PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 3 कर्मवीर

Punjab State Board PSEB 9th Class Hindi Book Solutions Chapter 3 कर्मवीर Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Chapter 3 कर्मवीर

Hindi Guide for Class 9 PSEB कर्मवीर Textbook Questions and Answers

(क) विषय-बोध

1. निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर एक या दो पंक्तियों में दीजिए

प्रश्न 1.
जीवन में बाधाओं को देखकर वीर पुरुष क्या करते हैं ?
जीवन में बाधाओं को देखकर वीर पुरुष घबराते नहीं हैं, बल्कि कठिन से कठिन काम भी कर लेते हैं।

प्रश्न 2.
कठिन से कठिन काम के प्रति कर्मवीर व्यक्ति का दृष्टिकोण कैसा होता है ?
कठिन से कठिन कार्य करते हुए भी कर्मवीर व्यक्ति उकताते अथवा तंग नहीं होते हैं।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 3 कर्मवीर

प्रश्न 3.
सच्चे कर्मवीर व्यक्ति समय का सदुपयोग किस प्रकार करते हैं ?
सच्चे कर्मवीर आज का काम आज कर के समय का सदुपयोग करते हैं, वे व्यर्थ की बातों में अपना समय नहीं गवाते हैं।

प्रश्न 4.
मुश्किल काम कर के वे दूसरों के लिए क्या बन जाते हैं ?
मुश्किल काम कर के वे दूसरों के लिए आदर्श बन जाते हैं।

प्रश्न 5.
कवि ने कर्मवीर व्यक्ति के कौन-कौन से गुण इस कविता में बताए गए हैं ?
कवि ने कर्मवीर व्यक्ति को परिश्रमी, निडर, समय पर काम करने वाला, कठिन से कठिन स्थिति का सामना करने वाला तथा अपनी सहायता स्वयं कर के सफल होने वाला बताया है।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 3 कर्मवीर

2. निम्नलिखित पद्यांशों की सप्रसंग व्याख्या कीजिए

प्रश्न 1.
आज करना है जिसे करते उसे हैं आज ही
सोचते कहते हैं जो कुछ कर दिखाते हैं वही
मानते जो भी है सुनते हैं सदा सबकी कही
जो मदद करते हैं अपनी इस जगत में आप ही
भूल कर वे दूसरों का मुँह कभी तकते नहीं
कौन ऐसा काम है वे कर जिसे सकते नहीं।।
कवि कर्मशील व्यक्तियों के गुणों का वर्णन करते हुए लिखता है कि कर्मशील लोग आज जो कार्य करना है उसे आज ही करते हैं, वे जो कुछ सोचते हैं उसे करके भी दिखाते हैं । वे सदा सब की सुनते हैं और मानते भी हैं। वे इस संसार में अपनी सहायता स्वयं करते हैं। वे भूले से भी किसी दूसरे की सहायता नहीं लेते। ऐसा कोई कार्य नहीं है जिसे वे कर नहीं सकते अर्थात् वे सभी कार्य कर सकते हैं।

प्रश्न 2.
जो कभी अपने समय को यों बिताते हैं नहीं
काम करने की जगह बातें बनाते हैं नहीं
आज कल करते हुए जो दिन गँवाते हैं नहीं
यत्न करने से कभी जो जी चुराते हैं नहीं।
बात है वह कौन जो होती नहीं उनके लिए
वे नमूना आप बन जाते हैं औरों के लिए।।
कवि का कथन है कि कर्मशील व्यक्ति अपना समय व्यर्थ में गंवाते नहीं हैं। वे काम करने के स्थान पर केवल बातें नहीं बनाते हैं। वे अपना दिन आज-कल अथवा टाल-मटोल के व्यतीत नहीं करते हैं। वे मेहनत करने से कभी भी इन्कार नहीं करते हैं। ऐसा कोई भी कार्य नहीं है जो वे नहीं कर सकते, वे तो स्वयं ही कार्य करके दूसरों के लिए आदर्श बन जाते हैं।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 3 कर्मवीर

(ख) भाषा-बोध

‘क’ (संस्कृत भाषा के शब्द) – ‘ख’ (हिंदी भाषा के शब्द)
कर्म – काम
मुख – मुँह

उपर्युक्त ‘क’ भाग में ‘कर्म’ और ‘मुख’ शब्द संस्कृत भाषा के शब्द हैं। इनका हिंदी भाषा में भी ज्यों का त्यों प्रयोग होता है। इन शब्दों को ‘तत्सम’ शब्द कहते हैं। तत् + सम अर्थात् इसके समान। ‘इसके समान’ से अभिप्राय है-‘स्रोत भाषा के समान’। हिंदी की ‘स्रोत भाषा’ संस्कृत है, अत: जो शब्द संस्कृत भाषा से हिंदी में ज्यों के त्यों अर्थात् बिना किसी परिवर्तन के ले लिए गए हैं उन्हें तत्सम’ शब्द कहते हैं। जैसे : कर्म, मुख।

उपर्युक्त ‘ख’ भाग में ‘कर्म’ के लिए ‘काम’ और ‘मुख’ के लिए ‘मुँह’ शब्दों का प्रयोग किया गया है। ये शब्द (काम, मुँह) संस्कृत से हिंदी में कुछ परिवर्तन के साथ आए हैं। इन्हें तद्भव शब्द कहते हैं। तद् + भव अर्थात् ‘उससे होने वाले’ से अभिप्राय है-संस्कृत भाषा से विकसित होने वाले। अतः ‘वे’ संस्कृत शब्द जो हिंदी में कुछ परिवर्तन के साथ आते हैं-उन्हें ‘तद्भव’ शब्द कहते हैं। जैसे-काम, मुँह।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 3 कर्मवीर

1. पाठ में आए निम्नलिखित तद्भव शब्दों के तत्सम रूप लिखिए

तद्भव – तत्सम
भाग – ——-
आठ – ——–
पहर – ———-
आग – ———
तद्भव – तत्सम
भाग – अंश
आठ – अष्ट
पहर – प्रहर
आग – अग्नि।

2. निम्नलिखित मुहावरों के अर्थ समझकर उन्हें अपने वाक्यों में प्रयुक्त कीजिए

मुहावरा – अर्थ – वाक्य
1. एक ही आन में – तुरंत, शीघ्र ही —————–
2. फूलना फलना – सम्पन्न होना —————–
3. मुँह ताकना – दूसरों पर निर्भर रहना —————
4. बातें बनाना – गप्पें मारना ——————-
5. जी चुराना – काम से बचना ——————
6. नमूना बनना – आदर्श/उदाहरण बनना ———————–
7. कलेजा काँपना- भय से विचलित होना, दिल दहल जाना —————–

1. एक ही आन में – तुरंत, शीघ्र ही
वाक्य – सिमरन एक ही आन में चाय बनाकर ले आई।

2. फूलना फलना – सम्पन्न होना
वाक्य – राम का कारोबार आजकल खूब फल-फूल रहा है।

3. मुँह ताकना – दूसरों पर निर्भर रहना
वाक्य – अपना काम स्वयं करना चाहिए न कि किसी का मुँह ताकते रहना चाहिए।

4. बातें बनाना – गप्पें मारना
वाक्य – नरेन्द्र कुछ करता तो है नहीं बस वह बातें बनाना जानता है।

5. जी चुराना – काम से बचना
वाक्य – मुकेश सदा काम से जी चुराता रहता है।

6. नमूना बनना – आदर्श/उदाहरण बनना
वाक्य – हमारे देश के पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री लाल बहादुर शास्त्री पूरे देश के लिए सादगी के नमूना थे।

7. कलेजा काँपना – भय से विचलित होना, दिल दहल जाना
वाक्य – नाग को देखते ही मेरा कलेजा काँपने लगा था।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 3 कर्मवीर

(ग) पाठेत्तर सक्रियता

प्रश्न 1.
आपके अंदर कौन-सी ऐसी खूबियाँ हैं जो आपको दूसरों से अलग करती हैं ? उनकी सूची बनाइए। इन खूबियों को पुष्ट करते रहें तथा जीवन में इनसे कभी न डगमगाएँ।
विद्यार्थी स्वयं करें।

प्रश्न 2.
आपके अंदर क्या कमियाँ हैं ? उनकी सूची बनाइए और अपने अध्यापकों/अभिभावकों/बड़ों की मदद से उन्हें दूर करने का प्रयास कीजिए।
विद्यार्थी स्वयं करें।

प्रश्न 3.
अपनी दिनचर्या स्वयं बनाएँ जिसमें पढ़ने, खेलने/व्यायाम करने, खाने-पीने और सोने का समय निश्चित हो। (नोट : दिनचर्या बनाते समय इस बात का ध्यान रखें कि दिनचर्या कठोर न होकर लचीली हो) छुट्टी वाले दिन/दिनों की विशेष दिनचर्या बनाएँ जिसमें पढ़ने के अधिक घंटे हों। लाल बहादुर शास्त्री तथा अब्दुल कलाम जैसे सच्चे कर्मवीर एवं दृढ़ संकल्पशील नेताओं की जीवनियाँ पढ़ें एवं उनसे प्रेरणा लें।
विद्यार्थी स्वयं करें।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 3 कर्मवीर

(घ) ज्ञान-विस्तार

गीता में कर्मयोग को सर्वश्रेष्ठ माना गया है। कर्मठ व्यक्ति के लिए यह योग अधिक उपयुक्त है। गीता में स्वयं श्रीकृष्ण कहते हैं-

कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूमा ते सङ्गोऽस्त्वकर्मणि।। 2-47॥

अर्थात् तेरा कर्म करने में ही अधिकार है, उसके फल में कभी नहीं। इसलिए कर्मों के फल में तेरी वासना (इच्छा) न हो तथा तेरी कर्म न करने में भी आसक्ति न हो। अतः कर्मयोग हमें सिखाता है कि कर्म के लिए कर्म करो, आसक्तिरहित होकर कर्म करो। कर्मयोगी इसलिए कर्म करता है कि कर्म करना उसे अच्छा लगता है और उसके परे उसका कोई हेतु नहीं है। कर्मयोगी कर्म का त्याग नहीं करता, वह केवल कर्मफल का त्याग करता है और कर्मजनित दुःखों से मुक्त हो जाता है।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Guide कर्मवीर Important Questions and Answers

प्रश्न 1.
कर्मवीर किस से कभी नहीं घबराते ?
कर्मवीर जीवन की राह में आने वाली तरह-तरह की बाधाओं को देख कर कभी नहीं घबराते।

प्रश्न 2.
कर्मवीर को कभी भी पछताना क्यों नहीं पड़ता ?
कर्मवीर कभी किसी काम में दूसरों के भरोसे पर नहीं रहते। वे अपना काम स्वयं करते हैं। इसलिए उन्हें कभी भी पछताना नहीं पड़ता।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 3 कर्मवीर

प्रश्न 3.
कर्मवीर किससे कभी नहीं डरते ?
कर्मवीर कठिन से कठिन काम स्वयं परिश्रमपूर्वक करते हैं और काम की अधिकता से कभी नहीं डरते।

प्रश्न 4.
कर्मवीर को अपने परिश्रम का क्या फल प्राप्त होता है?
कर्मवीर अपने परिश्रम से बुरे दिनों को भी अच्छे दिनों में बदल देते हैं। वह हर स्थिति में फलते-फूलते रहते हैं; सुख प्राप्त करते हैं।

प्रश्न 5.
कर्मवीर की काम करने की क्षमता क्यों अधिक प्रतीत होती है?
कर्मवीर कभी भी आज का काम कल पर नहीं डालते। वे आज का काम आज ही पूरा करते हैं। वे जो सोचते हैं उसे पूरा करते हैं। वे सबकी बात सुनते हैं उसे मानते हैं और दूसरों की सदा सहायता करते हैं। वे सहायता के लिए दूसरों का सहारा नहीं लेते। कोई भी तो ऐसा काम नहीं जिसे वे न कर सकते हों। वे अपना समय व्यर्थ नहीं गंवाते।

प्रश्न 6.
कर्मवीर किस-किस प्रकार के कष्टों को झेलते हुए कर्म करते रहते हैं?
कर्मवीर कठोर परिश्रम करते हैं। वे सब प्रकार की भीषण से भीषण समस्याओं का सामना करते हुए परिश्रम में जुटे रहते हैं। वे आकाश को छूते ऊँचे-दुर्गम पर्वतों के शिखरों को भी डटकर पार कर जाते हैं। वे घने जंगलों, गरजते समुद्रों और दहकती लपटों का भी सामना करने में भी डरते नहीं। वे कर्म की राह में आने वाली सभी बाधाओं के पार निकल जाने की हिम्मत रखते हैं।

प्रश्न 7.
‘कर्मवीर’ कविता के आधार पर कर्मवीरों की विशेषताओं को लिखिए।
अयोध्यासिंह उपाध्याय ‘हरिऔध’ के द्वारा रचित कविता ‘कर्मवीर’ के आधार पर कर्मवीरों में निम्नलिखित विशेषताएँ होती हैं.
1. निर्भय – कर्मवीर सदा निडर होते हैं। वे अपनी राह में आने वाली किसी भी स्थिति से टकराने के लिए सदा तैयार रहते हैं। विघ्न-बाधाएँ उनके रास्ते का रोड़ा नहीं बन पाती।
2. आत्मबल से संपन्न – कर्मवीर भाग्य के भरोसे पर नहीं रहते। उनमें अपार आत्मबल होता है। वे अपने भाग्य के भरोसे कभी नहीं रहते। वे किसी भी काम को करते हुए आत्मबल से उससे टकराते हैं और सफलता प्राप्त करते हैं।
3. स्थिर बुद्धि – कर्मवीर चंचल स्वभाव के नहीं होते। वे स्थिर बुद्धि होते हैं। उनका ध्यान इधर-उधर व्यर्थ नहीं भटकता। वे अपने इस गुण से अपने बुरे दिनों को भी अच्छा बना लेते हैं।
4. निष्ठावान – कर्मवीर निष्ठावान होते हैं। वे आज का काम कल पर नहीं डालते। वे जो सोच लेते हैं उसे पूरा करते हैं। वे दूसरों से सहायता लेने की इच्छा कभी नहीं करते।
5. विश्वास से भरे हुए – कर्मवीर स्वयं पर विश्वास करते हैं। वे सब की बात सुनते हैं और अपने आत्मिक बल से उसे पूरा करने की योग्यता रखते हैं। वे दूसरों की सहायता से अपना काम नहीं करते बल्कि अपनी शक्ति से उसे संपन्न करते हैं।
6. कर्मठ – वे अपना समय व्यर्थ नहीं गंवाते। वे कभी भी परिश्रम से जी नहीं चुराते। अपनी कर्मठता से वे सबके आदर्श बन जाते हैं।
7. धैर्यवान – कर्मवीर अपार धैर्यवान होते हैं। ऊँचे पर्वत, गहरे सागर, दहकती अग्नि, डरावने जंगल आदि भी उनका रास्ता नहीं रोक पाते। वे हर स्थिति में उन पर विजय प्राप्त कर अपने लक्ष्य की प्राप्ति कर लेते हैं।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 3 कर्मवीर

एक शब्द/एक पंक्ति में उत्तर दीजिए

प्रश्न 1.
‘कर्मवीर’ कविता किस कवि के द्वारा रचित है ?
अयोध्या सिंह उपाध्याय ‘हरिऔध’।

प्रश्न 2.
कर्मवीर किस से कभी नहीं घबराते ?
जीवन में आने वाली बाधाओं से।

प्रश्न 3.
भाग्य के भरोसे कौन नहीं रहते हैं ?

प्रश्न 4.
‘व्योम’ शब्द का क्या अर्थ है ?

प्रश्न 5.
मुश्किल काम करके कर्मवीर दूसरों के लिए क्या बन जाते हैं ?
आदर्श बन जाते हैं।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 3 कर्मवीर

हाँ-नहीं में उत्तर दीजिए

प्रश्न 6.
हो गए एक आन में उनके भले दिन भी बुरे।

प्रश्न 7.
भूल कर वे दूसरों का मुँह कभी ताकते नहीं।

सही-गलत में उत्तर दीजिए

प्रश्न 8.
आजकल करते हुए जो दिन गंवाते हैं।

प्रश्न 9.
भूलकर भी वह नहीं नाकाम रहता है कहीं।

रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति करें

प्रश्न 10.
आग की …….. फैली ……. में लपट।
आग की भयदायिनी फैली दिशाओं में लपट।

प्रश्न 11.
जो …………. करते हैं ……….. इस जगत में आप ही।
जो मदद करते हैं अपनी इस जगत में आप ही।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 3 कर्मवीर

बहुविकल्पी प्रश्नों में से सही विकल्प चुनकर उत्तर लिखें-

प्रश्न 12.
कठिन काम को देखकर कर्मवीर क्या नहीं करते-
(क) घबराते
(ख) पछताते
(ग) उकताते
(घ) शर्माते।
(ग) पछताते।

प्रश्न 13.
कर्मवीरों के एक आन में दिन कैसे हो जाते हैं
(क) बुरे
(ख) भले
(ग) गर्म
(घ) सर्द।
(ख) भले।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 3 कर्मवीर

प्रश्न 14.
कर्मवीर की मदद कौन करता है-
(क) पड़ोसी
(ख) शासन
(ग) स्वयं
(घ) कोई नहीं।
(ग) स्वयं।

प्रश्न 15.
कर्मवीर समय का क्या करते हैं
(क) सदुपयोग
(ख) दुरुपयोग
(ग) व्यर्थ गंवाना
(घ) सोते रहना।
(क) सदुपयोग।

कर्मवीर सप्रसंग व्याख्या

1. देख कर बाधा विविध, बहु विज घबराते नहीं।
रह भरोसे भाग के दुख भोग पछताते नहीं।
काम कितना ही कठिन हो किन्तु उबताते नहीं
भीड़ में चंचल बने जो वीर दिखलाते नहीं।
हो गये एक आन में उनके बुरे दिन भी भले
सब जगह सब काल में वे ही मिले फूले फले।

बाधा = रुकावट, संकट। विविध = अनेक प्रकार की। बहु = बहुत। विज = बाधा। भाग = भाग्य। उबताते = उकताना, तंग आना।

प्रस्तुत पंक्तियाँ अयोध्या सिंह उपाध्याय ‘हरिऔध’ द्वारा रचित कविता ‘कर्मवीर’ से ली गई हैं, जिसमें कवि ने कर्मशील लोगों के गुणों पर प्रकाश डाला है।

इन पंक्तियों में कवि कर्मशील व्यक्तियों की विशेषताओं का वर्णन करते हुए लिखता है कि कर्मशील व्यक्ति अपने मार्ग में आने वाली अनेक प्रकार की रुकावटों और बहुत सारे विघ्नों को देखकर घबराते नहीं हैं। वे भाग्य के भरोसे रहकर दुःख भोगते हुए पछताते नहीं हैं। उन्हें चाहे कितना भी कठिन कार्य करना पड़े वे वह कार्य करते हुए तंग नहीं होते। वे भीड़ में फंस कर चंचल बन कर अपनी वीरता नहीं दिखलाते हैं। उनकी मेहनत से उनके बुरे दिन भी भले दिन बन जाते हैं। वे सभी स्थानों तथा सभी समय में सदा प्रसन्न तथा सुखी दिखाई देते हैं।


  1. कर्मशील व्यक्ति अपने मार्ग में आने वाली बाधाओं से कभी नहीं घबराते तथा कठिन-से-कठिन कार्य करके सदा प्रसन्न दिखाई देते हैं।
  2. भाषा तत्सम, तद्भव शब्दों से युक्त भावपूर्ण है। अनुप्रास अलंकार है।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 3 कर्मवीर

2. आज करना है जिसे करते उसे हैं आज ही
सोचते कहते हैं जो कुछ कर दिखाते हैं वही
मानते जो भी है सुनते हैं सदा सबकी कही
जो मदद करते हैं अपनी इस जगत में आप ही
भूल कर वे दूसरों का मुँह कभी तकते नहीं
कौन ऐसा काम है वे कर जिसे सकते नहीं।।

कही = कहना, बात। मदद = सहायता। मुँह ताकना = किसी की मदद लेना।

यह पद्यांश अयोध्या सिंह उपाध्याय ‘हरिऔध’ द्वारा रचित ‘कर्मवार’ नामक कविता से लिया गया है। इसमें कवि ने कर्मशील व्यक्तियों की विशेषताओं का वर्णन किया है।

कवि कर्मशील व्यक्तियों के गुणों का वर्णन करते हुए लिखता है कि कर्मशील लोग आज जो कार्य करना है उसे आज ही करते हैं, वे जो कुछ सोचते हैं उसे करके भी दिखाते हैं । वे सदा सब की सुनते हैं और मानते भी हैं। वे इस संसार में अपनी सहायता स्वयं करते हैं। वे भूले से भी किसी दूसरे की सहायता नहीं लेते। ऐसा कोई कार्य नहीं है जिसे वे कर नहीं सकते अर्थात् वे सभी कार्य कर सकते हैं।


  1. कर्मशील व्यक्ति किसी काम को टालते नहीं तथा जो कहते हैं कर के दिखाते हैं। वे अपनी सहायता स्वयं करते हैं तथा सभी कार्य कर सकते हैं।
  2. भाषा सहज, सरल, भावपूर्ण तथा मुहावरे से युक्त है।

3. जो कभी अपने समय को यों बिताते हैं नहीं
काम करने की जगह बातें बनाते हैं नहीं
आज कल करते हुए जो दिन गँवाते हैं नहीं
यत्न करने से कभी जो जी चुराते हैं नहीं
बात है वह कौन जो होती नहीं उनके लिए
वे नमूना आप बन जाते हैं औरों के लिए।

यल = प्रयत्न, कोशिश, मेहनत। नमूना = उदाहरण, आदर्श, मिसाल।

प्रस्तुत पंक्तियाँ अयोध्या सिंह उपाध्याय ‘हरिऔध’ द्वारा रचित कविता ‘कर्मवीर’ से ली गई हैं, जिसमें कवि ने कर्मशील व्यक्तियों के गुणों का वर्णन किया है।

कवि का कथन है कि कर्मशील व्यक्ति अपना समय व्यर्थ में गंवाते नहीं हैं। वे काम करने के स्थान पर केवल बातें नहीं बनाते हैं। वे अपना दिन आज-कल अथवा टाल-मटोल के व्यतीत नहीं करते हैं। वे मेहनत करने से कभी भी इन्कार नहीं करते हैं। ऐसा कोई भी कार्य नहीं है जो वे नहीं कर सकते, वे तो स्वयं ही कार्य करके दूसरों के लिए आदर्श बन जाते हैं।


  1. कर्मशील व्यक्ति केवल बातें ही नहीं बनाते बल्कि काम करके दूसरों के लिए मिसाल बन जाते हैं।
  2. भाषा सरल, भावपूर्ण, मुहावरों से युक्त तथा अनुप्रास अलंकार है।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 3 कर्मवीर

4. व्योम को छूते हुए दुर्गम पहाड़ों के शिखर
वे घने जंगल जहाँ रहता है तम आठों पहर
गर्जते जल राशि की उठती हुई ऊँची लहर
आग की भयदायिनी फैली दिशाओं में लपट
ये कँपा सकती कभी जिसके कलेजे को नहीं
भूलकर भी वह नहीं नाकाम रहता है कहीं।

व्योम = आकाश। दुर्गम = कठिन, जहाँ जाना मुश्किल हो। शिखर = चोटी। तम = अंधेरा। आठों पहर = हर समय। भयदायिनी = डर पैदा करने वाली। नाकाम = असफल।

यह काव्यांश अयोध्या सिंह उपाध्याय ‘हरिऔध’ द्वारा रचित ‘कर्मवीर’ नामक कविता से अवतरित है। इसमें कवि ने कर्मशील व्यक्तियों के गुणों का वर्णन किया है।

कवि कर्मशील लोगों की विशेषताओं का वर्णन करते हुए लिखता है कि कर्मशील व्यक्ति अपने परिश्रम से आकाश की ऊँचाइयों को छू लेते हैं। वे पर्वतों की कठिन चोटियों पर भी चढ़ जाते हैं। वे उन घने जंगलों को भी पार कर जाते हैं जहाँ हर समय अंधेरा रहता है। गर्जना करते हुए सागर की ऊँची-ऊँची लहरों तथा आग की भय पैदा करने वाली चारों दिशाओं में फैली लपटों का भी वे सामना कर सकते हैं। इनसे उनका हृदय कभी भी काँपता नहीं है। वे भूल से भी कभी असफल नहीं होते हैं।


  1. कर्मशील व्यक्ति हर कठिन परिस्थिति का सामना करने के लिए तैयार रहता है तथा किसी भी दशा में घबराता नहीं है।
  2. भाषा तत्सम प्रधान तथा भावपूर्ण है। अनुप्रास अलंकार है।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 3 कर्मवीर

कर्मवीर Summary

कर्मवीर कवि-परिचय

जीवन परिचय:
द्विवेदी युग के सबसे बड़े कवि श्री अयोध्या सिंह उपाध्याय ‘हरिऔध’ का जन्म 15 अप्रैल, सन् 1865 ई० में उत्तर प्रदेश के आज़मगढ़ जिले के निज़ामाबाद नामक कस्बे में हुआ। इनके वंश में गुरुदयाल उपाध्याय ने सिक्ख धर्म में दीक्षा ले ली थी इसी कारण ब्राह्मण होकर भी उपाध्याय वंश के लड़के अपने नाम के साथ सिंह लगाने लगे। अयोध्या सिंह जी के पिता का नाम भोला सिंह उपाध्याय तथा माता का नाम रुक्मिणी देवी था। मिडिल की परीक्षा पास करके आप निज़ामाबाद के तहसीली स्कूल में अध्यापक नियुक्त हो गए थे। इन्हें बंगला, अंग्रेजी, गुरुमुखी, उर्दू, फ़ारसी एवं संस्कृत का ज्ञान था। सन् 1889 में आप कानूनगो बन गये और 32 वर्ष तक इसी पद पर आसीन रहे। रिटायर होने के बाद पं० मदन मोहन मालवीय जी की प्रेरणा से आप ने काशी हिंदू विश्वविद्यालय में सन् 1941 तक पढ़ाया। 16 मार्च, सन् 1947 को इनका स्वर्गवास हो गया था। इन्हें ‘मंगला प्रसाद’, पुरस्कार प्राप्त हुआ था। साहित्य सम्मेलन ने इन्हें ‘विद्यावाचस्पति’ की उपाधि प्रदान की थी।

उपाध्याय जी ने अपने जीवन काल में लगभग 45 ग्रंथों की रचना की थी। इनमें से प्रमुख काव्य ग्रंथ हैंप्रिय प्रवास, पद्य प्रसून, चुभते चौपदे, चोखे चौपदे, बोलचाल, पारिजात, रस-कलश तथा वैदेही वनवास। ‘प्रिय-प्रवास’ इनका लोकप्रिय महाकाव्य है।

इनके काव्य में कृष्ण भक्ति की प्रमुखता है। प्रिय-प्रवास’ कृष्ण के वियोग में संतप्त गोपियों की गाथा है। इन्होंने कृष्ण काव्य को राष्ट्र भक्ति तथा समाज सुधार से जोड़ा है। स्वदेश प्रेम तथा कर्म करने की प्रेरणा देना इनकी काव्य की प्रमुख विशेषता है। इन्होंने अपनी रचनाओं में खड़ी बोली का प्रयोग किया है जिसमें तत्सम, तद्भव, देशज तथा विदेशी शब्दों का प्रयोग भी देखा जा सकता है।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 3 कर्मवीर

कर्मवीर कविता का सार

‘कर्मवीर’ कविता में ‘हरिऔध’ जी ने कर्मशील व्यक्तियों की विशेषताओं का उल्लेख करते हुए बताया है कि वे कभी भी विघ्न, बाधाओं को देख कर घबरातें नहीं हैं तथा कठिन से कठिन कार्य भी मन लगा कर पूरा करते हैं। अपनी मेहनत से वे अपने बुरे दिनों को भी भला बना लेते हैं। वे कभी भी किसी काम को कल पर टालते हैं। वे जो कुछ सोचते हैं, वही कर के भी दिखाते हैं। वे अपना कार्य स्वयं करते हैं तथा कभी किसी से सहायता नहीं मांगते। वे अपने समय को अमूल्य समझकर व्यर्थ की बातों में गंवाते नहीं हैं। वे न तो काम से जी चुराते हैं और न ही टाल-मटोल करते हैं। वे तो दूसरों के लिए आदर्श हैं। अपनी मेहनत से वे आकाश की ऊँचाइयों को छू लेते हैं तथा दुर्गम पर्वतों की चोटियों को भी जीत लेते हैं। उन्हें घने जंगलों के अंधकार, गर्जते सागर की लहरों, आग की लपटों आदि भी विचलित नहीं करती तथा वे सदा अपने कार्यों में सफल रहते हैं।

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 20 Civil and Military Administration of Ranjit Singh

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class History Book Solutions Chapter 20 Civil and Military Administration of Ranjit Singh Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 History Chapter 20 Civil and Military Administration of Ranjit Singh

Long Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Give an outline of Central Administration of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Maharaja was the pivot of central administration. Every word uttered by him was deemed law. Maharaja Ranjit Singh used his powers for the public welfare. In order to get cooperation in running the administration, the Maharaja had appointed many ministers, of which prominent were the Prime Minister, Foreign Minister, Diwan, Chief Commander and Deorhiwala. It rested on Maharaja’s will to accept their advice or not.

Maharaja Ranjit Singh usually accepted the advice of his ministers for the efficiency of the administration. He had also established 12 departments or daftars for the smooth functioning of administration. Of these departments, main were Daftar-i-Abwab-ul-Mal, Daftar-i-Tauzihat, Daftar-i-Mawajib, Daftar-i-Roznamcha-i-Ikhrajat. Decidedly, Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s central administration was good.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 20 Civil and Military Administration of Ranjit Singh

Question 2.
What was the position of Maharaja Ranjit Singh in the Central Administration?
Maharaja was head of the State and he was the pivot around which the entire administration of the state revolved. He himself prepared all the internal and external policies. He himself appointed all the ministers, high ranking civil and military officers of the state. He could also remove them from their posts whenever he wanted. He was also the highest court of justice of the state and every word uttered by him became law for the people.

None could dare violate his orders. He was the Commander-in-Chief of the army. He could declare war or peace with any ruler. He could impose or reduce or abolish taxes on his subjects. In short, powers of the Maharaja were in no way less than those of an autocrat. But the Maharaja never misused these powers. He used them for the public welfare.

Question 3.
Describe the Provincial Administration of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
In order to run the administration smoothly, Maharaja Ranjit Singh had divided his empire into four provinces. The names of these provinces were

  • Suba- i-Lahore
  • Suba-i-Multan
  • Suba-i-Kashmir and
  • Suba-i-Peshawar.

The administration of the Suba or Province was under Nazim (Governor). His main duties were to maintain peace, law and order in the state, to enforce the orders of the Maharaja, to decide the lawsuits and to supervise the work of other officials of the province. In this way powers of the Nazim were boundless. However, he could never misuse his powers as he got all the instructions from the Maharaja.

Unworthy Nazims were removed from their posts. Famous Nazims of Maharaja Ranjit Singh were:

  • Sardar Lehna Singh Majithia,
  • Misar Roop Lai
  • Diwan Sawan Mai
  • Cols. Mihan Singh
  • General Hari Singh Nalwa and
  • Avitabile.

Question 4.
What was the position of Kardar during the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
Each Suba was further divided into many Paraganas. The chief official of the Pargana was called Kardar. The office of a Kardar was considered more important than that of the Nazims. He was a pivotal functionary who had direct contact with the people. His position was like a present-day Deputy Commissioner. He had many duties to do.

The chief duties of the Kardar were to establish peace in the Pargana, to get the Maharaja’s order implemented, to collect the land revenue, to look after public welfare and administer justice. In brief, the Kardar exercised enormous powers in his Pargana. He was assisted by Qanungos and Muqaddams. Dr. Bhagat Singh aptly says, The Kardar was in fact most important official of Local Government.

Question 5.
Write a note on Local Administration of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
What do you know about the Local Administration of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?

1. Administration of the Parganas: Each Suba was further divided into many Parganas. The chief official of the Pargana was called Kardar. The chief duties of the Kardar were to establish peace in the Pargana, to get the Maharaja’s orders implemented, to collect the land revenue, to look after public welfare and administer justice. In brief, the Kardar exercised enormous powers in his Pargana. He was assisted by Qanungos and Muqaddams.

2. Village Administration: The smallest unit of administration was the village. It was then called ‘Mauza’. The administration of the village was in the hands of the Panchayat. The Panchayat looked after the people of the village and settled their petty disputes. The people showed great regard for the Panchayat and they mostly accepted its decisions. The Patwari maintained the record of the village land.

The Chaudhary would help the government in collecting land revenue. Muqaddam (Lambardar) was head of the village. He worked as a link between the government and the people. The Chowkidar was the watchman of the village. The Maharaja did not interfere in the working of the village.

3. AdministratioiM>f the city of Lahore: During the period of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the administration of Lahore city was run differently from other cities. The chief official of Lahore city was ‘Kotwal’. At the time of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, Imam Bakhsh was appointed to this important post. The chief functions of a Kotwal were to give practical shape to the Maharaja’s orders, to maintain peace in the city, to supervise the work of Mohalladars, to make arrangements for cleanliness in the city, to keep details of the foreign visitors, to supervise trade and industry and to examine weights and measures etc.

The whole city was divided into Mohallas. Each Mohalla was under a Mohalladar. He used to look after the Mohalla under him.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 20 Civil and Military Administration of Ranjit Singh

Question 6.
Write a short note on the administration of the city of Lahore during the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
During the period of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the administration of Lahore city was run differently from other cities. The whole city was divided into Mohallas. A Mohalla was under a Mohalladar. The Mohalladar maintained peace and order in hia mohalla and looked after the arrangement of cleanliness.

The chief official of Lahore city was ‘Kotwal’. The chief functions of a Kotwal were to give practical shape to the Maharaja s orders, to maintain peace in the city, to supervise the work of Mohalladars. to make arrangements for cleanliness in the city, to keep details of the foreign visitors, to supervise trade and industry and to examine weights and measures etc. He used to take necessary action against the guilty persons.

Question 7.
Write a short note on the Financial Administration of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Describe main features of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s land revenue administration.
Economic Condition. Land revenue constituted the most important source of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s income. Out of a total revenue amounting to a little over three crores of rupees about two crores were contributed by land revenue. During Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s times the following methods of assessment of land revenue were prevalent:

1. Batai System : During Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s times, the Batai system was widely prevalent. According to this system, the land revenue was assessed after harvesting. The system however had certain serious flaws. First, the state couldn’t have any idea of its income in advance. Secondly, the government had to appoint a large number of staff in order to ensure that there was no misappropriation of the produce by the farmers. Consequently, this system proved very expensive for the’government. Maharaja Ranjit Singh dispensed with this system in 1823 A.D.

2. Kankut System: In 1824 A.D. the Maharaja introduced the Kankut system in many parts of his Kingdom. Under this system revenue was determined on the basis of standing crops. The assessed revenue was realized in the form of cash.

3. Bigha System: In some parts of the State, Bigha system of assessment was prevalent. According to the Bigha system, the produce of per Bigha was assessed for determining the land revenue. On its basis, the government would find out how many Bighas of land a farmer owned and how much revenue, he owed to the government.

4. Plough System : In certain places of Ranjit Singh’s kingdom, land revenue was determined according to the plough system. According to this system the land which could be ploughed by a pair of oxen was considered a unit. On the basis of produce per unit, the government would fix its share. As a result a peasant had to pay land revenue in proportion to the number of pairs of bulls, he possessed.

5. Well System : In some parts of Ranjit Singh’s state, the government determined its share on the basis of well-system. According to this system, in order to determine the land revenue that much land was made a unit which could be easily irrigated by one well.

Question 8.
Write a brief note on Jagirdari system of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
What were the chief features of Jagirdari system of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
Many types of Jagirs were prevalent during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time. Of these, service Jagirs was considered the most important. These Jagirs were given to high military and civil officials of the state in lieu of their salaries. Besides, Inam Jagirs, Subsistence Jagirs, Watan Jagirs and Dharamarth Jagirs were also prevalent. Dharamarth Jagirs were given to religious institutions and holy persons. These Jagirs were given on permanent basis.

These Jagirs were managed by Jagirdar himself directly or by his agents. The Jagirdar not only collected revenue in his Jagir but he had also the right to decide the law-suits. Sometimes he was also given command of military expeditions. Military Jagirdars had the right of recruiting soldiers also. Although the Jagirdari system had some defects yet it suited the conditions of those times.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 20 Civil and Military Administration of Ranjit Singh

Question 9.
What do you know about the Judicial system of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
Discuss the main features of the Judicial system of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
The judicial system of Maharaja Ranjit Singh was simple. Laws were not written. Justice was done on the basis of existing conventions, customs and sacred scriptures. The final verdict rested with the Maharaja. In order to give justice to his subjects, Ranjit.Singh had set up many courts in his empire. The Panchayats settled disputes in the villages. In towns and cities, there were courts of Qazis. Non-Muslims also went> to the court of Qazi besides the Muslims.

The Qazi did justice according to Shariat (religious laws). Ranjit Singh had appointed special officers , called Adalti, for dispensing justice. During Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time, punishments were not rigid. The capital punishment was not awarded to anybody. Normally, fines were imposed on culprits. In short,'”the judicial system of Ranjit Singh was congenial to the social and political conditions of those times.

Question 10.
What were the main features of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s military ‘ administration?
What reforms were introduced by Ranjit Singh to improve his military system?
Write a short note on the military administration of Ranjit Singh.
1. Composition : Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s army consisted of persons belonging to different classes. These included the Sikhs, the Rajputs, the Brahmans, the Khatris, the Gorkhas, the Muslims, the Purbia Hindustanis and the Europeans.

2. Recruitment: The enlistment in the army during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time was entirely voluntary. Only strong and sturdy persons were recruited in the army. The task of recruiting officers was in the hands of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

3. Pay: Before the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh the soldiers were paid either in the form of Jagirs or out of the plunder. The soldiers were paid in kind, twice a year at the time of harvest. Maharaja Ranjit Singh introduced the system of making payment in cash.

4. Promotions : Maharaja Ranjit Singh gave promotions to the soldiers, only on the basis of their ability. While giving promotions to his soldiers, the Maharaja did not discriminate against anyone on the basis of caste or religion.

5. Rewards and Honours : Every year Maharaja Ranjit Singh spent lakhs of rupees on presents and honours, which he gave to the soldiers for their acts of bravery in the battlefield and also for their glorious services to the Lahore Darbar.

Question 11.
Write a brief note on the Fauj-i-Khas of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s army.
The Fauj-i-Khas of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s army was its most important and most powerful part. It was commanded and trained by General Ventura. It consisted of 4 battalions of infantry, 2 regiments of cavalry and 1 troop of artillery. This army was trained in European Style. Selected soldiers were enlisted in it. Their arms and horses were also of best quality. That is why it was called Fauj-i- Khas. This army had separate insignia and separate flag. It used French words of command. This army was so disciplined that European officers were also amazed to watch its performance. It was really a show-piece of the Maharaja’s army.

Question 12.
What do you mean by Fauj-e-Be-Qawaid of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
Fauj-i-Be-Qawaid means that army which did not observe any prescribed rules. This army was divided into four parts

  • Ghorcharas
  • Fauj-i-Kilajat
  • Akalis and
  • Jsagirdari Fauj.

A brief description of these is as follows :

1. Ghorcharas : Ghorcharas were the most important part of the Be-Qawaid army. It was divided into two categories,

  • Ghorcharas Khas and
  • Misldar Swars. Ghorcharas Khas consisted of the relatives of-the dignitaries of the court of landed gentry. The Misldar Swars consisted of those horsemen, who were previously employed with the Misl Sardars. They were regarded inferior m status to Ghorcharas Khas. The Ghorcharas retained their old methods of warfare and regarded the European’s practices, as the tricks of the dancing girl: In 1838-39 A.D. the strength of the Ghorcharas was 10,795.

2. Fauj-i-Kilajat : For the defence of the forts, Ranjit Singh had a separate army which was called Fauj-i-Kilajat. The number of these troops varied according to the importance of the forts. In important forts, a large number of soldiers were kept. In small forts the strength of the soldiers ranged between 25 and 50. The commanding officer of the fort was called either Quiladar or Thanedar.

3. The Akalis: The Akalis were known for their bravery. They called themselves the immortal army of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Each Akali proclaimed himself equivalent to 1,25,000 soldiers. The Akalis always moved fully armed to the teeth. They were opposed to all types of training. It was very difficult for Ranjit Singh to keep them under his control. They fought like devils and performed feats of amazing bravery in the battlefield. Therefore, they were always employed in the most dangerous expeditions. Their number was about 3,000. Akali Phula Singh and Akali Sadhu Singh were their famous leaders.

4. Jagirdari Fauj : During the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, those Jagirdars, who were given military Jagirs had to keep soldiers for the service of the state. The small Jagirdars kept only the cavaliers, whereas the big Jagirdars kept infantry and artillery, in addition to the cavaliers. The Jagirdars themselves recruited their soldiers. These soldiers were inspected from time to time by the state.

Question 13.
What was Ranjit Singh’s attitude towards his subjects?
Ranjit Singh’s behaviour towards his subjects was good. He never ignored public interests. State officials were given instructions that they should take extra care for the welfare of public. He travelled in disguise very often to know the real condition of people. Those who violated his orders, were given punishment. The peasants and the poor were given special state facilities. When once there was famine in Kashmir, the Maharaja had sent there a thousand loaded mules with corn.

He gave patronage not only to the Sikhs and Hindus but also to the Muslims. He gave them land exempted from revenue in charity. As a result, his subjects were well-off during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 20 Civil and Military Administration of Ranjit Singh

Essay Type Questions:

Civil Administration Of Maharaja Ranjit Singh:

Question 1.
Describe the Civil Administration of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Give a brief account of the Civil Administration of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Describe about the Civil Administration of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Explain in detail the Central and Provincial Administration of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Describe the Central and Provincial Administrative sy stem of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Give a detailed description of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Provincial and Local Administration.
Maharaja Ranjit Singh was not only a great conqueror but also an efficient administrator. The salient features of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s civil administration were as follows :

1. Central Administration

(1) The Maharaja : The Maharaja was the head of the State. All the state affairs were looked after by him. He framed all the internal and external policies. All the major civil and military appointments were made by hj^He could dismiss anyone from his office at will. He was the Chief Justice of the State. His word was law. Nobody could dare defy his orders. He had the right to impose, to withdraw or to reduce any tax.

He was the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces. The armed forces always abided by his command. He was empowered to declare or end war. He was totally free ttf sign any treaty with any other ruler. In short, the Maharaja’s powers were in no way less than those of a dictator. But the Maharaja never misused these powers. He considered that his own welfare lies in the welfare of the subjects.

(2) Ministers: For the efficient performance of administration, the Maharaja had organised a Council of Ministers. The ministers were appointed by the Maharaja himself. Only those persons who were able, honest and loyal, to the state were appointed ministers. These ministers would give suggestions to the Maharaja about their respective departments. Their suggestions were not binding on the Maharaja. But the Maharaja normally formulated the state policies keeping in view the suggestions of these ministers. The important ministers of the Maharaja were as follows:

1. Prime Minister : Next to the Maharaja in importance was the place of Prime Minister (Wazir). He advised the Maharaja in all political affairs of the state. He looked after all the departments, except finance and foreign affairs. He represented the Maharaja in his absence. He decided cases by holding his court. He sent only very important cases to the Maharaja. All types of petitions were sent to the Maharaja only through him. He got all the orders of the Maharaja implemented. During Ranjit Singh’s time, Raja Dhian Singh held this office for a long time.

