PSEB 8th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 4 Our Agriculture

This PSEB 8th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 4 Our Agriculture will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 4 Our Agriculture

→ Agriculture: It refers to the cultivation of the soil for growing crops and rearing livestock.

→ Crops: The plant species cultivated by human beings for their use.

→ Livestock: Animals and birds which are reared for human use.

→ Crop Specialization: One particular crop suitable for the region is selected by the farmer to be cultivated by him. This is mainly followed for selling the produce in the market.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 4 Our Agriculture

→ Organic Farming: In this type of farming, organic manure and natural pesticides are used instead of chemicals.

→ Subsistence Agriculture: Farming in which the product is consumed by the farmer’s household.

→ Commercial Agriculture: Farming in which the produce is grown by the farmer for selling in the market.

→ Intensive Agriculture: The farmer produces more by working hard and using the same field over and over again making use of better agricultural means.

→ Extensive Agriculture: The agriculturist tries to get good output by bringing more and more areas under plough.

→ Mixed Farming: Farming in which animals are also used on the farm while growing crops.

→ Multiple Cropping: When two or more crops are grown at the same time on one and the same field.

→ Sericulture: Commercial rearing of silkworms.

→ Horticulture: Growing vegetables, flowers, and fruits for commercial use.

→ Pisciculture: Breeding of fish in specially constructed tanks and ponds.

→ Viticulture: Cultivation of grapes.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 4 Our Agriculture

→ More than half of the world’s population is directly or indirectly engaged in agriculture.

→ Favourable topography of soil and climate is vital for agricultural activity.

→ Agriculture depends largely on the relief of land, climate conditions, fertility of the soil, and economic factors.

→ Soils not only support the plant but also act as a medium to supply moisture and nutrients.

→ In intensive agriculture, the aim is to get higher yields per unit area.

→ Extensive agriculture is done with machines in sparsely populated areas.

→ In commercial agriculture, most of the crops are produced for the market.

→ The production of fruit and flowers is called horticulture.

→ In a co-operative farm, all the members work and earn proportionately.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 4 Our Agriculture

→ Crops and livestock are raised together on the same farm in mixed farming.

→ Shifting cultivation is known by different names in different parts of the world, i.e., Juming, Milpa, Ladang, etc.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 3 Minerals and Energy Resources

This PSEB 8th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 3 Minerals and Energy Resources will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 3 Minerals and Energy Resources

→ Rock is a natural substance made up of one a more minerals.

→ Minerals: An inorganic substance which is found in the earth’s crust and it has a definite chemical composition.

→ Metallic minerals: Those minerals contain metals.

→ Minerals may be metallic or non-metallic.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 3 Minerals and Energy Resources

→ Minerals can be ferrous and non-ferrous.

→ Mining: It is an economic activity of extracting valuable minerals from the earth.

→ Mine: It is an excavation in the ground for digging out minerals.

→ Recycling: It means using discarded materials once again.

→ Fossil fuels: They are fuels formed due to the decay of plants and animals millions of years ago.

→ Petroleum: It is derived from Latin words Petra meaning rock and oleum meaning oil. So, petroleum means rock oil.

→ Fossils: The decomposed creatures, minute plants, and animals buried and sedimented for millions of years.

→ Ore: Metals in their raw state as they are extracted from the earth.

→ Grid: Electricity from large power plants is transmitted through a network of power lines.

→ Minerals are extracted by mining, drilling, or quarrying.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 3 Minerals and Energy Resources

→ Minerals can be conserved by recycling.

→ Mining is of four types:

  • Opencast
  • Shaft
  • Quarrying
  • Drilling

→ All rocks are composed of one or more minerals.

→ Copper was probably the first metal to be discovered and mined by man.

→ Mining is the extraction of minerals from the earth.

→ The distribution of mineral resources is uneven in India.

→ The main sources of power are coal, petroleum, and natural gas.

→ The non-conventional sources of power are sun, wind, tide, falling water, and geothermal sources.

→ Coal is the basis for all industrial development in the world.

→ About 65 percent of the mineral oil resources are found around the Persian Gulf.

→ Metallic minerals contain metal in raw form.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 3 Minerals and Energy Resources

→ The Non-Metallic minerals do not contain metals.

→ Switzerland has no known mineral deposits in it.

→ A green diamond is the rarest diamond.

→ The oldest rocks in the world are in Western Australia.

