PSEB 6th Class Hindi Vyakaran भाववाचक संज्ञाएँ

Punjab State Board PSEB 6th Class Hindi Book Solutions Hindi Grammar Bhav vachak Sangyaen भाववाचक संज्ञाएँ Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 6th Class Hindi Grammar भाववाचक संज्ञाएँ

शब्द – भाववाचक
अज्ञान – अज्ञानता
अपना – अपनापन
अच्छा – अच्छाई
अधिक – अधिकता
उजाला – उजालापन
उलझन – उलझाव
उठना – उठाव
ऊँचा – ऊँचाई
एक – एकता
कठिन – कठिनता
कठोर – कठोरता
अंगड़ाना – अंगड़ाई
आलसी – आलस्य
आवश्यक – आवश्यकता
आगे-पीछे – आगा-पीछा

PSEB 6th Class Hindi Vyakaran भाववाचक संज्ञाएँ

इन्सान – इन्सानियत
ईश्वर – ऐश्वर्य
उदार – उदारता
गुरु – गौरव
गिरावट – गिरना
गर्म – गर्मी
गाना – गान, गीत
कड़ा – कड़ाई
कंजूस – कंजूसी
कायर – कायरता
शिशु – शैशव
कुशल – कुशलता
कृत्रिम – कृत्रिमता
कृपण – कृपणता
कमाना – कमाई
काटना – कटौती
खट्टा – खटाई, खटास
खुजलाना – खुजली
खेलना – खेल
खोदना – खुदाई
गहरा – गहराई

PSEB 6th Class Hindi Vyakaran भाववाचक संज्ञाएँ

ठण्डा – ठण्डक
ठगना – ठगी
डाकू – डाका, डकैती
ढीठ – ढिठाई
तेज – तेजी
तीव्र – तीव्रता
दास – दासता
देव – देवत्व
दुर्बल – दुर्बलता
दुष्ट – दुष्टता
दौड़ाना – दौड़
दुहराना – दुहराई
धोना – धुलाई
नीच – नीचता
पण्डित – पण्डिताई, पाण्डित्य
प्यासा – प्यास
पूर्ण – पूर्णता
पकड़ना – पिसाई पहचान
पहचानना – पकड़

PSEB 6th Class Hindi Vyakaran भाववाचक संज्ञाएँ

मीठा – मिठास
पीसना – पीसाई
गुलाम – गुलामी
घबराना – घबराहट
घेरना – घिराव
चतुर – चतुराई
चालाक – चलाकी
चौड़ा – चौड़ाई
चढ़ना – चढ़ाई
चलना – चाल
चिकना – चिकनाई
चमकना – चमक
चिल्लाना – चिल्लाहट
चुनना – चुनाव
जागना – जागरण
जलना – जलन
जीना – जीवन
परतन्त्र – परतन्त्रता
पालना – पालन
बच्चा – बचपन
बालक – बालकपन
बुद्धिमान् – बुद्धिमत्ता
बूढ़ा – बुढ़ापा
बनाना – बनावट

PSEB 6th Class Hindi Vyakaran भाववाचक संज्ञाएँ

बैठना – बैठक
बहना – बहाव
बुरा – बुराई
बोलना – बोल
नम्र – नम्रता
बेचना – बेच
भला – भलाई
भूखा – भूख
भय – भयानक
भिड़ना – भिड़न्त
मित्र – मित्रता
मधुर – मधुरता
महान् – महत्ता
मुस्कराना – मुस्कराहट
मूर्ख – मूर्खता
मोटा – मुटापा, मोटापन
मिलना – मिलावट

PSEB 6th Class Hindi Vyakaran भाववाचक संज्ञाएँ

सुन्दर – सुन्दरता
स्वतन्त्र – स्वतन्त्रता
सहायक – सहायता
सेवक – सेवा, सेवकाई
सज्जन – सज्जनता
स्वस्थ – स्वास्थ्य
मारना – मार
राजा – राज्य
लड़का – लड़कपन
लिखना – लिखाई

PSEB 6th Class Hindi Vyakaran विपरीतार्थक या विलोम शब्द

Punjab State Board PSEB 6th Class Hindi Book Solutions Hindi Grammar Viparitarthak ya Vilom Shabd विपरीतार्थक या विलोम शब्द Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 6th Class Hindi Grammar विपरीतार्थक या विलोम शब्द

शब्द – विपरीतार्थक
असुर – सुर
अन्त – आरम्भ
अनेकता – एकता
आलस्य – उद्यम
आशा – निराशा
आयात – निर्यात
आगामी – गत
उद्यम – आलस्य
उपकार – अपकार
उचित – अनचित
उतार – चढ़ाव
आज्ञा – अवज्ञा
अनिवार्य – ऐच्छिक
अनुकूल – प्रतिकूल
अमृत – विष
अवनति – उन्नति
उत्थान – पतन

PSEB 6th Class Hindi Vyakaran विपरीतार्थक या विलोम शब्द

आदि – अन्त
आय – व्यय
अज्ञात – ज्ञात
आदान – प्रदान
अपकार – उपकार
अपना – पराया
अधिक – न्यून
अच्छा – बुरा
अस्त – उदय
अन्धकार – प्रकाश
अन्याय – न्याय
अभिमानी – नम्र
उदय – अस्त
कृत्रिम – स्वाभाविक
आदर – निरादर
कठिन – सरल
कटु – मीठा
उदार – कृपण
आहार – निराहार
इहलोक – परलोक
इच्छा – अनिच्छा
ईर्ष्या – प्रेम

PSEB 6th Class Hindi Vyakaran विपरीतार्थक या विलोम शब्द

ऋण – उऋण
एकता – अनेकता
उत्तीर्ण – अनुत्तीर्ण
उत्तर – प्रश्न
चतुर – मुर्ख
छल – निश्छल
जीवन – मरण
जन्म – मृत्यु
जय – पराजय
जीत – हार
जंगली – पालतू
जंगम – स्थावर
ज्येष्ठ – कनिष्ठ
जल – थल
जरा – यौवन
जटिल – सरल
दुर्बल – बलवान्
दोष – गुण
दायाँ – बायाँ

PSEB 6th Class Hindi Vyakaran विपरीतार्थक या विलोम शब्द

देश – विदेश
देव – दानव
धर्म – अधर्म
धर्मात्मा – पापात्मा
धनवान् – निर्धन
धनी – निर्धन
नवीन – प्राचीन
नास्तिक – आस्तिक
नागरिक – ग्रामीण
निद्रा – जागरण
निकट – दूर
कपटी – निष्कपट
ऊष्ण – शीत
उपस्थित – अनुपस्थित
उपयुक्त – अनुपयुक्त
उधार – नकद
उपयोगी – अनुपयोगी
ऐच्छिक – अनैच्छिक
कृतज्ञ – कृतघ्न
कुटिल – सरल
क्रय – विक्रय

PSEB 6th Class Hindi Vyakaran विपरीतार्थक या विलोम शब्द

कायर – साहसी
काला – सफेद
कीर्ति – अपकीर्ति
कोमल – कठोर
गुरुता – लघुता
आस्तिक – नास्तिक
आकाश – पाताल
कुरूप – सूरूप
खल – सज्जन, साधु
खरा – खोटा
गुण – अवगुण
उत्पत्ति – विनाश
गहरा – उथल
घातक – रक्षक
घटिया – बढ़िया
घृणा – प्रीति
चेतन – जड़
झूठ – सच
ठग – सज्जन
कायर – निडर
डरपोक – निर्भीक
डूबना – तैरना
तीव्र – मन्द
तेजस्वी – तेजहीन
त्यागी – ग्राही
निर्यात – आयात

PSEB 6th Class Hindi Vyakaran विपरीतार्थक या विलोम शब्द

निश्चय – अनिश्चय
निन्दा – स्तुति
निगलना – उगलना
निश्चय – अनिश्चय
न्याय – अन्याय
प्रत्यक्ष – परोक्ष
पण्डित – मूर्ख
पराधीन – स्वाधीन
हितकारी – अहितकारी
हार – जीत
सुहागिन – अभागिन
सरल – जटिल
हृष्टपुष्ट – क्षीण, कृश
साधु – असाधु
सौभाग्य – दुर्भाग्य
सम्पत्ति – विपत्ति
हर्ष – शोक
निर्भीक – डरपोक
थोड़ा – बहुत
दानी – कृपण
दया – निर्दय
दिन – रात
दयालु – निर्दय
पाप – पुण्य
लेन – देन
लघु – गुरु
लोभी – निर्लोभी
स्थिर – अस्थिर
सुगन्ध – दुर्गन्ध
सभ्य – असभ्य
संक्षिप्त – विस्तृत
श्रद्धा – घृणा
ज्ञान – अज्ञान
ज्ञानी – अज्ञानी
क्षमा – दण्ड
दुर्बल – सबल
अंधेरा – उजाला

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Aged Mother

Punjab State Board PSEB 8th Class English Book Solutions Chapter 2 The Aged Mother Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 2 The Aged Mother

Activity 1

Look up the following words in a dictionary. You should seek the following information about the words and put them in your WORDS notebook.

1. Meaning of the word as used in the lesson (adjective/noun/verb. etc.)
2. Pronunciation (The teacher may refer to the dictionary or a mobile phone for correct pronunciation.)
3. Spellings.

despotic suggestive failing prompted barbarous abandoning widowed
humble reckless snapped . hastened blaze abolished frailty

Vocabulary Expansion

Activity 2

Put a tick on the option that brings out the meaning of the underlined word.

1. It was governed by a despotic leader.
(a) A person who expects everyone to obey all his orders.
(b) A person who loves his people.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Aged Mother

2. He had a great dislike for anything suggestive of failing health and strength.
(a) giving an idea of
(b) typical

3. This prompted him to make a cruel law for the province.
(a) encouraged to do something
(b) made a rule

4. Those were barbarous days.
(a) uncivilized
(b) crude

5. The custom of abandoning old people to die was not uncommon.
(a) to leave or desert
(b) to discontinue

6. The narrow road was crossed and re-crossed by many paths made by the hụnters and the woodcutters.
(a) small width
(b) big

7. She stretched forth her hand and snapped the twigs from bushes.
(a) broke
(b) pulled

8. His demand was that his subjects should present him with a rope of ash.
(a) people
(b) studies

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Aged Mother

9. That very hour the cruel law was abolished.
(a) came to an end
(b) destroyed

10. He realised that old age meant experience of life and not frailty.
(a) physical weakness
(b) strength
1. (a) A person who expects everyone to obey all his orders
2. (a) giving an idea of
3. (a) encouraged to do something
4. (a) uncivilized
5. (a) to leave or desert
6. (a) small width
7. (a) broke
8. (a) people
9. (a) came to an end
10. (a) physical weakness.

Learning to Read and Comprehend 

Activity 3:

Rearrange the sentences given below in the correct sequence.

Write the numbers in the given brackets. The first one is done for you.
1. The son decided to take his mother back home.
2. A farmer decided to leave his old mother on the top of a mountain.
3. The governor realized his mistake and abolished the law.
4. Once in Shining, a cruel ruler made a law that all the old people must be put to death.
5. Using the idea of his old and experienced mother, the farmer made a rope of ash.
6. When the farmer turned to go back home, the mother advised him to return home with the help of twigs.
7. Filled with fear, he hid his mother in his home.
8. The mother dropped the small twigs as markers on the way to help her son return home safely.
1. Once in Shining, a cruel ruler made a law that all the old people must be put to death.
2. A farmer decided to leave his old mother on the top of a mountain.
3. The mother dropped the small twigs as markers on the way to help her son return home safely.
4. When the farmer turned to go back home, the mother advised him to return home with the help of twigs.
5. The son decided to take his mother back home.
6. Filled with fear, he hid his mother in his home.
7. Using the idea of his old and experienced mother, the farmer made a rope of ash.
8. The governor realized his mistake and abolished the law.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Aged Mother

Activity 4.

Answer the following questions in one or two sentences.

Question 1.
What was the cruel announcement made by the despotic leader ?
तानाशाह नेता द्वारा क्या घोषणा की गई ?
It was to put all the aged in the province to death.

Question 2.
Why was the farmer sorrowful ?
The farmer was sorrowful because he loved his old mother very much. He did not want to leave her.

Question 3.
What things did the farmer carry to the top of the mountain ?
किसान पर्वत की चोटी पर क्या-क्या चीजें ले गया ?
The farmer carried some cooked rice and a pot filled with cold water to the top of the mountain.

Question 4.
What made the mother anxious as they climbed up the mountain ?
पहाड़ी पर चढ़ते समय माँ को किस बात ने चिंतित किया?
Many paths to the top of the mountain were unknown to the son. This made the mother anxious. She got worried about her son to lose his way on his return.

Question 5.
What did the mother drop along the way?
माँ ने रास्ते के साथ-साथ क्या गिरा दिया ?
The mother dropped twigs along the way.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Aged Mother

Question 6.
What was the advice given by the farmer’s mother for the safe return of her son ?
किसान की माँ ने अपने पुत्र की सुरक्षित वापिसी के लिए क्या परामर्श दिया ?
She adviced her son to follow the path dotted with piles of twigs.

Question 7.
Where did the farmer hide his mother?
किसान ने अपनी माँ को कहाँ छिपाया ?
The farmer hide his mother in a walled closet under their kitchen floor.

Question 8.
When did the Governor realize his mistake ?
गवर्नर को अपनी गलती का अहसास कब हुआ ?
The governor realized his mistake when he came to know the truth of real wisdom. He realized that real wisdom comes with a growing age.

