PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Narration / Direct and Indirect Speech

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class English Book Solutions English Grammar Narration / Direct and Indirect Speech Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Narration / Direct and Indirect Speech

Direct Speech को Indirect Speech में बदलते समय निम्नलिखित परिवर्तन किए जाते हैं-

(1) Direct Speech में प्रयोग किए गए inverted commas हटा दिए जाते हैं।

(2) Reporting Verb के बाद लगा हुआ comma हटा दिया जाता है।

(3) यदि आवश्यकता हो तो Reporting Verb के बाद that, if अथवा whether का प्रयोग एक जोड़क
शब्द (linking word) के रूप में किया जाता है।

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Narration / Direct and Indirect Speech

(4) Pronouns के सम्बन्ध में होने वाले परिवर्तनों के लिए निम्नांकित नियम याद रखिए
(i) Reported Speech में जो First Person के Pronouns होते हैं, उन्हें Reporting Verb के Subject (कर्ता) के Person में बदला जाता है।
(ii) Reported Speech में जो Second Person के Pronouns होते हैं, उन्हें Reporting Verb के Object (कर्म) के Person में बदला जाता है।
(iii) Reported Speech में जो Third Person के Pronouns होते हैं, उन के Person में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं किया जाता है।
(iv) Pronouns को एक Person से दूसरे Person में बदलने के लिए नीचे दिया गया चार्ट याद रखिए-

First Person Second Person Third Person
I you he, she
my your his, her
me you him, her
we you they
our your their
us you them

(5) Tenses अथवा Verbs के सम्बन्ध में होने वाले परिवर्तनों के लिए निम्नांकित नियम याद रखिए-
(i) Reporting Verb का Tense कभी भी बदला नहीं जाता है।
(ii) Reporting Verb में said to के स्थान पर told, asked, requested, ordered, exclaimed आदि शब्दों का प्रयोग किया जाता है, परन्तु इसका Tense वही रहता है।
(iii) Reporting Verb यदि Present Tense अथवा Future Tense में हो, तो Reported Speech के Tense में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं होता है।

(iv) Reporting Verb यदि Past Tense में हो, तो Reported Speech के Verb का Tense नीचे दिए नियमों के अनुसार बदला जाता है*
V1 को V2 में बदल दो।
V2 को had + V3 में बदल दो।

(v) Reported Speech में यदि किसी Universal Truth, Habit, Fact अथवा किसी Historical Truth का वर्णन हो, तो इसे Indirect में बदलते समय इसके Tense में
कोई परिवर्तन नहीं किया जाता है, यद्यपि Reporting Verb का Tense कुछ भी हो।।

(vi) यदि Reported Speech में दो क्रियाएं एक ही समय पर हो रही हों (two actions taking place at the same time), तो इसे Indirect में बदलते समय इसके Tense में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं किया जाता है, यद्यपि Reporting Verb का Tense कुछ भी हो।

(vii) Reported Speech में दिया गया वाक्य यदि साधारण (Assertive) हो, तो जोड़क के रूप में that का प्रयोग किया जाता है।

(viii) Reported Speech में दिया गया वाक्य यदि प्रश्न-वाचक हो, तो जोड़क के रूप में if या whether का प्रयोग किया जाता है। परन्तु यदि प्रश्न-वाचक वाक्य What, When, Where, Why, Which, Who, How आदि प्रश्न-वाचक शब्दों से आरम्भ हुआ हो, तो किसी भी जोड़क का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है। वाक्य के आरम्भ में लगा हुआ प्रश्न-वाचक शब्द ही जोड़क का काम करता है। प्रश्न-वाचक वाक्य को indirect में बदलने के बाद उस वाक्य को साधारण (Assertive) बना दिया जाता है।

(ix) Reported Speech में दिया हुआ वाक्य यदि Imperative हो, तो Indirect में बदलते समय नीचे दिए परिवर्तन किए जाते हैं-
Reporting Verb में दिए गए said to के स्थान पर ordered, asked, requested, begged, advised आदि शब्दों का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
* Imperative Verb के आगे to लगाकर उसे Infinitive बना दिया जाता है।

(6) Adverbs के सम्बन्ध में होने वाले परिवर्तनों के लिए निम्नांकित तालिका याद रखिए- .

Direct Indirect
Now Then
This That
These Those
Here There
Ago Before
Today That day
The next day Tomorrow
The previous day Yesterday
The previous night Last night
The following month Next month

किन्तु ये परिवर्तन नहीं किए जाते हैं यदि समय अथवा स्थान की दूरी का भाव क्रिया के रूप से ही स्पष्ट हो जाता हो।

Solved Examples

(1) Change of Pronouns (First Person)

Direct Indirect
1. I say, “I am ill.” I say that I am ill.
2. You say, “I am ill.” You say that you are ill.
3. She says, “I am ill.” She says that she is ill.
4. He says, “I am ill.” He says that he is ill.
5. They will say, “We are ill.” They will say that they are ill.

(Second Person)

Direct Indirect
1. He says to me, “You have done your duty.” He tells me that I have done my duty.
2. He says to us, “You have done your duty.” He tells us that we have done our duty.
3. He says to you, “You have done your duty.” He tells you that you have done your duty.
4. He says to him, “You have done your duty.” He tells him that he has done his duty.
5. He says to her, “You have done your duty.” He tells her that she has done her duty.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Narration / Direct and Indirect Speech

(Third Person)

Direct Indirect
1. I say, “He is an honest man.” I say that he is an honest man.
2. She will say, “They have done their work.” She will say that they have done their work.

(2) Change Of Tenses

Direct Indirect
1. I said to the teacher, “I am sorry.” I told the teacher that I was sorry.
2. I said to the teacher, “I am working hard.” I told the teacher that I was working hard.
3. I said, “I have been ill since Monday.” I said that I had been ill since Monday.
4. I said to him, “I was doing my duty.” I told him that I had been doing my duty.
5. He said to me, “You have done well.”  He told me that I had done well.
6. He said, “I shall go there.” He said that he would go there.
7. She said to me, “You will miss the train.” She told me that I would miss the train.

(3) Universal Truths

Direct Indirect
1. He said, “God is great.” He said that God is great.
2. The boy said, “I take exercise daily.” The boy said that he takes exercise daily.
3. The teacher said, “The First Battle of Panipat was fought in 1526.” The teacher said that the First Battle of Panipat was fought in 1526.”
4. “Gandhiji believed in non-violence, said the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister said that Gandhiji  believed in non-violence.

(4) Interrogative Sentences

Direct Indirect
1. The teacher said to me, “Are you feeling well today?” The teacher asked me if I was feeling well  that day.
2. The traveller said to me, “Can you tell me the way to the nearest inn?” The traveller asked me if I could tell him the way to the nearest inn.
3. Hari said to his father, “May I go picture that night. Hari asked his father if he might go to the to the picture tonight?”
4. I said to her, “Do you want my help?” I asked her if she wanted my help.
5. She said, “Kamla, do you like this book ?” She asked Kamla if she liked that book.
6. He said to the old man, “What do you want He asked the old man what he wanted.
7. The teacher said to Hari, “Why haven’t you done your homework ?” The teacher asked Hari why he hadn’t done his homework.
8. Sohan said to her, “If you fail, what will you do ?” Sohan asked her what she would do if she failed.

(5) Imperative Sentences

Direct Indirect
1. The teacher said to the boy, “Shut the door.” The teacher asked the boy to shut the door.
2. Mohan said to Rajan, “Please go to the station with me.” Mohan requested Rajan to go to the station with him.
3. He said to me, “Trust in God and do the right.” He advised me to trust in God and to do the right.
4. The boy said, “Papa ! Forgive me that time. The boy begged his papa to forgive him this time.”
5. I said to my teacher, “Pardon me, sir.” I respectfully begged my teacher to pardon me.
6. He said to his friends, “Please let me study.” He requested his friends to let him study.

(6) Exclamatory Sentences

Direct Indirect
1. She said, “May you succeed, my son !” She prayed for the success of her son.
2. He said, “What a great misery !” He exclaimed with sorrow that it was a great misery.
3. The merchant said, “Alas ! I am ruined.” The merchant exclaimed with sorrow that he was ruined.
4. The captain said, “Hurrah ! We have won.” The captain exclaimed with joy that they had won.
5. Sita said, “Goodbye, my friend.” Sita bade her friend goodbye.

Miscellaneous Exercise (Based on Textual Sentences)

(1) Change the narration of the following.

1. Barb shouted, “Malcolm, hold on. I’m going for help.”
2. Barb said, “I loved Malcolm before the accident and I will always love him.”
3. The grandmother said, “I am not going to waste any more time talking to you.”
4. The boy said to the girl, “Aren’t you happy to see me ?”
5. “I see,” said the Colonel, “you don’t know how to return a salute.”
6. I asked him, “Where do you come from?”
7. The old woman said, “May you live long !”
8. The policeman said to the driver, “Show me your licence.”
9. An elderly gentleman said to Sudha, “Do you know why we said lady candidates need not apply ?”
10. He said to Mr. JRD Tata, “Sudha is the first woman to work on the Telco’s shop floor.”
1. Barb urged Malcolm to hold on and said that she was going for help.
2. Barb said that she had loved Malcolm before the accident and declared that she would always love him.
3. The grandmother said that she was not going to waste any more time talking to them.
4. The’boy asked the girl if she was not happy to see him.
5. The Colonel told me that he could see that I did not know how to return a salute.
6. I asked him where he came from.
7. The old woman wished for my long life.
8. The policeman asked the driver to show him his licence.
9. An elderly gentleman asked Sudha if she knew why they had said lady candidates need not apply.
10. He told Mr. JRD Tata that Sudha was the first woman to work on the Telco’s shop floor.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Narration / Direct and Indirect Speech

(2) Change the narration of the following.

1. Sudha said to the panel, “You must start somewhere, otherwise no woman will ever be able to work in you factories.”
2. The Sergeant Major said to the author, “Always remember, discipline begins with the officers !”
3. Dr. Kalam said to girl, “What is your goal in life ?”
4. The teacher will say, “Gita is performing on the stage.”
5. She said, “If I were rich, I would help him.”
6. “Oh, Tom,” she said, “I am so ashamed of you !”
7. The lawyer asked Bob, “Do you still deny the charges ?”
8. The principal said, “Virtue is its own reward.”
9. The girl said to Dr. Kalam, “I want to live in a developed India.”
10. Mr. Tinaikar said to Dr. Kalam, “In America, every dog owner himself has to clean the droppings of his pet.”
1. Sudha told the panel that they must start somewhere, otherwise no woman would ever be able to work in their factories.
2. The Sergeant Major asked the author to remember always that discipline begins with the officers.
3. Dr. Kalam asked the girl what her goal in life was.
4. The teacher will say that Gita is performing on the stage.
5. She said that if she had been rich, she would have helped him.
6. She rebuked Tom saying she was very much ashamed of him.
7. The lawyer asked Bob if he still denied the charges.
8. The principal said that virtue is its own reward.
9. The girl told Dr. Kalam that she wanted to live in a developed India.
10. Mr. Tinaikar told Dr. Kalam that in America, every dog owner himself has to clean the droppings of his pet.

(3) Change the narration of the following.

1. Mr. Tinaikar said to Dr. Kalam, “Will the Indian citizen behave in a responsible manner in his own country ?”
2. Major Som Nath informed Brigade HQ, “I shall not withdraw an inch, but will fight to our last man and our last round.”
3. Kalam says, “India has made a wonderful success in many fields.”
4. “Gandhiji believed in non-violence,” said the Prime Minister.
5. Rita said to me, “Trust in God and do the right.”
6. “Don’t run away, Hughie,” said he.
7. “What an amazing model !” shouted Trevor.
8. Major Som Nath sent a message to Brigade HQ, “The enemies are only 50 yards from us.”
9. C.V. Raman says, “Water is the true elixir of life.”
10. Colonel Sams said to Junod, “Leave these photographs with me. I want to show them to General MacArthur.”
1. Mr. Tinaikar asked Dr. Kalam if the Indian citizen would behave in a responsible manner in his own country.
2. Major Som Nath informed Brigade HQ that he would not withdraw an inch, but would fight to their last man and their last round.
3. Kalam says that India has made a wonderful success in many fields.
4. The Prime Minister said that Gandhiji believed in non-violence.
5. Rita advised me to trust in God and do the right.
6. He asked Hughie not to run away.
7. Trevor shouted that it was an amazing model.
8. Major Som Nath informed Brigade HQ that the enemies were only 50 yards from them.
9. C.V. Raman says that water is the true elixir of life.
10. Colonel Sams asked Junod to leave those photographs with him. He further said that he wanted to show them to General MacArthur.

(4) Change the narration of the following.

1. C.V. Raman says, “Water in a landscape may be compared to the eyes in a human face.”
2. General Fitch said to Marcel Junod, “What do you want from us?”
3. Colonel Sams said to Junod, “It is not possible for the United States Army to organize any direct relief action.”
4. Barb shouted, “Malcolm, hold on. I am going for help.”
5. I said, “What a mean act !”
6. “Most of you will be leaving school within six months,” said the teacher to his pupils.
7. I asked my guest, “Did you have a bad night ?”
8. She said, “I sold my car myself.”
9. He said to Junod, “General MacArthur is willing to let you have fifteen tons of medicaments and hospital material.”
10. Colonel Sams said to Junod, “A commission of inquiry is leaving for Hiroshima tomorrow.”
1. C.V. Raman says that water in a landscape may be compared to the eyes in a human face.
2. General Fitch asked Marcel Junod what he wanted from them.
3. Colonel Sams told Junod that it was not possible for the United States Army to organize any direct relief action.
4. Barb shouted to Malcolm to hold on. She further told him that she was going for help.
5. I exclaimed that the act was very mean.
6. The teacher told his pupils that most of them would be leaving school within six months.
7. I asked my guest if he had a bad night.
8. She said that she had sold her car herself.
9. He told Junod that General MacArthur was willing to let them have fifteen tons of medicaments and hospital material.
10. Colonel Sams told Junod that a commission of inquiry was leaving for Hiroshima the next day.

(5) Change the narration of the following.

1. Colonel Sams said to Junod, “Medicaments and hospital material can be distributed under the control of the Red Cross.”
2. Junod said to the American officers, “A rescue expedition should be organised at once.”
3. The surgeon said to Barb, “Restoring Malcolm’s face was like putting a jigsaw puzzle together.’
4. Malcolm’s friends said to Barb, “He simply can’t believe you still love him.”
5. Barb said, “Handicaps should be accepted in life.”
6. The old woman said to Rahim Khan, “Your wife has gone to her brother at Nurpur.”
7. “Poor old chap !” said Hughie. “How miserable he looks !”
8. “What a duffer the Baron must think me !” said Hughie.
9. “Has your son again been arrested for revenue arrears ?” said Rahim Khan to the old woman.
10. The host said to the poor peasant, “I cannot find drink for everyone who comes here.”
1. Colonel Sams told Junod that medicaments and hospital material could be distributed under the control of the Red Cross.
2. Junod suggested to the American officers that a rescue expedition should be organised at once.
3. The surgeon told Barb that restoring Malcolm’s face had been like putting a jigsaw puzzle together.
4. Malcolm’s friends told Barb that he simply couldn’t believe that she still loved him.
5. Barb said that handicaps should be accepted in life.
6. The old woman told Rahim Khan that his wife had gone to her brother at Nurpur.
7. Hughie pitied the old beggar and remarked that he looked very miserable.
8. Hugie felt upset thinking that Baron would consider him a duffer.
9. Rahim Khan asked the old woman if her son had again been arrested for revenue arrears.
10. The host told the poor peasant that he could not find drink for everyone who came there.

(6) Change the narration of the following.

1. The journalist said to Junod, “By the evening, the fire began to die down and then it went out.”
2. General MacArthur said, “Force is not a solution to man’s problems.”
3. Malcolm said, “Barb, are you okay?”
4. Gordy Peyto said to Malcolm, “I always end up looking after you, man.”
5. Malcolm said to Gordy Peyto, “My wrist is broken.”
6. General MacArthur said to Junod and his delegation, “A new war would leave nothing worthy of mention.”
7. Rahim Khan shouted, “Why are you running away ? I am not going to beat you.”
8. “Why don’t you speak, woman?” Rahim Khan said to the old woman.
9. Hughie said, “Well Alan ! Did you get the picture finished all right ?”
10. The doctors said, “Well Malcolm, you shall look fine after the grafts are finished.”
1. The journalist told Junod that by the evening, the fire had begun to die down and then it had gone out.
2 General MacArthur said that force is not a solution to man’s problems.
3. Malcolm asked Barb if she was okay.
4. Gordy Peyto told Malcolm jokingly that he always ended up looking after him.
5. Malcolm told Gordy Peyto that his wrist was broken.”
6. General MacArthur told Junod and his delegation that a new war would leave nothing worthy of mention.
7. Rahim Khan shouted to the children why they were running away. He assured them that he was not going to beat them.
8. Rahim Khan asked the old woman why she did not speak.
9. Hughie asked Alan if he had got the picture finished all right.
10. The doctors told Malcolm that he would look fine after the grafts were finished.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Narration / Direct and Indirect Speech

(7) Change the narration of the following.

1. Brigadier General Baker said to Junod, “General MacArthur wishes to receive the delegation of the International Red Cross.”
2. General MacArthur said to the delegation, “I thank you for the work you have done on behalf of the imprisoned Americans.”
3. He said, “The supreme value of human life and human blood has been forgotten.”
4. Malcolm said to his friends, “How can Barb love a freak like me ?”
5. Barb said, “Scars don’t change the person.”
6. “Shall I come too, father?” said Tembu.
7. Rahim Khan asked the old woman, “Has your daughter-in-law delivered another baby?”
8. The peasants said, “Poor fellow, he has gone mad. We shall send for his wife to look after him.”
9. The astrologer said to his client, “A knife was passed through you once.”
10. The astrologer said to Guru, “You were pushed into a well and left for dead.”
1. Brigadier General Baker told Junod that General MacArthur wished to receive the delegation of the International Red Cross.
2. General MacArthur thanked the delegation for the work they had done on behalf of the imprisoned Americans.
3. He said that the supreme value of human life and human blood had been forgotten.
4. Malcolm asked his friends how Barb could love á freak like him.
5. Barb said that scars don’t change the person.
6. Tembu asked his father if he too should come.
7. Rahim Khan asked the old woman if her daughter in-law had delivered another baby.
8. The peasants sympathised with him and said that he had gone mad. They added that they would send for his wife to look after him.
9. The astrologer told his client that a knife had passed through him once.
10. The astrologer told Guru that he had been pushed into a well and left for dead.

Exercises From Grammar Book (Fully Solved)

Exercise 1
Change the narration.

1. She said to me, “I will go to Delhi next week.”
2. Rajan said to him, “I returned your book yesterday.”
3. My sister said to me, “I have to finish my work before 5 o’clock today.”
4. The teacher said to the students, “You must attend your classes regularly.”
5. The stranger said to me, “I belong to Rajasthan.”
6. The captain said to the players, “In case of rain, we will cancel the match.”
7. My friend said to me, “You can take my book if you want to study.”
8. My neighbour said to me, “Someone has stolen my scooter.”
9. His brother said to him, “I am going to watch a movie.”
10. Riya said to me, “I shall go to Chennai next week.”
1. She told me that she would go to Delhi the following week.
2. Rajan told him that he had returned his book the previous day.
3. My sister told me that she had to finish her work by 5 o’clock that day.
4. The teacher impressed upon the students that they had to attend their classes regularly.
5. The stranger told me that he belonged to Rajasthan.
6. The captain told the players that in case of rain, they would cancel the match.
7. My friend told me that I could take his book if I wanted to study.
8. My neighbour told me that someone had stolen his scooter.
9. His brother told him that he was going to watch a movie.
10. Riya told me that she would go to Chennai the following week.

Exercise 2
Change the narration.

1. The shopkeeper said to the boy, “What do you want to buy?”
2. The student said to the teacher, “Can you explain the sum again ?”
3. The father said to his son, “Where have you kept my spectacles ?”
4. The teacher said to the student, “Why have you come late today ?”
5. I said to him, “When are you shifting to your new house ?”
6. My father said to my sister, “Why have you not prepared your lessons ?”
7. He said to his guest, “Shall I make you a cup of tea ?”
8. The secretary said to the visitor, “Whom do you want to see ?”
9. He said to me, “Are you building a new house ?”
10. My uncle said to me, “When does the postman come every day?”.
1. The shopkeeper asked the boy what he wanted to buy.
2. The student asked the teacher if he could explain the sum again.
3. The father asked his son where he (the son) had kept his spectacles.
4. The teacher asked the student why he had come late that day.
5. I asked him when he was shifting to his new house.
6. My father asked my sister why she had not prepared her lessons.
7. He asked his guest if he should make him a cup of tea.
8. The secretary asked the visitor whom he wanted to see.
9. He asked me if I was building a new house.
10. My uncle asked me when the postman came every day.

Exercise 3
Change the narration.

1. The teacher said to the students, “Don’t make a noise.”
2. She said to her father, “Let me marry the boy I want to.”
3. The Principal said to the boys, “Work hard if you want to succeed.”
4. My mother said to me, “Clean your room and arrange your books.”
5. The beggar said, “Please give me a rupee.”
6. The leader said to his followers, “Let’s do something for our motherland.”
7. He said to his son, “Never tell a lie.”
8. The Principal said to the peon, “Bring that file to me.”
9. The captain said to the soldiers, “Fire at the enemy.”
10. My friend said to me, “Let’s play cricket.”
1. The teacher asked the students not to make a noise.
2. She requested her father to let her marry the boy she wanted to.
3. The Principal advised the boys to work hard if they wanted to succeed.
4. My mother asked me to clean my room and arrange my books.
5. The beggar begged me to give him a rupee.
6. The leader proposed to his followers that they should do something for their motherland.
7. He advised his son never to tell a lie.
8. The Principal ordered 1 commanded the peon to bring that file to him.
9. The captain commanded the soldiers to fire at the enemy.
10. My friend proposed to me that we should play cricket.

Exercise 4
Change the narration.

1. My brother said, “Hurrah ! I have got the first rank in my class.”
2. He said, “Alas ! I have lost my son.”
3. She said to me, “Good Heavens ! You have come again.”
4. He said to the boy, “Pooh ! Pooh! What a dirty fellow you are !”
5. The students said, “How difficult the question paper is !”
6. She said to her son, “Hush ! The baby is sleeping.”
7. My friend said to me, “How nice of you to have come.”
8. She said, “Hurrah ! My brother has won a lottery prize.”
9. The boy said, “Oh ! I have forgotten my book at home.”
10. I said, “What a tongue-twister !”
1. My brother exclaimed with joy that he had got the first rank in his class.
2. He exclaimed with sorrow that he had lost his son.
3. She exclaimed with surprise that I had come again.
4. He exclaimed disdainfully that the boy was a very dirty fellow.
5. The students exclaimed despairingly that the question paper was very difficult.
6. She asked her son to remain quiet as the baby was sleeping.
7. My friend praised me saying that it was very nice of me to have come.
8. She exclaimed with joy that her brother had won a lottery prize.
9. The boy exclaimed with sorrow that he had forgotten his book at home.
10. Taken aback, I exclaimed that it was a great tongue-twister.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Narration / Direct and Indirect Speech

Exercise 5
Change the narration.

1. I said to my friend, “May you get well soon.”
2. My friend said to me, “Good luck to you !”
3. John said, “O for a house to live in.”
4. He said, “I wish I were the Prime Minister.”
5. My mother said to me, “May you get all the success in life.”
6. The blind man said, “May God bless you !”
7. I said to my parents, “Goodnight !”
8. The teacher said to the students, “May you all fare well in your examination.”
9. She said to her friend, “May you recover soon !”
10. He said, “O for a cup of tea !”
1. I wished for my friend that he might get well soon.
2. My friend wished me good luck.
3. John desired strongly for a house to live in.
4. He wished that he had been the Prime Minister.
5. My mother wished that I might get all the success in life.
6. The blind man wished that God might bless me.
7. I wished my parents goodnight.
8. The teacher wished that all the students might fare well in their examination.
9. She wished that her friend might recover soon.
10. He strongly desired for a cup of tea.

Exercise 6
Change the narration.

1. He said to me, “You can go now.”
2. Radha said, “I bought these books yesterday.”
3. Priyanka said to me, “I lost my book last night.”
4. He said, “I have found a gold coin today.”
5. She said to me, “I will wait fou you here.”
6. Pratibha said to her friend, “I should go back home now.”
7. The servant says to his master, “The dinner is ready.”
8. Nehru said, “The Ganga has been a symbol of India’s culture.”
9. The teacher said to the students, “You should obey your parents.”
10. He said to the doctor, “There is no hope for him unless you treat him.”
1. He told me that I could go then.
2. Radha said that she had bought those books the previous day.
3. Priyanka told me that she had lost her book the previous night.
4. He said that he had found a gold coin that day.
5. She told me that she would wait for me there.
6. Pratibha told her friend that she should go back home then.
7. The servant tells his master that the dinner is ready.
8. Nehru said that the Ganga had been a symbol of India’s culture.
9. The teacher advised the students that they should obey their parents.
10. He told the doctor that there was no hope for him unless he (the doctor) treated him.

Exercise 7
Change the narration.

1. The tourist said to the guide, “How long does it take to reach Manali ?”
2. He said to me, “Shall I help you ?”
3. I said to him, “When are you coming to my home ?”
4. The daughter said to her mother, “What have you prepared in lunch ?”
5. He said to his neighbour, “Who has spoiled my garden?”
6. She said to me, “Do you know the way to railway station ?”
7. I said to him, “What have you got as your birthday gift ?”
8. She said to me, “Why did you hurt my brother ?”
9. My friend said to me, “Are you looking for a new job ?”
10. Amit said to his brother, “How did you fare in your final examination ?”
1. The tourist asked the guide how long it took to reach Manali.
2. He asked me if he should help me.
3. I asked him when he was coming to my home.
4. The daughter asked her mother what she had prepared in lunch.
5. He asked his neighbour who had spoiled his garden.
6. She asked me whether I knew the way to railway station.
7. I asked him what he had got as his birthday gift.
8. She enquired of me why I had hurt her brother.
9. My friend asked me whether I was looking for a new job.
10. Amit enquired of his brother how he had fared in his final examination.

Exercise 8
Change the narration.

1. He said to me, “You have no liking for poetry.”
2. She said, “May God bless the newborn baby.”
3. I said to him, “Did you go to school today?”
4. The boys screamed, “Bravo ! It is a big hit.”
5. The boy said to his mother, “Let me play for some time.”
6. He said to her, “Are you well ?”
7. She said, “You mustn’t break your promise.”
8. The officer said to his men, “Attack the enemy.”
9. The teacher asked her why she was late.
10. He said to me, “Let him play cunningly, he will not be able to defeat you.”
1. He remarked that I had no liking for poetry.
2. She wished that God might bless the newborn baby.
3. I asked him whether he had gone to school that day.
4. The boys applauded loudly saying that it was a big hit.
5. The boy requested his mother to let him play for some time.
6. He asked her if she was well.
7. She impressed upon me that I mustn’t break my promise.
8. The officer ordered his men to attack the enemy.
9. The teacher said to her, “Why are you late ?”
10. He assured me that even if he played cunningly, he would not be able to defeat me.

Exercise 9
Change the narration.

1. Mother said, “Go ahead and do well in life.”
2. He said, “Do it at once.”
3. You said to us, “Why were they quarrelling at night ?”
4. Her sister said, “How stupid you are !”
5. He said, “I must win the prize.”
6. Sonam said to her mother, “Where are the keys ?”
7. We wished them success in life.
8. The fox said, “How clever I am !”
9. The Principal said to the students, “You should always respect your teachers.”
10. “What a lovely flower !” I said.
1. Mother encouraged me to go ahead and do well in life.
2. He ordered me to do that at once.
3. You asked us why they had been quarrelling at night.
4. Her sister said disdainfully that she was very stupid.
5. He resolved that he had to win the prize. 6. Sonam asked her mother where the keys were.
7. We said to them, “May you succeed in life.”
8. The fox boasted that he was very clever.
9. The Principal advised the students that they should always respect their teachers.
10. I exclaimed in wonder that that was a very lovely flower.

Exercise 10
Change the narration.

1. I said to her, “Are you comfortable now ?”
2. He said to me, “You can trust me.”
3. He said to Sonam, “Whose car is that ?”
4. Money said to Simmy, “I am going to Jaipur tomorrow.”
5. Manav said to Hari, “Please lend me some money.”
6. I said to him, “Let us go to the cinema tonight.”
7. He said to me, “Let me know if I can do something for you.”
8. The officer said, “March forward, boys.”
9. The Guru said, “Do good and expect nothing in return,”
10. He said, “If he were a king!”.
1. I asked her if she was comfortable then.
2. He assured me that I could trust him.
3. He asked Sonam whose car that was.
4. Money told Simmy that she was going to Jaipur the next day.
5. Manav requested Hari to lend him some money.
6. I proposed to him that we should go to the cimema that night.
7. He told me to let him know if he could do something for me.
8. Calling his men as boys, the officer ordered them to march forward.
9. The Guru advised them to do good and expect nothing in return.
10. He strongly desired him to become a king.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Narration / Direct and Indirect Speech

Exercise 11
Change the narration.

1. She said to him, “Where are you staying ?”
2. I said to my secretary, “Don’t disturb me.”
3. Mother said to her, “Why don’t you finish your meals fast ?”
4. He said to the teacher, “Don’t blame me, sir.”
5. I said, “Goodbye, friends.”
6. “You are a coward,” said the girl.
7. Yoga teacher said, “Take a deep breath.”
8. The manager said to the waiter, “Shut up.”
9. “Alas ! I have no money,” said the gambler.
10. She said, “May I go home, sir ?”
1. She asked him where he was staying.
2. I asked my secretary not to disturb me.
3. Mother asked her why she didn’t finish her meals fast.
4. Respectfully, he requested his teacher not to blame him.
5. I bade my friends goodbye.
6. The girl remarked that he was a coward.
7. The yoga teacher asked his pupils to take a deep breath.
8. The manager ordered the waiter to shut up.
9. The gambler exclaimed in sorrow that he had no money.
10. She asked respectfully whether she could go home.

Exercise 12
Change the narration.

1. I said to her, “Does that book belong to you ?”
2. He said to me, “When is your last paper ?”
3. I said to her, “Have you learnt your lesson ?”
4. She said to me, “I can help you in studies.”
5. His friend said to him, “You must work hard for success.”
6. I asked her where she had been missing.
7. The old woman said, “God be with you, my child.”
8. Children said to him, “Good morning, madam.”
9. His wife said to him, “Goodnight darling, I am going to sleep now.”
10. She said to me, “Let’s not run after the wealth.”
1. I asked her if that book belonged to her.
2. He asked me when my last paper was.
3. I asked her whether she had learnt her lesson.
4. She assured me that she could help me in studies.
5. His friend impressed upon him that he had to work hard for success.
6. I said to her, “Where have you been missing ?”
7. Calling him as my child’, the old woman wished that God might be with him.
8. Addressing their teacher as madam, the children wished her good morning.
9. Very lovingly, his wife wished him goodnight and added that she was going to sleep then.
10. She impressed upon me that we should not run after the wealth.

Exercise 13
Change the narration.

1. The teacher said to the boys, “Are you ready for the test ?”
2. She said to her friend, “Where should I wait for you ?”
3. The bus conductor said, “Come inside, sir.”
4. I said, “Hurrah ! My buddy has won.”
5. The officer said, “Get ready for a long race.”
6. She said, “I wish I were the Prime Minister of India.”
7. Bose said to the volunteers, “Give me blood and I will get you freedom.”
8. He said to his boss, “Forgive my mistakes, sir.”
9. I said to the boy, “Get me a glass of water.”
10. The old man said, “Farewell, my son.”
1. The teacher asked the boys whether they were ready for the test.
2. She asked her friend where she should wait for her.
3. Respectfully, the bus conductor asked the passenger to come inside.
4. I exclaimed with joy that my buddy had won.
5. The officer advised his men to get ready for a long race.
6. She strongly desired to become the Prime Minister of India.
7. Bose asked the volunteers to give him blood and assured them that he would get them freedom.
8. Respectfully, he asked his boss to forgive his mistakes.
9. I asked the boy to get me a glass of water.
10. The old man bade farewell to his son.

Exercise 14
Change the narration.

1. Rosy said to her mother, “I will come on Monday.”
2. She said to the peon, “Do you know when the Principal will come ?”
3. Surubhi said to her niece, “I am busy today.”
4. Prabhjot said to the child, “You better see the doctor now.”
5. I said, “Will you be quiet for some time ?”
6. Farzana said, “I must go soon.”
7. Anurag said, “I like this story.”
8. Bindu said, “I wish I could help you.”
9. Varinder said, “Did she like the movie ?”
10. Deepak said, “It’s a great idea to see the play today.”
1. Rosy assured her mother that she would come on Monday.
2. She asked the peon if he knew when the Principal would come.
3. Surubhi told her niece that she was busy that day.
4. Prabhjot advised the child that she better saw the doctor then.
5. I asked the students if they would be quiet for some time.
6. Farzana insisted that she had to go soon.
7. Anurag said that he liked that story.
8. Bindu said that it was her wish that she could help her.
9. Varinder wanted to know if she had liked the movie.
10. Deepak said that it would be a great idea to see the movie that day.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Narration / Direct and Indirect Speech

Exercise 15
Change the narration.

1. Sachin said, “I don’t want to play anymore.”
2. “What is going on in your mind ?” Geeta said to her brother.
3. He reminded me that we would meet me the next day.
4. She says, “I will be a lawyer when I grow up.”
5. Pardeep said, “If I were rich, I would travel a lot.”
6. She remarked, “I needn’t hurry now.”
7. Samay said, “Do you know French ?”
8. He said, “My coffee is too cold.”
9. Her teacher said, “Don’t talk so fast.”
10. The teacher asked me where I had been.
1. Sachin said that he didn’t want to play anymore.
2. Geeta asked her brother what was going on in his mind.
3. He said to me, “Remember that we will meet tomorrow.”
4. She says that she will be a lawyer when she grows up.
5. Pardeep exclaimed that if he were rich, he would travel a lot.
6. She remarked that she needed not hurry then.
7. Samay asked me if I knew French.
8. He said that his coffee was very cold.
9. Her teacher advised her not to talk that fast.
10. The teacher said to me, “Where have you been ?”