→ Norway was the first country in the world to develop hydroelectricity.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 2 Natural Resources

This PSEB 8th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 2 Natural Resources will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 2 Natural Resources

→ Conservation: It means using the available resources carefully.

→ Land: The most important resource.

→ Land may be used for agriculture Construction of Roads, Industries, etc.

→ Soil is the uppermost layer of the earth’s crust.

→ Soil Erosion: The removal of soil, especially topsoil, either naturally or as a result of human activity.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 2 Natural Resources

→ Land Use: The use of land for different purposes like agriculture, roads, etc.

→ Terrace Farming: The growing of crops on terraces or steps that have been constructed on hillsides.

→ Topography: A detailed account of the features of a tract of country.

→ Strip Cropping: The growing of narrow strips of Cultivated lands, along the contour lines.

→ Shelterbelts: The planting of rows of trees to check the wind movement, to protect the soil.

→ Deforestation: Cutting down trees.

→ Pollution: Contamination of natural resources.

→ Weathering: The breaking up and decay of exposed rocks by temperature changes, plants, animals, etc.

→ Natural vegetation and wildlife are found in the Biosphere.

→ National Park: A natural area designated to protect the ecological integrity of one or more ecosystems for present and future generations.

→ Biosphere resources: Series of protected areas linked through a global network intended to demonstrate the relationship between conservation and development.

→ The land covers about 29 percent of the total surface area of the earth.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 2 Natural Resources

→ Land in India actually under cultivation is about 46 percent of the land.

→ The total land resources in our country are fixed.

→ The importance of soils lies in their fertility and capacity to produce crops.

→ Alluvial soils are mostly found in river valleys and floodplains.

→ About 71 percent of the total surface area of the earth is underwater.

→ Wells, tanks, and canals are different sources of irrigation in our country.

→ Natural vegetation can be broadly classified into forests, grasses, and shrubs.

→ Wildlife refers to plants, animals, birds, and other organisms, which live in their natural habitats.

→ Many countries have taken steps to develop ‘biosphere resources’ to protect wildlife.

→ Ninety percent of the world population occupies only thirty percent of the land area.

→ The remaining seventy percent of the land is either sparsely populated or uninhabited.

→ A dripping tap wastes 1200 liters in a year.

→ Soil formation is a very Slow Process. It takes hundreds of years to make just one centimetre of Soil.

→ The thin layer of grainy substance covering the surface of the earth is called soil.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 2 Natural Resources

→ In India, soils are of six types.

→ Water can neither be added nor subtracted from the earth.

→ An average urban Indian uses about 135 litres of water every day.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 1 Resources – Types and Conservation

This PSEB 8th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 1 Resources – Types and Conservation will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 1 Resources – Types and Conservation

→ Resources: The base for economic strength and prosperity.

→ Types:

  • Natural
  • Human-made
  • Human

→ Utility: What makes an object or substance a resource.

→ Value: It means worth.

→ Stock of Resources: Amount of resources available for use.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 1 Resources – Types and Conservation

→ Patent: It means the exclusive right over any idea or invention.

→ Resources: They are the means which help in attaining given ends or satisfying human wants.

→ Actual or Potential Resources: On the basis of development natural resources may be actual or potential. We know the usage and quantity of the actual resource like coal deposits. A potential resource is not being used.

→ Natural Resources: The gifts of nature, such as land, rivers, plants, animals, etc. They are used by all living things.

→ Human Resources: The human beings living in a particular area or country. It also refers to the ability of humans to use natural resources usefully:

→ Renewable Resources: Those resources which can be obtained continuously for human needs, such as water, plants, etc. They can regenerate themselves.

→ Non-Renewable Resources: Those resources which have a limited or fixed source of supply. Once used they cannot be regenerated easily again.

→ Technology: It is the knowledge to do or make things. It is a human-made resource.

→ Conservation: It is planned and careful use of natural resources so that these resources can be used for a longer period of time.

→ Abiotic or Biotic Resources: On the basis of origin a resource may be: abiotic or non-living-like soil, rocks or biotic-living-like plants, animals.

→ Renewable and Non-renewable Resources: Natural resources may also be classified as renewable-that exist in unlimited quantity like sunlight or non-renewable that are in limited quantity like petroleum.

→ On the basis of distribution, a resource may be ubiquitous like air-found everywhere or localized-found in certain parts only like minerals.

PSEB 8th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 1 Resources – Types and Conservation

→ Humans have used their intelligence to create certain resources like; vehicles, buildings, roads, etc.

