The Gold Frame Question Answer Class 12 English Supplementary Chapter 4 PSEB Solutions

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class English Book Solutions Supplementary Chapter 4 The Gold Frame Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Class 12th English Supplementary Chapter 4 The Gold Frame Question Answers

The Gold Frame Class 12 Questions and Answers

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
How does the author describe the shop owned by Datta ? (V.Imp.)
लेखक ने Datta की दुकान का कैसे वर्णन किया है ?
The name of Datta’s shop was The Modern Frame Works. But there was no modernity about the structure of the shop. It was actually a very large wooden box fixed on shaky legs. It was tucked in a gap between a medical store and a radio repair shop.

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Supplementary Chapter 4 The Gold Frame

The walls of the shop were covered by pictures of gods, saints, hockey players, children, national leaders and wedding couples. There were cheap prints of the Mona Lisa, Urdu handwriting sheets and the Japanese volcano Fujiyama. The shop was actually a centre of Datta’s activities.

Datta की दुकान का नाम था ‘The Modern Frame Works’. लेकिन दुकान की बनावट के बारे कोई आधुनिकता नहीं थी। यह वास्तव में एक लकड़ी का बड़ा बक्सा था। (लकड़ी का Kiosk या खोखा था) यह एक दवाईयों की दुकान और एक रेडियो मुरम्मत की दुकान के बीच खाली जगह में खड़ी कर दी दुकान की दीवारों पर देवताओं, सन्तों, हॉकी के खिलाड़ियों, बच्चों, राष्ट्रीय नेताओं और विवाहित जोड़ों की तस्वीरें लगी हुई थी। वहां Mona Lisa, Urdu के सुलेख और जापानी ज्वालामुखी Fujiyama के सस्ते चित्र थे। यह दुकान वास्तव में Datta की गतिविधियों का केन्द्र थी।

Question 2.
What had Datta learnt by his experience ? How was his new customer different from the old ones?
Datta ने अपने अनुभव से क्या सीखा था ? उसका नया ग्राहक उसके अन्य ग्राहकों से कैसे भिन्न था ?
Datta had a long experience with his customers. They used to come to him for getting the frames of photos to be made. From his experience Datta knew that his customers never came punctually to carry the frame. Some came days in advance and returned disappointed or they came months later.

Some of the customers never turned up at all. The new customer was eager to have the frame made by Datta. He came to enquire : if it was ready four days before the due date. He wanted to know if it would be attachment to the photograph. He knew that there would be trouble if he did not deliver the frame on the promised date.

Datta का अपने ग्राहकों के साथ लम्बा अनुभव था। वे उसके पास अपने फोटोग्राफों पर फ्रेम लगाने के लिए दे जाया करते थे। अपने अनुभव से दत्ता जानता था कि उसके ग्राहक समय पर अपने फ्रेम लेने नहीं लेट आया करते थे। कई ग्राहक तो कभी भी नहीं आते थे। नया ग्राहक दत्ता द्वारा अपना फ्रेम बनवाने के लिए काफी उत्सुक था।

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Supplementary Chapter 4 The Gold Frame

वह यह पूछने देय तारीख से चार दिन पहले आ टपका कि क्या उसका फ्रेम तैयार था। वह जानना चाहता था क्या यह मंगलवार तक तैयार होगा। दत्ता समझता था कि नये ग्राहक को फोटो से बड़ी जबरदस्त आसक्ति थी। वह जानता था कि यदि उसने फ्रेम वायदा की गई तारीख को न दिया तो लफड़ा होगा।

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What impression do you form about Datta, the frame-maker ?
चौखटा बनाने वाले दत्ता के बारे तुम्हारी क्या राये है ?
Datta was a frame-maker by profession. He was the owner of The Modern Frame Works. It was a modest shop. It was like a large wooden-box. It was between a medical store and a radio repair shop. Datta did not give the impression of being healthy or stout.

He had a curved figure. He used to sit in his shop. There was hardly any space for the customer to sit there. He sat working on frames for the whole day. He was a silent, hard-working man. He gave brief answers to the questions his customers asked.

