PSEB 12th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 8 हरिवंशराय बच्चन

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class Hindi Book Solutions Chapter 8 हरिवंशराय बच्चन Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 Hindi Chapter 8 हरिवंशराय बच्चन

Hindi Guide for Class 12 PSEB हरिवंशराय बच्चन Textbook Questions and Answers

(क) लगभग 40 शब्दों में उत्तर दें:

प्रश्न 1.
‘पौधों की पीढ़ियाँ’ में छोटे-छोटे सुशील और विनम्र पौधों का क्या कहना है ?
बड़े बरगद के पेड़ की छत्र-छाया में रहने वाले छोटे-छोटे पौधे अपने को किस्मत वाला मानते हैं जो उन्हें बड़े पेड़ का संरक्षण मिला है। उन्हें किसी प्रकार की कोई चिन्ता नहीं है क्योंकि गर्मी, सर्दी या बरसात की सब मुसीबतें बरगद का पेड़ अपने ऊपर झेल लेता है। उसी के आसरे हम दिन काट रहे हैं। हम निश्चित हैं और सुखी हैं।

प्रश्न 2.
‘बरगद का पेड़’ किसका प्रतीक है ? स्पष्ट करें।
बरगद का पेड़ बड़े-बुजुर्गों का प्रतीक है जो अपने से छोटों को, अपने परिवार को संरक्षण प्रदान करते हैं तथा उनकी मुसीबतें अपने ऊपर झेल लेते हैं।

PSEB 12th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 8 हरिवंशराय बच्चन

प्रश्न 3.
‘पौधों की पीढ़ियाँ’ युग सत्य को उद्भासित करती हैं, स्पष्ट करें।
नई और पुरानी पीढ़ी में युगों से विचार भेद रहा है किंतु वर्तमान युग का सत्य यह है कि नई पीढ़ी ने विद्रोह दर्शाने के साथ-साथ पुरानी पीढ़ी के अस्तित्व को ही नकारना शुरू कर दिया है। उसे पुरानी पीढ़ी का अस्तित्व असहय लगने लगा है। इसी कारण वह पुरानी पीढ़ी को समूल नष्ट करने पर तुल गई है। युग की इस भयावह स्थिति का यथार्थ चित्र कवि ने प्रस्तुत कविता में चित्रित किया है।

प्रश्न 4.
‘मधु पात्र टूटने’ तथा ‘मंदिर के ढहने’ के द्वारा कवि क्या कहना चाहता है ?
‘मधुपात्र टूटने’ के द्वारा कवि कहना चाहता है कि यदि किसी कारण से तुम्हारी कोई बहुमूल्य वस्तु खो जाती है तो उस को लेकर दु:खी होने की बजाए जो कुछ शेष बचा है उसी को काम में लाते हुए नए सिरे से निर्माण करना चाहिए। नए संसार की रचना करनी चाहिए। यही बात कवि ने मंदिर के ढहने के द्वारा कही है कि यदि तुम्हारी कल्पना, तुम्हारी भावनाओं, तुम्हारे सपनों से बना हुआ मंदिर ढह जाता है तो निराश न होकर शेष बचे ईंट, पत्थर और कंकर एकत्र कर एक नए संसार, नये मंदिर का निर्माण करना चाहिए।

प्रश्न 5.
‘अंधेरे का दीपक’ कविता का सार लिखो।
प्रस्तुत कविता बच्चन जी का एक आशावादी गीत है। कवि मनुष्य को यह सन्देश देना चाहता है कि कल्पना के असफल हो जाने पर, भावनाओं और स्वप्नों के टूट जाने पर तुम्हें निराश नहीं होना चाहिए बल्कि जो कुछ भी तुम्हारे पास बचा है उसे ही संजोकर नवनिर्माण करना चाहिए। रात भले ही अन्धेरी है पर दीपक जलाकर उस अन्धकार को दूर करने से तुम्हें किस ने रोका है।

(ख) सप्रसंग व्याख्या करें:

प्रश्न 6.
कल्पना के हाथ से कमनीय …. था ।
कवि कहते हैं कि माना कि रात अँधेरी है परन्तु इस अँधेरी रात में प्रकाश फैलाने के लिए दीपक जलाने से तुम्हें किस ने रोका है? मान लो कि तुम ने कल्पना में जिस सुंदर महल का निर्माण किया था और अपनी भावनाओं से जो तंबू तान दिए थे जिन्हें तुमने अपने स्वप्नों से अपनी पसंद के अनुसार सजाया था, और जो स्वर्ग में भी कठिनाई से प्राप्त अर्थात् दुर्लभ रंगों से लिप्त था। यदि वह महल, ढह जाए अर्थात् तुम्हारी कल्पना साकार नहीं होती, तुम्हारे सपने अधूरे रह जाते हैं, तो ढहे हुए उस महल के ईंट, पत्थर और कंकड़ों को जोड़ कर एक शांतिदायक कुटिया बनाना भी कब मना है ? माना कि रात अँधेरी है और अंधकार को दूर करने के लिए दीपक जलाने से तुम्हें कौन रोकता है ?

प्रश्न 7.
नहीं वक्त का जुल्म हमेशा ….. इसे समूचा।
कवि वर्तमान पीढ़ी द्वारा बड़ों को समूल नष्ट करने की बात का उल्लेख करता हुआ कहता है कि हम समय के अत्याचार को सदा इसी प्रकार सहन नहीं करते जाएँगे। हम तो काँटों की आरी और कुल्हाड़ी तैयार करेंगे। फिर आप जब यहाँ आएँगे तो बरगद की डाली-डाली कटी हुई पाएँगे और यह बरगद का पेड़ जो अपने आपको बड़ा समझता है डालियों और पत्तों से रहित एक सूखे पेड़ की तरह नंगा बूचा रह जाएगा। हम इसे सारे का सारा निगल जाएँगे।

PSEB 12th Class Hindi Guide हरिवंशराय बच्चन Additional Questions and Answers

अति लघूत्तरात्मक प्रश्न

प्रश्न 1.
हरिवंशराय बच्चन’ का जन्म कब और कहाँ हुआ था?
27 नवंबर, सन् 1907 को इलाहाबाद में।

प्रश्न 2.
बच्चन को साहित्य अकादमी पुरस्कार किस रचना पर प्राप्त हुआ था?
‘दो चट्टानों’ पर।

PSEB 12th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 8 हरिवंशराय बच्चन

प्रश्न 3.
हरिवंशराय बच्चन की दो रचनाओं के नाम लिखिए।
मधुशाला, मधुबाला, निशा निमंत्रण, दो चट्टानें।

प्रश्न 4.
हरिवंशराय बच्चन’ का देहावसान कब हुआ था ?
सन् 2002 में।

प्रश्न 5.
‘पौधों की पीढ़ियों’ में कवि ने किस-किस के बीच अंतर दर्शाया है?
पुरानी और नई पीढ़ी की विचारधारा के बीच।

प्रश्न 6.
‘बरगद का पेड़’ किसका प्रतीक है?
पुरानी पीढ़ी का।

प्रश्न 7.
नई पीढ़ी के प्रतीक कौन-से हैं ?
बरगद के नीचे उगे छोटे-छोटे असंतुष्ट और रुष्ट कुछ पौधे।

प्रश्न 8.
कवि के अनुसार नई पीढ़ी किस स्वभाव की है?
उग्र, विद्रोही और निरादर के भाव से भरी हुई।

प्रश्न 9.
‘अंधेरे का दीपक’ कविता में कवि का स्वर कैसा है?

प्रश्न 10.
‘अंधेरी रात’ किसकी प्रतीक है?
गरीबी, निराशा, पीड़ा, हताशा और दुःख।

प्रश्न 11.
कवि की भाषा में कैसे शब्दों के प्रयोग की अधिकता है?
तत्सम और तद्भव शब्दों की।

PSEB 12th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 8 हरिवंशराय बच्चन

प्रश्न 12.
कवि ने ‘बरगद का पेड़’ कविता के माध्यम से क्या व्यक्त किया है?
वर्तमान युग की भयावह स्थिति की यथार्थता।।

वाक्य पूरे कीजिए

प्रश्न 13.
छोटे-छोटे कुछ पौधे…….
बड़े सुशील-विनम्र।

प्रश्न 14.
हमको बौना बना रखा..
हम बड़े दुःखी हैं।

प्रश्न 15.
और निगल जाएँगे……
तन हम इसे-इसे समूचा।

प्रश्न 16.
है अंधेरी रात………………………।
पर दीवा जलाना कब मना है।

हाँ-नहीं में उत्तर दीजिए

प्रश्न 17.
‘अंधेरे का दीपक’ एक निराशावादी कविता है।

प्रश्न 18.
नई-पुरानी पीढ़ियों में सदा ही भेद रहा है।

प्रश्न 19.
बरगद का पेड़ बड़े-बुजुर्गों का प्रतीक है।

बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्नोत्तर

1. भारत सरकार ने बच्चन को किस मंत्रालय में हिंदी विशेषज्ञ नियुक्त किया ?
(क) भारत
(ख) स्वदेश
(ग) विदेश
(घ) श्रम
(ग) विदेश

2. ‘दो चट्टानों’ पर कवि को कौन सा पुरस्कार मिला?
(क) साहित्य
(ख) साहित्य अकादमी
(ग) ज्ञानपीठ
(घ) पद्मभूषण
(ख) साहित्य अकादमी

3. श्री हरिवंशराय बच्चन ने आत्मकथा कितने भागों में लिखी ?
(क) एक
(ख) दो
(ग) तीन
(घ) चार
(घ) चार

PSEB 12th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 8 हरिवंशराय बच्चन

4. बच्चन को भारत सरकार ने किस अलंकार से अलंकृत किया ?
(क) पद्मभूषण
(ख) पद्मविभूषण
(ग) पद्मश्री
(घ) ज्ञानपीठ
(ख) पद्मविभूषण

5. ‘अंधेरे का दीप’ कविता किस प्रकार की कविता है ?
(क) आशावादी
(ख) निराशावादी
(ग) प्रयोगवादी
(घ) प्रगतिवादी
(क) आशावादी

हरिवंशराय बच्चन सप्रसंग व्याख्या

पौधों की पीढ़ियाँ कविता का सार

‘पौधों की पीढ़ियाँ’ कविता में कवि ने पुरानी और नई पीढ़ी की विचारधारा के अन्तर को स्पष्ट किया है। प्राचीन समय में बुजुर्गों की छत्रछाया को वरदान माना जाता था, जो आज अभिशाप बन गई है। बरगद के पेड़ के नीचे उगे छोटे-छोटे पौधे स्वयं को उस की छत्रछाया में समस्त विपत्तियों से सुरक्षित मानकर सौभाग्यशाली मानते हैं। इसके बाद की पीढ़ी बरगद के नीचे के पौधे स्वयं को बदकिस्मत कहते हैं क्योंकि बरगद की छाया ने उन्हें बौना बनाकर खतरों का सामना नहीं करने दिया। इसके भी बाद की पीढ़ी उदंडतापूर्वक बरगद पर आरोप लगाती है कि उन्हें छोटा रखकर ही वह बड़ा बना हुआ है, यदि वे पहले जन्म लेते तो बरगद के बड़े भाई होते। इस प्रकार वर्तमान पीढ़ी द्वारा अपने अंग्रेजों के प्रति विद्रोह को कवि ने उचित नहीं माना है।

1. देखा, एक बड़ा बरगद का पेड़ खड़ा है।
उसके नीचे हैं
छोटे-छोटे कुछ पौधे
बड़े सुशील-विनम्र
लगे मुझसे यों कहने,
“हम कितने सौभाग्यवान् हैं।
आसमान से आग बरसे, पानी बरसे,
आँधी टूटे, हमको कोई फिकर नहीं है ।
एक बड़े की वरद छत्र-छाया के नीचे
हम अपने दिन बिता रहे हैं
बड़े सुखी हैं !”

कठिन शब्दों के अर्थ:
सुशील = अच्छे स्वभाव वाले। विनम्र = विनीत, झुके हुए। आगी = आग। वरद = वर देने वाला। छत्र-छाया = आश्रय।

प्रस्तुत पद्यांश छायावादोत्तर युग के कवि डॉ० हरिवंशराय बच्चन’ द्वारा लिखित काव्यकृति ‘बहुत दिन बीते’ में संकलित कविता ‘पौधों की पीढ़ियाँ’ में से लिया गया है। प्रस्तुत कविता में कवि ने नई और पुरानी पीढ़ी की सोच में अन्तर को स्पष्ट किया है। नई पीढ़ी अपने बड़ों की छत्र-छाया में सुख का अनुभव करती थी जबकि नई पीढ़ी पुरानी पीढ़ी के प्रति विद्रोह करती है, उसके अस्तित्व को नकारते हुए उन्हें समूल नष्ट करने पर उतारू है।

कवि कहते हैं कि मैंने देखा कि एक बड़ा बरगद का पेड़ खड़ा है। उसके नीचे कुछ छोटे-छोटे पौधे उगे हैं जो बड़े अच्छे स्वभाव और विनीत भाव के थे। वे छोटे-छोटे पौधे कवि से कहने लगे कि हम कितने सौभाग्यशाली हैं कि आसमान से चाहे आग बरसे या पानी अर्थात् गर्मी की ऋतु हो या वर्षा ऋतु , आँधी तूफान आए पर हमें कोई चिंता नहीं है। क्योंकि हम एक बड़े बरगद के वृक्ष की छत्र-छाया में रह कर अपने दिन बिता रहे हैं और बड़े सुखी हैं। बरगद उन की रक्षा करता है।


  1. कवि के अनुसार पुराने समय में लोग किसी बड़े के आश्रय में रह कर सुख एवं सुरक्षा का आभास करते थे क्योंकि उनका मानना था कि बड़े उनकी हर हाल में रक्षा करेंगे और सुख सुविधा का ध्यान रखेंगे और रखते हैं। बड़ों के संरक्षण में रह कर वे संतुष्ट थे। छोटे बड़ों के सामने विनम्र और विनीत भाव से खड़े रहते थे तथा उनका आदर करते थे।
  2. भाषा अत्यन्त सरल तथा प्रतीकात्मक है।
  3. अनुप्रास, पुनरुक्ति प्रकाश तथा मानवीकरण अलंकार हैं।

2. देखा, एक बड़ा बरगद का पेड़ खड़ा है;
उसके नीचे हैं
छोटे-छोटे कुछ पौधे
असंतुष्ट और रुष्ट।
देखकर मुझको बोले,
“हम भी कितने बदकिस्मत हैं!
जो खतरों का नहीं सामना करते
कैसे वे ऊपर को उठ सकते हैं !”
इसी बड़े की छाया ने तो
हमको बौना बना रखा
हम बड़े दुःखी हैं।

कठिन शब्दों के अर्थ:
रुष्ट = नाराज़। बौना = छोटे कद का।।

प्रस्तुत पंक्तियाँ हरिवंश राय बच्चन द्वारा रचित कविता ‘पौधों की पीढ़ियाँ’ से ली गई हैं, जिसमें कवि ने नई और पुरानी पीढ़ी की बुजुर्गों के प्रति विचारधारा का विश्लेषण किया है।

कवि बदले परिवेश में नई पीढ़ी के मनोभावों को व्यक्त करता हुआ कहता है कि मैंने देखा कि बड़ा बरगद का पेड़ खड़ा है जिसके नीचे कुछ छोटे-छोटे पौधे थे जो असंतुष्ट और नाराज़ थे। कवि कहता है कि मुझे देखकर वे छोटे-छोटे पौधे कहने लगे कि हम कितने बदकिस्मत हैं जो खतरों का सामना नहीं कर सकते क्योंकि हमारे स्थान पर यह बड़ा बरगद का पेड़ सब कुछ सह लेता है। बिना संघर्ष किए तथा खतरों का सामना करके हम कैसे उन्नति कर सकते हैं, क्योंकि इसी बड़े बरगद के पेड़ की छाया ने हमें छोटे कद का बना रखा है। अतः हम बड़े दुःखी हैं क्योंकि हम कुछ नहीं कर सकते।


  1. कवि का भाव यह है कि नई पीढ़ी अपने बुजुर्गों से बड़ी नाराज़ है क्योंकि उन्हें लगता है कि बड़ों का संरक्षण उन की उन्नति एवं विकास में बाधक बन रहा है। बड़ों के संरक्षण में वे संघर्ष करने, खतरों का सामना करने से वंचित रह जाते हैं। कवि ने यहाँ दूसरी पीढ़ी की बात की है जो बड़ों के संरक्षण से असंतुष्ट और नाराज़ है।
  2. भाषा सरल तथा प्रतीकात्मक है।
  3. अनुप्रास, पुनरुक्ति प्रकाश तथा मानवीकरण अलंकार है।

PSEB 12th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 8 हरिवंशराय बच्चन

3. देखा, एक बड़ा बरगद का पेड़ खड़ा है
उसके नीचे हैं
छोटे-छोटे कुछ पौधे
तने हुए उद्दण्ड।
देखकर मुझको गरजे,
“हमको छोटा रखकर ही
यह बड़ा बना है,
जन्म अगर हम पहले पाते
तो हम इसके अग्रज होते,
हम इसके दादा कहलाते,
इस पर छाते।”

कठिन शब्दों के अर्थ:
तने हुए = अकड़ कर खड़े हुए। उदंड = गुस्ताख, जिसके स्वर में विद्रोह झलकता हो, किसी की न मानने वाला। अग्रज = बड़े। छाते = छाया प्रदान करते।

प्रस्तुत पंक्तियाँ हरिवंशराय बच्चन द्वारा रचित कविता ‘पौधों की पीढ़ियाँ’ से ली गई हैं, जिसमें कवि ने नई और पुरानी पीढ़ी की विचारधारा का अन्तर प्रस्तुत किया है।

कवि वर्तमान पीढ़ी की अपने बड़ों के प्रति उदंडता का वर्णन करता हुआ कहता है कि मैंने देखा कि बरगद का बड़ा पेड़ खड़ा है, उसके नीचे छोटे-छोटे पौधे कुछ अकड़े हुए विद्रोही स्वभाव के बने हुए हैं । वे कवि को देखकर गरज कर बोले कि यह बरगद का पेड़ हमें छोटा बना कर ही बड़ा बना है। यदि हमारा जन्म भी इससे पहले हुआ होता तो हम इस के बड़े भाई अर्थात् बुजुर्ग या बड़े होते। तब हम इसके दादा कहलाते और इसे अपनी छाया प्रदान करते अर्थात् यह हमारे संरक्षण में रहता।


  1. कवि के अनुसार वर्तमान पीढ़ी अपने बड़ों का आदर करना तो दूर रहा वह उनके प्रति विद्रोह की भावना रखती है। उसे बड़ों का होना असह्य लगने लगा है।
  2. भाषा सरल किन्तु प्रतीकात्मक है।
  3. अनुप्रास, पुनरुक्ति प्रकाश तथा मानवीकरण अलंकार है।

4. नहीं वक्त का जुल्म हमेशा
हम यों ही सहते जाएँगे।
हम काँटो की
आरी और कुल्हाड़ी अब तैयार करेंगे,
फिर जब आप यहाँ आएँगे,
बरगद की डाली-डाली कटती पाएँगे।
ठूठ-मात्र यह रह जाएगा
और निगल जाएँगे तन हम इसे समूचा।”

कठिन शब्दों के अर्थ:
जुल्म = अत्याचार । हमेशा = सदा। ढूंठ मात्र = डालियों और पत्तों से रहित सूखा पेड़। समूचा = सारा।

प्रस्तुत पंक्तियाँ हरिवंशराय बच्चन द्वारा रचित कविता ‘पौधों की पीढ़ियाँ’ से ली गई हैं, जिसमें नई और पुरानी पीढ़ी के विचारों का अन्तर स्पष्ट किया गया है।

कवि वर्तमान पीढ़ी द्वारा बड़ों को समूल नष्ट करने की बात का उल्लेख करता हुआ कहता है कि हम समय के अत्याचार को सदा इसी प्रकार सहन नहीं करते जाएँगे। हम तो काँटों की आरी और कुल्हाड़ी तैयार करेंगे। फिर आप जब यहाँ आएँगे तो बरगद की डाली-डाली कटी हुई पाएँगे और यह बरगद का पेड़ जो अपने आपको बड़ा समझता है डालियों और पत्तों से रहित एक सूखे पेड़ की तरह नंगा बूचा रह जाएगा। हम इसे सारे का सारा निगल जाएँगे।


  1. कवि के अनुसार वर्तमान पीढ़ी अपने बड़ों का निरादर करने पर ही नहीं तुली है बल्कि वह उन्हें समूल नष्ट करना भी चाहती है। इसीलिए वह अपनी पूर्व पीढी के प्रति विद्रोह की भावना रखती है।
  2. भाषा सरल, भावपूर्ण तथा प्रतीकात्मक है।
  3. मानवीकरण, अनुप्रास और पुनरुक्ति प्रकाश अलंकार है।

अन्धेरे का दीपक कविता का सार

‘अन्धेरे का दीपक’ कविता में कवि का स्वर आशावादी है। वह कहता है कि यदि जीवन में तुमने कोई मधुर कल्पना की है और एक अत्यन्त सुन्दर महल बना लिया है, यदि वह टूट भी जाए तो निराश होने के स्थान पर उसी महल के ईंट, पत्थर जोड़कर नई झोंपड़ी तो बना ही सकते हो। यदि तुम्हारा बनाया सुन्दर मदिरापान का पात्र टूट जाए तो तुम अपनी ओर से निर्मल झरने का जल तो पी ही सकते हो। अन्धेरी रात में प्रकाश लाने के लिए दिया जलाने से तुम्हें कौन रोक सकता है ? इसलिए असफलताओं से निराश होने के स्थान पर फिर से प्रयास करना चाहिए। सफलता अवश्य ही मिलेगी।

1. है अँधेरी रात, पर दीवा जलाना कब मना है ?
कल्पना के हाथ से कमनीय
जो मन्दिर बना था,
भावना के हाथ ने जिसमें
वितानों को तना था,
स्वप्न ने अपने करों से
था जिसे रुचि से सँवारा
स्वर्ग के दुष्प्राप्य रंगों
से, रसों से जो सना था।
ढह गया वह तो जुटाकर
ईंट, पत्थर कंकड़ों को।
एक अपनी शांति की
कुटिया बनाना कब मना है?
है अँधेरी रात, पर दीवा जलाना कब मना है ?

कठिन शब्दों के अर्थ:
कमनीय = कोमल, सुंदर। वितान = तंबू, खेमा। करों से = हाथों से। रुचि = पसंद। दुष्प्राप्य = कठिनाई से प्राप्त होने वाला। सना = लिप्त।

प्रस्तुत पद्यांश छायावादोत्तर युग के कवि डॉ० हरिवंश राय बच्चन’ जी की काव्यकृति ‘सतरंगिनी’ में संकलित कविता ‘अंधेरे का दीपक’ में से लिया गया है। प्रस्तुत कविता में कवि ने यह संदेश दिया है कि दुःख और अवसादपूर्ण क्षणों में भी मनुष्य को आशा का दामन नहीं छोड़ना चाहिए।

कवि कहते हैं कि माना कि रात अँधेरी है परन्तु इस अँधेरी रात में प्रकाश फैलाने के लिए दीपक जलाने से तुम्हें किस ने रोका है? मान लो कि तुम ने कल्पना में जिस सुंदर महल का निर्माण किया था और अपनी भावनाओं से जो तंबू तान दिए थे जिन्हें तुमने अपने स्वप्नों से अपनी पसंद के अनुसार सजाया था, और जो स्वर्ग में भी कठिनाई से प्राप्त अर्थात् दुर्लभ रंगों से लिप्त था। यदि वह महल, ढह जाए अर्थात् तुम्हारी कल्पना साकार नहीं होती, तुम्हारे सपने अधूरे रह जाते हैं, तो ढहे हुए उस महल के ईंट, पत्थर और कंकड़ों को जोड़ कर एक शांतिदायक कुटिया बनाना भी कब मना है ? माना कि रात अँधेरी है और अंधकार को दूर करने के लिए दीपक जलाने से तुम्हें कौन रोकता है ?


  1. कवि के अनुसार सुंदर सपनों के महल के ढह जाने पर निराश और हताश होकर नहीं बैठ जाना चाहिए। असफलता से निराश न होकर नव निर्माण का पुनः संकल्प करके जीवन को नए ढंग से जीना चाहिए।
  2. भाषा तत्सम प्रधान, सरस तथा भावपूर्ण है।
  3. प्रश्न अलंकार तथा उद्बोधनात्मक स्वर है।

PSEB 12th Class Hindi Solutions Chapter 8 हरिवंशराय बच्चन

2. बादलों के अश्रु में धोया
गया नभ-नील नीलम
का बनाया था गया मधु
पात्र मनमोहक, मनोरम,
प्रथम ऊषा की किरण को
लालिमा-सी लाल मदिरा
थी उसी में चमचमाती
नव घनों में चंचला, सम,
वह अगर टूटा मिलाकर
हाथ की दोनों हथेली,
एक निर्मल स्रोत से
तृष्णा बुझाना कब मना है ?
है अंधेरी रात, पर दीवा जलाना कब मना है ?

कठिन शब्दों के अर्थ:
अश्रु = आँसू। मधुपात्र = शराब पीने का प्याला। मनमोहक = मन को मोहने वाला। मनोरम = सुंदर। मदिरा = शराब। चंचला = बिजली। निर्मल= साफ, स्वच्छ । स्रोत = चश्मा, धारा। तृष्णा = प्यास।

प्रस्तुत पंक्तियाँ हरिवंश राय बच्चन द्वारा रचित कविता ‘अन्धेरे का दीपक’ से ली गई हैं, जिसमें कवि ने मनुष्य को कभी भी निराश नहीं होने का सन्देश दिया है।

कवि निराशा या असफलता मिलने पर भी निराश न होकर उत्साहित होकर फिर से नवनिर्माण की प्रेरणा देता हुआ कहता है कि यदि तुम ने बादलों के आँसुओं से धुले नीले आकाश जैसे बहुमूल्य नीलम पत्थर से बना शराब पीने का प्याला बनाया था, जो अत्यन्त मन को लुभाने वाला और सुंदर बन पड़ा था, उस प्याले में उषा की पहली किरण जैसी लाललाल शराब डाली थी; जो उस प्याले में पड़ी चमचमा रही थी जैसे नए बादलों में बिजली चमकती हो, वह प्याला यदि किसी कारणवश टूट भी जाए तो अपनी दोनों हाथों की हथेलियों की ओक बनाकर किसी साफ चश्मे से अपनी प्यास बुझाने की तो मनाही नहीं है ? माना कि रात अँधेरी है किंतु रात के अंधेरे को दूर करने के लिए दीपक जलाने से तुम्हें किसने रोका


  1. कवि का मानना है कि व्यक्ति को अपनी बहुमूल्य वस्तु के नष्ट होने पर दुःखी होने की बजाए जो कुछ भी पास बचा है उसी के भरोसे जिंदगी जीने का प्रयास करना चाहिए। जो कुछ नष्ट हो गया वह तो वापस नहीं आएगा अतः दुःखी न होकर पूरे उत्साह और लग्न से जीवन जीने के नए रास्ते की खोज करनी चाहिए।
  2. भाषा तत्सम प्रधान, सरस तथा भावपूर्ण है।
  3. अनुप्रास, उपमा तथा मानवीकरण अलंकार है।

हरिवंशराय बच्चन Summary

हरिवंशराय बच्चन जीवन परिचय

हरिवंश राय बच्चन का जीवन परिचय दीजिए।

श्री हरिवंश राय बच्चन का जन्म 27 नवम्बर, सन् 1907 ई० को इलाहाबाद में हुआ। इन्होंने यहीं से अंग्रेज़ी में एम०ए० किया तथा यहीं अंग्रेजी साहित्य पढ़ाते रहे। इन्होंने कैम्ब्रिज विश्वविद्यालय से पीएच०डी० की उपाधि प्राप्त की थी। इन्हें विदेश मन्त्रालय में हिन्दी-विशेषज्ञ के रूप में भारत सरकार ने नियुक्त किया था। ये राज्य सभा के भी सदस्य रहे थे। इन्हें काव्यकृति ‘दो चट्टानों’ पर साहित्य अकादमी पुरस्कार प्रदान किया गया। भारत सरकार ने इन्हें पद्मविभूषण की उपाधि से अलंकृत किया। सन् 2002 में इनका निधन हो गया था।

बच्चन जी की प्रमुख रचनाएँ मधुशाला, मधुकलश, मधुबाला, मिलन यामिनी, निशा-निमन्त्रण, सतरंगिनी, दो चट्टानें हैं।

PSEB 12th Class Religion Solutions Chapter 1 Religious Life of the Indus Valley People and Early Aryans

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class Religion Book Solutions Chapter 1 Religious Life of the Indus Valley People and Early Aryans Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 Religion Chapter 1 Religious Life of the Indus Valley People and Early Aryans

Long Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Discuss in brief but a meaningful way the religious life of the people of the Harappan Age.
Discuss in brief the religious life of the people of the Harappan Age.
What do you know about the religious life of the Indus Valley people?
Explain in brief the religious faiths and customs of the Harappan Age?
What do you know about the life and religious faiths of the people of the Indus Valley Civilization?
What were the religious beliefs of the people in the Indus Valley? Civilization? Discuss. Write brief notes on Mother Goddess and Swastik.
Write about the religious beliefs of the people of the Indus Valley Civilization. Write brief notes on ‘Saptrishi’ and ‘Pipal’.
Give brief information about religious beliefs of the Indus Valley Civilization.
What were the religious beliefs of the people of the Indus Valley Civilization? Discuss.
The seals, paintings etc. found in the excavations of the Indus Valley give us valuable information about the religious life of the people of the Indus Valley. On the basis of this information, it can be said without doubt that the religious life of the people of the Indus Valley was of a very high order. This can be estimated from the fact that several of their religious beliefs are still prevalent in the modern day Hirduism.

1. Worship of Mother Goddess : The Indus Valley people mostly worshipped Mother goddess. This can be deciphered from the several pictures of the Mother goddess on the idols, seals and amulets excavated from the Indus Valley. Several idols show signs of smoke which indicate the use of incense sticks and oil during the worship of the Mour goddess. Mother goddess was considered to be a symbol of power.

2. Worship of Lord Shiva: The worship of one deity was quite prevalent amongst the people of the Indus Valley Civilization. The seals of that age depict the pictures of one deity. This god can be seen in the form of an ascetic in a state of samadhi. It depicts its three heads and an attractive crown on the head. Around the ascetic are inscribed the pictures of lion, elephant, rhinoceros, bull and deer etc. Since Shiva is also known by the names Trimukhi, Pashupati and Yogeshwar etc., hence the historians are of the view that this ascetic was none other but Shiva only.

3. Worship of Animals : The seals and amulets, etc. found in the excavations of the Indus Valley indicate that they worshipped many kinds of animals. Primary among them were the bull, elephant, rhinoceros, lion and crocodile etc. Besides these, the people of the Indus Valley Civilization also worshipped some ancient animals. For instance, we have found an idol in Harappa which looks partly like an elephant and partly like a bull. These animals were considered to be the vehicles (carriers) of Mother goddess or Shiva.

4. Worship of Trees : The people of the Indus Valley Civilization also worshipped trees. These trees were considered to be the dwelling place of the gods and goddesses. They considered trees as the source of life and knowledge. Most of the seals excavated from the Indus Valley show5the pipal tree inscribed on them. It can be thus inferred that they considered the Pipal tree as sacred. Besides this they also worshipped neem, date-palm, babool and sheesham trees etc.

5. Worship of Swastik: Several seals excavated from the Indus Valley Civilization show signs of swastik. They wore considered signs of good omen. It is still dear to all the Jainas and traders. The traders make the sign of swastik before any trade.

6. Worship of Saptrishis : One of the seals excavated from the Indus Valley depicts seven humans standing in front of a tree. It can thus be estimated from this that perhaps the people of the Indus Valley worshipped the Saptrishi. There is description of Saptrishis in Puranas, other Hindu scriptures and Buddhist scriptures also. The names of these Saptrishis were Kashayap, Atari, Vishishtha, Vishwamittara, Gautama, Jamdagani and Bhardwaj. They were worshipped as the symbol of heaven.

7. Worship of Linga and Yoni : The excavations of the Indus Valley Civilization , have given us several pointed and ring stones. On observation, one can surely say that the people of the Indus Valley worshipped the Linga and Yoni. These were worshipped to enhance the creative potential of the world.

8. Worship of Water : The several bathrooms found in the excavations of the Indus Valley indicate that the people of that time had deep faith in the worship of water. Water was cosidered to be a symbol of purity and cleanliness.

9. Worship of Snakes : The people of the Indus Valley also worshipped the snakes. This can be deciphered from the pictures of snakes inscribed on the seals obtained at that time. One of the seals depicts a hooded snake on the head of a deity. Another seal shows a man feeding milk to the snake.

10. Faith in Magic and Charms : The occurrence of several amulets during the excavations of the Indus Valley establish the fact that the people of the Indus Valley believed in magic and charms as well as ghosts and spirits.

11. The Death Ceremonies : The people of the Indus Valley usually buried the dead. In the grave, the head of the dead body was placed in the north direction while the feet faced the south direction. Sometimes the dead were left in the open space for birds and animals to feed on them. At that time the custom of cremating the dead, was also prevalent. His ashes were put in a large vessel and then buried. Whatever be the technique of the last rites performed, the dead or their skeleton or their ashes were buried with some utensils containing food items and some other important things. From this, we can decipher that the people of the Indus Valley believed in life after death.

12. Some other Religious Beliefs : The several fire places obtained from the Indus Valley excavations reveal that the people of the Indus Valley worshipped fire. Despite this they also worshipped dove and the sun.

PSEB 12th Class Religion Solutions Chapter 1 Religious Life of the Indus Valley People and Early Aryans

Question 2.
(a) What do you know about Mother Goddess and Swastik?
(b) Discuss the death ceremonies of people of Harappan Age.

(a) Mother Goddess: The Indus Valley people mostly worshipped Mother goddess. This can be deciphered from the several pictures of the Mother goddess on the idols, seals and amulets excavated from the Indus Valley. Several idols show signs of smoke which indicate the use of incense sticks and oil during the worship of Mou r goddess. Mother goddess was considered to be a symbol of power.

Swastik: Several seals excavated from the Indus Valley Civilization show signs of swastik. They wore considered signs of good omen. It is still dear to all the Jainas and traders. The traders make the sign of swastik before any trade.

(b) The Death Ceremonies: The people of the Indus Valley usually buried the dead. In the grave, the head of the dead body was placed in the north direction while the feet faced the south direction. Sometimes the dead were left in the open space for birds and animals to feed on them. At that time the custom of cremating the dead, was also prevalent. His ashes were put in a large vessel and then buried. Whatever be the technique of the last rites performed, the dead or their skeleton or their ashes were buried with some utensils containing food items and some other important things. From this, we can decipher that the people of the Indus Valley believed in life after death.

Question 3.
(a) What were the death ceremonies among the people of Harappa?
(b) Write a note on Pipal and Swastik.
(a) The Death Ceremonies among the People of Harappa.

1.The Death Ceremonies : The people of the Indus Valley usually buried the dead. In the grave, the head of the dead body was placed in the north direction while the feet faced the south direction. Sometimes the dead were left in the open space for birds and animals to feed on them. At that time the custom of cremating the dead, was also prevalent. His ashes were put in a large vessel and then buried. Whatever be the technique of the last rites performed, the dead or their skeleton or their ashes were buried with some utensils containing food items and some other important things. From this, we can decipher that the people of the Indus Valley believed in life after death.

(b) Pipal : Worship of Trees : The people of the Indus Valley Civilization also worshipped trees. These trees were considered to be the dwelling place of the gods and goddesses. They considered trees as the source of life and knowledge. Most of the seals excavated from the Indus Valley show5the pipal tree inscribed on them. It can be thus inferred that they considered the Pipal tree as sacred. Besides this they also worshipped neem, date-palm, babool and sheesham trees etc.

Swastik : Several seals excavated from the Indus Valley Civilization show signs of swastik. They wore considered signs of good omen. It is still dear to all the Jainas and traders. The traders make the sign of swastik before any trade.

Question 4.
Was the dead buried or burnt in Harappa and Mohenjo-daro. Discuss.
The Death Ceremonies: The people of the Indus Valley usually buried the dead. In the grave, the head of the dead body was placed in the north direction while the feet faced the south direction. Sometimes the dead were left in the open space for birds and animals to feed on them. At that time the custom of cremating the dead was also prevalent. His ashes were put in a large vessel and then buried. Whatever be the technique of the last rites performed, the dead or their skeleton or their ashes were buried with some utensils containing food items and some other important things. From this, we can decipher that the people of the Indus Valley believed in life after death.

PSEB 12th Class Religion Solutions Chapter 1 Religious Life of the Indus Valley People and Early Aryans

Question 5.
What do you know about the religious beliefs of the early Aryai Also state the method of disposal of the dead Aryans?
What do you know about the life and religion of early Aryans?
Describe the religious life of Early Aryans:
A detailed description of the religious life of the early Aryans has been gi in the Rigveda. Undoubtedly, they led a very simple and pious life. The main featr of their religious life are as follows :

1. Worshippers of Nature and Natural Phenomena: The religious life of early Aryans was quite simple. They worshipped nature and natural phenome They worshipped all those things that were beautiful, strange, and frightening. The named all these natural phenomena after some deity and started worshipping the They worshipped the glowing sun because it kept the earth alive. They worship] the wind because it gave life to all the human beings of this world. They worship] dawn that woke them up from their sweet sleep and sent them to work. T1 worshipped the blue sky which surrounded the whole world.

2. Vedic Gods : The total count of gods of the early Aryans was 33. They w divided into 3 parts. They lived in heaven, on earth and in between the heaven E earth. A brief description of the major gods-goddesses is as follows :

  • Varuna: Vanina was the greatest god of the early AryAnswer: He sat on a thro He was considered to be the master of truth and dharma. He was called the Crea of the heaven, earth and the sun. He punished the evil doers. He could give people ] and could annul one’s death. Hence, the evil doers asked for forgiveness from him their evil deeds.
  • Indra: He was the second most important and powerful god of the ea AryAnswer: The maximum number of hymns (250) have been written in adoration of to god in the Rigveda. He was considered to be the god of rain and battle. The Arya prayed to him for rain showers on time and victory in battle. He could at the blink an eye destroy the forts of the enemy.
  • Agni: The Agni was another major god of the early AryAnswer: He was associat with the marriage and cremation ceremonies. Without him, no religious ceremo was complete. 200 hymns have been written in the adoration of the god-Agni.
  • Sun: Surya (Sun) was also an important god of the early AryAnswer: He eradicat darkness from the world. He rode on a chariot driven by seven horses to go around the sky.
  • Rudra: Rudra was considered to be the god of storm. He was very cruel and destructive. People were afraid of him and tried to keep him pleased.
  • Soma: The Soma god was very important in the religious life of the early AryAnswer: The somras was considered to be sacred nectar which when consumed could make one immortal.
  • Usha: Besides gods, the early Aryans also worshipped some goddesses. But their importance was less in comparison to the gods. The most important goddesses worshipped by them were Usha, the goddess of dawn, Ratri, the goddess of night, Prithvi, the goddess of earth, Aranayayi, the goddess of the jungle and Saraswati, the river goddess.

3. Faith in One God: Although the early Aryans worshipped many gods and goddesses yet they had a strong belief in one God. They considered all the gods as great. The sages gave prime importance to different gods and goddesses on different occasions. The Rigveda in one of its hymns says, “All of them are one, only the observers have described them differently.” In another hymn, it says, “He, who has given us life, He who has created nature, popular by different names, is yet one.” It is clear that they believed in the concept of one God.

4. Absence of Temples and Idol Worship : The early Aryans did not construct any temple in memory of any god-goddess and neither were their idols made. There is no reference in the Rigveda in the context of temples and idols. The Aryans used to crouch in the open atmosphere of their homes and recited their hymns and meditated with full devotion.

5. Yajnas and Sacrifices : The early Aryans performed several yajnas to please the gods and goddesses. These yajnas were performed very carefully because they feared that a small mistake could anger their gods. First, an altar was built for performing the yajna. Then the sacred fire was lit up. Then to it ghee, milk, rice and somras were added. Several animals like sheep, goats and horses etc. were also sacrificed during these yajnas. The custom of human sacrifice was not prevalent at that time. There were several kinds of yajnas. The simplest among them were the family yajnas. The bigger yajnas were planned well in advance. These yajnas were organized by the kings and rich people of society. Purohits (priests) in large numbers participated in these yajnas.

The Purohits who read Mantras during yajnas were called Udgatris and those who offered sacrifices were called Hotris. They were given gold, animals and crops as donation. The prime,objective of these yajnas and sacrifices was to please gods. They felt that this would help them to obtain victory in the battle, acquisition of wealth, increase in the number of their children, and they would have a long life. The early Aryans thought that each yajna led to the rebirth of the world and if the yajnas would not be performed, there would be darkness in the whole world. These yajnas also enhanced the knowledge of Mathematics, Geography and animal anatomy.

6. Worship of Forefathers: The early Aryans worshipped their forefathers (pitras) besides their gods and goddesses. Pitras were the ancestors of the early Aryans: They lived in the heaven. There are several incantations in the praise of their forefathers in the Rigveda. They too were worshipped like other gods and goddesses. The forefathers were worshipped with the hope that they would protect their lineage, they would direct them they would help remove all their difficulties, provide them wealth and power and would bless them with the boon of children and their long life.

7. Belief in Life after Death : The early Aryans believed in life after death. The principle of transmigration and re-incarnation were still not prevalent. The people in the Vedic period believed that at the time of death the soul gets separated from the body. The soul was considered immortal. life in heaven,^as full of happiness. It was the place of residence of the gods. The people who were well deserving of going to heaven were those who either sacrificed their lives in the battlefield or observed austerity or generously made donations at the time of performance of the yajnas. The Rigveda does not make any mention of hell.

8. Disposal of Deadi : During the period of the early Aryans the dead were cremated. The dead was taken to the cremation ground by his wife and other relatives. After this, the dead was placed on the funeral pyre. If the dead were a Brahman, a stick was placed in his right hand and if he were a Kshatriya, a bow would be placed in his hand and if he were a Vaishya, a plough stick would be placed in his hand. His wife would keep sitting by his pyre till she was told ‘Oh ! lady get up and come back among the live people.’ After this, the fire was lit in the pyre from the havan-kund and the incantation is*as read, “Tread on the path of the elders.” The remains were collected when the dead body was completely burnt and they were buried in the earth in a vessel.

9. Rita and Dharman : There is a description the words Rita and Dharman in the Rigveda and other Vedic texts. The Rita implies a system according to which this world runs. According to the Rita, the day breaks in the morning and the sun, moon and stars appear bright. The earth revolves around the sun. The tides rise and fall in the seas. Hence, the Rita is a truth and Anrita is falsehood. The word ‘Dharman’ means rule. The Dharman were set by the gods. These apply on the materialistic world, human beings and to the sacrifice made. Actually, Dharman includes the rules for life and customs. The good human beings lead their lives according to the Dharman.

PSEB 12th Class Religion Solutions Chapter 1 Religious Life of the Indus Valley People and Early Aryans

Question 6.
Write a brief note on Varuna and Agni. Write about the ritual of Vedic sacrifice.
(a) Varuna and Agni:

(1) Varuna : Varuna was the greatest god of the early AryAnswer: He sat on a throne. He was considered to be the master of truth and dharma. He was called the Creator of the sky, earth and the sun. The moon shined and stars twinkled according to his instructions. He was omnipotent and omnipresent. He knew about all the incidents that took place in the world. He had several eyes. No evil doer could escape his eagle eyes. He punished the sinners. He could grant the gift of life and could even annul death. Hence the evil doers prayed to him for forgiveness.

(2) Agni : Agni was another major god of the early AryAnswer: He was considered important for two reasons. First, he was considered the master of all homes. He was associated with marriage and customs associated with the last rites. Secondly, no yajna could be accomplished without him. He was responsible for making the offerings made by the devotees reach the gods. Agni supposedly had 7 tongues and 1000 eyes. If he ever got angry he could destroy everything in a moment. Dry wood, ghee and butter were his favourite food. There are 200 incantations in the Rigveda in the praise of Agni.

(b) Ritual of Vedic Sacrifice : Yajnas and Sacrifices : The early Aryans performed several yajnas to please the gods and goddesses. These yajnas were performed very carefully because they feared that a small mistake could anger their gods. First, an altar was built for performing the yajna. Then the sacred fire was lit up. Then to it ghee, milk, rice and somras were added. Several animals like sheep, goats and horses etc. were also sacrificed during these yajnas. The custom of human sacrifice was not prevalent at that time. There were several kinds of yajnas. The simplest among them were the family yajnas. The bigger yajnas were planned well in advance. These yajnas were organized by the kings and rich people of society. Purohits (priests) in large numbers participated in these yajnas.

The Purohits who read Mantras during yajnas were called Udgatris and those who offered sacrifices were called Hotris. They were given gold, animals and crops as donation. The prime,objective of these yajnas and sacrifices was to please gods. They felt that this would help them to obtain victory in the battle, acquisition of wealth, increase in the number of their children, and they would have a long life. The early Aryans thought that each yajna led to the rebirth of the world and if the yajnas would not be performed, there would be darkness in the whole world. These yajnas also enhanced the knowledge of Mathematics, Geography and animal anatomy.

Question 7.
What is meant by Vedic gods? What is expected from them?
Who were Vedic gods? Write down the names of some gods and goddesses. Whether these gods were historical persons or mythological? State clearly.
What do you know about the Vedic gods and goddesses? Explain.
Explain about monotheism in Vedic period.
Write a detailed note on Vedic gods and goddesses.
Write a brief note on any two Vedic gods.
The early Aryans led very simple and pious life. They respected nature and its powers and hence worshipped them as gods. The total number of gods worshipped by them were 33. The number of goddesses was less and they were also less significant. Though the early Aryans worshipped these gods and goddesses yet they considered them to be a part of one supreme God. To please their gods and goddesses and to obtain the important boons from them, they indulged in prayers and yajnas and also offered sacrifices. At that time, idol worship and the practice of building temples was not prevalent.

1. Vedic Gods: Where did the foundation of Vedic gods lie, what was their nature, what was their relationship with human beings and what was their count? The answers to all these questions are found in the Rigveda. The incantation (Richas) of the Rigveda state that the gods were born after the creation of the world and were usually considered to be the children of the sky and the earth. They were very powerful and great. They led a long life. They had acquired immortality by observing penance and consuming somras (divine nectar). They could acquire different forms. They came on their magical divine vehicles and sat on a grassy seat. They contributed in their own way towards the worldly incidents. They listened to the prayers of their devotees and blessed them with their boons.

They were 33 in number and were divided into 3 parts. This division was on the basis of the place they resided. Each category had 11 gods included in it. Varuna, Surya, Vishnu and Usha were gods of the sky. Indra, Vayu, Rudra and Maruta etc. were gods who lived in between the earth and the sky. Agni, Prithvi, Brahaspati, Seas and Rivers were the gods of the earth. The gods were greater in number as compared to the goddesses and they were even more significant than them. A brief description of the main gods and goddesses is as follows :

(1) Varuna: Varuna was the greatest god of the early AryAnswer: He sat on a throne. He was considered to be the master of truth and dharma. He was called the Creator of the sky, earth and the sun. The moon shined and stars twinkled according to his instructions. He was omnipotent and omnipresent. He knew about all the incidents that took place in the world. He had several eyes. No evil doer could escape his eagle eyes. He punished the sinners. He could grant the gift of life and could even annul death. Hence the evil doers prayed to him for forgiveness.

(2) Indra: Indra was the second most important and powerful god. The maximum number of hymns (250) in the Rigveda have been written in the praise of this god. Such was his spark that the illumination caused by several suns would faint in its comparison. He was considered to be the god of rain and battle. The Aryans prayed to him for showers of rain and for obtaining victory in battles. He was so brave that he even defeated the demons. He could destroy the forts of the enemies at the wink of an eye. He could eradicate all darkness. He could change several forms. He was so powerful that all the gods were terrified of him.

(3) Agni: Agni was another major god of the early Aryans: He was considered important for two reasons. First, he was considered the master of all homes. He was associated with marriage and customs associated with the last rites. Secondly, no yajna could be accomplished without him. He was responsible for making the offerings made by the devotees reach the gods. Agni supposedly had 7 tongues and 1000 eyes. If he ever got angry he could destroy everything in a moment. Dry wood, ghee and butter were his favourite food. There are 200 incantations in the Rigveda in the praise of Agni.

(4) Sun: Sun was also an important god of the early Aryans: He eradicated darkness from this earth. He was considered to be the son of Aaditi and Deuce. He rode around in the sky everyday on a chariot driven by seven horses.

(5) Rudra: Rudra was considered to be the god of storm or duststorm. He was very cruel and destructive. The people were scared of him and made all efforts to please him. He looked like the demons and dwelled in the mountains. His stomach was black and his back was red.

(6) Soma: Soma had great significance in the religious life of the early Aryans: The entire Navam Mandal of the Rigveda has been devoted to the praise of Soma. Somras was considered to be a divine nectar which when drunk immortalized the gods. It was used during the ‘hawan’. It was gifted to the gods. The somras was obtained from a herb found in the mountains.

(7) Usha: Besides the gods, the early Aryans also worshipped some goddesses. But these goddesses were less significant in comparison to the gods. The goddesses worshipped by them included Ratri the goddess of night, Aranayayi the goddess of forest, Saraswati the goddess of rivers. Usha was the most significant. She was considered to be the goddess of dawn. She was beautiful and mesmerising. She was considered to be the wife of the sun.

2. Vedic Gods were historical persons or mythological : The early Aryans considered their gods and goddesses to be historical persons. The reason for this was that they were just like human beings. They used to come on their magical vehicles and sat on a grassy throne. They listened to the prayers of their devotees and blessed them with boons. They were generous towards their devotees. These gods and goddesses were considered to be the sons and daughters of Aaditi and Deuce. Initially they were considered to be mortal. They were later rendered immortal.

PSEB 12th Class Religion Solutions Chapter 1 Religious Life of the Indus Valley People and Early Aryans

Question 8.
(a) Throw light on the Vedic ritual sacrifice.
(b) Write brief notes on Varuna and Agni gods.
(a) Sacrifice Ritual : Yajnas and Sacrifices : The early Aryans performed several yajnas to please the gods and goddesses. These yajnas were performed very carefully because they feared that a small mistake could anger their gods. First, an altar was built for performing the yajna. Then the sacred fire was lit up. Then to it ghee, milk, rice and somras were added. Several animals like sheep, goats and horses etc. were also sacrificed during these yajnas. The custom of human sacrifice was not prevalent at that time. There were several kinds of yajnas. The simplest among them were the family yajnas. The bigger yajnas were planned well in advance. These yajnas were organized by the kings and rich people of society. Purohits (priests) in large numbers participated in these yajnas.

(b) Varuna and Agni Gods :

(1) Varuna: Varuna was the greatest god of the early AryAnswer: He sat on a throne. He was considered to be the master of truth and dharma. He was called the Creator of the sky, earth and the sun. The moon shined and stars twinkled according to his instructions. He was omnipotent and omnipresent. He knew about all the incidents that took place in the world. He had several eyes. No evil doer could escape his eagle eyes. He punished the sinners. He could grant the gift of life and could even annul death. Hence the evil doers prayed to him for forgiveness.

(2) Agni: Agni was another major god of the early AryAnswer: He was considered important for two reasons. First, he was considered the master of all homes. He was associated with marriage and customs associated with the last rites. Secondly, no yajna could be accomplished without him. He was responsible for making the offerings made by the devotees reach the gods. Agni supposedly had 7 tongues and 1000 eyes. If he ever got angry he could destroy everything in a moment. Dry wood, ghee and butter were his favourite food. There are 200 incantations in the Rigveda in the praise of Agni.

Question 9.
Explain the differences of religious life of Indus Valley and Aryan peoples.
Describe the religious life of the people of Indus Valley and AryAnswer: Explain.
The seals, paintings etc. found in the excavations of the Indus Valley give us valuable information about the religious life of the people of the Indus Valley. On the basis of this information, it can be said without doubt that the religious life of the people of the Indus Valley was of a very high order. This can be estimated from the fact that several of their religious beliefs are still prevalent in the modern day Hirduism.

1. Worship of Mother Goddess: The Indus Valley people mostly worshipped Mother goddess. This can be deciphered from the several pictures of the Mother goddess on the idols, seals and amulets excavated from the Indus Valley. Several idols show signs of smoke which indicate the use of incense sticks and oil during the worship of goddesses. The mother goddess was considered to be a symbol of power.

2. Worship of Lord Shiva: The worship of one deity was quite prevalent amongst the people of the Indus Valley Civilization. The seals of that age depict the pictures of one deity. This god can be seen in the form of an ascetic in a state of samadhi. It depicts its three heads and an attractive crown on the head. Around the ascetic are inscribed the pictures of lion, elephant, rhinoceros, bull and deer etc. Since Shiva is also known by the names Trimukhi, Pashupati and Yogeshwar etc., hence the historians are of the view that this ascetic was none other but Shiva only.

3. Worship of Animals: The seals and amulets, etc. found in the excavations of the Indus Valley indicate that they worshipped many kinds of animals. Primary among them were the bull, elephant, rhinoceros, lion and crocodile etc. Besides these, the people of the Indus Valley Civilization also worshipped some ancient animals. For instance, we have found an idol in Harappa which looks partly like an elephant and partly like a bull. These animals were considered to be^the vehicles (carriers) of Mother goddess or Shiva.

4. Worship of Trees: The people of the Indus Valley Civilization also worshipped trees. These trees were considered to be the dwelling place of the gods and goddesses. They considered trees as the source of life and knowledge. Most of the seals excavated from the Indus Valley show5the pipal tree inscribed on them. It can be thus inferred that they considered the Pipal tree as sacred. Besides this they also worshipped neem, date-palm, babool and sheesham trees etc.

5. Worship of Swastik: Several seals excavated from the Indus Valley Civilization show signs of swastik. They wore considered signs of good omen. It is still dear to all the Jainas and traders. The traders make the sign of swastik before any trade.

6. Worship of Saptrishis: One of the seals excavated from the Indus Valley depicts seven humans standing in front of a tree. It can thus be estimated from this that perhaps the people of the Indus Valley worshipped the Saptrishi. There is description of Saptrishis in Puranas, other Hindu scriptures and Buddhist scriptures also. The names of these Saptrishis were Kashayap, Atari, Vishishtha, Vishwamittara, Gautama, Jamdagani and Bhardwaj. They were worshipped as the symbol of heaven.

7. Worship of Linga and Yoni: The excavations of the Indus Valley Civilization , have given us several pointed and ring stones. On observation, one can surely say that the people of the Indus Valley worshipped the Linga and Yoni. These were worshipped to enhance the creative potential of the world.

8. Worship of Water: The several bathrooms found in the excavations of the Indus Valley indicate that the people of that time had deep faith in the worship of water. Water was cosidered to be a symbol of purity and cleanliness.

9. Worship of Snakes: The people of the Indus Valley also worshipped the snakes. This can be deciphered from the pictures of snakes inscribed on the seals obtained at that time. One of the seals depicts a hooded snake on the head of a deity. Another seal shows a man feeding milk to the snake.

10. Faith in Magic and Charms: The occurrence of several amulets during the excavations of the Indus Valley establish the fact that the people of the Indus Valley believed in magic and charms as well as ghosts and spirits.

11. The Death Ceremonies: The people of the Indus Valley usually buried the dead. In the grave, the head of the dead body was placed in the north direction while the feet faced the south direction. Sometimes the dead were left in the open space for birds and animals to feed on them. At that time the custom of cremating the dead, was also prevalent. His ashes were put in a large vessel and then buried. Whatever be the technique of the last rites performed, the dead or their skeleton or their ashes were buried with some utensils containing food items and some other important things. From this, we can decipher that the people of the Indus Valley believed in life after death.

PSEB 12th Class Religion Solutions Chapter 1 Religious Life of the Indus Valley People and Early Aryans

12. Some other Religious Beliefs: The several fire places obtained from the Indus Valley excavations reveal that the people of the Indus Valley worshipped fire. Despite this they also worshipped dove and the sun.

(a) The Death Ceremonies among the People of Harappa.

1.The Death Ceremonies: The people of the Indus Valley usually buried the dead. In the grave, the head of the dead body was placed in the north direction while the feet faced the south direction. Sometimes the dead were left in the open space for birds and animals to feed on them. At that time the custom of cremating the dead, was also prevalent. His ashes were put in a large vessel and then buried. Whatever be the technique of the last rites performed, the dead or their skeleton or their ashes were buried with some utensils containing food items and some other important things. From this, we can decipher that the people of the Indus Valley believed in life after death.

(b) Pipal: Worship of Trees: The people of the Indus Valley Civilization also worshipped trees. These trees were considered to be the dwelling place of the gods and goddesses. They considered trees as the source of life and knowledge. Most of the seals excavated from the Indus Valley show5the pipal tree inscribed on them. It can be thus inferred that they considered the Pipal tree as sacred. Besides this they also worshipped neem, date-palm, babool and sheesham trees etc.

Swastik: Several seals excavated from the Indus Valley Civilization show signs of swastik. They wore considered signs of good omen. It is still dear to all the Jainas and traders. The traders make the sign of swastik before any trade.

Short Answer Type Questions (Type 1):

Question 1.
Write any two features of religious life of the Indus Valley people.
1. Worship of Mother Goddess: The Indus Valley people mostly worshipped Mother goddess. This can be deciphered from the several pictures of Mother goddess on the idols, seals and amulets excavated from the Indus Valley. Several idols show signs of smoke which indicate the use of incense sticks and oil during the worship of Mother goddess. Mother goddess was considered to be a symbol of power.

2. Worship of Lord Shiva: The worship of one deity was quite prevalent amongst the people of the Indus Valley Civilization. The seals of that age depict the pictures of one deity. This god can be seen in the form of an ascetic in a state of samadhi. It depicts its three heads apd an attractive crown on the head. Hence the historians are of the view that this ascetic was none other but Shiva only.

Question 2.
What were the characteristics of the religion of the Indus Valley Civilization?
The discovery of large number of female figurines and amulets during the course of excavation suggest that the people mainly used to worship Mother Goddess. They also used to worship Lord Shiva. Besides these, they also worshipped Linga, Yoni, Sun, Ox, Tiger and Elephant etc. They believed in life after death. They believed in magic and charms.

Question 3.
How the people of Indus Valley Civilization disposed off their dead?
Which two methods were adopted by the people of Indus Valley to dispose off their dead?
Describe the death ceremonies of Harappa age people.
The people of the Indus Valley usually buried the dead. In the grave, the head of the dead body was placed in the north direction while the feet faced the south direction. Sometimes the dead were left in the open space for birds and animals to feed on them. At that time the custom of cremating the dead was also prevalent. His ashes were put in a large vessel and then buried.

PSEB 12th Class Religion Solutions Chapter 1 Religious Life of the Indus Valley People and Early Aryans

Question 4.
Describe the religious beliefs of early AryAnswer:
Discuss the religious ideas and rituals of Vedic AryAnswer:
What were the main features of the religious life of the Rigvedic Aryans?
The religion of the Rigvedic Aryans was simple. They used to worship the natural powers as gods and goddesses. Varuna was their chief deity who knew all the secrets of the universe. Indra was their next most important deity. He was known as the god of war and rain. The Agni was also considered important. He was related to marriage and cremation. Goddesses like Usha, Ratri, Prithvi and Aranayi were also worshipped. However, they occupied subordinate position.

Question 5.
What do you know about Varuna?
Describe the Lord Varuna of Aryans:
Varuna was the greatest god of the early Aryans: He sat on a throne. He was considered to be the master of truth and dharma. He was called the Creator of the sky, earth and the sun. The moon shone and stars twinkled according to his instructions. He was omnipotent and omnipresent. He knew about all the incidents that took place in the world. He had several eyes. No evil doer could escape his eagle eyes. He punished the sinners. He could grant the gift of life and could even annul death. Hence the evil doers prayed to him for forgiveness.

Question 6.
Describe God Indra of early AryAnswer:
What do you know about God Indra?
Indra was the second most important and powerful god. The maximum number of hymns (250) in the Rigveda have been written in the praise of this god. Such was his spark that the illumination caused by several suns would faint in its comparison. He was considered to be the god of rain and battles. The Aryans prayed to him for showers of rain and for obtaining victory in battles. He was so brave that he even defeated the demons. He could destroy the forts of the enemies at the wink of an eye. He could eradicate all darkness. He could change several forms. He was so powerful that all the gods were terrified of him.

Question 7.
Explain in your words the Aryan god ‘Agni’?
Agni. Agni was another major god of the early AryAnswer: He was considered important for two reasons. First, he was considered the master of all homes. He was associated with marriage and customs associated with the last rites. Secondly, no yajna could be accomplished without him. He was responsible for making the offerings made by the devotees reach the gods. Agni supposedly had 7 tongues and 1000 eyes. If he ever got angry he could destroy everything in a moment. Dry wood, ghee and butter were his favourite food. There are 200 incantations in the Rigveda in the raise of Agni.

Question 8.
What was the importance of Yajnas in the social and religious life of 3 Aryans?
What do you know about the mode of worship of the Rigvedic Aryans?
The religion of the Rigvedic Aryans was simple. The early Aryans performed several yajnas to please the gods and goddesses. These yajnas were performed very carefully because they feared that a small mistake could anger their gods. First, an altar was built for performing the yajna. Then the sacred fire was lit up. Then to it were added ghee, milk, rice and somras. Several animals were also sacrificed during these yajnas. There were several kinds of yajnas. The simplest among them were the family yajnas. The bigger yajnas were planned well in advance. These yajnas were organized by the kings and rich people of society. The prime objective of these yajnas and sacrifices was to please gods.

Question 9.
How did the early Aryans dispose off their dead?
During the period of the early Aryans the dead were cremated. The dead was taken to the cremation ground by his wife or other relatives. After this, the dead was placed on the funeral pyre. His wife would keep sitting by his pyre till she was told, ‘Oh ! lady get up and come back among the live people. After this, the fire was lit in the pyre from the havan-kund. The remains were collected when the dead body was completely burnt and they were buried in the earth in a vessel.

Question 10.
What do you mean by Rita and Dharman?
There is a description of the words Rita and Dharman in the Rigveda and other Vedic texts. The Rita implies a system according to which this world runs. According to the Rita, the day breaks in the morning and the sun, moon and stars appear bright. The wcffd ‘Dharman’ means rule. The Dharman were set by the gods. These apply to the materialistic world, human beings and to the sacrifice made. The good human beings lead their lives according to the Dharman.

Short Answer Type Questions (Type 2):

Question 1.
Write any six features of religious life of the Indus Valley people.
What was worshipped by the Indus Valley people?
1. Worship of Mother Goddess: The Indus Valley people mostly worshipped Mother goddess. This can be deciphered from the several pictures of Mother goddess on the idols, seals and amulets excavated from the Indus Valley. Several idols show signs of smoke which indicate the use of incense sticks and oil during the worship of Mother goddess. Mother goddess was considered to be a symbol of power.

2. Worship of Lord Shiva: The worship of one deity was quite prevalent amongst the people of the Indus Valley Civilization. The seals of that age depict the pictures of one deity. This god can be seen in the form of an ascetic in a state of samadhi. It depicts its three heads and an attractive crown on the head. Hence the historians are of the view that this ascetic was none other but Shiva only.

3. Worship of Trees: The people of the Indus Valley Civilization also worshipped trees. These trees were considered to be the dwelling place of the gods and goddesses. They considered trees as the source of life and knowledge. Most of the seals excavated from the Indus Valley show the Pipal tree inscribed on them. It can be thus inferred that they considered the Pipal tree as sacred. Besides this they also worshipped neem, date-palm, habool and sheesham trees etc.

4. Worship of Swastik: Several seals excavated from the Indus Valley Civilization show signs of swastik. They were considered signs of good omen. It is still dear to all the Jainas and traders. The traders make the sign of swastik before any trade.

5. Worship of Saptrishis: One of the seals excavated from the Indus Valley depicts seven humans standing in front of a tree. It can thus be estimated from this that perhaps the people of the Indus Valley worshipped the Saptrishis.

6. Worship of Water: The several bathrooms found in the excavations of the Indus Valley indicate that the people of that time had deep faith in the worship of water. Water was cosidered to be a symbol of purity and cleanliness.

PSEB 12th Class Religion Solutions Chapter 1 Religious Life of the Indus Valley People and Early Aryans

Question 2.
How the people of Indus Valley Civilization disposed off their dead?
Which two methods were adopted by the people of Indus Valley to dispose off their dead?
The people of the Indus Valley usually buried the dead. In the grave, to head of the dead body was placed in the north direction while the feet faced the south direction. Sometimes the dead left in the open space for birds and animals feed on them. At that time the custom of cremating the dead was also prevalent. His ashes were put in a large vessel and then buried. Whatever be the technique of the last rites performed, the dead er their skeleton or their ashes were buried with some utensils containing food items and some other important things. From this, we can- decipher that the people of the Indus Valley believed in life after death.

Question 3.
Describe the religious beliefs of early Aryans:
Discuss the religious ideas and rituals of Vedic AryAnswer:
What were the main features of the religious life of the Rigvedic Aryans?
The religion of the Rigvedic Aryans was simple. They used to worship the natural powers as gods and goddesses. The goddesses were few in number and had lesser importance. Varuna was their chief deity who knew all the secrets of the; universe. He was known as the heavenly god. It was believed that he punished the criminals. The Aryans prayed to Varuna for the forgiveness of their sins. Indra was their next most important deity. He was known as the god of war and rain. The-, Aryans worshipped Indra’to be victorious in war or for getting rain. In the Rigveda, 250 hymns are devoted to Indra.

The Agni was also considered important. He was, related to marriage and cremation. The Aryans also used to worship the Surya,Vayu, Rudra and Soma. Goddesses like Usha, Ratri, Prithvi and Aranayi were also worshipped. However, they occupied subordinate position. The Aryans believed-; in one God and all the gods and goddesses were believed to be His incarnations. Many – yajnas were performed in order to please the gods and goddesses. These yajnas were,- performed very carefully as any small mistake could displease the gods. The Aryans also believed in the theories of transmigration, karma and salvation. Though these principles were not yet much developed.

Question 4.
Give a brief account of the main gods of the Early Aryans:

(1) Varuna: Varuna was the greatest god of the early Aryans: He sat on a throne. He was considered to be the master of truth and dharma. He was called the Creator of the heaven, earth and the sun. He punished the evil doers. He could give-, people life and could annul one’s death. Hence, the evil doers asked for forgiveness from him for their evil deeds.

(2) Indra: He was the second most important and powerful god of the early Aryans: The maximum number of hymns (250) have been written in adoration of this, god in the Rigveda. He was considered to be the god of rain and battle. The Aryans prayed to him for rain showers on time and victory in battle. He could at the blink of an eye destroy the forts of the enemy.

(3) Agni: The Agni was another major god of the early Aryans: He was associated, with the marriage and cremation ceremonies. Without him, no religious ceremony was complete. 200 hymns have been written in the adoration of the god Agni.

(4) Sun: Surya (Sun) was also an important god of the early Aryans: He eradicated darkness from the world. He rode on a chariot driven by seven horses to go around in the sky.

(5) Rudra: Rudra was considered to be the god of storm. He was very cruel and destructive. People were afraid of him and tried to keep him pleased.

(6) Soma: The Soma god was very important in the religious life of the early Aryans: The somras was considered to be a sacred nectar which when consumed could make one immortal.

PSEB 12th Class Religion Solutions Chapter 1 Religious Life of the Indus Valley People and Early Aryans

Question 5.
What do you know about Varuna and Indra?
Describe the Lord Varuna of Aryans:
(1) Varuna: Varuna was the greatest god of the early Aryans: He sat on a throne. He was considered to be the master of truth and dharma. He was called the Creator of the sky, earth and the sun. The moon shone and stars twinkled according to his instructions. He was omnipotent and omnipresent. He knew about all the incidents that took place in the world. He had several eyes. No evil doer could escape his eagle eyes. He punished the sinners. He could grant the gift of life and could even annul death. Hence the evildoers prayed to him for forgiveness.

(2) Indra: Indra was the second most important and powerful god. The maximum number of hymns (250) in the Rigveda have been written in the praise of this god. Such was his spark that the illumination caused by several suns would faint in its comparison. He was considered to be the god of rain and battles. The Aryans prayed to him for showers of rain and for obtaining victory in battles. He was so brave that he even defeated the demons. He could destroy the forts of the enemies at the wink of an eye. He could eradicate all darkness. He could change several forms. He was so powerful that all the gods were terrified of him.

Question 6.
Explain in your words the Aryan god ‘Agni’?
Agni. Agni was another major god of the early Aryans: He was considered importand for two reasons. First, he was considered the master of all homes. He was associated with marriage and customs associated with the last rites. Secondly, no yajna could be accomplished without him. He was responsible for making the offerings made by the devotees reach the gods. Agni supposedly had 7 tongues and 1000 eyes. If he ever got angry he could destroy everything in a moment. Dry wood, ghee and butter were his favourite food. There are 200 incantations in the Rigveda in the praise of Agni.

Question 7.
What was the importance of Yajnas in the social and religious life of the Aryans?
What do you know about the mode of worship of the Rigvedic Aryans?
The early Aryans performed several yajnas to please the gods and goddesses. These yajnas were performed very carefully because they feared that a small mistake could anger their gods. First, an altar was built for performing the yajna. Then the sacred fire was lit up. Then to it were added ghee, milk, rice and somras. Several animals like sheep, goats and horses etc. were also sacrificed during these yajnas. The custom of human sacrifice was not prevalent at that time. There were several kinds of yajnas. The simplest among them were the family yajnas. The bigger yajnas were planned well in advance. These yajnas were organized by the kings and rich people of society. Purohits (priests) in large numbers participated in these yajnas.

The purohits who read Mantras during Yajnas were called Udgatris and those who offeced sacrifices were called Hotris. They were given gold, animals and crops as donation. The prime objective of these yajnas and sacrifices was to please gods. They felt that this would help them to obtain victory in the battle, acquisition of wealth, increase in the number of their children, and they would have a long life. The early Aryans thought that each yajna led to the rebirth of the world and if the yajnas would not be performed, there would be darkness in the whole world. These yajnas also enhanced the knowledge of Mathematics, Geography and animal anatomy.

Question 8.
How did the early Aryans dispose off their dead?
During the period of the early Aryans the dead were cremated. The dead was taken to the cremation ground by his wife and other relatives. After this, the dead was placed on the funeral pyre. If the dead were a Brahman, a stick was placed in his right hand and if he were a Kshatriya, a bow would be placed in his hand and if he were a Vaishya, a plough stick would be placed in his hand. His wife would keep sitting by his pyre till she was told, ‘Oh ! lady get up and come back among the live people.’ After this, the fire was lit in the pyre from the havan-kund and the incantation was read, “Tread on the path of the elders.” The remains were collected when the dead body was completely burnt and they were buried in the earth in a vessel.

Question 9.
What do you mean by Rita and Dharjnan?
There is a description of the words Rita and Dharman in the Rigveda and other Vedic texts. The Rita implies a system according to which this world runs. According to the Rita, the day breaks in the morning and the sun, moon and stars appear bright. The earth revolves around the sun. The tides rise and fall in the seas. Hence, the Rita is a truth and Anrita is falsehood. The word ‘Dharman’ means rule. The Dharman were set by the gods. These apply to the materialistic world, human beings and to the sacrifice made. Actually, Dharman includes the rules for life and customs. The good human beings lead their fives according to the Dharman.

PSEB 12th Class Religion Solutions Chapter 1 Religious Life of the Indus Valley People and Early Aryans

Answer in One Word to One Sentence:

Question 1.
How old is Indus Valley Civilization?
5,000 years.

Question 2.
When was Indus Valley Civilization discovered?
Indus Valley Civilization was discovered in 1921.

Question 3.
Which goddess was mostly worshipped by people of Indus Valley?
Mother goddess.

Question 4.
What was Mother goddess considered as?
Mother goddess was considered to be, a symbol of power.

Question 5.
Which god was mostly worshipped by people of Indus Valley?
Lord Shiva.

Question 6.
Which god and goddess were worshipped more by Indus Valley people?
Mother goddess and Lord Shiva were mostly worshipped by Indus Valley people.

Question 7.
Name the animals worshipped by people of Indus Valley.

  • Lion,
  • Elephant.

Question 8.
Which animal was mostly worshipped by people of Indus Valley?

Question 9.
Why did people of Indus Valley worship the trees?
Because they believed the trees to be the dwelling place of gods and goddesses.

Question 10.
Which tree was considered the most sacred by people of Indus Valley?

Question 11. Name two trees worshipped by people of Indus Valley.

  • Pipal,
  • Neem.

Question 12.
Which bird was considered the most sacred by people of Indus Valley?

Question 13.
Which mark was considered the most sacred by people of Indus Valley?

Question 14.
How many Rishis were worshipped by people of Indus Valley?
Saptrishis (Seven Rishis).

Question 15.
Name any two Rishis among Saptrishis.

  • Vishishtha,
  • Vishwamittara.

Question 16.
Why did people of Indus Valley worship water?
People of Indus Valley considered water the symbol of purity and cleanliness.

Question 17.
Where is ‘Great Bath’ discovered?

Question 18.
How were dead of people of Indus Valley cremated?
They usually buried their deads.

Question 19.
How many graves are found at Harappa?

PSEB 12th Class Religion Solutions Chapter 1 Religious Life of the Indus Valley People and Early Aryans

Question 20.
From which centre, signs of Sati system are found of Indus Valley?
Signs of Sati system are found in Lothal centre of Indus Valley.

Question 21.
Which fact is related that people of Indus Valley believed in life after death?
Utensils containing food items and some other things were found buried along with dead.

Question 22.
Whom did early Aryans worship?
Nature and Natural forces.

Question 23.
What is meant by the Vedic gods?
The Vedic gods are those that came into existence after the creation of the world.

Question 24.
State the total number of gods worshipped by the early Aryans:

Question 25.
Into how many categories were the Vedic gods divided?

Question 26.
Who were the Vedic gods?
The Vedic Gods were Varuna, Indra, Agni, Rudra, Surya and Soma.

Question 27.
Who were the major gods of early Aryans?
Varuna, Indra, Agni, Sun and Rudra.

Question 28.
Who was Varuna?
Varuna was the chief god of the early Aryans:

Question 29.
Give the main function of the Varuna.
He punished the sinners.

Question 30.
Who were rain and agni gods of early Aryans?
Indra and Agni were gods of Rain and Agni of early Aryans:

Question 31.
Who was the god of rain and war of early Aryans?

Question 32.
Who was Indra?
Indra was god of rain and war of early Aryans:

Question 33.
How many hymns have been written in adoration of Indra god in Rigveda?

Question 34.
What is meant by Agni god?
He was related to marriage and cremation ceremonies.

Question 35.
Which god was considered as the lord of the houses of early Aryans?

Question 36.
How many hymns have been given in praise of Agni god in Rigveda?

Question 37.
Whose son was the sun believed to be by the early Aryans?
Early Aryans believed the sun to be son of Aditi and Deuce.

Question 38.
Who was Rudra?
Rudra was god of storms of the early Aryans:

Question 39.
Name the two major goddesses of the early Aryans:
Usha and Prithvi.

Question 40.
Usha was considered the goddess of which thing by the early Aryans?
The goddess of Morning.

Question 41.
What type of boon was expected from the Vedic gods?
Boons of victory in battles, acquisition of wealth, increase in number of progeny and long life.

Question 42.
Was human sacrifice prevalent in the early Aryans’ Age?

Question 43.
What early Aryans do to please the gods?

PSEB 12th Class Religion Solutions Chapter 1 Religious Life of the Indus Valley People and Early Aryans

Question 44.
Name two animals of the age of the early Aryans who were sacrificed while performing the Yajnas.

  • Horses,
  • Goats.

Question 45.
What were those Purohits called who read Manters during Yajnas?

Question 46.
What were those Purohits called who offered sacrifices during Yajnas?

Question 47.
Why did early men worshipped their forefathers?
They would direct them, they would help to remove the difficulties and provide them wealth and power.

Question 48.
How did the early Aryans dispose of their deads?
The early Aryans cremated their deads.

Question 49.
What is meant by Rita?
Rita is a system by which the world runs.

Question 50.
What is meant by Dharman?
Dharman were rules set by the gods.

