PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 15 India and United Nations

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class Political Science Book Solutions Chapter 15 India and United Nations Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 Political Science Chapter 15 India and United Nations

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Write a note on U.N.
There breathes nobody in this world who is not acquainted with the name of the United Nations. After long debates and discussions which took place in various World Conferences held from time to time between 1940 and 1945, ultimately the United Nations Conference was held at San-Francisco from April 26 to 25 June 1945. The Conference adopted the U.N. Charter which was signed by delegates of 51 Nations. The U.N. actually started functioning on October 24, 1945. It is an organisation of 193 countries of the world which aims at establishing peace in the world. Peace can be established in the world if all the countries extend willing co-operation to this organization.

Aims and Principles of U.N.
The U.N. Charter contains 111 short articles, prefaced by a preamble, which speaks for the aims of the United Nations. It starts with the words. “We the people of the United Nations,” signifying thereby that the United Nations speak in the name of the people of the world. The basic aims of the U.N. are:

  • To save succeeding generations from the scourge of war;
  • To re-affirm faith in the fundamental human rights;
  • To establish justice and respect for international obligations; and
  • To promote social progress and better standards of life.

These aims can be classified as under:

  • To maintain international peace and security.
  • To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of people.
  • To achieve international co-operative for solving international problems of an economic, social and humanitarian character.
  • To promote and encourage respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without any distinction of race, sex, language or region.
  • To act as a centre for harmonizing the actions of world nations in the achievement of agreed common ends.

Basic Principles of The U.N.
All the members, in order to achieve the main purpose of U.N., will act in accordance with the principles given ahead:

  • The organization is based on the principles of sovereign equality of its members.
  • All member-States are supposed to fulfil the obligation imposed upon them by Charter.
  • All international disputes are to be settled through peaceful means.
  • All member-States must refrain from the use of force in any international dispute.
  • The organization as far as possible, shall avoid intervention in the domestic affairs of a State.
  • The member-States are supposed to assist the organization in any action taken by it in accordance with the U.N. Charter.
  • All member-States must give free help to U.N.O. in any action taken according to the Charter.
  • All members must act according to the principles of U.N.O. in order to create international peace and security.

Organs of U.N.
The principal organs of U.N. are given as under:
1. The General Assembly
2. The Security Council
3. The Economic and Social Council
4. The International Court of Justice
5. The Trusteeship Council
6. The Secretariat.

1. General Assembly:
The General Assembly consists of all the members of U.N. Each state can send five representatives in the General Assembly. Each member-State has, however, one vote. In the Assembly all the member- States, however big or small, meet on the terms of sovereign equality of all the member-States. It elects its President and Vice-Presidents for each session. The General Assembly meets regularly once every year, commencing usually in September.

Special sessions may be convened at the request of the Security Council or of a majority of the members of the U.N. All decisions on important questions are taken by 2/3 majority of those present. A majority of the.members of the General Assembly constitutes a quorum. The General Assembly does most of its work in Committee’s voting but decision regarding less important questions may be taken by a simple majority of votes. Functions. The General Assembly can be called World Parliament or World Panchayat.

The Assembly elected 10 non-permanent members of the Security Council for a term of two years, 54 members of the Economic and social Council and some members of the Trusteeship Council. A Secretary-General is elected on the recommendations of the Security Council. It is the deliberative body of the organization. Apart from the duties discussed above, it performs the following functions:

  • The General Assembly can deal with all matters within the scope of U.N. Charter.
  • It can make recommendations to any member or to the Security Council on any question within its jurisdiction.
  • It considers principle of co-operation for the creation of world peace and security.
  • It can initiate studies and make recommendations for the development of International Law and its codification.
  • It can call the attention of the Security Council to such situations which may endanger world peace.
  • It is empowered to make suggestions for promoting international co-operation in economic, social, cultural and health fields.
  • It receives and considers the annual reports from the Security Council and other organs about the maintenance of world peace.
  • It considers and approves the budget of U.N.
  • It fixes the amount which each member-State has to contribute for the working of U.N.
  • To assist in the realization of fundamental human rights for all without distinction of race, sex, language or religion.

‘The Uniting for Peace Resolution’ confers effective power on the General Assembly for the purpose of maintaining International peace and security.This Resolution was adopted by the General Assembly on 3rd November, 1950.

2. Security Council:
It consists of 15 members, five of which are permanent members. It is the most important and most powerful organ of the U.N. The permanent members are- England, France, U.S.A., Russia and Republic of China. Ten members are non-permanent, These non-permanent members are elected by the General Assembly for a period of two years. No State can be elected as a member for two consecutive terms.

The Security Council must meet at least twice a month, but its meeting can be held even before if the need arises. Meetings of the Security Council are held at the call of the President at any time he deems necessary, but the interval between meetings must not exceed fourteen days. Each member presides over the meeting of the council for a month turn by turn.

The concurrence of permanent members is necessary for all vital decisions of the Security Council affecting international peace and security. Decisions on all matters are to be made by a majority of nine members (including the five permanent) except on procedural matters which require the decision of any nine members.

By casting a negative vote, any one of the permanent members can veto a decision. But mere abstention from the vote, or the absence of a permanent member from the meeting, does not operate as a veto. No member can cast his vote in a matter with which he is personally connected. The Security Council can invite any State to participate in its meeting but it is not entitled to exercise its vote.


  • The admission of new States to the organization and the expulsion therefrom can only be done on the recommendation of the Security Council.
  • It makes recommendations to the General Assembly for the appointment of the General Secretary.
  • It can take any measure necessary to maintain or restore international peace.
  • It can ask the contesting parties to solve their conflict by peaceful means, like negotiation, enquiry and mediation.
  • The Security Council may decide measures, not involving the use of armed force, to be employed to give effect to its decisions.
  • The Security Council may take such action by air, sea or land force, as may be necessary to maintain or restore international peace and security.
  • It shares with the General Assembly the function of electing judges to the International Court of Justice and right to request the court for advisory opinion or legal matters.

3. Economic and Social Council:
Before 1965 this body consisted of 18 members who were elected by the General Assembly. From 1st Jan. 1966 its membership was increased to 27 and now-a-days it has 54 members. One- third of its members retire after every one year and this way a member is elected for a period of three years. A retiring member is eligible for immediate re-election. It can have extra members also but these members cannot have the right to vote. It must meet at least twice a year and decisions are taken by ordinary majority. It elects its own President.

Its main function is to solve the economic and social problem of the people.

  • It initiates studies and makes report about international economic, social, educational, health and cultural matters to the General Assembly and other specialized agencies.
  • It sets up commissions in economic and social fields for the promotion of human rights.
  • It calls international conferences on matters under its jurisdiction.
  • It makes recommendations for the purpose of promoting respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedom of all.
  • It helps the nations in their development plans.
  • It may take appropriate steps to obtain regular reports from the specialised agencies.

4. International Court of Justice:
It is the judicial organ of the United Nations. It decides the disputes among different member-States of the U.N. It has 15 judges, and they are elected by the General Assembly and the Security Council, voting independently. Those candidates who obtain an absolute majority of votes in the General Assembly and in the Security Council are considered as elected. The judges are elected for nine years.

After every 3 years, 1/3rd of the judges retire but they can be re-elected. Its meetings are held at the Hague and decisions are taken by a majority vote of the judges present. The Court elects its President and Vice-president for three years. Except for judicial vacations, the Court is permanently in session. A quorum of nine judges is required to constitute the Court. French and English are the official languages of the Court.


  • It decides disputes among different States. Any State can refer its case to the court for decision.
  • It hears and decides disputes on the basis of International Law. United Nations Charter, international treaties and international customs and traditions.
  • The General Assembly can ask for legal advice on any issue from the International Court of Justice.
  • Its decisions are only in the form of advice and no member is bound to act according to the decision given by it. The Security Council gets its decisions enforced

5. Trusteeship Council:
It consists of members from States which administer Trust territories and such of the five permanent members of the Security Council as do not administer any trust territory. But it has also to include some other representations in such a way that the total becomes equally divided between the trust administering members and the non-trust administering members. All these extra members are to be elected by the General Assembly for a period of 3 years. The Trusteeship Council meets twice a year, generally in January and June. At its summer session each year it elects its President and a Vice-president to preside over its meetings. All the decisions are made by a majority of the members present and voting. Each member of the Trusteeship Council possesses one vote.


  • The council is to see that trust territories are administered and ultimately get responsible government or independence according to the wishes of the masses.
  • It also considers reports which have been submitted by the administering authority.
  • It further examines petitions and visits the respective trust territories in order to promote world peace.
  • It makes efforts for the promotion of moral, social and economic welfare of the trust territories.
  • It formulates a questionnaire on the political, economic, social and educational advancement of the inhabitants of each trust territory.

6. Secretariat:
A Secretariat has been established for working out the administration of the various organs of the U.N. It functions under the Supervision and direction of a Secretary General. He is appointed for a period of five years. The General Assembly appoints the Secretary General on the recommendations of the Security Council. Secretary General can be re-elected. He is the Chief Administrative Officer of the United Nations. Antonio Guterres of Portugal is the present Secretary General. The international staff is required by him under the rules and regulations laid down by the General Assembly.

The Secretariat is located at the Headquarters of the U.N. in New York. It has branch offices at Geneva, Vienna and Nairobi.

  • The Secretariat maintains the records of the proceeding of the various organs of the U.N.. It collects information and materials needed by them and conducts correspondence with States on behalf of the U.N.
  • It calls the meeting of the various organs of the U.N.
  • It enforces the decisions taken by various organs of the U.N.
  • It prepares the annual report of each organ of the U.N. and presents it to the General Assembly.
  • It brings to the notice of Security Council any matter which in its opinion may threaten the international peace and security.
  • It produces statistical publication, information bulletins and analytical work in accordance with the decisions of the General Assembly.
  • It organises conferences, expert group meetings, seminars on topics of concern to the international community.
  • It is to run the working of the U.N. smoothly and efficiently.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 15 India and United Nations

Question 2.
Describe India’s role in the United Nations.
Describe the role of India in United Nations Organisation (U.N.O.).
India has been a member of the U.N.O from the very beginning. She is among those countries which signed the U.N. Charter first of all. As India is a peace- loving country so its policies are very much in tune with the policies of the U.N.O. After the attainment of Independence, India took a keen interest in the activities of the U.N.O. She co-operated with the U.N.O. in all its activities. She helped the U.N.O. in its aim of maintaining world peace. India also became the member of the specialised agencies of U.N.O. and helped in its co-operative efforts. Whenever the U.N.O. was faced with a problem, India extended her full support for solving it. India performed the following functions for helping the U.N.O. in the fulfilment of its objects:

1. Policy of Neutrality:
India had adopted the policy of neutrality in international affairs. India is always anxious for maintaining friendly relations with all countries of the world. Today the entire world is divided into two blocs and each bloc is opposed to the other. This division of the – world into two blocs is a hindrance in the fulfilment of the objectives of the U.N.O. It increases the chances of war and decreases the chances of co- 1 operative efforts on the part of member countries. India has kept itself aloof from these power-blocs and has always stood for the policy of neutrality. India has also made efforts to bridge the gap in these two power-blocs and has done its best in reducing the tension between them.

2. Panchsheel:
India had propagated the principles of Panchsheel for the maintenance of world peace. By following the principles of Panchsheel the chances of war are much reduced and all the countries of the world live in co-operation with one another. The principles of Panchsheel have been accepted by Asian, African and many European countries. It has helped a great deal in the maintenance of world peace. The maintenance of world peace is one of the main aims of the U.N.O.

3. Peaceful solution of her disputes with other countries:
India has always tried to find out a peaceful solution of her disputes with other countries.
Just after the attainment of Independence, India had a dispute with Pakistan over the Kashmir issue, and the dispute was referred to the U.N.O. by India.
In 1962, China attacked India and we put in our best to solve the problem peacefully. In 1965, India was attacked by Pakistan, but it accepted the cease-fire and respected the resolution on cease-fire of Security Council of the U.N.O. Whatever differences we have with other countries, we are always: desirous of solving them peacefully.

4. Co-operation in ending wars in other countries:
India has always; co-operated with U.N.O. in ending wars in other countries. It helped in bringing to an end the civil war in Korea. India had a hand in the maintenance of peace in Laos and Indo-China. India was given the responsibility of defending the ceasefire line in Korea. Indian representative headed the Commission appointed for the maintenance of peace in Indo-China. India helped U.N. to the maximum in ending the civil war in the Congo. India was substantially associated with the conversion of the United Nations Operation in the Congo from a non-military to a military force.

India was:also appointed a member of the Advisory Committee on the Congo. India; made every possible effort to bring the dispute between England and Egypt over Suez Canal to an end. Speaking in the debate on the question of Cyprus in the General Assembly on May 11, 1983, India called for the withdrawal of foreign military forces from Cyprus and appealed to both parties to resume the inter-community talks. India declared, Cyprus cannot be divided or partitioned The identity and integrity of this island republic must be preserved at all costs.” Thus whenever world peace is threatened, India takes a keen interest in solving the issues peacefully.

5. Help in the freedom of dependent countries:
India has always helped the dependent countries in the attainment of freedom. India helped Indonesia -in the attainment of freedom. Whenever any country started the movement for attaining independence, India always supported the cause.

6. Anti-Colonialism:
India stood for anti-colonialism. India is for stepping up fight against Colonialism. Speaking during a General Assembly debate on decolonisation on Nov. 23, 1982, India called for combating colonialism and its new manifestations like Namibia and Palestine with renewed vigour. On April 8, 1987, India asked the U.N. Security Council not to ‘shy away’ from its responsibility in getting Namibia freed from its illegal occupation bySouth Africa against whom it demanded comprehensive mandatory sanctions.

7. Criticism of Injustice-rand Aggression. Whenever any country committed aggression against any other country or did injustice to any other country, India always raised its voice against the aggressor. It criticised the aggressive designs of powerful nations. When Russia attacked Hungary; Britain and

France attacked Egypt and Britain attacked Cyprus, India criticised their actions without any hesitation. India condemned South Africa’s unprovoked and wanton aggression against Lesotho and acts of subversion and aggression against Angola. On Dec. 13, 1982 India called for the total isolation of South Africa to compel it to end its illegal occupation of Namibia as well as its terrorist activities against other countries in the region. India has always supported a measure on its merits and has always sided with truth. It had adopted the policy of neutrality.

8. Support of Disarmament:
India has also supported disarmament for lessening the possibility of wars. India is against the policy of performing nuclear experiments. In principle, India has stood for general and complete disarmament within the framework of the United Nations.
Addressing the General Assembly, Mr. Rajiv Gandhi, Prime Minister of India, asked nuclear powers to eliminate all nuclear weapons by the year 2010.

India proposed a Comprehensive Global Security System that would ensure “peaceful co-existence for a new, just, equitable and democratic world order.” On January 14, 1993 India signed along with other countries the Chemical Weapons Ban Treaty. After India conducted nuclear tests in May, 1998 United States and other countries urged India to sign CTBT (Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty) unconditionally. But India reiterated its stand that since the treaties are discriminatory, they are not acceptable to the nation without any change.

9. Admission of New States:
India tried her best for the admission of Communist China and Bangla Desh into the United Nations.

10. Against Racial Discrimination:
India has always spoken fearlessly against the racial discrimination to which the ‘Coloured people’ (as in South Africa) are being subjected by the ‘White’ ruling class. India was the first country to impose comprehensive voluntary sanctions against the apartheid regime of South Africa in 1946. India urged the United Nations to treat the problem of racial discrimination as a threat to international peace and security and carry out the responsibility enjoined by the Charter. Consequently, the United Nations adopted a number of resolutions calling upon the government of South Africa to end racial discrimination. In this way India has become the friend of the black people.

11. Protection of Human Rights:
India is a great supporter of human rights. India has always made great efforts that U.N. should adopt proper measures to safeguards the human rights.

12. India in Space Committee of U.N. India is a member of space committee of U.N. India has always made efforts that space should be used for world peace.

13. Restructuring the U.N. Security Council:
India has raised the question of restructuring the Security Council. Addressing the General Assembly on Sept. 26,1998 Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee proposed induction of fresh blood in the Security Council so as to make it more representative of the membership of the United Nations. The Prime Minister made a passionate plea that some developing countries should be made permanent members at par with the present members. Mr. Vajpayee also put India’s claims for a permanent seat in the Security Council.

The Secretary-General expressed appreciation of India’s role in furthering the efforts of the non-aligned movement for peace, security and development. Thus India has played a significant role in U.N.O.’s peace keeping role.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 15 India and United Nations

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What do you mean by United Nations?
When did India become the member of the U.N.O.?
United Nations Organisation is an international organisation which was established after Second World War on October 24,1945. India is the founder member of this organisation. The United Nations represents the second major effort in the twentieth century to achieve the goal of a better world through a general international organisation of the states. U.N.O. is an association of states and its primary objective is maintenance of international peace and security. At present 193 States are the members of the United Nations.

Question 2.
Write the main objectives of United Nations.
Write the main objects of U.N.O. (United Nations Organisation.)
The aims and purposes of the United Nations as laid down in Article 1 of the Charter are as follow:

  1. To maintain international peace and security.
  2. To develop friendly relations among nations.
  3. To achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural and humanitarian character and to promote respect for human rights and humanitarian freedoms.
  4. To promote and encourage respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without any distinction of race, sex, language or region.

Question 3.
What role has India played in the United Nations in the maintenance of world peace?
What role has India played in maintaining the world peace?
The main aim of the United Nations is maintenance of international peace and security. India is a peace-loving country and India has played a very important role in the United Nations in maintaining world peace. India has given its full co¬operation to U.N. to settle international disputes such as:
1. Korean problems:
In 1950 North Korea attacked South Korea. India supported the resolution of the U.N. by which North Korea was declared the aggressor. To stop war U.N. sent forces of sixteen countries and India also participated. ,

2. Indo-China problems. Indian representatives headed the Commission appointed for the maintenance of peace in Indo-China.

3. Congo and Gaza crises. India helped U.N. to the maximum in ending theCivil War in Congo. India was substantially associated with the conversion of the United Nations’ operation in Congo from a non-military to a military force. Lt. General P. S. Gyani from India was the commander of the U.N. forces in Gaza.

4. Iran-Iraq War. India played a very important role in ending Iran-Iraq war.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 15 India and United Nations

Question 4.
What do you mean by United Nations? Write its main organs.
When was United Nations formed? Write the names of its organs.
Meaning of United Nation:
United Nations Organisation is an international organisation which was established after Second World War on October 24,1945. India is the founder member of this organisation. The United Nations represents the second major effort in the twentieth century to achieve the goal of a better world through a general international organisation of the states. U.N.O. is an association of states and its primary objective is maintenance of international peace and security. At present 193 States are the members of the United Nations.

Main organs of United Nations:
There are six organs of U.N-

  1. General Assembly
  2. Security Council
  3. The Economic and Social Council
  4. International Court of Justice
  5. Trusteeship Council
  6. The Secretariat.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 15 India and United Nations

Question 5.
What are the major organs of the United Nations?
Write down names of the four organs of United Nations.
There are six organs of the United Nations. The brief description of these organs is given below:
1. General Assembly:
General Assembly is the biggest organ of the U.N. and it consists of all the members of the U.N. At present 193 states are the members of the General Assembly. Mainly General Assembly is the deliberative body and it also approves the annual budget of the United Nations.

2. Security Council:
Security Council is mainly responsible for the maintenance of international peace and security. The Security Council is the executive body of the United Nations. At present it consists of fifteen members. Five big powers (England, U.S.A., France, Russia, China) are the permanent members of the Security Council and ten are the temporary members elected by the General Assembly for a period of two years.

3. Economic and Social Council:
Economic and Social Council consists of 54 members and they are elected by the General Assembly for a period of three years. This Council is mainly responsible for solving economic and social problems of the world.

4. Trusteeship Council:
Trusteeship Council is responsible for supervising the administration of trust territories. The Trusteeship Council consists of an equal number of administering and non-administering powers.

5. International Court of Justice:
It consists of fifteen judges who are elected by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Security Council for nine years. International Court of Justice decides the cases between the states.

6. Secretariat:
Secretariat comprises a Secretary General and such staff as the organisation may require. Secretary General is the Chief Administrative Officer of the Secretariat.

Question 6.
Write the names of five countries having veto power in U.N.O.
Write down the names of four permanent members of the Security Council of United Nations.
The Security Council of the U.N. consists of 15 members, five of which are permanent. The permanent members are- England, France, U.S.A., Russia and People’s Republic of China. Ten members are non-permanent or temporary. These non-permanent members are elected by the General Assembly for a period of two years. The permanent members of the Security Council enjoy the power of Veto. Veto power is a special power of permanent members by which they can affect the decisions of the Security Council.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 15 India and United Nations

Question 7.
Enumerate three main organs of the U.N which are considered to be as Legislature, Executive and Judiciary of the U.N.
1. General Assembly:
General Assembly is the largest organ of the U.N. It can also be called world parliament, world panchayat or the legislature of the U.N. The General Assembly consists of all the members of U.N. All the deliberative functions are performed by it.

2. Security Council:
Security Council is the executive body of the U.N. consisting of 15 members, of which 5 members are permanent and 10 members are temporary. No decision can take place without the consensus of the Security Council.

3. It considers and approves the budget of U.N.O.

4. International Court of Justice:
It is the Judicial organ or the Judiciary of the U.N. It decides the disputes among different member-states of the U.N. It has 15 Judges.

Question 8.
Mention the main functions of the General Assembly.
The General Assembly performs the following functions:

  • The General Assembly can deal with all matters within the scope of the U.N. Charter.
  • It considers and approves the budget of U.N.O.
  • The General Assembly can call the attention of the Security Council to such situations which may endanger world peace.
  • It is empowered to make suggestions for promoting international co-operation in economic, social, cultural and health fields.

Question 9.
Write the names of five countries having Veto Power in United Nations.

  1. U.S.A.
  2. Russia,
  3. China,
  4. England
  5. France.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 15 India and United Nations

Question 10.
Write important specialised Agencies of United Nations.

  • World Health Organisation (W.H.O)
  • International Labour Organisation (I.LO)
  • Food and Agriculture Organisation (F.A.O).

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What do you mean by United Nations?
United Nations Organisation is an international organisation which was established after Second World War on October 24, 1945. India is the founder member of this organisation. U.N.O. is an association of states and its primary objective is maintenance of international peace and security. At present 193 States are the members of the United Nations.

Question 2.
Write two objectives of United Nations.
The aims and purposes of the United Nations as laid down in Article 1 of the Charter are as follow:—
1. To maintain international peace and security.
2. To develop friendly relations among nations.

Question 3.
Write down the names of the principal organs of the United Nations.
There are six organs of U.N.

  1. General Assembly
  2. Security Council
  3. The Economic and Social Council
  4. International Court of Justice
  5. Trusteeship Council
  6. The Secretariat.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 15 India and United Nations

Question 4.
Write the names of five countries having veto power in U.N.O.
The Security Council of the U.N. consists of 15 members, five of which are permanent. The permanent members are-England, France, U.S.A., Russia and People’s Republic of China.

Question 5.
Mention two functions of the General Assembly.
The General Assembly performs the following functions:

  • The General Assembly can deal with all matters within the scope of the U.N. Charter.
  • The General Assembly can call the attention of the Security Council to such situations which may endanger world peace.

Question 6.
When was United Nations Organisation formed? What is the number of its founder member countries?
United Nations organisation was formed on 24th October, 1945. The number of its founder member countries was 51. India is the founder member of this organisation.

Question 7.
Write down the names of four specialised agencies of the U.N.O.

  2. World Health Organization (W.H.O.)
  3. International Labour Organization (I.L.O.)
  4. Food and Agriculture Organization (F.A.O.)

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 15 India and United Nations

Question 8.
Write two organs of U.N.O. which are called respectively legislature and executive.

  1. Legislature – General Assembly.
  2. Executive – Security Council.

One Line Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Why was U.N.O. established?
The United Nations Organisation was established to stop wars in the world and to promote international peace and security.

Question 2.
Give any one basic principle of the United Nations.
A basic principle of the United Nations is to establish the United Nations on the basis of equity of nations.

Question 3.
Write down any one objective of establishing the United Nations.
The main objective of the United Nations Organisation is to maintain international peace and security.

Question 4.
Write one important specialised Agency of the United Nations.
International Labour Organisation (I.L.O.).

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 15 India and United Nations

Question 5.
Write names of two organs of the United Nations.
Write two main organs of the United Nations.

  • General Assembly
  • Security Council.

Question 6.
When was the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights adopted?
The U.N. Declaration of Human Rights was adopted on 10 December, 1948.

Question 7.
When was United Nations founded?
When was United Nations established?
United Nations was established on 24 October, 1945.

Question 8.
How are the temporary members of the Security Council elected? Answer: The temporary members of the Security Council are elected by the General Assembly.

Question 9.
Who is the present Secretary General of the United Nations Organisation?
The present Secretary General of the United Nations is Shri Antonio Guterres.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 15 India and United Nations

Question 10.
When did India become member of the United Nations?
India became member of the U.N.O. in 1945.

Fill in The Blanks

1. India is a founder member of ……………………..  .

2. U.N.O. was established in ……………………..  .

3. The U.N.O. has …………………….. principal organs.

4. Security Council of …………………….. U.N.O consists of members.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 15 India and United Nations

True Or False Statement

1. U.N.O was established after Second World War.

2. All members of the U.N.O are sovereign state.

3. The U.N.O has 10 principal organs.

4. Kofi Annan is a General Secretary of U.N.O.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 15 India and United Nations

Choose The Correct Answer

Question 1.
India became the member of U.N.O. in:
(a) 1945
(b) 1947
(c) 1950
(d) 1960.
(a) 1945

Question 2.
The number of nations which gathered at San Francisco to formulate U.N. Charter was:
(a) 51
(b) 49
(c) 50
(d) 52
(a) 51

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 15 India and United Nations

Question 3.
Who was the first Woman President of the U.N. General Assembly?
(a) Sarojini Naidu
(b) Aruna Asaf Ali
(c) Vijay Luxmi Pandit
(d) Raj Kumari Amrit Kaur.
(c) Vijay Luxmi Pandit

Question 4.
Which one of the following is not a permanent member of U.N. Security Council?
(a) Russia
(b) India
(c) China
(d) France.
(b) India

Question 5.
How many organs has U.N.O.?
(a) 5
(b) 6
(c) 7
(d) 8
(b) 6

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 14 Foreign Policy of India-Determinants and Basic Principles

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class Political Science Book Solutions Chapter 14 Foreign Policy of India-Determinants and Basic Principles Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 Political Science Chapter 14 Foreign Policy of India-Determinants and Basic Principles

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Explain the various determinants of India’s Foreign Policy.
What do you mean by foreign Policy? Explain the main factors that determine India’s Foreign Policy.
Meaning of Foreign Policy. Foreign policy is the set of principles and means adopted by a nation for defining, justifying and securing the objectives of national interests. According to Dr. Mohinder Kumar, “Foreign Policy is a thought out course of action for achieving objectives in foreign relations as dictated by the ideology of national interest.”
Norman Hill defines foreign policy “As the substance of Nation’s efforts to promote its interests vis-a-vis other nations.”

Factors determining India’s Foreign Policy:
A number of factors influence the foreign policy of a nation. India had to formulate its foreign policy after attaining freedom in 1947. The Directive Principles of State Policy have been described in the Constitution of free India and they are to be followed. Following are the principles related to foreign policy:
1. To contribute to international peace and security.

2. To establish just and respectable relations with various nations.

3. To create the feeling of devotion and trust in the nation for international laws and treaties.

4. To encourage the settlement of international disputes by arbitration. Indian leaders, even before attaining independence, started thinking about the principles which the Government of India would follow in its foreign policy after independence. Congress, in 1925, expounded the following four principles with regard to foreign policy:

  • To oppose imperialistic and colonialistic Governments.
  • To support people’s struggle for freedom and equality.
  • To establish world-peace and to develop hatred for wars.
  • To remain aloof from foreign groupism.

Free India has adopted that foreign policy which is based on national interest. Various factors given below have contributed in determining this policy:
1. Geographical Factors:
The geographical factors have contributed a lot in determining India’s foreign policy. India has enormous coastal dimensions- its length is about 3,500 miles. Any country dominating Indian Ocean can easily overpower Indian trade and can pose danger to India politically. The Britishers could rule over India by their sea-power only. So, strong naval forces are required for the security of India and efforts are being directed in this direction. But Indian naval forces will take a long time to be at par with the English, American and Russian naval forces. That is why India has friendly relations with Great Britain.

India shares its boundaries with Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bangla Desh and Myanmar. Some of the provinces of Kashmir State, though under Pakistan at present, have common boundaries with Afghanistan and Russia. China is situated in the north of India. The Himalayas are situated between India and China and they have performed the role of a watchman in the ancient and middle ages. Now the situation has undergone a change because of scientific inventions and production of war weapons. But Chinese aggression in 1962 disillusioned India. India had always tried to improve its relations with Communist China. Besides, India has followed the policy of non¬alignment to avoid strained relations with China.

The Communist and Western Blocs in international politics have tried to maintain friendly relations with India. India’s geographical situation is in the middle of Indian Ocean. It is equally connected with West Asia and South East Asia by sea route. It is not far from China and Russia situated in North. So under these circumstances, it is not safe for India to join either of the two Blocs. India’s policy of non-alignment, in fact is the result of these geographical factors.

2. Historical Background:
Every nation’s foreign policy is under the impact of its historical background. India’s foreign policy, too, is not devoid of this effect. India remained under the British rule for two hundred years and as a result it has more contacts with Great Britain as compared to other nations. After the Second World War and because of changed circumstances, the British themselves ended their rule. Both the countries are friendly with each other even today because of this background.

Historical background has played important role in Indo-Pak relations. Kashmir problem has not been solved so far because Pakistan claims its right over the majority of Muslims whereas Kashmir is an inseparable part of India. The welfare of both the nations lies in the policy of co-operation from geographical point of view, but their historical background embitters their relations.

India’s exploitation and slavery because of imperialism has influenced its foreign policy and how its main principle is to oppose imperialism and colonialism.

3. Economic Factors:
The economic factors of a developing country play a major role in shaping the foreign policy of a nation. Economic considerations influence the foreign policy of even advanced nations like the U.S.A., the Russia, Britain, France etc. India depends on advanced countries for scientific and technological assistance. India has trade links mainly with England and United States of America. India imports machinery and foodstuffs mainly from these countries. Enough of the capital of America and Britain has been invested in Indian factories. India’s foreign policy is favourably inclined towards western capitalistic states. India, during the last few years, has increased its trade relations with Russia also. As Pt. Jawahar Lai Nehru once remarked, “The foreign policy of a country is the outcome of her economic policy.”

(i) Population:
Population, too, affects foreign policy. The progress of a nation can be slack because of its over-population as it has to get assistance from other nations also. A big nation having over-population is weaker than a small nation with less population. We have to depend upon foreign countries for food-stuffs because of growing population. According to Morgenthau, “India’s foreign policy has weakened because of food crisis.”

The return of immigrants from South-East Africa, Sri Lanka, South East Asia and other countries added to India’s population problem which influences India’s foreign policy. The population of immigrants in India is less in proportion to its total population but their number is large in the countries accepting them. Because of this, various problems have arisen between natives and Indian immigrants.

(ii) Natural Resources:
The foreign policy of a nation is undoubtedly, affected by its natural resources. These natural resources play an important role in developing the industry and trade of that nation. America and Russia, because of their abundant natural resources, are self-dependent economically and possess huge military power. These natural resources hold an important place in India’s independent foreign policy.

The proper use of natural resources depends upon other co-factors such as capital, labour, organisation, new social set-up and values. Japan progressed sufficiently even in the absence of these factors and raw-material whereas Myanmar, with all these facilities, didn’t make a headway. The availability of natural resources for a long time properly influences the foreign policy of a nation.

(iii) Technology:
Every nation in the beginning has to depend upon foreign assistance or technology for economic development. For example America depended upon foreign monetary help or technology and Japan took assistance from other countries to strengthen itself. Similarly, Russia depended on foreign help to be an industrial nation. Russian capital made China prosperous after 1949. So India’s dependence on other countries for economic and industrial progress is not surprising but with the economic and industrial development, dependence on other countries lessened. India’s foreign policy will certainly be influenced by capitalistic and technologically prosperous countries as it becomes self-sufficient.

4. National Interest:
National interest has played a remarkable role in formulating foreign policy. On 4th Dec. 1947 while addressing Constituent Assembly, Pt. Nehru said, “Whatever policy you may lay down, the art of conducting the foreign affairs of a country lies in finding out what is most advantageous to the country. We talk about international goodwill and mean what we say but in the ultimate analysis, a Government functions for the good of the country; it governs and no Government dares to do anything which is disadvantageous to the country.
Therefore, whether a country is Imperialist or Socialist or Communist, its foreign minister thinks primarily in the interest of that country.”

Pt. Nehru based India’s foreign policy on non-alignment and establishment of world-peace and paved a way for economic and industrial development. Had India got involved in one of the two power Blocs, it wouldn’t have enjoyed economic help. Thus the policy of non-alignment was adopted, keeping in view the national interests.

India preferred to remain a member of Commonwealth of Nations for national advantage. For the safety of India’s sea boundaries and economic and trade development, it was essential to have relations with British Commonwealth. India, for national interest, indulged in certain activities which can’t be appreciated.

5. Impact of Ideology:
All ideology of a country leaves its deep impact on its foreign policy. The Congress, during national movement, presented various ideologies before the world in international spheres. Congress always favoured world peace, peaceful co-existence and strongly opposed imperialism and colonialism. Congress, on assuming office, had to formulate a foreign policy based on these ideals. Congress was under the impact of Gandhian ideals and principles and so India’s foreign policy was bound to be affected by Gandhism. India’s sympathies for Communist countries are attributed to the influence of Marxism. Pt. Nehru, the maker of India’s foreign policy, was under the impact of western democratic traditions. He liked the qualities of Western democracy and Communism and preferred to avoid their evils. So the policy of non-alignment was adopted.

6. National Struggle:
India’s national movement contributed a lot in the making of its foreign policy.

  • Indians were determined not to make national movement a pawn in the hands of great powers.
  • An awakening was created to play an important role in international politics inspite of remaining a non-aligned state.
  • People were encouraged to oppose colonialism, socialism and colour discriminations
  • People got inspired to participate in freedom struggle.

7. Personal Factors:
The foreign policy of India has been influenced by the individual trait of its great leaders. Pt. Nehru’s ideology has sufficiently affected India’s foreign policy. He was deadly against imperialism, colonialism, fascism and supported peaceful way of solving problems. He favoured friendly co-operation and peaceful co-existence but at the same time he supported the use of power against injustice.

Besides Pt. Nehru, the ideology of Dr. Radhakrishnan, Krishna Menon, Pannikar etc. left its impact on India’s foreign policy in relation with Chinese, in the beginning, was influenced by Pannikar’s personality. So India couldn’t properly judge the nature of its relations with China. As a result of the false reports given by Pannikar, India’s ambassador to China, Pt. Nehru remained in illusion and India faced defeat in Chinese aggression. But the events of 1962 gave realistic touch to India’s foreign policy. The basic as well as practical elements lying in India’s foreign policy were preserved during the regime of late Prime Ministers Shri Lai Bahadur Shastri, Mrs. Indira Gandhi, Mr. Rajiv Gandhi, P.V. Narasimha Rao, Mr. Atal Bihari Vajapyee and at present by Sh. Narinder Modi.

8. Promotion of World Peace:
One of the basic determinants of Indian Foreign policy is world peace. India has always formulated its foreign policy to promote world peace.

9. Principle of Non-alignment:
Principle of non-alignment has played a very important role in formulating foreign policy. India itself is a non-aligned country and so its foreign policy is also based on non-alignment.

Love for peace, toleration, friendly behaviour, co-operation, co- existence are the very pillars of our foreign policy even today but they are based on realism and practicality. Mere slogans for peace are futile-a strong nation with immense military force and capability are essential to give a true meaning to these slogAnswer: India is not interested in aggression and expansion, rather it needs strong military base for self-protection.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 14 Foreign Policy of India-Determinants and Basic Principles

Question 2.
Describe main basic principles of the Foreign Policy of India.
Write down any six features of India’s Foreign Policy. Explain.
What do you mean by ‘Foreign Policy’? Write any four features of Indian Foreign Policy.
What do you mean by ‘Foreign Policy’? Discuss the principles of ‘Non-Alignment’ and ‘Panchsheel’ under Indian Foreign Policy.
Meaning of Foreign Policy:
Foreign policy is the set of principles and means adopted by a nation for defining, justifying and securing the objectives of national interests. According to Dr. Mohinder Kumar, “Foreign Policy is a thought out course of action for achieving objectives in foreign relations as dictated by the ideology of national interest.”
Norman Hill defines foreign policy “As the substance of Nation’s efforts to promote its interests vis-a-vis other nations.”

Factors determining India’s Foreign Policy:
A number of factors influence the foreign policy of a nation. India had to formulate its foreign policy after attaining freedom in 1947. The Directive Principles of State Policy have been described in the Constitution of free India and they are to be followed. Following are the principles related to foreign policy:
1. To contribute to international peace and security.

2. To establish just and respectable relations with various nations.

3. To create the feeling of devotion and trust in the nation for international laws and treaties.

4. To encourage the settlement of international disputes by arbitration. Indian leaders, even before attaining independence, started thinking about the principles which the Government of India would follow in its foreign policy after independence. Congress, in 1925, expounded the following four principles with regard to foreign policy:

  • To oppose imperialistic and colonialistic Governments.
  • To support people’s struggle for freedom and equality.
  • To establish world-peace and to develop hatred for wars.
  • To remain aloof from foreign groupism.

Free India has adopted that foreign policy which is based on national interest. Various factors given below have contributed in determining this policy:
1. Geographical Factors:
The geographical factors have contributed a lot in determining India’s foreign policy. India has enormous coastal dimensions- its length is about 3,500 miles. Any country dominating Indian Ocean can easily overpower Indian trade and can pose danger to India politically. The Britishers could rule over India by their sea-power only. So, strong naval forces are required for the security of India and efforts are being directed in this direction. But Indian naval forces will take a long time to be at par with the English, American and Russian naval forces. That is why India has friendly relations with Great Britain.

India shares its boundaries with Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bangla Desh and Myanmar. Some of the provinces of Kashmir State, though under Pakistan at present, have common boundaries with Afghanistan and Russia. China is situated in the north of India. The Himalayas are situated between India and China and they have performed the role of a watchman in the ancient and middle ages. Now the situation has undergone a change because of scientific inventions and production of war weapons. But Chinese aggression in 1962 disillusioned India. India had always tried to improve its relations with Communist China. Besides, India has followed the policy of non¬alignment to avoid strained relations with China.

The Communist and Western Blocs in international politics have tried to maintain friendly relations with India. India’s geographical situation is in the middle of Indian Ocean. It is equally connected with West Asia and South East Asia by sea route. It is not far from China and Russia situated in North. So under these circumstances, it is not safe for India to join either of the two Blocs. India’s policy of non-alignment, in fact is the result of these geographical factors.

2. Historical Background:
Every nation’s foreign policy is under the impact of its historical background. India’s foreign policy, too, is not devoid of this effect. India remained under the British rule for two hundred years and as a result it has more contacts with Great Britain as compared to other nations. After the Second World War and because of changed circumstances, the British themselves ended their rule. Both the countries are friendly with each other even today because of this background.

Historical background has played important role in Indo-Pak relations. Kashmir problem has not been solved so far because Pakistan claims its right over the majority of Muslims whereas Kashmir is an inseparable part of India. The welfare of both the nations lies in the policy of co-operation from geographical point of view, but their historical background embitters their relations.

India’s exploitation and slavery because of imperialism has influenced its foreign policy and how its main principle is to oppose imperialism and colonialism.

3. Economic Factors:
The economic factors of a developing country play a major role in shaping the foreign policy of a nation. Economic considerations influence the foreign policy of even advanced nations like the U.S.A., the Russia, Britain, France etc. India depends on advanced countries for scientific and technological assistance. India has trade links mainly with England and United States of America. India imports machinery and foodstuffs mainly from these countries. Enough of the capital of America and Britain has been invested in Indian factories. India’s foreign policy is favourably inclined towards western capitalistic states. India, during the last few years, has increased its trade relations with Russia also. As Pt. Jawahar Lai Nehru once remarked, “The foreign policy of a country is the outcome of her economic policy.”

(i) Population:
Population, too, affects foreign policy. The progress of a nation can be slack because of its over-population as it has to get assistance from other nations also. A big nation having over-population is weaker than a small nation with less population. We have to depend upon foreign countries for food-stuffs because of growing population. According to Morgenthau, “India’s foreign policy has weakened because of food crisis.”

The return of immigrants from South-East Africa, Sri Lanka, South East Asia and other countries added to India’s population problem which influences India’s foreign policy. The population of immigrants in India is less in proportion to its total population but their number is large in the countries accepting them. Because of this, various problems have arisen between natives and Indian immigrants.

(ii) Natural Resources:
The foreign policy of a nation is undoubtedly, affected by its natural resources. These natural resources play an important role in developing the industry and trade of that nation. America and Russia, because of their abundant natural resources, are self-dependent economically and possess huge military power. These natural resources hold an important place in India’s independent foreign policy.

The proper use of natural resources depends upon other co-factors such as capital, labour, organisation, new social set-up and values. Japan progressed sufficiently even in the absence of these factors and raw-material whereas Myanmar, with all these facilities, didn’t make a headway. The availability of natural resources for a long time properly influences the foreign policy of a nation.

(iii) Technology:
Every nation in the beginning has to depend upon foreign assistance or technology for economic development. For example America depended upon foreign monetary help or technology and Japan took assistance from other countries to strengthen itself. Similarly, Russia depended on foreign help to be an industrial nation. Russian capital made China prosperous after 1949. So India’s dependence on other countries for economic and industrial progress is not surprising but with the economic and industrial development, dependence on other countries lessened. India’s foreign policy will certainly be influenced by capitalistic and technologically prosperous countries as it becomes self-sufficient.

4. National Interest:
National interest has played a remarkable role in formulating foreign policy. On 4th Dec. 1947 while addressing Constituent Assembly, Pt. Nehru said, “Whatever policy you may lay down, the art of conducting the foreign affairs of a country lies in finding out what is most advantageous to the country. We talk about international goodwill and mean what we say but in the ultimate analysis, a Government functions for the good of the country; it governs and no Government dares to do anything which is disadvantageous to the country.
Therefore, whether a country is Imperialist or Socialist or Communist, its foreign minister thinks primarily in the interest of that country.”

Pt. Nehru based India’s foreign policy on non-alignment and establishment of world-peace and paved a way for economic and industrial development. Had India got involved in one of the two power Blocs, it wouldn’t have enjoyed economic help. Thus the policy of non-alignment was adopted, keeping in view the national interests.

India preferred to remain a member of Commonwealth of Nations for national advantage. For the safety of India’s sea boundaries and economic and trade development, it was essential to have relations with British Commonwealth. India, for national interest, indulged in certain activities which can’t be appreciated.

5. Impact of Ideology:
All ideology of a country leaves its deep impact on its foreign policy. The Congress, during national movement, presented various ideologies before the world in international spheres. Congress always favoured world peace, peaceful co-existence and strongly opposed imperialism and colonialism. Congress, on assuming office, had to formulate a foreign policy based on these ideals. Congress was under the impact of Gandhian ideals and principles and so India’s foreign policy was bound to be affected by Gandhism. India’s sympathies for Communist countries are attributed to the influence of Marxism. Pt. Nehru, the maker of India’s foreign policy, was under the impact of western democratic traditions. He liked the qualities of Western democracy and Communism and preferred to avoid their evils. So the policy of non-alignment was adopted.

6. National Struggle:
India’s national movement contributed a lot in the making of its foreign policy.

  • Indians were determined not to make national movement a pawn in the hands of great powers.
  • An awakening was created to play an important role in international politics inspite of remaining a non-aligned state.
  • People were encouraged to oppose colonialism, socialism and colour discriminations
  • People got inspired to participate in freedom struggle.

7. Personal Factors:
The foreign policy of India has been influenced by the individual trait of its great leaders. Pt. Nehru’s ideology has sufficiently affected India’s foreign policy. He was deadly against imperialism, colonialism, fascism and supported peaceful way of solving problems. He favoured friendly co-operation and peaceful co-existence but at the same time he supported the use of power against injustice.

Besides Pt. Nehru, the ideology of Dr. Radhakrishnan, Krishna Menon, Pannikar etc. left its impact on India’s foreign policy in relation with Chinese, in the beginning, was influenced by Pannikar’s personality. So India couldn’t properly judge the nature of its relations with China. As a result of the false reports given by Pannikar, India’s ambassador to China, Pt. Nehru remained in illusion and India faced defeat in Chinese aggression. But the events of 1962 gave realistic touch to India’s foreign policy. The basic as well as practical elements lying in India’s foreign policy were preserved during the regime of late Prime Ministers Shri Lai Bahadur Shastri, Mrs. Indira Gandhi, Mr. Rajiv Gandhi, P.V. Narasimha Rao, Mr. Atal Bihari Vajapyee and at present by Sh. Narinder Modi.

8. Promotion of World Peace:
One of the basic determinants of Indian Foreign policy is world peace. India has always formulated its foreign policy to promote world peace.

9. Principle of Non-alignment:
Principle of non-alignment has played a very important role in formulating foreign policy. India itself is a non-aligned country and so its foreign policy is also based on non-alignment.

Love for peace, toleration, friendly behaviour, co-operation, co- existence are the very pillars of our foreign policy even today but they are based on realism and practicality. Mere slogans for peace are futile-a strong nation with immense military force and capability are essential to give a true meaning to these slogAnswer: India is not interested in aggression and expansion, rather it needs strong military base for self-protection.

The basic elements of India’s foreign’s policy today are the same what they were previously. The only difference is that idealism was emphasised more in the age of Nehru whereas realism got the upper hand in Shastri-era. But a fine combination of idealism in India’s foreign policy was witnessed under the leadership of Mrs. Gandhi. Shri Morarji Desai, too, preferred to combine idealism and realism in India’s foreign policy. Also under the able leadership Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee, and at present Sh. Narender Modi, the same old principles are being emphasised.

Following are the features of India’s foreign policy:

1. The policy of non-alignment.
2. Opposition to imperialists and colonialists.
3. Opposition to the policy of caste, colour and discriminations etc.
4. Friendly relations with other States.
5. Unity of Afro-Asian countries to strengthen mutual economic and political relations.
6. Importance of the principles of United Nations,
7. India is not neutral in International Politics.
8. Panchsheel.
9. National consensus.

1. Non-Alignment:
The main characteristic of India’s foreign policy is non¬alignment. India itself is a non-aligned country and so its foreign policy is also based on non-alignment. In fact India was the first country which initiated the policy of non-alignment which was adopted by most of the countries of Asia and Africa which attained indepedence in the post World- War II period. Pt. Nehru said-as far as possible, we don’t want to associate with power groups which caused two World Wars which can take place in future also. India signed a friendship treaty with Russia in 1971 to make its relations all the more friendly. For this agreement, the critics started condemning India’s foreign policy.

Non-alignment doesn’t mean that India can’t have friendly relations with other countries. The Janata Government, after assuming office in 1977, stressed the policy of real non-alignment. Non alignment is still the best policy for India and in recognition of this fact there is no intention in official or non-official circles to deviate from it. Late Mrs. Gandhi’s foreign policy was truly based on non-alignment. Former Prime Ministers-Rajiv Gandhi, P.V. Narsimha Rao, H.D. Deve Gowda, I. K. Gujral, Atal Bihari Vajpayee followed the principles of non-alignment. At present Sh. Narender Modi is also following the policy of non-alignment.

2. Opposition to Imperialists and Colonialists:
Since India itself remained a victim of British imperialism it has always opposed imperialism and colonalism. India regards imperialism to be injurious to world peace as it leads to war. So Indian leaders by visiting other countries and delivering speeches in U.N. have tried to liberate slave countries from the clutches of imperialistic countries. India has always supported the national movements in the slave countries. Whenever imperialism tried to dominate, India strongly opposed it. When Holland, after the Second World-War, tried to overpower Indonesia, India protested against it.

When England and France attacked Egypt to capture Suez Canal in 1956, India sided with Egypt. In the same way India strived to liberate countries like Malaya, Algeria, Congo and Morocco. India strongly protested against United States of America when it tried to overpower Cuba.

3. Opposition to the policy of caste, colour, discrimination etc. Another basic principle of India’s foreign policy is that it has always raised its voice against the policy of caste and colour discriminations. India has always favoured the abolition of caste system and it has tried to remove caste- ridden policies from the world also. India has consistently raised the question of the treatment of the people of Indian origin in the Union of South Africa and severely condemned the policy of racial segregation followed by the government of South Africa. India also took up the cause of Negroes in United States and non-white population in Rhodesia.