He did not allow casual fuends to disturb him in his work. He was always seen sitting and doing his work. He had many things lying around him related with his profession. He had to stand up from time to time to look for a lost piece of wood, a pencil or a glass cutter. The walls of his shop were covered with pictures of actors, sportsmen, gods, national leaders, wedding couples. He used to get several orders from customers for frame-making.

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Supplementary Chapter 4 The Gold Frame

So he understood the psychology of his customers. He knew how to satisfy them. Some customers were eager to have their order to be carried out in time. Others did not bother. They never came back even once to see if their order for frame-making had been carried out.

Datta was a very diligent and honest worker. He did not deceive anyone. He did not give inferior things to his customers. When he lost the photograph of the customer’s grandfather in the story, he was much worried. He tried to satisfy him by giving him a square mount instead of an oval cut mount ordered by the customer.

व्यवसाय से दत्ता चौखटा बनाने वाला था। वह The Modern Frame Works का मालिक था। यह एक साधारण सी दुकान थी। दुकान एक लकड़ी के बड़े बक्से की तरह थी। यह दुकान एक मेडीकल स्टोर और रेडियो मरम्मत करने वाली दुकान के बीच थी। Datta स्वस्थ और हृष्ट पुष्ट नहीं दिखता था। उसका शरीर अन्दर की ओर मुढ़ा हुआ था।

वह अपनी दुकान में बैठा करता था। ग्राहक के लिए वहां बैठने की कोई जगह नहीं थी। वह सारा दिन फ्रेमों पर काम करता रहता था। वह खामोश रहने वाला परिश्रमी व्यक्ति था। अपने ग्राहकों द्वारा प्रश्नों का वह संक्षिप्त से उत्तर देता था। वह अपने अनियमित मित्रों को अपने काम को अस्त-व्यस्त करने की आज्ञा नहीं देता था। वह सदा अपनी दुकान में बैठा हुआ काम करता दिखाई देता था।

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Supplementary Chapter 4 The Gold Frame

उसकी दुकान में उसके पेशे से सम्बन्धित कई चीजें पड़ी दिखाई देती थीं। उसे कभी-कभी काम छोड़ कर किसी खोई हुई चीज़ जैसे लकड़ी का टुकड़ा, पैंसिल या शीशा काटने वाला यंत्र ढूंढ़ने के लिए खड़े होना पड़ता था। उसकी दुकान की दीवारें अभिनेताओं, खिलाड़ियों, देवताओं, राष्ट्रीय नेताओं, विवाहित जोड़ों के चित्रों से भरी हुई थीं। उसको फ्रेम बनाने के ग्राहकों द्वारा कई आर्डर दिए जाते थे। इसलिए वह अपने ग्राहकों के मनोविज्ञान को जानता था। वह उनको सन्तुष्ट करना जानता था। कुछ ग्राहक अपने आर्डर को समय पर पूरा करवाने को उत्सुक होते थे।

अन्य परवाह नहीं करते थे। वे एक बार भी पूछने नहीं आते थे कि क्या उनका फ्रेम बनवाने का आर्डर पूरा हो गया था। दत्ता बहुत मेहनती और ईमानदारी कारीगर था। वह किसी को धोखा नहीं देता था। वह अपने ग्राहकों को घटिया चीजें नहीं देता था। जब उसने अपने ग्राहक के दादा की फोटो को गम कर दिया, तो वह बहुत चिन्तित हो गया। उसके ग्राहक ने उसको अंडाकार फ्रेम चढ़ाने का आर्डर दिया था लेकिन उसने उसको वर्गाकार फ्रेम चढ़ाकर सन्तुष्ट करने की कोशिश की।

Question 2.
Datta found a solution to his problem. Did it really work for him ? Justify your answer.
‘Datta ने अपनी समस्या का हल ढूंढ लिया। क्या वह इसमें सचमुच सफल हुआ ? अपने उत्तर को ठीक सिद्ध करें।
Datta had to deliver the frame to the new customer. Unluckily he ruined the photograph by dropping paint on it and later on rubbing it hard with cloth. He decided to find a similar photograph and frame it. He feared that the customer

might discover that it was a fake photograph. So he got a photograph from the box which looked like the old man’s double. He looked resplendent in his gold frame. He forgot that he was taking one of the greatest risks any frame-maker took.