Activity 5

Identify the underlined character(s).

1. He gave orders for the aged to be put to death.
2. He considered the order to be the kindest mode of death.
3. She quietly dropped some twigs on the way.
4. Together we will follow the path, together we will die.
5. He listened and meditated in silence.
1. The governor of Shining
2. the farmer
3. the farmer’s old mother
4. the farmer and his old mother
5. The governor.

The Determiners

To determine’ means to mark, to fix or to limit. Therefore, a determiner is a word which limits or fixes the meaning of a noun. It is also called a Noun-marker.

‘Determine’ का अर्थ है कुछ निर्धारित करना या सीमित करना। इस तरह Determiner वह शब्द है जो Noun के अर्थ को ‘निश्चित करता है या एक सीमा में बांधता है। इसे Noun-marker भी कहा जाता है।

Examples :
1. He helped his friend.
2. My friend gave me a pen.
In sentence 1. ‘his’ is a determiner. It tells us that ‘he’ helped only ‘his friend and no one else. In sentence

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Aged Mother

2. the word ‘my’ is a determiner.

Note : A determiner limits or fixes only the noun and not any other part of speech.
For example : Veena is a good girl. In this sentence a refers to the noun ‘girl and the adjective ‘good’ makes no difference to the function of a. Kinds of Determiners.
There are five types of determiners :

1. Articles – a, an, the
2. Possessives – my, our, your, his, her, their, its.
3. Numerals – one, two, three, four, first, second, etc.
4. Quantitative – all, any, little, a little, much, some, etc.
5. Demonstratives – this, that, these, those. 1. Articles
There are two types of articles :
1. Indefinite articles – ‘a’, ‘an’
2. Definite article – the
(a) Indefinite articles : ‘A’and ‘an’ are indefinite articles. They are used before a countable common noun in singular number. They are called indefinite articles because they are used with indefinite names.
Examples : a boy, a pencil, an apple, etc.

Use of ‘a’ and ‘an’
1. ‘An’ is generally used with countable common nouns in singular numbers before words beginning with a vowel sound.
For example : an apple, an egg, an MLA, an umbrella, an incident.

2. If a word begins with a silent h, ‘an’ is used before it.
For example : an hour, an honest man.

3. When a word begins with a vowel letter ‘u’ sounding like ‘you’, ‘& is used before ‘it instead of ‘an’.
For example : a university, a union.

4. If a word begins with a vowel letter é sounding like ‘you’, ‘k’ is used instead of ‘an’.
For example : a European.

5. If a vowel gives the sound of ‘w’, ‘a’ is used.
For example : a one-eyed man, a one-rupee coin.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Aged Mother

6. ‘A’ and an’ are used in expressions denoting price, speed, ratio etc.
For example : thirty miles an hour
twenty rupees a day
two of a trade

7. ‘A’ is used in some numerical expressions.
For example :
a great deal, a lot of, a dozen, a hundred

8. ‘A’ is used with few’ and ‘little’.
For example :
I borrowed a few books from him.
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

(b) Definite Article :
“The’ is called the definite article because it points out to a definite person or a thing.
1. I met a boy.
2. The boy told me a story.
3. The story was very interesting.
In the first sentence ‘a boy’ means any boy and not a particular person.
In the second sentence, ‘the boy’ refers to a particular person. Similarly, in the second sentence ‘a story’ means any story. But in the third sentence ‘the story’ means a particular story.

Use of ‘the’
“The’ is used to denote a particular person, place or thing.
For example:
1. He is the boy who won the prize.
2. She has gone to the bus stop.
“The’ is used when a person, place or thing has already been mentioned.
For example :
I bought a bicycle. The bicycle cost me ₹5000.
‘The’ is used to denote the whole class or community.
For example : The dog runs fast.

Special ‘use of the’ :
1. Before the names of rivers, mountain ranges, oceans, groups of islands, bays, descriptive names of states and countries :
the Ganges
the Ravi/Beas
the Shivaliks
the Indian Ocean
the Andaman and Nicobar Islands
the Bay of Bengal
the USA

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Aged Mother

2. Before the names of newspapers, magazines, companies, corporations, organizations :
The Tribune
The Hindustan Times
The Life Insurance
The National Book Trust
The Punjab Roadways

3. Before the names of sacred books :
the Ramayana/the Gita
the Guru Granth Sahib
the Quran
the Vedas
the Bible

4. Before musical instruments :
the sitar
the veena

5. Before the names of unique things :
the sun the moon
the stars

6. Before adjectives in superlative degree :
He is the best doctor of the college.
Mumbai is the biggest city in India.

7. Before adjectives used as nouns :
the sick
the poor

8. As part of the phrase made of the comparative degrees :
The higher we go, the colder it gets.

9. When a family name is used to refer to the whole family:
The Malhotras are a happy family.

The position of the Article
Generally the article is placed before the noun it refers to. But when an adjective or an adverb appears before a noun, the article comes before the adjective or the adverb.
For example :
She is a teacher. (before a noun)
She is a good teacher. (before an adjective)
She is a very good player. (before an adverb)
But when the adjective is preceded by “as,’ ‘so’, ‘too’ and ‘how’, the article is used between :the noun and the adjective.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Aged Mother

For example:
so beautiful a house
too hot a day
When the noun is preceeded by ‘such’, both’ and ‘all, the article is placed after them.

For example :
I have not seen such a fool.
Both the brothers were present.
All the boys had left.

2. Possessives
(सम्बन्धवाचक शब्द) my, her, your,his, its, our, their सम्बन्धवाचक सर्वनाम है और इनका प्रयोग एक वचन और बहुवचन दोनों प्रकार को संज्ञाओं के साथ किया जाता है जैसे
These determiners are possessive forms of personal pronouns. They can be used both before singular and plural nouns.
For example :
1 I do not lend my books to anyone.
2. We love our teacher.
3. One should do one’s duty.
4. My mother is a doctor.

3. Numerals
Numerals are words that relate to numbers. There are three types of numerals :
Definite Numerals : They refer to a definite or exact number.
The definite numerals are further divided into two kinds:
a. Cardinals : one, two, three, five, etc.
These words can be used before nouns which are countable :
1. Please bring one pen for me.
2. He gave him ten coins.

b. Ordinals : first, second, third, etc.
These words are used to indicate order:
1. The first book was very boring.
2.He was the last man to come.

Indefinite Numerals : They refer to vague or indefinite number such as “many’, ‘few’;’a . few’, ‘the few’, ‘several, ‘all’, etc.
1. I have many things to do.
2. Several people witnessed the accident.
3. He has few friends in the city. (almost none)
4. He does have a few friends in the city. (a small number)
5. The few friends he has are loyal to him. (whatever small number)

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Aged Mother

Distributive Numerals :
These words refer to each of a group, such as ‘each’, ‘every’, “either’, ‘neither’ etc.
1. Each of us must do so.
2. Each of the boys must do his duty.
3. Either Gurpreet or Harpreet has won the prize.

4. Quantitatives
Words like some’, ‘any’, ‘little’, ‘much etc. are determiners of quantity.
(a) Some and Any: ‘Some’ has positive implications and any’ has negative implications. · Questions with negative implications also take any’. But questions with positive
implications take ‘some’.

Examples :
1. I want some milk. Is there any milk in the house ?
2. I spent some holidays with my uncle.
3. There is hardly any milk.
4. Did you hear any noise ?
5. Do you want books ? We have some very good books.
6. I don’t have any money with me.
7. I have hardly any money.
8. There was hardly any boy in the school.
9. I can lend you some money.

(b) Much : ‘Much’ is used to denote quantity.
He has much money.
Don’t think about it too much.

(c) Little, a little, the little : ‘Little’ has a negative implication. It means ‘hardly any’. A little means ‘some’. “The little means whatever little exists, but the whole of it.
I want to have some water. But there is little water in the pitcher.
However, there is a little in the bucket.
I have drunk the little water the jug had.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Aged Mother

5. Demonstratives
This’, ‘that’, ‘these and those are called Demonstrative determiners. They point out the object denoted by the nouns that follow them. “This and that are singular; ‘these and ‘those are plural. They show which person, place or thing is being talked about.

For example :
1. This book is mine and that is yours.
2. These men are hardworking.
3. Those girls sing very well.

Activity 6

Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners.

1. I went to …………….. window which commanded a large green garden.
2. I have …………………. work to do…
3. Lookout of the window for ………………… minute.
4. …………… shirt is costly but ……………….. shirt is cheap.
5. ………………….. books she had were all lost.
6. ………………… pen costs two rupees.
7. But I had …………………. idea of all this.
8. He didn’t make . …………….. mistakes in the essay.
9. I borrowed ……………….. books from him.
10. It educates both ……………….. blind and the helpers.
11. We should look into ………………….. depth of the problem.
12. It was ………………….. daring idea.
13. ………………….. boys attended the class.
14. This is …………….. good home for him.
15. ………………… teachers were asked to be present on Sunday.
16. …………………. sum cannot be solved by ……….. silly boys.
17. Besides them stood Pasteur, holding a narrow tube in … ………… hand.
18. They took samples from ………………. brain of a dog that had died.
19. ………….. little knowledge is …………….. dangerous thing.
20. He takes ……………… interest in me.
1. the
2. much
3. a
4. this, that/ my, your
5. The
6. My
7. no
8. any
9. some
10. the
11. the
12. a
13. only, A few
14. a
15. only
16. This, the,
17. his
18. the
19. A, a
20. no.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Aged Mother

Activity 7 :

Rewrite the following sentences after correcting them by adding/deleting a word wherever necessary in each sentence :

Question 1.
Only few men are honest.
Only a few men are honest.

Question 2.
The man is mortal.
Man is mortal.

Question 3.
He acted like man.
He acted like a man.

Question 4.
Beas flows in Punjab.
The Beas flows in the Punjab.

Question 5.
You are in wrong but he is in right.
You are in the wrong but he is in the right.

Question 6.
He is by far ablest boy.
He is by far the ablest boy.

Question 7.
Nobody likes a person with bad temper.
Nobody likes a person with a bad temper.

Question 8.
The iron is useful metal.
Iron is a useful metal.

Question 9.
Not word was said.
Not a word was said.

Question 10.
He has too high a opinion of you.
He has too high an opinion of you.

Question 11.
Learn this poem by the heart.
I learn this poem by heart.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Aged Mother

Question 12.
Never tell lie.
Never tell a lie.

Leaning to Listen

Activity 8.

Listen to your teacher carefully. She/he will tell you a story. Write the story in the given space as you hear it. Listen carefully to the pauses and tone and use appropriate punctuation marks.
The Lion and the Boar
It was a hot summer day. A lion and a boar reached a small water body for a drink. They began arguing and fighting about who would drink first. After a while they were tired and stopped for breath, when they noticed vultures above. Some. they realized that the vultures are waiting for one or both of them to fall, to feast on them. The lion and the boar then decided that it were best to make up and be friends than fight and become food for vultures. They drank the water together and went their own ways.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Aged Mother

Learning to Speak
Role Play

Making Telephone Calls in Emergency
There are special emergency numbers that you can dial in an emergency. For example, to call the police you need to dial 100 from your phone. Other emergency calls could be made to the ambulance service, fire station, trauma centres, etc. When making such calls, we must give quick and adequate information. Our address or location and our contact details are most important. We must also be able to tell them the reason for our call i.e. what kind of emergency we are dealing with.

Look at the following conversation for proper understanding :

Police station : Hello, this is Mullanpur Police Station.
You : Hello, there is a hit and run case. A boy is lying injured on the road.
Police station : Please give us your location details.
You : I am standing near the main office of Omaxe Township. I will send you my mobile location.
Police station : That will be very helpful!
You : Can you also call an ambulance please ? He needs immediate medical attention.

Activity 9.

Create a dialogue between yourself and the Fire station informing them about the fire near your house. Once you have written the dialogue in your notebooks, practise it with your partner. You must take turn to play both roles.

I : Hurry up ! There is a big fire in Sector 11.
Fire station : What is the location ?
I : It is just behind the Rose Model School Building.
Fire station : Worry not! The Fire Brigade reaches within five minutes.
I : How can we help you?
Fire station : Look ! Try to keep the traffic away from the road.

Story Writting

Activity 10

Write a short story. You may use some of the following words and phrases :

  • felt scared
  • heard the sound in the cupboard
  • thought it must be a thief
  • might be a killer
  • lay still
  • could hardly breathe
  • felt someone touched my foot
  • shouted with fear
  • parents came and switched on light
  • saw a rat

Begin your story with :
Suddenly, I woke up. It was very dark. I felt there was someone in my room. I tried to guess who it could be. It might be a thief. It could be a killer. I got scared and lay still. I could hardly breathe, out of fear. I felt someone touching my foot. I shouted loudly. At that very moment, my parents came and switched on the light. We all burst into laughter when we saw a rat close to my bed.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Aged Mother

Learning to Use the language (Grop Work)

Activity 11

Suppose your classroom has been attacked by a swarm of bees. It is time to go back home. Get into groups of five and think of how you will take your bags from the classroom full of bees. You will get 5 minutes to discuss.
When you have finished discussing, your chosen group leader will present your ideas in front of the class. The teacher will observe and discuss good, practical and impractical points.
Group leader : We are going to cover our body with blankets, lying in the emergency room. We will produce smoke by burning a rags. It will make the bees fly away. We will quickly pick up our bags and come out of the room.
Teacher : This method may work successfully. But some bees may not fly away. You must: keep this point in mind.

