PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 7 पंच परमेश्वर

Punjab State Board PSEB 9th Class Hindi Book Solutions Chapter 7 पंच परमेश्वर Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Chapter 7 पंच परमेश्वर

Hindi Guide for Class 9 PSEB पंच परमेश्वर Textbook Questions and Answers

(क) विषय-बोध

1. निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर एक या दो पंक्तियों में दीजिये

प्रश्न 1.
जुम्मन शेख की गाढ़ी मित्रता किसके साथ थी?
जुम्मन शेख की गाढ़ी मित्रता अलगू चौधरी के साथ थी।

प्रश्न 2.
रजिस्ट्री के बाद जुम्मन का व्यवहार ख़ाला के प्रति कैसा हो गया था?
रजिस्ट्री के बाद जुम्मन का व्यवहार ख़ाला के प्रति अत्यंत निष्ठुर हो गया था। वह ख़ाला का तनिक भी ध्यान नहीं रखता था।

प्रश्न 3.
ख़ाला ने जुम्मन को क्या धमकी दी?
ख़ाला ने जुम्मन को पंचायत में जाने की धमकी दी।

प्रश्न 4.
बूढ़ी ख़ाला ने पंच किसको बनाया था?
बूढ़ी ख़ाला ने पंच अलगू चौधरी को बनाया था।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 7 पंच परमेश्वर

प्रश्न 5.
अलगू के पंच बनने पर जुम्मन को किस बात का पूरा विश्वास था?
अलगू के पंच बनने पर जुम्मन को पूर्ण विश्वास था कि फैसला उसी के पक्ष में आएगा।

प्रश्न 6.
अलगू ने अपना फैसला किसके पक्ष में दिया?
अलगू के अपना फैसला बूढ़ी मौसी के पक्ष में दिया।

प्रश्न 7.
एक बैल के मर जाने पर अलगू ने दूसरे बैल का क्या किया?
एक बैल के मर जाने पर अलगू ने दूसरे बैल को बेच दिया।

प्रश्न 8.
समझू साहू ने बैल का कितना दाम चुकाने का वादा किया?
समझू साहू ने बैल का दाम डेढ़ सौ रुपये चुकाने का वादा किया था।

प्रश्न 9.
पंच परमेश्वर की जय-जयकार किस लिए हो रही थी?
पंच परमेश्वर की जय-जयकार इसलिए हो रही थी क्योंकि अलगू चौधरी ने निष्पक्ष रूप से फैसला सुनाया था।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 7 पंच परमेश्वर

2. निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर तीन-चार पंक्तियों में दीजिये

प्रश्न 1.
जुम्मन और उसकी पत्नी द्वारा ख़ाला की ख़ातिरदारी करने का क्या कारण था?
जुम्मन और उसकी पत्नी इसलिए खाला की खातिरदारी कर रहे थे क्योंकि ख़ाला के पास कुछ जायदाद थी। वे दोनों उस जायदाद को पाना चाहते थे। ख़ाला का निकट संबंधी भी कोई नहीं था। ख़ाला की सेवा करके तथा उसे अपना प्यार दिखाकर जुम्मन तथा उसकी पत्नी ख़ाला की सारी धन-सम्पत्ति अपने नाम करवा लेना चाहते थे।

प्रश्न 2.
बूढ़ी ख़ाला ने पंचों से क्या विनती की?
ख़ाला ने बड़े ही विनम्र भाव से पंचों से कहा कि तीन वर्ष पहले उसने अपनी सारी जायदाद अपने भानजे जुम्मन के नाम लिख दी थी। इसके बदले जुम्मन ने उम्र भर उसे रोटी, कपड़ा देने का वादा किया था। साल भर किसी तरह रो-धोकर दिन बिताए हैं। अब जुम्मन के साथ नहीं रहा जाता क्योंकि न वह पेट भर भोजन देता है और न ही तन ढकने को कपड़ा देता है। मैं विधवा कचहरी नहीं जा सकती। मुझे आप पंचों के फैसले पर पूर्ण विश्वास है।

प्रश्न 3.
अलगू ने पंच बनने के झमेले से बचने के लिए बूढ़ी ख़ाला से क्या कहा?
अलगू जुम्मन का मित्र था। दोनों में गहरी दोस्ती थी। वह अपनी दोस्ती में सरपंच बनकर खटास नहीं लाना चाहता था। इसलिए बूढी ख़ाला से कहा कि “ख़ाला, तुम जानती हो कि मेरी जम्मन से गाढी दोस्ती है।”

प्रश्न 4.
अलगू चौधरी ने अपना क्या फैसला सुनाया?
अलगू चौधरी ने अपना फैसला सुनाते हुए कहा कि उन्हें नीति और न्याय-संगत ज्ञान होता है कि बूढ़ी ख़ाला को माहवार खर्च दिया जाए। ख़ाला की जायदाद से इतना लाभ अवश्य ही होता है कि माहवार खर्च दिया जा सके। यदि जुम्मन को फैसला नामंजूर हो तो संपत्ति की वह रजिस्ट्री रद्द समझी जाए।

प्रश्न 5.
अलगू चौधरी से खरीदा हुआ समझू साहू का बैल किस कारण मरा?
समझू साहू ने अलगू चौधरी से बैल खरीदकर उसे अपनी इक्का गाड़ी में खूब जोतने लगे। पहले जहाँ वह दिन में सामान की एक खेप लाते थे, अब वह तीन-तीन, चार-चार खेप लाने लगे थे। बैलों के चारे तथा पानी की तरफ उनका कोई ध्यान नहीं था। भोजन, पानी के अभाव में बैल कमज़ोर होता जा रहा था। एक दिन अधिक बोझ उठाने के कारण वह रास्ते में ही मर गया।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 7 पंच परमेश्वर

प्रश्न 6.
सरपंच बनने पर भी जुम्मन शेख अपना बदला क्यों नहीं ले सका?
सरपंच बनने पर जुम्मन शेख अपना बदला इसलिए नहीं ले सके क्योंकि जब वह सरपंच बने तो उनके दिल में सरपंच के उच्च स्थान की ज़िम्मेदारी का भाव उत्पन्न हो गया। उनके मुख से निकलने वाला प्रत्येक वाक्य देव-वाक्य होगा। ऐसे में कुटिल विचारों का कदापि समावेश नहीं होना चाहिए। ये सभी बातें उनके मन में घर कर गई जिस कारण वह अलगू से अपना बदला न ले सके।

प्रश्न 7.
जुम्मन ने क्या फैसला सुनाया?
जुम्मन ने अलगू के पक्ष में फैसला सुनाते हुए कहा कि जब समझू ने अलगू से बैल खरीदा था, उस समय बैल एकदम स्वस्थ था। यदि उसी समय बैल के दाम दे दिए होते तो आज यह दिन न देखना पड़ता, बैल की मृत्यु बीमारी से न होकर अपितु अत्यधिक परिश्रम से हुई है। अतः समझू साहू को अलगू को बैल की कीमत देनी ही होगी।

प्रश्न 8.
‘मित्रता की मुरझाई हुई लता फिर हरी हो गई’-इस वाक्य का क्या अभिप्राय है?
इस वाक्य का अभिप्राय है कि जुम्मन और अलगू की मित्रता जो दुश्मनी की कड़वाहट से मुरझा गई थी वह अब मन-मुटाव समाप्त हो जाने के बाद फिर से दोस्ती में बदल गईं। दोनों के दिलों में एक-दूसरे के प्रति जो ग़लत फहमियाँ थीं वे दूर हो गईं। इसलिए प्यार और सौहार्द से मित्रता रूपी लता फिर से हरी हो गई।

3. निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर छ:-सात पंक्तियों में दीजिये

प्रश्न 1.
‘पंच परमेश्वर’ कहानी का क्या उद्देश्य है?
पंच परमेश्वर’ कहानी एक आदर्शवादी कहानी है। इस कहानी में लेखक ने समाज में इस आदर्शवादी धारणा को प्रस्तुत करना चाहा है कि पंच में परमेश्वर का वास होता है। पंच के मुख से निकलने वाला प्रत्येक वाक्य एवं शब्द परमात्मा का शब्द होता है। पंच की कुर्सी पर बैठने वाला व्यक्ति किसी का दोस्त, दुश्मन तथा हितैषी नहीं होता। वह तो केवल न्याय का हितैषी होता है। उसे न्याय तथा अपने कर्तव्य पालन की चिंता रहती है। अतः स्पष्ट है कि कहानी हमें न्याय संगत होने तथा कभी भी स्वार्थी न बनकर निष्पक्ष भाव से रहने तथा निर्णय लेने को कहती है।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 7 पंच परमेश्वर

प्रश्न 2.
अलगू, जुम्मन और ख़ाला में से आपको कौन-सा पात्र अच्छा लगा और क्यों?
अलगू, जुम्मन और ख़ाला में से मुझे अलगू अच्छा लगा क्योंकि ‘पंच परमेश्वर’ कहानी में वह एक ऐसा पात्र है जो पूर्णत: स्थिर है। वह एक सच्चा मित्र है। मित्र धर्म का पालन करना उसे आता है लेकिन कर्त्तव्यपरायणता के रास्ते में वह दोस्ती की परवाह न करते हुए फैसला बूढी ख़ाला के पक्ष में सुनाता है। वह अपने अधिकारों के प्रति सचेत है। वह अपने बैल की कीमत समझू साहू से लेने के लिए पंचायत तक करता है। वह अपने गुणों तथा कर्मों के कारण इस कहानी का एक आदर्श पात्र है। उसमें कर्त्तव्य का पालन तथा अपने उत्तरदायित्व को निभाने की पूर्ण योग्यता है, इसी कारण वह कहानी के अन्य पात्रों से एक दम अलग है।

प्रश्न 3.
दोस्ती होने पर भी अलगू ने जुम्मन के खिलाफ फैसला क्यों दिया और दुश्मनी होने पर भी जुम्मन ने अलगू के पक्ष में फैसला क्यों दिया?
अलग चौधरी कहानी में जम्मन शेख का परम मित्र है किंतु जब वह न्याय करने के लिए सरपंच चुन लिया जाता है तो वह दोस्ती को भलकर सरपंच के कर्त्तव्य का पालन करता है। वह निष्पक्ष भाव से फैसला बढी ख़ाला के पक्ष में सुना देता है। जब से अलगू ने जुम्मन के विरोध में फैसला सुनाया तब से दोनों में मटमुटाव बढ़ता जा जुम्मन बदला लेना चाहता था। एक दिन जब वह अलगू और समझू साहू के झगड़े का निपटारा करने के लिए सरपंच बना तो सहसा उसे सरपंच के पद तथा कर्त्तव्य का ज्ञान हो आया। वह सोचने लगा कि सरपंच के मुख से निकलने वाला प्रत्येक वाक्य देववाणी के समान होता है। अत: वह सत्य के पथ से तनिक भी नहीं हटेगा। अन्ततः जुम्मन ने निष्पक्ष भाव से फैसला अलगू के पक्ष में सुना दिया।

प्रश्न 4.
अलगू के पंच बनने पर जुम्मन के प्रसन्न होने और जुम्मन के पंच बनने पर अलगू के निराश होने का क्या कारण था?
बूढ़ी ख़ाला तथा जुम्मन शेख के झगड़े का निपटारा करने के लिए जब बूढी ख़ाला ने अलगू चौधरी को सरपंच चुना तो जुम्मन मारे खुशी के फूला न समा रहा था, क्योंकि अलगू चौधरी जुम्मन शेख का परम मित्र था। अब उसे पूर्ण विश्वास हो गया था कि फैसला उसी के पक्ष में आएगा। कहानी के अंत में जब जुम्मन समझू साहू और अलगू चौधरी के झगड़े का निपटारा करने के लिए सरपंच चुना गया तो अलगू चौधरी इसलिए निराश हो गए क्योंकि उन्होंने पहले जुम्मन के विरोध में फैसला सुनाया था। उन्हें महसूस हो रहा था कि आज जुम्मन अवश्य ही उनसे बदला लेगा और फैसला समझू साहू के पक्ष में सुनाएगा।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 7 पंच परमेश्वर

(ख) भाषा-बोध

1. निम्नलिखित तत्सम शब्दों के तद्भव रूप लिखिए

तत्सम – तद्भव
मुख – …………………
पंच – …………………
मित्र – …………………
ग्राम – …………………
उच्च – …………………
गृह – …………………
मृत्यु – …………………
संध्या – …………………
मास – …………………
निष्ठुर – …………………
तत्सम – तद्भव
मुख – मुँह
पंच – पाँच
मित्र – मीत
ग्राम – गाँव
उच्च – ऊँचा
गृह – घर
मृत्यु – मौत
संध्या – शाम
मास – महीना
निष्ठुर – निठुर (कठोर)

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 7 पंच परमेश्वर

2. विराम चिह्न

प्रेमचंद ने ठीक ही कहा है, “खाने और सोने का नाम जीवन नहीं है। जीवन नाम है सदैव आगे बढ़ते रहने की लगन का।” उपर्युक्त वाक्य में हिंदी विराम चिह्नों में से ‘उद्धरण चिह्न’ का प्रयोग हुआ है।
किसी के द्वारा कहे गए कथन या किसी पुस्तक की पंक्ति या अनुच्छेद को ज्यों का त्यों उद्धृत करते समय दुहरे उद्धरण चिह्न का प्रयोग होता है।
पूर्ण विराम तथा अल्प विराम पिछली कक्षाओं में करवाए गए हैं।

निम्नलिखित वाक्यों में उपयुक्त स्थान पर उचित विराम चिह्न लगाएँ

  • जुम्मन ने क्रोध से कहा अब इस वक्त मेरा मुँह न खुलवाओ
  • ख़ाला ने कहा बेटा क्या बिगाड़ के डर से ईमान की बात न कहोगे ..
  • अलगू बोले ख़ाला तुम जानती हो कि मेरी जुम्मन से गाढ़ी दोस्ती है
  • उन्होंने पान इलायची हुक्के तंबाकू आदि का प्रबंध भी किया था।


  • जुम्मन ने क्रोध से कहा, “अब इस वक्त मेरा मुँह न खुलवाओ”।
  • ख़ाला ने कहा, “बेटा क्या बिगाड़ के डर से ईमान की बात न कहोगे?”
  • अलगू बोले, “ख़ाला तुम जानती हो कि मेरी जुम्मन से गाढ़ी दोस्ती है”
  • उन्होंने पान, इलायची, हुक्के-तंबाकू आदि का प्रबंध भी किया था।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 7 पंच परमेश्वर

3. निम्नलिखित मुहावरों के अर्थ समझकर इनका अपने वाक्यों में प्रयोग कीजिए

मुहावरा – अर्थ – वाक्य

  • राह निकालना – युक्ति निकालना – ……………..
  • मौत से लड़कर आना – मृत्यु न होना – ……………
  • कमर झुककर कमान होना – बूढ़ा हो जाना – ……………….
  • दुःख के आँसू बहाना – दुःख के कारण रोना – ………….
  • मुँह न खोलना – चुप रहना – ………………….
  • रात दिन का रोना – दु:खी रहना (हर पल का कष्ट) – ………
  • राह निकालना – युक्ति निकालना – ………………..
  • हुक्म सिर माथे पर चढ़ाना – बात मानना – …………..
  • मुँह खुलवाना – बात उगलवाना – ………………
  • कन्नी काटना – बचना – …………..
  • ईमान बेचना – बेईमान होना – ……………
  • मन में कोसना – मन में बुरा-भला कहना – ……………….
  • जड़ खोदना – बात को बार-बार कुरेदना – ……………
  • सन्नाटे में आना – स्तब्ध या सुन्न हो जाना – ……………..
  • दूध का दूध पानी का पानी – पूरा-पूरा न्याय करना – ……………….
  • जड़ हिलाना – नष्ट करना/अति कमजोर करना – …………………..
  • तलवार से ढाल मिलना – शत्रुता के भाव से मिलना – ………………
  • आठों पहर खटकना – हमेशा बुरा लगना – ……………….
  • मन लहराना – खुशी होना – ………………
  • लाले पड़ना – मुश्किल में पड़ना – ………………
  • मोल तोल करना – कीमत तय करना – ………………
  • लहू सूखना – अत्यधिक डर लगना – ………………
  • नींद को बहलाना – जाग-जाग कर रात काटना – ………………
  • हाथ धो बैठना – गँवा बैठना – ………………
  • कलेजा धक-धक् करना – व्याकुल होना – ………………
  • फूले न समाना – अत्यंत प्रसन्न होना – ………………
  • गले लिपटना – आलिंगन करना – ………………
  • मैल धुलना – दुश्मनी खत्म होना – ………………


  • रुक्साना अपनी ख़ाला को कोसते हुए कहती थी कि वह मौत लड़कर आई है।
  • गाँव-गाँव घूमने के कारण बूढ़ी ख़ाला की कमर झुककर कमान हो गई थी।
  • गाँव में शायद ही कोई बचा था जिसके सामने रघू चाचा ने दुःख के आँसू न बहाए हों।
  • रमेश ने कहा कि वह पंचायत में आएगा तो अवश्य लेकिन मुँह न खोलेगा।
  • गुप्ता परिवार का अत्याचार अब बूढ़ी नौकरानी के लिए दिन-रात का रोना हो गया था।
  • झगड़े को समाप्त करने के लएि पंचायत करने की राह निकाली गई।
  • रोहन और राखी ने पंचायत के हुक्म को सिर माथे चढ़ा लिया।
  • लोग तरह-तरह के प्रश्न करके नरेश का मुँह खुलवाना चाहते थे।
  • पापा आगरा जाने से कन्नी काट रहे थे।
  • बूढ़ी ख़ाला ने कहा कि दोस्ती के लिए ईमान बेचना ठीक बात नहीं।
  • जब बूढ़ी ख़ाला ने अलगू चौधरी को सरपंच चुना तो राम धन और अन्य लोग उसे मन ही मन कोसने लगे।
  • सब को हैरानी थी कि राघव उसकी जड़ क्यों खोद रहा है।
  • अपने विरोध में फैसला सुनने के बाद मोहन सन्नाटे में आ गया।
  • न्यायमंत्री ने अपना फैसला सुनाकर दूध का दूध पानी का पानी कर दिया।
  • गाँववासियों ने नेता जी की जड़ हिलाने की ठान ली थी।
  • पंचायत के बाद जब कही राम और शाम मिलते थे तो वे ऐसे मिलते थे जैसे तलवार से ढाल मिल रही हो।
  • माँ को नौकर अब आठों पहर खटकने लगा था।
  • वह घोड़ा देखकर डाकू का मन उस पर लहरा उठा था।
  • नेता जी को एक-एक खेप के लाले पड़ रहे थे।
  • बातचीत करने के बाद कोठी का मोल-तोल कर लिया गया।
  • भूखा-प्यासा नौकर जब जूठे बर्तनों का ढेर देखता तो उसका लहू सूख जाता था।
  • मार्ग में बैल के मर जाने के कारण जगदीश सेठ अपनी नींद को बहला रहे थे।
  • रात में सो जाने के कारण गुप्ता जी को धन की थैली से हाथ धो बैठना पड़ा।
  • डाकुओं के देख सबका कलेजा धक्-धक् करने लगा था। पत्र के न्यायाधीश बनते ही पिता फला न समा रहा था।
  • अपनी गलती का अहसास होने पर नरेश अपने मित्र के गले लिपट गया।
  • उन की आँखों से गिरने वाले आँसुओं ने दोनों के दिलों के मैल को धो दिया।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 7 पंच परमेश्वर

(ग) रचनात्मक अभिव्यक्ति

प्रश्न 1.
यदि अलगू जुम्मन के पक्ष में फैसला सुना दता तो ख़ाला पर क्या गुज़रती?
यदि अलगू जुम्मन के पक्ष में फैसला सुना देता तो ख़ाला का पंचायत के ऊपर से विश्वास उठ जाता। वह सोचती कि गरीब की सुनने वाला कोई नहीं होता। प्रत्येक पद तथा व्यक्ति अपने हितैषियों के लिए काम करता है।

प्रश्न 2.
यदि जुम्मन शेख-समझू साहू के पक्ष में फैसला सुना देता तो अलगू क्या सोचता?
यदि जुम्मन शेख-समझू साहू के पक्ष में फैसला सुना देता तो अलगू चौधरी को लगता कि जुम्मन ने अलगू द्वारा उसके विरोध में किए फैसले का बदला लिया है।

प्रश्न 3.
‘दूध का दूध पानी का पानी’ पर कोई घटना या कहानी लिखें।
एक व्यक्ति दो महीने के लिए किसी दूसरे नगर जा रहा था। उसने अपने घर के सोने-चांदी सभी बर्तन एक बड़े थैले में भर कर अपने मित्र को दे दिए। उसने उसे कहा कि जब वह वापस आएगा तो वह उन्हें उससे ले लेगा। सने घर में उन्हें रखने से उसे चोरी का डर लगा ही रहेगा। मित्र ने उन्हें ले लिया। बहुमूल्य बर्तनों को देख उसकी नीयत खराब हो गई। दो महीने जब उसका मित्र वापस आया। उसने अपने बर्तन वापस मांगे तो मित्र ने उदासी का नाटक करते हुए कहा कि उसने बर्तनों से भरा थैला कमरे में रख दिया था। उसने आज सुबह ही देखा था कि उन सभी बर्तनों को चूहे खा गए थे। मित्र कुछ देर उसके उदास चेहरे को देखता रहा। वह उससे बोला कि कोई बात नहीं। जो भगवान को स्वीकार था वही हुआ। अब रोने धोने से बर्तन तो वापस नहीं आएंगे। कुछ घंटे बाद उसने अपने मित्र से पूजा करने के लिए मंदिर जाने की बात कही। जब वह बाहर निकलने ही लगा था कि मित्र के चार-पांच वर्ष आयु के पुत्र न उस उँगली पकड़ ली। उसने जिद्द की कि वह भी उसके साथ मंदिर जाएगा। मित्र के आग्रह पर वह उसके पुत्र को मंदिर ले गया। लगभग एक घंटे बाद मित्र घबराया हुआ वापस आया। उसने बताया कि जब वह मंदिर के तालाब में स्थान कर रहा था तो एक बड़ा-सा बाज उसके पुत्र को अपनी चोंच में उठा कर उड़ गया। बहुत ढूंढने पर भी वह नहीं मिला। उसका मित्र क्रोध में भर कर बोला कि क्या कभी बाज इतने बड़े बच्चे को चोंच में उठा कर उड़ सकता था उसके मित्र ने कहा कि यदि चूहे सोने-चांदी के बर्तन खा सकते थे तो बाज भी इतने बड़े बच्चे को उठा सकता था। उस का मित्र एक दम ही उस का आशय समझ गया। वह अपने घर के भीतर गया और उसका बर्तनों से भरा थैला ले आया। उस का मित्र भी मंदिर गया और वहां छिपाए हुए लड़के को वापस लौटाते हुए बोला कि यह लो वापस अपना पुत्र। अब हुआ दूध का दूध और पानी का पानी।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 7 पंच परमेश्वर

(घ) पाठेत्तर सक्रियता

1. अपने गाँव में लगने वाली ग्राम पंचायत के बारे में कक्षा में चर्चा कीजिए।
2. सरपंच बनकर फैसला करते समय आप अपने मित्र को महत्त्व देते या फिर न्याय व्यवस्था को इस पर अपने विचार कक्षा में प्रस्तुत कीजिए।
3. यदि आप ख़ाला की जगह होते तो क्या आप भी न्याय के लिए इतनी ही हिम्मत और साहस दिखाते या अन्याय सहते-इस विषय पर कक्षा में चर्चा कीजिए।
4. पुस्तकालय में प्रेमचंद के कहानी-संग्रह ‘मानसरोवर’ में से ‘मित्र’, ‘नशा’, ‘नमक का दारोगा’ आदि कहानियाँ पढ़िए।

(ङ) ज्ञान-विस्तार

1. हज : हज एक इस्लामी तीर्थ यात्रा और मुस्लिमों के लिए सर्वोच्च इबादत है। हज यात्रियों के लिए काबा पहुँचना जन्नत के समान है। काबा शरीफ मक्का में है। हज मुस्लिम लोगों का पवित्र शहर मक्का में प्रतिवर्ष होने वाला विश्व का सबसे बड़ा जमावड़ा है।

2. उर्दू में रिश्तों के नाम
अम्मी (माता) – अब्बू (पिता)
वालिदा (माता) – वालिद (पिता)
वालिदेन – माता-पिता दोनों के लिए
बीवी (पत्नी) – शौहर (पति)
ख़ाला (मौसी) – ख़ालू (मौसा)
ख़ालाजाद – मौसी के बच्चे
मुमानी (मामी) – मामू (मामा)
सास – ससुर
भाबी – भाई
बहन – बहनोई
बेटी – दामाद

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 7 पंच परमेश्वर

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Guide पंच परमेश्वर Important Questions and Answers

प्रश्न 1.
अलगू चौधरी के बैल की क्या विशेषता थी?
अलगू चौधरी ने बैल बटेसर से खरीदे थे। उनके बैलों की जोड़ी बहुत अच्छी थी। बैल पछाही जाति के थे। उनके सींग बड़े-बड़े थे, जो देखने में बहुत ही सुंदर लगते थे। महीनों तक आसपास के गाँव के लोग उनके दर्शन करने के लिए आते रहे थे। बैल शरीर से भी हृष्ट-पुष्ट थे। उन्हें जो देखे वह देखता ही रह जाता था।

प्रश्न 2.
समझू साहू बैल के साथ कैसा बर्ताव करता था?
समझू साहू एक व्यापारी था। उसे केवल अपने मुनाफे से मतलब था। वह बैल को एक जानवर ही समझता था। वह उसे जब चाहे तब काम में दौड़ाए रहना चाहता था। उसे अपने पेट की तो चिंता रहती थी लेकिन वह बैल . की भूख प्यास का ध्यान नहीं रखता था। वह न तो बैल को समय पर चारा देता था और न ही पानी पिलाता था। कभी कभी सूखा भूसा बैल के सामने डाल दिया करता था। थकान के कारण जब कभी बैल धीरे चलने लगता था तो समझू साहू उसे चाबुक से मारता भी था।

प्रश्न 3.
लेखक ने कहानी के बैल की घटना का वर्णन किस लिए किया है?
लेखक केवल कथा लिखने वाला नहीं होता। वह एक समाज सुधारक तथा समाज को नवीन दिशा देने वाला होता है। अपनी इसी सोच के कारण लेखक ने समाज में जानवरों के प्रति होने वाले अत्याचार को उजागर के है। मानव अपने स्वार्थ में इतना अधिक रम चुका है कि उसे किसी की संवेदना से कोई लेना-देना नहीं। जानवर मानव का सदैव हितकारी रहा लेकिन एक मनुष्य है जो उसके प्रति अपनी दुर्भावना को समाप्त ही नहीं करना चाहता।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 7 पंच परमेश्वर

एक शब्द/एक पंक्ति में उत्तर दीजिए

प्रश्न 1.
‘पंच परमेश्वर’ कहानी के लेखक का नाम लिखें।
मुंशी प्रेमचंद।

प्रश्न 2.
अलगू चौधरी की किसके साथ गाढ़ी मित्रता थी?
जुम्मन शेख के साथ।

प्रश्न 3.
बूढ़ी खाला की कमर को क्या हो गया था?
बूढी खाला की कमर झुककर कमान हो गई थी।

प्रश्न 4.
अलगू चौधरी के नीति-परायण फैसले की किसने प्रशंसा की?
रामधनमिश्र तथा अन्य पंचों ने।

प्रश्न 5.
कितने रुपयों से हाथ धो लेना अलगू चौधरी के लिए आसान नहीं था?
डेढ़ सौ रुपए से।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 7 पंच परमेश्वर

हाँ-नहीं में उत्तर दीजिए

प्रश्न 6.
अपने उत्तरदायित्व का ज्ञान बहुधा हमारे संकुचित व्यवहारों का सुधार होता है।

प्रश्न 7.
रामधन ने कहा-“समझू के साथ कुछ रिआयत होनी चाहिए।”

सही-गलत में उत्तर दीजिए

प्रश्न 8.
पंच की जुबान से खुदा बोलता है।

प्रश्न 9.
बूढी खाला अलगू चौधरी को गालियाँ देने लगी-“निगोड़े ने ऐसा कुलच्छनी बैल दिया कि जन्म-भर की कमाई लुट गई।”

रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति करें

प्रश्न 10.
समझू साहू ने नया ……… पाया, तो लगे उसे ………….।
समझू साहू ने नया बैल पाया, तो लगे उसे रगेदने।

प्रश्न 11.
क्या ……….. के डर से ……. की बात न कहोगे?
क्या बिगाड़ के डर से ईमान की बात न कहोगे।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 7 पंच परमेश्वर

बहुविकल्पी प्रश्नों में से सही विकल्प चुनकर उत्तर लिखें

प्रश्न 12.
बूढ़ी खाला ने किसे सरपंच बनाया?
(क) अलगू चौधरी को
(ख) रामधनमिश्र को
(ग) समझू साहू को
(घ) झगड़ साहू को।
(क) अलगू चौधरी को।

प्रश्न 13.
समझू साहू का नया बैल एक दिन में कितनी खेप में जोतने से मर गया?
(क) पहली
(ख) दूसरी
(ग) तीसरी
(घ) चौथी।
(घ) चौथी।

प्रश्न 14.
अलगू चौधरी पूरा कानूनी आदमी था क्योंकि उसे हमेशा किससे काम पड़ता था?
(क). पुलिस
(ख) नेता
(ग) कचहरी
(घ) कमेटी।
(ग) कचहरी।

प्रश्न 15.
जुम्मन की पत्नी का क्या नाम था?
(क) करीमन
(ख) ज़रीना
(ग) सकीना
(घ) महज़ीन।
(क) करीमन।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 7 पंच परमेश्वर

कठिन शब्दों का अर्थ

गाढ़ी = गहरी, बहुत मेहनत से। आदर-सत्कार = मान सम्मान। अटल = दृढ़, पक्का। मिलकियत = संपत्ति। रजिस्ट्री = ज़मीन-जायदाद बेचने-खरीदने के लिए की जाने वाली कानूनी लिखा-पढ़ी। नित्य = प्रतिदिन। ख़ातिरदारी = सत्कार। सालन = साग आदि की मसालेदार तरकारी। निष्ठुर = कठोर। ऊसर = बंजर। बघारी = तड़का, छौंक। दखल देना = हस्तक्षेप करना। कन्नी काटना = बचकर निकलना। नम्रता = कोमलता से, आराम से। प्यार से। कोसना = भला-बुरा कहना। गृहस्वामिनी = घर की मालकिन। निर्वाह = गुज़ारा। धृष्टता = ढिठाई, ढीठपन। अनुग्रह = कृपा। ऋणी = कर्जदार। फ़रिश्ता = देवदूत। बिरला = बहुत कम मिलने वाला। गौर से = ध्यान से। भला आदमी = अच्छा आदमी। सांत्वना देना = ढाढ़स देना। ललकारना = चुनौती देना। दीन वत्सल = दीनों से प्रेम करने वाले। दमभर = पल भर। ईमान = अच्छी नीयत । ता-हयात = जीवन भर। क़बूल = स्वीकार। बेकस = निस्सहाय। बेवा = जिसका पति मर चुका हो। दीख पड़े = दिखाई दिए। वैमनस्य = वैर, विरोध। असामी = किसी महाजन या दुकानदार से लेन-देन रखने वाला। वक्त = समय। मुग्ध = मोहित। अर्ज़ = प्रार्थना, बाज़ी = दाँव, बारी। ख़िदमत = सेवा। फ़र्ज़ = कर्त्तव्य। मुनाफा = लाभ। जिरह = बहस। चकित = हैरान। कसर निकालना = बदला लेना। कायापलट = बहुत बड़ा परिवर्तन। संकल्प-विकल्प = सोच-विचार में। नीति संगत = नीति के अनुरूप। माहवार = महीने भार का। नीति परायणता = नीति का पालन करना। रसातल = पाताल। बालू = रेत। शिष्टाचार = सभ्य व्यवहार। आवभगत = आदर-सत्कार। चित्त = हृदय। कुटिलता = धोखेबाज़ी, दुष्टता। दैवयोग = भाग्य से। चित्त = हृदय, दगाबाजी = छल बाज़ी, धोखा। सब्र = सहन, धैर्य। नेक-बद = भला-बुरा। बेखटके = बिना संकोच के बेधड़क। खेप = एक फेरा, एक बार में ढोया जाने वाला बोझ। गरज = मतलब। रगेदने = भगाना, दौड़ाना। रतजगा = रातभर जागना। नदारद = गायब, लुप्त। सुनावनी = ख़बर, सूचना। बर्राना = क्रोध में बोलना। परामर्श = सलाह। ताड़ जाना = भाँप जाना, लहु = खून। पग = पाँव। दूभर = मुश्किल। झल्ला उठना = क्रोधित होना। अशुभ चिंतक = किसी का बुरा सोचने वाले। उक़ा = आपत्ति, एतराज । संकुचित = तंग। पथ प्रदर्शक = राह दिखाने वाला। सर्वोच्च = सबसे ऊँचा। देववाणी = देवताओं की वाणी। सदृश = समान, तुल्य! भलमनसी = सज्जनता। सराहना = प्रशंसा, प्राण घातक = जाने लेने वाला। दिलासा = ढाढस बाँधना। हामी भरना = स्वीकार करना। टलना = हटना।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 7 पंच परमेश्वर

पंच परमेश्वर Summary

मुंशी प्रेमचन्द लेखक-परिचय

जीवन परिचय:
मुंशी प्रेमचन्द हिन्दी-साहित्य के ऐसे प्रथम कलाकार हैं जिन्होंने साहित्य का नाता जन-जीवन से जोड़ा। उन्होंने अपने कथा-साहित्य को जन-जीवन के चित्रण द्वारा सजीव बना दिया है। वे जीवन भर आर्थिक अभाव की विषमं चक्की में पिसते रहे। उन्होंने भारतीय समाज में व्याप्त आर्थिक एवं सामाजिक विषमता को बड़ी निकटता से देखा था। यही कारण है कि जीवन की यथार्थ अभिव्यक्ति का सजीव चित्रण उनके उपन्यासों एवं कहानियों में उपलब्ध होता है।

प्रेमचन्द का जन्म 31 जुलाई, सन् 1880 ई० में वाराणसी जिले के लमही नामक ग्राम में हुआ था। उनका वास्तविक नाम धनपत राय था। आरम्भ में वे नवाबराय के नाम से उर्दू में लिखते थे। युग के प्रभाव ने उनको हिन्दी की ओर आकृष्ट किया। प्रेमचन्द जी ने कुछ पत्रों का सम्पादन भी किया। उन्होंने सरस्वती प्रेस के नाम से अपनी प्रकाशन संस्था भी
स्थापित की।

जीवन में निरन्तर विकट परिस्थितियों का सामना करने के कारण प्रेमचन्द जी का शरीर जर्जर हो रहा था। देशभक्ति के पथ पर चलने के कारण उनके ऊपर सरकार का आतंक भी छाया रहता था, पर प्रेमचन्द जी एक साहसी सैनिक के समान अपने पथ पर बढ़ते रहे। उन्होंने वही लिखा जो उनकी आत्मा ने कहा। वे बम्बई (मुम्बई) में पटकथा लेखक के रूप में अधिक समय तक कार्य नहीं कर सके क्योंकि वहाँ उन्हें फ़िल्म निर्माताओं के निर्देश के अनुसार लिखना पड़ता था। उन्हें स्वतन्त्र लेखन ही रुचिकर था। निरन्तर साहित्य साधना करते हुए 8 अक्तूबर, सन् 1936 को उनका स्वर्गवास हो गया। :

रचनाएँ: प्रेमचन्द की प्रमुख रचनाएँ निम्नलिखित हैं

उपन्यास: वरदान, सेवा सदन, प्रेमाश्रय, रंगभूमि, कायाकल्प, निर्मला, प्रतिज्ञा, गबन, कर्मभूमि, गोदान एवं मंगलसूत्र (अपूर्ण)।

कहानी संग्रह: प्रेमचन्द जी ने लगभग 400 कहानियों की रचना की। उनकी प्रसिद्ध कहानियाँ मानसरोवर के आठ भागों में संकलित हैं।

नाटक: कर्बला, संग्राम और प्रेम की वेदी। निबन्ध संग्रह- कुछ विचार।

साहित्यिक विशेषताएँ:
प्रेमचन्द जी प्रमुख रूप से कथाकार थे। उन्होंने जो कुछ भी लिखा, वह जन-जीवन का मुँह बोलता चित्र है। वे आदर्शोन्मुखी-यथार्थवादी कलाकार थे। उन्होंने समाज के सभी वर्गों को अपनी रचनाओं का विषय बनाया पर निर्धन, पीड़ित एवं पिछड़े हुए वर्ग के प्रति उनकी विशेष सहानुभूति थी। उन्होंने शोषक एवं शोषित दोनों वर्गों का बड़ा विशद् चित्रण किया है। ग्राम्य जीवन के चित्रण में प्रेमचन्द जी सिद्धहस्त थे।

भाषा शैली:
हिन्दी कथा साहित्य में कथा सम्राट के नाम से प्रसिद्ध प्रेमचन्द ने अपना समस्त साहित्य बोलचाल की हिन्दुस्तानी भाषा में लिखा है जिसमें लोक-प्रचलित उर्दू, अंग्रेजी, संस्कृत भाषाओं के सभी शब्दों का मिश्रित रूप दिखायी देता है। इनकी शैली वर्णनात्मक है जिसमें कहीं-कहीं संवादात्मक, विचारात्मक, चित्रात्मक, पूर्वदीप्ति आदि शैलियों के दर्शन भी हो जाते हैं। कहीं-कहीं इनकी शैली काव्यात्मक भी हो जाती है।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 7 पंच परमेश्वर

पंच परमेश्वर कहानी का सार/परिपाद्य

‘पंच-परमेश्वर’ मुंशी प्रेमचंद द्वारा रचित एक सुविख्यात कहानी है जिसका प्रकाशन सन् 1915 में हुआ था। हिन्दी साहित्य जगत में कुछ आलोचक पंच परमेश्वर’ कहानी को हिन्दी की प्रथम कहानी मानते हैं। सच्चे अर्थों में यह कहानी एक आदर्शवादी कहानी है।
जुम्मन शेख और अलगू चौधरी दोनों में बचपन से बहुत गहरी मित्रता थी। दोनों मिलकर साझे में खेती करते थे। दोनों को एक-दूसरे पर गहरा विश्वास था। दोनों एक-दूसरे के भरोसे अपना घर, सम्पत्ति छोड़ देते थे। उनकी मित्रता का मूल मंत्र उनके आपसी विचारों का मिलना था। जुम्मन शेख की एक बूढ़ी मौसी थी। मौसी के पास उसके अपने नाम से थोड़ी-सी ज़मीन थी। किंतु उसका कोई निकट संबंधी नहीं था। जुम्मन ने मौसी से लम्बे-चौड़े वादे किए और ज़मीन को अपने नाम लिखवा लिया। जब तक ज़मीन की रजिस्ट्री नहीं हुई थी तब तक जुम्मन तथा उसके परिवार ने मौसी का खूब आदर-सत्कार किया। मौसी को तरह-तरह के पकवान खिलाए जाते थे। जिस दिन से रजिस्ट्री पर मोहर लगी, उसी समय से सभी प्रकार की सेवाओं पर भी मोहर लग गई। जुम्मन की पत्नी अब मौसी को रोटियां देने के साथ साथ कड़वी बातों के कुछ तेज सालन भी देने लगी थी। बात-बात में वह मौसी को कोसती रहती थी। जुम्मन शेख भी मौसी का कोई ध्यान नहीं रखते थे। सभी बूढ़ी मौसी के मरने का इंतजार कर रहे थे। एक दिन जब मौसी से सहा नहीं गया तो उसने जुम्मन से कहा कि वह उसे रुपये दे दिया करे ताकि वह स्वयं अपना भोजन पकाकर खा सके। उसके परिवार के साथ अब उसका निर्वाह नहीं हो सकेगा। जब जुम्मन ने मौसी की बात को नकार दिया तो मौसी ने पंचायत करने की धमकी दे डाली। जुम्मन पंचायत करने की धमकी का स्वर सुनकर मन ही मन खूब प्रसन्न था। उसे पूर्ण विश्वास था कि पंचायत में उसी की जीत होगी।

सारा इलाका उसका ऋणी था, इसलिए उसे फैसले की तनिक भी चिंता न थी। वह पूर्णत: आश्वस्त था कि फैसला उसी के पक्ष में होगा। बूढ़ी मौसी कई दिनों तक लकड़ी का सहारा लिए गाँव-गाँव घूमती रही, वह सभी को अपनी दुःख भरी कहानी सुनाती रही। गाँव में दीन-हीन बुढ़िया का दुखड़ा सुनने वाले और उसे सांत्वना देने वाले लोग बहुत ही कम थे। सारे गाँव में घूमने के बाद अंत में घूमते-घूमते मौसी अलगू चौधरी के पास जाकर उसे पंचायत में आने का निमंत्रण देने लगी। अलगू चौधरी पंचायत में आने को तैयार हो गया। उसने मौसी से कहा कि जुम्मन उसका पक्का मित्र है इसलिए वह उसके विरोध में कुछ नहीं बोलेगा, वह वहाँ चुप चाप बैठा रहेगा। मौसी ने प्रतिवार करते हुए कहा कि-“क्या बिगाड़ के डर से ईमान की बात न कहोगे ?” मौसी द्वारा कहे गए इन शब्दों का अलगू के पास कोई उत्तर नहीं था। आखिरकार एक दिन शाम के समय एक पेड़ के नीचे पंचायत बैठी। जुम्मन शेख ने पहले से ही फ़र्श बिछाया हुआ था। पंचायत में आने वाले सभी लोगों के सत्कार का उसने पूरा प्रबंध कर रखा था। उनके खाने के लिए पान, इलायची, हुक्के-तंबाकू आदि का पूर्ण प्रबंध कर रखा था।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 7 पंच परमेश्वर

पंचायत में जब कोई आता था तो वह दबे हुए सलाम के साथ उनका आदर-सत्कार करते हुए स्वागत करता था। पंचों के बैठने के बाद बूढ़ी मौसी अपनी करुण कहानी सुनाते हुए कहने लगी कि तीन वर्ष पहले उसने अपनी सारी जायदाद जुम्मन शेख के नाम लिखी थी। जुम्मन शेख ने भी उसे उम्र भर रोटी कपड़ा देना स्वीकार किया था। साल भर तो किसी तरह रो-पीट कर दिन निकाल लिए लेकिन अब अत्याचार नहीं सहे जाते। आप पंचों का जो भी आदेश होगा वह मैं स्वीकार करूँगी। सभी ने मिलकर अलगू चौधरी को सरपंच बना दिया। अलगू के सरपंच बनते ही जुम्मन आनंद से भर गए। उन्होंने अपने भाव अपने मन में रखते हुए कहा कि उन्हें अलगू का सरपंच बनना स्वीकार है। अलगू के सरपंच बनने पर रामधन मिश्र और जुम्मन के अन्य विरोधी-जन बुढ़िया को अपने मन ही मन कोसने लगे। जुम्मन को अब फैसला अपनी तरफ आता दिखाई दे रहा था। पं द्वारा पूछा गया एक-एक प्रश्न जुम्मन को हथौड़े की एक-एक चोट के समान लग रहा था। अंततः अलगू चौधरी ने अपना फैसला सुनाते हुए कहा कि बूढ़ी मौसी की जायदाद से इतना लाभ अवश्य होगा कि उसे महीने का खर्च दिया जा सके। इसलिए जुम्मन को मौसी को महीने का खर्च देना ही होगा। यदि जुम्मन को फैसला अस्वीकार है तो जायदाद की रजिस्ट्री रद्द समझी जाए। सभी ने अलगू के फैसले को खूब सराहा। फैसला सुनते ही जुम्मन सन्नाटे में आ गए।

अलगू के इस फैसले ने जुम्मन के साथ उसकी दोस्ती की जड़ों को पूरी तरह से हिला दिया था। जुम्मन दिन-रात बदला लेने की सोचता रहता था। शीघ्र ही जुम्मन की कुटिल सोच की प्रतिक्षा समाप्त हुई। – अलगू चौधरी पिछले वर्ष ही बटेसर से बैलों की एक जोड़ी मोल खरीद लाया था। बैल पछाही जाति के थे। दुर्भाग्यवश पंचायत के एक महीने बाद अलगू का एक बैल मर गया। अब अकेला बैल अलगू के किसी काम का नहीं था। उसने बैल समझू साहू को बेच दिया। बैल की कीमत एक महीने बाद देने की बात निश्चित हुई। अब समझू साहू दिन में नया बैल मिलने से तीन-तीन, चार-चार खेपे करने लगे। उन्हें केवल काम से मतलब था। बैलों की देख-रेख तथा चारे से उन्हें कोई लेना-देना नहीं था। भोजन-पानी के अभाव में एक दिन सामान लाते हुए रास्ते में बैल ने दम तोड़ दिया। समझू साहू को मार्ग में ही रात बितानी पड़ी। सुबह जब वह उठे तो उनकी धन की थैली तथा तेल के कुछ कनस्तर चोरी हो चुके थे। समझू साहू रोते-पीटते घर पहुँचे। काफी दिनों के बाद अलगू चौधरी अपने बैल की कीमत लेने समझू साहू के घर गए, किंतु साहू ने पैसे देने के स्थान पर अलगू को भला बुरा कहना शुरू कर दिया। अंतत: पंचायत बैठी। सरपंच जुम्मन शेख को चुना गया। सरपंच के रूप जुम्मन ने न्याय संगत फैसला सुनाया। उसने समझू साहू को कसूरवार मानते हुए अलगू को बैल की कीमत लेने का हकदार बताया। क्योंकि जिस समय समझू साहू ने बैल खरीदा था। उस समय वह पूर्णत: स्वस्थ था। बैल की मृत्यु का कारण बीमारी न होकर अधिक परिश्रम करना था, जुम्मन के फैसले को सुनकर चारों तरफ ‘पंच परमेश्वर की जय’ का उद्घोष होने लगा। अलगू ने जुम्मन को गले से लगा लिया। दोनों के नेत्रों से गिरते आँसुओं ने दोनों के दिलों के मैल को धो दिया। दोनों की दोस्ती रूपी लता जो कभी मुरझा गई थी वह अब हरी-भरी हो गई थी।

PSEB 10th Class English Message Writing

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class English Book Solutions English Message Writing Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 10th Class English Message Writing

A message is some information, news, request, etc. sent to somebody in writing, speech, by telephone, etc. Telephone is the quickest means for sending a message. Sometimes it so happens that a message is received by telephone, but the person for whom the message is meant is not at hand. So someone else has to receive it. And if he himself has to go out, he has to leave in writing the message for the person for whom it is meant.