He became bold enough to challenge the customer. If his faking was discovered, he was ready to reject the issue of faking if the new customer said so. The customer came and asked Datta if the frame was ready.

At this very time the customer uttered some flattering words to Datta for his promptness. He spread his arms widely with enthusiasm. Datta however took some time in removing the wrapper from the frame. He finally revealed the glittering frame and held it towards the customer. The customer seemed very much impressed by its beauty.

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Supplementary Chapter 4 The Gold Frame

Datta wondered if the customer would discover the trick he had played on him. He told Datta angrily that he had asked for a cut mount with an oval shape but he had given him a square one. Datta had already prepared himself for such a situation.

The situation was open-ended. The customer would have discovered even the person in the photo was a fake one. The needle of suspicion on Datta’s integrity would be there. So his justification was still far away.

Datta ने नए ग्राहक को फ्रेम देना था। दुर्भाग्यवश उसने फोटो पर पेंट डाल कर और बाद में उसने इस को कपड़े से रगड़ कर खराब कर दिया। उसने निर्णय किया कि वह एक वैसा ही फोटो ढूंढकर उस पर फ्रेम चढ़ा देगा। उसको डर था कि कहीं ग्राहक को पता न लग जाये कि यह नकली फोटो है। इसलिए उसने अपनी दुकान में पड़े एक बक्से में से एक फोटो निकाला जो ग्राहक के दादा की शक्ल से मिलताजुलता था।

वह gold frame में बहुत समुजवल लगता था। वह यह भूल गया कि वह एक ऐसा जोखिम ले रहा था जो आज तक किसी चौखटा बनाने वाले ने लिया हो। वह ग्राहक का सामना करने के लिए पर्याप्त रूप से साहसी बन गया। यदि उसकी जालसाजी पकड़ी गई तो वह नए ग्राहक द्वारा कही गई जालसाजी की बात को रद्द कर देगा।

ग्राहक आया और उसने पूछा क्या फ्रेम तैयार था। ग्राहक ने इसी समय चापलूसी के कुछ शब्द दत्ता को उसकी तत्परता के लिए कहे। उसने उत्साह में अपनी बाहें फैला दीं। लेकिन दत्ता ने चौखटे पर से आवरण हटाने में कुछ समय लिया। Datta ने अन्त में चमकते हुए फ्रेम को दिखला दिया और इसे उसके सामने कर दिया। ग्राहक इस की सुन्दरता से बहुत प्रभावित हो गया।

परन्तु फिर उसने दत्ता को क्रोध भरे शब्दों में कहा कि उसने अण्डाकार फोटो फ्रेम चढ़ाने के लिए कहा था लेकिन उसने उसे वर्गाकार करके चढ़ा दिया है। दत्ता ने पहले ही स्वयम् को इस स्थिति के लिए तैयार कर रखा था। यह एक खुली स्थिति थी। ग्राहक को इस बात का भी पता चल सकता था कि फोटो भी और किसी की थी। Datta की ईमानदारी के ऊपर शक की सुई ज़रूर संकेत करती है। इसलिए दत्ता का अपने आप को ठीक सिद्ध कर लेना दूर की बात है।

Objective Type Questions

This question will consist of 3 objective type questions carrying one mark each. These objective questions will include questions to be answered in one word to one sentence or fill in the blank or true/false or multiple choice type questions.

Question 1.
Where was the shop ‘The Modern Frame Works’ situated ?
It was situated in an empty space between a medical store and a radio repair shop.

Question 2.
Who was the owner of ‘The Modern Frame Works’ ?
Datta was its owner

Question 3.
What were the walls of this shop covered with ?
They were covered with pictures of gods, saints, hockey players, children, cheap prints of the Mona Lisa, National Leaders, wedding couples, Urdu handwriting sheets, the snow-clad volcano, Fujiyama etc.

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Supplementary Chapter 4 The Gold Frame

Question 4.
What did the customer want ?
The customer wanted a photograph of his grandfather to be framed.

Question 5.
What types of frames did Datta show to the customer ?
Datta showed the customer a number of samples : plain, decorative, floral, geometrical, thin, hefty and so forth.

