PSEB 8th Class English Grammar Sentence and its Types

Punjab State Board PSEB 8th Class English Book Solutions English Grammar Sentence and its Types Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 8th Class English Grammar Sentence and its Types

A sentence is a well arranged group of words which makes complete sense.
शब्दों का वह सुव्यवस्थित समूह जिससे पूरा अर्थ निकले कहलाता है, जैसे-

  1. Lakhi Mal was very rich.
  2. Where does the koel sit ?
  3. Please bring him milk and fruit now.
  4. Hurrah ! We have won the match.

PSEB 8th Class English Grammar Sentence and its Types

Kinds of Sentence

वाक्य पांच प्रकार के होते हैं-

  1. Assertive Sentences (साधारण वाक्य)
  2. Interrogative Şentences (प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य)
  3. Imperative Sentences (आजसयक वाक्य )
  4. Exclamatory Sentences (विस्मया दिसूचक वाक्य)
  5. Optative Sentences (इच्छासूचक वाक्य)

Parts of a Sentence

वाक्य के दो भाग होते है-

  1. Subject (उद्देश्थ)
  2. Predicate (विधेय)

1. वाक्य में जिस व्यक्ति पशु स्थान अथवा वस्तु के बारे में कुछ कहा जाता है उसे Subject कहते हैं।
2. Predicate. Subject के बारे में जो कुछ कहा जाता है उसे Predicate कहते हैं।

Sentence Subject Predicate
1. Amar lives in Allahabad. Amar lives in Allahabad.
2. How does a fish swim ? a fish How does swim.
3. May you live long ! you May live long.
4. Mr. Verma is my teacher. Mr. Verma is my teacher.

विशेष- Imperative Sentences का Subject प्राय लुप्त रहता है जैसे-

  1. Thank you. (I thank you.)
  2. Come in. (You come in.)

Simple and Complex Sentences

What is a Simple Sentence?
(साधारण वाक्य की परिभाषा)

जिस वाक्य में केवल एक Finite Verb हो, वह Simple Sentence कहलाता है। साधारण वाक्य में एक Subject (उद्देश्य) और एक Predicate (विधेय). होता है; जैसे,-

  1. Mohan loves his country.
  2. Ram plays hockey.
  3. Dogs bark.

Note. 1. जिस क्रिया का अपना subject (उद्देश्य) हो, वह Finite Verb (परिमित क्रिया) कहलाती है।
2. ऊपर के प्रत्येक वाक्य में एक-एक Finite Verb (loves, plays, bark) है।
3. प्रत्येक का अपना Subject (Mohan, Ram, Dogs) है और अपना Predicate (loves his country, plays hockey, bark) है।

What is a Complex Sentence?
(मिश्रित वाक्य की परिभाषा)

Complex Sentencé को जानने से पहले Clauses (उप-वाक्य) को समझ लेना आवश्यक है, क्योंकि Clauses के मेल से ही Complex Sentence बनता है।

Clause. शब्दों के ऐसे समूह को Clause (उप-वाक्य) कहते हैं जिसका अपना Subject तथा अपना Predicate हो और साथ में किसी अन्य वाक्य का उप-भाग भी हो।

Kinds of Clauses. Clauses के प्रकार को समझने के लिए हमें नीचे लिखे वाक्य को ध्यान से पढ़ना चाहिए-
I like him because he is brave.
नोट-1. इस वाक्य के दो भाग हैं।
2. प्रत्येक भाग में Subject और Predicate दोनों हैं। इसलिए दोनों ही clause हैं।

पहली Clause (I like him). पहली clause का पूरा अर्थ निकलता है। इसका अर्थ समझने के लिए दूसरी clause की आवश्यकता नहीं है। ऐसी clause को Principal Clause या Main Clause (प्रधान उप-वाक्य) कहते हैं।

दूसरी Clause (because he is brave). दूसरी clause का पूरा अर्थ नहीं निकलता। पूरा अर्थ देने के लिए यह Principal Clause पर depend (आश्रित) है। इसलिए इसे Dependent या Subordinate Clause (आश्रित उप-वाक्य) कहते हैं।

