b) By giving respect
(c) By giving time
(d) All of these.
(d) All of these.

4. Who is the head of the school?
(a) Management
(b) Principal
(c) H.O.D.
(d) None of these.
(b) Principal

5. Life is incomplete without
(a) Understanding
(b) Greed
(c) Jealousy
(d) None of these.
(a) Understanding

6. The meaning of creative nature is …………….
(a) To do something new
(b) To create something special
(c) To do something basic
(d) All of these.
(d) All of these.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 5 Creative Thinking

Fill in the Blanks:

1. A creative mind does ……………….

2. Life is incomplete without ……………

3. Society cannot move without …………..

4. We must give ……………. and ……………. to elders.
respect, time,

5. We keep some …………… from others.

True / False :

1. We must not keep expectations from others.

2. I want that everyone should respect me.

3. Teachers motivate the students.

4. We must keep ourselves away from petty fights.

5. We don’t like when someone helps us.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 5 Creative Thinking

Match the Column :

Column A Column B
(a) Remain intact (i) Quality of creating new
(b) Angry (ii) Mood
(c) Imagination (iii) To live collectively
(d) Creative thinking (iv) Scolding
(e) Feeling (v) Thinking about someone


Column A Column B
(a) Remain intact (iii) To live collectively
(b) Angry (iv) Scolding
(c) Imagination (v) Thinking about someone
(d) Creative thinking (i) Quality of creating new
(e) Feeling (ii) Mood

Very Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Watching the world’s beauty depends on what?
It depends upon one’s perspective.

Question 2.
When can we find everything good in the world?
When we start looking for good, we find everything good in the world.

Question 3.
What type of thinking a man should have?
His thinking should be of constructive nature.

Question 4.
What should we do so that we should like the whole world?
We must try to find happiness and beauty in everything.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 5 Creative Thinking

Question 5.
Tell one expectation which I keep with others?
We want that they should accept what we say and must not say no to us.

Question 6.
Do you live up to the expectations of others?
Yes, whenever they require it, we help them.

Question 7.
How can we get better in the world?
If we fulfill the expectations of others, we will definitely get better in the world.

Question 8.
What should we look for in others?
We should look for good qualities in others.

Question 9.
How can a family do progress?
By giving time, cooperation, and love to family members, the family can do progress.

Question 10.
How can we keep elders happy?
By spending time with them and by giving respect, we can keep our elders happy.

Question 11.
Without what life is incomplete?
Life is incomplete without understanding.

Question 12.
How did Mangat get hurt?
Mangat got hurt in a road accident.

Question 13.
What is meant by creative thinking?
The meaning of creative thinking is to have a curiosity to create something new or special.

Question 14.
When can a creative mind get social respect?
When he creates something new and does self-progress he gets social respect.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 5 Creative Thinking

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
How the world looks good?
This world is quite beautiful and it depends upon one’s perspective that how he looks at this beauty. If we search for good things in the world, we will definitely find them but if we search for bad, it will come automatically to us. That’s why, if we do have good, we need to find beauty and happiness in everything. Then everything will look good.

Question 2.
What a student expects from others?

  • He expects that others should respect him.
  • He wants that others must wish to speak to him.
  • He wants that his friends should obey him.
  • He wants to get good marks.
  • He wants to move around with his friends.

Question 3.
What are the expectations in our lives?
Expectations are of great role in our lives. We keep many expectations from others and also expect them to fulfill those expectations. If they are not fulfilling these expectations, our relationship is in danger. So, we must understand that if we want to get our expectations fulfilled, it is a must for us to fulfill others’ expectations as well. In this way by fulfilling each other’s expectations, we can find happiness in the world and make it a happier place to live.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 5 Creative Thinking

Question 4.
What is the importance of cooperation in our lives?
There is no denying the fact that life cannot run even for a single day without others’ cooperation. In life, we cooperate with others and they cooperate with us as well. Parents cooperate in the family to raise their children. All the teachers and students cooperate in school to provide better education. In this way, cooperation exists in every part of our lives. In its absence, life cannot move even for a day. In this way cooperation with others is a must for a good life.

Question 5.
What is the art of understanding?
Life cannot be completed without understanding. To complete any work, the art of better understanding is a must. Understanding one’s own to live life, understanding rules to play games, understanding their love before parents anger, understanding behavior of friends, etc. are a few of the aspects which we can observe in life. If there will not no aspect of understanding in our lives, we won’t be able to do anything in life. Those we don’t have the ability of understanding, cannot do anything in life. On the other hand, people with understanding abilities do great progress in life. That’s why the art of understanding is in everyone’s life.

Question 6.
Explain the development of creativity.
The meaning of creativity is to create or to do something new, unique, and original. People with a creative mind, always think of new ideas and they always try to express such ideas in a unique way. Different individuals have different qualities and traits. An individual with a creative mind uses this quality to develop himself and that’s why he gets social respect. This type of focus can be associated with any field i.e. art, literature, science, etc. If such creativity will be developed among students, we can properly use their energy to create new ideas.

Long Answer Type Question:

Question 1.
Briefly describe the story given in the chapter.
Once upon, there was a person called Mangat. He met with an accident and got badly hurt. He was admitted to the hospital. He was unable to move, even he could not move to see the left or right side. On the next bed in the hospital, there was another patient named Vishal. He used to tell Mangat the beauty of nature seen through the window beside. Mangat listened to him and started to imagine the beauty of nature beyond the window.

Soon, he started recovering from the accident within a month. Finally, he was allowed to move a little -bit and was shifted to another bed on which Vishal was lying. Now, he was in a position to look through the window. The hospital officials told him that Vishal passed away last night. When he tried to look through the window, there was no window on that wall. Officials also told him that Vishal was blind. He always gave Mangat hope that he will get well soon. After this, Mangat realized that help people support others to help them and improve them. Despite their own sorrows, they try to spread happiness.