4. Friendly relations with other States:
India is always ready to have friendly relations with other States of the world. India not only improved its friendly ties with Asian countries but with other countries of the world also.

5. Unification of Afro-Asian countries:
India tries to unify Asian and African countries to strengthen economic and political relations. India believes that these countries can unitedly oppose colonialism and create an atmosphere for the freedom of other Asian and African countries. The imperialistic and developed countries believe that Afro-Asian countries will depend upon them for economic and technical help and thus they will dominate them. But the united Afro-Asian countries can successfully face this challenge and safeguard their freedom.

6. Importance to the principles of United Nations:
Much importance has been attached to the principles of United Nations in India’s foreign policy. India has always strived to establish world peace by stopping wars. India has full faith in the capacity of the United Nations to settle the disputes. It was precisely out of this faith that India took the issue of Kashmir to the United Nations. India also extended full support to the United Nations in implementation of its decision by providing military and other personnel. During the Congolese conflict, India made available a large number of contingents to preserve peace in the region.

7. India is not neutral in international politics:
Non-alignment is the very basis of the India’s foreign policy but it doesn’t stand for India’s non¬participation in international politics. Since India has not joined any group, it adopts the policy of rational judgement. In the words of Pt. Nehru-“We can’t and won’t remain neutral when freedom is in danger, justice is challenged or invasion is in progress.”

India is partial neither to Russia nor to America. That is why India, like other non-aligned countries, blamed Soviet Union when Korean war took place and also held America responsible in Vietnam war.

8. Panchsheel:
Panchsheel is another important contribution of India to international politics. The principles became popular when an agreement on the issue of Tibet took place between India and China. Five principles were evolved to maintain friendly ties between the States. These five principles called ‘Panchsheel’ are as given below:

1. The nations should respect each other’s territorial unity and sovereignty.
2. No nation should attack another nation.
3. No nation should interfere in the internal affairs of another nation.
4. All the countries should have peaceful and harmonious co-existence. All the non-aligned countries, including India, participated in

Bandung conference in 1955 and India added five more points to the principles of Panchsheel:
1. To respect fundamental human rights.
2. To protect one’s self alone or collectively, India will retaliate against the attack of another country but won’t initiate war. India heroically faced Chinese attack in 1962 and fought bravely against Pakistan in 1965 and 1971.
3. All the agreements and treaties on the international level will be signed by India independently.
4. India will indulge in secret agreements for its own welfare.
5. India will peacefully settle disputes with different nations.

9. National Consensus:
India’s foreign policy is based on a national consensus. The consensus does not necessarily mean complete indentity of views on all matters but foreign policy issues have seldom been controversial during elections. This has been the case since the days of Jawaharlal Nehru, the prime builder to non-alignment. There have been no wide swings or radical changes in India’s foreign policy, though there has been a shift in emphasis, for instance, on close ties with the U.S.A. or Moscow.

The foreign policy of India under Rajiv Gandhi was based on the basic principles enunciated by Nehru and followed by Shasrti and Mrs. Gandhi. United Front government also followed the same basic principles. Present government is also following the same basic principles.

10. Faith in Disarmament:
India has full faith in disarmament. It means reduction or destruction of armament. India considers race for armaments as a grave threat to the world peace. For the realisation of this end, India has pleaded for disarmament within and outside the United Nations.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 14 Foreign Policy of India-Determinants and Basic Principles

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is meant by Foreign Policy?
Foreign policy is the set of principles and means adopted by a nation for defining, justifying and securing the objectives of national interests. According to Dr. Mohinder Kumar, “Foreign Policy is a thought out course of action for achieving objectives in foreign relations as dictated by the ideology of national interest.” Norman Hill defines foreign policy as: “It is the substance of Nation’s efforts to promote its interests vis-a-vis- other nations.”

Question 2.
What is ‘Panchsheel’? Write the principles of Indian Panchsheel.
What do you mean by Panchsheel?
Panchsheel is another important contribution of India to international politics. The principles became popular when an agreement on the issue of Tibet took place between India and China. Five principles were evolved to maintain friendly ties between the two States. These five principles called ‘Panchsheel’ are as given below:

  • Mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.
  • Non-aggression.
  • Non-intervention in each other’s domestic affairs.
  • Mutual benefit and equality.
  • Peaceful co-existeqce.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 14 Foreign Policy of India-Determinants and Basic Principles

Question 3.
Describe any four determinants of India’s Foreign Policy.
1. Geographical Factors:
The geographical factors have contributed a lot in determining India’s foreign policy. India shares its boundaries with Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bangla Desh and Myanmar. That is why India has always tried to maintain friendly relations with her neighbouring countries.

2. Economic Factors:
Economic factors have largely influenced the Indian policy. Population, national resources, technology etc. have played a remarkable role in determining foreign policy of India.

3. National Interest:
National interest has played a remarkable role in formulating foreign policy. The policy of non-alignment was adopted keeping in view the national interests. India preferred to remain a member of Commonwealth of Nations for national advantage.

4. Promotion of World Peace:
One of the basic determinants of Indian Foreign Policy is world peace. India has always formulated its foreign policy to promote World Peace.

Question 4.
What is the meaning of Non-Alignment?
What do you understand by Non-Alignment?
Pt. Nehru, the architect of India’s foreign policy, adopted non-alignment as its base. Following are the meanings derived from the policy of non-alignment.

  • India has not joined any bloc nor will it join any group.
  • The policy of non-alignment is an independent policy.
  • Non-alignment is a policy of peacefulness.
  • Non-alignment does not stand for isolationism.
  • Non-alignment does not mean neutrality in international affairs. Our policy is that there should be active efforts for world peace and it should be given a firm foundation.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 14 Foreign Policy of India-Determinants and Basic Principles

Question 5.
What is the role of geographical factors in determining the Indian foreign policy?
Explain the geographical determinant of the Indian Foreign Policy.
The geographical factor has played a very significant role in determining India’s foreign policy. India has enormous coastal dimensions-its length is about 3,500 miles. Strong naval forces are required for the security of India and efforts are being made in this direction. India has friendly relations with Great Britain. India shares its boundaries with Pakistan, China, Nepal and Burma (Myanmar). The Himalayas, situated between India and China, have performed the role of a watchman in the ancient and middle ages. India has always tried to improve its relations with Communist China, Pakistan, Bangla Desh, Nepal etc.

Question 6.
Explain the constitutional provisions with regard to India’s Foreign Policy.
Article 51 of Chapter IV of the Indian Constitution lays down certain principles which are the bases of Indian Foreign Policy. Following are the constitutional bases of the Indian Foreign Policy-

  • To promote international peace and security.
  • To establish just and respectable relations with various nations.
  • To foster respect for international law and treaty obligations in the dealings of organised people with one another.
  • To encourage the settlement of international disputes by arbitration.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 14 Foreign Policy of India-Determinants and Basic Principles

Question 7.
What is meant by statement that India is opposed to Colonialism and Racialism?
1. India has always opposed imperialism and colonialism. India regards colonialism to be injurious to world peace as it leads to war. India has always supported the national movement in the slave countries. India strived to liberate countries like Malaya, Algeria, Congo, Morocco etc.

2. India has always raised voice against the policy of caste, colour and discrimination. India has always condmned the policy of racial discrimination followed by South Africa on every platform. India has opposed the discrimination against the Negroes in America.

Question 8.
What is Indian Nuclear Policy?
India has stood for general and complete disarmament within the framework of the United Nations. Addressing the General Assembly, Mr. Rajiv Gandhi, Prime Minister, asked nuclear powers to eliminate all nuclear weapons by the year 2010. India is the sixth country in the world enjoying atomic power by having undertaken a successful experiment in 1974. There are four atomic power centres working in India. But this power is being utilised for peaceful and creative purpose and not for making atomic bomb.

After India conducted nuclear tests in May, 1998 United States and other countries urged India to sign CTBT (Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty) unconditionally. But India reiterated its stand that since the treaty is discriminatory, they are not acceptable to the nation without any change.

Question 9.
Write any four characteristics of Indian Foreign Policy.
Write any three basic principles of India’s Foreign Policy.
1. Non-Alignment:
Non-alignment is the basic principle of India’s foreign policy. In fact, India was the first country which initiated the policy of non-alignment which was adopted by most of the countries of Asia and Africa which attained independence in the post world war-II period.

2. Opposition to the policy of Caste, Colour and Discrimination etc. Another basic principle of India’s foreign policy is that it has always raised voice against the policy of caste, colour and discrimination.

3. Opposition to Imperialism:
India has always opposed imperialism and colonialism. India regards imperialism to be injurious to world peace as it leads to war.

4. Faith in United Nations: India is a founding member of the United Nations and has full faith in the aims and principles of the United Nations.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 14 Foreign Policy of India-Determinants and Basic Principles

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is meant by Foreign Policy?
Foreign policy is the set of principles and means adopted by a nation for defining, justifying and securing the objectives of national interests. According to Dr. Mohinder Kumar, “Foreign Policy is a thought out course of action for achieving objectives in foreign relations as dictated by the ideology of national interest.”

Question 2.
Write down the principles of Panchsheel.
Following are the five principles of Panchsheel:

  • Mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.
  • Non-aggression.
  • Non-intervention in another’s domestic affairs.
  • Mutual benefit and equality.
  • Peaceful co-existence.

Question 3.
Mention any two determinants of India’s Foreign Policy.

  1. Geographical Factors: The geographical factors have contributed a lot in determining India’s foreign policy.
  2. Economic Factors: Economic factors have largely influenced the Indian policy. Population, national resources, technology etc. have played a remarkable role in determining foreign policy.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 14 Foreign Policy of India-Determinants and Basic Principles

Question 4.
What is the meaning of Non-Alignment?
Pt. Nehru, the architect of India’s foreign policy, adopted non-alignment as its base. Following are the meanings derived from the policy of non-alignment.

  • India has not joined any bloc nor will it join any group.
  • The policy of non-alignment is an independent policy

Question 5.
What is meant by statement that India is opposed to Colonialism and Racialism?
1. India has always opposed imperialism and colonialism. India regards colonialism to be injurious to world peace as it leads to war. India has always supported the national movement in the slave countries. India strived to libterate countries like Malaya, Algeria, Congo, Morocco etc.

2. India has always raised voice against the policy of caste, colour and discrimination. India has always condmned the policy of racial discrimination followed by South Africa on every platform. India has opposed the discrimination against the Negroes in America.

Question 6.
Write any two characteristics of Indian Foreign Policy.

  • Non-Alignment. Non-alignment is the basic principle of India’s foreign policy.
  • Opposition to the policy of Caste, Colour and Discrimination etc.

Another basic principle of India’s foreign policy is that it has always raised voice against the policy of caste, colour and discrimination.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 14 Foreign Policy of India-Determinants and Basic Principles

One Line Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What do you mean by Foreign policy?
Foreign policy is a group of those rules and principles through which a country establishes its relations with the other country.

Question 2.
In which Articles of the Indian Constitution the principles of foreign policy have been mentioned?
In Art. 51 of the Directive Principles, the principles of foreign policy have been mentioned.

Question 3.
What are the main basic principles of the Indian foreign policy?

  • Non-alignment
  • Protection of National Interests
  • Opposition to the policy of Apartheid.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 14 Foreign Policy of India-Determinants and Basic Principles

Question 4.
Who was the main architect of Indian Foreign Policy?
Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru was the main architect of Indian foreign policy.

Question 5.
Mention the main feature of Indian Foreign Policy.
The main feature of India’s foreign policy is Non-alignment.

Question 6.
What do you mean by Non-alignment?
Non-alignment means not to join any group and to have free domestic and foreign policy. It means that India is free and has not joined any group.

Question 7.
Write down any two determining factors of India’s foreign policy.

  • Geographical position of India.
  • History of Indian struggle for freedom.

Question 8.
What is the meaning of Panch-Sheel?
Panch-Sheel is the group of those five principles which were mentioned in the Preamble of an Agreement between India and China in 1954.

Question 9.
Mention any one element of Panch-Sheel.

  • To honour territorial integrity and sovereignty of each other.
  • Peaceful co-existence.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 14 Foreign Policy of India-Determinants and Basic Principles

Question 10.
Write down any two objectives of the foreign policy of India.

  • To defend the territorial integrity.
  • To maintain and encourage international peace and security.

Question 11.
Mention any two principles of India regarding establishment of relations with other countries of the world.

  • To promote international peace and security.
  • To establish honourable and peaceful relations among nations of the world.

Fill in The Blanks

1. India became independent in …………………………  .

2. ………………………… is main important policy of Indian foreign policy.
Non-aligned Movement

3. Baidung conference was held in …………………………  .

4. India made its first Nuclear test in …………………………

5. So far ………………………… summits have been completed of Non-aligned movement.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 14 Foreign Policy of India-Determinants and Basic Principles

True Or False Statement

1. India is a peaceful country.

2. India is an imperialist state.

3. Economic factor effects the Indian foreign policy.

4. Non-aligned Movement is a main feature of Indian foreign policy.

5. India is a supporter of Panchsheel.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 14 Foreign Policy of India-Determinants and Basic Principles

Choose The Correct Answer

Question 1.
The principles of Panchsheel were first propounded at international level between:
(a) India and China
(b) India and Pakistan
(c) India and Sri Lanka
(d) India and Japan.
(a) India and China

Question 2.
‘The foreign policy of a country is the outcome of her economic policy.’ This remark was made by:
(a) Indira Gandhi
(b) Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) Morarji Desai
(d) Charan Singh.
(b) Jawaharlal Nehru

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 14 Foreign Policy of India-Determinants and Basic Principles

Question 3.
Main principles of Indian Foreign Policy are:
(a) NAM
(b) Opposition to imperialism
(c) Support to UNO
(d) All of the above.
(d) All of the above.

Question 4.
Which out of the following is not the feature of Indian Foreign Policy?
(a) Faith in the aims of UNO
(b) Support for disarmament
(c) Support for colour discrimination
(d) Non-Alignment.
(c) Support for colour discrimination

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 National Integration

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class Political Science Book Solutions Chapter 13 National Integration Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 Political Science Chapter 13 National Integration

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Define National Integration. Write suggestions to solve the problems of National Integration in India.
Define National Integration. Explain the difficulties faced in way of National Integration.
Explain three obstacles in the way of National Integration and also give any three suggestions to maintain National Integration in India.
National Integration is our basic need. It means national unity or combining all the people of the nation into a single whole. It is a particular sentiment that binds together all people in one common bond. National integration refers to social and political integration within a nation-state. National integration is identifiable by the psychological or attitudinal criterion of an individual’s sense of belonging to his or her own nation. National integration includes nation-building and state-building.

A psychological and educational process……… involving the development of a feeling of unity, solidarity and cohesion, in the hearts of people, a sense of common citizenship (destiny) and a feeling of loyalty to the nation.

National Integration promotes political stability. It is essential to preserve our hard won independence. This problem has assumed new dimensions due to disruptive and divisive forces of communalism and linguism which are raising their ugly head in different parts of the country.

Today India is free but it is like a house divided against its own self. Instead of national integration or unity there is national disintegration. Anti-social and anti-national forces are gaining ground. Prof. R. Bhaskaran rightly observes that we feel the dire need of national integration as there is every fear that clashes can occur here in India due to casteism, communalism, linguism and provincialism. These are the expressions of narrow outlook and activities of the citizens and groups who pursue personal interests above national interests. Though the Indian government has strived to solve the problem of national integration, yet it exists even today.

Hindrances in The Way of National Integration:
There are innumerable hindrances in the way of National Integration owing to linguistic fanaticism, regionalism, separatist tendencies and communalism. Some of these obstacles are as under:
1. Language:
India is a multi-lingual nation. According to the population statistics collected in 1961, 1018 languages are spoken in India and 26 are prominent. They are Hindi, Punjabi, Assamese, Gujarati, Marathi, Bengali, Urdu, English, Tamil, Sindhi, etc. The states were reorganised in 1956 on the lingual basis to promote national integration. But it too, couldn’t solve the problem. Clashes took place in Mumbai over Gujarati and Marathi languages resulting in the division of Mumbai into two parts—Maharashtra and Gujarat in 1960.

Punjab was reconstituted in 1966 on lingual basis, resulting in the formation of Haryana. There is wide-spread grouping in India on the language issue and people are averse to consider this problem open-mindedly, so much so that even now there is no consensus about the national language and though the Constitution has made Hindi the official language, it has been opposed by the southern states in general and by Tamil Nadu in particular.

2. Communalism:
Communalism poses a strong challenge to National Integration. India was partitioned because of Hindu-Muslim communalism and these communal disputes are recurrent even in free India. Communal riots many a time took place in Ranchi, Jabalpur, Indore, Ahmedabad, Aligarh, Muradabad, Jammu & Kashmir. No part of the country is free from communal disturbances. In some parts of the country, religious places are being used for political purposes which is most unfortunate. The communal feelings totally mar the feeling of national unity and hinder the path of National Integration.

3. Casteism:
Casteism is another obstruction in the way of National Integration. Dr. Radhakrishnan, the then Vice-President of India, expressed his view in this context while addressing the first National Integration Conference. He opined that casteism is to be eliminated as a social evil, but it has emerged as a political and administrative evil. Casteism is being staked to win elections and absorb more people in jobs. Shri Jai Prakash Narayan once commented— casteism is the most prominent political party in India. Casteism has crept even into administrative fields.

4. Regionalism:
Regionalism poses another threat to National Integration. Regionalism is largely an outcome of economic and political reasons. The regions which are backward economically launch agitations for their economic development. Even political parties resort to regionalism to strengthen their stand. Akali Dal in Punjab, D.M.K. and Anna D.M.K. in Tamil Nadu, Telgu Desam in Andhra Pardesh —all depended upon regionalism to make themselves strong.

5. Poverty:
Poverty is the greatest hindrance in the way of National Integration. Indian society is replete with poverty. The poor are frustrated to see another class of society being prosperous and so the desperate politicans exploit it to satisfy their political ambitions.

6. Unacceptability of the basic values of the Constitution:
All the political parties do not accept the basic values of the Constitution. The communist and communal parties primarily are opposed to the basic values of Constitution.

7. Lack of Education:Majority of the people in India are illiterate and so the leaders with vested interests easily lead the common people to the path of agitation. Selfish political leaders play with the sentiments of innocent people in the name of religion, caste, language and provincialism to grind, their own axe.

8. Failure of Socialism:
According to Prof. Govind Ram Verma, failure of socialism has all the more complicated problem of National Integration. Had socialism succeeded, all would have enjoyed its fruit. But now unemployment, backwardness, poverty, economic inequality discourage emotional integration creating various political problems.

9. Corruption:
Indian Administration is the very embodiment of corruption which hinders National Integration. People have lost faith in Administration and an atmosphere of chaos and misrule prevails. Such disruptive tendencies severely challenge National Integration.

10. Government’s Policy:
The Government’s policy is considered to be another obstacle in the process of National Integration. The government has miserably failed in curbing disintegrating forces. The Congress leaders have raised voices against casteism, regionalism, communalism from time to time, but it has promoted regionalism and casteism in practice.

11. Sons of the Soil Theory:
Sons of the Soil theory is a serious threat to National Integration. This theory has practically nullified the concept of single Indian citizenship, thereby shaking the very foundation of India’s national unity.

12. Role of Political Parties:
The role of some of the political parties in the process of national integration has been disintegrative and negative. Regional Political Parties have spread the virus of communalism and casteism in the country and thereby they have weakened the process of national integration.

Methods to Remove Hindrances in the way of National Integration:
It is imperative to eliminate all obstacles to achieve National Integration. Here are some of the steps to get rid of these stumbling blocks.

1. Economic Development:
The country should be economically developed to bring about national integration. The possibilities of National Integration can be enhanced by overcoming unemployment, economic inequality, poverty and by properly sharing economic benefits.

2. Reforms in Political Atmosphere:
The political atmosphere in the country should be improved to effect National Integration. The people of different communities, castes and regions lack mutual faith and the same should be inculcated to improve political atmosphere in the country. It will ultimately help in achieving National Integration.

3. Proper Educational System:
Proper Educational System is as vital step to bring about National Integration. The country should have a uniform educational pattern aimed at inculcating the spirit of nationalism among the students who are the future citizens. The teachers in the educational institutions should be nationalists to the backbone.

4. Secularism should be real:
India has been declared a secular state in the Constitution, but it should be put into practice as well. People should be made to develop religious tolerance for other religions.

5. To remove corruption:
The administration should be cleansed of every type of corruption to achieve national integration.

6. Cultural Exchange:
Cultural programmes should be arranged among the people of different communities speaking diverse languages to create national integration.

7. Contribution of Political Parties:
Political parties can significantly contribute to bring about national integration. Political parties should not provoke religious, lingual and regional feelings of the masses for their vested interests, rather they should build a healthy public opinion for national integration.

8. Change in the policies of Government:
The central government must change its policies to create a suitable atmosphere for national integration. The government should give up its discriminatory policies. It should accept the genuine demands of the people without providing an opportunity to launch agitations or movements.

9. Restrictions on Communal Organisations:
Communal organisations should be put under strict control to achieve National Integration. The masses, too, should be enlightened about the propriety of the restrictions imposed upon communal organisations.

Steps taken to achieve National Integration:
The efforts which have been made so far for the achievement of National Integration can be classified under three heads:
1. Legislations passed by the Government.
2. Steps taken by Government and formal organisations.
3. Work done by informal organisations.

1. Legislations passed by the Government:
The government passed two legislations in 1961 to restrict communal propaganda. Any propaganda spreading hatred and enmity among people of different communities was declared a cognizable offence through these legislations. Moreover, there is a provision in the law that if a man is punished under this law, he forefeits his claim to contest elections and to franchise. In 1963, 16th amendment was affected to ensure the unity and sovereignty of the country.

2. Steps taken by Governmental and formal organisations:
A National Integration Conference was held at New Delhi from 28th Sept, to 1st Oct. 1961. The leaders of the political parties, prominent educationists, writers and scientists were invited to participate in it. This conference was of the view that political parties promoted communalism, casteism and regionalism and so they needed a set code of conduct. It contains following points:

(i) No political party should resort to a propaganda creating tension among the communities believing in different religions and speaking different languages.

(ii) The political parties should not launch any movement pertaining to communal, regional and lingual problems.

(iii) Political parties should not disrupt the meeting and exhibitions organised by other parties.

(iv) Political power should not be utilised to fulfil intra-party ends.

(v) The Government shouldn’t impose undesirable restrictions upon the freedom of citizens so that political parties may be able to work freely. The conference formed a National Integration Council consisting of Prime Minister, Home Minister, Chief Ministers of States, seven leaders of political parties, Chairman of University Grants Commission, two educationists, a nominee of scheduled castes and backward classes and seven persons nominated by the Prime Minister.

The Council had to chalk out a code of conduct for the masses, Press and students had to consider the complaints of the minority classes. On 20th June, 1968 the council held its meeting in Srinagar and condemned all tendencies which harm national integration. Communal riots occurred at Ahmedabad in 1969 and at Bhiwandi in May, 1970. The National Integration Council prepared a programme for mass- movement to end communalism. In 1970 the All India Committee of the ruling Congress passed a resolution suggesting that semi-militant and Communal organisations like R.S.S. and Jammait-Islam had no palce in secular society.

In June, 1975, Mrs. Gandhi after declaring internal emergency formed two committees to consider the problem of National Integration. One committee was headed by Brahma Nand Reddy and the second by Prof. Nurul Husan. A meeting was held at Delhi on 28th Nov. 1976, under the chairmanship of Mr. Reddy and seven-point programme was prepared for National Integration. In 1980 National Integration Council was revived. In June, 1987 a meeting of the Committee of National Integration Council was held and it condemned communal and anti-national forces.

Mr. V.P. Singh became Prime Minister on 2nd Dec. 1989. He called meeting of the National Integration Council which at its first meeting in April, 1990 adopted a five-point resolution affirming the resolve of the people to meet the challenges facing the country’s unity, integrity and its secular democratic polity in a united and determined manner.

Reorganisation of National Integration Council 1991. In Oct. 1991 Prime Minister Narsimha Rao reorganised National Integration Council and its members were increased. A meeting of the reconstituted National Integration Council was held on 2nd Nov., 1991 and discussion took place on the methods to maintain communal harmony. In this meeting general consensus was that Babri Masjid should not be touched and Ram Mandir should be built.

Meeting of the Standing Committee of the National Integration Council. On 22nd Oct. 1993 a meeting of the Standing committee of the National Integration Council was held and it supported the actions taken by the government to maintain communal harmony and peace. Reorganisation of National Integration Council-2010. On April, 12, 2010 Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh reorganised National Integration Council. Total members of its organisation is 147. Meeting of National Integration Council was held in Sept. 2013. In this meeting, the Council criticised the communal riots.

3. Work done by informal organisations:
Two informal organisations are prominent
1. Insani Biradri and
2. All India anti-communal committee.
‘Insani Biradri’ was established in 1970. Shri Jai Prakash Narayan was nominated its President and Sheikh Abdullah its Vice-President. But this organisation proved ineffective as it could not define communal organisations. All India Anti-communal Committee was headed by Smt. Subhadra Joshi. This organisation believes that combined forces of communalism are responsible for communal riots and Rashtriya Sawayam Sevak Sangh is prominent of them all.

The sixth conference of this committee was held at Delhi in 1974 and it suggested to put legal restrictions on communal organisations. It is of the view that the representatives of a communal organisation hke Muslim League shouldn’t be given any place in National Integration Council and every effort should be made to secularise educational system.

Thus the way of National Integration is blocked with innumerable hurdles which must be eliminated. It is imperative to develop emotional integration among the diverse communities having diverse languages, religions and diverse customs. So National Integration is necessary because unity is strength. Indians should transcend their petty differences and make Mother India happy, prosperous and united. Let the unity in diversity, the main feature of Indian society, be strengthened for all the times to come.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 National Integration

Question 2.
Discuss the various methods of national integration. What are the four aspects of national integeration?
Various methods of National Integration:
National Integration is our basic need. It means national unity or combining all the people of the nation into a single whole. It is a particular sentiment that binds together all people in one common bond. National integration refers to social and political integration within a nation-state. National integration is identifiable by the psychological or attitudinal criterion of an individual’s sense of belonging to his or her own nation. National integration includes nation-building and state-building.

A psychological and educational process……. involving the development of a feeling of unity, solidarity and cohesion, in the hearts of people, a sense of common citizenship (destiny) and a feeling of loyalty to the nation.

National Integration promotes political stability. It is essential to preserve our hard won independence. This problem has assumed new dimensions due to disruptive and divisive forces of communalism and linguism which are raising their ugly head in different parts of the country.

Today India is free but it is like a house divided against its own self. Instead of national integration or unity there is national disintegration. Anti-social and anti-national forces are gaining ground. Prof. R. Bhaskaran rightly observes that we feel the dire need of national integration as there is every fear that clashes can occur here in India due to casteism, communalism, linguism and provincialism. These are the expressions of narrow outlook and activities of the citizens and groups who pursue personal interests above national interests. Though the Indian government has strived to solve the problem of national integration, yet it exists even today.

Hindrances in The Way of National Integration:
There are innumerable hindrances in the way of National Integration owing to linguistic fanaticism, regionalism, separatist tendencies and communalism. Some of these obstacles are as under:
1. Language:
India is a multi-lingual nation. According to the population statistics collected in 1961, 1018 languages are spoken in India and 26 are prominent. They are Hindi, Punjabi, Assamese, Gujarati, Marathi, Bengali, Urdu, English, Tamil, Sindhi, etc. The states were reorganised in 1956 on the lingual basis to promote national integration. But it too, couldn’t solve the problem. Clashes took place in Mumbai over Gujarati and Marathi languages resulting in the division of Mumbai into two parts Maharashtra and Gujarat in 1960.

Punjab was reconstituted in 1966 on lingual basis, resulting in the formation of Haryana. There is wide-spread grouping in India on the language issue and people are averse to consider this problem open-mindedly, so much so that even now there is no consensus about the national language and though the Constitution has made Hindi the official language, it has been opposed by the southern states in general and by Tamil Nadu in particular.

2. Communalism:
Communalism poses a strong challenge to National Integration. India was partitioned because of Hindu-Muslim communalism and these communal disputes are recurrent even in free India. Communal riots many a time took place in Ranchi, Jabalpur, Indore, Ahmedabad, Aligarh, Muradabad, Jammu & Kashmir. No part of the country is free from communal disturbances. In some parts of the country, religious places are being used for political purposes which is most unfortunate. The communal feelings totally mar the feeling of national unity and hinder the path of National Integration.

3. Casteism:
Casteism is another obstruction in the way of National Integration. Dr. Radhakrishnan, the then Vice-President of India, expressed his view in this context while addressing the first National Integration Conference. He opined that casteism is to be eliminated as a social evil, but it has emerged as a political and administrative evil. Casteism is being staked to win elections and absorb more people in jobs. Shri Jai Prakash Narayan once commented— casteism is the most prominent political party in India. Casteism has crept even into administrative fields.

4. Regionalism:
Regionalism poses another threat to National Integration. Regionalism is largely an outcome of economic and political reasons. The regions which are backward economically launch agitations for their economic development. Even political parties resort to regionalism to strengthen their stand. Akali Dal in Punjab, D.M.K. and Anna D.M.K. in Tamil Nadu, Telgu Desam in Andhra Pardesh —all depended upon regionalism to make themselves strong.

5. Poverty:
Poverty is the greatest hindrance in the way of National Integration. Indian society is replete with poverty. The poor are frustrated to see another class of society being prosperous and so the desperate politicans exploit it to satisfy their political ambitions.

6. Unacceptability of the basic values of the Constitution:
All the political parties do not accept the basic values of the Constitution. The communist and communal parties primarily are opposed to the basic values of Constitution.

7. Lack of Education:Majority of the people in India are illiterate and so the leaders with vested interests easily lead the common people to the path of agitation. Selfish political leaders play with the sentiments of innocent people in the name of religion, caste, language and provincialism to grind, their own axe.

8. Failure of Socialism:
According to Prof. Govind Ram Verma, failure of socialism has all the more complicated problem of National Integration. Had socialism succeeded, all would have enjoyed its fruit. But now unemployment, backwardness, poverty, economic inequality discourage emotional integration creating various political problems.

9. Corruption:
Indian Administration is the very embodiment of corruption which hinders National Integration. People have lost faith in Administration and an atmosphere of chaos and misrule prevails. Such disruptive tendencies severely challenge National Integration.

10. Government’s Policy:
The Government’s policy is considered to be another obstacle in the process of National Integration. The government has miserably failed in curbing disintegrating forces. The Congress leaders have raised voices against casteism, regionalism, communalism from time to time, but it has promoted regionalism and casteism in practice.

11. Sons of the Soil Theory:
Sons of the Soil theory is a serious threat to National Integration. This theory has practically nullified the concept of single Indian citizenship, thereby shaking the very foundation of India’s national unity.

12. Role of Political Parties:
The role of some of the political parties in the process of national integration has been disintegrative and negative. Regional Political Parties have spread the virus of communalism and casteism in the country and thereby they have weakened the process of national integration.

Methods to Remove Hindrances in the way of National Integration:
It is imperative to eliminate all obstacles to achieve National Integration. Here are some of the steps to get rid of these stumbling blocks.

1. Economic Development:
The country should be economically developed to bring about national integration. The possibilities of National Integration can be enhanced by overcoming unemployment, economic inequality, poverty and by properly sharing economic benefits.

2. Reforms in Political Atmosphere:
The political atmosphere in the country should be improved to effect National Integration. The people of different communities, castes and regions lack mutual faith and the same should be inculcated to improve political atmosphere in the country. It will ultimately help in achieving National Integration.

3. Proper Educational System:
Proper Educational System is as vital step to bring about National Integration. The country should have a uniform educational pattern aimed at inculcating the spirit of nationalism among the students who are the future citizens. The teachers in the educational institutions should be nationalists to the backbone.

4. Secularism should be real:
India has been declared a secular state in the Constitution, but it should be put into practice as well. People should be made to develop religious tolerance for other religions.

5. To remove corruption:
The administration should be cleansed of every type of corruption to achieve national integration.

6. Cultural Exchange:
Cultural programmes should be arranged among the people of different communities speaking diverse languages to create national integration.

7. Contribution of Political Parties:
Political parties can significantly contribute to bring about national integration. Political parties should not provoke religious, lingual and regional feelings of the masses for their vested interests, rather they should build a healthy public opinion for national integration.

8. Change in the policies of Government:
The central government must change its policies to create a suitable atmosphere for national integration. The government should give up its discriminatory policies. It should accept the genuine demands of the people without providing an opportunity to launch agitations or movements.

9. Restrictions on Communal Organisations:
Communal organisations should be put under strict control to achieve National Integration. The masses, too, should be enlightened about the propriety of the restrictions imposed upon communal organisations.

Steps taken to achieve National Integration:
The efforts which have been made so far for the achievement of National Integration can be classified under three heads:
1. Legislations passed by the Government.
2. Steps taken by Government and formal organisations.
3. Work done by informal organisations.

1. Legislations passed by the Government:
The government passed two legislations in 1961 to restrict communal propaganda. Any propaganda spreading hatred and enmity among people of different communities was declared a cognizable offence through these legislations. Moreover, there is a provision in the law that if a man is punished under this law, he forefeits his claim to contest elections and to franchise. In 1963, 16th amendment was affected to ensure the unity and sovereignty of the country.

2. Steps taken by Governmental and formal organisations:
A National Integration Conference was held at New Delhi from 28th Sept, to 1st Oct. 1961. The leaders of the political parties, prominent educationists, writers and scientists were invited to participate in it. This conference was of the view that political parties promoted communalism, casteism and regionalism and so they needed a set code of conduct. It contains following points:

(i) No political party should resort to a propaganda creating tension among the communities believing in different religions and speaking different languages.

(ii) The political parties should not launch any movement pertaining to communal, regional and lingual problems.

(iii) Political parties should not disrupt the meeting and exhibitions organised by other parties.

(iv) Political power should not be utilised to fulfil intra-party ends.

(v) The Government shouldn’t impose undesirable restrictions upon the freedom of citizens so that political parties may be able to work freely. The conference formed a National Integration Council consisting of Prime Minister, Home Minister, Chief Ministers of States, seven leaders of political parties, Chairman of University Grants Commission, two educationists, a nominee of scheduled castes and backward classes and seven persons nominated by the Prime Minister.

The Council had to chalk out a code of conduct for the masses, Press and students had to consider the complaints of the minority classes. On 20th June, 1968 the council held its meeting in Srinagar and condemned all tendencies which harm national integration. Communal riots occurred at Ahmedabad in 1969 and at Bhiwandi in May, 1970. The National Integration Council prepared a programme for mass- movement to end communalism. In 1970 the All India Committee of the ruling Congress passed a resolution suggesting that semi-militant and Communal organisations like R.S.S. and Jammait-Islam had no palce in secular society.

In June, 1975, Mrs. Gandhi after declaring internal emergency formed two committees to consider the problem of National Integration. One committee was headed by Brahma Nand Reddy and the second by Prof. Nurul Husan. A meeting was held at Delhi on 28th Nov. 1976, under the chairmanship of Mr. Reddy and seven-point programme was prepared for National Integration. In 1980 National Integration Council was revived. In June, 1987 a meeting of the Committee of National Integration Council was held and it condemned communal and anti-national forces.

Mr. V.P. Singh became Prime Minister on 2nd Dec. 1989. He called meeting of the National Integration Council which at its first meeting in April, 1990 adopted a five-point resolution affirming the resolve of the people to meet the challenges facing the country’s unity, integrity and its secular democratic polity in a united and determined manner.

Reorganisation of National Integration Council 1991. In Oct. 1991 Prime Minister Narsimha Rao reorganised National Integration Council and its members were increased. A meeting of the reconstituted National Integration Council was held on 2nd Nov., 1991 and discussion took place on the methods to maintain communal harmony. In this meeting general consensus was that Babri Masjid should not be touched and Ram Mandir should be built.

Meeting of the Standing Committee of the National Integration Council. On 22nd Oct. 1993 a meeting of the Standing committee of the National Integration Council was held and it supported the actions taken by the government to maintain communal harmony and peace. Reorganisation of National Integration Council-2010. On April, 12, 2010 Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh reorganised National Integration Council. Total members of its organisation is 147. Meeting of National Integration Council was held in Sept. 2013. In this meeting, the Council criticised the communal riots.

3. Work done by informal organisations:
Two informal organisations are prominent
1. Insani Biradri and
2. All India anti-communal committee.
‘Insani Biradri’ was established in 1970. Shri Jai Prakash Narayan was nominated its President and Sheikh Abdullah its Vice-President. But this organisation proved ineffective as it could not define communal organisations. All India Anti-communal Committee was headed by Smt. Subhadra Joshi. This organisation believes that combined forces of communalism are responsible for communal riots and Rashtriya Sawayam Sevak Sangh is prominent of them all.

The sixth conference of this committee was held at Delhi in 1974 and it suggested to put legal restrictions on communal organisations. It is of the view that the representatives of a communal organisation hke Muslim League shouldn’t be given any place in National Integration Council and every effort should be made to secularise educational system.

The Four Aspects of National Integeration:
1. Psychological Aspect:
Emotional integration of the people forms a key component of National Integration in India and it is taken to mean the development of a strong brotherhood and fraternity among all its people. It essentially stands for psychological and emotional integration of the people into a nation capable of securing its objectives through integrative behaviour.

2. Economic Aspect:
Economic aspect of National Integration means development of all parts of the country and economic disparities should be minimised.

3. Social Aspect:
Social aspect means all classes and communities of India should get equal oppotunities for development. All people should be treated as equal. There should be no discrimination on the basis of caste, colour, religion, sex etc.

4. Political Aspect: Political demands of different regions of the country should be given due consideration.

Thus the way of National Integration is blocked with innumerable hurdles which must be eliminated. It is imperative to develop emotional integration among the diverse communities having diverse languages, religions and diverse customs. So National Integration is necessary because unity is strength. Indians should transcend their petty differences and make Mother India happy, prosperous and united. Let the unity in diversity, the main feature of Indian society, be strengthened for all the times to come.
Aspects of National Integration. Following are the various aspects of National Integration.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 National Integration

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Write down the meaning of National Integration in India.
Write down the meaning of National Integration.
National Integration means” T or combining all the people of the nation into a single whole. It is a particular sentiment that binds together all people in one common bond. National Integration includes nation-building and state-building. In the words of Dr. R.S. Radhakrishnan, “National Integration is not a house which could be built by mortar and bricks. It is not an implementation plan which could be discussed and implemented by experts. Integration, on the contrary, is a thought which must go into the hearts of the people. It is the consciousness which must awaken the people at large.”

Question 2.
What do you know about psychological aspect of National Integration?
What is psychological aspect of National Integration?
Emotional integration of the people forms a key component of National Integration in India and it is taken to mean the development of a strong brotherhood and fraternity among all its people. It essentially stands for psychological and emotional integration of the people into a nation capable of securing its objectives through integrative behaviour.

Question 3.
What are the different aspects of National Integration in India?

1. Economic Aspect:
Economic aspect of National Integration means development of all parts of the country and economic disparities should be minimised.

2. Social Aspect:
Social aspect means all classes and communities of India should get equal opportunities for development. All people should be treated equal. There should be no discrimination on the basis of caste, colour, religion, sex etc.

3. Political Aspect. Political demands of different regions of the country should be given due considerations.

4. Another aspect of National Integration is psychological.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 National Integration

Question 4.
Explain four hindrances in the way of National Integration.
Write four hindrances in the way of National Integration.
1. Language:
India is a multi-lingual nation and in India the role of language has been more disintegrative rather than integrative. So much so that even now there is no consensus about the National Language as Hindi is opposed by some people.

2. Regionalism: Regionalism is a threat to the National Integration. Growing regional feelings have become a burning problem for India.
3. Communalism:
Communalism poses a strong challenge to national integration. Political parties are polluting the political environment by using communal propaganda.

4. Casteism: Casteism is another obstruction in the way of National Integration. The role of caste is growing day-by-day in political affairs.

Question 5.
How are the Communalism and Sons of Soil Principle (Regionalism) important obstacles in the way of National Integration in India?
How does the regionalism influence National Integration in India?
Communalism and Regionalism are proving the biggest challenges in the way of National Integration in India.
Communalism poses a strong challenge to National Integration. India was partitioned because of Hindu-Muslim communalism and these communal disputes are recurrent even in free India. Communal riots many a time took place in Ranchi, Jabalpur, Indore, Ahmedabad, Aligarh, Muradabad, Jammu & Kashmir. No part of the country is free from communal disturbances. In some parts of the country, religious places are being used for political purposes which is most unfortunate. The communalistic feelings totally mar the feeling of national unity and hinder the path of National Integration.

Sons of Soil or Regionalism:
Regionalism poses a big threat to National Integration. Regionalism is largely an outcome of economic and political reasons. The regions which are backward economically launch agitations for their economic development. Even political parties resort to regionalism to strengthen their stand.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 National Integration

Question 6.
What is the need of the National Integration in India?
National Integration is first and foremost need for any state. Today India is free but it is like a house divided against its own self. Instead of national integration or unity there is national disintegration. Anti-social and anti-national forces are gaining ground. Prof. R. Bhaskaran rightly observes that we feel the dire need of national integration as there is every fear that clashes can occur here in India due to casteism, communalism, linguism and provincialism. These are the expressions of narrow outlook and activities of the citizens and groups who pursue personal interests above national interests. Though the Indian government has strived to solve the problem of national integration, yet it exists even today.

Question 7.
Give any four suggestions to promote National Integration in India.
1. Economic Development: The country should be economically developed to bring about national integration.

2. Proper Educational System:
Proper Educational System is a vital step to bring about national integration. The teachers in the educational institutions should be nationalists to the backbone.

3. Reforms in Political Atmosphere:
The political atmosphere in the country should be improved to effect National Integration. The people of different communities, castes and regions lack mutual faith and the same should be inculcated to improve political atmosphere in the country.

4. Secularism should be real: People of India should be made to develop religious tolerance for other religions.

Question 8.
Examine steps taken towards National Integration.
After independence many steps have been taken for the achievement of national integration. Following are some of them:
1. In 1961 the government passed two legislations to restrict communal propaganda. Any propaganda spreading hatred and enmity among people of different communities was declared a cognizable offence through these legislations.

2. In 1963, 16th Amendment was effected to ensure the unity and sovereignty of the country.

3. In different meetings of National Integration Council, the issue of National Integration is discussed and suggestions are given for the promotion of National Integration.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 National Integration

Question 9.
What role can Education play in the promotion of National Integration?
Proper educational system is a vital step to bring about National Integration. The country should have a uniform educational pattern aimed at inculcating the spirit of nationalism among the students who are the future citizens. The teachers in the educational institutions should be nationalists to the backbone.

Question 10.
What do you mean by political and social aspects of National Integration?
For the National Integration of the country, it is very much necessary that full attention should be paid towards the political demands of the people of different 1 parts of India. Political power in the centre should be in the hands of such a party as can have the loyalty and faith of the majority of the people of the country. On the basis of language Indian states were organised. At the centre as well as in all the
states, elected governments are working but still politically, many people are dissatisfied. The demands for the establishment of separate independent states are increasing and creating the atmosphere of political disintegration in the country.

Social aspect of National Integration means that there should be equal justice, treatment and opportunity to all the citizens of India. There should be no social discrimination with any particular community or the people on the basis of caste, religion, creed, sex, property etc. Though untouchability is constitutionally abolished in India, yet practically, in many parts of India, people believe in caste system.

Question 11.
What is National Integration Parishad (Council)?
A National Integration Conference was held at New Delhi from 28th Sept, to 1st Oct. 1961. The leaders of the political parties, prominent educationists, writers and scientists were invited to participate in it. This conference was of the view that political parties promoted Communalism, Casteism and Regionalism and so they needed a set code of conduct.

The conference formed a National Integration Council consisting of Prime Minister, Home Minister, Chief Ministers of States, seven leaders of Political Parties, Chairman of University Grants Commission, Two Educationists, a Nominee of Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes and seven persons nominated by the Prime Minister. The National Integration Council in its first meeting gave a direction to the process of National Integration by defining the type of National Integration that was to be secured in India.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 National Integration

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What do you understand by National Integration?
National Integration means uniting or combining all the people of the nation into a single whole. It is a particular sentiment that binds together all people in one common bond. National Integration includes nation-building and state-building.

Question 2.
What do you mean by psychological aspect of National Integration?
Emotional integration of the people forms a key component of National Integration in India and it is taken to mean the development of a strong brotherhood and fraternity among all its people. It essentially stands for psychological and emotional integration of the people into a nation capable of securing its objectives through integrative behaviour.

Question 3.
Write any one famous definition of National Integration.
Write any one definition of National Integration.
According to Dr. R.S. Radhakrishnan, “National Integration is not a house which could be built by mortar and bricks. It is not an implementation plan which could be discussed and implemented by experts. Integration, on the contrary, is a thought which must go into the hearts of the people. It is the consciousness which must awaken the people at large.”

Question 4.
Discuss any two hindrances in the way of National Integration.
1. Language:
India is a multi-lingual nation and in India the role of language has been more disintegrative rather than integrative. So much so that even now there is no consensus about the National Language as Hindi is opposed by some people.

2. Regionalism: Regionalism is a threat to the National Integration. Growing regional feelings have beeome a burning problem for India.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 National Integration

Question 5.
Give any two suggestions to promote National Integration in India.

  1. Economic Development: The country should be economically developed to bring about national integration.
  2. Proper Educational System: Proper Educational System is a vital step to bring about national integration. The teachers in the educational institutions should be nationalists to the backbone.

Question 6.
Examine any two steps taken towards National Integration.
After independence many steps have been taken for the achievement of national integration. Following are some of them:
1. In 1961 the government passed two legislations to restrict communal propaganda. Any propaganda spreading hatred and enmity among people of different communities was declared a cognizable offence through these legislations.
2. In 1963, 16th Amendment was effected to ensure the unity and sovereignty of the country.

Question 7.
What role can Education play in the promotion of National Integration?
Proper Educational system is a vital step to bring about National Integration. The country should have a uniform educational pattern aimed at inculcating the spirit of nationalism among the students who are the future citizens. The teachers in the educational institutions should be nationalists to the backbone.

Question 8.
What do you know about National Integration Parishad (Council)?
A National Integration Conference was held at New Delhi from 28th Sept, to 1st Oct. 1961. This conference was of the view that political parties promoted Communalism, Casteism and Regionalism and so they needed a set code of conduct. The conference formed a National Integration Council consisting of Prime Minister, Home Minister, Chief Ministers of States, seven leaders of Political Parties, Chairman of University Grants Commission, Two Educationists, a Nominee of Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes and seven persons nominated by the Prime Minister.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 National Integration

One Line Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Explain the meaning of National Integration.
The real meaning of National Integration is to foster the feeling of association with one nation among those who live in a country having different and diverse cultures.

Question 2.
Give one definition of National Integration.
According to Mynor Weiner, “National Integration implies observance of divisive forces that would balkanize the nation and presence of attitudes throughout the society that give preference to national and public interests as distinct from parochial interests.”

Question 3.
Mention any two aspects of National Integration.

  1. Political Aspect
  2. Economic Aspect.

Question 4.
What is National Integration Council?
When was National Integration Council formed?
National Integration Council is such an institution which aims to promote national development. It was established in 1961.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 National Integration

Question 5.
Who is the founder of the Institution ‘Insani Biradri’?
Khan Abdul Guffar Khan.

Question 6.
Why was Insani Biradari formed?
To face the dragon of Communalism, an organisation named Insani Biradri was established in 1970.

Fill in The Blanks

1. National integrity depends on ……………..  .
National Integration

2. The states were reorganised in 1956 on the …………….. basis to promote National Integration.

3. According to Sh …………….. caste in India is the most important Political Party.
Jai Prakash Narayan

4. There should be planned …………….. development of the whole region of the country for the promotion of national integration.

5. ‘Insani Biradri’ was established in ……………..  .

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 National Integration

True Or False Statement

1. Casteism is main hindrance in the way of National Integration.

2. Poverty is not a hundrance in the way of National Integration.

3. Illitrate man encourges the National Integration.

4. Indian administration is the very embodiment of corruption which hinders National Integration.

5. Insani Biradari was established in 1980.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 National Integration

Choose The Correct Answer

Question 1.
Main hindrances of National Integration are:
(a) Regionalism
(b) Communalism
(c) Casteism
(d) All of the above.
(d) All of the above.

Question 2.
Punjab was reconstituted on lingual basis in:
(a) 1947
(b) 1956
(c) 1966
(d) 1975.
(c) 1966

Question 3.
What is the suggestion to remove hindrances in the way of National Integration?
(a) Economic Development
(b) Reform in Political Atmosphere
(c) Proper Educational System
(d) All of the above.
(d) All of the above.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 National Integration

Question 4.
Which is one aspect of National Integration?
(a) Political Aspect
(b) Social Aspect
(c) Culture Aspect
(d) All of the above.
(d) All of the above.