Complex Sentence की परिभाषा-जिस वाक्य में एक Principal Clause (प्रधान उप-वाक्य) तथा एक या एक से अधिक Subordinate Clauses (आश्रित उप-वाक्य) हों, उसे Complex Sentence कहते हैं।

Exercise (With Hints)

Pick out the complex sentences:
1. Rani is a nice girl.
2. I know that Mohan is a good boy.
3. He is the boy whom I saw in the market.
4. The man (who was) on the platform was my brother.
5. I met the girl with blue eyes.
6. I met the old man who had grey hair.
7. I went wherever he went.
8. I want to know where you found my watch.
9. He is the teacher of my choice.
10. Those whom the gods love, die young.
2. I know that Mohan is a good boy.
3. He is the boy whom I saw in the market.
4. The man (who was) on the platform was my brother.
6. I met the old man who had grey hair.
7. I went wherever he went.
8. I want to know where you found my watch.
10. Those whom the gods love, die young.

PSEB 8th Class English Grammar Sentence and its Types

Change of Sentences

A–Affirmative to Negative
नियम- (1) साधारणतया निर्षधात्मक (Negative) वाक्य बनाते समय not का प्रयोग होता है: जैसे-

Affirmative Negative
1. I am a girl. 1. I am not a girl.
2. We are farmers. 2. We are not farmers.
3. You are a student. 3. You are not a student.
4. He was tall. 4. He was not tall.
5. They were proud. 5. They were not proud.
6. Radha was a fat girl. 6. Radha was not a fat girl.
7. I shall write a letter. 7. I shall not write a letter.
8. You will help me. 8. You will not help me.
9. I am reading a book. 9. I am not reading a book.
10. You are weeping. 10. You are not weeping.
11. I was buying a pen. 11. I was not buying a pen.
12. We were playing cards. 12. We were not playing cards.
13. He was swimming. 13. He was not swimming.
14. She had gone there before. 14. She hadn’t gone there before.
She had not gone there before.
15. We should finish this job. 15. We should not finish this job.

(ii) Present Indefinite (पहली फार्म) में do not/does not + पहली फार्म तथा Past Indefinite (दूसरी फार्म) में did not + पहली फार्म का प्रयोग होता है: जैसे-

Affirmative Negative
1. I like mangoes 1. I do not like mangoes.
2. We play hockey. 2. We do not play hockey.
3. You take exercise. 3. You do not take exercise.
4. She speaks the truth. 4. She does not speak the truth.
5. I do it. 5. I do not do it.
6. I took tea. 6. I did not take tea.
7. He read the book. 7. He did not read the book.
8. He sold milk. 8. He did not sell milk.
9. She lived in Delhi. 9. She did not live in Delhi.

(iii) Has, have, had यदि अधिकार (possession) अर्थात् किसी चीज़ का होना व्यक्त करते हों तो प्रायः negative sentences में ‘no’ का प्रयोग होता हैै परन्तु यदि संख्या दी हो तो not का प्रयोग होता है।

1. He has a coat.
He has no coat.

2. He had a book
He had no book.

3. Ram has three books.
Ram has not three books.

विशेष नोट-1. Negative बनाने के लिए isnt, wasn’t, haven’t, shan’t आदि का भी प्रयोग किया जा सकता है। इन छोटे रूपों का अध्ययन इस प्रकार करें
PSEB 8th Class English Grammar Sentence and its Types 1

2. Can का Negative cannot में किया जाता है। cannot एक शब्द के रूप में लिखा जाता है।

3. Not का प्रयोग पहले शब्द के तुरन्त बाद करना चाहिए, जैसे, shall have been = shall not have been तथा shall be = shall not be.

4. Everybody का Negative nobody तथा either का neither होता है। जैसे,
Affirmative. Everybody is coming.
Negative. Nobody is coming.
Affirmative. Either he or his friend is coming.
Negative. Neither he nor his friend is coming.