Comprehension of passage

Read the following passages and answer the questions given below each :

(1) Long, long ago there was a province in Japan called Shining. It was governed by a despotic leader. He was a good warrior but he had a great dislike for anything suggestive of failing health and strength. This prompted him to make a cruel law for the province. The entire province was given strict orders to immediately put all the aged people to death. Those were barbarous days and the custom of abandoning old people to die was not uncommon.

In the same province lived a poor farmer and his aged widowed mother at the foot of the mountain. They owned a bit of land which supplied them with food. They were humble, peaceful and happy. The poor farmer loved his aged mother and dealt with her very tenderly. The order by the despot filled his heart with sorrow. Other people did not think twice about obeying the order of the governor but this farmer was very unhappy. However, he had to obey the order so the farmer prepared for what at that time was considered the kindest way of death.

1. What prompted him to make a cruel law ?
उसे किस बात ने क्रूर कानून बनाने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया ?

2. What was the order given to the people ?
लोगों को क्या आदेश दिया गया

3. Choose true and false statements and write them in your answer-book :
(a) The order by the despot filled the heart of the farmer with delight.
(b) The mother and the son were humble and peaceful.

4. Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage :
(a) The custom of abandoning old people to die was …….
(b) They owned a bit of land which …
Match the words with their meaning :

(i) entire whole
(ii) barbarous beautiful

1. He disliked failing health and strength. This prompted him to make a cruel law.
2. The people were ordered to put all the aged people to death immediately.
3. (a) False, (b) True.
4. (a) The custom of abandoning old people to die was not uncommon.
(b) They owned a bit of land which supplied them with food.
(i) entire — whole
(ii) barbarous — cruel.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Aged Mother

(2) Just at sunset, when his day’s work ended, he took some unwhitened rice which was the main food for the poor and cooked it, dried it and tied it in a cloth which he swung in a bundle around his neck along with a pot filled with cool water. Then he lifted his helpless old mother on his back and started on his painful journey up the mountain. The road was long and steep. The narrow road was crossed and re-crossed by many paths made by the hunters and the woodcutters. At some places, they got lost and confused but he did not think about it. He was about to abandon his dear mother so it did not matter. which path he took to reach the mountain top. On he went, climbing blindly upward-ever upward towards the high bare summit known as Obatsuyama, the mountain where the aged were abandoned.

1. Where did he take his old mother?
2. Why was the journey painful ?
3. Choose true and false statements and write them in your answer-book :
(a) The name of the high bare summit was Shining.
(b) Unpolished rice was the main food for the people.
4. Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage :
(a) In this bundle, along with rice there was a pot ……..
(b) The summit where …………… was known as obatsuyama.
Or. Write the meaning of the following words in English : (Any two)
helpless, summit, puzzled.
1. He took his old mother to the top of a mountain.
2. The journey was painful because it lay through a mountain. The road was long and steep. Beside, the son was carrying his helpless old mother on his back.
3. (a) False
(b) True.
4. (a) In the bundle, along with rice, there was a pot filled with cool water.
(b) The summit where the aged were abandoned was known as obatsuyama.
poor, top, confused.

(3) The eyes of the old mother were not so dim that they could not notice the reckless hastening from one path to another and her loving heart grew anxious. Her son did not know many paths of the mountain and his return might be dangerous so she stretched forth her hand and snapped twigs from bushes as they passed. She quietly dropped a handful every few steps of the way so that as they climbed, the narrow path behind them was dotted with tiny piles of twigs. At last, the summit was reached. Weary and heartsick, the youth gently released his burden and silently prepared a place of comfort as his last duty to the loved one. Gathering fallen pine needles, he made a soft cushion and tenderly lifted his old mother onto it. He wrapped her padded coat more closely about her stooping shoulders and with tearful eyes and an aching heart, he had farewell to his mother.

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Aged Mother

1. Why did the old mother grow anxious ?
वृद्ध मोँ चिंता में क्यों पड़ गई
2. Why did he prepare a place of comfort ?
उसने आरामदायक स्थान क्यों तैयार किया ?
3. Choose true and false statements and write them in your answer-book :
(a) The summit was reached easily.
(b) He had farewell to his mother with tearful eyes.
4. Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage :
(a) Gathering fallen pine needles, he made a
(b) The narrow path behind them was dotted with …
Match the words with their meaning :

(i) Weary softly and slowly
(ii) tenderly heavy

1. The old mother grew anxious because her son did not know many paths of mountain. So his return might be dangerous.
2. He prepared a place of comfort for his old mother. It was a symbol of his last duty to his loved mother.
3. (a) False
(b) True.
4. (a) Gathering fallen pine needles, he made a soft cushion.
(b) The narrow path behind them was dotted with tiny piles of twigs.
(i) Weary — tired
(ii) Tenderly — softly and slowly.

(4) The entire province of Shining trembled with fear. The order had to be obeyed but how could any one make a rope of ash ? One night, in great distress, the son whispered the news to his hidden’ mother. “Wait”, she said, “Let me think … Let me think”. On the second day, she told him what to do, “Make a rope of twisted straw.” she said. “Then stretch it upon a row of flat stones and burn it on a windless night.” He called the people together and did as she had said. When the blaze died down, there upon the stones, with every twist and fiber showing perfectly, lay a rope of ash.

The governor was pleased at the wit of the youth and praised greatly but he demanded to know where he had obtained his wisdom from. “Alas! Alas!” cried the farmer, “the truth must be told!” and with deep bows, he narrated his story. The governor listened and then meditated is silence. Finally, he lifted his head. “Shining needs more than the strength of youth,” he said gravely. “Ah, how could I have forgotten the well-known saying, “With the crown of snow, there cometh wisdom !” That very hour, the cruel law was abolished as he realised that old age means experience of life and not frailty.

1. What was the order given to the people of Shining ?
Shining के लोगों को क्या आदेश दिया गया था?
2. Who made the rope and how ?
रस्सी किसने बनाई और कैसे ?
3. Choose true and false statements and write them in your answer-book :
(a) The entire province of Shining jumped with joy.
(b) “With the crown of snow, there cometh wisdom” is a well-known saying.
4. Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage :
(a) Shining needs more than the …………..
(b) That very hour, the cruel law …………….
Or Write the meanings of the following words in English : (Any two) wit, meditated, gravely.
1. The people of Shining given the order of making a rope of ash.
2. The young farmer made the rope. He made it by burning some twisted straw on a windless night.
3. (a) False
(b) True.
4. (a) Shining needs more than the strength of youth.
(b) That very hour, the cruel law was abolished.
Or wit—wisdom, meditated—thought over something deeply, gravely—-seriously.

Use Of Words And Phrases in Sentences

1. Warrior – Arjuna was a great warrior.
2. Abolish – The British government abolished the salt law.
3. Prompt – His cruel nature prompted him to tease the poor beggar.
4. Humble – My father is very humble at heart.
5. Peaceful – The villagers are very peaceful.
6. Boast of – Never boast of your wealth.
7. Summit – The Himalayas have many high summits.
8. Distress – He is in great distress these days.
9. Pleased at – I am pleased at his honesty.
10. Blaze – The sudden blaze almost blinded him.

Word Meaning

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Aged Mother 1

The Aged Mother Summary in Hindi

Long, long ago …………………… aged were abandoned.

बहुत समय पहले जापान में शीनिंग (Shining) नामक एक प्रांत था। वहाँ पर एक निरंकुश नेता का शासन था। वह एक अच्छा योद्धा था परन्तु उसे गिरते स्वास्थ्य और ताकत के बारे में कोई भी बात अच्छी नहीं लगती थी। इस बात ने उसे प्रांत के लिए एक क्रूर कानून बनाने के लिए उकसाया। पूरे प्रांत में सभी वृद्धों को तुरन्त मार डालने के सख्त आदेश जारी कर दिए गए। ये बर्बरता के दिन थे और वृद्ध लोगों को मरने के लिए छोड़ देना कोई असामान्य बात नहीं थी। . इसी प्रांत में पहाड़ी के तल पर एक ग़रीब किसान अपनी बूढ़ी विधवा माँ के साथ रहता था। उनके पास भूमि का एक छोटा सा टुकड़ा था जिससे वे जीवनयापन करते थे।

वे विनम्र, शांतिप्रिय तथा खुश थे। गरीब किसान अपनी वृद्ध माँ को बहुत प्यार करता था और वह उसके साथ बहुत ही नम्रतापूर्वक व्यवहार करता था। तानाशाह के आदेश से उसका मन दु:खी हो गया। अन्य लोगों ने शासक के आदेश का पालन करने पर एक बार भी पुनः विचार नहीं किया। परन्तु किसान बहुत ही अप्रसन्न था। फिर भी उसे आदेश का पालन करना था इसलिए किसान ने वह तरीका अपनाने की तैयारी कर ली जो उस काल में मृत्यु का सबसे दयापूर्ण तरीका माना जाता था।

PSEB 8th Class English Solutions Chapter 2 The Aged Mother

शाम के समय जब दिनभर का कार्य समाप्त हो गया, उसने कुछ कच्चे चावल जो गरीबों का मुख्य भोजन था लिये और उन्हें पकाया। उसने चावलों को सुखाकर एक कपड़े में इनकी गठरी बना कर उसने इन्हें अपने गले में लटका लिया। उसने ठण्डे पानी से भरा एक, बर्तन भी उनके साथ लटका लिया। तब उसने अपनी लाचार बूढ़ी माँ को अपनी पीठ पर उठा लिया और पहाड़ी पर अपनी कष्टभरी यात्रा के लिए चल पड़ा। सड़क लम्बी और सीधी खड़ी थी। संकरी सड़क को जगह-जगह पर शिकारियों और लकड़हारों द्वारा बनाए गए रास्ते काटते रहे।

कुछ स्थानों पर वे उलझ गए और भटक गए परन्तु उसने इस बारे में नहीं सोचा। उसे तो अपनी प्रिय माँ को त्यागना था, इसलिए इस बात का कोई महत्त्व नहीं था कि वह किस रास्ते से पहाड़ की चोटी पर पहुँचे। वह अन्धा-धुंध ऊपर की ओर चढ़ता गया और अधिक ऊपर उस वनस्पति हीन शिखर की ओर जो Obatsuyama के नाम से जाना जाता था। यह वह पर्वत था जहाँ वृद्धों को त्यागा (छोड़ा) जाता था। .

The eyes of the old……….. we will die !”

वृद्ध माँ की आँखें इतनी धुंधली नहीं हुईं थीं कि वे लापरवाही से एक मार्ग से दूसरे मार्ग पर जाते हुए कदमों को न भांप सकें। उसका प्रेम भरा मन चिंतित हो उठा। उसके पुत्र को पर्वत के बहुत से मार्गों की जानकारी नहीं थी और इससे उसकी वापसी खतरनाक हो सकती थी। इसलिए आगे बढ़ते हुए उसने अपने हाथों को फैला लिया और झाड़ियों की टहनियां तोड़ती गई। वह ऊपर चढ़ते हुए थोड़ी-थोड़ी दूरी पर चुपचाप मुट्ठी भर गिराती रही। उनके पीछे के संकरे मार्ग पर टहनियों के छोटे-छोटे ढेर लग गए थे।

अंत में वे शिखर पर पहुँच गए। थके हुए और मायूस नवयुवक ने धीरे से अपने बोझ को उतारा और चुपचाप अपने अंतिम कर्त्तव्य के लिए आराम भरे एक स्थान को तैयार करने लगा। उसने चीड़ के पेड़ की नुकीली पत्तियों को इकट्ठा करके एक मुलायम गद्दी बनाई और अपनी वृद्ध माता को उस पर बिठा दिया। उसने उसके नर्म कोट को उसके झुके कंधों के और अधिक निकट तक कर दिया और रोते हुए तथा दुःखी मन से अपनी माता से अलविदा कहा।

उसकी माँ ने कांपती आवाज़ तथा नि:स्वार्थ प्यार से उसे अंतिम निर्देश दिए। उसने कहा, “पुत्र अपनी आँखें बंद न होने देना । पर्वत का रास्ता खतरों से भरा हुआ है। ध्यानपूर्वक देखना और उस मार्ग पर चलना जहाँ तुम्हें टहनियों के ढेर दिखें। वे तुम्हें और नीचे जाने के परिचित मार्ग पर ले जाएंगे।” पुत्र ने हैरानी भरी नज़रों से पीछे मार्ग की ओर देखा और फिर अपनी लाचार वृद्ध माँ के थके-हारे हाथों को देखा जिनमें उसके प्यार भरे कार्य के कारण खरोंचें आई हुई थीं और जो मैले हो गए थे।

गवर्नर नवयुवक की बुद्धिमता पर खुश था और उसने उसकी भरपूर प्रशंसा की। परन्तु उसने यह जानने की माँग रखी कि उसने यह बुद्धिमता कहाँ से प्राप्त की। किसान चिल्लाया, “अरे मर गए !’ सच्चाई तो बतानी पड़ेगी !” पूरी तरह झुकते हुए उसने सारी कहानी कह सुनाई। शासक ने सुना और फिर खामोश होकर सोचने लगा। अंततः उसने अपना सिर उठाया। उसने गंभीरता से कहा, “शीनिंग (Shining) को नवयुवकों की ताकत से ज्यादा कुछ और चाहिए।”आह, मैं इतनी प्रसिद्ध कहावत कैसे भूल गया कि बुद्धिमता सफ़ेद बालों (उम्र) के साथ आती है।” उसी क्षण उसने क्रूर कानून को समाप्त कर दिया। उसे आभास हो गया कि बुढ़ापा जीवन का अनुभव है न कि निर्बलता।

