PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 8 Organic Farming

Punjab State Board PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Book Solutions Chapter 8 Organic Farming Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 8 Agriculture Chapter 8 Organic Farming

Agriculture Guide for Class 8 PSEB Organic Farming Textbook Questions and Answers

(A) Answer in One to Two words:

Question 1.
According to the organic farming concept should we feed the soil or plant?
Feed the soil, not the plant.

Question 2.
Where is National Centre for Organic Fanning situated?
In Ghaziabad.

Question 3.
Shallow rooted crops should be rotated with which type of crops?
Deep rooted crops.

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 8 Organic Fanning

Question 4.
Is burning of crop residues allowed or not in organic fanning?
Burning of crop residue is not allowed.

Question 5.
Can Bt crops be grown in organic fanning?
No, Bt crops can not be grown.

Question 6.
Which types of crops are grown as intercrops in organic fanning?
Leguminous crops.

Question 7.
Name any one bio-fungicide.

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 8 Organic Fanning

Question 8.
Name any one bio-insecticide.
At trichogramma.

Question 9.
Name the website from where information on organic farming can be obtained.

Question 10.
In which year India formulated standards for organic farming?
In year 2004.

(B) Answer in One to Two sentences:

Question 1.
Which type of crops should be rotated in field under organic farming?
Rotate deep roots crops with shallow rooted crops and legumes with non legumes.

Question 2.
What are the causes of increasing demand of organic products?
People have become aware about the adverse effects of modem agricultural practices. Purchasing capacity of the people have also increased. This has led to the increasing demand for organic food products.

Question 3.
Which countries are die major markets for organic products?
Countries which are major markets for organic products are America, Japan and European union.

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 8 Organic Fanning

Question 4.
Define organic fanning.
Organic farming is a system of farming in which agricultural production is done without harming or damaging natural resources like soil, water and air and also without using chemical fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides and insecticides.

Question 5.
Define organic standards.
Organic standards are certain minimum requirements which must be met for organic food production. In India these standards were formulated in year 2004. Which are acceptable by other countries.

Question 6.
Which areas in India are more suitable for organic fanning?
Areas which are organic by default or are nearly organic and where rainfall is 68%, organic farming should be promoted in such areas.

Question 7.
Which organic products have higher demand in world food market?
There is a huge demand of tea, basmati rice, vegetables, fruits, pulses etc. which are grown by adopting organic farming practices, in the world organic food market.

Question 8.
Which countries have higher demand for organic products?
Organic products are in higher demand in countries like, Japan, America, European Union.

Question 9.
What are the organic standards for use of seed in organic fanning?
Seed should be taken from organic crop but if such seeds are not available then use untreated conventional seeds.

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 8 Organic Fanning

Question 10.
How weeds can be managed in organic maize?
Cow pea is sown in maize rows as inter crop and it is harvested after 35-40 days of sowing. This practice controls weeds in maize and green fodder is also obtained.

(C) Answer in Five to Six sentences:

Question 1.
Why there is need to go in for organic farming?
Our country became self-sufficient in grains due to green revolution. But excessive use of fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides etc. have deteriorated natural resources like soil, air and water to large extent. Due to adopting wheat-rice crop cycle for many years, area under traditional crops like pulses and oil seed crops have decreased.

We forgot the basic principle of rotation of shallow rooted crop with deep rooted crops and of N legumes with non-legumes. Unnecessarily and untimely application of urea reached deep into the soil with the rain water. Pesticide residues have appeared in food products, milk etc. People have become aware about the adverse effects of modem agricultural practices. Purchasing capacity of the people have also increased. This has led to the increasing demand for organic products. To meet this demand organic farming is in need.

Question 2.
How soil fertility is maintained under organic farming?
In organic farming, agricultural production is done by maintaining natural balance and without harming natural resources. Soil fertility is maintained by doing following things:

  • Chemical fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides are completely prohibited.
  • Cultivation of leguminous crops is must in the crop rotation cycle.
  • Burning of crop residue is not allowed.
  • Contaminated water like sewage water can not be used for irrigation.
  • Use beneficial insects and birds for protecting crops against insects and pests.
  • Genetically modified crops are not allowed.

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 8 Organic Fanning

Question 3.
How insect-pests and diseases are controlled in organic farming?
In organic farming chemical fertilizers, insecticides, fungicides etc. are totally prohibited. In this practice insects and diseases are controlled by natural methods. Beneficial insects and birds are used for controlling , pests and insects. Extract of neem and bio-pesticides (Bt trichogramma) are used to control pests and insects. Bio fungicides like trichoderma etc.can be used for disease management. Mixed cropping like wheat and ’ gram help in fighting against diseases and insects and pests.

Question 4.
What is organic certification and who does provide the certification?
If organic products are to be sold in market or if these are to be exported to other countries then organic certification is must. Certification guarantees that the organic product is produced as per the organic standards. Government of India has authorized 24 certification agencies.

A farmer has to register his farm with any one of the agencies. Inspectors of the agency visit the farms and check the compliance of organic standards by the farmer. After satisfaction, agency certifies the produce as organic. One can get more information about organic standards and certification at the site in.

Question 5.
What are the advantages of organic farming?
Advantages of organic farming are:

  • Fertility of the soil increases.
  • Production cost is reduced.
  • Organic produce is sold at higher price.
  • This is sustainable agricultural practice.
  • It helps in increasing employment.
  • Poisonous residue is not found in environment and food items.

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 8 Organic Fanning

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Guide Organic Farming Important Questions and Answers

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
How is hoeing done in organic farming?
Manually by hands, wheel hoe or by tractor.

Question 2.
Which crops are sown as inter crops in organic farming.

Question 3.
To meet nutritional requirement of crops in organic farming which non-edible cake is used?
Castor cake.

Question 4.
How many certification agencies have been authorized to do organic certification in India?
24 agencies

Question 5.
How much food grains are required by 2020?
276 million ton food grains.

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 8 Organic Fanning

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Give two advantages of organic farming.

  • Fertility of the soil is maintained and is increased.
  • More income from organic produce.

Question 2.
Cultivation of which crops is reduced due to green revolution.
Area under the cultivation of the traditional crops like pulses and oil seed crops is reduced due to wheat rice crop cycle which helped in bringing green revolution.

Question 3.
Which organic produce is in demand in world market and which countries provide market for these products?
Basmati rice, vegetables, fruits, tea, pulses and cotton are in demand in Japan, America and European Union.

PSEB 8th Class Agriculture Solutions Chapter 8 Organic Fanning

Long Answer Type Question

Question 1.
Write a note on production of organic crops.
Agricultural practices to be followed for the production of organic crops are the same as for conventional crops e.g. seeds, varieties, method, of sowing etc. In organic farming chemicals like, pesticides, weedicides, fungicides etc. are prohibited. Weed control management is done by crop rotation or by some agricultural methods.

In maize rows cowpea is sown which helps in controlling weeds and also provide green fodder. In turmeric fields rice straw mulching is done to control weeds. Legumes help in maintaining the fertility of the soil by fixing nitrogen of the atmosphere in the soil. Nutritional requirements of the crops are met with by using farm yard manure, compost, vermicompost etc. Insects and pests are controlled by beneficial insects and birds and also by using biopesticides like, extract v of neem. Mixed farming system also helps in managing insects and diseases.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 17 Forests: Our Lifeline

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class Science Book Solutions Chapter 17 Forests: Our Lifeline Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 17 Forests: Our Lifeline

PSEB 7th Class Science Guide Forests: Our Lifeline Textbook Questions and Answers

Fill in the blanks:

(i) Animals helps plants in the ……………… of seeds.

(ii) ………………… gas is released by plants during photosynthesis.

(iii) …………….. and ……………….. are major threats to forest.
Fire, Pollution

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 17 Forests: Our Lifeline

(iv) Large scale planting of tree sapling is called …………….. .

State True or False:

(i) Animals provide nutrients to plants.

(ii) The forest cover in India is only 15% of its total land area.

(iii) Crown is the shape of the trees.

(iv) Deforestation is cutting of trees to clear area for building houses and farming.

(v) Deforestation takes place due to overgrazing.

3. Match the Column ‘I’ with Column ‘II’:

Column ‘I’ Column ‘II’
1. Plants (a) Forest
2. A renewable natural sources (b) Practice of planting trees on a largescale
3. Afforestation (c) Deforestation
4. Removal of plants (d) Producers


Column ‘I’ Column ‘II’
1. Plants (c) Producers
2. A renewable natural sources (a) Forest
3. Afforestation (b) Practice of planting trees on a largescale
4. Removal of plants (d) Producers

4. Choose the correct answer:

Question (i)
Which of the following is not a forest product ?
(a) Plywood
(b) Kerosene
(c) Sealing wax
(d) Gum.
(b) Kerosene.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 17 Forests: Our Lifeline

Question (ii)
A food chain includes:
(a) Producers and herbivores
(b) Producers and carnivores
(c) Producer and decomposers
(d) Producers, herbivores and carnivores.
(d) Producers, herbivores and carnivores.

Question (iii)
Bacteria and fungi act as:
(a) Decomposers
(b) Herbivores
(c) Omnivores
(d) Carnivores.
(d) Carnivores.

Question (iv)
Microorganisms act upon the dead organisms to produce:
(a) Humus
(b) Wood
(c) Soil
(d) All of these
(a) Humus.

5. Very Short Answer Type Questions:

Question (i)
How much land area on the earth is covered with forest ?
About 13% of the earth’s surface is covered by forests.

Question (ii)
What is an ecosystem ?
Ecosystem. Organisms and their environment combine to form ecosystems or ecological system. Plants, animals and microorganisms are biological components of ecosystems.

Question (iii)
What is afforestation ?
Afforestation. For compensation of cut down forest trees, the process of large-scale tree plantation is called Afforestation (replenishment of forest).

Question (iv)
What causes global warming ?
Causes of global warming. The main cause of global warming is the increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere due to human activities. In greenhouse gases the main gases are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrites, oxides, ozone and chlorofluorocarbons.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 17 Forests: Our Lifeline

6. Short Answer Type Questions:

Question (i)
In terms of food chain, discuss the interdependence of plants and animals.
The interdependence of plants and animals. Like plants, humans and animals cannot prepare their own food. Plants produce food for humans and animals. Many plants also provide shelter and protection for wildlife such as bats, squirrels and insects and many more. As for example during summer trees provide shade to many animals.

Question (ii)
How do forests help in conservation of soil ?
There are many plants, shrubs and trees in forests that hold the top layer of forest soil with their roots. It does not allow natural forces like wind and flood (water) to carry away the soil with it and retains the ability of soil to hold water. So forests help in the Conservation of soil.

Question (iii)
Give two examples which show how that plants depends on animals.
Examples of plants dependence on animals.
(1) Carbon dioxide released by animals during respiration is used by plants in photosynthesis process. In this process plants prepare their food in the presence of Carbon dioxide and Sunlight.

(2) If a number of plants grows on a place there will be competition among them for food. This causes threatening to the life of the plants. Thus animals helps in the dispersal of seeds and fruit to new places to avoid overcrowding of seeding at one place.

Question (iv)
Explain how forests prevent floods.
Forests acts as a natural agents of absorbing rain water. They did not allow the rainwater to fell directly on the surface of earth. For this reason water do not accumulate in the earth and slowly enters the surface of the earth and flew of the water in rivers remains controlled. Thus plant maintain adequate water level areas near forests and prevent floods.

Question (v)
List five products we get from forests ?
Products we get from forest are:

  1. We get several nuts and spices from plants growing in forests.
  2. We get sal, mahogany, teak and rosewood trees.
  3. We get fossil fuel from forest and cardboard and paper industries depends on forest.
  4. From forest we get resins to make varnish and paint and latex used to make rubber.
  5. We get many species of grasses such as lemon grass, vanilla, kewra, Khus and Sandalwood from forest.

7. Long Answer Type Questions:

Question (i)
What is deforestation ? Explain various causes responsible for deforestation.
The needs of the human population such as food, clothing, houses, roads, railways etc. are fulfilled by cutting trees and forests on large scale. This permanent cutting of forests is destruction of forest or deforestation.

Major causes of deforestation:

  1. Increase in demands like land for housing and industry and food for the increasing human population.
  2. Excessive grazing of domestic animals.
  3. Excessive digging of land for food.
  4. With more water logging and more irrigation, the ground table level goes down and with result trees and plants are unable to get water and ultimately and die.
  5. Cutting down trees to get fuel wood and wilf and paper.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 17 Forests: Our Lifeline

Question (ii)
Enlist various uses of forests.
Uses of Forests. Humans are directly or indirectly dependent on forest to meet their needs. Forests therefore, make a significant contribution to our lives.