Athletics Game Rules – PSEB 10th Class Physical Education

Athletics Game Rules – PSEB 10th Class Physical Education

Question 1.
Describe the various officials for the athletics competition.
The following officials are needed to conduct an athletic event-
Administrative Officials:

  • Manager
  • Secretary
  • Technical Manager

Officials for the Meet:

  • Referee for Track Events
  • Referee for Field Events
  • Referee for Walking Events
  • Judge for Track Events
  • Judge for Field Events
  • Judge for Walking Events
  • Umpire
  • Time-keeper
  • Starter
  • Asstt. Starter
  • Markman
  • Lap Scorer
  • Recorder
  • Marshal

Additional Officials :

  • Announcer
  • Official Surveyor
  • Doctor
  • Stewards

PSEB 10th Class Physical Education Solutions Athletics

Question 2.
Mention the Track events for men and women in Athletics competitions.
Track Events for Men:

  • 100 Metre Race
  • 200 Metre Race
  • 400 Metre Race
  • 800 Metre Race
  • 1500 Metre Race
  • 3000 Metre Race
  • 5000 Metre Race
  • 10000 Metre Race
  • 42195 Metre or 26 Mile Race
  • 3000 Metre Steeple Chase
  • 20.0 Metre Walking
  • 30.0 Metre Walking
  • 50.0 Metre Walking

Track Events for Women :

  • 100 Metre Race
  • 200 Metre Race
  • 400 Metre Race
  • 800 Metre Race
  • 1500 Metre Race

Hurdle Races for Men :

  • 110 Metre Hurdle Race
  • 200 Metre Hurdle Race
  • 400 Metre Hurdle Race

Hurdle Races for Women :

  • 100 Metre Hurdle Race
  • 200 Metre Hurdle Race

Relay Races for Men :

  • 4 x 100 Metre
  • 4 x 200 Metre
  • 4 x 400 Metre
  • 4 x 800 Metre
  • 4 x 1500 Metre

Relay Races for Women:

  • 4 x 100 Metre
  • 4 x 200 Metre
  • 4 x 400 Metre

800 X 200 x 200 x 400

PSEB 10th Class Physical Education Solutions Athletics

Question 3.
What are the general rules of Race?
Rules of Track Events:
The rules of track events for the athletes are as follows-

1. Athletes should wear such clean clothes as are not subject to any objection.

2. Athletes can participate in a game with foot on feet. The footwear should be such as provides no additional help to the players in the game.

3. A player who causes an obstruction for other players or obstructs the progress of any player may be disqualified.

4. Each athlete should bear marks distinctly on his chest and back.

5. In lane races, a player shall have to confine himself to his lane from the beginning to the end of a play.

6. If a player knowingly runs out of his lane, he is disqualified. If, in the opinion of the referee, he has not done it knowingly, the referee may or may not disqualify him.

7. A player leaving his track of his own will is not allowed to continue his race.

8. If track and field events start simultaneously, a judge may allow an athlete to take part in a different way.

9. A point is scored against an athlete who makes an unnecessary delay in field events, and he is not permitted to take part in the trial. If he persists in it, he shall not be permitted to participate in one more trial, but his first performance shall be reckoned

10. The athletes are forbidden to use or even keep with them intoxicants and other such drugs. An athlete who makes use of such drugs may be disqualified.

11. In 800 metre race, the starter shall say in his own language: “On your marks”…. “set”, and the pistol shot is fired and the athletes start the race. For races above 800 metres only these words shall be uttered: “On our marks”, and when the players are ready, the pistol shot shall be fired.

12. An athlete should not touch the ground in front or start line with his hands or feet when he is in the position of “on your marks”.

13. If an athlete crosses the start line before the pistol shot, his start shall be a foul all athletic are given a warning for it. If any body does it twice he may be disqualified.

14. The position of the players is decided on the finish line. A player touching the finish line first with any part of his body is considered to have reached across first.

15. In hurdle race, are player may be disqualified if he obstructs other competitors by extending his hand and feet, covers the hurdle of the other player’s lane, and if, in the opinion of the referee, fells that hurdle knowingly.

16. A player cannot be disqualified if the hurdles fall due to other reasons than rules mentioned above.

17. he referee can order for replay of the race in case a player has obstructed another player.

18. If the number of participants in throw events is excessive, the referee fixes qualifying marks, and six chances are given in the end.

19. If a racer continues to throw hurdles not with his hands but with his feets, he cannot be disqualified.

20. An athlete is barred from participating in the race if he takes start fouls twice

Question 4.
In how many categories can we divide Athletics?
There are long jump, high jump, triple jump and pole vault in field events for men. For women, there are long jump and high jump. In throwing events for men, there are shot put, javelin throw and hammer throw. Only hammer throw is not meant for women.

Decathlon for men:
In Decathlon there are ten events which the athlete has to complete in two days.
First day events:

  • 100 metre Race
  • Long Jump
  • Shot-put
  • High Jump
  • 400 metre race

Second day events:

  • 110 metre Hurdle
  • Discus throw
  • Pole vault
  • Jevelin throw
  • 1500 metre Race

Hepatathelon for women:
In Hepathelon there are seven events which the Athlete has to complete in two days.
First day events:

  • 100 metre hurdle
  • Long Jump
  • Short-put

Second day events:

  • 200 metre Race
  • Jevelin throw
  • 800 metre race

PSEB 10th Class Physical Education Solutions Athletics

Question 5.
Draw a diagram of 200 metre Track and 400 metre Track.
Track for 200 metres:
The length of this track is 94 metre while the breadth is 53 metre-
PSEB 10th Class Physical Education Solutions Athletics 1

  • Total running distance = 200 metres
  • Length of sides = 40 metres
  • Space covered by the sides = 40 x 2 = 80 metres
  • Space covered by the corners = 120 metresPSEB 10th Class Physical Education Solutions Athletics 2
  • Track for 400 metres:
  • Minimum dimensions = 17.40 x 90.40 metres
  • Total running distance = 400 metres
  • Straight length = 80 metres
  • Distance of both sides = 160 metres
  • Distance of curves = 240 metres
  • Diameter = 38.18 metres
  • Radius of the running distance = 38.18 metres
  • Marking radius = 37.88 metres

Question 6.
What do you mean by sprints?
PSEB 10th Class Physical Education Solutions Athletics 3
You can obtain creditable achievements by sprinting under the ; conditions of the competition, and by developing strength and stamina. through heavy hurdles instead of focusing attention on the method of running. The basic aspects of a race include the pace and length of steps in addition to the starting technique. Many players learn to acquire efficiency in sprinting at high speed. Don’t waste much time in the training of running outside the blocks.

  • Developing Speed: Run a sprint 10 yards off the rolling start, and record the time. You can run a number of sprints.
  • Leg-action: Clear a track of 70 yards. Coming out of 15 yard rolling start, run a sprint on the cleared track. Mark the footsteps. You will see that the length of footsteps after having increased comes 4 to definite length.
  • The length of footsteps and the speed of legs are co-related. These are determined chiefly by the length of legs, flexibility and strength of hips. You can hope to increase to some extent, to an important extent, the length of your steps, if you increase through training the flexibility and strength of hips and keep a steady pace in the lane.

The following methods may be useful :
(i) Movements of Arms:
The movements of arms in sprinting is essential to keep the body in action. It is a common practice with the racers to move the arms backward and forward of their bodies by moving these briskly at 90° ahead. While bringing the arm back, it should be straightened and then bent at the angle of the wrist. But it develops naturally in co-ordination between pace of legs and time.