Question 5.
Which among them is to encourage National Integration?
(a) National Integration Council
(b) Insani Biradri
(c) All India Anti-Communal Committee
(d) All of the above.
(d) All of the above.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electoral System

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class Political Science Book Solutions Chapter 12 Electoral System Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 Political Science Chapter 12 Electoral System

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is meant by people’s participation? What are the reasons of people’s low participation in India?
What is meaning of people’s participation? Explain four reasons of low and poor people’s participation in India.
Meaning of People’s Participation:
Political participation broadly refers to a wide spectrum of political activities ranging from the simple act of voting to widespread political activism in the political process. It thus implies several voluntary activities apart from voting during the elections. It may involve joining a political party, participation in a political meeting, demonstration, rally, standing for election to the local bodies, state legislature or parliament, maintaining contacts with the elected representatives, sending petitions to the government for the redressal of grievances of the people and a number of other activities concerned in any way with the political system of the country.

Reasons for Low People’s Participation in Indian Democracy:
India is the biggest demorcratic country in the world. But in India hardly 60% of the voters cast their votes. Following factors are responsible for people’s low participation in elections of India.

  1. Poverty: Majority of the people in India are poor. A poor person remains worried about earning his livelihood and has no time to cast his vote. The poor person does not even think about the elections.
  2. Illiteracy: Majority of the people in India are illiterate. An illiterate person does not understand the importance of the right to vote. Hence illiterate persons don’t go to cast their votes.
  3. Unemployment: Thousands of educated and uneducated people are unemployed in India. They remain indifferent to democracy and do not take interest in elections.
  4. Another reason of low people’s participation is indian democracy are indifferent views of the peoples.
  5. Corruption is another reason for low people’s participation in India.
  6. People do not have enough faith in political parties.
  7. Social and political backwardness is another reason for low people’s participation in media.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electoral System

Question 2.
What is meant by Voting Behaviour? Write main determinants of Voting Behaviour in India.
What is meant by Voting Behaviour? Write the factors which determine the Voting Behaviour in India.
Samuel Eldersveld writes, The term ‘voting behaviour’ is not new. But it is used of late to describe certain areas of study and type of political phenomena which previously either had not been conceived or were considered irrelevant. Voting behaviour connotes today more than examination of voting records, compilation of voting statistics and computation of electoral shifts.

Students are deeply immersed in analysis of individual psychological process (perception, emotion, motivation) and their relation to political action as well as of industrial patterns, such as the communication process, and their impact on elections. Today we accept the relevance of a host of variables which, if perceived at all fifteen years ago, certainly did not constitute the focus of inquiry into voting behaviour. The term thus, has expanded in meaning and further is construed as but one area of study subscribed within the broader designation of political behaviour.”

Today voting behaviour is regarded as that area or field of political science which is most suitable for study by the application of scientific techniques. According to Bowman and Boyntion the traditional approaches to the study of this subject were of two kinds: those, which emphasised legal and constitutional aspects, aimed at the description and analysis of election laws, qualifications of voters, delimitation of constituencies and voting machinery. For example, description studies of Negro disenfranchisement. Historical accounts of election campaigns also formed part of this group. In other words, which were the result of traditional approach, were more normative and value laden.

‘Whereas the traditional approach to electoral politics is concerned primarily with assessing the quality of election choice and analysing electoral institutions, the empirical and the behavioural approaches have focussed upon the relationship among the determinants of electoral outcomes. Empirical research has attempted to identify the factors contributing to the voting decision, while behavioural research has attempted to construct theoretical generalisations explaining the interconnections of variable accounting for these decisions, making possible the prediction of future voting patterns.’

Analysis of Voting behaviour began in France in 1913, in the United States during the period between the two world wars and in the United Kingdom after the Second World War.

Factors which influence Voting Behaviour:
It is difficult to ascertain voting behaviour of the voters. Prof. Maya remarks that individual may cast his vote to protect his personal interest or that of a group to which he is loyal; he may merely express his preference for the candidate; he may take part in a ritual because it is the thing to do, like celebrating a national holiday; he may express his faith in democracy and his country; he may pass judgement on the government’s record or show his agreement with a party’s general policy; he may study type of the candidate and his party carefully.

Or he may simply flip a coin. All voting is an emotional experience for ditch-diggers and professors alike; and the people vote in the same election, but not all of them vote on it. Many factors influence the voting behaviour and some important factors which influence the voting behaviour are as below:

1. Social Class:
Social class is one of the most important factors which influence the voting behaviour. Social class is the most important determinant of the voting behaviour in the United Kingdom. While the middle class votes for the conservative party, the workers vote for the labour party. Social class is less significant in American elections than in Western Europe, yet people with low incomes tend to support the democratic party while the rich tend to be republicAnswer:

2. Religion:
Religion also influences the voting behaviour to some extent. The Unionist Party wins the overwhelming majority of protestant votes in Northern Ireland. Conservative parties in France dominate more strongly the areas of Bittany and Alsac. American ethnic minorities have tended to support the democratic party, and voting in Canada, Belgium and South Africa is still based on religious ethnic divisions. With Kennedy the candidate in 1960, four out of the five Catholics voted Democratic Party and analysis of 1964 returns indicates that this Catholic support of the Democratic Party continued. As V. D. Key says, probably the best guess is that Kennedy won because of the fact that he was a Catholic.

3. Age:
Age is also a great factor which influences the voting behaviour. Generally older voters tend to vote for conservative parties. Moreover, age reflects the historical period when the elector’s voting habits were being formed. The Michigan Survey Centre reported in 1960 that two-thirds of its respondents who could recall their first vote still identified with the same party, and 56 per cent claimed never to have crossed party lines in a presidential election.

4. Caste:
Caste is another factor which influences the behaviour of voters. In Indian caste plays a very important role in elections. Prof. Rudolph says, “Within the new context of political democracy, caste remains a central element of India’s society even while adapting itself to the values and methods of democratic politics. Indeed, it has become one of the chief means by which the Indian masses have been attached to the process of democratic politics.”

While emphasising the role of caste in the Kerala elections, Prof. Harrison says: “The success of the Kerala Communist Party as the first regional Communist Party in India to capture control of a state government can be explained, above all, to its ability to manipulate politically strategic caste lobbies within linguistic boundaries as in Andhra. The Kerala Communists were able to transform economic despair into a legislative majority because of their footing on regional caste ground, notable among the numerous Ezhaves who provided the necessary majority of constituencies.” .

5. Effect of Individual Personality:
According to Profs. Carr, Berustein and Murphy, one of the most fascinating aspects of political behaviour is the effect of individual personality traits on the voting decision.

6. The influence of Policy Views:
Key is of the opinion that great number of citizens do in fact vote according to their policy preference. In his examinations of Gallup studies ranging from 1936 to 1960, Key found a marked correlation between voters’ views on public policy issues and their support of one party or the other.

7. Party Propaganda: Party campaign and propaganda is also an important factor which influences the voting behaviour to some extent.

8. Money Power: Voters are also influenced by money power, which plays a major part in the election system.

9. Elite Influence. In every political system, howsoever modern, there are bound to be elitist sections who exercise their influence on the masses.

10. Respected and influential leaders:
Sometimes, the choice of voting is made for the vote by others, such as elders, respected persons and influential leaders.

11. Conscious thinking:
The voting decision of a voter may be the result of his conscious thinking effort to discriminate between the different choices open to him.

12. The voter’s choice is made in a concrete situation and his idea about that situation normally affects his choice and thus the general public opinion is likely to have important bearing on people’s voting choice.

Varma and Bhambari write:
Voting choice is, in one way or the other, the function of a process of political decision-making by each individual voter but that does not mean that the individual voter makes the decision in abstract; all the normal political, social and other forces which influence him and some of them are especially whipped up on the election even exert greater influence on him. As a citizen, a voter has own political and social preferences and prejudices which he must take into account while making his voting choice.

It has been traditional in voting research to emphasise the stability of voter’s behaviour and attribute change to a small group of voters, the ‘floating voters’, who lack a consistent image of the political parties and who fail to identify themselves with a particular party. According to Alan Ball, this view that while the vast majority of electors are stable in their voting behaviour, elections are decided by a relatively small, ill-informed and disinterested minority, has been challenged recently on two fronts.

First, American research has pointed to the possibility that the floating voter may not be as politically illiterate, as the more partisan voter, and secondly,and more importantly, British research has shown that electoral changes may not be due only to this small group of voters, but that in fact there is a far large element of instability in voting behaviour than was believed to be the case.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electoral System

Question 3.
Explain any six functions of Election Commission of India.
Explain the composition of the Election Commission and explain four functions of National Election Commission in India.
Discuss the six functions of Election Commission of India.
India is a sovereign democratic republic. For the successful working of democracy, elections must be held in a non-partisan spirit. The framers of our Constitution were aware of the need to have an independent and impartial agency to conduct free and fair elections in the country. To ensure this, the Constitution has provided an Election Commission to conduct fair elections.

The Election Commission consists of the Chief Election Commissioner and such number of other Election Commissioners as the President may from time to time fix. Till 1989, the Election Commission has always been a one man commission in the sense that though the Chief Election Commissioner was always appointed, no other Election Commissioner was appointed. In 1989 the President appointed two Election Commissioners on the eve of the general elections of 1989.

However, the National Front Government, soon after it came to power, decided to abolish these posts and reverted to the earlier position. In October, 1993 the President appointed two Election Commissioners through an ordinance and gave them the same position and status as the Chief Election Commissioner. The Ordinance was challenged by the Chief Election Commissioner T.N. Seshan and the Supreme Court upheld the supremacy of the Chief Election Commissioner over the newly appointed Election Commissioners.

After the judgement given by the Supreme Court on July 1995, the Court has ruled that the Election Commissioners enjoy equal status with the Chief Election Commissioner. The appointment of Chief Election Commissioner and other Election Commissioners is made by the President. Before every general elections, the President also appoints, in consultation with the Election Commission, such Regional Commissioners as he considers necessary to assist the Election Commission. At present there are one Chief Election Commissioner and two other Election Commissioners.

The tenure and the service conditions of the Election Commission are determined by the President. Generally the Election Commissioner is appointed for a period of six years. The conditions of service of the Chief Election Commissioner shall not be varied to his disadvantage after his appointment. The Chief Election Commissioner may only be removed when 2/3 majority of the Parliament passes a resolution for his removal. Regional Commissioners can only be removed on the recommendation of the Chief Election Commissioner.

The President or the Governor of a State makes available to the Election Commission such staff as may be necessary for the discharge of its functions.
Functions of the Election Commission. Following are the main functions of the Election Commission:
1. Superintendence, direction and control of the electoral roll for election.

2. To conduct elections to Parliament and legislatures of states and also to the offices of the President and Vice-President.

3. The Election Commission fixes the time-table for the elections.

4. The Election Commission orders a fresh elections in a constituency or at a polling booth if it resorted to malpractices, such as intimidation of voters or burning of polling booths etc. or if it has vitiated the electoral process. On 21st May, 1991 Election Commission countermanded elections in two Parliamentary Constituencies.

5. The Election Commission appoints Returning Officers and Assistant Returning Officers to conduct the elections.

6. The Election Commission allots symbols to various political parties and the candidates.

7. The Election Commission is authorised to recognise a political party. It is the Election Commission that determines what political parties will be recognised at both National and state levels. Election Commission gave recognition to Seven National Political Parties and 59 state level parties.

8. The Election Commissioner is to ensure that only those persons cast their votes, who are entitled to it and that there is no impersonation.

9. The Election Commission decides where polling booths should be set up so that electorates are not required to travel a long distance.

10. The Election Commission is responsible for the safe custody of the ballot boxes and the counting of votes before the results are announced.

11. The Election Commission prepares a code of conduct for all political parties and independent candidates who are contesting elections.

12. The Election Commission supervises the staff deputed by the Union government and the State governments for the election purposes.

13. All election results are announced by the Election Commission. So far 17 elections to the Lok Sabha have been conducted. The Election Commission has acquired considerable prestige and reputation for conducting elections in a fair and free manner.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electoral System

Question 4.
Describe the features of the Indian Electoral System.
The main features of Indian Electoral system are:
1. Universal Adult Franchise:
In India the system of universal adult franchise has been adopted for the election of Lok Sabha and State Legislative Assemblies. Every person who is a citizen of India and who is not less than eighteen years of age has the right to exercise his vote in election of members of the House of the People and State Legislative Assemblies.

2. Direct Election:
The Constitution provides for the system of direct election of the members of the Lok Sabha and Legislative Assembly of every state by the eligible voters.

3. Joint Electoral System:
The Constitution of India provides for a system of joint electorates. Under the joint electorate system every voter in constituency is entitled to participate in electing representative from the constituency.

4. Single Member Constituency:
The Constitution of India provides for a single member constituency. For this purpose the entire country is divided into 543 constituencies. Belonging voters elect their representatives. But only one representative represents his constituency.

5. Election Commission: The Constitution has provided Election Commission to conduct free and fair elections.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electoral System

Question 5.
Explain the main steps of Election process in India.
What is election process? Name all the important stages of Indian election process.
India is a democratic country. But India has adopted indirect democracy. Administration is run by the representatives of the people, who are elected for a fixed term. In India election procedure is as given below:

1. Constituencies:
The first important task in elections is delimitation of constituencies. Under Article 327 of the Constitution the Union Parliament is empowered to enact legislation from time to time to provide for the delimitation of constituencies for elections to Parliament and to the state legislatures. Parliament passed the Delimitation Commission Act, 1952. The Act provides for the establishment of a Delimitation Commission for the purpose of delimitating constituencies in each state after every census.

2. List of Voters:
First, temporary list of voters is prepared. If anybody’s name is excluded from the list, he can ask for inclusion of his name. But such a request is to be made within a fixed time.

3. Appointment: Senior staff for election purposes is appointed for supervision.

4. Polling Stations: In each constituency polling stations are established and a fixed number of voters are directed to cast their votes there.

5. Filing of the Nomination Papers: After the announcement of the date of elections, nomination papers are filed in favour of candidates.

6. Withdrawal of Nomination: Candidates are allowed to withdraw their names from elections. But this is to be done before the last date for withdrawal.

7. Scrutiny and Objections:
On the fixed date nomination papers are scrutinised and those papers, which are not proper, are rejected and the names of eligible candidates are announced.

8. Propaganda:
With the announcement of elections, political parties and indepedent candidates start propaganda and try to influence the voters. The party propaganda is carried out through election manifesto of the party, public meetings, door canvassing, pamphlets etc. Electioneering ceases forty- eight hours before the closing hour or polling in each constituency.

9. Polling:
On the day of the polling, a holiday is declared so that each voter can cast his vote. At polling booth voters are given ballot papers and the voter stamps against the name of the candidate whom he wants to vote. After that the voter puts the ballot paper in the ballot box.

10. Counting of votes:
After the polling is over the polling officer seals the ballot boxes in the presence of two representatives of the candidates and sends the ballot boxes at a particular place. On the fixed date ballot boxes are opiened in the presence of the representatives of candidates and votes are counted. A candidate getting the highest votes is declared elected. If a candidate fails to get one-sixth of the votes then he loses his security also.

11. Election Expenses:
Each candidate has to submit the accounts of election expenditure to the Election Commission within forty-five days of the declaration of result. The amount of election expenditure is fixed and if any candidate spends more than the fixed limit then his election is nullified.

12. Election Petition:
If any candidate is not satisfied with the impartiality of election or due to some other reason, he may appeal to the court. The court decides the case and an appeal can be made to the Supreme Court against the decision of the High Court.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electoral System

Question 6.
What is meant by Adult Franchise? Write two arguments in favour and two against Adult Franchise.
Write arguments in favour of and against Adult Franchise.
Give arguments for and against Adult Franchise.
What is Adult Franchise or Adult Suffrage? With the advent of democracy, there started a heated controversy as to which category of the people in society should be given the right to elect representatives. Some people are of the opinion that the right to vote is a function and it should be given only to those people who use it properly. Some favour property and some favour education as the basis for giving the right to vote to the people. But the majority is of the opinion that all the people should be equally given the right to vote.

By adult franchise we mean that every person, both male and female, above the age of maturity, irrespective of caste, colour, creed, property, education, profession or sex, is entitled to enjoy the right to vote in the elections. The idea underlying this principle is that the final sovereignty lies with the people as a whole and not with a particular section of society. At present nearly all the civilized countries like Britain, U.S.A., Russia, France, India, etc., have adopted this principle of Adult Suffrage’ and accordingly all the adults enjoy the right to vote. The age of attaining maturity is fixed by the State. In Britain it is 18 years, in India it is 18 years, in Switzerland it is 20 years and in Russia it is 18 years.

How Universal Adult Franchise was accepted in different countries? There has been a long struggle for the acceptance of the principle of Universal adult franchise. Many battles had to be fought, all the world over, for making it a reality. Women were not considered equal, politically, socially and legally. Hence women were not given the right to vote. Till the second decade of the twentieth century, no country had adopted Universal Adult Franchise.

New Zealand was the first country to incorporate the provisions for universal adult franchise in 1893. Manhood suffrage was introduced in Great Britain in 1918 whereas Universal Adult Franchise was introduced in 1928. The United States extended franchise to women by the 19th Amendment of the Constitution in 1919. Soviet Union, the land of the October Revolution 1917, introduced universal adult franchise in 1936. Slogan of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity was popularised by the French Revolution of 1789, but it was only in 1945 that universal adult franchise was introduced. In India Universal Adult Franchise was followed in 1950.

Arguments in Favour of Adult Franchise:
The principle of Adult Franchise possesses some fundamental merits which cannot be ignored in the modern age of democracy. The merits are as follows:
1. It is in accordance with democratic principles:
The principle of adult franchise is in accordance with the democratic principles. Democracy is a government of the people by the people and for the people. If the principle of adult franchise is not introduced then the power to govern will pass on to some section of the people instead of remaining with the people and the administration may not be run in the best interests of the masses.

2. National unity:
The system of Universal Adult franchise is quite essential for the maintenance of national unity. If only a section of the people is given the right to vote, then the entire public could not consider the government as its own. The people would be divided into two groups and the people who do not enjoy the right to vote would not extend willing co-operation to the government. This way national unity cannot be achieved. But if the system of Universal Adult Franchise is introduced, then all the citizens would consider the State as their own.

3. Laws affect all alike:
Whatever laws are framed by the government, they are not meant for a particular community or a section of the people but they affect all alike. Only those people should have the power to frame laws to whom they concern. Therefore, the introduction of the principle of Adult Franchise is essential so that everybody gets the right to participate in the election of the representatives. It is only under such circumstances that laws can be framed in accordance with the wishes of the people.

4. Peace and order:
The application of the principle of Adult Franchise lies ‘ in the establishment of peace and order in the State. The laws are framed
by the representatives of the people in accordance with their wishes. That is why the laws are willingly obeyed by the people. The people fully co-operate with the government and the laws are never violated. All this helps in the maintenance of peace and order.

5. All the people pay taxes to the government:
The government collects money from the people in the form of taxes. Now a days both the direct and indirect taxes are imposed upon the people and hence all the people pay taxes. According to democratic principle that money should be spent by those people only who have given it in the form of taxes. Therefore, all the people should have the right to send representative to that body which has the power to impose taxes upon the people.

6. Political education:
An important merit of Adult Franchise is that it gives political education to the people. If a large number of people get the right to vote, it helps in making them politically educated. When all the people participate in the election they are bound to think about the problems of the country. They will try to find out solution to all the problems which are facing the country.

7. It creates spirit of self-respect:
Through the system of Adult Franchise the people develop the spirit of self-respect. People develop the feeling that they have a share in the government of the State and they have a hand in the making of the government. They think themselves a very important part of the machinery of the State. They do not think themselves in any way inferior to anybody.

8. No danger of Revolution:
Another merit of Adult Franchise is that all the people get the right to vote and there is no danger of revolution. There are many reasons for it. First, because of Adult Franchise the government represents the entire mass of public and nobody ever complains against the government. Secondly, if the government does not function in accordance with the wishes of the people, the people can change it. The government represents all the people and no section of society opposes its actions.

9. Representation to minorities:
Due to Adult Franchise minorities also get some representation. Hence the problem of giving representation to the minorities is solved by Adult Franchise.

10. Essential for civil rights:
Every citizen enjoys civil and economic rights. To protect social and economic rights, political rights are essential and right to vote is the most important political right.

Arguments Against Adult Franchise:
There is a large number of people who find fault with the system of Adult Franchise and they put forward the following arguments in support of their viewpoint:
1. Uneducated should not be given the right to vote:
The right to vote is not a natural or an inherent right which everybody can enjoy. In fact it is a sort of special privilege which is conferred only on those persons who are best fitted to utilize it for the welfare of the State. Some people are of the opinion that the right to vote should be given only to the educated people. The educated persons can make a proper use of their rights. An uneducated person cannot understand who is the best candidate out of all.

2. Government of the fools:
The masses are ignorant and illiterate. They do not even possess the capacity or understanding to elect the best candidates and to judge the worth of governmental policy. Therefore to entrust the right of voting to ignorant masses is to welcome dangerous consequences. The system of Universal Adult Franchise establishes a government of the fools because the fools and the ignorant are in a majority in society.

3. Franchise based on property:
Some people are of the view-point that franchise should be based on property. Those who are propertied persons and who pay the taxes should have the right to elect the representatives so that these representatives could frame the laws in accordance with the wishes of the tax payers. But this argument does not carry much weight. Nowadays all the people pay taxes and the laws are applicable to all the people equally.

4. No franchise to women:
Some people are of the opinion that women should not be given the right to vote. They say that women are physically weak and they are not capable enough to take an active part in politics. Their proper place is home and not political field. Their participation in politics will disturb the peace at home. In the modern age even this argument does not carry weight. The women are taking very active and intelligent part in politics.

5. All citizens are not equal:
It is also wrong that all the people are equal. Nature has not created everybody equal. Some are wise from their very birth and others are fools. All the people cannot be given similar type of work because all are not equally competent. Therefore all the people cannot be given the right to vote and the right to contest election on equal footing.

6. Franchise is not a right but a responsibility:
Many scholars consider that the right to vote is not a right but it is a responsibility. The right can be extended only to those persons who are really capable of using it properly. If it is extended to an incompetent person, it proves very useless. Therefore the right to vote should be extended only to the capable and educated persons.

7. Radical legislation:
Another defect of adult franchise is that it helps in the framing of radical legislation. A large number of people are elected who can influence the ordinary citizens by their progressive views. These people adopt progressive measures and they create a new atmosphere in society. These progressive measures create cultural lag in society and the relationship between the present and the past is completely broken.

There is no doubt that the system of Adult Franchise has been criticised on various grounds and various arguments have been put forward against it but the fact is that the merits of Adult Franchise outweigh its demerits. In the modern age almost all the countries have adopted the system of Adult Franchise. In the absence of Adult Franchise democracy is incomplete and it cannot be a success.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electoral System

Question 7.
What do you know of the Direct and Indirect Election system? Also explain their merits and demerits.
Explain the merits and demerits of the system of Direct Election.
Write Merits and Demerits of Direct Election System.
In democracy the people elect their representatives and the representatives carry out the wishes of the people. Nowadays almost all the countries have adopted the system of Adult franchise. There are two ways to electing representatives- Direct Election and Indirect Election.

Direct Election:
In the system of Direct election the voters directly participate in election and elect their representatives. The process of direct election is quite simple. Every voter goes to the polling station and records his vote either in favour or against particular candidates. A candidate securing the maximum number of votes is declared elected. This system of election is the most popular and is followed in all democratic countries for electing members of People’s Chamber. All members of the State assemblies and House of People in India are elected directly. Every adult in India exercises the right to vote.

Its Merits.
1. Firstly, direct election is consistent with the principle of democracy. People have direct share in the choice of their representatives and in determining the public policy.

2. Secondly, the system makes the citizens active and alert. Each voter feels that his voice will count in the formation of government and the selection of law-makers. A direct contact between the electors and the representatives stimulates interest in public affairs and develops the sense of public spirit. The system makes people conscious of the rights and duties and is fully in keeping with the democratic principles.

3. Thirdly, the representative elected under this system feels responsible to the people and he tries to keep himself in touch with them and better their conditions.

4. Fourthly, direct election broadens the mental outlook of the citizens since it places before them the national aspects of the social and political problems. The voters are presented the different policies and programmes of the candidates.

5. Fifthly, direct election checks the use of corrupt and unfair means in election.

Its Demerits.
1. Firstly, direct election means political excitement which leads to the election of undesirable candidates. The voters are easily carried away or misled by clever orators. They are swept off their feet by popular passion.

2. Secondly, direct election increases the election expenditure which entails a heavy burden on the public purse.

3. Thirdly, direct election places the final choice of the representatives in the hands of the masses and most of them do not have enough of intelligence or independence to vote for the right type of candidates.

4. Fourthly, direct election means election campaigns and intensive political propaganda for and against different candidates. Many citizens, therefore, who would have proved the best administrators, avoid to contest elections.
This means a great national loss.

Indirect Election:
Indirect election means that the voters do not directly participate in the election of their representatives but choose only an intermediary body which elects the representatives. This intermediary body is usually called the Electoral College. It is a system of Double election. In the first instance, the general mass of voters elect from among themselves a small group of electors. These electors then elect the final representatives who become the members of the legislature.

Thus the final choice of electing the representatives is not that of the general mass of voters but of the intermediary body of electors which the general mass of voters had elected in the first instance. This Indirect Election system is often used for the constitution of second chamber. The Council of States in India, the President of India and the President of U.S.A. are elected by the method of Indirect election.

Its Merits:
1. It is useful where the people are sufficiently educated and politically organized and where the constituencies are very large and unwieldy.

2. The final choice of the representatives is in the hands of a body of select persons who possess superior knowledge and are guided by a keener sense of responsibility. It helps to check popular passion.

3. Clever politicians and orators cannot mislead the few selected people. There is no occasion for any disorder or dislocations taking place as a result of the voters being swayed by political passions. There are neither election campaigns nor party propaganda.

4. This system minimizes the evils of party politics and propaganda.

5. Under this system there are in fact two elections. This involves delay which proves very useful. The Electoral College makes the final choice after cool consideration. The delay makes the situation cool and the electors can vote freely and dispassionately.

Its Demerits.
1. The method of indirect election creates a big gap between the representative and the voters. The representatives do not feel responsible to the primary voters.
2. The voters have no direct participation in the selection of their representatives, and so they take little interest in politics and become negligent on public affairs. The system, therefore, has no educative value.
3. The system gives birth to corruption and political intrigue. The intermediate body of voters has a small membership and can be more easily bribed by a rich and powerful candidate.
4. Actually it leads to more party strifes and in countries where political parties are well organized, election by indirect method has become a mere formality.

Out of the two methods of elections, the method of Direct Election prevails in most of the countries. In all the democratic countries the representatives to the legislature are elected by the method of Direct Election. The members of the Upper House can be elected through the method of Indirect Election. In India the members of the Rajya Sabha are elected by the method of Indirect Election. The President of India and the President of U.S.A. are also elected by the method of Indirect Election.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electoral System

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Write down the composition of Election Commission in India.
Write down the composition of the Election Commission.
The Election Commission consists of the Chief Election Commissioner and such number of other Election Commissioners the President may appoint from time to time. In October, 1993 the President appointed two Election Commissioners through an ordinance. At present the Election Commission consists of Chief Election Commissioner and two Election Commissioners.

The appointment of Chief Election Commissioner and other Election Commissioners is made by the President. Before each general election, the President also appoints, in consultation with the Election Commission, such Regional Commissioners as he considers necessary to assist the Election Commission. The tenure and other service conditions of the Election Commission are determined by the President. Generally the Election Commissioner is appointed for a period of six years. The conditions of service of the Chief Election Commissioner shall not be varied to his disadvantage after his appointment.

Question 2.
Explain any two changing characteristics of Indian Electorate.
Important changes have taken place in the character of Indian electorate. Two important changes are as follows:

  1. The Indian voter has become more politicised. Indian electorate are now taking more interest in the political activities of the country. Indian voters are now more conscious politically.
  2. Indian electorate are more concerned with the contemporary events and problems than with the past achievements or activities of the parties.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electoral System

Question 3.
Suggest four remedies to improve the Indian Electoral System.
Following remedies are suggested to improve the Indian Electoral System:
1. The present electoral system of single-member constituencies should be replaced by a system of proportional representation.

2. Strict action should be taken against those who indulge in booth-capturing and bogus voting. The high powered Committee on electoral reforms recommended a series of legislative measures to eradicate booth-capturing, rigging and intimidation. The recommended steps include ordering of repoll or countermanding not only on the report of the returning officer but also otherwise and vesting the Commission with power of appointment of investigating agencies, prosecuting agencies and asking for the constitution of Special Courts.

3. There should be provision for recall.

4. The elections including the polling should be so conducted that the people are in a position to exercise their franchise freely, without intimidation, coercion, interference, undue inducement by political parties and others.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electoral System

Question 4.
Discuss four techniques of election campaign in India.

  • Every main political party and sometimes independent candidates issue election manifesto.
  • Political parties and candidates arrange public meetings and processions, by which they try to persuade the voters in their favour through their speeches and personalities.
  • Wall-paintings, posters and big leaflets are other important techniques of election campaign.
  • Slogans is a very popular and influential technique of election campaign.

Question 5.
Write four functions of Election Commission.
Write down any four functions of Election Commission.
1. Election Commission supervises, directs and controls the elections. Such elections include election to Parliament, the legislature of every State and the offices of the President and the Vice-President held under the constitution of India.

2. Election Commission prepares electoral rolls and delimitation of constituencies.

3. Election Commission appoints returning officers and assistant returning officers to conduct the election.

4. The allotment of election symbols to a political party and an independent candidate is done by the Election Commission.

Question 6.
Write any four drawbacks of Indian Electoral System.
1. Number of Seats:
There is no relationship between the votes secured by a party and its strength in the Assembly or the Parliament. The number of seats secured by a particular party is not proportionate to the voters.

2. Money Power:
Another important drawback of Indian electoral system is the growing influence of money in elections. The expenses incurred on election are so huge that parties tend to give ticket only to a millionaire. The high cost of electioneering has resulted in corrupt practices.

3. Misuse of Public Media:
It is being alleged that the Congress was using the government monopoly in radio and television for the party. This thing has gone a long way in helping the party in power by projecting.its image. These public media have thus been abused.

4. The existing system of election gives more importance to the individual candidate than the’political party.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electoral System

Question 7.
Write down four facts which determine the Voting Behaviour in India.

  1. Influence of Religion: Religion influences the voting behaviour to a great extent. In India, many parties seek votes on the basis of religion.
  2. Influence of Caste: Caste influences the voting behaviour to a large extent. In India caste plays a very important role in elections.
  3. Party Propaganda: Party campaign and propaganda is also an important factor which influences the voting behaviour to some extent.
  4. Money Power: Voters are also influenced by money power, which plays a major part in the election system.

Question 8.
Write any four stages of Electoral Process in India.
In India election procedure is as follows:
1. Constituencies:
The first important task in election is delimitation of constituencies. Parliament passed the Delimitation Commission Act, 1952. The Act provides for the establishment of a Delimitation Commission for the purpose of delimitating constituencies in each state after every census.

2. List of Voters:
First, temporary list of voters is prepared. If anybody’s name is excluded from the list, he can ask for inclusion of his name. But such a request is to be made within a fixed time.

3. Filing of the Nomination Papers. After the announcement of the date of election, nomination papers are filed in favour of candidates.

4. Withdrawal of Nomination:
Candidates are allowed to withdraw their names from elections. But this is to be done before the last date for withdrawal.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electoral System

Question 9.
What are the causes of inadequate people’s participation in India?
Why is the level of people’s participation so low in India?
India is the biggest democratic country in the world. But in India hardly 60% of the voters cast their votes. Following factors are responsible for people’s low participation in elections of India.
1. Poverty:
Majority of the people in India are poor. A poor person remains worried about earning his livelihood and has no time to cast his vote. The poor person does not even think about the elections.

2. Illiteracy:
Majority of the people in India are illiterate. An illiterate person does not understand the importance of the right to vote. Hence illiterate persons don’t go to cast their votes.

3. Unemployment:
Thousands of educated and uneducated people are unemployed in India. They remain indifferent to democracy and do not take interest in elections.

4. Another reason of low people’s participation in Indian democracy is indifferent view of the peoples.

Question 10.
What do you understand by People’s Participation in a Democracy?
Political participation broadly refers to a wide spectrum of political activities ranging from the simple act of voting to widespread political activism in the political process. It thus implies several voluntary activities apart from voting during the elections. It may involve joining a political party, participation in a political meeting, demonstration, rally, standing for election to the local bodies, state legislature or parliament, maintaining contacts with the elected representatives, sending petitions to the government for the redressal of grievances of the people and a number of other activities concerned in any way with the political system of the country.

Question 11.
How does Casteism effect the Voting Behaviour in India?
Caste influences the behaviour of voters. In India caste plays a very important role in elections Prof. Rudolph says, “Within the new context of political democracy, caste remains a central element of Indian society even while adapting itself to the values and methods of democratic politics. Indeed, it has become one of the chief means by which the Indian masses have been attached to the process of democratic politics.”

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electoral System

Question 12.
Explain the meaning of voting behaviour. Describe two major determinants of voting behaviour in India.
Explain voting behaviour in India.
In the words of J.C. Plano and R.E. Riggs, “Voting behaviour is a field of study concerned with the ways in which people tend to vote in public elections and reasons they vote as they do.”
In brief, the study of voting behaviour implies two things:

  • Why people exercise their right to vote and
  • Why they exercise their franchise in favour of different candidates.

Some of the important determinants of voting behaviour in India are:

  • Caste of the candidate.
  • Religion of the candidate.
  • Region to which the candidate belongs.
  • Influence of money.

Question 13.
What is the salary and term of the Chief Election Commissioner and other Election Commissioners?
Write down the tenure of the members of Election Commission.
In December, 1993 the Indian Parliament passed the Chief Election Commissioner and other Election Commissioners (Conditions of Service) Amendment Act, 1993. As per the provisions of the Act, the Chief Election Commissioner and other Election Commissioners are paid a salary equal to the salary of a judge of the Supreme Court. Thus, each of them is paid? 250000 per month as salary.

The Act further provides that the Chief Election Commissioner or an Election Commissioner holds office for a term of six years from the date on which he assumes his office. But if the Chief Election Commissioner or an Election Commissioner attains the age of sixty-five years before the expiry of the term of six years, he shall vacate his office on the date on which he attains the said age.

Question 14.
How is the Chief Election Commissioner removed in India?
Describe the method of appointment, tenure and procedure of the removal of Chief Election Commissioner of India.
1. The Chief Election Commissioner is appointed by the President subject to the provisions of any law made on that behalf by the Indian Parliament.

2. The Chief Election Commissioner is appointed for a period of six years.

3. The Chief Election Commissioner is removed from his office by an order of the President after an address by each House of Parliament supported by a majority of the total membership of the House and by a majority of not less than two thirds of the members of the House present and voting had been presented to the President in the same session for such removal on the ground of proved misbehavior or incapacity.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electoral System

Question 15.
Describe any four features of the Indian Electoral System.
The three important features of the Indian Electoral System are the following:

  1. Universal Adult Franchise: In India the system of universal adult franchise has been adopted for the election of members of Lok Sabha and of State Legislative Assemblies.
  2. Direct Election: The Constitution provides for the system of direct election of the members of the House of the People and of Legislative Assembly of every state by the eligible voters.
  3. Joint Electorate System: The Constitution of India provides for a system of joint electorates.
  4. There is a provision of Reservation of seats for the SCs and STs.

Question 16.
What do you mean by Universal Adult Franchise?
What do you understand by Universal Adult Franchise?
Answer: By universal adult franchise we mean that every citizen both male and female, above the age of maturity, irrespective of caste, colour, creed, property, education, profession or sex, is entitled to enjoy the right to vote in the election. The age of attaining maturity is fixed by the state. In England and in India it is 18 years.

Question 17.
Give four arguments in favour of Adult Franchise.
The arguments in favour of adult franchise are given below:
1. It is in accordance with democratic principles. The principle of adult franchise is in accordance with the democratic principles.

2. National unity. The system of Universal Adult Franchise is quite essential for the maintenance of national unity. If the system of Universal Adult Franchise is introduced then all the citizens would consider the State as their own.

3. Laws affect all alike. The introduction of the principle of Adult Franchise is essential so that everybody gets the right to participate in the election of the representatives. It is only under such circumstances that laws can be framed in accordance with the wishes of the people.

4. An important merits of Adult Franchise is that it gives political education to the people.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electoral System

Question 18.
Give three arguments against Adult Franchise.
1. The uneducated should not be given the right to vote. The right to vote is not a natural or an inherent right which everybody can enjoy. The educated persons can make the proper use of their rights. An uneducated person cannot understand who is the best candidate out of all.

2. Government of the fools. The system of Universal Adult Franchise establishes a government of the fools because the fools and the ignorant are in a majority in the society.

3. All citizens are not equal. It is also wrong that all the people are equal. Therefore, all the people cannot be given the right to vote and to contest election on equal footing.

4. Franchise is not a right but responsibility. Therefore the right to vote should be extended only to the capable and educated persons.

Question 19.
What do you mean by Direct Method of Election?
In the system of Direct election the votes directly participate in election and elect their representatives, the process of direct election is quite simple. Every voter goes to the polling station and records his vote either in favour or against particular candidates. A candidate securing the maximum number of votes is declared elected. This system of election is the most popular and is followed in all democratic countries for electing members of People’s Chamber. All members of the State assemblies and House of People in India are elected directly. Every adult in india exercises the right to vote.

Question 20.
What is meant by Indirect Method of Election?
Indirect elections means that the voters do not directly participate in the election of their representatives but choose only an intermediary body which elects the representatives. This intermediary body is usually called the Electoral College. It is a system of Double election. In the first instance, the general mass of voters elect from among themselves a small group of electors. These electors then elect the final representatives who become the members of the legislature.

Thus the final choice of electing the representatives is not that of the general mass of voters but of the intermediary body of electors which the general mass of voters had elected in the first instance. This Indirect Election system is often used for the constitution of second chamber. The Council of States in India, the President of India and the President of U.S.A are elected by the method of Indirect election.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electoral System

Question 21.
Distinguish between Direct election and Indirect election methods.
Differentiate between Direct and Indirect Election System.
In the system of direct election the voters directly participate in election and elect their representatives. But in indirect election the voters do not directly participate in the election of their representatives but choose an intermediary body which elects the representatives. This intermediary body is usually called the Electoral College. It is a system of double election. In India all members of the state assemblies and Lok Sabha are elected directly. The Rajya Sabha in India, the President of India and the President of U.S.A. are elected by the method of indirect election.

Question 22.
What is Indirect Democracy?
In indirect democracy people participate in law-making indirectly. People elect some representatives and these representatives act according to the wishes of the people. Their main aim is to promote the welfare of the people. They frame laws of the State and run the administration for the best interests of the people. The entire country is divided into equal electoral constituencies and from each constituency one representative is elected. The representatives are elected for a fixed period and after the expiry of their term fresh elections are held. This system prevails in almost all the countries of the world today.

Question 23.
Write four merits of Indirect Election.

  • It is useful where the people are sufficiently educated and politically organised.
  • Indirect election minimizes the evils of party politics and propaganda.
  • The method of indirect election is less expensive because the number of voters is small.
  • Clever politicians and orators cannot mislead the few selected people.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electoral System

Question 24.
Write four demerits of Indirect Election.

  1. The method of indirect election creates a big gap between the representatives and the voters. The representatives do not feel responsible to the primary voters.
  2. The voters have no direct participation in the selection of their representatives and so they take little interest in politics and become negligent in public affairs.
  3. Indirect election encourages corruption because the number of voters is very small and therefore it is easier to purchase their votes. Besides money other methods are also used to pressurise the voters.
  4. Actually it leads to more parties.

Question 25.
Write four merits of Direct Election.

  1. Direct election is consistent with the principle of democracy. People have direct share in the choice of their representatives.
  2. The representative elected directly feels responsible to the people and he tries to keep himself in touch with them and works to better their conditions.
  3. Direct election system makes the citizen active and alert. A direct contact between the electors and the representatives stimulates interest in public affairs and develops the sense of public spirit.
  4. Direct election checks the use of correct and unfair means in elections.

Question 26.
Write four demerits of Direct Election.

  1. Direct election means political excitement which leads to the election of undesirable candidates. The voters are easily carried away or misled by clever orators.
  2. Direct election increases the election expenditure which entails a heavy burden on the public purse.
  3. Thirdly, direct election places the final choice of the representatives in the hands of the masses and most of them do not have enough of intelligence or independence to vote for the right type of candidates.
  4. Many citizens, who would have proved the best administrators, avoid to contest elections. This means a great national loss.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electoral System

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Write the composition of Indian Election Commission.
The Election Commission consists of the Chief Election Commissioner and two other Election Commissioners. The appointment of Chief Election Commissioner and other Election Commissioners is made by the President. Generally the Election Commissioner is appointed for a period of six years. The conditions of service of the Chief Election Commissioner shall not be varied to his disadvantage after his appointment.

Question 2.
Discuss two techniques of election campaign in India.

  • Every main political party and sometimes independent candidates issue . election manifesto.
  • Political parties and candidates arrange public meetings and processions, by which they try to persuade the voters in their favour through their speeches and personalities.

Question 3.
Write down any two functions of Election Commission.
1. Election Commission supervises, directs and controls the elections. Such elections include election to Parliament, the legislature of every State and the offices of the President and the Vice-President held under the Constitution of India.
2. Election Commission prepares electoral rolls and delimitation of constituencies.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electoral System

Question 4.
Which two conditions are necessary for the successful functioning of electoral system in India?
The following three conditions are essential for the successful functioning of electoral system in India.
1. Independence of Election Commission:
For the successful functioning of electoral system in India it is essential that the Election Commission should be independent.

2. Check on Money Power:
A major drawback of Indian electoral system is the growing influence of money in election. For fair election it is essential that the role of money power in election should be controlled.

Question 5.
Mention any two drawbacks of Indian Electoral System.
1. Number of Seats:
There is no relationship between the votes secured by a party and its strength in the Assembly or the Parliament. The number of seats secured by a particular party is not proportionate to the voters.

2. Money Power: Another important drawback of Indian electoral system is the growing influence of money in elections.

Question 6.
Write any two factors which influence Voting Behaviour.

  1. Influence of Religion: Religion influences the voting behaviour to a great extent. In India, many parties seek votes on the basis of religion.
  2. Influence of Caste: Caste influences the voting behaviour to a large extent. In India caste plays a very important role in elections.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electoral System

Question 7.
Describe any two preliminary stages of election procedure in India.
In India election procedure is as follows:
1. Constituencies:
The first important task in election is delimitation of constituencies. Parliament passed the Delimitation Commission Act, 1952. The Act provides for the establishment of a Delimitation Commission for the purpose of delimitating constituencies in each state after every census.

2. List of Voters:
First, temporary list of voters is prepared. If anybody’s name is excluded from the list, he can ask for inclusion of his name. But such a request is to be made within a fixed time.

Question 8.
What is the reason for people’s low participation in Indian democracy?
1. Poverty. Majority of the people in India are poor. A poor person remains worried about earning his livelihood and has no time to cast his vote. The poor person does not even think about the elections.

2. Illiteracy. Majority of the people in India are illiterate. An illiterate person does not understand the importance of the right to vote. Hence illiterate persons don’t go to cast their votes.

Question 9.
What do you understand by Political Participation in a Democracy?
Political participation broadly refers to a wide spectrum of political activities ranging from the simple act of voting to widespread political activism in the political process. It thus implies several voluntary activities apart from voting during the elections.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electoral System

Question 10.
Mention any two features of the Indian Electoral System.
The two important features of the Indian Electoral System are the following:

  1. Universal Adult Franchise: In India the system of universal adult franchise has been adopted for the election of members to Lok Sabha and to State Legislative Assemblies.
  2. Direct Election: The Constitution provides for the system of direct election of the members to the House of the People and to Legislative Assembly of every state by the eligible voters.

Question 11.
What do you mean by Universal Adult Franchise?
By universal adult franchise we mean that every citizen both male and female, above the age of maturity, irrespective of caste, colour, creed, property, education, profession or sex, is entitled to enjoy the right to vote in the election. The age of attaining maturity is fixed by the state. In England and in India it is 18 years.

Question 12.
Give two statements in favour of Universal Adult Franchise.
Give two arguments in favour of Adult Franchise.
The arguments in favour of adult franchise are given below:
1. It is in accordance with democratic principles. The principle of adult franchise is in accordance with the democratic principles.
2. National unity. The system of Universal Adult Franchise is quite essential for the maintenance of national unity. If the system of Universal Adult Franchise is introduced then all the citizens would consider the State as their own.

Question 13.
Give two arguments against Adult Franchise.
1. The uneducated should not be given the right to vote. The right to vote is not a natural or an inherent right which everybody can enjoy. The educated persons can make the proper use of their rights. An uneducated person cannot understand who is the best candidate out of all.

2. Government of the fools. The system of Universal Adult Franchise establishes a government of the fools because the fools and the ignorant are in a majority in the society.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electoral System

Question 14.
What is meant by Direct and Indirect Election?
In the system of direct election the voters directly participate in election and elect their representatives. But in indirect election the voters do not directly participate in the election of their representatives but choose an intermediary body which elects the representatives.

Question 15.
Write any two merits of Indirect Election.

  • It is useful where the people are sufficiently educated and politically organised.
  • Indirect election minimizes the evils of party politics and propaganda.

Question 16.
Mention any two demerits of Indirect Election.

  1. The method of indirect election creates a big gap between the representatives and the voters. The representatives do not feel responsible to the primary voters.
  2. The voters have no direct participation in the selection of their representatives and so they take little interest in politics and become negligent in public affairs.

Question 17.
Write any two merits of Direct Election method.

  1. Direct election is consistent with the principle of democracy. People have direct share in the choice of their representatives.
  2. The representative elected directly feels responsible to the people and he tries to keep himself in touch with them and works to better their conditions.

Question 18.
Write four demerits of Direct Election.

  1. Direct election means political excitement which leads to the election of undesirable candidates. The voters are easily carried away or misled by clever orators.
  2. Direct election increases the election expenditure which entails a heavy burden on the public purse.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electoral System

One Line Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is Electorate?
That part of the total population which participates in election of its representatives is collectively called Electorate.

Question 2.
What is the criterion (basis) for a person to cast vote in India?
A citizen, who is eighteen years old or above this age, has the right to cast vote.

Question 3.
What principle of Enfranchisement has been adopted in India?
Principle of Universal Adult Frachise.

Question 4.
In which chapter and in which Articles of the Indian Constitution the electoral system has been described?
The electoral system has been described in the 15th chapter of the Indian Constitution from Art. 324 to 329.

Question 5.
Write one feature of Indian electoral system.
Joint electorate system has been adopted for the election.

Question 6.
Write the composition of Election Commission of India.
In the Election Commission, there is a Chief Election Commissioner and a few other Election Commissioners.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electoral System

Question 7.
How the members of Election Commission are appointed?
According to the Constitution, the appointment of the members of the Election Commsission is made by the President.

Question 8.
How is the Chief Election Commissioner appointed?
The Chief Election Commissioner is appointed by the President.

Question 9.
Mention the tenure of the members of the Election Commission.
The tenure of the members of the Election Commission is fixed by President after framing laws for it. Usually this tenure is six years.

Question 10.
Write one function of Election Commission of India.
The main function of the Election Commission is to conduct elections for Parliament and State Legislatures and to prepare electoral rolls.

Question 11.
In India, how many elections have been held so far for the Constitution of Lok Sabha?
Till now, there have been 17 elections for the Constitution of Lok Sabha.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electoral System

Question 12.
In which year, elections to the first Lok Sabha were held in India?
The elections for the first Lok Sabha in India were held in 1952.

Question 13.
Which two elections are conducted by Indirect Electoral Process in India?
1. President
2. Vice-President.

Question 14.
Which two elections are conducted in India through direct election process?
1. Election of Lok Sabha 2. Election of Legislative Assembly.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electoral System

Fill in The Blanks

1. …………….. number of elections of Lok Sabha have so far been conducted in India.

2. Mass political consciousness has been encouraging electoral …………….. in India.

3. The Chief Election Commissioner can be removed by the ……………..  .

4. At present, there are …………….. members in Election Commission.

5. For election to the Lok Sabha or State Legislative Assemblies, India has adopted a …………….. system of representation.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electoral System

True Or False Statement

1. The Parliament, through 61st Amendment, reduced the minimum voting age from 21 to 18.

2. 1st Lok Sabha election was held in 1950, and 15th Lok Sabha election was held in 2004.