  • The roots of plants and trees bind soil particles and keep the soil from carried away by water and wind. As a result, forests prevent erosion and flooding.
  • We get a variety of dry fruits and spices from the plants growing in forests.
  • Increases the amount of water vapour in the air, due to transcription by wild trees and plants the surrounding air remains cool. By raising water vapour content they also help in bring rain.
  • From forests we get Latex for making rubber, fodder for animals, bamboo for basket making industry and wood for paper industry.
  • Forests provide us with neem, timber sal and cinchona for making Ayurvedic medicines.
  • Forests and trees reduce the green house effect by reducing the amount of carbon dioxide present in the air with the photosynthesis process which results in lowering global warming.
  • Forests provide us with wood for making furniture, windows and doors of the house.

Question (iii)
Describe how animals depend on plants.
Animal dependence on plants. Animals depend on plants as follows:

  1. Food, which is a source of energy, is obtained from plant leaves, fruits and other plant products.
  2. Animals get the oxygen they need for respiration from plants, which is produced during photosynthesis.
  3. Animals get shelter from big trees and which also provide protection from sun and rain.
  4. Birds live and build their nests on trees.
  5. Wild animals protect themselves from predators by hiding in dense bushes and grass.

Question (iv)
What measures can be taken for the conservation of forests ?
Measure for the conservation of forests:

  • The use of wood as fuel should be reduced and instead of wood LPG and Biogas should be used as fuel for cooking.
  • Planting as many new trees as possible to compensate for the trees cut down for furniture or amfor construction of buildings.
  • Excellent fire extinguishers and fire breakers should be used to prevent forest fires so that there is no shortage of forests in the future.
  • The government should make efforts to plant trees on a large scale every year.

PSEB Solutions for Class 7 Science Forests: Our Lifeline Important Questions and Answers

1. Fill in the Blanks:

(i) The insects, butterflies, honeybees and birds help flowering plants in ……………… .

(ii) A forest is a purifier of ……………….. and …………………. .
Air, water

(iii) Herbs form the ………………… layer in the forest.

(iv) The decaying leaves and animal droppings in a forest enrich the ………………….. .

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 17 Forests: Our Lifeline

(v) During the process of photosynthesis, trees reduce the green-house effect by reducing
the amount of ………………… in the air.

2. Match the Column ‘I’ with Column ‘II’:

Column I Column II
(i) Trees control (a) Food chains
(ii) Insects (b) Prevent erosion and flooding
(iii) Trees (c) Photosynthesis
(iv) Carbon dioxide released by animals during respiration (d) Climate
(v) Food web (e) Pollination of flowers


Column I Column II
(i) Trees control (d) Climate
(ii) Insects (e) Pollination of flowers
(iii) Trees (b) Prevent erosion and flooding
(iv) Carbon dioxide released by animals during respiration (c) Photosynthesis
(v) Food web (a) Food chains

3. Choose the Correct Answer:

Question (i)
The animals found in the forest are helpful:
(a) For the forest growth
(b) Oxygen and carbon dioxide
(c) To prevent floods
(d) None of the above.
(a) For the forest growth.

Question (ii)
Form oxygen and use carbon dioxide of the atmosphere:
(a) Animals
(b) Plants and trees
(c) Separator
(d) Herbivorous
(b) Plants and trees.

Question (iii)
Deforestation will increase:
(a) The amount of oxygen
(b) The amount of nitrogen
(c) The amount of carbon dioxide
(d) None of the above
(c) The amount of carbon dioxide.

Question (iv)
Forests help in the purification of:
(a) Water.
(b) Both air and water
(c) Air
(d) Air, water and soil
(b) Both air and water.

Question (v)
Which of following is not a forest product ?
(a) Gum
(b) Plywood
(c) Sealing wax
(d) Kerosene.
(d) Kerosene.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 17 Forests: Our Lifeline

Question (vi)
Which of the following statements is not correct ?
(a) Forests protect the soil from erosion.
(b) Plants and animals in a forest are not dependant on one another.
(c) Forest influence the climate and water cycle.
(d) Soil helps forests to grow and regenerate.
(b) Plants and animals in a forest are not dependant on one another.

4. State True or False:

(i) Forests are areas where animals and dense plants and trees are present.

(ii) 11% of India’s area is under forest.

(iii) Plants, animals and micro-organisms are the biological components of ecosystem.

(iv) Producer → Herbivorous → Carnivorous is a food chain.

(v) Trees do not control climate of a place.

(vi) Forest help prevent erosion and floods.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 17 Forests: Our Lifeline

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is a broad view of a forest ?
A place where land is not visible but only treetops form the green cover over the land.

Question 2.
What type of environment is found in a forest ?
Peaceful environment with cool breeze blowing.

Question 3.
Which human activity can disturb the animals living in the forest ?

Question 4.
What is attitude of animals when human being enters a forest ?
Monkeys usually jump to higher branches.

Question 5.
Which small animals are found in the forest ?
Insects, spiders, squirrels, ants, micro-organisms.

Question 6.
Name any four animals found in a forest.
Bear, bison, jackal, monkeys, birds.

Question 7.
Name the different types of trees found in a forest.
Sal, teak, semal, shesham, neem, amla, bamboo.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 17 Forests: Our Lifeline

Question 8.
What is classification of different plants found in a forest ?
Trees, shrubs, herbs, grass, climbers, creepers etc.

Short Answer Type Qucstions

Question 1.
Why does water not stagnate in forests ?
Forests are natural absorbers of rain water and allow it to seep deep down the soil. Also, the direct pouring of rain is stopped by canopy of forest and it falls drip by drip on the ground. So, water does not stagnate in the forests.

Question 2.
Why is soil of forest rich in nutrients ?
The soil of forest is rich in nutrients because dead and decaying leaves are decomposed by decomposers to give a brown coloured nutrient (Humus) to enrich the soil.

Question 3.
Explain why there is no waste in a forest.
Forests are habitat of various animals. They excrete and die still there is no waste in forests. Because the dead bodies are food of vultures, crow, jackal and insects. While other things like excreta and remains of dead matter get decomposed by mushrooms and other micro-organisms to nutrients required by soil.

Question 4.
List five products we get from forests.
Products obtained from forests are:

  1. Wood,
  2. Oxygen,
  3. Medicinal plants,
  4. Rain,
  5. Lac, Gum, Resin etc.

Question 5.
Explain how animals dwelling in the forest help it grow and regenerate ?
Animals live in forest. They either feed on it directly (herbivores) or indirectly (carnivores). In both cases, they consume plants and excrete thrown by their bodies get decomposed by microorganisms to produce simple forms and nutrients. These get dissolved and mixed in soil to be used by growing plants.

Animals also help in scattering seeds to different parts of the forest. When seeds get favourable conditions they grow and thus forests regenerate.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 17 Forests: Our Lifeline

Question 6.
What are decomposers ? Name any two of them. What do they do in the forest ?
Decomposers. The micro-organisms which convert the dead plants and animals to humus are known as decomposers. Examples are bacteria, mushrooms.
Decomposers help in maintaining the supply of nutrients to the growing plants in the forests.

Question 7.
Explain the role of forests in maintaining the balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 17 Forests Our Lifeline 1
Forests are large area covered with different trees. Trees are green in colour. Their leaves photosynthesize in the sunlight and use atmospheric carbon dioxide to produce oxygen. In this way, balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide is maintained in the forests. In this way forests help in maintaining a balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Question 8.
Why should we worry about the conditions and issues related to forests far from us ?
Forests indirectly or directly influence human life. They control floods and rainfall. They maintain balance of oxygen and carbondioxide in the atmosphere. They are also provider of many useful items needed by us in our daily life. They provide food, shelter and habitat to many animals also. They form a part of food web. So, we should worry about the conditions and issues related to forests far from us.

Question 9.
Explain why there is a need of variety of animals and plants in a forest.
When there is variety of animals and plants then opportunity increases for food and habitat for the herbivores. When herbivores increase, then there is also increase in number of carnivores of different varieties. Different varieties of animals help the forest to regenerate and grow.

Long Answer Type Question

Question 1.
Describe the importance of forests and consequences of depletion of forests.
A forest is a natural ecosystem. Forests are essential for sustainence of life on earth.
Importance of forests:

  1. Habitat for animals and plants.
  2. Provide food for animals and micro-organisms.
  3. Maintain water cycle.
  4. Control the earth’s temperature.
  5. Maintain a balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in nature.
  6. Prevent soil erosion.

Consequences of depletion of forests are:

  1. Improper rainfall.
  2. Landslides.
  3. Extinction of wild animals.
  4. Retardation of soil quality.
  5. Causes increase in carbon dioxide, leading to increase in the greenhouse effect and global warming.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 7 Introduction to Multimedia

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class Computer Science Book Solutions Chapter 7 Introduction to Multimedia Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 7 Computer Science Chapter 7 Introduction to Multimedia

Computer Guide for Class 7 PSEB Introduction to Multimedia Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Fill in the Blanks

Question 1.
Multimedia is a combination of two words …………… and …………….
(a) Images Sound
(b) Audio, Video
(c) Multi, Media
(d) Hardware, Software.
(c) Multi, Media

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 7 Introduction to Multimedia

Question 2.
Animation is of two types, these are …………… and …………… .
(a) Analog, Digital
(b) Static, Hyper
(c) Raster, Bitmap
(d) Path, Frame.
(d) Path, Frame.

Question 3.
Requirements for Multimedia are …………… and …………… .
(a) Images, Sound
(b) Analog, Digital
(c) Hardware, Software
(d) Multimedia.
(c) Hardware, Software

Question 4.
Input devices consists of …………… and …………… .
(a) Monitor, Printer
(b) RAM, Hard Disk
(c) Keyboard, Mouse
(d) Hardware, Software.
(c) Keyboard, Mouse

Question 5.
In Multimedia, Text is of …………… and …………… type.
(a) Analog, Digital
(b) Raster, Bitmap
(c) Static, Hyper
(d) Path, Frame.
(c) Static, Hyper

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 7 Introduction to Multimedia

2. Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
In how many types a video can be classified?
Video can be divided into two types: Analog and Digital video.

Question 2.
There are how many types of text?
There are two types of text, Static text and Hyper text.

Question 3.
Write the name of any one type of animation.
Path animation.

Question 4.
Write any one application of Multimedia.
Multimedia can be used in the field of education; it is used to teach students visually.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 7 Introduction to Multimedia

3. Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is an Animation?
Animation is the process of displaying multiple images one after the other. For example: Cartoon movies, games etc. There are two types of animation.

Path Animation: In this animation, path geometry is used as an input.
Frame Animation: In this animation, pictures are shown moving in a frame.

Question 2.
What is Video?
Video means moving pictures with sound. This is the best way to communicate with each other. It is used in multimedia to present more information and saves a lot of time. The most commonly used software for watching videos are: Quick Time, Real Player, window media player.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 7 Introduction to Multimedia

Question 3.
What is Multimedia Conferencing?
Multimedia Conferencing is a process of interacting with various people all around the world using tools of multimedia like camera, microphone, a display and so on.
There are various software and applications that allow you to do that.

4. Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is Multimedia? Explain the components of multimedia.
Multimedia is a form of communication that combines different types of data such as text, audio, images, animations or video into a single presentation. Components of multimedia are as follow :
1. Text:
It is a combination of characters and certain symbols. Text is commonly used to send messages. In multimedia we can present text in a very attractive way using fonts, colors and styles. The most commonly used software for viewing text files are Microsoft Word, Notepad, Word Pad etc.
We can use two types of text in multimedia

(а) Static Text: Static text is a simple text that we use to type messages or other documents or given along with images to describe the image.
(b) Hypertext: Hypertext is text that contains links to other texts.

2. Images: In multimedia we make the concept more effective and presentable with the help of images. There are two types of images :

(a) Raster or Bitmap Images: Bitmap images are real images that are captured from digital cameras or scanners.

(b) Vector Images:
Vector images are drawn using lines, circles and other mathematical equations. These images remain smooth even when zoomed in. Vector imagery requires less memory to store and thus we can use less data to represent the image. These images are editable.

3. Audio:
In multimedia audio means recording or playing sound, speeches, music etc. Audio is an important part of multimedia because the concept that we cannot understand in the form of text, we explain in audio format. Some sound formats are :

(а) MIDI:
The full name of MIDI is Musical Instrument Digital Identifier. It is a communication tool developed for computers and electronic devices. It’s a flexible and easy way to create music projects in multimedia.

(b) Digital Audio: Digital audio is a better alternative to MIDI files. Digital sound files are created from predefined music to record live music.

4. Video:
Video means moving pictures with sound. This is the best way to communicate with each other. It is used in multimedia to present more information and saves a lot of time. The video is divided into two parts:

(a) Analog Videos:
Analog video is created in a video camera. Analog video, represents moving visual images (video) in the form of analog signals. The red, green and blue intensities are used to record these videos.

(b) Digital Videos:
Digital video is an electronic representation of moving visual images (video) in the form of encoded digital data. Digital video is audio/visual data in a binary format. Information is ‘ represented as a sequence of zeroes and ones.

5. Animation:
Animation is the process of displaying multiple images one after the other. Animation is a method in which images are shown as a video at high speed. For example: Cartoon movies, games etc. There are two types of animation.