2. Foreign Minister: During Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s times, the office of the Foreign Minister was also very important. He gave suggestions to the Maharaja regarding war and peace with other powers. He tried to improve rel ations of foreign countries with the Lahore Darbar. He read to the Maharaja the letters received from the foreign countries and sent their replies as the Maharaja advised him. During the reign of Maharaja Ranjit Singh Faqir Aziz-ud-Din held this office. The Maharaja greatly valued his opinion.

3. Finance Minister : The Finance Minister was one of the important ministers of the Maharaja and was called Diwan. His chief function was to maintain an account of income and expenditure of the state. The papers concerning expenditure of all the departments were first placed before the Diwan for scrutiny. The Diwan would read out the daily report of his department to the Maharaja and received orders to this effect from him. Diwan Bhiwani Das, Diwan Ganga Ram and Diwan Dina Nath were the famous Finance Ministers of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

4. Cohunander-in-Chief : Maharaja Ranjit Singh himself was the Chief Commander of his army. All the major campaigns were commanded by the Maharaja himself. In addition, the Maharaja would appoint different generals for different campaigns. Their chief task was to lead the army in battles and maintain discipline among soldiers. Diyan Mohkam Chand, Misar Diwan Chand and Hari Singh Nalwa were the famous Generals of Ranjit Singh.

5. Deorhiwala : The Deorhiwala looked after the royal family and the palace. No one could enter the palace without his permission. To arrange somebody’s meeting with the Maharaja in the palace depended on him. He also acted as a watch man of the royal pplace. In addition, all the ceremonies in the palace were performed under his supervision. Jamadar Khushal Singh held this office for quite a long time. After him this office was given to Dhidn Singh.

(3) Central Departments or Daftars: For administrative efficiency Maharaja Ranjit Singh had established various departments or daftars. A brief description of the prominent daftars is as follows :

  • Daftar-i-Abwab-ul-Mal: It maintained the account of different sources Of income the state.
  • Daftar-i-Mal : It kept account of land revenue received from various Parganas and Taluqas.
  • Daftar-i-Wajuhat: It kept the account of the income accrued from court fee and custom duty on opium, bhang and other intoxicants.
  • Daftar-i-Taujihat: It maintained the account of the royal family.
  • Daftar-i-Mawaj ib : It maintained the account, of salaries paid to the military and civil officials.
  • Daftar-i-Roznamacha-i-Ikhrajat : It kept the account of daily expenditure of the state.
  • Daftar-i-Toshakhana : In this department, expensive things were taken care of. This office was divided into two parts

Toshakhana Khaas and Toshakhana Bahela. Gold, silver, diamonds, pearls, etc. were kept at Toshakhana Khaas. The things of general use were kept at Toshakhana Bahela.

II. Provincial Administration

With a view to run the administration efficiently, Maharaja Ranjit Singh had divided his kingdom into four provinces. The names of these provinces were

  • Suba-i-Lahore
  • Suba-i-Multan
  • Suba-i-Kashmir and
  • Suba-i- Peshawar.

Nazim was the highest authority of the Suba. His main duty was to maintain peace and order in the Suba. For this purpose, he was allowed to maintain a small force. In addition, he supervised the. work of other officials of the Suba. He got the orders of the Maharaja implemented in the Suba. He decided the civil and criminal cases.

He heard the appeals against the decisions of the Kardas. He helped the various Suba officials in the collection of land revenue. He also supervised the work of district Kardars. Thus, the Nazim exercised vast powers in his own Suba. But, he had to seek the prior approval of the Maharaja, before taking any crucial decision about his Suba. The Maharaja could change the Nazim, whenever he wanted. The famous Nazims of Maharaja Ranjit Singh were

  • Sardar Lehna Singh Majithia
  • Misar Roop Lai
  • Diwan Sawan Mai
  • Karnail Mihan Singh
  • Avitabile

III. Local Administration

(a) Administration of the Parganas : Each Suba was further divided into many Parganas. The’ chief official of the Pargana was called Kardar. The office of a Kardar was considered more important than that of the Nazims. He was a pivotal functionary, who. had a direct contact with the people. His position was like a present day Deputy Commissioner.

He had many duties to do. The chief duties of the Kardar were to establish peace in the Pargana, to get the Maharaja’s orders implemented, to collect the land revenue, to look after public welfare and administer justice. In brief, the Kardar exercised enormous powers in his Pargana. He was assisted by Qanungos and Muqaddams.

(b) Village Administration : The smallest unit of administration was the village. It was then called ‘Mauza’. The administration of the village was in the hands of the Panchayat. The Panchayat looked after the people of the village and settled their petty disputes. The people showed great regard for the Panchayat and they mostly accepted its decisions.

The Patwari maintained the record of the village land. The Chaudhary would help the government in collecting land revenue. Muqaddam (Lambardar) was head of the village. He worked as a link between the government and the people. The Chowkidar was the watchman of the village. The Maharaja did not interfere in the working of the village.

(c) Administration of the city of Lahore : During the period of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the administration of Lahore city was run differently from other cities. The chief official of Lahore city was ‘Kotwal’. At the time of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, Imam Bakhsh was appointed to this important post. The chief functions of a Kotwal were to give practical shape to the Maharaja’s orders, to maintain peace in the city, to supervise the work of Mohalladars, to make arrangements for cleanliness-in the city, to keep details of the foreign visitors, to supervise trade and industry and to examine weights and measures etc. The whole city was divided into Mohallas. Each Mohalla was under a Mohalladar. He used to look after the Mohalla under him.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 20 Civil and Military Administration of Ranjit Singh

Financial Administration Of J Maharaja Ranjit Singh:

Question 2.
Give a detailed description of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Financial Administration.
Discuss the salient features of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Financial Administration.
Describe the Financial System of Maharaja Ranjit Singh in detail.
Examine critically the land revenue system of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Discuss the land revenue system of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Every state needs funds for carrying on its administration and implementing many other projects. Such funds are raised by a well devised financial system. The financial system prevailing in the Punjab during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s reign was the simplest of its kind. At first, the finance system of Maharaja Ranjit Singh was not regularised. In 1808 A.D. he decided to improve the existing financial system. So, he appointed Diwan Bhiwani Das as his Finance Minister.

Diwan Bhiwani Das soon after his appointment established Daftar-i-Abwab-ul- Mal, Daftar-i-Abwab-ul-Tahwil, Daftar-i-Taujihat and Daftar-i-Roznamcha-i- Ikhrazat with a view to regularise the financial system.

IV. Land Revenue Administration:

Land revenue constituted the most important source of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s income. Out of a total revenue amounting to a little over three crores of rupees about two crores were contributed by land revenue. During Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s times the following methods of assessment of land revenue were prevalent:

(1) Batai System: During Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s times, the Batai system was widely prevalent. According to this system, the land revenue was assessed after harvesting. The system however had certain serious flaws. First, the state couldn’t have any idea of its income in advance. Secondly, the government had to appoint a large number of staff in order to ensure that there was no misappropriation of the produce by the farmers. Consequently, this system: proved very expensive for the government. Maharaja Ranjit Singh dispensed with this system in 1823 A.D.

(2) Kankut System: In 1824 A.D. the Maharaja introduced the Kankut system in many parts of his kingdom. Under this system revenue was determined on the basis of standing crops. The assessed revenue was realized in the form of cash.

(3) Bigha System: In some parts of the State, Bigha system of assessment was prevalent. According to the Bigha system, the produce of per Bigha was assessed for determining the land revenue. On its basis, the government would find out how many Bighas of land a farmer owned and how much revenue, he owed to the government.

(4) Plough System: In certain places of Ranjit Singh’s kingdom, land revenue was determined according to the plough system. According to this system the land which could be ploughed by a pair of oxen was considered a unit. On the basis of produce per unit, the government would fix its share. As a result a peasant had to pay land revenue in proportion to the number of pairs of bulls, he possessed.

(5) Well System : In some parts of Ranjit Singh’s state, the government determined its share on the basis of well-system. According to this system, in order to determine the land revenue that much land was made a unit which could be easily irrigated by one well.

(6) Ijaradari System: According to the Ijaradari system, the government would hand over the land of a village or a group of villages to a contractor and realize the fixed land revenue from him. This contractor had the right to collect revenue from the land under him. These contractors were called Ijaradars. The government gave them the right to collect land revenue for 2 to 6 years.

Collection of Land Revenue

During the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the land revenue was collected twice a year. This revenue was collected at the time of Rabi and Kharif harvests. There is a considerable difference of opinion among historians over the government share of the produce. It varied from place to place and according to the fertility of the soil. Most of the historians agree that they government charged 50% revenue on the very fertile land. Very little land revenue was charged from those who cultivated the barren land, till it became completely fertile. Usually it ranged from 2/5th to l/3rd of the total produce. Dr. B.J. Hasrat aptly says,

“Neither unduly benevolent nor exceedingly oppressive, the land revenue system of Ranjit Singh was highly practical and suited to the requirements of the time. During the times of Ranjit Singh, in addition to the land revenue, the government had the following other main sources of income :

(1) Custom Duties: Next to land revenue, the other main source of state income was custom duties. There was a network of octroi posts all over the state. Custom duties were imposed upon all articles irrespective of their being domestic or foreign. During Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s times the total income from custom duties amounted to 17 lakhs.

(2) Nazrana : Nazrana was also the chief source of state income. It was that cash or precious gifts, which the courtiers of the state and the other people presented to the Maharaja on different occasions.

(3) Zabti: It was also an important source of state income. Maharaja Ranjit Singh would confiscate the property of guilty officials. Besides this, in the event of Jagirdar’s death, the Jagirs given to them were confiscated. These Jagirs were either retained by the state or retained by the successors of the Jagirdars, in lieu of money.

(4) Income from Judiciary : Income from judiciary was also a good source of state income. The government would get Jurmana from the guilty persons and ‘Shukrana’ from those, who were declared innocent.

(5) Excise yTteetaxes charged on the sale of opium, bhang, wine and other
intoxicants were called excise. The government earned sufficient annual income through this tax.

(6) Income from Salt: The government had the exclusive right to extract salt from the salt mines. It had the right to manufacture salt or sell it.

(7) Abwabs : Abwabs were those small taxes which were charged along with the land revenue. They were normally 5% to 15% of the land revenue.

(8) Professional Tax : Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s government had imposed professional tax on the people of different professions. This tax was charged at the rate of Re. 1 to Rs. 2 per person.

Total Income of the Kingdom

We do not have any specific knowledge of the total income of the kingdom during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s times. We can estimate from the different details given by the historians that during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s times the total annual income of the state was between 2 crore and 3 crore.


During Ranjit Singh’s reign no formal budget was prepared. The government would spend its income on running the administration, paying salaries to the army, courtiers and other civil officials, manufacturing war-materials, developing agriculture, executing government plans, running charitable institutions and awarding prizes. ,

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 20 Civil and Military Administration of Ranjit Singh

Question 3.
Make an assessment of the Judicial Administration of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
What do you know about the Judicial Administration of Ranjit Singh? Explain in detail.
Explain the Judicial System and Financial Administration of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
The judicial system of Maharaja Ranjit Singh was very simple. There were no written laws. Judicial decisions were made in accordance with the customary conventions and religious beliefs. No distinction was made between civil and criminal cases. The chief characteristics of Ranjit Singh’s judicial system were as follows :


Maharaja Ranjit Singh had established the following courts to deliver justice to his people:

1. Panchayat: In the judicial system of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, Panchayat Was the smallest, but the most important court. The Panchayat generally consisted of five members. Almost all the civil and criminal cases of the village were heard by the Panchayat. The Panchayat decided cases according to the conventions of the people. The people greatly respected the Panchayat.

2. Qazi’s Court: During Ranjit Singh’s time, the Qazi’s courts were set up in the cities. During Ranjit Singh’s times people of all religions were appointed to this office. Appeals against the judgements of the Panchayats were made in the Qazi’s court and new cases were also heard.

3. Jagirdar’s Court: During the period of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, Jagirs were administered by the Jagirdars. These Jagirdars were empowered to decide both civil and criminal cases within the jurisdiction of these Jagirs.

4. Kardar’s Court: Kardar was the chief officer of the Pargana. In his court, all the civil and criminal cases of the Pargana were heard and judgements given.

5. Nazim’s Court: In every province, the chief judicial officer was the Nazim. He normally decided criminal cases but some civil cases were also decided.

6. Adalti’s Court: In order to give justice, to his subjects Ranjit Singh had appointed Adaltis in all the big cities. Both the civil and criminal cases were heard in these courts.
7. Adalat-i-Ala : Adalat-i-Ala was the highest court below the Maharaja. This court was set up at Lahore. This court was like the High Court of today. In this court appeals against the judgements of the courts of Kardar and Nazim were heard.

8. Maharaja’s Court: The Maharaja’s court was the highest court. His decisions were final. Maharaja Ranjit Singh considered it his first duty to give impartial justice to the people. The aggrieved party could appeal to the Maharaja directly. At that time, it was not necessary that the case should come to the Maharaja through the channel of lower courts. The Maharaja also heard appeals against the decisions of Kardars, Nazims and Adalat-i-Ala. The power to award death sentence rested only with the Maharaja. He could pardon any criminal.

Working of the Courts:

During Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s times, the working system of the courts was simple and practical. In order to get justice, the people were at liberty to knock at the door of any court in the state. At that time the laws were not written, so the judges would deliver their judgements on the basis of prevalent conventions. The disposal of the cases was speedy. The people could appeal to the Maharaja against the decisions of the lower courts.


Maharaja Ranjit Singh was opposed to give severe punishments to the criminals. He had done away with many inhuman punishments. The death sentence was not awarded to any criminal. Normally, the criminals were fined. The punishment of amputating a part of the body was scarcely given to the criminals. This punishment was given to those criminals who committed crimes time and again.

Estimate of Ranjit Singh’s Judicial System:

The historians have either admired or severely criticised the judicial system of Maharaja Ranjit Singh on the basis of following merits and demerits :

(1) Demerits : Some historians have strongly criticised the judicial system of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. They advance the following arguments :

1. Justice was Sold: One major demerit of Ranjit Singh’s, judicial system was that the government had made justice a source of income. One could escape punishment by paying fine to the government after committing even the most serious crime. Where justice is sold, to call it justice is an insult to justice:

2. Court’s Rights were not Clear : During the times of Ranjit Singh, the rights of various courts were not clear. Civil and criminal cases were not differentiated from each other.

3. No Written Laws : During Ranjit Singh’s times laws were not written. Therefore while delivering justice, the judges would have their own ways. In the absence of written laws, the possibility of the dispensation of right justice was reduced.

4. Wrong Decisions: Ranjit Singh was the Chief Justice of the state. No appeal could be made against his decisions.The decisions of these cases were adversely affected by the mental state of the Maharaja. Whenever the Maharaja was in a happy state of niind, he would even acquit the most serious criminal. On the contrary, if the Maharaja happened to be in angry mood, he would give a severe punishment even to an ordinary criminal.

(2) Merits : Many historians have admired the judicial system of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. They advance the following arguments :

1. Justice was not Sold : Some historians are of the opinion that justice was sold during the regime of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Any criminal could have his punishment waived off by paying fine to the government. Most of the historians have contradicted this view that justice was not sold during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s times.

2. Fast and Cheap Justice : Another prominent merit of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s judicial system was that the people of those days used to get fast and cheap justice. The cases were not allowed to get lost in the judicial complications.

3. Laws were based on Conventions : It is true that there were no written laws during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s period but the society never felt their absence. The reason being that the judges delivered their judgements on the basis of prevalent conventions and religious traditions. The people greatly respected these conventions.

4. Strict watch over the Judges : The Maharaja kept a strict watch over the judges so that they might dispense justice justly. He would take action against those judges who did not discharge their duties sincerely.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 20 Civil and Military Administration of Ranjit Singh

Jagirdari System Of Maharaja Ranjit Singh:

Question 4.
Discuss about the Jagirdari System of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Jagirdari system was prevalent among the Sikh Misls, even before . Maharaja Ranjit Singh, but Maharaja Ranjit Singh gave it a new shape. The following were the chief characteristics of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Jagirdari system :

Kinds of Jagirs:

During Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s times the following Jagirs were in vogue :

1. Service Jagirs : Service Jagirs were the most significant of all the Jagirs which were given during the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. They constituted the bulk of the landed grants. Service Jagirs were given both to the military and civil persons. All service Jagirs whether civil or military were held depending on the pleasure of the Maharaja. They could be enlarged, reduced or confiscated depending upon how their guarantors discharged their assigned responsibilities. A brief description of these Jagirs is as follows:

(1) Military Jagirs : Military Jagirs were those Jagirs in which the Jagirdars had to keep certain number of horsemen for the state service. These Jagirdars were given Jagirs by the. state in return for expenditure incurred for the maintenance of these horsemen. Maharaja Ranjit Singh took special care that every military Jagirdar must keep under him the horsemen fixed by the government. So, the Jagirdar’s horsemen were inspected from time to time. Those Jagirdars, whose horsemen were found less in number, were given punishments. In 1830 A.D. Maharaja Ranjit Singh had introduced the branding of horses.

(2) Civil Jagirs : Civil Jagirs were given to the civil officers of the state in lieu of the salary they received. They had the right to collect land revenue from their Jagirs. The Civil Jagirdars did not need to keep fixed horsemen under them. The number of Civil Jagirs was very large.

2. Inam Jagirs : Inam Jagirs were those Jagirs which the Maharaja would give to the people in recognition of their special services or as reward for their acts of valour. Inam Jagirs were normally hereditary.

3. Subsistence Jagirs : Subsistence Jagirs were those Jagirs which the Maharaja gave to the people for sustenance purpose. For such Jagirs the Maharaja did not expect any service. Normally these Jagirs were given to the Maharaja’s relatives, the defeated rulers and their dependents and the Jagirdar’s dependents for their subsistence. The Subsistence Jagirs like the Inam Jagirs were also hereditary, jfm^at was expected in return was a payment of a small nazrana (tribute) in token of their loyalty to the state.

4. Watan Jagirs : Watan Jagirs were also called Patidar Jagirs. These were those Jagirs which were given to the Jagirdars in his native village. These Jagirs were, in vogue, during the times of the Sikh Misls. These Jagirs were hereditary. Maharaja Ranjit Singh continued the Watan Jagirs, but he ordered some Watan Jagirdars to render military service.

5. Dharamarth Jagirs : Dharamarth Jagirs were those Jagirs which were given to religious institutions, like gurdwaras, temples and mosques, or holy persons. The income accrued from the Dharamafth Jagirs given to the religious institutions was spent for providing accommodation to the pilgrims, on the langar and on the upkeep of sacred places. The Dharamarth Jagirs were given on permanent basis.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 20 Civil and Military Administration of Ranjit Singh

Other Features of the Jagirdari System:

1. Size of the Jagirs : There was a great difference in the size of all the Jagirs, whatever the category of a Jagir might be, but the greatest difference was in the Service Jagirs. The Service. Jagir could be equivalent to a village or part thereof or from an acre to as big as the whole district.

2. Administration of the Jagirs : The administration of the Jagirs was managed either directly by the Jagirdars themselves or indirectly by their agents. The administration of small Jagirs was managed by the Jagirdars, themselves or by the members of their family, in their absence. Those Jagirdars who had large Jagirs scattered over a number of places could not manage it alone. So, they appointed *Mukhtars’ to look after the administrative work of the Jagirs.

The amount of land revenue to be collected by the Jagirdar or their agents was fixed by the government. The Jagirdar had to keep it in view that the farmers working under him or his labourers should not be displeased with him.

Civil And Military Administration Of Ranjit Singh:

3. Duties of the Jagirdars : During the regime of Maharaja Ranjit Singh the Jagirdars not only collected the revenue from the Jagirs under them but also decided the judicial cases of the people living in their Jagirs. Many a time, the Maharaja would give command of small military campaigns to the brave Jagirdars also. Often the Maharaja would authorise the Jagirdars to collect arrears of land revenue from the areas under them. Sometimes Jagirdars were sent on diplomatic missions and were given the responsibility to welcome the important foreign dignitaries. In short, the Jagirdars enjoyed enormous powers during the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

Merits of the Jagirdari System

1. Free from the burden of Collecting Revenue : During the period of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, many civil and military officers had been given the Jagirs. These Jagirdars were given the right to collect revenue from the Jagir under them. So, the government became free from the burden of collecting revenue.

2. A large force was prepared : During Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s times those Jagirdars who were given military Jagirs had to keep soldiers for the service of the state. The Maharaja inspected these soldiers from time to time. The Jagirdars would send these soldiers to the help of the Maharaja at the time of need. A large reserve force for Maharaja Ranjit Singh was thus prepared by the Jagirdars.

3. Help in the Administration : During Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s times the Jagirdars not only collected the revenue, but also settled all the judicial matters in the Jagirs under them. These Jagirdars were also empowered to collect Nazrana. In order to maintain peace, they would also sometimes lead small military campaigns. In this way, the Jagirdar proved help&d to Maharaja Ranjit Singh in matters of state administration.

4. Restriction on the despotism of Ranjit Singh : The Jagirdari system imposed restriction on the despotism of Ranjit Singh. Since the Maharaja sought the help of the Jagirdars in running his administration, he could not rule by free will. He had to keep in mind the wishes of the Jagirdars.

Demerits of the Jagirdari System:

1. Lack of unity in the Army: During the period of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the Jagirdars had their own army- Its recruitment was made according to the Jagirdar’s own whims. The soldiers under every Jagirdar did not undergo the same sort of training. Consequently, there was a lack of co-ordination in them. Besides, these soldiers were more loyal to the Jagirdars than to the Maharaja.

2. Exploitation of Farmers : The Jagirdars were empowered to collect land revenue from the Jagirs held by them.’ These Jagirdars would try to collect maximum Revenue from the farmers. The big Jagirdars would often take fixed amount of money from the contractors and allow them to collect revenue. These contractors would greatly exploit the farmers to earn maximum profit.

3. Jagirdars led a luxurious Life : Since the big Jagirdars were very rich, they led a life of luxury. They would indulge in debauchery and merry-making in
their palaces. One reason being that these Jagirdars knew that after their death their Jagir could be confiscated. Thus, the valuable wealth of the state was wasted.

4. Jagirdari System proved harmful to the Successors of Ranjit Singh: Maharaja Ranjit Singh had given enormous powers to the Jagirdars. As long as he was alive, he kept them under his control, but after his death, his weak successors could not keep them under their control. They began to take part in anti-state conspiracies. It proved very harmful to the Sikh empire.

Although the Jagirdari system suffered from certain defects, yet it eminently suited during the regime of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

Military Administration Of Maharaja Ranjit Singh:

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 20 Civil and Military Administration of Ranjit Singh

Question 5.
Give an account of the Military Administration of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Describe in detail the military system of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Write briefly the military organisation of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Why was his army called the ‘Engine of Power?
Describe the various reforms introduced by Maharaja Ranjit Singh in order to westernise his army.
Discuss critically the Military Administration of Ranjit Singh.
Describe the salient features of the Military Administration of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Describe the merits and demerits of the Military Administration of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Maharaja Ranjit Singh was not only a great conqueror, but also a military administrator of a very high order. Before Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the military system of the Sikhs was very defective. There was a total lack of discipline among the soldiers. They were neither paraded nor given training of any kind. The infantry was considered very inferior. The Sikhs considered it below their dignity to join the infantry. The army was also not well-organised. There was no practice of branding the horses. The soldiers were not given salaries in cash.

They were given a share of the booty. As a result, the soldiers paid more attention to plundering than fighting. No record of the details of soldiers was maintained. Above all, the Sikh army did not have the modern sophisticated weapons. Artillery was not considered an essential part of the army. Such an army can not be called an army in the true sense of the word. Ranjit Singh was dreaming of establishing a powerful Sikh empire. In order to realise his dream, he felt the urgency of creating a strong and disciplined army. Therefore, he planned to modernise his army.

Division of Army:

Maharaja Ranjit Singh had divided his army into two wings,

  • Fauj-i-Ain (regular army) and
  • Fauj-i-Be-Qawaid (irregular army).

A brief description of these wings is as follows :


The regular army of Maharaja Ranjit Singh was called Fauj-i-Ain. It comprised all the three arms,

  • Infantry
  • Cavalry and
  • Artillery.

1. Infantry : Maharaja Ranjit Singh was fully aware of the importance of infantry. The task of recruitment in this army had started after 1805 A.D., which continued throughout the Maharaja’s reign. In the beginning, the number of the Sikhs in this army was nominal. The reason being that the Sikhs looked down upon infantry. Therefore, in the beginning, Maharaja Ranjit Singh recruited the Pathans and the Gorkhas in this section of the army.

Afterwards, owing to Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s efforts, the Sikhs too began to join it. In 1822 A.D. Maharaja Ranjit Singh employed General Ventura to train the infantry on western pattern. Under his able guidance, the infantry became the efficienfand the most disciplined army of Maharaja Ranjit Singh within a few years. In 1838-39 A.D. the strength of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s infantry rose to 26617.

2. Cavalry : The second important part of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s army was cavalry. In order to organise it on western lines, Maharaja Ranjit Singh appointed General Allard in 1822 A.D. Under his command the cavalry became very strong. In 1838-39, the overall strength of the cavalry was 4090.

3. Artillery : Maharaja Ranjit Singh was fully aware of the importance of artillery in the modern warfare. Therefore, he paid a special attention to the development of artillery in 1810 A.D. In 1812 A.D. he organised Topkhana-i-Khas.. In order to make the artillery more powerful he employed General Court in 1827 A.D., and Col. Alexander Gardener in 1832 A.D. Under their able guidance the artillery made matchless progress in a few years. Maharaja Ranjit Singh had divided his artillery into four categories:

  • Topkhana-i-Fili,
  • Topkhana-i- Shutri

4. Topkhana-i-Aspi,
5. Topkhana-i-Gavi. Topkhana-i-Fili consisted of very heavy guns, which were pulled by the elephants. Topkhana-i-Shutri consisted of those guns, which were pulled by the camels. Topkhana-i-Aspi consisted of those guns, which were pulled by the horses. Topkhana-i-Gavi consisted of those guns, which were pulled by the oxen.


Fauj-i-Khas was the most important and the strongest portion of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s army. It was trained under the command of General Ventura. It consisted of four battalions of infantry, two regiments of cavalry, and a troop of artillery. It was trained and disciplined strictly on European patterns. In it, very selected soldiers were recruited. Their weapons and horses were, also, of the superior type. That is why this army was called Fauj-i-Khas. It had a separate flag and emblem.


Fauj-i-Be-Qawaid means that army that did not observe any prescribed rules. This army was divided into four parts

  • Ghorcharas
  • Fauj-i-Kilajat
  • Akalis and
  • Jagirdari Fauj.

A brief description of these is as follows :

1. Ghorcharas: Ghorcharas were the most important part of the Be-Qawaid army. It was divided into two categories,

  • Ghorcharas Khas and
  • Misldar Swars. Ghorcharas Khas consisted of the relatives of the dignitaries of the court of landed gentry. The Misldar Swars consisted of those horsemen, who were previously employed with the Misl Sardars. They were regarded inferior in status to Ghorcharas Khas. The Ghorcharas retained their old methods of warfare and regarded the Europeans practices, as the tricks of the dancing girl. In 1838-39 A.D. the strength of the Ghorcharas was 10,795.

2. Fauj-i-Kilajat: For the defence of the forts, Ranjit Singh had a separate army which was called Fauj-i-Kilajat. 1116 number of these troops varied according to the importance of the forts. In important forts, a large number of soldiers were kept. In small forts the strength of the soldiers ranged between 25 and 50. The commanding officer of the fort was called either Quiladar or Thanedar.

3. The Akalis: The Akalis were known for their bravery. They called themSelves the immortal army of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Each Akali proclaimed himself equivalent to 1,25,000 soldiers. The Akalis always moved fully armed to the teeth. They were opposed to q}l types of training. It was very difficult for Ranjit Singh to keep them under his control. They fought like devils and performed feats of amazing bravery in the battlefield. Therefore, they were always employed in the most dangerous expeditions. Their number was about 3,000. Akali Phula Singh and Akali Sadhu Singh were their famous leaders.

4. Jagirdari Fauj: During the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, those Jagirdars, who were given military Jagirs had to keep soldiers for the service of the state. The small Jagirdars kept only the cavaliers, whereas the big Jagirdars kept infantry and artillery, in addition to the cavaliers. The Jagirdars themselves recruited their soldiers. These soldiers were inspected from time to time by the state.

Other Features:

1. Total Strength of the Army: Most of the historians agree to the view that Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s army ranged between 75,000 and 1,00,000.

2. Composition: Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s army consisted of persons belonging to different classes. These included the Sikhs, the Rajputs, the Brahmans, the Khatris, the Gorkhas, the Muslims. The Purbia Hindustanis and the Europeans.

3. Recruitment: The enlistment in the army during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time was entirely voluntary. Only strong and sturdy persons were recruited in the army. The task of recruiting officers was in the hands of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

4. Pay: Before the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh the soldiers were paid either in the form of Jagirs or out of the plunder. The soldiers were paid in kind, twice a year at the time of harvest. Maharaja Ranjit Singh introduced the system of making payment in cash.

5. Promotions : Maharaja Ranjit Singh gave promotions to the soldiers, only on the basis of their ability. While giving promotions to his soldiers, the Maharaja did not discriminate against anyone on the basis of caste or religion.

6. Rewards and Honours : Every year Maharaja Ranjit Singh spent lakhs of rupees on presents and honours, which he gave to the soldiers for their acts of bravery in the battlefield and also for their glorious services to th^Li&hore Darbar.

7. Discipline: Maharaja Ranjit Singh had maintained a high depeb of discipline in his army. Those who violated the military rules were awarded severe punishments. Gen. Sir Charles Gough and Arthur D. Innes aptly say, “The Sikh army was the most efficient, the hardest to overcome, that we have ever faced ip India.”

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 20 Civil and Military Administration of Ranjit Singh

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Give an outline of Central Administration of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Every word uttered by Maharaja Ranjit Singh was deemed law. In order – to get cooperation in running the administration, the Maharaja had appointed many ministers, of which prominent were the Prime Minister, Foreign Miniate. Finance Minister, Diwan, Chief Commander and Deorhiwala. It rested on Maharaja’s will to accept their advice or not. He had also established 12 departments or daftars for the smooth functioning of administration.

Question 2.
What was the position of Maharaja Ranjit Singh in the Central Administration?
Maharaja was head of the State and he was the pivot around which the entire administration of the state revolved. He himself appointed all the ministers, high ranking civil and military officers of the state. He was also the highest court of justice of the state and every word uttered by him became law for the people. He was the Commander-in-Chief of the army. He could declare war or peace with any ruler.

Question 3.
Write a short note on the Provincial Administration of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Maharaja Ranjit Singh had divided his empire into four Provinces,

  • Suba-i-Lahore
  • Suba-i-Multan
  • Suba-i-Kashmir and
  • Suba-i-Peshawar.

The administration of the Suba or Province was under Nazim (Governor). His main duties were to maintain peace, and to enforce the orders of the Maharaja in the province. He also helped the officials in collecting land revenue to maintain the law and order in the state, to enforce the orders of the Maharaja.

Question 4.
What was the position of Kardar during the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
Write the works of Kardar during the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Each Suba was further divided into many Paraganas. The chief official of the Pargana was called Kardar. The chief duties of the Kardar were to establish peace in the Pargana, to get the Maharaja’s order implemented, to collect the land revenue, to look after public welfare and administer justice. In brief the Kardar exercised enormous powers in his Pargana. He was assisted by Qanungos and Muqaddams.

Question 5.
Analyse the Local Administration of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
What do yoh khow about the Local Administration of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
At the time of Maharaja Ranjit Singh the Subas were further divided into many Parganas. The administration of Pargana was under Kardar. The main duties of the Kardar were to keep peace in his Pargana, to promulgate orders of the Maharaja, to collect revenue, to look after the public welfare, and to decide the civil and criminal cases. Village or Mauz& was the lowest unit of administration. Its administration was in the hands of Panchayat.

Question 6.
Write the important functions of |£otwal during the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. .

  • To implement the orders of the Maharaja.
  • To establish law and order in the city.
  • To look after the cleanliness in the city.
  • To keep the record of foreigners.
  • To keep a watch on trade and industries in the city.

Question 7.
Write a short note on the administration of city of Lahore during the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
How was the administration of the city of Lahore during the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
During the period of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the administration of Lahore city was run differently from other cities. The whole city was divided into Mohallas. A Mohalla was under a Mohalladar. The Mohalladar maintained peace and order in his mohalla and looked after the arrangement of cleanliness. The chief official of Lahore city was ‘KotwaP who usually was to be a Muslim. At the time of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, Imam Baksh was appointed at this post.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 20 Civil and Military Administration of Ranjit Singh

Question 8.
Write a slbort note on the Financial Administration of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Describe main features of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Land Revenue Administration.
Land revenue being the main source of state income, Maharaja Ranjit Singh paid special attention to its administration. Batai, Kankut, Bidding, Bigha, Plough and Well systems of determining land revenue were prevalent during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time. Land revenue was collected twice in a year. The officials who collected revenue were—Kardar, Muqaddam, Patwari, Qanungo and Chaudhary. Land revenue could be paid in cash or in kind and it was fixed on the basis of fertility of land.

Question 9.
Write a brief note on Jagirdari system of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
What were the chief features of Jagirdari system of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
Many types of Jagirs were prevalent during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time. Of these, service Jagirs was considered the most important. These Jagirs were given to high military and civil officials of the state in lieu of their salaries. Besides, Inam Jagirs, Subsistence Jagirs, Watan Jagirs and Dharamarth Jagirs Were also prevalent. Dharamarth Jagirs were given to religious institutions and holy persons. These Jagirs were managed by Jagirdar himself directly or by his agents.

Question 10.
Write a shcfrt note on the Judicial system of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Discuss the main features of the Judicial system of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
What were the main features of the Judicial system of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
The Judicial system of Maharaja Ranjit Singh was simple. Laws were not written. Justice was done on the basis of existing conventions, customs and sacred scriptures. The final verdict rested with the Maharaja. In order to give justice to his subjects, Maharaja Ranjit Singh had set up many courts in his empire. The Panchayats settled disputes in the villages. In towns and cities, there were courts of Qazis. During Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time, punishments were not rigid.

Question 11.
What were the main features of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Military Administration?
What reforms were introduced by Ranjit Singh to improve his Military system?
Write a short note on the Military Administration of Ranjit Singh.
What were the main features of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Military Administration?
Describe any three features of the military administration of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
What do you know about the military system of Mahraja Ranjit Singh?
Maharaja Ranjit Singh organised a vast and powerful army. He recruited the English officers in his army to make his army stronger. Keeping record of soldier’s identification and putting mark on horses were started. Factories for manufacturing cannons, guns and other arms were established in the state. He personally inspected the army. Special awards were given to those who displayed bravery in battles. The soldiers were given salary in cash or in the form of Jagirs.

Question 12.
Write a brief note on the Fauj-i-Khas of Maharaja Ranjit Singles army.
The Fauj-i-Khas of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s army was its most important and most powerful part. It was commanded and trained by General Ventura. It consisted of 4 battalions of infantry, 2 regiments of cavalry and 1 troop of artillery. This army was trained in European style. Selected soldiers were enlisted in it. Their arms and horses were also of best quality. That is why it was called Fauj- i-Khas. This army was highly disciplined.

Question 13.
What was Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s attitude towards his subjects?
Ranjit Singh’s behaviour towards his subjects was good. State officials were given instructions that they should take extra care for the welfare of public. He travelled in disguise very often to know the real condition of people. Those who violated his orders, were given punishment. The peasants and the poor were given special state facilities. He gave patronage not only-to the Sikhs and Hindus but also to the Muslims.

Question 14.
Write a short note on the effects of Ranjit Singh’s rule on the life of the people.
The rule of Maharaja Ranjit Singh had a far reaching effects on the life of the people. He had eastablished a vast empire in Punjab. Thus the people of Punjab were able to have a relief in their lives after centuries. Before this the people of Punjab had to face untold cruelities at the hands of Mughals and AfghAnswer: Maharaja Ranjit Singh had established an efficient administration of Punjab. Its main aim was the public welfare. Maharaja Ranjit Singh had abolished inhuman punishments.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 20 Civil and Military Administration of Ranjit Singh

Objective Type Questions:

Question 1.
Who was the pivot of central administration during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s rule?
Maharaja himself.

Question 2.
Mention any one objective of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s administration.
Public Welfare.

Question 3.
Mention any one power of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Maharaja Ranjit Singh himself drafted the internal and external policies.

Question 4.
Who was the Prime Minister of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
Raja Dhian Singh.

Question 5.
What was the main duty of the Prime Minister of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
To advise the Maharaja about all political and other important affairs of the state.

Question 6.
Name the Foreign Minister of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Faqir Aziz-ud-Din.

Question 7.
What was the main duty of the Foreign Minister of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
To advise the Maharaja regarding war and peace.

Question 8.
Name any one famous Finance Minister of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Who was the Finance Minister of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
Diwan Bhawani Das.

Question 9.
Name any one famous army general of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Sardar Hari Singh Nalwa.

Question 10.
Who was appointed as ‘Deorhiwala’ during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time?
Jamadar Khushal Singh.

Question 11. What was the main duty of Deorhiwala during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time?
To look after the royal family and the court.

Question 12.
Name any two offices that were established to look after the central administration during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time.

Question 13.
Into how many Provinces was the empire of Maharaja Ranjit Singh divided?

Question 14.
Name one Province of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 20 Civil and Military Administration of Ranjit Singh

Question 15.
Who was thfe highest official of the Province du Maharaja Ranjit Smgh?

Question 16.
Mention any one function of Nazims during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time.
To keep peace and order in the province under them.

Question 17.
Name the highest official of a Pargana.

Question 18.
Write any one main function of Muqaddam?
To help in collection of revenus from the village.

Question 19.
Who looked after the administration of the city of Lahore in Ranjit Singh’s time?

Question 20.
Who was the Kotwal of Lahore during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time?
Imam Baksh.

Question 21.
What was the main function of Kotwal during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time?
To maintain law and order in the city.

Question 22.
Name any one prevalent system of collecting land revenue in Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time.
Batai system.

Question 23.
What do you mean by Batai system?
The land revenue was determined after harvesting.

Question 24.
What do you understand by Kankut system?
The land revenue was fixed on the basis of standing crops.

Question 25.
Name any one source of state income besides land revenue in Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time.

Question 26.
What is meant by Jagirdari system?
In Jagirdari system, the state officials were given Jagirs instead of cash salary.

Question 27.
What is meant by Watan Jagirs?
These Jagirs were given to the Jagirdars in their own village.

Question 28.
What is meant by Dharmarth Jagirs?
These Jagirs were given to the religious institutions- and holy persons.

Question 29.
Name any one judicial court prevalent in Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time.
The judicial court prevalent in Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time was the Court of Qazi.

Question 30.
Which was the highest court of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time?

Question 31.
Name any one drawback of the Sikh army before Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
There was lack of discipline in the Sikh army.

Question 32.
Name any one reform made by Maharaja Ranjit Singh in the Sikh army.
Maharaja Ranjit Singh imparted training to the Sikh army on western lines.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 20 Civil and Military Administration of Ranjit Singh

Question 33.
Into which two categories was Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s army divided?
Fauj-i-Ain and Fauj-i-Be-Qawaid.

Question 34.
When did Maharaja Ranjit Singh organise the infantry?
1805 A.D.

Question 35.
Into how many parts was cavalry divided in Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time?
Answer: Four.

Question 36.
Whom did Maharaja Ranjit Singh appoint to train Fauj-i-Khas?
General Ventura.

Question 37.
Under whose command was the artillery of Fauj-i-Khas in Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time?
General Ilahi Baksh.

Question 38.
What is meant by Fauj-i-Be-Qawaid?
It meant the army which did not comply with the laid down rules.

Question 39.
Write the names of any two European officers of Lahore Darbar.
Write the name of two European officers of Ranjit Singh’s army?
Write the names of two main Generals of Ranjit Singh’s army.

  • General/entura and
  • General Court.

Fill in the blanks:

1. The ……………… was the head of the State during-Ranjit Singh’s rule.

2. Raja Dhian Singh was the …………….. of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Prime Minister

3. …………… was the Foreign Minister of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

4. ………………. and ………………. were the Finance Ministers of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Diwan Bhiwani Dass, Diwan Ganga Ram

5. The most famous army General of Maharaja Ranjit Singh was ……………..
Hari Singh Nalwa

6. ……………… was appointed as Deorhiwala during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time.
Jamadar Khushal Singh

7. Deorhiwala looked after the …………….
royal family

8. ……………… kept the account of daily expenditure of the state.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 20 Civil and Military Administration of Ranjit Singh

9. …………… looked after the valuable things of the state.

10. The Empire of Maharaja Ranjit Singh was divided into …………… Provinces.

11. ……………. was the highest official of the Proviñce during the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

12. In Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time, head of the ……………… was called Kardar.

13. During Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time ………………. kept the record of land of the village.

14. ………………. was the chief official of Lahore during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s rule.

15. ………………….. was the Kotwal of Lahore during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time.
Imam Baksh

16. ……………. was the main source of income during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time.
Land Revenue

17. During Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s times, the ……………… system was widely prevalent.

18. During the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh the land revenue was collected ……………. a year.

19. ……………….. Jagirs were the most significant of all the Jagirs which were given during the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

20. ……………… Jagirs weíe those Jagirs which were given t& religious institutions during the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

21. …………… was the highest court during the time of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

22. During Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s times, Adalat-i-Ala was set up in …………..

23. During Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s times, the criminals were generally ……………. only.

24. The regular army of Maharaja Ranjit Singh was called …………….

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 20 Civil and Military Administration of Ranjit Singh

25. Maharaja Ranjit Singh appointed in …………. General Allard to train his regular cavalry.
1822 A.D.

26. During Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s times the artillery consisted of very heavy guns, pulled by the elephants was called …………….

27. Maharaja Ranjit Singh appointed ………………. to train Fauj-i-Khas.
General Ventura

28. In Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time, the artillery of Fauj-i-Khas was under the command of General ……………..
Ilahi Baksh

29. The army of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, which did not comply with the laid down rules, was called …………..

True or False:

1. Maharaja Ranjit Singh framed all the internal and external policies of the state.

2. Raja Dhian Singh was the Prime Minister of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

3. Diwan Dina Nath was the Foreign Minister of Maharqja Ranjit Singh.

4. During the period of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the Finance Minister was called Diwan.

5. Diwan Bhiwani Das was the Finance Minister of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

6. Diwan Mohakam Chand and Sardar Hari Singh Nalwa were famous Commander-in-Chiefs of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

7. During the period of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, Jamadar Khushal Singh was posted as Deorhiwala.

8. During the period of Maharaja Ranjit Singh the office of Daftar-i-Abwab-ul Mai kept a record of state income.

9. Daftar-i-Roznamacha-i-Ikhrajat- kept the account of daily expenditure of the state of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

10. Maharaja Ranjit Singh had divided his kingdom in four provinces.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 20 Civil and Military Administration of Ranjit Singh

11. Kardar was the main official of the Suba at the time of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

12. Kotwal was the main official of Lahore at the time of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

13. At the time of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, Imam Baksh was appointed as Kotwal.

14. Diwan Ganga.Ram established daftars at the time of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

15. Land Revenue was the main source of state income in Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time.

16. Batai system was widely prevalent during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time.

17. During the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the Land Revenue was collected thrice a year.

18. Service Jagirs were the most significant of all the Jagirs during the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

19. Dharmarth Jagirs were given to religious institutions and holy persons in Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time.

