PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Determiners

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class English Book Solutions English Grammar Determiners Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Determiners


किसी संज्ञा से पूर्व स्थित ऐसे शब्द को Determiner कहा जाता है जो उस संज्ञा को निर्धारित करता हो; जैसे-
A book, an inkpot, the Ramayana, some boys, any book, a few difficulties, a little rest, आदि।

Determiner एक प्रकार से विशेषण (Adjective) ही होता है। अन्तर केवल इतना है कि Adjective किसी संज्ञा की व्याख्या करता है जबकि Determiner किसी संज्ञा को निर्धारित करता है।

अध्ययन की सुविधा के लिए Determiners को मुख्य रूप से निम्नलिखित भागों में बांटा जा सकता है –

1. Possessive My, our, your, his, her, its, their.
2. Demonstrative Definite : The, this, that, these, those, such, same, etc.
Indefinite : A, an, any, some, other, certain, etc.
3. Quantitative Much, little, no, some, any, enough, sufficient, all, whole, half, etc.
4. Numeral Definite : One, two, three, first, second, third, etc.
Indefinite : All, some, no, many, few, several, etc.
5. Articles Definite : The.
Indefinite : A, an.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Determiners

The Use of Some Determiners

1. Some, any : ये दोनों शब्द मात्रावाचक भी हैं और संख्यावाचक भी।
Some का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित प्रकार के वाक्यों में किया जाता है-
(a) Affirmative वाक्यों में।

  • There are some children outside.
  • Some people say that money makes the mare go.

(b) Interrogative वाक्यों में, यदि वक्ता को afffirmative उत्तर की इच्छा अथवा आशा हो।

  • Aren’t there some stamps in the drawer ?
  • Didn’t he give you some money ?

Any का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित प्रकार के वाक्यों में किया जाता है-
(a) Negative वाक्यों में।

  • I didn’t buy any bread.
  • He has not solved any question.

(b) Interrogative वाक्यों में, यदि वक्ता को negative उत्तर की आशा हो।

  • Have you any problem ?
  • Are there any stamps in my drawer ?

नोट- यह बात ध्यान रखने योग्य है कि not के साथ any का प्रयोग किया जाता है किन्तु no के साथ any का प्रयोग कभी नहीं किया जाता है।
इसलिए यह कहना गलत है कि-
I bought no any apple.
हमें कहना चाहिए –
I bought no apple.

2. Few, little:
Few – एक संख्यावाचक शब्द है।
Little – एक मात्रावाचक शब्द है।

→ Few, a few, the few का प्रयोग-
(1) Few – यह एक Negative विशेषण है।
Few = not many = अधिक नहीं।

(2) A few – यह एक affirmative विशेषण है।
A few = some at least = थोड़े से।

(3) The few – यह एक ऐसा विशेषण है जिससे negative तथा affirmative दोनों अर्थों का बोध होता है।
The few – the whole of any particular number = थोड़े-बहुत जो भी हों।

→ Little, a little, the little का प्रयोग-
(1) Little – यह एक Negative विशेषण है।
Little – not much = अधिक नहीं।

(2) A little – यह एक Affirmative विशेषण है।
A little = some at least = थोड़ा सा।

(3) The little – यह एक ऐसा विशेषण है जिससे Negative तथा affirmative दोनों अर्थों का बोध होता है।
The little = the whole of any particular quantity = थोड़ा-बहुत जो भी हो।

I. 1. He makes few mistakes.
उसके पास अधिक दूध नहीं था।
2. He makes a few mistakes.
वह कुछ गलतियां कर देता है।
3. I corrected the few mistakes he had made.
जो थोड़ी-बहुत गलतियां उसने की थीं, मैंने ठीक कर दी।

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Determiners

II. 1. He had little milk.
वह अधिक गलतियां नहीं करता है।
2. He had a little milk.
उसके पास थोड़ा सा दूध था।
3. He drank the little milk I had.
मेरे पास जो थोड़ा-बहुत दूध था, वह पी गया।

नोट – वाक्य (3) के अर्थ को दो भागों में बांटा जा सकता है-
(a) Negative तथा (b) Affirmative
(a) The mistakes he had made were not many.
जो गलतियां उसने की थीं वे अधिक नहीं थीं।
The milk I had was not much.
मेरे पास जो दूध था वह अधिक नहीं था।

(b) I corrected all the mistake he had made.
मैंने वे सारी गलतियां ठीक कर दी जो उसने की थीं।
He drank all the milk I had.
उसने सारा दूध पी लिया जो मेरे पास था।