Question 6.
What did Datta do to help the customer to make his choice ?
Datta recommended one frame with a number of gold leaves and winding creepers, imported from Germany.

Question 7.
What price did Datta quote for the frame selected by his customer ?
The price quoted was rupees seventeen.

Question 8.
What was Datta’s experience about his customers ?
His experience was that his customers never came punctually to collect their photoframes.

Question 9.
For whom did Datta make frames ?
Datta made frames for those who wanted to show or pay their homage to the person in the picture.

Question 10.
How did the photograph get damaged ? (V.V. Imp.)
First a tin of paint emptied on the photograph and later efforts to clean the paint damaged the photograph.

Question 11.
How did Datta try to rescue the picture ?
Datta rubbed the fallen paint on the picture very hard and made a mess of it.

Question 12.
What solution did Datta finally come up with?
He thought of putting the old man’s double in a golden frame to pass it on to his customer.

Question 13.
Why were the days that followed were filled with suspense and anxiety?
They were filled with suspense and anxiety because Datta feared that the customer would catch him at an odd moment.

Question 14.
What effect did the picture have on the customer?
The customer was struck by the beauty of the frame and became mum.

Question 15.
What was the customer’s complaint regarding the frame ?
He complained that the frame-maker had given him a square frame instead of the oval shape ordered by him.

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Supplementary Chapter 4 The Gold Frame

Question 16.
The Modern Frame Works was one of these : (Choose the correct name) a shop, a workshop, a factory.
a shop.

Question 17.
The name of the shop was :
(i) The Ancient Frame Works
(ii) The Lovely Frame Works
(iii) The Modern Frame Works.
(iii) The Modern Frame Works.

Question 18.
A large wooden packing case was placed on ………….. legs to make it look like a shop. Fill up the blank with the correct option : (strong, weak, shaky)

Question 19.
How did the frame-maker sit in his shop ?
He sat hunched up.

Question 20.
Datta, the frame-maker did not have a ……….. body. (weak/strong)

Question 21.
The frame-maker wore one of these glasses :
(i) Spectacles
(ii) Silver-rimmed glasses
(iii) Goggles.
(ii) Silver-rimmed glasses.

Question 22.
List three things by which the frame-maker used to be surrounded.
Card-board pieces, sheets, boxes of wood.

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Supplementary Chapter 4 The Gold Frame

Question 23.
What happened to Datta’s shop when he shook his dhoti to get some of the lost things?
His whole shop shook.

The Gold Frame Summary in English

The Gold Frame Introduction:

This story has been written by R.K.Laxman who was India’s greatest cartoonist. He was well-known for his creation The Common Man’. The story is about a picture frame maker Datta. He was a silent and hard-working man. One day a customer came to his shop.

He wanted a frame for a photograph he had brought with him. It was a photograph of his late grandfather. The customer wanted the best frame for the photograph. Datta promised to keep it ready in two weeks. But by mistake the picture got damaged.

He found some other picture of a similar looking man. The customer failed to know that it was not the picture of his grandfather. His only complaint was that the picture was not framed according to his order.

The Gold Frame Summary in English:

The Modern Frame Works was the name of a shop. It was not a shop made of bricks and cement and wood. It was a very large wooden packing case. It was placed on shaky legs. It was fixed in an empty space between a medical store and a radio repair shop.

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Supplementary Chapter 4 The Gold Frame

Datta was its owner. He did not have a strong body. He wore silver-rimmed glasses. He had the complexion of seasoned timber. Datta was a silent, hard-working man. He gave very brief answers to his customers. He did not encourage casual friends to come to his shop. He was always seen sitting hunched

up. He was surrounded by cardboard pieces, bits of wood, glass sheets, boxes of nails, glue bottles, paint-tins and other things needed for putting a picture in a frame. In this mixture of things a glass cutter or a pencil, a tub was often lost. Then he looked for his missing things impatiently.

Many times he had to stand up and shake his dhoti to get the lost thing. This operation shook his whole shop. The pictures on the walls gently went on swinging.

Every inch of space in the shop was covered by a picture. Several odd things were lying in his shop. One day a customer standing outside the shop told Datta that he wanted a picture framed. Datta just ignored him and went on driving screws into the sides of a frame.

