PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 3 Citizen and Citizenship

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class Political Science Book Solutions Chapter 3 Citizen and Citizenship Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 11 Political Science Chapter 3 Citizen and Citizenship

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is the definition of a citizen? What are the differences between a citizen and an alien?
Give the definition of a citizen.
Definition of a Citizen. The word ‘Citizen’ is sometimes loosely used in the sense of a man living in a city and possessing a polished tongue and refined manner. This is not the sense in which the term citizen is used in Civics. A citizen is that member of population of a State who enjoys all the rights civil as well as political under the protection of the State in return for the allegiance he owes to the State.

1. According to Aristotle, “He, who has the power to take part in deliberative of judicial administration of any State does not make a person a citizen of the the State.” Mere residence in the territory of a State does not make a person a citizen of foreign States.

2. Vattal has defined citizen as “the members of a. civil society bound to this society by certain duties, subject to its authority and equal participation in its advantages.”

3. According to Sri Niwas Shastri, “A citizen is one who is a member of a state and tries to fulfil and realise himself fully within it along with an intelligent appreciation of what would conduce to the highest moral welfare of the community.”

4. According to A.K.Siu, “A citizen is one who owes allegiance to the State, has access to the Civil and Political right and is inspired with Spirit of Service to the Community.”

5. According to Miller, “Citizens are the member of the Political Community to which they belong. They are the people who compose the State and who in their associate capacity have established or subjected themselves to the domination of governmeiit for the protecfion of the individual and collective rights.”

The state protects the citizens’ life, liberty and property and his political rights. It provides himself opportunities for developing his personality and leading a useful and happy life.’

Citizen and Alien:

An Alien:
As has been noted above that all the people living in a State are not citizens. Citizens are only the members of the State. Besides the citizen so many foreigners live in the State. These foreigners are infact the citizens of other States. These foreigners are of three types:

1. Resident Aliens:
There are so many persons in each State who leave their country and reside in another State. They start their business in that country. Such like residents have no desire to go back to their country. They break off their relations with their country and consider themselves the citizens of the State where they reside. But they will become the citizens of the resident State only when the government will grant them political rights. So, many Indians live in Sri Lanka, South Africa, Canada and Australia and they are not the citizens of these countries.

2. Temporary Residents:
Foreigners who come to another country for a short period and after the completion of their business go back, they are called temporary residents. Such like foreigners come for some particular business or on a pleasure trip. Foreign students also come under this category.

3. Diplomatic Representatives:
They include ambassadors, ministers counsels, agents and the subordinate staff attached to them. Until other aliens, they entitled to special privileges and immunities. These are not amenable to the jurisdiction of the laws of the State where they are appointed.

Distinctions between the Citizen and an Alien.:

  • A citizen is a member of state whereas an alien is not member of a state.
  • A citizen has the right of permanent residence in the state wheras the alien does not enjoy this right.
  • The main difference between a citizen and alien is that a citizen enjoys political rights i.e. the right to vote, the right to be elected, the right to hold public office and the right to be protected abroad and whereas the alien does not enjoy political rights.
  • An alien owes allegiance to his own State and not to the country wherein he lives.
  • In time of war foreigners can be asked to leave the country but not the citizens.
  • In time of war military service can be made compulsory for the citizens but not for the foreigners.
  • The status of a citizen is superior to that of an alien.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 3 Citizen and Citizenship

Question 2.
Define citizen. How Citizenship is acquired?
Discuss the methods of acquiring and losing Citizenship.
What is the meaning of Citizenship? Describe the methods of acquiring Citizenship.
Definitions of Citizenship:
Citizenship is a legal relationship which binds an individual to the State of which he is a member. Laski offers more positive conception of citizenship by defining as “contribution of one’s instructed judgement to public goods.” This definition assigns a positive role to the citizen, viz his duty to contribute his mite towards material and moral advancement of his fellow citizens and that humanity as a whole.

According to Gettel, “Citizenship is that condition of individual due to which he can use national and political right in his ready to fulfil obligation.”
According to Boyd, “Citizenship consists in the right ordering of loyalties.

Kinds of Citizens. There are two types of citizens:
1. Natural Citizen:
A natural citizen is one who is the citizen of a State by birth. He enjoys all the civic and political rights and owes allegiance to the State.