III. Much, Many, Many a, Less, Fewer:
(1) Much तथा less मात्रावाचक विशेषण हैं।

(2) Many तथा fewer संख्यावाचक विशेषण हैं।

(3) Much का प्रयोग uncountable nouns (मात्रावाचक संज्ञाओं) के साथ किया जाता है।
Many का प्रयोग countable nouns (संख्यावाचक संज्ञाओं) के साथ किया जाता है।

(4) Much और Many का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित प्रकार के वाक्यों में किया जाना चाहिए-

  • Negative वाक्यों में।
  • Interrogative वाक्यों में।
  • Affirmative वाक्यों में, यदि इन शब्दों का प्रयोग कर्ता अथवा कर्ता की व्याख्या करने वाले शब्द के रूप में किया गया हो।

(5) Many a – कई बार ‘Many’ के साथ ‘a’ का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
अर्थ की दृष्टि से ‘many’ और ‘many a में कोई अन्तर नहीं है। अन्तर केवल इतना है कि-
Many के साथ बहुवचन संज्ञा तथा बहुवचन क्रिया का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
Many a के साथ एकवचन संज्ञा तथा एकवचन क्रिया का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
Many a man = many x one man = Many men

  • Many a boy is absent
  • Many boys are absent.

(6) Fewer, few की comparative degree के रूप में प्रयोग किया जाता है, परन्तु – Less को little की comparative degree के रूप में बहुत कम प्रयोग किया जाता है। यह एक आज़ाद comparative है। वास्तव में इसकी कोई positive degree नहीं होती।

Examples : Much (मात्रावाचक)

  • There is not much food in the house. (Negative)
  • Did you have much difficulty in finding it? (Interrogative)
  • Much of what you say is true. (Affirmative)
  • He never eats much breakfast. (Negative)
  • Does your cow give much milk ? (Interrogative)
  • Much of it is useless. (Affirmative)

Many (संख्यावाचक)

  • I don’t have many friends. (Negative)
  • Were there many people at the meeting ? (Interrogative)
  • Many people left early. (Affirmative)

Fewer (संख्यावाचक)

  • No fewer than twenty workers were absent.
  • There were fewer men than women.
  • Few know and fewer care.
  • Today I bought fewer eggs.

Less (मात्रावाचक)

  • Less size means less weight.
  • He had less difficulty with his work.
  • Don’t think it has less importance.
  • I have less money than you.


Articles भी एक प्रकार से Determiners ही होते हैं क्योंकि ये किसी संज्ञा से पूर्व लगाए जाते हैं और उसे निर्धारित करते हैं।
अंग्रेज़ी भाषा में a, an तथा the को Articles कहा जाता है।
The को Definite Article कहा जाता है।
A तथा an को Indefinite Articles कहा जाता है।

Articles के प्रयोग सम्बन्धी नियम

(1) An का प्रयोग किसी स्वर (Vowel : a, e, i, 0, u) से पूर्व अथवा silent b से पूर्व किया जाता है; जैसे-
An apple; an egg; an inkpot; an ox; an umbrella; an honest man; an M.A.; etc.

(2) A का प्रयोग किसी व्यंजन (Consonant) से पूर्व किया जाता है। ऐसे स्वर जिनका उच्चारण किसी व्यंजन की भांति किया जाए, उनसे पूर्व भी a का ही प्रयोग किया जाता है; जैसे –
A kite; a cart; a monkey; a unit; a useful thing; a one-eyed man; a European country; etc.

(3) साधारण रूप से नियम यह है कि यदि कोई Common Noun एकवचन में हो, तो उससे पूर्व Article का प्रयोग किया जाना चाहिए; जैसे-

  • I saw a dog in street. (यह वाक्य आशुद्ध है।)
  • I saw a dog in the street. (यह वाक्य शुद्ध है।)
  • I saw the dog in the street. (यह वाक्य शुद्ध है।)

(4) The का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित स्थितियों में किया जाता है-
1. किसी विशेष व्यक्ति अथवा पदार्थ का वर्णन करने के लिए।
(He is the man who beat me.)

2. नदियों के नामों के साथ।
(The Ganges; the Yamuna)

3. पर्वत-शृंखलाओं के नाम के साथ।
(The Himalayas; the Vindhyas)

4. समुद्रों के नाम के साथ।
(The Indian Ocean; the Arabian Sea)

5. प्रसिद्ध पुस्तकों के नामों के साथ।
(The Gita; the Quran)

6. प्रकृति की अद्वितीय रचनाओं के साथ।
(The sun; the moon; the earth)

7. Superlative Degree के साथ।
(The best, the noblest; the youngest)

8. किसी जाति अथवा वर्ग के नाम के साथ।
(The English; the Indians; the French)

9. उस विशेषण से पूर्व जिनके साथ लगने वाली संज्ञा understood हो।
(The rich should help the poor.)