Retranslation From English to Hindi

वहां पर एक निरंकुश नेता का शासन था। उनके पास भूमि का एक छोटा सा टुकड़ा था जिससे वे जीवनयापन करते थे। वे विनम्र, शांतिप्रिय तथा खुश थे।

1. It was governed by a deposite leader. —- वहां पर एक निरंकुश नेता का शासन था।
2. They owned a bit of land which supplied them with food. —- उनके पास भूमि का एक छोटा सा टुकड़ा था जिससे वे जीवनयापन करते थे।
3. They were humble, peaceful and happy. —- वे विनम्र, शांतिप्रिय तथा खुश थे।
4. The poor farmer loved his aged mother. —- ग़रीब किसान अपनी वृद्ध माँ से बहुत प्यार करता था।
5. However, he had to obey the order. —- फिर भी उसे आदेश का पालन करना था।
6. The road was long and steep. —- सड़क लम्बी और सीधी खड़ी थी।
7. They got lost and confused. —- वे उलझ गए और भटक गए।
8. He was about to abandon his dear mother. —- वह अपनी प्रिय माँ को त्यागने ही वाला था।
9. Her son did not know many paths of mountain.—- उसके पुत्र को पर्वत के बहुत से मार्गों की जानकारी नहीं थी।
10. The youth gently released his burden. —- नवयुवक ने धीरे से अपना बोझ उतारा
11. He wrapped her padded coat more closely. —- उसने उसके नर्म कोट को और अधिक निकट तक कर दिया।
12. The mountain road is full of dangers. —- पर्वत का रास्ता खतरों से भरा हुआ है।
13. The son hid his mother. —- पुत्र ने अपनी माँ को छिपा लिया।
14. The governor was pleased at the wit the youth. —- गवर्नर नवयुवक की बुद्धिमता पर खुश था।
15. Finally, he lifted his head. —- अंतत: उसने अपना सिर उठाया।
16. The cruel law was abolished.—- क्रूर कानून को समाप्त कर दिया गया।

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Vyakaran पर्यायवाची या समानार्थक शब्द

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class Hindi Book Solutions Hindi Grammar Paryayvachi ya Samanarthak Shabd पर्यायवाची या समानार्थक शब्द Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Grammar पर्यायवाची या समानार्थक शब्द

अग्नि – अनल, पावक, आग, दहन, ज्वाला।
अपमान – अनादर, तिरस्कार, निरादर।
अमृत – सुधा, पीयूष, सोम।
असुर – राक्षस, दैत्य, दानव, दनुज ।
अन्धकार – अन्धेरा, तम, तिमिर।
अश्व – घोड़ा, वाजी, घोटक।
आंख – नेत्र, चक्षु, नयन, लोचन।
आकाश – गगन, अम्बर, नभ, आसमान, अन्तरिक्ष ।
इनाम – पुरस्कार, पारितोषिक, आनन्दकर।
इच्छा – अभिलाषा, चाह, मनोरथ, कामना, लालसा।
इन्द्र – देवेन्द्र, सुरेन्द्र, सुरपति, देवराज।
ईश्वर – ईश, परमात्मा, परमेश्वर, प्रभु।
उषा – प्रभात, सवेरा, निशान्त।

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Vyakaran पर्यायवाची या समानार्थक शब्द

उद्देश्य – मकसद, लक्ष्य, ध्येय।
उपकार – हित, भलाई, नेकी, भला।
कपड़ा – वस्त्र, अम्बर, पट, वसन।
कमल – जलज, नलिन, पंकज, सरोज, राजीव, नीरज।
कान – कर्ण, श्रोता, श्रवण।
किनारा – तट, तीर, कूल।
किरण – रश्मि, अंशु, कर।
केश – बाल, अलक. कच।
कोयल – पिक, कोकिल।
क्रोध – गुस्सा, रोष, कोप।
गंगा – भागीरथी, देवनदी, सुरसरी, नदीश्वरी।
गृह – घर, सदन, निकेतन, भवन, वास, आलय, शाला।
चन्द्रमा – शशि, चन्द्र, राकेश, चाँद, सोम।
जल – नीर, पानी, पय, रस।
तलवार – खड्ग, कृपाण, करवाल।
तालाब – सर, सरोवर, जलाशय, ताल ।

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Vyakaran पर्यायवाची या समानार्थक शब्द

दास – नौकर, सेवक, अनुचर।
देवता – सुर, अमर, देव।
दुनिया – विश्व, संसार, जगत्, जग, भूमण्डल।
दूध – दुग्ध, गोरस, पय, क्षीर।
नदी – सरिता, जलमाला, नद, तटनी।
नारी – स्त्री, महिला, अबला, वनिता।
नाव – नौका, तरिणी, जलयान, बेड़ा।
पवन – हवा, वायु, समीर, अनिल।
पत्नी – वधू, गृहिणी, स्त्री, प्राणप्रिया, भार्या ।
पति – स्वामी, नाथ, प्राणनाथ।
पर्वत – गिरि, पहाड़, शैल, नग, अचल।
पक्षी – खग, पतंग, नभचर। पुत्र-सुत,बेटा, लड़का, पूत।
पुत्री – सुता, बेटी, लड़की।
पुष्प – कुसुम, सुमन, फूल, प्रसून ।
पृथ्वी – भू, भूमि, धरती, वसुधा, धरा।

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Vyakaran पर्यायवाची या समानार्थक शब्द

बाग – बगीचा, वाटिका, उपवन, उद्यान।
बादल – मेघ, घन, जलद, नीरद।
माता – जननी, माँ, मात, मैया, अम्ब ।
मृत्यु – निधन, देहान्त, अन्त, मौत।
मनुष्य – मनुज, नर, आदमी, मानव, पुरुष।
युवक – जवान, युवा, तरुण।
राजा – नृप, नरेश, सम्राट्, नरेन्द्र, नरपति।
रात – रजनी, निशा, रात्रि।

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Vyakaran भाववाचक संज्ञाएँ

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class Hindi Book Solutions Hindi Grammar Bhav vachak Sangyaen भाववाचक संज्ञाएँ Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Grammar भाववाचक संज्ञाएँ

शब्द – भाववाचक
अज्ञान – अज्ञानता
अपना – अपनापन
अच्छा – अच्छाई
अधिक – अधिकता
उजाला – उजालापन
उलझन – उलझाव
उठना – उठाव
ऊँचा – ऊँचाई
एक – एकता
कठिन – कठिनता
कठोर – कठोरता
कड़ा – कड़ाई
कंजूस – कंजूसी
कायर – कायरता

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Vyakaran भाववाचक संज्ञाएँ

कटु – कटुता
कुशल – कुशलता
कृत्रिम – कृत्रिमता
कृपण – कृपणता
कमाना – कमाई
काटना – कटौती
खट्टा – खटाई, खटास
खुजलाना – खुजली
खेलना – खेल
खोदना – खुदाई
गहरा – गहराई
ठण्डा – ठण्डक
ठगना – ठगी
अंगड़ाना – अंगड़ाई
आलसी – आलस्य
आवश्यक – आवश्यकता
आगे-पीछे – आगा-पीछा
इन्सान – इन्सानियत
ईश्वर – ऐश्वर्य
उदार – उदारता
गुरु – गौरव
गिरना – गिरावट
गर्म – गर्मी
गाना – गीत

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Vyakaran भाववाचक संज्ञाएँ

गुलाम – गुलामी
घबराना – घबराहट
घेरना – घिराव
चतुर – चतुराई
चालाक – चालाकी
चौड़ा – चौड़ाई
चढ़ना – चढ़ाई
चलना – चाल
चिकना – चिकनाई
चमकना – चमक
चिल्लाना – चिल्लाहट
चुनना – चुनाव
जागना – जागरण
जलना – जलन
जीना – जीवन
परतन्त्र – परतन्त्रता
डाका – डकैती
ढिठ – ढिठाई
तीव्र – तीव्रता
दास – दासता
देव – देवत्व
दुर्बल – दुर्बलता
दुष्ट – दुष्टता
दौड़ाना – दौड़
दुहराना – दुहराई
धोना – धुलाई
नीच – नीचता

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Vyakaran भाववाचक संज्ञाएँ

पण्डित – पण्डिताई, पाण्डित्य
प्यासा – प्यास
पूर्ण – पूर्णता
पीसना – पिसाई
पकड़ना – पकड़
पहचानना – पहचान
मीठा – मिठास
मुस्कराना – मुस्कराहट
मूर्ख – मूर्खता
मोटा – मुटापा, मोटापन
मिलना – मिलावट
मारना – मार
राजा – राज्य
लड़का – लड़कपन
लाल – लालिमा
लड़ना – लड़ाई
लूटना – लूट
लम्बा – लम्बाई
लिखना – लिखाई
शुद्ध – शुद्धता, शुद्धि
वीर – वीरता
शीघ्र – शीघ्रता
सजना – सजावट

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Vyakaran भाववाचक संज्ञाएँ

पालना – पालन
बच्चा – बचपन
बालक – बालकपन
बुद्धिमान् – बुद्धिमत्ता
बूढ़ा – बुढ़ापा
बनना – बनावट
बैठना – बैठक
बहना – बहाव
बुरा – बुराई
बोलना – बोल
नम्र – नम्रता
बेचना – बेच
भला – भलाई
भूखा – भूख
भय – भयानक
भिड़ना – भिड़न्त
मित्र – मित्रता
मधुर – मधुरता
महान् – महत्ता
सेवक – सेवा, सेवकाई
सज्जन – सज्जनता
सादा – सादगी

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Vyakaran भाववाचक संज्ञाएँ

स्वस्थ – स्वास्थ्य
सुन्दर – सुन्दरता
स्वतन्त्र – स्वतन्त्रता
सहायक – सहायता
सरल – सरलता
सीना – सिलाई
सजाना – सजावट
सर्द – सर्दी
सच्चा – सच्चाई
साधारण – साधारणतया
हरा – हरियाली
हँसी – हँसना
हारना – हार

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Vyakaran विपरीतार्थक या विलोम शब्द

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class Hindi Book Solutions Hindi Grammar Viparitarthak ya Vilom Shabd विपरीतार्थक या विलोम शब्द Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Grammar विपरीतार्थक या विलोम शब्द

शब्द -विपरीतार्थक
असुर – सुर
अन्त – आरम्भ
अनेकता – एकता
आलस्य – उद्यम
आशा – निराशा
आयात – निर्यात
आगामी – विगत
उपकार – अपकार
उचित – अनुचित
उतार – चढ़ाव
आज्ञा – अवज्ञा
अनिवार्य – ऐच्छिक

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Vyakaran विपरीतार्थक या विलोम शब्द

अनुकूल – प्रतिकूल
अमृत – विष
अवनति – उन्नति
उत्थान – पतन
उदार – कृपण
आहार – निराहार
इहलोक – परलोक
ईर्ष्या – स्पर्धा
उधार – नकद
उपयोगी – व्यर्थ, अनुपयोगी
ऐश्वर्य – दारिद्रय
ऐच्छिक – अनैच्छिक
आदि – अन्त
आय – व्यय

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Vyakaran विपरीतार्थक या विलोम शब्द

अज्ञात – ज्ञात
आदान – प्रदान
अपकार – उपकार
अपना – पराया
अन्याय – न्याय
अधिक – न्यून
अच्छा – बुरा
अस्त – उदय
अन्धकार – प्रकाश
कृत्रिम – स्वाभाविक
कटु – मीठा
आदर – निरादर
कठिन – सरल
कपटी – निष्कपट
ऊष्ण – शीत
उपस्थित – अनुपस्थित
उपयुक्त – अनुपयुक्त
ऋण – उऋण
एक – अनेक
एकता – अनेकता

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Vyakaran विपरीतार्थक या विलोम शब्द

उत्तीर्ण – अनुत्तीर्ण
उत्तर – प्रश्न
कृतज्ञ – कृतघ्न
कुटिल – सरल
क्रय – विक्रय
कायर – साहसी
काला – सफ़ेद
कीर्ति – अपकीर्ति
कोमल – कर्कश
गुरुता – लघुता
आस्तिक – नास्तिक
आकाश – पाताल
खल – सज्जन, साधु
खरा – खोटा
गुण – अवगुण
उत्पत्ति – निष्पत्ति
गहरा – उथला
घृणा – प्रीति
चेतन – जड़
कायर – निडर
डरपोक – निर्भीक
डूबना – तैरना
तीव्र – मन्द

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Vyakaran विपरीतार्थक या विलोम शब्द

तेजस्वी – तेजहीन
त्यागी – स्वार्थी
थोड़ा – बहुत
दानी – कृपण
दया – निर्दयता
दिन – रात
दयालु – निर्दय
हार – जीत
लेन – देन
लघु – गुरु
लोभी – निर्लोभी
लोभ – संतोष
चंचल – गम्भीर, स्थिर
चतुर – मूर्ख
छल – निश्छल
जीवन – मरण
जन्म – मृत्यु

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Vyakaran विपरीतार्थक या विलोम शब्द

जंगलि – पालतू
जंगम – स्थावर
जीत – हार
जय – पराजय
ज्येष्ठ – कनिष्ठ
जल – यौवन
जरा – स्थल
जटिल – सरल
दुर्बल – बलवान्
दायाँ – बायाँ
धर्म – अधर्म
देव – दानव
धर्मात्मा – पापात्मा
धनवान् – निर्धन
धनी – निर्धन
नवीन – प्राचीन
नास्तिक – आस्तिक
नागरिक – ग्रामीण
निद्रा – जागरण
निकट – दुर
निर्यात – आयात
निन्दा – स्तुति
निगलना – उगलना
निश्चय – अनिश्चय
न्याय – अन्याय
पाप – पुण्य
प्रत्यक्ष – परोक्ष