2. Naturalized Citizen:
A naturalized citizen is an alien who acquires the citizenship of the State after fulfiling certain conditions. In certain States, however, no distinction is made between natural and naturalized citizens. But in some States a naturalized citizen does not enjoy a status equal to that of a natural citizen.

Acquisition Of Citizenship:

A. Natural Citizenship:
Natural citizens are citizens by birth. There are two practices which are observed regarding the acquisition of citizenship by birth-jus- Sanguin is and jus Soli.

1. Jus-Sanguinis (Blood relationship):
The citizenship of a child is determined by the nationality to which his parents belong irrespective of the place of child’s birth. For instance, if Kenya follows this principle and child is born to an Indian couple in this country, he will acquire the Indian citizenship irrespective of the place where he is born. This principle prevails in Switzerland, Sweedon, Germany, France, Rome, Austria, and Italy.

2. Jus-Soli (Place of birth):
A child acquires the citizenship of a State in which he is bom. Citizenship is acquired according to the ‘Soli’ without any consideration of the nationality to which the child belongs. Under this rule if American citizens’ child bom in Great Britain or even in a ship flying the British flag should become a citizen of Great Britain. With the growth of the feudal idea that birth created a relationship between the individual and the land, the rule of Jus-Soli came to be adopted in most countries of Europe.

Double Citizenship:
Different countries follow different practices and there is no uniformity of the system. In Britain and U.S.A. both the systems are followed. In case of the children of the citizens born in the country itself, the principle Jus- Soli is applied. In case of the children of citizens born abroad, the rule of Jus- Sanguinis is applied. Some states slike Argentina follow the principle of Jus-Soli and claim the children of foreigners born in their territories as their own citizens. Some others like Switzerland, Italy and Sweeden follow the rule of
Jus-Sanguinis and claim the childrefi of their own citizens born outside the country as their citizens.

B. Naturalized Citizenship:
Naturalized citizens are citizens by adoption. It is a special device for the acquistion of foreign citizenship. It is process by which the foreigners acquire citizenship of any other State in which they wish to settle permanently. Naturalization takes place through the following ways:

1. Long Residence:
Sometimes aliens are naturalized on account of their residence for a particular period in that State. For instance, it is clearly stated by the law of England, the U.S.A., that only those foreigners who have resided there for at least five years, can acquire the citizenship of their States.

2. Marriage:
A marriage affects a change in the citizenship of the wife who follows the citizenship of her husband. Thus an English woman marrying a German will become a German citizen.

3. Adoption:
The adoption of a new child also determines the new citizenship. For instance, if any German couple adopts the child of England, he acquires the citizenship of his adopted parents i.e. of Germany.

4. Government Service:
In certain States there is a principle that if any foreigner joins government service in that State then he gets the citizenship of that state.

5. Property: In some States as in Mexico, acquisition of land confers citizenship on the purchaser.

6. Conquests:
During war weak States are conquered by the powerful ones. But the question of citizenship arises when the citizen of a defeated territory surrender all their rights of citizenship to the conquering States. Still it is the general practice States that the members of a defeated territory acquire the citizenship of a conquering State.

7. Legitimation:
An illegitimate child of a citizen father and an alien mother when legitimatised by subsequent marriage, acquires the same citizenship as the father’s.

8. To Scholars: In certain countries certain special facilities are given to scholars for acquiring citizenship.

Loss of Citizenship:

Citizenship may be lost under the following conditions:
1. Long Absence:
Long absence from the home country is sufficient under the lawr of many States to exclude one for the fold of citizens. In France and Germany citizens who absent themselves from their States for more than ten years may lose their citizenship.

2. Marriage:
In many States a woman marrying to a foreigner loses her citizenship in her own country and acquires the citizenship of her husband’s country.

3. Double citizenship:
Sometimes a person acquires double citizenship. But on attaining adulthood he is to accept citizenship of only one country and he loses the citizenship of other country.

4. Government Service in other State: Some States deprive their citizens of citizenship if they accept government service in some other State.

5. Crime: Citizenship may be lost by a man who is convicted of henous crime.

6. Adoption: If a child is adopted by a foreigner he loses the citizenship of his country and the child acquires the citizenship of his parents.

7. Self-renunciation of Citizenship: A person may remove the citizenship of his original State and may become citizen of a foreign State by naturalization.