10. निम्नलिखित प्रकार के मुहावरों के साथ।
(The higher, the better.)

(5) The का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित स्थितियों में प्रायः नहीं किया जाता है-

  • किसी नगर, शहर, गांव के नाम से पूर्व।
  • किसी देश के नाम से पूर्व।
  • किसी महाद्वीप के नाम से पूर्व।
  • किसी अकेले द्वीप के नाम से पूर्व।
  • किसी- अन्तरीप (Cape) के नाम से पूर्व। (Cape Comorin, कुमारी अन्तरीप)
  • किसी झील के नाम से पूर्व।
  • किसी अकेली पहाड़ी के नाम से पूर्व ।
  • किसी व्यक्तिवाचक (Proper) अथवा भाववाचक (Abstract) संज्ञा के साथ।

(6) निम्नलिखित स्थितियों में से किसी भी Article का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है-
1. किसी नामलेख (title) के साथ।
(Queen Victoria; King George)

2. किसी सकर्मक (Transitive) क्रिया वाले मुहावरे में Verb के बाद लगे हुए Object के साथ।
(send word; shake hands; catch fire)

3. किसी मुहावरे में Preposition के बाद लगी हुई संज्ञा के साथ।
(By hand; at sea; by night)

4. विशालतम अर्थ में प्रयोग की गई किसी संज्ञा के साथ।
(Man is mortal.)

5. द्रव्यवाचक संज्ञा (Material Noun) के साथ।
(Iron is a very useful metal.)


1. Fill in the blanks with suitable Determiners.

(a) 1. Did he give you ……………. money ?
2. ……………. girls were playing in the ground.
3. Have you read ………….. new novel ?
4. There is not …………… oil in the bottle.
5. Will you please give me ……….. milk ?
6. His condition is so serious that there is ……….. hope of his recovery.
7. ………… women can keep a secret.
8. ………….. knowledge is a dangerous thing.
1. any
2. Some
3. any
4. any
5. some
6. little
7. Few
8. A little.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Determiners

(b) 1. Only ………… boys were present in the meeting.
2. There isn’t ………… sugar in the cup.
3. You must take …………. meals a day.
4. This work is lighter, so I can do with …………… manpower.
5. Did he make ………….. mistakes in his essay ?
6. I have seen her ………….. time.
7. Have you read …………… Ramayana ?
8. He was struck by ………… arrow.
1. a few
2. much
3. fewer
4. less
5. many
6. many a
7. the
8. an.

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners.

(a) Rajan came to my house. He asked me how ………… money I had. I told him that I had ………. money in my pocket which I had saved from …………. pocket money. He told me that he needed ………… money to buy ……….. book on Economics.

(b) There was a knock at my door. When I opened ……….. door, I saw stranger with …………… tool bag in his hand. I didn’t allow him to enter ………….. room as I had never seen him earlier.

(c) Ram needed ……….. paper for his work. He said to his brother, “There isn’t …………… paper for me to write on. Please buy ………… for me when you go to the market.”

(d) ………. man bought …………….. ox and sold it in ………….. open market of the city. But he got only …………… little money from the sale.
(a) much, some, my, some, a.
(b) the, a, a, the.
(c) some, any, some.
(d) A, an, the, a.

Miscellaneous Exercise (Based on the Textbook)

1. Fill in each blank with a suitable determiner.

(a) 1. One day, Sudha had to show ……… reports to Mr. Moolgaokar. (some / any)
2. Sudha went to do …………. M.Tech. in Computer Science from IISc, Bangalore. (an / the)
3. Since there were …………. dogs in the streets, she took to feeding sparrows in the city. (no / many)
4. Would you like ……… tea ? (any / some)
5. ……….. my life, I have been waiting for this moment. (All / Some)
6. I have no time for ………… these formalities. (any / all)
7. …………… the lawyers pleaded their cases well. (Every / Both)
8. ………… books are to be read only in parts. (Any / Some)
9. She carried ………….. stale chapattis with her for the village dogs. (few / several)
10. I used to go to ………….. English school in a motor bus. (an / the)
1. some
2. an
3. no
4. some
5. All
6. all
7. Both
8. Some
9. several
10. an.

