PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 9 In Celebration of Being Alive

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class English Book Solutions Chapter 9 In Celebration of Being Alive Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 English Chapter 9 In Celebration of Being Alive

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Write in brief about Dr. Barnard’s brother’s suffering.
(Dr. Barnard के भाई की पीड़ा के बारे में विस्तार से लिखें।)
Dr. Barnard was introduced to suffering of children when he was a little boy. One day, his father showed him a half eaten mouldy biscuit. It had two tiny touth marks in it. His father told Barnard the suffering of his brother. He had been born with an abnormal heart. If he had been born today, probably someone could have corrected that heart problem. But in those days such a surgery was not available.

Dr. Barnard जब एक छोटा लड़का था तो उसे बच्चों के दुःख भोग से परिचित कराया गया। एक दिन उसके बाप ने उसे आधा खाया हुआ खराब सा बिसकिट दिखाया। उस पर दो छोटे दाँतों के निशान थे। उसके बाप ने उसे उसके भाई के कष्ट के बारे बताया। वह जब पैदा हुआ तो उसका दिल असाधारण था। यदि वह आज पैदा होता तो सम्भवतः उसके दिल की समस्या को कोई ठीक कर देता। लेकिन उन दिनों ऐसा इलाज उपलब्ध नहीं था।

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 9 In Celebration of Being Alive

Question 2.
What was an eye-opener for Dr. Barnard at Cape Town’s Red Cross Children’s Hospital ? Explain. (Imp.)
(Cape Town के Red Cross Children हस्पताल में Dr. Barnard के लिए आँखें खोलने वाली कौन सी बात थी? व्याख्या कीजिए।)
It opened his eyes to the fact that he was missing something in all his thinking about suffering. He was missing something basic that was full of consolation for him. That morning a breakfast trolley was taken away by two brave boys a driver and a mechanic. The mechanic ran along behind the trolley with his head down.

The driver seated on the lower deck of the trolley, held on with one hand and steered by scraping his foot on the floor. The mechanic was totally blind and the driver had only one arm. They put an a very good show.

इस तथ्य को देखकर उसकी आँखें खुलीं कि दुःख भोग के बारे अपनी पूरी सोच में वह किसी चीज़ से वंचित हो रहा था। वह कुछ बुनियादी चीज़ों से वंचित हो रहा था जो उसे पूर्णतया सांत्वना दे सकती थी। उस प्रातः एक नाशते वाली trolley को दो बहादुर लड़के ले गये। उनमें से एक ने mechanic का काम किया और दूसरे ने driver का।

Mechanic अपने सिर को नीचे करके Trolley के पीछे तेज़ी से भांगता गया। Trolley के निचले floor पर बैठा हुआ driver अपने एक हाथ से ट्रॉली को पकड़े हए अपने पैर से फर्श को कुरेदते हुए मार्गदर्शन करता रहा। Mechanic पूरी तरह से अन्धा था और driver की एक भुजा थी। उन दोनों ने बड़ा अच्छा प्रदर्शन किया।

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 9 In Celebration of Being Alive

Question 3.
How did the driver and the mechanic put up an entertaining show with an unattended trolley ? (Imp.)
(Driver और mechanic ने एक ट्राली के साथ जिसकी कोई देखभाल नहीं कर रहा था, कैसे रुचिकर प्रदर्शन किया?)
One morning a nurse had left a breakfast trolley unattended. Very soon this trolley was taken away by two brave boys–a driver and a mechanic. The mechanic was totally blind. The driver had only one arm. The mechanic provided running power to the trolley by running fast along behind the trolley with his head down. The driver got seated on the lower deck of the trolley. He held on with one hand and steered by scraping his foot on the floor.

The two put on quite a show that day. The rest of the patients laughed and shouted. It was a better entertainment than a car race. There was also a show of scattered plates and silverware. Then the nurse and ward sister caught up with them. The driver and the mechanic were scolded and put back to bed.

एक प्रातः एक नर्स ने एक नाशते की Trolley को छोड़ रखा था और उसकी कोई देखभाल नहीं कर रहा था। बड़ी जल्दी इस Trolley को दो बहादुर लड़के ले गये–एक लड़का mechanic था और दूसरा ड्राईवर। Mechanic पूर्णतया अन्धा था। Driver की केवल एक भुजा थी। Mechanic ने Trolley को दौड़ने की शक्ति उपलब्ध करवाई और वह अपना सिर नीचा करके पीछे तेज़-तेज़ दौड़ता गया।

Driver Trolley के निचले deck पर बैठकर एक हाथ से मार्गदर्शन करता रहा और फर्श पर अपने पैर से कुरेदता रहा। दोनों ने एक अच्छा शो प्रस्तुत किया। बाकी के मरीज़ हंसते रहे और साथ ही चिल्लाते रहे। यह कारों की दौड़ से भी बेहतर मनोरंजन था। वहाँ पर बिखरी हुई प्लेटों और बर्तनों का भी शो था। फिर नर्स और वार्ड की सिस्टर ने उन दोनों को पकड़ लिया। Driver और Mechanic को डांटा गया और उन्हें बिस्तर पर लिटा दिया गया।

Question 4.
What made the mechanic lose his eyes ? (Imp.)
(Mechanic की आँखें कैसे चली गईं ?)
The mechanic was seven years old when his mother and father were drunk. His mother threw a lantern at his father. The lantern missed his father. It broke over the child’s head and shoulders. He suffered very bad burns on the upper part of his body. He lost both his eyes. At the time of the Grand Prix (car race) he was a walking horror. Despite his disability he loved to laugh.

Mechanic सात वर्ष का था जब उसके माता-पिता ने शराब पी हुई थी। उसकी माँ ने उसके बाप पर लालटेन फैंकी। यह लालटेन उसके बाप को तो नहीं लगी। यह बच्चे के सिर पर और कन्धों को लग कर टूट गई। उसके शरीर के ऊपरी भाग पर जलने से कई घाव हो गये। उसकी दोनों आँखें चली गईं। Grand Prix car race के समय यह लड़का (mechanic) बड़ा डरावना लगता था। अपनी अशक्तता या असमर्थता के बावजूद वह हंसना पसंद करता था।

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 9 In Celebration of Being Alive

Question 5.
Write a note on the theme of the chapter ‘In Celebration of Being Alive’. (V.V. Imp.) (V.V. Imp.)
(इस Chapter के विषय पर एक नोट लिखो।)
This lesson is based on the idea that one must not feel troubled by thoughts of suffering and pain. Pleasure and pain are parts of human life. One must try to forget suffering and try to find joy in the present state of freedom from pain and suffering. We can learn this lesson for living from the young people who like to lead cheerful lives.

Dr. Barnard was most often thinking of suffering and pain. But one must get on with the business of living. Business of living is joy in the real sense of the word without sorrow and suffering. The business of living is the celebration of living.

यह पाठ इस विचार पर आधारित है कि दुःख और व्यथा के बारे सोचकर मनुष्य को पीड़ित नहीं होना चाहिए। खुशी और दुःख आदमी के जीवन का आवश्यक अंग हैं। आदमी को दुःख को भूल जाना चाहिए और वर्तमान दु:खों से मुक्त समय में मज़ा लेना चाहिए। यह सबक हम उन किशोरों से सीख सकते हैं जो प्रसन्नतापूर्वक जीवन व्यतीत करते हैं। Dr. Barnard हमेशा दुःखों और पीड़ा के बारे सोचता रहता था। लेकिन वास्तव में आदमी को जीते रहने में ही मज़ा लेना चाहिए। दुःखों और पीड़ा से रहित होकर जीवन व्यतीत करने में ही मज़ा होता है। आदमी को जी लेने को जश्न की तरह मनाना चाहिए।

Question 6.
How did Dr. Barnard correct his notions about suffering? (V.V. Imp.).
(Dr. Barnard ने अपने दुःख भोगने के विचारों को कैसे ठीक किया?)
Dr. Barnard had been looking at suffering from the wrong end. He had realised that one did not become a better person because one had been suffering. One becomes a better person because he has experienced suffering. We can’t appreciate light if we have not known darkness. Nor can we appreciate warmth if we have never suffered cold.

The two children, the mechanic and the driver showed to him that it was not what one has lost that is important. What is important is what you have been left with. The two children gave him a profound lesson that the business of living is the celebration of being alive.

डाक्टर Barnard दुःखों को गलत ढंग से देखता था। उसने महसूस किया था कि आदमी दुःख भोगने से ही बेहतर व्यक्ति नहीं बन जाता। कोई मनुष्य बेहतर तब बन जाता है जब उसने दुःखों को अनुभव किया हो। हम रोशनी की तब तक कदर नहीं कर सकते जब तक हमने अन्धेरे को अनुभव नहीं किया हो। हम तपन के मूल्य को नहीं जान सकते जब तक हमने सर्दी का अनुभव न किया हो।

Mechanic और driver दो बच्चों ने Dr. Barnard को दिखला दिया कि जो किसी ने खो दिया है, वह इतना महत्त्वपूर्ण नहीं होता। महत्त्वपूर्ण तो वह होता है जो हमारे पास शेष रह जाता है। दोनों बच्चों ने उसको महत्त्वपूर्ण सबक सिखाया कि जिन्दा रहने के तथ्य को जश्न की तरह मनाया जाना चाहिये। किसी ने ठीक ही कहा है : जिन्दगी जिंदादिली का नाम है मुर्दा दिल क्या खाक जिया करते हैं।

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 9 In Celebration of Being Alive

Long Answer Type Question

Question 1.
What was the lesson Dr. Barnard learnt from two brave youngsters ? (V. Imp.)
(Dr. Barnard ने दो युवा बहादुर लड़कों से क्या सबक सीखा ?)
The two brave youngsters were a blind mechanic and a driver with only one hand. They once took away a breakfast trolley and provided a lot of entertainment to the people by driving the trolley. The mechanic once got serious injuries by a burning lamp.

The driver had a hole in his heart. Both were very happy despite their unhealthy weak bodies. These two children gave to Dr. Barnard a lesson in getting on with the business of living. The business of living is joy in the real sense of the word. It is the celebration of being alive. Dr. Barnard had been looking at suffering from the wrong end.

One does not become a better person by suffering. One becomes a better person because one has experienced suffering. We can’t appreciate light if we have not known darkness. Nor can we appreciate warmth if we have never suffered cold. These children showed to Dr. Barnard that it is not what we have lost that’s important. What is more important is what we have been left with.

दो युवा बहादुर लड़कों में एक Mechanic था जो बिल्कुल अन्धा था और दूसरा Driver था जिसका केवल एक हाथ था। उन दोनों ने एक नाश्ते वाली Trolley को लिया और इसको चलाकर लोगों को बड़ा मनोरंजन उपलब्ध करवाया। Mechanic को एक बार जलते हुए लैम्प से गंभीर चोटें आईं थीं।

Driver के हृदय में छेद था। अपने अस्वस्थ कमज़ोर शरीरों के बावजूद दोनों प्रसन्न थे। इन दोनों बच्चों ने Dr. Barnard को जिन्दा रहने के धन्धे के बारे एक गंभीर सबक सिखाया। जिन्दा रहने का धन्धा तो एक मज़े वाला काम है। यह तो जिंदगी को जश्न समझना होता है। Dr. Barnard कष्ट भोगने को गलत सिरे से देख रहा था। आदमी कष्ट भोगने से बेहतर व्यक्ति नहीं बन जाता। आदमी इसलिए बेहतर बन जाता है क्योंकि उसने कष्टों का अनुभव किया होता है।

हम रोशनी की कदर नहीं करते जब तक हमने अन्धेरा न देखा हो। न ही हम तपने का मूल्य समझ सकते हैं जब तक हम सर्दी से पीड़ित नहीं होते। इन बच्चों ने Dr. Barnard को दिखाया कि जो हम ने खो दिया है, वह इतना महत्त्वपूर्ण नहीं होता। वह जो हमारे पास रह जाता है, अधिक महत्त्वपूर्ण होता है।

Question 2.
In the hospital, Dr. Barnard experienced not only agony and fear but also anger.Why?
(हस्पताल में Dr. Barnard को न केवल घोर व्यथा और डर का अनुभव हुआ बल्कि उसको क्रोध भी आया। क्यों?)
Dr. Barnard and his wife met with an accident while crossing a road. They were admitted in the hospital. There he experienced not only agony and fear but also anger. He could not understand why he and his wife had to suffer. He had eleven broken ribs and a perforated lung. His wife had a badly fractured shoulder. Again and again he asked himself, why this should happen to them. He had work to do. He had patients waiting for him to operate on them. His wife had to take care of the baby.

Dr. Barnard और उसकी पत्नी सड़क पार करते समय एक दुर्घटना में ग्रस्त हो गये। उन्हें हस्पताल में दाखिल करना पड़ा। हस्पताल में उसने न केवल घोर व्यथा और भय का अनुभव किया बल्कि उसे क्रोध भी आया। उसे यह समझ नहीं आ रहा था कि उसे और उसकी पत्नी को क्यों पीड़ा झेलनी पड़ी। उसकी 11 पसलियाँ टूट गईं और उसके फेफड़े में छोटे-छोटे छेद हो गये। उसकी पत्नी का कन्धा बुरी तरह टूट गया। वह अपने आपको बार-बार पूछता कि ऐसी दुर्घटना उनके साथ क्यों हुई। उसे काम करना था। उसके मरीज़ उससे आप्रेशन करवाने के लिए उसकी प्रतीक्षा कर रहे थे। उसकी पत्नी ने बच्चे की देखभाल करनी थी।

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 9 In Celebration of Being Alive

Objective Type Questions

This question will consist of 3 objective type questions carrying one mark each. These objective questions will include questions to be answered in one word to one sentence or fill in the blank or true/false or multiple choice type questions.

Question 1.
According to Dr. Barnard what is the business of living ?
The business of living is joy in the real sense of the word; it is the celebration of being alive.

Question 2.
What do the people with brave and positive attitude teach us ?
They teach us to move forward in life and not to cry and weep.

Question 3.
In which incident were Barnard’s gloomy thoughts rooted ?
His gloomy thoughts were rooted in an incident in which he and his wife got involved and then hospitalised.

Question 4.
What was Dr. Barnard’s father’s attitude towards life?
Barnard’s father believed that God’s will be done and God tests man through suffering and suffering ennobles man.

Question 5.
What introduced Dr. Barnard to the sufferings of the children ?
He came to know the sufferings of children by his brother’s birth with an abnormal heart.

Question 6.
Why couldn’t Barnard’s brother survive ?
He could not survive because proper surgical treatment was not available to him.

Question 7.
Why does Dr. Barnard consider the sufferings of the children heart-breaking ?
He considers them heart-breaking because they have total faith in the ability of doctors to cure them.

Question 8.
What made the driver and the mechanic choose their roles ?
They chose their roles because the mechanic was totally blind and the driver had only one arm. Both were quite suitable for their roles. Spectators enjoyed the fun. They laughed loudly and appreciated the performance of the driver and the mechanic.

Question 9.
Choose the correct option :
(i) Dr. Barnard made history in the field of Cancer.
(ii) Dr. Barnard made history on research in AIDS.
(iii) Dr. Barnard made history in the field of medicine.
(iii) Dr. Barnard made history in the field of medicine.

Question 10.
“I see nothing noble in suffering.” (Dr. Barnard) (True/False) (In Celebration of Being Alive)

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 9 In Celebration of Being Alive

Question 11.
Say if the following statement by Dr. Christiaan Barnard is True or False :
I do not see any nobility in the crying of a child, in a ward at night. (Dr. Barnard)

Question 12.
The mechanic in the story was ……… blind. (Fill up the blank with a suitable word)

Question 13.
The driver in the story had one disability. What was it ?
He had only one hand.

Question 14.
Fill up the blank in the following sentence from the lesson :
The doctor had closed a …………. in the heart of the trolley’s driver.

Question 15.
The mechanic had a tumour ……. the bone. (Fill up the blank)

Question 16.
Say if this statement is true or false :
The business of living is joy in the real sense of living.

Question 17.
Say if the business of living is the celebration of being alive. (True/False)

Question 18.
Say what was Dr. Barnard’s attitude towards life-positive or negative ?
It was positive.

Question 19.
Name the writer of this story.
Dr. Christiaan Barnard.

Question 20.
Dr. Barnard made history in the field of :
(a) Cancer
(b) Heart transplant
(c) Tuberculosis
(d) Plague.
(b) Heart transplant.

Question 21.
A breakfast trolley had been left unattended by one of these:
(a) The nurse
(b) The driver
(c) The doctor
(d) The merchant.
(a) The nurse.

Note : Our reader should note that the paper-setter combined Objective Type Questions number 8 as a short answer question. We have added two more sentences for their convenience.

In Celebration of Being Alive Summary in English

In Celebration of Being Alive Introduction:

Dr. Christiaan Barnard made history in the field of medicine. He made attempts to transplant the human heart. This lesson has actually been taken from a speech by him. Dr. Barnard talks about the lesson he took from two youngsters about the business of living. Those who have a brave and positive attitude in life move forward in spite of physical suffering. They do not cry or weep. Such people ignore all pain. They become an example for others. They teach us the real art of living. We should celebrate being alive.

In Celebration of Being Alive Summary in English:

Dr. Christiaan Barnard is about to reach the end of his career as a heart surgeon. He thinks why people suffer so much. There is a lot of suffering in the world. In the year of this lecture, 125 million children were born. 12 million might not reach the age of one and another six million would die before the age of five. Out of the rest many would end up as mental or physical cripples.

He had these thoughts from an accident which he had a few years ago. His wife and he were one day crossing a street. The next moment a car had hit him and knocked him into his wife. She was thrown into the other lane and hit by a car coming from the opposite side. During the next few days in the hospital, he exprienced pain and fear and also anger.

He could not understand why he and his wife had to suffer. His eleven ribs were broken. His lung was holed. His wife had a badly fractured shoulder. He asked himself why all this should happen to them. He had a young baby and his wife was required to take care of him.

If his father had been alive, he would have told him that it was God’s will that he was suffering. God tests human beings through making them suffer. Suffering ennobles a man. As a doctor Barnard sees nothing noble in suffering. Nor does he see any nobility in the crying of a lonely child, in a ward at night. He had his first knowledge of the suffering of children when he was a boy.

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 9 In Celebration of Being Alive

His father told him about his brother who had died several years earlier. He had been born with an abnormal heart. If he had been born in the present age, probably his heart problem would have been corrected. But in those days good heart surgery was not available.

As a doctor, Barnard had always found the suffering of children very heart breaking. Children believe that the doctors are going to help them. If doctors cannot help them, they accept their fate. They go through painful surgery and afterwards, they don’t complain.

One morning, several years ago, he saw what he calls the Grand Prix of Cape Town’s Red Cross Children’s Hospital. It opened his eyes. He felt that he was missing something in all his thinking about suffering.

That morning a nurse had left a breakfast trolley. It was not attended by anyone. Two persons took the trolley away by force. They were a driver and a mechanic. The mechanic was totally blind and the driver had only one arm. Both of them drove the trolley away. The mechanic galloped along behind the trolley with his head down and the driver was seated on the lower deck. He held on with one hand and steered by scraping on his foot on the floor.

People saw them going. They put on a good show. The people laughed encouraged by other patients. The entertainment provided by the blind mechanic and one-handed driver was much better than fun provided by a car race. It was full of solace for Dr. Barnard. The nurse and ward sister caught up with them, scolded them and put them back into bed. The mechanic was seven years old. One night, when his mother and father were drunk, his mother threw a lantern at his father.

The latern broke over the child’s head and shoulders. He suffered some very bad injuries in burns on the upper part of his body and lost both his eyes. He looked horrible. His face was disfigured. When his wound got well, this boy could open his mouth by raising his head. The doctor stopped by to see him after the race. He was shouting that he had won and he was laughing.

The doctor had closed a hole in the heart of the trolley’s driver. He had come back to the hospital because he had a malignant tumour of the bone. A few days before the race, his shoulder and arm were amputated. There was no hope of recovering. After the Grand Prix (the car race) he proudly informed the doctor that the race was a success. The only problem was that the trolley’s wheels were not properly oiled. But he was a good driver and he had full confidence in the mechanic.

The doctor suddenly realised that the two children had given him a useful lesson about getting on the business of living. Business of living is joy in the real sense of living. The business of living is the celebration of being alive. These two children showed to Dr. Barnard that it is not what you have lost that’s important. What is important is what you have been left with.

In Celebration of Being Alive Summary in Hindi

In Celebration of Being Alive Introduction:

यह उद्धरण Dr. Harish K. Puri की पुस्तक Ghadar Movement से लिया गया है। Dr. Harish K. Puri, Guru Nanak Dev University के भूतपूर्व professor हैं। उन्होंने राजनीतिक आन्दोलनों, धर्म और आतंकवाद पर विस्तृत तौर पर पुस्तकें लिखी हैं। इस उद्धरण में उन्होंने cellular jail (काला पानी) का डराने वाला (भयावह) वृत्तान्त दिया है। Cellular शब्द cell से बना है। Cell का अर्थ है छोटी कोठरी। यह cellular जेल Port Blair में स्थित है और इसको अंग्रेजों ने स्थापित किया था। Port Blair, Andaman और Nicobar का बड़ा नगर है। अंग्रेज़ों का मुख्य उद्देश्य था भारतीय स्वतन्त्रता संग्रामियों को 20वीं शताब्दी के शुरू के दशकों में अलग रखना, सज़ा देना और अत्याचार करना।

In Celebration of Being Alive Summary in Hindi:

Dr. Christiaan Barnard अपने (पेशे) heart surgeon के तौर पर अन्तिम पड़ाव में पहुंचने वाला था। वह सोचता है कि लोग इतना दुःख क्यों पाते हैं। संसार में काफ़ी कष्ट होते हैं। इस lecture के वर्ष में 12.5 करोड़ बच्चे पैदा हुए। 120 लाख एक साल की आयु तक भी न पहुंच पायेंगे और 60 लाख 5 साल की उमर तक पहुंचने से पहले ही मर जाएंगे।

बाकी में से बहुत से मानसिक और शारीरिक तौर पर अपंग होंगे। उसको यह विचार एक दुर्घटना से आए जो कुछ साल पहले उसके साथ घटित हुई। उसकी पत्नी और डॉक्टर एक गली को पार कर रहे थे। अगले पल एक कार उसके साथ जा टकराई और वह अपनी पत्नी के साथ जा टकराया। वह दूसरी lane (गली) में जा गिरी और विपरीत दिशा से आती हुई कार ने उसे टक्कर मार दी।

अगले कुछ दिन वे हस्पताल में रहे। उसने वहां कष्ट भोगा, उसको डर भी था और क्रोध भी। वह यह नहीं समझ सका कि उसको और उसकी पत्नी को कष्ट क्यों भोगना पड़ा। उसकी 11 पसलियाँ टूट गईं। उसके एक फेफड़े में छेद हो गया। उसकी पत्नी का एक कंधा टूट गया। वह अपने आप से पूछता कि यह सब कुछ उनके साथ क्यों हुआ। उसका एक छोटा बच्चा था और उसकी पत्नी ने उस बच्चे की देखभाल भी करनी थी।

यदि उसका बाप जिन्दा होता तो वह कहता कि यह परमात्मा की इच्छा थी कि वह कष्ट भोग रहा था। मानवों को दुःख देकर परमात्मा उनको परखता है। दुःख से आदमी महानुभाव हो जाता है। बतौर डॉक्टर Barnard को कष्ट भोगने में कोई श्रेष्ठता दिखाई नहीं देती। न ही उसे हस्पताल के किसी बच्चे के रोने में कोई श्रेष्ठता दिखाई देती है।

जब Barnard एक लड़का था तो उसे बच्चों के कष्टों का तब पता चला। उसके पिता ने उसको उसके (Barnard) के भाई के बारे में बताया जो कई वर्ष पहले मर चुका था। जब उसका भाई एक छोटा बच्चा था, तो उसका भाई एक असाधारण हृदय के साथ पैदा हुआ था। यदि वह वर्तमान काल में पैदा होता तो सम्भवतः उसके दिल की समस्या ठीक कर ली गई होती। परन्तु उन दिनों अच्छी दिल की सर्जरी (शल्य चिकित्सा)उपलब्ध नहीं थी।

डॉक्टर के तौर पर Barnard को बच्चों का कष्ट भोगना बहुत दुःखद होता है। बच्चे डॉक्टरों में विश्वास करते हैं। वे विश्वास करते हैं कि डॉक्टर उनकी सहायता कर रहे हैं। यदि डॉक्टर उनकी सहायता नहीं कर सकते, तो वे अपने भाग्य को स्वीकार कर लेते हैं। वे पीड़ा देने वाली Surgery करवा लेते हैं और बाद में वे शिकायत नहीं करते।

एक प्रातः कई वर्ष पहले उसने cars की दौड़ देखी। इस दौड़ को कहते हैं The Grand Prix of Cape Town’s Red Cross Children’s Hospital । इसने उसकी आँखें खोल दीं। उसने महसूस किया कि उनके दुःख के बारे सोचने के कारण वह सब चीज़ों से वंचित हो रहा था। उस प्रातः एक नर्स नाश्ते की ट्राली को छोड़ गई थी। कोई इसकी देखभाल नहीं कर रहा था।

दो व्यक्ति यह ट्राली वहां से अपने बल के ज़ोर से ले गये। दोनों में एक driver था और एक mechanic | Mechanic तो बिल्कुल अन्धा था। Driver का केवल एक बाजू था। दोनों ट्राली को चला कर ले गये। एक Mechanic ट्राली के पीछे तेज़ दौड़ता गया और उसने सिर नीचे किया हुआ था। Driver निचले deck पर बैठा हुआ था। वह एक हाथ से ही डटा रहा और फर्श पर अपने पांव को कुरेदता हुआ trolley का परिचालन करता गया।

लोगों ने mechanic और driver को जाते हुए देखा। दोनों ने अच्छा show (प्रदर्शन) किया। लोग भी इस .. show पर हंसते थे क्योंकि हस्पताल के मरीजों से वे उत्साहित हो रहे थे। अन्धे mechanic और एक हाथ वाले driver ने अच्छा मनोरंजन जुटाया। कारों की दौड़ द्वारा जुटाये गये मनोरंजन से trolley द्वारा उपलब्ध किया गया मनोरंजन बहुत बेहतर था। Dr. Barnard के लिए यह सांत्वना का साधन था। Nurse और ward sister ने उनको पकड़ लिया, उनको डांटा और उनको फिर बिस्तर में लिटा दिया।

Mechanic सात साल का था। एक रात जब उसकी माता और पिता ने शराब पी रखी थी, उसकी मां ने उसके पिता पर लालटेन फैंक दी। लालटेन बच्चे के सिर और कंधे के ऊपर टकराकर टूट गई। बच्चे को बहुत चोटें आई। उसके शरीर का ऊपरी भाग झुलस गया और उसकी दोनों आँखें चली गईं। वह भयंकर लगता था। उसका चेहरा बिगड़ गया। जब उसका घाव ठीक हुआ तो यह लड़का अपना मुंह अपना सिर उठाने के बाद ही खोल सकता था। डॉक्टर उसको इसके बाद देखने के लिए वहां खड़ा हो गया। वह चिल्ला-चिल्ला कर कह रहा था कि वह जीत गया है और वह हंस भी रहा था।

डॉक्टर ने trolley के driver के दिल में एक छेद भरा था। वह हस्पताल वापस आया था क्योंकि उसको हड्डी का अर्बुद (रसौली) है। इससे कुछ दिन पहले उसका कंधा और बाजू काटे गये थे। उसके स्वस्थ होने की कोई आशा नहीं थी। Grand Prix (कार रेस) के बाद उसने गर्व से डॉक्टर को सूचित किया था कि रेस सफल थी। केवल समस्या यह थी कि trolley के पहियों को ठीक तरह से तेल नहीं दिया गया था।

लेकिन वह एक अच्छा driver था और उसको mechanic पर पूरा विश्वास था। – डॉक्टर ने अचानक महसूस किया कि दोनों बच्चों ने उसको जिन्दगी जीने के धन्धे के बारे एक लाभदायक पाठ सिखाया था। जीने का धन्धा या काम जीने का असली अर्थ में मज़ा लेना है। जिन्दा रहने का मतलब है जीने का जश्न मनाना। इन दो बच्चों ने डॉक्टर Barnard को सिखला दिया कि यह बात कोई महत्त्व नहीं रखती कि तुमने क्या खो दिया है। केवल वह बात महत्त्व रखती है जो तुम्हारे पास है। क्या खूब कहा गया है|

Word Meanings:
PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 9 In Celebration of Being Alive 1
PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 9 In Celebration of Being Alive 2

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Two Gentlemen of Verona

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class English Book Solutions Chapter 8 Two Gentlemen of Verona Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 English Chapter 8 Two Gentlemen of Verona

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Explain in brief the conditions in which the two boys grew up.
संक्षेप में उन परिस्थितियों का वर्णन करें जिनमें दोनों लड़के बड़े हुए।
The two boys led a very miserable life after the death of their widower father. In their childhood they lived a comfortable and cultured life. Their sister wanted to train as a singer. Their life became very miserable in the war. Their home was bombed in Verona, and completely destroyed. So they became homeless.