(ii) The Start:
The movement of front foot is seen in figures 3 and 4, and it is an important aspect of efficient start. Keeping the blocks depends upon the length of your arms and legs, and to a certain extent upon your strength. Keep the blocks in such a way that the front block is 18 inches behind the line, and the rear about 36 inches away from the line. Continue practising with these distances till you develop good rate for your body and strength.

Bend your body, in the condition shown in figure 2, to such an extent that most of the weight falls on arms and the hips raised be above the shoulders. Now remember that the front knee forms an angle of 90°. In this condition, the face of the front block is at 60°, and of the rear block perpendicular. Raise the shoulders as much as possible. Increase the extra length of arms by straightening each hand.

(iii) Training:
You can acquire efficiency in sprinting by getting training in increasing the speed of your running at full speed on the track. You can prepare a daily routine in accordance with the example given ahead :
Form a rolling start of 6 x 70 yards with the rest intervals of 1 x 180 yards. When you are used to it, repeat it after the rest of 5 minutes. When you are perfectly normal, repeat this schedule thrice. By following it, you can increase the load of the work by steadily decreasing the rest intervals. When you practice in a group with an efficient starter, and the use of the pistol shot, the training for the start of sprint becomes very important.

Some useful practice should be done in the presence of the critics. Of course, each sprinter should be ready to make his start under possible good conditions. Set a standard for your training. Don’t feel satisfied with a little achievement. The training of heavy hurdles is essential for the whole body of a sprinter, particularly for his arms, shoulders and legs. Two practice sessions of at least 40 minutes each per week are essential for it.
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PSEB 10th Class Physical Education Solutions Athletics

Question 7.
How many events are there in track events? After how many fouls after the wrong start can an athlete be dismissed?

Track Events of Races-Short, Middle and Long:
(I) Sprinting.
Sprint is that race which is run at full speed and with full strength. It includes 100 and 200 metre races. Even 400 metre race has come to be included in it now-a-days. In these races, reaction time and speed hold much importance.
(i) Start-
Generally, three types of start are taken in sprints:

  • Bunch Start
  • Medium Start
  • Elongated Start

1. Bunch Start:
For this kind of start the distance between blocks should be 8 to 10 inches. The next block should be 19 inches away from the starting line. The sprinter bends in the block in forward direction so that the toes of his back foot and the heel of the forward foot are in the same line. The hand should form a bridge on the starting line and behind the line. In this start, as soon as the set position is declared, the hips are brought upward. This start is the most unstable.

2. Medium Start:
In the medium start the distance between blocks is from 10 to 13 inches. The distance between the first block and the starting line is about 15 inches. The athletes often make use of this start. In this start, the knee of the lagging leg and the central part of the leading leg are in the same fine. At the set position, hips and shoulders are at the same height.

3. Elongated Start:
The athletes rarely make use of this start. In this type of start, the distance between blocks is 25 to 28 inches. The knee of the lagging leg is in the line with the heel of the leading leg.
The three types of orders have to be adhered to while taking the start for a race-

  • On your mark
  • Set position
  • Go, with the pistol shot

Finish of the Race:
The finish of the race also holds much importance. Generally, athletes finish the race in the following three ways-

  • Run through
  • Lunging
  • The shoulders string

(II) Middle-distance Races:
Track events include a few middle distance races. The races more than 400 yards and less than 1000 yards fall in this category. They are generally 400 and 800 metre races. These races require both speed and endurance. The athlete possessing both these qualities succeed in such competitions. In the beginning of such a race, uniform speed is maintained and full energy is used to win towards the end of the race. Start for 400 metre race is taken like a sprint start, whereas, the start for 800 metre race can be taken only in standing position. As far as possible, big strides should be taken in this race.

(III) Long-distance Races:
Long-distance races, as the name implies, involve greater distance, and often cover a distance of over a mile. 1500, 3000 and 5000 metre races are long distance races. In these, races, the endurance of the player plays an important role. The player has to utilize his energy and stamina in a planned way. The athletes who become well-versed in this art become successful in long distance races. In long distance races, except at the beginning, an athlete keeps his body straight and little bent in the forward direction, with head straight and eyes towards the track.

Arms are loosely lifted in the forward direction and bent at elbows and hands without tensions.The actions of the arms and legs should be as far as possible without much effort forward. While running, the forward foot should touch the ground. Even the heel touches the ground. More push is, however, taken through the toes. In these races, strides should be short and uniform. The body should remain relaxed during the race.

PSEB 10th Class Physical Education Solutions Athletics

Question 8.
How many types are there of Hurdle races? Describe briefly.
100-Metre Hurdle Race:
The number of hurdles, height and distance for various competition-
PSEB 10th Class Physical Education Solutions Athletics 5
Generally, athletes taking part in hurdle race take 8 strides to reach the first hurdle. While sitting on the starting block, the take off foot is kept in front. If the hurdler has more height and can run faster, the distance in his case can be short. In such a case he will run by keeping his stronger foot on the backward block. This will come two metres behind the hurdle.

For 3 to 5 strides the hurdler should look towards ground and after that he should concentrate on the hurdles. The difference between strides will go on increasing. The last stride, however, will be 6 inches (10 cm.) shorter than the jump. While running a hurdle race, the knee of the runner will be a bit higher than in the ordinary race. Only toes and not the whole foot should touch the ground.

While jumping over the hurdles the athlete should keep the jumping foot straight while elevating the leading foot above the knee. Toes of the foot should be bent towards the ground, and leading foot should be straightened and brought above the hurdle. The upper part of the body should be bent forward just after crossing the hurdle. The forward thigh should be pressed down so that the toes remain beside the hurdle after it has been crossed.

At the same time lagging leg, bending at the knee should be kept parallel to the ground, and the knee should be brought near the chest. In this way, when the foot crosses the hurdle, the runner will run faster. After having crossed the hurdle, the first stride should fall at a distance of 1.55 to 1.60 metres, the second stride at 2.10 metres, and the third stride at 2.00 metres (12 m., 13.72 m., 9.14 m., 14.20 m.)
PSEB 10th Class Physical Education Solutions Athletics 6
In 400-metre hurdle race the most difficult problem a hurdler faces, is to synchronise his strides, that is, to set coordination among strides. The runners generally take 21 to 23 strides to cover the distance upto the first hurdle and take 13 to 15 or 17 strides between the hurdles. Some runners take 14 and then 16 strides for covering this distance. Jumping by right foot may prove to be more beneficial.