(b) 1. According to Bacon, ……….. books should be swallowed. (many / some)
2. Some books don’t deserve ………….. mind and concentration. (our / their)
3. …………… individual is dependent. (All / Every)
4. They never left …………… post during the war. (their / our)
5. Liberty is the birthright of each and …………. person. (every / any)
6. …………. of us were constantly together. (Our / Both)
7. She told me about the games she used to play as ……….. child. (the / a)
8. ………… parents left me with Grandmother. (My / Each)
9. ………… drop of water is precious. (Every / All)
10. We hear …….. amazing success stories, but we refuse to acknowledge them. (much / many)
1. some
2. our
3. Every
4. their
5. every
6. Both
7. a
8. My
9. Every
10. many.

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners.

(a) 1. This is ………….. girl who wrote to Mr. JRD.
2. Women should not tolerate …………. sort of injustice.
3. Grandmother got ………… old drum and started singing.
4. ………. day, Sudha went to Mr. Moolgaokar’s office.
5. ………….. book should not be read with the same interest and concentration.
6. Studies have a great influence on ……… human mind.
7. Bacon believes that ………. defect of the mind has a special remedy.
8. Studies cure a man of ………… mental deficiencies.
9. Discipline is …………. training of mind and character.
10. We have mortgaged ………….. conscience to money.
1. the
2. any
3. an
4. One
5. Every
6. the
7. every
8. his
9. the
10. our.

(b) 1. We should be true patriots and noble sons of …………… motherland.
2. The earth is a treasure we hold in trust for ………… descendents.
3. The future generations should have the freedom to sustain ………… lives on this planet.
4. Vikram Batra was ………… officer of the Indian Army.
5. Forests play …………. vital role in the conservation of water.
6. Eyes lend ………… unique beauty to the human face.
7. Water is the basis of …………. life.
8. Malcolm was awarded ……….. medals for his rare courage and sense of sacrifice.
9. Malcolm felt that there was ……….. time for fear.
10. The grizzly grabbed Malcolm with ……….. paws and squeezed him against her chest.
1. our
2. our
3. their
4. an
5. a
6. a
7. all
8. many
9. no
10. both.

Exercises From Grammar Book (Fully Solved)

Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate article (a, an or the) or leave the space blank if no article is needed.

1. I want ……….. apple from that basket.
2. ………. church on the corner is progressive.
3. Miss Lin speaks ……….. Chinese.
4. I borrowed ………. pencil from your pile of pencils and pens.
5. One of the students said, “………. professor is late today.”
6. Ali likes to play ……….. volleyball.
7. I bought ……….. umbrella to go out in the rain.
8. My daughter is learning to play ……… violin at her school.
9. Please give me ……….. cake that is on the counter.
10. I lived on ……….. Main Street when I first came to this town.
1. an
2. The
3. x
4. a
5. The
6. x
7. an
8. the
9. the
10. x.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Determiners

Exercise 2
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate article (a, an or the) or leave the space blank if no article is needed.

1. Albany is the capital of ……….. New York State.
2. My husband’s family speaks ……….. Polish.
3. ………. apple a day keeps the doctor away.
4. ………. ink in my pen is red.
5. Our neighbours have ………. cat and ………. dog.
6. He is ……….. idiot.
7. You are doing ………. good job.
8. It is ……….. rotten plum.
9. This is ………. used fork.
10. ………. historian writes history books.
1. x
2. x
3. An
4. The
5. a, a
6. an
7. a
8. a
9. a
10. A.

Exercise 3
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate article (a, an or the) or leave the space blank if no article is needed.

1. He is ……….. honest man.
2. It was ………. horrible movie.
3. We went for ………. opera show at Sydney Opera House.
4. Spanish is ……….. easy language.
5. Their car does 100 miles ……….. hour.
6. Mathura is ………. holy city.
7. Cactus is ………. thorny plant.
8. Which is ……… longest tunnel in the world ?
9. ……….. honourable discharge is every employee’s right.
10. He is ……….. intelligent man.
1. an
2. a
3. an
4. an
5. an
6. a
7. a
8. the
9. An
10. an.

Exercise 4
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate article (a, an or the) or leave the space blank if no article is needed.

1. It is ………. big table.
2. There is ……….. stairway in the lobby.
3. Give me ……….. paper clip.
4. Dog is ……….. faithful animal.
5. I have ……….. unusual feeling.
6. We saw ……….. interesting movie.
7. He won ……….. early bird prize in the party.
8. It was ……….. daring idea.
9. ……….. sun rises in the east.
10. We gave away ……….. prizes.
1. a
2. a
3. a
4. a
5. an
6. an
7. the
8. a
9. The
10. the.