He wanted a good job to be done without bothering about its cost. The customer placed before Datta a photograph of an old man. It was a good bright photograph.

Datta remained bent over his work. He asked the customer what kind of frame he would want for the photograph. The customer wanted the best kind of frame. Datta then saw the photograph. He was an elderly person of those days. It was the standard portrait of a grandfather.

At least half a dozen people came to him every month bringing similar portraits. They wanted to show their respect to the person in the picture in the shape of a glittering frame.

The customer began to describe the qualities of the man in the picture. He said that he was kind, noble, charitable. If there had been a few more persons like him, it would have been a different place. Of course, there are some wicked people who are out to disagree with him. The customer says that his grandfather is God in his home. Datta then asked the customer what kind of frame he wanted. The customer said that he wanted the best.

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Supplementary Chapter 4 The Gold Frame

He said that he did not have inferior stuff in his shop. He was shown a number of samples. The customer was puzzled by seeing so many varieties of frames. He did not want a cheap frame for his grandfather’s portrait. Datta recommended a frame with a number of gold leaves and winding creepers. He also told the customer that this frame was imported from Germany.

The customer felt impressed. Datta asked the customer if he wanted a plain mount or a cut mount. The customer felt puzzled. He had no answer. Datta told him that a cut mount would look better. He said that the total expense would be seventeen rupees.

The customer tried to bargain. Datta did not reply to the customer and returned to his corner. The customer then asked Datta when it would be ready. He said that it would be ready within two weeks from the day.

Datta knew from his experience that his customers did not come punctually. They came days in advance and went away disappointed or they came months later and some never turned up at all. So he made frames for those who came to him and visited him at least twice before he actually executed their orders.

Ten days later the customer came and enquired if the picture had been framed. Datta merely nodded his head. He wanted to know if the frame would be ready by Tuesday. Datta decided to get the frame ready. Next morning he made that his first job. Then he looked for the pencil to mark the measurements. As usual the picture was missing. He felt angry. Then he stood up to shake up the folds of his dhoti. But still he could not get the picture.

He upset the tin containing enamel paint and it landed right on the sacred photograph of the old man emptying its contents on it. Datta felt very much upset. Then the glasses of his spectacles clouded with perspiration and screened his vision.

He wanted to save the picture but he made a worse mess of it. He rubbed the picture so hard with a cloth. The old man’s face was nearly gone. He was feeling absolutely hopeless. He could not make out what answer he would give to his customer when he came to ask for the frame.

He had no way to tackle the problem: The gods in pictures on the walls seemed to tell him that he should pray. He stared at the gods. Datta looked at a photograph on the wall of his shop. He looked at so many photographs lying in the wooden box. He worked very hard at finding the old man’s substitute. After a couple of hours work, he proudly surveyed the old man’s double.

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Supplementary Chapter 4 The Gold Frame

He thought of taking a similar photograph. He feared that his customer might challenge him to say that it was a fake photograph of his grandfather. In that case, he thought of telling the customer that he had brought that picture for framing. He could take it or leave it. The days that followed were filled with anxiety and suspense.

The customer turned up after a few days later and asked Datta if his picture frame was ready. Datta gave the framed photograph to the customer. The customer was very much impressed by the beauty of the frame. The frame-maker was afraid and nervous.

He feared that the customer would come to know that somebody else’s photo had been framed. The customer told the frame-maker that he had asked for a cut mount with an oval shape. But he had given him the frame with a square look. Obviously it had not been according to his order.

The Gold Frame Summary in Hindi

The Gold Frame Introduction:

यह कहानी R.K.Laxman ने लिखी है जो कि भारत का सबसे बड़ा Cartoonist (व्यंग्य चित्रकार) था। वह अपनी रचना ‘The Common Man’ के नाम से बहुत जाना जाता था। यह कहानी एक फोटो के चौखटा बनाने वाले के बारे है जिसका नाम दत्ता था। वह एक खामोश और परिश्रमी व्यक्ति था।