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Active and Passive Voice

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class English Book Solutions English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Active and Passive Voice

Active Voice – जिस वाक्य में subject का सीधा सम्बन्ध Verb के साथ होता है (अर्थात् कर्ता के अनुसार क्रिया का रूप निर्धारित होता है) उसे Active Voice का वाक्य कहा जाता है।

Passive Voice – जिस वाक्य में कर्म के अनुसार क्रिया का रूप निर्धारित होता है (और कर्ता का क्रिया पर कोई प्रभाव नहीं होता), उसे Passive Voice का वाक्य कहा जाता है।

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Active and Passive Voice

निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को ध्यान से देखिए-

Active Voice Passive Voice
1. Ram writes a letter.

राम पत्र लिखता है।

1. A letter is written by Ram.

राम के द्वारा पत्र लिखा जाता है।

2. Children like sweets.

बच्चे मिठाइयां पसन्द करते हैं।

2. Sweets are liked by children.

बच्चों के द्वारा मिठाइयां पसन्द की जाती हैं।

ऊपर के वाक्यों में हमने देखा कि-
(1) Active Voice के वाक्य में जो Subject होता है, वह Passive Voice के वाक्य में Object बन जाता है।

(2) Active Voice के वाक्य में जो Object होता है, वह Passive Voice के वाक्य में Subject बन जाता है।

(3) Passive Voice के वाक्य में Object के साथ by अथवा कोई अन्य उपयुक्त Preposition लगाया जाता है।

(4) Subject से Object तथा Object से Subject का स्थान लेते समय Pronouns का रूप बदल जाता है;
Subject – Object
I – Me
He – him
She – her
We – us
You – you
They – them

(5) किसी वाक्य का Voice बदलते समय Verb का रूप बदल जाता है। इसके लिए नीचे दी गई नियम
तालिका याद रखिए-

Active Voice Passive Voice
1. Present Indefinite Tense V1 is / am / are + V3
2. Past Indefinite Tense V2 was / were + V3
3. Future Indefinite Tense will / shall + V1 will / shall + be + V3
4. Present Continuous Tense is / am / are + V1 -ing is / am / are + being + V3
5. Past Continuous Tense was / were + V1 -ing was / were + being + V3
6. Present Perfect Tense has / have + V3 has / have + been + V3
7. Past Perfect Tense had + V3 had + been + V3
8. Future Perfect Tense will / shall + have + V3 will / shall + have been + V3
9. Imperative Sentences V1 + Object Object + should be + V3
OrLet + Object + be + V3
10. can / could / may / might / must /ought to / should + V1 can / could / may / might / must / ought to / should + be + V3

I. Present Indefinite Tense
(is / am I are + V3)

Active Passive
1. She helps the poor. 1. The poor are helped by her.
2. We expect good news. 2. Good news is expected by us.
3. I know him. 3. He is known to me.
4. Radha does not sing a song. 4. A song is not sung by Radha.
5. Who teaches you English ? 5. By whom are you taught English ?
6. What do you want ? 6. What is wanted by you ?


Change the voice of the following sentences:
1. The mother manages the house.
2. He grows wheat in his field.
3. This pot contains milk.
4. The rich hate the poor.
5. I do not know the reason of his coming.
6. He does not make any noise. (No noise. …..)
7. Does Sham tell a lie ?
8. Why do you not help him ?
9. What does he say?
10. My father sends me money every month.

(II) Past Indefinite Tense (was / were + V3)

Active Passive
1. She kept us waiting 1. We were kept waiting by her.
2. I employed two hundred men. 2. Two hundred men were employed by me.
3. The hunter did not aim at the bird. 3. The bird was not aimed at by the hunter.
4. Did he give you anything? 4. Were you given anything by him ?
5. Who lent you this book ? 5. By whom were you lent this book ?
6. Which picture did you see last night ? 6. Which picture was seen by you last night?


Change the voice of the following sentences :
1. We refused them admission.
2. I forgave him for his fault.
3. He watched the sports.
4. Sohrab gave Rustam a brave fight.
5. They took no notice of me.
6. Did Sita paint this picture ?
7. Who taught you French ?
8. Where did you find this book ?
9. Why did the teacher punish him ?
10. The dentist pulled out one of my teeth.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Active and Passive Voice

(III) Future Indefinite Tense
(will / shall + be + V3)

Active Passive
1. I shall buy this pen. 1. This pen will be bought by me.
2. I will not take the test. 2. The test shall not be taken by me.
3. He will do his duty. 3. His duty will be done by him.
4. Will he not mend his ways ? 4. Will his ways not be mended by him ?
5. Which book will you read tomorrow ? 5. Which book will be read by you tomorrow?
6. Who will answer this question ? 6. By whom will this question be answered ?


Change the voice of the following sentences:
(1) 1. The police will look into the matter.
2. The teacher will teach us a lesson.
3. The boys will catch these birds.
4. Will you look after her ?
5. Will your uncle pay your school fees ?
6. How will you settle the matter ?
7. Who will advise him ?
8. When shall I see you again ?
9. What will you do after passing the examination ?
10. Mohan will meet you at the station.

(2) Use of can, could, may, etc.
(can I could / may / etc. + be + V3)

1. Anybody can do it easily.
2. You should write the address neatly.
3. One cannot please everybody.
4. We should always speak the truth.
5. You must listen to his words.
6. One should do one’s duty.
7. Somebody must help this poor woman.
8. One can paint this picture easily.
9. You should not pluck flowers.
10. We must respect our elders.

(IV) Present Continuous Tense
(is / am /are + being + V3)

Active Passive
1. The gardener is plucking flowers. 1. Flowers are being plucked by the gardener.
2. He is driving a motor car. 2. A motor car is being driven by him.
3. Boys are flying kites. 3. Kites are being flown by boys.
4. Is she reading a book ? 4. Is a book being read by her ?
5. Why are you wasting your time? 5. Why is your time being wasted by you ?
6. Who is laughing at the beggar ? 6. By whom is the beggar being laughed at ?


Change the voice of the following sentences:
1. The boys are learning their lessons.
2. The washerman is washing the clothes.
3. The teacher is not calling the roll.
4. The boys are making much noise.
5. He is speaking the truth.
6. Is the peon ringing the bell ?
7. Why are you teasing the beggar ?
8. Who is sending you these letters ?
9. What are you looking for?
10. The labourers are cutting down the trees.

(V) Past Continuous Tense (was / were + being + V3)

Active Passive
1. The hunter was aiming at the lion. 1. The lion was being aimed at by the hunter.
2. She was milking the cow. 2. The cow was being milked by her.
3. The peon was ringing the bell. 3. The bell was being rung by the peon.
4. The farmer was not ploughing the field. 4. The field was not being ploughed by the farmer.
5. Were they learning their lesson ? 5. Was their lesson being learnt by them?
6. What was Sohan doing? 6. What was being done by Sohan ?


Change the voice of the following sentences:
1. Boys were playing cricket.
2. The President was giving away the prizes.
3. We were revising our lessons.
4. He was drawing a picture.
5. He was not solving the sums.
6. Were you throwing stones at the beggar ?
7. Who was beating my brother ?
8. Why were you not teaching the class ?
9. Why was his father beating him?
10. I was writing a letter to my friend.

(VI) Present Perfect Tense
(has / have + been + V3)

Active Passive
1. I have done my duty. 1. My duty has been done by me.
2. She has sold her cow. 2. Her cow has been sold by her.
3. They have not broken the window- pane. 3. The windowpane has not been broken by them.
4. Have you ever seen a lion ? 4. Has a lion ever been seen by you ?
5. Why has Sohan not finished his Sohan ? 5. Why has his work not been finished by sohan ?
6. Who has stolen my pencil ? 6. By whom has my pencil been stolen ?


Change the voice of the following sentences:
1. The servant has posted the letter.
2. He has lent me ten rupees.
3. The farmers have reaped the harvest.
4. We have spent all the money.
5. I have not beaten the dog.
6. Has she taken her meals ?
7. Have you finished your work ?
8. How have you done it?
9. Why have you sent for the doctor ?
10. I have received a parcel just now.

(VII) Past Perfect Tense (had + been + V3)

Active Passive
1. The watchman had already opened the gate. 1. The gate had already been opened by the watchman.
2. We had never visited Amritsar before. 2. Amritsar had never been visited by us before.
3. Had you never seen this place before? 3. Had this place never been seen by you before ?
4. Who had invited you to the feast? 4. By whom had you been invited to the feast?
5. Had he finished his work by 4 p.m. ? 5. Had his work been finished by him by 4 p.m. ?


Change the voice of the following sentences:
1. We had already missed the train.
2. He had received your letter when I met him.
3. Our team had played two matches by 6 p.m.
4. Ram had met my brother earlier also.
5. Who had swept the room ?
6. Why had you not prepared your lessons ?
7. They had not sent for the doctor when I reached home.
8. They had already completed the work.
9. I stood up after I had done my paper.
10. I had written the letter before you came.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Active and Passive Voice

(VIII) Future Perfect Tense
(will / shall + have been + V3).

Active Passive
1. I shall have planted a tree. 1. A tree will have been planted by me.
2. He will have read this book. 2. This book will have been read by him.
3. He will have sold his house. 3. His house will have been sold by him.
4. She will have taken the test. 4. The test will have been taken by her.
5. Will he have written a letter? 5. Will a letter have been written by him ?


Change the voice of the following sentences:
1. They will have bought some fruits.
2. The enemy will have attacked the city.
3. He will have cleared his account.
4. I shall have finished this work by evening.
5. The Magistrate will have sent him to jail.
6. The army will have captured the city.
7. They will have mown all the grass.
8. I will have watered the plants before sunset.
9. We will have destroyed the bridge.
10. She will have gathered all her followers.

(IX) Imperative Sentences (Object + should be + V3)
(Let + object + be + V3)

Active Passive
1. Shut the door. 1. The door should be shut.
2. Obey your parents. 2. Let your parents be obeyed.
3. Carry it home. 3. Let it be carried home.
4. Never tell a lie. 4. A lie should never be told.
5. Let him play the match. 5. Let the match be played by him.
6. Please bring me a glass of water. 6. You are requested to bring me a glass of water.


Change the voice of the following sentences:
1. Post this letter at once.
2. Please help me in my hour of need.
3. Lower the boats. 4. Send him to school.
5. Tell him to leave the room.
6. Carry out my orders.
7. Kindly do this much for me.
8. Do not starve the cow.
9. Do not hate the poor.
10. Let me try this question.

(X) Prepositional Verbs कुछ Verbs के साथ विशेष Prepositions या Adverb Particles का प्रयोग किया जाता है Active तथा Passive दोनों तरह के वाक्यों में ये Prepositions या Adverb Particles सम्बन्धित Verbs के साथ ही लगाए जाने चाहिएं। इन्हें Verbs से अलग नहीं किया जा सकता है।

Active Passive
1. The people listened to him with respect. 1. He was listened to with respect by the people.
2. I objected to his proposal. 2. His proposal was objected to by me.
3. The rich often laugh at the poor. 3. The poor are often laughed at by the rich.
4. We must take care of our health. 4. Health must be taken care of.
5. They switched off the lights. 5. The lights were switched off.
6. A car ran over an old man. 6. An old man was run over by a car.
7. The police charged her with murder. 7. She was charged with murder by the police.
8. The Principal turned down my request. 8. My request was turned down by the Principal.
9. The thieves cut down the telephone wires. 9. The telephone wires were cut down by the thieves.
10. I cannot think of such a thing. 10. Such a thing cannot be thought of by me.


Change the voice of verbs in the following sentences :
1. A car ran over our dog.
2. I hate people looking at me.
3. He has written off all the bad debts.
4. Have you washed up all the dishes ?
5. I have carried out all his instructions.
6. We must go into this matter.
7. You cannot catch me out as easily as that.
8. I shall take down whatever you speak.
9. They turned down all our suggestions.
10. They have let off all the fireworks.

(XI) Passive of Infinitives

Active Passive
1. She begged the Principal to forgive her. 1. She begged the Principal to be forgiven.
2. I hope to overcome my difficulties. 2. I hope my difficulties to be overcome.
3. I have to do this work. 3. This work has to be done.
4. I expect you to finish the work today. 4. I expect the work to be finished by you today.
5. It is time to give the order. 5. It is time for the order to be given.

(XII) Use of Prepositions other than ‘by’

Active Passive
1. His behaviour disgusts me. 1. I am disgusted with his behaviour.
2. The jug contains milk. 2. Milk is contained in the jug.
3. The news surprised us. 3. We were surprised at the news.
4. Gardening interests my mother. 4. My mother is interested in gardening.
5. You cannot please her. 5. She cannot be pleased with you.
6. I know him. 6. He is known to me.
7. His jokes amused us. 7. We were amused at his jokes.
8. His conduct amazed us. 8. We were amazed at his conduct.

(XIII) Understood Subjects

Passive Voice के कुछ वाक्यों में by + agent नहीं दिया गया होता है किन्तु ऐसे वाक्यों में कर्ता का अनुमान लगाने में कोई कठिनाई नहीं होती है। अत: Passive Voice से Active Voice बनाने में उसी कर्ता का प्रयोग किया जाना चाहिए। किया जाना चाहिए।

Active Passive
1. You are wanted outside. 1. Someone wants you outside.
2. The thief has been arrested. 2. The police have arrested the thief.
3. The telephone wires were cut. 3. The thieves cut the telephone wires.
4. The matter will be discussed tomorrow. 4. The committee will discuss the matter tomorrow.
5. He was elected Member of Parliament. 5. People elected him Member of Parliament.

Miscellaneous Exercise (Based on the Textbook)

(1) Change the voice of the following.
1. The panel asked Sudha technical questions.
2. We have never employed any ladies on the shop floor.
3. Mr. Moolgaokar introduced Sudha to Mr. JRD Tata.
4. Sudha had to show some reports to Mr. Moolgaokar.
5. Hard work brings success.
6. Baron Hausberg buys all my pictures.
7. Will Pakistan build a nuclear breeder ?
8. His conduct amazed us.
9. Who is creating this mess ?
10. He is said to be very rich.
1. Sudha was asked technical questions by the panel.
2. No lady has ever been employed on the shop floor by us.
3. Sudha was introduced to Mr. JRD Tata by Mr. Moolgaokar.
4. Some reports had to be shown to Mr. Moolgaokar by Sudha.
5. Success is brought by hard work.
6. All my pictures are bought by Baron Hausberg.
7. Will a nuclear breeder be built by Pakistan?
8. We were amazed at his conduct.
9. By whom is this mess being created ?
10. They say that he is very rich.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Active and Passive Voice

(2) Change the voice of the following.
1. The wicked people look down upon books.
2. We should not use bookish knowledge to condemn others.
3. Physical exercises cure physical ailments.
4. We should read good books with full concentration.
5. Studies mould man’s character in a healthy manner.
6. I cannot accept your offer.
7. Crafty men condemn studies.
8. When will you pay your fees ?
9. Alas! we shall hear her voice no more.
10. She could not help me with my lessons.
1. Books are looked down upon by the wicked people.
2. Bookish knowledge should not be used to condemn others.
3. Physical ailments are cured by physical exercises.
4. Good books should be read with full concentration.
5. Mans character is moulded in a healthy manner by studies.
6. Your offer cannot be accepted by me.
7. Studies are condemned by crafty men.
8. When will your fees be paid by you ?
9. Alas ! her voice will be heard no more by us.
10. I could not be helped with my lessons her.

(3) Change the voice of the following.
1. They had seen a mother grizzly and two cubs the previous day.
2. He found the skin of his left cheek hanging.
3. Handicaps should be accepted in life.
4. She never shooed them away.
5. She didn’t show any emotion.
6. I could hear her reciting prayers.
7. We have mortgaged our conscience to money.
8. We are threatening the third fundamental freedom.
9. We should not plunder the natural resources of the earth.
10. How can we prevent these conflicts ?
1. A mother grizzly and two cubs had been seen by them the previous day.
2. The skin of his left cheek was found hanging by him.
3. We should accept handicaps in life.
4. They were never shooed away by her.
5. No emotion was shown by her.
6. She could be heard reciting prayers by me.
7. Our conscience has been mortgaged to money by us.
8. The third fundamental freedomis being threatened by us.
9. The natural resources of the earth should not be plundered by us.
10. How can these conflicts prevented by us ?

(4) Change the voice of the following.
1. We threw chapattis to them.
2. We shared the same room.
3. I know what I can do.
4. What should we do to encourage environment-friendly practices ?
5. The enemy surrounded Major Som Nath’s company from three sides.
6. He killed many of the intruders in hand-to-hand fighting.
7. The enemy aircraft dropped bombs on the ground targets.
8. Malcolm would open the door periodically.
9. He couldn’t bear the thought of people’s stares.
10. Malcolm gave Barb a beautiful ring.
1. Chapattis were thrown to them by us.
2. The same room was shared by us.
3. What I can do is known to me.
4. What should be done by us to encourage environment-friendly practices ?
5. Major Som Nath’s company was surrounded by the enemy from three sides.
6. Many of the intruders were killed by him in hand-to-hand fighting.
7. Bombs were dropped on the ground targets by the enemy aircraft.
8. The door would be opened periodically by Malcolm.
9. The thought of peoples stares could not be borne by him.
10. Barb was given a beautiful ring by Malcolm.

(5) Change the voice of the following.
1. The surgeon put in more than 1000 stitches.
2. The doctor advised the patient not to eat rice.
3. The flies were laying eggs in her wounds.
4. Do you imitate others ?
5. I shall help you in every way.
6. Why did your brother give such a rude reply?
7. Discipline trains people to obey rules and orders.
8. The Major rebuked the author for not returning a salute properly.
9. Discipline does not cut down individual freedom.
10. A private soldier saluted the author.
1. More than 1000 stitches were put in by the surgeon.
2. The patient was advised by the doctor not to eat rice.
3. Eggs were being laid in her wounds by the flies.
4. Are others imitated by you ?
5. You will be helped by me in every way.
6. Why was such a rude reply given by your brother ?
7. People are trained by discipline to obey rules and orders.
8. The author was rebuked by the Major for not returning a salute properly.
9. Individual liberty is not cut down by discipline.
10. The author was saluted by a private soldier.

(6) Change the voice of the following.

1. Malcolm was driving Barb to the town of Langley.
2. Did they move Malcolm to a hospital in Edmonton ?
3. Grandmother had already washed and plastered my wooden slate.
4. Grandmother was still reciting prayers.
5. What had the teachers taught you at the English school ?
6. The smell of blood and the bear had nauseated him.
7. How could anyone love a freak?
8. She was writing five to six letters to Malcolm every week.
9. The grizzly was making short grunting sounds.
10. The giant grizzly was gnawing the back of her neck.
1. Barb was being driven to the town of Langley by Malcolm.
2. Was Malcolm moved by them to a hospital in Edmonton ?
3. My wooden slate had already been washed and plastered by Grandmother.
4. Prayers were still being recited by Grandmother.
5. What had you been taught by the teachers at the English school ?
6. He had been nauseated by the smell of blood and the bear.
7. How could a freak be loved by anyone ?
8. Malcolm was being written five to six letters by her every week.
9. Short grunting sounds were being made by the grizzly.
10. The back of her neck was being gnawed by the giant grizzly.

(7) Change the voice of the following.
1. She bathed and dressed me.
2. Both Malcolm and Barb loved the mountains.
3. How did the grizzly attack Malcolm and Barb ?
4. My mother threw sparrows breadcrumbs.
5. This time, the village dogs would meet us at the temple door.
6. The sun had warmed them.
7. One swat of the grizzly’s paw knocked him senseless.
8. The grizzly let out a deafening roar.
9. The nurse was changing his bandages.
10. When we carried my grandmother’s corpse off, the birds flew away quietly.
1. I was bathed and dressed by her.
2. The mountains were loved by both Malcolm and Barb.
3. How were Malcolm and Barb attacked by the grizzly ?
4. Sparrows were thrown breadcrumbs by my mother.
5. This time, we would be met by the village dogs at the temple door.
6. They had been warmed by the sun.
7. He was knocked senseless by one swat of the grizzly’s paw.
8. A deafening roar was let out by the grizzly.
9. His bandages were being changed by the nurse.
10. When my grandmother’s corpse was carried off, the birds flew away quietly.

(8) Change the voice of the following.
1. In ancient India, people worshipped the forests.
2. Eyes lend a unique beauty to the human face.
3. We must conserve every drop of water.
4. What has man sought in vain through ages ?
5. Next morning, the sweeper swept the breadcrumbs.
6. As was customary, we laid her on the ground.
7. She ignored our protests.
8. The grizzly was raking his face again and again.
9. I had won a breathing space.
10. Malcolm and Barb had spent many hours together.
1. In ancient India, the forests were worshipped.
2. A unique beauty is lent to the human face by eyes.
3. Every drop of water must be conserved.
4. What has been sought by man in vain through ages ?
5. Next morning, the breadcrumbs were swept by the sweeper.
6. As was customarys she was laid on the ground.
7. Our protests were ignored by her.
8. His face was being raked by the grizzly again and again.
9. A breathing space had been won by me.
10. Many hours had been spent together by Malcolm and Barb.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Active and Passive Voice

Exercises From Grammar Book (Fully Solved)

Exercise 1
Change the voice.

1. He reviews his work.
2. They revise their lessons.
3. She doesn’t tell stories.
4. Do you favour him ?
5. I bought a new car.
6. He always helped the poor.
7. The boys didn’t make a lot of noise.
8. Did he visit you?
9. I shall write a letter.
10. They will read the Ramayana.
1. His work is reviewed by him.
2. Their lessons are revised by them.
3. Stories are not told by her.
4. Is he favoured by you ?
5. A new car was bought by me.
6. The poor were always helped by him.
7. A lot of noise was not made by the boys.
8. Were you visited by him ?
9. A letter will be written by me.
10. The Ramayana will be read by them.

Exercise 2
Change the voice.

1. He is singing a song.
2. They were flying kites.
3. You were eating fruits.
4. Are they doing their work ?
5. Were they making a noise ?
6. Who is drawing pictures ?
7. What are you saying?
8. Are you not doing mischief ?
9. Who are you waiting for?
10. I am favouring you.
1. A song is being sung by him.
2. Kites were being flown by them.
3. Fruits were being
eaten by you.
4. Is their work being done by them ?
5. Was a noise being made by them ?
6. By whom are the pictures being drawn ?
7. What is being said by you ?
8. Is not mischief being done by you ?
9. Who is being waited for by you?
10. You are being favoured by me.

Exercise 3
Change the voice.

1. I have built a new house.
2. They have set up a cloth shop.
3. You had not bought a new car.
4. The police will have caught the thief.
5. What wrong has he done ?
6. Has he sung a song ?
7. Have you won the prize ?
8. Why have you selected her ?
9. Who will have spoken the truth?
10. He will have delivered the parcel.
1. A new house has been built by me.
2. A cloth shop has been set up by them.
3. A new
car had not been bought by you.
4. The thief will have been caught (by the police).
5. What wrong has been done by him ?
6. Has a song been sung by him ?
7. Has the prize been won by you ?
8. Why has she been selected by you ?
9. By whom will the truth have been spoken ?
10. The parcel will have been delivered by him.

Exercise 4
Change the voice.

1. He is telling them an interesting story.
2. Who has taught him Punjabi ?
3. They sent us a message.
4. I promised her an award.
5. She gave them an extra chance.
1. An interesting story is being told to them by him.
2. By whom has he been taught Punjabi ?
By whom has Punjabi been taught to him ?
3. A message was sent us by them.
We were sent a message by them.
4. An award was promised her by me.
She was promised an award by me.
5. An extra chance was given to them by her.
They were given an extra chance by her.

Exercise 5
Change the voice.

1. Mothers bring up their wards.
2. Children were laughing at the joker.
3. Students should listen to their teachers.
4. The conjuror played upon their weaknesses.
5. They looked for the enemy.
1. Their words are brought up by mothers.
2. The joker was being laughed at by the children.
3. Their teachers should be listened to by the students.
4. Their weaknesses were played upon by the conjuror.
5. The enemy was looked for by them.

Change the voice.

1. Stand up at once.
2. Love your friends.
3. Always speak the truth.
4. Get up early in the morning.
5. Sit down.
6. Post this letter.
7. Kindly do it.
8. Never harm anybody.
9. Do not make a noise.
10. Call the doctor.
1. You are ordered to stand up at once.
2. Let your friends be loved by you.
Your friends should be loved by you.
3. The truth should always be spoken.
Let the truth be always spoken by you.
4. You are advised to get up early in the morning.
5. You are ordered to sit down.
6. Let this letter be posted.
This letter should be posted.
7. You are requested to do it.
8. You are advised never to harm anybody.
Let nobody be ever harmed by you.
9. You are ordered not to make a noise.
Let a noise not be made by you.
10. You are requested to call the doctor.
Let the doctor be called.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Active and Passive Voice

Exercise 7
Change the voice.

1. Help your friends in need.
2. Enjoy the moment.
3. Don’t play with fire.
4. Never cheat anyone.
5. Get some water, please.
6. Hit the ball hard.
7. Be courteous to others.
8. Play the match fairly.
9. Always make new friends.
10. Take a break now.
1. Let your friends be helped in need.
Your friends should be helped in need.
2. Let themoment be enjoyed.
3. You are warned not to play with fire.
4. Let no one be ever cheated by you.
5. You are requested to get some water.
6. The ball should be hit hard.
Let the ball be hit hard.
7. You are advised to be courteous to others.
8. You are advised to play the match fairly.
Let the match be played fairly.
9. Let new friends be always made (by you).
You are advised to make new friends always.
10. You are permitted to take a break now.
Let a break be taken by you now.

Exercise 8
Change the voice.

1. This news surprises me.
2. He does not know the answer.
3. The audience thronged the hall.
4. The students lined the field.
5. This jug contains milk.
6. His bag contains many books.
7. The warning bells alarmed the thieves.
8. His manners impressed his fiancee.
9. The sight of a lion frightened the child.
10. Her rude behaviour suprised her parents.
1. I am surprised at this news.
2. The answer is not known to him.
3. The hall was thronged with the audience.
4. The field was lined with students.
5. Milk is contained in this jug.
6. Many books are contained in his bag.
7. The thieves were alarmed by the warning bells.
8. His fiancee was impressed with his manners.
9. The child was frightened by the sight of a lion.
10. Her parents were surprised at her rude behaviour.

Exercise 9
Change the voice.

1. I am sure to win the prize.
2. The judges had to praise him.
3. You will have to help him.
4. He had to recommend my work.
5. Will I have to drink the entire milk ?
6. Doctors have to attend him regularly.
7. He likes to admire his comrades.
8. Children have to show him their books.
9. She had to sing a song at the party.
10. Women like men to flatter them.
1. The prize is sure to be won by me.
2. He had to be praised by the judges.
3. He will have to be helped by you.
4. My work had to be recommended by him.
5. Will the entire milk have to be drunk by me ?
6. He is to be attended regularly by the doctors.
7. He likes his comrades to be admired by him.
8. Their books have to be shown to him by the children.
9. A song had to be sung by her at the party.
10. Women like to be flattered by men.

Exercise 10
Change the voice.

1. It must be done.
2. The baby has been named Radha.
3. The agreements have been signed.
4. Gandhiji was refused entry into the cabin.
5. Her parents were informed.
6. The thieves were arrested.
7. Some boys were denied entry into the stadium.
8. The deals were finalized peacefully.
9. Some protestors were released on bail.
10. The winners have been awarded.
1. You / They / He, etc. must do it.
2. The parents have named the baby Radha.
3. All the parties have signed the agreements.
4. The TTE refused Gandhiji the entry into the cabin.
5. The school authorities informed her parents.
6. The police arrested the thieves.
7. The authorities denied some boys the entry into the stadium.
8. The businessman finalized the deals peacefully.
9. The court released some protestors on bail.
10. The authorities have awarded the winners.

Exercise 11
Change the voice.

1. You could lend him some money.
2. He should be helped.
3. Your efforts must bear fruit.
4. We shall keep our area clean.
5. Youth must spread Swachh Bharat concept.
6. We shall create awareness about drugs.
7. Every citizen ought to follow the constitution.
8. Children should obey their parents.
9. We must love our motherland.
10. Teachers must be respected.
1. He could be lent some money by you.
Some money could be lent to him by you.
2. You should help him.
3. Fruit must be borne by your efforts.
4. Our area will be kept clean by us.
5. Swachh Bharat concept must be spread by the youth.
6. Awareness about drugs will be created by us.
7. The constitution ought to be followed by every citizen.
8. The parents should be obeyed by their children.
9. Our motherland must be loved by us.
10. We must respect teachers.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Active and Passive Voice

Exercise 12
Change the voice.

1. Have you received the parcel in time?
2. Do you speak English at home?
3. Can you spot the mistakes in her contest?
4. Will they own up their faults?
5. Who will bell the cat ?
6. Why will you always rescue him ?
7. Where do you get such beautiful flowers ?
8. Will the boys defeat the girls in debate homework sheet ?
9. Why should you do it?
10. What can your parents do for you?
1. Has the parcel been received by you in time ?
2. Is English spoken by you at home?
3. Can the mistakes in her homework sheets be spotted by you ?
4. Will their faults be owned up by them ?
5. By whom will the cat be belled ?
6. Why will he be always rescued by you ?
7. Where are such beautiful flowers got by you ?
8. Will the girls be defeated in debate contest by the boys ?
9. Why should it be done by you ?
10. What can be done by your parents for you?

Exercise 13
Change the voice.

1. Hear your inner voice.
2. Sea water tastes salty.
3. Hate none.
4. His new novel is printing.
5. Always speak the truth.
6. People elected him their Prime Minister.
7. Who brought you here?
8. Let an application be written by you.
9. Go out now.
10. You ought to win it.
1. Your inner voice should be heard (by you).
Let your inner voice be heard by you.
2. Sea water is salty when tasted.
3. None should be hated (by you).
Let none be hated (by you).
4. His new novel is being printed.
5. Truth should always be spoken.
Let the truth be spoken always.
6. He was elected their Prime Minister (by the people).
7. By whom were you brought here ?
8. You should write an application.
9. You are ordered to go out now.
10. It ought to be won by you.

Exercise 14
Change the voice.

1. We saw it as a challenge.
2. He kept her in the dark.
3. Nurse the sick.
4. Why did he kick you?
5. I don’t make excuses.
6. He never lost his focus.
7. Why are you laughing at him?
8. I admire our Prime Minister.
9. People dare him to tell a lie.
10. Duty must be done.
1. It was seen as a challenge by us.
2. She was kept in the dark (by him).
3. The sick should be nursed.
Let the sick be nursed.
4. Why were you kicked by him ?
5. Excuses are not made by me.
6. His focus was never lost (by him).
7. Why is he being laughed at by you ?
8. Our Prime Minister is admired by me.
9. He is dared by people to tell a lie.
1o. One must do one’s duty.

Exercise 15
Change the voice.

1. She knows her teacher well.
2. I love my India.
3. Why should you bear your insult ?
4. What is wanted by you ?
5. Save your soul.
6. Will you have done her work ?
7. He doesn’t complete the song.
8. We have won the competition.
9. How did you get the prize ?
10. You may write a letter.
1. Her teacher is known well to her.
2. My India is loved by me.
3. Why should your insult be borne by you ?
4. What do you want ?
5. Your soul should be saved by you.
Let your soul be saved by you.
6. Will her work have been done by you ?
7. The song is not completed by him.
8. The competition has been won by us.
9. How was the prize got by you ?
10. A letter may be written by you.

Exercise 16
Change the voice.

1. I agreed to her proposal.
2. He was elected the speaker of the house.
3. Who did not write the poem?
4. We were surprised at his remark.
5. Crowds lined the roads.
6. He displeases me.
7. Be alert.
8. Don’t litter in the streets.
9. What is done by him ?
10. Nobody listened to his entreaties.
1. Her proposal was agreed to by me.
2. The members elected him the speaker of the house.
3. By whom was the poem not written ?
4. His remarks surprised us.
5. The roads were lined with crowds.
6. I am displeased with him.
7. You are advised to be alert.
8. The streets should not be littered in by you.
9. What does he do ?
10. His entreaties were listened to by nobody.

Exercise 17
Change the voice.

1. Open the window, please.
2. I asked him to leave my office.
3. Let them perform freely.
4. You are asked to clear the dues.
5. The manager has been suspended.
6. It has to be finished today.
7. Duty must be done.
8. I taught them English.
9. Every parent knows his child.
10. I have met Amitabh Bachchan once.
1. You are requested to open the window.
2. He was asked by me to leave my office.
3. They should be allowed to perform freely.
4. We ask you to clear the dues.
5. The company has suspended the manager.
6. You have to finish’ it today.
7. One must do one’s duty.
8. They were taught English by me.
(or) English was taught to them by me.
9. His / her child is known to every parent.
10. Amitabh Bachchan has been met by me once.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Active and Passive Voice

Exercise 18
Change the voice.

1. The king was wearing a big turban.
2. Post this card immediately.
3. This glass contains milk.
4. Coffee tastes sweet.
5. He gave away the prizes.
6. When will you return my money ?
7. What are you doing in the ground ?
8. She sought my forgiveness.
9. Sneha has won many awards this year.
10. I adore Narendra Modi.
1. A big turban was being worn by the king.
2. This card must be posted immediately.
You are ordered to post this card immediately.
3. Milk is contained in this glass.
4. Coffee is sweet when tasted.
5. The prizes were given away by him.
6. When will my money be returned by you ?
7. What is being done by you in the ground ?
8. My forgiveness was sought by her.
9. Many awards have been won by Sneha this year.
10. Narendra Modi is adored by me.

Exercise 19
Change the voice.

1. Please share your experiences with us.
2. What is she asking for?
3. I helped him in his learning days.
4. None should shirk work.
5. Why are they shouting at you ?
6. Do it at once.
7. They admit their mistakes.
8. Do what pleases you.
9. Live your dreams.
10. Sudha was offered the job by Telco.
1. You are requested to share your experiences with us.
2. What is being asked for by her ?
3. He was helped by me in his learning days.
4. Work should not be shirked by anyone.
5. Why are you being shouted at by them ?
6. You are ordered to do it at once.
7. Their mistakes are admitted by them.
8. Do what you are pleased with. (or) What pleases you may be done.
9. Your dreams should be lived (by you).
10. Telco offered the job to Sudha.