  • Path Animation: In this animation, path geometry is used as an input.
  • Frame Animation: In this animation, pictures are shown moving in a frame.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 7 Introduction to Multimedia

Question 2.
What are the requirements for multimedia?
In multimedia, projects are created by combining text, graphics, sounds, videos etc. These projects require verity of hardware and software. The hardware and software commonly used in multimedia are as follows :

Hardware Requirements:
The following hardware is required to create multimedia apps. These hardware include inputs, outputs and storage devices.
1. Input Devices: Those devices which are used to enter data and instructions into a computer are called input devices. They add text, graphics, sounds, videos etc. to projects. The following are the input
devices used in multimedia,

  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • Scanner
  • Touch Screen
  • Microphone
  • Voice Recognition System
  • Digital Camera
  • Joystick
  • Light Pen

2. Output Devices:
Those devices which are used to receive data from a computer. For example: printing a document, displaying images on a screen and playing audio or video. Below are the names of some of the output devices.

  • Monitor
  • Audio Devices
  • Video Devices
  • Projectors
  • Speakers
  • Printers etc.

3. Storage Devices:
The process of permanently saving data and instructions is called storage and the devices in which multimedia projects are stored are called storage devices. The following are some of the storage devices used to store multimedia projects :

  • Hard Disk Drive
  • Magnetic Tape
  • RAM if) External Disk Drive
  • CD-R, CD-RW, DVD
  • Pen Drive

Software Requirements:
Multimedia software is a tool used to edit and manage the key elements of multimedia such as text, graphics, sound, animation and video. The following are some of the specific software used for multimedia projects.

  • Adobe Director
  • Create Together
  • Media Blander
  • Media Works 6.2
  • Play mo
  • Multimedia Builder

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 7 Introduction to Multimedia

Question 3.
What is a Multimedia Presentation? What should we keep in mind before preparing Multimedia presentation?
The multimedia presentations are electronic documents that can include text, diagrams, graphics, photographs, sounds, animations, video clips etc.
Multimedia presentations are used to convey a message to others using a variety of communication methods. These presentations usually include text, animation, video, audio or interactive features such as forms, popup and more. The following should be kept in mind when creating a multimedia presentation :

  • Text should be kept to a minimum in multimedia presentations.
  • The level of audio and music quality should be good.
  • The keyboard and mouse should be accessible for the convenience of the user.
  • Multimedia presentation should be effective and small in size.

Question 4.
Write down applications of multimedia.
Following are the common areas of applications of multimedia :
1. Education: Multimedia is used to teach students in school and colleges. Nowadays multimedia CDs are used instead of text books.

2. Business:
Multimedia applications are used in business for marketing, advertising, network communications, online shopping and more. It is also used in commercial marketing to motivate customers to buy products.

3. Advertisement:
Advertising industry uses multimedia to promote businesses, products and services. Multimedia advertising is done using animations and graphic design. Television, radio and print advertising are the most common mediums used in advertising.

4. Entertainment:
Multimedia is widely used in the entertainment industry. It is used especially in movies and video games to create special effects. Music and video apps are a great example of multimedia in entertainment.

5. Public Places:
Multimedia is available in many public places like trade shows, libraries, railway stations, museums, malls, airports, banks, hotels and exhibitions in the form of kiosks. It provides information to the customers and helps them.

6. Software:
Software engineers can use multimedia in computer entertainment to design everything from entertainment to digital games; it can be used as a learning process.

7. Medical Services:
Multimedia also use in Hospitals. For surgery methods, Tiny digital cameras are inserted in human body and it displays the inner scene of the body. In this way the medical practitioners were able to see the inner part without examine it.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 7 Introduction to Multimedia

PSEB 7th Class Computer Guide Introduction to Multimedia Important Questions and Answers

1. Fill in the Blanks

Question 1.
Coral Draw is …………… software.
(a) Text
(b) Word
(c) System
(d) Graphics.
(d) Graphics.

Question 2.
Graphics are of …………… type.
(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) Five.
(a) Two

Question 3.
The movement of graphics is called …………… .
(a) Motion
(b) Move
(c) Animation
(d) Effect.
(c) Animation

Question 4.
…………… video is created in a video camera.
(a) Analog
(b) Digital
(c) Motion
(d) None of these.
(a) Analog

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 7 Introduction to Multimedia

Question 5.
…………… devices are used to receive data from a computer.
(a) Input
(b) Storage
(c) Output
(d) All of these.
(c) Output

Question 6.
A group of slides is known as a slide …………… .
(a) Group
(b) Deck
(c) Bunch
(d) Presentation.
(b) Deck

Question 7.
The process of permanently saving data and instructions is called …………… .
(a) Storage
(b) Video
(c) Table
(d) Document.
(a) Storage

Question 8.
Full form of the RTF is …………… .
(a) Read Table Format
(b) Rich Text Format
(c) Read Text Format
(d) Rich Table Format.
(b) Rich Text Format

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 7 Introduction to Multimedia

2. True/False

1. The combination of different media is called multimedia.
2. In multimedia pictures can be animated and voice can be heard by the listeners.
3. The size of the bitmap image is smaller than the vector image.
4. Multimedia should be full of text.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 7 Introduction to Multimedia

3. Write the Full Forms

Question 1
1. RTF
3. DIB
4. BMP
5. GIF
7. PNG
8. WAV
9. MP3
10. AIFF
11. WMA
12. RA
13. AVI
14. MPEG.
1. RTF → Rich Text Format
2. TIFF → Tagged Image File Format
3. DIB → Device Independent Bitmap
4. BMP → Bitmap
5. GIF → Graphical Interface Format
6. JPEG → Joint Photographic Expert Group
7. PNG → Portable Network Graphics
8. WAV → Wave form Audio File Format
9. MP3 → MPEG Layer 3 Format
10. AIFF → Audio Interchange File Format
11. WMA → Windows Media Audio
12. RA → Real Audio Format
13. AVI → Audio/Video Interleave
14. MPEG → Moving Picture Expert Group.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 7 Introduction to Multimedia

4. Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What are Graphics?
Graphic is an image or visual presentations of an object, displayed on a computer screen. Examples are photographs, drawing, graphics designs, maps, engineering drawings, or other images. Graphics often combine text and illustration.

Question 2.
What is Multimedia?
Multimedia means more than one medium. Multimedia is a collection of many media. It includes a wide variety of media. When a lot of media like pictures, texts, sounds, movies etc. come together it becomes multimedia. Multimedia is being used as a means of entertainment, for education.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 7 Introduction to Multimedia

Question 3.
Name the different media that make multimedia.
The different media that make multimedia are as follow:

  • Text: Text is a combination of characters and certain symbols. Text is commonly used to send messages.
  • Images: In multimedia we make the concept more effective and presentable with the help of images.
  • Animation: Animation is the process of displaying multiple images one after the other.
  • Audio: In multimedia audio means recording or playing sound, speeches, music etc..
  • Film: It is an essential part of multimedia. Movies impress the audience a lot.

Question 4.
What kind of hardware is required for multimedia?
The hardware required for multimedia is as follows:

  • Sound Card
  • Monitor
  • C.D. Rom Drive
  • Microphone
  • Web or Digital Camera
  • Headphones.

5. Long Answer Type Questions

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 7 Introduction to Multimedia

Question 1.
What are the file formats used in multimedia?
File Format for Multimedia:
File formats are designed to store specific types of information. Such as JPEG for storing raster data, AI for storing vector data, WAV and MPEG for storing audio data and video data.
Before reading about the file format in multimedia, we need to know how many types of files are in multimedia. Multimedia consists of 3 types of files which are mentioned ahead:

  • Uncompressed: These are the files which are not compressed and are capable of storing a large file size.
  • Lossless: Files that can be compressed and when they are compressed there is no loss in image quality such as (Vector images) which do not lose quality even when zoomed in and the image will remain clear.
  • Lossy: Files that lose their quality when compressed. Such as bitmap Images. The easiest way to find any file type is to look at the file extension. The file extension determines which file it is.

Question 2.
Write the types of multimedia presentations.
Types of Multimedia Presentation
There can be many types of multimedia presentations, some of which are as follows:
1. Virtual Presentation:
Where hosts and viewers attend the presentation remotely, are becoming common place. It is a technology that allows us to gather information on any topic and create a virtual presentation using high technology hardware software tools.

2. Slide Presentation:
A slide is a presentation page. A group of slides is known as a slide deck. A slide show is a display of a series of slides or images in an electronic device or on a projection screen. A slide can be a 35 mm slide seen with a slide projector. Presentation slides can be created in many pieces of software such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Apple Keynote, LibreOffice Effects, Preeze.

3. Web Presentations:
When we add audio, video, animation etc. to web pages instead of static photos and text, web Pages turn into web presentations.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 7 Introduction to Multimedia

Question 3.
What are the audio file formats in multimedia?
Audio File Format:
Audio file format is the file format used to store digital audio data on a computer system. Below are some audio file formats :
1. MP3:
The full form of MP3 is MPEG audio Layer-3. It is a standard technology and format that reduces the size of the file by one-tenth of the actual size and does not allow any loss in sound quality. The extension of these files is MP3.

2. WAV:
The most popular audio file format in Windows for storing compressed sound files. In order to the reduced the size of the files, these files can be converted to MP3 file format. The extension of these files is .WAV.

3. WMA (Window Media Audio):
These file formats are used to encode digital audio files similar to MP3. It can compress files at a higher rate than MP3. WMA files can be compressed to any size to match many different connection speeds or bandwidths. Their file extension is .wma.

4. AAC (Advanced Audio Coding):
The default audio format of Apple iTune. They work very well on Apple computing but do not work on web browsers. Their file extension is .aac.

5. Real Audio:
This format has been developed by Real Media to allow steaming of audio with low bandwidth. Its file extensions are ,rm, .ram.

Question 4.
What are the video file formats in multimedia?
Video File Format:
Video files are a collection of images, audio and other data. The following are many different formats for encoding and saving video data.
1. AVI (Audio Video Interleave):
One of the oldest video formats developed by Microsoft. Due to its simple architecture, these files are able to run on different systems such as Windows, Macintosh, Linux. The file extension of these files is .avi.

2. MPEG (Moving Pictures Expert Group):
The first popular video format on the web is MPEG, These are compressed video files that can store both audio and video files. The file extension of these files is .mpeg.

3. MP4:
MP4 is one of the earliest digital video file formats introduced in 2001. Most digital platforms and devices support MP4. An MP4 format can store audio files, video files, still images and text. In addition, MP4 delivers high quality video with relatively small files. The file extension of these files is .mp4.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 7 Introduction to Multimedia

Question 5.
What are Image file formats in multimedia?
Image File Format:
There are many different image formats and image file extensions that can be used to create and save images to a computer. The most common image formats are listed below :
1. TIFF:
Stands for Tagged Image File Format. TIFF file format is widely used bit mapped file format. TIFF files originally use lossless compression. Today TIFF files also use lossy compression according to the requirement. It allowing for very high-quality images but also larger file sizes.TIFF can store many different types of image such as 1 bit image, gray scale image, 8 bit color image, 24 bit RGB image etc. It is supported by many image editing applications, software used by scanners and photo retouching programs. The file extension of these files is .tiff.

2. BMP:
The bitmap file format (BMP) is a very basic format supported by most Windows applications. BMP files are uncompressed. It allowing for very high-quality images but also larger file sizes. Therefore, these are not suitable for the internet. BMP can store many different type of image: 1 bit image, grayscale image, 8 bit color image, 24 bit RGB image etc. The file extension of these files is .bmp.

3. GIF (Graphics Interchange Formats):
The GIF format is one of the most popular on the Internet due to its compact size. They are widely used for web graphics, as they are limited to 256 colors and can be animated. The file extension of these files is .gif.

4. JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Groups):
Jpeg is a “loosy” format meaning it compresses the image to make it a smaller file. Compression of the image causes loss of image quality but this loss is usually not noticeable. JPEG files are very common on the Internet and JPEG is a popular format for digital cameras. The file extension of these files is -jpeg.

5. PNG (Portable Network Graphics):
PNG files are a lossless image format designed to actually improve and convert GIF format. Unlike the 256 colors supported by GIF, PNG files can handle up to 16 million colors. The file extension of these files is .png.

6. RAW:
Raw images are images that are not processed by a camera or scanner. Most digital SLR cameras can shoot in RAW format. The file extension of these files is .raw.

PSEB 8th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena

Punjab State Board PSEB 8th Class Science Book Solutions Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena

PSEB 8th Class Science Guide Some Natural Phenomena Textbook Questions and Answers


Select the correct option in Questions 1 and 2.

Question 1.
Which of following cannot be charged easily by friction?
(a) A plastic scale
(b) A copper rod
(c) An inflated balloon
(d) A woollen cloth.
(b) A copper rod.

Question 2.
When a glass rod is rubbed with a piece of silk cloth the rod
(а) and cloth both acquire positive charge.
(b) becomes positively charged while the cloth has a negative charge.
(c) and the cloth both acquire negative charge.
(d) becomes negatively charged while the cloth is positive charged.
(b) becomes positively charged while the cloth has a negative charge.

PSEB 8th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena

Question 3.
Write T against true and F against false in the following statements.
[а] like charges attract each other.