Exercise 5
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate article (a, an or the) or leave the space blank if no article is needed.

1. The brick hit him in ………… face.
2. He went ……….. home.
3. She is going to ………. cinema.
4. ……… idea can change your life.
5. ……….. higher you go, ……….. cooler it is.
6. South Hall is ……….. Punjab of England.
7. He is ………. most intelligent child of the family.
8. ……….. umbrella is ……….. useful thing.
9. He has ………. soft corner for the poor.
10. I gave him ………. hundred-rupee note.
1. the
2. x
3. the
4. An
5. The, the
6. the
7. the
8. An, a
9. a
10. a.

Exercise 6
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate article (a, an or the) or leave the space blank if no article is needed.

1. I bought ……….. pair of shoes.
2. He gave me ………. beautiful gift.
3. I have ……….. one-rupee note.
4. He is ……….. senior teacher.
5. Have you read ………. Bible ?
6. P.K. Shinh is ……….. M.A.
7. It is ………. best he could do.
8. She is ……….. N.C.C. officer.
9. It was ……….. pleasant day.
10. He is ………. cowardly person.
1. a
2. a
3. a
4. a
5. the
6. an
7. the
8. an
9. a
10. a.

Exercise 7
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate article (a, an or the) or leave the space blank if no article is needed.

1. She has ……….. headache.
2. I have got ……….. cold.
3. What is on ……….. radio tonight ?
4. This is ………. historical moment.
5. He has ………. few friends in his class.
6. He is studying in ………. European university.
7. He is ……….. worst player of the team.
8. Rose is ………. taller of the two sisters.
9. He is ……….. great comedian.
10. Wordsworth wrote poems about ……….. nature.
1. a
2. x
3. the
4. a
5. a
6. a
7. the
8. the
9. a
10. x.

Exercise 8
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate article (a, an or the) or leave the space blank if no article is needed.

1. New York is ……….. big city.
2. ……….. cow is ………. useful animal.
3. Honesty is ……….. best policy.
4. France is ……….. great country
5. The sun rises in ……….. east.
6. I saw him when he was ……. child.
7. Who has not seen ……….. tiger ?
8. ……….. milk is very nutritious.
9. Man is after all ……….. animal.
10. How beautiful ……….. stars are !
1. a
2. The, a
3. the
4. a
5. the
6. a
7. a
8. x
9. an
10. the.

Exercise 9
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate article (a, an or the) or leave the space blank if no article is needed.

1. God has created ………. universe.
2. Gold is ……….. precious metal.
3. Kalidasa is ………. Shakespeare of India.
4. This is ……….. best book I have ever read.
5. ………. cat killed ………. rat.
6. ……….. cat is on ……….. roof.
7. Mahatma Gandhi was ……….. great leader of India.
8. The stone hit me on ……….. head.
9. John is ………. smallest boy in the class, but Peter is ……….. biggest.
10. I would like to buy ……….. pair of stockings and ……….. couple of shirts.
1. the
2. a
3. the
4. the
5. The, the
6. The, the
7. a
8. the
9. the, the
10. a, a.

Exercise 10
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate article (a, an or the) or leave the space blank if no article is needed.

1. Many ……… flower is born to blush unseen.
2. He is ………. Newton of his age.
3. I admire ………. wisdom of Solomon.
4. ………. whole class will participate in the program.
5. ……….. Himalayas protect the plains of India from the cold winds of the north.
6. I watched ………… interesting film yesterday.
7. I bought ………. laptop for my daughter.
8. ……….. laptop that I bought for my daughter was very expensive.
9. My daughter didn’t like ………. laptop I gave her. She said that it was too big for her.
10. So, I got it exchanged for ………. smaller model.
1. a
2. the
3. the
4. The
5. The
6. an
7. a
8. The
9. the
10. a.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Determiners

Exercise 11
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate article (a, an or the) or leave the space blank if no article is needed.

1. She absolutely loved ……….. new model.
2. My son has been asking for ………. smartphone for a while.
3. He was ……….. only child of his parents.
4. Siddhartha was ………. kind-hearted prince.
5. His parents shielded him from ………. miseries of ……… world.
6. Sri Lanka is ……….. island country in ……….. Indian Ocean.
7. I prefer ……….. mountains to the seaside.
8. We went to ……….. same school.
9. My brother is going out with ………. Chinese girl.
10. I am looking forward to being ……….. grandmother.
1. the
2. a
3. the
4. a
5. the, the
6. an, the
7. the
8. the
9. a
10. a.