They had to suffer from starvation and exposure to the terrible winter in Verona. This made them angry. They became spies for the resistance group. They faced risks. They visited their sister every week in the hospital and paid her dues to the hospital. The author found the three siblings a happy family.

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Two Gentlemen of Verona

अपने विधुर बाप की मौत के बाद दोनों लड़कों का जीवन में दुःख था। इससे पहले अपने बचपन में वे आरामदेह और सुसंस्कृत जीवन व्यतीत करते थे। उनकी बहन एक गायिका बनना चाहती थी। जंग के दौरान उनका जीवन दुखद हो गया। उनका घर बमबारी से पूरी तरह ध्वस्त हो गया।

इस लिए वे बिल्कुल बेघर हो गये। उन्हें भुखमरी से पीड़ित होना पड़ा और Verona की सर्दी में उन्हें अनाश्रयता झेलनी पड़ी। इससे वे क्रुद्ध थे। वे खिलाफत समूह के लिए काम करते थे। उनको खतरों का सामना करना पड़ा। वे हर सप्ताह अपनी बहन को मिलने अस्पताल आते थे और अपनी बहन के इलाज का खर्च देते थे। लेखक ने महसूस किया कि तीनों बहन-भाई एक प्रसन्न परिवार था।

Question 2.
What I the message conveyed by the story, Two Gentlemen of Verona’ ? (Imp.)
‘Two Gentlemen of Verona’ कहानी क्या संदेश देती है?
The message of the story is clear. Care of one’s sister strengthens the family ties. Care for the sick and suffering would make the world a better place to live in. The two young boys have set a glorious example of noble conduct for others to follow. Such a sacrifice develops values which are good for the health of society.

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Two Gentlemen of Verona

कहानी का उद्देश्य स्पष्ट है। अपनी बहन की देखभाल करने से परिवार के रिश्ते दृढ़ होते है। रोग से पीड़ित और दुःखी लोगों की देखभाल करने से यह संसार रहने के लिए अच्छा बन जायेगा। दो किशोर लड़कों ने उत्तम व्यवहार का शानदार उदाहरण पेश किया है जिस का दूसरे अनुसरण करेंगे। इस तरह का बलिदान ऐसे मूल्यों को विकसित करता है जो समाज की सेहत के लिए अच्छे होते हैं।

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Draw a brief character sketch of the two boys in the story.
कहानी में दोनों लड़कों का संक्षिप्त चरित्र चित्रण करो।
Nicola and Jacopo were two brothers. Their widower father died in the war. Their house was bombed. So they were homeless and orphans. Their sister was in the hospital suffering from tuberculosis of the spine. They led wretched lives. They sold newspapers and fruit. They carried messages for others and took the tourists to places of tourist interest in Verona.

Their tender age and small size made them very serviceable. The two boys were devoted to their sister. They earned money by all sorts of work to pay the expenses of their sister in the hospital. The writer looked upon them as a happy family. Their selfless service of their sister gave promise of a greater hope for human society.

Nicola और Jacopo दो भाई थे। उनका विधुर बाप जंग में मारा गया। उनके घर पर बमबारी की गई। इस लिए वे बेघर हो गए और अनाथ थे। उनकी बहन अस्पताल में दाखिल कर ली गई क्योंकि वह रीढ़ की हड्डी की T.B. से पीड़ित थी। उनका जीवन शोकसन्तप्त था। वे अखबार और फल बेचते थे। वे दूसरों के लिए संदेश लेकर जाते थे और पर्यटकों को Verona में पर्यटन के देखने योग्य स्थानों पर लेकर जाया करते थे।

उनकी छोटी आयु और छोटे कद ने उन्हें बड़ा उपयोगी बना दिया। दोनों लड़के अपनी बहन के प्रति समर्पित थे। वे कई प्रकार के काम करके अपनी बहन के लिए अस्तपताल में इलाज के लिए पैसे देते थे। लेखक उनको एक प्रसन्न परिवार समझता था। उनकी अपनी बहन की नि:स्वार्थ सेवा मानवीय समाज के लिए एक बड़ी आशा का संकेत और वायदा था।

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Two Gentlemen of Verona

Question 2.
Write the theme of the story, ‘Two Gentlemen of Verona, in your own words. (V. Imp.)
Two Gentlemen of Verona कहानी का विषय-वस्तु अपने शब्दों में लिखो।
This story is based on the theme that selfless action brings a new nobility into human life. It gives a promise of a greater hope for human society. The author finds the two boys involved in an exemplary action of self-sacrifice for their sister. The message is clear.

Care of one’s sister strengthens the family ties. Care for the sick and suffering would make the world a better place to live in. What we see in the world is that selfishness is the order of the day. The two young boys have set a glorious example of noble conduct for others to follow. Such a sacrifice develops values which are good for the health of society.

यह कहानी इस विषय पर आधारित है कि निःस्वार्थ काम मानवीय जीवन में एक नई श्रेष्ठता लाता है। यह इन्सानी समाज के लिए एक बड़ी आशा लाता है। लेखक देखता है कि दो लड़के अपनी बहन के लिए नि:स्वार्थ सेवा के आदर्श कार्य में व्यस्त हैं। संदेश स्पष्ट है।

अपनी बहन की देखभाल करने से परिवार के बन्धन मज़बूत हो जाते हैं। रोग से पीड़ित और दुःखी लोगों की देखभाल करने से यह संसार रहने के लिए अच्छा बन जायेगा। हम संसार में जो देखते हैं वह यह है कि दुनिया मतलब की यारी है। दो किशोरों ने अच्छे आचरण का ऐसा उदाहरण पेश कर दिया है जिसका दूसरे अनुसरण करेंगे। ऐसा बलिदान, ऐसी मान्यताएं पैदा करता है जो कि समाज के स्वास्थ्य के लिए अच्छी होती हैं।

Objective Type Questions

This question will consist of 3 objective type questions carrying one mark each. These objective questions will include questions to be answered in one word to one-sentence or fill in the blank or true/false or multiple choice type questions.

Question 1.
What were the jobs that the two boys undertook ?
They polished shoes, sold fruit, hawked newspapers, conducted tourists round the town and ran errands.

Question 2.
Describe the physical appearance of both the boys.
The two brothers were little figures with their brown skins, tangled hair and earnest eyes Jacopo was lively as a squirrel and Nicola had an attractive smile.

Question 3.
How were the two boys useful for the narrator and his friend in many ways ?
They were useful in getting them American chocolates, booking seats for the opera or telling the name of a good restaurant etc.

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Two Gentlemen of Verona

Question 4.
Why did the two boys work endlessly ?
They worked very hard to pay for the treatment of their sister suffering from tuberculosis of the spine.

Question 5.
Where did the narrator drive the two boys ?
He drove them to a village beyond Poleta to enable them to see their sister in the hospital.

Question 6.
Who was the woman at the village ?
She was a pleasant-looking trained nurse.

Question 7.
What made the narrator follow the boys ?
The narrator followed the boys Nicola and Jacopo to see whom they were visiting.

Question 8.
What did. Lucia aspire to be ?
She aspired to be a singer.

Question 9.
Why was the narrator deeply moved ?
He was deeply moved by the two boys’ devotion to their sick sister.

Question 10.
What made the two brothers and their sister orphans ?
They were the children of a widower killed in the war and the destruction of their home made them orphans.

Question 11.
What is the message conveyed by the two boys in the story ? Write in your own words. (Imp.)
The message is : Care of one’s sister strengthens family ties; care for the sick and suffering would make the world a better place to live in.

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Two Gentlemen of Verona

Question 12.
Name the two boys who are the two gentlemen of Verona in the title of the story.
Nicola and Jacopo.

Question 13.
What does the story tell you about the father of the two boys ?
He was a famous singer, killed during the war.

Question 14.
To which place did the boys request the narrator to take them ?

Question 15.
Choose one of the options about the sister of the boys :
(i) She wanted to be a dancer.
(ii) She wanted to be a singer.
(iii) She wanted to be an actress.
(iv) She wanted to be a model.
(ii) She wanted to be a singer.

Question 16.
What did the boys find in the quality of their life when German Elite Guards came to their town ? Write your answer in two words.
More wretched.

Question 17.
Choose the correct option of the disease from which Lucia was suffering :
(i) Cholera
(ii) Cancer
(iii) Epilepsy
(iv) Tuberculosis.
(iv) Tuberculosis.

Question 18.
Name the writer of the story.
A.J. Cronin.

Question 19.
What was attractive about Nicola ?
His smile.

Question 20.
With whom has Jacopo been compared ?
With a squirrel.

Question 21.
What had Lucia been suffering from ?
She had been suffering from consumption of the spine.

Question 22.
Verona is a place in one of these countries :
(a) Spain
(b) Ireland
(c) Italy
(d) Germany.
(c) Italy.

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Two Gentlemen of Verona

Question 23.
Name the two brothers in the story ‘Two Gentlemen of Verona :
(a) Nicola and Jacopo
(b) Ronaldo and Nicola
(c) Alberto and Ronaldo
(d) Jacopo and Ronaldo
(a) Nicola and Jacopo.

Question 24.
Lucia had a desire to be one of these :
(a) Doctor
(b) Singer
(c) Model
(d) Teacher.
(b) Singer

Two Gentlemen of Verona Summary in English

Two Gentlemen of Verona Introduction:

The title of this story has been taken from one of the plays of William Shakespeare. The author describes the life of two small boys who love their sister. They are Nicola and Jacopo. They work very hard so that they could pay for the treatment of their sister suffering from tuberculosis (T.B.). The boys’ sacrifice for their sister gives a new hope for society.

Two Gentlemen of Verona Summary in English:

‘Two Gentlemen of Verona’ is the story of two brothers, Nicola and Jacopo. They belong to Verona in Italy. (Shakespeare wrote a play of the same title). Nicola is thirteen and Jacopo is twelve. The narrator and his friend meet them when they are driving through the foothills of Alps. They buy a basket of strawberries from them. Then they go to the hotel.

The driver of the narrator told him not to buy fruit from the boys. They would be able to get better fruit in Verona. The next morning they find the two boys at the public square. The boys tell the narrator that they do all sorts of work including guiding tourists. The narrator tells the boys to take him and his friend around the city. They also feel impressed by their manners and behaviour. Despite their untidy clothes, they leave a good impression on the narrator and his friend.

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Two Gentlemen of Verona

One night, the narrator and his friend see the boys at a deserted square. They were resting on a pavement stone. They are waiting for the last bus from Padua so that they can sell the newspapers. Both the brothers look tired. They are as usual in unclean clothes. The narrator asks them the reason for their not being dressed in clean clothes and for not eating well.

The narrator had thought that the boys were saving money to travel to the States. But the boys tell him that they are not interested in going to the States. They have something else in their mind. They ask the narrator if he can take them to Poleta in his car. The narrator agrees.

They drive down to Poleta the next afternoon. The narrator finds them entering a villa. They tell him that they will stay in the villa for an hour or so and that he can go to a cafe for a drink. After some time, the narrator rings the bell of the villa. A nurse opens the door.

He asks her about two young boys who have just gone to the house. She takes the narrator along and the narrator finds himself in a hospital. He finds Japoco and Nicola sitting at the bedside of their sister. He requests the nurse to tell him everything about the two boys. The nurse tells him their story.

The narrator comes to know that the two boys and their sister are the children of a well-known singer at La Scala who was killed during the war. Their house was destroyed and the children had to suffer all kinds of hardships. The German Elite Guards came to their town and their life became more wretched.

The boys joined the resistance movement. They carried errands (messages) to its leaders and informed them of the movements of German troops. Their sister Lucia was suffering from tuberculosis of the spine. She had been in the hospital for the last 12 months. Her brothers visited her in the hospital every week to clear the dues.

The narrator then waits for the boys. He drives them back to the city. He does not tell them what he has learnt about their sister and her ailment. He is impressed by their selfless devotion to their sister. He feels that the selfless devotion to their sister brings new nobility to human life. The young boys’ selfless service of their sister was an indication of the selfless service of the human society.

Two Gentlemen of Verona Summary in Hindi

Two Gentlemen of Verona Introduction:

इस कहानी का शीर्षक William Shakespeare के नाटक से लिया गया है। लेखक दो छोटे लड़कों के जीवन की कहानी बताता है। वे अपनी बहन से प्यार करते हैं। उनके नाम हैं Nicola और Japoco । वे बहुत परिश्रम करते हैं ताकि वे अपनी बहन के इलाज के लिए पैसे दे सकें। उनकी बहन spine की T.B. (तपेदिक) से पीड़ित है। लड़कों का अपनी बहन के लिए बलिदान समाज के लिए एक नई आशा का संकेत है।

Two Gentlemen of Verona Summary in Hindi:

Two Gentlemen of Verona दो भाईयों Nicola और Jacopo की कहानी है। वे इटली के Verona नगर के रहने वाले हैं। Nicola 13 साल का है और Japoco 12 साल का है। कहानी का वर्णनकर्ता और उसका मित्र उनको तब मिलते हैं जब वे Alps पर्वत की पादगिरी की पहाड़ियों से गाड़ी चलाकर जा रहे हैं। वे उनसे strawberry (हिसालू) का टोकरा खरीदते हैं। फिर वे होटल में चले जाते हैं। वर्णनकर्ता के ड्राईवर ने अपने मालिक को कहा कि वह उनसे strawberry न खरीदे। उनको Verona में इससे बेहतर फल मिल जायेंगे।

अगले दिन प्रातः के समय उनको दोनों लड़के एक Public Square (वर्गाकार भवन-समूह) में मिलते हैं। लड़के वर्णनकर्ता (लेखक) को बताते हैं कि वे हर प्रकार का काम करते हैं और वे tourists (पर्यटकों) के लिए Tourist Guide का भी काम करते हैं। लेखक लड़कों को कहता है कि वे उसको और उसके मित्र को नगर में घुमायें। वे उनके शिष्टाचार और आचरण से बहुत प्रभावित होते हैं।

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Two Gentlemen of Verona

अपने गंदे कपड़ों के बावजूद लड़के (Nicola और Japoco) लेखक और उसके मित्र पर अच्छा प्रभाव डालने में सफल हो जाते हैं। . एक रात लेखक और उसका मित्र लड़कों को एक सुनसान square (वर्गाकार) में देखते हैं। वे एक फुटपाथ के एक पत्थर पर आराम कर रहे हैं। वे Padua से आने वाली अन्तिम बस की प्रतीक्षा कर रहे हैं ताकि वे अखबार

बेच सकें। वे थके-थके नज़र आते हैं। उन्होंने नियमानुसार गंदे कपड़े पहने हुए थे। लेखक उन्हें पूछता है कि उन्होंने गन्दे कपड़े क्यों पहने हुए थे और वे पेट भर कर अच्छी तरह खाना क्यों नहीं खाते थे। लेखक का विचार था कि वे पैसे बचा रहे थे ताकि वे अमेरिका जा सकें। लेकिन लड़के लेखक को बताते हैं कि उन्हें अमेरिका जाने में कोई रुचि नहीं है। उनके दिमाग़ में तो और ही कोई बात है। वे लेखक को पूछते हैं क्या वह उनको अपनी गाड़ी में Poleta ले जा सकता है। लेखक उनको ले जाने के लिए सहमत हो जाता है। अगले दिन वे अपराह्न कार में बैठ कर Poleta पहुंच जाते हैं।

वे लेखक को बताते हैं कि वे घर (villa) में एक घंटा या कुछ देर के लिए ठहरेंगे और लेखक को वे कहते हैं कि वह चाय पानी के लिए cafe में जा सकता है। कुछ देर बाद लेखक उनके villa की घंटी बजाता है। एक नर्स दरवाजा खोलती है। लेखक उसको दो लड़कों के बारे में पूछता है जो कि अभी-अभी घर में प्रवेश किए हैं। वह लेखक को अपने साथ ले जाती है। लेखक अपने आपको अस्पताल में पाता है। वह Nicola और Jacopo को अपनी बहन के बिस्तर पर बैठे हुए देखता है। वह नर्स से याचना करता है कि वह उसे दोनों लड़कों के बारे में सब कुछ बताये। नर्स लेखक को उनकी कहानी बता देती है।

लेखक को पता चलता है कि दो लड़के और उनकी बहन La Scala की एक प्रसिद्ध गायिका के बच्चे हैं जो कि युद्ध के दौरान मारी गई थी। उसका घर तबाह हो गया और बच्चों को हर प्रकार का कष्ट उठाना पड़ा। इसके बाद German Elite Guard से उनका सामना हो गया। फिर उनके शहर और उनका अपना जीवन दुर्भाग्य या बदनसीबी वाला हो गया। लड़के खिलाफत आन्दोलन में भर्ती हो गये।

वे खिलाफत आन्दोलन के नेताओं के पास संदेश लेकर जाते थे और वे उनको जर्मन सेनाओं के बारे में बताते थे। उनकी बहन Lucia रीढ़ की हड्डी की T.B. के रोग से ग्रस्त थी। वह अस्पताल में 12 महीनों से रहती आ रही थी। उसके भाई उसकी बीमारी पर खर्च होने का हिसाब करके हर सप्ताह पैसे दिया करते थे।

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Two Gentlemen of Verona

लेखक फिर लड़कों की प्रतीक्षा करता है। वह उनको फिर अपनी कार में शहर ले जाता है। वह उनको यह नहीं बताता है कि उसने उनकी बहन के बारे में क्या पता लगाया है। अपनी बहन के लिए उनके निःस्वार्थ बलिदान से लेखक बहत प्रभावित होता है और वह महसूस करता है कि इस तरह की सेवा और बलिदान से इन्सानी जीवन में एक नई श्रेष्ठता आ जाती है। अपनी बहन के लिए बिना स्वार्थ सेवा से इनकी कहानी इन्सानी समाज में निष्काम सेवा का एक अच्छा. उदाहरण है।

Word Meanings:

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Two Gentlemen of Verona 1
PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 8 Two Gentlemen of Verona 2

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Narration / Direct and Indirect Speech

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class English Book Solutions English Grammar Narration / Direct and Indirect Speech Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Narration / Direct and Indirect Speech

We may report the words of a speaker in two ways.

  1. We may quote his actual words. This is called the Direct Speech.
  2. We may report what he said without using his exact words. This is called the Indirect Speech.

Example : He said, “My brother is on tour.” (Direct)
He said that his brother was on tour. (Indirect)
Note : In the Direct Speech we use inverted commas to mark off the exact words of the speaker. In the Indirect Speech, we use neither exact words of the speaker nor the inverted commas.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Narration / Direct and Indirect Speech

The verb that reports the exact words of a speaker in Direct Speech is called the Reporting Verb.
The speech which the Reporting Verb actually reports is called the Reported Speech.
Rules for Changing Direct Speech into Indirect Speech.
(A) Change of Tense
1. The tense of the Reporting Verb is never changed. ,
2. The tense of the Reported Speech is changed as under :
(a) If the tense of the Reporting Verb is Present or Future, the tense of the verb in the Reported Speech is not changed.
(b) If the tense of the Reporting verb is past, the tense of the verb in the Reported Speech is changed into the corresponding past tense; as,

1. Present Indefinite is changed into Past Indefinite
2. Present Continuous is changed into Past Continuous
3. Present Perfect is changed into Past Perfect
4. Present Perfect Continuous is changed into Past Perfect Continuous
5. Past Indefinite is changed into Past Perfect
6. Past Continuous is changed into Past Perfect Continuous

(B) Change of Personal Pronouns

  1. Pronouns of the first person in the Reported Speech are changed into the person of the subject of the Reporting Verb.
  2. Pronouns of the second person in the Reported Speech are changed into the person of the object of the Reporting Verb.
  3. Pronouns of the third person in the Reported Speech are generally not changed in the Indirect Speech.

(C) Change of Adjectives and Adverbs:
Words expressing nearness are generally changed into words expressing distance. Thus
PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Narration Direct and Indirect Speech 1

(D) Use of Conjunction:
When a speech is changed from Direct into Indirect Speech, the conjunction ‘that’
generally inserted after the reporting verb. An exception in this respect is, however, made in the case of Interrogative and Imperative sentences.

1. Change of Assertive Sentences

In changing an Assertive sentence into Indirect Narration, change in the person of pronouns and tense is done as explained in the rules.
Conjunction ‘that’ is used.

Direct Indirect
1. Ram says to me, “I am going home.” Ram tells me that he is going home.
2. Ram said, “I go home.” Ram said that he went home.
3. Ram said, “I have gone home.” Ram said that he had gone home.
4. Ram said, “I have been going home.” Ram said that he had been going home.
5. Ram said, “I went home.” Ram said that he had gone home.
6. Ram said, “I was going home.” Ram said that he had been going home.
7. Ram said, “I shall go home.” Ram said that he would go home.
8. Ram said, “I shall be going home.” Ram said that he would be going home.
9. Ram said, “I shall have gone home.” Ram said that he would have gone home.
10. Ram said, “I shall have been going home.” Ram said that he would have been going home.
11. Mohan said to me, “I am a poor student.” Mohan told me that he was a poor student.
12. He said to me, “I have an urgent piece of work at home.” He told me that he had an urgent piece of work at home.
13. I said to the teacher, “I shall never be late for school.” I told the teacher that I would never be late for school.
14. Mohan said, “I have no time to talk to you now.” Mohan said that he had no time to talk to me then.

NOTE : If the reported speech expresses a universal truth or habitual fact, the tense in it is not changed; as,

Direct Indirect
1. The teacher said, “The earth moves round The teacher said that the earth moves round the sun.
2. He said, “Health is wealth.” He said that health is wealth.
3. He said, “God is everywhere.” He said that God is everywhere.
4. Ram said, “Man is mortal.” Ram said that man is mortal.
5. The teacher said to the boys, “Slow and and steady wins the race.” The teacher told the boys that slow steady wins the race.
6. He said, “Two and two make four.” He said that two and two make four.

2. Change of Interrogative Sentences

In converting an interrogative sentence into Indirect Speech, the following rules are observed:
1. The Reporting Verb is changed into ‘ask’, ‘enquire’ etc.

2. If the question begins with ‘who’, ‘when’, ‘where’, ‘what’, ‘from’, ‘why’, etc. no conjunction is used. These words follow in Reporting Verb unchanged.

3. When the question begins with a helping verb such as : ‘is’, ‘am’, ‘was’, ‘were’, ‘has’, ‘have’, ‘had’, ‘do’, ‘does’, ‘did’, ‘can’, ‘may’ etc. ‘if’ or ‘whether’ is used to introduce Indirect Speech.

The rules for the change of tense and pronouns as already given are observed.
The sentence changes its form from interrogative to assertive, helping verb goes with the verb and the question mark is removed.

Direct Indirect
1. He said to me, “What is your name ?” He asked me what my name was.
2. The teacher said to the student, “Why were you absent from school ?” The teacher enquired of the student why he had been absent from the school.
3. He said to me, “Where do you live ?” He asked me where I lived.
4. The teacher said to the boy, “How much money do you want ?” The teacher asked the boy how much money he wanted.
5. Ram said to me, “Whom do you want to see ? Ram asked me whom I wanted to see.
6. The teacher said to the boy, “Why are you The teacher asked the boy why he was late again.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Narration / Direct and Indirect Speech

3. Change of Imperative Sentences

In converting an imperative sentence into Indirect Speech, following rules are observed:
1. The Reporting Verb is changed into order, command, advise, forbid, request, beg, ask etc. in accordance with the sense that the sentence carries.

2. The Imperative mood of the verb of the Reported Speech is changed into infinitive i.e. ‘to’ is followed by the first form of the verb.

3. In the negative sentences ‘to’ is used after ‘not’.

4. Sometimes an object is to be supplied to the Reporting Verb from the context.

Direct Indirect
1. The headmaster said to the peon, “Ring the bell.” The headmaster ordered the peon to ring the bell.
2. He said to me,“Please wait here till I return.” He requested me to wait there till he returned.
3. The teacher said to the students, “Sit The teacher ordered the students to sit down and not to make a noise.
4. I said to him, “Work hard if you want to get a prize.” I advised him to work hard, if he wanted to get a prize.
5. The thief said to the magistrate, “Pardon The thief begged the magistrate

4. Change of Exclamatory Sentences

Exclamatory sentences express the feelings of pain, pleasure, a wish, a desire etc. on the part of the speaker.
Rules for the change of such sentences into Indirect form of speech are as under:

  1. The Reporting verb say is changed into exclaim, regret, admit, confess, cry out etc.
  2. The sentence becomes an assertive one and sign of exclamation is replaced by a full stop.
  3. Do away with words such as ‘Hurrah !’ ‘Alas’, ‘Bravo’ and express their sense by use of joy, sorrow, applaud.
  4. Changes in Tenses and Pronouns are the same as discussed already.
Direct Indirect
1. The players said, “Hurrah ! we have won the match.” The players exclaimed with joy that they had won the match.
2. The old man said, “Alas ! my only son is The old man exclaimed with sorrow that his only son was dead.
3. He said, “How clever I am !” He exclaimed that he was very clever.
4. She said, “What a fine building it is !” She exclaimed that it was a very fine building.
5. The teacher said, “Ah ! what a foolish The teacher exclaimed with regret that he had to deal with a very foolish man.