(1) Read the telephonic conversation given below and write the message in about 50 words:

Sanjeev : Hello ! Is it 13557799?
Sandeep : Yes, may I know who is calling?
Sanjeev : This is Sanjeev. I want to talk to Mr. Mittal.
Sandeep : Papa is not at home. Would you like me to convey him any message?
Sanjeev : Tell him that the meeting scheduled for 30th March has been
postponed to 4th April.
Sandeep : I’ll tell him.
Sanjeev : Thank you.


22nd March
Dear Papa

5:00 p.m.

There was a phone call from Mr. Sanjeev. He aids that the meeting scheduled for 30th March had been postponed to 4th April.


PSEB 10th Class English Message Writing

(2) Read the telephonic conversation given below :

Ramesh : Hello Ria, where is Mama ?
Ria : She has gone to the kitty party.
Ramesh : Please tell her that I will bring two of my friends for dinner tonight.
Ria : Fine. Is there anything else she should know ?
Ramesh : Yes, tell her to prepare fish-curry.
Ria : Is that all ?
Ramesh : Yes. Bye.

Ria has to go to her friend’s house. So she writes the message for her mother. Write the message for Ria.


6.00 Pm

8th June
Ramesh told me on the phone that he bringing two of his friend for dinner tonight. His want you to prepare fish-curry for the dinner.

(3) Read the following telephonic conversation :

Neha : Hello ! Is it 4607875?
Seema : Yes.
Neha : I am Neha. May I speak to Kriti, please?
Seema : She has gone to market and won’t be back till 9 o’clock.
Neha : Please tell her that she is invited to my birthday party on 15 April at 6 p.m. at my house.
Seema : I’ll convey your message.
Neha : Thank you.

Write this message on behalf of Seema.


7.00 Pm

3 April
There was a phone call from Neha. she has invited you to her birthday party on September at 6 pm at her house.

PSEB 10th Class English Message Writing

(4) Given below is a telephonic conversation between Nandan and Nikita.

Nandan : I am Nandan. May I talk to Arun?
Nikita : I’m sorry, he is not at home.
Nandan : Why didn’t he come to school today?
Nik ita . : He has gone to visit a relative.
Nandan : Will you please convey my message to him?
Nikita : What is it?
Nan dan : Tell him to bring my English notebook as I need it for correction tomorrow.
Nikita : Anything else?
Nandan : Yes, tell him that our science test has been postponed. Our teacher
will announce the new date tomorrow.
Nikita : I will tell him.
Nandan : Thank you.

Nikita has to go to the market, so she writes the message for Arun. Write this message for her.


4.30 pm

17 Sept,
There was a phone call from Nandan He said that you must take his English notebook to school as he needs it for correction He also said that your science test had been postponed The new date will he announced tomorrow.

(5) Read the telephonic conversation given below :

Anoushka : Hello, is it 2295098?
Ritu : Yes, may I know who is calling?
Anoushka : I am Anoushka. Can I talk to Ishaan?
Ritu : He has gone to the library.
Anoushka : Please tell him that his interview for ‘Tata Indicom’ has been fixed for tomorrow 9 a.m. sharp. He should reach the office in time and also bring his certificates along with him. Don’t forget. It is urgent.
Ritu : I’ll convey the message.
Anoushka : Thank you.

Ritu has to go to visit her sister, so she writes the message for Ishaan. write this message.


6.00 Pm

11 Sept,
There was a telephone cell from Anoushka. She said that your interview for Tata indicom has been fixed for tomorrow 9 a.m sharp. You should reach the office in time along with your certificates.

PSEB 10th Class English Message Writing

(6) Read the following telephonic conversation between Gulzar and Sonam :

Gulzar – Is it 8287135 ?
Sonam – Yes, who is calling ?
Gulzar – I am Gulzar from JCT, Phagwara. I would like to speak to Dhruv.
Sonam – He is not at home. I am his sister and you can give me the message.
Gulzar – Please tell him that he has been selected for the post of junior engineer and he must join duty tomorrow at 10 a.m.
Sonam – Anything else ?
Gulzar – Yes, tell him to bring along the photocopies of his certificates.
Sonam – Sure, I’ll convey your message.
Gulzar – Thank you. Bye.

Sonam writes the message for Dhruv as she has to go out for dinner. Write this message for her.


5.00 PM

7th March
One Mr Gulzar from JCT, Phagwara. rang up to inform you that you have been selected for the post of junior engineer. You must join duty tomorrow at 10 a.m. You should also take with you the photocopies of you certificates’.


(7) Read the following telephonic conversation :

Ravi : Hello ! Is it 2895634 ?
Tina : Yes, may I know who is on the line ?
Ravi : This is Ravi. May I talk to Suraj ?
Tina : He is not at home.
Ravi : Do me a favour. Tell him to pick me up while going to office tomorrow as my car has been sent for servicing.
Tina : Anything else ?
Ravi : Tell him to bring the file I gave him.
Tina : I’ll convey your message.
Ravi : Thank you. Bye.

Tina writes the message for Suraj as she has to go to her kitty party. Write this message on her behalf.


3:00 p.m

22 March
There was a phone call from Ravi. He want, you to pick him up while going to office tomorrow as his car has been sent for servicing. Also take along the file he gave you.

(8) Read the telephonic conversation given below :

Rajiv : Hello, is that Anu ?
Rajni : No, it’s Rajni speaking. Anu is not at home at the moment. What is the matter ?
Rajiv : We had planned to see ‘Power Cut’ running at Arora Palace today evening. Please tell her to wait for me at the main gate.
Rajni : Do not worry. I shall leave a message for her.
Rajiv : Thank you, Rajni. Bye.

Rajni has to go to market and she will not be able to meet Anu. Write a message on her behalf in about 50 words.


10:00 a.m

10th October
You had planned to see ‘Power Cut’ runtime at Arora Palace today evening with Rajiv. He rang up to tell you that you should wait for him at the main gate.

(9) Read the following telephonic conversation :

Ajay : Hello, is it 2376589 ?
Anu : Yes, may I know who is speaking ?
Ajay : This is Ajay. I want to speak to Mr. Goyal.
Anu : Papa is not at home. Would you like me to convey any message, to him ?
Ajay : Tell him that the meeting scheduled for 9th March has been postponed to 11th March.
Anu : I’ll tell him.

Anu has to go to school. Write the message on her behalf.


8:00 a.m

7th March
Mr. Ajay rang upto inform you that the meeting scheduled for 9th March has been ostpàied to 11th March.

PSEB 10th Class English Message Writing

(10) Read the telephonic conversation given below :

Mrs. Sharma: Hello, is it 2984567?
Ria: Yes, who would you like to speak to?
Mrs. Sharma: I want to talk to Sunita. I am Megha Sharma.
Ria: Hello auntie, mummy has gone to market.
Mrs. Sharma: Tell her that Nina’s father-in-law is not well and we are going
to see him at Kapoor Hospital where he has been admitted.
Tell your mother to be ready by 6 p.m. as I’ll pick her up on the way.
Ria: I’ll give her your message, auntie.
Mrs. Sharma: Thank you, dear. Bye.

Ria has to go to her friend’s house. Write the message for her mother on lier behalf.


2:00 a.m

15th March
Sharma auntie rang up to say that Nina aunties father-in-law is not well. They are going to see him at Kapoor Hospital Sharma aùntIwill pick you up out. the way You shrink be ready by 6 pm.

(11) Read the telephonic conversation given below :

Kishore : Hello ! Could I speak to Raghu ?
Rani : Raghu has gone out. This is his sister Rani speaking.
Kishore : Will you please tell him to reach the Extension Library by 10 a.m.
tomorrow for the renewal of our membership ?
Rani : Of course, I will tell him. Anything else ?
Kishore : Yes, tell him to carry his membership card.
Rani : Sure. Bye.

Rani has to go to club for a meeting. Write down the message she would write for Raghu.


4:00 p.m

4th March

There was a phone call from Kishore. He said that vim should reach the extensive Library by 10 a.m. tomorrow for the renewal of membership. You should also carry your membership card.

PSEB 10th Class English Message Writing

(12) Read the following telephonic conversation :

Rajesh: Hello, could I speak to Hemant, please?
Harish: Sorry, Hemant has not yet arrived.
Rajesh: Could you please convey to him that Mr. Verma has arrived at the company head office and he would like to meet Hemant tomorrow morning.
Harish: Sure, I’ll tell him?
Rajesh: Tell him to reach the office by 9 a.m.
Harish: I’ll coñvey the message.
Rajesh: Thank you. Bye.

Harish: has to go to Delhi, so he leaves the message for Hemant. Write the message on his behalf.


2:00 p.m

11 March
Rajesh rang up to say that Mr. Verma has arrived at the company head office. He would like to meet you tomorrow morning. Reach the office by 9 a.m.

13. Read the following telephonic conversation between Asha and Kiran.

Kiran is about to leave home and will not be able to meet Arun. She leaves a message for him. Write this message in not more than 50 words. Put the message in a box.
Asha : Hello, is that Kiran ?
Kiran: Speaking.
Asha: It’s Asha here. You know there’s a good movie on. It’s ‘My Left Foot’.
It’s running at Alpana. How about it tomorrow?
Kiran: Yes, not a bad idea.
Asha: Let’s go to the evening show. Where should we meet?
Kiran: Let’s meet at Wimpy’s Corner, at 5.30. Is that okay?
Asha: Fine. Look, Vijay’s coming along too. Why don’t you ask Arun to join us?
Kiran: I’ll do that. He’s not at home at the moment, but I’ll ask him to ring you up this evening.
Please don’t buy the tickets until he calls.


5:30 p.m

8 March.
There was a phone from Asha She and Vijay are going to see the movie ‘My Left Foot tomorrow evening I, too, have agreed to accompany them We shall he meeting at Wimpy’s Cornerrhat 5:30 Asha wants you also to accompany. Please ring her up this evening and confirm She’ll be waiting.

PSEB 10th Class English Message Writing

(14) Read the following telephonic conversation which took place when Suresh was staying with his uncle. Write the message from Suresh to his uncle, using not more than 50 words. Put the message in a box.

Seshu : Hello ! Hello ! This is Seshu from Lucknow. Can I speak to Mr. Rao, please? I am a friend of his son, Matlhav Rao.
Suresh : This is Suresh Rao My uncle’s not here the moment. We heard about the earthquake. Is Madhav all right?
Seshu : Yes, yes. He’s okay now. But he had a bad fall during the earthquake and he broke his left leg. It was a multiple fracture, but there’s nothing to worry about now.
Suresh : Is he in hospital?
Seshu : Yes, he’s at the Tata Memorial Hospital here. Would you please inform his family?
Suresh : Of course, I will. Thank you for calling.


9.15 p.m

25 April
Dear Uncle
There Was a telephone call for you from one Mr. Seshu, our Madhav’s friend, from Lucknow. He said that Madhav had a fall during the earthquake and he broke his leg. He got a multiple fracture and has been admitted to the Tata Memorial Hospital there. But he added that there was nothing to worry.

PSEB 10th Class English Paragraph Writing

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class English Book Solutions English Paragraph Writing Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 10th Class English Paragraph Writing

नोट-परीक्षा-पत्र में विद्यार्थियों को तीन अथवा चार विषय दिए जाएंगे जिनमें से किसी एक पर उन्हें लगभग 100 शब्दों में एक पैराग्राफ लिखना होगा। ये पैराग्राफ किसी व्यक्ति, घटना अथवा अनुभव, आदि के बारे में पूछे जा सकते हैं। किसी विषय पर एक अच्छा पैराग्राफ लिखने के लिए निम्नलिखित बातों का ध्यान रखिए –

1. दिए हुए विषय पर चिन्तन कीजिए और इसके सम्बन्ध में जो बातें (points) आप लिखना चाहते हों, उन्हें क्रमबद्ध कर लीजिए।

2. पैराग्राफ लिखते समय इस बात का ध्यान रखिए कि आपके पैराग्राफ में एक सहज प्रवाह हो – अर्थात् पैराग्राफ का प्रत्येक वाक्य अपने पूर्व के वाक्य में से निकलता हुआ प्रतीत होना चाहिए।

3. अपने पैराग्राफ में केवल उन्हीं शब्दों का प्रयोग कीजिए जिनका अर्थ और प्रयोग आप को भली प्रकार आता हो। अपनी योग्यता से अधिक योग्य दिखलाई देने का यत्न कभी मत कीजिए।

4. अपने वाक्यों की लम्बाई इतनी रखिए कि वे आपके काबू में रहें। अधिक लम्बे वाक्य सुन्दर लेख का लक्षण नहीं होते हैं।

5. आपके पैराग्राफ का पहला वाक्य विषय का उल्लेख करने वाला होना चाहिए और अन्तिम वाक्य निष्कर्ष-पूर्ण होना चाहिए। आरम्भिक और अन्तिम वाक्य लिखने में विशेष ध्यान दिया जाना चाहिए।

6. आपका पैराग्राफ दिए हुए विषय पर ही केन्द्रित होना चाहिए। व्यर्थ की बातें लिखकर अपने पैराग्राफ को लम्बा करने का यत्न कभी मत कीजिए।

7. आपका पैराग्राफ संक्षिप्त तथा अर्थ-पूर्ण होना चाहिए। पुस्तक के इस भाग में अनेक विषयों पर पैराग्राफ दिए गए हैं। विद्यार्थियों को परामर्श दिया जाता है कि वे इन्हें ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़ें और देखें कि किस प्रकार से किसी विषय को एक सारगर्भित पैराग्राफ का रूप दिया जा सकता है।

1. An Indian Festival

Outline: Diwali…… twenty days…… Dussehra…… Shri Ram…… Ayodhya…… set free…… Mughal Emperor …… festival…… village and town…… houses and shops…… painted…… new colours…… candles and electric lights …… gifts …… fireworks…… worship goddess Lakshmi…… gamble…… evil…… ended.

Diwali is an important Indian festival. It generally falls in the month of November. It comes twenty days after Dussehra. Shri Ram came back to Ayodhya on this day. Shri Guru Hargobind was set free by the Mughal Emperor on this day. This festival is celebrated in every village and town. Houses and shops are painted in new colours. People light their homes with candles and electric lights. They buy sweets and toys. They distribute gifts among friends and relatives. Children enjoy fireworks at night. On this day, people worship goddess Lakshmi. Some people gamble on this day. It is an evil. It should be ended.

PSEB 10th Class English Paragraph Writing

2. Good Manners

Outline : Good manners oil the machine of life ……… earn us respect ……… ‘please’and ‘thank you’settle bitter quarrels ……… should be observed respect elders ……… be polite to the younger ……… talk less and listen more ……… take turn in queue ……… civility of behaviour is a moral obligation ……… bad manners create bitterness.

Good manners oil the machine of life and keep it healthy. They are necessary in every walk of life. They are a double blessing. They give us inner joy and also keep others happy. They earn us respect also. So we should be courteous in our behaviour. We should respect our elders and be polite to younger ones. We should talk less and listen more. We should take turn in queue. We should never forget that civility of behaviour is a moral obligation. While bad manners create bitterness, good manners win us friends. Even simple words like ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you’ settle bitter quarrels. If we have good manners we can make journey of life successful not only for others, but also for ourselves.

PSEB 10th Class English Paragraph Writing

3. My Motherland

Outline : India my motherland …… most people live in villages …… many big cities …… land of saints …… big country …… Himalayas …… Indian Ocean …… fertile land …… brave and wise people …… proud of my motherland.

India is my motherland. Most of the people here live in villages. There are many big cities also. Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata and Chennai are some of them. India is a land of saints. It is the land of Kalidas, Kabir and Guru Nanak. India is a very big country. In its north, there are the Himalayas. They are the highest mountains in the world. The Indian Ocean is in its south. India is a land of big forests, lakes, valleys and rivers. They add to its beauty. The soil of India is very fertile. It gives us many kinds of crops. India is a land of lions, tigers and elephants. And Indians are brave and wise people. They are peace-loving people. I am proud of my country and its people.

4. Fashion Among Students

Outline : Students …… most of the time in front of the mirror …… very particular about clothes …… hairstyles …… show off…… inwardly hollow …… no attention to inner development…… a foolish trend.

Most of the time of students is spent in front of the mirror. They want to decorate themselves in such a way as to attract every eye. In their desire to look modern and attractive, they go crazy for new fashions. They dress themselves in the latest styles. With every change in fashion, their hairstyles also change. To be in the latest fashion seems to be the only care of our young boys and girls. They care so much for their exteriors that they have no time to attend to their interiors. They frequent the beautician for facials but never visit the library for books, journals or periodicals. If ever they carry some book or journal in their hand, that, too, is never meant for reading but merely for the sake of fashion. I hate these modern clowns.

5. Discipline

Outline : Discipline necessary …… house…… classroom …… assembly …… office ……playground …… without discipline confusion, disorder and chaos…… no work or progress possible without discipline …… training of mind.

Discipline is necessary in all walks of life. Any house without discipline will surely go to the dogs. A teacher can’t teach if his students don’t keep discipline in the class. The head of a family won’t be able to run his family if its members don’t maintain discipline. The members of an assembly must observe discipline if they are to do any good job. No office can function without discipline. Even in a playground, the players have to obey the rules of the game. They have to play under discipline. Without discipline, there is bound to be confusion, disorder and chaos. No work or progress is possible without discipline. It is discipline which enables a nation to march on the way to progress. It must be kept in mind that discipline can’t be enforced by law alone. It is training of the mind. It has to come from within.

PSEB 10th Class English Paragraph Writing

6. A Small Family Is a Happy Family

Outline : Small family enjoys life …… food and clothes of their choice …… expenses limited …… enough money …… enough time …… enjoy luxuries of life.

A small family enjoys life to the full. The couple may enjoy the food of their choice. They can wear clothes of their liking. They have only one or two children. So their expenses are limited. They can enjoy life in any way they like. They have enough money to spend on the education and clothes, etc. of their children. They have a lot of time to look after their children. They can work hard and buy their own house to live in. They can enjoy luxuries of life. It is rightly said that a small family is a happy family.

7. Fast Food — a Health Hazard

Outline : Present-day life affects eating habits …… taken to fast foods …… such foods lose value and taste …… oily and spicy …… cause various diseases …… should not be eaten.

The present-day fast life has affected our eating habits also. We have taken to foods that can be cooked fast and eaten fast. But such food loses much of its value and taste. Fast foods are generally prepared at wayside eating stalls and cheap restaurants. They are ill-cooked. They are very oily and spicy. They can cause a number of ailments in our body. They can- give us ulcers and even cancer. Habit of taking fast foods is suicidal. It is in our own interest to give it up. Fast foods are junk foods and junk should be thrown away rather than be eaten.

8. A Scene at the Railway Station

Outline : I spend some time at the railway station …… like watching trains …… before the arrival of a train …… growing excitement and activity …… some in a great hurry …… some unhappy at the departure of loved ones s coolies run …… vendor boys move in and out of the train jostling and elbowing …… after the train has left platform gives a deserted look.

Last Sunday, I went to the railway station to receive a friend of mine who was coming from Delhi. I bought a platform ticket and since there was time for the train to arrive I thought of spending some time there. There was a lot of excitement and activity on the platform. People were in a great hurry to catch the train. After the arrival of the train some people, who had come to see off, were unhappy at the departure of their loved ones. The coolies were running. The vendor boys were moving in and out of the train. There was a great rush because of which there was a lot of jostling and elbowing. But after the train left, it was all quiet at the platform and the platform gave a deserted look.

9. The Scene at an Election Booth

Outline : The election day full of excitement …… my school …… polling centre …… lavish activity …… rush of voters …… cars, minibuses used to bring candidates from homes …… free drinks offered to voters …… polling officer enquired the names of voters verified identity cards …… after casting vote, ink mark put on, voter’s left forefinger …… booth closed at 4 p.m.

In our city municipal elections were held last month. Our school was chosen as the polling centre. There was a feverish activity on the day of polling. Everybody was full of excitement. Cars and mini buses were used to bring the candidates from homes. There was a great rush of voters. Free drinks were offered to the voters. Then the voters entered polling booth from one side. The polling officer enquired the names of the voters. He verified each voter by his/her identity card. Before casting the vote, the indelible ink mark was put on every voter’s fore-finger. After that, they went behind the curtain. There they pressed the button of the Electronic Voting Machine according to their choice. They came out from the other side after casting their vote.

PSEB 10th Class English Paragraph Writing

10. Inauguration of the New Computer Wing of Our School

Outline: New Computer Wing…… inaugurated by Principal, Govt. Polytechnic College…… interesting and informative talk on computers …… new computer wing going to help the students.

The new Computer Wing of the school was inaugurated by Dr. Ravi Sharma, Principal of Govt. Polytechnic, Faridabad. On this occasion, a talk on computers and their use was organised. The talk was given by Dr. Arvind Sharma. His talk was very interesting and informative. He told the students about different kinds of computers and their use in our present-day life. He impressed upon the students to take maximum advantage of their new computer wing and gain some elementary knowledge about the working of computers. The new computer wing is going to help the students a great deal.

11. A Visit to a Book Fair

Outline : Organised by the local publishers …… held in Town Hall…… rich display of books …… large number of people …… series of competitions …… fair a great success.

A three-day book fair was organised by the local publishers and distributors of the city. It was held in the Town Hall from the 17th to the 19th of the month. There was a rich display of books on almost all subjects for school and college students. The fair attracted a large number of students, parents and other book-lovers. In order to make the fair attractive to students, a series of competitions were held for school students on each day of the fair. Students of all local schools could take part in these competitions. Prizes were given to the winners in painting, cursive writing and intelligence tests in science, maths and general knowledge. The fair was a ‘great success in so far as it aroused the interest of the students to read good and useful books.

12. Annual Inspection of Our School

Outline : Annual inspection last month …… few days before Principal called meeting …… students asked to decorate the school…… whitewashed and cleaned the classrooms …… won first prize.
The annual inspection of our school took place last month. A few days before the inspection, our Principal called a meeting. All the teachers and the students took part in it. The Principal asked the students to lend a hand in decorating the school. We were asked to clean and whitewash our classrooms ourselves. The students gladly agreed to it. First of all, we removed all the benches and desks from our classroom. We took a broom and swept the room. Then we prepared some buckets of whitewash. We took a brush and whitewashed the walls. A ladder was used to whitewash the ceiling. Then we took some enamel paint. Two coatings of this paint were given to the doors and windows. After whitewashing and painting, we cleaned the floor. Lastly, we arranged the furniture. On the day of inspection, we won the first prize.

13. A Visit to a Hill Station

Outline : During…… last summer…… Mussoorie…… friends…… new experience…. number of visitors. …… foreigners…… atmosphere…… hustle and bustle…… very pleasant…… ‘Queen of Hills’. ……material life…… visit is still fresh….

During the last summer vacation, I visited Mussoorie with some of my friends. I had never been to Mussoorie before. So it was a new experience for me. There were a large number of visitors. The presence of foreigners and honeymooners lent an additional charm to the atmosphere. Everywhere, there was a great hustle and bustle. The weather was very pleasant. The scenery all round was very charming. The fir-clad hills presented a fine view. Rightly has Mussoorie been called the ‘Queen of Hills’. It transports one into a heaven of joy. It makes one forget about the worries of material life. We visited all the beauty spots in the neighbourhood of Mussoorie. The memory of this visit is still fresh in my mind.

PSEB 10th Class English Paragraph Writing

14. Value of Newspapers

Outline : Newspapers …… our life …… well-informed …… give us confidence …… government…… wrong policies…… social purpose…… social evils…… help job-seekers…… suitable matches…… sons and daughters …… part and parcel….

Newspapers have an important place in our life. They keep us well-informed. They increase our general knowledge. They give us confidence. They tell us what is happening around us. They are the world’s mirrors. Newspapers guard our rights. They keep a check on the government. They bring to light the wrong policies of the government. Newspapers serve a social purpose also. They educate us against social evils. Thus, they help in reforming society. Newspapers help job-seekers also by advertising the vacant posts. They help parents in finding suitable matches for their sons and daughters. Truly, newspapers have become a part and parcel of modern life.

15. Science Fair in Our School 

Outline : Inaugurated by the District Education Officer …… 120 items on display…… most of them working models …… showed newness …… everyone fascinated ?.. students explained with confidence …… teachers had worked hard …… appreciated.

A science fair was organized in our school auditorium on the 7th of this month. It was inaugurated by the District Education Officer. There were more than 120 items on display. Most of them were working models. Each model showed newness and innovation in the practical application of some scientific law. Everyone was fascinated to see the exhibits. Students explained with confidence the mechanism of each model. Both, the students and teachers, had worked very hard to make this fair a success. Their efforts were appreciated by all present.

PSEB 10th Class English Paragraph Writing

16. A Scene of a Flooded Village

Outline : There…… heavy rains…… July …… got flooded…… three days…… shelter…… roofs…… crops were all washed …… cattle died …… water level kept rising …… would get drowned …… army men came…… boats to safety…… villagers …… homes.

There were heavy rains in the month of July this year. The village in which I live got flooded after it had been raining for three days and nights. There was knee-deep water in all the houses of the village. The villagers had nowhere to go to. They took shelter on the roofs of their houses. Their crops were all washed away. Many of their cattle died. It was a horrible sight. To make it worse, the water level kept rising hour by hour. The villagers began to fear that all of them would get drowned. But luckily, the army men came to our help. They ferried the villagers in their boats to safety. The flood subsided after five days. The villagers came back to their homes.

17. A Rainy Day 

Outline : India ……….. land of varying seasons ……….. summer very hot ……….. rain brings relief dark clouds gather in the sky cool breeze ………..downpour children dance in rain ……….. streets flooded with water ……….. rain stopped cool weather……….. rainbow in the sky……….. people enjoy.

India is a land of various seasons. Here summer is very hot. Only rain brings relief. It was the month of July last year. One day, it was very hot. Men and animals were panting. All were perspiring. We longed for a shower of rain. In the afternoon, some dark clouds appeared in the sky. A cool breeze began to blow. Soon the whole sky was overcast with dark clouds and there was a heavy downpour. Streets and bazaars were flooded with water. Little children came out and played in the rain. The rain stopped after two hours. The weather became cool. A rainbow appeared in the sky after the rain. People enjoyed the cool weather.

18. Drug Addiction

Outline: Drug addiction very common among the youth …… causes…… neglect and harsh treatment …… frustration…… educational system.

Drug addiction is becoming very common among our youth. Perhaps the youth find this life too burdensome. As an escape from it, they take to drugs. Sometimes parents themselves become the cause of it. They are either too strict or have no time to attend to their children. The young ones feel neglected. Our purposeless system of education is also one of the big causes. When the youth fail to get any employment after 15-20 years of education, they get frustrated and take to drugs. Drug addiction has become a big social problem. There is no short-cut cure for drug abuse. We often complain that our youth are going wrong. But, we hardly do anything to understand their problems. The best way to keep our youth away from drugs is to use their energies in constructive ways. An employment-based educational system should be evolved.

19. Environmental Pollution

Outline : Living in polluted world …… air, water, food, etc. …… everything polluted ……scientists listed the dangers of environment pollution …… all governments worried…… man himself responsible …… use of fertilizers …… nuclear testing contaminating water …… several deadly diseases ….. an immediate control must.

Environment pollution is the greatest problem facing a man. We are living in a polluted world; where air, water, food, etc. everything upon which we survive is polluted. Scientists have listed down the dangers of environment pollution and the governments around the globe are worried about the same. In fact, man himself is responsible for such a situation. In his ignorance he has so far been destroying the wealth of nature, trees and forests. An immediate control is required to keep the environment free from pollution. More attention is being paid to afforestation. The unauthorized felling of trees is being checked. Scientists are developing methods to minimize the effect of smoke let out by our autos and chimneys.

PSEB 10th Class English Paragraph Writing

20. Wonders of Science

Outline: Science…… this world…… marvellous changes…… life easy…… blessing for man…… our dreams into realities…… reduced human suffering…… medicine and surgery…… fatal…… many articles of daily use …… made…… comfortable.

Science has made man the master of this world. It has brought marvellous changes in man’s life. It has made our life easy and comfortable. It has, in fact, proved a blessing for man. It has translated our dreams into realities. It has brought revolution in the fields of agriculture, industry, transport and communication. Science has greatly reduced human suffering. Great progress has been made in the fields of medicine and surgery. Diseases once thought fatal can now be cured very easily. Science has given us many articles of daily use. These articles have made our life easy and comfortable.

21. Planting Trees

Outline: Trees…… in this world…… without trees…… man to live…… necessities of life…… purify the air …… beautify our surroundings…… the land safe from …… pleasant shade …… sun…… in his greed …… wealth of nature …… problems for mankind…… man’s own …… grow trees ….

Trees do more good to man than any other thing in this world. In fact, without trees, it would be impossible for man to live. They give us all the necessities of life. They give food for man. They purify the air. They help to bring rain. They beautify our surroundings. They give shelter to countless wild animals and birds. They keep the land safe from soil erosion. They give us pleasant shade from the heat of the sun. But it is very sad that man, in his greed, has destroyed this wealth of nature. It has resulted in many grave problems for mankind. It will be in man’s own interest to grow trees and look after them.

22. Life in a Village

Outline : The three words …… Simple, Pure and Fresh …… simple-hearted people …… thoughts and actions…… hospitable…. no anxiety…… calm and peaceful…… free from…… din of cities…… Says Leo Tolstoy …… A villager…… grow rich…… enough to eat…… worth-living.

The three words that can amply describe the life in a village are Simple, Pure and Fresh. The villagers are very simple-hearted people. They know no cunning. They are pure in their thoughts and actions. They are very hospitable. They live simply and happily. They have no anxiety. Life in a village is very calm and peaceful. It is free from the noise and din of cities. The air is fresh and health-giving. Says Leo Tolstoy in one of his stories, “A villager’s life is not a.fat one, but it is a long one.” A villager may never grow rich, but he has always enough to eat. In short, we can say that life in a village is worth-living.

PSEB 10th Class English Paragraph Writing

23. An Ideal Citizen

Outline : Pride of nation …… duty comes first…… law-abiding …… pays taxes …… national outlook …… above the considerations of caste and creed…… works for national unity…… patriotism highest religion.

An ideal citizen is the pride of his nation. He is conscious of his rights and his duties. For him duty comes first. He knows that it is impossible to enjoy one’s rights without first doing one’s duty. He never forgets the duties that he owes to society. He is law-abiding. He obeys all the laws of the land. He pays all the taxes that are due to him. He has a truly national outlook. He is not narrow-minded. He is above the considerations of caste and creed. He works for national unity. Patriotism is the highest religion for him.

24. A House on Fire

Outline: It was Sunday…… with my friend…… saw clouds of smoke…… big fire…… running…… buckets of water…… sand and water …… after half an hour …… suffered a great loss …… grain and money…… People felt sorry …… gave him food, clothes …… carpenter thanked …… folded hands.

It was Sunday. I was sitting in my room with my friend. Suddenly, we saw clouds of smoke rising in the sky. There was a big fire. People were running to the site of fire. Children were shouting for help. People brought buckets of water. We also joined them. We threw sand and water on the flames. The fire was put out after half an hour. It was the house of a carpenter. The poor man suffered a great loss. All his wood, grain and money were gone. The house was reduced to ashes. He was very sad at his loss. People felt sorry for him. They gave him food, clothes and some money. The poor carpenter thanked them with folded hands.

25. My Hobby

Outline: My hobby…… reading books…… good and useful books…… knowledge ……pleasure…… great writers …… noble things of life…… best friends…… endless store …… food for the mind…… not very expensive…… borrow books from libraries.

Reading books is my hobby. I read only good and useful books. I read some good journals also. I get much useful knowledge from them. Reading gives me much pleasure. I can enjoy the company of great writers by reading their works. I can learn from them good and noble things of life. Good books are the best friends. They are an endless store of knowledge. We can learn much from them. They give us food for the mind. Reading books is the best of all hobbies. It is not very expensive. We can borrow books from libraries.

26. My Favourite Book

Outline: Many books…… “Gita’…… liked the most…… religious book…… philosophy…… work hard…… worry …… result…… certainly rewards…… leave the rest to God get peace of mind.

I have read many books. But I have liked one book the most of all. It is the ‘Gita’. It is a religious book of the Hindus. It has a very rich philosophy. It teaches us that man should work hard. He should not worry about the restful. God certainly rewards us for our work. Good work always leads to good results. So an man should only mind his work. He should leave the rest to God. I like this philosophy very much. I get peace of mind by reading this book.

27. My Best Friend

Outline: My best friend…… class-fellow…… lives next door tome ……go to school together…… intelligent…… captain of the tennisteam…… teachers love…… honest and sincere…… respects his elders…… polite to all…… poor and needy students…… true friend ……in the real sense…… friendly with him.

The person I like most is my best friend, Amit Kapoor. He is my class-fellow. He lives next door to me. We go to school together. We play and study together. Amit is very intelligent. He always stands first in the class. Amit is also good at sports. He is the captain of the tennis team of our school. All teachers love him. I like Amit for his good and simple habits. He always speaks the truth. He is honest and sincere. He respects his elders. He is polite to all. He helps the poor and needy students. He is a true friend in the real sense. Everybody wants to be friendly with him. I am proud of my friend. May he live long !

PSEB 10th Class English Paragraph Writing

28. My Favourite Teacher

Outline: My favourite teacher…… active and smart…… M.A. B.Ed…. English…… method of teaching…… simple and effective…… ideal teacher…… real sense…… helps his students…… source of inspiration…… for the students…… proud of him…… live long

Mr. Ram Paul is my favourite teacher. He is my class teacher. He is forty years old. He is very active and smart. He is an M.A. B.Ed. He teaches us English. He is the master of this subject. His method of teaching is very simple and effective. His results are always good. Mr. Ram Paul is an ideal teacher in the real sense. He is ever ready to help his students. He helps the poor students with money and books. He is very kind to his1 students. He loves the students and the students respect him. He is a source of inspiration for his students. We are proud of him. May he live long !

29. Our School Library

Outline : A house of books …… big library …… big hall…… divided into four sections…… reading room …… 10,000 books …… newspapers and magazines …… students …… vacant periods …… read …… librarian …… issue books…… guides the students how to choose…… students can take…… after reading them.

A library is a house of books. There is a library in every school. There is a big library in our school also. It is housed in a big hall. The hall is divided into different sections. There is one section for each subject. There is a reading room also. There are about 10,000 books in our school library. The books are arranged on shelves. The newspapers and magazines are placed on the tables. The students go to the library in their vacant periods. They read books, newspapers and magazines there. The students love sitting in it. There is a librarian. He issues books. The students can take books to their homes also. They return the books after reading them.

30. The Morning Assembly of Our School

Outline: Students and teachers…… morning assembly…… stand in rows ……stand facing the assembly …… school compound …… head boy of school…… main news …… thought of the day …… explains it …… some important announcement…… go to classrooms.

Our school begins at half past eight in the morning. All the students and teachers reach the school in time. The morning assembly begins. All the students stand in rows in the school compound. They stand facing the school building. Four boys stand facing the assembly. First of all, there is the morning prayer. Then the head boy of the school reads out the main news of the day. A teacher gives the thought of the day and explains it. Sometimes our Headmaster makes some important announcement during the assembly. Then we go to our classrooms and the first period begins.

31. An Indian Farmer

Outline: An Indian farmer…… fields…… plough…… waters them …… sows seeds…… looks after crops…… no easy job…… very difficult and tiring…… remains poor…… hand to mouth …… lot is pitiable…… lives happily…… simple in habits ……pure in thoughts…… evils of city life.

