PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Prepositions

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class English Book Solutions English Grammar Prepositions Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Prepositions

ऐसे शब्द को Preposition कहा जाता है जो स्थान (place), दिशा (direction), साधन (source), विधि (method) आदि का बोध कराने के लिए किसी Noun अथवा Pronoun से पहले लगाया गया हो; जैसे-
In the room; towards the city; through the forest; by all means; into the well; beside me; between us आदि।

The Use Of Some Prepositions

(1) At का प्रयोग छोटे नगरों तथा गांवों के नामों के साथ किया जाता है।
In का प्रयोग बड़े नगरों, प्रान्तों और देशों के नामों के साथ किया जाता है।

  • Mohan lives at Kathua.
  • She was born at Batote.
  • The last National Games were held in Nagpur.
  • There are many film studios in Mumbai.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Prepositions

(2) On का प्रयोग तिथियों तथा दिनों के नामों के साथ किया जाता है।
In का प्रयोग महीनों तथा वर्षों के लिए किया जाता है।
At का प्रयोग Point of Time के लिए किया जाता है।

  • I shall go to Delhi on Sunday.
  • Our examination begins on 24th July.
  • Rains started in July.
  • His grandfather died in 1995.
  • We had tea at 5 o’clock.
  • He came at the right time.

(3) In और At के निम्नलिखित समय-सम्बन्धी प्रयोग याद रखिए
In the morning. At noon In the evening At night
In the afternoon At dawn

(4) Between का प्रयोग दो पुरुषों । स्थानों / वस्तुओं आदि के लिए किया जाता है। Among का प्रयोग दो से अधिक पुरुषों / स्थानों / वस्तुओं आदि के लिए किया जाता है।

  • The two brothers quarrelled between themselves.
  • The three brothers quarrelled among themselves.

(5) In स्थिरता (rest) को प्रकट करता है। Into अन्दर की ओर गति (motion) को प्रकट करता है।

  • He was sitting in the room.
  • The fox fell into the well.

(6) On स्थिरता (rest) को प्रकट करता है।
Upon ऊपर की ओर गति (motion) को प्रकट करता है।

  • The book is on the table.
  • The cat jumped upon the table.

(7) With उस यन्त्र (instrument) की ओर संकेत करता है जिसका प्रयोग कोई काम करने के लिए किया गया हो। By काम करने वाले (doer) की ओर संकेत करता है।

  • He beat his servant with a stick.
  • The book was written by me.

(8) Beside = निकट, असंगत
Besides = के अतिरिक्त

  • She came and sat beside me.
  • Your answer is beside the mark.
  • I have three other pens besides this.

(9) Since तथा for का प्रयोग Perfect Tense के बाद किया जाता है।
From का प्रयोग किसी भी Tense के बाद किया जा सकता है।
Since और from का प्रयोग point of time के लिए किया जाता है।
For का प्रयोग period of time के लिए किया जाता है।
Since का प्रयोग केवल भूतकाल के सम्बन्ध में ही किया जा सकता है।
From और for का प्रयोग किसी भी काल के लिए किया जा सकता है।

  • He has been ill since Monday last.
  • This timetable has been in force since August.
  • He studied English from the age of ten.
  • This timetable will come in force from Monday.
  • I have been ill for five days.

Words Followed By Appropriate Prepositions

नोट- कई शब्दों के साथ किसी विशेष अर्थ के लिए किसी विशेष Preposition का ही प्रयोग किया जा सकता है। ऐसे शब्द और उनके साथ लगने वाले उपयुक्त Prepositions याद रखने चाहिएं।

