PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 22 Public Property and its Protection

This PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 22 Public Property and its Protection will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 22 Public Property and its Protection

→ Personal Property: Personal property is the property owned by individuals or a group of individuals for private enjoyment and use.

→ Public Property: Public property is owned by the public or a whole community.

→ Public Services: Basic facilities provided by the government to the public are called public services.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 22 Public Property and its Protection

→ Family Property: The family property is the property that belongs to the family.

→ Historical Monuments: Historical monuments are evidence of historical past and ancient glory in the shape of forts, palaces, temples, mosques, gurdwaras, and churches.

→ The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1958: The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act was passed by the Government of India in 1958.

→ Under this Act, the persons who damage historical monuments can be prosecuted and punished by law.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 21 Urban Development – Local Self Government

This PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 21 Urban Development – Local Self Government will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 21 Urban Development – Local Self Government

→ Institutions of local self-government in urban areas: Nagar Panchayat, Municipal Council or Municipal Committee, and Municipal Corporation are the three institutions of local self-government in urban areas.

→ Nagar Panchayat: A Nagar Panchayat is formed in a town with a population of not more than 20,000.

→ Municipal Councilor Municipal Committee: A city with a population from 20,000 to one lac, has a Municipal Councilor Municipal Committee.

→ Municipal Corporation: A Municipal Corporation is a local body for a big city.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 21 Urban Development - Local Self Government

→ It is the highest institution of urban local self-government. It is established in a city with a population of lakhs.

→ Councilors: Members of a Municipal Council (Committee) and a Municipal Corporation are called councilors.

→ Mayor: Mayor is the head of a Municipal Corporation. He is elected by the members of the Municipal Corporation.

→ District Administration: The administration at the district level is called District Administration. It is headed by Deputy Commissioner.

→ Judicial Administration: There are two types of courts in a district. Civil courts deal with matters related to property and money, while criminal courts deal with cases like theft, murder, and criminal assault.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 20 Rural Development and Local Self Government

This PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 20 Rural Development and Local Self Government will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 20 Rural Development and Local Self Government

→ Local Self-Government: A local Self-Government is a form of government at the local level. It is formed to solve local problems.

→ India-A Land of Villages: India is a land of villages. There are about six lac villages. Nearly 75% population of India lives in villages.

→ Panchayati Raj: The structure of rural local self-government in India is known as Panchayati Raj.

→ Institutions of Panchayati Raj: Village Panchayat, Panchayat (Block) Samiti, and Zila Parishad are the three institutions of Panchayati Raj.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 20 Rural Development and Local Self Government

→ Village Panchayat: Village Panchayat is the lowest unit of Panchayati Raj. It is established in a village with a population of 500 or more.

→ Panchayat(Block) Samiti: Panchayat (Blpgk) Samiti is a committee formed of members from Village Panchayats and others. It works at the block level. A block is a group of villages in a part of a district.

→ Zila Parishad: Zila Parishad is the highest unit of Panchayati Raj. It is a council of members drawn from Panchayat Samiti, the State Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council, and also the members of Parliament.

→ Tenure of the Institutions of Panchayati Raj: Tenure of all the three institutions of Panchayati Raj (Village Panchayat, Panchayat Samiti, and Zila Parishad) is five years.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 19 Community Meet Human Needs

This PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 19 Community Meet Human Needs will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 19 Community Meet Human Needs

→ Society: Society is a system where people live together in organised communities and interact with each other.

→ Community: A community is a group of people who have definite characteristics and who live in a place, district or country.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 19 Community Meet Human Needs

→ Family: Family is a system in which parents, children, or grandchildren live together. It is the first unit of society.

→ Man as a social animal: Man is a social animal. He cannot live alone. He always lives with his fellow beings.

→ Our basic needs: Food, clothes, and home are our basic needs. We need food to eat, clothes to wear, and a home to live in.

→ Civic life: Civic life is the sharing of joys and sorrows with one another and cooperating with each other in family, neighbourhood, school, or society.

→ Duty: Doing work according to the rules and dictates of one’s organization, society or country is called duty.

→ Man in primitive times: Man in primitive times was a nomad. He had to wander from place to place in search of food and shelter.

→ But the invention of agriculture made him live in one place permanently.

→ India as a country with unity in diversity: India is known as a country with unity in diversity.

