PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Use of Non-finites (Infinitives, Gerunds and Participles)

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class English Book Solutions English Grammar Use of Non-finites (Infinitives, Gerunds and Participles) Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Use of Non-finites (Infinitives, Gerunds and Participles)

We divide verbs into two types. One of the types of verb is the finite verb. A verb that changes its form according to person, tense, mood is called a Finite Verb.

Read the examples given below:
Neeru runs fast.
They run fast.
She is running fast.
We have run fast.

The verbs used in the above example are finite verbs because they change according to person, number and tense.

Now have a look at the sentences given below:

  1. She wants to be prosperous.
  2. They wanted to be famous. .
  3. You wanted to be rich and famous.
  4. She made me realise my mistake.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Use of Non-finites (Infinitives, Gerunds and Participles)

The verbs be and realise in the above sentences do not change according to tense, number and person. Such verbs are called non-finite verbs.

Now read the following sentences:
Rashmi eats to live.
Reshma eats to live.
Rajan eats to live.
A girl eats to live.
These girls eat to live.
You eat to live.
They eat to live.

The verbs used in the above sentences/examples are finite verbs because they change according to person, number and tense.

In the above examples containing eat and to live, eat is governed by person, number and tense. So it is finite verb.

In all other sentences to live is not governed by person and tense. That is an infinite verb.

Three kinds of verbs are there in the infinite verb.

The Infinitive

1. In simple language infinitive means the use of to before the verb.
Examples : I want to go. I want to hit you.
I shall watch Rekha dance.
He made me leave the room.

There are some verbs before which we do not use to. These verbs are make, observe, bid, notice, make, feel, need, dare, see, hear.

2. I need to warn you.
Do you need to leave this place just now ?
He dares me to kill the mongoose ?
If need and dare are used as main verb, to has to be used after these verbs.

3. We do not use to before did, may, do, shall, might, can, could.
He could ride a car.
We shall laugh,
I might leave for Jalandhar.

4. There are some verbs which take an infinitive with the verb.
Promise, refuse, wish, want, dare, fail, decide, agree, hope, desire, expect, ready, glad, happy.
Sentences : I promise to help you. He refused to obey me. I wish to see you tonight.

We use infinitive after some adjectives:
Ready, glad, happy, eager, easy, anxious, hard, able etc.
I am ready to leave for Gurdaspur.
I am glad to see my friend.
I am happy to meet you.
I am eager to know the result on my examination.
It is easy to solve this problem.
I am anxious to see my father.
It is hard to solve this riddle.
He was able to get the job.

Forms of Infinitive

The Infinitive has two forms:

(i) Bare Infinitive
Infinitive without to.
run, fight

(ii) to + Infinitive
to repair
to go

Use of To + Infinitive

We use to + infinitive in the following ways:
1. As a verb
(a) To walk is a good exercise
To smoke is very harmful.

(b) I want to learn French. (Object of the transitive verb want)
I know how to cook pasta. (Object)

(c) The best thing is to help yourself. (Complement to the linking verb is)
Her target was to become an actress. (Complement to the linking verb was)

It is easier to say than to do. (After the dummy subject ‘it’)

2. As an adverb to modify a verb or an adjective:

He went to see the Chairman. (modifies the verb went)
They stood up to protest. (modifies the verb stood)
She is anxious to resign. (modifies the adjective anxious)
He is hard to please. (modifies the adjective hard)

3. As an adjective to qualify a noun:
It is time to depart (qualifies the noun time)
We have nothing to offer. (qualifies nothing)

4. As an object complement or an object to a preposition.
He is about to retire.
We saw him run.
This shop is about to shut.
I felt something fall on my shoulder.

5. As an adjunct :
The captain was the last to abandon the ship.
Kindly give me some water to drink.

6. As part of too + adjective/adverb + infinitive.
He is too weak to walk.
He doesn’t have money enough to buy a flat.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Use of Non-finites (Infinitives, Gerunds and Participles)

7. As an absolute to modify the whole sentence.
To be candid with you, you are unfit for the job.
To be brief, you have cheated all of us.

Use the Bare Infinitive

8. We do not use to (bare infinitive) before some verbs like watch, bid, see, let, make, help, hear, feel, behold etc.
I shall watch you write an apology.
I heard her sing.
Mummy helped her daughter do her homework.
The Chairman made me wait.
I like you to be with me.
Let me know the truth.

9. With had better, had rather.
You had better stay where you are.
You had rather patch up with your friend.

10. With some prepositions like except, but, than etc.
He does nothing but play.
I would rather give up.
He does nothing except crib.
I would rather die than beg.

11. Passive form of the infinitive (to + be + past participle)
Women like to be flattered by men.
It is an insult to be maltreated like that.

Exercise 1

Fill in the blanks using the verbs within brackets (with or without to):

1. He made me ………… (to laugh)
2. He is too weak ………… (to walk)
3- Raju let me ………… his car. (to drive)
4. He must ………… them from going, (to prevent)
5. You had better ………… (to go)
6. The mango is ………… (eat)
7. You are too young ………… (to understand)
8. There is nothing ………… (to say)
9. We watched them ………… (to work)
10. Let him ………… this work (to do)
1. laugh
2. to walk
3. drive
4. prevent
5. go
6. to eat
7. to understand
8. to be said
9. work
10. do.

Exercise 2

Fill up the blanks with infinitive:

1. There is no one ………… this claim, (challenge)
2. He did not let me ………… my work in peace, (do)
3. He was sure ………… a scholarship, (get)
4. The teacher asked the students ………… silence, (maintain)
5. The doctor advised me ………… regular exercise, (to take)
6. They did nothing but ………… (to think)
7. You had rather ………… there, (to go)
8. Everyone wants ………… peacefully, (to live)
9. My father allowed me ………… (to go)
10. She expects ………… (to succeed)
1. to challenge
2. do
3. to get
4. to maintain
5. to take
6. think
7. go
8. to live
9. to go
10. to succeed.

The Gerund

A gerund is that form of the verb which ends in V-ing and has the force of a noun. That is why a gerund is called a verbal noun.

Use of Gerund

1. As a Subject
Running is good for health.
Swimming is useful for reducing weight.
Seeing is believing
Reading makes a man complete.
Writing makes a man perfect.

2. As an object
She likes painting.
Rekha loves dancing.

3. As a complement to a Linking Verb
My first love is singing.
My favourite sport is swimming.

4. As an object of preposition
I am tired of sitting all day long.
I am fond of fishing.
He is addicted to gambling.

5. As part of a Noun Phrase
Watching snowfall is soothing to the eyes.
It is foolish catching fire.

Note : Addicted to, look forward to are followed by gerund -ing.
He is addicted to drinking.
He is looking forward to meeting his friend.

The Participle

A participle is that form of verb which partakes of the nature both of a verb and of an adjective.

Kinds of Participle

Participle is of two kinds:

Present Participle Past Participle
V1 + ing
go + ing V3 gone
eat + ing V3 eaten (eat, ate, eaten) V3
V1 is the first form of the verb. V3 is the third form of the verb.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Use of Non-finites (Infinitives, Gerunds and Participles)

Use of Participle:

1. As an adjective :
I will buy a talking clock.
This house has no running water.

2. As an object complement:
I found the conditions soothing.
She found the baby weeping.

3. As an adverb :
She went away smiling.
The player left the ground abusing.
The girl stood whistling.

4. As part of an Adjective Phrase:
The lady doctor living on the ground floor is very charming.
The man managing the event is my uncle.

5. As a Participle Phrase :
Placing his hand on the Gita, he swore that he would speak the truth.
Taking her bag, the lady walked out of the Mall.

Difference between a Gerund and a Participle:
Throwing a grenade at the C.R.P.F. picket, the terrorist ran away. (Present Participle)
Throwing stones at other people’s houses is an anti-social act. (Gerund)
Swimming in the fast flowing water, Atul saved a drowning boy. (Present Participle)
Jogging is a good exercise. (Gerund)

Use of Past Participle:

1. As an Adjective:
The injured man was carried to the trauma centre.
He is a gone case.

2. As an Object Complement:
I found the door shut.
The murder of the leader left us shocked.

3. As an Adverb:
He left the gym totally exhausted.
Nervous, he kept on moving to and fro.

4. As part of a Participle Phrase:
I saw a dog crushed under a truck.
The landlady found her house burgled from the front and the back.

Exercise 1

Do as directed:

Question 1.
………… (hear) a noise, I turned round. (Fill up the blank with a participle)
Hearing a noise, I turned round.

Question 2.
I saw a storm ………… (approach). (Fill up the blank with a participle)
I saw a storm approaching.

Question 3.
(Hunt) deer is not allowed in this area. (Fill up the blank with a gerund)
Hunting deer is not allowed in this area.

Question 4.
Children love ………… make mud houses. (Fill up the blank with a gerund)
Children love making mud houses.

Question 5.
………… (toil) is the lot of mankind. (Fill up the blank with an infinitive)
To toil or toiling is the lot of mankind.

Exercise 2

Do as directed:

Question 1.
Combine the following sentences using an infinitive:
(i) He went to Amritsar.
(ii) He wanted to visit the Golden Temple.
He went to Amritsar to visit the Golden Temple.

Question 2.
Combine the following sentences using the participle:
(i) I speak the truth.
(ii) I am not afraid of speaking of it.
I am not afraid of speaking the truth.

Question 3.
A ……….. candle fell off the table, (burn) (Fill up the blank with a participle)
A burning candle fell off the table.

Question 4.
He left the tap (run). (Fill up the blank with a participle)
He left the tap running.

Question 5.
Combine the following sentences using a participle :
He had resolved on a certain course.
He acted with vigour.
Having resolved on a course, he acted with vigour.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Use of Non-finites (Infinitives, Gerunds and Participles)

Question 6.
Combine the following sentences using a participle:
They had no fodder.
They could give the cow nothing to eat.
Having no fodder, they could give the cow nothing to eat.

Question 7.
Success is not merely ………….. (win) applause. (Fill up the blank with a gerund)
Success is not merely winning applause.

Question 8.
………….. (amass) wealth often ruins the health. (Fill up the blank with a gerund)
Amassing wealth often ruins the health.

Exercise 3

Do as directed:

Question 1.
The ability …………. (laugh) is peculiar to mankind. (Fill the blank with an infinitive)
The ability to laugh is peculiar to mankind.

Question 2.
Can you hope (count) the stars ? (Fill up the blank with an infinitive)
Can you hope to count the stars ?

Question 3.
Combine the following sentences using a participle:
(i) I call a spade a spade.
(ii) I am not afraid of it.
I am not afraid of calling a spade a spade.

Question 4.
The man seems …………. (worry) (Fill up the blank with a participle)
The man seems worried.

Question 5.
We had a drink of the ………….. (sparkle) water. (Fill up the blank with a participle)
We had a drink of the sparkling water.

6. Combine the following sentences using a participle:
(i) The stable door was open.
(ii) The horse was stolen.
The stable door having been opened, the horse was stolen.

Question 7.
Combine the following sentences using a participle:
(i) We met a man.
(ii) He was carrying a log of wood.
We met a man carrying a log of wood.

Question 8.
We were prevented from …………. (enter) the house. (Fill up the blank by using a gerund)
We were prevented from entering the house.

Question 9.
We heard her …………… (sing) at the function. (Fill up the blank with a gerund)
We heard her singing at the function.

Exercise 4 (Textual)

Do as directed:

Question 1.
He is slow, ……………. (forgive) (Fill up the blank with an infinitive)
He is slow to forgive.

Question 2.
I am sorry …………… (hear) this. (Fill up the blank with an infinitive)
I am sorry to hear this.

Question 3.
Combine the following sentences using an infinitive:
(i) He collects old stamps even at great expense.
(ii) It is his hobby.
It is his hobby to collect old stamps even at great expense.

Question 4.
…………… (Run) water is not always fit for drinking. (Fill up the blank with a participle)
Running water is not always fit for drinking.

Question 5.
………… (carry) by the wind, seeds are scattered far and wide. (Fill up the blank with a participle)
Having been carried by the wind, seeds are scattered far and wide.

Question 6.
Combine the following sentences using a participle:
(i) He was dissatisfied.
(ii) He resigned his job.
Having been dissatisfied, he resigned his job.

Question 7.
Combine the following sentences using a participle :
(i) We met a girl.
(ii) She was carrying a basket of flowers.
We met a girl carrying a basket of flowers.

Question 8.
He is fond of ……….. (swim) (Fill up the blank with a gerund)
He is fond of swimming.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Use of Non-finites (Infinitives, Gerunds and Participles)

Question 9.
Are you afraid of his …………… (hear) you ? (Fill up the blank with a gerund)
Are you afraid of his hearing you ?

Question 10.
I have come ……………. (see) you. (Fill up the blank with an infinitive)
I have come to see you.

Exercise 5 (Textual)

Question 1.
Combine the following sentences using an infinitive:
(i) He has five children.
(ii) He must provide for them.
He must provide for them.

Question 2.
He has five children to provide for.
(i) He wants to earn his livelihood.
(ii) He works hard for this reason.
He works hard to earn his livelihood.

Question 3.
(i) I saw him (enter) the house. (Fill up the blank with a participle.)
I saw him entering the house.

Question 4.
He played a …………. (lose) game. (Fill up the blank with a participle)
He played a losing game.

Question 5.
Combine the following sentences using a participle:
(i) He staggered back.
(it) He sank to the ground.
He staggered back sinking to the ground.

Question 6.
She is very keen to …………. modelling, (take up) (Fill up the blank with an infinitive)
She is very keen to take up modelling.

Question 7.
What she hates most is ……………. (smoke) (Fill up the blank with a gerund)
What she hates most is smoking.

Question 8.
He objected to …………. money on cosmetics, (spend) (Fill up the blank with a gerund)
He objected to spending money on cosmetics.

Question 9.
It is a penal offence ……………. bribe a public servant. (Fill up the blank with an infinitive)
It is a penal offence to bribe a public servant.

Question 10.
The boys are anxious ………….. (learn) (Fill up the blank with an infinitive)
to learn.

Exercise 6 (Textual)

Question 1.
Combine the following sentences using participles:
(i) The strikers held a meeting.
(ii) They wished to discuss the terms of the employers.
The strikers held a meeting wishing to discuss the terms of the employers.

Question 2.
(i) The robber took out a knife.
(ii) He wanted to frighten the old man.
The robber took out a knife wanting to frighten the old man.

Question 3.
…………. (consider) the facts, he received scant justice. (Fill up the blank with a participle)
Considering the facts, he received scant justice.

Question 4.
Combine the following sentences using a participle:
(i) He walked away.
(ii) He was whistling.
He walked away whistling.

Question 5.
My hair needs …………….. (cut) (Fill up the blanks with a gerund)
My hair needs cutting.

Question 6.
I saw him …………….. (cross) the road. (Fill up the blank with a gerund)
I saw him crossing the road.

Exercise 7 (Textual)

Combine each of the following pairs of sentences into one sentence by using infinitives:
Question 1.
I am learning Sanskrit. I want to study the Gita.
I am learning Sanskrit to study the Gita.

Question 2.
He labours hard. He wants to succeed.
He labours hard to succeed.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Use of Non-finites (Infinitives, Gerunds and Participles)

Question 3.
I am learning English. I want to study the works of Shakespeare.
I am learning English to study the works of Shakespeare.

Question 4.
Children are going to the field. They want to play.
Children are going to the field to play.

Question 5.
I have come here. I would like to see you.
I have come here to see you.

Exercise 8 (Textual)

Fill up the blanks with one of these: (Infinitive, Gerund, Participle)

Question 1.
He has a …………… look, (surprise)
surprised (Participle)

Question 2.
My father is a …………… man. (retire)
retired (Participle)

Question 3.
They promised …………… me. (help)
ro help (Infinitive)

Question 4.
…………… is pleasant, (play)
Playing (Gerund)

Question 5.
…………… on the footpath is safe, (walk)
Walking on the footpath is safe. (Gerund)

Question 6.
He gave me a pen …………… with, (write)
He gave me a pen to write with. (Infinitive)

Question 7.
He gave up …………… (drink)
He gave up drinking. (Gerund)

Miscellaneous Exercises


Exercise 1

Fill in the blanks with a infinitive:

1. …………… (waste) time is a folly.
2. …………… (err) is human.
3. I find it sensible …………… (remain) silent.
4. She seems …………… (be) happy.
5. …………… (toil) is the lot of mankind.
6. You need …………… (do) a lot.
7. I gave him a chance …………… (reconsider) his stand.
8. You are advised not …………… (mislead) your friends.
9. The game was about …………… (begin).
10. Let him leave the room.
11. Make him realise his mistake.
1. To waste
2. To err
3. to remain
4. to be
5. To toil
6. to do
7. to reconsider
8. to mislead
9. to begin
10. To is not to be used in these sentences.
11. To is not to be used in these sentences.

Exercise 2

Use the following pair of sentences by using an infinitive:
1. The poor man had live children.
He must provide for them.
2. Turn to the left.
You will find my house.
3. My teacher will learn about my success.
He will be delighted.
4. This box is very big.
He can’t lift it.
5. I had no money.
I could buy no clothes.
1. The poor man had ro provide tor five children.
2. Turn to the left for my house.
Turn to the left to find rny house.
3. My teacher will be delighted to learn about my success.
4. This box is too big to lift.
5. I had no money to buy clothes.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Use of Non-finites (Infinitives, Gerunds and Participles)


Exercise 1

Complete the following sentences with correct use oi gerund form of the verb:

1. He is good ar …………… (dance).
2. He is crazy about …………… (sing).
3. He doesn’t like …………… (play; cards.
4. I am afraid of …………… (swim) in the canal.
5. I am always interested in …………… (make) ftiends.
6. He is scared of …………… (travel! by air.
7. I suggest …………… (do) sonic m ire sums.
8. They insisted on …………… (cook) the dinner at home.
9. I thanked him for …………… (fix) my door.
10. I praised him for …………… (help) me in distress.
1. dancing
2. playing
3. playing
4. swimming
5. making
6. travelling
7. doing
8. cooking
9. fixing
10. helping.


Exercise 1

Fill in the blanks with Present Participle:

1. The man …………… (drive) the car is my uncle.
2. Lorries …………… (come) over the bridge have to be careful of the wind.
3. Who was the girl …………… (wear) the red dress ?
4. Students …………… (submit) their essays late will lose ten marks.
5. The …………… (bud) flowers looked very lovely.
6. The …………… (run) bus rammed against the wall.
7. …………… (hear) the noise, he rushed to the spot.
8. They told us an …………… (amuse) account of their journey.
9. I saw the lion …………… (approach) us.
10. He watched them …………… (fight) over trigger.
1. driving
2. coming
3. wearing
4. submitting
5. budding
6. running
7. Hearing
8. amusing
9. approaching
10. fighting.

PSEB 12th Class English Letter Writing Business Letters

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class English Book Solutions English Letter Writing Business Letters Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 12th Class English Letter Writing Business Letters

1. Applications for Different Jobs

1. Write an application for the post of a Steno-typist.

14, Civil Lines,
August 6, 20 ………….

The Advertiser,
Post Box No. 313,
The Tribune,

This is in response to your advertisement in ‘The Tribune’ dated 4th August 20 for the post of a Steno-typist in your office. I beg to offer myself as a candidate for the same. As regards my qualifications, they are detailed below:
I passed my BA. Examination in 20 ………. from D.A.V. College, Amritsar. I was placed in the second division. After my graduation, I joined a commercial college where I learnt both short-hand and type-writing. My speed in short-hand is 75 w.p.m. and my speed in type-writing is 50 w.p.m. I have been working as a steno-typist with Sehgal & Co., Amritsar for the last five years. Besides short-hand and type-writing, I am also well conversant with other official work and can speak fluently English, Hindi and Punjabi.

I am still in the service of the same firm. I am seeking better opportunities which my present employer, with his limited business, cannot supply. He has no objection to my seeking a better job somewhere else.

I am a youngman of 25 with a sound physique and an impressive personality.

I enclose a certificate from my present employer in regard to my character, experience and ability. Should you appoint me to the post, it would be my sincerest effort to give you every satisfaction.

Yours faithfully,
H.M.L. Sood

PSEB 12th Class English Letter Writing Business Letters

2. Reply to above.

Messrs Datta & Co.,
130, Park Lane,
New Delhi-15.
August 11, 20……

Mr. H.M.L. Sood,
14 Civil Lines,

Dear Sir,

We have your application of the 6th August, for the post of a steno-typist in our office. We are glad to inform you that we have decided to appoint you for the post.

Your appointment will be on a temporary basis for three months. If your work and conduct are found satisfactory, you will be made permanent. Your salary will be Rs 12000/- per month during the temporary period and Rs 12450/- per month with a yearly increment of Rs 450/- on your being made permanent. Your promotion depends entirely on your hard work, honesty and sincerity.

If the appointment is acceptable to you, please let us know by return of post the date when you can join.

Yours faithfully,
R.M. Sinha,

3. Write an application for the job of an Asstt. Manager in a large firm – Messrs Ghooki and Sons – selling electrical appliances. Give details of your qualifications and experience and mention the minimum salary acceptable to you.

510, Church Street,
July, 28, 20……….

Messrs Ghooki and Sons,
R-120, Connaught Place,
New Delhi-1.
Dear Sirs,

In response to your advertisement in ‘The Times of India’ dated July 26, 20…. for the post of an Asstt. Manager in your firm engaged in selling electrical appliances, I beg to offer my services for the same. As desired by you, I give below a few particulars about myself.

I passed my M.A. (Economics) from St. Stephen’s College, New Delhi in 20… After my Post-Graduation, I passed M.B.A. course in 20…. from Punjab University, Chandigarh. I was placed in the first division. Since then I have been working in Mumbai Electricals in the capacity of an Asstt. Manager. I am 30 years of age. I have an experience of six years. I can plan and execute sales independently. I have an unblemished record and my present employer wants me to stay on. But I wish to come to my home town that is, Delhi.

At present I am drawing ? 25000/- p.m. and have a free furnished accommodation. I can join your concern at a minimum salary of ^ 35500/- plus a free furnished accommodation and a car at the company’s expense.

I am prepared to attend an interview only at your expense. Copies of my certificates and testimonials are enclosed herewith for your kind perusal.

Yours faithfully,
Shankar Chauhan

4. Reply to Application No. 3.

Messrs Ghooki & Sons,
R-120, Connaught Place,
New Delhi-I.
July 31, 20 ………..

Sh. Shankar Chauhan,
510, Church Street,
Dear Sir,

In reply to your application dated 28th July, for the post of an Asstt. Manager, we are glad to inform you that we are ready to offer you the job at the salary demanded by you. We shall also give you free furnished accommodation and a car at company’s expense. However, you will have to sign a contract to serve in our firm for a minimum period of 4 years.

If the above terms are acceptable to you, kindly make it convenient to call at our office on 10th August, 20 ………… at 10 A.M. to settle other details of your appointment.

Yours faithfully,
R.P. Ghooki,
Managing Director

5. Write an application for the post of a P.A. to the Technical Manager of Calico Textiles. The post requires knowledge of short-hand typing and textiles of all varieties. Quote references.

14, Patel Road,
New Delhi-33.
May 26, 20 ……….

The Technical Manager,
Calico Textiles,
Dear Sir,

In response to your advertisement in ‘The Times of India dated May 22, 20…. for the post of a P.A., I beg to offer myself as a candidate for the same.

I passed my Higher Secondary Examination in the first division. I passed B. Com. Final in 20 with Hons, in Secretarial Practice. I was immediately employed by Mohindra Textiles, New Delhi and have been working there to the satisfaction of my superiors. I am seeking better opportunities which my present employers with their limited range of business cannot supply. They have no objection to my seeking a better job somewhere.

I am a young man of 26 with a pleasing personality. I am capable of doing hard work. I enclose a certificate from my present employers in regard to my character, experience and ability.

Should you appoint me to the post, it would be my sincerest effort to give you every satisfaction. Once again I assure you that I will do my duty honestly and conscientiously.

Yours faithfully,
Sunil Sharma

6. Reply to above.

The Technical Manager,
Calico Textiles,
May 30, 20 …….

Mr. Sunil Sharma,
14, Patel Road,
New Delhi-33.
Dear Sir,

In reply to your application for the post of a P.A. dated May 26, 20 …………. I should be glad if you call at my office on Monday morning next so that I may discuss details concerning the post for which you have applied.

The initial salary offered is Rs 12400/- per month, the engagement being terminable at one month’s notice on either side.

Yours faithfully,
S.M. Kakkar

2. Placing Orders

7. Placing Order for Steel Furniture.

Messrs Raja Sodhi &C Co.,
(Steel Furniture Dealers)
Prasad Road,
October 3, 20 ……….

Ref. No. 602/…. RS
The Manager,
Messrs Mahesh & Co.,
Rani Jhansi Road,
New Delhi-11.
Dear Sir,

We are in receipt of your quotation October, 1, 20… and thank you for the same. Please arrange to supply us the following goods as early as possible:
12 Nos…. Steel Almirah, size 84⊄⊄ at Rs 700 Per Piece.
12 Nos…. Manager’s Table, size 60⊄⊄ at Rs 400 Per Piece.
Sales and any other tax, if required, will be paid extra.

As desired by you, we are enclosing herewith our cheque No. STB/610073 dated October 3, 20….. for Rs 10,000/- only as advance and balance will be paid as soon as the goods are delivered.

In this connection, please note that if you make your terms liberal, we confirm, we shall be able to give you a good turnover per year. Please see what you can do.
Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
Ram Chand

Enel. : One cheque.
No. : STB/610073.
Date : October 3, 20 …..
Amount : Rs 10,000/- only.
Back : State Bank of India, New Delhi-1.

PSEB 12th Class English Letter Writing Business Letters

8. Reply to above.

Messrs Mahesh & Co.,
Rani Jhansi Road,
New Delhi-11.
October 10, 20 …….

The Manager,
Messrs Raja Sodhi & Co.
(Steel Furniture Dealers)
Prasad Road,
Dear Sir,

We thank you for your order of the 3rd October, 20… and are pleased to state that the goods required have been despatched by passenger train this morning.

We trust that the goods will arrive in excellent condition and their quality will induce your good self to send further orders.

Yours faithfully,
K. Mahesh,

Enel. : Invoice
R/R No. : Nd/16003
Dated : October 10, 20….

9. Placing Order for Books.

R. Chand & Co.,
College Road,
July 18, 20 ……..

Messrs Malhotra Publishers,
Railway Road,
Jalandhar City.
Dear Sirs,

We are in receipt of your letter No. B-605/78 K dated 8th July, 20 alongwith a list of your publications. We thank you for the same.
Please supply us immediately:
40 Copies AS YOU LIKE IT by Prof. Ashok @ Rs 19/- each.
40 Copies MBD English Guide, TDC, III @ Rs 45/- each.
30 Copies MBD Economics Refresher B.Com. II, @ Rs 26/- each.
40 Copies MBD History Refresher TDC 11 @ Rs 12/- each 25 Copies
MBD Refresher English Guide, B.Com. 1, @ Rs 16/- each.

As desired by you, we are enclosing herewith our cheque No. SKB/K 10032 dated July 18, 20…… for Rs 1500/- only as advance and the balance will be paid against delivery.

Our next order will be forwarded as and when necessary.

Yours faithfully,
Ravinder Ghai,

Enel. : One cheque.
No. : SKB/K10032.
Date : July 18, 20 …….
Amount : Rs 1500/-
Bank : State Bank of India,

10. Acknowledging a Big Order.

Messrs Malhotra Publishers,
Railway Road,
Jalandhar City.
July 12, 20……

Ref. : MBD/MA-16 TR.
Messrs Bose & Co.,
University Road,
New Delhi-16.
Dear Sirs,

We thank you for your order No. 818. dated July 6, 20 ….. for 300 copies of MBD ENGLISH LITERATURE SERIES, “AS YOU LIKE IT” by Prof. Ashok @ Rs 90/- each copy. The order has been booked for execution and the books will be despatched by goods train on 14th July.

This is the first occasion we have the pleasure to execute your order. We heartily welcome you to our list of will-wishers and patrons. We assure you that you will always find our books satisfactory and hope this order will lead to an enduring connection with you.