The life of an Indian farmer is very hard. He has to work hard in his fields. He has to work in sun and rain. He has to plough his fields. He has to water them. Then he has to sow seeds in his fields. He looks after his crops day and night. Harvesting is also no easy job. It is very difficult and tiring. Even after so much labour, the Indian farmer remains poor. He has to live from hand to mouth. His lot is pitiable. But though he is poor, he lives happily. He is simple in his habits. He is pure in his thoughts. He lives away from the evils of city life.

PSEB 10th Class English Paragraph Writing

32. An Indian Beggar

Outline: An Indian beggar…… common sight…… streets and bazaars…… railway stations…… in rags…… looks very dirty…… pretend to be lame…… painful voices ……pity …… money, clothes, flour…… don’t like…… poor homes…… work to do…… allowed to beg…… very ugly.

The Indian beggar is a common sight. We can see him anywhere and everywhere. We can see him in streets and bazaars. We can see him at bus stops and railway stations. He is always in rags. He looks very dirty. Some beggars pretend to be lame or blind. They cry in painful voices. People are moved to pity. They give them money, clothes, flour, etc. But I don’t like it. Beggars should be kept in poor homes. There they should be given work to do. Nobody should be allowed to beg in public places. It looks very ugly.

33. The Independence Day

Outline: India became free…… August 15,1947…… Indepdendence Day…… British rule…… red-letter day …… history of the country…… celebrated with great enthusiasm…… national holiday ……public meetings…… big function…… Prime Minister…… unfurls the National flag…… Red Fort…… hard-won freedom ……protect it.

India became a free country on August 15, 1947. So, August 15 is called the Independence Day of India. The British rule came to an end on this day. It is a red- letter day in the history of the country. It is celebrated all over the country with great enthusiasm. On this day all schools, colleges and offices remain closed. It is a national holiday. Public meetings are held in all towns and cities. A big function is held in Delhi. The Prime Minister unfurls the national flag at the Red Fort. Our freedom is a hard-won freedom. We should protect it.

34. The Republic Day

Outline : India became Republic…… Constitution came into force…… secular democratic …… power of government…… common people…… castes, creeds and religions…… equal…… red-letter day…… celebrated all over the country…… enthusiasm…… national flag unfurled…… public buildings…… big function…… Delhi…… President …… presides…… worth seeing…. national holiday.

India became a Republic on January 26, 1950. The Constitution of the country came into force on this day. India became a secular democratic country. The power of government passed into the hands of the common people. All castes, creeds and religions are to be equal in the eyes of the law. It is a red-letter day in the history of the country. It is celebrated all over the country with great enthusiasm. The national flag is unfurled at all the public buildings. A big function is held in Delhi. The President of the country presides over this function. It is worth seeing. This day is a national holiday.

35. A Football Match

Outline: Our school…… Khalsa School…… football match…… Sh. Jaswant Singh referee…… toss…… chose our side…… game slow ……played well…… our defence…… no goal…… blew the whistle…… interval…… Vinod passed …… the ball…… ran into the D…… kicked it hard…… goal…… loud cheers…… referee blew the whistle…… game was over…… won the match.

Last Monday, a football match was played between our school and Khalsa School. It was played on our school grounds. Sh. Jaswant Singh was the referee. He blew the whistle. There was a toss. We won the toss. We chose our side. The match began. At first the game was slow, but soon it became brisk. All the players played well. Our defence was very strong. There was no goal. The referee blew the whistle for interval. In the second half, Vinod passed the ball on to me. I ran with it into the D. Then I kicked it hard. It went through the poles. It was a goal. There were loud cheers. The referee blew the whistle. The game was over. We won the match by one goal.

36. Morning Walk

Outline: Morning walk…… best exercise…… costs nothing…… health…… refreshes …… saves from diseases…… develops…… habit…… pure thoughts…… dewdrops…… fresh flowers…… charm…… mind…… loving…… natural beauty …… not only…… body…… mind also.

Morning walk is the best form of exercise. It costs nothing. It is very useful for our health. It refreshes our mind. It strengthens our body. It saves us from many diseases. Morning walk keeps us fresh for the whole day. It develops in us the habit of rising early. It brings pure thoughts in our mind. The dewdrops, the fresh flowers, the chirping birds and the rustling leaves charm our mind. We start loving these objects of natural beauty. Thus, morning walk is useful not only for our body, but for our mind also.

37. A Visit to a Zoo 

Outline :A zoo…… visited …… parents…… tickets…… saw birds…… rare kinds of…… herons, gulls…… wild beasts …… lioness and her cub…… basking…… wolves…… rhinos…… muddy pond…… big snakes…… fearful…… stayed there …… three hours…… came back home.

There is a zoo in our city. I visited it last Sunday. I went with my parents. We bought tickets and went in. First of all we saw birds. There were many beautiful and rare kinds of birds. We saw parrots, canaries, swallows, peacocks, ducks, cranes, herons, gulls and geese. Then we saw some wild beasts. A lioness and her cub were basking in the sun. They roared now and then. We also saw wolves, tigers, elephants and rhinos. When we were coming back, we saw a muddy pond. There were many big snakes in it. It was fearful to look at them. We stayed in the zoo for about three hours. Then we came back home.

PSEB 10th Class English Paragraph Writing

38. Leisure 

Outline : Life is not worth living if we remain busy in work ….. lot of energy wasted ….. restored by leisure ….. enjoy sights of nature develop new tastes and creative hobbies ….. busy men miss all this ….. overwork causes ailments….. make right use of leisure.

Leisure is the free or spare time one gets after one’s busy schedule. One must have some leisure to enjoy the sights of nature and to look after one’s physical, mental, moral, emotional and spiritual needs. A lot of energy is wasted in doing the day’s work. That energy is restored by leisure. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. It has been rightly said. During the leisure hours, we can develop new tastes as well as creative hobbies. All this is possible only if we have some leisure hours at our disposal. Busy men miss all this. Overwork and no rest causes ailments of various kinds. We should make the right use of leisure. This life is not worth living, if we always remain busy in work.

PSEB 10th Class English Notice Writing

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class English Book Solutions English Notice Writing Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 10th Class English Notice Writing

A notice is a written or printed news, announcement or information. It is usually displayed publicly as on a school / college notice-board. A notice can also be given for insertion in a newspaper like an advertisement. But there is one main difference between an advertisement and a notice. An advertisement is chiefly commercial (or matrimonial) in nature; but a notice is a general piece of information for a particular group. A notice should be in complete sentences or even in the form of a short paragraph, whereas an advertisement can be in the form of merely catchy phrases and slogans.

PSEB 10th Class English Notice Writing

Question 1.
A notice is to be prepared for putting up on the students’ noticeboard, informing them about the school inspection to be held on 16th May, 2018. It is from Reema Sharma, The Principal, Government High School, Mohali.

Govt. High School, Mohali

10 May, 2018
This is to inform all the students and the school staff that the school inspection will be held on 16 May, 2018 by the District Education Officer. Therefore, all the students, teachers and the school staff are requested to maintain discipline, cleanliness and punctuality to keep up the good reputation of the school during the inspection.

Reema Sharma

Question 2.
You are Manav Shukla, the Secretary, the Help All Club of the Navodaya Vidyalaya, Kashmiri Gate, Delhi. Prepare a notice for the school students to help the earthquake victims with money, medicine, food and clothes.

Navodaya Vidyalaya
16 October 20_ _
Kashmiri Gate, Delhi

The recent earthquake in the hilly areas has caused heavy loss of life and property. The affected people are having a horrible time. They are without food, clothes, money and medicine. The Help All Club of the school appeals to all students to help the victims with money, medicine, food and clothes. For your donations, contact the undersigned.

Manav Shukla

PSEB 10th Class English Notice Writing

Question 3.
As the Secretary of Sai Baba Society, Somesh Vihar, Delhi, prepare a notice for the residents of the colony, giving hints for protection against Dengue fever. Your name is Sheetal Jain.

10 August 20_ _ Somesh
Somesh Vihar, Delhi
Hints for Protection against Dengue

Many cases of dengue have been reported in the city. The escape from this disease lies more in prevention than in cure. All residents of the colony are advised to take the following steps to protect themselves against this dangerous disease.

  • Disinfect all places where mosquitoes can breed.
  • Use mosquito repellents.
  • Do not let water stagnate around your houses.
  • Wear clothes that cover arms and legs.
  • In case of fever, contact your doctor or the nearest hospital.

Sheetal Jain Secretary

Question 4.
Draft a notice on behalf of the Principal, Delhi Public School, Ludhiana, announcing elections for the posts of President and Secretary of English Literarary Society of the school.


20 October 20–

The school is going to hold elections for the posts of President and Secretary of the English Literary Society of the school. Those who want to give their nominations for the same posts should give their names to the undersigned by the 13th of this month.

Sanjeev Jain

Question 5.
You are Mohan Kumar, Sports Secretary, Govt High School, Jalandhar. Some old sports goods have to be put on sale to collect money for donation to the poor cancer patients. Draft a notice, inviting students to help by buying these goods.


10 March 20 – –

The school has decided to sell some of the old sports goods. The sale will be organized in the school hall on 15 March, 20 _ _. These goods include cricket bats, balls, hockey sticks, footballs, volleyballs and basketballs. All the goods are in a fairly good condition. The amount collected from the sale will be donated for the treatment of poor cancer patients. Please come, buy and help in the good cause.

Mohan Kumar
(Sports Secretary)

PSEB 10th Class English Notice Writing

Question 6.
You are Nimisha, Student Editor, School Magazine, Radha Vatika School, Khanna. Draft a notice, inviting entries for the magazine from students. The last date is 10th of October.

Contributions For The School Magazine

1 October 20 – –

We are going to bring out the annual issue of our school magazine next month. Those who want to have their articles, stories, poems, etc. published in this issue should hand over their articles to the undersigned by the 10th of this month. The articles should be original and written neatly on one side of the paper only.

Nimisha Paul
(Student Editor)

Question 7.
You wish to arrange a charity show in your school. Write a notice in this regard, specifying the purpose, date and time of the show.


10 December 20_ _

The Cultural Committee of the school has decided to arrange a charity show to extend help to the victims of recent earthquake in Uttarakhand. Funds f collected from this charity show will be spent for purchasing clothes, food, blankets, etc. for the earthquake victims. Skits, folk dances, songs and a lot of fun is included in this charity show. So, all students are invited to this show on 15 December, 2017 at 11.00 a.m. at the school auditorium.

Tamanna Bhatia
(Cultural President)

Question 8.
You are Sonal, Cultural Secretary of the City Public School, Lucknow. Write a notice, inviting students to give their names for the Fancy Dress Competition being held in the School.


1 October 20 – –

A Fancy Dress Competition is going to be held at our school on 10 October, 2017. The competition will be open to the students from Nursery to Class-V only. Famous dress designer, Ritu Beri, has consented to be the judge for this competition. So those desirous of taking part in this event, should give their names to the undersigned by
5 October, 20

(Cultural Secretary)

PSEB 10th Class English Notice Writing

Question 9.
You are Munish, the Head Boy of Kamal Public School, Kamal. Write a notice ‘ for the school notice-board, inviting the students to participate in the Annual Sports Day.


10 March 20_ _

The school is holding its Annual Sports Day on 21st March. Those who want to participate in the various events should give their names to the undersigned by the 13th of this month. The list of various events is available with the undersigned. No student can take part in more than three events, excluding the relay.

Munish Lai
(Head Boy)

Question 10.
You are Nikhil Kumar, the Head Boy of Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Ambala. Draft a notice regarding a book that has been found in the school compound.


22 March 20_ _

A book on English Grammar was found lying in the school compound last evening. It is of brown colour with a name written on it. The owner is requested to collect it from the school office after showing his / her identity card.
Nikhil Kumar
(Head Boy)

PSEB 10th Class English Notice Writing

Question 11.
Rakesh Sharma is a student of class X-A in Govt. Sen. Sec. School, Amritsar. He has lost his English Reader Book during the lunch .break. Draft a notice on his behalf for the school notice-board.


15 October 20

I have lost my English Reader Book somewhere in the school. The book bears my name and class roll number. I have put in it some notes and hints in my own hand. The finder is requested to return the book to me or deposit it with the school office. It will be an act of great favour.

Rakesh Sharma
Roll No. 5

PSEB 10th Class English Letter Writing

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class English Book Solutions English Letter Writing Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 10th Class English Letter Writing

परीक्षा-पत्र में निम्नलिखित प्रकार के पत्र पूछे जा सकते हैं
1. Personal letters to friends and relatives.
2. Letters of complaint, enquiry, request; applications.
3. Letters to Editor.
पत्र-लेखन के सम्बन्ध में कुछ आवश्यक जानकारी
1. आजकल पत्र-लेखन के सम्बन्ध में एक नई विधि को अपनाना शुरू कर दिया गया है, यद्यपि भाषा-विज्ञान की दृष्टि से इसका कोई आधार नहीं है।

PSEB 10th Class English Letter Writing

2. नई विधि के अनुसार पत्र-प्रेषक का पता तथा पत्र लिखने की तिथि कई बार ऊपरी दाएं कोने में लिखने की बजाए बाएं कोने में लिख दिए जाते हैं, और प्राप्तकर्ता का नाम, पता तथा सम्बोधन करने के शब्द, आदि भी इसी के साथ नीचे लिख दिए जाते हैं तथा इनके लिखने में विराम-चिन्हों का प्रयोग भी लुप्त कर दिया जाता है। पत्र के अन्त में पत्र-प्रेषक अपना नाम या हस्ताक्षर भी बाईं तरफ़ ही डालता है। यह विधि यद्यपि कुछ अटपटी सी प्रतीत होती है, फिर भी बहुधा लोग इसे अपनाना बेहतर मानते हैं।

3. परम्परागत पुरानी विधि के अनुसार पत्र-प्रेषक का पता तथा पत्र लिखने की तिथि दोनों ही दाईं तरफ़ के ऊपरी कोने में लिखे जाते हैं और प्राप्तकर्ता को सम्बोधित करने सम्बन्धी शब्द बाईं तरफ़ नीचे को हटा कर लिखे जाते हैं। पत्र-प्रेषक अपना नाम या हस्ताक्षर, आदि भी पत्र के अन्त में दाईं सरफ़ हटा कर डालता है। तथा इन सब के लिखने में विराम-चिन्हों का विशेष ध्यान रखा जाता है।

4. विद्यार्थी को पत्र लिखते समय इस बात का विशेष ध्यान रखना चाहिए कि वह नई या पुरानी, किसा भा वाध का प्रयोग कर सकता है। किन्तु इन दोनों को किसी भी हालत में एक-दूसरी से मिला कर न लिखे। ऐसा करने से अंक काटे जा सकते हैं।

5. इस पृष्ठ पर ऊपर दिए गए उदाहरणों में पुरानी विधि के अनुसार विराम-चिन्हों का प्रयोग किया गया है, किन्तु . आजकल अधिकतर पत्र नई विधि के अनुसार ही लिखे जाते हैं, जैसा कि अगले पृष्ठों में दिखाया गया है।

Important Personal Letters

Advising Brother To Improve His Health

Question 1.
You are Rohit Verma, living at 27, Gandhi Nagar, Delhi. Your younger brother is a bookworm. He is good at studies but weak in health. Write him a letter, advising him to take part in games.
27 Gandhi Nagar
12 April 20… …
Dear Kapil
Your friend, Ashok, met me a few days ago. He told me that you have become a bookworm. You do not care at all about your health. You do not take part in games. It is not good on your part. Games are a part and parcel of education. Health is wealth. You can’t have a sound mind without a sound body. No doubt, you are good at studies, but you have a very poor health.
I advise you to be careful about your health. You should go out for a walk daily. Take part in games also. You must improve your health. One can’t enjoy one’s life without good health. If health is lost, everything is lost. Be a good boy. I hope you will act upon my advice.
With love
Yours affectionately

Permission To Join An Educational Tour

Question 2.
You are Rahul Duggal, studying in class X at Govt. Sr. Secondary School, Maud Kalan, Bathinda. Write a letter to your father, requesting him to allow you to join an educational tour conducted by your school.
Queen’s Hostel
Govt. Sr. Secondary School
Maud Kalan
10 December 20– —
My dear Father
Our school is breaking up for Christmas holidays on the 24th of this month. Some students of our school are going on an educational tour. The tour has been organised by our Principal. It will be a seven-day tour, from December 25 to December 31. The students shall visit Bengaluru, Mysore, Chennai and Madurai. I request you to allow me to go on this tour. Each student has to deposit ₹5000/ for this tour. I shall do with ₹ 1000/- only for my pocket expenses. Kindly send me ₹ 6000/- as soon as possible. I hope you will not disappoint me.
With regards
Yours affectionately
Rahul Duggal

PSEB 10th Class English Letter Writing

Inviting Cousin To Spend Winter Break With You

Question 3.
Write a letter to your cousin Pulkit, inviting him to spend his winter break with you. You are Rohan and you live at 24, Mall Road, Shimla.
24 Mall Road Shimla
16 December 20– —
Dear Pulkit
I invite you to come to Shimla in your winter vacation. We will have a nice time together. Snowfall in Shimla is a beautiful sight. Many tourists come to see it. We will also visit all the beauty spots near Shimla. I hope you will definitely come. Pay my deep regards to dear uncle and aunt.
Yours affectionately

To Father About Home News

Question 4.
You are Monu and you live at 51, Central Town, Nangal. Write a letter to your father, who is away on a long tour, giving him home news.
51 Central Town Nangal
6 September 20
Dear Father
Many things have happened since I wrote you last. Bittoo fell down the stairs and broke her leg. She became senseless. She was moved to hospital. She is quite fit now. You need not worry about her. Mohan’s result Was out yesterday. He got 700 marks. He is sure to get a scholarship. He is very happy. Uncle Kartar Singh also visited us last week. He stayed with us for two days. We all miss you badly. Please come back home soon.
Yours affectionately

Giving details of a medical camp

Question 5.
Write a letter to your sister, Mohini, giving her the details of a free medical camp that your grandmother arranged recently. You are Sudhir Singh and live at 111, Chandigarh Road, Rajpura.
111 Chandigarh Road Rajpura
20 November 20– —
Dear Mohini
You know our grandmother is a social activist. Last week, she organized a free medical camp for poor patients in the local Town Hall. Eleven eminent doctors provided their services. Patients were given free consultation and medicines. More than 1000 patients benefited from this camp. Such camps are really a true service towards mankind.
Yours affectionately
Sudhir Singh.

A Letter Of Condolence

Question 6.
You are Tanbir Singh, living at G-312, Adarsh Colony, Moga. Write a letter of condolence to your friend Amrit on the death of her mother.
G-312 Adarsh Colony Moga
5th January 20
Dear Amrit
I was shocked to learn about the untimely death of your mother. She was quite healthy. I met her the other day. I never thought that her end was so near.
She was a very noble lady. She was kind to all. She was a lovable mother. She took keen interest in your studies. She looked upon me as her own daughter.
Dear Amrit your loss is great. But it was God’s will. His ways are strange. We must bow before Him. May God grant peace to the departed soul !
With deep sympathies …
Yours sincerely
Tanbir Singh

PSEB 10th Class English Letter Writing

Thanking For Gift

Question 7.
Write a letter to your uncle, thanking him for the birthday gift he has sent you. You are Bhushan, living at 37, Civil Lines, Ludhiana.
37 Civil Lines Ludhiana
5 August 20_ _
My dear Uncle
Thank you for the lovely gift you have sent me on my birthday. Your gift is truly after my heart. The wristwatch sent by you looks very beautiful. All my friends have liked it very much.
Dear uncle, I was badly in need of a watch. I was often late for school. I had to pay some fine every month. This watch will now prove useful for me. It will help me during the examinations. It will also help me to regulate my daily work. It is a token of your love for me. I shall keep it with great care. I once again thank you for this nice present.
Yours affectionately

Describing A Visit To A Historical Place

Question 8.
Write a letter to your younger brother Hitesh, describing your visit to some historical building. You are Naresh, living at Pratibha Hostel, Bal Bharti, Delhi.
Pratibha Hostel
Bal Bharti
10 October 20_ _
Dear Hitesh
You will be glad to know that I went to Agra during the last Christmas holidays. Our history teacher arranged this tour. There we visited the Taj. It has a majestic look. It is a large and beautiful building. It stands on a raised platform. In the middle of the platform, there is a splendid white dome. At its four corners, there are four stately towers. Underneath the white dome are the marble tombs of Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan. The Taj was built by Shah Jahan in the sweet memory of his beloved wife. It is made of pure white marble. The beauty of the Taj beggars description. It looks like a fairy dressed in white. We stayed there for about two hours. I left the place most unwillingly. Its memory is still fresh in my mind.
With love
Yours affectionately

About Your Stay With Your Uncle And Aunt

Question 9.
Write a letter to your mother, telling her about your stay with your uncle and aunt. You are Rajni and you live at Mansarovar Hostel, Vanketeshwara College, Karnal.
Mansarovar Hostel
Vanketeshwara College
20 June 20 _ _
Dear Mother
During my last holidays, I visited Uncle Rajan in Delhi. I spent there a couple of days. Aunt Neeru was very happy to have me there. She took me daily for shopping. We visited a number of historical places also. I came back on the fourth day with lots of gifts. How nice these people are !
With love

PSEB 10th Class English Letter Writing

Congratulating Friend On Success In Examination

Question 10.
You are Vishal and you live at New Janta Nagar, Jalandhar. Write a letter to your friend, Tanuj, congratulating him on his grand success in the Matriculation Examination.
415 New Janta Nagar
Jalandhar 20 March
20- –
My dear Tanuj
The result of the Matriculation Examination was declared today. I looked up your roll number in the gazette. You are getting a high first division. It has given me great pleasure. Please accept my heartiest congratulations on your grand success. It is really a big achievement for you. And it is all the result of your hard work.
All of us are full of joy at your success. Please convey my congratulations to your dear parents also. They must be proud of your success. I hope you will be giving a party to celebrate your success. Don’t forget to keep my share. What are your future plans ? Write to me.
Your loving friend

Scolding Brother For Neglecting Studies

Question 11.
You are Deepak Gupta. You live with your parents at 61, G.T., Road, Rajpura. Write a letter to your younger brother, Keshav, scolding him for neglecting his studies.
61 G.T. Road
20 March 20_ _
My dear Keshav
I received your result card yesterday. Your result is very poor. You fail in all the subjects. This is a matter of shame for us. Manav, you should mend your ways. You should work very hard. Engage some tutor. Leave bad company. Make friends with good boys. Stop seeing movies. Start playing games in the evening. All this will pay you in the long run.
If you do not mend your ways now, you will repent later on.
I hope you will act upon my advice.
Yours affectionately

Important Bussiness Letters

Wrong Supply Of Books

Question 1.
Write a letter to a bookseller, complaining about the wrong supply of a books. You are Jatinder Singh, living at 21, Model Town, Nakodar.
21 Model Town
26 March 20 _ _
Messrs India Book Depot Mai Heera Gate Jalandhar
Subject : Wrong Supply of Books Dear Sirs
On 15th March, I ordered 10 copies each of books, ‘Background of Music’ by H.S. Narang and ‘History of Punjab’, by A.C. Arora, remitting ₹ 2000/-, the entire amount of their price, in advance.
On opening the parcel, received this morning, I found that it contained copies of the different titles by the same authors. I regret to say that I did not place the order for these titles. I am, therefore, returning them by parcel and requesting the replacement.  I hope the replacement will be despatched at the earliest date. I also hope that I shall not be charged any additional packing or postal expenses.
Yours faithfully
Jatinder Singh

PSEB 10th Class English Letter Writing

Ordering Sports Goods

Question 2.
Write a letter ordering some sports goods to the firm, Messrs Avtar Singh and Sons at Jalandhar. You are Prabhjot, studying at Government High School, Nawan Shehar.
Govt. High School Nawan Shehar
28 November 20_ _
Messrs Avtar Singh and Sons ’ Sports Goods Suppliers
Nakodar Road Jalandhar
Subject : Order for sports goods Dear Sirs
Kindly send the following sports goods at your earliest.
Footballs  Cosmo                      6 pcs.
Cricket      Bats English Willow One dozen
Cricket      Pads Antel               One dozen
Please check the above goods before packing. Send these goods through Satluj Transport Company. An a/c payee cheque for ₹2500/- is enclosed as advance payment.
Yours faithfully
Prabhjot Kaur

Complaint About A Tv Set

Question 3.
Ravi Sundaram of 28, Civil Lines, Ludhiana, bought a colour TV set from Messrs Ram Electronics, 14, Bazaar Marg, Ludhiana, a month ago. Now he finds that the sound is not clear and the picture changes to black and white from time to time. He writes a letter to the dealer, complaining about the same and requesting him to attend to it at the earliest. Write the letter.
28 Civil Lines Ludhiana
28 March 20_ _
Messrs Ram Electronics
14 Bazaar Marg
Subject: A recently purchased colour TV Set Dear Sirs
I bought a Venus Colour TV set from your shop against cash memo no. 1786 dated 17.3.20 and I regret to inform you that the set is not working properly, to the great dismay of each one in the house. The sound is not clear and the volume keeps fluctuating automatically. The picture also changes to black and white from time to time. The set is still under warranty, and I request you to attend to it at your earliest.
I hope you’ll enable us to watch on our TV the one-day Singer Cup cricket matches going to commence next Monday.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Ravi Sundram.

Cancelling An Order

Question 4.
You placed an order with Messrs Readymade Woollens, Ludhiana, for the supply of ladies cardigans, but they have delayed the execution of the order. Write a letter to them, cancelling the order. You are Nirmal Jain, Proprietor, Messrs Nirmal and Sons, Sangrur.
Messrs Nirmal and Sons
5 October 20_ _
Messrs Readymade Woollens Ludhiana
Subject : Cancelling the order Sirs
We placed an order with you on 5th September for 200 pieces of ladies cardigans to be delivered by 20th September. But till now, we have received neither the goods nor any letter from you. The time of delivery has long expired and we are compelled to cancel the order, and should the goods arrive, they will now be refused.
Yours faithfully
Nirmal Jain

Placing An Order For Books

Question 6.
Imagine you are Rahul. You live at Muktsar. You live in Gandhi Nagar. Your house number is 765. You want to buy same books. Write a letter to Manager, Layal Book Depot, Ludhiana, ordering books of your choice.
765, Gandhi Nagar
21 August 20_ _
The Manager
Layai Book Depot
Subject: Placing an order for books
Dear Sir
Kindly send me one copy each of the following books by V.P.P. AU the books should be of the latest edition. I need them very urgently. Please send them at your earliest.
1. Modern English Grammar by Prof. Dharam Pal Bhanot (B.A. I)
2. History of Punjab by M.S. Mann (B.A.I)
3. Indian Political System by R.N. Duggal (B.A.I)
4. Essentials of Macro Economics by V.K. Srivastava (B.A.I)
Yours truly
Rahul Kushwaha

Complaint About A Beauty Product

Question 7.
You are Simran, living at Old Court Road, Sunam. Write a letter to Rama Herbal Cosmetics, Bengaluru, complaining about the body lotion they sent you.
36 Old Court Road Sunam
20 June 20_ _
Messrs Rama Herbal Cosmetics Bengaluru
Subject : Complaint about the body lotion sent by you Dear Sirs
Taken in by your much advertised body lotion, I had ordered three vials of it, the supply of which was received last Monday. But now I find that the lotion is very sticky and gives a very bad smell. Since this lotion is of no use to me, I want my money back. Please arrange to take back the vials and make good all the costs that have been borne by me.
Yours faithfully Simran
(Prop. Shiva Cosmetics)

PSEB 10th Class English Letter Writing

Complaint Against The Postman

Question 7.
The postman of your street is rude and irregular. Write a letter to the postmaster complaining against the conduct of the postman. You are Gurpreet Singh, living at 11, Sector 25, Model Town, Jalandhar.
11, Sector 25
Model Town ‘
Jalandhar 19 April 20 _ _
The Postmaster General Post Office Jalandhar Sir
I am very sorry to report that my letters are not properly delivered to me. Ram Lai, the postman of our area, is very careless. Often he comes very late. He does not do his duty honestly. On the outer wall of my house, I have put up a letter box. It bears my name. But the postman never cares to put my letters into this box. He often throws them in at the gate. Sometimes, he hands them to the children playing in the street. Many important letters are thus lost. Kindly look into the matter and take suitable action.
Yours faithfully
Gurpreet Singh

Important Official Letters

Suggesting New Programmes For Children

Question 1.
During summer vacation, children stick to the television most of the time. Write a letter to the Director, Doordarshan, suggesting some new programmes you would like to have for children. You are Nikhil Gupta, living at 12, Patiala Road, Nabha.
12 Patiala Road Nabha
28 May 20- –
The Director
New Delhi
Subject : Request for showing certain programmes for children
As you know, these are the leisurely days of summer vacation. The school-going children can’t play outdoors due to scorching heat. They spend most of the time in front of the television. Therefore, I request you to telecast programmes on cartoons, general knowledge and new discoveries. It would help to increase their knowledge and also use their time in a constructive manner.
I hope you will do the needful.
Thanking you in anticipation
Yours faithfully
Nikhil Gupta.

Request For Installation Of Traffic Lights

Question 2.
Write a letter to the Superintendent of Police (Traffic), Chandigarh, requesting him to install traffic lights at the crossing near your school. You are Raj an Sethi, a student of class Xllth, DA.V. School, Chandigarh.
D.A.V. School Chandigarh
28 September 20
The Superintendent of Police (Traffic)
Subject : Installation of traffic lights at the crossing Sir .
There are no traffic lights at the crossing near our school. The traffic is very fast there. There is a grave danger to the life and limb of the students.
I, therefore, request you to kindly arrange traffic lights at the crossing.
Hoping for an immediate action
Yours faithfully
Rajan Sethi
Class XII

PSEB 10th Class English Letter Writing

Request For A Study Loan

Question 3.
Write a letter to the manager of a bank, requesting for a loan for higher studies. You are Nikhil, living at 34, Krishna Nagar, Patiala.
34 Krishna Nagar Patiala
28 November 20
The Manager Punjab National Bank Patiala
Subject : Request for a study loan Dear Sir
I read your advertisement in Hindustan Times yesterday. I have cleared the CAT examination and’have been selected for IIM, Ahmedabad. My father is a government teacher. The entire family banks upon him alone. So it is quite impossible for him to pay the fees for my course which is about ₹5 lac. I request you to sanction me a plan of this much amount. I undertake you to return the amount as per the conditions given in the advertisement.
Yours faithfully

Complaint About Insanitation

Question 4.
Imagine you are Raman. You live in Gali Ram Nath, Malerkotla. Write a letter to the Health Officer of your town complaining about the insanitary condition of your street.
Gali Ram Nath
16 March 20 _ _
The Health Officer Malerkotla
Subject : Insanitary condition of our street Sir
I beg to draw your attention to the insanitary condition of Gali Ram Nath in this city. Mainly poor people live in this area. Perhaps that is why no Sanitary Inspector
has ever visited it. There are very few proper drains here. The drains are not cleaned regularly. These are never flushed with water. No dustbins have been provided. People throw all their refuse here and there. Flies and mosquitoes buzz about. All this gives this area a very dirty look.
I hope you will take suitable measures to improve the sanitary condition of this area.
Yours faithfully

About Environmental Pollution

Question 5.
You are Raghu, staying at 12, Balmik Colony, Gurdaspur. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper to create awareness among the masses about pollution hazards.
Balmik Colony Gurdaspur
March 20- –
The Editor The Tribune
Subject : Environmental pollution
Environmental pollution is the biggest problem facing the modern man. Only recently has our government become aware of the gravity of this situation. More attention is being paid to afforestation. The unauthorised felling of trees is being checked. Scientists are developing methods to minimise the effect of smoke let out by our autos and chimneys. In fact, environmental awareness is a social necessity. It is not only the duty of the government, but also a social responsibility of the masses to keep the environment free from pollution.
Yours truly

About The Problem Of Begging

Question 6.
You are Ramesh, living at 86, Sunam Road, Mansa. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper suggesting how the problem of begging can be solved.
Adarsh Vihar Dwarka 27 April 20-
The Editor
The Indian Express
Subject : The problem of begging Sir
The problem of beggars has assumed an alarming proportion in the city. Some beggars, no doubt, deserve our sympathy. They are handicapped. But the pity is that most of the beggars are able-bodied. Begging has become a profession for them. Some of them are criminals. They beg only to hide their crimes.
Begging should be abolished by law. Able-bodied beggars should be forced to work. If they go without work, they must also go without food. We should not encourage them by giving alms. People can thus play a big role in ending this evil.
Yours truly

PSEB 10th Class English Letter Writing

Application For The Job Of A Computer Operator

Question 7.
Write an application for employment in Hindustan Limited, New Delhi, as a computer operator. You are Manu Gupta, living at 811, Sector 15, Rohini, New Delhi.
811 Sector 15
Rohini New Delhi
25 July 20_ _
The General Manager Hindustan Limited
New Delhi
Subject : Application for the job of a computer operator
With reference to your advertisement in The Times of India, dated 20 July 20
I want to apply for the job of a computer operator in your company. As regards my qualifications, I have done Diploma in Computer Applications (DCA) after doing 10+2 from the CBSE. I have served for three years with a travel agency and am fairly good at all basic operations related to computer. If given a chance, I am sure you will feel satisfied with my services.
Yours faithfully
Manu Gupta

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 23 Second Anglo-Sikh War, Causes, Results and Annexation of the Punjab

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class History Book Solutions Chapter 23 Second Anglo-Sikh War, Causes, Results and Annexation of the Punjab Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 History Chapter 23 Second Anglo-Sikh War, Causes, Results and Annexation of the Punjab

Long Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Explain in brief the causes of Second Anglo-Sikh War.
What were the causes of the Second Anglo-Sikh War.
What were the five main causes for Second Anglo-Sikh War?
Describe five main reasons of Second Anglo-Sikh War.
1. Sikhs’ desire to avenge their defeat in the First Anglo-Sikh War: It is true that the Sikhs were defeated in the First Anglo-Sikh War against the Britishers, but this did not demoralise them. They knew very well the main cause of their defeat was the treachery of Sikh leaders. The Sikh soldiers were confident of their ability. Therefore, they wanted to avenge their defeat. This strong desire of theirs became one of the main causes of the Second Anglo-Sikh War.

2. Punjabis were dissatisfied with the Treaties of Lahore and Bhairowal: After the First Anglo-Sikh War, the British forced the Lahore Darbar to sign the treaties of Lahore and Bhairowal. These treaties had, almost, ended the sovereignty of the Sikh Empire. The people of the Punjab could not tolerate the ruining of the empire which Maharaja Ranjit Singh had built, bit by bit by the sweat of his brow. Therefore, the Sikhs had to fight one more war with the British.

3. Resentment among the Sikh Soldiers: According to the treaty of Lahore, the British had fixed the strength of the Khalsa army at 20,000 infantry and 12,000 cavalries. Thousands of Sikh soldiers were disbanded. These jobless soldiers would wander about in the villages. They felt that it was the high-handedness of British Government.

4. Harsh treatment of Maharani Jindan: The humiliating treatment meted out to Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s widow, and Maharaja Dalip Singh’s mother, Maharani Jindan, further aggravated the resentment of the Sikhs. The maltreatment of Maharani Jindan by the British sent a wave of anger throughout Punjab.

5. Revolt of Diwan Moolraj: The revolt of Diwai Moolraj of Multan was one of the most potent causes, which led to the Second Anglo-Sikh War. On 20th April, the two British officers – Vans Agnew and Anderson were murdered in Multan. The British Government falsely implicated Diwan Moolraj for these murders. It enraged Moolraj and he raised the banner of revolt against the British.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 23 Second Anglo-Sikh War, Causes, Results and Annexation of the Punjab

Question 2.
Write a note on the revolt of Diwan Moolraj of Multan.
Diwan Moolraj was appointed the Nazim (Governor) of Multan in 1844 A.D. He paid about 13 ^ lakh rupees annually to Lahore Darbar as revenue. Later on this amount was raised to 20 lakh but at the same time 3rd of the territory of his state was taken away. As a result he resigned from the post of Nazim. In march 1848 A.D., the new Resident Fredrick Currie accepted his resignation. He decided to appoint Kahan Singh the new Governor of Multan.

Two British officers Agnew and Anderson were sent to assist him. Moolraj handed over the charge of the fort to Kahan Singh on April 19,1848 A.D. without any opposition. But on April 20, some soldiers of Moolraj slew both the British officers and compelled Moolraj to lead their revolt against the British. Instead of crushing it, the British allowed it to spread so that they could have an excuse to invade the kingdom of Lahore.

Question 3.
What do you know about the revolt of Chattar Singh of Hazara?
Sardar Chattar Singh Attariwala was the Nazim of Hazara. He had grown suspicious of the designs of the British when they intentionally delayed action to crush the revolt of Multan and showed harsh and unjust attitude towards Maharani Jindan. His daughter was engaged to Maharaja Dalip Singh. The Britishers were opposed to this matrimonial alliance because they did not want the two powerful royal families to unite. It could impede the Britishers’ policy of taking Punjab’s possession. Consequently, Chattar Singh’s suspicion of the Britishers, design was further deepened. Captain Abbott who had been appointed advisor to Chattar Singh was determined to wipe out the Sikh Empire.

Instigated by him the Muslims of Hazara attacked the residence of Chattar Singh on 6th August, 1848 A.D. On seeing this Sardar Chattar Singh ordered Col. Canora to take action against the rebels. Col. Canora who was in league with Captain Abbott refused to comply with the orders of Chattar Singh. On the other hand he fired two shots which killed two Sikh soldiers. At that time a Sikh soldier advanced with his sword and beheaded Canora. When this news reached Abbott he flew into a rage. He removed Sardar Chattar Singh from his office and seized his Jagir. As a result the blood of Chattar Singh began to boil and he raised the banner of revolt against the British. Now the fire of revolt spread everywhere.

Question 4.
Write a brief note on the battle of Chilliamwala.
The battle of ChillianWala was an important battle of the Second Anglo- Sikh War. Lord Hugh Gough who was commanding’the British forces was waiting for more military assistance to face the forces of Sher Singh. At this time he got information that Chattar Singh had taken the Attock fort and he was coming to the help of Sher Singh. It could pose a great danger for the British. Well before Chattar Singh could reach Hugh Gough attacked the forces of Sher Singh at Chillianwala on January 13, 1849 A.D. In this pitched battle the Sikhs fought like devils and their artillery took a heavy toll.

It created disorder in the British ranks. It was the worst defeat, the British had suffered since their occupation of India. It created furore in England. Hugh Gough was superseded and Charles Napier was asked to come from England to take over command.

Question 5.
What was the importance of the Battle of Gujarat in Second Anglo- SikhWar?
The battle of Gujarat was the last and the most decisive battle of the Second Anglo-Sikh War. It was fought on February 21,1849 A.D. In this battle the number of Sikh troops was 40,000. They were jointly led by Chattar Singh, Sher Singh and Bhai Maharaj Singh. On the other hand the number of British troops was 68,000. They were commanded by Lord Hugh Gough. As both the sides used excessive guns in this battle, so the battle of Gujarat is also called the battle of guns. The Sikhs fought bravely but were defeated as they ran short of ammunition.

The Sikhs suffered heavy loss in this battle and pandemonium prevailed. Chattar Singh, Sher Singh and Bhai Maharaj Singh fled to Rawalpindi. The British soldiers chased them. They surrendered on March 10, and the remaining soldiers surrendered on March 14. After the British victory in this battle on March 29, 1849, they annexed Punjab to their empire. In this way the empire established by Maharaja Ranjit Singh came to an end.

Question 6.
What were the results of Second Anglo-Sikh War?
Study in brief the results of Second Anglo-Sikh War.
Explain the five effects of Second Anglo-Sikh War.
The Second Anglo-Sikh war had far-reaching consequences. It may be summarised as follows :
1. End of the Empire of Maharaja Ranjit Singh : The most significant result of the Second Anglo-Sikh War was this that it completely brought an end to the empire. The last Sikh Maharaja Dalip Singh was dethroned.

2. Sikh Army was Disbanded : After the Second Anglo-Sikh War, the Sikh army was disbanded. Majority of these soldiers were engaged in farming. Those soldiers, whose loyalty was not in doubt, were recruited in the British Indian army.

3. Banishment of Moolraj and Bhai Maharaj Singh : Diwan Moolraj had been awarded the death sentence .on the charge of the murder of two British officers. Later on it was converted into ‘Kalapani’. He was to be sent to Andaman but before that his health broke down. Consequently, he died on 11th August, 1851 A.D. at Calcutta. Bhai Maharaj Singh was sent to the Singapore jail, where he died on 5th July, 1856 A.D.

4. Punishment to S. Chattar Singh and Sher Singh : The British Government had imprisoned Sardar Chattar Singh and his son Sher Singh. They were first kept in the Allahabad jail and then transferred to the Calcutta jail. In 1854 A.D. the government released both of them.