→ Humans themselves are a resource like farmers, labourers, teachers, doctors, etc. Human resource development is essential for further development.

→ We need to conserve resources for fulfilling present and future needs. This is known as sustainable development.

→ Early man was fully dependent upon the environment.

→ Human needs depend upon the natural environment and level of social, cultural, and technological development.

→ All biotic resources can reproduce and regenerate and thus are renewable.

→ The utility of resources largely depends on their location.

→ Anything that can be used to satisfy a need is called resource.

→ Time and technology are two important factors that can change substances into resources.

PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Notes Chapter 4 Marketing of Farm Produce

This PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Notes Chapter 4 Marketing of Farm Produce will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Notes Chapter 4 Marketing of Farm Produce

→ If marketing is done in a proper way one can earn more income.

→ For good marketing, one should take care of the crop from the time of sowing.

→ Sow good quality of a variety of the crop which can be sold easily and can earn good money.

→ Sowing, hoeing, irrigation, use of weedicides and insecticides, etc. should be done with expert opinions.

→ After threshing, weigh the produce.

→ Dispose of the produce after grading.

PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Notes Chapter 4 Marketing of Farm Produce

→ Get a form and receipt from the purchaser so that farmer could know their gains and investment.

→ Produce should be marketed through cooperative societies.

→ Punjab Mandi Board has set up mechanical handling units in Punjab in some of the man dies.

→ Bulk handling units have been established by ‘Food Corporation of India at Mandi Gobindgarh, Moga, and Jagraon for storage and handling of wheat on large scale.

→ Farmers should keep and get the information and knowledge of the markets near them.

→ Rates can be known from Radio, T.V., and Newspapers, etc.

→ In case of any problem in the disposal of the produce farmer can contact higher officials of the market.

PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Notes Chapter 3 Flower Cultivation

This PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Notes Chapter 3 Flower Cultivation will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Notes Chapter 3 Flower Cultivation

→ In Indian culture, the importance of flowers is there since time immemorial.

→ Flowers are used for worship, marriage, and social functions.

→ In Punjab, the area under flower cultivation is 2160 hectares.

→ In Punjab, the area under fresh flower cultivation is 1300 hectares.

PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Notes Chapter 3 Flower Cultivation

→ In Punjab, flower crops are mainly classified into two categories.

  • Loose Flower
  • Cut Flower

→ Loose Flowers are harvested from the base of flowers without their sterns. Examples: Rose, Jasmine, Marigold.

→ Cut flowers are harvested with their long stems. Examples: Gerbera, Rose, Lilium, Gladiolus, etc.

→ Gladiolus is the main cut flower crop in Punjab.

→ Gladiolus is propagated from the corms.

→ Marigold is the main major loose flower crop of Punjab.

→ Marigold is of two types African Marigold and French Marigold.

→ For raising a nursery of one acre of marigold 600-gram seed, is required.

→ Chrysanthemum is a flower that is used for both cut flowers as well as loose flowers.

→ Chrysanthemum is a flower in which the terminal stem cuttings of plants are cut from old plants from the end of June to mid-July.

→ Rose is a flower that is used for both cut flowers as well as loose flowers.

→ Fully open rose flowers are harvested for marketing as loose flowers but are harvested at tight bud stage with long stems.

→ Red, orange, white, pink, and yellow coloured flowers of Gerbera are in more demand.

PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Notes Chapter 3 Flower Cultivation

→ Tuberose flowers are used as loose and cut flowers for oil extraction.

→ Tuberose bulbs are planted during February-March.

→ Produce obtained for tuberose is 80,000 cut flowers or 2-2.5 ton/loose flowers per acre.

→ Motia (Jasmine) flowers are of white colored having good fragrance.

→ Soil suitable for cultivation of Motia is heavy soil with good.

PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Notes Chapter 2 Summer Vegetables

This PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Notes Chapter 2 Summer Vegetables will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Notes Chapter 2 Summer Vegetables

→ Any succulent part like fruit, leaf, stems, etc. of a plant that can be eaten fresh as a salad or after cooking is called a vegetable.

→ Vegetables contain carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, and vitamins.

→ For maintaining good health, the consumption of 284 grams of vegetables per person per day is essential.

→ Leafy vegetables are spinach, fenugreek, lettuce (salad), saag.

→ Root vegetables are carrot, radish, turnip.