3. In India, there is Universal Adult Franchise.

4. Main drawback of Indian electroal system is the growing influence of money in elections.

5. The bye election will be held within six months from the date the vacancy occurs.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electoral System

Choose The Correct Answer

Question 1.
Which is the biggest democratic country in the world?
(a) Japan
(b) India
(c) U.K.
(d) U.S.A.
(b) India

Question 2.
The Chief Election Commission is appointed by:
(a) Parliament
(b) President
(c) Prime Minister
(d) Governor.
(b) President

Question 3.
How many members are there in Election Commission?
(a) one
(b) two
(c) three
(d) four.
(c) three

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 12 Electoral System

Question 4.
Election Commissioner in India is appointed for a period of:
(a) 4 years
(b) 7 years
(c) 6 years
(d) 5 years.
(c) 6 years

Question 5.
In India the voting is fixed at the age of:
(a) 14 years
(b) 17 years
(c) 18 years
(d) 15 years.
(c) 18 years

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 11 Female Foeticide and Domestic Violence

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 11 Female Foeticide and Domestic Violence Important Questions and Answers.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 11 Female Foeticide and Domestic Violence

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Why is female foeticide takes place?
(a) Wish to have a son
(b) To save dowry
(c) For the continuation of family
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

2. After how many weeks of pregnancy, sex determination test is conducted?
(a) 10 weeks
(b) 14 weeks
(c) 18 weeks
(d) 22 weeks
(c) 18 weeks

3. What is sex ratio in India?
(a) 1000: 943
(b) 1000: 956
(c) 1000: 896
(d) 1000: 953
(a) 1000: 943

4. In 2011, what was sex ratio in Punjab?
(a) 1000: 846
(b) 1000: 895
(c) 1000: 876
(d) 1000: 882
(b) 1000: 895

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 11 Female Foeticide and Domestic Violence

5. ……………….. district of Punjab has the highest sex ratio.
(a) Ludhiana
(b) Patiala
(c) Amritsar
(d) Hoshiarpur
(d) Hoshiarpur

6. Which district of Punjab has the lowest sex ratio?
(a) Patiala
(b) Bathinda
(c) Amritsar
(d) Ludhiana
(b) Bathinda

7. When was the Pre-Natal Diagnostic Technique (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act passed?
(a) 1994
(b) 1995
(c) 1996
(d) 1997
(a) 1994

Fill in the Blanks:

1. In female foeticide, female foetus is terminated in the ……………… of mother.

2. Wish to have a ………………… is the major reason of female foeticide.

3. Female foeticide disturbs ………………..

4. Abortion is not allowed under the section ………………… to ………………… of Indian Penal Code.
316, 320

5. In ………………., members of family are beaten.
domestic violence


1. Punjab in India, has the highest sex ratio.

2. Bhatinda in Punjab has the lowest sex ratio.

3. It is illegal to know the sex of foetus.

4. Domestic violence is done against women.

5. There is no mental violence against women.

One Word/One Line Questions Answers:

Question 1.
What is meant by crime against women?
It means physical or psychological atrocities against women.

Question 2.
Give few examples of crimes against women.
Rape, sexual violence, abduction, beating, orostitution etc.

Question 3.
What is meant by female foeticide?
After knowing the sex of foetus, terminating of female foetus is called female foeticide.

Question 4.
After how much time of pregnancy, test is conducted?
After 18 weeks of pregnancy.

Question 5.
What is meant by sex ratio?
Number of females behind 1000 males in a given area.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 11 Female Foeticide and Domestic Violence

Question 6.
What was sex ratio in India in 2011 A.D?
Sex ratio in India in 2011 was 1000: 943.

Question 7.
What sex ratio in Punjab in 2011 A.D?
It was 1000: 895 in 2011 A.D.

Question 8.
Which districts of Punjab have highest and least sex ratio?
Hoshiarpur (961) and Bhatinda (869) respectively.

Question 9.
Give one reason of female foeticide.
Wish to have a male child and to arrange dowry.

Question 10.
Give one result of female foeticide.
Bad impact on female’s health and disturbance in sex ratio.

Question 11.
What is meant by domestic violence?
Beating up of wife and children is known as domestic violence.

Question 12.
Give types of domestic violence.
Physical violence, sexual abuse, emotional violence, verbal abuse etc.

Question 13.
What is the normal reason of wife battering?
Dissatisfaction from dowry and problem with wife.

Question 14.
What is the most common form of domestic violence?
Wife battering and violence against women.

Very Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Female Foeticide.
People wish to have a boy and that’s why when their wives get pregnant, they conduct a sex determination test. In case of female foetus, abortion takes, place and female foetus is killed in the womb of mother. It is known as female foeticide.

Question 2.
Sex Ratio.
Number of females behind 1000 males at a particular given time in a particular area is known as sex ratio. Just by looking at sex ratio, we can come to know about the status of women at that place. It was 1000: 943 in India in 2011 A.D.

Question 3.
Reasons of Female Foeticide.

  • People wish to have a boy and that’s why they opt for female foeticide.
  • Dowry is given at the time of girl’s marriage. To save dowry, people opt for this work.
  • Boy is headed for the continuation of family. That’s why people opt. for female foeticide.

Question 4.
Consequences of Female Foeticide.

  • Sex ratio of society gets disturbed and number of females declines.
  • Violence against women increases such as rape, prostitution, beating, abduction, etc.
  • It leads to lower status of women in India.

Question 5.
Domestic Violence.
Domestic violence is a type of socially unaccepted behaviour which one member of family does against the other members such as beating giving threat, showing fear etc. It mainly happens with females and children.

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Generally the word Gender is used to express the physical and social differences between a male and a female. It means that which are physical differences between a male and a female which are given by nature and which are social differences between them which they get only while living in society. So the word Gender is used to express these differences.

Question 2.
Gender Discrimination.
In simple wqrds the differences exist between male and female are given the name of Gender Discrimination. Two types of Humans Male and Female, live over in this world. Any one can be differentiated only by looking at its physical features that whether its male or female. Nature has also kept few differences among them. Male and female both have their different physical features. On the basis of these features, we can differentiate between them. So whatever difference exists between them, is given the name of gender discrimination.

Question 3.
Sex Ratio.
In simple words, the number of females for every 1000 males is given the name of sex ratio. It means that, in any particular area, how many females are there behind every 1000 males. It is known as Sex Ratio. Sex ratio is related with demo-graphic traits of any country’s population and the knowledge of sex ratio is necessary to get knowledge about population. In 2001, Sex ratio in India was 1000: 933.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 11 Female Foeticide and Domestic Violence

Question 4.
Cause of Declining Sex Ratio

  • People want to have a boy child and they never hesitate to abort the female foetus. It leads to a decline in sex ratio.
  • Sex ratio declines with increase in female foeticide.
  • Sex ratio declines with the custom of killing new born girls i.e. female infanticide.
  • Emigration of males from one place to another also leads to decline in sex ratio.
  • In traditional societies birth of girl is considered as a curse because of which boys are preferred over girls. It also leads to decline in sex ratio:

Question 5.
Consequences of Declining Sex Ratio.

  • Declining Sex ratio leads to increase in violence against women.
  • The custom of polyandry encouragement with declining sex ratio.
  • Declining sex ratio leads to lower social status of women.
  • Health of women deteriorates with it.
  • Trade of women also takes place with declining sex ratio.

Question 6.
Sex Ratio in India.
The condition of sex ratio in our country is quite worried. According to census survey of 2001, there were only 933 females behind every 1000 males. In our country, only Kerala is a state and Puduchery is a union territory where females are more as compared to males. In rest of the states and union territories, females are less as compared to male. This situation is quite worried in Punjab, Haryana, Mizoram, Chandigarh etc. Sex ratio is continuely declining in our country.

Question 7.
Sex determination test.
In our society, this problem is going on from least few decades. When a lady becomes pregnent, then her in laws family expects that the new born baby should be a baby boy. That’s why after sometime of her pregnency, they opt. for an ultrasound test so that the sex of child could be determined in the womb of the mother. This is known as sex determination test. If the child in the womb is boy then its fine but if the child is a girl then lady is forced to abort the child. This is the reason that sex ratio in our country is going down. Presently this is 1000: 940.

Question 8.
Domestic Violence.
The concept of Domestic violence is a complex concept. It is very difficult to define it. When any dispute occurs in the two members of the family and one member is physically and mentally tortured by other member then it is known as Domestic violence. In this pushing, slapping, punching, knifing, shooting, throwing things etc. are included. It not only physically hurts the members but it tortures the person mentally as well.

Question 9.
Definition of Domestic Violence.
According to Pagelow, “Domestic violence is an act of commission or omission by family members and any condition resulting from such acts which deprives other family members of equal rights and freedom and interferes with their proper development and choice of freedom.”

Question 10.
Cause of Domestic Violence.

  • People use alcohol to get relief from the tension. When wife and children ask them not to do so then they start to beat them and increases domestic violence.
  • Many people are angry by nature and become angry even on small-small things and beat their children.
  • Many persons are drug addict. If they are unable to get money to buy drugs then they beat their family members to get money.
  • Many persons always remains in tension due to poverty and many times they beat up their wives and children due to this.

Question 11.
Wife Battering.
This is one of the major disadvantage of male dominated society that wives are physically assaulted by their husbands. Meaning of wife battering is use of violence by husband for his wife. Actually husbands feel that wives are their slaves and whatever they will say, wives need to accept that. But actually, these days, women are getting education with which they come to know about their rights. Now they strongly oppose the wrong doing of their husbands and that’s why they are physically assaulted.

Long Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Explain the causes of declining sex ratio in India.
There are number of factors which affect sex ratio in any society and these are given below:

1. Biological cause. If sex ratio in any country decreases then its first reason is always biological. It is quite possible that more numbers of males are born in any particular society which leads to decline in sex ratio. From few researches it has been seen that, in our country, the rate of death of girl child, up to the age of one month, is more as compared to male child. As a result, sex ratio has been declined in our country. During the decade of 1981-1990, only 100 girls were there for every 109.5 boys in our country. In this way biological factor could be considered as a cause of declining sex ratio.

2. Migration: Emmigration or migration could also be considered as a cause of declining or increasing sex ratio. It is quite possible that few male members of a state might went over-to other state in search of job. It can increase or decrease sex ratio of both the ’states. Generally it has been seen that when any one migrates from one place to another in search of employment then he never takes his wife and children with him. He stays there for many years to earn money and occasionally he visit his native state. This visit is generally for a short duration because longer duration can lead to loss of money or even employment. We can take example of Punjabi youths who went over to foreign countries or natives of U.P. Bihar, who generally come to Punjab to earn money. This leads to change in sex ratio in the state like Punjab.

3. Female Foeticide: In last few decades, the major cause of declining sex ratio has been the female foeticide. Meaning of female foeticide is killing of unbprn girls in the tomb of her mother. People generally like to have a male child because of which they conduct a sex determination test on the pregnant lady. If it is boy then it’s fine but if it a girl then they opt for abortion. In this way they kill the girl child even before her birth. Female foeticide leads to decrease in number of girls as compared to boys and sex ratio shows positive trend toward boys. Yet, these days, sex determination is legally banned and even abortion is also legally banned and strict punishment is there for both of these but still this test and abortions are going on.

4. Female Infanticide: In many groups of our country, it is a tradition to kill the girl child right after the birth. This custom was quite popular in many tribes of our country. According to this custom, people used to kill their girl child exactly after the birth. They are helped by the mid wives to do this work. The main reason of this is the belief that they need to upbring the girl, then they will have to give dowry at the time of marriage. So to save their money, they prefer to kill the newly born girl child. British government and even Indian Government tried to eliminate this custom, but still it is going on. As a result, sex ratio declines.

5. Traditional Society: Sex ratio declines more in traditional societies as compared to developed societies. If we compare developed countries like America, Japan, Germany etc. with traditional societies like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc. then we will find that sex ratio is less in traditional societies. It is so because people have a tendency in traditional society that they want to have a boy as compared to girl for the continuation of family and they could perform rituals after death. Due to different tendencies of traditional societies, sex ratio declines over there. In this way sex ratio declines in traditional societies.

6. Wish to have a male child: People generally want that they must have a boy so that he can help in continuation of family and he could perform rituals after their death. Except this, people want to have a boy because they know about the fact that they will have to shell out a lot of money at the time of her marriage. Even after marriage they are required to give a lot for rest of her life. That’s why they prefer to have a boy and they does lot of efforts to take a boy. They never hesitate to opt for abortion. In this way wish to have a boy leads to decline in sex ratio.

7. Leaving girl child after her birth: From last few years, a common tendency is developing among people that if the girl child is born then they leave their newly born girl child at railway station or bus stand. It is so because they think that they already have one girl at home and they don’t want another girl child. Instead they want to have a male child. When the girl child takes birth then they leave her to die. She dies in the absence of proper care which leads to decline in sex ratio.

8. Sons are considered pivotal for family welfare. There is a general tendency among people that sons are considered pivotal for family welfare as they not only take care of them in their old age but they will take cpre of the family as well. That’s why they do everything to have male child and they never hesitate to abort the girl child. It also leads to decline is sex ratio.

9. Dowry System: Dowry system is also one Sf the cause of decline in sex ratio. People know about the fact that at the time of marriage of their girls, they will have to shell out a lot of money to give dowry. Even they will have to take the loan to meet the demands of parents of bridegroom. But if they will have a boy then dowry will come to their house. That’s why they prefer to have a boy child instead of girl child which leads to decline in sex ratio.

10. Daughter means Double Loss: A number of people feel that daughter means a double loss to them. Double means when she will marry then she will not only leaves her family but she will be a source of marriage expense. People will have to spent a lot of money on daughter even before her marriage and after marriage she will go to another family which means a double loss for them.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 11 Female Foeticide and Domestic Violence

Question 2.
What are the consequences of the declining sex ratio in India?
Following are the consequences of declining sex ratio:
1. Violence with women. First consequence of declining sex ratio is that it lead to increase in violence with women. Girls are being killed before birth, new born girls are being either killed or they are left out to die. Women have to face violence because they have given birth to girls not to boys. Sexual violence can also increase like rape, abductions prostitution etc.

2. Polyandry. One of the wrong consequences of declining sex ratio is that it gives encouragement to polyandry. When sex ratio declines then number of females remains less then number of males in society and as a result, one female will have to marry with two or more then two males. That’s why polyandry or fraternal polyandry gets encouragement. All the brothers become husbands of that female. It will have wrong impact on her health. Morality comes down in society and status of females also comes down in society.

3. lower social status of women. A declining sex ratio leads to lower status of women as well. If any female is unable to give birth to a male child then she is forced to go for abortion. After this she is always taunted to unable to give birth to a male child. Social evils and social institutions are also responsible for this and they are also responsible for lower status of women,

4. Bad effect on Health. It any females is unable to give birth to a male child then she is being taunted and even is tortured. She is forced to conduct sex determination test and if the sex of foetus is female then she is forced to opt for abortion. It exerts a bad impact on her wealth and even on her mental health as well.

5. Purchasing of women. The declining sex ratio also leads to the purchase of women. If any one is unable to get married then he tries to purchase women to fulfil his sexual desires. In
ancient times, a custom of bride price was also there.

6. Shortage of females. The declining sex ratio also leads to shortage of females in society. In India sex ratio is 1000: 933. It means that only 933 females are there behind every 1000 males. In this way declining sex ratio leads to a shortage of females in society.

7. Increasing imbalance in society. The declining Sex ratio leads to imbalance in society. More number of males as compared to less number of females creates a lot of problems in society. It can even lead to quarrels Jor women in society. In this way, we can say that declining sex ratio leads to drastic consequences on society.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Solutions Chapter 11 Female Foeticide and Domestic Violence

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class Sociology Book Solutions Chapter 11 Female Foeticide and Domestic Violence Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 Sociology Chapter 11 Female Foeticide and Domestic Violence

Sociology Guide for Class 12 PSEB Female Foeticide and Domestic Violence Textbook Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. According to 2011 census, the sex ratio in India is:
(a) 939
(b) 940
(c) 943
(d) 942
(c) 943

2. Sex ratio can be defined as:
(а) Number of females per 100 males
(b) Number of males per 100 females
(c) Number of females per 1000 males
(d) None of the above
(c) Number of females per 1000 males

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Solutions Chapter 11 Female Foeticide and Domestic Violence

3. In the state of Punjab, district with highest sex ratio is:
(a) Hoshiarpur
(b) Bathiitda
(c) Ludhiana
(d) Amritsar
(a) Hoshiarpur

4. Female foeticide test includes:
(a) Ultra sound
(b) MRI.
(c) X-rays
(d) Weighing Machines
(a) Ultra sound

5. The main cause of female foeticide is:
(a) Increased sex ratio
(b) Patriarchal mindset
(c) Preference for girls
(d) None
(b) Patriarchal mindset

6. Which is a form of Domestic Violence?
(a) Legal
(b) Physical Abuse
(c) Society
(d) Economic
(b) Physical Abuse

7. Which factor does not perpetuate Domestic Violence?
(a) Cultural
(b) Economic
(c) Social
(d) Pedagogy
(ci) Pedagogy

8. The Act, according to which a daughter has an equal share in the property of her parents is
(a) Legal property Act
(b) Hindu Property Act
(c) Civil Act
(d) Divine Act
(b) Hindu Property Act

Fill in the Blanks:

1. Sex determination test includes ……………

2. ……………….. is one of the main reasons for female foeticide.
Patriarchal system

3. The evil practice of ……………….. is responsible for female foeticide in Indian society.

4. ……………….. keeps declining in India while a bit is improved in ……………… state.
Sex ratio, Punjab

5. …………………. should be implemented properly in order to combat female foeticide.

6. ……………… abuse may be inflicted in many ways such as hitting, slapping, punching, pushing and other form of physical contact resulting in bodily sufferings to the victim,

7. The couples living alone or with children, or an individual parent with children are called ………………. households.

8. ………………. studies must be made compulsory as part of school, college and university syllabus.
Gender and Human Rights

9. ……………… is defined as socially unacceptable and abusive behaviour by one or other or both the members in a close and intimate relationship like marriage or a family.
Domestic Violence

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Solutions Chapter 11 Female Foeticide and Domestic Violence


1. Ultrasound is the pre diagnostic test for determination of sex.

2. Law does not help to generate awareness about female foeticide.

3. Sex ratio has improved in Punjab according to qensus 2011.

4. Awareness programmes can sensitise about the ill effects of female foeticide.

5. Cultural and ritual norms have no effect on female foeticide.

6. Newly married couple must be made aware that a small family need not only include male children.

7. The greed for dowry, desire for a male child and alcoholism of the spouse are major factors of domestic violence against women in rural areas.

8. Wife beating does not reflects domestic violence.

9. History of domestic violence dates back to the pre-historic period.

10. spousal domestic violence also affects the children of the family.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Solutions Chapter 11 Female Foeticide and Domestic Violence

Match The Columns:

Column A Column B
Female Foeticide The killing of the girl child
Sex Ratio Marital Rape
Patriarchy The killing of the female foetus in the womb
Female Infanticide Females per 1000 males
Form of Domestic Violence Male dominance


Column A Column B
Female Foeticide The killing of the female foetus in the womb
Sex Ratio Females per 1000 males
Patriarchy Male dominance
Female Infanticide The killing of the girl child
Form of Domestic Violence Marital Rape

Very Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
What is the sex ratio of India as per the census 2011?
According to census survey 2011, the sex ratio in India is 1000: 943.

Question 2.
What is the sex ratio of Punjab as per the census 2011?
According to census survey 2011, the sex ratio in Punjab is 1000: 895.

Question 3.
Which districts in Punjab have the highest and lowest sex ratio?
Hoshiarpur (961) and Bathinda (869) respectively.

Question 4.
Describe full form of PNDT.
Pre Natal Diagnostic Techniques.

Question 5.
What is meant by domestic violence?
Domestic violence is that socially unacceptable and wrong behaviour which an individual does with his closest relatives such as wife or family.

Question 6.
List any two factors of domestic violence.
Economic dependence of women over men and lower economic status of women are the two factors of domestic violence.

Question 7.
What do you mean by female foeticide?
After sex determination test, killing of female foetus in mother’s womb is known as female foeticide.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Solutions Chapter 11 Female Foeticide and Domestic Violence

Question 8.
List the causes of wife battering.
Male dominated society, males are powerful than females, economic dependence of women over men, consuming drugs, illiteracy of women etc.

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Define female foeticide.
When a woman gets pregnant, the sex determination of foetus is conducted. In case of female foetus, an abortion is done. It is known as female foeticide. Sex determination test is conducted after 18 weeks of pregnancy.

Question 2.
Define sex ratio.
To know about the equality between men and women, it is must to look for the sex ratio. The number of females behind every 1000 males at a particular time and in a particular area is known as sex ratio. In 2011, it was 1000: 943 in India.

Question 3.
What are the two causes of female foeticide?

  • Dowry: At the time of girl’s marriage, dowry is given to her in-laws. People do female foeticide so that dowry should not be given.
  • Wish of boy: People like to have a boy as they think that boy will take care of them in old age and will give fire at the time of funeral.

Question 4.
What is the status of female in India?
The status of female in India is not good. Only 65% of females are educated. Most of the social evils are attached with females such as rape, abduction, dowry system, female foeticide etc. Just because of these evils, status of females is still low in the present modern age.

Question 5.
Why is male child preferred in India?
People want to have a male child because they think that their son will take care of them in their old age. Along with this, he will give fire to their funeral pyre. Moreover he will continue the family.

Question 6.
Write down three causes of domestic violence.

  • Males are physically stronger than females.
  • Females economically depend upon males.
  • The social status of females and children is not good.

Question 7.
What is the difference between domestic violence and violence?
In domestic violence, we can include violence committed with wife, children, brothers etc. and such behaviour is not acceptable in society. Violence is done between two individuals or groups and most of the times, they are strange. Communal violence is its best example.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Solutions Chapter 11 Female Foeticide and Domestic Violence

Question 8.
What is wife battering?
The meaning of wife battering is doing violence with wife by husband. Generally husband considers that wife is under him and thinks that whatever he will say, she will have to accept it. If she refuses it, she is beaten up and this is known as wife battering.

Question 9.
What are the consequences of female foeticide?

  • Female foeticide leads to decline in sex ratio.
  • Whole balance of society disturbs as it is considered that both male and.female are not equal in number.
  • It leads to lower social status of women.

Question 10.
List cultural factors of domestic violence.
There can be many cultural factors of domestic violence such as gender based socialisation, division of gender based roles, right of son over property, giving importance to males in family, marriage and dowry system, use of violence to end conflict etc.

Long Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Write a short note on female foeticide.
Since last few decades, the major cause of declining sex ratio is female foeticide. It means the killing of unborn girl in the womb of her mother. People wish to have a boy and that’s why after sometime of pregnancy, a sex determination test is conducted on the mother. If the foetus is boy, it’s fine but if it’s girl, abortion is conducted. In this way, girl is killed before her birth. This is known as female foeticide. It leads to reduction in number of girls and disturbance in sex ratio.

Question 2.
Discuss any two measures to combat female foeticide.
Write down any two measures to combat female foeticide.
Explain the contribution of government in combating the problem of female foeticide.

  • The Indian government has passed many laws and in the section 312-316 of Indian Penal Code, forcing any female to abort her child is illegal.
  • To stop the increasing number of female foeticide, government passed an Act i.e. Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (Regulation and Prevention of Misuse) Act, 1994 in which conducting sex determination test was declared illegal. If any one will conduct this test, provisions of punishment were kept in the Act.

Question 3.
Discuss any two consequences of female foeticide.
Discuss effects of female foeticide.

  • Impact on female’s health. People prefer to abort the foetus until a male foetus comes. It’has a very bad impact on the health of mother and her new born baby.
  • Impact on Sex ratio. Female foeticide can have adverse impact on sex ratio. It leads to decline in number of girls which further creates many problems such as rape, dowry deaths, polygamy, prostitution etc.

Question 4.
Why is sex ratio declining in India? Explain.

  • People wish to have a boy and that’s why they try to have a male child.
  • Due to female foeticide, sex ratio is declining.
  • Female infanticide is also responsible for decline in sex ratio.
  • Dowry is given at the time of girl’s marriage and that’s why people prefer to have a male child.
  • People think that with male child, family will continue and that’s why they prefer to kill their daughters even before their birth.

Question 5.
Name two social problems that give rise to female foeticide.

  • Dowry: Dowry is given at the time of daughter’s marriage which is one of the important problems of our society. People prefer to opt for female foeticide not to give dowry. If there will be a male child, dowry will come to their home.
  • Violence against women: Almost in all the societies of the world, females face many types of violence such as rape, abduction, dowry deaths, prostitution, wife battering etc. These are the reasons that people prefer to have a male child.

Question 6.
Write causes of domestic violence.
Two reasons for Domestic Violence.

  • People consume alcohol to stay away from tension. When wives and children ask them not to use it, they beat them up and increase domestic violence.
  • There are many people who are angry by nature and they even beat up their children on petty things.
  • Few individuals are drug addicts. If they don’t have money to buy drugs, they beat up their family members to get money.
  • Few people always remain in sorrow due to their poverty and occasionally they beat up their family members to take out their frustration.

Question 7.
Write remedies for wife battering.

  • The Indian government has made many laws but they are not implemented properly. They should be properly implemented to save wives from their husbands.
  • Police must solve such cases with great care. Policemen must be given special training to solve the cases of domestic violence.
  • Children and young people must be educated against domestic violence to prepare them for future times.

Question 8.
List the legal reforms to curb female foeticide.

  • According to section 312-316 of the Indian Penal Code, doing abortion is illegal.
  • According to The Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971, law was little bit relaxed and on medical, humanitarian or on any other ground, abortion was permitted.
  • The major base of female foeticide is sex determination of child. That’s why ‘Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (Regulation and Prevention of Misuse) Act, 1994 was passed and sex determination test was declared illegal. If any ultrasound centre will conduct this test, provisions were kept to close down this centre.

Question 9.
What are the effects of domestic violence?

  • It can have bad impact on female’s health. She has to face all this physically and psychologically. It can have wrong impact on family atmosphere.
  • Wife battering can have wrong impact on children. Their daily work gets affected and can have wrong impact on their education. Children start to hate their father when they observe their mother is beaten by father.
  • That female always remains in mental tension who faces domestic, violence and is greatly affected from all aspects. This psychological tension affects other aspects of their life as well.

Question 10.
What is scenario of domestic violence agaisnt women in India?
Domestic violence against women in India is quite common among all the other domestic violences. The common reason of this is the set ideology of people that females are physically and mentally weaker than males. Yet females are proving that they are no inferior than males in all the sectors but even then number of cases of domestic violence are much more against them. Its reasons are different in different countries. According to the Population Fund Report of United Nations, around two third of the Indian females are the victims of domestic violence. Around 70% married females are the victims of beating, rape or forced sex. Out of these, around 55% of the cases come from Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and other north Indian states.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Solutions Chapter 11 Female Foeticide and Domestic Violence

Very Long Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Write a detailed note on sex ratio.
In simple words the number of females behind 1000 males in one square kilometer is known as the sex ratio. It means chat how many females are there for every 1000 males in a particular area. This process is given the name of sex ratio. Relation of the word sex ratio is related with demographic features of population of any country. If we want to know anything about any country’s population then we must know about sex ratio. In 2011 India’s Sex ratio was 1000: 943. It means there were 943 females behind every 1000 males in any particular area.

If we want to know about the status of women in any society then we can come to know about it only by looking at the sex ratio of that society. From this, we can come to know that what type of status has been given to females by that society. If sex ratio is low then status of women is low but if sex ratio is high then the status of women is definitely high. In this way the meaning of sex ratio is number of females in any particular area as compared to males. If we will have information about number of males and females of any country then we can easily come to know about sex ratio of that country. Here child sex ratio is also quite important with sex ratio. Meaning of child sex ratio is that how many girls, with age group of 0-6 years, are there for 1000 boys in population of the country.

If we look at the sex ratio in whole world especially of few major countries then in the year of 2000 there “were 986 females behind 1000 males. This sex ratio is 1000: 1029 in U.S.A. 1000 ; 944 in China, 1000: 1025 in Brazil, 1000: 1041 in Japan, 1000: 933 in India, 1000: 938 in Pakistan, 1000: 953 in Bangladesh and 1000: 1004 in Indonesia. From this data, it is clear that number of females are more as compared to males in developed countries but this number is quite less in developing countries. It is so because gender discrimination is more in backward countries but it is almost negligible in the developed countries.

Condition Of Sex Ratio In India:

The condition of sex ratio in India is not good. According to Census Survey of 2011, there were only 940 females in India as compared to 1000 males. This worrying condition could be understood only by looking at the given .table:

Year Males Females
1901 1000 972
1911 1000 964
1921 1000 959
1931 1000 950
1941 1000 945
1951 1000 946
1961 1000 941
1971 1000 930
1981 1000 934
1991 1000 927
2001 1000 933
2011 1000 943

Here we can see another table related with sex ratio which is state-wise data of sex ratio in India.

Year State/U.T. Males Females
2011 UttarPradeah 1000 908
2011 Maharathtra 1000 925
2011 Bthar 1000 916
2011 West Bengal 1000 947
2011 Andra Pradesh 1000 992
2011 Tamil Nadu 1000 995
2011 Madhya Pradesh 1000 930
2011 Raashtan 1000 926
2011 Karnataka 1000 968
2011 Gujarat 1000 918
2011 Oriasa 1000 978
2011 Kerala 1000 1084
2011 Jharkhand 1000 947
2011 Assam 1000 954
2011 Pnjab 1000 893
2011 Haryana 1000 877
2011 Chhatisgarh 1000 991
2011 Delhi 1000 866
2011 Jainmu and Kashmir 1000 883
2011 Uttrakhand 1000 963
2011 Himachal Pradesh 1000 974
2011 Thpura 1000 961
2011 Meghalaya 1000 986
2011 Mampur 1000 987
2011 Nagaland 1000 931
2011 Gos 1000 968
2011 Arunachal Pradesh 1000 920
2011 Puducherry 1000 1038
2011 Chandigarh 1000 18
2011 Mizoram 1000 975
2011 Sikkim 1000 889
2011 Andaman and Nicobar Islands 1000 878
2011 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 1000 775
2011 Daman and Diu 1000 618
2011 Lakahadweep 1000 946

From these two tables, it is clear that during 1901-2001, sex ratio in India has declined to a great extent. During 1941-1951, 1981-1991 and 1991-2011, the number of females were increased but during rest of the decades, the number of females were decreased. If we compare the decades of 1901 and 2001 than number of females or sex ratio has been decreased upto 40 females per 1000 males. Only Kerala is a state and Puduchery is the alone union territory where this ratio is favourable for females. In Kerala 1084 females are there for 1000 males and in Puduchery this ratio is 1000:1038. But this is 877 in Haryana, 893 in Punjab and 818 in Chandigarh. So from this it is clear that this declining sex ratio is really a cause of worry for us.

Question 2.
What do your understand by females foeticide? Describe its causes and consequences.
What do you mean by female foeticide? Explain its causes.
What is female foeticide? Explain its impacts.
The word female foeticide is made up of two words female and foeticide. The meaning of female is girl and foeticide is killing foetus. So, if we look at the literal meaning of female foeticide it is killing of females foetus in mother’s womb. Actually this concept of female foeticide came forward in last few decades when sex ratio of our country started declining.

Meaning of Female Foeticide. Due to many reasons, people wish to have a boy. They use many methods to get .a boy in place of a girl. When a female gets pregnant, during first three months, foetus is not yet fully developed. It is still known as foetus. These days, many new modern techniques have come forward which tell us that the foetus is of boy or girl. Such test is known as sex determination test. If the foetus is of boy, it’s fine but if it is of girl, it is aborted or terminated. It is known as female foeticide. Just because of female foeticide, the sex ratio in India started declining. In 2011, it was 943 girls behind 1000 boys.

Causes of Female Foeticide. When the foetus of a girl is terminated in the mother’s womb, it is called female foeticide. This is one of the social problems which came forward in last few decades. It can have many reasons which are given-below:

1. Traditional Society. The problem of female foeticide prevails more in traditional society. If we compare developed societies such as U.S.A., U.K. etc. with the traditional societies such as India, China, Pakistan etc., we observe that sex ratio is quite less in traditional societies. It is so because people have a tendency in such societies that they need a boy for the continuation of family and to give fire to their funeral pyre. Due to such tendencies, number of boys increase in traditional societies as people prefer to have a boy.

2. Wish to have a male child. Generally people wish to have a boy for the continuation of family and to give fire to their funeral pyre after death. Moreover people know if there will be a girl, they will have to give lot of dowry at the time of her marriage. Along with this, they’ll have to give a lot even after girl’s marriage. That’s why people don’t want girl and they even try for this. They do not hesitate from killing female foetus. In this way wish to have a boy also increases female foeticide.

3. Technological Advances. During ancient times, people did’t have access to technological advances as they were not available. So, it was not possible to conduct sex determination test. They had to wait till child’ birth. If it was girl, she was killed at the time of her birth. But with time, many techniques came forward which made it possible to know about the sex of child. Just after 18 weeks of pregnancy, ultrasound machines tell us that the foetus is boy or girl. Thousands of clinics and nursing homes came forward which terminate female foetus. They even kill unborn girl in the womb of mother. New tools have made this work quite easy. In this way technological advancements are responsible for female foeticide.

4. Patriarchal Society. Our society is basically a patriarchal society and males dominate our houses. They take care of the house and take all the important decisions. In such societies, the status of females is quite low and everything is done according to the wish of males. Females cannot do anything with their wish. Males in such society wish to have boys at home and they do not hestitate from committing female foeticide. Females have to accept this as it is the decision of males. In this way, they are forced to accept this wrong act.

Consequences of Females Foeticide: The problem of female foeticide can have some dangerous consequences on society which are given below:

1. Declining Sex Ratio. If we look at the record of the past 100 years we can see that during last 100 years of 1901-2001, the sex ratio has declined quite considerably. Yet, the number of females increased during the decades of 1971-1981 and 1991-2001 but in rest of the decades, it decreased quite considerbely. In India, only Kerala is the state with positive sex ratio. This no. is 1000: 1084 in Kerala. It is 1000: 1038 in Puduchery. But in Haryana it is 1000: 877, in Chandigarh 1000: 818 and in Punjab it is 1000: 893. In this way we can say that the declining sex ratio is a major cause of concern in society.

2. Violence Against Women. Female foeticide leads to decline in sex ratio which
further leads to increase in violence against women. Girls are killed either before birth or new born girls are killed. Even people abandon their daughters in trains. Females have to face violence as they have given birth to girl, not boy. Many have to face sex based violence such as rape, abduction, prostitution etc. ‘

3. Low Status of Women. Declining sex ratio leads to decline in social status of women. If any female is unable to give birth to boy and is bearing only female child, she is forced to opt for abortion. Social evils and social institutions are also responsible for this and it can have an adverse impact on social status of females.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Solutions Chapter 11 Female Foeticide and Domestic Violence

Question 3.
Explain the role of government in combating the problem of female foeticide.
See Question No. 8 of Long answer type questions (IV).

Question 4.
Write a detail note on female foeticide.
The word female foeticide is made up of two words female and foeticide. The meaning of female is girl and foeticide is killing foetus. So, if we look at the literal meaning of female foeticide it is killing of females foetus in mother’s womb. Actually this concept of female foeticide came forward in last few decades when sex ratio of our country started declining.

Meaning of Female Foeticide. Due to many reasons, people wish to have a boy. They use many methods to get .a boy in place of a girl. When a female gets pregnant, during first three months, foetus is not yet fully developed. It is still known as foetus. These days, many new modern techniques have come forward which tell us that the foetus is of boy or girl. Such test is known as sex determination test. If the foetus is of boy, it’s fine but if it is of girl, it is aborted or terminated. It is known as female foeticide. Just because of female foeticide, the sex ratio in India started declining. In 2011, it was 943 girls behind 1000 boys.

Causes of Female Foeticide. When the foetus of a girl is terminated in the mother’s womb, it is called female foeticide. This is one of the social problems which came forward in last few decades. It can have many reasons which are given-below:

1. Traditional Society. The problem of female foeticide prevails more in traditional society. If we compare developed societies such as U.S.A., U.K. etc. with the traditional societies such as India, China, Pakistan etc., we observe that sex ratio is quite less in traditional societies. It is so because people have a tendency in such societies that they need a boy for the continuation of family and to give fire to their funeral pyre. Due to such tendencies, number of boys increase in traditional societies as people prefer to have a boy.

2. Wish to have a male child. Generally people wish to have a boy for the continuation of family and to give fire to their funeral pyre after death. Moreover people know if there will be a girl, they will have to give lot of dowry at the time of her marriage. Along with this, they’ll have to give a lot even after girl’s marriage. That’s why people don’t want girl and they even try for this. They do not hesitate from killing female foetus. In this way wish to have a boy also increases female foeticide.

3. Technological Advances. During ancient times, people did’t have access to technological advances as they were not available. So, it was not possible to conduct sex determination test. They had to wait till child’ birth. If it was girl, she was killed at the time of her birth. But with time, many techniques came forward which made it possible to know about the sex of child. Just after 18 weeks of pregnancy, ultrasound machines tell us that the foetus is boy or girl. Thousands of clinics and nursing homes came forward which terminate female foetus. They even kill unborn girl in the womb of mother. New tools have made this work quite easy. In this way technological advancements are responsible for female foeticide.

4. Patriarchal Society. Our society is basically a patriarchal society and males dominate our houses. They take care of the house and take all the important decisions. In such societies, the status of females is quite low and everything is done according to the wish of males. Females cannot do anything with their wish. Males in such society wish to have boys at home and they do not hestitate from committing female foeticide. Females have to accept this as it is the decision of males. In this way, they are forced to accept this wrong act.

Consequences of Females Foeticide: The problem of female foeticide can have some dangerous consequences on society which are given below:

1. Declining Sex Ratio. If we look at the record of the past 100 years we can see that during last 100 years of 1901-2001, the sex ratio has declined quite considerably. Yet, the number of females increased during the decades of 1971-1981 and 1991-2001 but in rest of the decades, it decreased quite considerbely. In India, only Kerala is the state with positive sex ratio. This no. is 1000: 1084 in Kerala. It is 1000: 1038 in Puduchery. But in Haryana it is 1000: 877, in Chandigarh 1000: 818 and in Punjab it is 1000: 893. In this way we can say that the declining sex ratio is a major cause of concern in society.

2. Violence Against Women. Female foeticide leads to decline in sex ratio which
further leads to increase in violence against women. Girls are killed either before birth or new born girls are killed. Even people abandon their daughters in trains. Females have to face violence as they have given birth to girl, not boy. Many have to face sex based violence such as rape, abduction, prostitution etc. ‘

3. Low Status of Women. Declining sex ratio leads to decline in social status of women. If any female is unable to give birth to boy and is bearing only female child, she is forced to opt for abortion. Social evils and social institutions are also responsible for this and it can have an adverse impact on social status of females.

Question 5.
What do you understand by female foeticide? Explain various measures to combat this problem.
The word female foeticide is made up of two words female and foeticide. The meaning of female is girl and foeticide is killing foetus. So, if we look at the literal meaning of female foeticide it is killing of females foetus in mother’s womb. Actually this concept of female foeticide came forward in last few decades when sex ratio of our country started declining.

Meaning of Female Foeticide. Due to many reasons, people wish to have a boy. They use many methods to get .a boy in place of a girl. When a female gets pregnant, during first three months, foetus is not yet fully developed. It is still known as foetus. These days, many new modern techniques have come forward which tell us that the foetus is of boy or girl. Such test is known as sex determination test. If the foetus is of boy, it’s fine but if it is of girl, it is aborted or terminated. It is known as female foeticide. Just because of female foeticide, the sex ratio in India started declining. In 2011, it was 943 girls behind 1000 boys.

Causes of Female Foeticide. When the foetus of a girl is terminated in the mother’s womb, it is called female foeticide. This is one of the social problems which came forward in last few decades. It can have many reasons which are given-below:

1. Traditional Society. The problem of female foeticide prevails more in traditional society. If we compare developed societies such as U.S.A., U.K. etc. with the traditional societies such as India, China, Pakistan etc., we observe that sex ratio is quite less in traditional societies. It is so because people have a tendency in such societies that they need a boy for the continuation of family and to give fire to their funeral pyre. Due to such tendencies, number of boys increase in traditional societies as people prefer to have a boy.

2. Wish to have a male child. Generally people wish to have a boy for the continuation of family and to give fire to their funeral pyre after death. Moreover people know if there will be a girl, they will have to give lot of dowry at the time of her marriage. Along with this, they’ll have to give a lot even after girl’s marriage. That’s why people don’t want girl and they even try for this. They do not hesitate from killing female foetus. In this way wish to have a boy also increases female foeticide.

3. Technological Advances. During ancient times, people did’t have access to technological advances as they were not available. So, it was not possible to conduct sex determination test. They had to wait till child’ birth. If it was girl, she was killed at the time of her birth. But with time, many techniques came forward which made it possible to know about the sex of child. Just after 18 weeks of pregnancy, ultrasound machines tell us that the foetus is boy or girl. Thousands of clinics and nursing homes came forward which terminate female foetus. They even kill unborn girl in the womb of mother. New tools have made this work quite easy. In this way technological advancements are responsible for female foeticide.

4. Patriarchal Society. Our society is basically a patriarchal society and males dominate our houses. They take care of the house and take all the important decisions. In such societies, the status of females is quite low and everything is done according to the wish of males. Females cannot do anything with their wish. Males in such society wish to have boys at home and they do not hestitate from committing female foeticide. Females have to accept this as it is the decision of males. In this way, they are forced to accept this wrong act.

Consequences of Females Foeticide: The problem of female foeticide can have some dangerous consequences on society which are given below:

1. Declining Sex Ratio. If we look at the record of the past 100 years we can see that during last 100 years of 1901-2001, the sex ratio has declined quite considerably. Yet, the number of females increased during the decades of 1971-1981 and 1991-2001 but in rest of the decades, it decreased quite considerbely. In India, only Kerala is the state with positive sex ratio. This no. is 1000: 1084 in Kerala. It is 1000: 1038 in Puduchery. But in Haryana it is 1000: 877, in Chandigarh 1000: 818 and in Punjab it is 1000: 893. In this way we can say that the declining sex ratio is a major cause of concern in society.

2. Violence Against Women. Female foeticide leads to decline in sex ratio which
further leads to increase in violence against women. Girls are killed either before birth or new born girls are killed. Even people abandon their daughters in trains. Females have to face violence as they have given birth to girl, not boy. Many have to face sex based violence such as rape, abduction, prostitution etc.

3. Low Status of Women. Declining sex ratio leads to decline in social status of women. If any female is unable to give birth to boy and is bearing only female child, she is forced to opt for abortion. Social evils and social institutions are also responsible for this and it can have an adverse impact on social status of females.

Measures to combat problem: See Question No. 8 of long answer type questions (IV).

Question 6.
Write a detailed note on domestic violence.
What is domestic violence?
Sociologists were attracted towards the problem of family violence during last few decades of 20th century. The concept of family violence is not new in Indian society. It is a centuries old concept and sociologists have given their attention towards it in recent times. It is not correct that the family violence was not there in ancient societies. Family violence is a universal thing and has remained in almost all the societies. Violence and even deaths are also related with this. But we have very less knowledge about this concept because very less statistics are available with us about family violence and very few researches have been done till date regarding this.

It is very difficult to bring conclusions in these types of researches because generally people never like to talk about family violence. In this way very less data of family violence is available with us. Another reason of less availability of data of this concept is that many research works have been done related to family in India, but all of these were related with either structure and functions of joint family or structure and function of nuclear family. No one has paid its attention towards the concept of family violence.

One another reason is that people think that if they will talk with any stranger regarding this then his or her family will break up or conflict in the family will increase. That’s why people never like to share their experience of family violence > with any one. Another reason of less number of researches being done on family violence is that there is very less importance of that part of family on which violence is being committed and that part of family is females and children. It is true that our urban society is progressing very quickly but rural society is standing there where it was 50 years back. Females and children are given very less importance in our society. Even society hardly accepts it as a problem. Society declines to accept it a problem and says, that it is not a problem. Domestic violence is accepted as a feature of personal mental illness.

Even many historians hardly accept it as a social problem and say that the family violence is a personal matter of the family. That’s why it should be kept only for the family or for the home. It is true that government has made many laws after independence to stop domestic violence so that the mutual understanding, love, cooperation, sympathy etc. could be increased in the society. Even there is provision of strict punishment in different laws who commit violence against females and children. But this topic is very important for sociology because till date sociology has studied only family or good and positive aspect of family life but it has never studied the negative aspect of family violence.

If any social system is formed then it is the result of integrative and disintegrative processes. In this way family life is also a mixture of negative and positive aspects. Experience of family life of ttvo persons could also be different and they are generally different. If any person has no problem in family life then his family life is full of happiness. But if any person has many problems in family life then his family life will be full of sorrows. Members of family in family life are very much close to each other and this closeness is due to mutual dependence. Opposition and differences also occur in the views of members due to this dependence.

These differences create mutual conflict also. One writer was of the view that the families where there is a lot of conflict in the family, they use more reasons to remove that conflict and more violence is there in those families. We cannot find same type of situation in the family. Family life is always full of happiness and sorrowness. General consensus and conflict always occur in the family. Many a time violence occurs due to this conflict and many a time this violence results in the form of death. Very less data is available in our country related to domestic violence. Generally researchers pay attention towards the physical violence which is committed in the family. They hardly care about the psychological violence. Psychological violence is very dangerous because its effect lasts for the whole life. But even then the family life has not been explained in a proper way. That’s why our knowledge related to this is very limited.

Definition of Domestic Violence:

Domestic violence is a complex concept. It is very difficult to define it because violence is a very wide concept in which abusing, slapping and the concept of murder are included. Except this the meaning of force and violence are generally taken in the same sense. Violence is generally a physical activity but force is the activity full of hatred in which we hurt other person. This hurt could be physical and psychological as well. From the researches being done on family violence we come to know that we cannot differentiate the legal and illegal activity because the victims of violence make the act of violence legal by accepting those violent acts.

According to Gelles, “Day to day patterned and recurrent use of physical violence like pushing, slapping, punching, knifing, shooting and throwing objects by one member of the family at another.” According to Pagelow, “An act of omission or commission by family members and any condition comes out of such activity which deprives other members of family of equal rights and liberties and interferes with their’optimal development and freedom of choice.”

In this way family violence is not limited only to physical violence but is extended from psychological violence and up to snatching freedom of-members of family. It happens again and again in family relation. The area of family violence starts abusing and goes up to the use of force. Conflict of husband-wife, brother-sister, uncles, grandfather, grandson is included in this. In this way family violence is that act which is being committed by one member of the family towards other member of the family with an idea to strike other one. Yet the violence is very common in our society and violence is not a particular thing itself but when the violence is being used against the members of the family then its study and explanation become necessary.

There can be many types of family violence like misbehave of husband and wife towards each other, marital rape, rape of sister by brother or of daughter by father, violence between brother and sister, violence in father and the son, violence in mother-in-law and daughter-in-law etc. Generally it has been believed that the violence in any other condition is known as very serious but if this violence will be on the base of family then it is accepted as the family problem or just a small crime.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Solutions Chapter 11 Female Foeticide and Domestic Violence

Question 7.
What are the causes of domestic violence?
What are the causes of domestic violence? Discuss.
There is not just one or two causes of domestic violence but it has many reasons whose description is given ahead:

1. Social change: Change is law of nature and family and society are also affected by this. Changes are often coming in family, house and society due to geographical and cultural effects. A new change has come in the old relations due to many factors like urbanization, industrialization, new and formal educational system, means of transport and communication etc. People get many chances to get work because of which members of the family were forced to leave the ancient web of relationships. New generation gave importance to nuclear families instead of joint families so that they could move from one place to another. Due to living alone they went out of control of any elder. Problems of office, problems of running the house when become intolerable for the person then he takes out his anger on wife and children in the family because of which domestic violence increases.

2. Alcoholism: Generally it has been seen that humans are using alcohol to get relief from the tensions or for the sake of fun. When a person reaches the home after consuming alcohol then his wife, children, parents etc. advise him not to use alcohol and even tell him about the consequences of using alcohol. Many a time person listens to it and then he comes in anger and starts to beat up his family members. He abuses them and severely beats them up. He thinks that his family members are increasing his problems. In this way he is hardly aware of the fact what he is doing under the influence of liquor. His body remains under the influence of liquor and he hardly cares that wh#t is he doing. In this way alcoholism also increases domestic violence.

3. Misbehaviour of childhood: Many scholars say that many people are very much misbehaved in their childhood by their parents. Their childhood has been spent with full of misbehaviour, violence of parents and without love. Behaviour of many persons becomes rude because of this and when they become adult they misbehave with their parents, wife, and children. Many persons keep these things in their mind and when they become young they also misbehave (physical and psychological) with their parents and children. In this way the childhood of the person is some times responsible for domestic violence.

4. Drug abuse: These days many medicines are available in the market with which person can come in the influence of drug like capsules, injections etc. Yet doctor gives the person to cure its problems but many a time humans start to use them as a drug. When the person consumes them then he hardly cares about the fact that what he is doing. He misbehaves with the members of the family and even he beats them up. He abuses them, beats them up so that he is able to get money from them. In this way domestic violence increases due to drug abuse.