PSEB 8th Class English Grammar Sentence and its Types

मिश्चित वाक्य (Mixed Sentences)

Affirmative Negative
1. He is a player. He is not a player.
2. They were happy. They were not happy.
3. He has many books. He does not have many books.
4. We have four toys. We do not have four toys.
5. The boys had a garland. The boys had no garland.
6. I read a book. I do not read a book.
7. He writes a letter. He does not write a letter.
8. He does his work. He does not do his work.
9. He went there. He did not go there.
10. Mohan will tell a lie. Mohan will not tell a lie.

B-Assertive to Interrogative

Assertive Interrogative
1. I do my duty. Do I do my duty ?
2. He can help you. Can he help you?
3. They laughed at us. Did they laugh at us ?
4. She is a girl. Is she a girl ?
5. You are late. Are you late ?
6. He was happy. Was he happy?
7. We shall come soon. Shall we come soon?
8. We built a house there. Did we build a house there?
9. It may rain today. May it rain today?
10. We must go there Must we go there?
11. She does her work. Does she do her work?

Exercise for Practice

Change the following sentences into Interrogative:
1. They can swim.
2. She has a gold ring.
3. These birds are pretty.
4. We have seen the Taj.
5. She helped me in my work.
6. The carpenter makes furniture.
7. This pen costs ten rupees.
8. The child fell from a tree.
9. He was brushing his teeth.
10. Our soldiers fought bravely.

C-Exclamatory to Assertive

Exclamatory Assertive
1. What a lovely flower! It is a very lovely flower.
2. Long live our king! We wish that our king may live long.
3. Alas ! I shall never be able to meet her again. It is very sad that I shall never be able to meet her again.
4. Hurrah ! I have won a scholarship. I am very happy that I have won a scholarship.
5. What a pity you have lost everything! It is very sad that you have lost everything.
6. Fie ! A soldier and afraid of death! It is shameful for a soldier to be afraid of death.
7. How cold it is today! It is very cold today. I am very glad to see you.
8. How glad I am to see you! It is a very shameful act on your part.
9. What a shameful act on your part ! The traitors must be punished with death.
10. Death to the traitors! Assertive

Exercise for Practice

I. Change the following Exclamatory sentences into Assertive sentences:
1. Bravo ! You have killed the enemy.
2. Alas ! I am undone.
3. How sweet the child is!
4. Alas ! How stupid I had been !
5. What a terrible noise !
6. How difficult the paper is !
7. May God bless you with a son!
8. What a beautiful wrist-watch!
9. Splendid ! You have won the day!
10. Alas! You have failed.

II. Change the following Affirmative (Declarative) sentences into Interrogative sentences (Questions):

1. He is clever.
2. He was simple.
3. Ram was feeling tired.
4. Sita was angry.
5. They were good friends.
6. I have two books.
7. She has three pencils.
8. We had a good time there.
9. I have to do it.
10. Sohan had finished his work.
11. I shall go there tomorrow.
12. He will play a match.
13. I can do it.
14. He may help you.
15. You could write.
16. The sun does not shine at night.
17. He beats his donkey with a stick.
18. He sees another dog.
19. The horse runs very fast.
20. They play a match.
21. He waited here for an hour.
22. The train started at ten.
23. He never lost heart.
24. I did not find him there.
25. The rose smelt sweet.
1. Is he clever ?
2. Was he simple ?
3. Was Ram feeling tired ?
4. Was Sita angry?
5. Were they good friends ?
6. Have I two books ?
7. Has she three pencils ?
8. Had we a good time there ?
9. Have I to do it?
10. Had Sohan finished his work ?
11. Shall I go there tomorrow?
12. Will he play a match ?
13. Can I do it?
14. May he help you ?
15. Could you write ?
16. Does the sun not shine at night ?
17. Does he beat his donkey with a stick ?
18. Does he see another dog?
19. Does the horse run very fast ?
20. Do they play a match ?
21. Did he wait here for an hour ?
22. Did the train start at ten ?
23. Did he ever lose heart?
24. Did I not find him there ?
25. Did the rose smell sweet?