8. Conquest:
If the territory of a country is conquered by another State, then persons living in the conquered territory lose the citizenship of that country.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 3 Citizen and Citizenship

Question 3.
Explain the qualities essential for ideal citizenship.
What are the qualities of a good citizen?
A good citizen is one who makes all the possible efforts for the welfare of the community and State. Good citizenship lies in living for other. No country can progress unless its citizens are good. The progress of a State depends on its citizens. A person becomes a good citizen if he possesses the following qualities:

1. Education:
A good citizen in the modern society should be well educated. Mere literacy is not sufficient but he should have a thorough knowledge of what is happening around him. He should be intelligent enough to sift good from bad. His education enables him to pay his part in the society more successfully and usefully. Education makes him understand the problems of the State.

2. Social Spirit:
A good citizen must possess social spirit. He should subordinate his self-interest to the interest of the community. He is imbued with the spirit of service and common good. A citizen is firstly an individual and that also a social one. His needs cannot be satisfied and his personality cannot develop without society. Good citizens are never selfish but they always think in the terms of the good of society. They co-operate with others in helping them in achieving the goal. If a man always thinks about his personal interest, he is not an ideal citizen.

3. Dutifulness:
A citizen should discharge his duties honestly and diligently. He should always be ready to Support others in the discharge of their duties. He should pay his taxes regularly and must be ready to render all possible services to the community. He should be ready to suffer for his country. His activities should be inspired by a spirit of service to the community and by strong devotion to his duties. A citizen should feel that he has to do whatever he can in order to increase the welfare of the community.

There are many civic duties such as voting intelligently and honestly, performance of which cannot be enforced by law but must depend solely on the citizen’s sense of duty. A citizen must carefully discharge his duties to the various social groups like family, locality, city, State and the world. He should be honest, fearless and straightforward in the performance of his duties.

4. Self-control and Gentlemanliness:
It is the sacred duty of a citizen not be indifferent to public affairs. He must not be guided solely by his private self-interest. It is his duty to aviod petty quarrels. He should be constanly on the guard for the protection of his rights and liberties. Self-control lies behind the spirit of obedience without which there can be no good citizenship. A good citizen is sober in temperament and exercises self-control in his public dealings. He possesses a disciplined character: He does not indulge in vicious habits. He is self¬confident without being vain.

5. Good Health:
A healthy citizen can serve the society in a nice way An unhealthy and a sick citizen would be a burden not only on his family but also to his neighbours and society. The foremost duty of the citizen, therefore, is that he should be very careful about his diet and physical exercises so that he should have perfect health and be in a position to help society. A good citizen must be inspired with an urge to maintain a sound body. A good citizen is always careful about the rules of health and body. A good citizen is always careful about the rules of health and observes them scrupulously. A sound mind is contained only in sound body.

6. Proper use of Vote:
In democarcy every adult is given the right to vote. Right to vote is very important right. Members of legislatures are elected by the electorate. Ministers are taken from the members of legislature. A citizen should exercise his right to vote quite intelligently. He should cast his vote in favour of a deserving candidate. In case a voter casts his vote to an undeserving candidate then the administration may pass into wrong hands. A citizen should make proper use of all the rights granted to him by the State.

7. Patriotism:
A good citizen is always a patriot to the backbone. He loves his country deeply and is always ready to sacrifice his lot for the State. He very willingly shows due respect to the laws of the State. He co-operates with administraion and it helps in the maintenance of peace and order.

8. Good Character:
A good character is very important for good citizenship. So many qualities automatically develop in a person who has the strength of character. Good character influences a man to great extent in his efforts for making progress and for making a name. A country cannot progress if its citizens are morally corrupt, dishonest and selfish. Character is given utmost importance in Indian culture.

9. Vigilance:
A good citizen should be always alert and vigilent. A man should not be indifferent to what is happening in his neighbourhood. He should take active interest in public matters. A good citizen should not be a passive being who has only to enjoy the advantages which the State offers. He should play an active part in the affairs of the State. Indolence and carelessness are the enemies of a good citizen.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 3 Citizen and Citizenship

Question 4.
What are the hindrances in the way of good citizenship? How can these hindrances be removed?
Everybody should try to become a good citizen. But it is too difficult to become a good citizen. An individual has to face many difficulties for becoming a good citizen. In a modern democracy, it is necessary that the government should be a government of the people, by the people and for the people.