5. Optative Sentences

Rules for change into Indirect Speech:
1. The reporting verb is changed into ‘wish’, ‘pray’ etc.
2. The sentence becomes assertive and sign of exclamation is replaced by a full stop.
3. In most cases, conjunction “that” is used after the reporting verb.

Direct Indirect
1. The beggar said, “May you live long !” The beggar prayed that I might live long.
2. He said to her, “May you succeed !” He wished that she might succeed.
3. “May you go to hell !” said the hermit The hermit prayed that the wretch might go to hell.
4. He said, “Would that I had all the pleasures of the world.” He wished that he had all the pleasures of the world.
5. Prem said to me, “Good morning, sir.” Prem respectfully wished me good morning.

Exercise 1

Change the form of Narration:

1. Tom said, “I don’t want to stay home from school.” 1. Tom said that he did not want to stay home from school.
2. ‘Oh, Sid, don’t juggle me !’ said Tom. 2. Tom exclaimed and told Sid not to juggle him.
3. She said, “Tom, you should not have frightened me like this.” 3. She told Tom that he should not have frightened her like that.
4. “Oh auntie, my sore toe is mortified.” 4. Tom told his auntie surprisingly that his sore toe was mortified.
5. “Now, that your tooth is out, Tom, you should go to school,” she said. 5. She advised Tom to go to school then because his tooth was out.
6. “What is the matter with you child ?” the aunt repeatedly said. 6. The aunt repeatedly asked the child lovingly what the matter with him was.
7. “I forgive you everything, Sid,” said Tom. 7. Tom told Sid that he forgave him everything.
8. “How long have you been this way ?” Sid said. 8. Sid asked Tom how long he had been like that way.
9. “Tom, why didn’t you wake me sooner ?” said Sid. 9. Sid asked Tom why he had not woken him sooner.
10. Aunt Polly said, “What is the matter with your tooth ?” 10. Aunt Polly asked him what the matter with his tooth was.
11. She said to Tom, “Open your mouth.” 11. She ordered Tom to open his mouth.
12. Tom said, “Oh, please Auntie, don’t pull it out.” 12. Tom requested his auntie not to pull it out.
13. Sid said to Tom, “Don’t wait, come quickly.” 13. Sid told Tom not to wait and asked

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Narration / Direct and Indirect Speech

Exercise 2

Change the form of Narration:

1. “How many days is it since you touched your books ?”Father asked Swaminathan. 1. Father asked Swaminathan how many days it was since he had touched his books.
2. “Do you think you have passed the B.A. ?” Father asked Swami. 2. Father asked Swami if he thought he had passed the B.A.
3. “Do you want the whole day to throw out the spider ?” Father asked. 3. Father asked Swami if he wanted the whole day to throw out the spider.
4. “Get a piece of cloth, boy. That is not the way to clean things,” said Father. 4. Father told Swami to get a piece of cloth as that was not the way to clean things.
5. Swami announced, “Krishna must pay six annas.” 5. Swami announced that Krishna must pay six annas.
6. Swami said, “It seems I have got to tidy up these books of mine.” 6. Swami said that it seemed he had got to tidy up those books of his.
7. Father said to Swami, “Look at the way you have kept your English text.” 7. Father told Swami to look at the way he had kept his English text.
8. Swami said to his father, “Where am I to go for a piece of cloth ?” 8. Swami asked his father where he was to go for a piece of cloth.
9. “Can you give me a piece of cloth ?” said Swami to his mother. 9. Swami asked his mother if she could give him a piece of cloth.
10. Mother said to Swamis father, “There is no limit to his loafing in the sun.” 10. Mother told Swami’s father that there was no limit to his loafing in the sun.
11. Father said to Swami, “Have you done the sum ?” 11. Father asked Swami if he had done the sum.
12. Father said to Swami, “Where are you going ?” 12. Father asked Swami where he was going.
13. “How much does Ram want for his mangoes ?”asked the father. 13. The father asked him how much Ram wanted for his mangoes.
14. Father shouted and asked him, “Did you find the cloth ?” 14. Father shouted to ask him if he had found the cloth.
15. “You were not here yesterday,” said Swamis father. 15. Swamis father reminded (him) that he had not been there the previous day.

Exercise 3

Change the form of Narration:

1. “You must take the dog out, the woman bitterly. 1. He told the woman bitterly that she must take the dog out.
2. “I won’t go on the top in such weather,” said the woman. 2. The woman said that she would not go on the top in such weather.
3. “I will go on the top,” said the lady. 3. The lady said that she would go on the top.
4. “It is nonsense,” said her male companion. 4. Her male companion said angrily that it was nonsense.
5. “Let’s get our fares back,” said one of the passengers. 5. One of the passengers suggested that they should get their fares back.
6. “No fares back,” said the conductor. 6. The conductor told the passengers that he would give no fares back.
7. “Well, he has got his rules,” he said. 7. He remarked that he had got his rules.
8. “Shameful.” “Call the police, let’s make him give us our fares back.” 8. The passengers deplored that the behaviour of the conductor was shameful. It was suggested to call the police and to make him (the conductor) give them their fares back.
9. “You can take my name and address,” said the woman. 9. The woman told him (courageously) that he could take her name and address.
10. “Call the police,” said someone. 10. Someone suggested that the police should be called.
11. “I’ve got my rules,” said the conductor. 11. The conductor claimed or remarked that he had got his rules.

Exercise 4

Change the form of Narration:

1. “What is the treasure?” I enquired with interest. 1. I enquired with interest what the treasure was.
2. “Pearls,” he answered, “marvellous, flawless pearls.” 2. He answered that the pearls were really marvellous and flawless.
3. “And where are they to be found ?” I asked. 3. I asked him where the pearls were to be found.
4. “On the pearl banks of the Persian Gulf,” he replied. 4. He replied that they were to be found on the pearl banks of the Persian Gulf.
5. “The thin men are the divers,” he explained. 5. He explained that the thin men were the divers.
6. “Who is the man sitting cross-legged on a bench ?” I asked. 6. I asked him who the man sitting cross-legged on a bench was.
7. “That is the captain,” said my host. 7. My host said that that was the captain.
8. “There are not many men killed by sharks,’’said Mr. Hudson. 8. Mr. Hudson said that there were not many men killed by sharks.
9. “What is in the pots ?” I asked my host. 9. I asked my host what in the pots
10. “I could show you one,” said Mr. Hudson. 10. Mr. Hudson told me that he could show me one.
11. Mr. Hudson said, “This is a tiny copy of the Koran, the Arabs Bible.” 11. Mr. Hudson told me that it was a tiny copy of the Koran, the Arab’s Bible.
12. He asked me, “Do you notice a strong smell of herbs ?” 12. He asked me if I noticed a strong smell of herbs.
13. He replied, “The pearl fleet is at work quite near here.” 13. He replied that the pearl fleet was at work quite near there.
14. The writer said to Hudson, “Is it not dan-gerous to work here ?” 14. The writer asked Hudson if it was not dangerous to work there.
15. The host said to me, “Will you like to hear a song ?” 15. The host asked me if I would like to hear a song.
16. Mr. Hudson warned me, “Look out for the jelly fish.” 16. Mr. Hudson warned me to look out for the jelly fish.

Exercise 5

Change the form of Narration:

1. My hostess said, “I will show you over the church after service.” 1. My hostess told me that she would show me over the church after service.
2. “I hope you slept well,” said my host at breakfast next morning. 2. My host at breakfast next morning told me that she hoped that I had slept well.
3. “Oh ! that is the washing pool,” said my hostess. 3. My hostess pointed out with surprise that that was the washing pool.
4. “She would call that a kit,” said my hostess. 4. My hostess told me that she would call that a kit.
5. “Would you like to come with us to a service in the Maori Church ?” asked she. 5. She asked me if I would like to come with them to a service in the Maori Church.
6. “I’ll make your tea for you,” said the Maori woman. 6. The Maori woman told me that she would make my tea for me.
7. “What a tongue-twister !” I could not help saying. 7. I could not help remarking that it was a very bad tongue-twister.
8. “But isn’t it very dangerous to live there at all ?” I wanted to know. 8. I asked to know if it was not dangerous to live there at all.
9. My hostess said, “That’s not really wood, you know-it is flax.” 9. My hostess told me that that was not really wood. She reminded me that it was flax.
10. I said, “How amazing !” 10. I exclaimed that it was very amazing.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Narration / Direct and Indirect Speech

Our readers should note that all exercises on the grammatical items prescribed in the syllabus have been solved at the appropriate places in MBD Guide.

Exercise 1 (Textual)

Change the Narration:
1. She said to me, “I was present in the class yesterday.”
2. He says to me, “You may ask your brother to help you.”
3. She will say to me, “They are very brave.”
4. He told me that hard work pays in life.
5. Rohtas said, “I prefer death to dishonour.”
6. The stranger said, “I want to stay here for the night.”
7. The man told Ravi that he knew his father.
8. My uncle said that he had bought that house in 2005.
9. Ashok will say to Sumit, “I will try to stand first.”
10. Rishi said to me, “He needs help.”
1. She told me that she had been present in the class the previous day.
2. He tells me that I may ask my brother to help me.
3. She will tell me that they are very brave.
4. He told me that hard work pays in life.
5. Rohtas said that he prefers death to dishonour.
6. The stranger said that he wanted to stay there for the night.
7. The man said to Ravi, “I know your father.”
8. My uncle said, “I bought this house in 2005.”
9. Ashok will tell Sumit that he will try to stand first.
10. Rishi told me that he needed help.

Exercise 2 (Textual)

Change the Narration:
1. The leader said, “Trust in God.”
2. My friend said to me, “Let me go home now as it is already twelve.”
3. She said, “What a lovely scene !”
4. My mother said to me, “Learn your lesson everyday.”
5. Columbus said to the courier, “Oh, leave me alone.”
6. The policeman advised me to obey the traffic rules.
7. Isha asked him when the postman came.
8. He asked, “Will you serve me faithfully ?”
9. You said, “You must work hard.”
10. He says to me, “I will leave you now.”
1. The leader told them to trust in God.
2. My friend told me to let him go home then as it was already twelve.
3. She exclaimed with delight that it was a very lovely scene.
4. My mother advised me to learn my lesson everyday.
5. Feeling disgusted, Columbus told the courier to leave him alone.
6. The policeman said to me, “Obey the traffic rules.”
7. Isha said to him, “When did the postman come ?”
8. He asked me if I would serve him faithfully.
9. You told him that he must work hard.
10. He tells me that he will leave then.

Exercise 3 (Textual)

Change the Narration:
1. She said, “We are all sinners.”
2. “Run away, children,” said the mother.
3. “Do not you know the way home ?”asked I.
4. He said to him, “You should respect your elders.”
5. The principal said, “The authorities are trying their best to improve things.”
6. The teacher said, “Honesty is the best policy.”
7. Alice said to his wife, “Tom is coming for lunch today.”
8. I said, “I have my own likes and dislikes.”
9. You said to him, “I have seen this man somewhere.”
10. Mrs. Sonia says, “I am working on this computer.”
1. She said that they are all sinners.
2. The mother ordered the children to run away.
3. I asked him if he did not know the way home.
4. He advised him that he should respect his elders.
5. The principal announced that the authorities were trying their best to improve things.
6. The teacher said that honesty is the best policy.
7. Alice told his wife that Tom was coming for lunch that day.
8. I said that I have my own likes and dislikes.
9. You told him that you had seen that man somewhere.
10. Mrs. Sonia says that she is working on that computer.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Narration / Direct and Indirect Speech

Exercise 4 (Textual)

Change the Narration:
1. He said to me, “I do not believe you.”
2. Rama said to Arjun, “Go away.”
3. He said to me, “What are you doing ?”
4. The Prince said, “It gives me great pleasuerc to be here this evening.”
5. He said, ‘I shall go as soon as it is possible.”
6. He said to him, “Is not your name Ahmed ?”
7. “Sit down, boys,” said the teacher.
8. Alice said, “How clever I am!”
9. The teacher said to him, “Do not read so fast.”
10. Abdul said that he had seen that picture.
1. He told me that he did not believe me.
2. Rama told Arjun to go away.
3. He asked me what I was doing.
4. The Prince remarked that it gave him great pleasure to be there that evening.
5. He said that he would go as soon as it was possible.
6. He asked him if his name was not Ahmed.
7. The teacher asked the boys to sit down.
8. Alice exclaimed proudly that she was very clever.
9. The teacher told him not to read so fast.
10. Abdul said, “I have seen that picture.”

Exercise 5 (Textual)

Change the Narration:
1. You said, “My father returned from Cuttack last night.”
2. The saint said, “We should not hate the sinners.”
3. Jogi said that he had stood first.
4. Geeta said to Rohini, “Examination is drawing near.”
5. He says, “I go to the temple everyday.”
6. He said to me, “Hard work is the key to success.”
7. She said, “I was ill yesterday.”
8. “I want to take that journalist out on patrol,” he said to Priya.
9. The science teacher said to the students, “The earth moves round the sun.”
10. She said to me, “God will help you.”
1. You said that your father had returned from Cuttack the previous night.
2. The saint said that they should not hate the sinners.
3. Jogi said, “I have stood first.”
4. Geeta informed Rohini that examination was drawing near.
5. He says that he goes to the temple everyday.
6. He told me that hard work is the key to success.
7. She said that she had been ill the previous day.
8. He told Priya that he wanted to take that journalist on patrol.
9. The science teacher told the students that the earth moves round the sun.
10. She assured me that God will help me.

Exercise 6 (Textual)

Change the Narration:
1. Kausalya said to Rama, “Do not desire to possess the moon.”
2. An old mouse said, “Who will bell that cat ?”
3. “Go down to the bazaar. Bring me some oil and a lump of ice,” ordered Latif.
4. Isha said to him, “What is it that makes you stronger and braver than any other man.”
5. “Have you anything to tell me ?”asked his master.
6. He said to me, “Wait until I come.”
7. He said, “Oh ! That’s a nuisance.”
8. “Which way did she go ?” asked the young man.
9. My father said to me, “I have often told you not to play with fire.”
10. I wrote that I would visit you the next day.
1. Kausalya forbade Rama to desire to possess the moon.
2. An old mouse asked who would be willing to bell the cat.
3. Latif ordered him to go down to the bazaar and bring him some oil and a lump of ice.
4. Isha asked him as to what it was that made him stronger and brave than any other man.
5. His master asked him if he had anything to tell him.
6. He told me to wait until he came.
7. He exclaimed angrily that it was a great nuisance.
8. The young man asked him which way she had gone.
9. My father warned me that he had often told me not to play with fire.
10. I wrote, “I shall visit you tomorrow.”

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Active and Passive Voice

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class English Book Solutions English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Active and Passive Voice

There are two Voices:
1. Active Voice
2. Passive Voice.

1. Active Voice. The verb is said to be in the active voice when the subject acts; as,

  • He sings a song.
  • She wrote a story.
  • We are telling a story.
  • The farmer waters the fields.

2. Passive Voice. The verb is said to be in the passive voice when the object acts; as,

  • A song is sung by him.
  • A story was written by her.
  • A story is being told by us.
  • The fields are watered by the farmer.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Active and Passive Voice

Rules for changing a verb from the ACTIVE VOICE to the PASSIVE VOICE are:
1. The object of the verb in the Active Voice is made the subject in the Passive Voice.

2. If a transitive verb has two objects, either of them becomes the subject of the Passive Voice and the other remains unchanged.

3. The subject of the verb becomes the object of some preposition; as,
He gave me a book.
A book was given to me by him.

4. The verb is changed according to the following rules:

Tense Changed into
Present Indefinite (sings) = is, am, are + third form (sung).
Past Indefinite (sang) = was, were + third form (sung).
Future Indefinite (sing) = shall be, will be + third form (sung).
Present Continuous (singing) = is, am, are + being + third form (sung).
Past Continuous (singing) was, were + being + third form (sung)
Present Perfect (sung) = has been, have been + third form.
Past Perfect (sung) = had been + third form.
Future Perfect (sung) = shall have been, will have been + third form.

Please Note. Use be + third form after can, could, shall, should, may, might, must, ought to.

5. When the agent is not expressed in the Passive Voice, we must supply it in the Active Voice:
Books were sold.
(Reeta) sold the books.

6. When a sentence is an imperative one, then the word “let” is used in the Passive voice:
Read your books.
Let your books be read.

7. Prepositions following the verbs in the ACTIVE VOICE must follow them again in the PASSIVE VOICE:
He laughed at me.
I was laughed at by him.

8. In interrogative sentences, the helping verb should always precede the Doer of the action in the Active Voice and the Receiver of the action in the Passive Voice:
Did he post the letter ?
Was the letter posted by him ?

9. THE PERSONAL PRONOUNS are changed as under:
PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Active and Passive Voice 1

(A) Present Indefinite Tense

1. Active : I hate Physics like poison.
Passive : Physics is hated like poison by me.
2. Active : She sings a song.
Passive : A song is sung by her.
3. Active : Who teaches you history ?
Passive : By whom are you taught history ?
4. Active : Does he help you ?
Passive : Are you helped by him ?

(B) Past Indefinite Tense

1. Active : I hated Physics like poison.
Passive : Physics was hated like poison by me.
2. Active : She sang a song.
Passive : A song was sung by her.
3. Active : Who taught you history ?
Passive : By whom were you taught history ?
4. Active : Did he help you ?
Passive : Were you helped by him ?

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Active and Passive Voice

(C) Future Indefinite Tense

1. Active : I will hate Physics like poison.
Passive : Physics shall be hared like posion by me.
2. Active : She will sing a song.
Passive : A song will be sung by her.
3. Active : Who will teach you history ?
Passive : By whom will you be taught history ?
4. Active : Will he help you ?
Passive : Will you be helped by him ?

(D) Present Continuous Tense

1. Active : The peon is ringing the bell.
Passive : The bell is being rung by the peon.
2. Active : Why are you making a noise ?
Passive : Why is a noise being made by you ?
3. Active : Who is ringing the bell ?
Passive : By whom is the bell being rung ?
4. Active : Is he singing a song ?
Passive : Is a song being sung by him ?

(E) Past Continuous Tense

1. Active : They were singing a song.
Passive : A song was being sung by them.
2. Active : What were they doing ?
Passive : What was being done by them ?
3. Active : Was he teaching the class ?
Passive : Was the class being taught by him ?
4. Active : The peon was ringing the bell.
Passive : The bell was being rung by the peon.

(F) Present Perfect Tense

1. Active : She has insulted her mother.
Passive : Her mother has been insulted by her.
Active : Have you stolen the book ?
Passive : Has the book been stolen by you ?
3. Active : Who has rung the bell ?
Passive : By whom has the bell been rung ?
4. Active : She has spoken the truth.
Passive : The truth has been spoken by her.

(G) Past Perfect Tense

1. Active : She had insulted her mother.
Passive : Her mother had been insulted by her.
2. Active : Had you stolen the book ?
Passive : Had the book been stolen by you ?
3. Active : Who had rung the bell ?
Passive : By whom had the bell been rung ?
4. Active : She had spoken the truth.
Passive : The truth had been spoken by her.

(H) Future Perfect Tense

1. Active : She shall have insulted her father.
Passive : Her father will have been insulted by her.
2. Active : Will you have seen the picture by then ?
Passive .: Will the picture have been seen by you by then ?
3. Active : She will have caught the bird.
Passive : The bird will have been caught by her.
4. Active He will have stolen my pen.
Passive : My pen will have been stolen by him.

(I) Use of “Should”, “Must”, “Ought”, “Can”, “Could”, “May”, “Might” Etc. (Auxiliary Verbs)

1. Active : We should not laugh at the poor.
Passive : The poor should not be laughed at by us.
2. Active : You must teach him.
Passive : He must be taught by you.
3. Active : We ought to obey our elders.
Passive : Our elders ought to be obeyed by us.
4. Active : You can do it.
Passive : It can be done by you.
5. Active : I could teach him a lesson.
Passive : He could be taught a lesson by me.
6. Active : May I see your pen ?
Passive : May your pen be seen by me ?
7. Active : He might follow this path.
Passive : This path might be followed by him.
8. Active : May God bless you with a son !
Passive : May you be blessed with a son by God !

(J) Use of “Who”, “What”, “Why”, “When” Etc.

1. Active : Who beat you ?
Passive : By whom were you beaten ?
2. Active : Who broke your pen ?
Passive : By whom was your pen broken ?
3. Active : What have you done ?
Passive : WTiat has been done by you ?
4. Active : WTiy did you abuse him ?
Passive : Why was he abused by you ?
5. Active : When do you visit the temple ?
Passive : WTien is the temple visited by you ?

(K) Use Of “Know”, “Contain”, “Please”, “Astonish” “Surprise”, “Disgust”, “Alarm” Etc.

1. Active : Do you know him ?
Passive : Is he known to you ?
2. Active : This cup contains milk.
Passive : Milk is contained in this cup.
3. Active : His behaviour displeased me.
Passive : I was displeased at his behaviour.
4. Active : I cannot please everybody.
Passive : Everybody cannot be pleased with me.
5. Active : Her conduct astonished me.
Passive : I was astonished at her conduct.
6. Active : This news alarmed me.
Passive : I was alarmed at this news.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Active and Passive Voice

(L) Imperative Sentences

1. Active : Post this letter.
Passive : Let this letter be posted.
2. Active : Obey your elders.
Passive : Let your elders be obeyed.
3. Active : Do not pluck flowers.
Passive : You are prohibited to pluck flowers.
4. Active : Sit down.
Passive : You are ordered to sit down.
5. Active : Speak the truth.
Passive : You are advised to speak the truth.
6. Active : Please help me.
Passive : You are requested to help me.

NOTE : There are some Transitive verbs that give the sense of the Passive Voice without being changed into the Passive Voice.
1. Active : Quinine tastes bitter.
Passive : Quinine is bitter when tasted.
2. Active : This milk tastes sweet.
Passive : This milk is sweet when tasted.

Exercise 1

Change the Voice:

1. I like my teacher.
2. Do manners reveal character ?
3. Columbus discovered America.
4. This man has cut down the trees.
5. Hari did not open the door.
6. I will win him over.
7. The old man takes the snuff.
8. A cruel boy killed the bird.
9. I had never seen a zoo before.
10. Will she have written a letter ?
1. My teacher is liked by me.
2. Is character revealed by manners ?
3. America was discovered by Columbus.
4. The trees have been cut down by this man.
5. The door was not opened by Hari.
6. He will be won over by me.
7. The snuff is taken by the old man.
8. The bird was killed by a cruel boy.
9. A zoo had never been seen by me before.
10. Will a letter have been written by her ?

Exercise 2 (textual)

Change the Voice:
1. Does she know you ?
2. Will you post the letter ?
3. She has done her duty.
4. Avoid bad company.
5. Are you expecting him today ?
6. I cannot lift this heavy box.
7. May I see your book ?
8. You are wasting your time.
9. When will she have finished her work ?
10. Why do you not call in the doctor ?
1. Are you known to her ?
2. Will the letter be posted by you ?
3. Her duty has been done by her.
4. Bad company should be avoided.
5. Is he being expected by you today ?
6. This heavy box cannot be lifted by me.
7. May your book be seen by me ?
8. Your time is being wasted by you.
9. When will her work have been finished by her ?
10. Why is the doctor not called in by you ?

Exercise 3 (Textual)

Change the Voice:
1. Her uncle looks after her.
2. A favour will be done to him by me.
3. How is Sharda known to you ?
4. He was shocked at his sisters stupidity.
5. Why are you laughing at me ?
6. Who abused you ?
7. Had the picture been painted by her ?
8. This pot contains milk.
9. Were the villagers beating the terrorists ?
10. Who does not love his motherland ?
1. She is looked after by her uncle.
2. I will do him a favour.
3. How do you know Sharda ?
4. His sister’s stupidity shocked him.
5. Why am I being laughed at by you ?
6. By whom were you abused ?
7. Had she painted the picture ?
8. Milk is contained in this pot.
9. Were the terrorists being beaten by the villagers ?
10. By whom is his motherland not loved ?

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Active and Passive Voice

Exercise 4 (Textual)

Change the Voice:
1. His father praised him.
2. Kalidas wrote Sakuntalam.
3. The teacher was pleased by the boy’s work.
4. He kept me waiting.
5. Lata was singing a song.
6. They had already consulted the lawyer.
7. Many toys had been purchased by Rani.
8. The paper published the news.
9. Did you wring the clothes ?
10. Which book do you want ?
1. He was praised by his father.
2. Sakuntalam was written by Kalidas.
3. The boy’s work pleased the teacher.
4. I was kept waiting by him.
5. A song was being sung by Lata.
6. The lawyer had already been consulted by them.
7. Rani had purchased many toys.
8. The news was published by the paper.
9. Were the clothes wrung by you ?
10. Which book is wanted by you ?

Exercise 5

Change the Voice:
1. Do not keep bad company.
2. They will have missed the train.
3. I shall not show you my book.
4. You are to help him.
5. Who invented the gramophone ?
6. I was given your message by him.
7. Open the door.
8. What do you want ?
9. The fire will have destroyed the house.
10. We ought to love our country.
1. Let bad company not be kept.
2. The train will have been missed by them.
3. My book will not be shown to you.
4. He is to be helped by you.
5. By whom was the gramophone invented ?
6. He gave me your message.
7. Let the door be opened.
8. What is wanted by you ?
9. The house will have been destroyed by the fire.
10. Our country ought to be loved.

Exercise 6 (Textual)

Change the Voice:
1. I was pleased with his conduct.
2. The sudden noise frightened the horse.
3. The man cut down the tree.
4. The people will soon forget it.
5. We elected Thomas captain.
6. Somebody has put out the light.
7. We prohibit smoking.
8. He was refused admission.
9. Those cars were built by robots.
10. Why did he defraud you of your earnings ?
1. His conduct pleased me.
2. The horse was frightened by the sudden noise.
3. The tree was cut down by the man.
4. It will soon be forgotten by the people.
5. Thomas was elected captain by us.
6. The light has been put out.
7. Smoking is prohibited.
8. The Principal refused him admission.
9. Robots built those cars. .
10. Why were you defrauded of your earnings by him ?