PSEB 8th Class English Grammar Sentence and its Types

III. Convert the following Interrogative sentences into Assertive (Declarative) sentences:

1. Are you on leave today?
2. Was the train late ?
3. Were the boys not lazy ?
4. Am I strong?
5. Is your sister ill?
6. Has it been raining since morning ?
7. Have you fulfilled your promise ?
8. Had he a pen?
9. Have you a horse ?
10. Has she a lovely voice ?
11. Should I stick to my promise ?
12. Does your father like you?
13. Did she not sing a sweet song?
14. Did he paint the door blue?
15. Can you help me ?
16. Does she sing well ?
17. Do we love our country?
18. Did you have a nice holiday ?
19. Do birds build nests ?
1. You are on leave today.
2. The train was late.
3. The boys were not lazy.
4. I am.. strong.
5. Your sister is ill.
6. It has been raining since morning.
7. You have fulfilled your promise.
8. He had a pen.
9. You have a horse.
10. She has a lovely voice.
11. I should stick to my promise.
12. Your father likes you.
13. She did not sing a sweet song.
14. He painted the door blue.
15. You can help me.
16. She sings well.
17. We love our country.
18. You had a nice holiday.
19. Birds build nests.

IV (a) Change the following Positive sentences into their Negative form:

1. Lotus is a very lovely flower.
2. His neighbour was quite well yesterday.
3. Sham has a garland of flowers in his hand.
4. I have a horse.
5. You had corrected me.
6. The cattle graze in the pasture.
7. I get up early in the morning.
8. We saw a snake in the grass.
9. Sit down.
10. Let him die.
1. Lotus is not a very lovely flower.
2. His neighbour was not quite well yesterday.
3. Sham has not a garland of flowers in his hand.
4. I do not have a horse.
5. You had not corrected me.
6. The cattle do not graze in the pasture.
7. I do not get up early in the morning.
8. We did not see a snake in the grass.
9. Do not sit down.
10. Let him not die. (Or) Do not let him die.

(b) Change the following Negative sentences into their Positive form:

1. Sohan is not an idle boy.
2. We had not a book.
3. I do not have an umbrella with me.
4. He may not play well today.
5. She cannot tell a lie.
6. Do not bring me a second book of Hindi.
7. Do not let him go there.
8. Do not touch my chair.
9. I did not take the test.
10. You did not attend the class.
1. Sohan is an idle boy.
2. We had a book.
3. I have an umbrella with me.
4. He may play well today.
5. She can tell a lie.
6. Bring me a second book of Hindi.
7. Let him go there.
8. Touch my chair.
9. I took the test.
10. You attended the class.

PSEB 8th Class English Grammar Sentence and its Types

V. Change the following Exclamatory sentences into Assertive sentences:

1. Bravo! You have done well.
2. Alas! I have failed.
3. How beautiful the scenery is!
4. Alas! How foolish I had been!
5. What a disaster the earthquake is!
6. How stiff the paper is!
7. May God reward this act of yours!
8. What a terrible storm it is!
9. Wonderful! I have never seen the like of it earlier.
10. May God pardon this sinner!
1. You have done very well.
2. It is very sad that I have failed
3. The scenery is very beautiful.
4. It is very sad that I had been very foolish.
5. The earthquake is a terrible disaster.
6. The paper is very stiff.
7. It is prayed that God may reward this act of yours.
8. It is a very terrible storm.
9. It is surprising that I have never seen the like of it earlier. (or) I wonder if I have ever seen the like of it.
10. It is prayed that God may pardon this sinner.

VI. Pick out the Subject and the Predicate in the following sentences:

1. The sun shines brightly.
2. You speak very hastily.
3. He plays cricket.
4. The rose smells sweet.
5. Children take after their parents.
6. Send it at once.
7. Tell me a story.
8. The old man was listening to the wireless.
9. Slow and steady wins the race:
10. Time and tide wait for nobody.
11. He did his work efficiently.
12. Barking dogs seldom bite.

Subject Predicate
1. The sun shines brightly.
2. You speak very hastily.
3. He plays cricket.
4. The rose smells sweet.
5. Children take after their parents.
6. You send it at once.
7. You tell me a story.
8. The old man was listening to the wireless.
9. Slow and steady wins the race.
10. Time and tide wait for nobody.
11. He did his work efficiently.
12. Barking dogs seldom bite.

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