Therefore, the quality and the contribution of the individual is important. If the citizen is illiterate, if he is dishonest and careless, he would cause a setback to the progress of the State. For hindrances to good citizenship are hindrances to the efficient working of the State. Following are the hindrances in the way of a citizen:
1. Illiteracy:
Education is the basis of good life. Without education an individual remains in the darkness. The uneducated citizens generally fail to discharge their duties properly. According to Laski citizenship consists in contribution of ones’ instructed judgement to the public good. An uneducated person is unable to make any such contribution. In the absence of education a citizen cannot have intelligent interest in public affairs.

An illiterate citizen does not have proper knowledge of his rights and duties. He does not extend proper co-operation to administration. Moreover, it is the age of democracy and the uneducated voters may not elect deserving people of the State legislatures. Education of the masses is very essential to make democracy s success. Citizens must be able to form their own opinions on public question.

2. Indolence:
The citizen should not be stupid or ignorant. An ignorant and indolent citizen cannot be a good citizen. He will fail to understand and judge public affairs. It has been said that what is everybody’s business is nobody’s business. There is thus a tendency on the part of the ordinary citizen to become apathetic with regard to public affairs, because he feels that the duty is shared by numerous others. But such a neglect of public duties is most harmful to the community.

So many persons do not take interest in elections and do not care to vote. They do not care to give (any) though to the important public question of the day. Every good citizen should take a lively interest in the affairs of the State.

3. Selfishness:
Citizens are sometime guided by selfish motives. They neglect public interest and strive to promote their own interest even at the cost of public good. In order to further their own interest they may bribe the voters so as to get themselves elected. They forget the interest of the public and absorb themselves in activities that get their own taxes reduced provide jobs for their own relatives, use public money for the promotion of their own trade and commerce-thus seeking to deprive the community of its due share. There are various other ways in which selfishness may be a hindrance to the honest performance of civic duties.

4. Poverty:
Many social evils crop up because of poverty. Those who cannot have enough to spare cannot develop their personalities. They cannot take active part in public affairs because they are always worried about keeping the wolf away from the door. They cannot afford time for usual hobbies and cannot educate their children. They cannot take interest in the social, political and economic problems of the State.
They sell their votes. Good citizenship cannot develop in a country where there aye gross inequalities of wealth. Poverty must be rooted out for building up the character of a nation.

5. Partymanship:
Partymanship is another serious hindrance to good citizenship. A democratic government connot be carried on without parties and party spirit, in so far as it is healthy, is conducive to better political organizations. But rivarly between the parties may not be always healthy. Each party strives to promote its own interests at the cost of the general interest of the country.

Such measures and politics are adopted as are likely to promote the interest of the party even though they may bring great harm to the country. The members of the party think only iin terms of their party interest-Loyalty to the party is; often encouraged at the expense of loyalty to the State.

6. Communalism:
Communalism is a great hindrance in the path of good citizenship. It hampers social and political solidarity of a country. It brings about a discord among the people. Communalism disturbs the peace of the State. For citizens should not create obstacles in the way of propagation of other religions. Communal riots start in a country if the different communities do not show the spirit of toleration and compromise.

7. Capitalism and Imperialism:
Capitalism is a great hindrance to good citizenship. It ignores the many and favours the few. It favours gross inequalities of wealth and is not based on equality and justic and is a source of a good deal of frustration and discontenment in modem times. The rich get the biggest part of income without doing any work. The capitalists make slaves of the citizens and as a result of this they cannot develop their faculties. Capitalism acts as a serious hindrance to good citizenship. Imperialism also hampers the growth of good citizenship. It is imperialism which causes war among different countries of the world. War is never in the interest of any country.

8. Old Customs:
Old customs and traditions are often a great hindrance to good citizenship. It is not bad to follow old customs and traditions but it is not a healthy practice to follow them blindly. Customs must undergo change with the change of times and circumstances. Besides this unhealthy customs should be done away with. Casteism and other unhealthy social customs are a great hindrance to good citizenship.

Remedies For Hindrances:
The State and the people must make full and joint efforts to do with the causes that act as hindrances to good citizenship. Some of the remedies are as follows:
1. Spread of Education:
The State should make all the possible efforts for the spread of education. School and colleges should be opened in large numbers and they should be given liberal financial aid by the State. Primary education should be made free and compulsory.

2. Spread of Civic Virtues:
Propagation of civic ideals through press radio and public meetings, too can elevate a nation and so these should also be fully utilized in producing good citizens. Civic ideals can also be preached in religious gatherings and religious places such as churches temples, gurudawara and mosques can be used for the main purpose.