1. Abide by (पाबन्द रहना) – We must abide by the rules of the road.
2. Absorbed in (मग्न) – I was absorbed in my work.
3. Abstain from (परहेज़ करना) – We should abstain from drinking.
4. Accede to (मान लेना, स्वीकार कर लेना) – He acceded to my request.
5. Accuse of (दोष लगाना) – He was accused of murder.
6. Act upon (आचरण करना) – He acted upon my advice.
7. Addicted to (बुरी आदत में फँसे होना) – He is addicted to gambling.
8. Admit to (दाखिल करना) – He was admitted to the 9th class.
9. Agree to (स्वीकार करना) – Do you agree to this proposal ?
10. Agree with (सहमत होना) – I agree with you.
11. Alarmed at (चौंक उठना) – We were alarmed at the sight of a lion.
12. Angry with (नाराज़ होना) – He is angry with me.
13. Angry at (नाराज़ होना) – The teacher was angry at your misconduct.
14. Apologize to, for (क्षमा मांगना) – He apologized to me for his rude behaviour.
15. Appeal to, for (प्रार्थना करना) – He appealed to the judge for mercy.
16. Apply to, for (प्रार्थनापत्र देना) – He applied to the headmaster for leave.
17. Approve of (पसन्द करना) – I do not approve of your action.
18. Arrive at (पहुंचना) – He arrived at Jalandhar at six o’clock.
19. Ashamed of (लज्जित होना) – He feels ashamed of his conduct.
20. Assure of (विश्वास दिलाना) – I assure you of my help.
21. Astonished at (हैरान होना) – I was astonished at his failure.
22. Attend on (देखभाल करना) – You should attend on your ailing mother.
23. Attend to (ध्यान देना) – Attend to your lesson.
24. Aware of (सचेत होना) – I am aware of my shortcomings.
25. Believe in (विश्वास करना) – I do not believe in ghosts.
26. Belong to (सम्बन्ध रखना) – He belongs to a rich family.
27. Beware of (सावधान रहना) – Beware of thieves.
28. Bless with (आशीर्वाद देना) – She was blessed with a son.
29. Blind in (अंधा) – He is blind in one eye.
30. Blind to (अपरिचित) – You are blind to your shortcomings.
31. Boast of (शेखी मारना) – Do not boast of your riches.
32. Born in (पैदा होना) – He was born in a poor family.
33. Born of (पैदा होना) – She was born of rich parents.
34. Borrow from (उधार लेना) – I borrowed a book from my friend.
35. Busy with (व्यस्त) – I was busy with my work.
36. Call at (मिलने के लिए जाना) – I called at his house this morning.
37. Call on (बुलाना) – Tomorrow I shall call on you.
38. Call in (बुला कर लाना) – Please call in the doctor at once.
39. Care for (परवाह करना) – He does not care for his studies.
40. Charge with (दोष लगाना) – He was charged with murder.
41. Cling to (चिपटना) – The baby clings to her mother.
42. Collide with (टक्कर खाना) – My cycle collided with a tonga.
43. Compare to (उपमा देना) – We may compare the world to a stage.
44. Compare with (तुलना करना) – Compare Ashoka with Chandragupta.
45. Complain of (शिकायत करना) – He always complains of headache.
46. Complain against, to (शिकायत करना) – I complained against him to the officer.
47. Conscious of (ज्ञान होना) – I am conscious of my shortcomings.
48. Consist of (बना हुआ होना) – The class consists of forty boys.
49. Contented with (सन्तुष्ट होना) – Be contented with your lot.
50. Cure of (स्वस्थ करना) – The doctor cured him of his disease.
51. Deal in (व्यापार करना) – His father deals in cotton.
52. Deal with (व्यवहार करना) – I know how to deal with you.
53. Deprive of (वंचित करना) – He was deprived of his share.
54. Desire for (इच्छा रखना) – I have no desire for name or fame.
55. Die of (मरना) – He died of cholera.
56. Differ from (भिन्न होना) – This pen differs from that.
57. Differ with (सहमत न होना) – I differ with you on this point.
58. Dismiss from (निकाल देना) – He was dismissed from service.
59. Dispose of (बेच देना) – He disposed of his old books.
60. Due to (के कारण) – His success is due to hard work.
61. Eligible for (जो चुना जा सके) — You are not eligible for this post.
62. Engaged in (लगा हुआ) – He is engaged in writing a book.
63. Engage to (सगाई होना) – She is engaged to a doctor.
64. Enquire after (हाल पूछना) – He enquired after my health.
65. Enquire (Inquire) into (पूछताछ करना) – I will enquire into the matter.
66. Excel in (श्रेष्ठ होना) – He excels me in speaking English.
67. Familiar to (परिचित) – His face is familiar to me.
68. Familiar with (परिचित) – I am not familiar with him.
69. Famous for (के लिए प्रसिद्ध) – Ludhiana is famous for hosiery goods.
70. Feed on (निर्वाह करना) – Cows feed on grass.
71. Feel for (अनुभव करना) – We should feel for the poor.
72. Fond of (इच्छुक) – Children are fond of sweets.
73. Full of (भरा हुआ) – The glass is full of milk.
74. Glad at (प्रसन्न) – We are glad at your arrival.
75. Good at (योग्य) – He is good at Mathematics.
76. Grateful to (कृतज्ञ) – I shall be grateful to you for this kindness.
77. Grieve at (दुःखी होना) – He was grieved at his failure.
78. Guilty of (अपराधी) – He was found guilty of theft.
79. Honest in (ईमानदारी) – He is honest in his dealings.
80. Hope for (आशा करना) – Let us hope for better result this time.