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Active and Passive Voice

Additional Exercise Voice Based on Grammar Items

Exercise 1

Change the voice of the following sentences:
1. Crowd thronged the stadium.
2. Arjun is seeing a deer.
3. I have not liked kites.
4. Who is waiting for me ?
5. Learn your lessons.
6. Mend your business.
7. I am known to him.
8. You displeased her.
9. This pot contains coffee.
10. You had to do it.
11. Indians adore Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
12. Work must be finished.
13. Did he sing a song ?
14. Can you lend me your book.
15. Do you like apples ?
1. The stadium was thronged with crowd.
2. A deer is being seen by Arjun.
3. Kites have not been liked by me.
4. By whom am I being waited for ?
5. Let your lessons be learnt ?
6. Let your business be mended ?
7. He knows me.
8. She was displeased at you.
9. Coffee is contained in this pot.
10. It had to be done by you.
11. Prime Minister is adored by Indians.
12. Workers must finish work.
13. Was a song sung by him ?
14. Can your book be lent to me (by you) ?
15. Apples are liked by me.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Transformation of Sentences (Simple, Compound & Complex)

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class English Book Solutions English Grammar Transformation of Sentences (Simple, Compound & Complex) Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Transformation of Sentences (Simple, Compound & Complex)

(Simple, Compound Complex)

Definition of Simple Sentences. A simple sentence is one that contains one finite verb, either expressed or understood. It simply means that it has one finite verb and is consequently a single independent clause.
Sentence : (S = Subject, V = Verb, O = Object)

  1. Boys are running.
  2. Boys and girls play.
  3. The handsome boy gave his mother a red rose.
  4. He gave his brother a book.

Compound Sentences. Let us have a look at the sentence. He rose and went to the door of his room. There are two finite verbs-rose and went. It is made up of two clauses, each containing finite verb and joined by the conjunction ‘and’. Neither of the two clauses in the sentence is dependant on the other for its grammatical function. Such a sentence is called a compound sentence.

Complex Sentence. It is a sentence made up of a main clause and one or more subordinate clauses.
I met a boy who has plenty of push and drive, (one subordinate clause).
You may leave when I tell you to.
I liked the Shimla climate because it was healthy, but Suresh preferred the summer of Delhi, (two subordinate clauses).

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Transformation of Sentences (Simple, Compound & Complex)

Table showing conjunctions used in compound and complex sentences.

In Compound Sentences In Complex Sentences
and who, whom, which
but whose
or that
nor if, unless
neither when, while, till, until
either before, after
neither ……… nor where
either ……….. or why
as well as as, because, since
so, that, lest

(a) Conversion of simple sentences into complex:
1. By adding a Noun Clause to the Principal Clause.

Simple Complex
1. You seem to be a look It seems that you are a fool.
2. She confessed her guilt. She contessed that she was guilty.
3. The child appears to be angry. It appears that the child is angry.
4. It looks like rain. It looks that it will rain.

2. By adding an Adverb Clause to the Principal Clause.

Simple Complex
(a) 1. He is too fat to run. He is so fat that he cannot run.
2. This load is too heavy to carry. This load is so heavy that one cannot carry it.
(b) 1. He is the tallest boy in the class. No other boy in the class is as tall as he.
2. I shall write to you on reaching Delhi. I shall write to you when I reach Delhi.
3. India is the land of my birth. India is the land where I was born.

3. By adding an Adjective Clause to the Principal Clause.

Simple Complex
1. Columbus was the first to discover America. He is a man on whom you can depend.
2. He is a man to be depended upon. Columbus was the first who discovered America.
3. This is the way to earn huge This is the way in which huge profits can be earned.

Conversion of Simple Sentences into Compound Sentences.
A Simple Sentence can be changed into a Compound Sentence by expanding a word or a phrase into co-ordinate clause by using a co-ordinate conjunction.

Compound Sentences are converted into Simple ones by using a participle or a prepositional phrase or a Gerund or Infinitive in place of one of the co-ordinate clauses.

Interchange of Simple and Compound Sentences.

1. Simple : He was honoured for his honesty.
He was hottest and so he was honoured.
2. Simple : Taking his gun he shot at the bird.
He took his gun and shot at the bird.
3. Simple : You must work hard to pass the examination.
You must work hard or you will not pass the examination.

Interchange of compound and complex Sentences:

1. Compound : Spare the rod and spoil the child.
Complex : If you spare the rod, you will spoil the child.
2. Compound : He confessed his guilt or he would have been punished.
Complex : If he had not confessed his guilt, he would have been punished.
3. Compound : Go wherever you like, only do not stay here.
Complex : You may go wherever you like but you do not stay here.
4. Compound : Leave this room or I shall compel you to do so.
Complex : Unless you leave this room, I shall compel you to do so.
5. Compound : He was a poor man, but he was always honest.
Complex : He was always honest although he was poor.
6. Compound : He stood up to speak and everyone was at once silent.
Complex : Everyone was at once silent when he stood up to speak.
7. Compound : He was very tired and therefore he fell sound asleep.
Complex : He fell sound asleep, as he was very tired.
8. Compound : Confess your fault and I will pardon you.
Complex : If you confess your fault, I will pardon you.
9. Compound : He lost a watch, but he has found it again.
Complex : He has found the watch that he lost.
10. Compound : He worked very hard therefore he succeeded.
Complex : He succeeded because he worked very hard.

Exercise 1

Change the following simple/compound sentences into complex sentences:

1. This was a vague possibility. 1. This was a possibility which was vague.
2. The old lady made one end of the silk thread fast to Tom’s tooth. 2. It was the old lady who made one end of the silk thread fast to Tom’s tooth.
3. It makes my flesh crawl to hear you. 3. It makes my flesh crawl when I hear you.
4. The groans ceased and the pain vanished from the toe. 4. When the groans ceased, the pain vanished from the toe.
5. Monday morning found Tom Sawyer miserable. 5. When Monday morning came, Tom Sawyer found himself miserable.
6. He generally began that day by wishing he had no intervening holiday. 6. He generally began that day by wishing that he had no intervening holiday.
7. When he found no ailment, he investigated again. 7. He investigated again because no ailment was found.

Exercise 2 (Textual)

Transform the following:

1. She could not prove her innocence. (Change into a Complex sentence)
2. I sold my lame horse. (Change into a Complex sentence)
3. Here comes a girl in red. (Change into a Complex sentence)
4. You can join duty as you are well now. (Change into a Compound sentence)
5. I knew her to be intelligent. (Change into a Complex sentence)
6. The doctor is hopeful of her recovery. (Change into a Complex sentence)
7. If she does not weep, she will die. (Change into a Compound sentence)
8. He was fined because of his absence. (Change into a Simple Sentence)
9. Seeing the signal, the troops marched out. (Change into a Complex sentence)
10. You must encourage him, he is sure to lose. (Change into a Compound Sentence)
She could not prove that she was innocent.
I sold my horse that was lame.
Here comes a girl who is in red.
You are well and you can join duty.
I knew that she was intelligent.
The doctor hopes that she will recover.
She must weep or she will die.
He was fined for his absence.
The troops marched out as they got the signal.
You must encourage him or he will lose.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Transformation of Sentences (Simple, Compound & Complex)

Exercise 3 (Textual)

Transform the following sentences:

1. Girish found a bag and a pen. (Change into Compound)
2. At last the spider reached the cobweb.
3. Seeing a tiger coming, he ran away.
4. Inspite of his wealth he is unhappy. (Change into Compound)
1. Girish found not only a bag but a pen also.
2. The spider made the last attempt and reached the cobweb.
3. He saw a tiger and ran away.
4. He is unhappy though he is wealthy.

Exercise 4 (Textual)

Change the following sentences from Simple to Compound:

1. Having taken food, he went to school.
2. The sun having risen, the fog disappeared.
3. Having finished his task, he went to school.
4. Going to Adelaide, Anushka saw the match.
5. He laboured hard to succeed.
1. He took food and went to school.
2. The sun rose and the fog disappeared.
3. He finished his task and went to school.
4. Anushka went to Adelaide and saw the match.
5. He laboured hard for he wanted to succeed.

Exercises 5

Change the following Compound sentences into Simple sentences:

1. He took out his gun and set out for hunting.
2. He met the Principal and came back.
3. He saw the bird and shot it.
4. He was too poor, so he could not pay the debt.
5. He was very weak, so he couldn’t walk.
1. Taking out his gun, he set out for hunting.
2. After meeting the Principal, he came back.
3. Seeing the bird, he shot it.
4. He was too poor to pay the debt.
5. He was too weak to walk.

Exercise 6

Change the following Simple sentences into Complex sentences:

1. Reema did not admit her fault.
2. A poor man enjoys peace of mind.
3. He is too weak to run.
4. He hoped to win the prize.
5. Some trees fold their leaves at night.
6. This is not the way to clean things.
7. You cannot solve a simple problem.
8. The news spread like wild fire.
9. I could see no means of making tea.
1. Reema did not admit that she was at fault.
2. A man who is poor enjoys peace of mind.
3. He is so weak that he cannot run.
4. He hoped that he would win the prize.
5. There are some trees that fold their leaves at night.
6. This is not the way how things are cleaned.
7. You cannot solve a problem that is simple.
8 The news spread as if it were wild fire.
9. I could see no means by which tea could be made.

Exercise 7

Change the following into Complex sentences:

1. To our surprise we found that these were no other than pelicans.
2. The island seemed to be divided into squares.
3. We turned to look in the direction pointed out.
4. He would take the rule to remeasure.
5. He stared at the approaching young be beauty.
6. They held out a ball like a pineapple.
7. I do not expect to see him back.
8. A man in a surging crowd lifted up the child.
9. They had come upon a footpath while in a field.
10. I like doing a little job of this sort.
1. We were surprised to find that these were no other than pelicans.
2. It seemed that the island was divided into squares.
3. We looked in the direction which was pointed out.
4. He would re-measure with the rule which he had taken.
5. He stared at the young beauty that was approaching.
6. They held out a ball which was like a pineapple.
7. I do not expect that I will see him back.
8. A man in the crowd that was surging lifted up the child.
9. They had come upon a footpath which was in a field.
10. I like doing a little job which is of this sort.

Exercise 8

Do as directed:

1. We go to college to receive education. (Change into Complex)
2. O what a fall was there, my countrymen ! (Change into Assertive)
3. He is a great fool. (Change into Exclamatory)
4. I reached college in time (Change into Interrogative)
5. Why don’t you work hard ? (Change into Assertive)
6. This news is too good to be true. (Remove ‘too’)
7. As soon as I reached the college, the bejl rang. (Change into Negative)
8. Birds do not fly as fast as the aeroplane. (Change into Comparative)
9. Where did you see him ? (Change the Voice)
10. The teacher said to me, “Do you want to sing ?” (Change the Narration)
1. We go to college so that we may receive education.
2. My countrymen, it was a very nasty fall.
3. What a fool he is !
4. Did you reach college late ?
5. You should work hard.
6. This news is so good that it cannot be true.
7. No sooner did I reach the college than the bell rang.
8. Aeroplane flies faster than birds.
9. Where was he seen by you ?
10. The teacher asked me if I wanted to sing.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Transformation of Sentences (Simple, Compound & Complex)

Exercise 9

Do as directed:

1. It is too cold for me to go out. (Remove ‘too’)
2. None but the brave could accomplish this task. (Change into affirmative)
3. As soon as he saw the ghost, he started shuddering with fear. (Rewrite by using ‘No sooner’)
4. Why waste time in loitering outside the cinema ? (Change into Assertive)
5. Man is a wonderful piece of work. (Change into Exclamatory)
6. His hard work brought him a brilliant success. (Change into Complex sentence)
7. You ought to have helped your friend. (Change the voice)
8. The beggar said to me, “Please give me some money.” (Change the Narration)
9. This boy is more intelligent than any other student in the class. (Change the degree of Comparison)
10. Unless you are not careful, you will run into debt. (Correct the sentence)
1. It is so cold that I cannot go out.
2. Only the brave could accomplish this task.
3. No sooner did he see the ghost, than he started shuddering with fear.
4. Don’t waste time in loitering outside the cinema.
5. What a piece of work is man !
6. He worked so hard that it brought him a brilliant success.
7. Your friend ought to have been helped by you.
8. The beggar requested me to give him some money.
9. This boy is the most intelligent student in the class.
10. Unless you are careful, you will run into debt.

Exercise 10

Do as directed:

1. These mangoes are too cheap to be good. (Remove ‘too’)
2. I saw a wounded bird. (Change into Complex sentence)
3. Honey is made by bees. (Change the Voice)
4. I have promises to keep. (Separate it in two sentences)
5. He is sometimes foolish. (Change into Negative)
6. No sooner did he see the lion than he took to he heels.
7. Can money buy health ? (Rewrite using ‘as soon as’)
8. They say honesty is the best policy. (Rewrite as ‘Statement’)
9. She is better than any other dancer in the college. (Change the Voice)
10. She left no plan untried. (Change into Superlative)
These mangoes are so cheap that they cannot be good. I saw a bird which was wounded.
Bees make honey.
I have promises. I have to keep them.
He is not always wise.
As soon as he saw the lion, he took to his heels. Money cannot buy health.
It is said that honesty is the best policy.
She is the best dancer in the college.
She tried every plan.

Exercise 11

Do as directed:

1. As soon as the young man sensed trouble, he disappeared. (Rewrite by using ‘No sooner’)
2. The officer was so busy yesterday that he was not able to receive his visitors. (Use ‘too’)
3. Isn’t he exceptionally handsome ? (Change into assertive)
4. A soldier and afraid of bullets ! (Change into assertive)
5. My friend went to England to attain higher education. (Change into complex)
6. The patient had died before the doctor had arrived. (Correct the sentence)
7. She said to me, “Let us go to Shimla for holidaying.” (Change the narration)
8. You should look up all these words in a dictionary. (Change the voice)
9. Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world. (Change the degree of comparison)
10. Is there anything greater than the love of mother ? (Change into negative)
1. No sooner did the young man sense trouble, than he disappeared.
2. The officer was too busy yesterday to receive his visitors.
3. He is exceptionally handsome.
4. It is disgraceful that a soldier should be afraid of bullets.
5. My friend went to England so that he might attain higher education.
6. The patient had died before the doctor arrived.
7. She suggested to me that we should go to Shimla for holidaying.
8. All these words should be looked up in a dictionary by you.
9. No other peak in the world is as high as Mount Everest.
10. There is nothing greater than the love of mother.

Exercise 12

Transform the following sentences as directed:

1. This tree is too high for me to climb. (Remove ‘too’)
2. America is the richest country in the world. (Change the degree of comparison)
3. You will have to clear the arrears. (Change the voice)
4. He said to me, “What were you doing at this time yesterday ?” (Change the narration)
5. Who does not want to be rich ? (Change into affirmative)
6. Can money buy health ? (Change into assertive)
7. He went to the hospital to consult the doctor. (Change into complex form)
8. Had you not helped me, I ………… (Complete the sentence)
9. As soon as the Minister rose to speak, the public started shouting at him. (Use ‘No sooner’)
10. Until he does not work hard, he will not pass. (Correct the sentence)
1. This tree is so high that I cannot climb it.
2. No other country in the world is richer than America.
3. The arrears will have to be cleared by you.
4. He asked me what I was doing at that time the previous day.
5. Everybody wants to be rich.
6. Money cannot buy health.
7. He went to the hospital so that he might consult the doctor.
8. Had you not helped me, I would have been ruined.
9. No sooner did the Minister rise to speak, than the public started shouting at him.
10. Unless he works hard, he will not pass.

Exercise 13

Transform the following sentences as directed:

1. His application had been rejected. (Rewrite in the negative form)
2. When the peasants heard this they were much alarmed. (Rewrite in a simple sentence)
3. None but a fool could do it. (Change into affirmative)
4. She would utter the prettiest of thoughts. (Change the degree of comparison)
5. I am awfully glad you came. (Rewrite using too)
6. As soon as he saw the thief, he started shuddering with fear. (Rewrite by using ‘No sooner’)
7. There is no place like home. (Change into interrogative)
8. Did you see her ? (Change the voice)
9. The beggar said to me, “Please give me some money.” (Change the narration)
10. It is very nice of him that he is here today. (Change into exclamatory)
1. His application had not been accepted.
2. The peasants were very much alarmed on hearing this.
3. Only a fool could do it.
4. She could utter prettier thoughts than others.
5. I am too glad that you came.
6. No sooner did he see the thief than he started shuddering with fear.
7. Is there any place like home ?
8. Was she seen by you ?
9. The beggar requested me to give him some money.
10. How nice of him to be here today !

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Transformation of Sentences (Simple, Compound & Complex)

Miscellaneous Exercises on All Types of Transformation

Exercise 1

Transform the following sentences as directed:

1. As soon as Sir Roger came home he called for wax candles. (Use no sooner …….. than)
2. It is probable that he will come back. (Change into a simple sentence)
3. He ran away or they would have killed him. (Change into a complex sentence)
4. What would I not give to make you happy ?) (Change into an assertive sentence)
5. Chennai is one of the largest cities in India. (Use the comparative degree of large)
1. No sooner did Sir Roger come home than he called for wax candles.
2. Probably he will come back.
3. If he had not run away, they would have killed him.
4. I would give you anything to make you happy.
5. Chennai is larger than many other cities in India.

Exercise 2

Transform the following sentences as directed:

1. He is too good to deceive any one. (Remove too)
2. He ate twenty sandwiches in ten minutes. (Change into passive voice)
3. What a beautiful picture it is ! (Change into an assertive sentence)
4. Can this news ever be true ? (Change into an assertive sentence)
5. Calcutta (Kolkata) is the largest city in India. (Change the degree of comparison)
6. Ajay is one of the best boys of the class. (Change the degree of comparison)
1. He is so good that he cannot deceive any one.
2. Twenty sandwiches were eaten by him in ten minutes.
3. It is a very beautiful picture.
4. This news can never be true.
5. Calcutta (Kolkata) is larger than any other city in India.
6. Ajay is better than many other boys in the class.

Exercise 3

Transform the following sentences as directed:

1. He is the brightest boy of the class. (Change the degree of comparison)
2. Are you a god that no one should oppose you ? (Change into the assertive form)
3. Don’t permit any one to leave before time. (Change into the passive voice)
4. There was no one greater than Napoleon in his day. (Change into affirmative)
5. This news is too good to be true. (Remove too)
6. There is no one that does not like him. (Change into the affirmative)
7. What a beautiful sunset ! (Change into the assertive form)
1. No other boy of the class is as bright as he.
2. You are not a god that no one should oppose you.
3. No one should be permitted to leave before time.
4. Napoleon was greater than all in his day.
5. This news is so good that it cannot be true.
6. Everyone likes him.
7. It is a very beautiful sunset.

Exercise 4

Rewrite the following sentences as directed:

1. To eat too much makes one fat. (Remove too)
2. I have told you a thousand times not to do it. (Use already).
3. He is so honest that he will not accept a bribe. (Use too)
4. The judge suspected that the witness had been bribed. (Change into active form)
5. One more word, and I will send you out of the room. (Use if)
6. How sad was the sight of the deserted city ! (Transform to assertive)
7. Very few countries are as hot as India. (Change to comparative)
8. They will look after you well. (Change into passive form)
1. To eat in excess makes one fat.
2. I have already told you not to do it.
3. He is too honest to accept a bribe.
4. The judge suspected that someone bribed the witness.
5. If you utter one more word, I will send you out of the room.
6. The sight of the deserted city was Very sad.
7. Very few countries are hotter than India.
8. You will be looked after well by them.

Exercise 5

Rewrite the following sentences as directed:

1. This news is too good to be true. (Remove too)
2. She is so intelligent that she will understand it. (Use too)
3. Prevention is better than cure. (Change the degree of comparison)
4. As soon as he saw his friend’s burnt house, he burst into tears. (Use no sooner …………. than)
5. I shall remember your kindness. (Use the negative without changing the meaning)
6. He does not like you. (Use a tag question)
7. No one can serve two masters. (Change into interrogative form)
8. A sailor and afraid of storm ! (Change into assertive form)
1. This news is so good that it cannot be true.
2. She is too intelligent not to understand it.
3. Cure is not as good as prevention.
4. No sooner did he see his friends burnt house, than he burst into tears.
5. I shall never forget your kindness.
6. Does he ?
7. Can anyone serve two masters ?
8. It is a shame for a sailor to be afraid of storm.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Transformation of Sentences (Simple, Compound & Complex)

Exercise 6

Rewrite the following sentences as directed:

1. He succeeded in everything that he attempted. (As a negative sentence)
2. Everyone has heard of Columbus. (As an interrogative sentence)
3. Give him a share of your cake. (Use the word in italics in the passive voice)
4. We cannot dispense with food and water. (Use the adjective form of the word in italics)
5. I am very pleased to accept your invitation. (Use the noun form of the word in italics)
6. That play was published after the death of its author. (Substitue a single word for the words in italics)
1. He failed in everything that he attempted.
2. Who has not heard of Columbus ?
3. Let a share of your cake be taken by him.
4. Food and water cannot be regarded as dispensable by us.
5. I feel a great pleasure to accept your invitation.
6. That play was published posthumously.

Exercise 7

Rewrite the following sentences as directed:

1. Get out of my room and let me do my work. (Make the sentence a bit polite)
2. She spoke very gently to explain her point of view. (Use the adjective form of the italicized word)
3. The distinguished visitor received a warm welcome at the airport. (Use the adverbial form of the word in italics)
1. Kindly allow me to do my work in the room.
2. She explained her point of view in a gentle way.
3. The distinguished visitor was welcomed warmly at the airport.

Exercise 8

Rewrite the following sentences as directed:
1. He is so weak that he cannot sit in bed. (Use too to)
2. He used force to turn the beggar out of his house. (Use the adverb form of force)
3. I am glad that my intention to become a soldier has received your assent. (Use the verb form of assent)
4. If only I could meet him and give him proper advice! (Change from an exclamatory into an assertive sentence)
5. I cannot refuse you anything. (Turn into a positive sentence)
6. Your lack of manners has shocked me much. (Change the voice)
1. He is too weak to sit in bed.
2. He turned the beggar forcibly out of his house.
3. I am glad that you have assented to my intention to become a soldier.
4. I long to meet him and give him proper advice.
5. Iam willing to give you anything.
6. I have been shocked much by your lack of manners.

Exercise 9

Rewrite the following sentences as directed:

1. He is in the habit of grumbling. (Rewrite using used to)
2. He forcibly made his way through the crowd. (Substitute the verb form for forcibly)
3. My mother did not give me permission to swim. (Rewrite using let)
4. We will have to come again. (Rewrite using must)
5. He is so weak that he cannot walk. (Rewrite using too)
6. The battery is strong and should last twenty-four hours. (Rewrite using enough)
1. He is used to grumbling.
2. He forced his way through the crowd.
3. My mother did not let me swim.
S 4. We must come again.
5. He is too weak to walk.
6. The battery is strong enough to last twenty-four hours.

Exercise 10

Rewrite the following sentences as directed:

1. We live in the same house but we do not like each other. (Rewrite this sentence using although)
2. Tom as well as John was in high spirits. (Rewrite using both)
3. I told you to work hard. (Change into interrogative)
4. On hearing the post office, he rushed to the news of his success. (Rewrite this in the proper order so as to make sense)
1. Although we live in the same house, yet we do not like each other.
2. Both Tom and John were in high spirits.
3. What did I tell you ?
4. On hearing the ngws of his success, he rushed to the post office.

Additional Exercises (Solved) Based on Grammar Items

Exercise 1

Read the following sentences and identify them as simple or compound or complex sentences.
1. Our college students went to Agra and saw the Taj.
2. She studied hard yet could not pass.
3. Life is real, life is earnest.
4. We must run or we will miss the train.
5. Nalini dances on the stage.
6. Rewa who passed by me is a charming girl.
7. Girls are dancing.
8. The Principle imposed a heavy fine on the ill-mannered and abusive student.
9. This is Sanderson High School where I studied for four years.
10. We shall exchange pleasantries when we reach home.
1. Compound
2. Compound
3. Compound
4. Compound
5. Simple
6. Complex
7. Simple
8. Simple.
9. Complex
10. Complex.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Transformation of Sentences (Simple, Compound & Complex)

Transform the following sentences directed:

1. Who trusts a liar ? (Change into assertive)
2. Who does not love his country ? (Change into assertive)
3. What if he is divorced ? (Change into assertive)
4. When can truth die ? (Change into assertive)
5. Who wants to be miserable ? (Change into assertive)
6. Who wants to be poor ? (Change into assertive)
7. Everyone knows him. (Change into assertive)
8. Everyone wants to be a millionaire ? (Interrogative)
9. Everyone loves his motherland (Interrogative)
10. Nobody wants to lose: (Interrogative)
11. What a lovely scene ! (Assertive)
12. O for a glass of wine ! (Assertive)
13. Oh what a fall forth party ! (Assertive)
14. How pleasant the weather is ! (Assertive)
15. How shameful for an India’s opposition leader to use a fake clip to defame the government of his own country. (Assertive)
1. Nobody trusts a liar.
2. Everybody loves his country.
3. It does not matter if he is divorced.
4. Truth can never die.
5. Nobody wants to be miserable.
6. Nobody wants to be poor.
7. There is nobody who does not know him.
8. There is nobody who does not want to be a millionaire.
9. There is no one who does not love his motherland.
10. Is there anybody who wants to lose ?
11. It is a very lovely scene.
12. I long for a glass of wine.
13. It is a nasty fall for the party.
14. The weather is very pleasant.
15. It is very shameful for an India’s opposition leader to use a government of his own country.

Exercise 3

Transform the following assertive sentences into negative:

1. He is a good person.
2. Health is wealth.
3. Look before you leap.
4. Do attend my birthday party.
5. Take exercise regularly.
1. He is not a bad person.
2. Is not health also a wealth ?
3. Do not leap before you look.
4. Do not fail to attend my party.
5. You should not take exercise daily.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Determiners

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class English Book Solutions English Grammar Determiners Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Determiners

A word qualifying a head word is known as a determiner. Words like a, an, the, that, his, her, my and some are determiners. In grammar, a determiner is a word that is used before a noun to select which instance of the noun you are talking about or to identify it. Determiners are fixing words that determine precisely the meaning of the nouns with which they are used. See the table:

अंग्रेज़ी भाषा में कुछ शब्द ऐसे हैं जिन्हें संज्ञाओं से पहले लगाया जाता है। ये शब्द संज्ञाओं को निश्चित व निर्धारित करने के लिए लगाए जाते हैं। इन शब्दों को Determiners कहते हैं। ये सोलह शब्द हैं-
Determiners तानी डाला हित मतिरे सवर उत निठां ? Nouns 3 पग्लिा प्लाष्टिका मांसा चै । प्टिव ਸ਼ਬਦ Nouns ਨੂੰ ਨਿਸਚਿਤ ਤੇ ਨਿਰਧਾਰਿਤ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਲਾਏ ਜਾਂਦੇ ਹਨ । ਇਹ ਸੋਲਾਂ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਹਨ-
this, these, that, those, my, your, his, her, its, our, there, some, any, a, an, the.
PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Determiners 1

Articles. Articles ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’ can also be used as Determiners.
Determiners are of various kinds:
1. Demonstratives – this, that, these, those.
2. Possessives – my, our, your, his, her, its, their, Mohan’s, one’s.
3. Determiners of Quantity – much, more, some, any.
4. Articles – a, an, the are also determiners.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Determiners

1. Demonstrative Determiners – This, that, these, those.

  • This house is Gopal’s.
  • That clinic is Dr. Raman’s.
  • These books will be sent to the library.
  • Those flats will be allotted to us.