The jump is taken from 2 metres and the first stride on the ground, after crossing the hurdle, is of 1.20 metres. The technique is the same as that of 110 m. or 100 m. hurdle races. The time of 400 metre hurdle races is more than that of 400 metre race, by 2.5 to 3.5 seconds.
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PSEB 10th Class Physical Education Solutions Athletics

Question 9.
How  6 many events are there in field events?

  • Length of Runway
  • Breadth of Runway
  • Length of Pit
  • Breadth of Pit
  • Length of take of Board
  • Breadth of take of Board

Method of Long Jump:
To strengthen the jumping foot, the same method will be followed in long jump as is followed in high jump. First of all, the jumping foot is kept forward and the other foot behind it. The right foot is taken upward with a bend at the knee, and at the same time the right arm will be bent at the elbow. The method will be the same as is that of fast runners. This action will be performed first in the standing position, and then by walking four to five steps. When this action improves, it should be repeated to running while running a bit.

This time while going upward, the ground should not be touched:
(1) Running 6-7 steps, coming forward and jumping from the height, the athlete shall touch the ground. Repeating this action for some time, he will bring the jumping foot alongwith the other foot on the ground while landing on the ground.
(2) After the athletes have done the above action many times, a handkerchief shall be tied with the pole at more than the jumping height. The athletes shall be asked to jump and touch the handkerchief. By doing this, they will learn to jump and keep the upper part of the body straight.
PSEB 10th Class Physical Education Solutions Athletics 8
The athletes shall’stand on the edge of the pit with both the feet in line and swing their arms backward and forward. They will bow at the knees and carry both arms behind. Afterwards, they shall bend their knees a bit more, take arms forward and then upward, and then shall jump intathe pit. As the athlete goes up into the air, he will bring the free foot behind and downward so that it may join the jumping foot.

The jumping foot shall remain with the knees, and the upper part of the body shall be straight. When the athlete goes up, both of his knees will be bent and in line with the thighs. Both arms will be on the head sides and upward. The body shall be bent back, and as the athlete is just going to jump in the pit he will carry the free leg forward, bending at the knee, his belly downward, and will try to rest his straightened leg in the air.


  • After jumping, split in the air, feet forward and backward, the athlete shall bend on free foot, but his upper part of the body and head will be straight and will not go backward.
  • Now the athlete will keep the free foot in the air and land with jumping foot taken forward.
  • The other methods shall be the same as told above, except that at the time of landing free foot will be brought with the take-off foot and both feet will land together. All other methods shall be the same as described in the hang. The athletes should go on increasing the approach rim.
  • After having repeated the above actions, this should be done with the help of spring boards such as gymnasts do. In the absence of spring boards this can be done from a height so that the athletes may have good practice of right action in the air.


Approach Run:

  • Length of Runway = 40 m to 45 metre
  • Breadth of Runway = 1.22 metre
  • Length of Pit = From take board to Pit = 21 metre
  • Breadth of Pit = 2.75 to 3 metre
  • Length of take of Board = 11 to 13 m
  • Length of take of Board = 1.22 m.
  • Breadth of take of Board = 20 c.m.

As in the long jump, approach run will be used in triple jump, too, but the speed shall be neither very fast nor very slow. Length of the Approach Run. An approach run of 18 to 22 or 40 to 45 steps is used in the triple jump. It depends upon the speed of the runner. Slow speed runner will take long approach and fast speed runner will take short approach. The athletes shall run by keeping both feet together and maintain a uniform running speed.

The upper part of the body shall remain erect. While taking of, the knee will be bent less as compared to the one in the long jump. While taking off and hop step, the weight of the body will be on the back and both the arms shall also be at the back. The second leg coming fast in the air will form a split position.
Three techniques are chiefly in vogue in triple jump-

  • Flat Technique
  • Steep Technique
  • Mixec Technique


  • Length of Runway = 15 to 25 m
  • Each side of triangle Cross Bar = 30 M.M.
  • Length of Cross Bar = 3.98 to 4.02 m
  • Weight of Cross Bar = 2 Kg
  • Length of Pit =5 m
  • Breadth of Pit = 4 m
  • Height of Pit = 60 cm

1. All the trainees shall be asked to first jump on their both legs: After they have got some practice, they will be asked to jump on one leg. It should be kept in mind that while jumping, the upper part of the body should be kept straight. All the trainees should be divided on the basis of the taking off foot with which they feel comfortable :

  • Jumpers on left foot
  • Jumpers on right foot

2. The trainees shall keep their take-off foot forward and the other foot behind:
They will bring both arms bent at the elbow forward and then upward with speed. At the same time they will kick the other foot upward, and after jumping in the air, will come back on the ground on the same foot. At this time the knee of the take off foot will be slightly bent. The upper part of the body will be straight, and will rise up ahead and will come back at the same place. While going upward, the jumper should try to keep the waist and the forward foot in straight position.

3. Standing at an angle of 45°, the right foot jumpers on the right side and the left foot jumpers on the left side, moving forward, shall jump over the cross bar kept at a height of 2 feet, and come back on the ground on the same take off foot. The only difference will be that instead of falling on their places they will cross the bar, and the other foot, as they fall, will come 10 to 12 inches forward of the first and will move ahead.

4. The height of the cross bar will be increased: The athletes will be asked to elongate the take off foot while taking off. The heel should come on the ground first. Both the arms should be bent at the elbows. While jumping, the athletes should concentrate on the cross bar, with the head leaning behind and the toes of the foot upward and straight.

Points to be remembered:
The following points should be kept in mind-

  • Both the arms will be taken upward quickly.
  • The take off foot will leave the ground only when free leg reaches its full height.
  • The above activity will also be done while jogging.

5. Crossbar. Keeping the crossbar 2 feet (60 cm.) high, the players shall jump over the crossbar as explained in 3, and then will rotate 90° in the air while coming in the pit. Hie players taking off by left foot will turn towards the left, and the players taking off by right foot, towards the right.
The following two points shall be borne in mind:

  • The players should not rotate while taking off.
  • They should not rotate before reaching maximum height.

6. The athlete will stand keeping taking off foot forward but he will keep in mind that the weight of the body should be on the heel, and that they will kick upward with kick upward with free leg so that the whole body gets lifted up the ground.

7. A parallel line shall be marked on the ground. The athletes shall do the above mentioned action while standing on the right of this line. Reaching up in the air, the athlete will rotate the take-off foot towards the left, keeping his face down and lift the back foot up with a kick. In this, it shall be kept in mind that free leg is kicked straight. The take off leg will be kicked straight and will be taken up by bending it on the knee. The athletes can do it in the pit after jumping over the crossbar, because by taking fast kick, his balance may go off.