Yours faithfully,
Balwant Sharma

11. Placing Order for Sports Goods.

14, Lodhi Market,
New Delhi-21.
July 6, 20 ……

Ref. No. Sc/506.
Messrs Kohli & Co.,
Sports Goods Manufacturers,
Industrial Estate,
Jalandhar City.
Dear Sirs,

I am in receipt of your quotation dated July 2, 20 …… and thank you for the same. Please supply us immediately the following items:
6 dozen Cricket balls @ Rs 120/- per dozen.
20 Cricket Bats (Durrani) @ Rs 75/- per bat.
50 pairs of Batting Gloves @ Rs 10/- per pair,
8 dozen Hockey balls (Ashok) @ Rs 100/- per dozen.
5 dozen Hockey Sticks (Champion) @ Rs 400/- per dozen.
Sales and any other tax, if leviable, will be paid extra.

As desired by you. I am enclosing herewith my cheque No. PB/c 70078 dated July 6, 20… for Rs 2,500/- only as advance and balance will be paid against delivery.
Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
J.L. Mehta

Enel. : One cheque.
No. : PB/c 70078
Date : July 6, 20…
Amount : Rs 2,500/- only.
Bank : Punjab National Bank, New Delhi-1.

12. Reply to Letter No. 11.

Messrs Kohli & Co.,
Sports Goods Manufacturers,
Industrial Estate,
Jalandhar City.
July 9, 20 …….

The Manager,
“Sports Corner”,
14, Lodhi Market,
New Delhi-21.
Dear Sirs,

We are indebted to you for your order of the 6th July, 20 ……. and pleased to state that the goods required have been despatched by passenger train this morning.

We trust that the goods will arrive in excellent condition and their quality will induce you to send further orders.

Yours faithfully,
Satish Kohli
Sales Manager

Enel. : Invoice
R/R No. : JK/622532
Date : July 2, 20 ……..

PSEB 12th Class English Letter Writing Business Letters

13. Placing order for Servicing of Typewriting Machines.

Michael Limited,
(Commission Agents & Gen. Order Suppliers)
150, Park Road,
August 12, 20 ………

Ref. No. 1832/ML-630
Messrs Baliram & Co.
18, Church Lane,
New Delhi-32.
Dear Sirs,

Thank you for your quotation dated August 8, 20… for servicing of our different Typewriting Machines.

We do hereby accept your quotation under reference and request you to start work from the next week.

Regarding payment, though you did not mention anything in your quotation, we propose to make payments bi-monthly (i.e. 6 times in a year). Hence you are to submit your bill after completion of servicing of every two months.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
R.S. Singh Purchase

14. Asking for details of Order.

Renu Hosiery Goods,
Industrial Estate,
Jalandhar City.
October 6, 20 …….

Messrs Dimple Readymade Garments,
106, Main Market,
New Delhi-13.
Dear Sirs,

We thank you for your Order No. 512 October 4, 20… for 5 dozen All-wool Pullovers, Catalogue No. 12 A, @ Rs 80/- each. We should like to inform you that you did not write the specifications in regard to size and colour. Surely, you would like to make your own choice and do not want us to send you size and colour of our selection.

We shall be glad if you kindly let us know your choice.

Yours faithfully,
V.K. Nanda
Sales Manager

3. Complaints And Adjustments

15. Complaint for Non-execution of an Order.

Upkar Traders,
6-Gurudwara Road,
December 10, 20 …….

Ref. No. UT/103/………
Messrs Aggarwal & Sons,
15/162-E, Rampur Road,
Dear Sirs,

Please refer to our order No. UT/503/ ………. dated November 2, 20 ……… for 200 Tins of Ghee (Lotus Brand).

We note with regret that the goods ordered were not delivered till this day, in spite of the fact that a prompt delivery was guaranteed and the order obtained on the strength of guarantee. The reasons are, however, beyond our knowledge.

This is not the first time a delay in delivery has occurred. Any way, we shall like to point out that business on these conditions can’t be continued for long.

We hope that this letter will cause you to settle the problem finally. Your immediate reply is expected.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
Rajinder K. Singh
Purchase Officer

16. A Negative Reply to Letter No. 15.

Messrs Aggarwal & Sons,
15/162-E, Rampura Road,
December 13, 20 ……..

Ref. No. A/s-603213-G,
The Purchase Officer,
Upkar Traders,
6-Gurudwara Road,
Dear Sir,

We are in receipt of your letter No. UT/1003/ ……….. dated December 10, 20 ……….. and thank you for the same.

Please note that since there are some technical difficulties in our factory, we are not in a position to execute the order this time. We request you to procure the same from some other source.

We hope that you will realise that it is due to circumstances beyond our control. We do sincerely hope that you will not mind anything. We shall inform you as soon as the position becomes normal.

We are extremely sorry for this but are helpless. Thanking you in anticipation and expecting your best cooperation always.

Yours faithfully,
R.N. Aggarwal

17. An Affirmative Reply.

Messrs Aggarwal & Sons,
15/162-E, Rampura Road,
December 13, 20 ………

Ref. No. A/s-603213-G,
The Purchase Officer,
Upkar Traders,
6-Gurudwara Road,
Dear Sir,

We are in receipt of your letter No. UT/1003/ ……….. dated December 10,20 …………. and thank you for the same.

We are really sorry for the delay in executing your order due to a strike by the workers in our factory. Now the things are settled and we shall send the goods within two’ or three days.

We hope you will realise that the delay is due to circumstances beyond our control. We shall try our best to execute all your future orders in time.

Yours faithfully,
R.H. Aggarwal

18. Complaint for Express Bill.

District Sports Officer,
Govinda Stadium,
July 10, 20……….

Ref. No. D50/6-CR.
M/s R.P. Kalra & Co.,
Sports Goods Manufacturers,
16, Industrial Estate,
Jalandhar City.
Dear Sir,

We are in receipt of the hockey sticks sent under cover of your invoice No. RPC/340 ……… dated June, 8, 20 ………. and thank you for the same.

In this connection, kindly note that in your invoice, you have charged Rs 26/- per stick while you quoted Rs 24/- per stick.

Please rectify the mistake and either send us the excess amount charged by M.O. or issue us a C.N. for the same. Prompt action is expected.

Yours sincerely,
Swami Talwar

PSEB 12th Class English Letter Writing Business Letters

19. Reply to Above.

M/S R.P. Kalra & Co.,
Sports Goods Manufacturers,
16, Industrial Estate,
Jalandhar city.
July 13, 20 ……..

Ref. No. RPK/32-
The District Sports Officer,
Govind Stadium,
Dear Sir,

We are in receipt of your letter No. DSO/6-CR dated July 10, 20…. and note the contents with thanks. The mistake took place due to the inadvertence of our billing clerk for which we are extremely sorry.

Enclosed please find our Credit Note No. RPK/6-88 dated July 13, 20…….. for the excess amount which may be adjusted with your next order.
Thanking you in anticipation and assuring you of our best co-operation and service. We remain,

Yours faithfully,
K.L. Sharma
Sales Manager.

20. Complaint for sending wrong books.

University Campus,
July 26, 20…….

Ref. No. BS/102 ……….
Messrs Manjit Bros.,
Educational Publishers,
Jalandhar City.
Dear Sirs,

I am in receipt of the parcel sent under cover of your invoice No. MB 4078 dated July 24, 20…….. (for Rs 5200/-) and thank you for the same.

But on opening the parcel, I find that you have sent us the Punjabi Edition intead of Hindi Edition.

I presume due to the inadvertence of your packer, this mistake has taken place. I am sending the parcel back. I request you to replace the same immediately. I do hope that you shall do the needful as soon as my letter reaches you.

Yours faithfully,
K.C. Sachdeva

21. Reply to Above Letter of Complaint.

Messrs Manjit Bros.,
Educational Publishers,
Jalandhar City.
July 28, 20…….

Ref. No. MB/607……
The Manager,
University Campus,
Dear Sir,
We are in receipt of your letter No. BS/102 ……….. dated July 26,20 …… and noted the contents with thanks.

We are sending you the Hindi Edition by the next available Passenger Train. On receipt of the parcel, please do drop a line to us.

We are extremely sorry for the inconvenience caused to you due to this. We assure you that necessary care will be taken at the time of execution of all your future orders. Please never mind for this.

Thanking you in anticipation and assuring you of our best services always.

Yours faithfully,
D.K. Joshi
For Manjit Bros.

22. Complaint for Defective Goods.

Rehman & Sons,
Shawl Dealers,
Manik Road,
November 10, 20 ……..

The Manager,
Messrs Bal Chand Lai Chand,
The Mall,
Dear Sir,

We thank you for the prompt execution of our Order No. RS/265-D, dated October 21, 20 ……

Unfortunately, on opening the case, we find twenty shawls torn which are unsaleable. There are six shawls whose finish is decidedly bad. In no way they appear like high-priced goods, a fact which is very much against our business ethics.

We are unable to offer such shawls to our customers and therefore returning them in the hope that you will let us have goods of a better quality.

Yours faithfully,
Kadir Rahman

23. Reply to Above.

Messrs Bal Chand Lai Chand,
The Mall,
November 18, 20 ……..

Ref. No. BCLC/……….
Messrs Rehman & Sons,
Shawl Dealers,
Manik Road,
Dear Sirs,

We are in receipt of your letter dated November 10, 20……. complaining about the defective goods supplied by us. We are extremely sorry that we have not been able to supply goods to your satisfaction. Generally, our men thoroughly check the goods before they are despatched to our clients, but as some of our shawls have been found defective and inferior, we are ready to replace them at our cost.

We shall forward you a fresh supply of shawls within a few days and we trust that these will be to your full satisfaction.

Yours faithfully,
H.D. Sharma

PSEB 12th Class English Letter Writing Business Letters

24. You recently travelled on an old public transport bus which broke down a couple of times on the way. Write a letter to the manager of the company giving details of the poor condition of the bus and the harassment that it caused to the passengers. Also make a few suggestions to improve the service

The Manager,
Malhi Bus Service Private Limited,
Jalandhar Bus Stop.

I wish to bring to your kind notice that I had a very bitter experience while travelling by one of the buses of your company BTK 2534 plying between Batala and Jalandhar on 12th January, 2012, I was in a hurry to reach Jalandhar. After buying a ticket for my journey, I boarded the bus. The bus left Batala at ten o’clock. As I took my seat, I found the seat cover torn. Some of the windows had no panes. The floor or deck of the bus was in a wretched shape. The iron plates were broken and twisted. Technically it could be called more of scrap than a roadworthy bus. It appeared to be a very aged bus.

After leaving Batala, the bus began to slow down after covering about two kilometres. Then it broke down and stopped near Achal Sahib. The driver and the conductor tried to repair it but it showed no sign of getting re-started. I got the impression that the bus was not at all roadworthy even when it was going to start from the Batala bus stop. Probably the conductor and the driver were in league with each other to dupe the passengers. After struggling to start, the bus showed signs of moving. But it began to run at a slower speed. All the passengers felt uncertain about the bus reaching the destination. We had already wasted 45 minutes at Achal Sahib.

Thereafter the bus came to a grinding halt at Baba Bakala. All the passengers got down. They asked the conductor to return their fare as they wanted to take other buses to reach Jalandhar. The conductor refused to refund the fare. He wanted the passengers to wait for the bus to re-start. Another forty-five minutes were wasted. Someone brought a mechanic.

He tried his level best to start the bus. The bus moved at a very slow speed. It broke down again at Beas. We had a similar experience at Subhanpur. It was 4.30 p.m.. by the time we reached Jalandhar. A journey of one and a half hours was completed within six hours.

It is a reflection on your competence as the manager of the company. You are requested to remove such a useless bus from plying. It is nothing short of deliberate cheating. You should ask the driver and the conductor why they sent such a bus to transport passengers. The public expects a proper value of their money.

Yours truly,
Gurtej Singh Dhillon
and ten others.

4. Inquiries, Quotations & Replies

25. Letter of Inquiry concerning the Status of the Firm.

Raman Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Industrial Estate,
Jalandhar City.
December 4, 20……

Mr. D.R Azad,
5/31, Nehru Road,
Dear Sir,

We have been requested by M/s Singh Bros., Civil Lines, Delhi, to forward twenty pieces of Steel Almirahs for which they propose to pay by means of a three months’ bill. As the amount involved is more than Rs 10,000/-, we are naturally a bit reluctant to allow credit without some assurance as to their financial standing.

We shall feel obliged if you give us the detailed information regarding their financial status and reputation. Please do inform us whether you consider it proper to grant the said credit to them.

We thank you in advance for any other information which you can give us.

Yours faithfully,
K.R. Mani
Sales Manager

26. A favourable Reply to the above letter.

5/31, Nehru Road,
December 10, 20 …….

The Sales Manager,
Messrs Raman Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Industrial Estate,
Jalandhar City.
Dear Sir,

I am pleased to be of service to you in ascertaining the financial status and reputation of M/s Singh Bros, Civil Lines, Delhi, about whom you enquired on December 4, 20……

I am glad to inform you that the said firm enjoys the fullest respect and reputation in local commercial circles. The firm is known to be possessed of a considerable amount of capital.

There seems to be no reason for withholding credit to the extent you mention, and you should have no hesitation in doing business with the firm on the terms suggested.

Yours faithfully,
D.P. Azad

PSEB 12th Class English Letter Writing Business Letters

27. An Unfavourable Reply.

5/31-Nehru Road,
December, 10, 20……….

The Sales Manager,
Messrs Raman Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Jalandhar City.
Dear Sir,

In reply to your inquiry of the 4th December concerning M/s Singh Bros., Civil Lines, Delhi, I could recommend a policy of caution. Though the said firm is an excellent business organisation with a wide circle of customers, yet their operation hardly warrants an allowance of credit to the extent of Rs 10,000/- You should hesitate to accept the conditions they suggest. As far as I can see, payment of half this sum i.e. Rs 5000/- in cash would be advisable.

I hope that you will recognise the importance of keeping the information strictly private.

Yours faithfully,
D.R Azad

28. Asking for Quotation of Pencils.

Pandit Brothers,
Gandhi Road,
April 10, 20 ……..

Messrs Jain Bros.,
Pencil Manufacturers,
10, Industrial Area,
New Delhi-28.
Dear Sirs,

We are very much interested to purchase various brands of pencils manufactured by you, in large quantities regularly every month.

We shall be glad if you send us the details of the pencils manufactured by you quoting prices and other terms.

We assure you that we shall be able to give you good sales provided your terms and conditions suit us.

We hope you will facilitate business by quoting us the lowest possible rates. Your immediate action will be highly appreciated.

Yours faithfully,
S.M. Pandit

29. Reply to Above.

Messrs Jain Bros.,
Pencil Manufacturers,
10, Industrial Area,
New Delhi-28.
April 14, 20 ………

Ref. No. JB/16032-D.
Mr. S.M. Pandit,
Pandit Brothers,
Gandhi Road,
Dear Sir,

We are in receipt of your letter dated April 10, 20 ………. and thank you for the same. We are sending herewith our catalogue containing quotations for quantities from our existing stocks. You will also find the terms of payment indicated therein. But packing charges will be extra.

We like to add here that we shall be very glad to offer you a special discount of 2½% over and above our usual trade terms if your monthly requirement is 200 grosses (assorted).

Please let us have your standing order as early as possible which will always receive our most careful and prompt attention.

Yours faithfully,
P.K. Jain
Managing Director

PSEB 12th Class English Letter Writing Letters to Editor

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class English Book Solutions English Letter Writing Letters to Editor Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 12th Class English Letter Writing Letters to Editor

1. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper describing the insanitary conditions prevailing in your town.

17, G.T. Road,
November 8, 20 ……..

The Editor,
The Tribune,

Through the columns of your esteemed paper, I want to draw the attention of the municipal committee authorities to the insanitary conditions of the bazaars and streets of Gobindgarh.

Sweepers do not sweep the streets and clouds of dust rise and enter ears, noses and throats of the people. That is why all kinds of diseases are on the increase. Whenever people move out of the houses, a thick layer of dust settles on their clothes. Why are the roads not sprinkled with water ? Are the authorities waiting for the next monsoon .? There are a large number of pits in the streets where water is allowed to stand. This stagnant water is a favourite breeding place for the mosquitoes. This water should be removed and the pits should be filled with dust otherwise an epidemic will spread in the town.

It is high time that the authorities should wake up and discharge their duties efficiently in the interest of public health.

Yours truly,
Mohan Dass

Word-notes : Insanitary – स्वास्थ्य बिगाड़ने वाली, ਸਿਹਤ ਵਿਗਾਤਨ ਵਾਲੀ Sweep – झाडू लगना, ਸਾਤੂ ਦੇਟਾ Layer – तह, ਤਹਿ Pits – गड़दे, ਵੋਏ Stagnant – standing. Epidemic – छूत की बीमारी, ਵੂਤੇ ਚੀ ਬਿਮਾਰੀ High time – proper time.

PSEB 12th Class English Letter Writing Letters to Editor

2. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper commenting on the rise in prices.

43, Railway Colony,
May 4, 20……

The Editor,
The Indian Express,
New Delhi.

I shall feel grateful to you if you publish the following few lines in your esteemed paper.

The rise in prices of essential articles has crushed every heart and living has become very costly these days. The labourers, middle class persons and the salaried people are groaning under their burden. The purchasing power of the rupee is fast sinking. The prices of the essential articles are rising sky high. The housewife finds it extremely difficult to manage the family budget. A vast majority of people in our country find it difficult to make their both ends meet. In certain families, people go without food at night. Milk has become a luxury. Fruit is no longer a part of our diet. The general health of the children in our country is suffering a setback.

It is high time that the government should take efficient steps to control the prices as early as possible. It should punish the black-marketeers and profiteers. Price-lists of all goods should be displayed at all shopping centres. A person who charges a higher rate should be severely punished. Both customers and shopkeepers should be punished for buying and selling things at higher prices. The rise in prices must be checked. At least the prices of essential articles of daily use must be brought down to a very reasonable level.

Yours truly,

Word-notes : Groaning – crying. Sinking – decreasing. Displayed – put for show. Essential – अनिवार्य, ਜ਼ਰੂਰੀ.

3. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper about the need of parks and gardens in different localities of your city.

13, Kartar Singh Sarabha Nagar,
April 25, 20…….

The Editor,
The Tribune,

I shall feel highly obliged if you publish the following few lines in your esteemed daily.

It is well-known to authorities that Ludhiana has become a very crowded and congested city. Population of the town is increasing very rapidly. Bihari labourers are living in wretched conditions. Open fields and beautiful gardens have been replaced by residential houses and shanties. Most streets of the city have grown into slums. Some congested houses do not get sunlight. Parks are needed for providing fresh air to the people. It is rightly remarked that parks and gardens are the lungs of a city.

They give us pure and fresh air and thus keep our body healthy. The young and the old, women and children can take exercise and relax in these parks and gardens. The city dwellers will really have a sense of relief as they will be relieved from their prison-houses for some time. It is, therefore, requested that the authorities should seriously consider this aspect, and provide public parks in those parts of the city which are very badly congested.
Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
Surinder Kaur

Word-notes : Shanties – झोंपड़ियां, ਲੋਂਗੀਆ Congested – भीड़ वाला, ਭੀਤ ਭਰਿਆ

4. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper on evils of street-begging.

H-222, Sarojini Nagar,
May 27, 20 ……….

The Editor,
The Tribune,

Through your esteemed paper, I wish to draw the attention of the authorities and the public to the evils of street-begging in our country.

Street-begging is a regular nuisance. It is a blot on the fair name of our country. Begging is an evil. But in India, it has become an organised profession. Almost at every step you are greeted by a beggar. Beggars gather round you in buses, in trains, in the bazaars and near the places of worship. Our national prestige suffers a good deal when beggars greet foreigners at every turn of the road.

Unfortunately, in our country giving alms is believed to be a part of religion. The most painful thing is that most of these beggars are able-bodied. They can do manual labour, if they so desire. But they find it more easy to live on other people’s hard-earned money. This easy- got money, they spend on drinking and gambling. Then the tragedy is that these beggars encourage even their children to beg. Thus, this so-called charity leads to so many vices.

The need of the hour is that this social evil must be put to an end. Healthy beggars should be made to work. The disabled, the crippled and the blind beggars, however, should be maintained at the state expense. They should be kept in some suitable buildings outside the city where they should be fed at Government expense. Not only begging should be declared illegal by an Act of Parliament but public opinion should also be educated against it. Those who give alms to the strong and able-bodied men and women and children should be punished.

Yours truly,
Ashok Kumar

Word-notes : Nuisance – a harmful thing. Blot – ugly mark. Prestige – honour, Alms – ਭਿਖਿਆ , भिक्षा Charity – ਦਨ, दान, Manual – physical. Vices – evils. Public opinion – ਲੋਗਸਤ , लोकमत.

PSEB 12th Class English Letter Writing Letters to Editor

5. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper complaining against reckless driving.

833, Ummatan Mohalla,
July 6, 20…….

The Editor,
The Tribune,

I shall feel grateful if you allow me some space in your esteemed paper. I want to draw the attention of the authorities concerned towards reckless driving in Nawanshahar.

This city has wide roads and chances of accidents are comparatively few here. But probably, this very fact encourages reckless driving. It has become a fashion. Motor-drivers drive at a terrific speed. Trucks carrying sand, stones or bricks are seen moving at a very fast speed. Cars pass by you whizzing even at turnings. Young college boys drive motor cycles and scooters without caring for their own or anybody else’s life. It is a positive danger to school-going children, to old men and women who cannot cross the road quickly.

This rash driving is a regular nuisance and is responsible for fatal accidents which take place daily. Not a single day passes when we do not hear of some accident. Only yesterday, a young man who was on the left side was run over by a motor cycle. The motor-cycle driver drove away at such a great speed that nobody could even take down the number of his motor cycle. Speed limits are not strictly enforced. Many a time the defaulters bribe the policeman on duty and get off.

The dire need is that a speed limit should be fixed and the offenders be severely dealt with.

Yours truly,
Rajesh Khanna

Word-notes : Reckless – rash. Terrific speed – great speed. Fatal – that which results in death. Dire – great. Offenders – defaulters.

6. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper complaining against the use of loudspeakers at night.

14, Model Town,
March 1, 20….

The Editor,
The Tribune,

I shall be’thankful to you if you publish this letter in your esteemed paper.
The loudspeaker, like most of the inventions of science, is both a blessing and a curse. It is useful at a public meeting. Its use as a handy instrument for commercial propaganda can be tolerated during the day. But its use at night is intolerable. It causes a lot of inconvenience to the sick people. They cannot relax peacefully.

Some people and institutions use the loudspeaker at night as well as in the early hours of the morning. Their noise makes it difficult for one to study or to do any serious work in one’s home. The examinations are fast approaching. It will be greatly appreciated if the use of loudspeakers is banned after 8.30 p.m.
Thanking you,

Yours truly,

Word-notes : Commercial – business. Approaching – coming near. Banned – forbidden.

7. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper criticising the evil of drinking.

202, Urban Estate,
January 22, 20 …………

The Editor,
The Indian Express,

Through your correspondence columns I like to draw the attention of the public towards a great social evil. This is the evil of drinking. It has become very common these days. The number of wine addicts is on the increase. People begin drinking in small doses. In course of time, they become hardened drunkards.

Drinking wine is harmful for the mental and physical growth of a person. In some cases, it leads to the financial ruin of the drunkard. Under the influence of wine, men begin to behave like beasts and animals. Wine leads to crime. Robberies, rapes and murders are often committed under the influence of drink. Excessive drinking ruins a mans health.

A drunkard begins to spend too much money on wine. The family depending on a drunkard begins to suffer. A drunkard cannot give proper education to his children for lack of money. The members of his family have to go without basic facilities of a comfortable life. Thus wine drinking weakens a society financially and morally. We should try to discourage the use of wine from our society.

Yours truly,
Subhash Kapoor

8. Write a letter to the editor of a daily newspaper complaining of open manholes near a children school.

12/3, Hari Nagar,
December 15, 20……

The Editor,
The Tribune,

Recently we have had a series of accidents in our locality due to the manholes. In the nights and during the rainy season, when visibility is poor, there have been many cases of elderly people stumbling over these manholes. The other day, a lady did stumble over a manhole but luckily escaped from getting seriously hurt. As there is a children’s school nearby, we are in constant fear that a child may slip and fall into a manhole. When it rains, the road is flooded, as is the case with the other roads, and the open manholes are a death trap to the unwary and the playful children.

The streets are not well-lit and often the manhole covers are stolen. The hazards caused by open manholes are too dangerous for any citizen to keep quiet in the matter.

Will the authorities concerned either devise manhole covers which do not attract thieves or pay prompt attention by sending the officials concerned regularly to check and ensure ‘ that these death traps are promptly covered ? Otherwise, it will be only a question of time before serious accidents occur involving loss of lives of innocent children.

Yours faithfully,

9. Write a letter to a daily newspaper complaining of eve-teasing near the bus-stops.

Harbans Nagar,
April 15, 20…….

The Editor,
The Tribune,

I shall be thankful if you kindly allow me the hospitality of your esteemed columns to air my views on eve-teasing near the bus-stops.

I am at pains to report the irresponsible behaviour of youths and even some middle-aged gentlemen, near our bus-stops. Not only do we have to put up with obscene posters, but also have to see our young women harassed and teased while they wait for a bus.

The other day, two young ladies were standing at a distance from the bus-stop, obviously to avoid these roadside Romeos. As soon as the bus came, they started running to get into the already over-crowded bus. These ’Romeos’ who were standing nearby, made such vulgar comments about them, that I, a sixty-five year old man, had to blush and close my ears.

These incidents have become quite common. I wish to suggest that the Mahila Samaj should post a voluntary welfare worker near these bus-stops during the rush-hours and, if necessary, take the help of the women police also. Unless this menace is curbed, our young girls and women coming from sheltered background, will get intimidated and might, in due course, refuse to do even their ordinary daily shopping. Instead of helping the cause of emancipation of women, we seem to be going back to the Dark Ages by tolerating the unseemly behaviour of these men and their like who indulge in eve-teasing.

Kindly take such steps as are possible to put an end to such acts of intimidation of women, which alone can help preserve our rich traditions and culture which have always held our women in deep reverence.

Yours faithfully,
Raman Kapoor

PSEB 12th Class English Letter Writing Letters to Editor

10. Write a letter to the Editor of a daily newspaper expressing your views criticising some of the unhygienic habits of Indians such as urinating and spitting at the public places.

141, Civil Lines,
June 24, 20 ……..

The Editor,
The Indian Express,

I shall be thankful if you kindly let me express my views about some of the unhygienic habits of our countrymen at all the public places.

People in our country keep on spitting afid urinating at all the public places. Spitting in public places is not just disgusting, it is extremely damaging for the public health. Diseases like tuberculosis (TB) are likely to spread in a society that tolerates them than in those that do not. India is the country with the largest number of TB cases in the world. We should take our cue from the Mumbai Municipal Corporation which has started imposing fines on those individuals who spit at the public places. Tuberculosis which is spread by spitting coughing, caused nearly 10,000 deaths in Mumbai last year.

There are various cleanliness and sanitation bylaws. Under these we can find defaulters/ offenders. Spitting in public calls for a rupee 50 fine, as also urinating. Sometimes people are seen defecating in parks and gardens. Another unhygienic habit of Indians is the habit of chewing pan, tobacco or pan masala, all of which requires spitting.

This leads to spraying of saliva in the public places. Sometimes rich people spit out a huge gob of pan by rolling down the windows of their cars. Some cleanliness drive must be launched in cities and towns and people should be warned against spitting and urinating in public places.

Yours trully,
Neeru Bajwa

11. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper pointing out the growing incidence of drug menace in India.

72, Canal Park,
April 22, 20 ………

The Editor,
The Indian Express,

Kindly allow me to express through columns of your esteemed paper my views about the growing incidence of drug menace in the country.

Drug addiction is a major social evil of modern times. Drugs are used by certain persons, to experience a floating sensation, feeling ease and relaxation. The use of drugs means physical dependence upon a drug. This includes the development of tolerance and withdrawal. An addict who develops tolerance requires more and more of the drug to take him to the world of fantasies. The habit of drug taking occurs at school, college and university or at a trip or at some social gatherings.

Youngsters who are very very shy, have emotional problems, inferiority complex and lack of strength and stamina. They fall easy victims to this habit. Lack of parental care and supervision, lack of religious and moral education, media and pop culture, hatred for authority, broken homes and truancy lead to the use of drugs. Drug addicts use narcotics such as heroin, smack, morphine and stimulants like cocaine and depressants.