एक दिन एक ग्राहक उसकी दुकान पर आया। वह अपने साथ एक फोटोग्राफ लाया और उसके लिए उसे एक चौखटा चाहिये था। यह फोटो उसके स्वर्गीय दादा जी की थी। ग्राहक को उस फोटो के लिए बेहतरीन चौखटा (frame) चाहिये था। दत्ता ने वादा किया वह इस फ्रेम (चौखटा) को दो हफ्तों में तैयार कर देगा।

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Supplementary Chapter 4 The Gold Frame

लेकिन गल्ती से चित्र क्षतिग्रस्त हो गया। उसको इस फोटोग्राफ से मिलता-जुलता एक और फोटोग्राफ मिल गया। ग्राहक को यह पता न लग सका कि यह उसके दादा जी का फोटोग्राफ नहीं था। उसको केवल यही शिकायत थी कि चौखटा उसके आर्डर के अनुकूल नहीं बनाया गया था।

The Gold Frame Summary in Hindi:

The Modern Frame Works एक दुकान का नाम था। यह दुकान ईटों और सीमेन्ट और लकड़ी की नहीं बनी हुई थी। यह एक बहुत बड़ी लकड़ी की पेटी या बक्सा था। यह अस्थिर या हिलने-जुलने वाले पायों पर खड़ी थी। इसको एक खाली स्थान में एक Medical store और एक रेडियो मुरम्मत करने वाली दुकान के मध्य में जमा दिया गया था या अचल कर दिया था। Datta इसका मालिक था। उसका शरीर कोई मज़बूत नहीं था।

वह चाँदी के फ्रेम वाला चश्मा पहनता था। उसका रंग पूर्णरूप से तैयार सिझायी की गई लकड़ी की तरह था। . Datta एक खामोश और परिश्रमी व्यक्ति था। वह अपने ग्राहकों को बड़े संक्षिप्त उत्तर दिया करता था।

वह आकस्मिक मित्रों को अपनी दुकान पर नहीं आने दिया करता था। वह सदा झुके हुए बैठा देखा जा सकता था। उसके इर्द-गिर्द गत्ते के टुकड़े, लकड़ी के टुकड़े, शीशे की शीटें (चादरें), कीलों के डिब्बे, चिपकाने वाली गोंद की बोतलें, पेंट के डिब्बे और अन्य छोटी-2 चीजें पड़ी रहती थीं। ये सब चीजें picture को frame (चौखटा) में लगाने के लिए आवश्यक थीं। इन चीजों के मिले-जुले होने के कारण glass काटने वाला यन्त्र या एक पैंसिल

का टुकड़ा प्रायः खो जाया करता था। फिर वह अपनी गुमशुदा चीज़ों को बड़ी बेसब्री से ढूंढता था। कई बार उसको खड़े हो कर अपनी धोती को हिलाना पड़ता था ताकि उसको खोई चीज़ मिल सके। इस प्रक्रिया से उसकी सारी दुकान हिल जाया करती थी। दीवार पर टंगी हुई या लगी हुई तस्वीरें बड़ी नर्मी से झूलती थीं।

दुकान का हर इंच स्थान तस्वीर से ढका रहता था। कई अजीब चीजें उसकी दुकान में पड़ी होती थीं। एक दिन दुकान के बाहर खड़े एक ग्राहक ने Datta को बताया कि उसको एक फोटोग्राफ़ पर एक चौखटा चढ़वाना था। Datta ने उसकी ओर ध्यान नहीं दिया और वह एक चौखटा की side में पेंच लगाता रहा।

ग्राहक चाहता था कि वह कीमत की परवाह न करते हुए चौखटे पर अच्छा काम करे। उसने दत्ता के सामने एक बूढ़े व्यक्ति का फोटो रख दिया। यह फोटोग्राफ़ अच्छा और चमकीला था। दत्ता अपने काम पर झुका रहा। उसने ग्राहक को पूछा कि उसको किस प्रकार का फोटो फ्रेम चाहिये। ग्राहक ने कहा कि उसे सबसे बढ़िया फोटो फ्रेम चाहिये।