2. Possessive Determiners.

  • My brother is a pilot.
  • Our leaders work for their own kith and kin.
  • Your performance is very good.
  • His room is very dirty.
  • Swami’s father forbade Swami to wander in the sun.
  • His house is spacious.
  • My coat is black in colour.
  • Its pocket is torn.

3. Determiners of Quantity (“some” and “any”).
Some has positive and any has negative implications. Questions with negative implications also have “any”. But questions with positive implications take “some”.

  • Have you any money ?
  • No, I don’t have any.
  • Will you take some more milk ?
  • Yes, I will.

4. Articles a, an and the are also used as determiners.

  • Here was a possibility.
  • What is the matter ?
  • He did not know the necessary symptoms.
  • He wanted to hold the tooth in reserve.

Note : Our readers should note that all textual exercises on the grammatical items prescribed in the syllabus have been solved at the appropriate places in MBD Guide.

Exercise 1

Fill up the blanks with determiners:

1. ………… watch is broken.
2. ………… of the boys will get a prize.
3. I have not ………… time.
4. There are ………… books on the table.
5. Please give me ………… milk.
6. I do not have ………… money these days.
7. Did not she give you ………… biscuits ?
8. ………… girl will top the list this year also.
9. ………… boys will do well.
10. ………… businessmen make a lot of money.
11. Send ………… student to get the stamps.
12. ………… boy of this class can read it.
13. Give me ………… more juice.
14. There are ………… good books in our library.
1. This
2. Each
3. much
4. some
5. some
6. any
7. some
8. Some
9. Some
10. Some
11. any
12. Any
13. some
14. some.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Determiners

Exercise 2

Fill up the blanks with suitable determiners:

1. ………… egg on the table was thrown away.
2. He has not ………… pen to give you.
3. ………… men are not equal.
4. There is ………… sugar in the tin. You may use it.
5. I have told you ………… hundred times not to come here.
6. There are not ………… buses because the drivers have gone on a strike.
7. Would you like to have ………… coffee ?
8. As ………… patients came into the room, he switched on the fan.
9. He has not eaten ………… food since morning.
10. John refused to give his brother ………… more money.
11. Can you see ………… ants moving on the flower ?
12. ………… teacher can tell you that learning English is not an easy job.
13. Is there ………… food left in the plate ?
14. He has not ………… time to spare.
15. Have you had ………… attacks of malaria ?
16. We can expect ………… more mosquitoes after continued falls of rain.
17. I have not read all the books, but I have read …………
18. Not ………… people like being advised by others.
19. Now the school has ………… pupils than ever before.
20. I exhibited ………… brute in me.
1. The
2. a
3. All
4. some
5. a
6. any
7. some
8. more
9. any
10. any.
11. some
12. The
13. any
14. much
15. any
16. some
17. some
18 many
19. more
20. the.

Exercise 3

Fill up the blanks with suitable determiners:

1. ………… road leads to Amritsar.
2. ………… infant cannot look after itself.
3. The beggar was grateful for ………… bread Rani gave him.
4. ………… dinner served at the wedding was not delicious.
5. ………… crow and the owl belong to the same family of birds.
6. He bought ………… mangoes.
7. There are not ………… flowers in the garden now.
8. If you have ………… doubts, please ask your teacher.
9. Will you bring ………… fruit for me ?
10. My elder son first went to ………… school when he was four.
11. He was sent to ………… prison for murdering a man.
12. Do you need ………… help again ?
13. I have ………… pen and a pencil.
14. Moscow is ………… capital of Russia.
15. Rohit has a radio and ………… TV.
16. He has read it in ………… magazine or the other.
17. A good quality is called ………… virtue.
18. It is a very bad mistake to use ‘a’ with ………… plural noun.
1. This
2. An
3. the
4. The
5. The
6. some
7. any
8. any
9. any
10. the.
11. the
12. a little
13. a
14. the
15. a
16. some
17. a
18. a.

Exercise 4 (Textual)

Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners:

1. I have ………… friends in the city.
2. ………… umbrella is ………… useful thing.
3. ………… a man has died of cholera.
4. ………… children go to school everyday.
5. Did you see ………… elephants in the forest ?
6. She is proud of ………… beauty.
7. ………… plant is dying.
8. ………… the girls are present today.
9. She did not send me ………… reply.
10. ………… man is expected to do his best.
1. many
2. An, a
3. Many
4. These
5. any
6. her
7. That
8. All
9. any
10. Every.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Determiners

Exercise 5

Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners:

1. He has got ………… bread.
2. How ………… milk do you take daily ?
3. ………… knowledge is a dangerous thing.
4. There is ………… sugar in stock.
5. He gave away ………… money he had in charity.
6. He has broken ………… slate that you bought yesterday.
7. ………… the students are present in the class.
8. I do not have ………… spare pen.
9. ………… body must have his own book.
10. ………… houses are newly built.
1. some
2. much
3. A little
4. much
5. the little
6. the
7. All
8. any
9. Every
10. These.

Exercise 6

Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners:

1. Keep to ………… left.
2. Where shall I send ………… fare ?
3. I need ………… money.
4. Can you catch ………… butterfly ?
5. How ………… experience have you got ?
6. He is ………… best boy in the class.
7. Kindly show me ………… pens.
8. I did not buy ………… trousers from the market.
9. There are shady trees on ………… side of the road.
10. How ………… ink is there in the bottle ?
1. the
2. the
3. some
4. this
5. much
6. the
7. some
8. any
9. either
10. much.

Exercise 7

Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners:

1. He did not make ………… mistakes in his essay.
2. I have lost appetite, so I did not eat ………… bananas.
3. I must sign ………… will.
4. When I think of India, I think of ………… things.
5. ………… of people go without food in India everyday.
6. She said, ………… pen is mightier than the sword.”
7. ………… book you want is not with me.
8. ………… houses were damaged in the cyclone.
9. I shall return this book in ………… days.
10. I had put in ………… hard work.
1. any
2. any
3. the
4. many
5. A lot
6. The
7. The
8. Many
9. a few
10. much.

Exercise 8

Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners:

1. It did not hurt ………… a bit.
2. I covered ………… face and wept.
3. I want ………… title of first Admiral.
4. Who is ………… head of your family ?
5. ………… Ganga is a sacred river.
6. How ………… girls are there in your class ?
7. She toiled up ………… hill.
8. It seemed ………… endless time.
9. Always speak ………… truth.
10. I dismissed him ………… some money.
1. me
2. my
3. the
4. the
5. The
6. many
7. the
8. an
9. the
10. with.

Exercise 9

Use suitable determiners in the blanks:

1. I saw ………… girls swimming in the pool.
2. I did not see ………… film last week.
3. He failed to answer ………… questions.
4. Do you have ………… difficulty ?
5. Meet me ………… time you like.
6. Will you make ………… tea for me ?
7. He gave me ………… money.
8. Did he give you ………… information ?
9. ………… cheerleaders were dressed in swimming dresses.
10. ………… women can keep a secret.
1. some
2. any
3. some
4. any
5. any
6. some
7. some
8. any
9. The
10. Few.

Exercise 10

Use suitable determiners in the blanks:

1. Can you bring me ………… water to drink ?
2. I am in possession of ………… money in my bank.
3. He has ………… enemies.
4. Did you make ………… mistake in the letter ?
5. ………… a lady is present in the hall.
6. ………… ladies are present in the hall.
7. ………… of what you say is trash.
8. Gayatri is a polyglot because she knows ………… languages.
9. I had to face ………… music.
10. This room has ………… doors.
1. some
2. little
3. no
4. any
5. Many
6. Many
7. Much
8. many
9. the
10. two.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Determiners

Exercise 11

Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners:

1. How ………… money do you want ?
2. All ………… books are lying at sixes and sevens.
3. He lost ………… friends he had.
4. There is ………… milk in the jug.
5. I have ………… work to do.
6. ………… people paid homage to the departed leader.
7. ………… grapes are sweet and juicy.
8. He related ………… interesting story.
9. Jaspreet is ………… taller of them both.
10. Both ………… sons are thieves.
1. much
2. the
3. the few
4. little
5. much
6. Several
7. These
8. an
9. the
10. his.

Exercise 12

Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners:

1. ………… member of the party was garlanded.
2. Is there ………… news ?
3. ………… father was a famous physician.
4. ………… horse runs very fast.
5. ………… books lie scattered in the room.
6. Please lend me ………… money.
7. She has ………… daughters.
8. Consult your doctor in case of ………… difficulty.
9. ………… girls are still writing the answer.
10. Only ………… persons came to witness the match.
1. Every
2. any
3. My
4. That
5. Her
6. some
7. two
8. any
9. Some
10. a few.

Exercise 13

Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners:

1. Do you have ………… doubt in your mind ?
2. God has created ………… universe.
3. I have ………… good books.
4. Ujwal Puri is going out with ………… Chinese girl.
5. I never have ………… luck with the lottery.
6. Have you got ………… money ?
7. How ………… milk do you need ?
8. ………… time has passed now.
9. I have ………… expectations from anyone.
10. ………… list of new books has been released.
11. ………… road leads to Ajnala.
12. Singing is ………… passion.
13. He tore away ………… resignation letter.
14. She threw her arms around ………… baby.
15. She wrote ………… letter quickly.
1. any
2. the
3. many
4. a
5. any
6. any
7. much
8. much
9. no
10. a
11. This
12. my
13. his
14. her
15. a.

Exercise 14

Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners:

1. Have you got ………… Pakistani friends ?
2. No, I haven’t got ………… Pakistani friends ?
3. He has ………… riend at all.
4. She has ………… best friend. They spend all their time together.
5. I have hardly ………… money left.
6. Have you got ………… money ?
7. Would you like ………… more orange juice ?
8. He lives ………… where in London. It does not matter to us.
9. I’m not looking for ………… in particular.
10. There are ………… animals in this zoo.
11. Is there ………… message for me ?
1. any
2. any
3. no
4. a
5. any
6. some
7. some
8. some
9. anyone
10. many
11. any.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Determiners

Exercise 15

Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners:

1. Where shall I send ………… packet ?
2. He sat on ………… seat beside his bed.
3. Shobha knows ………… languages.
4. Hassan lost ………… little sympathy the teacher had for him.
5. How ………… money does he need ?
6. ………… the papers were lying on the floor.
7. There was hardly ………… effort by Hassan to overcome his bad habits.
8. We have ………… things to finish before we go.
9. I had to take ………… responsibility.
10. The big hall has ………… windows.
1. this
2. the
3. many
4. the
5. the
6. any
7. many
8. many
9. the
10. many

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 7 The Story of My Life

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class English Book Solutions Chapter 7 The Story of My Life Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 English Chapter 7 The Story of My Life

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Describe Helen Keller’s experience with her teacher.
वर्णनकर्ता का अपने teacher के साथ अनुभव का वर्णन करो।
Helen’s teacher came to teach Helen Keller at her home. She gave her a doll. For some time she played with the doll. Miss Sullivan (the teacher) slowly spelled into her hand the word d-o-l-l. Helen felt interested in the finger-play. She learnt many words like pin, hat, cup and a few words like sit, stand and walk. After a few weeks she learnt that everything has a name.

Helen Keller के घर उसकी अध्यापिका उसको पढ़ाने के लिए आई। उसने उसे एक गुड़िया दी। वह इस गुड़िया के साथ कुछ समय के लिए खेलती रही। Miss Sullivan ने धीरे-धीरे उसके हाथ में ‘d-o-1-1’ शब्द के spelling लिख दिए। उसे ऊँगलियों के खेल में रुचि महसूस हुई। उसने कई शब्द सीखे जैसे pin, hat, cup और कुछ verbs भी सीखे जैसे sit, stand और walk । कुछ सप्ताहों के बाद उसने यह बात भी सीख ली कि हर एक चीज़ का नाम होता है।

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 7 The Story of My Life

Question 2.
Describe briefly Helen Keller’s tussle with her teacher.
Helen Keller का अपनी अध्यापिका के साथ हुए झगड़े का वर्णन करो।
One day Miss Sullivan put Helen’s big doll into her lap. She again spelled the word
d-o-l-l and tried to make Helen understand that d-o-l-l applied to both. Then Helen had a tussle with her teacher over the words ‘mug’ and ‘water’. Miss Sullivan tried to impress upon Helen that mug is mug and water is water. Helen went on confusing the two. She became impatient and broke the doll. She had no regrets.

एक दिन Miss Sullivan ने Helen की बड़ी गुडिया उसकी गोद में रख दी। उसने पुनः d-o-l-l शब्द के spelling लिख दिए और Helen को यह समझाने की कोशिश की d-o-l-l शब्द दोनों चीज़ों पर लागू होता है। इसके बाद Helen और उसकी अध्यापिका में ‘mug’ और ‘water’ पर झगड़ा हो गया। Miss Sullivan ने Helen को प्रभावित करने की कोशिश कि ‘मग’ एक ‘मग’ होता है और पानी, पानी होता है। Helen को दोनों शब्दों में भ्रांति लगती थी। वह अधीर हो गई और उसने गुड़िया को तोड़ दिया। उसे कोई अफ़सोस नहीं था।

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 7 The Story of My Life

Question 3.
How was the mystery of language revealed to Helen Keller? (V. Important)
Helen Keller को भाषा का भेद किस तरह प्रकट हुआ?
Someone was drawing water at the well-house. Helen’s teacher placed Helen’s one hand under the spout. She spelled the word w-a-t-e-r on the other hand. Helen stood still. Her attention was fixed on the motion of her fingers. Somehow the mystery of language was revealed to her.

कोई व्यक्ति कुएं में से पानी निकाल रहा था। Helen की अध्यापिका ने उसका एक हाथ पाईप के नीचे कर दिया। उसने दूसरे हाथ पर शब्द w-a-t-e-r के speeling लिख दिए। Helen निश्चल खड़ी रही। उसका ध्यान उसकी उंगलों की गति पर केन्द्रित था। किसी तरह से भाषा का भेद उस पर प्रकट हो गया।

Long Answer Type Questions.

Question 1.
Write the theme of the chapter ‘The Story of My Life’ in your own words.
अपने शब्दों में ‘The Story of My Life’ का विषय लिखो।
This lesson is based on the theme that even the blind and the deaf can lead a fuller and more adventurous life. A gifted person, even if he is handicapped, can make a worthwhile contribution to society and to the world. Helen Keller was such a person. Despite being blind and deaf she had a remarkable gift for communication. A teacher named Anne Sullivan came to teach her and to reveal to her the mystery of language.

Her teacher began to teach her to communicate by spelling words into her hand. She wrote her autobiography ‘The Story of My Life’. Before her education she was like a ship shut in thick fog. Her teacher’s efforts and her own willingness to learn revealed to her the mystery of language. Her life proves the strength of the proverb that the wind and the weather are always on the side of the ablest navigator.

यह पाठ इस विषय पर आधारित है कि अन्धे और बहरे भी परिपूर्ण जीवन व्यतीत कर सकते हैं। कोई प्रतिभाशाली व्यक्ति अपंग होकर भी समाज और संसार को अच्छा योगदान दे सकता है। Helen Keller एक ऐसी ही महिला थी। अन्धी और बहरी होने के बावजूद संचारण के लिए उसके पास अलौकिक उपहार था।

एक अध्यापिका जिसका नाम Anne Sullivan था Helen Keller के लिए भाषा का रहस्य खोलने के लिए आई। उसने ऐसा उसके हाथ पर कुछ शब्दों का spelling लिखकर किया। Helen Keller ने अपने जीवन की कथा लिखी। अपनी शिक्षा से पहले Helen Keller एक जहाज़ की तरह थी जो घनी धुंध में बंद हो। उसकी अध्यापिका की कोशिशों और सीखने के लिए उसकी रजामन्दी ने उसके लिए भाषा के रहस्य को खोल दिया। उसका जीवन इस कहावत की सच्चाई को सिद्ध करता है कि हवा और मौसम सबसे योग्य जहाजरानी मार्ग निर्देशक के साथ होते हैं।

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 7 The Story of My Life

Question 2.
Give a brief character sketch of the narrator (Helen Keller).
Helen Keller का संक्षेप में चरित्र-चित्रण करें।
Helen Keller became blind and deaf at the age of nineteen months because of fever. Despite her handicap, she went on to live a fuller and more adventurous life. She had a remarkable gift for communication. She learned to read and write. She was an eager learner.

Her teacher Anne Sullivan did a lot of hard work in teaching her by spelling words through finger-play. She had some difficulty in knowing the difference between certain words. But her teacher’s patience and labour revealed to her the mystery of language.

She was delighted when the mystery of language was revealed to her. Helen Keller wrote her autobiography at the age of 22. She rose to be an outstanding personality through her education.

ज्वर के कारण Helen Keller 19 महीने की अवस्था में अंधी और गूंगी हो गई। अपनी अक्षमता के बावजूद उसने परिपूर्ण जीवन व्यतीत किया और उसका जीवन अपूर्व अनुभव था। अभिव्यक्तिशीलता के लिए उसकी प्रतिभा अलौकिक थी। उसने पढ़ना और लिखना सीख लिया। वह बड़ी उत्सुक शिष्या थी।

उसकी अध्यापिका ने बड़े परिश्रम से उसको finger-play द्वारा spelling करना सिखाया। उसे दो शब्दों के बीच अन्तर जानने में कुछ कठिनाई आई लेकिन उसकी अध्यापिका के सब्र और परिश्रम ने उसको भाषा के रहस्य का ज्ञान करा दिया। जब उसे भाषा के रहस्य का ज्ञान हो गया तो उसे बहुत प्रसन्नता हुई। Helen ने अपनी आत्मकथा 22 साल की आयु में लिख डाली। अपनी शिक्षा के कारण Helen Keller एक विशिष्ट व्यक्तित्व वाली महिला बन कर उभरी।

Question 3.
Describe the narrator’s experience with her teacher.
वर्णनकर्ता का अपनी अध्यापिका के साथ अनुभव का वर्णन करो।
Anne Sullivan came to Helen Keller’s house to teach her. The morning after she came, she was led into her room. She gave her a doll. She played with it a little while. Miss Sullivan slowly spelled into her hand the word d-o-l-l. She felt interested in the finger-play.

She learnt many words like pin, hat, cup and a few verbs like sit, stand and walk. After a few weeks, she learnt that everything has a name. One day Miss Sullivan put Helen’s big rag doll into her lap.

She again spelled the word “d-o-l-l” and tried to make Helen understand that d-o-l-l applied to both. Then she had a tussle with her teacher over the words ‘mug’ and ‘water’. She felt fed up with her teacher’s efforts to teach her the difference between the two words.

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 7 The Story of My Life

Then they went to the well-house. Her teacher placed her hand under the spout from which cool water flowed on her hand. She felt a thrill of returning thought. Her soul awakened. The mystery of language was revealed to her. She learnt a number of words. Finally she wrote her autobiography.

Anne Sullivan Helen Keller के घर उसको पढ़ाने के लिए आई। अगली प्रातः उसे Anne Sullivan के कमरे में ले जाया गया। उसने उसे एक गुड़िया दी। वह इस गुड़िया के साथ कुछ समय के लिए खेलती रही। Miss Sullivan ने धीरे-धीरे उसके हाथ में ‘d-o-l-l’ शब्द के spelling लिख दिए।

उसे ऊँगलियों के खेल में रुचि महसूस हुई। उसने कई शब्द सीख जैसे pin, hat, cup और कुछ verbs भी सीखे- जैसे sit, stand और walk। कुछ सप्ताहों के बाद उसने यह बात भी सीख ली कि हर एक चीज़ का नाम होता है। एक दिन Miss Sullivan ने Helen की कपड़े से बनाई हुई बड़ी गुड़िया उसकी गोद में रख दी।

उसने फिर Helen को समझाने की कोशिश की कि ‘d-o-l-l’ दोनों गुड़ियों को लागू होता है। फिर उसका अपनी अध्यापिका से ‘mug’ और ‘water’ शब्दों पर झगड़ा हो गया। वह अपनी अध्यापिका की दोनों words के बीच अन्तर समझाने की कोशिशों से तंग आ गई। फिर वे कुँआ-घर की ओर चली गईं।

उसकी अध्यापिका ने उसके हाथ को pipe के नीचे रखा जहां से ठंडा पानी उसके हाथ में बह कर आता था। उसे किसी विचार के वापस आने की कम्पन महसूस हुई। उसकी आत्मा जाग पड़ी। भाषा का रहस्य उस पर प्रकट हो गया। उसने कई शब्द सीख लिये। अन्त में उसने अपने जीवन की कहानी लिखी।

Objective Type Questions

Question 1.
Who was Anne Mansfield Sullivan ?
She was Helen Keller’s teacher.

Question 2.
What was something unusual happening at the narrator’s home ?
Helen’s teacher was expected to come, so Helen’s mother was hurrying to and fro in the house.

Question 3.
What was the narrator doing while sitting on the steps ?
She was waiting with beating heart for something to happen.

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 7 The Story of My Life

Question 4.
What was the wordless cry of the narrator’s soul ?
It was the gift of light and the light of love shone on her in that very hour.

Question 5.
Who had sent the doll for the narrator ?
Blind children at the Perkins Institution had sent it.

Question 6.
How did the narrator learn to spell the words ?
She learnt it by finger-play.

Question 7.
Why did the narrator dash the doll upon the floor?
The narrator did so because she felt disgusted with the efforts of Anne Sullivan to tell her the difference between mug and water.

Question 8.
List the few words that the narrator’s teacher made her learn.
The words were pin, hat, cup and a few verbs like sit, stand and walk.

Question 9.
What did the narrator learn at the well-house ?
She learnt the mystery of language as the cool water flowed over her hand.

Question 10.
Choose the correct date on which Helen Keller’s teacher came to her.
(i) Third of March, 1887
(ii) 13th April, 1887
(iii) 28th June 1887
Third of March, 1887.

Question 11.
Choose the correct option :
The name of Helen Keller’s teacher was :
(i) Anne Marilyn
(ii) Anne Sullivan
(iii) Anne Solomon
(iv) Gloria Sullivan.
(ii) Anne Sullivan.

Question 12.
Choose the correct option :
(i) The children of Perkins Institution sent a doll to Helen.
(ii) The children of Columbia Institution sent Helen a doll.
(iii) The girls of St. Mary School sent Helen a doll.
(i) The children of Perkins Institution sent a doll to Helen.

Question 13.
Name the correct method through which Helen Keller learnt to spell words
(i) finger-play
(ii) spelling words
(iii) finger-crossing

Question 14.
Helen Keller had a tussle with her teacher over the words :
(i) Jug and coffee
(ii) Mug and water
(iii) Beer and tankard
Mug and water.

Question 15.
Give two words which Helen Keller learned through finger-play.
Pin, hat.

Question 16.
Anne Mansfield Sullivan was Helen Keller’s :
(a) Sister
(b) Aunt
(c) Teacher
(d) Friend.
(c) Teacher

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 7 The Story of My Life

Question 17.
Small children of Perkins Institution had sent for Helen Keller :
(a) a packet of chocolates
(b) a doll
(c) a woollen cap
(d) a camera.
(b) a doll.

The Story of My Life Summary in English

The Story of My Life Introduction:

Helen Keller became blind and deaf through fever at the age of nineteen months. She was born in 1880. In those days people often did not care for the blind and the deaf. They used to be sent to the poor house or an asylum. But Helen Keller was a determined person.

She went on to live a fuller life. Although she was blind and deaf, Helen Keller had a great gift for communication. She learned to read and write Braille. She began to read lips by feeling the shapes and vibrations formed by people’s mouths as they spoke. This form of lip-reading is very difficult. Many people cannot do it successfully.

Anne Sullivan came to Helen’s house in March 1887. She immediately began to teach Helen to communicate by spelling into her hand. At the age of 22, Helen Keller published her life story, “The Story of My Life’ with the help of Sullivan and Sullivan’s husband, John Macy. It tells the story of her life up to the age of 21 and was written during her time in college.

The Story of My Life Summary in English:

The writer remembers the most important day of her life. It is the day on which her teacher Anne Sullivan came to her. She was filled with wonder. There is a great contrast between the two lives which it connects. She came to her on the third of March, 1887. It was three months before she was seven years old.

The day of Anne Sullivan’s arrival was full of excitement. She thought that something unusual was going to happen. She was tense and anxious. She was like a great ship trying to touch the shore. She was waiting for something to happen. Then she felt the approaching footsteps. She stretched out her hand. She expected her mother to take it. Someone took her hand. It was her teacher Anne Sullivan who came.

The morning after Anne Sullivan came, she led Helen into her room. She gave her a doll. It had been sent by the little blind children at the Perkins Institution. Helen played with the doll for some time. Miss Sullivan slowly spelled into her hand the word “d-ol-l”. Helen felt interested in the finger play and tried to imitate it. She succeeded in making the letters correctly.

She felt happy and proud. She ran downstairs to her mother. She held up her hand and made the letters for doll. She did not know that she was spelling a word or even that words existed. She was simply making her fingers go in monkey-like imitation. She learned to spell a great many words. Some of these words were pin, hat, cup and a few verbs like sit, stand and walk. After several weeks she understood that everything has a name.

One day, while she was playing with her new doll, Miss Sullivan put her doll into her lap and also spelled d-0-l-l and tried to make her understand that “d-o-l-l”applied to both. They also had a tussle over the words ‘mug’ and ‘w-a-t-e-r’. Miss Sullivan tried to impress it upon Helen that “mug is mug” and “water is water”. But Helen went on confusing the two.

Miss Sullivan dropped the subject for some time. She renewed it again after some time. Helen became impatient. She broke the new doll. She had no regrets. Her teacher Miss Sullivan swept the pieces of the broken doll to one side. She was satisfied that the cause of her discomfort was removed. Her hat was brought. Then they walked to the well-house.