3. Economic Reforms:
The state should take all the the possible measures to remove poverty. It should create ample employment opportunities for the citizens. Measures should be taken for the removal of gross inequalities of wealth. Reasonable wages should be given for reasonable hours to both men and women. All possible comforts should be provided to the citizens so they may feel themseleves at their best.

4. Equal Rights:
All the individuals should be equally given economic, social and political rights. There should be no discrimination against anybody on the basis of caste, creed, color, sex and blood. Nobody should enjoy special privileges and nobody should be above the law of the land.

5. Social Spirit:
Citizens should be told about the importance of social spirit. They should not be guided by selfish motives and should do everything for the welfare of the community and the State. The citizens for this personal interest should sacrifice the interest of the State.

6. Proper Organisation of Political Parties:
Political parties should be formed on political and economic basis. They should never be formed on communal or class lines. The parties should not disrupt the unity and solidarity of the State. They should be above corruption or nepotism. The main interest of the parties should be the general welfare of the masses.

7. Establishment of Health Centres:
Government should establish health centres in large numbers and there the citizens should be told the rules of maintaining a sound health. Ill health is a great weakness in a good citizen. If the citizens are not healthy they connot contribute enough to the welfare of the society.

It is the sacred duty of every citizen to make all possible efforts to remove all the hindrances. It is only in the absence of these hindrances that the citizens of a country become ideal citizens. A country can progress only if its citizens are good.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 3 Citizen and Citizenship

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is citizenship?
Citizenship is a legal relationship which binds an individual to the State of which he is member. Laski offers a more positive conception of citizenship by defining as “contribution of one’s instructed judgement to public good.” According to Gettell, “Citizenship is that condition of individual due to which he can use national and political right in his ready to fulfil obligation.

Question 2.
Give any three definitions of citizen.

1. According to Sri Nivas Shastri, “A citizen is one who is member of a State and fulfil and realise himself fully within it along with an intelligent appreciation of what would conduce to the highest moral welfare of the community.”

2. According to Vattal, “A citizen is the member of a civil society bond to this society by certain duties, subject to its authority and equal participation in its advantages.”

3. According to Aristotle, “He who has the power to take part in delibrative or judicial administration of any state is said by us’ to be a citizen of the state.”

Question 3.
Discuss the distinctions between the Citizen and an Alien.

  • A citizen is a member of a state whereas an alien is not a member of a state.
  • A citizen has the right of permanent residence in the state whereas the alien does not enjoy this right.
  • A citizen enjoys political rights whereas the alien does not enjoy political rights.
  • An alien owes allegiance to his own state and not to the country wherein he lives.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 3 Citizen and Citizenship

Question 4.
Describe the kinds of citizens.
There are two types of citizens:
1. Natural citizens:
A natural citizen is one who is the citizen of a state by birth. He enjoys all the civic and political rights and owes allegiance to the state.

2. Naturalized citizens:
A naturalized citizen is an alien, who aquires the citizenship of the state after fulfulling certain conditions. In certain states, however, no distinction is made between natural and naturalized citizens. But in some states, a naturalized citizen does not enjoy a status equal to that of a natural citizen.

Question 5.
Write down any four methods of acquiring citizenship.
1. Long Residence:
Sometimes aliens are naturalized on account of their residence for a particular period in that State. For instance, it is cleanly stated by the law of England, the U.S A., that only those foreigners who have resided there for at least five years, can acquire the citizenship of their States.

2. Marriage:
A marriage affects a change in the citizenship of the wife who follows the citizenship of her husband. Thus an English woman marrying a German will become a German citizen.

3. Adoption:
The adoption of a new child also determines the new citizenship. For instance, if any German couple adopt the child of England, he acquires the citizenship of his adopted parents i.e. of Germany.

4. Property: In some states as in Mexico, acquisition of land confers citizenship on the purchase.

Question 6.
Mention four methods of Losing Citizenship.
Citizenship may lost under the following conditions:
1. Long Absence:
Long absence from the home country is sufficient under the law in many states to exclude one from fold of citizens. In France and Germany citizens who absent themselves from their states for more than ten years may lose their citizenship.

2. Marriage:
In many states a women marrying a foreigner loses her citizenship in her own country and acquires the citizenship of her husband’s country.