20. Subsistence Jagirs were given to people in recognition of their special services in the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

21. Qazi’s courts were set up in cities, dining Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time.

22. During the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, Adalat-i-Ala court was set up in Lahore.

23. Maharaja Ranjit Singh was in favour of giving severe punishments to the criminals.

24. Maharaja Ranjit Singh made a compromise between traditional and western ideas for his army.

25. The regular army of Maharaja Ranjit Singh was called Fauj-i-Ain.

26. Maharaja Ranjit Singh appointed Gereral Ventura to train Fauj-i-Khas.

27. Maharaja Ranjit Singh gave the command of artillery of Fauj-i-Khas to General Ilahi Baksh.

28. Fauj-i-Be-Qawaid was the army which did not comply with the laid down rules in the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 20 Civil and Military Administration of Ranjit Singh

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Who was the pivot of central administration during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s rule?
(a) Maharaja
(b) Foreign Minister
(c) Finance Minister
(d) Prime Minister
(a) Maharaja

2. Who was the Prime Minister of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
(a) Diwan Mohkam Chand
(b) Raja Dhian Singh
(c) Diwan Ganga Nath
(d) Faqir Azizuddin.
(b) Raja Dhian Singh

3. Who was the Foreign Minister of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
(a) Diwan Mohkam Chand
(b) Raja Dhian Singh
(c) Faqir Aziz-ud-Din
(d) Khushal singh.
(c) Faqir Aziz-ud-Din

4. Who was not the Finance Minister of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
(a) Diwan Mohkam Chand
(b) Diwan Ganga Ram
(c) Diwan Dina Nath
(d) Diwan Bhiwani Das
(a) Diwan Mohkam Chand

5. Who was the famous Army General of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
(a) Hari Singh Nalwa
(b) Misar Diwan Chand
(c) Diwan Mohkam Chand
(d) All of the above
(d) All of the above

6. Who looked after the royal family and the court during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time?
(a) Deorhiwala
(b) Kardar
(c) Subedar
(d) Kotwal.
(a) Deorhiwala

7. Who was appointed as ‘Deorhiwala’ during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time?
(a) Jamadar Khushal Singh
(b) Sangat Singh
(c) Hari Singh Nalwa
(d) Jassa Singh Ramgarhia.
(a) Jamadar Khushal Singh

8. Into how many provinces was the Empire of Maharaja Ranjit Singh divided?
(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) Five
(c) Four

9. What was head of province known as during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time? .
(a) Subedar
(b) Kardar
(c) Nazim
(d) Kotwal.
(c) Nazim

10. What was the head of Pargana called during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time?
What was the main officer of Pargana called at the time of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
(a) Governor
(b) Kardar
(c) Mukadam
(d) Patwari
(b) Kardar

11. Who was the incharge of Lahore at the time of Maharaja RanjitSingh?
(a) Subedar
(b) Kardar
(c) Kotwal
(d) Patwari
(c) Kotwal

12. Who was the Kotwal of Lahore at the time Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s rule?
The main officer’s (Kotwal) name of Lahore was :
(a) Dhyan Singh
(b) Bhawani Das
(c) Dina Nath
(d) Imam Baksh.
(d) Imam Baksh.

13. In the era of Maharaja Ranjit Singh what was village called’?
(a) Garhi
(b) Haveli
(c) Block
(d) Mauja
(d) Mauja

14. What was the main source of income during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time?
(a) Land Revenue
(b) Toll tax
(c) Nazrana
(d) Zabti
(a) Land Revenue

15. What was the name of Jagir being given to the religious institutions and holy persons in Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time?
(a) ’Watan Jagir
(b) Inam Jagir
(c) Dharmarth Jagir
(d) Subsistence Jagir.
(c) Dharmarth Jagir

16. Which was considered the most important Jagir in Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time?
(a) Inam Jagir
(b) Watan Jagir
(c) Service Jagir
(d) Subsistence Jagir.
(c) Service Jagir

17. Which was the lowest court of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
(a) Panchayat
(b) Qazi’s Court
(c) Jagirdar’s Court
(d) Kardar’s Court.
(a) Panchayat

18. Which court was lower to the court of Maharaja Rapjit Singh?
(a) Court of Nazim
(b) Adalat-i-Ala
(c) Adaliti
(d) Court of Kardar
(b) Adalat-i-Ala

19. Which type of punishment was given to the culprits during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time?
(a) Death sentence
(b) Jurmana (fine)
(c) Amputation of body parts
(d) All of the above.
(b) Jurmana (fine)

20. What was the drawback of Sikh army before Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
(a) Lack of discipline among soldiers
(b) Infantry considered as an inferior force
(c) No cash salary was given to the soldiers
(d) All of the above.
(d) All of the above.

21. What was the regular army of Maharaja Ranjit Singh called?
(a) Fauj-i-Ain
(b) Fauj-i-Khas
(c) Fauj-i-Be-Qawaid
(d) All of these.
(a) Fauj-i-Ain

22. Who was appointed to train Fauj-i-Khas*by Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
(a) General Ilahi Baksh
(b) General Allard
(c) General Ventura
(d) General Court.
(c) General Ventura

23. Under whose command was the artillery of Fauj-i-Khas in Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time?
(a) General Ilahi Baksh
(b) General Court
(c) Colonel Gardener
(d) General Ventura.
(a) General Ilahi Baksh

24. What was the name given to the army which did not comply with the laic^down rules in Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time?
(a) Fauj-i-Khas
(b) Fauj-i-Be-Qawaid
(c) Farvy-i-Ain
(d) None of these
(b) Fauj-i-Be-Qawaid

25. Who was appointed as a trainer for cavalry by Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
(a) General Ventura
(b) General Allard
(c) General Court
(d) General Ilahi Baksh.
(b) General Allard

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 19 Ranjit Singh’s relations with Afghanistan and his N.W.F. Policy

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class History Book Solutions Chapter 19 Ranjit Singh’s relations with Afghanistan and his N.W.F. Policy Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 History Chapter 19 Ranjit Singh’s relations with Afghanistan and his N.W.F. Policy

Long Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
How did Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquer Attock? What was its significance?
Give a brief account of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s conquest of Attock and the battle of Hazro.
The fort of Attock was geographically very significant. During Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time Jahandad Khan, the Afghan Governor, was ruling over Attock. He was under the Kabul government only in name, otherwise, he was ruling independently. In 1813 A.D. when the Wazir of Kabul, Fateh Khan attacked Kashmir and defeated his brother Ata Mohammad Khan, he was alarmed. He was confident that Fateh Khan’s next target would be Attock.

Therefore, he started negotiations with Ranjit Singh. In exchange of a big Jagir yielding an annual revenue of Rs. 1 lakh he agreed to surrender the fort of Attock to Ranjit Singh. When Fateh Khan came to know about it, he flew into a rage.

In order to bring the fort of Attock under his control, he with his army proceeded towards Attock. On 13th July, 1813 A.D., at a place called Hazro or HaiXdru a fierce battle was fought between the armies of Ranjit Singh and Fateh Khan. In this battle Ranjit Singh gave a crushing defeat to Fateh Khan. It was the first battle fought between the Afghans and the Sikhs. This victory not only strengthened Ranjit Singh’s hold on Attock but also spread his fame far and wide.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 19 Ranjit Singh’s relations with Afghanistan and his N.W.F. Policy

Question 2.
Write about the battle of Hazro or Haidro or Chuch.
Maharaja Ranjit Singh had got the fort of Attock from Governor Jahandad Khan in exchange for Jagir of one lakh rupees, in March 1813 A.D. This fort was very important from the geographical point of view. When Fateh Khan came to know about it, he flew into rage. He started from Kashmir to Attock with heavy military force. He declared Jihad (religious war) against the Sikhs. A force for help from Kabul was also sent for Fateh Khan. On the other hand Maharaja Ranjit Singh also sent a vast army for the defence of the fort of Attock under General Hari Singh Nalwa, S. Jodh Singh Ramgarhia and Diwan Mohkam Chand.

A bloody battle between the two forces took place at Hazro, Haidro or Chuch. On July 13, 1813 A.D. the forces of Maharaja Ranjit Singh gave Fateh Khan’s army a crushing defeat. It not only confirmed the control of Maharaja Ranjit Singh over the fort of Attock but also his fame spread far and wide.

Question 3.
Write a brief note on Shah Shuja.
Give a brief account of Shah Shuja’s relations with Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Shah Shuja was the emperor of Afghanistan. He ruled from 1803 to 1809 A.D. He proved a very incompetent ruler. In 1809 A.D. he left the throne and fled away. He was arrested by Ata Mohammad Khan, the Afghan Governor of Kashmir. In the first expedition of Kashmir in 1813 A.D. the forces of Maharaja Ranjit Singh got him released and brought him to Lahore. In exchange for it, Maharaja Ranjit Singh got the world famous diamond Koh-i-noor from his wife Wafa Begum.

In 1833 A.D. Shah Shuja made an agreement with Maharaja Ranjit Singh in order to regain his lost throne, but he did not succeed in his efforts. On June 26, 1838″ A.D. a Tripartite Treaty was signed among the English, Shah Shuja and Maharaja Ranjit Singh. According to this treaty, efforts were made to make Shah Shuja the emperor of Afghanistan. As a result of the efforts of the English, Shah Shuja became the emperor of Afghanistan in 1839 A.D. but soon he was. killed in a rebellion against him.

Question 4.
Write a short note on the relations between Maharaja Ranjit Singh and Dost Mohammad Khan.
Dost Mohammad Khan became the ruler of Afghanistan in 1826 A.D. Dost Mohammad Khan could never accept the fast growing influence of Maharaja Ranjit S Singh. A gulf had been created between them on the issue of Peshawar. A tussle started between Shah Shuja the ex-ruler of Afghanistan and Dost Mohammad Khan over the throne. Taking advantage of the situation, Maharaja Ranjit Singh took control of Peshawar very easily on May 6, 1834 A.D. After defeating Shah Shuja, Dost Mohammad Khan tried again to bring Peshawar under his control but he did not succeed.

In 1837 A.D. Dost Mohammad Khan sent a vast army to Peshawar under his son Akbar Khan. In the bloody battle of Jamraud, although General Hari Singh Nalwa was killed, but he ensured victory for the Sikhs. After this, Dost Mohammad Khan never turned his face towards Peshawar.

Question 5.
Write a brief note on Syed Ahmad.
Write a note on the Zihad (Religious War) of Syed Ahmad.
During 1827 to 1831 A.D. a fanatic named Syed Ahmad continued a rebellion against the Sikhs in the Attock and Peshawar regions. He hailed from Bareilly. He used to say, “Allah has sent me to conquer the Punjab and India and to expel the Sikhs from Afghan states and to finish them.” Taken in by his utterances, many Afghan sardars became his followers. In a very short period, he collected a vast army. It was a challenge to the authority of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

He was defeated by the Sikh forces first at Saidu and then at Peshawar but luckily on both occasions he succeeded in saving himself. In spite of his defeats, he continued his struggle against the Sikhs. At last, Syed Ahmad was killed at Balakot, fighting against Prince Sher Singh in 1831 A.D. Thus, a great headache of the Sikhs came to an end.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 19 Ranjit Singh’s relations with Afghanistan and his N.W.F. Policy

Question 6.
Write a short note on the Battle of Jamraud.
Dost Mohammad Khan did not sit quietly on reaching Kabul. He wanted to avenge the insult suffered by him at the hands of the Sikhs. On the other side, the Sikhs were also busy in consolidating their position in Peshawar. In order to, prevent the Afghans from invading Peshawar, General Hari Singh Nalwa got a strong fort constructed at Jamraud. Dost Mohammad Khan could not tolerate the growing power of the Sikhs in Peshawar. So, he sent twenty thousand soldiers under the command of Mohammad Akbar and Shamsudin to invade Jamraud.

This army attacked Jamraud on 28th April, 1837 A&D. Sardar Mahan Singh with his 600 soldiers bravely resisted the Afghans for two days. At that time, General Hari Singh Nalwa was lying seriously ill at Peshawar. When he heard the news of Afghan attack, roaring like a lion, he reached Jamraud with his 10,000 soldiers. He trounced the Afghan forces. Being hit by a shell, General Hari Singh Nalwa died a martyr’s death on 30th April, 1837 A.D.

In order to, avenge his martyrdom, the Sikh army made so powerful attack on the Afghans that they fled to Kabul like jackals. Thus, the Sikhs emerged victorious in this decisive battle of Jamraud. When Maharaja Ranjit Singh heard the news of the death of his great general, Hari Si»gh Nalwa, tears kept flowing down his eyes for days together. After the battle of Jamraud, Dost Mohammad Khan never dared to attack Peshawar again. He felt assured that it was not possible to recover Peshawar from the Sikhs.

Question 7.
Write a short note on Akali Phula Singh.
Who was Akali Phula Singh? Write a note on his military achievements.
Akali Phula Singh was a pillar of the Sikh empire. He greatly contributed towards strengthening the foundations and expansion of Sikh empire. Maharaja Ranjit Singh respected him very much due to his exemplary bravery, fearlessness, love for Sikhism and high moral character. Maharaja Ranjit Singh succeeded in taking control of Kasur due to the bravery of Akali Phula Singh in 1807 A.D. In the same year, Akali Phula Singh brought Jhang also under his control. It was due to him that in 1816 A.D., the revolts by Muslim rulers against the Sikh rule in Multan, Bhakhar and Bahawalpur could be crushed. His contribution in the conquest of Multan in 1818 A.D., was also significant.

In the same year, Maharaja Ranjit Singh got his services during the Peshawar expedition. During the conquest of Kashmir in 1819 A.D. also, he was with Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Akali Phula Singh was killed in a battle against the Afghans at Naushehra on March 14, 1823 A.D. Undoubtedly Akali Phula Singh was a great saviour of the Sikh empire.

Question 8.
Write a brief note on Hari Singh Nalwa.
Who was Hari Singh Nalwa? What do you know about him? Give a brief account.
Hari Singh Nalwa was the greatest and most fearless general of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. He was matchless in the art of horse riding, swordsmanship and shooting. Besides being a great warrior, he was also a great administrator. Impressed by his bravery Maharaja Ranjit Singh had enlisted him in the army. Very soon he attained the high post of general. Once he had killed a lion with his hands, at which he was awarded the title of Nalwa by the Maharaja. He was so brave that the enemy trembled before him. He took part in most of the hazardous expeditions of Maharaja Ranjit Singh and achieved success in them. He remained the Nazim (governor) of Kashmir in 1820-21 A.D. and became Nazim of Peshawar in 1834 A.D. and remained on this post till 1837 A.D.

While working on-these posts, he not only created law and order in these regions but also initiated many reforms. He was killed on April 30, 1837 A.D. fighting against the Afghans at Jamraud. His death was a great blow to Maharaja Ranjit Singh and he kept weeping for many days. Undoubtedly, Hari Singh Nalwa had contributed greatly in consolidating and expanding the empire of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 19 Ranjit Singh’s relations with Afghanistan and his N.W.F. Policy

Question 9.
Explain the features of North-West Frontier Policy of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Write down the main five features of the North-West Frontier Policy of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Describe the five features of North-West Frontier Policy of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Maharaja Ranjit Singh had conquered and annexed Attock, Multan, Dera Ghazi Khan, Dera Ismail Khan and Peshawar etc. of north-west frontier region to his empire. Acting wisely, he did not try to occupy Afghanistan at all. He was already facing many problems in north-west frontier states, so he did not want to invite a new headache for himself. Maharaja Ranjit Singh took many steps to make north-west frontiers safe. He got many new forts constructed at strategic points and repaired old ones. A well-trained army was kept in these forts.

Mobile military squads were formed to crush the rebels. Maharaja Ranjit Singh showed an excellent grasp of the realities of the situation in running the administration of this region. He allowed the conventions and customs of this region to continue and did not interfere with the matters of tribal people unnecessarily. Army generals were appointed as the governors to run the administration. This step was taken keeping in view the temperament of the local tribes.

Question 10.
What is the significance of North-West Frontier Policy of Ranjit Singh?
The North-West Frontier Policy of Maharaja Ranjit Singh occupies a special place in the history of Punjab. It speaks volumes about his far-sightedness, diplomacy and administrative ability. By bringing Multan, Kashmir, Peshawar etc. under his control, Ranjit Singh was able to put an end to the Afghan influence in this region. As a result Maharaja Ranjit Singh succeeded in making his empire safe from Afghan invasions.

It was a great political achievement of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Because of his successful policy Ranjit Singh brought the various tribal people under his control. Moreover, he was able to establish law and order in this region. The revolts were crushed with iron hands. Means of transport were developed. Special steps were taken to encourage agriculture. Land revenue was reduced to a considerable extent. Trade was also given a new boost. Consequently, the people of North-West Frontier region became prosperous and happy.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 19 Ranjit Singh’s relations with Afghanistan and his N.W.F. Policy

Essay Type Questions:

Question 1.
Briefly describe Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s relations with the Afghans.
Give a brief account of the main stages of relations of Maharaja Ranjit Singh with Afghanistan.
Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s relations with Afghanistan can be divided into the following four stages:

  • First stage of Sikh-Afghan relations 1797-1812 A.D.
  • Second stage of Sikh-Afghan relations 1813-1834 A.D.
  • Third stage of Sikh-Afghan relations 1834-1837 A.D.
  • Fourth stage of Sikh-Afghan relations 1838-1839 A.D.
  • First Stage of Sikh-Afghan Relations 1797-1812 A.D.

1. Ranjit Singh and Shah Zaman : The relations between Ranjit Singh and the Afghans started at the time, when in 1797 A.D. Ranjit Singh took over the reins of the Sukarchakia Misl. At that time, Shah Zaman was the king of Afghani¬stan. He considered Punjab as his personal heritage, because his grandfather Ahmad Shah Abdali had occupied it in 1752 A.D. Shah Zaman had invaded Punjab thrice by 1797 A.D., before Ranjit Singh ascended the throne. During his fourth invasion, Shah Zaman besieged Lahore on 27th November, 1798. At that time, Lahore was ruled over by the three Bhangi Misl Sardars (Chet Singh, Sahib Singh and Mohar Singh). They fled from the city without giving any resistance to Shah Zaman.

Shah Zaman had to go back to Kabul to crush the revolt. The Bhangi Sardars once again took possession of Lahore in January, 1799 A.D. Ranjit Singh defeated the Bhangi Sardars and occupied Lahore on 7th July, 1799 A.D.. After¬wards, with a view to improrve his relations with Shah Zaman, Ranjit Singh sent to Kabul his 12 to 15 guns, which had fallen in the river Jhelum. Shah Zaman felt pleased with Ranjit Singh and acknowledged his control over Lahore.

2. Political Instability in Afghanistan: In 1800 A.D., a war of succession for the royal throne started in Kabul. Shah Zaman was dethroned and Shah Mehmud became the new king of Afghanistan. He ruled only for three years (1800-03 A.D.). In 1803 A.D. Shah Shuja forcibly took possession of the throne from Shah Mehmud. He ruled till 1809 A.D. He proved to be an unworthy king. It led to chaos in Af¬ghanistan.

On finding this golden opportunity, the Afghan Governors of Attock, Kashmir, Multan and Derajat declared their independence. Maharaja Ranjit Singh also took advantage of the weakness of the Kabul government and took possession of the Afghap areas like Kasur, Jhang, Khushal and Sahiwai. In 1809 A.D. Shah Shuja was dethroned and Shah Mehmud again became the new king of Afghani-stan.

Since Fateh Khan had rendered every possible help to Shah Mehmud in getting the royal throne, so he appointed him his Prime Minister. By 1812 A.D. Fateh Khan had greatly consolidated his position in Afghanistan- In 1812 A.D. the ruler of Attock, Jahandad Khan had imprisoned Shah Shuja and sent him to Kashmir. The ruler of Kashmir Ata Mohammad Khan had thrown him into the prison.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 19 Ranjit Singh’s relations with Afghanistan and his N.W.F. Policy

(B) Second Stage of Sikh-Afghan Relations 1813-1834 A.D.

came to know of it, he lost his temper. He himself proceeded with a huge army to drive out the Sikhs from Attock. On July 13,1813 A.D. a fierce battle was fought at a place called Hazro or Haidru, in which Maharaja Ranjit Singh inflicted a crushing defeat on Fateh Khan. This victory gave a severe blow to the power of the Afghans and enhanced the prestige of the Sikhs.

5. Conquest of Kashmir 1819 A.D.: Encouraged by the victory of Multan in 1818 A.D. Maharaja Ranjit Singh made a plan in 1819 A.D. to conquer Kashmir. A large army under the command of Misar Diwan Chand, was sent to Kashmir. The army succeeded in defeating the Kashmir ruler, JaJbbar Khan and capturing Kash¬mir. This significant victory greatly enhanced the prestige of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. It dealt a severe blow to the Afghan power.

6. Battle of Naushera 1823 A.D.: Azim Khan made Ayub Khan the new king of Afghanistan and himself became the Wazir. Taking advantage of the disturbed situation in Afghanistan, Maharaja Ranjit Singh attacked Peshawar in 1818 A.D. Yar Mohammad Khan and Dost Mohammad Khan, who ran the Government of Peshawar jointly accepted the suzerainty of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Azim Khan could not tolerate it.

As a result on 14th March 1823 A.D., a decisive battle was fought between the two forces at Naushera or Tibba Tehri. In this battle, the Sikhs inflicted such a crushing defeat on the Afghans, that they fled from the battlefield. According to Dr. B.J. Hasrat, “The Sikh victory at Naushera sounded the deathknell of Afghan supremacy beyond the?iver Indus.”

7. Revolt of Sayyed Ahmad 1827-31 A.D. : During the period 1827 A.D. to 1831 A.D., a man named Sayyed Ahmad had created disturbance against the Sikhs in Attock and Peshawar. He declared that God has sent him to conquer Punjab and India, and to drive out the Sikhs from the Afghan territories. Taken in by his utterances, many Afghan Sardars became his disciples. In no time, he was able to organise a big army.

It was a challenge to Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s power. The Sikh forces defeated him first at Saidu and then at Peshawar, but fortunately he escaped both the times. Despite these defeats, he continued his struggle against the Sikhs. At last in 1831 A.D., he died at Balakot while fighting against. Prince Sher Singh. In this way a big nuisance for the Sikhs was over.

8. Treaty with Shah Shuja 1833 A.D.: On 12th March, 1833 AJD., a treaty was signed between Maharaja Ranjit Singh and Shah Shuja. According to the treaty, Shah Shuja accepted Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s suzerainty on all the areas conquered in the North-West of river Indus. In return Maharaja Ranjit Singh gave help him help to fight against Dost Mohammad Khan.

9. Annexation of Peshawar to the Lahore Kingdom 1834 A.D. : In 1834 A.D. Maharaja Ranjit Singh decided to annex Peshawar to the Lahore Raj. With this objective, he sent to Peshawar a large army under the command of prince Naunihal Singh, Hari Singh Nalwa and General Ventura. When, Sultan Mohammad heard the news of attack by the Sikhs, he fled to Kabul without putting up any resistance. Thus, on 6th May, 1834 A.D., Peshawar was annexed to the Lahore Kingdom. In order to run the administration of Peshawar, Hari Singh Nalwa was appointed the first Governor.

(C) Third Stage of Sikh-Afghan Relations 1834,1837 A.D.

The annexation of Peshawar to the Lahore Kingdom in 1834 A.D., ushered in a new era in the Sikh-Afghan relations. During this period, the Afghans tried to recapture Peshawar, but the Sikh forces frustrated all their efforts.

10. Efforts to recapture Peshawar by Dost Mohammad Khan 1835 A.D.: In 1834 A.D., when Maharaja Ranjit Singh annexed Peshawar to his empire, Dost Mohammad Khan lost this temper. He could not tolerate the rule of the Sikhs over an important territory like Peshawar. But, at that time, he was involved in a civil war with Shah Shuja. After defeating Shah Shuja, he asked Ranjit Singh either to hand over Peshawar to him or be ready to fight with him.

Maharaja Ranjit Singh chose the second option. In order to consolidate his position, Dost Mohammad Khan raised the slogan of Jihad (religious war). As a result, Afghan tribes in large numbers gathered under his banner. He won over to his side, his brother, Sultan Mohammad, who was the governor of Peshawar.

Maharaja Ranjit Singh was not fully prepared for the battle, so he sent Faqir Aziz-ud-Din and Harlan to hold talks. Another objective of this mission was to create a wedge between Dost Mohammad Khan and Sultan Mohammad Khan. This mission succeeded in achiev¬ing both the objectives. Near Peshawar, when both the forces came face to face, Sultan Mohammad with his soldiers went over to the side of the Sikhs.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 19 Ranjit Singh’s relations with Afghanistan and his N.W.F. Policy

On seeing this, Dost Mohammad Khan retreated to Kabul with his soldiers without putting up any resistance on 11th May, 1835 A.D. In this’tvay, Maharaja Ranjit Singh won a significant victory without shedding a drop of blood.

11. Battle of Jamraud 1837 A.D.: Dost Mohammad Khan wanted to avenge his humiliation suffered at the hands of the Sikhs. On the other hand, the Sikhs also wanted to consolidate their position in Peshawar. In <?rder to counter the Af¬ghan invasions, Hari Singh Nalwa got a strong fort constructed at Jamraud. In order to check this operation of Hari Singh Nalwa, Dost Mohammad Khan sent a huge army of 20,000 soldiers under the command of his son Mohammad Akbar and Shamsudin.

This army attacked the fort of Jamraud on 28th April, 1837 A.D. Hari Singh Nalwa was then lying seriously ill at Peshawar. When he heard the news of Afghan attack, he with his 10,000 soldiers attacked the Afghans at Jamraud with a view to teach them a lesson. Although Hari Singh Nalwa was killed in this battle, the Sikhs caused such a havoc among the Afghans that they never turned their face towards Peshawar thereafter.

(D) Fourth Stage of Sikh-Afghan Relations 1838-39 A.D.

Britishers wanted to establish Mendly relations with the Afghanistan ruler. Dost Mohammad Khan. With this end in view, they sent Captain Alexander Burns to Afghanistan. But the talks could not mature. Then the British made a plan to make the ex-ruler of Afghanistan, Shah Shuja, the new ruler of Afghanistan. The British forced Ranjit Singh, also to become a party to the treaty. In this way, a tripartite treaty between the British, Shah Shuja and Maharaja Ranjit Singh was signed on 26th June 1838 A.D.

The prominent terms of the tripartite treaty were :

  • Shah Shuja would be made the king of Afghanistan with the co-operation of the British and Maharaja Ranjit Singh,
  • Shah Shuja would accept Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s suzerainty over the Afghan territories conquered by him.
  • Shah Shuja promised to abide by all those decisions concerning Sind taken by the British and Maharaja Ranjit Singh,
  • Shah Shuja would have no contact with any world power without the permission of the British and the Sikhs,
  • The enemy of one power would be

Question 2.
Describe the chief characteristics of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s North-West Frontier Policy. Was the Maharaja successful in this policy?
Discuss the North-West Frontier Policy of Ranjit Singh.
Explain the North-West Frantier Policy of Maharaja Single.
Which problems had Maharaja Ranjit Singh to face in the North-West Frontier territories? What steps did the Maharaja take to solve these problems?
Examine the main features of the North-West Frontier Policy of Ranjit Singh. What was its significance?
The North-West Frontier has always formed a vital problem for the rulers ‘ of Punjab, as well as, of India. The reason was that the foreign invaders coming through this route caused much havoc in Punjab and India. Besides, this territory was inhabited by very savage tribes. Their chief occupation was to carry on loot and arson. They were indisciplined by nature. They were staunch fanatics and remained ever ready to die in the name of religion. It was not an easy task to . encounter them. Maharaja Ranjit*Singh was the first ruler, who paid his attention to solve this tangle.

Main Features of North-West frontier Policy

The main features of North-West Frontier Policy of Maharaja Ranjit Singh were as given below:

1. Conquests of North-Western Territories : There were two stages of the conquests of North-Western territories by Ranjit Singh. After conquering Attock, Multan and Kashmir, he had annexed them to his kingdom. After these conquests, Maharaja Ranjit Singh paid attention to the territories beyond Indus river. He conquered Peshawar in 1818 A.D., Bhawalpur in 1820 A.D. and Dera Ismail Khan and Mankera in 1821 A.D. Acting wisely, Maharaja Ranjit Singh did not annex these areas to his kingdom.

He left them under the-care of the Muslims in return for the annual revenue (khiraj) from these areas. By 1827 A.D. to 1831 A.D. Maha raja Ranjit Singh’s power had greatly increased, he decided to annex these areas to his kingdom. Consequently, Maharaja Ranjit Singh annexed to his kingdom, Dera Gazi Khan in 1831 A.D., Tonk in 1832 A.D., Bannu in 1833 A.D., Peshawar in 1834 A.D. and Dera Ismail Khan in 1836 A.D.

2. Decision of not conquering Afghanistan: Maharaja Ranjit Singh was a wise statesman. So he never tried to conquer Afghanistan. He was already facing many hardships in the North-West frontier areas. Under such a situation, he did not want to invite any more trouble by conquering Afghanistan. Perhaps on one occasion only did he think seriously of attacking Afghanistan. This idea occurred to him in 1837 A.D. to avenge the death of his great General Hari Singh Nalwa who was killed in the battle of Jamraud. Soon his anger cooled down and he gave up the idea of attacking Afghanistan. It is true that Maharaja Ranjit Singh joined the Tripartite Treaty in June 1838 A.D., but he did not want to attack Afghani¬stan. He joined this treaty so that the British might not harm his interests.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 19 Ranjit Singh’s relations with Afghanistan and his N.W.F. Policy

3. Efforts to crush the Tribes: Many Afghan tribes lived in the North-West¬ern Frontier areas which were under the control of Ranjit Singh. Of these tribes Yussufazai, Mohammadzai, Daudzai, Afridi and Khattak were the most savage. During the period 1827 and 1831 A.D. Sayyed Ahmad instigated the tribes of these territories against the Sikhs. Ranjit Singh sent many military campaigns to crush these tribes.

In 1831 A.D. Sayyed Ahmad was killed along with his 500 companions, while fighting against Prince Sher Singh at Balakot. In spite of this, these tribes continued to create disturbances against the Sikhs. In 1834 A.D. when Peshawar was annexed to the Sikh empire, Hari Singh Nalwa was appointed as Governor there. Hari Singh Nalwa followed a very strong policy to crush these tribes.

4. Measures for the defence of the North-West Frontier: Maharaja Ranjit Singh took many steps for the defence of the North-West Frontiers. He got con¬structed new forts like the fort of Attock, Khairabad, Jahangira, Jamraud and Fatehgarh at places of strategical importance. In addition, old forts were repaired. Trained soldiers were deployed in these forts. These soldiers were always ready to crush the rebels. Besides, mobile squads were also raised. These squads had cre¬ated such a panic in the hearts of these tribes that they would seldom raise their heads.

5. Administration of North-West Frontier Territories : In order to keep the tribes of North-West Frontier territories under control, Maharaja Ranjit Singh appointed military Governors. He did not bring about any revolutionary change in the administration of these territories. Old laws, customs and traditions were not interfered with. Every Khan enjoyed a good status in this area, as enjoyed by him previously. He would collect taxes from the people belonging to his tribe.

He settled their disputes and punished them according to the prevalent customs. With a view to encourage agriculture, canals and wells were dug up in the area. The rate of revenue was greatly reduced. By virtue of these efforts, Maharaja Ranjit Singh tried to win the confidence of the people living there. On the other hand, the trouble¬shooters were severely dealt with.

Importance of N.W.E Policy

The N.W.F. Policy of Maharaja Ranjit Singh succeeded to a-considerable ex¬tent. Undoubtedly it was one of his greatest achievements. By conquering Multan, Kashmir and Peshawar etc. Maharaja Ranjit Singh had ended the Afghan influ¬ence. He succeeded in establishing peace by crushing the turbulent tribes living in North-Western Frontiers. He took special steps to encourage agriculture. It led to the economic prosperity of the people living there. Dr. G.S. Nayyar aptly says, “It was the first time after Anangpal that the series of invasions from the North-West were checked and the tribesmen ruled.”

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 19 Ranjit Singh’s relations with Afghanistan and his N.W.F. Policy

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
How did Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquer Attock? What was its significance?
Give a brief account of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s conquest of Attock and the battle of Hazro.
In exchange of a big Jagir yielding an annual revenue of Rs. 1 lakh Jahandad Khan agreed to surrender the fort of Attock to Maharaja Ranjit Singh. When Fateh Khan came to know about it, he flew into a rage. In order to bring the fort of Attock under his control, he proceeded towards Attock with his army. On I3th July, 1813 A.D., at a place called Hazro or Haidru, a fierce battle was fought between the armies of Maharaja Ranjit Singh and Fateh Khan. In this battle Maharaja Ranjit Singh gave a crushing defeat to Fateh Khan. It boosted the morale of the Sikh army.

Question 2.
Write a brief note on Shah Shuja.
Give a brief account of Shah Shuja’s relations with Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
He ruled Afghanistan from 1803 to 1809 A.D. In 1809 A.D. he left the throne and fled away. He was arrested by Ata Mohammad Khan, the Afghan Governor of Kashmir. In the first expedition of Kashmir in 1813 A.D. the forces of Maharaja Ranjit Singh got him released and brought him to Lahore. On June 26, 1838 A.D. a Tripartite Treaty was signed between the English, Shah Shuja and Maharaja Ranjit Singh. According to this treaty, efforts were made to make Shah Shuja the emperor of Afghanistan but it remained unsuccessful.

Question 3.
Write a short note on the relations between Maharaja Ranjit Singh and Dost Mohammad Khan.
Dost Mohammad Khan became the ruler of Afghanistan in 1826 A.D. Dost Mohammad Khan could never accept the fast growing influence of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Maharaja Ranjit Singh took control of Peshawar very easily on May 6, 1834 A.D; In 1837 A.-D. Dost Mohammad Khan sent a vast army to Peshawar under his son Akbar Khan. In the bloody battle of Jamraud, although S. Hari Singh Nalwa was killed, yet the Sikhs, ultimately came out victorious. After this, Dost Mohammad Khan never turned his face towards Peshawar.

Question 4.
Write a brief note on Sayyed Ahmad.
Write a note on the Jihad (Religious War) of Sayyed Ahmad.
During 1827 to 1831 A.D. a fanatic named Sayyed Ahmad continued a rebellion against the Sikhs in the Attock and Peshawar regions. He hailed from Bareilly. He used to say, “Allah has sent me to conquer the Punjab and India and to expel the Sikhs from Afghan states and to finish them.” Taken in by his utterances, many Afghan sardars became his followers. He was killed at Balakot, fighting against Prince Sher Singh in 1831 A.D. .

Question 5.
Write a short note on Akali Phula Singh.
Who was Akali Phula Singh? Write a note on his military achievements.
Akali Phula Singh was a pillar of the Sikh empire. He greatly contributed . towards strengthening the foundations and expansion of Sikh empire. Maharaja Ranjit Singh succeeded in taking control of Kasur due to the bravery of Akali Phula Singh in 1807 A.D. His contribution in the conquest of Multan in 1818 A.D., was also significant. During the conquest of Kashmir in 1819 AD. also, he was with Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Akali Phula Singh was killed in a battle against the Afghans at Naushehra on March 14, 1823 A.D.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 19 Ranjit Singh’s relations with Afghanistan and his N.W.F. Policy

Question 6.
Write a short note on the battle of Jamraud.
General Hari Singh Nalwa had got a strong fort built at Jamraud with the objective of consolidating his position in Peshawar. Dost Mohammad Khan could never tolerate it. So he sent a vast army to Jamraud under the command of his son Akbar Khan. His forces surrounded the fort of Jamraud on April 28, 1837 A.D. Hari Singh Nalwa attacked the Afghans but he was killed. Inspite of that the Sikhs gave a crushing defeat to the Afghans on April 30,1837 A.D. After this the Afghans never dared to conquer Peshawar.

Question 7.
Write a brief note on Hari Singh Nalwa.
What do you know about Sardar Hari Singh Nalwa?
Write a note on S&rdar Hari Singh Nalwa.
Hari Singh Nalwa was the greatest and most fearless General of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. He took part in most of the hazardous expeditions of Maharaja Ranjit Singh and achieved success in them. He remained the Nazim (Governor) of Kashmir in 1820-21 A.D. and Nazim of Peshawar from 1834 A.D. to 1837 A.D. While working on these posts, he not only created law and order in these regions but also initiated many reforms. He was killed on April 30, 1837 AD. fighting against the Afghans at Jamraud.

Question 8.
Describe the main features of North-West Frontier policy of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Write down the main features of the North-West Frontier Policy of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Answer: (a) Maharaja Ranjit Singh took many steps. To make north-west frontiers safe. He got many new forts constructed at strategic points and repaired old ones.
(b) Mobile military squads were formed to crush the rebels. (Hi) He allowed the conventions and customs of this region to continue (d) He did not interfere with the matters of tribal people unnecessarily, (v) Army Generals were appointed as the Governors to run the administration.

Question 9.
What is the significance of North-West Frontier Policy of naraja Ranjit Singh?
Write down the three main features of the North-West Frontier Policy of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
The North-West Frontier policy of Maharaja Ranjit Singh speaks volumes for his far-sightedness, diplomacy and administrative ability. By bringing Multan, Kashmir, Peshawar etc. under his control, Maharaja Ranjit Singh was able to put an end to the Afghan influence in this region. As a result Maharaja Ranjit Singh succeeded in making his empire safe from Afghan invasions. He was able to establish law and order in this region. Means of transport were developed. Special steps were taken to encourage agriculture. Trade was also given a new boost.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 19 Ranjit Singh’s relations with Afghanistan and his N.W.F. Policy

Objective Type Questions:

Question 1.
Name any one ruler of Afghanistan during the rule of Maharaja RanjitSingh.
Shah Shuja.

Question 2.
Name any two Barkzai Brothers.
Dost Mohammad Khan and Yar Mohammad Khan.

Question 3.
Who was Shah Zaman?
What was Shah Shuja?
He was the ruler of Afghanistan.

Question 4.
When did Shah Zaman occupy Lahore?
On Nov. 27,1798 AD.

Question 5.
Who was ruling at Lahore when Shah Zaman occupied it in 1798 AD.?
Three Bhangi Sardars or Bhangi Misl.

Question 6.
Who was Fateh Khan?
Wazir of Shah Mahmud, the ruler of Afghanistan.

Question 7.
Where did the alliance take place between Mdharqja Ranjit Singh and Fateh Khan regarding the control over Kashmir?
At Rohtas.

Question 8.
When was the battle of Hazro or Haidru fought?
July 13, 1813 A.D.

Question 9.
Give one result of the battle of Hazro?
It gave a crushing blow to the Afghan pow

Question 10.
When did Maharaja Ranjit Singh occupy Kashmir?
1819 A.D.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 19 Ranjit Singh’s relations with Afghanistan and his N.W.F. Policy

Question 11.
When was the battle of Naushera fought?
March 14, 1823 AD.

Question 12.
Who was defeated in the battle of Naushera?
Azim Khan.

Question 13.
Who was Akali Phula Singh?
A famous army general of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

Question 14.
Name the battle in which Akali Phula Singh died.
In which battle Akali Phula Singh died?
The battle of Naushera.

Question 15.
Who was Syed Ahmad?
He called himself the Caliph of the Muslims.

Question 16.
By whom was the religious war (Jihad) led against Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
Syed Ahmad.

Question 17.
When did Maharaja Ranjit Singh annex Peshawar to his empire?
1834 A.D.

Question 18.
Whom did Maharaja Ranjit Singh appoint the first Governor of Peshawar?
Hari Singh Nalwa.

Question 19.
When did the battle of Jamraud take place?
30 April, 1837

Question 20.
Who was Hari Singh Nalwa?
Famous General of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

Question 21.
When was the Tripartite Treaty signed?
June 26, 1838 A.D.

Question 22.
Mention any one clause of Tripartite Treaty.
Shah Shuja was to be made the ruler of Afghanistan.

Question 23.
Name any one problem of Maharaja Ranjit Singh regarding the North-West Frontier States.
He had to deal with the tribes of North-West Frontier States.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 19 Ranjit Singh’s relations with Afghanistan and his N.W.F. Policy

Question 24.
Give a characteristic of Maharaja Raqjit Singh’s North-West Frontier Policy.
He never tried to capture control over Afghanistan,

Question 25.
Name a barbaric tribe of North-West at the time of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

Question 26.
Mention any one effect of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s North-West Frontier Policy.
Peace was established.

Fill in the blanks :

1. The ruler of Afghanistan during the rule of Maharaja Ranjit Singh was ……………..
Shah Zaman

2. ……………. became the new king of Afghanistan in 1800 A.D.
Shah Mehmud

3. In 1813 A.D., a pact was signed between Maharaja Ranjit Singh and Fateh Khan at …………….

4. Maharaja Ranjit Singh took hold of ………….. from Jahandad Khan.

5. The battle of Naushera was fought between Maharaja Ranjit Singh and the Afghans in …………..
1823 A.D.

6. Maharaja Ranjit Singh annexed Peshawar to his empire in ……………
1834 A.D.

7. In 1838 A.D., the Tripartite Treaty was signed among the English ………………. and Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Shah Suja

8. Hari Singh Nalwa died in ……………….
1837 A.D.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 19 Ranjit Singh’s relations with Afghanistan and his N.W.F. Policy

True or False:

1. Shah Zaman was the ruler of Afghanistan during the rule of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

2. Shah Mehmood became the new ruler of Afghanistan in 1805 A.D.

3. A settlement took place between Maharaja Ranjit Singh and Fateh Khan in 1813 A.D. at Rohtas.

4. The battle of Hazro was fought on July 13, 1818 A.D.

5. Maharaja Ranjit Singh occupied Multan in 1818 A.D.

6. Mahafaja Ranjit Singh conquered Kashmir in 1819 A.D.

7. Hari Singh Nalwg was appointed new Governor of Kashmir in 1820.

8. Sardar Hari Singh Nalwa was honoured by Zaffarjung.

9. The battle of Naushera was fought on March 14, 1828 A.D.

10. Maharaja Ranjit Singh annexed Peshawar to his empire in 1834 A.D.

11. The battle of Jamraud was fought in 1837 A.D.

12. The North-West Frontier Policy of Maharaja Ranjit-Singh succeeded to a considerable extent in solving the N.W.F. problems.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 19 Ranjit Singh’s relations with Afghanistan and his N.W.F. Policy

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. When did Shah Zaman occupy Lahore?
(a) 1796 A.D.
(b) 1797 A.D.
(c) 1798 A.D.
(d) 1799 A.D.
(c) 1798 A.D.

Who was Fateh Khan?
(a) Wazir of Afghanistan
(b) Wazir of Ranjit Singh
(c) Wazir of Iran
(d) None of these.
(a) Wazir of Afghanistan

3. When did the alliance take place between Maharaja Ranjit Singh and Fateh Khan regarding the control over Kashmir?
(a) 1803 A.D.
(b) 1805 A.D.
(c) 1809 A.D.
(d) 1813 AD.
(d) 1813 AD.

4. Where did the alliance take place between Maharaja Ranjit Singh and Fateh Khan?
(a) Rohtas
(b) Rohtang
(c) Supeen
(d) Hazro,
(a) Rohtas

5. When did Akali Phuila Singh get martyrdom while fighting with the Afghans?
(a) 1813 A.D.
(b) 1815 A.D.
(c) 1819 A.D.
(d) 1823 A.D.
(d) 1823 A.D.

6. In which places Syed Ahmad created disturbance against the Sikhs?
(a) Attock and Peshawar
(b) Peshawar and Kashmir
(c) Kashmir and Multan
(d) Multan and Attock.
(a) Attock and Peshawar

7. When did Syed Ahmad revolt against the Sikhs?
(a) 1823 A.D.
(b) 1825 A D.
(c) 1827 A.D.
(d) 1831 A.D.
(c) 1827 A.D.

8. When did Maharaja Ranjit Singh annexJPeshawar to his Empire?
(a) 1823 A.D.
(b) 1831 A.D.
(c) 1834 A.D.
(d) 1837 A.D.
(c) 1834 A.D.

9. In which battle famous Sikh General Hari Singh Nalwa was killed?
(a) Battle of Jamraud
(b) Battle of Naushera
(c) Battle of Hazro
(d) Battle of Supeen
(a) Battle of Jamraud

10. Which person was to be appointed as ruler of Afghanistan according to the Tripartite Treaty?
(a) Shah Zaman
(b) Shah Shuja
(c) Shah Mehmud
(d) Dost Mohammad Khan.
(b) Shah Shuja

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 18 Anglo-Sikh Relations 1800-1839 A.D.