81. Ignorant of (अज्ञानता में) – He was ignorant of the facts.
82. Import from (आयात करना) – India imports oil from other countries.
83. Indifferent to (लापरवाह होना) – You are indifferent to your health.
84. Inferior to (घटिया) – This pen is inferior to that.
85. Inform of (सूचना देना) – You did not inform me of his arrival.
86. Injurious to (हानिकारक) – Smoking is injurious to health.
87. Insist on (जिद करना) – He insisted on going with me.
88. Interest in (रुचि) – He has no interest in his studies.
89. Interfere with (दखल देना) – Do not interfere with my work.
90. Introduce to (परिचय कराना) – He introduced me to his friend.
91. Invite to (निमन्त्रण देना) – He invited me to dinner.
92. Jealous of (ईर्ष्यालु) – I am not jealous of his good fortune.
93. Junior to (छोटा) – He is junior to me in service.
94. Knock at (खटखटाना) – Who knocked at the door ?
95. Known to (विदित) – He is known to everybody.
96. Lame in (लंगड़ा) – He is lame in one leg.
97. Laugh at (हंसी उड़ाना) – Do not laugh at the poor.
98. Listen to (ध्यान से सुनना) – Listen to what I say.
99. Live on (गुजारा करना) – He lives on milk and fruit.
100. Long for (इच्छा करना) – I long for happy days.
101. Married to (विवाह होना) – Rama was married to Sita.
102. Match for (मुकाबले का) – Pakistan is no match for India.
103. Negligent in (लापरवाह) – He is negligent in his studies.
104. Notorious for (बदनाम) – He is notorious for gambling.
105. Obedient to (आज्ञाकारी होना) – Be obedient to your teachers.
106. Object to (आपत्ति करना) – He objected to my proposal.
107. Occur to (सूझना) – An idea occurred to me.
108. Part from (जुदा होना) – I was sorry to part from my friends.
109. Part with (जुदा होना) – I cannot part with this book.
110. Pity for (दया) – Have pity for the poor.
111. Pity on (दया) – He took pity on me.
112. Pleased with (प्रसन्न होना) – The teacher is pleased with her.
113. Polite to (नम्र) – Be polite to all.
114. Popular with (लोकप्रिय) – This teacher is popular with the students.
115. Preferable to (अच्छा) – Death is preferable to dishonour.
116. Prefer to (से अच्छा समझना) – I prefer death to dishonour.
117. Pray to (प्रार्थना करना) – I pray to God daily.
118. Prepare for (तैयार होना) – Mohan is preparing for the examination.
119. Preside over (सभापति होना) – Who presided over the meeting?
120. Prevent from (रोकना) – He prevented me from going there.
121. Prey to (शिकार होना) – He fell a prey to drugs.
122. Pride in (अभिमान) – She takes pride in her beauty.
123. Proud of (अभिमानी) – She is proud of her beauty.
124. Recover from (मुक्त होना) – He has recovered from illness.
125. Reduce to (घट जाना) – He was reduced to a skeleton.
126. Regard for (मान) – He has no regard for his teachers.
127. Related to (सम्बन्ध होना) – She is related to me.
128. Rely on (भरोसा रखना) – I rely on your support.
129. Remember to (याद करवाना) – Please remember me to your father.
130. Remind of (याद कराना) – He reminded me of my promise.
131. Repent of (पछताना) – He repented of his folly.
132. Responsible to (उत्तरदायी) – We are responsible to God for our actions.
133. Satisfied with (सन्तुष्ट होना) – I am not satisfied with his work.
134. Search for (तलाश करना) – What are you searching for ?
135. Send for (बुला भेजना) – We sent for the doctor.
136. Shock at (दुःखी होना) – I was shocked at the news of his death.
137. Sick of (तंग आना) – He is sick of his son.
138. Similar to (वैसी ही) – This knife is similar to that.
139. Slow at (सुस्त) – He is slow at Arithmetic.
140. Slow of (सुस्त) – He is slow of understanding.
141. Succeed in (सफल होना) – He succeeded in getting a job.
142. Succeed to (उत्तराधिकारी बनना) – Akbar succeeded to the throne after Humayun’s death.
143. Suffer from (पीड़ित होना) – He suffered from malaria.
144. Superior to (बढ़िया) – My cap is superior to yours.
145. Sure of (विश्वासी) – I am sure of my success.
146. Surprised at (हैरान होना) – I am surprised at your behaviour.
147. Sympathise with (सहानुभूति करना) – Always sympathise with the poor.
148. Talk to (बात करना) – I talked to him about his problem.
149. Taste for (दिलचस्पी) – I have no taste for games.
150. Tired of (तंग हो जाना) – I am tired of this type of life.
151. Tired with (थका हुआ) – I am tired with the day’s work.
152. Trust in (भरोसा करना) – Trust in God and do the right.
153. True to (के प्रति सच्चा होना) – I am true to my friends.
154. Useful for (लाभदायक, किसी उद्देश्य के लिए) – Exercise is useful for health.
155. Useful to (लाभदायक, किसी व्यक्ति के लिए) – This book is very useful to me.
156. Warn of (सचेत करना) – He warned me of the danger.
157. Warn against (चौकन्ना करना) – I warned him against false friends.
158. Wish for (इच्छा करना) – I wish for your success.
159. Worthy of (के योग्य) – I shall try to be worthy of your love.
160. Yield to (झुक जाना) – Never yield to injustice.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Prepositions


I. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.
1. People should abide …………… the norms of society.
2. Students should abstain …………… politics.
3. He was accused …………… making inflammatory speeches.
4. He was acquitted …………… corruption charges.
5. It is not easy to adapt oneself ……………. an alien culture.
6. Children are getting addicted …………. cartoon programmes.
7. He is determined to adhere ……………. his convictions.
8. His grandfather is afflicted …………… arthritis.
9. He aimed the punch …………… my nose.
10. Hypocrisy is alien ……………. his nature.
1. by
2. from
3. of
4. of
5. to
6. to
7. to
8. with
9. at
10. to.

II. 1. She was born …………… cultivated parents.
2. Several people burst ………………. spontaneous tears on hearing about the Columbia disaster.
3. She wastes a lot of her time in brooding …………… her past.
4. He was charged …………… neglecting his duty in the battlefield.
5. It is not easy to find a person one can confide ………..
6. Parents who connive ………….. the faults of their children spoil them.
7. She was convicted …………… making a false statement.
8. These conditions are not conducive ………….. the healthy development of a child.
9. She was deaf ……………. his plea for forgiveness.
10. A totalitarian regime deprives its people ……………. their civil rights.
1. to
2. into
3. over
4. with
5. in
6. at
7. of
8. to
9. to
10. of.

Miscellaneous Exercise (Based On The Textbook)

Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

I. 1. Sudha Murthy was surprised to be called …………. the interview.
2. Life was full ……….. fun and joy.
3. I saw an advertisement ……………. the noticeboard.
4. They have cared for higher education in India …………. 1900.
5. I was taken aback ……….. the telegram.
6. Sudha fell ………. love with the beautiful city.
7. There were six people ………. the panel.
8. I was transferred ……….. Mumbai in June 1999.
9. She hobbled ………… the house in spotless white with one hand resting on her waist.
10. She carried several stale chapattis ……….. her for the village dogs.
11. That was a turning point ………….. our friendship.
12. She took ……… feeding sparrows in the courtyard of our city house.
13. She could not help me ……….. my lessons.
14. She lay peacefully …………. bed praying and telling her beads.
15. A peaceful pallor spread ……………. her face.
1. for
2. of
3. on
4. since
5. by
6. in
7. on
8. to
9. about
10. with
11. in
12. to
13. with
14. in
15. on.