Addiction to drugs is looming large as a social problem evading all solutions. In India, drug addiction is increasing. Intoxicating drugs are very harmful for health. The government has taken a number of steps to check the growing menace. The basic factor responsible for proneness to drugs is the sickening, emotional and psychological surroundings that leave the victim with no other option than to seek momentary escape from the mental tension. If the young ones are assured of proper love and care, these problems will not arise.

Yours truly,

12. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper expressing your views against drunken driving.

15, The Mall,
March 20, 20……..

The Editor,
The Tribune,

Kindly permit me to express my views about drunken driving on our roads in the columns of your newspaper.

We often hear it said that we should not drink and drive. But not many drivers or people on the wheels follow this advice. It is reported that more than 86,000 drunken driving accidents occur everyday across India. The absence of a compulsory alcohol test makes it difficult to get an exact figure. The number of such accidents is increasing. There is no law against drunken driving in the country. Under the old act of 1856, a drunken driver is charged with only a fine of Rs 2000 or imprisonment for six months and Rs 3000 or imprisonment for two years if found guilty a second time.

Laws against drunken driving should be made more stringent. Parties of drunken youngsters should be checked. They should be sent to jail for at least two weeks as measure to deter others from drunken driving. In Canada, a person driving under the influence of alcohol is barred from the roads and is also jailed. Stiffer penalties and fine should be imposed on those who are found guilty of drunken driving. Laws have to be made stiffer to act as a deterrent. The rich people should not be let off mildly if they are found guilty of drunken driving.

Yours truly,
Neeru Bajwa

13. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper expressing your views about underage driving of cars on the roads of Punjab cities.

25, Model Town,
October 22, 20 ………

The Editor,
The Tribune,

Kindly allow me to express my views against the underage driving in the readers’ columns of your newspaper.

There are many vehicles on the roads nowadays. Fond parents indulge their underage or minor children to drive the cars. They take pride in seeing their minor children driving their cars. They are generally the kids of rich people driving cars without licences. According to reports published in newspapers, about 2097 minors were prosecuted in 2011. The number of challans issued last year registered a 16% increase over 2014. With the rise in the number of vehicles and an increased exposure to the outside world, it is feared that more and more children will want to drive. Principals of schools should advise children not to drive vehicles belonging to their parents when they are below eighteen. It might be a good idea for Principals to talk to parents.

A minor driving should be made to pay a fine of Rs 1000/- and Rs 500/- in case of motor-bike or scooter. The owner of the car whose car is driven by a minor should be made to pay Rs 1500/- as fine and he should be kept in jail for three days. Such a measure must be implemented because minors are often responsible for rash driving and accidents.

Yours truly,
Kamini Bajwa

14. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper expressing your views about lavish spending on marriages and other social events.

113, Tagore Nagar,
April 24, 20 ……….

The Editor,
The Indian Express,

I shall be thankful if you kindly allow me to express my views regarding lavish and wasteful spending on marriages and other social events.

It is felt by most right thinking people that marriages and other social functions should be made frugal affairs. The number of dishes served at weddings should be restricted. They should not be allowed to exceed five or six. We should take our cue from Pakistan where only one dish is allowed at marriages and social gatherings. Marriages should not become event- filled as some have become. Ceremonies like mehndi, sangeet, cocktail parties and receptions should be clubbed into one or two. The number of guests or baratis should also be fixed and no violation should be tolerated.

The rich people may be able to spend a lot of money on these events. There is a lot of heart burning among those who cannot afford to spend so much on these functions. An awareness campaign should be launched by spirited social workers to advise the people to make marriages and other social functions frugal matters.

There are many people living under the poverty line in the country. By spending lavishly on marriages and other social events, we give the impression that we have no sympathy for their misery. We should try to reduce the misery of the poor people by making marriages and other social events simple affairs.

Yours truly,
Namrata Mann

PSEB 12th Class English Letter Writing Letters to Editor

15. Write a letter to the editor of a daily newspaper criticising the raising of age limit for consensual sex from 16 to 18 years.

15, Civil Lines,
May, 23, 20……….

The Editor,
The Tribune,

Kindly allow me to express my views about the raising of age limit for consensual sex from 16 to 18 years.

I understand that the worthy law-makers of our country are contemplating raising the age limit for consensual sex from 16 to 18 years for growing boys and girls. Even some of the courts and lawyers have expressed their views about this raising of age limit. They argue that with the advent of cable television, internet and rapid changes in biological factors, children are getting exposed to knowledge about sex and marital relations at an early age.

This results in boys and girls of young age being smitten with cupid at an early age before they attain majority or reach the zone of socially acceptable behaviour of responsibility. Parents are always opposed to such alliances between boys and girls. And the boys and girls in certain cases resort to elopement.

It is observed that even boys in some cases become victims as they do not understand the consequences of their actions and are sometimes lured by the girl. Such cases should act as an eye-opener for the worthy law-makers of our country. They should try to understand that gone are the days when a child of 16 to 17 years of age was ignorant about sex. Law-makers must have second thoughts before fixing the age of consensual sex.

Yours truly,
Unmukt Malhotra.

16. Write a letter to the editor of a daily newspaper pointing out some of the advantages and disadvantages of using mobile phones.

12, Basti Tankan Wali,
May 23, 20……..

The Editor,
The Tribune,

Kindly allow me to express my views about the advantages and disadvantages of using mobile phones very frequently.

It is true that mobile phones have several advantages. There are disadvantages and demerits as well. It is undoubtedly correct that mobile phones are playing a vital role in every aspect of our life. Many users pass their leisure by playing games or watching songs and movies on mobile phones and having long chats with their friends. But there are some demerits as well.

Most of the economies of several countries are under depression due to several reasons and frequent use of mobile phone is one of them. Mobile phone is destroying our emerging students because of its unproductive use and this is a big drain on every economy. Teenage students spend most of their time by keeping themselves busy in messaging and music. They use mobile phones during school timings. Young students become intimate through mobile phones. They start taking pictures of each other. Then they try to blackmail each other leading to so many moral and social complications.

The mobile radiation is a health hazard. Mobile phones use electromagnetic radiation which may be harmful to human health. Recendy WH.O. confirmed that mobile phone may represent a long term health risk. It was said that mobile phone radiation is a carcinogenic health risk. Heavy users of mobile phones can have a risk of brain cancer. We should take practical steps to reduce exposure to radiation. We should reduce the number of calls. The wise approach is to follow the precautionary principle of reducing the exposure as best as we can.

Yours truly,

17. Write a letter to the editor of a daily newspaper, emphasising the need for moral values in our curriculum (the group of subjects studied in a school, college, etc.).

The Editor,
The Indian Express,

Kindly allow me to express my views in the correspondence columns of your newspaper. It is lamented by all right thinking people that the modern society is suffering from a moral vacuum. There is no place for moral values in our society. In olden days religious and moral values were highly valued. They were the basis of Indian culture. We took pride in valuing them. But the modern society has left all the moral values under the bad influence of materialism. Most of the social ills in our society are there because morality has been divorced from life. It has been thrown in the background.

There is an urgent need for re-building our society on moral values. For this purpose, we should introduce moral education as a necessary part of our syllabus in each subject. It is not that we should preach dogmatism or communalism. We should try to inject moral values in the minds of students. Students should be taught the value of truth, honesty, justice, good moral character, brotherhood and love for our fellow-men.

Corrupt practices, as are prevalent in our society, should be brought to the notice of our students. There should be lectures on moral values in all classes. Some weightage should be given to such subjects in each question paper. This could go a long way in inspiring our students to assimilate some of the moral values.

Yours truly,
Preeti Mann

18. Write a letter to the editor of a daily newspaper expressing your views about vulgarity in Punjabi songs.

212, Urban Estate,
July 15, 20 …….

The Editor,
The Indian Express,

Kindly allow me to express my views about vulgarity in Punjabi songs through the correspondence columns of your newspaper.
All well-wishers of Punjab and Punjabi culture feel that Punjabi songs being heard in Punjab’s homes, villages, towns and public places are vulgar and lewd. They cater to a low taste. They glorify drinking, drugs and violence. They do not encourage good values of life. One feels embarrassed while listening to such songs. Punjabis say that Punjabi music became vulgar with Hey Jamah. It allowed to trigger vulgarity. It might be difficult to check the spread of vulgarity as this has become the vogue. Government should try to induct refinement and decency in the cultural fare by Punjabi singers. Song writers should be directed to give some refinement in their songs.

Yours truly,
Rani Ahuja

PSEB 12th Class English Letter Writing Letters to Editor

19. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper expressing your views about the evil of aduleration in most of the eatables and domestic needs of daily use.

120, Jhoolna Mahal,
May 21, 20………

The Editor,
The Indian Express,

Kindly allow me to express my views about adulteration practised by sellers of food stuffs and eatables through this letter in your newspaper.
Adulteration of eatables and daily needs of people are easy targets in our country. Adulteration means making a commodity inferior in quality by mixing it with something inferior.

It enables a man to earn a fast buck. Like corruption, adulteration has come to stay because of an unholy nexus between the merchants, officials and politicians. We have a law against adulteration but it is rarely enforced. Many precious lives are lost because of the greed of adulterators. Illicit wine takes the lives of many people every year in different states of the country. There is hardly any item in the Indian market which is not adulterated. Research has shown that even fruits, vegetables and cereals, pulses sold in the market contain high levels of toxic metals like lead, nickel and chromium.

Chemicals are used to make vegetables look greener. It is shameful that our Health Ministry is sleeping. Some strong steps need to be taken so that adulterators get deterrent punishment immediately after the crime. TV tells us that day after day milk, ghee, medicines, khoya, paneer, fruits and vegetables are adulterated in one way or another. Health Ministry should recommend immediate punishment for this crime.

Yours truly,
Raj Chibber

PSEB 12th Class English Application Writing

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class English Book Solutions English Application Writing Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 12th Class English Application Writing

1. Write an application to the Secretary, Board of Secondary Education, S.A.S. Nagar, Mohali, asking for a duplicate copy of your marks sheet.

The Secretary,
Board of Secondary Education,
S.A.S. Nagar, Mohali.

With due respect I beg to state that I passed my secondary examination in 20…. I was a regular student on the rolls of D.A.V. Senior Secondary School, Jalandhar. My roll number was 87316. I got first division by securing 66 per cent marks. Unfortunately, I have lost the original marks sheet. I am in need of a duplicate copy of marks sheet.

I am enclosing a postal order for Rs 25/- as the fee for issuance of a duplicate marks sheet. Kindly send the duplicate copy of my marks sheet at the earliest.
Date : May 14, 20 …….

Yours faithfully,
Harbans Singh
H.No. 221-A,
Kajori Mohalla,

PSEB 12th Class English Application Writing

2. The Punjab School Education Board has entered your name wrongly on your certificate. Write an application to the Secretary of the Board giving your correct name and requesting him to make necessary changes in the Board records.

333, Jhoolna Mahal,
June 23, 20……

The Secretary,
The Punjab School Education Board,
S.A.S. Nagar, Mohali.

With due respect I like to bring the following facts to your kind notice for prompt action.

I, Raminder Singh Bajwa, son of S. Krishan Singh Bajwa, resident of Gurdaspur qualified my Matriculation Examination in March 2002. I appeared under roll number 233222. I wrote my name correctly in the admission form. I regret to bring to your kind notice that my name has been wrongly registered as Rajinder Singh in place of Raminder Singh Bajwa in the certificate issued to me. This has involved me in unnecessary and unavoidable correspondence with the Board authorities. Your office clerks insist on writing my name as Rajinder Singh Bajwa as they do not like to take the trouble of correcting their own error. For this lapse and negligence of the Board clerks, I have failed to get my matriculation certificate in my correct name.

I am enclosing an affidavit affirming that I am Raminder Singh Bajwa and not Rajinder Singh Bajwa. You are requested to personally look into the matter and get the error corrected. You are also requested to arrange to issue a fresh certificate with my correct name as Raminder Singh Bajwa.
Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
Raminder Singh Bajwa

3. Write a letter/application to D.C. of your district requesting him to open a dispensary in your town.

The Deputy Commissioner,

We, the residents of Fatehgarh Churian, Tehsil Batala, lay down the following for your kind perusal and prompt action.

Fatehgarh Churian is a small town situated at a distance of about 15 kilometres from Batala and 25 kilometres from Gurdaspur. It is a growing town and its present population is about ten thousand people. It has no government hospital or dispensary worth the name. In case of an emergency, the. residents of the town have to go to Gurdaspur or Batala for hospitalisation. It becomes very difficult to provide first aid to a needy person. Recently, five women and three children who had been suffering from cholera died for want of medical attention.

We, the residents of the town, shall be grateful to you if you kindly arrange to open a dispensary. A town-dweller who has settled in Canada has agreed to pay the price of two acres of land and the cost of the construction of the building.

Thanking you in anticipation,

Yours faithfully,
Naresh Malik
and ten others,
Fatehgarh Churian.

4. Write a letter/application to the Postmaster of your town for the change of address.

12, Model Town,
Jalandhar City.
April 18, 20….

The Postmaster,
Central Town,

I want to bring to your kind notice that I have shifted my residence from K-44, Central Town to 12-Model Town.

I had to shift my belongings in a hurry. I could not inform my friends and relatives. It is possible that some of my letters might be written at the previous address. It is, therefore, requested that my letters may kindly be redirected on my new address. Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
Rajesh Kumar

5. Write a letter to the Postmaster General for providing a post office in your village.

Village Sanghar,
P.O. Dhariwal,
District Gurdaspur.
May 15, 20 ……..

The Postmaster General,

I, on behalf of the inhabitants of village Sanghar, would like to bring to your kind notice that there is no post office in our village which is growing everyday.

The villagers have to face many hardships because there is no post office within a radius of three kilometres. This village has a number of young men working in the defence services. Villagers have to go a long way for sending their telegrams, parcels and letters. Moreover, sometimes the most urgent messages and telegrams do not reach our village in time. The result is that villagers are put to a lot of inconvenience and hardship.

Under such circumstances, it becomes imperative to open a post office in our village. I, therefore, request you earnestly to provide a post office in our village. We are ready to donate land for the post office building.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
Sarpanch,Village Sanghar,
Post Office Dhariwal,
District Gurdaspur

6. You are Ramnik Singh. Write an application to the Manager of a firm for the post of a clerk.

22, Putli Ghar,
April 22, 20 ………

The Manager,
Bird and Company, Amritsar.

This is in response to your advertisement in ‘The Tribune’ dated 24th March, 20…… for the post of a clerk in your office. I beg to offer myself as a candidate for the same. As regards my qualifications, they are detailed below:

I passed my B.A. I examination in 20…….. as a regular student of D.A.V. College, Jalandhar in the second division. Then I joined a commercial college where I learnt both typewriting and shorthand. I can type in English, Hindi and Punjabi. My speed in shorthand is 80 w.p.m. My speed in typewriting in three languages is 50 w.p.m. I have been working as a clerk for the last two years. I am well-conversant with other official works and can speak English, Hindi and Punjabi fluently.

I am still in the service of the same firm. I seek better prospects which my present employer, with his limited business, cannot supply. He has no objection to my seeking a better job somewhere else.

I am a hardworking young man with a sound body and good experience. I enclose a certificate from my present employer about my character, experience and ability. Should you appoint me to the post, it would be my sincerest effort to give you every satisfaction.

Yours faithfully,
Ramnik Singh

PSEB 12th Class English Application Writing

7. Imagine you are Rohan. Write a letter to the Secretary, the Punjab School Education Board, Mohali requesting him to declare your result.

22, Urban Estate,
March 29, 20…….

The Secretary,
The Punjab School Education Board,

With due respect I beg to say that I appeared in the 10 + 2 examination of the Punjab School Education Board in March 20 ……. with roll number 231212 as a regular student of Government College, Gurdaspur. Even after the passing of a year, my result has not been declared. In the absence of the result I could not get admission in any of the educational institutions. I have suffered because of the failure of the Board to declare my result. This is despite the fact that I wrote three registered letters on the subject.

Kindly do me the favour of declaring my result without further delay. Thanking you in anticipation,

Yours faithfully,

8. Write a letter/application to the Postmaster General, concerning a lost money order.

15, Netaji Road,
25th August, 20……

The Postmaster General,

About a month ago, I sent a money order for Rs 200 to my brother Dr. R. L. Kapoor, 15-Park Road, Jodhpore. This should ordinarily have reached him by September 1st at the latest. But so far he has not received it. I have made enquiries several times at the local post office, where I booked the money order, but they are unable to tell me what has become of it.

I have been highly inconvenienced through what appears to be the carelessness of the postal authorities. I should be much obliged if you look into the matter immediately. The number of the money order receipt is 1221; it is dated Sept. 1, 20 …….. and stamped Amritsar, P.O.

Yours faithfully,
Gunwant Singh

9. Write a letter to the Postmaster requesting him to enquire why a parcel sent to you has not been delivered as yet.

124, Model Town,
June 10, 20…….

The Postmaster,

I want to bring to your notice the non-delivery of a parcel of books to me.

M/s Shyam Lai and Co., New Delhi, sent me a parcel of books on 4th April. It was posted at Chanakyapuri Post Office. It was a registered parcel bearing Registration No. 01396. It was to be delivered to me by the 9th of April. But even after a lapse of almost two months the parcel has not been delivered to me. It contained some very important books which I had ordered because I am preparing for the ensuing UPSC exam. The delay has upset all my plans and will certainly affect my career badly.

I request you to trace the parcel and deliver it to me as early as possible.
Expecting an early action.

Yours faithfully,
Rakesh Puri

10. Write a letter/application to the Commissioner of Jalandhar Division requesting him to get a sports stadium built at Gurdaspur.

110, Jail Road,
June 20, 20 ……

The Commissioner,
Jalandhar Division,

I like to bring to your notice that ours is a growing town with several facilities. The only thing lacking here is a sports stadium.

The residents of this town feel that we should have a sports stadium. The reason for this is simple. The state wrestling championship has been won by a wrestler from this town. Even at the district level wrestling competition, the wrestlers of Gurdaspur have done very well. Besides, we have several district and state level athletes. Nitish Kumar and Harjinder Singh represented the state at a swimming competition. Some of the first class sportsmen have joined the Navy and the Indian army. Some of the girls have also distinguished themselves in some of the disciplines.
A rich landlord has agreed to donate three acres of land for the purpose.

I also know that you are a lover of sports. I am sure that you would leave no stone unturned to give a practical shape to this proposal.

Yours faithfully,
Makhan Singh and ten other sports lovers.

11. Write a letter to the President of the Municipal Committee of your town about the unsatisfactory position of street lighting on the streets and lanes of your town.

202, Murgai Mohalla,
July 25, 20…….

The President,
Municipal Committee,

With due respect, I like to bring to your kind notice the extremely unsatisfactory position of street lighting in the narrow lanes and streets of Murgai Mohalla.

Murgai Mohalla is a neglected area so far as street lighting is concerned. As night falls, people are put to a lot of inconvenience because of absence of tubes and lights on the poles meant for that purpose. Absence of street lighting encourages anti-social people. The instances of eve-teasing are on the increase. Young women and girls who happen to return home soon after sunset are victims of molestation and groping. Rowdies take advantage of the prevailing darkness.

Petty thefts are also on the increase. On two or three occasions, two old women fractured their legs as they fell into some of the pits in the lanes. It is impossible to go out of one’s home even in an emergency because of the pitch dark streets. We brought the matter to the notice of the local Municipal Commissioner who promised to do something. Unfortunately he is lying in a hospital at Amritsar. You are requested to see the situation for yourself and get adequate tubes and bulbs fitted in the area.

Yours faithfully.
Chetan Rathore

PSEB 12th Class English Application Writing

12. Write a letter to the Director, Doordarshan Kendra, suggesting some improvements in the TV Programmes.

18, Chopra House,
Gali Khazanchian,
May 28, 20……..

The Director,
Doordarshan Kendra,

I wish to draw your attention to the deteriorating quality of television programmes telecast from your Kendra. They are cheap, dull, boring and not at all entertaining or informative. They do not cater to the needs of youth and housewives.

Most of the programmes are meant for the rural people who do not have any inclination to watch such dull and boring programmes.

The Kendra should start some programmes to attract young men and women who have some artistic genius in them. They should be. given opportunities to show their talent.

Even the plays telecast from your Kendra are sub-standard. They have no originality about them. The incharge of your plays should be asked to monitor plays telecast from Pakistan Television. They are realistic and have the human element in them. The plays telecast by Jalandhar Doordarshan are of a very poor quality. They hardly have any theme. Your station.must take the cue from PTV.

There must be a programme on general awareness for the benefit of those Punjab students who want to have a career outside the state. Some quiz programmes should be telecast. Young men and women with better performance should be encouraged through prizes.

A panel of distinguished artists, singers and educationists should be asked to monitor the quality of programmes from your station. I think these measures will go a long way in improving the programmes telecast by your Kendra.

Yours faithfully,
Akanksha Chopra

13. Suppose you are Sandeep. Write a letter to the Postmaster of your town complaining against the irregular delivery of your letters.

222, Urban Estate,
July 22, 20 ………..

The Postmaster,
Dear Sir,

I regret to bring to your kind notice that the delivery of letters in our area is very very irregular. The postman, Mr. Joginder Singh, is not performing his duty properly. He is very careless in delivering the letters. He is irregular also. On some Saturdays he does not deliver the letters. On days before other holidays, he fails to deliver the letters.

Sometimes he hands over letters to children asking them to deliver them to the addresses. His attitude to his duty is casual and irresponsible. This careless approach to duty often leads to the loss of some important letters. If urgent letters are not delivered in time, they cannot be responded to in time. I have warned him on several occasions but he does not seem to be bothered.

He is very rude, hie does not know how to respond politely to the people. You are requested to ask for his explanation about his irresponsible and casual attitude to the delivery of letters. It would be appreciated if he is suspended or warned to mend himself.

Yours faithfully,

Applications for Different Jobs

14. Write an application for the post of a teacher in a school.

12, Canal Park,
April 15, 20 …….

The Principal,
Khalsa Higher Secondary School,
Burj Sahib (Dhariwal).

With reference to your advertisement in the ‘Daily Tribune’ of April 14, 20……. for the post of a science teacher in your school, I beg to offer myself as a candidate for the post.

As regards my qualifications, I may state that I passed the B.Sc. (Non-medical) from the G.N.D.U. as a regular student of Baring Union Christian College, Batala in 20…. securing 65% marks in the first division. Thereafter, I did my B.Ed. training from the Janata Teachers Training College, Nakodar in first division in the year 20…. At present, I am working as a science teacher in a village high school.

I have a special aptitude for teaching. During my college days, I took keen interest in extra-curricular activities. I was a member of the College Dramatic Society and also an active member of the College Music Club.

I can teach very proficiently. A testimonial from my present Principal speaks volumes for my ability and performance. If I am given a chance to serve in your school, I promise to give a good account of myself as a science teacher.
Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
Raj an Tandon

15. Write an application to your Principal requesting him to condone your deficiency/ shortage in lectures. Give reasons.

The Principal,
Baring Union Christian College,

With due respect I beg to state that I am a student of + 2 class of your college. During the month of November, I fell seriously ill and was admitted in a local nursing home for treatment. I had to remain in the nursing home for four weeks. So, I could not attend my classes. As a result, I have fallen short of the required percentage of lectures to be eligible to appear in the annual examination. I may add that I did very well in my September House Examination. I secured more than 65% marks in all the subjects. I am sure that I shall do very well in my final examination also. Kindly condone my shortage of lectures and enable me to appear in the final examination.
Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
Swaroop Krishan Bhalla
Roll No : 1202
10 + 2

Dated : March 10, 20……

PSEB 12th Class English Application Writing

16. Write an application to the Principal of your school / college for remission of fine.

The Principal,
A.B. College,

Most respectfully I beg to state that I have been fined Rs 100 for reaching the college late on three consecutive days. I request you to remit the fine as I got late due to unavoidable circumstances.

My mother met with an accident. I had to take her to a local nursing home. For the three days on which I got late, there was none at home to take her to the nursing home. Hence it was not possible for me to neglect the treatment of my mother. To support my reason, I am enclosing a certificate from the doctor that I used to bring my mother to the clinic for treatment at 10 o’ clock in the morning for the three days in question.

I have placed the facts before you. I was late no doubt, but I was helpless. So, I request you to remit my fine. I shall be thankful to you for this act of kindness.

Yours faithfully,
Saurabh Kumar
Roll Number 1203

Dated : April 19, 20……

17. Write an application for the post of a steno-typist.

14, Civil Lines,
Jalandhar City.
August 6, 20…..

The Advertiser,
Post Box No. 313,
The Tribune,

This is in response to your advertisement in “The Tribune” dated 4th August, 20….. for the post of a steno-typist in your office. I beg to offer myself as a candidate for the same. As regards my qualifications, they are detailed below:

I passed my B.A. Examination in 20….. from D.A.V. College, Jalandhar in the second division. After my graduation, I joined a commercial college where I learnt both shorthand and type-writing. My speed in shorthand is 75 w.p.m. and my speed in type-writing is 50 w.p.m. I have been working as a stenotypist with Sehgal & Co., Jalandhar for the last five years. Besides shorthand and type-writing, I am also well conversant with other official work and can speak English, Hindi and Punjabi fluently.

I am still in the service of the same firm. I am seeking better opportunities which my present employer, with his limited, business, cannot supply. He has no objection to my seeking a better job somewhere else.

I am a young man of 25 with a sound body and a good appearance. I enclose a certificate from my present employer about my character, experience and ability.

Should you appoint me to the post, it would be my sincerest effort to give you every satisfaction.

Yours faithfully,
H.M.L. Sood

18. Write a letter to your Principal for a testimonial / character certificate.

2652, Sector 37 C,
August 10, 20 …..

The Principal,
Government College,

Respectfully I request you to kindly issue me a character certificate. I am required to produce it when applying for the post of a teacher.

I was a student of the college from 2001 to 2004 and passed the B.A. examination in April, 2004 securing first division marks with distinction in Mathematics. I was a member of the Students’ Central Association and the President of the Debating and Speakers Club. I was President of the English Speech Society. Throughout my college career, I remained in the good books of my worthy teachers.

My Roll No. in BA. final was 1305 and I was under the tutorship of Prof. Akash Malhotra who will testify to the truth of the facts stated above.
Kindly issue the character-cum-merit certificate at the earliest and oblige.
Thanking you in anticipation,

Yours faithfully,
Arvind Bhandari

19. Write an application to the Principal of your school / college complaining against the poor quality of food being supplied to you at the school hostel.

The Principal,
Government Higher Secondary School,

I regret to inform you that the food served in the hostel is the most unhygienic and of poor quality. Of course, the Kitchen Committee is there to monitor the quality of food served but the Mess Manager is more than a match for the Kitchen Committee.

Pure milk and curd are never served in the hostel. There is the Government dairy where pure milk is readily available but the Mess Manager buys it from Gujjars who are known for diluting milk with water.

The cooked food is no better. The vegetables that are cooked are often stale and rotten. They are cooked in sub-standard or inferior quality of edible oil. Most of the boarders suffer from cough and bad throat. The Mess Manager buys sub-standard quality of rice and wheat atta. We find small pieces of stone and some foreign matter in chapaties and cooked rice. Very often the boarders complain of dysentery and other stomach disorders.

It is high time that things are set right by improving the quality of food served in the hostel. The Mess Manager must be taken to task. He must be told that the quality of food supplied by him to the boarders is telling upon their health. He should be warned to improve things immediately otherwise he should be asked to leave.

Yours faithfully,
Rajesh Kohli
Govt. School Hostel

PSEB 12th Class English Application Writing

20. Write a letter to the Superintendent of Police pointing out the increase in the incidents of thefts in your locality.

15, Garden Colony,
February 22, 20 ……..

The Superintendent of Police,
Dear Sir,

I am writing this to invite your kind attention to the rising incidence of thefts in our locality, Garden Colony. This area has become a paradise for thieves and burglars. This locality is continuing to develop. Some of the roads are deserted especially in the afternoon. Hardly a day passes without an incident of theft. The worrisome point is that these incidents occur in the broad daylight when women-folk in their homes retire for rest after their household work.