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Vyakaran विपरीतार्थक या विलोम शब्द

पण्डित – मूर्ख
पराधीन – स्वाधीन
शुष्क – आई
वृद्ध – बालक
वर – शाप
विजय – पराजय
विधवा – सधवा
विजित – पराजित
विरोध – समर्थन
वैर – प्रेम
गुलाम – आज़ाद
विद्वान् – मूर्ख
शांत – अशांत
शुद्ध – अशुद्ध
शुभ – अशुभ
शोक – हर्ष
परतन्त्र – स्वतन्त्र
प्रीति – वैर
परिश्रम – आलस्य
प्रसन्न – अप्रसन्न
पूर्ण – अपूर्ण
स्त्री – पुरुष

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Vyakaran विपरीतार्थक या विलोम शब्द

पवित्र – अपवित्र
फीका – मीठा
बच्चा – बूढ़ा
बुराई – भलाई
बाहर – अन्दर
भय – अभय
भयभीत – निर्भय
भयानक – सुन्दर, प्रिय
भेद – अभेद
भ – भविष्य
सु्ख – दुःख
स्थिर – अस्थिर
सुगन्ध – दुर्गन्ध
सभ्य – असभ्य
संक्षिप्त – विस्तृत
सुर – असुर
साधु – शैतान/असाधु
शाप – वरदान
शिक्षित – अशिक्षित
शत्रु – मित्र
सदाचार – दुराचार
सत्य – असत्य
सुपुत्र – कुपुत्र

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Vyakaran विपरीतार्थक या विलोम शब्द

संयोग – वियोग
स्वामी – सेवक
स्वर्ग – नरक
सज्जन – दुर्जन
स्वदेश – विदेश
सफल – असफल
सुन्दर – असुन्दर
भला – बुरा
भारी – हल्का
मधुर – कटु
मान – अपमान
मितव्ययी – अपव्ययी
सम्मान – अपमान
मानव – दानव
मृदु – कठोर
महान् – झुट
मलिन – स्वच्छ
मौखिक – लिखित

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Vyakaran विपरीतार्थक या विलोम शब्द

यश – अपयश
योग्य – अयोग्य
राजा – रंक
रक्षक – भक्षक
रोगी – स्वस्थ
लाभ – हानि
सरल – कठिन
उल्लास – हर्ष
हार – जीत
सुहागिन – विधवा
सरल – जटिल
सौभाग्य – दुर्भाग्य
ज्ञान – अज्ञान
सम्पत्ति – विपत्ति
हर्ष – शोक
हितकारी – अहितकारी
हृष्टपुष्ट – क्षीण, कृश
श्रद्धा – घृणा
ज्ञानी – अज्ञानी
क्षमा – दण्ड
दुर्बल – सबल

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Vyakaran लिंग परिवर्तन

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class Hindi Book Solutions Hindi Grammar Ling Parivartan लिंग परिवर्तन Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Grammar लिंग परिवर्तन

पुल्लिग – स्त्रीलिंग
छात्र – छात्रा
आचार्य – आचार्या
बाल – बाला
योग्य – योग्या
क्षत्रिय – क्षत्रिया
महोदय – महोदया
वृद्ध – वृद्धा
प्रिय – प्रिया
मामा – मामी
अध्यापक – अध्यापिका
काका – काकी
ताया – ताई
शिष्य – शिष्या
चाचा – चाची
बेटा – बेटी
नार – नारी

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Vyakaran लिंग परिवर्तन

देव – देवी
घोड़ा – घोड़ी
हिरन – हिरनी
साला – साली
दोहता – दोहती
लड़का – लड़की
पोता – पोती
मुर्गा – मुर्गी
दास – दासी
गीदड़ – गीदड़ी
दादा – दादी
नाना – नानी
पुत्र – पुत्री
गधा – गधी
मुन्ना – मुनिया
बन्दर – बकरा
बकर – बकरी
गुड्डा – गुड़िया
लोटा – लुटिया
बूढ़ा – बुढ़िया
चूहा – चूहाया
बन्दर – बन्दरिया
लोमड़ – लोमड़ी
शेर – शेरनी
कुत्ता – कुत्तिया

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Vyakaran लिंग परिवर्तन

डिब्बा – डिबिया
बछड़ा – बछिया
चालक – चालिका
बालक – बालिका
अध्यापक – अध्यापिका
नायक – नायिका
साँप – साँपिन
हत्यारा – हत्यारिन
दुबे – दुबाइन
पंडित – पंडिताइन
ठाकुर – ठकुराइन
मजदूर – मज़दूरनी
रीछ – रीछनी
शेर – शेरनी
हंस – हंसनी
नौकर – नौकरानी
ब्रह्मचारी – ब्रह्मचारिणी
मन्त्री – मन्त्रिणी
अपराधी – अपराधिनी
इन्द्र – इन्द्रानी
श्रीमान् – श्रीमती
धनवान् – धनवती
दयावान् – दयावती
बुद्धिमान् – बुद्धिमती
दाता – दात्री
साधु – साध्वी
पति – पत्नी
हाथी – हथिनी
विधुर – विधवा
भैंसा – भैंस

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Vyakaran लिंग परिवर्तन

स्वामी – स्वामिनी
ननद – ननदोई
चिड़ा – चिड़िया
गायक – गायिका
सेवक – सेविका
लेखक – लेखिका
पाठक – पाठिका
सूबेदार – सूबेदारिन
नाग – नागिन
बाबू – बबुआइन
लाला – लालाइन
देवर – तपस्विनी
तपस्वी – तपस्विनी
हितकारी – हितकारिणी
हितैषी – हितैषिणी
वैरी – वैरिणी
गुणवान् – गुणवती
भगवान् – भगवती
बलवान् – बलवती
कवि – कवयित्री
पुत्र – पुत्री
आदमी – औरत
सेठ – सेठानी
जेठ – जेठानी
बाघ – बाघनी
ऊँट – ऊँटनी
मोर – मोरनी
चौब – चौबाइन
सिंह – सिंहनी
बिलाव – बिल्ली
नर – नारी
सम्राट – साम्राज्ञी

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Vyakaran लिंग परिवर्तन

वर – वधू
बैल – गाय
युवा – युवती
पिता – माता
ससुर – सास
पुरुष – स्त्री
भाई – भावज
राजा – रानी
बहनोई – बहन
बाप – मां
विद्वान् – विदुषी
साला – सलहज

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Vyakaran वचन परिवर्तन

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class Hindi Book Solutions Hindi Grammar Vachan Parivartan वचन परिवर्तन Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Grammar वचन परिवर्तन

एकवचन – बहुवचन
कुत्ता – कुत्ते
लड़का – लड़के
बच्चा – बच्चे
लोटा – लोटे
तिनका – तिनके
पंखा – पंखे
कलम – कलमें
पुस्तक – पुस्तकें
आँख – आँखें
मेज – मेजें
स्त्री – स्त्रियाँ
नदी – नदियाँ
टोपी – टोपियाँ
टोली – टोलियाँ

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Vyakaran वचन परिवर्तन

नीति – नीतियाँ
लड़की – लड़कियाँ
नारी – नारियाँ
गुड़िया – गुड़ियाँ
बुढ़िया – बुढ़ियाँ
चुहिया – चुहियाँ
कन्या – कन्याएँ
कथा – कथाएँ
माला – मालाएँ
मात – माताएँ
बेटा – बेटे
शीशा – शीशे
कपड़ा – कपड़े
घोड़े – घोड़ा
तोता – तोते
बटेर – बटेरे
हीरा – हीरे
दवात – दवातें
रात – रीतियाँ
बात – बातें
चाल – चालें
बहन – बहनें
रीति – रीतियाँ
तिथि – तिथियाँ
शक्ति – शक्तियाँ

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Vyakaran वचन परिवर्तन

कापी – कापियाँ
रानी – रानियाँ
थाली – थालियाँ
सखी – सखियाँ
चिड़िया – चिड़ियाँ
डिबिया – डिबियाँ
बिटिया – बिटियाँ
वस्तु – वस्तुएँ
ऋतु – ऋतुएँ
वधु – वधुएँ
बहू – बहुएँ
लता – लताएँ
विद्या – विद्याएँ
शाखा – शाखाएँ
गुरु – गुरुओं
साधु – साधुओं
धातु – धातुएँ
सभा – सभाएँ
दिशा – दिशाएँ
बन्धु – बन्धुओं
राजा – राजाओं

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 17 राखी की चुनौती

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class Hindi Book Solutions Chapter 17 राखी की चुनौती Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Chapter 17 राखी की चुनौती

Hindi Guide for Class 7 PSEB राखी की चुनौती Textbook Questions and Answers

(क) भाषा-बोध

1. शब्दार्थ

शब्दों के अर्थ सरलार्थों के साथ दिए गए हैं।

तड़ित = बिजली
घन = बादल
गगन = आकाश
पुष्प = फूल
आर्द = गीली
रुलाई = रोना
स्वाधीनता = आजादी
जालिम = अत्याचारी
गर्व = स्वाभिमान

2. इन मुहावरों के अर्थ लिखते हुए वाक्यों में प्रयोग करें :

फूले न समाना _____________ _________________
खिलना _______________ ______________________
धूनी तपना ____________ _____________________
मंगल मनाना _____________ ____________________
घायल हृदय _____________ ______________________
खूनी दर्द उठना _______________ ____________________
विषमता का बन्धन ______________ ____________________
फूले न समाना (प्रसन्न होना) – सुभद्रा अपने भाई को देख कर फूली न समाई।
खिलना (प्रसन्न हो जाना) –  विदेश से आए अपने पुत्र को देखकर माँ का हृदय खिल उठा।
धूनी तपना (कष्ट झेलना) – देशभक्तों को देश को आजाद करवाने के लिए धूनी तापनी पड़ती है।
मंगल मनाना (शुभ कामना करना) – मैं आपके सुखी भविष्य के लिए मंगल मनाता हूँ।
घायल हृदय (अत्यन्त पीड़ा होना) – मेरा घायल हृदय माता-पिता को देखने के लिए तड़पता है।
खूनी दर्द उठना (तीखी पीड़ा होना) – राखी के दिन भी भाई को कैद में पाकर बहन के हृदय में खूनी दर्द उठता है।
विषमता का बन्धन (भेदभाव का बन्धन) – हमें पारस्परिक विषमता के बन्धनों को काट कर मिल-जुल कर रहना चाहिए।

3. तड़ित आज फूली समाती न घन में,
लता आज फूली समाती न वन में
कहीं बूंद है पुष्प प्यारे खिले हैं,
मैं हूँ, बहिन, किन्तु भाई नहीं है,
छीनी हुई माँ की स्वाधीनता को
वह जालिम के घर में से लाने गया है।

रेखांकित शब्दों के दो-दो पर्यायवाची (समानार्थक) शब्द लिखें

तड़ित = ____________ ________________
लता = _______________ ________________
घन = ___________ __________________
पुष्प = _______________ ___________________
बहिन = _______________ _________________
भाई = ________________ _________________
माँ = ____________ ________________
स्वाधीनता = ____________ _________________
जालिम = _____________ __________________
घर = ________________ ____________________
तड़ित – बिजली, विद्युत्।
लता – बेल, वल्लरी।
घन- बादल, मेघ।
पुष्प- फूल, सुमन।
बहिन – भगिनी, सहोदरा।
भाई – भ्राता, सहोदर।
माँ – माता, जननी।
स्वाधीनता – स्वतन्त्रता, आज़ादी।
जालिम – दुष्ट, खल।
घर – गृह, सदन।

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 17 राखी की चुनौती

4. इन भाववाचक संज्ञाओं का मूल रूप लिखें :

चमक, सुहाई, खुशी, रुलाई, स्वाधीनता, विषमता।
चमकीला, सुहावना, खुश, रोना, स्वाधीन, विषम।

(ख) विचार-बोध

1. उपयुक्त शब्द भरकर वाक्य पूरा करें:

  1. बहिन …………. के कारण मन में अत्यन्त खुश है।
  2. बिजली …………. के कारण बादल में अत्यन्त खुश है।
  3. घटा …………. के कारण आकाश में अत्यन्त खुश है।
  4. लता …………. के कारण वन में अत्यन्त खुश है।
  5. मेरा बन्धु देश को आजाद कराने के लिए …………. में गया है। (जेलखाने, फूल खिलने, चमकने, राखी, वर्षा)


  1. राखी।
  2. चमकने
  3. वर्षा
  4. फूल खिलने
  5. जेलखाने

2. इन प्रश्नों के उत्तर एक या दो वाक्यों में लिखें :

प्रश्न 1.
राखी का त्योहार कब आता है ?
राखी का त्योहार सावन महीने की पूर्णिमा को आता है।

प्रश्न 2.
बहनें उस दिन हर्षित क्यों होती हैं ?
बहनें राखी के दिन अपने भाइयों की कलाइयों पर राखी बाँध कर हर्षित होती हैं।

प्रश्न 3.
लेखिका का भाई कहाँ गया है ?
लेखिका का भाई देश की स्वतन्त्रता के लिए जेल गया है।

प्रश्न 4.
क्या भाई के सम्मुख न होने से वह दुखी है ?
बहन भाई के सम्मुख न होने से दुखी नहीं है, क्योंकि उसका भाई महान् कार्य के लिए जेल गया है।