Exercise 20
Change the voice.

1. Discipline your life.
2. Grandmother recited the hymns daily.
3. Let them oppose me.
4. May I borrow your car?
5. The teacher taught us new concepts.
6. We must acknowledge the salute.
7. We could not accept your proposal.
8. Who is creating chaos in the streets?
9. Indians have proved their mettle in the IT sector.
10. Indian troops pushed the invaders out of our soil.
1. You are advised to discipline your life. (or) Let your life be disciplined by you.
2. The hymns were recited by Grandmother daily.
3. I may be opposed by them. (or) Let me be opposed by them.
4. May your car be borrowed by me?
5. We were taught new concepts by the teacher. (or) New concepts were taught to us by the teacher.
6. The salute must be acknowledged (by us).
7. Your proposal could not be accepted by us.
8. By whom is chaos being created in the streets ?
9. Their mettle has been proved by Indians in the IT sector.
10. The invaders were pushed out of our soil by Indian troops.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Active and Passive Voice

Exercise 21
Change the voice.

1. Captain Vikram Batra made the supreme sacrifice for the motherland.
2. Flying Officer Nirmaljit Singh hit two enemy planes.
3. We need to remember this.
4. Malcolm was attacked by the grizzly bear.
5. Bhagat Singh is remembered for his selfless sacrifice.
6. Crafty men condemn study.
7. I gave them many storybooks.
8. We must do more for our society.
9. Our media must create more for public awareness on GST.
10. Demonetisation has harmed the interests of the corrupt.
1. The supreme sacrifice for the motherland was made by Captain Vikram Batra.
2. Two enemy planes were hit by Flying Officer Nirmaljit Singh.
3. This needs to be remembered by us.
4. The grizzly bear attacked Malcolm.
5. We remember Bhagat Singh for his selfless sacrifice.
6. Study is condemned by crafty men.
7. Many storybooks were given to them by me. (or) They were given many storybooks by me.
8. More for our society should be done by us.
9. More (programmes) must be created by our media for pub on GST.
10. The interests of the corrupt have been harmed by demonetisation.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Tenses

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class English Book Solutions English Grammar Tenses Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Tenses

प्रत्येक Tense के चार भिन्न-भिन्न रूप होते हैं:

  1. Simple
  2. Continuous
  3. Perfect
  4. Perfect Continuous

Carefully study the following table of Tenses of the Verb to love. Simple Continuous
PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Tenses 1
It will be seen that there are twelve tenses in the Active Voice, and eight in the Passive.

1. Present Indefinite Tense (V1 + s al es)

Present Indefinite Tense ( 37erar Simple Present) at veita farfafena freferent a fenen GIAT :
1. Ferreit Freit ato forgi
(For universal truths)
1. The sun shines by day. 2. Two and two make four. 3. The Ganga rises in the
Himalayas. 1. I keep my promises. 2. He never tells a lie. 3. You quarrel over trifles.
2. चरित्र-सम्बन्धी स्थायी व्यवहार अथवा
आदतों के लिए। (For habitual actions)

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Tenses

1. स्थायी सत्यों के लिए।

(For universal truths)

1. The sun shines by day.

2. Two and two make four.

3. The Ganga rises in the

2. चरित्र-सम्बन्धी स्थायी व्यवहार अथवा आदतों के लिए।

(For habitual actions)

1. I keep my promises.

2. He never tells a lie.

3. You quarrel over trifles.

3. प्रायः अथवा नियमतः होने वाली क्रियाओं के लिए।

(For often repeated or regular actions)

1. In summer, the sun rises before six.

2. She writes a letter to her mother every week.

3. My friend often comes to my house.

4. निकट भविष्य के लिए।

(For near future)

1. He leaves for Mumbai tomorrow.

2. He comes in a few days’ time.

3. When do you start for Agra ?

5. वास्तविक वर्तमान के लिए।

(For actual present)

1. I understand what you say.

2. The door is open; it is not shut.

3. We now live in this house.


Use the correct form of the verbs (with ‘noť if necessary) given in brackets:

1. Lions …………………………. (live) on fruit and vegetables.
2. What …………………. (make) the moon go round the earth ?
3. Irregular work ………… (bring) success.
4. This parcel ………………… (contain) a gift for you.
5. My friends often ………………… (send) me presents.
6. My mother rarely ……………….. (sleep) in the daytime.
7. I ………. (understand) everything the teacher says.
8. Your health …………… (depend) on nutritious food.
1. do not live
2. makes
3. does not bring
4. contains
5. send
6. sleeps
7. understand
8. depends.

2. Present Continuous Tense (is / am / are + V1 -ing)

Present Continuous Tense ait yeim faaraon frerfarent * fefell Gran :

1. बोलने के समय चल रही क्रिया के लिए।

(For actions going on at the time of speaking)

1. Girls are playing in the ground.

2. Look ! The train is coming.

3. You are not listening to me.

4. I can’t follow you; you are speaking very fast.

2. किसी आदत अथवा व्यवहार का वर्णन करने के लिए।

(For expressing some habit or behaviour)

1. She is working regularly these days.

2. You are always telling lies.

3. He is coming to me regularly for help and guidance.

4. He is working hard on English Grammar.

3. निकट भविष्य सम्बन्धी किसी योजना के लिए।

(For some plan in near future)

1. We are doing these exercises this evening.

2. I am taking the children to the zoo on Sunday.

3. What are you doing tomorrow ?

4. Where are you spending your next summer vacation ?


Use the correct Tense form of the verbs given in brackets : (Present Simple or Present Progressive)

1. He ……………. (know) several persons here.
2. Leela ……………………….. (do) her homework. Don’t disturb her.
3. I ………….. (believe) what you say.
4. Run fast ! The train …………………… (whistle).
5. He ………………………. (resemble) his father.
6. Look ! Smoke …………. (come) out of that window.
7. He …………………… (want) to buy a scooter.
8. The principal ………………….. (speak) to the teachers. You can’t meet him.
1. knows
2. is doing
3. believe
4. is whistling
5. resembles
6. is coming
7. wants
8. is speaking.

3. Present Perfect Tense (has / have + V3)

1. He has reached home safe and sound.
2. She hasn’t yet finished her work.
3. I have read this letter.

नोट : जब कोई क्रिया भूतकाल में किसी समय पर शुरू हुई हो, और बोलने के समय तक जारी रही हो, तो उसके लिए Present Perfect Tense (has / have + V3) का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
जब कोई क्रिया भूतकाल में घटित हो किन्तु उसके प्रभाव अथवा परिणाम को वर्तमान में महसूस किया जा रहा हो, तो उसके लिए भी Present Perfect Tense का प्रयोग किया जाता है।

(b) बीते अनुभव की ओर संकेत करने के लिए:

  • My father has worked in this school.
  • I have seen the Taj Mahal in moonlight.
  • I have studied in this school.

(c) भूतकाल में घटी हुई कोई ऐसी घटना जिसके वर्तमान महत्त्व पर वक्ता बल देना चाहता हो; जैसे:
1. He has come to my house many a time.
(और इसलिए उसका फिर यहां आना कोई आश्चर्य की बात नहीं है।)

2. This disease has killed many children..
(और इसलिए इस सम्बन्ध में कुछ किया जाना चाहिए।)

3. He has travelled round the world.
(और इसलिए वह दूसरे देशों के बारे में बहुत ज्ञान रखता है।)

4. The students have gone on strike.
(और इसलिए स्थिति चिन्ताजनक है।)

5. He has gone to England.
(और इसलिए वह अब यहां नहीं है।)

यह बात ध्यान रखने योग्य है कि भूतकाल में घटित किसी घटना के लिए Present Perfect Tense का प्रयोग कभी नहीं किया जाता है जब इसके घटित होने के समय का उल्लेख वाक्य में करना हो। ऐसी स्थिति में Simple Past Tense (अर्थात् V2) का ही प्रयोग किया जाता है।

उदाहरण के रूप में हमें यह नहीं कहना चाहिए कि:-

  • He has come here yesterday.
  • He has passed this examination in 1992.

हमें यह कहना चाहिए कि-

  • He came here yesterday.
  • He passed this examination in 1992.


Fill in the blanks with the correct Tense form of the verbs given in brackets:

1. He …………………. (be) a teacher since 1994.
2. I don’t know him because I ………………….. (never meet) him.
3. I ……………. (come) to this town in 2000.
4. Two convicts ………………………. (escape) from prison last night.
5. He ………… (already entertain) the guest for two hours.
6. He ……………………. (get) a new car now.
7. He ….. …………. (buy) it last month.
8. I …………… (already see) this film.
1. has been
2. have never met
3. came
4. escaped
5. has already
6. has got
7. bought
8. have.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Tenses

4. Past Indefinite Tense (V2)

Past Indefinite Tense का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित स्थितियों में किया जाता है:
(a) भूतकाल में पूरी हुई किसी क्रिया के लिए:

  • We learnt English at school.
  • He killed a snake.
  • My father taught in this school.

(b) भूतकाल के सम्बन्ध में किसी आदत, अथवा प्रायः होने वाली क्रिया के लिए :

  • He came to me every evening.
  • He never told a lie.
  • I always spoke the truth.


Fill in the blanks with the correct Tense form of the verbs given in brackets.

1. Last Saturday, I … ……………… (stay) at home.
2. Who ………………. (play) the hero in that film ?
3. She was sick; so she ……….. (not come) to the party.
4. We …………….. (eat) our dinner at ten last night.
5. She ………………. (walk) to college yesterday morning.
6. He often ……………………… (write) to his daughter when she was in hostel.
7. Radha ………….. (buy) a new saree last month.
8. ……………. you …………. (send) for your friend ? He has come.
1. stayed
2. played
3. did not come
4. ate
5. walked
6. wrote
7. bought
8. Did (you) send.

5. Past Continuous Tense (was / were + V1 -ing)

Past Continuous Tense का प्रयोग तब किया जाता है जब कोई क्रिया भूतकाल में किसी निश्चित समय पर अथवा किसी निश्चित अवधि के दौरान चल रही हो।

1. He was writing a letter when I saw him.
2. I was reading a novel yesterday afternoon.

Past Continuous Tense तथा Past Indefinite Tense के अन्तर को अच्छी प्रकार से समझ लेना चाहिए। निम्नलिखित नियम याद रखिए:
Past Indefinite Tense – for completed activity
Past Continuous Tense → for continuity in past

Past Continuous Tense का प्रयोग उस स्थिति में किया जाता है जब हमारी मुख्य रुचि क्रिया के समय (time of action) में न हो, अपितु क्रिया के जारी रहने (continuity of action) में हो। क्रिया के पूरा होने में हमारी रुचि कम होती है और क्रिया के जारी रहने की स्थिति पर अधिक बल होता है। यदि हमारी रुचि क्रिया के पूरा होने (completed activity) में हो, तो Past Indefinite Tense का प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Completed activity Past Indefinite Tense (V2) Continuing activity Past Continuous Tense

(was / were + V1-ing)

1. He came into the room

2. I saw her

3. I dropped my watch

while I was writing. as

I was passing yesterday.

while I was winding it.


Fill in the blanks with the correct Tense form (Past Simple or Past Progressive) of the verbs given in brackets:
नोट : (1) यदि भूतकाल में क्रिया के जारी रहने का भाव हो तो Past Continuous का प्रयोग कीजिए।
(2) यदि भूतकाल में क्रिया पूरी हो चुकी हो तो Past Indefinite का प्रयोग कीजिए।

1. I …………………….. (read) a novel when my friend came.
2. I …………… (go) to bed early last night.
3. At midnight, I ……………………… (lie) awake in my bed.
4. As I …………………………… (go) to my school, I met an old friend of mine.
5. He jumped off the train while it ……………. (move).
6. I did not see that the teacher ………….. (stand) behind me.
7. It ………………………… (begin) to rain just as we moved out.
8. I heard that the child …………….. (cry).
1. was reading
2. went
3. lay/was lying
4. was going
5. was moving
6. was standing
7. began
8. was crying.

6. Past Perfect Tense (had + V3)

Past Perfect Tense का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित स्थितियों में किया जाता है:
(a) ऐसी क्रिया के लिए जो भूतकाल में किसी निश्चित समय (moment) से पहले, या किसी निश्चित समय तक पूरी हो चुकी हो।
1. The patient had died before the doctor came.
2. I had finished my work by evening.

(b) किसी असन्तुष्ट इच्छा को प्रकट करने के लिए।
1. I wish my father had been here at this time.
2. I wish I had worked harder.

(c) Present Perfect अथवा Simple Past वाले किसी वाक्य को Direct कथन से Indirect कथन में बदलने के लिए भी इस Tense का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
1. He said, “The train arrived late.” (Simple Past)
He said that the train had arrived late. (Past Perfect)

2. He said, “I have left my parents.” (Present perfect)
He said that he had left his parents. (Past Perfect)

यदि किसी वाक्य में भूतकाल में घटित दो घटनाओं का वर्णन हो, तो उनमें से जो घटना पहले घटी हो उसके लिए Past Perfect Tense का प्रयोग किया जाता है, और जो घटना अपेक्षाकृत रूप से बाद में घटी हो तो उसके लिए Past Indefinite Tense का प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Past Perfect Tense का प्रयोग तभी किया जाना चाहिए यदि भूतकाल में होने वाली कोई क्रिया किसी अन्य क्रिया की अपेक्षा पहले पूरी होने का भाव रखती हो।। (Past Perfect Tense is never used except to show the priority of one past event to another.)

Earlier action Past Perfect (had + V3) Later action Past Indefinite (V2)
1. The bell had rung

2. We had finished this lesson

3. Ophelia had gone mad

before I reached the school.

before he came.

before her brother arrived.


Fill in the blanks with the right Tense form (Simple Past or Past Perfect) of the verbs given in brackets:
नोट- (1) परस्पर सम्बन्ध रखने वाली दो भूतकालीन क्रियाओं में से जो क्रिया पहले घटी हो, उसके लिए Past Perfect Tense (had + V3) का प्रयोग कीजिए।
(2) जो क्रिया अपेक्षाकृत रूप से बाद में घटी हो, उसके लिए Simple Past (V2) का प्रयोग कीजिए।

1. He said that he …………………… (write) the letter.
2. Mohan ……………… (reach) home before it started raining.
3. She said that she ………………. (win) the first prize.
4. We ………………. (not solve) the questions before the teacher came.
5. He had broken the lock before I ……………… (bring) the key.
6. The boys said that they ………….. (finish) their work.
7. We ……….. (reach) the ground before the match started.
8. He …………. (not put) on his clothes when the bell rang.
1. had written
2. had reached
3. had won
4. had not solved
5. brought
6. had finished
7. had reached
8. had not put.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Tenses

7. Future Indefinite Tense (will / shall + V3)

Will और Shall सम्बन्धी प्रयोग के लिए निम्नलिखित नियम ध्यान में रखिए:

(1) Assertive वाक्यों में
(i) यदि किसी भविष्य की घटना का केवल साधारण रूप में ही वर्णन हो, तो First Person के लिए shall का प्रयोग किया जाता है। Second और Third Person के लिए will का प्रयोग किया जाता है।

(ii) यदि वाक्य में किसी भविष्य-सम्बन्धी आदेश (command), प्रण (promise), निश्चय (determination), धमकी (threat), आदि का वर्णन हो, तो – First Person के लिए will का प्रयोग किया जाता है। Second और Third Person के लिए shall का प्रयोग किया जाता है।

(iii) यदि वक्ता अपने किसी भविष्य-सम्बन्धी उद्देश्य (intention) को प्रकट करना चाहता हो, तो वह अपने लिए will का प्रयोग करेगा। अर्थात् ऐसे वाक्यों में First Person के साथ will का प्रयोग किया जाता है।

(2) Interrogative वाक्यों में
(i) प्रश्न-वाचक वाक्यों में प्रायः Will I और Shall you का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है।
(ii) Third Person के लिए will अथवा shall किसी का भी प्रयोग किया जा सकता है।
Shall he → भविष्य-सम्बन्धी आदेश आदि के लिए।
Will he → भविष्य-सम्बन्धी साधारण क्रिया के लिए।


Fill in the blanks with the correct Tense form (Simple Present, Simple Past or Simple Future) of the verbs given in brackets:

1. This is February. Then the next month …………….. (be) March.
2. He always ……………….. (find) fault with others.
3. It ……………… (happen) in the year 1924.
4. I …………………. (leave) for Kolkata day after tomorrow.
5. He ………………. (come) to see you, but you were not at home.
6. My birthday ……………. (fall) on a Sunday last year.
7. Today is Sunday. Then tomorrow ……… (be) Monday.
8. A stitch in time …………… (save) nine.
1. will be
2. finds
3. happened
4. will leave
5. came
6. fell
7. will be
8. saves.

8. Future Continuous Tense (will / shall + be + V1 -ing)

Future Continuous Tense का प्रयोग तब तक किया जाता है जब भविष्य में किसी विशेष समय का वर्णन हो, तथा कोई क्रिया उस विशेष समय से पहले आरम्भ हो कर उसके बाद में पूरी होनी हो।

  • We shall be waiting for you when you get back tomorrow.
  • The teacher will be teaching the boys when you go to his class.

Future Continuous Tense का प्रयोग उस स्थिति में भी किया जाता है जब कोई क्रिया भविष्य में किसी अवधि के दौरान जारी रहनी हो; जैसे:-

  • We shall be travelling all night.
  • He will be studying in this class next year.

Future Continuous Tense तथा Future Indefinite के अन्तर को अच्छी तरह से समझ लेना चाहिए। यह नियम याद रखिए:
Future Indefinite → for an action which begins at a certain future moment.
Future Continuous → for an action which began before, and finished after, a certain future moment.

Future Indefinite Tense का प्रयोग भविष्य में किसी विशेष समय पर शुरू होने वाली क्रिया के लिए किया जाता है।

Future Continuous Tense का प्रयोग भविष्य में किसी विशेष समय से पहले शुरू होने वाली, और उस विशेष समय के बाद तक जारी रहने वाली क्रिया के लिए किया जाता है।


Fill in the blanks with the correct Tense form (Future Simple or Future Progressive) of the verbs given in brackets:
नोट : (1) Future Indefinite Tense भविष्य में किसी Point of time की ओर संकेत करता है।
(2) Future Continuous Tense भविष्य में किसी Period of time की ओर संकेत करता है।

1. I …………………… (reach) there at 5 o’clock.
2. We ………………………… (wait) for you when you come back.
3. He …………………….. (lie) in bed when you go to his room.
4. I ………….. (finish) this work by tomorrow evening.
5. He ………… (live) in London at this time next year.
6. The sky is dark. I think it ………….. (rain).
7. It …………. (rain) by the time you get ready to leave.
8. The principal …………… (talk) to the students about this problem.
1. will
2. shall be waiting
3. will be lying
4. will finish
5. will be living
6. will rain
7. will be raining
8. will talk.

9. Future Perfect Tense (will / shall + have + V3)

1. I shall have finished my homework by evening.
2. She will have cleaned the room before you reach home.


Fill in the blanks with the correct Tense form (Present Perfect, Past Perfect or Future Perfect) of the verbs given in brackets.

1. I …………. (finish) my work just now.
2. I ……….. (finish) my work before he comes.
3. The train …………. (come). Try to find a seat for me.
4. The train ………… (come) when I reached the station.
5. The train ………………. (come) before you reach the station.
6. I ……………….. (read) the book which you gave me.
7. I …………….. (already read) the book which you gave me.
8. I …………………. (read) the whole book before you come back.
1. have finished
2. will have finished
3. has come
4. had come
5. will have come
6. have read
7. had already read
8. will have read.

10. Perfect Continuous Tenses (Present, Past and Future)

I. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
(1) Examples

  • He has been reading English for two years.
  • They have been reading this book since morning.

(2) इस Tense के वाक्यों में has / have + been + V1 -ing + since / for का प्रयोग किया जाता है।

II. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
(1) इस Tense का प्रयोग तब किया जाता है जब कोई क्रिया भूतकाल में आरम्भ होकर भूतकाल में ही किसी निश्चित समय पर चल रही हो।

  • When I reached there at 2 p.m. he had been waiting for me since 1:30 p.m.
  • It had been raining since morning when you rang me up.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Tenses

(2) इस Tense के वाक्यों में had + been + V1-ing + since / for का प्रयोग किया जाता है।

III. Future Perfect Continuous Tense
(1) इस Tense का प्रयोग तब किया जाता है जब कोई क्रिया भविष्य में किसी निश्चित समय (Point of time) तक, अथवा किसी निश्चित अवधि (Period of time) के लिए जारी रहनी हो।

  • By six o’clock I will have been sitting here for ten hours.
  • He joined this office in the month of March. By December he will have been working here for ten months.

(2) इस Tense के वाक्यों में will / shall + have been लगा कर Verb के ing वाले रूप का प्रयोग किया जाता है।


Fill in the blanks with the correct Tense form (Perfect Continuous Tense) of the verbs given in brackets.

1. The new teacher ………………. (teach) us for six months.
2. My brother ………………. (dig) in the garden since morning.
3. I ……………………. (study) for three hours when the lights went off.
4. He ……………………… (try) to solve this problem since yesterday.
5. The water ………….. (boil) for ten minutes. Why didn’t you put tea leaves in it ?
6. The students ……………. (wait) for their results since last month.
7. The water level at the dam …………….. (rise) fast since July.
8. It ………….. (rain) heavily for a week and the dam was flooded.
1. has been teaching
2. has been digging
3. had been studying
4. has been trying
5. had been boiling
6. have been waiting
7. has been rising
8. had been raining.

11. Conditional Sentences
नीचे दिए चार्ट को सदा ध्यान में रखिए

‘If’ Clause Main Clause
I Form

II Form

Had + III Form

will + I Form

would + I Form

would have + III Form

अब निम्नलिखित वाक्यों का ध्यानपूर्वक अध्ययन कीजिए-
1. If you play the flute, I will sing.
If you played the flute, I would sing.
If you had played the flute, I woud have sung.

2. He will beat the thief if he catches him.
He would beat the thief if he caught him.
He would have beaten the thief if he had caught him.

3. The horse will kick you if you go near it.
The horse would kick you if you went near it.
The horse would have kicked you if you had gone near it.


Fill in the blanks with the correct Tense form of the verbs given in brackets.

1. You can achieve nothing if you ……………. (be) a coward.
2. Will you help her if she ……………. (come) to you?
3. If they catch you, they ……………. (not spare) you.
4. Your parents would be angry if they …………… (learn) about it.
5. If I had a dictionary of my own, I …………… (not bother) you.
6. You may join the race if you ……………. (want).
7. If you don’t consult a good physician, you ………….. (be) in trouble.
8. If I won a big prize, I …………. (give) half in charity.
1. are
2. comes
3. will not spare
4. learnt
5. would not bother
6. want
7. will be
8. would give.

Miscellaneous Exercise (Based on Textual Sentences)

1. Fill in the blanks with correct form of the verbs given in the brackets.

(a) 1. She ………… (be) the first woman to work on the Telco’s shop floor. (Simple Present)
2. Sudha ………… (decide) to inform the topmost person. (Simple Past)
3. Studies …………. (serve) for delight, ornament and ability. (Simple Present)
4. A private soldier ………… (pass) him and ………… (salute) him. (Past Perfect)
5. Discipline …………. (not cut) down individual freedom. (Simple Present)
6. The workers ……….. (80) on strike. (Present Perfect)
7. Children ………… (play) in the park. (Present Continuous)
8. Hard work ……….. (bring) success. (Simple Present)
9. He ………… (reach) the ground before the match started. (Past Perfect).
10. She …………. (stay) here till Sunday. (Future Continuous)
11. Lions ………… (not live) on fruits. (Simple Present)
12. A stitch in time …………. (save) nine. (Simple Present)
1. is
2. decided
3. serve
4. had passed, saluted
5. does not cut
6. have gone
7. are playing
8. brings
9. had reached
10. will be staying
11. do not live
12. saves.

(b) 1. India ……….. (get) its first vision of freedom in 1857 when the war of independence was started. (Simple Past)
2. Kalam says that only strength …………. (respect). (Simple Present)
3. Man …………… always (be) in the fear of wars. (Present Perfect)
4. We ………….. (plunder) our children’s heritage thoughtlessely. (Present Continuous)
5. Major Som Nath Sharma ………….. (insist) on being with his company during the war. (Simple Past)
6. The Indian troops, at once, …………. (fly) to Srinagar and ………… (block) all the routes to Srinagar. (Simple Past)
7. The whole city ……………. (turn) into an endless graveyard. (Past Perfect)
8. General MacArthur was one of the those who ……… (be) responsible for the dropping of the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. (Past Perfect)
9. Their faces at once ………….. (grow) grave and attentive. (Simple Past)
10. They ………….. (writhe) in agony because of the intolerable pain of their burns. (Past Continuous)
11. Malcolm ………… (close) his eyes and …………. (become) motionless. (Simple Past)
12. She …………. (reach) there after a long journey of 1250 kilometres. (Past Perfect)
1. got
2. is respected
3. has always been
4. are plundering
5. insisted
6. flew, blocked
7. had been turned
8. had been
9. grew
10. were writhing
11. closed, became
12. had reached.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Tenses

2. Fill in the blanks with correct Tense form of the verbs given in brackets.

(a) 1. The company …………. (require) young and hard-working engineers with excellent academic background.
2. Mr. Sumant Moolgaokar ………… (be) the chairperson of the company at that time.
3. She could be seen ……….. (tell) the beads of her rosary all the time.
4. When Grandmother’s body ……….. (take) away, the sparrows flew away quietly.
5. Studies ………… (have) a great influence on the human mind.
6. When he opened his eyes, Malcolm saw that the grizzly ………… (stand) on Barb’s legs.
7. When he raised his head, he ……….. (see) that he ………… (throw) three metres.
8. They saw two bear cubs ………. (play) in the creek-gully.
9. Barb was wearing knee-deep fashion boots and she ……….. (keep) slipping.
10. They ……….. (meet) two months before and …… (spend) many hours together.
11. Malcolm found that the news of his bravery ………. (spread) all across Canada.
12. The hunters ………. (clean) her wounds and dressed them well.
1. requires
2. was
3. telling
4. was taken
5. have
6. was standing
7. saw, had been thrown
8. were playing
9. kept
10. had met, had spent
11. had spread
12. cleaned.

(b) 1. When Major Thapa was released from the POW camp, he ……………. (resume) his military career.
2. Captain Vikram Batra was killed when he ………………… (try) to save an injured officer while recapturing Point 4875.
3. Junod ……………. (get) a copy of a telegram that had been sent from Hiroshima.
4. The fire ……….. (g0) out when nothing was left to burn.
5. Doctors assured Malcolm that soon he ………. (look) fine.
6. Malcolm’s doubts disappeared when he …………. (receive) a marriage proposal from Barb.
7. I resolved to go to school though I ………… (have) no idea where it …………… (be).
8. Barb wrote to Malcolm five to seven letters a week, but he never ………… (respond).
9. Malcolm ……….. (sit) there for an hour when his friend ran to him.
10. If a man ……….. (lack) reasoning, he should study the lawyers’ cases.
11. If a man ……….. (hold) a position of authority, he must impose discipline on himself first.
12. Whenever the sense of order fades in a nation, its economic life ……….. (decline) completely.
1. resumed
2. tried
3. got
4. went
5. would look
6. received
7. had, was
8. responded
9. had been sitting.
10. lacks
11. holds
12. declines.

(c) 1. He thanked them for all the work they ………. (do) for the victims in Hiroshima.
2. What Junod actually ………. (see) on reaching Hiroshima was nothing but a catacomb.
3. Absolute silence ……….. (reign) in the whole city that had turned into an endless graveyard.
4. In the forests, water ………. (seep) gently into the ground as vegetation breaks the flow of water.
5. Sudha ………. (not know) who headed Telco.
6. I ……….. (want) to turn back, but there was no turning.
7. As the years rolled by, we ………. (see) less of each other.
8. She ………….. (not believe) in the things they taught at the English school.
9. She ……….. (distress) that there was no teaching about God.
10. She told us that her end ……….. (be) near.
11. Discipline ……… (enable) man to live in a community and yet retain individual liberty.
12. While we are in Singapore, we ……………… (not throw) cigarette butts on the roads.
1. had done
2. saw
3. reigned
4. seeps
5. did not know
6. wanted
7. saw
8. did not believe / was distressed
10. was
11. enables
12. do not throw.

1. Such a thing ……….. (never happen) to me all my life.
2. She ……………….. (be) old and wrinkled for the twenty years that I had known her.
3. He looked as if he ……….. (have) lors and lots of grandchildren.
4. It appeared she ……….. (stay) at the same age for twenty years.
5. The further I ……….. (go), the worse it became.
6. Each girl who wanted a Pune sari ………….. (pay) its price to Sudha in advance.
7. She was surprised how a company such as Telco …………… (discriminate) on the basis of gender.
8. Science makes man profound and philosophy ………… (make) him sober and serious.
9. Bacon believes that every defect of the mind …………….. (have) a special remedy.
10. If everybody …………….. (do) what he wanted, there would be complete disorder in the world.
11. My grandmother sat inside ………. (read) the scriptures.
12. In the city, she took to ……….. (feed) sparrows.
1. has never happened
2. had been
3. had
4. had stayed
5. went
6. paid
7. was discriminating
8. makes
9. has
10. did
11. reading
12. feeding.

3. Transform the following sentences as directed.

1. They know what they worked for. (Simple Present)
2. A private soldier salutes the narrator. (Simple Past)
3. He tells the author that discipline begins with the officers. (Simple Past)
4. He purchased a new bicycle. (Future Perfect)
5. He held his breath. (Past Perfect)
6. Everything had disappeared. (Present Perfect)
7. The child ran towards his parents. (Future Continuous)
8. Everything is working out fine. (Simple Past)
9. We show great concern about burning social issues. (Simple Future)
10. Major Thapa killed many of the intruders in hand-to-hand fighting. (Past Perfect)
11. He was badly wounded by a highly explosive shell. (Simple Present)
12. Captain Vikram alone killed three enemy soldiers in close combat. (Present Perfect)
1. They know what they work for.
2. A private soldier saluted the narrator.
3. He told the author that discipline begins with the officers.
4. He will have purchased a new bicycle.
5. He had held his breath.
6. Everything has disappeared.
7. The child will be running towards his parents.
8. Everything worked out fine.
9. We will show great concern about burning social issues.
10. Major Thapa had killed many of the intruders in hand-to-hand fighting.
11. He is badly wounded by a highly explosive shell.
12. Captain Vikram has alone killed three enemy soldiers in close combat.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Tenses

4. Identify the Tenses in the given sentences.

1. He appeared to have only lots and lots of children.
2. Simple-minded people admire books.
3. Using bookish knowledge in conversation will make it artificial.
4. We have not tried to enforce our way of life on them.
5. Everybody is out to abuse and rape the country.
6. We have not conquered anyone.
7. My hostess will keep her promise.
8. A commission of inquiry is leaving for Hiroshima.
9. A car was waiting for us.
10. He rebuked the writer for not returning a salute properly.
11. The poor people have to live in very dirty conditions.
12. Captain Vikram was nicknamed Sher Shah for his courage.
1. Simple Past
2. Simple Present
3. Simple Future
4. Present Perfect
5. Simple Present
6. Present Perfect
7. Simple Future
8. Present Continuous
9. Past Continuous
10. Simple Past
11. Simple Present
12. Simple Past.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Modals

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class English Book Solutions English Grammar Modals Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Modals

1. निम्नलिखित सहायक क्रियाओं को अंग्रेजी व्याकरण में Modals कहा जाता है-
can, could, will, would, shall, should, may, might, must, have to, ought to, used to, need, dare आदि।

2. इन सहायक क्रियाओं को मुख्य क्रिया के रूप में प्रयोग नहीं किया जा सकता है।

  • He will go.
  • She might pass this year.

3. ये सहायक क्रियाएँ कर्ता के वचन और लिंग के अनुसार बदलती नहीं हैं।

  • I will study hard.
  • They will study hard.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Modals

4. इन क्रियाओं से पूर्व ‘to’ का प्रयोग नहीं किया जा सकता है। हम निम्नलिखित का प्रयोग नहीं कर सकते हैं-
to will, to can, to may, to must, to might, to used, etc.

5. इन सहायक क्रियाओं के साथ -ing नहीं जोड़ा जा सकता है।

6. इन सहायक क्रियाओं के साथ क्रिया के केवल मूल रूप का ही प्रयोग किया जा सकता है-

  • I will go home.
  • You can go home.
  • They must go home.

7. निम्नलिखित Auxiliary Verbs के साथ सदा क्रिया के मूल रूप V, का प्रयोग किया जाता है-

  • Shall, should
  • Will, would
  • Can, could
  • May, might
  • Ought to
  • Used to
  • Need
  • Dare
  • Must, have to, am to, etc.

The Use of Some Modal Auxiliaries

I. Can तथा Could का प्रयोग
(1) Can का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित स्थितियों में किया जाता है-
1. योग्यता सूचक
She can dance very well.

2. इजाज़त सूचक
You can go home now.

3. सम्भावना सूचक
It can happen to anyone.

4. Pt. Cont. की जगह
I can hear people talking.

(2) Could का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित स्थितियों में किया जाता है-

1. शर्त वाचक

  • I could lift this box (if I tried).
  • I could buy a shirt (if I had money).

2. प्रार्थना वाचक

  • Could (would) you tell me the time ?
  • Could (would) you bring me a glass of water ?

3. सम्भावना सूचक

  • He could be busy at this time.
  • He could help you if he were here.

4. Can क Past

  • He said that I could go.
  • He could come to me any time he liked.

II. May तथा Might का प्रयोग

(1) May का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित स्थितियों में किया जाता है-
1. अनुमति / इजाज़त सूचक

  • You may go now.
  • May I come in, Sir ?

2. सम्भावना सूचक

  • His statement may (can / could) be true.
  • His plan may (can / could) succeed.

3. इच्छा / प्रार्थना सूचक

  • May you live long!
  • May our country prosper !

(2) Might का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित स्थितियों में किया जाता है-

1. May का Past

  • He said that I might go.
  • I thought that he might help her.

2. भावी सम्भावना

  • He might (may) pass this year.
  • He might (may) reach here by evening.