Fill in the blanks:

1. The people of Indus Valley mostly worshipped ………………..
Mother goddess.

2. The people of Indus Valley mostly worshipped a lord named …………….

3. The people of Indus Valley worshipped …………. tree very much.

4. The people of Indus Valley considered Saptrishi as the symbol of ……………

5. Water was considerd to be a symbol of …………… by the people of Indus Valley.

6. The people of Indus Valley believed in ………….. after death.

7. The total count of gods of the early Aryans were …………..

8. ……………. was the greatest god of the early Aryans:

9. The number of hymns …………….. have been written in adoration of god Indra in the Rigveda.

10. The ………….. was associated with the marriage and cremation ceremonies.

11. Rudra was considered to be the god of ……………

12. The early Aryans called the river goddess as …………..

13. The …………….. implies a system according to which the world ran.

PSEB 12th Class Religion Solutions Chapter 1 Religious Life of the Indus Valley People and Early Aryans

14. The word ‘Dharman’ means ………….

15. The early Aryans performed several ………….. to please gods and goddesses.

True or False:

1. The people of Indus Valley did not give any importance to Mother goddess.

2. The people of Indus Valley worshipped Shiva.

3. The people of Indus Valley worshipped crocodile.

4. The people of Indus Valley did not consider the Pipal tree sacred.

5. Sapt-Rishis were worshipped by the people of Indus Valley.

6. The people of Indus Valley had strong belief in Yajnas.

7. The people of Indus Valley had no belief in magic and charms as well as ghosts and spirits.

8. Dead were often buried by the people of Indus Valley.

9. The early Aryans Worshipped a total number of 33 crore gods.

10. Indra was the greatest god of the early AryAnswer:

11. There are 200 Mantras in the Rigveda in the praise of Agni.

12. The early Aryans believed in Usha goddess erf dawn.

13. The early Aryans had full faith in oneness of God.

14. The early Aryans built temples to worship their gods.

15. The early Aryans performed many Yajnas to please their gods.

16. The early Aryans worshipped their forefathers.

PSEB 12th Class Religion Solutions Chapter 1 Religious Life of the Indus Valley People and Early Aryans

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Which one was the mostly worshipped by the people of Indus Valley?
(a) Shiv Ji
(b) Mother Goddess
(c) Trees
(d) Snakes.
(b) Mother Goddess

2. Which god was worshipped by the people of Indus Valley?
(a) Varuna
(b) Indra
(c) Shiva
(d) Agni
(c) Shiva

3. Which animal was not worshipped by the people of Indus Valley?
(a) Elephant
(b) Lion
(c) Bull
(d) Horse
(d) Horse

4. Which tree was considered the most sacred by the people of Indus Valley?
(a) Pipal
(b) Babool
(c) Neem
(d) Date palm
(a) Pipal

5. Which one of the following Rishis was not among Saptrishis?
(a) Vishwamitra
(b) Vashishtha
(c) Jamdagani
(d) Indra
(d) Indra

6. Which one of the following is a false fact?
(a) People of Indus Valley worshipped Swastik
(b) People of Indus Valley worshipped Linga and Yoni
(c) People of Indus Valley believed in magic and charms
(d) People of Indus Valley worshipped their forefathers.
(d) People of Indus Valley worshipped their forefathers.

7. Which one of the following was worshipped by the people of Indus Valley?
(a) Dove
(b) Hawk
(c) Pigeon
(d) Parrot
(a) Dove

8. How many gods were worshipped by the Early Aryans?
(a) 11
(b) 22
(c) 33
(d) 44.
(c) 33

9. Who was the chief god of the Early Aryans?
(a) Indra
(b) Varuna
(c) Agni
(d) Surya
(b) Varuna

10. For which god maximum hymns have been given in the Rigveda?
(a) Varuna
(b) Indra
(c) Agni
(d) Rudra
(b) Indra

11. Which one of the following was considered the god of rain and war?
(a) Soma
(b) Rudra
(c) Surya
(d) Indra
(d) Indra

12. Which one of the following god was, associated with marriage and cremation ceremonies?
(a) Agni
(b) Soma
(c) Varuna
(d) Vishnu
(a) Agni

13. Which one of the following was not the sky god of the Early Aryans?
(a) Vanina
(b) Surya
(c) Indra
(d) Mitra
(c) Indra

14. Which one of following was called the morning goddess?
(a) Uma
(b) Usha
(c) Ratri
(d) Saraswati
(b) Usha

PSEB 12th Class Religion Solutions Chapter 2 Buddhist Movement upto Ashoka Period

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class Religion Book Solutions Chapter 2 Buddhist Movement upto Ashoka Period Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 Religion Chapter 2 Buddhist Movement upto Ashoka Period

Long Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Discuss the contemporary religious conditions of Buddhism at the time of its origin.
Give a brief account of those factors which led to the birth of Buddhism.
There were many political, social and religious causes responsible for the origin of Buddhism in India in the 6th century B.C. A brief account of these is as follows :

1. Complexity in the Hindu Religion : During the Rigvedic period the Hindu religion was simple but it became more and more complex down the ages. It had lost its splendour and was plagued with multifarious rituals and superstitions. The philosophy of the Upanishads and of the Vedic texts was beyond the comprehension of the common man. As a consequence they were fed up with such a complex religion. The people yearned for a simple religion which could be easily understood by them and inspire them to lead a simple and pious life. According to eminent historian Dr. Satish K. Kapoor, “The Hindu society had lost its splendour and was plagued with multifarious rituals and superstitions.”

2. Expensive Religion : Initially the Hindu religion was popular among the people for its simplicity. But after the later Vedic period there were numerous changes. It started becoming more and more complex. Its main reason was the stress that was laid upon several yajnas and sacrifices. These yajnas continued for many years and heavy expenditure was incurred. The Brahmans were also given large donations. Besides these yajnas there were several other rites and rituals which had to be performed in the presence of these BrahmAnswer: People had to spend heavily on such ceremonies and these expenses were beyond the ordinary people. Thus they became against this religion.

3. Moral Degeneration of the Brahmans : During the Vedic period the Brahmans led a very simple and pure life. But with the passage of time moral degradation crept into their lifestyle. They became corrupt, greedy and cheats. They were always on the lookout to fool gullible people for their own gains and amass large amount of wealth. Besides this they now led a pampered and extravagant life. Hence people now were keen to be free of their influence on society.

PSEB 12th Class Religion Solutions Chapter 2 Buddhist Movement upto Ashoka Period Img 1

4. Caste System : The Indian caste system by the 6th century had become rigid. The people of the higher castes who were also known as Dvij treated the Shudras worse than animals. These people felt defiled even if a Shudra’s shadow fell on them. The Shudras were not allowed to visit the temples, read Vedic literature, participate in yajnas and they were forbidden from even taking water from their wells.

5. Difficult Language : People were also confused due to the Sanskrit language. This language was considered very pure but due to its being very difficult the ordinary man could not understand it. All the religious texts like the Vedas, Upanishads, Brahmans, Ramayana, Mahabharata, etc. were written in Sanskrit. Ordinary people were incapable of reading these religious texts. Taking advantage of this situation the Brahmans started interpreting the religious books according to their will. People started looking for such a religion which would be simple and understandable and its texts would be written in an easy language.

6. Belief in Charms and Spells : People by the 6th century B.C. had started believing blindly in certain things. Their belief in spirits, spells and magic, etc. had greatly increased. It was their belief that with the help of magic and spells they could defeat their enemies, find curse for their maladies and also get the desired progeny. Enlightened people now wanted a religion which would free society from these ills.

7. Birth of Great Personalities : In the 6th century B.C. were born several great personalities who freed mankind from the web of blind beliefs and showed it a new path. The names of Mahavira and Gautama Buddha are the most prominent. Their simple teachings were easily understood by the people and greatly influenced them. Large number of people became their disciple’s and later adopted Jainism or Buddhism. Giving an account of this B. P. Saha and K. S. Behera write, “Infact, birth of Jainism and Buddhism gave a new impetus to the people and significantly moulded social and religious life.”

PSEB 12th Class Religion Solutions Chapter 2 Buddhist Movement upto Ashoka Period

Question 2.
What do you know about the life of founder of Buddhism?
Describe the life of Lord Buddha.
Throw light on the life of Mahatma Buddha and the origin of Buddhism.
Birth and Parents : The birth of Mahatama Buddha was a significant event not only for India but for the entire world. There are several diverse opinions regarding the exact date of his birth. But modern historians agree that he was born in 566 B.C. He was born at Lumbini, near Kapilvastu on the day of Vaishakha Purnima. His mother’s name was Mahamaya and his father, Suddhodana was a Kshatriya of Sakya clan and was the ruler of Kapilvastu. The early name of Mahatama Buddha was Siddhartha.

The astrologer Asit had predicted that the child would become either a great emperor or a great saint. Siddhartha’s mother died seven days after his birth. So he was brought up by Mahamaya’s sister and second queen of Suddhodana, Prajapati Gautami.

2. Childhood and Marriage: Siddhartha was reared with all the comforts of life and for his education all appropriate measures were taken. From the beginning he had a spiritual bent of mind. He showed little interest in worldly affairs. His father wanted him to become a great emperor and so as to divert his mind from spiritual matters he married Siddhartha early at the age of 16 to a beautiful princess Yashodhara. A son was born to them who was named Rahul. Siddhartha however remained sad and contemplative. Even a family life could not divert his attention from spiritual pursuits.

3. Four Major Sights and Renunciation: Siddhartha lived in splendid palaces but he was keen to see the outside world. One day along with his coachman Channa, he left to see the world outside. On the way he saw an old man, a sick man, a dead man and an ascetic. These sights left a deep impression on his mind and proved a turning point in his life. He realised that the world is full of sorrows. He decided to leave home and so one night while his wife and son were sleeping he left his palace in the search of truth. This event is known as the Great Renunciation. At that time Siddhartha was 29 years old.

4. Enlightenment : After leaving home Siddhartha first went to Rajgriha, the capital of Magadha. Here he became the disciple of two religious preachers Arada Kalama and Udraka Ramaputra. However he was disillusioned and soon left. He along with five others then went to the forests of Uruvella. Here he did severe penance for 6 years but did not realise his cherished goal. He then went to Bodh Gaya. There he sat in meditation under a pipal tree.

After 48 days of meditation on the day of full moon night he got enlightenment. From that day he was known as Buddha or the Enlightened One. The tree under which he attained enlightenment is known as the ‘Mahabodhi Tree/ He was 35 years old when he got enlightenment.

5. Religious Preaching : After his enlightenment Lord Buddha decided to dispel the ignorance of the people and to preach the gospel of peace and universal brotherhood of mankind. He first reached Samath, in Banaras. There he preached his first sermon to his five friends who had left him. They became his followers. This event is known as the ‘Dharma Chakra Pravartna’ or Turning the Wheel of Law. For the next 45 years, he travelled extensively from place to place to preach his sermon.

Wherever he went he received unprecedented welcome from all sections of the people. His chief disciples included the rulers of Magdha, Bimbisara and Ajatasatru, king of Kosala, Prasenjit, Udaiyan the king of Kosambi, the famous prostitute of Vaisali named Amrapali, Suddhodana the king of Kapilvastu (Buddha’s father), Queen Prajapati Gautami, Buddha’s wife Yashodhara and son Rahul.

6. Mahapamirvana : Mahatama Buddha showed the right path to mankind through his teachings. When he was 80 in 486 B.C., Gautama Buddha left this mortal world at Kushinagar in Gorakhpur district of U.P. This event is known as Mahapamirvana.

Question 3.
Discuss in brief the basic teachings of Lord Buddha.
Discuss the Ethical teachings of Buddhism.
Explain the basic teachings of Buddhism.
What are the main teachings of Buddhism?
Describe the teachings of Lord Buddha.
The teachings of Mahatma Buddha were simple and clear. He inspired the people to lead a simple and pious life. He told the people that the world is an abode of sorrows and man can attain salvation only by following the Eightfold Path. He vehemently opposed the superstitions prevalent in society. He propagated mutual brotherhood. Mahatma Buddha propagated his teachings in Pali the common language of people. He did not preach complex philosophy. It was for this reason that his teachings cast a magical spell on the people and they were converted to Buddhism – in large numbers.

1. Four Noble Truths : The Four Noble Truths formed the crux of Lord Buddha’s teachings. They are referred to as the Arya Satya because they are based on truth. These four truths are as follows:

(1) World is full of Sufferings : According to Lord Buddha the first truth is that this world is full of sufferings. There are sufferings in a man’s life from birth till death. Birth, disease, old age, richness, poverty, more children, childlessness and death etc. are all reasons for sufferings.

(2) There is a cause of Sufferings : The second truth of Lord Buddha is that there is a cause for these sufferings. The cause is human desire. It is these desires which trap man in the cycle of transmigration.

(3) Sufferings can be Stopped : The third truth of Lord Buddha is that these sufferings can be put to an end. This can be done by giving up one’s desire.

(4) There is a way to stop Sufferings : The fourth truth of Lord Buddha is that there is only one way to put an end to one’s sufferings.

This path is called the Eightfold Path or the Middle Path. Man can attain salvation by treading on this path. In the words of the famous scholar J.P. Suda, “The Four Noble Truths expounded by the Master constitute the core of his teachings. They contain his deepest and most considered convictions about human life and its problem.”

2. Eightfold Path: Lord Buddha preached that men should tread on the Eightfold Path. The Eightfold Path is also called the Middle Path because it was the path in between strict penance and a luxurious life. Following were the principles of the Eightfold Path :

  • Right Action : Man should perform pious deeds. He should keep away from stealing, luxury and killing of creatures. He should love all mankind.
  • Right Thought : All men should have the right thoughts. They should keep away from all worldly evils and futile customs and traditions.
  • Right Belief : Man should have a strong belief that by sacrificing all his desires he can put an end to all his sufferings. They should not deviate from the Eightfold Path.
  • Right Living : All men should have the right living. They should not indulge in unscrupulous activities.
  • Right Speech : Man’s speech should be pious and sweet. He should not criticize anyone nor should talk evil and should always speak the truth.
  • Right Efforts : Man should make the right efforts to condemn evil deeds and work for the welfare of others.
  • Right Recollection : Man should spend his life in right recollection and lead a simple life.
  • Right Meditation : Man should not think about the vices and should adopt right meditation. According to Dr. S.B. Shastri “This noble eightfold path forms the keynote of Buddha’s teachings for emancipating oneself from the ills of life.”

3. Belief in Karma Theory : Lord Buddha believed in the Karma Theory. He believed that every man is the maker of his own destiny. He gets the fruit of the deeds he performs. We receive the fruit of our deeds of the previous birth in this life and the fruit of our deeds in the present birth in the next life. Just as a man’s shadow is always by his side similarly a man’s Karma does not leave him. Lord Buddha said, “A man cannot escape the fruit of his evil doings by hiding in the sky, or in the ocean or in the caves in the mountains.”

4. Rebirth : Lord Buddha had devout faith in rebirth. He believed that a man was bound to the cycle of transmigration due to his Karma. This cycle continued till a man’s desire and lust did not come to an end. Just as a lamp extinguishes on the burning out of oil and wick, similarly a man is freed from the bondage of Karma when he ends his desire and attains supreme peace.

5. Ahimsa : Lord Buddha believed in ahimsa. He was of the belief that man should show love and sympathy towards all creatures i.e. man, flora-fauna and all living organisms. He considered it a sin not only to kill creatures but also to ill-treat them. Hence he preached against those who killed animals.

6. Three Marks : The teachings of Lord Buddha also included the principle of three marks. These three marks area

  • All prohibited things are not permanent.
  • All prohibited things cause suffering.
  • All these prohibited things are not self (Atman) but are non-self (Anatman).

These are our daily experiences. According to Lord Buddha, everything that is born has a pre-determined end. These are Anit (unstable). What is unstable is also depressed. Man’s birth, disease and death etc. are all reasons for distress. There are some moments of happiness in a man’s life but they are for a very short duration. Anatma implies denial of self. Whatever is unstable is not mine.

7. Panchsheel : Lord Buddha has prescribed five rules to be followed by the householders. These rules are also called shikshapada. These five rules are as follows :

  • Do not kill even the smallest of creatures.
  • Donate and receive generously, but do not acquire the other person’s possession by greed or fraud.
  • Do not give a false testimony, do not criticise anyone and do not tell a lie.
  • Save your soul from intoxicants because they hamper one’s thinking.
  • Do not think evil of anyone. Save the body from unnecessary evils. To adopt Buddhism, the monks and nuns had to follow five more rules.

These rules are:

  • Eat food on time.
  • Stay away from song-dance.
  • Do not sleep on soft mattresses.
  • Do not use body adornments and fragrance.
  • Do not get trapped in the vicious cycle of gold and silver.

8. Four Unlimited Virtues : Lord Buddha emphasized on the four social virtues. These virtues are—friendliness, kindness, sympathy and neutrality. These help us to coordinate better with other human beings. It puts an end to mutual jealousy. Man should love his enemy too. Kindness inspires us to help the others in sorrow. Sympathetic happiness is a virtue that trains a man to be capable of being a part of other’s happiness. A person who has this virtue does not envy the other person’s happiness. The spirit of neutrality keeps greed and other vices at bay. Such a man treats all humans equally. In fact these four unlimited virtues are the foundation of the moral values of Buddhism.

PSEB 12th Class Religion Solutions Chapter 2 Buddhist Movement upto Ashoka Period

9. Universal Brotherhood : Lord Buddha gave the message of universal brotherhood to people. He wanted that people should forget all mutual differences and live peacefully. He was of the view that the hatred in the world can be brought to an end. Lord Buddha eradicated the prevalent system of discrimination in society by admitting the people of all varnas and castes of the various religions into Buddhism. Lord Buddha himself served the desolate and the diseased to present an ideal example.

10. Disbelief in Yajnas and Sacrifices : There were several superstitions prevalent in Hinduism at that time. They emphasised on yajnas and sacrifices for the attainment of salvation. Lord Buddha said that these superstitions were a mere eye-wash. He was of the view that the yajnas could not change one’s Karma and through sacrifice, he only adds to his piles of evil deeds. Hence they cannot please any god or goddess.

11. Disbelief in Vedas and Sanskrit : Lord Buddha did not believe in the sanctity of the Vedas. He also condemned the fact that one could gain the fruit of reading the scriptures only by doing so in Sanskrit. He himself preached in the common language—Pali.

12. Disbelief in Caste System : Lord Buddha stringently opposed the prevalent caste system in the Hindu society. According to him a man is big or small in accordance to one’s Karma and not according to one’s birth. Hence Lord Buddha admitted people of all religions to Buddhism. He said to his disciples, “Go to all the countries and give the message of dharma to all persons and tell them that there is no question of big or small or rich and poor in this religion. Buddhism is open to all castes. All people can join it in the same manner as the rivers join the sea.”

13. Disbelief in Penance : Lord Buddha did not believe in hard penance. According to him, it was futile to observe fast and give trouble to one’s body. He himself had observed penance for six years but all in vain. He believed that one could in one’s married life tread on the Eightfold Path and attain salvation.

14. Disbelief in God : Lord Buddha remained silent about the entity of God. He did not want to get into any controversy regarding God. But he definitely believed that this world is being run by some power. He called that power the dharma.

15. Nirvana : According to Lord Buddha, the highest aim of human life should be the attainment of Nirvana. It is with the attainment of Nirvana that man achieves happiness, pleasure and peace in life. He gets emancipation from the cycle of transmigration. It puts an end to all sorrows. In fact, Nirvana is a state which cannot be described in words. Those who experience this truth do not talk about it and those who talk in this context do not have any knowledge about it. According to Lord Buddha, any person can attain Nirvana by treading on the Eightfold Path. Whereas according to other religions, one can attain salvation after death, in Buddhism its achievement is possible within a lifetime.

In this manner, we see that the teachings of Lord Buddha acted as a pillar of light for mankind wandering in darkness. In the end, we agree with the words of Dr. B. Jinananda, “In fact, the Buddha’s teachings were based on love on the one hand and on logic on the other.”

Question 4.
Describe the life and teachings of Mahatma Buddha.
Birth and Parents : The birth of Mahatama Buddha was a significant event not only for India but for the entire world. There are several diverse opinions regarding the exact date of his birth. But modern historians agree that he was born in 566 B.C. He was born at Lumbini, near Kapilvastu on the day of Vaishakha Purnima. His mother’s name was Mahamaya and his father, Suddhodana was a Kshatriya of Sakya clan and was the ruler of Kapilvastu.

The early name of Mahatama Buddha was Siddhartha. The astrologer Asit had predicted that the child would become either a great emperor or a great saint. Siddhartha’s mother died seven days after his birth. So he was brought up by Mahamaya’s sister and second queen of Suddhodana, Prajapati Gautami.

2. Childhood and Marriage : Siddhartha was reared with all the comforts of life and for his education all appropriate measures were taken. From the beginning he had a spiritual bent of mind. He showed little interest in worldly affairs. His father wanted him to become a great emperor and so as to divert his mind from spiritual matters he married Siddhartha early at the age of 16 to a beautiful princess Yashodhara. A son was born to them who was named Rahul. Siddhartha however remained sad and contemplative. Even a family life could not divert his attention from spiritual pursuits.

3. Four Major Sights and Renunciation : Siddhartha lived in splendid palaces but he was keen to see the outside world. One day along with his coachman Channa, he left to see the world outside. On the way he saw an old man, a sick man, a dead man and an ascetic. These sights left a deep impression on his mind and proved a turning point in his life. He realised that the world is full of sorrows. He decided to leave home and so one night while his wife and son were sleeping he left his palace in the search of truth. This event is known as the Great Renunciation. At that time Siddhartha was 29 years old.

4. Enlightenment : After leaving home Siddhartha first went to Rajgriha, the capital of Magadha. Here he became the disciple of two religious preachers Arada Kalama and Udraka Ramaputra. However he was disillusioned and soon left. He along with five others then went to the forests of Uruvella. Here he did severe penance for 6 years but did not realise his cherished goal. He then went to Bodh Gaya. There he sat in meditation under a pipal tree.

After 48 days of meditation on the day of full moon night he got enlightenment. From that day he was known as Buddha or the Enlightened One. The tree under which he attained enlightenment is known as the ‘Mahabodhi Tree/ He was 35 years old when he got enlightenment.

5. Religious Preaching : After his enlightenment Lord Buddha decided to dispel the ignorance of the people and to preach the gospel of peace and universal brotherhood of mankind. He first reached Samath, in Banaras. There he preached his first sermon to his five friends who had left him. They became his followers. This event is known as the ‘Dharma Chakra Pravartna’ or Turning the Wheel of Law. For the next 45 years, he travelled extensively from place to place to preach his sermon. Wherever he went he received unprecedented welcome from all sections of the people.

PSEB 12th Class Religion Solutions Chapter 2 Buddhist Movement upto Ashoka Period

His chief disciples included the rulers of Magdha, Bimbisara and Ajatasatru, king of Kosala, Prasenjit, Udaiyan the king of Kosambi, the famous prostitute of Vaisali named Amrapali, Suddhodana the king of Kapilvastu (Buddha’s father), Queen Prajapati Gautami, Buddha’s wife Yashodhara and son Rahul.

6. Mahapamirvana : Mahatama Buddha showed the right path to mankind through his teachings. When he was 80 in 486 B.C., Gautama Buddha left this mortal world at Kushinagar in Gorakhpur district of U.P. This event is known as Mahapamirvana.

The teachings of Mahatma Buddha were simple and clear. He inspired the people to lead a simple and pious life. He told the people that the world is an abode of sorrows and man can attain salvation only by following the Eightfold Path. He vehemently opposed the superstitions prevalent in society. He propagated mutual brotherhood. Mahatma Buddha propagated his teachings in Pali the common language of people. He did not preach complex philosophy. It was for this reason that his teachings cast a magical spell on the people and they were converted to Buddhism – in large numbers.

1. Four Noble Truths : The Four Noble Truths formed the crux of Lord Buddha’s teachings. They are referred to as the Arya Satya because they are based on truth. These four truths are as follows:

  • World is full of Sufferings : According to Lord Buddha the first truth is that this world is full of sufferings. There are sufferings in a man’s life from birth till death. Birth, disease, old age, richness, poverty, more children, childlessness and death etc. are all reasons for sufferings.
  • There is a cause of Sufferings : The second truth of Lord Buddha is that there is a cause for these sufferings. The cause is human desire. It is these desires which trap man in the cycle of transmigration.
  • Sufferings can be Stopped : The third truth of Lord Buddha is that these sufferings can be put to an end. This can be done by giving up one’s desire.
  • There is a way to stop Sufferings : The fourth truth of Lord Buddha is that there is only one way to put an end to one’s sufferings. This path is called the Eightfold Path or the Middle Path. Man can attain salvation by treading on this path.

In the words of the famous scholar J.P. Suda, “The Four Noble Truths expounded by the Master constitute the core of his teachings. They contain his deepest and most considered convictions about human life and its problem.”

2. Eightfold Path: Lord Buddha preached that men should tread on the Eightfold Path. The Eightfold Path is also called the Middle Path because it was the path between strict penance and a luxurious life. Following were the principles of the Eightfold Path :

  • Right Action: Man should perform pious deeds. He should keep away from stealing, luxury and killing of creatures. He should love all mankind.
  • Right Thought: All men should have the right thoughts. They should keep away from all worldly evils and futile customs and traditions.
  • Right Belief: Man should have a strong belief that by sacrificing all his desires he can put an end to all his sufferings. They should not deviate from the Eightfold Path.
  • Right Living: All men should have the right to live. They should not indulge in unscrupulous activities.
  • Right Speech: Man’s speech should be pious and sweet. He should not criticize anyone nor should talk evil and should always speak the truth.
  • Right Efforts: Man should make the right efforts to condemn evil deeds and work for the welfare of others.
  • Right Recollection: Man should spend his life in right recollection and lead a simple life.
  • Right Meditation: Man should not think about the vices and should adopt right meditation. According to Dr. S.B. Shastri
    “This noble eightfold path forms the keynote of Buddha’s teachings for emancipating oneself from the ills of life.”

3. Belief in Karma Theory: Lord Buddha believed in the Karma Theory. He believed that every man is the maker of his own destiny. He gets the fruit of the deeds he performs. We receive the fruit of our deeds of the previous birth in this life and the fruit of our deeds in the present birth in the next life. Just as a man’s shadow is always by his side similarly a man’s Karma does not leave him. Lord Buddha said, “A man cannot escape the fruit of his evil doings by hiding in the sky, or in the ocean or in the caves in the mountains.”

4. Rebirth: Lord Buddha had devout faith in rebirth. He believed that a man was bound to the cycle of transmigration due to his Karma. This cycle continued till a man’s desire and lust did not come to an end. Just as a lamp extinguishes on the burning out of oil and wick, similarly a man is freed from the bondage of Karma when he ends his desire and attains supreme peace.

5. Ahimsa: Lord Buddha believed in ahimsa. He was of the belief that man should show love and sympathy towards all creatures i.e. man, flora-fauna and all living organisms. He considered it a sin not only to kill creatures but also to ill-treat them. Hence he preached against those who killed animals.

6. Three Marks: The teachings of Lord Buddha also included the principle of three marks. These three marks area

  • All prohibited things are not permanent.
  • All prohibited things cause suffering.
  • All these prohibited things are not-self (Atman) but are non-self (Anatman).

These are our daily experiences. According to Lord Buddha, everything that is born has a pre-determined end. These are Anit (unstable). What is unstable is also depression. Man’s birth, disease and death etc. are all reasons for distress. There are some moments of happiness in a man’s life but they are for a very short duration. Anatma implies denial of self. Whatever is unstable is not mine.

7. Panchsheel: Lord Buddha has prescribed five rules to be followed by the householders. These rules are also called shikshapada. These five rules are as follows :

  • Do not kill even the smallest of creatures.
  • Donate and receive generously, but do not acquire the other person’s possession by greed or fraud.
  • Do not give false testimony, do not criticise anyone and do not tell a lie.
  • Save your soul from intoxicants because they hamper one’s thinking.
  • Do not think evil of anyone. Save the body from unnecessary evils. To adopt Buddhism, the monks and nuns had to follow five more rules.

These rules are:

  • Eat food on time.
  • Stay away from song-dance.
  • Do not sleep on soft mattresses.
  • Do not use body adornments and fragrances.
  • Do not get trapped in the vicious cycle of gold and silver.

8. Four Unlimited Virtues: Lord Buddha emphasized on the four social virtues. These virtues are friendliness, kindness, sympathy and neutrality. These help us to coordinate better with other human beings. It puts an end to mutual jealousy. Man should love his enemy too. Kindness inspires us to help others in sorrow. Sympathetic happiness is a virtue that trains a man to be capable of being a part of other’s happiness.

A person who has this virtue does not envy the other person’s happiness. The spirit of neutrality keeps greed and other vices at bay. Such a man treats all humans equally. In fact, these four unlimited virtues are the foundation of the moral values of Buddhism.

PSEB 12th Class Religion Solutions Chapter 2 Buddhist Movement upto Ashoka Period

9. Universal Brotherhood: Lord Buddha gave the message of universal brotherhood to people. He wanted that people should forget all mutual differences and live peacefully. He was of the view that the hatred in the world can be brought to an end. Lord Buddha eradicated the prevalent system of discrimination in society by admitting the people of all varnas and castes of the various religions into Buddhism. Lord Buddha himself served the desolate and the diseased to present an ideal example.

10. Disbelief in Yajnas and Sacrifices: There were several superstitions prevalent in Hinduism at that time. They emphasised on yajnas and sacrifices for the attainment of salvation. Lord Buddha said that these superstitions were a mere eye-wash. He was of the view that the yajnas could not change one’s Karma and through sacrifice, he only adds to his piles of evil deeds. Hence they cannot please any god or goddess.

11. Disbelief in Vedas and Sanskrit: Lord Buddha did not believe in the sanctity of the Vedas. He also condemned the fact that one could gain the fruit of reading the scriptures only by doing so in Sanskrit. He himself preached in the common language—Pali.

12. Disbelief in Caste System: Lord Buddha stringently opposed the prevalent caste system in the Hindu society. According to him a man is big or small in accordance to one’s Karma and not according to one’s birth. Hence Lord Buddha admitted people of all religions to Buddhism. He said to his disciples, “Go to all the countries and give the message of dharma to all persons and tell them that there is no question of big or small or rich and poor in this religion. Buddhism is open to all castes. All people can join it in the same manner as the rivers join the sea.”

13. Disbelief in Penance: Lord Buddha did not believe in a hard penance. According to him, it was futile to observe fast and give trouble to one’s body. He himself had observed penance for six years but all in vain. He believed that one could in one’s married life tread on the Eightfold Path and attain salvation.

14. Disbelief in God: Lord Buddha remained silent about the entity of God. He did not want to get into any controversy regarding God. But he definitely believed that this world is being run by some power. He called that power the dharma.

15. Nirvana: According to Lord Buddha, the highest aim of human life should be the attainment of Nirvana. It is with the attainment of Nirvana that man achieves happiness, pleasure and peace in life. He gets emancipation from the cycle of transmigration. It puts an end to all sorrows. In fact, Nirvana is a state which cannot be described in words.

Those who experience this truth do not talk about it and those who talk in this context do not have any knowledge about it. According to Lord Buddha, any person can attain Nirvana by treading on the Eightfold Path. Whereas according to other religions, one can attain salvation after death, in Buddhism its achievement is possible within a lifetime.

In this manner, we see that the teachings of Lord Buddha acted as a pillar of light for mankind wandering in darkness. In the end, we agree with the words of Dr. B. Jinananda, “In fact, the Buddha’s teachings were based on love on the one hand and on logic on the other.”

PSEB 12th Class Religion Solutions Chapter 2 Buddhist Movement upto Ashoka Period

Question 5.
Explain the main features of the Buddhist Sangha.
Write a short note on the Buddhist Sangha.
Lord Buddha established Buddhist Sangha (organisation) for teaching Buddhism in an organised way. Sangha meants the organisation of monks. The Buddhist Sanghas were established in different parts of the country. Slowly and slowly these Sanghas became powerful institutions and became main centres for spreading Buddhism. In the words of the famous historian Dr. R.C. Majumdar, “The idea of a Church, or a corporate body of men following a particular faith, was not certainly a new one and there were many organisations of this type at and before the times of Gautama Buddha. His credit, however, lies in the thorough and systematic character which he gave to these organisations.”6

1. Membership of the Sangha : The followers of Lord Buddha were of two types. They were called bhikshus (monks) and bhikshunis (nuns) and both male and female worshippers. These wprshippers led family life. Bhikshus and bhikshunis embraced Sangha after renunciation of the world. In the beginning entry into the Sangha was very easy, but afterwards the members of the Sangha began to increase rapidly.

Conse quently, indisciplined people began to seek entry into it, who wanted to lead a life of luxury on the charity of the people. These people included dacoits, murderers and debt¬ors who wanted to escape from punishment by the king. At that time, there was a royal order that no official would harm any Buddhist monk or nun.

Therefore, Lord Buddha prescribed some qualifications for the members to join the Buddhist Sangha. Accord¬ingly the minimum age of 15 years was fixed for any man or woman to join Sangha. It was necessary for them to seek the permission of parents or guardians for becoming the member of Sangha. The criminals, slaves and patients could not become the mem¬ber of Sangha. A person of any caste could get entry into the Sangha. First of all, the head of monk or nun joining the Sangha had to shaved off his head and he or she had to wear yellow clothes. After that the new member had to pledge that “I take refuge of Buddha, I take refuge of dharma, I take refuge of Sangha.”

Thereafter he had to adopt his guru or teacher from one of the members of Sangha and received education from him for 10 years. Such members were called ‘Shramans’. If after 10 years, he was recognized competent, he would become member of Sangha and got the title of bhikshu or bhikshuni.

2. Ten Commandments : The members of the Sangha had to lead a disciplined life. Each member had to obey these rules —

  • to abide by brahmcharya
  • not to harm creatures
  • not to have desires for the property of others
  • to speak the truth
  • not to use intoxicants
  • not to participate in music and dancing
  • not to use scented goods
  • not to sleep on cushions
  • not to keep money
  • not to take meals at time others than the fixed one.

3. Special Rules for Nuns: The Buddhist Sanghas of nuns were separate from those of monks. Hence, some more rules were also made for nuns. These rules were as such :

  • The nuns should well understand their duties,
  • They should bring alms once a fortnight,
  • They should not live in those places in the rainy season where there are no monks,
  • They should live separate from monks so that they may not see them or their activities,
  • They should not tempt monks to corrupt ways,
  • They should be free from sins and anger etc.
  • They should accept their sins before a monk fortnightly,
  • Each nun howsoever old she may be must show respect even to the new monk.

4. Residence: The Buddhist monks and nuns roamed about in different parts of the country except for three months of rainy season and gave teachings to the people. During three months of the rainy season, they lived at one place and did studies. Their residences were called avas. Each avas had many Viharas where there were separate rooms for monks and nuns. They led community life in the Viharas. Whatever alms a monk or nun received, that was distributed among all the members of the Sangha. These Viharas became famous centres for the teachings of Buddhism.

5. Constitution of the Sangha: Each Buddhist Sangha was based on democratic lines. All the members had equal rights. No one was considered high or low. The monks occupied their seats in the Sangha according to their status. For holding session of Sangha, minimum 20 monks were necessary. Without this number, each session was considered invalid. Resolutions were moved in the Sangha on the basis of information given already on each subject.

Thereafter, there used to be debate on each resolution. Voting was held in respect of those resolutions where there was controversy among the members. There were two types of voting, secret and open. If any member had been absent, he could give his opinion beforehand. Some times a resolution was handed over to a sub-committee for its special opinion. All the decisions of the Sanghas, were taken on the basis of majority. It was necessary for each Sangha to hold a meeting twice in a month.

In these meetings, monks and nuns were punished who violated the rules of the Sangha and decisions were also taken with respect to the efforts to be made for the spread of the religion. There were some special authorities in each Sangha who were selected unanimously by the members of the Sangha. These authorities arranged Viharas and food etc. for monks and nuns. In the words of Dr. Aurn Bhattacharjee, “The well disciplined Sangha was the pillar of the success of Buddhism.”

6. Schism in Sangha : The Buddhist Sanghas did a commendable work in popularising Buddhism. But when hundred years after the death of Lord Buddha, the Second Great Council of Buddhism was held at Vaisali, then the Buddhism suffered from schism. Buddhism lost its unity. In the first century B.C., the Buddhism got divided into two main sects, Hinayana and Mahayana. This schism in the Buddhist Sangha became a potent factor for the downfall of Buddhism in India.

Question 6.
Write about Sangha, Nirvana and Panchsheel in Buddhism.
Write about Sangha and Panchsheel in Buddhism.
Write about the concept of Nirvana in Buddhism.
The concepts of Sangha, Nirvana and Panchsheel are very important in Buddhism. They appreciably contributed towards the development of Buddhism. A brief description of these is given below :
(A) Sangha
Lord Buddha had established the Buddhist Sangha to consolidate his followers. Sangha implied an association of Buddhist monks. Slowly, the Sangha converted into a powerful institute. Every male or female who was above 15 years of age was admitted to the Buddhist Sangha as a member. The criminals, diseased and slaves were not allowed to become members of the Sangha. It was essential to take the consent of family members before joining the Sangha.

A new monk had to have his head shaved off, dress up in yellow clothes and pledge, “I take refuge of Lord Buddha, I take refuge of dharma, I take refuge of the Sangha”. The members of the Sangha had to lead a very disciplined life. Every member had to follow some rules.

These rules were:

  • Observe brahmacharya.
  • Do not trouble other living creatures,
  • Not to desire other’s wealth,
  • To always speak the truth,
  • Not to use intoxicants,
  • Not to sleep on cushioned mattresses,
  • Not to keep any wealth with self,
  • Not to have food at a time other than the one prescribed.

The monks and nuns who joined the Sangha had to first undertake training for ten years from any monk in the Sangha. If successful, they became the members of the Sangha. All the members of the Sangha led a simple and pious life. They earned their livelihood by collecting bhiksha. Except for the three months of the monsoon, the members of the Sangha used to travel to various parts of the country to propagate Buddhism. Special meetings of the Sangha were held to take important decisions of the Sangha. All the members of the Sangha were allowed to take part in the important decisions.

All decisions were based on majority consent. In case of conflict over any issue, the decision was left to a sub-committee. Infact, the Buddhist Sangha had an important role to play in the growth of Buddhism. According to Dr. S.N. Sen, The phenomenal success of Buddhism was due to the organisation of the Sangha.”

(B) Nirvana

According to Lord Buddha, the supreme objective of human life is to attain Nirvana. Buddhism in context of Nirvana says that it is neither life nor death. It is no heaven where the gods gain happiness. It has always been called the source of happiness and peace. It is the end to all sorrows, desires and greed. Its reality is totally imaginary. It cannot be described. To know about its truth and its meaning, it is essential to attain it. Those who are aware of its truth do not talk about it and those who talk about it do not actually have any knowledge about it.

According to Lord Buddha, any person can attain Nirvana by treading on the Eightfold Path. Where the other religions talk of Nirvana after death, Buddhism says it is possible to attain salvation even in one’s life-time.

PSEB 12th Class Religion Solutions Chapter 2 Buddhist Movement upto Ashoka Period

(C) Panchsheel : Lord Buddha has prescribed five rules to be followed by the householders. These rules are also called shikshapada. These five rules are as follows :

  • Do not kill even the smallest of creatures.
  • Donate and receive generously, but do not acquire the other person’s possession by greed or fraud.
  • Do not give a false testimony, do not criticise anyone and do not tell a lie.
  • Save your soul from intoxicants because they hamper one’s thinking.
  • Do not think evil of anyone. Save the body from unnecessary evils. To adopt Buddhism, the monks and nuns had to follow five more rules.

These rules are:

  • Eat food on time.
  • Stay away from song-dance.
  • Do not sleep on soft mattresses.
  • Do not use body adornments and fragrance.
  • Do not get trapped in the vicious cycle of gold and silver.

Question 7.
Write a detailed note on early Buddhist sects and society.
(A) Early Buddhist Sects

After the Nirvana of Lord Buddha, Buddhism was divided into more than 18 sects. Most of these sects were small and they had no great importance. A brief description of some important sects of Buddhism is as follows :

1. Sthaviravadins and Mahasanghikas : In 387 B.C., at Vaishali, 100 years after the attainment of Nirvana by Lord Buddha, when the Second Great Council was convened, there was a schism in the Buddhist Sangha due to the adoption of the 10 Commandments. Consequently Sthaviravadins or Theravadins and the Mahasanghika came into existence. Sthaviravadin monks were supporters of the traditional rules of Buddhism. They were not in favour of changes of any form in any of the Commandments.

The Mahasanghikas were in favour of adoption of new Commandments. In this Great Council, the Sthavirvadins emerged victorious and the Mahasanghikas were compelled to leave the Great Council. Soon the Sthaviravadins were divided into 11 sects and the Mahasanghikas were divided into 7 sects.

2. Hinayana and Mahayana: During Kanishka’s reign in the 1st century A.D. at Jalandhar, the Fourth Great Council of the Buddhist monks was held. It was in this Great Council that the Hinayana and Mahayana sects were formed. Yana literally means the way to attainment of salvation. Hinayana meant a small vehicle. Mahayana meant a big vehicle. The Hinayanas continued to support the traditional commandments of Buddhism whereas the Mahayanas adopted new principles.

The Hinayanas propagated their religion in the southern countries of Asia such as India, Sri Lanka and Burma (Myanmar) etc. Mahayanas propagated their religion in the northern countries of Asia such as China, Japan, Nepal and Tibet etc. The following were the differences between the Hinayanas and the Mahayanas :

  • The Hinayana sect considered Lord Buddha to be a pious soul whereas the Mahayana sect considered him as a form of God.
  • The Hinayana sect was against idol worship whereas the Mahayana sect was not against idol worship.
  • The Hinayana sect did not believe in the Bodhisattvas. According to them a person could attain salvation only through one’s effort. No god can help anyone to attain Nirvana. The Mahayanas had complete faith in the Bodhisattvas. Bodhisattvas were those great people who took birth again and again with the objective to help people attain salvation.
  • The Hinayana sect preached Buddhism in Pah language which was the language of the common people. The Mahayana sect preached Buddhism in Sanskrit language.
  • According to the Hinayana sect the supreme objective of human life is to attain Nirvana whereas according to the Mahayana sect, the ultimate goal of human life is to acquire the heaven.
  • The Hinayana sect had no relation with Hinduism whereas the Mahayana sect adopted several principles of Hinduism with a view to make their religion popular.
  • The Hinayana sect was against any changes in the teachings of Lord Buddha whereas the Mahayana sect made changes in the Commandments of Buddhism according to time. Hence the Mahayana sect becajne more popular than the Hinayana sect.
  • The main texts of Hinayana sect were Tripitakas, Milindpanho and Mahamangalsutra etc. The main texts of Mahayana .sect were Lalitvistara, Budhacharita and Saunderananda etc.

3. Vajrayana : A new sect of Buddhism came into existence in Bengal and Bihar in the eighth century B.G. This sect was associated with magic spells and incantations. This sect believed that magical powers could help to attain salvation. The magical powers were called Vajra. Hence the sect was called Vajrayana. Males and females of any caste could join this group. This sect emphasised on the importance of goddesses. It was believed that these goddesses could help to reach the Bodhisattvas.

These goddesses were called Tara. ‘Mahanirvana Tantra’ was the most famous religious book of the Vajrayanas. This religious title of Vajrayanas was also called the Tantrik. The most important Vihara of Vajrayana is situated at Vikramashila in Bihar. The Vajrayana sect allowed its followers to consume intoxicants, meat etc. and sexual pleasures, thus sounding the death knell of Buddhism. According to N.N. Ghosh, “The chief cause of disappearance of Buddhism was the prevalence of Vajrayana which sapped its foundation by destroying all mental strength.”

(B) Society

Buddhist ideology imagined the establishment of an ideal society. The main rules of this society were :

  • Social equality and religious autonomy were established in society. Buddhism has vehemently opposed casteism. Buddhism had its doors open to all religions, castes and creeds.
  • It propagated the equality of women to men.
  • It is essential for a Buddhist to have a pure heart and good character in his life.

It inspired people not to give a false testimony, not to lie, not to speak evil, not to use intoxicants, not to steal, not to commit other sins and not to kill even the smallest of living creatures. Lord Buddha said, “A life time of even a hundred years is futile if one does not find supreme truth but one who finds the supreme truth has a useful life even if it is a single day.”

In brief, if we follow these principles of Lord Buddha, then undoubtedly this earth of ours shall become a glowing example of heaven.

Question 8.
What do you know about the main sects of Buddhism?
What thoughts and, ideas are represented by Hinayana and Mahayana? Discuss.
What is meant by Hinayana and Mahayana? Distinguish between the two.
What do you understand by Mahayana and Hinayana sects of Buddhism?
Explain the basic teachings of Mahayana and Hinayana sects of Buddhism.
Write a detailed note on the Buddhist sects named Mahayana and Hinayana.
Throw light on the origin and growth of the Mahayana sect of Buddhism.
What do you know about the development of Mahayana? Discuss.
Hinayana and Mahayana: During Kanishka’s reign in the 1st century A.D. at Jalandhar, the Fourth Great Council of the Buddhist monks was held. It was in this Great Council that the Hinayana and Mahayana sects were formed. Yana literally means the way to attainment of salvation. Hinayana meant a small vehicle. Mahayana meant a big vehicle. The Hinayanas continued to support the traditional commandments of Buddhism whereas the Mahayanas adopted new principles.

The Hinayanas propagated their religion in the southern countries of Asia such as India, Sri Lanka and Burma (Myanmar) etc. Mahayanas propagated their religion in the northern countries of Asia such as China, Japan, Nepal and Tibet etc. The following were the differences between the Hinayanas and the Mahayanas :

  • The Hinayana sect considered Lord Buddha to be a pious soul whereas the Mahayana sect considered him as a form of God.
  • The Hinayana sect was against idol worship whereas the Mahayana sect was not against idol worship.
  • The Hinayana sect did not believe in the Bodhisattvas. According to them a person could attain salvation only through one’s effort. No god can help anyone to attain Nirvana. The Mahayanas had complete faith in the Bodhisattvas. Bodhisattvas were those great people who took birth again and again with the objective to help people attain salvation.
  • The Hinayana sect preached Buddhism in Pah language which was the language of the common people. The Mahayana sect preached Buddhism in Sanskrit language.
  • According to the Hinayana sect the supreme objective of human life is to attain Nirvana whereas according to the Mahayana sect, the ultimate goal of human life is to acquire the heaven.
  • The Hinayana sect had no relation with Hinduism whereas the Mahayana sect adopted several principles of Hinduism with a view to make their religion popular.
  • The Hinayana sect was against any changes in the teachings of Lord Buddha whereas the Mahayana sect made changes in the Commandments of Buddhism according to time. Hence the Mahayana sect becajne more popular than the Hinayana sect.
  • The main texts of Hinayana sect were Tripitakas, Milindpanho and Mahamangalsutra etc. The main texts of Mahayana .sect were Lalitvistara, Budhacharita and Saunderananda etc.

PSEB 12th Class Religion Solutions Chapter 2 Buddhist Movement upto Ashoka Period

Question 9.
Give a brief account of the Early Buddhist scriptures.
What do you know about the Buddhist literature? Explain.
The Buddhist literature is an important source of information about Buddhism. Although Buddhist literature has been written in several languages but most of it has been written in Pali and Prakrit. The literature associated with the Hinayana sect of Buddhism has been written in Pali and the literature associated with the Mahayana sect has been written in Sanskrit.

(A) Literature written in Pali

The early Buddhist texts associated with Buddhism were written in Pali. A brief description of the Buddhist texts is as follows :—
1. The Tripitakas : The Tripitakas are the most ancient texts of Buddhism. Their names are Vinayapitaka, Suttapitaka and Abhidhammapitaka. The Tripitakas have an important position in Buddhist literature. Pitaka literally means ‘basket’ in which one can carefully place these texts.
(а) The Vinayapitaka : The Vinayapitaka throws a ample light on the rules associated with the behaviour of the Buddhist monks and nuns. It has three parts

  • The Suttavibhanga: It gives the list of crimes committed by the Buddhist monks and nuns and their expiation. These rules are called Patimokkha.
  • The Khandhaka: The Khandhaka is divided into two parts Mahavaga and Chullavaga. It gives a detailed description of the Commandments of the Sangha. Besides this, they also discuss the stories related to Lord Buddha.
  • The Parivara: This is the last part of the Vinaya Pitaka. It is a summary of the first two parts and it has been written in the form of a question-answer.

(b) The Suttapitaka : It is the most important part of the Tripitakas. It is divided into five sections or parts:

  • The Digha Nikaya : It has 34 long sutras which are complete in themselves. It gives a description of the different teachings of Lord Buddha.
  • The Majjhima Nikaya : It has 152 sutras which are medium sized. It gives a description of the conversations of Lord Buddha. In the end, it gives the teachings.
  • The Sanyutta Nikaya: It has 7762 sutras. There is a description of spiritual issues in this. There are stories of Lord Buddha and other gods-goddesses in it. Besides these, it condemns the opposing religions.
  • The Anguttara Nikaya : It has 2308 sutras. Most of it is in prose though a part of it is in poetry form. It gives a description of Buddhism and its philosophy.
  • The Khuddaka Nikaya : It discusses about the various subjects pertaining to Buddhism. It has a compilation of 15 different books. These books were written at different times. Popular among them were Khuddak Path, Dhammapada, Jataka and Sutranipat. Khuddhak Path is the smallest composition.

It has 9 sutras in it which were read at the time of diksha. Dhammapada is considered to be the most sacred book related to Buddhism. The Boddhi Dhammapada is- read everyday just as the Japji Sahib is read by the Sikhs and Gita by the Hindus: Dhammapada is popularly known as the Boddhi Gita. It has been translated into several languages of the world. The Jataka describes 549 stories pertaining to the time before the birth of Lord Buddha. Suttanipata was written in the form of a poem. It gives information about the early history of Buddhism.

(c) The Abhidhammapitaka: Abhidhamma implies, ‘Great Teachings’. Most of this text has been written in question-answer form. There is a discussion of spiritual subjects in it. There is a description of 7 books in it. Most popular among them are Dhammasangini and Kathavathu. Dhammasangini is a great creation related to Buddhist psychology. Kathavathu was written by Moggliputta Tissa. It describes the Commandments related to the Sthaviravadin sect of Buddhism.

2. Milind Panho : It is an important work associated with Buddhism. It was written in 100 B.C. in Punjab. It gives an account of the religious conversation between the Greek emperor Minander and the Buddhist monk Nagasena. Ample light has been thrown on the Buddhist philosophy in this work.

3. Dipavansa and Mahavansa : Both these Buddhist texts were created in Sri Lanka. These were written in the 5th century. These Buddhist texts give a description of the Buddhist tales of the area.

4. Mahamangalsutra: In this creation, there is an account of good and evil deeds as given by Lord Buddha. A Buddhist recites this everyday.

(B) Literature written in Sanskrit

Most of the literature related to the Mahayana sect .of Buddhism has been written in Sanskrit. A brief description of the famous Buddhist texts is as follows :

  • The Lalitvistara: This is one of the early Buddhist texts related to the Mahayana sect of Buddhism. It gives a description of the life of Lord Buddha in an extremely interesting style.
  • The Lankavatara: It is a sacred text of the Mahayanas. The Chinese and Japanese Buddhists recite it everyday.
  • The Saddharmapundarika: This text gives a detailed description of the Commendments of the Mahayana sect. It reflects Lord Buddha as the supreme soul who has created this world.
  • The Prajnaparamita: It is most popular text of the Mahayana sect. It gives a detailed description of Buddhist philosophy.
  • The Avadana Books: These are those books that give an explicit description of the Buddhist saints related to the Mahayana sect, the moral and brave deeds of the pious males and females. Divyavadana and Avadana are the most popular works of this category.
  • The Buddha Charita: This text was created by the great poet Ashvaghosha. In this the life of Lord Buddha has been depicted in the form of an epic.
  • The Saundrananda: This text was also created by Ashvaghosha. It is a text par excellence. In this, there is a description of those events of Lord Buddha’s life which have been briefly described or not described at all in the Buddha Chrita.
  • The Madhyamaksutra: This is the most popular text of the famous Buddhist Nagaijuna. It has emphasised on the fact that this world is a myth.
  • The Sikshasamuchchaya: This famous text was created by Shanti Deva. It is a compilation of the teachings of Lord Buddha. These have been extracted from several Mahay ana texts.
  • The Bodhicharyavatara: This was also a creation of Shanti Deva. It has been written in the form of a poem. This describes the high ideals of Boddhisattva.

Question 10.
Discuss the origin and development of Buddhism.
Discuss in brief but meaningful the progress made by Buddhism before Ashoka.
Describe in detail the progress made by Buddhism till the time of king Ashoka.
Give introductory information about origin and expansion of Buddhism before Ashoka.
What do you know about the origin and development of Buddhism?
Write a detailed note on the origin and development of Buddhism.
Explain the development of Buddhism before Ashoka.
I. Origin of Buddhism

There were many political, social and religious causes responsible for the origin of Buddhism in India in the 6th century B.C. A brief account of these is as follows :

1. Complexity in the Hindu Religion : During the Rigvedic period the Hindu religion was simple but it became more and more complex down the ages. It had lost its splendour and was plagued with multifarious rituals and superstitions. The philosophy of the Upanishads and of the Vedic texts was beyond the comprehension of the common man. As a consequence they were fed up with such a complex religion. The people yearned for a simple religion which could be easily understood by them and inspire them to lead a simple and pious life. According to eminent historian Dr. Satish K. Kapoor, “The Hindu society had lost its splendour and was plagued with multifarious rituals and superstitions.”

2. Expensive Religion : Initially the Hindu religion was popular among the people for its simplicity. But after the later Vedic period there were numerous changes. It started becoming more and more complex. Its main reason was the stress that was laid upon several yajnas and sacrifices. These yajnas continued for many years and heavy expenditure was incurred. The Brahmans were also given large donations. Besides these yajnas there were several other rites and rituals which had to be performed in the presence of these BrahmAnswer: People had to spend heavily on such ceremonies and these expenses were beyond the ordinary people. Thus they became against this religion.

3. Moral Degeneration of the Brahmans : During the Vedic period the Brahmans led a very simple and pure life. But with the passage of time moral degradation crept into their lifestyle. They became corrupt, greedy and cheats. They were always on the lookout to fool gullible people for their own gains and amass large amount of wealth. Besides this they now led a pampered and extravagant life. Hence people now were keen to be free of their influence on society.

4. Caste System : The Indian caste system by the 6th century had become rigid. The people of the higher castes who were also known as Dvij treated the Shudras worse than animals. These people felt defiled even if a Shudra’s shadow fell on them. The Shudras were not allowed to visit the temples, read Vedic literature, participate in yajnas and they were forbidden from even taking water from their wells.

5. Difficult Language : People were also confused due to the Sanskrit language. This language was considered very pure but due to its being very difficult the ordinary man could not understand it. All the religious texts like the Vedas, Upanishads, Brahmans, Ramayana, Mahabharata, etc. were written in Sanskrit. Ordinary people were incapable of reading these religious texts. Taking advantage of this situation the Brahmans started interpreting the religious books according to their will. People started looking for such a religion which would be simple and understandable and its texts would be written in an easy language.

6. Belief in Charms and Spells : People by the 6th century B.C. had started believing blindly in certain things. Their belief in spirits, spells and magic, etc. had greatly increased. It was their belief that with the help of magic and spells they could defeat their enemies, find curse for their maladies and also get the desired progeny. Enlightened people now wanted a religion which would free society from these ills.

7. Birth of Great Personalities : In the 6th century B.C. were born several great personalities who freed mankind from the web of blind beliefs and showed it a new path. The names of Mahavira and Gautama Buddha are the most prominent. Their simple teachings were easily understood by the people and greatly influenced them. Large number of people became their disciple’s and later adopted Jainism or Buddhism. Giving an account of this B. P. Saha and K. S. Behera write, “Infact, birth of Jainism and Buddhism gave a new impetus to the people and significantly moulded social and religious life.”

II. Development of Buddhism

Due to untiring efforts of Lord Buddha, the foundation of Buddhism had become strong in the East India. After his death, Buddhist Sangha held Four Great Councils from time to time for compiling the .doctrines of Lord Buddha, for making new laws concerning Sangha and with objects of spreading Buddhism. The different rulers played important role in organising these Councils. Consequently, Buddhism spread not only in India but even in foreign countries.

1. First Great Council 487 B.C.: Immediately after tlie death of Lord Buddha the First Great Council was held at Rajgriha in 487 B.C. Rajgriha was the capital of Ajatshatru, the ruler of Magadha. This Great Council was organised under the patron-age of Ajatshatru. The object of this Council was to compile main teachings of Lord Buddha. 500 Buddhist monks participated in this Great Council. Mahakashyap was its chairman. Tripitakas, Vinaypitaka, Suttapitaka and Abhidhampitaka were written in it.

In Vinaypitaka, there are rules regarding Buddhist monks, teachings of Lord Buddha are contained in Suttapitaka and Buddhist philosophy had been described in Abhidhamapitaka. In this council Ananda, the most devoted disciple of Lord Buddha was exonerated of the charges levelled against him after thorough investigation whereas Channa, his charioteer was punished for his rude behaviour.

2. Second Great Council 387 B.C.: Exactly 100 years after the First Great Coun¬cil the Second Great Council of the Buddhism was held at Vaisali in 387 B.C. This Council was organised by Kalasoka, the ruler of Magadha. 700 Buddhist monks par¬ticipated in this Great Council. Sabhakami was the chairman of this Great Council.4 The reason for the organising this council was that ten rules of the Buddhist Sangha had created controversy among the monks. A debate continued for many days regard¬ing these rules. But the controversy among the monks could not be cleared.

Consequently, the Buddhist monks were split into two sects. Their names were Sthviravadins or Theravadins and Mahasanghikas. Sthviravadins were against the new rules. They did not want any change in the doctrines of Buddha. Mahasanghikas wanted to introduce some changes in the traditional doctrines so that the rigidity of discipline in the Buddhist Sangha may be relaxed to some extent. The Sthviravadins got victorious in this Great Council and Mahasanghika monks were turned out of it.

3. Third Great Council 251 B.C.: After the Second Great Council, Buddhism got divided into 18 branches. Their differences caused a great .set back to the progress of Buddhism. The emperor Ashoka organised the Third Great Council of Buddhism in 251 B.C. in his capital, at Pataliputra in order to re-invigorate Buddhism and to remove the shortcomings which had crept into this religion. One thousand Bud¬dhist monks participated in this Great Council. Moggliputta Tissa was the chair¬man of the Great Council. This Great Council remained in function for nine months. It succeeded to a great extent in removing many of the ills of Buddhism. Those monks were turned out of this Council who did not agree to the principles of Theravadin monks. A scripture named Kathavathu was compiled in this Great Council. The most important decision taken in it was to send the Buddhist preachers to foreign countries.

4. Fourth Great Council 100 A.D. : After the death of the emperor Ashoka, controversies among the Buddhist monks had again increased. Kanishka, the Kushana ruler organised the Fourth Great Council in 100 A.D. at Jalandhar, in order to remove these controversies. Some historians are of the opinion that this Council was organised at Jalandhar. 500 Buddhist monks participated in it. Vasumitra was its chairman.

Vasumitra composed Mahavibhasa which is called an encyclopaedia of Buddhism. Ashvaghosha, an other scholar of this Great Council composed the scripture Buddha Charita. The life of Lord Buddha has been described in it. Buddhism got divided into two main sects, Hinayana and Mahayana because of the controversies in this Great Council. Kanishka patronised the Mahayana sect.

PSEB 12th Class Religion Solutions Chapter 2 Buddhist Movement upto Ashoka Period

Question 11.
What contribution Maharaja Ashoka made for the development of Buddhism? Discuss.
Discuss the development made by Buddhism during the time of Emperor Ashoka.
Throw light on the contribution of Ashoka to the spread of Buddhism.
Discuss the role of Emperor Ashoka in the development of Buddhism.
Discuss the contribution of Emperor Ashoka in the spread of Buddhism.
Describe the services rendered by Ashoka to the development of Buddhism.
What methods were adopted by Ashoka to spread Buddhism?
How did Emperor Ashoka spread Buddhism?
Describe the spread of Buddhism.
“Buddhism was more developed during the period of Maharaja Ashoka.” Elucidate.
Ashoka’s name is very well known for the propagation of Buddhism not only in the Indian history but also in the history of the world. It was as a result of his untiring efforts that the Buddhism soon became the most popular religion of the world. In the words of Dr. D.C. Sircar, “Ashoka was a patron of the Buddha’s doctrine and was responsible for raising Buddhism fftr the status of a local sectarian creed of Eastern India to that of one of the principal religions of the world.”

1. Personal Example : Blood-shed of Kalinga War made a deep impact on the mind of Ashoka. As a result Ashoka adopted the Buddhism after leaving the Hinduism. For the propagation of this religion Ashoka presented his own example before the people. He left all the luxuries of the palace. He stopped eating meat and hunting. He bade farewell to wars for ever and adopted a policy of peace and love. On account of adoption of the principles of Buddhism by Ashoka, there was deep impact on his subjects and they started making efforts to follow his footsteps.

2. Buddhism was declared as the State Religion: With the objective of making Buddhism more popular Ashoka declared it a state religion. As a result people started joining the Buddhism in a large number. Its reason was that at that time people very much respected their king and felt it their pride to obey his orders.

3. Administrative Steps : Ashoka also took some administrative steps for the propagation of the Buddhism. He banned the slaughter of animals during the religious festivals. He also banned the slaughter of animals for the royal kitchen and fixed 56 days in a year when animals could not be slaughtered. He issued edicts regarding the teachings of Buddha from time to time. He also directed his employees to render maxi-mum service to the people.

4. Wide Publicity : Ashoka arranged wide publicity for the propagation of the Buddhism. He got inscribed the principles of Buddhism on edicts, rocks and stones. These were placed along the highways and at conspicuous places so that the passers-by could read them thoroughly. By this way the government publicity proved helpful in popularizing the Buddhism.

5. Dharm Yatras : Ashoka made pilgrimages of all the places connected with the life of Buddha. He made pilgrimage to Lumbini—where-Buddha was bom, Bodh Gaya— where Buddha was enlightened, Samath where Buddha delivered first discourse, Kushinagar where Buddha attained Nirvana. The Buddhism attained further glory on account of these pilgrimages of Ashoka.

6. Appointment of Dhamma Mahamatras : With a view to propagating the Buddhism, Ashoka appointed employees named as Dhamma Mahamatras. They left no stone unturned for the propagation of Buddhism. On this account Buddhism got further fillip.

7. Building of Viharas and Stupas: Ashoka got built Viharas (Buddhist Mathas) throughout the state. The Buddhist scholars and students coming over there were openly patronized by the state. Besides this thousands of Stupas were got built throughout the state. Relics of Buddha were kept in these Stupas. On account of these reasons the Buddhism became more popular.

8. Works of Public Welfare : After adoption of the Buddhism Ashoka spent his whole life to win over the hearts of the people. Ashoka got built roads and got planted shady trees along the roads for providing amenities to subjects. Wells were got dug for drinking water. Inns w§re got built for the facility of passengers throughout the state. Ashoka got opened hospitals not only for human beings but also for animals as well. The Buddhism got an opportunity, directly and indirectly, to expand on account of these deeds of Ashoka.

9. Third Buddhist Council: Ashoka convened Third Buddhist Council of Buddhism in 251 B.C. in Pataliputra to resolve current differences in the Buddhism. 1,000 Buddhist monks had participated in this Council. Moggliputta Tissa was the president of this Council. This Council remained in session for about 9 months. A new treatise Kathavathu connected with Buddhism was written in this Council. This Council remained successful in instilling a new enthusiasm in the Buddhist monks and they started propagating the Buddhism more rigorously.

10. Foreign Missions : Ashoka sent his preachers to foreign countries to propagate the Buddhism. These preachers went to countries like Sri Lanka, Burma, Nepal, Egypt and Syria etc. Ashoka had, sent his daughter Sanghmitra and his son Mahendra to Sri Lanka for preaching. These preachers made a deep impact on the minds of the people and they joined Buddhism in a large number. Dr. R.C. Msyumdar is hilly right in saying, “ He appeared as the torch bearer, who led the gospel from village to village, from city to city, from province to province, from country to country and from continent to continent.”

Question 12.
What is the legacy of Buddhism to Indian Civilization?
Discuss the legacy of Buddhism.
Even though Buddhism has disappeared from India yet it left its abiding mark on Indian Civilization and culture. It made important contributions in several spheres.

1. Political Legacy : Buddhism played an important role in preserving political harmony, stability and unity in India. The powerful rulers of that time were deeply influenced by the Buddhist principles of peace and universal brotherhood and they renounced war and devoted that time for the welfare of the people. This established peace in the region and people prospered. Kings like Ashoka and Kanishka also sent missionaries to spread and preach Buddhism in other countries.

They established friendly relations amongst them. However the principles of peace and brotherhood had certain destructive effects also on Indian politics. Due to prolonged peace the Indian soldiers became lethargic and rusted. As a result they could not face foreign invaders and lost their independence and remained under foreign domination for long time.

2. Religious Legacy : Buddhism greatly influenced the Indian religion. Prior to it people had forgotten the original purity of religion. Its place was taken by empty rituals, yajnas, superstitions and sacrifices. Brahmans had gained supremacy in society and without them no ceremony was considered complete. But these Brahmans had become corrupt and greedy. Their main aim was to lead a life of luxury and cheat the people. Thus the Hindu religion had become one of mere show. Buddha vehemently criticised the malpractices prevalent in Hinduism, the unnecessary dominance of the Brahmans and the belief that only Sanskrit was a holy language.

He said that one could conduct religious practices without a Brahman and read the holy books in any common language. Thus Hinduism received a jolt and Buddhism became popular. As a result Hinduism was given a fresh look by Brahmans to regain its lost glory. After the death of Buddha some Buddhist monks started the worship of his idols. Thus was bom the idol worship prevalent to this day.

3. Social Legacy : Buddhism left a deep impact on society. Before the origin of Buddhism, casteism had become very rigid in the society. People of one caste hated those of the other. Shudras were treated in an inhuman manner. Buddha denounced casteism and preached his followers to have feelings of universal brotherhood and love. By admitting people from all castes and religions into Buddhism he gave a new form to Indian society. It infused a new confidence among down-trodden people of society. Influenced by Buddhism people forsook use of wine, meat and became fond of leading a simple and pure life. Later when Hinduism was reformed many Buddhists joined Hinduism. It now included people from various stratas of society. Buddhism thus inaugurated a new era in the society.

4. Cultural Legacy : Buddhism left a deep impression on the cultural life of India. The Buddhist Sanghas were not only for the spread of Buddhism but also became important educational institutions. Universities of Taxila, Nalanda and Vikramshila became internationally famous. Many foreign students came here to study. The Buddhist texts like Tripitakas, Jatakas, Buddhacharita, Mahavibhasa, Milind Panaho etc. gave an invaluable gift to Indian literature. Even in the fields of architecture and sculpture an indelible impact was left. During the time of Ashoka and Kanishka several Stupas and pillars were made. The Stupas at Sanchi and Bharhut are splendid. During the time of Kanishka the Gandhara and Mathura style of art were born.

Beautiful idols in the various forms of the Buddha produced during this time leave one spell bound and display the artistic growth at that time. One can also gauge the growth of art seeing the sculptures in the Ajanta Caves. The Buddhist monks of those times visited countries like China, Japan, Sri Lanka, Burma, Indonesia, Java, Sumatra and Tibet which not only was responsible for the spread of Buddhism but also Indian Civilization to these countries. Even today several Indian customs are prevalent there which is a matter of pride for India. In the end we agree with Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, “Buddhism has left a permanent mark on the culture of India. Its influence is visible on all sides.”

Short Answer Type Questions (Type 1):

Question 1.
Emergence of Buddhism.
During the 6th century B.C., many evils were prevalent in the Hindu society and religion. Caste system had acquired a bad form. Shudras were treated worse than animals. The birth of a girl child was now considered a reason of sorrow. Many superstitions prevailed. The expenses of Yajnas and sacrifices had greatly increased. The priests became corrupt and selfish. Hinduism just remained as a commodity with outer show. Due to these reasons, Buddhism emerged.

PSEB 12th Class Religion Solutions Chapter 2 Buddhist Movement upto Ashoka Period

Question 2.
Give a short account of the life of Lord Buddha.
Mahatma Buddha was the founder of Buddhism. He was born T’ 566 B.C. at Lumbini. His mother’s name was Mahamaya and father’s name was Suddhodana. He was married to Yashodhara. He renounced the world at the age 29, At the age of 35, he got enlightenment at Bodh Gaya. For 45 years, he kept preaching his sermon. Its famous centres were Magdha, Kosala, Kosambi, Vaishali i Kapilvastu. At last, in 486 B.C., he left his mortal world at Kushi Nagar.

Question 3.
Lumbini is one of the most sacred places of the Buddhists. Lumbini is situated at Terai in Nepal wihch is 10 kms away from the Punjab Nepal border. It is also called Vartman or Rumindayial. In 566 B.C., Mahatma Buddha was bom on the full moon of Vaisakha. Gods from heaven showered flowers on his birth. King Ashoka got a pillar constructed here in the memory of Lord Buddha. The Chinese writers Fa Hein and Huien Tsang have praised this place in their writings.

Question 4.
Bodh Gaya.
Bodh Gaya holds the same place for Buddhists as Harmandir Sahib, Amritsar for the Sikhs, Benaras for Hindus and Mecca for the Muslims. This is situated forwards south of Gaya in Bihar. It is that place where under one peepal tree, Siddhartha ‘ Mahatma Buddha) attained enlightenment. At that time, Siddhartha was 35 years old. This event happened on the full moon of Vaisakha. A 170 ft. high MahaBodhi temple is constructed here.

Question 5.
Sarnath is another holy pilgrimage of the Buddhists. It is situated 7 km east of Benaras city. It is this place where Mahatma Buddha preached his first sermon to his five old friends. This event is remembered in history as ‘Dharma Chakra Pravartna’. King Ashoka built a very famous pillar here. Many idols of Buddha belonging to Gupta and Kushan dynasties have been found here.

Question 6.
Major Sights.
One day along with his coachman Channa, ‘Siddhartha left to see the world outside. On the way he saw an old man, a sick man, a dead man and an ascetic. These sights left a deep impression on his mind and proved a turning point in his life. He realised that the world is full of sorrows. He decided to leave home. This event is known as the Great Renunciation. At that time Siddhartha was 29 years old.

Question 7.
Dharma Chakra Pravartna.
After attaining enlightenment, Mahatma Buddha first reached Samath near Benaras. He preached his first sermon to his five old friends here and they became his followers. Here Mahatma Buddha taught them about Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. This event is known as the Dharma Chakra Pravartna.

Question 8.
Teachings of Lord Buddha.
The basis of teachings of Lord Budha are Four Noble Truths and Eightfold path. They believed in Transmigration, Karma, Ahimsa and Mutual brotherhood. He inspired his followers to lead a simple and pure life. He did not believe in caste system, yajna, sacrifice, vedas, Sanskrit language and rigorous meditation. He remained silent on existence of God.

Question 9.
What were Lord Buddha’s views about Karma Theory?
Buddha believed in the theory of actions or Karma. He believed that one is \e architect of one’s own destiny. A man gets rewards according to his deeds. We get e reward of our past actions in the present life and for the actions in our present we lall get rewards in the future. Karma follows a man like his shadow.

Question 10.
What were Lord Buddha’s views about Morality?
Buddha laid great emphasis on morality. He felt that religion without Morality was merely a show. He laid down a code of conduct for his followers:

  • Always speak the truth.
  • Never steal.
  • Do not use intoxicants,
  • Stay away from women.
  • Stay away from a life of luxury,
  • Show no interest in music and dance,
  • Stay away from wealth,
  • Do not use perfumes,
  • Do not covet another’s property,
  • Do not hurt anyone.

Question 11.
Lord Buddha’s view about God.
Lord Buddha did not believe in the existence and power of God. He said that world has not been created by God. But he believed that a power governs the workings of the world. He named this power ‘Dharma’. He did not want to put his religion in any controversy.

Question 12.
What is meant by Nirvana in Buddhism?
According to Buddha the greatest aim of man’s life is to attain Nirvana. Man attains happiness, peace and tranquility through Nirvana. He attains salvation from the cycle of birth and death. It brings an end to sorrows. This condition cannot be described in words. In other religions, Nirvana can only be attained after death but in Buddhism, it can also be achieved during one’s lifetime.

Question 13.
Hinayana was an important sect of Buddhism. Hinayana means a small circle or small chariot. The people of the sect strongly opposed any changes to be brought in the teachings of Lord Buddha. They opposed idol worship. They did not believe in Bodhisattvas. They preached in Pali language. They had separate religious scriptures.

PSEB 12th Class Religion Solutions Chapter 2 Buddhist Movement upto Ashoka Period

Question 14.
Mahayana was a major sect of Buddhism. Mahayana means big circle or big chariot. This sect did changes in the teachings of Buddha as time advanced. They did believe in Bodhisattvas and idol worship. They emphasized an devotion. They considered worship as an important part of religion. They preached in Sanskrit language. They had separate religious scriptures.

Question 15.
First Buddhist Council.
The First Buddhist Council was held at Rajgriha in 487 B.C. by ruler of Magadha. The objective of this council was to collect the teachings of Mahatma Buddha, 500 Bhikshus participated in it. This council was headed by Mahakashyap. The scriptures named Tripitakas were written. In this council, the charges levelled against Mahatma Buddha’s disciple Ananda were enquired into and he was declared innocent.

Question 16.
Second Buddhist Council.
The Second Buddhist Council was held in 387 B.C. at Vaisali organised by the ruler Kalasoka. Its aim was to remove the conflict of ideas regarding rules of the 700 monks took part in it. It was led by Sabhakami. The 10 rules adopted by Buddhist monks became a reason for conflict among them. They were divided into two groups Eastern and Western. The eastern monks were called Mahasanghikas and wester monks were called Theravadins.

Question 17.
Third Buddhist Council.
The Third Buddhist Council was organised by Emperor Ashoka in 251 B.C. at Pataliputra. Its aim was to eradicate the evils which crept in Buddhism. 1000 monks took part in it. It was headed by Moggliputta Tissa. He prepared a holy text named Kathavathu. It was decided to sent Buddhist preachers to foreign countries. This helped a lot in removing the evils from Buddhism.

Question 18.
Fourth Buddhist Council.
Why was the Fourth Buddhist Council convened?
The Fourth Buddhist Council was covened by Emperor Kanishka in the first century at Kashmir. The objective of this council was to remove the conflicts among the Buddhist monks. 600 monks participated in this council. This council was presided by Vasumitra. He prepared the text named Mahavibhasa. The Vice-President of this council was Ashvaghosha. He composed the famous text called Buddha Charita. As a result of efforts of this council, not only the discrepancy ended but also it spread Buddhism in Middle Asia.

Question 19.
What do you understand by Buddhist Sangha?
Mahatma Buddha laid the foundation of Buddhist Sanghas in order to consolidate his followers form of a powerful organisation. All men and women above the age of 15 years could become a member of the Buddhist Sangha. Criminal people, people suffering from chronic diseases and slaves could not become members. Prior to membership one had to attain parental permisson. At the time of initiation a new monk had to shave off his hair to wear saffron robes and take the following vow—“I seek refuge in the Buddha, I seek refuge in the Dharma, I seek refuge in the Sangha.” The decisions of the Sangha were taken by majority.

Question 20.
The Tripitakas.
The Tripitakas were given a supreme place in Buddhism. They were written in Pali. Their names are Vinayapitaka, Suttapitaka and Abhidhammapitaka. The daily rules of Buddhist monks are mentioned inVinayapitaka, principles of Buddhism in Suttapitaka and spiritual subjects in Abhidhammapitaka. Tripitaka refers to three baskets in which these texts are kept.

Question 21.
Spread of Buddhism.
The teachings of Buddhism were very simple. Superstitions had no place in Buddhism. It had a magical effect on people due to its simple and common language. The personality of Mahatma Buddha was very attractive. Whosoever came in contact with him could never break their bond with Buddha. Buddhism became popular because of equality for all religions, untiring efforts of Buddhist Sanghas, royal patronage, changing with time and a lack of opposing religions.

Question 22.
What were the causes of the downfall of Buddhism?
Describe any five causes of the downfall of Buddhism.
Many factors were responsible for the downfall of Buddhism. In the beginning, buddhism was a very simple religion. But later it became very complex. The Buddhist anghas became centres of corruption. The Buddhist monks spent their time in merry- aaking and ravishment. The Buddhist sect was divided into several smaller sects. Due to the internal conflict, a lot of problems empted in the propagation of religion. In the beginning they attracted royal patronage which declined with time.

Question 23.
Legacy of Buddhism.
Buddhism lent valuable contributions in many fields. It spread the message of peace and non-violence. This led to the beginning of a new era. It opposed the superstitions prevalent in the religion and gave a new light to people. It inspired people to lead a simple and pure life. It condemned caste system and spread the message of universal brotherhood. Buddhism contributed in the field of Buddhist stupas and viharas. Buddhist literature made the Indian literature very rich.

Short Answer Type Questions (Type 2):

Question 1.
What were the reasons of origin of Buddhism?
The main cause of origin of Buddhism in 6th century B.C. was the prevalent evils in Hinduism. In later Vedic period, much stress was given on yajnas and superfluous rituals in Hinduism. A large number of Purohits or priests joined these yajnas. They had to be given much charity. In fact, Hinduism had become so expensive that it had gone out of the reach of common people. The Brahmans had become very corrupt and greedy. They engaged themselves in befooling and exploiting the common people on one excuse or the other.

All the scriptures of the Hindus were in Sanskrit language, and as such, they were beyond the comprehension of common people. The caste system had become very complicated. The people of one.caste hated the people of other caste. A grave injustice was done to Shudras. Consequently, they became mentally prepared to convert to other religion. Several rulers of those times gave patronage to Buddhism. Hence Buddhism began to progress rapidly.

Question 2.
Write a short note on Lord Buddha.
Lord Buddha was the founder of Buddhism. He was born at Lumbini near Kapilvastu in 566 B.C. The name of his mother was Mahamaya and the name of his father was Shudhodhana. His childhood name was Siddhartha. He was very thoughtful since his childhood. He preferred loneliness. He was married with a beautiful princess at the age of sixteen. A son was bom to them and he was named Rahul. At the age of 29, Siddhartha renounced the world and set out in search of truth. He got enlightenment at Bodh Gaya at the age of 35. He delivered his first sermon at Samath.

This event is known as Dharmachakra Privartana. Lord Buddha continued preaching his sermons for 45 years. Magadha, Kosala, Kosambhi, Vaisali and Kapilvastu were his famous preaching centres. Lord Buddha preached the Four Noble Truths, Eightfold Path, non-violence and universal brotherhood of mankind- He did not believe in the sanctity of yajnas, sacrifices, caste-system and Sanskrit language. Lord Buddha attained his Mahapamirvana (great salvation) at the age of 80 in Kushinagar.