प्रश्न 5.
उसकी ‘राखी’ कैसी है ?
बहन की राखी रेशम से कोमल नहीं है बल्कि एक लोहे की हथकड़ी के समान है।

3. इन प्रश्नों के उत्तर चार-पाँच वाक्यों में लिखें :

1. लेखिका राखी के पवित्र त्योहार के शुभ अवसर पर देश के नवयुवकों को क्या चुनौती देती है ?
लेखिका राखी के पवित्र त्योहार के शुभ अवसर पर देश के युवकों को चुनौती देती है कि यदि राखी बंधवानी है तो देश के लिए त्याग करने के लिए तैयार हो जाओ। भारत माता को विदेशी अत्याचारी अंग्रेजों की गुलामी से आजादी दिलवाने के लिए जेल जाना पड़े तो जेल भी जाओ।

(ग) भाव-बोध

निम्न पद्यांशों का भाव स्पष्ट करें :

1. है भादो, घटा किन्तु छाई नहीं है,
नहीं है खुशी, पर रुलाई नहीं है।

2. हम मंगल मनावें, वह तपता है धूनी,
है घायल हृदय, दर्द उठता है खूनी।

3. आते हो भाई पुनः पूछती हूँ,
विषमता के बँधन की है लाज तुम को
तो बन्दी बनो देखो बन्धन है कैसा ?
चुनौती यह राखी की है आज तुमको॥
इन पद्यांशों के सरलार्थ-भाग को देखिए।

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 17 राखी की चुनौती

(घ) रचना

रक्षा बन्धन के पवित्र त्योहार पर तुम्हारे भाई ने तुम्हें घड़ी का उपहार दिया है, इस उपहार की उपयोगिता बताते हुए उसका धन्यवाद पत्र के द्वारा करें।
912-शिवाजी पार्क,
जालन्धर शहर।
दिनांक 22 जुलाई, 20…..
पूज्य भाई साहब,
सादर नमस्कार।
आपकी प्रतीक्षा कर रही थी कि आप रक्षाबन्धन पर अवश्य आएँगे, परन्तु मिला आप के द्वारा भेजा गया पैकेट। जब मैंने इसे खोला तो इसमें आकर्षक घड़ी प्राप्त कर मैं खुशी से झूम उठी। इस में अलार्म, डेट, महीना, दिन देखकर तो मेरी सभी समस्याएँ हल हो गईं। मैं समय पर सब कार्य कर सकूँगी तथा दिन, महीना, तारीख भी नहीं भूलूंगी। इसके लिए बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद। आप अवसर निकाल कर शीघ्र आइएगा। आदरणीया भाभी जी को मेरा नमस्कार कहिए तथा हार्दिक और आद्या को मेरा प्यार भरा आशीर्वाद दीजिए।
आपकी प्यारी छोटी बहन
रश्मि ।

(ङ) करो
* अपने हाथ से राखी तैयार कर अपने भाई को भेजें।

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Guide राखी की चुनौती Important Questions and Answers

1. निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर उचित विकल्प चुनकर लिखिए

प्रश्न 1.
‘राखी की चुनौती’ कविता की रचनाकार कौन है ?
(क) सुभद्रा कुमारी चौहान
(ख) धर्मवीर भारती
(ग) सूर्यकांत त्रिपाठी निराला
(घ) सुमित्रा नंदन पंत
(क) सुभद्रा कुमारी चौहान

प्रश्न 2.
कौन-से त्योहार पर बहन फूली नहीं समाती ?
(क) दीपावली
(ख) रक्षाबंधन
(ग) होली
(घ) दशहरा
(ख) रक्षाबंधन

प्रश्न 3.
कवयित्री ने वीरों के लिए किसे चुनौती कहा है ?
(क) राखी को
(ख) माला को
(ग) घर को
(घ) धन को
(क) राखी को

प्रश्न 4.
कवयित्री भाई को क्या प्रेरणा दे रही है ?
(क) बेटी बचाओ
(ख) खूब पढ़ो
(ग) भारत माता को गुलामी से मुक्त कराओ
(घ) कोई नहीं
(ग) भारत माता को गुलामी से मुक्त कराओ।

प्रश्न 5.
देश को आजाद कराने के लिए बहन कौन-सी राखी बाँधने को तैयार
(क) हथकड़ी रूपी
(ख) फूल रूपी
(ग) धागारूपी
(घ) कोई नहीं
(क) हथकड़ी रूपी

2. दिए गए शब्द का सही अर्थ से मिलान कीजिए

प्रश्न 1.

प्रश्न 2.
अंग्रेज़ी महीना
हिंदी महीना
भाग जा
हिंदी महीना

प्रश्न 3.

प्रश्न 4.

PSEB 7th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 17 राखी की चुनौती

सप्रसंग सरलार्थ

1. बहिन आज फूली समाती न मन में,
तड़ित आज फूली समाती न घन में।
घटा है न फूली समाती गगन में,
लता आज फूली समाती न वन में।

फूली समाती न = बहुत प्रसन्न। तड़ित = बिजली। घन = बादल। घटा = बादलों का समूह । गगन = आकाश वन = जंगल। प्रसंग-यह पद्यांश श्रीमती सुभद्रा कुमारी चौहान द्वारा लिखित ‘राखी की चुनौती’ नामक कविता से लिया गया है। इसमें कवयित्री ने देशभक्त भाइयों को देश की आजादी के लिए जेल जा कर भारत माता को आजाद कराने की प्रेरणा दी है।

कवयित्री कहती है कि आज राखी के त्योहार पर बहन मन में फूली नहीं समाती है, बहन बहुत ही प्रसन्न है। बिजली भी बादलों में चमकती हुई फूली नहीं समा रही। घटा आकाश में फूली नहीं समाती । काले बादलों का समूह आकाश में छाया हुआ है। लता आज वन में फूली नहीं समाती । लता पूरी तरह खिली हुई है। प्रकृति भी आज प्रसन्न है।

रक्षा-बन्धन के अवसर पर मानव समाज के साथ प्रकृति भी आनन्द-मंगल मना रही है। बहनें भाइयों की कलाई पर आज राखी बाँधने के लिए प्रसन्न हैं।

2. कहीं राखियाँ हैं, चमक है कहीं पर,
कहीं बूंद है, पुष्प प्यारे खिले हैं।
ये आई है राखी, सुहाई है पूनी,
बधाई उन्हें जिनको भाई मिले हैं।।

पुष्प = फूल। सुहाई = शोभा देती है। पूनो = पूर्णिमा।

यह पद्यांश श्रीमती सुभद्रा कुमारी चौहान द्वारा लिखित ‘राखी की चुनौती’ नामक कविता से लिया गया है। इसमें कवयित्री ने देशभक्त भाइयों को देश की आज़ादी के लिए जेल जाकर भारत माता को आजाद कराने की प्रेरणा दी है।

कवयित्री कहती है कि आज रक्षा बन्धन के अवसर पर स्थान-स्थान पर राखियाँ दिखाई देती हैं। कहीं उनकी चमक-दमक शोभा दे रही है तो कहीं सावन के महीने में वर्षा की फुहारें पड़ रही हैं और बूंदें गिर रही हैं। कहीं-कहीं सुन्दर प्यारे फूल खिले हए हैं। आज राखी का सुन्दर और पवित्र पर्व आ गया है। पूर्णिमा का यह पर्व बहुत सुन्दर लग रहा है। इस शुभ अवसर पर उन्हें बधाई है जिनके भाई उनके पास हैं।

राखी के शुभ पर्व के अवसर पर मानव तथा प्रकृति दोनों प्रसन्न हैं।

3. मैं हूँ बहिन किन्तु भाई नहीं है,
है राखी सजी पर कलाई नहीं है।
है भादों, घटा किन्तु छाई नहीं है,
नहीं है खुशी पर रुलाई नहीं है।

सजी है = सुन्दर लगती है। कलाई = बाजू का अगला भाग। रुलाई = रोना। घटा = बादलों का समूह। छाई = फैला।

यह पद्यांश श्रीमती सुभद्रा कुमारी चौहान द्वारा लिखित ‘राखी की चुनौती’ नामक कविता से लिया गया है। इसमें कवयित्री ने देशभक्त वीरों को देश की आजादी के लिए जेल जाने के लिए प्रेरित किया है।

कवयित्री कहती है कि मैं बहन अपने घर में हूँ, किन्तु मेरा भाई मेरे पास नहीं है। (वह देश की आज़ादी के लिए सत्याग्रह करके जेल गया हुआ है।) सुन्दर राखी तो मेरे हाथ में है, परन्तु भाई की कलाई नहीं है। ऐसा लगता है जैसे भादों का महीना है, फिर भी घटा छाई हुई नहीं है। इस समय न तो मुझे प्रसन्नता है और रोना है। भाई देश की आज़ादी के लिए जेल गया है। वह अच्छे उद्देश्य को पूरा करने के लिए जेल गया है, इसलिए दुःख नहीं है परन्तु उसके पास न होने से प्रसन्नता भी नहीं है।

भाई को राखी न बाँध सकने के कारण बहन प्रसन्न नहीं है परन्तु देश को आज़ाद कराने के लिए भाई जेल गया है इसलिए वह दुखी भी नहीं है।

4. मेरा बन्धु माँ की पुकारों को सुनकर
के तैयार हो जेलखाने गया है।
छीनी हई माँ की स्वाधीनता को,
वह ज़ालिम के घर में से लाने गया है।

बन्धु = भाई। स्वाधीनता = आज़ादी। ज़ालिम = निर्दयी।

यह पद्यांश श्रीमती सुभद्रा कुमारी चौहान द्वारा लिखित ‘राखी की चुनौती’ नामक कविता से लिया गया है। इसमें कवयित्री ने देशभक्त वीरों को देश की आजादी के लिए जेल में बंदी होने के लिए प्रेरित किया है।

कवयित्री कहती है मेरा भाई भारत माता की पुकार को सुनकर उसे गुलामी के बंधन से छुड़ाने के लिए तैयार हो कर जेल गया है। वह अंग्रेजों द्वारा छीनी गई भारत माता की आज़ादी को अत्याचारी अंग्रेज़ों के घर में से लाने के लिए ही जेल में गया है।

बहन का भाई देश को स्वतंत्र कराने जेल गया है।

5. मुझे गर्व है किन्तु राखी है सूनी,
वह होता, खुशी तो क्या होती न दूनी।
हम मंगल मनावें, वह तपता है धूनी,
है घायल हृदय, दर्द उठता है खूनी॥

गर्व = अभिमान। किन्तु = लेकिन। दूनी = दुगुनी। धूनी = तपने की आग। दर्द = दुःख। खूनी – खून बहाने वाला। मंगल = कल्याण।

यह पद्यांश श्रीमती सुभद्रा कुमारी चौहान द्वारा लिखित ‘राखी की चुनौती’ नामक कविता से लिया गया है। इसमें कवयित्री ने देशभक्त वीरों को देश की आजादी के लिए जेल में बंदी होने के लिए प्रेरित किया है।

कवयित्री कहती है कि मुझे भाई के जेल जाने का गर्व है, परन्तु भाई के पास न होने के कारण राखी सूनी पड़ी है। यदि भाई मेरे पास होता तो क्या मुझे दुगुनी खुशी न होती अर्थात् दुगुनी प्रसन्नता ज़रूर होती। हम यहाँ पर मंगल मना रही हैं और वह जेल में तपस्या कर रहा है। इस भेदभाव के कारण कवयित्री कहती है मेरा हृदय घायल है और उसमें से खून बहा देने वाली पीड़ा हो रही है।

बहन अपने भाई के जेल में होने से दुखी है।

6. अब तो बढ़े हाथ, राखी पड़ी है,
रेशम की कोमल नहीं, यह कड़ी है।
अजी देखो लोहे की यह हथकड़ी है,
इसी प्रण को लेकर बहिन यह खड़ी है।

शब्दार्थ-कोमल = नरम। प्रण = प्रतिज्ञा, वचन। कड़ी = सख्त ।

यह पद्यांश श्रीमती सुभद्रा कुमारी चौहान द्वारा लिखित ‘राखी की चुनौती’ नामक कविता से लिया गया है। इसमें कवयित्री ने देशभक्त वीरों को देश की आजादी के लिए जेल में बंदी होने के लिए प्रेरित किया है।

कवयित्री कहती है हे भाई! यदि तुम्हें दुःख है तो अपना हाथ आगे बढ़ाओ, यह राखी पड़ी हुई है। यह रेशम के समान कोमल नहीं है, यह बहुत सख्त है। अजी देखो, यह तो लोहे की हथकड़ी है। इसी प्रण को लेकर बहन राखी लेकर खड़ी हुई है।

बहन भाई को देश को आजाद कराने के लिए रेशम की राखी के स्थान पर लोहे की हथकड़ी रूपी राखी बाँधने के लिए तैयार है।

7. आते हो भाई पुनः पूछती हूँ,
विषमता के बंधन की है लाज तुमको।
तो बन्दी बनो देखो बन्धन है कैसा,
चुनौती यह राखी की है आज तुमको॥

पुनः = फिर । विषमता = भेदभाव। लाज = शर्म । बन्दी = कैदी। बंधन = बाँधने का साधन। चुनौती = ललकार।

यह पद्यांश श्रीमती सुभद्रा कुमारी चौहान द्वारा लिखित ‘राखी की चुनौती’ नामक कविता से लिया गया है। इसमें कवयित्री ने वीरों को देश की आजादी के लिए जेल में बंदी होने के लिए प्रेरित किया है।

