PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran वाक्य शुद्धि

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class Hindi Book Solutions Hindi Grammar vakya shuddhi वाक्य शुद्धि Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Grammar वाक्य शुद्धि

निम्नलिखित अशुद्ध वाक्यों को शुद्ध करके लिखिए

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran वाक्य शुद्धि 1
PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran वाक्य शुद्धि 2

शुद्ध वाक्य छाँट कर लिखिए

प्रश्न 1. (क) महादेवी विद्वान् स्त्री थी।
(ख) महादेवी विद्वान् विदुषी थी।
(ग) महादेवी विदुषी स्त्री थी।
(घ) महादेवी विदुषी थी।
(घ) महादेवी विदुषी थी

प्रश्न 2. (क) सौन्दर्यता सबको मोह लेती है।
(ख) सौन्दर्य सबको मोह लेता है।
(ग) सौन्दर्यत्व सबको मोहता है।
(घ) सौन्दर्यत्व मोहक होता है।
(ख) सौन्दर्य सबको मोह लेता है

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran वाक्य शुद्धि

प्रश्न 3. (क) वहाँ करोड़ों रुपये संकलित हो गए।
(ख) वहाँ करोड़ों रुपये एकत्र हो गए।
(ग) वहाँ करोड़ों रुपये मिलकर एक साथ हो गए।
(घ) वहाँ करोड़ों रुपये जमा हो गए।
(घ) वहाँ करोड़ों रुपये जमा हो गए

प्रश्न 4. (क) मेरा रुमाल मेरी जेब ही में है।
(ख) मेरा रुमाल अपनी ही जेब में है।
(ग) मेरा रुमाल जेब ही में है।
(घ) मेरा रुमाल अपनी ही जेब में है।
(क) मेरा रुमाल मेरी जेब में है

निम्नलिखित वाक्यों के निर्देशानुसार उत्तर दीजिए

प्रश्न 1.
प्रतिदिन दाँत साफ करो। (सही या गलत लिख कर उत्तर दें)

प्रश्न 2.
सर्दियों में लोग गुनगुने गर्म पानी से नहाते हैं। (सही या गलत लिख कर उत्तर दें)

प्रश्न 3.
धन का प्रयोग समझकर करो। (सही या गलत लिख कर उत्तर दें)

प्रश्न 4.
सिपाही को देखते ही चोर सात चार ग्यारह हो गया। (हाँ या नहीं में उत्तर दें)

प्रश्न 5.
अच्छे विचारों को ग्रहण करो। (हाँ या नहीं लिखकर उत्तर दें)

प्रश्न 6.
आप ग्रह-प्रवेश पर निमंत्रित हैं। (हाँ या नहीं लिखकर उत्तर दें)

निम्नलिखित में से किसी एक अशुद्ध वाक्य को शुद्ध करके लिखिए-

(क) उसने भूख लगी है।
(ख) दूध में कौन गिर गया है?
(क) उसे भूख लगी है।
(ख) दूध में क्या गिर गया है?

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran वाक्य शुद्धि

(क) लड़का ने पत्र लिखा।
(ख) बच्चे को काटकर सेब खिलाओ।
(क) लड़के ने पत्र लिखा।
(ख) सेब काटकर बच्चे को खिलाओ।

(क) मेरी बहन ने मुझे कहानी सुनाया।
(ख) कॉपियाँ ये किसकी हैं?
(क) मेरी बहन ने मुझे कहानी सुनाई।
(ख) ये कॉपियाँ किसकी हैं?

(क) पेड़ों में मत चढ़ो।
(ख) मेले में बच्ची गुम हो गया।
(क) पेड़ों पर मत चढ़ो।
(ख) मेले में बच्ची गुम हो गई।

(क) लड़का ने पत्र लिखा।
(ख) बंदर छत में बैठा है।
(क) लड़के ने पत्र लिखा।
(ख) बंदर छत पर बैठा है।

(क) उसने यह काम करा।
(ख) महात्मा लोग पधारें हैं।
(क) उसने यह काम किया।
(ख) महात्मा पधारें हैं।

(i) मेरे को मंदिर जाना है।
(ii) मेधावी मेरी अनुज है।
(i) मुझे मंदिर जाना है।
(ii) मेधावी मेरी अनुजा है।

सार्थक एवं पूर्ण विचार व्यक्त करने वाले शब्द समूह को वाक्य कहा जाता है। प्रत्येक भाषा का मूल ढांचा वाक्यों पर ही आधारित होता है। इसलिए यह अनिवार्य है कि वाक्य रचना में पद-क्रम और अन्वय का विशेष ध्यान रखा जाए। इनके प्रति सावधान न रहने से वाक्य रचना में कई प्रकार की भूलें हो जाती हैं। वाक्य रचना के लिए अभ्यास की परम आवश्यकता होती है।

(क) हिंदी में समाचार, होश, लोग, दर्शन, प्राण, आँसू, मुक्का, हस्ताक्षर, आदि शब्द सदा पुल्लिग रहते हैं और इनका प्रयोग सदा बहुवचन में होता है।
(ख) जब जातिवाचक पदार्थ, जैसे-जलेबी, मछली, कोयला, पेड़ा आदि, का परिमाण वाचक (किलो, पाव, क्विटल आदि के रूप में) विशेषण के साथ प्रयोग होता है तब बहुवचन का प्रयोग नहीं होता। किंतु जब संख्या का अलग उल्लेख करना हो तो बहुवचन में प्रयोग हो सकता है।
(ग) कोई, प्रत्येक और हर एक के साथ एक वचन तथा सब कोई के साथ बहुवचन क्रिया आती है।
(घ) मुहावरों का रूप बदलना नहीं चाहिए।
(ङ) भाववाचक संज्ञाओं का बहुवचन में प्रयोग नहीं होता। आगे कुछ ऐसे वाक्य दिए जा रहे हैं जिनमें सामान्य अशुद्धियों की ओर ध्यान आकृष्ट किया गया है।

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran वाक्य शुद्धि

1. संज्ञा संबंधी अशुद्धियां

अशुद्ध वाक्य
1. महात्मा पधार रहे हैं।
2. लड़के ने पत्र लिखा।
3. आपकी पत्नी का क्या नाम है?
4. माली पौधों को सींचता है।
5. वह रविवार को तुम्हारे घर आएगा।
6. उसने सभा में रोष प्रकट किया।
7. मैं अपने दादा के घर जाऊँगी।
8. वह माता-पिता की सेवा में लगा हुआ है।
9. राम ने मोहन की मत्यु पर दुःख प्रकट किया।
10. बढ़ई ने दरवाज़े का निर्माण किया।
11. ये विपत्तियां स्थायी नहीं हैं।

शद्ध वाक्य
1. महात्मा लोग पधार रहे हैं।
2. लड़का ने पत्र लिखा।
3. आपकी नारी का क्या नाम है?
4. माली जल से पौधों को सींचता है।
5. वह रविवार के दिन तुम्हारे घर आएगा।
6. उसने सभा में क्रोध प्रकट किया।
7. मैं अपने दादे के घर जाऊँगी।
8. वह माता-पिता की परिचर्या में लगा हुआ है।
9. राम ने मोहन की मृत्यु पर खेद प्रकट किया।
10. बढ़ई ने दरवाज़े की रचना की।
11. ये विपत्तियां टिकाऊ नहीं हैं।

2. परसर्ग संबंधी अशुद्धियाँ

अशुद्ध वाक्य
1. रानी युद्ध में वीरता के साथ लड़ी।
2. मैं पुस्तक को पढ़ता हूँ।
3. पूनम यातनाओं को सहती है।
4. सब्जी को खूब पकी हुई चाहिए।
5. छाते को कहाँ से उड़ाया है?
6. पेड़ों में मत चढ़ो।
7. मुकेश ने पुस्तक पढ़ता है।
8. अरविंद स्कूल को जा रहा है।
9. हम पढ़ने को स्कूल जाते हैं।
10. उसने भूख लगी है।
11. मैं मेरी दीदी के पास जा रहा हूँ।
12. पिंकी से हमें उसकी माता जी के स्वर्गवास की होने की खबर मिली।

शुद्ध वाक्य
1. रानी युद्ध में वीरता से लडी।
2. मैं पुस्तक पढ़ता हूँ।
3. पूनम यातनाएं सहती है।
4. सब्जी खूब पकी होनी चाहिए।
5. छाता कहाँ से उड़ाया है?
6. पेड़ों पर मत चढ़ो।
7. मुकेश पुस्तक पढ़ता है।
8. अरविंद स्कूल जा रहा है।
9. हम पढ़ने के लिए स्कूल जाते हैं।
10. उसे भूख लगी है।
11. मैं अपनी दीदी के पास जा रहा हूँ।
12. पिंकी के द्वारा हमें उसकी माता जी के स्वर्गवास होने खबर मिली।

3. लिंग संबंधी अशुद्धियां

अशुद्ध वाक्य
1. सारा देश उसके लिए थाती था।
2. उन्होंने मुझे मुंबई घुमाई।
3. यह ट्रंक बहुत भारा है।
4. महादेवी विद्वान् स्त्री थी।
5. मेरा निकर मैला है।
6. रुचि मेरी अनुज है।
7. वह अध्यापिका विद्वान है।
8. कवि महादेवी वर्मा को सब जानते हैं।
9. चांदी महंगा हो गया है।
10. दूध गिर गई थी।
11. रेखा अच्छा गाता है।
12. आद्या गा रहा था।
13. चाची जी आया है।
14. पापा जी ज़ोर से चीखी।

शुद्ध वाक्य
1. सारा देश उसके लिए एक थाती था।
2. उसने मुझे मुंबई में घुमाया।
3. यह ट्रंक बहुत भारी है
4. महादेवी विदुषी थी।
5. मेरी नेकर मैली है।
6. रुचि मेरी अनुजा है।
7. वह अध्यापिका विदूषी है।
8. कवयित्री महादेवी वर्मा को सब जानते हैं।
9. चांदी महंगी हो गई है।
10. दूध गिर गया था।
11. रेखा अच्छा गाती है।
12. आद्या गा रही था।
13. चाची जी आई हैं।
14. पापा जी ज़ोर से चीखे।

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran वाक्य शुद्धि

4. वचन संबंधी अशुद्धियां

अशुद्ध वाक्य
1. दस आदमी के लिए चाय बनी है।
2. हम आपकी कृपाओं को कभी नहीं भूल सकते।
3. सैनिक ने युद्ध में प्राण की बाजी लगा दी।
4. अनुज ने हस्ताक्षर कर दिया है।
5. नीरजा के बाल बहुत लंबा है।
6. युद्ध में अनेकों सिपाही मारे गए।
7. सतीश और नीलम जा रही है।
8. वे सब आप की कृपाएँ हैं।
9. मेरा तो प्राण निकल गया।
10. उसे दो रोटी दे दो।

शुद्ध वाक्य
1. दस आदमियों के लिए चाय बनी है।
2. हम आपकी कृपा को कभी नहीं भूल सकते।
3. सैनिक ने युद्ध में प्राणों की बाजी लगा दी।
4. अनुज ने हस्ताक्षर कर दिये हैं।
5. नीरजा के बाल बहुत लंबे हैं।
6. युद्ध में अनेक सिपाही मारे गए।
7. सतीश और नीलम जा रहे हैं।
8. यह आप की कृपा है।
9. मेरे तो प्राण निकल गए।
10. उसे दो रोटियां दे दो।

5. सर्वनाम संबंधी अशुद्धियां

अशुद्ध वाक्य
1. इस संबंध में मेरा मत मैं पहले ही प्रकट कर चुका हूँ।
2. मेरा ध्यान मेरे मित्र में था।
3. उसे अपनी विद्वत्ता का अभिमान था, रमेश ने जोरदार शब्दों में ग़लत बात का खंडन किया।
4. उसने दृष्टि उसके चेहरे पर गड़ दी और शीला से कहा।
5. प्रशान्त ने भारती से कहा, “हम तुरन्त आ रहे हैं।”
6. मेरा रूमाल अपनी जेव में है।
7. मैं लिप्स्टिक को उनकी चीज़ समझकर समझकर उनके लिए छोड़ देता हूँ।
8. बहुत से झमेले हैं, जिसे निपटाना है।
9. डाकू मर भी जाए तो उनके लिए कौन रोता है।
10. नेता जी के जन्मदिवस पर भारत की स्वतंत्रता के लिए दिए गए उसके योगदान को स्मरण किया जाता है।
11. जब तक इन हाथों में ताकत है वह मेवाड़ मेवाड़ की रक्षा करेंगे।
12. मैं मेरे घर जा रहा हूं।
13. हम दूध पिऊँगा।
14. आप कहाँ गया था?
15. वे वहाँ खड़ा था।

शुद्ध वाक्य
1. इस संबंध में अपना मत मैं पहले ही प्रकट कर चुका हूँ।
2. मेरा ध्यान अपने मित्र की ओर था।
3. रमेश को अपनी विद्वत्ता का अभिमान था, इसलिए उसने जोरदार शब्दों में ग़लत बात का खंडन किया।
4. उसने दृष्टि शीला के चेहरे पर गड़ा दी और उसे कहा।
5. प्रशान्त ने भारती से कहा, “मैं तुरन्त आ रहा हूँ।”
6. मेरा रूमाल मेरी जेब में है।
7. मैं लिप्स्टिक को स्त्रियों की चीज़ स्त्रियों के लिए छोड़ देता हूँ।
8. बहुत-से झमेले हैं, जिन्हें निपटाना है।
9. डाकू मर भी जाए तो उसके लिए कौन रोता है।
10. नेता जी के जन्मदिवस पर, भारत की स्वतंत्रता के लिए उनके योगदान को स्मरण किया जाता है।
11. जब तक इन हाथों में ताकत है, ये मेवाड़ की रक्षा करेंगे।
12. मैं अपने घर जा रहा हूँ।
13. मैं दूध पिऊँगा।
14. आप कहाँ गए थे?
15. वे वहाँ खड़े थे?

6. विशेषण संबंधी अशुद्धियां

अशुद्ध वाक्य
1. प्रेमचंद बड़े अच्छे कहानीकार थे।
2. रागिनी सुंदरतम् नाचती है।
3. मैं मधुरतम गाती हूँ।
4. नरेश ने झूठ बात कही।
5. गंगा को भारी प्यास लगी थी।
6. प्रत्येक व्यक्ति को चार-चार रोटी दे दो।
7. डाकुओं ने खूखार अस्त्रों-शस्त्रों का प्रयोग किया।
8. ये लड़के बहुत बुरा है।
9. तुम्हारे दायां हाथ में क्या है?
10. युद्ध में खूखार अस्त्रों-शस्त्रों का प्रयोग होता है।
11. कर्ण महान दायक थे।
12. नेता जी की मृत्यु से देश को अपूर्व क्षति हुई।

शुद्ध वाक्य
1. प्रेमचंद बहुत अच्छे कहानीकार थे।
2. रागिनी सुंदर नाचती है।
3. मैं मधुर गाती हूँ।
4. नरेश ने झूठी बात कही।
5. गंगा को बहुत प्यास लगी थी।
6. प्रत्येक व्यक्ति को चार रोटी दे दो।
7. डाकुओं ने विनाशकारी अस्त्रों-शस्त्रों का प्रयोग किया।
8. ये लड़के बहुत बुरे हैं।
9. तुम्हारे दायें हाथ में क्या है?
10. युद्ध में विनाशकारी अस्त्रों-शस्त्रों का का प्रयोग होता है।
11. कर्ण महान् दानी थे।
12. नेता जी की मृत्यु से देश को महान् क्षति हुई।

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran वाक्य शुद्धि

7. क्रिया संबंधी अशुद्धियां

अशुद्ध वाक्य
1. वह चिल्ला उठा।
2. देश की अर्थ व्यवस्था उत्पादन पर निर्भर करती है।
3. वहाँ गहन अंधकार घिरा हुआ था।
4. बुरी भावना का जन्म होते ही उसे दबा दो।
5. उसका मूल्य आप नहीं नाप सकते।
6. उसको अभिनन्दन-पत्र प्रदान किया।
7. धन का प्रयोग समझकर करो।
8. वह कल तुम्हारे घर आऊँगा।
9. सभी को हरी सब्जियाँ खाना चाहिए।
10. मास्टर जी ने अच्छा भाषण किया।
11. मेरी माँ ने मुझे एक कहानी सुनाया।
12. वह औरत विलाप करके रोने लगी।

शुद्ध वाक्य
1. वह चिल्ला पड़ा।
2. देश की अर्थ-व्यवस्था उत्पादन पर निर्भर है।
3. वहाँ गहन अंधकार छाया हुआ था।
4. बुरी भावना को जन्म लेते ही दबा दो।
5. उसका मूल्य आप नहीं आंक सकते।
6. उसको अभिनंदन-पत्र भेंट किया।
7. धन का प्रयोग समझ-बूझकर करो।
8. वह कल तुम्हारे घर आएगा।
9. सभी को हरी सब्जियाँ खानी चाहिए।
10. मास्टर जी ने अच्छा भाषण दिया।
11. मेरी माँ ने मुझे एक कहानी सुनाई।
12. वह औरत विलाप करने लगी।

8. क्रिया विशेषण संबंधी अशुद्धियाँ

अशुद्ध वाक्य
1. मैं तो आपके आदेशों के अनुकूल चल रहा चल रहा हूँ।
2. रवींद्र नाथ टैगोर ने नोबेल पुरस्कार विजय किया।
3. प्रत्येक काम अपने अपने समय पर करो।
4. उसकी गर्दन शर्म से नीचे थी।
5. यह संभव नहीं हो सकता।
6. वहाँ करोड़ों रुपये संकलित हो गये।

शुद्ध वाक्य
1. मैं तो आपके आदेशों के अनुसार हूँ।
2. रवींद्रनाथ टैगोर ने नोबेल पुरस्कार प्राप्त किया।
3. प्रत्येक काम अपने समय पर करो।
4. उसकी गर्दन शर्म से नीची थी।
5. यह संभव नहीं है।
6. वहाँ करोड़ों रुपये जमा हो गए।

9. अव्यय संबंधी अशुद्धियां

अशुद्ध वाक्य
1. यदि वह मोटी न होती तब और भी तेज़ दौड़ती।
2. वहाँ अपार जनसमूह एकत्रित था।
3. जाकर कोई रोटी खा लो।
4. कल हम तुम्हारे सब कुछ थे, और आज कोई भी नहीं।
5. तुम्हारी बात का कोई अर्थ नहीं निकलता।

शुद्ध वाक्य
1. यदि वह मोटी न होती तो और भी तेज़ दौड़ती।
2. वहाँ अपार जनसमूह एकत्र था।
3. जाकर थोड़ी-सी रोटी खा लो।
4. कल हम तुम्हारे सब कुछ थे, आज कुछ भी नहीं।
5. तुम्हारी बात का कुछ भी अर्थ नहीं निकलता।

10. बेमेल अशुद्धियां

अशुद्ध वाक्य
1. वह प्रति पग-पग पर ठोकरें खाता है।
2. मोरनी को खुश करने के लिए मादा मोर नाचता है।
3. बात तो यह है कि तुम बहुत भोले हो।
4. प्रति रोज़ दाँत साफ़ करो।।
5. शरीफ पुरुष की सभी इज्जत करते हैं।
6. बॉल को फर्श पर लुढ़का दो।
7. मैं दसवीं कक्षा का स्टूडेंट हूँ।
8. समय को व्यर्थ वेस्ट न करो।
9. मेरा ब्रदर आया है।

शुद्ध वाक्य
1. वह पग-पग पर ठोकरें खाता है।
2. मोरनी को खुश करने के लिए मोर नाचता है।
3. बात यह है कि तुम बहुत भोले हो।
4. प्रतिदिन दाँत साफ करो।
5. शरीफ आदमी की सभी इज्जत करते हैं।
6. गेंद को फर्श पर लुढ़का दो।
7. मैं दसवीं कक्षा का विद्यार्थी हूँ।
8. समय को व्यर्थ न गंवाओ।
9. मेरा भाई आया है।