Since it is a developing colony, labourers and strangers are seen moving around in a suspicious manner. Of course, there are a couple of policemen on guard near the entrance of the colony but they rarely patrol the colony. The S.H.O of the area has been kept informed about the incidents of thefts but there is no improvement in the situation. The residents of the locality are beginning to lose faith in the junior officials. Hence your personal attention is required to the problem facing the colony.
Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
P.K. Khanna

PSEB 12th Class English Reading Comprehension Unseen Passages Type-II

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class English Book Solutions English Reading Comprehension Unseen Passages Type-II Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 12th Class English Reading Comprehension Unseen Passages Type-II

Comprehension means understanding. At the learner s level comprehension is a fairly good exercise for ability enhancement and confidence building. It involves deriving or getting the meaning of reading material. It means the understanding of what is written or heard or spoken.

A passage given for comprehension is a tool to test ability to understand it. In order to acquire efficiency in understanding a passage, practice supplemented by reading books written by eminent authors, acts like the benefits of comprehension in the real sense. You could be asked different types of questions in order to find out if your knowledge is sound. Some of these questions may be:

  1. Multiple Choice Questions.
  2. You should read the passage again slowly so as to know all the details.
  3. Read the passage after reading all the questions.
  4. Answer the question in a complete sentence.
  5. Read the words in a group, not one by one.
  6. Try to get the meaning of unknown or unfamiliar words.
  7. Do not feel nervous if you do not know the meanings of one or two words. Sometimes two or three readings are quite helpful.
  8. Revise your answer to correct mistakes.
  9. Every passage embodies a viewpoint.
  10. As far as possible, use your own words in answering one line questions. You should not try to lift the words of the passage.
  11. You should try to create the impression that you are the master and you have thorough understanding of the passage given in the question paper.

PSEB 12th Class English Reading Comprehension Unseen Passages Type-II

Question No. 1 (b) in the question paper will be based on comprehension of an unseen passage.

Unseen passage for comprehension (passage of 150-200 words) followed by two Multiple Choice Questions, two single line comprehension questions, one question on fill in the blanks (two), one question on matching the words (two). There will be six questions in all carrying 6 marks.

Sample Paragraphs for Comprehension

1. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below it:

There are in our country, as in other countries of the world, thousands of handicapped persons, such as those who are blind or deaf and dumb. In some cases these persons may have been born blind or deaf while in others they may have gone blind or deaf as a result of some illness or accident.

You sometimes hear people say of such handicapped persons : “It is the work of fate” or “It is the will of God.” Some even say, “They suffer the fruits of their own actions in the past.” Even parents of handicapped children often express such feelings and opinions, and they scarcely ever think of how they can help these unfortunate ones. This certainly is not the way to look at the problems of the handicapped.

Whatever may be the cause of their suffering, we have got to treat the handicapped with sympathy and understanding. In many instances physically handicapped children suffer neglect and are left to themselves in their homes. This makes their life extremely sad and lonely. Our first duty is to make these children happier and less lonely. Secondly, we have got to educate these children and help them to live useful lives. We should secure for them benefits of education in schools intended for them. We have got to make them useful citizens by creating for them suitable opportunities to be employed. They will then have a sense of achievement, and we can be happy that we have done our duty for them.

Question 1.
How must we treat the handicapped children ?
(a) Strictly.
(b) With loneliness.
(c) With sympathy and understanding.
(d) With neglect, carelessness and loneliness.
(c) With sympathy and understanding.

Question 2.
According to the author, what is our first duty towards the handicapped ?
(a) It is to leave them alone.
(b) It is to make them do hard work.
(c) It is to make them happier and less lonely.
(d) It is to get them employed.
(c) It is to make them happier and less lonely.

Question 3.
How do some children become handicapped ?
They become handicapped by being deaf or blind.

Question 4.
What do some people say about the blind and deaf being handicapped ? You may give one of the opinions expressed in the passage.
Some children are handicapped because of the will of God.

Question 5.
Handicapped children suffer and are left to themselves their own homes.
neglect, in

Question 6.
Match words in column A with their meanings in column B:

Handicapped physically unfit
Sympathy not brave
feeling of pity and


Handicapped physically unfit
Sympathy feeling of pity and

2. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below it:

Penicillin is one of the most useful drugs invented by man. With its help we can heal wounds caused by bacteria which cannot be otherwise healed. To begin with, very few people knew of this wonderful discovery or its uses. First scientists and then ministers of governments were interested in it. Since penicillin could save the wounded soldiers, it could be helpful in war. And so they decided to encourage the process of manufacture. Vast factories were set up for preparing it.

Lives of hundreds and thousands of soldiers were saved with its help. Most people benefited from it. Penicillin when introduced into the stream of the human blood, acts as an aid to those parts which are always fighting the deadly germs. It has not power over every kind of bacteria, but certain kinds are destroyed by penicillin in the great majority of cases.

Question 1.
Choose the correct statement:
(a) Penicillin is harmful like other drugs used by drug addicts.
(b) With the help of penicillin we can heal many wounds caused by bacteria.
(c) In the beginning many people knew the use of the wonderful penicillin.
(d) Nobody was first interested in penicillin.
(b) With the help of penicillin we can heal many wounds caused by bacteria.

Question 2.
Who were interested in the-discovery of penicillin in the beginning ?
(a) Ministers of governments and scientists.
(b) Smugglers.
(c) Researchers.
(d) Students studying science in Colleges.
(a) Ministers of governments and scientists.

Question 3.
How was penicillin helpful in war ?
It was helpful in war because it saved many wounded soldiers.

PSEB 12th Class English Reading Comprehension Unseen Passages Type-II

Question 4.
Who benefited from the use of penicillin ?
Thousands of people benefited from the use of penicillin.

Question 5.
The water level dips …………… the streams ………….. the winter season.
in, in

Question 6.
Match the following words in column A with their meanings in column B:

Aid method
Process help


Aid help
Process method

3. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below it:

Brain drain, also referred to as human capital flight, is the action of having highly skilled and educated people leaving their country to work abroad. It has actually become one of the serious concerns for the developing nations. While many people believe that immigration is a personal choice that must be understood and respected, others look at the phenomenon from a different perspective. What makes those people leave their country, their own people, should be seriously considered and a distinction between pull and push factors must be made. The push factors include low wages and lack of satisfactory working and living conditions.

Social unrest, political conflicts and wars may also be determining causes. The pull factors, however, include intellectual freedom and substantial funds for research. Brain drain has negative impact on the economic prospects and competitive skills of sending countries. It reduces the number of dynamic and creative people who can contribute to the development of their country. Likewise, with more entrepreneurs taking their investments abroad, developing countries are missing opporunity of wealth citation.

Question 1.
The term brain drain is also referred to as:
(a) Human capital flight
(b) Capital flight
(c) Pull factors
(d) Push factors.
(a) Human capital flight
(b) Capital flight

Question 2.
Brain drain has terrible consequences on the economic development of:
(a) Sending countries
(b) Receiving countries
(a) Sending countries
(b) Receiving countries

Question 3.
What do you mean by the term brain drain ?
It means the departure of skilled and educated people to other countries for better opportunities.

Question 4.
Give the push factors that lead to brain drain.
Push factors are low wages, lack of satisfactory working and living conditions and some determining causes.

Question 5.
Fill in the two blanks in the given sentence with suitable words from the passage:
Every citizen must …………. to the development of the …………….. whole-heartedly.
contribute, nation

Question 6.
Match the words under column A with their meanings under column B:

Conflicts decrease
Reduce increase


Conflicts disputes.
Reduce decrease

4. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below it:

Health and hygiene go hand in hand. Health refers to a state of sound mind and physically fit body, free from any form of sickness, disorder or ailment. Hygiene refers to the good practices that prevent disease and leads to good health through cleanliness, proper sewage disposal, balanced and nutritious food, regular exericse, proper sleep, pure and fresh air and supply of safe drinking water. The proverb, ‘Health is Wealth’ is truly said of all things in the world.

Good health is the most valuable that one can possess. Money is undoubtedly a prized possession, but can it provide pleasure to a ruined health ? As body and mind are closely related, the mind can never be sound and cheerful without sound health. An unhealthy man may have intelligence, merit and wealth but he cannot put them to use and reap their benefits. We must, therefore, adopt proper hygienic measures to preserve and maintain good health. Too much work or exercise, eating or drinking are injurious to health. A regulated life coupled with clear and pure mind makes life worth living.

Question 1.
Choose the factors that refer to health:
(a) sound mind
(b) physically fit body
(c) freedom from sickness
(d) drunkenness
(a) sound mind
(b) physically fit body
(c) freedom from sickness

Question 2.
Life can be worth living through:
(a) smoking and drinking
(b) taking drugs
(c) regulated life
(d) healthy body.
(c) regulated life
(d) healthy body.

Question 3.
Which is most valuable thing that one can possess ?
Good health is the most valuable thing.

Question 4.
How can we preserve and maintain good health ?
We can preserve and maintain good health by adopting proper hygienic measures.

Question 5.
Drinking and smoking are injurious ………….. health and ruinous ………….. our economy.
to, for

Question 6.
Match the words under column A with their meanings under column B:

Injurious to prevent from
Preserve harmful for
beneficial to.


Injurious harmful for
Preserve to prevent from

5. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below it:

More than 150 years ago after the death of John Dalton, whose atomic thoery is the basis of chemistry, a scientist has established the cause of his colour blindness, Dalton could not distinguish red from green. In 1784 English chemist was the first to describe colour blindness which became known as Daltonism. The word is still used in French, Spanish and Russian.

Scientists from London and Cambridge have examined DNA from fragments of Dalton’s eyes preserved at his request by the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, and have shown that he lacked the gene for making green pigment in the retina.

Dalton who lived from 1766 to 1844 gave instructions for his eyes to be examined after his death. He had believed that the vitreous humour, the clear substance in the inner chamber of the eyes must in his case be tinted blue so that it absorbed red light. At the autopsy no such blue tint was found. But from Daltons perception of how he perceived light, historians have concluded that he must have lacked the pigment in the retina that is sensitive to red light.

That is now showing to be wrong after work by a team led by Dr. David Hut of the institute of Ophthalmology of London and Dr. John Milton from Cambridge University.

Question 1.
What colours Dalton could not distinguish ?
(a) Red from blue.
(b) Red from brown.
(c) Red from green.
(d) Red from purple.
(c) Red from green.

Question 2.
What instructions did Dalton give regarding his eyes ?
(a) To be preserved at home.
(b) To be examined after death.
(c) To be checked without delay.
(d) To be kept in museum.
(b) To be examined after death.

PSEB 12th Class English Reading Comprehension Unseen Passages Type-II

Question 3.
Which languages still use the word ‘Daltonism’?
French, Spanish and Russian languages still use the word Daltonism.

Question 4.
What did Dalton believe about his own blindness ?
He believed that the clear substance in the inner chamber of the eyes must be tinted blue so that it absorbed red light.

Question 5.
Historians came to the ………… that he …………….. a pigment in his retina.
conclusion, lacked

Question 6.
Match the words under column A with their meanings in column B :

Tinted assimilate
Absorb coloured


Tinted coloured
Absorb assimilate.

6. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below it:

One night a man came to our house and told me, “There is a family with eight children. They have not eaten for days.” I took some food and went out. When I finally came to the family, I saw the faces of those little children disfigured by hunger. There was no sorrow or sadness in their faces, just the deep pain of hunger. I gave the rice to the mother. She divided it in two and went out, carrying half the rice with her. When she came back, I asked her, “Where did you go ?” She gave me this simple answer, “To my neighbours. They are also hungry.” I was not surprised because poor people are generous but I was surprised that she knew they were hungry.

As a rule, when we are suffering, we are so focused on ourselves ; we have no time for others. We become selfish and self-centred. Having experienced the pangs of sufferings, we should, rather extend a helping hand to the poor and the needy.

Question 1.
The faces of the little children showed :
(a) hunger.
(b) sorrow.
(c) sadness.
(d) patience.
(a) hunger.

Question 2.
The action of the mother shows:
(a) sympathy.
(b) generosity.
(c) love.
(d) hatred.
(a) sympathy.

Question 3.
Where did the mother go ?
She went to hungry neighbours.

Question 4.
Why was the gendeman surprised ?
He was surprised because the mother knew that her neighbours were hungry.

Question 5.
Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the passage :
Generally those who are suffering, are …………. on themselves and have no …………….. for others.
focussed, time

Question 6.
Match the words under column A with their meanings under column B:

Generous give attention to one particular thing
Focussed inattentive


Generus large-hearted
Focussed give attention to one particular thing.

7. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below it:

Less obviously, but just as significant, are the social reasons behind the modern urge to travel. Foreign journeys were at one time expensive and difficult for most people to organize, in fact a luxury for the wealthy. Today cheap airfares and package holidays have made foreign travel fashionable for many, especially for those who spend their working lives in crowded cities and in industry. Travel to foreign countries is now within reach of families who only thirty years ago would have hardly dreamt of such a thing.

Indeed, for some it has become a matter of personal pride to boast of time spent abroad, and the more glamorous and far- flung the destination, the better. Indians are now looking beyond the beaches of Goa to Miami beaches or to the mountains of Alps or the Niagara Falls or even the safaris of Africa for a new and vastly different experience. Travel companies have been quick to advertise the cultural and educational advantages of such holidays, selling wildlife exploration trips of the Amazon or the ancient temples of the east just as earnestly as they once did the ‘magic of Rome’ or the ‘splendours of ancient Athens’.

Question 1.
What was once a luxury for the wealthy ?
(a) Betting on horse-races.
(b) Gambling in a Cassino.
(c) Foreign travel
(d) Keeping a stable of horses.
(c) Foreign travel

Question 2.
What has made foreign travel fashionable now ?
(a) Cheap airfares and package holidays.
(b) Attraction of glamorous and far-flung destinations.
(c) Peoples longing to go abroad.
(d) People’s yearning to see the panorama of foreign countries.
(a) Cheap airfares and package holidays.
(b) Attraction of glamorous and far-flung destinations.

Question 3.
Why do people look forward to go to foreign locations now ?
People’s yearning to see the panorama of foreign countries.

Question 4.
Name four cities in the East which you would like to visit.
Singapore, Dubai, Flongkong, Abu Dhabi.

Question 5.
Fill up the two blanks in the following sentence :
The pull …………….. our country remains with us even when we go to far-flung beaches of Gold Coast and Miami …………… America.
of, in

Question 6.
Match the words given under column A with their meanings under column B :

Splendours beautiful features of a place
Earnestly seriously


Splendours beautiful features of a place
Earnestly seriously

8. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that are given at the end:

Water and soil are two other important factors in the environment of plants. All the chemical processes that take place in living things depend on water, without water all living things die. The only plants that can survive in a desert where there is very little water, are those that can retain water in their tissues. The amount of water in any place on land depends first on the rainfall. But the kind of soil is also important. If it lets water through too quickly none is left- for plants. And even if the soil does hold water, wind and sun may dry out the surface. Wind, sun and rainfall are the main influences of climate. Different combinations of these three produce different climates, and in turn different plants are adapted to these climates. Animals follow the plants or other herbivorous animals which they need for food so that animal distribution also is tied closely to climate.

Question 1.
Choose the correct statements:
(a) Water and soil are two important factors in the environment of plants.
(b) All chemical processes taking place in living things depend on water.
(c) Without water all livings die.
(d) Only plants that can survive in a desert are those having water in their tissues.
(a) Water and soil are two important factors in the environment of plants.
(b) All chemical processes taking place in living things depend on water.
(c) Without water all livings die.
(d) Only plants that can survive in a desert are those having water in their tissues.

Question 2.
Choose the correct statement:
(a) Wind, sun and rainfall are the main influences of climate.
(b) Different combinations of wind, sun and rainfall produce different climates.
(c) Animals follow the plants or other herbivorous animals which they need for food.
(d) Animal distribution also is tied closely to climate,
(a) Wind, sun and rainfall are the main influences of climate.

PSEB 12th Class English Reading Comprehension Unseen Passages Type-II

Question 3.
Give the names of two important factors in the environment of plants.
Water and Soil are the two important factors.

Question 4.
Name the three main influences of climate.
Wnd, sun and rainfall.

Question 5.
Fill up the two blanks in the sentence below by taking words from the passage:
Wind, …………. and rainfall are the main …………… of climate.
sun, influences

Question 6.
Match the words given under column A with their meanings in column B:

Tied surroundings
Environment barricade
linked to.


Tied linked to
Environment surroundings.

9. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below it:

In a reversal of the norm elsewhere, in India policymakers and economists have become optimists while bosses do the worrying. The country’s Central Bank has predicted that India’s economy is likely to grow at a double digit rate during the next 20-30 years. India has the capability with its vast labour and lauded entrepreneurial spirit. But the private sector which is supposed to do the heavy lifting that turns India from the tenth largest economy to the third largest by 2030 has become fed up.

Business people often carp about India’s problems but their irritation this time has a nervous edge. In the first quarter of 2011, GDP grew at an annual rate of 7-8 percent; in 2005-07 it managed 9-10 percent. The economy may be slowing naturally as the low interest rates and public spending that got India through the global crisis are belatedly withdrawn. At the same time the surge in inflation caused by exorbitant food prices has spread more widely, casting doubts over whether India can grow at 8-10 percent in the medium term without over heating.

Question 1.
What rate of growth does the Central Bank predict for the Indian economy for the next 20-30 years ?
(a) Double digit percent.
(b) Eight percent.
(c) Seven percent.
(d) Five percent.
(a) Double digit percent.

Question 2.
Who is presumed to do the heavy lifting to convert India into third largest economy ?
(a) Private sector.
(b) Public sector.
(c) Government agencies.
(d) Exorbitant food prices.
(a) Private sector.

Question 3.
On what is India’s capability to grow based ?
It is based on the predictions of Central Bank.

Question 4.
What is casting doubts over India’s growth rate ?
Exorbitant food prices are casting doubts about India’s growth rate.

Question 5.
Fill up the two blanks by using your own words or words from the passage:
He suffered heavy ……………… in his business and he had a …………….. breakdown.
losses, nervous

Question 6.
Match the words under column A with their meanings in column B:

Lauded starting own business seeing a new opportunity
Entrepreneurial speculative
highly praised.


Lauded highly praised
Entrepreneurial starting own business seeing a new opportunity.

10. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow it:

He was a funny-looking man with a high, bald, dome-shaped head, a face very small in comparison, a round upturned nose and a long wavy beard that didn’t seem to belong to such a perky face. His ugliness was a standing joke among his friends and he helped them to enjoy the joke. He was a poor man and something of an idler-a stone-cutter by trade, a sort of semi-skilled sculptor. But he didn’t work any more than was necessary to keep his wife and three boys alive. He preferred to talk. And since his wife was a complaining woman who used her tongue as an irate wagon driver uses a horse-whip, he loved above all things to be away from home.

He would get up before dawn, eat a hasty breakfast of bread dipped in wine, slip on a tunic and throw a coarse mantle over it, and be off in search of a shop, or a temple, or a friend’s house, or the public baths, or perhaps just a familiar street corner, where he could get into an argument. The whole city he lived in was seething with argumentation. The city was Athens, and the man we are talking about was Socrates.

Question 1.
Choose the correct name of the person whose important physical features are given under (a), (b), (c) and (d):
(a) He was a funny looking man with a high bald, dome-shaped head. He was very ugly.
(b) He did not work very hard to earn more than required to feed his wife and children.
(c) His wife was a complaining woman, so he often kept away from home.
(d) Was he one of these-Aristotle, Plato, Socrates ?

Question 2.
Identify the individual who followed his daily routine through the following activities:
(a) He got up before dawn and had his breakfast.
(b) He reached one of the places-a street corner, a public bath, a temple to get into an argument.
(c) It was the city of Athens.
(d) The whole city was seething with argumentation.

Question 3.
Whose ugliness was a standing joke among the people ?
It was the ugliness of Socrates.

Question 4.
Give a brief description of the ugly man.
He was funny-looking, with a high bald, dome-shaped head, a small face, with an upturned nose, happy and energetic face etc.

Question 5.
Fill up the two blanks in the given sentence using your own words or words from the passage :
Socrates loved to stay ……………. from ……………
away, home.

Question 6.
Match the words under column A with their meanings under column B:

Coarse happy and foil of energy
Perky angry


Coarse rough
Perky happy and full of energy.

11. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below it:

In the eighteenth century, one of the first modern economists, Adam Smith, thought that the whole annual produce of the land and labour of every country provide revenue to three different orders of people; those who live by rent, those who live by wages and those who live by profit. Each successive stage of the industrial revolution, however, made the social structure more complicated.

Many intermediate groups grew up during the nineteenth century between the upper middle class and the working class. There are small scale industrialists as well as the large ones, small shopkeepers and tradesmen, officials and salaried employees, skilled and unskilled workers, and professional men as doctors and teachers. Farmers and peasants continue in all countries as independent groups.

In spite of this development, one of the most famous writers on social class in the nineteenth century, Karl Marx, thought that there was tendency for society to split into huge class camps, the capitalists and the workers. Influential as Marx’s theory of social class, it was much over-simplified. The social make-up of modern societies is much more complex than he suggested.

Question 1.
According to passage, doctors and teachers belong to the:
(a) Upper class.
(b) Upper middle class.
(c) Working class.
(d) Middle class.
(b) Upper middle class.

Question 2.
What effect did each stage of the industrial revolution have on social structure ?
(a) Made it easier to learn.
(b) Made it simple.
(c) Made it complicated.
(d) Made it flexible.
(b) Made it simple.

Question 3.
Who developed the two-class theory ?
Karl Marx developed the two-class theory.

Question 4.
Who are considered as intermediate group ?
The small shopkeepers and tradesmen are considered as intermediate group.

Question 5.
Fill up the blanks (two) in the following sentence :
The new country of Pakistan was created ………….. 14th August, 1947 though the partition
of United India was declared a day ………….. on 15th August, 1947.
on, later

Question 6.
Match the words under column A with their meanings in column B

Split big
Huge not heavy


Split broken
Huge big.

12. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below it:

Named after former Prime Minister Inder Kumar Gujral’s mother, Pushpa Gujral Science City located on Jalandhar-Kapurthala Road, just west of Jalandhar is extremely thrilling. Almost every branch of science is exhibited, right from physical, applied, natural and social sciences. Similarly health sciences, human evolution and civilization, engineering, technology, agriculture, the environment, ecosystems and Jurassic Park are presented in great details and show the various aspects of Science. In the Dome theatre, large format films are projected on 23 meter-tilted dome. Semi-circular giant dome screen produces huge images that soar and swoop above, beside and behind you, to give you a spectacular, immiscible experience.

The light-speed 3D Digital Theatre presents three dimensional computer graphics, videos and the most advanced animation. Amazing Living Machine Gallery presents the intricate structures and functions of the human body using large human models. The flight simulator provides the visitors a sense of adventure. The laser theatre presents laser shows that carry the visitors to a wonderland to experience a mind boggling mix of sound and laser beams. The Dinosaur Park displays the evolution of dinosaurs and the probable reasons for their extinction. There is also a kids’ park containing tunnels, rides, bouncers etc. and an artificial lake that allows the visitors to indulge in boating. With all the wonderful attractions, a visit to the Science City would be highly informative and enjoyable.

Question 1.
Choose on? of the following facilities which provides a sense of adventure :
(a) Laser Theatre.
(b) Dome Theatre.
(c) Kids’ Park.
(d) Flight Simulator.
(d) Flight Simulator.

Question 2.
Large human models are found in :
(a) Dinosaur Park.
(b) Amazing Living Machine Gallery.
(c) Digital Theatre.
(d) Laser Theatre.
(b) Amazing Living Machine Gallery.

Question 3.
Where is the science city situated ?
It is situated on Jalandhar-Kapurthala Road.

PSEB 12th Class English Reading Comprehension Unseen Passages Type-II

Question 4.
What is displayed in the Dinosaur Park ?
The Dinosaur Park displays the evolution of the dinosaurs and the probable reason of their disappearence.

Question 5.
Fill up the two blanks in the sentence given below with the words used in the passage above:
Our visit to Pushpa Gujral Science City was very ……………. and …………….
thrilling, mind boggling.

Question 6.
Match the words under column A with their meanings under column B :

Located shown
Exhibited situated.


Located situated
Exhibited shown.

13. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below it:

In the pleasant valley of a country which was called Thessaly, there lived a man whose name was Orpheus. Everyday he made soft music with his golden harp and sang beautiful songs such as no one had ever heard before. And whenever Orpheus sang, everything came to listen to him. It was strange to watch the beasts that came and stood all around him. Cows came, and sheep and dogs, and horses and with them came bears and wolves; but the wild beasts did not hurt the cows and sheep, for they forgot their cruel ways as they heard the songs of Orpheus. The high hills listened to him also and even clouds sailed along more gently and brightly in the sky when he sang; and the stream which ran close to his feet made a softer noise to show how glad his music made it.

Question 1.
Identify the man :
(a) Who lived in the pleasant valley of a country.
(b) Who made soft music with his golden harp.
(c) Who sang beautiful songs.
(d) Who sang songs which had never been heard by anyone before.

Question 2.
State the event :
(a) Everything came to listen ……………..
(b) Beasts stood all around ……………..
(c) The high hills listened ……………..
(d) Horses, wolves and bears came ……………..
when Orpheus sang.

Question 3.
How did the beasts behave towards sheep and cows ?
They forgot their cruel ways.

Question 4.
What was the effect of the singers songs on the animals ?
They came and stood around the singer.

Question 5.
Fill up the two blanks in the given sentence with your own words or words from the passage:
The stream a noise to show its gladness.
made, softer

Question 6.
Match the words under column A with their meanings under column B:

Harp musical instrument
softer gentler.


Harp musical instrument
softer gentler.

PSEB 12th Class English Reading Comprehension Unseen Passages Type-I

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class English Book Solutions English Reading Comprehension Unseen Passages Type-I Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 12th Class English Reading Comprehension Unseen Passages Type-I

Comprehension means understanding. At the learners level comprehension is a fairly good exercise for ability enhancement and confidence building. It involves deriving or getting the meaning of reading material. It means the understanding of what is written or heard or spoken.

A passage -given for comprehension is a tool to test ability to understand it. In order to acquire efficiency in understanding a passage, practice supplemented by reading books written by eminent authors, acts like the benefits of comprehension in the real sense. You could be asked different types of questions in order to find out if your knowledge is sound. Some of these questions may be:

1. Multiple Choice Questions.
2. You should read the passage again slowly so as to know all the details.
3. Read the passage after reading all the questions.
4. Answer the question in a complete sentence.
5. Read the words in a group, not one by one.
6. Try to get the meaning of unknown or unfamiliar words.
7. Do not feel nervous if you do not know the meanings of one or two words. Sometimes two or three readings are quite helpful.
8. Revise your answer to correct mistakes.
9. Every passage embodies a viewpoint.
10. As far as possible, use your own words in answering one line questions. You should not try to lift the words of the passage.
11. You should try to create the impression that you are the master and you have thorough understanding of the passage given in the question paper.

PSEB 12th Class English Reading Comprehension Unseen Passages Type-I

Question No. 1 (a) in the question paper will be based on comprehension of an unseen passage.

One unseen passage with a variety of Objective Type Questions, including Multiple Choice questions and Short Answer Questions to test Comprehension, interpretation and inference. The length of this passage will be between 200-250 words. Six Multiple Choice type question and four Objective Type Questions (total 10 marks) shall be asked from this pasage.

Sample Paragraphs for Comprehension

Passage 1

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow it. Your answers should be brief and to the point.

The great advantage of early rising is the good start that it gives us in our day’s work. The early riser has done a large amount before other men have got out of bed. In early morning this mind is fresh and there are few sounds or other distractions, so the work done at that time is generally well done. In many cases the early riser also finds some time to take exercise in the fresh morning air, and this exercise supplies him with a fund of energy that will last until the evening. By beginning so early, he has plenty of time to do thoroughly all his work being finished in good time, has a long interval of rest in the evening before the timely hour when he goes to bed. He goes to sleep several hours before midnight, at the time when sleep is most refreshing, and after a sound night’s rest, rises early next morning in good health and spirits for the labours of a new day.