PSEB 12th Class Religion Solutions Chapter 2 Buddhist Movement upto Ashoka Period

Question 3.
How and where the Buddha realised Great Enlightenment?
After leaving home Siddhartha first went to Rajgriha, the capital of Magadha. Here he became the disciple of two religious preachers Arada Kalama and Udraka ‘ Ramaputra. However he was disillusioned and soon left. He along with five others then went to the forests of Uruvella. Here he did severe penance for 6 years but did not realise his cherished goal. He then went to Bodh Gaya. There he sat in meditation under a peepal tree. After 48 days of meditation on the day of full moon night he got enlightenment. From that day he was known as Buddha or the Enlightened One. The tree under which he attained enlightenment is known as the ‘Mahabodhi Tree.’ He was 35 years old when he got enlightenment.

Question 4.
Discuss briefly the teachings of Lord Buddha.
Explain any six teachings of Buddhism.
The teachings of Lord Buddha were very simple and self-explanatory. The Four Great Noble Truths are the basis of his teachings :

  • The world is full of sufferings,
  • The desires are the cause of these sufferings,
  • There can be end to the sufferings of man by giving up his desires,
  • These desires can be ended by following Eightfold Path (Ashtamarga). Lord Buddha believed in non-violence.

He believed in doctrine of karma and the cycle of the birth and re-birth. He asserted that a man gets reward according to his deeds. The deeds of a man follow him like his own shadow. Lord Buddha inspired his followers to lead a simple and pure life. He condemned caste-system in strong words. He preached the feelings of universal brotherhood of mankind. He criticized exploitation by the BrahmAnswer: According to him, man cannot attain salvation through yajnas and sacrifices. He did not believe in the sanctity of Vedas and Sanskrit language. He was not in favour of hard penance. He remained silent with regard to the existence of God. According to him, the ultimate aim of a man’s life is to attain Nirvana (salvation).

Question 5.
What is meant by Three Marks in Buddhism?
The teachings of Lord Buddha also included the principle of three marks. These three marks area

  • All prohibited things are not permanent.
  • All prohibited things cause suffering.
  • All these prohibited things are not self (Atman) but are non-self (Anatman).

These are our daily experiences. According to Lord Buddha, everything that is bom has a pre-determined end. These are Anit (unstable). What is unstable is also depressed. Man’s birth, disease and death etc. are all reasons for distress. There are some moments of happiness in a man’s life but they are for a very short duration. Anatma implies denial of self. Whatever is unstable is not mine.

Question 6.
Write a short note on Panchsheel.
Lord Buddha has prescribed five rules to be followed by the householders. These rules are also called shikshapada. These five rules are as follows:

  • Do not kill even the smallest of creatures.
  • Donate and receive generously, but do not acquire the other person’s possession by greed or fraud.
  • Do not give a false testimony, do not criticise anyone and do not tell a lie.
  • Save your soul from intoxicants because they hamper one’s thinking.
  • Do not think evil of anyone. Save the body from unnecessary evils. To adopt Buddhism, the monks and nuns had to follow five more rules.

These rules are:

  • Eat food on time.
  • Stay away from song-dance.
  • Do not sleep on soft mattresses.
  • Do not use body adornments and fragrance.
  • Do not get trapped in the vicious circle of gold and silver.

Question 7.
What is meant by Four Unlimited Virtues in Buddhism?
Lord Buddha emphasized on the four social virtues. These virtues are friendliness, kindness, sympathy and neutrality. These help us to coordinate better with other human beings. It puts an end to mutual jealousy. Man should love his enemy too. Kindness inspires us to help the others in sorrow. Sympathetic happiness is a virtue that trains a man to be capable of being a part of other’s happiness. A person who has this virtue does not envy the other person’s happiness. The spirit of neutrality keeps greed and other vices at bay. Such a man treats all humans equally. In fact these four unlimited virtues are the foundation of the moral values of Buddhism.

Question 8.
Write a note on Buddhist Sangha.
Any man or woman above the age of fifteen could be the member of Buddhist Sangha. They had to take permission from their family members for becoming a member of the Sangha. Anybody from any caste could become the member of the Sangha, but the criminals, sick people and slaves were not allowed to become members. Before entering the Sangha, every person had to wear three yellow clothes and after ‘mundan’ ceremony he had to pronounce three Ratnas :

  • I pledge that I come under the shelter of Buddha,
  • I come under the shelter of Dharma.
  • I come under the shelter of Sangha. After this, the monks had to follow the ten commandments.

The monk had to take instructions from another monk for teh years and if he succeeded in obeying the rules, he was made a member of the Sangha. Those who did not obey the rules were expelled from the Sangha. The Sanghas were organised on democratic principles.

Question 9.
Write a brief note on the Nirvana in Buddhism.
According to Lord Buddha, the highest aim of human life should be the attainment of Nirvana. It is with the attainment of Nirvana that man achieves happiness, pleasure and peace in life. He gets emancipation from the cycle of transmigration. It puts an end to all sorrows. In fact, Nirvana is a state which cannot be described in words. Those who experience this truth do not talk about it and those who talk in this context do not have any knowledge about it. According to Lord Buddha, any person can attain Nirvana by treading on the Eightfold Path. Whereas according to other religions, one can attain salvation after death, in Buddhism its achievement is possible within a lifetime.

Question 10.
Write a note on Hinayana and Mahayana.
Describe the sects Hinayana and Mahayana of Buddhism.
Describe the distinctiveness of Hinayana and Mahayana.
During Kanishka’s reign in the 1st century A.D. at Jalandhar, the Fourth Great Council of the Buddhist monks was held. It was in this Great Council that the Hinayana and Mahayana sects were formed. Yana literally means the way to attainment of salvation. Hinayana meant a small vehicle. Mahayana meant a big vehicle. The Hinayanas continued to support the traditional commandments of Buddhism whereas the Mahayanas adopted new principles.

The following were the differences between the Hinayanas and the Mahayanas :

  • The Hinayana sect considered Lord Buddha to be a pious soul whereas the Mahayana sect considered him as a form of God.
  • The Hinayana sect was against idol worship whereas the Mahayana sect was not against idol worship.
  • The Hinayana sect did not believe in the Bodhisattvas. According to them, a person could attain salvation only through one’s effort. No god can help anyone to attain Nirvana. The Mahayanas had complete faith in the Bodhisattvas. Bodhisattvas were those great people who took birth again and again with the objective to help people attain salvation.
  • The Hinayana sect preached Buddhism in Pali language which was the language of the common people. The Mahayana sect preached Buddhism in Sanskrit language.
  • According to the Hinayana sect, the supreme objective of human life is to attain Nirvana whereas according to the Mahayana sect, the ultimate goal of human life is to acquire the heaven.
  • The Hinayana sect had no relation with Hinduism whereas the Mahayana sect adopted several principles of Hinduism with a view to make their religion popular.

Question 11.
What do you know about the Vajrayana sect of Buddhism?
A new sect of Buddhism came into existence in Bengal and Bihar in the eighth century B.C. This sect was associated with magic spells and incantations. This sect believed that magical powers could help to attain salvation. The magical powers were called Vajra. Hence the sect was called Vajrayana. Males and females of any caste could join this group. This sect emphasised on the importance of goddesses. It was believed that these goddesses could help to reach the Bodhisattvas. These goddesses were called Tara. ‘Mahanirvana Tantra’ was the most famous religious book of the Vajrayanas.

This religious title of Vajrayanas was also called the Tantrik. The most important Vihara of Vajrayana is situated at Vikramashila in Bihar. The Vajrayana sect allowed its followers to consume intoxicants, meat etc. and sexual pleasures, thus sounding the death knell of Buddhism.

PSEB 12th Class Religion Solutions Chapter 2 Buddhist Movement upto Ashoka Period

Question 12.
Buddhist Sources.
Just like Vedic literature, the Buddhist literature is also quite detailed. The Buddhist literature has been composed in Pali and Sanskrit languages. Tripitakas have the most important position in Buddhist literature. They are the most important and ancient texts of Buddhism. The names of the Tripittakas are Sutpittaka, Vinaypitaka and Abhidhampitaka. The Sutpitaka consists of the sermons of Mahatma Buddha, Vinaypitaka consists of the rules for the Buddhist monks and the Abhidammpitaka gives information about Buddhist philosophy.

The Jataka tales which are 549 in number describe the previous births of Buddha. It gives a description of the religious, social, political and economic condition of Indian-society from third century B.C. to second century B.C. The text Milindpanho gives us important information about the Greek ruler Menander. Kathavathu which was composed by Moggliputta Tissa gives us information about Ashoka. Buddhacharita, Saundaranand and Mahavibhash give us information about the Kushana dynasty. Deepvansha and Mahavansha render light on the relations between India and Sri Lanka.

Question 13.
What are Tripitakas,? What is their historical importance?
Tripitakas are the oldest scriptures of Buddhism. Pitaka means “basket’ in which these scriptures were kept safe. Suttapitaka, Vinayapitaka and Abhidhammapitaka are the names of Tripitakas. These were written in Pali language. Suttapitaka has been accepted as the most significant of all Pitakas. The teachings of Lord Buddha have been described in it. It has been divided into five parts—Digha Nikaya, Majjhima Nikaya, Sanyutta Nikaya, Anguttara Nikaya and Khuddaka Nikaya. Description of Dhammapada has been given in Khuddaka Nikaya. Dhammapada is recited daily by Buddhists in the same way as Japji Sahib and Gita are recited by the Sikhs and the Hindus respectively.

The rules of behaviour of the Buddhist monks and nuns have been given in Vinayapitaka. It has also been mentioned therein as to which things are sinful for the Buddhist monks and their mode of penance. Information regarding Buddhist philosophy has been given in Abhidhammapitaka. The study of Tripitakas not only gives us information regarding Buddhism, but it also gives very valuable information of contemporary political, social and economic life.

Question 14.
What do you know about the First Great Council of Buddhism?
Immediately after the death of Lord Buddha the First Great Council was held at Rajgriha in 487 B.C. Rajgriha was the capital of Ajatshatru, the ruler of Magadha. This Great Council was organised under the patronage of Ajatshatru. The object of this Council was to compile main teachings of Lord Buddha. 500 Buddhist monks participated in this Great Council. Mahakashyap was its chairman.

Tripitakas, Vinaypitaka, Suttapitaka and Abhidhampitaka were written in it. In Vinaypitaka, there are rules regarding Buddhist monks, teachings of Lord Buddha are contained in Suttapitaka and Buddhist philosophy had been described in Abhidhamapitaka. In this council Ananda, the most devoted disciple of Lord Buddha was exonerated of the charges levelled against him after thorough investigation whereas Channa, his charioteer was punished for his rude behaviour.

Question 15.
Write a short note on the Second Great Council of Buddhism.
Exactly 100 years after the First Great Council, the Second Great Council of the Buddhism was held at Vaisali in 387 B.C. This Council was organised by Kalasoka, the ruler of Magadha. 700 Buddhist monks participated in this Great Council. Sabhakami was the chairman of this Great Council. The reason for organising this council was that ten rules of the Buddhist Sangha had created controversy among the monks. A debate continued for many days regarding these . rules. But the controversy among the monks could not be cleared. Consequently, the Buddhist monks were split into two sects.

Their names were Sthviravadins or Theravadins and Mahasanghikas. Sthviravadins were against the new rules. They did not want any change in the doctrines of Buddha. Mahasanghikas wanted to introduce some changes in the traditional doctrines so that the rigidity of discipline in the Buddhist Sangha may be relaxed to some extent. The Sthviravadins got victorious in this Great Council and Mahasanghika monks were turned out of it.

Question 16.
Write a short note on the Third Buddhist Council.
After the Second Great Council, Buddhism got divided into 18 branches. Their differences caused a great set back to the progress of Buddhism. The emperor Ashoka organised the Third Great Council of Buddhism in 251 B.C. in his capital, at Pataliputra in order to re-invigorate Buddhism and to remove the shortcomings which had crept into this religion. One thousand Buddhist monks participated in this Great Council. Moggliputta Tissa was the chairman of the Great Council.

This Great Council remained in function for nine months. It succeeded to a great extent in removing many of the ills of Buddhism. Those monks were turned out of this Council who did not agree to the principles of Theravadin monks. A scripture named Kathavathu was. compiled in this Great Council. The most important decision taken in it was to send the Buddhist preachers to foreign countries.

Question 17.
What do you know about the Fourth Great Council?
After the death of the emperor Ashoka, controversies among the Buddhist monks had again increased. Kanishka, the Kushana ruler organised the Fourth Great Council in 100 A.D. at Jalandhar, in order to remove these controversies. Some historians are of the opinion that this Council was organised at Kashmir. 500 Buddhist monks participated in it. Vasumitra was its chairman. Vasumitra composed Mahavibhasa which is called an encyclopaedia of Buddhism. Ashvaghosha, an other scholar of this Great Council composed the scripture Buddhacharita. The life of Lord Buddha has been described in it. Buddhism got divided into two main sects, Hinayana and Mahayana because of the controversies in this Great Council. Kanishka patronised the Mahayana sect.

PSEB 12th Class Religion Solutions Chapter 2 Buddhist Movement upto Ashoka Period

Question 18.
What efforts were made by Ashoka for the spread of Buddhism?
Ashoka played a significant role in order to spread Buddhism. Before him, Buddhism was limited to a small number. After embracing this religion, Ashoka infused a new life into it. In order to popularize Buddhism, he declared it state religion. It was preached broadly throughout the kingdom. Mahamatras were appointed to preach Buddhism. Ashoka visited places of pilgrimage related to Buddhism. Stupas and monasteries were got built by him throughout his eihpire. The Third Great Council of Buddhism was convened by him at Pataliputra.

The religious preachers were sent to foreign countries to spread Buddhism. Ashoka’-s son, Mahindra and his daughter, Sanghmitra had gone to Ceylon. Buddhism became a great religion of the world because of great efforts made by Ashoka.

Question 19.
What is the legacy of Buddhism to Indian Civilization?
Buddhism has very significant legacy to Indian Civilization. Lord Buddha gave permission to people of all castes to join Buddhism. The position of women improved by allowing them to join Buddhism. He gave the message to people to give up false rituals and to lead a simple life. Lord Buddha laid the foundation of democratic system by establishing the Buddhist Sanghas. The members of these Sanghas were elected through secret ballot by people.

The decisions therein were taken by majority vote. Buddhism gave a rich legacy in the fields of architecture and painting. Gandhara, Mathura and Amravati are famous even today for fine statues of Lord Buddha. We get important information regarding political and social conditions of those times through the Buddhist scriptures. Influenced by Buddhism, many kings like Ashoka, Kanishka and Harsha did their utmost for public welfare works. India established friendly relations with foreign countries by virtue of Buddhism.

Question 20.
Write a short note on Stupas.
The Stupas were the symbols of Buddha’s Parinirvana (salvation). They were semi-round domes in which the remains of Lord Buddha were kept in a small room. These stupas had a great artistic importance. The stupa of Amravati in Tamil Nadu and the Bharhut and Sanchi stupas in Madhya Pradesh are excellent work of art. One is surprised to see their art and beauty. The art of carving done on these stupas is equally impressive.

The art work done on the wood could not be preserved for a long time, but the Buddhist sculpture can be seen on the stones of the gateway of Amravati and Sanchi stupas. The events of Buddha’s life have been carved on these. These are concerned with birth, renunciation, attainment of knowledge, Dharamchakra Parivartan and Parinirvana of Lord Buddha.

Answer in One Word to One Sentence:

Question 1.
Who was the founder of Buddhism?
Mahatma Buddha.

Question 2.
How old is Buddhism?
2500 years.

Question 3.
When was Buddhist religion born?
6th century B.C.

Question 4.
Name a cause for the propagation of Buddhism.
Complexity in the Hindu religion.

Question 5.
When was Mahatma Buddha bom?
566 B.C.

Question 6.
Where was Mahatma Buddha bom?
Mahatma Buddha was bom at Lumbini near Kapilvastu.

Question 7.
When and where Lord Budda was bom?
Lord Budha was bom in 566 B.C. at Lumbini.

Question 8.
What was the name of the father of Lord Buddha?

Question 9.
Of which Republic was the Chief, the father of Lord Buddha?
Shakya Republic.

Question 10.
What was the name of mother of Lord Buddha?

Question 11.
How many days after Lord Buddha’s birth his mother died?
After seven days.

Question 12.
Who did look after the Lord Buddha?
Prajapati Gautmi.

PSEB 12th Class Religion Solutions Chapter 2 Buddhist Movement upto Ashoka Period

Question 13.
What was the early name of Mahatma Buddha?

Question 14.
With whom Lord Buddha was married?

Question 15.
What was the name of son of Lord Buddha?

Question 16.
What was the name of the wife and son of Mahatma Buddha?
Mahatma Buddha’s wife’s name was Yashodhara and son’s name was Rahul.

Question 17.
Who was Lord Buddha’s coachman (charioteer)?

Question 18.
How many sights left a deep impression on Lord Buddha’s life?

Question 19.
How old was Lord Buddha at the time of Great Renunciation?
29 years.

Question 20.
Who was the first Guru of Lord Buddha after leaving the home?
Arada Kalama.

Question 21.
Where was Lord Buddha attained enlightenment?
Bodh Gaya.

Question 22.
What was the age of Lord Buddha at the time of enlightenment?
35 years.

Question 23.
What is meant by Tathagat?
Tathagat implies a person who has attained enlightenment.

Question 24.
Where did Lord Buddha delivered his first sermon?

Question 25.
Where did the incident of Dharam Chakra Parivartana take place?

Question 26.
What is meant by Dharam Chakra Parivartana?
The enrolement of his five friends to the Buddhist religion by Lord Buddha is called Dharam Chakra Parivartana.

Question 27.
Name any two propagation centres of Lord Buddha.

  • Magadha,
  • Vaishali.

Question 28.
Which were two rulers of Magadha who adopted Buddhism?

  • Bimbisara,
  • Ajatashatru.

Question 29.
Where did Lord Buddha obtain Nirvana?

Question 30.
What was the age of Lord Buddha at the time of Nirvana?
80 years.

Question 31.
In which language Lord Buddha preached?
Pali language.

PSEB 12th Class Religion Solutions Chapter 2 Buddhist Movement upto Ashoka Period

Question 32.
In how many Noble Truths, the Buddha religion believed?

Question 33.
State one Noble Truth of Buddhism.
World is full of sufferings.

Question 34.
How many marks are explained in Buddhism?

Question 35.
Which principle is meant for householders in Buddhism?

Question 36.
How is Panchsheel otherwise known as?
Panchsheel is also known as shikshapada.

Question 37.
Give any one principle of Panchsheel.
Do not kill even the smallest of creatures.

Question 38.
How many Unlimited Virtues are to be followed in Buddhism?

Question 39.
State any one Unlimited Virtue of Buddhism.
Man should love his enemy too.

Question 40.
What is the iheaning of Nirvana in Buddhism?
Nirvana is that state in which all sufferings come to an end.

Question 41.
What pledge did a monk have to take when he is admitted in Buddhist Sangha?
“I take refuge in Buddha, I take refuge in Dharma, I take refuge in Sangha.”

Question 42.
What is minimum age prescribed to join Buddha Sangha?
15 years.

Question 43.
How many rules are to followed by members of Buddha Sangha?
Ten rules.

Question 44.
Who is forbidden in Buddhist Sangha?
Criminals, diseased and slaves.

Question 45.
Name two major sects of Buddhism.
Which are two sects of Buddhism?
In which two sects Buddhism was divided?
Hinayana and Mahayana.

Question 46.
What is meant by Hinayana?
Hinayana means a small vehicle.

Question 47.
What is meant by Mahayana?
Mahayana implies a big vehicle.

Question 48.
Under the reign of which emperor did the Mahayana sect of Buddhism came into existence?

Question 49.
Name the Tripitakas of Buddhist religion.
Vinayapitaka, Suttapitaka and Abhidhammapitaka.

Question 50.
In which language are Tripitakas written?
Pali language.

Question 51.
In which Pitaka teachings of Buddha are described?

Question 52.
Which Pitaka throws light on the rides associated with Buddhist Sangha?

Question 53.
Which issues were touched by Abhidhammapitaka?
Buddhist philosophy.

Question 54.
What are the Jatakas?
The Jatakas consists tales of the times before the , birth of Lord Buddha.

Question 55.
What is the total number of Jatakas?

PSEB 12th Class Religion Solutions Chapter 2 Buddhist Movement upto Ashoka Period

Question 56.
What is Patimokha?
It gives a brief description of rules described in the Vinayapitaka.

Question 57.
Which text in Buddhism is called the Boddhi Gita?

Question 58.
Which Buddhist text describe the conversation between Nagasena and Greek ruler Minander?
Milind Panho.

Question 59.
Which one famous text related to Buddhism was composed in Sri Lanka?

Question 60.
Name one famous Buddhist text written in Pali language.

Question 61.
Name one important Buddhist text written in Sanskrit language.
Buddha Charita.

Question 62.
Who was the writer of Buddha Charita?

Question 63.
Which famous text was created by Nagarjuna?

Question 64.
Name the one Avadana Books.

Question 65.
Which one popular text was written by Shanti Deva?

Question 66.
When was First Council of Buddhism organised?
487 B.C.

Question 67.
Where was the First Great Council of Buddhism organised?

Question 68.
Who presided over the First Great Council of Buddhism?

Question 69.
Which ruler organised the First Great Council of Buddhism?

Question 70.
Which texts were prepared in the First Great Council of Buddhism?

Question 71.
When was the Second Great Council of Buddhism organised?
387 B.C.

Question 72.
Where was the Second Great Council of Buddhism organised?

Question 73.
Which two sects of Buddhism came into existence in the Second Great Council of Buddhism?
Mahasanghik and Theravadins.

Question 74.
Where was the Third Great Council of Buddhism organised?

Question 75.
When was the Third Great Council of Buddhism organised?
251 B.C.

Question 76.
Who presided over the Third Great Council of Buddhism?
Mogaliputta Tissa.

PSEB 12th Class Religion Solutions Chapter 2 Buddhist Movement upto Ashoka Period

Question 77.
Which text was created by Mogaliputta Tissa?

Question 78.
Which ruler organised the Fourth Great Council of Buddhism?

Question 79.
Where was the Fourth Great Council of Buddhism organised?

Question 80.
Who was the President of the Fourth Great Council of Buddhism?

Question 81. Which popular text was composed by Vasumitra?

Question 82.
What is the meaning of Bodhisattva in Buddhism?
What is Bodhisattva?
Bodhisattva is the person who takes rebirth’for public welfare.

Question 83.
Which king preached Buddhism?
King Ashoka preached Buddhism.

Question 84.
How did Ashoka propagate the Buddhism? Give one example.
Emperor Ashoka declared Buddhism as the state religion.

Question 85.
Whom did King Ashoka send to Sri Lanka for the propagation of Buddhism?
His daughter Sanghamitra and his son Mahendra:

Question 86.
Who was the organiser of the Third Great Council of Buddhism?
King Ashoka.

Fill in the Blanks:

1. Mahatma Buddha was born in …………….
506 B.C.

2. Mahatma Buddha was born at …………….

3. The name of the father of Mahatma Buddha was …………….

4. The name of the mother of Mahatma Buddha was ……………….

5. The childhood name of Mahatma Buddha was ………………

PSEB 12th Class Religion Solutions Chapter 2 Buddhist Movement upto Ashoka Period

6. The name of the wife of Mahatma Buddha was ……………..

7. At the time of leaving home, Mahatma Buddha was only …………….. old.
29 years.

8. Mahatma Buddha got enlightenment at …………..
Bodh Gaya.

9. After enlightenment, Mahatma Buddha preached his first sermon at ……………….

10. Mahatma Buddha got Mahapamirvana at ……………..

11. Mahatma Buddha got Mahapamirvana in ………………
486 B.C.

12. Mahatma Buddha believed in …………….. noble truths.

13. The Eight fold path is also called …………… path.

14. Buddhism believes in ………………… marks.

15. Buddhism believes in …………… rules.

16. Buddhism emphasize on …………….. social virtues.

17. The minimum age of ……………… years was being fixed for becoming the member of Buddhist Sangha.

18. The members of the Buddhist Sangha had to obey ………………. commandments.

19. During Kanishka’s reign, the ……………. sect was formed.

20. The daily routine of Buddhist Monks and Nuns is fully described in the ……………….

21. The Jataka stories are ……………. in number.

22. ……………. the Buddhist text was created in Sri Lanka.

23. ……………. was the writer of the Buddha Charita.

24. The first Great Council of Buddhism was held in ……………..
487 B.C.

25. The First Great Council of Buddhism was organised by ……………

26. The Second Great Council of Buddhism was held at ……………..

27. The Third Great Council of Buddhism was held at ………….

PSEB 12th Class Religion Solutions Chapter 2 Buddhist Movement upto Ashoka Period

28. ……………… organised the Fourth Great Council of Buddhism.

29. Emperor Ashoka sent his daughter …………….. to Sri Lanka to propagate Buddhism.

True Or False:

1. Mahatma Buddha was the founder of Buddhism.

2. Mahatma Buddha was bom in 546 B.C.

3. Mahatma Buddha was bom at Lumbipi.

4. Mahamaya was the wife of Mahatma Buddha.

5. Four sights left a deep impression on the life of Mahatma Buddha.

6. Mahatma Buddha was 35 years old at the time of Great Renunciation.

7. Lord Buddha attained enlightenment at Bodh Gaya.

8. Lord Buddha attained enlightenment on the day of full moon light of Vaishakha.

9. Mahatma Buddha gave his first sermon at Vaishali.

10. Lord Buddha obtained Mahaprinirvana at the age of 72.

11. Mahatma Buddha obtained Nirvana at a place called Kushinagra.

12. Lord Buddha preached in Pali language.

PSEB 12th Class Religion Solutions Chapter 2 Buddhist Movement upto Ashoka Period

13. Buddha religion believed in Five Noble Truths.

14. Buddhism believed in the Eight Fold Path.

15. Eight Fold Path is also known as the Middle Path.

16. Buddha religion believes in ahimsa.

17. The minimum age of 20 years is fixed to join Buddhist Sangha.

18. Buddhism has a belief in Panchsheel.

19. The Mahayana sect of the Buddhism was founded during the reign of Ashoka.

20. Vajrayana sect of Buddhism was associated with magic spells and mantras.

21. The Tripitakas texts of Buddhism are written in Sanskrit.

22. Patimokha consists the rules described for Buddhists.

23. Dhammapada is known as Boddhi Gita in Buddhism.

24. Kathavathu was written by Moggliputta Tissa.

25. Mahavansa, the Buddist text created in China is a sacred book.

26. Ashvaghosha composed the scripture Buddha Charita.

27. The Lankavatara is a sacred text of the Mahayanas.

28. Sabhakami presided over the First Great Council of the Buddhism.

29. The First Great Council of the Buddhism was organised in 487 B.C.

30. The Second Great Council of the Buddhism was held at Vaisali.

31. The Third Great Council of Buddhism was held in 251 B.C.

32. Mogliputta Tissa was the Chairman of the Fourth Great Council of the Buddhism.

33. Emperor Ashoka sent his daughter Sanghmitra to China for the propagation of Buddhism.

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Which one of the following cause was not responsible for the origin of Buddhism?
(a) Simplicity in the Hindu Religion
(b) Moral degradation of the BrahmAnswer:
(c) Complex caste system
(d) Birth of Great personalities.
(a) Simplicity in the Hindu Religion

2. When was Mahatma Buddha born?
(a) 466 B.C.
(b) 566 B.C.
(c) 577 B.C.
(d) 599 B.C.
(b) 566 B.C.

3. Where was Lord Buddha born?
(a) Vaisali
(b) Kaushal
(c) Kushinagra
(d) Lumbini
(d) Lumbini

4. Who was the father of Lord Buddha?
(a) Suddhodana
(b) Siddhartha
(c) Gautam
(d) None of these
(a) Suddhodana

5. What was the name of the mother of Lord Buddha?
(a) Mahamaya
(b) Prajapati Gautami
(c) Yashodhra
(d) Devki.
(a) Mahamaya

6. What was the original name of Lord Buddha?
(a) Suddhodana
(b) Vardhman
(c) Siddhartha
(d) Rahul.
(c) Siddhartha

7. How many sights impressed Lord Buddha when he decided to leave his home?
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 6
(d) 8
(b) 4

8. What was the age of Lord Buddha at the time of Great ‘Renunciation?
(a) 25 years
(b) 27 years
(c) 29 years
(d) 35 years.
(c) 29 years

9. At which place, Lord Buddha attained enlightenment?
(a) Anga
(b) Rajgriha
(c) Vaisali
(d) Bodh Gaya
(d) Bodh Gaya

10. Lord Buddha gave his first sermon at ———
(a) Kapilavastu
(b) Lumbini
(c) Kushinagra
(d) Samath
(d) Samath

11. At which place, Lord Buddha obtained Nirvana?
(a) Kushinagra
(b) Kaushal
(c) Videh
(d) Kapilavastu
(a) Kushinagra

12. What was the age of Mahatma Buddha at the time of Mahparinirvana?
(a) 45 years
(b) 55 years
(c) 80 years
(d) 85 years
(c) 80 years

13. Buddhism believed in how many Noble truths?
(a) 4
(b) 5
(c) 6
(d) 7
(a) 4

PSEB 12th Class Religion Solutions Chapter 2 Buddhist Movement upto Ashoka Period

14. The Eight fold Path is related to which religion?
(a) Jainism
(b) Buddhism
(c) Islam
(d) Zorastrianism.
(b) Buddhism

15. Buddhism believed in how many marks?
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 5
(d) 6
(a) 3

16. Which one of the following is a false statement?
(a) Mahatma Buddha believed in Karma principle.
(b) He believed in universal brotherhood of mankind.
(c) He believed in yajnas and sacrifices.
(d) He had faith in ahimsa.
(c) He believed in yajnas and sacrifices.

17. What was the minimum age fixed to join the Buddha Sangha?
(a) 15
(b) 20
(c) 30
(d) 40
(a) 15

18. Which one of the following sect is not associated with Buddhism?
(a) Hinayana
(b) Mahayana
(c) Digambara
(d) Vajrayana
(c) Digambara

19. Which one of the following text is not related to Buddhism?
(a) Tripitakas
(b) Acharang Sutra
(c) Deepvansha
(d) Saundrananda
(b) Acharang Sutra

20. In which language Lord Buddha preached?
(a) Pali
(b) Sanskrit
(c) Hindi
(d) Ardhamagdi.

21. Who was the writer of Buddha Charita?
(a) Lord Buddha
(b) Ashvaghosha
(c) Nagaijuna
(d) Shanti Dev
(b) Ashvaghosha

22. Which one of the following book was written in Sri Lanka?
(a) Tripitakas
(b) Deepvansha
(c) Buddha Charita
(d) Lalit Vistara
(b) Deepvansha

23. Which one of the following is known as Boddhi Gita?
(a) Jataka
(b) Patimokh
(c) Dhammapada
(d) Mahavansha.
(c) Dhammapada

24. What is the total number of tales given in Jatakas of the previous births of Lord Buddha?
(a) 549
(b) 649
(c) 749
(d) 849
(a) 549

25. When was the first Great Council of Buddhism organised?
(a) 485 B.C.
(b) 486 B.C.
(c) 487 B.C.
(d) 488 B.C.
(c) 487 B.C.

26. Where was the first Great Council organised?
(a) Rajgriha
(b) Lumbini
(c) Kapilavastu
(d) Kushinagra
(a) Rajgriha

27. In which council Tripitakas were written?
(a) First Great Council
(b) Second Great Council
(c) Third Great Council
(d) Fourth Great Council
(a) First Great Council

28. When was the second Great Council organised?
(a) 384 B.C.
(b) 385 B.C.
(c) 386 B.C.
(d) 387 B.C.
(d) 387 B.C.

29. Who organised the Second Great Council of Buddism?
(a) Ajatashatru
(b) Kalasoka
(c) Mahakashyap
(d) Ashoka
(b) Kalasoka

30. When was the Third Great Council of Buddhism organised?
(a) 251 B.C.
(b) 254 B.C.
(c) 255 B.C.
(d) 257 B.C.
(a) 251 B.C.

31. Where was the Third Great Council of Buddhism organised?
(a) Pataliputra
(b) Vaisali
(c) Rajgriha
(d) Lumbini
(a) Pataliputra

32. Who organised the Third Great Council?
(a) Ajatshatru
(b) Ashoka
(c) Harshavardhana
(d) Kanishka
(b) Ashoka

33. Who presided over the Fourth Great Council?
(a) Maha Kashyap
(b) Sabakami
(c) Mogalipulta Tissa
(d) Vasumitra
(d) Vasumitra

34. Who of the following was sent to Sri Lanka for preaching Buddhism by Emperor Ashoka?
(a) Rahul
(b) Aananda
(c) Aamarpali
(d) Mohindra
(d) Mohindra

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 10 Guru Gobind Singh Ji: The Foundation of Khalsa, His Battles and Personality

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class History Book Solutions Chapter 10 Guru Gobind Singh Ji: The Foundation of Khalsa, His Battles and Personality Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 History Chapter 10 Guru Gobind Singh Ji: The Foundation of Khalsa, His Battles and Personality

Long Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
What difficulties were faced by Guru Gobind Singh Ji when he attained the Gurgaddi?
Guru Gobind Singh Ji had to face many internal and external difficulties when he ascended the Gurgaddi in 1675 A.D. At that time the age of Guru Gobind Singh Ji was only 9 years, but he had an uphill task before him. First, at that time Aurangzeb was the Mughal ruler of India. He was a very bigot emperor. He could not tolerate the existence of any other religion except Islam. That is why he gave the order of martyrdom to Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji. It is necessary to curtail the cruelties of the Aurangzeb. Secondly, the Hill Chiefs due to their. vested interests were against Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Thirdly, Dhirmalias and Ramraias were conspiring against Guru Ji as they failed to get the Gurgaddi. Fourthly, at that time the Masand system became defunct due to many evils. The Masands had become corrupt. They felt happy looting the Sikhs. Fifthly, the Hindus had lost all their enthusiasm due to centuries of slavery. Consequently, it had become vital to reorganize the Sikh society.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 10 Guru Gobind Singh Ji: The Foundation of Khalsa, His Battles and Personality

Question 2.
Explain any five battles of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
1. Battle of Bhangani, 1688 A.D.: On 22nd September 1688 A.D. Guru Gobind Singh Ji attacked the Hill chiefs at Bhangani. Pir Buddhu Shah of Sadhaura rendered valuable help to Guru Gobind Singh Ji in this battle. The armies of Hill Chiefs were forced to flee the field. This grand victory indeed infused a new spirit among the Sikhs.

2. Battle ofNadaun, 1690 A.D.: After the battle of Bhangani, the Hill Chiefs refused to pay the annual Khiraj (tax) to the Mughals. Therefore, an army under the command of Alif Khan was sent against the Hill Chiefs. He attacked the army of Bhim Chand at Nadaun on March 20, 1690 A.D. Guru Gobind Singh Ji sided with Bhim Chand in this battle. Their joint army pushed back the Mughal army.

3. First Battle of Sri Anandpur Sahib, 1701 A.D.: Guru Gobind Singh Ji laid the foundation of IGialsa Panth at Sri Anandpur Sahib in 1699 A.D. As a result, people started coming to the fold of Sikhism in a large number. The Hill Chiefs saw in it, a great danger to their freedom. So, Bhim Chand, the ruler of Kahlur asked Guru Gobind Singh Ji to vacate the fort of Anandpur Sahib. When Guru Gobind Singh Ji declined to do so, Bhim Chand along with a few other Hill Chiefs invaded the fort of Sri Anandpur Sahib in 1701 A.D. When they got no success they made peace with Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

4. Second Battle of Sri Anandpur Sahib, 1794 A.D.: The Hill Chiefs wanted to take revenge from Guru Gobind Singh Ji for their insult due to continuous defeats. Thus, they attacked the fort of Sri Anandpur Sahib for the second time, in collaboration with Mughal forces in 1704 A.D. The Sikhs put up strong resistance from within the fort. The royal army took false vows to, assure Guru Gobind Singh Ji that they would not cause any harm if he left the fort. So Guru Gobind Singh Ji decided to leave the fort.

5. Battle of Chamkaur Sahib, 1704 A.D.: Guru Gobind Singh Ji reached the fortress of Chamkaur Sahib along with his 40 Sikhs on 21st December 1704 A.D. No sooner, did they reach there, a huge Mughal army besieged them on 22nd December 1704 A.D. A pitched battle took place. In this battle, Sahibzada Ajit Singh Ji and Sahibzada Jujhar Singh Ji, the two elder sons of Guru Gobind Singh Ji fought with an unparalleled example of bravery and ultimately became martyrs.

Question 3.
Write a short note on the battle of Bhangani.
Describe Guru Gobind Singh’s battle of Bhangani and also explain its importance.
The Battle of Bhangani was the first battle fought between Guru Gobind Singh Ji and the Hill Chiefs. It took place on September 22, 1688 A.D. Many factors were responsible for this battle. First, the Hill Chiefs were alarmed to see the military activities of Guru Gobind Singh. Their freedom seemed to be jeopardized. Secondly, the Hill Chiefs deemed the reforms of Guru Gobind Singh Ji an interference in their religious matters. Thirdly, these Hill Chiefs used to harass the Sikh Sangat. Fourthly, the Mughal government was also instigating these Chiefs to take steps against Guru Ji.

Fifthly, the allied forces of Hill Chiefs under the command of Bhim Chand, the ruler of Kahlur and Fateh Shah the ruler of Kashmir attacked Guru Gobind Singh’s army at Bhangani on September 22, 1688 A.D. Pir Buddhu Shah of Sadhaura rendered valuable help to Guru Gobind Singh Ji in this battle. The Sikhs bravely resisted the allied forces and became victorious in this battle. This victory boosted the morale of the Sikhs and Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s fame reached far and wide. The Hill Chiefs deemed it wise to shun Guru Ji’s opposition and establish amicable relations with him.

Question 4.
Write a short note on the battle of Nadaun.
After the battle of Bhangani, Guru Gobind Singh Ji left Paonta Sahib and went back to Sri Ana/idpur Sahib. With a view to consolidating his position, Guru Gobind Singh Ji got four forts Anandgarh, Lohgarh, Fatehgarh and Kesgarh constructed. At this time Aurangzeb was busy in the battles of the South. On finding this golden opportunity, the rulers of the Hills stopped paying annual revenue to the Mughals. When Aurangzeb came to know about it, he commanded Mian Khan, the governor of Jammu, to teach these chiefs a lesson. Mian Khan sent a huge Mughal force under the command of his general Alif Khan to take action against the Hill Chiefs. At this critical juncture, Bhim Chand requested Guru Sahib for help.

Guru Sahib accepted the request and went with a band of selected Sikhs to help him. On 20th March 1690 A.D. the battle started between the forces of Bhim Chand and Alif Khan at Nadaun, about 30 kilometers away from Kangra. In this battle, Kirpal Chand the ruler of Kangra sided with Alif Khan. Guru Sahib and his Sikhs displayed such feats of bravery in this battle that Alif Khan and his soldiers were forced to flee from the battlefield. Thus, by virtue of Guru Sahib’s cooperation Bhim Chand and his fellow Hill Chiefs emerged victoriously. After this battle, the Hill Chiefs betrayed Guru Sahib and once again compromised with the Mughals.

Question 5.
Why did Guru Gobind Singh create the Khalsa?
Give a brief description of the circumstances responsible for the creation of Khalsa.
Give in brief the causes of the creation of Khalsa.
Explain the reasons of the creation of the Khalsa Panth in 1699 A.D.
1. Tyrannical Rule of the Mughals: The Mughal emperor Aurangzeb was very fanatic. He crossed all the limits. He got many famous Hindu temples demolished in the country. He had imposed several restrictions on the performance of their religious ceremonies. Aurangzeb reimposed the Jaziya tax. He butchered a large number of non-Muslims, who refused to embrace Islam. On top of all this, he got Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji martyred. Therefore, Guru Gobind Singh Ji created the Khalsa to put an end to the growing cruelties of the Mughals.

2. Treachery of Hill Chiefs : Guru Gobind Singh Ji wanted to put an end to the Mughal empire with the help of Hill Chiefs. But Guru Gobind Singh Ji felt that the Hill Chiefs could not be trusted any more. Therefore, Guru Gobind Singh Ji decided to prepare such soldiers as might stoutly resist the Mughals. As a result, Guru Gobind Singh Ji brought the Khalsa into existence.

3. Shackles of Caste System : The caste system had been in vogue for centuries in Indian society. The Indian society was divided into several castes and sub-castes. Jhe higher-caste people treated the low-caste people like beasts. This caste system was, in fact, eating into the very vitals of Indian society. Guru Gobind Singh Ji wanted to organize a society that would be free from the shackles of caste system and socially well-knit.

4. Defective Masand System : The defective Masand system proved an important factor responsible for the creation of the Khalsa. With, the passage of time, Masands forgot their basic ideals, became corrupt and arrogant. Instead of leading the Sikhs, they started looting them. They began to say that they were the makers of Gurus. Many influential Masand’s had set up their separate Gurgaddis. In order to get rid of these Masands, Guru Sahib thought of organizing the Sikhs into a new form. So a drastic remedy was needed.

5. Mission of Guru Gobind Singh Ji : Guru Gobind Singh Ji wrote in the ‘Bachitar Natak\ “I assumed birth for the purpose of spreading Dharma (faith), saving the saints and exterpating all tyrants. For this purpose resort to the sword is legitimate.” To realize this mission Guru Gobind Singh Ji created the Khalsa.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 10 Guru Gobind Singh Ji: The Foundation of Khalsa, His Battles and Personality

Question 6.
Write a brief note on the creation of Khalsa Panth.
When and how was Khalsa founded?
On the day of Baisakhi on 30th March, 1699 A.D. Guru Gobind Singh Ji held a congregation at Kesgarh at Sri Anandpur Sahib. 80000 Sikhs attended
the congregation. When all the people sat down, Guru Ji appeared on the stage. With his sword unsheathed he spoke, “Is there any Sikh who would sacrifice his life for Dharma?” When Guru Gobind Sahib repeated his call for the third time, Bhai Daya Ram Ji offered himself for sacrifice. Guru Ji took him to a nearby tent. Guru Ji made Daya Ram sit there and returned with his sword dripping with the blood. Guru Ji demanded another head. This time Bhai Dharam Das Ji stood up. This process was repeated three more times.

In order to comply with Guru Ji’s desire, Bhai Mohkam Chand Ji, Sahib Chand Ji and Bhai Himmat Rai Ji presented themselves for sacrifice. What Guru Gobind Singh Ji had done with them in the tent is better known to him. In this way, Guru Gobind Singh Ji selected the ‘Panj Payaras’, the five beloveds. Guru Sahib gave the Nectar of Immortality (Khande Ka Pahul) to the five beloved ones and then begged to be baptised by them. For this reason Guru Gobind Singh Ji is also called ‘Aape Gur Chela’. In this way, Guru Gobind Singh Ji laid the foundation of the Khalsa.

Question 7.
When was the Khalsa created by Guru Gobind Singh Ji? What are its main principles?
Explain the main principles of the Khalsa.
Make a brief mention of the main principles of the Khalsa.
Write the main principles of the Khalsa Panth founded by Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
Guru Gobind Singh Ji created Khalsa on March 30, 1699 A.D. Its main principles were :

  • For every person who wishes to join the Khalsa Panth, it is essential to drink the Nectar of Immortality (Sikh baptism).
  • Every Khalsa will use ‘Singh’ with his name and Khalsa woman ‘Kaur’ with her name.
  • Every Khalsa will worship no god or goddess but only one God.
  • Every Khalsa will wear the five emblems i.e. Kes (hair), Kangha (comb), Kara (iron bangle), Kachha (underwear), and Kirpan (sword).
  • Every Khalsa will sacrifice his all for the protection of his Dharma and country.
  • Every Khalsa will wake up at dawn, take a bath and recite Gurbani.
  • Every Khalsa will earn his livelihood by the sweat of his brow and donate l/10th of his earnings for the spread of Dharma.
  • Every Khalsa will wear weapons and be ready to fight for righteous causes.
  • The Khalsa while meeting each other will hail, ‘Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh.
  • No Khalsa will smoke, make use of intoxicants and have extra-marital relations.
  • No Khalsa will believe in the caste system and think in terms of high and low.

Question 8.
What were the important effects of the creation of Khalsa Panth?
What were the five important effects of the creation of Khalsa in Sikh History?
Study the importance of the creation of Khalsa.
The creation of the Khalsa is considered to be an important event in Sikh history. It was a turning point not only in the history of Punjab but also in the history of India. In fact, the creation of the Khalsa had far-reaching consequences.

1. Increase in the number of Sikhs: With, the establishment of the Khalsa, there was an appreciable increase in the number of the Sikhs. Guru Gobind Singh Ji not only gave Khande-da-Pahul (Nectar of Immortality) to a large number of Sikhs but authorized any five ‘payaras’ to admit any person into the fold of the Khalsa after giving him Khande-da-Pahul. Consequently, the number of Khalsa increased day by day. Its fame, too, spread far and wide.

2. Creation of an Ideal Society: By creating the Khalsa, Guru Gobind Singh Ji laid the foundation of an ideal society^. He established ideal moral standards for everyone. He advised to help fellowmen in trouble and not to take wine and other intoxicants. Members of the Khalsa brotherhood were to consider their previous castes erased and deem themselves brothers belonging to one family.

3. End of Masand System and Sects which were against Khalsa: After Guru Hargobind Ji, the Masand system was afflicted with many evils. So, when Guru Gobind Singh Ji created the Khalsa, he gave them no place in it. Guru Gobind Singh Ji enjoined on the Sikhs to have no concern with them.

4. Uplift of the Down-trodden People: As a result of the creation of the Khalsa, the down-trodden people were uplifted. Prior to this, the ‘shudras’ and the people of other low castes were looked down upon and were badly treated. Guru Gobind Singh Ji gave them equal status with the high castes. This infused a new spirit among the people of low castes.

5. Rise of Political Power of the Sikhs: By creating the Khalsa, Guru Gobind Singh Ji infused a spirit of unique bravery and fearlessness among the Sikhs. They made innumerable sacrifices but did not falter in their Dharma. At last, the Sikhs’ dream came true and they succeeded in establishing their independent Misls in Punjab. In the 19th century, Maharaja Ranjit Singh succeeded in establishing an independent Sikh State. It was the result of the indefatigable efforts of the Khalsa.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 10 Guru Gobind Singh Ji: The Foundation of Khalsa, His Battles and Personality

Question 9.
Write a brief note on the First Battle of Sri Anandpur Sahib.
After the creation of the Khalsa in 1699 A.D., a large number of people began to join Sikhism. The increasing power of Guru Gobind Singh Ji alarmed the Hill Chiefs. Raja Bhim Chand of Kahlur, in whose territory Sri Anandpur Sahib was situated asked Guru Gobind Singh Ji to vacate Sri Anandpur Sahib. Guru Gobind Singh Ji clearly refused to comply with his demand. He clarified that Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji had made full payment for the land when he founded this town. At this Bhim Chand formed a joint front with the cooperation of other Hill Chiefs.

The allied forces under the command of Raja Bhim Chand besieged the fort of Sri Anandpur Sahib in 1701 A.D. This siege continued for many days. Though Guru Gobind Singh Ji had a very limited number of soldiers inside the fort, yet he was able to offer stiff resistance to the aggressors. When the Hill Chiefs saw that there were no chances of their success they made peace with Guru Gobind Singh Ji. It was only a tactic of Hill Chiefs to have time to launch a more vigorous attack on Guru Gobind Singh Ji.’

Question 10.
Write a brief note on the Second Battle of Sri Anandpur Sahib.
Though the Hill Chiefs had made a peace treaty with Guru Gobind Singh Ji in 1701 A.D., yet they wanted to take revenge from him for their humiliation. With this end in view, they sought the help of the Mughals. The allied army besieged the fort of Sri Anandpur Sahib in 1704 A.D. Though it tried several times to enter the fort yet all their efforts were frustrated by the brave Sikh warriors. As the siege of the fort got prolonged, the Sikhs felt a shortage of provisions. When the patience of the Sikhs began to waver due to hunger, they requested Guru Gobind Singh Ji to leave the fort of Sri Anandpur Sahib. Guru Gobind Singh Ji advised the Sikhs to wait for a few more days and to have patience.

Not accepting this advice, 40 Sikhs gave Bedawa (Document of Denunciation) to Guru Ji and left the fort. On the other hand, the combined forces were also tired of the prolonged siege of the fort. In the event of defeat, they were to face infamy. So they played a trick. They took oaths on the Quran and the cow to assure Guru Gobind Singh Ji that they would not harm him if he vacated the fort of Sri Anandpur Sahib. But as soon as Guru Gobind Singh Ji came out of the fort, the joint army fell upon the Sikhs.

Question 11.
Give a brief account of the battle of Chamkaur Sahib.
After Guru Gobind Singh Ji left the fort of Sri Anandpur Sahib, the Mughal army was fast chasing him. Guru Gobind Singh Ji took shelter in a Garhi (mud fortress) in Chamkaur Sahib along with his 40 Sikhs. Soon, thousands of Mughal soldiers laid siege to the Garhi. The battle of Chamkaur Sahib was fought in 1704 A.D. It was bloody battle. In this battle, the two elder sons of Guru Ji, Sahibzada Ajit Singh Ji and Sahibzada Jujhar Singh Ji exhibited such feats of warfare and bravery that the Mughals were taken aback. Both of them caused havoc among the allied ranks and ultimately laid down their lives. It is impossible to find any other example of such rare bravery as the Sikhs showed in this battle under the command of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. On the request of five Sikhs, Guru Ji decided to leave the Garhi of Chamkaur Sahib. While leaving the Garhi, Guru Gobind Singh Ji challenged the Mughal army by clapping loudly, but it could cause no harm to him.

Question 12.
Write a brief note on the battle of Khidrana (Sir Mukatsar Sahib).
The battle of Khidrana was the last and decisive battle fought between Guru Gobind Singh Ji and the Mughals. Pacing several hardships in the forests of Machhiwara, Guru Ji reached Khidrana- When the Mughal army came to know about it, the Faujdar of Sirhind, Wazir Khan planned to attack Guru Ji at Khidrana. Taking a vast army, he attacked the army of Guru Gobind Singh Ji at Khidrana on December 29, 1705 A.D. The Sikhs exhibited bravery in this battle also.

They launched such a fierce attack on the Mughal army that it fled from the field. In this way, in the last battle Guru Gobind Singh got a glorious victory. The 40 Sikhs who had parted company with Guru Ji in the second battle of Sri Anandpur Sahib also fought to their last .in this battle. Impressed by their sacrifice and on the request of their dying leader Mahan Singh, Guru Ji tore away the Bedawa (Document of Denunciation) and blessed them with the boon of salvation (Mukti). In this way Khidrana got the name of Sri Mukatsar Sahib.

Question 13.
How did Guru Gobind Singh Ji settle the sectarian divisions and external dangers to Sikhism?
Guru Gobind Singh Ji founded Khalsa Panth in 1699 A.D. to deal with the sectarian divisions and external dangers to Sikhism. Guru Ji declared that all his Sikhs were his Khalsa and they were directly related to him. So any Sikh who did not directly relate himself with Guru Ji, was not counted as a Sikh. In this way – Masand’s ceased to be the middlemen. Minas, Dhirmalias and Ramraias were expelled from the Sikh Panth. In order to deal with the external dangers, Guru Gobind Singh ordered all the Sikhs to remain equipped with weapons. Self¬protection and protection of others was deemed to be the first duty of the Sikhs. That is why the Sikhs could face the Mughal invasions daringly. In this way Sikh Panth came up as a new force.

Question 14.
What do you know about the literary activities of Guru Gobind Singh Describe the literary activities of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
Evaluate the literary achievements of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s contribution in the field of literature is invaluable. He himself was a poet and a literateur of high order. Most of his literature was lost in the Sirsa river at the time of his retreat from Sri Anandpur Sahib to Chamkaur Sahib. Still the literature that survived and reached us, is sufficient proof of his being a great scholar. Guru Ji used Punjabi, Hindi, Sanskrit, Persian and Arabic languages in his writings. His great works are Jaap Sahib, Bachitar Natak, Akal Ustat, Zafarnama, Chandi Di Var etc. These writings are so forceful that they even arouse the dormant energies of depressed people. Guru Gobind Singh Ji had accorded patronage to 52 top-class poets in his Durbar. Among these, the names of Senapati, Nand Lai, Gopal and Udai Rai are very prominent.

Question 15.
What is Zafarnama?
Write a note on Zafarnama.
Zafarnama is a letter of victory written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji to Aurangzeb. It was written in Persian. It was written from Dina Kangar. It was sent through Bhai Dayala to Aurangzeb who was in Deccan at that time. In this letter Guru Gobind Singh Jiboldly explained about his oppression and injustice and breaking of oaths taken on the Quran by his officials. He accused Aurangzeb of betrayal of faith. Guru Ji writes, Aurangzeb you call yourself a religious man, but you don’t have a grain of truth in you. You don’t have any faith in Khuda (God) and Mohammad.

Is it bravery that your army of lakhs, invades our fort and starving Sikhs? You and your army officials, all are traitors and cowards. Though you are a king of kings and a renowned army commander, you are miles and miles away from religion. You have one thing on the lips and quite another in the heart.” This letter of Guru Gobind Singh Ji deeply impressed the mind of Aurangzeb. He sent a message to Guru Gobind Singh Ji for a personal meeting. But Guru Sahib was yet on his way when Aurangzeb expired.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 10 Guru Gobind Singh Ji: The Foundation of Khalsa, His Battles and Personality

Question 16.
What is the importance of social reforms of Guru Gobind Singh Ji in the history?
The social reforms of Guru Gobind Singh Ji have great significance. He created Khalsa Panth and brought about a social revolution. By joining it, people of low castes got an equal status with the people of high castes. By doing so, Guru Sahib shattered the age-old shackles of caste system. Women were also administered Amrit and made equal to men. Guru Gobind Singh Ji told his followers to shun alcoholic drinks and other intoxicants. He ordered to snap relations with those who committed infanticide of female children. Guru Ji condemned sati system and purdah system in strong words and declared that such evils had no place in Khalsa Panth. Guru Gobind Singh Ji asked the Sikhs to give full respect to women. In fact, Guru Gobind Singh Ji gave birth to an ideal society.

Question 17.
“Guru Gobind Singh Ji was a builder par-excellence.” Do you agree to this argument?
Undoubtedly, Guru Gobind Singh Ji was a great organiser. The Mughal government of Aurangzeb was not at all prepared to tolerate any movement, especially the Sikh movement. It brought about the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji. Masand. system among the Sikhs had become thoroughly corrupt. The Hindus had been crestfallen since long. The Hill Chiefs had connived with the Mughal government due to their vested interests. Despite these adverse factors Guru Gobind Singh Ji gave a proof of his organising ability by creating Khalsa Panth. Really it was a great wonder that infused a new spirit among people. They became great warriors and were ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of their religion. They did not heave a sigh of relief until they put an end to the Mughal and Afghan rule in Punjab and established their independent rule. It was indeed a great contribution of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Question 18.
Mention any five characteristics of Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s personality.
1. High Character : Guru Gobind Singh Ji was a man of high character. Immoral practices like falsehood, treachery and deceit were alien to his nature. Whether it be peace or war, he always stuck to truth. He had no greed for wealth. In order to lure him to Islam, the Mughals opened up coffers of money but Guru Gobind Singh Ji was not tempted at all.

2. Embodiment of Sacrifices : Guru Gobind Singh Ji was an embodiment of sacrifices. At the age of 9, he exhorted his father Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji to sacrifice himself. For the protection of Dharma, he sacrificed all the comforts of his life. While fighting against injustice, Guru Gobind Singh Ji sacrificed his four sons, his mother and thousands of Sikhs. In fact, the sacrifice, which Guru Gobind Singh Ji made has no parallel in the history of the world.

3. As a Scholar: Guru Gobind Singh Ji was a poet and literateur of exceptional order. Guru Gobind Singh Ji made use of languages like Arabic, Persian, Punjabi, Hindi, Sanskrit etc. Among his compositions Jaap Sahib, Bachitar Natak, Zafarnama, Chandi Di Var and Akal Ustat are very prominent. These compositions are so thrilling that they had the power to infuse a new life even among the dead. Being a scholar himself Guru Gobind Singh Ji greatly respected other scholars. He had given patronage to 52 top ranking poets in his Darbar.

4. As a Warrior and General: Guru Gobind Singh Ji was a great warrior and efficient general. He was adept in horse riding and making use of arms. He always commanded his army himself in the battlefield. He always observed moral codes even in battlefields. He never attacked an unarmed and fleeing soldier.

5. As a Religious Leader: Guru Gobind Singh Ji was a great religious leader. There is, no doubt, about it that Guru Gobind Singh Ji spent a major part of his life in battles, but the aim of these battles was to protect Dharma and extirpate the tyrant. Guru Sahib created the Khalsa Panth to promote religious feelings only. Guru Sahib had advised every Khalsa to get up before sunrise, take a bath and recite Gurbani. They should not worship different deities, but one God only. They should lead a simple and pious life.

Question 19.
Mention briefly the main events of Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s relations with the Mughals.
Give a brief account of Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s relations with the Mughals.
Guru Gobind Singh Ji created Khalsa in 1699 A.D. to root out the tyrants and save dharma. The Hill Chiefs were alarmed. Aurangzeb too could not tolerate the growing influence of the Sikhs in the Punjab. He sent the Governors of Sirhind and Lahore to help the Hill Chiefs. They besieged the fort of Sri Anandpur Sahib in 1703-04 A.D. to get it vacated from Guru Gobind Singh Ji. When they saw no ray of hope to get success, they informed Guru Ji that they would not harm him if he vacated the fort. In order to assure Guru Ji they took a vow by the Quran also. But as soon as Guru Gobind Singh Ji came out of the fort they attacked.

At Chamkaur Sahib Guru Gobind Singh Ji gave a tough fight to the Mughal army. Here, two elder sons of Guru Gobind Singh Ji became martyrs while fighting. In 1705 A.D. Guru Gobind Singh Ji gave the Mughals a crushing defeat at Khidrana or Sri Mukatsar Sahib. Bahadur Shah succeeded to the throne in 1707 A.D. after the death of Aurangzeb. He established amicable illations with Guru Ji. In 1708 A.D. Guru Gobind Singh Ji immersed in Eternal Light at Nanded.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 10 Guru Gobind Singh Ji: The Foundation of Khalsa, His Battles and Personality

Essay Type Questions:

Early Career of Guru Gobind Singh Ji:

Question 1.
What do you know about the early life of Guru Gobind Singh Ji?
Guru Gobind Singh Ji, was one of the greatest personalities not only of Panjab but also of the world. He led the Sikhism with much ability and vigour that it is very difficult to find any other example. The foundation of Khalsa led to a new epoch in Sikhism. A brief description of early career of Guru Gobind Singh Ji is as under :

1. Birth and Parentage: Guru Gobind Singh Ji was born on 22nd December, 1666 A.D. at Patna. He was the only son of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji. His mother’s name was Gujari. He was first named Gobind Das or Gobind Rai. After the creation of Khalsa in 1699 A.D. his name was changed to Gobind Singh. At the time of Gobind Das’s birth, a Muslim faqir Bhikhan Shah had predicted: “This child would grow into a great man and lead the people.” His prediction proved to be true.

2. Childhood : Gobind Das spent the first six years of his childhood at Patna Sahib. Right from his childhood, he possessed the qualities of becoming a leader. Like other children, he did not play with toys, but with bows and arrows and other weapons. He would divide his companions into groups and then arrange mock-battle shows. He would act as a judge and settle his companions’ disputes. He was very fearless from his childhood. Kirpal Chand, the maternal uncle of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, was his virtual guardian, when he was a minor.

3. Education : In the beginning of 1672 A.D. Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji with his family came to settle at Sri Anandpur Sahib. Here Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji made a special arrangement for Gobind Das’s education. He got the knowledge of Gurmukhi from Bhai Sahib Chand, Sanskrit from Pt. Harjas and Persian and Arabic from Qazi Pir Mohammad. He learnt riding and use of weapons from a Rajput named Bajjar Singh.

4. Assumption of Guruship : Having grown sick of Aurangzeb’s cruelties, a group of Kashmiri Pandits with a woeful appeal approached Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji in May 1675 A.D. at Sri Anandpur Sahib. On hearing their harrowing tale, Guru Sahib fell thinking for a while. He decided to sacrifice his life. Before proceeding to Delhi in July 1675 A.D., Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji, bestowed the Guruship on Gobind Das. Thus, Gobind Das became the tenth and the last Guru of the Sikhs at the age of 9. He held the Guruship till 1708 A.D.

5. Army Organisation : After assuming Guruship in 1675 A.D., Guru Gobind Singh Ji declared that those Sikhs, who had four sons should get one of their sons recruited in the Guru Ji army for the service of Sikhism. Along with this, Guru Sahib also advised the Sikhs to offer him horses and weapons in place of money. The Sikhs complied with this advice of Guru Gobind Sahib with great enthusiasm. Soon a large number of Sikhs enlistee! themselves in the Guru Gobind Sahib’s army and enormous weapons and horses were collected.

6. Adoption of Royal Symbols : Like his grandfather Guru Hargobind Ji, Guru Gobind Singh Ji too adopted royal symbols. He would decorate ‘kalgi’ (aigrette) on his turban. He began to make use of throne and royal umbrella. Besides, Guru Sahib, like the kings, had a special drum made, which was named ‘Ranjit Nagara’.

7. Invitation from Nahan : On seeing, Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s activities, the ruler of Kahlur, Bhim Chand grew jealous of Guru Gobind Sahib. Guru Gobind Singh Ji could not afford to fight with him at that time. Guru Gobind Sahib was just thinking of shifting to some other place when the king of Nahan, Medni Parkash, invited him to Nahan. Guru Gobind Singh Ji at once accepted this invitation and went with his family from Makhowal to Nahan. Here, at a lonely but beautiful place on the bank of river Jamuna, Guru Gobind Sahib got constructed a fort which was named, Paonta Sahib. The word Paonta means a foothold ‘or a place to stay on’.

8. Activities at Paonta Sahib : At Paonta Sahib, Guru Gobind Singh Ji started giving military training to the Sikhs. They were made skilful in the art of horse-riding and musketry. On the recommendation of Pir Buddhu Shah of Sadhaura, he enlisted 500 Pathans in his army. Guru Gobind Singh Ji created high class literature at Paonta Sahib. Guru Sahib had given patronage to 52 eminent poets in his court. The purpose of Guru Sahib’s literary compositions was to sing praises of. the Almighty and to generate a new enthusiasm among the Sikhs to stand up against injustice and tyranny. Guru Ji’s contribution to literature is unique.

Battles of Pre-Khalsa and Post-Khalsa Period:

Question 2.
Decribe the important battles of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
Give a brief account of the pre-Khalsa and post-Khalsa battles of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
What were the causes of the pre-Khalsa and post-Khalsa battles of Guru Gobind Singh Ji?
Guru Gobind Singh Ji held the Guruship from 1675 to 1708 A.D. He had to fight many battles against the Hill Chiefs and the Mughals. During this period, the Sikhs not only showed the feats of their bravery in these battles, but they were also able to shake the very roots of the powerful Mughal Empire. The battles of Guru Gobind Singh Ji are divided into two phases—the battles of pre-Khalsa period and the battles of post-Khalsa period.

Battles of Pre-Khalsa Period:

1. Battle of Bhangani 1688 A.D.: The Hill Chiefs were alarmed to see the military preparations of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Consequently, they forged a joint front against Guru Gobind Singh Ji under the combined leadership of Bhim Chand, the ruler of Kahlur and Fateh Shah, the ruler of Srinagar. On September 22,1688 A.D. the joint forces of the Hill Chiefs attacked the army of Guru Gobind Singh Ji at Bhangani. A pitched battle ensued. Pir Buddhu Shah of Sadhaura rendered valuable help to Guru Ji in this battle with his forces. The army of Hill Chiefs could not stand ground against enthusiastic Sikhs, though the latter were less in number. As a result the Hill Chiefs were forced to flee the field. This grand victory indeed infused a new spirit among the Sikhs.

2. Battle of Nadaun 1690 A.D. : After suffering a humiliating defeat in the battle of Bhangani, the Hill Chiefs entered into a friendly alliance with Guru Gobind Singh Ji. They refused to pay the annual Khiraj (tax) to the Mughals. Therefore, an army under the command of Alif Khan was sent against the Hill Chiefs. He attacked the army of Bhim Chand (leader of the Hill Chiefs) at Nadaun on, March 20, 1690 A.D. Guru Gobind Singh Ji sided with Bhim Chand in this battle. Their joint army pushed back the Mughal army. Alif Khan had to run away from the battlefield to save his life. After this battle, the Hill Chiefs again made a treaty with the Mughals.

3. Some Mughal Expeditions 1694-96 A.D.: During the period from 1694 to 1696 A.D. the Mughals sent military expeditions under Khanzada, Hussain Khan, Jujhar Singh and Prince Muazzam against Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Somehow or the other, these military expeditions failed in their mission.

Battles of Post-Khalsa Period:

4. First Battle of Sri Anandpur Sahib, 1701 A.D. : Guru Gobind Singh Ji laid the foundation of Khalsa Panth at Sri Anandpur Sahib in 1699 A.D. As a result, people started coming to the fold of Sikhism in a large number. The Hill Chiefs saw in it a great danger to their freedom. So, Bhim Chand, the ruler of Kahlur asked Guru Ji to quit. When he refused the royal army sieged the fort. The Sikhs put up strong resistance from within the fort, but the seizure prolonged and the Sikhs felt the shortage of food in the fort. Consequently, some of the Sikhs requested Guru Ji to vacate the fort. When Guru Ji refused to do so, 40 Sikhs wrote a Bedawa and left Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s company. In spite of this, Guru Gobind Singh Ji continued fighting. The royal army played a trick to attain success. They took false vows to assure Guru Ji that they would not cause any harm, if he left the fort. So Guru Ji decided to leave the fort.

5. Battle of Nirmoh 1702 A.D.: After the first battle of Sri Anandpur Sahib, Guru Gobind Singh Ji went to Nirmoh, a village near Kiratpur Sahib. Here Bhim Chand, joining hands With the Mughal forces, attacked the army of Guru Gobind Singh Ji in 1702 A.D. The Sikhs fought these joint forces very bravely. At last, the Sikhs emerged victorious in this battle.

6. Battle of Basoli 1702 A.D.: Dharam Pal, the ruler of Basoli, invited Guru Gobind Singh Ji to visit him. Guru Sahib accepted the invitation and came to Basoli. The forces of Bhim Chand which had been chasing Guru Sahib, attacked Basoli, but they had to eat a humble pie.

7. Second Battle of Sri Anandpur Sahib 1704 A.D.: The Hill Chiefs wanted to avenge their insult of continuous defeats at the hands of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. So, they with the help of Mughal forces, once again attacked Sri Anandpur Sahib in May 1704 A.D. Their joint forces made several efforts to enter the fort of Sri Anandpur Sahib, but the Sikh warriors frustrated all their efforts. This siege was prolonged and continued till December 1704 A.D. Owing to this prolongation, the provisions inside the fort began to run short. When starvation began to tell upon the patience of the Sikhs, some of them suggested Guru Ji to leave the fort.

Guru Sahib advised them to have patience for some more time. But 40 Sikhs wrote Bedawa (Document of Denunciation) and deserted the Guru. On the other hand, the joint forces were also upset over the prolonged siege. In the event of defeat, they would have to face a great humiliation. So they played a trick. They swore by the Quran and the cow and assured Guru Sahib that no harm would be done to him, if he left the fort of Sri Anandpur Sahib. However, Guru Sahib did not believe such false oaths but at the insistence of Mata Gujari Ji and some other Sikhs, Guru Gobind Singh Ji left Sri Anandpur Sahib on 20th December. 1704 A.D.

8. Battle of Shahi Tibbi, 1704 : As soon as Guru Gobind Singh Ji came out of the fort, the royal army pursued them hotly. Consequently, there was confusion and consternation. A battle took place at Shahi Tibbi, where Bhai Udai Singh put up strong resistance along with his 50 companions and ultimately became martyrs.

9. Battle of Chamkaur Sahib, 1704 A.D.: Guru Gobind Singh Ji reached the fortress of Chamkaur Sahib along with his 40 Sikhs. No sooner, did they reach there, a huge Mughal army besieged them. A pitched battle took place. In this battle, Sahibzada Ajit Singh Ji and Sahibzada Jujhar Singh Ji, the two elder sons of Guru Gobind Singh Ji fought with unparalleled example of bravery. Both of them killed a large number of enemy soldiers and ultimately became martyrs. Guru Gobind Singh Ji could escape with only three of his Sikhs. Before leaving Guru Gobind Singh Ji challenged the Mughal forces and clapped loudly as a signal.

10. Battle of Khidrana, 1705 A.D.: On December 29,1705 A.D., Wazir Khan, the Mughal Faujdar of Sirhind, attacked Guru Gobind Singh Ji with a large army. In this battle, the Sikhs showed rare feats of bravery. They fought so daringly that the Mughals could not stand before them and fled away. Those 40 Sikhs, who had parted company with Guru Ji in the second battle of Sri Anandpur Sahib, also fought in this battle and became martyrs. Guru Gobind Singh Ji accorded them the boon of Mukti (salvation) on the request of their leader Maha Singh. As a result, Khidrana acquired the name of Sri Muktsar Sahib. It was the last battle fought between Guru Gobind Singh Ji and the Mughals.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 10 Guru Gobind Singh Ji: The Foundation of Khalsa, His Battles and Personality

Creation Of The Khalsa:

Question 3.
What were the circumstances that led to the creation of the Khalsa in 1699 A.D.? Also point out its significance.
What were circumstances leading to the creation of the the Khalsa? Describe its historical importance.
Describe the creation of the Khalsa by Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
Describe the creation of the Khalsa by Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Examine its significance.
Discuss in detail the foundation, its main principles and significance of the Khalsa.
What were the circumstances leading to the foundation of the Khalsa? Study its main principles and significance.
What were the circumstances leading to the creation of the Khalsa? Describe its historical importance.
What were the causes leading to the creation of the Khalsa Panth? What are its significances?
Explain the reasons and importance of the creation of the Khalsa Panth.
Write down the causes and importance of the establishment of the Khalsa Panth.
The greatest achievement of Guru Gobind Singh Ji was the creation of the Khalsa on the day of Baisakhi in 1699 A.D. With the creation of the Khalsa such a brave and self-sacrificing community of saint soldiers was born, which completely uprooted the powerful empires of the Mughals and the Afghans in Punjab. That is why the creation of the Khalsa is considered as the beginning of a new era. According to famous writer Harbans Singh,
“It was a grand Creative deed of history which wrought revolutionary change in men’s minds.”

Why was the Khalsa Created?

1. Tyrannical Rule of the Mughals : Since the days of Jahangir the cruelties of the Mughals had been increasing day-by-day. Aurangzeb crossed all the limits. He got many famous Hindu temples demolished in the country. He ha’d imposed several restrictions on the performance of theinreligious ceremonies. The Mughal emperor, Akbar had waived off the Jaziya tax, which had been imposed on the Hindus, but Aurangzeb reimposed this, hateful tax. He issued orders to demolish the Sikh Gurdwaras. He butchered a large number of non-Muslims, who refused to embrace Islam. On top of all this he got Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji martyred on 11th November, 1675 A.D. Guru Gobind Singh Ji created the Khalsa to put an end to the growing cruelties of the Mughals.

2. Treachery of Hill Chiefs : Guru Gobind Singh Ji wanted to put an end to the Mughal empire with the help of Hill Chiefs. But Guru Gobind Singh Ji felt that the Hill Chiefs could not be trusted any more. Therefore, Guru , Gobind Singh Ji decided to prepare such soldiers as might stoutly resist the Mughals. As a result, Guru Gobind Singh Ji brough the Khalsa into existence.

3. Shackles of Caste System : The caste system had been in vogue for 4 centuries in the Indian society. The Indian society was divided into several castes and sub-castes. The higher-caste people treated the low-caste people like beasts. He, who violated these caste rules, was ostracised from his caste. This caste-system was, in fact, eating into the very vitals of the Indian society. All the Sikh Gurus before Guru Gobind Singh Ji had dealt a severe blow at the caste-system through Sangat and Pangat institutions but it had not yet been totally smashed. Guru Gobind Singh Ji wanted to organise the society which would be free from the shackles of caste system and socially well-knit.

4. Defective Masand System : The defective Masand system proved an important factor responsible for the creation of the Khalsa. With the passage of time, Masands forgot their basic ideals, became corrupt and arrogant. Instead of leading the Sikhs, they started looting them. They began to say that they were the makers of Gurus. Many influential Masands had set up their separate Gurgaddis. In order to get rid of these Masands, Guru Sahib thought of organising the Sikhs into a new form. So a drastic remedy was needed.

5. Hereditary Nature of Guruship : Guru Amar Das Ji had made Guruship hereditary. It created many problems. He, who did not get Guruship, formed his separate sect and started opposing the Guru. In a bid to get Guruship, Prithi Chand, Dhir Mai and Ram Rai hatched conspiracies with the Mughals against Gurus. So, Guru Gobind Singh Ji wanted to set up a society, which had no place for Minas, Dhirmalias and Ramraias.

6. Mission of Guru Gobind Singh Ji : Guru Gobind Singh Ji wrote in the ‘Bachitar Natak’. “I assumed birth for the purpose of spreading Dharma (faith), saving the saints and exterpating all tyrants. For this purpose resort to the sword is legitimate.” To realize this mission Guru Gobind Singh Ji created the Khalsa.

How was the Khalsa Created?

On the day of Baisakhi on 30th March, 1699 A.D. Guru Gobind Singh Ji held a congregation at Kesgarh at Sri Anandpur Sahib. 80000 Sikhs attended the congregation. When all the people sat down, Guru Ji’ appeared on the stage. With his sword unsheathed he spoke, “Is there any Sikh who would sacrifice his „ life for Dharma?” When Guru Gobind Sahib repeated his call for the third time, Bhai Daya Ram Ji offered himself for sacrifice. Guru Ji took him to a nearby tent. Guru Ji made Daya Ram sit there and returned with his sword dripping with the blood. Guru Ji demanded another head. This time Bhai Dharam Das Ji stood up.

This process was repeated three more times. In order to comply with Guru Ji’s desire, Bhai Mohkam Chand Ji, Sahib Chand Ji and Bhai Himmat Rai Ji presented themselves for sacrifice. What Guru Gobind Singh Ji had done with them in the tent is better known to him. In this way, Guru Gobind Singh Ji selected the ‘Panj Payaras’, the five beloveds. Guru Sahib gave the Nectar of Immortality (Khande Ka Pahul) to the five beloved ones and then begged to be baptised by them. For this reason Guru Gobind Singh Ji is also called ‘Aape Gur Chela’. In this way, Guru Gobind Singh Ji laid the foundation of the Khalsa.

Principles of the Khalsa:

Guru Gobind Singh Ji laid down certain principles for the Khalsa. It was obligatory for every Khalsa to obey these principles. The following were the main principles :

  1. For every person who wishes to join the Khalsa Panth, it is essential to drink the Nectar of Immortality (Sikh baptism).
  2. Every Khalsa man will use ‘Singh’ as suffix with his name and Khalsa woman ‘Kaur’ with her name.
  3. Every Khalsa will worship only one God and no other god or goddess.
  4. Every Khalsa will wear the five emblems i.e. Kes (hair), Kangha (comb), Kara (iron bangle), Kachha (underwear) and Kirpan (sword).
  5. Every Khalsa will sacrifice his all for the protection of his Dharma and country.
  6. Every Khalsa will wake up at dawn, take a bath and recite Gurbani.
  7. Every Khalsa will earn his livelihood by the sweat of his brow and donate l/10th of his earnings for the spread of Dharma.
  8. Every Khalsa will wear weapons and be ready to fight for righteous causes.
  9. The Khalsa while meeting each other will hail, ‘Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh’.
  10. No Khalsa will smoke, make use of intoxicants and have extra-marital relations.
  11. No Khalsa will believe in caste system and think in terms of high and low.

Importance of the Creation of the Khalsa:

The creation of the Khalsa is considered to be an important event in the Sikh history. It was a turning point not only in the history of Punjab, but also in the history of India. In fact, the creation of the Khalsa had far-reaching consequences.

1. Increase in the number of Sikhs : With the establishment of the Khalsa, there was an appreciable increase in the number of the Sikhs. Guru, Gobind Singh Ji not only gave Khande-da-Pahul (Nectar of Immortality) to a large number of Sikhs, but authorised any five ‘payaras’ to admit any person into the fold of the Khalsa after giving him Khande-da-Pahul. Consequently, the number of the Khalsa increased day by day. Its fame, too, spread far and wide.

2. Creation of an Ideal Society : By creating the Khalsa, Guru Gobind Singh Ji laid the foundation of an ideal society. He established ideal moral standards for everyone. He advised to practise truth, to live by honest means, to abstain from covetousness, to avoid immoral association with women, to act according to the Guru Granth Sahib, to share the same kitchen, to help fellowmen in trouble and not to take wine and other intoxicants. Members of the Khalsa brotherhood were to consider their previous castes erased and deem themselves brothers belonging to one family. In the words of Dr. Inderpal Singh,
“The grandeur of Khalsa is that it is above all notions of caste and creed and speaks only of universal brotherhood.”

3. End of Masand System and Sects which were against Khalsa : After Guru Hargobind Sahib, the Masand system was afflicted with many evils. So, when Guru Gobind Singh Ji created the Khalsa, he gave them no place in it. Guru Gobind Singh Ji enjoined on the Sikhs to have no concern with them.

4. Change in the Tone of National Character : With the creation of the Khalsa, a tremendous change was effected in the whole tone of national character. Even those people, who had been considered as dregs of humanity were changed, as if by magic. The sweepers, barbers, confectioners, who had never touched the sword and whose generations had lived as grovelling slaves of the so-called higher classes, became under the stimulating leadership of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, doughty warriors, who never shrank from fear and who were ready to rush into the jaws of death at the bidding of their Guru.