8. Jumping from three steps. Parallel to the crossbar, a line shall be drawn at a distance of 1 to 2 feet (45 to 60 cm.). The athlete will stand with both his feet at an angle of 30° with this line. Putting forward his take off foot, he will run with medium speed. The position of the third foot will be marked. Keeping both the feet on this position, the athlete will advance towards the crossbar and repeat the above mentioned activity. The height of the crossbar will go on increasing according to the convenience of the player.


  • Length of Runway = 40 to 45 m
  • Breadth of Runway = 1.22 m
  • Landing Area = 5 x 5 m
  • Length of Cross Bar = 4.48 x 4.52 m
  • Size of one side of triangle Cross Bar = 30 M.M.
  • Weight of Cross Bar = 2.25 Kg
  • Height of Landing area = 61 to 91 cm
  • Length of vaulting Box = 1.08 m
  • Breadth of the Box from = 60 cm

Runway side:
In athletics pole vault is a very complex event. No other event while taking off in the pit needs so many activities as this event does. Therefore, it is difficult to learn and teach this event.

PSEB 10th Class Physical Education Solutions Athletics

Selection of Athletes for Pole Vault:
An all-rounder alone can become a good pole vaulter as this is an event which maintains the stamina of the bodies in all ways such as speed, strength, endurance and co-ordination. A pole vaulter needs to be a good gymnast so that he may perform all activities at a time.

Holding and carrying the Pole:
Generally a pole is held in the left hand keeping the palm towards the ground. The right hand is placed beside the hip on the back and at the end of the pole. While holding the pole the left arm forms an angle of 100° with the elbow. The pole is held keeping the wrist straight and away from the body. With the right hand, the pole is pressed downward between the thumb and the first finger. Both the elbows form an angle of 100°. The distance between the two hands is from 24 inches (60 cm.) to 36 inches (80 cm.). This distance depends upon the body structure of the athlete and his comfort while running with the pole.

Running with the pole:

  • Walking with the pole kept overhead. It takes more time to carry the pole into the box. Therefore, it is not a very suitable method.
  • Walking with the pole kept at the level of head. Most of the pole vaulters in the world follow this method. While walking, the 1 pole is kept the level of head and in the line with the left shoulder. From right to left. In it, shoulders and arms remain in normal position.
  • Walking with the pole kept below the head. It exerts more pressure on arms which tires the body as one approaches the box. A very few athletes use it into practice.

A pole-vaulter becomes self-confident when he starts getting correct approach run. The further action can be thought of later on. The best method for this is to make the athlete run with the pole for a distance of over 150 feet (50 metre) along a marked line (with the lime) on the ground.

By doing this action for some days the athlete’s foot will .touch the ground at the required position. Measure this distance with the tape and then work on the runway of the pole vault. The approach run has also to be increased or decreased alongwith the feet. There should be only one check mark in the approach run of the pole vault. If there are more marks, then the athlete instead of thinking about his style continues to think about the marks. The length of the approach run should be 40 to 45 metres. The athlete should be faster during his last 4 or 5 strides.

Pole Plant:
It is not possible to plant the pole with full speed. The speed has to be limited for doing it. The pole planting should be fast in case of steel pole and slow in case of a fibre glass pole. While planting steel pole the athlete should count “1 and 2”. On 1 he will take off his left foot and the knee of the right foot will lift upward. On 2 his body will start swinging. At this point the pole vaulter should leave his right leg free so that it may meet the left one. It facilitates better swinging.

Take off:
While taking off, the right knee should come forward. In this the body is lifted and the chest is pulled towards the pole. While leaving the ground, the hand and the arm are straightened. During the swing the right leg lifts upward.

While poling the athletes lift their hips first while their legs should come upwards and the hips should be kept down. The pole vaulter should keep in mind that he should remain with the pole until it becomes straight. While leaving the pole, he should free the downward hand first. It has been observed that many fresh pole vaulters take their back above the cross bar. It happens as a result of freeing the upper hand first.

PSEB 10th Class Physical Education Solutions Athletics

Question 10.
Discuss the throw events in Athletes and mention their respective Rules.

Men Women
1. Weight of Shot-put 7.260 kg. ± 5 gm. 4 kg. ± 5 gm.
2. Agnle of Throwing sector 34.92° 34.92°
3. Radius of circle 2.135 m ± 5 M.M.
4. Length of stop board 1.21 to 1.23 M.M.
5. Bredth of stop board 112 to 300 M.M.
6. Height of stop board 98 to 102 M.M.
7. Curcumference of shot-put 110 to 130 M.M. 95 to 110. M.M.

1. Initial Position:
The thrower will stand with his back towards the direction of throw. The weight of the body will be. on right foot. While bringing upper part of the body down, the right heel will be lifted and the left leg bent at the knee will go up to meet immediately the right foot. Both the feet will be inclined and the toes bent forward.

PSEB 10th Class Physical Education Solutions Athletics

2. Glide:
Now the right foot will be straightened, and will come back with the heel of the right foot. The left foot will be kicked fast towards stop board. In sitting position the hips will be falling downwards. The right foot will be lifted up from the ground and will be kept towards the left with bent toes. At the same time the left foot will touch the ground on the right of the stop board. Now the toes of both the feet will be brought on the ground. Both the shoulders will be bent backward. The whole weight of the body will be on the right foot.
3. Final Phase:
The toes and the knee of the right foot will be rotated together towards the left and both the feet will be straightened. The whole weight of the body will be on both “the feet. The left shoulder will open forward. The right shoulder will lift up and rotate. The belly will be bent in the shape of a bow.

4. Putting/Throwing the Shot:
The right shoulder and right arm will go forward towards the shot. The left shoulder will go on advancing. The whole weight of the body will be on the left foot which will be completely straight. As the shot is thrown with right hand, the position of both the feet will change. The left foot will come backward and the right foot forward. Now the body weight will rest on the right foot. Both the upper part of the body and the right foot will remain bent forward.

Throwing the Shot by Rotating or Like a Discus:
1. Initial Position:
At the start the athlete will stand with his back towards the direction of throw. The left foot will be on the center line and the right foot on the right side. The right foot will be placed at 5 to 8 centimetres away from the rim so as to avoid foul while rotating. The shot will be near the lower part of the neck and the elbow will be lifted upward. Before starting, the shoulder, belly, left arm and the shot, all will turn towards the left and then towards the right. While doing so both the knees will remain bent.

2. Rotation:
The body weight will rest on both feet. After taking one swing in the upword direction, the rotation will start. While rotating the upper part of the body, the body weight will shift on the left foot. In this position, the left arm is kept on the left and parallel to the ground, and while shifting the weight on the left toes the athlete will rotate with both knees bent. On the right toes also he will rotate through 90°. The right foot, bent at the knee, will be brought above the left foot.