Multiple Choice Questions:

Question 1.
Choose one of the following as a suitable title for the passage:
(a) Advantages of Early Rising
(b) Early Rising versus Late Rising
(c) Disadvantages of Early Rising
(d) An Early Riser or An Early Bird
(a) Advantages of Early Rising

Question 2.
Choose the correct meaning of the Word ‘Distraction:
(a) Destruction
(b) Disappointment
(c) State of being upset or disturbed
(d) Destinations
(c) State of being upset or disturbed

Question 3.
Choose the correct answer:
The work done by an early riser is:
(a) Hurriedly done
(b) Well done
(c) Carelessly done
(d) Badly done
(b) Well done

Question 4.
Select the correct statement:
(a) An early riser gets time to take exercise in the fresh morning air
(b) One gets no time for exercise
(c) The early riser does not take exercise
(d) He takes exercise in the evening.
(a) An early riser gets time to take exercise in the fresh morning air

Question 5.
Pick the correct statement:
(a) The early riser gets time for rest in the morning.
(b) The early riser does not find time for rest in the evening.
(c) The early riser does not take rest in the evening.
(d) The early riser hates taking rest in the evening.
(a) The early riser gets time for rest in the morning.

Question 6.
Choose the correct statement:
(a) The life of the early riser is far more conducive to health than that of the late riser.
(b) The life of the early riser is not conducive to health.
(c) The life style of the early riser is envied by others.
(d) The life of the early riser is marked by hurry, worry and stress.
(a) The life of the early riser is far more conducive to health than that of the late riser.

Other Objective Type Questions:

Question 7.
What is the advantage of rising early ?
Early rising gives a good start to the day’s work. The early riser is able to do a good deal of work while the others are still asleep.

Question 8.
Why is the work done in the early morning well done ?
In the early hours of the morning, work is done in a very good way. The early morning time is free from noise. There is no disturbance of any kind.

Question 9.
What enables the early riser to go to bed at the proper time ?
The mind of the riser is also quite fresh. By rising early, the early riser adds to his hours of work. He gets ample time to do full justice to each one of tasks or jobs assigned to him. He does not have to hurry over anything.

Question 10.
Why is the late riser unable to do his work properly ?
The late riser gets fewer hours of work. He gets no rest during the day, no time for rest, no time for exercise in the evening and has to keep awake till late hours in order to finish his work. And still whatever work is done is done unsatisfactorily.

Passage 2

Read the following passage and answer the Questions that follow it. Your answers should be brief and to the point.

Penicillin is one of the most useful drugs invented by man. With its help, we can heal wounds caused by bacteria which cannot be otherwise healed. In the beginning very few people knew of this wonderful discovery on its uses. First the scientists and then the ministers of governments were interested in it. Since penicillin could save the wounded soldiers, it was helpful in war. So they decided to encourage the process of manufacture. Vast factories were set up for preparing it. Lives of hundreds and thousands of soldiers were saved with its help. Most people benefited from it. Penicillin when introduced into the streams of the human blood, acts as an aid to those parts which are always fighting the deadly germs. It does not have power over all kinds of bacteria. But certain kinds are destroyed by penicillin in the great majoriy of cases.

Multiple Choice Questions:

Question 1.
Select the correct statement:
(a) Penicillin is not the most useful drugs invented by man.
(b) Penicillin is one of the most useful drugs invented by man.
(c) Penicillin has not been able to cure Corona virus.
(d) Vaccine for the Corona virus is still at the testing stage.
(b) Penicillin is one of the most useful drugs invented by man.

Question 2.
Choose the correct statement:
(a) Penicillin could not save the wounded soldiers.
(b) Penicillin could save the soldiers.
(c) Penicillin could injure the soldiers.
(d) Penicillin could kill the soldiers.
(b) Penicillin could save the soldiers.

Question 3.
Pick up those who were interested in the discovery of penicillin in the beginning.
(a) Teachers
(b) Ministers of governments
(c) doctors
(d) Scientists.
(b) Ministers of governments

Question 4.
Penicillin was helpful in war to:
(a) Save wounded soldiers
(b) Save ordinary people
(c) Save healthy people
(d) Save children.
(a) Save wounded soldiers

Question 5.
Just write how many of the people given below knew about the penicillin at the time of its discovery ?
(a) Very few people
(b) A few scientists
(c) Famous physicians
(d) Important world leaders.
(a) Very few people

Question 6.
Choose the people who encouraged the process of manufacture.
(a) Factory owners
(b) Military men
(c) Scientists
(d) Ministers of governments.
(c) Scientists

Other Objective Type Questions:

Question 7.
Why did scientists and ministers of governments encourage the process of manufacture ?
Penicillin was useful for war because it saved the lives of soldiers. So the scientists and government ministers encouraged the process of manufacture.

Question 8.
Why were vast factories set up ?
Vast factories were set up to prepare penicillin.

Question 9.
How did most people benefit from penicillin ?
Most people benefited from penicillin because it saved the lives of many soldiers and people.

Question 10.
What kind of bacteria are destroyed by penicillin ?
Certain kinds of bacteria are destroyed by penicillin in the great majority of cases.

PSEB 12th Class English Reading Comprehension Unseen Passages Type-I

Passage 3

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow it. Your answers should be brief and to the point.

Platinum is pure, rare, eternal and versatile, it is a precious and special metal. It is pure, an expression of integrity, and a reflection of inner truth. Its purity endows it with a brilliant white lustre. This helps to reflect the true radiance of diamonds. Because it is generally 95% pure (18 karat gold is 75% pure), platinum jewellery does not fade on tarnish and keeps its looks for a lifetime. Platinum’s purity makes it hypoallergenic an ideal for those with sensitive skin.

It is rare, the coveted treasure of discerning individuals. There is very little platinum on this earth and it is found in very few places around the world. This exquisite metal is thirty times rarer than gold. In fact, it is estimated that if all the platinum in the .world were poured into one Olympic swimming pool, it would be scarcely deep enough to cover your ankles. Gold would fill more than three pools. Platinum’s rarity makes it exclusive and distinctive —a celebration of your individuality.

Platinum jewellery is the perfect choice for a lifetime of everyday^ wear. Its density and weight make it more durable than other jewellery metals. It does not wear away and holds precious stones firmly and securely. Like all precious metals, platinum scratches. However the scratch on a platinum piece is merely a displacement of the metal and none of its volume is lost. So, even though wearing it each and every day may leave an impression on the surface. It remains what it was—a symbol for all thing eternal.

In addition to its strength and density, plantinum has another remarkable quality-pliability. It is so pliable, that just one gram of the metal can be drawn to produce a fine wire over one mile (almost 2 km) long. This quality has enabled jewellers to create some amazing versatile platinum mesh accessories, which could not be fashioned from other precious metals. It is also in demand in other fields-it is used in industry, most notably in catalytic converters. It also plays an important role in medicine. It is not affected by the oxidising reaction of blood, has excellent conductivity, and is compatible with living tissues. Because of these properties, platinum is used for pacemakers. At present, more than 50,000 people are living healthily on pacemakers. Platinum is a life-saving metal for these people.

Multiple Choice Questions:

Question 1.
Choose two of the correct qualities of platinum as referred to in the passage.
(a) Versatile
(b) Rare
(c) Transient
(d) Crude-looking.
(a) Versatile

Question 2.
Platinum can be described as:
(a) A gold metal
(b) A silver grey precious metal
(c) An iron metal
(d) A type of diamond.
(b) A silver grey precious metal

Question 3.
Choose the correct statement:
(a) Platinum has a reflection of inner truth.
(b) The platinum jewellery’s looks fade very soon.
(c) Platinum jewellery retains its looks for a lifetime.
(d) Platinums rarity makes it exclusive and distinctive.
(a) Platinum has a reflection of inner truth.

Question 4.
Select the correct statement:
(a) Platinum is the coveted treasure of discerning individuals.
(b) There is a big store of platinum on this earth.
(c) Platinum is found in many places round the world.
(d) All the platinum would fill one Olympic swimming pool.
(a) Platinum is the coveted treasure of discerning individuals.

Question 5.
Select the correct statement:
(a) Plantinum jewellery is a poor choice for everyday wear.
(b) The weight of the platinum jewellery makes it less durable than other jewellery metals.
(c) Platinum jewellery does not wear away and holds precious stones firmly.
(d) Platinum jewellery is a short-lived thing.
(c) Platinum jewellery does not wear away and holds precious stones firmly.

Question 6.
Because of its remarkable pliability, one gram of platinum can be drawn to produce a fine wire of one of the given lengths.
(a) One mile
(b) Half a mile
(c) Two miles
(d) Two km.
(a) One mile

Other Objective Type Questions:

Question 7.
What are the uses of platinum ?
The brilliant white lustre enables it to reflect the true radiance of diamonds.

Question 8.
How is platinum a distinctive mark of one’s individuality ?
The unusual quality of platinum makes it a distinctive mark of ones individuality.

Question 9.
How does platinum save people with heart ailments ?
Platinun is used in making pace-makers for heart patients.

Question 10.
Give in simple English the meanings of the following words:
Eternal, integrity.
everlasting, honesty/truth.

Passage 4

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow it. Your answers should be brief and to the point.

Do birds know how to come back home after a long flight ? Bird scientists known as ornithologists, say that birds know exactly where they are and where their nests are. Even the young ones can fly hundreds of nautical miles without losing their way. How do they do it ? God has given them a tremendous sense of direction; possibly they have a compass of sorts in their brain. Every year, we see birds from North India who fly to the South. In India we have several bird sanctuaries where birds from both parts of the globe come, spend a few months and return when the climatic conditions in their homeland are more favourable. When it is winter in the northern hemisphere, it is summer in the southern hemisphere. The birds which cannot stand the cold climate fly to the warmer regions. They are called migratory birds. They can fly non-stop up to twenty hours in sky in one stretch and cover a few hundred miles in one stop. The migratory birds always fly in groups.

Multiple Choice Questions:

Question 1.
Choose one of the correct words which is closer to the subject matter of the passage :
(a) Orthopaedist
(b) Ornithologist
(c) Orthographies
(d) Orthodontist.
(b) Ornithologist

Question 2.
Choose some of the terms which are used by sailors of the navy and naval ships the author has used in the passage :
(a) Nautical mile
(b) Compass
(c) Hemisphere
(d) Regions.
(a) Nautical mile

Question 3.
Choose the correct statement:
(a) It is difficult to say that birds know how to come back home after a long flight.
(b) We can say for sure that birds come back home after a long flight.
(c) Birds cannot come back to their nests after a long flight.
(d) It is impossible for the birds to get back home.
(b) We can say for sure that birds come back home after a long flight.

Question 4.
Nautical mile is:
(a) Sea mile used by ships and sailors.
(b) Sea mile used by birds.
(c) Sea mile used by scientists.
(d) Distance covered by birds.
(a) Sea mile used by ships and sailors.

Question 5.
A statute mile is:
(a) Used in water
(b) Used on land
(c) Used in air
(d) Used by scientists.
(b) Used on land

Question 6.
Choose the correct statements :
(a) Young birds fly hundreds of miles.
(b) Young birds have some magnetic power.
(c) Some birds lose their way.
(d) Birds have a kind of compass in their brain.
(a) Young birds fly hundreds of miles.

Other Objective Type Questions:

Question 7.
State the query that has been raised at the opening of the passage.
The query is Do birds know how to come back home after a long flight ?

Question 8.
What is a sanctuary ?
Sanctuary is an area where wild animals and birds are protected.

Question 9.
What is a migratory bird ?
Migratory birds move from their homelands during summer and winter seasons.

Question 10.
In what form do migratory birds fly ?
They fly in groups.

PSEB 12th Class English Reading Comprehension Unseen Passages Type-I

Passage 5

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow it. Your answers should be brief and to the point.

Health and hygiene go hand in hand. Health refers to a state of sound mind and physically fit body, free from any form of weakness, disorder or ailment. Hygiene refers to the good practices that prevent diseases and lead to good health through cleanliness, proper sewage disposal, balanced and nutritious food, regular exercise, proper sleep, pure and fresh supply of safe drinking water, The proverb that ‘health is wealth’ is truly said of all things in the world. Health is the most valuable thing that one can possess.

Money is undoubtedly a prized possession but can it provide pleasure to a ruined health, an unhealthy man? As body and mind are closely related, the mind can never be sound cheerful without sound health. An unhealthy man may have intelligence, merit and wealth, but he cannot put them to use and reap their benefits. We must therefore adopt proper hygienic measures to preserve and maintain good health. Too much of work or exercise, eating and drinking are injurious to health. A regulated life coupled with clear and pure mind makes life worthliving.

Multiple Choice Questions:

Question 1.
Choose the correct statement:
(a) Health and Hygiene go hand in hand.
(b) Health and Hygiene go separately.
(c) Health and Hygiene never go together.
(d) Health and Hygience rarely go together.
(a) Health and Hygiene go hand in hand.

Question 2.
Choose the correct statement:
(a) Health refers to a state of sound mind and physically fit body.
(b) Health stands for physical and mental wellness.
(c) Health refers to physically fit with minor mental ailments.
(d) Health means excellent physical fitness and partially weak mental condition.
(b) Health stands for physical and mental wellness.

Question 3.
Choose the correct statement
(a) Health stands for physical and mental wellness.
(b) Health means a fat and robust body.
(c) We must not adopt proper hygienic measures to preserve and maintain good health.
(d) Too much of work or exercise, eating and drinking are not injurious to health.
(a) Health stands for physical and mental wellness.

Question 4.
Choose the correct statement:
(a) Health is wealth is truly said of all things in the world.
(b) Money is a prized possession.
(c) Money can provide pleasure to a ruined health.
(d) The human mind can be cheerful without good health.
(a) Health is wealth is truly said of all things in the world.

Question 5.
Choose some of the practices that can lead to good health :
(a) Smoking
(b) Drinking wine
(c) Regulated life
(d) Gambling.
(b) Drinking wine

Question 6.
Choose some of the following things which can keep us in good health :
(a) Eating opium
(b) Gambling
(c) Abundant wealth
(d) Regular exercise.
(c) Abundant wealth

Other Objective Type Questions

Question 7.
What do you mean by being healthy ?
Being healthy means being phyically fit and mentally sound.

Question 8.
Is it possible for a person with ruined health to be cheerful ?
A man with ruined health cannot be cheerful.

Question 9.
Mention at least three practices that lead to good health ?

  1. balanced diet
  2. regular exercise
  3. pure air.

Question 10.
Is pure water injurious to health ?
No, pure water is not injurious to health.

Passage 6

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow it. Your answers should be brief and to the point.

We take water so much for granted, but we cannot live without it. Almost three fourth of the surface of the earth is covered with water. You may ask, so why worry about water ?

But have you realised that 97 percent of the water on earth is in the oceans ? This water cannot be directly used to meet any of our daily needs. Almost 2 percent of the water is stored in ice caps and glaciers and again cannot be used, unless melted. That leaves us with just 1 percent to meet all the! needs of all living beings. This is what we call fresh water, and this is found in ponds, lakes, rivers, and some of this is underground. Can you think of all the uses of water in our daily lives ? It is this 1 percent that meets all these needs.

It is because of this scarcity that we have to be really careful about how this water is used world over, there is a growing concern about the depleting water sources. The demand for water is the effect of the increased population and industrial growth around the world. In cities like Chennai there is a price of drinking water.

Then there is the reality of the skewed distribution of water. We know that there are some localities in our cities that enjoy water all round the clock, while others are deprived for days. The insensitivity of some is glaring when they use the scarce water to hose their cars or water their manicured gardens, and all the while people are thirsty.

There is also the growing pollution of water sources all over the world. This pollution is caused by water released from several industries or sometimes even an accident or disaster in water bodies, which causes the release of pollutants in the water. There are several areas in the country where water has become unfit for drinking because of this. So next time you keep the tap running, while you brush your teeth or wash your face, think about it. By turning off the tap, you may be helping someone, somewhere, to get a bucketful of water.

Water, in its pure form, is a tasteless and odourless substance that is essential to all known forms of life and is known as the most universal solvent. It appears colourless to the naked eye in small quantities.

Multiple Choice Questions:

Question 1.
Choose the correct response:
What percent of water on earth is in the oceans ?
(a) 95
(b) 88
(c) 79
(d) 97.
(d) 97.

Question 2.
Two percent of the water on earth remains stored in some of the following:
(a) Rivers
(b) Lakes
(c) Ice-caps
(d) Glaciers.
(d) Glaciers.

Question 3.
Living beings on the earth are left with one of the following percentages:
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 1.
(d) 1.

Question 4.
Choose the correct word for water:
(a) Rain
(b) Liquid
(c) Aqua
(d) Acua.
(c) Aqua

Question 5.
The demand for increased supply of water is due to some of these factors.
(a) Increased population
(b) Industrial growth
(c) Urbanization
(d) Tourism.
(a) Increased population

Question 6.
The author has mentioned some city where water is available for some price:
(a) Kolkata
(b) Vadodara
(c) Chennai
(d) Karnal.
(c) Chennai

Other Objective Type Questions:

Question 7.
What is skewed distribution of water ?
Skewed distribution of water is unfair, some localities get preferential treatment; others are denied even the bare minimum.

Question 8.
What advice does the author give to a person brushing his teeth with the water tap open ?
He advises him to turn off the tap and avoid the wastage. Some needy person could fill his empty bucket.

Question 9.
How is water pollution caused ?
Pollution is caused by water released from several industries, by pollutants in the water bodies, filth and garbage thrown in the water.

Question 10.
Explain the following statement from the passage:
We take water so much for granted but we cannot live without it.
We take certain things casually. Water is one such thing. Water is easily available to us. But when it becomes scarce, we get troubled. We cannot live without water. Water is the elixir of life.

PSEB 12th Class English Reading Comprehension Unseen Passages Type-I

Passage 7

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow it. Your answers should be brief and to the point.

Pollution, the simple visible kind of pollution, is now worldwide. When Apollo 8, took photographs of the earth’s surface, it revealed the most serious smog and polluted air over Osaka and Tokyo in Japan. Along this 31 tons of dirt a mount fell on every square kilometre, compared with a mere 17 tons in New York. Coastal vessels collide regularly because they cannot see each others navigation lights. Traffic policemen go back to the police station after four hours on duty and breathe pure oxygen from cyclinders, to re-oxygenate their carbon monoxide loaded-blood.

In cafes and shopping centres coin-in-slot machines give oxygen to shoppers who feel themselves about to collapse. In schools, the children wear face masks while they do their lessons on smog in warning days.

The existence of environmental pollution has recently gained recognition as a major problem but pollution is only part of the story. It is not that we load the environment with gases, acids, metals and assorted poisons which comprise a damage to health. It is rather that we alter the environment every possible way. We dump heat into it, and dust particles; we fell forests and pave over fields; we destroy one species of animal and cultivate another; we make noises and dump trash. There is a limit to how much of this treatment it can take.

If we dump sewage into a stream, on a small scale, the stream dissolves it and purifies it. Ten miles downstream the water is pure again. But we dump large quantities of sewage, we end by killing the purifying bacteria and then the stream has lost its power to purify. It can no longer deal even with the small quantity of sewage which it once accepted without difficulty. The system has broken down. For this overwhelming kind of pollution we need a new term. I call it super-pollution.

Multiple Choice Questions:

Question 1.
Choose the various ways in which we alter environment.
(a) Gases
(b) Acids and assorted poisons
(c) Heat
(d) Water.
(a) Gases

Question 2.
Super Pollution is one of the following:
(a) Absence of pollution
(b) Total clearing of pollution
(c) Overwhelming pollution
(d) Nauseating pollution.
(c) Overwhelming pollution

Question 3.
Choose two or three of the under-mentioned things which are harmful to health:
(a) Gases
(b) Acids
(c) Metals
(d) Assorted poisons.
(b) Acids

Question 4.
Which of the following two activities do not damage the environment ?
(a) Felling the trees
(b) Sea navigation
(c) Garbage- throwing in water
(d) Emission of gases.
(c) Garbage- throwing in water

Question 5.
Choose the correct meaning of sewage:
(a) Cloth sewn by a sewing machine.
(b) Waste matter carried away in sewers.
(c) Throwing garbage in streams.
(d) Polluting water resources.
(b) Waste matter carried away in sewers.

Question 6.
Traffic policemen go back to the police station after four hours on duty and breath pure:
(a) Carbondioxide
(b) Oxygen
(c) Methane
(d) Hydrogen.
(b) Oxygen

Other Objective Type Questions:

Question 7.
Give a definition of pollution in simple English.
Pollution may be defined as the process of making air, water and soil dirty.

Question 8.
As mentioned by the author of the passage, why do policemen breathe pure oxygen from cylinders ?
Policemen breathe pure oxygen from cylinders, to re-oxygenate their carbon monoxide loaded-blood.

Question 9.
How do collapsing shoppers get oxygen from cylinders ?
Collapsing shoppers get oxygen from cylinders by coin-in-slot machines.

Question 10.
What do school children wear on their faces while doing their lessons on smog in warning days ?
In schools, the children wear face masks while they do their lessons on smog in warning days.

Passage 8

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow it. Your answers should be brief and to the point.

The robot soldier is coming. The Pentagon predicts that the robots will be a major fighting force in the American military in less than a decade, beating and killing enemies in combat. Robots are a crucial part of the army’s effort to rebuild itself as a twenty-first century fighting force and a dollar 127 billion project called Future Combat Systems is the biggest military contact in American history.

The military plans to invest tens of billions of dollars in automated armed forces. The cost of that transformation will help drive the Defence Department’s budget up almost 20 per cent from a requested 419.3 billion dollars in 2010, excluding the cost of war. The annual cost of buying new weapons is scheduled to rise 50 percent from 578 billion to 5118.6 billions. Military planners say that robot soldiers will think, see and react increasingly like humans. In the beginning, they will be remote controlled, looking and acting like deadly toy trucks. As the technology develops, they may take many shapes. And as their intelligence grows, so will their autonomy.

But even supporters like Robert Finklestein of Robotic Technology in Potomac M.D., are telling the Pentagon that it.could take until 2035 to develop a Robot that looks, thinks and fights like a soldier with a laptop. “The Pentagons goal is there”, he said, “but the path is not totally clear.” Already however hundred robots are scouring caves in Afghanistan, and serving as armed sentries at American Weapons depots.
By April, an armed version of the bomb disposal robot will be in Baghdad, capable of firing 1000 rounds a minute. Though controlled by a soldier with a laptop, the robot will be the first thinking machine of its kind to take up a frontline infantry position, ready to kill enemies.

Multiple Choice Questions:

Question 1.
The passage opens by stating that the robot soldier is coming. Choose the correct date or year when it will come:
(a) In a decade
(b) In two decades
(c) 2035
(d) Not clear.
(c) 2035

Question 2.
Choose the correct option:
The cost of the innovation robot soldiers will:
(a) Shoot up
(b) Decline
(c) Marginally decrease
(d) Be unbearable.
(a) Shoot up

Question 3.
Choose the correct option:
The path about robotic soldiering is:
(a) Not very clear
(b) It may not materialise
(c) Very hard
(d) Very tempting.
(a) Not very clear

Question 4.
A robot is a machine controlled by:
(a) Computer
(b) Human beings
(c) Skilled men
(d) Scientists.
(a) Computer

Question 5.
Say whether the following facts mentioned about the robot soldier are correct:
(a) Looks
(b) Thinks
(c) Fights
(d) does other activities like a soldier.
(d) does other activities like a soldier.

Question 6.
The Pentagon predicts that the robots will be a major fighting force in the American military :
(a) In less than two decades
(b) In less than a decade
(c) In less than ten decades
(d) Within a year.
(b) In less than a decade

Other Objective Type Questions:

Question 7.
Can you identify Pentagon ?
Pentagon is the U.S. Defence Department.

Question 8.
What is the prediction of the Pentagon ?
It is a prophecy of the Pentagon that the robot soldier will be a reality in 2035.

Question 9.
What is the importance of robots in the army’s efforts ?
It is believed that robot soldiers will think, see and react increasingly like human beings.

Question 10.
Do you think that robot soldier is a reality ?
It is not very clear. It is difficult to see it in the domain of reality.

PSEB 12th Class English Reading Comprehension Unseen Passages Type-I

Passage 9

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow it. Your answers should be brief and to the point.

Viruses are notorious villains. They cause serious human diseases like AIDS, polio and influenza. Oxford Dictionary defines virus as a living thing, too small to be seen without a microscope. It causes infectious diseases in people, animals and plants. During this year (2020), the world is in the grip of the Corona Virus. A virus can lead to system crisis and data loss in computers. China generated virus Corona and has made the world order topsy-turvy. So far we do not see the end to Corona virus. No vaccine seems to come up by November or December.

We wonder if some of the power-losers are hit by another virus of nightmarish dreams of negativity, disaster, eternal doom. One nanotechnology researcher Angela Belcher is working with viruses, proteins and yeast offers hope for new ground bringing solutions to the worlds energy problems. It holds the prospect of using nanotechnology in a variety of ways, ranging from improving the efficiency of production, storage and transmission of energy overcoming many of the obstacles to a hydrage based transportation system based on fuel cell powered cars and trucks.

Nanotechnology entails the measurement, prediction and construction of materials on the scale of atoms and molecules. Nanometre, is one billionth of a metre and nanotechnology typically deals with particles and structure larger than nanometre, but smaller than 100 nanometres. To put this into perspective the width of a human hair is approximately 80,000 nanometres. It is estimated that 2-6 trillion dollars in manufactured goods will incorporate nanotech, or about 15 percent of total global output in 2014.

Multiple Choice Questions:

Question 1.
Choose the appropriate reasons to prove why viruses are notorious.
(a) They are widely known to be villains.
(b) They are responsible for causing human diseases like AIDS, polio and some others.
(c) They can cause virus among power losers.
(d) They can lead to system crisis and data loss in computers.
(a) They are widely known to be villains.

Question 2.
Choose the elements that go to make the definition of a virus.
(a) A virus is a living thing.
(b) It is too small.
(c) It can be seen with the naked eye.
(d) It can be seen with a microscope.
(a) A virus is a living thing.

Question 3.
Angela Balcher is a researcher in one of the following:
(a) Psychology
(b) Biology
(c) Philosophy
(d) Nanotechnology.
(d) Nanotechnology.

Question 4.
Nanotechnology entails the:
(a) measurements
(b) prediction of materials
(c) rare things
(d) very costly things.
(b) prediction of materials

Question 5.
Choose the correct measurement in the following:
(a) A nanometre is one billionth of a metre
(b) One tenth of a metre
(c) One hundredth of a metre
(d) One thousandth of a metre.
(a) A nanometre is one billionth of a metre

Question 6.
Choose the correct measurement of a human hair:
(a) approximately 80,000 nanometres
(b) 50,000 nanometres
(c) 8000 nanometres
(d) 18,000 nanometres.
(a) approximately 80,000 nanometres

Other Objective Type Questions:

Question 7.
What is the unique characteristic of viruses ?
Viruses are very harmful for man in various fields.

Question 8.
How is nanotechnology defined ?
It is going to bring about a revolution in the future. It will bring change in medical care, communication and food. It will solve energy problems.

Question 9.
What example is given for the concept of nanometre ?
A nanometre is one billionth of a metre.

Question 10.
Give in simple English the meanings of the following:
Replicate, entails, notorious, inexpensive.
make something again, involves, having a bad nature, cheap.

Passage 10

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow it. Be brief and to the point.

If you are not in the grip of avarice, you will choose a trade or profession that appeals to you as the means of self-expression and social service, even if you cannot earn much money by it. Your daily duty is not mere money,’making drudgery; it is your contribution to social progress and the path of personal development. How sad must be the lot of a man or woman who must do uncongenial work simply for the sake of more money ? I know a younger professor who loved literature passionately and taught it admirably; but his salary was small, and he became a lawyer in order to secure a larger income.

I tell you that man was guilty of a crime, and he will not be happy as a lawyer, although he may be a little more comfortable, a little better fed, dressed and lodged. A musician who is born a violinist can never be personally happy or socially useful as a prosperous merchant or stock-broker, as he will miss the violin all the time. Avarice puts round men in square jobs and square men in round jobs. At present, many persons in all classes, rich and poor are unhapp^ and restless because their daily work is not interesting. It does not provide an outlet for the creative impulse and the insistent urge of personality. Therefore, don’t ask in youth, “How can I earn the biggest salary ?” Ask rather, “How can I be truly happy and do most good to society ?” Then you may have less money, but you will have more of life and joy.

Multiple Choice Questions:

Question 1.
Choose one of the following words which are the synonyms of Avarice’.
(a) Greed
(b) Wealth
(c) Covetousness
(d) Richness.
(a) Greed

Question 2.
Choose the antonym of Avarice:
(a) Miserliness
(b) Grandeur
(c) Penury
(d) Unselfishness.
(d) Unselfishness.