5. Problem of personality: Many a time personality problems can also become a reason of family violence. Some persons are angry by nature and come in anger with small, small things. For example in many families uncles beat up their nephew even due to small things. Some people are very possessive by nature. They beat their wife, children, sister even after little bit of doubt on their behaviour and character. For example if their son, daughter, child is talking on phone then they ask them with whom and why are you talking? If they are unable to get satisfactory answer then they beat them up. In this way problem of personality also becomes a cause of family violence.

6. Less income: Today is the age of inflation but the income of every person is | very much limited. Income of the family is generally less but expenditure is more. That’s why they are unable to run their family in a proper way and they always remain in the economic problems. Person always remains in the tension. Family 1 members demand many things from him but he is unable to fulfil those demands and that’s why he beats them up in tension and anger and violence happens automatically. In this way less income can also become the cause of domestic violence.

7. Unemployment: Many a time unemployment can also become a reason of family violence. Many a time business of any person remains no more, he looses his job etc. In this condition he becomes either unemployed or half employed. He becomes annoyed with this and remains in tension. He brings out his anger on the family members because of which domestic violence increases.

8. Capacity to commit violence: Many a time family members commit violence at that time when the value of being violent is less than that of its result. In other words people beat other members of their family because they can do so. Males are generally powerful than females and children. That’s why they use violent methods against them. Inequality in family and society exists due to sex and age. That’s why the strong person and aged person uses violence and domestic violence increases with this.

9. Clash of interests: God has made every person of a different nature and the interests of every perspn are also different according to that. Any one wants to get more education and any one wants to earn more money. In this way interests of every member of family are also different. Interests of father, son, nephew, uncle, brother, sister, grandfather, grandson etc. are also different. That’s why there is a clash of interests. Every member of the family wants that he should get more and more family’s property. That’s why conflict starts in members of the family. Even brothers hardly talk with each other while living in the family, conflict occurs in father and son. Even they try to kill each other because of property. We can read this type of news in daily newspaper like son killed his father, brother killed his brother, nephew killed his uncle. In this way clash of interests also becomes a reason of domestic violence.

10. Male dominated society: Our society is male dominated society because of which females are given very low status in family and society. In this way the cause of violence against women comes out due to the lower status of women as compared to males. All the powers in male dominated society are in the hands of males. The process of socialization also keeps females under the authority of males. This inequality in both the sexes is going on from the ages. More inequality will lead to the violence against lower class. Except this if lower class (females) will try to oppose it then its answer will also be given in the form of violence.

11. Dependency: Generally males earn money in the family and all the other members depend upon them to live. That’s why males feel that the life of other members of the family is in their command. That’s why they can change their lives. If members of the family spend their lives according to his views then it’s fine otherwise they can be forced to live in his way with the help of violence. In this way dependency also increases domestic violence.

Question 8.
Write a note about control of domestic vialence.
Explain various measures to combat domestic violence.
Domestic violence is not a new concept. It was also there in ancient societies. At that time family was giving psychological, physical and social security to its members. But many new changes are coming in joint family. This change has come in the roles of elders of the family. Tension is coming in the relations of husband and wife. Elders are disrespected and many cases of misbehaviour with them can be read in newspapers. Younger members are getting more rights. Elders are not considered as useful but are considered as useless and that’s why the cases of misbehaviour are increasing with them. Relations of parents and children are weakening. Relations of husband and wife are weakening and this we can come to knew from the increasing number of divorces. Ancient family structure remains no more. In future the concept of joint family will also come to an end.

In this way to reduce family violence and to save the lives of victims of violence it is necessary that it should be stopped and it should be cured but we can not change our culture while curing it. Its cure is to stop it. The main aim of stopping methods is to stop family violence. First of all, we have to change our values, behaviour, nature etc. with which our way of looking the females will also be changed.

Sexual inequality,’ economic inequality, and dependency also increase family violence. If the difference between job-oriented females and males will come to an end then family violence will also come to an end. Except this, we should not beat our children but make them understand with love. Violence will give birth to counter-violence. Whichever system will be established with violence it will also come to an end with violence. If we will beat our children to make them understand then it will not affect their bodies but will affect their minds as well. He will never forget this beating for his whole life and will show the same face to his parents which was shown to him by his parents. If we will educate them with love then it would be a very important step to reduce domestic violence because love gives birth to love.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 4 Caste Inequalities

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 4 Caste Inequalities Important Questions and Answers.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 4 Caste Inequalities

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. When was Untouchability Offence Act passed?
(a) 1956
(b) 1954
(c) 1955
(d) 1957
(c) 1955

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 4 Caste Inequalities

2. Which institution completely disintegrated the Indian society?
(a) Caste system
(b) Class system
(c) Joint family
(d) Dowry system
(a) Caste system

3. Which of these is the base of caste?
(a) Money
(b) Birth
(c) Property
(d) Religion
(6b) Birth

4. Who was the first one to use the word ‘Harijan’?
(a) Dr. Ambedkar
(b) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) The Indian Constitution
(d) G.S.Ghurye
(b) Mahatma Gandhi

5. Who gave the six features of caste system?
(a) Ghurye
(b) Srinivas
(c) Dubey
(d) Karve
(a) Ghurye

6. Who gave the traditional theory of caste origin?
(a) Majumdar
(b) Karve
(c) Srinivas
(d) Dubey
(a) Majumdar

7. The mate selection within the group is called …………….
(a) Exogamy
(b) Endogamy
(c) Group Marriage
(d) Monogamy
(b) Endogamy

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 4 Caste Inequalities

Fill in the Blanks:

1. Ghurye gave ………………. features of caste system.

2. ……………… system took the form of caste system.

3. Traditional theory is given in ……………….

4. In the process of ………………… lower caste people adopt the ideas, habits, ways of living etc. of upper caste people.

5. With the process of …………………. untouchability has almsot eliminated from society.

6. The problem of untouchability is due to ……………….. system.


1. Caste system is based on wealth.

2. Untouchability Offence Act was passed in 1960.

3. Traditional theory of caste origin is given in Rigveda.

4. Caste system originated from the varna system.

5. First three castes were known as ‘dwija’.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 4 Caste Inequalities

One Word/One Line Questions Answers:

Question 1.
Which system has divided our society 7
Caste system has divided our society.

Question 2.
From which language’s word, the word caste came?
Word ‘caste’ was originated from a Portuguese word ‘CASTA’.

Question 3.
Which type of class is caste?
Caste is a closed class.

Question 4.
Who were given the highest place in Caste system?
Brahmins were given the highest place in caste system.

Question 5.
Which caste was greatly exploited in Caste system?
Fourth caste was greatly exploited in caste system.

Question 6.
What is meant by Endogamy?
When marriage is done within one’s own caste then it is known as endogamy. Question 7. Which type of occupation of an individual is there in caste system? An. In caste system, occupation of an individual is based on birth. It means one is required to adopt the occupation of his family.

Question 8.
On what, mutual relations in caste system are based?
In caste system, mutual relations are based on superiority and inferiority.

Question 9.
What is meant by closed caste system?
The class which cannot be changed is known as closed caste system.

Question 10.
What is used to make Kachcha food and Pakka food?
Water is used to make Kachcha food and oil is used to make Pakka food.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 4 Caste Inequalities

Question 11.
On what division of labour in Indian society was based?
Division of labour in Indian society was based on caste system.

Question 12.
Who gave the Racial theory of origin of caste system?
G.S. Ghurye gave the racial theory of caste system.

Question 13.
Which theory was given by Ghurye about origin of caste system?
Racial theory was given by Ghurye.

Question 14.
Who gave the Religious theory of origin of Caste system?
Hockart and Senart gave the religious theory of origin of caste system.

Question 15.
Who gave the occupational theory about origin of Caste system?
Nesfield gave this theory.

Question 16.
Who wrote the book ‘Caste in India’?
The book ‘Caste in India’ was written by J.H. Hutton.

Question 17.
Who wrote the book Races and Culture?
The book Races and Culture was written by Majumdar.

Question 18.
How many features of caste system are given by G.S. Ghurye?
G.S. Ghurye has given six features of Caste system.

Question 19.
When was Untouchability Offence Act passed?
Untouchability Offence Act was passed in 1955.

Question 20.
When was Civil Rights Protection Act passed?
Civil Rights Protection Act was passed in 1976.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 4 Caste Inequalities

Question 21.
When was Hindu Marriage Act passed?
Hindu Marriage Act was passed in 1955.

Question 22.
Which thing was restricted in Untouchability Offence Act?
It was restricted that no one will be called as untouchable.

Question 23.
How many castes approximately are available in India?
Approximately 3,000 castes are available in India.

Question 24.
Which type of marriage is allowed in Caste system?
Endogamy is allowed in caste system.

Question 25.
In how many parts, ancient Indian society was divided?
Ancient Indian society was divided into four parts.

Question 26.
What was the merit of caste system?
Write about one positive function of caste system.
It has protected Hindu society, has given stability to society and has given definite occupation to the people.

Question 27.
Which type of change is coming in caste-system?
Mention one change in caste system.
Prestige of Brahmins is declining, untouchability remains no more and traditional occupations are coming to an end.

Question 28.
Give main features of caste system.
Mention any two features of caste.
Membership of caste remains for life, segmental division of society is there and one has to adopt his traditional occupation.

Question 29.
What is the demerit of caste system?
Lower castes are exploited, untouchability increased and personality of an individual is unable to develop.

Question 30.
Who gave the Multifactor theory of origin of caste system?
It was given by Hutton.

Question 31.
Who has accepted caste as a political unit?
Saxena has accepted caste as a political unit.

Question 32.
What is the base of membership of caste?
Base of membership of caste is birth.

Question 33.
What is the permanent form of stratification?
Caste is the permanent form of stratification.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 4 Caste Inequalities

Question 34.
Which institution has greatly disintegrated the Indian society?
Caste system has greatly disintegrated the Indian society.

Question 35.
Which scholar has divided functions of caste system into three parts?
J.H. Hutton has divided functions of caste system into three parts.

Question 36.
In which Veda’s purushsukta, the description of origin of caste system is given?
In Rigveda’s purushsukta, the description of origin of caste system is given.

Question 37.
From which word, the word caste is originated?
The word caste is originated from the Portuguese word ‘CASTA’.

Question 38.
Which are the main bases of caste?
Caste is a very large group whose bases are caste based differences and birth based differences.

Question 39.
Why are restrictions kept in caste system?
So that the different castes could not come in each other’s contact and caste superiority and inferiority could remain as it is.

Question 40.
How is caste a closed group?
Is caste a closed group?
Caste is a closed group because one cannot change it even if one has the ability to do so.

Question 41.
How is occupation fixed in Caste System?
Definite occupation in caste.
Hereditary occupations.
Traditional occupation.
Occupation in caste is traditional. It means one has to adopt the occupation of his family.

Question 42.
Which two laws have helped in the weakening of caste system?

  • Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.
  • Untouchability Offence Act, 1955.

Question 43.
What is social disability of lower castes?
Social disability of lower castes is that they cannot keep relations with upper castes and cannot take water from their wells.

Question 44.
What is religious disability of lower castes?
Lower castes cannot take religious education, cannot read religious books and cannot go into temples.

Question 45.
How has industrialization affected the Caste system?
Effect of industrialisation on Caste System.
In industries, people of different castes started to work together with which caste based restrictions came to an end.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 4 Caste Inequalities

Question 46.
Caste develops the feeling of Co-operation.
It is right because members of one caste work with each other due to same occupation co-operate with each other.

Question 47.
What is Untouchability?
The process in which people of few castes were not allowed to touch the upper caste people was known as untouchability.

Question 48.
Inter-caste Marriage.
When people of two different castes marry with each other then it is known as inter-caste marriage.

Question 49.
Is Caste system changing?
Yes, caste system is changing due to a number of factors like education, industrialisation, urbanisation, laws etc.

Question 50.
Maintenace of Purity of Blood.
When one marries within his own caste then it maintains the purity of blood. Blood of other castes never mixes with one’s caste.

Question 51.
When an individual does marriage within his own caste or group then it is known as Endogamy.

Question 52.
Is class intermarriageable?
Yes, class is intermarriagable. It means endogamous as well as exogamous.

Question 53.
Hierarchy in Caste.
There were four castes—Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Lower castes. This was the hierarchy in caste.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 4 Caste Inequalities

Question 54.
What are the bases of class?
Money, wealth, prestige, education, occupation etc. are the bases of class.

Question 55.
What is the fundamental basis of caste system?
Fundamental basis of caste system was the superiority of few castes and inferiority of few castes.

Question 56.
Restrictions on feeding and social relations in Caste.
Different castes in Caste system were not allowed to keep feeding and social relations with each other.

Question 57.
Restrictions regarding marriage in a caste.
There was restriction regarding marriage in a caste. It means members of different castes were not allowed to marry with each other.

Question 58.
Maintenance of Purity of Blood.
Answer: Members of different castes cannot marry with each other. So their blood never mixes with other caste and it maintains purity of blood.

Question 59.
Caste membership based on birth. .
Answer: A person remains member of that caste in which he is born and he cannot change his caste even if he has the ability to do so.

Question 60.
Caste provides social security.
If any problem comes to an individual, then members of his caste always help him. In this way, caste provides social security.


Question 61.
State any two abuses of caste system.

  • In caste system, one particular caste was exploited.
  • In caste system, hatredness prevailed among different castes.

Question 62.
What is the basis of class?
In modern times, wealth occupation, business etc. are the bases of class.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 4 Caste Inequalities

Very Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Hierarchy of Castes.
Society was divided into four castes and due to this division, there was a definite system of high or low social status in society. This system of division of society into four castes is known as hierarchy of castes.

Question 2.
How is the social status of an individual determined?
In caste system, the social status of an individual was determined by the caste in which he was born. But in class system, the social status of an individual is based on his individual ability.

Question 3.
Caste develops the sense of Co-operation.
It is a fact that caste develops the sense of co-operation among its members. As members of one particular caste have same occupation, that’s why they work in co-operation with each other.

Question 4.
What is Kachcha food?
Kaccha food is that food in whose making, oil or ghee is not used, only water is used. In caste system, it is fixed that from which caste one can take kaccha food and from which caste one can take pakka food.

Question 5.
What is Pakka food?
Pakka food is exactly opposite to Kachcha food. Pakka food is that’food in whose making ghee or oil is used. It is fixed that from which caste one can take Pakka food. ‘

Question 6.
Modern Education and Caste.
Now people are taking modern education which is based on Science and reason. That’s why gradually people come to know about demerits of caste and it leads to removal of caste restrictions from the society.

Question 7.
Social Security in Caste.
If any problem comes to an individual then all the members of one caste collectively solve that problem. In this members of each caste get social security from their respective castes.

Question 8.
Membership of caste based on birth.
It is a fact that membership of caste is based on birth. One cannot leave the caste in which he is born. At any cost he cannot leave his caste even if he is having the ability to do so.

Question 9.
To maintain purity of blood.
Caste is an endogamous group in which one needs to marry in his own caste. It helps in maintaining purity of blood as blood from all the castes never mixes with each other.

Question 10.
Give one definition of caste.
According to Martindale and Mona Chesi, “A caste is aggregate of persons whose share of obligations and privileges is fixed by birth, sanctioned and supported by magic and religion.”

Question 11.
Exploitation of lower castes.
In caste system, lower castes were exploited by the upper castes. They were misbehaved and were not given any rights. They lived their fives in hell-like conditions.

Question 12.
Discuss two changes in the Caste System.

  • Due to the passing of many Legislations, the discrimination of untouchabifity is coming to an end.
  • Due to the advent of many new occupations, the hierarchical order of the caste system and the superiority of many castes is changing.

Question 13.
Caste as Segmental division of society.
Give the number and name of castes.
In caste system, whole of the society was divided into different parts. First part comprised the Brahmins, second part comprised the Kshatriyas, third part was Vaishyas and the fourth part comprised the people of lower castes.

Question 14.
Change in the caste regarding marriage.
Now people work with each other and come closer to each other. It led to increase in inter-cas’te marriages. People started to marry according to their own wish. Child marriage no more prevails, widow marriage is increasing day by day.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 4 Caste Inequalities

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Meaning of Caste.
Hindu social system has one of the important complex and interesting institutions which is known as caste system. Word Caste has been taken from Portuguese word ‘Casta’ whose meaning is birth. Caste is an endogamous group whose membership is based on birth, occupation is hereditary and traditional. Many types of restrictions are there regarding ways of living, eating, relations and marriage.

According to Risley, “Caste is a collection of families or group of families bearing a common name, claiming a common descent from mythical ancestor, human or divine. Professing to follow the name hereditary calling and regarded by those who are competent to give an opinion as forming a single homogeneous community.”

Question 2.
Give any four characteritics of Caste.

  • Membership of caste is based upon birth.
  • Caste is an endogamous group.
  • Restrictions on social relations are there in caste.
  • Restrictions are there in caste regarding feeding.
  • Occupation of a person is hereditary in caste. It means that no one can adopt any occupation of his choice.
  • Society is divided in different segments.
  • There is a definite hierarchy in caste system.

Question 10.
Give one definition of caste.
According to Martindale and Mona Chesi, “A caste is aggregate of persons whose share of obligations and privileges is fixed by birth, sanctioned and supported by magic and religion.”

Question 11.
Exploitation of lower castes.
In caste system, lower castes were exploited by the upper castes. They were misbehaved and were not given any rights. They lived their lives in hell-like conditions.

Question 12.
Discuss two changes in the Caste System.

  • Due to the passing of many Legislations, the discrimination of untouchability is coming to an end.
  • Due to the advent of many new occupations, the hierarchical order of the caste system and the superiority of many castes is changing.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 4 Caste Inequalities

Question 13.
Caste as Segmental division of society.
Give the number and name of castes.
In caste system, whole of the society was divided into different parts. First part comprised the Brahmins, second part comprised the Kshatriyas, third part was Vaishyas and the fourth part comprised the people of lower castes.

Question 14.
Change in the caste regarding marriage.
Now people work with each other and come closer to each other. It led to increase in inter-caste marriages. People started to marry according to their own wish. Child marriage no more prevails, widow marriage is increasing day by day.

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Meaning of Caste.
Hindu social system has one of the important complex and interesting institutions which is known as caste system. Word Caste has been taken from Portuguese word ‘Casta’ whose meaning is birth. Caste is an endogamous group whose membership is based on birth, occupation is hereditary and traditional. Many types of restrictions are there regarding ways of living, eating, relations and marriage.

According to Risley, “Caste is a collection of families or group of families bearing a common name, claiming a common descent from mythical ancestor, human or divine. Professing to follow the name hereditary calling and regarded by those who are competent to give an opinion as forming a single homogeneous community.”

Question 2.
Give any four characteritics of Caste.

  • Membership of caste is based upon birth.
  • Caste is an endogamous group.
  • Restrictions on social relations are there in caste.
  • Restrictions are there in caste regarding feeding.
  • Occupation of a person is hereditary in caste. It means that no one can adopt any occupation of his choice.
  • Society is divided in different segments.
  • There is a definite hierarchy in caste system.

Question 3.
What is Hierarchy?
There was a definite hierarchy in caste system. Society was divided in different segments on the basis of their higher or lower status. Brahmins got the higher status in all parts of India. Kshatriyas were coming at second place and third place was of Vaishyas. Fourth and the last place was given to lower castes. Social status of any person in society was determined on the basis of this hierarchy.

Question 4.
Caste as Segmental division of Society.
Segment division of Society.
The Indian society was divided in many segments in caste system and generally it was divided in four segments. Status, place and functions of member of every segment were pre-determined. Every caste had its own rituals, customs, traditions, values etc. That is why the scope of relations of members of every caste was generally limited to its own caste. Every caste was a social unit in itself where a person can spend his whole life.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 4 Caste Inequalities

Question 5.
Membership based on birth.
How is membership of caste fixed or determined?
Membership of any caste is based upon birth. No one can detrmine his caste according to his wish. Social status of a person was determined by that caste in which caste that person was born. No one can change his caste even if he has the ability to do so. In this way the person used to get social status according to the caste in which he was born, not on the basis of individual ability.

Question 6.
Which type of restrictions are there in caste regarding food?
Some clear rules are there in caste system which tell us that with which caste we can establish relations regarding food or feeding. Whole food has been divided into two parts-Kachcha food and Pakka food. Kachcha food is that food which can be made with the help of water and Pakka food is that food which can be made with the help of oil or ghee. A general rule is that any person never takes kachcha food till that time until it has not been made by the person of his own caste. Brahmins accept Pakka food from any specific caste.

Question 7.
How is occupation fixed in caste?
According to the rules of caste system, all the castes have their traditional, specific and hereditary occupations. Every person has to adopt the occupation of that caste in which he is born even if the other occupations are more profitable. Person had no choice instead of adopting his traditional and hereditary occupations. Main function of the brahmins was to perform religious function and to give education to people. Function of Kshatriyas was to protect the country and rule over the country. Vaishyas were doing agriculture and business and the function of lower castes was to serve the people of higher three castes. All of them had to adopt traditional occupations.

Question 8.
What are the rules regarding marriage in caste?
Most of the castes have been divided in sub-castes in caste system and all of these sub-castes are not allowed to marry with the people of other caste or sub-caste. Person has to marry in his own caste. Yet in some conditions person was free to marry with the girl of lower caste but the general rule was that person has to marry in his own caste. If any one was trying to break this rule he was generally thrown out of his caste and he was not allowed to enter in any other caste or sub-caste. In this way all of them were allowed to marry within their own castes.

Question 9.
Restrictions regarding castes.
Which restrictions were related with caste?
Some rules are there in every caste regarding restrictions on some points like:

  • Every person had to adopt the occupation of his own caste.
  • He has to obey the restrictions regarding rules of feeding.
  • He has to marry in his own caste.
  • Lowfer were not allowed to get education and to enter into the temples.
  • Lower people were not allowed to touch the people of higher castes and to take water from wells of people of higher castes.

Question 10.
Restrictions on Social relations.
Which type of restrictions were there in caste system regarding Social relations?
Society was divided in different castes in earlier times and the sense of high and low was there in these castes. People of higher castes lived inside the village and people of lower castes lived outside of the village. They kept themselves away from each other.Lower castes were also not allowed to perform Upanayana Samskara. In this way restrictions were there on people to establish relations with people of other castes.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 4 Caste Inequalities

Question 11.
How caste provides social security?
Caste provides social security to its members. Members of every caste are always ready to help the members of their castes. There was ho need for a person to be worried from any point of view because he was aware of the fact that caste will definitely help him if any need arises. Caste gives social security in two ways. Firstly it determines the social status of a person and secondly it protects the person from every type of problem.

Question 12.
Describe the functions of caste.

  • Caste determines the occupation of a person.
  • Caste provides social security to a person.
  • Caste gives mental security to a person.
  • Caste maintains purity of the blood.
  • Caste provides political stability to the country.
  • Caste saves the technical knowledge.
  • Caste determines the rules related to education.

Question 13.
Purity of blood.
How caste maintains purity of blood?
Caste is an endogamous group with which the purity of the blood can be maintained. There were very strict restrictions regarding marriage. No one was allowed to marry out of his own caste. That is why the marriages were performed only within the caste. If any one was trying to break this rule then he was generally thrown out of the caste. With this the purity of blood was maintained. No one was trying to marry out of his caste which helps in the maintenance of purity of blood.

Question 14.
Caste and Occupation efficiency.
How caste brings efficiency in occupation?
Occupation of every caste was fixed in caste system. These occupations were according to the family and lineage and were transmitted from generation to generation. Efficiency of occupation comes in every child due to his ancestral traits because he gets atmosphere of that occupation in the family in which he is born. In this way efficiency of occupation and specialization comes in a person automatically without getting education.

Question 15.
Caste gives rise to untouchability.
Contribution of Caste in increasing untouchability.
The reason of increasing untouchablity was the division of the caste system. A large portion of total population were considered as impure because the occupation adopted by them was known as impure. They were kept away from the society. They were not allowed to touch anyone. This restriction was known as untouchability. People of lower castes lived out of the village or the city. That is why many problems like poverty, illiteracy etc. came in our society. Even restrictions regarding relations and feeding were there with them.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 4 Caste Inequalities

Question 16.
Caste is a closed group.
Is Caste a closed group?
Yes, caste is a closed group. Meaning of closed group is that the membership is based on birth. Social status of a person was determined by that caste in which he was bom. Person can neither leave his caste nor can change his caste. Anyone cannot change his caste even if he has enough ability. Membership of caste was not based upon the ability and wish of the person but was based upon birth. In this way it is a closed group.

Question 17.
Give merits of Caste.
Two merits of Caste.

  • Caste does division of labour.
  • Caste maintains the social unity.
  • Caste maintains the purity of blood.
  • Caste makes the rules of education.
  • Caste produces cooperation in society.
  • Caste provides mental and social security to the person.

Question 18.
Caste hindrance in Social Unity.
Caste hinders Social Mobility.
It is right that the caste is a hindrance in social unity and social mobility. It is so because society has been divided in many segments. There are many restrictions in keeping mutual relations in different castes. That is why there was no feeling of love and sympathy in people of different castes. Every caste thinks only about its members. People of lower castes were exploited by the people of higher castes because of which hatredness comes in castes and the sense of casteism comes in front of us. In this way caste is a hindrance in social unity. No one can change his caste because of which it lacks social mobility.

Question 19.
Causes of change in Caste.
Why is Caste changing?

  • Socio-religious movements.
  • Efforts of Indian government and making of legislations.
  • Contribution of Britishers towards change.
  • Change in caste due to industrialization.
  • Because of the spread of education.
  • Because of development in the means of transport and communication.

Question 20.
Is Caste changing?
Future of Caste.
Yes, caste is changing. Now importance is laid on money instead of caste. The policy of reservation is being adopted in jobs for scheduled castes. Now person can adopt any occupation. Inter-caste marriages have been started. Many changes have taken place in the rules of feeding. Now elections are fought on the name of caste. In this way after looking at this we can say that the caste is changing.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 4 Caste Inequalities

Question 21.
Demerits of Caste.

  • Position of women is lower in caste system.
  • Caste system increases untouchability.
  • Caste system increases casteism.
  • Caste system increases cultural conflict.
  • Caste system is a hindrance in social unity and social mobility.
  • Caste system produces hindrance in efficiency of the person.
  • It is against the democratic values of the country.

Question 22.
Difference in caste and class.

  • Caste is based upon birth but class is based upon wealth and money.
  • Caste cannot be changed but class can be changed.
  • Caste is a closed system but class is an open system.
  • Caste is against democratic system but class is according to the rules of democratic system.
  • Caste is putting many restrictions on its members but there is no restriction in class system.
  • There is no consciousness in caste but there is consciousness in differnt classes.

Question 23.
What do you mean by Inter-caste marriage?
In ancient times, marriage out of the caste was not allowed. But there is no such restriction in modern times. When any person marries with the girl of other caste instead of his own caste then it is known as Inter-caste marriage.

Question 24.
Caste is Intra-marriage.
Caste Endogamy.
It is right that caste is Intra-marriage. It means that the person has to marry in his own caste. He is not allowed to marry out of his caste. If he marries out of his caste then he can be thrown out of his caste. It can help in maintaining purity of blood.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 4 Caste Inequalities

Question 25.
The Caste gives Social Structure.
The whole society was divided in four segments in caste system. Every segment had its own social status and every segment had its predetermined traditional and hereditary occupations. No one was allowed to change his caste. Castes were restricted to make relation with other castes regarding marriage, feeding and keeping relations. In this way the whole society runs like an organisation or structure in caste system in which #11 the segments worked in their own way. In this way caste system gives social structure.

Question 26.
Give differences between caste and class.

Class Caste
1. Social status of a person is made with the individual ability of its members. 1. There is no place of individual ability in caste. Social status Is based upon birth.
2. Membership of class is based upon money, status etc. 2. Membership of caste is based upon birth.
3. Person in class has more freedom of doing anything. 3. There are many types of restrictions on the person regarding feeding, relations, marriage etc.
4. Very less mutual distance is there in class. 4. Different castes are very much far away from each other.
5. Class system is based upon the theory of Democracy. 5. Caste system is completely against the system of Democracy.
6. Any person can change his class with his individua ability. 6. Person cannot change his caste even if he has the ablity to do so.
7. Different persons are very much conscious about their class in class system. 7. There is no consciousness in caste system because no one can change his caste.

Question 27.
Society is generally divided into classes and humans are given status and roles according to these classes. Each person has different status and role. This division of society into different classes is known as stratification. When a person gets any position in society while obeying his role and status then we can say that he has achieved the power. In- this way power is a proces of contract in which decisions are taken in relation to preferences.

Question 28.
Caste Panchayat.
During ancient times, there were caste Panchayats in villages which used to decide on the matters of different castes. Generally elders of upper castes were their members. It was believed that these caste panchayats decided impartially but actually decisions were given after looking at the caste of an individual. If the crime was committed by the person of upper caste then he was given less punishment but if even small type of crime was committed accidently by a lower caste person then he was given quite a heavy punishment. These caste panchayats have been abolished by the Indian Constitution.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 4 Caste Inequalities

Long- Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
What is Varna System? Explain its meaning.
The mixture of materialism and spiritualism is the main feature of the Indian Hindu Culture. According to this, meeting with God is the biggest pleasure but the pleasures of the world cannot be ignored. So the Hindu Culture has generated a system to get the pleasures of the mixture of both. This is known as Varna system. The Varna system was an unseparated part of Hindu culture inspite of basic base of Hindu Social system. Therefore, the duties related to Varna were called Varna Dharma. The relations between person and society were described systematically. With this help a person gives his help to run a social organisation. The Varna system had divided Indian society into four different parts so that the social functions could function systematically.

Literal meaning of Varna is colour. During Vedic period the Indian society was divided into four groups or Varna. The work of Brahmins was to give education and perform religious activities, Kshatriya’s work was to protect society and to defend country, the work of Vaishya was trade and agriculture. The work of fourth Varna was to serve all the three classes. Similarly the colour was given to these groups as per their work. For example, white colour to Brahmin, red colour to Kshatriya, yellow colour to Vaishya and black colour to fourth Varna were given. The white colour was the symbol of purity, the red colour was the symbol of anger and bravery, the yellow colour was the symbol of life’s physical commodities like food, clothes etc. Such division was done to fulfil the desires of human beings. Inspite of Indian society, we can find such division of work also in other societies of the world.

Meaning of the Varna. According to literature the word Varna is taken from word Vari’ which means to ‘choose’. Varna relates to the selection of work. In the same way the people of same Varna have same profession. Varna also means colour which was given to different classes. The same colour indicates the function of that
Varna. According to Dr. Sharma, it was not possible for the people of the Vedic period that they could evaluate their physical features. So, the meaning of Varna cannot be the colour. Therefore, word Varna mainly was related to qualities and Karma. Similarly, the Varna system was a system which divided different persons as per their qualities and profession in different classes.

In Varna system, the aim of these four divisions of whole society was to attain salvation as per their fate Karma-Dharma and religion which is the main aim of every Hindu life. In Varna system the responsibilities were organised in a way that every person could attain salvation by doing these functions.

Another thought about Varna system comes in mind that we should make one system to make / keep social system stable and that is Varna system, so that people cannot interfere in each other’s functions. The Varna system defines the area of work of each Varna. When this work is done then the desire of social and personal development arises. On one side the Varna system inspires a person to perform his hereditary profession and reduces physical desires and on other side it inspires a person to get knowledge, power and enjoy his life.

In this way, Varna system was a system in which the functions of a person are divided according to his birth. It is hoped from a person that he will do this work for the whole life, so that the whole system that is social system can remain stable or it can work systematically.

Question 2.
Explain in detail about Varna System.
Explain Varna System as the traditional basis of Indian society.
Explain functions of all ‘Varnas’ in system of Varna. (Varna system)
Varna System was the base of traditional Hindu society and social organisation. There were many theories for Varna system to come in existence such as fate, birth, colour and man. These theories show similarity in the functions of Varna’s. In the form of tradition, Indian society was divided in four divisions on the basis of work. Varnas are formed to organise the society. The functions of Varna were determined so that no conflict may occur. Some rules were formed to fulfil the functions. To obey these rules was compulsory for all. The functions of four Varnas are given below:

1. Functions of Brahmins. The Brahmins were considered the highest of all the Varnas. The main function of Brahmin Varna was to give education and knowledge. In Vedas, Brahmin was accepted as supreme member of the society. According to Bhagwat Geeta, the qualities of a Brahmin were purity, to tolerate pain for religion, to excuse and, purity of body. So he was given supreme functions. The main function of Brahmin was to perform “Yagya”, study of Vedas, education and to perform religious functions. All functions were considered incomplete without the presence of Brahmin. People used to give them charity. If they could not feed themselves on their profession, then they could adopt the profession of Kshatriya and Vaishya. The responsibilities of Brahmins were to educate society and perform all religious functions from birth to death.

2. Kshatriya’s Functions. In the Varna system the work of Kshatriya was to protect people and to defend the country. Word “Rajad” was used for the people of Kshatriya Varna in Rigveda which means ‘King’ or ‘Great’. Therefore this word was always used for ruling class of the state. It was considered that if a country is insecure then it cannot do progress. So, the main function of Kshatriya was to protect the society and to defend the country. According to Bhagwat Gita, the real duty of the Kshatriyas was to rule with bravery, zeal and patience. In society the Kshatriyas had second position. So, the work of Kshatriyas was to protect the society internally and defend the country externally.

3. Functions of Vaishya. The group of persons which was related to economic activities of the society was called Vaishya. First of all the word Vaishya is used in Rigveda. According to Manu Samriti, the functions of Vaishya were to protect the animals, give charity, perform yagya, study, trade, take interest by lending money, do agriculture, rear animals and do sale and purchase business. They could perform the works of others also as per needs.

4. Functions of Fourth Varna. A group was established for the service of all three Varnas which is fourth Varna. According to religious books the main duty of this Varna was to serve the other three Varnas-Brahmin, Kshatriya and Vaishyas. This Varna was considered the lowest of all Varnas in the society. So, they were not given any economic, religious and social rights. They were not allowed to read and listen to Vedas’. Later on they were allowed to do the functions like art, agriculture and carpentery. This system had an important place in Hindu Social organisation. Traditionally this system was the base of Indian Society. There’is no evidence in the History that the Varnas were based on birth and fate. According to all religious scriptures, the Varna system was based on the traits and professions of a person, not on birth.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 4 Caste Inequalities

Question 3.
Explain the main features of Varna System.
Explain the importance of Varna System.
Explain the significance of Varna System in Indian Society.
Varna system was established in Indian social system so that the Indian society could be administered smoothly. To run this society efficiently, the society was divided in four different parts. Function of every part was kept different so that no tension would come in the distribution of occupations. Main features and importance of Varna system is given below:

1. Division of Labour. The function of every Varna was determined in Varna system so that all of the social needs of humans could be fulfilled. That’s why function of every Varna was determined. In this every person does his determined work and contributes towards the progress of society. Brahmins were given the function of education, Kshatriyas were given the function of security, Vaishya’s function was of business and fourth Varna was given the function to give service to higher three Varnas. In this way division of labour occurs in Varna System.

2. It is based upon Traits and Nature. Some persons are of the view that the Varna System is based upon birth and person had to adopt the occupation of that Varna in which he was born. But if we look at the ancient scriptures then we come to know that it was not based upon birth. In earlier times it was based upon personal traits and nature of the person. But with the passage of time it became rigid and instead of based upon traits it became based upon birth.

3. Stress on Theory of Karma. This system gives stress on the theory of Karma that person will adopt the traditional occupation of that Varna in which he was born and will live his whole life while doing that work. With this the person was also told about the concept of recarnation or rebirth that if he will perform his duties in a proper way then he will get the next birth in the high Varna. With this the people started to perform their duties in an efficient manner and became satisfied with their respective positions.

4. Division of Rights and Duties. Every Varna in Varna system has been given some duties and rights. In this, the status of Brahmins is highest and that’s why their rights are also more than others. Duties of every one are determined in it and the duties of all are useful for the society. This system will shatter in the absence of one. Rights are also determined in it. That’s why definite levels were fixed in all Varnas and their higher or lower status was determined in society.

5. Determination of Occupation. Occupations of every Varna in Varna system are pre-determined and traditional and every person has to adopt the occupation of his Varna. Advantage of this system is that there is no need for person to move here and there to earn money because his occupation is already determined by birth.
In this way we can say that Varna system was of great importance in society and Karma System also came into being due to this.

Question 4.
Give features of caste system as given by G.S. Ghurye.
Ghurye has given features of caste sytem which are more acceptable:

  • Segmental division of society
  • Hierarchy
  • Restrictions on feeding and social intercourse .
  • Civil and religious disabilities and privileges of various castes.
  • Lack of unrestricted choice of occupation
  • Restriction on marriage.

Now we will see these features in detail:

1. Segmental division of society. Caste system divides the Hindu society in many parts in which it determines or fixes the status, position and functions of the members of every part. That is why members of any specific group are conscious about their position and because of which they think themselves as unbreakable part of that group. The area of interaction of members of one caste is limited to its own caste because of this division of society in parts. Every caste has its own ways of living, traditions, values etc. Generally members of one caste interact with the members of its own caste. In this way according to Ghuriye one caste is a social unit in which person lives his whole life.

2. Hierarchy. In most parts of India, Brahmin varna has got the highest status. We can see a definite hierarchy in caste system in which all castes are kept in a definite hierarchy. In this system the status of highest and lowest caste is definitely determined but there is some unclarity between the middle caste.

3. Restrictions on feeding and social intercourse. There are some definite and detailed rules in caste system which tell us that with which caste a person can keep social relations and with which caste he can keep relations of feeding. Whole food has been divided in two categories of ‘Kacha Food’ and ‘Pakka Food’. We need water to cook ‘Kacha Food’ and we need oil to cook Pakka Food. There are a number of restrictions in giving and taking food of different castes.

4. Civil and religious disabilities and privileges of various castes. Different castes have special civil and religious disabilities. In ancient times impure castes were kept out of the limit of the village. There were restrictions on social intercourse with impure castes. They were restricted to go to the temples of higher castes, they were restricted to take water from the wells. They were restricted to read religious books. Children of lower castes were restricted to get education. Higher castes had special privileges over lower castes.

5. Lack of unrestricted choice of occupation. According to the rules of caste system, some castes had traditional occupations. Members of the caste had to adopt the traditional occupation. But some occupations like trade, agriculture, job etc. were free to be done by anyone. But still with that a number of castes had definite occupations like carpenter, blacksmith, potter etc.

6. Restrictions on marriage. Castes were again divided into sub-castes. These sub-castes were restricting its members to marry out of their group. The characteristic of caste is that it is an endogamous group. Person has to marry in his own sub-caste. If any one was breaking this rule then he was generally thrown out of his caste.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 4 Caste Inequalities

Question 5.
Give features of Caste System.
Write a detailed note on the main characteristics of caste system.
Explain the characteristics of caste.
Caste is a group whose membership is based on birth. Person cannot leave his caste until he is not thrown out of his caste. Caste is a closed group. It means no one can marry out of his caste and there are restrictions on living in it. Caste system has certain characteristics which are given below:

1. Membership is based on birth. Membership of caste is based upon birth and no one can fix his caste with his own wish. One cannot change his caste even if he has the ability to do so. Is this way membership of caste is based upon birth, not on the ability of an individual.

2. Restrictions on social relations. In earlier times, whole of the society was divided into different castes and their status was pre-determined. There were a number of restrictions regarding keeping relations with other castes. People of upper castes were keeping relations only with upper castes. They were not allowed to keep relations with lower castes.

3. Restrictions on Eatables. Few clear rules are there in the caste system which tells that with which caste one has to keep feeding relations or not. Whole of the food was divided into two categories and these were Kachha food and Pakka food. Water was used to make Kachha Food and oil was used to cook Pakka food. There was a general rule that one never eats the Kachha food unless it is made by the member of his own caste or the food must be made by the Brahmin or his Guru. That’s why most of the castes accepted the food given by Brahmins. But Brahmins never accepted Kachha food made by any one of the other caste. Pakka food was accepted only by a specific caste. In this way restriction on feeding was one of the major features of caste system.

4. Restriction on occupation. According to the rules of caste system, castes had their specific traditional occupations. Person had to adopt the occupation of his own caste even if the other occupations were more profitable. Man had no choice except adopting his caste’s occupation. But some occupations were free to be adopted by any one like trade, agriculture, job in military etc. Even many castes were free to adopt any occupation but many castes used to do their traditional functions like carpenter, blacksmith, barber, potter etc. Main function of Brahmins was to give education and to perform religious rites, function of Kshatriya was to protect the country, function of Vaishyas was to do agriculture and trade and lower castes used to serve the higher castes. They had to perform their traditional functions.

5. Restrictions on marriage. Caste system was again divided and different
castes were divided into sub castes. These sub castes used to restrict their members to marry out of their group. Endogamy is the important feature of caste system. It means to marry in the group. Yet in some specific .conditions, there were some relaxations. But generally they had to marry in their own caste. If anyone was breaking this rule then he was generally thrown out of his caste and was restricted to enter any other caste. In this way everyone used to marry in his own caste or sub-caste. ”

6. Segmental division of society. Hindu society was divided into many parts by caste system and the status, place and function of every part were determined by it. That is why members had some consciousness of being members of a group and used to think themselves as the unavoidable and unbreakable part of the group. Because of this segmental division of society the area of interaction for a person was generally restricted to his own caste. Panchayat was free to give punishment to the person who will break the rules of caste. Different castes had different traditions and ways of living. People of one caste were generally interacting with the persons of their own caste.

7. Restrictions related with caste. Restrictions related with caste are given below:

  • Person had to adopt the occupation of his own caste.
  • He had to obey the restrictions related to feeding.
  • He had to marry in his own caste.
  • Lower castes were forbidden to get education and to enter the temple.
  • Lower castes were also restricted to touch anyone and to take water from the wells.

9. Each caste consists of many sub-castes. In India, there are about 3000 castes. Again every caste is divided further into many sub-castes. Persons have to work according to these sub-castes. Every person has to marry in his own sub-caste.

10. Endogamy. There were strict restrictions related to marriage. A person was not allowed to marry out of his caste but he had to marry in his own sub-caste. If anyone was breaking this rule then he was generally thrown out of his caste. Anulom marriage was also allowed to a certain extent. That is why boy of higher caste used to marry girl of lower caste. So endogamy was the main base of caste system. Even after doing different functions different castes were dependent upon each other because the occupation of every caste was definite. Members of every caste were dependent upon the members of other castes to fulfil their needs. From economic point of view, position of higher castes was better and lower castes were very much suppressed by high castes. That is why their economic condition was not good.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 4 Caste Inequalities

Question 6.
What are the merits and demerits of caste system?
Write a note on advantages and disadvantages of caste system.
Discuss merits and demerits of caste system.
Caste is that’group in itself which has played an important role in the Hindu society and in India. The functions which caste system has done for Indian society, all the other social organizations are jointly unable to do that much work for Indian Society. In this way we can see that caste system has many merits and advantages. But with these advantages there are certain disadvantages also of caste system. All these advantages and disadvantages are’ given below

Merits or Advantages of Caste System:

1. It gives Social Security. The biggest advantage of caste is that it provides social security to its members. Members of one caste are always ready to give help to other members of the caste. That is why there is no need to worry to’ anyone because he knows that if any problem comes on him then his caste will definitely give him help. Caste system determines social status of man and reduces the possibility of competition.

2. Fixation of Occupation. Another characteristic of caste system is that it determines the occupation or function for the person. This occupation is according to his family and is transmitted from one generation to another generation. Occupational qualities come automatically in the child of the family. In this way specialization comes in the person without any formal education. Except this it also reduces the competition of occupation in society and provides economic security. In this way it is an important advantage of caste system,

3. Purity of Blood. Caste System is an endogamous group. The meaning of endogamy is that man has to marry in his own caste and if any one was trying to break this rule then he was forced to leave the caste. Advantage of this thing is that it stops the blood of other castes to come in their caste and it maintains the purity of blood. In this way its advantage is that it helps in maintaining purity of blood.

4. Division of Labour. Another important advantage of caste system is that it produces feeling of love and dedication among humans towards their duties. Humans with lower duties were doing their functions properly. Caste system fills one feeling within its members that every person has got his function according to the deeds of his previous birth and if he does good deeds in this birth then he will get next birth in higher caste. It reduced the sense of hatred towards their functions and toward others. With this people did their functions properly. Caste system has divided the society in four varnas. Everyone knows about its functions properly. All of them do their functions properly and transmit their trade secrets to their next generations. In this stability is maintained in the society towards their functions and it helps in increasing division of labour and specialisation.

5. To make Rules of Education. Another important merit of caste system is that it has made definite rules regarding getting education and has made religion as the base of education. Education helps the person in learning self control, knowledge about occupation and to live in discipline. Education also gives knowledge about daily routine and occupation. Caste system determines that who will get education and which rule he has to obey. In this way caste system arranges the education for person according to the social status of his caste.

6. It maintains Social Unity. Another merit of caste system was that it kept the Indian society in unity. Caste system has divided the whole society in four parts and has given different functions to different parts. The way in which everyone has different functions in division of labour, in that same way caste system has produced division of labour in society. These different parts do different functions but help each other and fulfill each other’s needs. In this way .even after this division, they are tied in the thread of unity.

7. It gives Mental Security. The caste gives mental security to its members.
From the rules of caste, every person comes to know that which occupation he has to adopt, in which group he has to marry and perform religious customs and with which groups he has to establish social relations. In this way when a person is free from these burdens then he feels secured himself mentally.

8. Carrier of Culture. Caste system is the carrier of culture. Caste system helps in transmitting culture of one caste from one generation to another generation. Every caste has some rules related to eating, money, wearing, relations etc. and these rules are transmitted to another generation by caste system so that it can be preserved. In this way caste system regulates the social behaviour according to cultural rules.

9. Co-operation in Society. Caste system has established such a system in a society that people from different background are working with each other for the welfare of the society. With the help of caste system even foreigners were mixed in Hindu Society. So it increases co-operation in society.

10. Security of Hindu Society. Many foreign invaders had invaded India. First of all tribes of Central Asia, then Muslims, Mughals, Britishers came to India and ruled over it. If caste system would not have been there then Hindu society might have mixed in any one of these societies. But caste system has prevented this. Caste system is an endogamous system in which marriage out of its caste is restricted and a number of restrictions were there regarding feeding and social intercourse. That is why there were very less relations of Hindu society with foreigners and they were saved from mixing in them. In this way caste system has saved the Hindu society.

Demerits or Disadvantages of Caste System:

Yet a number of merits exist of the caste system and it has played an important role in keeping social unity but still it has produced a number of problems and evils in society which are given below:
1. Low Status of Women. The main reason of low status of women is caste
system. Because of controls of caste system, the position of Hindu women was not more than a maid in the family. Because caste is an endogamous group, that is why to find a match for their children in their own caste, they advocated the child marriage. It has resulted in polygamy. Kuleen Vivaha has also produced many evils, in society like polygamy, dowry system. Females used to work only in the house. The^ had no rights. In this way the main reason behind all the problems of women? vias caste system. Even it has not given the permission of widow remarriage ancFfemale was a server for the family only. .

2. Untouchability. Problem of untouchability came into being because 6f division of society by caste system. A big portion of total population was made untouchable and they were generally disgraced by the higher castes because their function was known as non-sacred. Their position was even less than servants. They were restricted in many ways. They were not allowed to take part in economic sector. In this way a large portion of population was just like a burden on society. That is why poverty came in society. It produced the sense of hatred in society and the problem of casteism came into being.

3. Casteism. With caste system, our thinking has been shrinked. Too much dependence upon caste related to marriage, occupation, social relations etc. increased the sense of casteism among people. It has increased th’e sense of prestige and hatred among people. It has increased the social and physical farness among the people. Because of this we have to face the problem of casteism. People only think about their caste.

4. Cultural Conflict. There are many restrictions in the relations of different castes and because of this every caste is a closed group which has ita own ways of living. This differentiation has given birth to cultural conflict. Different pastes have been divided in different cultural groups. We can see a number of conflicts in these groups. Higher castes think that their culture is superior and that is why they keep themselves away from other castes.

5. It Stops Social Mobility. Distribution of status in caste system depends upon birth. No one can change this with his ability. Every member knows that he cannot change or improve his position. This system never motivates to do hard work because person knows that he cannot change his position even with hard work. It is an obstacle in economic progress. People cannot invent anything even if they have ability to do so because people have to adopt their traditional occupation. Many occupations are running at very less pace because of caste system.

6. It Stops Efficiency Among Persons. The main reason of people lacking in efficiency is that they are under the control of caste and caste system. All the members of all the castes are not working by coordinating with each other instead they try to create obstacles in the way of other caste. Their occupation is hereditary and even if they don’t have any ability to do that work, they have to adopt their ancestral occupation. It reduces efficiency in persons.

7. Caste System and Democracy. Caste system is against the modern democratic system. Equality, freedom and social consciousness are the three bases of democracy but caste system is against these three bases. It is based upon inequality. Caste orders the person to live according to the life of caste which is totally against the democratic rules. Lower castes were restricted in many ways and they were unable to use their ability.