5. Uplift of the Down-trodden People : As a result of the creation of the Khalsa, the down-trodden people were uplifted. Prior to this the people of low castes were looked down upon and were badly treated. Guru Gobind Singh Ji gave them equal status with the high castes. This infused a new spirit among the people of low castes. They played a vital role in the battles fought against the Mughals and the Afghans under the command of Guru Gobind Singh Ji and other Sikh leaders.

6. Democracy in the Khalsa Panth : In 1699 A.D. Guru Gobind Singh Ji requested the five beloved ones to give him the Nectar of Immortality. To do so was a radical step on the part of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Guru Gobind Singh Ji declared that any five Khalsas assembled at a place could give the Nectar of Immortality to other Sikhs and admit them into the Khalsa fold. Thus, Guru Gobind Singh Ji gave a new direction to the Indian Society.

7. Rise of Political Power of the Sikhs: By creating the Khalsa, Guru Gobind Singh Ji infused a spirit of unique bravery and fearlessness among the Sikhs. They made innumerable sacrifices, but did not falter in their Dharma. At last the Sikhs’ dream came true and they succeeded in establishing their independent Misls in Punjab. In the 19th century, Maharaja Ranjit Singh succeeded in establishing an independent Sikh State. It was the result of indefatigable efforts of the Khalsa. Dr. G. S. Dhillon aptly says, “Creation of the Khalsa was a unique phenomenon in the annals of mankind.”

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 10 Guru Gobind Singh Ji: The Foundation of Khalsa, His Battles and Personality

Question 4.
Make an evaluation of the character and personality of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
Discuss the character and achievements of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
Illustrate historically the multi-dimensional personality of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
Write in detail about Guru Gobind Singh Ji as a Man, as a Soldier and as a Religious Leader.
What do you know about Guru Gobind Singh Ji as a Man, as a Soldier, as a Scholar and as a Saint?
Give an account of the career and achievements of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s personality had multi-faceted qualities which is beyond the power of a humble writer like me to describe. He was a versatile embodiment of sacrifice, high-class poet, great warrior and general enemy of the tyrant, beneficent, a great social reformer, advocate of democratic principles, matchless organiser and great prophet. Undoubtedly, Guru Gobind Singh Ji was a perfect Guru incarn’ate.

As a Man:

1. Physical Appearance : Guru Gobind Singh Ji possessed a very impressive and charming personality. He had a tall stature, fair complexion and stout body. His face had a glow and bright eyes. His tongue was superlatively sweet. His robes were extremely beautiful and he was always equipped with arms. He invariably held a white hawk in his right hand. He would ride a beautiful steed while going out.

2. Householder: Guru Gobind Singh Ji was an obedient son, thoughtful father and an ideal husband. Against his own wish, but in compliance with his mother’s desire, he vacated the fort of Sri Anandpur Sahib. After it, he had to face several hardships, but he never grumbled or complained of it. Guru Gobind Singh Ji brought up his sons very carefully.

3. High Character : Guru Gobind Singh Ji was a man of high character. Immoral practices like falsehood, treachery and deceit were alien to his nature. Whether it be peace or war, he always stuck to truth. He had no greed for wealth. In order to lure him to Islam, the Mughals opened up coffers of money but Guru Gobind Singh Ji was not tempted at all.

4. Embodiment of Sacrifices : Guru Gobind Singh Ji was an embodiment of sacrifices. At the age of 9, he exhorted his father Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji to sacrifice himself. For the protection of Dharma, he sacrificed all the comforts of his life. While fighting against injustice, Guru Gobind Singh Ji sacrificed his four sons,
his mother and thousands of Sikhs. In fact, the sacrifice, which Guru Gobind • Singh Ji made has no parallel in the history of the world.

As a Scholar:

Guru Gobind Singh Ji was a poet and litterateur of exceptional order. Guru Gobind Singh Ji made use of languages like Arabic, Persian, Punjabi, Hindi, Sanskrit etc. Among his compositions Jaap Sahib, Bachitar Natak, Zafarnama, Chandi Di Var and Akal Ustat are very prominent. These compositions are so thrilling that they had the power to infuse a new life even among the dead. Being a scholar himself Guru Gobind Singh Ji greatly respected other scholars. He had given patronage to 52 top ranking poets in his Darbar. Among these the names of Senapat, Nand Lai, Hans Ram, Gopal and Udai Rai may be prominently mentioned. Devindra Kumar is quite right when he says,
“He was a poet par excellence.”

As a Warrior and General:

Guru Gobind Singh Ji was a great warrior and efficient general. He was adept in horse riding and making use of arms. He always commanded his army himself in the battlefield. He always observed moral codes even in battlefields. He never attacked an unarmed and fleeing soldier.
Guru Gobind Singh Ji was also a great general. In the, battle of Bhangani, Guru Gobind Singh Ji with a handful of his soldiers inflicted a crushing defeat on the combined forces of Hill Chiefs. The same was the case in the first battle of Sri Anandpur Sahib. The bravery with which Guru Golnnd Singh Ji with his forty Sikhs fought against the heavy Mughal forces in the battle of Chamkaur Sahib has no parallel in the history of the world. In the battle of Khidrana too the number ‘ of his soldiers was far less than that of Mughal forces. However, the Sikhs inflicted such heavy losses on the Mughals that they not only fled from-the battlefield, but also could not dare to fight against Guru Gobind Sahib any more.

As a Religious Leader:

Guru Gobind Singh Ji was a great religious leader. There is, no doubt, about it that Guru Gobind Singh Ji spent a major part of his life in battles, but the aim of these battles was to protect Dharma and extirpate the tyrant. Guru Sahib created the Khalsa Panth to promote religious feelings only. Guru Sahib had advised every Khalsa to get up before sunrise, take a bath and recite Gurbani. They should not worship different deities, but one God only. They should lead a simple and pious life. One gets the evidence of his religious greatness when one finds how on receiving the news of his sons martyrdom, he got up at once and thanked God that his sons had laid down their lives for the promotion of religious cause. Dr. I. B. Banerjee,
“Whatever else he might have been, Guru Gobind Singh was first and foremost a great religious leader.”

As a Social Reformer:

Guru Gobind Singh Ji was a great social reformer. His social reforms are very significant. He.radicalized the society by creating the Khalsa Panth. In it, the people of low-castes were placed at the same level as those of high-castes. By doing so, Guru Sahib broke the centuries old shackles of casteism. Women were baptised too and made equal with men. Guru Sahib advised his disciples to shun intoxicants like liquor, ‘bhang’ etc. Guru Ji commanded them not to have any relations with those who killed new-born girls. Guru Sahib strongly condemned sati and purdah evils and declared that such evils had no place in Khalsa society. Guru Ji enjoined on the Sikhs to give full respect to women. In fact, Guru Gobind Singh Ji created an ideal society.

As an Organiser:

Guru Gobind Singh’Ji was a top-class organiser. At that time, the Mughal Govt, under Aurangzeb was not prepared to brook any movement especially the Sikh movement. He had martyred Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji. The Masand system among the Sikhs had become very corrupt. The Hindus had been demoralised for a pretty long time. The Hill Chiefs had sided with the Mughal Govt, for selfish motives. Despite such adverse elements, Guru Gobind Singh Ji gave an evidence of his organizational skill by creating the Khalsa. Really, it was a great achievement. It infused a new spirit into the people. They becarrffe great warriors and got ready to sacrifice their everything in the name of religion. Famous writer, Prof. Madanjit Kaur is quite right when she says,
“Guru Gobind Singh’s contributions had left imprints of deep impact on the canvas of Indian history and world civilisation.”

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
What difficulties were faced by Guru Gobind Singh Ji when he attained the Gurgaddi?

  • At the time of assumption of Guruship the age of Guru Gobind Singh Ji was only 9 years.
  • Aurangzeb was a very bigot emperor. He could not tolerate the existence of any other religion except Islam,
  • It was necessary to curtail the cruelties of Aurangzeb.
  • The Hill Chiefs due to their vested interests were against Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
  • The Masands had become corrupt. It was necessary to deal sternly with them.

Question 2.
What kind of education was given to Guru Gobind Singh Ji?

  • Guru Gobind Singh Ji was taught Gurmukhi by Bhai Sahib Chand, Sanskrit by Pt. Harjas, Persian and Arabic by Qazi Pir Mohammad.
  • He got religious education from Mata. Gujari Ji and father Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.
  • He was given warfare training by Bhai Bajar Singh.

Question 3.
What is the importance of Paonta Sahib?
In 1685 A.D. Guru Gobind Singh Ji got built a fort named Paonta Sahib. Paonta meant a place to stay in. Guru Ji stayed at this place from 1685 to 1688 A.D. Guru Ji decided here to infuse a new spirit among the Sikhs and to put an end to the tyrannical rule of the Mughals with these objects. Here Guru Gobind Singh Ji gave a new direction to the warfare and literary activities.

Question 4.
Why did Bhim Chand not like the presence of Guru Gobind Singh Ji at Sri Anandpur Sahib?

  • He could not tolerate the rapidly increasing power of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
  • He could not tolerate the foundation of Khalsa laid by Guru Gobind Singh Ji at Sri Anandpur Sahib’in 1699 A.D.
  • Bhim Chand had asked Guru Gobind Singh Ji to vacate Sri Anandpur Sahib. But the Guru Ji had refused to do so.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 10 Guru Gobind Singh Ji: The Foundation of Khalsa, His Battles and Personality

Question 5.
Write a short, note on the battle of Bhangani.
Describe Guru Gobind Singh’s battle of Bhangani and also explain its importance.
Many factors were responsible for the battle of Bhangani.

  • The Hill Chiefs were alarmed to see the military activities of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
  • The Hill Chiefs deemed the reforms of Guru Gobind Singh Ji .an interference in their religious matters,
  • Bhim Chand, the ruler of Kahlur, and Fateh Shah, the ruler of Kashmir attacked Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s army at Bhangani on September 22, 1688 A.D. The Sikhs bravely resisted the allied forces and became victorious in this battle.

Question 6.
Write a short note on the battle of Nadaun.
After the battle of Bhangani, the Hill Chiefs established friendly relations with Guru Gobind Singh Ji. They stopped paying annual revenue to the Mughals. Mughal force Was sent under the command of Alif Khan to take action against the Hill Chiefs. At this critical juncture, Bhim Chand requested Guru Sahib for help. Guru Sahib accepted the request. On 20th March 1690 A.D. the battle of Nadaun was started. In this battle, the Mughals were defeated.

Question 7.
Why did Guru Gobind Singh Ji create the Khalsa?
Give a brief description of the circumstances responsible for the creation of the Khalsa.
Give in brief the causes of the creation of Khalsa.
What were the three main causes of the creation of Khalsa?
What were the three main causes of the origin of Khalsa?
Write down the causes of the foundation of the Khalsa Panth.

  • The tyranny of the Mughals was increasing day by day. He started converting non-Muslims to Islam at the point of the sword,
  • Guru Gobind Singh Ji needed such soldiers who could daringly fight against the Mughals.
  • Guru Gobind Singh Ji wanted to create a society, where there was no room for high or low.
  • He wanted to do away with the corrupt Masand system and organize the Sikhs in a new way.

Question 8.
What does Guru Gobind Singh Ji say about Masands?

  • They had become very corrupt and careless.
  • They had become very greedy.
  • They had become very licentious.
  • They had become very haughty.

Question 9.
Write a brief note on the creation of Khalsa Panth.
When, where, and how was Khalsa founded?
How was the Khalsa sect created?
The foundation of Khalsa Panth was laid by Guru Gobind Singh Ji on the 30th of March, 1699 A.D., on the eve of Baisakhi at Kesgarh Sahib in Sri Anandpur Sahib. Guru Ji appeared on the stage with his sword unsheathed and spoke, “Is there any Sikh who would sacrifice his life for Dharma”. When Guru Sahib repeated his call for the third time, Bhai Daya Ram Ji offered himself for sacrifice. Subsequently Bhai Dharam Das Ji, Bhai Mohkam Chand Ji, Bhai Sahib Chand Ji and Bhai Himmat Rai Ji presented themselves for sacrifice. In this way, Guru Gobind Singh Ji selected the ‘Panj Payaras’, and thus laid the foundation of the Khalsa.

Question 10.
When was the Khalsa created by Guru Gobind Singh Ji? What are its main principles?
What were the main principles of the Khalsa Panth?
Make a brief mention of the main principles of the Khalsa.
Write any three principles of the Khalsa Panth founded by Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

  • For every person who wishes to join the Khalsa Panth, it is essential to drink the Nectar of Immortality,
  • Every Khalsa man will use ‘Singh’ with his name and Khalsa woman ‘Kaur’ with her name.
  • Every Khalsa will worship no god or goddess but only one God.
  • Every Khalsa will wear the five emblems i. e. Kes, Kangha, Kara, Kachha and Kirpan.
  • Every Khalsa will sacrifice his all for the protection of his Dharma and country.

Question 11.
What was the importance of the creation of Khalsa Panth in Sikh History?
Study the importance of the creation of Khalsa.
What were the three main results of the creation of Khalsa Panth?

  • With its establishment, a large number of people began to join Sikhism,
  • It also led to the establishment of an ideal society,
  • There was no room for the concept of high and low in it. All the castes were treated equally,
  • Guru Gobind Singh Ji instilled a new spirit among the Sikhs by creating Khalsa. The weakest of the weak among the Sikhs became a lion in spirit,
  • To tolerate injustice was now considered a sin by every Sikh.

Question 12.
Write a brief note on the first battle of Sri Anandpur Sahib.
The increasing power of Guru Gobind Singh Ji alarmed the Hill Chiefs. Raja Bhim Chand of Kahlur asked Guru Gobind Singh Ji to vacate Sri Anandpur Sahib. Guru Gobind Singh Ji clearly refused to comply with his demand. He clarified that Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib had made foil payment for the land when he founded this town. At this Bhim Chand formed a joint front with the cooperation of other Hill Chiefs. The allied forces under the command of Raja Bhim Chand besieged the fort of Sri Anandpur Sahib in 1701 A.D. When the Hill Chiefs saw that there were no chances of their success they made peace.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 10 Guru Gobind Singh Ji: The Foundation of Khalsa, His Battles and Personality

Question 13.
Write a brief note on the second battle of Sri Anandpur Sahib.
The allied army of Hill Chiefs and the Mughals besieged the fort of Sri Anandpur Sahib in 1704 A.D. As the siege of the fort got prolonged, 40 Sikhs gave Bedawa to Guru Ji and left the fort. So, the allied army played a trick. They took oaths oh the Quran and the cow to assure Guru Gobind Singh Ji that they would not harm him if he vacated the fort of Sri Anandpur Sahib. But, as soon as Guru Gobind Singh Ji came out of the fort, the joint army fell upon the Sikhs.

Question 14.
Give a brief account of the battle of Chamkaur Sahib.
After Guru Gobind Singh Ji left the fort of Sri Anandpur Sahib, Guru Gobind Singh Ji took shelter in a Garhi (mud fortress) in Chamkaur Sahib along with his 40 Sikhs. Soon, thousands of Mughal soldiers laid siege to the Garhi. The battle of Chamkaur Sahib was fought on 22 December 1704 A.D. It was a bloody battle. In this battle, the two elder sons of Guru ‘Ji, Sahibzada Ajit Singh Ji and Sahibzada Jujhar Singh Ji caused havoc among the allied ranks and ultimately laid down their lives. ‘‘

Question 15.
Write a brief note on the battle of Khidrana (Sri Mukatsar Sahib).
How was Khidrana named Sri Mukatsar Sahib?
The Faujdar of Sirhind Wazir Khan had made a surprise attack on the army of Guru Gobind Singh Ji at Khidrana on December 29, 1705 A.D. The Sikhs exhibited bravery in this battle also. In this battle, Guru Gobind Singh Ji got a glorious victory. Impressed by the sacrifice made by the 40 Sikhs and at the request of their dying leader Mahan Singh, Guru Ji blessed them with the boon of salvation (Mukti). In, this way Khidrana got the name of Sri Muktsar Sahib.

Question 16.
How did Guru Gobind Singh Ji settle the sectarian divisions and external dangers to Sikhism?
Guru Gobind Singh Ji founded Khalsa Panth in 1699 A.D. to deal with the sectarian divisioifs and external dangers to Sikhism. Guru Ji declared that all his Sikhs were his Khalsa and they were directly related to him. In this way Masands ceased to be the middlemen. Minas, Dhirmalias and Ramraias were expelled from the Sikh Panth. In order to deal with the external dangers, Guru Gobind Singh Ji ordered all the Sikhs to remain equipped with weapons.

Question 17.
What do you know about the literary activities of Guru Gobind Singh Ji?
Describe the literary activities of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
Evaluate the literary activities of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s contribution in the field of literature is invaluable. He himself was a poet’and a literateur of high order. Guru Ji used Punjabi, Hindi, Sanskrit, Persian and Arabic languages in his writings. His great works are Jaap Sahib, Bachitar Natak,’Akal Ustat, Zafarnama, Chandi Di Var etc. Guru Gobind Singh Ji had accorded patronage to 52 top-class poets in his Darbar.

Question 18.
What is Zafarnama? What is its historical importance?
What do you know about the Zafarnama written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji?
Write a short note on Zafarnama.
Zafarnama is a letter of victory written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji to Aurangzeb. It was written in Persian. It was written from Dina Kangar. In this letter Guru Gobind Singh Ji boldly explained about his oppression and injustice and breaking of oaths taken on the Quran by his officials. He accused Aurangzeb of betrayal of faith.

Question 19.
What is the importance of social reforms of Guru Gobind Singh Ji in History?

  • He created Khalsa Panth and brought about a social revolution. By joining it, people of low castes got an equal status with the people of high castes.
  • Women were also administered Amrit and made equal to men.
  • Guru Gobind Singh Ji told his followers to shun alcoholic drinks and other intoxicants.
  • He instilled a new spirit of bravery and fearlessness in his Sikhs,
  • He taught the lesson of self-sacrifice for the sake of cause.

Question 20.
“Guru Gobind Singh Ji was a builder par excellence.” Do you agree to this argument?
Undoubtedly, Guru Gobind Singh Ji was a great organizer. Guru Gobind Singh Ji gave proof of his organizing ability by creating Khalsa Panth. Really, it was a great wonder that infused a new spirit among people. They became great warriors and were ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of their religion. They did not heave a sigh of relief until they put an end to the Mughal and Afghan rule in Punjab and established their independent rule.

Question 21.
Mention the characteristics of Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s personality.

  • Guru Gobind Singh Ji was a great warrior and general of his time.
  • He was a great social reformer.
  • He was a man of high character.
  • Guru Gobind Singh Ji was a great religious leader.
  • He was also a superb scholar.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 10 Guru Gobind Singh Ji: The Foundation of Khalsa, His Battles and Personality

Objective Type Questions:

Question 1.
Who was the 10th Guru of the Sikhs?
Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Question 2.
When was Guru Gobind Singh Ji born?
December 22, 1666 A.D.

Question 3.
Where was Guru Gobind Singh Ji born?
Patna Sahib.

Question 4.
Name the mother of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
Mata Gujari Ji.

Question 5.
Name the father of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.

Question 6.
What was the original name of Guru Gobind Singh Ji?
Gobind Das or Gobind Rai.

Question 7.
Where did Guru Gobind Singh Ji spend his childhood?
He spent his childhood at Patna Sahib.

Question 8.
When did Guru Gobind Singh Ji get Gurgaddi?
1675 A.D.

Question 9.
How many Sahibzadas did Guru Gobind Singh Ji have?

Question 10.
What was the name of Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s eldest Sahibzada?
Sahibzada Ajit Singh.

Question 11.
Who was the ruler of Kahlur (Bilaspur) at the time of Guru Gobind Singh Ji?
Bhim Chand.

Question 12.
What is meant by Paonta Sahib?
Foot-rest or a place to stay.

Question 13.
Give the name of any one poet of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Question 14.
Give the name of the Nagara (Drum), of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
Ranjit Nagara.

Question 15.
When was Ranjit Nagara beaten?
At the time of starting of war, Guru’s visit on a hunting tour and starting of langar.

Question 16.
Who was Bhim Chand?
The ruler of Kahlur.

Question 17.
When was the first battle between Guru Gobind Singh Ji and Hill Chiefs fought?
When was the battle of Bhangani fought?
1688 A.D.

Question 18.
As a result of whose help could Guru Gobind Singh Ji win the battle of Bhangani?
Pir Buddhu Shah.

Question 19.
When was the battle of Nadaun fought?
1690 A.D.

Question 20.
What was the first name of Sri Anandpur Sahib?
What was the original name of Sri Anandpur Sahib?
Chakk Nanaki or Makhawal.

Question 21.
Which Guru abolished the Masand system?
Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Question 22.
Which Guru laid the foundation of the Khalsa?
Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Question 23.
When did Guru Gobind Singh Ji laid the foundation of the Khalsa?
30 March, 1699.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 10 Guru Gobind Singh Ji: The Foundation of Khalsa, His Battles and Personality

Question 24.
Where did Guru Gobind Singh Ji lay the foundation of the Khalsa?
Sri Anandpur Sahib.

Question 25.
Write the hidin reason of the creation of Khalsa.
To defend dharma and finish tyranny.

Question 26.
Name any one of the Panj Pyaras blessed by Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
Bhai Daya Singh Ji.

Question 27.
What is meant by Khande-ka-Pahul?
The nectar (Amrit) prepared with double edged sword.

Question 28.
Name any one principle of the Khalsa.
Each Khalsa will worship only one God and none else.

Question 29.
How many symbols were each Khalsa enjoined to wear by Guru Gobind Singh Ji?

Question 30.
What was the importance of the foundation of Khalsa?
It infused a new enthusiasm among the Sikhs.

Question 31.
When was the first battle of Sri Anandpur Sahib fought?
1701 A.D.

Question 32.
When was the second battle of Sri Anandpur Sahib fought,?
1704 A.D.

Question 33.
Where were the two younger Sahibzadas of Guru Gobind Singh Ji martyred?

Question 34.
Who was the Faujdar of Sirhind during the pontificate of Guru Gobind Singh Ji?
Wazir Khan.

Question 35.
In which battle were the two elder sons of Guru Gobind Singh Ji got martyrdom?
In the battle of Chamkaur Sahib.

Question 36.
When did the battle of Chamkaur Sahib take place?
Dec. 22, 1704 A.D.

Question 37.
Name the two Muslim brothers who helped Guru Gobind Singh Ji in the jungle of Machhiwaraw
Nabi Khan and Gani Khan.

Question 38.
Which was the letter written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji to Aurangzeb?

Question 39.
By whom was Zafarnama written?
Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Question 40.
From which place did Guru Gobind Singh Ji write Zafarnama to Aurangzeb?
Dina Kangar.

Question 41.
In which language was Zafarnama written?

Question 42.
Which was the last battle fought between Guru Gobind Singh Ji and the Mughals?
The battle of Khidrana.

Question 43.
When was the battle of Khidrana fought?
1705 A.D.

Question 44.
To which battle were the 40 Muktas (emancipators) related?
Battle of Khidrana.

Question 45.
Who was Bhai Mahan Singh?
He was the leader of the Forty Muktas who became martyrs in the battle of Khidrana.

Question 46. What is the modern name of Khidrana?
Sri Muktsar Sahib.

Question 47.
Who wrote Bachitar Natak?
Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Question 48.
Who was Bhai Nand Lai?
Famous court poet of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Question 49.
Which place is known as Guru Ki Kashi?
Talwandi Sabho.

Question 50.
Which Guru gave Adi Granth the status of Guru Granth Sahib?
Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Question 51.
When and where did Guru Gobind Singh Ji immerse with Immortal?
October 7, 1708 A.D., Nanded.

Question 52.
At which place did Guru Gobind Singh Ji immerse with Immortal?

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 10 Guru Gobind Singh Ji: The Foundation of Khalsa, His Battles and Personality

Fill in the blanks:

1. Guru Gobind Singh Ji was the ……………. Guru.

2. Guru Gobind Singh Ji was bom on ……………..
December 22, 1666 A.D.

3. Guru Gobind Singh Ji was bom at ……………….
Patna Sahib

4. The name of the father of Guru Gobind Singh Ji was ………………
Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji

5. The name of the mother of Guru Gobind Singh Ji was …………….

6. Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji learned Gurmukhi from …………….. in his childhood.
Bhai Sahib Chand

7. Guru Gobind Singh Ji succeeded to Gurgaddi in ………………..
1675 A.D.

8. Guru Gobind Singh Ji had …………… sons.

9. Guru Gobind Singh Ji built the Nagara (Drum) named ………………

10. The first battle between Guru Gobind Singh Ji and Hill Chiefs was fought at ……………….

11. The battle of Bhangani was fought in ………………
1688 A.D.

12. The battle of Nadaun was fought in ………………
1690 A.D.

13. Guru Gobind Singh Ji laid the foundation of Khalsa at …………….
Sri Anandpur Sahib

14. Khalsa Panth was established in …………….
1699 A.D.

15. The first pyara of Guru Gobind Singh Ji was ………………
Bhai Daya Singh

16. The first battle of Sri Anandpur Sahib was fought in ……………..
1701 A.D.

17. The second Battle of Sri Anandpur Sahib was fought in …………………
1704 A.D.

18. In the battle of Chamkaur Sahib, the two elder sons …………… and …………. of Guru Gobind Singh Ji got martyrdom.
Ajit Singh,
Jujhar Singh

19. The two Muslim brothers ……………. and …………….. helped Guru Gobind Singh Ji in the jungle of Machhiwara.
Nabi Khan,
Gani Khan

20. ……………….. was written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji at Dina Kangar.

21. Zafarnama was written in ……………… language.

22. The last battle fought between the Mughals and Guru Gobind Singh was ……………..

23. The battle of Khidrana was fought in ………………..
1705 A.D.

24. The modern name of Khidrana is ………………..
Sri Muktsar Sahib

25. ‘Chali Muktas’ are related to the battle of ………………

26. The autobiography of Guru Gobind Singh Ji is ……………….
Bachitar Natak

27. The literature ‘Krishna Avtar’ was compiled by ………………
Guru Gobind Singh Ji

28. Nand Lai was the ……………. of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
Court poet

29. Guru Gobind Singh Ji immersed in Eternal Light in ……………….
1708 A.D.

30. Guru Gobind Singh Ji immersed in Eternal Light at ……………….

True or False:

1. The 10th Guru of the Sikhs was Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

2. Guru Gobind Singh Ji was born on December 22, 1666 A.D.

3. Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s father name was Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.

4. The name of the mother of Guru Gobind Singh Ji was Gujari Ji.

5. The original name of Guru Gobind Singh Ji was Gobind Das (Rai).

6. Guru Gobind Singh Ji spent his childhood in Patna Sahib.

7. Five sons were blessed to Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

8. The naine of the eldest Sahibzada of Guru Gobind Singh Ji was Ajit Singh.

9. The two famous poets of Guru Gobind Singh Ji were Sainapat and Nand Lai.

10. The battle of Bhangani was fought in 1688 A.D.

11. Bhim Chand helped Guru Gobind Singh Ji in the battle of Bhangani.

12. The battle of Nadaun was fought between Guru Gobind Singh Ji and the Mughals in 1690 A.D.

13. In 1609 A.D. Guru Gobind Singh founded Khalsa Panth.

14. Guru Gobind Singh Ji selected ‘Panj Pyaras’ at the time of creation of Khalsa.

15. The first Panj Pyara was Bhai Dharam Das Ji.

16. Masand system was abolished by Guru Gobind Singh Ji at the time of creation of Khalsa.

17. The first battle of Sri Anandpur Sahib was fought in 1701 A.D.

18. The second battle of Sri Anandpur Sahib was fought in 1706 A.D.

19. The battle of Chamkaur Sahib was fought in 1704 A.D.

20. Zafarnama, the letter was written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji to Mughal emperor Shah Jahan.

21. Zafarnama was written in Persian.

23. The battle of Khidrana was the last battle fought between Guru Gobind Singh Ji and the Mughals.

24. The battle of Khidrana was fought in 1705 A.D.

25. Sri Muktsar Sahib is the modern name of Khidrana.

26. Bachitar Natak is the autobiography of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

27. Guru Gobind Singh Ji immersed in Eternal Light in 1707 A.D.

28. Guru Gobind Singh Ji immersed in Eternal Light at Nanded.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 10 Guru Gobind Singh Ji: The Foundation of Khalsa, His Battles and Personality

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Who was the tenth Guru of the Sikhs?
(a) Guru Hargobind Ji
(b) Guru Gobind Singh ji
(c) Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji
(d) Guru Har Krishan Ji.
(b) Guru Gobind Singh ji

2. When was Guru Gobind Singh Ji born?
(a) In 1646 A.D.
(b) In 1656 A.D.
(c) In 1666 A.D.
(d) In 1676 A.D.
(c) In 1666 A.D.

3. Where was Guru Gobind Singh Ji born?
(a) Patna Sahib
(b) Goindwal Sahib
(c) Khadur Sahib
(d) Sri Anandpur Sahib.
(a) Patna Sahib

4. What was the name of the father of Guru Gobind Singh Ji?
(a) Guru Hargobind Ji
(b) Guru Har Rai Ji
(c) Guru Har Krishan Ji
(d) Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.
(d) Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.

5. What was the name of the mother of Guru Gobind Singh Ji?
(a) Gujari Ji
(b) Nanaki Ji
(c) Sulakhni Ji
(d) Khivi Ji.
(a) Gujari Ji

6. What was the original name of Guru Gobind Singh Ji?
(a) Gobind Nath
(b) Gobind Das
(c) Bhai Jetha Ji
(d) Bhai Lehria Ji.
(b) Gobind Das

7. How many Sahibzadas Guru Gobind Singh Ji had?
(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) Five.
(c) Four

8. When did Guru Gobind Singh Ji get Guruship?
(a) In 1666 A.D.
(b) In 1670 A.D.
(c) In 1672 A.D.
(d) In 1675 AD.
(d) In 1675 AD.

9. Which was the main literary centre of Guru Gobind Singh Ji?
(a) Sirhind
(b) Paonta Sahib
(c) Patna Sahib
(d) Khadur Sahib.
(b) Paonta Sahib

16. What was the name of the Nagara (Drum) of Guru Gobind Singh Ji?
(a) Ranjit Nagara
(b) Nalwa Nagara
(c) Khalsa Nagara
(d) Panth Nagara.
(a) Ranjit Nagara

11. Who was Bhim Chand?
(a) Ruler of Kangra
(b) Ruler of Srinagar
(c) Ruler of Kahlur
(d) Ruler of Guler.
(c) Ruler of Kahlur

12. When was the battle of Bhangani fought?
(a) In 1686 A.D.
(b) In 1687 A.D.
(c) In 1688 A.D.
(d) In 1690 A.D.
(c) In 1688 A.D.

13. As a result of whose help could Guru Gobind Singh .Ji win the battle of Bhangani?
(a) Pir Buddhu Shah
(b) Saint Mian Mir
(c) Pir Rehmat Shah
(d) Fateh Shah.
(a) Pir Buddhu Shah

14. When was the battle of Nadaun fought?
(a) In 1688 A.D.
(b) In 1690 A.D.
(c) In 1694 A.D.
(d) In 1695 A.D.
(b) In 1690 A.D.

15. By which Guru the Masand system was abolished?
(a) Guru Arjan Dev Ji
(b) Guru Hargobind Ji
(c) Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji
(d) Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
(d) Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

16. Which Guru laid the foundation of the Khalsa?
(a) Guru Nanak Dev Ji
(b) Guru Arjan Dev Ji
(c) Guru Hargobind Ji
(d) Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
(d) Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

17. When was Khalsa founded?
(a) In 1688 A.D.
(b) Ih 1690 A.D.
(c) In 1695 A.D.
(d) In 1699 A.D.
(d) In 1699 A.D.

18. Where was Khalsa founded by Guru Gobind Singh Ji?
(a) Amritsar
(b) Sri Anandpur Sahib
(c) Kiratpur Sahib
(d) Goindwal Sahib.
(b) Sri Anandpur Sahib

19. Who was the first Piara blessed by Guru Gobind Singh Ji?
(a) Bhai Daya Ram Ji
(b) Bhai Sahib Chand Ji
(c) Bhai Himmat Rai Ji
(d) Bhai Dharam Das Ji.
(a) Bhai Daya Ram Ji

20. How many symbols were each Khalsa enjoined to wear by Guru Gobind Singh Ji?
(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) Five.
(d) Five.

21. When was the first battle of Sri Anandpur Sahib fought?
(a) In 1701 A.D.
(d) In 1702 AD.
(c) In 1704 A.D.
(d) In 1705 A.D.
(a) In 1701 A.D.

22. When was the second battle of Sri Anandpur Sahib fough
(a) In 1701 A.D.
(b) In 1702 AD.
(c) In 1704 A.D.
(d) In 1705 AD.
(c) In 1704 A.D.

23. In which battle 40 Sikhs wrote Bedawa?
(a) Battle of Bhangani
(b) First battle of Sri Anandpur Sahib
(c) Second battle of Sri Anandpur Sahib
(d) Battle of Chamkaur Sahib.
(c) Second battle of Sri Anandpur Sahib

24. When was the battle of Chamkaur Sahib fought?
(a) In 1702 A.D.
(b) In 1703 A.D.
(c) In 1704 A.D.
(d) In 1706 A.D.
(c) In 1704 A.D.

25. In which battle the two elder sons of Guru Gobind Singh Ji got martyrdom?
(a) Battle of Khidrana
(b) Battle of Chamkaur Sahib
(c) Second battle of Sri Anandpur Sahib
(d) Battle of Bhangani.
(b) Battle of Chamkaur Sahib

26. Which letter was written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji for Aurangzeb?
(a) Zafarnama
(b) Shastranam Mala
(c) Bachitar Natak
(d) Khat-i-Aurangzeb.
(a) Zafarnama

27. In which script Zafarnama was written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji?
(a) Hindi
(b) Sanskrit
(c) Punjabi
(d) Persian.
(d) Persian.

28. When was the battle of Khidrana fought?
(a) In 1703 A.D.
(b) In 1704 A.D.
(c) In 1705 A.D.
(d) In 1706 A.D.
(c) In 1705 A.D.

29. To which battle were the 40 Muktas related?
(a) Battle of Chamkaur Sahib
(b) Battle of Khidrana
(c) First battle of Sri Anandpur Sahib
(d) Second battle of Sri Anandpur Sahib.
(b) Battle of Khidrana

30. Which town was named Sri Muktsar Sahib?
(a) Bhangani
(b) Makhowal
(c) Khidrana
(d) Nirmoh.
(c) Khidrana

31. Who wrote Bachitar Natak?
(a) Guni’Nanak Bey Ji
(b) Guru Arjan Dev Ji
(c) GuruTegh
(d) Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
(d) Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

32. When did Guru Gobind Singh Ji immerse in Eternal Light?
(a) In 1705 AD.
(b) In 1706 A.D.
(c) In 1707 A.D.
(d) In 1708 A.D.
(d) In 1708 A.D.

33. Where did Guru Gobind Singh Ji immerse in Eternal Light?
(a) Khidrana
(b) Talwandi Sabo
(c) Nanded
(d) Sri Anandpur Sahib.
(c) Nanded

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 9 Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji and His Martyrdom

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class History Book Solutions Chapter 9 Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji and His Martyrdom Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 History Chapter 9 Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji and His Martyrdom

Long Answer Type Questions:

Name the sincere Sikh who searched for the Ninth Guru and why?
Which Sikh devotee identified the ninth Guru and why?
Who found Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji and why?
Who discovered the ninth Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji and how?
Before immersing with. Immortal in 1664 A.D., Guru Har Krishan Ji had hinted to the Sikh Sangat that his successor would be found at Baba Bakala. When the news reached Baba Bakala that Guru Sahib had immersed with Immortal without naming the next Guru, 22 imposters grabbed this golden opportunity and established 22 ManjitiTat- Baba Bakala. Each one of them called himself the real Guru. It was a moment of great crisis for the Sikh Panth. At such a time, a sincere Sikh, Makhan Shah Lubana found the solution to this crisis. He was a trader. Once, when his ship was caught in a storm on the high seas, he prayed to Guru Sahib, with pure heart that he would offer 500 gold mothers at the feet of Guru Ji if his ship was saved. With the blessings of Guru Ji, his ship was saved from being sunk. As per his promise, he reached Baba Bakala along with his family to offer 500 gold mohars. He was taken aback when he found 22 Gurus. He made a plan to search out the real Guru.

He went to every ‘guru’ turn by’ turn and offered two Mohars each. The impostor gurus gladly accepted these. Last of all when Makhan Shah Lubana offered two Mohars to Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji, the latter said, ‘When your ship was sinking, you promised to offer 500 Mohars and now you are offering only two.” On hearing it, he was overjoyed. He went atop a house and shouted aloud, “Guru Ladho Re, Guru Ladho re,” which meant that I have found the real Guru. In this way the Sikhs accepted Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji as their Guru.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 9 Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji and His Martyrdom

Question 2.
Give a brief account of the travels of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.
What do you know about the travels of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji?
During his pontificate (1664-1675 A.D.), Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji travelled extensively in and outside Punjab. The object of these travels was to dispel the ignorance of people and to preach Sikhism. Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji started his travels in 1664 A.D. from Amritsar. Thereafter, he went to Walla, Ghukewali, Khadur Sahib, Goindwal Sahib, Tarn Taran, Khem Karan, Kiratpur Sahib and Bilaspur etc. After his travels in the Punjab Guru Ji travelled to the east of India. During this travel, he visited Saifabad, Dhamdhan, Delhi, Mathura, Barindaban, Agra, Kanpur, Prayag, Banaras, Gaya, Patna, Dacca (Dhaka) and Assam etc. After these travels, Guru Ji visited many famous places of Punjab along with his family. His travels proved very useful for the development of Sikhism. People in a large number came into the fold of Sikhism.

Question 3.
Give a brief account of the five travels of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.
Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji soon after assuming Guruship, undertook travels in and out of Punjab. The aim of these travels was to spread Sikhism and convey the message of truth and love to the people.

1. Amritsar: First of all Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji reached Amritsar from Baba. Bakala in November, 1664 A.D. At that time, the Harmandir Sahib was under the control of Prithi Chand’s grandson, Harji Mina. When he heard the news of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji’s arrival he closed all the doors of the Harmandir Sahib so that Guru Sahib might not enter it. When Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji reached there and found the door closed, he patiently sat for some time under a tree near the Akal Takht Sahib. Today at this place there is a small Gurdwara which is known as “Tham Sahib” or ‘The Sahib’.

2. Walla and Ghukewali : From Amritsar Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji went to a village named Walla. The women of this place vigorously participated in the Sangat and Pangat. Consequently, the Guru blessed them. After Walla, Guru Sahib went to a village called Ghukewali. Since there were mdhy trees in this village, Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib named it‘Guru Ka Bagh’.

3. Banaras : After the travel of Paryag, Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib reached ‘ Banaras. Here, the Sikh devotees thronged in large numbers to pay respect to Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib and listen to his exhortations. The people of this place held the view that a bath in the Karamnash river washes away all the good deeds of a person. Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib bathed in this river and said that nothing could be achieved or lost with a bath. As a man sows, so does he reap.

4. Patna : In 1666 A.D. Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji reached Patna. Here the Sikh Sangat gave him a rousing reception. Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji told the people the real meaning of life and enlightened them with principles of Sikhism. He sublimated Patna by calling it ‘Guru Da Ghar’ (the home of God). Leaving his wife and mother here, Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji proceeded to Munghyr.

5. Dhaka: Dhaka was a chief centre of Sikhism. When Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji reached here the masses gave him a warm welcome. As a result of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji’s propagation, people in large number embraced Sikhism. Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji enjoined on the Sangats to rise above worldly attachments and bonds of casteism, and recite God’s name.

Question 4.
What were the causes of the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji?
Highlight the causes of the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.
Study the causes responsible for the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.
1. Enmity between the Mughals and the Sikhs: The relations between the Sikhs and the Mughals were cordial till 1605 A.D. But, when in 1606 A.D., the Mughal emperor Jahangir martyred Guru Arjan Dev Ji, the situation took a new turn. During the reign of Aurangzeb, the enmity between the Sikhs and the Mughals was further intensified. This growing bitterness became the most potent cause of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji’s martyrdom.

2. Fanaticism of Aurangzeb : In 1658 A.D., Aurangzeb became the new emperor of the Mughals. He was a staunch Sunni Muslim. He wanted to see Islam flourish in every nook and corner of India. During his reign people were forced to embrace Islam at the point of sword. Aurangzeb ordered a decree that all Sikh Gurdwaras should be demolished.

3. Impact of Naqsjbbandis on Aurangzeb: Naqshbandi was a sect of fanatic Muslims. This sect exercised a great influence upon Aurangzeb. The growing popularity of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji was intolerable for this sect. The Naqshbandis panicked lest the awakening among the masses and development of Sikh religion should endanger Islam. So they started instigating Aurangzeb.

4. Spread of Sikhism: Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji undertook a number of travels in states like Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bengal, Bihar, Assam etc. Impressed by his teachings thousands of people embraced Sikh religion. In order to accelerate the propagation of Sikh religion, he appointed Sikh missionaries. It was all beyond Aurangzeb’s power of tolerance to see the rapidly growing power of Sikhism.

5. Call of Kashmiri Pandits : Governor of Kashmir Sher Afghan forced the Pandits to embrace Islam. When they found no way out to save their faith, a sixteen member deputation led by Pandit Kirpa Ram met Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji at Chakk Nanaki, (Sri Anandpur Sahib) on 25th May, 1675 A.D. Guru felt greatly pleased and advised the Pandits to make a representation to the emperor stating that if the Guru could be converted to Islam they would, of their own accord, accept Islam.

Question 5.
Discuss the role played by ‘Naqashbandis’ in the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.
Naqashbandis was a fanatic sect of Sunni Muslims. This sect had a great influence on Aurangzeb. The growing popularity of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji, spread of Sikhism and the Muslim tilt towards Guru Ji was unbearable for this sect. Naqashbandis feared that the awakening among people and the growth of Sikhism might pose a danger for Islam. Consequently, their leader Sheikh Masum left no stone unturned to incite Aurangzeb to take stern steps to curb Sikhism. His action added fuel to the fire. As a result, Aurangzeb resolved to take steps against Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji. Thus we can say undoubtedly that Naqashbandis have played a major role in the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.

Question 6.
What was the immediate cause of the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji?
The Pandits living in Kashmir were firm believers in their religion and culture. The Hindus all over India revered them. Aurangzeb thought if these Kashmiri Pandits were converted to Islam the Hindus living in other parts of India would readily follow their example. With this object in view Aurangzeb appointed Sher Afghan as the Governor of Kashmir. Sher Afghan forced the Pandits to embrace Islam. When they found no way out to save their faith, deputation led by Pandit Kirpa Ram met Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji at Sri Anandpur Sahib on 25th May, 1675 A.D. When Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji heard the heart-rending atrocities being committed on the Kashmiri Pandits he was deeply touched. The Guru sat in deep thought. Tradition has it that at that moment the young Gobind Rai who was at that time 9 years old, entered the chamber where the Guru Ji sat along with the Kashmiri Pandits. He enquired from his father what had happened.

The Guru Ji told Gobind Rai that Aurangzeb had let loose a reign of terror. It called for a great holy man who was willing to sacrifice himself on the altar of religion. Without hesitation, Gobind Rai replied, “Who can be nobler than you, father?” On hearing this reply from the child, Guru Ji felt greatly pleasedjind decided to sacrifice himself for the protection of Hindu religion. Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji then advised the Pandits to make a representation to the Emperor stating that if the Guru could be converted to Islam they would, of their own accord, adopt Islam. Then-Aurangzeb ordered the Governor of Lahore to have Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib arrested.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 9 Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji and His Martyrdom

Question 7.
Evaluate the historical importance of martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.
What were the five significant results of the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji?
What were the five results of the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji?
1. Great Historical Event : The history of the world is replete with sacrifices. These sacrifices were made either for the protection of one’s religion or for the sake of the country. But Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji made supreme sacrifice for the protection of the downtrodden and for the protection of that religion to which, he himself did not belong. This example has no parallel in the history of the world. That is why Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji is called ‘Hind Di Chadar’.

2. Feeling of Revenge among Sikhs : The martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji sent a wave of hatred and revenge in the whole Punjab against the Mughal empire. The people swore to put an end to the tyrannical rule of the Mughals.

3. Protection of Hinduism : Aurangzeb wanted to convert the whole of India to Islam. With this end in view he had let loose a reign of terror. A large number of Hindus were daily put to death. Consequently, many Hindus had started adopting Islam. The very existence of the Hindu religion was exposed to a great danger. Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji gave his own sacrifice in order to protect the Hindu faith.

4. Creation of the Khalsa : The martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji made it clear to the Sikhs that in order to defend their religion it was most essential for them to wear arms. With this end in view and to infuse a new spirit in the Sikhs, Guru Gobind Singh Ji performed a great deed by creating the Khalsa Panth on the day of Baisakhi in 1699 A.D. The creation of the Khalsa gave birth to such a fearless community,, which thoroughly smashed the powerful rule of the Mughals and the Afghans in Punjab.

5. Battles between the Sikhs and the Mughals : A long drawn battle started between the Sikhs and the Mughals in the wake of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji’s martyrdom. In these battles, the Sikhs had to face innumerable hardships but they stood firm like a rock. Despite their limited resources, the Sikhs with their matchless bravery shook the very foundations of the great Mughal empire.

Essay Type Questions:

Question 1.
Give a brief description of the early life of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.
Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji was the ninth Guru of the Sikhs. The period of his pontificate was from 1664 to 1675 A.D. Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji undertook tours to various places in and outside Punjab to spread Sikhism. He commenced a new era in the history of India by courting martyrdom for the protection of Hinduism. A brief description of early career of Guru Tegh Bahabur is as under :

1. Birth and Parentage : Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib was born on 1st April, 1621 A.D. at Amritsar. He was the fifth and the youngest son of Guru Hargobind Ji. His mother’s name was Nanaki. His father predicted that this child would follow the path of truth and religion. He would save the country from disaster and cut the roots of tyranny and oppression. Guru Hargobind Ji’s prediction proved to be true.

2. Childhood and Education : The childhood name of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji was Tyag Mai. When he was five, arrangement was made for his education. He had the good fortune of getting education from Baba Buddha Ji and Bhai Gurdas Ji. He acquired the thorough knowledge of Punjabi, Brij and Sanskrit, History, Philosophy, Arithmetic and Music. He was also imparted training in horse-riding and use of weapons. In the battle of Kartarpur, he found the opportunity to display his bravery. His father Hargobind Sahib was greatly impressed by it and he changed his name to Tegh Bahadur.

3. Marriage : Tegh Bahadur Ji was married to Gujari who was the daughter of Lai Chand, a resident of Kartarpur. He was blessed with a son named Gobind Das.

4. Settlement at Bakala : Before his death in 1645 A.D. Guru Hargobind Ji nominated his grandson Har Rai Ji as his successor. At this instance, Tegh Bahadur Ji with his wife Gujari and mother Nanaki came to settle at Bakala. Here Tegh Bahadur Ji lived for 20 years.

5. Assumption of Guruship : In 1664 A.D. at Delhi, before breathing his last, Guru Har Kishan Sahib gave a hint to the Sikh Sangat that their next Guru- would be found at Bakala. When the news reached Baba Bakala twenty-two Sodhis, set up their twenty-two ‘Manjis’. Everyone declared himself to be the real Guru. At this juncture a Sikh named Makhan Shah Lubana found a solution. He was a trader. Once when his ship was caught in a sea-storm and was about to sink, he prayed faithfully, that if his ship reached the shore safely, he would offer 500 gold-mohars (coins) at his Guru’s feet. In order to keep his word, he along with his family came to Baba Bakala to offer 500 mohars at Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib’s feet.

He was bewildered to see 22 impostor gurus. He conceived of an idea to find out the real Guru. One by one, he went to each Guru and offered two mohars. The impostor gurus were delighted to receive two mohars. When Makhan Shah finally reached Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji and offered him two mohars, Guru Sahib said, “You promised to offer 500 mohars, when your ship was about to sink but now you are offering only two mohars.” On hearing this Makhan Shah felt very glad and shouted loudly from the roof of the house : “Guru ladho re, Guru ladho re ” which meant “Guru has been found, Guru has been found”. In this way, the Sikhs accepted Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji as their ninth Guru. He held Guruship from 1664 AD. to 1675 AD.

6. Opposition of Dhir Mai: Dhir Mai, the elder brother of Guru Har Rai Ji, had been seeking for Guruship for long. One of the twenty-two ‘Manjis’ set up at Baba Bakala, was that of Dhir Mai also. When Dhir Mai received the news that the Sikhs had accepted Tegh Bahadur Ji as their Guru he alohg with hundred armed men raided the house of the Guru. This incident provoked the Sikhs. They arrested and produced Dhir Mai before Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib but he forgave Dhir Mai when the latter begged to be pardonded.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 9 Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji and His Martyrdom

Travels Of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji:

Question 2.
Give a brief account of the religious tours of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.
Narrate the travels undertaken by Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji for preaching Sikhisms.
Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji soon after assuming Guruship, undertook travels in and out of Punjab. The aim of these travels was to spread Sikhism and convey the message of truth and love to the people. Writing about the purpose of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji’s travels, S.S. Johar aptly says, “Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji thought it necessary to infuse a new life and rekindle a new spirit among the people.”

Travels of the Punjab:

1. Amritsar: First of all Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib reached Amritsar from Baba Bakala in November, 1664 A.D. At that time, the Harmandir Sahib was under the control of Prithi Chand’s grandson, Harji Mina. He, with the help of some corrupt Masands had declared himself the Guru. When, he heard the news of Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib’s arrival. So, he closed all the doors of the Harmandir Sahib so that Guru Sahib might not enter it. When Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib reached there and found the door closed, he patiently sat for some time under a tree near the Akal Takht Sahib. Today at this place there is a small Gurdwara which is known as “Tham Sahib” or ‘Thara Sahib’.

2. Walla and Ghukewali: From Amritsar Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji went to a village named Walla. The women of this place vigorously participated in the Sangat and Pangat. Consequently, the Guru blessed them. After Walla, Guru Sahib went to a village called Ghukewali. Since there were many trees in this village, Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib named it ‘Guru Ka Bagh’.

3. Khadur Sahib, Goindwal Sahib, Tarn Taran, Khemkaran etc : From Khadur Sahib and Goindwal Sahib, Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib reached Tarn Taran. Tarn Taran had become a famous propagation centre of Sikhism. Afterwards Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib ^went to Khemkaran. Here a devout named, Chaudhary Raghupat Rai presented Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib a mare.

4. Kiratpur Sahib and Bilaspur: After his travels in the Majha region, Guru Sahib reached Kiratpur Sahib. At the invitation of Rani Champa, he reached Bilaspur. Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib stayed here for three days. During his stay Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib purchased a piece of land at Makhowal for Rs. 500 from the Rani. Here Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib founded a new town in June 1665 A.D. which was named ‘Chak Nanaki’ after the name of his mother. Later on, it became famous as Sri Anandpur (The City of Bliss) Sahib.

Travels of Eastern India:

After the travels of Punjab, Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib started his travels of Eastern India. A brief account of these travels is as follows :

5. Saifabad and Dhamdhan: In August 1665 A.D. Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib reached Saifabad and Dhamdhan. Here the people congregated in large numbers to pay respect to Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib. Aurangzeb could not tolerate the increasing propagation of Sikhism. He sent Alam Khan Rohilla to Dhamdhan to arrest Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib. Consequently, Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib was apprehended in November 1665 A.D. and brought to Delhi.

6. Mathura and Brindaban : From Delhi Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib went to Mathura and Brindaban. Here the Guru explained to his audience the virtue of prayer and the value of service to the people.

7. Agra and Prayag: From Mathura, Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib reached Agra. Here, he stayed at the house of an aged devotee, Mai Jassi. After this, Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib went to Prayag. Here Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib met a group of saints and yogis. Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib preached them ‘Sadho Man Ke Maan Tiyago’ (O saints shun your pride).

8. Banaras : After the travel of Paryag, Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib reached Banaras. Here, the Sikh devotees thronged in large numbers to pay respect to Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib and listen to his exhortations. The people of this place held the view that a bath in the Karamnash river washes away all the good deeds of a person. Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib bathed in this river and said that nothing could be achieved or lost with a bath. As a man sows, so does he reap.

9. Sasram and Gaya. From Banaras Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib reached Sasram. Here a devotee Sikh ‘Masand Phaggu Shah’ served Guru Sahib very sincerely. Then Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji visited Gaya which was the chief centre of Buddhism. Here Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib denounced casteism and preached worship of one God.

10. Patna : In 1666 A.D. Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib reached Patna. Here the Sikh Sangat gave him a rousing reception. Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib told the people the real meaning of life and enlightened them with principles of Sikhism. He sublimated Patna by calling it ‘Guru Da Ghar’ (the home of God). Leaving his wife and mother here,. Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib proceeded to Munghyr.

11. Dhaka: Dhaka was a chief centre of Sikhism, When Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji reached here the masses gave him a warm welcome. As a result of Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib’s propagation, people in large number embraced Sikhism. Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib enjoined on the Sangats to *ise above worldly attachments and bonds of casteism, and recite God’s name.

12. Assam : On the request of Ram Singh, the ruler of Ambar, Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib went with him to Assam. The Assamese were deft at sorcery. Out of this fear the Mughal forces were always defeated by the Assamese rulers. This time in the presence of Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib, their sorcery failed and they had to face defeat. They came to pay obeisance to this great man, who frustrated their sorcery, and also begged pardon of him.
After this Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib with his family returned to Punjab and settled at Chak Nanaki.

Tours of Malwa and Bangar Region:

In the middle of 1673 A.D. Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib revisited the Malwa and Bangar regions of Punjab. During this tour, Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib visited many places. Of these Saifabad, Mallowal, Sakha, Dhilwan Joga, Khiwa, Khiala, Maur, Talwandi Sabo, Bathinda and Damdhan were prominent. During these travels, Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib completely identified himself with the sorrows and sufferings of the people. Through his message and teachings, he tried to awaken the people to their responsibility and grim realities of human existence. Impressed

Martyrdom of Guru Tech Bahabur Ji:

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 9 Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji and His Martyrdom

Question 3.

What were the causes responsible for the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji? When, where and how he was executed?
What were the main causes of the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji and what is its importance?
Describe the causes and significance of the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.
Describe the causes of the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji. What were the effects of his martyrdom?
Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji’s martyrdom is a unique event of world history. History is replete with many examples of such great men, who sacrificed their lives for the protection of their religion or their country. But it is difficult to find an example of martyrs like Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji, who sacrificed his life for the protection of others’ religion.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 9 Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji and His Martyrdom Img 1

Causes of Martyrdom:

1. Enmity between the Mughals and the Sikhs : The relations between the Sikhs and the Mughals were cordial till 1605 A.D. But, when in 1606 A.D., the Mughal emperor martyred Guru Arjan Dev Ji, the situation took a new turn. He detained Guru Hargobind Sahib in the fort of Gwalior for two years. During the reign of Shah Jahan, Guru Hargobind Ji had to fight four battles against the Mughals. During the reign of Aurangzeb, the enmity between the Sikhs and the Mughals was further intensified. This growing bitterness became the most potent cause of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji’s martyrdom.

2. Fanaticism of Aurangzeb : In 1658 A.D., Aurangzeb became the new emperor of the Mughals. He was a staunch Sunni Muslim. He wanted to see Islam flourish in every nook and corner of India. He got many famous temples of the Hindus demolished and mosques built in their places. Restrictions were imposed on Hindu festivals and ceremonies. During his reign people were forced to embrace Islam at the point of sword. Aurangzeb ordered a decree that all Sikh Gurdwaras should be demolished. According to Dr. I.B. Banerjee, “Necessarily on the ‘accession of Aurangzeb the entire policy of the Empire was reversed and a new era commenced.”

3. Impact of Naqshbandis on Aurangzeb : Naqshbandi was a sect of fanatic Muslims. This sect exercised a great influence upon Aurangzeb. The growing popularity of Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib was intolerable for this sect. The Naqshbandis panicked lest the awakening among the masses and development of Sikh religion should endanger Islam. So they started instigating Aurangzeb.

4. Spread of Sikhism : Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib undertook a number of travels in states like Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bengal, Bihar, Assam etc. Impressed by his teachings thousands of people embraced Sikh religion. In order to accelerate the propagation of Sikh religion, he appointed Sikh missionaries. It was all beyond Aurangzeb’s power of tolerance to see the rapidly growing power of Sikhism.

5. Enmity of Ram Rai: Ram Rai was the elder brother of Guru Har Krishan Ji. When Sikh Sangat accepted Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji as their next Guru, he could not reconcile with the turn of the tide. He wanted to snatch the Gurgaddi by force. However, when all his tactics to capture Gurgaddi failed, he started poisoning Aurangzeb’s ears against Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib.

6. Call of Kashmiri Pandits : The Pandits living in Kashmir were firm believers in their religion and culture. The Hindus all over India revered them. Aurangzeb thought if these Kashmiri Pandits were converted to Islam the Hindus living in other parts of India would readily follow their example. With this object in view Aurangzeb appointed Sher Afghan as the Governor of Kashmir. Sher Afghan forced the Pandits to embrace Islam. When they found no way out to save their faith, a sixteen member deputation led by Pandit Kirpa Ram met Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji at Chakk Nanaki, (Sri Anandpur Sahib) on 25th May, 1675 A.D. They sought Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji’s help. When Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji heard the heart-rending atrocities being committed on the Kashmiri Pandits, he was deeply touched. It was the Gordian knot that had to be cut. The Guru sat in deep thought. At that moment the young Gobind Rai, who was at that time 9 years old, entered the chamber where the Guru sat along with the Kashmiri Pandits. He was struck with the unusual stillness of the room and enquired from his father what had happened.

The Guru told Gobind Rai that Aurangzeb had let loose a reign of terror. Someone had to face the emperor and tell him that he was treading a wrong path. It was a stupendous task. It called for a great holy man, who was willing to sacrifice himself on the altar of religion. Without hesitation, Gobind Rai replied, “Who can be nobler than you, father?” On hearing this reply from the child, Guru felt greatly pleased and advised the Pandits to make a representation to the emperor stating that if the Guru could be converted to Islam they would, of their own accord, accept Islam.

How was Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji Martyred?:

Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji with his three companions Bhai Mati Das Ji, Bhai Sati Das Ji and Bhai Dyala Ji proceeded from Chakk Nanaki (Sri Anandpur Sahib) to Delhi on July 11,1675 A.D. Mughal official arrested Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib and his companions near Ropar. He was kept in a prison at Sirhind for four months. As ordered by Aurangzeb, he was taken to Delhi on 6th November, 1675 A.D. and produqed in his court. Aurangzeb suggested him to embrace Islam and also threatened to put him to death in case, he refused to do so. But, Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib and his three companions categorically refused to embrace Islam. In order to demoralise Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib, his three companions Bhai Mati Das Ji, Bhai Sati Das Ji and Bhai Dyala Ji were tortured to death before him. After this Guru Sahib was asked to show some miracle but Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib refused to oblige. Consequently, on 11th November, 1675 A.D. he was beheaded at Chandni Chowk in Delhi. According to the famous historians Harbans Singh and L.M. Joshi, “This was a most moving and earthshaking event in the history of India.”

At the place, where Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji was martyred, stands the Gurdwara Sis Ganj. On the fateful night, a devotee, Bhai Lakhi Shah, with the help of his sons brought the body of the Guru to his home in a cart covered with heavy cotton bales. In order to cremate the body of the Guru, he instantly set his house on fire. Gurdwara Rakab Ganj stands here, today.

Significance of the Martyrdom:

The great martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji shook the whole humanity. This martyrdom marked the beginning of a new era not only in the history of Punjab, but also in the history of India. In the words of Dr. Trilochan Singh,
“The impact of the great sacrifice of Guru Tegh Bahadur was extremely powerful and far-reaching in its consequences on the Sikh people.”

1. Great Historical Event: The history of the world is replete with sacrifices. These sacrifices were made either for the protection of one’s religion or for the sake of the country. But Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji made supreme sacrifice for the protection of the downtrodden and for the protection of that religion to which, he himself did not belong. This example has no parallel in the history of the world. That is, why Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji is called ‘Hind Di Chadar’.

2. Feeling of Revenge among Sikhs : The martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji sent a wave of hatred and revenge in the whole Punjab against the Mughal empire. The people swore to put an end to the tyrannical rule of the Mughals.

3. Protection of Hinduism : Aurangzeb wanted to convert the whole of India to Islam. With this end in view he had let loose a reign of terror. A large number of Hindus were daily put to death. Consequently, many Hindus had started adopting Islam. The very existence of the Hindu religion was exposed to a great danger. Under such times, when the Hindus saw no ray of hope, Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji gave his own sacrifice in order to protect the Hindu faith. This martyrdom made it clear to Aurangzeb that it was totally impossible to convert the whole Hindu community to Islam.

4. Creation of the Khalsa : The martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji made it clear to the Sikhs that in order to defend their religion it was most essential for them to wear arms. With this end in view and to infuse a new spirit in the Sikhs, Guru Gobind Singh performed a great deed by creating the Khalsa Panth on the day of Baisakhi in 1699 A.D. The creation of the Khalsa gave birth to such a fearless community, which thoroughly smashed the powerful rule of the Mughals and the Afghans in Punjab.

5. Beginning of the Tradition of Sacrifice*: After the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji, a tradition of making sacrifice for religion started among the Sikhs. While treading this path, Guru Gobind Singh Ji underwent several untold sufferings. His younger sons were bricked up alive in a wall. The elder sons and many devoted Sikhs, who were beloveds of Guru Sahib fell .martyrs in battles. After Guru Gobind Singh Ji, Banda Singh Bahadur along with hundreds of Sikhs gave their sacrifices. After Mughals, the Afghans subjected the Sikhs to untold and unbearable sufferings. The blood of the martyrs infused a new confidence amongst the Sikhs.

6. Battles between the Sikhs and the Mughals : A long drawn battle started between the Sikhs and the Mughals in the wake of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji’s martyrdom. In these battles, the Sikhs had to face innumerable hardships but they stood firm like a rock. Despite their limited resources, the Sikhs with their matchless bravery shook the very foundations of the great Mughal empire. Finally, we agree to these words of famous historian, S.S. Johar, “The Martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur was an event of great significance in the history of India. It had far-reaching consequences.”

Question 4.
The martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji had far-reaching consequences on Sikh History. Discuss.

Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji’s martyrdom is a unique event of world history. History is replete with many examples of such great men, who sacrificed their lives for the protection of their religion or their country. But it is difficult to find an example of martyrs like Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji, who sacrificed his life for the protection of others’ religion.

Causes of Martyrdom:

1. Enmity between the Mughals and the Sikhs : The relations between the Sikhs and the Mughals were cordial till 1605 A.D. But, when in 1606 A.D., the Mughal emperor martyred Guru Arjan Dev Ji, the situation took a new turn. He detained Guru Hargobind Sahib in the fort of Gwalior for two years. During the reign of Shah Jahan, Guru Hargobind Ji had to fight four battles against the Mughals. During the reign of Aurangzeb, the enmity between the Sikhs and the Mughals was further intensified. This growing bitterness became the most potent cause of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji’s martyrdom.

2. Fanaticism of Aurangzeb : In 1658 A.D., Aurangzeb became the new emperor of the Mughals. He was a staunch Sunni Muslim. He wanted to see Islam flourish in every nook and corner of India. He got many famous temples of the Hindus demolished and mosques built in their places. Restrictions were imposed on Hindu festivals and ceremonies. During his reign people were forced to embrace Islam at the point of sword. Aurangzeb ordered a decree that all Sikh Gurdwaras should be demolished. According to Dr. I.B. Banerjee,
“Necessarily on the ‘accession of Aurangzeb the entire policy of the Empire was reversed and a new era commenced.”

3. Impact of Naqshbandis on Aurangzeb : Naqshbandi was a sect of fanatic Muslims. This sect exercised a great influence upon Aurangzeb. The growing popularity of Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib was intolerable for this sect. The Naqshbandis panicked lest the awakening among the masses and development of Sikh religion should endanger Islam. So they started instigating Aurangzeb.

4. Spread of Sikhism : Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib undertook a number of travels in states like Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bengal, Bihar, Assam etc. Impressed by his teachings thousands of people embraced Sikh religion. In order to accelerate the propagation of Sikh religion, he appointed Sikh missionaries. It was all beyond Aurangzeb’s power of tolerance to see the rapidly growing power of Sikhism.

5. Enmity of Ram Rai: Ram Rai was the elder brother of Guru Har Krishan Ji. When Sikh Sangat accepted Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji as their next Guru, he could not reconcile with the turn of the tide. He wanted to snatch the Gurgaddi by force. However, when all his tactics to capture Gurgaddi failed, he started poisoning Aurangzeb’s ears against Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib.

6. Call of Kashmiri Pandits : The Pandits living in Kashmir were firm believers in their religion and culture. The Hindus all over India revered them. Aurangzeb thought if these Kashmiri Pandits were converted to Islam the Hindus living in other parts of India would readily follow their example. With this object in view Aurangzeb appointed Sher Afghan as the Governor of Kashmir. Sher Afghan forced the Pandits to embrace Islam. When they found no way out to save their faith, a sixteen member deputation led by Pandit Kirpa Ram met Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji at Chakk Nanaki, (Sri Anandpur Sahib) on 25th May, 1675 A.D. They sought Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji’s help. When Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji heard the heart-rending atrocities being committed on the Kashmiri Pandits, he was deeply touched. It was the Gordian knot that had to be cut.

The Guru sat in deep thought. At that moment the young Gobind Rai, who was at that time 9 years old, entered the chamber where the Guru sat along with the Kashmiri Pandits. He was struck with the unusual stillness of the room and enquired from his father what had happened. The Guru told Gobind Rai that Aurangzeb had let loose a reign of terror. Someone had to face the emperor and tell him that he was treading a wrong path. It was a stupendous task. It called for a great holy man, who was willing to sacrifice himself on the altar of religion. Without hesitation, Gobind Rai replied, “Who can be nobler than you, father?” On hearing this reply from the child, Guru felt greatly pleased and advised the Pandits to make a representation to the emperor stating that if the Guru could be converted to Islam they would, of their own accord, accept Islam.

How was Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji Martyred?

Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji with his three companions Bhai Mati Das Ji, Bhai Sati Das Ji and Bhai Dyala Ji proceeded from Chakk Nanaki (Sri Anandpur Sahib) to Delhi on July 11, 1675 A.D. Mughal official arrested Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib and his companions near Ropar. He was kept in a prison at Sirhind for four months. As ordered by Aurangzeb, he was taken to Delhi on 6th November 1675 A.D. and produced in his court. Aurangzeb suggested he to embrace Islam and also threatened to put him to death in case, he refused to do so. But, Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib and his three companions categorically refused to embrace Islam.

In order to demoralise Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib, his three companions Bhai Mati Das Ji, Bhai Sati Das Ji and Bhai Dyala Ji were tortured to death before him. After this Guru Sahib was asked to show some miracle but Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib refused to oblige. Consequently, on 11th November 1675 A.D., he was beheaded at Chandni Chowk in Delhi. According to the famous historians Harbans Singh and L.M. Joshi,
“This was a most moving and earthshaking event in the history of India.”

At the place, where Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji was martyred, stands the Gurdwara Sis Ganj. On the fateful night, a devotee, Bhai Lakhi Shah, with the help of his sons brought the body of the Guru to his home in a cart covered with heavy cotton bales. In order to cremate the body of the Guru, he instantly set his house on fire. Gurdwara Rakab Ganj stands here, today.

Significance of the Martyrdom:

The great martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji shook the whole of humanity. This martyrdom marked the beginning of a new era not only in the history of Punjab but also in the history of India. In the words of Dr Trilochan Singh, “The impact of the great sacrifice of Guru Tegh Bahadur was extremely powerful and far-reaching in its consequences on the Sikh people.”

1. Great Historical Event: The history of the world is replete with sacrifices. These sacrifices were made either for the protection of one’s religion or for the sake of the country. But Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji made supreme sacrifice for the protection of the downtrodden and for the protection of that religion to which, he himself did not belong. This example has no parallel in the history of the world. That is, why Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji is called ‘Hind Di Chadar’.

2. Feeling of Revenge among Sikhs: The martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji sent a wave of hatred and revenge in the whole Punjab against the Mughal empire. The people swore to put an end to the tyrannical rule of the Mughals.

3. Protection of Hinduism: Aurangzeb wanted to convert the whole of India to Islam. With this end in view, he had let loose a reign of terror. A large number of Hindus were daily put to death. Consequently, many Hindus had started adopting Islam. The very existence of the Hindu religion was exposed to great danger. During such times, when the Hindus saw no ray of hope, Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji gave his own sacrifice in order to protect the Hindu faith. This martyrdom made it clear to Aurangzeb that it was totally impossible to convert the whole Hindu community to Islam.

4. Creation of the Khalsa: The martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji made it clear to the Sikhs that in order to defend their religion it was most essential for them to wear arms. With this end in view and to infuse a new spirit in the Sikhs, Guru Gobind Singh performed a great deed by creating the Khalsa Panth on the day of Baisakhi in 1699 A.D. The creation of the Khalsa gave birth to such a fearless community, which thoroughly smashed the powerful rule of the Mughals and the Afghans in Punjab.

5. Beginning of the Tradition of Sacrifice*: After the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji, a tradition of making sacrifices for religion started among the Sikhs. While treading this path, Guru Gobind Singh Ji underwent several untold sufferings. His younger sons were bricked up alive in a wall. The elder sons and many devoted Sikhs, who were beloveds of Guru Sahib fell .martyrs in battles. After Guru Gobind Singh Ji, Banda Singh Bahadur along with hundreds of Sikhs gave their sacrifices. After the Mughals, the Afghans subjected the Sikhs to untold and unbearable sufferings. The blood of the martyrs infused new confidence amongst the Sikhs.

6. Battles between the Sikhs and the Mughals: A long-drawn battle started between the Sikhs and the Mughals in the wake of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji’s martyrdom. In these battles, the Sikhs had to face innumerable hardships but they stood firm like a rock. Despite their limited resources, the Sikhs with their matchless bravery shook the very foundations of the great Mughal empire. Finally, we agree to these words of the famous historian, S.S. Johar, “The Martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur was an event of great significance in the history of India. It had far-reaching consequences.”

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Name the sincere Sikh who searched for the Ninth Guru and why?
Which Sikh devotee identified the ninth Guru and why?
Who searched Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji and why?
Before breathing his last in 1664 A.D., Guru Har Krishan Ji had hinted to the Sikh Sangat that their successor would be found at Baba Bakala. At this 22 impostors grabbed the opportunity and established 22 Manjis at Baba Bakala. Each one of them called himself, the real Guru. At such a time, a sincere Sikh, Makhan Shah Lubana found the solution to this crisis. When Makhan Shah Lubana offered two mohars to Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji, the latter said, “When your ship was sinking, you promised to offer 500 mohars and now you are offering only two.” On hearing it, he was overjoyed. He went &top a house and shouted aloud, “Guru Ladho Re, Guru Ladho re,” which meant that I have found the real Guru.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 9 Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji and His Martyrdom

Question 2.
Give a brief account of the travels of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.
What do you know about the travels of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji?
During his pontificate (1664-1675 A.D.), Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji travelled extensively in and outside Punjab. The object of these travels was to dispel the ignorance of people and to preach Sikhism. Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji started his travels in 1664 A.D. from Amritsar. After his travels in the Punjab Guru Ji travelled to the east of India. His travels proved very useful for the development of Sikhism.

Question 3.
What were the causes of the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji?
Highlight the causes of the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.
Write any three causes of the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.
Study the causes responsible for the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.
Write down the main reasons for the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.

  • Aurangzeb’s fanaticism became the main cause of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji’s martyrdom,
  • Aurangzeb could not tolerate the existence of any other religion except Islam,
  • Ram Rai incited Aurangzeb against Guru Ji, as he himself wanted to get Guruship.
  • The outcry of Kashmiri Pandits to save the Hindu religion became the immediate cause of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji’s martyrdom.

Question 4.
Discuss the role played by ‘Naqshbandis’ in the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.
Naqashbandis was a fanatic sect of Sunni Muslims. The growing popularity of Guru Ji, spread of Sikhism and the Muslim tilt towards Guru Ji was unbearable for this sect. Consequently, their leader Shaikh Masoom left no stone unturned to incite Aurangzeb to take stern steps to curb Sikhism. His action added fuel to the fire. As a result, Aurangzeb resolved to take steps against Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji. ’

Question 5.
What was the immediate cause of the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji?
Why did Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji help the Kashmiri Brahmans?
During the reign of Aurangzeb Sher Afghan, the Governor of Kashmir forced the Pandits to embrace Islam. When they found no way out to save their faith, a deputation led by Pandit Kirpa Ram met Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji at Sri Anandpur Sahib on 25th May, 1675 A.D. When Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji heard the heart-rending atrocities being committed on the Kashmiri Pandits, he was deeply touched. So Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji decided to sacrifice himself for the protection of Hindu religion.

Question 6.
Evaluate the historical importance of martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.
Explain the importance of the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.
What is the importance of the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji?

The martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji had far-reaching consequences. The whole of Punjab began to bum with indignation as a result of this martyrdom. It also proved that tyranny would continue to be perpetuated as long as there was the Mughal rule. So Guru Gobind Singh Ji resolved to put an end to the tyranny and injustice of the Mughals. With this end in view, he founded Khalsa Panth in 1699 A.D. After it a long-drawn struggle started between the Sikhs and the Mughals. It shattered the very foundation of the Mughal empire.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 9 Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji and His Martyrdom

Objective Type Questions:

Question 1.
Who was the ninth Guru of the Sikhs?
Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.

Question 2.
Where was Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji born?

Question 3.
When was Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji born?
1 April, 1621 A.D.

Question 4.
Name the mother of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.
Mata Nanaki Ji.

Question 5.
Name the father of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.
Guru Hargobind Ji.

Question 6.
What was the childhood name of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji?
Tyag Mai.

Question 7.
What is meant by Tegh Bahadur?
Expert in the art of swordsmanship.

Question 8.
To whom was Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji married?
Gujari Ji.

Question 9.
What was the name of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji’s son?
Gobind Das or Gobind Rai.

Question 10.
Who identified Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji as a Guru at Baba Bakala?
Makhan Shah Lubana.

Question 11.
Who said, “Guru Ladho Re, Guru Ladho Re.”?
Makhan Shah Lubana.

Question 12.
For how long did Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji remain on Gurgaddi?
1664 A.D. to 1675 A.D.

Question 13.
Name any one place visited by Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 9 Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji and His Martyrdom

Question 14.
Name any one place of Punjab visited by Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.

Question 15.
What was the original name of Sri Anandpur Sahib?
Makhowal or Chak Nanaki.

Question 16.
What was the main cause of the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji?
Aurangzeb couldn’t tolerate the increasing power of the Sikhs.

Question 17.
What was the main reason for the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji?
The Guru’s decision to protect the Kashmiri Pandits.

Question 18.
Who was the Subedar of Kashmir who committed atrocities on Kashmiri Pandits?
Sher Afghan.

Question 19.
Under whose leadership a delegation of Kashmiri Pandit met Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji at Sri Anandpur Sahib?
Pandit Kirpa Ram.

Question 20.
Which Guru gave his martyrdom for the protection of Hindu religion?
Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.

Question 21.
Where was Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji martyred?
Chandani Chotvk, Delhi.

Question 22.
In which Mughal ruler’s regime the execution of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji took place?
Who was the ruler at the time of martyrdom of Ninth Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji?
Name the Mughal emperor by whose order Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji was martyred?

Question 23.
When was Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji martyred?
Nov. 11, 1675 A.D.

Question 24.
Name the three Sikh disciples who were executed before the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.
Name three followers of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji who were executed along with him.

  • Bhai Mati Das Ji,
  • Bhai Sati Das Ji and
  • Bhai Dyala Ji.

Question 25.
Which Gurdwara has been raised at the place where Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji was martyred?
Gurdwara Sis Ganj.

Question 26.
Where was Gurdwara Sis Ganj constructed?

Question 27.
Mention any one result of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji’s martyrdom.
What was a consequence of the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji?
A chapter of long drawn struggle between the Sikhs and the Mughals started.

Question 28.
For whom did Guru Gobind Singh Ji use the words Rangrete Guru Ke Bete?
Bhai Jaita Ji.

Question 29.
Which Guru Sahib is called Hind Ki Chaddar?
Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 9 Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji and His Martyrdom

Fill in the blanks:

1. ………………… was the ninth Guru of the Sikhs.
Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji

2. Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji was born at ………………..

3. The name of the father of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji was ………………..
Guru Hargobind Ji

4. The name of the mother of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji was ………………..

5. The childhood name of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji was …………….

6. The name of the son of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji was …………………
Gobind Rai

7. Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur*Ji was searched by ………………
Makhan Shah Lubana

8. Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji assumed Guruship in ……………
664 A.D.

9. Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji started his travels from ………………

10. The town Chak Nanaki was established by ……………….
Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji

11. Aurangzeb reimposed Jaziya tax on Hindus in ………………
1679 A.D.

12. Ram Rai was the ………………… son of Guru Har Rai Ji.

13. Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji was martyred by the order of ………………

14. Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji was martyred on ………………… at Delhi.
Nov. 11, 1675 A.D.