→ The reason for low consumption per person is population explosion and post-harvest losses of vegetables.

PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Notes Chapter 2 Summer Vegetables

→ Major Kharif (summer) vegetables are chilli, brinjal, okra, bitter gourd, squash melon, tomato, bottle gourd, sponge gourd, long melon, etc.

→ Varieties of chillis are Punjab surkh, Punjab Guchhedar, Chilli hybrid-1.

→ The seed rate for chilli for sowing nursery in one marla is 200 grams.

→ Varieties of tomato are Punjab Varkha Bahar-1, Punjab Varkha Bahar-2.

→ Seed rate for tomato is 100-gram seed for 2 maria nursery which is used for transplanting in one acre.

→ Varieties of Brinjal are Punjab Neelam (round fruited), BH-2 (oblong fruited), PBH-3 (small fruited).

→ The seed rate for the sowing nursery of brinjal is 300-400 grams per acre.

→ Varieties of okra are Punjab-7, Punjab-8, Punjab Padmini.

→ The seed rate for okra is 15 kg (February), 8-10 kg (March), 5-6 kg (June-July).

→ Cucurbitaceous vegetables are summer squash, bottle gourd, bitter gourd, sponge gourd, cucumber, squash melon, long melon, musk melon, etc.

→ Varieties of Summer squash – Punjab Chappan Kaddo-1.

→ Varieties of Bottle gourd – Punjab Barket, Punjab Komal.

PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Notes Chapter 2 Summer Vegetables

→ Varieties of bitter gourd – Punjab-14, Punjab Kareli-1.

→ The seed rate for bitter gourd is 2 kg per acre.

→ Varieties of sponge gourd – Pusa chikni, Punjab spong gourd-9.

→ Varieties of ash gourd are – PAG-3.

→ The seed rate for each summer squash, bottle gourd, ash gourd is 2 kg per acre.

→ Varieties of cucumber – Punjab Naveen.

→ The seed rate for cucumber is one kg per acre.

→ Varieties of long melon – Punjab Long melon-1.

→ The seed rate for long melon is one kg per acre.

→ Varieties of squash melon – Tir 4a-48.

→ Seed rate for squash melon – 1.5 kg per acre.

PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Notes Chapter 2 Summer Vegetables

→ Musk Melon is a vegetable scientifically.

→ Varieties of musk melon – Punjab hybrid, hara Madhu, Punjab sunehri.

→ The seed rate for musk melon is 400 grams per acre.

PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Notes Chapter 1 Kharif Crops

This PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Notes Chapter 1 Kharif Crops will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Notes Chapter 1 Kharif Crops

→ Kharif crops are sown in June-July or during the monsoon season.

→ Kharif crops are harvested in October-November.

→ Kharif crops are categorized as cereals, pulses and oilseed, cotton, cane, Kharif fodders.

→ Some of the Kharif cereal crops are Rice, Basmati, Maize, Mash, Groundnut, Cotton, Sugarcane, Sorghum, and Bajra.

→ Paddy is also known as Jeeri, dhaan, Jhona.

PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Notes Chapter 1 Kharif Crops

→ China is at the top position in the production of rice, and in India West, Bengal is at the top position.

→ The area under the cultivation of Paddy is 28 lakh hectares in Punjab.

→ The average production from this is 60 quintals per hectare.

→ Paddy crop needs high temperature, high humidity, prolonged sunshine, a lot of water for its growth.

→ Medium to heavy soil is good for Paddy. Loamy soils are the best.

→ Improved varieties of rice are P.R.123, P.R.122, P.R.121, P.R.118, P.R.116, P.R.124.

→ The seed rate or seed requirement for rice is 8 kg per acre sown in an area of about 6.5 maria nurseries.

→ The time of nursery sowing for rice is from 15th to 30th May.

→ Nursery is grown on polythene sheets if a paddy transplanter (mechanical planter) is used for transplanting.

→ Transplanting of the seedlings is done in the second fortnight of June when seedlings become 20-25 cm tall or have 6-7 days.

→ Weeds like Swank and Mothers are found in the Paddy crop.

→ Direct seeding of rice is recommended for medium to heavy soils.

→ The crop should be harvested when the ears are nearly ripe and straw has turned yellow.

→ Insects that affect the paddy crop are rice stemborer, leaf folder, planthopper, and his.

PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Notes Chapter 1 Kharif Crops

→ Varieties of Basmati rice are Punjab basmati-3, Pusa Punjab basmati-1509, Pusa basmati-1121.