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class History Book Solutions Chapter 18 Anglo-Sikh Relations 1800-1839 A.D. Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 History Chapter 18 Anglo-Sikh Relations 1800-1839 A.D.

Long Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Who was Jaswant Eao Holkar? Why Ranjit Singh did not help him?
Jaswant Rao Holkar was a Maratha Chief. In 1805 A.D. he was defeated by the Britishers. So he came to Punjab to seek Ranjit Singh’s help against the British. Maharaja Ranjit Singh gave a warm welcome to Holkar. But Maharaja Ranjit Singh did not agree to extend him active help against the British, which was the real purpose of Holkar’s visit to Amritsar. Maharaja Ranjit Singh did not help Holkar owing to the following reasons :

Firstly, Maharaja Ranjit Singh overawed by the discipline of the British army. Secondly, a small army of the Britishers had forced a huge army of the Marathas to flee from the battlefield. So it was natural for Maharaja Ranjit Singh to conclude that a small contingent of the Sikh army joining hands with Holkar would not bring about any marked change in the situation. Thirdly, in order to take a decision about Holkar, Maharaja Ranjit Singh called a Gurmata of the Sikh Sardars at Amritsar.

After deep deliberations it was decided that any help extended to Holkar might prove disastrous for the Lahore Raj. Fourthly, Maharaja Ranjit Singh did not want to convert Punjab into an arena of battlefield. His kingdom was still very small and this battle could prove ruinous for the newly growing Sikh State.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 18 Anglo-Sikh Relations 1800-1839 A.D.

Question 2.
Analyse the relationship of Ranjit Singh and Britishers in the first phase.
Study the circumstances leading to Treaty of Amritsar.
Describe the Anglo-Sikh relations between 1800 to 1809.
Maharaja Ranjit Singh wanted to bring all the Sikh states under him. With this aim in view he invaded the Malwa region twice in 1806 A.D. and 1807 A.D. He conquered many regions and accepted tributes from many chiefs. Scared by these invasions, the Sardars of Malwa region sought help from the English. But as the danger of Napoleon’s invasion on India had increased, so the English wanted to make a friendly treaty with Maharaja Ranjit Singh, instead of giving help to the Sikh Chiefs of Malwa.

In addition the dialogue between Ranjit Singh and Charles Metcalfe in 1808 A.D. failed. Ranjit Singh attacked Malwa for the third time in 1809 A.D. and brought some area under his control. At this time, the danger of Napoleon’s invasion on India had receded. Now the English started military preparations to make Ranjit Singh accept their conditions. As a result, a treaty was signed between Ranjit Si knowri as Treaty of Amritsar.

Question 3.
Describe the singinficance of the Treaty of Amritsar signed between Ranjit Singh and the English.
Describe the historical significance of the Treaty of Amritsar (1809).
Write the main clauses and importance of Amritsar treaty.
Describe the main clauses and importance of Treaty of Amritsar between Maharaja Ranjit Singh and the English.
The Treaty of Amritsar was signed on April 25, 1809 A.D. between Maharaja Ranjit Singh and the English. This treaty was very significant from the historical point of view. According to this treaty Maharaja Ranjit Singh accepted Sutlej as the eastern boundary of his empire. As such his dream to become the emperor of all the Sikh states was shattered for ever. It caused not only political but also economic loss to Ranjit Singh. But this treaty proved useful to the Maharaja in some aspects. He succeeded in protecting his newly established kingdom from the powerful English.

Now Ranjit Singh had no danger on the east from the English. So he succeeded in expanding his empire in the North-West direction. On the other hand, the influence of the English spread upto the Sutlej river. Having no danger from Punjab side, the English could consolidate their position in other parts of India. This treaty enhanced the prestige of the English to a great extent.

Question 4.
Why was tension created between the English and Maharaja Ranjit Singh over the Sind tangle?
Sind was very important from geographical and commercial point of view. So both, the English and Maharaja Ranjit Singh wanted to bring it under their control. In 1831 A.D., the English deputed Alexander Burns to get its geographical knowledge. In order to deceive Maharaja Ranjit Singh, he was invited by Governor- General Lord Bentinck for a meeting at Ropar. This meeting took place on October 26,1831 A.D. By holding this meeting the English, very cleverly, kept Ranjit Singh’s attention diverted.

On the other hand, they sent Colonel Pottinger to Sind to sign a treaty with Sind. He succeeded in signing a commercial treaty with the Amirs of Sind in 1832 A.D. This treaty strained the relations between Ranjit Singh and the English. In 1838 A.D., the English signed another treaty with the Amirs of Sind. Consequently, Sind came under the influence of the English. Maharaja could not swallow this bitter pill. It further strained the Anglo-Sikh relations.

Question 5.
Why was tension created between Maharaja Ranjit Singh and English over Ferozepur tangle?
The Britishers wanted to bring Ferozepur under their control. This city was hardly at a distance of 40 miles from Lahore. The English could have a better view of Ranjit Singh’s activities from this place. Besides, the possession of Ferozepur was essential to surround the Punjab. Although the Britishers had been looking towards Ferozepur greedily for a long time, they had been postponing its acquisition lest Ranjit Singh should feel annoyed with them.

That is why, the Britishers had been conceding his control over Ferozepur till 1835 A.D. But, by now the situation had changed. The Britishers did not need Ranjit Singh’s friendship any more. Therefore, they forcibly took possession of Ferozepur in 1835 A.D. In 1838 A.D., the Britishers set up a big military cantonment here. Although Ranjit Singh expressed his resentment over the seizure of Ferozepur and setting up of a military cantonment there by the British, yet they did not bother about it. The Maharaja had to just swallow his pride.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 18 Anglo-Sikh Relations 1800-1839 A.D.

Question 6.
Write a brief note on Tri-partite Treaty and its significance.
Discuss about Tri-partite Treaty.
In 1837 A.D., Russia was fast advancing towards Asia. In order to check . any possibility of Russian attack on India, the Britishers wanted to establish friendly relations with the Afghanistan ruler, Dost Mohammad Khan. With this end in view, they sent Captain Alexander Burns to Afghanistan. But the talks could not mature. Then the British made a plan to make the ex-ruler of Afghanistan, Shah Shuja, the new ruler of Afghanistan. The British forced Ranjit Singh, also to become a party to the treaty. In this way, a tripartite treaty between the British, Shah Shuja and Maharaja Ranjit Singh was signed on 26th June, 1838 A.D.

The prominent terms of the tripartite treaty were :

  • Shah Shuja would be made the king of Afghanistan with the co-operation of the British and Maharaja Ranjit Singh,
  • Shah Shuja would accept Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s suzerainty ‘ over the Afghan territories conquered by him.
  • Shah Shuja promised to abide by all those decisions concerning Sind taken by the British and Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
  • Shah Shuja would have no contact with any world power without the permission of the British and the Sikhs.
  • The enemy of one power would be regarded as the enemy of the other two powers also.
  • In order to enthrone Shah Shuja, Maharaja Ranjit Singh would help him with 5,000 soldiers and Shah Shuja would give Rs. 2 lakh to the Maharaja in return thereof.

According to the tripartite treaty, the Sikh and the British forces jointly attacked Afghanistan in January 1839 A.D. In April 1839 A.D., they captured Qandhar. The action against Dost Mohammad Khan was still going on when Maharaja Ranjit Singh passed away on 27th June, 1839 A.D.

Question 7.
Write about the relations between the English and the Sikhs from 1809 to 1839.
On 25th April, 1809 A.D. Maharaja Ranjit Singh signed the treaty of Amritsar with the Britishers. It provided for perpetual friendship between both as the British agreed to have no concern to the north of the river Sutlej. There was the state of distrust and suspicion between 1809 A.D. and 1812 A.D. as each side entertained imaginary apprehensions.

Gradually the doubts began to disappear, David Oterlony was given warm welcome at the marriage of Prince Kharak Singh. During 1812 A.D. and 1821 A.D. both sides adopted a neutral policy. In 1822 A.D. the Anglo-Sikh relations got little bit strained over the ownership of village Wadni.

The signing of a Commercial treaty with Sind and the capture of Shikarpur and Ferozepur by British widened the gulf between Maharaja and the British. Moreover, Ranjit Singh was forced to sign a tripartite treaty in 1838 A.D. Maharja Ranjit Singh died in 1839 A.D.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 18 Anglo-Sikh Relations 1800-1839 A.D.

Essay Type Questions:

Question 1.
Study the Anglo-Sikh relations from 1800 to 1809 A.D. from a critical point of view.
Critically examine Ranjit Singh’s relations with the British from 1800 to 1809 A.D.
Examine the circumstances leading to the Treaty of Amritsar of 1809 A.D. What were its terms and respective advantages derived by the Maharaja and the British from it?
Discuss the circumstances leading to the Treaty of Amritsar (1809 AD.). Examine the significance of this treaty.
What do you kngw about the Treaty of Amritsar? What was gained by Maharaja Ranjit Singh and the English by this Treaty?
The British were looking towards Punjab with greedy eyes since long times. On the other hand Maharaja Ranjit Singh wanted to establish his sovereignty over the whole of Punjab. Thus the imperialist attitjide of both the powers influenced their relations to a great extent. The relationship between Maharaja Ranjit Singh and the British during the period between 1800 to 1809 A.D. can be discussed as follows:

1. Mission of Yusuf Ali 1800 A.D.: Maharaja Ranjit Singh had established cordial relations with the ruler of Afghanistan Shah Zaman. So, the British government was alarmed at it. It feared that Shah Zaman and Maharaja Ranjit Singh might jointly attack the British. Such a situation could prove dangerous for them. In order to avert this possibility, the Britishers sent their emissary, Yusuf Ali, to the court of Mdharaja Ranjit Singh. But this mission was yet on the way, when a civil war broke out in Afghanistan. As the possibility of the Shah Zaman’s invasion of India was over Yusuf Ali was recalled. So, this mission remained confined to the level of a goodwill mission only.

2. Holkar’s visit to Punjab 1805 A.D.: After having suffered a defeat at the hands of the Britishers in 1805 A.D. the Maratha Sardar Jaswant Rao Holkar came to Punjab to seek Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s help against the British. He declined the help to Holkar. At that time, Maharaja Ranjit Singh did not want to convert Punjab into an arena of battlefield. His kingdom was still very small and this battle could prove ruinous for the newly growing Sikh State.

3. Treaty of Lahore 1806 A.D.: Since Maharaja Ranjit Singh had not helped Holkar, the Britishers were very happy with him. They signed a treaty with Maharaja Ranjit Singh at Lahore on 1st January, 1806 A.D. This treaty which is famous in history as the treaty of Lahore had the following main clauses :

  • Ranjit Singh would not help Jaswant Rao Holkar and his companion Amir Khan. He would permit them to go away peacefully to a distance of 30 miles from Amritsar.
  • In future too, Ranjit Singh would have no relations of any kind with Holkar.
  • As long as Ranjit Singh abstained from any intercourse with the enemies of the British Government the latter would not enter the Sikh territory. Thus, by signing a treaty with the British, Maharaja Ranjit Singh saved his empire from the likelihood of facing a great danger.

4. Napoleonic Danger : Soon after the arrival of the new Governor-General Lord Minto in India, the international situation in Europe underwent a radical change. In the year 1807 A.D., Napoleon signed the treaty of Tilsit with Russia. According to this treaty, Russia assured him of its full co-operation in the event of his invasion on India. The growing influence of Napoleon upset the British Government in India. In order to face this situation, it decided to make friendship with Maharaja Ranjit Sii)gh.

5. Metcalfe’s First Mission : The Britishers sent Charles Metcalfe to sign a treaty with Maharaja Ranjit Singh. He met the Maharaja at Khem Karan on 11th Sept. 1808 A.D. Here he placed the following proposals before Maharaja Ranjit Singh:

  • In case Napoleon invaded India, both Ranjit Singh and the British would jointly face him. Ranjit Singh would not allow the army of Napoleon to pass through the Punjab.
  • In case of war with France, Maharaja Ranjit Singh would permit the British forces to pass through the Punjab.

Maharaja Ranjit Singh was very wise. He had realised that the Britishers were in dire need of his friendship at that time. So before agreeing to the proposals of the Britishers, he placed the following conditions before Charles Metcalfe

  • Firstly the British government should acknowledge his sovereignty over the whole of Sikh country.
  • Secondly, the British shouldn’t interfere in case Ranjit Singh was involved in a war against the ruler of Kabul. As Metcalfe had no authority to concede what Ranjit Singh had asked for, so the negotiations broke off.

6. Metcalfe’s Second Mission: Napoleon was involved in a battle with Spain. Therefore, the danger of his invasion on India was averted. Now, the British .decided to check the growing influence of Ranjit Singh. In this connection Charles Metcalfe met Maharaja Ranjit Singh at Amritsar on 10th December, 1808 A.D. This talk also remained inconclusive.

7. Warfare Preparations : The British began to make warfare preparations in order to have their conditions conceded. In February, 1809 A.D., they sent an army to Ludhiana under the command of Sir David Ochterlony. On seeing this attitude of the Britishers, Maharaja Ranjit Singh also started making preparations for warfare. Diwan Mohkam Chand who was the commander of the Maharaja’s : army was deputed to Phillaur. Maharaja Ranjit Singh even performed the ceremony of auspicious moment for starting the battle. Despite all these preparations, Maharaja Ranjit Singh at the last moment yielded to the British demands.

8. The Treaty of Amritsar 1809 A.D.: On 25th April, 1809 A.D. Maharaja Ranjit Singh signed the treaty of Amritsar with the Britishers. The treaty had the following clauses :

  • It provided for perpetual friendship between the British Government and the State of Lahore. The British agreed to have no concern with the territories and subjects of the Maharaja to the north of the river Sutlej.
  • The State of Lahore bound itself not to commit any encroachments on the possessions of the Cis-Sutlej Chiefs or to maintain in its territories more troops than were necessary for internal duties.
  • Any violation of these stipulations would render the treaty null and void.
  • The treaty having been concluded at Amritsar on 25th April, 1809 A.D. was signed by Charles Metcalfe on behalf of the British and Maharaja Ranjit Singh Qn behalf of the Lahore Darbar.

9. Disadvantages of the Treaty of Amritsar to Ranjit Singh : The Treaty of Amritsar of 1809 A.D. resulted in many disadvantages to Ranjit Singh :

  • One of the greatest cherished ideals of Ranjit Singh’s life was, that he wanted to be the sole ruler of all the Sikhs. The treaty of Amritsar shattered this dream of Ranjit Singh forever.
  • This treaty dealt a serious blow to Ranjit Singh’s power, prestige and dig¬nity. This treaty proved that the power and position of the Britishers were much more than that of Ranjit Singh.
  • With the treaty of Amritsar, the Britishers came closer to Punjab. From this point of view, the ultimate effect of the treaty of Amritsar proved disastrous for Ranjit Singh’s empire.
  • The treaty of Amritsar had put a check on Maharaja Ranjit Singh from taking possession of the Cis-Sutlej areas. So, a big chunk of Punjab could not be¬come the part of his kingdom. In this way, Maharaja Ranjit Singh had to suffer not only a great territorial but economic loss also.

10. Advantages of the Treaty of Amritsar to Ranjit Singh: The signing of the Treaty of Amritsar in 1809 A.D. had some advantages to Ranjit Singh :

  • By signing the treaty with the British, Maharaja Ranjit Singh saved the Punjab state from ruin. If Ranjit Singh had challenged the Britishers at that time, he would certainly have lost his kingdom.
  • The Treaty of Amritsar proved useful for Ranjit Singh. Owing to the treaty, the eastern boundary of Ranjit Singh’s empire became secure. As a result, Ranjit Singh could include Attock, Multan, Kashmir, Derajat and Peshawar to Punjab.

11. Advantages of the Treaty of Amritsar to the British: By signing the Treaty of Amritsar in 1809 A.D. the British got the ahead advantages :

  • The Treaty of Amritsar was a big diplomatic victory for the British. They stopped Ranjit Singh from advancing towards the east, even without firing a shot.
  • By the Treaty of Amritsar, the Britishers made many territorial gains. Without fighting any battle with Ranjit Singh, they could extend the boundaries of their empire from Jamuna to river Sutlej. It added to the stature of the British East India Company a great deal.
  • Because of the Treaty of Amritsar, friendly relations were established between the British and Ranjit Singh. The British felt no danger from the Sikhs. They devoted their whole attention to crushing other powers in India. Soon, they were able to bring the Marathas, the Pindaries and the Gorkhas under their submission.
  • Another advantage which the Britishers had by signing the Treaty of Amritsar, was that Punjab became a buffer state between Afghanistan and British India. Consequently, the British were able to rid themselves of the prob¬lems of North-West Frontiers.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 18 Anglo-Sikh Relations 1800-1839 A.D.

Question 2.
Describe the Anglo-Sikh relations between 1809-1839 A.D.
Give the main features of the relations between Maharaja Ranjit Singh and the British during 1809-1839 AD.
Critically discuss the Anglo-Sikh relations from 1809 to 1839 A.D.
The Treaty of Amritsar was signed between the British and Maharaja Ranjit Singh on 25th April 1809 A.D. It proved a new turning point in their relations. A brief account of these relations is as follows:

1. Period of some Distrust and Suspicion: Despite the Treaty of Amritsar, the state of distrust and suspicion continued between the British and Maharaja Ranjit Singh between 1809 A.D. and 1812 A.D. Each side entertained imaginary apprehensions. They left spying agents in order to know the military and diplo¬matic moves of each other. The spies made exaggerated reports to their governments. In order to deal with the situation, the British set up a powerful military cantonment at Ludhiana. On the other hand, Maharaja Ranjit Singh got a fort constructed at Phillaur and kept a heavy force in it.

2. Improvement in the Relations: Gradually the doubts between Maharaja Ranjit Singh and the British began to disappear. In 1812 A.D. Maharaja Ranjit Singh invited David Ochterlony to attend the marriage of Prince Kharak Singh. He was given a warm welcome when he reached the Lahore Darbar. During 1812 A.D. and 1821 A.D. the Britishers and Maharaja Ranjit Singh adopted a neutral policy and did not interfere in each other’s affairs. So, the tension, if any in their relations disappeared.

3. Problem of Wadni: In 1822 A.D. the relations between the British and Maharaja Ranjit Singh became strained over the ownership of village Wadi. At the insistence of Sada Kaur, the Britishers drove out Ranjit Singh’s forces from Wadi. Ranjit Singh felt enraged at it, but he prudently avoided the collision with the British.

4. Cordiality Restored 1824-30 A.D.: In 1823 A.D. Captain Wade, the new political agent at Ludhiana had accepted Ranjit Singh’s claim over Wadni. In this way, once again cordial relations began to develop between the British and the Sikhs. When in 1824. A.D. the Nepal government sought Ranjit Singh’s help against the British, he declined it. Likewise, in 1825 A.D. Maharaja Ranjit Singh refused to help the ruler of Bharatpur against the British. In 1826 A.D., when Maharaja Ranjit Singh fell ill, the Britishers sent Dr. Murray for his treatment. In this way, a marked improvement took place in the relations between the two.

5. Question of Sind : The area of Sind was geographically and commercially very significant. So both Maharaja Ranjit Singh and the British were keen in con¬trolling it. In 1831 A.D. the British sent Alexander Burns to gather information about Sind. In order that Maharaja Ranjit Singh might not develop any doubt, he was invited to Ropar to hold a meeting with the Governor-General William Bentinck. This meeting was held on 26th October, 1831 A.D. The Britishers very cleverly kept him absorbed in talks. On the other hand, the English suc¬ceeded in signing a commercial treaty with Sind in 1832 A.D. It led to bitterness between their relations.

6. Question of Shikarpur : The question of Shikarpur further widened the gulf between Maharaja Ranjit Singh and the British. The Shikarpur area was also significant from the commercial and geographical point of view. In 1836 A.D., when Majari tribe attacked the frontier state of Ranjit Singh, he defeated them and captured Shikarpur. At that time an English troop under Wade, also reached there. They forced Ranjit Singh to vacate Shikarpur. Ranjit Singh was compelled to re¬treat because he did not want to fight with the Britishers.

7. Question of Ferozepur : The Britishers wanted to bring Ferozepur under their control. Therefore, they forcibly took possession of Ferbzepur in 1835 A.D. In 1838 A.D., the Britishers set up a big military cantonmen.t here. Although Ranjit Singh expressed his resentment over the seizure of Ferozepur but the British did not bother about it. The Maharaja had to just swallow his pride.

8. Tripartite Treaty : In 1837 A.D., Russia was fast advancing towards Asia. The Britishers feared that Russia might invade India through Afghanistan. In order to prevent this attack and to depose the ruler of Afghanistan, Dost Mohammad Khan, the British signed the tripartite treaty on 26th June, 1838 A.D. with the ex-ruler of Afghanistan Shah Shuja and Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Maharaja Ranjit Singh was not interested in signing this treaty but he was forced to do so by the British. The tripartite treaty was a great diplomatic defeat of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. He was yet thinking of taking revenge of this humiliation when he died on 27th June, 1839 A.D.

An Estimate of Ranjit Singh’s Policy Towards The British The historians differ over the policy adopted by Maharaja Ranjit Singh towards the British. Some historians hold the view that Maharaja Ranjit Singh gave proof of his sagacity and far-sightedness by not fighting with the Britishers. Ranjit Singh knew very well the power of the Britishers and did not want to see an abrupt end of the Khalsa Raj. Secondly, owing to his friendship with the British, he was able to expand the Sikh state a great deal towards North-West.

On the other hand some other historians have strongly criticised the policy of Ranjit Singh towards the British. They hold the view that Ranjit Singh had adpoted the policy of yielding to the British from 1809 A.D. till the end of his life. In 1809 A.D., through the treaty of Amritsar, Maharaja Ranjit Singh was forced to withdraw his forces from the areas beyond Sutlej. In the matter of Sind, Shikarpur and Ferozepur, he had been grievously insulted. The tripartite treaty had been forcibly imposed on him. Ranjit Singh’s words “All will turn red” bear witness to his cowardliness.

To submit to the cruel and the brutal all the time can’t be termed either just or worthy. It was, indeed, his greatest political blunder. Dr. N.K. Sinha aptly says, “Perhaps with the solicitude inherent in all’ builders he feared to ex¬pose the kingdom, he had created, to the risks of war and chose instead the policy of yielding, yielding and yielding.”

Question 3.
Discuss the relations of Ranjit Singh with the British from 1800 to 1839 A.D.
Give a brief account of Anglo-Sikh relations between 1800 to 1839 A.D.
Briefly describe the relations between Maharaja Ranjit Singh and the British during 1800 to 1839 A.D. Did Maharaja adopt the policy of yielding to the British?
What type of relations existed between Maharaja Ranjit Singh and East India Company?
For answer to this question students are requested to see the answers of Question Nos.l and 2.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 18 Anglo-Sikh Relations 1800-1839 A.D.

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Who was Jaswant Rao Holkar? Why did Maharaja Ranjit Singh not help him?
Jaswant Rao Holkar was a Maratha Chief. In 1805 A.D. he was defeated by the British. So he came to Punjab to seek Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s help against the British. Maharaja Ranjit Singh did not agree to extend his active help against the British, due to these reasons :

  • Maharaja Ranjit Singh was dreaded to see the discipline of the British army,
  • Gurmata of the Sikh Sardars at Amritsar, decided that any help extended to Holkar might prove disastrous for the Lahore Raj.
  • Maharaja Ranjit Singh did not want to convert Punjab into an arena of the battlefield.

Question 2. Describe the circumstances of the Treaty of Amritsar.
Study the circumstances leading to the Treaty of Amritsar.
Describe the Anglo-Sikh relations between 1800 to 1809.
Maharaja Ranjit Singh wanted to bring all the Sikh states under him. So, he invaded the Malwa region twice in 1806 A.D. and 1807 A.D. He conquered many regions. The conversation between Ranjit Singh and Charles Metcalfe in 1808 A.D. failed. Ranjit Singh attacked Malwa for the third time in 1808 A.D. Now the English started military preparations to make Ranjit Singh accept their conditions. As a result, a treaty was signed between Ranjit Singh and the English on April 25, 1809 A.D. It was known as the Treaty of Amritsar.

Question 3.
What were the three conditions of the Treaty of Amritsar?

  • It provided for perpetual friendship between the British govt, and the state of Lahore,
  • The state of Lahore bound itself not to maintain in its territories more troops than were necessary for internal duties.
  • The British agreed to have no concern with the territories and subjects of the Maharaja to the north of River Sutlej.

Question 4.
Describe the significance of the Treaty of Amritsar signed between Ranjit Singh and the English.
Give the historical significance of the Treaty of Amritsar (1809).
Write the main clauses and importance of the Amritsar Treaty.
Mention the terms and significance of the Treaty of Amritsar.
What was the significance of the Treaty of Amritsar?
The Treaty of Amritsar was signed on April 25,1809 A.D. between Maharaja Ranjit Singh and the English. According to this treaty Maharaja Ranjit Singh accepted Sutlej as the eastern boundary of his empire. As such his dream to become the emperor of all the Sikh states was shattered for ever. It caused not only political but also economic loss to Ranjit Singh. But this treaty proved useful to the Maharaja in protecting his newly established kingdom from the powerful English. This treaty enhanced the prestige of the English to a great extent.

Question 5.
Why was tension created between the English and Maharaja Ranjit Singh over the Sind tangle?
Sind was very important from geographical and commercial point of view. So both, the English and Maharaja Ranjit Singh wanted to bring it under their control. Colonel Pottinger succeeded in signing a commercial treaty with the Amirs of Sind in 1832 A.D. In 1838 A.D., the English signed another treaty with the Amirs of Sind. Consequently, Sind came under the influence of the English. Maharaja could not swallow this bitter pill but he did not dare to take any step against the English.

Question 6.
Why was tension created between Maharaja Ranjit Singh and the English over Ferozepur.
The British wanted to bring Ferozepur under their control. They could keep an eye on Ranjit Singh’s activities from here. Moreover, Ferozepur could help them in surrounding Punjab. The British forcibly brought Ferozepur under their control in 1835 A.D. and set up their military contonment there in 1838 A.D. Ranjit Singh was annoyed over it but the English never bothered about it.

Question 7.
Write a brief note on Tri-partite Treaty and its significance.
Write a short note on Tri-partite Treaty.
Russia was fast advancing to Asia in 1837 A.D. At such a time, a Tri¬partite Treaty was signed among the English, Maharaja Ranjit Singh and Shah Shuja on June 26, 1838 A.D. According to this treaty it was decided to make Shah Shuja the ruler of Afghanistan. Maharaja Ranjit Singh did not want to be a part of the treaty but he was compelled to do so by the British.

Question 8.
Write about the relations between the English and the Sikhs from 1809-1839.
On 25th April, 1809 A.D. Maharaja Ranjit Singh signed the Treaty of Amritsar with the Britishers. It provided for perpetual friendship between them as the British agreed to have no concern to the north of the river Sutlej. There was the state of distrust and suspicion between 1809 A.D. and 1830 A.D. as each side entertained imaginary apprehensions. During 1830-39 A.D. the relations between the two remained tense over the questions of Sind, Shikarpur and Ferozepur.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 18 Anglo-Sikh Relations 1800-1839 A.D.

Objective Type Questions:

Question 1.
When was the first contact established between the English and the Sikhs?
When did the English and Maharaja Ranjit Singh come into contact with each other? ‘
In 1800 A.D.

Question 2.
Who was Yusuf Ali?
The English sent Yusuf Ali to Lahore Darbar as their emissary in 1800 A.D.

Question 3.
When did the Maratha leader, Jaswant Rao Holkar come to Punjab?
1805 A.D.

Question 4.
When was the treaty of friendship was first signed between Maharaja Ranjit Singh and the British?
In 1806 A.D.

Question 5.
State any one term of the Treaty of Lahore of 1806 A.D.
Maharaja Ranjit Singh would not help Holkar.

Question 6.
Who was Charles Metcalfe?
He was a British official.

Question 7.
How many times Charles Metcalfe and Maharaja Ranjit Singh met?

Question 8.
How many times and when did Maharaja Ranjit Singh attack Malwa?
Three times between 1806 to 1808 A.D.

Question 9.
When did Maharaja Ranjit Singh attack Malwa for the first time?
1806 A.D.

Question 10.
Mention any one factor which led to the signing of the Treaty of Amritsar.
The courtiers of Maharaja Ranjit Singh advised him not to engage in a conflict with the British.

Question 11.
When was the famous Treaty of Amritsar signed?
When did the Treaty of Amritsar take place -?
When was the ‘Treaty of Amritsar’ settled?
April 25, 1809 A.D.

Question 12.
Give any one main clause of the Treaty of Amritsar.
There will be fast friendship between the British Government and the Lahore Darbar.

Question 13.
What was the loss of Treaty of Amritsar to Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
It dashed all the hopes of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s ever becoming the emperor of the Sikhs.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 18 Anglo-Sikh Relations 1800-1839 A.D.

Question 14.
Name any one advantage of the Treaty of Amritsar for Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
What was the advantage of the Treaty of Amritsar for Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
It saved the infant kingdom of Maharaja Ranjit Singh from premature end.

Question 15.
Name any one advantage of the Treaty of Amritsar for the English.
It greatly enhanced the prestige of the English.

Question 16.
When did the relations between Maharaja Ranjit Singh and the British strain over Wadni?
In 1822 A.D.

Question 17.
In 1823 A.D. who was appointed the new political agent at Ludhiana?
Captain Wade.

Question 18.
In 1826 which British doctor treated Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
Dr. Murray.

Question 19.
When did Maharaja Ranjit Singh meet William Bentinck?
When did Maharaja Ranjit Singh meet the British Governor General?
October 26, 1831 A.D.

Question 20.
Where did Maharaja Ranjit Singh meet the British Governor General?

Question 21.
Whom did the English send for signing a treaty with Sind?
Col. Pottinger.

Question 22.
When did the English occupy Ferozepur?
1835 A.D.

Question 23.
When was the Tripartite Treaty signed?
June 26, 1838 A.D.

Fill in the blanks:

1. Mission of Yusuf Ali came to Punjab in ……………..
1800 A.D.

2. Jaswant Rao Holkar came to Punjab in ……………
1805 A.D.

3. The Treaty of Lahore was signed between the English and Maharaja Ranjit Singh in …………….. A.D.
1806 A.D.

4. Maharaja Ranjit Singh attacked Malwa in ………….. for the first time.
1806 A.D.

5. Maharaja Ranjit Singh attacked Malwa in …………. for the third time.
1808 A.D.

6. Charles Metcalfe met Ranjit Singh at ………….. for the second time.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 18 Anglo-Sikh Relations 1800-1839 A.D.

7. The Treaty of Amritsar was signed by the English and Maharaja Ranjit Singh on ……………….
April 25, 1809 A.D.

8. According to the Treaty of Amritsar, …………… was boundary between the British and Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

9. Maharaja Ranjit Singh met William Bentinck in 1831 at ……………..

10. The Tripartite Treaty was signed between Maharaja Ranjit Singh, Shaji Shuja and the English in ………..
1838 A.D.

True or False:

1. Yusuf Ali Misson came to Punjab in 1800 A.D.

2. The Maratha leader Jaswant Rao Holkar came to Punjab in 1805 A.D.

3. The Treaty of Lahore was signed between the English and Maharaja Ranjit Singh in 1805 A.D.

4. Maharaja Ranjit Singh attacked Malwa in 1806 A.D. for the first time.

5. In 1808 A.D. Charles Metcalfe met Maharaja Ranjit Singh at Khem Karan.

6. On April 25, 1809 A.D. Maharaja Ranjit Singh and the Britishers signed the Treaty of Amritsar.

7. The Treaty of Amritsar was a blow to Ranjit Singh’s prestige.

8. In 1826 A.D., the Britishers sent Dr. Murray for the treatment of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

9. Lord William Bentinck met Maharaja Ranjit Singh in 1831 A.D. at Ropar.

10. The Britishers occupied Ferozepur in 1835 A.D.

11. The Tripartite Treaty was signed on 26th Jufte, 1838 A.D. between Maharaja Ranjit Singh, Shah Shuja and the British.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 18 Anglo-Sikh Relations 1800-1839 A.D.

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. When did the Maratha leader, Jaswant Rao Holkar come to Punjab?
(a) 1801 A.D.
(b) 1802 A.D.
(c) 1805 A.D.
(d) 1809 A.D.
(c) 1805 A.D.

2. When was the first treaty signed between the English and Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
(a) 1805 A.D.
(b) 1806 A.D.
(c) 1807 A.D.
(d) 1809 A.D.
(b) 1806 A.D.

3. How many times did Maharaja Ranjit Singh attack Malwa?
(a) Twice
(b) Three times
(c) Four times
(d) Five times.
(b) Three times

4. When did Maharaja Ranjit Singh attack Malwa for the first time?
(a) 1805 A,D.
(b) 1806 A.D.
(c) 1807 A.D.
(d) 1809 A.D.
(b) 1806 A.D.

5. Where did Charles Metcalfe meet Maharaja Ranjit Singh for the first time?
(a) Ludhiana
(b) Amritsar
(c) Lahore
(d) Khem Karan.
(d) Khem Karan.

6. When did Treaty of Amritsar take place between Maharaja Ranjit Singh and the English?
(a) 1805 A.D.
(b) 1809 A.D.
(c) 1812 A.D.
(d) 1821 A.D.
(b) 1809 A.D.

7. Which river was made the boundary between the British Empire and Maharaja Ranjit Singh by the Treaty of Amritsar in 1809 A.D.?
(a) Beas River
(b) Sutlej River
(c) Ravi River
(d) Jhelum River.
(b) Sutlej River

8. When did meeting between Maharaja Ranjit Singh and William Bentinck take place?
(a) 1809 A.D.
(b) 1811 A.D.
(c) 1821 A.D.
(d) 1831 A.D.
(d) 1831 A.D.

9. Where did the Maharaja Ranjit Singh 3jid William Bentinck met?
(a) Amritsar
(b) Ludhiana.
(c) Ropar
(d) Lahore.
(c) Ropar

10. When did the English sign a treaty with Amirs of Sind?
(a) 1829 A.D.
(b) 1830 A.D.
(c) 1831 A.D.
(d) 1832 A.D.
(d) 1832 A.D.

11. When was the Tripartite Treaty signed?
(a) 1839 A.D.
(b) 1845 A.D.
(c) 1838 A.D.
(d) 1809 A.D.
(c) 1838 A.D.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 17 Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Career and Conquests

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class History Book Solutions Chapter 17 Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Career and Conquests Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 History Chapter 17 Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Career and Conquests

Long Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Give a brief account of the career of Maharaja Ranjit Songh.
Describe briefly the life of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Maharaja Ranjit Singh was born in 1780 A.D. His father, Mahan Singh was the Chief of the Sukarchakia Misl. When he was four years old, he fell a victim to small pox. At the age of 12, he got the first opportunity to go to the battle. Maharaja Ranjit Singh was married to Mehtab Kaur of Kanahia Misl. When Maharaja Ranjit Singh grew to be 17, he took over the charge of administration. His first and the most significant victory was that of Lahore in 1799 A.D. Conquest of Amritsar in 1805 A.D., Gujarat in 1809 A.D. and of Multan in 1818 A.D. were some of the major victories of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

Ranjit Singh sent three expeditions to Kashmir and finally annexed it in 1819 A.D. Peshawar was also annexed in 1834 A.D. by the Maharaja. In 1805 A.D., Maharaja abolished the institution of Gurmata and became politically independent. Maharaja Ranjit Singh was also an efficient administrator. He had appointed very able and honest ministers to run the administration. He was very shrewd and far sighted diplomat. The Anglo-Sikh friendship was an evidence of his political sagacity. Maharaja Ranjit Singh passed away on 27 June, 1839 A.D.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 17 Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Career and Conquests

Question 2.
What was the political condition of Punjab on the accession of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
What was the political condition of Punjab at the time when Maharaja Ranjit Singh ascended the throne?
When Maharaja Ranjit Singh took the reins of Sukarchakia Misl in his hands in 1797 A.D., the political condition of the Punjab was deplorable. An atmosphere of complete anarchy and unrest prevailed in the Punjab. The mighty Mughal empire had crumbled to dust. On its ruins many independent small Kingdoms were established. The Sikhs had found 12 independent Misls in most parts of the Punjab.

Their unity was a thing of the past and they had started quarrelling among themselves. Shah Zaman, the niler of Kabul started invading the Punjab in order to bring it under his control. Sansar Chand, the ruler of Kangra and Bhim Sen Thapa the ruler of Nepal were on a look-out for getting control of – the Punjab. The Marathas and the English were also dreaming of bringing Punjab under their control, but they were involved with other powers of India.

Question 3.
Write a short note on Shah Zaman.
Shah Zaman became the new ruler of Afghanistan after the death of his father, Taimur Shah in 1793 AL.D. He immediately turned his attention to recovering the Punjab from the Sikhs. With this objective he invaded the Punjab in 1793 A.D. and again in 1795 A.D., but he had to go back to Kabul leaving these expeditions. He easily occupied Lahore during his third invasion in January 1797 A.D. The Bhangi Sardars of Lahore, Lehna Singh and Gujjar Singh took to their heels as they heard of Shah Zaman’s invasion. But Shah Zaman had to go back to Kabul due to a rebellion there at that time. Taking advantage of the oppournity, the Bhangi Sardars again got hold of Lahore. In November 1798 A.D.,

once again Shah Zaman took control of Lahore. This time again he had to return to Kabul due to a rebellion. Maharaja Ranjit Singh occupied Lahore on July 7, 1799 A.D. In 1800 A.D. Shah Zaman lost his empire in a coup.

Question 4.
Explain briefly any five conquests of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Undoubtedly Maharaja Ranjit Singh was the greatest ruler of Punjab. By his ability and efforts he converted his small kingdom into a vast empire during his reign (1799-1839). His main conquests are mentioned below:

1. Conquest of Lahore, 1799 A.D.: The first and the most important conquest of Maharaja Ranjit Singh was the conquest of Lahore. The three Bhangi Sardars and Sahib Singh, Mohar Singh and Chet Singh jointly ruled Lahore. People were very unhappy due to their tyrannical rule, so they invited Ranjit Singh to take over Lahore. Deeming it a golden chance, Ranjit Singh invaded Lahore and occupied it on July 7, 1799 A.D.

2. Conquest of Amritsar, 1805 A.D.: The city of Amritsar was very important for the Sikhs from the religious point of view. It was considered the Mecca of the Sikhs. It was also the most famous trade centre. In order to be an emperor of the Punjab, the control over Amritsar was essential. In 1805 A.D. Ranjit Singh invaded Amritsar and defeated Mai Sukhan, the widow of Gulab Singh. In this way, Amritsar was conquered.

3. Conquest of Multan, 1818 A.D.: Multan was very important from trade and geographical point of view. Sind could be easily conquered by having a control over Multan. The Maharaja had to attack seven times to conquer Multan. Every time, Muzaffar Khan the ruler of Multan evaded Maharaja Ranjit Singh by offering him a heavy ransom. In 1818 A.D. Maharaja Ranjit Singh resolved to make a conquest of Multan. He sent a vast army under ‘the command of Misar Diwan Chand. After a pitched battle the army of Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquered Multan. It was indeed one of the important conquests of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

4. Conquest of Kashmir, 1819 A.D.: The valley of Kashmir was famous for its scenic beauty and trade. Ranjit Singh tried to conquer it in 1813 and 1814 A.D. but did not succeed. The conquest of Multan greatly encouraged Maharaja Ranjit Singh. He sent a huge army under the command of Misar Diwan Chand to conquer Kashmir. This army defeated Jabbar Khan, the ruler of Kashmir and occupied Kashmir in 1819 A.D.

5. Conquest of Peshawar, 1834 A.D : Peshawar was an important region from the geographical point of view. In his first expedition in 1818 A.D. Maharaja Ranjit Singh had defeated Yar Mohammad Khan and Dost Mohammad Khan but he resolved not to include Peshawar in his empire. In 1823 A.D., Azim Khan, a minister of Afghanistan took over the control of Peshawar. Maharaja Ranjit Singh defeated him in a pitched battle of Naushehra and again got control over Peshawar. He annexed Peshawar to his empire in 1834 A.D.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 17 Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Career and Conquests

Question 5.
Give a brief account of the conquest of Lahore by Ranjit Singh and its significance.
Write a brief note on Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s conquest of Lahore.
What was the importance of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Lahore conquest?
The conquest of Lahore was the first important political achievement of X Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Lahore assumed great importance, being the biggest and oldest city of the Punjab. Besides, it had been the capital of the Punjab since long. Three Bhangi Sardars, Sahib Singh, Mohar Singh and Chet Singh jointly ruled over it. People were very unhappy due to their oppressive rule. In November 1798 A.D., Shah Zaman, the ruler of Kabul had conquered Lahore but he had to go back due to a mutiny in Kabul. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Bhangi Sardars had again brought Lahore under their control.

As people there were fed up with their misdeeds, they invited Maharaja Ranjit Singh to take control of Lahore. Ranjit Singh with the help of his mother-in-law, Sada Kaur attacked Lahore. On hearing the news of invasion, Sahib Singh and Mohar Singh fled in panic. Chet Singh gave in after a short while. In this way, Ranjit Singh brought Lahore under his control on July 7, 1799 A. D. It laid the foundation of a sovereign Sikh monarchy in Punjab.

Question 6.
Write a short note ‘on the battle of Bhasin.
The occupation of Lahore by Ranjit Singh aroused the jealousies among the leading chiefs of Punjab. Jassa Singh Ramgarhia, Sahib Singh Bhangi of Gujarat, Gulab Singh Bhangi of Amritsgfr, Jodh Singh of Wazirabad and Nizam- ud-Din of Kasur made a united front against Ranjit Singh. The joint forces under the command of Gulab Singh Bhangi assembled at Bhasin near Lahore. Ranjit Singh too reached Bhasin to face them.

For about two months, neither side dared to attack. Unexpectedly one day Gulab Singh Bhangi died of over-drifliking. It demoralised the opponents of Ranjit Singh and they fled away from the battlefield. In this way Ranjit Singh scored a victory without shedding a drop of blood. Xhis ‘ victory to Ranjit Singh warded off his great danger. It also strengthened his hold over Lahore.

Question 7.
Describe briefly about the conquest of Amritsar by Maharaja Ranjit Singh and its importance.
Discuss briefly the significance of the conquest of Amritsar.
The city of Amritsar was of. great religious importance to the Sikhs. It was the Mecca of the Sikhs. Besides, it was also the most famous trade centre of the Punjab. It was very essential for Ranjit Singh to take control of Amritsar in order to become Maharaja of the Punjab. Mai Sukhan, widow of Gulab Singh was ruling over Amritsar as the guardian of her minor son Gurdit Singh. In 1805 A.D., Maharaja Ranjit Singh asked her to hand over the fort of Lohgarh and famous gun Zamzama to him.

Mai Sukhan refused to accept the proposal, so Maharaja Ranjit Singh attacked Amritsar, along with his mother-in-law Sada Kaur and Fateh Singh Ahluwalia. After a short resistance, Mai Sukhan accepted defeat. In this way, in 1805 A.D. Maharaja Ranjit Singh got control over Amritsar. With the conquest of Amritsar, Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s fa’me spread far and wide.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 17 Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Career and Conquests

Question 8.
How did Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquer Multan?
Multan was important from geographic and economic point of view. Hence, Maharaja Ranjit Singh wanted to conquer it. Multan was under the rule of Afghan Governor, Nawab Muzaffar Khan. As such he was under the rule of the Kabul Government, but in reality he was ruling independently. From 1802 A.D. to 1817 A.D., Maharaja Ranjit Singh sent six expeditions to Multan. Each time Nawab Muzaffar Khan avoided the army of Ranjit Singh with a Nazrana. In 1818 A.D. Maharaja decided to conquer Multan. He started preparing for an attack on Multan on a large scale.

Misar Diwan Chanid, who was one of the popular generals of the Maharaja, was sent to conquer Multan with an army of 20,000 soldiers in January 1818 A.D. On the other hand, Nawab Muzaffar Khan started preparing to face the armies of the Maharaja. He declared a religious war (Jihad) against the Sikhs.

