PSEB 5th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 1 Health and Cleanliness

Punjab State Board PSEB 5th Class Welcome Life Book Solutions Chapter 1 Health and Cleanliness Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 5 Welcome Life Chapter 1 Health and Cleanliness

Welcome Life Guide for Class 5 PSEB Health and Cleanliness Textbook Questions and Answers

(A) Germs and Diseases

Activity – 1
Make all the students of the class stand in a circle Put talcum powder on the hand of one student. Tell that student to shake his hand with the next child.In this way let this process go on till all the students have done the handshake. Now tell them to hold their book, pen pencil, etc. with that hand. Explain to the students that as the talcum powder reached all the students by a handshake and then to the things they touched. Similarly, the germs spread from one person to the other through hands.

Fill in the blanks:
1. Germs often spread through …………………………………. (eyes/hands)
2. Use …………………………………. while coughing and sneezing, (hands/handkerchief)
3. Wash your hands properly with …………………………………. after toilet, (soap/soil)
4. Germs spread from animals to food by …………………………………. (touching/eating)
1. hands
2. handkerchief
3. soap
4. touching.

Sukhdeep has kept a dog at home. He plays with the dog every day. Suddenly he fell ill and went to the doctor. The doctor told him the cause of his sickness. Choose the correct cause of his sickness:

Keeping a dog at home [ ]
Playing with the dog [ ]
Not washing hands after playing with the dog [ ]
None of the above [ ]
Not washing hands after playing with the dog.

Let’s test understanding:

1. How do germs spread?
(a) by touching
(b) by coughing and sneezing
(c) by air
(d) by all of these
(d) All of the above.

2. What is the prime cure to save ourselves from germs?
(a) not going outside
(b) to cover the nose
(c) not to go close to anyone
(d) cleanliness
(d) Cleanliness.

3. Which of these diseases is not caused by germs?
(a) diarrhea
(b) cold
(c) night blindness
(d) T.B.
(c) Blindness.

4. Where do the germs live?
(a) in the air
(b) in the water
(c) in the soil
(d) everywhere
(d) Everywhere.

(b) Air, Water, Food and Health

Once air and water were sharing their joys and sorrows with each other. Brother water, “What happened? Why are you looking sad ?” Water kept silent as if he could not find words to share his grief.” “What can he do, poor fellow. His grief is big”, said the food lying in the plate nearby. “Man has made it dirty and poisonous with garbage and chemicals”. Really, sister air, “I have lost my quality. I used to be clean and holy, cold and tasty also. Recall how vast my body was!

It has contracted due to unnecessary flow.” “True”, said the air, “My condition is the same as yours. My purity has also been lost due to the smoke of vehicles and factories. I am worried about man’s future. For how long will I be able to fill freshness in his lungs. The element that supports the human’s breath has become much lesser in me the before.” “It’s true, sister air,” said the food. Even my condition is not too good. My taste and nutrients are also decreasing due to toxicity and insecticides in water. I am worried that man is falling prey to terrible diseases after consuming me. I don’t know why man is not getting it?

He is himself falling prey due to his negligence and greedy thinking towards us. He has forgotten that Heath is Treasure.”

Activity – 1

Role play of the story
Do it yourself

Activity – 2

Air, water and food are much worriec about their deteriorated condition. Can you suggest any solution?
Air : Due to the smoke of vehicles and factories, the purity of air is being destroyed.
Water : Man has poisoned water with garbage and chemicals. Wastage of water leads to a shortage of drinkable water.
Food : The nutrients of food are also | being destroyed due to poisonous water and pesticides.

Activity – 3

Let’s prepare – Banners and slogans for organising an awareness rally regading air and water pollution.
Do it yourself.

Explain On the basis of the story explain which content has increased and which has decreased in food due to it’s deteriorated condition.

Increased Decreased
1. Poisonous food is increased.
2. Pesticides are increased.
1. Nutrients are decreased.
2. Taste is decreased.

To reduce air pollution which option is correct?
We should walk on foot for near distance, go on cycle for less distance and on motorcycle/scooter for more distance. We should make more use of public transport like a bus. We should do carpooling also. We should make less use of petrol and diesel.

Let’s Evaluate:

1. Pollution which thing causes the worst effect on the human body?
(a) air
(b) water
(c) food
(d) all of these
(d) All of the above.

2. What is damaged by the polluted (poisonous) air?
(a) nutrients of food
(b) lungs
(c) factories
(d) water
(b) Lungs

(c) Cleanliness


For the teacher: On the basis of this mind map, different areas of cleanliness are to be discussed with the students for a better understanding of the relation between good health and cleanliness and to inspire them to keep the cleanliness.

Activity – 1
Fill in the blanks :

Activity – 2

Germ Race
a) To make the children understand that when we step out of our clean surroundings, we come in the grip of germs and germs spread very fast. The teacher should prepare a flash card with the cooperation of students with the word germs written on it. The teacher will take all the students to the playground.

A circle will be made with the word clean written in it. Out of the whole class, 2 students will be separated and flashcards with the word germs written will be put around their necks. Those two students will become germs and the rest of the class will become hands. Students, who have become hands will be made to stand in the clean circle. When the game starts, the students who have become hands will come out of the circle and start running and then the teacher will ask the students, who have become germs to hold hands and run to catch the students who have become hands. The students, who would be caught by the germ students will start running with them while holding their hands. In this way, the number of germs will increase and the number of hands will decrease. In the end, all the hands will be caught by the germs.

Break the germs circle

Activity : Make a list of the areas in your school and home which need to be cleaned and also suggest the ways to clean

Place Suggestion


Place Suggestion
1. Toilet To clean after throwing more water and using phenyl.
2. Yard To sweep
3. Library To clean benches, chairs, books etc. with duster.