Question 3.
Why are most of the people unhappy at present ?
(a) Because their daily work is not interesting.
(b) Because their daily work is tough.
(c) Because their daily work is laborious.
(d) Because their daily work is time-consuming.
(a) Because their daily work is not interesting.

Question 4.
Name the parts of speech as which of the following words have been used in the unseen passage given for comprehension.
(a) Caprice
(b) Trade
(c) Passionately
(d) Daily.
(c) Passionately

Question 5.
The advice of the writer to the youth is:
(a) To find ways to earn money.
(b) To work hard to earn money.
(c) To work according to one’s capacity.
(d) To study hard to get good job.
(a) To find ways to earn money.

Question 6.
A violinist can never be happy as a prosperous merchant because:
(a) He will miss the violin all the time.
(b) He will not earn enough money.
(c) He will not get sufficient time to enjoy his life.
(d) He will be bored by his profession.
(a) He will miss the violin all the time.

Other Objective Type Questions:

Question 7.
Make adjective from Avarice.

Question 8.
When will a violinist be unhappy ?
The violinist will always be unhappy because he will not be able to play on the violin by being busy in business.

Question 9.
Who are the misplaced persons according to the writer ?
Misplaced persons are those who put themselves in such situations to earn more at the cost of their own interests and personality.

Question 10.
What is the advice of the writer to the youth ?
The writer wants the young people to find ways to earn money.

PSEB 12th Class English Reading Comprehension Unseen Passages Type-I

Passage 11

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow it. Be brief and to the point.

Social media has impacted the world in many ways. Millions of people are using Facebook, Twitter and Instagram all over the world. Such websites have enabled us to connect with friends, families and acquaintances. These have also become the best tools, to be aware of the latest buzz in every field. Children have to be trained to use media very carefully and judiciously. It is the responsibility of the teachers to train the students in making use of the social media in a responsible way.

Facebook started by Mark Zuker Berg is the most used social media tool. Its business depends on persuading people into sharing their personal experiences with public or their known people. Posting pictures or uploading status has become an important part of their daily routine. No one is immune to its addictive effect. Periodically looking at their phones for any updates has become a norm for people. Users must be made aware of the fact that sharing personal details and photos can be misued by criminals or anti-social elements.

One must understand that every post on Facebook or such sites is not always backed by facts or truth. One must not make friends with unknown persons. Time and effort spent on social media can be used productively. Some people use media to spread religious fanaticism or hatred. Social media should be used to help connect with people not to disconnect or disintegrate from mainstream. It should be used to bring harmony and love only.

Multiple Choice Questions:

Question 1.
Name at least three websites which are used by social media all over the world.
(a) Facebook
(b) Instagram
(c) Computer
(d) Twitter.
(a) Facebook
(b) Instagram
(d) Twitter.

Question 2.
Choose the utility of the websites of Social Media :
(a) Social media has impacted the world in many ways.
(b) They enable the users to connect and communicate with friends and families.
(c) They are the best tools to keep oneself abreast of or with the latest buzz in the world.
(d) They are so convenient that they need to be used very judiciously.
(a) Social media has impacted the world in many ways.
(b) They enable the users to connect and communicate with friends and families.
(c) They are the best tools to keep oneself abreast of or with the latest buzz in the world.
(d) They are so convenient that they need to be used very judiciously.

Question 3.
Social media has impacted the world in many ways such as :
(a) Facebook
(b) Twitter
(c) Instagram
(d) Whatsapp.
(a) Facebook
(b) Twitter
(c) Instagram
(d) Whatsapp.

Question 4.
The Media of Facebook is proved very popular by:
(a) The way to connect and communicate with friends
(b) Families
(c) To keep oneself aware of the latest buzz in every field
(d) Very useful for social media users.
(a) The way to connect and communicate with friends
(b) Families
(c) To keep oneself aware of the latest buzz in every field
(d) Very useful for social media users.

Question 5.
Choose the advantages and disadvantages of social media from the following points:
(a) It has additive effect.
(b) It has become a norm for people to use the facebook.
(c) One must not take friends with unknown persons.
(d) Some people will use social media for religious fanaticism or hatred.
Advantages (a) It has additive effect.
Disadvantages (c) One must not take friends with unknown persons.

Question 6.
Who started the Facebook ?
(a) Alexandar
(b) Columbus
(c) Mark Zuker Berg
(d) Bill Gates.
(c) Mark Zuker Berg

Other Objective Type Questions:

Question 7.
What is Twitter ?
Twitter is an American micro blogging and social networking service on which users post and interact with messages known as tweets.

Question 8.
What is Instagram ?
Instagram is an American photo and video sharing social networking service. Posts can be shared publicly pre-approved followers.

Question 9.
Which is the most used tool of social media?
Facebook is the most used tool of social media.

Question 10.
What has become a norm for the people?
Periodically looking at their phones for any updates has become a norm for the people.

Passage 12

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow it. Your answers should be brief and to the point.

English has become by default global language. Someone who speaks English can travel all over the world without any inconvenience or difficulty. English is also the language of business and science. Scientists from all parts of the world are publishing their studies and papers in English and thus their research is benefiting most people around the globe. Almost all journal articles, conference papers and even human case studies are in English. Therefore, these merits validate the importance of the English language.

Hundreds of students migrate abroad for higher studies. English is the most preferred language in which they continue their studies. Most of the countries have set English language bench marks for different educational courses. To attain these language levels, students have to appear in different, internationally accepted, language testing systems. The use of English as the global language in the fields such as business, university studies, and research has improved the communication and exchange of information.

Trade transactions from different countries have been empowered by English settled as the primary language in this sector. People in certain countries find English learning to be extremely difficult because of the extreme differences in written expression. For example, each symbol is a word in the Chinese language. So learning English may be a very difficult task for people from now. English speaking countries may have to learn English as a second language in addition to their native language. And some of these are valid excuses for not learning English because someone who speaks English has a clear advantage over someone who does not speak English.

Multiple Choice Questions:

Question 1.
Pick a suitable heading for the passage.
(a) Importance of English Language
(b) English as a Global Language
(c) Difficulty in Learning English Language
(d) The Need of a Second Language.
(a) Importance of English Language
(b) English as a Global Language

Question 2.
Choose the reasons by which English has become a global language.
(a) By default
(b) By travellers who speak English
(c) It is the language of business and science
(d) Language spoken by students going abroad for studies.
(a) By default
(b) By travellers who speak English
(c) It is the language of business and science
(d) Language spoken by students going abroad for studies.

Question 3.
Choose some of the indications of importance of English.
(a) Most preferred language of tourists
(b) Language of Science & Research
(c) Global Communication
(d) Trade Communication.
(a) Most preferred language of tourists
(b) Language of Science & Research
(c) Global Communication
(d) Trade Communication.

Question 4.
Choose some of the challenges in learning English.
(a) Difference of expression in different languages
(b) Additional language along with native language
(c) Challenges in English learning
(d) English users are advantaged over non-English speakers.
(a) Difference of expression in different languages
(b) Additional language along with native language
(c) Challenges in English learning
(d) English users are advantaged over non-English speakers.

Question 5.
What is the language used for journal writing ?
(a) Hindi
(b) Spanish
(c) English
(d) Chinese.
(c) English

Question 6.
English is also the language of:
(a) Students all over the world
(b) Non-english speaking peopli
(c) Business and science
(d) Trade.
(a) Students all over the world
(c) Business and science
(d) Trade.

PSEB 12th Class English Reading Comprehension Unseen Passages Type-I

Other Objective Type Questions:

Question 7.
What is the preferred language for studies for foreign students ?
English is the preferred language.

Question 8.
How have trade transactions been empowered in different lands ?
Trade transactions from different lands have been empowered by Shakespearean English.

Question 9.
How is each symbol represented in the Chinese language ?
Each symbol is a word in the Chinese language.

Question 10.
What is the scope of English language ?
English is used for higher studies in other countries.

PSEB 12th Class English E-Mail Writing

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class English Book Solutions English E-Mail Writing Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 12th Class English E-Mail Writing

The popular name of E-mail is ‘electronic mail’. It involves sending message via telecommunication links. If two computer terminals, however distant from each other are connected to network, it is possible to send messages from one to the other. The message is typed on a computer screen at one end and is conveyed to the other end through electric impulses. The person operating the computer terminal at the receiving end is alerted by a signal that a message or mail, meant for him is in the electronic mail box, or he can occasionally see his mail box to check for any incoming mail. Then he can get it flashed on to a screen immediately or keep it stored and attend to it at leisure.

PSEB 12th Class English E-Mail Writing

If the computers have fax, telephone or telex facilities attached to them, E-mail can be used even to transmit telephonic message or to fax important documents.

If we want to Use E-mail all that one needs is an access to a network area, a P.C., a telephone, a modem with its software and the basic knowledge of using this software which is easy to attain. One doesn’t have to be a seasoned expert to be able to use E-mail. Nor do we need a separate telephone line for it. Modems are also reasonably priced. Sending message by E-mail is cheap. It is cost-effective. It is cheaper than our registered mail which we send through post offices.

Advantages of E-Mail

1. E-mail has several advantages. It is the quickest means of transmitting messages. Sending messages through ordinary post is just something very slow and rather old fashioned. It is no longer the in-thing. Courier service is also slow. It can rarely do better than overnight delivery. Telephone has its limitations. Other telematic services like telex, fax, communicating word processors etc. are not options to E-mail but complementary services. Most modern E-mail systems allow messages to be delivered through telecom channels.

2. An E-mail message is free from disturbance. One can check one’s mail box and receive the message at one’s leisure.

3. E-mail does not depend on the availability of the recipient. As long as people keep checking their mail boxes regularly, the communication cycle continues to work properly.

4. E-mail communication saves us from time-zone inconvenience. One can send an E¬mail message whenever one likes to do so. The person at the other end can receive it the next morning when he comes to work.

5. E-mail messages are supposed to be highly confidential and secure. The chances of tampering with them are much fewer than in the case of message conveyed through conventional modes.

The E-mail screen is given below:
PSEB 12th Class English Grammar E-Mail Writing 1

Details necessary for an E-mail

Writing an E-mail message for a friend is just like writing an informal friendly note. If you have to ask a friend to meet you at a restaurant in the evening, we do not have to write an elaborate letter.
1. Send an e-mail message to your friend asking him to meet you at your home.
PSEB 12th Class English Grammar E-Mail Writing 2

PSEB 12th Class English E-Mail Writing

2. Write a message for transmission by E-maii for delivery to a prospective customer.
PSEB 12th Class English Grammar E-Mail Writing 3

3. Draft a message to be sent by E-mail to your friend Srikesh on the occasion of his grand success in the Higher Secondary Examination.
PSEB 12th Class English Grammar E-Mail Writing 4

4. Your friend is celebrating his birthday. You are not able to attend it. Send him a message by E-mail.
PSEB 12th Class English Grammar E-Mail Writing 5

You can use the following abbreviations:
u for you
2 for two
ur for your
cud for could
gud for good
I’m 4 u = I am for you etc.
But clarity must not be lost sight of.

PSEB 12th Class English E-Mail Writing

5. Send an E-mail message to your friend who is staying abroad. Ask him when he plans to come to India. Tell him to be here before Dewali.
E-mail form
PSEB 12th Class English Grammar E-Mail Writing 6

6. You are the secretary of the Drama Club in your school. You have to arrange a meeting at 5 p m. tomorrow to discuss preparation and rehearsal for the annual inter-school drama festival. Send an E-mail to all the members apprising them about the meeting.
PSEB 12th Class English Grammar E-Mail Writing 7

7. You have come to know that your brother has taken to the habit of smoking. Write a message for transmission by e-mail giving him a warning.
PSEB 12th Class English Grammar E-Mail Writing 8

8. Your father is worried because of your neglect of studies. Send a message by e-mail assuring him not to worry about your neglect of studies. Tell him that you would do everything to make up your deficiency.
PSEB 12th Class English Grammar E-Mail Writing 9

PSEB 12th Class English E-Mail Writing

9. Write a note for transmission by e-mail from a mother to a daughter. Note that a message for transmission by e-mail does not have to be a full-length letter.
PSEB 12th Class English Grammar E-Mail Writing 10

10. Write a note for transmission by e-mail to your mother informing her that you will arrive home late and miss the evening meal.
PSEB 12th Class English Grammar E-Mail Writing 11

11. Write an e-mail to your friend inviting him to attend the tea party arranged to celebrate your birthday.
PSEB 12th Class English Grammar E-Mail Writing 12

12. Write an e-mail to your cousin, who lives in Agra, informing that you along with three of your friends are visiting Agra on 7th of June, 16, requesting him/her to get two rooms booked in some good hotel near his/her residence. Your stay there is only for two nights.
PSEB 12th Class English Grammar E-Mail Writing 13

13. Write an e-mail to your father, who is posted in a far away place, asking him about his whereabouts. You are worried about him as someone coming from that place has told you that your father is not feeling well Ask him if he has consulted the doctor or not.
PSEB 12th Class English Grammar E-Mail Writing 14

PSEB 12th Class English E-Mail Writing

14. Write an e-mail to your friend informing him that you are visiting him next month.
PSEB 12th Class English Grammar E-Mail Writing 15

15. Write an e-mail to your friend informing him that you are visiting him next month.
PSEB 12th Class English Grammar E-Mail Writing 16

16. Your friend has invited you to attend the marriage of his/her sister at Chandigarh. Write an e-mail to him/her describing your journey plan and your probable arrival date and time.
PSEB 12th Class English Grammar E-Mail Writing 17

PSEB 12th Class English E-Mail Writing

Exercise For Practice

1. Write an e-mail to your friend who is abroad asking when he is coming back and how so that you receive him on his return.
2. Write an e-mail to your friend expressing your willingness to attend his marriage ceremony.
3. Write an e-mail to, your friend asking him to be present at your birthday party being held at your residence. Inform him about the date and time of the function.
4. Write an e-mail to your aunt, who has been ill, asking about her health and wishing her better health.
5. Write an e-mail to your friend who is in the U.S.A. congratulating him on his joining a medical college there. Use short forms where possible.
6. Write an e-mail to your teacher at school thanking him/her for all the help he/she has given to you to get such good marks in the Board exams.

PSEB 12th Class English Composition Explaining Newspaper Headlines

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class English Book Solutions English Composition Explaining Newspaper Headlines Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 12th Class English Composition Explaining Newspaper Headlines

Some of the newspaper headlines are quite attractive. One likes to read them to know what has happened. Some newspaper headlines are obscure as the journalists have a penchant for writing bombastic words in order to create an impression on the reading public. Such headings fail to impress people. Headlines must be in easy to understand and lucid language. George Orwell criticises journalists for writing big and stereotyped expressions and phrases which do not have meanings relevant to situations. Simplicity should be the hallmark of newspaper headlines. At the XII (10+2) stage, our students are capable of understanding simple words that can be easily understood.

PSEB 12th Class English Composition Explaining Newspaper Headlines

Newspaper headlines should be simple to the extent that students can rewrite them easily. They are required to explain the headlines in their own language by using the simple present form of an appropriate verb. We are giving below a few headlines taken from newspapers.

Verbs that can be used are given in a box. You are to explain the headings in capitals by choosing an appropriate verb given in the box.

Explanation should be written in capital letters. Choose a relevant/appropriate verb from the box and use it for your explanation.

Exercise 1

Explain in simple English the following newspaper headlines:


PSEB 12th Class English Composition Explaining Newspaper Headlines

Exercise 2

Explain in simple English the following newspaper headlines:

1. Stray cattle on rampage in Pathankot. The problem assumes dangerous proportions. (Tribune News Service)
2. Dense fog claims two lives on Moga^Baghapurana road. (Tribune News Service)
3. Delhi-Gurugram air shows presence of alarming levels of heavy metals like lead. (Tribune News Service)
4. Jammu-Delhi Duran to Express passengers robbed at knife point. (Tribune News Service)
5. Varsity staffer accused of sexual harrassment. (Tribune News Service)
6. Kartarpur corridor access mode undecided: Centre. (Tribune News Service(
7. De-addicted youth offers help to nab peddlers. Says to be aware in Ludhiana- Chandigarh where drugs are sold with impunity. (Tribune News Service)
8. Passengers will have to pay extra for baggage checking. (Tribune News Service)
9. Heroin worth 24 crore seized from an international narcotics syndicate. (Tribune News Service)

PSEB 12th Class English Precis Writing

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class English Book Solutions English Precis Writing Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 12th Class English Precis Writing

The word precis though much used in English is a French word. It means summary, a compendium, an abridgement, an abstract, a condensed statement, an epitome, etc. These words all mean the same thing at the bottom. When a student is asked to write a precis of a paragraph, or of a series of paragraphs, what he has to do is to pick out the important details and to omit all those which are unimportant.

All those facts or details which are related to the theme or subject-matter of the piece are important .while all others which merely illustrate, explain or elucidate these facts or details are unimportant.

The ability to write a precis is of great benefit to its possessor. In many walks of life, this ability is indispensable. As a member of the Lok Sabha eager to deliver a big speech in the house, as an advocate anxious to argue before a learned judge and as a businessman eager to know the facts and to avoid waste of valuable time, you require a precis of facts.

PSEB 12th Class English Precis Writing

I. Five Rules for Guidance

1. The first step is to master the subject-matter of the passage of which a precis is to be made. For this, read the passage carefully so as to form some idea of its subject and contents. If one reading fails to give you the central point or the theme of the piece, read the extract a second time or even a third time in order to find the basic idea, or the chief purpose to elucidate which the writer began to write.

2. When you feel certain about the correct meaning of the piece, read it carefully once again. This time put down the key sentence which embodies the theme. Generally speaking, this sentence has to be constructed by the students. Mostly, it is not found in the original piece.

3. Now begin comparing each sentence of the original with the thematic sentence. Underline all these sentences or parts of the sentence having no bearing on it. Rewrite the piece after omitting the rejected parts but inserting dots instead. This is the skeleton or outline precis.

4. Now read the outline precis and try to substitute single words or phrases with fewer words, for expressions which can be contracted. Sometimes, it is possible to find a single word for a whole expression. This word should be inserted in place of that expression. Sometimes, it is possible to convert an adjective clause into a participle expression or an adjective phrase, or a noun clause into a noun phrase. This should also be done here.

5. Now you are ready to write the final draft. Remember that the final draft should be a connected account of the relevant details in your own words. A good precis is the expression within the prescribed limits of the salient facts of the original in the words of the writer of the precis.

Important Note. Revise your precis after you complete writing it out.

II. Characteristics of a Good Precis

1. A good precis is brief. Though brevity of expression is essential, such brevity should not be achieved at the cost of clarity of expression. The precis should not be so brief as to become ambiguous.

2. Lucidity of Expression. The language of the precis must be clear and unmistakable. Lucidity of expression is one mark of a good precis. Since the language of precis will be the writer’s for the most part, he must bear in mind that his words must mean nothing more or less than those of the author.

Note. Care must be taken to distinguish between the theme and the title. While the title indicates in a general way the contents of the piece, the theme is a complete statement of the fundamental idea to explain which the author began to write. It permeates the entire writing of the author. A theme is to a piece of writing as the soul is to the human body, making its influence felt in every part of the structure. Poems or essays may have the same title but their themes may vary. In fact, they do usually vary. Thus, Herrick and Wordsworth have both written a lyric entitled, “The Daffodils”, but their themes are different.

3. Uniformity. Uniformity is another very important quality of writing a precis. As a rule, the writer of a precis should not depart from the order of ideas of the original. He should keep his narrative in the same tense throughout. It is desirable to avoid the present tense or the direct quotation. Where the original contains concrete illustrations or specific examples, it is desirable to insert there the main purpose.

4. Subordination of the unimportant to . the important. Another thing essential in a good summary is what is called the correct perspective. The writer must be able to subordinate the unimportant to the important. He must get a correct view of the events he is reporting and must not give undue space to matter which is not so important. Eliminate the non-essential and incorporate the essential is a golden rule in precis making.

III. How to Write a Precis

The following hints should be borne in mind while making a precis of a given passage:
1. Read thoroughly the given passage to get at the central or general idea. Go on reading the passage till you understand it clearly.

2. Underline the main ideas in the passage according to the sequence of thought and note them down in a skeleton form.

3. Read only the underlined words this time and try to estimate their relative importance.

4. Re-arrange all these points in order of their importance.

5. Reconstruct in your own mind, the whole subject-matter of the passage in this new order.

6. Make in your own words a rough draft of these points as a continuous narrative, much smaller than the original and the words of your precis.

7. Check up the number of words of the original and the words of your precis.

8. Bring it near the requisite length by the addition or omission of the comparatively less important details. There should be nothing superfluous, redundant, perfunctory, irrelevant or non-essential in a precis. All repetition of ideas, all introductory remarks, illustrations, comparisons, examples, similes, metaphors, quotations and references should be avoided.

9. Conform to the prescribed length. If no instructions are given, the precis should be one-third of the original passage.

10. As far as possible a precis should be in your own words. Do not steal phrases and sentences from the original.

11. It should be brief, clear and concise. It must be a well-connected or organic whole. One idea should lead to the other and give an impression of unity and not of a series of unconnected sentences and ideas.

12. It must be complete and self-contained. It must be a faithful picture of the ideas contained in the original passage.

13. There should be no personal comments, additions or connections of facts. Do not * give your own views, whether you agree or disagree with the writer.

14. The precis must be, as a rule, written throughout in the Indirect speech ; Third person and Past Tense, unless the passage expresses a universal truth. So change the Direct manner of speech into Indirect manner of speech. Change the first person into the third person.

15. Don’t begin your precis with such words as the writer says or the author remarks.

16. You must give a suitable title or heading to your precis. Remember Two Marks are assigned to the Title in the Board Examination.

17. The opening sentence of a precis should be very expressive. It must clearly show what is to follow.

18. A precis should be thoroughly revised. It must be in simple English. There should be no ambiguities and obscurities. As far as possible a precis should not contain the vocabulary of the original. High flown or bombastic style should not be made use of. Mistakes of spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc. should be corrected.

The Title of a Precis

The questions in. the Board Examination assign separate marks to finding the title of the piece of which a precis is to be made. Care must be taken in choosing the title.

The title must be brief, comprehensive and relevant. As far as possible avoid inserting a proverb or a whole sentence as the title. It is always advisable to find out a phrase or an expression forming part of the thematic sentence, which will serve as the title. Bear in mind the important fact that a title suggests, in a general way, the nature of the contents of a piece.

Model Exercises (Solved)

Exercise 1

Self-control is at the root of all virtues. Let a man give the rein to his impulses and passions and from that moment he yields up his moral freedom. He is carried along the current of life and becomes a slave of his strongest desire for the time being. To be morally free-to be more than an animal-man must be able to resist the instinctive impulse, and this can be done only by the exercise of self-control. Thus it is this power which constitutes the real distinction between physical and moral life, and forms the primary basis of individual character. In the Bible, praise is given, not to the strong man who “taketh a city” but to the stronger man who “ruleth his own spirit”. This stronger man is he who, by discipline, exercises a control over his thoughts, his speech and his acts. Nine-tenths of the vicious desires that degrade society, and when indulged, swell into the crimes that disgrace it, would sink into insignificance before the advance of valiant self-discipline, self-respect and self-control. By the watchful exercise of those virtues, purity of heart and mind becomes habitual and the character is built up in chastity, virtue and temperance. (201 Words)

Primary – chief or main. Vicious – evil. Valiant – bold. Chastity – purity. Temperance – moderation.

Self-control is the source of all virtues. If a person does not have self-control, he becomes a slave of evil desires and degrades himself. To be morally free, a person has to exercise self-control. This quality is the real basis of character. A person having self¬control is more respected than those who rule over a city. Self-control develops into self-discipline and strong character. Self-control is most important.

Words of the Original Passage = 201
Words of the Precis = 67
Heading : Self-control

PSEB 12th Class English Precis Writing

Exercise 2

The test of a great book is whether we want to read it only once or more than once. Any really great book we want to read the second time even more than we wanted to read it the first time, and every additional time that we read it, we find new meanings and new beauties in it. A book that a person of education and good taste does not care to read more than once is very probably not worth much. But we cannot consider the judgement of a single individual infallible.

The opinion that makes a book great must be the opinion of many. For even the greatest critics are apt to have certain dullness, certain inappreciation. Carlyle, for example, could not endure Browning. Browning could not endure some of the greatest English poets. A man must be many-sided to utter a trustworthy estimate of many books. We may doubt the judgement of the single critic at a time. But there is no doubt possible in regard to the judgement of generations. (175 Words)

Additional – more. Infallible – one who is not liable to m ike mistake. Apt – likely. Inappreciation no praise. Endure – tolerate.

A great book is that which a person wants to read more than once, because a great book reveals new beauties in its every reading. But the judgement of an individual can’t be relied upon since the greatest critic can lose his proper sense of appreciation. Only the judgement of generations is the real test of a great book.

Words of the Original Passage = 175
Words of the Precis = 59
Heading : Test of a Great Book

Exercise 3

Of the duty of the artist in the coming years much has been said, indeed, rather too much. He is always being preached at and being told that he ought to preach. Naturally, he will be interested in his surroundings and wants to comment on them ; he will express the feelings of the people and reflect their attitude and he will, if generously minded, desire to champion the oppressed and reform abuses. But to say that his fundamental duty is to these things is a mistake. His fundamental duty is to do his job.

He must first and foremost, write properly, paint properly, express himself as an individual. When he has done that, his message, if he has one, is sure to show through. I am all against him starting off with a message ; if he does that, he is not an artist, he is a pamphleteer. His message, however, deeply he feels it, must come out incidentally when he is actually writing or painting or whatever it is. His fundamental feeling ought to be: “Let me make something, not let me preach.” His primary duty is not to society, but to himself. (195 Words)

Generously – liberally. Champion – support. Oppressed – downtrodden; weak and suffering people. Fundamental – primary or main. Pamphleteer – one who writes for propaganda. Incidentally – by the way.

People believe that the duty of the artist of the future is to give moral lessons, preach his ideas and reform social evils. But this is the duty of a pamphleteer and not of an artist. His primary duty is not to society but to himself. He should work thoroughly well. He should not start with a message. His message should come out only indirectly.

Words of the Original Passage = 195
Words of the Precis = 65
Heading : Duty of the Artist

Exercise 4

If today I have a quarrel with another man, I do not get beaten merely because I am physically weaker and he can knock me down. I go to law, and the law will decide as fairly as it can between the two of us. Thus in disputes between man and man right has taken the place of might. Moreover, the law protects me from robbery and violence. Nobody may come and break into my house, steal my goods, or run off with my children. Of course, there are burglars, but they are very rare and the law punishes them whenever it catches them.

It is difficult for us to realize how much this safety means. Without safety those higher activities of mankind which make up civilization could not go on. The inventor could not invent, the scientist find out or the artist make beautiful things. Hence order and safety, although they are not themselves civilization, are things without which civilization would be impossible. They are as necessary to our civilization as the air we breathe is to us ; and we have grown so used to them that we do not notice them any more than we notice the air. (200 Words)

Might – brute force. Burglars – thieves.

Order and safety are the greatest blessings of modern civilization. Law today protects the weak from being beaten by the strong. Right has taken the place of might. Law protects the peaceful citizens. Law and order have made it possible for man to develop civilization. Though law, order and safety are not themselves civilization, yet it would be impossible without them. They are as essential as the air.

Words of the Original Passage = 200
Words of the Precis = 67
Heading : Importance of Law and Order

Exercise 5

English is a language of international commerce it is the language of diplomacy, and it contains many a rich literary treasure, it gives us an introduction to western thought and culture. For a few of us, therefore, knowledge of English is necessary. They can carry on the departments of national commerce and international thought and science. That would be the legitimate use of English whereas today English has usurped the dearest place in our hearts and dethroned our mother-tongues.

It is wrong and unnatural due to our unequal relations with Englishmen. The highest development of the Indian mind must be possible without a knowledge of English. It is doing violence to the manhood and specially the womanhood of India to encourage our boys and girls to think that an entry into the best society is impossible without a knowledge of English. It is too humiliating a thought to be bearable. To get rid of the infatuation for English is one of the essentials of Swaraj. (178 Words)

Diplomacy – political relations of one country with another. Legitimate – legal; genuine; right; proper. Usurped – seized; snatched; possessed. Humiliating – insulting; degrading. Infatuation – foolish love; too much fondness.