II. 1. She had done better than most ………… her male peers.
2. Her face was a criss-cross ……….. wrinkles.
3. She used to get up ……….. the morning and get me ready …….. school.
4. He rules ……….. a vast empire.
5. I never bothered ……… learn the prayer.
6. The driver jumped ………. of the car.
7. Studies pass ……….. the character.
8. Many a learned professor took part ………. the conference.
9. Your reply must be exact and ………… the point.
10. Discipline is a restraint ……………… liberty.
11. Discipline should not be imposed ……… physical violence and fear.
12. If you hold a position of authority, you must impose discipline yourself first.
13. You cannot have liberty ………. discipline.
14. We think more …………. liberty than ……… responsibility.
15. History teaches us the need ……………. a disciplined living.
1. of
2. of
3. in, for
4. over
5. to
6. out
7. into
8. in
9. to
10. on
11. by
12. on
13. without
14. of, of
15. of.

III. 1. Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam has three visions …….. India.
2. Indians have never tried to enforce their way of life ………. others.
3. India must stand up …………. the world.
4. India is first ……….. milk production.
5. We are ………. the top five nations of the world in terms of GDP.
6. Her lips constantly moved ………… an inaudible prayer.
7. Do we realize that self-respect comes ……… self-reliance ?
8. I came here the day ……………. yesterday.
9. Everything in this store is ………….. sale.
10. We expect the government to do everything ………… us.
11. Let’s do what our country needs ………….. us.
12. Our conscience is mortgaged …………. money.
13. Discipline is unavoidable …………… a modern man.
14. India got its first vision ………… Freedom in 1857.
15. The earth is a treasure we hold ………… trust for our descendants.
1. for
2. on
3. to
4. in
5. among
6. in
7. with
8. before
9. for
10. for
11. from
12. to
13. for
14. of
15. in.

IV. 1. India has made wonderful success ……….. many fields.
2. Kalam refers to our obsession …………. foreign goods.
3. We are in the habit of finding fault ………… the government.
4. Major Som Nath Sharma was honoured ……………. the Param Vir Chakra.
5. Trust …………… God and do what is right.
6. I wear a ring ………… my finger.
7. We believe …………… freedom to think.
8. A man becomes a gentleman only ……….. overcoming his weakness.
9. Globalisation leads to a better understanding ……….. nations.
10. Man has always been …………. the fear of wars.
11. The United Nations was founded ………….. the name of common people.
12. They have to survive …………. very little income.
13. Half of the human race is living ………. poverty.
14. Internal wars result ………. unfair distribution of power and wealth in a country.
15. Som Nath Sharma’s right hand was ……… plaster.
1. in
2. with
3. with
4. with
5. in
6. on
7. in
8. by / after
9. among
10. in
11. in
12. on
13. in
14. from
15. in.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Prepositions

V. 1. Major Thapa and his men inflicted heavy losses …….. the enemy.
2. Abdul Hamid was enrolled ………… the grenadiers Infantry Regiment in 1954.
3. He was badly wounded ………… a highly explosive shell.
4. Vikram Batra soon rose ………… the rank of Captain.
5. He was given the task ……….. recapturing Point 5140.
6. They hurled two grenades ………….. the machine gun post.
7. Captain Vikram alone killed three enemy soldiers ……… close combat.
8. Major Som Nath’s company was sent to Badgam in Kashmir …………… a fighting patrol.
9. Water is the basis ……….. all life.
10. By cutting ………….. our forests, we have disturbed the water cycle.
11. Water bodies add ………… the beauty of nature.
12. Eyes reflect the state ………….. human mind.
13. Many people had fled ……….. Hiroshima.
14. It was built …………. the delta of the river Ota.
15. Absolute silence reigned …………. the whole city.
1. on
2. into
3. by
4. to
5. of
6. at
7. in
8. on
9. of
10. down
11. to
12. of
13. from
14. on
15. in.