What all comes under personal hygiene?
Cleanliness of body, cleanliness of face and cleanliness of clothes are included in personal cleanliness.

Activity: I am Cleanliness. I want to live everywhere but I will stay there only where you want to keep me. Where do you want to keep me? And tell about those places where I am and where I am not?
I would like to keep cleanliness at all places. For example: at home, at school, in streets, at parks, at bus stand etc. Mostly there is less cleanliness at parks, bus stand, railway station, toilets, streets etc.

True or False

  1. It Is the responsibility of the government to keep cleanliness.
  2. It is easy to keep cleanliness than to do it.
  3. We remain healthy while keeping cleanliness.


  1. (✗)
  2. (✓)
  3. (✓)

Let’s test understanding :

1. From where should cleanliness begin?
(a) from our home
(b) from our neighborhood
(c) from our surroundings
(d) from yourself
(c) From ourselves.

2. Whyshouldwedocleaning?
(a) for beauty and cleanliness
(b) to remain healthy
(c) to get rid of dirt.
(d) all of the above
(d) all of the above

(d) Preeti is very sensible (Poem)

Preeti is very sensible as
she knows how important it is
to brush and bathe every day.
If there is tooth decay,
it will be difficult to chew the
corn and sugarcane.

Preeti is very sensible as
she knows, how important it is
to wear clean clothes after bathing.
If we fall sick with sweat, smell and germs
then we wi 11 have to eat bitter med icine
and get the injections.

Preeti is very sensible as
she knows how important it is
to make the house clean and beautiful.
If the garbage is not put in the bin,
flies will spread cholera and mosquito
will spread malaria.

Preeti is very sensible as
she knows how important it is
to sweep the street.
If the surroundings are not kept clean
then the whole garbage will re-enter
the house with feet.

Preeti is very sensible as
she knows how important it is
to adopt good habits of eating
If we kept on eating uncovered food
with dirty hands,
health will be spoilt and
we will have to regret.

Preeti is very sensible as
she knows how important it is
to eat fruits, salad and green vegetables.
By eating outside and having cold drink,
the eyesight will become weak
and we will have to wear spectacles.

18 19
Preeti is very sensible
as she remembers
what her grandmother had told
Think about the things timely,
As time once passed cannot be recalled.

Activity – 1
Discussion: Is Preeti really sensible? if yes then why?
Do it yourself

Activity – 2
Make a list of Preeti’s good habits

  • Brushing teeth every day,
  • bathing,
  • Wearing clean clothes,
  • to clean the house,
  • to throw the garbage in the dustbin,
  • to sweep the streets,
  • Good food habits,
  • Not eating food with dirty hands,
  • Eating green vegetables, fruits and salad etc.

Activity – 3
Preeti has to prepare a speech on good healthy habits. Help her write the speech

Let’s test understanding

1. Why is Preeti sensible?
(a) Her age is more
(b) She drinks milk
(c) She is beautiful
(d) She has the knowledge of good habits
(d) She has the knowledge of good habits.

2. What happens by wearing dirty clothes?
(a) It stinks
(b) germs spread
(c) we get disease
(d) all of these
(d) All of the above.

PSEB 5th Class Welcome Life Guide Health and Cleanliness Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions :

Question 1.
Which diseases are caught by germs?
(a) Cold
(b) Cholera
(c) Dysentery
(d) All of the above.
(d) All of the above.

Question 2.
Which are the public places?
(a) Bus stand
(b) Railway Station
(c) Park
(d) All of the above.
(d) All of the above.

Question 3.
Which is the personal clean – Iiness?
(a) Of body
(b) Of face
(c) Of clothes
(d) All of the above.
(d) All of the above.

Question 4.
Which of the following is not right?
(a) We should not eat naked eatables from the market.
(b) There is no need to take bath daily.
(c) We should brush our teeth twice daily.
(d) We should keep our surroun – dings clean.
(b) There is no need to take bath daily.

Question 5.
What is not included in cleaning the face?
(a) Cleanliness of eyes
(b) Cleanliness of nose
(c) Cleanliness of ears
(d) Cutting of nails.
(d) Cutting of nails.

Fill in the blanks :

1. We suffer from illness, cold and ………………………. cough through
2. After passing stool, we should wash our hands properly with ……………………… .
3. Man has made the water dirty and poisonous with dirt and ……………………… .
4. We remain ………………………. while keeping cleanliness.
1. germs
2. soap
3. chemicals
4. healthy.

Tick Right (✓) or Wrong (✗) :
1. The germs reach our nails and hands with different methods through dirty surroundings.
2. Cleanliness of clothes is included in the cleanliness of house.
3. Due to poisonous water, the taste and nutrients of food are being destroyed.
1. ✓
2. ✗
3. ✓

Mind Mapping :

Match the following :

1. Cleanliness of ears (a) Bus Stand
2. Cleanliness of toilets (b) Washing with soap
3. Hair (c) With wet cloth
4. Public places (d) With Phenyl.
1. (c)
2. (d)
3. (b)
4. (a).

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Give two reasons to spread germs.
Germs can spread from ill person’s stool to other persons through close link. They can also spread while cooking and eating with dirty hands.

Question 2.
Which diseases are caught by germs?
Dysentery, Cholera, Typhoid, Measles, Cough etc.

Question 3.
What are the rules of cleanliness?
Wash hands before cooking and eating food, after cleaning nose, after passing stool and after touching raw food.

Question 4.
Which clothes are cleaned?
The clothes which we wear and mattresses are cleaned.

Question 5.
Who is responsible for keeping cleanliness?
All are responsible for keeping cleanliness.

Question 6.
What will happen if the garbage is not thrown in the dustbin?
Cholera can be caught by flies and malaria can be caught by mosquitoes.

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