8. Hindrance to Social Unity. Caste system has divided our society in different segments and a system of hierarchy exists in these segments. There was strict restriction in establishing social contacts with other castes. Concept of sacred and non-sacredness exist in it. Person from higher caste was restricted to keep contacts with the persons of lower castes. In this way person has to keep contacts with the members of his own caste. Members of one caste were helping each other. In this way their mutual relations were of hatred. Caste system has divided the whole Indian society. It has increased dangers to national security. In this way the relations among people were of hatred and conflict. So caste system is not in favour of national unity. This is the main disadvantage of caste system.

9. Hindrance to Individual Personality. Caste system has produced obstacles in the development of individual. Sometimes people were not interested in their traditional occupation but they were forced to do so. This situation increases the mental tension. Individual have many traits but he cannot show his traits and caste becomes an obstacle in this. Children of one parents don’t have same capabilities but still they have to adopt their traditional occupation. In this way it hinders the individual personality. ”
In short we can say that caste system has produced relations of hatred among members of different castes. So it is necessary to remove these problems so that our country should be able to develop like Western Countries.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 4 Caste Inequalities

Question 7.
Why are changes coming in Caste System?
Is Caste System changing into Class System? What are the factors responsible for the change?
Yes, Caste system changes into Class system. Like all other institutions, a number of changes are coming in caste system. Actually caste system was not there in Vedic age but caste system came into being because of division of labour. Slowly and slowly it was extended in such a way that different castes were gone far away from each other. Many invaders invaded India and caste system put restrictions on its members on social intercourse with foreigners with which caste system became more strict. With this caste became a closed group. After 19th century a number of changes came in Indian society and these changes have affected a lot the caste system and with which its effect has been reduced. These changes did not come at once. Many reasons have contributed towards changes which are given below:

1. Socio-Religious Reforms Movements. Even before the advent of British empire many religious movements had criticised the caste system. Buddhism, Jainism, Islam and Sikhism had criticised caste system. Gautam Buddha had criticised caste system 2500 years back. Except this Islam and later on Sikhism also criticised caste system. In 19th century many social reformers had started movements against this. Some of these movements were Brahmo Samaj by Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Arya Samaj by Dayanand Saraswati, Rama Krishna Mission etc. were important. Except these Jyoti Ba Phule established Satya Shodhan Samaj in 1873 whose main aim was to provide equality to every person. Mahatma Gandhi and B.R. Ambedkar also criticised the caste system.

2. Efforts of Indian Government. Under the British empire and after independence many important laws were passed by government which contributed towards weakening of caste system. Caste and rural panchayats were very powerful before British rule. These panchayats had the rights to give punishment to criminals. During British empire One Law i.e. ‘Caste Disabilities Removal Act, 1850’ was passed which has weakened the Caste Panchayats. In this way ‘Special Marriage Act, 1872’ gave approval to the marriage of different castes. After independence a number of laws like Untouchability Offences Act, 1955 and Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 also weakened the caste system. In 1949 Hindu Marriage Validation Act was passed in which legal sanction was given to inter-caste marriage.

3. Contribution of the Britishers. A comprehensive opposition against caste system was started during the British reign. The British had applied the rule of equality in front of_ law. Rights from caste based Panchayats were taken back. Educational system of the British was secular. Government jobs were open to everyone. The British started modern industries, rails, buses etc. which was a strong slap on the face of caste system. All the people jointly worked in the industries and travelled in rails and buses with each other which resulted in the establishment of contacts between different castes.

4. Industrialization. Industrialization played an important role in bringing change in caste system. It increased the importance of ability of the person. Importance of materialism has also been increased. People came out of their houses to go to job. Everyone started to work in industries. In industries no one asks for anyone’s caste but they look to each other’s abilities. Lower castes have also got higher status with their hard work.

5. Modern Education. Modern education has also put a great effect on caste system. In ancient Hindu Society, education was confined only for higher castes and education was also based upon religion. But with the advent of Britishers, a rule of equality was started by Britishers. Then educational institutions were opened for everyone. Western Education was started instead of religious education. Boys and girls both started to get education. In this way modern educational system started to give importance to individual’s abilities instead of any one’s caste. With this inter-caste relations started to establish. After independence Indian Constitution also started to apply democratic values which was a great setback to caste system.

6. Urbanization. Urbanization was also developed with industrialization because people came out of their house for work. Urban features like more density of population, individual’s feelings, social mobility, more occupations etc. have weakened the caste system. People live with each other in big cities. Feeling of assimilation of higher and lower caste was increased. The individual abilities started to control the society. Man has to achieve status in society. Difference on the basis of gender in cities was decreased. Males and females started to work together. In this way females came out of the four walls of houses and started to work in offices. They became economically independent. Urbanization has increased the mutual contacts between different castes which resulted in exogamy instead of endogamy.

7. Importance of Money. Caste System started to weaken due to an increase in materialistic approach of the people. People get status due to money in society. Every one gives respect to rich persons irrespective of his caste. In Modem Society person works only for the sake of his profit. Every one tries to earn more and more money. It increases the importance of individuals’ abilities. In this way the importance of money has been increased and the importance of caste system has been reduced.

8. Formation of New Social Groups. People doing different jobs have made their new groups like Trade Unions. People from different castes and groups are included in these groups and their aim is to protect their interests. With this people of different castes come-closer to each other and start to co-operate with others. With this class consciousness comes into being instead of caste consciousness.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Solutions Chapter 10 Social Problems: Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class Sociology Book Solutions Chapter 10 Social Problems: Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 Sociology Chapter 10 Social Problems: Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

Sociology Guide for Class 12 PSEB Social Problems: Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Textbook Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Rapid industrialization has led to an increase in environmental pollution such as?
(a) Degradation and desertification of land
(b) Nepotism
(c) Overpopulation
(d) Caste system
(a) Degradation and desertification of land

2. Which of the following is not a stage of alcoholism?
(a) Prodigal phase
(b) Crucial phase
(c) Chronic phase
(d) Frequent phase
(b) Crucial phase

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Solutions Chapter 10 Social Problems: Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

3. Which one of the following is not the classification of drinkers?
(a) Rare users
(b) Light drinkers
(c) Hyper users
(d) None
(c) Hyper users

4. Alcoholism is associated with what kind of problems?
(a) Social problem
(b) Economic problem
(c) Health problem
(d) All of the above
(d) All of the above

5. The most widely known stimulants are
(a) Tablets
(b) Amphetamines
(c) LSD
(d) Heroine
(b) Amphetamines

6. Tabacco is responsible for about 30% of all
(a) Cancer deaths
(b) AIDS
(c) Dengue
(d) Diabetes
(a) Cancer deaths

7. What occurs when acceptable social standards of its use are violated, resulting in adverse physiological, psychological, and social consequences.
(a) Drug abuse
(b) Obesity
(c) Food adulterants
(d) Conflict in values
(d) Conflict in values

Fill in the Blanks:

1. …………….. and ………………… are problems associated with increasing political corruption among leaders.
Red tapism, Nepotism

2. The problem of untouchability in India is due to the ………………… system.

3. When a person starts drinking even in the morning, he is said to be entered in the …………… phase.

4. ……………… is a narcotic and leads to nervous degeneration, liver cirrhosis, high blood pressure and a host of other diseases.

5. …………….. drinkers are those who drink three or four times in a month.

6. …………… group influence is very powerful in initiating a new person to drug taking habit.

7. The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act was amended in ………………….. to make the legislation still more stringent.

8. ………………… abuse leads to a number of short-term and long-term effects that are detrimental to health.

9. Drug use weakens the ……………….. system and makes the individual more vulnerable to acquiring infections:

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Solutions Chapter 10 Social Problems: Alcoholism and Drug Addiction


1. Alcoholism is more treatable than drug addiction.

2. Social problems are interrelated to each other.

3. Male child preference and Patriarchal system are social problems related to ecological factor.

4. Alcoholism does not influence the families and communities.

5. Men drink because their occupation has completely exchausted them.

6. Heavy drinkers are the drinkers who drink every day or several drinks during the day.

7. Teachers cannot play any vital role in the prevention of alcoholism.

8. Parents are helpless in curbing the problem of drug addiction.

9. Drug abuse does not influence the families and communities.

Match the Columns:

Column A Column B
Poverty Ecological or environmental problem
Undesirable condition Socio cultural problem
Male child preference Economic problem
Global warming Factor of female foeticide
State of Alcoholism Who drink once or twice a month
Light drinkers Chronic phase
Underage drinking Increased stress
Cause of Alcoholism Violent crime


Column A Column B
Poverty Economic problem
Undesirable condition Violent crime
Male child preference Factor of female foeticide
Global warming Ecological or environmental problem
State of Alcoholism Chronic phase
Light drinkers Who drink once or twice a month
Underage drinking Socio cultural problem
Cause of Alcoholism Increased stress

Very Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
List the factors which are responsible for social problems.
Socio-cultural factors, economic factors, political factors, environmental factors etc.

Question 2.
What do you mean by Alcoholism?
Alcoholism is a pattern of consuming alcohol which is not only dangerous for himself but for his family as well.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Solutions Chapter 10 Social Problems: Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

Question 3.
Who are called the light drinkers?
Those who drink alcohol once or twice in a month are called light drinkers.

Question 4.
List the stages of Alcoholism.
Pre-alcoholic stage, Relief drinking stage, Acute stage and Chronic stage are the stages of alcoholism.

Question 5.
What do you mean by drug?
Drug is a chemical substance which exerts profound and different impact on brain and body and which brings changes in one’s physical functions.

Question 6.
What is Drug Addiction?
The meaning of drug addiction is physical dependency on any medicine or chemical thing.

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
What do you understand by Social Problem?
Define social problems.
Social problem is that unnecessary condition which must be changed. Each society goes through a phase of transition which can have constructive or destructive consequences. Destructive consequences bring out many problems which are known as social problems.

Question 2.
Write any two factors related to social problems.

  • Socio cultural factors such as untouchability, female foeticide, dowry etc. bring out many social problems.
  • Economic factors such as poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, slums etc. help in the advent of social problems.

Question 3.
Write down three effects of alcohol consumption.

  • Consuming alcohol leads to the wastage of money.
  • It has direct effect on health which deteriorates very quickly.
  • It reduces human ability to do work and he comes under mental stress.

Question 4.
What do you mean by chronic phase of alcoholism?
In the chronic phase of alcoholism, one starts drinking daily and even many times in a day. He always remains under the influence of alcohol, thinks adversely and is unable to do any work. He always thinks about drinking and becomes restless in the absence of alcohol.

Question 5.
What is Alcohol dependency?
When a person starts to consume alcohol daily and is unable to live without it, this is called alcohol dependency. He becomes so depended on alcohol that he is unable to do any work without it. This is known as alcohol dependency.

Question 6.
What do you mean by Alcoholism?
Alcoholism is a situation in which one cannot keep control on his alcohol consumption and cannot control it once he start its consumption. To get rid of stress, he tries to find ways of drinking. It increase his level of drinking.

Question 7.
What do you mean by the pre-alcoholic symptomatic phase?
At this level, by taking advantage of social restrictions, one starts to consume alcohol to remove his tensions and to ignore one’s personal problems. He relates his consumption with stress relief situation and tries to find chances to drink.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Solutions Chapter 10 Social Problems: Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

Question 8.
Give the social causes for persons turning to drugs.
There are many social causes with which a person turns to drugs such as due to friehds, to go to upper strata of society, for social experience, to oppose social values, to establish new social customs etc.

Question 9.
List the short term effects of drugs on an individual.
There are few short term effects of drugs on an individual which are visible for only few minutes after consuming drug. He feels a false sense of well being, a pleasant drowsiness, distorted vision, impaired judgement, bad breath and hangovers.

Question 10.
What is the role of teachers in the prevention of drug abuse?
Teachers can play a very important role in the prevention of drug abuse they can talk openly with their students and can keep them busy in constructive work. They can be motivated to adopt good habits.

Question 11.
What do you mean by the term drug addiction?
When an individual consumes any medicine or chemical with which his body becomes dependent on that medicine or chemical, this is known as drug addiction. That medicine or chemical directly affects his brain and nervous system.

Long Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Discuss various factors of social problems in India.
Discuss factors of social problems in detail.
Explain two major causes of social problems in India.

  • Socio-cultural factors: These factors include untouchability, female foeticide, dowry, domestic violence, violence against women, generation gap.
  • Economic factors: Economic factors include poverty, slums, unemployment, crime, urbanization, industrialization, etc.
  • Regional factor: This factor includes emigration and immigration, change in population structure, population, unemployment, etc.
  • Political factor: This factor includes election-related politics, nepotism, corruption, bribe, communalism, etc.
  • Environmental factor. In this factor, we can take water pollution, air pollution, greenhouse effect, etc.

Question 2.
Write a short note on drugs.
Drug is a chemical that exerts deep and different impact on body and mind of an individual. It brings changes in the physical functions of a common man. In medical terms, drug is a substance which a doctor gives to his patient to get him cured. On physical and psychological level, it can be taken as a habit which directly affects the consumer. The usage of more than required quantity of drug is so dangerous that it stimulates an individual against society. Heroin, cocain, L.S.D. alcohol, opium, tobacco etc. are known as drugs.

Question 3.
Discuss in brief the stages of Alcoholism.

  • Pre-Alcoholic Stage: At this stage, after taking advantage of social restrictions, an individual starts drinking to remove his stress and to ignore his personal problems.
  • Relief Drinking Stage: At this level, the frequency and quantity of consuming alcohol increases but he himself knows that he is doing wrong.
  • Acute Stage: At this stage, it becomes necessary, for an individual to consume alcohol. He faces social pressure even then he says that he has not lost control of himself.
  • Chronic Stage: At this stage, one drinks for the whole day. He always remains under the influence of liquor and forgets to do his work. He feels uncomfortable in the absence of alcohol.

Question 4.
Discuss the categories of Alcoholism in brief.

  • Rare users: Those individuals who consume alcohol once or twice in one V year.
  • Infrequent users: Those individuals who consume alcohol once or twice in two-three months.
  • Light drinkers: Those who consume liquor once or twice in one month are light drinkers.
  • Moderate drinkers: Those who consume three or four times in a month come under this category.
  • Heavy drinkers: One who consumes alcohol daily or many times in a day is a heavy drinker.

Question 5.
Write the harmful effects of Alcoholism.

  • There is a wastage of money for the one who consumes liquor.
  • One’s health deteriorates and he suffers from many diseases.
  • The efficiency of work reduces the person who consumes liquor quite frequently.
  • One’s brain goes out of control and one becomes a victim of mental stress.
  • Under the impact of alcohol, people commit many crimes such as murder, rape, theft, etc.
  • It leads to wastage of money which further increases poverty.

Question 6.
Why are young children more prone to alcoholism and drug addiction?
It is true that young children are more prone to alcoholism and drug addiction. Sometimes one starts to use drugs due to his friends. His friends force him to use drugs and he becomes addicted to this. Sometimes he wants to use drugs as he observes the same thing in his family. Many individuals want to oppose social values and they start consuming drugs. Young people take education but are unable to get employment of their choice. They become half employed or remain unemployed and move on the path of drug addiction.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Solutions Chapter 10 Social Problems: Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

Question 7.
Discuss long-term effects of drugs on individuals.
Write the harmful effects of Drug Addiction.

  • The drug addict becomes physically and psychologically dependent upon drugs that he needs to do many compromises in life.
  • One who uses drugs gets prone to many diseases such as stomach problems, skin disease, impact on the liver, heart disease, damage to the central nervous system, etc.
  • The immune system of the drug addict becomes so weak that he opens up himself to many new diseases.
  • There is a possibility of suffering from AIDS one who uses drugs. Sometimes under the influence, he makes extramarital relations which can further open up a new disease of AIDS.
  • It has been seen that more usage of drugs leads to the death of the drug addict.

Question 8.
Write in brief the psychological and physiological effects of drug addiction.
Psychological Effects. One who uses drugs become so addict that he cannot live without them. He starts feeling that he cannot do anything without drug and he can do a better work once he comes under the effect of drug. Alongwith this, he feels that drug will remove all of his tension and depression. Physical Effects. Drug addiction can have a really bad impact on one’s body. He cannot sleep, his body aches, his sexual wish reaches on top once he comes under their influence, his body becomes so dependent that he cannot do anything without drugs.

Question 9.
What type of special attention should be given to the adolescents to prevent drug addiction?
The adolescent stage is that in which a child moves out of family and goes in the hands of society. Here it is necessary for him to move on a right path. If he comes in the wrong hands, he can start consuming drugs and his future life gets destroyed. Under such circumstance, parents need to give special attention to their kids. They need to take care about his peergroup. If any one of his friends is consuming drugs, parents must talk with their kids to leave his friendship. Even parents of drug addict should be informed. Parents must care about eating habits, wearing style, time of sleeping etc. of their kids to save them from moving on the path of drug addiction.

Question 10.
Write the causes of drug addiction.
Write four causes of drug addiction.

  • When one wants to reduce his tension, he starts consuming drugs.
  • Sometimes one’s friends force him to consume drugs and consequently, he becomes a drug addict.
  • Sometimes one wants to know about the impact of drugs, so he starts consuming drugs.
  • If there is a family problem and the husband-wife is not on good terms with each other, even then one starts consuming drugs.
  • Sometimes, people observe that their elders are consuming drugs, so, they also start doing the same.

Very Long Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
What do you mean by Alcoholism? Discuss the factors responsible for it in detail.
Describe Alcoholism as a major social problem of Indian society.
Alcoholism has been considered as a social and moral problem since last few decades. Even in some states of our country restrictions were placed on alcoholism and a policy of no-alcohol was applied. But the selling of alcohol was not even stopped after the implementation of that policy and that’s why ban or restrictions were lifted after sometime. Some scholars consider it as a deviant behaviour as well as a complex disease. If any person becomes addict to use alcohol then we need a specialized doctor to remove this addiction of alcoholism. Alcoholism can be taken in that form in which person is unable to control himself. If he gets alcohol then he drinks it but if he is unable to get alcohol then he tries to get alcohol in one way or other. Person has to go through a number of mental tensions and he gets relief from every type of tension after the use of alcohol.

But here question arises that what is Alcoholism and who is an alcoholic person. In today’s modern age and in simple words whichever person uses alcohol is known as alcoholic person and the process of drinking alcohol is known as alcoholism. Some scholers says that the use of less amount of alcohol cannot be called as alcoholism. A person, who becomes so addict of using alcohol that he hardly thinks to live without it, can be called as alcoholic person and the person who uses alcohol regularly and in too much quantity, is also known as alcoholic person. In this way the process of using whisky is known as alcoholism.

Alcoholism can also be taken as a long term disease in which an alcoholic person constantly feels its necessity. Person many a times uses it because he gets relief from all of his tensions for sometime after its use. Yet is has been said that there are certain social and psychological reasons of person behind alcoholism. But many persons use this much of alcohol for such a long time that their body cannot do anything without it. Even if he wants to control his use of alcohol then his body has to face many types of problems like non functioning of body parts, too much moist, quick breathing etc. In this way alcoholism becomes a physical and psychological disease. When one person starts to use alcohol in good quantity then it takes the form of personal and_ social problem. His health deteriorates after too much use of alcohol. He is unable to do any type of work without it and it also affects his capacity to do work.

Alcohol cannot be called as stimulant but it acts as a inhibitor on our nervous system. Person who uses alcohol, has very less control on himself and he feels very much relieved from his problems. Many persons use ft just for the sake of fun but sometimes they start to use it daily and in too much quantity which have very wrong effects on him. It not only reduces his ability to do work but it can destroy his family. Some people use it in the form of only for an entertainment or fun but there is always a possibility of becoming an alcoholic.

Factors of Alcoholism. When a person, in alcoholism, becomes an addict of using alcohol then he becomes unable to control himself and to control his wish to drink alcohol. He becomes so much addict to alcohol that his body starts to shiver in its absence. Alcohol becomes a base of his body. He is unable to do any work without alcohol. When he gets alcohol then he works like a normal human being. But here question arises that why he becomes so much addict of alcohol? What are the reasons that he cannot live without alcohol? There is not only one factor of him being dependent upon liquor but there are many reasons which are given below :

1. Occupation. In many cases, occupation becomes a cause of alcoholism. Some people are engaged in such an occupation which is very tiring and they need something to prepare themselves again for work. It not only reduces their tiredness but it also motivates them to do work on the next day. Some people even are engaged in occupations in which it becomes necessary for them to offer whisky to others to keep them happy. That’s why they also start to drink and slowly and slowly becomes addict of drinking alcohol. In this way person has to drink alcohol because of his occupation and he becomes an addict.

2. Bad company. Many people drink whiskey because of the fact that their friends or their company is not good. They become an addict of using drugs, whisky. If he does not drink then his friends force him to drink and even says to him that, “What type of man are you? You are not a man, drinking is the work of men.” In this way due to these things he either leaves his bad company or starts to drink whisky. In this way first of all he starts with little amount of whisky but later on becomes an addict of drinking.

3. Curiosity due to elder members of the family. Generally it has been seen that children start to drink due to curiosity. If elders of the family are used to drinking alcohol then children ask them that what are you drinking?” But they never get answer of that question because elders ask them to go anywhere. So a curiosity arouses in children that what their elders are drinking? If their elders leave little bit of whisky in their respective glasses then they try to taste it. Yet it is sour in taste but curiosity still remains there until they does not start drinking. In this way they also start to drink alcohol. When children find that their father drinks daily then they also want to taste it. Even sometimes father says to his child that drink it and tell what is this? In this way children also start to drink unknowingly.

4. Excessive money. Excessive money can also become a reason of alcoholism.
Today’s age is materialistic age. Everyone wants to earn more and more money and even they use every type of method to earn more money. Even sometimes they have to sit in a company to drink alcohol to earn money. They themselves also have to drink with them. It leads to addiction of drinking alcohol. When person becomes rich then he finds many new ways to spend his money. They start to drink whisky with their friends for the sake of fun but slowly and slowly they become an alcoholic persons and become addict persons. .

5. Mental tension. Every person, in today’s age, is the victim of any type of tension. Someone don’t have the money and he has the tension to run the, house, some one has the money and he has the tension to manage it, someone has the tension of office, someone is sick of poverty, someone has the tension of his owner, boss or wife, someone is tensed due to loss in business and someone is tensed due to competition. In this way every person is the victim of one or another tension. If he drinks whisky then it squeezes his nervous system for some time and person gets relief for some time from his mental tension. He becomes free from all of his tensions under the influence of liquor. Slowly and slowly when he starts feeling that alcohol relieves his tension for sometime then he starts drinking alcohol daily and then becomes an addict of alcohol.

6. Poverty. Poverty is also one of the important reasons of alcoholism. Poor person always lives in a tension to earn more and more money. His family members are more in number but he is the one who alone earns in the family. That’s why the expenditure of the family is more but income is less as compared to expenditure. He is always surrounded by the tension of education of children, their bread, place of living, cloths etc. That’s why he starts drinking alcohol to get relief from his tension. He gets relief for some time when he is under the influence of liquor. In this way slowly and slowly he starts to drink more and more whisky and becomes an addict to alcohol.

7. Personal reasons. Personal reasons are also responsible for alcoholism. Some people have the company of their friends who drink alcohol. First of all they starts drinking alcohol only for taste. But when they become addict of getting taste then they become addict of getting liquor. Some people uses alcohol to reduce their physical sufferings. Loss in business, unsuccessful in love, divorce with the wife, any physical illness can also lead to drinking of alcohol. Many people like to gamble. But when they loose money in gambling then they take the help of alcohol to reduce their tension. People are used to take the help of alcohol if any tension comes to them. In this way there are certain personal reasons which become the factors of using alcohol.

8. Social inadequacy. People also start to use alcohol due to social inadequacy. There are certain deficiencies in the lives of the people which are unable to be fulfilled. Even then are unable to fulfill those deficiencies and also are unable to face the problems come out of those deficiencies. That’s why they start to use alcohol to fulfill those deficiencies and become an addict of alcohol.

9. Family circumstances. Person’s family circumstances also motivates him to use alcohol. Problems are in house, poverty is there in the house, problem is there in mother and wife, wife is always fighting, more expenditure but income is less etc. are certain reasons because of which person starts to use alcohol. Due to all these reasons, he remains in tension and he wants to get relief from the tension. That’s why he starts using’alcohol which gives him relief for some time and later on he becomes an addict of alcohol. %

10. For Fashion. In modern age some people use alcohol just for fashion. Even young people are using alcohol, in modern age, just for fashion. If any young person doesn’t drink in the metropolitan cities then he i^’called as backward. People wants to influence others or they want to show themselves as” modern, cultural and wealthy and that’s why they start using alcohol. Not only boys but girls are also using alcohol. Many clubs, pubs have been opened in metropolitan cities where young generation freely uses alcohol just for the sake of fun and enjoys under the influence of liquor. People going to colleges, offices use to show themselves as people of higher class and becomes an addict of alcohol.

11. Adverse conditions. Many a times any adverse circumstances are coming in front of person when he is unable to understand what is right and what is wrong. Adverse circumstances like any serious problem, poverty, unemployment, unsuccessful in love, unable to get promotion, loss in gambling, problems in family etc. are some of the reasons which increases the tension of a person. He takes the help of whisky to remove tension and starts to use alcohol. Slowly and slowly he becomes an addict of whisky or alcohol.

12. Slums of big cities. There is a very big problem of living in metropolitan cities. The unavailability of good place of living also encourages the state of alcoholism. Atmosphere of slums, which is not even good for living, encourages this evil means alcoholism. When a person feels that he is unable to fulfill his wishes and is suppressing them then he satisfies his wishes by using alcohol.

13. Hereditary usage. Hereditary usage also becomes a cause of problem of alcoholism. Many tribes are used to make country-made liquor. While making this country-made liquor they also have to taste it. In this way children also observe this and start to imitate their elders. They not only learn to make country-made liquor but also start to drink it. In this way it increases the habit of alcoholism.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Solutions Chapter 10 Social Problems: Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

Question 2.
Write a detailed note on harmful effects of Alcoholism.
Write the harmful effects of Alcoholism.
Alcoholism cannot be considered as the right choice from any point of view whether familial, economic, moral or social. Alcoholic person always goes downwards in his life. Except this his family life and social life also comes in danger. Its effects are given below:

1. Alcoholism and personal disorganization. If any person starts using alcohol then it has many personal reasons. For example, if any person is unable to sleep or hardly feels any hunger then he takes some alcohol so that he could be able to sleep or should be hungry and later on he becomes an addict of it. Even he runs behind alcohol and forgets about his right or wrong. Even he hardly cares about his children and family. He starts to spend his income on whisky with which the economic condition of his family deteriorates. Economic tensions always surrounds him. He starts to use more and more drink to remove tension which leads to personal disorganization. More and more tension surrounds him. When he is unable to struggle his tensions then tries to run away from his tensions by using alcohol. His character becomes weak and it increases personal d isorganization. .

2. Alcoholism and Social disorganization. Millions of people are there in our society who drink alcohol due to one or another reason. Alcoholism not only leads to their personal disorganization but it affects their families as well. Families start to disintegrate. Because family is the primary unit of society, so if family will be disintegrated then definitely society will also be affected by this and it will also disintegrate. If the person will not understand his responsibilities then definitely society will disintegrate.

3. Alcoholism and family disorganization. Not only personal disorganization occurs due to alcoholism but families also disintegrates due to his behaviour. When any person starts using alcohol then no one hardly cares about it. That’s why he is motivated to drink more and more liquor. He starts to drink daily. He just cares one thing that he has to drink in the evening and even he only cares about alcohol. He forgets all the other things. Tension comes in family due to his behaviour. Economic problems come due to poverty which lead to conflict, tensions, quarrels in the family. Disintegration comes in the family. Even condition of divorce comes in the family. Even many people commit suicide due to this. In this way family disorganization comes with alcoholism and social disorganization comes due to family disorganization.

4. Less morality. Whenever a person comes to know about good or bad then it has been said that morality has come in it. When person starts to use alcohol then his morality starts to be reduced. He hardly cares about good or bad. Not only alcohol but he starts to use drugs as well. He never likes anything infront of liquor. He wants to get whisky on any condition. That’s why he fights with his family and children and even beats them also. In this way his morality comes to an end then he damn cares about the good or bad.

5. Economic problems. Many people start to drink alcohol to reduce their tension. Generally the tension is of money i.e. less income but more expenditure. He is always under stress of economic tension and he starts using alcohol and further again comes in economic problems. Other problems also come in his life. He starts to sell things of the house and even jewellery of his wife to buy liquor. His wife is earning money by working in the houses of other people but even he snatches that money to drink alcohol. He looks at the faces of others for money. It very much affects his family. In this way the economic life of person is completely destroyed due to alcoholism.

6. Increase in rate of crimes. Economic condition of a person deteriorates due to alcoholism. But he needs money to drink. He starts to sell things of the house in the absence of money. Even if he unables to get money then he starts to commit crimes. His brain hardly works in the absence of whisky and he starts to snatch money and even kills them for this crimes of dacoity, theft, rape etc. are very common. No body cares about morality while doing these things. In this way crime rate also increases due to alcoholism.

7. Effect on health. When person starts to use alcohol then first of all nothing happens to his body. But when he starts to use more alcohol then it starts to affect his body. His body starts to shiver in its absence, it damages his liver and suffers from many problems. His capacity to do work reduces. He unables to do anything without it. If he drinks alcohol then he is able to do any type of work unless his body stops working. In this way alcoholism affects his health. In this way we can see that not only family of the person but society also disintegrates with alcoholism. His morality comes to an end and crime rate increases with this. In this way alcoholism has a very badampact on the person.

Question 3.
Write a detailed note on the stages of Alcoholism.
Any person has to go through a number of stages to become an alcoholic person. Jellinak says that any person has to go through seyen stages to become an alcoholic person and these seven stages are given below :

1. Situation of block-outs. In this condition person is unable to find solution of his problems and always remains in tension.

2. Secretely drinking. When the person is unable to find solution of his problems then he starts drinking secretely so that no body should be able to know about his drinking.

3. Increased Tolerance. In this condition he starts drinking even before problem starts and also tolerates the effects of his alcoholism.

4. Lack of control. This is that stage when he starts to drink more and more alcohol and is unable to control his wish of drinking.

5. Finding ways of drinking. In this condition person finding different ways of drinking so that he could be able to drink from time to time.

6. Keeping programmes only of drinking. Alcoholic person keeps only programmes of drinking from time to time and invites his relatives, friends etc. so that he could drink regularly.

7. Starts drinking from morning. At this stage he regularly starts drinking from the morning and depends upon alcohol for every type of function.

In this way person starts drinking when he is unable to solve his problem and with the passage of time, he starts drinking even for the sake of fun only. Slowly and slowly he crosses all the limits of drinking and becomes an alcoholic. Now he doens’t want to find any way to drink alcohol and he starts drinking continuously. He becomes an addict of it and one time comes when he is unable to do anything without the use of alcohol. His body goes out of his control but he comes under the control of alcohol. His body shivers in the absence of alcohol and is unable to do anything in its absence. In this way he becomes an alcoholic.

Actually there are four stages of becoming an alcoholic and these are :

  • Pre-Alcoholic stage: At this level, by taking advantages of social sanctions, one starts drinking to remove tensions and to ignore his personal problems. He relates drinking with relief that after drinking all his tensions come to an end. He then tries to find chances to drink. His drinking continues with his reducing ability of facing the problems.
  • Relief Drinking Stage: At this stage, the quantity and frequency of assuming alcohol increases with time. But at this stage, one starts to realise his mistake that he is becoming an abnormal person.
  • Acute stage: At this stage, drinking becomes a common phenomena for an individual. He starts giving reasons for his drinking and believes that he is having control on himself. But he starts moving away from others because they consider him as an alcoholic.
  • Chronic stagfe: At this stage, one starts drinking during day times. He always remains under the influence of liquor which reduces his level of thinking. He always thinks about drinking and becomes restless with alcohol.

Question 4.
How can school and teachers help in preventing alcoholism?
1. School: After family, school is the firs? institution which takes care of a child. School starts exerting impact on raw mind of the child and teaches him to the ways to live in society. School teaches him ways of living life, ways of eating, ways of wearing etc. It is the school which exerts impact on the unconscious mind of a child and tries to make him a good citizen of society.

If school exerts such profounding impact on child, then definitely it can play an important role in keeping him away from alcohol. In school, children can be told about the harmful effects of alcohol. Seminars can be conducted, street dramas can be played to give them the knowledge of negative effects of alcoholism. From time to time, parents are also told about this. In this way, if children will make an opposite view against alcoholism, he will remain away from alcohol and the problem of alcoholism will automatically comes to an end.

2. Teacher: Teachers can play a very important role in keeping children away from alcohol. After parents, teahers, in schools care a lot about their students and that’s why it is their responsibility to show them the right path. Unconscious mind of students is greatly influenced by the teachers. Students are also influenced by their teacher’s personality and they try to mould themselves according to his personality. Here it is the responsibility of teachers that they must not do anything unethical in front of students. Teachers are just like a motivational force for students and that’s why students imitate them. From time to time, teachers can tell them about the demerits of consuming alcohol. Children very quickly follow their teachers. In this way the problem of alcoholism can be reduced.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Solutions Chapter 10 Social Problems: Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

Question 5.
Write a note on drug abuse in 250 words.
What is drug addiction?
A very big controversy has been aroused on the problem of drug addiction in present age. Parents and responsible citizens of the country are now very much conscious about this sub-culture of taking drugs. The habbit of drug addiction can be seen as a deviant behaviour or as a social problem. Meaning of deviant behaviour is the non-conformity with the present situation. As a social problem its meaning is that universal situation which has very evil consequences on society. Drug addiction is seen as a social problem in western countries. Many cultures have a feature of using drugs in one form or the other. The most important method of using drugs is to use opium as a drug. People of reputed families used to use this type of drug during earlier times. But now it is also seen as a problem.

Drug is a chemical thing which exerts different impact on body and brain. It brings change in the physical functions of a common man. Drug, in medical language, is a thing which any cjoctor gives to its patient to cure its disease so that it could directly affects its body. From the psychological and social point of view, drug is seen as a habbit which directly affects brain and there are many chances of misusing it and which has very bad effects on the body.

According to this meaning of drug, use of more than need df the drug is considered as very dangerous that sometimes it stimulates the anti-social elements against the common people. Some drugs exert bad impact on body but on the contrary to that some drugs like Heroin, cocain, L.S.D., whisky or alcohol, tobacco etc. exert evil effects on the body of a person and person becomes addict of these drugs.

Meaning of drug addiction is the complete physical’dependence on any substance. In this way the meaning of addiction or physical dependence is by that situation in which body needs that thing to do work which he uses again and again. If the supply of that substance would be stopped to the body then it will have adverse impact on the process of working of body and the evil effects can be seen on body. Effect of all this is that person or body requires that thing which he uses again and again.
Any person who continuously uses drugs, always increases its dose after the first usage so that the same effect of drug should remain which was exerted at the time of first usage. This process is known as tolerance. It shows the capacity of body towards that external substance.

Psychologically, person depends on drug at that time when he feels that use of drug is good for his body or the effects of that drug are good for his body. Word addict can also be taken as the mental dependence. In this form the meaning of addiction is that the body depends on the drug or on the effects of the drug this much that he cannot do anything without it. In this way the meaning of drug addiction is the physical dependence on drug or by the habit of taking drug.

This effect of drug greatly influences a person that his body hardly responds to anything except that drug. If body receives enough quantity of drug then he will work properly under the effect of that drug. If body will not be able to get enough quantity of drug or even drug then its evil consequences come in front of us. His body hardly works in its absence and he tries to get that drug at any cost and in any condition. In this way drug controls a person in such a way that he wants to remain always under the influence of that drug.

Question 6.
How can the problem of drug abuse be controlled in your view?
If we want to control the use of drug or we want to stop the habit of drug addiction then society and the people jointly have to work for it. It is so because any problem cannot be solved with the efforts of one or two persons but a collective effort is required for this. If any one tries to remove it individually then he would be able to solve his personal problem but not of the society. But still some of the ways to remove this problem are given below :

1. By awakening the people. People should be made conscious about this problem of drug addiction. For this government, social service institutions, educational institutions jointly can do a lot. They can tell the people about the disadvantages of drug addiction that how it can affect our family and our life. Seminars can be organised in schools, colleges, universities, hostels, slums etc. regarding this and they can be told about the evil consequences of drug addiction. In this way we can awake the students as well as general public about this problem.

2. By changing attitude of doctors. Doctors can play a very important role in controlling this problem. It has been seen that doctors give any particular drug to cure their patient. But later on patient hardly lives without that drug. In this way, if doctors will change their attitude by not giving drugs to their patients then this problem can be solved very quickly.

3. By giving the knowledge about drug addicts. If someone starts using drugs then there must be any reason behind it. No one can become the victim of any problem without any reason. This problem can be solved if we will come to know about the cause of that problem because of which any drug addict has started using drugs. If we will come to know about those reasons then we can solve those reasons and can solve this problem as well. That’s why this problem could be solved by getting knowledge about drug addicts.

4. Behaviour of parents towards children. It has been seen that the homely, atmosphere is also one of the reasons of drug addiction. Problem between parents, they hardly give any time to their child, non-affectionate behaviour of parents can lead children towards the drug. That’s why parents should change their behaviour towards their children. Parents should take care of everything of their children like their eating habits, company etc. so that the children could not be able to attract towards drugs. Parents should talk with their children about the evil consequences of drug abuse.

5. Strict punishment to drug peddlars. Drug peddlars, who sells drugs to the people, should be given strict punishment because if any one starts to take drugs then its end is death. That’s why they should be given strict punishment and the government should set examples for other people to not to indulge in this type of activity.

6. Teachers can play a very important role in eradicating this problem. Teachers exert a great effect on their students. Teacher gives a direction to the career of the student. Every student obeys the orders of the teachers. Here teachers can play a very important role. It has been seen that children starts using drugs at very early age. Teacher can tell the children about the evil consequences of the rug abuse that how it will affect their lives, career, parents, family and society. In his way students will definitely follow their teachers.

7. Change in Mentality. To eliminate the problem of drug abuse or drug addiction the mentality of the people should necessarily be changed. They should be told about the evil consequences of drugs so that they could stop taking drugs. For this, seminars can be organised, camps can be organized, so that the people could come to know about the evil consequences of drug abuse.

8. Contribution of Social Service Organizations. Social service institutions can also play a very important role in eradicating this problem from the society. They can awake the people, can tell the people about the effects of drug abuse and can organize programmes regarding this. That’s why government can also give them financial assistance. In this way, if people will work together and if the government will try then the problem of drug abuse and drug addiction can be eradicated from our society.

Question 7.
Write a detailed note on factors responsible for drug addiction.
Generally, there could be many reasons for drug addiction like company, less control of the family, for the sake of fun, by looking at elders, etc. but some of the important reasons are given as follows:

The habit of drug addiction can be divided into four parts :

  • Psychological causes
  • Social causes
  • Physiological causes
  • Miscellaneous causes

Their description is given below:

1. Psychological Causes:

1. To reduce tension. Some people become addicted to any drug because they want to reduce their tension. These days people have to face a number of problems and tensions. When they are unable to solve their problems then they take the help of drugs to reduce their tensions. In this way they become an addict of these drugs. In this way person starts to take drugs to reduce his tensions but later on he becomes an addict of drugs.

2. To fulfill their curiosity: Some people are curious to know about the effects of taking drugs. In this way first time, they use drug to fulfill their curiosity but slowly and slowly they become addicted of these drugs. In this way curiosity of drugs leads to addiction of drugs.

3. Other causes: Some people are unemployed and they don’t have any work to spend their time on. That’s why they start to use drugs to spend their time but slowly and slowly they become addicted to it. Not only their occupation but people have many other tensions, like his income is less, business is not running in good condition, the behavior of wife is not good, the tension of education of children, work of office or behavior of boss is not good, etc. There can be certain other reasons which can create tension in the person. Tension can not be removed completely but it can be relieved for some time. That’s why he takes the help of alcohol or any other drug to reduce his tension and drugs reduce his tension for some time.

4. To increase self-confidence: Some people also take drugs to increase their self-confidence. For example, if any person is going for an interview and he ht doubt on the fact that he could not be able to give interview properly. That’s why h takes any stimulant to improve his self-confidence. That’s why he starts to take drugs before the start of every type of work and slowly and slowly he becomes an addict to drugs.

2. Social Causes:

1. Because of friends: Many times a person becomes an addict of drugs due to his friends. If his friends are taking drugs then they ask him to take drugs. If he hardly responds to them then they forces him to take drugs. Then he starts to use that drug. Whenever these friends meet each other they use that drug. In this way he becomes an addict of drugs.

2. Family reasons: If any child starts using drug then it is possible that he has any family problem. May be there is some tension between his parents, his parents are unable to give him some time or there is lack of control on him. If any elder one is using drug then it is quite possible that the behaviour of his wife is not good, he has tension of his children or because of any economic reason. In this way family reasons can also lead to drug addiction.

3. After looking at elders: If any child starts taking drugs then it is quite possible that any wish has erosed in him, after looking at his elders, that what is there in that thing. When they observe that his elders are using drug then they observe it very minutely that what are they doing. Later on they also try to do that same thing and becomes an addict of drugs.

4. To oppose social values: Many people even start to use to oppose the existing social values. They are being told to not to do any particular thing. They become angry due to this restriction and start to oppose that thing and start using drugs.

3. Physiological Causes :

1. To awaken. Some people take drugs only to not to sleep or to awaken for a long time. Some people have the occupation which can be done only in the night and they don’t want to sleep. That’s why they taken the help of drugs to keep awaken. Some people have many problems. If they will sleep then those problems will come in the dreams. That’s why they take the help of drugs to not to sleep.

2. To increase sexual experience: Some people like to do more sex. That’s why they want to increase their sexual experience. That’s why they take drugs so that they can get more and more this type of experience.

3. To sleep: Some people have the problem that they are unable to sleep. We can include physical causes and social causes in it. But they need to sleep. That’s why they start to take sleeping pills or any other drug and they start to use drugs.

4. Miscellaneous Causes :

1. To read: Some people also take the help of drugs or any other substance to read. Some people have the problem that they used to sleep while reading. That’s why in the early phase they take any drug so that they could not be able to sleep. That’s why they become addicted to it and they always take drugs before reading.

2. Solving personal problems. Some people are unable to solve their personal problems because of which they start to take drugs and become the victim of another problem In a way, these are some of the reasons why any person starts to use drugs. Yet there are many other reasons for drug addiction which is not possible to explain all of them here.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 10 Social Problems: Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 10 Social Problems: Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Important Questions and Answers.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 10 Social Problems: Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Which of these is the situation of social problem?
(а) Most of the people are affected by this
(b) This is an undesirable condition
(c) There is conflict in social values
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

2. Which of these is the economic factor of social problem?
(a) Unemployment
(b) Poverty
(c) Slums
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 10 Social Problems: Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

3. What do we call the person who consumes alcohol once or twice in a year?
(a) Rare user
(b) Infrequent user
(c) Light drinker
(d) Moderate drinker
(a) Rare user

4. What do we call the persons who start consuming alcohol right from the morning?
(a) Moderate drinkers
(b) Heavy drinkers
(c) Infrequent drinkers
(d) Light drinkers
(b) Heavy drinkers

5. Which of these is a type of drug?
(a) opium
(b) cocain
(c) charas
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

Fill in the Blanks:

1. The situation of ……………… is undesirable in society.
Social problem

2. ……………….. is a type of drug which is drunk.

3. Opium, Heroins, cocain come under the category of ……………….

4. ………………… and ……………….. can play a way important role in keeping children away from drugs.
School, teacher

5. Consuming …………………. is having a bad effect on one’s health.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 10 Social Problems: Alcoholism and Drug Addiction


1. Social problems affect most of the members of society.

2. Heroin is a type of Narcotics.

3. Drug addict always wants to consume drugs.

4. The Union Government passed The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act in 1955 A.D.

5. There is no value conflict in social problems.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 10 Social Problems: Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

One Word/One Line Questions Answers:

Question 1.
What is social problem?
Social problem is that undesirable situation which everybody wants to change.

Question 2.
On what social problem depends?
Social problem depends upon the values of society.

Question 3.
How many members of society get affected by social problems?
Most of the members of society get affected by social problems.

Question 4.
Give socio-cultural factors of social problems.
Untouchability, female foeticide, dowry, domestic violence, violence against women etc.

Question 5.
Give economic factors of social problems.
Poverty, unemployment, slums, illiteracy, crime etc.

Question 6.
What is alcoholism?
When any one starts consuming alcohol on frequent basis, it is called alcoholism.

Question 7.
Who is a rare user?
One who consumes liquor once or twice in one year, he is called rare user.

Question 8.
Who is an infrequent user?
One who consumes alcohol once in two-three months is an infrequent user.

Question 9.
Who is a light drinker?
Light drinker is that who consumes alcohol once or twice in one mouth.

Question 10.
Who is a moderate drinker?
Moderate drinkers is the one who consumes alcohol three-four time in one month.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 10 Social Problems: Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

Question 11.
Who is a heavy drinker?
One who consumes alcohol on daily basis is a heavy drinker.

Question 12.
How much of the Indian population consumes alcohol atleast once during its lifetime?
Around 42% of the total population.

Question 13.
Give one cause of alcoholism.
People consume alcohol to ignore their tensions and problems.

Question 14.
Give one effect of alcoholism.
It leatds to was tage of money and Loss of health.

Question 15.
What is a drug?
Drug is a chemical which physiologically and psychologically affects our abillity to do work.

Question 16.
Give names of any four narcotics.
Opium, cocain, Heroin, Marijuana, charas etc.

Question 17.
When was the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act passed?
This law was passed in 1985 A.D.

Very Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Give two features of social problems.

  • Social problems are such unwanted circumstances with which most of the members of society are directly or indirectly affected.
  • About social problems, most of the members of society believe that their solution is must.

Question 2.
Give socio-cultural factors of social problems.
In India, people of many religions, castes and lingual groups live with each other. That’s why many socio cultural problems occur over here such as untouchability, female foeticide, dowry, domestic violence, violence against women etc.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 10 Social Problems: Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

Question 3.
Give three reasons of alcoholism.
Two causes of alcoholism.

  • People consume alcohol to remove their tensions.
  • People get tired with their occupation and that’s “why they consume alcohol.
  • Many persons like to sit with their friends and they force him to consume alcohol.

Question 4.
Give three reasons of drug addiction.

  • Many a times, peer group forces an individual to consume drug.
  • Sometimes, an individual feels alienated and to remove alienation, he starts to use drugs.
  • Many people are unable to face the situations in life and that’s why they start to use drugs.

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Alcoholism is a state in which the person is unable to keep control on his quantity of taking alcohol which he cannot stop after starts to using it. Alcohol cannot be called as stimulant but it acts as a inhibitor on our nervous system. When person starts to use it, he feels himself free from all the tensions and he slowly slowly starts to use too much quantity of it. Alcoholism not only reduces his work efficiency but it destroys his family as well.

Question 2.
Alcoholic Person.
Alcoholic person is that person who uses alcohol or drinks alcohol. Person, who is a compulsive drinker, cannot live without drinking alcohol. In this way the person who cannot live without drinking alcohol is known as alcoholic person. He is unable to keep control on himself. He drinks daily and goes to such extent that he cannot do any work without alcohol. His body starts to shiver in its absence.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 10 Social Problems: Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

Question 3.
Types of Alcoholic Persons.

  • Rare alcoholic: Who drinks once or twice in a year.
  • Infrequent alcoholic: Who drinks once in two or three months or drinks only in any marriage or party.
  • Lighter user alcoholic: Who drinks once or twice in a month to enjoy his holiday.
  • Moderate user alcoholic: Who drinks thrice or four times in month to enjoy his holiday.
  • Heavy user alcoholic: Who drinks alcohol many times in a day or who drinks daily.

Question 4.
Occupation-cause of Alcoholism.
In many cases, occupation becomes a cause of alcoholism. Occupation of many persons is such that they become very much tired and they need something to do work again. It not only removes their tiredness but it also motivates them to work again the next day. In the same way many persons start to use alcohol to please other persons related occupations. For example, many times any worker has to drink with his owner or boss to please him and becomes an addict of it. In this way person has to drink alcohol due to his occupation and he becomes an addict of it.

Question 5.
Mental tension – Cause of Alcoholism.
Every person is the victim of one or another mental tension. If some one does’t have money, so he is in tension to run his house. Some have money but are tensed for its safety, tension of business, tension of office, tension due to poverty, anyone is tense due to his owner, boss or wife, any one has fear of loss in business and someone is tensed due to competition. In this way every person is the victim of one or another type of tension. If he drinks alcohol then is nervous system relaxes for some time and for some time he becomes free from every type of mental tension.