VI. 1. A new war would leave nothing worthy ……….. mention.
2. Force is not a solution ……….. man’s problems.
3. Too much has been destroyed …………. this war.
4. They were deeply moved ………. seeing those photographs.
5. They were writhing ……….. agony because of the unbearable pain of their burns.
6. Trees went ………. in flames.
7. There was left nothing ………….. burn.
8. Barb continued writing ………….. Malcolm.
9. An emergency operation was performed ………… Malcolm.
10. Malcolm called …………. to Barb in a weak tone.
11. He received from Barb a proposal ………….. marriage.
12. They went …………. a hiking trip to Balu Pass.
13. Malcolm thought there was no time ………… fear.
14. His one knee-cap was torn …………. .
15. What he saw ……………. the mirror made him sick.
1. of
2. to
3. in
4. on
5. in
6. up
7. to
8. to
9. on
10. out
11. for
12. on
13. for
14. off
15. in.

Exercises From Grammar Book (Fully Solved)

Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

1. The show will be over ………. 5 p.m.
2. His interview will be held ……….. Monday, 30th October.
3. Two boys quarrelled ………. the teacher had gone.
4. The new session starts ………. April.
5. They have been living here ……….. 2009.
6. We were at Shimla ……… Monday ………. Friday.
7. The hockey match was played ………. 1 p.m. ……….. 2.20 p.m.
8. They met only ……….. thirty minutes.
9. The train arrives ……….. 11 o’clock sharp.
10. Our shop opens ………. weekdays only.
1. by
2. on
3. after
4. in
5. since
6. from, to
7. from, to
8. for
9. at
10. on.

Exercise 2
Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

1. He stays ……….. Karol Bagh.
2. He spent his early life ……….. India.
3. He made his son sit ……… him and his friend on the bike.
4. Manav was sitting ……….. his mother.
5. He distributed the toffees ……….. all the children.
6. He was hiding ……….. a big board.
7. We stood ……….. the Sun Temple for a while to admire its beauty.
8. My cat was resting ……….. the table.
9. A big statue of Mahatma Gandhi has been placed ……… the Gandhi Museum.
10. The papers were scattered ………. the floor.
1. at
2. in
3. between
4. beside
5. among
6. behind
7. in front of
8. under
9. in front of
10. on.

Exercise 3
Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

1. We were on our way ……….. school.
2. Winter vacations start ……….. 25th December.
3. The axe fell ……….. the canal.
4. They were running ……….. the beach.
5. Our school is ………. the temple.
6. The wheel went ……….. .
7. He will have to pay ……….. his nose.
8. We must face the challenge ………. courage.
9. You must learn the lesson ………. heart.
10. He threw the packet ……….. the wall.
1. to
2. on
3. into
4. along
5. near
6. off
7. through
8. with
9. by
10. over.

Exercise 4
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. I was surprised ………. the contents of the notice.
2. He sat ……….. the sofa.
3. She was looking forward ………. your proposal.
4. The cat jumped ……….. the table.
5. I fell ……….. love with the picturesque beauty of Darjeeling.
6. Sudha was not afraid ……….. challenges.
7. Gulmohars were scattered all ……….. the fields.
8. The rat ran ……….. its hole.
9. I saw the advertisement ……… the Sunday newspaper.
10. She was transferred out ……….. Mumbai.
1. at
2. on
3. to
4. upon
5. in
6. of
7. over
8. into
9. in
10. from.

Exercise 5
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. We walked ………. the park.
2. He lives ………. India.
3. My grandfather’s portrait hung ……….. the mantelpiece.
4. His cat was sitting ……….. the table.
5. Grandmother’s lips constantly moved ……….. prayers.
6. I was left alone …….. my village.
7. Her face was covered ………. her silver locks.
8. My school was attached ………. the village temple.
9. She used to sit ………. the temple till my school finished.
10. She hobbled ……….. the house with a stick in her hand.
1. to / into
2. in
3. over
4. under
5. in
6. at / in
7. by
8. to
9. in
10. about.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Prepositions

Exercise 6
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. I used to get up early ……….. the morning.
2. A brisk walk is best ……….. the heart.
3. Some books are ……… be tasted, while others are to be read ……… parts.
4. You should not take things ………. granted.
5. Some students were reading books ………. the library.
6. Books serve ………. delight and ornament.
7. He is good ………. studies.
8. We will be free ……….. the end of the day.
9. Francis Bacon wrote an essay ……….. the importance of studies.
1. in
2. for
3. to, in
4. for
5. in
6. for
7. at
8. at / by
9. on.