→ Nursery of Pusa basmati 1509 is sown in the second fortnight of June and that of Punjab Basmati 3 and Pusa basmati 1121 is sown in the first fortnight of June.

→ High doses of nitrogen application to basmati should be avoided.

→ In the production of Maize, the United States of America is at the top position in the world whereas Andhra Pradesh is at the top position in India.

→ Maize occupies 1 lakh 25 thousand hectares of area in Punjab. The average yield of maize is 15 quintals per acre.

→ Maize needs an environment that is considerably moist and warm from germination to flowering.

→ Varieties of Maize PMHl, PMH2 are for normal use and special purpose varieties are Punjab Sweet Corn-1 and Pearl Popcorn.

→ The seed rate for Pearl popcorn is 7 kg per acre whereas for other varieties it is 8 kg per acre.

→ Maize is sown from the end of May to the last week of June.

→ 4-6 irrigations are required for maize.

→ Mainly maize borer pest affects the maize crop.

→ Diseases that affect maize are seed rot and blight, stalk rot, etc.

→ Kharif pulse crops are Moong, Mash and Oilseed crops are groundnut and sesamum.

→ Soybean belongs to both pulses as well as oilseed categories.

→ India is a leading country in the production of pulses but the consumption of pulse is also high in India. Therefore there is a need to import pulses.

→ Moong crop occupies 5 thousand hectares in Punjab. Its average yield is 350 kg per acre.

→ Moong requires a hot climate. Well-drained loamy to a loam soil is suitable for Moong.

PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Notes Chapter 1 Kharif Crops

→ Soils which are saline-alkaline or waterlogged are not suitable for Moong.

→ Improved varieties of Moong are PAU-911, M.L.-818.

→ Moong is sown in the second fortnight of July.

→ Weeds are controlled in Moong by using Basalin and Treflan before sowing.

→ Harvest the Moong crop when about 80% of pods are mature.

→ Moong crop can be attacked by green Jasid, whitefly, hairy caterpillar, pod borer, aphid, etc.

→ Mash cultivation spreads over an area of 2 thousand hectares in Punjab and its average yield is 180 kg per acre.

→ Improved varieties of Mash are Mash 114, Mash 338.

→ When most of the leaves shed and pods turn greyish black, then harvest the crop.

→ The United States of America is at the top position in the world and Madhya Pradesh is at the top position in India, in the production of Soyafcean.

→ Some of the major uses of Soyabean – edible oil, soya milk and its products, bakery products, antibiotics, and fresh green beans.

→ Soybean requires a warm climate.

→ Improved varieties of Soyabean are S.L.-958, S.L.-744.

→ The seed rate for Soyabean is 25-30 kg seed per acre.

→ Soybean is sown in the first fortnight of June.

→ The crop is ready to harvest when all the leaves fall off and the color of pods changed.

PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Notes Chapter 1 Kharif Crops

→ Insects that attack soybean are hairy caterpillars, whitefly, etc.

→ A disease that can affect Soyabean yellow mosaic virus.

→ The highest oilseed producing country in the world is the United States of America and the highest oilseed producing state in India is Rajasthan.

→ Groundnut production is highest in China in the world and in India, it is in Gujarat.

→ Groundnut occupies 1500 hectares in Punjab.

→ The average yield of groundnut in Punjab is 7 quintals per acre.

→ Varieties of groundnut are S.G. 99, S.G. 84.

→ The seed rate (Kernels) for groundnut is 38-40 kg per acre.

→ The crop of groundnut is mature, it is indicated by uniform yellowing of the leaves and when older leaves fall off.

→ Insects/Pests which attack groundnut are Aphid, white grub, and hairy caterpillar.

→ Diseases that affect groundnut – collar rot, seed rot, Tikka, or Cercospora leaf-spot.

→ Cotton is sowed for textile and sugarcane is sown for getting sugar.

→ The fodder crop of Kharif is maize, Sorghum, and Bajra.

→ The highest production of cotton is in China in the world and in Gujarat in India.

→ Cotton occupies 5 lakh hectares in Punjab.

→ The average lint yield is 230 kg per acre in Punjab.

PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Notes Chapter 1 Kharif Crops

→ A hot and dry climate is needed for cotton.

→ Varieties of cotton are

  • B.T. varieties – RCH 650, NCS 855, Ankur 3028, MRC 7017,
  • non-B.T hybrid varieties – LHH-144,
  • Normal varieties – L.H. 2108.