3. इजाज़त होना

  • Might I have your pen ?
  • You might do me a favour.

(May की अपेक्षा might में अधिक झिझक और विनम्रता का संकेत होता है।)

III. Would तथा Should का प्रयोग

(1) Would का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित स्थितियों में किया जाता है-

1. Will का Past

  • I told him that I would come.
  • The doctor knew that the patient would die.

2. प्रार्थना वाचक

  • Would you close the window?
  • Would you tell me the time?

3. शर्त वाचक

  • He would pass if he worked hard.
  • He would have passed if he had worked hard.

(2) Should का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित स्थितियों में किया जाता है-
1. उपदेश वाचक – You should give up smoking.

2. सम्भावना वाचक – They should be here by now.

3. नैतिक फर्ज़ – You should do your duty.

4. Shall at Past – He told me that I should I would pass.

IV. Must, Have to तथा Had to का प्रयोग

(1) Must का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित स्थितियों में किया जाता है-
1. उपदेश सूचक

  • You must consult some good doctor.
  • You must work hard this year.

2. आवश्यकता सूचक

  • You must be back by evening.
  • The students must bring their books daily.

3. सम्भावना सूचक

  • The child must be hungry.
  • He must have made some big mistake.

4. बन्धन / मजबूरी सूचक

  • You must do as you are told.
  • He must clear his accounts before leaving.

(2) Must का प्रयोग Affirmative और Interrogative वाक्यों में किया जा सकता है, किन्तु Negative वाक्यों में must के विपरीतार्थक (opposite) के रूप में need not का प्रयोग किया जाना चाहिए।

1. Must she come tomorrow ?

  • Yes, she must.
  • No, She needn’t.

(3) Must की जगह has / have to का प्रयोग किया जा सकता है।

1. He must go now.
He has to go now.

2. You must obey your officer.
You have to obey your officer.

(4) जब कोई नैतिक बन्धन स्वयं वक्ता द्वारा लागू किया गया हो, तो must का प्रयोग किया जाना चाहिए किन्तु जब यह नैतिक बन्धन किसी बाहरी वजह से हो, तो have to अथवा had to का प्रयोग किया जाना चाहिए।

Mother : You must wipe your feet when you come in.
Child : I have to wipe my feet every time I come in.

(5) Must not की जगह is not to का प्रयोग किया जा सकता है।
1. He must not go there.
He is not to go there.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Modals

(6) Tense के अनुसार must के प्रयोग में होने वाले परिवर्तनों के लिए निम्नलिखित तालिका याद कीजिए-

Present Past Future
1. He must go. He had to go. He must go.
2. He must not go. He was not to go. He must not go.

V. Ought to तथा Used to का प्रयोग

I. Ought के साथ सदा to का प्रयोग किया जाता है। (Ought to = Should)
Ought to का प्रयोग (should की भांति) निम्नलिखित स्थितियों में किया जाता है-

1. नैतिक फर्ज़

  • You ought to respect your elders.
  • You ought to have helped the poor.

2. इच्छा-योग्य सम्भावना

  • Mohan ought to win the race this time.
  • You have worked hard, You ought to get good marks.

3. इच्छा-योग्य ज़रूरत

  • He ought to build a new house now.
  • There ought to be some more buses.

(इन सभी वाक्यों में ought to के स्थान पर should का प्रयोग किया जा सकता है।)

II. Ought की तरह used भी एक ऐसा modal है जिसके साथ to का प्रयोग करना ज़रूरी होता है।

  • He used to live here.
  • He never used to live here.
  • Used he to live here ?

Used to का प्रयोग भूतकाल के संबंध में किसी आदत अथवा प्रायः होने वाली क्रिया को प्रकट करने के लिए किया जाता है।

Used to + V2 = V2
1. He used to come to my house every evening. 1. He came to my house every evening.
2. She never used to tell a lie. 2. She never told a lie.
3. They used to consult me on all matters. 3. They consulted me on all matters.

VI. Need का प्रयोग Modal के रूप में Need का प्रयोग केवल Negative और Interrogative वाक्यों में किया जाना चाहिए।

(1) इसका प्रयोग किसी सन्देह (doubt) अथवा मनाही (prohibition) को ज़ोरदार ढंग से व्यक्त करने के लिए किया जाता है।

  • Need I go there ? No, you needn’t.
  • Need she come tomorrow ? No, she needn’t.

(2) Need का Third Person Singular सदा need ही होता है, needs नहीं।

  • Need Mohan go there now?
  • He need not worry any more.

(3) प्रश्नवाचक वाक्यों में need का प्रयोग तभी किया जाता है जब negative उत्तर वांछित हो।

  • Need you go there?
  • No, I neednt.

(4) Interrogative और Negative वाक्यों में need के साथ to का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है ।

  • Need he do any work ?
  • No, he needn’t do any work.

(5) किन्तु निम्नलिखित वाक्यों में need के साथ to का प्रयोग किया गया है

  • He needs to go now. (Affirmative)
  • He does not need to go now. (Negative)
  • Does he need to go now? (Interrogative)

यदि ध्यान से देखा जाए तो पता चलेगा कि इन सभी वाक्यों में need को मुख्य क्रिया (Principal Verb) के रूप में प्रयोग किया गया है, न कि Modal Auxiliary के रूप में।

(6) Need not की जगह haven’t got to / don’t have to / don’t need to का प्रयोग किया जा सकता है।

  • He need not go.
  • He has not got to go.
  • He does not have to go.
  • He does not need to go.

(7) जब needs का प्रयोग must के साथ किया गया हो, तो यह एक adverb का कार्य कर रहा होता है। वास्तव में needs एक Possessive Case है जिसमें Apostrophe (‘) का लोप किया होता है।

इस प्रकार – needs = need’s = of need = of necessity = necessarily (adv.)
इस प्रकार हम देखा कि needs को एक adverb क्यों माना जाता है।
He must needs finish his work by evening.

VII. Dare का प्रयोग

(1) Modal के रूप में dare का प्रयोग नीचे लिखी स्थितियों में किया जाता है-

  • Negative वाक्यों में।
  • Interrogative वाक्यों में।
  • सन्देह (doubt) प्रकट करने वाले वाक्यों में।
  • ऐसे वाक्यों में जिनमें hardly, never, no one, nobody का प्रयोग किया गया हो।

(2) जब dare का प्रयोग Modal के रूप में किया गया हो तो इसके साथ to का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता।

(3) Dare का Third Person Singular सदा dare ही होता है न कि dares.
Examples :

  • He dare not fight with me. (Negative)
  • Nobody dared ask him about his intentions. (Negative)
  • Dare he come to my house ? (Interrogative)
  • How dare he say such things about me ? (Interrogative)
  • I wonder whether he dare try.(Doubt)
  • He will hardly dare go there again. (Doubt)

1. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the most appropriate modal.

(a) 1. He said that he …………… not come the next day.
2. ………….. you please stop talking ?
3. We ……………. speak English fluently.
4. She ………….. obey the rules.
5. He works hard so that he ………….. pass.
6. …………… you please help me lift the bundle ?
7. If I were you, I …………… not do it.
8. The pupils ………… to obey the orders.
1. would / might
2. Would
3. can
4. should / must
5. may
6. Could / Would
7. would
8. ought

(b) 1. ………….. God bring you a lot of prosperity !
2. He …………. inform me if he was in trouble.
3. I do not know whether I …………. be able to spare money.
4. There are clouds in the sky. It ………….. rain tonight.
5. If I were you, I ………….. have helped Kapil.
6. A poor man ………….. spend his money wisely.
7. Your father …………… be nearly eighty now.
8. …………… God protect you !
1. May
2. could
3. would
4. may / might / could
5. would
6. must
7. must
8. May.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Modals

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable modals from the brackets.

(a) 1. Can I smoke here ? No, you ……….. (should / may / can’t)
2. He said he ……………. come the next day. (may / would / can)
3. The driver ………… to have been more careful. (should / ought / must)
4. I will do it myself. You …………… come. (mustn’t / needn’t / oughtn’t)
5. Usha asked if she …………… bring her dog. (might / could)
6. Rajiv ……………. speak five languages. (may / can / should)
7. You ……………. pay your debts. (must / should I can)
8. Candidates …………… answer all questions. (must / should)
1. can’t
2. would
3. ought
4. needn’t
5. could
6. can
7. should
8. must.

(b) 1. He …………… hear. He is deaf. (must not / won’t I can’t)
2. He ………….. come home by the morning train. (ought / used / might)
3. The Headmaster ………….. check all these accounts. (should I dare)
4. …………… his soul rest in peace ! (May / Might)
5. We …………. do as we are told. (can / should)
6. I …………… rather die than beg. (would / should I will)
7. He ………….. not help laughing. (can I could)
8. ……….. you possibly lend me a thousand rupees ? (Could / Will)
1. can’t
2. might
3. should
4. May
5. should
6. would
7. could
8. Could.

Miscellaneous Exercise (Based on the Textbook)

(a) 1. You …………… be careful while driving. (must / need)
2. We …………… preserve our forests. (must / need)
3. Sudha …………… appear for an interview at Telco’s Pune office at the company’s expense. (used to / had to)
4. She was sure that she …………… not get the job in the famous automobile company, Telco. (should / would)
5. She …………… to wake up in the morning and get me ready for school. (ought / used)
6. He looked as if he …………… only have lots and lots of grandchildren. (could I can)
7. We …………. not use bookish knowledge to contradict and condemn others. (ought / should)
8. The teacher said that he ………….. be punished for his mistake. (will / would)
9. You ………….. impose discipline on yourself first. (can limust)
10. Some of us are worrying about whether the stock market …………… crash. (will / should)
1. must
2. must
3. had to
4. would
5. used
6. could
7. should
8. would
9. must
10. will.

(b) 1. Time on books …………… be spent according to their quality. (need / should)
2. An officer ………….. display high standards of discipline in his own (must / can)
3. We …………… never get anything without paying something for it. (should I can)
4. We …………… blame the government or the system for all the ills. (shouldn’t I needn’t)
5. Globalisation ………….. help to fight the problem of poverty in the world. (can / could)
6. A leader ………….. be ready to accept responsibilities and self-discipline. (should / may)
7. She …………. not help me with the lesson. (could / ought)
8. Take an umbrella with you; it …………… rain. (can / might)
9. ………… I come in, sir ? (May / Might)
10. ………….. that I were a king ! (Should / Would)
1. should
2. must
3. can
4. shouldn’t
5. can
6. should
7. could
8. might
9. May
10. Would.

(c) 1. Kalam says that future generation ………… have the freedom to sustain their lives on the earth. (should / would)
2. As he ………… not afford to pay his fees, he approached the principal for help. (could / would)
3. Since the Earth’s water supply is fixed, we ………….. preserve the quality of water available to us. (must / can)
4. The absence of water …………. turn fertile lands into dry, barren lifeless tracts of death. (can / must)
5. Malcolm thought that Barb …………… not love an ugly person like him. (can / could)
6. It …………. rain tomorrow. (may / shall)
7. You ………….. have liberty without discipline. (can’t I may not)
8. We …………. not eat in public during Ramadan, in Dubai. (dare / must)
9. Tomorrow …………… be Sunday. (may / will)
10. He ………….. be thirty next birthday. (shall / will)
1. should
2. could
3. must
4. can
5. could
6. may
7. can’t
8. dare
9. will
10. will.

(d) 1. If a woman proposed to a man in a leap year, he …………… accept it unless he was already engaged. (had to / used to)
2. Barb was so afraid that she …………… not make a reply to Malcolm. (could I can)
3. Junod suggested that a rescue expedition ………….. be organised at once. (should I would)
4. A new war …………… leave nothing behind worthy of mention. (would I could)
5. Force alone ………….. solve man’s problems. (can’t / mustn’t)
6. I did not know who headed Telco. I thought it …………… be one of the Tatas. (need / must)
7. The film …………. to be a great success. (should / ought)
8. My hostel-mates told me I …………. use the opportunity to go to Pune. (should / would)
9. She …………. never have been pretty. (can I could)
10. You …………… start somewhere, otherwise no woman will ever be able to work in your factories. (may / must)
1. had to
2. could
3. should
4. would
5. can’t
6. must
7. ought
8. should
9. could
10. must.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Modals

2. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the most appropriate modal.

(a) 1. We ………….. read good books with full concentration.
2. If a man lacks reasoning, he …………. study law and lawyers’ cases.
3. A book …………. not be read to condemn or refute others.
4. No one …………. avoid doing something he …………… do.
5. Our nation …………… be strong not only as a military power, but also as an economic power.
6. We ………….. become self-reliant and not run after imported things.
7. In Jeddah, we …………. not go out without covering our head.
8. The poor people …………… live in very dirty conditions.
9. Globalisation ………………. lead to new opportunities, faster growth and higher standard of living
10. We ……………. preserve our forests, fisheries and the diversity of living species.
1. must
2. should
3. should
4. must should
5. should
6. must
7. dare
8. have to
9. can

(b) 1. Without water, life ………….. become impossible on this earth.
2. Malcolm ………….. decide whether Barb still loved him.
3. The lovers ………… face many hardships.
4. We …………… set things right before it is too late.
5. Those people too ………….. not survive long, who had fled from Hiroshima after the explosion.
6. The General realized how destructive an atomic war …………. be.
7. All possible efforts …………. be made to save mankind from itself.
8. “How ………….. anyone love a freak ?” thought Malcolm.
9. Barb ……………… not give up writing to Malcolms even though he never responded.
10. The books of lower quality …………. be read by proxy.
1. would
2. couldn’t
3. have to
4. must
5. could
6. could
7. must
8. can / could
9. would
10. should

Exercises From Grammar Book (Fully Solved)

Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with ‘will or ‘shall’.

1. I ……….. surely help you. (determination)
2. If you make a noise, you ……….. be punished.
3. ……….. you have tea ?
4. He ……….. play the match tomorrow. (information about future)
5. You ………. not leave this place. (order)
6. ……….. I bring some tea for you ? (offer)
7. I ……….. take care of your brother. (promise)
8. I ………. send him to jail. (threat)
9. How ……….. you solve this problem?
10. I ……….. take care of your brother. (promise)
1. will
2. shall
3. will
4. will
5. shall
6. Shall
7. will
8. will
9. will
10. will.

Exercise 2
Fill in the blanks with ‘would’ or ‘should.

1. I told him that he ……….. pass.
2. You ……….. respect your elders.
3. Walk fast lest you ………. miss the train.
4. They ……….. sit for hours talking together. (Past habit)
5. ……….. that I were the Prime Minister !
6. You ………. take your medicine regularly.
7. I ……… rather fail than cheat.
8. I ………. like to have a cup of tea.
9. You ……….. not leave this job.
10. ………. you meet him, give him this book.
1. would
2. should
3. should
4. would
5. Would
6. should
7. would
8. would
9. should
10. Should.

Exercise 3
Fill in the blanks with ‘can’ or ‘could’.

1. She ………. read and write English well.
2. I told him that he ……….. accompany me.
3. He ………. drive a car at the age of twelve.
4. I ……….. not help laughing.
5. You ………. go now.
6. He ………. help you if you want.
7. He ……….. come to meet me any time.
8. I ………. have availed myself of the opportunity. (But I didn’t)
9. Who ……….. be kinder than God ?
10. Three years ago, he ……….. not even walk.
1. can
2. could
3. could
4. could
5. can
6. can
7. can
8. could
9. can
10. could.

Exercise 4
Fill in the blanks with ‘may’ or ‘might’.

1. ……….. I go home now?
2. She asked if she ……….. read my book.
3. We eat so that we ……….. live.
4. ……… God bless you !
5. It ………. rain today. (weak possibility)
6. You ……….. have won the race if you had taken an early start.
7. If you apologise, he ……….. forgive you.
8. She ……… have applied for a job, but I am not sure.
9. ……….. his soul rest in peace.
10. He is working hard so that he ……… stand first in the class.
1. May
2. might
3. may
4. May
5. may
6. might
7. may
8. might
9. May
10. may.

Exercise 5
Fill in the blanks with ‘used to’ or ‘ought to’.

1. We ……….. serve our country.
2. My grandmother ……….. tell me stories.
3. You ……….. change your job.
4. I am not ……….. driving alone.
5. I ………. visit my sick brother.
6. We ……….. obey the laws of our country.
7. They ………. miss their classes to watch a movie.
8. The students ……….. be regular and punctual.
9. The employees ……….. come late, but now they have become punctual.
1. ought to
2. used to
3. ought to
4. used to
5. ought to
6. ought to
7. used to
8. ought to
9. used to.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Modals

Exercise 6
Fill in the blanks with ‘must, ‘dare’ or ‘need.

1. The candidates ………. answer five out of ten questions.
2. How ………. you touch my things ?
3. I ……….. finish this work by Monday.
4. ……….. I go to school today?
5. He ………. not oppose me.
6. You ………. not wait for him.
7. Does she ………. to argue with you ?
8. You ……….. not go to the market as I have brought vegetables.
9. ………. you have taken all this trouble ?
10. You ………. be joking.
1. must
2. dare
3. must
4. Need
5. dare
6. need
7. dare
8. need
9. Need
10. must.

Exercise 7
Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals.

1. ……….. you please stop talking ? (will / shall)
2. You ………. go home whenever you like. (may / might)
3. We ……….. not tell lies. (would / should)
4. You ……….. get a prize if you finish your work in time. (shall / will)
5. My grandmother ………. go for a morning walk in her youth. (used to I might)
6. He ……….. read and write Spanish. (can I could)
7. The rich ……… help the poor. (should / would)
8. If you have a ticket, you ………. go inside. (could I may)
9. He said that it ……….. be true. (would / could)
10. ………. you hear that sound ? (may / can)
1. Will
2. may
3. should
4. will
5. used to
6. can / could
7. should
8. may
9. could
10. Can.

Exercise 8
Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals.

1. I tried to climb up the tree, but ………. not.
2. He worked hard so that he ……….. win the gold medal.
3. ……….. that I were a princess !
4. Death ……….. come any time.
5. ………. you prosper in life !
6. Cars ……….. not be parked in front of the gate. (may / must)
7. She is three years old, but she ………. not speak as yet.
8. You ……….. not drink here. (will / shall)
9. If it ………. rain, we will have a holiday. (should I could)
10. ………. you mind my sitting here ? (would / should)
1. could
2. could
3. Would
4. can
5. May
6. must
7. can
8. shall
9. should
10. Would.

Exercise 9
Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals.

1. You ……….. help the needy. (moral obligation)
2. If I were you, I ……….. not behave like that. (conditional sentence)
3. I ……….. never tell a lie. (determination)
4. He told me that he ………… not let me down.
5. Walk slowly lest you ……….. stumble.
6. My uncle ………. have reached by now. (possibility)
7. The patient is critical. He ……….. be taken to the hospital. (compulsion)
8. You ………. not laugh at her mistakes.
9. How ……….. you call her names ?
10. I ……….. play hockey when I was a student. (past habit)
1. should
2. would
3. will
4. would
5. should
6. might
7. must
8. should
9. dare
10. used to.

Exercise 10
Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals.

1. What ……….. you like to have, tea or coffee ?
2. ……….. I smoke here? (formal permission)
3. One ……….. do one’s duty.
4. I ……….. smell something burning.
5. I ……….. rather die than beg.
6. It ………. rain today. (less certain)
7. I told him that he ………. take the test. (can I could)
8. She ……….. not insult me. (will / must) (insistence)
9. We ……….. respect our elders. (can / ought to)
10. I ………. help him with money. (will / shall)
1. would
2. May
3. should / must
4. can
5. would
6. might
7. could
8. must
9. ought to
10. will.

Exercise 11
Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals.

1. ……….. I answer your question ? (should I need)
2. I wish I ……… help you, but I have my own problems. (can I could)
3. Walk carefully lest you ………. sprain your foot.
4. You ……….. not see him; just write a letter. (dare / need)
5. We ……….. go to the station by taxi, it is getting late. (may / should)
6. You ……….. do as you are told. (order)
7. The children asked if they ……….. have an ice cream. (could / would)
8. ……… we play cricket ? (suggestion)
9. ……….. you have tea ?
10. It ………. rain tomorrow. (prediction)
1. Need
2. could
3. should
4. need
5. should
6. must
7. could
8. Shall
9. Would
10. may.

Exercise 12
Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals.

1. ……….. I bring some tea for you? (Do you want me ?)
2. ……….. I use your pen ? (very polite)
3. You ……….. attend the class. (compulsion)
4. He told me that he ……….. join the Army. (possibility)
5. ………. he insult you? (challenge)
6. Play well so that you ……… win the match. (purpose)
7. Everyone ……….. love his country. (may / ought to)
8. He is your father, you ……….. obey him. (obligation)
9. You ………. not worry about it, I will handle it.
10. You ……….. do your homework regularly. (advice)
1. Shall
2. Might
3. must
4. might
5. Dare
6. may
7. ought to
8. should
9. need
10. should.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Modals

Exercise 13
Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals.

1. I ………. hear her reciting a prayer. (might / could)
2. You said that you ……….. be absent. (should / would)
3. I ……….. bring a chocolate for you tomorrow. (promise)
4. You ……… not hurry, there is plenty of time.
5. I ……….. try to do better next time. (promise)
6. ……….. you please help me ? (should I would)
7. ……….. God save our souls !
8. I ……….. type ninety words in a minute. (may / can)
9. You ………. read a grammar book to understand these concepts. (may / ought to)
10. The doctor told me that the fever ………. go. (would / will)
1. could
2. would
3. will
4. need
5. will
6. Would
7. May
8. can
9. ought to
10. would.

Exercise 14
Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals.

1. A leader ……….. be ready to accept responsibilities. (shall / must)
2. Take an umbrella with you, it ……….. rain. (should I may)
3. If we are not free, no one ……….. respect us. (will / shall)
4. Some books ……….. be read thoroughly. (may / must)
5. We ……….. preserve our heritage. (can / must)
6. They ……….. to complete their lessons. (dare / need)
7. One ………. not have liberty without discipline. (can / may)
8. You ……….. see a doctor.
9. He ……….. be thirty next birthday. (will / shall)
10. ……….. we drink salty sea water ? (can I could)
1. must
2. may
3. will
4. must
5. must
6. need
7. can
8. must
9. will
10. Can.

Exercise 15
Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals.

1. ……….. we play cricket ?
2. I ……….. invite you to the party. (intention)
3. You ………. not attend my class. (order)
4. He ……….. have helped you if he wished.
5. He ……….. come today. (remote possibility)
6. She ……….. come late to school every day. (past habit)
7. Don’t put off till tomorrow what you ……….. do today.
8. He did not ……….. to offend me.
9. I think I ……….. go now. (could / should)
10. I ……….. do or die. (compulsion)
1. Shall
2. will
3. shall / must
4. could
5. might
6. used to
7. can
8. dare
9. should
10. must.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Modals

Exercise 16
Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals.

1. Reading ……….. make a full man. (may / can)
2. We ……….. learn how to govern better. (must / might)
3. The teacher said that he ………. be rewarded for his good work.
4. You ……….. follow the traffic rules.
5. How ………. you do this to me ? (could / would)
6. ……….. I bring you something to eat ?
7. He ………. play the match. (willingness)
8. You ………. not waste time on it. (necessity)
9. Had the doctor come in time, he ……….. have saved the patient.
10. Had you hurried up, you ……….. have caught the train. (could / can)
1. can
2. must
3. would
4. should / must / ought to
5. could
6. Shall
7. would / will
8. must
9. would / could
10. could.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Determiners

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class English Book Solutions English Grammar Determiners Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Determiners


किसी संज्ञा से पूर्व स्थित ऐसे शब्द को Determiner कहा जाता है जो उस संज्ञा को निर्धारित करता हो; जैसे-
A book, an inkpot, the Ramayana, some boys, any book, a few difficulties, a little rest, आदि।

Determiner एक प्रकार से विशेषण (Adjective) ही होता है। अन्तर केवल इतना है कि Adjective किसी संज्ञा की व्याख्या करता है जबकि Determiner किसी संज्ञा को निर्धारित करता है।

अध्ययन की सुविधा के लिए Determiners को मुख्य रूप से निम्नलिखित भागों में बांटा जा सकता है –

1. Possessive My, our, your, his, her, its, their.
2. Demonstrative Definite : The, this, that, these, those, such, same, etc.
Indefinite : A, an, any, some, other, certain, etc.
3. Quantitative Much, little, no, some, any, enough, sufficient, all, whole, half, etc.
4. Numeral Definite : One, two, three, first, second, third, etc.
Indefinite : All, some, no, many, few, several, etc.
5. Articles Definite : The.
Indefinite : A, an.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Determiners

The Use of Some Determiners

1. Some, any : ये दोनों शब्द मात्रावाचक भी हैं और संख्यावाचक भी।
Some का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित प्रकार के वाक्यों में किया जाता है-
(a) Affirmative वाक्यों में।

  • There are some children outside.
  • Some people say that money makes the mare go.

(b) Interrogative वाक्यों में, यदि वक्ता को afffirmative उत्तर की इच्छा अथवा आशा हो।

  • Aren’t there some stamps in the drawer ?
  • Didn’t he give you some money ?

Any का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित प्रकार के वाक्यों में किया जाता है-
(a) Negative वाक्यों में।

  • I didn’t buy any bread.
  • He has not solved any question.

(b) Interrogative वाक्यों में, यदि वक्ता को negative उत्तर की आशा हो।

  • Have you any problem ?
  • Are there any stamps in my drawer ?

नोट- यह बात ध्यान रखने योग्य है कि not के साथ any का प्रयोग किया जाता है किन्तु no के साथ any का प्रयोग कभी नहीं किया जाता है।
इसलिए यह कहना गलत है कि-
I bought no any apple.
हमें कहना चाहिए –
I bought no apple.

2. Few, little:
Few – एक संख्यावाचक शब्द है।
Little – एक मात्रावाचक शब्द है।

→ Few, a few, the few का प्रयोग-
(1) Few – यह एक Negative विशेषण है।
Few = not many = अधिक नहीं।

(2) A few – यह एक affirmative विशेषण है।
A few = some at least = थोड़े से।

(3) The few – यह एक ऐसा विशेषण है जिससे negative तथा affirmative दोनों अर्थों का बोध होता है।
The few – the whole of any particular number = थोड़े-बहुत जो भी हों।

→ Little, a little, the little का प्रयोग-
(1) Little – यह एक Negative विशेषण है।
Little – not much = अधिक नहीं।

(2) A little – यह एक Affirmative विशेषण है।
A little = some at least = थोड़ा सा।

(3) The little – यह एक ऐसा विशेषण है जिससे Negative तथा affirmative दोनों अर्थों का बोध होता है।
The little = the whole of any particular quantity = थोड़ा-बहुत जो भी हो।

I. 1. He makes few mistakes.
उसके पास अधिक दूध नहीं था।
2. He makes a few mistakes.
वह कुछ गलतियां कर देता है।
3. I corrected the few mistakes he had made.
जो थोड़ी-बहुत गलतियां उसने की थीं, मैंने ठीक कर दी।

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Determiners

II. 1. He had little milk.
वह अधिक गलतियां नहीं करता है।
2. He had a little milk.
उसके पास थोड़ा सा दूध था।
3. He drank the little milk I had.
मेरे पास जो थोड़ा-बहुत दूध था, वह पी गया।

नोट – वाक्य (3) के अर्थ को दो भागों में बांटा जा सकता है-
(a) Negative तथा (b) Affirmative
(a) The mistakes he had made were not many.
जो गलतियां उसने की थीं वे अधिक नहीं थीं।
The milk I had was not much.
मेरे पास जो दूध था वह अधिक नहीं था।

(b) I corrected all the mistake he had made.
मैंने वे सारी गलतियां ठीक कर दी जो उसने की थीं।
He drank all the milk I had.
उसने सारा दूध पी लिया जो मेरे पास था।

III. Much, Many, Many a, Less, Fewer:
(1) Much तथा less मात्रावाचक विशेषण हैं।

(2) Many तथा fewer संख्यावाचक विशेषण हैं।

(3) Much का प्रयोग uncountable nouns (मात्रावाचक संज्ञाओं) के साथ किया जाता है।
Many का प्रयोग countable nouns (संख्यावाचक संज्ञाओं) के साथ किया जाता है।

(4) Much और Many का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित प्रकार के वाक्यों में किया जाना चाहिए-

  • Negative वाक्यों में।
  • Interrogative वाक्यों में।
  • Affirmative वाक्यों में, यदि इन शब्दों का प्रयोग कर्ता अथवा कर्ता की व्याख्या करने वाले शब्द के रूप में किया गया हो।

(5) Many a – कई बार ‘Many’ के साथ ‘a’ का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
अर्थ की दृष्टि से ‘many’ और ‘many a में कोई अन्तर नहीं है। अन्तर केवल इतना है कि-
Many के साथ बहुवचन संज्ञा तथा बहुवचन क्रिया का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
Many a के साथ एकवचन संज्ञा तथा एकवचन क्रिया का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
Many a man = many x one man = Many men

  • Many a boy is absent
  • Many boys are absent.

(6) Fewer, few की comparative degree के रूप में प्रयोग किया जाता है, परन्तु – Less को little की comparative degree के रूप में बहुत कम प्रयोग किया जाता है। यह एक आज़ाद comparative है। वास्तव में इसकी कोई positive degree नहीं होती।

Examples : Much (मात्रावाचक)

  • There is not much food in the house. (Negative)
  • Did you have much difficulty in finding it? (Interrogative)
  • Much of what you say is true. (Affirmative)
  • He never eats much breakfast. (Negative)
  • Does your cow give much milk ? (Interrogative)
  • Much of it is useless. (Affirmative)

Many (संख्यावाचक)

  • I don’t have many friends. (Negative)
  • Were there many people at the meeting ? (Interrogative)
  • Many people left early. (Affirmative)

Fewer (संख्यावाचक)

  • No fewer than twenty workers were absent.
  • There were fewer men than women.
  • Few know and fewer care.
  • Today I bought fewer eggs.

Less (मात्रावाचक)

  • Less size means less weight.
  • He had less difficulty with his work.
  • Don’t think it has less importance.
  • I have less money than you.


Articles भी एक प्रकार से Determiners ही होते हैं क्योंकि ये किसी संज्ञा से पूर्व लगाए जाते हैं और उसे निर्धारित करते हैं।
अंग्रेज़ी भाषा में a, an तथा the को Articles कहा जाता है।
The को Definite Article कहा जाता है।
A तथा an को Indefinite Articles कहा जाता है।

Articles के प्रयोग सम्बन्धी नियम

(1) An का प्रयोग किसी स्वर (Vowel : a, e, i, 0, u) से पूर्व अथवा silent b से पूर्व किया जाता है; जैसे-
An apple; an egg; an inkpot; an ox; an umbrella; an honest man; an M.A.; etc.

(2) A का प्रयोग किसी व्यंजन (Consonant) से पूर्व किया जाता है। ऐसे स्वर जिनका उच्चारण किसी व्यंजन की भांति किया जाए, उनसे पूर्व भी a का ही प्रयोग किया जाता है; जैसे –
A kite; a cart; a monkey; a unit; a useful thing; a one-eyed man; a European country; etc.

(3) साधारण रूप से नियम यह है कि यदि कोई Common Noun एकवचन में हो, तो उससे पूर्व Article का प्रयोग किया जाना चाहिए; जैसे-

  • I saw a dog in street. (यह वाक्य आशुद्ध है।)
  • I saw a dog in the street. (यह वाक्य शुद्ध है।)
  • I saw the dog in the street. (यह वाक्य शुद्ध है।)

(4) The का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित स्थितियों में किया जाता है-
1. किसी विशेष व्यक्ति अथवा पदार्थ का वर्णन करने के लिए।
(He is the man who beat me.)

2. नदियों के नामों के साथ।
(The Ganges; the Yamuna)

3. पर्वत-शृंखलाओं के नाम के साथ।
(The Himalayas; the Vindhyas)

4. समुद्रों के नाम के साथ।
(The Indian Ocean; the Arabian Sea)

5. प्रसिद्ध पुस्तकों के नामों के साथ।
(The Gita; the Quran)

6. प्रकृति की अद्वितीय रचनाओं के साथ।
(The sun; the moon; the earth)

7. Superlative Degree के साथ।
(The best, the noblest; the youngest)

8. किसी जाति अथवा वर्ग के नाम के साथ।
(The English; the Indians; the French)

9. उस विशेषण से पूर्व जिनके साथ लगने वाली संज्ञा understood हो।
(The rich should help the poor.)

10. निम्नलिखित प्रकार के मुहावरों के साथ।
(The higher, the better.)

(5) The का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित स्थितियों में प्रायः नहीं किया जाता है-

  • किसी नगर, शहर, गांव के नाम से पूर्व।
  • किसी देश के नाम से पूर्व।
  • किसी महाद्वीप के नाम से पूर्व।
  • किसी अकेले द्वीप के नाम से पूर्व।
  • किसी- अन्तरीप (Cape) के नाम से पूर्व। (Cape Comorin, कुमारी अन्तरीप)
  • किसी झील के नाम से पूर्व।
  • किसी अकेली पहाड़ी के नाम से पूर्व ।
  • किसी व्यक्तिवाचक (Proper) अथवा भाववाचक (Abstract) संज्ञा के साथ।

(6) निम्नलिखित स्थितियों में से किसी भी Article का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है-
1. किसी नामलेख (title) के साथ।
(Queen Victoria; King George)

2. किसी सकर्मक (Transitive) क्रिया वाले मुहावरे में Verb के बाद लगे हुए Object के साथ।
(send word; shake hands; catch fire)

3. किसी मुहावरे में Preposition के बाद लगी हुई संज्ञा के साथ।
(By hand; at sea; by night)

4. विशालतम अर्थ में प्रयोग की गई किसी संज्ञा के साथ।
(Man is mortal.)

5. द्रव्यवाचक संज्ञा (Material Noun) के साथ।
(Iron is a very useful metal.)


1. Fill in the blanks with suitable Determiners.

(a) 1. Did he give you ……………. money ?
2. ……………. girls were playing in the ground.
3. Have you read ………….. new novel ?
4. There is not …………… oil in the bottle.
5. Will you please give me ……….. milk ?
6. His condition is so serious that there is ……….. hope of his recovery.
7. ………… women can keep a secret.
8. ………….. knowledge is a dangerous thing.
1. any
2. Some
3. any
4. any
5. some
6. little
7. Few
8. A little.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Determiners

(b) 1. Only ………… boys were present in the meeting.
2. There isn’t ………… sugar in the cup.
3. You must take …………. meals a day.
4. This work is lighter, so I can do with …………… manpower.
5. Did he make ………….. mistakes in his essay ?
6. I have seen her ………….. time.
7. Have you read …………… Ramayana ?
8. He was struck by ………… arrow.
1. a few
2. much
3. fewer
4. less
5. many
6. many a
7. the
8. an.