15. ………………… was raised at the place of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji’s martyrdom.
Gurdwara Sis Ganj

16. Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji hugged ……………… and said ‘Rangreta Guru Ke Beta’.
Bhai Jaita Ji

17. Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji addressed to ………………… and ‘Rangrette Guru Ke Bete’.
Bhai Jaita Ji

18. The name of the Jallad was …………….. who martyred Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.

19. ……………….. is known as Hind-Di-Chadar.
Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji

True or False:

1. The ninth Guru of the Sikhs was Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.

2. Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji was born at Amritsar.

3. Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji was born in 1621 A.D.

4. The name of the father of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji was Har Krishan Ji.

5. Gujari was the name of the mother of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.

6. The childhood name of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji was Tyag Mai.

7. Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji’s son name was Gobind Rai.

8. Makhan Shah Lubhana identified Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji

9. Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji succeeded to Guruship in 1664 A.D.

10. Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji reached Amritsar first during his travels.

11. Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji laid the foundation of Chak Nanaki.

12. Aurangzeb reimposed Jaziya tax on Hindus in 1664 A.D.

13. Sher Afghan was the Governor of Kashmir at the time of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.

14. Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji was martyred on the orders of Aurangzeb.

15. Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji was martyred on November 11, 1675 A.D.

16. Gurdwara Rakab Ganj was raised at the place of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji’s martyrdom.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 9 Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji and His Martyrdom

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Who was the ninth Guru of the Sikhs?
(a) Guru Amar Das Ji
(b) Guru Har Rai Ji
(c) Guru Har Krishan Ji
(d) Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.
(d) Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.

2. When was Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji born?
(a) In 1601 A.D.
(b) In 1621 A.D.
(c) In 1631 A.D.
(d) In 1656 A.D.
(b) In 1621 A.D.

3. What was the childhood name of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji?
(a) Hari Mai Ji
(b) Tyag Mai Ji
(c) Bhai Lehna Ji
(d) Bhai Jetha Ji.
(b) Tyag Mai Ji

4. What was the name of the father of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji?
(a) Guru Hargobind Ji
(b) Guru Har Rai Ji
(c) Guru Har Krishan Ji
(d) Baba Gurditta Ji.
(a) Guru Hargobind Ji

5. What was the name of the mother of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji?
(a) Gujari Ji
(b) Sulakhni Ji
(c) Nanaki Ji
(d) Ganga Devi Ji.
(c) Nanaki Ji

6. To whom was Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji married?
(a) Nihal Kaur Ji
(b) Gujari Ji
(c) Sulakhni Ji
(d) Sabrai Devi Ji.
(b) Gujari Ji

7. What was the name of son of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.
(a) Har Rai Ji
(b) Arjan Dev Ji
(c) Ram Rai Ji
(d) Gobind Rai Ji.
(d) Gobind Rai Ji.

8. Name the person whose efforts proved that Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji was the real Guru of the Sikhs?
(a) Makhan Shah Mastuana
(b) Makhan Shah Lubhana
(c) Baba Buddha Ji
(d) Bhai Gurdas Ji.
(b) Makhan Shah Lubhana

9. When did Guru Tegh Bahadur assume Guruship?
(a) In 1661 A.D.
(b) In 1664 A.D.
(c) In 1665 A.D.
(d) In 1666 A.D.
(b) In 1664 A.D.

10. Which town was first visited by Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji?
(a) Goindwal Sahib
(b) Khadur Sahib
(c) Amritsar
(d) Kiratpur Sahib
(c) Amritsar

11. Which town was founded by Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji in 1665 A.D.?
(a) Chak Nanaki
(b) Bilaspur
(c) Sahnewal
(d) Kiratpur Sahib.
(a) Chak Nanaki

12. What is the latest name of Chak Nanaki?
(a) Tarn Taran
(b) Bilaspur
(c) Khadur Sahib
(d) Sri Anandpur Sahib.
(d) Sri Anandpur Sahib.

13. What was the cause of the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji?
(a) Fanaticism of Aurangzeb
(b) Call of Kashmiri Pandits
(c) Opposition of Naqshbandis
(d) Enmity of Ram Rai.
(b) Call of Kashmiri Pandits

14. Which Mughal emperor ordered the execution of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji?
(a) Jahangir
(b) Shah Jahan
(c) Aurangzeb
(d) Bahadur Shah.
(c) Aurangzeb

15. Where was Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji martyred?
(a) Lahore
(b) Delhi
(c) Amritsar
(d) Patna
(b) Delhi

16. When was Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji martyred?
(a) In 1661 A.D.
(b) In 1664 A.D.
(c) In 1665 A.D.
(d) In 1675 A.D.
(d) In 1675 A.D.

17. Which Gurudwara has been raised at the place where Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji was martyred?
(a) Sis Ganj
(b) Rakab Ganj
(c) Bala Sahib
(d) Darbar Sahib.
(a) Sis Ganj

18. Which Guru is known as ‘Hind-Di-Chadar’?
(a) Guru Arjan Dev Ji
(b) Guru Hargobind Ji
(c) Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji
(d) Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
(c) Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 8 Guru Har Rai Ji and Guru Har Krishan Ji

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class History Book Solutions Chapter 8 Guru Har Rai Ji and Guru Har Krishan Ji Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 History Chapter 8 Guru Har Rai Ji and Guru Har Krishan Ji

Long Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Why is the pontificate of Guru Har Rai Ji considered important in the development of Sikhism?
Write a short note on Guru Har Rai Ji.
What do you know about Guru Har Rai Ji?
1. Development of Sikhism under Guru Har Rai Ji: The pontificate of Guru Har Rai Sahib lasted from 1645 to 1661 A.D. To carry on his propagation work, he set up three famous centres which were known as bakhshishes’ or missionary centres. The first bakhshish’ was that of an ascetic named Bhagat Gir. He set up many centres for the propagation of Sikhism in East India. Of these, Patna, Bereilley and Rajgir are the famous ones. Likewise, Suthara Shah was sent to Delhi, Bhai Pheru to Rajasthan, Bhai Gonda Ji was sent to Kabul, Bhai Natha Ji to Dacca and Bhai Jodha Ji. to Multan. Guru Har Rai Sahib himself travelled to different places of Punjab namely Jalandhar, Kartarpur, Palahi, Hakimpur, Mukandpur, Gurdaspur, Amritsar, Ferozepur, Patiala, Ambala, Karnal, Hissar etc.

2. Phul Blessed: One day a devotee named Kala with his nephew, Phul came to visit Guru Har Rai Sahib. Guru Sahib’s eyes fell on Paul, who was slapping his belly with his hand. On enquiry, Kala told Guru Sahib that he was hungry and wanted something to eat. Guru Sahib took compassion on him and said, “He shall become great, famous and wealthy. His descendants shall drink water as far as the Jamuna. They shall have sovereignty for many generations and be honoured in proportion as they serve the Guru.” ’
The blessing of Guru Har Rai Ji proved to be true. The generation of Phul laid the foundation of Phulkian Misl.

3. Help to Prince Dara: During the pontificate of Guru Har Rai Ji, Dara Shikoh was the Governor of Punjab. He was the elder brother of Aurangzeb. In a bid to capture power Aurangzeb poisoned Para’s food. Consequently, he fell seriously ill. Dara begged Guru Har Rai Ji to treat him. Guru Har Rai Ji cured Dara with the rarest of herbs. As a result, Dara felt deeply obliged to Guru Har Rai Ji. He would often come to pay a visit to Guru Har Rai Ji.

4. Guru Har Rai Ji Summoned to Delhi: Aurangzeb had the suspicion that some hymns in the Guru Granth Sahib were against Islam. In order to, get it confirmed, he asked Guru Har Rai Ji to appear in his court. Guru Sahib sent his son, Ram Rai. In order to escape the royal wrath, Ram Rai wrongly interpreted it. Consequently, Ram Rai was declared unworthy of Guruship.

5. Nomination of the Successor: Realising that his end was approaching, he nominated his younger son, Har Krishan to Guruship. On 6th October 1661 A.D., Guru Har Rai Ji was immersed in Eternal Light at Kiratpur Sahib.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 8 Guru Har Rai Ji and Guru Har Krishan Ji

Question 2.
Write a short note about Thermal.
Dhir Mai, the elder brother of Guru Har Rai Ji, had for long been asking for Guruship. One of the twenty-two ‘Manjis’ set up at Baba Bakala, was that of Dhir Mai also. When Dhir Mai received the news that the Sikhs had accepted Tegh Bahadur as their Guru he became furious and restless. He conspired with a Masand named Shihan to kill Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji and to plunder his house. One day Shihan along with hundred armed men raided the house of the Guru. In this assault, Guru Sahib’s shoulder was hit with a bullet. Guru Sahib was wounded but He remained serene and calm. Shihan’s accomplices carried away with many belongings of Guru Sahib’s house. This incident provoked the Sikhs who under the leadership of Makhan Shah attacked Dhir Mai’s house. They not only arrested and produced Dhir Mai and Shihan before Guru Sahib but also recovered the stolen goods from them. Guru Sahib forgave Dhir Mai and Shihan when they begged to be pardoned.

Question 3.
Write a brief note on Guru Har Krishan Ji. Why was he called Bal Guru?
Write a short note on Guru Har Krishan Ji.
Explain in detail about Guru Har Krishan Ji.
1. Assumption of Guruship: Guru Har Rai Ji had disinherited his elder son, Ram Rai of Guruship, after declaring him ineligible, because he had misinterpreted the Gurbani in Aurangzeb’s court. In,1661 A.D., Guru Har Rai Ji handed over the Guruship to Har Krishan Ji. At that time, Guru Har Krishan Ji was barely five years old. That is why Guru Har Krishan Ji is also known as Bal Guru (child Guru) in Sikh History. He held Guruship. till 1664 A.D.

2. Opposition of Ram Rai: Ram Rai being the elder son of Guru Har Rai Ji, considered himself to be the rightful claimant to Gurgaddi. But Guru Har Rai Ji had already disinherited him of the Guruship. When he came to know that Guruship had been assigned to Har Krishan Ji, he could not tolerate it. He started hatching conspiracies to acquire Guruship.

3. Guru Sahib’s visit to Delhi: Aurangzeb assigned the task of bringing Guru Har Krishan Ji to Delhi to Raja Jai Singh. Raja Jai Singh sent his Diwan, Paras Ram to Guru Har Krishan Ji. Guru Har Krishan Ji declined to go to Delhi to see Aurangzeb. He went to Delhi in 1664 A.D. and agreed to stay at Raja Jai Singh’s residence. There is a difference of opinions among historians on the point of whether any meeting took place between Guru Har Krishan Ji and Aurangzeb or not.

4. Immersed in Eternal Light: In those days cholera and smallpox had broken out in Delhi. Guru Har Krishan Ji served the sick, the poor and the orphans with heart and soul. But, he himself fell a victim to smallpox. He immersed in Eternal Light on 30th March 1664 A.D. at Delhi.

Essay Type Questions:

Question 1.
What do you know about the life and achievements of Guru Har Rai Ji?
Guru Har Rai Ji was the seventh Guru of the Sikhs. The period of his pontificate (1645 to 1661 A.D.) is called the period of peace for Sikhism. A brief account of Guru Har Rai Ji’s early career and the development of Sikh Panth under him is as ahead :

1. Birth and Parentage: Guru Har Rai Ji was born on 30 January 1630 A.D. at a place called Kiratpur Sahib. His mother’s name was Bibi Nihal Kaur. He was the grandson of Guru Hargobind Sahib and the son of Baba Gurditta Ji.

2. Childhood and Marriage: Right from his childhood he possessed saintly nature, a sweet tongue and a soft heart. It is said that once Guru Har Rai Sahib was strolling in a garden when some flowers got entangled with his cloak and fell off. He was moved to tears when he saw this. Har Rai Ji was married to Sulakhni, daughter of Daya Ram of Anup city in U.P. He was blessed with two sons, Ram Rai and Har Krishan.

3. Assumption of Guruship: The sixth master, Guru Hargobind Sahib, had five sons: Baba Gurditta, Ani Rai and Baba Atal Rai had passed away during his own lifetime. Of the remaining two, Suraj Mai was involved in worldly matters more than was essential, and Tegh Bahadur was disenchanted with worldly affairs. So at that time, Guru Hargobind Ji deemed it fit to bestow Guruship on Baba Gurditta’s younger son, Har Rai. The ceremony of his assuming Guruship was performed on 8th March 1645 A.D. Thus, Guru Har Rai Ji became the 7th Guru of the Sikhs.

4. Development of Sikhism under Guru Har Rai Ji: The pontificate of Guru Har Rai Sahib lasted from 1645 to 1661 A.D. To carry on his propagation work, he set up three famous centres which were known as ‘bakhshishes’ or the missionary centres. The first “bakhshish’ was that of an ascetic named Bhagat Gir. Pleased with his devotion Guru Har Rai Sahib re-christened him Bhagat Bhagwan. He set up many centres for the propagation of Sikhism in East India. Of these, Patna, Bareilly and Rajgir are the famous ones. The second ‘bakhshish’ was that of Suthra Shah. He was sent to Delhi for the propagation of Sikhism.

The third “bakhshish’ was that of Peru. He was sent to Rajasthan. Likewise, Bhai Gonda Ji was sent to Kabul, Bhai Natha Ji to Dacca and Bhai-Jodha Ji to Multan. Guru Har Rai Sahib himself travelled to different places of Punjab namely Jalandhar, Kartarpur, Palahi, Hakimpur, Mukandpur, Gurdaspur, Amritsar, Ferozepur, Patiala, Ambala, Karnal, Hissar etc.

5. Phul Blessed: One day a devotee named Kala with his nephew, Phul came to visit Guru Har Rai Sahib. Guru Sahib’s eyes fell on Paul, who was slapping his belly with his hand. On enquiry, Kala told Guru Sahib that he was hungry and wanted something to eat. Guru Sahib took compassion on him and said, “He shall become great, famous and wealthy. His descendants shall drink water as far as the Jamuna. They shall have sovereignty for many generations and be honoured in proportion as they serve the Guru.”
The blessing of Guru Har Rai Ji proved to be true. The generation of Phul laid the foundation of Phulkian Misl.

6. Help to Prince Dara: During the pontificate of Guru Har Rai Sahib, Dara Shikoh was the Governor of Punjab. He was the elder brother of Aurangzeb. In a bid to capture power Aurangzeb poisoned Dara’s food. Consequently, he fell seriously ill. Dara begged Guru Har Rai Sahib to treat him. Guru Har Rai Sahib cured Dara with the rarest of herbs. As a result, Dara felt deeply obliged to Guru Har Rai Sahib. He would often come to pay a visit to Guru Har Rai Sahib.

7. Guru Har Rai Ji Summoned to Delhi : Aurangzeb had suspicion that some hymns in the Guru Granth Sahib were against Islam. In order to, get it confirmed, he asked Guru Har Rai Sahib to appear in his court. Guru Sahib sent his son, Ram Rai. Pointing out a Saloka in the Asa Di Var, Aurangzeb asked him why Muslims had been opposed to it. The Saloka means : “The clay of a Muslim’s grave falls into the hands of a potter ; pots and bricks out of it he makes; in the fire burns the poor clay. As it burns it weeps and wails.” In order to escape the royal wrath, Ram Rai wrongly interpreted it. He explained that Guru Nanak Sahib said nothing against the MusalmAnswer: In fact, he had written the word beiman which had been corrupted by some ignorant persons as Musalman. Guru Har Rai Ji felt indignant, when he heard about it. He considered it a great insult of Guru Granth Sahib. Consequently, Ram Rai was declared unworthy of Guruship.

8. Nomination of the Successor: Realising that his end was approaching, he nominated his younger son, Har Krishan to Guruship. On 6th October 1661 A.D. Guru Har Rai Ji was immersed in Eternal Light at Kiratpur Sahib.

9. Estimate of Guru Har Rai Ji’s Achievements: It is true that Guru Har Rai Ji left this mortal world at the young age of 31, but after the assumption of Guruship he did great deeds for the dissemination of Sikhism. He set up many propagation centres in the Majha, Doaba and Malwa regions. He maintained with gusto the practice of ‘Sangat’ and ‘Pangat’. At his dispensary, free medical aid was provided to one and all irrespective of their caste and creed or status. Through these services, Guru Sahib strengthened the foundations of Sikhism all the more.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 8 Guru Har Rai Ji and Guru Har Krishan Ji

Guru Har Krishan Ji:

Question 2.
Give a brief account of the development of Sikhism during the pontificate of Guru Har Krishan Ji.
Guru Har Krishan Ji was the eighth Guru of the Sikhs. He is also known as ‘Bal Guru’ in Sikh history. His period of pontificate was from 1661 to 1664 A.D. A brief description of the development of Sikhism during the pontificate of Guru Har Krishan Ji is as under:

1. Birth and Childhood : Guru Har Krishan Ji was born on 7th July, 1656 A.D. at Kiratpur Sahib. He was the younger son of Guru Har Rai Sahib. His mother’s name was Sulakhni. Ram Rai was his elder brother.

2. Assumption of Guruship : Guru Har Rai Sahib had disinherited his elder son, Ram Rai of Guruship, after declaring him ineligible, because he had misinterpreted the Gurbani in Aurangzeb’s court. In 1661 A.D., Guru Har Rai Sahib handed over the Guruship to Har Krishan Ji. At that time, Guru Har Krishan Ji was barely five years old. That is why Guru Har Krishan Ji is also known as Bal Guru (child Guru) in Sikh History. Even at such a young age, he possessed a charismatic personality. He was endowed with unique qualities like sense of service, respect towards elders, humility and compassion. It was owing to these qualities that Guru Har Rai Sahib nominated him as his successor. Thus, he became the 8th Sikh Guru in 1661 A.D. He held Guruship till 1664 A.D.

3. Opposition of Ram Rai : Ram Rai being the elder son of Guru Har Rai Sahib, considered himself to be the rightful claimant to Gurgaddi. But Guru Har Rai Sahib had already disinherited him of the Guruship. When he came to know that Guruship had been assigned to Har Rrishan Sahib, he could not tolerate it. He started hatching conspiracies to acquire Guruship. He won many selfish and dishonest ‘Masands’ over to his side. He had it announced through these ‘Masands’ that the real Guru was Ram Rai and all the Sikhs should accept him as such. However, he could not succeed in his designs. He, then tried to elicit Aurangzeb’s help. Aurangzeb called Guru Har Rrishan Sahib to Delhi so that things might be settled between the two factions through arbitration.

4. Guru Sahib’s visit to Delhi: Aurangzeb assigned the task of bringing Guru Har Rrishan Sahib to Delhi to Raja Jai Singh. Raja Jai Singh sent his Diwan, Paras Ram to Guru Har Rrishan Ji. Guru Har Rrishan Ji declined to go to Delhi to see Aurangzeb. But when Paras Ram requested that the sangat at Delhi were keen on seeing Guru Har Rrishan Sahib, Guru Ji agreed to go to Delhi, but refused to see Aurangzeb. He went to Delhi in 1664 A.D. and agreed to stay at Raja Jai Singh’s residence. There is a difference of opinions among historians on the point whether any meeting took place between Guru Har Rrishan Ji and Aurangzeb or not.

5. Immersed in Eternal Light : In those days cholera and small-pox had broken out in Delhi. Guru Har Rrishan Ji served the sick, the poor and the orphans with heart and soul. He cured many patients of small-pox and cholera. But, he himself fell a victim to mall-pox. This disease proved fatal for him. Seeing his serious condition, the devotees asked him who would lead them. He asked for a coconut. By placing five paise and the coconut he paid obeisance and said ‘Baba Bakala’ and breathed his last. In this way he immersed in Eternal Light on 30th March, 1664 A.D. at Delhi. Guru Har Rrishan Ji held Guruship for about two and a half years and discharged his responsibilities as a Guru very intelligently. Even at such a small age he possessed keen intelligence, sublime thoughts and divine knowledge.

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Write a short note on Guru Har Rai Ji.
Write in short about the life and works of Guru Har Rai Ji.
Guru Har Rai Ji was born on 30th January, KiratpurSahib.He was of a very Saintly nature since his very childhood. He remained on Gurgaddi from 1645 to 1661 A.D. His pontificate is considered peaceful in Sikh History. In order to preach Sikhism Guru Har Rai Ji travelled in different parts of the Punjab. Besides, he sent his preachers outside Punjab. As a result Sikh religion became very much popular. He appointed his younger son Har Krishan as his successor to the Gurgaddi.

Question 2.
Write a short note about Dhir Mai.
Dhir Mai, the elder brother of Guru Har Rai Ji, had for long been longing for Guruship. When Dhir Mai received the news that the Sikhs had accepted Tegh Bahadur Ji as their Guru he became furious and restless. He conspired with a Masand named Shihan to kill Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji and to plunder his house. This provoked the Sikhs who attacked Dhir Mai’s house. They not only arrested and produced Dhir Mai and Shihan before Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji. Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji forgave Dhir Mai and Shihan when they begged to be pardopded.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 8 Guru Har Rai Ji and Guru Har Krishan Ji

Question 3.
Write a brief note on Guru Har Krishan Ji. Why is he called Bal Guru?
Write a short note on Guru Har Krishan Ji.
What was the contribution of Guru Har Krishan Ji in the development of Sikhism?
Guru Har Krishan Ji was the eighth Guru of Sikhs. He remained on Gurgaddi from 1661 to 1664 A.D. At the time of his assumption of Guruship he was only five years old. That is why Guru Har Krishan Ji is also known as the Child Guru (Bal Guru) in Sikh Hsistory. At the instigation of Ram Rai, the elder brother of Guru Har Krishan Ji, Aurangzeb called Guru Sahib to Delhi. Guru Har Krishan Ji went to Delhi there he became a victim of small pox. He breathed his last on March 30, 1664 A.D.

Objective Type Questions:

Question 1.
Who was Guru Hargobind Ji’s successor?
Whom did Guru Hargobind Sahib appoint his successor?
Guru Har Rai Ji.

Question 2.
Where was Guru Har Rai Ji born?
Kiratpur Sahib.

Question 3.
Name the father of Guru Har Rai Ji.
Baba Gurditta Ji.

Question 4.
What was the name of the seventh Guru of the Sikhs?
Guru Har Rai Ji.

Question 5.
When did Guru Har Rai Ji succeed Guruship?
1645 A.D.

Question 6.
Who was Dara Shikoh?
The eldest son of Mughal emperor Shah Jahan.

Question 7.
Who was sent to Kabul for preaching Sikhism by Guru Hri Rai Ji?
Bhai Gonda Ji

Question 8.
Who was sent to.Dhaka for preaching Sikhism by Guru Har Rai Ji?
Bhai Natha Ji.

Question 9.
When did Guru Har Rai Ji immerse with the God?
1661 A.D.

Question 10.
Who was the eighth Guru of the Sikhs?
Guru Har Krishan Ji.

Question 11.
Where was Guru Har Krishan Ji born?
Kiratpur Sahib.

Question 12.
When was Guru Har Krishan Ji born?
7th July, 1656 A.D.

Question 13.
When did Guru Har Krishan Ji attain the Gurgaddi?
In 1661 A.D.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 8 Guru Har Rai Ji and Guru Har Krishan Ji

Question 14.
Who was called Bal Guru?
Who was tjie Child Guru of Sikhs?
Guru Har Krishan Ji.

Question 15.
What was the period of pontification‘*of Guru Har Krishan Ji?
1661 A.D. to 1664 A.D.

Question 16.
After the accession to Gurgaddi Guru Har Krishan Ji was much opposed by whom?
Ram Rai.

Question 17.
When did Guru Har Krishan Ji immerse in Eternal Light?
In 1664 A.D.

Question 18.
Where did Guru Har Krishan Ji immerse in Eternal Light?

Fill in the blanks:

1. ………………. Ji was the seventh Guru of the Sikhs.
Guru Har Rai

2. Guru Har Rai Ji was born in …………..
1630 A.D.

3. Sri Guru Har Rai Ji was born at a place named as ……………
Kiratpur Sahib

4. The name of. the father of Guru Har Rai Ji was ………………
Baba Gurditta Ji

5. Guru Har Rai Ji succeeded to Guruship in …………………
1645 A.D.

6. ………………. was the eighth Guru of the Sikhs.
Guru Har Krishan Ji

7. Guru Har Krishan Ji assumed Guruship in ……………….
1661 A.D.

8. ……………….. is remembered by name of Bal Guru.
Guru Har Krishan Ji

True Or False:

1. Guru Har Rai Ji was the seventh Guru of the Sikhs.

2. Guru Har Rai Ji was born in 1630 A.D.

3. Baba Buddha Ji was the father of Guru Har Rai Ji.

4. The name of the mother of Guru Har Rai Ji was Bibi Nihal Kaur.

5. Guru Har Rai Ji assumed Guruship in 1661 A.D.

6. Guru Har Krishan Ji was the eighth Guru of the Sikhs.

7. Guru Har Krishan Ji was the Bal Guru of the Sikhs.

8. Guru Har Krishan Ji immersed in Eternal Light in 1664 A.D.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 8 Guru Har Rai Ji and Guru Har Krishan Ji

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Who was the seventh Guru of the Sikhs?
(a) Guru Hargobind Ji
(b) Guru Har Rai Ji
(c) Guru Har Krishan Ji
(d) Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji
(b) Guru Har Rai Ji

2. When was Guru Har Rai Ji born?
(0 In 1627 A.D.
(b) In 1628 A.D.
(c) In 1629 A.D.
(d) In 1630 A.D.
(d) In 1630 A.D.

3. What was the name of the father of Guru Har Rai Ji?
(a) Baba Gurditta Ji
(b) Atal Rai Ji
(c) Mani Rai Ji
(d) Suraj Mai Ji.
(a) Baba Gurditta Ji

4. When did Guru Har Rai Ji succeed to Guruship?
(a) In 1635 A.D.
(b) In 1637 A.D.
(c) In 1645 A.D.
(d) In 1655 A.D.
(c) In 1645 A.D.

5. Who was Dara Shikoh?
(a) The Eldest son of Shah Jahan
(b) Younger son of Shah Jahan
(c) The Eldest son of Jahangir
(d) Elder son of Aurangzeb.
(a) The Eldest son of Shah Jahan

6. Whom did Guru Har Rai Ji appoint his successor?
(a) Har Krishan Ji
(b) Tegh Bahadur Ji
(c) Ram Rai Ji
(d) Baba Gurditta Ji.
(a) Har Krishan Ji

7. When did Guru Har Rai Ji immerse in Eternal Light?
(a) In 1645 A.D.
(b) In 1650 A.D.
(c) In 1661 A.D.
(d) In 1664 A.D.
(c) In 1661 A.D.

8. Who was the eighth Guru of the Sikhs?
(a) Guru Har Krishan Ji
(b) Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji
(c) Guru Har Rai Ji
(d) Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
(a) Guru Har Krishan Ji

9. When was Guru Har Krishan Ji born?
(a) In 1630 A.D.
(b) In 1635 A.D.
(c) In 1636 A.D.
(d) In 1656 A.D.
(d) In 1656 A.D.

10. Who was the father of Guru Har Krishan Ji?
(a) Guru Hargobind Ji
(b) Guru Har Rai Ji
(c) Baba Gurditta Ji
(d) Baba Buddha Ji.
(b) Guru Har Rai Ji

11. Which Guru is known as Bal Guru of the Sikhs
(a) Guru Ram Das Ji
(b) Guru Har Rai Ji
(c) Guru Har Krishan Ji
(d) Guru Gobind Singh Ji
(c) Guru Har Krishan Ji

12. When did Guru Har Krishan Ji succeed to Guruship?
(a) In 1645 A.D.
(b) In 1656 A.D.
(c) In 1661 A.D.
(d) In 1664 A-D.
(c) In 1661 A.D.

13. When did Guru Har Krishan Ji immerse in Eternal Light? ;
(a) In 1661 A.D.
(b) In 1662 A.D.
(c) In 1663 A.D.
(d) In 1664 A.D.
(d) In 1664 A.D.

14. Where did Guru Har Krishan Ji immense in Eternal Light?
(a) Lahore
(b) Delhi
(c) Multan
(d) Jalandhar.
(b) Delhi

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 7 Guru Hargobind Ji and Transformation of Sikhism

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class History Book Solutions Chapter 7 Guru Hargobind Ji and Transformation of Sikhism Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 History Chapter 7 Guru Hargobind Ji and Transformation of Sikhism

Long Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
What contribution was made by Guru Hargobind Ji in the transformation of Sikhism?
Briefly describe the achievements of Guru Hargobind Ji’s pontificate.
Guru Hargobind Ji remained on Gurgaddi from 1606 A.D. to 1645 A.D. The contribution of Guru Hargobind Ji towards the transformation of Sikh Panth was great. He ascended the Gurgaddi with great pomp and show. He acquired the title of ‘Sacha Padshah’ and wore two swords-Miri and Piri. Miri was the symbol of temporal power while Piri stood for spiritual power. Guru Ji resolved to organise an army to face the tyrant Mughals. He ordered his Sikhs to offer him horses and arms. He got a fortress erected-called Lohgarh for the protection of Amritsar. Guru Hargobind Ji got Akal Takht Sahib built in front of Sri Harmandir Sahib to discuss the political and military problems of the Sikhs. Jahangir was alarmed at the growing influence of Sikhism, so he detained Guru Sahib for some time in the fort of Gwalior. During the regime of Shah Jahan, the Mughals fought four battles with Guru Hargobind Ji. The Sikhs won all these battles. Guru Sahib founded a new town named Kiratpur. He’ also did a lot of work in preaching Sikhism.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 7 Guru Hargobind Ji and Transformation of Sikhism

Question 2.
What were the main causes of the adoption of New Policy (Miri and Piri) by Guru Hargobind Ji?
1. Change in the Religious Policy of the Mughals: Before Jahangir, the relations between the Mughals and the Sikhs were very cordial. The Mughal emperor. In 1605 Jahangir ascended the throne of the Mughal Empire. He was a fanatic Sunni Muslim. He could not tolerate the flourishing of any other religion except Islam. In the changed circumstances Guru Hargobind Ji had to adopt a New Policy.

2. Martyrdom of Guru Arjan Sahib: Being a fanatic Sunni Muslim, Jahangir martyred Guru Arjan Sahib in 1606 A.D. The martyrdom of Guru Sahib infuriated the Sikhs and aroused anger in them. Now it became apparent to them that they would have to arm themselves against the Mughals. In this way, the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Sahib was largely responsible for the adoption of New Policy by Guru Hargobind Ji.

3. Last Message of Guru Arjan Sahib: Before his martyrdom, Guru Arjan Sahib sent a message through his Sikhs to his son Hargobind Ji, “Let him sit fully armed on his throne and maintain an army to the best of his ability.” These words of Guru Arjan Sahib kept echoing in the ears of Hargobind Sahib and he adopted the New Policy.

Question 3.
Explain the features of the New Policy adopted by Guru Hargobind Ji.
What do you know about the New Policy or Miri and Piri of Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji?
What do you know about the New Policy of Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji? Explain its main features.
1. Wearing of Miri and Piri Swords: At the time of assuming Guruship, Guru Hargobind Ji decided to wear the swords of Miri and Piri. The sword of Miri was a symbol of temporal power and the sword of Piri was a symbol of religious leadership. Guru Hargobind Ji enjoined his Sikhs to recite the name of God on one hand, and to wear arms for self-defence on the other. In this way, Guru Hargobind Ji turned the Sikhs into saint soldiers.

2. Organisation of Army: For the protection of the Sikh Panth, Guru Hargobind Ji decided to organise an army. By issuing a Hukamnama, he directed the Sikhs to join Guru Hargobind Ji’s army. Consequently, 500 soldiers joined his army. Guru Hargobind Ji’s army continued to swell gradually and their number rose to 2500. A separate regiment of the Pathans was organised and Painda Khan was made its commander.

3. Collection of Arms and Horses: Guru Hargobind Ji issued a Hukamnama to the Masands that he would be pleased with those Masands, who brought him offerings of arms and horses instead of money. He also told the Sikhs that they should offer arms and horses to the Masands. The Mass and the Sikhs hailed this decision of Guru Ji. This added to the military strength of Guru Hargobind Ji.

4. Construction of Akal Takht Sahib: The construction of Akal Takht Sahib proved very helpful in the evolution of the New Policy. In fact, it was a great task of Guru Hargobind Ji. The construction of Akal Takht (Seat of the Almighty) was begun by Guru Hargobind Ji in front of Harmandir in 1606 A.D. Guru Hargobind Ji used to guide the political and military affairs of the Sikhs by occupying the throne. Here, too, he would accept horses and arms from the Masands. Besides, here Guru Hargobind Ji would settle the mutual disputes of the Sikhs.

5. Adoption of Royal Symbols: While following New Policy, Guru Hargobind Ji adopted many paraphernalia of sovereignty. In place of a woollen rosary he hung two swords from his waist. Like the kings, Guru Hargobind Ji started wearing a royal aigrette (Kalgi) on his headgear. A’Sort of umbrella was also swung over him. He also assumed the title of Sacha Padshah (True Emperor). He also started wearing costlier costumes. Like the Mughals, he also started keeping bodyguards.

Question 4.
What do you know about the Miri and Piri?
What is ‘Miri’ and ‘Piri’? Describe its historical importance?
Briefly describe the importance of the New Policy of Guru Hargobind Ji.
At the time of ascending Gurgaddi, Guru Hargobind Ji fully realised the changed circumstances and danger ahead for Sikhism. Consequently, he decided to wear two swords Miri and Piri. The sword of Miri symbolised temporal power and the sword of Piri symbolised spiritual power, one to smite the oppressor and the other to protect the innocent. The wearing of these two swords by Guru Sahib meant that, henceforward, he would guide the Sikhs in both worldly and religious matters. Guru Sahib advised the Sikhs to recite True Name on the one hand and to carry arms on the other hand for their protection. Thus, Guru – Hargobind Ji turned the Sikhs into saint-soldiers.

This policy of Miri and Piri exercised a tremendous impact on Sikh history. Firstly, it infused a new spirit of confidence among the Sikhs. Secondly, the Sikhs had taken up arms now in order to fight against injustice and for the protection of their religion. Thirdly, it sharpened the differences between the Mughals and the Sikhs. Fourthly, Guru Hargobind Ji founded the Sant Khalsa in accordance with the New Policy. Fifthly, a long drawn out struggle started between the Sikhs and the Mughals as a consequence of this policy, in which the Sikhs became victorious.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 7 Guru Hargobind Ji and Transformation of Sikhism

Question 5.
Write a short note on the imprisonment of Guru Hargobind Ji at Gwalior.
A few years after the assumption of Guruship by Guru Hargobind Ji, Jahangir called Guru Sahib to Delhi and imprisoned him in the fort of Gwalior. Why was Guru Sahib took, prisoner? There is a difference of opinion among historians on this point. Some historians are of the view that Chandu Shah’s conspiracy was Responsible for it. After the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Ji, Chandu Shah once again tried to persuade Guru Hargobind Ji to accept the proposal of his daughter’s marriage. When Guru Hargobind Ji replied that he was not prepared to marry the daughter of his father’s assassin, Chandu Shah was enraged beyond measure. He vowed to avenge this insult. He instigated Jahangir aganist Guru Ji. Consequently, Jahangir imprisoned the Guru.

Most of the historians agree with the view that Jahangir imprisoned Guru Sahib for adopting the New Policy. It had aroused suspicions in the mind of Jahangir and the detractors of Guru Arjan Dev Ji poisoned his ears that Guru Ji was preparing, for a rebellion. The historians differ on the point as to how long Guru Hargobind Ji was kept in prison in the fort of Gwalior. Most of the historians agree that Guru Sahib remained imprisoned in the fort of Gwalior for two years i.e. from 1606 to 1608 A.D.

Question 6.
Write a short note on relations between Guru Hargobind Sahib and Mughal emperor Jahangir.
In 1605 Jahangir ascended the throne of the Mughal Empire. He was a fanatic Sunni Muslim. In a bid to crush the Sikh Movement, he martyred Guru Arjan Dev Ji in 1606 A.D. The martyrdom of Guru Sahib infuriated the Sikhs. Guru Hargobind Ji decided to arm the Sikhs against the Mughals. Guru Ji adopted his famous New Policy. This New Policy infuriated Jahangir. He called Guru Sahib to Delhi and imprisoned him in the fort of Gwalior. The historians differ on the point as to how long Guru Hargobind Ji was kept in prison in the fort of Gwalior. At the instance of Bhai Jetha Ji and Sufi saint Mian Mir, Jahangir ordered Guru Sahib’s release. In Guru Hargobind Ji’s instance, 52 other kings imprisoned in the fort were also released. Because of this Guru Hargobind, Sahib began to be called “Bandi Chhor Baba”. After the release, the relation between Guru Sahib and Jahangir took a friendly turn.

Question 7.
What were the causes of battles between Guru Hargobind Ji and the Mughals?
Following were the causes of battles between Guru Hargobind Ji and the Mughals (Shah Jahan):

  • Shah Jahan was a great orthodox. He got Guru Arjan Dev Ji’s baoli at Lahore filled with debris. This act of Shah Jahan caused a wave of resentment among the Sikhs.
  • Naqshbandi was a movement launched in Punjab by fanatic Muslims. Its leader Sheikh Masoom instigated Shah Jahan against Guru Hargobind Ji. Being orthodox, he was easily influenced by their words and turned against Guru Hargobind Ji.
  • The New Policy of Guru Hargobind Ji became the major factor in widening the gulf between Guru Sahib and Shah Jahan. This policy largely added to the military power of Guru Sahib. Guru Ji recruited many fugitives of the Mughal army in his army. Moreover, Guru Sahib had assumed some royal symbols and Sikh devotees had started addressing him a Sacha Padshah (true emperor). Shah 1 Jahan couldn’t tolerate it,
  • The Kaulan’s affair further embittered the relationship between Guru Hargobind Ji and Shah Jahan. Kaulan was the daughter of Qazi Rustam Khan of Lahore. She was greatly impressed by the teachings Of Guru Arjan Dev Ji and read them with fondness. How could the fanatic Sunni Muslims tolerate that his daughter in his own home should read ‘bani’ (hymns) of the Sikhs? So he started poisoning Shah Jahan’s ears against Guru Sahib. It had its desired impact.

Question 8.
Give a brief account of the battle of Amritsar fought between Guru Hargobind Sahib and the Mughals.
The first battle between the Sikhs and the Mughals was fought during ‘ Guru Hargobind Ji’s time, at Amritsar in 1634 A.D. A royal hawk was the immediate cause of this battle. It is said that at that time the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan was hunting in a forest near Amritsar along with his soldiers. On the other hand, Guru Hargobind Ji was also hunting in the same forest along with his Sikhs. During this hunt, a hawk which was presented to Shah Jahan by the emperor of Iran flew away. It fell into the hands of the Sikhs and they refused to give it back to the Mughals. Consequently, Shah Jahan sent an army of 7000 soldiers under the command of Mukhlis Khan to teach a lesson to the Sikhs. The Sikh soldiers fought with the Mughal army with great valour and determination. Mukhlis Khan was killed in this battle. Consequently, the Mughal army took to its heels. Thus, the Sikhs became victorious in this first battle. This victory enhanced the morale of the Sikhs.

Question 9.
Write a short note on the battle of Lahiri fought in the times of Guru Hargobind.
Soon after the battle of Amritsar, the second battle was fought between the Mughals and the Sikhs at a place called Lahira (near Bathinda). The immediate cause of this battle was two horses named Dilhag and Gulberg. Two Masands named Bakht Mai and Tara Chand were bringing these horses from Kabul to present them to Guru Hargobind Ji. On the way the Mughals dispossessed them of these horses and sent them to the royal stable. Bhai Bidhi Chand, a devotee of Guru Ji could not tolerate it. He went in disguise as a grass cutter and brought out both the horses from the royal stable and sent them to Guru Sahib. When Shah Jahan heard this news, he was very angry; He immediately sent a . large army under the command of Lala Beg and Qamar Beg to crush the power of the Sikhs. A fierce battle was fought between the Mughals and the Sikhs at a place called Lahira. The Mughals had to suffer a heavy loss of life and both their commanders Lala Beg and Qamar Beg were killed. Bhai Jetha Ji too was martyred in.this battle. The Sikhs emerged victorious in this battle.

Question 10.
What do you know about the battle of Kartarpur fought between Guru Hargobind Ji and the Mughals?
The third battle between the Mughals and the Sikhs was fought at Kartarpur in 1635 A.D. The cause of this battle was Painda Khan. He was the commander of the Pathaji troop in the army of Guru Hargobind Ji. He had given a proof of his bravery in the battle of Amritsar. But now he had become arrogant. He stole a hawk of Guru Sahib and gave it to his son-in-law. When Guru Sahib enquired about it, he pretended ignorance. Later on when Guru Sahib came to know about his lie, Guru Sahib dismissed him from the job. Painda Khan decided to avenge this insult. He sought refuge with Shah Jahan. He instigated Shah Jahan to take military action against Guru Sahib. As a result Shah Jahan sent an army under Painda Khan and Kale IQian tb take action against Guru Hargobind Ji. A fierce battle was fought between the two armies at Kartarpur. The Sikh soldiers fought very bravely in this battle. Guru Hargobind Ji’s two sons, Bhai Gurditta Ji and Tegh Bahadur Ji showed rare feats of bravery. In this battle Kale Khan, Painda Khan and his son Qutub Khan were killed while fighting with Guru Sahib. The Mughal army too suffered heavy losses and had to face a crushing defeat.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 7 Guru Hargobind Ji and Transformation of Sikhism

Question 11.
Write briefly Guru Hargobind Ji’s battles with the Mughals. What is their significance in Sikh History?
Guru Hargobind Ji fought four battles against the Mughals in Shah Jahan’s time from 1634 to 1635 A.D. The first battle was fought at Amritsar in 1634 A.D. A royal hawk proved to be an immediate cause of this battle. This hawk had fallen into the hands of the Sikhs and they refused to give it back to the Mughals. Shah Jahan sent a vast army under the command of MukhUs Khan to teach the Sikhs a lesson. The Sikhs fought bravely in this battle and became victorious. The – second battle was fought at Lahira in 1634 A.D. The two horses, Dilbag and Gulbag became the root cause of this battle. The Mughals, suffered heavy losses in this battle. The third battle was fought at Kartarpur between Guru Hargobind Ji and the Mughals in 1635 A.D. Gurditta and Tegh Bahadur, the two sons of Guru Hargobind Ji displayed their rare feats of bravery in this battle. In the same year, the last battle between the Mughals and Guru Hargobind Ji was fought at Phagwara. Despite their limited resources, the Sikhs came out victorious in these battles. It spread the fame of Sikhism far and wide and a large number of people embraced it.

Question 12.
Why is Guru Hargobind Sahib known as Bandi Chhor Baba?
The Mughal emperor Jahangir had detained Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji in the fort of Gwalior; In this fort were confined 52 other kings for political reasons. These kings were very much impressed by Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji’s personality. They did not feel any difficulty in the company of Guru Sahib. But when Jahangir decided to release Guru Sahib, these kings became restless at the very thought of separation. Guru Hargobind Ji had also developed sympathy for these kings. Therefore, Guru Hargobind Ji sent a message to Jahangir that he would not get released from the fort of Gwalior as long as 52 kings confined in the same fort were also not released. Consequently, Jahangir had to order the release of these 52 kings also. In this way, Guru Hargobind Ji came to be known as Bandi Chhor Baba (emancipator of captives.)

Question 13.
Write a short note on Akal Takht Sahib.
Explain briefly the importance of building of Akal Takht Sahib in Sikh History.
What is the importance of the construction of Sri Akal Takht Sahib?
The construction of Akal Takht (The eternal throne) Sahib by Guru Hargobind Ji was his stupendous work. Its construction was started by Guru Hargobind Ji in 1606 A.D. in front of Harmandir Sahib. This project was completed in 1609 A.D. It had a 12 feet high platform which resembled the Mughal throne Here Guru Hargobind Ji used to sit in a princely attire and guide the Sikhs in political and military affairs; From here he used to witness wrestling bouts and other martial arts of the Sikhs. At this place he recruited soldiers and received arms and horses from the Masands. The professional bards sang ballads of unrivalled heroism with a view to infusing a new confidence into the Sikhs. At this very place Guru Hargobind Ji also used to settle the disputes of the Sikhs like a king in court. In fact, Akal Takht Sahib served the purpose of supreme court for the Sikhs. Very soon Akal Takht Sahib became a famous hub of the political activities of the Sikhs.

Question 14.
Give a brief account of the relations of Guru Hargobind Ji with the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan.
Shah Jahan became the new emperor of the Mughals in 1628 A.D. During his time, relations between the Sikhs and the Mughals became strained. First, Shah Jahan was a very orthodox emperor. He got the Baoli, built by Guru Arjan Dev Ji at Lahore, filled with filth and converted the Langar building into a mosque. Secondly, Naqashbandis started inciting Shah Jahan against the Sikhs with redoubled zeal. Thirdly, Shah Jahan did not like Guru Sahib’s keeping an army and the Sikhs calling him Sacha Padshah. Fourthly, Kaulan, daughter of a Qazi of Lahore became Guru Ji’s disciple. For this, the Qazi instigated Shah Jahan to take stern steps against the Sikhs. During 1634-35, four battles were fought between the Sikhs and the Mughals at Amritsar, Lahira, Kartarpur and Phagwara. In these battles the Sikhs became victorious while the Mughals had to face defeat. As a result the fame of Guru Hargobind Ji spread far and wide.

Question 15.
Write a short note on the relations between Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji and the Mughal Emperors.
The Mughal Emperors Jahangir and Shah Jahan were contemporaries of Guru Hargobind Ji. Both of them were religiously intolerant. In order to crush the popularity of Sikh movement Jahangir had martyred Guru Arjan Dev Ji in 1606 A.D. The relation between the Mughals and the Sikhs had become strained. After few years he detained Guru Hargobind Ji in the fort of Gwalior. The historians differ on the point as to how long Guru Hargobind Ji was kept in prison in the fort of Gwalior. After some time, Jahangir ordered his release and the relations between both took new turn. In 1628, Shah Jahan became the new Mughal Emperor. He was a great orthodox. As a result, the relations between the Sikhs and the Mughals once again became strained. In 1634-35 four battles—Amritsar, Lahira, Kartarpur and Phagwara were fought between them. In these battles Guru Hargobind Ji emerged victorious. The victories in these battles increased- the self-confidence among the Sikhs.

Essay Type Questions:

New Policy Of Guru Hargobind Ji:

Question 1.
What do you mean by ‘Miri and Piri’? Study the main features of the New Policy of Guru Hargobind Ji.
What do you know about the New Policy of Guru Hargobind Ji? Describe its main features and significance towards the transformation of Sikhism.
What do you know about the New Policy of Guru Hargobind Ji? Explain in brief its main features.
Examine the New Policy of Guru,Hargobind Ji.
Describe the circumstances leading to the adoption of New Policy by Guru Hargobind Ji. What were the main features of this policy?
Explain the main features of Miri and Piri.
What do you understand by Miri and Piri? Explain its main features.
What were the features of New Policy of Guru Hargobind Ji?
“Guru Hargobind has been a much understood man.”—(I.B. Banerjee). Explain the statement in the light of his New Policy.
What is meant by Miri and Piri? What was its importance?
With the commencement of Guru Hargobind Ji’s Guruship in 1606 A.D. the Sikh Panth ventured into a new era of its history. During his Guruship he transformed the nature of the Sikh sect by turning the Sikhs into saint soldiers. Guru Hargobind Sahib had to adopt New Policy owing to the following reasons:

1. Change in the Religious Policy of the Mughals: Before Jahangir, the relations between the Mughals and the Sikhs were very cordial. During the Saidpur invasion by Babar in 1520 A.D., the Mughal army had taken Guru Nanak Dev Ji as prisoner. When Babar came to know about it, he ordered the immediate release of Guru Nanak Sahib. He said that he would not have attacked Saidpur, if he had known that it was inhabited by such a holy man. In a bid to re-capture power, Humayun had sought the blessings of Guru Angad Sahib. During that time Akbar himself came to Goindwal Sahib and partook Langar. He donated 500 bigha land to Guru Ram Das Ji and waived off the revenue of farmers in Punjab for one year. In 1605 A.D. Jahangir ascended the throne of the Mughal empire. He was a fanatic Sunni Muslim. He could not tolerate the flourishing of any other religion except Islam. In the changed circumstances, Guru Hargobind Sahib had to adopt New Policy.

2. Martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji: Being a fanatic Sunni Muslim, Jahangir could not tolerate the increasing popularity of the Sikhs in Punjab. In a bid to crush this movement, he martyred, Guru Arjan Dev Ji in 1606 A.D. The martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji, a saintly personality who wished well for all, infuriated the Sikhs and aroused anger in them. Now, it became apparent to them that they would have to arm themselves against the Mughals for their survival. In this way, the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji was largely responsible for the adoption of New Policy by Guru Hargobind Ji.

3. Last Message of Guru Arjan Dev Ji: Before his martyrdom, Guru Arjan Dev Ji sent a message through his Sikhs to his son, Hargobind Ji, “Let him sit fully armed on his throne and maintain an army to the best of his ability.” These words of Guru Arjan Dev Ji kept echoing in the ears of Hargobind Ji and he adopted the New Policy by giving it a practical shape.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 7 Guru Hargobind Ji and Transformation of Sikhism

Main Features of the New Policy:

1. Wearing of Miri and Piri Swords: At the time of assuming Guruship, Guru Hargobind Dev Ji decided to wear the swords of Miri and Piri. The sword of Miri was a symbol of temporal power and the sword of Piri a symbol of religious leadership. Guru Hargobind ji enjoined on his Sikhs to recite the name of God on one hand, and to wear arms for self-defence on the other. In this way Guru Hargohind Sahib turned the Sikhs into saint soldiers. This policy of Miri and Piri as adopted by Guru Hargobind Ji exercised a deep impact on the Sikh History.

2. Organisation of Army: For the protection of the Sikh Panth, Guru Hargobind Ji decided to organise an army. By issuing a Hukamnama, he directed the Sikhs to join Guru Hargohind Ji’s army. Consequently, 500 soldiers joined his army. Guru Ji classified these soldiers into five Jathas (groups). Each Jatha was put under the charge of a Jathedar. Besides these soldiers, Guru Hargobind Ji also recruited 52 bodyguards. Guru Hargobind Ji’s army continued to swell gradually and their number rose to 2500. A separate regiment of the Pathans was organised and Painda Khan was made its commander.

3. Collection of Arms and Horses: Guru Hargobind Ji issued a Hukamnama to the Masands that he would be pleased with those Masands, who brought him offerings of arms and horses instead of money. He also told the Sikhs that they should offer arms and horses to the Masands. The Masands and the Sikhs hailed this decision of Guru Ji. This added to the military strength of Guru Hargobind Ji.

4. Construction of Akal Takht Sahib: The construction of Akal Takht Sahib proved very helpful in the evolution of the New Policy. In fact, it was a great task of Guru Hargobind Ji. The construction of Akal Takht (Seat of the Almighty) was begun by Guru Hargobind Ji in front of Harmandir in 1606 A.D. This stupendous task was completed in 1609 A.D. Inside it was built a 12 feet high rostrum, which was like a throne. Guru Hargobind Ji used to guide the political and military affairs of the Sikhs by occupying the throne. Here, he would give military training to the Sikhs and watch their wrestling and other military feats. Here, too, he would accept horses and arms from the Masands. In order to, infuse a new spirit among the Sikhs, the professional bards sang ballads of unrivalled heroism. Besides, here Guru Hargobind Ji would settle the mutual disputes of the Sikhs. According to H.S. Bhatia and S.R. Bakshi,
“Sri Akal Takht is one of the most sacred institutions of Sikhism. It has played historic role in the socio-political transformation of the? Sikh community.”

5. Adoption of Royal Symbols: While following New Policy, Guru Hargobind Ji adopted many paraphernalia of sovereignty. In place of a woollen rosary he hung two swords from his waist. Like the kings, Guru Hargobind Ji started wearing a royal aigrette (Kalgi) on his headgear. A sort of umbrella was also swung over him. He also assumed the title of Sacha Padshah (True Emperor). He also started wearing costlier costumes. Like the Mughals, he also started keeping bodyguards.

6. Fortification of Amritsar: Amritsar was not only, the most.sacred place of the Sikhs, but also was a famous centre for their military training. Therefore, Guru Hargobind Ji got constructed a wall around the city of Amritsar for its defence. Besides this, in 1609 A.D. he also got constructed a fort which was named, Lohgarh.

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7. Changes in the daily life of the Guru: With the adoption of the New Policy, the daily life of Guru Hargobind Ji underwent a number of changes. Guru Hargobind Ji raised a special kirtaniyas who went around Harmandir Sahib, reciting inspirational ‘Sabads’ loudly, to the accompaniment of drum-beats and torch-lights. Guru Hargobind Ji had brought about these changes in his life, only with a view to infuse a spirit of fearlessness among the Sikhs.

Critical Estimate of the New Policy:

At first when Guru Hargobind Ji adopted the New Policy, it created doubts in the minds of many Sikhs about the aims and objectives of Guru Hargobind Ji. In fact, Guru Hargobind Ji had been totally misunderstood. Firstly, Guru Hargobind Ji had no political motive. Secondly, he had not abandoned the Sikh code of conduct. He used to give religious guidance to the Sikhs. During his pontificate, he sent many missionaries in the different corners of Punjab to preach Sikhism. If Guru Hargobind Ji made certain changes in his routine, it was only to enthuse the Sikhs. With the passage of time, all doubts among the Sikhs about the New Policy of Guru Hargobind Ji began to be dispelled.

Bhai Gurdas-Ji appreciated the New Policy of Guru Hargobind Ji. He was of.the opinion as it is necessary to kill the snake to get the ‘Gem (Mani)’, to kill the deer to get ‘Kasturi’ and to break the shell to get coconut. It is necessary to have a wedge if you want to protect the garden. Similarly it is necessary for Guru Hargobind Ji to adopt the mew policy in order to protect Sikhism founded by Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
In the words of H.S. Bhatia and S.R. Bakshi,
“Though outwardly, it may appear that Guru Hargobind Ji persued a slightly different course for fulfilling the mission of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, yet, basically, it was Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s ideals that he preached.”
Thus we see that Guru Hargobind Sahib continued the policy of the old Gurus and also made new additions to it.

Importance of the New Policy:

The New Policy of Guru Hargobind Ji brought a radical transformation in Sikhism. The Sikhs,*became saint soldiers. Consequently, with the passage of time the Sikhs became fearless warriors. It infused the feelings of self-confidence and self-respect among the Sikhs. If Guru Hargobind Ji had not followed the New Policy, the pious brotherhood of the Sikhs would have either not survived or at any rate relapsed into the limited merits of monks and mendicants. It was due to the New Policy of Guru Hargobind Ji, that a large number of Jats embraced Sikhism. The New Policy widened the gulf between the Sikhs and the Mughals. During the reign of Shah Jahan, the Mughals fought four battles with Guru Hargobind Ji. Besides these, the New Policy of Guru Hargobind Ji provided the basis of the creation of Khalsa by Guru Gobind Singh Ji in 1699 A.D. K.S. Duggal aptly says,

“Guru Hargobind Ji’s greatest contribution is that he gave a new turn to the Sikh way of life. He turned saints into soldiers and yet remained a man of God.”3

Guru Hargobind Ji’S Relations with the Mughals:

Question 2.
Describe briefly the relationship of Guru Hargobind Ji with Jahangir and Shah Jahan.
Write a detailed note on relations between Guru Hargobind Ji and the Mughals.

First Period (1606-27):

1. Imprisonment of Guru Hargobind Ji at Gwalior: Immediately after the assumption of Guruship by Guru Hargobind Ji, Jahangir called Guru Hargobind Ji to Delhi and imprisoned him in the fort of Gwalior. There is a difference of opinion among historians on the point of Guru Hargobind Ji being taken as prisoner. Some historians are of the view that Chandu Shah’s conspiracy was responsible for it. Guru Sahib had refused to accept the proposal of his daughter’s marriage. Therefore, he instigated Jahangir against Guru Hargobind Ji. Consequently, Jahangir imprisoned the Guru. Most of the historians agree to the view that Jahangir imprisoned Guru Hargobind Sahib for adopting the New Policy. It had – aroused suspicions in the mind of Jahangir and the detractors-of Guru ArjanDev Ji poisoned his ears that Guru Hargobind Ji was preparing for a rebellion.

2. Period of Imprisonment: The historians differ on the point as to how long Guru Hargobind Ji was kept in prison in the fort of Gwalior. According to the writer of Dabistan-i-Majahib, Guru Hargobind Ji remained in prison for 12 years. Dr. Indu Bhushan Banerjee stated that the term of imprisonment was 5 years. Teja Singh and Ganda Singh put it to be two years. The Sikh chronicles mentioned that the period of imprisonment was 40 days. It is assessed from the historical facts that Guru Hargobind Ji remained imprisoned in the fort of Gwalior for two years i.e. from 1606 to 1608 A.D.

3. Release of Guru Hargobind Ji: The historians have also expressed different views about Guru Hargobind Ji’s release from the fort of Gwalior. Sikh chronicles wrote that after putting Guru Hargobind Ji in prison Jahangir began to feel uneasy. Bhai Jetha Ji, a devotee of Guru Hargobind Ji, cured him completely. At the insistence of Bhai Jetha Ji, Jahangir released Guru Hargobind Ji. Some historians say that Jahangir took this decision on the request of a famous Sufi saint named, Mian Mir. According to some other historiAnswer: Jahangir was greatly impressed by the profound devotion of the Sikhs. As a result, Jahangir ordered his release. Whatever be the reason, when the order of Guru Hargobind Ji’s release was issued, Guru Hargobind Ji refused to get his freedom as long as 52 other kings, who were imprisoned in the Gwalior fort were also not released. Consequently, Jahangir released these 52 kings also. Because of this, Guru Hargobind Ji began to be called “Bandi Chhor Baba” (emancipator of captives).

4. Friendly Relations with Jahangir: Jahangir became convinced that Chandu Shah was at the back of Guru Hargobind Ji’s woes. So Jahangir handed Chandu Shah over to the Sikhs in order to give him punishment for his misdeeds. Jahangir offered to bear the entire expenditure to be incurred in the construction of the Akal Takht, but Guru Ji refused it. Whatever be the case, there is no doubt that after the release of Guru Hargobind Ji, till Jahangir’s death, the relations between the two continued to be cordial.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 7 Guru Hargobind Ji and Transformation of Sikhism

Second Period (1628-35):

Shah Jahan became’the new Mughal emperor in 1628 A.D. After he ascended the throne, the relations between the Sikhs and the Mughals once again became strained owing to the following reasons:—

1. Shah Jahan’s Fanaticism: Shah Jahan was a great orthodox. He got many famous Hindu temples demolished. He got Guru Arjan Dev Ji’s baoli at Lahore converted into a mosque. This act of Shah Jahan sent a wave of resentment among the Sikhs.

2. Opposition of Naqshbandis: Naqshbamdi was a movement launched in Punjab, by fanatic Muslims. After Shah Jahan had ascended the throne, the Naqshbandis again instigated Shah Jahan against Guru Hargobind Ji. Being an orthodox, he was easily influenced by their words and turned against’Guru Hargobind Ji.

3. New Policy of Guru Hargobind Ji: The New Policy of Guru Hargobind Ji became the major factor in widening the gulf between Guru Sahib and Shah Jahan. This policy largely added to the military power of Guru Hargobind Ji. Guru Hargobind Ji had assumed some royal symbols and Sikh devotees had started addressing him as Sacha Padshah (true emperor). Shah Jahan looked upon this policy of Guru Hargobind Ji as a danger to the Mughal empire. So, he decided to take action against Guru Hargobind Ji.

4. Kaulan’s Affair: The Kaulan’s affair further embittered the relationship between Guru Hargobind Ji and Shah Jahan. Kaulan was the daughter of Qazi Rustam Khan of Lahore. She was very religious minded. She was greatly impressed by the teachings of Guru Arjan Ji and used to read them with fondness. Qazi Rustam Khan, a fanatic Sunni Muslim could not tolerate it. As a result he imposed many restrictions on his daughter. She left her home and took refuge with Guru Hargobind Ji. When the Qazi came to know about it, he started poisoning Shah Jahan’s ears against Guru Hargobind Ji.

Battles Between The Sikhs And The Mughals:

Gradually the relations between the Mughals and the Sikhs became so strained that in 1634-35 A.D., four battles were fought between them. A brief description of these battles is as follows:

1. Battle of Amritsar 1634 A.D.: The first battle between the Mughals and the Sikhs was fought in 1634 A.D. at Amritsar. At that time Shah Jahan with his soldiers was on a hunting tour near Amritsar. While hunting, a special hawk of Shah Jahan, flew away. The Sikhs caught this hawk. While searching for it some Mughal soldiers happened to come there. When they saw the hawk with the Sikhs, they demanded it back. The refusal by the Sikhs resulted in a clash. Some Mughal soldiers were killed in the clash. Shah Jahan sent a troop of 7,000 soldiers, under the leadership of Mukhlis Khan from Lahore to teach a lesson to Guru Hargobind Ji and his Sikhs. This army made a great deal of plundering after reaching Amritsar. The Sikh soldiers stoutly resisted the Mughal army. Besides Guru Hargobind Ji, Bhai Bidhi Chand, Bhai Jetha Ji and Painda Khan showed feats of bravery. Mukhlis Khan was killed, while he was fighting with Guru Hargobind Ji. As a result, the rest of the Mughal army fled from the battlefield. The victory in this battle greatly boosted the morale of the Sikhs. About this battle Prof. Harbans Singh aptly says,
“This Amritsar action was a small incident, but its implications were far-reaching.”

2. Battle of Lahira”l634 A.D.: Soon after the battle of Amritsar, second battle was fought between the Mughals and the Sikhs at a place called Lahira (near Bathinda). The immediate cause of this battle was two horses named Dilbag and Gulbag. Two Masands named Bakht Mai and Tara Chand were bringing these horses from Kabul to present them to Guru Hargobind Ji. On the way the Mughals dispossessed them of these horses and sent them to the royal stable. Bhai Bidhi Chand, a devotee of Guru Ji went in disguise of a grass cutter and brought out both the horses from the royal stable and sent them to Guru Hargobind Ji. When Shah Jahan heard this news. He immediately sent a large army under the command of Lala Beg and Qamar Beg to crush the power of the Sikhs. A fierce battle was fought between the Mughals and the Sikhs at a place called Lahira. The Mughals had to suffer a heavy loss of life and both their commanders Lala Beg and Qamar Beg were killed. Bhai Jetha, too was martyred in this battle. The Sikhs emerged victorious in this battle.

3. Battle of Kartarpur 1635 A.D.: The third battle between the Mughals and the Sikhs was fought at Kartarpur in 1635 A.D. The cause of’this battle was Painda Khan. He was the commander of the Pathan troop in the army of Guru Hargobind Ji. He stole a hawk of Guru Sahib and gave it to his son-in-law. When Guru Sahib enquired about it, he pretended ignorance. Later on when Guru Hargobind Ji came to know about his lie, Guru Hargobind Ji dismissed him from thejob. He sought refuge with Shah Jahan. On his instigation Shah Jahan sent an army under Painda Khan and Kale Khan to take action against Guru Hargobind Ji. A fierce battle was fought between the two armies at Kartarpur. In this battle Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji showed rare feats of bravery. In this battle Kale Khan, Painda Khan and his son Qutub Khan were killed, while fighting with Guru Hargobind Ji. The Mughal army too suffered heavy losses and had to face a crushing defeat.

4. Battle of Phagwara 1635 A.D.: After the battle of Kartarpur, Guru Hargobind Ji stayed at Phagwara for some time. Here some Mughal soldiers under the command of Ahmed Khan attacked Guru Hargobind Ji. Guru Hargobind Ji was not prepared for this attack, but on the other hand the Mughal army was very small in number. Therefore, there was only a skirmish between the two armies near Phagwara. This battle is not considered so significant. The battle of Phagwara was the last battle fought between the Mughals and the Sikhs during the pontificate of Guru Hargobind Ji.

Importance of the Battles:

In the battles, between the Mughals and the Sikhs mentioned above the Sikhs emerged victorious. These battles were fought at a time, when the resources of the Sikhs were very limited, as compared to those of the Mughals. The victories in these battles increased’ the self-confidence and infused a new spirit among the Sikhs. Owing to these victories the fame of Guru Hargobind Ji spread far and wide. Many people embraced Sikhism. Consequently, the Sikh Panth began to flourish rapidly. Patwant Singh aptly says,
“The historical importance of these battles did not lie in their scale, but in the fact that the aggressor’s writ was rejected and his power scorned. A mood of defiance was generated against the Mughals and an example set for others.”

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 7 Guru Hargobind Ji and Transformation of Sikhism

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
What contribution was made by Guru Hargobind Ji in the transformation of Sikhsim?
Briefly describe the achievements of Guru Hargobind Ji’s pontificate.
Guru Hargobind Ji remained on Gurgaddi from 1606 A.D. to 1645 A.D. He wore two swords of Miri and Piri. Guru Ji resolved to organise an army to face the tyrant Mughals. He got a fortress erected called, Lohgarh for the protection of Amritsar. Guru Hargobind Ji got Akal Takht Sahib built in front of Sri Harmandir Sahib. Jahangir was alarmed at the growing influence of Sikhism. During the regime of Shah Jahan the Mughals fought four battles with Guru Hargobind Ji. The Sikhs won all these battles.

Question 2. What were the main causes of adoption of New Policy (Miri and Piri) by Guru Hargobind Ji?
Describe any three causes of the adoption of New Policy by Guru Hargobind Ji.
Why did Guru Hargobind Sahib adopt the New Policy?
Why did Guru Hargobind Ji adopt the ‘New Policy’? Give any three reasons.

  • Jahangir was a fanatic Sunni Muslim. He could not tolerate the flourishing of any other religion except Islam,
  • Being a fanatic Sunni Muslim, Jahangir martyred Guru Arjan Ji in 1606 A.D. It infuriated the Sikhs and aroused anger in them. So they decided to arm themselves against the Mughals.
  • Before his martyrdom, Guru Arjan Ji sent a message to his son, Hargobind Ji, “Let him sit fully armed on his throne and maintain an army to the best of his ability.”

Question 3.
What were the main features of Guru Hargobind Ji’s New Policy?
What do you know about the New Policy of Miri and Piri of Guru Hargobind Ji?
What was the New Policy of Guru Hargobind Ji? What were its main features?
Write any three features of the New Policy of Guru Hargobind Ji.

  • Guru Hargobind Ji sat on Gurgaddi with great pomp and show. He wore two swords of Miri and Piri.
  • Guru Hargobind Ji decided to keep an army for the protection of the Sikh Panth.
  • Guru Hargobind Ji announced that the Sikhs should offer horses and arms in place of money.
  • With the objective of making Amritsar secure and protected, he got a fortress, Lohgarh constructed.
  • He got constructed Akal Takht Sahib near Sri Harmandir Sahib.

Question 4.
What do you know about the Miri and Piri?
What is ‘Miri’ and ‘Piri’? Describe its historical importance?
What do you mean by Miri and Piri?
Briefly describe the importance of the New Policy of Guru Hargobind Ji.
At the time of ascending Gurgaddi Guru Hargobind Ji, he decided to wear two swords of Miri and Piri. The sword of Miri symbolised temporal power and the sword of Piri symbolised the spiritual power. The wearing of these two swords by Guru Hargobind Ji meant that, hence forward, he would guide the Sikhs in both worldly and religious matters. Thus, Guru Hargobind Ji turned the Sikhs into saint-soldiers.

Question 5.
Write a short note on the imprisonment of Guru Hargobind Ji at Gwalior.
Why did Jahangir arrest Guru Hargobind Ji?
A few years after the assumption of Guruship by Guru Hargobind Ji, Jahangir called Guru Sahib to Delhi and imprisoned him in the fort of Gwalior. Why was Guru Hargobind Ji taken prisoner? There is a difference of opinion among historians on this point. Some historians are of the view that Chandu Shah’s conspiracy was responsible for it. Most of the historians agree to the view that Jahangir imprisoned Guru Sahib for adopting the New Policy. Guru Sahib remained imprisioned from 1606 to 1608 A.D.

Question 6.
Write a shor£ note on relations between Guru Hargobind Ji and Mughal emperor Jahangir.
In 1605 A.D. Jahangir ascended the throne of Mughal Empire. He was a fanatic Sunni Muslim. In a bid to crush the Sikh movement, he martyred Guru Arjan Sahib in 1606 A.D. So Guru Hargobind Ji decided to arm the Sikhs against the Mughals. It infuriated Jahangir. He imprisoned Guru Hargobind Ji in the fort of Gwalior. Later on Jahangir ordered Guru Sahib’s release. After the release, the relation between Guru Hargobind Ji and Jahangir took a friendly turn.

Question 7.
What were the causes of battles between Guru. Hargobind Ji and the Mughals?
Write any three causes of battles between Guru Hargobind Ji and the Mughals.

  • Shah Jahan was a great orthodox. He got Guru Arjan Dev Ji’s baoli at Lahore filled with debris.
  • Shaikh Masoom, the leader of Naqshbandis, instigated Shah Jahan against Guru Hargobind Ji.
  • The New Policy of Guru Hargobind Ji became the major factor in widening the gulf between the Sikhs and the Mughals.
  • Guru Ji was called as Sacha-Padshah by his followers
  • Shah Jahan could not tolerate Kaulani’s becoming of Guru Hargobind Ji’s disciple.

Question 8.
Give a brief account of the battle of Amritsar fought between Guru Hargobind Ji and the Mughals.
The first battle between the Sikhs and the Mughals was fought during Guru Hargobind Ji’s time, at Amritsar in 1634 A.D. A royal hawk was the immediate cause of this battle. Shah Jahan’s hawk flew away. The Sikhs refused to give it back to the Mughals. Consequently, Shah Jahan sent an army of 7000 soldiers under the command of Mukhlis Khan to teach a lesson to the Sikhs. The Sikhs became victorious in this first battle.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 7 Guru Hargobind Ji and Transformation of Sikhism

Question 9.
What do you know about the battle of Kartarpur fought between Guru Hargobind Ji and the Mughals?
The third battle between the Mughals and the Sikhs was fought at Kartarpur in 1635 A.D. The cause of this battle was Painda Khan. He had become arrogant. So Guru Hargobind Ji had dismissed him from the army. Painda Khan decided to avenge this insult. He instigated Shah Jahan to take military action against Guru Hargobind Ji. As a result Shah Jahan sent an army against Guru Hargobind Ji. A fierce battle was fought between the two armies at Kartarpur. The Mughal army had to face a crushing defeat.

Question 10.
Write briefly Guru Hargobind’s battles with the Mughals. What is their significance in Sikh History?
Guru Hargobind Ji fought four battles against the Mughals in Shah Jahan’s time from 1634 to 1635 A.D. The first battle was fought at Amritsar in 1634 A.D. The second battle was fought at Lahira in 1634 A.D. The third battle was fought at Kartarpur in 1635 A.D. In the same year, the last battle was fought at Phagwara. Despite their limited resources, the Sikhs came out victorious in these battles.

Question 11.
Why is Guru Hargobind Ji known as Bandi Chhor Baba?
The Mughal emperor Jahangir had detained Guru Hargobind Ji in the fort of Gwalior. In this fort were confined 52 other kings. These kings were very much impressed by Guru Hargobind Ji’s personality.. But when Jahangir decided to release Guru Hargobind Ji, sent a message to Jahangir that he would not get released from the fort of Gwalior as long as 52 kings were also not released. Consequently, Jahangir had to order the release of these 52’kings also. In’this way, Guru Hargobind Ji came to be known as Bandi Chhor Baba (emancipator of captives).

Question 12.
Write a note on Akal Takht Sahib.
Explain briefly about the construction and importance of Akal Takht Sahib.
What is the importance of the construction of Sri Akal Takht Sahib?
The construction of Akal Takht Sahib (The eternal throne) by Guru Hargobind Ji was his stupendous work. Its construction was started by Guru Hargobind Sahib in 1606 A.D. in front of Harmandir Ji. This project was completed ’ in 1609 A.D. Here Guru Hargobind Ji used to sit in a princely attire and guide the Sikhs in political and military affairs. From here he used to witness wrestling bouts and other martial arts of the Sikhs.

Question 13.
Give a.brief account of the relations of Guru Hargobind Ji with the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan.

  • Shah Jahan was a very orthodox emperor. He got the Baoli, built by Guru Arjan Dev Ji at Lahore, filled with filth.
  • Naqshbandis started inciting Shah Jahan against the Sikhs with redoubled zeal,
  • Shah Jahan did not like Guru Sahib’s keeping an army and the Sikhs calling him Sacha Padshah,
  • Dining-1634-35 A.D. four battles were fought between the Sikhs and the Mughals at Amritsar, Lahira, Kartarpur and Phagwara. In these battles the Sikhs became victorious while the Mughals had to face defeat.

Question 14.
Write a short note on the relations between Guru Hargobind Ji and the Mughal emperors.
The Mughal emperors Jahangir and Shah Jahan were contemporaries of Guru Hargobind Ji. Both of them were religiously intolerant. Wearing of the swords of Miri and Piri and being called as Sacha Padshah by Guru Hargobind Ji was, intolerable for Jahangir. He detained Guru Ji in the fort of Gwalior. After Jahangir, Shah-Jahan became the emperor. Guru Ji had to fight four battles against him, in which Guru Ji was victorious.

Question 15. Why did Guru Hargobind Ji choose the settle down at Kiratpur?
Guru Hargobind Ji choose to settle down at Kiratpur Sahib because of the following reasons:

  • Kiratpur was not directly under the Mughal aifthorities.
  • It was surrounded by Shivalik Hills. Therefore it was a more secure place.
  • Guru Ji could live here with peace. Therefore he could devote his time to the spread of Sikhism.
  • It is a good place for training of the soldiers.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 7 Guru Hargobind Ji and Transformation of Sikhism

Answer in One Word to One Sentence:

Question 1.
Who was the sixth Guru of the Sikhs?
Guru Hargobind Ji.

Question 2.
Give the period of Guruship of Guru Hargobind Ji.
1606 A.D. to 1645 A.D.

Question 3.
When did Guru Hargobind Ji succeed the Gurgaddi?
1606 A.D.

Question 4.
Name the father of Guru Hargobind Ji.
Guru Arjan Dev Ji.

Question 5.
What was the name of Guru Hargobind Ji’s mother?
The name of Guru Hargobind Ji’s mother was Mata Ganga Devi Ji.

Question 6.
Who was Bibi Veero?
The daughter of Guru Hargobind Ji.

Question 7.
Who was the eldest son of Guru Hargobind Ji?
Baba Gurditta Ji.

Question 8.
Whose son was Baba Gurditta Ji?
Guru Hargobind Ji.

Question 9.
Whose son was Baba Atal Rai Ji?
Guru Hargobind Ji.

Question 10.
Give any one reason which led to the adoption of New Policy by Guru Hargobind Ji.
The martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji.

Question 11.
Which Guru started the Miri and Piri system?
Which Guru wore two swords?
Guru Hargobind Ji.

Question 12.
What is meant by the Miri and Piri?
(a) Miri symbolised worldly power.
(b) Piri stood for spiritual power.

Question 13.
Where wasISri Akal Takht Sahib established?
At Amritsar.

Question 14.
By whom was Sri Akal Takht Sahib built?
Guru Hargobind Ji.

Question 15.
When was Sri Akal Takht Sahib constructed?
In 1606 A.D.

Question 16.
What is meant by Sri Akal Takht Sahib?
The seat of God.

Question 17.
On which historical fact Sri Akal Takht Sahib throws light?
Blend of Sikh religion and Sikh politics.

Question 18.
Who was the commander of Pathan batallion of Guru Hargobind Ji?
Painda Khan.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 7 Guru Hargobind Ji and Transformation of Sikhism

Question 19.
By which Mughal emperor was Guru Hargobind Ji kept as a prisoner?

Question 20.
Where did Jahangir imprison Guru Hargobind Ji?
In the fort of Gwalior.

Question 21.
Who is known as Bandi Chhor Baba?
Which Guru is addressed as ‘Bandi Chhor’?
Guru Hargobind Ji.

Question 22.
Mention any one reason for straining of relations between the Sikhs and Shah Jahan.
Religious fanaticism of Shah Jahan.

Question 23.
Who was Kaolan?
She was the daughter of Qazi Rustam Khan.

Question 24.
Which Guru is known as ‘Dal Banjan Gur Surma’?
Guru Hargobind Ji.

Question 25.
Where was the first battle between Guru Hargobind Ji and Mughals (Shah Jahan) fought?
At Amritsar.

Question 26.
When was the battle between the Mughals and Guru Hargobind Ji fought?
In 1634 A.D.

Question 27.
Name the two horses responsible for the battle of Lahira.
Dilbag and Gulbag.

Question 28.
Whose name was Gulbag?
It was the name of a horse presented to Guru Hargobind Ji.

Question 29.
Whose name was Dilbag?
It was the name of a horse presented to Guru Hargobind Ji.

Question 30.
Who was Bidi Chand?
A devoted follower of Guru Hargobind Ji.

Question 31.
When was’the battle of Kartarpur fought?
1635 A.D.

Question 32.
Which Guru Sahib showed his bravery in the battle of Kartarpur?
Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.

Question 33.
Where did Guru Hargobind Ji spend his last ten years?
At Kiratpur Sahib.

Question 34.
When did Guru Hargobind Ji immerse with Immortal?
1645 A.D.

Question 35.
Where did Guru Hargobind Ji immerse with Immortal?
At Kiratpur Sahib.