कवयित्री कहती है कि हे भाई! क्या तुम आते हो? मैं तुम्हें फिर पूछती हूँ। तुम को इस विषम परिस्थिति के रक्षा के बन्धन की थोड़ी-सी भी लज्जा है, तो कैदी बनो, और देखो कि यह राष्ट्र रक्षा का कैसे बन्धन है? आज मेरी तुम को यह राखी एक चुनौती है कि तुम बन्दी बनकर भारत माता को गुलामी से छुड़ाओ।

कवयित्री भाई को भारत माता को गुलामी के बन्धनों से मुक्त कराने की प्रेरणा दे रही है।

रारवी की चुनौती Summary

रारवी की चुनौती कविता का सार

‘राखी की चुनौती’ कविता सुभद्रा कुमारी चौहान द्वारा रचित है, जिस में कवयित्री ने रक्षा-बंधन के पर्व पर देश को स्वतंत्र कराने के लिए जेल में बन्द अपने भाई को राखी की चुनौती देते हुए भारत माँ की स्वाधीनता को वापस लाने के लिए कहा है। कवयित्री लिखती है कि आज राखी के दिन बहन मन में, बिजली बादलों में, घटा आकाश में और लता वन में फूली नहीं समा रही है। कहीं राखियाँ, कहीं वर्षा की बूंदे, कहीं फूल खिले हैं। पूर्णिमा के इस राखी पर्व पर उन्हें बधाई है, जिन्हें भाई मिले हैं। बहन घर में है पर उसका भाई यहाँ नहीं है, भादों है पर घटा छाई नहीं है, प्रसन्नता न होते हुए भी दुःख भी नहीं है। भाई भारत माता को गुलामी के बन्धनों से छुड़ाने के लिए जेल गया है। इसलिए गर्व तो है परन्तु भाई को राखी नहीं बांध सकती, वह होता तो खुशी दुगुनी हो जाती। यहाँ आनन्द मन रहा है और भाई जेल में तप रहा है, यही बहन को दुःख है। उस के पास भाई के लिए लोहे की हथकड़ी जैसी राखी है। वह चाहती है कि इस विषम परिस्थिति में यदि उसके भाई को कुछ भी लज्जा है तो वह इसका कैदी बन कर देखे कि राखी का बन्धन कैसा होता है? यही उसकी राखी उसे आज चुनौती दे रही है।

PSEB 9th Class English Paragraph Writing

Punjab State Board PSEB 9th Class English Book Solutions English Paragraph Writing Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 9th Class English Paragraph Writing

1. My Father

My father is an able person. He is a farmer. He is not well-educated. But he knows his work well. He is very hard-working. He is truthful and honest. So people respect him. They greet him respectfully. My father has an open mind. He tries to settle the quarrels among the people of the village. He is the wisest man of the village. He leads a simple and clean life. He does not lose temper with anybody. He is respected by one and all. I am proud of my father.

2. My Mother

Shrimati Asha is my mother. She is 40 years old. She is a kind and noble lady. She is active and smart. She is an M.A. She is a very simple lady. She has good habits. She gets up early in the morning. Then she cleans the house. She takes a bath and prays to God. She goes to temple daily. She prepares food for us. She looks after us all. She helps me in my studies. At night, she tells us stories. She loves me very much. I am proud of my mother. May she live long !

PSEB 9th Class English Paragraph Writing

3. My Younger Brother

Surinder is my younger brother. He is twelve years old. He is strong and healthy. He is tall for his age. He is very intelligent. He is honest. He never tells a lie. He is hard-working and obedient. He reads in the 6th class. He is the monitor of his class. He stands first in his class. He does his homework daily. He does not mix with bad boys. All the teachers love him. He is very fond of cricket. He is a member of the school cricket team. He is a good singer also. He is fond of reading storybooks. We are proud of him.

4. The Person I Dislike Most

Mr. Chaudhry, our next-door neighbour, is the person I dislike most. He has made our life miserable. Whenever he sees that we are studying, he switches on his TV at full volume. He has a big dog. He keeps it unchained. Many a time the dog bites people going through the street. Mr. Chaudhry’s wife is a very quarrelsome lady. She quarrels over trifles. She has six children. They make mischiefs all the day. Their mother never scolds them. These children are very rude. They know no manners. They write dirty words on the walls. But nobody dares complain against them to their parents. It is really a curse to have such a neighbour.

5. My School

I read in Arya High School, Ludhiana. It is a very big school. It has one huge gate. It has two storeys. There are fifty rooms. The rooms are airy. Each room has two electric fans. The hall of our school is very big. The school has two big playgrounds. It has a beautiful garden also. There are ten classes in our school.

PSEB 9th Class English Paragraph Writing

Each class has four sections. Each section has about sixty students. Our Headmaster is very able. He is very kind to the students. He is very hardworking. The teachers of our school are also able and hard-working. They love the students and the students respect them. Our school shows very good results every year. I love my school. I am proud of it. May it propser day and night!

6. Our Headmaster

Sh. Sohan Lal is the headmaster of our school. He is forty years old. He is tall and strong. He is active and smart. He is an M.A., B.Ed. Our headmaster is true to his duty. He is very punctual. He comes to school in time. He sits in his office. He works very hard. He plans his work well. He is very intelligent. He watches the working of the school. All the teachers and students respect him. He is a good teacher. He is a good speaker. He is a good writer also. He has written many books. He is a good player. He plays games in the evening. He is all in all in our school. We are proud of him. May he live long !

7. The Prize Distribution Function

The prize distribution function of our school was held on the seventh of March this year. The Education Minister presided over the function. The Minister took his seat and the function began. The Headmaster spoke a few words to welcome the guests and the Minister. Then the Headmaster requested the Minister to give away the prizes. The Minister shook hands with the prize-winners. All the prize-winners were loudly cheered. After giving away the prizes, the Minister made a short speech. He congratulated the prize-winners. He congratulated the Headmaster and the staff on their excellent work. In the end, the Headmaster thanked the Minister and the function was over. Tea was served to the guests and the prize-winners.

8. Our School Peon

Ramu is our school peon. He is twenty-five years old. He is tall and strong. He wears a khaki uniform. He is obedient and honest. He is true to his duty. He respects the teachers. He always speaks the truth. He knows his job well. Ramu lives in the school. He gets up early in the morning. He sweeps the school. He dusts the office. He rings the bell at the right time. He is busy the whole day. He is loyal to the school. He looks after the school property. His duty is hard, but his pay is small. I pity his lot.

9. A Postman

The postman is a very useful public servant. His duty is very hard. He has to do his duty in sun and rain. He goes to the Head Post Office in the morning. There he gets the dak. He arranges the letters. He puts them in a bag. Then he goes on his beat. He goes from door to door. He is eagerly waited for. He brings good as well as bad news. He helps to bring the world closer. A postman has to work hard. But his pay is small. He can hardly make both ends meet. I pity his lot.

PSEB 9th Class English Paragraph Writing

10. A Rickshaw-Puller 

The life of a rickshaw-puller is very hard. He lives by the sweat of his brow. He pulls heavy loads. He pulls men, women and children. It is very painful to look at him. A rickshaw-puller hardly gets as much as he deserves. People try to give him as little as possible. He has to work in sun and rain from morning till evening. Even then, he gets very little to eat. He is in rags. It is unlucky that even in this age of science men have to work like beasts of burden to earn their bread.

11. The Diwali Festival

Diwali is an important Indian festival. It falls in the month of October or November. It comes twenty days after Dussehra. Shri Ram came back to Ayodhya on this day. Shri Guru Hargobind was set free by the Mughal Emperor on this day. This festival is celebrated in every village and town. Houses and shops are painted in new colours. People light their homes with candles and electric lights. They buy sweets and toys. They distribute gifts among friends and relatives. Children enjoy fireworks at night. On this day, people worship goddess Lakshmi Some people gamble on this day. It is evil. It should be ended.

12. The Dussehra Festival

Dussehra is an important Hindu festival. It comes off in October. Rama defeated Ravar on this day. It marks the victory of good over evil. The festival lasts for ten days. Ram Lila staged at night. Many people come to see this Lila. On the last day, a fair is held. Many people come to see the fair. Everyone looks happy. Effigies of Ravana, Meghnada and Kumbhakarn are set up. Rama shoots arrows at the effigies. At about sunset, Hanumana sets them on fire After this people come back to their homes. They feel happy.

13. The Independence Day

India became a free country on August 15, 1947. So, August 15 is called the Independence Day of India. The British rule came to an end on this day. It is a red-letter day in the history of the country. It is celebrated all over the country with great enthusiasm. On this day, all schools, colleges and offices remain closed. It is a national holiday. Public meetings are held in all towns and cities. A big function is held in Delhi. The Prime Minister unfurls the national flag at the Red Fort. Our freedom is a hard-won freedom. We should protect it.

14. The Republic Day

India became a Republic on January 26, 1950. The Constitution of the country came into force on this day. India became a secular democratic country. The power of government passed into the hands of the common people. All castes, creeds and religions are to be equal in the eyes of the law. It is a red-letter day in the history of the country. It is celebrated all over the country with great enthusiasm. The national flag is unfurled at all the public buildings. A big function is held in Delhi. The President of the country presides over this function. It is worth seeing. This day is a national holiday.

15. Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869. He was unlike other boys. He was very gentle. He loved truth. He respected his teachers. After doing law he started practice in India. He did not take up false cases. He went to Africa to fight a case. There he saw the poor Indians. The English treated them badly. Gandhiji fought for their rights for ten years. Then he came back to India. He fought for the freedom of India. He gave us a new way of fighting. It was ‘ahimsa’. It was more powerful than violence. He was able to free India in 1947. He was a real Mahatma. He led a very simple life. He is called the Father of our Nation. A mad person shot him dead on January 30, 1948. Gandhiji’s name will always be remembered.

16. An Ideal Student

An ideal student is a knowledge-seeker in the real sense. He obeys his teachers. He has full confidence in them. He is regular and punctual. He works hard at studies. But he takes part in games also. He does not read cheap and dirty literature. He reads only good and useful books. An ideal student believes in simple living and high thinking. He knows the value of discipline. He does not waste the hard-earned money of his parents. An ideal student is a true patriot. In short, he has all the qualities of head and heart.

PSEB 9th Class English Paragraph Writing

17. The Recess Period

The recess is the period of enjoyment. In this period, the students feel happy. They enjoy freedom for some time. As soon as the recess period begins, students rush out of their classrooms. Some of them run to the vendors. They buy things to eat. Others go to the taps to drink water. There is great rush in the playground. Some love to play there while others like to sit under the shady trees. They talk about their friends and teachers. Soon the bell goes. Students run back to their classes. The students feel fresh and start their studies once again.

18. A One-Day Cricket Match

Last Sunday, a one-day cricket match was played between our school and Arya High School. Each team played 40 overs. The match started at 10 a.m. We won the toss. We decided to bat first. Mohan and Gopal were our openers. Mohan made 30 runs and was out. Now Raja came in to bat. He did not play well. He was out for a duck. The next four players made 60 runs. Our team was out at 120 runs. Now it was the turn of Arya High School. They had good openers. They made 60 runs. Their third batsman was a hitter. He made 30 runs. But the other players were soon out. Their team could make only one hundred runs. We won the match by 20 runs. It was really a very interesting match.

19. A Football Match

Last Monday, a football match was played between our school and Khalsa School. It was played on our school grounds. Sh. Jaswant Singh was the referee. He blew the whistle. There was a toss. We won the toss. We chose our side. The match began. At first, the game was slow, but soon it became brisk. All the players played well. Our defence was very strong. There was no goal. The referee blew the whistle for interval. In the second half, Vinod passed the ball on to me. I ran with it into the Then I kicked it hard. It went through the poles. It was a goal. There were loud cheers. The referee blew the whistle. The game was over. We won the march by one goal.

20. A Kabaddi Match

I saw a kabaddi match last Sunday. It was played between our school and New High School. Sh. Mohan Lal was the referee. Many people came to see the match. There was a toss. We won the toss. We chose our side. Then the match began. First of all, our captain went running to the other side. He shouted, “Kabaddi, Kabaddi.” He came back. There was no point. Now it was the turn of New High School.

PSEB 9th Class English Paragraph Writing

One of their players came to our side. He was caught. He could not go back. We scored a point. There were loud cheers. We scored more points. New High School team got only 8 points. We had gained 20 points. The referee blew a long whistle. The match came to an end. We won the match by 12 points. It was an interesting match.

21. Morning Walk

Morning walk is the best form of exercise. It costs nothing. It is very useful for our health. It refreshes our mind. It strengthens our body. It saves us from many diseases. Morning walk keeps us fresh for the whole day. It develops in us the habit of rising early. It brings pure thoughts in our mind. The dew drops, the fresh flowers, the chirping birds and the rustling leaves charm our mind. We start loving these objects of natural beauty. Thus, morning walk is useful not only for our body but for our mind also.

22. A Journey by Bus

Last Sunday, I went to Delhi by bus. I went to the bus stand and bought a ticket. A bus bound for Delhi was standing there. I got in and took the front seat. The conductor gave a whistle and the bus started. ‘We were soon out of the city. The driver drove very fast. But he was very good at his job. We felt quite safe. He left many buses behind. I saw farmers working in their fields. Here and there, I saw carts going on the road. The conductor was a jolly fellow. He made the journey pleasant by his witty talk. The bus reached Delhi at 6 p.m. It was a very pleasant journey.