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners.

(a) Rajan came to my house. He asked me how ………… money I had. I told him that I had ………. money in my pocket which I had saved from …………. pocket money. He told me that he needed ………… money to buy ……….. book on Economics.

(b) There was a knock at my door. When I opened ……….. door, I saw stranger with …………… tool bag in his hand. I didn’t allow him to enter ………….. room as I had never seen him earlier.

(c) Ram needed ……….. paper for his work. He said to his brother, “There isn’t …………… paper for me to write on. Please buy ………… for me when you go to the market.”

(d) ………. man bought …………….. ox and sold it in ………….. open market of the city. But he got only …………… little money from the sale.
(a) much, some, my, some, a.
(b) the, a, a, the.
(c) some, any, some.
(d) A, an, the, a.

Miscellaneous Exercise (Based on the Textbook)

1. Fill in each blank with a suitable determiner.

(a) 1. One day, Sudha had to show ……… reports to Mr. Moolgaokar. (some / any)
2. Sudha went to do …………. M.Tech. in Computer Science from IISc, Bangalore. (an / the)
3. Since there were …………. dogs in the streets, she took to feeding sparrows in the city. (no / many)
4. Would you like ……… tea ? (any / some)
5. ……….. my life, I have been waiting for this moment. (All / Some)
6. I have no time for ………… these formalities. (any / all)
7. …………… the lawyers pleaded their cases well. (Every / Both)
8. ………… books are to be read only in parts. (Any / Some)
9. She carried ………….. stale chapattis with her for the village dogs. (few / several)
10. I used to go to ………….. English school in a motor bus. (an / the)
1. some
2. an
3. no
4. some
5. All
6. all
7. Both
8. Some
9. several
10. an.

(b) 1. According to Bacon, ……….. books should be swallowed. (many / some)
2. Some books don’t deserve ………….. mind and concentration. (our / their)
3. …………… individual is dependent. (All / Every)
4. They never left …………… post during the war. (their / our)
5. Liberty is the birthright of each and …………. person. (every / any)
6. …………. of us were constantly together. (Our / Both)
7. She told me about the games she used to play as ……….. child. (the / a)
8. ………… parents left me with Grandmother. (My / Each)
9. ………… drop of water is precious. (Every / All)
10. We hear …….. amazing success stories, but we refuse to acknowledge them. (much / many)
1. some
2. our
3. Every
4. their
5. every
6. Both
7. a
8. My
9. Every
10. many.

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners.

(a) 1. This is ………….. girl who wrote to Mr. JRD.
2. Women should not tolerate …………. sort of injustice.
3. Grandmother got ………… old drum and started singing.
4. ………. day, Sudha went to Mr. Moolgaokar’s office.
5. ………….. book should not be read with the same interest and concentration.
6. Studies have a great influence on ……… human mind.
7. Bacon believes that ………. defect of the mind has a special remedy.
8. Studies cure a man of ………… mental deficiencies.
9. Discipline is …………. training of mind and character.
10. We have mortgaged ………….. conscience to money.
1. the
2. any
3. an
4. One
5. Every
6. the
7. every
8. his
9. the
10. our.

(b) 1. We should be true patriots and noble sons of …………… motherland.
2. The earth is a treasure we hold in trust for ………… descendents.
3. The future generations should have the freedom to sustain ………… lives on this planet.
4. Vikram Batra was ………… officer of the Indian Army.
5. Forests play …………. vital role in the conservation of water.
6. Eyes lend ………… unique beauty to the human face.
7. Water is the basis of …………. life.
8. Malcolm was awarded ……….. medals for his rare courage and sense of sacrifice.
9. Malcolm felt that there was ……….. time for fear.
10. The grizzly grabbed Malcolm with ……….. paws and squeezed him against her chest.
1. our
2. our
3. their
4. an
5. a
6. a
7. all
8. many
9. no
10. both.

Exercises From Grammar Book (Fully Solved)

Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate article (a, an or the) or leave the space blank if no article is needed.

1. I want ……….. apple from that basket.
2. ………. church on the corner is progressive.
3. Miss Lin speaks ……….. Chinese.
4. I borrowed ………. pencil from your pile of pencils and pens.
5. One of the students said, “………. professor is late today.”
6. Ali likes to play ……….. volleyball.
7. I bought ……….. umbrella to go out in the rain.
8. My daughter is learning to play ……… violin at her school.
9. Please give me ……….. cake that is on the counter.
10. I lived on ……….. Main Street when I first came to this town.
1. an
2. The
3. x
4. a
5. The
6. x
7. an
8. the
9. the
10. x.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Determiners

Exercise 2
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate article (a, an or the) or leave the space blank if no article is needed.

1. Albany is the capital of ……….. New York State.
2. My husband’s family speaks ……….. Polish.
3. ………. apple a day keeps the doctor away.
4. ………. ink in my pen is red.
5. Our neighbours have ………. cat and ………. dog.
6. He is ……….. idiot.
7. You are doing ………. good job.
8. It is ……….. rotten plum.
9. This is ………. used fork.
10. ………. historian writes history books.
1. x
2. x
3. An
4. The
5. a, a
6. an
7. a
8. a
9. a
10. A.

Exercise 3
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate article (a, an or the) or leave the space blank if no article is needed.

1. He is ……….. honest man.
2. It was ………. horrible movie.
3. We went for ………. opera show at Sydney Opera House.
4. Spanish is ……….. easy language.
5. Their car does 100 miles ……….. hour.
6. Mathura is ………. holy city.
7. Cactus is ………. thorny plant.
8. Which is ……… longest tunnel in the world ?
9. ……….. honourable discharge is every employee’s right.
10. He is ……….. intelligent man.
1. an
2. a
3. an
4. an
5. an
6. a
7. a
8. the
9. An
10. an.

Exercise 4
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate article (a, an or the) or leave the space blank if no article is needed.

1. It is ………. big table.
2. There is ……….. stairway in the lobby.
3. Give me ……….. paper clip.
4. Dog is ……….. faithful animal.
5. I have ……….. unusual feeling.
6. We saw ……….. interesting movie.
7. He won ……….. early bird prize in the party.
8. It was ……….. daring idea.
9. ……….. sun rises in the east.
10. We gave away ……….. prizes.
1. a
2. a
3. a
4. a
5. an
6. an
7. the
8. a
9. The
10. the.

Exercise 5
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate article (a, an or the) or leave the space blank if no article is needed.

1. The brick hit him in ………… face.
2. He went ……….. home.
3. She is going to ………. cinema.
4. ……… idea can change your life.
5. ……….. higher you go, ……….. cooler it is.
6. South Hall is ……….. Punjab of England.
7. He is ………. most intelligent child of the family.
8. ……….. umbrella is ……….. useful thing.
9. He has ………. soft corner for the poor.
10. I gave him ………. hundred-rupee note.
1. the
2. x
3. the
4. An
5. The, the
6. the
7. the
8. An, a
9. a
10. a.

Exercise 6
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate article (a, an or the) or leave the space blank if no article is needed.

1. I bought ……….. pair of shoes.
2. He gave me ………. beautiful gift.
3. I have ……….. one-rupee note.
4. He is ……….. senior teacher.
5. Have you read ………. Bible ?
6. P.K. Shinh is ……….. M.A.
7. It is ………. best he could do.
8. She is ……….. N.C.C. officer.
9. It was ……….. pleasant day.
10. He is ………. cowardly person.
1. a
2. a
3. a
4. a
5. the
6. an
7. the
8. an
9. a
10. a.

Exercise 7
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate article (a, an or the) or leave the space blank if no article is needed.

1. She has ……….. headache.
2. I have got ……….. cold.
3. What is on ……….. radio tonight ?
4. This is ………. historical moment.
5. He has ………. few friends in his class.
6. He is studying in ………. European university.
7. He is ……….. worst player of the team.
8. Rose is ………. taller of the two sisters.
9. He is ……….. great comedian.
10. Wordsworth wrote poems about ……….. nature.
1. a
2. x
3. the
4. a
5. a
6. a
7. the
8. the
9. a
10. x.

Exercise 8
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate article (a, an or the) or leave the space blank if no article is needed.

1. New York is ……….. big city.
2. ……….. cow is ………. useful animal.
3. Honesty is ……….. best policy.
4. France is ……….. great country
5. The sun rises in ……….. east.
6. I saw him when he was ……. child.
7. Who has not seen ……….. tiger ?
8. ……….. milk is very nutritious.
9. Man is after all ……….. animal.
10. How beautiful ……….. stars are !
1. a
2. The, a
3. the
4. a
5. the
6. a
7. a
8. x
9. an
10. the.

Exercise 9
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate article (a, an or the) or leave the space blank if no article is needed.

1. God has created ………. universe.
2. Gold is ……….. precious metal.
3. Kalidasa is ………. Shakespeare of India.
4. This is ……….. best book I have ever read.
5. ………. cat killed ………. rat.
6. ……….. cat is on ……….. roof.
7. Mahatma Gandhi was ……….. great leader of India.
8. The stone hit me on ……….. head.
9. John is ………. smallest boy in the class, but Peter is ……….. biggest.
10. I would like to buy ……….. pair of stockings and ……….. couple of shirts.
1. the
2. a
3. the
4. the
5. The, the
6. The, the
7. a
8. the
9. the, the
10. a, a.

Exercise 10
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate article (a, an or the) or leave the space blank if no article is needed.

1. Many ……… flower is born to blush unseen.
2. He is ………. Newton of his age.
3. I admire ………. wisdom of Solomon.
4. ………. whole class will participate in the program.
5. ……….. Himalayas protect the plains of India from the cold winds of the north.
6. I watched ………… interesting film yesterday.
7. I bought ………. laptop for my daughter.
8. ……….. laptop that I bought for my daughter was very expensive.
9. My daughter didn’t like ………. laptop I gave her. She said that it was too big for her.
10. So, I got it exchanged for ………. smaller model.
1. a
2. the
3. the
4. The
5. The
6. an
7. a
8. The
9. the
10. a.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Determiners

Exercise 11
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate article (a, an or the) or leave the space blank if no article is needed.

1. She absolutely loved ……….. new model.
2. My son has been asking for ………. smartphone for a while.
3. He was ……….. only child of his parents.
4. Siddhartha was ………. kind-hearted prince.
5. His parents shielded him from ………. miseries of ……… world.
6. Sri Lanka is ……….. island country in ……….. Indian Ocean.
7. I prefer ……….. mountains to the seaside.
8. We went to ……….. same school.
9. My brother is going out with ………. Chinese girl.
10. I am looking forward to being ……….. grandmother.
1. the
2. a
3. the
4. a
5. the, the
6. an, the
7. the
8. the
9. a
10. a.

Exercise 12
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. Have they got ……… matches ?
2. He used his shoe as ………. hammer.
3. Harsh fed ………. dogs.
4. There are ……….. children in the park.
5. Who invented ………. telephone ?
6. He is ……….. oldest in his family.
7. They met ……….. nice Asian girls on holiday.
8. I think there is ……….. ice cream in the fridge.
9. Let us go and bathe in ……….. river.
10. Have you seen ……… Red Fort ?
1. the
2. a
3. the
4. no
5. the
6. the
7. some
8. an
9. the
10. the.

Exercise 13
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. Have you got ……….. English friends ?
2. No, I haven’t got ……….. English friends.
3. But I have ……….. English penfriends.
4. He has ………. friends at all.
5. She has ………. best friend. They spend all their time together.
6. Would you like ……….. more orange juice ?
7. I have hardly ………. money left.
8. I never have ……….. luck with the lottery.
9. Have you got ………. money ?
10. Yes, I’ve got ……….. .
1. any
2. any
3. some
4. no
5. a
6. some
7. any
8. any
9. any
10. some.

Exercise 14
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. There are ……….. animals in this zoo.
2. He is ……….. man of ……….. words.
3. How ………. milk do you need ?
4. ………. time has passed now.
5. He is ……….. same boy who cheated me.
6. Is there ………. water in the glass ?
7. ………. he and his brother passed the exam.
8. He can write with ……….. hand.
9. …….. people would be cruel to the blind.
10. I shall finish ………. novel within two days.
1. many
2. a, few
3. much
4. Much
5. the
6. any
7. Both
8. either
9. Few
10. this.

Exercise 15
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. I always keep ……….. pen in my pocket.
2. He has ……….. good habits.
3. She wants the advice of ……….. doctor.
4. She fell to ……….. ground.
5. The bullet hit on ……….. spot.
6. ………. path of duty leads to glory.
7. He is ………. author of great versatility.
8. He gave up ……….. evil ways to attain salvation.
9. Unemployment has been increasing at ………. alarming rate.
10. Keep the enemy at ………. arm’s length.
1. a
2. many
3. some / a
4. the
5. the
6. The
7. an
8. his / the
9. an
10. an.

Exercise 16
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. He is ………. Indian Muslim.
2. She wrote ………. letter quickly.
3. She threw her arms round ……….. baby.
4. I have ……… expectations from anyone.
5. I think of ……….. Ganges.
6. ………. list of new books has been released.
7. He is ………. international Grandmaster of Chess.
8. He tore away ………. resignation letter.
9. Singing is ……….. passion.
10. ………. road leads to Srinagar.
1. an
2. a / the
3. her / the
4. no
5. the
6. A
7. an
8. his
9. my
10. This.

Exercise 17
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. I have ……….. relatives in this town.
2. An umbrella is ………. useful thing.
3. I have got ………. rice.
4. You can find ………. wild animals in Rajaji National Park.
5. ……….. of ……….. rare books have been destroyed by foreign invaders.
6. He has lost all ………. money in gambling.
7. I do not have ………. extra dress for the evening party.
8. Everybody should respect ……….. religions.
9. I purchased ……….. new house.
10. Painting is ……….. profession.
1. no / many / few
2. a
3. no / a little / some
4. many
5. Many, the
6. his
7. an / any
8. all
9. a
10. my / his / their, etc.

Exercise 18
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. Where shall I send ………. packer ?
2. He sat on ……… seat beside his bed.
3. Sudha knew ………. languages.
4. Hassan lost ………. sympathy the teacher had for him.
5. How ……… money does he need ?
6. ………. the papers were lying on the floor.
7. There was hardly ………. effort by Hassan to overcome his bad habits.
8. We have ……….. things to finish before we go.
9. I had to take ……….. responsibility.
10. The big hall has ………. windows.
1. this
2. the
3. many
4. the little
5. much
6. All
7. any
8. many
9. the
10. many.

Exercise 19
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. How many students were there in ……….. class ?
2. She is proud of ……….. culinary skills.
3. Philip was ……….. great violinist.
4. He did not make ……….. mistake in the final match.
5. Do you need ……….. further information on this issue ?
6. How ………. cups of tea do you take daily ?
7. No part of ……….. ashes should be retained.
8. We have ……….. spare cash to be distributed.
9. He handed ……….. cup to Socrates.
10. Did you hear ……….. noise ?
1. the
2. her
3. a
4. any
5. any
6. many
7. the
8. little / a little / some / no
9. the
10. any.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Determiners

Exercise 20
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. He always keeps ……….. money in his wallet for emergencies.
2. ………. sun sets in the west.
3. The doctor advised me to eat ………. apple every morning.
4. There aren’t ………. students in the library.
5. I haven’t got ……….. pictures in my bedroom
6. She gave a cookie to ………. child.
7. I’ve got to solve ……….. math problems before I go to sleep.
8. (With a bowl of cherries on your lap) ………. cherries are delicious !
9. My mother doesn’t drink ………. coffee.
10. Could you bring me ……….. books I left in the garden ?
1. some
2. The
3. an
4. many
5. any
6. each
7. some
8. These
9. much
10. the.

Exercise 21
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. I am a man of ……… words.
2. ……….. hobby is a must for the proper use of time.
3. ………. idle man’s mind is a devil’s workshop.
4. There is hardly ……….. person who doesn’t have a hobby.
5. You have many pens, but ……….. works well.
6. There are ………. horses in this stable.
7. She wasted ………. money she had.
8. Wait for me in ……….. hall.
9. I want ……….. sugar in my coffee.
10. ………. friends he has, love him.
1. few
2. A
3. An
4. any
5. none
6. many
7. the little
8. the
9. a little
10. The few.

Exercise 22
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. I caught the thief by ……….. neck.
2. I get up early in ……….. morning.
3. ……… people are living in slums in Mumbai.
4. ……….. the dirty linen have been washed.
5. ……… students were absent today.
6. One must keep ………. promise.
7. My father is ……….. advocate.
8. ……… Seeta and Geeta ran the race.
9. Children should respect ………. elders.
10. He is a gentleman. I like ……….. behaviour.
1. the
2. the
3. A lot of
4. All
5. Some / Many
6. one’s
7. an
8. Both
9. their
10. his.

Exercise 23
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. I have ……….. enemies.
2. ……….. person must get the share.
3. He gave me …….. clothes he had.
4. Rabindra Nath Tagore has written ………. great poems.
5. I have done ………..
6. The police could not find ……….. lost bike.
7. He recites ……….. Gita every morning.
8. He has committed ………. crimes.
9. I have made ……… friends in a short span of time.
10. Do you have ……….. change in your purse ?
1. a lot of / many / no / few / a few
2. Each
3. the few
4. many / a lot of
5. my
6. the
7. the
8. many / a lot of
9. many / a lot of
10. any.

Exercise 24
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.
1. I have read ……….. books written by Graham Greene.
2. ………. player was given a medal.
3. Both the books are not expensive. You can buy ……….. of them.
4. There is ……….. hope of his survival.
5. He can take ……….. dress he likes.
6. We do not expect ……….. mercy from him.
7. Will you lend me ……….. money?
8. Miss Keller learnt ………. new words that day.
9. How ……….. money do you want ?
10. ……….. plant is dying.
1. many
2. Each
3. either
4. little
5. any
6. any
7. some
8. many
9. much
10. That / This.

Exercise 25
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. He tried to save ………. boy.
2. It makes ……….. flesh crawl to hear you.
3. There is ……….. end to it.
4. I am not in favour of ……….. religious ceremonies.
5. What is ………… matter with your tooth ?
6. She toils up ……….. hill.
7. She sank into ……….. chair.
8. I waited for him for ………. while.
9. ……… unity and diversity of India is its strength.
10. Thin men are ……….. best divers.
1. the
2. my
3. no
4. any
5. the
6. the
7. the
8. a
9. The
10. the.

Exercise 26
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. Let’s go for ………. walk.
2. I must sign ……….. will.
3. Why couldn’t you have come ……….. day earlier ?
4. ………. type of life lasted for ten years.
5. Pasteur released ……….. saliva into a tube.
6. I covered ……….. face and wept.
7. What is ……….. strange outcry ?
8. She asked her friend to lend ……….. money.
9. It is ………. opinion that these birds are mad.
10. In ……….. seconds, she put down her head.
1. a
2. the
3. a
4. This
5. the
6. my
7. that
8. some
9. my
10. a few.

Exercise 27
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. ……….. book is useful to me.
2. There is not ……….. coffee in the mug.
3. That is ………. pen.
4. ………. police was called to help.
5. We need ……….. more water today.
6. They had taken ……….. milk that day.
7. ……….. dress do you like ?
8. Give me ……….. curd.
9. ………. child likes chocolates.
10. He stood ………. in the class.
1. This
2. any / much
3. my / his, etc.
4. The
5. some
6. no
7. Which
8. some / a little
9. Every
10. first / second, etc.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Determiners

Exercise 28
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. He has done you ……….. harm.
2. His father is ………. M.P.
3. English is ………. universal language.
4. Do you still get ………. message from him ?
5. He is ……….. honest officer.
6. Jack and Jill went up ……….. hill.
7. ……….. were drowned.
8. ………. milk was spilt.
9. …………. body can do it if they try.
10. ……… of these roads leads to the airport.
1. no
2. an
3. a
4. any
5. an
6. the
7. All
8. Some
9. Any
10. Either.

Exercise 29
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. ………. fool can do that.
2. ……….. took it in turn.
3. ………. of the accusations is true.
4. It was ……….. festival of spring.
5. He hurried towards ………. friends.
6. Nehru had been attached to …….. Ganga.
7. I had left home without ……….. money in my pocket.
8. May I ask ……….. one to tea?
9. Then ……….. noise was repeated.
10. There is ………. time for Spain to choose from.
1. Any
2. Each
3. None
4. the
5. his
6. the
7. any / much
8. some
9. the
10. no.

Exercise 30
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. He returned ……….. books after reading.
2. They gave the children ………. toys.
3. He liked ……….. shirt that I gave him.
4. It was ………. bitterly cold night.
5. We were sitting on ………. deck of the launch.
6. They were carrying water on ……… heads.
7. I glanced at ………. watch.
8. You must take …………. dog out.
9. Everyone seemed to be in ……….. hurry.
10. There were still ……….. questions unanswered.
1. the
2. some / a few
3. the
4. a
5. the
6. their
7. my
8. the
9. a
10. some / a few.

Exercise 31
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. I have ……….. axe.
2. Please give me ………. fruit to eat.
3. He wrote ……….. essay.
4. There are ………. people whom I know in this town.
5. December is ………… last month of ………. year.
6. ……….. Adi Granth is a sacred book of ……….. Sikhs.
7. She is as pure as ……….. angel.
8. Children were happy to see ……….. elephant.
9. Kashi is ………. holy city.
10. Failures are ……….. pillars of success.
1. an
2. some
3. an
4. many / a lot of
5. the, the
6. The, the
7. an
8. the
9. a
10. the.

Exercise 32
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. ……… team won the Kabaddi finals in 2014 ?
2. He applied for ………. job.
3. There were ………. people at the platform.
4. The old man gave all ……….. clothes he had.
5. Only ……….. friends were invited for my birthday party.
6. He bought ……….. bananas.
7. How ………. butter do you need ?
8. He could take ……….. of the dresses.
9. There were ………. children in the ground.
10. He could not finish ………. homework.
1. Which
2. the
3. many / a lot of / few
4. the
5. a few
6. some / a few
7. much
8. either
9. many / a lot of / few / a few
10. his.

Exercise 33
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. How ……… money did he steal ?
2. On Sundays, there is not ………. traffic on this road.
3. He has spilt ………. ink on his new dress.
4. There is too ……….. of sugar in Coca Cola
5. It rained heavily. Only ……….. students came to school.
6. She has not given ………. response so far.
7. Are you proud of ……….. beauty ?
8. He bought ……….. new car.
9. Have you drawn ………. new sketch ?
10. Is there ……… milk left in the glass ?
1. much
2. much
3. a little
4. much
5. a few
6. any
7. your
8. a
9. any
10. any.

Exercise 34
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed

1. Can you bring me ……….. glass of water ?
2. ……….. can I help you ?
3. I have not seen ……….. movie in the past one month.
4. Please show me ………. new prints.
5. ……….. shops are newly built.
6. Dashrath had ………. sons.
7. He was ………. to none.
8. Do you have ………. work to do now?
9. Ravi is ……… smarter of the two.
10. ……….. the Kauravas were killed.
1. a
2. How
3. any
4. some
5. These
6. four
7. second
8. any
9. the
10. All.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Determiners

Exercise 35
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. He said he would have ……….. milk.
2. He is leading ………. group of volunteers.
3. Have you read ……….. these books ?
4. Very ……….. politicians are honest these days.
5. Shiv Batalvi is ………. Keats of Punjabi poetry.
6. The Muslims bury ………. dead.
7. He removed ……….. hat on entering the main hall.
8. Is ……….. statement correct ?
9. He takes his medicine thrice ………. day.
10. ……….. grapes were a bit too high.
1. some
2. a
3. all
4. few
5. the
6. their
7. his
8. this
9. a
10. The.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Prepositions

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class English Book Solutions English Grammar Prepositions Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Prepositions

ऐसे शब्द को Preposition कहा जाता है जो स्थान (place), दिशा (direction), साधन (source), विधि (method) आदि का बोध कराने के लिए किसी Noun अथवा Pronoun से पहले लगाया गया हो; जैसे-
In the room; towards the city; through the forest; by all means; into the well; beside me; between us आदि।

The Use Of Some Prepositions

(1) At का प्रयोग छोटे नगरों तथा गांवों के नामों के साथ किया जाता है।
In का प्रयोग बड़े नगरों, प्रान्तों और देशों के नामों के साथ किया जाता है।

  • Mohan lives at Kathua.
  • She was born at Batote.
  • The last National Games were held in Nagpur.
  • There are many film studios in Mumbai.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Prepositions

(2) On का प्रयोग तिथियों तथा दिनों के नामों के साथ किया जाता है।
In का प्रयोग महीनों तथा वर्षों के लिए किया जाता है।
At का प्रयोग Point of Time के लिए किया जाता है।

  • I shall go to Delhi on Sunday.
  • Our examination begins on 24th July.
  • Rains started in July.
  • His grandfather died in 1995.
  • We had tea at 5 o’clock.
  • He came at the right time.

(3) In और At के निम्नलिखित समय-सम्बन्धी प्रयोग याद रखिए
In the morning. At noon In the evening At night
In the afternoon At dawn

(4) Between का प्रयोग दो पुरुषों । स्थानों / वस्तुओं आदि के लिए किया जाता है। Among का प्रयोग दो से अधिक पुरुषों / स्थानों / वस्तुओं आदि के लिए किया जाता है।

  • The two brothers quarrelled between themselves.
  • The three brothers quarrelled among themselves.

(5) In स्थिरता (rest) को प्रकट करता है। Into अन्दर की ओर गति (motion) को प्रकट करता है।

  • He was sitting in the room.
  • The fox fell into the well.

(6) On स्थिरता (rest) को प्रकट करता है।
Upon ऊपर की ओर गति (motion) को प्रकट करता है।

  • The book is on the table.
  • The cat jumped upon the table.

(7) With उस यन्त्र (instrument) की ओर संकेत करता है जिसका प्रयोग कोई काम करने के लिए किया गया हो। By काम करने वाले (doer) की ओर संकेत करता है।

  • He beat his servant with a stick.
  • The book was written by me.

(8) Beside = निकट, असंगत
Besides = के अतिरिक्त

  • She came and sat beside me.
  • Your answer is beside the mark.
  • I have three other pens besides this.

(9) Since तथा for का प्रयोग Perfect Tense के बाद किया जाता है।
From का प्रयोग किसी भी Tense के बाद किया जा सकता है।
Since और from का प्रयोग point of time के लिए किया जाता है।
For का प्रयोग period of time के लिए किया जाता है।
Since का प्रयोग केवल भूतकाल के सम्बन्ध में ही किया जा सकता है।
From और for का प्रयोग किसी भी काल के लिए किया जा सकता है।

  • He has been ill since Monday last.
  • This timetable has been in force since August.
  • He studied English from the age of ten.
  • This timetable will come in force from Monday.
  • I have been ill for five days.

Words Followed By Appropriate Prepositions

नोट- कई शब्दों के साथ किसी विशेष अर्थ के लिए किसी विशेष Preposition का ही प्रयोग किया जा सकता है। ऐसे शब्द और उनके साथ लगने वाले उपयुक्त Prepositions याद रखने चाहिएं।

1. Abide by (पाबन्द रहना) – We must abide by the rules of the road.
2. Absorbed in (मग्न) – I was absorbed in my work.
3. Abstain from (परहेज़ करना) – We should abstain from drinking.
4. Accede to (मान लेना, स्वीकार कर लेना) – He acceded to my request.
5. Accuse of (दोष लगाना) – He was accused of murder.
6. Act upon (आचरण करना) – He acted upon my advice.
7. Addicted to (बुरी आदत में फँसे होना) – He is addicted to gambling.
8. Admit to (दाखिल करना) – He was admitted to the 9th class.
9. Agree to (स्वीकार करना) – Do you agree to this proposal ?
10. Agree with (सहमत होना) – I agree with you.
11. Alarmed at (चौंक उठना) – We were alarmed at the sight of a lion.
12. Angry with (नाराज़ होना) – He is angry with me.
13. Angry at (नाराज़ होना) – The teacher was angry at your misconduct.
14. Apologize to, for (क्षमा मांगना) – He apologized to me for his rude behaviour.
15. Appeal to, for (प्रार्थना करना) – He appealed to the judge for mercy.
16. Apply to, for (प्रार्थनापत्र देना) – He applied to the headmaster for leave.
17. Approve of (पसन्द करना) – I do not approve of your action.
18. Arrive at (पहुंचना) – He arrived at Jalandhar at six o’clock.
19. Ashamed of (लज्जित होना) – He feels ashamed of his conduct.
20. Assure of (विश्वास दिलाना) – I assure you of my help.
21. Astonished at (हैरान होना) – I was astonished at his failure.
22. Attend on (देखभाल करना) – You should attend on your ailing mother.
23. Attend to (ध्यान देना) – Attend to your lesson.
24. Aware of (सचेत होना) – I am aware of my shortcomings.
25. Believe in (विश्वास करना) – I do not believe in ghosts.
26. Belong to (सम्बन्ध रखना) – He belongs to a rich family.
27. Beware of (सावधान रहना) – Beware of thieves.
28. Bless with (आशीर्वाद देना) – She was blessed with a son.
29. Blind in (अंधा) – He is blind in one eye.
30. Blind to (अपरिचित) – You are blind to your shortcomings.
31. Boast of (शेखी मारना) – Do not boast of your riches.
32. Born in (पैदा होना) – He was born in a poor family.
33. Born of (पैदा होना) – She was born of rich parents.
34. Borrow from (उधार लेना) – I borrowed a book from my friend.
35. Busy with (व्यस्त) – I was busy with my work.
36. Call at (मिलने के लिए जाना) – I called at his house this morning.
37. Call on (बुलाना) – Tomorrow I shall call on you.
38. Call in (बुला कर लाना) – Please call in the doctor at once.
39. Care for (परवाह करना) – He does not care for his studies.
40. Charge with (दोष लगाना) – He was charged with murder.
41. Cling to (चिपटना) – The baby clings to her mother.
42. Collide with (टक्कर खाना) – My cycle collided with a tonga.
43. Compare to (उपमा देना) – We may compare the world to a stage.
44. Compare with (तुलना करना) – Compare Ashoka with Chandragupta.
45. Complain of (शिकायत करना) – He always complains of headache.
46. Complain against, to (शिकायत करना) – I complained against him to the officer.
47. Conscious of (ज्ञान होना) – I am conscious of my shortcomings.
48. Consist of (बना हुआ होना) – The class consists of forty boys.
49. Contented with (सन्तुष्ट होना) – Be contented with your lot.
50. Cure of (स्वस्थ करना) – The doctor cured him of his disease.
51. Deal in (व्यापार करना) – His father deals in cotton.
52. Deal with (व्यवहार करना) – I know how to deal with you.
53. Deprive of (वंचित करना) – He was deprived of his share.
54. Desire for (इच्छा रखना) – I have no desire for name or fame.
55. Die of (मरना) – He died of cholera.
56. Differ from (भिन्न होना) – This pen differs from that.
57. Differ with (सहमत न होना) – I differ with you on this point.
58. Dismiss from (निकाल देना) – He was dismissed from service.
59. Dispose of (बेच देना) – He disposed of his old books.
60. Due to (के कारण) – His success is due to hard work.
61. Eligible for (जो चुना जा सके) — You are not eligible for this post.
62. Engaged in (लगा हुआ) – He is engaged in writing a book.
63. Engage to (सगाई होना) – She is engaged to a doctor.
64. Enquire after (हाल पूछना) – He enquired after my health.
65. Enquire (Inquire) into (पूछताछ करना) – I will enquire into the matter.
66. Excel in (श्रेष्ठ होना) – He excels me in speaking English.
67. Familiar to (परिचित) – His face is familiar to me.
68. Familiar with (परिचित) – I am not familiar with him.
69. Famous for (के लिए प्रसिद्ध) – Ludhiana is famous for hosiery goods.
70. Feed on (निर्वाह करना) – Cows feed on grass.
71. Feel for (अनुभव करना) – We should feel for the poor.
72. Fond of (इच्छुक) – Children are fond of sweets.
73. Full of (भरा हुआ) – The glass is full of milk.
74. Glad at (प्रसन्न) – We are glad at your arrival.
75. Good at (योग्य) – He is good at Mathematics.
76. Grateful to (कृतज्ञ) – I shall be grateful to you for this kindness.
77. Grieve at (दुःखी होना) – He was grieved at his failure.
78. Guilty of (अपराधी) – He was found guilty of theft.
79. Honest in (ईमानदारी) – He is honest in his dealings.
80. Hope for (आशा करना) – Let us hope for better result this time.
81. Ignorant of (अज्ञानता में) – He was ignorant of the facts.
82. Import from (आयात करना) – India imports oil from other countries.
83. Indifferent to (लापरवाह होना) – You are indifferent to your health.
84. Inferior to (घटिया) – This pen is inferior to that.
85. Inform of (सूचना देना) – You did not inform me of his arrival.
86. Injurious to (हानिकारक) – Smoking is injurious to health.
87. Insist on (जिद करना) – He insisted on going with me.
88. Interest in (रुचि) – He has no interest in his studies.
89. Interfere with (दखल देना) – Do not interfere with my work.
90. Introduce to (परिचय कराना) – He introduced me to his friend.
91. Invite to (निमन्त्रण देना) – He invited me to dinner.
92. Jealous of (ईर्ष्यालु) – I am not jealous of his good fortune.
93. Junior to (छोटा) – He is junior to me in service.
94. Knock at (खटखटाना) – Who knocked at the door ?
95. Known to (विदित) – He is known to everybody.
96. Lame in (लंगड़ा) – He is lame in one leg.
97. Laugh at (हंसी उड़ाना) – Do not laugh at the poor.
98. Listen to (ध्यान से सुनना) – Listen to what I say.
99. Live on (गुजारा करना) – He lives on milk and fruit.
100. Long for (इच्छा करना) – I long for happy days.
101. Married to (विवाह होना) – Rama was married to Sita.
102. Match for (मुकाबले का) – Pakistan is no match for India.
103. Negligent in (लापरवाह) – He is negligent in his studies.
104. Notorious for (बदनाम) – He is notorious for gambling.
105. Obedient to (आज्ञाकारी होना) – Be obedient to your teachers.
106. Object to (आपत्ति करना) – He objected to my proposal.
107. Occur to (सूझना) – An idea occurred to me.
108. Part from (जुदा होना) – I was sorry to part from my friends.
109. Part with (जुदा होना) – I cannot part with this book.
110. Pity for (दया) – Have pity for the poor.
111. Pity on (दया) – He took pity on me.
112. Pleased with (प्रसन्न होना) – The teacher is pleased with her.
113. Polite to (नम्र) – Be polite to all.
114. Popular with (लोकप्रिय) – This teacher is popular with the students.
115. Preferable to (अच्छा) – Death is preferable to dishonour.
116. Prefer to (से अच्छा समझना) – I prefer death to dishonour.
117. Pray to (प्रार्थना करना) – I pray to God daily.
118. Prepare for (तैयार होना) – Mohan is preparing for the examination.
119. Preside over (सभापति होना) – Who presided over the meeting?
120. Prevent from (रोकना) – He prevented me from going there.
121. Prey to (शिकार होना) – He fell a prey to drugs.
122. Pride in (अभिमान) – She takes pride in her beauty.
123. Proud of (अभिमानी) – She is proud of her beauty.
124. Recover from (मुक्त होना) – He has recovered from illness.
125. Reduce to (घट जाना) – He was reduced to a skeleton.
126. Regard for (मान) – He has no regard for his teachers.
127. Related to (सम्बन्ध होना) – She is related to me.
128. Rely on (भरोसा रखना) – I rely on your support.
129. Remember to (याद करवाना) – Please remember me to your father.
130. Remind of (याद कराना) – He reminded me of my promise.
131. Repent of (पछताना) – He repented of his folly.
132. Responsible to (उत्तरदायी) – We are responsible to God for our actions.
133. Satisfied with (सन्तुष्ट होना) – I am not satisfied with his work.
134. Search for (तलाश करना) – What are you searching for ?
135. Send for (बुला भेजना) – We sent for the doctor.
136. Shock at (दुःखी होना) – I was shocked at the news of his death.
137. Sick of (तंग आना) – He is sick of his son.
138. Similar to (वैसी ही) – This knife is similar to that.
139. Slow at (सुस्त) – He is slow at Arithmetic.
140. Slow of (सुस्त) – He is slow of understanding.
141. Succeed in (सफल होना) – He succeeded in getting a job.
142. Succeed to (उत्तराधिकारी बनना) – Akbar succeeded to the throne after Humayun’s death.
143. Suffer from (पीड़ित होना) – He suffered from malaria.
144. Superior to (बढ़िया) – My cap is superior to yours.
145. Sure of (विश्वासी) – I am sure of my success.
146. Surprised at (हैरान होना) – I am surprised at your behaviour.
147. Sympathise with (सहानुभूति करना) – Always sympathise with the poor.
148. Talk to (बात करना) – I talked to him about his problem.
149. Taste for (दिलचस्पी) – I have no taste for games.
150. Tired of (तंग हो जाना) – I am tired of this type of life.
151. Tired with (थका हुआ) – I am tired with the day’s work.
152. Trust in (भरोसा करना) – Trust in God and do the right.
153. True to (के प्रति सच्चा होना) – I am true to my friends.
154. Useful for (लाभदायक, किसी उद्देश्य के लिए) – Exercise is useful for health.
155. Useful to (लाभदायक, किसी व्यक्ति के लिए) – This book is very useful to me.
156. Warn of (सचेत करना) – He warned me of the danger.
157. Warn against (चौकन्ना करना) – I warned him against false friends.
158. Wish for (इच्छा करना) – I wish for your success.
159. Worthy of (के योग्य) – I shall try to be worthy of your love.
160. Yield to (झुक जाना) – Never yield to injustice.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Prepositions


I. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.
1. People should abide …………… the norms of society.
2. Students should abstain …………… politics.
3. He was accused …………… making inflammatory speeches.
4. He was acquitted …………… corruption charges.
5. It is not easy to adapt oneself ……………. an alien culture.
6. Children are getting addicted …………. cartoon programmes.
7. He is determined to adhere ……………. his convictions.
8. His grandfather is afflicted …………… arthritis.
9. He aimed the punch …………… my nose.
10. Hypocrisy is alien ……………. his nature.
1. by
2. from
3. of
4. of
5. to
6. to
7. to
8. with
9. at
10. to.