[b] A charged glass rod attracts a charged plastic straw.

[c] Lightning conductor cannot protect a building from lightning.

[d] Earthquakes can be predicted in advance.

Question 4.
Sometimes, a crackling sound is heard while taking off sweater during winters. Explain.
Woollen clothes get electrically charged when they get rubbed. Due to rubbing attraction or repulsion occurs between their loose particles which results in crackling sound.

Question 5.
Explain why a charged body loses its charge if we touch it with our hand.
Human body is a conductor of electricity. When a body is touched with hand, the electric current of body passes to the earth through human body and body loses its charges.

Question 6.
Name the scale on which the destructive energy of an earthquakes is measured. An earthquake measures 3 on this scale. Would it be recorded by a seismograph ? Is it likely to cause much damage ?
Scale used to measure earthquake is Richter scale.
Earthquake with measure 3 can be recorded on seismograph but this earthquake is very feeble in its intensity and very less destructive.

Question 7.
Suggest three measures to protect ourselves from Lightning.
Suggest any two safety measures that we should take to prevent damage caused by linghtning.
Measures of Protection:

  1. On hearing thunder, go inside closed areas such as houses, buildings etc.
  2. In bus, close all the doors and windows.
  3. In open, sit on floor with your head in knees and arms.

Question 8.
Explain why a charged balloon is repelled by an other charged balloon whereas an uncharged balloon is attracted by another charged balloon ?
Same materials get same charges on rubbing and same charges repel each other.
Therefore, balloon on rubbing are similarly charged and thus repel each other while a charged and an uncharged balloon attract each other.

PSEB 8th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena

Question 9.
Describe with the help of a diagram an instrument which can be used to detect a charged body.
PSEB 8th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena 1
Electroscope is used to detect electric charges or kind of charge on a body.
To make an electroscope, take a glass jar. Cover it with a wooden or cardboard disc fixed with an aluminium foil on a paper clip in the vertical position.

Question 10.
List three states in India where earthquake are more likely to strike.
States of India, highly susceptible to earthquake:

  1. Rann of Kutch
  2. Rajasthan
  3. Highlands of Sind-Ganga
  4. Kashmir.

Question 11.
Suppose you are outside your home and an earthquake strikes. What precaution would you take to protect yourself ?
Protection against earthquake outside the house.

  1. Lie down in open far from buildings, trees and electric wires.
  2. Do not step out from car or bus.
  3. Take car or bus towards open areas.

Question 12.
The weather department has predicted that a thunderstorm is likely to occur on a certain day. Suppose you have to go out on that day. Would you carry an umbrella ? Explain.
To go out during thunderstorm is not safe and with umbrella it is fatal because high buildings, electric wires, black materials etc. all attract thunderstorm. So, it is advisable to stay away from them.

PSEB Solutions for Class 8 Science Some Natural Phenomena Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
How many kinds of electric charge are there ?
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 6.
(a) 2.

Question 2.
The device used for testing electric charge is called:
(a) Electroscope
(b) Microscope
(c) Periscope
(d) Electroplating.
(a) Electroscope.

PSEB 8th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena

Question 3.
What is the measure of earthquake on Rictor scale that can cause devastation ?
(a) Less than 5
(b) Between 5 and 7
(c) Between 1 and 5
(d) More than 7.
(d) More than 7.

Question 4.
Opposite charges ………………. each other.
(а) Attract
(b) Repel
(c) Sometime attract sometime repel
(d) Neither attract nor repel.
(a) Attract.

Question 5.
The central region of earth is called:
(a) Inner core
(b) Outer core
(c) Mantle
(d) Earth crust.
(a) Inner core.

Question 6.
Which is the safest place to take shelter during lightning and thunderstorm ?
(a) Building
(b) Open area
(c) Under the tree
(d) All the above.
(a) Building.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is amber ?
It is a type of resin.

Question 2.
What happens when amber is rubbed for longer time ?
A spark is produced.

PSEB 8th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena

Question 3.
Who established that spark and lightning were same thing ?
Benjamin Franklin, an American Scientist.

Question 4.
What happens when a plastic scale rubbed with dry hair is brought near pieces of paper ?
Scale attracts pieces of paper.

Question 5.
Give few examples of charged objects.

  1. Plastic scale rubbed with hair.
  2. Plastic refill rubbed with polythene.
  3. Balloon rubbed with woollen cloth.

Question 6.
What happens when two balloons rubbed with woolen cloth are brought together.
They repel each other.

Question 7.
Which type of charges attract each other ?
Unlike or opposite charges attract each other.

Question 8.
How many types of charges are there ?
Two types of charges-

  1. negative and
  2. positive.

Question 9.
Why does a plastic comb rubbed in hair attract small bits of paper ?
Because it gets charged.

PSEB 8th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena

Question 10.
What will happen when two clouds with unlike charges approach each other ?
Lightning strikes.

Question 11.
Is human body a conductor or an insulator ?
A conductor.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Why is a balloon filled with air rubbed against hair, sticks to the wall when pressed against it ?
Air filled balloon when rubbed against hair gets, charged. The charged balloon then sticks to the wall, when pressed against it. It is because the charged balloon attracts the wall and holds on to it.

Question 2.
Why does the paper strip open up when touched with a charged rod ?
When we touch one side of the paper strip with a charged rod, the paper strip opens up. The reason for this is that the two sides of the strip get same type of charge from the charged rod and thus repel each other. With the result, the paper strip opens up (diverges).

Question 3.
Why are we advised not to be under a tree, if we are in the open during a thunderstorm ?
A highly charged cloud when comes near the tree can induce a powerful opposite charge on the top of tree. This can cause lightning between the cloud and the earth through the tree. It can damage tree and can cause fire.

Question 4.
Why are tall buildings provided with metallic rods, running from the top of building to the ground ?
A highly charged cloud can induce an opposite charge on the pointed ends of the metallic rod. When it passes by the tall building, the similar charge passes to the earth through the metallic rod. The lightning passes to the earth safely, without causing any damage to the building.

PSEB 8th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena

Question 5.
What do you mean when we say that a body is electrically charged or electrified ?
A body like plastic comb, pen, etc. when rubbed with another body gets the property of attracting small pieces of paper or a pith ball. Then, such a body is a called electrically charged or electrified.

Question 6.
Write a short note on Tsunami.
Tsunami. Tsunami are long and high waves, which rise under sea due to earthquakes. It is usually a high speed wave, which rise in sea. It is also known as harbour wave.


  1. In 1819 on Hawain islands.
  2. In 2004.

Effects of Tsunami.

  1. Loss of Lives.
  2. Loss of Aquatic life.
  3. Physical damage of human life and property.
  4. Uprooting of plants on the banks of sea or in coastal regions.

Question 7.
Write down the uses of electroscope.
Uses of electroscope:

  1. Electroscope is used to detect the presence of charge.
  2. It is used to find the type of charge.
  3. It is used to compare the charges.

Question 8.
What is electric discharging (lightning) ?
Electric discharging (Lighting).
The phenomenon of lightning is caused due to discharge through air. It occurs when the charge accumulated in the clouds exceeds a certain limit. When unlike charged clouds come closer to each other, the charges in air between them move with a great velocity. Due to this, an intense spark of lightning is seen moving in the air. This is known as electric discharging or lightning.

Question 9.
Write two examples of electric discharge which are used to ignite the fuel.
Examples of Electric discharges:

  1. By sparkplug in scooter and car.
  2. By electric gas lighter used to ignite the gas stove in kitchens.

PSEB 8th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena

Question 10.
What are natural phenomena ?
Natural Phenomena.
The phenomena which occur suddenly in nature are called natural phenomena. They cause severe damage to life and property to related areas and environment is also affected with human life.
Examples : Earthquake, landslides, food, drought, cyclones, eruption of volcanoes, tsunami, etc.

Question 11.
What are cyclones ? Write effects and reasons caused by it.
Cyclone is a terrible storm which has a speed more than 119 km per hour.

When sea water evaporates in summer season, it rises up and condenses to form cloud. To get the space of upward moving air, air rushes speedily under it. There forms a cyclic motion nearby a centre or due to difference in temperature and pressure present above the hot sea water, cyclones are produced.

Cyclones affect crops, health, ships, etc. Landslides and foods cause severe damage to mankind.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Give an experiment to show that when two bodies are rubbed together, they get oppositely charged.
PSEB 8th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena 2
Take a plastic scale. Wrap flannel at its one end. Rub this side with another plastic scale. Bring these two scales separately near bits of tissue paper. We observe that both scales show attraction toward the bits of tissue paper. This proves that both the scales get charged on rubbing.

Now suspend one scale from a stand and bring the other close to it. They get attracted. It shows that they have opposite charges. It is because opposite charges attract each other. Thus, we may conclude that when two bodies are rubbed together, they get oppositely charged.

Question 2.
What is lightning ?
The phenomenon of lightning is caused due to electric discharge through air. It occurs when the charge accumulated in the clouds exceeds a certain limit. In these conditions, the small region of positive charges in the lower part induces a negative charge on the ground below it. The large force of attraction between the opposite charges becomes sufficient to break down the insulation of air.

Once this happens, the entire positive charge in the lower parts of the clouds passes to the earth through a narrow gap in the air. The huge negative charge gets accumulated in the lower parts of the cloud then passes through this conducting path in a very short time. The air in this narrow gap gets heated by the electrical energy to such a high temperature that it appears as a flash of light, which we see as lightning.

PSEB 8th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena

Question 3.
What safety measures should we take to prevent damage caused by lightning ?
Precautions to be taken to provide protection against lightning.
The following precautions should be taken to protect ourselves against lightning:

  1. We should not stand under trees, when lightning occurs and even during rain, when there are chances of lightning to strike.
  2. We should put up lightning conductor on our buildings to protect our lives and property from damage.
  3. We should switch off TV sets during lightning for TV antennas are more prone to lightning strikes.

Question 4.
Discuss the construction and working of a lightning conductor.
PSEB 8th Class Science Solutions Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena 3
Lightning Conductor.
It is a pointed long metal rod fixed along side of a building. The lower end of this rod is hurried deep under the earth.

Working of a Lightning Conductor.
A lightning conductor protects the building from the destructive effect of the lightning in two ways:
1. During a thunderstorm, a charged cloud passes above the point of the lightning conductor.
If’the cloud is positively charged, it induces a negative charge on its upper end.

This end being pointed cannot retain this charge and sends into the atmosphere a wind on negatively charged particles which cancel some of the positive charge on the clouds. This reduces the potential of the cloud below the spark potential and as such no lightning discharge takes place between the building and the cloud.

2. If a discharge actually takes place, the lightning conductor provides an easy passage to the charge from the cloud to the earth. The building is thus, saved from the destructive effects of the lightning.

Question 5.
What are causes and impacts of earthquake ? Write precautions against earthquake.
Quakes are vibrations created in the earth’s crust. These may arise suddenly.

Reason of earthquake.
Geographically our earth is made up of seven long tectonic plates. These plates move very slowly. But whenever these plates acquire high speeds, there is a disturbance on the earth’s surface. These movements of the earth’s surface cause buildings to fall, bridges, roads, etc. get broken.

Impacts of the earthquake.

  1. It is caused by Tsunami (a seismic sea wave)
  2. Many buildings fall down.
  3. The supply of basic amenities is disturbed.
  4. It causes a health hazards.

Precautions against earthquakes:

  1. In highly seismic areas timber must be used in constructions of buildings instead of heavy materials like mud, stone, brick, etc.
  2. It is better if the cupboards and shelves are fixed to the walls so that they do not fall easily.
  3. Be careful where you hang wall clocks, photo-frames, water heaters, etc. so that they do not fall in the event of an earthquake.
  4. Since some buildings may catch fire due to an earthquake, hence fire fighting equipment should be installed in these buildings.

PSEB 10th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Desktop Publishing

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class Computer Book Solutions Chapter 5 Desktop Publishing Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 10 Computer Science Chapter 5 Desktop Publishing

Computer Guide for Class 10 PSEB Desktop Publishing Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
Programs that can be used to create books, magazines, newspapers, flyers, pamphlets, and many other kinds of printed documents.
(a) Desk Publishing
(b) DeskTop Publishing
(c) Top Publishing
(d) Publishing
(b) DeskTop Publishing

Question 2.
That enable us to see on the display screen exactly what will appear when the document is printed:

PSEB 10th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Desktop Publishing

Question 3.
A printer that works like a photocopy machine:
(a) Laser
(b) InkJet
(c) Line
(d) Drum
(a) Laser

Question 4.
……….. is a visual representation of objects.
(a) Charts
(b) Graphics
(c) Frames
(d) Fonts
(b) Graphics

Question 5.
Printer that print image by pressing an inked ribbon against the paper using a hammer or pins.
(a) Ink-jet
(b) Impact
(c) Non impact
(d) Laser
(b) Impact

PSEB 10th Class Computer Book Chapter 5 Desktop Publishing

PSEB 10th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Desktop Publishing

2. Fill in the Blanks

1. Arial, Helvetica, Times, and Verdana etc. are examples of …………… and they have same …………. .
Typeface, Design

2. A Gutter margin setting adds extra space to the …………….margin or margin of a ………… document that we plan to bind.
Side, Top

3. In web pages the content is ………… not designed for ………… .
Viewable, Print

4. Laser printers use …………. that stores an ……………. at a time.
Buffers, Entire page.

PSEB 10th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Desktop Publishing

3. True or False

1. DTP stands for Desk Top Publishing.

2. Desktop publishing hardware and software is also used to design and produce web pages.

3. In Ink-Jet Printer, the ink cannot be absorbed into the paper and dries instantly.

4. The dot-matrix printer uses print heads containing from 19 to 124 pins.

PSEB 10th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Desktop Publishing

4. Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Which printer can typically print the range of 1,200 to 6,000 lines per minute?
Line Printer

Question 2.
Which printer can be either two or three-dimensional.
Computer Graphics

Question 3.
Which printer has a special coating on it to which toner (an ink powder) sticks?
Laser Printers

Question 4.
A set of characters of the same design is called?