11. वाक्यगत सामान्य अशुद्धियां

अशुद्ध वाक्य
1. वह चित्र मैं जब दसवीं का छात्र था तब का है।
2. उसने अनेकों ग्रंथ लिखे।
3. इस पुस्तक में साधारण लेखकों से जो हैं, उनका इस पुस्तक में अच्छा विवेचन है।
4. दादा की मृत्यु से बड़ा दुःख हुआ।
5. मेरी आयु बीस की है।
6. इस परिश्रम के बदले अपने कार्य से मनुष्य हैं, उनका इस पुस्तक में अच्छा विवेचन है।

शुद्ध वाक्य
1. यह चित्र तब का है, जब मैं दसवीं का छात्र था।
2. उसने अनेक ग्रंथ लिखे।
3. साधारण लेखकों से जो ग़लतियाँ होती गल्तियाँ होती है, उनका अच्छा विवेचन है।
4. दादा की मृत्यु से बड़ा शोक हुआ।
5. मेरी अवस्था बीस वर्ष की है।
6. अपने कार्य से मनुष्य को जो संतोष होता है, वही उसके परिश्रम का बदला है।

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran वाक्य शुद्धि

12. पुनरुक्ति संबंधी अशुद्धियां

अशुद्ध वाक्य
1. मेरे पिता सज्जन पुरुष हैं।
2. बेफिजूल बोल रहे हो।
3. उन लोगों में कुछ लोग धर्म के प्रति बड़े कट्टर होते हैं।।
4. सर्दियों में प्राय: लोग गुनगुने गर्म पानी से नहाते हैं।
5. आप में जिन आवश्यक गुणों की आवश्यकता है।
6. परिश्रम से अपने आगामी भविष्य को उज्ज्वल बनाया जा सकता है।
7. कृपया यहाँ पधारने की कृपा करें।
8. यह पठनीय कविता पढ़ने योग्य है।
9. यह उपवन केवल मात्र आपके लिए नहीं है।
10. शिमला में अनेक दर्शनीय स्थल देखने योग्य हैं।
11. वह सादर सहित सिर झुका रहा है।
12. वह निरंतर लगातार गाता रहता है।
13. यह गीत सुनने योग्य श्रव्य है।
14. राधा सप्रेम सहित नमस्ते कर रही है।

शुद्ध वाक्य
1. मेरे पिता सज्जन हैं।
2. फिजूल बोल रहे हैं।
3. उनमें से कुछ लोग धर्म के प्रति बड़े कट्टर होते हैं।
4. सर्दियों में प्रायः लोग गुनगुने पानी से नहाते हैं।
5. आप में जिन गुणों की आवश्यकता है।
6. परिश्रम से अपने भविष्य को उज्ज्वल बनाया जा सकता है।
7. कृपया यहाँ पधारें।
8. यह कविता पढ़ने योग्य है।
9. यह उपवन केवल आपके लिए नहीं है।
10. शिमला में अनेक दर्शनीय स्थल हैं।
11. वह सादर सिर झुका रहा है।
12. वह निरंतर गाता रहता है।
13. यह गीत सुनने योग्य है।
14. राधा सप्रेम नमस्ते कर रही है।

13. सामान्य अशुद्धियां

अशुद्ध वाक्य
1. लड़के पड़ रहे हैं।
2. मैं माता का दर्शन करने आया हूँ।
3. अत्यधिक किया कार्य भी थका देता है।
4. उत्तर दिशा जाने पर तुम्हें मेरा मकान मिल जाएगा।
5. आप ग्रह प्रवेश पर निमंत्रित हैं।
6. आपकी पेन बहुत तेज़ दौड़ती है।
7. स्लेट में लिखो।
8. तुम्हारी बात समझ नहीं आती।
9. अच्छे विचारों का ग्रहण करो।
10. सौंदर्य सबको मोह लेती है।
11. एडीसन प्रसिद्ध विज्ञानी था।
12. तुम्हारी चातुर्यता हर बार कामयाब न होगी।

शुद्ध वाक्य
1. लड़के पढ़ रहे हैं।
2. मैं माता के दर्शन करने आया हूँ।
3. अत्यधिक कार्य भी थका देता है।
4. उत्तर दिशा में जाने पर तुम्हें मेरा मकान मिल जाएगा।
5. आप गृह-प्रवेश पर आमंत्रित हैं।
6. आपका पेन तेज़ी से लिखता है।
7. स्लेट पर लिखो।
8. तुम्हारी बात समझ में नहीं आती।
9. अच्छे विचारों को ग्रहण करो।
10. सौंदर्य सबको मोह लेता है।
11. एडीसन प्रसिद्ध वैज्ञानिक था।
12. तुम्हारा चातुर्य हर बार कामयाब न होगा।

14. व्यंजन की अशुद्धियां

अशुद्ध वाक्य
1. सबको समान अंस देना चाहिए।
2. उसका अंत्य निकट था।
3. कमल अंबु में उत्पन्न होता है।
4. मैं किसी अन्न व्यक्ति से बात नहीं करता।
5. अनु-अनु में भगवान् विराजमान है।

शुद्ध वाक्य
1. सबको समान अंश देना चाहिए।
2. उसका अंत निकट था।
3. कमल अंबु में खिलता है।
4. मैं किसी अन्य व्यक्ति से बात नहीं करता।
5. कण-कण में भगवान् विराजमान है।

15. मुहावरों के प्रयोग में अशुद्धियां

अशुद्ध वाक्य
1. यह काम चार-दो आदमियों का नहीं।
2. मुझे से पाँच-तीन न करना।
3. सिपाही को देखते ही चोर सात चार ग्यारह हो गया।।
4. कैसा निकम्मा नौकर पाले पड़ा है।
5. इकलौता पुत्र आँख का तारा होता है।

शुद्ध वाक्य
1. यह काम दो-चार आदमियों का नहीं।
2. मुझे से तीन-पाँच न करना।
3. सिपाही को देखते ही चोर नौ दो ग्यारह हो गया।
4. कैसा निकम्मा नौकर पल्ले पड़ा है।
5. इकलौता पुत्र आँखों का तारा होता है।

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran वाक्य शुद्धि

16. पदक्रम संबंधी अशुद्धियाँ

अशुद्ध वाक्य
1. पुस्तकें ये किसकी हैं?
2. कुछ मालाएँ फूलों की ले आओ।
3. अशोक वर्मा (डॉ०) बहुत ही प्रसिद्ध है।
4. वह काम पर गया दूध पीकर।
5. अनुजा ने गाना गाया बहुत ही मधुर था।
6. मैं नहीं नहाने जाऊँगा।
7. डाकिया लाया है आज की डाक।
8. सुमित्रा पढ़ रही हिंदी की पुस्तक।
9. रघु नहीं सुनता बात किसी की भी।
10. बंदर छत से कूदा था नीचे।
11. गर्म काली गाय का दूध पिया करो।
12. खरगोश को काटकर गाजर खिलाओ।
13. धोकर फल-सब्जियां खानी चाहिए।
14. भौंकता कुत्ता इधर से नहीं गुजरा।

शुद्ध वाक्य
1. ये पुस्तकें किसकी हैं?
2. फूलों की कुछ मालाएँ ले आओ।
3. डॉ० अशोक वर्मा बहुत ही प्रसिद्ध है।
4. वह दूध पीकर काम पर गया।
5. अनुजा ने बहुत ही मधुर गाना गाया।
6. मैं नहाने नहीं जाऊँगा।
7. डाकिया आज की डाक लाया है।
8. सुमित्रा हिंदी की पुस्तक पढ़ रही है।
9. रघु किसी की भी बात नहीं सुनता।
10. बंदर छत से नीचे कूदा था।
11. काली गाय का गर्म दूध पिया करो।
12. गाजर काटकर खरगोश को खिलाओ।
13. फल-सब्जियां धोकर खाली चाहिए।
14. कुत्ता भौंकता हुआ इधर से नहीं गुजरा।

17. वाच्य संबंधी अशुद्धियाँ

अशुद्ध वाक्य
1. रेशमा द्वारा निबंध लिखा।
2. यह दोहा कबीर जी की पुस्तक से लिया है।
3. सेना द्वारा आतंकी को पकड़ा।
4. मैंने पतंग उड़ाया।

शुद्ध वाक्य
1. रेशमा द्वारा निबंध लिखा गया।
2. यह दोहा कबीर जी की पुस्तक से लिया गया है।
3. सेना द्वारा आतंकी को पकड़ा गया।
4. मेरे द्वारा पतंग उड़ाई गई।

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran अनेकार्थक शब्द

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class Hindi Book Solutions Hindi Grammar anekarthi shabd अनेकार्थक शब्द Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Grammar अनेकार्थक शब्द

निम्नलिखित शब्दों के अनेकार्थी शब्द लिखिए

अंक – ……………..
अंबर – ……………….
आम – ……………..
गुरु – ……………..
घट – ……………..
निशान – ………………
लाल – ……………..
मत – ………………
भेंट – ………………
हल – ………………
शब्द – अनेकार्थी शब्द
अंक – गोद, चिह्न, संख्या, भाग्य, नाटक का अंक, अध्याय।
अंबर – वस्त्र, आकाश, कपास, एक सुगंधित पदार्थ।
आम – मामूली, सर्वसाधारण, आम का फल।
गुरु – बड़ा, आचार्य, भारी, बृहस्पति, दो मात्राओं का अक्षर।
घट – घड़ा, शरीर, हृदय।
निशान – चिह्न, ध्वज, तेज करना, यादगार, लक्ष्य, पता-ठिकाना, परिचायक लक्षण।
लाल – रंग, बेटा, मूल्यवान पत्थर।
मत – नहीं, सम्मत, सम्मानित, सोचा-विचारा, सम्मति, वोट, मंशा, सिद्धान्त।
भेंट – मुलाकात, मिलन, नजर।।
हल – खेत जोतने का यंत्र, समाधान।

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran अनेकार्थक शब्द

निम्नलिखित बहुविकल्पी प्रश्नों के उत्तर एक सही विकल्प चुनकर लिखें

प्रश्न 1.
अंबर के अनेकार्थक शब्द हैं
(क) गोद-वस्त्र
(ख) आकाश-वस्त्र
(ग) कपास-केश
(घ) भाग्य-भार।
(ख) आकाश-वस्त्र

प्रश्न 2.
अहि के अनेकार्थक शब्द हैं
(क) साँप-बकरा
(ख) साँप-भ्रम
(ग) साँप-सूर्य
(घ) साँप-शिव।
(ग) साँप-सूर्य

प्रश्न 3.
कनक के अनेकार्थक शब्द हैं
(क) सोना-चाँदी
(ख) सोना-गेहूँ
(ग) सोना-जागना
(घ) सोना-खोना।
(ख) सोना-गेहूँ

प्रश्न 4.
गो के अनेकार्थक शब्द हैं
(क) जाना-आना
(ख) गाय-सूर्य
(ग) गाय-भूमि
(घ) खग-किरण।
(ग) गाय-भूमि

प्रश्न 5.
नाग के अनेकार्थ हैं-साँप-हाथी (हाँ या नहीं में उत्तर लिखें)

प्रश्न 6.
कुल के अनेकार्थ हैं-वंश-किनारा (हाँ या नहीं में उत्तर लिखें)

प्रश्न 7.
सारंग के अनेकार्थ हैं-साँप-हाथी (हाँ या नहीं में उत्तर लिखें)

प्रश्न 8.
बाल के अनेकार्थ हैं-बालक-केश (सही या गलत लिख कर उत्तर दें)

प्रश्न 9.
श्रुति के अनेकार्थ हैं-नाक-कान (सही या गलत लिख कर उत्तर दें)

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran अनेकार्थक शब्द

प्रश्न 10.
घट के अनेकार्थ हैं-शरीर-घड़ा (सही या गलत लिख कर उत्तर दें)

बोर्ड परीक्षा में पूछे गए प्रश्न

निम्नलिखित में से किसी एक शब्द के अनेकार्थक शब्द (कम-से-कम दो) लिखिए
फल, बोझ।
फल = परिणाम, लाभ, प्रयोजन, पेड़ का फल।
बोझ = भार, भारी वस्तु, कार्य भार।

कर, बाल।
कर = टैक्स, हाथ, किरण, सँड
बाल = बालक, केश, अनाज (का ऊपरी हिस्सा)।

नाक, हवा।
नाक = साँस लेने एवं सूंघने की इंद्री, मगर, घड़ियाल, गौरव की बात।
हवा = वायु, साँस, अफ़वाह।

अंक, फल।
अंक = गोद, भाग्य, संख्या, अध्याय
फल = परिणाम, लाभ, पेड़ का फल, प्रयोजन।

कनक, उत्तर।
कनक = धतूरा, सोना, गेहूँ, पलाश
उत्तर = परिणाम, दिशा, जवाब देना, प्रतिकार।

चक्र, काल।
चक्र = पहिया सैनिक व्यूह, चक्कर, कुम्हार का चक्र, फेरा
काल = समय, यम, अंत, मौसम, क्रियाओं को सूचित करने वाला।

हवा, धूप।
हवा = पवन, वायु
धूप = सूर्य की धूप, पूजा के लिए प्रयोग की जाने वाली धूप।

प्रश्न 1.
अनेकार्थक शब्द से आपका क्या तात्पर्य है?
भाषा में अनेक ऐसे शब्द होते हैं जिनके अर्थ प्रसंग के अनुसार अलग-अलग होते हैं। ऐसे शब्दों को अनेकार्थक कहते हैं।

प्रश्न 2.
अनेकार्थक शब्दों के पांच उदाहरण वाक्य बना कर स्पष्ट कीजिए।
1. अंक-

  • संख्या-आप के पांच अंक काट दिए गए थे।
  • चिह्न-उसने दो का अंक मिटा दिया है।
  • नाटक का अंक-‘वीर राजा’ नाटक के तीन ही अंक थे।
  • गोद-बच्चा माँ के अंक में सो रहा था।
  • भाग्य-प्रत्येक बच्चा अपना अंक लेकर ही धरती पर आता है।
  • अध्याय-उत्तर के लिए आप पुस्तक का चौथा अंक देखिए।

2. नीलकंठ-मोर-नाचते हुए नीलकंठ ने अपने पंख फैला रखे थे।
शिवजी-दुःख की इस घड़ी में भगवान् नीलकंठ आप पर दया करें।

3. कुशल-चतुर-आप का भाई आप से अधिक कुशल निकला।
खैरियत-हम सब आप के कुशल मंगल की कामना करते हैं।

4. कृष्ण-काला-अब तो कृष्ण पक्ष आरंभ हो चुका है।
भगवान् कृष्ण-श्री कृष्ण द्वापर युग में अवतरित हुए थे।
वेद व्यास-महामुनि कृष्ण द्वैपायन ने ‘महाभारत’ की रचना की थी।

5. मित्र-प्रिय-आप की मित्र मंडली कहां से पधारी है?
दोस्त-अभी रास्ते में मुझे मेरा मित्र मिला था।
सूर्य-धरती पर जीवन का आधार तो मित्र ही है।

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran अनेकार्थक शब्द

अनेकार्थक शब्दों के उदाहरण

अंक – भाग्य, अध्याय, गोद, चिहन, नाटक का अंक, संख्या।
अंग – भाग, शरीर का कोई हिस्सा।
अर्क – सूर्य, आक का पौधा, रस, ज्योति, दवाई के रूप में पिया जाने वाला औषधियों का काढ़ा।
अनंत – आकाश, विष्णु, असीम, अंतहीन, ब्रह्म।
अर्थ – कारण, धन, ऐश्वर्य, इच्छा, प्रयोजन, मतलब, लिए।
अज – बकरा, ब्रह्मा, शिव, जीव, कामदेव, मेष राशि।
उत्तर – जवाब, उत्तर दिशा, बाद का, प्रतिकार।
अहि – साँप, कष्ट, सूर्य।
अधि – धरोहर, विपत्ति, अभिशाप, मानसिक पीड़ा।
आम – आम का फल, सर्वसाधारण, मामूली।
अंबर – आकाश, वस्त्र, कपास, एक सुगंधित पदार्थ।
अरुण – लाल, सूर्य, सूर्य का सारथी, सिंदूर, वृक्ष, संध्या, राग।
अच्युत – स्थिर, कृष्ण, विष्णु, अविनाशी।
अमृत – जल, पारा, दूध, अन्न।
अलि – सखा, पंक्ति, भौंरा। ‘आराम-बाग, विश्राम, शांति।
आलि – सखी, पंक्ति।
अतिथि–साधु, मेहमान, यात्री, राम का पोता या कुश का बेटा, अपरिचित व्यक्ति।
आपत्ति – मुसीबत, एतराज। अयन – घर, मार्ग, स्थान, आधा, वर्ष।
ईश्वर – प्रभु, स्वामी, धनी, समर्थ।
उत्तर – जवाब, उत्तर दिशा, प्रतिकार, बाद का।
कनक – धतूरा, सोना, गेहूँ, खजूर, छंद का एक भेद, पलाश।
कच – बाल, बादल, झुंड, बृहस्पति का बेटा।
कर्ता – स्वामी, ईश्वर, एक कारक, करने वाला।
कर – टैक्स, हाथ, किरण, सँड।
कर्ण – कान, समकोण के सामने की भुजा, कुंती पुत्र, पतवार।
कल – आगामी/बीता हुआ दिन, चैन, मशीन।
कोटि – श्रेणी, करोड़, धनुष का सिर।
कुशल – चतुर, खैरियत।
काल – समय, अंत, क्रियाओं को सूचित करने वाला शब्द (जैसे भूतकाल, वर्तमानकाल) मौसम, (जैसे शरद काल)।
कृष्ण – काला, वेदव्यास, भगवान् कृष्ण।
काम – इच्छा, कार्य, कामदेव।
कुल – वंश, सभी, सारा।