While rotating on the left foot, on the completion of circle, both feet will be in the air, and the wrist will be rotated. The left foot will be on the toes of the right foot. The position of the toes of the right foot will be the same as the hand of the clock at 2 o’ clock. The foot of Mr. Bahadur Singh remains in the position of 10 o’clock. He rotates his waist even in the air. In the 2 o’clock position the left foot will come on the toes with some delay, but the upper part is kept in the centre. In the position of 10 o’clock the left foot comes fast on the ground, and there is always a possibility that the upper part of the body comes up very soon.

We shall keep the following points in mind :

  • At the start, walk with maintaining the balance, and keep the left foot down.
  • The complete glide will be taken with right foot. The jump will not be taken, and the upper part of the body will not be lifted.
  • The right foot will be bent inward while coming in the centre.
  • The left shoulder and the hip will not be lifted in haste.
  • The left arm should be kept near the body.
  • The left foot will touch the ground neither very fast nor very slowly.

General Rules:
1. In men’s group, the weight of the shot is 7.26 kg. while in women’s group it is 4.00 kg. In men’s group, the diameter of the shot is 110-130 cm. whereas in women’s group it is 95 to 110 cm.

2. The shot is thrown from a circle of 2.135 m. diameter. The inner part will be cemented and 25 mm. lower than the field. The stop board will be 1.22 mm. long, 114 mm. wide, and 100 mm. high.

3. The shot, hammer or the discus will be a sector of 40° angle. From centre a 20 m. line will be marked. On this line a point will be taken at 18.84 m. Two more points at a distance of 6.84 m. on both sides of this point will be taken, and the two lines drawn from these two points shall make an angle of 40°. While throwing the shot the body should be kept in balance. At the fall of the shot on the ground the athletes shall come from behind the 75 cm. lines dividing the field into two parts. Now the shot will be taken in hand. It will remain near the neck and not behind shoulder. It will be considered a foul if the sector lines are touched. If there are eight competitors, 6 chances will be provided to each. If there is a tie, the number of chances may be 9.

Initial Stance of Discus Throw:

  • Weight of Discus = 2 kg for men and 1 kg for women
  • Radius of circle = 2.5 metre ± 5 M.M.
  • Angle of throwing sector = 34.922
  • Circumference of outside = 219 to 2.21 M.M.
  • For men 180 of Discus to 182 M.M. for women.

The athlete will stand near the ring and in the circle with his back in the direction of throw. He will take one or two swings, with right arm arid trunk. While doing so, the body weight will shift from one foot to the other, as a result of which heels will be lifted up. When the discus and the upper part of the body are both on the right, the round will start. The round of throw shall start from the lower part, the left leg will be inclined towards the left, the weight of the body will also rest on this foot. The right foot, waist and belly will also rotate, and it will bring along with it the right arm and discus.

It is in this way that the shot activity will start. First of all, the left foot will leave the ground. After this it will advance in the direction of discus throw. The right leg, bent at knee, will advance from left to right in a semi-circle. While rotating both will be ahead of the shoulder. It will cause a bend between the upper and the lower parts of the body. The right arm holding the discus will be straight. The left arm bent at the elbow will face the chest. The head with straight. Placing the right foot a bit above the ground, the thrower will cross the circle and will come on the ground at the toes of the right foot. This foot will come almost in the centre. The toes will be bent towards the left.

PSEB 10th Class Physical Education Solutions Athletics

In main, there are three methods in it:
1. At the start, the trainees keep their right foot at the centre line and the left foot 10 cm. behind the ring.

2. In the second method, the player keeps the centre line between both of their feet.
3. In the third method, the throwers keep their left leg on the centre line. Thus, the players place their feet within the circle in three ways, in the position of 3 o’ clock, in the position of 10 o’ clock and in the position of 12 o’clock. The last position (of 12 o’ clock) is considered i to be the best as it requires less rotation on the right foot and the left shoulder need not be opened. The right foot even after coming on the ground will continue to rotate and the toes of the left foot will touch the ground on left side of the centre line and the end of the circle.
Last Step:
At this time, in the last step, both the feet will be on the ground and the waist will be bent at the back, the left foot will be straight and the right foot bent at the back, the left foot will be straight and the right foot bent at the knee. The right knee and the hip will be in the rotating position in the left. The left arm will be opened upward and the right arm will also be brought upward keeping it away from the body.

Both the feet going ahead in rotation will be straight. Hips will go forward, and shoulders and trunk will have finished rotation. Left arm and shoulder will stop at a position. Right arm and shoulder will advance forward. The body weight will be on the toes and both the feet will be straight. In the end, left foot will come backward and right foot will advance and will bend at the knee. The upper part of the body will be bent forward. This is done to maintain the balance of the body.

General rules:
In men’s group, the weight of the discus is 2 kg. whereas in women’s group it is 1 kg. The diameter of the circle is 2.50 m. These days an iron cage is fitted outside the discus to avoid anybody being hurt or injured with the discus. It is in the shape of the English letter C. Its height is 3.35 m.

PSEB 10th Class Physical Education Solutions Athletics

Question 11.
Write down about the Javelin throw.
Javelin throw:
Javelin is placed near the ear at the level of head with the arm bent at the elbow. Both javelin and the elbow will face forward. The palm of the hand will be upward and parallel to the ground. The total length will be 30-35 m. The athlete shall run straight in the 3/4 th run. In the last, l/3rd part cross steps will be taken equal to five strides. In the last phase when the left foot will touch the check mark, the right shoulder will start leaving towards right and the right arm will start coming at the back. The distance between steps will start increasing.

The right hand and the shoulder will come behind and will open on the right. The waist and the upper part of the body will bend backward. A bend will be formed between upper and lower parts because the upper part will open on the right and the lower part will advance straight ahead. The eyes will remain looking ahead. In the end, the right foot will come in the end of the cross step on the ground. As the knee advances, the heel of the right foot will start lifting up. In this way, it helps the left foot in going to a long distance.

Last Phase:
In the the right foot and straightening it all shall bend the upper body in the backward direction like a bow, and will create tension in the muscles of chest and stomach.


  • Weight of Javelin = 800 g for men and 600 gm, for women
  • Length of Runway = 30 to 36.50 m
  • Breadth of Runway =4 m
  • Length of Javelin = 200 to 270 cm for men. 220 to 230 cm for women
  • Angle of throwing
    sector of Javelin       = 28.95

PSEB 10th Class Physical Education Solutions Athletics

After throwing the javelin, to maintain balance of the body and to avoid foul, the thrower will bring a change in steps. The right leg will come forward and bend at the knee, and the toes will bend on the left. The upper part of the body will bend on the right and keep balance. The right foot can advance forward, too.