→ Desi cotton varieties-hybrid-PAU 626H, Simple variety F.D.K.124, L.D. 694.

→ The time of sowing for cotton is 1 April to 15 May.

→ Weeds found in cotton are It sit, Madhana/Makra, etc.

→ Pests/insects of cotton – Sucking pests like Jassid, aphid, whitefly, and mealybug. Tobacco caterpillar, pink bollworm, spotted bollworm, American bollworm.

→ Diseases of cotton are Leaf curl, bacterial Wight, wilt, track, and para will.

→ Production of sugarcane is highest in Brazil in the world and in India it is in Uttar Pradesh.

→ Sugarcane occupies 80 thousand hectares in Punjab.

→ The yield of sugarcane is about 280 quintals per acre. The average recovery of sugar is 9.4% from this.

→ A hot climate is required for sugarcane (i.e. tropical climate). Well-drained loamy soil is suitable for sugarcane.

→ Spring cane varieties are early maturing varieties that are CoJ-89.

→ Seed rate for cane crop is twenty thousand three budded set or four budded sets 15 thousand, or five budded sets-12 thousand for one acre.

→ Cane is sown from mid-February to the end of March.

PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Notes Chapter 1 Kharif Crops

→ Autumn cane crop varieties are CoJ-85, CoJ -83.

→ Autumn cane crop is sown from 20 September to 20 October.

→ Pests that may attack cane crops are Pyrilla, whitefly, termite, and different types of borers.

→ Diseases that may affect cane crops are Red rot, smut, wilt, red stripe, top rot, and stinking rot.

→ An adult animal needs 40 kg of green fodder per day.

→ Maize is the major fodder crop of Kharif. It is available for harvesting in 50 to 60 days.

→ The maize crop used for fodder is J-1006.

→ The seed rate for fodder crops of maize is 30 kg per acre.

→ Animals are happier to eat Sorghum (Jowar or chart).

→ Sorghum needs a hot and dry climate.

→ Varieties of Sorghum are S.L. 44.

→ The seed rate for Sorghum is 20-25 kg per acre.

→ To get early green fodder, Sorghum is sown in the middle of March.

→ The suitable time for sowing sorghum is from mid of June to mid of July.

→ More nutrients become available from Sorghum if harvesting is done from pre-boot to milk stage.

→ Varieties of Bajra (pearl millet) are P.H.B.F-1, F.B.C-16.

PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Notes Chapter 1 Kharif Crops

→ The seed rate for Bajra is 6-8 kg per acre.

→ Insects/pests for the Bajra crop are Root bugs, grasshoppers.

→ Diseases of bajra are green ear, downy mildew, and ergot.

PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Triangles Ex 6.2

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class Maths Book Solutions Chapter 6 Triangles Ex 6.2 Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 6 Triangles Ex 6.2

1. State, if a triangle is possible with the following angles.

Question (a).
35°, 70°, 65°
No Reason :
Sum of three angles
= 35° + 70° + 65° = 170°
But, we know that sum of angles of a triangle is always 180°
∴ A triangle cannot have angles 35°, 70° and 90°.

Question (b).
70°, 50°, 60°
Reason :
Sum of three angles
= 70° + 50° + 60°
= 180°
By angle sum property
∴ A triangle can have angles 70°, 50° and 60°.

Question (c).
90°, 80°, 20°
Reason :
Sum of three angles
= 90° + 80° + 20°
But, we know that sum of angles of a triangle is always 180°
(Angle sum properly)
∴ A triangle cannot have angles 90°, 80° and 20°.

Question (d).
60°, 60°, 60°
Reason :
Sum of three angles
= 60° + 60° + 60°
= 180°
by angle sum property.
∴ A triangle can have angles 60°, 60° and 60°.

PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Triangles Ex 6.2

Question (e).
90°, 90°, 90°
No Reason :
Sum of three angles
= 90° + 90° + 90°
= 270°
But, we know that sum of angles of a triangle is always 180° (Angle sum properly)
∴ A triangle cannot have angles 90°, 90° and 90°.