Datta ने फिर फोटोग्राफ़ देखा। फोटोग्राफ़ का व्यक्ति उन दिनों का बुजुर्ग व्यक्ति था। यह एक दादा का आदर्श फोटोग्राफ़ था। कम से कम आधा दर्जन लोग उसके पास हर रोज़ आते थे और अपने साथ ऐसे ही फोटोग्राफ़ लाते थे। वे चित्र में व्यक्ति के लिए अपना आदर दिखाना चाहते थे और उसके फोटो को एक चमकदार फ्रेम में रखना चाहते थे।

ग्राहक ने फोटोग्राफ़ वाले व्यक्ति के गुणों का बखान करना. आरम्भ कर दिया। उसने कहा कि वह दयालु, भला और उदार था। यदि उस जैसे और व्यक्ति होते, तो संसार भी और तरह का होता। निस्संदेह कुछ बुरे आदमी भी हैं जो उसके साथ सहमत न होंगे। ग्राहक तो यह भी कहता है कि उसके दादा उसके घर में परमात्मा के समान हैं। दत्ता फिर ग्राहक को पूछता है कि उसको किस प्रकार का फ्रेम चाहिए। ग्राहक ने कहा कि उसको सर्वोत्तम फ्रेम चाहिये।

फ्रेम मेकर (Datta) ने कहा कि उसकी दुकान में घटिया माल नहीं है। उसने उसको कई नमूने दिखाये। ग्राहक अपने दादा के लिए कोई सस्ता फ्रेम नहीं चाहता था। Datta ने एक ऐसे फ्रेम की सिफ़ारिश की जिस पर काफी संख्या में सोने के पत्ते थे और ऊपर को जाती हुई बेले थीं। Datta ने ग्राहक को बताया कि यह फ्रेम Germany से मंगवाया गया था।

ग्राहक प्रभावित हो गया। Datta ने ग्राहक से पूछा कि उसे साधारण बनावट या सजावटी बनावट वाला चाहिए। ग्राहक उलझन में था। उसके पास उत्तर नहीं था। Datta ने उसे बताया कि सजावटी बनावट वाला अधिक बढ़िया लगेगा। उसके कहा कि कुल खर्च 14 रुपये होगा। ग्राहक ने सौदेबाजी करने की कोशिश की।

Datta ने ग्राहक को जवाब नहीं दिया और अपने कोने में वापिस लौट गया। तब ग्राहक ने Datta से पूछा कि यह कब तक तैयार होगा। उसने कहा कि यह उस दिन से लेकर दो सप्ताह में तैयार हो जायेगा। Datta अपने अनुभव से जानता था कि उसके ग्राहक फोटो फ्रेम के लिए समय पर नहीं आया करते थे। वे कई दिन पहले आ जाते थे और निराश हो कर चले जाते थे या कई महीनों देर से आया करते थे और कई ग्राहक कभी भी नहीं आते थे।

इसलिए वह फ्रेम उसके लिए बनाता था जो उसके पास कम से कम दो बार उनके order को अमल में लाने से पहले आ जाते थे। दस दिन के बाद ग्राहक आया और उसने Datta से पूछा क्या चित्र को फ्रेम में लगा दिया गया था।

Datta ने केवल अपना सिर हिलाया। वह जानना चाहता था कि फ्रेम मंगलवार तक मिल जायेगा। Datta ने फ्रेम तैयार करने का निर्णय किया। अगली प्रातः उसने उस काम को करना चाहा। फिर उसने पैंसिल को ढूंढना शुरु किया ताकि वह माप ले सके। Pencil गुम थी। उसे क्रोध आ गया।

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Supplementary Chapter 4 The Gold Frame

फिर वह खड़ा हो गया और उसने अपनी धोती की तहों को हिलाया। लेकिन फिर भी उसको फोटो नहीं मिली। उसने enamel पेंट से भरे हुए डिब्बे को उलट दिया और यह पेंट उस बूढ़े के पवित्र फोटोग्राफ पर जा गिरा। तब Datta घबराकर अशान्त हो गया। फिर उसके चश्मे के शीशे पसीने के कारण मद्धम हो गये और उसकी नज़र पर बादल की तरह दिखने लगे।

Word Meanings:

PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Supplementary Chapter 4 The Gold Frame 1
PSEB 12th Class English Solutions Supplementary Chapter 4 The Gold Frame 2

Class 12 PSEB Solutions Supplementary Reading

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