PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 1 Earth – As a Member of Solar System

This PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 1 Earth – As a Member of Solar System will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 1 Earth – As a Member of Solar System

→ Universe: The Universe is a vast and infinite space having millions of galaxies and heavenly bodies.

→ Galaxy Or Milky Way: A Galaxy is a group of millions of shining stars scattered in space. It is also known as Milky Way or Akash Ganga.

→ Star: A star is a celestial body having its own heat and light.

→ Planet: A planet is a heavenly body that revolves around the sun and receives heat and light from it.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 1 Earth – As a Member of Solar System

→ Satellite: A satellite is a small spherical body that revolves around a particular planet.

→ Light Year: A light-year is a distance, which a ray of light would cover in a year’s time.

→ Solar System: The sun, planets, and other heavenly bodies combine together to form the solar system.

→ Sun-spots: The black spots on the bright face of the sun are called sun-spots.

→ Orbit: Orbit is the fixed path along which the planets revolve around the sun.

→ Comets: Comets are heavenly bodies with a head and a tail.

→ Saptarishi: A constellation of seven stars and a part of the Big Bear.

→ Asteroids: Tiny bodies found between the orbit of Mars and Jupiter.

→ Neil Armstrong: The first man to set foot on the moon.

→ Moon: Natural Satellite of the earth.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 1 Earth – As a Member of Solar System

→ Celestial Bodies or Heavenly Bodies: All the objects like the sun, moon and bright objects seen during the night in the sky are called celestial bodies.

→ Constellation: A group of stars forming a particular pattern or design is called a constellation.

→ Geoid: Geoid means Earth-like shape.

→ Man-made satellites: Satellites carried by rockets and placed in the orbit of the earth

→ Meteoroids: Small pieces of rocks which revolve around the sun.

→ Full Moon: The night of Poornima when the moon shines in the form of a ball.

→ New Moon: The night of Amavasya when the moon is not seen from the earth.

→ On 23rd August, the International Astronomical Conference decided that Pluto should not be considered as a planet as it does not fulfill the essentials of a planet.

→ The distance between the earth and the sun is 150 million kms.

→ Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune are the 8 planets.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 1 Earth – As a Member of Solar System

→ The earth has a circumference of 40,000 km.

→ The earth has an equatorial diameter of 12,756 km.

→ The distance between earth and moon is 3,76,275 km.

→ The sun is the nearest star to us.

→ The earth is the only planet having water and life.

→ The earth is a unique planet in the Solar System.

→ A light-year is a unit to measure the distance between the bodies of the universe.

→ Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin were the first cosmonauts to land on the moon on 21st July 1969.

→ The universe is huge and it includes the sun, satellites, planets, stars, etc.

→ The power of attraction of the sun, planets are called gravity.

→ Diameter = 12,756 km & 12,712 km.

→ Circumference = 40,000 km.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 1 Earth – As a Member of Solar System

→ Space: Space means sky.

→ Kalpana Chawla: Astronaut of Indian Origin.

→ Saptrishi: A constellation in Great Bear.

→ Speed of light: 3 Lakh km per second.

→ Milky way: Akash Ganga in India.

→ Apollo Project: To know more about Moon.

→ Tailed Star: A comet.

→ Gravity: Power of attraction of the Sun.

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 16 Garbage Management and Disposal

This PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 16 Garbage Management and Disposal will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 16 Garbage Management and Disposal

→ Any substance which is no more useful is called waste.

→ Solid waste is called garbage. It is generated by human activities.

→ Garbage has both useful and non-useful components.

→ There are many types of wastes like industrial waste, domestic waste, agricultural waste, biomedical waste, etc.

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 16 Garbage Management and Disposal

→ Two types of garbage or solid waste are biodegradable wastes and non-biodegradable waste.

→ For proper disposal of garbage, we must do segregation before disposing of the garbage. We can do this by using differently colored dustbins.

→ To manage the waste there is the 4R’s i.e. reuse, reduce, recycle, refuse.

→ Some parts of the garbage can be reused.

→ Usually, garbage is collected and thrown in landfills.

→ Composting or vermicomposting can be done of useful components or biodegradable components of garbage.

→ Dry leaves, husk of wheat, and part of crops should not be burnt as they produce lots of smoke and harmful gases.