Exercise 12
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. Have they got ……… matches ?
2. He used his shoe as ………. hammer.
3. Harsh fed ………. dogs.
4. There are ……….. children in the park.
5. Who invented ………. telephone ?
6. He is ……….. oldest in his family.
7. They met ……….. nice Asian girls on holiday.
8. I think there is ……….. ice cream in the fridge.
9. Let us go and bathe in ……….. river.
10. Have you seen ……… Red Fort ?
1. the
2. a
3. the
4. no
5. the
6. the
7. some
8. an
9. the
10. the.

Exercise 13
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. Have you got ……….. English friends ?
2. No, I haven’t got ……….. English friends.
3. But I have ……….. English penfriends.
4. He has ………. friends at all.
5. She has ………. best friend. They spend all their time together.
6. Would you like ……….. more orange juice ?
7. I have hardly ………. money left.
8. I never have ……….. luck with the lottery.
9. Have you got ………. money ?
10. Yes, I’ve got ……….. .
1. any
2. any
3. some
4. no
5. a
6. some
7. any
8. any
9. any
10. some.

Exercise 14
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. There are ……….. animals in this zoo.
2. He is ……….. man of ……….. words.
3. How ………. milk do you need ?
4. ………. time has passed now.
5. He is ……….. same boy who cheated me.
6. Is there ………. water in the glass ?
7. ………. he and his brother passed the exam.
8. He can write with ……….. hand.
9. …….. people would be cruel to the blind.
10. I shall finish ………. novel within two days.
1. many
2. a, few
3. much
4. Much
5. the
6. any
7. Both
8. either
9. Few
10. this.

Exercise 15
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. I always keep ……….. pen in my pocket.
2. He has ……….. good habits.
3. She wants the advice of ……….. doctor.
4. She fell to ……….. ground.
5. The bullet hit on ……….. spot.
6. ………. path of duty leads to glory.
7. He is ………. author of great versatility.
8. He gave up ……….. evil ways to attain salvation.
9. Unemployment has been increasing at ………. alarming rate.
10. Keep the enemy at ………. arm’s length.
1. a
2. many
3. some / a
4. the
5. the
6. The
7. an
8. his / the
9. an
10. an.

Exercise 16
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. He is ………. Indian Muslim.
2. She wrote ………. letter quickly.
3. She threw her arms round ……….. baby.
4. I have ……… expectations from anyone.
5. I think of ……….. Ganges.
6. ………. list of new books has been released.
7. He is ………. international Grandmaster of Chess.
8. He tore away ………. resignation letter.
9. Singing is ……….. passion.
10. ………. road leads to Srinagar.
1. an
2. a / the
3. her / the
4. no
5. the
6. A
7. an
8. his
9. my
10. This.

Exercise 17
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. I have ……….. relatives in this town.
2. An umbrella is ………. useful thing.
3. I have got ………. rice.
4. You can find ………. wild animals in Rajaji National Park.
5. ……….. of ……….. rare books have been destroyed by foreign invaders.
6. He has lost all ………. money in gambling.
7. I do not have ………. extra dress for the evening party.
8. Everybody should respect ……….. religions.
9. I purchased ……….. new house.
10. Painting is ……….. profession.
1. no / many / few
2. a
3. no / a little / some
4. many
5. Many, the
6. his
7. an / any
8. all
9. a
10. my / his / their, etc.

Exercise 18
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. Where shall I send ………. packer ?
2. He sat on ……… seat beside his bed.
3. Sudha knew ………. languages.
4. Hassan lost ………. sympathy the teacher had for him.
5. How ……… money does he need ?
6. ………. the papers were lying on the floor.
7. There was hardly ………. effort by Hassan to overcome his bad habits.
8. We have ……….. things to finish before we go.
9. I had to take ……….. responsibility.
10. The big hall has ………. windows.
1. this
2. the
3. many
4. the little
5. much
6. All
7. any
8. many
9. the
10. many.