At the well-house, someone was drawing water. Her teacher placed her hand under the spout. The cool stream of water flowed over Helen’s one hand. She spelled the word water into the other hand, first slowly, then quickly. Helen stood still. Her whole attention was fixed upon the motions of her fingers. Somehow the mystery of language was revealed to her. She knew then that w-a-t-e-r meant the wonderful cool something that was flowing over her hand.

She left the well-house. She was eager to learn. Everything had a name. Each name gave birth to a new thought. On reaching the house, she remembered that she had broken the doll. She felt her way to the place of the broken doll. Then she tried to put the pieces of the broken doll together. Then her eyes filled with tears. She felt sorry for what she had done.

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 7 The Story of My Life

She learnt many words that day. Some important words were mother, father, sister, teacher. She felt that these words were going to open the world for her. She was very happy. She lay in her crib. She longed for a new day to come.

The Story of My Life Summary in Hindi

The Story of My Life Introduction:

Helen Keller ज्वर से पीड़ित होने के कारण 19 महीनों की आयु में अन्धी और बहरी हो गई। वह 1880 में पैदा हुई थी। उन दिनों में लोग प्रायः अन्धों और बहरों की परवाह नहीं किया करते थे। उनको निर्धनों के रहने के लिए घरों या आश्रमों में भेज दिया जाता था। लेकिन Helen Keller एक पक्के इरादे वाली थी।

उसने परिपूर्ण जीवन व्यतीत किया। यद्यपि वह अन्धी और बहरी थी, Helen Keller के पास संचारण की महान प्रतिभा थी। उसने Braille सिस्टम पढ़ना और लिखना सीख लिया। उसने लोगों को बोलते समय अपने मुखों के द्वारा बनाये हुए आकारों और कम्पनों को अनुभव करके लोगों के होंठो को पढ़ना शुरू कर दिया। इस प्रकार होंठो को पढ़ना अति कठिन है। बहुत से लोग lip-reading सुगमता से नहीं कर सकते।

Anne Sullivan Helen के घर March 1887 में आई। उसने तुरन्त Helen को उसके हाथ में spelling लिखकर पढ़ाना शुरू कर दिया ताकि वह संचारण कर सके। 22 वर्ष की अवस्था में Helen ने अपने जीवन की कहानी को छपवा दिया जिस का नाम था ‘The Story of My Life’ ।

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 7 The Story of My Life

इसको लिखने में Helen की सहायता Sullivan ने और उसके पति John Macy ने की थी। यह पुस्तक 21 साल तक उसके जीवन की कहानी बताती है और उसके कालिज में पढ़ाई के दिनों में लिखी गई थी।

The Story of My Life Summary in Hindi:

लेखिका को अपने जीवन का बहुत महत्त्वपूर्ण दिन याद है। यह वह दिन है जिस दिन उसकी Teacher Ann Sullivan उसके पास आई। वह आश्चर्य से भर गई। उन दोनों के जीवनों में बहुत अन्तर है जिनको Ann Sullivan का आना जोड़ता है। वह उसके पास 3 March, 1887 को आई। Helen Keller की 7 साल की आयु में अभी 3 महीने बाकी थे जब Ann Sullivan उसके पास आई।

Ann Sullivan के आने का दिन जोश से भरा हुआ था। उसने सोचा कि कुछ असामान्य घटने वाला था। वह तनावदार और चिन्ताग्रस्त थी। वह एक बड़े समुद्री जहाज़ की तरह थी जो छोर तक पहुंचने का प्रयास कर रहा था। वह किसी चीज़ के घटित होने की प्रतीक्षा कर रही थी। तब उसको Ann Sullivan के पास आते हुए पगों की ध्वनि सुनाई दी।

उसने अपना हाथ आगे को पसारा। उसे आशा थी कि उसकी माँ उसका हाथ थाम लेगी। किसी ने उसका हाथ पकड़ लिया। यह उसकी Teacher Ann Sullivan थी जो उसके घर आई।

अपने आने के अगले दिन Ann Sullivan Helen को अपने कमरे में ले गई। उसने उसको एक गुड़िया दी। यह गुड़िया Perkins Institution के छोटे-छोटे अन्धे बच्चों ने उसके लिए भेजी थी। Helen कुछ समय तक गुड़िया के साथ खेलती रही। Miss Sullivan ने धीरे से Helen के हाथ में d-o-l-l का शब्द spell कर दिया।

Helen को अपने हाथ ऊँगलियों के खेल में रुचि पैदा हो गई और उसने इसकी नकल करने की कोशिश की। वह d-o-l-l के अक्षर ठीक तरह लिखने में (Finger play द्वारा ) सफल हो गई। वह प्रसन्न हुई और उसे अपने आप पर गर्व महसूस हुआ।

वह सीढ़ियों से नीचे उतर कर अपनी माँ के पास गई। उसने अपने हाथ को ऊपर करके दिखलाया और d-o-l-l के लिए अक्षर बनाये। उसको यह ज्ञान नहीं था कि वह एक शब्द के spelling कर रही थी और यह कि शब्दों का भी अस्तित्व होता है। वह अपनी ऊँगलियों को बन्दरों की तरह नकल करने में प्रयोग कर रही थी। उसने बहुत से शब्दों को spell करना सीख लिया। उनमें से कुछ शब्द थे pin, hat, cup

और कुछ verb जैसे sit, stand और walk कई सप्ताहों के बाद वह समझ गई कि हर एक चीज़ का नाम होता है। एक दिन जब वह अपनी नई गुड़िया के साथ खेल रही थी तो Miss Sullivan ने उसकी गुड़िया को उसकी गोद में रख दिया और ‘d-o-l-l’ शब्द को spell भी कर दिया और उसको यह समझाने की कोशिश की कि ‘d-o-l-l’ दोनों को लागू होती है। उनका ‘mug’ और ‘water’ शब्दों पर भी झगड़ा हुआ। Miss Sulivan ने Helen को समझाने की कोशिश की कि ‘Mug’ ‘Mug’ होता है और पानी पानी होता है लेकिन वे दोनों शब्दों में उलझ जाती हैं।

Miss Sullivan ने इस विषय को कुछ देर के लिए टाल दिया। उसने कुछ देर के बाद फिर शुरू कर दिया। Helen बेसब्र हो गई। उसने नई गुड़िया तोड़ डाली। उसे कोई खेद नहीं हुआ। Miss Sullivan ने टूटी हुई गुड़िया के टुकड़ों को झाडू से साफ़ करके एक side पर लगा दिया। इसके बाद वे कुँआ-घर की ओर चले गये।

कुंआ-घर पर कोई व्यक्ति पानी निकाल रहा था। उसकी Teacher उसके हाथ को पानी की पाईप के नीचे करके पानी की ठंडी धारा Helen के एक हाथ पर बहाती गई। उसने Helen के दूसरे हाथ में ‘water’ शब्द के spelling बना दिए। पहले धीरे-धीरे, बाद में, फिर तेज़ी से।

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 7 The Story of My Life

Helen चुपचाप खड़ी रही। उसका पूरा ध्यान उसकी ऊँगलियों की हरकत पर लगा हुआ था। किसी तरह भाषा का रहस्य उस पर प्रकट हो गया। फिर उसे पता चल गया कि पानी का अर्थ था कोई विचित्र ठंडी चीज़ जो कि उसके हाथ पर बह रही थी। वह well-house से चली गई। वह और सीखने के लिए उत्सुक थी। हर एक चीज़ का कोई नाम था। प्रत्येक नाम एक नये विचार को जन्म देता था। घर पहुँचकर उसे याद आया कि उसने गुड़िया को तोड़ दिया है।

वह टूटी हुई गुड़िया की जगह पर गई। फिर उसने टूटी हुई गुड़िया के टुकड़ों को जोड़ना चाहा। फिर उसकी आँखें अश्रुओं से भर गई। जो कुछ उसने किया था, उस पर उसको बहुत दुःख हुआ। उस दिन उसने बहुत से शब्द सीखे। कुछ महत्त्वपूर्ण शब्द थे mother, father, sister, teacher । उसने महसूस किया कि ये शब्द संसार के सारे द्वार उसके लिए खोल देंगे। वह बहुत प्रसन्न थी। वह अपने खटोले में या शिशुशैया में लेट गई। वह चाहती थी कि अगला दिन जल्दी आए।

Word Meanings:

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 7 The Story of My Life 1
PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 7 The Story of My Life 2

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 On Saying “Please”

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class English Book Solutions Chapter 6 On Saying “Please” Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 English Chapter 6 On Saying “Please”

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Write in your own words the theme of the chapter ‘On Saying Please’. (V.V. Imp.)
‘On Saying Please’ अध्याय का विषय-वस्तु अपने शब्दों में लिखो।
This essay tells us about the value of good manners. Bad manners are not a legal crime. But a man with bad manners is disliked by everybody. Words like ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you’ help us in making our passage through life smooth.

The law does not permit us to hit back if we are the victims of bad manners. Bad manners create a chain reaction. A good mannered person will find that his work becomes easier by the ready co-operation of others

मानव जीवन में शिष्टाचार का बहुत मूल्य है। कानून की दृष्टि में बुरा व्यवहार अपराध नहीं है। लेकिन बुरे व्यवहार या शिष्टाचार वाले व्यक्ति को कोई पसन्द नहीं करता। ‘Please’ और ‘Thank you’ जैसे शब्द जीवन में हमारे रास्ते को समतल बनाने में हमारी सहायता करते हैं। यदि हम बुरे व्यवहार का शिकार बनते हैं तो कानून हमें पलटवार करने की आज्ञा नहीं देता। बुरे आचरण से प्रतिक्रिया की कड़ी आरम्भ हो जाती है। शिष्टाचार वाले व्यक्ति का काम दूसरों के सहयोग से अधिक सुगम हो जाता है।

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 On Saying

Question 2.
Describe the narrator’s encounter with the bus conductor.
वर्णनकर्ता की bus conductor के साथ भेंट का वर्णन करो।
One day the writer boarded a bus. He found that he had no money in his pocket. He told the conductor that he had no money. He wanted to go back for the money. To his surprise, the conductor told him that he did not need to go back for money.

He gave the writer a ticket without demanding the fare. The writer asked the conductor where he should send the fare. The conductor told the writer that he would see him on the route some day. In the meantime, he found a shilling in his pocket and the account was settled. The conductor’s behaviour left a very good impression on the writer.

एक दिन लेखक बस में सवार हुआ। उसे पता चला कि उसकी जेब में कोई पैसा नहीं था। उसने कंडक्टर को बताया कि उसके पास पैसे नहीं थे। वह पैसे लाने के लिए वापस जाना चाहता था। लेखक को बहुत आश्चर्य हुआ, जब कंडक्टर ने उसे बताया कि उसे पैसों के लिये वापस जाने की आवश्यकता नहीं है।

कंडक्टर ने किराया मांगे बगैर लेखक को टिकट दे दिया। लेखक ने कंडक्टर से पूछा उसे किराया कहां भेजना चाहिये। कंडक्टर ने उत्तर दिया कि वह लेखक को उसी रूट पर किसी दिन मिल जायेगा। इतने में लेखक को अपनी जेब में एक शिलिंग प्राप्त हुआ और उसने हिसाब चुका दिया। कंडक्टर के व्यवहार ने लेखक पर बहुत अच्छा प्रभाव डाला।

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Draw a brief character-sketch of the bus conductor in your own words. बस कंडक्टर का संक्षेप में चरित्र-चित्रण करो। (Imp.)
The bus conductor was a very cheerful and good-natured man. He was full of patience. He never lost his temper. He kept his passengers comfortable. He was very helpful to his passengers. With elderly passengers, he was like a respectful son. With children, he was like a loving father. He cracked jokes with young persons He took special care of the blind and the handicapped people. He was gentle and soft-spoken.

Once he gladly agreed to give the writer the bus ticket and charge from him the fare later. Once he trampled the writer’s toe which caused him great pain. He apologised to him. Travelling in his bus was like getting a lesson in good manners.

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 On Saying

बस कंडक्टर प्रसन्नता उत्पन्न करने वाला और अच्छे स्वभाव का व्यक्ति था। वह धैर्य से भरपूर था और कभी क्रोध में नहीं आता था। वह अपने यात्रियों को आरामदायक ढंग से रखता था। बूढ़ों के लिये वह श्रद्धालु बेटा था। बच्चों के साथ वह स्नेही पिता था। युवा व्यक्तियों के साथ वह मज़ाक किया करता था।

वह अन्धों और अपंग लोगों का विशेष ध्यान रखता था। वह भद्र और कोमल बोलने वाला था। एक बार वह खुशी से लेखक को बस का टिकट देने और बाद में उससे किराया लेने को मान गया। एक बार उसने लेखक के पैर का अंगूठा कुचल दिया जिससे उसे बहुत दर्द हुआ। उसने लेखक से क्षमा मांगी। उसकी बस में यात्रा करना अच्छे शिष्टाचार का पाठ लेने की तरह था।

Question 2.
Why did the lift-man throw the passenger out of the lift ? Do you approve of his action ?
लिफ्ट-चालक ने यात्री को लिफ्ट से बाहर क्यों धकेला ? क्या तुम उसके काम से सहमत हो ?
A passenger got inside a lift and wanted to go to the top floor. He ordered the lift-man to take him to the ‘top’. The lift-man thought that the passenger was rude. He wanted the passenger to say “Top Please’. So he suggested to the passenger to say so. The passenger did not agree.

The lift-man got angry at this. He threw the passenger out of the lift. I do not approve of the lift-man’s action. Discourtesy is not a legal offence. Nobody can force others to be polite. The lift-man used violence against the passenger. This was certainly against law. So he was rightly punished

एक यात्री लिफ्ट में गया और वह सबसे ऊपर की छत पर जाना चाहता था। उसने लिफ्ट वाले को Top का निर्देश दिया। लिफ्ट वाले ने समझा कि यात्री गुस्ताख था। वह चाहता था कि यात्री ‘Top Please” कहे। इसलिये उसने यात्री को ऐसा कहने की सलाह दी। यात्री न माना। इस पर लिफ्ट वाले को क्रोध आया।

लिफ्ट वाले ने यात्री को लिफ्ट से बाहर फेंक दिया। मैं लिफ्ट वाले के काम को पसन्द नहीं करता। अशिष्ट व्यवहार कोई कानूनी अपराध नहीं है। कोई व्यक्ति दूसरों को विनम्र होने पर विवश नहीं कर सकता। लिफ्ट वाले ने यात्री के विरुद्ध हिंसा का प्रयोग किया। यह निश्चित तौर पर कानून के विरुद्ध था। इसलिए लिफ्ट वाले को दण्ड मिलना ठीक था।

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 On Saying

Question 3.
Explain how a case of bad manners leads to a vicious circle.
वर्णन करो कि बुरे व्यवहार से दुष्टता का चक्कर कैसे चल पड़ता है।
Bad manners generally form a vicious circle. The writer gives the example of the sensitive lift-man. He felt hurt by the rudeness of the passenger. He might have got more pain from this challenge to his social status than he would get from a kick on the shin. The passenger might be expressing his rudeness that his employer showed him in the morning by not wishing him good morning.

The employer might be in a bad temper because he had been scolded by his wife, when dealing with the cook. The cook had been insulted by the housemaid. Thus the bad manners and ill-humour of one man do a lot of harm by starting a chain reaction.

बुरे व्यवहार से दुष्टता का चक्कर बन जाता है। लेखक संवेदनशील लिफ्ट वाले का उदाहरण देता है। उसने यात्री की गुस्ताखी पर ठेस महसूस की। उसने अपनी सामाजिक स्थिति पर इस चुनौती से अपने घुटने के नीचे वाली हड्डी पर मुक्के की अपेक्षा अधिक दर्द महसूस किया। यात्री शायद अपना गुस्सा उस पर इसलिए निकाल रहा हो क्योंकि उसके मालिक ने उसे सुबह नमस्ते न करके अपनी गुस्ताखी दिखाई हो।

मालिक का मिज़ाज शायद अपनी पत्नी से झिड़क खाने के कारण खराब हो। पत्नी बावर्ची से निपटते समय क्रुद्ध हुई थी। बावर्ची के साथ नौकरानी ने अशिष्ट ढंग से बात की हो। इस तरह एक व्यक्ति के बुरे व्यवहार से काफ़ी हानि की प्रतिक्रिया आरम्भ हो जाती है।

Question 4.
What are A.G. Gardiner’s views on bus conductors ? How did the polite bus conductor impress him
A.G. Gardiner के बस कंडक्टरों के बारे क्या विचार हैं ? विनम्र बस कंडक्टर ने उसे कैसे प्रभावित किया ?
A.G. Gardiner thinks that the profession of a conductor is a very difficult one. Still, a majority of the bus conductors show great patience and good manners in dealing with the passengers. Only a few conductors are ill-mannered. The writer was highly impressed by the polite bus conductor. He was full of patience. He was helpful to all the passengers.

He was kind at heart. He spread cheerfulness around him. Once he gladly agreed to give the writer the bus ticket and charge from him the fare later. Once he trampled the writer’s toes, causing him great pain. He apologised to the writer. The writer was all praise for his decent behaviour.

A.G. Gardiner का विचार है कि कंडक्टर का काम बहुत कठिन होता है। फिर भी बहुत से कंडक्टर यात्रियों के साथ व्यवहार करने में बहुत सहनशीलता और शिष्टाचार का प्रदर्शन करते हैं। केवल बहुत थोड़े कंडक्टर बुरे शिष्टाचार वाले होते हैं। लेखक विनम्र बस कंडक्टर से बहुत प्रभावित हुआ। वह धैर्य से भरपूर था।

वह सब यात्रियों की सहायता करता था। वह दयालु हृदय वाला था। वह अपने इर्द-गिर्द प्रसन्नता फैलाता था। एक बार वह लेखक को बस का टिकट देने पर राजी हो गया और उसने किराया बाद में लेना मान लिया। एक बार उसने लेखक के पांव की उंगलियों को कुचला, जिससे लेखक को काफ़ी पीड़ा हुई। उसने लेखक से क्षमा मांगी। लेखक उसके व्यवहार पर प्रशंसा से भरपूर था।

Question 5.
Describe the value of polite behaviour as expressed in A.G. Gardiner’s essay ‘On Saying Please’.
What is the importance of polite words like ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you’ in our life ? Support your answer with examples from your textbook. (V.V. Important)
A.G. Gardiner द्वारा ‘On Saying Please’ निबन्ध में व्यक्त किए गए विनम्र व्यवहार का महत्त्व बताओ।
“Please” और “Thank you” शब्दों का हमारे जीवन में क्या महत्त्व है ? अपनी पाठ्य-पुस्तक के उदाहरण से अपने उत्तर का समर्थन करो।
Words like ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you’ help us in making our passage through life smooth. Bad manners and rude behaviour create bitterness. A lift-man was punished for throwing an ill-mannered passenger out of a lift. If a person knocks down a thief, he is justified. But the lift-man was in the wrong because he had used violence which is not permitted by the law. Discourtesy is not a legal offence. If a person is hurt physically he can go to the law.

But no law guides us regarding our manners. It is the social practice that requires us to be civil. Good manners are also infectious. An ill-mannered man is a misfit in a cheerful company. A cheerful person, like pleasant weather, removes darkness and spreads light. The writer gives the example of a very polite bus conductor. He was gentle and good humoured with his passengers and his conduct infected the passengers.

“Please” और “Thank you” जैसे शब्द जीवन में हमारे रास्ते को समतल बना देते हैं। अशिष्ट व्यवहार और रूखा आचरण कड़वाहट पैदा करते हैं। एक Lift-man को किसी अशिष्ट व्यवहार वाले यात्री को Lift से बाहर धकेलने के लिए सज़ा दी गई थी। यदि कोई व्यक्ति चोर को मारता है तो वह न्यायोचित है।

लेकिन Lift-man गलत था क्योंकि उसने हिंसा का प्रयोग किया था जिसकी कानून हमें अनुमति नहीं देता। अशिष्टता कानूनी अपराध नहीं है। यदि किसी व्यक्ति को शारीरिक चोट पहुंचाई जाए तो वह कानून का सहारा ले सकता है। लेकिन कोई कानून हमारे शिष्टाचार का पथ-प्रदर्शक नहीं है। सामाजिक व्यवहार हमें शिष्ट बनने पर बाध्य करता है।

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 On Saying

अच्छा शिष्टाचार भी संक्रमणकारी सिद्ध होता है। एक अशिष्ट व्यक्ति प्रसन्नचित्त व्यक्तियों की संगति में ठीक नहीं बैठता। सुहावने मौसम की तरह एक प्रसन्नचित्त व्यक्ति अन्धकार को परे हटा कर रोशनी फैलाता है। लेखक एक बहुत ही विनम्र बस कंडक्टर का उदाहरण देता है। वह अपने यात्रियों के साथ शराफत और हंसीपूर्वक मज़ाक करता था और उसके व्यवहार का यात्रियों पर अच्छा प्रभाव पड़ता था।

Question 6.
Explain what A.G. Gardiner means by saying “We infect the world with illhumours.”
वर्णन करो कि A.G. Gardiner का यह कहने से क्या अभिप्राय है “हम दुर्भावना से विश्व को दूषित करते हैं।”
The writer says that bad manners and bad temper spread like an infection. They create a vicious circle and spoil the atmosphere. The passenger was impolite to the lift-man because his employer had not wished him good morning. The employer had been discourteous because his wife had been rude to him at breakfast. The wife had been rude to him because the cook had been insulting. And the cook had been insulting because the housemaid had answered him back.

In this way one act of rudeness made way for another. In the same way, Sir Anthony Absolute snubbed Captain Absolute. The Captain went out and bullied his man, Fag. Fag went downstairs and kicked the page-boy. In this way there is the chain of bad manners. We infect the world with our illhumours. Bad manners do more to poison the stream of general life than all the crimes in the world.

लेखक कहता है कि बुरा शिष्टाचार और बुरा मिज़ाज संक्रमण की तरह फैलता है। वे एक बुरा दायरा पैदा करते हैं और वातावरण खराब कर देते हैं। यात्री लिफ़्ट-चालक के प्रति नम्र नहीं था क्योंकि उसके मालिक ने उसे शुभ प्रभात नहीं कहा था। मालिक अभद्र था क्योंकि नाश्ते पर उसकी पत्नी गुस्ताख थी। पत्नी ने उस पर गुस्ताखी की क्योंकि खानसामे ने उसका अपमान किया था। खानसामे ने अपमान किया था क्योंकि नौकरानी ने उसको जवाब दिया था।

इस तरह गुस्ताखी का एक कार्य दूसरे को रास्ता देता है। इसी ढंग से, Sir Anthony Absolute ने Captain Absolute को दबोचा था। Captain बाहर गया और अपने आदमी Fag को दबोचा। Fag नीचे गया और पेज लड़के को मुक्का मारा। इस तरह बुरे शिष्टाचार की कड़ी चलती रहती है। हम अपने बुरे स्वभाव से विश्व को दूषित करते हैं। बुरा शिष्टाचार विश्व में सब जुर्मों की अपेक्षा जीवन की सामान्य धारा को अधिक ज़हरीला बनाता है।

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 On Saying

Objective Type Questions

This question will consist of 3 objective type questions carrying one mark each. These objective questions will include questions to be answered in one word to one sentence or fill in the blank or true/false or multiple choice type questions.

Question 1.
Why was the passenger hurled out of the lift?
The passenger asked the liftman rudely to carry him to the top and the offended liftman hurled the passenger out of the lift.

Question 2.
How could the liftman restore his equilibrium ?
Feeling insulted by the ill-mannered passenger, the liftman visited his anger on his. wife to restore his equilibrium.

Question 3.
Describe the vicious circle that possibly led to the liftman’s outburst.
Bad manners generally form a vicious circle ; the liftman felt hurt by the rudeness of the passenger who expressed his rudeness to his employer who had been scolded
by his wife.

Question 4.
What is the first requirement of civility ? (Important)
The first requirement is that we should acknowledge a service.

Question 5.
What serves as ‘Little Courtesies’ in our daily life ?
Words like “Please’ and ‘Thank you are the little courtesies in our daily life.

Question 6.
What does à conductor in the bus generally think about the passengers ?
Most conductors behave well though some of them regard the passengers as their natural enemies.

Question 7.
Why was the narrator annoyed at himself in the bus ?
He was annoyed because he had boarded the bus without having any money in his pocket.

Question 8.
Describe the glow of pleasure that the narrator experienced.
The narrator experienced this at the willingness of the conductor in giving him the bus ticket without money.

Question 9.
What were the good qualities of the conductor ?
He was cheerful and polite, helpful to passengers, and well-mannered.

Question 10.
How could have the liftman avoided the trouble ?
He could have avoided it by being very polite.

Question 11.
The damage done by unkind words is more painful than ………… injury. (Fill up the blank by one of the words : physical, spiritual, social)

Question 12.
A discourtesy is not a ………… offence. (Fill up the blank with a suitable word : legal/punishable.

Question 13.
Civility oils the machine ……………… life. (Fill in the blank)

Question 14.
The law does not compel us to be polite. (True/False)

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 On Saying

Question 15.
Social practice requires us to be ………….. (happy/serious / civil) (Fill up the blank with appropriate word)

Question 16.
A cheerful person can make the gloomiest person cheerful….(True/False)

Question 17.
There is no harm in getting a moral lesson from a ………… person. (poor/brilliant) (Fill up the blank with the appropriate word)

Question 18.
We infect the world with out ill humour. (True/False)

Question 19.
Evil manners start a vicious circle. (True/False)

Question 20.
‘On Saying Please’ is written by…………
A.G. Gardiner.

Question 21.
Choose the author of essay ‘On Saying Please’ :
(a) Joseph Addison
(b) A.G. Gardiner
(c) William Hazlitt
(d) Charles Lamb.
(b) A.G. Gardiner.

Question 22.
Whom did the liftman throw out of the following ?
(a) His boss.
(b) His wife.
(c) A passenger.
(d) The passenger’s wife.
(c) A passenger.

Question 23.
Who out of the following happened to trample upon the writer’s toe ?
(a) The bus conductor.
(b) His lady companion.
(c) His neighbour.
(d) A stranger.
(a) The bus conductor.

The Story of My Life Summary in English

The Story of My Life Introduction:

This essay tells us about the value of good manners. Bad manners are anti-social. But they are not a crime in the eyes of the law and therefore the law does not permit us to hit back if we have been the victims of bad manners. People begin to avoid a man with bad manners. He is not liked by anyone. A person with good manners brings us sunshine. His company is indeed very pleasant.

The Story of My Life Summary in English:

This essay deals with little but socially important incidents from daily life. It shows us the importance of words like ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ in our daily life. They settle bitter quarrels and soften bad tempers. The damage done by unkind words is more painful than physical injury.