→ Red worms are good for vermicomposting of vegetable and fruit waste, coffee and tea leaves, weeds, etc. but oily, pickled, salty food, and milk products are not good for red worms.

→ Some types of plastics, paper, glass, and metal can be recycled.

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 16 Garbage Management and Disposal

→ Plastics bum with a foul smell and produce lots of harmful gases.

→ Plastic bags cause choking of drains and sewer systems.

→ Plastic bags eaten by animals are the cause of their death.

→ Plastic is useful as things made of them last long.

→ The incineration method releases harmful gases and causes pollution.

→ e-waste includes discarded mobiles or any electronic device.

→ Garbage: The solid waste is called garbage.

→ Dump: A large low-lying area used to dispose of garbage.

→ Landfill: A low-lying area to be filled by garbage is a landfill.

→ Biodegradable Waste: Waste material that can be decomposed by the action of microorganisms into harmless substances.

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 16 Garbage Management and Disposal

→ Non-biodegradable Waste: The waste materials that cannot be decomposed easily.

→ Incineration: The process of burning waste in closed containers.

→ Compost: The decomposition of organic material into useful material is compost.

→ Vermi-Composting: The method of preparing compost with the help of red worms is vermicomposting.

→ Gizzard: The teeth like hard structures present in red worms for grinding purposes is called the gizzard.

→ Recycling: The process of using a few materials, again and again, is recycling.

PSEB 9th Class Maths MCQ Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry

Punjab State Board PSEB 9th Class Maths Book Solutions Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry MCQ Questions with Answers.

PSEB 9th Class Maths Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry MCQ Questions

Multiple Choice Questions and Answer

Answer each question by selecting the proper alternative from those given below each question to make the statement true:

Question 1.
For x = 2, y = 3, u = – 2 and v = – 3, point (x + y, u + v) lies in the ……………. quadrant.
A. first
B. second
C. third
D. fourth
D. fourth

PSEB 9th Class Maths MCQ Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry

Question 2.
For x = 4, y = – 5, u = – 6 and v = 8, point (x + y, u + v) lies In the quadrant.
A. first
B. second
C. third
D. fourth
B. second

Question 3.
If (x, y) and (y, x) represent the same point in the coordinate plane, then is possible.
A. x = 5, y = 2
B. x = 2, y = 5
C. x = – 5. y = – 2
D. x = 5, y = 5
D. x = 5, y = 5

PSEB 9th Class Maths MCQ Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry

Question 4.
The line Joining P(3, -2) and Q(3, 4)
A. is parallel to the x-axis
B. is parallel to the y-axis
C. is perpendicular to the y-axis
D. intersects both the axes
B. is parallel to the y-axis

Question 5.
The line joining A(- 2, 5) and B(- 2, – 8)
A. is parallel to the x-axis
B. is perpendicular to the x-axis
C. intersects the y-axis
D. intersects both the axes
B. is perpendicular to the x-axis

Question 6.
The line joining A (- 2, 5) and B (3, 5) intersects ……………….. .
A. the x-axis at (- 2, 0)
B. the x-axis at (3, 0)
C. the y-axis at (0, 5)
D. the x-axis at (5, 0)
C. the y-axis at (0, 5)

PSEB 9th Class Maths MCQ Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry

Question 7.
The line joining A (3, 2) and B (3, – 2) intersects …………………….. .
A. the x-axis at (0, 3)
B. the x-axis at (3, 0)
C. the y-axis at (0, 2)
D. the y-axis at (0, – 2)
B. the x-axis at (3, 0)

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 15 Air Around Us

This PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 15 Air Around Us will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 15 Air Around Us

→ All living things require air to live.

→ Air is present everywhere around us however we cannot see the air.

→ Our earth is surrounded by a thin layer of air that extends upto many kilometres above the surface of the earth. This is known as the atmosphere.

→ Air is made up of water vapours, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon dioxide, dust, and smoke.

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 15 Air Around Us

→ Nitrogen and Oxygen are the main constituents of air and are present in large quantities.

→ In the air, nitrogen is 78% and oxygen is only 21%.

→ Oxygen is required for burning.

→ Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas.