Exercise 19
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. How many students were there in ……….. class ?
2. She is proud of ……….. culinary skills.
3. Philip was ……….. great violinist.
4. He did not make ……….. mistake in the final match.
5. Do you need ……….. further information on this issue ?
6. How ………. cups of tea do you take daily ?
7. No part of ……….. ashes should be retained.
8. We have ……….. spare cash to be distributed.
9. He handed ……….. cup to Socrates.
10. Did you hear ……….. noise ?
1. the
2. her
3. a
4. any
5. any
6. many
7. the
8. little / a little / some / no
9. the
10. any.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Determiners

Exercise 20
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. He always keeps ……….. money in his wallet for emergencies.
2. ………. sun sets in the west.
3. The doctor advised me to eat ………. apple every morning.
4. There aren’t ………. students in the library.
5. I haven’t got ……….. pictures in my bedroom
6. She gave a cookie to ………. child.
7. I’ve got to solve ……….. math problems before I go to sleep.
8. (With a bowl of cherries on your lap) ………. cherries are delicious !
9. My mother doesn’t drink ………. coffee.
10. Could you bring me ……….. books I left in the garden ?
1. some
2. The
3. an
4. many
5. any
6. each
7. some
8. These
9. much
10. the.

Exercise 21
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. I am a man of ……… words.
2. ……….. hobby is a must for the proper use of time.
3. ………. idle man’s mind is a devil’s workshop.
4. There is hardly ……….. person who doesn’t have a hobby.
5. You have many pens, but ……….. works well.
6. There are ………. horses in this stable.
7. She wasted ………. money she had.
8. Wait for me in ……….. hall.
9. I want ……….. sugar in my coffee.
10. ………. friends he has, love him.
1. few
2. A
3. An
4. any
5. none
6. many
7. the little
8. the
9. a little
10. The few.

Exercise 22
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. I caught the thief by ……….. neck.
2. I get up early in ……….. morning.
3. ……… people are living in slums in Mumbai.
4. ……….. the dirty linen have been washed.
5. ……… students were absent today.
6. One must keep ………. promise.
7. My father is ……….. advocate.
8. ……… Seeta and Geeta ran the race.
9. Children should respect ………. elders.
10. He is a gentleman. I like ……….. behaviour.
1. the
2. the
3. A lot of
4. All
5. Some / Many
6. one’s
7. an
8. Both
9. their
10. his.

Exercise 23
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. I have ……….. enemies.
2. ……….. person must get the share.
3. He gave me …….. clothes he had.
4. Rabindra Nath Tagore has written ………. great poems.
5. I have done ………..
6. The police could not find ……….. lost bike.
7. He recites ……….. Gita every morning.
8. He has committed ………. crimes.
9. I have made ……… friends in a short span of time.
10. Do you have ……….. change in your purse ?
1. a lot of / many / no / few / a few
2. Each
3. the few
4. many / a lot of
5. my
6. the
7. the
8. many / a lot of
9. many / a lot of
10. any.

Exercise 24
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.
1. I have read ……….. books written by Graham Greene.
2. ………. player was given a medal.
3. Both the books are not expensive. You can buy ……….. of them.
4. There is ……….. hope of his survival.
5. He can take ……….. dress he likes.
6. We do not expect ……….. mercy from him.
7. Will you lend me ……….. money?
8. Miss Keller learnt ………. new words that day.
9. How ……….. money do you want ?
10. ……….. plant is dying.
1. many
2. Each
3. either
4. little
5. any
6. any
7. some
8. many
9. much
10. That / This.

Exercise 25
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. He tried to save ………. boy.
2. It makes ……….. flesh crawl to hear you.
3. There is ……….. end to it.
4. I am not in favour of ……….. religious ceremonies.
5. What is ………… matter with your tooth ?
6. She toils up ……….. hill.
7. She sank into ……….. chair.
8. I waited for him for ………. while.
9. ……… unity and diversity of India is its strength.
10. Thin men are ……….. best divers.
1. the
2. my
3. no
4. any
5. the
6. the
7. the
8. a
9. The
10. the.

Exercise 26
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. Let’s go for ………. walk.
2. I must sign ……….. will.
3. Why couldn’t you have come ……….. day earlier ?
4. ………. type of life lasted for ten years.
5. Pasteur released ……….. saliva into a tube.
6. I covered ……….. face and wept.
7. What is ……….. strange outcry ?
8. She asked her friend to lend ……….. money.
9. It is ………. opinion that these birds are mad.
10. In ……….. seconds, she put down her head.
1. a
2. the
3. a
4. This
5. the
6. my
7. that
8. some
9. my
10. a few.