Fill in the blanks:

1. Guru Hargobind was born in ………………….
1595 A D.

2. The name of the father of Guru Hargobind Ji was ………………..
Guru Arjan Dev Ji

3. In ……………… Guru Hargobind Ji succeeded to Guruship.
1606 A.D.

4. The name of the daughter of Sri Guru Hargobind was ……………….
Bibi Veero Ji

5. The age of Sri Guru Hargobind Ji at the time of Guruship was ………………. years.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 7 Guru Hargobind Ji and Transformation of Sikhism

6. Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji wore ………………. swords.
Miri and Piri

7. Sri Akal Takhat Sahib was raised by ……………..
Guru Hargobind Ji

8. The construction of Sri Akal Takht Sahib was started in ……………
1606 A.D.

9. After the death of Jahangir ……………… became the Mughal Emperor.
Shah Jahan

10. Guru ……………….. Ji is called Bandi Chhor Baba.

11. Battle of Amritsar was fought in ………………….
1634 A.D.

12. The immediate cause of battle of Lahira was two horses named ……….. and ……………..
Dilbag, Gulbag

13. Guru Hargobind Ji established a new town ……………….
Kiratpur Sahib

14. Guru Hargobind Ji immersed in Eternal Light in …………….
1645 A.D.

15. Sri Hargobind Ji disappeared in ……………… A.D.

True or False:

1. Guru Hargobind Ji was the Seventh Guru of the Sikhs.

2. Guru Hargobind Ji was born in 1595 A.D.

3. Guru Arjan Dev Ji was the father of Guru Hargobind Ji.

4. Baba Gurditta Ji was the eldest son of Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji.

5. The name of the daughter of Guru Hargobind Ji was Bibi Veero.

6. Guru Hargobind Ji succeeded to Guruship in 1606 A.D.

7. Guru Hargobind Ji adopted New Policy.

8. Guru Hargobind Ji started the New Policy of Miri and Piri.

9. Guru Aijan Sahib Ji started the construction of Akal Takht Sahib.

10. The Mughal Emperor Jahangir imprisoned Guru Hargobind Ji at Gwalior.

11. Guru Hargobind Ji, is addressed as ‘Bandi Chhor’.

12. Shah Jahan became the new Mughal Emperor in 1628 A.D.

13. The first battle between the Mughals and the Sikhs was fought in 1634 A.D. at Amritsar.

14. Guru Hargobind Ji established the new town of ‘Kiratpur Sahib’.

15. Guru Hargobind Ji immersed in Eternal Light in 1635 A.D.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 7 Guru Hargobind Ji and Transformation of Sikhism

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Who was the sixth Guru of the Sikhs?
(a) Guru Arjan Dev Ji
(b) Guru Har Krishan Ji
(c) Guru Hargobind Ji
(d) Guru Har Rai Ji.
(c) Guru Hargobind Ji

2. When was Guru Hargobind Ji born?
(a) In 1509 A.D.
(b) In 1593 A.D.
(c) In 1595 A.D.
(d) In 1597 A.D.
(c) In 1595 A.D.

3. Who was the father of Guru Hargobind Ji?
(a) Bhai Gurdas Ji
(b) Guru Amar Das Ji
(c) Guru Ram Das Ji
(d) Guru Arjan Dev Ji
(d) Guru Arjan Dev Ji

4. What was the name of the mother of Guru Hargobind Ji?
(a) Lakshmi Devi Ji
(b) Ganga Devi Ji
(c) Sulakhni Ji
(d) None of these
(b) Ganga Devi Ji

5. Who was BibfVeero?
(a) Wife of Guru Hargobind Ji
(b) Daughter of Guru Hargobind Ji
(c) Daughter of Guru Har Rai Ji
(d) Wife of Bhai Gurditta Ji.
(b) Daughter of Guru Hargobind Ji

6. When did Guru Hargobind Ji succeed to Guruship?
(a) In 1506 A.D.
(b) In 1556 A.D.
(c) In 1605 A.D.
(d) In 1606 A.D.
(d) In 1606 A.D.

7. Which Guru started the Miri and Piri system?
(a) Guru Arjan Dev Ji
(b) Guru Hargobind Ji
(c) Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji
(d) Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
(b) Guru Hargobind Ji

8. Which Guru built Akal Takht Sahib?
(a) Guru Amar Das Ji
(b) Guru Arjan Dev Ji
(c) Guru Hargobind Ji
(d) Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.
(c) Guru Hargobind Ji

9. When was the construction of Akal Takhat Sahib completed?
(a) In 1606 A.D.
(b) In 1607 A.D.
(c) In 1609 A.D.
(d) In 1611 A.D.
(c) In 1609 A.D.

10. Who is called Bandi Chhor Baba?
(a) Banda Singh Bahadur
(b) Bhai Mani Singh Ji
(c) Guru Hargbind Ji
(d) Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.
(c) Guru Hargbind Ji

11. Where was the first battle fought between Guru Hargbind Ji and Mughals?
(a) Phagwara
(b) Amritsar
(c) Kartarpur
(d) Lahore.
(b) Amritsar

12. When was the first battle between Hargobind Ji and Mughals fought?
(a) In 1606 A.D.
(b) In 1624 A.D.
(c) In 1630 A.D.
(d) In 1634 A.D.
(d) In 1634 A.D.

13. In which battle Guru Tegh Bahadur showed feats of bravery?
(a) Amritsar
(b) Lahira
(c) Kartarpur
(d) Phagwara.
(c) Kartarpur

14. Which town was founded by Guru Hargobind Ji?
(a) Kartarpur
(b) Kiratpur Sahib
(c) Amritsar
(d) Tarn Taran.
(b) Kiratpur Sahib

15. Whom did Guru Hargobind Ji appoint his successor?
(a) Har Rai Ji
(b) Har Kishan Ji
(c) Tegh Bahadur Ji
(d) Gobind Rai Ji
(a) Har Rai Ji

16. When did Guru Hargobind Ji immerse in Eternal Light?
(a) In 1628 A.D.
(b) In 1635 A.D.
(c) In 1638 A.D.
(d) In 1645 A.D.
(d) In 1645 A.D.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 6 Guru Arjan Dev Ji and His Martyrdom

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class History Book Solutions Chapter 6 Guru Arjan Dev Ji and His Martyrdom Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 History Chapter 6 Guru Arjan Dev Ji and His Martyrdom

Long Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
What were the difficulties faced by Guru Arjan Dev Ji when he became the Guru?
What were the difficulties faced by Guru Arjan Dev Ji after his accession to Gurgaddi?
After ascending Gurgaddi, Guru Arjan Dev Ji had to face a number of difficulties. A brief description of these is given as under:

1. Opposition of Prithi Chand: Prithi Chand was the elder brother of Guru Arjan Dev Ji. Therefore, he presumed himself as the true successor of Gurgaddi. But, when Guru Arjan Dev Ji was nominated as the successor by Guru Ram Das Ji he refused to submit and adopted an attitude of open defiance. Prithi Chand planned a conspiracy against Guru Arjan Dev Ji and complained to Akbar through a Mughal employee Sulahi Khan. But Akbar paid no heed to his complaints. Thus, till his death, Prithia remained an arch-enemy of Guru Arjan Dev Ji.

2. Opposition of Orthodox Muslims: Guru Arjan Dev Ji had to face stiff opposition from orthodox Muslims. Muslims could never tolerate the increasing influence of Sikhs. Orthodox Muslims had established the Naqshbandi order at Sirhind. Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi was the leader of this organization. In 1605 A.D., when Jahangir became the new Mughal ruler, these Naqshbandis poisoned his, ears against the Sikhs. As Jahangir was an orthodox emperor, so it had the desired impact on him.

3. Opposition of Brahmans: The Brahmans or the priestly class of Punjab were also against Guru Arjan Dev Ji. The main reason behind this was that the propagation of the Sikh religion resulted in the decreasing influence of BrahmAnswer: Sikhs had started performing their customs and traditions even without BrahmAnswer: When Guru Arjan Dev Ji edited Adi Granth Sahib Ji, Brahmans could not tolerate it. They complained to Akbar against Guru Granth Sahib but Akbar observed that it was a scripture worthy of reverence.

4. Opposition of Chandu Shah: Chandu Shah was the Diwan of Lahore. He was looking for a suitable match for his daughter. In connection with this, he sent his messengers in different parts. When they returned they proposed the name of Hargobind, son of Guru Arjan Dev Ji, for his daughter. On hearing this Chandu Shah was enraged and remarked some objectionable words in the honor of Guru Ji. But, after being persuaded by his wife he agreed to the proposal. By this time the Sikhs had come to know about the remarks given by Chandu Shah against Guru Ji. So, they asked an arch-enemy of Guru Arjan Dev Ji to turn down this proposal. On hearing this Chandu Shah got very angry and became an arch-enemy of Guru Arjan Dev Ji.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 6 Guru Arjan Dev Ji and His Martyrdom

Question 2.
What was Guru Arjan Dev Ji’s contribution to the development of Sikhism?
Throw a brief light on four important achievements of Guru Arjan Dev Ji.
Describe the contribution of Guru Arjan Dev Ji to the development of Sikhism.
Guru Arjan Dev Ji’s contribution to the development of Sikhism is multifaceted. His important achievements are as follows:

1. Construction of Harmandir Sahib: The foremost achievement of Guru Arjan Dev Ji for the consolidation of Sikhism was the construction of Harmandir Sahib. Its foundation was laid on 13th January 1588 A.D. by a very famous Sufi Saint, named Mian Mir Ji. In 1601 A.D. the construction of Harmandir Sahib was completed. The construction of Harmandir Sahib proved a milestone in the history of Sikhism.

2. Foundation of Tarn Taran: Guru Arjan Dev Ji, in order to propagate Sikhism in the Majha tract of Punjab, founded the city of Tarn Taran in 1590 A.D. This city is 24 km to the South of Amritsar. Here a tank named Tarn Taran was also dug. Tarn Taran means that any pilgrim who takes bath in this tank shall get salvation from transmigration.

3. Foundation of Kartarpur and Hargobindpur: In 1593 A.D., Guru Arjan Dev Ji laid the foundation of another town called Kartarpur in Jalandhar Doab. Kartarpur means, ‘The City of God’. On the occasion of the birth of his son in 1595 A.D. Hargobind, Guru Arjan Dev Sahib founded another town on the bank of the river Beas and this town was named Hargobindpur after the name of his son.

4. Development of Masand System: The development of the Masand system was one of the greatest achievements of Guru Arjan Dev Ji. The word Masand has been derived from the word ‘Masnad’ which means high place. As a consequence, the Guru needed money for Langar and other development programs. It was enjoined upon every Sikh to give Daswandh (l/10th) of his total income to Guru Sahib. For collecting this money from Sikhs, he appointed very responsible persons called Masands. This Masand’s not only collected money but also propagated Sikhism with vigorous zeal.

5. Compilation of Adi Granth Sahib Ji: The crowning achievement of Guru Arjan Dev Ji for the development of Sikhism is the compilation of Adi Granth Sahib Ji. Guru Arjan Dev Ji dictated the hymns to Bhai Gurdas Ji. This work was completed in 1604 A.D. In Adi Granth Sahib Ji, Guru Arjan Dev Ji included the hymns of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Guru Angad Dev Ji, Guru Amar Das Ji, Guru Ram Das Ji, and his own hymns, which were maximum (2216) in number. Besides this, he had added the hymns of many Bhagats, Sufi Saints, and Baths. Later on, the hymns of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji were also included in it. The compilation of Adi Granth Sahib Ji is a great landmark in the history of the Sikh religion.

Question 3.
Write a brief note on Harmandir Sahib.
Describe briefly the importance of the foundation of Sri Harmandir Sahib by Guru Arjan Dev Ji.
Give a brief account of the foundation and importance of Sri Harmandir Sahib.
Briefly describe the importance of the foundation of Sri Harmandir Sahib.
The foremost achievement of Guru Arjan Dev Ji for the consolidation of Sikhism was the construction of Harmandir Sahib. Guru Ram Das Ji had started the digging of Amrit Sarovar and it was completed by Guru Arjan Dev Ji. After this, he started the construction work of Harmandir Sahib (Temple of God) in Amrit Sarovar. Its foundation was laid on 13th January 1588 A.D. by a very famous Sufi Saint, named Mian Mir Ji. The Sikhs suggested to Guru Arjan Dev Ji that the temple should be higher than the surrounding buildings. But Guru Arjan Sahib said, “He who is humble shall be exalted.” That is why the building of the temple was kept lower as compared to the other buildings.

Another distinguishing feature of Harmandir Sahib was that it has four doorways, one on each side. It symbolizes that the people from all the four directions of the world may come to this temple of God without any discrimination on the basis of caste, color, or creed. On completion of this temple in 1601 A.D., Guru Sahib announced that the pilgrimage to this place would have the value of all the 68 Hindu places of pilgrimage and if any pilgrim takes bath here with full devotion shall attain salvation. It impressed a large number of people. They started coming here in large numbers and it helped in the propagation of Sikhism. In a very short period, Harmandir Sahib became the most important pilgrimage of the Sikhs.

Question 4.
What do you know about Masand System?
Examine the organization and development of the Masand System.
Who started Masand System? What were its aims?
Give a brief description of the Masand System.
Write a short note on Masand System.
Of the institutions which appreciably contributed towards the development of Sikhism, the Masand system was one of them. A brief description of its various aspects is given below:

1. Meaning of Masand System: The word Masand has been derived from the Persian word ‘Masnad’. Masand means high place. As the representatives of Guru Sahib used to sit on a higher place than others they were called Masands.

2. Introduction: When did the Masand system start is a controversial question among historians were: Some historians are of the view that the Masand system started during the pontificate of Guru Ram Das Ji. Hence the Masands were called Ramdasiyas in the beginning. Some other historians are of the view that the Masand system was started by Guru Arjan Dev Ji. The majority of the historians are of the view that though the Masand system was started by Guru Ram Das Ji, its real development took place during the pontificate of Guru Arjan Dev Ji.

3. Necessity of Masand System: The need for the Masand system arose because Guru Ram Das Ji needed money for the development of Ramdaspura or Amritsar and for the digging of the tanks of Amritsar and Santokhsar. Secondly, with the passage of time, the number of Sikhs had increased considerably. As a consequence, the Guru needed money for langar and other development programs. Thirdly, the Masand system was introduced for the propagation of Sikhism.

4. Development of Masand System: Though Guru Ram Das Ji started the Masand system yet its actual development took place during the pontificate of Guru Arjan Dev Ji. Guru Arjan Dev Ji reorganized the Masand system and gave it some new rules and regulations,

  • Guru Sahib enjoined upon the Sikhs to give away one-tenth (Daswandh) of their income in the name of Guru Sahib. It was not a compulsion but depended on their own will.
  • To collect the Daswandh, Guru Sahib appointed the Masands. They deposited this money every year on the occasion of Baisakhi and Diwali with the Guru Sahib at Amritsar.

5. Importance of Masand System: The Masand system initially made a commendable contribution towards the development of Sikhism. It was due to this that the Sikh religion spread far and wide. Many people embraced Sikhism. Secondly, it fixed the income of the Guru’s house. This income was used to establish new towns by Guru Sahib and other development works for Sikhism. It further increased the popularity of Guru Sahib and Sikhism. Thirdly, the institution of langar could run smoothly with this income.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 6 Guru Arjan Dev Ji and His Martyrdom

Question 5.
Write a note on the compilation and importance of Adi Granth Sahib (Guru Granth Sahib).
Discuss in brief the importance of Adi Granth Sahib.
Write a note on Adi Granth Sahib.
Give a brief description of Adi Granth Sahib and its historical importance.
Guru Arjan Dev Ji used various sources for writing the Bani. The Bani of the first three Gurus—Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Guru Angad Dev Ji, and Guru Amar Das Ji were with the eldest son of Guru Amar Das Ji i.e. Baba Mohan Ji. To compile the Bani, Guru Arjan Dev Ji first sent Bhai Gurdas Ji and then Baba Buddha Ji to Baba Mohan Ji but they were not successful in their objective. After this, Guru Sahib himself went from Amritsar to Goindwal Sahib barefooted. Impressed by the humility of Guru Ji, ‘Baba Mohan Ji gave away the entire Bani to Guru Ji. Guru Arjan Dev Ji already had the Bani of Guru Ram Das Ji with him. Guru Sahib included his own Bani in it. After this Guru Sahib called upon the devotees of Hindu Bhagats and Suffi Saints and asked them to recite the hymns of their saints correctly.

The hymns of only those Bhagats and Suffi Saints were included in the Guru Granth Sahib which was similar to the Bani of the Gurus. The works of Kahna, Chhajju, Shah Hussain, and Pilu were rejected. The compilation of the Adi Granth Sahib Ji in 1604 A.D. is a great landmark in the history of the Sikhs. It provided the Sikh with a unique religious scripture. No doubt Guru Granth Sahib is a religious scripture, yet it furnishes valuable information regarding the social, religious, political, and economic life of the 16th and 17th centuries.

Question 6.
Write a note on Prithi Chand.
Who was Prithi Chand? Why did he oppose Guru Arjan Dev Ji?
Who was Prithi Chand (Prithia)? How did he act against Guru Arjan Dev Ji?
Prithi Chand or Prithia was the eldest son of Guru Ram Das Ji and elder brother of Guru Arjan Dev Ji. He was very selfish and cunning. That is why Guru Ram Das Ji gave the Gurgaddi to Guru Arjan Dev Ji instead of giving it to him. On hearing this decision, Prithi Chand got furious. He had been dreaming of getting the Gurgaddi for a long. As such, he started opposing Guru Arjan Dev Ji when the latter got Gurgaddi. He started grabbing the offerings meant for Langar. He hoped that his son Meharban would get Gurgaddi after Guru Arjan Dev Ji. But when Guru Arjan Dev Ji was blessed with a son, Hargobind, all his hopes seemed to dash to the ground. Therefore, he became a sworn enemy of Guru Ji. He connived with the Mughal officials and started hatching conspiracies against Guru Arjan Dev Ji. These conspiracies became a major cause of Guru Arjan Dev Ji’s martyrdom.

Question 7.
Who was Chandu Shah? Why did he oppose Guru Arjan Dev Ji?
Write a short note on Chandu Shah.
Chandu Shah was the Diwan of Lahore. He was looking for a suitable match for his daughter. In connection with this, he sent his messengers in different parts. When they returned, they proposed the name of Hargobind, son of Guru Arjan Dev Ji, for his daughter. On hearing this Chandhu Shah was enraged and remarked some objectionable words in the honor of Guru Sahib. But after being persuaded by his wife he agreed to the proposal. Again he sent his messengers to Guru Arjan Dev Ji with the proposal of his daughter’s marriage with Hargobind. By this time the Sikhs had come to know about the remarks of Chandhu Shah against the Guru. So they asked Guru Arjan Dev to turn down this proposal. Consequently, Guru Ji did the same.

On hearing this Chandhu Shah got very angry and became Guru Ji’s sworn enemy. Then he planned a conspiracy against Guru Arjan Dev Ji. First, he incited Mughal Emperor Akbar and later on Jahangir. Jahangir decided to take stern action against Guru Ji.

Question 8.
Mention five main causes for the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji.
Examine five major causes of the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji.
1. Fanaticism of Jahangir: Jahangir’s fanaticism was the main reason for Guru Arjan Ji’s martyrdom. He could not bear to see any other religion more prosperous than Islam. He could not tolerate the growing popularity of Sikhs in Punjab. So, he was looking for a chance to hamper their development. He wanted to put a stop to all this. He has written about it in his autobiography Tuzak-i- Jahangiri.

2. Development of Sikh Panth: In Guru Arjan Ji’s time, Sikhism progressed considerably. It got a new impetus with the construction of Harmandir Sahib and establishment of the cities like Tarn Taran, Kartarpur and Hargobindpur. Masand system played a significant role in the development of Sikhism. The compilation of Guru Granth Sahib helped in propagating Sikh religion. This was something intolerable and unbearable for the Mughals. They, therefore, thought of crushing the growing power of the Sikhs.

3. Enmity of Prithi Chand: Prithi Chand alias Prithia was the eldest brother of Guru Arjan Dev Ji. He was a very greedy and selfish person. For this reason, only Guru Ram Das Ji appointed Guru Arjan Sahib as his successor in 1581 A.D. Prithia could not tolerate that the Gurgaddi had passed on to somebody else. He then made a firm decision that he would not sit at ease until he had dethroned Guru Arjan Dev Ji and received Gurgaddi for himself. So, he started opposing GuruArjan Dev Ji openly.

4. Enmity of Chandu Shah: Chandu Shah was the Diwan of Lahore. He was looking for a suitable match for his daughter. Many advisors suggested he marry his daughter with Hargobind, the son of Guru Arjan Dev Ji. On hearing it Chandu Shah was enraged and he uttered some objectionable words in the honor of Guru Sahib. Afterward, when Chandu Shah’s wife convinced him, he was ready to accept this relation. Guru Arjan Dev Ji refused to accept this relation. When Chandu Shah came to know about this, he was determined to avenge the insult. He started poisoning Jahangir’s ears. Jahangir made up his mind to take strict action against Guru Arjan Sahib.

5. Help of Khusrau: Help of Khusrau by Guru Arjan Dev Ji became the immediate cause of Guru Arjan Dev Ji’s martyrdom. Prince Khusrau had come to Tarn Taran to seek Guru Arjan Dev Ji’s blessings. It is said that Guru Arjan Dev Ji put a tilak on his forehead. When Jahangir came to know about all this he got a golden opportunity to take stern action against Guru Arjan Dev Ji. He ordered Lahore Governor, Murtaza Khan to execute him by giving severe physical tortures and to confiscate the whole of his property.

Question 9.
Describe the role of Naqshbandis in the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Sahib.
Naqshabandis played an important role in the martyrdom of Guru Sahib. Naqshbandi was an order started by fanatic Muslims. Its headquarters was at Sirhind. Naqshbandis were enraged to see the increasing influence and powers of the Sikhs in Punjab. The main reason was that the Muslims were intolerant to any other religion prospering and developing. Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi, the leader of Naqshbandis had great influence in Mughal Darbar. So he also instigated Jahangir against Guru Sahib. Therefore, Jahangir decided to take action against Guru Sahib.

Question 10.
What was the immediate cause of the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Sahib?
Help of Khusrau by Guru Arjan Sahib became the immediate cause of Guru Sahib’s martyrdom. Prince Khusrau was the eldest son of Jahangir. He revolted against his father some time after his enthronement. When the Mughal forces tried to arrest him he ran to Punjab. On reaching Punjab Khusrau came to Tarn Taran to seek Guru Sahib’s blessings. Being the grandson of Akbar with whom Guru Sahib had very good relations, it was but natural that he won Guru Sahib’s sympathy. Moreover anybody was free to come to the home of Guru and receive his blessings. It is said that Guru Sahib put a tilak on his forehead and gave him all sorts of help required by him to go to Kabul.

When Jahangir came to know about all this he got a golden opportunity to take stern action against Guru Arjan Sahib. He ordered Lahore Governor, Murtaza Khan to execute him by giving severe physical tortures, and to confiscate the whole of his property.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 6 Guru Arjan Dev Ji and His Martyrdom

Question 11.
Write the importance of Guru Arjan Dev Ji’s martyrdom.
Briefly describe the importance of martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji.
The martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji was an event of tremendous importance in the evolution of the Sikh movement and in the history of Punjab.
1. New Policy of Guru Hargobind Sahib: The martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji proved a turning point in the development of the Sikh community. Guru Hargobind Ji decided to adopt a New Policy in order to turn his followers into saint soldiers.

2. Unity among the Sikhs: The martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji infused a new spirit among the Sikhs. Now, they felt the need of joining their hands in order to put an end to the tyrannical rule of the Mughals. The Sikhs, henceforth, began to assemble under one banner.

3. Change in relationship between Mughals and the Sikhs: Before the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji, there were cordial relations between the Sikh Gurus and the Mughal emperors. But, now with the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji, the position’had been completely reversed. The Sikhs became the sworn enemy of the Mughals. They were now looking opportunity to avenge the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji.

4. Popularity of Sikhism: With the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji, Sikhism became more popular. This incident infused a new vigour’, love and reverence for Sikhism, not only among the Hindus, but also among the Muslims. Consequently, they began to join Sikhism in larger numbers. Thus, the martyrdom of Guru .Arjan Dev Ji proved a milestone in the development of Sikhism.

Essay Type Questions:

Early Career And Difficulties Of Guru Arjan Dev Ji:

Question 1.
Describe briefly the early life of Guru Arjan Dev Ji. What difficulties he have to face at the time of his accession to Guruship?
Guru Arjan Dev Ji was the fifth Guru of the Sikhs. His period of pontification was from 1581 to 1606 A.D. The pontification of Guru Arjan Dev Ji saw the unprecedented development on the one band and on the other hand his martyrdom started a new era in the Sikh history. A brief description of early career and difficulties faced by Guru Arjan Dev Ji is as under:

Early Career of Guru Arjan Dev Ji:

1. Birth and Parentage: Guru Arjan Dev Ji was born on April 15,1563 A.D. at Goindwal Sahib. He was the youngest son of Guru Ram Das Ji. He belonged to a Kashatriya family of Sodhi caste. His mother’s name was Bibi Bhani.

2. Childhood and Marriage: Right from his childhood, Guru Arjan Dev Ji was very dear to his parents. His maternal grandfather Guru Amar Das Ji had special attachment with this grandson. He made a forecast that the child would become a great man, “Ih Mera Dohta, Bani Ka Bohita Hovega”. (This grandson of mine will produce the boat of Bani to ferry others across). His prediction proved true. Right from the beginning Guru Arjan Dev Ji was very promising, a symbol of modesty and a very religious-minded person. He learnt Hindi and Persian languages. He received knowledge about Gurbani from his parents and grandfather. He was married to Ganga Devi, daughter of Krishan Chand of village Mou of Phillaur. In 1595 A.D. he was blessed with a son named Hargobind.

3. Assumption of Guruship: Guru Ram Das Ji had three sons. Prithi Chand the eldest son was utterly selfish and subtle. His second son Mahadev was an ascetic, who showed no interest in the worldly affairs. Arjan Dev Ji was his third and the youngest son. Devotion to God, modesty and selfless service were his three main characteristics. So Guru Ram Das Ji appointed Guru Arjan Dev Ji as his successor in 1581 A.D. Thus Guru Arjan Dev Ji became the fifth Guru of the Sikhs.

Difficulties of Guru Arjan Dev Ji:

After ascending Gurgaddi, Guru Arjan Dev Ji had to face a number of difficulties. A brief description of these is given as under:

1. Opposition of Prithi Chand: Prithi Chand was the elder brother of Guru Arjan Dev Ji. Therefore, he presumed himself as the true successor of Gurgaddi. But, when Guru Arjan Dev Ji was nominated as the successor by Guru Ram Das Ji he refused to submit and adopted an attitude of open defiance. He spoke bad words to his father. When Guru Rain Das Ji immersed with Immortal, Prithia spread the rumour that Arjan Dev Ji poisoned Guru Ram Das Ji so that, he might succeed to Gurgaddi. He asked Guru Arjan Dev Ji for his share in the property. Guru Arjan Dev Ji gave him all his property, but still he was not appeased. Now, he forcibly started collecting funds brought for Langar by the Sikh Sangat and used them for his personal affairs.

When in 1595 A.D. Guru Arjan Dev Ji’s wife was blessed with a son, named Hargobind, he hatched a number of conspiracies to put an end to the life of infant Hargobind. Prithi Chand planned a conspiracy against Guru Arjan Dev Ji and complained to Akbar through a Mughal employee Sulahi Khan. But Akbar paid no heed to his complaints. Thus, till his death, Prithia remained an arch enemy of Guru Arjan Dev Ji.

2. Opposition of Orthodox Muslims: Guru Arjan Dev Ji had to face stiff opposition from orthodox Muslims. Muslims could never tolerate the increasing influence of Sikhs. Orthodox Muslims in order to save their religion established Naqshbandi order at Sirhind. Shaikh Ahmad Sibhindi was the leader of this organisation. In 1605 A.D., when Jahangir became the new Mughal ruler, these Naqshbandis poisoned his ears against the Sikhs. As Jahangir was an orthodox emperor, so it had the desired impact on him.

3. Opposition of Brahmans: The Brahmans of Punjab w;ere also against Guru Arjan Dev Ji. The main reason behind this was that the propagation of Sikh religion resulted in the decreasing influence of BrahmAnswer: Sikhs had started performing their customs and traditions even without BrahmAnswer: When Guru Arjan Dev Ji edited Adi Granth Sahib Ji, Brahmans could not tolerate it. They complained to Akbar against Guru Granth Sahib but Akbar observed that it was a scripture worthy of reverence.

4. Opposition of Chandu Shah: Chandu Shah was the Diwan of Lahore. He was looking for a suitable match for his daughter. In connection with this he sent his messengers in different parts. When they returned they proposed the name of Hargobind,;son of Guru Arjan Dev Ji, for his daughter. On hearing this Chandu Shah was enraged and remarked some objectionable words in the honour of Guru Ji. But, after being persuaded by his wife he agreed to the proposal. By this time the Sikhs had come to know about the remarks given by Chandu Shah against the Guru Ji. So, they asked Guru Arjan Dev Ji to turn down this proposal. Consequently, Guru Arjan Dev Ji did the same.

Now Chandu Shah personally came to Guru Arjan Dev Ji and offered Rs. 1 lakh and promised to give more dowry. But Guru Arjan Dev Ji refused saying, “My words are engraved on stone, and cannot be effaced. If you give me the whole world as a dowry with your daughter, my son will not marry her.” On hearing this Chandu Shah got very angry and became Guru Arjan Dev Ji’s sworn enemy.

Development Of Sikhism Under Guru Arjan Dev Ji:

Question 2.
What was Guru Arjan Dev Ji’s contribution in the evolution of Sikhism?
Describe the various organizational works done by Guru Arjan Dev Ji for the development of Sikhism.
Give an account of the various achievements of Guru Arjan Dev Ji.
Describe Guru Arjan Dev Ji’s contribution to the organization and development of Sikhism.
Discuss the contribution of Guru Arjan Dev Ji for the development of Sikhism.
Guru Arjan Dev Ji remained on Gurgaddi from 1581 to 1606 A.D/ With his accession to Guruship, Sikhism entered into a new phase. Guru Arjan Dev Ji’s contribution to the development of Sikhism is multifaceted. His important achievements are as follows:

1. Construction of Harmandir Sahib: The foremost achievement of Guru Arjan Dev Ji for the consolidation of Sikhism was the construction of Harmandir Sahib. Guru Ram Das Ji had started the digging of Amrit Sarovar and it was completed by Guru Arjan Dev Ji. After this, he started the construction work of Harmandir Sahib (Temple of God) in Amrit Sarovar. Its foundation was laid in 1588 AD. by a very famous Sufi Saint, named Mian Mir Ji. The Sikhs suggested to Guru Arjan Dev Ji that the temple should be higher than the surrounding buildings. But Guru Arjan Sahib said, “He who is humble shall be exalted.” That is why the building of the temple was kept lower as compared to the other buildings.

Another distinguishing feature of Harmandir Sahib was that it has four doorways, one on each side. It symbolises that the people from all the four directions of the world may come to this temple of God without any discrimination on the basis of caste, colour or creed. On completion of this temple in 1601 A.D. Guru Sahib announced that the pilgrimage to this place would have the value of all the 68

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Hindu places of pilgrimage and if any pilgrim takes bath here with full devotion shall attain salvation. It impressed a large number of people. They started coming here in large numbers and it helped in the propagation of Sikhism. In a very short period, Harmandir Sahib became the most important pilgrimage of the Sikhs. According to G.S. Talib,

“This temple and the pool became to Sikhism what Mecca is to Islam, Jerusalem to Judaism and Christianity and Bodh Gaya to Buddhism.”

2. Foundation of Tarn Taran: Guru Arjan Dev Ji, in order to propagate Sikhism in Majha tract of the Punjab founded the city of Tarn Taran in 1590 A.D. This city is 24 kms to the South of Amritsar. Here a tank named as Tarn Taran was also dug. Tarn Taran means that any pilgrim who takes bath in this tank shall get salvation from transmigration. Tarn Taran also became a famous holy place of the Sikhs. As a result, thousands of Jats of the Majha became the followers of Guru Arjan Dev Ji and embraced Sikhism. The services of these Jats towards Sikhism was of great value.

3. Foundation of Kartarpur and Hargobindpur: In 1593-94 A.D., Guru Arjan Dev Ji laid the foundation of another town called Kartarpur in Jalandhar Doab. Kartarpur means, ‘The City of God’. It is situated between the Beas and the Sutlej rivers. Here Guru Sahib built a tank named ‘Gangsar’. Thus, Kartarpur also became the centre of propagation of Sikhism. On the occasion of the birth of his son in 1595 A.D. Hargobind, Guru Arjan Dev Sahib founded another town on the bank of the river Beas and this town was named as Hargobindpur after the name of his son.

4. Construction of a Baoli at Lahore: Once on the request of Sikh Sangat, Guru Sahib went to Lahore. There he got constructed a Baoli in Dabbi Bazaar. This Baoli became a holy place for the Sikhs of that area.

5. Development of Masand System: Development of Masand system was one of the greatest achievements of Guru Arjan Dev Ji. The word Masand has been derived from the word ‘Masnad’ which means high place. As the representatives of Guru Sahib used to sit on a higher place than others, so they were called as Masands. With the passage of time, the number of Sikhs had increased considerably. As a consequence, the Guru needed money for Langar and other development programmes. It was enjoined upon every Sikh to give Daswandh (l/10th) of his total income to Guru Sahib. For collecting this money from Sikhs, he appointed very responsible persons called Masands.

These Masands not only collected money, but also propagated Sikhism with a vigorous zeal. The money collected by Masands was deposited in the Guru’s treasury at Amritsar on the occasions of Diwali and Baisakhi. The Masand system played a vital role in spreading the message of Sikhism to far-off places. Secondly, it gave a definite income to Guru Arjan Sahib.

6. Compilation of Adi Granth Sahib Ji: The crowning achievement of Guru Arjan Dev Ji for the development of Sikhism is the compilation of Adi Granth Sahib Ji. The main objective of its compilation was to keep the Gurbani of the former Sikh Gurus intact and .to provide the Sikhs a separate religious scripture of their own. The compilation work was started by the Guru at Ramsar sarovar near Amritsar. He dictated the hymns to Bhai Gurdas Ji.

This work was completed in 1604 A.D. In Adi Granth Sahib Ji, Guru Arjan Dev Ji included the hymns of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Guru Angad Dev Ji, Guru Amar Das Ji, Guru Ram Das Ji and his own hymns, which were maximum (2216) in number. Besides this, he had added the hymns of many Bhagats, Sufi Saints and Bhats. Later on, the hymns of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji were also included in it.

The compilation of Adi Granth Sahib Ji is a great landmark in the history of Sikh religion. It gave the Sikhs a holy book of their own. It is called the Bible of the Sikhs. By including the hymns of the people belonging to different religions and castes in it, Guru Arjan Dev Ji has set up an example. Adi Granth Sahib Ji throws ample light on the political, religious, social and economic life of 15th to 17th centuries. Before Guru Gobind Singh Ji immersed in Eternal Light he gave Adi Granth Sahib Ji the status of Guru Granth Sahib Ji. According to Dr. Hari Ram Gupta, “The compilation of the Granth formed an important landmark in the history of the Sikhs.”

7. Trade of Horses. In order to make the Sikhs rich and prosperous, Guru Arjan Sahib encouraged,the Sikhs to take the trade of horses beyond the Indus with Arab countries. This step of Guru Arjan Sahib not only increased the income of the Sikhs but they became good horse riders also. Moreover, it dealt an effective blow at the stringency of caste and Hindu superstitions. It went a long way in breaking down the barrier that prevented the Hindus from crossing the Indus.

8. Friendly Relations with Akbar: Mughal emperor Akbar had set up friendly relations with Guru Arjan Sahib. During the pontificate of Guru Arjan Dev Ji his opponents Prithia, Ghandhu Shah, Brahmans and orthodox Muslims all tried their best to instigate the emperor against the Guru in’every possible way, but Akbar paid no heed to their false complaints. Some Muslims tried to instigate Akbar by complaining that the Adi Granth Sahib’ written by Guru Sahib contained many sayings against Islam. When Akbar looked into the matter, he said that the Granth was worthy of reverence, On the request made by Guru Arjan Sahib, Akbar reduced the land revenue by 10%. Due to it Guru Arjan Sahib earned a good name and fame and it helped in the development of Sikhism also.

9. Nomination of the Successor: In 1606 A.D., before his martyrdom, Guru Arjan Dev Ji nominated his son Hargobind as his successor. Guru Sahib instructed him to sit fully armed on his throne and maintain an army to the best of his ability. Thus, Guru Arjan not only maintained the tradition of Gurgaddi, but also changed its peaceful course.

10. Estimate of Guru Arjan Sahib’s Achievements: Guru Arjan Dev Ji’s contribution in the development of Sikhism is remarkable. By constructing Harmandir Sahib, he has presented to the Sikhs their most sacred religious place. In the coming times, the Sikhs always got inspiration from it. Establishment of Tarn Taran, Hargobindpur and Kartarpur proved to be very helpful in the propagation of Sikh religion. Masand system made Sikh religion more powerful.

The compilation of the Adi Granth Sahib Ji was Guru Arjan Sahib’s greatest achievement. We agree with the remarks of Prof. Harbans Singh, “Under Guru Arjan, the Fifth Guru, Sikhism became more firmly established.” According to another famous historian Dr. G.S. Mansukhani, “During the period of Guru Arjan, Sikhism took a significant stride.”

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 6 Guru Arjan Dev Ji and His Martyrdom

Question 3.
Give an account of the early career of Guru Arjan Dev Ji. What was his contribution to Sikhism?

Guru Arjan Dev Ji was the fifth Guru of the Sikhs. His period of pontification was from 1581 to 1606 A.D. The pontification of Guru Arjan Dev Ji saw the unprecedented development on the one band and on the other hand his martyrdom started a new era in the Sikh history. A brief description of early career and difficulties faced by Guru Arjan Dev Ji is as under:

Early Career of Guru Arjan Dev Ji:

1. Birth and Parentage: Guru Arjan Dev Ji was born on April 15,1563 A.D. at Goindwal Sahib. He was the youngest son of Guru Ram Das Ji. He belonged to a Kashatriya family of Sodhi caste. His mother’s name was Bibi Bhani.

2. Childhood and Marriage: Right from his childhood, Guru Arjan Dev Ji was very dear to his parents. His maternal grandfather Guru Amar Das Ji had special attachment with this grandson. He made a forecast that the child would become a great man, “Ih Mera Dohta, Bani Ka Bohita Hovega”. (This grandson of mine will produce the boat of Bani to ferry others across). His prediction proved true. Right from the beginning Guru Arjan Dev Ji was very promising, a symbol of modesty and a very religious-minded person. He learnt Hindi and Persian languages. He received knowledge about Gurbani from his parents and grandfather. He was married to Ganga Devi, daughter of Krishan Chand of village Mou of Phillaur. In 1595 A.D. he was blessed with a son named Hargobind.

3. Assumption of Guruship: Guru Ram Das Ji had three sons. Prithi Chand the eldest son was utterly selfish and subtle. His second son Mahadev was an ascetic, who showed no interest in the worldly affairs. Arjan Dev Ji was his third and the youngest son. Devotion to God, modesty and selfless service were his three main characteristics. So Guru Ram Das Ji appointed Guru Arjan Dev Ji as his successor in 1581 A.D. Thus Guru Arjan Dev Ji became the fifth Guru of the Sikhs.

Difficulties of Guru Arjan Dev Ji:

After ascending Gurgaddi, Guru Arjan Dev Ji had to face a number of difficulties. A brief description of these is given as under:

1. Opposition of Prithi Chand: Prithi Chand was the elder brother of Guru Arjan Dev Ji. Therefore, he presumed himself as the true successor of Gurgaddi. But, when Guru Arjan Dev Ji was nominated as the successor by Guru Ram Das Ji he refused to submit and adopted an attitude of open defiance. He spoke bad words to his father. When Guru Rain Das Ji immersed with Immortal, Prithia spread the rumour that Arjan Dev Ji poisoned Guru Ram Das Ji so that, he might succeed to Gurgaddi. He asked Guru Arjan Dev Ji for his share in the property. Guru Arjan Dev Ji gave him all his property, but still he was not appeased.

Now, he forcibly started collecting funds brought for Langar by the Sikh Sangat and used them for his personal affairs. When in 1595 A.D. Guru Arjan Dev Ji’s wife was blessed with a son, named Hargobind, he hatched a number of conspiracies to put an end to the life of infant Hargobind. Prithi Chand planned a conspiracy against Guru Arjan Dev Ji and complained to Akbar through a Mughal employee Sulahi Khan. But Akbar paid no heed to his complaints. Thus, till his death, Prithia remained an arch enemy of Guru Arjan Dev Ji.

2. Opposition of Orthodox Muslims: Guru Arjan Dev Ji had to face stiff opposition from orthodox Muslims. Muslims could never tolerate the increasing influence of Sikhs. Orthodox Muslims in order to save their religion established Naqshbandi order at Sirhind. Shaikh Ahmad Sibhindi was the leader of this organisation. In 1605 A.D., when Jahangir became the new Mughal ruler, these Naqshbandis poisoned his ears against the Sikhs. As Jahangir was an orthodox emperor, so it had the desired impact on him.

3. Opposition of Brahmans: The Brahmans of Punjab w;ere also against Guru Arjan Dev Ji. The main reason behind this was that the propagation of Sikh religion resulted in the decreasing influence of BrahmAnswer: Sikhs had started performing their customs and traditions even without BrahmAnswer: When Guru Arjan Dev Ji edited Adi Granth Sahib Ji, Brahmans could not tolerate it. They complained to Akbar against Guru Granth Sahib but Akbar observed that it was a scripture worthy of reverence.

4. Opposition of Chandu Shah: Chandu Shah was the Diwan of Lahore. He was looking for a suitable match for his daughter. In connection with this he sent his messengers in different parts. When they returned they proposed the name of Hargobind,;son of Guru Arjan Dev Ji, for his daughter. On hearing this Chandu Shah was enraged and remarked some objectionable words in the honour of Guru Ji. But, after being persuaded by his wife he agreed to the proposal. By this time the Sikhs had come to know about the remarks given by Chandu Shah against the Guru Ji.

So, they asked Guru Arjan Dev Ji to turn down this proposal. Consequently, Guru Arjan Dev Ji did the same. Now Chandu Shah personally came to Guru Arjan Dev Ji and offered Rs. 1 lakh and promised to give more dowry. But Guru Arjan Dev Ji refused saying, “My words are engraved on stone, and cannot be effaced. If you give me the whole world as a dowry with your daughter, my son will not marry her.” On hearing this Chandu Shah got very angry and became Guru Arjan Dev Ji’s sworn enemy.

Guru Arjan Dev Ji remained on Gurgaddi from 1581 to 1606 A.D/ With his accession to Guruship, Sikhism entered into a new phase. Guru Arjan Dev Ji’s contribution to the development of Sikhism is multifaceted. His important achievements are as follows:

1. Construction of Harmandir Sahib: The foremost achievement of Guru Arjan Dev Ji for the consolidation of Sikhism was the construction of Harmandir Sahib. Guru Ram Das Ji had started the digging of Amrit Sarovar and it was completed by Guru Arjan Dev Ji. After this, he started the construction work of Harmandir Sahib (Temple of God) in Amrit Sarovar. Its foundation was laid in 1588 AD. by a very famous Sufi Saint, named Mian Mir Ji. The Sikhs suggested to Guru Arjan Dev Ji that the temple should be higher than the surrounding buildings. But Guru Arjan Sahib said, “He who is humble shall be exalted.” That is why the building of the temple was kept lower as compared to the other buildings. Another distinguishing feature of Harmandir Sahib was that it has four doorways, one on each side.

It symbolises that the people from all the four directions of the world may come to this temple of God without any discrimination on the basis of caste, colour or creed. On completion of this temple in 1601 A.D. Guru Sahib announced that the pilgrimage to this place would have the value of all the 68 Hindu places of pilgrimage and if any pilgrim takes bath here with full devotion shall attain salvation. It impressed a large number of people. They started coming here in large numbers and it helped in the propagation of Sikhism. In a very short period, Harmandir Sahib became the most important pilgrimage of the Sikhs. According to G.S. Talib,

“This temple and the pool became to Sikhism what Mecca is to Islam, Jerusalem to Judaism and Christianity and Bodh Gaya to Buddhism.”

2. Foundation of Tarn Taran: Guru Arjan Dev Ji, in order to propagate Sikhism in Majha tract of the Punjab founded the city of Tarn Taran in 1590 A.D. This city is 24 kms to the South of Amritsar. Here a tank named as Tarn Taran was also dug. Tarn Taran means that any pilgrim who takes bath in this tank shall get salvation from transmigration. Tarn Taran also became a famous holy place of the Sikhs. As a result, thousands of Jats of the Majha became the followers of Guru Arjan Dev Ji and embraced Sikhism. The services of these Jats towards Sikhism was of great value.

3. Foundation of Kartarpur and Hargobindpur: In 1593-94 A.D., Guru Arjan Dev Ji laid the foundation of another town called Kartarpur in Jalandhar Doab. Kartarpur means, ‘The City of God’. It is situated between the Beas and the Sutlej rivers. Here Guru Sahib built a tank named ‘Gangsar’. Thus, Kartarpur also became the centre of propagation of Sikhism. On the occasion of the birth of his son in 1595 A.D. Hargobind, Guru Arjan Dev Sahib founded another town on the bank of the river Beas and this town was named as Hargobindpur after the name of his son.

4. Construction of a Baoli at Lahore: Once on the request of Sikh Sangat, Guru Sahib went to Lahore. There he got constructed a Baoli in Dabbi Bazaar. This Baoli became a holy place for the Sikhs of that area.

5. Development of Masand System: Development of Masand system was one of the greatest achievements of Guru Arjan Dev Ji. The word Masand has been derived from the word ‘Masnad’ which means high place. As the representatives of Guru Sahib used to sit on a higher place than others, so they were called as Masands. With the passage of time, the number of Sikhs had increased considerably. As a consequence, the Guru needed money for Langar and other development programmes. It was enjoined upon every Sikh to give Daswandh (l/10th) of his total income to Guru Sahib. For collecting this money from Sikhs, he appointed very responsible persons called Masands.

These Masands not only collected money, but also propagated Sikhism with a vigorous zeal. The money collected by Masands was deposited in the Guru’s treasury at Amritsar on the occasions of Diwali and Baisakhi. The Masand system played a vital role in spreading the message of Sikhism to far-off places. Secondly, it gave a definite income to Guru Arjan Sahib.

6. Compilation of Adi Granth Sahib Ji: The crowning achievement of Guru Arjan Dev Ji for the development of Sikhism is the compilation of Adi Granth Sahib Ji. The main objective of its compilation was to keep the Gurbani of the former Sikh Gurus intact and .to provide the Sikhs a separate religious scripture of their own. The compilation work was started by the Guru at Ramsar sarovar near Amritsar. He dictated the hymns to Bhai Gurdas Ji. This work was completed in 1604 A.D. In Adi Granth Sahib Ji, Guru Arjan Dev Ji included the hymns of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Guru Angad Dev Ji, Guru Amar Das Ji, Guru Ram Das Ji and his own hymns, which were maximum (2216) in number. Besides this, he had added the hymns of many Bhagats, Sufi Saints and Bhats. Later on, the hymns of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji were also included in it.

The compilation of Adi Granth Sahib Ji is a great landmark in the history of Sikh religion. It gave the Sikhs a holy book of their own. It is called the Bible of the Sikhs. By including the hymns of the people belonging to different religions and castes in it, Guru Arjan Dev Ji has set up an example. Adi Granth Sahib Ji throws ample light on the political, religious, social and economic life of 15th to 17th centuries. Before Guru Gobind Singh Ji immersed in Eternal Light he gave Adi Granth Sahib Ji the status of Guru Granth Sahib Ji. According to Dr. Hari Ram Gupta, “The compilation of the Granth formed an important landmark in the history of the Sikhs.”

7. Trade of Horses. In order to make the Sikhs rich and prosperous, Guru Arjan Sahib encouraged,the Sikhs to take the trade of horses beyond the Indus with Arab countries. This step of Guru Arjan Sahib not only increased the income of the Sikhs but they became good horse riders also. Moreover, it dealt an effective blow at the stringency of caste and Hindu superstitions. It went a long way in breaking down the barrier that prevented the Hindus from crossing the Indus.

8. Friendly Relations with Akbar: Mughal emperor Akbar had set up friendly relations with Guru Arjan Sahib. During the pontificate of Guru Arjan Dev Ji his opponents Prithia, Ghandhu Shah, Brahmans and orthodox Muslims all tried their best to instigate the emperor against the Guru in’every possible way, but Akbar paid no heed to their false complaints. Some Muslims tried to instigate Akbar by complaining that the Adi Granth Sahib’ written by Guru Sahib contained many sayings against Islam. When Akbar looked into the matter, he said that the Granth was worthy of reverence, On the request made by Guru Arjan Sahib, Akbar reduced the land revenue by 10%. Due to it Guru Arjan Sahib earned a good name and fame and it helped in the development of Sikhism also.

9. Nomination of the Successor: In 1606 A.D., before his martyrdom, Guru Arjan Dev Ji nominated his son Hargobind as his successor. Guru Sahib instructed him to sit fully armed on his throne and maintain an army to the best of his ability. Thus, Guru Arjan not only maintained the tradition of Gurgaddi, but also changed its peaceful course.

10. Estimate of Guru Arjan Sahib’s Achievements: Guru Arjan Dev Ji’s contribution in the development of Sikhism is remarkable. By constructing Harmandir Sahib, he has presented to the Sikhs their most sacred religious place. In the coming times, the Sikhs always got inspiration from it. Establishment of Tarn Taran, Hargobindpur and Kartarpur proved to be very helpful in the propagation of Sikh religion. Masand system made Sikh religion more powerful.

The compilation of the Adi Granth Sahib Ji was Guru Arjan Sahib’s greatest achievement. We agree with the remarks of Prof. Harbans Singh, “Under Guru Arjan, the Fifth Guru, Sikhism became more firmly established.” According to another famous historian Dr. G.S. Mansukhani, “During the period of Guru Arjan, Sikhism took a significant stride.”

Adi Granth Sahib Ji:

Question 4.
Write a detailed note on the compilation and historical importance of Adi Granth Sahib Ji.
Write a critical note on compilation, language, contents and significance of Adi Granth Sahib Ji.
Undoubtedly the compilation of Adi Granth Sahib Ji or Guru Granth Sahib Ji is Guru Arjan Sahib’s greatest achievement. In Sikhism, this sacred Granth is as revered as the Bible by the Christians, the Quran by the Mohammedans and the Vedas and Gita by the Hindus. In fact, Adi Granth Sahib is not only a holy book of the Sikhs but also a priceless treasure for the whole humanity.

1. Need for its Compilation: Many factors impressed upon the Guru the necessity for the compilation of Adi Granth Sahib Ji. In the times of Guru Arjan Sahib, Sikh religion was getting momentum. So, Guru Arjan Dev Ji felt the necessity of laying down rules for the guidance of his followers in the performance of their daily religious duties. Secondly, Prithia, the elder brother of Guru Arjan had also started composing religious hymns of his own which he described as the compositions of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and his successors. Under these circumstances, if the compositions of the Sikh Gurus were to be saved from spurious writings, an authentic text had to be written.

Thirdly, if the independence of the Sikh race was to be established, it was essential that they should have an independent religious book. Fourthly, Guru Arjan Dev Ji felt the need to replace the Hindu Granths, written in the Sanskrit language with a Granth of their own written in the simple language of the people of Punjab. The twenty-third and twenty-fourth pauris of the Anand Sahib state that real hymns of the Gurus should alone be repeated and revered by the Sikhs. Guru Amar Das Ji writes,

“Come, ye disciples, beloved of the true Guru, sing a true song. Sing the song of the Guru, the song of songs, Saith Nanak, ever sing this true song.” Hence it was obligatory for Guru Arjan Dev Ji to take precautions, lest the Sikhs should recite writings other than those of the Sikh Gurus.

2. Collection of Hymns: For editing Adi Granth Sahib Ji, Guru Arjan Sahib collected hymns from different sources. Hymns of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Guru Angad Dev Ji and Guru Amar Das Ji were lying with Baba Mohan Ji, the eldest son of Guru Amar Das Ji. Guru Arjan Sahib himself went from Amritsar to Goindwal Sahib bare-footed. Impressed by the modesty of Guru Arjan Sahib, Baba Mohan handed over the whole material to the Guru. Hymns of Guru Ram Das Ji were already with Guru Arjan Dev Ji. Guru Arjan Sahib then added his own hymns. Then, Guru Arjan Dev Ji invited many disciples of Hindu and Muslim Saints to give him the best hymns of their Gurus and Saints. Thus, the Bani was collected from different sources.

3. Compilation of Adi Granth Sahib Ji: For the compilation of Adi Granth Sahib Ji, Guru Arjan Sahib selected a beautiful and solitary place situated to the south of Amritsar. Here Guru Arjan Dev Ji built a tank named as Ramsar Sarovar. On the bank of this sarovar tents were fixed under a peepal tree. Here Guru Arjan Sahib started the compilation of Adi Granth Sahib Ji. Guru Arjan Sahib dictated and Bhai Gurdas Ji went on writing. This great work was completed in 1604 A.D. This Granth Sahib Ji was kept in Sri Harmandir Sahib and Baba Buddha Ji was appointed as the .first Head Granthi (priest).

4. Contributions in Adi Granth Sahib: Adi Granth Sahib Ji is a very vast Granth. It contains a total of 5,894 Shabads (Hymns). The contributors in Adi Granth Sahib are divided into four classes:

  •  Sikh Gurus: Guru Granth Sahib Ji contains 976 hymns of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, 62 of Guru Angad Dev Ji, 907 of Guru Amar Das Ji, 679 of Guru Ram Das Ji and 2216 hymns of Guru Arjan Dev Ji. Later on, in Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s time 116 hymns of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji were also included.
  • Bhagats and Saints: Adi Granth Sahib Ji includes the hymns of 15 Hindu Bhagats and Sufi Saints, whose teachings were similar to the teachings of the Sikh Gurus. These Saints and Bhagats are Bhagat Kabir Ji, Sheikh Farid Ji, Bhagat Namdev Ji, Bhagat Ravidas Ji, Bhagat Dhanna Ji, Bhagat Ramanand Ji and Bhagat Jaidev Ji. Out of them the maximum hymns numbering 541 belonged to Bhagat Kabir Ji.
  • Bhats: Adi Granth Sahib Ji also includes the sawayyas of 11 famous Bhats (Bards). These sawayyas are 123 in total. The famous Bhats are Nal Ji, Bal Ji, Jalap Ji, Bhikha Ji and Harbans Ji.
  • Others: The hymns of Satta, Balwand, Sunder and Mardana are also included in the Adi Granth Sahib Ji.

5. Arrangement of the Matter: Adi Granth Sahib Ji has a total of 1430 pages. The hymns of Adi Granth Sahib Ji have been divided into three parts. The first part consists of 13 pages contains the daily prayers like Japji Sahib, Rehras Sahib and Sohla. Second part is the main part of Granth Sahib. The hymns in this part have been divided into 31 parts based on 31 Ragas. As all the hymns contain the name of ‘Nanak’ therefore, the word ‘Mahala’ has been used to indicate which Guru’s composition it is. The third part contains the swayyas of Bhats, and those salokas of Sikh Gurus and Bhagats which could not be described in Ragas. Adi Granth Sahib Ji ends with an epilogue called ‘Mundavani’ which has two salokas.

6. Subject: In Adi Granth Sahib Ji, there are hymns in praise of God. It throws light on the importance of the remembrance of the Holy Nam, which is a kind of meditation, attainment of Sach Khand and importance of Guru. It gives us the message of welfare for all human beings, oneness of God and brotherhood of mankind.

7. Language: Adi Granth Sahib Ji is written in Gurmukhi script. In it, the words from Punjabi, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Sanskrit and Persian languages spoken in 15th, 16th and 17th centuries were used.

Significance of Adi Granth Sahib:

Adi Granth Sahib Ji is a matchless religious book not only of the Sikhs, but of the whole mankind. The hymns of Adi Granth Sahib Ji give the universal message of the oneness of God and brotherhood of mankind.

1. Importance for the Sikhs: The compilation of Adi Granth Sahib Ji is a landmark in the history of the Sikhs. Today in every Sikh Gurudwara of the world, this sacred Granth is installed at a higher platform wrapped in silk cloth under a canopy. Sikhs revere it and bow before it with great respect. All Sikh ceremonies right from the birth till death are done in the presence of Guru Granth Sahib Ji. For the Sikhs, Guru Granth Sahib is the main source of inspiration for them. According to Dr. Wazir Singh,
“The Adi Granth‘was indeed his most precious gift to the Sikh world.”

2. Message of Brotherhood: Adi Granth Sahib Ji is the only sacred book of the world, which contains the hymns without any distinction on the basis of caste, colour and creed. By doing so Guru Arjan Sahib has given the message of brotherhood to all human beings.

3. Literary Importance: From the literary point of view Adi Granth Sahib is a unique work. It contains beautiful similies and embellishments. It has a, form and finish not equalled by subsequent writers. Therefore, from the literary point of view Guru Granth Sahib carries immense importance.

4. Historical Importance: No doubt Adi Granth Sahib Ji is a religious scripture, yet it furnishes valuable information regarding the social, religious political and economic life of 15th to 17th centuries. Guru Nanak Sahib gave a vivid account of the political condition of that time in Babar Vani. In social field women’s position was miserable. They occupied a very low place in the society. A widow was cursed by one and all. Hindu society was divided into a number of castes and sub-castes. Guru Granth Sahib Ji also throws a good deal of light on the agriculture and trade and commerce of that period. According to Dr. D.S. Dhillon,
“Its compilation was undoubtedly an important landmark in the history of the Sikhs.”

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 6 Guru Arjan Dev Ji and His Martyrdom

Martyrdom Of Guru Arjan Dev Ji:

Question 5.
What were the causes of the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji? What was the significance of this martyrdom?
Explain the circumstances responsible for the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji,
Write in detail about the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji and its effects,
What were the causes of the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji? What was its importance?
Explain the causes which led to the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji. What was the real cause of the martyrdom?
Examine the circumstances leading to the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji. What was the significance of his martyrdom?
Describe the circumstances that led to the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji. What is the significance of his martyrdom?
Discuss the causes and importance of the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji.
Describe the causes and significance of the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji.
What were the causes of the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji?
In 1606 A.D., Guru Arjan Dev Ji sacrificed his life for the sake of religion and truth. His martyrdom started a new era in Sikh history. Now Sikhs began to arm themselves to face the Mughals with bravery and courage. Many factors were responsible for the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji, which are discussed as below:

1. Fanaticism of Jahangir: Jahangir’s fanaticism was the main reason for Guru Arjan Ji’s martyrdom. He could not bear to see any other religion more prosperous than Islam. He could not tolerate the growing popularity of Sikhs in Punjab. So, he was looking for a chance to hamper their development. He wanted to put a stop to all this. He has written about it in his autobiography Tuzak-i- Jahangiri, “In Goindwal on the banks of the river Beas lived a Hindu named Arjan in the garb of ‘Pir’ or ‘Shaikh’. By his ways and manners he captured the fancy of many of the simple hearted Hindus and even many ignorant Muslims. He had loudly sounded the drum of his being Pir and a holy person.

They called him Guru and from all sides innocent and foolish people crowded to manifest their complete faith in him. For three or four generations they had kept their shop warm. Many times I thought of putting a stop to this vain affair onto bring him to Islam.” These words of Jahangir clearly show that his religious fanaticism was the main reason behind the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji

2. Development of Sikh Panth: In Guru Arjan Ji’s time, Sikhism progressed considerably. It got a new impetus with the construction of Harmandir Sahib and establishment of the cities like Tarn Taran, Kartarpur and Hargobindpur. Masand system played a significant role in the development of Sikhism. The compilation of Guru Granth Sahib helped in propagating Sikh religion. This was something intolerable and unbearable for the Mughals. They, therefore, thought of crushing the growing power of the Sikhs.

3. Enmity of Prithi Chand: Prithi Chand alias Prithia was the eldest brother of Guru Arjan Dev Ji. He was a very greedy and selfish person. For this reason only Guru Ram Das Ji appointed Guru Arjan Sahib as his successor in 1581 A.D. Prithia could not tolerate that the Gurgaddi had passed on to somebody else. He then made a firm decision that he would not sit at ease until he had dethroned Guru Arjan Dev Ji and received Gurgaddi for himself. So, he started opposing Guru Arjan Dev Ji openly. He collected money from Masands meant for Langar and used it for his own personal use.

He tried to popularise his own compositions naming them as those of Guru Arjan Sahib’s. He started planning a conspiracy against Guru Arjan Dev Ji with the help of some Mughal officials. It further strained the relationship between the Mughals and Guru Arjan Dev Ji.

4. Enmity of Chandu Shah: Chandu Shah was the Diwan cJ Lahore. He was looking for a suitable match for his daughter. Many advisors suggested him to marry his daughter with Hargobind, the son of Guru Arjan Dev Ji. He on hearing it Chander Shah was emerged and he uttered some objectionable words in the house of Guru Sahib. Afterwards, when Chandu Shah’s wife convinced him, he was ready to accept this relation. By this time, Guru Arjan Dev Ji came to know about all those abusive words Chandu Shah had uttered for him. So, he refused to accept shagun sent by Chandu Shah. When Chandu Shah came to know about this, he was determined to avenge the insult. He started poisoning Jahangir’s ears and he succeeded in getting what he wanted. Jahangir made up his mind to take a strict action against Guru Arjan Sahib.

5. Opposition of Naqshbandis: Naqshbandis played an important role in the martyrdom of Guru Sahib. Naqshbandi was an order started by fanatic Muslims. Muslims could never see any other religion prospering and developing. Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi, the leader of Naqshbandis, had great influence in Mughal Darbar. So, he also instigated Jahangir against Guru Sahib. Therefore, Jahangir decided to take action against Guru Sahib.

6. Compilation of Adi Granth Sahib Ji: The compilation of Adi Granth Sahib Ji was another important reason of Guru Arjan Sahib’s martyrdom. Opponents of Guru Arjan Dev Ji complained against him to Jahangir saying that he had written many things against Islam. Jahangir instructed Guru Arjan Dev Ji to remove all anti-Islamic points from the Granth Sahib Ji. But Guru Arjan Dev Ji said that Guru Granth Sahib Ji contained nothing against Islam. Then Jahangir asked him to write something about Hazrat Mohammad in this scripture. But Guru Arjan Dev Ji said that he could not do any such thing without Almighty’s permission. This enraged Jahangir all the more.

7. Help of Khusrau: Help of Khusrau by Guru Arjan Dev Ji became the immediate cause of Guru Arjan Dev Ji martyrdom. Prince Khusrau had revolted against his father some time after his enthronement. On reaching Punjab Khusrau came to Tarn Taran to seek Guru Arjan Dev Ji blessings. It is said that Guru Arjan Dev Ji put a tilak on his forehead and gave him all sorts of help required to go to Kabul. When Jahangir came to know about all this he got a golden opportunity to take stern action against Guru Arjan Dev Ji. He ordered Lahore Governor, Murtaza Khan to execute him by giving severe physical tortures, and to confiscate the whole of his property.

How was Guru Arjan Dev Ji Martyred?

On Jahangir’s order Guru Arjan Dev Ji was arrested on 24th May, 1606 A.D. and brought to Lahore. Here Muslim Sufi Saint Mian Mir requested Jahangir to spare his life. Jahangir asked Guru Arjan Dev Ji to pay a fine of Rs. 2 lakh for sparing his life. But Guru Arjan Dev Ji refused to pay this fine. As a result, the Mughals made Guru Arjan Dev Ji to sit in a vessel of boiling water. Then Guru Arjan Dev Ji was made to sit on hot iron bars and hot sand was thrown on his naked body. The Guru Arjan Dev Ji bore all the tortures cheerfully by uttering the following verse: –

“Whatever you ordain appears sweet. I supplicate for the gift of Nam.”
Thus, Guru Arjan Dev Ji was immersed in Eternal Light on 30th May, 1606 A.D. at Lahore.

Significance of the Martyrdom:

The martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji was an event of tremendous importance in the evolution of the Sikh movement and in the history of Punjab.

1. New Policy of Guru Hargobind Sahib: The martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji proved a turning point in the development of the Sikh community. Guru Hargobind Ji decided to adopt a New Policy in order to turn his followers into saint soldiers. He constructed Akal Takht Sahib with a view to impart military training to the Sikhs. He asked his followers to bring him horses and arms and join his army. It changed the entire character of the reformatory religious movement. According to famous historian K.S. Duggal, “Guru Arjan’s martyrdom precipitated the issues. It gave a new complexion to the shape of things in the Punjab and the Sikh Polity.”

2. Unity among the Sikhs: The martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji infused a new spirit among the Sikhs. Now, they felt the need of joining their hands in order to put an end to the tyrannical rule of the Mughals. The Sikhs, henceforth, began to assemble under one banner. It created a glorious tradition in the Sikh history. Undoubtedly its credit goes to the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji.

3. Change in relationship between Mughals and the Sikhs: Before the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji, there were cordial relations between the Sikh Gurus and the Mughal emperors. But, now with the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji, the position had been completely reversed. The Sikhs became the sworn enemy of the Mughals. They were now looking for an opportunity to avenge the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji. On the other hand, the Mughal emperors also did not like that the Sikhs should take to arms. Thus, it strained the relationship between the Sikhs and the Mughals.

4. Persecution of the Sikhs: After the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji, the Mughals started a reign of terror against the Sikhs. Jahangir had put Guru Hargobind Ji in prison in the-fort of Gwalior. During the reign of Shah Jahan, Guru Hargobind Ji was forced to fight four battles with the Mughals. In 1675 A.D., Aurangzeb got Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji martyred in Delhi. During his rule, he left no stone unturned to convert the whole of India into Islam. A large number of people were put to sword for refusing to embrace Islam. To face boldly the tyrannies of the Mughals, Guru Gobind Singh Ji, Banda Singh Bahadur and thousands of other Sikhs laid down their lives. In fact, the Sikhs got this inspiration of self¬sacrifice from the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji.-

5. Popularity of Sikhism: With the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji, Sikhism became more popular. This incident infused a new vigour, love and reverence for Sikhism, not only among the Hindus, but also among the Muslims. Consequently, they began to join Sikhism in larger numbers. Thus, the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji proved a milestone in the development of Sikhism. According to famours historian Dr. G.S. Mansukhani, “The martyrdom of Guru Arjan Sahib marks a .turning point in the development of Sikh religion.”

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Write a brief note on the difficulties faced by Guru Arjan Dev Ji immediately after his accession to Gurgaddi.
What were the difficulties faced by Guru Arjan Dev Ji, when he became the Guru?
At the time of accession to Gurgaddi, Guru Arjan Dev Ji had to face the opposition firstly of his elder brother Prithi Chand. He vehemently protested against his supersession. The fanatic Muslims of Punjab could not bear the growing influence of the Sikhs in Punjab. They incited Jahangir against Guru Ji. Chandu Shah was the Diwan of Lahore. He had sent a proposal to Guru Arjan Dev Ji for the marriage of his daughter to his son Hargobind Ji. But Guru Arjan Dev ji declined the proposal. As a result, Chandu Shah turned a sworn enemy of Guru Arjan Dev Ji.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 6 Guru Arjan Dev Ji and His Martyrdom

Question 2. What was Guru Arjan Dev Ji’s contribution to the development of Sikhism?
Describe briefly the contributions of Guru Arjan Dev Ji in the development of Sikhism.
Give a brief account of the organizational works of Guru Arjan Dev Ji.

  • By making Sri Harmandir Sahib at Amritsar, Guru Arjan Dev Ji gave the Sikhs their most sacred place of pilgrimage,
  • He built a Baoli at Lahore.
  • The development of the Masand system was one of his greatest achievements.
  • The compilation of Guru Granth Sahib in 1604 A.D. by Guru Arjan Dev Ji is considered his crowning achievement.

Question 3.
Write a brief note on Harmandir Sahib.
Describe briefly the importance of the foundation of Sri Harmandir Sahib by Guru Arjan Dev Ji.
Give a brief account of the foundation and importance of Sri Harmandir Sahib.
Briefly describe the importance of the foundation of Sri Harmandir Sahib.
The building of Sri Harmandir Sahib is one of the greatest achievements of Guru Arjan Dev Ji. It was constructed in the midst of Amrit Sarovar. Guru Arjan Dev Ji got its foundation laid by a famous Sufi saint, Mian Mir in 1588 A.D. Harmandir means “Temple of God.’ Guru Arjan Dev Ji kept the height of the building of Sri Harmandir Sahib lower than those of the surrounding buildings and said, “What is humble, shall be exalted.” Soon, Sri Harmandir Sahib became the leading pilgrimage centre of the Sikhs.

Question 4.
What do you know about the Masand system? Explain.
Examine the organization and development of the Masand system.
What do you mean by the Masand system?
“Masand’ is derived from the Persian word Masand which means ‘a high place’. This system was set up by Guru Ram Das Ji, but its real development took place during Guru Arjan Dev Ji’s time. Guru Arjan Dev Ji announced that each Sikh should offer Daswandh (one-tenth of income) to him. He appointed Masands to collect Daswandh from the Sikh Sangat. The Masands not only collected Daswandh but also preached Sikhism. Masand system played a significant role in the evolution of the Sikh movement.

Question 5.
What were the functions of the Masands?

  • Masand’s used to preach Sikhism in the area under him.
  • He used to collect Daswandh from the Sikh Sangat.
  • Masand’s used to deposit the collected Daswandh to the Guru Sahib on the occasions of Baisakhi and Diwali.

Question 6.
Write a short note on Tarn Taran and Its importance.
Guru Arjan Dev Ji, founded the city of Tarn Taran in 1590 A.D. Here a Sarovar named Tarn Taran was also dug. Tarn Taran means that any pilgrim, who takes bath in this Sarovar shall get salvation from transmigration. Tarn Taran also became a famous holy place of the Sikhs. As a result, thousands of Jats of the Majha became the followers of Guru Arjan Dev Ji and embraced Sikhism. The services of these Jats towards Sikhism were of great value.

Question 7.
Write a note on the importance of Adi Granth Sahib Ji (Guru
Briefly explain the significance of Adi Granth Sahib Ji.
Write a short note on Adi Granth Sahib Ji.
Give a brief description of Adi Granth Sahib Ji and its historical
The most important work during Guru Arjan Dev Ji’s pontificate was the compilation of Adi Granth Sahib Ji. The objective was to compile the Bani of Gurus in one place. Guru Arjan Dev Ji initiated this great work at Ramsar. The Bani of the first five Guru Sahibs, Saints, and Bhagats was included in it. The job of writing Guru Granth Sahib was done by Bhai Gurdas Ji. This great work was completed in 1604 A.D. Later on, the Bani of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji was also included in it. Adi Granth Sahib occupies a special place in the history of Sikhism.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 6 Guru Arjan Dev Ji and His Martyrdom

Question 8.
Briefly explain the importance of Adi Granth Sahib Ji.
What is the importance of Adi Granth Sahib Ji?
No doubt Guru Granth Sahib Ji is a religious scripture, yet it furnishes valuable information regarding the social, religious, political, and economic life of the 16th and 17th centuries. Guru Nanak Sahib gave a vivid account of the political condition of that time in Babar Vani. In the social field, women’s position was miserable. The compilation of Adi Granth Sahib is a landmark in the history of the Sikhs. It gave the message of the universal brotherhood of mankind to the world.

Question 9.
Write a note on Prithi Chand.
Who was Prithi Chand? Why did he oppose Guru Arjan Dev Ji?
Who was Prithi Chand (Prithia)? How did he act against Guru Arjan Dev Ji?
Prithi Chand or Prithia was the elder brother of Guru Arjan Dev Ji. He was. the founder of the Mina Sect. He was very selfish and cunning. That is why Guru Ram Das Ji gave the Gurgaddi to Guru Arjan Dev Ji instead of giving it to him. On hearing this decision, Prithi Chand got furious. He hoped that his son Meharban would get Gurgaddi after Guru Arjan Dev Ji. But when Guru Arjan Dev Ji was blessed with a son, Hargobind, all his hopes seemed to dash to the ground. Therefore, he became a sworn enemy of Guru Arjan Dev Ji.

Question 10.
Who was Chandu Shah? Why did he oppose Guru Arjan Dev Ji?
Why does Chandu Shah oppose Guru Arjan Dev Ji?
Write a short note on Chandu Shah.
Chandu Shah was the Diwan of Lahore. He was looking for a suitable match for his daughter. His messengers proposed the name of Hargobind, son of Guru Arjan Dev Ji, for his daughter. On hearing this Chandu Shah was enraged and uttered some objectionable words in honor of Guru Ji. But after being persuaded by his wife, he agreed to the proposal. Again he sent his messengers to Guru Arjan Dev Ji with this proposal. Guru Arjan Dev Ji turned down the proposal. On hearing this Chandu Shah got very angry and became Guru Arjan Dev Ji’s sworn enemy.

Question 11.
Mention the three causes for the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji.
Examine three major causes of the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji.
What were the three main causes of the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji?

  • Jahangir could not tolerate the flourishing of Sikhism.
  • Chandu Shah, the Diwan of Lahore sent a proposal of his daughter’s marriage to Hargobind, the son of Guru Arjan Dev Ji. When this proposal was not accepted, Chandu Shah turned Guru Arjan Dev Ji’s sworn enemy.
  • The help rendered to Khusrau, the elder son of Jahangir, by Guru Arjan Ji became an immediate reason for the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji.
  • Prithi Chand played a great role in the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji.

Question 12.
Describe the role of Naqshbandis in the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Sahib.
Naqshabandis played an important role in the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Sahib. Naqshbandi was an order started by fanatic Muslims. Naqshbandis were enraged to see the increasing influence of the Sikhs in Punjab. Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi, the leader of Naqshbandis had great influence in Mughal Darbar. So, he also instigated Jahangir against Guru Ji. Therefore, Jahangir decided” to take action against Guru Arjan Dev Ji.

Question 13.
Why was Jahangir hostile to Sikh Gurus?

  • Jahangir could not tolerate the rapidly increasing power of the Sikhs under Guru Arjan Dev Ji.
  • Some Muslims had embraced Sikhism. It embroiled the blood of Jahangir.
  • Jahangir could not tolerate the help rendered to rebellious Prince Khusrau.

Question 14.
What was the immediate cause of the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji?
The help of Khusrau by Guru Arjan Dev Ji became the immediate cause of Guru Arjan Dev Ji’s martyrdom. Prince Khusrau was the eldest son of Jahangir. He revolted against his father sometime after his enthronement. Khusrau came to seek Guru Arjan Dev Ji blessings. It is said that Guru Arjan Dev Ji put a tilak on his forehead. When Jahangir came to know about all this he got a golden opportunity to take stern action against Guru Arjan Dev Ji.

Question 15.
Write the importance of Guru Arjan Dev Ji’s martyrdom.
Write down the impact of the martyrdom of Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji.
Briefly describe the importance of martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji
The martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji gave a new turn to Sikh history. The peace-loving Sikhs flared up as a result of this martyrdom. It became evident to them that taking to arms was now essential. That is why Guru Hargobind Ji adopted a New Policy. He carried two swords of Miri and Piri. In this way, Guru Arjan Dev Ji turned the Sikhs into saint-soldiers. After the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji, the era of friendship between the Sikhs and the Mughals came to an end.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 6 Guru Arjan Dev Ji and His Martyrdom

Objective Type Questions:

Question 1.
Who was the fifth Guru of the Sikhs?
Guru Arjan Dev Ji.

Question 2.
When was Guru Arjan Dev Ji born?
April 15, 1563 A.D.

Question 3.
Where was Guru Arjan Dev Ji born?
Goindwal Sahib.

Question 4.
What was the name of the father of Guru Arjan- Dev Ji?
Guru Ram Das Ji.

Question 5.
What was the name of the mother of Guru Arjan Dev Ji?
Bibi Bhani Ji.

Question 6.
Mention the pontificate of Guru Arjan Dev Ji.
1581 to 1606 A.D.

Question 7.
Who was Prithia?
The eldest brother of Guru Arjan Dev Ji.

Question 8.
Why was Prithia annoyed with Guru Arjan Dev Ji?
Because he considered himself the real claimant of the Giirgaddi.

Question 9.
Which sect was founded by Prithi Chand?
Mina sect.

Question 10.
What was the name of Meharban’s father?
Prithi Chand.

Question 11.
Who was Chandu Shah?
Diwan of Lahore.

Question 12.
Name any one achievement of Guru Arjan Dev Ji.
He founded Harmandir Sahib at Amritsar.

Question 13.
What is meant by Harmandir Sahib?
The place of God’s residence.

Question 14.
By which Guru was Harmandir Sahib got built?
Guru Arjan Dev Ji.

Question 15.
Who laid the foundation stone of Harmandir Sahib?
Famous Sufi Saint Mian Mir.

Question 16.
When was the foundation of Harmandir Sahib laid?
1588 A.D.

Question 17.
When was the construction of Harmandir Sahib completed?
1601 A.D.

Question 18.
Who was the first Head Granthi of Harmandir Sahib?
Baba Buddha Ji.

Question 19.
Why four doors have been built on* four sides of Harmandir Sahib?
What do the four doors of Harmandir Sahib, indicate?
It indicates that the doors of Harmandir Sahib are open for people coming from all four directions without any discrimination.

Question 20.
What is meant by Tarn Taran?
A person can swim across the world by bathing in the tank of Tarn Taran.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 6 Guru Arjan Dev Ji and His Martyrdom

Question 21.
Who got town of Tarn Taran constructed?
Guru Arjan Dev Ji.

Question 22.
Which Guru got built a Baoli in Dabbi Bazar at Lahore?
Guru Arjan Dev Ji.

Question 23.
What is meant by the word Masand?
High place.

Question 24.
What does Daswandh imply?
Daswandh means the 1/10th of income which the Sikhs gave to the Masands.