→ The balance of Oxygen and Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is maintained by the presence of living organisms (man, animals) and plants.

→ Carbon dioxide is used by plants for producing food by photosynthesis. They release oxygen.

→ Oxygen is consumed by animals and humans for respiration. They produce carbon dioxide.

→ Carbon dioxide is used as a fire extinguisher because carbon dioxide does not support g burning.

→ Air can be compressed and it also exerts pressure.

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 15 Air Around Us

→ Moving air is called wind.

→ Moving air has the power to rotate a windmill which produces electricity.

→ Windmills are very useful as they produce electricity.

→ Air helps in the dispersal of seeds, pollens, and movement of sailing boats, yachts, gliders, aeroplanes, etc.

→ Dispersal of pollens is known as pollination.

→ Ozone present in the upper layer of the atmosphere protects us from the UV rays of the sun.

→ Air: It is a mixture of many gases like nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapours, etc.

→ Wind: The moving air is wind.

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 15 Air Around Us

→ Windmill: A device that is being rotated by air and is used for producing electricity.

→ Atmosphere: The thin blanket of air surrounding the earth constitutes the atmosphere.

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 14 Water

This PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 14 Water will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 14 Water

→ Water is a vital resource and is considered a boon to live.

→ Water is present all over the earth.

→ Around the 3/4th part of the earth, the surface is covered with water.

→ The human body consists of 70% of water.

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 14 Water

→ We need water for our daily activities and for producing other things.

→ Two main sources of water are surface water and groundwater.

→ Water exists in three states i.e. solid, liquid, and gas.

→ We get water from ponds, lakes, rivers, wells, etc.

→ Sea or Ocean water is salty. It is not fit for drinking and for domestic, agricultural, and industrial needs.

→ As water is a vital resource so it must be conserved.

→ Judicious use of water and saving it is conservation of water.

→ Rainwater is a pure form of water and is safe for drinking.

→ Rainwater harvesting is a technique that conserves water by storage of rainwater. This water can be reused for different useful purposes.

→ The water cycle is a cyclic process in which water is circulated between the earth and the atmosphere.

→ Ocean water supplies water to the water cycle and thus plays an important role.

→ Water from oceans, lakes, wet clothes and plants gets evaporated.

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 14 Water

→ Clouds are just the condensation of evaporated water in the air.

→ Clouds cause rains and water returns to earth, oceans, lakes, etc.

→ Snow on mountains melts and water runs into rivers.

→ Water is also absorbed by the ground and becomes available to us as groundwater.

→ Heavy rains and no rains cause too many problems.

→ Heavy rains cause floods which destroy lives and properties.

→ Overflow of water in a large amount beyond its normal limits is known as a flood.

→ A flood is a natural disaster.

→ No rain or very little rain in a region is caused by the drought.

→ In drought conditions availability of food, fodder, and water become negligible.

→ With the increase of population, industries, and agriculture also increase which lay stress on the use of water.

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 14 Water

→ Melting: The process of conversion of solid into liquid is called melting.

→ Freezing: The process of converting liquid into solid is called freezing.

→ Evaporation: The process of converting liquid into its vapours is called evaporation.

→ Transpiration: The process by which plants lose their water in the air is called transpiration.

→ Condensation: The process of conversion of water vapours into water is called condensation.

→ Precipitation: Falling of water in the form of rain and snow is called precipitation.

→ Clouds: The condensed water droplets join together to form clouds.

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 14 Water

→ Water cycle: The evaporation of water to air, formation of clouds by condensation, and falling of rain on the earth constitutes the water cycle in nature.

→ Rainwater harvesting: Collection of rainwater for use at a time when it is not available otherwise is rainwater harvesting.

PSEB 9th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry Ex 3.3

Punjab State Board PSEB 9th Class Maths Book Solutions Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry Ex 3.3 Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry Ex 3.3

Question 1.
In which quadrant or on which axis does each of the points (- 2, 4), (3, – 1), (- 1, 0), (1, 2) and (- 3, – 5) lie? Verify your answer by locating them on the Cartesian plane.
PSEB 9th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry Ex 3.3 1

PSEB 9th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry Ex 3.3

Coordinates of the point Position of the point
(- 2, 4) In the 2nd quadrant
(3, – 1) In the 4th quadrant
(- 1, 0) On the x-axis
(1, 2) In the 1st quadrant
(- 3, – 5) In the 3rd quadrant

Question 2.
Plot the points (x, y) given in the following table on the plane, choosing suitable units of distance on the axes:
PSEB 9th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry Ex 3.3 2
PSEB 9th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry Ex 3.3 3

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets

This PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets

→ Magnetite is a natural magnet.