II. 1. She was born …………… cultivated parents.
2. Several people burst ………………. spontaneous tears on hearing about the Columbia disaster.
3. She wastes a lot of her time in brooding …………… her past.
4. He was charged …………… neglecting his duty in the battlefield.
5. It is not easy to find a person one can confide ………..
6. Parents who connive ………….. the faults of their children spoil them.
7. She was convicted …………… making a false statement.
8. These conditions are not conducive ………….. the healthy development of a child.
9. She was deaf ……………. his plea for forgiveness.
10. A totalitarian regime deprives its people ……………. their civil rights.
1. to
2. into
3. over
4. with
5. in
6. at
7. of
8. to
9. to
10. of.

Miscellaneous Exercise (Based On The Textbook)

Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

I. 1. Sudha Murthy was surprised to be called …………. the interview.
2. Life was full ……….. fun and joy.
3. I saw an advertisement ……………. the noticeboard.
4. They have cared for higher education in India …………. 1900.
5. I was taken aback ……….. the telegram.
6. Sudha fell ………. love with the beautiful city.
7. There were six people ………. the panel.
8. I was transferred ……….. Mumbai in June 1999.
9. She hobbled ………… the house in spotless white with one hand resting on her waist.
10. She carried several stale chapattis ……….. her for the village dogs.
11. That was a turning point ………….. our friendship.
12. She took ……… feeding sparrows in the courtyard of our city house.
13. She could not help me ……….. my lessons.
14. She lay peacefully …………. bed praying and telling her beads.
15. A peaceful pallor spread ……………. her face.
1. for
2. of
3. on
4. since
5. by
6. in
7. on
8. to
9. about
10. with
11. in
12. to
13. with
14. in
15. on.

II. 1. She had done better than most ………… her male peers.
2. Her face was a criss-cross ……….. wrinkles.
3. She used to get up ……….. the morning and get me ready …….. school.
4. He rules ……….. a vast empire.
5. I never bothered ……… learn the prayer.
6. The driver jumped ………. of the car.
7. Studies pass ……….. the character.
8. Many a learned professor took part ………. the conference.
9. Your reply must be exact and ………… the point.
10. Discipline is a restraint ……………… liberty.
11. Discipline should not be imposed ……… physical violence and fear.
12. If you hold a position of authority, you must impose discipline yourself first.
13. You cannot have liberty ………. discipline.
14. We think more …………. liberty than ……… responsibility.
15. History teaches us the need ……………. a disciplined living.
1. of
2. of
3. in, for
4. over
5. to
6. out
7. into
8. in
9. to
10. on
11. by
12. on
13. without
14. of, of
15. of.

III. 1. Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam has three visions …….. India.
2. Indians have never tried to enforce their way of life ………. others.
3. India must stand up …………. the world.
4. India is first ……….. milk production.
5. We are ………. the top five nations of the world in terms of GDP.
6. Her lips constantly moved ………… an inaudible prayer.
7. Do we realize that self-respect comes ……… self-reliance ?
8. I came here the day ……………. yesterday.
9. Everything in this store is ………….. sale.
10. We expect the government to do everything ………… us.
11. Let’s do what our country needs ………….. us.
12. Our conscience is mortgaged …………. money.
13. Discipline is unavoidable …………… a modern man.
14. India got its first vision ………… Freedom in 1857.
15. The earth is a treasure we hold ………… trust for our descendants.
1. for
2. on
3. to
4. in
5. among
6. in
7. with
8. before
9. for
10. for
11. from
12. to
13. for
14. of
15. in.

IV. 1. India has made wonderful success ……….. many fields.
2. Kalam refers to our obsession …………. foreign goods.
3. We are in the habit of finding fault ………… the government.
4. Major Som Nath Sharma was honoured ……………. the Param Vir Chakra.
5. Trust …………… God and do what is right.
6. I wear a ring ………… my finger.
7. We believe …………… freedom to think.
8. A man becomes a gentleman only ……….. overcoming his weakness.
9. Globalisation leads to a better understanding ……….. nations.
10. Man has always been …………. the fear of wars.
11. The United Nations was founded ………….. the name of common people.
12. They have to survive …………. very little income.
13. Half of the human race is living ………. poverty.
14. Internal wars result ………. unfair distribution of power and wealth in a country.
15. Som Nath Sharma’s right hand was ……… plaster.
1. in
2. with
3. with
4. with
5. in
6. on
7. in
8. by / after
9. among
10. in
11. in
12. on
13. in
14. from
15. in.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Prepositions

V. 1. Major Thapa and his men inflicted heavy losses …….. the enemy.
2. Abdul Hamid was enrolled ………… the grenadiers Infantry Regiment in 1954.
3. He was badly wounded ………… a highly explosive shell.
4. Vikram Batra soon rose ………… the rank of Captain.
5. He was given the task ……….. recapturing Point 5140.
6. They hurled two grenades ………….. the machine gun post.
7. Captain Vikram alone killed three enemy soldiers ……… close combat.
8. Major Som Nath’s company was sent to Badgam in Kashmir …………… a fighting patrol.
9. Water is the basis ……….. all life.
10. By cutting ………….. our forests, we have disturbed the water cycle.
11. Water bodies add ………… the beauty of nature.
12. Eyes reflect the state ………….. human mind.
13. Many people had fled ……….. Hiroshima.
14. It was built …………. the delta of the river Ota.
15. Absolute silence reigned …………. the whole city.
1. on
2. into
3. by
4. to
5. of
6. at
7. in
8. on
9. of
10. down
11. to
12. of
13. from
14. on
15. in.

VI. 1. A new war would leave nothing worthy ……….. mention.
2. Force is not a solution ……….. man’s problems.
3. Too much has been destroyed …………. this war.
4. They were deeply moved ………. seeing those photographs.
5. They were writhing ……….. agony because of the unbearable pain of their burns.
6. Trees went ………. in flames.
7. There was left nothing ………….. burn.
8. Barb continued writing ………….. Malcolm.
9. An emergency operation was performed ………… Malcolm.
10. Malcolm called …………. to Barb in a weak tone.
11. He received from Barb a proposal ………….. marriage.
12. They went …………. a hiking trip to Balu Pass.
13. Malcolm thought there was no time ………… fear.
14. His one knee-cap was torn …………. .
15. What he saw ……………. the mirror made him sick.
1. of
2. to
3. in
4. on
5. in
6. up
7. to
8. to
9. on
10. out
11. for
12. on
13. for
14. off
15. in.

Exercises From Grammar Book (Fully Solved)

Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

1. The show will be over ………. 5 p.m.
2. His interview will be held ……….. Monday, 30th October.
3. Two boys quarrelled ………. the teacher had gone.
4. The new session starts ………. April.
5. They have been living here ……….. 2009.
6. We were at Shimla ……… Monday ………. Friday.
7. The hockey match was played ………. 1 p.m. ……….. 2.20 p.m.
8. They met only ……….. thirty minutes.
9. The train arrives ……….. 11 o’clock sharp.
10. Our shop opens ………. weekdays only.
1. by
2. on
3. after
4. in
5. since
6. from, to
7. from, to
8. for
9. at
10. on.

Exercise 2
Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

1. He stays ……….. Karol Bagh.
2. He spent his early life ……….. India.
3. He made his son sit ……… him and his friend on the bike.
4. Manav was sitting ……….. his mother.
5. He distributed the toffees ……….. all the children.
6. He was hiding ……….. a big board.
7. We stood ……….. the Sun Temple for a while to admire its beauty.
8. My cat was resting ……….. the table.
9. A big statue of Mahatma Gandhi has been placed ……… the Gandhi Museum.
10. The papers were scattered ………. the floor.
1. at
2. in
3. between
4. beside
5. among
6. behind
7. in front of
8. under
9. in front of
10. on.

Exercise 3
Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

1. We were on our way ……….. school.
2. Winter vacations start ……….. 25th December.
3. The axe fell ……….. the canal.
4. They were running ……….. the beach.
5. Our school is ………. the temple.
6. The wheel went ……….. .
7. He will have to pay ……….. his nose.
8. We must face the challenge ………. courage.
9. You must learn the lesson ………. heart.
10. He threw the packet ……….. the wall.
1. to
2. on
3. into
4. along
5. near
6. off
7. through
8. with
9. by
10. over.

Exercise 4
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. I was surprised ………. the contents of the notice.
2. He sat ……….. the sofa.
3. She was looking forward ………. your proposal.
4. The cat jumped ……….. the table.
5. I fell ……….. love with the picturesque beauty of Darjeeling.
6. Sudha was not afraid ……….. challenges.
7. Gulmohars were scattered all ……….. the fields.
8. The rat ran ……….. its hole.
9. I saw the advertisement ……… the Sunday newspaper.
10. She was transferred out ……….. Mumbai.
1. at
2. on
3. to
4. upon
5. in
6. of
7. over
8. into
9. in
10. from.

Exercise 5
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. We walked ………. the park.
2. He lives ………. India.
3. My grandfather’s portrait hung ……….. the mantelpiece.
4. His cat was sitting ……….. the table.
5. Grandmother’s lips constantly moved ……….. prayers.
6. I was left alone …….. my village.
7. Her face was covered ………. her silver locks.
8. My school was attached ………. the village temple.
9. She used to sit ………. the temple till my school finished.
10. She hobbled ……….. the house with a stick in her hand.
1. to / into
2. in
3. over
4. under
5. in
6. at / in
7. by
8. to
9. in
10. about.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Prepositions

Exercise 6
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. I used to get up early ……….. the morning.
2. A brisk walk is best ……….. the heart.
3. Some books are ……… be tasted, while others are to be read ……… parts.
4. You should not take things ………. granted.
5. Some students were reading books ………. the library.
6. Books serve ………. delight and ornament.
7. He is good ………. studies.
8. We will be free ……….. the end of the day.
9. Francis Bacon wrote an essay ……….. the importance of studies.
1. in
2. for
3. to, in
4. for
5. in
6. for
7. at
8. at / by
9. on.

Exercise 7
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. The children climbed ……….. the wall.
2. We watched the match ……… a big screen.
3. He answered some ……….. the questions only.
4. Wasan was admitted ……….. the class.
5. We must pray ……….. God.
6. I have no interest ………. games.
7. Kalam had three visions ……….. India.
8. I believe ……….. equality.
9. Discipline is important ……….. success.
10. He was worried ……….. the results of the competition.
1. up
2. on
3. of
4. to
5. to
6. in
7. for
8. in
9. for
10. about.

Exercise 8
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. He was moving ……….. the stage.
2. Kalam would not rest ………. he achieved his aim.
3. The students stood ……… the Taj for some time to admire its beauty.
4. We remained seated ………. the entire performance.
5. Self-respect comes ……….. self-reliance.
6. I could see only his head ………. the water.
7. I parked my car exactly ……….. the bridge.
8. I waited for him ……….. 5.00 p.m. and then left for my walk.
9. Cubs were jostling ……….. each other.
10. We should wash our hands ………. the meals.
1. towards
2. till
3. in front of
4. through
5. from
6. above
7. under
8. till
9. with
10. before.

Exercise 9
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. I have been waiting for you ……… 11.00 a.m.
2. He has been visiting our place ………. many weeks now.
3. They have lived here ……….. 2015.
4. You must learn ……….. stand ………. yourself.
5. The meeting was held ……….. 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
6. He got a deep cut ……….. his right hand.
7. Both the vehicles collided …….. each other.
8. The plane flew ……….. the fields.
9. Children generally quarrel ………. themselves over trifles.
10. India is ………. the top five nations of the world.
9. 1. since
2. for
3. since
4. to, for
5. from
6. on
7. against
8. over
9. among
10. among.

Exercise 10
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. His car knocked ………. the pillar and overturned.
2. The crowd pressed ……….. the gate.
3. Captain Vikram Batra stormed ………. the enemy.
4. Major Som Nath Sharma laid down his life ………. the nation.
5. Indian troops were airlifted ……….. Srinagar.
6. Flying Officer Nirmaljit exposed himself ……….. danger.
7. The aeroplane flew ……….. the clouds.
8. Indian soldiers displayed highest bravery ……….. the battle.
9. Captain Batra led his company ……….. victory.
10. Our soldiers inflicted heavy casualties ………. the enemy.
10. 1. against
2. against
3. at
4. for
5. from / to
6. to
7. over / under
8. in
9. to
10. on.

Exercise 11
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. We can see ……….. clear water.
2. We should leave the natural resources ……….. future generations.
3. Rivers have been flowing ……….. ages.
4. Forests are essential ……….. human life too.
5. Saving our environment is the need ……….. the hour.
6. Many parts of Punjab are on the verge ………. becoming a desert.
7. Many cities were developed ……… the banks of rivers.
8. Man has always longed ……….. the imaginary elixir of life.
9. We must take steps ………. preserve it.
10. People should be educated ……….. the adverse effects of globalization.
1. through
2. for
3. for
4. for
5. of
6. of
7. on
8. for
9. to
10. about.

Exercise 12
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. U.S. forces dropped atomic bombs …….. Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
2. A soldier renders selfless service ………. his nation.
3. Violence is not a solution ……… any problem.
4. Man must learn ………. love.
5. Many animals hunt ………. night.
6. I requested the commander ……….. explain the situation of the patients.
7. I waited ……….. the doctor.
8. ……. attending to the patients, he gave them medicines also.
9. General Fitch took ……….. his glasses after reading the telegram.
10. The nurse was attending ………. the sick people.
1. on
2. to
3. to
4. to
5. at
6. to
7. for
8. While
9. off
10. on.

Exercise 13
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. Malcolm was walking ………. a creek.
2. He saw the grizzly ……… a distance of a few yards.
3. The grizzly pounced ……….. Barb.
4. Malcolm was standing ……… the grizzly and Barb.
5. She kept slipping ……….. the ice.
6. Grizzly grabbed him ………. both hands.
7. She squeezed him ………. her chest.
8. Barb burst ……….. tears.
9. There was no time ……….. fear.
10. Barb did not give ………. on Malcolm.
1. along
2. at
3. on
4. between
5. on
6. with
7. against
8. into
9. for
10. up.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Prepositions

Exercise 14
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. Nobody warned us ………. the dangers of pollution.
2. He never thought I would be ready ……….. the challenge.
3. The new law prohibits us ……….. drinking while driving.
4. Will you wait ………… your turn ?
5. The teacher handed ……….. the answer sheets ……… the students.
6. The Prime Minister was very keen ……… reforms.
7. BMW has recalled many cars because ………. some technical fault.
8. The policeman was walking ………. the street at night.
9. People of India know how ……….. welcome a guest.
10. Swami Vivekananda influenced millions of people ………. the world.
1. aganist
2. for
3. from
4. for
5. ovet, to
6. on
7. of
8. on/about
9. to
10. around.

Exercise 15
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. He was looking ……….. the board.
2. The haze prevented me ……… seeing the train.
3. She complained ……….. headache.
4. I could not agree ………. his proposal.
5. There is no exception ………. the rules of traffic.
6. They fought ……….. the last round.
7. Swami’s father was shocked ………. his behaviour.
8. I insist ………. his speaking the truth.
9. He was sorry ………. the delay.
10. My friend is a professor ………. profession.
1. at
2. from
3. of
4. to
5. to
6. till
7. at
8. on
9. for
10. by.

Exercise 16
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. Children are generally fond ………. laddoos.
2. A drowning man catches ……….. a straw.
3. We are now ………. good terms with each other.
4. He has not come to my house ……….. many days.
5. It is difficult ……….. convince him.
6. He knew that he was ……….. fault.
7. Maharana Pratap fought tooth and nail ……….. the Mughals.
8. Shivaji fought ……… his motherland.
9. He fell a victim ……….. drinking. 10. Her voice is familiar ………. me.
1. of
2. at
3. on
4. for
5. to
6. at
7. against
8. for
9. to
10. to.

Exercise 17
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. The child was clinging ……….. his mother.
2. He wrote a letter ……….. his friend.
3. She closed the door ……….. him.
4. Always be kind ……….. children.
5. I am pleased ……….. her.
6. Write ……….. ink.
7. I don’t care a fig ……….. him.
8. He ran short ……….. money.
9. We haven’t met ………. last week.
10. Her efforts were rewarded ………. success.
1. to
2. to
3. upon / after
4. to
5. with
6. in
7. for
8. of
9. since
10. with.

Exercise 18
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. This book is superior ……….. that.
2. I congratulated her ……….. her success.
3. He will deliver the mail ………. you.
4. The postman delivered the letter ……….. my home.
5. The man was leaning ……….. the wall.
6. I will get ………. the difficulties.
7. I wished him a speedy recovery ……….. illness.
8. She takes pride ………. her beauty.
9. My office is opposite ……….. the post office.
10. I never exempted him ……….. class.
1. to
2. on
3. to
4. at
5. against
6. over
7. from
8. in
9. to
10. from.

Exercise 19
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. She belongs ……….. a poor family.
2. Beware ………. stray dogs.
3. One should never boast ……… one’s knowledge.
4. He appealed ……….. the public for keeping the area clean.
5. My bed is made ……… teak wood.
6. I was not angry ……….. her.
7. Mr. Verma is sure ……….. his success.
8. He was anxious ……….. his son’s safety.
9. He believes ……….. fair dealing.
10. I solved the problem ………. any difficulty.
1. to
2. of
3. of
4. to
5. of
6. with
7. of
8. about
9. in
10. without.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Prepositions

Exercise 20
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. We go to office ……….. our official car.
2. He works in the factory ……… 8.30 a.m. ………. 4.30. p.m.
3. The boy hid himself ………. the tree.
4. He was found sleeping ……….. the class.
5. His mobile fell ……….. the water tank.
6. Sweets were distributed ………. the street children.
7. There is a cinema hall in front ………. his office.
8. The river is flowing ……… the danger mark.
9. Always hope ……… the best.
10. Always be positive ………. life.
1. by
2. from, to
3. behind
4. in
5. into
6. among
7. of
8. above
9. for
10. in.

PSEB 11th Class English Letter Writing

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class English Book Solutions English Letter Writing Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 11th Class English Letter Writing

Some Important Letters

(1) How You Fared in Your English Paper

Suppose you are Rakesh. Do you remember that one Mr A.C. Gogoi became your friend when you were travelling with him from Delhi to Kanpur ? Do you also remember that you did not do well in English Paper – A, and your friend advised you to make up in English Paper – B?

Now at the end of your examination, write a letter to Mr Gogoi, A/255 Paan Bazaar, Guwahati (Assam), telling him about the examination, particularly how you did in the two English Papers.

2204-A Model Town
24 April 20 ……

Dear Mr Gogoi
I still remember our sweet meeting in the Gomti Express while travelling from Delhi to Kanpur. We took each other’s address and I promised to write to you first. I could not write to you earlier because of the examination. Only yesterday I finished my last paper.

I have done quite well in the remaining papers. I hope to get very good marks in my Mathematics and Science Papers. In Social Studies and Punjabi too I hope to get at least second class marks. It is only in English that I have not done too well. In fact, at the end of English Paper – A I was completely disappointed. I was about to give up. But my friend Hardeep advised me to take heart and make up in Paper – B. I worked very hard for it. Now I hope to get at least 50 marks in Paper – B.

I am free for more than two months now. I shall go to college in July. I plan to spend my holidays with a friend at Shimla. It will be cool and pleasant there. Will you please join us there for a few days ?

With best wishes
Yours sincerely

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Letter Writing

(2) A Letter of Advice to A Friend

Suppose you are Parkash. You live at 125 Kucha Harnam Singh, Phagwara. Your friend Gurinder, who lives opposite Govt. Middle School Goraya, is thinking of running away to Mumbai to become a film actor. Write him a letter of advice, telling him that it is not wise to do so.

125 Kucha Harnam Singh
16 March 20 ………
Dear Gurinder

Last week, Subhash came here to buy seeds for his farm. He told me that you are planning to run away to Mumbai to become a film actor. I do not think this will be a wise step for you. Dreams of becoming film actors often lead young boys and girls into grief and difficulties. Very foolishly they leave their sweet homes and run away to Mumbai with stolen money. Very soon this money is spent and they have to starve. They have to sleep on pavements. No film company allows them to enter their gates even.

I think you should look after your father’s lands. You can really earn a lot of money this way. However, if you feel a strong urge to become a film actor, you should first practise acting on the college stage. You should complete your B.A. first. Then you can join the Film and Television Institute at Pune. If you have talent for acting, you will surely get good offers from film companies. I am sure you will consider my advice and act upon it.

With best wishes
Yours sincerely

(3) To Brother Asking for Money

Imagine you are Robert William and you are studying in Class XI at the Mayo College, Ajmer. In a few months, you have to appear in the final examination. Your father sent you the examination fee last month, which you spent away in buying some clothes for yourself. You cannot write to your father again for the fee. Write to your brother, who lives at 23 / 2, South Extension III, New Delhi, explaining everything and asking him to lend you Rs 800/- only.

12 Partap Hostel
Mayo College
18 April 20 ……..
Dear Brother

I am writing you this letter with a sense of shame and guilt. My Annual Examination comes off in the month of April. The admission forms are being sent. Father sent me two thousand rupees to deposit my examination fees and other college dues. But last Monday I was going through the bazaar with one of my friends. I saw a pullover in the window of a shop. It caught my fancy. I bought it for ?1000/-. The fact that I was to deposit my fees quite slipped out of my mind.

Now I am ashamed of my thoughtlessness. I do not want to trouble dear father once again for money. He will feel bad about it. I request you to lend me Rs 800/- so that I may be able to pay my fees.I hope you won’t disappoint me. I shall save from my pocket-money to pay off the loan.

Yours affectionately
Robert William

(4) To Mother About How You Helped An Old Man

On Friday last week, while you were returning home from school, it suddenly started raining. The roads became slippery and cycling became dangerous. Right then, you ran into an old man and he had to be taken to hospital. Write a letter of not more than 100 words, to your mother, giving her an account of what happened. Your name is Seeta and you live in Amritsar. Your house is situated on Court Road; its number being 729.

729 Prem Niwas
Court Road
7 April 20 ……..
My dear Mother

On Friday last week, I was returning home from school. I was riding my cycle. Suddenly, it started raining. The roads became slippery. Cycling became dangerous. Just when I was taking a turn on the road, an old man came walking across it. My cycle ran into him. He was knocked down. He was badly wounded in his leg.

The old man was very noble. He did not get angry with me. He said that it was not my fault. However, I knew my duty. I at once took the old man to a nearby hospital. I got his wounds dressed. Then I took him to his house and left: him there. The old man blessed me again and again.
With regards

Your loving daughter
Seeta Puri

(5) Advising Friend Against Early Marriage

You are Harpreet Kaur. You live at 125—A, Railway Road, Jalandhar City. A classfellow of yours (Surinder) comes from Nakodar and tells you that Gurpreet’s parents are arranging Gurpreet’s marriage shortly. Gurpreet does not like to get married so soon. After all, like you, she has just passed the senior secondary examination and is barely 16. Write a letter to Gurpreet (House No. 233, Mohalla Kalyana, Nakodar), advising her how she can convince her parents that it is too early for her to get married. You can tell her that even law does not permit it.

125-A Railway Road
Jalandhar City
11 April 20 ……….
My dear Gurpreet

I was very unhappy to learn from Surinder that your parents are arranging your marriage shortly. She also told me that you don’t like to get married so soon. You are perfectly right. After all you are barely 16 as yet.

You should try to convince your parents. Tell them that it will spoil your life. You have just passed the senior secondary examination. They should let you do B.A. at least. Marriage at so early an age is very harmful. It spoils the health of a girl. Moreover, law does not permit it. Parents can’t marry off a girl less than 18 years of age. It can lead to imprisonment as well as fine.

I hope your parents will see reason and postpone the idea of arranging your marriage. With best wishes

Yours sincerely
Harpreet Kaur

(6) Inviting Friend to A Hill Station

Your name is Neelam and you live at House No. 576, Shastri Nagar in Mussoorie. Write a letter to your friend inviting him to spend the summer vacation with you.

House No. 576
Shastri Nagar
27 May 20 ………
My dear Sushil

I am very glad to know that your school has broken up for the summer vacation. I invite you to spend your vacation with us at Mussoorie.

Mussoorie is called the Queen of Hill-stations. The air here is cool and bracing. The rains have set in. We have a shower of rain almost daily. After a shower, the weather becomes pleasant. Fruit is cheap and can be had in plenty.

I shall take you round the various beauty spots here. Hiking among the mountains has a joy of its own. It will certainly be a treat if you come. We shall have a jolly good time here. My parents will be very happy to have you in our midst. Kindly write me the time and date of your arrival. I am anxiously waiting for you.

Yours sincerely

(7) Showing Inability to Accept An Invitation

Suppose you are Mohan living in 132, Friends’ Colony, Moga. Your friend Ramesh has invited you to visit Delhi and see the Historical buildings there. Write him a letter of thanks, showing your inability to accept his invitation.

132 Friends’ Colony
28 March 20 ……..
My dear Ramesh

I received your letter yesterday. It shows your deep love for me. You have invited me to visit Delhi and see the historical buildings there. I thank you for it.

But I regret to inform you that I won’t be able to visit Delhi in the near future. I met with an accident last Sunday. I was coming home from college. A scooterist ran into me. I was knocked down. I broke my right leg. I was taken to the hospital. The doctor applied plaster to my leg. I have to use a crutch to move about. It gives me pain also. Due to this disability I am unable to travel. I promise to visit you as soon as I get well.
With sincerest regards

Yours sincerely

(8) Congratulating on Winning A Scholarship

Imagine you are Harish. You live in Amritsar at Guru Nanak Wara (House No. 2577). Write a letter to a friend congratulating him on winning a scholarship.

House No. 2577
Guru Nanak Wara
12 April 20 ……..
My dear Mukesh

The result of the Plus 2 Examination was out today. I looked up your roll number on the Internet. My joy knew no bounds when I saw that you are getting 385 marks. You have got not only a very high first division, but your name appears in the list of scholarship- winners also. Please accept my heartiest congratulations on your brilliant success. Really, it is a splendid success. You have brought honour to your family and to us also. Your hard work has borne fruit after all.

Please convey my congratulations to your dear parents. They must be very glad at your success. When are you giving a party to celebrate your success ? Please don’t forget to keep my share. May you progress in life by leaps and bounds !
Congratulating you once again

Your loving friend

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Letter Writing

(9) Informing About Winning A Prize

Imagine you are Harish. You live in Amritsar at Guru Nanak Wara (House No. 2577). Write a letter to your father informing him about a prize which you have won by standing first in the house examinations.

House No. 2577
Guru Nanak Wara
12 April 20 ……..
My dear Father

The prize distribution function of our college was held last Monday. The Chief Minister presided over the function. You will be glad to know that I have won the first prize by standing first in the house examinations. There were many prize-winners, but I was the first to be called for getting the prize. I went to the stage and shook hands with the President. The students and teachers gave loud cheers. The President gave me the prize and took me in his embrace. There was a loud applause once again. After this, I came back to my seat. My friends, congratulated me again and again. I wish, Papa, you had been there on thit day.

After giving away the prizes, the President made a speech. Last of all our Principal thanked the President and the function came to a close. My friends gathered round me and asked for a party. I entertained them with sweets and cold drinks.
With regards

Your loving son

(10) Sympathising on Failure

Your name is Kamal and you reside in Ludhiana at 2511/3, Bharat Nagar. A friend of yours has failed in the Matriculation examination. Write a letter to him, encouraging him to try again.

2511 / 3,
Bharat Nagar
17 April 20 ………
My dear Rohit

The result of the Matriculation Examination is out today. I am sorry not to find your name among the successful candidates.

To be quite honest about it, your failure in the examination does not surprise me much. You fell ill just before your examination. The doctor had advised you complete rest, but you insisted on appearing in the examination. You could hardly walk to the Examination Hall.

I advise you not to give way to despair. After all you are not to be blamed. Examinations are not a sure test of one’s ability. They are a mere chance. Please do not take your failure to heart. Keep up your spirits. Take your failure as a stepping-stone to success. Work hard for the next year. God will bless you with better luck next time.
With deep sympathies

Yours very sincerely

(11) Permission to Continue Your Studies

Imagine that your name is Bhupinder and you live in a village named Bham which has a post office from where letters are distributed. This village is in Hoshiarpur district. Your father desires that you should discontinue your studies after 10+1 examination. Write him why he should let you continue your studies.

V. & P. O. Bham
District Hoshiarpur
13 April 20 ……….
My dear Father

I received your letter yesterday. I am very sad to know that you want me to discontinue my studies after my 10+1 Examination. It is true that you want me to lend you a hand in business. But, Father, you should realise the value of education. After doing my B.Com., I shall be able to help you in a better way. I shall then maintain all the accounts myself. If I discontinue my studies now, I will be handicapped for the whole of my life. Moreover, I am not a weak student. I have never failed in any examination. I shall do my B.Com. in the next four years. I request you to employ some young man for your help. I shall be ever at your beck and call after finishing my studies.
I hope you won’t compel me to discontinue my studies.

Yours lovingly

(12) Explaining Cause of Your Failure

Suppose you are Naresh. You live in Basant Cottage, Railway Road, Jalandhar City. Write a letter to your father explaining the cause of your failure in the House Examination.

Basant Cottage
Railway Road
Jalandhar City
6 April 20 ……..
My dear Father

I am very sorry to inform you that I have failed in the December Test. I fail in English and Economics. In History and Pol. Science, too, I have not fared well. But believe me, Father, I am not to be blamed for it.

My failure is not due to any carelessness on my part. In the class, I was always attentive. I put in hard work. I never missed any period. Nor did I ever waste my time in idle talk. Unluckily, I fell ill before the examination. I caught a severe cold. The doctor advised me to take complete rest. I could not revise my courses of study. So, I could not do the papers well. Kindly excuse me this time. I hope to fare quite well in the Annual Examination.
With regards

Yours affectionately

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Letter Writing

(13) A Cheerful Letter to A Sick Friend

Your name is Kamal and you reside in Jalandhar at 60, Jawahar Nagar. Write a bright and cheerful letter to a friend who is lying ill in a hospital.