Question 25.
When was Adi Granth Sahib Ji compiled?
1604 A.D.

Question 26.
Which Guru Sahib compiled Adi Granth Sahib Ji?
Guru Arjan Dev Ji.

Question 27.
Who helped Guru Arjan Dev Ji in compiling the Adi Granth Sahib?
Bhai Gurdas Ji.

Question 28.
When was Adi Granth Sahib Ji installed in Harmandir Sahib?
16th Aug, 1604 A.D.

Question 29.
Which Guru composed the maximum Shabads (Hymns) for Adi Granth Sahib Ji?
Guru Arjan Dev Ji.

Question 30.
What is the number of saints whose hymns (bani) have been included in the Adi Granth Sahib Ji?

Question 31.
Name any one saint, whose hymns have been included in Adi Granth Sahib Ji.
Kabir Ji.

Question 32.
Into how many Ragas the Adi Granth Sahib Ji has been divided?
Adi Granth Sahib has been divided into 31 Ragas.

Question 33.
How many pages (Angas) does Adi Granth Sahib Ji contain?

Question 34.
Write the name of the script of ‘Adi Granth Sahib Ji’.

Question 35.
Name the main religious book of (Granth Sahib) the Sikhs.
Adi Granth Sahib Ji or Guru Granth Sahib Ji„

Question 36.
With which Bani does the Adi Granth Sahib Ji start?
Japji Sahib.

Question 37.
Who composed Japji Sahib?
Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

Question 38.
What is the importance of Adi Granth Sahib Ji?
It contains the message of universal brotherhood of mankind.

Question 39.
Who was Baba Buddha Ji?
The first Head Granthi of Sri Darbar Sahib, Amritsar.

Question 40.
Name the central shrine of the Sikhs.
Sri Harmandir Sahib, Amritsar.

Question 41.
Who was Chandu Shah?
Diwan of Lahore.

Question 42.
Who was Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi?
The head of Naqashbandi order.

Question 43.
What was the name of the eldest son of Jahangir?

Question 44.
Who was the first martyr among the Sikh Gurus?
Which Guru is known as King of Martyrs (Shaheedan de Sartaj).
Guru Arjan Dev Ji.

Question 45.
Which Mughal emperor ordered to martyr Guru Arjan Dev Ji?

Question 46.
When was Guru Arjan Dev Ji martyred?
May 30, 1606 A.D.

Question 47.
Where was Guru Arjan Dev Ji martyred?
In Lahore.

Question 48.
Write down any one result of the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji.
It inflammed the sentiments of the Sikhs.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 6 Guru Arjan Dev Ji and His Martyrdom

Fill in the blanks:

1. Guru Arjan Dev Ji was the ……………… Guru of the Sikhs.

2. The name of the father of Guru Arjan Dev Ji was …………………..
Guru Ram Das Ji

3. The name of the mother of Guru Arjan Dev Ji was ……………….
Bibi Bhani

4. The name of the son of Guru Arjan Dev Ji was ………………….

5. Guru Arjan Dev Ji succeeded to Guruship in ………………..
1581 A.D.

6. Prithia established ………………..
Mina sect

7. Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi started the …………………. order.

8. Naqasbandis established their headquarters at …………………

9. Chandu Shah was the Diwan of ……………..

10. ……………. got built Sri Harmandir Sahib.
Guru Arjan Dev Ji

11. Famous Saint ……………… laid the foundation stone of Sri Harmandir Sahib.
Mian Mir

12. ………………. founded Tarn Taran.
Guru Arjan Dev Ji

13. ………………. got built a Baoli at Lahore.
Guru Arjan Dev Ji

14. The Adi Granth Sahib was complied by …………………
Guru Arjan Dev Ji

15. Compilation of the Adi Granth Sahib was completed in ………………..
1604 A.D.

16. ………………… was appointed as the first Head Granthi in Sri Harmandir Sahib.
Baba Buddha Ji

17. The autobiography of Jahangir is …………………..

18. Dara Shikoh’s father’s name was …………………

19. Guru Arjan Dev Ji was martyred on …………………
May 30, 1606 A.D.

20. Guru Arjan Dev Ji was martyred at ………………..

21. Guru Arjan Dev Ji was martyred by Mughal emperor …………………

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 6 Guru Arjan Dev Ji and His Martyrdom

True or False:

1. Guru Arjan Dev Ji was the fifth Guru of the Sikhs.

2. Guru Arjan Dev Ji was born on April 15, 1563 A.D.

3. Tripta Devi was the name of mother of Guru Arjan Dev Ji.

4. The name of the son of Guru Arjan Dev Ji was Hargobind Ji.

5. Prithi Chand found the Mina Sect.

6. Chandu Shah became the friend of Guru Arjan Dev Ji.

7. Guru Arjan Dev Ji got constructed the Harmandir Sahib.

8. The construction of Harmandir Sahib was started in 1688 A.D.

9. The foundation of Harmandir Sahib was laid by Sufi Saint, Mian Mir.

10. Development of Masand system was the greatest achievement of Guru Arjan Dev Ji.

11. Guru Arjan Dev Ji compiled Adi Granth Sahib Ji in 1604 A.D.

12. Baba Buddha Ji wrote hymns of Adi Granth Sahib.

13. Baba Buddha Ji was the first Head Granthi (priest) of Harmandir Sahib.

14. The hymns of Adj Granth Sahib Ji have been divided according to 33 Ragas.

15. Adi Granth Sahib Ji has a total of 1430 pages.

16. Guru Granth Sahib Ji has hymns of six Gurus.

17. Adi Granth Sahib Ji is written in Sanskrit Language.

18. The writer of Tuzak-i-Babari was Jahangir.

19. Guru Arjan Dev Ji was martyred in 1606 A.D.

20. Guru Arjan Dev Ji was martyred on the orders of Aurangjeb.

21. Guru Arjan Dev Ji was martyred at Lahore.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 6 Guru Arjan Dev Ji and His Martyrdom

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Who was the fifth Guru of Sikhs?
(a) Guru Ram Das Ji
(b) Guru Arjan Dev Ji
(c) Guru Hargobind Ji
(d) Guru Har Krishan Ji
(b) Guru Arjan Dev Ji

2. When was Guru Arjan Dev Ji born?
(a) In 1539 AD.
(b) In 1560 A.D.
(c) In 1563 A.D
(d) In 1574 A.D.
(c) In 1563 A.D

3. Where was Guru Arjan Dey Ji born?
(a) Amritsar
(b) Khadur Sahib
(c) Goindwal Sahib
(d) Tarn Taran.
(c) Goindwal Sahib

4. Who was the father of Guru Arjan Dcv Ji?
(a) Guru Amar Das Ji
(b) Guru Ram Das Ji
(c) Bhai Gurdas Ji
(d) Haridas Ji
(b) Guru Ram Das Ji

5. What was the name of the mother of Guru Arjan Dcv Ji?
(a) Bibi Bhani Ji
(b) Bibi Amro Ji
(c) Bibi Anokhi Ji
(d) Bibi Dhanì Ji.
(a) Bibi Bhani Ji

6. Which sect was, founded by Prithin?
(a) Mina
(b) Udasi
(c) Harms
(d) Nirjania
(a) Mina

7. Whose son was Meharban?
(a) Guru Arjan Dcv Ji
(b) Sri Chiad Ji
(c) Baba Mohan Ji
(d) Prithi Chand.
(d) Prithi Chand.

8. When did Guru Arjan Dev Ji succeed to Guruship?
(a) In 1580 A.D.
(b) In 1581 A.D.
(c) In 1585 A.D.
(d) In 1586 A.D.
(b) In 1581 A.D.

9. Where was headquarter of Naqshbandis located In Punjab?
(a) Malerkutla
(b) Ludhiana
(c) Jalandhar
(d) Sirhind
(d) Sirhind

10. Who was the leader of Naqshbandis at the time of Guru Arjan Dev Ji?
(a) Baba Farid Ji
(b) Data Ganj Baksh
(c) Shaikh Abmed Sirhindi
(d) Ram Rai.
(c) Shaikh Abmed Sirhindi

11. Who was Chandu Shah?
(a) Diwan of Lahore
(b) Faujdar of Punjab
(c) Subedar of Jalandhar
(d) Diwan of Multan
(a) Diwan of Lahore

12. When was the foundation of Sri Harmandir Sahib laid?
(a) In 1581 A.D.
(b) In 1585 A.D.
(c) In 1588 A.D.
(d) In 1589 A.D.
(c) In 1588 A.D.

13. Who laid the foundation of sri Harmandir Sahib?
(a) Guru Arjan Dev Ji
(b) Baba Farid Ji
(c) Saint Mian Mir Ji
(d) Baba Buddha Ji.
(c) Saint Mian Mir Ji

14. Where did Guru Arjan Dev Ji Start compiling of the Adi Granth Sahib Ji?
(a) Ramsar
(b) Goindwal Sahib
(c) Khadur Sahib
(d) Baba Bakala
(a) Ramsar

15. Who helped Guru Arjan Dev Ji in compiling the Adi Granth Sahib Ji?
(a) Baba Buddha Ji
(b) Bhai Gurdas Ji
(c) Bhai Moh1cam Chand Ji
(d) Bhai Mani Singh Ji.
(b) Bhai Gurdas Ji

16. When was compilation of the Adj Granth Sahib Ji completed?
(a) In 1600 A.D.
(b) In 1601 A.D.
(c) In 1602 A.D.
(d) In 1604 A.D.
(d) In 1604 A.D.

17. Where was the Adj Granth Sahib JI first kept?
(a) Sri Harnjandjr Sahib
(b) Khadur Sahib
(c) Goindwal Sahib
(d) Nankana Sahib.
(a) Sri Harnjandjr Sahib

18. When was the Adj Granth Sahib Ji first read.?
(t) In 1602 AD.
(ii) In 1604 A.D.
(iii) In 1605 A.D.
(iv) In 1606 A.D.
(ii) In 1604 A.D.

19. Who was appointed First Head Granthi in the Sri Harmandir Sahib?
(a) Bhai Gurdas Ji
(b) Bhai Mani Singh Ji
(c) Baba Buddha Ji
(d) Baba Deep Singh Ji
(c) Baba Buddha Ji

20. Into how many Ragas has the Bani of the Adj Granth Sahib Ji been divided?
(a) 10
(b) 15
(c) 21
(d) 31
(d) 31

21. In which Script the Adi Granth Sahib Ji was written?
(a) Hindi
(b) Persian
(c) Marathi
(d) Gurmukhi
(d) Gurmukhi

22. Who was Baba Buddha Ji?
(a) The first Head Granthi of Sri Harmandir Sahib Amrister.
(b) Writer of the Adi Granth Sahib Ji.
(c) The founder of Sri Harmandir Sahib.
(d) None of These
(a) The first Head Granthi of Sri Harmandir Sahib Amrister.

23. Name the main religious scripture of the Sikhs.
(a) Adi Granth Sahib Ji
(b) Dasam Granth Sahib Ji
(c) Zafarnama
(d) Rehat Nama
(a) Adi Granth Sahib Ji

24. Name the main religious scripture of the Sikhs.
(a) Sri Harmandir Sahib
(b) Sis Ganj
(c) Rakab Ganj
(d) Kesgarh Sahib
(a) Sri Harmandir Sahib

25. What was the name of autobiography of Jahangir?
(a) Tuzak-i-Babari
(b) Tuzak-i-Jahangiri
(c) Jahangir Nama
(d) Aalamgir Nama.
(b) Tuzak-i-Jahangiri

26. Name the first martyr among the Sikh Gurus.
(a) Guru Nanak Dey Ji
(b) Guni Amar Das Ji
(c) Guru Arjan Dey Ji
(d) Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.
(c) Guru Arjan Dey Ji

27. On the orders of which Mughal emperor was Guru Arjan Dey Ji martyred?
(a) Babar
(b) Jahangir
(c) Shah Jahan
(d) Aurangzeb.
(b) Jahangir

28. Where was Guru Arjan Dcv Ji martyred?
(a) Delhi
(b) Amritsar
(c) Lahore
(d) Multan.
(c) Lahore

29. When was Guru Arjan Dey Ji martyred?
(a) In 1604 A.D.
(b) In 1605 A.D.
(c) In 1606 A.D.
(d) In 1609 A.D.
(c) In 1606 A.D.

PSEB 12th Class History Map Questions

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class History Book Solutions Map Questions Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB 12th Class History Map Questions

Battles of Guru Gobind Singh Ji:

Question 1.
(a) On the given outline map of Punjab show any five places of battles of the pre-Khalsa and post-Khalsa period of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
(b) Write an explanatory note in about 20-25 words each on these battles.
(a) On the given outline map of Punjab show any five places of Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s battles in the given outline map of Punjab.
(b) Write an explanatory note in about 20-25 words each on the battles as shown in the map.
(a) On the given outline map of Punjab, show five important places where the battles of Guru Gobind Singh Ji were fought.
(b) Write an explanatory note in about 100 words about these battles.
(a) On the given outline map of Punjab, show five battle places of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
(b) Explain these battle places in about 20-25 words each.
(a) On the given outline map of Punjab showing the rivers depict five places of the battles of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Map Questions Img 1

(b) Write an explanatory note in about 20-25 words each about these battles.
Guru Gobind Singh Ji held the Guruship from 1675 to 1708 A.D. He had to fight many battles against the Hill Chiefs and the Mughals. The battles of Guru Gobind Singh Ji are divided into two phases—the battles of pre-Khalsa period and the battles of post-Khalsa period.

PSEB 12th Class History Map Questions

Battles of Pre-Khalsa Period:

1. Battle of Bhangani 1688 A.D.: The Hill Chiefs were alarmed to see the military preparations of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Consequently, they under the combined leadership of Bhim Chand, the ruler of Kahlur and Fateh Shah, the ruler of Srinagar attacked on September 22, 1688 A.D. the Sikh army at Bhangani. Pir Buddhu Shah of Sadhaura rendered valuable help to Guru Gobind Singh Ji in this battle. The armies of Hill Chiefs were forced to flee the field. This grand victory indeed infused a new spirit among the Sikhs.

2. Battle of Nadaun 1690 A.D.: After the battle of Bhangani, the Hill Chiefs refused to pay the annual Khiraj (tax) to the Mughals. Therefore, an army under the command of Alif Khan was sent against the Hill Chiefs. He attacked the army of Bhim Chand at Nadaun on March 20, 1690 A.D. Guru Gobind Singh Ji sided with Bhim Chand in this battle. Their joint army pushed back the Mughal army. Alif Khan had to run away from the battlefield to save his life. After this battle, the Hill Chiefs again made a treaty with the Mughals.

Battles of Post-Khalsa Period:

3. First Battle of Sri Anandpur Sahib, 1701 A.D. : Guru Gobind. Singh Ji laid the foundation of Khalsa Panth at Sri Anandpur Sahib in 1699 A.D.-As a result, people started coming to the fold of Sikhism in a large number. The Hill Chiefs saw in it, a great danger to their freedom. So, Bhim Chand, the ruler of Kahlur asked Guru Gobind Singh Ji to vacate the fort of Anandpur Sahib. When Guru Gobind Singh Ji declined to do so, Bhim Chand along with a few other Hill Chiefs invaded the fort of Anandpur Sahib in 1701 A. D. When they got no success they made peace with Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

4. Battle of Nirmoh, 1702 A.D.: After the first battle of Anandpur Sahib, Guru Gobind Singh Ji went to a village, Nirmoh near Kiratpur Sahib. Joining hands with the Mughal army, Bhim Chand attacked the army of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. The Sikhs, under the command of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, gave a crushing defeat to the joint army.

5. Second Battle of Sri Anandpur Sahib, 1704 A.D.: The Hill Chiefs wanted to take revenge from Guru Gobind Sir gh Ji for their insult due to continuous defeats. Thus, they attacked the fort of Sri Anandpur Sahib for the second time, in collaboration with Mughal forces in 1704 A.D. The Sikhs put up strong resistance from within the fort. The royal army took false vows to assure Guru Gobind Singh Ji that they would not cause any harm, if he left the fort. So Guru Gobind Singh Ji decided to leave the fort.

6. Battle of Shahi Tibbi, 1704: As soon as, Guru Gobind Singh Ji came out of the fort, the royal army pursued them hotly. Consequently, there was confusion and consternation. A battle took place at Shahi Tibbi, where Bhai Udai Singh put up strong resistance along with his 50 companions and ultimately became martyrs.

7. Battle of Chamkaur Sahib, 1704 A.D.: Guru Gobind Singh Ji reached the fortress of Chamkaur Sahib along with his 40 Sikhs on 21st December, 1704 A. D. No sooner, did they reach there, a huge Mughal army besieged them on 22nd December, 1704 A.D. A pitched battle took place. In this battle, Ajit Singh and Jujhar Singh, the two elder sons of Guru Gobind Singh Ji fought with unparalleled example of bravery and ultimately became martyrs.

8. Battle of Khidrana, 1705 A.D.: On December 29,1705 A.D., Wazir Khan, the Mughal Faujdar of Sirhind, attacked Guru Gobind Singh Ji with a large army. In this battle, the Sikhs gave a crushing defeat to the Mughals. Those 40 Sikhs, who had parted company with Guru Gobind Singh Ji in the second battle of Sri Anandpur Sahib, also fought in this battle and became martyrs. Guru Gobind Singh Ji accorded them the boon of Mukti (salvation) on the request of their leader Maha Singh. As a result, Khidrana acquired the name of Sri Muktsar Sahib.

PSEB 12th Class History Map Questions

Important Battles of Banda Singh Bahadur:

Question 2.
(a) On the outline map of Punjab, show five places of military exploits of Banda Singh Bahadur.
(b) Explain these places in about 20-25 words.
(a) On the given outline map of Punjab fill the places of five important battles of Banda Singh Bahadur.
(b) Write an explanatory note in about 20-25 words each on the places shown in the map.
(a) On the given outline map of Punjab show five battle places of Banda Singh Bahadur.
(b) Explain these battles in about 20-25 words each.
(a) On the given outline map of Punjab, showing rivers depict five important places of the Banda Singh Bahadur.
(b) Explain these places in about 20-25 words each.
Banda Singh Bahadur fought many battles against the Mughals during 1709 to 1715 A.D. During these battles, Banda Singh Bahadur showed such feats that the Mughals began to tremble, on hearing his name. The main battles of Banda Singh Bahadur were as follows :

1. Attack on Sonepat : First of all Banda Singh Bahadur attacked Sonepat with his 500 Sikhs in November 1709 A.D. The ruler of Sonepat was so afraid of the Sikhs that he ran away to Delhi without facing them. This victory greatly enhanced the morale of the Sikhs.

2. Conquest of Samana : The executioners of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji and the younger sons of Guru Gobind Singh Ji lived in Samana. Banda Singh Bahadur attacked Samana and slaughtered many Muslims. After this, he thoroughly plundered the whole town. It was the first and important conquest of Banda Singh Bahadur.

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3. Conquest of Kapuri: The ruler of Kapuri, Qadam-ud-Din was very cruel. He ill-treated the Hindus. So, Banda Singh Bahadur attacked Kapuri, put to death Qadam-ud-Din and conquered the town.

4. Conquest of Sadhaura: Usman Khan the ruler of Sadhaura was notorious for his tyranny. He was a sworn enemy of the Hindus. He tortured and got Pir Buddhu Shah killed for he had helped Guru Gobind Singh Ji in the battle of Bhangani. In order to settle the score for this insult, Banda Singh Bahadur attacked Sadhaura and slaughtered a large number of Muslims. That is why, the place came to be known as Qatalgarhi.

5. Battle of Ropar: Banda Singh Bahadur was making preparations to attack Sirhind. Several Sikhs from Malwa and Majha joined under the banner of Banda Singh Bahadur. When Wazir Khan, the Faujdar of Sirhind, came to know about it, he ordered Sher Mohammad Khan and Nawab of Malerkotla to take steps against these Sikhs. A pitched battle took place at Ropar in which the Sikhs defeated the Mughals.

6. Conquest of Sirhind: Wazir Khan, the Faujdar of Sirhind had got the two younger sons, Zorawar Singh and Fateh Singh, of Guru Gobind Singh Ji killed by bricking them alive in the wall. So, Banda Singh Bahadur wanted to teach him such a lesson which should be remembered by the Muslims for a long time. On May 22, 1710 A.D., Banda Singh Bahadur attacked the army of Wazir Khan at Chappar Chiri. The Sikhs massacred the Muslims to such an extent that they shuddered at the very thought of it. Wazir Khan was killed and hanged on a tree upside down. Plundering and massacre stalked the whole Sirhind on May 24,1710 AD. This glorious conquest further boosted the morale of the Sikhs.

7. Conquest of Ganga Doab: Encouraged by the conquests of Banda Singh Bahadur, the Sikhs of most areas in Ganga Doab i.e. Saharanpur, Behat and Jalalabad etc. revolted against the tyranny of the Muslims. Banda Singh Bahadur availed himself of this opportunity and brought this region under his control.

8. Battle of Rahon: Shamas Khan, the Faujdar of Jalandhar Doab, was a cruel ruler. Fed up with his tyranny, the Sikhs revolted against him. Shamas Khan declared Jihad (religious war) against the Sikhs. In October ,1710, the the armies of Shamas Khan and Banda Singh Bahadur clashed at Rahon and a bloody battle ensued. The Sikhs came out victorious in this battle.

9. Attack of Mughals on Lohgarh: The increasing power of Banda Singh Bahadur was a challenge for Mughal emperor, Bahadur Shah. He sent a large army of 60,000 to Punjab under the command of Munim Khan to crush the power of Banda Singh Bahadur. This army suddenly besieged Banda Singh Bahadur in his capital, Lohgarh. Though the Mughal army took control of Lohgarh but it could not capture Banda Singh Bahadur.

10. Battle of Gurdas Nangal: In 1715 A.D. the newly appointed Governor of Punjab, Abdus Samad Khan made a surprise attack on the Sikhs at Gurdas Nangal. Banda Singh Bahadur was besieged along with some of his companions in the haveli of Duni Chand. Ultimately Banda Singh Bahadur had to give in.

PSEB 12th Class History Map Questions

Ranjit Singh’s Kingdom:

Question 3.
(a) On the given outline map of Punjab, show the places of five battles of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
(b) Explain each battle place in about 20-25 words.
(a) On the given outline map of Punjab, show the places of five important conquests of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
(b) Write an explanatory note in about 20-25 words each on these conquests.
Question 4.
(a) On the given outline map of Punjab, show the following places of battles of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

  • Lahore
  • Amritsar
  • Kashmir
  • Multan
  • Peshawar

(b) Write an explanatory note of about 25-25 words each on places shown in the map.
(a) On the given outline map of Punjab, showing the rivers depict five places where Maharaja Ranjit Singh won the battles.
(b) Explain these five battles in about 20-25 words each.
Undoubtedly Maharaja Ranjit Singh was the greatest ruler of Punjab. By his ability and efforts, he converted his small kingdom into a vast empire during his reign (1799-1839). His main conquests are mentioned below :

1. Conquest of Lahore, 1799 A.D.: The first and the most important conquest of Maharaja Ranjit Singh was the conquest of Lahore. The three Bhangi Sardars and Sahib Singh, Mohar Singh, and Chet Singh jointly ruled Lahore. People were very unhappy due to their tyrannical rule, so they invited Ranjit Singh to take over Lahore. Deeming it a golden chance, Ranjit Singh invaded Lahore and occupied it on July 7, 1799 A.D.

2. Conquest of Amritsar, 1805 A.D.: The city of Amritsar was very important for the Sikhs from a religious point of view. It was considered the Mecca of the

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Sikhs. It was also the most famous trade centre. In order to be an emperor of the Punjab, the control over Amritsar was essential. In 1805 A.D. Ranjit Singh invaded Amritsar and defeated Mai Sukhan, the widow of Gulab Singh. In this way, Amritsar was conquered.

3. Conquest of Kasur 1807 A.D.: Nizam-ud-Din, the ruler of Kasur had accepted the subordination of Ranjit Singh. After his death in 1807 A.D. his successor Qutub-ud-Din refused to accept the suzerainty of Ranjit Singh. Consequently, Ranjit Singh invaded Kasur, defeated Qutab-ud-Din and occupied Kasur. After this, Ranjit Singh defeated Ahmad Khan the ruler of Jhang and annexed it to his kingdom.

4. Conquest of Sialkot, 1808 A.D.: Jiwan Singh was the ruler of Sialkot. Maharaja Ranjit Singh asked him to hand over the fort in exchange for a Jagir. When, Jiwan Singh refused to oblige, Maharaja Ranjit Singh invaded Sialkot in 1808 A.D. and beseized Sialkot.

5. Conquest of Kangra, 1809 A.D.: In 1809 A.D. the Gurkhas of Nepal surrounded the fort of Kangra. Sansar Chand, the ruler of Kangra sought assistance from Maharaja Ranjit Singh against the Gurkhas. He promised to hand over the fort of Kangra to Maharaja Ranjit Singh for this help. The army of Ranjit Singh made the Gurkhas flee from Kangra. But, now, Sansar Chand dilly-dallied in handing over the fort to Maharaja Ranjit Singh. At this, Ranjit Singh imprisoned Anurodh, the son of Sansar Chand. Being helpless, he handed over the fort of Kangra to Ranjit Singh.

6. Conquest of Gujarat, 1809 A.D.: Sahib Singh Bhangi was the ruler of Gujarat. He kept hatching conspiracies against Ranjit Singh. Therefore, Maharaja Ranjit Singh deputed Faqir Aziz-ud-Din to invade Gujarat. He defeated Sahib Singh and conquered Gujarat.

7. Conquest of Jammu, 1809 A.D.: Jai Singh ruled over Jammu. When he died in 1809 A.D., Maharaja Ranjit Singh sent an army under the command of Diwan Bhawani Das to conquer Jammu. He easily took the control of Jammu.

8. Conquest of Attock in 1813 A.D.: Maharaja Ranjit Singh had secured the famous fort of Attock from Jahandad Khan in exchange for a Jagir. This fort was very important from the geographical point of view.

9. Conquest of Multan, 1818 A.D.: Multan was very important from trade and geographical point of view. Sind could be easily conquered by having a control over Multan. The Maharaja had to attack seven times to conquer Multan. Every time, Muzaffar Khan the ruler of Multan evaded Maharaja Ranjit Singh by offering him a heavy ransom. In 1818 A.D. Maharaja Ranjit Singh resolved to make a conquest of Multan. He sent a vast army under the command of Misar Diwan Chand. After a pitched battle the army of Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquered Multan. It was indeed one of the important conquests of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

10. Conquest of Kashmir, 1819 A.D.: The valley of Kashmir was famous for its scenic beauty and trade. Ranjit Singh tried to conquer it in 1813 and 1814 A.D. but did not succeed. The conquest of Multan greatly encouraged Maharaja Ranjit Singh. He sent a huge army under the command of Misar Diwan Chand to conquer Kashmir. This army defeated Jabbar Khan, the ruler of Kashmir and occupied Kashmir in 1819 A.D.

11. Conquest of Dera Ghazi Khan, 1820 A.D.: Maharaja Ranjit Singh sent a military expedition under the command of Jamadar Khushal Singh to conquer Dera Ghazi Khan. This army defeated Zaman Khan the ruler of Dera Ghazi Khan and took control of this state.

12. Conquest of Peshawar, 1834 A.D : Peshawar was an important region from the geographical point of view. In his first expedition in 1818 A.D. Maharaja Ranjit Singh had defeated Yar Mohammad Khan and Dost Mohammad Khan but he resolved not to include Peshawar in his empire. In 1823 A.D., Azim Khan, a minister of Afghanistan took over the control of Peshawar. Maharaja Ranjit Singh defeated him in a pitched battle of Naushehra and again got control over Peshawar. He annexed Peshawar to his empire in 1834 A.D.

Extent of the Empire:

The empire of Maharaja Ranjit Singh extended from Ladakh in the North to Shikarpur in the South and from the Sutlej in the East to Peshawar in the West.

PSEB 12th Class History Map Questions

The First Anglo-Sikh War:

Question 5.
(a) On the given outline map of the Punjab, show five places of the battles of the First Anglo-Sikh War.
(b) Write an explanatory note in about 20-25 words each on the battles of the First Anglo-Sikh War.
(a) On the given outline map of the Punjab, show the location of the battles of the First Anglo-Sikh War.
(b) Write an explanatory note in about 20-25 words each on the places as shown in the map.
(a) On the given outline map of the Punjab, Show five battle places of the First Anglo-Sikh War.
(b) Explain five battle places in 20-25 words.
(a) On the given outline map of the Punjab, showing rivers depict five places of the First Anglo-Sikh War on the map of Punjab.
(b) Write in about 20-25 words each about the spots shown in the map.
The First Anglo-Sikh War was fought during the period of Lord Hardinge in 1845-46 A.D. During this War the Sikhs fought valiantly, but they had to face defeat due to the treachery of their leaders. This War was fought at the following main places :

1. Battle of Mudki: First battle between the English and the Sikhs was fought at Mudki, about 20 miles away from Ferozepur, on December 18, 1845 A.D. Lai Singh commanded the Sikh army. On the other side, Lord Hugh Gough was commanding the British troops. It was a bloody and fierce battle. Due to the treachery of Lai Singh, the Sikhs had to face defeat. Although the British became victorious in this battle, they realised that facing the Sikhs was not a child’s play.

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2. Battle of Ferozeshah: The second important battle between the British and the Sikhs was fought on December 21, 1845 A.D. The Sikh army was commanded by Lai Singh and Teja Singh in this battle. On the other hand, the British army was led by the experienced generals like Hugh Gough, John Littler and Lord Hardinge. In the beginning of this battle, the Sikh soldiers launched a stunning attack on the English army. It was getting ready to surrender before the Sikh army. But here again due to the treachery of Lai Singh and Teja Singh the Sikhs were defeated.

3. Battle of Baddowal: The third battle between the British and the Sikhs was fought at Baddowal, 18 miles away from Ludhiana on January 21, 1846AD. Sardar Ranjodh Singh Majithia was leading the Sikh army in this battle and Harry Smith commanded the British army. In this battle the Sikhs routed the British and they fled to Ludhiana.

4. Battle of Aliwal: Harry Smith wanted to take revenge of his defeat at Baddowal. Brigadier Wheeler, along with several soldiers joined Harry Smith which boosted the latter’s morale. He attacked the Sikh army under the command of Ranjodh Singh at Aliwal on January 28,1846 A.D. It was a terrible battle. Due to the treachery of Ranjodh Singh the British won this battle. The Sikh army suffered a heavy loss of life (3500) in this battle.

5. Battle of Sobraon: The last and the most decisive battle of the First Anglo- Sikh War was fought at Sobraon. It was fought on February 10, 1846 A.D. The Sikh troops were commanded by Lai Singh and Tefa Singh. On the other hand the British troops were commanded by experienced generals like Huge Gough and Lord Hardinge. The fierce attack launched by the Sikhs on the British caused consternation in their camp. At this juncture Lai Singh and Teja Singh, who were secretly in league with the British took to their heels leaving the Sikh army in the lurch. Sham Singh Attariwala came forward and commanded the Sikh-army. He showed rare feats of bravery but was ultimately killed. In this battle, the Sikhs suffered a humiliating defeat.

The First Anglo-Sikh War came to an end on March 9,1846 A.D. with the Treaty of Lahore. On December 16,1846 A.D. a new Treaty of Bhairowal was imposed on the Punjab. Although Punjab was not annexed to the British Empire, these treaties reduced the sovereignty of Punjab to a great extent.

PSEB 12th Class History Map Questions

The Second Anglo-Sikh War:

Question 6.
(a) On the given outline map of Punjab, show the location of battles fought during the Second Anglo-Sikh War.
(b) Write an explanatory note in about 20-25 words each Punjab on the battles of the Second Anglo-Sikh War as shown in the map.
(a) On the given outline map of Punjab, show the places of battles of the Second Anglo-Sikh War.
(b) Explain these battle places in about 20-25 words.
(a) On the given outline map of Punjab, showing the rivers depict battle places of the Second Anglo-Sikh War on the map of Punjab.
(b) Write in about 20-25 words each about the spots shown in the map.
(a) On the given outline map of Punjab, show the following places of the Second Anglo-Sikh War.

  • Ram Nagar
  • Chillianwala
  • Multan
  • Gujarat.

(b) Write in about 70-75 words about the spots shown in the map.
The Second Anglo-Sikh War was fought during the period of Lord Dalhousie in 1848-49 A.D. The Sikhs had to face defeat at the end of this war. Consequently, the rule of the Sikhs in Punjab came to an end and the rule of the British began.

1. Battle of Ram Nagar: The first battle of the Second Anglo-Sikh War was fought at Ram Nagar on November 22, 1848 A.D. Lord Hugh Gough commanded the British troops, while the Sikh troops were commanded by Sher Singh. In this battle two famous British generals, Havelock and Cureton were killed. Though Ram Nagar was not a battle of great consequence, yet the Sikh victory in it gave them the much-needed boost to their morale.

2. Battle of Chillianwala: The battle of Chillianwala was one of the most important battles of the Second Anglo-Sikh War. It was fought on January 13, 1849 A.D. Lord Hugh Gough commanded the British troops, while the command

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troops had to taste such a humiliating disaster at the hands of the Sikhs, that its echoes were heard in England. The British casualties included 132 officers and other ranks. Lord Gough was held responsible for their worst defeat and it was decided to send Sir. Charles Napier from England to replace him.

3. Battle of Multan: In Multan, Diwan Moolraj raised the banner of revolt against the British. In order to capture the fort of Multan, the British army under the command of General Whish laid siege to it. Sher Singh too joined hands with Diwan Moolraj. As the victory was not in sight, General Whish played a trick. He created a rift between Sher Singh and Moolraj by throwing forged letters in their camps. As a result, Sher Singh left Diwan Moolraj in the lurch. Consequently, Mootraj could not face the onslaught of the British army single-handed. On January 22, 1849 A.D. Diwan Moolraj surrendered unconditionally. This victory of Multan boosted the morale of British soldiers.

4. Battle of Gujarat: The battle of Gujarat was the last and decisive battle of the Second Anglo-Sikh War. In this battle, the Sikh army was commanded by Sher Singh, Chattar Singh, and Bhai Maharaj Singh. On the other hand, the British army was led by Lord Hugh Gough. This battle was fought on February 21, 1849 A.D. Since heavy artillery was used in this battle from both sides, this battle is also known as the Battle of Guns. The Sikh army soon ran short of ammunition. As a consequence, their guns were rendered useless. Seeing this golden opportunity, the British forces launched a fierce attack on the Sikh army. It created confusion and chaos among the Sikh soldiers. They lost 3000 to 5000 soldiers in this battle. On March 10, 1849 A.D. Chattar Singh and Sher Singh surrendered before General Gilbert. On March 14, the remaining Sikh soldiers also surrendered.

On March 29, 1849, A.D. Punjab was annexed to the British empire. Thus, the Sikh empire established by Maharaja Ranjit Singh through indefatigable efforts came to an end.

PSEB 12th Class History Source Based Questions

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class History Book Solutions Source Based Questions and Answers.

PSEB 12th Class History Source Based Questions

Physical Features of Punjab and their Influence on Its History:

Note: Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions that follow :

1. The holy land of Punjab, the territory of five rivers has, undoubtedly, contributed to a great extent in diversified fields, not only to India but to the world also. About love to five thousand years ago, the Indus Valley Civilisation or Harappa civilisation was born, in areas around Punjab which were one of the oldest civilisations of the world. The great characters of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata belonged to Punjab. The great Mahabharata war was also fought on this land and Lord Krishna delivered his spiritual message i.e. the Gita here.

This land has the honour of giving birth to great scholars like Kautilya, Charka and Panin the great Sanskrit scholar. Due to the economic position of Punjab, most of the foreign invaders invaded Punjab through the North-West frontier Chandragupta Maurya and Harsh Vardhana had started these campaigns in Punjab and were able to establish a vast empire.

1. Harappan civilisation was born at which place?
2. The characters of which epics were related to Punjab?
3. Lord Krishna gave the message ……………….. at which place?
4. The foreign invaders who attacked India came from which side of Punjab?
5. Panini was the scholar of which subject?
1. Harappan civilisation was born in areas around Punjab.
2. The great characters of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata were related to Punjab.
3. Lord Krishna gave the message of Gita in the land of Punjab.
4. The foreign invaders who invaded India came from the North-West frontier of Punjab.
5. Panini was a great Sanskrit scholar.

PSEB 12th Class History Source Based Questions

2. Punjab has been known by various names during different periods of history. It was called ‘Sapta Sindhu’ in the Rigvedic period, on the basis of the seven rivers that flowed in this land. They were : Sindhu (Indus), Vitasta (Jhelum), Asikni (Chenab), Parushni (Ravi), Vipasha (Beas), Sutudri (Sutlej) and Saraswati. The rivers Sindhu and Saraswati were the outer boundaries of Punjab. It is called ‘Panchnada’ in the Epics and the Puranas. ‘Panchnada’ means the land of five rivers. The Greeks named it ‘Pentapotamia’ ‘Penta’ means five and ‘Potamia’ means river. So, the Greeks also called it the land of five rivers. The territory of Afghanistan and Baluchistan were annexed to Punjab during the Maurya period. Thus its north-western boundary stretched up to the Hindukush. As Tak’ tribe ruled this vast land for centuries, therefore Punjab was called Tak Desh’.

1. By what name Punjab was known during the Rigvedifc Age?
2. What is meant by Panchnada?
3. Who gave the name of Pentapotamia to Punjab?
4. Why was Punjab called ‘Tak Desh’?
5. Which of the following river flows from Punjab?

  • Beas
  • Ganga
  • Yamuna
  • None of the above.

1. Punjab was known by the name of Sapta Sindhu during the Rigvedic Age.
2. Panchnada means the land of five rivers.
3. The name of Pentapotamia was given to Punjab by the Greeks.
4. Punjab was called Tak Desh because it was ruled by the Tak tribe for centuries.
5. Beas.

3. The Himalayas are situated to the north of Punjab. ‘Himalaya’ means ‘abode of snow5. Its tops remain covered with snow throughout the year. It stretches from Assam in the east to Afghanistan in the west. Its length is 2500 kilometres and the breadth ranges from 240 kilometres to 320 kilometres. On the basis of its height, the Himalayas can be divided into three parts. The first part, the Greater Himalayas, consists of those high peaks whose height is 20,000 ft. or above. Mount Everest, the world’s highest peak. Its height is about 29,028 feet or 8848 metres.

1. What is meant by the Himalayas?
2. What is the length and breadth of the Himalayas?
3. Which is the highest peak of the Himalayas?
4. Write any one advantage of the Himalayas.
5. The height of Mount Everest is a metre.
1. the Himalayas means the abode of snow.
2. The length of the Himalayas is 2500 kilometres and the breadth ranges from 240 kilometres to 320 kilometres.
3. The highest peak of the Himalayas is Mount Everest.
4. It acted as a watchman both for the Punjab and India for centuries.
5. 8848.

4. The Plains constitute the largest and most important region of Punjab. It is rightly called Virtual Punjab. This part is located between the rivers of Indus and Jamuna. It is considered one of the best fertile plains in the world. Its average height from the sea level is less than 1000 feet. Five great rivers of Punjab (Sutlej, Beas, Ravi, Chenab, Jhelum) flow in this very part. The land of this area is very fertile, it receives ample rainfall and the means of transport are fairly developed. So, the population of this area is very dense.
1. Where are the Plains of Punjab located?
2. Which is considered the best fertile plains in the world?
3. Name the rivers of Punjab.
4. Why the population of Punjab is very dense?
5. The population of Punjab is very
1. The Plains of Punjab is located between the rivers Indus and Jamuna.
2. The best fertile Plain in the world is Punjab Plains.
3. The five great rivers of Punjab are Sutlej, Beas, Ravi, Chenab and Jhelum.
4. It land is very fertile.
5. dense.

5. As a result of its geographical location, the Punjab has been the gateway of India for many centuries. There are a number of passes (Khyber, Koorram, Tochi, Bolan etc.) in the nerth-west of the Punjab which were easy to cross. So, the foreign invaders kept attacking by entering through these passes for centuries. The Aryans, Iranians, Greeks, Kushanas, Hunas, Turks, Mughals and Durranis invaded India crossing through these passes. First of all these invaders had to fight with the people of the Punjab. They could go further only after defeating the Punjab. So, the Punjab has been called the gateway of India.

1. Why is Punjab called as the gateway of India?
2. Which is the most important pass -located in the north-west of the Punjab?
3. Why the foreign invaders kept invading India through the passes?
4. Which foreign invaders invaded Punjab first of all?
5. Which foreign invaders were the first to invade Punjab?

  • Iranians
  • Aryans
  • Greeks
  • Kushanas.

1. Punjab is called as the gateway of India because the foreign invaders invaded Punjab first of all.
2. Khyber is the most important pass located in the north-west of the Punjab.
3. Because it was easy to cross the passes.
4. The Aryans, Iranians, Greeks, Kushanas, Hunas, Turks, Mughals and Durranis were the first to invade Punjab.
5. Aryans.

Sources of the History of the Punjab:

Note : Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions that follow :

1. A good knowledge of the sources of the history of a country is in dispensable for a thorough understanding of its history. This knowledge is as much essential for the students of history as are surgical instruments for a doctor to undertake an operation. However, we had many difficulties regarding the sources of the history of Punjab. The Punjab remained the arena of battles in the 18th century. That is why, even the Sikhs could not have any time for writing their own history in this period of anarchy and confusion as they were fighting a battle of life and death for their very existence. Thus, most of the available sources of the history of the Punjab relate to the nineteenth century when Maharaja Ranjit Singh established an independent Sikh kingdom.

1. Why are the sources indispensable for the students of history?
2. Which problems do we confront while writing the history of Punjab? Mention any one.
3. In which century did Punjab became an arena of battles?
4. In which century did Maharaja Ranjit Singh establish an independent Sikh Kingdom?
5. The most of the available sources of the history of the Punjab relate to the ………….
1. The sources are indispensable for the students of history to know the culture and civilisation of any country.
2. The available sources of the history concerning the period of the Gurus are very few.
3. The Punjab remained the arena of battles in the 18th century.
4. Maharaja Ranjit Singh established an independent Sikh Kingdom in Punjab in the 19th century.
5. 19th Century.

PSEB 12th Class History Source Based Questions

2. The Adi Granth Sahib Ji is the most sacred and authentic scripture of Sikhism. Guru Aijan Dev Ji compiled this great holy scripture in 1604 A.D. In it the hymns of the first five Sikh Gurus are compiled. Later on during the times of Guru Gobind Singh Ji the hymns of Guru Teg Bahadur Ji were also included in it and Adi Granth Sahib Ji was given the status of Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Although the Adi Granth Sahib Ji or Guru Granth Sahib Ji was not compiled for any Historical purpose, yet its thorough study gives us most valuable information regarding the political, religious, social and economic life of the people of those days.

1. When was Adi Granth Sahib Ji was compiled?
2. The Adi Granth Sahib Ji was compiled by ……………
3. Which Guru Sahib gave the status of Guru Granth Sahib to Adi Granth Sahib Ji?
4. The Banis of how many Guru Sahibs are given in Guru Granth Sahib Ji?
5. Write any one significances of Adi Granth Sahib Ji.
1. Adi Granth Sahib Ji was compiled in 1604 A.D.
2. Guru Arjan Dev Ji.
3. Adi Granth Sahib Ji was given the status of Guru Granth Sahib Ji by Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
4. The Bams of six-Guru Sahibs are given in Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
5. It gives the message of universal brotherhood of mankind.

3. Dasam Granth Sahib Ji is another holy scripture of Sikhism. It is the compilation of the writings of Guru Gobind Singh Ji and his court poets. This holy scripture was compiled by Bhai Mani Singh Ji in 1721 A.D. The Dasam Granth was primarily compiled to awaken heroic sentiments among the Sikhs so that they were able to fight against political injustice and religious intolerance. It is a work of 18 compositions of which ‘Jaap Sahib’, ‘Akal Ustat’, ‘Chandi Di Var’, ‘Chaubis Avtar’, ‘Shabad Hazare’, ‘Shastra Nama’, ‘Bachitar Natak’ and ‘Zafamama’ are worth noting. ‘Bachitar Natak’ and ‘Zafamama’ are the most significant firom the historical point of view. ‘Bachitar Natak’ is the autobiography of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. ‘Zafamama’ (letter of victory) was written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji at Dina. It is a letter written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji to the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb in Persian language.

1. By whom was Dasam Granth Sahib compiled?
2. When was Dasam Granth Sahib compiled?

  • 1604 A.D.
  • 1701 A.D.
  • 1711 A.D.
  • 1721 A.D.

3. What is Bachitar Natak?
4. What is the name of letter written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji to Aurangzeb?
5. What is written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji in Zafamama?
1. Dasam Granth Sahib was compiled by Bhai Mani Singh Ji.
2. 1721 A.D.
3. Bachitar Natak is the name of autobiography of Gum Gobind Singh Ji.
4. The name of the letter written by Gum Gobind Singh Ji is Zafamama.
5. In it the account of the atrdCmes of Aurangzeb is given.

4. Bhai Gurdas Ji was the son of Bhai Datar Chand Bhalla, a brother of Guru Amar Das Ji. He was a contemporary of Guru Arjan Dev Ji and Guru Hargobind Ji. He composed 39 Vars. These Vars are considered the key to understand Guru Granth Sahib Ji. The Vars Nos. 1 and 11 are considered important from the historical point of view. The first Var contains a very detailed description of the life of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Besides, we get a glimpse of Guru Angad Ji, Guru Amar Das Ji, Guru Ram Das Ji, Guru Arjan Dev Ji and Guru Hargobind Ji’s life from this Var. In the eleventh Var, we get information of the important Sikhs and places connected with the first six Gurus.

1. Who was Bhai Gurdas Ji?
2. How many vars are composed by Bhai Gurdas Ji?
3. The var contains very detailed description of the life of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
4. Which is called the key of Guru Granth Sahib Ji?
5. What is the importance of Bhai Gurdas Ji?
1. Bhai Gurdas, Ji was the son of Bhai Datar Chand Bhalla, a brother of Guru Amar Das Ji.
2. Bhai Gurdas Ji composed 39 vars.
3. First.
4. The vars of Bhai Gurdas Ji is called the key of Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
5. From these we get valuable imformation of the first six Gurus, important Sikhs and places.

5. The stories relating to the birth and life of Guru Nanak Dev Ji are called Janam Sakhis. Many such Janam Sakhis were written in the seventeenth and ‘ eighteenth centuries. They were written in the Punjabi language. They, were compiled for the faithful and not for students of history. Though they are a mixture of facts and fiction, yet they provide valuable information about the life of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

1. What is meant by Janam Sakhis?
2. In which language Janam Sakhis were written?
3. Write the names of any two Janam Sakhis.
4. Write anyone demerit of Janam Sakhis.
5. Many Janam Sakhis were written in the ……………. and …………….
1. By Janam Sakhis we meant the stories relating to the birth and life of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
2. The Janam Sakhis were written in Punjabi language.
3. Puratan Janam Sakhi and Janam Sakhi of Bhai Mani Singh Ji.
4. The events narrated in them are not in chronological order.
5. 17th and 18th centuries.

6. Hukamnamas were those orders or proclamations that were issued by the Sikh Gurus or by the members of their families to the Sikhs from time to time. In majority of such Hukamnamas demands were made to supply grains for the Langar (common kitchen), to donate money for building religious places and to bring horses and arms for battles. These Hukamnamas were compiled by the famous historian Ganda Singh. 89 Hukamnamas are available upto this day. Of these, 34 Hukamnamas were issued by Guru Gobind Singh Ji and 23 Hukamnamas were issued by Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji. These Hukamnamas provide very valuable information about the political, religious, economic and literary history of the period of the great Gurus.

1. What is meant by Hukamnamas?
2. Why were Hukamnamas issued?
3. Which famous historian of Punjab compiled Hukamnamas?
4. Give any one significance of Hukamnamas.
5. How many Hukamnamas are available upto this day? 1

  • 23.
  • 24
  • 79
  • 89.

1. Hukamnamas were those orders or proclamations that were issued by the Sikh Gurus or by the members of their families to the Sikhs from time to time.
2. Hukamnamas were issued to demand the supply of grains for the Langar, to donate money for construction of religious places and to bring horses and arms for battles.
3. Ganda Singh.
4. We get valuable information about Guru Sahibs.
5. 89.

PSEB 12th Class History Source Based Questions

Political, Social and Economic Conditions of the Punjab in the Beginning of the 16th Century:

Note : Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions that follow :

1. After the death of Bahlol Lodhi, his son Sikandar Lodhi succeeded to the throne of Delhi Sultanate. He ruled upto 1517 A.D. The Muslim historians speak very highly of Sikandar’s love of justice, wisdom and benevolence. However, his kindness and love of justice was confined, to the Muslims only. He hated the Hindus. He adopted a very harsh and cruel policy towards them. He demolished many famous Hindu temples and built mosques over them. He forbade the barbers to shave the beards and heads of the Hindus. He started converting them to Islam by force. He got a Brahman named Bodhan murdered because he had described Hinduism as good as Islam.

1. Who was Sikandar Lodhi?
2. When did Sikandar Lodhi sit on the throne?

  • 1485 A.D.
  • 1486 A.D.
  • 1487 AJX
  • 1489 A.D.

3. How was Sikandar Lodhi in the eyes of Muslim historians?
4. Which one step was taken by Sikandar Lodhi against the Hindus?
5. Why was a Brahman named Bodhan was murdered?
1. Sikandar Lodhi was the Stdtan of Delhi. He ruled from 1489 A.D. to 1517 A.D.
2. 1489 A.D.
3. He was a justice-loving and benevolent Sultan.
4. He had demolished many Hindu temples.
5. He had described Hinduism as good as Islam.

2. In the beginning of the sixteenth century the condition of the subjects was also very deplorable. The rulers used to indulge in luxuries and merry-making. Extravagant parties had become a daily routine of the court. As a cousequence none had time to take care of the public. As a consequence of this, the government officials became corrupt. Bribery was common. Not to speak of the Sultan, even Qazis and Ulemas took bribe and delivered justice accordingly. All sorts of atrocities were let loose on the Hindus. They were being converted to Islam by force. Those who refused were put to death.

1. What was the condition of subjects in the beginning of the 16th century?
2. What was the character of the government officials in the beginning of the 16th century?
3.. How did Sultan, Qazis and Ulemas deliver justice in the beginning of the 16th century?
4. What was the policy adopted against the Hindus in the beginning of the 16th century?
5. In the 16th century the ruling class used to indulge in ……………. and …………….
1. In the beginning of the 16th century the condition of subjects was very pitiable.
2. At that time the government officials had become very corrupt.
3. At that time Sultan, Qazis and Ulemas deliver justice by taking bribe.
4. At that time all sorts of atrocities were let loose on the Hindus.
5. Luxuries, merry-making.

3. The social condition of the Punjab in the beginning of the sixteenth century was also very deplorable. The society was divided into two major classes, namely the Hindus and the Muslims. The Muslims enjoyed many privileges,1 because they belonged to the ruling class. On the other hand, the Hindus, who formed the majority of population, were deprived of almost all the rights. They were called ‘Kafirs’ and ‘Zimmies’. Jaziya and the pilgrimage tax were forcibly charged from the Hindus. The Muslims subjected the Hindus to so much atrocity that a large number of them were compelled to embrace Islam. The condition of women in the society was not good. The moral character of the public had fallen to the lowest ebb.

1. Why was the social condition of Punjab in the beginning of the 16th century was called deplorable?
2. Who were deprieved of their rights in the beginning of the 16th century?
3. Who were called ‘Kafirs’?
4. What was Jaziya?
5. The Muslims belonged to the …………… class.
1. The social condition of Punjab in the beginning of the 16th century
was called deplorable because the muslims let loose atrocities on the Hindus and the condition of women was pitiable.
2. Hindus were deprieved of their rights in the beginning of the 16th century.
3. All Non-Muslims were called Kafirs.
4. Jaziya was a tax imposed upon the Hindus.
5. ruling.

PSEB 12th Class History Source Based Questions

4. No remarkable progress was made in the field of education in the beginning of the sixteenth century. Ulemas and Maulvis taught the Muslims. They held classes in mosques, maktabs and madarasas. The government gave them grants. Primary education was given in the mosques and maktabs whereas higher education was provided in the madarasas. Madarasas were usually situated in cities. Lahore and Multan were the well-known centres of education for the Muslims in the Punjab.

1. Why no remarkable progress was made in the field of education in the beginning of the 16th century?
2. Whether the Maulvis taught the Muslims?
3. Where was elementary education given to the Muslims?
4. Which was the one famous centre of education of the Muslims in the beginning of the 16th century?
5. Madarasas were usually situated in ……………..
1. Because it was not the responsibility of the government to provide education to the public.
2. Yes, the Maulvis used to provide education to the Muslims.
3. The elementary education to the Muslims was provided in the mosques and maktabs.
4. In the beginning of the 16th century the one famous centres of education was Lahore.
5. cities.

5. In the beginning of the 16th century, this sect had become very popular. The Sufi saints were known as Shaikhs or Pirs. They believed in the Allah. They did not repose faith in any other power except Allah. According to them, Allah is omnipotent and omni- present. One could realise Allah only through Pir or Guru. They did not believe in fake externalities. They started the tradition of Qawalis. They considered service of mankind as service to God. They did not believe in caste-system. They respected other faiths.

1. To which sect Sufism was related Shaikhs?
2. By which other name Sufi Shaikhs were known?
3. What is the ideology of Sufi Shaikhs called?
4. Write any one principle of Sufism.
5. According to Sufis one could realise Allah through.

  • Pir
  • Qawali
  • Dargah
  • All of the above.

1. Sufism was a sect related with Islam.
2. Sufi Shaikhs are also known as Pirs.
3. The ideology of Sufi Shaikhs is called as Tasawnf.
4. They believed in one Allah.
5. Pir.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and his Teachings:

Note: Read the following passages carefully and answer the Questions that follows:

1. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was the founder of Sikhism1. At the time of his birth in the fifteenth century A.D., there was chaos all around. People had become very -’’pprstitious. They were stumbling in the darkness of ignorance. Impiety, falsehood and corruption were rampant everywhere. People had forgotten the essence of religion and it had been reduced to mere rituals and vain show. The rulers and the officials had no longer any concern about public welfare and remained busy in merry-making. In such a deplorable state of affairs, Guru Nanak Dev Ji showed a path of truthfulness and knowledge to the humanity.

1. Who was the founder of Sikhism?
2. What was the condition of society at the time of the birth of Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
3. What was the attitude of rulers and the officials towards subjects at the time of birth of Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
4. Which path was shown to the humanity by Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
5. People had forgotten the of religion.
1. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was the founder of Sikhism.
2. At that time people had become very superstitious.
3. At the time of birth of Guru Nanak Dev Ji the attitude of rulers and the officials towards subjects was atrocitious.
4. Guru Nanak Dev Ji showed the path of truthfulness and knowledge to the humanity.
5. essence.

PSEB 12th Class History Source Based Questions

2. After attaining enlightenment in 1499 A.D., Guru Nanak Dev Ji did not stay for a long time at Sultanpur Lodhi. So, he set out on long travels in India and in foreign countries. He spent about 21 years in these travels. These travels of Guru Nanak Dev Ji are known as Udasis because he wandered like an Udasi (unconcerned, unattached) during these years and renounced his home and family. We had to face some difficulties regarding the Udasis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

1. Where did Guru Nanak Dev Ji attain enlightenment?
2. What is meant by Udasis?
3. Which was the one difficulty being faced regarding the Udasis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
From where did Guru Nanak Dev Ji start his Udasis? , When did Guru Nanak Dev Ji attained enlightenment?

  • 1469 AJD.
  • 1479 A.D.
  • 1489 A.D.
  • 1499 A.D.

1. Guru Nanak Dev Ji attained enlightenment at Sultanpur Lodhi.
2. By Udasis we meant the travels of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
3. We get no contemporary sources regarding Udasis.
4. Guru Nanak Dev Ji started his Udasis from Saidpur.
5. 1499 A.D.

3. When Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Saidpur at the end of 1520 A. D., Babar attacked this town with a view to occupy it. The Mughal army put to death thousands of innocent people during this attack. Saidpur was looted heavily and the houses were set on fire. Women were dishonoured. Thousands of men, women and children were taken prisoners. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was also arrested along with them. But when Babar came to know that Guru Nanak Dev Ji was a great saint, he himself came for his Darshan. He was so much impressed by Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s personality that he set free not only Guru Nanak Dev Ji but many other prisoners also. Guru Nanak Dev Ji writes about the cruelties of Babar in Babar Vani.

1. When did Babar attack Saidpur?
2. What did the army do at Saidpur?
3. Was Babar imprisoned Guru Nanak Dev Ji at Saidpur?
4. What did Babar do when he came for the Darshan of Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
5. How did the army of Babar treat the women in Saidpur?

  • It illtreated the women
  • It respected the women.
  • It imprisoned the women.
  • None of the above.

1. Babar attacked Saidpur in 1520 A.D.
2. The army of Babar sacked Saidpur on an extensive way.
3. Yes, Babar did imprison Guru Nanak JDev Ji at Saidpur.
4. When did Babar have the Darshan of Guru Nanak Dev Ji he was greatly impressed. So he ordered the release of Guru Nanak Dev Ji along with other prisoners.
5. It illtreated the women.

4. Guru Nanak Dev Ji founded a town named Kartarpur (the abode of God) at the banks of the Ravi river in 1521 A.D. and spent the last 18 years of his life at this place. He started the institutions of ‘Sangat’ and ‘Pangat’ during this period. ‘Sangat’ meant the congregation held daily to listen to the Bani (hymns) of Guru Ji. Everybody could join it without any consideration of caste or sex. The ‘Name’ of only one God was recited in it. Similarly ‘Pangat’ meant to sit in a queue and to partake langar (food). No discrimination of any kind regarding caste or religion, high or low was made in the ‘langar’. These two institutions proved very helpful in spreading the message of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Besides, he composed 976 Sabads, which also proved extremely helpful for the spread and development of Sikhism.

1. What is meant by Kartarpur?
2. Which two institutions were founded by Guru Nanak Dev Ji at Kartarpur?
3. How many hymns were composed by Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
4. Write the names of any two main Banis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
5. When was Kartarpur founded by Guru Nanak Dev Ji?

  • 1501 A.D.
  • 1511 A.D.
  • 1521 A.D.
  • 1531 A.D.

1. Guru Nanak Dev Ji founded Kartarpur in 1521 A.D.
2. Guru Nanak Dev Ji founded two institutions named Sangat and Pangat.
3. Guru Nanak Dev Ji composed 976 hymns.
4. The two main Banis composed by Guru Nanak Dev Ji are Japji Sahib and Asa di Var.
5. 1521 A.D.

PSEB 12th Class History Source Based Questions

Development of Sikhism Under Guru Angad Deli Ji, Guru Amar Das Ji and Guru Ram Das Ji:

Note : Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions that follow :

1. Before meeting Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Bhai Lehna Ji used to visit Jawalamukhi ‘ (in Kangra district) every year along with a group of devotees (Jatha) but his search for truth did not culminate in success. One day he heard in Khadur Sahib, the recitation of ‘Asa Di Var’ from Bhai Jodha Ji, who was a devotee of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Bhai Lehna Ji was so much impressed by it that he decided to meet Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Thus, when he set out for the pilgrimage of Jawalamukhi with his group of devotees next year,he stopped on the way at Kartarpur to meet Guru Nanak Dev Ji. He was so much overwhelmed by the great personality and teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji that he became a follower of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. He spent his life in the service of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

1. Bhai Lehna Ji was the devotee of which goddess before he met Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
2. At Khadur Sahib Bhai Lehna Ji heard the recitation of Asa Di Var from whom?
3. What did Bhai Lehna Ji decide after he heard the recitation of Asa Di Var?
4. Why did Bhai Lehna Ji became the follower of Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
5. At which place Bhai Lehna Ji met Guru Nanak Dev Ji?

  • At Kartarpur
  • At Jawalamukhi
  • At Kiratpur
  • At Amritsar.

1. Bhai Lehna Ji was the devotee of Mata Durga before he met Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
2. At Khadur Sahib Bhai Lehna Ji heard the recitation of Asa Di Var from Bhai Jodha Ji.
3. After listening the recitation of Asa Di Var Bhai Lehna Ji decided’to meet Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
4. Bhai Lehna Ji was greatly impressed by the personality and teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
5. At Kartarpur.

2. It is true that Gurmukhi existed before Guru Angad Dev Ji, but anybody could be confused very easily by reading it. Therefore, Guru Angad Dev Ji improved and polished it. Now it became very easy even for common people to understand it. All the religious books of Sikhism were written in it. Its very name ‘Gurmukhi’ (an utterance of words frem the Guru’s mouth) reminded the Sikhs of their duties towards the Guru and constantly kept alive in their minds the consciousness that they were something distinct from the common mass of Hinduism. This script was also instrumental-in rapid spread of education, among the Sikhs. Besides, the introduction of this script gave a severe blow to the Supremacy of the Brahmans, who recognised Sanskrit as the only religious language.”

1. Gurrmukhi script was popularised by which Guru Sahib?
2. Which script wa prevalent before Gurnukhi script?
3. What is meant by Gurmukhi?
4. What is the importance of Gurmukhi script?
5. All the reIigius books of Sikhism were written in …………….
1. Gurmukhi script was popularised by which Guru Sahib?
3. By Gurmukhi we meant the utterance of words from the Gurus mouth.
4. It led to the rapid spread of education among the Sikhs.
5. Gurmukhi.

3. The construction of a Baoli at Goindwal Sahib was started in 1552 A.D. and it was completed in 1559 A.D. Guru Ji had two objectives in its construction. First, he wanted to give the Sikhs a separate place of pilgrimage so that they could be separated from the Hindus. Secondly, he wanted to solve the water problem of the people of that place. Eighty four steps were built to reach the Baoli. After its construction was over. Guru Amar Das Ji declared, “Whoever would attentively and reverently repeat the Japji on every step after a bath in the baoli would escape from the wandering in the wombs of the 84 lakhs of living creatures.”

The construction of Baoli Sahib proved a very important step in the development of Sikhism.

1. Which Guru Sahib had constructed the Baoli at Goindwal Sahib?
2. When was the construction of the Baoli at Goindwal Sahib started?

  • 1552 A.D.
  • 1559 A.D.
  • 1562 A.D.
  • 1569 A.D.

3. How many years were spent in building Baoli at Goindwal Sahib?
4. How many stairs were built to reach at the bottom of the Baoli at Goindwal Sahib?
5. How did the Baoli at Goindwal Sahib prove an important step in the consolidation of Sikhism?
1. The Baoli at Goindwal Sahib was constructed by Guru Amar Das Ji.
2. 1552 A.D.
3. Total of 7 years were spent in building Baoli at Goindwal Sahib.
4. A total of 84 stairs were built to reach at the bottom of Baoli.
5. It gave a. new boost to Sikhism.

PSEB 12th Class History Source Based Questions

4. The establishment of Manji system was one of the most important works of Guru Amar Das Ji. During his Guruship, the number of the followers of Sikhism had increased considerably. Thus, it became impossible for Guru Amar Das Ji to reach every Sikh. So, he established twenty two Manjis to convey the message of Sikhism living in far off areas. The head of every Manji was called Manjidar. This post was given only to a very pious Sikh. The area of propaganda of the Manjidar was not limited to any specific area. He could visit any place for propaganda at his will.

1. By which Guru Sahib Manji system was established?
2. How many Manjis were established?
3. Who was the head of Manji?
4. What was the one main function of the Manjidar?
5. The area of ‘propaganda of the Manjidar was not limited to any specific ……………..
1. Manji system was established by Guru Amar Das Ji.
2. A total of 22 Manjis were established.
3. Manjidar was the head of Manji.
4. He used to preach Sikhism.
5. area.

5. The most important contribution of Guru Ram Das Ji towards the Sikh Panth was the foundation of Ramdaspura. After assuming the Guruship, he himself settled here. In 1577 A.D. he founded Ramdaspura. He settled fifty two other traders, belonging to different trades, at this place in order to make it popular and attract people. It soon became a famous trade centre. Guru Ram Das Ji planned to construct two sarovars (tanks) Amritsar and Santokhsar at Ramdaspura. The digging of Amritsar sarovar was started first. Baba Buddha Ji was entrusted to look after this project. Later on the name of Ramdaspura came to be known as Amritsar.

1. Ramdaspura was established by which Guru Sahib?
2. Ramdaspura was later on came to known by which other name?
3. What was the name given to the market for the traders of Ramdaspura?
4. What was the importance of Ramdaspura?
5. When was Ramdaspura founded?

  • 1571 A.D.
  • 1573 A.D.
  • 1575 A.D.
  • 1577 A.D.

1. Ramdaspura was established by Guru Ram Das Ji.
2. Ramdaspura later on came to be known as Amritsar.
3. ‘Guru Ka Bazaar’ was given the name for the traders of Ramdaspura.
4. It gave the Sikhs their most sacred religious place.
5. 1577 A.D.

Guru Arjan Dev Ji and his Martyrdom:

Note: Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions that follow :

1. The foremost achievement of Guru Arjan Dev Ji for the consolidation of Sikhism was the construction of Harmandir Sahib. Guru Ram Das Ji had started the digging of Amrit Sarover and it was completed by Guru Arjan Dev Ji. After this, he started the construction work of Harmandir Sahib (Temple of God) in Amrit Sarovar. Its foundation was laid on 13th January, 1588 A.D. by a very famous Sufi saint, named Mian Mir. According to Sikh tradition, the Sikhs suggested to Guru Arjan Dev Ji that the temple should be higher than the surrounding buildings. But Guru Sahib said, “He who is humble shall be exalted.” That is why the building of the temple was kept lower as compared to the other buildings. Another distinguishing feature of Harmandir Sahib was that it has four doorways, one on each side.

1. By which Guru Sahib Ha rmandir Sahib was constructed?
2. Who laid the foundation of Harmandir Sahib?
3. The foundation of Harmandir Sahib was laid in ………………
4. How many doors were kept for the entry in the Harmandir Sahib?
5. What wais the importance of Harmandir Sahib?
1. Harmandir Sahib was constructed by Guru Aijan Dev Ji.
2. The foundation of Raima p dir Sahib was laid by Sufi Saint Mian Mir.
3. 1588 A.D.
4. Four doors were kept for the entry in the Harmandir Sahib.
5. It gave the Sikhs their most sacred religious place.

2. Development of Masand system was one of the greatest achievements of Guru Aijan Dev Ji. This system was founded by Guru Ram Das Ji. The word Masand has been derived from the Persian word ‘Masnad’ which means high place. As the representatives of Guru Ji used to sit on a higher place than others, so they were called as Ms sands. With the passage of time, the number of Sikhs had increased considerably. As a consequence, Guru Ji needed money for Langar and other development programmes. It was enjoined upon every Sikh to give Daswandh of his total income to Guru Sahib. For collecting this money from Sikhs, he appear red very responsible persons called Masands.

1. Which Guru Sahib had founded the Masand System?
2. Masand is the word of which language?
3. What is meant by Daswandh?
4. What was the importance of Masand system?
5. During whose Guru pontificate the development of Masand system took place?

  • Guru Ram Dss Ji
  • Guru Arjan Dev Ji
  • Guru Hargobmd Ji
  • Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

1. The Masand system was founded by Guru Ram Das Ji.
2. Masand is the word of Persian language.
3. Daswandh means l/10th of the total income.
4. It spread the message of Sikhism far and wide.
5. Guru Aijan Dev Ji.

PSEB 12th Class History Source Based Questions

3. Jahangir was a fanatic Sunni Muslim. So, he could not bear to see any other religion more prosperous than Islam. He could not tolerate the growing popularity of Sikhs in Punjab. So, he was looking for a chance to hamper their development. He wanted to put a stop to all this. In his book Tuzak-i-Jahangiri, he has himself written, “In Goindwal on the banks of the river Beas lived a Hindu named Arjan in the garb of‘Pir’ or ‘Shaikh’.

By his ways and manners he captured the fancy of many of the simple hearted Hindus and even many ignorant Muslims. He had loudly sounded the drum of his being Pir and a holy person. They called him Guru and from all sides innocent and foolish people crowded to manifest their complete faith in him. For three or four generations they had kept their shop warm. Many times I thought of putting a stop to this vain affair or to bring him
to Islam.”

1. What was the name of autobiography of Jahangir?
2. Why was Jahangir against Guru Arjan Sahib?
3. To whom did Jahangir call the shop of liar?
4. When Guru Arjan Dev Ji was martyred?
5. Guru Arjab Dev Ji was martyred at …………………
1. Tuzak-i-Jahangiri was the name of autobiography of Jahangir.
2. He was not ready to tolerate the spread of Sikhism day by day.
3. Jahangir’called the peachings of Guru Arjan Dev Ji as the shop of liar.
4. Guru Arjan Dev Ji was martyred on 30th May, 1606 A.D.
5. Lahore.

Guru Hargobind Ji and Transformation of Slkhism:

Note : Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions that follow :

1. At the time of assuming Guruship, Guru Hargobind Ji decided to wear the swords of Miri and Piri. The sword of Miri was a symbol of temporal power and the sword of Piri a symbol of religious leadership. It meant that henceforth, Guru Hargobind Ji would lead his followers in temporal matters in addition to the religious matters. Guru Hargobind ji enjoined on his Sikhs to recite the name of God on one hand, and to wear arms for self-defence on the other. In this way, Guru Hargohind Ji turned the Sikhs into saint soldiers. This policy of Miri and Piri as adopted by Guru Hargobind Ji exercised a deep impact on the Sikh History.

1. When did Guru Hargobind Ji sat on Gurgaddi?
2. Which title was assumed by Guru Hargobind Ji?
3. Miri sword was the symbol of which power?
4. Piri sword was the symbol of …………. power.
5. Which Guru Sahib had declared the Sikhs as Saint Soldier? 1
1. Guru Hargobind Ji sat on Gurgaddi in 1606 A.D.
2. Guru Hargobind Ji assumed the title of Sacha Padshah.
3. The sword of Miri was the symbol of temporal power, religious.
4. Guru Hargobind Ji had declared the Sikhs as Saint Soldier.

2. The construction of Akal Takht proved very helpful in the evolution of the New Policy. In fact, it was a great task of Guru Hargobind Ji. The construction of Akal Takht was begun by Guru Hargobind Ji in front of Harmandir Sahib in 1606 A.D. This stupendous task was completed in 1609 A.D. Inside it was built a -12 feet high rostrum, which was like a throne. Guru Hargobind Ji used to guide the political and military affairs of the Sikhs by occupying the throne.

1. What is meant by Akal Takht?
2. In which city Akal Takht Sahib was built?
3. Why was Akal Takht Sahib built?
4. What functions were carried by Guru Hargobind Ji at Akal Takht Sahib? Write any one. ”
5. When was the construction of Akal Takht Sahib started?

  • 1605 A.D.
  • 1606 A.D.
  • 1607 A.D.
  • 1609 A.D.

1. Akal Takht meant seat of the Almighty.
2. Akal Takht Sahib was built in Amritsar.
3. Akal Takht Sahib was built to guide the political and military affairs of the Sikhs.
4. Guru Hargobind Ji gave military training to the Sikhs.
5. 1606 A.D.

3. Soon after the battle of Amritsar, second battle was fought between the Mughals and the Sikhs at a place called Lahira (near Bathinda). The immediate cause of this battle was two horses named Dilbag and Gulbag. Two Masands named Bakht Mai and Tara Chand were bringing these horses from Kabul to present them to Guru Hargobind Sahib. On the way the Mughals dispossessed them of these horses and sent them to the royal stable.

Bhai Bidhi Chand Ji, a devotee of Guru Ji could not tolerate it. He went in disguise of a grass cutter and brought out both the horses from the royal stable and sent them to Guru Hargobind Ji. When Shah Jahan heard this news, he became very angry. He immediately sent a large army under the command of Lala Beg and Qamar Beg to crush the power of the Sikhs. A fierce battle was fought between the Mughals and the Sikhs at a place called Lahira. The Mughals had to suffer a heavy loss of life and both their commanders were killed.

1. When was the battle of Lahira took place between Guru Hargobind Ji and the Mughals?
2. Write the names of those two horses which led to the battle of Lahira.
3. Which Sikh devotee brought out both the horses from the royal stable?
4. Which two Mughal commanders were killed in the battle of Lahira?
5. The Mughals had to suffer a heavy loss of ……………
1. The battle of Lahira took place between Guru Hargobind Ji and the Mughals in,1634 A.D.
2. Dilbagh and Gulbagh were those two horses which led to the battle of Lahira.
3. Bhai Bidhi Chand Ji was the name of Sikh devotee who brought out both the horses from the royal stable.
4. Lala Beg and Qamar Beg were the two commanders who were killed in the battle of Lahira.
5. life.

PSEB 12th Class History Source Based Questions

Guru Har Rai Ji and Guru Har Krishan Ji:

Note: Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions that follow :

1. Guru Har Rai Ji remained on Gurgaddi from 1645 to 1661 A.D. His pontificate is considered peaceful in Sikh History. In order to preach Sikhism, Guru Har Rai Ji travelled to different parts of the Punjab i.e. Jalandhar, Amritsar, Kartarpur, Gurdaspur, Ferozepur, Patiala, Ambala, Kamal and Hissar. Besides, he sent his preachers outside Punjab. During his journey to the Malwa region, Guru Sahib blessed Phul that he would become great and his descendants would rule. This prophecy of Guru Sahib turned out to be true. Dara Shikoh, the elder son of Shah Jahan was a devoted follower of Guru Har Rai Ji. In 1658 A.D. he was defeated by Aurangzeb. Thereafter, Dara Shikoh visited Guru Har Rai Ji to seek his blessings.

Guru Heir Rai Ji boosted his morale. After Aurangzeb firmly established himself on the throne he summoned Guru Har Rai Ji to Delhi. Guru Har Rai Ji sent his elder son Ram Rai to Delhi. In order to save himself from Aurangzeb’s wrath he wrongly interpreted a hymn of Adi Granth Sahib. Consequently, the Guru Ji declared Ram Rai unfit for Guruship and nominated his younger son Har Krishan Ji as the next successor of the Sikhs.

1. When Guru Har Rai Ji ascended the Gurgaddi?
2. Which places of Punjab were visited by Guru Har Rai Ji for preaching Sikhism? Name any two.
3. Name the devotee who was blessed by Guru Har Rai Ji.
4. Who was nominated the successor of Guru Har Rai Ji?
5. Who was the oldest son of Shah Jahan?

  • Dara
  • Shujha
  • Aurangzeb
  • Murad

1. Guru Har Rai Ji ascended the Gurgaddi in 1645 A.D.
2. The four places of Punjab visited by Guru Har Rai Ji for preaching Sikhism were Jalandhar and Amritsar.
3. Guru Har Rai Ji blessed his devotee Phul that his descendants would rule.
4. Guru Har Rai Ji nominated Guru Har Krishan Ji as his successor.
5. Dara.

2. Guru Har Krishan Ji was the younger son of Guru Har Rai Ji. His pontificate began in 1661 A.D. Thus, he became the 8th Guru of the Sikhs. At the time of his assumption of Guruship he was only five years old. That is why Guru Har Krishan Ji is also known as the Child Guru (Bal Guru) in Sikh History. Ram Rai, the elder brother of Guru Har Krishan Ji stoutly opposed him. He considered himself to be the real claimant of Guruship. He tried his best to wrest Guruship from his brother but when he did not succeed, he sought help from Aurangzeb, who called Guru Har Krishan Ji to Delhi. Guru Har Krishan Ji went to Delhi in 1664 A.D. He stayed at the house of Mirza Raja Jai Singh. Cholera and small pox had broken out in Delhi in those days. Guru Har Krishan Ji devoted himself to the help of the sick, the poor and the orphAnswer: He himself became a victim of sma – pox and was taken ill. He breathed his last on March 30, 1664 A.D., but befo v that he uttered the words Baba Bakala’ which meant that his successor would found at Bakala.

1. Who was the eighth Guru of the Sikhs?
2. Guru Har Krishan Ji sat on Gurgaddi in ……………
3. Why is Guru Har Krishan Ji called as ‘Ral Guru’?
4. Who was Ram Rai?
5. Which service was rendered by Guru Har Krishan Ji in Delhi?
1. Guru Har Krishan Ji was the eighth Guru of the Sikhs.
2. 1661 A.D.
3. Because he was only of .five years when he ascended the Gurgaddi.
4. Ram Rai was the elder brother of Guru Har Krishan Ji.
5. In those days cholera and small-pox had broken out in Delhi. Guru Har Krishan Ji served the Sikhs, the poor and the orphans with open heart.

Guru Tech Bahadur Ji and his Martyrdom:

Note : Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions that follow :

1. Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji was the ninth Sikh Guru. He held the Guruship from 1664 A.D. to 1675 A.D. Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib undertook tours to various places in and outside Punjab, to spread Sikhism and to remove prevalent blind faiths and superstitions among the masses. At that time, Mughal emperor, Aurangzeb ruled over India. He was a staunch Sunni Muslim. He had spread terror in the whole country with a view to convert Hindus into Muslims. Kashmiri Pandits were the worst sufferers of his persecutions. For the protection of Hindu religion, Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji courted martyrdom on 11th November, 1675 A.D. at Delhi. This unique martyrdom of Guru Sahib had far reaching impacts.

It marked the beginning of a new era, not only in the history of Punjab, but also in the history of India. The martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji kindled such a spark, which soon assumed the shape of a big flame, which eventually reduced the powerful Mughal empire to ashes. Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji gave his martyrdom for the protection of the Hindu religion Therefore he is known in History as ‘Hind Di .Chadar’.

1. When dud Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji ascend the Gurgaddi?
2. What were the objectives of the travels of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji?
3. Which Mughal emperor gave order to martyr Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji?
4. Where was Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji was Martyred?