A knowledge of English is necessary. It is a language of national and international trade and diplomacy. It opens the doors of literature, western thought, culture and science. But it should not be given undue importance. India can make progress without English. It is really shameful and foolish to consider a knowledge of English as the highest sign of culture.

Words of the Original Passage = 178
Words of the Precis = 59
Heading : The Place of English

Exercise 6

Self-reliance is the pilgrim’s best staff, the workers best tool. It is the master key that unlocks all the difficulties of life. ‘Help yourself and heaven will help you’ is a maxim which receives daily confirmation. He who begins with crutches will generally end with crutches. Help from within always strengthens but help from without invariably enfeebles the recipient. It is not in the sheltered garden, but in the rugged Alpine cliff, where the storms beat most violently, that the toughest plants are reared. It is not by the use of corks, bladders and life-buoys that you can best learn to swim but plunging courageously into the waves and buffeting them. To wait until some charitable man passes by, – to stand with arms folded sighing for a helping hand, – is not the part of any manly mind.

The habit of depending upon others should be vigorously resisted, since it tends to weaken the intellectual faculties and paralyse the judgement. The struggle against adverse circumstances has, on the contrary, a bracing and strengthening effect like that of the pure mountain air on the enfeebled frame. This is a lesson which, nowadays, is not taught in colleges. To us it seems the vice of modern systems of education that they lay down too many ‘royal roads’ to knowledge. Those impediments which formerly compelled the student to think and labour for himself are now most carefully removed and he glides so smoothly along the well-beaten highway that he pauses not to heed the flowers on either side. (255 Words)

Self-reliance – self-dependence. Unbcks – removes. Maxim – saying or proverb. Confirmation – to establish an act firmly. Crutches – staff for a lame person -here it means dependence. Invariably – constantly. Enfeebles – weakens. Rugged Alpine cliff – atmosphere full of (roughly Alpine rocks) difficulties. Violently – terribly. Toughest – strongest, hardest. Reared – grown. Life-buoys – floating cases used for swimming. Buffeting – fighting. Arms folded – idly; doing nothing. Vigorously – strongly. Resisted – opposed. Paralyse – to lose power of moving and feeling. Adverse – unfavourable. Bracing – healthy. Enfeebled frame – weak body. Impediments – obstacles. Well-beaten highway – common path.

Depending on one’s own effort is a source of success to all. It solves man’s problems. The evil habit of depending on others weakens man’s mental powers. It must be fought against. Man must fight against unfavourable circumstances. It will not have a depressing but a healthy effect on man’s life. But it is really sad that the habit of self-reliance is not taught in the colleges today. The modern system of education does not encourage se1freliance among the students who only depend upon help books.

Words of the Original Passage = 255
Words of the Precis = 85
Heading: Sdf-reliance

PSEB 12th Class English Precis Writing

Exercise 7

The spirit of the age is in favour of equality, though practice denies it almost everywhere. We have got rid of slavery in the narrow sense of the word, that a man can be the property of another. But a new slavery, in some ways worse than the old, has taken its place all over the world. In the name of individual freedom, political and economic systems exploit human beings and treat them as commodities. And again, though an individual cannot be the property of another, a country and a nation can still be the property of another nation, and thus group slavery is tolerated. Racialism also is a distinguishing feature, of our time, and we have not only master nations but also master races. (127 Words)

Exploit – take undue advantage of; suck the blood of; cruel to. Commodities – lifeless things. Racialism – belief in superior and inferior races of mankind.

There ¡s equality in theory, but not in practice. Old slavery has been replaced by a new slavery in the form of exploitation of human beings by treating them as commodities. Colonialism and racialism are some manifestations of the new slavery.

Words of the Original Passage = 127
Words of the Precis = 43
Heading : Modern Slavery or Slavery in a New Form

Exercise 8

Speech is a great blessing, but it can also be a great curse, for, while it helps us to make our intentions and desires known to our fellows, it can also, if we use it carelessly, make our attitude completely misunderstood. A slip of the tongue, the use of an unusual or an ambiguous word, and so on, may create an enemy where we had hoped to win a friend. Again, different classes of people use different vocabularies, and the ordinary speech of an

educated man may strike an uneducated listener as showing pride; unwittingly we may use a word which bears a different meaning for our listener from what it does to men. of our own class. Thus, speech is not a gift to use lightly without thought, but one which demands careful handling. Only a fool will express himself alike to all kinds and conditions of men. (114 Words)

Attitude – outlook. Unusual – uncommon. Ambiguous – not clear. Handling – treatment.

Speech is a valuable gift, but if used carelessly, may cause misunderstanding. The careless use of words may create an enemy. Since different classes use different words, we must use speech carefully to avoid being misunderstood.

Words of the Original Passage = 114
Words of the Precis = 38
Heading : Use of Speech

Exercise 9

Of all the amusements which can possibly be imagined for a hard-working man, after his toil, there is nothing like reading an entertaining book. It calls for no bodily exercise of which he has had enough. It relieves his home of its dullness. It transports him to a livelier and more interesting scene, and while he enjoys himself there, he may forget the evils of the present moment. Nay, it accompanies him to his day’s next work, and if the book he has been reading be anything above the very idlest and lightest, gives him something to think of, besides the drudgery of his everyday occupation. If I were to pray for a taste which should stand me in good stead under every variety of circumstances and to be a source of happiness and cheerfulness through life, it would be a taste for reading. Give a man this taste, and the means of gratifying it, and you can hardly fail to make a % man happy unless indeed, you put into his hands a most perverse selection of books. (180 Words)

Amusements – entertainment. Toil – hard work. Bodily – physically. Transports— carries. Drudgery – routine. Gratifying – satisfying. Perverse – improper.

Reading a good book is the best source of entertainment after the day’s hard work. It requires no physical exertion. It removes the dullness of home and makes the reader forget the evils of the present. It often provides interesting subjects to think about. Taste for reading is the greatest and most unfailing source of happiness under all circumstances.

Words of the Original Passage = 180
Words of the Precis = 60
Heading : Pleasures of Reading

Exercise 10

People moan about poverty as a great evil, and it seems to be an accepted belief that if people had plenty of money, they would be happy and useful and get more out of life. As a rule, there is more genuine satisfaction in life in the humble cottages of the poor than in the lordly mansions of the rich. I always pity the sons and daughters of the rich who are attended by servants and have governesses at a little age. It is because I know how street, happy and pure the home of honest poverty is, how free from perplexing care and from social envies and jealousies the members of the family are that I sympathise with the rich man’s boy and congratulate the poor man’s son. It is for these reasons that from the ranks of the poor so many strong, eminent, self-reliant men have always sprung. If you will read the list of the immortals who were not born to die, you will find that most of them had the advantage of being cradled, nursed and reared in the hard school of poverty. (180 Words)

Moan – complain. Genuine – true. Mansions – palaces. Perplexing – confusing. Self-reliant – self-dependant. Eminent – famous. Immortals – deathless.

Mostly people regard poverty as an evil. They consider money necessary for a happy and useful life. But generally, a poor man is more satisfied with life than a rich person is. Rich persons who have servants deserve sympathy. The greatest men who have won undying fame in the world have been nursed in the lap of poverty.

Words of the Original Passage = 180
Words of the Precis = 59
Heading : Poverty as a Blessing

Exercise 11

One of the defects of our civilization is that it does not know what to do with its knowledge. Science, as we have seen, has given us powers fit for the gods, yet we use them like small children. For example, we do not know how to manage our machines. Machines were made to be man’s servants, yet he has grown so dependent on them that they are in a fair way to become his masters. Men spend most of their lives looking after and waiting upon machines. And the machines are very stern masters.

They must be fed with coal, and given petrol to drink, and oil to wash with, and they must be kept at the right temperature. And if they do not get their meals when they expect them, they grow sulky and refuse to work, burst with rage and blow up, and spread ruin and destruction all around them. So we have to wait upon them very attentively and do all that we can to keep them in good temper. Already we find it difficult either to work or play without the machines and a time may come when they will rule us altogether, just as we rule the animals. (207 Words)

Waiting upon – serving. Stern – severe, harsh or cruel. Sulky – angry or ill- tempered. Rage – anger. Good temper – good mood.

Civilization has, undoubtedly, blessed us with immense knowledge. But we don’t know what to do with it. Science has given us immense power but we fail to make proper use of it. Machines intended to be our servants have turned out to be our masters. But we have become utterly helpless without them. If we do not look after them properly, they may go wrong or collapse, causing destruction.

Words of the Original Passage = 207
Words of the Precis = 69
Heading : Man and Machines

Exercise 12

Speaking in public is as difficult as singing or acting, and it ought to have quite as careful rehearsals, even more careful, because one of the aims of the public speaker is to appear entirely spontaneous. The great speakers of Greece and Rome used to prepare an important speech as carefully as an opera star nowadays studies a new role. After writing it out a dozen times, they would deliver it before a few trusted friends, critics and tutors, repeating it again and again until they knew every syllable and gesture, and yet the whole thing appeared not a highly elaborated product of art, but a genuine outpouring of real and overwhelming emotion. That is why we still study the speeches of men like Cicero a single page of them contains the result of more concentrated thought, active experience, intricate psychological knowledge, and training in language than modern speakers can command in whole lifetime. (175 Words)

Spontaneous – natural; effortless. Gesture – movement. Elaborated – highly finished. Concentrated – deep. Intricate – difficult.

Public speaking is as difficult as singing and acting. It needs careful rehearsals. A public speaker has to appear natural. Classical speakers used to master their speeches in private. Yet they appeared to be natural, full of emotions. They contained more deep thought and training in language than modern speakers can command.

Words of the Original Passage = 175
Words of the Precis = 55
Heading : Public Speaking

Exercise 13

People once thought that the great barrier to human progress was illiteracy, the widespread inability to read. When once everybody could read the written or printed word, all, it was thought, would be well. Though people would still differ in attainment, owing to the differences in mental ability, the great majority would, at any rate, be able to read and understand the newspapers, and keep themselves properly informed of what was going on around them. Events have by no means justified this optimism.

The majority are able, it is true, to read written or printed characters. But reading, it has been discovered, has a variety of meanings. To some people it means little more than the ability to pronounce aloud the printed word ; to others it means an ability to gain merely a general impression of what they read. Even students daily engaged in the study of books often develop a superficial ability to read rapidly and with apparent understanding, what they subsequently prove to have understood very imperfectly. (170 Words)

Barrier – obstacle; hindrance. Mental ability – intelligence. Characters – letters. Variety – number. Pronounce – speak. Superficial – shallow. Apparent – seeming. Subsequently – as a result of that. Imperfectly – wrongly.

Once illiteracy was considered an obstacle to human progress. It was supposed that more literacy would increase human progress. But it has not proved so. Today, majority of people can read and write but their knowledge is limited. Reading has varied meanings. Some people read things quickly without full understanding. Others consider it as mere loud reading.

Words of the Original Passage =170
Words of the Precis = 57
Heading : Reading and Human Progress

PSEB 12th Class English Precis Writing

Exercises For Practice

Make a precis of the following passages and give a suitable title:

(1) Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, vigour, of deep springs of life. Youth means the predominance1 of courage over timidity2, of adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of sixty more than in a boy of twenty. Nobody grows old merely by the number of years. We grow old by deserting3 our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, doubt, self-distrust, fear and despair4 these bow the heart5 and turn the spirit back to dust6. You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt. (131 Words)

1. excess. 2. lack of courage. 3. giving up. 4. lack of hope. 5. dishearten. 6. make you dead in spirit.

(2) We have political independence. But it is not to be regarded as giving us complete freedom. There are ever so many other things which require to be fulfilled, if this first step is to be regarded as a preparation for the liberation1 of this great land. If we wish to follow up political revolution by a social and economic one, our universities must send out batches2 of scientists, technicians, engineers, agriculturists etc. These are essential for changing the face of our country, the economic character of our society. But we should not believe that science and technology alone are enough. There are other countries, much advanced countries in the world, which have achieved marvellous3 progress in scientific and technological side, but yet they are torn by strife4 and they are unable to bring about peace, safety and security of their own people. It only shows that other qualities are also necessary besides those developed by science and technology. (157 Words)

1. freedom. 2. groups. 3. wonderful. 4 unrest.

(3) Work and play are the complements1 of each other; in fact each is incomplete without the other. “All work and no play makes jack a dull boy”, is true to the core; but the contrary “If all working days had been playing holidays, to play would have been as difficult as to work” holds equally good2. Hence a suitable admixture3, a due proportion of both is what should be aimed at in a school, for there is no denying the fact that play is no less important a part in the accomplishment of a child’s education than work. On the other hand, children acquire greater zest for work if approach to it is made in playway, for play is the outlet4 – nature’s provision for the over-flow of children’s superfluous5 energy. Apart from its value as a great relaxation6 and diversional7 agency8, for it relieves children of the stress and strain9 of their work, play is a great conservator10 of mental, moral and physical energy. It is also a great antidote11 of vice. These are the important results of the achievements on which a school should set its heard12.

1. completing parts. 2. is true. 3. mixing together. 4. channel for taking out. 5. extra. 6. providing rest. 7. change from work. 8. means. 9. exertion and pressure. 10. preserver. 11. check against 12. aspire for.

(4) A proper consideration of the value of time will inspire habits of punctuality. Punctuality is the politeness of kings, the duty of the gentlemen and the necessity of the men of business. Nothing begets confidence in a man sooner than the practice of this virtue1, and nothing shakes confidence sooner than the want2 of it. He who holds to his appointment and does not keep you waiting for him shows that he has regard for your time as well as his own. Thus punctuality is one of the ways in which we show our personal respect for those whom we are called upon3 to meet in the business of life. It is also conscientiousness4 in a measure, for an appointment is a contract expressed5 or implied6 and he who does not keep it is guilty of breaking faith as well as dishonesdy using other people’s time. We naturally come to the conclusion that the person who is careless about business is not a person to be trusted with the transaction of matters of importance. When Washington’s Secretary excused himself for lateness of his attendance and laid the blame on his watch, his master quietly said, “Then you must get another watch or I another Secretary.”

1. quality. 2. lack. 3. required. 4. moral sense. 5. clearly stated. 6 suggested.

(5) Fortune has often been blamed for her blindness, but fortune is not so blind as men are. Those who look into practical life will find that fortune is usually on the side of the industrious, as the winds and the waves are on the side of the best navigator. In the pursuit of even the highest branches of human enquiry the common qualities are found the most useful such as common sense, attention, application and perseverance. Genius may not be necessary, though even genius of the highest sort does not disdain the use of these ordinary qualities. Some have even defined genius to be only common sense intensified. A distinguished teacher and president of a college spoke of it as the power of making efforts. John Foster held it to be power of lighting one’s own fire. Buffon said of genius, “It is patience.”

Industrious – hard-working. Navigators – trained sailors who are given the assignment of steering the direction of the ship. Application – hard work. Perseverance – steadfastness in doing something. Genius – extraordinary capacity. Disdain – hatred. Intensified – made more deep or intense.

(6) That science has become one of the most powerful factors in modern life is generally an accepted and indeed obvious fact. The proper role of the scientist himself is, however, a point on which there is no general agreement. On the one hand are those die-hards1 who, ignoring the changed circumstances of the outside world, contend that outside the laboratory the personal influence of the scientist should be no more than that of any other citizen. On the other hand, are extremists who advocate a state verging on2 a technocracy3 in which scientists would have special privileges and a large measure of control. Those who tend towards the latter view are much more vociferous41 than their more conservative and much more numerous colleagues, with the unfortunate result that there is a widespread impression that scientists generally share these views and wish to claim a far larger share in the control of world affairs than they possess at present. It is, therefore, timely to attempt an assessment5 of the proper status6 of the scientist in modern society.

1. obstinate people. 2. nearly. 3. rule of the technicians. 4. vocal. 5. estimate. 6. position.

(7) In India, at any rate, we must aim at equality. That does not and cannot mean that everybody is physically or intellectually or spiritually equal or can be made so. But it does mean equal opportunities for all and no political, economic or social barrier1 in the way of any individual or group. It means a faith in humanity and a belief that there is no race or group that cannot advance and make good in its own way, given the chance to do so. It means a realization of the fact that the backwardness or degradation2 of any group is not due to inherent failings3 in it, but principally due to lack of opportunities and long suppression by other groups. It should mean an understanding of the modern world wherein real progress and advance, whether national or international, have become very much a joint affair and backward groups pull back others. Therefore, not only must equal opportunities be given to all but special opportunities for educational, economic and cultural growth must be given to backward groups so as to enable them to catch up to those who are ahead of them. Any such attempt to open the doors of opportunity to all in India will release enormous energy and ability and transform4 the country with amazing5 speed.

1. obstacle. 2. disgrace. 3. inborn defects. 4. change. 5. surprising.

(8) The value, of university for educational purposes lies not principally1 in its examination, not even wholly in its teaching, however admirable that teaching may be. It lies and must lie in the collision of minds2 between student and student. We learn at all times of life, but perhaps most when we are young, as much from our contemporaries3 as from anybody else and when we are young we learn from our contemporaries what no professor, however eminent, can teach us. Therefore, it is that while I admire the lives admirable, beyond any power of mine to express my admiration, the lives of those solitary students who under great difficulties come upto Edinburgh from some other University, and without intercourse with their fellows doggedly and perseveringly4 pursue their studies – very often under most serious pressure of home difficulties – their course however admirable is not the course which can give to them those great advantages which are possessed by those whose lot is more happily cast than theirs. I, therefore, associate myself entirely with what Lord Rosebery said about Athletics. I do not think that the athletic movement has been overdone. I believe, on the contrary, that the intercourse between studies which it has given birth, and the good fellowship which it has secured, are of infinite educational value.

1. mainly. 2. meeting of minds. 3. living in the same age. 4. persistently.

(9) The highest expression in the life of a nation must be intellectual eminence and its power of enriching the world by advancing the frontiers1 of knowledge. When a nation has lost this power, when it merely receives and has nothing to give, then its healthy life is over and sinks into a degenerate2 existence which is purely parasitic3. The status of great university cannot be secured by any artificial means, nor can any character assure it. Its world status is only to be won by the intrinsic4 value of great contribution made by its scholars. To be organic and vital, our national university must stand primarily5 for self¬expression and winning for India her true place among the federation of nations.

1. boundaries. 2. declined. 3. depending upon others. 4. real. 5. mainly.

From Board Papers

Passage 1

The background of Indian dance is infinitely rich and as varied as the land itself, yet with the same underlying unity which binds the people of the country together. The dances of India, whether folk or classical, are an eloquent expression of an ancient civilisation, whose timeless wisdom continues to evoke the passionate search of man for conscious identity with God. Folk and tribal dances of India are of innumerable types. But they all express its people’s natural gaiety, sense of abandon and rhythm. The origin of classical dances is from the Hindu temples. It was in the temples that they were first conceived and nourished; it was also in the temples that they attained their full stature. While it is true that dances were also performed in courts, on festive occasions etc. yet the impulse that gave them birth was religious.

The Indian dance is rich and varied. Folk or classical dances are a fine expression of an old civilisation. Through dance man tries for identity with God. The origin of classical dances is the Hindu temple. They attained full growth here. Dances performed on happy occasions were religious. (48 words)

Heading : Indian Dance

Passage 2

One of the most alarming trends of the present century has been the rising population, specially in the under-developed countries. Advancement in medicine has decreased the infant mortality rate and increased the life span. This rise in population is increasing the pressure on land, steadily reducing its capacity to supply not just food, but fuel wood for cooking and foliage for cattle. The search for agricultural land and fuel wood leads in its own ways to destruction of forests which further leads to soil erosion, a fall in water level and finally conversion of fertile land into desert.

Besides, it has led to congestion in cities, rise in crime, inflation, etc. It is expected that world population will reach eleven billion by the year 2050, and could result in a crisis causing vast poverty and misery specially in the Third World. If we do not come to grip with this problem, then in the decades to come we will really have an acute problem of feeding the people, providing them shelter and security.

Population is increasing rapidly in the under-developed countries because of decline in infant mortality and increase in life span. Pressure on land has led to destruction of forests, soil erosion, fall in water level and desertification. This has led to crowding in cities, crime and inflation. World population will soon touch eleven billion. Increasing population should be contained to reduce poverty.

Heading : Increasing Population and Poverty.

PSEB 12th Class English Precis Writing

Passage 3

Girls as well as boys spend much of their precious time on fashion. Boys are seen dressed in expensive suits of the latest cut. They are skilled judges in the matter of the dress and eye one another’s clothes with keen interest. Each tries to excel others in the beauty and design in his clothes. Critical remarks are freely made regarding classmates, whose clothes do not fit them properly. Envious glances are cast upon a student, whose clothes are striking in design and perfect in tailoring. Everyone aims at wearing his clothes to the best advantage and at producing a favourable impression upon his classmates. Students who are expensively dressed claim special privileges in the school or college because they think that their costly clothes are an additional qualification. Students do not pay attention to class lectures. The teachers are helpless in this matter, which results in an increase in the number of flops.

Boys and girls spend time and money on wearing fashionable clothes. Badly dressed boys and girls are often criticised. Fashionably dressed boys and girls are envied. All students try to create good impression on other classmates by wearing fashionable clothes. Expensively dressed students claim special privileges and consider fashionable clothes an additional qualification. Dressy boys and girls often fail in examinations.

Heading : Fashions and Flops

Passage 4

People generally cherish a false notion about beauty and handsomeness. Almost everybody wishes to look handsome or beautiful. Red cheeks, rosy lips, bright eyes, curly hair and an attractive figure are the dreams of young people. Almost every young man and woman pines to look like his or her favourite film star. Nobody cares to bear in mind that the physical beauty is subject to decay and death. On the other hand, spiritual beauty is eternal in nature. Spiritual beauty means the sound and solid qualities of character.

Handsome is he whose actions are just and virtuous. Handsome deeds, noble thoughts and strength of character know no decay. Man dies physically, but his virtue survives. Socrates, Aristotle, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi and Lai Bahadur Shastri had no attraction in their physical appearances, but the handsomeness in their conduct, character and deeds will always continue to attract and inspire. Handsome indeed is the man, whose deeds are handsome. (158 Words)

All young men and women desire to look attractive like their favourite film stars. But physical beauty is short-lived while spiritual beauty means solid qualities of character. Handsome is he whose actions are just and virtuous. The noble deeds done by great men live after them. Great men are remembered for their noble deeds and not for their handsome or ugly appearances.

Heading : Handsomeness lies in Handsome Deeds

Passage 5

The soldier who holds the sword stands for the defence of the country. The writer who holds the pen signifies the powerful ideas. The conquests of the soldier are glamorous, but they are short-lived. His victories are over body and land only. The writer conquers not only body, but heart and soul also. The sword may kill a man, but cannot convert his heart. It is true to say that ideas rule the mind and mind rules the world. The victories of the mind are everlasting.

The names of great Commanders and Generals are soon forgotten, but Shakespeare, Wordsworth and Kali Dass will continue to conquer the mind and heart of man till eternity. Even the victories of the sword are immortalized by the pen. Who would know about Lord Rama in the absence of Valmiki’s pen ? The sword is powerful only during a war, but the pen wields its power in peace as well as in war. Thus the superiority of the pen to the sword cannot be contested. (170 Words)

The soldier defends the country. The writer gives ideas to the world. The glamorous conquests of the soldier are short-lived. A writer’s words have a lasting appeal. Conquerors are soon forgotten but the words of great writers live for ever. The pen immortalises the victories of great soldiers. Valmiki has immortalised Lord Rama. The pen is powerful during peace and war.

Heading : The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Passage 6

Although TV programmes have become the most popular source of recreation, reading books is the highest type of pleasure that a man can get before and after his everyday work. In fact, it is a source of everlasting joy. Books are our unfailing friends. Their reading is one of the best ways of passing our leisure time. We do not have to depend upon others for company. Books give us a great relief from boredom. They are the best companions even during journeys.

They express life in an interesting way. They transport us, in our imagination, thousands of kilometres away. We live not only in the present, but in the past and future also. In addition to being our best friends, books are our guides and philosophers. A lover of books lives in the company of great writers and poets of all the ages. He gets delight in prosperity and relief in times of misery. Thus he enriches his experience of life. (162 Words)

Reading books gives greater pleasure than recreation by television. Books are man’s unfailing friends. They provide him everlasting joy. Books enable us to spend our time in the best possible way. They are our friends and philosophers in the present, past and future. A lover of books enjoys the company of masterminds. Books delight us in prosperity and relieve us in times of misery.

Heading : Pleasures of Reading Books

Passage 7

Beauty is a wonderful creation of God. It tempts man more quickly than even wealth. But for beauty, this world would have been a dull place. Human beauty and natural beauty are equally attractive. Unfortunately beauty is subject to decay and death. Whatever is beautiful today will perish tomorrow. Time reaps the rich harvest of beauty. None can escape its grip and sickle. Nothing in this world enjoys permanent beauty. A beautiful flower blooms only for a day or two.

A beautiful woman can’t retain her beauty for long. Beauty departs with the period of youth. However, it is only physical beauty which is short-lived. This beauty is skin-deep. But there is beauty of character also. It lends man, immortality. Therefore, man should not run after physical beauty. He should create in him the beauty of thought and action. Only this beauty has a permanent value.

Beauty is a remarkable creation of God. It is more tempting than wealth. A world without beauty would be dull and uninteresting. Both human and natural beauty are ravaged by time. Beauty of character has a lasting value. Man should create in him beauty of thought and character.

Heading : The Value of Beauty of Character

PSEB 12th Class English Precis Writing

Passage 8

Courage is a virtue. There can be no other virtue without courage. In other words, courage is the basis of all virtues. There are two types of courage-physical courage and moral courage. Physical courage can be taught, but moral courage has to be developed. Physical courage enables us to face physical attacks on our body. Moral courage prepares us to face the challenges of life boldly. Nobody can be great if he does not have courage. Only a man of courage can give resistance to evil. He calls a spade a spade and is not afraid of results. No difficulties can stand in the way of a man if he grapples with them courageously. The virtue of courage should be cultivated in children. Parents and teachers should teach them courage. They should not strike fear in their hearts about small matters. Those who have courage give it to others in times of crisis.

Courage is the basis of all virtues. Courage is physical and moral. Physical 1 courage can be taught but moral courage needs to be developed. Physical attacks can be faced with physical courage. Moral courage enables us to face challenges boldly. Courage > makes one great. Courage should be cultivated in children.

Heading : Importance of Courage

Passage 9

Education is an important activity in society. It gives an opportunity to man to understand the world around him and his place in it. In ancient times man was completely at the mercy of nature which was a complete mystery to him. The dark forces of nature were beyond the comprehension of man and to console himself he had to depend upon the existence of supernatural powers and this led to the growth of religion and superstition. The invention of tools, domestication of animals and growth of agriculture led to organisation of society and alongwith this, developed social sciences.

Thus, in education we combine the study of natural laws with the laws governing the development of society. Knowledge and understanding come to us through the study of natural sciences like chemistry, physics and biology etc., and the social sciences like history, political science, etc. The acquisition, interlinking and transmission of this knowledge and understanding is the primary function of education. (160 words)

Education enables man to understand the world. Previously man was at the mercy of nature. He depended upon the supernatural forces to understand nature. This made the way for religion and superstition. Then came the organisation of society and education. Education brings us knowledge and understanding when we study natural and social sciences. (59 words)

Heading : Education and Knowledge

Passage 10

Where machines have benefited mankind in so many ways, they have also proved to be harmful. The machine age made many people unemployed. Now there is no need for so many hands to do a task. Only one person is required to manipulate the machine. Thus it has led to unemployment. Machines have also led to degradation of our environment. The poisonous fumes and gases emitted by vehicles and industrial units have polluted the air we breathe and pose a threat to the health of the people.

In the light of all these grave dangers, it is imperative that man tries to make judicious use of machines. After all man had applied his mind to invent new things not to make his life miserable, but to make it more comfortable and better. Machines should serve mankind. Man should ensure that he does not allow them to destroy his environment and health and put the life of all living things in grave danger beyond a point of no return.

Machines have proved both useful and harmful to man. Many people have become unemployed because of machines. Machines have damaged the environment. Air is polluted and man’s health is endangered. Man should make wise use of machines. Man invented machines to make his life comfortable. Machines should serve man for better health and environment.