  • For men the length of javelin is 260 to 2.70 m., and for women, it is 2.20 to 2.30 m.
  • For throwing javelin we need a path which is 30.5 to 36.50 m. long and 4 m. wide. On the front side there will be a 70 mm. iron arc white in colour and projected 75 cm. on both sides. It can be made of white lime. This line can be drawn 8 m from the centre.
  • The sector for the javelin is of 29°. It is marked wherever the curve meets. For correct angle at 40 m., the distance between two lines will be 20 m. and at 60 m. it will be 30 m.
  • The javelin will be thrown by holding it from the central grip. The front end of the javelin should touch the ground. Touching of any part of the body with 50 cm. wide lines or 70 cm. wide line will be deemed as a foul.
  • The javelin shall remain in the direction of throw from start to finish. The javelin will not be thrown by rotating. It will be thrown from above the shoulders.

PSEB 10th Class Physical Education Solutions Athletics

Question 12.
What do you know about Relay Races?

  • 4 x 100 metre
  • 4 x 200 metre
  • 4 X 400 metre
  • 4 x 800 metre


  • 4 x 100 metre
  • 4 x 400 metre

800 x 200 x 200 x 400 metre

In all medley relay races the baton has to be carried. Baton should be of a hollow tube and its length should not exceed 30 cm. Its circumference should be 12 cm. and weight should be 50 gm.

Relay Race Track:
The relay race track should be divided or marked by small paths for full circle. If it is not possible, then the baton exchange path should be through narrow paths.

Start of Relay Race:
At the start of the race any part of the baton can cross the initial line, but the baton is not to touch the ground above:
Taking the Baton:
An area is also fixed for taking the baton. This area is marked by drawing a line 10 m. long on both sides of the fixed race distance line. Thus, a type of room is formed for giving and receiving the baton. In relay races up to 4 x 200 metre all the other members of the team excepting the first runner begin to run from outside the fixed area but from a distance less than 10 metre.

Exchange of Baton:
The exchange of baton should take place within the fixed area. Pushing or providing any type of help is forbidden. The runner cannot throw baton to each other. If the baton falls, it will be picked up only by the one who has fallen it.


High Jump Score Sheet:

Score Sheet (For Height):

PSEB 10th Class Physical Education Solutions Athletics 33

Score Sheet (For Distance):
PSEB 10th Class Physical Education Solutions Athletics 30
Score Sheet (Races):

PSEB 10th Class Physical Education Solutions Athletics

Important Information About the Athletics

  •  No player having taken intoxicating drugs can participate in athletic competition.
  • An athlete who causes an obstruction in the play of the other athlete is disqualified. An athlete who leaves the track of his own will, cannot continue his race again.
  • There are two types of events in field events such as jumping and throw events. The events which are run in track are known track events.
  • The length and breadth of 200 metre track are 40 and 38.15 metres respectively, while for 400 metre track these are 176.36 and 90.40 metres respectively.
  • The weight of the javelin for boys is 800 gms. and for girls, from 605 to 625 gms. The weight of the discus for boys is 2 kg.
  • The height of 110 metre hurdles for boys is 1.06 metres and for junior boys, the height of 100 metre hurdles is 0.75 metre. For senior girls this height shall be 0.89 metre.

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class Physical Education Book Solutions Athletics Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 4 Empathy

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Book Solutions Chapter 4 Empathy Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 10 Welcome Life Chapter 4 Empathy

Welcome Life Guide for Class 10 PSEB Empathy In Text Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What tasks your mother also does?
My mother goes to the office and does all the household work herself. She cooks for us, washes the clothes, cleans the house, and takes care of the needs of all the family members.

Question 2.
What are the tasks, both of your parents do?
They both go to their respective office, share most of the household work, bring household things collectively from the market and collectively care about my study.

Question 3.
What homework activities will you share with your mother?
First of all, I will help her to keep the house clean. We will not spread dirt in the house and will keep everything in place. We will help them dry clothes and do other small chores.

Question 4.
How many homework activities will you share with your spouse?
I will help her to wrap dry clothes, bring items from the market and help her to keep the house clean. I will also help my kids to study properly.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 4 Empathy

Activity – 1

Question 1.
After one year, which type of facilities and how many do you want to have?
After one year, I want :

  • to have a good smartphone to do the study properly.
  • to have a good Laptop and internet connection so that my online classes must go smoothly.
  • to have a car so that I can’t move around with my parents.
  • to have twenty-four hours electricity supply.

Activity – 2

Question 1.
Look at the picture, here and total ten things. Out of these, which thing is enough to fulfill our many needs and do the work of the other nine facilities?

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 4 Empathy Img 1

Out of all these things, I would prefer to “have a smartphone which fulfills all our many needs. We can watch T.V., listen to the telephone, can do accounting, can make alarms, can see time, click pictures and make videos. Along with this, it can do all the work of a computer.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 4 Empathy

Activity – 3

Question 1.
Which message does Symbolically suggest the concept of fist by school counselor?
The school counselor was of the view that all the issues should be resolved with great care. He said that great patience, proper language, and knowledge are required to solve sensitive issues.
PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 4 Empathy Img 2
For this, there is a need to know about the basic reason for the issue, listen to others respectfully, and decide with proper care. The decision must not be imposed upon anyone.

Question 2.
Please write down five sensitive issues in these five fingers.
PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 4 Empathy Img 3
Five sensitive issues are :
(a) Religious issues
(b) Linguistic issues
(c) Family-related issues
(d) Social issues
(e) Issue of Women’s Security.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Guide Empathy Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What do you mean by sensitive issues?
Sensitive issues are the issues that are related to serious issues and it’s not possible for everyone to solve them. Solving them requires a lot of wisdom, for example, personal issues of any family or religious and linguistic issues of any society.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 4 Empathy

Question 2.
Which points did the school counselor suggest to solve the sensitive issues?
School counselor Khushminder Singh told students that sensitive issues cannot be easily solved. For this, the following things should keep in mind :

  • An individual must have tolerance, patience, proper knowledge, good language, etc. Along with this, there is definitely a need to know the basic reason for the issue, listen to each and every person carefully, and make a solid decision about it.
  • Decisions must not be imposed upon anyone, but an atmosphere should be
    created so that others should understand the decision to solve the sensitive issue.
  • First of all, put ourselves in the situation in which someone else is facing the situation.
  • Such issues must not be thrown in the open air but should be solved secretly by sitting in a room.