Exercise 27
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. ……….. book is useful to me.
2. There is not ……….. coffee in the mug.
3. That is ………. pen.
4. ………. police was called to help.
5. We need ……….. more water today.
6. They had taken ……….. milk that day.
7. ……….. dress do you like ?
8. Give me ……….. curd.
9. ………. child likes chocolates.
10. He stood ………. in the class.
1. This
2. any / much
3. my / his, etc.
4. The
5. some
6. no
7. Which
8. some / a little
9. Every
10. first / second, etc.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Determiners

Exercise 28
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. He has done you ……….. harm.
2. His father is ………. M.P.
3. English is ………. universal language.
4. Do you still get ………. message from him ?
5. He is ……….. honest officer.
6. Jack and Jill went up ……….. hill.
7. ……….. were drowned.
8. ………. milk was spilt.
9. …………. body can do it if they try.
10. ……… of these roads leads to the airport.
1. no
2. an
3. a
4. any
5. an
6. the
7. All
8. Some
9. Any
10. Either.

Exercise 29
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. ………. fool can do that.
2. ……….. took it in turn.
3. ………. of the accusations is true.
4. It was ……….. festival of spring.
5. He hurried towards ………. friends.
6. Nehru had been attached to …….. Ganga.
7. I had left home without ……….. money in my pocket.
8. May I ask ……….. one to tea?
9. Then ……….. noise was repeated.
10. There is ………. time for Spain to choose from.
1. Any
2. Each
3. None
4. the
5. his
6. the
7. any / much
8. some
9. the
10. no.

Exercise 30
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. He returned ……….. books after reading.
2. They gave the children ………. toys.
3. He liked ……….. shirt that I gave him.
4. It was ………. bitterly cold night.
5. We were sitting on ………. deck of the launch.
6. They were carrying water on ……… heads.
7. I glanced at ………. watch.
8. You must take …………. dog out.
9. Everyone seemed to be in ……….. hurry.
10. There were still ……….. questions unanswered.
1. the
2. some / a few
3. the
4. a
5. the
6. their
7. my
8. the
9. a
10. some / a few.

Exercise 31
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. I have ……….. axe.
2. Please give me ………. fruit to eat.
3. He wrote ……….. essay.
4. There are ………. people whom I know in this town.
5. December is ………… last month of ………. year.
6. ……….. Adi Granth is a sacred book of ……….. Sikhs.
7. She is as pure as ……….. angel.
8. Children were happy to see ……….. elephant.
9. Kashi is ………. holy city.
10. Failures are ……….. pillars of success.
1. an
2. some
3. an
4. many / a lot of
5. the, the
6. The, the
7. an
8. the
9. a
10. the.

Exercise 32
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. ……… team won the Kabaddi finals in 2014 ?
2. He applied for ………. job.
3. There were ………. people at the platform.
4. The old man gave all ……….. clothes he had.
5. Only ……….. friends were invited for my birthday party.
6. He bought ……….. bananas.
7. How ………. butter do you need ?
8. He could take ……….. of the dresses.
9. There were ………. children in the ground.
10. He could not finish ………. homework.
1. Which
2. the
3. many / a lot of / few
4. the
5. a few
6. some / a few
7. much
8. either
9. many / a lot of / few / a few
10. his.

Exercise 33
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. How ……… money did he steal ?
2. On Sundays, there is not ………. traffic on this road.
3. He has spilt ………. ink on his new dress.
4. There is too ……….. of sugar in Coca Cola
5. It rained heavily. Only ……….. students came to school.
6. She has not given ………. response so far.
7. Are you proud of ……….. beauty ?
8. He bought ……….. new car.
9. Have you drawn ………. new sketch ?
10. Is there ……… milk left in the glass ?
1. much
2. much
3. a little
4. much
5. a few
6. any
7. your
8. a
9. any
10. any.

Exercise 34
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed

1. Can you bring me ……….. glass of water ?
2. ……….. can I help you ?
3. I have not seen ……….. movie in the past one month.
4. Please show me ………. new prints.
5. ……….. shops are newly built.
6. Dashrath had ………. sons.
7. He was ………. to none.
8. Do you have ………. work to do now?
9. Ravi is ……… smarter of the two.
10. ……….. the Kauravas were killed.
1. a
2. How
3. any
4. some
5. These
6. four
7. second
8. any
9. the
10. All.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Determiners

Exercise 35
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner or leave the space blank if no determiner is needed.

1. He said he would have ……….. milk.
2. He is leading ………. group of volunteers.
3. Have you read ……….. these books ?
4. Very ……….. politicians are honest these days.
5. Shiv Batalvi is ………. Keats of Punjabi poetry.
6. The Muslims bury ………. dead.
7. He removed ……….. hat on entering the main hall.
8. Is ……….. statement correct ?
9. He takes his medicine thrice ………. day.
10. ……….. grapes were a bit too high.
1. some
2. a
3. all
4. few
5. the
6. their
7. his
8. this
9. a
10. The.

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