2. Find the value of x in the following figures :

Question (i).
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Triangles Ex 6.2 1
By angle sum property of a triangle
x + 53° + 60° = 180°
x + 113° = 180°
x = 180° – 113°
x = 67°

Question (ii).
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Triangles Ex 6.2 2
By angle sum property of a triangle
90° + x + 42° = 180°
132° + x = 180°
x = 180° – 132°
x = 48°

Question (iii).
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Triangles Ex 6.2 3
By angle sum property of a triangle
x + x + 70° = 180°
2x + 70° = 180°
2x = 180° – 70°
2x = 110°
x = \(\frac{110^{\circ}}{2}\)
x = 55°

PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Triangles Ex 6.2

Question (iv).
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Triangles Ex 6.2 4
By angle sum property of a triangle
x + 3x + 2x = 180°
6x = 180°
x = \(\frac{180^{\circ}}{6}\)
x = 30°

Question (v).
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Triangles Ex 6.2 5
By angle sum property of a triangle
x + x + x = 180°
3x = 180°
x = \(\frac{180^{\circ}}{3}\)
x = 60°

Question (vi).
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Triangles Ex 6.2 6
By angle sum property of a triangle
x – 5° + 60° + x + 5° = 180°
2x + 60° = 180°
2x = 180° – 60°
2x = 120°
x = \(\frac{120^{\circ}}{2}\)
x = 60°

3. Find the values of x and y in the following figures :

Question (i).
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Triangles Ex 6.2 7
Since in ΔABC, BC is produced to D
∴ 60° + x = 110°
(By exterior angle property)
x = 110°- 60°
x = 50° ………. (1)
Now, in ΔABC
60° + x + y = 180°
(By angle sum property of triangle)
60° + 50° + y = 180° [(By using (1)]
110° + y = 180°
y = 180° – 110°
y = 70°
Hence, x = 50°,
y = 70°

PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Triangles Ex 6.2

Question (ii).
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Triangles Ex 6.2 8
∠P + ∠Q + ∠R = 180°
60° + 40° + x = 180°
(By angle sum property of triangle)
100° + x = 180°
x = 180° – 100°
x = 80°
Now,in ΔPQR, QR is produced
∴ y = 60° + 40°
(By exterior angle property)
y = 100°
Hence, x = 80°,
y = 100°

Question (iii).
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Triangles Ex 6.2 9
∴ x = 80°….(1)
(vertically opposite angles)
∠ACD + ∠ECD = 180° (Linear pair)
∴ ∠ACD + 80° = 180° [by using (1)]
∠ACD = 180°- 80°
∠ACD = 100° ….(2)
In ΔABC, BC is produced to D
∴ x + y = ∠ACD
(By exterior angle property)
80° + y = 100°
(By using (1) and (2))
y = 100° – 80°
y = 20°
Hence, x = 80° and y = 20°

Question (iv).
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Triangles Ex 6.2 10
By angle sum property of a triangle
∠L + ∠M + ∠N = 180°
y + 90° + y = 180°
2 y + 90° = 180°
2y = 180° – 90°
2y = 90°
y = \(\frac{90^{\circ}}{2}\)
y = 45°

Question (v).
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Triangles Ex 6.2 11
(Vertically opposite angles)
∴ y = x …(1)
(Vertically opposite angles)
∴ ∠BAC = x ….(2)
(Vertically opp. angles)
∠ACB = x …(3)
Now, in ΔABC
∠BAC + ∠ABC + ∠ACB = 180°
(By angle sum property of triangle)
x + x + x = 180°
[by using (1), (2) and (3)]
3x = 180°
x = \(\frac{180^{\circ}}{3}\)
x = 60°
y = x
= 60° (by using (1) and (4))
Hence, x = 60°, y = 60°

PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Triangles Ex 6.2

Question (vi).
PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Triangles Ex 6.2 12
In ΔPQR, QR is produced to S,
∴ 2x – 5° = 50° + x + 5°
(By exterior angle property.)
2x – 5°= 55° + x
2x – x = 55° + 5°
x = 60° ….(i)
Now, by angle sum property of a ΔPQR
50° + x + 5° + y = 180°
55° + 60° + y = 180°
115°+ y = 180°
y = 180° – 115°
y = 65°
Hence, x = 60° and y = 65°

4. The angles of a triangle are in the ratio 5:6:7. Find the measure of each of the angles.
Let the measure of the given angles be
(5x)°, (6x)°, (7x)°
By angle sum property of a triangle
(5x)° + (6x)° + (7x)° = 180°
(18x)° = 180°
x = \(\frac{180^{\circ}}{18}\)
x = 10
Required angles
= (5 × 10)°, (6 × 10)°, (7 × 10)°
= 50°, 60°, 70°