5. New Administration for the Punjab : After the annexation of the Punjab to the British Empire, the British established a Board of Administration to run the administration of the Punjab. It functioned from 1849 to 1853 A.D. During this period, the Britishers introduced many changes in the administrative structure of the Punjab.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 23 Second Anglo-Sikh War, Causes, Results and Annexation of the Punjab

Question 7.
Was the annexation of Punjab by Lord Dalhousie justified? Give arguements in your favour.
“Annexation of Punjab was a violent breach of trust.” Explain.
Was the annexation of Punjab justified? Give five reasons for it.
The annexation of Punjab was a violent breach of trust.

1. Sikhs provoked to Revolt: Between the end of the First Anglo-Sikh War and the beginning of the Second Anglo-Sikh War, many such events took place as provoked the Sikhs to revolt. According to the treaty of Lahore, the Britishers had taken away important areas of Punjab. The Britishers had meted out a shabby treatment to Maharani Jindan. They forced Diwan Moolraj and Sardar Chattar Singh to revolt. In this way, the Sikhs were compelled to rise against the British.

2. Revolt was not suppressed in time : When the fire of revolt broke out in Multan, it could have been controlled there and then. To let the revolt linger on for eight months, was a politically motivated move. As a consequence, the British got the much needed pretext to wage a war against Punjab and its annexation.

3. British had not fulfilled the terms of the Treaty : It was said by the British that they had stood by all the promises. An assessment made, brings to light the fact that the British had fulfilled only those terms of the treaty, which looked advantageous to them. Thus, the Britishers’ assertion that they fulfilled all the terms of the treaty is a white lie.

4. Lahore Darbar gave full co-operation in fulfilling the terms of the Treaty: The Lahore Darbar continued to fulfil faithfully the terms of the treaty till the British finally took over the Punjab. The Lahore Government was bearing the whole expense of the British army posted in Punjab. It condemned the revolts of Diwan Moolraj, Chattar Singh and Sher Singh, and also co-operated fully with the British army to crush these revolts.

5. The whole Sikh Army and the people did not Revolt: Lord Dalbousie had charged that the entire Sikh army of the Punjab in collusion with the people had revolted against the British. It necessitated the possession of the Punjab by the British. But there is not an iota of truth in this statement of Lord Dalhousie. The revolt against the British had taken place only in Multan and Hazara provinces of the Punjab. Most of the Sikh army and the people remained loyal to the British. To punish the whole of Punjab under such circumstances, was totally wrong.

Question 8.
Give any five arguments in favour of Dalhousie’s annexation of the Punjab to the British empire.
Give arguments in favour of Dalhousie’s policy of the annexation of Punjab.
The following arguments are given in favour of Dalhousie’s policy of annexation :

1. Sikhs had broken their Promises: Lord Dalhousie had accused that the Sikhs had violated the terms of the treaty of Bhairowal. Through this treaty, the Sikhs had promised to co-operate with the British Resident, but the Sikhs did not keep the word. On the contrary, they tried to spread disturbance by raising the banner of revolt against the British. Lord Dalhousie termed Diwan Moolraj’s revolt as the revolt of the whole Sikh community. In this way, to tide over the deteriorating conditions, the annexation of Punjab to the British Empire was essential.

2. Punjab remained no more a good Buffer State: After the First Anglo- Sikh War, Lord Hardinge had not annexed Punjab to the British Empire because he had held the opinion that the Punjab would prove a useful buffer state between Afghanistan and the Britishers. But his opinion proved to be wrong. A friendship came to be established between the Sikhs and the AfghAnswer: So, Lord Dalhousie considered the annexation of the Punjab to the British empire essential.

3. Non-payment of the Loans: Lord Dalhousie levelled a charge against the Lahore Darbar that according to the terms of the treaty of Bhairowal, she was to pay Rs. 22 lakhs annually to the British. But the Lahore Darbar broke this term also. It did not pay even a single penny to the British. Besides, it did not make payment of that loan which it owed to the Britishers. Therefore, the annexation of the Punjab was justified.

4. It was advantageous to annex Punjab: After the victory in the First Anglo-Sikh War, the British had not annexed Punjab to the British Empire. But after having lived in the Punjab for two years, they realised that it could prove useful to them not only from the economic point of view but also from many other angles. Owing to these reasons, Lord Dalhousie decided to take possession of the Punjab.

5. Annexation of the Punjab was inevitable: It is said that if the Punjab had not been annexed to the British Empire, the Sikhs would have continued to hatch conspiracies against the British Empire for their freedom. It would have affected the other parts of India also. Lord Dalhousie considered it necessary to annex the Punjab to the British Empire.

Question 9.
Write a brief note on Maharaja Dalip Singh.
Maharaja Dalip Singh was the youngest son of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. He became the ruler of Punjab on September 15,1843 A.D. At that time he was only five years old. As a result Maharani Jindan was made his regent. Maharaja Dalip Singh appointed Hira Singh as the Prime Minister of Punjab. Although Hira Singh was very wise he had annoyed most of the courtiers by appointing Pandit Jalla to the post of Mashir-i-Khas. After the murder of Hira Singh in 1844 A.D. Jawahar Singh became the new Prime Minister of the State.

But he was very incompetent and haughty. He was murdered by some soldiers in September 1845 for assassinating Prince Peshaura Singh. Thereafter, Lai Singh was appointed to the post of Prime Minister. He was already in league with the British. Consequently, the Sikhs had to face defeat in the First and Second Anglo-Sikh Wars. The British dethroned Maharaja Dalip Singh and annexed Punjab to the British empire on 29 March, 1849 A.D. Maharaja Dalip Singh was sent to England. He died heart-broken in Paris on October 22,1893 A.D.

Question 10.
Write a brief note on Maharani Jind Kaur (Jindan).
What do ycu know about Maharani Jindan?
Maharani Jindan was the mother of Maharaja Dalip Singh and queen of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. When Dalip Singh became the new king of the Punjab on September 15,1843 A.D., Maharani Jindan was appointed as his regent. Soon she became the symbol of Punjabi resurgence. She wanted to maintain the independence of Punjab at all costs. Her activities irked the British government. Consequently, she was dispossessed of all her powers through the Treaty of Bhairowal. She was to be given an annual pension of Rs.1\(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\) lakh. In August 1847 A.D. she was put under house imprisonment in the fort of Sheikhupura. She was ill-treated in jail.

In May 1848 A.D. she was exiled and sent to Banaras. Maharani Jindan succeeded in reaching Nepal in disguise in April 1849 A.D. When Maharaja Dalip Singh came to India from England in 1861 A.D., Maharani came to see him from Nepal. Maharaja Dalip Singh took his mother to England along with him. Here also the English did not allow them to live together. On August 1, 1863, she died broken-hearted.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 23 Second Anglo-Sikh War, Causes, Results and Annexation of the Punjab

Essay Type Questions:

Question 1.
Discuss the circumstances leading to the Second Anglo-Sikh War. How far were the British responsible for it?
What were the main causes of the Second Anglo-Sikh War?
Write the reasons of the Second Anglo-Sikh War.
In the First Anglo-Sikh War the British emerged victorious and Sikhs were defeated in it. The Sikhs were enraged due to their humiliation by the treaties imposed upon them. It led to the Second Anglo-Sikh War. The main causes of the Second Anglo-Sikh War are given ahead :

1. Sikhs’ desire to avenge their defeat in the First Anglo-Sikh War : It is true that the Sikhs were the first war against the Britishers, but this did not demoralise them. They knew very well that in the battle of Ferozeshah they had inflicted a crushing defeat on the Britishers. The main cause of this defeat was the treachery of Sikh leaders like Lai Singh and Teja Singh. The Sikh soldiers were confident of their ability. Therefore, they wanted to avenge their defeat. This strong desire of theirs became one of the main causes of the Second Anglo-Sikh War.

2. Punjabis were dissatisfied with the Treaties of Lahore and Bhairowal: After the First Anglo-Sikh War, the British forced the Lahore Darbar to sign the treaties of Lahore and Bhairowal. These treaties had, almost, ended the sovereignty of the Sikh Empire. Besides, through these treaties the British had taken possession of the famous areas like the Jalandhar Doab. They had handed over the area of Kashmir to their friend, Gulab Singh. Thus, the British had divided Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Raj into three parts. The people of the Punjab could not tolerate the ruining of the empire which Maharaja Ranjit Singh had built, bit by bit by the sweat of his brow. They wanted to retrieve their old glory. Therefore, the Sikhs had to fight one more war with the British.

3. Resentment among the Sikh Soldiers: According to the treaty of Lahore, the British had fixecf the strength of the Khalsa army at 20,000 infantry and 12,000 cavalry. Thousands of Sikh soldiers were disbanded. These jobless soldiers would wander about in the villages. They felt that it was the high-handedness of British Government.

4. Harsh treatment of Maharani Jindan: The humiliating treatment meted out to Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s widow, and Maharaja Dalip Singh’s mother, Maharani Jindan, further aggravated the resentment of the Sikhs. Through the treaty of Lahore, the Britishers had accepted Maharani Jindan as the regent of minor Maharaja Dalip Singh. She was a woman of high ambitions. It soon became clear to the British that as long as the administration of the Lahore Darbar was under the influence of the Maharani, they would not be able to have their own ways in Punjab.

That is why, under the treaty of Bhairowal, the Britishers divested the Maharani of her powers and gave her a pension of Rs.1.5 lakh per year. In 1847 A.D. the Britishers detained the Maharani in the fort of Sheikhupura. In 1848 A. D., the Maharani was exiled to Banaras. Her annual pension was reduced to Rs. 12000/- per year. The maltreatment of Maharani Jindan by the British sent a wave of anger throughout Punjab.

5. Revolt of Diwan Moolraj : The revolt of Diwan Moolraj of Multan was one of the most potent causes, which led to the Second Anglo-Sikh War. In 1844 A.D. Diwan Moolraj was appointed the new Nazim of Multan. He was compelled to resign by the British in 1847 A.D. In March 1848 A.D. Sardar Kahan Singh was made the new Nazim of Multan. In order to take over the charge of Multan, two British officers, Vans Agnew and Anderson were sent alongwith Kahan Singh. Moolraj warmly welcomed them. On 20th April, some soldiers of Moolraj murdered both the officers and imprisoned Kahan Singh. Fredrick Currie held Moolraj responsible for the revolt of Multan.

It enraged Moolraj and he raised the banner of revolt against the British, The Governor-General of India Lord Dalhousie was on the look out for such a golden opportunity. He deliberately avoided the suppression of rebellion. He wanted that the revolt should flare up on a large-scale, so that he might find a pretext to swallow Punjab. Dr. Kirpal Singh aptly writes, “The spark which kindled a conflagration and reduced the sovereign state of the Punjab to ashes, rose from Multan.”

6. Revolt of Chattar Singh : Sardar Chattar Singh Attariwala was the Nazim of Hazara. He had grown suspicious of the designs of the British, when they intentionally delayed action to crush the revolt of Multan and showed harsh and unjust attitude towards Maharani Jindan. One of his soldiers had killed Col. Canora for misbehaving with S. Chattar Singh. For this the British dismissed Sardar Chattar Singh from his office and seized his Jagir. As a result the blood of Chattar Singh began to boil and he raised the banner of revolt against the British. Now the fire of revolt spread everywhere.

7. Revolt of Sher Singh : As has already been described that Sher Singh was the son of Chattar Singh and was the member of the Council of Regency. He was a staunch supporter of the British. But when Sher Singh came to know about the maltreatment meted out to his father by the Britishers, he too raised the banner of revolt against them on 14th September 1848 A.D. Through a declaration, he appealed to the people of Punjab, who had tasted Ranjit Singh’s salt, to rise in revolt against the treacherous Britishers. The Sikh soldiers responded to this appeal warmly and gathered under the banner of “Sher Singh.

8. Policy of Lord Dalhousie : In January 1848 A.D.; Lord Dalhousie became the new Governor-General of India. He was a great imperialist. By the Doctrine of Lapse and other methods he annexed many Indian States to the British Emjpire. After having taken possession of whole of India, Punjab was the only such state as could not yet be included to the British Empire. Dalhousie had been looking greedily towards Punjab for quite some time, and was on the look out for a golden opportunity. He got this opportunity, when Diwan Moolraj, Chattar Singh and Sher Singh raised their banner of revolt against the British.

Question 2.
Discuss in brief the events of the Second Anglo-Sikh War.
The imprudent policies being followed by the British further widened the gulf between them and the Sikhs. It brought them at the door step of Second Anglo-Sikh War. Lord Dalhousie had sent Lord Hugh Gough to suppress the revolts of Diwan Moolraj, Chattar Singh and Sher Singh. As a consequence the second Anglo-Sikh War was started. The main events of this war were as given ahead :

1. Battle of Ramnagar: The first battle of the Second Anglo-Sikh War between the Sikhs and the British took place at Ramnagar on 22nd November, 1848 A.D. Lord Hugh Gough was the commander of the British army, which comprised 20,000 soldiers and 100 guns. The Sikh army was commanded by Sher Singh, which comprised 15,000 soldiers. The Sikhs had already dug their ‘Morchas’ (trenches) at Ramnagar. When the soldiers of Lord Hugh Gough reached there, the Sikhs challenged them. The Sikhs inflicted a crushing defeat on the British. General Havelock and General Cureton were killed in the battlefield. From this battle Hugh Gough realized that it was not a child’s play to face the Sikhs.

2. Battle of Chillianwala : The battle of Chillianwala was one of the significant battles of the second Anglo-Sikh War. This battle was fought on 13th January, 1849 A.D. Lord Gough was of the view that he did not have a strong force to face Sher Singh. So, he was waiting for more reinforcement, but when Gough came to know that Chattar Singh with his soldiers was coming to the help of Sher Singh, he attacked the soldiers of Sher Singh on 13th January. It Was one of the hardest and fiercest battles. The Sikhs fought with great determination and daring. They wrought havoc in the British army. The British lost 695 soldiers, including 132 officers in the bat’tle and 1651 soldiers were wounded.

Four British Guns were also captured by the Sikhs. Sita Ram Kohli aptly says, “Chillianwala was the worst defeat the British had suffered since their occupation of India.” The heavy disaster of the British in the battle of Chillianwala created a stir in England. So, it was decided by the British Government to appoint Sir Charles Napier as Commander-in-Chief in place of Lord Hugh Gough.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 23 Second Anglo-Sikh War, Causes, Results and Annexation of the Punjab

3. Battle of Multan: Diwan Moolraj had raised the banner of revolt against the British at Multan in April 1848 A.D. The British had, at first, allowed the revolt to spread and later when Sher Singh joined Diwan Moolraj of Multan, they decided to act. War did take place between the British soldiers and the soldiers of Moolraj, but the British could not win any decisive victory. At last, the British played a trick. They wrote a forged letter and created a misunderstanding between Diwan Moolraj and Sher Singh. As a result, Sher Singh parted company with. Moolraj in October, 1848 A.D.

General Whish besieged the fort of Multan. Diwan Moolraj bravely resisted the British army. On 30th December, a shell hurled by the British fell on the gun-powder. As a result a big quantity of ammunition was destroyed and 500 soldiers of Moolraj were killed. Owing to this heavy loss, it became difficult for Moolraj to resist the British for long. At last, on 22nd January, 1849 A.D. Diwan Moolraj was forced to surrender to the British and he handed over the fort of Multan to them. The victory of Multan redeemed to a large extent the lost prestige of the Britishers suffered at Chillianwala.

4. Battle of Gujarat: The battle of Gujarat proved to be the most important and decisive battle of the Second Anglo-Sikh War. In this battle, Chattar Singh,

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Sher Singh and Bhai Maharaj Singh made a united front against the British. In addition, the king of Afghanistan, Dost Mohammad also sent 3,000 cavaliers under the command of his son, Akbar Khan to help the Sikhs. In this battle, the Sikhs had a total army of 40,000 soldiers. On the other hand, the English army was still led by Lord Hugh Gough because Charles Napier had not yet reached India. The British army comprised 68,000 soldiers. In this battle, guns were extensively used by both the sides, because of which this battle is also famous in history as the Battle of Guns.

This battle started at 7.30 a.m. on 21st February, 1849 AD. The ammunition of the Sikhs was soon exhausted. When the Britishers came to know about it, they made a fierce attack on the Sikhs. The Sikh soldiers unsheathed their swords, but they could not resist the guns for long. The Sikhs suffered heavy losses in this battle. 3000 to 5000 of their soldiers were killed in the battle and 53 guns fell into the hands of the British. On the other hand, only 96 soldiers of the British army were killed. After this battle, the Sikh soldiers fled from the battlefield. The British army chased them. On 10th March, 1848 Chattar Singh, Sher Singh and other leaders surrendered near Rawalpindi before Gen. Gilbert. On 14th March the rest of the Sikh soldiers collectively surrendered before the General. While laying down their arms, the soldiers could not restrain their tears and were saying, “Today Ranjit Singh has died.” In this way, we see that the battle of Gujarat proved disastrous for the Sikh Empire. Patwant Singh aptly says, “Thus ended the Second Sikh War and with it the curtain came down on Ranjit Singh’s proud Empire.”

Question 3.
Discuss the main results of the Second Anglo-Sikh War.
The Second Anglo-Sikh war had far-reaching consequences. It may be summarised as follows :

1. End of the Empire of Maharaja Ranjit Singh : The most significant result of the Second Anglo-Sikh War was this that it completely brought an end to the empire, which Maharaja Ranjit Singh had built with great toils. In this connection a letter of declaration was read in the Lahore Darbar, on 29th March, 1849 A.D. The last Sikh Maharaja Dalip Singh was dethroned. He was allowed to live in any part of India except Punjab. The whole property of the Lahore Darbar was confiscated. The famous Kohinoor diamond was taken from Maharaja Dalip Singh and presented to Queen Victoria. After some time Maharaja Dalip Singh was sent to England. He died in Paris, in the year 1893 A.D.

2. Sikh Army was Disbanded : After the Second Anglo-Sikh War, the Sikh army was disbanded. Majority of these soldiers were engaged in farming. Those soldiers, whose loyalty was not in doubt, were recruited in the British Indian army.

3. Banishment of Moolraj and Bhai Maharaj Singh : Diwan Moolraj had been awarded the death sentence on the charge of the murder of two British officers. Later on it was converted into ‘Kalapani’. He was to be sent to Andaman but before that his health broke down. Consequently, he died on 11th August, 1851 A.D. at Calcutta. Bhai Maharaj Singh was at first kept in the Allahabad jail and then in the Calcutta jail. Later on, he was sent to the Singapore jail, where he died on 5th July, 1856 A.D.

4. Punishment to S. Chattar Singh and Sher Singh : The British Government had imprisoned Sardar Chattar Singh and his son Sher Singh. They were first kept in the Allahabad jail and then transferred to the Calcutta jail. In 1854 A.D. the government released both of them.

5. New Administration for the Punjab : After the annexation of the Punjab to the British Empire, the British established a Board of Administration to run the administration of the Punjab. It functioned from 1849 to 1853 A.D. During this period, the Britishers introduced many changes in the administrative structure of the Punjab. The North-West frontier was made safe. The Sikhs were disarmed. The police system was made more efficient. The judiciary was made more cheap and prompt. A network of roads and canals was laid in the Punjab. Agriculture was encouraged. Jagirdari system was abolished. Efforts were made to encourage trade. Western education was introduced in Punjab. As a result of these efforts, the British were able to restore peace and prosperity in Punjab. That is why, Punjab remained loyal to the British during the revolt of 1857.

6. Friendly Attitude towards Princely States of the Punjab : During the Second Anglo-Sikh War the states of Patiala, Nabha, Jind, Malerkotla, Faridkot and Kapurthala had given co-operation to the Britishers. So, the Britishers continued their friendly relations with-them and did not annex them to the British Empire. ”

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 23 Second Anglo-Sikh War, Causes, Results and Annexation of the Punjab

Question 4.
What were the causes and results of the Second Anglo-Sikh War? Explain.
Discuss the causes and results of the Second Anglo-Sikh War.

In the First Anglo-Sikh War the British emerged victorious and Sikhs were defeated in it. The Sikhs were enraged due to their humiliation by the treaties imposed upon them. It led to the Second Anglo-Sikh War. The main causes of the Second Anglo-Sikh War are given ahead :

1. Sikhs’ desire to avenge their defeat in the First Anglo-Sikh War : It is true that the Sikhs were the first war against the Britishers, but this did not demoralise them. They knew very well that in the battle of Ferozeshah they had inflicted a crushing defeat on the Britishers. The main cause of this defeat was the treachery of Sikh leaders like Lai Singh and Teja Singh. The Sikh soldiers were confident of their ability. Therefore, they wanted to avenge their defeat. This strong desire of theirs became one of the main causes of the Second Anglo-Sikh War.

2. Punjabis were dissatisfied with the Treaties of Lahore and Bhairowal: After the First Anglo-Sikh War, the British forced the Lahore Darbar to sign the treaties of Lahore and Bhairowal. These treaties had, almost, ended the sovereignty of the Sikh Empire. Besides, through these treaties the British had taken possession of the famous areas like the Jalandhar Doab. They had handed over the area of Kashmir to their friend, Gulab Singh. Thus, the British had divided Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Raj into three parts. The people of the Punjab could not tolerate the ruining of the empire which Maharaja Ranjit Singh had built, bit by bit by the sweat of his brow. They wanted to retrieve their old glory. Therefore, the Sikhs had to fight one more war with the British.

3. Resentment among the Sikh Soldiers: According to the treaty of Lahore, the British had fixecf the strength of the Khalsa army at 20,000 infantry and 12,000 cavalry. Thousands of Sikh soldiers were disbanded. These jobless soldiers would wander about in the villages. They felt that it was the high-handedness of British Government.

4. Harsh treatment of Maharani Jindan: The humiliating treatment meted out to Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s widow, and Maharaja Dalip Singh’s mother, Maharani Jindan, further aggravated the resentment of the Sikhs. Through the treaty of Lahore, the Britishers had accepted Maharani Jindan as the regent of minor Maharaja Dalip Singh. She was a woman of high ambitions. It soon became clear to the British that as long as the administration of the Lahore Darbar was under the influence of the Maharani, they would not be able to have their own ways in Punjab.

That is why, under the treaty of Bhairowal, the Britishers divested the Maharani of her powers and gave her a pension of Rs.1.5 lakh per year. In 1847 A.D. the Britishers detained the Maharani in the fort of Sheikhupura. In 1848 A. D., the Maharani was exiled to Banaras. Her annual pension was reduced to Rs. 12000/- per year. The maltreatment of Maharani Jindan by the British sent a wave of anger throughout Punjab.

5. Revolt of Diwan Moolraj : The revolt of Diwan Moolraj of Multan was one of the most potent causes, which led to the Second Anglo-Sikh War. In 1844 A.D. Diwan Moolraj was appointed the new Nazim of Multan. He was compelled to resign by the British in 1847 A.D. In March 1848 A.D. Sardar Kahan Singh was made the new Nazim of Multan. In order to take over the charge of Multan, two British officers, Vans Agnew and Anderson were sent alongwith Kahan Singh. Moolraj warmly welcomed them. On 20th April, some soldiers of Moolraj murdered both the officers and imprisoned Kahan Singh. Fredrick Currie held Moolraj responsible for the revolt of Multan.

It enraged Moolraj and he raised the banner of revolt against the British, The Governor-General of India Lord Dalhousie was on the look out for such a golden opportunity. He deliberately avoided the suppression of rebellion. He wanted that the revolt should flare up on a large-scale, so that he might find a pretext to swallow Punjab. Dr. Kirpal Singh aptly writes, “The spark which kindled a conflagration and reduced the sovereign state of the Punjab to ashes, rose from Multan.”

6. Revolt of Chattar Singh : Sardar Chattar Singh Attariwala was the Nazim of Hazara. He had grown suspicious of the designs of the British, when they intentionally delayed action to crush the revolt of Multan and showed harsh and unjust attitude towards Maharani Jindan. One of his soldiers had killed Col. Canora for misbehaving with S. Chattar Singh. For this the British dismissed Sardar Chattar Singh from his office and seized his Jagir. As a result the blood of Chattar Singh began to boil and he raised the banner of revolt against the British. Now the fire of revolt spread everywhere.

7. Revolt of Sher Singh : As has already been described that Sher Singh was the son of Chattar Singh and was the member of the Council of Regency. He was a staunch supporter of the British. But when Sher Singh came to know about the maltreatment meted out to his father by the Britishers, he too raised the banner of revolt against them on 14th September 1848 A.D. Through a declaration, he appealed to the people of Punjab, who had tasted Ranjit Singh’s salt, to rise in revolt against the treacherous Britishers. The Sikh soldiers responded to this appeal warmly and gathered under the banner of “Sher Singh.

8. Policy of Lord Dalhousie : In January 1848 A.D.; Lord Dalhousie became the new Governor-General of India. He was a great imperialist. By the Doctrine of Lapse and other methods he annexed many Indian States to the British Emjpire. After having taken possession of whole of India, Punjab was the only such state as could not yet be included to the British Empire. Dalhousie had been looking greedily towards Punjab for quite some time, and was on the look out for a golden opportunity. He got this opportunity, when Diwan Moolraj, Chattar Singh and Sher Singh raised their banner of revolt against the British.

The imprudent policies being followed by the British further widened the gulf between them and the Sikhs. It brought them at the door step of Second Anglo-Sikh War. Lord Dalhousie had sent Lord Hugh Gough to suppress the revolts of Diwan Moolraj, Chattar Singh and Sher Singh. As a consequence the second Anglo-Sikh War was started. The main events of this war were as given a head:

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 23 Second Anglo-Sikh War, Causes, Results and Annexation of the Punjab

1. Battle of Ramnagar: The first battle of the Second Anglo-Sikh War between the Sikhs and the British took place at Ramnagar on 22nd November, 1848 A.D. Lord Hugh Gough was the commander of the British army, which comprised 20,000 soldiers and 100 guns. The Sikh army was commanded by Sher Singh, which comprised 15,000 soldiers. The Sikhs had already dug their ‘Morchas’ (trenches) at Ramnagar. When the soldiers of Lord Hugh Gough reached there, the Sikhs challenged them. The Sikhs inflicted a crushing defeat on the British. General Havelock and General Cureton were killed in the battlefield. From this battle Hugh Gough realized that it was not a child’s play to face the Sikhs.

2. Battle of Chillianwala : The battle of Chillianwala was one of the significant battles of the second Anglo-Sikh War. This battle was fought on 13th January, 1849 A.D. Lord Gough was of the view that he did not have a strong force to face Sher Singh. So, he was waiting for more reinforcement, but when Gough came to know that Chattar Singh with his soldiers was coming to the help of Sher Singh, he attacked the soldiers of Sher Singh on 13th January. It Was one of the hardest and fiercest battles. The Sikhs fought with great determination and daring. They wrought havoc in the British army. The British lost 695 soldiers, including 132 officers in the bat’tle and 1651 soldiers were wounded.

Four British Guns were also captured by the Sikhs. Sita Ram Kohli aptly says, “Chillianwala was the worst defeat the British had suffered since their occupation of India.” The heavy disaster of the British in the battle of Chillianwala created a stir in England. So, it was decided by the British Government to appoint Sir Charles Napier as Commander-in-Chief in place of Lord Hugh Gough.

3. Battle of Multan: Diwan Moolraj had raised the banner of revolt against the British at Multan in April 1848 A.D. The British had, at first, allowed the revolt to spread and later when Sher Singh joined Diwan Moolraj of Multan, they decided to act. War did take place between the British soldiers and the soldiers of Moolraj, but the British could not win any decisive victory. At last, the British played a trick. They wrote a forged letter and created a misunderstanding between Diwan Moolraj and Sher Singh. As a result, Sher Singh parted company with. Moolraj in October, 1848 A.D.

General Whish besieged the fort of Multan. Diwan Moolraj bravely resisted the British army. On 30th December, a shell hurled by the British fell on the gun-powder. As a result a big quantity of ammunition was destroyed and 500 soldiers of Moolraj were killed. Owing to this heavy loss, it became difficult for Moolraj to resist the British for long. At last, on 22nd January, 1849 A.D. Diwan Moolraj was forced to surrender to the British and he handed over the fort of Multan to them. The victory of Multan redeemed to a large extent the lost prestige of the Britishers suffered at Chillianwala.

4. Battle of Gujarat: The battle of Gujarat proved to be the most important and decisive battle of the Second Anglo-Sikh War. In this battle, Chattar Singh, Sher Singh and Bhai Maharaj Singh made a united front against the British. In addition, the king of Afghanistan, Dost Mohammad also sent 3,000 cavaliers under the command of his son, Akbar Khan to help the Sikhs. In this battle, the Sikhs had a total army of 40,000 soldiers. On the other hand, the English army was still led by Lord Hugh Gough because Charles Napier had not yet reached India. The British army comprised 68,000 soldiers. In this battle, guns were extensively used by both the sides, because of which this battle is also famous in history as the Battle of Guns.

This battle started at 7.30 a.m. on 21st February, 1849 AD. The ammunition of the Sikhs was soon exhausted. When the Britishers came to know about it, they made a fierce attack on the Sikhs. The Sikh soldiers unsheathed their swords, but they could not resist the guns for long. The Sikhs suffered heavy losses in this battle. 3000 to 5000 of their soldiers were killed in the battle and 53 guns fell into the hands of the British. On the other hand, only 96 soldiers of the British army were killed. After this battle, the Sikh soldiers fled from the battlefield.

The British army chased them. On 10th March, 1848 Chattar Singh, Sher Singh and other leaders surrendered near Rawalpindi before Gen. Gilbert. On 14th March the rest of the Sikh soldiers collectively surrendered before the General. While laying down their arms, the soldiers could not restrain their tears and were saying, “Today Ranjit Singh has died.” In this way, we see that the battle of Gujarat proved disastrous for the Sikh Empire. Patwant Singh aptly says, “Thus ended the Second Sikh War and with it the curtain came down on Ranjit Singh’s proud Empire.”

Question 5.
“Annexation of the Punjab was a violent breach of trust.” Discuss briefly.
Explain critically Lord Dalhousie’s Annexation of Punjab. “The Annexation of Punjab by Lord Dalhousie to the British Empire was unprincipled and unjustified.” Do you agree to this view? Give arguments in your favour.
Lord Dalhousie became the Governor-General of India in 1848 A.D. He was the greatest imperialist of all the Governor-Generals, who had come to India, so far. He adopted many methods to expand the British empire in India. The Punjab also fell a victim to his imperialist policies. He had been looking greedily towards the Punjab right from the beginning. Soon, his dream came out to be true. The Sikhs were defeated in the Second Anglo-Sikh War. On 29th March 1849 A.D., a Darbar was called at Lahore. At this Darbar Henry Elliot, the Foreign Secretary of the British read a proclamation of the Governor-General, in which it was said that from that day the Lahore Raj was being put to an end, and Maharaja Dalip Singh’s kingdom was being annexed to the British Empire.

Arguments in favour of Dalhousie’s Policy of Annexation:

The historians like W.W. Hunter, Marshman and S.M. Latif etc. have supported Lord Dalhousie’s policy of annexation of. Punjab to the British empire on the following grounds :

1. Sikhs had broken their Promises : Lord Dalhousie had accused that the Sikhs had violated the terms of the treaty of Bhairowal. Through this treaty, the Sikhs had promised to,co-operate with the British Resident, but the Sikhs did not keep the word. On the contrary, they tried to spread disturbance by raising the banner of revolt against the British. Lord Dalhousie termed Diwan Moolraj’s revolt as the revolt of the whole Sikh community. According to him the objective of this revolt was only to drive out the British and to revive the Sikh rule in Punjab. Sardar Chattar Singh and his son Sher Singh revolted and supported Moolraj. In this way, to tide over the deteriorating conditions, the annexation of Punjab to the British Empire was essential. That is why Lord Dalhousie said, “I have an undoubting conviction of the’expediency, the justice and necessity of my act.”

Many historians like Evans Bell, Jagmohan Mahajan, Ganda Singh and Khushwant Singh etc. have described the annexation of-the Punjab to the British Empire as unprincipled, unjustified and treachery with the Sikhs. They put forward the following arguments

1. Sikhs provoked to Revolt: Between the end of the First Anglo-Sikh War and the beginning of the Second Anglo-Sikh War, many such events took place as provoked the Sikhs to revolt. According to the treaty of Lahore, the Britishers had snatched away important areas of Punjab which badly affected its treasury. The majority of the army of the Lahore Darbar was disbanded, as a result of this, resentment among these soldiers against the British was natural. The Britishers had meted out a shabby treatment to Maharani Jindan. They forced Diwan Moolraj and Sardar Chattar Singh to revolt. In this way, the Sikhs were compelled to rise against the British.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 23 Second Anglo-Sikh War, Causes, Results and Annexation of the Punjab

2. Revolt was-not suppressed in time : When the fire of revolt broke out in Multan, it could have been controlled there and then. But the Governor-General, Lord Dalhousie, deliberatedly avoided the suppression of the revolt, so, that he might get the required pretext to swallow Punjab. To let the revolt linger on for eight months, was a politically motivated move. During this time Chattar Singh, Sher Singh and Bhai Maharaj Singh had also raised the banner of revo

2. Punjab remained no more a good Buffer State : After the First Anglo- Sikh War, Lord Hardinge had not annexed Punjab to the British Empire because he had held the opinion that the Punjab would prove a useful buffer state between Afghanistan and the Britishers. As a result, the British empire would not have to face any danger from Afghanistan. But his opinion proved to be wrong. A friendship came to be established between the Sikhs and the AfghAnswer: The ruler of Afghanistan helped the Sikhs against the British in the Second Anglo-Sikh War. So, Lord Dalhousie considered the annexation of the Punjab to the British empire essential.

3. Non-payment of the Loans : Lord Dalhousie levelled a charge against the Lahore Darbar that according to the terms of the treaty of Bhairowal, she was to pay Rs. 22 lakhs annually to the British. But the Lahore Darbar broke this term also. It did not pay even a single penny to the British. Besides, it did not make payment of that loan which it owed to the Britishers. Therefore, the annexation of the Punjab was justified. Singh and Bhai Maharaj Singh had also raised the banner of revolt. In this way, the British got the much needed pretext to wage a war against Punjab and its annexation.

4. It was advantageous to annex Punjab : After the victory in the First Anglo-Sikh War, the British had not annexed Punjab to the British Empire. One of its main reasons was that the British held the view that the Punjab was not a useful state from the economic point of view. But after having lived in the Punjab for two years, they realised that it could prove useful to them not only from the economic point of view but also from many other angles. Owing to these reasons, Lord Dalhousie decided to take possession of the Punjab.

5. Advantageous for the people of Punjab : Another argument advanced in favour of the annexation of the Punjab by Lord Dalhousie is that it was advantageous to the people of Punjab. After the death of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, anarchy had prevailed in Punjab. Under such circumstances, Punjab had become a propitious ground for thieves, dacoits and imposters. Their activities had made the nights of the people sleepless. The British restored peace here after annexing Punjab to the British Empire. Police system and judicial system were toned up. Agriculture and trade were encouraged. Arrangements were made to impart western education to the people. In short, the annexation of Punjab to the British Empire on the whole proved useful for the people.

6. Annexation of the Punjab was inevitable : It is said that if the Punjab had not been annexed to’the British Empire, the Sikhs would have continued to hatch conspiracies against the British Empire for their freedom. It would have affected the other parts of India also. This thing could prove dangerous to the British Empire. In order to avert this danger, Lord Dalhousie considered it necessary to annex the Punjab to the British Empire.

Arguments against Dalhousie’s Policy of Annexation:

3. British had not fulfilled the terms of the Treaty : It was said by the British that they had stood by all the promises. An assessment made, brings to light the fact that the British had fulfilled only those terms of the treaty, which looked advantageous to them. For instance, according to the treaty of Lahore, the British had accepted the term that they would withdraw their forces from Lahore after December 1846 A.D. Before that time, they imposed the treaty of Bhairowal on the Sikhs and extended this period of withdrawal. Thus, the Britishers’ assertion that they fulfilled all the terms of the treaty is a white lie.

4. Lahore Darbar gave full co-operation in fulfilling the terms of the Treaty: The assertion of the British that the Lahore Darbar had violated the terms of the treaty was a white lie. The Lahore Darbar continued to fulfil faithfully the terms of the treaty till the British finally took over the Punjab. The Lahore Government was bearing the whole expense of the British army posted in Punjab. It condemned the revolts of Diwan Moolraj, Chattar Singh and Sher Singh, and also co-operated fully with the British army to crush these revolts.

5. Facts about Loan : The charge levelled by Lord Dalhousie that the Lahore Darbar did not repay-even a single penny of the loan was also baseless. On 23rd February, 1848 A.D. the British Resident at Lahore, Fredrick Currie, wrote a letter to Lord Dalhousie in which it was said that the Lahore Darbar had deposited gold worthRs. 13, 56, 837. By this payment they had reduced the sum of their loan from Rs. 40 lakhs to less than Rs. 27 lakhs. If the Lahore Darbar did not repay the entire amount of its loan, the responsibility for it lay on the British Resident who was answerable for the administration of Lahore.

6. The whole Sikh Army and the people did not Revolt: Lord Dalhousie had charged that the entire Sikh army of the Punjab-in collusion with the people had revolted against the British. It necessitated the possession of the Punjab by the British. But there is not an iota of truth in this statement of Lord Dalhousie. The revolt against the British had taken place only in Multan and Hazara provinces of the Punjab. Most of the Sikh army and the people remained loyal to the British. To punish the whole of Punjab under such circumstances, was totally wrong.

7. Annexation of Punjab was a Breach of Trust : The annexation of Punjab by the British was a breach of trust. According to the Bhairowal treaty of Dec. 1846 A.D., the British had taken over the administration of Punjab entirely in their own hands. After banishing Rani Jindan, the Britishers had taken over the patronage and upbringing of Dalip Singh till 4th September, 1854 A.D. The British had kept their army in Lahore for the purpose of maintaining peace in the Punjab, and had also begun to charge 22 lakh rupees annually from the Lahore Darbar. Under such situation, the whole responsibility of suppressing the revolts of Multan and Hazara lay with the British Resident.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 23 Second Anglo-Sikh War, Causes, Results and Annexation of the Punjab

This was not the responsibility of Dalip Singh by any stretch of imagination. If anybody failed in suppressing the revolts, then it was none else, but the British Resident. To penalise Dalip Singh for their own fault was wholly unjustified. If it was not a breach of trust then what was it? It becomes clear from the details given above that the annexation of the Punjab to the British Empire was wholly unjustified from the political and moral point of view. In the end we agree with these words of Major Evans Bell, “It was, in fact, no conquest, but a violent breach of trust.”

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Explain in brief the causes of Second Anglo-Sikh War.
Give a brief description of the main causes of the Second Anglo-Sikh War.
What were the three main causes for the Second Anglo-Sikh War?
Describe any three main reasons of the Second Anglo-Sikh War.

  • The Sikhs were defeated in the First Anglo-Sikh war, so they wanted to take revenge for their defeat,
  • The British ill-treated Maharani Jindan, the widow of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Her insult infuriated the Sikhs,
  • Diwan Moolraj, raised the banner of revolt against the British,
  • Lord Dalhousie became the new Governor-General of India in 1848 A.D. He wanted to annex the Punjab to the British Empire.
  • The revolts of Chattar Singh and Sher Singh precipitated the crisis.

Question 2.
Write a note on the revolt of Diwan Moolraj of Multan.
Diwan Moolraj was appointed the Nazim (Governor) of Multan in 1844 A.D. The amount of revenue paid by him was raised. As a result he resigned from the post of Nazim. Kahan Singh was appointed as the new Governor of Multan. Two British officers Agnew and Anderson were sent to assist him. But on April 20, some soldiers murdered both the British officers. The British blamed Moolraj for this which compelled Moolraj to revolt against the British.

Question 3.
What do you know about the revolt of Chattar Singh?
Sardar Chattar Singh Attariwala was the Nazim of Hazara. Instigated by Captain Abbott, the Muslims of Hazara attacked the residence of Chattar Singh on 6th August, 1848 A.D. On seeing this Sardar Chattar Singh ordered Col. Canora to take action against the rebels. Col. Canora who was in league with Captain Abbott, refused to comply with the orders of Chattar Singh. Capitain Abbott dismissed Sardar Chattar Singh from his office. As a result, Chattar Singh raised the banner of revolt against the British.

Question 4.
Write a brief note on the battle of Chillianwala.
The battle of Chillianwala was an important battle of the Second Anglo- Sikh War. Lord Hugh Gough who was commanding the British forces was waiting for more military assistance to face the forces of Sher Singh. Well before Chattar Singh could reach Hugh Gough attacked the forces of Sher Singh at Chillianwala on January 13,1849 A.D. In this pitched battle the Sikhs fought like devils and their artillery took a heavy toll.

Question 5.
What was the importance of the battle of Gujarat in the Second Anglo-Sikh War?
The battle of Gujarat was the last and the most decisive battle of the Second Anglo-Sikh War. It was fought on February 21, 1849 A.D. In this battle the number of Sikh troops was 40,000. They were jointly led by Chattar Singh, Sher Singh and Bhai Maharaj Singh. On the other hand, the number of British troops was 68,000. They were commanded by Lord Hugh Gough. After the British victory in this battle on March 29, 1849 A.D., they annexed Punjab to their Empire.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 23 Second Anglo-Sikh War, Causes, Results and Annexation of the Punjab

Question 6.
What were the results of the Second Anglo-Sikh War?
Study in brief the results of the Second Anglo-Sikh War.
Explain the three effects of the Second Ahglo-Sikh War.
What were the consequences of the Second Anglo-Sikh War?
Discuss about the three main results of the Second Anglo-Sikh War?