Question 6.
Poverty-Cause of Alcoholism.
A poor person is always in tension to earn money, His family members are more in number but he is the sole earner of the family. That’s why expenditure of the family is more but income is very less. Person always remains in tension of giving food, cloth and education to his children. That’s why he takes the help of the alcohol to remove his tension. He gets relief from his mental tensions for some time after using alcohol. In this way he starts to drink more quantity of alcohol and becomes an alcoholic.

Question 7.
Drug Addiction.
When a person uses any subtance with which his body becomes dependent upon that substance or drug then it is known as drug addiction. Drug is that substance which directly affects the brain and nervous system of the person. In this way when a person becomes so dependent upon that drug that he cannot live without drug then it is known as drug addiction.

Question 8.
Drug Abuse.
When a person starts using any illegal drug or misuses any legal drug then it is known as drug abuse. It damages person mentally as well as physically. Use of L.S.D. and Cocain, use of Heroin, Smoking of Hashish and Ganja, Alcoholism etc. all are included in this. Person enjoys fully in it. He goes on the trip of enjoyment. He could be able to do any work after its use unless he could not be able to do any thing.

Question 9.
Drug dependency.
When person starts to use daily any drug legally or illegally and he cannot live without it then it is known as drug dependency. Dependency can be physical as well as mental. When a person uses any drug again and again grasps drug in itself then it is known as physical dependence. But when his body aches and he feels physical problems due to non use of that drug then it is a physical loss as well as mental loss.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 10 Social Problems: Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

Question 10.
Characteristics of Drug Addiction.

  • Sudden wish occurs in the person to get drug in drug addiction.
  • In drug addiction he wants to get drug in any way unless his body stops working.
  • In drug addiction, there is a tendency to increase the dose slowly and slowly.
  • Person becomes physically and mentally dependent upon drugs in drug addiction.

Question 11.
Types of Drugs.

  • Liquor or Alcohol
  • Sedatives
  • Narcotics
  • Stimulants
  • Hallucinogens
  • Nicotine

Question 12.
Psychological Causes of Drug Abuse.

  • When any person wants to reduce his tensions then he starts to use drug.
  • There is a wish in some person that how it feels when we take drug and that’s why they start to use drugs.
  • Unemployed persons want to pass their time and that’s why they start to use drugs.
  • Many persons use drugs to increase their self-confidence.

Question 13.
Social Causes of Drug Abuse.

  • Many times friends of any person force him to use drugs because of which he starts to use drugs.
  • Conflicts of the family also force the person to use drugs so that he could not come in mental tension.
  • Many times a wish occurs in the person while observing that his elders are using any drug and that’s why he starts to use drug.

Question 14.
Ways to control Drug addiction.

  • People should be motivated not to use drugs so that they could be motivated to do so.
  • Doctors should also restrict themselves from not giving those drugs to their patients with which they could become addicted.
  • People should be told about the losses of drugs so that the people should keep themselves away from the drugs.
  • Parents should behave friendly with their children and they should be told about the evil consequences of drug abuse so that they could be a way of these drugs.

Long Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
What is Alcoholism? Give its types.
Alcoholism is a condition in which a person is unable to control his quantity of drinking alcohol with which he cannot stop it once he starts drinking alcohol. In this way, an alcoholic person is a person who uses whisky, drinks whisky, and is a compulsive person who cannot live without drinkings. In this way, a person who cannot live without drinking alcohol is known as an alcoholic person. Generally, we can come to know about features of alcoholism through four factors, and these four factors are:

  • Too much use of alcohol.
  • The tension of alcoholic person on his too much use of alcohol.
  • No control of alcoholic person on his too much use of alcohol.
  • Occurrence of disturbance in social, psychological, and worldly functions.

In this way Don Kehlan has explained five types of alcoholic persons on the basis of quantity and frequency of drinking and these five types are given below:

  • Rare alcoholic: Rare alcoholic persons are those persons who drink alcohol once or twice a year and even drink for the sake of fun.
  • Infrequent alcoholic. An infrequent alcoholic person is a person who drinks alcohol once or twice in two or three months or at the time of any marriage or function.
  • Light user alcoholic. Light user alcoholic is that person who drinks once or twice in one month. He sometimes drinks in the company of his friends.
  • Moderate user alcoholic. Moderate user alcoholic is that person who drinks thrice or four times in a month or wants to enjoy his holiday (Sunday).
  • Heavy user alcoholic. Heavy user alcoholic person is that who drinks alcohol daily or many times in a day. They are also known as Hardcore alcoholic persons.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 10 Social Problems: Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

Question 2.
How Alcoholism can be prevented? Explain it.
How can we cure the problem of alcohol?
Alcoholism is that problem which has been faced by our country since a long time. Not only person himself but his family and society also disintegrates with this. His morality comes to an end, he starts to commit crimes, and his health also deteriorates. In this way it has very much evil consequences on person. We should jointly solve this problem so that the society could he prevented from disorganization. Government and social service institutions can play a very important role in it. This problem can be prevented in many ways.

1. First of person should motivate himself to not to start drink of alcohol. If he will not start using it then how he will become addict of it. Family can play a very important role in it. Elders of the family can motivate their children by not using alcohol. Elders can tell them about the evil consequences of alcoholism. They can educate them from time to time so that they could move on the right path.

2. Government can play a very important role in it. Government can announce the policy of restriction on alcohol and can impose this policy in the state. It should take strict action against the makers and sellers of the liquor so that people should keep themselves away from it. Government should also discourage drinkers not to use alcohol.

3. If a doctor is taking care of an alcoholic person then he always has hatreds against the alcoholic person. It is a shocking thing for that person. Doctors should change their attitude so that the alcoholic person should leave use of alcohol from his heart. Doctors should keep a sympathetic attitude towards alcoholic persons.

4. Restriction on alcoholism and alcohol should not be propagated among the people. Government, social service institutions and people can take the help of T.V., radio, newspapers, magazines, etc., and can propagate against its evil consequences. Educational institutions can also play a very big part in it and can motivate the students to get an education in their institutions. They can organize Seminars against it so that people should keep themselves away from this problem.

5. Generally whisky has been taken as a means of recreation. But if it will be banned then the means of recreation for the people will come to an end. That’s why government and non-governmental institutions can establish recreational centres so that the people can enjoy these places instead of using alcohol.

6. People should also be motivated by this problem. This problem is very big and cannot be solved in one or two days. For that people are necessary to be motivated. The illiterate people of our country are hardly aware of the evil consequences of this problem. People should also be educated regarding this and should be educated to live a better life. If people would be educated properly then this problem could also be solved very quickly.

7. Government should make strict laws to restrict alcoholism so that the drinkers and sellers of alcohol could be strictly punished. For this special courts could be constituted so that the lawbreakers could be punished very quickly.

8. Not only externally but the mentality of the people should also be changed. An actual ban on alcoholism can happen if the person himself should leave this problem. That’s why the mentality of the person should be changed. Plays, Lectures can be organized regarding this so that people could themselves change their mentality.

So after looking at this explanation we can say that the problem of alcoholism is a social problem and it has not just one or two reasons but it has many reasons behind it. People themselves are increasing this problem and if they want they themselves can eradicate this problem. If the public will take a tough stand against it then the government will also have to take part in it. If government and people both join hands with each other then this problem can be removed very quickly.

Question 3.
Explain different types of drugs.
We can divide drugs into six parts which are given below:

  1. Whisky or liquor
  2. Sedatives
  3. Narcotics
  4. Stimulants
  5. Hallucinogens
  6. Nicotine

Now we will explain them in detail:

1. Whisky or alcohol. Some people drink alcohol as something which can give them pleasure and some people drinks alcohol so that they can get stimulant to do their work. Alcohol also works as a substance that gives us peace with which our nerves gets peace and relaxation. It acts as a sedative that calms down nerves or a type of anesthetic which reduces the pain of living. Humans have to face many problems and tensions in their lives because of which they become the victims of mental tension. That’s why they take help of alcohol to relieve their mental tension. Alcohol relieves tension and reduces aggressive inhibitions. It also reduces the power of taking decisions and creates confusion.

2. Sedatives. Sedatives are also known as depressants. It relaxes our central nervous system, induces sleep and gives a very calming effect. In medical terms, they are used for insomnia, epilepsy, high blood pressure and it is given to the patient before operation and during surgery so that they could relax. It acts as a depressant which depresses the actions of nerves and muscles. It also slows down breathing and heart beating and makes the user relax. But if the user will start to use a higher dose then he can become gloomy, sluggish, irritable and quarrelsome. His capacity of working and thinking reduces with this.

3. Narcotics. We can include opium, heroin, brown sugar, marijuana, charas, ghanja, bhang, smack etc. in narcotics. Heroin is a white powder which is made by morphine, cocaine is made by the leaves of coca bush, ganja, charas can be obtained from the hemp plant. Marijuana is a particular form of cannabis. Cocaine, heroin, morphine etc. can be .taken either by injections or in the form of cigarettes. All of these increase the capacity of the work of the person, gives him a lot of enjoyment and a feeling of superiority comes in him. But when person becomes an addict of these things then he cannot live without them. However, weakness, insomnia, nervousness remains and in the end person dies without them.

4. Stimulants. Stimulants activate the nervous system, treat small depression, relieve tension, keep a person awake, increase alertness and reduce aggressive inhibitions. Caffeine, cocaine, Amphetamines, etc. are used stimulative agents. If these will be taken according to the prescription by the doctor then it can produce self-confidence and alertness. But if they will be used more frequently then many problems like headache, sweating, diarrhea, nervousness can occur. These stimulants do not produce physical dependence but are psychologically addicting. Abruptly withdrawing the drug can result in mental illness and suicidal depression.

5. Hallucinogens. The most important element in this category is L.S.D. which is never prescribed by any doctor. It is either taken orally or in the form of an injection. It is so powerful that one ounce of LSD can produce three lakh human doses. Its minimum dose also directly affects the person. If any person uses it then he remains in hallucination, dreams, etc. after taking its dose. Severe mental derangement can result from an attempt to withdraw from its use.

6. Nicotine. We can include tobacco, bidi, cigarettes, cigars, snuff, etc. in it. It has no positive impact on our body but physically a person depends upon it. It leads to relaxation, stimulates the central nervous system, increases wakefulness, and removes boredom. But its heavy dose can lead to heart attack, lung cancer, bronchitis. If any person starts to use it then he becomes dependent upon it.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 11 Party System in India

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class Political Science Book Solutions Chapter 11 Party System in India Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 Political Science Chapter 11 Party System in India

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Describe the characteristics of Indian Party System.
Explain in detail six features of Indian Party System.
Describe any six features of Indian Political Party System.
Present age is an era of democracy. Political parties are inevitable in democracy and thus both are inseparable. India is the biggest democratic country in the world and hence the existence of political parties here is natural one. But political parties haven’t developed on the same pattern as they have grown in England, America and other western countries. Political parties in India didn’t originate to dethorne the ruling aristocratic group but to fight against foreign imperialism by starting a national movement for freedom.

Another aim of the National Congress was to eliminate those elements from Indian society which hampered the social progress. Indian National Congress was founded in 1885 and afterwards, in 1906, Muslim League came into being and then in 1916 All India Hindu Mahasabha was established. Communist Party was founded in 1924 but it was banned during the Second World War. But when Russia joined hands with Allied nations in the Second World War, the Communist Party got a chance to develop. After independence, several political parties came into being. When first general elections were held in 1952, there were fourteen national political parties and fifty parties at the state level.

In January, 1977 four political parties Jan Sangh, Congress (O), Socialist Party, Bharatiya Lok Dal and rebel Congressmen formed Janata Party. But Janata Party was formed properly on May 1, 1977. The Congress faced a split in January, 1978 and Congress (I) came into existence. Bharatiya Janata Party was established on 6th April, 1980 and Bahujan Samaj Party on 14th April, 1984.

The Election Commission at present, recognised eight national and 53 state parties.
Indian party system has its own characteristics. Some of the main features are as follows:
1. Multiple Party System:
India has neither single party system as in China nor two party system as in England and America. We have multiple party system as Switzerland has. At Prerent the Election Commission recognized Seven National Parties and 59 state level parties. Seven National Parties are: Indian National Congress, Bharatiya Janata Party, C.P.I., Marxist Party, Trinmool Congress Party, Nationalist Congress Party, and Bahujan Samaj Party.

2. End of Dominance of a Single Party:
India’s Multiple Party System differs from the Multiple Party System in Western countries like France and others. Several political parties participate in election in India but The Congress dominated the scene at the centre as well as the states before 1967.

The Congress secured 364, 371, 261 and 283 seats in the elections of 1952, 1957, 1962 and 1967 respectively. The Congress didn’t succeed much in states in the elections of 1967, which resulted in the formation of non-Congress ministries in many states. But the non-Congress ministries didn’t avail of this golden opportunity and they tried to achieve their vested interests instead of serving the people.

Consequently these ministries could not stay for long. Mrs. Indira Gandhi held mid-term polls in 1971 and Congress swept the elections and it secured 352 seats in Lok Sabha. Out of 19 states, elections were held in eight states and Congress secured majority in all the eight states. Due to the dominance of the Congress some perceptive students of Indian Politics have expressed the view that India has a ‘One party dominance system’ (Rajni Kothari) or ‘One dominant party system’ (W.H. Morris Jones).

But the dominance of Congress came to an end in November, 1989 when Congress was badly mauled in the 9th general elections and the other parties entered the 9th Lok Sabha with sufficient strength. It was repeated. From 1991 to 2019 elections. The present position clearly indicates that the era of one party dominant system has come to an end.

3. Rise of Effective Opposition:
Another feature of the Indian party system is the rise of organised opposition as it exists in England. There was no effective opposition before the fourth general elections.

In 1977 an organised opposition originated with the defeat of the Congress. There was no recognised offical opposition in 1980 and in 1984. But in 1989 with the defeat of the Congress (I) a strong organised opposition came into existence. In the Lok Sabha elections of 1991 BJP was recognised as opposition party. In the eleventh Lok Sabha elections in 1996, BJP emerged as the single largest party.

In March 1998 Sharad Pawar of the Congress party was recognised as leader of the opposition in the twelfth Lok Sabha. The elections to the 13th Lok Sabha held in Sept.-Oct. 1999 returned the Congress with sufficient strength and it emerged as a strong opposition party. In the 16th and 17th Lok Sabha no party has been given recognition of the opposition party.

4. Communal Parties: Another characteristic of Indian Party system is the existence of communal parties.

5. Existence of Regional Parties:
Another very distinct peculiarity of Indian Party system is the existence of regional parties. At present Election Commission recognised 53 regional political parties. Major regional political parties are Shiromani Akali Dal, Indian National Lok Dal, Assam Gana Parishad, Jharkhand Party, Telugu Desham, National Conference, ADMK and DMK etc. The importance of regional political parties is increasing day by day. It seems as if an era of dependence of national parties on the regional parties has begun.

6. Registration of Political Parties:
The Representation of People’s Act, 1951 was amended in December, 1998 under which registration of political parties with the Election Commission is obligatory.

7. Lack of Discipline:
Lack of discipline among the party members is an important feature of the Indian Party system. Those who fail to get the party ticket to contest the election leave the party and either join the other party or contest the election as independent candidates. Lack of party discipline has been a source of defection, split, factionalism, groupism and poiltical turn-coatism in Indian politics.

8. Politics of Populism:
Almost all political parties adopt and follow populistic policies and raise populistic slogans for securing their vote banks. ‘Garibi Hatao’, ‘Rozgar Yojnas’, ‘Power to the people’, “Vote for Mandir’, ‘Protection of Panth’ are used as election slogans, as ploy for securing votes. In 1995 Telugu Desham party won a big majority in the State Legislative Assembly elections by promising to sell rice at Rs. 2 per kg.

9. Less Contact with the Masses:
Another feature of Indian party system is that parties do not always remain in touch with the masses. In India many political parties come into existence at the time of election and disappear with the end of election. Even permanent political parties organise themselves at the time of elections and try to establish contact with the public. The leaders of the political parties realise the importance of public contact during the election but they forget it as soon as the election ends. According to Dr. P.V.R. Rao, no political party except Communist Party can claim to have direct contact with the masses. In such circumstances Indian party system cannot work successfully.

10. Lack of Internal Democracy within the Political Parties:
The political parties lack internal democracy and are built from above around hierarchical frames. Majority of the political parties have not held elections of the party organisation at different levels for a long time.

11. Lack of Ideological Commitment:
Most political parties in India lack ideological commitment. In fact political parties are interested to capture power and for that they have been too willing to sacrifice their ideologies. Even the CPI (M) and the BJP have started addressing to current issues than to their ideologies.

12. Dissidents:
Another important aspect of Indian party system is the presence of dissidents. Generally speaking, Congress or Janata Dal or B.J.P. in every state has two groups ministerialists and dissidents. Dissidents work in full swing as the leaders are always in competition to grab power. During Janata Party regime even at the centre there was dissident group led by Charan Singh and Raj Narayan. Due to revolt by dissidents against B.J.P. leadership, President’s rule was imposed in Gujarat in Sept. 1996.

13. Groupism within the Parties:
In every political party there is groupism and groupism leads to split in the party. There was a split in the Congress Party thrice in 1969, 1978 and 1995. Janata Dal was divided six times-in 1990, 1992,1993, 1994, 1997 and 1999. Groupism found in Akali Dal, D.M.K., Telugu Desam and many other political parties is responsible for split in these political parties.

14. Defections:
Indian party system is known for defections. There are many examples of defections from the first to fourth general elections but the number of defections after the fourth general elections increased so much that parliamentary form of government seemed to be an utter failure in India. Prime Minister Shri Morarji Desai had to resign in July, 1979 as many members left the Janata Party.

Defections took place abundantly before and after the Lok Sabha elections in 1980 and all was in favour of Congress (I). In January 1980, Haryana Chief Minister Shri Bhajan Lai joined Congress (I) by leaving the Janata Party along with 35 members. The Himachal Chief Minister Shri Shanta Kumar had to resign in February 1980, because of heavy defection. But in Jan. 1985, the 52nd Amendment in Constitution was passed to remove the evil of defections. But the evil of defections is not removed. Even now we find many examples of defections.

15. More Emphasis on Leadership than on Programme:
Generally, political parties in India attach more importance to leadership than to their programmes.

16. Non-Principled Alliance of Political Parties:
Another important feature and defect of Indian Party System is that parties are always prepared to have non-principled alliance to achieve their vested interests.

The detailed analysis of the Indian Party System clearly brings out the shortcomings of party system. The Indian party system lacks many important qualities which are essential for the success of the party system of government. Multiple party system, lack of organised political parties, presence of regional and communal parties, defections etc. are not healthy things for the success of parliamentary form of government in India.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 11 Party System in India

Question 2.
Describe the Policies and Programmes of The Congress Party.
Write in detail the Foreign Policy of The Congress (I).
Indian National Congress is the oldest, well-organised and very important political party of India. After Independence, Congress Party dominated from 1947 to 1967 and from 1971 to 1977 as well as from 1980 to 1989. First split of the Congress took place in 1969 and second split in 1978 and third split in 1995. After the split of 1978 the Congress under the leadership of Mrs. Indira Gandhi was called The Congress (I). On March 12, 1996, the Election Commission recognised Congress (I) as the real Congress Party and it was allowed to
use ‘Hand’ as its party symbol. At present this party is known as Indian National Congress.

Policies And Programmes of Congress. At the time of 17th Lok Sabha election, Congress released the election manifesto in 2019. The manifesto asserted that the Congress is the only party which could govern and serve.
Following are the main policies and programmes mentioned in the election manifesto:
1. Congress pledges to give the highest priority to protecting existing jobs and creating new jobs.

2. Congress promises that all of the 4 lakh vacancies as on 1 April, 2019 in the Central Government, Central Public Sector Enterprises, Judiciary and Parliament will be filled before the end of March 2020.

3. Congress will work with State Governments to create new Seva Mitra positions (estimated at 10 lakh) in every Gram Panchayat and every Urban Local Body to ensure the effective delivery of government services to citizens.

4. Congress will link the definition of MSME to employment A business employing 10 persons or less will be ‘micro’; between 11 and 100 will be ‘small’; and between 101 and 500 will be ‘medium’.

5. Congress promises regulatory forbearance for Micro and Small Enterprises.

6. Congress promises to increase the share of India’s manufacturing sector from the current level of 16 per cent of GDP to 25 per cent within a period of 5 years and to make India a manufacturing hub for the world.

7. Congress will work with State Governments to set up New Industrial Towns with the required infrastructure and turn them into manufacturing hubs for a variety of industrial products.

8. Congress will announce a ‘Make for the World’ policy under which foreign and Indian companies will be invited to invest in ‘Exclusive Export-only Zones’, manufacture and export their entire production, pay no indirect taxes and pay a low rate of corporate tax.

9. Congress promises to augment the total length of national highways and increase the pace of construction.

10. Congress promises to massively modernise all outdated railway infrastructure.

11. Congress will formulate a policy on Clean Energy in existing power plants that use fossil fuels and promote Green Energy to enhance the share of solar and wind energy in the total supply of energy.

12. Congress promises to formulate a comprehensive policy on Urbanisation after wide consultation. We will address the issues concerning towns and cities including city governance, livelihoods, housing, habitat, pollution, climate change, urban transport and disaster management.

13. Congress will support State Governments to build new towns and cities as well as satellite towns.

14. Congress will introduce a new model of governance for towns and cities through a directly elected mayor with a fixed term of 5 years, an elected council and a separate administrative structure for each urban body.

15. Congress will enforce the 74th Amendment to the Constitution and ensure the devolution of powers, functions and funds to the Municipalities and Corporations, making them financially independent.

16. Congress promises the Right to Housing for the urban poor and protection from arbitrary eviction. We will build night shelters for the homeless so that no one will sleep in the open.

17. Congress will launch a Slum Upgradation and Transformation Scheme to ensure basic services such as drinking water, electricity and sanitation to slum dwellers. Slums will be transformed by replacing huts and kuccha dwellings with proper houses, roads and other public facilities.

18. Congress will launch MGNREGA 3.0 to address issues of water security, soil quality and similar issues that aggravate farmers’ distress. To this end, Congress will:

  • Increase the guaranteed days of employment up to 150 days in cases where 100 days have been achieved in a block/district;
  • Use MGNREGA labour in the Waterbodies Restoration Mission and the Wasteland Regeneration Mission; and
  • Use MGNREGA funds to build public assets such as primary health centres, classrooms, libraries etc.

19. Congress promises to connect all villages and habitations with a population of 250 with a road under the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana. Boradband connectivity will be provided to all village Panchayats by the year 2021.

20. Congress will encourage and support micro and small enterprises that collectivise unorganised sector workers including waste pickers and scrap collectors.

21. Congress will ensure that notified minimum wages are paid to workers in the unorganised sector.

22. Congress will ratify ILO Convention 87 (Freedom of Association) and ILO Convention 98 (Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining).

23. The Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Act, 2014 will be implemented in letter and spirit.

24. Debt is a civil liability and Congress will not allow criminal proceedings to be instituted against a farmer who is unable to pay his/her debt.

25. In order to ensure priority to the issues affecting the agriculture sector, we will present a separate “Kisan Budget”.

26. Congress promises to establish a permanent National Commission on Agricultural Development and Planning consisting of farmers, agricultural scientists and agricultural economists to examine and advise the government on how to make agriculture viable, competitive and remunerative. The recommendations of the Commission shall be ordinarily binding on the government. The Commission will subsume the existing Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices and recommend appropriate minimum support prices.

27. Congress also promises to establish a Commission on Marginal Farmers and Agricultural Labour to advise on policies and programmes that will help them earn income from higher wages and from non-crop based agriculture such as horticulture and floriculture, dairying and poultry.

28. Congress will completely re-design the BJP government’s failed Fasal Bima Yojana (Crop Insurance Scheme) that has only enriched the insurance companies at the cost of the farmers. We will direct insurance companies to offer crop insurance and charge premiums on the principle of ‘no profit, no loss’.

29. Congress promises to reverse the BJP Government’s fiddling with the target of fiscal deficit. Congress promises to achieve the target of 3 per cent of GDP by 2020-21 and remain .under that limit.

30. Monetary policy is the province of the Reserve Bank of India. Congress promises to reverse the unwarranted and illegal interference by the BJP government into the functioning of the RBI.

31. Congress will adopt a policy on foreign trade that will ensure that exports become once again a key driver of economic growth.

32. Congress believes that the size of India’s GDP and the level of Total Expenditure (Central and State Governments) allow us to undertake an ambitious programme of cash transfer to the poorest sections of the people without in anyway affecting the goal of fiscal prudence. The main features of the Minimum Income Support Programme (MISP) or Nyuntam Aay Yojana (NYAY) will be:

  • The target population will be 5 crore families who constitute the poorest 20 per cent of all families. They will be the beneficiaries of MISP or NYAY.
  • Each family will be guaranteed a cash transfer of 72,000 a year.
  • As far as possible, the money will be transferred to the account of a woman of the family who has a bank account or who will be urged to open a bank account;
  • There will be a Design phase (3 months) followed by a Pilot and Testing phase (6-9 months) before roll-out.
  • The rollout will be implemented in phases.
  • The estimated cost will be < 1 per cent of GDP in Year 1 and < 2 per cent of GDP in Year 2 and thereafter.
  • As the nominal GDP grows and families move out of poverty, the cost will decline as a proportion of GDP.

33. Congress promises to enact the Direct Taxes Code in the first year of our government. It will usher in an era of simplicity, transparency, tax equity, easy compliance and impartial administration.

34. Congress promises that the Direct Taxes Code will levy taxes at reasonable and progressive rates having regard to the level of current incomes, income inequalities and the principles of tax equity.

35. Congress promises to review and replace the current GST laws with the GST 2.0 regime that will truly reflect the intent and purpose of a non-cascading, value-added, indirect tax.

36. The GST 2.0 regime will be based on a single, moderate, standard rate of tax on all goods and services.

37. The GST 2.0 regime will levy a special rate of duty on demerit goods.

38. Congress promises that Real Estate (all sectors), Petroleum Products, Tobacco and Liquor will be brought within the ambit of GST 2.0 in a manner and time period not exceeding 2 years agreed to in the GST Council.

39. Congress promises a comprehensive review of the concept, role and functions of Public Sector Banks (PSBs) in order to make PSBs robust and competitive with healthy balance sheets.

40. Congress will amalgamate 2 or more PSBs so that there will be only 6-8 PSBs with a national presence and reach. Each of the amalgamated PSBs will be adequately capitalised.

41. Congress promises to work with industry to increase the expenditure on science and technology to 2 per cent of GDP.

42. Congress will establish a separate Ministry of Fisheries and Welfare of Fisherfolk.

43. Congress will constitute a National Fisherfolk Commission to promote fishing and the welfare of fisherfolk. It will address indebtedness and appropriate funding mechanisms for fishing.

44. Congress will reverse the trend of declining defence spending under the NDA government, and will ensure that defence spending is increased to meet the requirements of the Armed Forces. We will expedite all modernisation programmes of the armed forces in a transparent manner.

45. The key to internal security is intelligence, analysis and quick response. Congress will put in place the Multi-Agency Centre and the NSG regional hubs. Congress also proposes to establish the National Counter-Terrorism Centre and NATGRID.

46. Congress affirms its firm belief in the continued relevance of the policy of friendship, peaceful co-existence, non-alignment, independence of thought and action, and increased bilateral engagement in its relations with other countries of the world.

47. Congress promises to establish a National Council on Foreign Policy consisting of members of the Cabinet Committee on Security, scholars, domain experts and diplomats to advise the Government on matters concerning foreign policy.

48. Congress will work closely with all countries of the world, and particularly India’s neighbours and the G-20 countries, in various multi-lateral forums and institutions.

49. Congress will re-double the efforts to win for India permanent membership in the UN Security Council and the Nuclear Suppliers Group.

50. Congress will work with SAARRC and ASEAN countries to enhance the volume of trade, investments, tourism and cultural exchanges and reap the benefits of geographical proximity.

51. Congress will increase the strength of border guarding forces—BSF, SSB, ITBP and Assam Rifles—and post them on or close to the border to prevent infiltration, illegal immigration and smuggling.

52. Under the UPA Governments, Congress accepted the principle of One Rank One Pension (OROP) and took 3 steps in 2006, 2010 and 2013 towards implementing the same. In February 2014, the UPA Government decided to close the gap for all retirees in all ranks. Ex-servicemen believe that the BJP Government has not implemented OROP to their satisfaction. Congress promises to remove the anomalies in the implementation of OROP.

53. Congress promises to re-establish the Ministry of Overseas Indians that will be asked to address the concerns of NRIs including their safety, conditions of work, social security and health benefits, education of their children, need for financial services and safe return to India.

54. Congress promises to re-constitute the National Integration Council to promote unity, solidarity, communal harmony, fraternity and reconciliation. Congress promises to work with the Council to fight divisive and communal forces that are a danger to the unity and solidarity of the country.

55. Congress will review the Right to Information Act, 2005 in the light of its working in the last 14 years and omit provisions that may have diluted the Act and add provisions to strengthen the Act. In accordance with the letter and spirit of the Act, Congress promises to appoint as Information Commissioners qualified persons drawn from different sections of the society.

56. Congress promises to take forward the idea of the GST Council of Ministers and establish such Councils for Agriculture, Education and Healthcare.

57. Congress will implement the recommendations of the Fifteenth Finance Commission and will urge the States to implement the recommendations of their respective State Finance Commissions.

58. Congress, as the author of the 73rd and 74th Constitution Amendments, will prevail upon the States to implement those provisions in letter and spirit and devolve funds, functions and functionaries upon the Panchayats and Municipalities.

59. Congress will give Special Category status to Andhra Pradesh as promised by Dr. Manmohan Singh on 20 February 2014 in the Rajya Sabha.

60. Congress will enhance representation at all levels of the judiciary for women, SC, ST, OBC minorities and other under-represented sections of society.

61. Omit Section 124A of the Indian Penal Code (that defines the offence of ‘sedition’) that has been misused and, in any event, has become redundant because of subsequent laws.

62. Amend the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958 in order to strike a balance between the powers of security forces and the human rights of citizens and to remove immunity for enforced disappearance, sexual violence and torture.

63. Congress promises to set up a National Election Fund to which any person may make a contribution. Funds will be allocated at the time of elections to recognised political parties in accordance with criteria laid down by law.

64. Congress will ensure that EVMs and WPATs are tamperproof.

65. ‘Police’ and ‘Law & Order’ are State subjects. Congress promises to consult State Governments and reach a consensus on the police reforms directed by the Supreme Court in the Prakash Singh case. Based on the consensus, Congress will pass a Model Police Act and the States will be advised to adopt and enact in the State Legislatures.

66. Congress will scrap the Niti Aayog, which has proved to be a noisy and incompetent intermeddler. Congress promises to constitute a Planning Commission with re-defined responsibilities such as to formulate medium and long-term perspective plans and to function as an independent expert body to perform crucial functions in a federal system.

67. Congress promises to pass the Constitution (Amendment) Bill to provide for reservation of 33 per cent of seats for women in the Lok Sabha and State Legislative Assemblies in the first session of the 17th Lok Sabha and in the Rajya Sabha.

68. Congress promises a holistic agenda of affirmative action for SCs, STs and OBCs who constitute a little more than 75 per cent of the population. Hence, Congress promises to set up an Equal Opportunities Commission, which will recommend affirmative action strategies and policies to achieve equality and equity in education, employment and in economic opportunities. We will implement the recommendations of the Equal Opportunities Commission.

69. Congress affirms that the whole of Jammu & Kashmir is part of India. We also acknowledge the unique history of the State and the unique circumstances under which the State acceded to India that led to the inclusion of Article 370 in the Constitution of India. Nothing will be done or allowed to change the Constitutional position.

70. Congress promises to restore the Special Category status to the NES.

71. Congress promises to enforce strictly the provisions of the Maintenance and Welfare of Senior Citizens Act, 2017.

72. Congress promises that the total government expenditure on healthcare will be doubled to 3 per cent of GDP by the year 2023-24. The Annual Budgets will indicate the step up in each year in order to achieve the target in 2023-24.

73. Congress promises to double the allocation for Education to 6 per cent of GDP in the 5 years ending 2023-24. A path forward will be laid down in the regular Budget for 2019-20 and specific annual targets will be set.

74. Congress promises universal access to potable drinking water. The National Drinking Water Mission will be reviewed and strengthened. Budget allocations will be substantially increased.

75. Congress will constitute, by law, an independent, empowered and transparent Environment Protection Authority (EPA) to establish, monitor and enforce environmental standards and regulations. The EPA will replace all other bodies that currently exercise jurisdiction and powers.

76. Congress promises to re-visit the National Disaster Management Act, 2005 and incorporate changes, based upon the experience gained in the working of the Act and in managing natural disasters that have occurred over the last 14 years.

77. Congress promises to respect the autonomy of the Indian Olympic Association and the Apex Body of each sport. Government will work with each body to promote the sport concerned.

Election Successes:
In the Lok Sabha elections of 1980, Congress (I) secured 351 seats out of 525 seats and thus won two-thirds majority in the House. But Congress (I) got 43% votes of the total votes polled. The election statistics reveal the fact that Congress (I) mostly lost those seats where the opposition parties could organise the people on social and economic basis. Congress (I) formed the government under the leadership of Mrs. Indira Gandhi.

Congress (I), under the leadership of Mr. Rajiv Gandhi, won an impressive victory in the eighth general elections to the Lok Sabha. It got 401 seats out of 508 for which elections were held in December 1984. It was a great personal triumph for Mr. Rajiv Gandhi, an unprecedented sweep for the Congress (I).

In the Lok Sabha elections of 1989, Congress (I) secured 194 seats and Mr. Rajiv Gandhi resigned from the Prime Ministership. In the ninth State Assemblies elections in Feb. 1990, Congress (I) was defeated badly in M.P., Rajasthan, Bihar, Himachal, Gujarat and Orissa. Congress (I) was able to form governments only in Maharashtra and Arunachal Pradesh. In the tenth Lok Sabha elections in May-June 1991, Congress (I) secured 225 seats and its leader P.V. Narsimha Rao formed the government.

In April-May 1996, eleventh Lok Sabha elections were held and Congress Party secured only 140 seats. In February-March, 1998 Congress secured 142 seats in the 12th Lok Sabha elections. In the 14th Lok Sabha election Congress secured 145 seats. Dr. Manmohan Singh led the 19-party ruling coalition of United Progressive Alliance.

In the 15th Lok Sabha election held in 2009, Congress Party secured 206 seats and UPA formed government under the leadership of Dr. Manmohan Singh. In the 16th Lok Sabha election held in 2014, Congress Party secured only 44 seats. In the 17th Lok Sabha election held in 2019, Congress Party secured only 52 seats.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 11 Party System in India

Question 3.
Describe the policies and functions of Bhartiya Janata Party.
Evaluate policies and programme of Bharatiya Janata Party (B.J.P.).
Though Janata Party faced a split in July 1979 on the issue of dual membership, this controversy didn’t end even after the split. On 19th March, 1980, the Parliamentary Board of Janata Party decided by majority vote that “no legislator or office-bearer of the Janata Party shall participate in the day-to-day activities of the R.S.S.” But the leaders of the erstwhile Jana Sangh Mr. Atal Behari Vajpayee, Mr. L.K. Advani and Nanji Deshmukh—expressed their strong reservation on it and recorded their dissent.

On 4th April, 1980, the National Executive of the Janata Party endorsed by a narrow majority the Central Parliamentary Board’s decision that legislators and office-bearers should not participate in the day-to-day activities of the R.S.S. With this decision of the national executive, split in the Janata Party was imminent. Soon after the decision was made known, some of the Jana Sangh leaders said: “We cannot help it. How can we remain in the party now?’

On 5th April, 1980, the members of former Jana Sangh group called a two-day national convention at Delhi and decided to form a new party. The conference was presided over by Mrs. Vijaya Raje Scindia. On 6th April, a new political organisation the Bharatiya Janata Party was born under the presidentship of former foreign minister Mr. Atal Behari Vajpayee. On April 24, 1980 the Election Commission granted recognition to the group led by Mr. Atal Behari Vajpayee as a ‘national party’ with the distinct name of the Bharatiya Janata Party. The B.J.P. was also allotted the symbol of ‘lotus’.

Policies and Programme of the Bharatiya Janata Party. At the time of 17th Lok Sabha elections B.J.P. released the election Sanklap Patra.
Following is the programme which the B.J.P. offers to the people for taking India to its destiny— a modern, peaceful and prosperous nation on the road to an exciting future.

1. B.J.P. believes that our security doctrine will be guided by our national security interest only. This is exemplified by the Surgical Strikes and the Air Strike carried out recently. We will firmly continue our policy of‘Zero Tolerance’
against terrorism and extremism and will continue to follow our policy of giving a free hand to our security forces in combating terrorism.

2. B. J.P. will speed up the purchases of outstanding defense related equipments and weapons.

3. In order to ensure self-reliance in procurement of defence equipment B.J.P. have taken several effective steps in the last five years. For instance, the most modern AK-203 automatic rifles are being manufactured at Amethi under our “Make in India in Defence’ initiative. B.J.P. is committed to focus on “Make in India in Defence’ to enable indigenous production of defence equipment. This will also generate employment and encourage investment in the defence sector.

4. B.J.P. will continue to take forward the process of modernizing the Central Armed Police Forces to further increase their capacity and readiness and enable them to effectively combat internal security challenges.

5. There has been a huge change in the cultural and linguistic identity of some areas due to illegal immigration, resulting in an adverse impact on local people’s livelihood and employment. B.J.P. will expeditiously complete the National Register of Citizens process in these areas on priority. In future B.J.P. will implement the NRC in a phased manner in other parts of the country.

6. B.J.P. is committed to the enactment of the Citizenship Amendment Bill for the protection of individuals of religious minority communities from neighbouring countries escaping persecution.

7. B.J.P. reiterates its position since the time of the Jan Sangh to the abrogation of Article 370. B.J.P. is also committed to annulling Article 35A of the Constitution of India as the provision is discriminatory against non¬permanent residents and women of Jammu and Kashmir. On 5-6 August 2019, Article 370 and 35-A were abrogated from Indian Constitution.

8. B.J.P. launched Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana to ensure financial support to farmers owning land up to 2 hectares.

9. B.J.P. will launch a pension scheme for all small and marginal farmers in the country so as to ensure social security to them on reaching 60 years of age.

10. B.J.P. is committed to making an investment of? 25 lakh crore to improve the productivity of the farm sector.

11. B.J.P. will provide short-term new agriculture loans up to? 1 lakh at a 0% interest rate for 1-5 years on the condition of prompt repayment of the principal amount.

12. B.J.P. will work towards reducing all agricultural imports and institute a predictable export and import policy with a built-in mechanism for encouraging exports and discouraging imports.

13. B.J.P. will ensure timely availability of improved seeds of promising varieties at affordable rates with doorstep testing facilities.

14. B.J.P. recognizes the role Cooperatives and Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) can play in ensuring better market linkages and opportunities in the agricultural sector.

15. On the lines of Aadhaar project, B.J.P. will complete digitization of land records on a mission mode.

16. B.J.P. will launch ‘Matsya Sampada Yojana’ with an allocation of? 10,000 crores to ensure availability of storage and marketing tools and infrastructure like ice-boxes, cold storages, ice-plants etc. for small and traditional fishermen.

17. B.J.P. will ensure a pucca house to every family who are either living in a kuchha house or have no access to housing by 2022.

18. B.J.P. will launch ‘Jal Jivan Mission’ under which to introduce a special program, ‘Nal se Jal’ to ensure piped water connection to every household by 2024.

19. B.J.P. will ensure 100% disposal of liquid waste water and reuse of waste water.

20. To make India the third largest economy of the world by 2030. This implies that B.J.P. commits to make India a US$ 5 trillion economy by 2025 and US$ 10 trillion economy by 2032.

21. B.J.P.’s economic policy has been guided by the principle of lowering the tax rate and improving compliance; thereby broadening of the tax base. With improved compliance and increased tax base, the tax to GDP ratio has reached 12%, highest in the recent past, up from 10.1% in 2013-14. This increased revenue has been deployed for benefits to the poor and creation of infrastructure at an unprecedented level. We will continue with our policy in the similar manner – lowering of tax rate thereby rewarding honest tax payers and improving compliance.

22. B.J.P. will continue with the simplification of GST process by engaging in dialogue with all stakeholders.

23. B.J.P. will further continue its efforts to promote Yoga globally as the world celebrates 21st June as the International Yoga Day.

24. By 2024, B.J.P. will make capital investment of? 100 lakh crore in the infrastructure sector.

25. With the aim of developing India into a knowledge based, skill supported and technology driven society, B.J.P. has launched the ‘Make in India’ campaign. To bring in fast and inclusive growth, we have also carried out substantial reforms in the last few years in terms of de-regulation and de-licensing, with an aim to improve ease of doing business.

26. B.J.P. will continue to promote and encourage Startups through creation of a ‘Seed Startup Fund’ of? 20,000 crore.

27. B.J.P. will aim at next generation infrastructure which will include gas grids and water grids, i-ways, regional airports and wayside amenities along National highways.

28. B.J.P. has constructed over 9 crore toilets under the flagship programme, Swachh Bharat Mission. B.J.P. will take the Mission to a new level through sustainable Solid Waste Management in every village.

29. B.J.P. will ensure that all habitations attain open defecation free status and those that have attained the status sustain the behavioural change.

30. Water is a critical resource but its management is spread across various departments, even at the Central level. B.J.P. will form a new Ministry of Water unifying the water management functions to approach the issue of water management holistically and ensure better coordination of efforts.

31. B.J.P. will launch ‘Jal Jivan Mission’ under which it will introduce a special programme, ‘Nal se Jal’ to ensure piped water for every household by 2024.

32. B.J.P. will ensure sustainability of water supply through special focus on conservation of rural water bodies and ground water recharge.

33. B.J.P. will construct 60,000 kms of National Highways in the next five years.

34. B.J.P. will make all efforts to make the experience of rail journey safe, smooth, clean and satisfying to achieve great results.

35. In 2014 there were 65 functional airports and there are a total of 101 functional airports today. In the next five years, B.J.P. will double the number of functional airports.

36. B.J.P. will further work towards completing any unfinished task in regard to electrificiation.

37. Every Gram Panchayat will be connected with high speed optical fibre network by 2022.

38. While providing annual health cover of? 5 lakh to 10.74 crore poor families under the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana under
Ayushman Bharat, B.J.P. also initiated a programme to set up 1,50,000 Health and Wellness Centres (HWCs) by 2022.

39. B.J.P. is committed to the idea of simultaneous elections for Parliament, State assemblies and local bodies to reduce expenditure, ensure efficient utilisation of government resources and security forces and for effective policy planning.

40. In order to curb corruption, the Modi government has taken many effective steps and will continue to make efforts to ensure more effective governance and transparent decision making.

41. B.J.P. has ensured that the insurgency in the Northeastern States is brought under control and the security situation in these states has improved significantly.

42. B.J.P. will create new opportunities of employment by providing more support to the 22 major ‘Champion Sectors’ identified as the main drivers of Indian economy.

43. B.J.P. will take all necessary steps to increase the number of seats in Central Law, Engineering, Science and Management institutions by at least 50% in the next five years.

44. B.J.P. will formulate a ‘National Policy for Reskilling and Upskilling’ to evolve a flexible and industry-responsive workforce which is capable of accessing new opportunities and to insulate it from technological shocks.

45. The gains made under B.J.P.’s pioneering ‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao’ programme have been impressive. We are committed to continue to build on these gains to provide accessible and affordable quality education to all women. We will ensure that ample financial support is available to girls throughout their education and subsidised education loans are provided for higher education.

46. To generate better work opportunities for women, 10% material to be sourced for government procurement will be done from MSMEs having at least 50% women employees in their workforce.

47. Women’s welfare and development will be accorded a high priority at all levels within the government, and the B. J.P. is committed to 33% reservation for women in parliament and state assemblies through a constitutional amendment.

48. To ensure that quality education is available and easily accessible, every block with more than 50% ST population and at least 20,000 tribal persons will have an Eklavya Model Residential School.

49. B.J.P. is committed to bringing down the percentage of families living below the poverty line to a single digit in the next five years.

50. B.J.P. will ensure pucca houses for families either living in kuchha houses or without access to housing by 2022.

51. To take forward the gains achieved under Sugamya Bharat, B.J.P. will put in place a system of continuous accessibility audits and ratings for cities, public infrastructure including airports, railway stations and public transport systems, to ensure that they are fully accessible, with collaboration with industry and civil society organisations.

52. B.J.P. will expand the Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maandhan Scheme to cover all small shopkeepers.

53. B.J.P. reiterates its stand on Ram Mandir. B.J.P. will explore all possibilities within the framework of the Constitution and all necessary efforts to facilitate the expenditious construction of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya.

54. B.J.P. is committed to ensure a clean and uninterrupted flow of river Ganga from Gangotri to Ganga Sagar.

55. B.J.P. will undertake every effort to ensure that the subjects of faith, tradition and worship rituals related to Sabarimala are presented in a comprehensive manner before the Hon’ble Supreme Court. It will endeavour to secure constitutional protection on issues related to faith and belief.

56. B.J.P. will further promote Yoga globally as the world celebrates 21st June as the International Yoga Day.

57. Article 44 of the Constitution of India lists Uniform Civil Code as one of the Directive Principles of State Policy. BJP believes that there cannot be gender equality till such time India adopts a Uniform Civil Code, which protects the rights of all women, and the BJP reiterates its stand to draft a Uniform Civil Code, drawing upon the best traditions and harmonizing them with the modern times. .

58. B.J.P. will create an. institutional mechanism to deepen the relationship of culture and heritage with people of Indian origin, and to regularly engage with them. B.J.P. will simultaneously launch ‘Bharat Gaurav’ campaign to increase interaction among the Indian diaspora and enable their continuous engagement with the Indian missions.

59. B.J.P. is committed to taking concrete steps on international forums against countries and organizations supporting terrorism, and will take all necessary measures to isolate such countries and organisations on the global stage.

60. B.J.P. will effectively pursue co-operation against global evils, such as terrorism and corruption through forums like UN, the G20, BRICS, SCO, Commonwealth, etc. Significant interactions such as Russia-India-China (RIC) and Japan-America-India (JAI) will be strengthened. To forward our ‘Neighbourhood First’ policy, B.J.P. will extensively leverage forums such as
BIMSTEC, to accelerate regional coordination and economic co-operation with countries in our neighbourhood. Act East Policy, cooperation with ASEAN and ensuring an open, inclusive, prosperous and secure Indo-Pacific will be pursued vigorously.

61. B.J.P. is committed to seeking permanent membership of the United Nations Security Council so that the body reflects the contemporary geopolitical realities of the world. It is determined to intensify its efforts towards these objectives.

Election Successes:
The Election Commission recognised the Bharatiya Janata Party as national party and its election symbol was Kamal flower (lotus). In the Lok Sabha elections of December 1984, the B.J.P. secured only two seats. In the 11 States Assembly Elections of March 1985 the party did not succeed much. In the ninth Lok Sabha elections of November, 1989 the B.J.P. secured 86 seats. The B.J.P. decided to support National Front government from outside.

In the eighth State Assembly elections in Feb, 1990, the B.J.P. secured absolute majority in Himachal and M.P. In the tenth Lok Sabha election in 1991, B.J.P. secured 119 seats and in U.P. it formed the government. In 1991 the B.J.P leader L.K Advani was recognised as leader of the opposition in the Lok Sabha. In the elections held for 11th Lok Sabha in 1996 the B.J.P. emerged as the largest party securing 161 seats. Its leader Atal Behari Vajpayee was appointed Prime Minister and he was asked to prove his majority up to 31st May, 1996 but Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee resigned on May 28,1996 because he failed to prove his majority in the Lok Sabha.

Atal Behari Vajpayee was the recognized opposition leader in the 11th Lok Sabha. In the 12th Lok Sabha elections held in Feb- March 1998, the B.J.P. secured 182 seats. The B.J.P. and its allies secured 252 seats in the 12th Lok Sabha elections. Mr. Atal Behari Vajpayee was elected as the Party leader by the newly elected B.J.P. Lok Sabha members. Mr. Atal Behari Vajpayee was appointed the Prime Minister.

In the 13th Lok Sabha elections held in Sept.-Oct. 1999, the B.J.P. secured 182 seats whereas B.J.P and its allies secured 297 seats. On 10th Oct 1999, National Democratic Alliance elected Atal Behari Vajpayee as its leader and he was appointed the Prime Minister. In the 14th Lok Sabha elections B.J.P. secured 147 seats. In the 15th Lok Sabha elections B.J.P. secured 116 seats.