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran अनेकार्थक शब्द

खर – गधा, तिनका, दुष्ट, तीक्ष्ण।
खग – पक्षी, तारा, बाण, ग्रह।
गुरु – बड़ा, आचार्य, बृहस्पति, दो मात्राओं का अक्षर।
गति – चाल, हालत, शिव के सैनिक।
गिरा – गिरना, वाणी, सरस्वति।
गो – भूमि, गाय, किरण, वाणी, इंद्रिय, नेत्र, स्वर्ण, आकाश, जल, शब्द, वज्र।
ग्रहण – अपनाना, पकड़ लेना, सूर्य-चंद्र ग्रहण।।
घन – घना, बादल, बहुत बड़ा हथौड़ा, किसी अंक को अंक से तीन बार गुणा करने पर प्राप्त होने वाला गुणनफल (जैसे चार का घन = 4 × 4 × 4 = 64 होगा)
घट – घड़ा, शरीर, हृदय।
घोड़ा – अश्व (पालतु पशु जिस पर सवारी की जाती है), घोड़े के आकार का बंदूक आदि का खटका (जैसे घोड़ा दबाना), शतरंज का मोहरा।
चरण – पैर, आचार, छंद का एक भाग।
चंदा – चाँद, सार्वजानिक कार्य हेतु दी गई आर्थिक सहायता, सदस्यता का शुल्क (जैसे-क्या आपने इस संस्था को वार्षिक चंदा दे दिया है।)
चपला – बिजली, लक्ष्मी।
चक्र – पहिया, कुम्हार का चाक, चक्की, सैनिक व्यूह (जैसे चक्रव्यूह) पानी का भँवर, हवा का बवंडर, चक्कर (फेरा), सुदर्शन चक्र, सैन्य पुरस्कार (वीर चक्र आदि), फेरा।
छज – पद, जल, ढंग, स्वेच्छा चार, हाथ का एक गहना।
जड़ – मूर्ख, मल, अचेतन।
जलज – कमल, चंद्रमा, शंख, मोती।
जीवन – जल, प्राण, वायु।
जलधर – बादल, समुद्र।
जेठ – बड़ा, जेठ का महीना, स्त्री के पति का बड़ा भाई।
तीर – किनारा, बाण।
तम – अंधेरा, पाप, तमाल का पेड़, तमोगुण।
ताल – तालाब, ताड़ का पेड़, गाने का परिणाम, ताली का शब्द।
तात – पिता, मित्र, भाई, पुत्र, शिष्य।
तत्व – मूल, यथार्थ, ब्रह्म, पंचभूत।
तमचर – राक्षस, उल्लू।
तीर्थ – यज्ञ, शास्त्र, उपाय, अवतार, मंत्र।
दंड – लाठी, दमन, सजा, यमराज का अस्त्र, साठ पल का समय।
दान – धर्म, त्याग, पुण्य, शुद्धि, हाथी का मद।
द्विज – पक्षी, ब्राह्मण, वैश्य, चांद।
दक्ष – चतुर, प्रजापति, ब्रह्मा का पुत्र।
दर्शन – भेंट, देखना, शास्त्र।
धन – गणित में जोड़ का निशान, पूंजी, द्रव्य।
धूप – पूजा के लिए प्रयोग की जाने वाली धूप, सूर्य की धूप।
ध्रुव – सत्य, एक नक्षत्र, स्थिर, नित्य, विष्णु का भय, बालक।
नाक – साँस लेने एवं सूंघने की इंद्रिय, मगर, घड़ियाल, गौरव की बात (जैसे नाक रखना)।
नगः – पहाड़, रत्न विशेष।
नाग – साँप, हाथी।
नव – नया, नौ की संख्या।
निशाचर – चोट, राक्षस, प्रेत, उल्लू।
नीलकंठ – शिव, मोर।
नंदन – बेटा, इंद्र की वाटिका, सुख प्रदान करने वाला।
नल – बॉस, नेजा, एक राक्षस, नाली।
पतंग – सूर्य, कनकौआ, पक्षी, विशेष प्रकार का कीड़ा, गुड्डी।
पय – दूध, पानी, पीने का द्रव।
पत्र – पत्ता, चिट्ठी।
पानी – जल, चमक, इज्ज़त।
पट – कपड़ा, परदा, द्वार।
पूर्व – पहला, एक दिशा।
पुर- नगर, शरीर, राक्षस का नाम।
फल – परिणाम, लाभ, प्रयोजन, पेड़ का फल।
बलि – बलिदान, भेंट, राजा बलि।
बली – पिशाच, बीता हुआ समय।
बल – शक्ति, सेना, भरोसा, बलराम, शिकन।
बाल – बालक, केश, अनाज (का ऊपरी हिस्सा)
बोझ – भार, भारी वस्तु, कार्यभार।
भूत – पिशाच, बीता हुआ समय।
भुवन – घर, संसार, लोक।
भव – संसार, जन्म।
भीष्म – भयंकर, भीष्म पितामह।
भाग – हिस्सा, दौड़, भाग्य।
मधु – शहद, शराब, वसंत ऋतु।
मंगल – सौर जगत का एक ग्रह, मंगलवार, शुभ।
मान – अभिमान, इज्ज़त, नाप तोल।
मकर – मगर नामक जलजन्तु, घड़ियाल, मछली, बारह राशियों में से एक राशि।
मूक – गूंगा, विवश, चुप।
यम – वायु, मृत्यु का देवता।
योग – मेल, समाधि, साधना।
रंग – आनंद, शोभा।

PSEB 10th Class Hindi Vyakaran अनेकार्थक शब्द

राग – प्रेम, गीत, मोह।
रजत – चांदी, सफेद।
रचना – सृष्टि, कृति, बनावट।
राशि – भंडार, मेष और तुला आदि राशियां।
लाल – बेटा, रंग, मूल्यवान पत्थर।
लघु – छोटा, नीच, अक्षर, ह्रस्व।
लय – स्वर, ताल।
लक्ष्य – निशाना, उद्देश्य।
मुद्रा – रुपया, मोहर, अंगूठी, आकृति, छाप।
मित्र – दोस्त, सूर्य, प्रिय।
वंश – कुल, बाँस।
व्रत – संकल्प, उपवास, नियम।
विधि – भाग्य, ब्रह्मा, रीति, नियम।
वर्ण – रंग, जाति, अक्षर।
वार – आघात, प्रहार, सप्ताह का प्रत्येक दिन।
वत्स – बेटा, बछड़ा।
विहंगम – पक्षी, बादल, बाण।
श्री – शोभा, लक्ष्मी, धन वैभव।
स्वर – तालाब, सिर, बाण।
सारंग – मोर, साँप, बादल, हाथी, शंख, हिरण, कोयल, भंवरा, रात्रि।
सर – तालाब, बान, सिर।
सुधा – अमृत, पानी।
सैंधव – घोड़ा, नमक, सिंधु का विशेषण।
सूत – धागा, सारथी।
सरस्वती – विद्या की देवी, एक नदी का नाम, वाणी।
संज्ञा – नाम, बुद्धि, सूर्य की पत्नी।
सूर – सूरदास, अंधा, सूर्य।
सरभि – गाय, वसंत ऋतु।
शिव – मंगल, महोदय, भाग्यशाली।
शस्य – धान, अनाज।
क्षीर – दूध, पानी।
क्षेत्र – अधिकार, स्थान, भू-भाग।
श्रुति – वेद, कान।
हवा – वायु, साँस, अफवाह।
हरि – इंद्र, विष्णु, बंदर, सूर्य, साँप, कोयल।
हंस – आत्मा, सूर्य, एक पक्षी।

PSEB 10th Class English Retranslation

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class English Book Solutions English Retranslation Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 10th Class English Retranslation

Translate the following sentences into Hindi:

1. The Happy Prince

1. Why are you weeping then ?
फिर आप रो क्यों रहे हो?

2. They pulled down the statue of the Happy Prince.
उन्होंने प्रसन्नचित्त राजकुमार के बुत को नीचे गिरा दिया।

3. I am waited for in Egypt.
मेरा मित्र में इन्तज़ार हो रहा है।

4. It is very cold here.
यहां बहुत सर्दी है।

PSEB 10th Class English Retranslation

5. I have a golden bedroom
मेरे पास एक सुनहरी शयनकक्ष है।

6. There is not a single cloud in the sky.
आसमान में एक भी बादल नहीं है।

7. Then another drop fell.
फिर एक और बूंद गिरी।

8. My courtiers called me the Happy Prince.
मेरे दरबारी मुझे प्रसन्नचित्त राजकुमार कहते थे।

9. I have come to bid you goodbye.
मैं आपको अलविदा कहने आया हूँ।

10. How hungry we are !
हम कितने भूखे हैं!

2. Where is Science Taking Us ?

1. Where is science taking us ?
विज्ञान हमें कहां ले जा रहा है?

2. This is the age of the machine.
यह मशीनी युग है।

3. War is the worst example.
युद्ध सबसे बुरा उदाहरण है।

4. I wish I had another hundred years.
काश, मेरे पास (जीवन में) एक सौ वर्ष और होते।

PSEB 10th Class English Retranslation

5. Here Science is actually doing less than nothing.
असल में यहां विज्ञान कुछ नहीं से भी कम कर पा रहा है।

6. Who is to keep them ?
उन्हें कौन रखेगा?

7. Science goes on raising its problems.
विज्ञान अपनी समस्याएँ बढ़ाता चला जा रहा

8. What is really needed in the world today ?
वास्तव में आज संसार में किस चीज़ की जरूरत

9. What is science really after ?
विज्ञान वास्तव में क्या प्राप्त करना चाहता है?

10. What is its goal ?
इसका क्या उद्देश्य है?

3. Secret of Happiness

1. He never lost his calm.
उसने अपना धैर्य कभी नहीं खोया।

2. I didn’t want to die.
मैं मरना नहीं चाहता था।

3. Fear is one of man’s most common enemies.
डर इन्सान के सभी समान्य दुश्मनों में से एक

4. You are greater than you think.
आप उससे अधिक महान हैं जितना आप सोचते हैं।

5. I wanted to get out of there.
मैं वहां से बाहर निकलना चाहता था।

6. Then you will have total peace of mind.
तब तुम्हें मन की सम्पूर्ण शान्ति प्राप्त होगी।

PSEB 10th Class English Retranslation

7. You must do it yourself.
तुम्हें इसे खुद करना पड़ेगा।

8. A fear is not unlike a ghost.
डर एक भूत से भिन्न नहीं है।

9. God watches over you and cares for you.
ईश्वर आप पर पूरी निगरानी रखता है और आपका ध्यान रखता है।

10. This is a problem common to us all.
यह एक समस्या है जो हम सब में आम है।

4. A Gift for Christmas

1. Her eyes were shining brilliantly.
उसकी आंखें शानदार ढंग से चमक रहीं थी।

2. Tears appeared in her eyes.
उसकी आंखों में आंस भर आए।

3. Della let fall her beautiful hair.
डैला ने अपने सुंदर बालों को नीचे तक गिरने दिया।

4. I sold the watch to get the money to buy your combs.
मैंने तुम्हारी कंघियां खरीदने के लिए पैसों का इंतजाम करने के लिए घड़ी बेच दी।

5. Will you buy my hair ?
क्या आप मेरे बाल खरीदोगे?

6. Della finished crying.
डैला ने रोना बंद कर दिया।

7. It was a platinum watch-chain.
यह प्लैटिनम की बनी एक घड़ी की जंजीर थी।

8. Jim was never late.
जिम कभी देर से नहीं आता था।

9. She found it at last.
आखिर में उसे यह मिल ही गया।

PSEB 10th Class English Retranslation

10. She stopped at a shop.
वह एक दुकान पर रुकी।

5. Some Glimpses of Ancient Indian Thought and Practices

1. The gods approached the sage Dadhichi.
देवतागण ऋषि दधीचि के पास पहुंचे।

2. Dadhichi took no time in laying down his life.
दधीचि ने अपने प्राणों का बलिदान देने में ज़रा सी भी देर न की।

3. Eat only after you’ve shared your meal with others.
भोजन तभी करो जब तुमने अपना भोजन दूसरों के साथ बाँट लिया हो।

4. A well-known sage named Ashtavakra was also invited to this meeting.
अष्टवक्र नाम के एक प्रसिद्ध ऋषि को भी उस सभा में निमन्त्रित किया गया।

5. The entire universe is one family.
पूरा ब्राह्माण्ड एक परिवार है।

6. This does not belong to me.
यह मेरी नहीं है।

7. They chose to be bricked alive.
उन्होंने जीते जी ईंटों में चिनवाया जाना चुना।

8. The history of this great land is full of examples.
इस महान् भूमि का इतिहास उदाहरणों से भरा पड़ा है।

9. The people of this country believe in the unity of life.
इस देश के लोग जीवन की एकता में विश्वास रखते हैं।

10. King Janak of Maithil called a / meeting of the scholars.
मैथिल के राजा जनक ने विद्वानों की एक सभा बुलाई।

PSEB 10th Class English Retranslation

6. The Home-Coming

1. The boys were puzzled for a moment.
लड़के एक पल के लिए उलझन में पड़ गए।

2. Phatik refused to move.
फटिक ने हिलने से इन्कार कर दिया।

3. Phatik Chakravarti was the ring leader amongst the boys of the village.
फटिक चक्रवर्ती गांव के लड़कों के बीच उनका मुखिया था।.

4. He could not bear this injustice.
वह इस अन्याय को सहन नहीं कर सका।

5. The stranger asked him again.
अजनबी ने उसे दुबारा कहा।

6. At last Bhishamber asked the police to help him.
अंत में बिशम्बर ने पुलिस को उसकी मदद करने के लिए कहा।

7. One day. Phatik lost his lesson book.
एक दिन फटिक ने अपनी पाठ्य-पुस्तक खो दी।

8. The next morning Phatik was nowhere to be seen.
अगली सुबह फटिक कहीं भी नज़र न आया।

PSEB 10th Class English Retranslation

9. Bishamber brough it in a doctor.
बिशम्बर एक डाक्टर को अंदर ले कर आया।

10. Mother, the holidays have come.
मां, छुट्टियां पड़ गई हैं।

7. The Making of the Earth

1. The sun and the planets with their satellites form a happy family.
सूर्य और ग्रह अपने-अपने उपग्रहों के साथ एक खुशहाल परिवार बनाते हैं।

2. At night you see thousands of stars in the sky.
रात के समय आप आकाश में हज़ारों ही तारे देखते हो।

3. The real stars are like our sun.
असली तारे हमारे.सूर्य की तरह हैं।

4. So the earth started to cool.
इसलिए धरती ठंडी होनी शुरू हो गई।

5. Stars twinkle, planets do not.
तारे टिमटिमाते हैं, ग्रह नहीं।

6. Can you distinguish between a planet and a star ?
क्या आप एक तारे और एक ग्रह में अंतर कर सकते हैं ?

7. The moon is called a satellite of the earth.
चांद को पृथ्वी का उपग्रह कहा जाता है।

8. Our earth belongs to the family of the sun.
हमारी पृथ्वी सूर्य के परिवार अर्थात् सौर-मंडल से संबंध रखती है।

9. In reality our sun itself is a star.
वास्तव में हमारा सूर्य स्वयं एक तारा है।

10. We think the earth is very big.
हम सोचते हैं कि धरती बहुत बड़ी है।

8. The Rule of the Road

1. You may not think so.
हो सकता है आप ऐसा न सोचते हों।

2. I’m going to walk where I like.
जहाँ मैं चाहती हूँ, वहीं चलूँगी।

3. He was obviously a well intentioned person.
वह स्पष्टत: एक नेक दिल इन्सान था।

4. We must be a judicious mixture of both.
हमें दोनों का एक विवेकपूर्ण मिश्रण होना पड़ेगा।

5. The great moments of heroism and sacrifice are rare.
वीरता तथा बलिदान के महान पल कभी-कभार ही आते हैं।

6. I hope my friend in the railway carriage will reflect on this.
मैं उम्मीद करता हूँ कि रेल के डिब्बे वाला मेरा मित्र इस पर विचार करेगा।

PSEB 10th Class English Retranslation

7. You have liberty to laugh at me.
आपको आजादी है मेरा मजाक उड़ाने की।

8. Liberty is not a personal affair only but a social contract.
स्वतन्त्रता सिर्फ एक निजी विषय नहीं है बल्कि एक सामाजिक समझौता होता है।

9. We have got liberty now.
अब हमें स्वतन्त्रता मिल चुकी है।

10. I may be as free as l like.
मैं जितना चाहूँ, स्वतन्त्र हो सकता हूँ।

1. The Happy Prince

1. He was gilded all over with thin leaves of fine gold.
वह पूर्णतया बढ़िया सोने की बारीक पत्तियों से ढका था।

2. The stars are quite clear and bright.
तारे बिल्कुल साफ़ और चमकदार हैं।

3. My feet are fastened to this pedestal.
मेरे पैर इस चौकी के साथ जकड़े हुए हैं।

4. The boy was tossing feverishly on his bed.
लड़का बुखार की बेचैनी से बिस्तर पर करवटें बदल रहा था।

5. Have you any commissions for Egypt ?
क्या आपको मिस्र में कोई काम है. ?

6. He is leaning over a desk covered with papers.
वह कागज़ों से भरी एक मेज पर झुका हुआ है।

7. There is no fire in the grate.
अंगीठी में आग नहीं है।

8. He sat on the mast of a large vessel.
वह एक बड़े जहाज़ के मस्तूल पर बैठ गया।

9. She has let her matches fall in the gutter.
वह अपनी माचिसें नाली में गिरा बैठी है।

10. There is no mystery so great as misery.
कोई भी रहस्य इतना बड़ा नहीं होता जितना कि (दरिद्रता की) पीड़ा का रहस्य।

11. He flew into dark lanes..
वह उड़ता हुआ अंधेरी गलियों में चला गया।

12. They wandered out into the rain.
वे बाहर वर्षा में भटकने लगे।

13. The living always think that gold can make them happy.
जीवित लोग प्रायः यही सोचते हैं कि सोना उन्हें खुश कर सकता है।

14. The streets looked as if they were made of silver.
गलियाँ ऐसी लग रही थीं मानो चाँदी की बनी हों।

PSEB 10th Class English Retranslation

15. The poor little Swallow grew colder and colder.
बेचारा नन्हा अबाबील ठण्डा तथा और ठण्डा होता चला गया।

16. I am going to the House of Death.
मैं मृत्यु के घर जा रहा हूँ।

17. We must really issue a proclamation.
हमें सचमुच एक घोषणा-पत्र जारी करना चाहिए।

2. Where is Science Taking Us ?

1. What is the meaning of life?
जीवन का क्या अर्थ है ?

2. Where are we all going ?
हम सब कहां जा रहे हैं ?

3. What drives men ever forward to work ?
कौन-सी चीज़ मनुष्यों को काम करने के लिए हमेशा प्रेरित करती रहती है ?

4. Let’s concentrate on material things.
आइए, हम भौतिक चीजों पर अपना ध्यान एकाग्र करें।

5. Each individual has six hundred human slaves in his machines.
प्रत्येक व्यक्ति के पास उसकी मशीनों के रूप में छ: सौ गुलाम हैं।

6. What are the consequences of this abnormal power ?
इस असामान्य शक्ति के क्या परिणाम हैं?

7. This would have been one of the greatest triumphs of science.
यह विज्ञान की महानतम विजयों में से एक होती।

8. We will need all our creative powers.
हमें अपनी सभी सृजनात्मक शक्तियों की आवश्यकता होगी।

9. Modern drug adds a little more to the average span of life.
आधुनिक दवाई जीवन की औसत अवधि को थोड़ा और बड़ा देती है।

10. Man is struggling in a sort of vicious circle.
मनुष्य एक प्रकार के दुष्चक्र में संघर्ष कर रहा है।

PSEB 10th Class English Retranslation

11. Aims seem to be obvious.
लक्ष्य स्पष्ट लगते हैं।

12. Man needs more than food, shelter and clothing.
मनुष्य को रोटी, कपड़ा और मकान से कुछ ज्यादा चाहिए।

3. Secret of Happiness

1. Destiny has its own strange ways.
भाग्य के अपने ही निराले ढंग होते हैं।

2. The average man uses but twenty percent of his brain power.
एक औसत व्यक्ति अपने मस्तिष्क की शक्ति का केवल बीस प्रतिशत ही इस्तेमाल करता है।

3. It is a source of inward power.
यह आंतरिक शक्ति का एक स्त्रोत है।

4. It touches every one of us in some way.
यह हम में से प्रत्येक को किसी न किसी रूप में प्रभावित करता है।

5. Fears of one kind and another haunt us.
एक या दूसरी किस्म के डर हमें निरन्तर सताते रहते हैं।

6. Fear lays its paralyzing hand upon an individual.
भय व्यक्ति पर अपना अशक्त बना देने वाला हाथ रख देता है।

7. Bring them out into the light of day.
उनको दिन की रोशनी में ले आइए।

8. Most of the things one fears never happen.
अधिकतर चीजें, जिनसे व्यक्ति डरता है, कभी घटित होती ही नहीं।

9. I sat transfixed, rooted to my chair.
मैं जड़ हो कर अपनी कुर्सी से जकड़ा हुआ बैठा रहा।

10. I leaped to the door and flung it open.
मैं दरवाज़े की तरफ झपटा और इसे एक झटके के साथ खोल दिया।

PSEB 10th Class English Retranslation

11. Kagawa, a preacher and social worker, once visited our country.
कगावा, जो एक उपदेशक तथा समाज सेवक था, एक बार हमारे देश में आया।

12. Kagawa had discovered a priceless secret.
कगावा ने एक अमूल्य रहस्य का भेद पा लिया था।

13. His eyesight was threatened.
उसकी आंखों की रोशनी खतरे में पड़ गई थी।

14. There is the real escape from fear.
भय से छुटकारा पाने का एक वास्तविक तरीका

15. Confidence, not fear, will be yours forever.
आत्मविश्वास, न कि भय, सदा के लिए आप का हो जाएगा।

4. A Gift for Christmas

1. The next day would be Christmas.
अगले दिन क्रिसमस का त्योहार था।

2. You see signs of poverty wherever you turn your eyes.
जिस तरफ भी आप नज़र घुमाएंगे, आपको ग़रीबी के चिन्ह नज़र आएंगे।

3. She stood by the window.
वह खिड़की की बगल में खड़ी हो गई।

4. She had been saving every penny she could for months.
वह कई महीनों से प्रत्येक वह पैनी बचाती आ रही थी जिसे वह बचा सकती थी।