A lift-man in an office threw a passenger out of the lift as the latter was impolite. He did not use the word ‘please’ while asking him to take him to the top. The author is of the opinion that discourtesy is not a legal offence. If a person knocks another person down because he has broken the law, the former will be acquitted.

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 On Saying

But the lift-man was in the wrong because the law does not permit anybody to use violence, if another person is discourteous. Even if a person is discourteous the law will protect him against attack. An uncivil person may be called ill-mannered but he cannot be compelled by the law to say ‘please’. Moral and intellectual damages have nothing to do in this case.

The lift-man was perhaps badly hurt because he considered it a blot on his social position. If he had been kicked on the shin he could have approached law for getting it redressed, but the pain of a wound to self-respect, would last a longer period. If a person’s self-respect is wounded, he remains uneasy till he inflicts such a wound on some other person.

Evil manners start a vicious circle. In Sheridan’s play “The Rivals the father, Sir Anthony Absolute, rebukes the son, Captain Absolute. Captain Absolute goes out and scolds his personal servant Fag. Fag gets relief for his feelings by going into the servants’ quarters and kicking the page boy.

Similarly, it is quite possible that the employer, in his turn, had been insulted by his wife who was simply trying to work off the temper which she got from the ill manners of the cook. The cook in his turn was sore because the house-maid had been rude. A bad mood and bad temper cause a widespread infection. They do more harm to the social life than the crimes recognised by the penal code. All the same the law cannot operate in this area because it is so vast.

It is true that no law requires us to be polite. Politeness in speech and manners is not only beneficial for the individual who practises it but also for those around. Bad manners poison the general stream of life. Civility oils the machine of life, makes things easier and keeps human beings in good relationship. It is not a social but a moral obligation.

The writer pays a rich tribute to a bus conductor. With his good behaviour he spread joy around him. A polite word to an impolite person is a sweeter form of revenge than the revenge of throwing stones at him who throws a stone at you.

Although the law does not compel us to be polite yet social practice requires us to be civil. Words like ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you’ do keep the machine of life in a good working order. They teach us co-operation and we can get better work by the use of these words. The author once boarded a bus. He found that he had no money in his pocket. He . was in a fix what to do.

He was expecting that the conductor would call his statement an old trick. But when he told the conductor that he had forgotten to bring money with him, he accepted his explanation and gave him the ticket upto his destination. When the author asked him where he should give him the fare, his simple reply was : “Oh you’ll see me some day all right.” Luckily the author found a shilling in one of the corners of his pocket and he settled the account.

A few days later the author was hurt by the heavy boots of the conductor. But he behaved in a very decent manner and the author did not mind it. The conductor always tried to make his passengers comfortable. A journey with him was a lesson in natural courtesy and good manners. If we are uncivil, others also become uncivil. If we show good manners, others will also behave well.

A cheerful person can make the gloomiest person cheerful. The author feels that it is always better to be on the bus of that conductor when going from one place to another. It is a sound investment to possess good manners. If Wordsworth could get a lesson from the poor leech-gatherer, there is no harm in getting lessons from a person like a bus conductor who has good manners.

The Story of My Life Summary in Hindi

The Story of My Life Introduction:

यह निबन्ध हमें शिष्टाचार का महत्त्व बताता है। बुरे आचार समाज विरोधी होते हैं। क्योंकि न्याय की दृष्टि में वे अपराध नहीं हैं और इसलिए यदि हम बुरे शिष्टाचार के शिकार बनते हैं तो कानून हमें बदला लेने की आज्ञा नहीं देता। लोग बुरे आचार वाले व्यक्ति से बचना शुरु कर देते हैं। उसको कोई पसन्द नहीं करता। एक अच्छे शिष्टाचार वाला व्यक्ति हमारे लिये चमकते सूर्य की तरह है। उसकी संगति बड़ी सुहावनी होती है।

The Story of My Life Summary in Hindi:

यह निबन्ध प्रतिदिन के जीवन की छोटी लेकिन महत्त्वपूर्ण सामाजिक घटनाओं के साथ सम्बन्ध रखता है। यह हमारे प्रतिदिन के जीवन में “Please” और “Thank you” जैसे शब्दों का हमें महत्त्व बताता है। ये झगड़ों को निपटाते हैं और अक्खड़ स्वभाव को नम्र बना देते हैं। अप्रिय शब्द कहने से जो पीड़ा होती है वह शारीरिक पीड़ा से अधिक कष्टप्रद है। एक लिफ्टचालक ने यात्री को Lift से बाहर धकेल दिया क्योंकि यात्री का व्यवहार अभद्र था।

उसनें “Please” शब्द का प्रयोग नहीं किया जब उसने उसे ऊपर ले जाने के लिए कहा। लेखक की राय है कि अभद्रता कानूनी अपराध नहीं है। यदि एक व्यक्ति दूसरे को मार कर नीचे गिरा देता है क्योंकि उसने कानून का उल्लंघन किया है तो पहले को बरी कर दिया जायेगा। लेकिन लिफ्टचालक गलत था क्योंकि कानून किसी व्यक्ति को हिंसा का प्रयोग करने की आज्ञा नहीं देता यदि दूसरा अभद्र हो।

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 On Saying

यदि कोई व्यक्ति अभद्र है, तो कानून आक्रमण के विरुद्ध उसकी रक्षा करेगा। एक अभद्र व्यक्ति को अभद्र कहा जा सकता है लेकिन कानून उसे “Please” कहने के लिए मजबूर नहीं कर सकता। नैतिक तथा बौद्धिक क्षति का इससे कोई सम्बन्ध नहीं।

लिफ्टचालक को शायद काफ़ी दुःख हुआ क्योंकि उसने अपनी पोजीशन पर इसे धब्बा समझा। यदि उसने टांग के नीचे की हड्डी पर मारा होता, तो कानून द्वारा उसकी सुनवाई हो जाती। लेकिन आत्म-सम्मान को लगी ठेस की दर्द काफ़ी देर तक रहती है। यदि किसी व्यक्ति के आत्मसम्मान को ठेस पहुंचती है, वह तब तक बेचैन रहता है जब तक वह किसी दूसरे व्यक्ति को ठेस नहीं पहुंचाता।।

‘बुरे व्यवहार से दुष्टता का चक्कर चल पड़ता है। शैरीडन के नाटक The Rivals में पिता Sir Anthony Absolute अपने पुत्र Captain Al olute को बुरा-भला कहता है। कैप्टन ऐबसोल्यूट अपने बैरे फैग के साथ बुरा व्यवहार करता है। बैरा फैग नौकरी के क्वार्टरों में जाकर एक छोटे लड़के को पीट कर अपना क्रोध उतारता है। इसी प्रकार यह संभव है कि लिफ्टचालक भी उस दिन हताश हो गया था क्योंकि उसके स्वामी ने उसके साथ शिष्ट व्यवहार नहीं किया था।

यह भी संभव है कि स्वामी को उसकी पत्नी ने तंग किया होगा। उसकी पत्नी बावरची की धृष्टता से तंग होगी और बावरची के साथ घर की नौकरानी ने बुरा व्यवहार किया होगा। बुरी मनोदशा और चिड़चिड़ी आदत छूत की बीमारी है। ये सामाजिक जीवन को अपराधों की अपेक्षा अधिक हानि पहंचाते हैं। फिर भी कानून इस क्षेत्र में कुछ सहायता नहीं कर सकता क्योंकि कानून का क्षेत्र बहुत फैला हुआ है। यह सच है कि कोई कानून हमें नम्र होने के लिए विवश नहीं करता। लिए भी लाभप्रद है। अभद्र व्यवहार ज़िन्दगी के सामान्य प्रवाह को विषाक्त करता है।

सदाचार ज़िन्दगी की मशीन को तेल देता है, वस्तुओं को सुलभ बनाता है. और इन्सानों के सम्बन्धों को अच्छा बनाकर रखता है। यह सामाजिक नहीं बल्कि एक नैतिक दायित्व है। लेखक एक बस कण्डक्टर को भावभीनी

श्रद्धांजलि देता है जिसने सद्व्यवहार से अपने सब ओर प्रसन्नता प्रदान की। एक धृष्ट मनुष्य को बदले की भावना से कि ईंट का जवाब पत्थर से दिया जाये एक विनम्र शब्द कहना ज़्यादा अच्छा है। यद्यपि कानून हमें विनम्र होने के लिए मजबूर नहीं करता लेकिन सामाजिक व्यवहार चाहता है कि हम नैतिक बनें।

Please और Thank you शब्द जीवन रूपी मशीन को अच्छी अवस्था में रखते हैं। ये हमें सहयोग करना सिखाते हैं और हम इन शब्दों के प्रयोग से अच्छा काम करवा सकते हैं। एक बार लेखक एक बस में सवार हुआ। उसने देखा कि उसकी जेब में कोई पैसा नहीं है। वह इस उलझन में था कि क्या करे। वह आशा कर रहा था कि बस कण्डक्टर उसकी इस बात को एक पुराना बहाना कहेगा। परन्तु जब उसने कण्डक्टर को बताया कि वह घर से पैसे लाना भूल गया है तो कण्डक्टर ने उसकी बात पर विश्वास करके उसे उसके गन्तव्य तक का टिकट दे दिया।

जब लेखक ने उससे पूछा कि वह इस राशि को कहां पहुँचाये तो उसका साधारण सा जवाब था कि आप मुझे किसी भी दिन मिल सकेंगे। सौभाग्य से लेखक को अपनी जेब के किसी कोने में से एक शिलिंग का सिक्का मिल गया और उसने उसका हिसाब चुका दिया।

कुछ दिन बाद कण्डक्टर का भारी बूट लेखक के पैर के अंगूठे पर आ पड़ा। परन्तु वह बहुत ही सभ्य ढंग से लेखक के साथ पेश आया और लेखक ने इसका बुरा न मनाया। कण्डक्टर अपने यात्रियों को सदा सुखी रखने का यत्न करता था। उसके साथ यात्रा करना सदाचार और विनम्रता का सबक था। यदि हम अभद्र हैं तो दूसरे भी अभद्र बन जाते हैं। यदि हम अच्छे आचरण का अनुसरण करेंगे तो दूसरे भी हमसे अच्छा व्यवहार करेंगे। हंसमुख व्यक्ति बहुत दुःखी मनुष्य को भी खुश कर सकता है। जब कभी भी सफर करना हो तो लेखक उस कण्डक्टर की बस में ही सफर करना ठीक समझता है। अच्छे आचरण को ग्रहण करना एक अद्वितीय खज़ाना है।

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 6 On Saying

यदि वर्डजवर्थ एक निर्धन जोक वाले से सबक प्राप्त कर सकता है तो उस भद्र कण्डक्टर से सबक सीखने में कोई बुराई नहीं। युद्ध ने जीवन की शिष्टताओं को प्रभावित किया है परन्तु इन्हें जीवन को सुखद, विनम्र और सहनशील बनाने के लिए लाना ही होगा। कानून इन्हें लाने में हमारी सहायता नहीं कर सकता। यह केवल हमारी शारीरिक आक्रमण के विरुद्ध रक्षा कर सकता है। आत्मिक विजय के लिए हमें दूसरों के प्रति विनम्र होना चाहिए। यदि लिफ्टचालक ने यात्री के साथ भद्र व्यवहार किया होता तो यह उसकी उस पर नैतिक विजय होती।

Word Meanings:

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PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 On Giving Advice

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class English Book Solutions Chapter 5 On Giving Advice Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 English Chapter 5 On Giving Advice

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Explain the writer’s views about advising others.
दूसरों को नसीहत देने के बारे में लेखक की राय का स्पष्टीकरण करें।
Addison says that we are unwilling to receive advice from others. We think that the person advising us is insulting us. A man advising us thinks that others are 51 idiots or less intelligent. The advising person thinks that he is more intelligent than others. Advice to others must be made pleasant. The best way to do so is to advise others through a fable. A fable is a story with a moral. When we get advice through a fable, we think that we are advising ourselves.

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 On Giving Advice

Addison कहता है कि हम दूसरों से नसीहत लेने या सलाह लेने के लिए रजामन्द नहीं होते। हम यह सोचते हैं कि हमें नसीहत देने वाला व्यक्ति हमारा अपमान कर रहा है। जो व्यक्ति हमें सलाह देता है वह समझता है कि दूसरे मूर्ख हैं या कम बुद्धिमान हैं। दूसरों को नसीहत सुखद या मनोहर बना देनी चाहिए। दूसरों को नसीहत देने का बेहतरीन तरीका है नीति कथा के माध्यम से नसीहत का पाठ देना। एक नीति कथा एक कहानी होती है जिसमें नैतिक शिक्षा दी होती है। जब हम नीति कथा के माध्यम से शिक्षा लेते हैं तो हम महसूस करते हैं कि हम स्वयं अपने आप को नसीहत दे रहे हैं।

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is the theme of the chapter ‘On Giving Advice’ ? Discuss briefly. (V.V. Imp.)
‘On Giving Advice’ अध्याय का क्या कथावस्तु है ? संक्षेप में लिखें।
The theme of the chapter is that people do not like to be advised by others. People think that those who seek to advise think that others are foolish or less intelligent. Besides, a person who advises thinks that he is more intelligent than the persons receiving advice. Some people who are advised by others think that : the adviser is arrogant or rude.

We must make advice pleasant to be received by others gladly. That is why most writers make use of wit, nicely chosen words, proverbs and even good poetic language. Addison feels that a fable is the best method of advising others. The lesson given in a fable is acceptable. People listening to fables think that they are advising themselves. They feel that they are quite enlightened in their own wisdom.

इस chapter का कथावस्तु यह है कि लोग दूसरों से सलाह दिए जाना पसन्द नहीं करते। वे सोचते हैं कि, जो सलाह देते हैं,समझते हैं कि दूसरे मूर्ख हैं या कम बुद्धि वाले हैं। कुछ लोग जिनको सलाह दी जाती है, सोचते हैं कि नसीहत देने वाला घमंडी या अक्खड़ है। हमें सलाह को सुखद और मनोहर बनाना चाहिए ताकि सुनने वाले इसको खुशी से ग्रहण कर लें।

इसीलिए बहुत से लेखक अपने लेखों में अपनी बुद्धि या हाज़िरजवाबी, अच्छी तरह चुने हुए शब्दों, मुहावरों और अच्छी कवियों वाली भाषा का प्रयोग करते हैं। Addison महसूस करता है कि एक fable (नीति कथा) दूसरों को नसीहत देने का सर्वोत्तम तरीका होता है। Fable में दिया हुआ पाठ स्वीकार्य होता है। Fables को सुनने वाले लोग महसूस करते हैं कि वे स्वयं अपने आप को नसीहत दे रहे हैं। वे सोचते हैं कि वे अपनी ही अक्ल में जानकारी रखते हैं।

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 On Giving Advice

Question 2.
How did the vizier manage to change the mindset of cruel King Mahmoud ? Explain in your own words. ·
वज़ीर क्रूर सुल्तान Mahmoud के मन को बदलने में किस प्रकार सफल हो गया ? अपने शब्दों में वर्णन करें।
Sultan Mahmoud was a cruel ruler. He had killed many people in wars. He was very cruel at home. He had filled his kingdom with ruin, and desolation. He had unpeopled half the Persian empire. One day his vizier was returning from hunting with the Sultan.

On the way he heard two owls talking. The vizier could understand the language of birds. The Sultan asked him what the owls talked. He told the Sultan that one of the owls had a son and the other had a daughter.

They were on a treaty of marriage. The father of the son agreed to the marriage provided the father of the daughter would settle upon his daughter fifty ruined villages in dowry. The father of the daughter was willing to give 500 villages in place of fifty.

The father of the son said that he would never want 500 ruined villages.The Sultan was touched by the fable. He had a change of heart. He started working for the welfare of his people and rebuilt ruined towns and villages.

सुल्तान महमूद एक क्रूर बादशाह था। उसने युद्ध में कई व्यक्तियों को मारा था। वह अपने राज्य में भी बहुत क्रूर था। उसने अपने राज्य को भी तबाही और सूनेपन से भर दिया था। एक दिन उसका वज़ीर और सुल्तान शिकार से लौट रहे थे। रास्ते में वज़ीर ने दो उल्लुओं को बातें करते सुना। वजीर पक्षियों की बोली समझ सकता था। सुल्तान ने उससे पूछा कि उल्लू क्या बातें कर रहे थे। वजीर ने Sultan को बताया कि एक उल्लू का बेटा था, दूसरे की बेटी थी।

वे दोनों की शादी के बारे समझौता करने वाले थे। बेटे का बाप दूसरे उल्लू की बेटी से अपने बेटे की शादी करने पर सहमत था यदि वह अपनी बेटी को दहेज में 50 तबाह हो गये गांव दे दे। लड़की का बाप 500 तबाह हो गये गांव देने को तैयार था। बेटे के बाप ने कहा कि वह तबाह हुए 500 गांव कभी नहीं लेगा। नीति कथा को सुनकर सुल्तान द्रवित हो गया। उसके दिल में परिवर्तन आ गया। उसने अपने लोगों की भलाई के लिए काम करना आरम्भ कर दिया और उजड़े हुए गांवों और शहरों का पुनर्निमाण शुरु कर दिया।

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 On Giving Advice

Objective Type Questions

This question will consist of 3 objective type questions carrying one mark each. These objective questions will include questions to be anşwered in one word to
one sentence or fill in the blank or true/false or multiple choice type questions.

Question 1.
Why does one feel reluctant to receive an advice ?
We are reluctant to receive it because we think the person advising us is insulting our intelligence.

Question 2.
Why are people eager to advise others ?
They are eager because they think they are wiser than others.

Question 3.
How do the writers distinguish themselves from one another in the matter of advising or instructing others ?
They do so by instructions in the best chosen words, by writing sweet poetic words, some by wit and short proverbs.

Question 4.
According to the narrator which method is the most appropriate one to give a counsel?
Fable is the most appropriate method for giving advice.

Question 5.
How is the fable best suited amongst the various ways of instruction?
In a fable, we advise ourselves and the writer’s moral lessons are our own and there is nothing insulting.

Question 6.
How can an advice be inoffensive ?
The indirect method of advice is inoffensive in a fable.

Question 7.
Why did Mahmoud want to know about the conversation of the owls ?
The Sultan did not like the vizier telling him that he dare not tell but the Sultan would be satisfied only by knowing it.

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 On Giving Advice

Question 8.
What made Mahmoud change his old tyrannical ways ?
He was moved by the words of the girl’s father and he changed his cruel ways.

Question 9.
Name the author of the essay ‘On Giving Advice’.
Joseph Addison.

Question 10.
We take advice gladly. (True/False)

Question 11.
A person advising us insults our ………….(Fill in the blank)

Question 12.
Advice given for our welfare is actually a piece of ……. (Fill in the blank)

Question 13.
The adviser thinks that he is superior to the receiver of advice. (True or False)

Question 14.
Choose the correct option :
(i) We feel that we are advising ourselves on reading a fable.
(ii) While reading a fable we feel that we are advising others.
(iii) When we read a fable we do not get any advice.
(i) We feel that we are advising ourselves on reading a fable.

Question 15.
The Sultan Mahmoud of Turkey was very cruel/very kind/at home. (Write the correct answer)
very cruel.

Question 16.
Being touched by the fable, the Sultan of Turkey destroyed the towns and villages. (True/False)

Question 17.
The Sultan decided to work for the welfare of the people. (True/False)

Question 18.
What were the owls discussing with each other ?
They were talking about setting the marriage of one’s son with the daughter of the other.

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 On Giving Advice

Question 19.
One of the given ways is the best way of giving advice :
(a) Grandmother’s tales
(b) Fables
(c) Comedies
(d) Hymns.
(b) Fables.

Question 20.
The name of the Sultan in the lesson ‘On Giving Advice’ was :
(a) Omar Khayyam
(b) Saddam Hussain
(c) Mahmoud
(d) Fanney Khan
(c) Mahmoud.

Question 21.
The Sultan was walking through the jungle with one of these :
(a) His begum
(b) His vizier
(c) His bodyguard .
(d) His secretary.
(b) His vizier.

Question 22.
Fill in the blank :
…………. is the author of the essay ‘On Giving Advice
Joseph Addison.

On Giving Advice Summary in English

On Giving Advice Introduction:

This essay has been written by Joseph Addison who was an essayist of the eighteenth century. He tried to improve the morality of his readers with his wit. He wrote in a simple and easy to understand language. In this essay he tells us that most people are unwilling to be advised by others. They think that the man who gives them advice is insulting their intelligence.

He also thinks that he is superior to the receiver of advice. The giver of advice thinks that the receiver of advice is inferior in understanding. So advice has to be made pleasant. All the writers of the modern times and olden days have tried their best to make their advice pleasant through humour, wit and in the best-chosen words.

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 On Giving Advice

Addison thinks that the best method of making advice acceptable is by means of a fable. A fable is a made-up story. It gives a moral lesson. Readers think that they are advising themselves. So they do not mind being given such an advice.

On Giving Advice Summary in English:

We are generally unwilling to receive advice from others. We think that the man who is giving us advice is insulting our understanding and treating us like children or idiots. We consider the advice that we are given for our welfare is actually a piece of rudeness. The person who advises us thinks that he is superior to us. The advice giver thinks that the receiver of advice is defective either in conduct or understanding.

There is nothing so difficult as making the giving of advice pleasant. All the writers of the olden days and the modern times try their level best to make their advice agreeable. Many writers use several ways to make their advice pleasant. Some give us their instructions in the best chosen words, others do so in sweet words of poetry, still others make use of proverbs to give their advice.

Addison thinks that the best way of giving advice is through a made-up story or fable. Giving advice by telling a fable is the best way of giving advice. By listening to advice, in a fable, no body feels insulted. It does not shock the receiver of advice. He does not feel insulted.

On reading a fable, we feel that we are advising ourselves. We read the author for the sake of the story. We consider his moral lesson in the fable as our own conclusion. We do not think that the writer is giving us any advice. We are unable to see or feel the advice in the fable. We are taught by surprise. We become wiser and better without knowing that we are getting wiser and better. By this method, the man feels that he is directing himself.

If we try to examine ourselves we shall find that the mind is pleased when it takes part in any action. It gives the human mind an idea of her own perfections and abilities. This natural pride and ambition of the soul is very much satisfied in the reading of a fable.

In the reading of a fable, the reader is involved in half of the performance. Everything appears to him like a discovery of his own. He is busy all the while in applying characters and circumstances. In olden days, wise men gave advice to their kings through fables. Birbal used to advise Akbar by fables. There is one good example of this nature in a Turkish tale.

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 On Giving Advice

The Sultan Mahmood of Turkey had fought many wars with other kings. He was very cruel at home. He filled his kingdom with ruin and desolation. Half of the Persian population was destroyed. The vizier of this great Sultan had pretended to have learned to understand the language of birds. One day the vizier was returning from hunting with his Sultan.

They saw a group of owls. The Sultan wanted to know what the two owls were saying to each other. He ordered his vizier to listen to their talk and give him an account of it. The vizier went near the tree on which the owls sat. He pretended to be very attentive to the owls.

He then came to the Sultan and told him that he had heard a part of the conversation between the two owls. One of these owls had a son and the other had a daughter. They wanted to settle à marriage between the son and the daughter. The father of the son told the father of the daughter that he would consent to the marriage if he would settle upon his daughter fifty ruined villages for her dowry.

The father of the daughter said in his reply that he would give her five hundred villages in place of fifty. The father of the son did .. not want ruined villages.The fable tells us that the Sultan was so touched by the fable. He rebuilt the towns and villages which had been destroyed. From that time, he always worked for the welfare; of his people.