  • Lahore
  • Delhi
  • Amritsar
  • None of the above.

PSEB 12th Class History Source Based Questions

5. Why is Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji called ‘Hind Di Chadar’?
1. Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji ascended the Gurgaddi in 1664 A.D.

  • To preach Sikhism.
  • To remove superstitious prevalent among the people.

3. Mughal emperor Aurangzeb gave order to martyr Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji.
4. Delhi.
5. Because Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji gave his martyrdom for the protection of Hindu religion so he is called as ‘Hind Di Chadar’.

2. The Pandits living in Kashmir were firm believers in their religion and culture. The Hindus all over India revered them. Aurangzeb thought if these Kashmiri Pandits were converted to Islam the Hindus living in other parts of India would readily follow their example. With this object in view Aurangzeb appointed Sher Afghan as the Governor of Kashmir. Sher Afghan forced the Pandits to embrace Islam. He offered them the choice between Islam and death. They were tortured and brutally killed everyday in large numbers. When they found no way out to save their faith, a sixteen member deputation led by Pandit Kirpa Ram met Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji at Chakk Nanaki, (Sri Anandpur Sahib) on 25th May, 1675 A.D. They sought Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji’s help.

1. Who was Sher Afghan?
2. Why was Sher Afghan infamous?
3. Under whose leadership a deputation of Kashmiri Pandits came to Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji for help?
4. At which place the Pandits of Kashmir met Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji

  • Lahore
  • Amritsar
  • Chakk Nanaki
  • Jalandhar.

5. What is the modern name of Chakk Nanaki?
1. Sher Afghan was the governor of Kashmir.
2. He had inflicted great atrocities on Kashmiri Pandits.
3. A deputation of Kashmiri Pandits under the leadership of Pandit Kjrpa Ram had met Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji at Chakk Nanaki for help.
4. Chakk Nanaki.
5. The modern name of Chakk Nanaki is Sri Anandpur Sahib.

Guru Gobind Singh Ji: The Foundation of Khalsa, his Battles and his Personality:

Note : Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions that follow :

1. The Battle of Bhangani was the first battle fought between Guru Gobind Singh Ji and the Hill Chiefs. It took place on September 22, 1688 A.D. Many factors were responsible for this battle. Firstly, the Hill Chiefs were alarmed to see the military activities of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Their freedom seemed to be jeopardised. Secondly, the Hill Chiefs deemed the reforms of Guru Gobind Singh Ji an interference in their religious matters. Thirdly, these Hill Chiefs used to harass the Sikh Sangat. Fourthly, the Mughal government was also instigating these Chiefs to take steps against Gum Ji.

The allied forces of Hill Chiefs under the command of Bhim Chand, the ruler of Kahlur and Fateh Shah, the ruler of Kashmir attacked Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s army at Bhangani on September 22, 1688 A.D. Pir Buddhu Shah of Sadhaura rendered valuable help to Guru Gobind Singh Ji in this battle. The Sikhs bravely resisted the allied forces and became victorious in this battle. This victory boosted the morale of the Sikhs and Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s fame reached far and wide. The Hill Chiefs deemed it wise to shun Guru Ji’s opposition and establish amicable relations with him.

1. Which was the first battle to be fought between Guru Gobind Singh Ji and the Hill Chiefs?
2. Write any one cause of the battle of Bhangani.
3. When was the battle of Bbangani fought?

  • 1686 AD.
  • 1687 A.D.
  • 1688 AD.
  • 1699 A.D.

4. In the battle of Bhangani who provided help to Guru Gobind Singh Ji?
5. What was the significance of the victory of Sikhs in the battle of Bhangani?
1. The first battle to be fought between Guru Gobind Singh Ji and the Hill Chiefs is the battle of Bhangani.
2. The Hill Chiefs were alarmed on seeing the war preparations of the Sikhs.
3. 1688 A.D.
4. In the battle of Bhangani Guru Gobind Singh Ji was provided help by Pir Buddhu Shah.
5. As a result of the victory of the Sikhs in the battle of Bhagani the fame of Gum Gobind Singh Ji spread far and wide.

PSEB 12th Class History Source Based Questions

2. On the day of Baisakhi in 1699 A.D. Guru Gobind Singh Ji held a congregation at Kesgarh at Sri Anandpur Sahib. 80000 Sikhs attended the congregation. When all the people sat down, Guru Ji appeared on the stage. With his sword unsheathed—he spoke, “Is there any Sikh who would sacrifice his life for Dharma?” His words numbed the audience. When Guru Sahib repeated his call for the third time, Bhai Daya Ram Ji offered himself for sacrifice.

Guru Ji repeated this process for four more times. Bhai Dharara Das Ji, Bhai Mohkam Chand Ji, Bhai Sahib Chand Ji and Bhai Himmat Rai Ji were thus selected. Guru Gobind Singh Ji selected the ‘Panj Payaras’, the five beloveds. Guru Sahib gave the Nectar of Immortality (Khande Ka Pahul) to the five beloved ones and then begged to be baptised by them. Guru Sahib gave the name of Khalsa i.e. pure to the love beloved ones. He said Khalsa is in Guru and the Guru is in Khalsa therefore, Guru Gobind Singh Ji is also called ‘Aape Gur Chela’. In this way, Guru Gobind Singh Ji laid the foundation of the Khalsa.

1. What is meant by Khalsa?
2. Who was the first to offer his head to the Guru?
3. Which was the unanimous name given to those who offered their heads?
4. Who is called ‘Aape Gur Chela’?
5. Which of the following offered his head?

  • Dharm Das
  • Mohkam Chand
  • Sahib Chand
  • All of the above.

1. Khalsa meant pure.
2. Bhai Daya Ram Ji was the first to offer his head.
3. Five beloved ones.
4. Guru Gobind Singh Ji is called ‘Aape Gur Chela’.
5. All of the above.

3. After the creation of the Khalsa in 1899 A.D., people .in a large number had started adopting Sikh religion. This increasing strength of Guru Sahib gave sleepless nights to the Hill Chiefs. Raja Bhim Chand of Kahlur, in whose dominion Sri Anandpur Sahib fell, told Guru Gobind Singh Ji to vacate Sri Anandpur Sahib. Guru Sahib flatly refused to oblige him. He held the view that Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji had purchased that land by. .making proper payment for it. So, Bhim Chand in collusion with some other Hill Chiefs attacked the fort of Sri Anandpur Sahib in 1701 A.D.

The siege continued for days together. Although the number of the Sikhs inside the fort was very small yet they strongly resisted the joint forces of the Hill Chiefs. When the Hill Chiefs lost hope of victory, they compromised with Guru Sahib. This compromise was only a pretense on the part of the Hill Chiefs.

1. When was the first battle of Sri Anandpur Sahib fought?
2. Who was Bhim Chand’?
3. Write anyone cause of the first battle of Sri Anandpur Sahib.
4. Bhim Chand in collusion with some other Hill Chiefs attacked the fort of Sri Anandpur Sahib in …………….
5. What was the result of the first battle of Sri Anandpur Sahib?
1. The first battle of Sri Anandpur Sahib was fought in 1701 A.D.
2. Bhim Chand was the ruler of Kahlur.
3. The Hill chiefs were not prepared to see the war preparation of the Sikhs.
4. 1701 A.D.
5. The Hill Chiefs had entered into a treaty with Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

4. The battle of Khidrana was the last decisive battle fought between Guru Gobind Singh Ji and the Mughal forces. After facing many hardships in the forests of Machhiwara, Guru Sahib reached Khidrana. When the Mughal forces came to know of it, the Nawab of Sirhind Wazir Khan planned to attack Khidrana. On 29th December, 1705 A.D., Wazir Khan, under the command of a huge army attacked Guru Sahib at Khidrana. The Sikhs showed exemplary bravery in the battle. They inflicted a crushing defeat on the Mughal forces as a result of which they took to their heels.

In this way, Guru Sahib won a glorious victory in this last battle. In this battle, those 40 Sikhs also fell martyrs who had deserted Guru Sahib in the second battle of Sri Anandpur Sahib. Impressed by the sacrifice made by them, and on the request of their leader Maha Singh, who was struggling with life, Guru Sahib tore the Bedawa, which they had written at Sri Anandpur Sahib. He also gave them the boon of Mukti (salvation).

1. Which was the last battle to be fought between Guru Gobind Singh Ji and the Mughals?
2. Who was the Nawab of Sirhind?
3. Which Sikhs had got martyrdom in the battle of Khidrana?
4. When was the battle of Khidrana fought?

  • 1699 A.D.
  • 1701 A.D.
  • 1703 A.D.
  • 1705 A.D.

5. What is the modern name of Khidrana?
1. The last battle to be fought between Guru Gobind Singh Ji and the Mughals was the battle of Khidrana.
2. The Nawab of Sirhind was Wazir Khan.
3. In the battle of Khidrana those 40 Sikhs were martyred who had given bed away to Guru Gobind Singh Ji in the second battle of Sri Anandpur Sahib.
4. 1705 A.D.
5. The modern name of Khidrana is Sri Muktsar Sahib.

PSEB 12th Class History Source Based Questions

5. Guru Gobind Singh Ji was a poet and laureate of exceptional order. His poetry is unexcelled for its freshness and vigour. It remains unsurpassed in any language in proclaiming the supreme holiness and majesty of God. The scenes of the battles are recaptured in a very vivid manner. For its intellectual sweep and rhythm, his poetry is so different from the literary creation of the period. In his compositions, Guru Gobind Singh Ji made use of languages like Arabic, Persian, Punjabi, Hindi, Sanskrit etc. Among his compositions Jaap Sahib, Bachitar Natak, Zafamama, Chandi Di Var and Akal Ustat are very prominent.

These compositions are so thrilling that they have the power to infuse a new life even among the dead. It gave the message of universal brotherhood of mankind. It also inspires to boldly face the prepetrators of cruelity.

1. Write the names of any four famous compositions of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
2. What is Bachitar Natak?
3. Which letter was written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji to Aurangzeb?
4. What was explained in Zafamama?

  • The atrocities of Aurangzeb
  • The battle between Aurangzeb and Dara.
  • The religious policy of Aurangzeb.
  • All of the above.

5. Write any one feature of the literature of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
1. The names of four famous compositions of Guru Gobind Singh Ji were Jaap Sahib, Bachitar Natak, Zafamama and Chandi Di Var.
2. Bachitar Natak is the name of autobiography of Gum Gobind Singh Ji.
3. The name of letter written by Gum Gobind Singh Ji to Aurangzeb was Zafamama.
4. The atrocities of Aurangzeb.
5. It gave the message of universal brotherhood of mankind to humanity.

Banda Singh Bahadur:

Note : Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions the follow :

1. Banda Singh Bahadur, whose first name was Lachhman Dev was a resident of Rajauri village in district Poonch of Kashmir. His father was a poor peasant. His heart was moved when he hunted down a pregnant she-deer. As a result he turned a bairagi. He changed his name from Lachhman Dev to Madho Das. He obtained teaching in occultism (Tantric Knowledge) from a saint of Panchvati, named Aughar Nath. Staying there for some time, Madho Das came to Nanded. It was at Nanded that a meeting took place between him and Guru Gobind Singh Ji in 1708 A.D.

A discussion took place between Madho Das and Guru Gobind Ji. In this meeting Madho Das was so much impressed by the personality of Guru Gobind Singh Ji that he became his Banda (slave). Guru Gobind Singh Ji administered him Amrit and gave him a new name—Banda Singh Bahadur. In this way, Banda Bairagi became a Sikh.

1. What was the childhood name of Banda Singh Bahadur?
2. Which incident had a deep impact on the mind of Banda Singh Bahadur?
3. At which place the meeting between Guru Gobind Singh Ji and Banda Singh Bahadur were held?
4. When was a meeting held between Guru Gobind Singh Ji and Banda Singh Bahadur?

  • 1705 A.D.
  • 1706 A.D.
  • 1707 A.D.
  • 1708 A.D.

5. How did Banda Bairagi become a Sikh?
1. The childhood name of Banda Singh Bahadur was Lachhman Dev.
2. By hunting she deer which was pregnant had a deep impact on the mind of Banda Singh Bahadur.
3. Guru Gobind Singh Ji and Banda Singh Bahadur had met at Nanded.
4. 1708 A.D.
5. Guru Gobind Singh Ji had baptised Madho Das. Thus Banda Bairagi had become a sikh.

2. Wazir Khan, the Faujdar of Sirhind had got the two younger sons, Zorawar Singh and Fateh Singh, of Guru Gobind Singh Ji killed by bricking them alive in the wall. So, Banda Singh Bahadur wanted to teach him such a lesson which should be remembered by the Muslims for a long time. On May 12, 1710 A.D., Banda Singh Bahadur attacked the army of Wazir Khan at Chapar Chiri.

The Sikhs massacred the Muslims to such an extent that they shuddered at the very thought of it. Wazir Khan was killed and hanged on a tree upside down. Massacre stalked the whole Sirhind on May 14, 1710 A.D. This glorious conquest further boosted the morale of the Sikhs.

1. Who was Wazir Khan?
2. Why did Banda Singh Bahadur attack Sirhind?
3. At which place Wazir Khan was killed by the Sikhs?
4. When was the battle of Chapar Chiri fought?

  • 1706 A.D.
  • 1708 A.D.
  • 1709 A.D.
  • 1710 A.D.

5. Who became victorious in the battle of Chapar Chiri?
1. Wazir Khan was the Nawab of Sirhind.
2. Banda Singh Bahadur wanted to avenge the martyrdom of two younger sons of Guru Gobind Singh Ji who were bricked alive in a wall at Sirhind.
3. Wazir Khan was killed at Chapar Chiri by the Sikhs.
4. 1710 A.D.
5. The Sikhs became victorious in the battle of Chapar Chiri.

PSEB 12th Class History Source Based Questions

3. Abdus-Samad-Khan besieged Banda Singh Bahadur at Gurdas Nangal in April 1715 A.D. This siege continued for eight months. Gradually provisions ran out and condition of the Sikhs grew critical. At this juncture, Baba Binod Singh advised Banda Singh Bahadur to escape from the haveli but Banda Singh Bahadur refused to do so. So, Binod Singh escaped from the haveli with his companions. At last Banda Singh Bahadur had to give in on December 7, 1715 A.D.

1. Who was Abdus Samad Khan?
2. At Gurdas Nangal Banda Singh Bahadur had faced the Mughal forces from which Haveli?
3. For what time the battle of Gurdas Nangal lasted?
4. Which companion of Banda Singh Bahadur had left him during the battle of Gurdas Nangal?
5. When was Banda Singh Bahadur arrested?

  • 1705 AJD.
  • 1710 A.D.
  • 1711 A.D.
  • 1715 A.D.

1. Abdus Samad Khan was the Subedar of Lahore.
2. At Gurdas Nangal Banda Singh Bahadur had faced the Mughal forces from the haveli of Duni Chand.
3. The battle of Gurdas Nangal lasted for 8 months.
4. During the battle of Gurdas Nangal Baba Binod Singh, a companion of Banda Singh Bahadur had left him.
5. 1715 A.D.

Abdus Samad Khan, Zakariya Khan and Mir Mannu: Their Relations with the Sikhs:

Note: Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions the follow:

1. After the issuance of the royal edict, Abdus Samad Khan had started torturing the sikhs in various ways. Hundreds of innocent Sikhs were daily arrested and brought to Lahore. They were tempted to embrace Islam in exchange for their life but the Guru’s Sikhs preferred death to this type of life. The executioners killed such Sikhs after subjecting them to untold tortures. In order to escape this bloody policy of Abdus Samad Khan, many Sikhs took shelter in the Lakhi jungles and in the Shivalik hills. There they had to face many hardships. They had to go without food for days together or feed on tree leaves and roots.

The Mughal officials started committing harshness on women and children, who were left behind. In this way during the early years of Abdus Samad Khan’s rule, this policy paid rich dividends. Feeling happy with him Farrukh Siyar honoured him with the title of “Sword of the State”.

1. Who was Abdus Samad Khan?
2. After the issuance of the royal edict …………… had started torturing the sikhs daily martyred?
3. Where were Sikhs daily martyred?
4. What steps were taken by the Sikhs to escape the tyranny of Abdus Samed Khan?
5. With which title Farrukh Siyar honoured Abdus Samed Khan?
1. Abdus Samed Khan was the Subedar of Lahore.
2. Abdus Samad Khan.
3. The Sikhs were daily martyred at Lahore.
4. To escape the tyranny of Abdus Samad Khan the sikhs took shelter in Lakhi jungles and Shivalik Hills.
5. Farrukh Siyar had honoured Abdus Samad Khan with the title of ‘Sword of the State’.

2. Zakariya Khan was greatly disturbed due to the growing activities of the Sikhs. He raised the slogan of ‘Jihad’ to crush the Sikhs. As a result, thousands of Muslims gathered under his banner. The command of this army was entrusted to Inayatulla Khan. On the auspicious day of Id, they were given a Haidri flag and it was proclaimed that God would certainly bestow victory on those who fought under this flag. When the Sikhs learnt about it they once again went to their hideouts. One day about seven thousand Sikhs suddenly attacked these Ghazis and caused havoc in their ranks. Thousands of Ghazis were killed. Besides, the Sikhs plundered their possessions.

1. Who was Zakariya Khan?
2. What is meant by Jihad?
3. Who was given the command of Haidri flag?
4. Who was the Subedar of Punjab at the time of the incident of Haidri flag?

  • Abdus Samad Khan
  • Zakariya Khan
  • Mir Mannu
  • Ahmad Shah Abdali.

5. Where did the Sikhs took shelter?
1. Zakariya Khan was the Subedar of Lahore.
2. Jihad meant religious war.
3. The command of Haidri flag was given to Inayatulla Khan.
4. Zakariya Khan.
5. The Sikhs took shelter in forests and hills.

PSEB 12th Class History Source Based Questions

3. The compromise with the Mughals gave the Sikhs a golden opportunity to organise their power. Nawab Kapoor Singh sent a message to the Sikhs that they should return to their homes from their hideouts in jungles and hills. Thus, the two decade old struggle between the Mughals and Sikhs came to an end. The Sikhs heaved a sigh of relief. In order to strengthen the power of the Sikhs Nawab Kapoor Singh organised them in two groups in 1734 A.D.

These groups were known as Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal. The Sikhs above the age of 40 were recruited in the Buddha Dal and below the age of 40 in the Taruna Dal. The Taruna Dal was further divided into five groups. Each group comprised 1300 to 2000 Sikhs and had its own leader and banner. The Buddha Dal looked after the religious places and the Taruna Dal fought with the enemies.

1. When was a pact signed between the Mughals and the Sikhs?
2. Who was the Subedar of Punjab when a pact was signed between the Mughals and the Sikhs?

  • Ahmad Shah Abdali
  • Mir Mannu
  • Zakariya Khan
  • None of these.

3. Who was Nawab Kapoor Singh?
4. When was Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal formed?
5. Who were recruited in the Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal?
1. A pact was signed between the Mughals and the Sikhs in 1733A.D.
2. Zakariya Khan.
3. Nawab Kapoor Singh was a prominent sikh leader of the 18th centuiy.
4. Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal were formed in 1734 A.D.
5. The Sikhs above the age of 40 were recruited in the Buddha Dal and below the age of 40 in the Taruna Dal.

4. The martyrdom of Bhai Mani Singh Ji occupies a significant place in the Sikh History. Because of his matchless service to the Sikh Panth, he was greatly respected by the Sikhs. He had been the Head Priest of Harmandir Sahib since 1721 A.D. The Sikhs were greatly perturbed when the soldiers of Zakariya Khan occupied Harmandir Sahib and established army posts to prevent the entry of the Sikhs. In 1738 A-D. Bhai Mani Singh Ji requested Zakariya Khan to allow the Sikhs to enter the Harmandir Sahib on the Diwali festival, he would offer him Rs. 5000.

Zakariya Khan readily accepted the offer. In fact, he hatched a plan. According to this plan he wanted to attack suddenly and completely decimate the Sikhs who were supposed to gather at Amritsar on Diwali.

1. Who was Bhai Mani Singh Ji?
2. To whom Bhai Mani Singh Ji requested to give the Sikhs permission to celebrate Diwali at Amritsar?
3. Bhai Mani Singh Ji offered what amount to Zakariya Khan in case of allowing the Sikhs to enter Amritsar.

  • Rs. 2000
  • Rs. 3000
  • Rs. 4000
  • Rs. 5000.

4. When was Bhai Mani Singh Ji martyred?
5. What was the result of the martyrdom of Bhai Mani Singh Ji?
1. Bhai Mani Singh Ji was the Head Priest of Harmandir Sahib from 1721 A.D.
2. He requested Zakariya Khan, the Subedar of Lahore.
3. Rs. 5000.
4. Bhai Mani Singh Ji was martyred in 1738 A.D.
5. It boosted the morale of the Sikhs.

5. With a view to decimate the Sikhs, Yahiya Khan and Lakhpat Rai raised a huge army. This army, unexpectedly, besieged 15,000 Sikhs at Kahnuwan. The Sikhs escaped from there and took shelter in the hills of Basoli. The Mughal soldiers gave them a hot chase. Here the Sikhs were trapped in a difficult situation. On one side there were high hills, while on the other the river Ravi was in full spate. The Mughal soldiers were chasing them from behind while in front they were faced by the Hill Chiefs and those people, who were their bitter enemies.

The Sikhs were short of food-stuffs. Owing to the shortage of fodder, the horses too were suffering from starvation. In this attack, 7000 Sikhs were martyred and 3000 arrested. These Sikhs were martyred at Lahore. It was the first occasion in Sikh history, when the Sikhs suffered such a heavy loss of life. That is why this event is known as first Ghallughara or small holocaust in history.

1. When did first holocaust take place?
2. Who was the Subedar of Lahore at the time of first holocaust?
3. How many Sikhs were martyred in the first holocaust?
4. Sikhs were arrested during the first holocaust.
5. The first holocaust was known by which other name?
1. The first holocaust took place in May 1746 A.D.
2. At the time of the first holocaust Yahiya Khan was the Subedar of Lahore.
3. In the first holocaust 7000 Sikhs were martyred.
4. 3000
5. The first holocaust was known as chotta Ghallughara.

Rise of the Dal Khalsa and its Mode of Fighting:

Note: Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions that follow :

1. When the persecution of the Sikhs by Zakariya Khan failed to crush the power of the Sikhs, he compromised with the Sikhs in 1733 A.D. So the Sikhs got a golden opportunity to organise their power. In 1734 A.D. Nawab Kapoor Singh, by merging all small Jathas organised them into two chief Dais. These Dais were named Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal. In the Buddha Dal, Sikhs above 40 years of age were recruited. The function of this Dal was to look after the religious places and to propagate Sikh religion. The chief function of the Taruna Dal was to defend the community and to fight with the enemies.

The Taruna Dal was further divided into five Jathas and each Jatha was placed under an experienced Sikh Jathedar. Each Jatha comprised 1300 to 2000 young men. Each Jatha had its flag and drum. Although, Nawab Kapoor Singh was entrusted with the leadership of Buddha Dal, he acted as a common link between the two Dais. After having been united into two Dais the Sikhs were able to intensify their activities against the government.

1. Who was Zakariya Khan?
2. When was Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal formed?
3. Who formed Buddha Dal and Taruma Dal?

  • Banda Singh Bahadur
  • Nawab Kapoor Singh
  • Guru Gobind Singh Ji
  • None of these.

4. Who were included in the Taruna Dal?
5. Who led the Buddha Dal?
1. Zakariya Khan was the Subedar of Lahore.
2. Buddha Dal and Taruna Dal was formed in 1734 A.D.
3. Nawab Kapoor Singh. 5:
4. In Taruna Dal the Sikhs below the age of 40 were included.
5. Buddha Dal was led by Nawab Kapoor Singh.

PSEB 12th Class History Source Based Questions

2. On 29th March, 1748 A.D. on the day of Baisakhi the Sikhs gathered at Amritsar. Nawab Kapoor Singh suggested that in view of the hard time ahead, there was a great need for unity and strength of the Panth, Keeping this objective in view, the Dal Khalsa was organised on this day. 65 Sikh Jathas were merged into 12 Jathas. Each Jatha had its own separate leader and flag. Sardar Jassa Singh Ahluwalia was appointed the Supreme Commander of the Dal Khalsa. Every Sikh, who had faith in the principles of Guru Gobind Singh Ji was considered to be the member of the Dal Khalsa.

It was imperative for every Sikh to join the Dal Khalsa to face the enemy. It was expected of every Sikh who joined the Dal Khalsa to be expert in both horse-riding and use of weapons. Every member of the Dal Khalsa was at full liberty to join any Jatha. At the time of war, one of the 12 Sardars was selected the Chief of the Dal Khalsa and the other Sardars complied
with his orders.

1. By whom was Dal Khalsa established?
2. When was Dal Khalsa established?

  • 1733 A.D.
  • 1734 A.D.
  • 1738 A.D.
  • 1748 A.D.

3. Who was S. Jassa Singh Ahluwalia?
4. Who could be recruited in the Dal Khalsa?
5. Write any one feature of the Dal Khalsa.
1. Dal Khalsa was established by Nawab Kapoor Singh.
2. 1748 A.D.
3. S. Jassa Singh Ahluwalia was the Supreme Commander of the Dal Khalsa.
4. In Dal Khalsa every Sikh who had faith in the principles of Guru Gobind Singh Ji could join it.
5. Cavalry was the most important organ of the army of the Dal Khalsa.

Social and Economic Conditions of the Punjab under the Mughals:

Note : Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions the follow :

1. In the Mughal period, it wasnot the responsibility of the government to impart education to the people. The Hindus received their early education in the temples, while the Muslims received*! in the mosques. The pupils were also given education about their religions, ’JThe Hindus took more interest in education than the Muslims. No fee was charged from the students. After the completion of studies, the pupils would give some offerings to the teachers. There were centres of higher education at places like Lahore, Multan, Sialkot, Jalandhar, Sultanpur, Batala, Ambala, Sirhind in Punjab. The government would give them financial aid. Dining this period no attention was paid to women’s education. Only a few women of upper class families got education. Private arrangement for their education was made at homes.

1. Why was education not developed during the Mughal times?
2. During the Mughal period the Hindus and the Muslims get their early education from where?
3. Write any one feature of the prevelent education during the Mughal times.
4. During the Mughal times what was the status of women education.
5. During the Mughal times the pupils would give some to the teachers after the completion of their studies.
1. Because it was not the responsibility of the government to provide education during the Mughal times.
2. During the Mughal times the Hindus ’got their early education in temples and the Muslims got their early education in mosques.
3. At that times no fee was charged from the students.
4. No attention was paid to the women education during the Mughal times.
5. offerings.

2. The chief occupation of the people of Punjab during the Mughal period was agriculture. 80% population of the Punjab was engaged in this occupation. The reason behind this was that the land of Punjab was very fertile and there was no shortage of means of irrigation. The Mughal emperors were well aware of the fact that the prosperity of the empire depended on the economic condition of the. farmers. So, they paid special attention to encourage agriculture. In 1581 A.D., ‘Zabti system’ was enforced in Punjab. Under this system the cultivable land in the Punjab was measured.

On the basis of its fertility, it was classified as Polz, Parauti, Chachar and Banjar. The government would determine its land revenue on the basis of the fertility of the soil, convenience of irrigation and average output of the previous decade. The maximum revenue of the government was one-third. The government collected its land revenue in kind or cash according to the convenience of the farmers.

1. What was the chief occuption of the people of Punjab during the Mughal period?
2. During the Mughal times what % of people depended upon agriculture?

  • 50%
  • 60%
  • 70%
  • 80%.

3. What is meant by Zabti system?
4. Write any two features of agriculture during the Mughal period.
5. How did the government collected its revenue from the farmers during the Mughal times?
1. The chief occupation of the people of Punjab during the Mughal period was agriculture.
2. 80%.
3. Zabti system meant the measurement of the cultivated land.
4. The government would determine its land revenue on the basis of fertility of the soil, irrigational facilities and average output of the previous decade.
5. The government collected its land revenue either in kind or in cash taking int6 the convenience of the farmers.

PSEB 12th Class History Source Based Questions

3. Sikhism was founded during the Mughal period,, This religion was founded by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in the 15th century. Guru Nanak Dev Ji condemned the prevailing social evils of the times. He preached the worship of one God and delivered the message of universal brotherhood of*mankind. He founded Sangat and Pangat institutions. The doors of his religion were open for people of all castes and creeds. He showed the right path of knowledge to the people who were groping in the darkness. His nine successors carried forward his message!

The policy of religious tolerance of Mughal emperor Akbar provided a golden opportunity for the Sikh religion to prosper. Tension between the Mughals and the Sikhs started with accession of Mughal emperor Jahangir. The Sikhs were incited due to the martyrdom of Guru Aijan Dev Ji in 1606 A.D. and of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji in 1675 A.D. To confront the cruelties of the Mughals, Guru Gobind Singh Ji founded Khalsa Panth in 1699 A.D. The foundation of Khalsa started a new era in the history of Punjab.

1. During which period Sikhism was born?
2. Who was the founder of Sikhism?
3. What do you mean by ‘Sangat’ and ‘Pangat’?
4. When was Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji was martyred?

  • 1605 A.D.
  • 1606 A.D.
  • 1665 A.D.
  • 1675 A.D.

5. When was Khalsa Panth founded?
1. Sikhism was founded during the Mughal period.
2. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was the founder of Sikhism.

  • Sangat means that congregation which listens to the hymns of the Guru.
  • Pangat means a group of people sitting in a queue to partake langar.

4. 1675 A.D.
5. Khalsa Panth was founded in 1699 A.D. by Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Invasions of Ahmad Shah Abdali and Disintegration of Mughal rule in the Punjab:

Note: Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions the follow :

1. Ahmad Shah Abdali ruled from 1747 A.D. to 1772 A.D. He invaded Punjab eight times, during his rule from 1747 to 1767 A.D. In 1752 A.D. after defeating the Mughal Governor, Mir Mannu, he annexed Punjab to Afghanistan. Ahmad Shah Abdali and the Governors appointed by him committed innumerable atrocities on the Sikhs. In the big holocaust of 1762 A.D., Abdali brutally martyred a large number of Sikhs. Despite all this, the Sikhs stood firm like a rock.

Through guerilla warfare they never allowed any sigh of relief to Abdali. In 1765 A.D. the Sikhs took possession of Lahore and declared their independence. Despite his best efforts Abdali had failed to crush the power of the Sikhs.

1. Who was Ahmad Shah Abdali?
2. When did Ahmad Shah Abdali became the king of Afghanistan.

  • 1747 A.D.
  • 1748 A.D.
  • 1752 A.D.
  • 1767 A.D.

3. How many times Ahmad Shah Abdali invaded Punjab?
4. When did Wadda Ghallughara take place?
5. Why did Ahmad Shah Abdali fail to crush the Sikhs? Write any one cause.
1. Ahmad Shah Abdali was the rdler of Afghanistan.
2. 1747 A.D.
3. Ahmad Shah Abdali invaded Pui\jab for the eight times.
4. Wadda Ghallughara take place in 1762 A.D.
5. The determination of the Sikhs was very strong.

2. Ahmad Shah Abdali reached Delhi in January 1757 A.D. None resisted Abdali in Delhi. In Delhi, he looted enormously. Afterwards, he looted Mathura and Brindaban. Then he marched towards Agra but owing to the outbreak of cholera in the army, he decided to go back to Kabul. On reaching Punjab, he made his son Timur Shah, the Governor of Punjab. He ordered Timur Shah to teach the Sikhs a lesson for their activities. In order to crush the power of the Sikhs, he sent an army to Amritsar under the command of Jahan Khan. A fierce battle was fought near Amritsar between the Afghans and the Sikhs. In this battle, the Sikh leader Baba Deep Singh Ji displayed unparalleled heroism.

As tradition goes, he continued to fight the enemy even after his head was severed. He breathed his last after reaching Harmandir Sahib on November 11, 1757 A.D. The martyrdom of Baba Deep Singh Ji infused a new spirit among the Sikhs. The Sikhs started looting the adjoining areas of Lahore. It frightened the Afghans, so much that the gates of Lahore city were closed an hour before nightfall.

1. In 1757 A.D. Ahmad Shah Abdali looted the which cities of India?
2. Why Ahmad Shah Abdali returned from Agra?
3. Who was Timur Shah?
4. When and where did Baba Deep Singh Ji got martydom?
5. The martyrdom of Baba Deep Singh Ji infused a new mong the Sikhs.
1. In 1757 A.D. Ahmad Shah Abdali looted the Indian cities of Delhi, Mathura, Brindaban and Punjab.
2. Ahmad Shah Abdali had returned from Agra because cholera had spread in that city.
3. Timur Shah was the son of Ahmad Shah Abdali,
4. Baba Deep Singh Ji got martyrdom in 1757 A.D. at Amritsar.
5. spirit.

3. On 14 January, 1761 A.D. the Marathas attacked the army of Abdali. This was a fearful battle. At the beginning of the battle the Marathas seemed to have the odds in their favour. But when Vishwas Rao was killed by a bullet the whole situation was easily reversed. Sadashiv Rao Bhau got down from his elephant to express sorrow. When the Maratha soldiers saw his palanquin empty on the elephant they thought he had also been killed.

As a result panic spread amongst the Maratha soldiers. Abdali’s soldiers grabbed this golden opportunity and followed them and caused them heavy losses. In this battle nearly all important Maratha leaders and 28,000 Maratha soldiers were killed. Thousands of Maratha soldiers were wounded and thousands were taken prisoners.

1. When was the third battle of Panipat fought?
2. Between whom the third hattle of Panipat was fought?

  • Sikhs and Marathas
  • Marathas and Abdali
  • Sikhs and Abdali
  • None of these.

3. Who was Vishwas Rao?
4. Who was Sadashiv Rao Bhau?
5. Write any one result of the third battle of Panipat.
1. The third battle of Panipat was fought on 14th January, 1761 A.D.
2. Marathas and Abdali.
3. Vishwas Rao was the son of Peshwa Balaji Baji Rao.
4. Sadashiv Rao Bhau was the commander in chief of the Marathas during the third battle of Panipat.
5. It resulted in the heavy loss of the Marathas in men and money.

PSEB 12th Class History Source Based Questions

4. Ahmad Shah Abdali captured Lahore without any resistance. Then, he proceeded towards Jandiala. On reaching here, he received the information that the Sikhs had gone from there and gathered at a village Kup near Malerkotla. So, he hurriedly rushed towards Malerkotla. He ordered Zain Khan, the Governor of Sirhind, to reach there with his forces. These joint forces suddenly attacked the Sikhs at village Kup on 5th February, 1762 A.D. At that time the Sikhs were taking their families to some safe place. Their arms and rations were lying at village Garma, which was at a distance of 6 kilometres from there.

The Sikhs while forming a safety circle around their women and children started resisting Abdali’s soldiers. The Sikhs suffered heavy losses in the battle for want of arms. In this battle 25,000 to 30,000 Sikhs were massacred. This loss was too much for the Sikhs. That is why this incident is known as Wadda Ghallughara (Great Holocaust) in the Sikh history.

1. When and where did Wadda Ghallughara take place?
2. Who was responsible for Wadda Ghallughara?
3. Who was the Subedar of Sirhind at the time of Wadda Ghallughara?
4. What were the causes of heavy loss of the Sikhs during Wadda Ghallughara?
5. The Sikhs suffered in the battle.
1. Wadda Ghallughara took place on 5th February, 1762 A.D. at Kup.
2. Ahmad Shah Abdali was responsible for Wadda Ghallughara.
3. Zain Khan was the Subedar of Sirhind at the time of Wadda Ghallughara.
4. The Sikhs had very few weapons with them.
5. Heavy losses.

Origin and Growth of the Sikh Misls and their nature of Organization:

Note: Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions the follow :

1. Nawab Kapoor Singh was the founder of the Faizalpuria Misl. First of all, he occupied a village named Faizalpur near Amritsar. The name of this village was changed into Singhpur. Therefore, Faizalpuria Misl is also known as Singhpuria Misl. Kapoor Singh was very brave and fearless. It was Bhai Mani Singh, who baptised him. Soon, he became a famous Sikh leader. In 1733 A.D., he received the title of Nawab and an estate which could fetch Rs. 1 lakh as annual income from the Mughal Governor of Punjab, Zakariya Khan. With a view to organise the Sikh power in .1734 A.D.

Nawab Kapoor Singh formed two ‘Jathas’ namely the Buddha Dal and the Taruna Dal. He led both the Dais very ably and intelligently. By founding the Dal Khalsa in 1748 A.D., he rendered a yeoman’s service to the Sikh Panth. In fact, the contribution of Nawab Kapoor Singh to the growth and organisation of the Sikh Panth is remarkable. He passed away in the year 1753 A.D.

1. Who was the founder of the Faizalpuria Misl?
2. By what other name Faizalpuria Mi$l was known?
3. In which year and from when S. Kapoor Singh received the title of Nawab?
4. Write any one achievement of Nawab Kapoor Singh.
5. Dal Khalsa was established in ………………
1. The founder of the Faizalpuria Misl was Nawab Kapoor Singh.
2. Faizalpuria Misl was also known as Singhpuria Misl.
3. S. Kapoor Singh was given the title of Nawab in 1733 A.D. by Mughal Subedar Zakriya Khan.
4. He had organised the Buddha Dal and the Taruna Dal in 1734 A.D.
5. 1748 A.D.

2. The founder of the Ahluwalia Misl was Jassa Singh Ahluwalia. He was the inhabitant of Ahlu village near Lahore. So, this Misl came to be known as the Ahluwalia Misl. Jassa Singh was still very young when his father passed away. 3o, Jassa Singh’s maternal uncle, Bhag Singh brought him up. Nawab Kapoor Singh was greatly impressed by the personality of Jassa Singh. He kept Jassa Singh with him and brought him up as his own son.

Because of his qualities Jassa Singh soon became a famous leaded of the Sikhs. In 1739 A.D. under the leadership of Jassa Singh, the Sikhs attacked Nadir Shah’s army and robbed it of its wealth. In the small holocaust of 1746 A.D. Jassa Singh showed many feats of bravery. As a result, his name and fame spread, far and wide. When the Dal Khalsa was organised in 1748 A.D., Jassa Singh Ahluwalia was made its Commander-in-Chief. By leading the Dal Khalsa ably, he rendered a great service to the Sikh Panth.

Under the leadership of Jassa Singh Ahluwalia, the Sikhs conquered Lahore in 1761 A.D. It was the most significant conquest of the Sikhs. For this reason, the Khalsa Panth honoured S. Jassa Singh Ahluwalia by conferring on him the title of Sultan-ul-Quam. In 1762 A.D., at the time of Great Holocaust, Jassa Singh fought very bravely against the forces of Ahmad Shah Abdali. In 1764 A.D. Jassa Singh conquered Sirhind and put its ruler, Zain Khan to death. In 1778 A.D. Jassa Singh captured Kapurthala and made it the capital of the Ahluwalia Misl.

1. Who was Jassa Singh Ahluwalia?
2. Why was Ahluwalia Misl so called?
3. What was the name of the capital of Jassa Singh Ahluwalia?
4. Write any one achievement of Jassa Singh Ahluwalia.
5. When was Kapurthala occupied by Jassa Singh Ahluwalia?

  • 1761 A.D.
  • 1768 A.D.
  • 1778 A.D.
  • 1782 A.D.

1. Jassa Singh Ahluwalia was the founder of Ahluwalia Misl.
2. Ahluwalia Misl was so called because Jassa Singh Ahluwalia belonged to village Ahlu.
3. Kapurthala was the capital of Jassa Singh Ahluwalia.
4. He had ably led the Dal Khalsa.
5. 1778 A.D.

3. Jassa Singh was the most famous leader of the Ramgarhia Misl. Under his leadership, this Misl reached the pinnacle of glory. Jassa Singh at first served under the Faujdar of Jalandhar Doab, Adina Beg. In October 1748 A.D. the forces of Mir Mannu and Adina Beg besieged 500 Sikhs in a surprise attack in the Ram Rauni fort. Jassa Singh’s blood boiled on seeing his brethren in trouble. He left Adina Beg’s job and came to the rescue of the Sikhs. The result of his co-operation was that the lives of 300 Sikhs could be saved. Pleased over it, the Sikhs handed over the Ram Rauni fort to Jassa Singh. Jassa Singh named the fort Ramgarh. From this the Misl came to be known as Ramgarhia Misl.

Taking advantage of the disturbed condition after the death of Mir Mannu in 1753 A.D., Jassa Singh captured Kalanur, Batala, Hargobindpur, Qadian, Urmur Tanda, Dipalpur, Kartarpur and Haripur. Thus, he largely expanded Ramgarhia Misl. He declared Sri Hargobindpur the capital of the Ramgarhia Misl. Jassa Singh did not have cordial relations with the Ahluwalia and tfie Sukarchakia Misls.

1. Who was Jassa Singh Ramgarhia?
2. What was the name given to Ram Rauni fort by Jassa Singh Ramgarhia?
3. What was the name of the capital of Jassa Singh Ramgarhia?
4. Write any one achievement of Jassa Singh Ramgarhia.
5. Mir Mannu died in ……………..
1. Jassa Singh Ramgarhia was the most famous leader of the Ramgarhia Misl.
2. Jassa Singh Ramgarhia gave the name of Ramgarh to the Ram Rauni fort.
3. Sri Hargobindpur was the name of the capital of Jassa Singh Ramgarhia.
4. He saved the Sikhs during the seige of the Mughals of the Ram Rauni fort.
5. 1753 A.D.

PSEB 12th Class History Source Based Questions

4. Ala Singh was the founder of the Patiala House. He was very brave right from the beginning. In 1731 A.D. he gave a crushing defeat to the joint forces of the Faujdars of Jalandhar Doab and Malerkotla. Ala Singh made Bamala the centre of his activities. He founded villages like Longowal, Chhajli, Dirrba and Shoron. During Ahmad Shah Abdali’s first invasion in 1748 A.D., Ala Singh helped the Mughals against him. In view of his services, the Mughal emperor, Mohammad Shah Rangila, presented him a ‘Khillat’ (Robe of Honour). It added to the name and fame of Ala Singh. Soon, Ala Singh defeated the Bhatti brothers who were his bitter enemies and, took possession of their areas of Budhlada, Tohana, Bhattner and Jaimalpur.

In 1761 A.D., Ala Singh helped the Marathas against Ahmad Shah Abdali. Soon, in 1762 A.D. during his 6th invasion Ahmad Shah Abdali attacked Bamala and arrested Ala Singh. Ala Singh saved his life by giving Abdali a huge amount of money. In 1764 A.D. Ala Singh with other leaders of the Dal Khalsa attacked Sirhind. In 1765 A.D., Ahmad Shah Abdali appointed Ala Singh the Governor of Sirhind. The other members of the Dal Khalsa were annoyed with him over this compromise and told him to snap his ties with Ahmad Shah Abdali. But soon after, Ala Singh passed away.

1. Who was Ala Singh?
2. What was the name of the capital of Ala Singh?
3. When was Ala Singh arrested by Ahmad Shah Abdali?
4. Ahmad Shah Abdali had appointed Ala Singh the Subedar of which place?
When was Ala Singh made the Subedar of Sirhind?

  • 1748 A.D.
  • 1761 A.D.
  • 1762 A.D.
  • 1764 A.D.

1. Ala Singh was the founder of Phulkian Misl in Patiala.
2. Bamala was the capital df, Ala Singh.
3. Ahmad Shah AbdaU had arrested Ala Singh in 1762 A.D.
4. Ahmad Shah Abdali had appointed Ala Singh as the Subedar of Sirhind.
5. 1764 A.D.

Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s Career and Conquests:

Note : Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions the follow :

1. Maharaja Ranjit Singh was born in 1780 A.D. in the family of the Sukarchakia Misl Chief, Mahan Singh. Although Maharaja Ranjit Singh was illiterate yet he had acquired deftness in swordsmanship and horse-riding. He had begun to display feats of bravery right from his childhood. In 1797 A.D. when Ranjit Singh took over the reins of the Sukarchakia Misl, the political situation in the Punjab, was in a state of constant turmoil. It was passing through a dark age. By virtue of his ability and bravery Maharaja Ranjit Singh converted his small state into a vast and powerful empire. Ip this way, Maharaja Ranjit Singh translated the dream of Sikh empire into a reality.

1. Maharaja Ranjit Singh was born in ……………..
2. Maharaja Ranjit Singh belonged to which Misl?
3. What was the political condition of the Punjab in the 18th century?
4. Which werie the two important conquests of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
5. When did Maharcqa Ranjit Singh die?
1. 1780 A.D.
2. Maharaja Ranjit Singh belonged to the Sukarchakia Misl.
3. The political condition of the Punjab in the 18th century was in a dwindling condition.
4. The two important conquests of Maharaja Ranjit Singh were Lahore, and Peshawar.
5. Maharaja Ranjit Singh had died in 1839 A.D.

2. When Ranjit Singh was only 12 years old, his father Mahan Singh died in 1792 A.D. Since Ranjit Singh was only a minor, the task of state administration passed into the hands of his mother, Raj Kaur. Raj Kaur did not have any administrative skills, so she handed over the charge to her favourite, Diwan Lakhpat Rai. In 1796 A.D. when Ranjit Singh was married to Mehtab Kaur, his mother-in-law, Sada Kaur too began to take interest in matters of administration. In this way from 1792 A.D. to 1797 A.D. the administration of Sukarchakia Misl remained in the hands of three persons i.e. Raj Kaur, Diwan Lakhpat Rai and Sada Kaur. So, this period is called the period of the Triune Regency.

1. Who was the father of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
2. Who was Raj Kaur?
3. With whom was Maharaja Ranjit Singh first married?
4. Mehtab Kaur was related with which Misl?

  • Sukarchakia Misl
  • Kanahia Misl
  • Bhangi Misl
  • Ramgarhia Misl.

5. Who was Sada Kaur?
1. Mahan Singh was the father of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
2. Raj Kaur was the name of the mother of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
3. Maharaja Ranjit Singh was married to Mehtab Kaur for the first time.
4. Kanahia Misl.
5. Sada Kaur was the mother-in-law of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

3. Before the growth of Ranjit Singh’s power, the Bhangi Misl in the North¬West of the Sutlej river was very powerful. The two most important towns of the Punjab, Lahore and Amyitsar, were under this Misl. Besides these, the areas of Gujarat and Sialkot were also under it. In 1797 A.D., Lahore was jointly being ruled by Chet Singh, Sahib Singh and Mohar Singh, Amritsar by Gulab Singh, Sialkot by Jiwan Singh and Gujarat by Sahib Singh. All these Bhangi rulers were great addicts of ‘bhang (hemp). They spent most of their time in merry¬making. Besides, they had started quarrelling with each other for power. Consequently, the Bhangi Misl had lost much of its previous glory and power. It was heading fast towards its end.

1. Why was Bhangi Misl so called?
2. The Bhangi Misl ruled over which cities?
3. In …………… Lahore was jointly ruled by three Bhangi rulers.
4. What was the nature of the rule of Bhangi rulers?
5. Which Bhangi rulers had started quarrelling with each other?
1. The Bhangi Misl was so called because its rulers were addicts of bhang (hemp).
2. The Bhangi Misl ruled over the cities of Lahore, Amritsar, Sialkot and Gujarat.
3. 1797 A.D.
4. The Bhangi rulers used to spent most of their time in merry-making.
5. The ruler of Gujarat Sahib Singh had started fighting with other Bhangi rulers.

4. The founder of the Sukarchakia Misl Charat Singh was the grandfather of Ranjit Singh. He had under him Gujranwala, Eminabad and Sialkot. After the death of Charat Singh in 1774 A.D. he was succeeded by his son, Mahan Singh. He had all the qualities of a great Sardar. He expanded his Misl by conquering the areas of Rasul Nagar and Alipur. After the death of Mahan Singh in 1792 A.D., his son Ranjit Singh became his successor.

Since Ranjit Singh was barely 12 years old at that time, the task of running the administration of the Misl fell into the hands of his mother Raj Kaur, Diwan Lakhpat Rai and mother-in-law, Sada Kaur. When Ranjit Singh grew to be young enough in 1797 A.D. he took over the charge of Sukarchakia Misl independently. He proved to be an able, brave and far-sighted ruler.

1. Who was the founder of Sukarchakia Misl?
2. Which two territories were conquered by Mahan Singh?
3. What was the period of Triune Regency?
4. Ranjit Singh took the independent charge of Sukarchakia Misl in ……………
5. What type of ruler was Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
1. The founder of Sukarchakia Misl was Charat Singh.
2. Mahan Singh had conquered Rasul Nagar and Alipur.
3. The period of Triune Regency was from 1792 to 1797 A.D.
4. 1797 A.D.
5. Ranjit Singh proved to be an able, brave and far-sighted ruler.

PSEB 12th Class History Source Based Questions

5. The valley of Kashmir has been famous for its beauty, delicious fruits and prosperous trade since-ancient times. That is why, Maharaja Ranjit Singh wanted to conquer this province. In this regard, he sent two- expeditions to Kashmir in 1813 and 1814 A.D., but both these expeditions failed to achieve the desired objective. Maharaja Ranjit Singh got a new impetus with the conquest of Multan in 1818 A.D. Therefore, in 1819 A.D., he sent a huge force under the command of Misar Diwan Chand, the victor of Multan, to Kashmir. He succeeded in defeating the Afghan Governor of Kashmir, Jabbar Khan.

The conquest of Kashmir added . to the prestige of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Misar Diwan Chand was honoured with the title of‘Fateh-o-Nusrat Nasib’ (one who is destined to win). The conquest of Kashmir gave a stunning blow to the Afghan power. It boosted the morale of the Sikh forces. Moreover, it proved beneficial to the Maharaja from the commercial point of view.

1. Why did Maharaja Ranjit Singh wanted to conquer Kashmir?
2. When was Rohtas pact signed?
3. Who was the governor of Kashmir at the time first compaign of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
4. When did Maharaja Ranjit Singh conquer Kashmir?
5. Who was the Governor of Kashmir at the time of its conquest by Maharqja Ranjit Singh?

  • Fateh Khan
  • Jabbar Khan
  • Nusrat Khan
  • Diwan Mohkam Chand.

1. Maharaja Ranjit Singh wanted to conquer Kashmir because of its splendid beauty and prosperous trade.
2. Rohtas pact was signed in 1813 A.D.
3. Ata Mohammed Khan was the governor of Kashmir at the time of first campaign of Maharaja Ranjit Singh to Kashmir.
4. Maharaja Ranjit Singh had conquered Kashmir in 1819 A.D.
5. Jabbar Khan.

Anglo-Sikh Relations: 1800-1839:

Note: Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions that follow :

1. Maharaja Ranjit Singh wanted to bring all the Sikh states under him. So, he invaded the Malwas region twice in 1806 A.D. and 1807 A.D. He conquered many regions. The conversation between Ranjit Singh and Charles Metcalfe in 1808 A.D. failed. Ranjit Singh attacked Malwa for the third time in 1808 A.D. He had occupied some territories of Malwa and collected Nazrana from the rulers. Now the English started military preparations to make Ranjit Singh accept their conditions. As a results, a treaty was sighed between Ranjit Singh and the English. It was known as the Treaty of Amritsar.

1. When did Maharaja Ranjit Singh attack Malwa for the first time?

  • 1805 A.D.
  • 1806 AJD.
  • 1807 AJD.
  • 1808 AU.

2. Why did Maharaja Ranjit Singh attack Malwa?
3. What is meant by Nazrana?
4. Why did the Sardars of Malwa want the help of Britishers?
5. When was the treaty of Amritsar signed between Maharaja Ranjit Singh and the Britishers?
1. 1806 A.D.
2. The main objective of these attacks was that Maharaja Ranjit Singh wanted to annex these states into his empire.
3. Nazrana meant the gifts to be given to the Maharaja.
4. The Sardars of Malwa wanted the help of Britishers because they feared that Maharaja Ranjit Singh would annex their states.
5. The treaty of Amritsar was signed between Maharaja Ranjit Singh and the Britishers on 25th April 1809 A.D.

2. The area of Sind was geographically and commercially very significant. So both, Maharaja Ranjit Singh and the British were keen in controlling it. In 1831 A.D. the British sent Alexander Bums to gather information about Sind. In order that Maharaja Ranjit Singh might not develop any doubt, he was invited to Ropar to hold a meeting with Governor-General William Bentinck. This meeting was held on 26th October, 1831 A.D. The Britishers very cleverly kept him absorbed in talks. On the other hand, the English sent Col. Pottinger to sign a treaty with the Amirs of Sind. He succeeded in signing a commercial treaty with Sind in 1832 A.D.

1. Why did Maharaja Ranjit Singh wanted to conquer Sind?
2. Who was Alexander Bums?
3. When did a meeting was held between Maharaja Ranjit Singh and Lord William Bentinck?
4. Where was a meeting held between Maharaja Ranjit Singh and Lord William Bentinck.

  • At Ropar
  • At Amritsar
  • At Lahore
  • At Delhi.

5. Who succeeded in entering into a commercial treaty between the British and Sind?
1. Maharaja Ranjit Singh wanted to conquer Sind becuase it was geographically and commercially very significant.
2. Alexander bums was a British official who was sent to Sind to gather information about Sind.
3. A meeting was held between Maharaja Ranjit Singh and Lord William Bentinck on 26th October, 1831 A.D.
4. At Ropar.
5. Col. Pottinger succeeded in signing a commercial treaty between the Britishers and Sind.

PSEB 12th Class History Source Based Questions

3. The Britishers wanted to bring Ferozepur under their control. This city was hardly at a distance of 40 miles from Lahore. The English could have a better view of Ranjit Singh’s activities from this place. Besides, the possession of Ferozepur was essential to surround the Punjab. Although the Britishers had been looking towards Ferozepur greedily for a long time,’ they had been postponing its acquisition lest Ranjit Singh should feel annoyed with them.

That is why, the Britishers had been conceding his control over Ferozepur till 1835 A.D. But, by now the situation had changed. -The Britishers did not need Ranjit Singh’s friendship any more. Therefore, they forcibly took possession of Ferozepur in 1835 A.D. In 1838 A.D., the Britishers set up a big military cantonment here. Although Ranjit Singh expressed his resentment over the seizure of Ferozepur and setting up of a military cantonment there by the British, yet they did not bother about it.

1. Why did the Britishers wanted to bring Ferozepur under these control?
2. The possession of ………………. was essential to surround the Punjab.
3. When was Ferozepur occupied by the Britishers?
4. When a military cantonment was established by the Britishers in Ferozepur?
5. What had Maharcga Ranjit Singh yielded on the question of Ferozepur?
1. The Britishers wanted to bring Ferozepur under their control because they could have a better view of Ranjit Singh’s activities from this place.
2. Ferozepur.
3. The Britishers had occupied Ferozepur in 1838 A.D.
4. The Britishers had established a military cantonment in 1838 A.D.
5. Yes, the Maharaja Ranjit Singh had yielded to the British on the question of Ferozepur.

Ranjit Singh’s Relations with Afghanistan and his N.W.F. Policy:

Note : Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions that follow :

1. In 1800 A.D., a war of succession for the royal throne had started in Kabul. Shah Zaman was dethroned and Shah Mehmud became the new king of Afghanistan. He ruled only for three years (1800-03 A.D.). In 1803 A.D., Shah Shuja forcibly took possession of the throne from Shah Mehmud. He ruled till 1809 A.D. He proved to be an unworthy king. It led to chaos-in Afghanistan. On finding this golden opportunity, the Afghan Governors of Attock, Kashmir, Multan and Deraj at declared their independence. Maharaja Ranjit Singh also took advantage of the weakness of the Kabul government and took possession of the Afghan areas like Kasur, Jhang, Khushal and Sahiwal. In 1809 A.D. Shah Shuja was dethroned and Shah Mehmud again became the new king of Afghanistan. Since Fateh Khan had rendered every possible help to Shah Mehmud in getting the royal throne, so he appointed him his Prime Minister.

1. In a war of succession for the royal throne had started in Kabul.
2. When did Shah Mehmud become the ruler of Afghanistan for the first time?
3. What type of ruler was Shah Shuja?
4. Who was Fateh Khan?
5. When was Shah Shuja was dethroned?
1. 1800 A.D.
2. Shah Mehmud became the ruler of Afghanistan for the first time in 1800 A.D.
3. Shah Shuja was an incompetent ruler.
4. Fateh Khan was the Wazir (Prime Minister) of Shah Mehmud.
5. Shah Shuja was dethroned in 1809 A.D.

2. Maharaja Ranjit Singh decided to teach Fateh Khan a lesson for his deceit. He at once sent Faqir Aziz-ud-Din to take possession of Attock. The ruler of Attock, Jahandad Khan, handed over the area of Attock to the Maharaja in exchange for an estate of Rs. 1 lakh. When Fateh Khan came to know of it, he lost his temper. He handed over the Kashmir administration to his brother, Azim Khan and himself proceeded with a huge army to drive out the Sikhs from Attock. On July 13, 1813 A.D. a fierce battle was fought at a place called Hazro or Haidru, in which Maharaja Raujit Singh inflicted a crushing defeat on Fateh Khan. It was the first battle fought between the Sikhs and the AfghAnswer: This victory gave a severe blow to the power of the Afghans and enhanced the prestige of the Sikhs.

1. Who was Fateh Khan?
2. Who was the ruler of Attock during the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
3. Which was the first battle fought between the Sikhs and the Afghanis?
4. When was the battle of Hazro fought?

  • 1811 AJD.
  • 1812 A.D.
  • 1813 A.D.
  • 1814 A.D.

5. Who become victorious in the battle of Hazro.
1. Fateh Khan was the wazir of Shah Mehmud, the ruler of Afghanist.
2. Jahandad Khan was the ruler of Attock during the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
3. The battle of Hazro was the first battle to be fought between the Sikhs and the Afghans.
4. 1813 A.D.
5. The Sikhs became victorious in the battle of Hazro.

PSEB 12th Class History Source Based Questions

3. During the period 1827 A.D. to 1831 A.D., Syed Ahmad a religious leader of the Muslims had created disturbance against the Sikhs in Attock and Peshawar. He belonged to Bareilly. He declared, “God has sent me to conquer Punjab and India, and to drive out the Sikhs from the Afghan territories.” Taken in by his utterances, many Afghan Sardars became his disciples. In no time, he was able to organise a big army. It was a challenge to Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s power. The Sikh forces defeated him first at Saidu and then at Peshawar, but fortunately he escaped both the times. Despite these defeats, he continued his struggle against the Sikhs. At last in 1831 A.D., he died at Balakot while fighting against Prince Sher Singh. In this way a big nuisance for the Sikhs was over.

1. Who was Syed Ahmad?
2. Syed Ahmad was the inhabitant of which place?
3. At which two places the sikh forces had defeated Syed Ahmad?
4. Syed Ahmad was killed where and fighting with whom?
5. When was Syed Ahmad killed?

  • 1813 A.D.
  • 1821 A.D.
  • 1824 A.D.
  • 1831 A.D.

1. Syed Ahmad was a religious leader of the Muslims.
2. Syed Ahmad was the resident of Bareilly.
3. The Sikh forces had defeated Syed Ahmad at Saidu and Peshawar.
4. Syed Ahmad was killed at Balakot while fighting with prince Sher Singh.
5. 1831 A.D.

4. Dost Mohammad Khan wanted to avenge his humiliation suffered at the hands of the Sikhs. On-the other hand, the Sikhs also wanted to consolidate their position in Peshawar. In order to counter the Afghan invasions, Hari Singh Nalwa got a strong fort constructed at Jamraud. In order to check this operation of Hari Singh N.alwa, Dost Mohammad Khan sent a huge army of 20,000 soldiers under the command of his son Mohammad Akbar and Shamsudin.

This army attacked the fort of Jamraud on 28th April, 1837 A.D. Hari Singh Nalwa was then lying seriously ill at Peshawar. When he heared the news of Afghan attack, he with his 10,000 soldiers attacked the Afghans at Jamraftd with a view to teach them a lesson. Although Hari Singh Nalwa was killed in this battle, the Sikhs caused such a havoc among the Afghans that they never turned their face towards Peshawar thereafter.

1. Who was Dost Mohammad Khan?
2. Who built the Jamraud fort?
3. The fort of Jamraud was attacked on …………..
4. Which general of Maharsya Ranjit Singh was martyred in the battle of Jamraud and when?
5. Who became victorious in the battle of Jamraud?
1. Dost Mohammad Khan was the ruler of Peshawar.
2. The fort of Jamraud was built by S. Hari Singh Nalwa.
3. 28th April, 1837 A.D.
4. S. Hari Singh Nalwa was martyred in the battle of Jamraud on 30th April, 1837 A.D.
5. In the battle of Jamraud the Sikhs became victorious.

Civil and Military Administration of Ranjit Singh:

Note : Read the following passages carefully and answer the qu estions that follow :

1. Every word uttered by Maharaja Ranjit Singh was deemed law. In order to get cooperation in running the administration, the Maharaja had appointi jd many ministers, of which prominents were the Prime Minister, Foreign Minister , Diwan, Chief Commander and Deorhiwala. It rested on Maharaja’s will to acct 3pt their advice or not. He had also established 12 departments of daftars for the 5 smooth functioning of administration.

1. During the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh who was tl ie head of the Central Administration?
2. Who was the Prime-Minister of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
3. Who was the Foreign Minister of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?

  • Raja Dhian Singh
  • Hari Singh Nalwa
  • Faqtiir Aziz-ud-Din
  • Diwan Mohkam Chand.

4. How many Daftars were established for the admi nistrative efficiency during the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
5. What is the function of Daftar-i-Taujihat?
1. Maharaja himself was the head of Central Administrf ition during the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
2. Raja Dhian Singh was the Prime Minister of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
3. Faqir Aziz-ud-Din.
4. During the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh 12 Daftars were established for the administrative efficiency.
5. Daftar-i-Taujihat maintained the account of royal family.

PSEB 12th Class History Source Based Questions

2. With a view to run the administration efficiently, Mahamja Ranjit Singh had divided his kingdom into four Provinces. The main duty of Nazim was to maintain peace and order in the Suba. For this purpose, he was aillowed to maintain a small force. In addition, he supervised the work of other officials of the Suba. He got the orders of Maharaja implemented in the Suba. He decided the civil and criminal cases. He heard the appeals against the decisions, of the Kardars.

He helped the various Suba officials in the collection of land revenue. He also supervised the work of district Kardars. Thus, the Nazim exercised vast powers in his own Suba. But, he had to seek the prior approval of the Maharaja, before taking any crucial decision about his Suba. The Maharaja could change the Nazim, whenever he wanted.

1. The kingdom of Maharaja Ranjit Singh was divided into how many Subas?
2. Write the names of any two Subas of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
3. Who was the head of the Suba during the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
4. Write any one function of the Nazim?
5. The Maharaja could…………… the Nazim whenever he wanted.
1. Maharaja Ranjit Singh had divided his Kingdom into four Subas.
2. The names of the two Subas of Maharaja Ranjit Singh were Suba-i- Lahore and Suba-i-Kashmir.
3. The Nazim was the head of the suba during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s times.
4. To implement the orders of Maharaja Ranjit Singh under his province.
5. Change.

3. The smallest unit of administration was the village. It was then called Mauza The administration of the village was in the hands of the Panchayat. The Panchayat looked after the people of the village and settled their petty disputes. The people showed great regard for the Panchayat and they mostly accepted its decisions. The Patwari maintained the record of the village land. The Chaudhary would help the government in collecting land revenue. Muqaddam (Lambardar) was head of the village. He worked as a link between the government and the people. The Chowkidar was the watchman of the village. The Maharaja did not interfere in the working of the village.

1. Which was the smallest unit of administration of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
2. What was village called during the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
3. In whose hands the administration of the village was during the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
4. Who was Muqaddam during the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
5. Who kept the record of village land during the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?

  • Muqaddam
  • Chaudhary
  • Patwari
  • None of these.

1. The smallest unit of administration during the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh was village.
2. During the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh the village was called Mauza.
3. During the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh the village administration was in the hands of the Panchayat.
4. Muqaddam was head of the village.
5. Patwari.

PSEB 12th Class History Source Based Questions

4. During the period of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the administration of Lahore city was run differently from other cities. The whole city was divided into Mohallas. A Mohalla was under a Mohalladar. The Mohalladar maintained peace and order in his mohalla and looked after the arrangement of cleanliness. The chief official of Lahore city was ‘Kotwal’. Mostly he used to be a Muslim. The chief functions of a Kotwal were to give practical shape to the Maharaja’s orders, to maintain peace in the city, to supervise the work of Mohalladars, to make arrangements for cleanliness in the city, to keep details of the foreign visitors, to supervise trade and industry and to examine weights and measures etc. He used to take necessary action against the guilty persons.

1. Who was the chief official of Lahore city during the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
2. Who was appointed on the post of Kotwal during the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
3. What was the one main function of Kotwal?
4. Who was the head of Mohalla during the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
5. During the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh the administration of ………………… city was run differently from other cities.
1. Dining the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh the chief official of Lahore city was Kotwal.
2. During the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh Imam Bakhsh was appointed on the post of Kotwal.
3. To maintain peace in the city.
4. Mohalladar was the head of Mohalla dining the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
5. Lahore.

5. Fauj-i-Khas was the most important and the powerful organ of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s army. It was trained under the command of General Ventura. It consisted of four battalions of infantry, two regiments of cavalry, and a troop of artillery. The artillery of Fauj-i-Khas was under the command of General Illahi Bakhsh. It was trained and disciplined strictly on European pattern. In it, very selected soldiers were recruited. Their weapons and horses were, also, of the superior type. That is why this army was called Fauj-i-Khas. It had a separate flag and emblem. It used French words of command. It grew to be the best organised section of the regular army. Even the European officers were amazed to see its performance.

1. Which was the most important and powerful organ of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s army?
2. Who was General Ventura?
3. Under whose command was the artillery of Fauj-i-Khas?
4. Write any one feature of Fauj-i-Khas.
5. Fauj-i-Khas used ……………. words of command.
1. Fauj-i-KhaS was the most important and powerful organ of Mahara Ranjit Singh’s army.
2. Fauj-i-KhaS was trained under the command of General Ventura
3. The artillery of Fauj-i-Khas was under the command of General Illahi Bakhsh.
4. It was trained and disciplined strictly on European pattern.
5. French.

Character and Personality of Maharaja Ranjit Singh:

Note: Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions that follow :

1. Maharaja Ranjit Singh had an unshakable faith in Sikhism. Before starting his routine work, he used to listen to the recitation of Gurbani of Guru Granth Sahib Ji and the Kirtan. He never took any big decision or launched upon any undertaking without seeking guidance from Guru Granth Sahib. After each victory, the’Maharaja paid a thanks giving visit to the Darbar Sahib, Amritsar, and made costly offerings. He spent considerable sums of money on the maintenance of Gurdwaras. He called his government as Sarkar-i-Khalsa and liked to be addressed as Singh Sahib instead of Maharaja.

He considered himself to be the Kukar at the door of the Guru and the Panth. He took pride in proclaiming himself to be the mere drum (Ranjit Nagara) of Guru Gobind Singh. He issued coins in the name of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Guru Gobind Singh Ji. The words ‘Nanak Sahai’ and ‘Gobind Sahai’. were inscribed on them. The royal seal of Maharaja Ranjit Singh was engraved with the words Akal Sahai.

1. Maharaja Ranjit Singh had unshakable faith in Sikhism. Give any one example.
2. What is meant by ‘Kukar’?
3. Maharaja Ranjit Singh called his government by which name?
4. Which words were inscribed on the royal seal of Maharaja Raqjit Singh?
5. The words ………….. and …………. were inscribed on coins.
1. Before starting his routine work, he used to listen to the recitation of Gurbani of Guru Nanak Sahib Ji and Kirtan.
2. Kukar meant slave or servant.
3. Maharaja Ranjit Singh called his government as Sarkar-i-Khalsa.
4. ‘Akal Sahai’ were the words inscribed on the royal seals of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
5. Nanak Sahai, Goind Sahai.

PSEB 12th Class History Source Based Questions

2. Although Ranjit Singh was a staunch Sikh, yet he was liberal towards other religions. He kept religious discrimination and communalism at an arm’s length. He knew very well that for the establishment of a strong and enduring empire, the co-operation of people of different religions was essential. By his policy of tolerance, he succeeded in winning over the hearts of the people of different religions. In his empire jobs were given on the basis of merit.

In his court, the Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims, Dogras and Europeans were appointed to the high posts without any discrimination of caste, creed or nationality. For instance, his Foreign Minister Faqir Aziz-ud-Din was a Muslim, his Prime Minister, Dhian Singh was a Dogra, his Diwan Bhiwani Das and his Commander Misar Diwan Chand were Hindus and his General Ventura and Allard were Europeans.

1. Maharaja Ranjit Singh was a tolerant ruler. How?
2. Who was Dhian Singh Dogra?
3. Who was the Foreign Minister of Maharaja Ranjit Singh?
4. Who was Diwan Bhiwani Das?
5 was the Commander-in-Chief of Maharqja Ranjit Singh.

  • In his empire jobs were given on the basis of merit.
  • He respected all the religions.

2. Dhian Singh Dogra was the Prime Minister of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
3. Faqir Aziz-ud-Din was the Foreign Minister of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
4. Diwan Bhiwani Das was the Finance Minister of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
5. Misar Diwan Chand.

First Anglo-Sikh War: Causes and Results:

Note : Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions that follow :

1. In 1842 A.D., Lord Ellenborough was appointed the new Governor-General of India in place of Lord Auckland. Lord Ellenborough wanted to erase the disgrace of the defeat which the British had to taste in the First Anglo-Afghan War. empire, it further embittered the Anglo-Sikh relations.

1. Who was Lord Ellenborough?
2. When was Lord Ellenborough appointed the new Governor General of India?

  • 1812 A.D.
  • 1822 A.D.
  • 1832 A.D.
  • 1842 A.D.

3. Why did the British want to conquer Sind?
4. When was Sind conquered by the Britishers?
5. What was the consequence of the conquest of Sind by the Britishers?
1. Lord Ellenborough was the Governor General of India.
2. 1842 A.D.
3. Because Sind was important from the geographical point of view.
4. The Sind was conquered by the Britishers in 1842 A.D.
5. It resulted in great tension between the Britishers and the Sikhs.

2. The second great’battle between the Sikhs and the British was fought at Ferozeshah or Pheru Shahar on 21st December, 1845 A.D. This place is located at a distance of 10 miles from Mudki. The British were fully prepared for this battle. They had called their forces from Ferozepur, Ambala and Ludhiana to Ferozeshah for attack. The strength of the British soldiers in this battle was 17,000. The British army was commanded by famous and experienced generals like Lord Hugh Gough, John Littler and Lord Hardinge. Qn the other hand, the strength of the Sikh soldiers was about 25,000 to 30,000. The Sikh soldiers were led by Lai Singh and Teja Singh. The Britishers were fully confident of the treachery of the Sikh generals and that they would score* an easy win in the battle. But the Sikhs gave such a baffling rebuff to the British that once it looked that their empire in India had shaken.

1. When was the battle of Ferozeshah fought?
2. Who was Lord Hugh Gough?
3. Who led the Sikh forces in battle of Ferozeshah?
4. The strength of the British soliders in the battle of Ferozeshah was ………….
5. Who was defeated in the battle of Ferozeshah and why?
1. The battle of Ferozeshah was fought on 21st December, 1845 A.D.
2. Lord Hugh Gough was the commander in chief of the Britishers.
3. In the battle of Ferozeshah the Sikh forces were led by Lai Singh and Teja Singh.
4. 17000.
5. In the battle of Ferozeshah the Sikhs were defeated.

PSEB 12th Class History Source Based Questions

3. The battle of Sobraon was the last and the most decisive battle of the First Anglo-Sikh War. This battle was fought on 10th February, 1846 A.D. Before this battle 30,000 Sikh soldiers had reached Sobraon. In order to give a stiff resistance . to the British, they had started digging up their trenches. Lai Singh and Teja Singh who were commanding the Sikh army were sending every detail of the ’ preparations to the British. In order to face the Sikh army, the British had also made a good preparation. The strength of the British army in this battle was 15,000. Lord Hugh Gough and Lord Hardinge were commanding the British army. On 10th February, 1846 A.D., the Britishers attacked the Sikh army. As a result of the counter attack by the Sikh army, the British xarmy had to retreat. At this time, as pre-planned, at first Lai Singh and then Teja Singh fled away from the battlefield. While going away, Teja Singh sank the boats loaded with powder and ammunition, and also destroyed the Pontoon bridge.

1. Which was the last battle to be fought during the First Anglo-Sikh War?
2. When was the battle of Sobraon fought? 1
3. In the battle of Sobraon the British forces were led by…………..and …………..
4. Who was defeated in the battle of Sobraon? 1
5. Which Sikh leader had shown exemplary bravery in the battle of Sobrabn?
1. The last battle to be fought during the First Anglo-Sikh War was the battle of Sobraon.
2. The battle of Sobraon was fought on.10th February, 1846 A.D.
3. Lord Hugh Gough, Lord Hardinge.
4. In the battle of Sobraon the Sikhs were defeated.
5. In the battle of Sobraon S. Sham Singh Attariwala showed an exemplary bravery.

Second Anglo-Sikh War: Causes, Results and Annexation of the Punjab:

Note : Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions that follow :

1. The revolt of Diwan Moolraj of Multan was one of the most -potent causes, which led to the Second Anglo-Sikh War. Multan was a province of the Lahore Raj. After the death of Sawan Mai, the Nazim (governor) of Multan in 1844 A.D., his son Moolraj was appointed the new Nazim. In 1847 A.D. the British Resident increased the annual revenue payable to the Lahore Darbar by Multan from Rs. 13,47,000 to Rs. 1,97,15,00. On the other hand, the British removed the excise duty on some essential goods and one-third part of Multan was taken from him. Owing to these reasons, Diwan Moolraj was not in position to pay the increased revenue. On being forced by the British Resident, Moolraj tendered his resignation in December, 1847.

In March 1848 A.D. the new Resident, Fredrick Currie, decided to nominate Sardar Kahan Singh as the new Nazim of Multan. In order to take over the charge of Multan, two British officers, Vans Agnew and Anderson were sent alongwith Kahan Singh. Moolraj warmly welcomed them. On 19th April, Moolraj handed over the keys of the fort to Kahan Singh. But the next day on 20th April, some soldiers of Moolraj murdered both the officers and imprisoned Kahan Singh. Fredrick Currie held Moolraj responsible for the revolt of Multan.

1. When was Diwan Moolrqj was appointed as the new Nazim of Multanh?
2. For which one reason Diwan Moolraj had given his resignation?
3. In 1848 A.D. which new Nazim of Multan was appointed by Fredrick Currie?
4. The responsiblity of the murder of which two British officers were put on Diwan Moolrqj by the Britishers?
5. Fredrick Currie held …………….. responsible for the revolt of Multan.
1. Diwan Moolraj was appointed as the new Nazim of Multan in 1844 A.D.
The British resident had increased the annual revenue payable to the Lahore Darbar by Multan.
3. Sardar Kahan Singh.
4. Vans Agnew and Anderson.
5. Diwan Moolraj.

PSEB 12th Class History Source Based Questions

2. The battle of Chillianwala was one of the significant battles of the Second Anglo-Sikh War. This battle was fought on 13th January, 1849 A.D. Lord Gough was of the view that he did not have a strong force to face Sher Singh. So, he was waiting for more reinforcement, but when Lord Hugh Gough came to know that Chattar Singh with his soldiers was coming to the help of Sher Singh, he attacked the soldiers of Sher Singh on 13th January. It was one of the hardest and fiercest battles. The Sikhs fought with great determination and daring. They wrought havoc in the British army. The British lost 695 soldiers, including 132 officers in the battle and 1651 soldiers were wounded. Four British guns were also captured by the Sikhs.

1. Which was the most significant battle of the Second Anglo- Sikh War?
2. When was the battle of Chillianwala fought?
3. Who was Sher Singh?
4. Who was defeated in the battle of Chilianwala?
5. In the battle of ChiUianwala how many British officers were killed?

  • 132
  • 142
  • 695
  • 1651.

1. The battle of Chillianwala was the most significant battle of the Second Anglo-Sikh War.
2. The battle of Chillianwala was fought on 13th January, 1849 A.D.
3. Sher Singh was the son of S. Chattar Singh, the Nazim of Hazara.
4. In the battle of Chillianwala, the Britishers were defeated.
5. 132.

3. The battle of Gujarat proved to be the most important and decisive battle of the Second Anglo-Sikh War. In this battle, Chattar Singh, Sher Singh and Bhai Maharaj Singh made a united front against the British. In addition, the king of Afghanistan, Dost Mohammad also sent 3,000 cavaliers under the command of his son, Akbar Khari to help the Sikhs. In this battle, the Sikhs had a total army of 40,000 soldiers. On the other hand, the English army was still led by Lord Hugh Gough because Sir Charles Napier had not yet reached India. The British army comprised 68,000 soldiers.

In this battle, guns were extensively used by both the sides, because of which this battle is also .famous in history as the Battle of Guns. This battle started at 7.30 a.m. on 21st February, 1849 A.D. The ammunition of the Sikhs was soon exhausted. When the Britishers came to know about it, they made a fierce attack on the Siklis. The Sikh soldiers unsheathed their swords, but they could not resist the guns for long. The Sikhs suffered heavy losses in this battle.

1. battle of the second Anglo-sikh War.
2. When was the battle of Gujarat fought?
3. Who led the British forces during the battle of Gujarat?
4. Why is the battle of Gujarat as the Battle of Guns?
5. Who became victorious in the battle of Gujarat?
1. decisive.
2. The battle of Gujarat was fought on 21st february, 1849 A.D.
3. In the battle of Gujarat the British forces were led by Lord Hugh Gough.
4. The battle of Gujarat was known as the battle of guns because guns were extensively used by both the sides in this battle.
5. The Britishers became victorious in this battle.