5. Rapidly she pulled down her hair.
शीघ्रता से उसने अपने बाल खोल कर नीचे किए।

6. She put on her old brown jacket.
उसने अपनी पुरानी भूरी जैकेट पहन ली।

7. The shop was located on the second floor.
दुकान दूसरी मंजिल पर स्थित थी।

8. Della ran up the stairs.
डैला भागती हुई सीढ़ियों के ऊपर गई।

9. Take your hat off and let me have a look at it.
अपना हैट उतारो और मुझे इन्हें एक नज़र देखने दो।

10. Della spent the next two hours in the stores eagerly.
डैला ने अगले दो घंटे बहुत व्यग्रता से दुकानों में बिताए।

11. There was no other like it in any of the stores.
इसके जैसा कोई अन्य किसी भी दुकान में नहीं था।

PSEB 10th Class English Retranslation

12. She looked at the reflection in the mirror.
उसने दर्पण में अपने प्रतिबिम्ब को देखा।

13. The tiny curls made her look like a schoolboy.
उन छोटे-छोटे छल्लों के कारण वह एक स्कूली लड़के के जैसी दिख रही थी।

14. She turned white for just a moment.
वह केवल एक पल के लिए सफ़ेद पड़ गई।

15. The door opened and Jim stepped in and closed it.
दरवाज़ा खुला और जिम ने अंदर कदम रखा और इसे बंद कर दिया।

16. He needed a new overcoat.
उसे एक नए ओवरकोट की जरूरत थी।

17. Jim’s eyes were fixed on Della.
जिम की नज़र डैला पर टिकी थी।

18. Della got off the table and moved towards him.
डैला मेज़ से नीचे उतरी और जिम की तरफ बढ़ी।

19. Jim looked about the room curiously.
जिम ने उत्सुकतापूर्वक कमरे में इधर-उधर देखा।

20. Jim seemed to wake up at last, and to understand.
अन्त में मानो जिम जाग उठा हो और समझने लगा हो।

21. Della’s white fingers quickly opened the package.
डैला की सफ़ेद अंगुलियों ने तेजी से पैकेट को खोला।

22. Della jumped up like a little cat.
डैला एक छोटी बिल्ली की भांति उछल पड़ी।

23. Jim had not yet seen his beautiful present.
जिम ने अभी अपना सुंदर उपहार नहीं देखा था।

24. Jim sat down on the couch.
जिम सोफे पर बैठ गया।

5. Some Glimpses of Ancient Indian Thought and Practices

1. In desperation and anxiety, the gods went to Lord Vishnu.
निराशा और चिंता में देवतागण भगवान् विष्णु के पास गए।

2. Ashtavakara entered the portals of the palace hall.
अष्टवक्र ने महल के सभा-भवन में प्रवेश किया।

3. This put the entire assembly to shame.
इस बात ने पूरी सभा को लज्जित कर दिया।

4. The demons were having an upper hand.
असुरों का पलड़ा भारी हो रहा था।

PSEB 10th Class English Retranslation

5. I feel ashamed of being invited to this assembly of skinners.
चर्मकारों की इस सभा में निमन्त्रित किए जाने पर मुझे लज्जा आ रही है।

6. The Home-Coming

1. Everyone supported the proposal.
प्रत्येक ने सुझाव का समर्थन किया।

2. He appeared like a young philosopher.
वह एक छोटे दार्शनिक के जैसा लग रहा था।

3. His courage failed him at the crisis.
उस संकटपूर्ण स्थिति में उसकी हिम्मत उसका साथ छोड़ गई।

4. The other boys shouted themselves hoarse with delight.
अन्य लड़कों का खुशी से चिल्लाते हुए गला बैठ गया।

5. The first act of the drama was over.
नाटक का प्रथम अंक समाप्त हो गया।

6. A boat came up to the landing.
घाट पर एक नाव आ कर रुकी।

7. Phatik’s patience was already exhausted.
फटिक का धैर्य पहले ही समाप्त हो चुका था।

8. Phatik looked sheepish and ashamed.
फटिक लजित और मुंह छिपाता हुआ लगने लगा।

9. She recognized her brother.
उसने अपने भाई को पहचान लिया।

10. The next few days were full of rejoicing.
अगले कई दिन हंसी-खुशी में बीत गए।

11. The widowed mother readily agreed.
विधवा मां तुरन्त सहमत हो गई।

PSEB 10th Class English Retranslation

12. मां के लिए यह एक बड़ी भारी राहत वाली बात थी।
It was an immense relief to the mother.

13. बिशम्बर को सचमुच दो बार सोच लेना चाहिए था।
Bishamber should really have thought twice.

14. There is no worse nuisance than a boy at the age of fourteen.
चौदह साल के लड़के से बढ़ कर कोई अन्य परेशानी नहीं होती है।

15. A young lad most craves recognition and love.
एक जवान लड़का अपने मन में पहचान और स्नेह की अत्यधिक इच्छा रखता है।

16. He gaped and remained silent.
वह मुँह खोले देखता रहता और खामोश बना रहता।

17. एक दिन उसने अपनी पूरी हिम्मत जुटाई।
One day, he summoned up all his courage.

18. Wait till the holidays come.
छुट्टियां होने तक प्रतीक्षा करो।

19. It was still raining and the streets were flooded.
वर्षा अब भी हो रही थी और गलियों में पानी भरा हुआ था।

20. He was wet through from head to foot.
वह सिर से पांव तक पूरी तरह भीगा हुआ था।

21. Throughout the night, the boy was delirious.
लड़का रात भर बड़बड़ाता रहा।

7. The Making of the Earth

1. The earth goes round the sun.
पृथ्वी सूर्य के चारों तरफ घूमती है।

2. The other planets have also got their satellites.
अन्य ग्रहों के भी अपने-अपने उपग्रह हैं।

3. Solar means belonging to the sun.
सौर का अर्थ होता है, सूर्य से संबंध रखने वाला।

4. The planets are really quite tiny like our earth.
वास्तव में (तारों की तुलना में) ग्रह हमारी पृथ्वी की ही भांति बहुत छोटे होते हैं।

PSEB 10th Class English Retranslation

5. We see it as a great ball of fire.
हम इसे आग की एक विशाल गेंद के रूप में देखते हैं।

6. The sun is millions of miles away.
सूर्य हम से लाखों मील दूर है।

7. Our earth also shot out from the sun.
हमारी पृथ्वी भी सूर्य से छिटक कर अलग हो गई।

8. It is full of glaciers and ice fields.
यह हिमनदियों और बर्फ के मैदानों से भरपूर है।

9. All the water-vapours in the air condensed into water.
हवा में विद्यमान सारे जल-वाष्प घने हो कर पानी बन गए।

8. The Rule of the Road

1. A stout old lady was walking with her basket.
एक हृष्ट-पुष्ट बूढ़ी महिला अपनी टोकरी उठाए हुए चली जा रही थी।

2. I have liberty to be indifferent to you.
मुझे आज़ादी है कि तुम्हारी उपेक्षा करूं।

3. I got into a railway carriage at a country station.
मैं एक ग्रामीण स्टेशन से रेल के डिब्बे में सवार हुआ।

4. I think I could enjoy a really good novel.
मेरे विचार से मैं वास्तव में ही किसी अच्छे उपन्यास का आनंद ले सकता था।

5. He had not the social sense.
उसमें सामाजिक बुद्धि नहीं थी।

6. He was not ‘a clubbable’ man.
वह किसी संगति में बैठने की बुद्धि नहीं रखता था।

PSEB 10th Class English Retranslation

7. He has no right to sit in his front room.
उसे कोई अधिकार नहीं है कि वह अपने आगे वाले कमरे में आ कर बैठ जाए।

8. You are interfering with the liberties of your neighbours.
आप अपने पड़ोसियों की स्वतन्त्रताओं में विघ्न डाल रहे है।

9. Clash of liberties seems to defy compromise.
आज़ादियों की भिड़न्त में कोई समझौता कर पाना असम्भव हो जाता है।

PSEB 10th Class English Translation

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class English Book Solutions English Translation Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 10th Class English Translation

Translate the following sentences into-English :

Modal-related Sentences

1. मैं यह प्रश्न हल कर सकता हूं।
I can solve this question.

2. आपको किसी अच्छे डाक्टर को दिखाना चाहिए।
You must consult some good doctor.

3. हमें अपने माता-पिता का कहना मानना चाहिए।
We ought to obey our parents.

PSEB 10th Class English Translation

4. हो सकता है, आज रात वर्षा हो।
It might rain tonight.

5. वह यहां रहा करता था।
He used to live here.

6. मेहनत करो, ऐसा न हो कि फ़ेल हो जाओ।
Work hard, lest you should fail.

7. हमें अपने देश की सेवा करनी चाहिए।
We should serve our country.

8. सबको एक न एक दिन मरना ही है।
Everybody has to die one day or the other

9. काश! मैं अमीर होता।
Would that I were rich!

10. मेरी क्या मज़ाल कि मैं आपका अपमान करूं।।
How can I dare to insult you?

Tense-based Sentences :

11. हम क्रिकेट खेलते हैं।
We play cricket.

12. मेरी घड़ी सही समय नहीं देती है।
My watch does not keep correct time.

13. पृथ्वी सूर्य के इर्द-गिर्द घूमती है।
The earth revolves round the sun.

PSEB 10th Class English Translation

14. वे कब सोते हैं?
When do they sleep?
(or) When do they go to bed?

15. मैं पत्र लिख रहा हूं।
I am writing a letter.

16. लड़के शोर मचा रहे हैं।
Boys are making a noise.

17. क्या चपड़ासी घंटी बजा रहा है?
Is the peon ringing the bell ?

18. आप अपनी किताबें क्यों खराब कर रहे हो?
Why are you spoiling your books ?

19. मैंने अपना काम समाप्त कर लिया है।
I have finished my work.

20. उसने इस पाठ की दोहराई नहीं की है।
He has not revised this lesson.

21. क्या वर्षा ऋतु शुरू हो गई है?
Has the rainy season set in ?

22. वह कभी भी आगरा नहीं गया है।
He has never visited Agra.
(or) He has never been to Agra.

23. सुबह से बूंदा-बाँदी हो रही है।
It has been drizzling since morning.

24. मैं दस वर्ष से इस स्कूल में पढ़ा रही हूं।
I have been teaching in this school for ten years.

PSEB 10th Class English Translation

25. क्या सुबह से मूसलाधार वर्षा हो रही है?
Has it been raining in torrents since morning ?
(or) Has it been raining cats and dogs since morning ?

26. क्या माली सुबह से पौधों को पानी नहीं दे रहा है?
Has the gardener not been watering the plants since morning ?

27. मैं कल अपने मित्र के घर गया।
I went to my friend’s house yesterday.

28. वे कल बाज़ार नहीं गए थे।
They did not go to the market yesterday.

29. क्या आपने अपना समय बर्बाद किया?
Did you waste your time ?

30. हम चाय पी रहे थे।
We were drinking tea.

31. वे क्रिकेट नहीं खेल रहे थे।
They were not playing cricket.

32. क्या वे स्कूल जा रहे थे? ।
Were they going to school ?

33. मेरे स्कूल पहुंचने से पहले घंटी बज चुकी थी।
The bell had rung before I reached the school.

34. क्या डॉक्टर के आने से पहले रोगी मर चुका था?
Had the patient died before the doctor arrived ?

35. लड़के दो दिन से नाचने का अभ्यास कर रहे थे।
Boys had been practising the dance for two days.

36. क्या वह काफी समय से पुस्तक लिख रहा था?
Had he been writing a book for a long time ?

PSEB 10th Class English Translation

37. वे पतंगें उड़ाएंगे।
They will fly kites.

38. क्या वे कल. स्कूल आएंगे?
Will they come to school tomorrow?

39. वे अपना पाठ याद कर रहे होंगे।
They will be learning their lesson.

40. क्या तुम्हारी माता जी खाना बना रही होंगी?
Will your mother be cooking food?

41. मैं तब तक सड़क पार कर चुका होऊँगा।
I will have crossed the road by then.

42. क्या वह मुझसे पहले स्कूल पहुंच चुका होगा?
Will he have reached the school before me?

43. मैं दो घंटे से पढ़ रहा होऊँगा।
I will have been studying for two hours.

44. क्या वह जालंधर में 1995 से रह रहा होगा?
Will he have been living in Jalandhar since 1995?

45. धोबी सुबह से कपड़े नहीं धो रहा होगा।
The washerman will not have been washing the clothes since morning.

Imperative Sentences

46. कभी झूठ मत बोलो।
Never tell a lie.

47. बुरी संगत से बचो।
Avoid bad company.

48. शोर मत मचाओ।
Do not make a noise.

49. सदैव सत्य बोलो।
Always speak the truth.

50. चुप रहो।
Keep silence.

51. उसको बोलने दो।
Let him / her speak.

52. मुझे जाने दो।
Let me go.

PSEB 10th Class English Translation

53. आओ, सैर के लिए चलें।
Come, let us go for a walk.

54. आओ; धूप में बैठे।
54. Come, let us sit in the sun.

55. मेरे लिए पानी का गिलास मँगवा दीजिए।
Get me a glass of water.

56. अपना समय बर्बाद न करें।
Do not waste your time.

57. मेरी बात सुनो।
Listen to me.
Listen to what I say.

58. बकवास मत करो।
Don’t talk nonsense.
Don’t talk rot.

59. यह पत्र डाक में डाल दो।
Post this letter.

60. अपनी किताबें खोलो।
Open your books.

PSEB 10th Class English Translation

Non-activity Sentences

61. आज मौसम बहुत सुहावना है।
The weather is very pleasant today.

62. आज बहुत गर्मी है।
It is very hot today.

63. आज बहुत ठंड है।
It is very cold today.

64. मैं एक विद्यार्थी हूँ।
I am a student.

65. आज हवा बंद है।
It is close today.

66. यह खबर सच है।
This news is true.

67. दिल्ली भारत की राजधानी है।
Delhi is the capital of India.

68. हमारी कक्षा में दस लड़कियाँ हैं।
There are ten girls in our class.

69. भारत त्योहारों की भूमि है।
India is a land of festivals.

70. मैं आज अच्छा महसूस नहीं कर रही हूँ।
I am not feeling well today.


71. हाथी के दांत खाने के और दिखाने के और। |
All that glitters is not gold.

72. जो गरजते हैं, वो बरसते नहीं। .
Barking dogs seldom bite.

73. घर का जोगी जोगड़ा और बाहर का जोगी सिद्ध।।
A prophet is not honoured in his own country.

74. धोबी का कुत्ता, न घर का न घाट का।
No man can serve two masters.

75. जैसा बोओगे, वैसा ही काटोगे।
You reap what you sow.

76. थोथा चना, बाजे घना।
Empty vessels make much noise.

77. जैसा देश, वैसा भेष।
While in Rome, do as the Romans.

PSEB 10th Class English Translation

78. परोपकार घर से ही शुरू होता है।
Charity begins at home.

79. अपना-अपना, पराया-पराया।
Blood is thicker than water.

80. चोर-चोर मौसेरे भाई।
Birds of a feather flock together.

Idiomatic Sentences

81. मेरे पिता जी मेरे घर के कर्ता-धर्ता हैं।
My father is all in all in my home.

82. मेरी बेटी मेरी आंखों का तारा है।
My daughter is the apple of my eye.

83. यह घर दोनों भाइयों के झगड़े का कारण है।
This house is the bone of contention between the two brothers.

84. उसका भाषण गांव वालों की समझ से बाहर था।
His lecture was beyond comprehension for the villagers.

85. अपने काम से काम रखो।
Mind your own business.

86. जिंदगी फूलों की सेज नहीं है।
Life is not a bed of roses.

87. इधर-उधर की मत हांको, अपने काम पर ध्यान |
Don’t beat about the bush, come to the point.

88. भारत दिन दुगनी रात चौगुनी उन्नति कर रहा है।
India is progressing by leaps and bounds.

PSEB 10th Class English Translation

89. उसने अपनी सौतेली माता जी की मृत्यु पर झूठे आंसू
He shed crocodile tears on the death बहाए। of his stepmother.

90. उसको कम सुनाई देता है।
He is hard of hearing.

Interrogative Sentences

91. आप क्या चाहते हो?
What do you want ?

92. पौधों को पानी कौन दे रहा है?
Who is watering the plants ?

93. वह सुबह से कहां है?
Where is he since morning ?

94. वोट कैसे डाले जाते हैं ?
How are votes cast ?

95. आपने आने में इतना विलंब क्यों किया? ।
Why are you so late ?

Exclamatory Sentences

96. कितने सुंदर दिन हैं!
How pleasant the days are !

97. बच्चा कितना होशियार है!
How intelligent the child is

98. खेद है! भारत मैच हार गया।
Alas ! India has lost the match.

99. श्रीमान जी, शुभ सवेर।
Sir, good morning.
Good morning, sir.

100. वह कितना मासूम लगता है!
How innocent he looks!

Miscellaneous Exercise

1. प्रकृति के नियमों को कौन बदल सकता है ?
Who can change the laws of nature ?

2. उसने सभी को निमंत्रित कर लिया।
He invited one and all.

3. शान्त हो जाएं और धैर्य रखें।
Be quiet and have patience.

4. इस दफ्तर में कोई पद खाली नहीं है।
There is no vacancy in this office.

PSEB 10th Class English Translation

5. वह मेरा चचेरा भाई है।
He is my cousin.

6. वे एक ही थाली के चट्टे-बट्टे हैं।
They are chips of the same block.

7. कितना सुन्दर दृश्य है !
What a beautiful scene it is!

8. मेरा नौकर वह चिट्ठी डाक में डाल चुका है।
My servant has posted that letter.

9. परमात्मा पर भरोसा रखो।
Trust in God.

10. क्या बच्चों में मिठाई बांटी जाएगी ?
Will sweets be distributed among the children?

11. डूबते को तिनके का सहारा।
A drowning man catches at a straw.

12. क्या उसने अंग्रेज़ी में अपनी कमी पूरी कर |
Has he made up his deficiency in ली है ?

13. यदि वह सच बोलेगा तो मैं उसे माफ कर दूंगा।
If he speaks the truth, I will forgive him.

14. सुन्दरता को गहनों की आवश्यकता नहीं।
Beauty needs no ornaments.

15. बुरी संगति से अकेला भला।
Batter alone than in bad company.

16. मनुष्य स्वयं ही अपने भाग्य का निर्माता है।
Man is the architect of his own fate.

17. भगवान करे कि आप परीक्षा में सफल हों!
May you succeed in the examination !

18. कल आपने कितनी देर तक काम किया ?
How long did you work yesterday?

19. मैं आपकी सहायता अवश्य करूंगा।
I will definitely help you.

20. वह एक सफल कलाकार है।
He is a successful artist.

21. मैं उसे धोखा नहीं दे सकता।
I can’t deceive him.

22. वह काम ढूँढ रहा है।
He is in search of a job.

PSEB 10th Class English Translation

23. क्या आप दुःख-सुख में मेरा साथ देंगे ?
Will you stand by me through thick and thin ?

24. लोकतन्त्र में लाभ भी हैं और नुकसान भी।
Democracy has its merits as well as demerits.

25. मैं थक कर चूर हो गया हूं।
I am dead tired.

26. यह बस दिल्ली को जाएगी।
This bus will go to Delhi.

27. वह किराए के मकान में रहता है।
He lives in a rented house.

28. कमरे में उस समय कोई नहीं था।
There was no one in the room at that time.

29. लड़के भिखारी के पीछे भागे।
Boys ran after the beggar.

30. मैं इस वर्ष दसवीं की परीक्षा दे रहा हूँ।
I am taking the Matriculation Examination this year.