60 Jawahar Nagar
27 March 20 ……..
My dear Anil

Your elder brother met me yesterday. He told me that you have been operated for appendicitis. I hope you will bear it up and be well soon. You will be up and doing as soon as your wounds heal up. Avoid exertion for some time. Follow the advice of your doctor and be careful about your health.

Dear Anil, I have a very good news for you. My father has bought a car. He has promised to take us to Srinagar. We shall go by our car. You will also go with us. We shall go when you recover completely. We shall have a very happy time together. We shall enjoy the beauty of hills and waterfalls on the way.

Please keep me informed about your health.
With best wishes

Your loving
friend Kamal

(14) Suggestions for Improvement in Studies

Imagine you have a younger brother. You have received his progress report from his school. The report is unsatisfactory. Write a letter giving him some suggestions to improve his performance.

14 Railway Road
12 April 20 ………
My dear Rakesh

I have just received your progress report for the December Test. It is very disappointing. I am pained to learn that you fail badly in English and Mathematics and get bare pass marks in the other subjects. Your tutor has complained that you are often late for school and do not do your homework regularly. He also writes that you keep bad company.

Dear Rakesh, it is never too late to mend. Turn over a new leaf and avoid bad company. Put your heart and soul into your studies.

You should try to be in the good books of your teachers. Do your homework regularly and never be late for school. You should try to make up your deficiency in English and Mathematics. Request your teacher to suggest you some good books on these subjects. You should read every subject daily. Frame a time-table and work according to it.

I hope you will take my suggestions seriously. Remember it will be no use crying over spilt milk.

Yours affectionately
Suresh Jindal

(15) Thanking for the Birthday Gift

Suppose you are Ankit Jain. You live at 554, Royal Enclave, Ludhiana. Write a letter to your uncle, thanking him for the birthday gift that he sent for you.

554, Royal Enclave
II October 20 ……..
My dear Uncle

Thank you for the lovely gift you have sent me on my birthday. Your gift is truly after my heart. The wristwatch sent by you looks very beautiful. All my friends have liked it very much.

Dear uncle, I was badly in need of a watch. I was often late for school. I had to pay some fine every month. This watch will now prove useful for me. It will help me during the examinations. It will also help me to regulate my daily work. It is a token of your love for me. I shall keep it with great care. I once again thank you for this nice present.

Yours affectionately
Ankit Tain

(16) Advising Your Brother to Take Part in Games

You are Mohit Verma living at 405, Green Park, Ludhiana. Write a letter to your younger brother, Namit, who is a bookworm, persuading him to take part in games.

405, Green Park
6 January 20 ……..
My dear Namit

I have just received a letter from Sushma. I am sorry to learn that you are gone very weak in health. You often fall ill. No doubt, you are doing quite well in studies. But you are doing so at the cost of your health. Dear Ajitabh, this is not good. Overwork will tell upon your health. If you go on studying without rest, you will certainly ruin your health.

You must know that games are as useful as studies. They are part and parcel of education. They make us active and smart. They keep us healthy. They widen our circle of friendship. They teach us many good things. Above all, they keep us physically fit. So you must take part in games. I trust you will act upon my advice.

With love
Yours affectionately
Mohit Verma

(17) A Letter of Condolence

Imagine you are Aman Verma. You live at 503, Surya Enclave, Phagwara. Write a letter of condolence to your friend who has lost his father.

503, Surya Enclave
20 August 20 ……..
Dear Sumit

I was shocked to learn about the untimely death of your father. He was quite healthy. I met him the other day. I never thought that his end was so near. He was a very noble man. He was kind to all. He was a lovable father. He took keen interest in your studies. He looked upon me as his own son. I feel your father’s death as a personal loss to me.

Dear Sanjeev, do not give way to grief. Death spares nobody. Your loss is great, but tears cannot bring your dear father back. It is useless to shed tears. Such was God’s will and we must bow to it. Try to console your younger brothers and sisters. May God grant peace to the departed soul !

With deep sympathies
Yours sincerely
Aman Verma

(18) About the Life in Hostel

You are Mohini Sharma living at Kamla Devi, Girls’ Hostel, DAV College, Ludhiana. Write a letter to your mother, telling her about the life in your hostel.

Room No. 53
Kamla Devi Girls’ Hostel
DAV College
30 August 20 ……..
My dear Mother

I have been living in the college hostel for the last two months. It is a new experience for me. I have liked this life very much.

Our hostel has lovely surroundings. All around it, there are tall, green trees. The rooms are very airy. They are well-lit. Each room is shared by four students. My room-mates are luckily very good girls. I have made friends with them. The food served in our hostel is very tasty and nourishing. We get fruit and milk daily. You have nothing to worry about me.

With regards
Yours loving daughter
Mohini Sharma

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Letter Writing

(19) About Increasing Thefts

Suppose you are Anuj Gupta. You live at 15, Upkar Nagar, Ludhiana. Write a letter to the Police Commissioner complaining about the increasing number of thefts in your area.

15 Upkar Nagar Ludhiana
7th April 20 ………
The Police Commissioner
Respected Sir

Recently there has been an alarming increase in the number of thefts in the Upkar Nagar area of this city. Hardly a day passes when there is no theft or burglary. Cases are regularly reported to the nearest Police Station but no headway has so far been made in apprehending the culprits. To be quite frank, people have started doubting that some policemen have a hand in these thefts and burglaries. Though it is a wild charge, the fact remains that the culprits always go scot-free. There is a danger to the life of the residents also since the burglars come armed with weapons.

It is requested that night patrolling in this area should be intensified and all-out efforts should be made to nab the culprits.

Yours faithfully
Anuj Gupta

(20) About Poor Pouce Patrolling

Write a letter to the Superintendent of Police of your district complaining about poor patrolling by the police in your area resulting in petty crimes. Sign yourself as ABC.

16 Railway Road
30 March 20 ……..
The Superintendent of Police
Subject : Crimes Due to Poor Police Patrolling Sir

It pains me to bring to your kind notice the poor patrolling by police in this area. I think there is nobody to check whether the policemen on duty are doing their job honestly. Two or three policemen are often seen in the early hours of the night. They move about here and there with long sticks in their hands. They harass the villagers going back home after their day’s work. They extort money from them on one pretext or the other.

This so-called patrolling party disappears after about 10 p.m. There is no night watchman also in this area. The thieves and burglars have a free time to enter any house they choose. Hardly a day passes when there is no case of theft.

Sir, I request you to put some honest policemen on patrol duty in this area. All the residents shall feel obliged to you.

Yours faithfully

(21) About Poor Condition of Roads and Street Lights

Write a letter to the Municipal Commissioner, informing him about the poor condition of the roads and street lights in your locality explaining the difficulties faced by the people of the area. You are Rajeev / Ragini.

350 Model Town
15 July 20 ……….
The Municipal Commissioner

Subject : Complaint about Poor Condition of Roads and Street Lights Sir

I beg to draw your kind attention to the poor condition of the roads and street lights in our locality. The bad roads and the dark streets cause a lot of difficulty for the people of this area. The roads are dotted with pits and have become bumpy. There always remains a fear of accidents. And at night the situation becomes worse when there are no street lights. People have to grope their way in the dark. It becomes very easy for antisocial elements to play mischief anywhere they like.

It is, therefore, requested that urgent steps should be taken to improve the condition of roads and also to make the street lights functional.

Yours faithfully

(22) Requesting for Opening A Dispensary

You are Vinay Jain, living at 23, Rampur, Kathua. Write a letter to the Deputy Commissioner of your district, making out a case for the opening of a dispensary in your area.

H.No. 23
Rampur, Kathua
5 January 20 ……..
The Deputy Commissioner
Subject : Opening of a Dispensary in Our Area Sir

Our village Rampur is at a distance of about fifteen kilometres from Kathua. It is quite a big village. It has a population of about 2000 people. But it is a pity that there is no dispensary here. People have to depend upon quacks who befool and fleece the poor villagers. It is almost impossible to walk all the way to Kathua for getting medical treatment.

There is much talk about rural developnent on the part of the government. It is claimed that electricity, pure drinking water and medical facilities are being provided in each village. But sadly, our village has not so far won the attention of the health department. It is requested that keeping in view the great need of the villagers, a good dispensary should be opened here. A whole-time doctor should also be appointed so that the villagers have not to run to the city for sound medical advice. It is hoped that a sympathetic consideration shall be given to our request.
Thanking you

Yours faithfully
Vinay Jain

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Letter Writing

(23) About the Delay in the Delivery of Your Mail

You are Ishqpreet Singh Nanda. Write a letter to the Post Master General, complaining about the delay in the delivery of your mail by the postman and asking him to make enquiries.

53 Vijay Nagar
17 May 20 ………
The Post Master General
Subject : Delay in the Delivery of Mail Sir

I beg to draw your kind attention to the irregular delivery of letters in our locality. This problem has become a big grievance for all the residents of our locality.

Ram Lai, the postman of our beat, is very careless and irregular. He does not do his duty honestly. He seldom visits our locality. Whenever he comes, he does not deliver the mail properly. Almost every resident has put a letter box on the outer wall of his house. But the postman does not care to put letters into the boxes. He throws them at the doors of the houses. Sometimes, he hands them over to the children playing in the street. Many important letters are thus lost or delayed. Every resident has suffered because of his negligence. We have warned the postman many a time, but to no effect.

Kindly look into the matter and take necessary steps for the regular delivery of our letters.

Yours faithfully
Ishqpreet Singh

(24) Misuse and Poor Maintenance of the Public Park

You are Shaan of 32, Kailash Colony, Ram Nagar. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the misuse and poor maintenance of the public park in your colony.

32 Kailash Colony
Ram Nagar
17 April 20 …….
The Editor
The Daily Reporter
Subject : About the Misuse and Poor Maintenance of the Public Park Sir

We have a big public park in our locality. But sadly it has fallen into miserable state due to the total neglect of the concerned officials. The plants in the park have withered because they are hardly ever watered. All the park has overgrown with prickly weeds which make it impossible for the children to play there. Heaps of garbage have come up at all the corners of the park. Thus the park has become the most ugly spot of the colony. It has also become a den for antisocial elements who starts collecting there as soon as the night begins to fall. It is hoped that the publication of these lines in your esteemed paper will help to draw the attention of the corporation officials to take proper steps for the upkeep of this park. A well-kept park will certainly prove a boon for the residents.

Yours truly

(25) About the Evil of Begging

You are Rohit Verma living at 53-B, Model Town, Jalandhar. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper, highlighting the evils of begging on the streets in your city.

53-B Model Town
2 October 20 ……….
The Editor
The Tribune
Subject : The Evil of Begging Sir

Beggars have become a great nuisance these days. They pester people for alms in trains, buses, bazaars and streets. They shout curses if one refuses to listen to them.

No doubt, some beggars deserve our sympathy. They are handicapped. They are unable to earn their living. But the pity is that most of the beggars are able-bodied. Begging has become a profession for them. They find it the easiest way to earn their living. Some of them are criminals. They beg only to hide their crimes. This evil is a slur on the fair name of our country.

Begging should be abolished by law. It should be made a punishable offence. The govern¬ment should open asylums for those beggars who are really helpless. Able-bodied beggars should be forced to work. If they go without work, they must also go without food. We should have no sympathy for such impostors. We should not encourage them by giving alms. People can thus play a big role in eradicating this evil.

Yours truly
Rohit Verma

(26) For Change of Your Name

You are Jagmeet Dua living at 59, Rama Avenue, Jalandhar. You want to change your name. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper for change of name.

59 Rama Avenue
24 Feburary 20 …….
The Editor
Jalandhar Times

I have changed my name recently and I wish to announce it through the concerned column of your reputed weekly newspaper. I have enclosed the copy of the affidavit which I have for this purpose. I have also enclosed with this letter the required demand draff of Rs 500/- as the charges for publishing such intimations. The matter to be published reads : “Everybody should note that I, Jagmeet Dua S/o S. Harmeet Singh Dua, the resident of 59, Rama Avenue Jalandhar, have changed my name from Jagmeet Dua to Jagmeet Singh Dua. In future, I should be known by this name.”

Yours truly
Jagmeet Dua

(27) Requesting to Condone the Shortage of Lectures

Write an application to the Principal of your school, requesting him to condone the shortage of lectures in your case.

The Principal
B. C. M. School
7 April 20 ……
Subject : Condoning the Shortage of Lectures Sir

With due respect, I wish to state that I am a student of class XI in your reputed school. My class teacher has told me that I am short of lectures. I do not have the habit of bunking my classes. As a matter of fact, my younger brother was seriously sick in the month of February. He was in hospital for two weeks. My father is posted far away in Nagaland as a B.S.F. jawan. He couldn’t get leave to reach home. There were only my mother and I left to look after him. Therefore, I had to miss classes for two weeks.

I have always been a bright student. I always top my class. I have participated in many cricket matches as a team member of the school cricket eleven and brought laurels to the school. I will study day and night to top the class again. You are very humbly requested to condone the shortage of lectures. I will be very obliged to you.

Thanking you
Yours obediently
Rohit Pahwa

(28) For Some Changes in the School Library

Write an application to the Principal of your school, requesting him to make some effective changes in the school library.

The Principal
DAV Senior Secondary School
20 May 20 …….
Subject : Changes in the School Library Sir

I study in class XI-A of this school. I visit the library of the school very often. A good library is a part and parcel of a good school. But the condition of our school library puts me off. Books are not properly catalogued. Students have to face a lot of difficulty in finding the books of their choice. Magazines and journals are not subscribed to. Even there is no reading room.

The books should be properly catalogued The arrangement of books should be in the alphabetical manner Good magazines and journals should be subscribed to. The placement of books should be section-wise.

The suggestions given above will go a long way in making the visit to library a meaningful and pleasant experience.

Yours obediently
Deepak Sbarma

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Letter Writing

(29) Full Fee Concession

Write an application to the Principal of your school, requesting him to grant you full fee concession and also some help out of the Students’ Aid Fund.

The Principal
Govt. Senior Secondary School Ludhiana
20 August 20……..

I am a student of class XI of your school. My father is a poor man. He works as a peon in a local factory. He gets only Rs 7850 per month. He has a large family to support. We have no other source of income. It is very difficult for my father to meet the expenses of my education. He is too poor to pay my fees.

Sir, I am one of the good students of my class. I have always fared well in my examinations. I am in the good books of my professors. I take part in games also. I am a member of the college cricket eleven. Kindly grant me full fee concession as well as some help from the Students’ Aid Fund. I shall be highly thankful to you for this kindness.

Yours obediently
Raman Jeet

(30) Requesting for Incorporation of Change of Name

Write an application to the Principal of your school for incorporation of change of name in the school records.

The Principal
Alpine International School
Civil City
16 August 20 ……..
Subject : Incorporation of Change of Name in the School Records Sir

I want to state that I have changed my name. Earlier it was Harpreet Kaur. Now it is Harpreet Kaur Randhawa. This change of name has been published in all the leading newspapers including my Aadhaar Card. It is, hence, requested that this change be incorporated in the school records as well. I will be highly obliged.
Thanking in anticipation

Yours obediently
Harpreet Kaur

Exercise From Grammar Book (Fully Solved)

(1) Complaining About The Use of Loudspeakers

Write a letter to the Deputy Commissioner of your district, complaining about the use of loudspeakers in your town.

15 Nehru Park
18 March 20 ……..
The Deputy Commissioner
Subject : Nuisance of Loudspeakers in the City Sir

The nuisance of loudspeakers in the city is increasing day by day. They are used indiscriminately during day as well as night. They are used in temples and gurdwaras. They are used on marriages, jagrans, meetings, rallies and all sorts of social, religious and other functions. Sometimes even shopkeepers put up loudspeakers to attract the customers and to boost their sales. And then there are street-criers who don’t let you have a moments rest. The poor students are the worst sufferers.

They find it difficult to concentrate on their studies with so much noise around. For the common man, too, the noise of loudspeakers is very jarring and harmful. The pollution due to noise is as harmful as the pollution of air and water. So, it is requested that some check must be put on the use of loudspeakers in the city so that the residents can get a calm and peaceful atmosphere to live in. It will be an act of philanthropy towards the city dwellers.

Yours respectfully

(2) Need of A Park for Children

Write a letter to the Deputy Commissioner of your district, requesting for a park for children in your city.

124 Model Town
17 July 20 ………
The Deputy Commissioner

It is a matter of regret that there is no park for children in our area Children have no proper place to play in. They play either in the streets or on the roadside. There always remains a danger of their being run over by some speeding vehicle. It is the duty of the civic authorities to look to this need of their tiny citizens.

Children have an inborn love of beauty and nature. They love flowers, trees, parks and gardens. This love of beautiful objects changes into a love of beautiful thoughts when they grow up. So we must provide our children with beautiful surroundings if we want them to grow into men and women of refined tastes. Parks are necessary from another point of view also. They add to the beauty of a town. Children can play there while the elders can refresh their weary minds. So, it is requested that at least one big park should be provided for children in our locality.

Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Vinay Chaudhry

(3) About the Loss of Your Bicycle

Write a letter to the S.H.O. of your area, reporting the loss of your bicycle.

16 Chander Nagar
5 June 20 ……..
The Station House Officer
Police Station Civil Lines

I beg to report the loss of my cycle in Kamla Market. I went into Khan Cloth House to make some purchases this afternoon. I locked my cycle. I placed it outside the shop. When I came out after about thirty minutes, I found my cycle missing. I enquired from several persons, but none could give me any clue.

Sir, mine is a Hero Cycle. It bears the number AKL 4125. It is black in colour. It is quite a new one. I bought it only last month.

I hope you will do your best to trace out my lost cycle. I shall feel highly obliged if you let me know as soon as you get any clue.
Thanking you in anticipation,

Yours faithfully

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Letter Writing

(4) About the Bad Condition of Buses

You are Meena. You live at 209, Sector 69, Mohali. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper, complaining about the bad condition of buses in Punjab.

H.No. 209
Sector 69
15 February 20 …….
The Editor The Tribune Chandigarh
Subject : Bad Condition of Buses in Punjab Sir

I shifted my residence from Ambala, Haryana, about two years ago to the industrial hub of Punjab, Ludhiana. I am pained to see the pitiable state of buses run by the Punjab Roadways. I wish to voice by concern through the columns of your esteemed paper.

As was natural in my case, I was forced to compare the buses of Punjab with those of Haryana Roadways. The buses here are in a very bad shape. They make too much noise while creeping on the road. In just too many cases, the passengers are told to get off at some desolate place because of breakdown. The behaviour of running staff towards public calls for a complete overhaul. The bus shelters are in a very bad state, if at all they exist somewhere. A friend of mine was informed through his RTI petition that there were 450 buses grounded in Ludhiana workshop alone as on 20 January, 20 ……..

I do fondly hope that these few lines will wake the concerned authorities from their deep slumber. A sense of duty and strong willpower on their part can do wonders.

Yours truly

(5) About Reckless Driving

You are Suman. You live at 119, Sector-70, Mohali. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspa-per, expressing your views on the reckless driving.

119 Sector-70
2 May 20 …….
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
New Delhi

Rash driving has become very common these days, especially among the youth. As a result, accidents have become almost a matter of daily occurrence. We often see young guys zooming through the streets on their motorbikes. They drive at a reckless speed with no regard to their own safety or that of others. This dangerous practice has already claimed the lives of several innocent children of the town. There are traffic rules, no doubt, but they are hardly ever followed. People are not educated about these rules and they break them unknowingly. But even those who know the rules, more often break them than follow them. We often see motorists jumping the red lights. Heavy and deterrent fines should be imposed on such people.

It is also important that people should be educated about the need of safe driving. They should be told that speed no doubt thrills, but it kills also. The best course would be to raise the penalty for overspeeding. The driving licences of persistent offenders should be impounded.

Yours truly

(6) For A Testimonial

Suppose you are Mandeep Randhawa. You live at 1802, Main Bazar Abohar. Write a letter to your Principal, requesting him to issue your testimonial / character certificate.

1802 Main Bazar
15 July 20 …….
The Principal
Govt. Girls Senior Secondary School
Main Bazar
Subject : Request for a Testimonial / Character Certificate.

I was a student of your school for five years, from 20 …… to 20 ……, and cleared the Senior Secondary Examination held in March 20 …….., under roll no. 56372, securing first division.

During my days in your school, I participated in various curricular and co-curricular activities. Many a time, I won prizes also for my meritorious performance. I was a member of school’s N.C.C. unit and attended two annual camps also. As a member of the school cricket team, I participated in the inter-school district tournament and fared well as a batsman.

I now intend to join PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh, and for that I need a testimonial / character certificate. Kindly issue me the same and oblige.
Thanking you

Yours obediently
Mandeep Randhawa

(7) Complaining About the Insanitary Conditions

Imagine you are Mohan. You live at 83, Doon Valley Dehradun. Write a letter to the Commissioner of your Municipal Corporation, complaining about the insanitary conditions in your locality.

83 Doon Valley
10 April 20 ……..
The Commissioner
Municipal Corporation .
Subject : Insanitary Conditions in Our Locality

I beg to draw your attention to the insanitary conditions of our locality, Model Town. It has been my unhappy lot to live in this area for the last few months.

Mainly poor people live in this area. Perhaps that is why no Sanitary Inspector has ever visited it. There are very few proper drains here. These drains are not cleaned regularly. They are never flushed with water. No dustbins have been provided. People throw all their refuse here and there. Flies and mosquitoes buzz about. All this gives this area a very dirty look.

I hope you will realize our difficulty. You are requested to take suitable measures to improve the sanitary conditions of this area.
Thanking you in anticipation

Yours faithfully

(8) About The Evil of Eve-Teasing and Chain-Snatching

You are Amab. You live at House No. 92, Model Town, Moga. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper, highlighting the evil of eve-teasing and chain-snatching.

92 Model Town
26 June 20……
The Editor
The Tribune

There has been an alarming rise in the incidents of chain-snatching and eve-teasing in our area during the past few days. There is hardly any day when one such incident doesn’t take place. The press, too, has reported about it. All cases are duly brought to the notice of the police officials of the area. But sadly, no suitable steps have been taken to nab the culprits. Now people have begun to point an accusing finger at the police also. Through the columns of your newspaper, I request the authorities concerned that some effective steps be taken immediately so that the residents, and especially the girls, can move about without any sense of fear.

Yours truly

(9) Need of Opening A Library

Imagine you are Manjit. You live at 101, New Town, Mohali. Write a letter to the Mayor of your town, stressing the need for a public library in your town.

House No. 101
New Town
15 April 20 ………
The Mayor
Municipal Corporation Mohali
Subject : Opening a Public Library in Our Town

Our town was designed to be a replica of Chandigarh many years ago. Today, it has blossomed into a developed city in its own right. Being in close proximity with Chandigarh, it is now inhabited by people who are not only educated, but they also wish to increase their knowledge.
It is, indeed, a pity that there is no library for the use of public. Everybody cannot afford to buy magazines and newspapers for themselves. Moreover, there is no good bookshop in this small town. So, the people remain out of touch with current affairs. Their knowledge cannot be kept up to date.

The Municipal Corporation has not so far given any attention to this need. The absence of a public library does not do justice to the fair name of this town.

The population of Mohali will ever remain grateful to you if their long-standing desire is fulfilled.

I hope that you will graciously use your good offices to persuade authorities to open a public library in our town.

Yours faithfully

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Letter Writing

(10) Indiscipline Among the Students

Imagine you are Aman. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper, highlighting the causes of indiscipline among the students.

15 Adarsh Nagar
18 May 20 ………..
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
New Delhi

Colleges and universities were once thought to be the temples of learning. Students used to go there for higher studies. They pursued their studies seriously and wholeheartedly. But mod¬ern students have profaned the sanctity of these temples. They have defiled their atmosphere. Students indulge in acts of violence and indiscipline. Politics has become a plaything for them. They take part in politics without knowing what they are driving at.

Corrupt and unscrupulous politicians are the root cause of indiscipline in our colleges and universities. They lead the innocent students astray in order to gain their selfish ends. They instigate the students to create problems of law ana order. Most of the strikes in our colleges and universities are the acts of hired politicians. It is the duty of teachers and parents to keep the students on the right path. They should caution the students about the evil designs of politicians.

Yours truly

(11) About the Loss of Your Motorcycle

You are Rimpy. You live at House No. 65, Model Gram, Ludhiana. Write a letter to the S.H.O. of your area, reporting the loss of your motorcycle.

65 Model Gram
5 June 20 ……
The Station House Officer
Model Gram Police Station

I am writing this letter to lodge an FIR about my motorcycle that has been stolen. Last night after coming home from my office, I parked my motorcycle outside the house. When I got up this morning, I found my motorcycle missing. I asked all my neighbours, but no one could give me any clue about it.

It is Hero Honda Passion Plus of the 2009 model. It is of red colour and the registration po. is PB10-AB0320. I hope on the basis of the given information, you could help me trace my motorcycle at your earliest.

Thanking you in anticipation
Yours faithfully

(12) Asking For The Replacement Of Defective Goods

You are Bhiwani. You live at House No. 29, Teachers’ Enclave, Kapurthala. Write a letter to a firm, complaining that the goods sent by it were defective and ask for a free replacement.

29 Teachers’ Enclave
13 April 20……
Messrs Ram Nath & Sons
New Delhi
Subject : Replacement of Defective Printers Dear

The two HP printers that I had ordered for on 5th March were delivered yesterday, but I regret to inform you that one of them has been found badly damaged. The carton containing the printer appeared to be in a perfect condition. Therefore, I accepted the delivery and signed for it. I unpacked the printers myself with great care. I can only say that the damage must have been caused due to careless handling prior to packing. It is requested that the damaged printer should be replaced at your cost.

Yours faithfully

(13) Applying for the Job of Sales Manager

Suppose you are Pari. You live at House No. 101, Subhash Colony, Jalandhar. Write a letter to the General Manager of a firm to appoint you as Sales Manager.

101 Subhash Colony
27 July 20 ……..
The General Manager
New World Publication Ludhiana
Subject : Appointment as Sales Manager
Dear Sir

I am writing to you to apply for the post of Sales Manager in your establishment. It is in response to your advertisement in The Pioneer dated 22 July, 20…… . After doing my MBA from Punjabi University, Patiala, I worked for two years with K.K. and Sons, Jalandhar, a well-known company for the publication of school and college books. Presently, I am working with UBS Publishers, Delhi, as their Sales Manager. I am well-acquainted with the market and am personally known to many bigwigs in this field.

I would welcome the chance of being a part of your establishment and I am confident I shall be able to boost your sales backed by my abilities and vast experience. I shall be available for an interview any day next week. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully

(14) About the Flood Situation in Your Area

Suppose you are Babita. Write a letter to the Deputy Commissioner of your district, about the flood situation in your area.

H.No. 235
Preet Vihar
The Deputy Commissioner
Subject : Flood Situation in Our Area

The recent floods have made the life of the people in our area miserable. Our area is a low-lying area, so the water from the adjoining localities also collects here in every rainy season. The elderly people can’t go for a walk in the morning and evening. Little children find it nightmarish to go to their schools. The buses meant for conveying them don’t come to our area due to waterlogging. Housewives cannot go for shopping for their day-to-day needs. Thus people of all ages and spheres have to suffer.

Every year, the same thing happens with a clockwork regularity. Some show of action is shown when rains set in, and people are assured of some permanent measures to be taken. But noth¬ing is done and with the end of the rainy season, all assurances are thrown to the winds.We request you, sir, to do the needful for the present calamity which has gripped the residents.
Thanking you in anticipation

Yours faithfully

(15) For The Remission of Fine

You are Sarita. Your address is 156, Kaarvan Apartments, Sector 11, Panipat. Write an application to the Principal of your school, requesting him for the remission of fine.

The Principal
Rama Senior Secondary School
18 March 20 ……

Our English teacher gave us a test on Monday. That day, I was suffering from high fever. So I could not take the test. The teacher fined me fifty rupees.

I am a good student. I wanted to take the test. I had also done full preparation for the test. But I was helpless. Kindly remit my fine. I shall be thankful to you for this kindness.6

Yours obediently
Class – XI – C

(16) Complaing About the Frequent Breakdown of Electricity

You are Himalaya. You live at 118, Motia Apartments, Khanna. Write a letter to the S.D.O. (Electricity), against frequent breakdown of electricity in your locality.

118 Motia Apartments
6 June 20 ……..
The S.D.O. (Electricity)
Subject : Frequent Breakdown of Electricity in Our Area

I regret to inform your honour about the frequent breakdown of electricity for the last about three months in this part of the town. In these hot months, it becomes unbearable to do without electric power for even a few minutes. But you can imagine the lot of people when they have to go without it for the whole day and night. When enquiries are made from the nearest station, no satisfactory answer is given. Residents are put off with vague replies.

The officials concerned are also very rude and indifferent to the difficulty of the residents. Poor students are the worst sufferers. The examinations are drawing near. Without proper power supply, it becomes almost impossible for them to study. It is requested that continuous power supply should be ensured so that the residents have not to suffer.

Yours faithfully

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Letter Writing

(17) Wishing Good Health to Your Friend on His Recovery From Illness

Suppose you are Hannan. Write a letter to your friend who has recovered from dengue and wish him good health.

88/4 Model Town
29 March 20 ……..
My dear Manjit

I am very glad to learn that you have recovered from dengue. I heartily congratulate you on your recovery. I was much distressed when I heard that you were down with dengue. Thank God that you have got well. The happy news of your recovery has given me immense joy.

Please take complete rest for some days more. Be very careful about cleanliness around you. Follow the advice of your doctor. I will come to see you soon.
With best wishes

Yours sincerely

(18) About An Educational Tour

\bu are Prem. You live at 11, Kamla Nagar, New Delhi. Write a letter to your friend, Mahipal, sharing your experiences of an educational tour you have recently made to places in south India.

11 Kamla Nagar
New Delhi
15 May 20 ……..
My dear Mahipal

You may probably know about one tradition of our school. Our school arranges educational trips to different parts of the country about every six months. They prove very useful to us. We come to know about our country and its people in a better light.

Last month, our class was taken to places in south India. We travelled by train. A compart¬ment had been reserved for us. Our first stop was at Hyderabad. It is the capital ofTelangana and its history is very rich. The trips to Nizams palace and Charminar were very informative and enjoyable. We also visited some other monuments of historical importance.

From there, we went to Bengaluru. There we saw the famous Vidhana Saudha (Vidhan Sabha), whose architecture is superb. We were also taken on the guided tour of Bharat Electronics, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited and Hindustan Machine Tools. We were filled with pride to see that we were steadily but surely marching forward to become a really developed nation.

Our last destination was Chennai. We visited the famous temples of Dravida culture there. We were also taken around some big modern factories there.

On coming back to Delhi, we were asked to give short lectures on what we had learned from our educational tour. Such tours are a veritable blessing for the student community. Now I am looking forward to our next trip.

Yours affectionately

(19) About Joining Indian Army as A Commissioned Officer

Suppose you are Harneet. You live at 110, Sector 72, Mohali. Write a letter to your uncle, who is an Ex-Army Officer, asking for details about the various options about joining Indian Army as a Commissioned Officer.

H.No. 110
Sector 72
10 June 20 …….
Dear Uncle

I was born in a businessman’s family and since then, I have been enjoying a rather comfortable life. My father naturally wanted me to join him in his venture. He also gave me the option of starting a new venture of my liking, if I so desired.

But for some reason, I have never desired to become a businessman. I have always dreamt of becoming a Commissioned Officer like you. I have always looked upon you as my role model. I strongly yearn for an adventurous life. For this reason, I wish to join our country’s glorious army. While serving in the army, I will have many avenues to serve my motherland also.

Dear uncle, I implore you to guide me how I can satisfy my desire to become a Commis¬sioned Officer. I am soon to appear for the final of 10+2. I seek your guidance in deciding what course I must join after my 10+2. I will be equally interested in the infantry, admin¬istrative or technical branch of the army. As you know me quite well, you can guide me about which branch will suit my lifestyle and temperament. You can also decide then which branch of studies I should opt to fulfil my ambition.
I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours affectionately

(20) About The Non-Payment Of Interest On The Deposited Amount

Write a letter to your bank manager regarding the non-payment of interest on an amount you have deposited in your account.

112 New Colony
Civil Lines
17 March 20 ……..
The Manager
The Progressive Bank
Model Town
Subject : Non-payment of Interest on the Deposited Amount
Dear Sir

I have a Savings Bank account No. 1234524567 with your branch. I opened the said account about 9 years back and since then, I have been largely satisfied with the services offered by you.

About a year ago, my grandfather, a big businessman of our city, passed away. After his property and cash were devided among the legal heirs, I recieved Rs 5 lakh as my share. I deposited the entire amount in my above savings account.

On going through the passbook, made up-to-date last week, 1 find that there is no entry showing the interest accrued on the said amount of deposit. On phoning up the accoun¬tant, I could not get any satisfactory reply from him.

I request you to kindly look into the case and take suitable action to credit the due interest into my account.
Thanking you in anticipation, I am

Yours faithfully

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Letter Writing

Letter-Writing Tasks for Practice

1. You are Rohit Bajaj, living at A-10, MIG Flats, Manali. Many telephones of your area have been dead for the last three months in spite of several complaints. Write a lettel to the Area Manager, Telephone Nigam Ltd., requesting him to get this serious fault rectified.
2. You are Rajan Mishra, living at D-203, College Road, Mandi. The footpaths of this place are being occupied by cycle dealers and transporters. Write a letter to the Municipal Commissioner, Mandi, requesting him to get the footpaths cleared.
3. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper, expressing your concern about the ‘Problem of Unemployment in India’. Suggest some remedial measures.
4.. Write a letter to the Postmaster, General Post Office, Shimla, complaining about the late delivery of letters. You are Megh Hans of 29, Hans Niwas, New Shimla.
5. Write a letter to the President, Municipal Corporation of your city, informing him about the poor condition of roads and street in your locality. Sign yourself as Raman / Radha.
6 Write a letter to your friend, requesting him / her to spend summer vacation with you in Shimla. Sign yourself as Anita / Amit from Bilaspur, H.P.