The siege to Multan continued for four months but the Sikhs were not successful in capturing the fort. On 2nd June, 1818 A.D., the Akali leader Sadhu Singh was successful in entering the fort with some of his companions. Behind him, the Sikh armies also entered the fort. Nawab Muzaffar Khan and his sons valiantly faced them. In the end, Muzaffar Khan and his five sons were killed. His sixth son was wounded and rest ef the two asked for forgiveness.

Thus, the Sikh army occupied Multan. When Maharaja Ranjit Singh received the news of this important victory, he was pleased. Festivities took place to celebrate this victory for days on end. Misar Diwan Chand was bestowed upon with the title of ‘Zafar Jang’.

Question 9.
Describe the significance of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s conquest of Multan.
The conquest of Multan was one of the significant conquests of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. The importance of this conquest can be gauged from the facts given below:

1. A death blow to the Afghan Power : The conquest of Multan sounded the death knell of Afghan influence in the Punjab. There was a time when the Sikhs would run to the forests and hills on hearing the news of Ahmad Shah Abdali’s invasion because at that time it was not possible for them to face a direct clash with the AfghAnswer: The conquest of Multan turned the tables. This conquest marked an end to the Afghan power in the Punjab and proved that the Sikhs were far more powerful than the Afghans.

2. Multan stood like a wall between Sind and Bahawalpur : With the occupation of Multan by Ranjit Singh, the Muslims of Sind and Bahawalpur were separated. With this separation, they could not form a joint front against Ranjit Singh. In this way, Multan stood like a wall between Sind and Bahawalpur.

3. Some Small Muslim States accepted the Submission of Ranjit Singh: Another important result of the conquest of Multan by Maharaja Ranjit Singh was that the Muslim rulers of some small states like Bahawalpur, Derajat, Dera Ghazi Khan and Dera Ismail Khan were terrified and so they accepted the suzerainty of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

4. Increase in the Revenue : The land of Multan was very fertile. So with its victory, Ranjit Singh’s revenue increased a great deal. The record of the Khalsa Darbar shows that Ranjit Singh received Rs. 7 lakhs per annum as revenue from Multan. With this money Ranjit Singh got the opportunity to execute his future

5. Commercial Advantage : The conquest of Multan proved useful from commercial point of view. The trade of India with Afghanistan and the Central Asia was carried on through Multan. With Ranjit Singh’s control over this important centre of trade, the trade of Punjab was greatly encouraged.

Question 10.
How did Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquer Kashmir?
Kashmir was very famous for its natural beauty and trade. So Maharaja Ranjit Singh wanted to bring Kashmir under his control. Right at that time Fateh Khan, a minister of Kabul, was also planning to conquer Kashmir. As both of them were not in a position to conquer Kashmir individually, they made an agreement at Rohtas. According to this agreement,

Maharaja Ranjit Singh decided to send 12,000 soldiers under the command of Diwan Mohkam Chand to assist Fateh Khan. On the other hand Fateh Khan agreed to give 1/3 of the conquered area and the booty. In 1813 A.D. both the armies marched to Kashmir. Ata Mohammad Khan, Governor of Kashmir advanced to face the joint forces.

But he was defeated in a battle at Shergarh. After conquering Kashmir, Fateh Khan gave, Maharaja Ranjit Singh nothing. In 1814 A.D. Maharaja Ranjit Singh invaded Kashmir for the second time. He had to face defeat in this expedition. Emboldened by the victory of Multan in 1818 A.D. Maharaja Ranjit Singh invaded Kashmir in 1819 A.D. for the third time. In a battle at Supin which was fought on 5th July, 1819 A.D. Jabbar Khan, the then Governor of Kashmir; suffered a defeat. In this way, Maharaja Ranjit Singh succeeded in bringing Kashmir under his control.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 17 Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Career and Conquests

Question 11.
Describe the significance of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s conquest of Kashmir.
1. It increased the prestage of Maharaja Ranjit Singh; The conquest of Kashmir was a very significant conquest of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. It greatly increased his prestige and pride. His supremacy was accepted beyond Leh, Lhasa and mountains of Kara Kurram. His frontier in the north had reached its natural bounds.

2. It gave a rude jolt to the Afghan power. The control of Kashmir by the Sikhs dealt a severe blow to the Afghan influence in India and it encouraged the morale of Sikh forces.

3. It increased the income of the Government. The conquest of Kashmir resulted in economic gain to the Maharaja. This province yielded annual income of 40,00,000 rupees to Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

4. It encouraged the Trade. The conquest of Kashmir was also useful from a commercial point of view. Kashmir was famous in the world for its shawl industry. Besides, Kashmir was also famous for fruits of many types, and for its forests. With the annextion of Kashmir to the Panjab its trade got great impetus.

Question 12.
Write a brief note on the battle of Naushehra or Tibba Tehri.
Azim Khan, the ruler of Kabul had invaded and conquered Peshawar in January 1823 A.D. He declared Jihad (religious war) against the Sikhs, as a result of which many Afghans swarmed under his banner. On the other hand, Maharaja Ranjit Singh sent a vast army of 20,000 to face the army of Azim Khan. Hari Singh Nalwa, General Allard, General Ventura, Akali Phula Singh, Fateh Singh Ahluwalia and prince Kharak Singh were sent along with this army.

Maharaja Ranjit Singh himself commanded this expedition. A fierce battle took place between the two armies at Naushehra or Tibba Tehri on March 14,1823 A.D.

Azim Khan had also about 20,000 soldiers. In the beginning of the battle, the Afghans had the upper hand. Akali Phula Singh and many other famous warriors were killed in this battle. At this juncture, Maharaja Ranjit Singh infused a new spirit and dynamism into his army. Now the Sikhs attacked the Afghans so vigorously that the latter had to flee to save their lives. As a result pf the victory in this decisive battle the morale of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s army was enhanced. Azim Khan soon died due to shock of his humiliating defeat in this battle.

Question 13.
Briefly write about the significance of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s conquest of Peshawar.
Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s conquest of Peshawar was one of the most significant conquests. This conquest greatly enhanced the prestige of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. The influence of his military power was acknowledged all over India and his empire also expanded. It sounded the death knell of Afghan supremacy beyond the river Indus,

The Punjabis heaved a sigh of relief after 8 centuries when Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquered Peshawar, because the Muslim invaders invaded Punjab and other parts of India through this route. These invasions had created the atmosphere of unrest and anarchy in India.The danger of these invasions disappeared with Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s conquest of Peshawar. This conquest also proved economically useful to Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Peshawar yielded about 12 lakh rupees annual income to Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 17 Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Career and Conquests

Question 14.
What policy did Maharaja Ranjit Singh adopt towards the defeated rulers?
Maharaja Ranjit Singh not only brought several states under his control but also adopted a successful administrative policy. This policy was uniformly applied to all the rulers, may they be Sikhs, Hindus or the Muslims. Many rulers, who accepted the suzereinty of Ranjit Singh were returned their states. Those rulers whose areas were annexed to his empire, were given some posts in the Maharaja’s Darbar or given suitable Jagirs enough for their living.

A stern policy was adopted against those rulers who continued to oppose Maharaja Ranjit Singh. In short the policy of kindness and leniency adopted by Maharaja Ranjit Singh towards the defeated rulers had no parallel in the history of that period.

Question 15.
What policy did Maharaja Ranjit Singh adopt towards the Sikh Misls?
Examine the Misl policy of Ranjit Singh.
Ranjit Singh adopted a special type of policy towards the Sikh Misls. The main characteristics of this policy were as follows :

  • To give no weightage either to relationships or to sentiments in matters of state expansion.
  • Not to bother whether it is just or unjust to take possession of the areas of the Misl Sardars while expanding the state.
  • To make friendship with the powerful Misl Sardars or to establish matrimonial relations with them so that on one hand their co-operation might be extracted and on the other hand the possible formation of any powerful joint front against him might be ruled out.
  • To attack the weak Misl Sardars and annex their territories to his state.
  • On getting an opportunity to betray even the friendly Misl Sardars and annex their states to his kingdom. .
  • To do away with the important central institution i.e. the ‘Gurmata’ so that no Misldar might equal Ranjit Singh.

Ranjit Singh first of all established friendly relations with the Kanahia Misl. In 1796 A.D., he married Mehtab Kaur, the daughter of late Gurbaksh Singh. At Tarn Taran in 1798 A.D., Ranjit Singh made his second marriage with Raj Kaur. In 1801 A.D. Ranjit Singh and Fateh Singh exchanged turbans and took an oath in the presence of the Guru Granth Sahib Ji that they would live like brothers and stand by each other through thick and thin.

Afterwards Fateh Singh rendered yeoman’s contribution in several campaigns of Ranjit Singh. On the other hand he attacked the weak misls and attached them to his kingdom. In July 1799 A.D., Ranjit Singh conquered Lahore from the Bhangi Sardars. After this, he conquered Dallewalia Misl, Karor Singhia Misl, Nakkai Misl and Faizalpuria Misl. When Maharaja Ranjit Singh became confident that his state had grown powerful, he deemed it fit to change his policy towards the friendly Misls.

Essay Type Questions:

Early Career Of Maharaja Ranjit Singh:

Question 1.
Describe the early life of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. How far is his early life different from that of Shivaji?
Describe in detail the early life of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Maharaja Ranjit Singh occupies an important place in the Sikh history. By virtue of his ability he converted his small state into a vast empire. In this way, Maharaja Ranjit Singh translated the dream of Sikh Empire into a reality. A brief account of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s early career is given ahead :

1. Birth and Parentage: Ranjit Singh was born in 1780 A.D. His father Mahan Singh was the Chief of the Sukarchakia Misl. There is a controversy among historians about the place and date of his birth. Historians like Osborne, Griffin, Mc-Gregar, Latif, Shahmat Ali and Kanahiya Lai say that his date of birth was 2nd November, 1780 A.D.

On the other hand Sohan Lai Suri, a court historian of Ranjit Singh, and Diwan Amar Nath, a contemporary historian of Ranjit Singh say that Ranjit Singh’s birthday was 13th November, 1780 A.D. Similarly there is also a difference of opinion among the historians about Ranjit Singh’s birthplace. Some historians opine that Ranjit Singh was born at Gujranwala. While on the other hand, some historians believe that Ranjit Singh was born at his maternal grandparents’ house at Badrukhan in Jind State.

Modern historians accept Gujranwala to be Ranjit Singh’s birth place. The name of Ranjit Singh’s mother was Raj Kaur. Ranjit Singh’s childhood name was Budh Singh.

2. Childhood and Education : Since Ranjit Singh was the only son of his parents he was brought up in the lap of luxury. Ranjit Singh was four years old, when he fell a victim to small-pox. Luckily, Ranjit Singh recovered after some time but the scars of the disease were left on his face and the light of his left eye was gone for ever.

When Ranjit Singh was five years old, he was sent to Bhag Singh’s ‘Dharmshala’. at Gujranwala for education. But, Ranjit Singh had no interest in studies, so, he remained illiterate all his life. Ranjit Singh spent most of his time in horse-riding, swordsmanship and shooting. As a result, with the passage of time, he became a top class horse-rider, skilful bowman and expert swordsman. Observing Ranjit Singh’s ability, his father Mahan Singh predicted,

“The state of Gujranwala will not be a sufficient place for my brave son Ranjit Singh. He would become a great warrior.”

3. Acts of bravery: Ranjit Singh was hardly 12 years old, when he got the first opportunity to go in a battle. Mahan Singh had taken his son, Ranjit Singh along with him in the campaign of Sodhran fort. Mahan Singh suddenly fell grievously ill, so he had to return from the battlefield. He handed over the command to Ranjit Singh. Ranjit Singh not only inflicted a crushing defeat on his enemies, but also robbed them of their ammunition. Mahan Singh was very happy over this victory. He changed his son’s name from Budh Singh to Ranjit Singh (the victor of battle).

In 1793 A.D., once while hunting alone Ranjit Singh reached near Ladowali village. Hashmat Khan, the Chief of the Chatha clan, on finding Ranjit Singh alone, hid himself behind a bush. When Ranjit Singh passed by the bush, Hashmat Khan dealt a powerful blow of sword to Ranjit Singh, but Ranjit Singh had a miraculous escape. He promptly counter-attacked and beheaded him

4. Marriage : Ranjit Singh was six years old, when he was engaged to the granddaughter of the Kanahia Misl Sardar, Jai Singh, and the daughter of

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 17 Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Career and Conquests Img 1

Gurbaksh Singh, Mehtab Kaur. In 1796 A.D. when Ranjit Singh was 16 years old, he was married with Mehtab Kaur with great pomp and show. This marriage proved very useful in the political career of Ranjit Singh. According to Griffin, Ranjit Singh had 18 Queens.

5. The Triune Regency: When Ranjit Singh was only 12 years old, his father Mahan Singh died in 1792 A.D. Since Ranjit Singh was only a minor, the task of state administration passed into the hands of his mother, Raj Kaur. Raj Kaur did not have any administrative skill, so she handed over the charge to her favourite, Diwan Lakhpat Rai. In 1796 A.D. when Ranjit Singh was married to Mehtab Kaur, his mother-in-law, Sada Kaur too began to take interest in matters of administration. In this way during 1792 A.D. to 1797 A.D. the administration of Sukarchakia Misl remained in the hands of three persons Raj Kaur, Diwan Lakhpat Rai and Sada Kaur. So, this period is called the period of the Triune Regency.

6. The end of Triune Regency: When Ranjit Singh grew to be 17, he took over the charge of administration. Some European and Muslim historians have tried without any historical facts that Ranjit Singh had got his mother Raj Kaur and Diwan Lakhpat Rai murdered because of the illicit relations between them. But Dr. N.K. Sinha, Dr. G.L. Chopra, Sita Ram Kohli and Khuswant Singh are of the opinion that the allegation of his mother’s murder against Ranjit Singh is a matter of sheer injustice. Secondly, the allegation of mother’s murder is not consistent with the character of Ranjit Singh.

As we are well aware that during his reign Ranjit Singh had never punished even a single hardcore criminal with death sentence. How such a kind ruler could murder his own mother? Dr. H.R. ‘Gupta aptly says, “The story is purely malicious and absolutely unfair and unjust.”

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 17 Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Career and Conquests

Political Condition Of The Punjab:

Question 2.
What was the political condition of the Punjab on the eve of Ranjit Singh’s accession? How did this condition prove helpful in his rise to power?
Describe the political condition of the Punjab on the eve of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s accession to power.
In 1797 A.D. when Ranjit Singh took over the reins of the Sukarchakia Misl, the atmosphere of anarchy and lawlessness was prevalent in Punjab. The Mughal rule had come to an end in the Punjab and the Sikhs, Afghans and Rajputs had established their small independent states on its ruins. Thus, the political condition of the Punjab, proved eminently, suitable in the rise of Ranjit Singh to power. A brief description of the political condition at the time of Ranjit Singh’s accession to power is as follows :

The Sikh Misls:

In most parts of the Punjab, twelve independent Sikh Misls were established. It was to the good luck of Ranjit Singh that by the end of the 18th century, no Misl was left powerful enough. A brief description of the important Misls is as follows :

1. Bhangi Misl: Before the growth of Ranjit Singh’s power, the Bhangi Misl in the North-West of the Sutlej river was very powerful. The two most important towns of the Punjab, Lahore and Amritsar, were under this Misl. Besides these, the areas of Gujarat and Sialkot were also under it. Among the Bhangi Sardars Chet Singh, Sahib Singh and Mohar Singh were the prominent leaders. All these Bhangi rulers were great addicts of bhang (hemp). They spent most of their times in merry-making. Consequently, the Bhangi Misl had lost much of its previous glory and power. It was heading fast towards its end.

2. Ahluwalia Misl : The founder of the Ahluwalia Misl was Jassa Singh Ahluwalia. He was a great warrior, a valiant general and a splendid organiser. He had brought under his submission the territories situated between Jalandhar Doab and Bari Doab. He Was a very brave and fearless warrior. In 1739 A.D. when Nadir Shah was going back from India with the booty, he attacked his army and took away with much of his booty. He had defeated the forces of Ahmad Shah Abdali on a number of times. Because of these reasons, the Sikhs of the Punjab held Jassa Singh Ahluwalia in great esteem. It was fortunate for Ranjit Singh that this great warrior died in 1783 A.D. After his death Bhag Singh became his successor but he lacked the qualities of Jassa Singh Ahluwalia.

3. Kanahia Misl: The founder of the Kanahia Misl was Jai Singh Kanahia. He was very brave and courageous warrior. He had -under him the areas of Mukerian, Gurdaspur, Datarpur, Dharampur and Pathankot. Jai Singh’s son, Gurbaksh Singh was also very brave. He died in 1785 A.D. In 1796 A.D., Ramjit Singh was married to Gurbaksh Singh’s daughter, Mehtab Kaur. This marriage proved very significant for the political career of Ranjit Singh. In 1798 A.D. Jai Singh died and the reins of the Kanahia Misl fell into the hands of Gurbaksh Singh’s widow and Ranjit Singh’s mother-in-law Sada Kaur. She was a very ambitious woman.

4. Sukarchakia Misl: The founder of the Sukarchakia Misl Charat Singh was the grandfather of Ranjit Singh. He had under him Gujranwala, Eminabad and Sialkot. After the death of Charat Singh in 1774 A.D. he was succeeded by his son, Mahan Singh. He had all the qualities of a great Sardar. He expanded his Misl by conquering new areas. After the death of Mahan Singh in 1792 A.D., his son Ranjit Singh became his successor. Since Ranjit Singh was barely 12 years old at that time, the task of running the administration of the Misl fell into the hands of his mother Raj Kaur, Diwan Lakhpat Rai and mother-in-law, Sada Kaur till 1797 A.D.

5. Ramgarhia Misl: Sardar Jassa Singh Ramgarhia was a very bold and brave warrior. His rule was over Gurdaspur, Kalanaur, Batala and Qadian. It war Ranjit Singh’s good fortune that at the time of his rise, Jassa Singh Ramgarhia had grown quite old. So, he could not become a hurdle in the way of Ranjit Singh.

6. Faizalpuria Misl: Nawab Kapoor Singh was the founder of the Faizalpuria Misl. He was certainly a great Sikh leader, who ably guided the Sikhs at the most critical time. After the death of Nawab Kapoor Singh in 1753 A.D. his nephew Khushal Singh became his successor. He was a brave and able Sardar. He had expanded the Faizalpuria Misl by conquering the areas of Jalandhar, Nurpur, Beharampur, Patti etc. In 1795 A.D. after the death of Khushal Singh his son, Budh Singh ascended the throne. It was Ranjit Singh’s good fortune that Budh Singh did not prove to be a competent ruler.

7. Other Misls : Besides the above mentioned Misls, there existed the Dallewalia, Phulkian, Karorsinghia, the Nishanwalia, the Nakkai and the Shahid Misls. At the time of Ranjit Singh’s rise to power, these Misls were very weak. So, they had no significance in the politics of the Punjab.

Muslim States:

Towards the end of the 18th century, in the North-West of Punjab, the Muslims had established many independent states. The states of Kasur, Multan, Kashmir, Attock and Peshawar were famous among them. Kasur was under the rule of a Pathan ruler, Nizarp-ud-Din. At that time Multan was under Nawab Muzaffar Khan, Kashmir under Ata Mohammad Khan, Attock under Jahandad Khan and Peshawar under Fateh Khan. Besides these states, many other small Muslim states also existed. There was no unity among these Muslim rulers. A struggle for power was always going on among them. Consequently, done of them was powerful enough to create hurdles in the way of Ranjit Singh.
Hill States

To the North of Punjab several independent hill states had come into existence at the time of Ranjit Singh’s rise to power. The state of Kangra was the most famous. Kangra was under the rule of a Rajput ruler, Sansar Chand Katoch. He was dreaming of conquering the whole of Punjab. Towards the end of the 18th century the Rajput rulers were ruling hill spates like Mandi, Kulu, Chamba, Basoli, Suket, Nurpur. and Jammu. Their rulers were very weak and they kept quarrelling among one another. So, they could pose no danger to Ranjit Singh.

The Gorkhas:

The Gorkhas of Nepal were very brave. Towards the close of the 18th century, they had started expanding their power towards the Punjab. Ip 1794 A.D., they had captured Garhwal and Kumaun. Bhim Sen Thapa decided to attack the Punjab under the able leadership of his son Amar Singh Thapa. Therefore a confrontation between Ranjit Singh and the Gorkhas was imminent.

George Thomas:

George Thomas was a brave Englishman. He had established an independent state in the South-East of Punjab at Hansi. There he got constructed a fort named Georgegarh after his own name. He invaded the areas of Patiala and Jind several times and indulged in looting there. The rule of George Thomas could not last long. The French General Paron defeated him and drove him but of the Punjab. General Paron’s rule, too, did not last long.

The Marathas:

Till 1797 A.D. the Marathas under their able leader Daulat Rao Sindhia were able to capture Meerut and Delhi. He wanted to conquer Punjab. Another Maratha leader, Dhara Rao, too had made certain invasions against the South-East based Phulkian Misl of the Punjab. The Marathas could pose a serious danger to Ranjit Singh, but fortunately for Ranjit Singh, exactly at the same time the Marathas got involved with the British, who were very powerful. So, they could not pay their attention to the Punjab. ,

The British:

Towards the end of the 18th century, the power of the British had greatly increased in India. Although the British were looking greedily towards the Punjab but at that time they had locked horns with the Marathas, the Nizam of Hyderabad and many other problems. Therefore, Ranjit Singh had no immediate danger from the Britishers. »

Shah Zaiiian:

The ruler of Afghanistan, Shah Zaman, could pose a danger to the power of Ranjit Singh. He had become the new ruler of Afghanistan after the death of his father, Timur Shah in 1793 A.D. He tried to reoccupy Punjab.-With this objective, he invaded Punjab four times between 1793 and 1798 A.D. to go back to Kabul for one reason or the other. In this way, the likely danger of Shah Zaman to the power of Ranjit Singh was averted. It is obvious from the description given above that towards the end of the 18th century the political condition of the Punjab was favourable to Ranjit Singh. He took full advantage of the condition and succeeded in establishing a strong Sikh the Punjab.

The famous historian Dr. G.L. Chopra aptly says, “Thus the political situation on the eve of the 19th century was eminently suited for the rise of a resolute and outstanding personality, who might weld these discordant elements steadily into an organised kingdom and as we shall see, Ranjit Singh availed himself of this opportunity.”

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 17 Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Career and Conquests

Ranjit Singh’S Policy Towards F The Sikh Misls:

Question 3.
Examine critically the Misl policy of Ranjit Singh.
“Ranjit Singh’s policy was one of absorption of all the Sikh confederacies. No ties of kinship, no sentiments of gratitude were strong enough to stand in his way.” (N.K. Sinha). Explain the statement.
Give an account of the salient features of the Misl policy of Ranjit Singh.
Describe the relations of Maharaja Ranjit Singh with Sikh Misls.
In 1797 A.D., when Ranjit Singh ascended the throne of Sukarchakia Misl, his kingdom was limited to a few areas only. Since Ranjit Singh was a ruler of high ambitions, he was not satisfied with this small kingdom. He wanted to convert it into a vast empire. For this purpose, he directed his attention towards the Sikh Misls in the Punjab.

Characteristics of the Misl Policy:

Ranjit Singh adopted a special type of policy towards the Sikh Misls. The main characteristics of this policy were as follows :

  • To give no weightage either to relationships or to sentiments in matters of state expansion.
  • Not to bother whether it is just or unjust to take possession of the areas of the Misl Sardars while expanding the state.
  • To make friendship with the powerful Misl Sardars o% to establish matrimonial relations with them so that on one .hand their co-operation might be extracted and on the other hand the possible formation of any powerful joint front against him might be ruled out.
  • To attack the weak Misl Sardars and annex their territories to his state.
  • On getting an opportunity to betray even the friendly Misl Sardars and annex their states to his kingdom.
  • To do away with the important central institution i.e. the ‘Gurmata’ so that no Misldar might equal Ranjit Singh.

Policy towards the Powerful Misls:

1. Matrimonial Relations with Kanahia Misl : Ranjit Singh first of all established friendly relations with the Kanahia Misl. In 1796 A.D., he married Mehtab Kaur, the daughter of late Gurbaksh Singh. In this way the unison of the two Misls strengthened Ranjit Singh’s position. Ranjit Singh’s mother-in¬law, Sada Kaur rendered him very valuable services in his conquests of Lahore, Bhasin and Amritsar.

2. Matrimonial Relations with Nakkai Misi : At Tarn Taran in 1798 A.D., Ranjit Singh made his second marriage with Raj Kaur, the daughter of Sardar Khazan Singh of the Nakkai Misl. With this marriage Ranjit Singh received the requisite co-operation from the Nakkai Misl in the expansion of his Kingdom.

3. Friendship with Fateh Singh Ahluwalia : During Ranjit Singh’s times, the Ahluwalia Misl was one of the most powerful and famous Misls. At that time, Fateh Singh Ahluwalia was the leader of the Misl. In 1801 A.D. Ranjit Singh and Fateh Singh exchanged turbans and took an oath in the presence of the Guru Granth Sahib Ji that they would live like brothers and stand by each other through thick and thin. Afterwards Fateh Singh rendered yeoman’s contribution in several campaigns of Ranjit Singh.

4. Friendship with Jodh Singh Ramgarhia : In 1803 A.D., Jodh Singh Ramgarhia became the new Sardar of the Ramgarhia Misl. Like his father, he was also very brave and valiant warrior. Acting diplomatically Ranjit Singh established friendly relations with Jodh Singh. Jodh Singh helped Ranjit Singh in many of his military campaigns.

5. Friendship with Tara Singh Gheba: Tara Singh Gheba was the leader of the Dallewalia Misl. He was brave and powerful. Ranjit Singh established friendly relations with him. Their mutual relations became so intimate that Tara Singh accompanied Ranjit Singh in many battles.

Policy towards the weak Misls:

Whereas on one hand, Ranjit Singh adopted the policy of establishing friendly relations with the powerful Misls, on the other handphe attacked the weak Misls and annexed them to his kingdom. A brief description of these Misls is as given ahead:

1. Bhangi Misl: In July 1799 A.D., Ranjit Singh conquered Lahore from the Bhangi Sardars. It was one of the most significant conquests of Ranjit Singh. In 1805 A.D., by defeating Gulab Singh Bhangi’s widow Mai Sukhan, Ranjit Singh took possession of Amritsar. Likewise by defeating Jiwan Singh Bhangi of Sialkot in 1808 A.D., and Sahib Singh Bhangi of Gujarat in 1809 A.D., he annexed their areas to his kingdom. These conquests sounded the death knell of the Bhangi Misl.

2. Dallewalia Misl: Ranjit Singh had established friendly relations with the Dallewalia Chief, Tara Singh Gheba. Tara Singh Gheba died in 1807 A.D. His last rites had not yet been performed, when Ranjit Singh sent his army to attack Dallewalia. It succeeded in occupying the Dallewalia Misl.

3. Karor Singhia Misl : In 1809 A.D., the Chief of the Karor Singhia Misl Baghel Singh died. On finding it a golden opportunity, Ranjit Singh occupied the Karor Singhia Misl.

4. Nakkai Misl: Maharaja Ranjit Singh had matrimonial relations with the Nakkai Misl. Caring little about it Ranjit Singh’s army attacked the Nakkai Misl in 1810 A.D., defeated its Chief Kahan Singh and merged his areas to his Kingdom.

5. Faizalpuria Misl: After the death of Khushal Singh in 1795 A.D., his son Budh Singh became the new Chief of the Faizalpuria Misl. He lacked the bravery and ability of his father. As a result the Faizalpuria Misl began to head towards its decline. Ranjit Singh took advantage of it and occupied it in 1811 A.D.

Change In the Policy towards Friendly Misls:

When Maharaja Ranjit Singh became confident that his state had grown powerful, he deemed it fit to change his policy towards the friendly Misls. This policy may be discussed as follows :

1. Kanahia Misl: In 1796 A.D., Maharaja Ranjit Singh married Mehtab Kaur, the daughter of the late Kanahia Chief, Gurbaksh Singh and Sada Kaur. As has already been described, the Maharaja’s mother-in-law, Sada Kaur had rendered invaluable help in Ranjit Singh’s rise to power. But in 1821 A.D., Maharaja Ranjit Singh arrested his mother-in-law, Sada Kaur and seized the areas of Kanahia Misl.

2. Ramgarhia Misl: As long as Jodh Singh Ramgarhia lived, Maharaja Ranjit Singh maintained friendly relations with him. In 1815 A.D., when Jodh Singh died, Ranjit Singh took possession of the Ramgarhia Misl and annexed its areas to his kingdom.

3. Ahluwalia Misl: Maharaja Ranjit Singh had very intimate relations with Fateh Singh Ahluwalia. He had helped Ranjit Singh in several of his military campaigns. Ranjit Singh too had helped him in some of his conquests. In 1825-26 A.D., some sort of misunderstanding developed between them. So, Fateh Singh Ahluwalia with his family sought the refuge of the Britishers. Maharaja Ranjit Singh captured all the areas which were under Fateh Singh Ahluwalia. In 1827 A.D., they compromised. Maharaja Ranjit Singh Returned some of the areas of Fateh Singh Ahluwalia while the rest remained with Kim.

Abolition of Gurmata:

Gurmata was the central institution of the Sikh Misls. It symbolised the unity, organization and equality of the Misl Chiefs. The convention of the Gurmata was held at the Akal Takht Sahib at Amritsar. The Chiefs of the various Misls would take part in it and decide about the action to be taken against the enemies and also discuss in detail matters of common interest. Although now the Gurmata had ceased to be an effective institution, yet Ranjit Singh did not want that the other Misl Chiefs should claim equality with him through the medium of Gurmata. Therefore in 1805 A.D., Maharaja Ranjit Singh scrapped the institution of the Gurmata. With the abolition of this institution, Maharaja Ranjit Singh became totally independent to take his political decisions.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 17 Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Career and Conquests

Criticism of the Misl Policy:

Some historians prominently Griffin, Sinha and Latif, have criticised the Misl policy of Maharaja Ranjit Singh severely on the following basis:

(a) Aggressive Policy : Maharaja Ranjit Singh adopted aggressive policy towards the weak Misls. He would attack the Misls without any rhyme or reason and take possession of them. Ranjit Singh seized the territories of Dallewalia, Bhangi, Faizalpuria, Nakkai and Karor Singhia Misls and annexed them to his kingdom. These Misls had done nothing wrong to Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

(b) Selfish and Unscrupulous Policy: Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s policy towards the Misls was entirely selfish and unscrupulous. He did not conduct himself well even towards the Chiefs of the powerful Misls, who had rendered him their invaluable services at the time of his rise to power. Not to speak of others, in 1821 A.D., he imprisoned his mother-in-law, Sada Kaur and included her areas in his empire. According to Dr. N. K. Sinha, “Ranjit Singh’s policy was one of absorption of all the Sikh confederacies. No tie of kinship, no sentiment of gratitude was strong enough to stand in his way.”

Justification of the Misl Policy:

Although Ranjit Singh’s policy towards the Misls has been described as aggressive and selfish, the following facts prove that his policy towards the Misls was not unfair : ‘

(a) Generous treatment with the vanquished Chiefs : It is true that Maharaja Ranjit Singh had annexed the Misls to his kingdom but he treated the vanquished with a leniency and kindness unknown in Oriental despotism. He granted big estates to the chiefs and their families for their sustenance.

(b) Establishment of a Powerful Kingdom: Maharaja Ranjit Singh was a man of far-sightedness. He had realized that small and weak Misls could not prove helpful in any way in establishing a strong Sikh empire. So Maharaja Ranjit Singh took possession of these Misls and organised them into’a powerful Sikh empire. If these Misls had been left in their original form, they would have been swallowed either by the Afghans or by some other enemy.

(c) Ranjit Singh was not devoid of sentiments of Gratitude : The charge levelled against Ranjit Singh that he was devoid of the sentiments of relationship and gratitude is entirely wrong. As long as Jodh Singh Ramgarhia lived, Ranjit Singh did not bring his areas under his submission. Ranjit Singh imprisoned his mother-in-law, Sada Kaur in 1821 A.D., because she had started conspiring against the Maharaja.

(d) A blessing for the People of Punjab : Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Misl policy actually proved a blessing for the people of Punjab. An atmosphere of anarchy and chaos prevailed in Punjab during the Misl period. By putting an end to the Misls the Maharaja established an independent Sikh empire. Maharaja Ranjit Sing’ not only maintained peace in his empire, but also encouraged agriculture and trade. Consequently, Punjab became a prosperous state.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 17 Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Career and Conquests

Conquests Of Maharaja Ranjit Singh:

Question 4.
Give a brief description of the victories of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Explain the main conquests of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. “Maharaja Ranjit Singh was a great conqueror and. an empire builder.” In the light of this statement, give a brief account of the important conquests of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Maharaja Ranjit Singh was a great conqueror. When he ascended the throne he was a Sardar of a small Misl of Sukarchakia. But, by the virtue of his bravery and ability, he changed his state into an empire. A brief account of the conquests of Maharaja Ranjit Singh is given below :

1. Conquest of Lahore 1799 AD.: Hie first and the most significant conquest of Maharaja Ranjit Singh was that of Lahore. Lahore had been the capital of the Punjab for centuries together. At that time, three Bhangi Sardars Sahib Singh, Mohar Singh and Chet Singh jointly ruled oyer it. The people were fed up with their cruelties and maladministration. The ruler of Afghanistan, Shah Zaman, was dreaming of bringing the Punjab under his control. With this objective he invaded the Punjab four times during the years 1793 A.D. and 1798 AD. During his fourth invasion, Shah Zaman easily captured Lahore in November 1798 A.D. But because of a rebellion in Kabul, Shah Zaman had to retreat to Kabul.

Taking advantage of this situation the Bhangi Sardars, ence again took possession of Lahore. Since, the people of Lahore were already fed up with their oppressive rule, they invited Ranjit Singh to take control of Lahore. Ranjit Singh took advantage of this golden opportunity and attacked Lahore on 6th July, 1799 AD., with the help of his mother-in-law Sada Kaur. On hearing the news of attack, Bhangi Sardars fled away from the city. Thus, Ranjit Singh occupied Lahore on 7th July, 1799 AD. The conquest of Lahore was the first major achievement of Ranjit Singh. According to Fakir Syed Waheeduddin, “Its capture, therefore, not only added to Ranjit Singh’s strength and importance, but also invested him with title to the rest of the Punjab.”

2. Battle of Bhasin 1800 AD. : The occupation of Lahore by Ranjit Singh aroused the jealousies among the leading chiefs of Punjab. Gulab Singh Bhangi of Amritsar, and Nizam-ud-Din of Kasur made a united front against Ranjit Singh. The joint forces under the command of Gulab SinglHBhangi assembled at Bhasin near Lahore. Ranjit Singh too reached Bhasin to face them. Unexpectedly one day Gulab Singh Bhangi died of over-drinking. It demoralised the Opponents of Ranjit Singh and they fled away from the battlefield. In this way Ranjit Singh scored a victory without shedding a drop of blood.

3. Coronation of Ranjit Singh. On 12 April, 1801 A.D., on the auspicious day of Baisakhi festival, Ranjit Singh was crowned as the Maharaja of Lahore. The coronation took place amidst great festivities and public rejoicings. Baba Sahib Singh Bedi, a descendant of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, anointed Ranjit Singh with tilak. Maharaja Ranjit Singh took the title of ‘Sarkar-e-Khalsa’. To commemorate this event,’4ie issued Nanakshahi coin.

4. Conqpest of Amritsar 1805 A.D.: The city of Amritsar was very important for the Sikhs trom the religious point of view. The Sikhs considered it as their Mecca. In addition, it was the most famous trade centre of the Punjab. In order to become the Maharaja of the Punjab it was very essential for Ranjit Singh to bring Amritsar under his control. In 1805 A.D. Maharaja Ranjit Singh asked Gulab Singh Bhangi’s widow Mai Sukhan, who was ruling over Amritsar in the name of her minor son, Gurdit Singh, to hand over the fort of Lohgarh and the famous Zamzama gun to him. Mai Sukhan did hot concede these demands of the Maharaja. So Maharaja Ranjit Singh at once attacked Amritsar. After some resistance, Mai Sukhan admitted defeat. Thus, Amritsar came under the control of Ranjit Singh.

5. Cis-Sutlej Expeditions 1806-08 A.D.: Maharaja Ranjit Singh attacked the area of Cis-Sutlej thrice i.e. ih 1806 A.D., 1807 A.D. and 1808 A.D. During his first attack the Maharaja conquered the areas of Ludhiana, Jagraon, Dakha, Jandiala and Talwandi. During his second expedition, Ranjit Singh took possession of the areas of Morinda, Sirhind, Zira, Kot-Kapura and Dharmkot. In his third expedition, Ranjit Singh captured the areas of Faridkot, Ambala, Shahabad. Maharaja Ranjit Singh did not annex the conquered territories to his kingdom, but distributed them to his companions. According to the Treaty of Amritsar, signed on 25th April, 1809 A.D. between Maharaja Ranjit Singh and British the region of Cis-Sutlej had gone under the protection of British, so the Maharaja could not establish his hold on these territories.

6. Conquest of Dallewalia Misl, 1807 A.D. : The leader of the Dallewalia Misl was Tara Singh Gheba. He was an able ruler. So Maharaja Ranjit Singh did hot dare to attack the Dallewalia Misl as long as he was alive. In 1807 A.D., Tara Singh Gheba died. Finding a good^ppdrtunity, Ranjit Singh attacked the Dallewalia Misl on the pretext of expressing his condolence. Tara Singh’s widow gave little resistance to Ranjit Singh and thqn admitted defeat. The Maharaja annexed to his kingdom all the territories of the Dallewalia Misl.

7. Conquest of Sialkot 1808 A.D.: The ruler of Sialkot was Jiwan Singh. In 1808 A.D., Maharaja Ranjit Singh asked him to hand over the fort of Sialkot to him. On his refusal, Ranjit Singh attacked Sialkot. After a brief resistance Jiwan Singh admitted his defeat. The Maharaja annexed Sialkot to his kingdom.

8. Conquest of Kangra l4op A.D.: In 1809 A.D. the Gorkhas of Nepal beseiged the Tort of Kangra. The ruler of Kangra Sansar Chand Katoch requested Ranjit Singh for help against the Gorkhas. He promised to give Ranjit Singh the fort of Kangra in return of that. Ranjit Singh readily accepted the offer. His army compelled the Gorkhas to retreat. Now, Sansar Chand declined to give the fort to Ranjit Singh. Consequently, Ranjit Singh detained Sansar Chand’s son, Anurodh. As a result, Sansar Chand had no option, but to hand over the fort to Ranjit Singh. v Its occupation added to the prestige of the Maharaja.

9. Conquest of Gujarat 1809 A.D.: The city of Gujarat was very famous for its vast resources. The ruler of Gujarat, Sahib Singh Bhangi had been conspiring against Ranjit Singh. Being preoccupied elsewhere, Ranjit Singh could not pay attention to Gujarat. In 1809 A.D., Ranjit Singh sent a force under Faqir Aziz-ud-Din against Gujarat. He defeated Sahib Singh Bhangi and brought Gujarat under ’ control.

10. Conquest of Attock 1813 A.D. : The fort of Attock was geographically very significant. During Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time, Jahandad Khan, the Afghan Governor, was ruling over Attock. He was under the Kabul government only in name, otherwise he was ruling independently. In 1813 A.D., when the Wazir of Kabul, Fateh Khan, attacked Kashmir and defeated his brother Ata Mohammad Khan, he was alarmed. He was confident that Fateh Khan’s next target would he K Attock. Therefore, he started negotiations with Ranjit Singh. In exchange of a big ‘ Jagir yielding an annual revenue of Rs. 1 lakh he agreed to surrender the fort of Attock to Ranjit Singh.

When Fateh Khan came to know about it, he flew into a v rage. In order to bring the fort of Attock under his control, he proceeded towards Attock with his army. On 13th July, 1813 A.D., at a place called Hazro or Haidr u, a fierce battle was fought between the armies of Ranjit Singh and Fateh Khan. In this battle Ranjit Singh gave a crushing defeat to Fateh Khan. It was the first battle fought between the Afghans and the Sikhs. This victory not only strengthened v Ranjit Singh’s hold on Attock, but also spread his fame far and wide.

11. Conquest of Multan 1818 A.D.: Multan was important from geographic and economic point of view. Hence, Maharaja Ranjit Singh wanted to conquer it. Multan was under the rule of Afghan Governor, Nawab Muzaffar Khan. As such he was under the rule of the Kabul Government, but in reality he was ruling independently. From 1802 A.D. to 1817 A.D., Maharaja Ranjit Singh sent six expeditions to Multan. Each time Nawab Muzaffar Khan avoided the army of Ranjit Singh with a Nazrana. In 1818 A.D. Maharaja decided to conquer Multan. He started preparing for an attack on Multan on a large scale.

Misar Diwan Chand, who was one of the popular generals of the Maharaja was sent to conquer Multan with a large army. After a fierce fight Misar Diwan Chand was able to conquer Multan. In this fight Nawab Muzaffar Khan and his five sons were killed. When Maharaja Ranjit Singh received the news of this important victory, he was pleased. Festivities took place to celebrate this victory for days on end. Misar Diwan Chand was bestowed upon with the title of ‘Zafar Jang’.

12. Conquest of Kashmir 1819 A.D. : The valley of Kashmir has been famous for its beauty, delicious fruits and prosperous trade since ancient times. That is why, Maharaja Ranjit Singh wanted to conquer this province. In this regard, he sent two expeditions to Kashmir in 1813 and 1814 A.D., but both these expeditions failed to achieve the desired objective. Maharaja Ranjit Singh got a new impetus with the conquest of Multan in 1818 A.D. Therefore, in 1819 A.D., he sent a huge force under the command of Misar Diwan Chand, the victor of Multan, to Kashmir.

He succeeded in defeating the Afghan Governor of Kashmir, Jabbar Khan. The conquest of Kashmir added to the prestige of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Misar Diwan Chand was honoured with the title of ‘Fateh-o-Nusrat Nasib’ (one who is destined to win). The conquest of Kashmir gave a stunning blow to the Afghan power. It boosted the morale of the Sikh forces. Moreover, it proved beneficial to the Maharaja from the commercial point of view. Dr. G.S. Chhabra aptly says, “The conquest of Kashmir had a great significance in the Maharaja’s development of power.”

13. Conquest of Peshawar 1834 A.D.: Peshawar was an important region from the geographical point of view. In his first expedition, in 1818 A.D., Maharaja Ranjit Singh had defeated Yar Mohammad Khan and Dost Mohammad Khan, but he resolved not to include Peshawar in his empire. In 1823 A.D., Azim Khan, a minister of Afghanistan took over the control of Peshawar. Maharaja Ranjit Singh defeated him in a pitched battle of Naushera and again got control over Peshawar. He annexed Peshawar to his empire in 1834 A.D.

Extent of the Empire:

Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s, empire had extended upto Ladakh in the North, ShikarpuT in the South, the river Sutlej in the East and Peshawar in the West. In this way Maharaja Ranjit Singh had established a big empire during his reign. According to Dr. G.L. Chopra, “Ranjit Singh, within forty years, raised himself from a petty sardar to the rulership of an extensive kingdom.”