Exercise 7
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. The children climbed ……….. the wall.
2. We watched the match ……… a big screen.
3. He answered some ……….. the questions only.
4. Wasan was admitted ……….. the class.
5. We must pray ……….. God.
6. I have no interest ………. games.
7. Kalam had three visions ……….. India.
8. I believe ……….. equality.
9. Discipline is important ……….. success.
10. He was worried ……….. the results of the competition.
1. up
2. on
3. of
4. to
5. to
6. in
7. for
8. in
9. for
10. about.

Exercise 8
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. He was moving ……….. the stage.
2. Kalam would not rest ………. he achieved his aim.
3. The students stood ……… the Taj for some time to admire its beauty.
4. We remained seated ………. the entire performance.
5. Self-respect comes ……….. self-reliance.
6. I could see only his head ………. the water.
7. I parked my car exactly ……….. the bridge.
8. I waited for him ……….. 5.00 p.m. and then left for my walk.
9. Cubs were jostling ……….. each other.
10. We should wash our hands ………. the meals.
1. towards
2. till
3. in front of
4. through
5. from
6. above
7. under
8. till
9. with
10. before.

Exercise 9
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. I have been waiting for you ……… 11.00 a.m.
2. He has been visiting our place ………. many weeks now.
3. They have lived here ……….. 2015.
4. You must learn ……….. stand ………. yourself.
5. The meeting was held ……….. 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
6. He got a deep cut ……….. his right hand.
7. Both the vehicles collided …….. each other.
8. The plane flew ……….. the fields.
9. Children generally quarrel ………. themselves over trifles.
10. India is ………. the top five nations of the world.
9. 1. since
2. for
3. since
4. to, for
5. from
6. on
7. against
8. over
9. among
10. among.

Exercise 10
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. His car knocked ………. the pillar and overturned.
2. The crowd pressed ……….. the gate.
3. Captain Vikram Batra stormed ………. the enemy.
4. Major Som Nath Sharma laid down his life ………. the nation.
5. Indian troops were airlifted ……….. Srinagar.
6. Flying Officer Nirmaljit exposed himself ……….. danger.
7. The aeroplane flew ……….. the clouds.
8. Indian soldiers displayed highest bravery ……….. the battle.
9. Captain Batra led his company ……….. victory.
10. Our soldiers inflicted heavy casualties ………. the enemy.
10. 1. against
2. against
3. at
4. for
5. from / to
6. to
7. over / under
8. in
9. to
10. on.

Exercise 11
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. We can see ……….. clear water.
2. We should leave the natural resources ……….. future generations.
3. Rivers have been flowing ……….. ages.
4. Forests are essential ……….. human life too.
5. Saving our environment is the need ……….. the hour.
6. Many parts of Punjab are on the verge ………. becoming a desert.
7. Many cities were developed ……… the banks of rivers.
8. Man has always longed ……….. the imaginary elixir of life.
9. We must take steps ………. preserve it.
10. People should be educated ……….. the adverse effects of globalization.
1. through
2. for
3. for
4. for
5. of
6. of
7. on
8. for
9. to
10. about.

Exercise 12
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. U.S. forces dropped atomic bombs …….. Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
2. A soldier renders selfless service ………. his nation.
3. Violence is not a solution ……… any problem.
4. Man must learn ………. love.
5. Many animals hunt ………. night.
6. I requested the commander ……….. explain the situation of the patients.
7. I waited ……….. the doctor.
8. ……. attending to the patients, he gave them medicines also.
9. General Fitch took ……….. his glasses after reading the telegram.
10. The nurse was attending ………. the sick people.
1. on
2. to
3. to
4. to
5. at
6. to
7. for
8. While
9. off
10. on.