→ Some rocks have the property of attracting pieces of iron and these are called natural magnets.

→ Magnet has the property of attracting iron, cobalt, and nickel. Such substances are called magnetic substances.

→ Every magnet has two poles:

  • North Pole
  • South pole

→ A freely suspended magnet sets itself in a North-South direction.

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets

→ Unlike (opposite) poles of two magnets attract each other whereas like poles repel each other.

→ Man-made magnets are called artificial magnets.

→ Magnets made from iron pieces are called artificial magnets.

→ Magnets are of different shapes such as Bar magnet, Horseshoe shaped (U-shaped) magnet, cylinderical magnet, or spherical magnet.

→ Compass is used to find direction.

→ When a magnet is brought near a compass, its needle gets deflected.

→ On heating a magnet, striking it with a hammer, or dropping it from a height it loses its property of magnetism.

→ If a magnet is not properly stored then it loses its property with time.

→ To store bar magnets with safety the opposite poles of two magnets are placed facing each other.

→ The magnet should be kept away from cassettes mobiles, TVs, CDs, and computers, etc.

→ Compass: Compass is a device that is needed to determine direction.

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets

→ Magnet: Such substances which have the property of attracting iron are called magnets.

→ Magnetite: Magnetite is a natural magnet that was first discovered by a Shepherd named Magnus.

→ North pole: That end of a freely suspended magnet that points towards the geographical north direction is called its North pole.

→ South pole: That end of a freely suspended magnet that points towards the geographical south direction is called its South pole.

PSEB 9th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry Ex 3.2

Punjab State Board PSEB 9th Class Maths Book Solutions Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry Ex 3.2 Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry Ex 3.2

Question 1.
Write the answer of each of the following questions:
(i) What is the name of horizontal and the vertical lines drawn to determine the position of any point in the Cartesian plane?
The horizontal line and the vertical line drawn in the Cartesian plane to determine the position of any point are named as the x-axis and the y-axis respectively.

(ii) What is the name of each part of the plane formed by these two lines?
These two lines (x-axis and y-axis) partition the Cartesian plane into four parts each of which is called a quadrant. They are named as Quadrant 1, Quadrant 2, Quadrant 3 and Quadrant 4.

PSEB 9th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry Ex 3.2

(iii) Write the name of the point where these two lines intersect.
These two lines (x-axis and y-axis) intersect at the point named as the Origin.

Question 2.
See the figure given below and write the following:
PSEB 9th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry Ex 3.2 1
(i) The coordinates of B.
(- 5, 2)

(ii) The coordinates of C.
(5, – 5)

PSEB 9th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry Ex 3.2

(iii) The point identified by the coordinates (-3, -5).

(iv) The point identified by the coordinates (2, -4).

(v) The abscissa of the point D.

(vi) The ordinate of the point H.
– 3

PSEB 9th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry Ex 3.2

(vii) The coordinates of the point L.
(0, 5)

(viii) The coordinates of the point M.
(- 3, 0)

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

This PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

→ An electric cell is a source of electric energy.

→ The electric cell has two terminals: one positive terminal (+) and the other negative terminal (-).

→ The electric bulb has one filament which is connected to its terminals.

→ On passing the electric current, the bulb begins to glow.

→ In a closed electric circuit, the electric current passes from one terminal of the electric cell to the other terminal.

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

→ The switch is a simple device that is used to either break the electric circuit or to complete it.

→ Materials that allow an electric current to pass through them, are called conductors.

→ Materials that do not allow an electric current to pass through them are called insulators.

→ Light-emitting thin wire of the bulb is called filament of the bulb.

→ On the breaking of filament, the bulb becomes fused.

→ The complete path of electric current is called an Electric circuit.

→ Bulb: It is a simple device that gives out light on passing an electric current through it.