31. The Indian team has already won three matches.
भारतीय टीम तीन मैच पहले ही जीत चुकी है।।

32. They have been waiting for the result since noon.
वे दोपहर से परिणाम की प्रतीक्षा कर रहे हैं।

33. I know him well.
मैं उसे अच्छी तरह जानता हूँ।

34. Women are in no way inferior to men.
स्त्रियां पुरुषों से किसी तरह भी हीन नहीं हैं।

35. He had no excuse for coming late.
उसके पास देरी से आने का कोई बहाना नहीं था।

PSEB 10th Class English Translation

36. Good health is the key to success.
अच्छा स्वास्थ्य सफलता का रहस्य है।

37. Banks are closed on holidays.
बैंक छुट्टी वाले दिनों में बन्द रहते हैं।

38. I had sent a message to my friend.
मैंने अपने मित्र को एक सन्देश भेजा था।

39. Where there is smoke, there is fire.
जहां धुआं हो, वहां आग ज़रूर होती है।

40. He gave his coat to be ironed.
उसने अपना कोट इस्तरी कराने के लिए दिया।

41. I am on the lookout for a job.
मैं नौकरी की तलाश में हूं।

42. He spread mischievous lies about me.
उसने मेरे बारे में शरारत-पूर्ण बातें फैलाई।

43. He often suffers from giddiness.
उसे साधारणत: चक्कर आते रहते हैं।

44. I am not even on speaking terms with him.
मेरी उससे बोलचाल नहीं है।

45. To err is human.
मनुष्य ग़लती का पुतला है।

46. He will reach here next week in connection with his business.
वह अगले सप्ताह अपने व्यापार के सम्बन्ध में यहां पहुंच जाएगा।

47. He was sentenced to three years of rigorous imprisonment.
उसे तीन वर्ष की सख्त सजा मिली।

48. He is a jolly fellow.
वह खुशमिजाज है।

PSEB 10th Class English Translation

49. Two of a trade seldom agree.
कुत्ते का कुत्ता बैरी।

50. Nothing succeeds like success.
चलती का नाम गाड़ी।

51. He has left bag and baggage
वह अपना सारा समान ले कर चला गया है।

52. Since when have you known him?
आप उसे कब से जानते हैं ?

53. His trousers have got torn.
उसकी पतलून फट गई है।

54. Time is a great healer.
समय सब घावों का मरहम है।

55. Do not find fault with others.
दूसरों में दोष मत निकालो।

56. Music is the language of the soul.
संगीत आत्मा की आवाज़ है।

57. He has spoken ill of you.
उसने तुम्हारी निंदा की है।

58. We do not sell on credit.
हम उधार नहीं बेचते।

59. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
मित्र वह जो दुःख में काम आए।

60. We must help the needy.
हमें ज़रूरतमंदों की मदद करनी चाहिए।

61. I don’t like your childish habits.
मुझे आपकी बच्चों जैसी आदतें पसंद नहीं हैं।

62. Change is the law of Nature.
परिवर्तन प्रकृति का नियम है।

63. Women are respected in India.
भारत में स्त्रियों का सम्मान किया जाता है।

64. He takes after his father.
उसकी शक्ल उसके पिता जी से मिलती है।

65. My friend stood by me through thick and thin.
मेरे मित्र ने दुःख-सुख में मेरा साथ दिया।

66. A rolling stone gathers no moss.
डावांडोल की मिट्टी खराब।

67. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
नौ नकद न तेरह उधार।

68. A bad workman quarrels with his tools.
नाच न जाने आंगन टेढा।

PSEB 10th Class English Translation

69. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
नीम हकीम खतरा-ए-जान।

70. A bad man is better than a bad name.
बद अच्छा, बदनाम बुरा।

71. Prevention is better than cure.
इलाज से परहेज़ अच्छा।

72. Happiness lies in contentment.
सुख नाम संतोष का।

73. Handsome is that handsome does.
सुन्दर वह जो सुन्दर काम करे।

74. Honesty is the best policy.
ईमानदारी सबसे अच्छी नीति है।

75. Health is the greatest wealth.
स्वास्थ्य ही सबसे बड़ा धन है।

76. Hunger is the best sauce.
भूख में चने भी बादाम।

77. Pride hath a fall.
अभिमान का सिर नीचा।

78. Riches change hands
दौलत आनी-जानी चीज़ है।

79. Self-praise is no recommendation.
अपने मुँह मियां मिठ्ठ।

80. Something is better than nothing.
सारी नहीं तो आधी सही।

81. Slow and steady wins the race.
सहज पके सो मीठा होय।

82. To live in Rome and fight with Pope!
समुद्र में रह कर मगरमच्छ से वैर!

PSEB 10th Class English Translation

83. To make a .mountain out of a molehill.
राई का पहाड़ बनाना।

84. The match ended in a draw.
मैच बराबर रहा।

85. He has no ear for music.
उसे संगीत का शौक नहीं है।

86. Nehru’s name is a household word.
नेहरू जी का नाम हर एक की जुबान पर है।

87. His arm was dislocated.
उसकी बाजू (भुजा) उतर गई।

88. He had a fracture in his arm.
उसकी बाजू (भुजा) टूट गई।

89. There was a pin-drop silence in the hall.
हॉल में बिल्कुल सन्नाटा था।

90. He is bent upon mischief.
वह शरारत पर तुला हुआ है।

91. What brings you here ?
आपका यहां कैसे आना हुआ?

92. Bill sticking is prohibited here.
यहाँ इश्तिहार लगाना मना है।

93. There is a screw loose in his brain.
उसके दिमाग में कुछ खराबी है।

94. This cloth will wear well.
यह कपड़ा अच्छा चलेगा।

95. How did you come by this book?
यह पुस्तक आपके हाथ कैसे लगी ?

96. Nip the evil in the bud.
बुराई को आरम्भ में ही दबा दो।

97. He always blows his own trumpet.
वह हमेशा अपनी ही डींग मारता है।

98. The railway compartment was packed to suffocation.
रेलगाड़ी का डिब्बा खचाखच भरा हुआ था।

99. Do not poke your nose into the affairs of others.
दूसरों के मामलों में टांग न अड़ाएं।

100. Your visits are few and far between.
आप ईद के चांद हो गये हैं।

101. It is only hearsay.
यह तो केवल सुनी-सुनाई बात है।

102. His tricks won’t succeed here.
उसकी दाल यहां नहीं गलेगी।

PSEB 10th Class English Translation

103. He lives like a lord.
वह बड़े ठाठ से रहता है।

104. All his plans ended in smoke.
उसकी सभी आशाओं पर पानी फिर गया।

105. Never spend beyond your means.
कभी भी अपनी आय से अधिक खर्च न करो।

106. It is not like good people to backbite others.
दूसरों की चुगली करना अच्छे लोगों का काम नहीं।

107. Do not tamper with electricity.
बिजली से छेड़खानी न करो।

108. He indulges in tall talk.
वह बड़ी-बड़ी गप्पें हांकता है।

109. Exercise is a panacea for all ills.
व्यायाम सौ दवाइयों की एक दवा है।

110. People ran pell-mell there.
वहां भाग-दौड़ मच गई।

111. There is no stir in the air.
नाम-मात्र भी हवा नहीं है।

112. Please sup with me this evening.
आज शाम का खाना आप मेरे साथ खाइए।

113. He took my remarks ill.
उसने मेरी बात का बुरा मनाया।

114. This question is beyond my comprehension.
यह प्रश्न मेरी समझ से बाहर है।

115. यह बात किसी से छुपी नहीं है।
This is an open secret.

116. आप मेरी आंखों में धूल नहीं झोंक सकते।
You cannot throw dust into my eyes.

117. यह समाचार जंगल की आग की तरह फैल गया।
This news spread like wildfire.

118. You should feel ashamed of yourself.
चुल्लू भर पानी में डूब मरो!

119. Strange are the ways of God!
भगवान के खेल न्यारे हैं!

PSEB 10th Class English Translation

120. Change is the order of the world.
संसार परिवर्तनशील है।

121. अच्छे आदमी भगवान को जल्दी प्यारे हो जाते हैं।
Good men die early.

122. You are suffering from mania.
आपके सिर पर तो भूत सवार है।

123. Bad luck is dogging his footsteps.
दुर्भाग्य उसके पीछे पड़ा हुआ है।

124. He is no match for you.
आपके साथ उसका कोई मुकाबला नहीं।

125. You look much run down.
आप बड़े कमज़ोर हुए दिखाई देते हैं।

126. I always call a spade a spade.
मैं सदा खरी-खरी बात सुना देता हूं।

127. He does not look his age.
वह अपनी उमर का नहीं लगता है।

PSEB 10th Class English Translation

128. I cannot stand such an intense heat.
मैं इतनी सख्त गर्मी सहन नहीं कर सकता।

PSEB 10th Class English Advertisement Writing

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class English Book Solutions English Advertisement Writing Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 10th Class English Advertisement Writing

(1) Draft an advertisement for ‘Mangla Academy’.


An ideal coaching centre, located in the centre of the city, near Galaxy Tower. Well-qualified staff for all subjects and all competitive examinations. Quite reasonable and affordable fees. Equipped with all facilities for practicals.

Contact :
Ravi Mangla
Ph. 2000015, 2000025.

PSEB 10th Class English Advertisement Writing

(2) Advertise ‘the showroom named ‘Kids World’.


Come with your little ones and choose from a wide range of:

  • Dresses and Outfits
  • Games and Toys
  • Comics and Storybooks & Much More

Visit today and enjoy the benefit of special gifts and discounts.
Galaxy Towers (Phagwara)
Ph. 3010120, 3010121.

(3) Advertise ‘Futura Coconut Hair Oil’.

Depend On
Futura Coconut Hair Oil

  • To get rid of dandruff.
  • To check the falling of hair.
  • To treat your dry and rough hair.

Futura Coconut Hair Oil (FCHO)
A Quality Product of Indian Herbals Ltd.

(4) Draft an advertisement for ‘Chamak Detergent Powder’.

For a Sparkling Wash of Your Clothes and

Always Depend On
Leaves no stains anywhere
& Friendly Towards Your Hands
A Quality Product of Ratson and Watson India Ltd.

PSEB 10th Class English Advertisement Writing

(5) You have organized a handloom exhibition in your colony. Draft an advertisement for the same.


Dates ….. 1st May — 15th May
Timing ….. 8 a.m. — 8 p.m. daily
Venue ….. Sangam Palace, Gokul Vihar, Ludhiana.
Book your orders in bulk and enjoy heavy discounts Exquisite Handloom Products on Display
From Punjab, Haryana, Himachal, J & K,
Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat
Sponsored by : Punjab Khadi Udyog.

(6) Advertise ‘Singla Mosquito Repellant Oil’.

Singla Mosquito Repellant Oil

  • Colourless
  • Odourless
  • Non-allergic

Quitmos Cream Quitmos Liquid Quitmos Mats

PSEB 10th Class English Advertisement Writing

(7) Draft an advertisement for a new footwear showroom.


Your wait is over. A new footwear showroom has opened in your area. We have all the leading brands like Bata, Lakhani, Action, Relaxo, Liberty etc. Originality of the stuff guaranteed. Prices are genuine. Special discount on certain days. Kindly pay at least one visit and see the difference.
Maurya Footwear Point
33 Foota Road
Opposite New Sunder Nagar
Chandigarh Road
Ph. 4209211, 5637863

(8) As the Principal of New Light Public School, Jagraon, draft an advertisement for a daily newspaper, inviting applications for the post of a librarian in your school.


Wanted an experienced librarian, at least B.A. B.Lib., in the pay-scale 4300-120-5600. D.A. and H.R.A. according to State Govt, rules admissible.
Apply by 20th May.
New Light Public School,

(9) Advertise ‘Gupta Travel Agency’.


Visit for exciting domestic and international holiday packages both for individuals and groups. Decide your time and place and leave the rest to us.
1. Magical Singapore
5 nights / 6 days
₹ 64,999/-

2. Australia (Sydney, Coral Islands and CNS)
7 nights / 8, days
₹ 94,999/

3. Exotic Goa
3 nights / 4 days
₹ 13,333/-

Contact :
Parkash Kumar Gupta
Ph. 233313

PSEB 10th Class English Advertisement Writing

(10) Advertise ‘Rin Detergent Powder’.

For a Sparkling Wash of
Your Clothes and Dishes
Always Depend On
Leaves no stains anywhere
Friendly Towards Your Hands
A Quality Product of Rat son and Watson India Ltd.

PSEB 10th Class English Message Writing

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class English Book Solutions English Message Writing Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 10th Class English Message Writing

A message is some information, news, request, etc. sent to somebody in writing, speech, by telephone, etc. Telephone is the quickest means for sending a message. Sometimes it so happens that a message is received by telephone, but the person for whom the message is meant is not at hand. So someone else has to receive it. And if he himself has to go out, he has to leave in writing the message for the person for whom it is meant.

(1) Read the telephonic conversation given below and write the message in about 50 words:

Sanjeev : Hello ! Is it 13557799?
Sandeep : Yes, may I know who is calling?
Sanjeev : This is Sanjeev. I want to talk to Mr. Mittal.
Sandeep : Papa is not at home. Would you like me to convey him any message?
Sanjeev : Tell him that the meeting scheduled for 30th March has been
postponed to 4th April.
Sandeep : I’ll tell him.
Sanjeev : Thank you.


22nd March
Dear Papa

5:00 p.m.

There was a phone call from Mr. Sanjeev. He aids that the meeting scheduled for 30th March had been postponed to 4th April.


PSEB 10th Class English Message Writing

(2) Read the telephonic conversation given below :

Ramesh : Hello Ria, where is Mama ?
Ria : She has gone to the kitty party.
Ramesh : Please tell her that I will bring two of my friends for dinner tonight.
Ria : Fine. Is there anything else she should know ?
Ramesh : Yes, tell her to prepare fish-curry.
Ria : Is that all ?
Ramesh : Yes. Bye.

Ria has to go to her friend’s house. So she writes the message for her mother. Write the message for Ria.


6.00 Pm

8th June
Ramesh told me on the phone that he bringing two of his friend for dinner tonight. His want you to prepare fish-curry for the dinner.

(3) Read the following telephonic conversation :

Neha : Hello ! Is it 4607875?
Seema : Yes.
Neha : I am Neha. May I speak to Kriti, please?
Seema : She has gone to market and won’t be back till 9 o’clock.
Neha : Please tell her that she is invited to my birthday party on 15 April at 6 p.m. at my house.
Seema : I’ll convey your message.
Neha : Thank you.

Write this message on behalf of Seema.


7.00 Pm

3 April
There was a phone call from Neha. she has invited you to her birthday party on September at 6 pm at her house.

PSEB 10th Class English Message Writing

(4) Given below is a telephonic conversation between Nandan and Nikita.

Nandan : I am Nandan. May I talk to Arun?
Nikita : I’m sorry, he is not at home.
Nandan : Why didn’t he come to school today?
Nik ita . : He has gone to visit a relative.
Nandan : Will you please convey my message to him?
Nikita : What is it?
Nan dan : Tell him to bring my English notebook as I need it for correction tomorrow.
Nikita : Anything else?
Nandan : Yes, tell him that our science test has been postponed. Our teacher
will announce the new date tomorrow.
Nikita : I will tell him.
Nandan : Thank you.

Nikita has to go to the market, so she writes the message for Arun. Write this message for her.


4.30 pm

17 Sept,
There was a phone call from Nandan He said that you must take his English notebook to school as he needs it for correction He also said that your science test had been postponed The new date will he announced tomorrow.

(5) Read the telephonic conversation given below :

Anoushka : Hello, is it 2295098?
Ritu : Yes, may I know who is calling?
Anoushka : I am Anoushka. Can I talk to Ishaan?
Ritu : He has gone to the library.
Anoushka : Please tell him that his interview for ‘Tata Indicom’ has been fixed for tomorrow 9 a.m. sharp. He should reach the office in time and also bring his certificates along with him. Don’t forget. It is urgent.
Ritu : I’ll convey the message.
Anoushka : Thank you.

Ritu has to go to visit her sister, so she writes the message for Ishaan. write this message.


6.00 Pm

11 Sept,
There was a telephone cell from Anoushka. She said that your interview for Tata indicom has been fixed for tomorrow 9 a.m sharp. You should reach the office in time along with your certificates.

PSEB 10th Class English Message Writing

(6) Read the following telephonic conversation between Gulzar and Sonam :

Gulzar – Is it 8287135 ?
Sonam – Yes, who is calling ?
Gulzar – I am Gulzar from JCT, Phagwara. I would like to speak to Dhruv.
Sonam – He is not at home. I am his sister and you can give me the message.
Gulzar – Please tell him that he has been selected for the post of junior engineer and he must join duty tomorrow at 10 a.m.
Sonam – Anything else ?
Gulzar – Yes, tell him to bring along the photocopies of his certificates.
Sonam – Sure, I’ll convey your message.
Gulzar – Thank you. Bye.

Sonam writes the message for Dhruv as she has to go out for dinner. Write this message for her.


5.00 PM

7th March
One Mr Gulzar from JCT, Phagwara. rang up to inform you that you have been selected for the post of junior engineer. You must join duty tomorrow at 10 a.m. You should also take with you the photocopies of you certificates’.


(7) Read the following telephonic conversation :

Ravi : Hello ! Is it 2895634 ?
Tina : Yes, may I know who is on the line ?
Ravi : This is Ravi. May I talk to Suraj ?
Tina : He is not at home.
Ravi : Do me a favour. Tell him to pick me up while going to office tomorrow as my car has been sent for servicing.
Tina : Anything else ?
Ravi : Tell him to bring the file I gave him.
Tina : I’ll convey your message.
Ravi : Thank you. Bye.

Tina writes the message for Suraj as she has to go to her kitty party. Write this message on her behalf.


3:00 p.m

22 March
There was a phone call from Ravi. He want, you to pick him up while going to office tomorrow as his car has been sent for servicing. Also take along the file he gave you.

(8) Read the telephonic conversation given below :

Rajiv : Hello, is that Anu ?
Rajni : No, it’s Rajni speaking. Anu is not at home at the moment. What is the matter ?
Rajiv : We had planned to see ‘Power Cut’ running at Arora Palace today evening. Please tell her to wait for me at the main gate.
Rajni : Do not worry. I shall leave a message for her.
Rajiv : Thank you, Rajni. Bye.

Rajni has to go to market and she will not be able to meet Anu. Write a message on her behalf in about 50 words.


10:00 a.m

10th October
You had planned to see ‘Power Cut’ runtime at Arora Palace today evening with Rajiv. He rang up to tell you that you should wait for him at the main gate.

(9) Read the following telephonic conversation :

Ajay : Hello, is it 2376589 ?
Anu : Yes, may I know who is speaking ?
Ajay : This is Ajay. I want to speak to Mr. Goyal.
Anu : Papa is not at home. Would you like me to convey any message, to him ?
Ajay : Tell him that the meeting scheduled for 9th March has been postponed to 11th March.
Anu : I’ll tell him.

Anu has to go to school. Write the message on her behalf.


8:00 a.m

7th March
Mr. Ajay rang upto inform you that the meeting scheduled for 9th March has been ostpàied to 11th March.

PSEB 10th Class English Message Writing

(10) Read the telephonic conversation given below :

Mrs. Sharma: Hello, is it 2984567?
Ria: Yes, who would you like to speak to?
Mrs. Sharma: I want to talk to Sunita. I am Megha Sharma.
Ria: Hello auntie, mummy has gone to market.
Mrs. Sharma: Tell her that Nina’s father-in-law is not well and we are going
to see him at Kapoor Hospital where he has been admitted.
Tell your mother to be ready by 6 p.m. as I’ll pick her up on the way.
Ria: I’ll give her your message, auntie.
Mrs. Sharma: Thank you, dear. Bye.

Ria has to go to her friend’s house. Write the message for her mother on lier behalf.


2:00 a.m

15th March
Sharma auntie rang up to say that Nina aunties father-in-law is not well. They are going to see him at Kapoor Hospital Sharma aùntIwill pick you up out. the way You shrink be ready by 6 pm.