3. Double Citizenship:
Sometime a person acquire double citizenship. But on attaining adulthood he is to accept citizenship of only one country and he loses the citizenship of other country.

4. Crime: Citizenship may be lost by a man who is convicted of heinous crime.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 3 Citizen and Citizenship

Question 7.
What are the qualities of a good citizen?
A person becomes a good citizen if he possess the following qualities:

  1. Education: A good citizen in the modem society should be well educated. Education makes him understand the problem of the state.
  2. Social Spirit: A good citizen must possess social spirit. He should subordinate his self-interest to the community.
  3. Dutifullness: A citizen should discharge his duties honestly and diligently. He should always be ready to support others in the discharge of their duties.
  4. Good Character: A good character is very important for good citizenship. A country can not progress if its citizens are corrupt.

Question 8.
What are the hindrances in the way of good citizenship?

  1. Illiteracy: Illiteracy is the biggest hindrance in the way of good citizenship. An illiterate citizen does not have proper knowledge of his rights and duties.
  2. Indolence: Indolence is another hindrance in the way of good citizenship. An ignorant and indolent citizen can’t be a good citizen.
  3. Poverty: Many social evils crop up because of poverty. A person can’t take part in public affairs. He can’t be a good citizen.
  4. Communalism: Communalism is a great hinderance in the path of good citizenship. Communalism creates the feelings of hatred among citizens.

Question 9.
How the hinderances in the way of good citizenship can be removed?

  1. Spread of Education: The state should make all the possible efforts for the spread of education. Schools and colleges should be opened in large number and they should be given liberal financial aid.
  2. Economic Reforms: The state should take all possible measures to remove poverty.
  3. Social Spirit: Citizens should be educated about the importance of social spirit.
  4. Equal Rights: All the citizens should be equally given economic, social and political rights.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 3 Citizen and Citizenship

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What do you mean by citizenship?
Citizenship is a legal relationship which binds an individual to the State of which he is member. Laski offers a more positive conception of citizenship by defining as “contribution of one’s instructed judgement to public good.”

Question 2.
Give any two definitions of citizen.
1. According to Sri Nivas Shastri, “A citizen is one who is member of a State and tries to fulfil and realise himself fully within it along with an intelligent appreciation of what would conduce to the highest moral welfare of the community.”

2. According to Vattal, “A citizen is the member of ai civil society bond to this society by certain duties, subject to its authority and equal participation in its advantages.”

Question 3.
Discuss the distinctions between the Citizen and an Alien.

  • A citizen is a member of a state whereas an alien is not a member of a state.
  • A citizen has the right of permanent residence in the state whereas the alien does not enjoy this right.

Question 4.
Describe the kinds of citizens.
There are two types of citizens:

  • Natural citizens: A natural citizen is one who is the citizen of a state by birth.
  • Naturalized citizens: A naturalized citizen is an alien, who aquires the citizenship of the state after fulfulling certain conditions.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 3 Citizen and Citizenship

Question 5.
Write down any four methods of acquiring citizenship.
1. Long Residence:
Sometimes aliens are naturalized on account of their residence for a particular period in that State. For instance, it is cleanly stated by the law of England, the U.S.A., that only those foreigners who have resided there for at least five years, can acquire the citizenship of their States.

2. Marriage:
A marriage affects a change in the citizenship of the wife who follows the citizenship of her husband. Thus an English woman marrying a German will become a German citizen.

3. Adoption:
The adoption of a new child also determines the new citizenship. For instance, if any German couple adopt the child of England, he acquires the citizenship of his adopted parents i.e. of Germany.
4. Property:In some states as in Mexico, acquisition of land confers citizenship on the purchase.

Question 6.
Mention four methods of Losing Citizenship.
Citizenship may lost under the following conditions:
1. Long Absence:
Long absence from the home country is sufficient under the law in many states to exclude one from fold of citizens. In France and Germany citizens who absent themselves from their states for more than ten years may lose their citizenship.

2. Marriage:
In many states a women marrying a foreigner loses her citizenship in her own country and acquires the citizenship of her husband’s country.

3. Double Citizenship Sometime a person acquire double citizenship:
But on attaining adulthood he is to accept citizenship of only one country and he loses the citizenship of other country.