Question 5.
The area between the main content of a page and the page edges is called?

PSEB 10th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Desktop Publishing

5. Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is Desktop Publishing?
An application of compute that is enables small companies and individuals
to produce reports, visiting cards, calendar, advertising, magazines etc. to near typeset quality. Modern systems, which simulate many of the professional typesetting functions, consist of a personal computer using DTP software.

Question 2.
What are the various types of printers?
The various types of printers are:

  • Impact printer
  • Non-impact printers
  • Thermal printers

Question 3.
What is margin?
Margins are the distance between the text from left and right edges, top and bottom edges. Margins are normally 1 inch, but you can adjust it according to your need.

Question 4.
What do you mean by Gutter Position?
A gutter margin setting adds extra space to the side margin or top margin of a document that we plan to bind. A gutter margin helps ensure that text isn’t hidden by the binding.

PSEB 10th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Desktop Publishing

Question 5.
What are Graphics?
Answer: A graphic is an image or visual representation of an object. Computer graphics are simply images displayed on a computer screen. Computer graphics can be either two or three-dimensional. There are two main types of 2D graphic:

  • Bitmap or Raster graphics
  • Vector graphics

Question 6.
Explain the working of Laser Printer.
A laser printer works like a photocopy machine. Laser printers produce images on paper by directing a laser beam at a mirror which again directs the beam onto a drum. The drum has a special coating on it to which toner (an ink powder) sticks. Using patterns of small dots, a laser beam conveys information from the computer to a positively charged drum to become neutralized. From all those areas of drum which become neutralized, the toner detaches. As the paper rolls by the drum, the toner is transferred to the paper printing the letters or other graphics on the paper. A hot roller bonds the toner to the paper.

Question 7.
Explain WYSIWYG feature.
WYSIWYG, is an acronym for What You See Is What You Get. The term is used in computing to describe a system in which content displayed during editing appears very similar to the final output, which might be a printed document, web page, slide presentation or even the lighting for a theatrical event.

6. Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is the difference between Vector Graphics and Bitmap Graphics?
The difference between vector and bitmap graphics is as follows:

Vector Graphics Bitmap Graphics
1.  Vector Graphics are passed on Vector Paths 1. They are based on Pixels
2. They do not lose quality 2. They lose quality when expended
3. The file size is less 3. The file size is more.
4. These are used in advanced programmes 4. These are used for basic programmes

Question 2.
What is the difference between Impact and Non-Impact printers?
The differences between impact and non impact printers are as follows:

Impact Printer Non-Impact Printers
1. They produces noise. 1. They do not produce noise.
2. A head is strike on page. 2. No head is striked.
3. They are not costly. 3. They are costly.
4. A ribbon is used. 4. No ribbon is used.
5. They are slower in speed. 5. They are faster in speed.
6. The printing quality is low. 6. Their printing quality is high.
7. They use continous paper sheets. 7. They use individual paper sheets.
8. Example are Dot Matrix, Chain. 8. Example are Laser, Inkjet.

PSEB 10th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Desktop Publishing

Question 3.
Explain any two types of Impact printers.
Following are the two types of impact printers:

1. Impact Printers:
An impact printer has a head that contains pins to make contact with the paper. It usually forms the print image by striking its pins on a inked ribbon against the paper. Following are some examples of impact printers. The dot-matrix printer uses print heads containing from 9 to 24 pins. These pins produce patterns of dots on the paper to form the individual characters.

The 24 pin dot-matrix printer produces more dots that a 9 pin dot-matrix printer, which results in much better quality and clearer characters. The general rule is: the more pins, the clearer the letters on the paper. The pins strike the ribbon individually as the print mechanism moves across the entire print line in both directions, i.e, from left to right, then right to left, and so on. The user can produce a color output with a dot-matrix printer (the user will change the black ribbon with a ribbon that has color stripes). Dot-matrix printers are inexpensive and typically print at speeds of 100¬600 characters per second.

2. Daisy-Wheel Printers:
In order to get the quality of type found on typewriters, a daisy-wheel impact printer can be used. It is called daisy wheel printer because the print mechanism looks like a daisy; at the end of each “Petal” is a fully formed character which produces solid line print. A hammer strikes a “petal” containing a character against the ribbon, and the character prints on the paper. Its speed is slow typically 25-55 characters per second.

PSEB 10th Class Computer Guide Desktop Publishing Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
Which is graphic Software among following?
(a) Adobe Illustrator
(b) Corel Draw
(c) Inter Space
(d) All of Above
(d) All of Above

PSEB 10th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Desktop Publishing

Question 2.
Which one is Photo Editing software?
(a) Adobe Photoshop
(b) Coral PaintShop
(c) Both of These
(d) None of These
(c) Both of These

Question 3.
How many types are there of 2D Graphics?
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 1
(d) 4
(a) 2

Question 4.
What is the type of Laser Printer?
(a) Impact
(b) Non Impact
(c) Both of These
(d) None of these
(b) Non Impact

Fill in the Blanks

1. ………….. means spacing between two or more lines.

2. Frame …………..related information or graphics.

3. WYSIWYG means …………… .
what you see is what I get.

4. We can …………. document in many ways.

5. Faster color laser printer can print …………. pages/min.

PSEB 10th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Desktop Publishing


1. Header is written on the bottom of the page.

2. MS-Word is a DTP software.

3. We don’t need to planning for preparing a document.

4. Style include bullet effects.

5. Spacing between two or more lines are called scaling.

PSEB 10th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Desktop Publishing

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is the full form of WYSIWYG?
What You See Is What You Get

Question 2.
Which is the best printing?
Laser Printing

Question 3.
The printing in which ink is settled on paper is called?
Offset Printing

PSEB 10th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Desktop Publishing

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What do you mean by Desktop Publishing?
An application of computer that is enables small companies and individuals to produce reports, visiting cards, calendar, advertising, magazines etc. to near typeset quality. Modern systems, which simulate many of the professional typesetting functions, consist of a personal computer using DTP software.

Question 2.
What are the various methods of printing?
There are two methods of printing:

1. Offset Printing:
Ink sit on the surface of the paper, nearly all modem printing is offset. Most short-run-jobs are now being done digitally. Instead of the offset printing as personal, for business use it becomes better and Cheaper.

2. Laser Printing:
A laser printer is a common type of printer that produces high quality text and graphics. Laser printer uses non-impact photo copier technology.

PSEB 10th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Desktop Publishing

Question 3.
What do you mean by Scaling, Tracking & Leading?
1. Scaling:
There are a number of ways for adjusting text in a document. This term refers to that, without changing the points of any font we can increase or decrease its width.

2. Tracking:
Tracking simple means to increase or decrease the character space in a word or multiple words. It can also measure in points.

3. Leading:
It simply shows the line space between two or more lines. It can also measure in points or depends upon the desktop publishing software.

Question 4.
What are Margins?
Margins are the distance between the text from left and right edges, top and bottom edges. Margins are normally 1 inch, but you can adjust it according to your need.

Question 5.
What do you mean Document Planning?
Document planning mean to set the following:

  • Page layout
  • Style
  • Margin
  • Hader and Fotter
  • Font

PSEB 10th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Desktop Publishing

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What are fonts?
A font is a set of printable or displayable text character s in a specific style and size or we can say that a font is a specific typeface of a certain size and style. A typeface is a set of characters of the same design. These characters include letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and symbols. Some popular typefaces include Arial, Helvetica, Times, and Verdana. While most computers come with a few dozen typefaces installed, there are thousands of typefaces available.
PSEB 10th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Desktop Publishing
Question 2.
What do you mean by WYSIWYG?
A WYSIWYG is a system in which content (text and graphics) can be edited in a form closely resembling its appearance when printed or displayed as a finished product, such as a printed document, web page, or slide presentation. WYSIWYG is especially popular for desktop publishing.

With desktop publishing, we can increase productivity, minimize production cost, enhance the appearance of our documents, improve the level of creativity, reduce the time taken for printing and produce customized documents. The best part about DTP is that we can create professional-looking documents, without the need for graphic designer.

PSEB 10th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Desktop Publishing

Question 3.
What are different types of printers? Discuss working of Laser printer.
A printer is an external output device that takes data from a computer and generates output on a paper in the form of graphics/text. There are two types of printers.

Impact Printers:
An impact printer has a head that contains pins to make, contact with the paper. It usually forms the print image by striking its pins on a inked ribbon against the paper. Following are some examples of impact printers:

1. Dot-Matrix Printers:
The dot-matrix printer uses print heads containing from 9 to 24 pins. These pins produce patterns of dots on the paper to form the individual characters. The 24 pin dot-matrix printer produces more dots that a 9 pin dot-matrix printer, which results in much better quality and clearer characters.The general rule is, the more pins, the clearer the letters on the paper.

The pins strike the ribbon individually as the print mechanism moves across the entire print line in both directions, i.e, from left to right, then right to left, and so on. The user can produce a color output with a dot-matrix printer (the user will change the black ribbon with a ribbon that has color stripes). Dot-matrix printers are inexpensive and typically print at speeds of 100-600 characters per second.

2. Daisy-Wheel Printers:
It is called daisy-wheel printer because the print mechanism looks like a daisy; at the end of each “Petal” is a fully formed character which produces solid-line print. A hammer strikes a “petal” containing a character against the ribbon, and the character prints on the paper. Its speed is slow typically 25-55 characters per second.

3. Line Printers:
Line printers, or line-at-a-time printers, use special mechanism. that can print a whole line at once; it can typically print the range of 1,200 to 6,000 lines per minute. Drum, chain, and band printers are line-at- a-time printers.

Non-Impact Printers:
Non-impact printers do not use a striking device to produce characters on the paper; and because these printers do not hammer against the paper its much quieter. Following are some non-impacted printers:

1. Ink-Jet Printers:
Ink-jet printers work in the same fashion as dot matrix printers in the form images or characters with little dots. However, the dots are formed by tiny droplets of ink. Ink-jet printers form characters on paper by spraying ink from tiny nozzles through an electrical field that arranges the charged ink particles into characters at the rate of approximately 250 characters per second. The ink is absorbed into the paper and dries instantly. Various colors of ink can also be used.

2. Laser Printers:
A laser printer works like a photocopy machine. Laser printers produce images on paper by directing a laser beam at a mirror which again directs the beam onto a drum. The drum has a special coating on it to which toner (an ink powder) sticks. Using patterns of small dots, a laser beam conveys information from the computer to a positively charged drum to become neutralized. From all those areas of drum which become neutralized, the toner detaches. As the paper rolls by the drum, the toner is transferred to the paper printing the letters or other graphics on the paper. A hot roller bonds the toner to the paper.

Laser printers use buffers entire page at a time. When a whole page is loaded, it will be printed. The speed of laser printers is high and it print quietly without producing much noise. Many home-use laser printers can print eight pages per minute, but faster and print approximately 21,000 lines per minute, or 437 pages per minute (if each page contains 48 lines). When high speed laser printers were introduced they were expensive.

Gattka Game Rules – PSEB 10th Class Physical Education

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class Physical Education Book Solutions Gattka Game Rules.

Gattka Game Rules – PSEB 10th Class Physical Education

Question 1.
Write down about the plateform, dress and duration of GATTKA.

  • Plateform: Gattka ring is round in size of 7 1/2 m radius.
  • Dress: Competitors may wear Jercy or shirt but must have Patka on his head.
  • Size of Gattka: It is made of Baint, (some sort of Bamboo) and three feet in length from its handle.
  • Duration of Bout: One round of five minutes.

Gattka Game Rules - PSEB 10th Class Physical Education

Question 2.
Discuss the Draw, Bye and Walkover in Gattka.
Draw, Bye and Walkover:
1. A draw shall be made for all players after taking the name of the players A,B,C,D,E.

2. Player bearing A will,play against the name of A in a bout.

3. In those competitions in which there are more than four competitors a different number shall be drawn in the first series to reduce the number of competitors in the second series.

4. The player who gets a bye in the first series shall be the first to fight Bout in the second series. If there is an odd number of Byes, the player with the last bye shall compete in the second series against the winners of the first bout in the first series.