(11) Read the telephonic conversation given below :

Kishore : Hello ! Could I speak to Raghu ?
Rani : Raghu has gone out. This is his sister Rani speaking.
Kishore : Will you please tell him to reach the Extension Library by 10 a.m.
tomorrow for the renewal of our membership ?
Rani : Of course, I will tell him. Anything else ?
Kishore : Yes, tell him to carry his membership card.
Rani : Sure. Bye.

Rani has to go to club for a meeting. Write down the message she would write for Raghu.


4:00 p.m

4th March

There was a phone call from Kishore. He said that vim should reach the extensive Library by 10 a.m. tomorrow for the renewal of membership. You should also carry your membership card.

PSEB 10th Class English Message Writing

(12) Read the following telephonic conversation :

Rajesh: Hello, could I speak to Hemant, please?
Harish: Sorry, Hemant has not yet arrived.
Rajesh: Could you please convey to him that Mr. Verma has arrived at the company head office and he would like to meet Hemant tomorrow morning.
Harish: Sure, I’ll tell him?
Rajesh: Tell him to reach the office by 9 a.m.
Harish: I’ll coñvey the message.
Rajesh: Thank you. Bye.

Harish: has to go to Delhi, so he leaves the message for Hemant. Write the message on his behalf.


2:00 p.m

11 March
Rajesh rang up to say that Mr. Verma has arrived at the company head office. He would like to meet you tomorrow morning. Reach the office by 9 a.m.

13. Read the following telephonic conversation between Asha and Kiran.

Kiran is about to leave home and will not be able to meet Arun. She leaves a message for him. Write this message in not more than 50 words. Put the message in a box.
Asha : Hello, is that Kiran ?
Kiran: Speaking.
Asha: It’s Asha here. You know there’s a good movie on. It’s ‘My Left Foot’.
It’s running at Alpana. How about it tomorrow?
Kiran: Yes, not a bad idea.
Asha: Let’s go to the evening show. Where should we meet?
Kiran: Let’s meet at Wimpy’s Corner, at 5.30. Is that okay?
Asha: Fine. Look, Vijay’s coming along too. Why don’t you ask Arun to join us?
Kiran: I’ll do that. He’s not at home at the moment, but I’ll ask him to ring you up this evening.
Please don’t buy the tickets until he calls.


5:30 p.m

8 March.
There was a phone from Asha She and Vijay are going to see the movie ‘My Left Foot tomorrow evening I, too, have agreed to accompany them We shall he meeting at Wimpy’s Cornerrhat 5:30 Asha wants you also to accompany. Please ring her up this evening and confirm She’ll be waiting.

PSEB 10th Class English Message Writing

(14) Read the following telephonic conversation which took place when Suresh was staying with his uncle. Write the message from Suresh to his uncle, using not more than 50 words. Put the message in a box.

Seshu : Hello ! Hello ! This is Seshu from Lucknow. Can I speak to Mr. Rao, please? I am a friend of his son, Matlhav Rao.
Suresh : This is Suresh Rao My uncle’s not here the moment. We heard about the earthquake. Is Madhav all right?
Seshu : Yes, yes. He’s okay now. But he had a bad fall during the earthquake and he broke his left leg. It was a multiple fracture, but there’s nothing to worry about now.
Suresh : Is he in hospital?
Seshu : Yes, he’s at the Tata Memorial Hospital here. Would you please inform his family?
Suresh : Of course, I will. Thank you for calling.


9.15 p.m

25 April
Dear Uncle
There Was a telephone call for you from one Mr. Seshu, our Madhav’s friend, from Lucknow. He said that Madhav had a fall during the earthquake and he broke his leg. He got a multiple fracture and has been admitted to the Tata Memorial Hospital there. But he added that there was nothing to worry.

PSEB 10th Class English Paragraph Writing

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class English Book Solutions English Paragraph Writing Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 10th Class English Paragraph Writing

नोट-परीक्षा-पत्र में विद्यार्थियों को तीन अथवा चार विषय दिए जाएंगे जिनमें से किसी एक पर उन्हें लगभग 100 शब्दों में एक पैराग्राफ लिखना होगा। ये पैराग्राफ किसी व्यक्ति, घटना अथवा अनुभव, आदि के बारे में पूछे जा सकते हैं। किसी विषय पर एक अच्छा पैराग्राफ लिखने के लिए निम्नलिखित बातों का ध्यान रखिए –

1. दिए हुए विषय पर चिन्तन कीजिए और इसके सम्बन्ध में जो बातें (points) आप लिखना चाहते हों, उन्हें क्रमबद्ध कर लीजिए।

2. पैराग्राफ लिखते समय इस बात का ध्यान रखिए कि आपके पैराग्राफ में एक सहज प्रवाह हो – अर्थात् पैराग्राफ का प्रत्येक वाक्य अपने पूर्व के वाक्य में से निकलता हुआ प्रतीत होना चाहिए।

3. अपने पैराग्राफ में केवल उन्हीं शब्दों का प्रयोग कीजिए जिनका अर्थ और प्रयोग आप को भली प्रकार आता हो। अपनी योग्यता से अधिक योग्य दिखलाई देने का यत्न कभी मत कीजिए।

4. अपने वाक्यों की लम्बाई इतनी रखिए कि वे आपके काबू में रहें। अधिक लम्बे वाक्य सुन्दर लेख का लक्षण नहीं होते हैं।

5. आपके पैराग्राफ का पहला वाक्य विषय का उल्लेख करने वाला होना चाहिए और अन्तिम वाक्य निष्कर्ष-पूर्ण होना चाहिए। आरम्भिक और अन्तिम वाक्य लिखने में विशेष ध्यान दिया जाना चाहिए।

6. आपका पैराग्राफ दिए हुए विषय पर ही केन्द्रित होना चाहिए। व्यर्थ की बातें लिखकर अपने पैराग्राफ को लम्बा करने का यत्न कभी मत कीजिए।

7. आपका पैराग्राफ संक्षिप्त तथा अर्थ-पूर्ण होना चाहिए। पुस्तक के इस भाग में अनेक विषयों पर पैराग्राफ दिए गए हैं। विद्यार्थियों को परामर्श दिया जाता है कि वे इन्हें ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़ें और देखें कि किस प्रकार से किसी विषय को एक सारगर्भित पैराग्राफ का रूप दिया जा सकता है।

1. An Indian Festival

Outline: Diwali…… twenty days…… Dussehra…… Shri Ram…… Ayodhya…… set free…… Mughal Emperor …… festival…… village and town…… houses and shops…… painted…… new colours…… candles and electric lights …… gifts …… fireworks…… worship goddess Lakshmi…… gamble…… evil…… ended.

Diwali is an important Indian festival. It generally falls in the month of November. It comes twenty days after Dussehra. Shri Ram came back to Ayodhya on this day. Shri Guru Hargobind was set free by the Mughal Emperor on this day. This festival is celebrated in every village and town. Houses and shops are painted in new colours. People light their homes with candles and electric lights. They buy sweets and toys. They distribute gifts among friends and relatives. Children enjoy fireworks at night. On this day, people worship goddess Lakshmi. Some people gamble on this day. It is an evil. It should be ended.

PSEB 10th Class English Paragraph Writing

2. Good Manners

Outline : Good manners oil the machine of life ……… earn us respect ……… ‘please’and ‘thank you’settle bitter quarrels ……… should be observed respect elders ……… be polite to the younger ……… talk less and listen more ……… take turn in queue ……… civility of behaviour is a moral obligation ……… bad manners create bitterness.

Good manners oil the machine of life and keep it healthy. They are necessary in every walk of life. They are a double blessing. They give us inner joy and also keep others happy. They earn us respect also. So we should be courteous in our behaviour. We should respect our elders and be polite to younger ones. We should talk less and listen more. We should take turn in queue. We should never forget that civility of behaviour is a moral obligation. While bad manners create bitterness, good manners win us friends. Even simple words like ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you’ settle bitter quarrels. If we have good manners we can make journey of life successful not only for others, but also for ourselves.

PSEB 10th Class English Paragraph Writing

3. My Motherland

Outline : India my motherland …… most people live in villages …… many big cities …… land of saints …… big country …… Himalayas …… Indian Ocean …… fertile land …… brave and wise people …… proud of my motherland.

India is my motherland. Most of the people here live in villages. There are many big cities also. Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata and Chennai are some of them. India is a land of saints. It is the land of Kalidas, Kabir and Guru Nanak. India is a very big country. In its north, there are the Himalayas. They are the highest mountains in the world. The Indian Ocean is in its south. India is a land of big forests, lakes, valleys and rivers. They add to its beauty. The soil of India is very fertile. It gives us many kinds of crops. India is a land of lions, tigers and elephants. And Indians are brave and wise people. They are peace-loving people. I am proud of my country and its people.

4. Fashion Among Students

Outline : Students …… most of the time in front of the mirror …… very particular about clothes …… hairstyles …… show off…… inwardly hollow …… no attention to inner development…… a foolish trend.

Most of the time of students is spent in front of the mirror. They want to decorate themselves in such a way as to attract every eye. In their desire to look modern and attractive, they go crazy for new fashions. They dress themselves in the latest styles. With every change in fashion, their hairstyles also change. To be in the latest fashion seems to be the only care of our young boys and girls. They care so much for their exteriors that they have no time to attend to their interiors. They frequent the beautician for facials but never visit the library for books, journals or periodicals. If ever they carry some book or journal in their hand, that, too, is never meant for reading but merely for the sake of fashion. I hate these modern clowns.

5. Discipline

Outline : Discipline necessary …… house…… classroom …… assembly …… office ……playground …… without discipline confusion, disorder and chaos…… no work or progress possible without discipline …… training of mind.

Discipline is necessary in all walks of life. Any house without discipline will surely go to the dogs. A teacher can’t teach if his students don’t keep discipline in the class. The head of a family won’t be able to run his family if its members don’t maintain discipline. The members of an assembly must observe discipline if they are to do any good job. No office can function without discipline. Even in a playground, the players have to obey the rules of the game. They have to play under discipline. Without discipline, there is bound to be confusion, disorder and chaos. No work or progress is possible without discipline. It is discipline which enables a nation to march on the way to progress. It must be kept in mind that discipline can’t be enforced by law alone. It is training of the mind. It has to come from within.

PSEB 10th Class English Paragraph Writing

6. A Small Family Is a Happy Family

Outline : Small family enjoys life …… food and clothes of their choice …… expenses limited …… enough money …… enough time …… enjoy luxuries of life.

A small family enjoys life to the full. The couple may enjoy the food of their choice. They can wear clothes of their liking. They have only one or two children. So their expenses are limited. They can enjoy life in any way they like. They have enough money to spend on the education and clothes, etc. of their children. They have a lot of time to look after their children. They can work hard and buy their own house to live in. They can enjoy luxuries of life. It is rightly said that a small family is a happy family.

7. Fast Food — a Health Hazard

Outline : Present-day life affects eating habits …… taken to fast foods …… such foods lose value and taste …… oily and spicy …… cause various diseases …… should not be eaten.

The present-day fast life has affected our eating habits also. We have taken to foods that can be cooked fast and eaten fast. But such food loses much of its value and taste. Fast foods are generally prepared at wayside eating stalls and cheap restaurants. They are ill-cooked. They are very oily and spicy. They can cause a number of ailments in our body. They can- give us ulcers and even cancer. Habit of taking fast foods is suicidal. It is in our own interest to give it up. Fast foods are junk foods and junk should be thrown away rather than be eaten.

8. A Scene at the Railway Station

Outline : I spend some time at the railway station …… like watching trains …… before the arrival of a train …… growing excitement and activity …… some in a great hurry …… some unhappy at the departure of loved ones s coolies run …… vendor boys move in and out of the train jostling and elbowing …… after the train has left platform gives a deserted look.

Last Sunday, I went to the railway station to receive a friend of mine who was coming from Delhi. I bought a platform ticket and since there was time for the train to arrive I thought of spending some time there. There was a lot of excitement and activity on the platform. People were in a great hurry to catch the train. After the arrival of the train some people, who had come to see off, were unhappy at the departure of their loved ones. The coolies were running. The vendor boys were moving in and out of the train. There was a great rush because of which there was a lot of jostling and elbowing. But after the train left, it was all quiet at the platform and the platform gave a deserted look.

9. The Scene at an Election Booth

Outline : The election day full of excitement …… my school …… polling centre …… lavish activity …… rush of voters …… cars, minibuses used to bring candidates from homes …… free drinks offered to voters …… polling officer enquired the names of voters verified identity cards …… after casting vote, ink mark put on, voter’s left forefinger …… booth closed at 4 p.m.

In our city municipal elections were held last month. Our school was chosen as the polling centre. There was a feverish activity on the day of polling. Everybody was full of excitement. Cars and mini buses were used to bring the candidates from homes. There was a great rush of voters. Free drinks were offered to the voters. Then the voters entered polling booth from one side. The polling officer enquired the names of the voters. He verified each voter by his/her identity card. Before casting the vote, the indelible ink mark was put on every voter’s fore-finger. After that, they went behind the curtain. There they pressed the button of the Electronic Voting Machine according to their choice. They came out from the other side after casting their vote.

PSEB 10th Class English Paragraph Writing

10. Inauguration of the New Computer Wing of Our School

Outline: New Computer Wing…… inaugurated by Principal, Govt. Polytechnic College…… interesting and informative talk on computers …… new computer wing going to help the students.

The new Computer Wing of the school was inaugurated by Dr. Ravi Sharma, Principal of Govt. Polytechnic, Faridabad. On this occasion, a talk on computers and their use was organised. The talk was given by Dr. Arvind Sharma. His talk was very interesting and informative. He told the students about different kinds of computers and their use in our present-day life. He impressed upon the students to take maximum advantage of their new computer wing and gain some elementary knowledge about the working of computers. The new computer wing is going to help the students a great deal.

11. A Visit to a Book Fair

Outline : Organised by the local publishers …… held in Town Hall…… rich display of books …… large number of people …… series of competitions …… fair a great success.

A three-day book fair was organised by the local publishers and distributors of the city. It was held in the Town Hall from the 17th to the 19th of the month. There was a rich display of books on almost all subjects for school and college students. The fair attracted a large number of students, parents and other book-lovers. In order to make the fair attractive to students, a series of competitions were held for school students on each day of the fair. Students of all local schools could take part in these competitions. Prizes were given to the winners in painting, cursive writing and intelligence tests in science, maths and general knowledge. The fair was a ‘great success in so far as it aroused the interest of the students to read good and useful books.

12. Annual Inspection of Our School

Outline : Annual inspection last month …… few days before Principal called meeting …… students asked to decorate the school…… whitewashed and cleaned the classrooms …… won first prize.
The annual inspection of our school took place last month. A few days before the inspection, our Principal called a meeting. All the teachers and the students took part in it. The Principal asked the students to lend a hand in decorating the school. We were asked to clean and whitewash our classrooms ourselves. The students gladly agreed to it. First of all, we removed all the benches and desks from our classroom. We took a broom and swept the room. Then we prepared some buckets of whitewash. We took a brush and whitewashed the walls. A ladder was used to whitewash the ceiling. Then we took some enamel paint. Two coatings of this paint were given to the doors and windows. After whitewashing and painting, we cleaned the floor. Lastly, we arranged the furniture. On the day of inspection, we won the first prize.

13. A Visit to a Hill Station

Outline : During…… last summer…… Mussoorie…… friends…… new experience…. number of visitors. …… foreigners…… atmosphere…… hustle and bustle…… very pleasant…… ‘Queen of Hills’. ……material life…… visit is still fresh….

During the last summer vacation, I visited Mussoorie with some of my friends. I had never been to Mussoorie before. So it was a new experience for me. There were a large number of visitors. The presence of foreigners and honeymooners lent an additional charm to the atmosphere. Everywhere, there was a great hustle and bustle. The weather was very pleasant. The scenery all round was very charming. The fir-clad hills presented a fine view. Rightly has Mussoorie been called the ‘Queen of Hills’. It transports one into a heaven of joy. It makes one forget about the worries of material life. We visited all the beauty spots in the neighbourhood of Mussoorie. The memory of this visit is still fresh in my mind.

PSEB 10th Class English Paragraph Writing

14. Value of Newspapers

Outline : Newspapers …… our life …… well-informed …… give us confidence …… government…… wrong policies…… social purpose…… social evils…… help job-seekers…… suitable matches…… sons and daughters …… part and parcel….

Newspapers have an important place in our life. They keep us well-informed. They increase our general knowledge. They give us confidence. They tell us what is happening around us. They are the world’s mirrors. Newspapers guard our rights. They keep a check on the government. They bring to light the wrong policies of the government. Newspapers serve a social purpose also. They educate us against social evils. Thus, they help in reforming society. Newspapers help job-seekers also by advertising the vacant posts. They help parents in finding suitable matches for their sons and daughters. Truly, newspapers have become a part and parcel of modern life.

15. Science Fair in Our School 

Outline : Inaugurated by the District Education Officer …… 120 items on display…… most of them working models …… showed newness …… everyone fascinated ?.. students explained with confidence …… teachers had worked hard …… appreciated.

A science fair was organized in our school auditorium on the 7th of this month. It was inaugurated by the District Education Officer. There were more than 120 items on display. Most of them were working models. Each model showed newness and innovation in the practical application of some scientific law. Everyone was fascinated to see the exhibits. Students explained with confidence the mechanism of each model. Both, the students and teachers, had worked very hard to make this fair a success. Their efforts were appreciated by all present.

PSEB 10th Class English Paragraph Writing

16. A Scene of a Flooded Village

Outline : There…… heavy rains…… July …… got flooded…… three days…… shelter…… roofs…… crops were all washed …… cattle died …… water level kept rising …… would get drowned …… army men came…… boats to safety…… villagers …… homes.

There were heavy rains in the month of July this year. The village in which I live got flooded after it had been raining for three days and nights. There was knee-deep water in all the houses of the village. The villagers had nowhere to go to. They took shelter on the roofs of their houses. Their crops were all washed away. Many of their cattle died. It was a horrible sight. To make it worse, the water level kept rising hour by hour. The villagers began to fear that all of them would get drowned. But luckily, the army men came to our help. They ferried the villagers in their boats to safety. The flood subsided after five days. The villagers came back to their homes.

17. A Rainy Day 

Outline : India ……….. land of varying seasons ……….. summer very hot ……….. rain brings relief dark clouds gather in the sky cool breeze ………..downpour children dance in rain ……….. streets flooded with water ……….. rain stopped cool weather……….. rainbow in the sky……….. people enjoy.

India is a land of various seasons. Here summer is very hot. Only rain brings relief. It was the month of July last year. One day, it was very hot. Men and animals were panting. All were perspiring. We longed for a shower of rain. In the afternoon, some dark clouds appeared in the sky. A cool breeze began to blow. Soon the whole sky was overcast with dark clouds and there was a heavy downpour. Streets and bazaars were flooded with water. Little children came out and played in the rain. The rain stopped after two hours. The weather became cool. A rainbow appeared in the sky after the rain. People enjoyed the cool weather.

18. Drug Addiction

Outline: Drug addiction very common among the youth …… causes…… neglect and harsh treatment …… frustration…… educational system.

Drug addiction is becoming very common among our youth. Perhaps the youth find this life too burdensome. As an escape from it, they take to drugs. Sometimes parents themselves become the cause of it. They are either too strict or have no time to attend to their children. The young ones feel neglected. Our purposeless system of education is also one of the big causes. When the youth fail to get any employment after 15-20 years of education, they get frustrated and take to drugs. Drug addiction has become a big social problem. There is no short-cut cure for drug abuse. We often complain that our youth are going wrong. But, we hardly do anything to understand their problems. The best way to keep our youth away from drugs is to use their energies in constructive ways. An employment-based educational system should be evolved.

19. Environmental Pollution

Outline : Living in polluted world …… air, water, food, etc. …… everything polluted ……scientists listed the dangers of environment pollution …… all governments worried…… man himself responsible …… use of fertilizers …… nuclear testing contaminating water …… several deadly diseases ….. an immediate control must.