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 17 Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Career and Conquests

Question 5.
Briefly describe the various stages in the conquest of Multan by Ranjit Singh. Point out its significance.
How did Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquer and administer Multan?
Multan was geographically and economically very significant. It was an important province of the Mughal empire. In 1779 A.D., Ahmad Shah Abdali’s successor Timur Shah defeated the Bhangi Sardars and established his control over Multan. He appointed NaWab Muzaffar Khan as the Governor of Multan. Soon after taking advantage of the political instability in Afghanistan, Nawab Muzaffar Khan declared his independence. During Ranjit Singh’s times Multan was under Nawab Muzaffar Khan, Expeditions of Ranjit Singh In order to conquer Multan Maharaja Ranjit Singh had invaded Multan seven timefffrom 1802 AD. to 1818 A.D.Ahrief description of these expeditions is as follows:

1. First Expedition 1802 A.D.: In 1802 A.D., Maharaja Ranjit Singh led his first expedition to Multan. When his army reached near Multan, Nawab Muzaffar Khan became panicky. So he sent this message to Ranjit Singh that if he did not attack Multan, he was ready to pay annual tribute to him. Ranjit Singh accepted the condition and returned to Lahore with plenty of riches without fighting.

2. Second Expedition 1805 A.D.: According to the treaty of 1802 A.D. Nawab Muzaffar Khan did not send the annual tribute to Ranjit Singh. So Ranjit Singh again marched to Multan in 1805 A.D. At that time, Ranjit Singh received the information that the Maratha Sardar, Jaswant Rai Holkar had entered the Punjab. So Maharaja Ranjit Singh hastily entered into a pact with Muzaffar Khan and returned to Lahore.

3. Third Expedition 1807 A.D.: In 1807 A.D., Maharaja Ranjit Singh attacked Multan for the third time because Nawab Muzaffar Khan was helping the rulers of Jhang and Kasur against Ranjit Singh. When Ranjit Singh received this news, he attacked Multan. In no time, his army conquered several territories of Multan , but it could not conquer the fort of Multan. Finally, Ranjit Singh raised the seige after accepting Rs. 70,000 as Nazrana from Muzaffar Khan.

4. Fourth Expedition 1810 A.D. : In 1810 A.D., Maharaja Ranjit Singli despatched a force against Multan for the fourth time under the command of Diwan Mohkam Chand. The Sikh army conquered the Multan city and beseiged the fort. This time too the forces of Maharaja Ranjit Singh couldn’t conquer the Multan fort. At last a compromise took place between Maharaja Ranjit Singh and Nawab Muzaffar Khan. According to the compromise Nawab -Muzaffar Khan agreed to give Ranjit Singh an annual tribute of Rs. 2 lakhs.

5. Fifth Expedition 1816 A.D.; In 1816 A.D., Maharaja Ranjit Singh sent an expeditiohto Multan under the command of Misar’Diwan Chand. Akali Phula Singh with a number of Akalis also joined this expedition. Once again Muzaffar Khan paid a huge amount to the Maharaja in order to forestall his doom.

6. Sixth Expedition 1817 A.D.: In order to get the arrear of the tribute fror Nawab Muzzaffar Khan, Maharaja Ranjit Singh sent an army to Multan in 1817 A.D. under the command of Diwan Bhiwani Das. This expedition failed to¬ffs objectives.

7. Seventh Expedition 1818 A.D.: In 1818 A.D., Maharaja Ranjit Singh firmly decided to conquer Multan. Preparations for the attack on Multan were made with great zeal and zest. The command of 20,000 cavalry and infantry soldiers was entrusted to Misar Diwan Chand. He beseiged the fort of Multan. This seige continued for four months. All the efforts of the Sikh forces to demolish the fort proved futile. In the evening of 2nd June, Akali Sadhu Singh with his companions succeeded in entering the fort, raising the slogans of ‘Sat Siri Akal’. In the battle Muzaffar Khan mid his five sons died fighting bravely.

One of his sons was wounded and two of them apologised. Thus, Ranjit Singh’s army conquered the fort of Multan on 2nd June, 1818 A.D. When Ranjit Singh heard the news of the conquest of Multan, he was overjoyed. To celebrate this grand victory, Lahore and Amritsar were greatly illuminated and celebrations were held for days together throughout the State. The conqueror of Multan Misar Diwan Chand was presented valuable gifts and honoured with the title of ‘Zafar Jang9 (Victor of the Battle).

Importance of the Conquest of Multan:

The conquest of Multan was one of the significant conquests of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. The importance of this conquest can be gauged from the facts given below :

  • This conquest marked an end to the Afghan power in the Punjab and proved that the Sikhs were far more powerful than the Afghans.
  • Another important result of the conquest of Multan by Maharaja Ranjit Singh was that the Muslim rulers of some small states were terrified and so they accepted the suzerainty of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
  • The land of Multan was very fertile. So with its victory Ranjit Singh’s revenue increased a great deal.
  • The conquest of Multan not only expanded the empire of Maharaja Ranjit Singh but also enhanced his prestige. All began to acknowledge his power.
  • The conquest of Multan greatly encouraged Maharaja Ranjit Singh and his soldiers.
  • The conquest of Multan proved useful from commercial and military point of view. According to H.S. Bhatia and S.R. Bakshi, “The conquest besides adding to his financial sources, established Ranjit Singh’s prestige among his enemies.”

Conquest Of Kashmir:

Question 6.
Discuss the various expeditions sent to conquer Kashmir. Study its significance.
How did Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquer and administer Kashmir?
How did Ranjit Singh conquer Kashmir? What was the significance of this conquest?
The valley of Kashmir has been famous for its beauty, natural sights, pleasant climate, delicious fruits and prosperous trade. It is, in fact, a paradise on earth. That is why, it has been a source of attraction for the invaders since ancient times. In 1752 A D., the ruler of Afghanistan Ahmad Shah Abdali conquered it from the Mughals and annexed it to his empire. During Ranjit Singh’s times Afghan Governor Ata Mohammad Khan was ruling over Kashmir. Taking advantage of the political instability in Afghanistan, Ata Mohammad Khan declared his inde¬pendence in 1809 A.D.

After consolidating his position in Kabul, Wazir Fateh Khan paid attention to bring Kashmir under his control. Right at that time Maharaja Ranjit Singh of Punjab was also anxious to conquer Kashmir.

In 1813 A.D., an agreement was reached between Maharaja Ranjit Singh and Fateh Khan at Rohtas. According to this agreement between Ranjit Singh and Fateh Khan, it was decided that the forces of the two would jointly attack Kashmir. A brief account of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s expeditions to Kashmir is given below:

First Expedition of Kashmir—1813 A.D.:

According to the agreement made at Rohtas in 1813 A.D., Ranjk Singh’s General Diwan Mohkam Chand with twelve thousand soldiers, and Fateh Khan with a huge force proceeded jointly to attack Kashmir. When the Governor of Kashmir Ata Mohammad Khan heard the news of the arrival of the joint forces, he tried to resist them at Shergarh. After a brief resistance Ata Mojhammad Khan fled from the battlefield. Thus, Kashmir was occupied without much difficulty. After the conquest of Kashmir. Fateh Khan refused to share the territory and the booty with the Sikhs.

When Maharaja Ranjit Singh came to know that Fateh Khan had deceived him, his wrath knew no bounds. He decided to teach the Afghans a lesson, which they might remember for long. The Maharaja secured the important fort of Attock from Jahandad Khan in lipu of a ‘Jagir’ of one lakh per annum. When Fateh Khan came to know about it, he became very furious. In order to retrieve it from Maharaja Ranjit Singh he, with his forces proceeded towards Attock. Before leaving Kashmir, he entrusted its administration to his brother Azim Khan.

A fierce battle was fought between the two foffies on 13th July, 1813 A.D., at a place named Hazro or Haidru, 5 miles away from Attock. In this bloody battle, 2000 Afghans were killed. Fateh Khan with his soldiers fled to Kabul. The victory of Hazro greatly boosted the morale of the Sikh forces because in this battle they had for the first time inflicted a crushing defeat on the Afghan forces.

Second Expedition of Kashmir—1814 A.D.:

Greatly encouraged by the victory at Hazro, Maharaja Ranjit Singh decided to attack Kashmir in April, 1814 A.D. At that time Azim Khan, the younger brother of Fateh Khan was acting as the Governor of Kashmir. He had made full arrangements to resist the forces of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s experienced General, Diwan Mohkam Chand suggested to the Maharaja not to attack Kashmir at that time. But Ranjit Singh paid little heed to his suggestion. Maharaja Ranjit Singh himself with Diwan Mohkam Chand’s grandson Ram Dayal marched towards Kashmir. Ranjit Singh had to face many hardships in the absence of Diwan Mohkam Chand’s experience and military command.

When Ranjit Singh’s army reached Rajori on the ill-advice of the Sardar of that place, Aghar Khan, he divided his army into two parts. Owing to this division Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s forces had to suffer a heavy loss. In July, 1814 A.D., in a battle fought at Sopian, Azim Khan inflicted crushing defeat on the Sikh forces under Ram Dayal. Since Ranjit Singh was left with a small number of soldiers, he thought it better to retreat without any confrontation. Owing to bad weather, Ranjit Singh’s forces had to suffer a heavy loss of life and material. Ram Dayal too had to return to Lahore with a heavy loss.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 17 Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Career and Conquests

Third Expedition of Kashmir-—1819 A.D.:

In 1818 A.D., Azim Khan appointed his brother Jabbar Khan the Governor of Kashmir. Jabbar Khan did not have any quality of his brother, Azim Khan. He proved to be a worthless and inefficient ruler. Maharaja Ranjit Singh wanted to avail himself of this opportunity. Secondly, the conquest of Multan in 1818 A.D., infused a new confidence among the soldiers of Ranjit Singh. So, Ranjit Singh thought it a golden opportunity to attack Kashmir.

In April 1819 A.D., Maharaja Ranjit Singh with a big force of 30,000 soldiers marched towards Kashmir. The main division of the army was kept under the command of Misar Diwan Chand. For his assistance the second division of the army was kept under Prince Kharak Singh. The third division of the army was commanded by Maharaja Ranjit Singh himself. This army was to be used in need only. On the other hand, Jabbar Khan too advanced with his soldiers to face the Sikhs. A fierce battle took place between the two armies at a place called Supin on 5th July, 1819 A.D.

But the Afghan forces could not stand before the Sikh forces for long and they fled from the battlefield. Jabbar Khan, having been wounded escaped to Peshawar. In this way, the Sikhs took possession of Kashmir. Maharaja Ranjit Singh celebrated the occasion with great joy. Misar Diwan Chand was honoured with the title Fateh-o-Nusrat Nasib (one who is destined to win).

Importance of the Conquest of Kashmir:

The conquest of Kashmir was one of the most significant conquests of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. This conquest added to the Maharaja’s prestige. Secondly, the Sikh’s occupation of Kashmir gave a stunning blow to the»Afghan power. It boosted the morale of Sikh forces. Thirdly, the conquest of Kashmir proved beneficial to the Maharaja from the economic point of view. Ranjit Singh’s annual income from . this province was Rs. 40,00,000. Fourthly, the conquest of Kashmir proved extrefnely useful from the commercial point of view. This province was world famous for its shawl industry. According to Khushwant Singh, “Kashmir was an important acquisition for the Punjab.”

Administration of Kashmir:

After the annexation of Kashmir to the Sikh empire in 1819 A.D., Maharaja Ranjit Singh appointed Diwan Moti Ram, the first Governor of Kashmir. He failed to check the anarchy and corruption which had prevailed there. So General Hari Singh Nalwa was appointed the new Governor of , Kashmir. He brought about many significant improvements in the administrative, economic and social fields. He tried to give impartial justice to the people. He withdrew undue taxes levied on the people. Those who defied the government rules were severely dealt with.

Special attention was paid to develop the industries of Kashmir. As a result of these efforts, the people of Kashmir met with prosperity after a long time. In 1821 A.D., Maharaja Ranjit Singh called back Hari Singh Nalwa from Kashmir for some other important assignment. After Hari Singh Nalwa, all the Governors appointed in Kashmir failed to maintain such order.

Conquest Of Peshawar:

Question 7.
Give the main stages of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s conquest of Peshawar and its annexation to his kingdom.
Describe in brief the conquest of Peshawar by Maharaja Ranjit Singh. What was its significance?
Describe the conquest of Peshawar by Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Peshawar was situated to the North-West Frontier of India. It had its strategic importance. The invaders coming to the Punjab from the North-West Frontier generally came’by this way. Therefore, for the security of the Punjab, it was essential for Ranjit Singh to take possession of Peshawar.

Moreover Peshawar was also a famous trade centre. India carried on its trade with Afghanistan through this route. So, by annexing Peshawar to his empire, Maharaja Ranjit Singh wanted to add to his financial resources. Since, Peshawar was situated near Kabul, it was not an easy task to capture it.

Various Expeditions of Peshawar:

Maharaja Ranjit Singh sent various expeditions to conquer Peshawar. A brief description of these expeditions is as follows :

1. First Expedition 1818 A.D.: Maharaja Ranjit Singh led his first expedition to Peshawar in 1818 A.D. At that time Peshawar was being jointly ruled by Barakzai brothers, Yar Mohammad Khan and Dost Mohammad Khan. When they heard about the advancement of the Sikh forces, they fled from Peshawar, without offering any resistance. Thus, on 20th November, 1818 A.D., Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquered Peshawar without any difficulty.

For the time being the Maharaja did not want to annex Peshawar to his empire. So, he appointed the ex-ruler of Attock, Jahandad Khan, the Governor of Peshawar and he himself marched back to Lahore.

2. Second Expedition 1819 A.D.: Hardly had the Sikh army reached Lahore, Yar Mohammad Khan and Dost Mohammad Khan attacked Peshawar and recaptured it. Maharaja Ranjit Singh could not tolerate the occupation of Peshawar by Yar Mohammad Khan and Dost Mohammad Khan. He sent an. army of 12,000 soldiers under the command of Prince Kharak Singh and Misar Diwan Chand to attack Peshawar. Instead of resisting the forces of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the Barakzai brothers accepted his overlordship.

3. Third Expedition 1823 A.D. : After sometime Azim Khan, the wazir of Kabul took possession of Peshawar. Azim Khan knew it very well that he might have to face Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s forces at any time. Therefore, he started consolidating his position. On the other hand, Ranjit Singh too, in a bid to maintain his hold of Peshawar, had started making military preparations. Soon, the Maharaja sent a large army to Peshawar under the command of famous Generals like Hari Singh Nalwa, Prince Sher Singh and Attar Singh Attariwala.

A decisive battle was fought between the two armies on 14th March, 1823 A.D., at a place called Naushera. This battle is also known as the battle of Tibba Tehri. It was a very dreadful battle. In the beginning, the Afghans had an upper hand. Akali Phula Singh and many other famous warriors of the Sikhs were killed in this battle. Therefore, the Khalsa army began to feel disheartened. At this time, Maharaja Ranjit Singh infused a new enthusiasm in his soldiers and shouting the slogans of Sat Siri Akal attacked the Afghans with full force. This attack turned the tides.

Azim Khan and his companions fled for life from the battlefield. In this way, Sikhs were able to win this decisive battle. After the victory at Naushera, the Sikh forces reached Peshawar on 17th March, 1823 A.D., Maharaja Ranjit Singh reappointed, Yar Mohammad Khan the Governor of Peshawar.

4. Fourth Expedition 1827-31 A.D.: During 1827 A.D., to 1831 A.D., Maharaja Ranjit Singh had to send expeditions to crush the revolts of Sayyed Ahmad. He had started instigating the Afghans against the Sikhs. In 1829 A.D., Sayyed Ahmad with 40 thousand soldiers attacked Peshawar. Yar Mohammad Khan was killed while fighting. As a result Sayyed Ahmad captured Peshawar. When Maharaja Ranjit Singh heard about it, he sent an army under the command of Prince Sher Singh and General Ventura. Sayyed Ahmad and his soldiers suffered a heavy defeat in a fierce battle fought at Peshawar.

Sayyed Ahmad succeeded in fleeing from the battlefield. Yar Mohammad Khan’s brother, Sultan Mohammad Khan was appointed the new Governor of Peshawar. Sayyed Ahmad still did not desist from his anti-Sikh activities. In May, 1831 A.D., he was killed at Balakot, while fighting against Prince Sher Singh. In this way a big nuisance for the Sikhs came to an end.

5. Fifth Expedition 1834 A.D.: In 1834 A.D., Maharaja Ranjit Singh decided to annex Peshawar to his empire. With this objective, a huge force was sent to Peshawar under the command of Prince Naunihal Singh and General Hari Singh Nalwa. When Sultan Mohammad Khan heard the news, he fled to Kabul without offering any resistance. In this way on 6th May, 1834 A.D., the Sikh forces occupied Peshawar very comfortably. General Hari Singh Nalwa was appointed the first Governor to look after the administration of Peshawar.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 17 Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Career and Conquests

Battle of Jamraud:

Dost Mohammad Khan did not sit quietly on reaching Kabul. He wanted to avenge the insult suffered by him at the hands of the Sikhs. On the other side, the Sikhs were also busy in consolidating their position in Peshawar. In order to, prevent the Afghans from invading Peshawar, General Hari Singh Nalwa got a strong fort constructed at Jamraud. Dost Mohammad Khan could not tolerate the growing power of the Sikhs in Peshawar.

So, he sent twenty thousand soldiers under the command of Mohammad Akbar and Shamsudin to invade Jamraud. This army attacked Jamraud on 28th April, 1837 A.D. Sardar Mahan Singh with his 600 soldiers bravely resisted the Afghans for two days. At that time, General Hari Singh Nalwa was lying seriously ill at Peshawar.

When he heard the news of Afghan attack, roaring like a lion, he reached Jamraud with his 10,000 soldiers. He’trounced the Afghan forces. Being hit by a shell, General Hari Singh Nalwa died a martyr’s death on 30th April, 1837 A.D. In order to, avenge his martyrdom, the Sikh army made so powerful attack on the Afghans that they fled to Kabul like jackals. Thus* the Sikhs emerged victorious in this decisive battle of Jamraud. When Maharaja Ranjit Singh heard the news of the death of his great general, Hari Singh Nalwa, tears kept flowing down his eyes for days together. After the battle of Jamraud, Dost Mohammad Khan never dared to attack Peshawar again. He felt assured that it was not possible to recover Peshawar from the Sikhs.

Significance of the Conquest of Peshawar:

The conquest of Peshawar was one of the significant conquests of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. This conquest largely added to the empire of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. The supremacy of his military power was established all over India. It enhanced his prestige also. With the conquest of Peshawar by Ranjit Singh, the Punjabis heaved a sigh of relief after eight centuries, because .the Muslim invaders had invaded the Punjab and other parts of India only through this route. These invasions not only caused much havoc but also made the nights of the people sleepless.

But this danger was removed, when Maharaja Ranjit Singh took possession of Peshawar. The conquest of Peshawar by Maharaja Ranjit Singh also added to his economic resources. Prof. Harbans Singh aptly says, “The Sikh conquest of Peshawar finally ended the long sequence of invasions from the north-west.”

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Give a brief account of the career of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Describe briefly the life of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Maharaja Ranjit. Singh was well known as the most efficient ruler not only in Punjab but in India. He was born in 1780 A.D. in Gujranwala. He ruled from 1799 A.D. to 1839 A.D. He established a vast empire.Under him all religions were paid equal respect. He established an efficient administration. He captured the areas of Lahore, Multan, Kashmir, Peshawar, Amritsar and Gujarat etc. Undoubtedly, he was Sher-i-Punjab.

Question 2.
What was the political condition of Punjab on the accession of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
What was the political condition of Punjab at the time of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s accession to power?
When Maharaja Ranjit Singh took the reins of Sukarchakia Misl in his hands in 1797 A.D., the political condition of the Punjab was deplorable. The Sikhs had found 12 independent Misls in most parts of the Punjab. Their unity was a thing of the past. Shah Zaman, the ruler of Kabul started invading the Punjab in order to bring it under his control. Sansar Chand Katoch, the ruler of Kangra and Bhim Sen Thapa the ruler of Nepal were on a look out for getting control of the Punjab.

Question 3.
Write a short note on Shah Zaman.
Shah Zaman became the new ruler of Afghanistan after the death of his father, Taimur Shdh in 1793 A.D. He immediately turned his attention to recover the Punjab from the Sikhs. With this objective he invaded Punjab in 1793 A.D. and again in 1795 A.D., but he had to go back to Kabul, unsuccessfully. He easily occupied Lahore during his third invasion in January 1797 A.D. In November 1798 A.D., once again Shah Zaman took control of Lahore. In 1800 A.D. Shah Zaman lost his empire in a coup. –

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 17 Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Career and Conquests

Question 4.
Give a brief account of the conquest of Lahore by Ranjit Singh and its significance.
Write a brief note on Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s conquest of Lahore.
What was the importance of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Lahore conquest?
The conquest of Lahore was the first important political achievement of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. At that time three Bhangi Sardars-Sahib Singh, Mohar Singh, Chet Singh ruled over Lahore. Ranjit Singh with the help of his mother- in-law, Sada Kaur attacked Lahore. On hearing the news of invasion, Sahib Singh and Mohar Singh fled in panic. Chet Singh gave in after a short while. In this way, Ranjit Singh brought Lahore under his control on July 7, 1799 A. D. It proved to be turning point in Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s life.

Question 5.
Write a short note on the battle of Bhasin.
The occupation of Lahore by Ranjit Singh. Gulab Singh Bhangi of Amritsar and Nizam-ud-Din of Kasur made a united front against him. The joint forces under the command of Gulab Singh Bhangi assembled at Bhasin near Lahore. Ranjit Singh too reached Bhasin to face them. Unexpectedly one day Gulab Singh Bhangi died of over drinking. It demoralised the opponents of Ranjit Singh and they fled from the battlefield. In this way Maharaja Ranjit Singh scored a victory without shedding a drop of blood.

Question 6.
Describe briefly about the conquest of Amritsar by Maharaja Ranjit Singh and its importance.
Discuss briefly the significance of the conquest of Amritsar.
Describe briefly about the conquest of Amritsar by Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Write a short note on the Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Amritsar conquest.
In 1805 A.D., Maharaja Ranjit Singh asked her to hand over the fort of Lohgarh and famous gun Zamzama to him. Mai Sukhan refused to accept the proposal, so Maharaja Ranjit Singh attacked Amritsar, along with his mother-in¬law Sada Kaur and Fateh Singh Ahluwalia. After a short resistance, Mai Sukhan accepted defeat. In this way, in 1805 A.D. Maharaja Ranjit Singh got control over Amritsar. With the conquest of Amritsar, Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s fame spread far and wide.

Question 7.
How did Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquer Multan?
Multan was very significant from the geographical and commercial point of view. Maharaja Ranjit Singh sent six military expeditions between 1802-1817 A.D. Nawab Muzaffar Khan, the ruler of Multan evaded annexation everytime by offering tribute to the Maharaja. In 1818 A.D. Maharaja Ranjit Singh resolved to conquer Multan. With this aim, he sent a vast army under the command of Misar Diwan Chand to conquer Multan. The Sikhs easily conquered Multan.

Question 8.
Describe the three significance of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s conquest of’Multan.
The conquest of Multan is one of the important conquests of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. This conquest put an end to the influence of Afghans in Punjab. This decisive conquest enhanced the morale of the Sikhs. It expanded Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s empire. It also enhanced his grandeur and glory. As a result, the conquest of Multan gave impetus to the trade of Punjab.

Question 9.
How did Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquer Kashmir?
Describe Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s conquest of Kashmir.
According to an agreement made between Maharaja Ranjit Singh and Fateh Khan, they attacked Kashmir in 1813 A.D. Ata Mohammad Khan, Governor of Kashmir was defeated in a battle at Shergarh. In 1814 A.D. Maharaja Ranjit Singh invaded Kashmir for the second time. He had to face defeat in this expedition. Maharaja Ranjit Singh invaded Kashmir in 1819 A.D. for the third time. Maharaja Ranjit Singh won the battle and succeeded in bringing Kashmir under his control.

Question 10.
Describe the significance of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s conquest of Kashmir.

  • It greatly increased Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s prestige and pride,
  • His frontier in the north had reached its natural bounds.
  • The control of Kashmir by the Sikhs dealt a severe blow to the Afghan influence in India and it encouraged the morale of Sikh forces.
  • The conquest of Kashmir resulted in economic gain to the Maharaja.
  • With the annextion of Kashmir to the Panjab its trade got great impetus.

Question 11.
Write a brief note on the battle of Naushera or. Tibba Tehri.
A fierce battle tbok place between the army of Maharaja Ranjit Singh and the Afghans at Naushehra or Tibba Tehri on March 14, 1823 A.D. In the beginning of the battle, the Afghans had the upper hand. Akali Phula Singh and many other famous warriors were killed in this battle. Now the Sikhs attacked the Afghans so vigorously that the latter had to flee to save their lives. As a result of the victory in this decisive battle the morale of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s army was enhanced.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 17 Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Career and Conquests

Question 12.
Briefly write about the significance of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s conquest of Peshawar.
Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s conquest of Peshawar greatly enhanced the prestige of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. The Punjabis heaved a sigh of relief after Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquered Peshawar, because the Muslim invaders invaded Punjab and other parts of India through this route. This conquest also proved economically useful to Maharaja Ranjit Singh. It sounded the death knell of Afghan supremacy.

Question 13.
What policy did Maharaja Ranjit Singh adopt towards the defeated rulers?
Maharaja Ranjit Singh not only brought several states under his control but also adopted a successful administrative policy. This policy was uniformly applied to all the rulers, whether Sikhs, Hindus or the Muslims. Many rulers, who accepted the suzerainty of Ranjit Singh were returned their states. Those, rulers whose areas were annexed to his empire, were given some posts in the Maharaja’s Darbar or given suitable Jagirs enough for their living. A stern policy was adopted against those rulers who continued to oppose Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

Question 14.
What policy did Maharaja Ranjit Singh adopt towards the Sikh Misls?
Examine the Misl policy of Ranjit Singh.
Write down the policy of Maharaja Ranjit Singh towards Sikh Misls.
There were 12 independent Sikh Misls at the time of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s accession to power. Maharaja Ranjit Singh belonged to the Sukarchakia Misl. As the Maharaja wanted to establish a vast empire, he planned to bring all the Sikh Misls under his control. Since he was not in a position at that time to face the powerful Misls, he either established matrimonial relations or friendship with these Misls. With their cooperation he took control of weak Misls. When his resources increased, he included powerful Misls to his empire one by one.

Objective Type Questions:

Question 1.
When was Maharaja Ranjit Singh born?
November 13, 1780 A.D.

Question 2.
Where was Maharaja Ranjit Singh born?

Question 3.
To which Misl did he belong?
Sukarchakia Misl.

Question 4.
Give the name of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s mother.
Raj Kaur.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 17 Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Career and Conquests

Question 5.
What was the name of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s father?
Mahan Singh.

Question 6.
Who was Raj Kaur?
Mother of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

Question 7.
What was Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s mother
Mai Malwain.

Question 8.
With which Misl did Maharaja Ranjit Singh belong to?
Sukarchakia Misl.

Question 9.
Name the grandfather of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
What was the name of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s grandfather?
The name of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s grandfather was Charat Singh.

Question 10.
What was the original name of Ranjit Singh?
Budh Singh.

Question 11.
When did Ranjit Singh get accession to the throne?
1792 A.D.

Question 12.
Who was Sada Kaur?
Mother-in-law of Ranjit Singh.

Question 13.
What was the name of mother-in-law of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
Sada Kaur.

Question 14.
To which Misl did Sada Kaur belong?
To which Misl Sada Kaur belonged?
Kanahia Misl.

Question 15.
Name the three Bhangi Sardars who ruled oyer Lahore during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time.
Chet Singh, Sahib Singh and Mohar Singh.

Question 16.
Name the two Misls annexed by Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Dallewalia Misl and Karorsinghia Misl. .

Question 17.
Which ruler did rule over Kasur, when Maharaja Ranjit Singh rose to power?

Question 18.
Who was the ruler of Kangra when Maharaja Ranjit Singh rose to power?
Sansar Chand Katoch.

Question 19.
Which Gorkha leader of Nepal was famous, when Maharaja Ranjit Singh rose to power?
Bhim Sen Thapa.

Question 20.
Who was George Thomas?
He was a brave Englishman who had set up an independent state in Hansi.

Question 21.
Who was Shah Zaman?
Emperor of Afghanistan.

Question 22.
What was the period of reign of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
1799 A.D. to 1839 A.D.

Question 23.
Which Misl was ruling over Lahore when Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquered it in 1799 A.D.?
Bhangi Misl.

Question 24.
When did Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquer Lahore?
July 7, 1799 A.D.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 17 Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Career and Conquests

Question 25.
Give any one significance of the conquest of Lahore.
Maharaja Ranjit Singh was considered the ruler of the Punjab.

Question 26.
When did the coronation of Maharaja Ranjit Singh take place?
When was Maharaja Ranjit Singh coronated?
April 12, 1801 A.D.

Question 27.
Where was Maharaja Ranjit Singh coronated?

Question 28.
When did Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquer Amritsar?
1805 A.D.

Question 29.
What was Zamzama?
A famous cannon.

Question 30.
How many times Maharaja Ranjit Singh invaded Malwa region?
Three times.

Question 31.
Who was the Nawab of Kasur when-Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquered it?

Question 32.
When did Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquer Kangra?
1809 A.D.

Question 33.
Who was the ruler of Kangra when Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquered it?
Sansar Chand Katoch.

Question 34.
When did Maharaja Ranjit Singh,conquer Gujarat?
1809 A.D.

Question 35.
From whom did Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquer Gujarat?
Sahib Singh Bhangi.

Question 36.
When did Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquer Attock?
1813 A.D.

Question 37.
From whom did Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquer Attock?
Jahandad Khan.

Question 38.
When was the battle of Hazro or Haidru fought?
July 13, 1813 A.D.

Question 39.
When Ranjit Singh occupied Multan, who was the ruler of Multan at that time?
Nawab Muzaffar Khan.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 17 Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Career and Conquests

Question 40.
When did Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquer Multan?
2nd June, 1818 A.D.

Question 41.
Who was the Commander-in-Chief of the Sikh forces when Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquered it in 1818 A.D.?
Misar Diwan Chand.

Question 42.
Give any one important result of the conquest of Multan.
This conquest was a big setback to the Afghan power.

Question 43.
When did Fateh Khan enter into an alliance with Ranjit Singh to conquer Kashmir?
1813 A.D.

Question 44.
Who was Wafa Bagum?
She was the wife of Afghanistan’s ruler Shah Shuja.

Question 45.
What did Maharaja Ranjit Singh get from Begum Shah Shuja?
‘Kohinoor Diamond’.

Question 46.
When did Maharaja Ranjit Singh attack Kashmir for the first time?
1813 A.D.

Question 47.
Who was the ruler of Kashmir when Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s forces attacked it in 1813 A.D.?
Ata Mohammad.

Question 48.
When did Maharaja Ranjit Singh attack Kashmir for the second time?
1814 A.D.

Question 49.
Who was the ruler of Kashmir when Maharaja Ranjit Sihgh attacked in 1814 A.D.?
Aazim Khan.

Question 50.
When did Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquer Kashmir?
July 5, 1819 A.D.

Question 51.
When did Maharaja Ranjit Singh attack Peshawar for the first time?
1818 A.D.

Question 52. Who ruled over Peshawar when Maharaja Ranjit Singh attacked Peshawar in 1818 A.D.?
Yar Mohammad Khan and Dost Mohammad Khan.

Question 53.
When was the famous battle of Naushera or Tibba Tehri fought?
March 14, 1823 A.D.

Question 54.
Which famous Akali warrior was killed in the battle of Naushera?
Akali Phula Singh.

Question 55.
When Peshawar was annexed to thfe Sikh Empire?
1834 A.D.

Question 56.
When was the battle of Jamraud fought?
1837 A.D.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 17 Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Career and Conquests

Question 57.
Which famous Sikh General was killed in the battle of Jamraud?
General Hari Singh Nalwa.

Question 58.
Who was defeated in the battle of Jamraud?

Question 59.
Mention the capital of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s empire.

Question 60.
Name any one special feature of Misl policy of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
No room for any consideration of relationship.

Question 61.
Name the Sardar of the Ramgarhia with whom Maharaja Ranjit Singh established friendly relations.
Jodh Singh Ramgarhia.

Question 62.
When did Maharaja Ranjit Singh abolish Gurmata as a political institution?
1805 A.D.

Question 63.
When did Maharaja Ranjit Singh die?
June 27, 1839 A.D.

Question 64.
Who became the successor of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
Kharak Singh.

Question 65.
Who was Kharak Singh?
He was the eldest son of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

Fill in the blanks:

1. Maharaja Ranjit Singh belonged to ……………. Misl.

2. Maharaja Ranjit Singh was horn in ……………..
1780 A.D.

3. The name of the father of Maharaja Ranjit Singh was ………………..
Mahan Singh

4. The name of the mother of Maharaja Ranjit Singh was …………………
Raj Kaur

5. The childhood name of Maharaja Ranjit Singh was ………………
Budh Singh

6. Maharaja Ranjit Singh was married to Mehtab Kaur in …………….
1796 A.D.

7. ………….. was the mother-in-law of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Sada Kaur

8. ………………. ruled over Lahore during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time.
Bhangi Misl

9. Ranjit Singh conquered Lahore in ……………….
1799 A.D.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 17 Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Career and Conquests

10. Ranjit Singh was coronated as Maharaja of Punjab in …………..
1801 A.D.

11. The capital of Maharaja Ranjit Singh was ………….

12. Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquered Amritsar in …………….
1805 A.D.

13. Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquered Kangra in ……………..
1809 A.D.

14. …………….. was the ruler of Kangra at Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time.
Sansar Chand Katoch

15. In 1809 A.D. Maharaja Ranjit Singh defeated …………… the ruler of Gujarat.
Sahib Singh Bhangi

16. Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquered Attock in ………………
1813 A.D.

17. Nawab …………….. was the ruler of Multan during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time.
Muzaffar Khan

18. Multan was conquered by Maharaja Ranjit Singh in ……………
1818 A.D.

19. ……………… was the ruler of Kashmir when Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquered it.
Ata Mohammad Khan

20. Maharaja Ranjit Singh attacked Kashmir in ……………… for the first time.
1813 A.D.

21. Maharaja Ranjit Singh attacked Kashmir in ………………. for the second time.
1814 A.D.

22. Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquered Kashmir in ………………
1819 A.D.

23. Maharaja Ranjit Singh attacked Peshawar in ……………… for the first time.
1818 A.D.

24. At the time of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, battle between Afghans and Sikhs was fought at Tibba Tehri on ………………
March 14, 1823 A.D.

25. The Akali leader Phula Singh was killed in theJbattle of ………………..

26. Maharaja Ranjit Singh annexed Peshawar to his-empire in …………..
1834 A.D.

27. The battle of Jamraud was fought between the Sikhs and the Afghans in ……………
1837 A.D.

28. Maharaja Ranjit Singh died in …………….
1839 A.D.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 17 Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Career and Conquests

True or False:

1. Maharaja Ranjit Singh belonged to Kanahia Misl.

2. Maharaja Ranjit Singh was born in 1780 A.D.

3. The name of the father of Maharaja Ranjit Singh was Charat Singh.

4. Sada Kaur was the mother of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

5. Sada Kaur belonged to Kanahia Misl.

6. The childhood name of Maharaja Ranjit Singh was Buddh Singh.

7. Sher Singh was the childhood name of Maharaja Ranjit Smgh.

8. Shah Zaman was the son of Timur Shah.

9. Shah Zaman was the ruler of Afghanistan.

10. Ranjit Singh conquered Lahore in 1799 AD.

11. Ranjit Singh was considered as the Maharaja df Lahore in 1801 AD.

12. Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquered Amritsar from Mai Sukhan in 1805 A.D.

13. Zamzama was the name of a fort.

14. Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquered Kangra in 1809 A.D.

15. Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquered Attock in 1813 A.D.

16. Maharaja Ranjit Singh occupied Multan in 1818 A.D.

17. Maharaja Ranjit Singh attacked Kashmir for the first time in 1814 A.D.

18. Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquered Kashmir in 1819 AD.

19. Maharaja Ranjit Singh attacked Peshwar for the first time in 1818 AD.

20. The famous battle of Naushera was fought in 1813 AD.

21. Akali Phula Singh was kifled in the battle of Naushera.

22. Maharaja Ranjit Singh annexed Peshawar, to his empire in 1834 A.D.

23. The battle of Hazro was fought on 13th July, 1813 AD.

24. The Battle of Jamraud was fought in 1837 AD.

25. Maharaja Ranjit Singh passed away on June 27, 1839 A.D.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 17 Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Career and Conquests

26. Maharaja Ranjit Singh made Lahore as capital of his empire.

27. Maharaja Dalip Singh became the successor of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Empire.

28. Maharaja Kharak Singh was the successor of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. When was Mahairaja Ranjit Singh born?
(a) 1770 A.D.
(b) 1775 A.D.
(c) 1776 A.D.
(d) 1780 A.D.
(d) 1780 A.D.

2. Where was Maharaja Ranjit Singh born?
(a) Gujranwala
(b) Lahore
(c) Amritsar
(d) Multan.
(a) Gujranwala

3. To which Misl did Maharaja Ranjit Singh belong?
(a) Kanahia
(b) Sukarchakia
(c) Ramgarhia
(d) Phulkian.
(b) Sukarchakia

4. What was the name of the father of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
(a) Budh Singh
(b) Charat Singh
(c) Mahan Singh
(d) Bhag Singh.
(c) Mahan Singh

5. Who was famous as‘Mai Malwain’?
(a) Daya Kaur
(b) Rattan Kaur
(c) Raj Kaur
(d) Sada Kaur.
(c) Raj Kaur

6. When did Ranjit Singh become the leader of Sukarchakia Misl?
(a) 1790 A D.
(b) 1792 A.D.
(c) 1793 A.D.
(d) 1795 A.D.
(b) 1792 A.D.

7. Who was Sada Kaur?
(a) Queen of Ranjit Singh
(b) Mother-in-law of Ranjit Singh
(c) Sister of Ranjit Singh
(d) None of these.
(b) Mother-in-law of Ranjit Singh

8. Which Bhangi Sardar ruled over Lahore when Maharaja Ranjit Singh rose to power?
(a) Chet Singh
(b) Sahib Singh
(c) Mohar Singh
(d) All of the above.
(d) All of the above.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 17 Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Career and Conquests

9. Who was ruling over Kasur, when Maharaja Ranjit Singh rose to power?
(a) Nizam-ud-Din
(b) Kadam-ud-Din
(c) Wazir Khan
(d) Zakariya Khan.
(a) Nizam-ud-Din

10. Which city was ruled by Sansar Chand Katoch when Maharaja Ranjit Singh rose to power?
(a) Nepal
(b) Kangra
(c) Jammu
(d) Sialkot.
(b) Kangra

11. Which Gurkha leader of Nepal was famous in 18th century?
(a) Bhim Sen Thapa
(b) Agar Sen Thapa
(c) Amar Singh Thapa
(d) Tej Bahadur Thapa.
(a) Bhim Sen Thapa

12. Where did George Thomas set up an independent state in 18th century?
(a) Jhansi
(b) Hansi
(c) Sirhind
(d) Muradabad.
(b) Hansi

13. Who was Shah Zaman?
(a) Ruler of Iran
(b) Ruler of Nepal.
(c) Ruler of Afghanistan
(d) Ruler of China.
(c) Ruler of Afghanistan

14. Which was the first important conquest of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
(a) Amritsar
(b) Lahore
(c) Bhasin
(d) Kashmir
(b) Lahore

15. When did Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquer Lahore?
(a) 1799 A.D.
(b) 1801 A.D.
(c) 1803 A.D.
(d) 1805 A.D.
(a) 1799 A.D.

16. Which was the capital of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Kingdom?
(a) Lahore
(b) Amritsar
(c) Kashmir
(d) Peshawar.
(a) Lahore

17. When was Maharaja Ranjit Singh coronated?
(a) 1799 A.D.
(b) 1800 A.D.
(c) 1801 A.D.
(d) 1805 A.D.
(c) 1801 A.D.

18. When did Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquer Amritsar?
(a) 1805 A.D.
(b) 1806 A.D.
(c) 1808 A.D.
(d) 1809 A.D.
(a) 1805 A.D.

19. When was the battle of Hazro or Haidru fought?
(a) 1809 A.D.
(b) 1811 A.D.
(c) 1813 A.D.
(d) 1814 A.D.
(c) 1813 A.D.

20. Who was the ruler of Multan when Ranjit Singh occupied it?
(a) Misar Diwan Chand
(b) Ata Mohammad Khan
(c) Nawab Muzaffar Khan
(d) Dost Mohammad Khan
(c) Nawab Muzaffar Khan

21. When did Ranjit Singh conquer Multan?
(a) 1802 A.D.
(b) 1805 A.D.
(c) 1817 A.D.
(d) 1818 A.D.
(d) 1818 A.D.

22. From whom did Maharaja Ranjit Singh get the ‘Kohinoor’ Diamond?
(a) Shah Shuja
(b) Waffa Begum
(c) Fateh Khan
(d) Jabbar Khan.
(b) Waffa Begum

23. When did Maharaja Ranjit Singh attack Kashmir for the first time?
(a) 1811 A.D.
(b) 1812 A.D.
(c) 1813 A.D.
(d) 1818 A.D.
(c) 1813 A.D.

24. Who was the Governor of Kashmir when Maharaja Ranjit Singh attacked Kashmir for the first time?
(a) Ata Mohammad Khan
(b) Shah Shuja
(c) Jabbar Khan
(d) Qutub-ud-Din.
(a) Ata Mohammad Khan

25. When did Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquer Kashmir?
(a) 1813 A.D.
(b) 1814 A.D.
(c) 1818 A.D.
(d) 1819 A.D.
(d) 1819 A.D.

26. When did Maharaja Ranjit Singh attack Peshawar for the first time?
(a) – 1802 A.D.
(b) 1805 A.D.
(c) 1809 A.D.
(d) 1818 A.D.
(d) 1818 A.D.

27. In which battle was Akali leader Phula Singh killed?
(a) Battle of Jamraud
(b) Battle of Naushera
(c) Battle of Sopian
(d) Battle of Supeen.
(b) Battle of Naushera

28. When was battle of Naushera or Tibba Tehri fought?
(a) 1818 A.D.
(b) 1819 A.D.
(c) 1821 A.D.
(d) 1823 A.D.
(d) 1823 A.D.

29. When did Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquer Peshawar?
(a) 1819 A.D.
(b) 1821 A.D.
(c) 1823 A.D.
(d) 1834 A.D.
(c) 1823 A.D.

30. When was Peshawar annexed to the Sikh Empire?
(a) 1823 A.D.
(b) 1825 A.D.
(c) 1834 A.D.
(d) 1839 A.D.
(c) 1834 A.D.

31. When was the battle of Jamraud fought?
(a) 1818 A.D.
(b) 1819 A.D.
(c) 1823 A.D.
(d) 1837 A.D.
(d) 1837 A.D.

32. Which famous Sikh General was killed in the battle of Jamraud?
(a) Hari Singh Nalwa
(b) Akali Phula Singh
(c) Misar Diwan Chand
(d) Diwan Mohkam Chand.
(a) Hari Singh Nalwa

33. With which powerful Misl Maharaja Ranjit Singh did not establish friendly relations?
(a) Ahluwalia
(b) Bhangi
(c) Ramgarhia
(d) Dallewalia.
(b) Bhangi

34. Which Misl Sardar was called Baba by Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
(a) Gurbax Singh
(b) Fateh Singh Ahluwalia
(c) Jodh Singh Ramgarhia
(d) Tara Singh Gheba.
(c) Jodh Singh Ramgarhia

35. When did Maharaja Ranjit Singh abolish Gurmata?
(a) 1799 A.D.
(b) 1801 A.D.
(c) 1802 A.D.
(d) 1805 A.D.
(d) 1805 A.D.

36. When did Maharaja Ranjit Singh die?
(a) 1829 A.D.
(b) 1831 A.D.
(c) 1837 A.D.
(d) 1830 A.D.
(d) 1830 A.D.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Common Proverbs

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class English Book Solutions English Vocabulary Common Proverbs Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Common Proverbs

(2013, All Sets)

(a) Fill in the blank with a suitable word from those given in bracket :
This is good for a factory. (site, sight)

(b) Give one word for the following :
The art of beautiful writing.

(c) Use the following idiom in a sentence of your own :
Hard and fast.