  • The most important outcome of the Second Anglo-Sikh War was that the Punjab was annexed to the British Empire on March 29, 1849 A.D.
  • The last ruler, Maharaja Dalip Singh was dethroned. It was decided to give him annual pension of £ 50,000.
  • The world famous Kohinoor diamond was taken away from him and was presented to Queen Victoria.
  • Diwan Moolraj and Maharaj Dalip Singh were exiled,
  • A Board of Administration was constituted to run the administration of Punjab.

Question 7.
Was it proper for Lord Dalhousie to annex Punjab to the British Empire? Give arguments in support of your answer.
“Annexation of Punjab was a violent breach of trust”. Explain.
Was the annexation of Punjab justified? Give reasons.
The annexation of Punjab to the British Empire cannot be justified on any ground. The British had taken many important regions of the Punjab according to the Treaty of Lahore. Most of the army of Lahore kingdom was disbanded which created resentment among the Sikhs against the British. The British divested Maharani Jindan of all her power. Diwan Moolraj, the Governor of Multan and Chattar Singh, the Governor of Hazara were forced to revolt.

Question 8.
Give arguments in favour of Dalhousie’s annexation of the Punjab to the British Empire.
Give any three arguments in favour of Dalhousie’s policy of the annexation of Punjab.

  • After the death of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, anarchy and lawlessness had prevailed in Punjab,
  • The British had established peace in Punjab after annexing it to their Empire.,
  • Punjab had violated the terms of the treaty,
  • Diwan Moolraj, Sardar Chattar Singh and his son Sher Singh had raised the banner of revolt against the British.
  • Punjab could pose a big danger to the British Empire at any time.

Question 9.
Write a brief note on Maharaja Dalip Singh.
Maharaja Dalip Singh was the youngest son of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. He became the ruler of Punjab.on September 15, 1843 A.D. Maharaja Dalip Singh appointed Lai Singh as the Prime Minister of Punjab. He was already in league with the British. Consequently, the Sikhs had to face defeat in the Anglo- Sikh Wars. The British dethroned Maharaja Dalip Singh. Maharaja Dalip-Singh died in Paris bn October 22, 1893 A.D.

Question 10.
Write a brief note on Maharani Jind Kaur’(Jindan).
What do you know about Maharani Jindan?
Maharani Jindan was queen of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. When Dalip Singh became the new king of the Punjab on September 15, 1843 A.D., Maharani Jindan was appointed his regent. She was dispossessed of all her powers through the Treaty of Bhairowal. Maharani Jindan succeeded in reaching Nepal in disguise in April 1849 A.D. The English did not allow Maharani Jindan and Dalip Singh to live together. On August 1, 1863, she died broken-hearted.

Question 11.
Write a note on Bhai Maharaj Singh.
Bhai Maharaj Singh was the disciple of famous Naurangabad saint Bhai. Bir Singh. He was in favour of indepenence of Punjab. He inspired Diwan Moolraj of Multan, Sardar Chatar Singh Attariwala of Hazara and his son Sher Singh to raise the banner of revolt against the British. He himself took the leading part in all the battles of Second Anglo-Sikh War. He died in Singapore jail of 5th July, 1856 A.D.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 23 Second Anglo-Sikh War, Causes, Results and Annexation of the Punjab

Objective Type Questions:

Question 1. When was the Second Anglo-Sikh War fought?
1848-49 A.D.

Question 2.
Who was the Governor-General of Punjab at the time of Second Anglo- Sikh War?
Lord Dalhousie.

Question 3.
Mention any one cause of the Second Anglo-Sikh War.
The Sikhs wanted to take revenge of their defeat in the First Anglo-Sikh War.

Question 4.
Who was Maharani Jindan?
Widow of Maharaja Ranjit Singh and mother of Maharaja Dalip Singh.

Question 5.
Who was Diwan Moolraj?
Nazim (Governor) of Multan.

Question 6.
Give any one cause of Diwan Moolraj’s revolt against the British.
The British had greatly enhanced the amount of land revenue to be realised from Diwan Moolraj.

Question 7.
Who was Chattar Singh Attariwala.
Nazim of Hazara.

Question 8.
Who was Sardar Sher Singh?
Son of Sardar Chattar Singh Attariwala.

Question 9.
Why did Sher Singh start revolt against the English?
Because of the ill-treatment done to his father by the English.

Question 10.
Who was Bhai Maharaj Singh?
The famous saint of Naurangabad.

Question 11.
As a result of whose revolt, the Second Anglo-Sikh War start?
Diwan Moolraj.

Question 12.
When was the battle of Ram Nagar fought?
Nov. 22, 1848 A.D.

Question 13.
When was the battle of Chillianwala fought?
January 13, 1849 A.D.

Question 14.
Which was the last battle of the Second Anglo-Sikh War?
Battle of Gujarat.

Question 15.
When was the battle of Gujarat fought?
February. 21, 1849 A.D.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 23 Second Anglo-Sikh War, Causes, Results and Annexation of the Punjab

Question 16.
Name the battle of Second Anglo-Sikh War which is known as the battle of Cannons in History.
The battle of Gujarat.

Question 17.
Mention any one important result of the Second Anglo-Sikh War.
Punjab was annexed to the British Empire.

Question 18.
When did the English annex Punjab?
When was annexation of Punjab to British Empire done?
When was Punjab annexed to the British Empire?
29th March, 1849 A.D.

Question 19.
Name one argument extended by Lord Dalhousie for annexing Punjab to the British Empire.
The annexation of Punjab to the British Empire was beneficial for the people of Punjab.

Question 20.
Give any one arguement against Lord Dalhousie’s annexation of Punjab to the British Empire.
A false allegation of violating the treaty of Bhairowal was levelled against the Sikhs.

Question 21.
Who was the last King of Punjab?
Who was the last Sikh Maharaja of Punjab?
Who was the last Sikh Maharaja of the Sikhs?
Maharaja Dalip Singh.

Question 22.
Where did Maharaja Dalip Singh did?
In Paris.

Question 23.
When did Maharani Jindan die?
In 1863 A.D.

Question 24.
Write any one cause of the downfall of Sikh Kingdom.
The successors of Maharaja Ranjit Singh were incompetent and weak.

Fill in the blanks :

1. The Second Anglo-Sikh war took place in …………….. A.D.

2 was the Governor-General of India at the time of Second Anglo-Sikh War.
Lord Dalhousie

3. At the time of Second Anglo-Sikh War the Maharaja of Punjab was ……………
Maharaja Dalip Singh

4. Maharani ………….. was the mother of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

5. ……………. became the Nazim of Multan in 1844 A.D.
Diwan Mool Raj

6. Sardar Chattar Singh Attariwala was the Nazim of ……………..

7. The battle of ………………… was the first battle of the Second Anglo-Sikh War.
Ram Nagar

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 23 Second Anglo-Sikh War, Causes, Results and Annexation of the Punjab

8. The battle of Ram Nagar was fought on ……………
November 22, 1848 A.D.

9. The battle of Chillianwala was fought on ……………
January 13, 1849 A.D.

10. The battle of Gujarat is known as the Battle of ……………… in history.

11. The English annexed Punjab to British Empire on ……………..
March 29, 1849 A.D.

True or False:

1. The Second Anglo-Sikh War was fought during 1848-1849 A.D.

2. Lord Dalhousie was the Governor-General of India at the time of Second Anglo-Sikh War.

3. Maharaja Dalip Singh was the Maharaja of Punjab during the Second Anglo-Sikh War.

4. Maharani Jindan was the mother of Dalip Singh.

5. Diwan Moolraj became the Nazim of Multan in 1846 A.D.

6. Second Anglo-Sikh War started with the battle of Ram Nagar.

7. The battle of Ram Nagar took place on 12th November, 1848 A.D.

8. The battle of Chillianwala was fought on January 13, 1849 A.D.

9. In the battle of Chillianwala, the British army got a worst defeat.

10. The Second Anglo-Sikh War ended with the battle of Gujarat.

11. The battle of Gujarat was fought on February 21, 1849 A.D.

12. Punjab was annexed to the British Empire on March 29, 1849 A.D.

13. Maharaja Dalip Singh was the last Sikh ruler.

14. Last Maharaja of Sikhs was Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. When was the Second Anglo-Sikh War fought?
(a) 1844-45 A.D.
(b) 1845-46 A.D.
(c) 1847-48 A.D.
(d) 1848-49 A.D.
(d) 1848-49 A.D.

2. Who was the Governor General of Punjab ar the time of Second Anglo-Sikh War?
(a) Lord Lytton
(b) Lord Ripon
(c) Lord Dalhousie
(d) Lord Hardinge.
(c) Lord Dalhousie

3. Who was the ruler of Punjab at the time of Second Anglo-Sikh War?
(a) Maharaja Sher Singh
(b) Maharaja Ranjit Singh
(c) Maharaja Dalip Singh
(d) Maharaja Kharaj Singh
(c) Maharaja Dalip Singh

4. Who was Maharani Jindan?
(a) Mother of Maharaja Dalip Singh
(b) Sister of Maharaja Kharak Singh
(c) Wife of Maharaja Sher Singh
(d) Daughter of Raja Gulab Singh.
(a) Mother of Maharaja Dalip Singh

5. Who was Diwan Moolraj?
(a) Nazim of Gujarat
(b) Nazim of Multan
(c) Nazim of Kashmir
(d) Nazim of peshawar
(b) Nazim of Multan

6. When did Diwan Moolraj revolt against the English?
(a) 1844 A.D.
(b) 1845 A.D.
(c) 1846 A.D.
(d) 1848 A.D.
(d) 1848 A.D.

7. Chattar Singh Attariwala was the Nazim of which place?
(a) Hazara
(b) Multan
(c) Kashmir
(d) Peshawar
(a) Hazara

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 23 Second Anglo-Sikh War, Causes, Results and Annexation of the Punjab

8. With which battle started the Second Anglo-Sikh War?
(a) Battle of Multan
(b) Battle of Chillianwala
(c) Battle of Gujarat
(d) Battle of Ram Nagar.
(d) Battle of Ram Nagar.

9. When was the battle of Ram Nagar fought?
(a) November 12, 1846 A.D.
(b) November 15, 1847 A.D.
(c) November 17, 1848 A.D.
(d) November 22, 1848 A.D.
(d) November 22, 1848 A.D.

10. When was the battle of Chillianwala fought?
(a) November 22, 1848 A.D.
(b) January 3, 1848 A.D.
(c) January 10, 1849 A.D.
(d) January 13, 1849 A.D.
(d) January 13, 1849 A.D.

11. When was the Battle of Multan ended?
(a) January 22, 1849 A.D.
(b) January 23, 1849 A.D.
(c) January 24, 1849 A.D.
(d) January 25, 1849 A.D.
(a) January 22, 1849 A.D.

12. With which battle ended the Second Anglo-Sikh War?
Name the battle of Second Anglo-Sikh War which is known as battle of Cannons in History.
(a) Battle of Multan
(b) Battle of Ram Nagar
(c) Battle of Gujarat
(d) Battle of Chillianwala.
(c) Battle of Gujarat

13. When was the battle of Gujarat fought?
(a) November 22, 1848 A.D.
(b) January 13, 1849 A.D.
(c) January 22, 1849 A.D.
(d) February 21, 1849 A.D.
(d) February 21, 1849 A.D.

14. When was Punjab annexed to the British Empire?
(a) March 10, 1849 A.D.
(b) March 14, 1849 A.D.
(c) March 29, 1849 A.D.
(d) March 29, 1850 A.D.
(c) March 29, 1849 A.D.

15. Who was the last Sikh Maharaja of Punjab?
(a) Maharaja Dalip Singh
(b) Maharaja Ranjit Singh
(c) Maharaja Kharak Singh
(d) Maharaja Sher Singh.
(a) Maharaja Dalip Singh

16. When did Maharaja Dalip Singh die?
(a) 1857 A.D.
(b) 1893 A.D.
(c) 1849 A.D.
(d) 1892 A.D.
(b) 1893 A.D.

17. Where did Maharaja Dalip Singh die?
(a) Punjab
(b) Nepal
(c) Paris
(d) London.
(c) Paris

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 22 First Anglo-Sikh War: Causes and Results

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class History Book Solutions Chapter 22 First Anglo-Sikh War: Causes and Results Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 History Chapter 22 First Anglo-Sikh War: Causes and Results

Long Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Give a brief description of the main causes of the First Anglo-Sikh War.
Give the causes of the First Anglo-Sikh War.
What were the five main causes of the First Anglo-Sikh War?
Briefly describe the five main causes of the First Anglo-Sikh War.
1. British Policy of Encircling Punjab: The British had been greedily looking towards Punjab for quite some time with a view to bringing it under their control. By signing the treaty of Amritsar with Ranjit Singh in 1809 A.D., the British had forever checked Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s advancement towards the Cis-Sutlej areas. In 1835-36 A.D., the Britishers forced Maharaja Ranjit Singh to withdraw his forces from Shikarpur and occupy it. In 1835 A.D. the Britishers took possession of Ferozepur. In 1838 A.D., the Britishers set up a military cantonment at Ferozepur. As a result, a war between the British and the Sikhs’had become inevitable.

2. Anarchy in Punjab: After the death of Maharaja Ranjit Singh in June 1839 A.D., anarchy had spread in Punjab. A period of conspiracies and killings for the occupation of the throne had started. During 6 years from 1839 A.D. to 1845 A.D., as many as, 5 governments changed. The Dogras through their conspiracies finished many members of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s family. This situation was an invitation to the Britishers.

3. Defeat of the British in the First Anglo-Afghan War: The First Anglo-Afghan War which was fought from 1839 to 1842 A.D., left a deep impact on the Anglo-Sikh relationship. This area was geographically very significant. Although the Amirs of Sind were very loyal to the British yet by leveling false allegations Lord Ellenborough declared war against Sind. In 1843 A.D. the British brought Sind under their control. Since the Sikhs wanted to annex Sind to their empire, it further embittered Anglo-Sikh relations.

4. Occupation of Sind by the British: This area was geographically very significant. Although the Amirs of Sind were very loyal to the British yet by leveling false allegations Lord Ellenborough declared war against Sind. In 1843 A.D. the British brought Sind under their control. Since the Sikhs wanted to annex Sind to their empire, it further embittered Anglo-Sikh relations.

5. Appointment of Major Broadfoot: In November 1844 A.D., Major Broadfoot was appointed in place of Mr. Clark, as the political agent of Ludhiana. He was a bitter opponent of Sikhs. He came with this view in his mind to the frontiers of Punjab that the British had decided to fight a war with the Sikhs.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 22 First Anglo-Sikh War: Causes and Results

Question 2.
Write a brief note on the battle of Mudki.
The first important battle between the Sikhs and the British was fought at Mudki on December 18, 1845 A.D. In this battle, the number of Sikh soldiers was 5500 and Lai Singh commanded them. On the other hand, the British had 12,000 soldiers and they were commanded by Hugh Gough. The British thought that they would defeat the Sikhs very easily, but the Sikhs launched such a forceful attack on the British army that it created consternation among them. Lai Singh got scared to see it. He had come to get the Sikh army defeated, but the tables were turned on the British.

At this, he fled away from the battlefield along with some of his soldiers: Even then the Sikhs continued fighting the British bravely. But in the absence of their commander, and being fewer in number, the Sikhs were ultimately defeated. The British had won the war at an enormous cost because in this battle many of their famous warriors were killed. Moreover, the British realized that it was not a child’s play to gain victory over the Sikhs.

Question 3.
What do you know about the battle of Ferozshah or Pherushahr?
A fierce battle took place between the Sikhs and the British at Ferozshah on December 21, 1845 A.D. The number of British soldiers was 17 thousand in this battle and they had 69 cannons. Their command was in the hands of experienced generals like Hugh Gough, John Littler, and Lord Hardinge. On the other hand, the Sikh soldiers were about 25 to 30 thousand and they had 100 cannons. The Sikh army was led by traitors like Lai Singh and Teja Singh.

In this battle, the Sikhs attacked the British army so forcefully that they suffered heavy casualties. They even began to think of surrendering before the Sikh army without any condition. But luck favored the British. On December 22, due to the treachery of Lai Singh and Teja Singh, the Sikh forces were defeated. In this battle, the Sikhs suffered a heavy loss of life.

Question 4.
Write a brief note on the battle of Sobraon.
The battle of Sobraon was the last decisive battle of the First Anglo-Sikh War. It was fought on February 10, 1846 A.D. The Sikhs and the British had made full preparations for this battle. Famous generals like Hugh Gough, Lord Hardinge, and others were commanding the British forces. On the other hand, Lai Singh and Teja Singh were commanding the Sikh army. Both these traitors had given the British, all the necessary information well before the battle started.

They were the first to flee soon after the first assault. Moreover, they dismantled the boat bridge over the river Sutlej. Consequently, thousands of Sikh soldiers were drowned. At this critical juncture, Sham Singh Attariwala took over the command and pushed the British hard. Ultimately the Sikhs were defeated and suffered heavy casualties. In fact, the battle of Sobraon proved as “Waterloo” for the Sikhs.

Question 5.
Write a brief note on the Treaty of Lahore (March 9, 1846 A.D.).
As a result of the First Anglo-Sikh War, a treaty was signed between the British Government and Lahore Darbar on March 9, 1846 A.D. This treaty is famous in history aS the Treaty of Lahore. Following were the main terms of the treaty:

  • Maharaja Dalip Singh and his successors would always maintain peace and friendship with the British government.
  • The Maharaja of Lahore accepted that he and his successors would have no claim on the region to the south of the Sutlej river forever.
  • The Maharaja handed over all the forts of plains and hills between the Sutlej and the Beas to the British.
  • The British demanded a heavy amount of 1.50 crore rupees as a ransom for the war. Such a big amount could not be had from the treasury of Lahore Darbar. So the region of Kashmir and Hazara was given to the British for Rs. one crore with a promise to pay the remaining amount of 50 lakh rupees from the treasury.
  • Lahore’s army was reduced to 20,000 infantry and 12,000 cavalry.
  • The British forces could pass through the Lahore empire whenever the need be.
  • The Maharaja promised that he would not employ any European, American, or English without the permission of the British.
  • The British accepted Maharaja Dalip Singh as the ruler of Lahore, Queen Jindan as the regent of Maharaja Dalip Singh, and Lai Singh as the Prime Minister.
  • The British would not interfere in the internal affairs of Lahore Darbar but they would advise as and when required.

Question 6.
What do you know about the Treaty of Bhairowal?
The treaty of Bhairowal was signed between Lahore Darbar and the British Government on December 16, 1846 A.D. According to it, a British Resident was appointed to run the administration of Lahore Darbar. Maharani Jindan was removed from the post of regent and her annual pension of Rs. 1\(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\) lakh was fixed. An eight-member council was formed for the help of residents, it was decided to keep a British army for the protection of the Maharaja and to maintain peace and order. Lahore Darbar accepted to pay Rs. 22 lakh annually to the British to meet the expenses of this army.

The conditions of this treaty were to remain in force till December 4, 1854 A.D. when Maharaja Dalip Singh became an adult. Although through the treaty of Bhairowal, the British did not annex Punjab to the British empire yet they reduced its sovereignty to a great extent. In fact, the British had become the rulers of Punjab and the Sikh rule was merely in name.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 22 First Anglo-Sikh War: Causes and Results

Question 7.
Study in brief the results of First Anglo-Sikh War.
Give in brief the results of First Anglo-Sikh War.
What were the results of the First Anglo-Sikh War?
As a result of First Anglo-Sikh War, a treaty was signed by the British Government and the Lahore Darbar on 9th March 1846 A.D. This treaty is known as the treaty of Lahore. The following were the main terms of the treaty :

  • The Maharaja of Lahore renounced all claim to the areas lying to the south of river Sutlej,
  • The Maharaja handed over to the British the area between the river Sutlej and Beas.
  • The army of Lahore Darbar was reduced to 20,000 infantry and 12,000 cavalry.
  • The British Government demanded a heavy sum of 1.50 crore rupees as war indemnity. Lahore Darbar ceded the provinces of Kashmir and Hazara as equivalent to one crore of rupees. It paid the rest amount from its treasury.
  • The Maharaja committed that he would not employ any foreigner without the consent of the British Government. (vi) The British Government recognized Dalip Singh the Maharaja of Lahore and Rani Jindan as his regent.

Question 8.
Write a brief note on Sham Singh Attariwala.
Sham Singh Attariwala Was a great warrior of the Sikh Class. He belonged to Attari village near Amritsar. His father Sardar Nihal Singh used to serve in the army of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, At the very young age of 18, Attariwala Joined Maharaja’s army and carried various military expeditions. The political condition of Punjab after the death of Maharaja Ranjit Singh greatly depressed Attariwala. He opposed the attempts of the British Government to annex Punjab. The First Anglo-Sikh War broke out in 1845 A.D. Attariwala actively participated in the battle of Sabraon. It was fought on February 10, 1846 A.D. Unfortunately, the commanding officers of the Sikh army proved traitors. At this critical juncture, Sham Singh Attariwala took over the command and pushed the British hard. His bravery was also praised by the British. At last, Sham Singh Attariwala achieved martyrdom while fighting in the battle.

Question 9.
Describe any four reasons as to why the British did not annex Punjab to their empire after the First Anglo-Sikh War.
Although the British had defeated the Sikhs in the battle of Sobraon, many thousand soldiers of the Khalsa army were still roaming at many places with arms. If they had declared the annexation of Punjab to the British empire, it could have become a headache for the British. The second reason was that the British wanted the Punjab should act as a buffer state between the British empire and Afghanistan.

If the British had annexed Punjab to their empire, their frontiers would have touched Afghanistan. New problems on the Afghanistan frontiers would have been created for which the British were not prepared. Thirdly, the British had to keep a vast British army to keep Punjab under their control. It would have tremendously increased their expenses. Fourthly, the Governor-General thought that Punjab could not prove useful for the British from an economic point of view. He considered Punjab a source of trouble in place of a source of power.

Question 10.
Mention five causes of the Sikhs’ defeat in the First Anglo-Sikh War.

  • The first major cause of the defeat of the Sikhs in the First Anglo-Sikh War was the treachery of Lai Singh and Teja Singh. Lai Singh was appointed to the post of Prime Minister while Teja Singh was working as a Chief Commander. Both of them for their selfish interest had gone over to the British. As a consequence, though the Sikhs fought with great bravery the treachery of their leaders proved fatal for them,
  • In the battle of Aliwal, the Sikhs were defeated due to the treachery of Ranjodh Singh.
  • The European officers in the Sikh army aligned themselves secretly with the British. They constantly informed all the secrets of the Sikhs of the British.
  • Besides these, the British belonged to the greatest imperialist power of the world. Naturally, they had good resources than the Sikhs.
  • The British generals had a good experience of War. They fought with full vigor for the safety of the British Empire. Consequently, the Sikhs had to face defeat.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 22 First Anglo-Sikh War: Causes and Results

Essay Type Questions:

Question 1.
What were the main causes of the First Anglo-Sikh War?
Describe the causes of the First Anglo-Sikh War.
Describe the causes of the First Anglo-Sikh War between the British and the Sikhs.
The British had been dreaming to usurp Punjab for quite some time. They had started encircling Punjab even during the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. They had intentionally adopted such policies that led to the First. Anglo-Sikh War. A brief account of the causes of the First Anglo-Sikh war is as follows :

1. British Policy of Encircling Punjab: The British had been greedily looking towards Punjab for quite some time with a view to bringing it under their control. By signing the treaty of Amritsar with Ranjit Singh in 1809 A.D., the British had forever checked Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s advancement towards the Cis-Sutlej areas. In 1835-36 A.D., the Britishers forced Maharaja Ranjit Singh to withdraw his forces from Shikarpur and occupy it.

In 1835 A.D. the Britishers took possession of Ferozepur. Because of its being close to Lahore, they could collect good information about Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s activities. In 1838 A.D., the Britishers set up a military cantonment at Ferozepur. The same year they blocked Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s advancement towards Sind and forced the Amirs of Sind to keep a British Resident at Hyderabad. In fact, the Britishers were encircling the whole of Punjab and the swallowing of Punjab was only a matter of time. As a result, a war between the British and the Sikhs had become inevitable.

2. Anarchy in Punjab: After the death of Maharaja Ranjit Singh in June 1839 A.D., anarchy had spread in Punjab. A period of conspiracies and killings for the occupation of the throne had started. During 6 years from 1839 A.D. to 1845 A.D., as many as, 5 governments changed. The Dogras through their conspiracies finished many members of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s family. These murders and conspiracies had a disastrous impact on the politics of Punjab. This situation was an invitation to the Britishers.

3. Defeat of the British in the First Anglo-Afghan War: The First Anglo-Afghan War which was fought from 1839 to 1842 A.D., left a deep impact on the Anglo-Sikh relationship. Before this war, wherever the Britishers turned their face, success smiled on them. They were considered invincible. But, in this war, the British tasted defeat for the first time. The heavy loss caused in this war dealt a severe blow to the prestige of the British. The Britishers wanted to wipe out the stigma of their defeat suffered in Afghanistan by another grand victory. They could score this victory in Punjab because Punjab was in a state of turmoil at that time.

4. Occupation of Sind by the British: In 1842 A.D., Lord Ellenborough was appointed the new Governor-General of India in place of Lord Auckland. Lord Ellenborough wanted to remove the disgrace of the defeat which the British had to taste in the First Anglo-Afghan War. Therefore, he decided to occupy Sind. This area was geographically very significant. Although the Amirs of Sind were very loyal to the British yet by leveling false allegations Lord Ellenborough declared war against Sind. In 1843 A.D. the British brought Sind under their control. Since the Sikhs wanted to annex Sind to their empire, it further embittered Anglo-Sikh relations.

5. Military Preparations by the British: Governor-General, Lord Hardinge began to make war preparations. The British army gradually began to advance towards the Sutlej. Col. Richmond, who was very popular with the people, was replaced by Major Broadfoot who was arrogant by nature as the political agent of the North-West frontier. Lord Hugh Gough, who was the British Commander-in¬Chief, set up his headquarters at Ambala. In March 1845 A.D., more forces from other parts of the country were sent to Ferozepur, Ludhiana, and Ambala. These military preparations further widened the gulf between the Sikhs and the Britishers.

6. Appointment of Major Broadfoot: In November 1844 A.D., Major Broadfoot was appointed in place of Mr. Clark, as the political agent of Ludhiana. He was a bitter opponent of Sikhs. He came with this view in his mind to the frontiers of Punjab that the British had decided to fight a war with the Sikhs. Dr. Fauja Singh aptly says, “The appointment of Broadfoot as Political Agent at Ludhiana was also a calculated move made with an eye on the fast-approaching war with Punjab.” Broadfoot undertook many such exercises which provoked the Sikhs against the British.

7. Incitement for war by Lai Singh and Teja Singh: After the death of Jawahar Singh, Lai Singh was appointed the new Wazir (Prime Minister) of the Lahore government. He appointed his brother Teja Singh, Chief Commander of the Khalsa army. Both of them were already in league with the British. Since the Sikh army had already become powerful at that time, Lai Singh and Teja Singh, were greatly afraid of it. They wanted to weaken it directing its energies against the British army. By doing so, they would be able to retain their positions and also heave a sigh of relief. So, they started inciting the Sikh army against the British. On 11th Dec. 1845 A.D., the Sikh soldiers crossed the river Sutlej. The British were looking out for this golden opportunity. So Lord Hardinge declared war against the Sikhs on 13th December 1845 A.D.

Question 2.
What were the main events of the First Anglo-Sikh War? Briefly explain the consequences of this war.
Study the main events and results of the First Anglo-Sikh War.
The Sikh soldiers were compelled to cross over the river Sutlej on 11th December 1845 A.D. because of the imprudent policies followed by the British. The British were waiting for this golden opportunity. So the Governor-General Lord Hardinge declared war against the Sikhs on 13th December 1845 A.D. It had far-reaching consequences. A brief account of the events and results of the First Anglo-Sikh war is as follows:

1. Events of the war:

1. Battle of Mudki: The first important battle between the Sikhs and the Britishers was fought at Mudki on 18th December, 1845 A.D. In this battle the number of the Sikh soldiers was 5500, and they were commanded by Lai Singh. On the other hand, the strength of the British soldiers was 12,000 and they were led by Lord Hugh Gough. The British thought that they would easily overpower the Sikh army, but the Sikh army caused such a havoc that the British soldiers ran helter-skelter. On seeing this Lai Singh got nervous. He fled from the battlefield with some soldiers. As a consequence the Sikh army was defeated. According to the famous historian Sita Ram Kohli, “The battle of Mudki served to dispel a notion that had gained credence with the British that the Sikhs were no great force to be reckoned with.”

2. Battle of Ferozeshah : The second great battle between the Sikhs and the British was fought at Ferozeshah or Pheru Shahar on 21st December, 1845 AD. The British were fully prepared for this battle. The British army was commanded by famous and experienced generals like Lord Hugh Gough, John Littler and Lord Hardinge. On the other hand, the Sikh soldiers were led by Lai Singh and Teja Singh. The Britishers were fully confident of the treachery of the Sikh generals and that they would score an easy win in the battle. But the Sikhs gave such a baffling rebuff to the British that once it looked that their empire in India had shaken.

Exactly at that time, when the British army was being trounced on all fronts, Lai Singh and Teja Singh with their soldiers fled from the battlefield, without any rhyme or reason. When the retreating Britishers heard, that the Sikhs were fleeing, they came back and converted their defeat into’victory. In this way the Khalsa army was defeated owing to the treachery of their Generals. General Havelock said, “Another such action will shake the Empire.”

3. Battle of Baddowal : On the directions of the Lahore Darbar, Ranjodh Singh Majithia with 10,000 soldiers reached Baddowal, a place located 18 miles away from Ludhiana. On 21st January, 1846 A.D., the battle between the British and the Sikhs started at Baddowal. The Sikhs fought very gallantly. They plundered the weapons and rations of the Britishers. The Britishers being defeated, fled towards Ludhiana.

4. Battle of Aliwal: Ranjodh Singh Majithia with his soldiers left Baddowal and headed for Aliwal.’Harry Smith wanted to retrieve his honour by defeating the Sikhs. On 28th January, 1846 A.D., the British army under Harry Smith attacked the Sikhs. Thus, the Sikhs were caught unawares. It was a fierce battle. Ranjodh Singh after, giving orders to his army to flee away, himself fled the battlefield. Because of Ranjodh Singh’s treachery, the British carried the day.

5. Battle of Sobraon: The battle of Sobraon was the last and the most decisive battle of the First Anglo-Sikh War. This battle was fought on 10th February, 1846 A.D. Before this battle 30,000 Sikh soldiers had reached Sobraon. Lai Singh and Teja Singh were commanding the Sikh army. In order to face the Sikh army, the British had also made a good preparation. The strength of the British army in this battle was 15,000. Lord Hugh Gough and Lord Hardinge were commanding the British army. On 10th February, 1846 A.D., the Britishers attacked the Sikh army. As a result of the counter attack by the Sikh army, the British army had to retreat.

At this time, as pre-planned, at first Lai Singh and then Teja Singh fled from the battlefield. While going away, Teja Singh sank the boats loaded with powder and ammunition, and also destroyed the Pontoon bridge. Without the commanders, the Sikh army was unnerved. At this critical juncture, Sardar Sham Singh Attariwala took over the command. He rallied the Khalsa army saying, “Khalsa ji, do not bring discredit to Sikhism. It is better to die while fighting bravely than live a life of slavery. Unsheath your swords and pounce upon your enemy. Either win or fall martyrs.”

The Khalsa army unsheathed its swords and with the slogans of ‘Sat Siri Akal’ fell upon the enemy. They slaughtered several British soldiers. At last, Sham Singh Attariwala died a hero’s death. The British were amazed at his bravery and efficiency. The martyrdom of Sham Singh Attariwala demoralised the Sikh army. How long could the swords resist the guns? At last the Sikh army deserted the battlefield. In this way finally the Britishers emerged victorious in this decisive battle.

2. Results of the War:

As a result of First Anglo-Sikh War, a treaty was signed by the British Government and the Lahore Darbar on 9th March, 1846 A.D. This treaty is known as the treaty of Lahore in history.

Treaty of Lahore:

The following were the main terms of the treaty of Lahore :

  1. There shall be perpetual peace and friendship between the British Government and Maharaja Dalip Singh and his successors.
  2. The Maharaja of Lahore renounces for himself and his successors all claim to the areas lying to the south of river Sutlej.
  3. The Maharaja handed over the British the plain and the hilly areas and forts situated between the rivers Sutlej and Beas.
  4. The British Government demanded a heavy sum of 1.50 crore rupees as war indemnity. As the Lahore Darbar was unable to pay this heavy amount, it ceded the provinces of Kashmir and Hazara as equivalent to one crore of rupees.
  5. The army of Lahore Darbar was reduced to 20,000 infantry and 12,000 cavalry.
  6. The Maharaja agreed to disband the mutinous troops of the Lahore army.
  7. Whenever the need arose, the British army could pass through the Lahore Raj without any check.
  8. The Maharaja committed that he would not employ any Britisher, European or American without the consent of the British Government.
  9. The British Government recognized Dalip Singh the Maharaja of Lahore, Rani Jindan as the regent of the Maharaja, and Lai Singh, as the Prime Minister.
  10. The British Government would not interfere in the internal matters of the Lahore Darbar, but when approached it would simply advise.
  11. The Lahore Government would not change its boundaries without the concurrence of the British Government.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 22 First Anglo-Sikh War: Causes and Results

Supplementary Treaty:

Two days after the treaty of Lahore i.e. on 11th March 1846 A.D., some supplementary treaty was added to this treaty. The main terms of the supplementary treaty were as given ahead :

  1. For the protection of the Maharaja and citizens of Lahore, an adequate British army would stay at Lahore till the end of 1846 A.D.
  2. The fort and the city of Lahore would be completely under the control of the British army. The Lahore Government would arrange for and bear the expenses of the accommodation of the soldiers.
  3. Both the Governments would soon appoint their Commissioners to fix the boundaries between the two States.
    Treaty of Bhairowal

The British Government signed a new treaty with the Lahore Darbar on 16th December 1846 A.D. This treaty is known as the treaty of Bhairowal in history. The main terms of this treaty were as follows :

  1. The British Government would appoint a British resident to look after all the departments of the Lahore Government.
  2. As long as, Maharaja Dalip Singh was minor (i.e. upto 1854 A.D.), the administration of the state would be run by the ‘Council of Regency’ constituted of eight members.
  3. The Council of Regency would have to do the administrative work according to the advice of the British Resident.
  4. Maharani Jindan was removed from the post of regent and it was decided that she would get annual pension of 1\(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\) lakh rupees.
  5. For the defence  of the Maharaja and the maintenance of peace in the country, a British contingent would stay at Lahore.
  6. If the Governor-General felt the need of the army for the defence of the capital or the maintenance of peace in the country, as per his orders, the British army could establish, its control over any fort or military cantonment of the Lahore Raj.
  7. For the expenses of the British army, the Lahore Darbar would pay ₹ 22 lakh per year to the British Government.
  8. The conditions of the treaty would continue to be in force till Maharaja Dalip Singh attained the age of 16 years i.e. upto 4th September, 1854 A.D.

It is true that although through the treaties of Lahore and Bhairowal the British did not seize Punjab, yet its autonomy was lost to a large extent. In fact, Sikh kingdom became a virtual British protectorate. Dr. G.S. Chhabra aptly says, “The treaty of Bhairowal thus rang the deathknell of the Sikh power and it made the British the real masters of the Punjab.”

Question 3.
Discuss the causes and results of the First Anglo-Sikh War.
Briefly describe the causes and results of the First Anglo-Sikh War.
What were the causes of the First Anglo-Sikh War? What were the out- comes of this war?

The British had been dreaming to usurp Punjab for quite some time. They had started encircling Punjab even during the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. They had intentionally adopted such policies that led to the First. Anglo-Sikh War. A brief account of the causes of the First Anglo-Sikh war is as follows :

1. British Policy of Encircling Punjab: The British had been greedily looking towards Punjab for quite some time with a view to bringing it under their control. By signing the treaty of Amritsar with Ranjit Singh in 1809 A.D., the British had forever checked Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s advancement towards the Cis-Sutlej areas. In 1835-36 A.D., the Britishers forced Maharaja Ranjit Singh to withdraw his forces from Shikarpur and occupy it.

In 1835 A.D. the Britishers took possession of Ferozepur. Because of its being close to Lahore, they could collect good information about Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s activities. In 1838 A.D., the Britishers set up a military cantonment at Ferozepur. The same year they blocked Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s advancement towards Sind and forced the Amirs of Sind to keep a British Resident at Hyderabad. In fact, the Britishers were encircling the whole of Punjab and the swallowing of Punjab was only a matter of time. As a result, a war between the British and the Sikhs had become inevitable.

2. Anarchy in Punjab: After the death of Maharaja Ranjit Singh in June 1839 A.D., anarchy had spread in Punjab. A period of conspiracies and killings for the occupation of the throne had started. During 6 years from 1839 A.D. to 1845 A.D., as many as, 5 governments changed. The Dogras through their conspiracies finished many members of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s family. These murders and conspiracies had a disastrous impact on the politics of Punjab. This situation was an invitation to the Britishers.

3. Defeat of the British in the First Anglo-Afghan War: The First Anglo-Afghan War which was fought from 1839 to 1842 A.D., left a deep impact on the Anglo-Sikh relationship. Before this war, wherever the Britishers turned their face, success smiled on them. They were considered invincible. But, in this war, the British tasted defeat for the first time. The heavy loss caused in this war dealt a severe blow to the prestige of the British. The Britishers wanted to wipe out the stigma of their defeat suffered in Afghanistan by another grand victory. They could score this victory in Punjab because Punjab was in a state of turmoil at that time.

4. Occupation of Sind by the British: In 1842 A.D., Lord Ellenborough was appointed the new Governor-General of India in place of Lord Auckland. Lord Ellenborough wanted to remove the disgrace of the defeat which the British had to taste in the First Anglo-Afghan War. Therefore, he decided to occupy Sind. This area was geographically very significant. Although the Amirs of Sind were very loyal to the British yet by leveling false allegations Lord Ellenborough declared war against Sind. In 1843 A.D. the British brought Sind under their control. Since the Sikhs wanted to annex Sind to their empire, it further embittered Anglo-Sikh relations.

5. Military Preparations by the British: Governor-General, Lord Hardinge began to make war preparations. The British army gradually began to advance towards the Sutlej. Col. Richmond, who was very popular with the people, was replaced by Major Broadfoot who was arrogant by nature as the political agent of the North-West frontier. Lord Hugh Gough, who was the British Commander-in¬Chief, set up his headquarters at Ambala. In March 1845 A.D., more forces from other parts of the country were sent to Ferozepur, Ludhiana, and Ambala. These military preparations further widened the gulf between the Sikhs and the Britishers.

6. Appointment of Major Broadfoot: In November 1844 A.D., Major Broadfoot was appointed in place of Mr. Clark, as the political agent of Ludhiana. He was a bitter opponent of Sikhs. He came with this view in his mind to the frontiers of Punjab that the British had decided to fight a war with the Sikhs. Dr. Fauja Singh aptly says, “The appointment of Broadfoot as Political Agent at Ludhiana was also a calculated move made with an eye on the fast-approaching war with Punjab.” Broadfoot undertook many such exercises which provoked the Sikhs against the British.

7. Incitement for war by Lai Singh and Teja Singh: After the death of Jawahar Singh, Lai Singh was appointed the new Wazir (Prime Minister) of the Lahore government. He appointed his brother Teja Singh, Chief Commander of the Khalsa army. Both of them were already in league with the British. Since the Sikh army had already become powerful at that time, Lai Singh and Teja Singh, were greatly afraid of it. They wanted to weaken it directing its energies against the British army. By doing so, they would be able to retain their positions and also heave a sigh of relief. So, they started inciting the Sikh army against the British. On 11th Dec. 1845 A.D., the Sikh soldiers crossed the river Sutlej. The British were looking out for this golden opportunity. So Lord Hardinge declared war against the Sikhs on 13th December 1845 A.D.

The Sikh soldiers were compelled to cross over the river Sutlej on 11th December 1845 A.D. because of the imprudent policies followed by the British. The British were waiting for this golden opportunity. So the Governor-General Lord Hardinge declared war against the Sikhs on 13th December 1845 A.D. It had far-reaching consequences. A brief account of the events and results of the First Anglo-Sikh war is as follows:

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 22 First Anglo-Sikh War: Causes and Results

1. Events of the war:

1. Battle of Mudki: The first important battle between the Sikhs and the Britishers was fought at Mudki on 18th December, 1845 A.D. In this battle the number of the Sikh soldiers was 5500, and they were commanded by Lai Singh. On the other hand, the strength of the British soldiers was 12,000 and they were led by Lord Hugh Gough. The British thought that they would easily overpower the Sikh army, but the Sikh army caused such a havoc that the British soldiers ran helter-skelter. On seeing this Lai Singh got nervous. He fled from the battlefield with some soldiers. As a consequence the Sikh army was defeated. According to the famous historian Sita Ram Kohli, “The battle of Mudki served to dispel a notion that had gained credence with the British that the Sikhs were no great force to be reckoned with.”