→ Here, large-scale physical, social, economic, religious, regional, and political diversities are found. Still, there is emotional unity among people.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 19 Community Meet Human Needs

→ Life and co-operation: Life depends upon co-operation. Every man has to depend upon others for the fulfillment of his needs.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 18 India and the World

This PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 18 India and the World will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 18 India and the World

→ India’s contact with the outside world: By the 7th century A.D., India’s contact with South-East Asia had grown considerably.

→ It had begun with the Indian merchants making voyages to these islands to exchange their goods for spices.

→ Indian luxury goods exported to Western countries: Fine clothes, jewellery, inlaid work, precious stones, perfumes, muslin, ivory goods, and spices were regularly exported to Western countries, especially to Greece and Rome.

→ Silk Road: Silk Road is the route connecting China with Europe.

→ Champa and Cambodia: During ancient times, Vietnam and Kampuchea were known as Champa and Cambodia, respectively.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 18 India and the World

→ The Angkorvat Temple: The Angkorvat Temple is situated in Kampuchea.

→ The temple has sculptures depicting scenes from the Ramayana and the Mahabharata.

→ The Arabs’ contribution to the Indian culture: The Arabs gave a great contribution to the spread of Indian culture.

→ They translated Indian works in mathematics, medicine, astronomy, and literature into Arabic.

→ Occupation of Sind: The Arabs occupied Sind in 712 by the Arabs A.D. and set up trade settlements in India.

→ Bamiyan: Bamiyan lies in Afghanistan. There were the huge rock-cut statues of the Buddha that were destroyed during the Taliban rule in 2001 A.D.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 17 The Chalukyas and the Pallavas

This PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 17 The Chalukyas and the Pallavas will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 17 The Chalukyas and the Pallavas

→ The Chalukyas and the Pallavas: The Chalukyas and the Pallavas were two major dynasties of South India.

→ Both of them came to power after the decline of the Satavahana Kingdom.

→ Vatapi and Kanchipuram: Vatapi and Kanchipuram were the capital cities of the Chalukyas and the Pallavas, respectively.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 17 The Chalukyas and the Pallavas

→ Pulakeshin-II: Pulakeshin-II was the most famous ruler of the Chalukya dynasty. His ambition was to control the whole of the Deccan plateau.

→ The Chalukyas and Art: The Chalukyas were great patrons of art. They gave large sums of money for the building of temples and cave shrines in the Deccan hills.

→ Mahendravarman-I and Narasimhavarman-I: Mahendravarman-I and Narasimhavarman-I were the two powerful kings of the Pallava dynasty.

→ The Pallavas and Art: The Pallavas built several temples. Some of them were cut out of large rocks, such as the Ratha Temples at Mahabalipuram.

→ Others were built of stone blocks, such as those at Kanchipuram.

→ Manimekhalai and Shilpadikaram: Manimekhlai and Shilpadikaram were two important books written during the Pallavas’ period.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 17 The Chalukyas and the Pallavas

→ The decline of the Chalukyas and the Pallavas: The Chalukyas were ousted by the Rashtrakutas and the Pallavas by the Cholas.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 16 The Period of Harshavardhana (600 – 650 A.D.)

This PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 16 The Period of Harshavardhana (600 – 650 A.D.) will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 16 The Period of Harshavardhana (600 – 650 A.D.)

→ Pushyabhuti Dynasty: The Pushyabhuti dynasty was an important dynasty that rose in Northern India after the decline of the Gupta Empire.

→ Harshavardhana: Harshavardhana was the most important ruler of the Pushyabhuti dynasty.

→ Shashanka: Shashanka was king of Bengal. He killed Harshavardhana’s elder brother Rajyavardhana and brother-in-law Grahavarman. Harshavardhana killed Shashanka after a few years.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 16 The Period of Harshavardhana (600 - 650 A.D.)

→ Banabhatta: Banabhatta was one of the court poets of Harshavardhana. He wrote Harsha’s biography, ‘Harshachrita’.

→ Hiuen Tsang: Hiuen Tsang was a Chinese scholar who visited India during the time of Harshavardhana.

→ Priyadarshika, Ratnavali, and Nagananda: Priyadarshika, Ratnavali, and Nagananda are the three plays written by Harshavardhana.

→ Kumaramatyas: Kumaramatyas were important officers in Harsha’s administration.

→ Nalanda: Nalanda is situated in Bihar, it was a famous university and very big centre of learning during Harshavardhana’s period.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 16 The Period of Harshavardhana (600 - 650 A.D.)