(d) Give the meaning of the following proverb :
Might is right.
(a) site
(b) calligraphy
(c) There are no hard and fast rules of reading a book
(d) One who is powerful is considered to be just.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Common Proverbs

(a) Fill in the blank with a suitable word from those given in bracket:
It is not a defect. (miner, minor)

(b) Give one word for the following :
Articles sent out of the country.

(c) Use the following idiom in a sentence of your own :
Off and on.

(d) Correct the following sentence :
What is the time in your watch ?
(a) minor
(b) exports
(c) It rained off and on all day.
(d) What is the time by your watch ?

(a) Fill in the blank with a suitable word from those given in bracket:
She has a …… amount of sense. (fair, fare)

(b) Give one word for the following :
A carriage for the sick and wounded.

(c) Give the meaning of the following proverb :
Blood is thicker than water.

(d) Correct the following sentence :
This shirt is made with cotton.
(a) fair
(b) stretcher
(c) family relationships are stronger than others
(d) This shirt is made of cotton.

(2014, All Sets)

(a) Fill in the blank with a suitable word from those in bracket :

(b) Give one word for the following :
A loss which cannot be repaired or made good.

(c) Use the following idiom in a sentence of your own :
To end in smoke.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Common Proverbs

(d) Correct the following sentence :
Myself can do it.
(a) principal
(b) irreparable
(c) All her efforts to reform her drunkard husband ended in smoke
(d) I can do it myself.

(a) Fill in the blank a suitable word from those in bracket:
She has an ……….. nature. (amiable, amicable)

(b) Give one word for the following :
That which is against law.

(c) Use the following idiom in a sentence of your own :
To find fault with.

(d) Correct the following sentence :
A sun rises in the east.
(a) amiable
(b) illegal
(c) Stop finding fault with other
(d) The sun rises in the east.

(a) Fill in the blank with a suitable word from those in bracket:
She to me off and on. (rites, write)

(b) Give one word for the following :
Government of the people, by the people, for the people.

(c) Use the following idiom in a sentence of your own :
Tooth and nail.

(d) Correct the following sentence :
Come and see me at Sunday.
(a) writes
(b) Democracy
(c) We shall oppose the new; taxes tooth and nail
(d) Come and see me on Sunday.

(2015, All Sets)

(a) Fill in the blank with a suitable word from those in bracket :
The ………. drops looked very beautiful. (due, dew)

(b) Give one word for the following :
The art of management practised by statement.

(c) Use the following idiom in a sentence of your own :
All in all.

(d) Correct the following sentence :
You kept me in dark.
(a) dew
(b) Diplomacy
(c) My father is all in all in our family
(d) You kept me in the dark.

(a) Fill in the blank with a suitable word from those in bracket:
I am feeling ……well today. (quiet ; quite)

(b) Give one word for the following :
A list of things to be discussed at a meeting.

(c) Use the following idiom in a sentence of your own :
To end in smoke.

(d) Correct the following sentence :
Let us go and bathe in river.
(a) quite
(b) Agenda
(c) All plans of the enemy ended in smoke
(d) Let us go and bathe in the river.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Common Proverbs

(a) Fill in the blank with a suitable
word from those in bracket :
Arun is my …….. friend. (deer, dear)

(b) Give one word for the following :
A person with a bad reputation.

(c) Use the following idiom in a sentence of your own :
Apple of one’s eye.

(d) Correct the following sentence :
The stitch in time saves nine.
(a) dear
(b) notorious
(c) He is the apple of his parents eye.
(d) A stitch in time save nine.

(2016, All Sets)

(a) Fill in the blank with a suitable word from those given in bracket :
Parents ………. the character of their child. (farm, form)

(b) Give one word for the following :
One who can read and write.

(c) Use the following idiom in a sentence of your own :
Crocodile tears.

(d) Correct the following sentence :
Simran is my cousin sister.
(a) form
(b) literate
(c) The wicked wife shed crocodile tears over the death of her husband
(d) Simran is my cousin.

(a) Fill in the blank with a suitable word from those given in bracket :
The wind ……….. points to the north. (vain, vane)

(b) Give one word for the following :
A place of permanent residence.

(c) Use the following idiom in a sentence of your own :
To take heart.

(d) Correct the following sentence :
Anita is my older daughter.
(a) vane
(b) domicile
(c) He took heart, tried again, and was successful
(d) Anita is my! elder daughter.

(a) Fill in the blank with a suitable word from those given in bracket :
Hold the ………. of the horse carefully. (bridal, bridle)

(b) Give one word for the following :
A person who does not believe in God.

(c) Use the following idiom in a sentence of your own :
A bed of roses.

(d) Correct the following sentence :
Politics are a dirty game.
(a) bridle
(b) atheist
(c) Life is not a bed of roses for the poor
(d) Politics is a dirty game.

(2017, All Sets)

(a) Fill in the blank with a suitable
word from those in bracket : Apply the ……….. to stop the car. (break/brake)

(b) Give one word for the following :
One who does not eat meat.

(c) Use the following idiom in a sentence of your own :
With flying colours

(d) Correct the following sentence.
Fifty miles are a long distance.
(a) brake
(b) vegetarian
(c) Those who work hard come off with flying colours
(d) Fifty miles is a long distance

(a) Fill in the blank with a suitable word from those in bracket :
Do not …….. in the class.

(b) Give one word for the following :
One who never dies.

(c) Use the following idiom in a sentence of your own :
To carry the day

(d) Correct the following sentence.
He wrote very good poetries.
(a) doze
(b) immortal
(c) Indian team carried the day against Pakistan
(d) He wrote very good poetry/ poems.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Common Proverbs

(a) Fill in the blank with a suitable
word from those in bracket : Open the ……….. (gate /gait)

(b) Give one word for the following :
That which cannot be heard.

(c) Use the following idiom in a sentence of your own :
A hard nut to crack

(d) Correct the following sentence.
When he left ?
(a) gate
(b) inaudible
(c) To solve the Kashmir issue is a hard nut to crack.
(d) When did he leave ?

(2018, All Sets)

(a) Fill in the blank with a suitable
word from those in the bracket :
The bread is made of ……….. (floor / flour)

(b) Give one word for the following :
(i) To send articles out of the country.
(ii) One who eats human flesh.

(c) Use the following idiom in a sentence of your own :
Hard and fast

(d) Correct the following sentence :
It is no use to cry over spilt milk.
(a) flour
(b) (i) export (ii) cannibal
(c) There are no hard and fast rules of reading a book
(d) It is no use crying over spilt milk.

(2019, All Sets)

(a) Fill in the blank with a suitable word from those in the bracket :
When were you ? (born/borne)
(b) Give one word for the following : something that can be heard.
(c) Correct the following sentence : Shelly is my cousin sister.
(d) Frame a sentence using the following idiom :
at par
(a) born
(b) audible
(c) Shelly is my cousin
(d) Death treats the rich and the poor at par.

1. A fool and his money are soon parted :
One who cannot take care of his money, loses it.

2. A good beginning makes a good ending :
A well-begun task ends in a good state.

3. A house is not a home :
A home is known by real love and affection, and not by walls alone.

4. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step :
Every huge project has a humble beginning.

5. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing :
Lesser knowledge leads to damage.

6. A new broom sweeps clean :
A fresh leader or administrator gets rid of the old and brings in new ideas and personnel.

7. A penny saved is a penny earned :
Saving is as important as earning.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Common Proverbs

8. A picture paints a thousand words :
A picture speaks the mind of the painter.

9. A problem shared is problem halved :
A work or job may be very difficult but if many hands together solve it, it becomes easier.

10. A prophet is not recognized in his own land :
A person may be very talented but cannot get due importance among his own people.

11. A rolling stone gathers no moss :
A person who never settles anywhere will never do well.

12. A stitch in time saves nine :
An action or thing done at the right time saves much trouble.

13. A volunteer is worth twenty pressed men :
A man who does his job willingly is certainly better than many upon whom the work is thrust.

14. Actions speak louder than words :
One is judged by what he does, and not by what he says.

15. All that glitters is not gold :
Appearances generally deceive people.

16. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy :
A man cannot achieve the best by overwork. Recreation is also necessary.

17. An apple a day keeps the doctor away :
A person who takes an apple daily remains healthy and does not need to visit a doctor.

18. As you sow so shall you reap :
As your actions will be, the same kind of reward will be received by you.

19. Barking dogs seldom bite :
Those who boast and talk too much of themselves, are of low and weak mind.

20. Beggars can’t be choosers :
A person who depends on others cannot have anything of his own choice.

21. Better safe than sorry :
It is better to take precautions than to be regretful.

22. Birds of a feather flock together :
Persons of same calibre and position like to mix more with each other.

23. Blood is thicker than water :
Family relationships are stronger than others.

24. Boys will be boys :
Young boys, and sometimes grown-up men, occasionally behave in a childish way.

25. Charity begins at home :
A person’s first duty is to care for and help his or her own family.

26. Cleanliness is next to godliness :
Being clean is a sign of spiritual purity or goodness.

27. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you :
Do not think ill of the person who helps you.

28. Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched :
Do not daydream.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Common Proverbs

29. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket :
Do not invest all your money at a single place or you can be ruined.

30. Don’t try to talk before you can crawl :
Do things according to your calibre.

31. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise :
One should sleep early and get up early to be healthy, wealthy and wise.

32. Empty vessels make the most noise :
One who doesn’t have any good quality in him, shows off more.

33. Every dark cloud has a silver lining :
Even the greatest sorrow has some happiness hidden behind it.

34. Everybody want to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die :
Everyone wants luxuries in life, but no one wants to work for them.

35. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread :
The inexperienced do something that the more informed people would avoid.

36. Fortune favours the brave :
God helps those who dare.

37. God helps those who help themselves :
One has to do his own work; self-help is the best help.

38. Handsome is that handsome does :
Beauty lies in action, not in ‘physical’ appearance.

39. Haste makes waste :
If you do a job in hurry, it can be spoiled.

40. History repeats itself :
Man does what his ancestors did.

41. Home is where the heart is :
A home is where one is loved not where one lives.

42. If God had meant us to fly, He’d have given us wings :
Do not try doing things for which nature does not permit you.

43. If wishes were horses, beggars would ride :
It is easy to wish, but difficult to achieve.

44. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery :
One is flattered by the thought that he is considered worth imitating.

45. Into every life a little rain must fall :
Everyone should taste a little bit of adversity to admire the good things.

46. It takes a thief to catch a thief :
Thieves are the experts when it comes to thieving.
They would know best how to catch other thieves.

47. It’s better to give than to receive :
The person who helps others is respected more than the one who asks for help.

48. It’s better to light a candle than curse the darkness :
Instead of cursing the bad circumstances, one should try to change them.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Common Proverbs

49. It’s no use crying over spilt milk :
One should not waste one’s time lamenting the loss.

50. It’s the early bird that gets the worm :
One who comes first is served first.

51. Jack of all trades, master of none :
One who tries to learn many things never becomes a specialist of anything.

52. Laugh and the world will laugh with you; weep and you weep alone :
No one likes the company of one who remains sad and dejected.

53. Laughter is the best medicine :
Those who laugh in illness recover quickly.

54. Let sleeping dogs lie :
Do not trouble the troubles until the troubles trouble you.

55. Life is what you make it :
There is no use cursing others for your failures. Your success or failure lies entirely on yourself.

56. Like father, like son :
Children tend to do the same as their parents do.

57. Live for today, for tomorrow never comes :
We should not worry about future.

58. Look before you leap :
One should think of the consequences before doing anything.

59. Man does not live by bread alone :
Man has not a stomach alone, but heart also is to be taken care of.

60. Marry in haste, repent at leisure :
One should be careful while choosing his life partner.

61. Money doesn’t grow on trees :
One makes money by working hard, so it must not be wasted.

62. Money makes the world go round :
One can do anything and go anywhere if he has money.

63. Necessity is the mother of invention :
You make new things only if you need them. Ingenuity is stimulated by difficulty.

64. Never judge a book by its cover :
The true worth of a thing can’t be judged by its external looks.

65. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today :
Tomorrow never comes, so one must do one’s work today.

66. No man is an island :
Man is a social animal and cannot live alone.

67. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent :
If you hold your head high, no one can let you down.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Common Proverbs

68. Nothing is certain but death and taxes :
Death comes to all and everyone has to pay his dues.

69. Oil and water don’t mix :
People of different tastes and nature do not mix up with each other.

70. Opportunity only knocks once :
You cannot get chances again and again.

71. Out of sight, out of mind :
You are likely to forget what you don’t see more often.

72. People who live in glasshouses shouldn’t throw stones at others :
If you do something bad yourself, never forbid others to do it.

73. Power corrupts : absolute power corrupts absolutely :
A person’s sense of morality lessens as his or her power increases.

74. Practice makes a man perfect :
One becomes efficient at something by doing it again and again.

75. Pride comes before a fall :
If one becomes proud of his success, he is likely to fall.

76. Rome wasn’t built in a day :
It takes time and patience to do any great work.

77. Spare the rod and spoil the child :
The children study only if they have some fear.

78. Still waters run deep :
Those with extraordinary qualities never show off.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Common Proverbs

79. The Devil finds work for idle hands to do:
People who have no work to do, often do wrong things.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 21 Character and Personality of Maharaja Ranjit Singh

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class History Book Solutions Chapter 21 Character and Personality of Maharaja Ranjit Singh Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 History Chapter 21 Character and Personality of Maharaja Ranjit Singh

Long Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
What do you know about Ranjit Singh as a Man?
Write four traits of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s personality.
Write about the character and personality of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Though Ranjit Singh was illiterate, he possessed sharp intellect. He remembered the names of thousands of villages and their geographical locations by heart. His memory was so sharp that he could recognise a person whom he had met many years ago. He was very kind-hearted. He loved his subjects very much, so much so that he never treated his enemies ruthlessly. The Maharaja never awarded capital punishment to anybody during his rule. Maharaja Ranjit Singh was a devoted follower of Sikhism. Every day before starting his work he listened to the Bani of Guru Granth Sahib and offered his prayer. He called his government Sarkar-i-Khalsa. He issued the coins in the name of ‘Nanak Sahai’ and ‘Gobind Sahai’. He gave plenty of charity to Gurdwaras. Besides, his attitude towards other religions was full of respect. Equal treatment was meted out to people of all religions. They had full freedom of observing their rites and customs. The Maharaja gave charity to other religions also with an open heart.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 21 Character and Personality of Maharaja Ranjit Singh

Question 2.
What were the five features of Maharaja Ranjit Singh as a Man?
1. Appearance: The appearance of Maharaja Ranjit Singh was not very attractive. He had medium-sized stature and a thin body.- His face had been disfigured as a result of smallpox in his childhood and deprived him of the left eye. Although the Maharaja was ugly, yet his personality was so attractive that anybody who came to meet him was greatly impressed by him. His face was suffused with a special type of halo and brilliance.

2. Hard-working and Active: Maharaja Ranjit Singh was very hard-working and active. He always believed that great men should always be hardworking and active. He expected this from his officers, also. The Maharaja always remained busy in-state work from morning till late night. He delighted in every type of work. He paid personal attention to the minutest work of the state.

3. Courageous and Brave: Maharaja Ranjit Singh was a very brave and courageous person. He was fond of going to the battlefields, hunting trips, wielding sword and horse-riding. While young, he gave evidence of his bravery by beheading Hashmat Khan earlier. He was ever foremost in battle and the last to retreat. He never lost heart even in the face of the most dreadful situation.

4. Kind Hearted: Maharaja Ranjit Singh was very popular with the people for his kindness. During his period, Maharaja Ranjit Singh defeated many Sikh, Hindu and Muslim Chiefs. But, it is remarkable that the Maharaja never treated his enemies cruelly. He was always ready to help the poor and destitute. Many tales of his kindness are well-known.

5. A devoted follower of Sikhism: Maharaja Ranjit Singh had an unshakable faith in Sikhism. Before starting his routine work, he used to listen to the recitation of Gurbani of Guru Granth Sahib Ji and the Kirtan. He called his government as Sarkar-i-Khalsa and his court Darbar Khalsa Ji. He considered himself to be the Kukar (dog) at the door of the Guru and the Panth.

Question 3.
Maharaja Ranjit Singh was a kind ruler. How?
Maharaja Ranjit Singh was very popular with the people for his kindness. During his period, Maharaja Ranjit Singh defeated many Sikh, Hindu and Muslim Chiefs. But what is remarkable is that the Maharaja never treated his enemies cruelly. At that time among the emperors of Kabul and Delhi, whoever came to occupy the throne not only continued to shed blood of their close relatives and claimants to the throne but also left their descendants in a state of destitution. At such times, this rufer of Lahore not only embraced those whom he defeated on the battlefield but also bestowed Jagirs and robes of honour even to their children. The Maharaja did not award a death sentence to any criminal in his region. He was always ready to help the poor and destitute. Many tales of his kindness are well-known.

Mauza or village was the smallest unit of administration. Its administration was run by the Panchayat. The Maharaja did not interfere with the functioning of Panchayat. The Maharaja never ignored the public interest. He had instructed his state officials that they should make special efforts for the public welfare. The Maharaja used to travel his state in disguise to know the condition of the people. Punishment was given to erring officials who violated the orders of the Maharaja. The state offered special facilities to the poor and peasants. Consequently, people were well-off during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time.

Question 4.
Maharaja Ranjit Singh was a devoted follower of Sikhism. Give arguments in your favour.
Maharaja Ranjit Singh was truly a devoted follower of Sikhism. Every day before starting the routine work he used to hear Kirtan and recitation of Gurbani from Guru Granth Sahib and say his prayer. He never took any important decision ” without seeking guidance from Guru Granth Sahib. He had preserved a Kalgi (aigrette) of Guru Gobind Singh Ji in his Toshakhana (treasure) and considered its touch as a matter of great luck for him. He considered all his victories to be the boon of Almighty. He paid a thanks-giving visit to Sri Harmandir Sahib at Amritsar after each victory where he made huge offerings. He considered himself to be the Kukar (dog) at the door of the Guru and Sikh Panth.

He preferred to be called ‘Singh Sahib’ rather than Maharaja. His coins bore the names of Guru Nanak and Guru Gobind Singh. The official form of salutation in the army was, ‘Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.’ All official oath-taking ceremonies were performed in the presence of Guru Granth Sahib. For building new Gurdwaras and for the maintenance of langar he had given huge revenue-free Jagirs. In short, he was a devoted follower of Sikhism in the true sense of the word.

Question 5.
Maharaja Ranjit Singh was a Secular Ruler. How?
Although Ranjit Singh was a staunch Sikh, yet he was liberal towards other religions. He kept religious discrimination and communalism at an arm’s length. He knew very well that for the establishment of a strong and enduring empire the cooperation of people of different religions was essential. By his policy of tolerance, he succeeded in winning over the hearts of the people of different religions. In his empire jobs were given on the basis of merit. In his court, the Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims, Dogras, and Europeans were appointed to the high posts without any discrimination of caste, creed, or nationality.

For instance, his Foreign Minister Faquir Aziz-ud-Din was a Muslim, Prime Minister, Dhian Singh was a Dogra, Diwan Bhiwani Das and Commander Misar Diwan Chand were Hindus and General Ventura and Allard were EuropeAnswer: In matters of charity, the Maharaja did not discriminate against any religion. He made liberal offerings for the maintenance of Hindu temples, Muslim mosques, and mausoleums. In his empire, the people belonging to different religions were at liberty to celebrate their religious ceremonies.

Question 6.
Describe Maharaja Ranjit Singh as a successful Administrator.
What do you know about Maharaja Ranjit Singh as an Administrator?
Maharaja Ranjit Singh was an excellent administrator. The main objective of his administration was the welfare of the public. In order to get cooperation in running the administration, he had appointed many honest and able ministers. In order to run the administration efficiently, he had divided his empire into four big provinces.

Question 7.
“Maharaja Ranjit Singh was a great general and a conqueror.” Explain.
What do you know about Ranjit Singh as a Soldier and a General?
Write a note on Maharaja Ranjit Singh as a Soldier and as a Military General.
Maharaja Ranjit Singh was a great general of his time. He never faced defeat in any battle that he fought during his lifetime. He deemed it his pleasure to take part in enterprising and adventurous expeditions. He was never unnerved even in the face of heavy odds. The Maharaja took full care of the welfare of his soldiers. As a result, they also remained ever-ready to sacrifice their lives for his sake. Besides being a great general, Maharaja Ranjit Singh was also a great conqueror. When Maharaja Ranjit Singh took reins of Sukarchakia Misl in 1797 A.D., he had a small region under him.

He converted it into a vast empire due to his sheer bravery and ability. He annexed important regions like Lahore, Amritsar, Kasur, Sialkot, Kangra, Gujarat, Jammu, Attock, Multan, Kashmir, and Peshawar to his empire. Maharaja Ranjit Singh had to fight many bloody battles to conquer these regions. He defeated the Afghans and stopped the age-long foreign invasions from the northwest frontier. It was a great singular achievement of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. As a result of his conquests, his empire stretched from Ladakh in the north to Shikarpur in the south and from the Sutlej in the east to Peshawar in the west.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 21 Character and Personality of Maharaja Ranjit Singh

Question 8.
Why is Maharaja Ranjit Singh called Sher-i-Punjab?
What place would you assign Ranjit Singh in the History of Punjab? Why is he called Sher-i-Punjab?
Maharaja Ranjit Singh established a vast empire through his sheer bravery. He made the dream of the Sikh empire come true. Besides being a successful conqueror, he also proved to be an efficient administrator. The main object of his administration was the welfare of the public. Often he traveled through his empire in disguise to know the real condition of people. Jobs were given on the basis of merit. People of all religions—the Sikhs, Muslims, Hindus, and Europeans, etc. were given high’ posts in his Darbar. Ranjit Singh adopted a policy of secularism towards all religions.

Essay Type Questions:

Question 1.
Explain in detail the character and personality of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Give character estimate of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Discuss Maharaja Ranjit Singh as a man, a general, a ruler, and a diplomat.
Explain Maharaja Ranjit Singh as a Man.
What place would you assign to Ranjit Singh in history? Why is he called Sher-i-Punjab?
Maharaja Ranjit Singh is counted as one of the greatest personalities not only of India but of the whole world. He was a man of multifarious personality. By virtue of his qualities, he succeeded in establishing a vast and strong Sikh empire in Punjab. He is rightly remembered as Sher-i-Punjab. A brief description of the character and personality of Maharaja Ranjit Singh is as follows:

1. As a Man:

1. Appearance: The appearance of Maharaja Ranjit Singh was not very attractive. He had medium-sized stature and a thin body. His face had been disfigured as a result of smallpox in his childhood and deprived him of the left eye. Although the Maharaja was ugly, yet his personality was so attractive that anybody who came to meet him was greatly impressed by him. His face was suffused with a special type of halo and brilliance.

2. Hard-working and Active: Maharaja Ranjit Singh was very hard-working and active. He always believed that great men should always be hardworking and active. He expected this from his officers, also. The Maharaja always remained busy in-state work from morning till late night. He delighted in every type of work. He paid personal attention to the minutest work of the state.

3. Courageous and Brave: Maharaja Ranjit Singh was a very brave and courageous person. He was fond of going to the battlefields, hunting trips, wielding sword and horse-riding. While young, he gave evidence of his bravery by beheading Hashmat Khan earlier. He was ever foremost in battle and the last to t retreat. He never lost heart even in the face of the most dreadful situation.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 21 Character and Personality of Maharaja Ranjit Singh

4. Illiterate but Intelligent: The Maharaja was not interested in studies. As a result, he remained illiterate. Despite being illiterate, he possessed a very keen, intelligent, and prodigious memory. He knew by heart, the names of thousands of his villages and their geographical location. He could recognize a person at once even if seen many years earlier. He remembered even the smallest details regarding administration. His wisdom was so acute that the foreign travelers wondered at it.

5. Kind Hearted: Maharaja Ranjit Singh was very popular with the people for his kindness. During his period, Maharaja Ranjit Singh defeated many Sikhs, Hindus and. Muslim Chiefs. But, it is remarkable that Maharaja Ranjit Singh never treated his enemies cruelly. The Maharaja did not award a death sentence to any criminal in his reign. He was always ready to help the poor and destitute. Many tales of his kindness are well-known. According to the famous writer Fakir Syed Waheeduddin, “Ranjit Singh’s popular image is that of a kindly patriarch rather than that of conquering hero or a mighty monarch. He was all three, but his humanity has outlived his splendor and power.”

6. A devoted follower of Sikhism: Maharaja Ranjit Singh had an unshakable faith in Sikhism. Before starting his routine work, he used to listen to the recitation of Gurbani of Guru Granth Sahib Ji and the Kirtan. Hp never took any big decision or launched upon any undertaking without seeking guidance from Guru Granth Sahib Ji. After each victory, the Maharaja paid a thanksgiving visit to Sri Darbar Sahib Ji, Amritsar, and made costly offerings.

He called his government Sarkar- i-Khalsa and his court as Darbar Khalsa Ji. He considered himself to be the Kukar (dog) at the door of the Guru and the Panth. He issued coins in the name of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Guru Gobind Singh Ji. The words ‘Nanak Sahai’ and ‘Gobind Sahai’ were inscribed on them. He liberally gave grants for the construction and maintenance of Gurudwaras. In brief, he was a devout Sikh from heart and soul.

7. Tolerant: Although Ranjit Singh was a staunch Sikh, yet he was liberal towards other religions. He kept religious discrimination and communalism at an arm’s length. He knew very well that for the establishment of a strong and enduring empire, the cooperation of people of different religions was essential. In his empire jobs were given on the basis of merit. In his court, the Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims, Dogras, and Europeans were appointed to the high posts without any discrimination of caste, creed, or nationality.

For instance, his Foreign Minister Faqir Aziz-ad-Din was a Muslim, his Prime Minister, Dhian Singh was a Dogra, his Diwan Bhiwani Das and his Commander Misar Diwan Chand were Hindus and his General Ventura and Allard were EuropeAnswer: In his empire, the people belonging to different religions were at liberty to celebrate their religious ceremonies. According to Dr. Bhagat Singh, “No ruler of ancient or medieval Indian history could match Ranjit Singh in his cosmopolitan approach.’*

2. As a General And Conqueror:

Maharaja Ranjit Singh was a great general of his time. He is counted among the greatest generals of the world. He did not have to face defeat in the battles, which he fought during his lifetime. He took pride in taking part in dreadful campaigns. He never lost his heart even in the face of extreme hardship. For instance in 1823 A.D., in the battle with the Afghans at Naushera, when Akali Phula Singh fell a martyr, the Sikh soldiers lost courage. Their defeat seemed certain, At that time, Maharaja Ranjit Singh, infused a new spirit in his soldiers.

Besides being a great general, Maharaja Ranjit Singh was a great conqueror, also. In 1797 A.D., when he took over the Sukarchakia Misl, he had a very small area under him. By virtue of his ability and bravery, he converted his small kingdom into a big empire. He annexed to his empire, important areas like # Lahore, Amritsar, Kasur, Sialkot, Kangra, Gujarat, Jammu, Attock, Multan, Kashmir, and Peshawar. In order to annex these areas to his empire, the Maharaja had to fight many hazardous battles. By defeating the Afghans he checked their centuries-old invasions on India across the North-West frontiers.

It was a big achievement of Maharaja. Owing to Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s conquests, his empire had extended its frontiers from Ladakh in the North .to Shikarpur in the South, from the river Sutlej in the East to Peshawar in the West. According to the famous historian Dr. Ganda Singh, “Rightly he may claim to be one of the greatest heroes of India.”

3. As an Administrator:

Maharaja Ranjit Singh was not only a great conqueror but also an able ruler. The main aim of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s administration was public welfare. In order to get co-operation in matters of administration, the Maharaja had appointed many able and honest ministers. With a view to running the administration efficiently, he had divided his kingdom into four big provinces. The smallest unit of administration was ‘Mauza’ or village. The village administration was in the hands of the Panchayat. In order to know the condition of his subjects, he would often tour the state in disguise. The officers, Who dared defy the Maharaja’s orders were given severe punishments. As a result, the public during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s times was very happy.

Maharaja Ranjit Singh paid special attention to the military administration. He was quite aware that a powerful army was very essential for the defense and expansion of his empire. He was the first Indian ruler, who started giving training to his army on the European pattern. He gave special importance to infantry and artillery. Special attention was paid to maintaining discipline in the army. The Maharaja would personally inspect the army. The practice of keeping the soldier’s record and branding of horses was started. Special awards were given to those soldiers, who showed bravery on the battlefield. The soldiers and their families were fully looked after by the state. Dr. H.R. Gupta aptly says, “He was one of the best rulers in Indian history.”

4. As a Diplomat:

Maharaja Ranjit Singh was a shrewd and far-sighted diplomat. At the beginning of his diplomatic career, he made friends with the powerful Misl Sardars. With the co-operation of these Misl Sardars, he merged the weak Misls with his kingdom. Later on, when the Maharaja grew stronger, he grabbed the powerful Misls one by one. It was a characteristic of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s diplomacy that he always treated generously the vanquished Chiefs. He granted them Jagirs on liberal terms. Consequently, they never tried to raise a banner of revolt against Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

It was by virtue of his diplomacy that the Maharaja secured the fort of Attock from Jahandad Khan without any fight. In 1835 A.D., when the ruler of Afghanistan, Dost Mohammad Khan came with a large army to attack the Sikhs, the Maharaja played such a trick that he fled from the battlefield without fighting.

In 1809 A.D., Maharaja Ranjit Singh gave evidence of his political sagacity by establishing a friendship with the British. By clashing with a powerful power like the British, he did not want to ring the death-knell of his empire in its infancy. It was not his weakness, but a symbol of his deep political understanding ‘ and far-sightedness. The Maharaja also gave evidence of deep political understanding in solving the North-West frontier problems. By not attacking Afghanistan, Maharaja Ranjit Singh gave yet another proof of his diplomacy. Afterward when the Britishers did so, they had to face dire consequences. Dr. Bhagat Singh aptly says, “It was not easy to beat him in diplomacy.”

5. His Place in the History of the Punjab:

Maharaja Ranjit Singh is counted among the greatest sovereigns not only of India but also of the whole world. Different historians compare Maharaja Ranjit Singh with Mughal emperor Akbar, Maratha ruler Shivaji, Egyptian ruler Mehmet Ali, and the King of France, Napoleon. An impartial study of history, we come to know that the actual achievements of Maharaja Ranjit Singh were far greater than these rulers. At the time of Ranjit Singh’s accession to the throne, he had a nominal kingdom. But with his efficiency and ability, he was able to carve a vast kingdom.

Thus, he fulfilled the dream of establishing a sovereign Sikh empire. He had also established an excellent administration. Its main object was the welfare of the public. He had adopted a tolerant policy towards all religions. He had also established a powerful army for the safety and expansion of his empire. He had given proof of his wisdom by establishing friendly relations with the British. Due to these multifaced qualities, Maharaja Ranjit Singh is deservedly called Sher-i-Punjab. Undoubtedly, Maharaja Ranjit Singh occupied a glorious place in the history of Punjab. In the end, we agree to these words of Dr. H.R. Gupta, “As a man, warrior, general, conqueror, administrator, ruler and diplomat, Ranjit Singh occupies a high position among the greatest sovereigns of the world.”

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 21 Character and Personality of Maharaja Ranjit Singh

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
What do you know about Ranjit Singh as a Man?
Write about the character and personality of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Mention the three characteristics of the character and personality of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Though Ranjit Singh was illiterate, he possessed sharp intellect. His memory was very sharp. He was very kind-hearted. He loved his subjects very much. He never treated his enemies ruthlessly. The Maharaja never awarded capital punishment to anybody during his rule. Maharaja Ranjit Singh was a devoted follower of Sikhism. His attitude towards other religions was full of respect.

Question 2.
Maharaja Ranjit Singh was a kind ruler. How?
Maharaja Ranjit Singh was very popular with the people for his kind¬ness. Maharaja Ranjit Singh bestowed Jagirs and robes of honor even to their children whom he defeated in the battlefield. The Maharaja did not award a death sentence to any criminal in his region. He was always ready to help the poor and destitute. Many tales of his kindness are well-known.

Question 3.
Maharaja Ranjit Singh was a devoted follower of Sikhism. Give arguments in your favor.
Maharaja Ranjit Singh was truly a devoted follower of Sikhism. Every day before starting the routine work he used to hear Kirtan and recitation of Gurbani from Guru Granth Sahib Ji and say his prayer. He considered all his victories to be the boon of Almighty. He considered himself to be the Kukar (dog) of the Guru and Sikh Panth. He preferred to be called ‘Singh Sahib’ rather than Maharaja. For building new Gurdwaras and for the maintenance of langar he had given huge revenue-free-Jagirs.

Question 4.
Maharaja Ranjit Singh was a Secular Ruler. How?
Although Ranjit Singh was a staunch Sikh, yet he was liberal towards other religions. By his policy of tolerance, he succeeded in winning over the hearts of the people of different religions. In his empire jobs were given on the basis of merit. In his court, the Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims, Dogras, and Europeans were appointed to the high posts. In his empire, the people belonging to different reli¬gions were at liberty to celebrate their religious ceremonies.

Question 5.
Describe Maharaja Ranjit Singh as a successful Administrator.
What do you know about Maharaja Ranjit Singh as an Administrator?
Maharaja Ranjit Singh was an excellent administrator. The main objective of his administration was the welfare of the public. In order to get cooperation in running the administration, he had appointed many honest and able ministers. The smallest unit of administration was village or Mauza. Its administration was run by the Panchayat. The Maharaja used to travel his state in disguise to know the condition of the people. Consequently, people were well-off during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s time.

Question 6.
“Maharaja Ranjit Singh was a great General and a Conqueror.” Explain.
What do you know about Ranjit Singh as a Soldier and a General?
Write a note on Maharaja Ranjit Singh as a Soldier and as a Military General.
Maharaja Ranjit Singh was a great general of his time. He never faced defeat in any battle that he fought during his lifetime. He annexed important regions like Lahore, Amritsar, Kasur, Sialkot, Kangra, Gujarat, Jammu, Attock, Multan, Kashmir, and Peshawar to his empire. As a result of his conquests, his empire* stretched from Ladakh in the north to Shikarpur in the south and from the Sutlej in the east to Peshawar in the west.

Question 7.
Why was Maharaja Ranjit Singh known as Sher-i-Punjab?
What place would you assign to Maharaja Ranjit Singh in the History of Punjab? Why is he called Sher-i-Punjab?
Maharaja Ranjit Singh established a vast empire through his sheer bravery. The main object of his administration was the welfare of the public. People of all religions—were given high posts in his Darbar. He made his army very powerful. He made friends with the English and guarded Punjab against being annexed to the English empire. For all these reasons, Ranjit Singh is called Sher-i-Punjab.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 21 Character and Personality of Maharaja Ranjit Singh

Objective Type Questions:

Question 1.
As a man what were the two characteristic qualities of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
Maharaja Ranjit Singh was brave and kind-hearted.

Question 2.
Which horse was especially loved by Maharaja Ranjit Singh?

Question 3.
Maharaja Ranjit Singh was a firm devotee of Sikhism. Give one argument in support of your- answer.
He called his Sarkar as Sarkar-i-Khalsa.

Question 4.
What did Maharaja Ranjit Singh call his Government and Darbar?

Question 5.
What did Maharaja Ranjit Singh call himself.?
Dog (Kookar) of Sikhism.

Question 6.
Name anyone non-Sikh Minister of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Faquir Aziz-ud-Din.

Question 7.
Name prominent historian in the court of Ranjit Singh.
Sohan Lai Suri.

Question 8.
Mention any one quality of Maharaja Ranjit Singh as an army General.
Maharaja Ranjit Singh did not face defeat in any battle.

Question 9.
“Maharaja Ranjit Singh was a successful diplomat.” Give anyone proof in this regard.
Maharaja Ranjit Singh gave proof of his wisdom in not seizing Afghanistan.

Question 10.
Which ruler of Punjab is remembered as Sher-i-Punjab?
Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

Question 11.
Why is Maharaja Ranjit Singh called Sher-i-Punjab?
Because he established a vast Sikh empire and adopted a liberal policy towards all religions.

Question 12.
Why was Maharaja Ranjit Singh called ‘Paras’?
Because he took special care of his subjects.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 21 Character and Personality of Maharaja Ranjit Singh

Fill in the blanks:

1. The appearance of Maharaja Ranjit Singh was not very …………….

2. Maharaha Ranjit Singh specially loved the horse named …………………

3. Maharaja Ranjit’Singh considered himself ……………… of Sikhism.

4. Maharaja Ranjit Singh called his government ………………..

5. Maharaja Ranjit Singh called his Darbar ……………….

6. Maharaja Ranjit Singh was very fond of ……………..

7. Maharaja Ranjit Singh is remembered as ………………

True or False:

1. Maharaja Ranjit Singh was very industrious and agile.

2. Maharaja Ranjit Singh loved a horse called Lailly.

3. Maharaja Ranjit Singh called himself Dog (Kookar) of Sikhism.

4. Maharaja Ranjit Singh called his government as Sardar-i-Khalsa.

5. Maharaja Ranjit Singh loved Sikhism only.

6. Maharaja Ranjit Singh had a great hate for wine.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 21 Character and Personality of Maharaja Ranjit Singh

7. Maharaja Ranjit Singh is remembered as Sher-i-Punjab.

8. Maharaja Ranjit Singh was not only a great conqueror but also an able administrator.

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. As a man what were the characteristic qualities of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
(a) He was very industrious and agile.
(b) He was very kind-hearted.
(c) He was illiterate but intelligent.
(d) All of the above.
(d) All of the above.

2. Which horse was specially loved by Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
(a) Lailly
(b) Shally
(c) Chetak
(d) All of the above.
(a) Lailly

3. What did Maharaja Ranjit Singh call his government?
(a) Sarkar-i-Aam
(b) Sarkar-i-Khas
(c) Sarkar-i-Khalsa
(d) None of these.
(c) Sarkar-i-Khalsa

4. Who was the most famous scholar in the court of Ranjit Singh?
(a) Sohan Lai Suri
(b) Faqir-Aziz-ud-Din
(c) Raja Dhian Singh
(d) Diwan Mohkam Chand.
(a) Sohan Lai Suri

5. Which ruler of Punjab is remembered as Sher-i-Punjab?
(a) Maharaja Raiyit Singh
(b) Maharaja Dalip Singh
(c) Maharaja Sher Singh
(d) Maharaja Kharak Singh.
(a) Maharaja Raiyit Singh

6. Which words were engraved on ‘Royal Stamp’ in the Maharaja Ranjit Singh Era?
(a) Fateh Dharam
(b) Akal Sahrai
(c) Fateh Darshan
(d) Nanak Sahai.
(a) Fateh Dharam

7. Which words were displayed on the ‘Royal Stamp’ of the Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
(a) Nanak Sahai
(b) Akal Sahai
(c) Gobind Sahai
(d) Teg Sahai.
(b) Akal Sahai

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Common Errors

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class English Book Solutions English Vocabulary Common Errors Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Common Errors

Correct the following sentences.

1. There are plenty of fish here.
2. The flowers are beautiful thing.
3. Bible is holy book.
4. The sun rises in east.
5. She is a M.A.
6. He kept me in dark.
7. She can’t help laugh.
8. I enjoy to play hockey.
9. It is no use to cry over spilt milk.
10. He tried cross the river.
1. There is plenty of fish here.
2. The flowers are a beautiful thing.
3. The Bible is a holy book.
4. The sun rises in the east.
5. She is an M.A.
6. He kept me in the dark.
7. She can’t help laughing.
8. I enjoy playing hockey.
9. It is no use crying over spilt milk.
10. He tried to cross the river.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Common Errors

1. It is too cold today.
2. She is so nice.
3. You are too busy.
4. We are the childrens of India.
5. Work hard lest you may not fail.
6. I saw you long before.
7. I have only finished two stories.
8. Please attend your lesson.
9. She found me lie on the ground.
10. I don’t blame to you.
1. It is very cold today.
2. She is very nice.
3. You are very busy.
4. We are the children of India.
5. Work hard lest you should fail.
6. I have seen you long before.
7. I have finished two stories only.
8. Please attend to your lesson.
9. She found me lying on the ground.
10. I don’t blame you.

1. I know who are you.
2. Why did you let him to go ?
3. I requested him help me.
4. Geeta is a holy book.
5. He will be back in few days.
6. Everybody was in holiday mood.
7. I got chance to show my skill.
8. One must do his duty.
9. Mother gave me many advices.
10. Leave in hand, please.
1 know who you are.
2. Why did you let him go ?
3. I requested him to help me.
4. The Geeta is a holy book.
5. He will be back in u few days.
6. Everybody was in a holiday mood.
7. I got a chance to show my skill.
8. One must do one’s duty.
9. Mother gave me much advice.
10. Let go of my hand, please.

(1) Errors in the use of nouns

Incorrect Sentences Correct Sentences
1. Sita is fond of vegtables
2. Ria’s hair are black
3. She threw two breads before the dog.
4. Two of my brother-in-laws are staying with me.
5. These cattles are mine.
6. All the peoples have ‘gone to town.
7. Herds of swines lived in the forest.
8. The child learned the alphabets before he could read.
9. Her house is full of good
10. She wrote very good
11. This is a six-years-old
12. Lara has some grey
13. She expressed her thank to her uncle.
14. Geeta bought two dozens
15. Sher Singh ran a three miles
16. Teachers are sitting in the staff’s
17. She goes to her office on
18. One of my friend is a teacher.
19. Abha is my cousin sister.
20. The sceneries of Kashmir are very charming.
21. Ramu has packed my
22. She sent us many informations.
23. They gave you many advices.
24. She found two long hair in her food.
25. The boys did many
26. In the first inning, our team scored eighty runs.
Sita is fond of vegetables.
Ria’s hair is black.
She threw two pieces of bread before the dog.
Two of my brothers-in-law are staying with me.
These cattle are mine.
All the people have gone to town.
Herds of swine lived in the forest.
The child learned the alphabet before he could read.
Her house is full of good furniture.
She wrote very good poetry.
This is a six-year-old horse.
Lara has some grey hairs.
She expressed her thanks to her uncle.
Geeta bought two dozen mangoes. ‘ Sher Singh ran a three-mile race. Teachers are sitting in the staff room.
She goes to her office on foot.
One of my friends is a teacher.
Abha is my cousin.
The scenery of Kashmir is very charming.
Ramu has packed my luggage.
She sent us much information.
They gave you much advice.
She found two long hairs in her food.
The boys did many acts of mischief. (The boys did much mischief.)
In the first innings, our team scored eighty runs.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Common Errors

(2) Errors in the use of adjectives

Incorrect Sentences Correct Sentences
1. She did not eat many bread.
2. Ram ate small honey.
3. Every men are mortal.
4. Much men are poor.
5. Little men are rich.
6. Your uncle should take no side.
7. Take the medicine each four hours.
8. What book do you like the best ?
9. Which nonsense this is !
10. Buses pass my house each hour.
11. Sita is beautiful than Radha.
12. Megha is my oldest daughter.
13. Tell me the last news.
14. My dress is costlier than you.
15. Tom is wise for his age.
16. My pen is superior than yours.
17. I am senior by him in service.
18. He has bought any bread.
19. He has not bought some bread.
20. He has bought no any bread.
21. His condition is so serious that there is a little hope of his recovery.
22. Little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
23. Hurry up ! We have only little time left.
24. He spent a little money he had.
25. I need few days’ rest.
26. A few women can keep a secret.
27. He read a few books he had.
28. Many young men have served their country nobly.
29. There were trees on every side of the road.
30. The doctor called to see him each other day.
31. They all loved each other.
32. The two men struck one another.
33. This boy is no less cleverer than that.
She did not eat much bread.
Ram ate a little honey.
All men are mortal.
Many men are poor.
Few men are rich.
Your uncle should take neither side. Take the medicine every four hours. Which book do you like the best ?
What nonsense this is !
Buses pass my house every hour.
Sita is more beautiful than Radha. Megha is my eldest daughter.
Tell me the latest news.
My dress is costlier than yours.
Tom is wiser for his age.
My pen is superior to yours.
I am senior to him in service.
He has bought some bread.
He has not bought any bread.
He has not bought any bread.
His condition is -so serious that- there is little hope of his recovery.
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
Hurry up ! We have only a little time left.
He spent the little money he had.
I need a few days’ rest.
Few women can keep a secret.
He read the few books he had.
Many young men have served their country nobly. (Many a young man has served his country nobly.)
There were trees on each side of the road.
The doctor called to see him every other day.
They all loved one another.
The two men struck each other.
This boy is no less clever than that.