2. Battle of Ferozeshah : The second great battle between the Sikhs and the British was fought at Ferozeshah or Pheru Shahar on 21st December, 1845 AD. The British were fully prepared for this battle. The British army was commanded by famous and experienced generals like Lord Hugh Gough, John Littler and Lord Hardinge. On the other hand, the Sikh soldiers were led by Lai Singh and Teja Singh. The Britishers were fully confident of the treachery of the Sikh generals and that they would score an easy win in the battle. But the Sikhs gave such a baffling rebuff to the British that once it looked that their empire in India had shaken.

Exactly at that time, when the British army was being trounced on all fronts, Lai Singh and Teja Singh with their soldiers fled from the battlefield, without any rhyme or reason. When the retreating Britishers heard, that the Sikhs were fleeing, they came back and converted their defeat into’victory. In this way the Khalsa army was defeated owing to the treachery of their Generals. General Havelock said, “Another such action will shake the Empire.”

3. Battle of Baddowal : On the directions of the Lahore Darbar, Ranjodh Singh Majithia with 10,000 soldiers reached Baddowal, a place located 18 miles away from Ludhiana. On 21st January, 1846 A.D., the battle between the British and the Sikhs started at Baddowal. The Sikhs fought very gallantly. They plundered the weapons and rations of the Britishers. The Britishers being defeated, fled towards Ludhiana.

4. Battle of Aliwal: Ranjodh Singh Majithia with his soldiers left Baddowal and headed for Aliwal.’Harry Smith wanted to retrieve his honour by defeating the Sikhs. On 28th January, 1846 A.D., the British army under Harry Smith attacked the Sikhs. Thus, the Sikhs were caught unawares. It was a fierce battle. Ranjodh Singh after, giving orders to his army to flee away, himself fled the battlefield. Because of Ranjodh Singh’s treachery, the British carried the day.

5. Battle of Sobraon: The battle of Sobraon was the last and the most decisive battle of the First Anglo-Sikh War. This battle was fought on 10th February, 1846 A.D. Before this battle 30,000 Sikh soldiers had reached Sobraon. Lai Singh and Teja Singh were commanding the Sikh army. In order to face the Sikh army, the British had also made a good preparation. The strength of the British army in this battle was 15,000. Lord Hugh Gough and Lord Hardinge were commanding the British army. On 10th February, 1846 A.D., the Britishers attacked the Sikh army. As a result of the counter attack by the Sikh army, the British army had to retreat.

At this time, as pre-planned, at first Lai Singh and then Teja Singh fled from the battlefield. While going away, Teja Singh sank the boats loaded with powder and ammunition, and also destroyed the Pontoon bridge. Without the commanders, the Sikh army was unnerved. At this critical juncture, Sardar Sham Singh Attariwala took over the command. He rallied the Khalsa army saying, “Khalsa ji, do not bring discredit to Sikhism. It is better to die while fighting bravely than live a life of slavery. Unsheath your swords and pounce upon your enemy. Either win or fall martyrs.”

The Khalsa army unsheathed its swords and with the slogans of ‘Sat Siri Akal’ fell upon the enemy. They slaughtered several British soldiers. At last, Sham Singh Attariwala died a hero’s death. The British were amazed at his bravery and efficiency. The martyrdom of Sham Singh Attariwala demoralised the Sikh army. How long could the swords resist the guns? At last the Sikh army deserted the battlefield. In this way finally the Britishers emerged victorious in this decisive battle.

2. Results of the War:

As a result of First Anglo-Sikh War, a treaty was signed by the British Government and the Lahore Darbar on 9th March, 1846 A.D. This treaty is known as the treaty of Lahore in history.

Treaty of Lahore

The following were the main terms of the treaty of Lahore :

  1. There shall be perpetual peace and friendship between the British Government and Maharaja Dalip Singh and his successors.
  2. The Maharaja of Lahore renounces for himself and his successors all claim to the areas lying to the south of river Sutlej.
  3. The Maharaja handed over the British the plain and the hilly areas and forts situated between the rivers Sutlej and Beas.
  4. The British Government demanded a heavy sum of 1.50 crore rupees as war indemnity. As the Lahore Darbar was unable to pay this heavy amount, it ceded the provinces of Kashmir and Hazara as equivalent to one crore of rupees.
  5. The army of Lahore Darbar was reduced to 20,000 infantry and 12,000 cavalry.
  6. The Maharaja agreed to disband the mutinous troops of the Lahore army.
  7. Whenever the need arose, the British army could pass through the Lahore Raj without any check.
  8. The Maharaja committed that he would not employ any Britisher, European or American without the consent of the British Government.
  9. The British Government recognized Dalip Singh the Maharaja of Lahore, Rani Jindan as the regent of the Maharaja, and Lai Singh, as the Prime Minister.
  10. The British Government would not interfere in the internal matters of the Lahore Darbar, but when approached it would simply advise.
  11. The Lahore Government would not change its boundaries without the concurrence of the British Government.

Supplementary Treaty:

Two days after the treaty of Lahore i.e. on 11th March 1846 A.D., some supplementary treaty was added to this treaty. The main terms of the supplementary treaty were as given ahead :

  1. For the protection of the Maharaja and citizens of Lahore, an adequate British army would stay at Lahore till the end of 1846 A.D.
  2. The fort and the city of Lahore would be completely under the control of the British army. The Lahore Government would arrange for and bear the expenses of the accommodation of the soldiers.
  3. Both the Governments would soon appoint their Commissioners to fix the boundaries between the two States.
    Treaty of Bhairowal

The British Government signed a new treaty with the Lahore Darbar on 16th December 1846 A.D. This treaty is known as the treaty of Bhairowal in history. The main terms of this treaty were as follows :

  1. The British Government would appoint a British resident to look after all the departments of the Lahore Government.
  2. As long as, Maharaja Dalip Singh was minor (i.e. upto 1854 A.D.), the administration of the state would be run by the ‘Council of Regency’ constituted of eight members.
  3. The Council of Regency would have to do the administrative work according to the advice of the British Resident.
  4. Maharani Jindan was removed from the post of regent and it was decided that she would get annual pension of 1\(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\) lakh rupees.
  5. For the defence  of the Maharaja and the maintenance of peace in the country, a British contingent would stay at Lahore.
  6. If the Governor-General felt the need of the army for the defence of the capital or the maintenance of peace in the country, as per his orders, the British army could establish, its control over any fort or military cantonment of the Lahore Raj.
  7. For the expenses of the British army, the Lahore Darbar would pay ₹ 22 lakh per year to the British Government.
  8. The conditions of the treaty would continue to be in force till Maharaja Dalip Singh attained the age of 16 years i.e. upto 4th September, 1854 A.D.

It is true that although through the treaties of Lahore and Bhairowal the British did not seize Punjab, yet its autonomy was lost to a large extent. In fact, Sikh kingdom became a virtual British protectorate. Dr. G.S. Chhabra aptly says, “The treaty of Bhairowal thus rang the deathknell of the Sikh power and it made the British the real masters of the Punjab.”

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 22 First Anglo-Sikh War: Causes and Results

Short Answer Type Questions:
Give the causes of the First Anglo-Sikh War.
Mention any three main causes of First Anglo-Sikh War.

  • The British had been following the policy of encirclement of Punjab.
  • After the death of Maharaja Ranjit Singh anarchy prevailed in the Punjab,
  • The British had suffered a humiliating defeat in their first war against Afghanistan. So they wanted to retrieve their honour by conquering Punjab,
  • The Sikh leaders like Lai Singh and Teja Singh wanted to engage the Khalsa army in a conflict against the British so as to make their own position strong,
  • The appointment of Major Broadfoot in 1844 A.D. inflammed the atmosphere to a great extent.

Question 2.
Write a brief note on the battle of Mudki.
The first important battle between the Sikhs and the British was fought at Mudki on December 18, 1845 A.D. In this battle, Sikh soldiers were commanded by Lai Singh. On the other hand? the British soldiers were commanded by Hugh Gough. The British thought that they would defeat the Sikhs very easily, but the Sikhs launched such a forceful attack on the British army that it created consternation among them. Lai Singh fled away from the battlefield. The Sikhs were ultimately defeated.

Question 3.
What do you know about the battle of Ferozshah or Pherushahr?
A fierce battle took place between the Sikhs and the British at Ferozshah on December 21, 1845 A.D. Their command was in the hands of experienced generals like Hugh Gough, John Littler and Lord Hardinge. The Sikh army was led by traitors like Lai Singh and Teja Singh. Due to the treachery of Lai Singh and Teja Singh the Sikh forces were defeated.

Question 4.
Write a brief note on the battle of Sobraon.
The battle of Sobraon was the last decisive battle of the First Anglo-Sikh War. It was fought on February 10, 1846 A.D. The famous generals like Hugh Gough, Lord Hardinge and other were commanding the British forces. On the other hand Lai Singh and Teja Singh were commanding the Sikh army. Sham Singh Attariwala fought bravely and pushed the British hard. Ultimately the Sikhs were defeated and suffered heavy casualties.

Question 5.
Write a brief note on the Treaty of Lahore
What do you know about the Treaty of Lahore?

  • Maharaja Dalip Singh and his successors would always maintain peace and friendship with the British government,
  • The Maharaja of Lahore accepted that he and his successors would have no claim on the region to the south of Sutlej river forever.
  • The Maharaja handed over all the forts of plains and hills between the Sutlej and the Beas to the British
  • The British demanded a heavy amount of 1.50 crore rupees as ransom for the war.
  • The British accepted Maharaja Dalip Singh as the ruler of Lahore, Maharani Jindan as the regent of Maharaja Dalip Singh and Lai Singh as the Prime Minister.

Question 6.
What do you know about the Treaty of Bhairowal?
Write a short note on the Treaty of Bhairowal.
The Treaty of Bhairowal was signed between Lahore Darbar and the British Government on December 16, 1846 A.D. According to it, a British Resident was appointed to run the administration of Lahore Darbar. Maharani Jindan was removed from the post of regent and her annual pension of Rs.1\(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\) lakh was fixed. An eight member council was formed for the help of British Resident. It was decided to keep a British army for the protection of the Maharaja and to maintain peace and order.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 22 First Anglo-Sikh War: Causes and Results

Question 7.
Study in brief the results of First Anglo-Sikh War.
Give in brief the results of First Anglo-Sikh War.
What were the results of the First Anglo-Sikh War?

  • The Maharaja of Lahore renounced all claim to the areas lying to the south of river Sutlej,
  • The Maharaja handed over to the British the area between the river Sutlej and Beas.
  • The British Government demanded a heavy sum of 1.50 crore rupees as war indemnity,
  • The Maharaja committed that he would not employ any foreigner without the consent of the British Government,
  • The British Government recognised Dalip Singh as the Maharaja of Lahore and Maharani Jindan as his regent.

Question 8.
Write a brief note on Sham Singh Attariwala.
Sham Singh Attariwala was a great warrior of the Sikhs. At a very young age of 18, Attariwala joined Maharaja’s army. The First Anglo-Sikh war broke out in 1845 A.D. Sham Singh Attariwala actively participated in battle of Sobraon. Unfortunately, the commanding officers of the Sikh army proved traitors. At this critical juncture Sham Singh Attariwala took over the command and pushed the British hard. At last, Sham Singh Attariwala achieved martyrdom while fighting in the battle.

Question 9.
Describe any five reasons as to why the British did not annex Punjab to their empire after the First Anglo-Sikh War.

  • If they had declared the annexation of the Punjab to the British Empire, it could have become a headache for the British,
  • The British wanted that Punjab should act as a buffer state between the British Empire and Afghanistan,
  • The British had to keep a vast British army to keep Punjab under their control. It would have tremendously increased their expenses.
  • The Governor- General thought that Punjab could not prove useful for the British from the economic point of view.
  • He considered the Punjab a source of trouble in place of a source of power.

Question 10.
Mention five causes of the Sikhs’ defeat in the First Anglo-Sikh War.

  • The first major cause of the defeat of the Sikhs in the First Anglo- Sikh War was the treachery of Lai Singh and Teja Singh,
  • The European officers in the Sikh army aligned themselves secretly with the British.
  • The British had good resources than the Sikhs,
  • The British generals had good experience of War.
  • The British belonged to the greatest imperialist power of the world.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 22 First Anglo-Sikh War: Causes and Results

Objective Type Questions:

Question 1.
Whose son was Maharaja Dalip Singh?
Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

Question 2.
For how long did Maharaja Dalip Singh rule over the Punjab?
From Sept. 15, 1843 to Mar. 29, 1849 A.D.

Question 3.
Who was the Maharaja of Punjab during the First and Second Anglo-Sikh Wars?
Maharaja Dalip Singh.

Question 4.
Who was Lai Singh?
Prime Minister of Lahore.

Question 5.
Who was Teja Singh?
Teja Singh was Commander of the Sikh Army.

Question 6.
When was First Anglo-Sikh War fought?
When did the First Anglo-Sikh War happened?
1845-46 A.D.

Question 7.
Who was the Governor-General of India during the First Anglo- Sikh War?
Lord Hardinge.

Question 8.
Name any one cause responsible for the First-Anglo Sikh War.
The English had started encircling the Punjab on all sides.

Question 9.
When was the battle of Mudki fought?
Dec. 18, 1845 A.D.

Question 10.
When was the battle of Ferozeshah or Ferushahr fought?
December 21, 1845 A.D.

Question 11.
When was the battle of Baddowal fought?
21 1st January, 1846 A.D.

Question 12.
When was the battle of Aliwal fought?
28th January, 1846 A.D.

Question 13.
When was the battle of Sobraon fought?
February 10, 1846 A.D.

Question 14.
Which Sikh General got martyred fighting bravely in the battle of Sobraon?
Sham Singh Atariwala.

Question 15.
With which battle did the First Anglo-Sikh War end?
Battle of Sobraon.

Question 16.
Who was defeated in First Anglo-Sikh War?
The Sikhs.

Question 17.
With which treaty did the First-Anglo Sikh War come to an end?
Treaty of Lahore.

Question 18.
When was the Treaty of Lahore signed between the English and the Sikhs?
On March 9, 1846 A.D.

Question 19.
When did the Treaty of Bhairowal take place?
On December 16, 1846 A.D.

Question 20.
Mention any one important clause of the Treaty of Bhairowal.
A British Resident was to look after all the departments of the Lahore Darbar.

Question 21.
To whom did the English hand over Kashmir after the First Anglo-Sikh War?
Gulab Singh.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 22 First Anglo-Sikh War: Causes and Results

Question 22.
Mention any one cause of the Sikh defeat in the First Anglo- Sikh War.
Give the main reason for the defeat of the Sikhs in the First Anglo- Sikh War.
The leaders of the Sikhs were traitors.

Fill in the blanks:

1. In 1839 A.D. after the death of Maharaja Ranjit Singh ……………… became the ruler of Punjab.
Maharaja Kharak Singh

2. In …………… the British bought Sind under their control.
1843 A.D.

3. The First Anglo-Sikh War was fought in ……………..
1845-46 A.D.

4. …………… was the Maharaja of the Punjab during the First Anglo-Sikh War.
Maharaja Dalip Singh

5. During the First Anglo-Sikh War. the commander of the Sikh Army was ……………..
Teja Singh

6. …………….. was the Prime Minister of Lahore Darbar during the First Anglo-Sikh war.
Lai Singh

7. ……………. was the Supreme commander of the English forces during First Anglo-Sikh War.
Lord Hugh Gough

8. The battle of Mudki was fought on …………….
Dec. 18, 1845 A.D.

9. The battle of Ferozeshah was fought on ……………..
December 21, 1845 A.D.

10. The battle of Sobraon was fought on ……………
February 10, 1846 A.D.

11. The First Anglo-Sikh War ended with the battle of ……………..

12. The First Anglo-Sikh War ended with the Treaty of ……………

13. The Treaty of Bhairowal took place on ………………
December 16, 1846 A.D.

True or False:

1. The First Anglo-Sikh War was fought in 1947 A.D.

2. Maharaja Ranjit Singh was the Maharaja of Punjab during the First Anglo- Sikh War.

3. Lord Hardings became the Governor General after Ellenbrough.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 22 First Anglo-Sikh War: Causes and Results

4. Lord Hugh Gough was the Commander-in-Chief of the English forces during the First Anglo-Sikh war.

5. Teja Singh was Commander-in-Chief of the Sikh Army during the First Anglo-Sikh war.

6. Lai Singh was the Prime Minister of Lahore Darbar during the First Anglo- Sikh war.

7. The battle of Mudki was fought on Dec. 21, 1845 A.D.

8. The battle of Ferozeshah was fought on Dec. 21, 1845 A.D.

9. The battle of Aliwal was fought on January 28, 1846 A.D.

10. Harry Smith was the Commander of the British army in the battle of Aliwal.

11. The battle of Sobraon was fought on February 10, 1846 A.D.

12. The Sikhs won the battle of Sobraon.

13. The First Anglo-Sikh War ended with the Treaty of Bhairowal.

14. The Treaty of Lahore took place between the British Government and the Lahore Darbar on March 9, 1846 A.D.

15. The Treaty of Bhairowal between the Sikhs and the English took place on December 16, 1846 A.D.

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Who was the king of Punjab at the time of First Anglo-Sikh War?
(a) Maharaja Sher Singh.
(b) Maharaja Dalip Singh
(c) Maharaja Ranjit Singh
(d) Maharaja Kharak Singh.
(b) Maharaja Dalip Singh

2. When was the. First Anglo-Sikh War fought?
(a) 1839-40 A.D.
(b) 1841-42 A.D.
(c) 1843-44 A.D.
(d) 1845-46 A.D.
(d) 1845-46 A.D.

3. Who was the Governor General of India during the First Anglo-Sikh War?
(a) Lord Dalhousie
(b) Lord Hardinge
(c) Lord Ripon
(d) Lord Dufferin.
(b) Lord Hardinge

4. The designation of Lai Singh in Lahore Darbar was :
(a) Foreign Minister
(b) Prime Minister
(c) Chief Commander
(d) Diwan.
(b) Prime Minister

5. When did the English occupy Sind?
(a) 1842 A.D.
(b) 1843 A.D.
(c) 1844 A.D.
(d) 1845 A.D.
(b) 1843 A.D.

6. When did Governor General Lord Harding declared the war against the Sikhs?
(a) 1848 A.D.
(b) 1849 A.D.
(c) 1865 A.D.
(d) 1845 A.D.
(d) 1845 A.D.

7. Who was the supreme Commander-in-Chief of the English forces during the First and Second Anglo-Sikh Wars?
(a) Lord Hugh Gough
(b) Lord Dufferin
(c) Major Broadfoot
(d) Robert Cust.
(a) Lord Hugh Gough

8. When was the battle of Mudki fought?
(a) December 12, 1844 A.D.
(b) December 12, 1845 A.D.
(c) December 18, 1845 A.D.
(d) December 18, 1846 A.D.
(c) December 18, 1845 A.D.

9. When was the battle of Ferozeshah fought?
(a) December 18, 1845 A.D.
(b) December 19, 1845 A.D.
(c) December 20, 1845 A.D.
(d) December 21, 1845 A.D.
(d) December 21, 1845 A.D.

10. When was the battle of Sobraon fought?
(a) December 21, 1845 A.D.
(b) February 10, 1846 A.D.
(c) February 15, 1846 A.D.
(d) February 10, 1847 A.D.
(b) February 10, 1846 A.D.

11. With which treaty did the First Anglo-Sikh War come to an end?
(a) Treaty of Lahore
(b) Treaty of Amritsar
(c) Treaty of Bhairowal
(d) Tripartite Treaty.
(a) Treaty of Lahore

12. When did Treaty of Lahore take place?,
(a) February 10, 1845 A.D.
(b) February 10, 1846 A.D.
(c) March 7, 1846 A.D.
(d) March 9, 1846 A.D.
(d) March 9, 1846 A.D.

13. After the First Anglo-Sikh War, to whom was Kashmir given by the English?
(a) Gulab Singh
(b) Dhian Singh
(c) Hira Singh
(d) Hari Singh.
(a) Gulab Singh

14. When did the Treaty of Bhairowal take place?
(a) March 9, 1846 A.D.
(b) March 11, 1846 A.D.
(c) December 16, 1846 A.D.
(d) December 26, 1846 A.D.
(c) December 16, 1846 A.D.

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 6 पाँच मरजीवे

Punjab State Board PSEB 9th Class Hindi Book Solutions Chapter 6 पाँच मरजीवे Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Chapter 6 पाँच मरजीवे

Hindi Guide for Class 9 PSEB पाँच मरजीवे Textbook Questions and Answers

(क) विषय-बोध

1. निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर एक-दो पंक्तियों में दीजिए :

प्रश्न 1.
कवि ने गुरु गोबिन्द सिंह जी के लिए किन-किन विशेषणों का प्रयोग इस कविता में किया है ?
प्रस्तुत कविता में कवि ने गुरु गोबिन्द सिंह जी के लिए खालस महामानव, युग-द्रष्टा तथा युग-स्रष्टा विशेषणों का प्रयोग किया है। कवि ने दशमेश को तेज का पुंज भी कहा है।

प्रश्न 2.
कविता में ‘दशम् नानक’ किसे कहा गया है ?
प्रस्तुत कविता में सिक्खों के दशम् गुरु श्री गुरु गोबिन्द सिंह जी को ‘दशम् नानक’ कहा गया है।

प्रश्न 3.
सन् 1699 ई० में विशाल मेला कहाँ लगा था ?
सन् 1699 ई० में विशाल मेला आनन्दपुर साहिब में लगा था।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 6 पाँच मरजीवे

प्रश्न 4.
‘मरजीवा’ शब्द का क्या अर्थ है ?
मरजीवा का अर्थ है मरने को तैयार। मरजीवा का एक अर्थ मर कर जीवित अर्थात् अमर होने वाले को भी कहते हैं।

प्रश्न 5.
अकाल पुरुष का फ़रमान क्या था ?
अकाल पुरुष का फ़रमान था कि अन्याय से मुक्ति दिलाने के लिए तथा धर्म की रक्षा करने के लिए एक व्यक्ति का बलिदान चाहिए।

प्रश्न 6.
पाँचों मरजीवों के नाम लिखिए।
पाँचों मरजीवों के नाम हैं-लाहौर का दयाराम (भाई दया सिंह), हस्तिनापुर का धर्मराय (भाई धर्म सिंह), द्वारिका का मोहकम चंद (भाई मोहकम सिंह), बिदर का साहब चंद (भाई साहिब सिंह) तथा पुरी का हिम्मत राय (भाई हिम्मत सिंह)।

प्रश्न 7.
जो व्यक्ति न्याय के लिए बलिदान देता है, धर्म की रक्षा के लिए शीश कटा लेता है, उसे हम क्या कह कर पुकारते हैं ?
जो व्यक्ति न्याय के लिए बलिदान देता है, धर्म की रक्षा के लिए शीश कटा कर बलिदान देता है, उसे हम मरजीवा कहते हैं।

प्रश्न 8.
गुरु जी ने वीरों की पहचान क्या बताई ?
गुरु जी के अनुसार शुभाचरण करते हुए जीवन पथ पर निर्भय होकर बलिदान देना ही वीरों की पहचान है।

प्रश्न 9.
‘धर्म-अधर्म के संघर्ष की रात’ का क्या अर्थ है ?
प्रस्तुत पंक्ति का अर्थ यह है कि वह रात धर्म की रक्षा और अधर्म अर्थात् अन्याय से मुक्ति के उपाय सोचने की रात थी।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 6 पाँच मरजीवे

2. निम्नलिखित पद्यांशों की सप्रसंग व्याख्या कीजिए

प्रश्न 1.
तेज पुंज गुरु गोबिन्द के हाथों में
है नंगी तलवार
लहराती हवा में बारम्बार
“अकाल पुरुष का है फरमान
अभी तुरन्त चाहिये एक बलिदान
अन्याय से मुक्ति दिलाने को
धर्म बचाने, शीश कटाने को
मरजीवा क्या कोई है तैयार ?
मुझे चाहिये शीश एक उपहार !
जिसका अद्भुत त्याग देश की
मरणासन्न चेतना में कर दे नवरक्त संचार।”
कवि कहता है कि दिव्य ज्योति से प्रकाशमान गुरु गोबिन्द सिंह जी के हाथों में नंगी तलवार थी, जिसे बार-बार हवा में लहराते हुए उन्होंने कहा’अकाल पुरुष की यह आज्ञा है कि अभी तुरन्त एक व्यक्ति का बलिदान चाहिए, जो अन्याय से मुक्ति दिलाने के लिए, धर्म की रक्षा करने के लिए अपना सिर कटाने को तैयार हो। है कोई ऐसा व्यक्ति जो मरने को तैयार हो ? मुझे एक सिर भेंट स्वरूप चाहिए जिसका अनोखा त्याग देश की दयनीय दशा में नया खून भर दे।’

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 6 पाँच मरजीवे

प्रश्न 2.
लीला से पर्दा हटा गुरु प्रकट हुए
चकित देखते सब पांचों बलिदानी संग खड़े
गुरुवर बोले “मेरे पांच प्यारे सिंघ
साहस, रूप, वेश, नाम में न्यारे सिंघ
दया सिंघ, धर्म सिंघ और मोहकम सिंघ
खालिस जाति खालसा के साहब सिंघ व हिम्मत सिंघ
शुभाचरण पथ पर निर्भय देंगे बलिदान ।
अब से पंथ “खालसा” मेरा ऐसे वीरों की पहचान।”
कवि कहते हैं कि पाँचों मरजीवों को भीतर ले जाकर उनके सिर काटने की लीला करने के बाद गुरु जी इस लीला से पर्दा हटा कर बाहर आए। उनके साथ पाँचों मरजीवों को खड़ा देख कर सभी हैरान रह गये। तब गुरु जी बोले-‘ये मेरे पाँच प्यारे सिंह हैं। ये सिंह साहस, रूप, वेश और नाम से अलग ही सिंह हैं अर्थात् विशेष सिंह हैं। गुरु जी ने उनके नामों के साथ सिंह शब्द जोड़ते हुए कहा कि खालिस जाति खालसा पंथ से सम्बन्धित ये दया सिंह, धर्म सिंह, मोहकम सिंह, साहब सिंह एवं हिम्मत सिंह हैं, जो अपने अच्छे आचरण के रास्ते पर चलते हुए निडर होकर बलिदान देंगे। आज से मेरा खालसा पंथ ऐसे वीरों द्वारा ही पहचाना जाएगा।’

(ख) भाषा-बोध

1. शब्दांश + मूल शब्द (अर्थ) – नवीन शब्द (अर्थ)
अ + न्याय (इन्साफ़) – अन्याय (इन्साफ़ के विरुद्ध कार्य)
वि + श्वास (साँस) – विश्वास (भरोसा)

उपर्युक्त मूल शब्द (न्याय) में ‘अ’ शब्दांश लगाने से ‘अन्याय’ तथा ‘श्वास में ‘वि’ शब्दांश लगाने से ‘विश्वास’ नवीन शब्द बने हैं तथा उनके अर्थ में भी परिवर्तन आ गया है। ये ‘अ’ तथा ‘वि’ उपसर्ग हैं। अतएव जो शब्दांश किसी शब्द के शुरू में जुड़कर उसके अर्थ में परिवर्तन ला देते हैं, वे उपसर्ग कहलाते हैं।

निम्नलिखित शब्दों में से उपसर्ग तथा मूल शब्द अलग-अलग करके लिखिए

प्रश्न 1.
शब्द – उपसर्ग – मूल शब्द
अधर्म – अ – धर्म
अतिरिक्त – ………. – ……..
उपहार – ………….. – ………….
प्रकट – ………….. – ………….
शब्द – उपसर्ग – मूल शब्द
अतिरिक्त – अति – रिक्त
उपहार – उप – हार
प्रकट – प्र – कट

प्रश्न 2.
मूल शब्द (अर्थ) + शब्दांश = नवीन शब्द (अर्थ)
सन्न (स्तब्ध, चुप) + आटा. = सन्नाटा (स्तब्धता, चुप्पी)
कायर (डरपोक) + ता = कायरता (डरपोकपन)
उपर्युक्त मूल शब्द ‘सन्न’ में ‘आटा’ लगाने से ‘सन्नाटा’ तथा ‘कायर’ शब्द में ‘ता’ लगाने से ‘कायरता’ नवीन शब्द बने हैं तथा उनके अर्थ में भी परिवर्तन आ गया है। ये ‘आटा’ तथा ‘ता’ प्रत्यय हैं। अतएव जो शब्दांश किसी शब्द के अंत में जुड़कर उनके अर्थ में परिवर्तन ला देते हैं, वे प्रत्यय कहलाते हैं।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 6 पाँच मरजीवे

निम्नलिखित शब्दों में से प्रत्यय तथा मूल शब्द अलग-अलग करके लिखिए

शब्द – मूल शब्द – प्रत्यय
वैशाखी – ………. – …………
निवासी – ………. – …………
बलिदानी – ………… – ………….
बलिहारी – …………. – …………..
शब्द – मूल शब्द – प्रत्यय
वैशाखी – वैशाख – ई
निवासी – निवास – ई
बलिदानी – बलिदान – ई
बलिहारी – बलिहार – ई

(ग) पाठेत्तर सक्रियता

1. स्कूल की प्रार्थना सभा में खालसा पंथ की साजना, वैसाखी पर्व तथा श्री गुरु गोबिन्द सिंह जी के जन्म दिवस के अवसर पर प्रेरणादायक विचार प्रस्तुत कीजिए।

2. श्री आनन्दपुर साहिब के ऐतिहासिक महत्त्व के बारे में अपने पुस्तकालय से पुस्तक लेकर पढ़िए अथवा इंटरनेट से जानकारी प्राप्त कीजिए।

3. अपने माता-पिता के साथ श्री आनन्दपुर साहिब के ऐतिहासिक गुरुद्वारे के दर्शन कीजिए और अन्य स्थलों का भ्रमण कीजिए।

4. श्री आनन्दपुर साहिब के ऐतिहासिक स्थलों के चित्र एकत्रित कीजिए। उत्तर-विद्यार्थी स्वयं करें।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 6 पाँच मरजीवे

(घ) ज्ञान-विस्तार

1. आनन्दपुर साहिब : आनन्दपुर साहिब पंजाब प्रदेश के रूपनगर जिले में स्थित है। यह स्थान चंडीगढ़ से 85 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर स्थित है। इसकी स्थापना सन् 1664 ई० में सिक्खों के नौवें गुरु तेग़ बहादुर ने की थी। आनन्दपुर साहिब में स्थित प्रसिद्ध गुरुद्वारे तख्त श्री केसगढ़ साहिब की बहुत महानता है। ऐसा माना जाता है कि यहाँ पर श्रद्धालुओं की हर मुराद पूरी होती है।

2. अन्य प्रसिद्ध ऐतिहासिक स्थल : सेंट्रल किला श्री आनन्दगढ़ साहिब, लोहगढ़ किला, होलगढ़ किला, फतेहगढ़ किला एवं तारागढ़ किला। इसके अतिरिक्त आनन्दपुर साहिब में बना ‘विरासत-ए-खालसा’ संग्रहालय भी बहुत महत्त्वपूर्ण स्थल है। इसमें श्री गुरु नानक देव जी से लेकर श्री गुरु ग्रंथ साहिब की स्थापना तक सिक्ख धर्म के विकास को बखूबी दर्शाया गया है।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Guide पाँच मरजीवे Important Questions and Answers

प्रश्न 1.
गुरु जी ने संगत के सम्मुख मरजीवे की माँग क्यों रखी ?
गुरु जी ने संगत के सम्मुख किसी मरजीवे के बलिदान की भारत के लोगों को मुग़ल शासकों के अत्याचार और अन्याय से मुक्ति दिलाने के लिए माँग की। वे धर्म की रक्षा करना चाहते थे। उनका मानना था कि मरजीवे के त्याग और बलिदान से मरणासन्न हिन्दू लोगों में नए खून का संचार होगा।

प्रश्न 2.
गुरु जी ने पाँच सिंहों की किन विशेषताओं पर प्रकाश डाला है ?
गुरु जी ने पाँच सिंह साहिबान को साहस, रूप, वेश और नाम से न्यारे सिंह कहा। ये पाँचों सिंह शुभाचरण के मार्ग पर चलते हुए निर्भय होकर बलिदान देंगे।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 6 पाँच मरजीवे

प्रश्न 3.
‘जूझना ही जीवन है-जीवन से मत भागो’ इस पंक्ति का अर्थ स्पष्ट करें।
प्रस्तुत पंक्ति का अर्थ है कि संघर्ष करना ही जीवन की निशानी है। अत: हमें जीवन सुखपूर्वक बिताने के लिए संघर्ष करना चाहिए और संघर्ष करने से कभी भी मुँह नहीं मोड़ना चाहिए। संघर्ष करने से जी चुराना जीवन से भागने के बराबर होगा।

प्रश्न 4.
सन् सोलह सौ निन्यानवे की वैशाखी का ऐतिहासिक महत्त्व क्या है ?
सन् सोलह सौ निन्यानवे की वैशाखी का ऐतिहासिक महत्त्व यह है कि इस दिन गुरु गोबिन्द सिंह जी ने आनन्दपुर साहिब में अपने शिष्यों का एक विशाल मेला आयोजित किया और हाथ में नंगी तलवार लेकर पाँच बार एक-एक मरजीवे के शीश की माँग की । बलिदान के लिए तैयार पाँच शिष्यों ने आपकी माँग पूरी की। इस तरह गुरु जी ने पाँच बलिदानियों की तलवार पर परीक्षा करके खालसा पंथ की नींव रखी और उसको निराला रूप देते हुए कहा कि उनके सिंह अच्छे आचरण पर चलते हुए निडर होकर बलिदान देंगे। इसके बाद गुरु जी के सारे शिष्य सिंह बन गये और उन्होंने कुर्बानियाँ देकर ज़ालिम मुग़ल शासकों और अधर्म का नाश कर दिया। सन् 1699 ई० की वैशाखी के पवित्र पर्व पर ‘खालसा’ का सृजन पाँच प्यारों के रूप में किया। यह घटना धर्म की रक्षा और गरीब को अभयदान देने का कारण बनी। इसी दिन से गुरु जी ने अपने शिष्यों को अपने नाम के साथ ‘सिंह’ शब्द लगाने का आदेश दिया और उन्हें शुद्ध आचरण करते सदा निर्भय होकर बलिदान देने के लिए तैयार रहने का आदेश भी दिया।

प्रश्न 5.
पाँच प्यारों के चुनाव की घटना का वर्णन अपने शब्दों में कीजिए।
सन् 1699 की वैशाखी का दिन था। आनन्दपुर साहिब नामक स्थान पर गुरु गोबिन्द सिंह जी के शिष्य और भक्त बहुत बड़ी संख्या में एकत्रित हुए थे। गुरु जी ने संगत से धर्म की रक्षा तथा अन्याय से मुक्ति पाने के लिए अपने शीश का बलिदान देने वाले एक मरजीवे की माँग की। संगत में चुप्पी छा गयी। तभी लाहौर के खत्री दया राम ने अपने आप को बलिदान के लिए प्रस्तुत किया। गुरु जी उसे एक तम्बू में ले गए और लोगों ने सिर कटने की आवाज़ सुनी। थोडी देर बाद गुरु जी ने और बलिदान की माँग की। इस बार हस्तिनापुर का जाट धर्मराय आगे बढ़ा। गुरु जी उसे भी भीतर ले गये। इसी तरह द्वारिका के मोहकम चन्द धोबी, बिदर के साहब चंद नाई और पुरी के हिम्मतराय ने भी स्वयं को बलिदान के लिए प्रस्तुत किया। थोड़ी देर बाद लोगों ने उन पाँचों को गुरु जी के साथ तम्बू के बाहर जीवित खड़े देखा तो लोग हैरान रह गए। लोग गुरु जी की लीला को समझ न सके।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 6 पाँच मरजीवे

एक शब्द/एक पंक्ति में उत्तर दीजिए

प्रश्न 1.
‘पाँच मरजीवे’ किस कवि की रचना है ?
योगेन्द्र बख्शी की।

प्रश्न 2.
‘सप्तसिन्धु’ किस प्रदेश का वैदिक काल में नाम था ?
पंजाब का।

प्रश्न 3.
‘दशम नानक’ किन्हें कहते हैं ?
श्री गुरु गोबिन्द सिंह जी को दशम गुरु कहते हैं।

प्रश्न 4.
श्री गुरु गोबिन्द सिंह जी के हाथ में क्या लहरा रही थी ?
नंगी तलवार।

प्रश्न 5.
‘मरजीवा’ कौन होता है ?
जो मरने के लिए तैयार हो।

हाँ-नहीं में उत्तर दीजिए

प्रश्न 6.
धर्मराय लाहौर का निवासी था।

प्रश्न 7.
द्वारिका का बलिदानी मोहकम चंद धोबी था।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 6 पाँच मरजीवे

सही-गलत में उत्तर दीजिए

प्रश्न 8.
श्री गुरु गोबिन्द सिंह जी ने पाँच मरजीवों को पांच प्यारे’ कहा।

प्रश्न 9.
लोहड़ी के अवसर पर आनन्दपुर साहिब में खालसा पंथ की नींव रखी गई।

रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति करें

प्रश्न 10.
……. जब …….. की ….. से भागी।
कायरता जब सप्तसिन्धु की धरती से भागी।

प्रश्न 11.
अब से पंथ …….. मेरा ऐसे …… की पहचान।
अब से पंथ खालसा मेरा ऐसे वीरों की पहचान।

बहुविकल्पी प्रश्नों में से सही विकल्प चुनकर उत्तर लिखें

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 6 पाँच मरजीवे

प्रश्न 12.
साहब चंद नाई कहाँ का निवासी था
(क) पुरी
(ख) द्वारिका
(ग) लाहौर
(घ) बिदर।
(घ) बिदर।

प्रश्न 13.
आनन्दपुर साहिब में किस वर्ष खालसा पंथ की नींव रखी गई ?
(क) 1691
(ख) 1695
(ग) 1699
(घ) 1697.
(ग) 1699 में।

प्रश्न 14.
अन्याय से मुक्ति दिलाने के लिए गुरु जी ने किसकी मांग की ?
(क) तलवार की
(ख) बलिदानियों की
(ग) सेना की
(घ) गोला-बारूद की।
(ख) बलिदानियों की।

प्रश्न 15.
किसकी बांह थाम कर “दशमेश खिल उठे” ?
(क) दयाराम की
(ख) धर्मराय की
(ग) साहब चंद की
(घ) मोहकम चंद की।
(क) दयाराम की।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 6 पाँच मरजीवे

‘पाँच मरजीवे सप्रसंग व्याख्या

1. एक सुबह आनन्दपुर साहिब में जागी,
कायरता जब सप्तसिन्धु की धरती से भागी।
धर्म-अधर्म के संघर्ष की रात।
एक खालस महामानव।
युग द्रष्टा-युग स्रष्टा।
साहस का ज्वलन्त सूर्य ले हाथ
आह्वान कर रहा
जागो वीरो जागो
जूझना ही जीवन है-जीवन से मत भागो।

सुबह = प्रातः । सप्तसिन्धु = सात नदियाँ (वैदिक काल में पंजाब को सप्त सिन्धु कहा जाता था, क्योंकि यहाँ सात नदियाँ बहती थीं।)। खालस = शुद्ध। महामानव = महापुरुष। युग द्रष्टा = ज़माने को देखने वाला। युग स्रष्टा = ज़माने का निर्माण करने वाला। ज्वलन्त = जलता हुआ, प्रकाशमान। आह्वान करना = बुलाना। जूझना = संघर्ष करना।

प्रस्तुत पद्यांश डॉ० योगेन्द्र बख्शी द्वारा रचित कविता ‘पाँच मरजीवे’ में से लिया गया है। प्रस्तुत कविता में कवि ने सन् 1699 ई० में आनन्दपुर साहिब में गुरु गोबिन्द सिंह जी द्वारा खालसा पंथ की नींव रखे जाने के समय पंच प्यारों के साहस और आत्मबलिदान का वर्णन किया है।

कवि कहता है कि आनन्दपुर साहिब में एक दिन सूर्योदय के साथ ही सात नदियों की धरती से कायरता भाग गई। बीती रात धर्म और अधर्म के संघर्ष की रात थी। उस दिन एक शुद्ध महापुरुष ने, जो युग को देखने वाला अर्थात् युग की चिन्ता करने वाला तथा युग का निर्माण करने वाला था, साहस का प्रकाशमान सूर्य हाथ में लेकर बुला रहा था और कह रहा था हे वीरो, जागो। संघर्ष करना ही जीवन है इसलिए तुम संघर्ष से कभी नहीं घबराओ और जीवन से मत भागो।


  1. गुरु गोबिन्द सिंह जी द्वारा आनन्दपुर साहिब में संगत को आत्म-बलिदान के लिए प्रेरित करने का वर्णन किया गया है।
  2. भाषा तत्सम प्रधान, भावपूर्ण तथा ओज गुण से युक्त है।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 6 पाँच मरजीवे

2. सन् सोलह सौ निन्यानवे की
वैशाखी की पावन बेला है
दशम नानक के द्वारे-आनन्दपुर में
दूर-दूर से उमड़े भक्तों-शिष्यों का
विशाल मेला है।

पावन = पवित्र। दशम नानक = सिक्खों के दसवें गुरु गोबिन्द सिंह जी। द्वारे = घर पर, पास। विशाल = बहुत बड़ा।

प्रस्तुत पद्यांश डॉ० योगेन्द्र बख्शी द्वारा रंचित कविता ‘पाँच मरजीवे’ में से लिया गया है। प्रस्तुत कविता में कवि ने सन् 1699 ई० में आनन्दपुर साहिब में गुरु गोबिन्द सिंह जी द्वारा खालसा पंथ की नींव रखे जाने के समय पंच प्यारों के साहस और आत्मबलिदान का वर्णन किया है।

कवि कहता है कि सन् 1699 की वैशाखी के पवित्र समय दशम नानक गुरु गोबिन्द सिंह जी के द्वार पर आनन्दपुर साहिब में दूर-दूर से गुरु जी के भक्त और शिष्य एकत्र हुए और वहाँ एक बहुत बड़ा मेला सज गया।


  1. वैशाखी पर आनन्दपुर साहिब में लगे मेले का वर्णन है।
  2. भाषा सहज, सरल है। अनुप्रास और पुनरुक्ति प्रकाश अलंकार हैं।

3. तेज पुंज गुरु गोबिन्द के हाथों में
है नंगी तलवार
लहराती हवा में बारम्बार
“अकाल पुरुष का है फरमान
अभी तुरन्त चाहिये एक बलिदान
अन्याय से मुक्ति दिलाने को
धर्म बचाने, शीश कटाने को
मरजीवा क्या कोई है तैयार ?
मुझे चाहिये शीश एक उपहार !
जिसका अद्भुत त्याग देश की
मरणासन्न चेतना में कर दे नवरक्त संचार।”

तेज पुंज = दिव्य ज्योति का समूह। फरमान = आज्ञा। अकाल पुरुष = ईश्वर, वाहेगुरु। मरजीवा = बलिदानी, मर कर भी जीवित होने वाला, मरने को तैयार । शीश = सिर। उपहार = भेंट, सौगात। अद्भुत = विचित्र, अनोखा। मरणासन्न = मरने के निकट, जो मर रहा हो। चेतना = बुद्धि-विवेक से काम लेना, सोच-विचार। नवरक्त = नया खून। संचार = बहा देना।।

प्रस्तुत पद्यांश डॉ० योगेन्द्र बख्शी द्वारा रचित कविता ‘पाँच मरजीवे’ में से लिया गया है। इस कविता में कवि ने सन् 1699 में आनन्दपुर साहिब में गुरु गोबिन्द सिंह जी द्वारा खालसा पंथ की स्थापना का वर्णन किया है।

कवि कहता है कि दिव्य ज्योति से प्रकाशमान गुरु गोबिन्द सिंह जी के हाथों में नंगी तलवार थी, जिसे बार-बार हवा में लहराते हुए उन्होंने कहा’अकाल पुरुष की यह आज्ञा है कि अभी तुरन्त एक व्यक्ति का बलिदान चाहिए, जो अन्याय से मुक्ति दिलाने के लिए, धर्म की रक्षा करने के लिए अपना सिर कटाने को तैयार हो। है कोई ऐसा व्यक्ति जो मरने को तैयार हो ? मुझे एक सिर भेंट स्वरूप चाहिए जिसका अनोखा त्याग देश की दयनीय दशा में नया खून भर दे।’


  1. गुरु जी द्वारा संगत को बलिदान के लिए प्रेरित करने का वर्णन किया गया है।
  2. भाषा तत्सम प्रधान, भावपूर्ण तथा ओज गुण से युक्त है। अनुप्रास तथा प्रश्न अलंकार हैं। वीर रस है।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 6 पाँच मरजीवे

4. सन्नाटा छा गया मौन हो रही सभा
सब भयभीत नहीं कोई हिला
फिर लाहौर निवासी खत्री दयाराम आगे बढ़ा
“कृपाकर सौभाग्य मुझे दीजिए
धर्म-रक्षा के लिए-भेंट है शीश गुरुवर !
प्राण मेरे लीजिए।”

सन्नाटा = चुप्पी, खामोशी, निस्तब्धता। मौन = चुप। भयभीत = डरे हुए। गुरुवर = हे गुरु श्रेष्ठ।

प्रस्तुत पद्यांश डॉ. योगेन्द्र बख्शी द्वारा रचित कविता ‘पाँच मरजीवे’ में से लिया गया है। प्रस्तुत कविता में कवि ने सन् 1699 ई० में आनन्दपुर साहिब में गुरु गोबिन्द सिंह जी द्वारा खालसा पंथ की स्थापना का वर्णन किया है।

कवि कहता है कि गुरु जी द्वारा एक व्यक्ति के सिर का बलिदान माँगने की बात सुन कर सारी सभा में खामोशी छा गयी और सभी भयभीत और चुप रह गये। सभी डरे हुए थे। कोई भी अपनी जगह से न हिला। तभी लाहौर निवासी खत्री दयाराम आगे बढ़ा और उसने गुरु जी से निवेदन किया कि हे गुरु श्रेष्ठ! धर्म की रक्षा के लिए अपना सिर भेंट करने का सौभाग्य कृपा करके मुझे मेरे प्राण ले लीजिए।


  1. दयाराम द्वारा अपना बलिदान देने का वर्णन किया है।
  2. भाषा सहज तथा भावपूर्ण है।

5. खिल उठे दशमेश उसकी बांह थाम
ले गये भीतर, बन गया काम
उभरा स्वर शीश कटने का और फिर गहरा विराम !
भयाकुल चकित चेहरे सभा के
रह गये दिल थाम !