PSEB 11th Class English Message Writing

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class English Book Solutions English Message Writing Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 11th Class English Message Writing

A messsage is a piece of information, news, request, etc. sent to somebody in writing, speech, by telephone, etc. Telephone is the quickest means of sending a message. Sometimes it so happens that a message is received on telephone, but the person for whom the message is meant is not at hand. So someone else has to receive it. And if he himself has to go out, he has to leave in writing the message for the person for whom it is meant.

Always Remember :

  1. Address need not be given in a written message.
  2. Salutation should be very brief (e.g. Dear Uncle).
  3. Date and time of penning down the message should be given.
  4. Mention Clearly mention the name of the person from whom the message was received.
  5. Only important points should be written.
  6. The language used should be very clear and comprehensible.
  7. Nothing should be added of your own.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Message Writing

A specimen of message writing

Read the following telephonic conversation between Mrs Gupta and Surinder. Mrs Gupta is about to leave home and won’t be able to meet her son, Sanjay. She leaves a message for him. Write this message in your answer sheet in not more than 50 words. Put your message in a box.

The telephone rings and Mrs Gupta lifts the receiver.
Mrs Gupta : Hello ?
Suriner : Hello, could I speak to Sanjay ? This is Surinder.
Mrs Gupta : He’s not at home, dear. He has gone out with one of his friends.
Suriner : Oh, what a pity ! Aunty, we have arranged a cricket match this morning and we want him to play on our side. He’s such a good player. Please tell him to reach Kotla Grounds as soon as he comes. We shall be waiting for him.
Mrs Gupta : I won’t be able to meet him, but I’ll leave your message.
Suriner : Thanks, Aunty. Please don’t forget.
Mrs Gupta : Oh, never. Rest assured.
PSEB 11th Class English Message Writing 1

Examination-Style Examples of Messages

1. Read the following notes from the notepad of Shri M.A. Khan, the Principal of Samson Public School, Srinagar. He asks his assistant to draft a message on his behalf for Mr Q.M. Sagar, the Vice-Principal of the school. Using the information from the notepad, draft the message.

  • Request attend urgent meeting
  • Meeting in my office – 10 a.m. – today
  • Agenda – planning for a two-week excursion to Gangotri
  • Duration – 2 weeks – summer vacation
  • Inform – class teachers of X, XI & XII : – should attend meeting


8 April 20 ……
8.30 a.m.

Mr QM. Sgyar
( Vice-Principal)

You’ are requested to attend an urgent meeting along with the clars teachers of X, XI and XII in my office* at 10 a,.m. today to discuss the agenda regarding planning for a tun-ureeh excursion, to gangotri, during summer vacation, Teachers are reguasted to take their seats by 9.50 a,.m. sharp.

M.A. Khan

2. You are Miss Shahida. You received a telephone call from Mr Vivek who informs you to tell Mr Rashid, your brother, that a cricket match is arranged this morning and his participation is a must. You leave a message for Rashid. Write this message in not more than 50 words. Put your message in a box.
Message From Vivek

16 March 20 ……..
7.30 a,.m.

There mas a, callfor you,from Mr Vivek. He monied to tellyou, that a, cricket match has been arranged this morning and your participation, in it is a, must.


3. Read the given sample and complete the message suitably:
You wish to inform your mother, who hasn’t come home from duty, that you are going to your friend’s house to prepare a class project with her / him. Inform her about this, requesting her to phone you up as soon as she gets home, and also tell her about your time to return.

14 September 20 ……
5.30 p.m.

I am gouty to my friend Naseewis house to prepare a, class projest with huso. Please ring me up at my mobile number as soon as yon get homefrom duty. It’ll take me a, couple of hours before I am able to finish the project. However, l hope to be bask, before 8.00 p.m.


PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Message Writing

4. Read the following notes from the notepad of Shri Ramnath, Principal of Secondary School, Ram Nagar. He asks his assistant to draft a message on his behalf for the class representatives and the staff secretary. Using the information from the notepad, draft the message in not more than 50 words. Put the message in a box.

  • Growing tendency of not attending the school regularly.
  • Sending applications with one or the other excuse.
  • Indiscipline created there by
  • All the class representatives and the staff secretary to attend the meeting.

Message from the Principal
(For all Class Representatives and the Staff Secretary)

18 May 20 …..
11.30 a.m.

A growing tendency of net attending the school regularly has been noticed among me students and some members of the staff Applications for leave are sent wide one excuse or the other. It leads to the creation of indiscipline. To check this tendency, a, meeting will be held in the Principal’s office today in the recess period. All class representatives and the staff secretary should make it a point to attend the meeting.

For Principal
(P.A. to Principal)

5. You are Sonal, who has arrived at the New Delhi railway station to board the Shatabdi Express to Ludhiana. You hear the following announcement. Write a message to be sent to your father through your driver. Use not more than 50 words. Put the message in a box.

This is for the attention of all the passengers of the Shatabdi Express bound for Ludhiana scheduled to arrive at 6.55 a.m. The Shatabdi Express has derailed 20 kilometres from here. Please note that the Howrah Express that leaves the New Delhi railway station at 8.30 a.m, will carry all the passengers to their destination. You are requested not to buy a new ticket. Your ticket for the Shatabdi Express holds valid and at par for the Howrah Express. Additional coaches are being attached to the Howrah Express to accommodate passengers of the Shatabdi Express.

15 June 20 ……
6:40 a,m.
Respected Father

I shall be, going by the, Howrah, Express instead of the, Shatabdi Express. When, I resulted, the, New Delhi, railway station, to board, the, Shatabdi Express, it was announced, that the, train had, derailed, 20 kilometres from, here,. Ail the, Shatabdi passengers bound for Ludhiana, are now being accommodated in the Howrah, Express that will leone at 8.30 hrs. Till then, I shall be waiting at the station itself. And I am sending the driver bash.

Your Coving daughter

6. Mr Ujwal, the Managing Director of Ceramics India Ltd., asks his P.A. to draft a message for Mr Ramesh, the P.R.O. of his company. Use the following information in the M.D.’s notepad to draft the message. Put the message in a box. Your answer Should be in not more than 50 words.

  • Two dignitaries arriving from Delhi on 4th April.
  • Accommodation to be booked in a five-star hotel.
  • Show them around the factory.
  • Book return tickets for the 6th of April.


27 March 20……..

Two dignitaries are* arriving prom, Delhi an/ 4th April to visit our factory. Please/ arrange/ to booh suitable/ accommodationfor them/ ire a five/-star hotel of ike/ city. Also shour them/ around the/ factory at any time’ convenient to them/. They will be staying here/for two days. Also, booh their return/ tickets for the/ 6th of April.

(P.A. to M.D.)

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Message Writing

7. Read the following notes from the notepad of Mr Ram Nath, Principal, Secondary School, Ram Nagar. He asks his Office Superintendent to draft a message on his behalf for the Staff Secretary and the class representatives. Using the information from the notepad, draft the message in not more than 50 words. Put the message in a box.

  • Growing cases of bunking / missing class without any solid reason.
  • Most truants found in parks, cinema halls or wandering on the roads.
  • Indiscipline on the rise.
  • Strict measures needed.
  • All class representatives and the staff secretary to attend the meeting in my office at 10.30 a.m. tomorrow.



18 May 20 ……….
11 : 30 am

A growing tendency of bunking / missing classes has been noticed among the students. Most of such truants are seen Cohering in parks, cinema/ halls, etc. It leads to the creation of indiscipline. To check this tendency, a/meeting will beheld in the Principal’s office tomorrour at 1030 am. All class representatives and the staff secretary should make it a point to attend the meeting.

Far Principal
(Office Superintendent)

Exercise From Grammar Book (Fully Solved)

Read the following telephonic conversation and write the message.
Kunaal : Hello, can I speak to Jasmine ?
Saina : Hello, Jasmine is not at home. I am her friend.
Kunaal : Would you please give my message to her ?
Saina : I will. Please tell me what do you want me to tell her ?
Kunaal : Kindly tell her we shall be visiting her office tomorrow at 11.00 for accounts inspection. She should keep her records ready.
Saina : I will convey your message to her.

ZS August 20 ……..

Mr Kunaal rang up to inform you, that they unit be inciting your office tomorrow out 11.00 a.m. for accounts inspection. You have to keep- your records ready.


2. Read the following telephonic conversation and write the message.

Mrs. Gupta : Hello, am I speaking to Seema ?
Maid : Good morning, madam. Memsahib is not at home. I am her maid.
Mrs. Gupta : Will you convey my message to her ?
Maid : Please tell me, madam.
Mrs. Gupta : Please tell her that my son is getting engaged on this Saturday. The marriage ceremony is going to be solemnized at Hotel Taj, Mumbai, on coming Monday at 7.00 p.m. She, along with her family, is invited to attend the ceremony. Her attendance will be highly appreciated.
Maid : I will convey your message.
Mrs. Gupta : Thanks.

14 July 20 ……….

There was a call from Mrs (Jupta. Her souls engagement is taking place on this Saturday. Marriage ceremony will be solemnuced at Hotel Tag, Mumbai, on the coming Monday at 7.00 p.m. You are inmted to attend true ceremony with family. Your attendance will be highly appreciated.



1. You are Nanny / Namit. In her absence, your sister Reema’s boss makes a Telephone call. He tells you to pass on the following message to Reema which you note down on the notepad.

  • Extension of her leave not approved
  • Must report to office on Monday morning
  • Important contract has to be signed
  • Documents have to be ready by lunch-time on Monday.

You have to leave for a party, so you decide to leave the message. Write down the message for Reena in not more than 50 words.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Message Writing

2. Mr Vikram Batra, the Managing Director of Oswal Mills, asks his P.A. to draft a message for Mr Rajan Jain, the RR.O. of his company. Use the following information to draft the message. Put the message in a box. Your answer should be in not more than 50 words.

  • Two dignitaries arriving from Mumbai on 14th August.
  • Accommodation to be booked in Hayat Regency.
  • Show them around the mill.
  • Book return tickets for the 16th August.

3. Read the following telephonic conversation between Kusha and Armaan. Armaan will not be able to meet Moksh. He leaves a message for him. Write this message, using not more than 50 words. Put the’ message in a box.

Kusha : Hello ! Hello ! I am Kusha from Chandigarh. Can I speak to Moksh ? I am his sister.
Armaan : Hello ! Kusha, I am Armaan, Moksh’s colleague. Moksh is on leave today. Can I take a message ?
Kusha : Yes, Armaan. I am coming to Delhi tomorrow. Ask him to pick me up at the airport. I have an interview for the post of Scientist at NPL on the day after tomorrow.
Armaan : Which flight are you coming on ?
Kusha : It is the Jetline flight which arrives there at 7:15 in the morning. I am also bringing along that big box which contains his books. I hope it won’t be any trouble for you.
Armaan : Not at all. I will leave a message on his table. Okay, Kusha.
Kusha : Thank you Armaan. Bye.

PSEB 11th Class English Advertisement Writing

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class English Book Solutions English Advertisement Writing Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 11th Class English Advertisement Writing

An advertisement is a message carried in one of the various forms of ‘media’ such as newspapers and magazines, radio and television, and the posters and neon signs that we see in the marketplaces. The purpose of most advertisements is to persuade a particular audience or a group of people to buy the product or service offered by the advertiser.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Advertisement Writing

There are, of course, many kinds of advertisements each with a different purpose. Some advertisements are simply informative. The ‘small ads’ columns in the local newspapers, for example, may contain information of items for sale. They include a simple description of the item, but do not normally use the techniques of persuasive advertising. Some advertisements may try to promote a cause or an idea. For example, there are posters carrying messages such as ‘Big Benefits from Small Savings’ or ‘Protect Your Environment’.

The following points should be kept in mind while drafting an advertisement :

  1. It shouldn’t be too cluttered.
  2. It should be simple and to the point.
  3. It should be worded beautifully and tastefully.
  4. The name of the advertiser and of the advertised product should be given in bold / capital letters.
  5. A business advertisement should never be too lengthy. It should be as brief as possible.
  6. The modern reader has neither the time nor the patience to go through lengthy write-ups. Therefore, an advertisement should be short, crisp and pithy.

Examination-Style Examples of Advertisements

(1) You want to sell a typewriter. Write a suitable advertisement to be published in the ‘For Sale’ column of a newspaper.

A Godrej refrigerator, 2005 model, excellent condition. Intending buyers may call at the office of SHARMA ELECTRICALS, Model Town, Ludhiana, between 3 p,m. and 5 p.m. on any working day.

(2) You are Manoj / Abha of 354, Upkar Nagar, Ludhiana. You want to sell the first floor of your newly constructed house. Draft an advertisement in not more than 50 words for publication in ‘The Indian Express’ under their classified column, marked ‘Property for Sale’. Include all relevant details like location, type of accommodation and contact address including telephone number, etc.

The first floor of our newly constructed house in Upkar Nagar is available for sale, as detailed below:
A two-room set with marble flooring and attached bathrooms – a spacious kitchen, a sitting room and a lobby. The balcony overlooks a beautiful public park. Stairs leading to the floor are quite separate, not connected with any other set. For further details, please contact : Manoj Kumar 354, Upkar Nagar, Ludhiana, Phone 5743713.

(3) You are Prashant / Purnima of 202, Laxmi Nagar, Moga. You lost your briefcase while travelling by bus from Moga to Ludhiana. The briefcase contains some valuable documents, including your Board Certificate for All India Secondary School Examination. Draft a notification in not more than 50 words to be published in ‘The Indian Express’ under their column ‘Lost and Found’. Include all necessary details about the lost briefcase to establish your claim.

While travelling by bus from Moga to Ludhiana, I lost my briefcase which contains some valuable documents. It has also my Board Certificate for All India Secondary School Examination. The briefcase is light brown in colour and is of the VIP make. The finder is requested to return it to my address at my cost.

202, Laxmi Nagar,

(4) You need a stenographer for your office. Write a brief and to-the-point advertisement for the ‘Situations Vacant’ column of a local newspaper.

Wanted an experienced stenographer for our Delhi office. Candidate must be a graduate who can handle office correspondence independently. Salary according to qualifications and experience. Apply within 7 days to P.O. Box No. 15020, Amritsar – 110006.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Advertisement Writing

(5) You have recently started a centre for personality development for schoolchildren. Draft an advertisement to be published in a local daily about it, giving all relevant details.

An ideal centre to help boys and girls of all age groups to develop their personality through interactive activities. Special emphasis is given on developing a logical and healthy attitude in the solution of problems. Equal importance is given to the development of body and mind. Duration of course:
6 months. Consolidated fees : Rs 5000/-.

(6) You are Ashok / Ashita of Model Town, Patiala. You have got a foreign assignment and would be going abroad soon. You have a television set and a refrigerator to sell. Draft a suitable advertisement to be published in the classified columns of ‘Hindustan Times’, Delhi.

A Videocon television set and a Kelvinator refrigerator, both of 2013 model, in excellent condition. Owner going abroad shortly. Intending buyers may please contact-

545, Model Town, Patiala.

(7) You are the General Manager of Brakes & Brakes India Limited. You want to appoint two sales representatives for your company. Give an advertisement to be published in the classified columns of a local daily.

Brakes and Brakes (India) Limited require two young, efficient and hard-working sales representatives to work for the company. Candidates should have an impressive personality and should be able to converse in Hindi and English fluently. Salary and other perks to be commensurate with the candidates abilities. Applications with complete curriculum vitae should reach the General Manager by the 30th of this month.

Brakes and Brakes (India) Ltd
Focal Point, Ludhiana.

(8) Ravi Menon of 54/7, Vasant Kunj, wishes to let out his house. He drafts an advertisement for publication in the ‘To Let’ section of a newspaper, giving the location, type of accommodation, rent expected and contact address. Write the advertisement in not more than 50 words.

A newly built spacious house in Urban Estate Gokul, is available on rent. It is a three-room set with attached toilet for each room. Provision for car parking also exists. Beautiful lawn in the front and also in the rear of the nouse. Expected rent. Rs 4500/- per month.

Contact : Ravi Menon, 54/7, Vasant Kunj – between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. – any day of the week.

(9) You are the General Manager of a leading industrial concern. You need a Chartered Accountant for your office. Draft an advertisement in not more than 50 words to be published in ‘Times of India’, New Delhi, under the classified columns.

Wanted a Chartered Accountant for our Delhi office. Candidates must have an experience of minimum 5 years in auditing. Salary no bar for deserving candidates. Apply within 7 days to the General Manager, Rogues & Crooks Ltd., Deep Nagar, Ludhiana.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Advertisement Writing

Exercise From Grammar Book (Fully Solved)

(1) Draft an advertisement for a Washing Machine.

Get rid of your stress and troublesome hours in a few minutes with Samina’s range of best washing machines. Seamless features as 350-degree Turbo-Jet Technology. One-Key spin, Fuzzy Logic and many others. It will surely take the burden off your shoulders. Available in three models to suit every budget-
→ Fully Automatic Top Load – 10400/-
→ Fully Automatic Front Load – 12490/-
→ Semi Automatic – 8890/-

(2) Draft an advertisement for a Furniture Exhibition.
The First Indian International Furniture Exhibition in Delhi
All World Class Furniture On Display
Venue – Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.
Phase I – 18-21 March 20_ _
Phase II – 28-31 March 20_ _
Book Stalls Now

(3) Write an advertisement for the Mysore Silk Saree Centre, offering festival discounts.

Spoil yourself with fabulous silk sarees available at Mysore Silk Saree Centre. Sarees of all leading brands available. Reasonable prices. Go east, go west, only we have the best. Special 40% festival discount offer on Dussehra and Diwali. So what are you waiting for ? Visit today.

434, Booth Market, Mysore (Karnataka)
# 0821 – 1234567, 9888123456

(4) Draft an advertisement for a new HD TV Showroom.
Navrang Electrovision
Open In Your City Your Long Wait is Over

All HD LED TV Brands – Panasonic, LG, Sony, Toshiba, Videocon, etc. available with us:
All Leading Brands
Under One Roof.
425, Samrala Road, Ludhiana.

(5) Draft an advertisement for ‘The Leather Shop – an all-leather store’.
An All-Leather Store in Your City
Real Leather, Not Rexin
Guarantee of Genuineness
Leather Belts, Leather Shoes, Leather Purses and Wallets,
Jackets Also Available Here.
Kindly Visit Soon.
Very Reasonable Prices.

136, Gol Market, Jamalpur, Ludhiana.
Phone Nos. 0161-2670008, 9000007890

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Advertisement Writing

(6) Draft an advertisement for admission to various engineering and management courses being offered by an institute of engineering and management.
(Approved by AICTE and Affilliated to Thapar University of Engineering and Management)


1. B.B.A (all streams)
2. M.B.A (all streams)
4. D.B.M

1. Civil Engineering
2. Electrical Engineering
3. B. Tech., M. Tech.
4. Mechanical Engineering
5. Computer Science & Engineering
6. Electronics & Telecommunication

(7) Draft an advertisement for high-speed Eco-Bikes – an alternative means of transport.
India’s First Eco-Bike
Now Launched
Say Bye-Bye to Pollution


  • Korean Tyres
  • Alloy Rims
  • High-end Battery
  • 100 Km Per Charge
  • 6-Speed Gear Box
  • Digital Display
  • Disc Brakes

Price : 55600/-

(8) Draft an advertisement for an electric car.
‘Chanta Figore’
India’s First Electric Car
Now Available at Its Exclusive Showrooms


  • Electronic Engine
  • Top Speed-135 kmph
  • 29.8 kw Electric Motor
  • 155 km per charge
  • Kerb Weight- 1516 kgs.
  • Single-Speed Gearbox

(9) Draft an advertisement for ‘Swachh Bharat Mission in rural areas.
PSEB 11th Class English Advertisement Writing 1

(10) Draft an advertisement for a store of affordable Ayurvedic Products.
Arihant Ayurveda Store

  • All Types of Ayurvedic Products Available
  • All Leading Brands Like Patanjali, Baidyanath, Dabur, Deendayal.
  • Very affordable rates.
  • A Qualified Ayurvedacharya Available for Consultation
  • Say ‘Yes’ to Ayurveda and ‘No’ to Harmful Chemicals

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Advertisement Writing

Advertisement-Writing Tasks for Practice

  1. Write out a paragraph advertisement, for release in a family magazine, to promote a new toothpaste being made by the company you are working for.
  2. You want to sell your television set. Draft a suitable advertisement in about 50 words to be published in the ‘For Sale’ column of a newspaper.
  3. You want to seek a suitable match for your sister who is an M.A. in English and is working as a college lecturer. Draft a suitable advertisement for the Matrimonial column of a local daily.
  4. On transfer to a far-flung area, you want to dispose of some of your household items. Draft a suitable advertisement in about 50 words for insertion in the ‘For Sale’ column of a newspaper.
  5. You are an athletics coach just returned from the U.S.A. You require a job. You are XYZ. Your phone number is 6663232, Moga. Write out an advertisement for a newspaper.
  6. You have lost your pet dog. Draft a suitable advertisement in about 50 words to be published in the ‘Lost and Found’ column of a newspaper.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Use of Words as Different Parts of Speech

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class English Book Solutions English Grammar Use of Words as Different Parts of Speech Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Use of Words as Different Parts of Speech

Use of the Same Word as Noun, Verb and Adjective (From Textbook)

1. All – (Noun) I lost my all in this business.
– (Adjective) All the boys reached the playground.
2. Above – (Noun) These orders have come from above.
– (Adjective) Read the above passage.
3. Attack – (Noun) We are ready to face any attack.
– (Verb) He attacked his enemy.
4. Arm – (Noun) It is my left arm.
– (Verb) Pakistan has armed herself with dangerous weapons
5. Address – (Noun) I don’t know your present address.
– (Verb) The Principal addressed the students.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Use of Words as Different Parts of Speech

6. Answer – (Noun) Give a short answer to this question.
– (Verb) He answered the question correctly.
7. Air – (Noun) Fresh air is useful for health.
– (Verb) The mattress needs to be aired.
– (Adjective) She is an air hostess.
8. Back – (Noun) I have pain in my back.
– (Verb) He backed my proposal.
– (Adjective) He came through the back door.
9. Book – (Noun) I have read this book.
– (Verb) Have you booked your passage to London ?
10. Brave – (Noun) Fortune favours the brave.
– (Verb) We braved all the dangers.
– (Adjective) He is a brave soldier.
11. Bell – (Noun) The peon is ringing the bell.
– (Verb) Who will bell the cat ?
12. Beat – (Noun) I heard the beat of a drum.
– (Verb) Why did you beat my brother ?
13. Conduct – (Noun) His conduct was quite satisfactory.
– (Verb) Who conducted this meeting ?
14. Chance – (Noun) He has no chance of success.
– (Verb) I chanced to meet an old friend at Delhi.
– (Adjective) It was just a chance meeting.
15. Change – (Noun) Change is the law of nature.
– (Verb) He has changed his programme.
16. Care – (Noun) You should take care of your health.
– (Verb) I do not care for what he says.
17. Cost – (Noun) The cost of living is very high these days.
– (Verb) How much did this book cost you ?
– (Adjective) What is the cost price of this machine ?
18. Cure – (Noun) There is no cure for cancer.
– (Verb) This medicine will cure you.
19. Dead – (Noun) It is useless to grieve over the dead.
– (Adjective) I saw a dead man lying on the road.
20. Down – (Noun) I have seen many ups and downs in my life.
– (Verb) He downed his opponent with a sliding trick.
– (Adjective) The down trains are mostly late.
21. Death – (Noun) Death does not spare anyone.
– (Adjective) The arrival of television dealt a death blow to mass cinema audiences.
22. Danger – (Noun) Life here is full of dangers.
– (Adjective) The river was flowing above the danger mark.
23. Dry – (Adjective) The weather is dry today.
– (Verb) This lake dries up in summer.
24. Dirty – (Adjective) Your hands are dirty.
– (Verb) Do not dirty your clothes.
25. Enough – (Noun) We have enough of food with us.
– (Verb) The poor cannot get enough food.
26. End – (Noun) There was no end to our difficulties.
– (Verb) Communal riots must end now.
27. Eye – (Noun) We see with our eyes.
– (Verb) He eyed me with anger.
28. Finish – (Noun) Our army fought to a finish.
– (Verb) Finish your work quickly.
29. Face – (Noun) Wash your face.
– (Verb) He has faced many difficulties in his life.
– (Adjective) Rani uses face cream to look pretty.
30. Fall – (Noun) Pride hath a fall.
– (Verb) Prices will fall if we produce more.
31. Fire – (Noun) The police opened fire on the crowd.
– (Verb) The hunter fired at the tiger.
32. Fine – (Noun) The Principal did not remit his fine.
– (Verb) The latecomers were fined.
– (Adjective) It is very fine today.
33. Fight – (Noun) There was a fight between Ram and Sham.
– (Verb) We should fight against the dowry system.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Use of Words as Different Parts of Speech

34. Floor – (Noun) He lives on the second floor of the house.
– (Verb) No one can floor Sham in debate.
35. Ground – (Noun) Our plans fell to the ground.
– (Verb) The teacher grounded his pupils in algebra.
– (Adjective) He lives on the ground floor.
36. Hand – (Noun) Wash your hands.
– (Verb) He has handed over the charge.
37. Honour – (Noun) I have a great honour for my teachers.
– (Verb) Patriots are always honoured.
37. Head – (Noun) Who is the head of your family ?
– (Verb) The procession was headed by the police band.
– (Adjective) Atma Ram is our head clerk.
38. House – (Noun) I want a house to live in.
– (Verb) Our college is housed in a rented building.
– (Adjective) The house owner was a very noble person.
39. Help – (Noun) I thank you for your help.
– (Verb) We should help the poor.
40. Heat – (Noun) Fire gives us heat.
– (Verb) Electricity heats our rooms.
41. Hit – (Noun) It was a fine hit.
– (Verb) He hit upon a plan.
– (Adjective) His uncle is on the hit list of the extremists.
42. Import – (Noun) The report calls for a ban on the import of hazardous waste.
– (Verb) We import many things from America.
43. Idle – (Noun) The idle fail in their life.
– (Verb) Do not idle away your precious time.
– (Adjective) Sohan is an idle boy.
44. Leave – (Noun) I applied to the Principal for leave.
– (Verb) He will leave for Delhi tomorrow.
45. Lead – (Noun) Gandhiji gave us a lead in the struggle for freedom.
– (Verb) Where does this road lead to ?
– (Adjective) It is a lead pencil.
46. Look – (Noun) I am afraid of his angry looks.
– (Verb) Look at the blackboard.
47. Lock – (Noun) He has lost his lock.
– (Verb) Lock the room.
48. Long – (Noun) Tell me the long and short of this matter.
– (Verb) He longs to see his parents.
– (Adjective) He had to cover a long distance.
49. Man – (Noun) We shall fight to the last man.
– (Verb) Who will man the ship ?
50. Mind – (Noun) Please keep it in your mind.
– (Verb) Mind your own business, please.
51. Milk – (Noun) I take milk every morning.
– (Verb) Milk the cow.
– (Adjective) I want some milk powder.
52. Mean – (Noun) I always follow the golden mean.
– (Verb) I mean what I say.
– (Adjective) He is a mean person.
53. Need – (Noun) I am in need of money.
– (Verb) I need your help at this time.
54. Open – (Noun) Always play in the open.
– (Verb) Open the door.
– (Adjective) It is an open space.
55. Offer – (Noun) He jumped at my offer of help.
– (Verb) I offered him a bunch of flowers.
56. Order – (Noun) We must obey the orders of our seniors.
– (Verb) I ordered a bunch of flowers.
– (Adjective) I have lost my order book.
57. Post – (Noun) I am satisfied with my present post.
– (Verb) Post this letter, please.
– (Adjective) His father works in the local post office
58. Place – (Noun) This is a new place for me.
– (Verb) He placed the whole matter before me.
59. Poor – (Noun) The rich should help the poor.
– (Verb) She is a poor woman.
60. Reply – (Noun) He has sent me no reply.
– (Verb) He did not reply my letter.
61. Round – (Noun) Let us have a round of cards.
– (Verb) He rounded his lips in anger.
– (Adjective) The earth is round.
62. Result – (Noun) His result has been declared today.
– (Verb) His carelessness will result in his failure.
– (Adjective) This is my result card.
63. Respect – (Noun) We should pay respect to our elders.
– (Verb) We should respect our teachers.
64. Rule – (Noun) All of us must obey the rule of the road.
– (Verb) He ruled out my suggestion.
65. Right – (Noun) We must fight for our rights.
– (Verb) Every wrong should be righted.
– (Adjective) This is my right hand.
66. Reach – (Noun) It is beyond my reach.
– (Verb) We reached the station in time.
67. Risk – (Noun) He ran the risk of his life.
– (Verb) He risked his life and saved the drowning boy.
68. Ring – (Noun) He will buy a ring for his wife.
– (Verb) The peon rings the bell.
69. Silence – (Noun) There was perfect silence in the classroom.
– (Verb) The teacher silenced the boys.
70. Stand – (Noun) He was criticized for his tough stand on immigration
– (Verb) Will you please stand up ?
71. Second – (Noun) I shall come back in a second.
– (Verb) I will second your proposal.
– (Adjective) February is the second month of the year.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Use of Words as Different Parts of Speech

72. Store – (Noun) He has a rich store of knowledge.
– (Verb) He stored huge stocks of sugar.
73. Station – (Noun) We walked to the railway station.
– (Verb) The army has been stationed on the border.
74. Study – (Noun) She was sitting in her study and reading a book.
– (Verb) The officer has studied the file.
75. Score – (Noun) What is the score of the Indian cricket team ?
– (Verb) Virat Kohli scored fifty runs.
76. Smoke – (Noun) Smoke is coming out of the chimney.
– (Verb) I smoke very seldom.
– (Adjective) The enemies used a smoke bomb to hide themselves.
77. Safe – (Noun) We keep our ornaments in a safe.
– (Adjective) We reached home safe and sound.
78. Search – (Noun) I am in search of a good job.
– (Verb) I am searching for my dog.
– (Adjective) The search party has arrived.
79. Sound – (Noun) We heard the sound of his footsteps.
– (Verb) He sounded the warning.
80. Sight – (Noun) It was a beautiful sight.
– (Verb) I sighted a snake in the garden.
81. Tear – (Noun) Mohan shed tears when he failed.
– (Verb) The child tore my exercise book.
82. Turn – (Noun) Now it is my turn.
– (Verb) Turn on the tap, please.
83. Time – (Noun) What is the time by your watch ?
– (Verb) The train is timed to reach here at 4 p.m.
84. Table – (Noun) This is my office table.
– (Verb) He tabled the agenda for the meeting.
85. Use – (Noun) It is no use going there.
– (Verb) – We use firewood in winter.
86. Up – (Noun) He has seen many ups and downs in his life.
– (Verb) – The up trains are running late today.
87. Visit – (Noun) He went on a visit to Germany.
– (Verb) – I will visit Shimla soon.
88. Water – (Noun) We cannot live without water.
– (Verb) – The gardener is watering the plants.
89. Well – (Noun) We have a well in our garden.
– (Verb) – Tears welled up in her eyes.
– (Adjective) – All is well that ends well.
90. Work – (Noun) I have a lot of work to do.
– (Verb) – The farmers are working in the fields.
91. Waste – (Noun) You will have to feel sorry for this waste of time.
– (Verb) – Do not waste your time.
– (Adjective) – War reduced the country to a waste land.

Exercises from Grammar Book (Fully Solved)


Use the following words as Nouns and as Verbs and also as Adjectives (if applicable).
I. aim 2. pen 3. attempt 4. break 5. calm 6. deal 7. touch 8. promise 9. rain 10. pause 11. water 12. vote 13. man 14. dance 15. fix 16. gun 17. head 18. eye 19. light 20. rest 21. smell 22. ring 23. fly 24. oil.
1. aim – (Noun) Her aim is to become a doctor.
– (Verb) The hunter aimed at the lion.
2. pen – (Noun) My uncle gifted me a Parker pen.
– (Verb) I penned a loving letter to my younger sister.
3. attempt – (Noun) I passed the entrance test in the first attempt.
– (Verb) I attempted all the questions well.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Use of Words as Different Parts of Speech

4. break – (Noun) I went to Shimla during our summer break.
– (Verb) It was she who broke the silence.
5. calm – (Noun) A perfect calm prevailed during his speech.
– (Verb) My friend’s presence had a calming effect on me.
6. deal – (Noun) I believe in fair deal with all my friends.
– (Verb) Mr. Verma deals in ready-made garments.
7. touch – (Noun) Midas’s golden touch could turn anything into gold.
– (Verb) I touched her gently on the hand.
8. promise – (Noun) It is always my endeavour to keep my promise.
– (Verb) I promised to repay the loan in a month.
9. rain – (Noun) The rain in winter months is not welcome.
– (Verb) It rained cats and dogs yesterday.
10. pause – (Noun) The pauses during the speech make it more effective.
– (Verb) She paused for a moment before answering.
11. water – (Noun) Water is truly the elixir of life.
– (Verb) I water the plants of my garden daily.
12. vote – (Noun) Each vote is valuable in an election.
– (Verb) People must vote fearlessly in any election.
13. man – (Noun) Man is mortal.
– (Verb) The border posts are manned 24 hours a day.
14. dance – (Noun) Dance is in Madhuri Dixit’s blood.
– (Verb) A peacock steals your heart when dancing.
15. fix – (Noun) I was in a fix what to do.
– (Verb) Can you fix my computer ?
16. gun – (Noun) The gun is every soldiers constant companion.
– (Verb) Our two soldiers were gunned down by the hooligans.
17. head – (Noun) We must always keep our heads high.
– (Verb) We headed deep into the forest.
18. eye – (Noun) We see with our eyes.
– (Verb) I eyed the stranger with suspicion.
19. light – (Noun) The sun gives us light and heat.
– (Verb) Our way was lit by a full moon.
– (Adj.) It gets light at about 5 o’clock.
20. rest – (Noun) We stopped for a well-deserved rest.
– (Verb) We rested for about two hours before setting out agian.
21. smell – (Noun) Everybody likes the smell of flowers.
– (Verb) The rose smells very sweet.
22. ring – (Noun) I gave her a golden ring as a parting gift.
– (Verb) Don’t forget to ring me up after reaching home.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Use of Words as Different Parts of Speech

23. fly – (Noun) The flies were buzzing about in the sweets shop.
– (Verb) I am flying to Mumbai tomorrow.
24. oil – (Noun) I bought the engine oil from the nearest petrol.
– (Verb) Oiling the machine regularly increases its life.