4. Crime: Citizenship may be lost by a man who is convicted of henous crime.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 3 Citizen and Citizenship

Question 7.
What are the qualities of a good citizen?
A person becomes a good citizen if he possess the following qualities:

  1. Education: A good citizen in the modem society should be well educated Education makes him understand the problem of the state.
  2. Social Spirit: A good citizen must possess social spirit. He should subordinate his self-interest to the community.
  3. Dutifuilness: A citizen should discharge his duties honestly and diligently. He should always be ready to support others in the discharge of their duties.
  4. Good Character: A good character is very important for good citizenship. A country can not progress if its citizens are corrupt.

Question 8.
What are the hindrances in the way of good citizenship?

  1. Illiteracy: Illiteracy is the biggest hindrance in the way of good citizenship. An illiterate citizen does not have proper knowledge of his rights and duties.
  2. Indolence: Indolence is another hindrance in the way of good citizenship. An ignorant and indolent citizen can’t be a good citizen.

Question 9.
How the hinderances in the way of good citizenship can be removed?

  1. Spread of Education: The state should make all the possible efforts for the spread of education. Schools and colleges should be opened in large number and they should be given liberal financial aid.
  2. Economic Reforms: The state should take all possible measures to remove poverty.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 3 Citizen and Citizenship

One Word to One Sentence Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Give an etymological meaning of citisenship.
The. etymological meaning of the word citizen is “one who lives in a town.”

Question 2.
Mention the meaning of citizen in the present age.
These days citizenship is considered the birth-right of all. A modern citizen is that man who has been granted political and social rights by the state. He also performs his duties towards the state.

Question 3.
Who is a natural citizen?
The natural citizens are those citizens who are the citizens of the state since their birth.

Question 4.
Who is Naturalised citizen?
Naturalised citizens are those citizens who by birth are the citizens of some other country but they acquire citizenship by fulfilling legal conditions and obligations of some other country.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 3 Citizen and Citizenship

Question 5.
Define Citizenship.
According to Laski, “Citizenship is the contribution of one’s instructed judgement to public good.”

Question 6.
How can citizenship he ended?
When an individual remains absent in his country for most of the time and he lives in another country for a long time and acquires its citizenship, then his citizenship of the earlier country is ended.

Question 7.
Distinguish between a citizen and an alien.
Citizens are only those individuals who get political, social and other kind of rights. The aliens are given only social rights but they are denied political rights.

Question 8.
Discuss the role of illiteracy as an obstacle in the way of ideal citizenship
An illiterate person is neither familiar with his rights nor with his duties.

Question 9.
Discuss the role of indolence as an obstacle in the way of ideal citizenship.
An indolent person neither does anything for his own development nor does he share work with others for the progress of society.

Question 10.
How is communalism a big hindrance in the way of ideal citizenship? Explain.
The communal people ignited the communal flame to such an extent that thousands of innocent persons were burnt in it.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 3 Citizen and Citizenship

Question 11.
Describe the two methods to acquire citizenship.

  1. Marriage
  2. Government Service.

Fill in the blanks

1. The …………………….. projects the citizens’ life.

2. Foreigners are known as …………………….. residents.

3. A …………………….. is a member of state, whereas an alien is not a member of state.

4. Long Residence is a method to acquire …………………….. .

5. Everybody should try to become a …………………….. citizen.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 3 Citizen and Citizenship

True or False statement

1. Citizenship is a legel relationship which binds an individual to the state of which he is member.

2. Citizen enjoy all the rights given by state.

3. Citizen do not obey their duties.

4. Poverty is not a hindrance in the way of good citizenship.

5. The state should make all the possible efforts for the spread of education.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 3 Citizen and Citizenship

Choose the correct answer

Question 1.
“He who has the power to take part in deliberative or judicial administration of any state is said by us to be a citizen of that state”, who said this-
(A) Aristotle
(B) Plato
(C) Gettell
(D) Boyd.
(A) Aristotle

Question 2.
“Citizenship consists in the right ordering of loyalties.” Who said this?
(A) Gettel
(B) Laski
(C) Boyd
(D) Aristotle.
(C) Boyd

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 3 Citizen and Citizenship

Question 3.
“Citizenship can be acquired by:
(A) Long Residence
(B) Marriage
(C) Government Service
(D) All the above.
(D) All the above.

Question 4.
“Which of the following is not a quality of good citizenship?
(A) Educatin
(B) Patriatism
(C) Good health
(D) Ignorance.
(D) All the above.

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