On Giving Advice Summary in Hindi

On Giving Advice Introduction:

यह लेख (निबन्ध) Joseph Addison ने लिखा है। वह 18वीं शताब्दी का essayist (निबन्धकार) था। उसने अपने पाठकों की नैतिकता में अपनी समझ या हाज़िर-जवाबी से सुधार लाने का प्रयास किया। वह बड़ी सरल और आसानी से समझ आने वाली भाषा में निबन्ध लिखता था। इस निबन्ध में वह कहता है कि बहुत से लोग दूसरों द्वारा नसीहत दिए जाने को पसन्द नहीं करते। वे सोचते हैं कि जो आदमी उनको नसीहत करता है वह उनकी बुद्धि का अपमान करता है।

वह यह भी सोचता है कि वह नसीहत लेने वाले से वरिष्ठ है। नसीहत करने वाला यह भी समझता है कि नसीहत लेने वाला अपनी समझ में घटिया है। इस लिए नसीहत को सुखकर या मनोहर बना कर देना पड़ता है। वर्तमान और पुराने जमाने के लेखकों ने अपने लेखों को सुखकर और मनोहर बनाने के लिए हास्य रस, हाज़िर-जवाबी और सर्वोत्तम शब्दों के प्रयोग के द्वारा प्रयास किया है।

Addison का विचार है कि नसीहत को स्वीकार्य बनाने के लिए एक नीति कथा का प्रयोग करना चाहिए। एक नीति कथा बनाई हुई कहानी होती है। यह एक नैतिक पाठ भी देती है। पाठक यह समझते हैं कि वे स्वयं अपने आपको नसीहत दे रहे हैं। इसलिए वे ऐसी नसीहत को बुरा नहीं मानते।

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 On Giving Advice

On Giving Advice Summary in Hindi:

हम दूसरों से परामर्श या सलाह या नसीहत लेने में रज़ामन्द नहीं होते। हम सोचते हैं कि जो आदमी हम को नसीहत दे रहा है वह हमारी समझ या बुद्धि का अपमान कर रहा है और हमारे साथ ऐसे व्यवहार कर रहा है जैसे हम बच्चे हों या मूर्ख हों। जो नसीहत हमको हमारी भलाई के लिए दी जा रही है वास्तव में देने वाले की गुस्ताखी दिखाती है। जो व्यक्ति हमें नसीहत देता है वह यह समझता है कि वह हम से श्रेष्ठतर है।

नसीहत देने वाला यह सोचता है कि नसीहत लेने वाला अपने आचरण में या समझ में दोषपूर्ण या मन्द बुद्धि है। – नसीहत देने को सुखद बनाने से और कोई काम अधिक कठिन नहीं होता। पुराने समय के और वर्तमान ज़माने के लेखक अपनी नसीहत को सुखद बनाने का पूरा प्रयास करते हैं। बहुत से लेखक अपने लेखों को सुखद बनने के लिए कई तरीके अपनाते हैं। उनमें से कुछ अपने अनुदेशों को बहुत अच्छी तरह चुने हुए शब्दों में देते हैं। कुछ लेखक कविता के मधुर शब्दों में अपने अनुदेशों को देते हैं। कुछ ऐसे भी हैं जो मुहावरों के प्रयोग से अपने आप को सुखद बनाते हैं।

Addison का विचार है कि नसीहत देने का बेहतरीन तरीका है कि इसको मनगढन्त कहानी से दिया जाये। मनगढन्त कहानी के माध्यम से दी हुई कहानी में नसीहत देना, नसीहत देने का बेहतरीन तरीका है। किसी मनगढन्त कहानी में नसीहत को सुनकर कोई अपमानित महसूस नहीं करता। नसीहत पाने वाले को कोई सदमा नहीं होता।

वह अपमानित भी महसूस नहीं करता। मनगढन्त कहानी को पढ़ते समय हम महसूस करते हैं कि हम अपने आपको सलाह दे रहे हैं। हम उस लेखक को उसकी कहानी के लिए पढ़ते हैं। कहानी में दी हुई उसकी नैतिक शिक्षा को हम अपना ही उपसंहार समझते हैं। हम यह कभी नहीं सोचते कि लेखक हमें अपना परामर्श दे रहा है।

हमें इस fable में कोई नसीहत दिखाई नहीं देती । हमें अनजाने में नसीहत मिल जाती है। हम यह जाने बिना कि हम अधिक बुद्धिमान और बेहतर बन रहे हैं, इस तरीके से मनुष्य यह महसूस करता है कि वह अपने आपको अनुदेश देता है। यदि हम अपना निरीक्षण करें कि आदमी का मस्तिष्क उस समय प्रसन्न होता है जब वह किसी action में भाग लेता है, तो इससे आदमी के mind को अपनी पूर्णताओं और योग्यताओं का पता लग जाता है।

आत्मा के इस प्राकृतिक अभिमान की उच्चाकांक्षा किसी fable के पढ़ने से बहुत अधिक संतुष्ट हो जाती है। Fable के पढ़ने से पाठक action के आधे भाग का भागीदार बन जाता है। पाठक को ऐसे प्रतीत होता है कि यह उसकी अपनी ही खोज है। वह पूरा समय चरित्रों और परिस्थितियों को लागू करने में व्यस्त हो जाता है। पुराने समय में बुद्धिमान व्यक्ति अपने राजाओं को मनगढन्त कहानियों (fables) के साधन से शिक्षा दिया करते थे। बीरबल अकबर को fables के साधन से शिक्षा देता था। इस प्रकार का उदाहरण तुर्की की एक कहानी में है।

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 On Giving Advice

तुर्की के सुलतान महमूद ने दूसरे बादशाहों के साथ कई लड़ाईयां लड़ी थीं। वह अपने देश में बहुत क्रूर था। उसने अपने राज्य को तबाही और निर्जनता से भर दिया। ईरान की आधी जनसंख्या तबाह हो गई। इस बड़े सुलतान के वज़ीर ने बहाना किया था कि उसने जानवरों की भाषाएँ सीख ली हैं।

एक दिन वज़ीर अपने सुलतान के साथ शिकार से वापस लौट रहा था। उन्होंने उल्लुओं का एक समूह देखा। सुलतान जानना चाहता था कि दोनों उल्लू आपस में क्या बातें कर रहे थे। उसने अपने वज़ीर को आदेश दिया कि वह उल्लुओं की वार्तालाप सुने और उसे उसका अर्थ आकर बताये। वज़ीर उस पेड़ के पास गया जिस पर पक्षी बैठे हुए थे। उसने पक्षियों की ओर ध्यान देने का बहाना किया।

फिर वज़ीर सुलतान के पास आया और उसने कहा कि उसने दोनों उल्लओं की बातों को आंशिक तौर पर सुना था। एक उल्लू का एक बेटा था और दूसरे उल्लू की एक बेटी थी। वे बेटे और बेटी को शादी के बंधन में बाँधना चाहते थे। लड़के के बाप ने लड़की के बाप को कहा कि वह इस शादी के लिए सहमत है यदि वह अपनी बेटी के दहेज़ के लिए 50 उजड़े हुए गाँव दे दे। लड़की के बाप ने कहा कि वह उसको 50 की जगह यह कहानी हमें बताती है कि सुलतान इस वृत्तान्त को सुनकर द्रवित हो गया। उसने उजड़े हुए गाँवों और शहरों को पुनः आबाद कर दिया। उस समय से वह अपनी प्रजा की भलाई करने लगा।

Word Meanings:

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 On Giving Advice 1
PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 5 On Giving Advice 2

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 4 Robots and People

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class English Book Solutions Chapter 4 Robots and People Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 English Chapter 4 Robots and People

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
How did the automobile industry prove a boon as well as a bane for the workers ? (V. Imp.)
कार का उद्योग वेतनभोगियों ( श्रमिकों) के लिए किस प्रकार एक वरदान और शाप सिद्ध
The coming of the automobile industry was a loss of jobs that involved horses.There were fewer stables, fewer manufacturers of buggies and wagons, fewer whips and fewer spurs. The automobile industry was a bane for the horse-related people. It was a boon for others.

The automobiles brought so many garages, auto mechanics, tyre manufacturing, highway building, oil well drilling. Automobiles created hundreds of jobs. That is what happens when some new invention comes. Many new jobs appear. Others get destroyed. The jobs that are destroyed appear to be dull and boring. Even a robot can do them.

Automobile उद्योग के आने से घोड़ों से सम्बन्धित कामों या नौकरियों में हानि हुई अर्थात् वे कम हो गईं। अस्तबल कम हो गये, घोड़ागाड़ियां बननी कम हो गईं और छकड़े भी कम बनने लगे, चाबुक भी कम बनने लगे और मेहमेज़ (घोड़े को प्रेरित करने के लिए) बनने बंद हो गये। Automobile industry घोड़ों से सम्बन्धित काम करने वालों के लिए शाप सिद्ध हुई।

Automobile industry के आने से कई garage बन गये, Auto mechanics को भी काम मिल गये, Tyre बनने का काम शुरु हो गया, सड़कें बनने लगीं, तेल के कुओं की drilling होने लग पड़ी। Automobiles में सैकड़ों नौकरियां मिलने लग पड़ीं। जब कोई नया आविष्कार आ जाये तो ऐसे ही होता है। कई नई नौकरियां मिलनी शुरु हो जाती हैं। कुछ अन्य नौकरियां खत्म हो जाती हैं। जो नौकरियां खत्म होने लगती हैं, वे boring लगती हैं। उनको तो robot भी कर सकता है।

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 4 Robots and People

Question 2.
Describe the two kinds of intelligence on the earth.
संसार में दो प्रकार की बुद्धि का वर्णन करो।
There are two kinds of intelligence on the earth. There is the computer/robot intelligence and the human intelligence. Each one works in a different way and each will co-operate with the other. Together the two intelligences will be able to do much more than either could do alone. Human intelligence is creative. The human brain has imagination. It can make intelligent guesses. Computers and robots cannot think or imagine. They are far away from being intelligent as human beings are.

संसार में दो प्रकार की बुद्धि है। एक बुद्धि होती है computer/robot की बुद्धि और दूसरी प्रकार की बुद्धि है इन्सानी बुद्धि। दोनों ही भिन्न तरीकों से काम करती हैं और एक-दूसरे को सहयोग भी देती हैं। दोनों प्रकार की intelligences मिल कर अकेले-अकेले रहने से अधिक काम कर सकेंगी। इन्सानी बुद्धि रचनात्मक होती है। इन्सानी दिमाग में कल्पना शक्ति होती है। यह बुद्धिमत्ता वाले अनुमान लगा सकता है। Computers या रोबॉटस न सोच सकते हैं और न ही कल्पना कर सकते हैं। वे इन्सानों की तरह बुद्धिमान होने से बहुत दूर हैं।

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Give, in brief, the theme of the chapter ‘Robots and People’………
‘Robots and People’ chapter की संक्षेप में कथावस्तु लिखो।
This chapter is based on the idea that machines are very useful for man. Every scientific invention is of great value. Machines have made our life comfortable. Now robots have been devised. Like machines, they are very complicated. They do jobs which were being done by human beings, before. One invention destroys old jobs and creates new ones. The car industry destroyed jobs involved with the horses. Robots have thrown out certain jobs.

Their place will be taken by better machines. Computers will get more complicated and robots will have greater abilities. Man’s brain is better than other machines. Man invents certain machines and working becomes better. Hats off to man’s brain which designs better and better machines. Man is the crown of creation and machines.

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 4 Robots and People

कथावस्तु यह है कि रोबॉटस और मशीनें मनुष्य के लिए बहुत ही उपयोगी हैं। अब रोबॉटस उन कामों को कर लेते हैं जिन्हें पहले इन्सान किया करते थे। एक आविष्कार पुरानी नौकरियों का खात्मा कर देता है और नई नौकरियां पैदा कर देता है। कारों के उद्योग ने उन नौकरियों को समाप्त कर दिया जिनका सम्बन्ध घोड़ों के साथ था।

Robots ने भी कई नौकरियों को उखाड़ फेंका है। अब उनकी जगह बेहतर मशीनें ले लेंगी। Computers और भी पेचीदा हो जायेंगे और robots की योग्यताएं और भी बड़ी हो जायेंगीं। आदमी का दिमाग़ सब मशीनों से बेहतर है। आदमी कई मशीनों का आविष्कार करता है और उनके द्वारा काम अच्छा होता है। आदमी के दिमाग को सलामी देनी चाहिये जो बेहतर मशीनें बना लेता है। आदमी सृष्टि और मशीनों का सरताज है।

Question 2.
‘Human brains are par excellence, Robots are mere machines.’ Explain with examples. (V.V. Imp.)
‘इन्सानी दिमाग उत्कृष्ट होते हैं, रोबॉटस तो केवल मशीनें होती हैं।’ उदाहरणों के साथ स्पष्टीकरण करें।
We are living in the machine age. Now robots have been made. They are more complicated than other machines. They can do jobs that until now only human beings could do. These jobs are too simple for the marvellous brains that human beings have.

Robots are being worked with computers. Computers are getting more and more complicated. Robots will have more and more abilities. Robots work automatically under the direction of computers which human beings have programmed.

For example, computers are very good at solving mathematical problems. They can do them faster and without making mistakes. That is because we know all the rules of arithmetic. The human brain has imagination. It can suppose and wonder.

It can make intelligent guesses. It is creative. It can think up new and startling ways of doing or understanding things. Computers and robots can’t do any of these things. They are a long way from being intelligent in the same way as human beings are. Computers and robots cannot be programmed to be imaginative and creative.

हम मशीनों के युग में रह रहे हैं। अब रोबटस को बना लिया गया है। वे दूसरी मशीनों से अधिक पेचीदा होते हैं। वे उन कामों को भी कर लेते हैं जिनको अब तक इन्सान ही किया करते थे। यह काम अद्भुत इन्सानी दिमाग़ के लिए तो बहुत सरल होते हैं। रोबॉटस को तो computers द्वारा चलाया जाता है। Computers भी अधिक-से-अधिक पेचीदा होते जा रहे हैं। Robots की योग्यताएँ भी बढ़ती. जायेंगी। Robots अपने आप computers के निर्देशन के अधीन काम करते हैं। इन computers पर मनुष्य प्रोग्राम बनाते हैं।

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 4 Robots and People

उदाहरण के लिए, कम्पयूटर गणित की समस्याएं हल करने में काफी अच्छे होते हैं। वे उन्हें तेज़ी से और बिना गलती किए हल कर लेते हैं। यह इसलिए है क्योंकि हम गणित के सब नियम जानते हैं। इन्सानी दिमाग़ में कल्पना होती है। यह किसी बात को मान भी लेता है और आश्चर्यचकित भी हो जाता है। यह बुद्धिमत्ता वाले अनुमान भी लगा लेता है। यह रचनात्मक है। यह चीज़ों को करने और समझ लेने के अद्भुत तरीकों के बारे में भी सोच सकता है। Computers और Robots ऐसी कोई चीज़ नहीं कर सकते। वे इन्सानों की तरह बुद्धिमान भी नहीं हो सकते। Computers और Robots को प्रोग्रामिंग के द्वारा कल्पना वाले और रचनात्मक नहीं बनाया जा सकता।

Objective Type Questions

This question will consist of 3 objective type questions carrying one mark each. These objective questions will include questions to be answered in one word to one sentence of fill in the blank or true/false or multiple choice type questions.

Question 1.
Why does U.S. not want to have a speedy pace with the use of industrial robots ?
The US does not want to have a speedy pace with the use of industrial robots for fear of unemployment.

Question 2.
List out the dangerous jobs that humans generally take up.
Working in mines, or on building construction, or with dangerous chemicals or explosives, are some of the dangerous jobs.

Question 3.
What are the simple routine jobs that men generally remain busy with?
These are filing cards, or typing routine letters, tightening bolts, or carrying something from here to there.

Question 4.
What is more creative; a robot or a human brain ? How?
Human brain is more creative than a robot which works under the direction of computers run by human beings.

Question 5.
What led to the loss of jobs with the invention of automobiles ?
With this invention, there was a steady loss of jobs involving horses.

Question 6.
How was the automobile industry a boon for employment ?
Garages, auto-mechanics, tyre manufacturing units came up; road works progressed and oil-well drilling developed.

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 4 Robots and People

Question 7.
How can we deal with the transition period ?
We deal with the transition period with patience and intelligence when many old people are in old jobs and the future when everyone will be in the new jobs.

Question 8.
What is the prime difference between a ‘robot’ and a human brain ?
Robots work automatically under computers which humans have programmed.

Question 9.
How does the narrator find robots useless in some tasks ?
Robots cannot do tasks requiring imagination and creativeness.

Question 10.
The two types of intelligence are :
(i) computer/robot intelligence
(i) human intelligence. (True or False)

Question 11.
Both human brain and robots have imagination. (True or False)

Question 12.
Name one job that is dangerous for human beings.
Working in mines.

Question 13.
This fear is making the U.S.A. go slow with industrial robots :
(i) fear of robots
(ii) fear of unemployment.
(ii) fear of unemployment.

Question 14.
According to this lesson, human brain is :
(i) destructive
(ii) creative. (Choose the correct option.) :
(ii) creative.

Question 15.
Some robots are more intelligent than human beings. (True or False)

Question 16.
Until which of the following decades only there were many jobs which only human beings could do ?
(a) 1950s
(b) 1980s
(c) 1990s
(d) 1970s
(d) 1970s.

Question 17.
Choose one of the given factors. Why is human brain more creative than the robot
(a) It is imaginative.
(b) It is bigger than the robot.
(c) It is beautiful.
(d) It is tiny.
(a) It is imaginative.

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 4 Robots and People

Question 18.
The factory where cars are manufactured is called :
(a) Car pool
(b) Car home
(c) Car factory
(d) Automobile factory.
(d) Automobile factory.

Question 19.
A robot is more creative than a human brain. (True or False)

Robots and People Summary in English

Robots and People Introduction:

A robot is a machine that can perform a complicated series of tasks automatically. In scientific stories, a robot is a machine that is made to look like a human and that can do some things that a human can do. These days more and more robots are being put into factories. Men and women who used to have the jobs are becoming unemployed.

Until the 1970s, there were many jobs that only human beings could do. Some of these jobs are dangerous. Working in mines or on building construction or with dangerous chemicals or explosives are jobs that it would be better for human beings not to have to do.

Robots are doing these dangerous jobs. More and more jobs are being done by robots. Robots are smarter than other machines. They are still capable of very simple tasks. Robots are not going to stay in the same place. Computers will get more and more complicated. Robots will have more and more abilities.

Robots and People Summary in English:

The United States is going slow with industrial robots. It is mainly due to the fear of unemployment. As more and more robots are put in factories, men and women who used to be employed would lose their jobs. Until the 1970s there were many jobs that only human beings could do.

Some of the jobs that only human beings can do are dangerous. Working in mines, or on building construction, or with dangerous chemicals or explosives or under difficult weather conditions all are jobs that it would be better for human beings not to do them.

Some routine jobs do not require human brains. But doing them again and again makes them do. Robots are more complicated than any other machines we have ever had. They are complicated enough to do jobs that until now only human beings could do, but they are too simple for the marvellous brains human beings have. The robots, even though they are smarter than other machines, are still capable of only very simple tasks.

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 4 Robots and People

Robots should be allowed to do some simple jobs. After all, whenever there is an important new invention, some jobs are lost. When the automobiles came into use, there was a gradual loss of jobs that involved horses. The automobiles created many jobs. That is the way it will be with the robots too.

There is a little doubt. A person who has been working on automobiles will require a different type of education. People with old style of jobs will need to be trained and reeducated. It will have to be done. Some old people will not be able to take retraining. Even with the introduction of robots, some sort of jobs will have to be found that they can do.

Eventually things will be different. Children going to schools in the future will be educated in ways of using and understanding computers and robots. They will grow up and be able to take the new jobs and no one will ever consider the old jobs for want of them. Everyone will be glad to leave the dangerous jobs to robots. Still there will be a transition period. So many people will be on old jobs. Others will be in new jobs. There is another problem that is going to confront us.

Robots are not going to stay in the same place. Computers will get more and more complicated. Robots will have more and more abilities. They will be able to do better and better jobs. It may not be possible that human beings are driven out of job after job. Robots will not take all the jobs. Robots are not as intelligent as human beings.

Robots work automatically under the directions of computers. Computers have been programmed by human beings. Computers are very good at solving mathematical problems. They can solve them much faster than humans can solve them. They can do it without making any error.

Human beings can do arithmetic. They know the rules but if they do it for a long time, it becomes boring. Human brain gets tired. Human beings begin to make more and more mistakes. The human brain is very good in other directions. It has imagination. It can suppose and wonder. It can make intelligent guesses. It is creative.

It can think up new and sometimes startling ways of doing or understanding things. Computers and robots cannot do any of these things. Computers and robots are far from being intelligent in the same way we are. We cannot programme computers and robots to be imaginative and creative since we ourselves don’t know how we do it.

The writer gives his own example. He writes many books. So he does them quickly. Even when he writes quickly, he does it in the right order. But he cannot programme his computer to write his book for him. He cannot programme a computer so that it will write his book as he wants it.

It would be much better if human beings continued to make computers and robots better at what machines can do most easily. We human beings should improve ourselves at what we do best through proper education and through a deeper understanding of how our brain works. We should try to make more and more people imaginative and creative.

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 4 Robots and People

Thus we may end up with two kinds of intelligence on earth. There will be the computer/robot intelligence and the human intelligence. Each one will work in a different way and each will co-operate with the other. Together the two intelligences will be able to do much more than either could do alone. Thus someday humans will wonder how they ever got along without robots.

Robots and People Summary in Hindi

Robots and People Introduction:

रोबॉट एक मशीन होती है जो कि पेचीदा काम अपने आप कर सकती है। विज्ञान सम्बन्धी कहानियों में एक रोबॉट एक मशीन होती है जो कि एक इन्सान की तरह होती है और यह कुछ चीजों को ऐसे कर सकता है जिस तरह इन्सान करता है। आजकल अधिक से अधिक Robots को कारखानों में लगाया जा रहा है।

पुरुषों और स्त्रियों को जिन्हें नौकरियों की आवश्यकता होती है वे बेकार होते जा रहे हैं। 1970 के दशक में बहुतसी नौकरियां थीं जिनको केवल इन्सान ही कर सकते थे। इनमें से कई काम खतरनाक होते हैं। खानों में काम करना या इमारतों को बनाना या खतरनाक रसायनों के साथ काम करना या विस्फोटों के साथ काम करना ऐसे काम हैं जिनको न करना इन्सानों के लिए बेहतर होगा। Robots इन खतरनाक कामों को करते आ रहे हैं।

अधिक से अधिक काम रोबॉट द्वारा किए जा रहे हैं। रोबॉट दूसरी मशीनों से अधिक चुस्त होते हैं। अभी तक वे (Robots) केवल सरल कामों को करते हैं। Robots एक ही स्थान पर नहीं टिके रहेंगे। Computers और अधिक पेचीदा हो जायेंगे। Robots की योग्यताएं भी बढ़ती जायेंगी।

Robots and People Summary in Hindi:

U.S.A. ने उद्योग में काम आने वाले robots को बनाने में अपनी गति धीमी कर दी है। ऐसा मुख्य तौर पर बेकारी बढ़ने के कारण किया गया है। जैसे-जैसे कारखानों में अधिक से अधिक robots लगाये जायेंगे, पुरुष और महिलाएं जो वहां काम करते हैं, अपनी नौकरियों से हाथ धो बैठेंगे। 1970 के दशक तक बहुत-सी ऐसी नौकरियां  थीं जो केवल इन्सान ही कर सकते थे। कुछ नौकरियां जो केवल इन्सान ही कर सकते हैं, खतरनाक हैं। खानों में काम करना, इमारतों को बनाना या खतरनाक रसायनों से काम करना या विस्फोटों से काम करना या कठिन मौसमी स्थिति में काम करना-ऐसे काम हैं जो इन्सान न करें।

कई नित्य (रुटीन) कार्यों को इन्सानी दिमाग़ की आवश्यकता नहीं होती, लेकिन इन कार्यों को बार-बार करने से वे आसान हो जाते हैं। Robots हमारी दूसरी मशीनों से कहीं अधिक पेचीदा होते हैं। वे (robots) उन मशीनों से जिनको हम प्रयोग करते आ रहे हैं की अपेक्षा अधिक पेचीदा होते हैं लेकिन robots इन्सानी दिमागों से कम पेचीदा होते हैं। यद्यपि robots दूसरी मशीनों से अधिक चुस्त होते हैं, वे फिर भी बहुत सरल काम करने के योग्य होते हैं।

Robots से सरल काम ही करवाये जाने चाहिए। आखिर जब कभी कोई नया महत्त्वपूर्ण आविष्कार होता है, तो कई नौकरियां हाथ से निकल जाती हैं। जब automobiles का इस्तेमाल होना शुरु हुआ तो कुछ नौकरियाँ लोगों के हाथों से निकल गईं। जो नौकरियाँ घोड़ों से सम्बन्धित थीं वे लगभग खत्म हो गईं या कम हो गईं। Automobiles के आविष्कार ने कई नौकरियों को जन्म भी दिया। यही हाल robots के इस्तेमाल से होगा।

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 4 Robots and People

इसमें एक थोड़ा-सा संदेह भी है। जो आदमी automobiles (मोटर गाड़ियों) पर काम करता है, उसको एक भिन्न प्रकार की शिक्षा की आवश्यकता होती है। पुरानी प्रकार की नौकरी वालों को पुनः प्रशिक्षण देना होगा और पुनः शिक्षा देनी होगी। यह करना ही पड़ेगा। कुछ पुराने employees पुनः प्रशिक्षण नहीं ले सकेंगे। Robots के आ जाने पर कुछ ऐसी नौकरियाँ ढूँढनी पड़ेंगी जो पुराने आदमी कर सकेंगे।

अन्त में चीजें भिन्न होंगी। भविष्य में स्कूल जाने वाले बच्चों को computers और robots का प्रयोग करने के लिए पढ़ाना होगा। वे बड़े होंगे और उन नई नौकरियों को कर सकेंगे और कोई भी पुरानी नौकरियों के बारे बात नहीं करेगा। हर कोई खतरनाक कामों को robots पर छोड़ देगा। फिर भी एक Transition Period (परिवर्तन समय) होगा। फिर भी कई लोग पुराने काम करते रहेंगे। दूसरे नये काम (नई robots पर नौकरी करेंगे) एक और समस्या है जो हमारे सामने आयेगी।

Robots उसी स्थान पर ही खड़े नहीं रहेंगे। Computers अधिक से अधिक पेचीदा होते जायेंगे। Robots की योग्यातएँ बढ़ जायेंगी। वे पहले से भी अच्छी नौकरियाँ कर सकेंगे। यह बात शायद सम्भव न हो कि इन्सानों को एक नौकरी के बाद दूसरी से निकाल दिया जायेगा। Robots सारी Jobs को नहीं ले सकेंगे। Robots आदमियों जितने बुद्धिमान नहीं होते। Robots Computers के निर्देशन पर अपने आप काम करते हैं।

Computers पर आदमी प्रोग्राम बनाते हैं। वे गणित के प्रश्न हल करने में बहुत अच्छे होते हैं। वे उन प्रश्नों को आदमियों से अधिक तेजी से हल कर सकते हैं। वे ऐसा बिना ग़लती से कर सकते हैं। इन्सान गणित के प्रश्न कर सकते हैं। वे सारे नियमों को जानते हैं। परन्तु वे यदि इन प्रश्नों को काफी समय तक करते रहें तो वे उचाट हो जाते हैं। मनुष्य थक जाते हैं। वे और अधिक गलतियां करते जाते हैं।

आदमी का दिमाग दूसरी दिशाओं में बहुत अच्छा होता है। उसके पास कल्पना शक्ति होती है। यह कल्पना कर सकता है और हैरान हो सकता है। यह बड़ी. बुद्धिमत्ता वाले अनुमान लगा सकता है। यह रचनात्मक है। यह नये और चौंकाने वाले तरीकों से चीज़ों को समझ सकता है और कर सकता है। कम्प्यूटर और रोबॉट ऐसी चीजें नहीं कर सकते। कम्प्यूटर और रोबॉट आदमियों की तरह बुद्धिमत्ता वाले नहीं होते। मनुष्य computers और robots पर कोई ऐसा प्रोग्राम नहीं बना सकते कि वे भी मनुष्यों की तरह बुद्धिमान और सृजनात्मक बन सकें। मनुष्य स्वयं नहीं जानते कि वे कैसे सृजनात्मक हो जाते हैं।

लेखक स्वयं अपना उदाहरण देता है। वह ठीक ढंग से किताबें लिख सकता है। लेकिन वह computer में कोई ऐसा प्रोग्राम नहीं बना सकता जिसके द्वारा वह किताबें लिख सके। अच्छा तो यही होगा यदि मनुष्य computers और robots को बेहतर बनाते रहें ताकि मशीनें अच्छी तरह से कार्य कर सकें। हमें अपने आपको और भी बेहतर बनाना चाहिए अपनी शिक्षा द्वारा और यह समझ कर कि. हमारा दिमाग़ किस तरह काम करता है।

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 4 Robots and People

हमें ज़्यादा से ज्यादा लोगों को कल्पनाशील और सृजनात्मक बनाने का प्रयास करना चाहिए। इस प्रकार हम दो प्रकार की बुद्धिमत्ता से दो चार होते हैं। एक बुद्धिमत्ता है computer/robot की, दूसरी बुद्धिमत्ता है इन्सान की। हर बुद्धिमत्ता भिन्न-भिन्न तरह काम करेगी और एक दूसरे को सहयोग देगी। दोनों प्रकार की बुद्धिमत्ता इक्टठे होकर एक-एक के अकेले रहने से बहुत ज्यादा कर सकेंगी। इस तरह इन्सान इस बात पर हैरान होंगे कि वे robots के बिना कैसे दुनिया में आगे बढ़ सके।

Word Meanings

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 4 Robots and People 1
PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Chapter 4 Robots and People 2