23. A Journey by Train

Last year, I went to Delhi by train. I packed my luggage. I hired a rickshaw. I reached the station. I bought a ticket. I went to the platform. Soon the train arrived. I got into it. There was a great rush. But I was lucky. I got a seat near the window. The train started. I saw many things on the way. Farmers were ploughing the fields. Children were playing. A ticket-checker came. He checked our tickets. A young man was without ticket. He was fined. The train stopped at many stations. I bought a newspaper, I read it. It was 10 a.m. The train reached Delhi. It was a happy journey.

24. A Visit to a Zoo

There is a zoo in our city. I visited it last Sunday. I went with my parents. We bought tickets and went in. First of all, we saw birds. There were many beautiful and rare kinds of birds. We saw parrots, canaries, swallows, peacocks, ducks, cranes, herons, gulls and geese. Then we saw some wild beasts. A lioness and her cub were basking in the sun. They roared now and then. We also saw wolves, tigers, elephants and rhinos. When we were coming back, we saw a muddy pond. There were many big snakes in it. It was fearful to look at them. We stayed in the zoo for about three hours. Then we came back home.

25. A Visit to a Fair 

I went to see a fair last Tuesday. This fair is held every year in our town. It is held in the memory of a pious faqir. Many people go to see this fair. They include men of all religions and faiths. This year I went to see the fair with my parents. We offered flowers at the faqir’s tomb.

PSEB 9th Class English Paragraph Writing

Then we went round the fair. There was a temporary bazaar. Stalls were arranged on either side. There was a great hustle and bustle. Sweets were in great demand. Children were enjoying rides in merry-go-rounds. A big shamiana was set up on one side of the fair. Qawalis were being sung there. We sat there for some time. Then we came back home.

26. A Visit to a Circus

A circus came to our town last month. I went to see it with my parents. We bought tickets and went in. We took our seats in the front row. First of all, a young girl came in. She had an umbrella in her hand. She walked on a rope. Then some more girls joined her. They showed various feats in gymnastics. They looked like rubber dolls. One of the girls jumped through a fire ring. Then there were animal shows. An elephant drank water from a bottle. A lion and a goat played with each other. A monkey drove a mini-cycle. The show came to an end at 7 p.m. I liked it very much.

27. A Visit to a Historical Place

During the last spring holidays, I went to Agra. There I visited the Taj. It is built outside the city on the bank of the Yamuna. A large gateway of red stone provides the entrance. The Taj is a large and beautiful building. It stands on a raised platform. In the middle of the platform, there is a splendid white dome. At its four corners, there are four stately towers. Underneath the white dome are the marble tombs of Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan. The whole building is surrounded by a garden on three sides. On the fourth side, the river Yamuna grazes it. No words can describe the beauty of the Taj.

28. A Scene at the Railway Station

Last Sunday, my father went to Delhi. I went to the station to see him off. I bought a ticket and a platform ticket. We went to the platform. There was great hustle and bustle. Some men were buying books at the bookstall. The hawkers were going up and down the platform. The coolies were busy. People were waiting for the train. Soon the train arrived. There was a great rush in it. Some passengers got down. Others got in and took their seats. I got a seat for my father. The engine gave a whistle. The guard waved a green flag. The train again whistled and steamed off. Now there was all quiet on the platform. I came back home.

29. A Scene at the Bus Stand

Last Monday, I went to the bus stand to see off my uncle. The bus stand was humming with life. There were separate parking stands for different routes. A bus was parked at each stand. Men behind the counter were issuing tickets. The conductors were shouting to attract passengers for their respective buses. As soon as a bus was full, the conductor blew his whistle and the bus moved out of the stand. Another one immediately took its place. This activity was going on endlessly. I bought a ticket for my uncle, got him a good seat and then came back home.

30. A House on Fire

It was Sunday. I was sitting in my room with my friend, Atul. Suddenly, we saw clouds of smoke rising in the sky. There was a big fire in the next street. People were running to the site of fire. Children were shouting for help. People brought buckets of water. We also joined them. We threw sand and water on the flames. The fire was put out after half an hour. It was the house of a carpenter. The poor man suffered a big loss. All his wood, grain and money were gone. The house was reduced to ashes. He was very sad at his loss. People felt sorry for him. They gave him food, clothes and some money. The poor carpenter thanked them with folded hands.

PSEB 9th Class English Paragraph Writing

31. A Bus Accident

Last Monday, I was travelling from Panipat to Delhi by bus. We had hardly gone twenty kilometres when a dreadful accident took place. All of a sudden a scooterist, coming from a side-road, came in front of the bus. The driver at once applied the brakes, and also turned the bus to one side. All the passengers were thrown off their seats. In no time, the bus went off the road and fell into a ditch. There were loud cries. Many passengers were badly wounded. I, too, got a deep cut on my forehead. Many people gathered there. They helped us to get out of the bus. Luckily there was no death. The scooterist had sped away. I reached home with a bandaged head.

32. A Street Quarrel

Last evening, I was sitting near the window of my room. I saw two children playing in the street. Suddenly, they fell out. Other boys of the street gathered there. None tried to separate them. They kept looking on. Soon, the mothers of both the children reached there. They started abusing each other. They used very dirty words for each other. From hot words, they came to blows. They pulled each other’s hair. Luckily, an elderly woman came there. She separated the fighting ladies. She spoke to them very wisely. The two women realised their mistake. They went back to their homes. Both the children started playing together once again.

33. A Rainy Day

It was the month of July last year. One day, it was very hot. Men and animals were panting. All were perspiring. We longed for a shower of rain. In the afternoon, some clouds appeared in the east. Soon the whole sky was overcast with dark clouds. It started raining heavily. Streets and bazaars were flooded with water. Little children came out and played in the rain. They splashed water over one another. The rain stopped after two hours. It became very cool and pleasant. Streets and bazaars were washed clean. The city gave a fresh look.

34. Life in a Village

The three words that can amply describe the life in a village are — Simple, Pure and Fresh. The villagers are very simple-hearted people. They know no cunning. They are pure in their thoughts and actions. They are very hospitable. They live simply and happily. They have no anxiety. Life in a village is very calm and peaceful. It is free from the noise and din of cities. The air is fresh and health-giving. Says Leo Tolstoy in one of his stories, “A villager’s life is not a fat one, but it is a long one.” He may never grow rich, but he has always enough to eat. In short, we can say that life in a village is worth living.

35. How I Celebrated My Birthday

I gave a party on my birthday. I invited all my friends. The party was held at my house. The party began at 6 p.m. A big cake was placed on a table. All my friends stood round the table. I cut the cake with a knife. My friends and parents chanted three times : ‘Happy Birthday To You.’ Then everybody set to eating. The cake was served to all. It was very tasty. There were many things to eat. Everybody ate to their heart’s content. There was singing and dancing also. Everyone enjoyed the party. It was over by 8 p.m. My friends congratulated me once again and went back to their homes.

36. A Drowning Tragedy

One day, I was picnicking with some of my friends on the riverbank. A boy named Kamal fell into the river. He didn’t know how to swim. I saw him struggling with water. It was a painful sight. I at once jumped into the river. I swam to him and brought him out with great difficulty. He had swallowed a lot of water. He was unconscious. We, at once called a doctor. Someone ran to inform Kamal’s parents. The doctor pressed out the water from Kamal’s belly. Kamal opened his eyes. We felt great relief. After some time Kamal’s parents reached the place. They thanked me and the doctor again and again.

PSEB 9th Class English Paragraph Writing

37. The Golden Temple

Amritsar is also called Guru-ki-nagri. It is famous for the Golden Temple. The Temple is situated in the city. It is surrounded by many narrow lanes. The golden shrine built in the middle of the sarover shines at sunrise and sunset. It was built by Guru Arjun Dev Ji. It is a unique experience when Granth Sahib is brought out from the Akal Takhat Sahib amidst chanting of hymns and blowing of bugles.

The Akal Takhat Sahib, facing the Harmandir Sahib, was built by Guru Hargobind Ji. It was used for holding courts. The complex has a museum of rare paintings, books, shashtras, etc. The lives of the Gurus are described through them. There is a big bazaar near Darshani Deori. Gutakas, karas and other articles related to the Sikh religion are sold there. Home-made papad-varian, chura-bangles, dry fruit are also sold in many shops. There are number of hotels and guest houses near the Temple for tourists to stay. There is a sarai also for pilgrims in the Temple. The Golden Temple is indeed a worth-visiting place.

38. Canada

Canada is one of the largest country of the world. Its area is 9,976,139 sq. km. and population is about 32 million. The capital city of Canada is Ottawa. The currency of the country is Canadian dollar. English and French are the official languages of Canada. In winter, the climate of Canada is bitterly cold. In some regions, the mercury may dip to -65°C. The average temperature in Ottawa is from -15°C to -6°C in January.

In July, the average temperature is 15°C to 26°C. The main products of Canada are fruit, vegetables, livestock, tobacco, copper, zinc, iron, salt, oil and natural gas. And major industries of the country are agriculture, forestry, food processing, transport, chemicals, oil and gas refining and cement. Vehicles, machinery, food stuffs, natural gas, meat, coal and timber are exported to other countries. Canada is one of the most developed nations of the world.

39. Aruna Asif Ali

Aruna Asif Ali is known as the Grand Old Lady of India. She took active part in the Independence movement. She was born in an orthodox Hindu Bengali family in 1909 at Kalka. She married a Muslim, Mr. Asif Ali, thus breaking all conventions regarding marriage. Her husband, Mr. Asif Ali, was also involved in the freedom struggle. Aruna Asif Ali took part in Salt Satyagrah under the leadership of Gandhiji.

She addressed many public meetings and led processions for the cause of India’s independence from the British rule. As a result, she was sentenced to one-year imprisonment. But she didn’t give up the cause for which she was fighting against the British rule. She was again sentenced to jail.

She became the editor of the newspaper ‘Inquilab’. After Independence, she became a social worker. She fought for the rights of women. In 1992 she received Nehru Award for International Understanding. She passed away in July 1996. She was honoured with Bharat Ratna posthumously.

40. The Tribals of Odisha 

There are many tribal groups in Odisha. They live in remote places. One such group lives in the forests of Kalahandi. These people are one of most backward tribes in the world. They have dark skin and black hair. The women wear bright-coloured saris while the men wear nothing but loincloth.

They still believe that India is ruled by kings. These people are illiterate as they do not have any facility of schooling, means of transportation and proper motorable roads. As a result, they are cut off from the rest of the world. They do not have any idea of currency notes. They still use barter system.

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They usually live in groups and each group has common property. They cure diseases with herbs and set bones by rubbing oils. The government should launch schemes to educate them and bring them to the mainstream of the nation.

41. An Incident of Burglary

Mr. Ramanathan is an affluent businessman of our town. One day, he with his family went out of the town to attend a wedding. There was nobody at home and the house was locked from outside. A thief broke into the house at night. He decamped with the jewellery, valuables and money.

But the neighbours had seen the lights on and they informed the police about it. The police came along with a dog. They found the thief’s glove. The dog sniffed the scent of the thief. It took the policemen to the thief’s place. Thus the thief was arrested and the case was solved. The policemen were rewarded by the department for their efficiency.

42. Floods in Mumbai

On July 26, 2005, I was busy shopping in a famous crowded market, although it was raining. Gradually, it started raining heavily. Now, it was impossible to go from there. Therefore, I took shelter in a shop. Soon, the place got flooded and water started entering the shops. The articles in the shops started floating in the water and the shopkeeper tried to retrieve valuable articles. The entire area was submerged in the flood water.

Many vehicles couldn’t move in the flood water. The people had to stay in them. Some other people took shelter in shops and houses. Suddenly, it started raining like hell. Now water in the shops and houses rose up to 6-7 feet. The people had to move to first floor. In no time the army swung into action. The volunteers of many NGO’s started helping the affected people with food and water. All this went on for more than 24 hours. It was really a horrifying experience which I can never forget.

43. The Lohri Festival

Lohri is a festival of fun and frolic. It is generally celebrated on 13th of January every year. This festival is related to the folklore of Dulla Bhatti. At sunset, people light up bonfires in the open in front of their houses. Lohri is celebrated with more enthusiasm in the families where there is a newborn son or a newly married person.

Giddha or Bhangra is performed to the beats of the drums. On the day of Lohri, children go singing from house to house asking for money and sweets. Lohri is a busy festival. People meet their friends and relatives and exchange greetings and gifts.

44. How to Make Papier-mache -Toys

In order to make toys with papier-mache, old newspaper sheets are taken. They are torn into small pieces. These pieces are soaked in water overnight. Next day, the mixture is boiled for half an hour. After that, the mixture is whipped till it becomes soft and pulpy.

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The water is squeezed out from the mixture and two tablespoons of white gum are added into it. The mixture is stirred well and then the toys are made from it. These toys are left to dry overnight or more. Then they are painted with water-based colour. To make these toys waterproof, two or three coats of lacquer are given on them. Masks can also be made in the same manner.

45. How to Make Gajrela

It is very easy to make gajrela at home. Take three kilograms of large carrots and wash them properly. Then grate the carrots. Mix 242 litres milk with the carrots. After that put the mixture in a pan and boil it till the mixture becomes very thick. Add 3/4 cup of sugar and 250 gm of khoya in the mixture.

Stir the mixture till it becomes thick. Stir it continuously as the mixture should not stick to the pan. Now remove the pan from the fire. Add nuts to it. Your gajrela is ready. Let it cool before serving. It can also be served hot.