Environment pollution is the greatest problem facing a man. We are living in a polluted world; where air, water, food, etc. everything upon which we survive is polluted. Scientists have listed down the dangers of environment pollution and the governments around the globe are worried about the same. In fact, man himself is responsible for such a situation. In his ignorance he has so far been destroying the wealth of nature, trees and forests. An immediate control is required to keep the environment free from pollution. More attention is being paid to afforestation. The unauthorized felling of trees is being checked. Scientists are developing methods to minimize the effect of smoke let out by our autos and chimneys.

PSEB 10th Class English Paragraph Writing

20. Wonders of Science

Outline: Science…… this world…… marvellous changes…… life easy…… blessing for man…… our dreams into realities…… reduced human suffering…… medicine and surgery…… fatal…… many articles of daily use …… made…… comfortable.

Science has made man the master of this world. It has brought marvellous changes in man’s life. It has made our life easy and comfortable. It has, in fact, proved a blessing for man. It has translated our dreams into realities. It has brought revolution in the fields of agriculture, industry, transport and communication. Science has greatly reduced human suffering. Great progress has been made in the fields of medicine and surgery. Diseases once thought fatal can now be cured very easily. Science has given us many articles of daily use. These articles have made our life easy and comfortable.

21. Planting Trees

Outline: Trees…… in this world…… without trees…… man to live…… necessities of life…… purify the air …… beautify our surroundings…… the land safe from …… pleasant shade …… sun…… in his greed …… wealth of nature …… problems for mankind…… man’s own …… grow trees ….

Trees do more good to man than any other thing in this world. In fact, without trees, it would be impossible for man to live. They give us all the necessities of life. They give food for man. They purify the air. They help to bring rain. They beautify our surroundings. They give shelter to countless wild animals and birds. They keep the land safe from soil erosion. They give us pleasant shade from the heat of the sun. But it is very sad that man, in his greed, has destroyed this wealth of nature. It has resulted in many grave problems for mankind. It will be in man’s own interest to grow trees and look after them.

22. Life in a Village

Outline : The three words …… Simple, Pure and Fresh …… simple-hearted people …… thoughts and actions…… hospitable…. no anxiety…… calm and peaceful…… free from…… din of cities…… Says Leo Tolstoy …… A villager…… grow rich…… enough to eat…… worth-living.

The three words that can amply describe the life in a village are Simple, Pure and Fresh. The villagers are very simple-hearted people. They know no cunning. They are pure in their thoughts and actions. They are very hospitable. They live simply and happily. They have no anxiety. Life in a village is very calm and peaceful. It is free from the noise and din of cities. The air is fresh and health-giving. Says Leo Tolstoy in one of his stories, “A villager’s life is not a.fat one, but it is a long one.” A villager may never grow rich, but he has always enough to eat. In short, we can say that life in a village is worth-living.

PSEB 10th Class English Paragraph Writing

23. An Ideal Citizen

Outline : Pride of nation …… duty comes first…… law-abiding …… pays taxes …… national outlook …… above the considerations of caste and creed…… works for national unity…… patriotism highest religion.

An ideal citizen is the pride of his nation. He is conscious of his rights and his duties. For him duty comes first. He knows that it is impossible to enjoy one’s rights without first doing one’s duty. He never forgets the duties that he owes to society. He is law-abiding. He obeys all the laws of the land. He pays all the taxes that are due to him. He has a truly national outlook. He is not narrow-minded. He is above the considerations of caste and creed. He works for national unity. Patriotism is the highest religion for him.

24. A House on Fire

Outline: It was Sunday…… with my friend…… saw clouds of smoke…… big fire…… running…… buckets of water…… sand and water …… after half an hour …… suffered a great loss …… grain and money…… People felt sorry …… gave him food, clothes …… carpenter thanked …… folded hands.

It was Sunday. I was sitting in my room with my friend. Suddenly, we saw clouds of smoke rising in the sky. There was a big fire. People were running to the site of fire. Children were shouting for help. People brought buckets of water. We also joined them. We threw sand and water on the flames. The fire was put out after half an hour. It was the house of a carpenter. The poor man suffered a great loss. All his wood, grain and money were gone. The house was reduced to ashes. He was very sad at his loss. People felt sorry for him. They gave him food, clothes and some money. The poor carpenter thanked them with folded hands.

25. My Hobby

Outline: My hobby…… reading books…… good and useful books…… knowledge ……pleasure…… great writers …… noble things of life…… best friends…… endless store …… food for the mind…… not very expensive…… borrow books from libraries.

Reading books is my hobby. I read only good and useful books. I read some good journals also. I get much useful knowledge from them. Reading gives me much pleasure. I can enjoy the company of great writers by reading their works. I can learn from them good and noble things of life. Good books are the best friends. They are an endless store of knowledge. We can learn much from them. They give us food for the mind. Reading books is the best of all hobbies. It is not very expensive. We can borrow books from libraries.

26. My Favourite Book

Outline: Many books…… “Gita’…… liked the most…… religious book…… philosophy…… work hard…… worry …… result…… certainly rewards…… leave the rest to God get peace of mind.

I have read many books. But I have liked one book the most of all. It is the ‘Gita’. It is a religious book of the Hindus. It has a very rich philosophy. It teaches us that man should work hard. He should not worry about the restful. God certainly rewards us for our work. Good work always leads to good results. So an man should only mind his work. He should leave the rest to God. I like this philosophy very much. I get peace of mind by reading this book.

27. My Best Friend

Outline: My best friend…… class-fellow…… lives next door tome ……go to school together…… intelligent…… captain of the tennisteam…… teachers love…… honest and sincere…… respects his elders…… polite to all…… poor and needy students…… true friend ……in the real sense…… friendly with him.

The person I like most is my best friend, Amit Kapoor. He is my class-fellow. He lives next door to me. We go to school together. We play and study together. Amit is very intelligent. He always stands first in the class. Amit is also good at sports. He is the captain of the tennis team of our school. All teachers love him. I like Amit for his good and simple habits. He always speaks the truth. He is honest and sincere. He respects his elders. He is polite to all. He helps the poor and needy students. He is a true friend in the real sense. Everybody wants to be friendly with him. I am proud of my friend. May he live long !

PSEB 10th Class English Paragraph Writing

28. My Favourite Teacher

Outline: My favourite teacher…… active and smart…… M.A. B.Ed…. English…… method of teaching…… simple and effective…… ideal teacher…… real sense…… helps his students…… source of inspiration…… for the students…… proud of him…… live long

Mr. Ram Paul is my favourite teacher. He is my class teacher. He is forty years old. He is very active and smart. He is an M.A. B.Ed. He teaches us English. He is the master of this subject. His method of teaching is very simple and effective. His results are always good. Mr. Ram Paul is an ideal teacher in the real sense. He is ever ready to help his students. He helps the poor students with money and books. He is very kind to his1 students. He loves the students and the students respect him. He is a source of inspiration for his students. We are proud of him. May he live long !

29. Our School Library

Outline : A house of books …… big library …… big hall…… divided into four sections…… reading room …… 10,000 books …… newspapers and magazines …… students …… vacant periods …… read …… librarian …… issue books…… guides the students how to choose…… students can take…… after reading them.

A library is a house of books. There is a library in every school. There is a big library in our school also. It is housed in a big hall. The hall is divided into different sections. There is one section for each subject. There is a reading room also. There are about 10,000 books in our school library. The books are arranged on shelves. The newspapers and magazines are placed on the tables. The students go to the library in their vacant periods. They read books, newspapers and magazines there. The students love sitting in it. There is a librarian. He issues books. The students can take books to their homes also. They return the books after reading them.

30. The Morning Assembly of Our School

Outline: Students and teachers…… morning assembly…… stand in rows ……stand facing the assembly …… school compound …… head boy of school…… main news …… thought of the day …… explains it …… some important announcement…… go to classrooms.

Our school begins at half past eight in the morning. All the students and teachers reach the school in time. The morning assembly begins. All the students stand in rows in the school compound. They stand facing the school building. Four boys stand facing the assembly. First of all, there is the morning prayer. Then the head boy of the school reads out the main news of the day. A teacher gives the thought of the day and explains it. Sometimes our Headmaster makes some important announcement during the assembly. Then we go to our classrooms and the first period begins.

31. An Indian Farmer

Outline: An Indian farmer…… fields…… plough…… waters them …… sows seeds…… looks after crops…… no easy job…… very difficult and tiring…… remains poor…… hand to mouth …… lot is pitiable…… lives happily…… simple in habits ……pure in thoughts…… evils of city life.

The life of an Indian farmer is very hard. He has to work hard in his fields. He has to work in sun and rain. He has to plough his fields. He has to water them. Then he has to sow seeds in his fields. He looks after his crops day and night. Harvesting is also no easy job. It is very difficult and tiring. Even after so much labour, the Indian farmer remains poor. He has to live from hand to mouth. His lot is pitiable. But though he is poor, he lives happily. He is simple in his habits. He is pure in his thoughts. He lives away from the evils of city life.

PSEB 10th Class English Paragraph Writing

32. An Indian Beggar

Outline: An Indian beggar…… common sight…… streets and bazaars…… railway stations…… in rags…… looks very dirty…… pretend to be lame…… painful voices ……pity …… money, clothes, flour…… don’t like…… poor homes…… work to do…… allowed to beg…… very ugly.

The Indian beggar is a common sight. We can see him anywhere and everywhere. We can see him in streets and bazaars. We can see him at bus stops and railway stations. He is always in rags. He looks very dirty. Some beggars pretend to be lame or blind. They cry in painful voices. People are moved to pity. They give them money, clothes, flour, etc. But I don’t like it. Beggars should be kept in poor homes. There they should be given work to do. Nobody should be allowed to beg in public places. It looks very ugly.

33. The Independence Day

Outline: India became free…… August 15,1947…… Indepdendence Day…… British rule…… red-letter day …… history of the country…… celebrated with great enthusiasm…… national holiday ……public meetings…… big function…… Prime Minister…… unfurls the National flag…… Red Fort…… hard-won freedom ……protect it.

India became a free country on August 15, 1947. So, August 15 is called the Independence Day of India. The British rule came to an end on this day. It is a red- letter day in the history of the country. It is celebrated all over the country with great enthusiasm. On this day all schools, colleges and offices remain closed. It is a national holiday. Public meetings are held in all towns and cities. A big function is held in Delhi. The Prime Minister unfurls the national flag at the Red Fort. Our freedom is a hard-won freedom. We should protect it.

34. The Republic Day

Outline : India became Republic…… Constitution came into force…… secular democratic …… power of government…… common people…… castes, creeds and religions…… equal…… red-letter day…… celebrated all over the country…… enthusiasm…… national flag unfurled…… public buildings…… big function…… Delhi…… President …… presides…… worth seeing…. national holiday.

India became a Republic on January 26, 1950. The Constitution of the country came into force on this day. India became a secular democratic country. The power of government passed into the hands of the common people. All castes, creeds and religions are to be equal in the eyes of the law. It is a red-letter day in the history of the country. It is celebrated all over the country with great enthusiasm. The national flag is unfurled at all the public buildings. A big function is held in Delhi. The President of the country presides over this function. It is worth seeing. This day is a national holiday.

35. A Football Match

Outline: Our school…… Khalsa School…… football match…… Sh. Jaswant Singh referee…… toss…… chose our side…… game slow ……played well…… our defence…… no goal…… blew the whistle…… interval…… Vinod passed …… the ball…… ran into the D…… kicked it hard…… goal…… loud cheers…… referee blew the whistle…… game was over…… won the match.

Last Monday, a football match was played between our school and Khalsa School. It was played on our school grounds. Sh. Jaswant Singh was the referee. He blew the whistle. There was a toss. We won the toss. We chose our side. The match began. At first the game was slow, but soon it became brisk. All the players played well. Our defence was very strong. There was no goal. The referee blew the whistle for interval. In the second half, Vinod passed the ball on to me. I ran with it into the D. Then I kicked it hard. It went through the poles. It was a goal. There were loud cheers. The referee blew the whistle. The game was over. We won the match by one goal.

36. Morning Walk

Outline: Morning walk…… best exercise…… costs nothing…… health…… refreshes …… saves from diseases…… develops…… habit…… pure thoughts…… dewdrops…… fresh flowers…… charm…… mind…… loving…… natural beauty …… not only…… body…… mind also.

Morning walk is the best form of exercise. It costs nothing. It is very useful for our health. It refreshes our mind. It strengthens our body. It saves us from many diseases. Morning walk keeps us fresh for the whole day. It develops in us the habit of rising early. It brings pure thoughts in our mind. The dewdrops, the fresh flowers, the chirping birds and the rustling leaves charm our mind. We start loving these objects of natural beauty. Thus, morning walk is useful not only for our body, but for our mind also.

37. A Visit to a Zoo 

Outline :A zoo…… visited …… parents…… tickets…… saw birds…… rare kinds of…… herons, gulls…… wild beasts …… lioness and her cub…… basking…… wolves…… rhinos…… muddy pond…… big snakes…… fearful…… stayed there …… three hours…… came back home.

There is a zoo in our city. I visited it last Sunday. I went with my parents. We bought tickets and went in. First of all we saw birds. There were many beautiful and rare kinds of birds. We saw parrots, canaries, swallows, peacocks, ducks, cranes, herons, gulls and geese. Then we saw some wild beasts. A lioness and her cub were basking in the sun. They roared now and then. We also saw wolves, tigers, elephants and rhinos. When we were coming back, we saw a muddy pond. There were many big snakes in it. It was fearful to look at them. We stayed in the zoo for about three hours. Then we came back home.

PSEB 10th Class English Paragraph Writing

38. Leisure 

Outline : Life is not worth living if we remain busy in work ….. lot of energy wasted ….. restored by leisure ….. enjoy sights of nature develop new tastes and creative hobbies ….. busy men miss all this ….. overwork causes ailments….. make right use of leisure.

Leisure is the free or spare time one gets after one’s busy schedule. One must have some leisure to enjoy the sights of nature and to look after one’s physical, mental, moral, emotional and spiritual needs. A lot of energy is wasted in doing the day’s work. That energy is restored by leisure. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. It has been rightly said. During the leisure hours, we can develop new tastes as well as creative hobbies. All this is possible only if we have some leisure hours at our disposal. Busy men miss all this. Overwork and no rest causes ailments of various kinds. We should make the right use of leisure. This life is not worth living, if we always remain busy in work.

PSEB 10th Class English Notice Writing

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class English Book Solutions English Notice Writing Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 10th Class English Notice Writing

A notice is a written or printed news, announcement or information. It is usually displayed publicly as on a school / college notice-board. A notice can also be given for insertion in a newspaper like an advertisement. But there is one main difference between an advertisement and a notice. An advertisement is chiefly commercial (or matrimonial) in nature; but a notice is a general piece of information for a particular group. A notice should be in complete sentences or even in the form of a short paragraph, whereas an advertisement can be in the form of merely catchy phrases and slogans.

PSEB 10th Class English Notice Writing

Question 1.
A notice is to be prepared for putting up on the students’ noticeboard, informing them about the school inspection to be held on 16th May, 2018. It is from Reema Sharma, The Principal, Government High School, Mohali.

Govt. High School, Mohali

10 May, 2018
This is to inform all the students and the school staff that the school inspection will be held on 16 May, 2018 by the District Education Officer. Therefore, all the students, teachers and the school staff are requested to maintain discipline, cleanliness and punctuality to keep up the good reputation of the school during the inspection.

Reema Sharma

Question 2.
You are Manav Shukla, the Secretary, the Help All Club of the Navodaya Vidyalaya, Kashmiri Gate, Delhi. Prepare a notice for the school students to help the earthquake victims with money, medicine, food and clothes.

Navodaya Vidyalaya
16 October 20_ _
Kashmiri Gate, Delhi

The recent earthquake in the hilly areas has caused heavy loss of life and property. The affected people are having a horrible time. They are without food, clothes, money and medicine. The Help All Club of the school appeals to all students to help the victims with money, medicine, food and clothes. For your donations, contact the undersigned.

Manav Shukla

PSEB 10th Class English Notice Writing

Question 3.
As the Secretary of Sai Baba Society, Somesh Vihar, Delhi, prepare a notice for the residents of the colony, giving hints for protection against Dengue fever. Your name is Sheetal Jain.

10 August 20_ _ Somesh
Somesh Vihar, Delhi
Hints for Protection against Dengue

Many cases of dengue have been reported in the city. The escape from this disease lies more in prevention than in cure. All residents of the colony are advised to take the following steps to protect themselves against this dangerous disease.

  • Disinfect all places where mosquitoes can breed.
  • Use mosquito repellents.
  • Do not let water stagnate around your houses.
  • Wear clothes that cover arms and legs.
  • In case of fever, contact your doctor or the nearest hospital.

Sheetal Jain Secretary

Question 4.
Draft a notice on behalf of the Principal, Delhi Public School, Ludhiana, announcing elections for the posts of President and Secretary of English Literarary Society of the school.


20 October 20–

The school is going to hold elections for the posts of President and Secretary of the English Literary Society of the school. Those who want to give their nominations for the same posts should give their names to the undersigned by the 13th of this month.

Sanjeev Jain

Question 5.
You are Mohan Kumar, Sports Secretary, Govt High School, Jalandhar. Some old sports goods have to be put on sale to collect money for donation to the poor cancer patients. Draft a notice, inviting students to help by buying these goods.


10 March 20 – –

The school has decided to sell some of the old sports goods. The sale will be organized in the school hall on 15 March, 20 _ _. These goods include cricket bats, balls, hockey sticks, footballs, volleyballs and basketballs. All the goods are in a fairly good condition. The amount collected from the sale will be donated for the treatment of poor cancer patients. Please come, buy and help in the good cause.

Mohan Kumar
(Sports Secretary)

PSEB 10th Class English Notice Writing

Question 6.
You are Nimisha, Student Editor, School Magazine, Radha Vatika School, Khanna. Draft a notice, inviting entries for the magazine from students. The last date is 10th of October.

Contributions For The School Magazine

1 October 20 – –

We are going to bring out the annual issue of our school magazine next month. Those who want to have their articles, stories, poems, etc. published in this issue should hand over their articles to the undersigned by the 10th of this month. The articles should be original and written neatly on one side of the paper only.

Nimisha Paul
(Student Editor)

Question 7.
You wish to arrange a charity show in your school. Write a notice in this regard, specifying the purpose, date and time of the show.


10 December 20_ _

The Cultural Committee of the school has decided to arrange a charity show to extend help to the victims of recent earthquake in Uttarakhand. Funds f collected from this charity show will be spent for purchasing clothes, food, blankets, etc. for the earthquake victims. Skits, folk dances, songs and a lot of fun is included in this charity show. So, all students are invited to this show on 15 December, 2017 at 11.00 a.m. at the school auditorium.

Tamanna Bhatia
(Cultural President)

Question 8.
You are Sonal, Cultural Secretary of the City Public School, Lucknow. Write a notice, inviting students to give their names for the Fancy Dress Competition being held in the School.


1 October 20 – –

A Fancy Dress Competition is going to be held at our school on 10 October, 2017. The competition will be open to the students from Nursery to Class-V only. Famous dress designer, Ritu Beri, has consented to be the judge for this competition. So those desirous of taking part in this event, should give their names to the undersigned by
5 October, 20

(Cultural Secretary)

PSEB 10th Class English Notice Writing

Question 9.
You are Munish, the Head Boy of Kamal Public School, Kamal. Write a notice ‘ for the school notice-board, inviting the students to participate in the Annual Sports Day.


10 March 20_ _

The school is holding its Annual Sports Day on 21st March. Those who want to participate in the various events should give their names to the undersigned by the 13th of this month. The list of various events is available with the undersigned. No student can take part in more than three events, excluding the relay.

Munish Lai
(Head Boy)

Question 10.
You are Nikhil Kumar, the Head Boy of Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Ambala. Draft a notice regarding a book that has been found in the school compound.


22 March 20_ _

A book on English Grammar was found lying in the school compound last evening. It is of brown colour with a name written on it. The owner is requested to collect it from the school office after showing his / her identity card.
Nikhil Kumar
(Head Boy)

PSEB 10th Class English Notice Writing

Question 11.
Rakesh Sharma is a student of class X-A in Govt. Sen. Sec. School, Amritsar. He has lost his English Reader Book during the lunch .break. Draft a notice on his behalf for the school notice-board.