खिल उठना = प्रसन्न हो जाना। दशमेश = दशम् गुरु गोबिन्द सिंह जी। थाम = पकड़कर। काम बन जाना = काम पूरा होना। विराम = मौन, चुप्पी। भयाकुल = डर से घबराये हुए। चकित = हैरान। दिल थाम कर रह जाना = धैर्य धारण करना।

प्रस्तुत पद्यांश डॉ. योगेन्द्र बख्शी द्वारा रचित कविता ‘पाँच मरजीवे’ में से लिया गया है। प्रस्तुत कविता में कवि ने सन् 1699 ई० में आनन्दपुर साहिब में गुरु गोबिन्द सिंह जी द्वारा खालसा पंथ की स्थापना का वर्णन किया है।

कवि कहता है कि लाहौर के खत्री दयाराम द्वारा बलिदान के लिए अपने आप को प्रस्तुत करने की बात सुन दशम् पातशाह गुरु गोबिन्द सिंह जी प्रसन्न हो उठे। वे दयाराम की बाँह पकड़ कर भीतर ले गये। उन्होंने जान लिया कि वे जो चाहते थे वह हो गया है। तभी भीतर से सिर कटने का स्वर उभरा और फिर एक गहरी खामोशी छा गई। सभा में मौजूद लोगों के चेहरे हैरान होकर डर से घबरा गये। उन्होंने बड़ी कठिनता से धैर्य धारण किया।


  1. दयाराम के बलिदान देने का वर्णन है।
  2. भाषा सहज, सरल तथा भावपूर्ण है। मुहावरों का सहज रूप से प्रयोग किया गया है।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 6 पाँच मरजीवे

6. रक्त रंजित फिर लिये तलवार
आ गये गुरुवर पुकारे बारम्बार
एक मरजीवा अपेक्षित और है
बढ़े आगे कौन है तैयार !

रक्त-रंजित = खून से लथपथ, खून से भीगी। मरजीवा = मरने को तैयार। अपेक्षित = चाहिए, जिसकी आवश्यकता हो।

प्रस्तुत पद्यांश डॉ० योगेन्द्र बख्शी द्वारा रचित कविता ‘पाँच मरजीवे’ में से लिया गया है। प्रस्तुत कविता में कवि ने सन् 1699 ई० में आनन्दपुर साहिब में गुरु गोबिन्द सिंह जी द्वारा खालसा पंथ की स्थापना का वर्णन किया है।

कवि कहता है कि दयाराम खत्री के बलिदान के बाद गुरु जी हाथ में खून से लथपथ तलवार लिए हुए बाहर आये और उन्होंने बार-बार यह पुकारा कि अभी एक और मरने को तैयार व्यक्ति की आवश्यकता है। जो इस बलिदान के लिए तैयार हो, वह आगे बढ़े।


  1. गुरु जी द्वारा एक और बलिदानी की आवश्यकता का वर्णन किया गया है।
  2. भाषा सरल, सहज और भावपूर्ण है।

7. प्राण के लाले पड़े हैं
सभी के मन स्तब्ध से मानो जड़े हैं।
किन्तु फिर धर्मराय बलिदान-व्रत-धारी
जाट हस्तिनापुर का खड़ा करबद्ध
गुरुचरण बलिहारी !
हर्षित गुरु ले गये भीतर उसे भी
लीला विस्मयकारी !

प्राण के लाले पड़ना = जीना कठिन हो जाना, अपनी जान की चिंता होना। स्तब्ध से = संज्ञाहीन, हैरान। जड़े = जड़, निर्जीव, बेजान, स्तब्ध। करबद्ध = हाथ जोड़ कर। बलिहारी = न्यौछावर। हर्षित = प्रसन्न। विस्मयकारी = हैरान कर देने वाली।

प्रस्तुत पद्यांश डॉ० योगेन्द्र बख्शी द्वारा रचित कविता ‘पाँच मरजीवे’ में से लिया गया है। प्रस्तुत कविता में कवि ने सन् 1699 ई० में आनन्दपुर साहिब में गुरु गोबिन्द सिंह जी द्वारा खालसा पंथ की स्थापना का वर्णन किया है।

कवि कहते हैं कि गुरु जी द्वारा दूसरी बार एक और व्यक्ति के बलिदान की आवश्यकता की बात सुन कर वहाँ उपस्थित लोगों को अपने प्राणों की चिंता होने लगी अर्थात् वे घबरा गये और सारी सभा के लोगों के मन हैरान होकर जड़वत अर्थात् स्तब्ध से हो गये। किन्तु तभी बलिदान के व्रत को धारण करने वाला हस्तिनापुर का जाट धर्मराय हाथ जोड़कर खड़ा हो गया। उसने कहा मैं गुरु चरणों पर न्यौछावर होने को तैयार हूँ। उसकी बात सुनकर गुरु जी प्रसन्न होकर उसे भीतर ले गये। उनकी यह लीला हैरान कर देने वाली थी।


  1. गुरु जी के आह्वान पर धर्मराय अपना बलिदान देने के लिए तैयार हो गया।
  2. भाषा सहज तथा भावपूर्ण है। मुहावरे का प्रयोग है।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 6 पाँच मरजीवे

8. टप टप टपक रहे रक्त बिन्दु
गहरी लाल हुई चम चम तलवार-
मांग रही बलि बारम्बार ।
गुरुवर की लीला अपरम्पार।

रक्त बिन्दु = खून की बूंदें। चम चम = चमकती हुई। अपरम्पार = जिसका कोई पार न हो, जिसकी कोई सीमा न हो-असीम। . प्रसंग-प्रस्तुत पद्यांश डॉ. योगेन्द्र बख्शी द्वारा रचित कविता ‘पाँच मरजीवे’ में से लिया गया है। इस कविता में कवि ने सन् 1699 ई० में आनन्दपुर साहिब में गुरु गोबिन्द सिंह जी द्वारा खालसा पंथ की स्थापना का वर्णन किया है।

कवि कहते हैं कि दो मरजीवों को बलिदान के लिए तम्बू के भीतर ले जाने के बाद गुरु जी जब बाहर आए तो उनकी चमकती हुई तलवार गहरी लाल हो गई थी और उनसे खून की बूंदें टप-टप टपक रही थीं। गुरु जी की तलवार बार-बार बलिदान माँग रही थी अर्थात् अभी और बलिदान के लिए मरजीवों का आह्वान कर रही थी। कवि कहते हैं कि गुरु जी की लीला का कोई पार नहीं पाया जा सकता।

  1. गुरु जी द्वारा लिए गए. बलिदानों के बाद उनकी तलवार से टपकती रक्त बूंदों का सजीव वर्णन है।
  2. भाषा सरल, सहज एवं चित्रात्मक है। अनुप्रास तथा पुनरुक्ति प्रकाश अलंकार है।

9. बलिदानों के क्रम में एक एक कर शीश कटाने
बढ़ा आ रहा द्वारिका का मोहकम चन्द धोबी
बिदर का साहब चन्द नाई, पुरी का हिम्मतराय कहार
पांच ये बलिदान अद्भुत चमत्कार !

क्रम = सिलसिला, कार्य, कृत्य। अदभुत चमत्कार = अनोखी बात, विचित्र करामात।

प्रस्तुत पद्यांश डॉ० योगेन्द्र बख्शी द्वारा रचित कविता ‘पाँच मरजीवे’ में से लिया गया है। इस कविता में कवि ने सन् 1699 ई० में आनन्दपुर साहिब में गुरु गोबिन्द सिंह जी द्वारा खालसा पंथ की स्थापना का वर्णन किया है।

कवि कहता है कि बलिदानों का सिलसिला चलता रहा। दयाराम और धर्मराय के बाद गुरु जी की माँग पर एक-एक कर अपना सिर कटवाने के लिए क्रमशः द्वारिका का मोहकम चन्द धोबी, बिदर का साहब चंद नाई और जगन्नाथ पुरी का हिम्मतराय कहार आगे आए। इस तरह पाँच बलिदानियों ने अपना बलिदान दिया। इन पाँचों का बलिदान एक अनोखी करामात थी । यह तो अद्भुत चमत्कार के समान था; करिश्मा था।


  1. पाँच पियारों के अद्भुत बलिदान का वर्णन है।
  2. भाषा सहज, सरल तथा भावपूर्ण है।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 6 पाँच मरजीवे

10. लीला से पर्दा हटा गुरु प्रकट हुए
चकित देखते सब पांचों बलिदानी संग खड़े
गुरुवर बोले “मेरे पांच प्यारे सिंघ
साहस, रूप, वेश, नाम में न्यारे सिंघ
दया सिंघ, धर्म सिंघ और मोहकम सिंघ
खालिस जाति खालसा के साहस सिंघ व हिम्मत सिंघ
शुभाचरण पथ पर निर्भय देंगे बलिदान
अब से पंथ “खालसा” मेरा ऐसे वीरों की पहचान।” ।

चकित = हैरान। संग = साथ। न्यारे = अलग, अनोखे। खालिस = शुद्ध। खालसा = सिक्ख पंथ। शुभाचरण = अच्छा व्यवहार। पथ = रास्ता। निर्भय = निडर।

प्रस्तुत पद्यांश डॉ० योगेन्द्र बख्शी द्वारा रचित कविता ‘पाँच मरजीवे’ में से लिया गया है। इस कविता में कवि ने सन् 1699 ई० में आनन्दपुर साहिब में गुरु गोबिन्द सिंह जी द्वारा खालसा पंथ की स्थापना का वर्णन किया है।

कवि कहते हैं कि पाँचों मरजीवों को भीतर ले जाकर उनके सिर काटने की लीला करने के बाद गुरु जी इस लीला से पर्दा हटा कर बाहर आए। उनके साथ पाँचों मरजीवों को खड़ा देख कर सभी हैरान रह गये। तब गुरु जी बोले-‘ये मेरे पाँच प्यारे सिंह हैं। ये सिंह साहस, रूप, वेश और नाम से अलग ही सिंह हैं अर्थात् विशेष सिंह हैं। गुरु जी ने उनके नामों के साथ सिंह शब्द जोड़ते हुए कहा कि खालिस जाति खालसा पंथ से सम्बन्धित ये दया सिंह, धर्म सिंह, मोहकम सिंह, साहब सिंह एवं हिम्मत सिंह हैं, जो अपने अच्छे आचरण के रास्ते पर चलते हुए निडर होकर बलिदान देंगे। आज से मेरा खालसा पंथ ऐसे वीरों द्वारा ही पहचाना जाएगा।’


  1. खालसा पंथ की स्थापना का अति प्रभावशाली वर्णन है।
  2. भाषा भावपूर्ण है। संवादात्मक शैली है।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 6 पाँच मरजीवे

‘पाँच मरजीवे Summary

योगेन्द्र बख्शी कवि-परिचय

जीवन परिचय:
डॉ. योगेन्द्र बख्शी का जन्म सन् 1939 ई० में जम्मू तवी में हुआ था। इन्होंने हिन्दी-साहित्य में एम०ए० करने के बाद पीएच०डी० की उपाधि प्राप्त की थी। अध्यापक के साथ-साथ इनका लेखन कार्य भी चलता रहा। राजकीय महेन्द्रा कॉलेज, पटियाला के स्नातकोत्तर हिन्दी-विभाग के अध्यक्ष के पद से सेवानिवृत्त होकर भी ये साहित्यसाधना में लीन हैं।

काव्य रचनाएँ-सड़क का रोग, खुली हुई खिड़कियाँ, कि सनद रहे, आदमीनामा : सतसई, गज़ल के .. रूबरू।

प्रसाद का काव्य तथा कामायनी, हिन्दी तथा पंजाबी उपन्यास का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन। संपादित पुस्तकें-निबंध परिवेश, काव्य विहार, गैल गैल, आओ हिन्दी सीखें : आठ । बाल साहित्य-बंदा बहादुर, मैथिलीशरण गुप्त। अनुवाद-पैरिस में एक भारतीय- एस०एस० अमोल के यात्रा वृत्तांत का अनुवाद । विशेषताएँ-इनके काव्य में आस-पास के जीवन की घटनाओं का अत्यंत यथार्थ चित्रण प्राप्त होता है। ‘पाँच मरजीवे’ कविता में कवि ने खालसा पंथ की नींव की ऐतिहासिक घटना का अत्यंत स्वाभाविक चित्रण किया है।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 6 पाँच मरजीवे

‘पाँच मरजीवे कविता का सार

कविता का सार कवि ‘योगेन्द्र बख्शी’ जी ने ‘पाँच मरजीवे’ कविता में खालसा पंथ की नींव की ऐतिहासिक घटना का प्रभावशाली ढंग से चित्रण किया है। औरंगज़ेब के जुल्मों से दुःखी हिन्दुओं में नई चेतना जागृत करने के लिए गुरु गोबिन्द सिंह जी ने आन्नदपुर साहिब में सन् 1699 ई० में बैसाखी वाले दिन लोगों से धर्म की रक्षा के लिए एक ऐसे पुरुष की मांग जो धर्म के लिए अपना सर्वस्व बलिदान कर सके। उनकी यह मांग सुनकर चारों ओर सन्नाटा छा गया। अचानक भीड़ में से लाहौर निवासी खत्री दयाराम आगे आया और धर्म की बेदी पर बलिदान होने के लिए गुरु गोबिन्द सिंह जी के पास चला गया। गुरु गोबिन्द सिंह जी उसे लेकर अन्दर गए और बाहर खड़े लोगों ने सिर कटने की आवाज़ सुनी। इस प्रकार गुरु गोबिन्द सिंह ने बारी-बारी और चार व्यक्ति मांगे। हस्तिनापुर का जाट धर्मराय, द्वारिका के मोहकम चन्द धोबी, बिदर के साहब चन्द नाई और पुरी के हिम्मतराय ने भी अपने को बलिदान के लिए प्रस्तुत किया। थोड़ी देर बाद लोगों ने उन पाँचों को गुरु जी के साथ तम्बू के बाहर जीवित खड़े देखा तो लोग हैरान रह गए। उस दिन उन पाँच लोगों के आत्मबलिदान की मांग करके उन्होंने खालसा पंथ की नींव डाली। उस खालसा पंथ ने हिन्दुओं के लिए औरंगजेब के अत्याचारों का विरोध किया। बाद में इसी खालसा पंथ ने सिक्ख सम्प्रदाय रूप में अपनी पहचान भी स्थापित की।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 5 मैंने कहा, पेड़

Punjab State Board PSEB 9th Class Hindi Book Solutions Chapter 5 मैंने कहा, पेड़ Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Chapter 5 मैंने कहा, पेड़

Hindi Guide for Class 9 PSEB मैंने कहा, पेड़ Textbook Questions and Answers

(क) विषय-बोध

1. निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर एक-दो पंक्तियों में दीजिए-

प्रश्न 1.
पेड़ आँधी-पानी में भी किस तरह से अपनी जगह खड़ा है?
पेंड आँधी-पानी में भी अपनी जगह मिट्टी के कारण खड़ा है जिसमें उसकी जड़ें दूर-दूर तक फैली हुई हैं। मिट्टी उन्हें जकड़ कर पेड़ को स्थिरता और मज़बूती प्रदान करती है। मिट्टी पेड़ को जल और पोषण भी देती है।

प्रश्न 2.
सूरज, चाँद, मेघ और ऋतुओं के क्या-क्या कार्य-कलाप हैं?
सूरज धरती को प्रकाश और गर्मी प्रदान करता है जिनके कारण पेड़-पौधे अन्य सभी प्राणी अपना-अपना जीवन सुख से बिता सकते हैं। सूर्य ही जीवन का वास्तविक आधार है। चाँद स्वयं घटता-बढ़ता है और धरती को रात्रि के समय हल्का उजाला देता है और ज्वार-भाटा का कारण बनता है। मेघ (बादल) वर्षा लाते हैं। वे ही जीवन के आधार जल को सबके लिए धरती पर बरसाते हैं। पेड़-पौधे तक अन्य सभी प्राणी उन्हीं से जीवन प्राप्त करते हैं। ऋतुएँ बदलबदल कर धरती को भिन्न-भिन्न गर्म-सर्द आदि वातावरण प्रदान करती हैं जो जीवन के लिए आवश्यक होती हैं।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 5 मैंने कहा, पेड़

प्रश्न 3.
पेड़ में सहनशक्ति के अतिरिक्त और कौन-कौन से गुण हैं?
पेड़ में सहनशक्ति के अतिरिक्त अत्यंत मज़बूती, लंबी आयु, विपरीत परिस्थितियों का आसानी से सामना करने की क्षमता, समझदारी, दूरदृष्टि और कृतज्ञता प्रकट करने के गुण हैं।

प्रश्न 4.
पेड़ के बढ़ने और जड़ों के धरती में समाने का क्या संबंध है?
पेड़ के बढ़ने और जड़ों के धरती में समाने का आपस में गहरा संबंध है। जैसे-जैसे पेड़ की जड़ें धरती में बढ़ती जाती हैं; फैलती जाती हैं वैसे-वैसे पेड़ की ऊँचाई और फैलावट भी बढ़ती जाती है क्योंकि जड़ें ही उसे पोषण देती हैं और वे ही उसे स्थिरता प्रदान करती हैं।

प्रश्न 5.
पेड़ मिट्टी के अतिरिक्त और किस-किस को श्रेय देता है?
पेड़ मिट्टी के अतिरिक्त सूर्य, चंद्रमा, बादलों और ऋतुओं को श्रेय देता है।

प्रश्न 6.
पेड़ ने क्या सीख प्राप्त की है?
पेड़ ने सीख प्राप्त की है कि ‘जो मरण-धर्मा हैं वे ही जीवनदायी हैं।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 5 मैंने कहा, पेड़

2. निम्नलिखित पद्यांशों की सप्रसंग व्याख्या कीजिए

प्रश्न 1.
सूरज उगता-डूबता है, चाँद मरता-छीजता है
ऋतुएँ बदलती हैं, मेघ उमड़ता-पसीजता है,
और तुम सब सहते हुए
सन्तुलित शान्त धीर रहते हुए
विनम्र हरियाली से ढंके, पर भीतर ठोठ कठैठ खड़े हो।
कवि कहता है कि उसने पेड़ से पूछा कि अरे पेड़, तुम इतने बड़े हो, इतने सख्त और मज़बूत हो। पता नहीं कि कितने सौ बरसों से खड़े हो। तुम ने सैंकड़ों वर्ष की आँधी-तूफ़ान, पानी को अपने ऊपर झेला है पर फिर भी अपनी जगह पर सिर ऊँचा करके वहीं रुके हुए हो। प्रातः सूर्य निकलता है और शाम को फिर डूब जाता है। रात के

प्रश्न 2.
काँपा पेड़, मर्मरित पत्तियाँ
बोली मानो, नहीं, नहीं, नहीं, झूठा
श्रेय मुझे मत दो !
मैं तो बार-बार झुकता, गिरता, उखड़ता
या कि सूखा दूंठा हो के टूट जाता,
श्रेय है तो मेरे पैरों-तले इस मिट्टी को
जिसमें न जाने कहाँ मेरी जड़ें खोयी हैं
जैसे ही कवि ने सैंकड़ों वर्ष पुराने, मज़बूत और हरे-भरे पेड़ की प्रशंसा की वैसे ही पेड़ काँपा और उसकी हरी-भरी पत्तियाँ मर्मर ध्वनि करती हुई मानो बोल पड़ीं। उन्होंने कहा कि नहीं-नहीं। मेरी लंबी आयु और मज़बूती का झूठा यश मुझे मत दो। मैं कब का नष्ट हो चुका होता। मैं तो बार-बार झुकता, गिरता, उखड़ कर नष्ट होता या सूख कर पूरी तरह ढूंठ बन कर टूट चुका होता। पर ऐसा हुआ नहीं- इसका श्रेय तो मेरे पैरों के नीचे की उस मिट्टी को है जिसमें मेरी जड़ें खोयी हुई हैं; न जाने कहाँ-कहाँ तक वे दूर तक फैली हुई हैं। मैं तो उन्हीं की आशा में उतना ही ऊपर उठा जितनी दूरी तक मेरी जड़ें नीचे मिट्टी में समायी हुई हैं; फैली हुई हैं। पेड़ ने कहा कि उसकी मज़बूती और हरे-भरेपन का कोई श्रेय उसको नहीं है। इसका श्रेय तो केवल उस नामहीन मिट्टी को है जिसमें वह उगा था; अब खड़ा हुआ है।

(ख) भाषा-बोध

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 5 मैंने कहा, पेड़

1. निम्नलिखित शब्दों का वर्ण-विच्छेद कीजिए

शब्द – वर्ण-विच्छेद
पेड़ – ———–
चाँद – ———–
मेघ – ———–
मिट्टी – ———–
सूरज – ———–
ऋतुएँ – ———–
पत्तियाँ – ———–
जीवनदायी – ———–
शब्द – वर्ण-विच्छेद
पेड़ – प् + ए + डू + अ
चाँद – च् + आ + द् + अ
मेघ – म् + ऐ + घ् + अ
मिट्टी – म् + इ + ट् + ट् + ई
सूरज – स् + ऊ + र् + अ + ज् + अ
ऋतुएँ – ऋ + त् + उ + एँ
पत्तियाँ – प् + अ + त् + त् + इ + य् + आं
जीवनदायी – ज् + ई + व् + अ + न् + अ + द् + आ + य् + ई।

2. निम्नलिखित तद्भव शब्दों के तत्सम रूप लिखिए

तद्भव – तत्सम
मिट्टी – ———–
सूरज – ———–
सिर – ———–
पानी – ———–
चाँद – ———–
पत्ता – ———–
सीख – ———–
सूखा – ———–
तद्भव – तत्सम
मिट्टी – मृतिका
सूरज – सूर्य
सिर – शिरः (शिरस्)
पानी – वारि
चाँद – चंद्र
पत्ता – पत्र
सीख – शिक्ष
सूखा – शुष्क।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 5 मैंने कहा, पेड़

(ग) पाठेत्तर सक्रियता

प्रश्न 1.
‘पेड़ लगाओ’ इस विषय पर चार्ट पर स्लोगन लिखकर कक्षा में लगाइए।
विद्यार्थी स्वयं करें।

प्रश्न 2.
प्रत्येक विद्यार्थी अपने जन्म-दिन पर अपने विद्यालय में पौधा लगाइए।
विद्यार्थी स्वयं करें।

प्रश्न 3.
भिन्न-भिन्न पौधों की जानकारी एकत्रित कीजिए।
विद्यार्थी स्वयं करें।

प्रश्न 4.
‘पेड़ धरा का आभूषण, करता दूर प्रदूषण’ इस विषय पर कक्षा में चर्चा कीजिए।
विद्यार्थी स्वयं करें।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 5 मैंने कहा, पेड़

(घ) ज्ञान-विस्तार

1. भारत का राष्ट्रीय पेड़ बरगद है।

2. एक साल में एक पेड़ इतनी कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड सोख लेता है जितनी एक कार से 26,000 मील चलने के बाद निकलती है।

3. एक एकड़ में फैला जंगल सालभर में 4 टन ऑक्सीजन छोड़ता है जो 18 लोगों के लिए एक साल की ज़रूरत

4. एक व्यक्ति द्वारा जीवन भर में फैलाए गए प्रदूषण को खत्म करने के लिए 300 पेड़ों की ज़रूरत होती है।

5. 25 फुट लम्बा पेड़ एक घर के सालाना बिजली खर्च को 8 से 12 फीसदी तक कम कर देता है।

6. सबसे चौड़ा पेड़ : दुनिया का सबसे चौड़ा पेड़ 14,400 वर्ग मीटर में फैला है। कोलकाता में आचार्य जगदीशचंद्र बोस बोटेनिकल गार्डन में लगा यह बरगद का पेड़ 250 वर्ष से अधिक समय में इतने बड़े क्षेत्र में फैल गया है। दूर से देखने में यह अकेला बरगद का पेड़ एक जंगल की तरह नज़र आता है। दरअसल बरगद के पेड़ की शाखाओं से जटाएँ पानी की तालाश में नीचे ज़मीन की ओर बढ़ती हैं। ये बाद में जड़ के रूप में पेड़ को पानी और सहारा देने लगती हैं। फिलहाल इस बरगद की 2800 से अधिक जटाएँ जड़ का रूप ले चुकी हैं।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Guide मैंने कहा, पेड़ Important Questions and Answers

प्रश्न 1.
‘अज्ञेय’ का पूरा नाम लिखिए।
सच्चिदानंद हीरानंद वात्स्यायन ‘अज्ञेय’।

प्रश्न 2.
पाठ्यक्रम में संकलित अज्ञेय के द्वारा रचित कविता का नाम लिखिए।
‘मैंने कहा, पेड़’।

प्रश्न 3. ‘मैंने कहा, पेड़’ नामक कविता में वर्णित पेड़ आयु में कितना बड़ा था?
सौ वर्ष से अधिक।

प्रश्न 4.
कवि ने पेड़ से क्या प्रश्न किया था?
कवि ने पेड़ से प्रश्न किया था कि वह कितने ही सौ बरसों से अधिक आयु का था। सब तरह की कठोर प्राकृतिक कठिनाइयों को झेलने के बाद भी वह बाहर से हरा-भरा और भीतर से इतना कठोर कैसे था?

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 5 मैंने कहा, पेड़

प्रश्न 5.
पेड़ ने किसे श्रेय देने से कवि को रोका था?
पेड ने कवि को उसे (पेड़ को) श्रेय देने से रोका था।

प्रश्न 6.
पेड़ ने अपने जीवन के लिए मुख्य रूप से श्रेय किसे और क्यों दिया था?
पेड ने अपने जीवन के लिए मिट्टी को मुख्य रूप से श्रेय दिया था क्योंकि उसकी जड़ों को मिट्टी ने मज़बूती से जकड़ रखा था । दूर-दूर तक फैली उसकी जड़ें यदि मिट्टी में मजबूती से जकड़ी हुई न होती तो वह धूप में सूख जाता या आंधियों के वेग से उखड़ जाता। वह अब तक ढूँठ में बदल चुका होता।

प्रश्न 7.
पेड़ को बाहर से किसने ढका हुआ था?
पेड़ को बाहर से ‘विनम्र हरियाली’ ने ढका हुआ था।

प्रश्न 8.
पेड़ ने उस मिट्टी को कौन-सा विशेषण दिया था जिसमें उसकी जड़ें दबी हुई थी?
पेड़ ने उस मिट्टी को ‘नामहीन’ विशेषण दिया था।

एक शब्द/एक पंक्ति में उत्तर दें

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 5 मैंने कहा, पेड़

प्रश्न 1.
‘मैंने कहा, पेड़’ किस कवि की रचना है?
सच्चिदानंद हीरानंद वात्स्यायन ‘अज्ञेय’ की।

प्रश्न 2.
कौन उगता-डूबता है?

प्रश्न 3.
कवि ने मरता-छीजता किसे बताया है?
चाँद को।

प्रश्न 4.
पेड़ अपनी मज़बूती का श्रेय किसे देता है?
उस नामहीन मिट्टी को, जिसमें उसकी जड़ें दबी हुई हैं।

प्रश्न 5.
‘जो मरण-धर्मा हैं वे ही जीवनदायी हैं’ कथन किसका है?
पेड़ का।

हाँ-नहीं में उत्तर दीजिए

प्रश्न 6.
पेड़ न जाने कितने सौ बरसों से सिर ऊँचा किए खड़ा है।

प्रश्न 7.
ऋतुएँ बदलती नहीं हैं, मेघ उमड़ता-पसीजता नहीं है।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 5 मैंने कहा, पेड़

सही-गलत में उत्तर दीजिए

प्रश्न 8.
पेड़ संतुलित, शांत, धीर रहता है।

प्रश्न 9.
विनम्र हरियाली से ढका होने पर भी पेड़ भीतर से खोखला है।

रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति करें

प्रश्न 10.
या कि………. दूंठ हो के ……. जाता।
या कि सूखा दूंठ हो के टूट जाता।

प्रश्न 11.
जो …………. हैं वे ही ……. हैं।
जो मरणधर्मा हैं वे ही जीवनदायी हैं।

बहुविकल्पी प्रश्नों में से सही विकल्प चुनकर उत्तर लिखें

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 5 मैंने कहा, पेड़

प्रश्न 12.
पेड़ की आयु कितने वर्षों से अधिक है
(क) दस
(ख) बीस
(ग) पचास
(घ) सौ।
(घ) सौ।

प्रश्न 13.
‘कठैठ’ का अर्थ है
(क) खोखला
(ख) मज़बूत
(ग) लकड़ी का
(घ) लट्ठ।
(ख) मज़बूत।

प्रश्न 14.
पेड़ के काँपने पर पत्तियों की क्या दशा थी?
(क) हर्षित
(ख) हरियाली
(ग) मर्मरित
(घ) फड़फड़ाती।
(ग) मर्मरित।

प्रश्न 15.
मेघ क्या करता है?
(क) उगता-डूबता है
(ख) मरता-छीजता है
(ग) शांत-धीर है
(घ) उमड़ता-पसीजता है।
(घ) उमड़ता-पसीजता है।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 5 मैंने कहा, पेड़

मेने कहा, पेड़ सप्रसंग व्याख्या

1. मैंने कहा, “पेड़, तुम इतने बड़े हो,
इतने कड़े हो,
न जाने कितने सौ बरसों के आँधी-पानी में
सिर ऊँचा किये अपनी जगह अड़े हो।
सूरज उगता-डूबता है, चाँद मरता-छीजता है
ऋतुएँ बदलती हैं, मेघ उमड़ता-पसीजता है,
और तुम सब सहते हुए
सन्तुलित शान्त धीर रहते हुए
विनम्र हरियाली से ढंके, पर भीतर ठोठ कठैठ खड़े हो।

कड़ा = सख्त, कठोर। अड़े = रुके हुए। बरसों = वर्षों, सालों। छीजता = नष्ट होता। मेघ = बादल। पसीजता = दया भाव उमड़ता। सहते = झेलते। सन्तुलित = समान भाव वाला। धीर = शांत स्वभाव वाला। विनम्र = विनीत। ठोठ = ठेठ, निरा, बिना बिगड़े हुए। कठैठ = सख्त, मज़बूत।

प्रस्तुत पंक्तियाँ अज्ञेय के द्वारा रचित कविता ‘मैंने कहा, पेड़’ से ली गई हैं। कवि किसी मज़बूत और बहुत बड़े पेड़ को देख कर उसकी मज़बूती के बारे में जानना चाहता है।

कवि कहता है कि उसने पेड़ से पूछा कि अरे पेड़, तुम इतने बड़े हो, इतने सख्त और मज़बूत हो। पता नहीं कि कितने सौ बरसों से खड़े हो। तुम ने सैंकड़ों वर्ष की आँधी-तूफ़ान, पानी को अपने ऊपर झेला है पर फिर भी अपनी जगह पर सिर ऊँचा करके वहीं रुके हुए हो। प्रातः सूर्य निकलता है और शाम को फिर डूब जाता है। रात के

समय चाँद निकलता है-वह कभी नष्ट होता है तो कभी उसका आकार कम होता है। लगातार ऋतुएँ बदलती रहती हैं। कभी आकाश में बादल उमड़-घुमड़ कर आ जाते हैं और कभी वे बरसने के बाद अपना दया-भाव प्रकट कर देते हैं। ऋतुएँ आती हैं; अपने रंग दिखा कर चली जाती हैं लेकिन तुम उन सबको अपने ऊपर सह लेते हो। विपरीत स्थितियों को तुम अत्यंत धैर्य से शांत रह कर झेल लेते हो। तुम अपने आपको विनीत और धैर्यवान बन कर हरे-भरे पत्तों रूपी हरियाली से ढके रहते हो, लेकिन भीतर से मज़बूत हो; कठोर हो।


  1. कवि ने पेड़ की कठोरता और सहनशीलता की प्रशंसा की है।
  2. खड़ी बोली का प्रयोग किया गया है जिसमें तत्सम, तद्भव और देशज शब्दों का सहज-स्वाभाविक प्रयोग सराहनीय है।
  3. मुक्त छंद है।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 5 मैंने कहा, पेड़

2. काँपा पेड़, मर्मरित पत्तियाँ
बोली मानो, नहीं, नहीं, नहीं, झूठा
श्रेय मुझे मत दो !
मैं तो बार-बार झुकता, गिरता, उखड़ता
या कि सूखा दूंठ हो के टूट जाता,
श्रेय है तो मेरे पैरों-तले इस मिट्टी को
जिसमें न जाने कहाँ मेरी जड़ें खोयी हैं :
ऊपर उठा हूँ. उतना ही आश
में जितना कि मेरी जड़ें नीचे दूर धरती में समायी हैं।
श्रेय कुछ मेरा नहीं, जो है इस नामहीन मिट्टी का।

मर्मरित = मर्मर ध्वनि करता हुआ ; हल्की आवाज़ करता हुआ। श्रेय = यश। दूंठ = पेड़ का बचा हुआ हिस्सा ; सूखा हुआ पेड़। पैरों-तले = पैरों के नीचे। आश = उम्मीद । नामहीन = नाम के बिना।

प्रस्तुत पंक्तियाँ अज्ञेय के द्वारा रचित कविता ‘मैंने कहा, पेड़’ से ली गई हैं। कवि ने पेड़ की मज़बूती और धैर्य की प्रशंसा की थी लेकिन पेड़ अपना बड़प्पन दिखाते हुए इसका श्रेय उस मिट्टी को देता है जिसमें उसकी जड़ें दबी हुई हैं।

जैसे ही कवि ने सैंकड़ों वर्ष पुराने, मज़बूत और हरे-भरे पेड़ की प्रशंसा की वैसे ही पेड़ काँपा और उसकी हरी-भरी पत्तियाँ मर्मर ध्वनि करती हुई मानो बोल पड़ीं। उन्होंने कहा कि नहीं-नहीं। मेरी लंबी आयु और मज़बूती का झूठा यश मुझे मत दो। मैं कब का नष्ट हो चुका होता। मैं तो बार-बार झुकता, गिरता, उखड़ कर नष्ट होता या सूख कर पूरी तरह ढूंठ बन कर टूट चुका होता। पर ऐसा हुआ नहीं- इसका श्रेय तो मेरे पैरों के नीचे की उस मिट्टी को है जिसमें मेरी जड़ें खोयी हुई हैं; न जाने कहाँ-कहाँ तक वे दूर तक फैली हुई हैं। मैं तो उन्हीं की आशा में उतना ही ऊपर उठा जितनी दूरी तक मेरी जड़ें नीचे मिट्टी में समायी हुई हैं; फैली हुई हैं। पेड़ ने कहा कि उसकी मज़बूती और हरे-भरेपन का कोई श्रेय उसको नहीं है। इसका श्रेय तो केवल उस नामहीन मिट्टी को है जिसमें वह उगा था; अब खड़ा हुआ है।


  1. पेड़ ने अपनी लम्बाई-ऊँचाई और मज़बूती का श्रेय उस मिट्टी को प्रदान किया है जिसमें उसकी जड़ें धंसी हुई हैं।
  2. खड़ी बोली का प्रयोग है।
  3. तत्सम और तद्भव शब्दों का प्रयोग है। मुक्त छंद है।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 5 मैंने कहा, पेड़

3. और, हाँ, इन सब उगने-डूबने, भरने-छीजने,
बदलने, गलने, पसीजने,
बनने-मिटने वालों का भी;
शतियों से मैंने बस एक सीख पायी है;
जो मरण-धर्मा हैं वे ही जीवनदायी हैं।”