5. One angle of a triangle is 60°. The other two angles are in the ratio 4 : 8. Find the angles.
One angle of triangle = 60°
Let the other two angles be (4x)° and (8x)°
By angle sum property of a triangle
60° + (4x)° + (8x)° = 180°
60° + (12x)° = 180°
(12x)° = 180° – 60°
(12x)° = 120°
x = \(\frac{120^{\circ}}{12}\)
x = 10
Required angles = (4x)°, (8x)°
(4 × 10)°, (8 × 10)°
= 40°, 80°

PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Triangles Ex 6.2

6. In a triangle ABC, ZB = 50°, ∠C = 62°. Find ∠A.
In a ΔABC, ∠B = 50°, ∠C = 62°
By angle sum property of a triangle
∠A + ∠B + ∠C = 180°
∠A + 50° + 62° = 180°
∠A + 112° = 180°
∠A = 180° – 112°
∠A = 68°

7. In a right angled triangle two acute angles are in the ratio 2 : 3. Find the angles.
In a right angle triangle one angle = 90°
Let the other two angles be (2x)°, (3x)°
By angle sum property of a triangle.
90° + (2x)° + (3x)° = 180°
90° + (5x)° = 180°
(5x)° = 180° – 90°
(5x)° = 90°
x = \(\frac{90^{\circ}}{5}\)
x = 18
Required angles = (2x)°, (3x)°
= (2 × 18)°, (3 × 18)°
= 36°, 54°

8. Three angles of a triangle are (2x + 20)°, (x + 30)° and (2x – 10)°. Find the angles.
Since, we know that the sum of angles of a triangle is always 180°
∴ (2x + 20)° + (x + 30)° + (2x – 10)° = 180°
(5x + 40)° = 180°
(5x)° = 180° – 40°
(5x)° = 140°
x = \(\frac{140^{\circ}}{5}\)
x = 28
Required angles
= (2x + 20)°, (2x + 30)° and (2x – 10)°
= (2 × 28 + 20)°, (28 + 30)° and (2 × 28 -10)°
= (56 + 20)°, (58)° and (56 – 10)°
= 76°, 58° and 46°

PSEB 7th Class Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Triangles Ex 6.2

9. Multiple choice questions :

Question (i).
A triangle can have two …………….
(a) Acute angles
(b) Obtuse angles
(c) Right angles
(d) None of these.
(a) Acute angles

Question (ii).
A triangle is possible with measure of angles
(a) 30°, 40°, 100°
(b) 60°, 60°, 70°
(c) 60°, 50°, 70°
(d) 90°, 89°, 92°
(c) 60°, 50°, 70°

Question (iii).
One of the equal angles of an isosceles triangle is 45° then its third angle is
(a) 45°
(b) 60°
(c) 100°
(d) 90°
(d) 90°

Question (iv).
The number of obtuse angles that a triangle can have
(a) 2
(b) 1
(c) 3
(d) 4.
(b) 1

PSEB 9th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 10 Coping with Stress

This PSEB 9th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 10 Coping with Stress will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 9th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 10 Coping with Stress

→ Stress is our physical or mental response to changes in the environment or challenging situations.

→ Stress is our body’s natural way of preparing itself for the pressures of school, home, or any other circumstances.

→ Stress is an important part of our daily life.

→ Everyone feels stressed whether he is a child, an adult, or an elder.

PSEB 9th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 10 Coping with Stress

→ The causes of stress can be different for everyone but it is there for everyone.

→ Any student can be stressed in many ways such as work of the school, family circumstance, relations with friends, future thinking, the pressure of tests, etc.

→ When anyone is stressed, he should concentrate on things.

→ Close your eyes and take deep breaths. Count from one to ten. This activity must be repeated. It helps in reducing stress.

→ Stress is of two types good and bad.

→ Good stress motivates us to do any work and bad stress can lead us to many diseases.

→ Stress can have a wrong impact on our behavior, physical and mental healtl|nie reduces our ability to do any work.

→ If anyone lives under stress for a long tone becomes a victim of many diseases.

PSEB 9th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 10 Coping with Stress

→ Student life is attached to stress.

→ The tension of tests, the tension of getting marks, fear of failure are a few of the causes which cause stress.

→ If stress is there then methods of removal of stress are also there and reduce stress by giving preference do necessary work, time management keeping ourselves happy.

→ We will become physically and mentally strong once we will follow the methods of reducing stress.