5. No player can receive a bye in the first series and a walkover in the second or two consecutive walk overs. In case such a position arises a fresh draw shall be made of the competitors still in the competition to provide opponents to those competitors who have already received bye walk over in the preceeding series.
Gattka Game Rules - PSEB 10th Class Physical Education 1

Question 3.
Draw the table of Drawing bout and Byes of Twenty Teams
Gattka Game Rules - PSEB 10th Class Physical Education 2
TABLE: Drawing Bouts and Byes No of Entries Bouts Byes-

No of Enteries Bouts Byes
5 1 3
6 2 2
7 3 1
8 4
9 1 7
10 2 6
11 3 5
12 4 4
13 5 3
14 6 2
15 7 1
16 8
17 2 15
18 2 14
19 3 13
20 4 12

Gattka Game Rules - PSEB 10th Class Physical Education

Question 4.
Write about the competition of Gattka.
Competitions of Gattka-

1. Limitations of Competitors:
Only five competitors are allowed to participate in a competition

2. First Draw:
If two members of the same team are being drawn together in a series and if one of them wishes to withdraw in favour of the other, a fresh draw will be made

3. Withdrawal:
If a competitor wants to withdraw from the competition after the draw has been made the official-in-charge will report to the organiser.

4. Retirement:
If any competitor wants to retire from the competition due to any reason, he will have to-inform the official-in-charge.

5. Byes:
Byes that arrive after the first series shall be spared for specified time with an opponent approved by the official-in-charge.

Question 5.
Who control the bout of Gattka?
Bout Control:

1. All competitions and contests shall be controlled by a referee, three Judges, a time keeper. The referee shall sit in the ring when the number of Judges is less than three. The referee shall complete the scoring paper. The exhibition bouts shall be controlled by referee.

2. The time keeper shall be seated on one side of the plateform while the Judges on the remaining three sides. The seats shall be replaced as to offer a satisfactory view of bouts.

Gattka Game Rules - PSEB 10th Class Physical Education

Question 6.
How the points are awarded in Gattka?
Awarding of Points:

  • In all competitions the Judges shall award points.
  • The points shall be recorded on the scoring paper at the end of each bout and totalled. Fractions cannot be taken into account.
  • Each Judge must declare a winner and sign his scoring paper as well as signed on all the scoring slips.

1. The competitor who strikes his opponent the greater number of touch with Gattka he will get the same number of points his touching on the head is awarded two points.

2. If the points to each competitors at the end of the bout is equal, the Judge will award the decision in favour of the competitor who has touched the opponent’s head more time of in the opinion of Judge both the competitors are equal in other aspects also, he will favour the competitor who has shown the better defence.

Stopping the bout:

  • When a referee is of the opinion that a competitor, due to some injury cannot continue the bout, he stops the bout in such cases, the rival player is declared the winner.
  • The referee has the right to stop the bout.
  • In all bouts, any competitor who fails to start the bout where there is time loss loses the bout.

Suspected foul: If the referee suspects that foul which he has not seen clearly soon he can consult the Judges and give the decision accordingly.

Question 7.
Write the fouls of Gattka.

  • Hitting with elbow
  • Hitting deliberately on the back of the neck or head.
  • Striking a competitor when he is down.
  • Holding the competitors.
  • Lying on with head or body.
  • Roughing
  • Shouldering
  • Wrestling
  • Double blows to the ear
  • Intentionally falling down without any reason.

Important Information about the Gattka Game

  • Shape of Gattka platform = Round
  • Circumference of platform = 30”, 20 c.m.
  • Length of Gattka Stick = 3’.3”, 100 c.m.
  • Weight of Gattka Stick = 500
  • Gattka made of =Bant
  • Thickness of Gattka = 1/2 to 3/4, 2 c.m. to 3 c.m.
  • Duration of Bout = 3 minutes 1 1/2,1 1/2 min (two half)
  • Dress of players = Jersey or Shirt, Patka on head
  • Officials of bout = Referee Council & Two Technical Officials, One Judge, One Scorer,One Time Keeper.
  • There are seven players in Gattka team in which five participate and two are substitutes.
  • Gattka ring in round in size of 7 1/2 m of radius.
  • The length of the Gattka is three feet from and three meter its handle which is made of Baint
  • The duration of Gattka Bout is three minutes.
  • There are three Judges and one Referee to conduct the bout.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 16 Water: A Precious Resource

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class Science Book Solutions Chapter 16 Water: A Precious Resource Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 16 Water: A Precious Resource

Science Guide for Class 7 PSEB Water: A Precious Resource Intext Questions and Answers

Think and Answer (Textbook Page No. 202)

Question 1.
Name three activities by which water is being wasted?
Three activities during which water is wasted:

  1. Water pipe leakage.
  2. Washing dishes with running water.
  3. Use of laundry machine with fewer clothes.

Question 2.
Should we check the wastage of water and why?
We must control water wastage. Reduce water wastage by purifying water and reusing it at homes, factories, farms and social organizations. Doing so reduces pollution and also saves water.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 16 Water: A Precious Resource

Think and Answer (Textbook Page No. 203)

Question 1.
…………………. is the process by which water is converted from its liquid state to a gaseous state.

Question 2.
………………….. is the process by which water is converted from its gaseous state to a liquid state.

PSEB 7th Class Science Guide Water: A Precious Resource Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Fill in the Blanks:

(i) The water we drink is in ……………………. state.

(ii) The process of seeping of water into the soil is called …………………. .

(iii) The upper level of groundwater is called ………………… .
Unsaturated area

(iv) ………………. means dealing with water in the best possible ways.
Water Management

(v) A farmer can use water economically in the field, by …………….. .
Drip irrigation system

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 16 Water: A Precious Resource

2. Write True or False:

(i) Water cycle helps in maintaining water on the earth.

(ii) About 97% of total water present on the earth is freshwater.

(iii) Repair leaking taps and pipes at the earliest.

(iv) We are quickly moving towards global water crisis.

(v) Turn on taps while brushing.

3. Match the Column ‘A’ with Column ‘B’:

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Ice (a) Oceans and sea
2. Saline w-ater (b) Rivers and ponds
3. Fresh water (c) Gaseous state of water
4. Water vapour (d) Purest form of water
5. Rain water (e) Solid state of water


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Ice (e) Solid state of water
2. Saline w-ater (a) Oceans and sea
3. Fresh water (b) Rivers and ponds
4. Water vapour (c) Gaseous state of w-ater
5. Rain water (d) Purest form of water

4. Choose the Correct Answer:

Question (i)
Which of the following is responsible for depletion of groundwater ?
(a) Increasing population
(b) Increasing industries
(b) Deforestation
(d) All of these.
(d) All of these.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 16 Water: A Precious Resource

Question (ii)
The Punjab preservation of subsoil water act was passed in the year:
(a) 2009
(b) 2010
(c) 2008
(d) 2015.
(a) 2009.

Question (iii)
The world water day is celebrated every year on:
(a) 22 April
(b) 24 March
(c) 22 March
(d) 22 May.
(c) 22 March.

Question (iv)
Ocean and seas cover about ………………… of the earth surface.
(a) 75%
(b) 71%
(c) 81%
(d) 29%.
(a) 75%.

Question (v)
We should not keep taps running while:
(a) Brushing
(b) Shaving
(c) Bathing
(d) All of these.
(d) All of these.

5. Very Short Answer Type Questions:

Question (i)
What do you mean by groundwater ?
This water is present on the upper layer of Earth in gaps between the soil particles, inside the broken rocks is accumulated. This water automatically rises to the surface in the form of a waterfalls. This water can be brought to the surface of the earth through tube wells.

Question (ii)
Why is sea and ocean water not fit for drinking ?
The water of the Sea and oceans is not drinkable because of excess salt present in it. One litre of seawater contains 35 grams of salt. By drinking this water dehydration, kidney failure, fainting and even death can occur.

Question (iii)
Define aquifers.
Wet Rock Layers. In many places there are layers of hard rock beneath the water table in which water get collected. These layers of rock are called wet rock layers.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 16 Water: A Precious Resource

Question (iv)
Name the three states of water.
State of Water. The three states of water are:

  1. Solid (in ice form),
  2. liquid (plain water) and
  3. Gas (vapours)

Question (v)
How is groundwater recharged ?
Ways to recharge ground water:

  1. Rainwater can be used to replenish groundwater.
  2. Farmers in the field can save water through drip irrigation system By doing so water may be replenished.
  3. Administration should manage water supply for houses and should keep a check on water leakage.

6. Short Answer Type Questions:

Question (i)
Enlist some activities by which water is being wasted by people.
The following are some of the human activities that waste a lot of water:

  1. Brushing and shaving with a running tap.
  2. Watering the garden in the afternoon during the summer season. If we water plants between 5 and 7 in the morning then evaporation of water will be less.
  3. Cleaning kitchen utensils under a running tap will require a lot of water.
  4. Washing utensils in the dishwasher when the dishwasher is not full.
  5. Washing clothes when the washing machine is not fully loaded with clothes.
  6. Bathing under running taps or sitting under a shower for long a time.

Question (ii)
How will you minimize the use of water to maintain a garden ?
We can reduce water consumption in the garden by :
1. Irrigating garden in the morning or in the evening and not in the afternoon during summer season will reduce water consumption as less water vapours will be formed at this time.

2. Irrigation of the garden should be done with drip irrigation system or sprinkler from which only that amount of water will be supplied as much is required i.e. water will not be wasted.

Question (iii)
How is water important to us ?
Importance of Water.
Water is one of the most important resources on earth. All living things need water to survive. In addition to drinking, human beings need water for cooking, bathing, washing clothes, washing utensils, cleaning teeth, cleaning house. Water is also required to generate electricity, for agricultural purpose to manufacture and various utilities.

Question (iv)
How increase in human population is leading to depletion of water table ?
Human Population Growth is Responsible for depletion of water table.
As human population is growing rapidly, so does the demand for water for its daily needs. Groundwater is often used for the construction of homes, shops, offices, roads, railways and many other purposes. Such construction also reduces the area under which rainwater seeps underground. In this way we are not only consuming groundwater but also reducing groundwater seepage.

As a result of this ground water level falls. To meet the needs of the growing population, more and more industries need to be set up which makes more use of ground water which causes the groundwater level to fall further. Trees are cut down to meet the needs of the growing population, which deteriorates the water cycle. This is the reason why there is depletion of water table percolating.

Question (v)
Why do plants wilt and finally dry up if they do not get water for some days ?
If we don’t water plants it result in dehydration of leaf cells and stems, from which the as a result of which plant, wither without standing upright and die after some time.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 16 Water: A Precious Resource

7. Long Answer Type Question:

Question 1.
What steps will you take to save water ?
Steps to save water. We can save water by taking the following steps:

  1. By stopping water leakage from pipes and taps.
  2. By keeping water taps closed while brushing and shaving.
  3. Instead of washing the floor with fresh water, use mop and reuse laundry water in toilets.
  4. Wash vegetables and fruits with water in a large vessel instead washing them of under a running tap, and finally pour this water into the plants.
  5. Avoid of washing your vehicle (car or scooter) in running fresh water, wash it with a bucket full of water.
  6. Collecting rainwater and using it for various purposes such like cleaning and gardening.
  7. Planting new plants during the rainy season.
  8. By making people aware about water conservation techniques.

PSEB Solutions for Class 7 Science Water: A Precious Resource Important Questions and Answers

1. Fill in the blanks:

(i) People obtain the ground water through ……………….. and ………………. .
Tubewells and boring pipes

(ii) Three forms of water are …………….. ,………………. and ………………. .
Solid, Liquid, Gas

(iii) The water bearing layer of the earth is ……………….. .
Water table

(iv) The process of water seepage into the ground is called ……………….. .

(v) …………………. of human body is made of water.

(vi) …………………. of sline water is available on surface of earth.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 16 Water: A Precious Resource

2. Match the Column ‘A’ with Column ‘B’:

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
(i) Falling groundwater level (a) Farmers can save water in the fields
(ii) Maintain the total amount of water on earth (b) Wet rock layer
(iii) Drip Irrigation System (c) The water cycle
(iv) Water between layers of rocks below the water table. (d) Increasing population, increasing industry, deforestation


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
(i) Falling groundwater level (d) Increasing population, increasing industry, deforestation
(ii) Maintain the total amount of water on earth (c) The water cycle
(iii) Drip Irrigation System (a) Farmers can save water in the fields
(iv) Water between layers of rocks below the water table. (b) Wet rock layer.

3. Choose the Correct Answer:

Question (i)
The total water:
(a) in the lakes and rivers of the world remains constant.
(b) under the ground remains constant.
(c) in the seas and oceans of the world remains constant.
(d) of the w’orld remains constant.
(d) of the world remains constant.

Question (ii)
Which one of the following is not responsible for water shortage ?
(a) Rapid growth of industries
(b) Increasing population
(c) Heavy rainfall
(d) Mismanagement of water resources.
(c) Heavy rainfall

Question (iii)
The surface of earth is covered with water:
(a) 20%
(b) 29%
(c) 71%
(d) 30%.
(c) 71%.