Exercise 13
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. Malcolm was walking ………. a creek.
2. He saw the grizzly ……… a distance of a few yards.
3. The grizzly pounced ……….. Barb.
4. Malcolm was standing ……… the grizzly and Barb.
5. She kept slipping ……….. the ice.
6. Grizzly grabbed him ………. both hands.
7. She squeezed him ………. her chest.
8. Barb burst ……….. tears.
9. There was no time ……….. fear.
10. Barb did not give ………. on Malcolm.
1. along
2. at
3. on
4. between
5. on
6. with
7. against
8. into
9. for
10. up.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Prepositions

Exercise 14
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. Nobody warned us ………. the dangers of pollution.
2. He never thought I would be ready ……….. the challenge.
3. The new law prohibits us ……….. drinking while driving.
4. Will you wait ………… your turn ?
5. The teacher handed ……….. the answer sheets ……… the students.
6. The Prime Minister was very keen ……… reforms.
7. BMW has recalled many cars because ………. some technical fault.
8. The policeman was walking ………. the street at night.
9. People of India know how ……….. welcome a guest.
10. Swami Vivekananda influenced millions of people ………. the world.
1. aganist
2. for
3. from
4. for
5. ovet, to
6. on
7. of
8. on/about
9. to
10. around.

Exercise 15
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. He was looking ……….. the board.
2. The haze prevented me ……… seeing the train.
3. She complained ……….. headache.
4. I could not agree ………. his proposal.
5. There is no exception ………. the rules of traffic.
6. They fought ……….. the last round.
7. Swami’s father was shocked ………. his behaviour.
8. I insist ………. his speaking the truth.
9. He was sorry ………. the delay.
10. My friend is a professor ………. profession.
1. at
2. from
3. of
4. to
5. to
6. till
7. at
8. on
9. for
10. by.

Exercise 16
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. Children are generally fond ………. laddoos.
2. A drowning man catches ……….. a straw.
3. We are now ………. good terms with each other.
4. He has not come to my house ……….. many days.
5. It is difficult ……….. convince him.
6. He knew that he was ……….. fault.
7. Maharana Pratap fought tooth and nail ……….. the Mughals.
8. Shivaji fought ……… his motherland.
9. He fell a victim ……….. drinking. 10. Her voice is familiar ………. me.
1. of
2. at
3. on
4. for
5. to
6. at
7. against
8. for
9. to
10. to.

Exercise 17
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. The child was clinging ……….. his mother.
2. He wrote a letter ……….. his friend.
3. She closed the door ……….. him.
4. Always be kind ……….. children.
5. I am pleased ……….. her.
6. Write ……….. ink.
7. I don’t care a fig ……….. him.
8. He ran short ……….. money.
9. We haven’t met ………. last week.
10. Her efforts were rewarded ………. success.
1. to
2. to
3. upon / after
4. to
5. with
6. in
7. for
8. of
9. since
10. with.

Exercise 18
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. This book is superior ……….. that.
2. I congratulated her ……….. her success.
3. He will deliver the mail ………. you.
4. The postman delivered the letter ……….. my home.
5. The man was leaning ……….. the wall.
6. I will get ………. the difficulties.
7. I wished him a speedy recovery ……….. illness.
8. She takes pride ………. her beauty.
9. My office is opposite ……….. the post office.
10. I never exempted him ……….. class.
1. to
2. on
3. to
4. at
5. against
6. over
7. from
8. in
9. to
10. from.

Exercise 19
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. She belongs ……….. a poor family.
2. Beware ………. stray dogs.
3. One should never boast ……… one’s knowledge.
4. He appealed ……….. the public for keeping the area clean.
5. My bed is made ……… teak wood.
6. I was not angry ……….. her.
7. Mr. Verma is sure ……….. his success.
8. He was anxious ……….. his son’s safety.
9. He believes ……….. fair dealing.
10. I solved the problem ………. any difficulty.
1. to
2. of
3. of
4. to
5. of
6. with
7. of
8. about
9. in
10. without.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Prepositions

Exercise 20
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. We go to office ……….. our official car.
2. He works in the factory ……… 8.30 a.m. ………. 4.30. p.m.
3. The boy hid himself ………. the tree.
4. He was found sleeping ……….. the class.
5. His mobile fell ……….. the water tank.
6. Sweets were distributed ………. the street children.
7. There is a cinema hall in front ………. his office.
8. The river is flowing ……… the danger mark.
9. Always hope ……… the best.
10. Always be positive ………. life.
1. by
2. from, to
3. behind
4. in
5. into
6. among
7. of
8. above
9. for
10. in.

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