In the 16th Lok Sabha elections held in 2014, B.J.P secured 282 seats (N.D.A. 334) and formed the government under the leadership of Sh. Narender Modi. In the 17th Lok Sabha election held in 2019, B.J.P. Secured 303 seats (N.D.A. 355 seats) and again formed the government under the leadership of Sh. Narendra Modi.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 11 Party System in India

Question 4.
Discuss the policies and programme of the Communist Party of India.
Evaluate the policies and programme of the Communist Party of India.
The Communist Party of India is a national political party. It was founded in 1924. Shri M.N. Roy played a vital role in its foundation.
The party progressed enormously after Independence. In 1957, this party got an opportunity to form Government in Kerala. This was the first non-Congress State

Government in India. This party had differences in 1959 and was divided into two groups. In 1962, when India had conflict with China, one group of the party supported the Indian Government whereas the other group sided with China and suggested the Indian Government to initate peaceful dialogue with China. This party was divided into two groups because of the differences between Russian and Chinese ideologies. In 1964 leftist members of the Communist Party left the Party and organised a separate party known as Marxist Party.

Programme of the C.P.I. The Communist Party in fact is a party of labourers and farmers. It aims at the elimination of capitalism through Labour movements and then to establish the control of labour class on the Government.
On the eve of general elections to the 17th Lok Sabha held in April-May 2019 the CPI released the Election Manifesto. The party will strive to build the third front in defence of secularism, democracy, federal polity, development with social justice, and other issues affecting the country.
1. Political Programme:
(i) The C.P.I. attaches the utmost priority to safeguarding the integrity, security and sovereignty of India.

(ii) The C.P.I. favours the preservation and strengthening of the secular democratic set up of the country in the struggle against all types of divisive forces.

(iii) The manifesto calls for 10 per cent job reservation for the economically weaker sections of forward castes in addition to the implementation of the Mandal Commission report.

(iv) The Party is for the speedy implementation of comprehensive measures for social justice.

(v) The Party has demanded restructuring of Centre-State relations in the true spirit of federalism. The states should be given more powers as recommended by the Sarkaria Commission.

(vi) The Party called for the abrogation of Article 356 of the Constitution, and enlarging democratic and civil rights of the people.

(vii) The fate of state government is to be decided on the floor of the house.

(viii) The Party has demanded real decentralisation to be carried out by conferring more powers and financal resources to elected bodies at district, block and Panchayat levels.

(ix) The Party favours effective steps for the elimination of corruption. Lok Pal Bill, which included within its scope legislators and also the Prime Minister, should be adopted. Transfers and postings which are a fertile source of corruption should be done by a committee of senior officials.

(x) All legislators, MPs, MLAs, ministers and high officials must disclose their assets and place them before parliament and assemblies.

2. Economic Programme:
The Economic Programme of the Communist Party of India is as below:
(i) The Indian economy needs reforms for ending bureaucratic control and cutting red tape, but not by introducing liberalisation, globalisation and privatisation. The public sector has to be defended from the wholesale attack of privatisation. Cure for the ills of the public sector enterprises should be sought within the public sector itself and not by automatically privatising them.

(ii) The party wanted an integrated plan for rural development with 50 per cent of budget allocation, radical agrarian reforms, correction of land records and ban on evictions.

(iii) Popular Committees should be formed to bring about land reforms. It suggests that the Land Ceiling Act and Land Reforms Act should be implemented.

(iv) The party has demanded the nationalisation of Textile Industry, Sugar and Jute Mills and Bank-business.

(v) It has demanded to strenghten the Public Distribution System to control the rising prices and regularise the supply of essential goods.

(vi) The wholesale grain business should be nationalised and the Bank facilities should not be provided to hoarders.

(vii) The party demands that quick industrial and employment opportunities should be provided to strengthen economy.

(viii) The election-manifesto stresses that the privileges given to big industrial houses should be withdrawn and industries in the backward regions should be developed.

(ix) Democratic progress in the public sector should be encouraged and the labourers should be given shares in it.

(x) Need-based minimum wage for low-paid factory workers.

3. Social Programmes:
(i) Right to Work:
The party wanted the right to work to be included as a fundamental right in the Constitution and an unemployment allowance for the jobless. Employment guarantee schemes should be for a minimum of 200 days in a year at national minimum wage.

(ii) For Jawans And Ex-Servicemen:
The legitimate demands of army Jawans in regard to their working conditions and also just demands of ex-servicemen should be settled through negotiations.

(iii) Housing and Medical Aid for the People:
The party is for People’s Housing Policy by giving housing the status of a basic right. The party is also for an extensive free health programme, increasing the budget allocations for health and radically improving the health services in all districts.

(iv) Language Policy:
All languages shall be encouraged to develop as modern languages, and due recognition be given to the rights of Urdu and Sindhi under article 345 or 347 of the Constitution.

(v) Women’s Rights:
Equal rights should be given to men and women and the laws barring women of their rights should be negated. Women should be given same wages for same work as given to their male counterparts. Vital programmes for family welfare should be planned to ensure the welfare of mothers and children. Special vocational training programme for women should be started. The party is committed to reservation of women in panchayats and other local bodies.

(vi) Family Planning:
The Communist Party of India has demanded that the Family Planning Programme shouldn’t be implemented forcibly.

(vii) Education Policy:
The party has demanded implementation of compulsory primary education, mid-day meals for children in primary schools; free education upto the secondary stage; stipends and hostel facilities for students from low income groups and for girls, time bound programme of abolition of illiteracy and providing adequate funds to fulfil this aim.

(viii) Rights of the Minorities:
The administration should take such steps which can safeguard the interests of Muslims, other minority groups and backward classes. The party favours giving priority to the genuine grievances of the minority community regarding discrimination in the matters of jobs and other economic spheres.

(ix) Ram Temple:
All cases related with Ram Temple-Babri Masjid dispute shall be referred to the Supreme Court and its decision shall be binding.

4. Foreign Policy:
The election manifesto states that the Indian Policy against imperialism should be strengthened. The policy of non-alignment should be vigorously adhered to. The party will improve relations with Bangala Desh, Pakistan and other SAARC countries and Russia and China. The party will also ensure that all nuclear weapons are removed from the US military base in Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean.

Economic ties with China and Russia will be strengthened. India is to remain firm in her principled refusal to sign the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty. Positive and active role is to be played for developing south co-operation among all developing countries, and extending co-operation among the SAARC countries.

Election Successes:
In the first general elections in 1952, this party won 26 seats out of 489 in Lok Sabha. In the second general elections in 1957, the party got 29 seats out of 494 seats in Lok Sabha. The Party was divided at the time of general elections in 1967 and so it secured only nineteen seats.
In 1971 the party won 20 seats out of 518 seats in Lok Sabha. The party faced a crushing defeat in State Assembly elections in June 1977.

After the Kerala Assembly elections in March, 1977, the party made a coalition government. The Communist Party of India won 11 seats in Lok Sabha elections in 1980 wheares it got 54 seats in the nine State Assembly elections in May, 1980. The party secured only 8 seats in Lok Sabha elections of December 1984. In the ninth Lok Sabha elections of 1989 C.P.I. secured 12 seats wheares in the tenth Lok Sabha elections of 1991 it secured 13 seats.

C.P.I. secured 11 seats in the elections of 11th Lok Sabha held in 1996. C.P.I secured only 9 seats in the 12th Lok Sabha elections held in 1998. In the 13th Lok Sabha elections held in 1999, C.P.I. secured only 4 seats. In the 14th Lok Sabha elections C.P.I. secured 10 seats. In the 15th Lok Sabha elections C.P.I. secured 4 seats. The influence of the party is confined to the seats of Kerala, West Bengal and Tripura. In the 16th Lok Sabha elections held in 2014, C.P.I. secured only one seat. In the 17th Lok Sabha elections held in 2019, C.P.I. Secured only 2 seats.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 11 Party System in India

Question 5.
Write an essay on the Communist Party of India (Marxist).
Discuss the Policies and Programme of Communist Party of India (Marxist).
The Communist Party of India was divided into two groups on the issue of Indo-China relations in 1952. These differences became all the sharper when China attacked India in 1962. One group of party called the Chinese attack an invasion and promised to support the Indian Government to face it vigorously, whereas the other group which was under the influence of China, called it a territorial dispute. Consequently, the leftist members having one-third majority separated from the Communist Party in 1964 and founded the Marxist Communist Party.

Soon thereafter, this party was again divided in 1967-68. Some members of the Marxist Communist Party expressed their viewpoint that socialism should not be established through peaceful means, rather they should resort to the means of peasant revolt as it occurred in China. In March, 1967 the peasant revolt took place in Naxal Bari and Khari-Bari towns in Darjeeling and they forcibly possessed the non-government lands and robbed things everywhere. These rebels were called Naxalites. The Marxist Communist Party expelled such members from the party, but naxalite activities increased. These members formed their separate party which is called Marxist Leninist Communist Party (C.P.I.M.L.), but this group didn’t get much support and it harmed Marxist Communist Party also.

According to Article II of the party, the Communist Party of India (Marxist) is the revolutionary vanguard of the working class of India. Its aim is socialism and communism through the establishment of the state of dictatorship of the proletariat. In all its activities the party is guided by the philosophy and principles of Marxism- Leninism which shows to the toiling masses the correct way to the ending of exploitation of men, their complete emancipation. The party keeps high the banner of proletarian internationalism.

Policies and Programmes of the Marxist Party:
At the time of 17th Lok Sabha elections CPI (M) released the manifesto of the party, The Marxist Party put forward the following programme before the people:
1. Political Programme:
(i) The CPI (M) is to strengthen secular foundation of democracy. The party advocates legislation for separation of religion and politics in light of the Supreme Court’s judgement in the Bommai case. The Party favours effective prohibition of the use of religious issues for electoral purposes.

(ii) The CPM favours the restructuring of centre-state relations with more powers to the states for legislative measures to ensure balanced economic development to overcome regional imbalances.

(iii) The CPM promises devolution of finances to the states ending over-centralisation of resources at the centre.

(iv) The CPM favours the protection of the Rajya Sabha as the ‘Council of States’ to defend the federal structure of our Constitution; its members must belong to the states they are elected from.

(v) The CPM is committed for decentralisation of democracy to the grass-roots; proper devolution of power to the Panchayats; strengthen Panchayati Raj institutions; financial assistance to Panchayats to flow through state governments.

(vi) The party advocates maximum autonomy for the state of Jammu & Kashmir by revising article 370 of the Constitution. Regional autonomy is to be provided to Jammu and Ladakh regions within the state framework.

(vii) The party favours negotiation with all those groups in the North-East who are advocating separatism while firmly defending the integrity of the Indian Union.

(viii) The party advocates special provision for the development of the North-Eastern region.

(ix) National Security. The CPI (M) stands for halting nuclear weaponisation; revert to nuclear policy of developing India’s independent technological potential while not signing any international treaty which is discriminatory. The party is not in favour of signing CTBT. The party advocates cancellation of the Indo-US military cooperation agreement which links up India with the US global strategy. The party favours removal of nuclear weapons from the US military base in Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean.

(x) Electoral Reforms.

  • Amendment of the Representation of People’s Act to plug loopholes in enforcing ceiling on election expenditure.
  • Proportional representation with partial list system.
  • Effective steps to prohibit persons with criminal background from contesting elections.
  • State funding in the form of material for recognised political parties.
  • Amendment of the Anti-Defection Law.

(xi) Corruption. To check corruption, the CPM wants the immediate setting up of Lok Pal bringing in its purview the Prime Minister.

(xii) Judicial Reforms. The CPM favours reforms in judicial system to provide easy and speedy relief to the common people.

(xiii) The party is for the defence of national unity against secessionism, communal and divisive forces by mobilising the people and vigilance against imperialist agencies’ attempt at destabilisation.

2. Economic Programme:
(i) Land Reforms:
The party favours vigorous implementation of land reforms; distribution of land to the tiller; breaking of land concentration; correction of land records, security for tenants and issuance of joint pattas for women.

(ii) Agriculture:
Prohibit sale of agricultural lands to foreign companies; increase public investment in agriculture; ensure self-sufficiency in foodgrains production; cancellation of the debts of agricultural workers and poor peasants; remunerative prices for peasants’ produce; cheap credit and subsidised inputs for peasants.

(iii) Economic Sovereignty:
Safeguard the country’s economic sovereignty and Strengthen its self-reliance; reverse the policies of unbridled liberalisation which undermine its sovereignty.

(iv) Industries:
Stop privatisation of public sector; revise telecom, power policies, stop privatisation of financial sector, streamline public sector enterprises, provide them autonomy from bureaucratic controls and ensure workers’ participation in management.

(v) Price and Public Distribution System:
Curb price rise and ensure food security by expanding the public distribution system bringing into its ambit 14 essential commodities and reduce prices by 50 per cent; reduce issue price of foodgrains.

(vi) Reverse the present industrial policy;new policy to strengthen indigenous industry and domestic capacities; end of preferential treatment to foreign investors; entry of foreign capital to be decided on national priorities and technological needs.

(vii) Private sector to be encouraged to invest in new productive areas, R & D and the service sector like tourism.

(viii) Encouragement to small scale industries with adequate incentives and sufficient credit from bank.

(ix) Protection of traditional industries such as handloom, coir etc.

(x) Minimum fair wage for industrial and agricultural workers and middle class employees with dearness allowance to neutralise the rise in the cost of living and bonus as deferred wage. Full trade union rights to central and state government employees.

(xi) Employment or unemployment allowance for the unemployed in the urban and rural areas.

(xii) The CPM favours recognition of Trade Unions through secret ballot.

(xiii) The CPM wants granting of pension to working people as a third benefit, one-rank-one pension for ex-servicemen; upgrading pensions of all categories of pensioners in consonance with the cost of living.

(xiv) The CPM promises the protection of the rights of handicapped employees.

(xv) The CPM will provide yarn at control rate for weavers and provide adequate infrastructure for the marketing of their goods.

(xvi) The CPM favours greater plan allocation for spread of irrigation; proper schemes for crop insurance.

(xvii) The CPM is committed to central legislation protecting the rights of agricultural workers, their wages, living conditions and social benefits.

(xviii) Expansion of credit facilities for the poor peasantry and agricultural labour.

(xix) No licences for deep sea fishing to foreign companies and joint ventures to protect right of fishing people.

(xx) The CPM guarantees right to work as a fundamental right.

3. Social Programme:
(i) Education
(i) Introduction of compulsory primary education accompanied by free mid day meals, provision of text books and other education materials.
(ii) Free and universal education to be guaranteed for all children upto the age of 14 years. Constitutional Amendment to make education a basic right for children upto the age of 14.
(iii) Rapid expansion of primary school network.
(iv) Upgradation of the salaries of elementary school teachers.
(v) Support to mass literacy programmes.
(vi) Democratisation of the higher education system and development of vocational education.
(vii) The allocation must be atleast 10 per cent of the national budget and 30 per cent of the state budgets.

(ii) Health:
The CPI (M) advocates:
(i) Increasing the expenditure on public health upto 5 per cent of the G.D.P.
(ii) Provision of adequate network of primary health centres with sufficient stocks of medicines.
(iii) Ensuring supply of essential drugs at prices affordable to the common people.

(iii) Water Sources: The party advocates control on indiscriminate use of ground water. The party favours provision of potable drinking water to all villages as a priority task.

(iv) Employment:

  • Guarantee right to work as a fundamental right.
  • Provide food-for-work programme to generate employment.
  • Ensure adequate credit for self-employment scheme for educated unemployed.
  • Scrap freeze in recruitment in the government sector.

(v) Pensions: Grant of pension to working people as a third benefit; one rank one pension for ex-servicemen.

(vi) Social Justice for Dalits and Adivasis.

  • Vigorous action against those who indulge in atrocities against the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, other backward communities.
  • Ensuring that quotas of reservation for Scheduled castes and tribes be filled up.
  • OBC reservation to be implemented.
  • Reservation to be extended to Dalit ChristiAnswer:
  • The CPM favours reforms in judicial system to provide easy and speedy relief to the common people.

(vii) Women:
The status of women will be improved and they will be given equal property and other rights. To expand employment opportunities and equal legal rights for women of all communities. Registration of marriages to be made compulsory. One-third of the seats in legislatures and parliament will be reserved for women. Equal pay for equal work will be given.

(viii) Housing:
Housing will be accorded the status of a basic right for all citizens. Housing schemes for the urban and rural poor will be given top priority.

(ix) Ayodhya Dispute: The Ayodhya dispute is to be referred to the Supreme Court for a speedy judicial verdict.

(x) Rights of Minorities: Muslim and other religious minorities are to be protected against Hindu revivalism and Chauvinism.

4. Foreign Policy:
Strengthen the foreign policy of non-alignment and vigorous support for world peace and fight against the danger of nuclear war. The party is committed to support the people of neighbouring nations fighting for democratic rights. The party is for the improvement of relations with our neighbours. The party favours firm resistance against US imperialist attempts to impose its New World Order.

The party will ensure that all nuclear weapons are removed from the US military base in Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. The party will improve relations with Bangla Desh, Pakistan and other SAARC countries and Russia and China. Economic ties with China and Russia will be strengthened.

Election Successes. In the general elections of 1967 the Marxist Party secured 19 seats in the Lok Sabha. In Kerala E.M.S. Namboodripad led the coalition of leftist parties. In 1971 elections of Lok Sabha the Marxist Party secured 25 seats out of 518 seats. In 1980 elections of Lok Sabha it secured 35 seats. In the Dec. 1984 elections of Lok Sabha the CPI (M) won 22 seats. In the Ninth Lok Sabha election in November, 1989 the CPI (M) secured 33 seats whereas in the Tenth Lok Sabha elections it secured 35 seats.

CPI (M) secured 33 seats in the 11th Lok Sabha elections, 32 seats in the 12th Lok Sabha elections and 33 seats in the 13th Lok Sabha elections in 1999. In the 14th Lok Sabha elections CPI (M) secured 43 seats. In the 15th Lok Sabha election C.P.M. secured 16 seats. In the 16th Lok Sabha election held in 2014, (CPI) (M) secured only 9 seats. West Bengal and Kerala are the strongholds of the party. In the 17th Lok Sabha elections held in 2017 C.P.I. (M) secured only 3 seats.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 11 Party System in India

Question 6.
Discuss the main problems of the political parties in India.
Discuss the problems faced by Party System in India.
The political parties in India face problems. The three major problems of political parties in India are:
1. Organisational Problem.
2. Defections.
3. Problem of Finance.

1. Organisational problem:
The first major problem of political parties in India is organisational problem. Almost all national parties have a well- knit and disciplined organisation right from the local to the national level. Even the regional political parties like the A.D.M.K. and the Shiromani Akali Dal also have well-knit organisation. The political parties with specific ideology are more organised than parties without ideology. Access to governmental power and authority helps a party to organise its ranks in an effective manner.

Almost all political parties are facing the problems of factionalism and dissidence. The Congress Party has witnessed two major splits in three decades. In 1969 the Congress Party split took place and Congress was divided into Congress (O) and Congress (R). The Congress (R) maintained its organisational strength until the Janata Party unseated it from power in 1977 elections. On 1st January, 1978, split in Congress (R) took place and Congress (I) was established.

There are three Communist parties the C.P.I., the C.P.I. (M) and the C.P.I. (M.L.) which arose out of factional politics in the Communist Party of India. Factionalism was the most marked feature of the Janata Party’s functioning. The Party’s organisational weakness was compounded by personal ‘funds’ among its top three leaders (Morarji Desai, Charan Singh and Jagjivan Ram) and the ‘extra Constitutional RSS connection’ which the Jana Sangh component was not willing to discard. In July 1979, Chaudhary Charan Singh delivered the first major blow to the party when he walked out along with his followers and revived the Lok Dal. In April, 1980 the former Jana Sangh elements, along with a few others, broke away from the Janata Party and formed a new party, the Bharatiya Janata Party.

Regional Parties like D.M.K., Shiromani Akali Dal and National Conference are also not free from factionalism. The D.M.K. split led to the formation of A.D.M.K. In May 1984, split in the National Conference took place. Akali Dal was split into two factions in 1962. In August 1980, Akali Dal was divided into Akali Dal (Longowal) and Akali Dal (Talwandi). In June 1985, United Akali Dal was formed under the chairmanship of Mr. Joginder Singh. In January 1995, there were two main Akali Dais—Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar) and Akali Dal (Badal), and efforts were made to unite both the Akali Dais. Thus all political parties face the problem of factionalism.

2. Problem of Defections:
Defection is another major problem of Indian political parties. There are many examples of defections from the first to fourth general elections but the number of defections after the fourth general elections increased so much that Parliamentary form of government seemed to be an utter failure in India. Prime Minister Shri Morarji Desai had to resign in July 1979 as many members left the Janata Party.
Defections took place abundantly before and after the Lok Sabha elections in 1980 and they were all in favour of the Congress (I). In January 1980, Haryana Chief Minister Shri Bhajan Lai joined the Congress (I) by leaving the Janata Party along with 35 members. The Himachal Chief Minister, Shri Shanta Kumar, had to resign in February 1980 because of heavy defections.

Greater civic awareness against defections should be inculcated through mass media in order to provide a check on the practice of defections. In January 1985 defection was banned by 52nd Amendment. 91st amendment was also passed for this purpose. But the problem of defection still exists.

3. Problem of Finance:
Another major problem of political parties is the problem of finance. The political parties receive a substantial amount by way of membership fees. A common source of income for almost all the political parties is the levy on members of Parliament and of State Assemblies. At the time of election the persons who apply for party tickets also pay some fees along with the applications. Moreover, the candidates contribute substantially towards the party election fund.

But sometimes the parties completely underwrite the candidate’s entire election expenses. Donations, purses and fund drives have also been the main sources of income for practically all the political parties. Income is also got from purses presented to party leaders. Ruling party has no problem of finances whereas opposition parties are generally faced with financial problems.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 11 Party System in India

Question 7.
Evaluate the policies, programmes and performance of Akali Dal in India.
Make a critical evaluation of the policies, programmes and performance of Shiromani Akali Dal.
Shiromani Akali Dal is a regional or provincial party and holds a prominent place in Punjab politics. Akali Dal is the oldest political party of the Punjab and the second oldest party in India. Akali Dal came into being in 1920 due to the efforts of Master Tara Singh and Baba Kharak singh. In fact the party was established with religious motives rather than with political aims. It aimed at maintaining the sanctity of Gurudwaras. Shiromani Akali Dal also enjoys some influence in Chandigarh, Haryana, Delhi, and Rajasthan. But it has stronghold in Punjab as it is the only organisation which represents the Sikhs.

Policies and Programmes of Shiromani Akali Dal
The Assembly elections which took place in Punjab in February 2017, Shiromani Akali Dal had declared its ‘election manifesto’. The main/key features of this manifesto are as follows:

  1. For every 100 kms range, a new airport shall be made/built.
  2. The party had declared in its manifesto that all the lanes and highways of Punjab shall have CCTV cameras installed.
  3. The declaration of the manifesto stated that all businessmen whose turnover is upto 2 crores need not maintain books.
  4. The party will be creating 20 lakh new job opportunities in the next 5 years.
  5. The limit of the free electricity from existing 8 hours to 10 hours will be increased.
  6. According to the manifesto, the toppers of the XII standard of govt, schools will have opportunity of availing free education in foreign countries.
  7. All towns/cities in Punjab shall have sports schools opened.
  8. The girls of the XII standard will be given sewing machines.
  9. The manifesto stated that within two months after the formation of their govt, all families below the poverty line will be given gas connections and gas stoves.
  10. According to the manifesto, all express projects shall be completed within a year.
  11. All cities/towns shall have wi-fi facility.
  12. For the safety of 12,000 villages in Punjab, CCTV cameras shall be installed.
  13. Shiromani Akali Dal had promised in its manifesto that new IT hubs will be opened in Amritsar and Mohali.
  14. Malva zone will be transformed into a textile belt.
  15. According to the manifesto, every lane of the village in Punjab shall have solar lights installed.
  16. The manifesto stated that the link roads’ breadth shall be increased upto 18 feet.
  17. Shiromani Akali Dal had promised that every constituency in Punjab shall have a government byre made (goshala).
  18. According to the manifesto, 2500 skill development centres shall be opened. For every 5 villages one such centre shall be opened. The youth trainees of these centres shall be given a loan of 10 lakh rupees.
  19. According to the mainfesto, the blue card holders will be given pure ghee @ Rs. 25 per kg and sugar @ Rs. 10 per kg.
  20. Free electricity will be given to people below the poverty line.
  21. The manifesto stated that amount of old age pension and widow pension will be increased to Rs. 2000/- p.m. from Rs. 500/- p.m.
  22. The Shiromani Akali Dal had promised that the grant given in Shagun Yojana will be increased upto Rs. 51,000/- from Rs. 15,000/-
  23. According to the manifesto of the party, the scheme amount of the Bhagat
    Puran Scheme Medical Insurance will be increased from Rs. 50,000/- to Rs. 1 lakh.
  24. The party manifesto said that in the next 5 years for providing the housing facility for 5 lakh people, Rs. 2,000 crore will be assigned.
  25. According to the party manifesto, farmers will be given Rs. 100/- minimum as bonus and support price.
  26. The party had promised the farmers an interest free loan of Rs. 2 lakhs annually.
  27. Poor farmers will be provided one time debt redemption.
  28. Compensation will be given in case of occurrence of any natural calamity/disaster.
  29. New pucca houses will be given to 5 lakh persons who are living in kuccha houses.
  30. In the next 5 years, 50,000 youths will be given taxis without any down payment.
  31. According to the party manifesto, the amount of scholarship under Dr. Hargobind Singh Khurana, will be increased from Rs. 30,000/- to Rs. 50,0001/-.
  32. The manifesto includes one stop shops with daily consumer needs like atta, dal, medicines at lower prices.

Election Successes:
In 1967, a coalition government under the leadership of Akali leader Justice Gurnam Singh was formed in Punjab. In the Punjab assembly election in June 1977, the Akali Dal got 58 seats and formed a coalition government with Janata Party under the leadership of Sardar Parkash Singh Badal. In the Punjab assembly election in September 1985, the Akali Dal got 73 seats and it formed the government under the leadership of S. Surjit Singh Barnala.

In the Punjab assembly election in Feb. 1997, the Akali Dal secured 76 seats and it made a coalition government with the B.J.P. under the leadership of Sardar Parkash Singh Badal. In the 12th Lok Sabha election held in Feb. March 1998 the Akali Dal secured 8 seats and even Janata Dal candidate Prime Minister I.K. Gujral won the Jalandhar seat with the support of Akali Dal. Akali Dal’s ally B.J.P. secured 2 seats. In the 13th Lok Sabha election held in 1999 Akali Dal (B) secured only two seats.

In 14th Lok Sabha elections held in 2004 the party won 8 seats. In 15th Lok Sabha election held in 2009 Akali Dal secured 4 seats. In 2012 Akali Dal secured absolute majority in the Punjab Legislative Assembly election with the support of BJP. Therefore, Akali Dal formed the Govt, under the leadership of Sardar Prakash Singh Badal. In the 16th Lok Sabha election held in 2014, the party won 4 seats.
In Punjab Assembly elections held in Feb 2017, Shiromani Akali Dal secured only 15 seats.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 11 Party System in India

Question 8.
Discuss the policies and programmes of Aam Aadmi Party (AAP).
The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) was born in the context to Movement against corruption. This movement was started in 2008 by the great social worker Shri Anna Hazare which continued till 2012. Along with Shri Anna Hazare the other members of this movement were Shri Arvind Kejriwal, Shri Prashant Bhushan, Sh. Yogendra Yadav, Sh. Sanjay Singh, Sh. Kumar Vishwas, Mrs. Kiran Bedi and Sh. Kapil Mishra.

The main aim of the movement was to abolished the corruption which was existing at a high level and to create a strong law known as Jan Lokpal. Under the leadership of Anna Hazare, this movement achieved huge popularity and success. Even after the movement Arvind Kejriwal along with few others formed a political group to fight further against corruption. Anna Hazare was not in favour of a political party formation but Arvind Kejriwal, Prashant Bhushan, Sanjay Singh, Kumar Vishwas, Kapil Mishra decided to form a political party.

Since Anna Hazare did not support in formation of such political party he was not a part of this. Therefore, a political party was formed. This party was launched on 26th November, 2012. It was recognized at a state level by the Election Commission of India. The party a majority influenced in Delhi and Punjab. The party’s election symbol is a ‘broom’. In February, 2015 Delhi’s Legislative Assembly elections AAP got a historic win and Arvind Kejriwal become the Chief Minister.

In the mean time two founders Prashant Bhushan and Yogendra YadaV left AAP due to differences in governance operations among them. After some time even Kapil Mishra left the party. Again in February 2020 Delhi Legislative Assembly elections, AAP got a historic win and again Arvind Kejriwal “became the Chief Minister of Delhi.

Policies and Programmes of Aam Aadmi Party (AAP):
AAP Party declared its Election Manifesto during 2017, Punjab Assembly election: Following are the policies and programmes of AAP Party.
1. AAP will launch a massive drive to set the state as a pre-eminent destination for setting business and industry. The anti-corruption enforcement wings of Punjab will be given powers to make it a corruption free state.

2. Punjab Overseas Employment Corporation will be set up to promote employment of youth overseas. Foreign Employment Youth Board shall be created to train youth for foreign jobs. Punjab Launch pools will be set up to help the youth become entreprenuers.

3. Traditional forms of medicine practitioners will be registered as health workers. Reformation of nursing homes for independent a powerful health care system to rehabilitate patients good health implementation of ‘Nursing Act’, opening of ‘Pendu Sehat Clinics’ in villages with an aim of ‘Free Health for AH’.

4. Employment and entreprenuership opportunities for both rural and urban areas. Private and public health care services will be created to ease access to free medicine and check-ups for its citizens.

5. ₹5 lakhs health insurance will be provided to all Punjabis.

6. Old age, handicapped and widow pensions will be increased from ₹500 to ₹2500.

7. “Aam Aadmi Canteen” will provide ₹5 meals in all districts and sub-divisional towns.

8. The state shall be made drug-free within a month of govt, formation. Drug victims will be rehabilitated within six months of govt, formation. Politicians involved in drug trade will be jailed and their properties will be confiscated.

9. ₹5 lakh cashless health insurance scheme for treatment in private hospitals.

10. 25 lakh employment opportunities will be created.

11. Involvement in religious desecraters shall be given exemplary punishment.

12. Opening of “Mata Gujri training” academy for girls.

13. Creation of free Wi-Fi hotspots in all villages, cities and government colleges.

14. By December 2018 all farmers shall become debt-free.

15. Abolishment of application fee applying for government jobs.

16. ‘Kanshi Ram Youth Skill University’ will be set up in Doaba Region, with regional campuses in Malwa and Majha.

17. No direct relatives of MP, MLA Minister will be eligible for government contracts.

18. Existing Theka’ system under the control of politicians and cortels will be dismantled.

Achievements of Aam Aadmi Party (AAP):
Election Success:
In Delhi Assembly election, held in Nov-Dec, 2013, party wins 28, and formed the government under the leadership of Sh. Arvind Kejriwal with the support of Congress Party. But only after 49 days, he regins from his post.

  • In the 16th Lok Sabha election held in April-May, 2014 party wins 4 seats.
  • In Delhi Assembly, election held in Feb, 2015 Party win historic 67 seats and formed the government under the leadership of Sh. Arvind Kejriwal.
  • In Punjab Assembly, election held in Feb, 2017 party win 20 seats.
  • In 17th Lok Sabha election held in April-May 2019, party win only one seat.
  • In Delhi Assembly election held in Feb, 2020, party again win historic 62 seats and formed the government under the leadership of Sh. Arvind Kejriwal.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 11 Party System in India

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is called National Political Party?
1. A Political Party is recognised as All India Party if it secures at least 6 per cent of the valid votes polled in any four or more states, at a general election to the Lok Sabha or to the State Assembly and in addition if it also wins at least four seats in the Lok Sabha from any State or States.
2. A political party is recognised as All India Party if it wins at least 2 percent seats in the Lok Sabha (11 Seats in the existing House having 543 members) and these members are elected from at least three different states.
3. A political party is recognised as national party if a party is recognised as state party in a minimum of four states.

Question 2.
When did Indian National Congress Party come in existence?
Indian National Congress was formed in 1885. Indian National Congress was established under the guidance and direction of A.O. Hume. The first session of the Indian National Congress was held at Bombay which was presided over by W.C. Bannerji while A.O. Hume acted as its secretary.

Question 3.
Discuss any four features of Indian Party System.
Write down any three characteristics of Political Party System in India.
1. Multiple Party SystemIndia has a Multiple Party System. Election Commission has recognised eight national and 53 state parties. Seven National Parties are : Indian National Congress, Bharatiya Janata Party, C.P.I., CPI (M), Nationalist Congress Party, Trinmool Congress Party, Bahujan Samaj Party and National Peoples party.

2. Communal Parties-An important feature of Indian party system is the existence of communal parties.

3. Factionalism-Factionalism and groupings are present in most of the political parties.

4. Lack of discipline among the party members is an important feature of the Indian Party System.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 11 Party System in India

Question 4.
What type of Party System is in India?
There is multi-party system in India. But India’s multi-party system differs from the multiple party system of western countries. Congress Party dominated at the centre as well as in states before 1967. It was only in 1977 that the monopoly of the Congress Party ended for a short period and Non-Congress government was formed at the centre for the first time. But after 1989 Congress Party has not been dominating either at the centre or at the state level. The Election Commission has recognised eight National Parties and 53 state level parties.

Question 5.
Write a short note on the political programme of the Congress.

  • The highest priority for the Congress is to fulfil its pledge of giving power to the people.
  • The Congress will resume the struggle against terrorism, secessionism, and fanaticism.
  • The Congress will restore law and order, re-establish peace and rebuild democratic process in Punjab.
  • Freedom of Information is a precious right. The Congress will make a law on this behalf.

Question 6.
Write four points of political programme of the Bharatiya Janata Party.
Write four important policies of the Bhartiya Janta Party.
1. The B.J.P. has pledged to defend the unity and integrity of India. It believes that all Indians irrespective of their language, caste or creed, are one people.

2. The B.J.P. is committed to remove all sorts of corruption. The B.J.P. will make it obligatory on elected representative to make public his entire income and wealth within 90 days of election. The B.J.P. will appoint a Lok Pal to entertain complaints of corruption against anybody holding public office, including the Prime Minister.

3. The B.J.P. favours restructuring of centre-state relations in view of the quick economic development and decentralization.

4. The B.J.P. is pledged to defend the unity and integrity of India.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 11 Party System in India

Question 7.
What is the policy of the B.J.P. (Bharatiya Janta Party) towards ending corruption?
What is the policy of the Bhartiya Janta Party to abolish corruption?
The B.J.P. holds that roots of all corruption lie in political and electoral corruption. The party is committed to remove all sorts of corruption. The party promises to appoint a Lok Pal to inquire into allegations of corruption against anybody holding public office including the Prime Minister.

Question 8.
Mention Foreign Policy of the B.J.P.
The B.J.P’s foreign policy will be guided by the following agenda :
1. Sovereign equality amongst nations.

2. Promotion of Asian solidarity ; development of South Asian Regional Cooperation and emphasis on improved relations with neighbouring countries.

3. The BJP will launch a vigorous campaign for a permanent membership for India in the U.N. Security Council.

4. The BJP believes in improving relations with all neighbouring states. The BJP pledges to maintain friendly relations with Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka etc. India’s relations with the USA will be based on mutual respect and the BJP will endeavour to maintain friendly relations with Russia.

Question 9.
Write about the Economic policy of Marxist Communist Party.

  1. The party favours vigorous implementation of land reforms ; distribution of land to the tiller ; cancellation of the debts of agricultural workers and poor peasants etc.
  2. The party favours that full trade union rights be given to central and state govt, employees.
  3. The cotton textile and jute industry should be nationalised. Powerloom and handloom workers will be afforded relief and workers will be allowed to participate on an equal footing with management.
  4. The CPM favours recognition of trade unions through secret ballot.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 11 Party System in India

Question 10.
Write down Economic Policy of Communist Party of India.
Mention four policies of Communist Party of India.

  1. Party promises to keep fifty per cent of the budget for development of agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry and so forth.
  2. The party will prevent the dilution of government equity in banks, privatization of insurance sector and transfer of pension and PF funds into speculative markets.
  3. A rational land and water management shall be undertaken through a national water policy which safeguards agriculture from droughts and floods and helps to solve inter-state disputes on water sharing.
  4. The party guaranteed remunerative prices for peasants’ produce and comprehensive crop insurance scheme.

Question 11.
Write about the economic policies and programmes of Indian National Congress.
The Congress promises speedy removal of poverty and development of agriculture and industry on scientific lines.

1. Cheap Food: The Congress has promised to provide all families below the poverty line, rice or wheat every month.

2. Employment: Employment is the major concern of government policy. The Congress is committed to achieve the target of full employment.

3. Agriculture: The party promises implementation of a policy that would add value to agricultural produce and that would create new markets for farm output. The emphasis would be more on the food processing and agro-based industries.

4. The party promises to accelerate economic growth and new investment and make India truly self-reliant.

Question 12.
Explain the role of Opposition Parties in democracy.
1. Opposition parties act as a check on the anti-people policies of the government. One of the most important functions of the opposition parties is to criticise the wrong policies of the government.

2. The opposition parties point out the drawbacks in the laws, policies, plans, programmes of the government and the implementation thereof, so as to caution the people against the impending dangers.

3. The opposition parties give political education to the people.

4. The opposition parties criticise the Government in the House just to unmask the government before the nation and tries to win the public opinion for the next election by exposing the lapses and lacunae in the Govt, policies.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 11 Party System in India

Question 13.
Write a short note on Economic Policy of the Bharatiya Janata Party.
1. The B. J.P. will make our economy truly Swadeshi by promoting native initiatives. It will be an economy of the people, by the people and for the people.

2. The B.J.P. will liberate the economy from the clutches of the bureaucratic controls.

3. The B.J.P. is committed to an economy that enables India to achieve its destiny in the forefront of the nations of the world. Foreign investment will be required and encouraged for world class technology. However, the BJP will strive to minimise India’s dependence on foreign savings.

4. The party promises to raise the income tax exemption.

Question 14.
Explain briefly political policies and programmes of Shiromani Akali Dal.
1. Shiromani Akali Dal promises that true federalism as contained in the Anandpur Sahib Resolution alone can broaden and deepen the bonds of Unity and Integrity of the great Indian nation. The states ought to enjoy genuine autonomy – political, legislative, fiscal and administrative within the federal framework. Strengthening of states will strengthen the union.

2. Shiromani Akali Dal believes in the concept of peace and prosperity with honour and dignity.

3. Philosophy of Shiromani Akali Dal is based on eternal democratic, humane and egalitarian principles of “Kirt Karo, Nam Japo and Wand Chhako”.

4. Shiromani Akali Dal believes in the concept of peace and prosperity with honour and dignity.

Question 15.
Write any four weaknesses of Indian Party System.
1. The first major problem of political parties in India is organisational problem. Almost all the political parties are facing the problems of factionalism and dissidence.

2. Defection is another major problem of Indian political parties. There are many examples of defections from first to fourth general elections but the number of defections after the fourth general elections increased so much that Parliamentary form of government seemed to be an utter failure.

3. Another major defect of the Indian party system is the existence of communal parties.

4. Another major problem of political parties is the problem of finance.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 11 Party System in India

Question 16.
By whom, when and why Bahujan Samaj Party was formed in India?
Who established Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP)? Write down any three policies of this party.
Bahujan Samaj Party is known as B.S.P. This party represents the ‘Dalits’. B.S.P. was formed on April 14, 1984 by Mr. Kanshi Ram.
Policies of BSP. Following the policies of B.S.P.

  • Opposition to every type of discrimination based on caste, birth, religion and race etc.
  • To provide homes to the SC’s and ST’s.
  • To make public sector profitable and to strengthen it.

Question 17.
There is lack of inner democray in Indian Political Parties. Prove it.
Why is it said that there is lack of inner democracy in Political Parties?
The political parties lack internal democracy and are built from above around hierarchical frames. Majority of the politcal parties have not held elections of the party orgnisation at different levels for a long time. Moreover, High Command of the political parties have complete control over the party and there is very less freedom of expression within the parties.

Question 18.
Write down the names, symbols and Presidents of National Political Parties.

Name of Party Symbol President
1. Bharatiya Janata Party Lotus Sh. J.P. Nadda
2. Indian National Congress Hand Mrs. Sonia Gandhi
3. Bahujan Samaj Party Elephant Miss Mayawati
4. Nationalist Congress Party Watch Sh. Sharad Pawar
5. Trinmool Congress Party Flowers and Grass Miss Mamata Banerjee
6. Communist Party of India Ears of Corn and Sickle Sh. D. Raja
7. Communist Party of India (Marxist) Sickle, Hammer and Star Sh. Sitaram Yechury.
8. National People Party Book C.Sangma

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 11 Party System in India

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
How many total State Parties are there in India?
In India there are National Political Parties as well as State Political Parties. Election Commission has recognised 53 state parties.

Question 2.
When did Indian National Congress Party come in existence?
Indian National Congress was formed in 1885. Indian National Congress was established under the guidance and direction of A.O. Hume. The first session of the Indian National Congress was held at Bombay which was presided over by W.C. Bannerji while A.O. Hume acted as its secretary.

Question 3.
Mention any two features of Indian Party System.

  • Multiple Party System-India has a Multiple Party System. Election Commission has recognised eight national and 53 state parties.
  • Communal Parties-An important feature of Indian party system is the existence of communal parties.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 11 Party System in India

Question 4.
What type of Party System is in India?
There is multi-party system in India. The Election Commission has recognised eight national parties and 53 state level parties.

Question 5.
Write a short note on the political programme of the Congress.

  • The highest priority for the Congress is to fulfil its pledge of giving power to the people.
  • The Congress will resume the struggle against terrorism, secessionism, and fanaticism.

Question 6.
Write two points of political programme of the Bharatiya Janata Party.

  • The B.J.P. has pledged to defend the unity and integrity of India. It believes that all Indians irrespective of their language, caste or creed, are one people.
  • The B.J.P. is committed to remove all sorts of corruption.

Question 7.
Explain the Industrial Policy of any National Political Party.
The Congress Party emphasised modernisation, upgradation of technology, improvement in productivity and significant enhancement of the capabilities of management system. Special emphasis is on the development of agro-based industry.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 11 Party System in India

Question 8.
Write the names of two political parties in India which are formed on the basis of caste.

  • D.M.K.

Question 9.
Write about the Economic policy of Marxist Communist Party.

  • The party favours vigorous implementation of land reforms; distribution of land to the tiller; cancellation of the debts of agricultural workers and poor peasants etc.
  • The party favours that full trade union rights be given to central and state govt, employees.

Question 10.
What is the Agricultural Policy of Communist Party of India?
The Agricultural Policy of C.P.I. is as under:

  • The Party has demanded that the farmers, agricultural labourers and adivasis should be provided agricultural goods on cheap rates, and should be given loan facilities.
  • Radical land reforms, distribution of surplus and government lands to the landless and poor peasants.

Question 11.
Write down Economic Policy of Communist Party of India.

  • Party promises to keep fifty per cent of the budget for development of agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry and so forth.
  • The party will prevent the dilution of government equity in banks, privatization of insurance sector and transfer of pension and PF funds into speculative markets.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 11 Party System in India

Question 12.
Explain briefly political policies and programmes of Shiromani Akali Dal.
1. Shiromani Akali Dal promises that true federalism as contained in the Anandpur Sahib Resolution alone can broaden and deepen the bonds of Unity and Integrity of the great Indian nation. The states ought to enjoy genuine autonomy-political, legislative, fiscal and administrative within the federal framework. Strengthening of states will strengthen the union.

2. Shiromani Akali Dal believes in the concept of peace and prosperity with honour and dignity.

Question 13.
Explain economic policies and programmes of Shiromani Akali Dal.

  • Agriculture: Electricity will be supplied free of cost to all tubewells.
  • Irrigation: The entire state’s cultivable land will be brought under irrigation, and new techniques of irrigation will be introduced.

Question 14.
Why is the number and importance of Regional Parties increasing in India?
Very distinct peculiarity of Indian Party System is the existence of regional parties and regional parties are becoming very popular these days. Regional parties are becoming popular because these parties generally articulate a regional identity and particularism based on religion, language or culture.

Question 15.
Write down the names of Seven National Political Parties in India.
The Election Commission has recognized Seven All India Parties. These are: The Indian National Congress, B.J.P., C.P.I., C.P.M., Bahujan Samaj Party, Trinmool Congress Party and Nationalist Congress Party.

Question 16.
Write down any two defects of Indian Political Party System.

  • The first major problem of political parties in India is organisational problem. Almost all the political parties are facing the problems of factionalism and dissidence.
  • Defection is another major problem of Indian political parties.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 11 Party System in India

Question 17.
By whom, when and why Bahujan Samaj Party was formed in India?
Bahujan Samaj Party is known as B.S.P. This party represents the ‘Dalits’. B.S.P. was formed on April 14, 1984 by Mr. Kanshi Ram. Ms. Mayawati is the Supreme Leader of the BSP. The BSP has originated from the DS4 transforming itself into its political wing.

Question 18.
Write down the names of two National and two Regional Political Parties of India.
National Political Parties: 1. Bharatiya Janata Party, 2. Indian National Congress.
Regional Political Parties: 1. Shiromani Akali Dal 2. National Conference.

One Line Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What kind of party system exists in India?
India has a multi-party-system.

Question 2.
At present how many National Parties exist in India?
At Present eight National Parties exist in India.

Question 3.
At present how many state level parties exist in India?
At present 53 state level parties exist in India.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 11 Party System in India

Question 4.
In India who registers political parties?
In India, the registration of political parties is done by Election Commission.

Question 5.
Who recognizes political parties in India?
Election Commission.

Question 6.
When was Indian National Congress born?
28 December, 1885.

Question 7.
When was Muslim League founded?
Muslim League was founded in 1906.

Question 8.
When was Communist Party formed in India?
Communist Party was formed in 1924.

Question 9.
When did division erupt in Communist Party of India?
Communist Party was divided on 8 December, 1964.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 11 Party System in India

Question 10.
Write down any one principle of Bhartiya Janata Party.
Bhartiya Janata Party believes in secularism.

Question 11.
When was Janata Party founded?
Janata Party was formally formed on 1 May, 1977. But practically it came into existence in January, 1977.

Question 12.
Which organisation was founded by Shyama Prasad Mukherjee?
Shyama Prasad Mukherjee had founded Bhartiya Janasangh in 1951.

Question 13.
Name any one national political party of India and its election symbol.
Bharatiya Janata Party is a National Political Party and its election symbol is ‘Lotus’.

Question 14.
In which year was Anti-defection Law enforced?
Anti-defection Law was enforced in 1985.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 11 Party System in India

Question 15.
In which state, D.M.K. is related?
D.M.K. is related to Tamilnadu.

Question 16.
After Congress, name the oldest political party in India.
After Congress, the oldest political party in India is the Muslim League which was founded in 1906.

Question 17.
Write down names of two National Political Parties in India.
1. Indian National Congress.
2. Bhartiya Janata Party.

Question 18.
Write names of any two state parties in India.
1. National Conference.
2. Shiromani Akali Dal.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 11 Party System in India

Question 19.
Mention any one salient feature of Indian party system.
As in Switzerland, India too has a multi-party system.

Question 20.
Mention anyone problem of political parties in India.
The organisational elections in almost all political parties are not held in time. There have been elections in Congress Party after about ten years.

Question 21.
Mention any one principle of the policy of Congress Party.
Congress Party believes in secularism.

Question 22.
What is meant by left parties?
The parties which support revolutionary social and economic changes are called as the left parties.

Question 23.
When was Bahujan Samaj Party established?
Babujan Samaj Party, was established on 14th April, 1984.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 11 Party System in India

Question 24.
Who is the present President of the B. J.P.?
Sh. J.P. Nadda.

Fill in The Blanks

1. There is …………… party system in India.

2. Election Commission has recognised …………… National Parties.

3. Indian National Congress was founded in …………… .

4. Sh …………… is the President of the B.J.P.
J.P. Nadda

5. Shiromani Akali Dal is an important Regional Party of …………… .

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 11 Party System in India

True Or False Statement

1. Communist Party of India is based on the ideology of capitalism.

2. Sh. Gopal Krishan Gokhle was founder of Congress Party.

3. Bahujan Samaj Party was established by Mayawati.

4. ‘Lotus’ is the election symbol of B.J.P.

5. ‘Watch’ is the election symbol of Nationalist Congress Party.

6. There is one party system in India.

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 11 Party System in India

Choose The Correct Answer

Question 1.
The Communist Party of India was formally founded in the year:
(a) 1924
(b) 1931
(c) 1925
(d) 1947.
(a) 1924

Question 2.
In India there prevails:
(a) Single Party System
(b) Bi-party System
(c) Multi Party System
(d) Single as well as Bi-Party System.
(c) Multi Party System

Question 3.
Bharatiya Janata Party was founded in:
(a) 1952
(b) 1977
(c) 1980
(d) 1984.
(c) 1980

PSEB 12th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 11 Party System in India

Question 4.
The Communist Party of India was divided in two Political Parties in …………. .
(a) 1957
(b) 1960
(c) 1962
(d) 1964.
(d) 1964.