Heading : Machines in Service of Man

Number of words in the Original Passage = 169
Number of words in the Precis = 56

Passage 11

The exploration of space has been one of the most exciting developments. Most spacecrafts which have been launched in the space in the last fifty years, since the time space age began, have transmitted vast amount of knowledge back to earth. It now does not seem so distant a reality or a difficult dream to realise that one day we shall be able to establish human colonies on other planets with our present techniques and resources. It is only the development and application of computers which has brought man closer to realising his dreams. Besides, satellites which are launched in space ate of immense use in communication. They have made it possible to obtain television linkage between distant countries and pleasing greatly television viewers all over the world by taking their favourite programmes or events of world significance right into their living rooms. Photographs from satellites have helped in the field of agriculture, geology and meterology. Weather satellites help to give advance warning of any such developments which may be dangerous to human life.

Exploration of space is a very exciting development. Spacecrafts have given us very useful knowledge. Hopefully one day human colonies would be established on other planets. Computers have made this possible. Satellites in space are very useful in communication. They have made link between distant countries possible. Photographs from satellites have helped in several fields like agriculture, affecting human life.

Heading : Exploration of Space

Number of words in the Original Passage = 174
Number of words in the Precis = 58

Passage 12

One of the chief aims of education is to build the moral character of individuals and to teach them to live in society in a spirit of cooperation and brotherhood. Sports are a great help towards this goal of moral development. Every game is played according to certain rules which are recognised by all. Any departure from these rules means foul play. The decision of the referee is final. So games help to develop in players the habit of fair play, sportsmanship, honesty, teamspirit, punctuality, obedience and leadership. These qualities go a long way in making individuals self-disciplined. These habits learnt on the playground then extend to the wider sphere of life. Fair play is a noble quality when practised in political and social dealings. Spirit of sportsmanship teaches one to play game for the sake of playing and accepting defeat with a smile. It is not important whether you win or lose, what is important is how you play it.

The main aim of education is to build moral character and enable individuals to live in a spirit of brotherhood. Sports help us in moral development. Games help players in having the spirit of fair play. Qualities learnt on the playground extend to the wider sphere of life. True sportsmen play without caring for victory or defeat.

Number of words in the Original Passage = 161
Number of words in the Precis = 54

Heading : Sports and Moral Development

Passage 13

Anger may sometimes be right and holy. Bad temper is always wrong. It is generally foolish too. A bad tempered person is always selfish. Let a selfish person have his own way and he will be very nice to you. But cross him in the smallest thing and he flies into a rage. Bad temper is due to lack of self-control. Even the best men feel vexed and cross sometimes but they control their feelings. They do not lose their temper. Bad-tempered people are the slaves of their feelings. They cannot control them. A bad-tempered man is an unhappy man. How can you be happy when every little thing makes you angry ? Bad temper grows into a habit if not checked. The cure for bad temper is to think less of oneself and more of others. Learn to control yourself. When angry, count twelve before you speak.

A bad-tempered man is often wrong, foolish and selfish. He will be nice to others if he has his own way. He becomes angry when opposed. Best men often control their feelings and temper. A bad-tempered man is often unhappy. One gets rid of bad temper by thinking more of others.

Heading : Getting Rid of Bad Temper

Number of words in the Original Passage = 146
Number of words in the Precis = 49

PSEB 12th Class English Precis Writing

Exercise 14

Obedience is the habit of doing what we are told to do. It is not easy to learn obedience but it is necessary. Children must obey their parents. Pupils must obey their teachers. Servants must obey their masters. Soldiers must obey their officers. Subjects must obey the government and all men must obey God. Why should children obey their parents ? The reason is that they are ignorant and need training. Similarly a servant must obey the master because he is paid to do what his master wants. Soldiers must obey their officers because an army is of no use without discipline. Subjects must obey their government because there would be no law and order if they did not. Obedience to God is the first law. If any man tells us to do wrong we must disobey, so that we may obey God. God’s law must come first.

Obedience means doing what is necessary. Children, pupils, servants, soldiers, subjects and all men must obey parents, teachers, masters, officers and God respectively. Children need to be trained by parents. There would be total chaos without obedience and discipline at every stage of life. All must obey Gods law and disobey a wrong one.

Heading : Obedience and God’s Law

Number of words in the Original Passage = 148
Number of words in the Precis = 54

Exercise 15

The system of education in India today is devoid of any goal or ideal. It does not satisfy the aspirations of the students. The result is that there is frustration which in turn breeds indiscipline. There is so much of stress on examinations in these days that the student sets the passing of the examination as his only goal but after he passes the examination and goes to the wide world outside, he finds himself unequipped to meet the demands of new age. The best system of education is one which draws both on the present and the past. What we want today is a harmonious blending of the best from our heritage and the finest from modern science.

The present system of education is without any goal. It does not meet the aspirations of the students. It is examination-ridden. It fails to prepare students for the demands of the wide world. The best education should combine the best from heritage and the finest from modern science.

Heading : The Best Education

Passage 16

No man can suddenly become great or famous. Long years of hard work and struggle are wanted from him to attain some heights. No man can reach the summit of a mountain without a long and laborious climb. No man can become great or achieve fame without much toil, labour and sacrifice. We are dazzled by the great heights of fame and glory reached by a man but often we forget the long years of toil and suffering spent by him in his pursuit. A student has to work patiently and industriously for years before he can be a great scholar. An actor passes through arduous series of monotonous practices before making any achievement. Often defeats, humiliations and insults lie behind the success of a great reformer, leader or preacher.

Long years of hard labour enable one to win fame and glory in one’s field. Outstanding success of others impresses us. Students become scholars through hard labour and industry. A successful reformer or leader has to overcome several obstacles and frustrations.

Heading : No Pains, No Gains

Passage 17

Many men and women are so money-minded that they do not undertake any serious work that does not pay. They believe that it is foolish to exert themselves for such study and brain work as cannot be converted into cash. Hard work only for money, and then plenty of play and pleasure : this seems to be their rule of life. They value intellect only as the key to material prosperity and regard personal mental development as foolish fad. This miserable materialistic psychology is very deep-rooted in all classes of society. Rich and poor, all suffer from it. An old working woman complained to me of her son’s habit of occasionally buying some cheap books, and said, “He wastes his money on books. What good are they to him ? He is a carpenter, not a schoolmaster.”

Most men and women are money-minded. They do serious work only for cash payment. Hard work for money is the motto of their lives. They regard intellect as the key to material prosperity. They dislike mental development. Money-minded people think that a carpenter has nothing to do with books.

Heading : Materialism and Intellect

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Narration / Direct and Indirect Speech

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class English Book Solutions English Grammar Narration / Direct and Indirect Speech Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Narration / Direct and Indirect Speech

We may report the words of a speaker in two ways.

  1. We may quote his actual words. This is called the Direct Speech.
  2. We may report what he said without using his exact words. This is called the Indirect Speech.

Example : He said, “My brother is on tour.” (Direct)
He said that his brother was on tour. (Indirect)
Note : In the Direct Speech we use inverted commas to mark off the exact words of the speaker. In the Indirect Speech, we use neither exact words of the speaker nor the inverted commas.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Narration / Direct and Indirect Speech

The verb that reports the exact words of a speaker in Direct Speech is called the Reporting Verb.
The speech which the Reporting Verb actually reports is called the Reported Speech.
Rules for Changing Direct Speech into Indirect Speech.
(A) Change of Tense
1. The tense of the Reporting Verb is never changed. ,
2. The tense of the Reported Speech is changed as under :
(a) If the tense of the Reporting Verb is Present or Future, the tense of the verb in the Reported Speech is not changed.
(b) If the tense of the Reporting verb is past, the tense of the verb in the Reported Speech is changed into the corresponding past tense; as,

1. Present Indefinite is changed into Past Indefinite
2. Present Continuous is changed into Past Continuous
3. Present Perfect is changed into Past Perfect
4. Present Perfect Continuous is changed into Past Perfect Continuous
5. Past Indefinite is changed into Past Perfect
6. Past Continuous is changed into Past Perfect Continuous

(B) Change of Personal Pronouns

  1. Pronouns of the first person in the Reported Speech are changed into the person of the subject of the Reporting Verb.
  2. Pronouns of the second person in the Reported Speech are changed into the person of the object of the Reporting Verb.
  3. Pronouns of the third person in the Reported Speech are generally not changed in the Indirect Speech.

(C) Change of Adjectives and Adverbs:
Words expressing nearness are generally changed into words expressing distance. Thus
PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Narration Direct and Indirect Speech 1

(D) Use of Conjunction:
When a speech is changed from Direct into Indirect Speech, the conjunction ‘that’
generally inserted after the reporting verb. An exception in this respect is, however, made in the case of Interrogative and Imperative sentences.

1. Change of Assertive Sentences

In changing an Assertive sentence into Indirect Narration, change in the person of pronouns and tense is done as explained in the rules.
Conjunction ‘that’ is used.

Direct Indirect
1. Ram says to me, “I am going home.” Ram tells me that he is going home.
2. Ram said, “I go home.” Ram said that he went home.
3. Ram said, “I have gone home.” Ram said that he had gone home.
4. Ram said, “I have been going home.” Ram said that he had been going home.
5. Ram said, “I went home.” Ram said that he had gone home.
6. Ram said, “I was going home.” Ram said that he had been going home.
7. Ram said, “I shall go home.” Ram said that he would go home.
8. Ram said, “I shall be going home.” Ram said that he would be going home.
9. Ram said, “I shall have gone home.” Ram said that he would have gone home.
10. Ram said, “I shall have been going home.” Ram said that he would have been going home.
11. Mohan said to me, “I am a poor student.” Mohan told me that he was a poor student.
12. He said to me, “I have an urgent piece of work at home.” He told me that he had an urgent piece of work at home.
13. I said to the teacher, “I shall never be late for school.” I told the teacher that I would never be late for school.
14. Mohan said, “I have no time to talk to you now.” Mohan said that he had no time to talk to me then.

NOTE : If the reported speech expresses a universal truth or habitual fact, the tense in it is not changed; as,

Direct Indirect
1. The teacher said, “The earth moves round The teacher said that the earth moves round the sun.
2. He said, “Health is wealth.” He said that health is wealth.
3. He said, “God is everywhere.” He said that God is everywhere.
4. Ram said, “Man is mortal.” Ram said that man is mortal.
5. The teacher said to the boys, “Slow and and steady wins the race.” The teacher told the boys that slow steady wins the race.
6. He said, “Two and two make four.” He said that two and two make four.

2. Change of Interrogative Sentences

In converting an interrogative sentence into Indirect Speech, the following rules are observed:
1. The Reporting Verb is changed into ‘ask’, ‘enquire’ etc.

2. If the question begins with ‘who’, ‘when’, ‘where’, ‘what’, ‘from’, ‘why’, etc. no conjunction is used. These words follow in Reporting Verb unchanged.

3. When the question begins with a helping verb such as : ‘is’, ‘am’, ‘was’, ‘were’, ‘has’, ‘have’, ‘had’, ‘do’, ‘does’, ‘did’, ‘can’, ‘may’ etc. ‘if’ or ‘whether’ is used to introduce Indirect Speech.

The rules for the change of tense and pronouns as already given are observed.
The sentence changes its form from interrogative to assertive, helping verb goes with the verb and the question mark is removed.

Direct Indirect
1. He said to me, “What is your name ?” He asked me what my name was.
2. The teacher said to the student, “Why were you absent from school ?” The teacher enquired of the student why he had been absent from the school.
3. He said to me, “Where do you live ?” He asked me where I lived.
4. The teacher said to the boy, “How much money do you want ?” The teacher asked the boy how much money he wanted.
5. Ram said to me, “Whom do you want to see ? Ram asked me whom I wanted to see.
6. The teacher said to the boy, “Why are you The teacher asked the boy why he was late again.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Narration / Direct and Indirect Speech

3. Change of Imperative Sentences

In converting an imperative sentence into Indirect Speech, following rules are observed:
1. The Reporting Verb is changed into order, command, advise, forbid, request, beg, ask etc. in accordance with the sense that the sentence carries.

2. The Imperative mood of the verb of the Reported Speech is changed into infinitive i.e. ‘to’ is followed by the first form of the verb.

3. In the negative sentences ‘to’ is used after ‘not’.

4. Sometimes an object is to be supplied to the Reporting Verb from the context.

Direct Indirect
1. The headmaster said to the peon, “Ring the bell.” The headmaster ordered the peon to ring the bell.
2. He said to me,“Please wait here till I return.” He requested me to wait there till he returned.
3. The teacher said to the students, “Sit The teacher ordered the students to sit down and not to make a noise.
4. I said to him, “Work hard if you want to get a prize.” I advised him to work hard, if he wanted to get a prize.
5. The thief said to the magistrate, “Pardon The thief begged the magistrate

4. Change of Exclamatory Sentences

Exclamatory sentences express the feelings of pain, pleasure, a wish, a desire etc. on the part of the speaker.
Rules for the change of such sentences into Indirect form of speech are as under:

  1. The Reporting verb say is changed into exclaim, regret, admit, confess, cry out etc.
  2. The sentence becomes an assertive one and sign of exclamation is replaced by a full stop.
  3. Do away with words such as ‘Hurrah !’ ‘Alas’, ‘Bravo’ and express their sense by use of joy, sorrow, applaud.
  4. Changes in Tenses and Pronouns are the same as discussed already.
Direct Indirect
1. The players said, “Hurrah ! we have won the match.” The players exclaimed with joy that they had won the match.
2. The old man said, “Alas ! my only son is The old man exclaimed with sorrow that his only son was dead.
3. He said, “How clever I am !” He exclaimed that he was very clever.
4. She said, “What a fine building it is !” She exclaimed that it was a very fine building.
5. The teacher said, “Ah ! what a foolish The teacher exclaimed with regret that he had to deal with a very foolish man.

5. Optative Sentences

Rules for change into Indirect Speech:
1. The reporting verb is changed into ‘wish’, ‘pray’ etc.
2. The sentence becomes assertive and sign of exclamation is replaced by a full stop.
3. In most cases, conjunction “that” is used after the reporting verb.

Direct Indirect
1. The beggar said, “May you live long !” The beggar prayed that I might live long.
2. He said to her, “May you succeed !” He wished that she might succeed.
3. “May you go to hell !” said the hermit The hermit prayed that the wretch might go to hell.
4. He said, “Would that I had all the pleasures of the world.” He wished that he had all the pleasures of the world.
5. Prem said to me, “Good morning, sir.” Prem respectfully wished me good morning.

Exercise 1

Change the form of Narration:

1. Tom said, “I don’t want to stay home from school.” 1. Tom said that he did not want to stay home from school.
2. ‘Oh, Sid, don’t juggle me !’ said Tom. 2. Tom exclaimed and told Sid not to juggle him.
3. She said, “Tom, you should not have frightened me like this.” 3. She told Tom that he should not have frightened her like that.
4. “Oh auntie, my sore toe is mortified.” 4. Tom told his auntie surprisingly that his sore toe was mortified.
5. “Now, that your tooth is out, Tom, you should go to school,” she said. 5. She advised Tom to go to school then because his tooth was out.
6. “What is the matter with you child ?” the aunt repeatedly said. 6. The aunt repeatedly asked the child lovingly what the matter with him was.
7. “I forgive you everything, Sid,” said Tom. 7. Tom told Sid that he forgave him everything.
8. “How long have you been this way ?” Sid said. 8. Sid asked Tom how long he had been like that way.
9. “Tom, why didn’t you wake me sooner ?” said Sid. 9. Sid asked Tom why he had not woken him sooner.
10. Aunt Polly said, “What is the matter with your tooth ?” 10. Aunt Polly asked him what the matter with his tooth was.
11. She said to Tom, “Open your mouth.” 11. She ordered Tom to open his mouth.
12. Tom said, “Oh, please Auntie, don’t pull it out.” 12. Tom requested his auntie not to pull it out.
13. Sid said to Tom, “Don’t wait, come quickly.” 13. Sid told Tom not to wait and asked

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Narration / Direct and Indirect Speech

Exercise 2

Change the form of Narration:

1. “How many days is it since you touched your books ?”Father asked Swaminathan. 1. Father asked Swaminathan how many days it was since he had touched his books.
2. “Do you think you have passed the B.A. ?” Father asked Swami. 2. Father asked Swami if he thought he had passed the B.A.
3. “Do you want the whole day to throw out the spider ?” Father asked. 3. Father asked Swami if he wanted the whole day to throw out the spider.
4. “Get a piece of cloth, boy. That is not the way to clean things,” said Father. 4. Father told Swami to get a piece of cloth as that was not the way to clean things.
5. Swami announced, “Krishna must pay six annas.” 5. Swami announced that Krishna must pay six annas.
6. Swami said, “It seems I have got to tidy up these books of mine.” 6. Swami said that it seemed he had got to tidy up those books of his.
7. Father said to Swami, “Look at the way you have kept your English text.” 7. Father told Swami to look at the way he had kept his English text.
8. Swami said to his father, “Where am I to go for a piece of cloth ?” 8. Swami asked his father where he was to go for a piece of cloth.
9. “Can you give me a piece of cloth ?” said Swami to his mother. 9. Swami asked his mother if she could give him a piece of cloth.
10. Mother said to Swamis father, “There is no limit to his loafing in the sun.” 10. Mother told Swami’s father that there was no limit to his loafing in the sun.
11. Father said to Swami, “Have you done the sum ?” 11. Father asked Swami if he had done the sum.
12. Father said to Swami, “Where are you going ?” 12. Father asked Swami where he was going.
13. “How much does Ram want for his mangoes ?”asked the father. 13. The father asked him how much Ram wanted for his mangoes.
14. Father shouted and asked him, “Did you find the cloth ?” 14. Father shouted to ask him if he had found the cloth.
15. “You were not here yesterday,” said Swamis father. 15. Swamis father reminded (him) that he had not been there the previous day.

Exercise 3

Change the form of Narration:

1. “You must take the dog out, the woman bitterly. 1. He told the woman bitterly that she must take the dog out.
2. “I won’t go on the top in such weather,” said the woman. 2. The woman said that she would not go on the top in such weather.
3. “I will go on the top,” said the lady. 3. The lady said that she would go on the top.
4. “It is nonsense,” said her male companion. 4. Her male companion said angrily that it was nonsense.
5. “Let’s get our fares back,” said one of the passengers. 5. One of the passengers suggested that they should get their fares back.
6. “No fares back,” said the conductor. 6. The conductor told the passengers that he would give no fares back.
7. “Well, he has got his rules,” he said. 7. He remarked that he had got his rules.
8. “Shameful.” “Call the police, let’s make him give us our fares back.” 8. The passengers deplored that the behaviour of the conductor was shameful. It was suggested to call the police and to make him (the conductor) give them their fares back.
9. “You can take my name and address,” said the woman. 9. The woman told him (courageously) that he could take her name and address.
10. “Call the police,” said someone. 10. Someone suggested that the police should be called.
11. “I’ve got my rules,” said the conductor. 11. The conductor claimed or remarked that he had got his rules.

Exercise 4

Change the form of Narration:

1. “What is the treasure?” I enquired with interest. 1. I enquired with interest what the treasure was.
2. “Pearls,” he answered, “marvellous, flawless pearls.” 2. He answered that the pearls were really marvellous and flawless.
3. “And where are they to be found ?” I asked. 3. I asked him where the pearls were to be found.
4. “On the pearl banks of the Persian Gulf,” he replied. 4. He replied that they were to be found on the pearl banks of the Persian Gulf.
5. “The thin men are the divers,” he explained. 5. He explained that the thin men were the divers.
6. “Who is the man sitting cross-legged on a bench ?” I asked. 6. I asked him who the man sitting cross-legged on a bench was.
7. “That is the captain,” said my host. 7. My host said that that was the captain.
8. “There are not many men killed by sharks,’’said Mr. Hudson. 8. Mr. Hudson said that there were not many men killed by sharks.
9. “What is in the pots ?” I asked my host. 9. I asked my host what in the pots
10. “I could show you one,” said Mr. Hudson. 10. Mr. Hudson told me that he could show me one.
11. Mr. Hudson said, “This is a tiny copy of the Koran, the Arabs Bible.” 11. Mr. Hudson told me that it was a tiny copy of the Koran, the Arab’s Bible.
12. He asked me, “Do you notice a strong smell of herbs ?” 12. He asked me if I noticed a strong smell of herbs.
13. He replied, “The pearl fleet is at work quite near here.” 13. He replied that the pearl fleet was at work quite near there.
14. The writer said to Hudson, “Is it not dan-gerous to work here ?” 14. The writer asked Hudson if it was not dangerous to work there.
15. The host said to me, “Will you like to hear a song ?” 15. The host asked me if I would like to hear a song.
16. Mr. Hudson warned me, “Look out for the jelly fish.” 16. Mr. Hudson warned me to look out for the jelly fish.

Exercise 5

Change the form of Narration:

1. My hostess said, “I will show you over the church after service.” 1. My hostess told me that she would show me over the church after service.
2. “I hope you slept well,” said my host at breakfast next morning. 2. My host at breakfast next morning told me that she hoped that I had slept well.
3. “Oh ! that is the washing pool,” said my hostess. 3. My hostess pointed out with surprise that that was the washing pool.
4. “She would call that a kit,” said my hostess. 4. My hostess told me that she would call that a kit.
5. “Would you like to come with us to a service in the Maori Church ?” asked she. 5. She asked me if I would like to come with them to a service in the Maori Church.
6. “I’ll make your tea for you,” said the Maori woman. 6. The Maori woman told me that she would make my tea for me.
7. “What a tongue-twister !” I could not help saying. 7. I could not help remarking that it was a very bad tongue-twister.
8. “But isn’t it very dangerous to live there at all ?” I wanted to know. 8. I asked to know if it was not dangerous to live there at all.
9. My hostess said, “That’s not really wood, you know-it is flax.” 9. My hostess told me that that was not really wood. She reminded me that it was flax.
10. I said, “How amazing !” 10. I exclaimed that it was very amazing.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Narration / Direct and Indirect Speech

Our readers should note that all exercises on the grammatical items prescribed in the syllabus have been solved at the appropriate places in MBD Guide.

Exercise 1 (Textual)

Change the Narration:
1. She said to me, “I was present in the class yesterday.”
2. He says to me, “You may ask your brother to help you.”
3. She will say to me, “They are very brave.”
4. He told me that hard work pays in life.
5. Rohtas said, “I prefer death to dishonour.”
6. The stranger said, “I want to stay here for the night.”
7. The man told Ravi that he knew his father.
8. My uncle said that he had bought that house in 2005.
9. Ashok will say to Sumit, “I will try to stand first.”
10. Rishi said to me, “He needs help.”
1. She told me that she had been present in the class the previous day.
2. He tells me that I may ask my brother to help me.
3. She will tell me that they are very brave.
4. He told me that hard work pays in life.
5. Rohtas said that he prefers death to dishonour.
6. The stranger said that he wanted to stay there for the night.
7. The man said to Ravi, “I know your father.”
8. My uncle said, “I bought this house in 2005.”
9. Ashok will tell Sumit that he will try to stand first.
10. Rishi told me that he needed help.

Exercise 2 (Textual)

Change the Narration:
1. The leader said, “Trust in God.”
2. My friend said to me, “Let me go home now as it is already twelve.”
3. She said, “What a lovely scene !”
4. My mother said to me, “Learn your lesson everyday.”
5. Columbus said to the courier, “Oh, leave me alone.”
6. The policeman advised me to obey the traffic rules.
7. Isha asked him when the postman came.
8. He asked, “Will you serve me faithfully ?”
9. You said, “You must work hard.”
10. He says to me, “I will leave you now.”
1. The leader told them to trust in God.
2. My friend told me to let him go home then as it was already twelve.
3. She exclaimed with delight that it was a very lovely scene.
4. My mother advised me to learn my lesson everyday.
5. Feeling disgusted, Columbus told the courier to leave him alone.
6. The policeman said to me, “Obey the traffic rules.”
7. Isha said to him, “When did the postman come ?”
8. He asked me if I would serve him faithfully.
9. You told him that he must work hard.
10. He tells me that he will leave then.

Exercise 3 (Textual)

Change the Narration:
1. She said, “We are all sinners.”
2. “Run away, children,” said the mother.
3. “Do not you know the way home ?”asked I.
4. He said to him, “You should respect your elders.”
5. The principal said, “The authorities are trying their best to improve things.”
6. The teacher said, “Honesty is the best policy.”
7. Alice said to his wife, “Tom is coming for lunch today.”
8. I said, “I have my own likes and dislikes.”
9. You said to him, “I have seen this man somewhere.”
10. Mrs. Sonia says, “I am working on this computer.”
1. She said that they are all sinners.
2. The mother ordered the children to run away.
3. I asked him if he did not know the way home.
4. He advised him that he should respect his elders.
5. The principal announced that the authorities were trying their best to improve things.
6. The teacher said that honesty is the best policy.
7. Alice told his wife that Tom was coming for lunch that day.
8. I said that I have my own likes and dislikes.
9. You told him that you had seen that man somewhere.
10. Mrs. Sonia says that she is working on that computer.

PSEB 12th Class English Grammar Narration / Direct and Indirect Speech

Exercise 4 (Textual)

Change the Narration:
1. He said to me, “I do not believe you.”
2. Rama said to Arjun, “Go away.”
3. He said to me, “What are you doing ?”
4. The Prince said, “It gives me great pleasuerc to be here this evening.”
5. He said, ‘I shall go as soon as it is possible.”
6. He said to him, “Is not your name Ahmed ?”
7. “Sit down, boys,” said the teacher.
8. Alice said, “How clever I am!”
9. The teacher said to him, “Do not read so fast.”
10. Abdul said that he had seen that picture.
1. He told me that he did not believe me.
2. Rama told Arjun to go away.
3. He asked me what I was doing.
4. The Prince remarked that it gave him great pleasure to be there that evening.
5. He said that he would go as soon as it was possible.
6. He asked him if his name was not Ahmed.
7. The teacher asked the boys to sit down.
8. Alice exclaimed proudly that she was very clever.
9. The teacher told him not to read so fast.
10. Abdul said, “I have seen that picture.”

Exercise 5 (Textual)

Change the Narration:
1. You said, “My father returned from Cuttack last night.”
2. The saint said, “We should not hate the sinners.”
3. Jogi said that he had stood first.
4. Geeta said to Rohini, “Examination is drawing near.”
5. He says, “I go to the temple everyday.”
6. He said to me, “Hard work is the key to success.”
7. She said, “I was ill yesterday.”
8. “I want to take that journalist out on patrol,” he said to Priya.
9. The science teacher said to the students, “The earth moves round the sun.”
10. She said to me, “God will help you.”
1. You said that your father had returned from Cuttack the previous night.
2. The saint said that they should not hate the sinners.
3. Jogi said, “I have stood first.”
4. Geeta informed Rohini that examination was drawing near.
5. He says that he goes to the temple everyday.
6. He told me that hard work is the key to success.
7. She said that she had been ill the previous day.
8. He told Priya that he wanted to take that journalist on patrol.
9. The science teacher told the students that the earth moves round the sun.
10. She assured me that God will help me.

Exercise 6 (Textual)

Change the Narration:
1. Kausalya said to Rama, “Do not desire to possess the moon.”
2. An old mouse said, “Who will bell that cat ?”
3. “Go down to the bazaar. Bring me some oil and a lump of ice,” ordered Latif.
4. Isha said to him, “What is it that makes you stronger and braver than any other man.”
5. “Have you anything to tell me ?”asked his master.
6. He said to me, “Wait until I come.”
7. He said, “Oh ! That’s a nuisance.”
8. “Which way did she go ?” asked the young man.
9. My father said to me, “I have often told you not to play with fire.”
10. I wrote that I would visit you the next day.
1. Kausalya forbade Rama to desire to possess the moon.
2. An old mouse asked who would be willing to bell the cat.
3. Latif ordered him to go down to the bazaar and bring him some oil and a lump of ice.
4. Isha asked him as to what it was that made him stronger and brave than any other man.
5. His master asked him if he had anything to tell him.
6. He told me to wait until he came.
7. He exclaimed angrily that it was a great nuisance.
8. The young man asked him which way she had gone.
9. My father warned me that he had often told me not to play with fire.
10. I wrote, “I shall visit you tomorrow.”