Question (iv)
How much fresh water is available on earth?
(a) 0.003%
(b) 1%
(c) 71%
(d) None of above.
(b) 1%.

3. State True or False

(i) The fresh water stored in the ground is much more than that is present in the rivers and lakes in the world.

(ii) Water shortage is a problem faced only by the people living in rural areas.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 16 Water: A Precious Resource

(iii) Water from rivers is the only source for irrigation in the fields.

(iv) Rain water is the ultimate source of water.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
In which structure, the vast quantity of water is available ?
Seas or Oceans.

Question 2.
Name the various sources of water.
Sources of Water. The various natural sources of water are:

  1. Rain water
  2. Well water
  3. River water
  4. Pond water
  5. Lake water
  6. Sea water
  7. Spring water.

Question 3.
Which day is celebrated as world water day ?
22nd March.

Question 4.
What is significance of ‘water day’ ?
To cause awareness among the people about the importance of conserving water.

Question 5.
Is water abundant every where ?
No, the distribution of water all over the world is not even.

Question 6.
What are water vapours ?
Water in gaseous form.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 16 Water: A Precious Resource

Question 7.
How is water supplied in cities ?
By a network of pipes.

Question 8.
What is water table ?
Water Table. The upper limit of layer of water filled in gaps and crevices of rocks is called water table.

Question 9.
How is deforestation responsible for depletion of water table ?
By deforestation, the effective area for seepage of water decreases.

Question 10.
Which floor allows water to seep through it, Kaccha floor or Pucca floor ?
Kacha floor.

Question 11.
What are deserts ?
Deserts. Deserts are areas which get scanty rainfall.

Question 12.
What are the causes of floods ?
Excessive rainfalls.

Question 13.
What happens when it doesn’t rain ?
Drought occurs due to lack of rainfall.

Question 14.
Who is responsible for preventing loss of precious water in cities ?
Sivil Authority.

PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 16 Water: A Precious Resource

Question 15.
What is full form of NGO ?
NGO. Non Government Organization.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
How does water occur in nature ?
Water is one of the most widely distributed and abundant substances occuring in nature. It occurs in nature as follows:

  1. Water occurs in wells, oceans, lakes, rivers, springs, etc.
  2. Water occurs as rain water and underground water.
  3. Water occurs in the form of ice and snow in colder regions.
  4. Water is present in the atmosphere in the form of water vapours.

Question 2.
What is rain water harvesting ? Why is it done ?
Rain water harvesting. The collection of rain water in tanks etc. to use it in need is called rain water harvesting.
Need of rain water harvesting,

  1. To increase the availability of water.
  2. To store water for later use.

Question 3.
What are the causes of wastage of water ?
Causes responsible for wastage of water:

  1. Leaking of taps
  2. supply of water through pipes.

Question 4.
What happens when plants are not watered for a few days ?
Plants will dry up, if not watered for a few days.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Explain the water cycle process with the help of diagram.
PSEB 7th Class Science Solutions Chapter 16 Water A Precious Resource 1
Water Cycle:
There is a constant supply of water on Earth through various natural methods. All these methods together form the water cycle. During the water cycle, water gets to the earth in one of its three forms:
(i) solid (ii) liquid and (iii) gas. Water from earth’s available groundwater sources – oceans, lakes, rivers, lakes, etc. – evaporates through the sun’s heat and remains in the atmosphere. These water vapours condense to form cloud water and fall on the earth in the form of rain. In the solid state, water is in the form of ice and snow on the poles of the earth and in the form of glaciers in the mountains. Together they form the entire water cycle.

  1. Groundwater,
  2. Evaporation,
  3. Condensation,
  4. Clouds,
  5. Precipitation,
  6. Rain.

Question 2.
Explain the factors responsible for groundwater depletion.
Factors responsible for the fall in water levels are:
(1) Population growth,
(2) Industrial and agricultural activities,
(3) Low rainfall,
(4) Deforestation,
(5) Decrease in the area for water absorption etc.
are some of the factors which are some of the factors for lowering the ground level.

1. Population growth.
As the population grows, the demand for construction of buildings, shops, offices, roads, and many other institutions increases. This leads to a reduction in open areas such as farmland and playgrounds. Due to this the rate of absorption of rainwater in the soil decreases. Due to this the groundwater level is constantly drying up.

2. Growing Industries.
Water is being used by all industries. Water is needed in the production of everything. Water used by most industries is extracted from the land.

3. Agriculture.
Many farmers depend on rainfall for the irrigation of crops. Irregular rainfall reduces the availability of water. Therefore farmers have to use groundwater for irrigation. Due to population growth, the use of groundwater for agriculture is increasing day by day. As a result, groundwater levels continue to fall.

4. Poor management of water.
When water is supplied through pipes, leakage occurs in the supply pipes which causes a lot of water loss and therefore causes groundwater levels to fall.

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 6 Value of sports

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Book Solutions Chapter 6 Value of sports Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 7 Physical Education Chapter 6 Value of sports

Physical Education Guide for Class 7 PSEB Value of sports Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Write down the names of 10 big & ten small games.
Big Games: Footbal, Hockey, Cricket, Netball, Throw ball, Volleyball, Kabaddi, Kho-Kho, Wrestling, Boxing.
Small Games: Touch & go, Tag games Shadow games, hide & seek, Pick the handkerchief. Searching the leader Cat & Mouse, Peeling the skin, Masula-Ghori, Jang-Planga.

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 6 Value of sports

Question 2.
What are the fundamental skills of a man? How did the games of today originate from these fundamental skills?
Walking Running, Jumping, Throwing all are fundamental skills. All these fundamental skills are improved along with other industries of civilization and we have convert this fundamental skills to this games which spread out in the whole world.

Question 3.
What are the uses of games for man?

  • Development & growth of body
  • Proper use of Leisure time
  • Full control over Emotions
  • Obedience
  • Spirit of co-operation
  • Punctuality
  • Tolerance
  • Self-Confidence
  • Firm determination
  • Spirit of competition.

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 6 Value of sports

Question 4.
What Qualities does a man learn by participating in games?

  • Good health
  • Conditioned body
  • Full control over emotions
  • Development of intelligence
  • Development of character
  • Development of will power
  • Spirit of brotherhood
  • Leadership
  • International Co-operation
  • Competitional Co-operation

Question 5.
How games are useful for a country?

  • International Co-operation: Teams of one country go to another countries to play the game. This helps in creating a feeling of friendship between different countries.
  • Good Citizenship: The spirit of sportsmanship that a player is expected to have, helps him become a good citizen.
  • Prominent Leaders: A nation need good & experienced leaders in order to make progress. Games help produce good leaders.
  • Nation Integration: Keeing the nation as one integrated unit was one of the major issues after independence. Games played an important role in keeping the united nation.
  • Strong defence: A country needs strong, healthy & disciplined soldied to able to defend its borders.

Question 6.
What is the importance of games at the international level?
Teams of one country go to other for play the games. This helps in creating a feeling of friendship between different countries.

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 6 Value of sports

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Guide Value of sports Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
Name of big game.
(A) Football, Hockey, Cricket, Table Tennis
(B) Kho-Kho, Basketball
(C) Badminton, Wrestling and Kabaddi
(D) All the above.
(D) All the above.

Question 2.
Name the small games.
(A) Touch and go, Tag games, shadow games
(B) Cat and mouse
(C) Raja Rani, Circle Kho-Kho
(D) All the above.
(D) All the above.

Question 3.
Main skill of man.
(A) Walking
(B) Running
(C) Jumping and throwing
(D) All the above.
(D) All the above.

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 6 Value of sports

Question 4.
What are the uses of games for Man?
(A) Development of body and mind
(B) Proper use of leisure time
(C) Full control over emotion
(D) All the above.
(D) All the above.

Question 5.
What qualities does a man born in sports?
(A) Health
(B) Conditioning Body
(C) Development of intelligence
(D) All the above.
(D) All the above.

Question 6.
How games are useful for a country?
(A) Nation integration
(B) Strong defence
(C) Prominent leader
(D) All the above.
(D) All the above.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
In early time how a man can spend his life?

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 6 Value of sports

Question 2.
In How many types of games are divided?
Big & Small games.

Question 3.
What are Indian games?
Wrestling, Kabaddi and Kho-Kho.

Question 4.
What are the natural and interested activities of Child?

Question 5.
Endurance firm-decision, confidence, how these all responsibilities comes in our minds?
By Games.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Write the international quality of game?
When an particular game of a nation go to other country to play. Which develop the quality of friendship at international spirit with this love & affection all the enimity of the country disappears. and peace prevails among the countries. Sports play an important role in person to person & country to country for brotherhood & peace.

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 6 Value of sports

Question 2.
What are the importance of physical activity in human life?
Very beginning of childhood when starts some type of activity it is inborn qualities as soon as he becomes elder the activity is increased according to age. These are divided into 2 parts.
1. Natural activities.
2. Traditional activities.
All the games come in traditional activities. Men become physically & mentally strong in sports.

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 5 Yoga

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Book Solutions Chapter 5 Yoga Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 7 Physical Education Chapter 5 Yoga

Physical Education Guide for Class 7 PSEB Yoga Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What do you mean by Yoga?
The objective of Yoga is unity, union and love. In simple words we can say that yoga means the union of man and God. Science that unites man & God is called Science of Yoga.

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 5 Yoga

Question 2.
What is Yoga according to Rishi Patanjali?
To control the insticts of our mind’s called Yoga.

Question 3.
Write any one definition of Yoga.
Yoga is that path which leads a human being from darkness to light.

Question 4.
What do you mean by the word Asanas?
Asana is an old method of Yoga which makes the base of Pranayam, Dhyan & Smadhi. Asana word means art of sitting. According to scripture Yoga Sutra written by Patanjali Asana is that situation of a person in which he can sit maximum for time comfortably.

Question 5.
How many types are there of Asanas? Write in detail.

  1. Cultural Asana: Asana which performed to strengthen body are called cultural Asana.
  2. Meditative Asana: These type of asana is used to the smadhi or meditation.
  3. Relaxative Asana: These asanas are done in lying position. The objective of this asana is give relaxation to the body.

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 5 Yoga

Question 6.
Yoga is only a method of treatment. Write your views regarding this statement.
Many diseases are possible to treat with the help of Yoga. Some People assume that Yoga is a method of a treatment & meant for only these people who are suffering from any disease. Yoga can be done by any healthy person & he can save his body from any disease.

Question 7.
What is Objective of Yoga?
Objective of Yoga is to unite love & affection with each other. With the help of Yoga we can control our mind.

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Guide Yoga Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
How many types are there of Asanas?
(A) Three
(B) Two
(C) One
(D) None.
(A) Three

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 5 Yoga

Question 2.
What do you mean by Yoga?
(A) Adding
(B) Union
(C) Union of Man with God
(D) All the above.
(D) All the above.

Question 3.
Principle of Yoga.
(A) While doing Asana we should take care of sex and age
(B) Do not exert much force while doing Asanae
(C) Aaanas should be done empty stomach
(D) All the above.
(D) All the above.

Question 4.
Misconceptions of Yoga
(A) Yoga is related to a particular sect
(B) The yoga is meant for men
(C) The Yoga is only for sick person
(D) All the above
(D) All the above

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 5 Yoga

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Write about Yoga in detail.
Yoga word derived from Sanskrit word Yoga which means unite the soul with God.

Question 2.
Write any definition of Yoga.
Yoga is that path which leads a human from darkness of light

Question 3.
Write any one misconception of Yoga.
It is related with particular religion.

Question 4.
What is asana?
Asana La that situation of a person in which he can sit maximum for time comfortably.

Short Answer Type Question

Question 1.
Write any three principles of Asana.

  • Do not exert much force while doing Asana. Body should, be in static & comfortable position.
  • Asanas should be done empty stomach or four hours after taking meals.
  • Heart Patients & pregnant ladies do not do difficult asanas.

PSEB 7th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 5 Yoga

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Write the misconceptions of Yoga?
1. The Yoga is related to a particular Sect:
Yoga was started in India by hermits. Many people consider that Yoga is related to Hindu religion & they consider that Yoga is meant for Hindus Only.

2. That Yoga is meant for men:
Many people consider that people doing Yoga, have to follow strict rules. Hence, it can be done by men only. It is meant for women.

3. That Yoga is’only for sick person:
Many diseases are possible to treat with the help of Yoga. Some people assume that Yoga is a method of treatment & meant for only those people who are suffering from diseases.

Question 2.
Write principles of Asanas.