→ End of the Pushyabhuti Dynasty: The Pushyabhuti dynasty came to an end with the death of Harshavardhana in around 647 A.D.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 15 The Gupta: Empire

This PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 15 The Gupta: Empire will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 15 The Gupta: Empire

→ Foundation of the Gupta Kingdom: The Gupta kingdom was founded by Maharaja Gupta in the fourth century A.D. in Eastern Uttar Pradesh.

→ The Greatest Conqueror of the Gupta dynasty: Samudragupta was the greatest conqueror of the Gupta dynasty. He conquered a very large number of kings and made others submit to his authority.

→ Ashvamedha: Ashvamedha means a horse sacrifice. It was a symbol of universal rule.

→ Chandragupta-II: Chandragupta-II is also known as Chandragupta Vikramaditya. He was son of Samudragupta. He was a very popular hero among the kings of ancient times.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 15 The Gupta: Empire

→ Bhuktis and Vishayas: In the Gupta administration, provinces were called ‘Bhuktis’, and districts were known as ‘Vishayas’.

→ Fa-hein: Fa-hein was a Chinese traveller who came to India in the Gupta period and wrote an account of his stay in India.

→ Kalidasa: Kalidasa was a famous poet of the Gupta period, who wrote Shakuntala and Meghaduta.

→ Aryabhatta and Varahamihira: Aryabhatta and Varahamihira were famous scientists, astronomers, and mathematicians of the Gupta period.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 14 India: From 200 B.C. – 300 A.D.

This PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 14 India: From 200 B.C. – 300 A.D. will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 14 India: From 200 B.C. – 300 A.D.

→ Dakshinapatha: The area south of the Vindhya mountain and the river Narmada was known in ancient times as Dakshinapatha. Now it is called the Deccan.

→ Satavahanas: The Satavahanas were also known as the Andhras. They arose in the Deccan after the fall of the Mauryas.

→ Chaityas: Chaityas were prayer or meeting halls where the Buddhists worshipped.

→ Stupas: Stupas were large semi-circle mounds in which were placed the relics of either the Buddha or the Buddhist monks.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 14 India: From 200 B.C. - 300 A.D.

→ Viharas: Viharas means monasteries where the Buddhist monks lived. They consisted of a hall with a doorway opening onto a verandah.

→ Megalith: Megalith means a huge stone.

→ Cholas, Pandyas, and Cheras: The Cholas, Pandyas, and Cheras were three kingdoms that arose south of the Deccan Plateau and south of the Satavahana kingdom.

→ Christianity: Christianity arose in Western Asia and was preached by Jesus Christ.

→ It was based on the earlier Jewish religion which taught the worship of a single God.

→ It was brought to India in the 1st century A.D.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 14 India: From 200 B.C. - 300 A.D.

→ Scythians, Parthians, and Kushanas: The Scythians, Parthians, and Kushanas were the invaders who came to India from Central Asia and settled down here. Among these, the Kushanas were the most important.

→ The Jataka: The Jataka is a collection of stories about the Bodhisattvas.

→ The Bodhisattvas were holy persons who had lived on earth before the Buddha.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 13 The Mauryas and The Sungas

This PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 13 The Mauryas and The Sungas will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 13 The Mauryas and The Sungas

→ The Mauryan Empire: The Mauryan Empire came into being in the last quarter of 600 B.C.

→ It was established by Chandragupta Maurya in Magadha.

→ Alexander: Alexander was a great Greek conqueror from Macedonia. He invaded India in 326 B.C.

→ Chanakya: Chanakya is popularly known as Kautilya. He was the Prime Minister of Chandragupta Maurya.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 13 The Mauryas and The Sungas

→ He was a great teacher, scholar, and the author of the famous book ‘Arthasastra’.

→ Megasthenes: Megasthenes was the Greek Ambassador of Seleucus Nikator. He wrote the book ‘Indica’.

→ Bindusara: Bindusara was the son of Chandragupta Maurya. He ruled India for about 25 years.

→ Ashoka, the Great: Ashoka, the Great was a son of Bindusara. He is known as one of the greatest rulers in the world.

→ Edicts: Edicts are orders proclaimed by an authority.

→ Dhamma: Dhamma was a code of morality enacted by Ashoka for his people to lead a peaceful and virtuous life.

→ Sarnath: Sarnath is a place near Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh.

→ The capital of Ashoka’s pillar at Sarnath has been adopted as India’s National Emblem.

PSEB 6th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 13 The Mauryas and The Sungas

→ The Sunga Empire: The Sunga Empire was founded by Pushyamitra Sunga.

→ He was the commander-in-chief of the Mauryan army.

→ He killed the last Mauryan king Brihadratha and himself became the king in 184 B.C.