→ Electric conductor: Materials that allow current to pass through them are called electric conductors.

→ Electric cell: Electric cell is a source of electricity. The chemicals stored in it produce an electric current.

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

→ Electric circuit: The path of current from one terminal to another terminal, through a switch, bulb, and switch, is called an electric circuit.

→ Filament: A small thin metallic wire (Tungsten) inside a bulb that glows when current is allowed to pass through it, is called a filament.

→ Insulators: Materials that do not allow current to pass current through them are called insulators.

→ Switch: A simple device that is used to break or complete a circuit is called a switch.

→ Terminal: The point of entering or exit of electric current is called terminal.

→ An electric cell has two terminals:

  • Positive terminal
  • Negative terminal.

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 11 Light Shadows and Reflections

This PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 11 Light Shadows and Reflections will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 11 Light Shadows and Reflections

→ Light is a form of energy that enables us to see the things around us.

→ A source of light can be either natural or artificial as for example Sun, Moon, Stars CFL, Candle, and LED.

→ Light ordinarily travels along a straight path.

→ Opaque objects do not allow light to pass through them and the objects lying on the other side of it cannot be seen.

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 11 Light Shadows and Reflections

→ Transparent objects allow light to pass through them and we can see through these objects clearly.

→ Translucent objects allow light to pass through them partially and the objects lying on another side of these objects are not seen clearly.

→ Shadows are formed when an opaque object comes in the path of light.

→ A pinhole camera can be made with simple materials and can be used to obtain the image of the Sun and other bright (luminous) objects. This image is inverted and small in size.

→ Reflection from the mirror gives us clear images.

→ Luminous Object: Such objects have light of their own and give out light.

→ Non-Luminous Object: Such object which has no light of its own and becomes luminous from light emitted by other luminous objects.

→ Light: It is a form of energy that enables us to see the surrounding objects but light itself is not seen.

→ Source of light: Such luminous bodies which have the light of their own and which emit light as for example candle CFL etc. The source light may either be a Natural or Artificial source.

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 11 Light Shadows and Reflections

→ Transparent objects: Such objects through which light can pass and on the other side of which we can see clearly are called transparent objects. Examples are Air, water, glass, etc.

→ Opaque objects: Those objects which do not allow light to pass through them and the objects on the other side of which cannot be seen are called opaque objects. Examples are Cardboard sheets, wood, metal, and rubber, etc.

→ Translucent objects: Those objects through which light can pass but partially and the objects lying on the other side of which are not seen clearly are called translucent objects. Examples are Tissue paper, thin cloth, oiled paper, etc.

→ Shadow: When an opaque object is placed in the path of the light rays coming from a source of light then light cannot pass through and a black region is formed on the other side of the opaque body. This black region where no light is received is called the shadow. The size of the shadow can be small or large.

→ Sundial: It is an instrument that shows time with the help of shadows formed by sunlight.

→ Solar Eclipse: When the moon while revolving around the earth comes in such a situation that the moon is in between the earth and the sun and all the three are in a straight line then the shadow of the sun is formed on the earth, a solar eclipse is said to occur.

→ Lunar Eclipse: When the earth comes in between the sun and moon and all the three are in a straight line and the shadow of the moon is formed on the earth; then the lunar eclipse is said to occur.

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 11 Light Shadows and Reflections

→ Pinhole camera: It is an instrument in which the inverted and small-sized image of a stationary object such as a building or tree is formed. It is constructed on the principle of propagation of light in a straight line.

→ Mirror: Any smooth and polished surface which changes the path of light rays falling on it, is called a mirror.

→ Reflection of light: When light falls on a mirror and light falling on it is sent back into the same medium in a particular direction, then this phenomenon of change of direction of the path of light is called reflection of light. Reflection of light is of two types:

  • Regular reflection
  • Irregular reflection

→ Regular reflection: When light falls on a smooth plane mirror or a polished surface then a reflection of light takes place in a regular manner. This reflection of light is called regular reflection.

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 11 Light Shadows and Reflections

→ Irregular reflection: When light falls on any rough or uneven surface than light rays after reflection gets scattered. This reflection of light is called irregular reflection. We can see the various objects around us due to this reflection.