  • Asana should be done empty stomach or four hours after meals.
  • Heart Patients & pregnant women should not do difficult Asanas.
  • Body should be bent slowly while doing asana. Do not give Jerks while doing asanas.
  • Do not exert much force while doing asanas.
  • The place for doing the practice of asanas should be clean & peaceful.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III)

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class Computer Science Book Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III) Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 7 Computer Science Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III)

Computer Guide for Class 7 PSEB Microsoft Word (Part-III) Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Fill in the Blanks

Question 1.
After selecting the picture tab appears.
(a) Format
(b) Page Layout
(c) insert
(d) View.
(a) Format

Question 2.
For text wrapping, we can use option.
(a) Square
(b) Tight
(c) Behind Text
(d) All of these.
(d) All of these.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III)

Question 3.
To remove any unwanted parts of picture, option s used.
(a) Crop
(b) Rotate
(c) Group
(d) Compress.
(a) Crop

Question 4.
Which of the following option is not available in the Adjust group of Format tab?
(a) Corrections
(6) Artistic Effects
(c) Remove Background
(d) Picture Styles.
(d) Picture Styles.

Question 5.
We can find the number of words in the bar at the bottom of the window.
(a) Task Bar
(b) Status Bar
(c) Title Bar
(d) Scroll Bar.
(b) Status Bar

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III)

2. Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Which option splits the text into two or more Columns?
The Columns option from the Page Setup group in the format tab divides the text into two or more sections.

Question 2.
Which page orientation sets the page in horizontal direction?
Landscape Orientation.

Question 3.
Which option is used to group two or more images together so that they can be treated as a single object?
Two or more images can be grouped together as one object using the Group command from the Arrange group in the Layout tab.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III)

Question 4.
Which option can be used to change the colors of the picture in MS Word?
From the Picture Format tab, the color of the picture can be changed with the Color option from the Adjust group.

Question 5.
Which option is used to count words in MS Word?
Words can be counted using the Word Count option from the Proofing group in the Review tab or the Word Count Dialog box from the Status bar.

3. Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What are Margins?
A margin is the space between the text and the edge of the page. By default, a new document’s margins are set to Normal, which means it has a one-inch space between the text and each edge. Depending on your needs, Word allows you to change your document’s margin size.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III)

Question 2.
What do you mean by Compress Picture?
With this button the image can be compressed. To reduce the size of documents, pictures can be reduced in storage size. You can change the resolution of an image or delete a cropped part of an image.

Question 3.
Write about Reset Picture.
If you want to remove all formatting changes to a picture in the document, “Reset Picture’ command will be used. This button is used to undo all formatting changes made to the picture and restore it to its original format.

  • Select the picture.
  • in the Format tab, click on the Reset picture option from the Adjust group.

Question 4.
What is Crop option?
Crop button is used to delete the unwanted part of an image. When you crop an image, an unselected part of the picture is removed. Steps to crop the image are as follows:

  • Select the image you want to crop. The Format tab appears.
  • On the Format tab, click the Crop command.
  • Black handles will appear around the image. Click, hold and drag a handle to crop the image.
  • Click the Crop command again. The image will be cropped.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III)

Question 5.
Give the name of two page orientation in MS Word.
To change the position of a document from a portrait to a landscape, click this button. To change the position of the page, steps are as follows:

  • Select the Page Layout tab.
  • in the Page Setup group, click on the “Orientation” command.
  • Click “Portrait” or “Landscape” to change the position of the page. Landscape format means the page is horizontal, while portrait format means it is vertical.

Question 6.
Write the name of various options available in the adjust group of Picture Tools Format tab.
Correction, Picture Color, Artistic Effect, Compress Picture, Change Picture, Reset Picture, Remove Background.

4. Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is Watermark? Write steps to add watermark in a word document.
Watermark: it is just like a stamp. it is used for confidential documents. A watermark is an image that appears blurred behind the text on a page. The steps to add a watermark to the document are given ahead:

  • Open the document to which you want to include the water-mark.
  • Click the Page Layout tab and then click the “Watermark” button to display a list of standard watermark options.
  • You can select any available standard watermark by clicking on it. This will apply to all pages of the document.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III)

Question 2.
Write the steps to run a Spelling and Grammar Check.
To do Spelling and Grammar check, steps are as follows:

  • From the Review tab, click the Spelling & Grammar command.
  • The Spelling and Grammar dialog box will appear.
  • This dialog box offer one or more suggestions for spellings and grammatical errors.
  • You can select a suggestion and click “Change” to correct the error.

Question 3.
Explain the steps to Print a Document.
Once you’ve created your document, you may want to print it to view and share your work offline. it’s easy to preview and print a document in Word using the Print option.

  • On the File tab or Office button, click Print command.
  • A print dialog box will appear.
  • In the “Name” drop-down list select the name of you printer.
  • In the “Copies” box, enter the number of copies you want.
  • In “Page Range” option select “All” option if you want to print all pages of your document.
  • If you want particular page to print then click “Pages” radio button and type page number in the box.
  • Now click “Print” option. Your document will be print.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Guide Microsoft Word (Part-III) Important Questions and Answers

1. Fill in the Blanks

Question 1.
The text of the paragraph is selected by pressing the arrow keys and the ………….. key together.
(a) Special
(b) Shift
(c) Number
(d) Function.
(b) Shift

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III)

Question 2.
The default line spacing is …………… point.
(a) Single
(b) Double
(c) Triple
(d) Four.
(a) Single

Question 3.
The fill color option is used to color in ………………… .
(a) Text
(b) Line
(c) Shape
(d) Word.
(c) Shape

Question 4.
For border and shading …………… menu is used.
(a) File
(b) Edit
(c) Format
(d) Home.
(c) Format

Question 5.
Auto Shapes are submitted from the …………….. tool bar.
(a) Shapes
(b) Home
(c) Word
(d) Drawing.
(d) Drawing.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III)

2. True/False

1. The left mouse button is clicked three times to select the entire paragraph.

2. By default paragraph text is right aligned.

3. indentation command is used for shading.

4. To fill ClipArt, Click insert Picture then click ClipArt command.

5. Arial and Times New Roman are the names of the fonts.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III)

3. Match the Columns

Column A Column B
1. Ctrl + B (a) For double line spacing
2. Ctrl + E (b) For bold the text
3. Ctrl+ 2 (c) For Left, Right, Center, Justify
4. Font style (d) For Center Alignment
5. Alignment (e) Bold, Italic, Underline


Column A Column B
1. Ctrl + B (b) For bold the text
2. Ctrl + E (d) For Center Alignment
3. Ctrl+ 2 (a) For double line spacing
4. Font style (e) Bold, Italic, Underline
5. Alignment (c) For Left, Right, Center, Justify

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III)

4. Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is Picture Border?
Picture border means the line around a picture.

Question 2.
What is picture position?
Picture position means where the picture is located into the document.

Question 3.
What are the various options available in page layout tab?
The Page Layout tab has more than one Page layout and Formatting options. This affects the look of a page’s content. Depending on how we want to present our document, we can choose Page Orientation, Paper Segment and Page Margin commands.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III)

Question 4.
Write steps for formatting page margins.

  • Click on the Page layout tab.
  • Click on the Margins command from page setup group. A drop-down menu will appear. By default “Normal” margin will be selected.
  • Click on the Predefined margin as you want.

Question 5.
Describe the steps for using custom margin.

  • Click on Margin command from the Page Layout tab.
  • A drop-down menu will appear. From this menu click “custom margin” option.
  • A Page Setup dialog box will appear.
  • Adjust the margin size for each side of the page, and click Ok.

Question 6.
What is Orientation?
To change the position of a document from a portrait to a landscape, click this button. To change the position of the page, steps are as follows:

  • Select the Page Layout tab.
  • in the Page Setup group, click on the “Orientation” command.
  • Click “Portrait” or “Landscape” to change the position of the page. Landscape format means the page is horizontal, while portrait format means it is vertical.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III)

Question 7.
What are the steps to change the paper size?

  • Select Page Layout.
  • Click on the Page-Size command and a drop-down menu will appear. The current page size will be highlighted.
  • Click on the Size option as per your requirement. The page size of the document will change.

Question 8.
What does the column option do?
This option splits the written text into two or more columns.

5. Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What are corrections? How are they used?
Adjust Group:
You do not need to use additional picture editing software to create high quality images for your document. Instead, you can use Adjust tools to correct and improve your photos.
1. Select photo.
2. In the Format tab, click on the Correction option from the Adjust group. A drop-down menu will now open. From this menu, select 3. Sharpen/Soften and Brightness/ Contrast settings according to your needs.
PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III) 1
To make these settings more detailed, go to Picture Format>> Corrections>> “Picture Corrections Options” option. The Format Picture sidebar appears. This allows you to provide special settings for Sharpness, Brightness and Contrast.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III)

Question 2.
Write the steps for using the color option.
Picture Color:
Microsoft Word allows you to control the color and tone of your picture and you can repaint the whole picture for special effects.
Steps to change the picture color are as follows:
(a) Select picture.

(b) In the Format tab, click on the Color option from the Adjust group. A drop-down menu will open.

(c) In this menu there are 3 options:

  • Color Saturation: This controls how bright the colors are in the image.
  • Color Tone: This controls the temperature of the color, from cool to warm.
  • Recolor ; This controls the overall color of the image. Use this option to make the image black and white or gray scale, or to colorize it with a different color.

(d) Choose any of the options as per your need.
PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III) 2

Question 3.
Write the steps for compressing a picture.
Compress Picture: With this button the image can be compressed. To reduce the size of documents, pictures can be reduced in storage size. You can change the resolution of an image or delete a cropped part of an image. The steps to compress a picture are given below:

  • Select the picture.
  • In the Format tab, click on the Compress picture option from the Adjust group.
  • Now a Compression Settings dialog box will open.
    PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III) 3
  • If you want to print the picture, click on the Print (220 ppi) option.
  • If you want to reduce the size of the file to e-mail, click on the E-mail (96 ppi) option.
  • If you want to upload the file to a web page or projector, click on Project Options.

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III)

Question 4.
Write the steps to remove the background of the picture.
Remove Background:
This option is used to automatically remove unwanted parts of an image. Areas to remove or keep can be marked in the picture. Following are the steps to remove the background of a photo:

(a) Select the image from which you want to remove the background.

(b) Click the “Remove Background” option from the Adjust group in the Format tab.

(c)Now the default background area will be marked with magenta color, while the foreground will remain its natural color.
(d)If the default area isn’t correct, go to Background Removal > Picture Tools and do one or both of the following:

  • If parts of the picture that you want to keep are magenta, select
  • “Mark Areas to Keep” option and use the drawing pencil to mark the areas on the picture that you want to keep.
  • To remove more parts of the picture, select Mark Areas to
  • Remove option and use the drawing pencil to mark those areas

When you’re done, select “Keep Changes” or “Discard All Changes”.
PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III) 4

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III)

Question 5.
Write down the steps to apply a picture style.
Picture Style Group:
Picture Styles Gallery offers many preset styles that make it easy for you to add borders and special effects with one click.
1. Picture Style Gallery:
This field provides a list of different formats that can be applied to an image. To see what each style will do, just move the mouse pointer over each style. To apply the style on a picture steps are as follows:
(a) Select the photo whose style you want to change.
(b) On the Format tab, in the Picture Styles group, click any style you like.
PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III) 5

2. Picture Border:
Use this command to change the color, width, or line style of the border of the image. Steps to add border as follows:

  • Select the image to which you want to add a border.
  • On the Picture Format tab, in the Picture Styles gallery, select Picture Border command. A drop-down menu will appear.
  • From this menu select color for border line.
  • Select weight (thickness) of boarder line.
  • Select whether the line of the border is dashed.

3. Picture Effects:
Click this button to add visual effects to the picture such as shadows, 3-D effects, and glows. Steps to add an effect to a picture are as follows:

  • Select the picture for which you want to add or change an effect.
  • Under the Format tab, in the Picture Styles group, click Picture Effects command.
  • A drop-down list will appear. From this menu select appropriate effect for image.

Question 6.
Write the steps of wrapping text.
Text Wrapping:
This feature is used to apply wrapping to an image. When wrapping is applied, text can be typed around the image. Make it easy to move images from one place to another in a document. To apply the text wrapping on the image follow these steps:
(a) Select the image which you want to apply wrapping.
(b) From the Picture Tools tab, in the Arrange group, click on the “Text Wrapping” option.
Do one of the following:

  • Click “Square” command to type the text around the border of your picture.
  • Click ‘Tight” command to type text around a clip art image or an irregularly shaped image.
  • Click “Behind Text” command to display the text on the image.
  • Click “In Front of Text” command to display the image on the text.
  • Click “Top and Bottom” command to place the image on your line.
  • Click “More Layout Options” command for more layout Options.

From this dialog box, specify the distance between the text and the image.
PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III) 6

PSEB 7th Class Computer Solutions Chapter 5 Microsoft Word (Part-III)

Question 7.
Write the steps for adding background color or texture.
Page Color:
With the help of this option we can apply different colors, textures and pictures to the background of the page in our document. Steps to add background color or texture are as follows:

  • Click on “Page color” command in the Page Background group from the Page Layout tab.
  • A drop-down menu will appear.
  • Choose one of the following options from this drop-down menu:
  • To apply the background color click any color from “Theme Colors or Standard Colors”.
  • To apply the texture, Gradient, pattern and pictures into the background, click “Fill Effects” option.
  • A Fill Effect dialog Box will appear. Select appropriate design for you background.