(3) Errors in the use of articles

Incorrect Sentences Correct Sentences
1. Dog is faithful animal.
2. Rich should help the, poor.
3. A sun rises in the east.
4. You kept me in dark.
5. He wanted to become teacher.
6. I have never been to Agra Fort.
7. She wants house to live in.
8. Do not lose the heart.
9. He wants little sugar for tea.
10. He is honourable man.
11. The singing is my hobby.
12. We were first to reach the school.
13. His house caught the fire.
14. Next morning I had a idea.
15. Tom was first to protest.
16. They made him feel little better.
17. He will be back in few days.
18. Few students are present in the stadium.
19. I have the headache.
20. The game came to end.
21. She is a honourable lady.
22. I want to buy a umbrella.
23. I am a honest worker.
24. She returned after o hour.
25. Do not make noise.
Dog is a faithful animal.
The rich should help the poor.
The sun rises in the east.
You kept me in the dark.
He wanted to become a teacher.
I have never been to the Agra Fort.
She wants a house to live in.
Do hot lose heart.
He wants a little sugar for tea.
He is an honourable man.
Singing is my hobby.
We were the first to reach the school.
His house caught fire.
Next morning I had an idea.
Tom was the first to protest.
They made him feel a little better.
He will be back in a few days.
A few students are present in the stadium.
I have a headache.
The game came to an end.
She is an honourable lady.
I want to buy an umbrella.
I am an honest worker.
She returned after an hour.
Do not make a noise.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Common Errors

(4) Errors in the use of verbs

Incorrect Sentences Correct Sentences
1. Vegetables goes bad in summer.
2. Either Mohan or Sham are to be promoted.
3. Neither Tom nor his sister have gone to school.
4. Seventy miles are a long distance.
5. I have finished my play last night.
6. He finished his work when I met him.
7. Law and order are to be maintained.
8. May I came in, Madam ?
9. What will I do next ?
10. She said her friend goodbye.
11. A snake cut her.
12. She laid in her bed.
13. I know to play football.
14. The teacher gave a speech.
15. He was ill for two days when the doctor was sent for.
16. I solved all the questions before the time was over.
17. The patient died before the doctor came.
18. The boat was sunk by a storm which suddenly sprang up.
19. You will be hearing this news already; so I need not to repeat it.
20. Look ! The smoke conies out of the window.
21. If you will play the piano, I will sing.
22. If you played the piano, I will sing.
23. If you had played the piano, I would sing.
24. I learnt that my friend has failed.
25. The judge declared that he is guilty.
Vegetables go bad in summer.
Either Mohan or Sham is to be promoted.
Neither Tom nor his sister has gone to school.
Seventy miles is a long distance.
I finished my play last night.
He had finished his work when I met him.
Law and order is to be maintained.
May I come in, Madam?
What shall I do next?
She bade her friend goodbye.
A snake bit her.
She lay in her bed.
I know how to play football.
The teacher made a speech.
He had been ill for two days when the doctor was sent for.
I had solved all the questions before the time was over.
The patient had died before the doctor came.
The boat was sunk by a storm which had suddenly sprung up.
You will have heard this news already; so I need not repeat it.
Look ! The smoke is coming out of the window.
If you play the piano, I will sing.
If you played the piano, I would sing.
If you had played the piano, I would have sung.
I learnt that my friend had failed. The judge declared that he was guilty.

(5) Errors in the use for Proposition

Incorrect Sentences Correct Sentences
1. Manav does not obey to his father.
2. My son does not listen what I say.
3. Meena was angry upon her daughter.
4. He fell from his horse and injured his back.
5. Come and see me at Sunday.
6. I have known him since years.
7. I’d prefer to make the journey with car.
8. I washed the dirt at my hands.
9. This shirt is made with cotton.
10. We cooked food with an open fire.
11. She wore a jacket on her dress.
12. This cloth costs ₹ 50 each metre.
13. They tied him with tree.
14. He wore a blue shirt in his coat.
15. He wanted me to write the preface of his book.
Manav does not obey his father.
My son does not listen to what I say.
Meena was angry with her daughter.
He fell off his horse and injured his back.
Come and see me on Sunday.
I have known him for years.
I’d prefer to make the journey by car.
I washed the dirt off my hands.
This shirt is made of cotton.
We cooked food over an open fire.
She wore a jacket over her dress.
This cloth costs ₹ 50 per metre.
They tied him to a tree.
He wore a blue shirt under his coat.
He wanted me to write the preface to his book.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Common Errors

(6) Errors in the use of Pronouns

Incorrect Sentences Correct Sentences
1. Myself can do it.
2. Those are ours toys.
3. This action of her’s was not liked by us.
4. It was me who did it.
5. I and you will help the poor.
6. I and my friend were invited to the party.
7. I, you and he “should attend the meeting.
8. You, he and I broke the rules of this game.
9. It is a secret between he and me.
10. Let he and I do it.
11. We enjoyed much at the hill station.
12. Each of the guests must bring their own card.
13. Everybody were in their best clothes.
14. Neither of these two boys are going to pass.
15. None of those boys were allowed to enter their class.
I can do it myself.
Those are our toys. (Those toys are ours.)
This action of hers was not liked by us.
It was I who did it.
You and I will help the poor.
My friend and I were invited to the party.
You, he and / should attend the meeting.
I, he and yow broke the rules of this game.
It is a secret between him and me.
Let him and me do it.
We enjoyed ourselves much at the hill station.
Each of the guests must bring his (or her) own card.
Everybody was in his (their) best clothes.
Neither of these two boys is going to pass.
None of those boys was allowed to enter his class.

(7) Errors in the use of auxiliaries

Incorrect Sentences Correct Sentences
1. I will be obliged to you.
2. If she will come to me, I shall help her. ’
3. I will be drowned and nobody shall save me.
4. I shall stand by my brother under all circumstances.
5. You will be turned out of the class if you won’t stop talking.
6. Shall you help me ?
7. Will I go to the garden ?
8. He worked hard lest he may not fail.
9. He will know me if he saw me.
10. He can do this if he tried.
11. You ought love your parents.
12. He ought have worked hard.
13. Must I do it ? No, you must not.
14. He dares not come to my house.
15. He dare to stand alone.
I shall be obliged to you.
If she comes to me, I shall help her.
I shall be drowned and nobody will save me.
I will jstand by my brother under all circumstances.
You shall be turned out of the class if you don’t stop talking. ,
Will you help me ?
Shall I go to the garden ?
He worked hard lest he should fail.
He would know me if he saw me.
He could do this if he tried.
You ought to love your parents.
He ought to have worked hard.
Must I do it ? No, you need not.
He dare not come to my house.
He dares to stand alone.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary One Word for Many and their use in Sentences

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class English Book Solutions English Vocabulary One Word for Many and their use in Sentences Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary One Word for Many and their use in Sentences

1. Something that can be heard – Audible
What he said was not audible.

2. Something written by an unknown person – Anonymous
I received an anonymous letter yesterday.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary One Word for Many and their use in Sentences

3. A written declaration made on oath in the presence of a magistrate or a government official – Affidavit
I submitted an affidavit as a proof of my date of birth.

4. A person who does not believe in God – Atheist
An atheist does not believe in God.

5. A government by one person or one party – Autocracy
Autocracy is not a popular form of government.

6. A word opposite in meaning – Antonym
The antonym of ‘good’ is ‘bad’.

7. A life story of a person written by himself – Autobiography
Gandhiji’s autobiography gives a true description of his life.

8. Medicine to counteract the effect of poison – Antidote
What is the antidote for the poison of the snake ?

9. A representative of a government in a foreign country: -Ambassador
Mr. S.R. Sharma is India’s ambassador in Pakistan.

10. A word or sentence the meaning of which is not clear. – Ambiguous
The minister’s replies were ambiguous.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary One Word for Many and their use in Sentences

11. Place for keeping birds – Aviary
This aviary contains almost all kinds of birds.

12. A place for the storage of weapons – Arsenal
Our neighbouring country is building up a big arsenal.

13. To increase the gravity of a situation – Aggravate
Your perpetual agruing with your father will certainly aggravate his rage.

14. The crime of setting things on fire – Arson
Terrorists caused arson on a large scale.

15. A list of things to be discussed at a meeting – Agenda
What is the agenda for the next meeting ?

16. A state of growth between boyhood and youth – Adolescence
Adolescence is an impressionable period of life.

17. A carriage for the sick and wounded – Ambulance
The injured man was taken in an ambulance.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary One Word for Many and their use in Sentences

18. Objects having life -Animate
Plants and trees are also animate things.

19. A state where no government exists – Anarchy
Unemployment can lead to anarchy.

20. A person liable to be called to account – Accountable
You are accountable for all your misdeeds.

21. An assembly of listeners – Audience
The audience heard Mr. Modi’s speech very attentively.

22. A person who plays a game or does a work only for pleasure – Amateur
Many amateurs also participated in this mission.

23. One who lives in a foreign country – Alien
An American is an alien in our country.

24. A government managed by state officials – Bureaucracy
Bureaucracy should be responsible to the public.

25. Marrying two wives or husbands – Bigamy
Bigamy is not approved in the Indian society.

26. A man who is not married – Bachelor
A bachelor is generally a carefree man.

27. A thing which can be broken easily – Brittle
Glass is hard but brittle

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary One Word for Many and their use in Sentences

28. To speak ill of a person in his absence – Backbite
Gentlemen don’t indulge in backbiting.

29. A bunch of flowers -Bouquet
I presented her a bouquet on her birthday.

30. The science which deals with life – Biology
Biology is her favourite subject.

31. A girl just before or after her wedding day – Bride
The bride was wearing a red saree.

32. A boy just before or after his wedding day – Bridegroom
The bridegroom came riding a horse.

33. A person who believes everybody – Credulous
A credulous person easily believes what others say.

34. That which can be corrected – Corrigible
Certain defects are not corrigible.

35. A list of names of books – Catalogue
You should consult the library catalogue.

36. A period of one hundred years – Century
We are living in the twenty-first century.

37. A piece of machinery used for mathematical calculations – Calculator
A calculator helps us in making big calculations easily.

38. The peak point of a story or a plot – Climax
The climax of the film was its best part.

39. A place where the dead are buried – Cemetery
The Christians bury their dead in a cemetery.

40. The art of beautiful writing -Calligraphy
The art of calligraphy is now dying.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary One Word for Many and their use in Sentences

41. A musical entertainment given in a public hall – Concert
People came in thousands to the concert.

42. One who eats human flesh – Cannibal
This book gives an account of cannibals of the past.

43. Government of the people, by the people, for the people – Democracy
We are the biggest democracy in the world.

44. One who drinks too much – Drunkard
A drunkard is certain to have a short life.

45. A government by one person – Dictatorship
Dictatorship cannot continue for long.

46. Money or gifts given to a girl at her marriage -Dowry
Her rich parents gave her a big dowry.

47. To injure one’s reputation – Defame
Each new government defames the previous one.

48. The art of management practised by statesmen -Diplomacy
Nehru was very good at international diplomacy.

49. A speech made without preparation -Extempore
His extempore speech impressed the listeners.

50. A book containing every kind of information -Encyclopedia
An encyclopedia enriches our knowledge.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary One Word for Many and their use in Sentences

51. A person who examines -Examiner
The examiner has marked the answer-books very carelessly.

52. A thing which is fit to be eaten – Edible
All mushrooms are not edible.

53. To root out an evil —Eradicate
Dowry system cannot be eradicated by law alone.

54. To send articles out of the country —Export
India now exports cars to European countries.

55. One who loves his own religion and hates other religions —Fanatic
A fanatic can never be truly religious.

56. Murder of a brother —Fratricide
He was suspected of fratricide by the police.

57. One who is not easily pleased —Fastidious
She is very fastidious about her dress.

58. A period of two weeks —Fortnight
He comes here every fortnight.

59. That which ends in death —Fatal
He was killed in a fatal accident.

60. A man interested in the welfare of women —Feminist
A feminist favours equal rights for women.

61. A person who eats too much —Glutton
He eats like a glutton.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary One Word for Many and their use in Sentences

62. A make-up room behind the stage —Green room
Th hm’oine was dressing up in the green room.

63. Money paid to an employee after his retirement —Liratul:y
He got a big gratuity at his retirement.

64. A place for storing grain —Granary
Punjab is called the granary of India.

65. A medicine that kills germs —Germicide
Keep germicides away from children.

66. A post for which no salary is paid .‘ —Honorary
No wages are given for an honorary post.

67. To cause eggs to produce the young —Hatch
The hen hatches its eggs in a dark place.

68. A place of shelter or safety —Haven
This zoo is a haven for birds.

69. A writing which cannot be read clearly —Illegible
Your handwriting is illegible.

70. One who does not show favour to anyone —Impartial
He gave an impartial decision.

71. That which cannot be solved or dissolved —Insoluble
Oil is insoluble in water.

72. One who cannot read or write —Illiterate
The poor farmer was illiterate.

73. That which cannot be conquered —Invincible
Death is invincible.

74. That which cannot be corrected —Incorrigible
He is an incorrigible gambler.

75. One who never dies —Immortal
The soul is immortal.

76. That which is against law —Illegal
I never do an illegal act.

77. That which cannot be cured —Incurable
Cancer is incurable.

78. That which is not proper —Inept
An inept remark can turn friends into enemies.

79. A thing that must happen —Inevitable
Death is inevitable.

80. A loss which repaired or made good —Irreparable
This loss is irreparable.

81. A person easily made angry —Irritable
He has an irritable nature.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary One Word for Many and their use in Sentences

82. That which can be understood —Intelligible
Her lecture was intelligible to everyone.

83. An article or thing liable to catch fire easily —Inflammable
Petrol is highly inflammable.

84. Worship of idols —Idolatry
Many religions are against idolatry.

85. Showing or having good sense and wisdom —Judicious
It was a judicious decision.

86. A special skill or ability —Knack
Mohan has a knack of pleasing everybody.

87. A problem or question hard to solve —Knotty
It is a knotty problem.

88. One who can read and write —Literate
Very few people in the village are literate.

89. A copy of a book, piece of music, etc. before it has been printed. —Manuscript
The manuscript was neatly handwritten.

90. A disorderly crowd of people —Mob
The police was unable to control the mob.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary One Word for Many and their use in Sentences

91. A person with a bad reputation. —Notorious
Jagga was a notorious dacoit.

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 2 सूरदास के पद

Punjab State Board PSEB 9th Class Hindi Book Solutions Chapter 2 सूरदास के पद Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Chapter 2 सूरदास के पद

Hindi Guide for Class 9 PSEB सूरदास के पद Textbook Questions and Answers

(क) विषय बोध

1. निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर एक-दो पंक्तियों में दीजिए :

प्रश्न 1.
यशोदा श्री कृष्ण को किस प्रकार सुला रही है?
यशोदा श्रीकृष्ण को पालने में झूला झूलाते हुए, दुलारते हुए, पुचकारते हुए तथा कुछ गाते हुए सुला रही है।

प्रश्न 2.
यशोदा श्रीकृष्ण को दूर क्यों नहीं खेलने जाने देती है?
यशोदा श्रीकृष्ण को दूर खेलने इसलिए नहीं जाने देती कि कहीं किसी की गाय उन्हें मार न दे।

प्रश्न 3.
यशोदा श्रीकृष्ण को दूध पीने के लिए क्या प्रलोभन देती है ?
यशोदा श्री कृष्ण को कहती है कि यदि वे दूध पी लेंगे तो उनकी चोटी भी बलराम की चोटी के समान लंबी-मोटी हो जाएगी।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 2 सूरदास के पद

प्रश्न 4.
श्री कृष्ण यशोदा से क्या खाने की माँग करते हैं ?
श्रीकृष्ण यशोदा से खाने के लिए माखन-रोटी की माँग करते हैं।

प्रश्न 5.
अंतिम पद में श्रीकृष्ण अपनी माँ से क्या हठ कर रहे हैं ?
अंतिम पद में श्रीकृष्ण अपनी माँ से गाय चराने जाने की हठ कर रहे हैं। वे अपने हाथों से तोड़ कर फल खाना चाहते हैं।

2. निम्नलिखित पद्यांशों की सप्रसंग व्याख्या कीजिए

प्रश्न 1.
मैया कबहुं बढ़ेगी चोटी।
किती बेर मोहिं दूध पियत भई, यह अजहूं है छोटी।
तू जो कहति बल की बेनी ज्यों, हवै है लांबी मोटी।
काढ़त गुहत न्हवावत जैहै नागिन-सी भुईं लोटी।
काचो दूध पियावति पचि पचि, देति न माखन रोटी।।
सूरदास चिरजीवौ दोउ भैया, हरि हलधर की जोटी ।।
भक्त सूरदास श्रीकृष्ण के बाल रूप का वर्णन करते हुए कहते हैं कि-बालक कृष्ण अपनी माता यशोदा से शिकायत करते हैं कि-माँ मेरी यह चोटी कब बड़ी होगी? दूध पीते हुए मुझे कितना समय हो गया है, लेकिन यह अभी भी वैसी के वैसी छोटी है। माँ तुम तो कहती हो कि मेरी ये चोटी बलराम भैया की चोटी की भाँति मोटी और लंबी हो जाएगी। इसे निकालते हुए, (कंघी करते हुए) गुंथते और नहाते हुए यह नागिन की भाँति धरती पर लोटने लगेगी। अपनी माँ से शिकायत करते हुए वे कहते हैं कि हे मैया ! तुम बार-बार मुझे कच्चा दूध पीने के लिए देती हो, लेकिन माखन रोटी खाने के लिए नहीं देती हो। पद के अंत में भक्त सूरदास कहते हैं कि बलराम और कृष्ण की यह जोड़ी सदा के लिए बनी रहे।

प्रश्न 2.
आजु मैं गाइ चरावन जैहौं।
बृन्दावन के भांति भांति फल अपने कर मैं खेहौँ ।।
ऐसी बात कहौ जनि बारे, देखौ अपनी भांति।
तनक तनक पग चलिहौ कैसें, आवत वै है. अंति राति।
प्रात जात गैया लै चारन घर आवत हैं सांझ।
तुम्हारे कमल बदन कुम्हिलैहे, रेंगति घामहि मांझ।
तेरी सौं मोहिं घाम न लागत, भुख नहीं कछु नेक।
सूरदास प्रभु कयौ न मानत, पर्यो आपनी टेक।।
सूरदास जी कहते हैं कि बाल कृष्ण अपनी माँ यशोदा से कहते हैं कि वे आज गाय चराने जाएंगे। इस प्रकार वे वृंदावन के अनेक प्रकार के फल भी अपने हाथ से तोड़ कर खाएँगे। इस पर माता यशोदा उन्हें मना करते हुए कहती हैं कि ऐसी बात मत करो ज़रा अपने को देखो कि तुम अपने छोटे-छोटे कदमों से किस प्रकार चलोगे क्योंकि आते हुए बहुत रात हो जाएगी। सुबह-सुबह गायों को चराने ले जाते हैं तो संध्या के समय घर आते हैं। तुम्हारा कमल जैसा कोमल मुख धूप में भटकने से मुरझा जाएगा। इस पर बाल कृष्ण कहते हैं कि हे माँ ! तुम्हारी कसम मुझे धूप नहीं लगती है और कुछ विशेष भूख भी नहीं है। सूरदास जी कहते हैं कि प्रभु बाल कृष्ण अपनी माता का कहना नहीं मानते और अपनी ज़िद्द अड़े हुए है कि उन्हें गाय चराने जाना है।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 2 सूरदास के पद

(ख) भाषा-बोध

1.नीचे दिए गए सूरदास के पदों में प्रयुक्त ब्रज भाषा के शब्दों के लिए खड़ी बोली हिंदी के शब्द लिखिए

प्रश्न 1.
ब्रज भाषा – खड़ी बोली
के शब्द – हिंदी के शब्द
कुछ – कुछ
तोको – …………………..
कबहुँक – …………………..
किति – …………………..
अरु – …………………..
निंदरिया – …………………..
कान्ह – …………………..
इहिं – …………………..
भुई – …………………..
तुम्हरे – …………………..
ब्रज भाषा – खड़ी बोली
के शब्द – हिंदी के शब्द
कछु – कुछ
तोको – तुमको
कबहुँक – कभी
किति – कितनी
अरु – और
निंदरिया – नींद
कान्ह – कृष्ण
इहिं – यहाँ
भुई – भूमि
तुम्हरे – तुम्हारे

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 2 सूरदास के पद

2. निम्नलिखित एकवचन शब्दों के बहुवचन रूप लिखिए

एकवचन – बहुवचन
पलक – ……………………
नागिन – ……………………
ग्वाला – ……………………
गोपी – ……………………
चोटी – ……………………
एकवचन – बहुवचन
पलक – पलकें
नागिन – नागिने
ग्वाला – ग्वाले
गोपी – गोपियाँ
चोटी – चोटियाँ
रोटी – रोटियाँ

(ग) पाठेत्तर सक्रियता

प्रश्न 1.
श्रीकृष्ण की बाल-लीलाओं के चित्र इकट्ठे करके अपनी कॉपी में चिपकाएँ।
विद्यार्थी स्वयं करें।

प्रश्न 2.
जन्माष्टमी के अवसर पर मंदिर में जाकर श्रीकृष्ण की बाल-लीला से सम्बन्धित झाँकियों का अवलोकन कीजिए।
विद्यार्थी स्वयं करें।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 2 सूरदास के पद

प्रश्न 3.
जन्माष्टमी के अवसर पर मंदिरों में बच्चों द्वारा श्रीकृष्ण की बाल-लीला से सम्बन्धित कार्यक्रम आयोजित किए जाते हैं। उनमें भाग लीजिए।
विद्यार्थी स्वयं करें।

प्रश्न 4.
जन्माष्टमी के अवसर पर रात को श्रीकृष्ण के जन्म की कथा सुनाई जाती है। वहाँ जाइए और कथा श्रवण कर रसास्वादन कीजिए अथवा टेलीविज़न/इंटरनेट से श्रीकृष्ण की जन्म-कथा को सुनिए/देखिए।
विद्यार्थी स्वयं करें।

प्रश्न 5.
आप भी बचपन में दूध आदि किसी पदार्थ को नापसंद करते होंगे। आपके माता-पिता आपको यह पदार्थ खिलाने-पिलाने में कितने लाड-प्यार से यत्न करते होंगे। अपने माता-पिता से पूछिए और लिखिए। उत्तर:
विद्यार्थी स्वयं करें।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 2 सूरदास के पद

(घ) ज्ञान-विस्तार

हिंदी-साहित्य के भक्तिकाल (सन् 1318-1643 तक) की कृष्ण-भक्ति-शाखा के प्रमुख कवि सूरदास माने जाते हैं। इनके अतिरिक्त कृष्णदास, नन्ददास, रसखान जैसे प्रसिद्ध कवियों तथा कवयित्री मीराबाई ने भी श्रीकृष्ण को आधार बनाकर उत्कृष्ट काव्य की रचना की है। श्रीकृष्ण की भक्ति से ओत-प्रोत रसखान के सवैयों को तो विद्वानों ने सचमुच रस की खान ही कहा है। मीराबाई का हिंदी की कवयित्री में अप्रतिम स्थान है। मीरा द्वारा रचित श्रीकृष्ण-भक्ति के सुन्दर और मधुर गीत जगत प्रसिद्ध हैं।

मीरा :
पायो जी मैंने राम रतन धन पायो !
वस्तु अमोलक दी मेरे सतगुरु, करि किरपा अपणायौ!
जन्म-जन्म की पूँजी पाई, जग में सबै खोवायो!
खरचै नहिं कोई चोर न लेवै, दिन दिन बढ़त सवायौ !
सत की नाव खेवटिया सतगुरू, भवसागर तरि आयो!
मीरा के प्रभु गिरधर नागर, हरखि-हरखि जस गायौ!

रसखान :
मानुष हौं तो वही रसखानि बसौं ब्रज गोकुल गाँव के ग्वारन।
जौ पसु हौं तो कहा बस मेरो चरौं नित नंद की धेनु मंझारन।।
पाहन हौं तो वही गिरी को जो कियो हरिछत्र पुरंदर धास।
जौ खग हौं तो बसेरो करौं नित कलिंदी कूल कदंब की डारन ।।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 2 सूरदास के पद

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Guide सूरदास के पद Important Questions and Answers

प्रश्न 1.
यशोदा माता श्री कृष्ण को पालने (झूले) में झुलाती हुई क्या-क्या करती है ?
यशोदा माता श्री कृष्ण को पालने में झुलाते हुए उन्हें दुलारती है; पुचकारती है। उसके मन में जो कुछ भी आता है वह उसे गाती है। वह नींद को श्री कृष्ण के पास जल्दी-जल्दी आने के लिए बुलाती है।

प्रश्न 2.
यशोदा माता श्री कृष्ण को सुलाते समय अपनी सखियों से किस प्रकार बात करती है ?
यशोदा माता श्री कृष्ण को सुलाते समय अपनी सखियों से बिना बोले कुछ केवल इशारों से बात करती है; कुछ बातें समझाती है।

प्रश्न 3.
यशोदा माता इशारों से अपनी सखियों को क्या बताती है ?
यशोदा माता इशारों से अपनी सखियों को बताती है कि कृष्ण अब सोने ही वाले हैं। वह उन्हें सुलाने के बाद उनके के पास आ जाएगी।

प्रश्न 4.
वह कौन-सा सुख था जो ऋषि-मुनियों को न मिल यशोदा माता को ही मिला था ?
श्री कृष्ण ने मानव रूप में धरती पर जन्म लिया था। माँ के रूप में उनका पालन-पोषण करने का जो सुख तपस्या करने वाले ऋषि-मुनियों को नहीं मिला था वह यशोदा माता को मिला था।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 2 सूरदास के पद

प्रश्न 5.
यशोदा माता बाल कृष्ण को क्या-क्या नहीं करने के लिए कहती है ?
यशोदा माता बाल कृष्ण को पुकारते हुए कहती है कि खेलने के लिए घर से दूर न जाए ताकि कहीं किसी की गाय उसे अपने सींग न मार दे।

प्रश्न 6.
श्री कृष्ण की सुंदरता को देखकर गाँव में क्या-क्या प्रतिक्रिया होती है ?
श्री कृष्ण की सुंदरता को देख कर सभी गोप-गोपियाँ आश्चर्य व्यक्त करते हैं। वे प्रसन्न होते हैं और घरघर में बधाइयाँ दी जाती हैं।

प्रश्न 7.
श्री कृष्ण अपनी माँ से अपनी चोटी की लंबाई से संबंधित क्या शिकायत करते हैं ?
श्री कृष्ण अपनी माँ से अपनी चोटी की लंबाई से संबंधित शिकायत करते हैं कि उसकी लंबाई छोटी है। वह बलराम की चोटी जैसी लंबी-मोटी नहीं है। वह उसे लंबा करने के लिए कितनी बार दूध पी चुके हैं पर फिर भी बढ़ती ही नहीं।

प्रश्न 8.
यशोदा माता को कृष्ण को गौवें चराने के लिए जाने से क्या-क्या कह कर रोकती हैं ?
यशोदा माता श्री कृष्ण से कहती है कि वे अभी बहुत छोटे हैं। वे अपने छोटे-छोटे कदमों से जंगल में नहीं जा पाएंगे। गौएं चराने का काम कठिन होता है। सुबह जाकर शाम को घर वापस लौटना होता है। तेज धूप कष्ट देती है। धूप में इधर-उधर भटकने से उनका कमल-सा चेहरा मुरझा जाएगा।

एक शब्द/एक पंक्ति में उत्तर दीजिए

प्रश्न 1.
बालक कृष्ण को सोया हुआ जान कर यशोदा कैसे बातें करती है?
इशारों से।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 2 सूरदास के पद

प्रश्न 2.
सोते-सोते जब बालक कृष्ण अकुला उठते हैं तो यशोदा क्या करती है?
यशोदा मधुर स्वर में गाने लगती है।

प्रश्न 3.
श्रीकृष्ण माता यशोदा से किसके बढ़ने के लिए पूछते हैं ?
अपनी चोटी के।

प्रश्न 4.
गाय चराने कब जाना पड़ता है ?
प्रात:काल के समय।

हाँ-नहीं में उत्तर दीजिए

प्रश्न 5.
बालक कृष्ण गाय चराने जाने की जिद्द पर अड़े हुए हैं।

प्रश्न 6.
यशोदा बालक कृष्ण को दूर खेलने जाने देती है।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 2 सूरदास के पद

सही-गलत में उत्तर दीजिए

प्रश्न 7.
बालक कृष्ण की चोटी बहुत लम्बी और मोटी है।

प्रश्न 8.
बालक कृष्ण को गाय चराते हुए धूप और भूख नहीं लगती।

रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति करें

प्रश्न 9.
इहिं अंतर ……… उठे हरि, ……. मधुरै गावै।
इहिं अंतर अकुलाई उठे हरि, जसुमति मधुरै गावै।

प्रश्न 10.
काढ़त गुहत ……… जैहै …… सी भुई लोटी।
काढ़त गुहत न्हवावत जैहै नागिन सी भुई लोटी।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 2 सूरदास के पद

बहुविकल्पी प्रश्नों में से सही विकल्प चुनकर लिखें

प्रश्न 11.
यशोदा श्रीकृष्ण को किसमें सुला रही है-
(क) पालने में
(ख) गोद में
(ग) पलंग पर
(घ) कंधे पर।
(क) पालने में।

प्रश्न 12.
सोते हुए श्रीकृष्ण क्या फड़काते हैं-
(क) पलक
(ख) अधर
(ग) हाथ
(घ) पाँव।
(ख) अधर।

प्रश्न 13.
हलधर किसे कहा गया है
(क) कृष्ण को
(ख) नंद को
(ग) बलराम को
(घ) ग्वालों को।
(ग) बलराम को।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 2 सूरदास के पद

प्रश्न 14.
बालक कृष्ण क्या नहीं खाना-पीना चाहते-
(क) दूध
(ख) माखन
(ग) रोटी
(घ) माखन-रोटी।
(क) दूध।

प्रश्न 15.
श्रीकृष्ण गाय चराने कहाँ जाना चाहते हैं-
(क) गोवर्धन
(ख) वृंदावन
(ग) कालिंदी तट
(घ) गोकुल।
(ख) वृंदावन।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 2 सूरदास के पद

सूरदास के पद सप्रसंग व्याख्या

1. जसोदा हरि पालने झुलावै।
हलरावै, दुलराइ मल्हावै, जोइ-सोइ कछू गावै।
मेरे लाल को आउ निंदरिया, काहै न आनि सुवावै।
तू काहैं नहिं बेगहिं आवै, तोको कान्ह बुलावै।
कबहुँक पलक हरि नूदि लेत हैं, कबहुँ अधर फरकावै।
सोवत जानि मौन है रहि रहि, करि करि सैन बतावै।
इहिं अंतर अकुलाई उठे हरि, जसुमति मधुरै गावै।
जो सुख सूर अमर मुनि दुरलभ, सो नंद भामिनि पावै॥

हरि = श्री कृष्ण। पालना = झूला। हलरावै = हिलाती है। मल्हावै = पुचकारती है। निंदरिया = नींद। बेगिहि = शीघ्रता से। तोको = तुझे। अधर = होंठ। मौन = चुप। सैन = संकेत, इशारे। नंद-भामिनि = नन्द की पत्नी, यशोदा।

प्रस्तुत पद सूरदास द्वारा रचित ‘सूरदास के पद’ से लिया गया है, जिसमें यशोदा माता अपने पुत्र कृष्ण जी को झूले में झुला कर सुलाने का प्रयास कर रही है। कवि ने अत्यन्त मनोहारी ढंग से माता की विभिन्न क्रियाओं को अंकित किया है।

सूरदास जी कहते हैं कि यशोदा माता बाल कृष्ण को झूले (पालना) में झुला रही है। वह झूले को हिलाती है, पुत्र को दुलारती है, पुचकारती है और जो कुछ मन में आता है, गाती है। वह गाते हुए कहती है, “ओ री नींद ! तू मेरे लाल के पास आ। तू आकर इसे सुलाती क्यों नहीं है? तुम्हें कब से कन्हैया बुला रहा है।”कृष्ण कभी पलकों को बन्द कर लेते हैं और कभी ओठों को फड़काते हैं। उन्हें सोया हुआ जानकार यशोदा चुप हो जाती है और दूसरों को इशारे से ही कुछ बातें समझाती है। इसी बीच कृष्ण अकुला उठते हैं और यशोदा फिर से मधुर स्वर में गाने लगती है। सूरदास कहते हैं कि नंद की पत्नी यशोदा को जो सुख प्राप्त हो रहा है, वह देवता और मुनियों को भी प्राप्त नहीं होता।


  1. सूर ने अन्धे होते हुए भी छोटे बच्चे के सोने और माँ की वात्सल्यमयी क्रियाओं का सुन्दर अंकन किया है।
  2. अनुप्रास और पुनरुक्ति अलंकार, ब्रजभाषा, वात्सल्य रस का प्रयोग किया गया है।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 2 सूरदास के पद

2. कहन लागे मोहन मैया मैया।
नंद महर सों बाबा बाबा, अरु हलधर सों भैया।
ऊंचे चढ़ि चढ़ि कहति जसोदा, लै लै नाम कन्हैया।
दूरि खेलन जनि जाहु लला रे, मारैगी काहु की गैया।
गोपी ग्वाल करत कौतूहल, घर घर बजति बधैया।
सूरदास प्रभु तुम्हरे दरस कों, चरननि की बलि जैया।

मोहन = श्री कृष्ण। महर = मुखिया। हलधर = बलराम (श्री कृष्ण के बड़े भाई)। जनि = मत, न। जाहु = जाना। लला रे = हे पुत्र, हे लाल। कौतूहल = आश्चर्य, हैरानी। बधैया = बधाइयाँ। दरस = दर्शन। बलि जैया = निछावर हूँ।

प्रस्तुत पद सूरदास जी द्वारा रचित ‘सूरदास के पद’ में से लिया गया है, जिसमें सूरदास जी ने श्री कृष्ण के बाल-रूप का वर्णन करते हुए उनके बोलने का वर्णन किया है।

सूरदास जी कहते हैं कि श्री कृष्ण अब कुछ बड़े हो गये हैं। अब वे यशोदा माता को मैया-मैया कहने लगे हैं तथा ग्वालों के मुखिया नंद जी को बाबा-बाबा और बड़े भाई बलराम जी को भैया-भैया कहने लगे हैं। बालक कृष्ण को बाहर खेलने के लिए जाता हुआ देखकर यशोदा माता घर की छत के ऊपर चढ़ कर श्री कृष्ण का नाम लेकर पुकारती हुई कहती हैं कि हे लाल ! दूर खेलने मत जाओ। तुम्हें किसी की गाय मार देगी। सूरदास जी कहते हैं कि श्री कृष्ण के रूप सौंदर्य पर गोप-गोपियाँ सभी आश्चर्य करते हैं; प्रसन्न होते हैं और घर-घर में बधाइयाँ दी जाती हैं। सूरदास जी कहते हैं कि हे प्रभु, तुम्हारे दर्शन के लिए, मैं तुम्हारे चरणों पर बलिहारी जाता हूँ।


  1. बालक कृष्ण द्वारा बोलना प्रारम्भ करने का स्वाभाविक वात्सल्य रस चित्रण है।
  2. ब्रज भाषा, संवादात्मकता वात्सल्य रस, अनुप्रास तथा पुनरुक्ति प्रकाश अलंकार का प्रयोग किया गया है।

3. मैया कबहुँ बढ़ेगी चोटी।
किती बेर मोहिं दूध पियत भई, यह अजहूँ है छोटी।
तू जो कहति बल की बेनी ज्यों, हवै है लांबी मोटी।
काढ़त गुहत न्हवावत जैहै नागिन-सी भुईं लोटी।
काचो दूध पियावति पचि पचि, देति न माखन रोटी।
सूरदास चिरजीवी दोउ भैया, हरि हलधर की जोटी।

कबहुँ = कब। पियत = पी लिया है। अजहूँ = अब भी। बल = बलराम। बेनी = चोटी। काढ़त = खोलते हुए। गुहत = चोटी बनाते हुए। भुईं = धरती। पचि-पचि = बार-बार। हरि-हलधर = कृष्ण-बलराम।

प्रस्तुत पद सूरदास द्वारा रचित ‘सूरदास के पद’ से अवतरित है। यहाँ सूरदास ने कृष्ण के बाल-सुलभ रूप का अनोखा वर्णन करते हुए कृष्ण द्वारा यशोदा को उलाहना देने की बात की है।

भक्त सूरदास श्रीकृष्ण के बाल रूप का वर्णन करते हुए कहते हैं कि-बालक कृष्ण अपनी माता यशोदा से शिकायत करते हैं कि-माँ मेरी यह चोटी कब बड़ी होगी? दूध पीते हुए मुझे कितना समय हो गया है, लेकिन यह अभी भी वैसी के वैसी छोटी है। माँ तुम तो कहती हो कि मेरी ये चोटी बलराम भैया की चोटी की भाँति मोटी और लंबी हो जाएगी। इसे निकालते हुए, (कंघी करते हुए) गुंथते और नहाते हुए यह नागिन की भाँति धरती पर लोटने लगेगी। अपनी माँ से शिकायत करते हुए वे कहते हैं कि हे मैया ! तुम बार-बार मुझे कच्चा दूध पीने के लिए देती हो, लेकिन माखन रोटी खाने के लिए नहीं देती हो। पद के अंत में भक्त सूरदास कहते हैं कि बलराम और कृष्ण की यह जोड़ी सदा के लिए बनी रहे।


  1. सूरदास ने बाल कृष्ण द्वारा मैया यशोदा को शिकायत करने का स्वाभाविक वर्णन किया है।
  2. पद में गेयता, अनुप्रास, उपमा तथा पुनरुक्ति प्रकाश अलंकार हैं। ब्रज भाषा सरल, सहज एवं भावानुकूल है।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 2 सूरदास के पद

4. आजु मैं गाइ चरावन जैहौं।
बृन्दावन के भांति भांति फल अपने कर मैं खेहौं।
ऐसी बात कहौ जनि बारे, देखौ अपनी भांति।
तनक तनक पग चलिहौ कैसें, आवत हवै है अति राति।
प्रात जात गैया लै चारन घर आवत हैं सांझ।
तुम्हारे कमल बदन कुम्हिलैहे, रेंगति घामहिं मांझ।
तेरी सौं मोहिं घाम न लागत, भूख नहीं कछु नेक।
सूरदास प्रभु कहयौ न मानत, पर्यो आपनी टेक॥

चरावन = चरवाने के लिए। जैहौं = जाऊँगा। कर = हाथ। खेहौं = खाऊँगा। जनि = मत। बारे = बालक। चलिहौ = चलोगे। घामहि = धूप। सौं = कसम। टेक = हठ।

प्रस्तुत पद सूरदास द्वारा रचित ‘सूरदास के पद’ से लिया गया है जिसमें कवि ने बाल कृष्ण की गौ चराने की जिद्द तथा माता यशोदा का उन्हें रोकने का वर्णन किया है।

सूरदास जी कहते हैं कि बाल कृष्ण अपनी माँ यशोदा से कहते हैं कि वे आज गाय चराने जाएंगे। इस प्रकार वे वृंदावन के अनेक प्रकार के फल भी अपने हाथ से तोड़ कर खाएँगे। इस पर माता यशोदा उन्हें मना करते हुए कहती हैं कि ऐसी बात मत करो ज़रा अपने को देखो कि तुम अपने छोटे-छोटे कदमों से किस प्रकार चलोगे क्योंकि आते हुए बहुत रात हो जाएगी। सुबह-सुबह गायों को चराने ले जाते हैं तो संध्या के समय घर आते हैं। तुम्हारा कमल जैसा कोमल मुख धूप में भटकने से मुरझा जाएगा। इस पर बाल कृष्ण कहते हैं कि हे माँ ! तुम्हारी कसम मुझे धूप नहीं लगती है और कुछ विशेष भूख भी नहीं है। सूरदास जी कहते हैं कि प्रभु बाल कृष्ण अपनी माता का कहना नहीं मानते और अपनी ज़िद्द अड़े हुए है कि उन्हें गाय चराने जाना है।


  1. कवि ने बाल हठ का सजीव वर्णन किया है। कृष्ण भी अपनी हठ पर अड़े हुए हैं।
  2. ब्रज भाषा, गेयता, संवादात्मकता, पुनरुक्ति प्रकाश, अनुप्रास तथा उपमा अलंकार का प्रयोग सराहनीय है।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 2 सूरदास के पद

सूरदास के पद Summary

सूरदास के पद कवि परिचय।

जीवन परिचय:
मध्यकालीन सगुणोपासक एवं कृष्णभक्त कवि सूरदास जी का जन्म सन् 1478 ई० में दिल्ली के निकट सीही ग्राम में एक सारस्वत ब्राह्मण परिवार में हुआ था। कुछ विद्वान् इन्हें जन्म से ही अन्धा मानते हैं तो कुछ मानते हैं कि यह किसी कारणवश बाद में अन्धे हो गए लेकिन इसका कोई भी साक्ष्य नहीं मिलता। सूरदास जी महाप्रभु वल्लभाचार्य जी द्वारा वल्लभ सम्प्रदाय में दीक्षित हुए और उन्हीं की प्रेरणा से ब्रज में श्रीनाथ जी के मन्दिर में कीर्तन करने लगे। इनका देहांत सन् 1583 ई० में मथुरा के निकट पारसौली नामक गाँव में हृया था।

सूरदास जी रचित तीन रचनाएँ सूरसागर, सूरसारावली और साहित्य लहर। हैं। सूरसागर की रचना श्रीमद्भागवत पुराण के आधार पर की गई है। इनका काव्य ब्रजभाषा में रचित, गीतात्मक, माधुर्य गुण से युक्त तथा अलंकारपूर्ण है। . विशेषताएँ-इनके काव्य में श्रृंगार और वात्सल्य का बहुत सहज और स्वाभाविक चित्रण प्राप्त होता है। शृंगार के वियोग पक्ष में इन्होंने गोपियों के कृष्ण के विरह के संतप्त हृदय का मार्मिक चित्रण किया है। श्रीकृष्ण लीलाओं में इनकी बाललीलाओं का वर्णन बेजोड़ है। सूरदास जी की भक्ति भावना सख्य भाव की है।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 2 सूरदास के पद

सूरदास के पद पदों का सार

सूरदास के इन पदों में वात्सल्य रस का मोहक चित्रण किया गया है। पहले पद में यशोदा श्रीकृष्ण को पालने में झूला झुलाकर और लोरी देकर सुला रही है। श्रीकृष्ण कभी पलकें मूंद लेते हैं तो कभी व्याकुल हो उठ जाते हैं। यशोदा उन्हें लोरी गा कर फिर से सुला देती है। दूसरे पद में यशोदा श्रीकृष्ण को दूर खेलने जाने के लिए मना करती है। तीसरे पद में माँ यशोदा श्रीकृष्ण को चोटी बढ़ने का लालच देकर बहाने से दूध पिलाती है परंतु श्रीकृष्ण चोटी न बढ़ने से चिंतित हो कर माखन रोटी खाने के लिए देने के लिए कहते हैं। चौथे पद में श्रीकृष्ण माँ से गायें चराने जाने के लिए हठ करते हैं। परन्तु उनकी बाल-अवस्था देखकर यशोदा उन्हें जाने से रोकना चाहती है।