PSEB Solutions for Class 10 Welcome Life Empathy Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Which type of quality it is when we behave respectfully while living in society?
(a) Sensitivity
(b) Respectfulness
(c) Hardness
(d) Sympathy
(a) Sensitivity

2. What is the name of ‘Pain’?
(a) Understand collective pain
(b) One’s own pain
(c) Problem of society
(d) Pleasure of society
(b) One’s own pain

3. Sympathy means :
(a) One’s own pain
(b) Understanding collective pain
(c) Problem of society
(d) Pleasure of society.
(b) Understanding collective pain.

4. Which of these is not a symbol of sensitivity?
(a) When parents love more to one of their children
(b) Making a girl as clay monitor
(c) (a) and (b) both
(d) None of these
(c) (a) and (b) both

5. ………………….. are very much necessary to live life.
(a) Wishes
(b) Hardness
(c) Jealousy
(d) All of these
(a) Wishes

6. Which of these is more required to live life?
(a) Bread
(b) Shelter
(c) Cloth
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 4 Empathy

7. What should we do for social welfare?
(a) Save trees
(b) Say no to drugs
(c) Save the environment
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

8. The Principal called ………… students to his office.
(a) 10
(b) 12
(c) 14
(d) 16
(c) 14

9. What is required to solve the sensitive issue?
(а) Patience
(b) Proper knowledge
(c) To know the basic reason
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

Fill in the Blanks:

1. ……………… was the school counselor.
Khushminder Singh

2. ……………….. of the school made a committee of 14 students.

3. An individual must have …………… wishes.

4. …………………. is a must in human life.

5. Every person in this world is ……………………

6. ……………… is of great importance in student life.

True / False :

1. Change is not necessary for life.

2. There is 90 place of friendship in Student’s life.

3. Every person is different from the other.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 4 Empathy

4. Special care is required to solve sensitive issues.

5. Every individual is a sensitive one.

Match the Column:

Column A Column B
(a) Pain (i) Friendship
(b) Sympathy (ii) One’s own pain
(c) Food, Cloth, Shelter (iii) Collective pain of all
(d) Sensitive Issue (iv) Needs of Life
(e) Student Life (v) Religious Issue


Column A Column B
(a) Pain (ii) One’s own pain
(b) Sympathy (iii) Collective pain of all
(c) Food, Cloth, Shelter (iv) Needs of Life
(d) Sensitive Issue (v) Religious Issue
(e) Student Life (i) Friendship

Very Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
What is the quality of sensitivity?
While living in society, when we want to behave respectfully with others, it is known as quality of sensitivity.

Question 2.
What is the limited meaning of Pain?
The limited meaning of pain is one’s own pain.

Question 3.
What is the broader meaning of Sympathy?
The broader meaning of sympathy is to understand the collective pain of all.

Question 4.
What complain do we have with our siblings?
Those parents love them more.

Question 5.
What complaints do boys have in school?
Those girls are made monitors in school?

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 4 Empathy

Question 6.
Who made the work of the boys and girls separately?
It’s not nature, but society itself has decided that what work will they do?

Question 7.
What is the basic need of living life?
The basic need of living life is bread, shelter, and cloth.

Question 8.
What is necessary to live life?
Needs and aspirations are necessary to live life.

Question 9.
How can we serve our society?
By saving the environment and trees and by saving ourselves from drugs, we can serve our society.

Question 10.
How can we fulfill our increasing needs with fewer resources?
By keeping fewer aspirations, we can fulfill our increasing needs in fewer resources.

Question 11.
What did the Principal tell in the morning assembly?
He told the students that they would be in charge of tomorrow’s society. That’s why they must learn to accept responsibilities.

Question 12.
Of how many students and why the Principle Sir made a committee?
The Principal sir made a committee of 44 students to solve the sensitive issues.

Question 13.
What is required to solve any sensitive issue?
Patience, proper knowledge and listen carefully to others while solving any sensitive issue.

Question 14.
What is required to have good relationships?
For good relationships, it is necessary to accept others according to their personality.

Question 15.
What is of great importance in a student’s life?
Friendship is of great importance in students’ life.

Question 16.
What is the major problem in human life?
We want that everyone should live life according to their wishes.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 4 Empathy

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Explain Pain and Sympathy in detail.
We live in society and behave respectfully with others. It is so because we have a quality of sensitivity. We treat everyone equally. That’s why boys and girls, males and females are required to treat each other on equal terms. Here we can see the meaning of pain and sympathy. The limited meaning of pain is one’s own pain and the broader meaning of sympathy is to understand everyone’s pain.

Question 2.
How can boys and girls develop well?
Children do many works for their parents. No matter whether it’s a boy or girl, both should collectively work for the parents. But it is not necessary that they will do only that work which is assigned to them by society. Their roles can be changed. Society gives its own perspective which can be changed. If this perspective will be changed along with the assigned roles, definitely boys and girls can be developed in a better way.!

Question 3.
What is the importance of aspirations in our lives?
Aspirations are of great importance in our lives. Needs and aspirations are very much necessary to live life. One cannot do anything in the absence of aspirations. But aspirations should be limited or they will create problems for us. There is definitely a need to keep them under limits. Just as life requires food, clothing, and shelter, so – does a good life that can only happen with the fulfillment of desires.

Question 4.
What did Principal Sir say in the morning assembly?
In the morning assembly, Principal Sir told the students that they will be in charge of tomorrow’s society. He asked for the names of ten students, who feel that they can solve the personal and family problems of their friends. At that time 14 students came forward and there was clapping for them.

Question 5.
What problems did the students report?

  • One child reported that tension prevails at his home for no reason.
  • One girl said that two boys in her neighborhood were making bad comments about her.
  • Another boy reported that in the class in front of him, a little boy was teased and abused by older boys.
  • Another girl said that people in her street have illicit relations which often leads to quarrels in their house.

Question 6.
What is the major problem of human life and how can it be solved?
The major problem of human life is that we want that people should live life according to their wishes. That’s why we want everyone to change according to us. Its * better solution is that we should accept them in their present form. We must not change others but should accept them as they are. Everyone is different and we can learn a lot from this difference. If we try to change everyone, we will fail and not be happy.

Long Answer Type Question:

Question 1.
How should we accept others?
Everyone in this world is different from each other. Every individuals’ appearance is different from each other and that’s why their personalities are also different. If we want to keep good relationships with others, it is necessary for us to accept them in their original form. If we look carefully then these differences are blessings for us. These differences are complementary to each other. When We accept others, we learn a lot from them. If we will not accept others then will remain alone. Friends are of great importance in students’ life because we accept them as they are. That’s why we must accept others in their actual or original form to keep good relations with them.