छीजने = नष्ट होना। पसीजने = दया भाव उमड़ना। शतियों = सैंकड़ों वर्षों। सीख = शिक्षा। मरणधर्मा = नष्ट होने वाले। जीवनदायी = जीवन देने वाला।

प्रस्तुत पंक्तियाँ ‘मैंने कहा, पेड़’ नामक कविता से ली गई हैं जिसके रचयिता अज्ञेय जी हैं। कवि ने पेड़ से जब पूछा था कि उसकी मज़बूती और लंबी आयु का कारण क्या था तो पेड ने इसका श्रेय मिट्टी को दिया था जिसमें उसकी जड़ें दूर-दूर तक फैली हुई थीं। उसने प्रकृति को भी अपने होने का कारण माना था।

पेड़ कवि से कहता है कि मिट्टी के अतिरिक्त उन सब को भी श्रेय देता है जिनके कारण वह लंबी आयु और सुदृढ़ता प्राप्त कर पाया था। वह सूर्य को भी यश देता है जो सुबह होते ही उगता है; उसे धूप के रूप में प्रकाश और गर्मी देता है और फिर सांझ होते ही डूब जाता है। वह चंद्रमा को भी श्रेय देता है जो रात्रि के अंधकार में कभी मरता है तो कभी छीजता है। वह सभी ऋतुओं को भी श्रेय देता है जो लगातार बदलती रहती है; बादल उमड़ते-घुमड़ते हुए आते हैं और अपनी दया के कारण पानी बरसाते हैं। वह उन बनने-मिटने वाले बादलों की देन को स्वीकार करता है। पेड़ कहता है कि मैंने अपने पिछले सैंकड़ों वर्षों से यही एक शिक्षा प्राप्त की है कि जो मरण-धर्मा है, वे ही सच्चे जीवन देने वाले हैं। वे आते हैं, दूसरों का भला करते हैं और चले जाते हैं। उन्हीं के कारण अन्य जीवन के सुखों को प्राप्त करते हैं।


  1. कवि ने पेड़ के माध्यम से जीवन के सुखों का कारण प्रस्तुत किया है। प्रकृति ही प्राणियों के लिए वास्तविक सुखों की आधार है।
  2. तत्सम और तद्भव शब्दावली का सहज प्रयोग किया जाता है।
  3. छंद मुक्त रचना है जिसमें लय नहीं है।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 5 मैंने कहा, पेड़

मेने कहा, पेड़ Summary

अज्ञेय कवि-परिचय

सच्चिदानंद हीरानंद वात्स्यायन ‘अज्ञेय’ हिंदी-साहित्य के प्रसिद्ध कवि, कथाकार, ललित निबंधकार, संपादक और सफल अध्यापक के रूप में प्रसिद्ध रहे हैं। आप हिंदी-साहित्य के प्रयोगवादी काव्यधारा के प्रवर्तक माने जाते हैं। आपका जन्म 7 मार्च, सन् 1911 ई० में देवरिया जिले में स्थित कुशीनगर (कसया पुरातत्व खुदाई शिविर) में हुआ था। आपके पिता पंडित हीरानंद शास्त्री पुरातत्व विभाग में थे और स्थान-स्थान पर घूमते रहते थे। इनका बचपन लखनऊ, कश्मीर, बिहार और मद्रास में बीता था। इनकी प्रारंभिक शिक्षा घर में हुई थी। इन्होंने पंजाब विश्वविद्यालय से मैट्रिक की परीक्षा पास की थी। इन्होंने लाहौर से सन् 1929 में बीएस०सी० की परीक्षा पास की थी और फिर अंग्रेजी विषय में एम०ए० करने के लिए प्रवेश लिया था लेकिन क्रांतिकारी गतिविधियों में हिस्सा लेने के कारण इनकी पढ़ाई बीच में छूट गई थी। इन्हें सन् 1936 तक अनेक बार जेल-यात्रा करनी पड़ी थी। ‘चिंता’ और ‘शेखर : एक जीवनी’ नामक पुस्तकों को इन्होंने जेल में लिखा था। इन्होंने जापानी हाइफू कविताओं का अनुवाद किया था। साहित्यकार होने के साथ-साथ यह अच्छे फ़ोटोग्राफर और पर्यटक भी थे।

अज्ञेय ने कैलिफोर्निया विश्वविद्यालय से लेकर जोधपुर विश्वविद्यालय तक पढ़ाया था। यह ‘दिनमान’ और ‘नवभारत टाइम्स’ के संपादक भी रहे थे। इन्हें सन् 1964 में ‘आंगन के पार द्वार’ पर साहित्य अकादमी पुरस्कार और ‘कितनी नावों में कितनी बार’ पर भारतीय ज्ञानपीठ पुरस्कार प्राप्त हुआ था। इनका देहांत 4 अप्रैल, सन् 1987 में हो गया था।

अज्ञेय ने अपने जीवन में निम्नलिखित रचनाओं को रचा था-

‘भग्नदूत’, ‘चिन्ता’, ‘इत्यलम्’, ‘हरी घास पर क्षण-भर’, ‘बावरा अहेरी’, ‘इन्द्रधनुष रौंदे हुए ये’, ‘अरी ओ करुणा प्रभामय’, ‘आँगन के पार द्वार’, ‘पूर्वी’, ‘सुनहरे शैवाल’, ‘कितनी नावों में कितनी बार’, ‘क्योंकि मैं उसे पहचानता हूँ’, ‘सागर मुद्रा’, ‘सन्नाटा बुनता हूँ।

नाटक : ‘उत्तर प्रियदर्शी’।

कहानी संग्रह : ‘विपथगा’, ‘परम्परा’, ‘ये तेरे प्रतिरूप’, ‘कोठरी की बात’, ‘शरणार्थी’, ‘जिज्ञासा और अन्य कहानियाँ।

उपन्यास : शेखर एक जीवनी’ (दो भागों में), ‘नदी के द्वीप’, ‘अपने-अपने अजनबी’।

भ्रमण : वृत्त-‘अरे यायावर रहेगा याद’, ‘एक बूंद सहसा उछली’ ।

निबन्ध : संग्रह-‘त्रिशंकु ‘, ‘सबरंग’, ‘आत्मनेपद’, ‘हिंदी साहित्यः एक आधुनिक परिदृश्य सब रंग और ‘कुछ राग आलवाल’ ।

श्रीकांत’, (शरत्चंद्र का उपन्यास), टू इज़ हिज़ स्ट्रेंजर (अपने-अपने अजनबी)।

अज्ञेय ने अपने साहित्य में विश्व भर की पीड़ा को समेटने का प्रयत्न किया था। वे अहंवादी नहीं थे। उन्होंने प्रेम और विद्रोह को एक साथ प्रस्तुत करने की कोशिश की थी। वे मानते थे कि प्रेम ऐसे पेड़ के रूप में है जो जितना ऊपर उठता है उतनी ही उसकी गहरी जड़ें ज़मीन में धंसती जाती हैं। उन्होंने छोटी-छोटी कविताओं के द्वारा जीवन की गहरी बातों को प्रकट करने में सफलता प्राप्त की। उन्होंने अपने साहित्य में गरीब लोगों के प्रति सहानुभूति प्रकट की थी। उनकी कविता में प्रकृति के सुंदर रंगों की शोभा विद्यमान है। इनके साहित्य में परिवार, समाज, जीवन मूल्यों की गिरावट, राजनीतिक पैंतरेबाजी, जीवन की विषमता आदि को स्थान दिया गया है।

लेखक की भाषा अनगढ़ नहीं है पर वह इतनी सहज है कि बोझिल महसूस नहीं होती। इनकी कविता में लोक शब्दों का प्रयोग हुआ है। इसमें प्रवाहात्मकता है।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 5 मैंने कहा, पेड़

मेने कहा, पेड़ कविता का सार

‘मैंने कहा, पेड़’ नामक कविता में पेड़ की सहनशीलता और मज़बूती को प्रकट किया गया है। पेड़ तरह-तरह की मुसीबतें झेलता है पर फिर भी शांत खड़ा रहता है। कवि ने पेड़ की प्रशंसा करते हुए कहा है कि वह बहुत बड़ा है। वह मज़बूत भी बहुत है। न जाने कितने सैंकड़ों वर्ष से वह अपनी जगह पर खड़ा है। तरह-तरह की ऋतुएँ उस पर अपना प्रभाव दिखाती हैं। गर्मी-सर्दी-वर्षा सब उस पर अपने रंग दिखाती हैं पर फिर भी वह उनसे अप्रभावित ही बना रहता है। यह सुनकर पेड़ की पत्तियाँ कांपती हुई बोली कि ऐसा नहीं है। मुझे इस मज़बूती का श्रेय मत दो। मैं गिरता, झुकता, उखड़ता और अब तक तो मैं ढूँठ बन कर टूट गया होता। मेरे इस प्रकार खड़े रहने का श्रेय तो मेरे नीचे की मिट्टी को है जिस में मेरी जड़ें धंसी हुई हैं। मैं जितना ऊँचा उठा हुआ हूँ उतनी ही गहराई में मेरी जड़ें समायी हुई हैं। श्रेय तो केवल इस मिट्टी को ही है। अपने सैंकड़ों वर्ष लंबे जीवन में मैंने बस इतना ही सीखा है कि जो मरण-धर्मा हैं वे ही जीवनदायी हैं।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 झाँसी की रानी की समाधि पर

Punjab State Board PSEB 9th Class Hindi Book Solutions Chapter 4 झाँसी की रानी की समाधि पर Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Chapter 4 झाँसी की रानी की समाधि पर

Hindi Guide for Class 9 PSEB झाँसी की रानी की समाधि पर Textbook Questions and Answers

(क) विषय-बोध

1. निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर एक या दो पंक्तियों में दीजिए :

प्रश्न 1.
समाधि में छिपी राख की ढेरी किसकी है?
झाँसी की रानी लक्ष्मीबाई की है। राख की ढेरी समाधि में छिपी हुई है।

प्रश्न 2.
किस महान् लक्ष्य के लिए रानी लक्ष्मीबाई ने अपना बलिदान दिया?
अंग्रेजों से देश में स्वतंत्र कराने के लिए रानी लक्ष्मीबाई ने अपना बलिदान दिया था।

प्रश्न 3.
रानी लक्ष्मीबाई को कवयित्री ने ‘मरदानी’ क्यों कहा है?
कवयित्री ने रानी लक्ष्मीबाई को ‘मरदानी’ इसलिए कहा है क्योंकि मर्दो के समान शत्रु से युद्ध किया था।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 झाँसी की रानी की समाधि पर

प्रश्न 4.
रण में वीरगति को प्राप्त होने से वीर का क्या बढ़ जाता है?
रण में वीरगति को प्राप्त करने पर वीर का मान बढ़ जाता है।

प्रश्न 5.
कवयित्री को रानी से भी अधिक रानी की समाधि क्यों प्रिय है?
कवयित्री को रानी से भी अधिक रानी की समाधि इसलिए प्रिय है क्योंकि इससे उसे स्वतंत्रता के लिए संघर्ष करने की प्रेरणा मिलती है। वैसे भी सोने से अधिक सोने की भस्म कीमती होती है। उसी प्रकार रानी से अधिक उसकी समाधि मूल्य वाली है।

प्रश्न 6.
रानी लक्ष्मीबाई की समाधि का ही गुणगान कवि क्यों करते हैं?
रानी लक्ष्मीबाई की समाधि का ही गुणगान कवि इसलिए करते हैं क्योंकि इसकी कहानी चिरस्थाई है जो कभी मिट नहीं सकती। उन्हें रानी के प्रति आदर, स्नेह और श्रद्धा है।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 झाँसी की रानी की समाधि पर

2. निम्नलिखित पद्यांशों की सप्रसंग व्याख्या कीजिए :

प्रश्न 1.
यहीं कहीं पर बिखर गई वह, भग्न विजय-माला-सी।
उसके फूल यहाँ संचित हैं, है यह स्मृति शाला-सी॥
सहे वार पर वार अन्त तक, लड़ी वीर बाला-सी।
आहुति-सी गिर चढ़ी चिता पर, चमक उठी ज्वाला-सी॥
कवयित्री लिखती है कि इसी स्थान के आस-पास वे एक टूटी हुई विजय की माला के समान बिखर गई थी अर्थात् यहीं उनकी मृत्यु हुई थी। उनकी अस्थियाँ उसी समाधि में एकत्र करके रखी गई हैं। यह उनकी याद की स्थली है। उन्होंने शत्रुओं के वार पर वार अंत समय तक सहन किए थे। वे एक वीरांगना के समान लड़ी थीं। वे स्वतंत्रता संग्राम के यज्ञ में आहुति के समान गिर कर चिता पर चढ़ गईं और एक ज्वाला के समान चमक उठीं।

प्रश्न 2.
बढ़ जाता है मान वीर का, रण में बलि होने से।
मूल्यवती होती सोने की भस्म, यथा सोने से॥
रानी से भी अधिक हमें अब, यह समाधि है प्यारी।
यहाँ निहित है स्वतन्त्रता की, आशा की चिनगारी॥
कवयित्री कहती है कि जब कोई वीर युद्ध क्षेत्र में अपना बलिदान दे देता है तो उसका आदर-सत्कार उसी प्रकार बढ़ जाता है जैसे सोने की भस्म सोने से भी अधिक कीमती होती है। इसलिए कवयित्री को अब रानी से भी अधिक रानी की यह समाधि प्यारी है क्योंकि यहाँ स्वतंत्रता प्राप्त करने की आशा रूपी चिंगारी छिपी हुई है।

प्रश्न 3.
इससे भी सुन्दर समाधियाँ, हम जग में हैं पाते।
उनकी गाथा पर निशीथ में, क्षुद्र जंतु ही गाते॥
पर कवियों की अमर गिरा में, इसकी अमिट कहानी।
स्नेह और श्रद्धा से गाती, है वीरों की बानी॥
कवयित्री के अनुसार इस समाधि से सुंदर समाधियाँ हमें इस संसार में मिलती हैं। उनके संबंध में जो भी कथा होगी उसे आधी रात को तुच्छ जीव ही गाते हैं। परन्तु कवियों की अमर वाणी में इस झाँसी की रानी की समाधि की तो कभी भी न गिरने वाली अमर कहानी कही जाती है जिसे वीर अपने स्वर में अत्यंत श्रद्धा और स्नेहपूर्वक गाते हैं।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 झाँसी की रानी की समाधि पर

(ख) भाषा-बोध

1. निम्नलिखित एकवचन शब्दों के बहुवचन रूप लिखिएएकवचन बहुवचन

एकवचन – बहुवचन
रानी – रानियाँ
समाधि – ————
ढेरी – ————
प्यारी – ————
चिनगारी – ————
कहानी – ————
माला – ————
शाला – ————
चिता – ————
ज्वाला – ————
बाला – ————
गाथा – ————
एकवचन – बहुवचन
रानी – रानियाँ
समाधि – समाधियाँ
ढेरी – ढेरियाँ
प्यारी – प्यारियाँ
चिनगारी – चिनगारियाँ
कहानी – कहानियाँ
माला – मालाएँ
शाला – शालाएँ
चिता – चिताएँ
ज्वाला – ज्वालाएँ
बाला – बालाएँ
गाथा – गाथाएँ

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 झाँसी की रानी की समाधि पर

2. निम्नलिखित शब्दों को शुद्ध करके लिखिए

अशुद्ध – शुद्ध
सुतंत्रता – स्वतंत्रता
लघू – ————
भगन – ————
मुल्यवती – ————
कशुद्र – ————
श्रधा – ————
आरति – ————
स्थलि – ————
आहूति – ————
भसम – ————
कवीयों – ————
जंतू – ————
अशुद्ध – शुद्ध
सुतंत्रता – स्वतंत्रता
लघू – लघु
भगन – भग्न
मुल्यवती – मूल्यवती
कशुद्र – कशुद्र
श्रधा – श्रद्धा
आरति – आरती
स्थलि – स्थली
आहूति – आहुति
भसम – भस्म
कवीयों – कवियों
जंतू – जंतु

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 झाँसी की रानी की समाधि पर

(ग) पाठेत्तर सक्रियता

प्रश्न 1.
रानी लक्ष्मीबाई की पूरी जीवनी पुस्तकालय से पुस्तक लेकर पढ़ें।
विद्यार्थी स्वयं करें।

प्रश्न 2.
रानी लक्ष्मीबाई के अतिरिक्त दर्गाभाभी (क्रांतिकारी भगवतीचरण वोहरा की धर्मपत्नी), झलकारी बाई, सनीति चौधरी, सुहासिनी गांगुली, विमल प्रतिभा देवी (भारत नौजवान सभा, बंगाल शाखा की अध्यक्ष) आदि की जीवनियों के बारे में पुस्तकों/इंटरनेट से जानकारी ग्रहण करें।
विद्यार्थी स्वयं करें।

प्रश्न 3.
स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों से सम्बन्धित डाक टिकटों/सिक्कों अथवा चित्रों का संग्रह करें।
विद्यार्थी स्वयं करें।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 झाँसी की रानी की समाधि पर

प्रश्न 4.
पंजाब के अमर शहीदों जैसे लाला लाजपतराय, भगत सिंह, करतार सिंह सराभा, मदनलाल ढींगरा आदि के बारे में पढ़ें व इनके जीवन से देशभक्ति की प्रेरणा लें।
विद्यार्थी स्वयं करें।

प्रश्न 5.
झाँसी की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट (www. पर झाँसी/रानी झाँसी से सम्बन्धित दुर्लभ चित्रों का अवलोकन करें।
विद्यार्थी स्वयं करें।

(घ) ज्ञान-विस्तार

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 झाँसी की रानी की समाधि पर

1. झाँसी : झाँसी भारत के उत्तर प्रदेश का एक ज़िला है। यह उत्तर प्रदेश एवं मध्य प्रदेश की सीमा पर स्थित है। यह शहर बुंदेलखंड क्षेत्र में आता है।

2. झाँसी के दर्शनीय स्थल : झाँसी-किला, रानी-महल, झाँसी-संग्रहालय, महालक्ष्मी मंदिर, गणेश-मंदिर व गंगाधर राव की छतरी।

3. रानी लक्ष्मीबाई :
लक्ष्मीबाई का जन्म 19 नवम्बर, सन् 1828 ई० को काशी (बाद में बनारस और अब वाराणसी) के भदैनी नगर में हुआ। लक्ष्मीबाई की जन्म तिथि के बारे में इतिहासकारों/विद्वानों की एक राय नहीं है। कुछ विद्वान् इनका जन्म 19 नवम्बर, सन् 1835 को मानते हैं। इनके पिता का नाम मोरोपंत तांबे और माता का नाम भागीरथी बाई था। लक्ष्मीबाई के बचपन का नाम मणिकर्णिका था किन्तु सभी इसे प्यार से मनु कहते थे। मनु का विवाह झाँसी के महाराज गंगाधर राव से हुआ था। विवाह के बाद मनु का नाम लक्ष्मीबाई रखा गया। इस तरह मनु झाँसी की रानी लक्ष्मीबाई बन गई। सन् 1851 को रानी ने एक पुत्र को जन्म दिया किन्तु कुछ ही महीने बाद गंभीर रूप से बीमार होने पर इस बालक की चार महीने की उम्र में ही मृत्यु हो गई। तत्पश्चात् महाराज बीमार रहने लगे और उन्होंने एक बच्चे को गोद लिया। इस बालक का नाम दामोदर राव रखा गया। किन्तु महाराज का स्वास्थ्य साथ नहीं दे रहा था अत: कहते हैं कि पुत्र गोद लेने के दूसरे ही दिन महाराज की भी मृत्यु हो गई। अंग्रेज़ों ने गोद लिए हुए पुत्र को राजा मानने से इन्कार कर दिया। वे झाँसी को अपने अधीन करना चाहते थे किन्तु रानी ने अंग्रेजों को घोषणा की कि मैं अपनी झाँसी नहीं दूंगी। तत्पश्चात् रानी और अंग्रेज़ों में भयंकर युद्ध हुआ और 18 जून, सन् 1858 को रानी अंग्रेजों से लड़ते-लड़ते वीरगति को प्राप्त हो गई। (कुछ इतिहासकार यह मानते हैं कि रानी 17 जून, सन् 1858 को शहीद हुई थीं अतः जन्म तिथि की ही भाँति इनकी शहादत की तिथि पर भी मतभेद है।)

4. रानी लक्ष्मीबाई पर डाक टिकट :
भारत सरकार ने रानी लक्ष्मीबाई पर वर्ष 1957 को पंद्रह पैसे का एक डाक टिकट जारी किया। इसके बाद वर्ष 1988 को भारत सरकार ने प्रथम स्वतंत्रता संग्राम 1857 के प्रमुख सेनानियों के लिखे नामों (रानी लक्ष्मीबाई, बेगम हज़रत महल, नाना साहब, मंगल पांडे, बहादुर शाह ज़फर) का डाक टिकट जारी किया जिसमें रानी लक्ष्मीबाई का नाम सबसे ऊपर दर्ज है।

5. झलकारी बाई :
रानी लक्ष्मीबाई की सेना की महिला शाखा ‘दुर्गा दल’ की सेनापति थी-झलकारी बाई। इसकी वीरता के किस्से भी झाँसी में प्रसिद्ध हैं। कहते हैं कि रानी की हमशक्ल होने के कारण इसने कई बार अंग्रेज़ों को धोखा दिया। मैथिलीशरण गुप्त ने झलकारी बाई की बहादुरी पर लिखा है

“जाकर रण में ललकारी थी, वह तो झाँसी की झलकारी थी
गोरों से लड़ना सिखा गई, है इतिहास में झलक रही
वह तो भारत की ही नारी थी।”
भारत सरकार ने 22 जुलाई, सन् 2001 को झलकारी बाई का चार रुपए का डाक टिकट जारी किया।

6. बुदेलखंड :
बुंदेलखंड मध्य भारत का एक प्राचीन क्षेत्र है। यूं तो बुंदेलखंड क्षेत्र दो राज्यों-उत्तर प्रदेश तथा मध्य प्रदेश में विभाजित है परन्तु भौगोलिक और सांस्कृतिक दृष्टि से यह एक-दूसरे से अभिन्न रूप से जुड़ा है। रीतिरिवाजों, भाषा और विवाह सम्बन्धों के कारण इसकी एकता और भी मज़बूत हुई है। बुंदेली इस क्षेत्र की बोली है। इतिहासकारों के अनुसार बुंदेलखंड में 300 ई० पूर्व मौर्य शासन काल के साक्ष्य उपलब्ध हैं। इसके बाद वाकाटक शासन, गुप्त, कलचुरी, चंदेल, बुंदेल शासन, मराठा शासन और अंग्रेज़ों का शासन रहा।

7. बुंदेले हरबोले : बुंदेले हरबोले बुंदेलखंड की एक जाति विशेष है। इस जाति के लोग राजा-महाराजाओं के यश का गुणगान करने के लिए जाने जाते हैं।

8. बुंदेलखंड की अमर विभूतियाँ विशिष्ट व्यक्तित्व

  • आल्ह-ऊदल : आल्ह और ऊदल ये दो भाई थे। ये बुंदेलखंड (महोबा) के वीर योद्धा थे। इनकी वीरता की कहानी उत्तर भारत में गायी जाती है।
  • कवि पद्माकर : रीतिकालीन कवि।
  • रानी लक्ष्मीबाई : प्रथम स्वतंत्रता संग्राम की अमर सेनानी।
  • मैथिलीशरण गुप्त : राष्ट्रकवि मैथिलीशरण गुप्त हिंदी साहित्य के देदीप्यमान नक्षत्र हैं। इनका जन्म झाँसी (उत्तर प्रदेश) के चिरगांव में हुआ।
  • डॉ० हरिसिंह गौर : डॉ० हरिसिंह गौर सागर विश्वविद्यालय के संस्थापक, शिक्षा शास्त्री, ख्याति प्राप्त विधिवेत्ता, समाज सुधारक, साहित्यकार, महान् दानी व देशभक्त थे। ये दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय, दिल्ली तथा नागपुर विश्वविद्यालय, नागपुर के उपकुलपति भी रहे हैं।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 झाँसी की रानी की समाधि पर

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Guide झाँसी की रानी की समाधि पर Important Questions and Answers

प्रश्न 1.
लेखिका ने समाधि में किस के छिपे होने की बात कही है?
लेखिका ने समाधि में राख की एक ढेरी के दबे होने की बात कही है। वह राख झाँसी की रानी की मृतक देह की है। रानी ने सारे देश में स्वतंत्रता की प्राप्ति की आग सुलझा दी थी।

प्रश्न 2.
रानी का देहांत कहाँ हुआ था और कैसे?
रानी का देहांत उनकी समाधि के आस-पास ही किसी जगह पर हुआ था। वह अंग्रेजों से युद्ध लड़ते हुए विजय की माला के समान वहाँ बिखर गई थी। उसने अपने शरीर पर शत्रु की तलवारों के अनेक वार झेले थे और अंत में आहुति की तरह वहीं चिता पर भस्म हो गई थी।

प्रश्न 3.
वीरों का मान किस प्रकार बढ़ जाता है?
वीरों का मान युद्ध भूमि में अपना जीवन देश के लिए अर्पित कर देने से बढ़ जाता है।

प्रश्न 4.
बलिदानी वीरों की राख का मूल्य कैसा होता है?
बलिदानी वीरों की राख का मूल्य सोने की भस्म से भी अधिक होता है।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 झाँसी की रानी की समाधि पर

प्रश्न 5.
कवि के अनुसार अब हमें रानी की समाधि कैसी लगती है और क्यों?
कवि के अनुसार अब हमें रानी की समाधि रानी से भी अधिक प्यारी लगती है क्योंकि उसमें हमारे देश की स्वतंत्रता की चिंगारी छिपी हुई है।

प्रश्न 6.
हमारे देश में वीर देशभक्तों की बानी कैसे गाई जाती है?
हमारे देश में वीर देशभक्तों की बानी अत्यंत स्नेह और श्रद्धा से गाई जाती हैं।

प्रश्न 7.
कवयित्री ने झाँसी की रानी की कहानी किससे सुनी थी?
कवयित्री ने झाँसी की रानी की कहानी बुंदेल हरबोलों के मुख से सुनी थी।

प्रश्न 8.
कवयित्री ने ‘मरदानी’ किसे कहा है?
कवयित्री ने रानी लक्ष्मीबाई को ‘मरदानी’ कहा है।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 झाँसी की रानी की समाधि पर

एक शब्द/एक पंक्ति में उत्तर दीजिए

प्रश्न 1.
‘झाँसी की रानी की समाधि पर’ कविता किस के द्वारा रचित है?
सुभद्राकुमारी चौहान।

प्रश्न 2.
‘झाँसी की रानी’ का क्या नाम था?
रानी लक्ष्मीबाई।

प्रश्न 3.
रानी लक्ष्मीबाई को कवयित्री ने क्या कहकर संबोधित किया है?
लक्ष्मी मरदानी।

प्रश्न 4.
वीर का मान कब बढ़ जाता है?
जब वह रणभूमि में शहीद हो जाता है।

प्रश्न 5.
कवयित्री ने किनके मुख से झाँसी की रानी की कहानी सुनी थी?
बुंदेलों के।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 झाँसी की रानी की समाधि पर

हाँ-नहीं में उत्तर दीजिए

प्रश्न 6.
बलिदानी वीरों की राख का मूल्य सोने की भस्म से भी अधिक होता है।

प्रश्न 7.
रानी से भी अधिक हमें अब यह समाधि है प्यारी।

सही-गलत में उत्तर दीजिए

प्रश्न 8.
रानी लक्ष्मीबाई ने अंत तक वार नहीं सहे थे।

प्रश्न 9.
रानी लक्ष्मीबाई के फूल इस समाधि में संचित हैं।

रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति करें

प्रश्न 10.
यहाँ ….. है ….. की, ……. की चिनगारी।
यहाँ निहित है स्वतंत्रता की, आशा की चिनगारी।

प्रश्न 11.
स्नेह और ……… से गाती है, …….. की बानी।
स्नेह और श्रद्धा से गाती है, वीरों की बानी।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 झाँसी की रानी की समाधि पर

बहुविकल्पी प्रश्नों में से सही विकल्प चुनकर उत्तर लिखें

प्रश्न 12.
रानी लक्ष्मीबाई ने स्वतंत्रता की दिव्य आरती कैसे फेरी थी-
(क) जलकर
(ख) चलकर
(ग) गाकर
(घ) तपकर।
(क) जलकर।

प्रश्न 13.
रानी लक्ष्मीबाई की समाधि को कवयित्री ने कौन-सी स्थली बताया है?
(क) क्रीड़ा
(ख) लीला
(ग) जीवन
(घ) संघर्ष।
(ख) लीला।

प्रश्न 14.
रानी लक्ष्मीबाई चिता पर आहुति-सी गिरकर कैसी चमकी?
(क) चिंगारी-सी
(ख) ज्वाला-सी
(ग) बिजली-सी
(घ) चाँदनी-सी।
(ख) ज्वाला-सी।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 झाँसी की रानी की समाधि पर

प्रश्न 15.
कवियों की ‘गिरा’ में रानी की समाधि की कैसी कहानी है?
(क) अमर
(ख) अनाम
(ग) अमिट
(घ) अनंत।
(ग) अमिटी

झाँसी की रानी की समाधि पर सप्रसंग व्याख्या

1. इस समाधि में छिपी हुई है, एक राख की ढेरी।
जलकर जिसने स्वतंत्रता की, दिव्य आरती फेरी॥
यह समाधि यह लघु समाधि है, झाँसी की रानी की।
अंतिम लीला स्थली यही है, लक्ष्मी मरदानी की॥

समाधि = किसी की चिता पर बनाए जाने वाले स्मारक। दिव्य = अलौकिक। लघु = छोटी-सी। अंतिम = आखिरी। लीला-स्थली = कार्य करने का स्थान। मरदानी = मर्दो जैसी।

यह काव्यांश सुभद्रा कुमारी चौहान द्वारा रचित ‘झाँसी की रानी की समाधि पर’ नामक कविता से लिया गया है। इसमें उन्होंने प्रथम स्वतंत्रता संग्राम की वीरांगना रानी लक्ष्मीबाई को स्मरण किया है।

कवयित्री का मानना है कि इस झाँसी की रानी की समाधि में एक राख की ऐसी ढेरी छिपी हुई है जिसने स्वयं जलकर स्वतंत्रता की अलौकिक आरती फेरी थी। यह समाधि, यह जो छोटी-सी समाधि है, वह झाँसी की रानी की समाधि है। यह उनके युद्ध क्षेत्र का अंतिम स्थान है, यह उस मों जैसी लक्ष्मीबाई की समाधि है।


  1. झाँसी की रानी के बलिदान से देश में स्वतंत्रता प्राप्त करने की लहर उत्पन्न हो गई थी।
  2. भाषा तत्सम प्रधान तथा भावपूर्ण है। अनुप्रास अलंकार है।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 झाँसी की रानी की समाधि पर

2. यहीं कहीं पर बिखर गई वह, भग्न विजय-माला-सी।
उसके फूल यहाँ संचित हैं, है यह स्मृति शाला-सी॥
सहे वार पर वार अन्त तक, लड़ी वीर बाला-सी।
आहुति-सी गिर चढ़ी चिता पर, चमक उठी ज्वाला-सी॥

भग्न = टूटी हुई। विजय-माला = जीत की माला। फूल = अस्थियाँ। संचित = एकत्र किए हुए, जमा। स्मृति = याद। बाला = युवती। ज्वाला = आग की लपट।

प्रस्तुत काव्यांश सुभद्रा कुमारी चौहान द्वारा रचित कविता ‘झाँसी की रानी की समाधि पर’ से लिया गया है। इसमें उन्होंने झाँसी की रानी लक्ष्मीबाई के बलिदान के प्रति अपनी श्रद्धा व्यक्त की है।

कवयित्री लिखती है कि इसी स्थान के आस-पास वे एक टूटी हुई विजय की माला के समान बिखर गई थी अर्थात् यहीं उनकी मृत्यु हुई थी। उनकी अस्थियाँ उसी समाधि में एकत्र करके रखी गई हैं। यह उनकी याद की स्थली है। उन्होंने शत्रुओं के वार पर वार अंत समय तक सहन किए थे। वे एक वीरांगना के समान लड़ी थीं। वे स्वतंत्रता संग्राम के यज्ञ में आहुति के समान गिर कर चिता पर चढ़ गईं और एक ज्वाला के समान चमक उठीं।


  1. झाँसी की रानी के अंतिम समय तक शत्रुओं से युद्ध कर आत्म-बलिदान देने का वर्णन है।
  2. भाषा सहज, सरल, भावपूर्ण है। अनुप्रास तथा उपमा अलंकार है।

3. बढ़ जाता है मान वीर का, रण में बलि होने से।
मूल्यवती होती सोने की भस्म, यथा सोने से॥
रानी से भी अधिक हमें अब, यह समाधि है प्यारी।
यहाँ निहित है स्वतन्त्रता की, आशा की चिनगारी॥

मान = सम्मान, आदर। रण = युद्ध । मूल्यवती = कीमती। यथा = जैसे। निहित = छिपी हुई।

प्रस्तुत पद्यांश सुभद्रा कुमारी चौहान द्वारा रचित कविता ‘झाँसी की रानी की समाधि पर’ से लिया गया है। इसमें कवयित्री ने झाँसी की रानी लक्ष्मीबाई के बलिदान के प्रति अपनी श्रद्धा व्यक्त की है।

कवयित्री कहती है कि जब कोई वीर युद्ध क्षेत्र में अपना बलिदान दे देता है तो उसका आदर-सत्कार उसी प्रकार बढ़ जाता है जैसे सोने की भस्म सोने से भी अधिक कीमती होती है। इसलिए कवयित्री को अब रानी से भी अधिक रानी की यह समाधि प्यारी है क्योंकि यहाँ स्वतंत्रता प्राप्त करने की आशा रूपी चिंगारी छिपी हुई है।


  1. कवयित्री को इस समाधि से भविष्य में स्वतंत्रता प्राप्त करने की प्रेरणा प्राप्त होती है।
  2. भाषा भावपूर्ण सरस तथा सरल है। उदाहरण अलंकार है।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 झाँसी की रानी की समाधि पर

4. इससे भी सुन्दर समाधियाँ, हम जग में हैं पाते।
उनकी गाथा पर निशीथ में, क्षुद्र जंतु ही गाते॥
पर कवियों की अमर गिरा में, इसकी अमिट कहानी।
स्नेह और श्रद्धा से गाती, है वीरों की बानी॥

जग = संसार। गाथा = कथा, कहानी। निशीथ = आधी रात। क्षुद्र = तुच्छ, छोटे। गिरा = बाणी। अमिट = कभी न मिटने वाली।।

प्रस्तुत काव्यांश सुभद्रा कुमारी चौहान द्वारा रचित कविता ‘झाँसी की रानी की समाधि पर’ से लिया गया है। इसमें कवयित्री ने रानी लक्ष्मीबाई की वीरता के प्रति अपनी श्रद्धा व्यक्त की है।

कवयित्री के अनुसार इस समाधि से सुंदर समाधियाँ हमें इस संसार में मिलती हैं। उनके संबंध में जो भी कथा होगी उसे आधी रात को तुच्छ जीव ही गाते हैं। परन्तु कवियों की अमर वाणी में इस झाँसी की रानी की समाधि की तो कभी भी न गिरने वाली अमर कहानी कही जाती है जिसे वीर अपने स्वर में अत्यंत श्रद्धा और स्नेहपूर्वक गाते हैं।


  1. झाँसी की रानी के बलिदान की अमर गाथा कवि और वीर आज भी श्रद्धापूर्वक गाते हैं।
  2. भाषा सरल, सरस, भावपूर्ण है।

5. बुंदेले हर बोलों के मुख, हमने सुनी कहानी।
खूब लड़ी मरदानी वह थी, झाँसी वाली रानी॥
यह समाधि यह चिर समाधि है, झाँसी की रानी की।
अन्तिम लीला स्थली यही है, लक्ष्मी मरदानी की।

बुंदेले = बुंदेलखंड के। हर बोलों = चारण, भाट, यशगान गाने वाले। चिर = सदा रहने वाली, स्थाई।

प्रस्तुत पंक्तियाँ सुभद्राकुमारी चौहान द्वारा रचित कविता ‘झाँसी की रानी की समाधि पर’ से ली गई हैं। इसमें कवयित्री ने झाँसी की रानी के बलिदान के प्रति अपनी भावनाएँ व्यक्त की हैं।

कवयित्री कहती है कि हमने बुंदेलखंड के यशोगान करने वालों के मुख से यह कहानी सुनी है कि वह मरदानी खूब डट कर लड़ी थी, वह झाँसी वाली रानी थी। यह उनकी लंबे समय तक बनी रहने वाली समाधि है। यह झाँसी की रानी की समाधि है। यह उनके अंतिम युद्ध क्षेत्र की स्थली है। लक्ष्मीबाई वास्तव में ही मरदानी वीरांगना थीं। .


  1. रानी लक्ष्मीबाई का वीरतापूर्वक युद्ध करते हुए बलिदान देना उनकी इस समाधि के रूप में सदा स्मरण रहेगा।
  2. भाषा सरल, सहज भावपूर्ण है।

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 झाँसी की रानी की समाधि पर

झाँसी की रानी की समाधि पर Summary

झाँसी की रानी की समाधि पर कवि-परिचय

सुभद्रा कुमारी चौहान का जन्म सन् 1904 ई० की नागपंचमी के दिन प्रयाग में हुआ था। कुछ विद्वान् इनका जन्म सन् 1905 ई० में मानते हैं। इनके पिता का नाम ठाकुर राम नाथ सिंह था। इनकी शिक्षा क्रास्थवेट गर्ल्स कॉलेज में हुई थी। जब ये आठवीं कक्षा में पढ़ रही थीं तब इनका विवाह स्वतंत्रता सेनानी लक्ष्मण सिंह से हो गया था। स्वाधीनता संग्राम में सक्रिय भाग लेने के कारण इन्हें भी कई बार जेल जाना पड़ा था। इनका समग्र जीवन संघर्षमय रहा था। सन् 1948 ई० की बसंत पंचमी के दिन इनका निधन हो गया था।

इनकी प्रमुख काव्य रचनाएँ ‘मुकुल’ और ‘त्रिधारा’ हैं। इनकी ‘झाँसी की रानी’ कविता भाषा, भाव, छंद की दृष्टि से सुप्रसिद्ध वीर गीत है। इनकी अन्य प्रसिद्ध कविताएँ ‘वीरों का कैसा हो वसंत’, ‘राखी की चुनौती’, ‘जलियाँवाला बाग में बसंत’ आदि हैं। इन्होंने अनेक यथार्थवादी मार्मिक कहानियाँ भी लिखी हैं।

सुभद्रा कुमारी चौहान की कविताओं में राष्ट्रप्रेम, वीरों के प्रति श्रद्धा, तत्कालीन परिस्थितियों का यथार्थ अंकन प्राप्त होता है। उनकी मान्यता थी कि “परीक्षाएँ जब मनुष्य के मानसिक स्वास्थ्य को क्षत-विक्षत कर डालती हैं, तब उनमें उत्तीर्ण होने-न-होने का कोई मूल्य नहीं रह जाता।” उनके मन का गंभीर, ममता-सजल और वीरभाव है वह उनकी कविताओं में झलकता है। जीवन के प्रति ममता भरा विश्वास ही उनके काव्य का प्राण माना जाता है

“सुख भरे सुनहले बादल, रहते हैं मुझको घेरे।
विश्वास प्रेम साहस है, जीवन के साथी मेरे।”

PSEB 9th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 4 झाँसी की रानी की समाधि पर

झाँसी की रानी की समाधि पर कविता का सार

‘झाँसी की रानी की समाधि पर’ कविता में कवयित्री सुभद्रा कुमारी चौहान ने अंग्रेज़ी सेना के साथ प्रथम स्वतंत्रता संग्राम में युद्ध करते हुए अपने प्राणों का आहुति देने वाली झाँसी की रानी लक्ष्मीबाई की समाधि के प्रति अपनी श्रद्धा व्यक्त की है। उनके अनुसार इस समाधि में एक ऐसी राख की ढेरी छिपी हुई है जिसने स्वयं जल कर भारत की स्वतंत्रता की चिंगारी को भड़काया था। इसी स्थल पर युद्ध करते हुए उन्होंने अपने प्राणों की आहुति दे दी थी। इस प्रकार युद्ध क्षेत्र में अपने प्राणों का बलिदान देने से वीरों का आदर-सत्कार बढ़ जाता है। इसलिए अब हमें रानी से भी अधिक उनकी समाधि प्रिय है क्योंकि यह हमें भविष्य में स्वतंत्रता दिलाने की आशा दिलाती है। संसार. में इससे भी सुंदर समाधियाँ होंगी परन्तु कवियों ने अपनी वाणी से इस समाधि की अमर गाथा गाई है। कवयित्री ने बुंदेलखंड के यशोगान गायकों से झाँसी की रानी की मर्यों के समान युद्ध करने की गाथा सुनी थी। यह उसी रानी की सदा रहने वाली समाधि है जो उनके युद्ध क्षेत्र का अंतिम स्थल था।