15 October 20

I have lost my English Reader Book somewhere in the school. The book bears my name and class roll number. I have put in it some notes and hints in my own hand. The finder is requested to return the book to me or deposit it with the school office. It will be an act of great favour.

Rakesh Sharma
Roll No. 5

PSEB 10th Class English Letter Writing

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class English Book Solutions English Letter Writing Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 10th Class English Letter Writing

परीक्षा-पत्र में निम्नलिखित प्रकार के पत्र पूछे जा सकते हैं
1. Personal letters to friends and relatives.
2. Letters of complaint, enquiry, request; applications.
3. Letters to Editor.
पत्र-लेखन के सम्बन्ध में कुछ आवश्यक जानकारी
1. आजकल पत्र-लेखन के सम्बन्ध में एक नई विधि को अपनाना शुरू कर दिया गया है, यद्यपि भाषा-विज्ञान की दृष्टि से इसका कोई आधार नहीं है।

PSEB 10th Class English Letter Writing

2. नई विधि के अनुसार पत्र-प्रेषक का पता तथा पत्र लिखने की तिथि कई बार ऊपरी दाएं कोने में लिखने की बजाए बाएं कोने में लिख दिए जाते हैं, और प्राप्तकर्ता का नाम, पता तथा सम्बोधन करने के शब्द, आदि भी इसी के साथ नीचे लिख दिए जाते हैं तथा इनके लिखने में विराम-चिन्हों का प्रयोग भी लुप्त कर दिया जाता है। पत्र के अन्त में पत्र-प्रेषक अपना नाम या हस्ताक्षर भी बाईं तरफ़ ही डालता है। यह विधि यद्यपि कुछ अटपटी सी प्रतीत होती है, फिर भी बहुधा लोग इसे अपनाना बेहतर मानते हैं।

3. परम्परागत पुरानी विधि के अनुसार पत्र-प्रेषक का पता तथा पत्र लिखने की तिथि दोनों ही दाईं तरफ़ के ऊपरी कोने में लिखे जाते हैं और प्राप्तकर्ता को सम्बोधित करने सम्बन्धी शब्द बाईं तरफ़ नीचे को हटा कर लिखे जाते हैं। पत्र-प्रेषक अपना नाम या हस्ताक्षर, आदि भी पत्र के अन्त में दाईं सरफ़ हटा कर डालता है। तथा इन सब के लिखने में विराम-चिन्हों का विशेष ध्यान रखा जाता है।

4. विद्यार्थी को पत्र लिखते समय इस बात का विशेष ध्यान रखना चाहिए कि वह नई या पुरानी, किसा भा वाध का प्रयोग कर सकता है। किन्तु इन दोनों को किसी भी हालत में एक-दूसरी से मिला कर न लिखे। ऐसा करने से अंक काटे जा सकते हैं।

5. इस पृष्ठ पर ऊपर दिए गए उदाहरणों में पुरानी विधि के अनुसार विराम-चिन्हों का प्रयोग किया गया है, किन्तु . आजकल अधिकतर पत्र नई विधि के अनुसार ही लिखे जाते हैं, जैसा कि अगले पृष्ठों में दिखाया गया है।

Important Personal Letters

Advising Brother To Improve His Health

Question 1.
You are Rohit Verma, living at 27, Gandhi Nagar, Delhi. Your younger brother is a bookworm. He is good at studies but weak in health. Write him a letter, advising him to take part in games.
27 Gandhi Nagar
12 April 20… …
Dear Kapil
Your friend, Ashok, met me a few days ago. He told me that you have become a bookworm. You do not care at all about your health. You do not take part in games. It is not good on your part. Games are a part and parcel of education. Health is wealth. You can’t have a sound mind without a sound body. No doubt, you are good at studies, but you have a very poor health.
I advise you to be careful about your health. You should go out for a walk daily. Take part in games also. You must improve your health. One can’t enjoy one’s life without good health. If health is lost, everything is lost. Be a good boy. I hope you will act upon my advice.
With love
Yours affectionately

Permission To Join An Educational Tour

Question 2.
You are Rahul Duggal, studying in class X at Govt. Sr. Secondary School, Maud Kalan, Bathinda. Write a letter to your father, requesting him to allow you to join an educational tour conducted by your school.
Queen’s Hostel
Govt. Sr. Secondary School
Maud Kalan
10 December 20– —
My dear Father
Our school is breaking up for Christmas holidays on the 24th of this month. Some students of our school are going on an educational tour. The tour has been organised by our Principal. It will be a seven-day tour, from December 25 to December 31. The students shall visit Bengaluru, Mysore, Chennai and Madurai. I request you to allow me to go on this tour. Each student has to deposit ₹5000/ for this tour. I shall do with ₹ 1000/- only for my pocket expenses. Kindly send me ₹ 6000/- as soon as possible. I hope you will not disappoint me.
With regards
Yours affectionately
Rahul Duggal

PSEB 10th Class English Letter Writing

Inviting Cousin To Spend Winter Break With You

Question 3.
Write a letter to your cousin Pulkit, inviting him to spend his winter break with you. You are Rohan and you live at 24, Mall Road, Shimla.
24 Mall Road Shimla
16 December 20– —
Dear Pulkit
I invite you to come to Shimla in your winter vacation. We will have a nice time together. Snowfall in Shimla is a beautiful sight. Many tourists come to see it. We will also visit all the beauty spots near Shimla. I hope you will definitely come. Pay my deep regards to dear uncle and aunt.
Yours affectionately

To Father About Home News

Question 4.
You are Monu and you live at 51, Central Town, Nangal. Write a letter to your father, who is away on a long tour, giving him home news.
51 Central Town Nangal
6 September 20
Dear Father
Many things have happened since I wrote you last. Bittoo fell down the stairs and broke her leg. She became senseless. She was moved to hospital. She is quite fit now. You need not worry about her. Mohan’s result Was out yesterday. He got 700 marks. He is sure to get a scholarship. He is very happy. Uncle Kartar Singh also visited us last week. He stayed with us for two days. We all miss you badly. Please come back home soon.
Yours affectionately

Giving details of a medical camp

Question 5.
Write a letter to your sister, Mohini, giving her the details of a free medical camp that your grandmother arranged recently. You are Sudhir Singh and live at 111, Chandigarh Road, Rajpura.
111 Chandigarh Road Rajpura
20 November 20– —
Dear Mohini
You know our grandmother is a social activist. Last week, she organized a free medical camp for poor patients in the local Town Hall. Eleven eminent doctors provided their services. Patients were given free consultation and medicines. More than 1000 patients benefited from this camp. Such camps are really a true service towards mankind.
Yours affectionately
Sudhir Singh.

A Letter Of Condolence

Question 6.
You are Tanbir Singh, living at G-312, Adarsh Colony, Moga. Write a letter of condolence to your friend Amrit on the death of her mother.
G-312 Adarsh Colony Moga
5th January 20
Dear Amrit
I was shocked to learn about the untimely death of your mother. She was quite healthy. I met her the other day. I never thought that her end was so near.
She was a very noble lady. She was kind to all. She was a lovable mother. She took keen interest in your studies. She looked upon me as her own daughter.
Dear Amrit your loss is great. But it was God’s will. His ways are strange. We must bow before Him. May God grant peace to the departed soul !
With deep sympathies …
Yours sincerely
Tanbir Singh

PSEB 10th Class English Letter Writing

Thanking For Gift

Question 7.
Write a letter to your uncle, thanking him for the birthday gift he has sent you. You are Bhushan, living at 37, Civil Lines, Ludhiana.
37 Civil Lines Ludhiana
5 August 20_ _
My dear Uncle
Thank you for the lovely gift you have sent me on my birthday. Your gift is truly after my heart. The wristwatch sent by you looks very beautiful. All my friends have liked it very much.
Dear uncle, I was badly in need of a watch. I was often late for school. I had to pay some fine every month. This watch will now prove useful for me. It will help me during the examinations. It will also help me to regulate my daily work. It is a token of your love for me. I shall keep it with great care. I once again thank you for this nice present.
Yours affectionately

Describing A Visit To A Historical Place

Question 8.
Write a letter to your younger brother Hitesh, describing your visit to some historical building. You are Naresh, living at Pratibha Hostel, Bal Bharti, Delhi.
Pratibha Hostel
Bal Bharti
10 October 20_ _
Dear Hitesh
You will be glad to know that I went to Agra during the last Christmas holidays. Our history teacher arranged this tour. There we visited the Taj. It has a majestic look. It is a large and beautiful building. It stands on a raised platform. In the middle of the platform, there is a splendid white dome. At its four corners, there are four stately towers. Underneath the white dome are the marble tombs of Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan. The Taj was built by Shah Jahan in the sweet memory of his beloved wife. It is made of pure white marble. The beauty of the Taj beggars description. It looks like a fairy dressed in white. We stayed there for about two hours. I left the place most unwillingly. Its memory is still fresh in my mind.
With love
Yours affectionately

About Your Stay With Your Uncle And Aunt

Question 9.
Write a letter to your mother, telling her about your stay with your uncle and aunt. You are Rajni and you live at Mansarovar Hostel, Vanketeshwara College, Karnal.
Mansarovar Hostel
Vanketeshwara College
20 June 20 _ _
Dear Mother
During my last holidays, I visited Uncle Rajan in Delhi. I spent there a couple of days. Aunt Neeru was very happy to have me there. She took me daily for shopping. We visited a number of historical places also. I came back on the fourth day with lots of gifts. How nice these people are !
With love

PSEB 10th Class English Letter Writing

Congratulating Friend On Success In Examination

Question 10.
You are Vishal and you live at New Janta Nagar, Jalandhar. Write a letter to your friend, Tanuj, congratulating him on his grand success in the Matriculation Examination.
415 New Janta Nagar
Jalandhar 20 March
20- –
My dear Tanuj
The result of the Matriculation Examination was declared today. I looked up your roll number in the gazette. You are getting a high first division. It has given me great pleasure. Please accept my heartiest congratulations on your grand success. It is really a big achievement for you. And it is all the result of your hard work.
All of us are full of joy at your success. Please convey my congratulations to your dear parents also. They must be proud of your success. I hope you will be giving a party to celebrate your success. Don’t forget to keep my share. What are your future plans ? Write to me.
Your loving friend

Scolding Brother For Neglecting Studies

Question 11.
You are Deepak Gupta. You live with your parents at 61, G.T., Road, Rajpura. Write a letter to your younger brother, Keshav, scolding him for neglecting his studies.
61 G.T. Road
20 March 20_ _
My dear Keshav
I received your result card yesterday. Your result is very poor. You fail in all the subjects. This is a matter of shame for us. Manav, you should mend your ways. You should work very hard. Engage some tutor. Leave bad company. Make friends with good boys. Stop seeing movies. Start playing games in the evening. All this will pay you in the long run.
If you do not mend your ways now, you will repent later on.
I hope you will act upon my advice.
Yours affectionately

Important Bussiness Letters

Wrong Supply Of Books

Question 1.
Write a letter to a bookseller, complaining about the wrong supply of a books. You are Jatinder Singh, living at 21, Model Town, Nakodar.
21 Model Town
26 March 20 _ _
Messrs India Book Depot Mai Heera Gate Jalandhar
Subject : Wrong Supply of Books Dear Sirs
On 15th March, I ordered 10 copies each of books, ‘Background of Music’ by H.S. Narang and ‘History of Punjab’, by A.C. Arora, remitting ₹ 2000/-, the entire amount of their price, in advance.
On opening the parcel, received this morning, I found that it contained copies of the different titles by the same authors. I regret to say that I did not place the order for these titles. I am, therefore, returning them by parcel and requesting the replacement.  I hope the replacement will be despatched at the earliest date. I also hope that I shall not be charged any additional packing or postal expenses.
Yours faithfully
Jatinder Singh

PSEB 10th Class English Letter Writing

Ordering Sports Goods

Question 2.
Write a letter ordering some sports goods to the firm, Messrs Avtar Singh and Sons at Jalandhar. You are Prabhjot, studying at Government High School, Nawan Shehar.
Govt. High School Nawan Shehar
28 November 20_ _
Messrs Avtar Singh and Sons ’ Sports Goods Suppliers
Nakodar Road Jalandhar
Subject : Order for sports goods Dear Sirs
Kindly send the following sports goods at your earliest.
Footballs  Cosmo                      6 pcs.
Cricket      Bats English Willow One dozen
Cricket      Pads Antel               One dozen
Please check the above goods before packing. Send these goods through Satluj Transport Company. An a/c payee cheque for ₹2500/- is enclosed as advance payment.
Yours faithfully
Prabhjot Kaur

Complaint About A Tv Set

Question 3.
Ravi Sundaram of 28, Civil Lines, Ludhiana, bought a colour TV set from Messrs Ram Electronics, 14, Bazaar Marg, Ludhiana, a month ago. Now he finds that the sound is not clear and the picture changes to black and white from time to time. He writes a letter to the dealer, complaining about the same and requesting him to attend to it at the earliest. Write the letter.
28 Civil Lines Ludhiana
28 March 20_ _
Messrs Ram Electronics
14 Bazaar Marg
Subject: A recently purchased colour TV Set Dear Sirs
I bought a Venus Colour TV set from your shop against cash memo no. 1786 dated 17.3.20 and I regret to inform you that the set is not working properly, to the great dismay of each one in the house. The sound is not clear and the volume keeps fluctuating automatically. The picture also changes to black and white from time to time. The set is still under warranty, and I request you to attend to it at your earliest.
I hope you’ll enable us to watch on our TV the one-day Singer Cup cricket matches going to commence next Monday.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Ravi Sundram.

Cancelling An Order

Question 4.
You placed an order with Messrs Readymade Woollens, Ludhiana, for the supply of ladies cardigans, but they have delayed the execution of the order. Write a letter to them, cancelling the order. You are Nirmal Jain, Proprietor, Messrs Nirmal and Sons, Sangrur.
Messrs Nirmal and Sons
5 October 20_ _
Messrs Readymade Woollens Ludhiana
Subject : Cancelling the order Sirs
We placed an order with you on 5th September for 200 pieces of ladies cardigans to be delivered by 20th September. But till now, we have received neither the goods nor any letter from you. The time of delivery has long expired and we are compelled to cancel the order, and should the goods arrive, they will now be refused.
Yours faithfully
Nirmal Jain

Placing An Order For Books

Question 6.
Imagine you are Rahul. You live at Muktsar. You live in Gandhi Nagar. Your house number is 765. You want to buy same books. Write a letter to Manager, Layal Book Depot, Ludhiana, ordering books of your choice.
765, Gandhi Nagar
21 August 20_ _
The Manager
Layai Book Depot
Subject: Placing an order for books
Dear Sir
Kindly send me one copy each of the following books by V.P.P. AU the books should be of the latest edition. I need them very urgently. Please send them at your earliest.
1. Modern English Grammar by Prof. Dharam Pal Bhanot (B.A. I)
2. History of Punjab by M.S. Mann (B.A.I)
3. Indian Political System by R.N. Duggal (B.A.I)
4. Essentials of Macro Economics by V.K. Srivastava (B.A.I)
Yours truly
Rahul Kushwaha

Complaint About A Beauty Product

Question 7.
You are Simran, living at Old Court Road, Sunam. Write a letter to Rama Herbal Cosmetics, Bengaluru, complaining about the body lotion they sent you.
36 Old Court Road Sunam
20 June 20_ _
Messrs Rama Herbal Cosmetics Bengaluru
Subject : Complaint about the body lotion sent by you Dear Sirs
Taken in by your much advertised body lotion, I had ordered three vials of it, the supply of which was received last Monday. But now I find that the lotion is very sticky and gives a very bad smell. Since this lotion is of no use to me, I want my money back. Please arrange to take back the vials and make good all the costs that have been borne by me.
Yours faithfully Simran
(Prop. Shiva Cosmetics)

PSEB 10th Class English Letter Writing

Complaint Against The Postman

Question 7.
The postman of your street is rude and irregular. Write a letter to the postmaster complaining against the conduct of the postman. You are Gurpreet Singh, living at 11, Sector 25, Model Town, Jalandhar.
11, Sector 25
Model Town ‘
Jalandhar 19 April 20 _ _
The Postmaster General Post Office Jalandhar Sir
I am very sorry to report that my letters are not properly delivered to me. Ram Lai, the postman of our area, is very careless. Often he comes very late. He does not do his duty honestly. On the outer wall of my house, I have put up a letter box. It bears my name. But the postman never cares to put my letters into this box. He often throws them in at the gate. Sometimes, he hands them to the children playing in the street. Many important letters are thus lost. Kindly look into the matter and take suitable action.
Yours faithfully
Gurpreet Singh

Important Official Letters

Suggesting New Programmes For Children

Question 1.
During summer vacation, children stick to the television most of the time. Write a letter to the Director, Doordarshan, suggesting some new programmes you would like to have for children. You are Nikhil Gupta, living at 12, Patiala Road, Nabha.
12 Patiala Road Nabha
28 May 20- –
The Director
New Delhi
Subject : Request for showing certain programmes for children
As you know, these are the leisurely days of summer vacation. The school-going children can’t play outdoors due to scorching heat. They spend most of the time in front of the television. Therefore, I request you to telecast programmes on cartoons, general knowledge and new discoveries. It would help to increase their knowledge and also use their time in a constructive manner.
I hope you will do the needful.
Thanking you in anticipation
Yours faithfully
Nikhil Gupta.

Request For Installation Of Traffic Lights

Question 2.
Write a letter to the Superintendent of Police (Traffic), Chandigarh, requesting him to install traffic lights at the crossing near your school. You are Raj an Sethi, a student of class Xllth, DA.V. School, Chandigarh.
D.A.V. School Chandigarh
28 September 20
The Superintendent of Police (Traffic)
Subject : Installation of traffic lights at the crossing Sir .
There are no traffic lights at the crossing near our school. The traffic is very fast there. There is a grave danger to the life and limb of the students.
I, therefore, request you to kindly arrange traffic lights at the crossing.
Hoping for an immediate action
Yours faithfully
Rajan Sethi
Class XII

PSEB 10th Class English Letter Writing

Request For A Study Loan

Question 3.
Write a letter to the manager of a bank, requesting for a loan for higher studies. You are Nikhil, living at 34, Krishna Nagar, Patiala.
34 Krishna Nagar Patiala
28 November 20
The Manager Punjab National Bank Patiala
Subject : Request for a study loan Dear Sir
I read your advertisement in Hindustan Times yesterday. I have cleared the CAT examination and’have been selected for IIM, Ahmedabad. My father is a government teacher. The entire family banks upon him alone. So it is quite impossible for him to pay the fees for my course which is about ₹5 lac. I request you to sanction me a plan of this much amount. I undertake you to return the amount as per the conditions given in the advertisement.
Yours faithfully

Complaint About Insanitation

Question 4.
Imagine you are Raman. You live in Gali Ram Nath, Malerkotla. Write a letter to the Health Officer of your town complaining about the insanitary condition of your street.
Gali Ram Nath
16 March 20 _ _
The Health Officer Malerkotla
Subject : Insanitary condition of our street Sir
I beg to draw your attention to the insanitary condition of Gali Ram Nath in this city. Mainly poor people live in this area. Perhaps that is why no Sanitary Inspector
has ever visited it. There are very few proper drains here. The drains are not cleaned regularly. These are never flushed with water. No dustbins have been provided. People throw all their refuse here and there. Flies and mosquitoes buzz about. All this gives this area a very dirty look.
I hope you will take suitable measures to improve the sanitary condition of this area.
Yours faithfully

About Environmental Pollution

Question 5.
You are Raghu, staying at 12, Balmik Colony, Gurdaspur. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper to create awareness among the masses about pollution hazards.
Balmik Colony Gurdaspur
March 20- –
The Editor The Tribune
Subject : Environmental pollution
Environmental pollution is the biggest problem facing the modern man. Only recently has our government become aware of the gravity of this situation. More attention is being paid to afforestation. The unauthorised felling of trees is being checked. Scientists are developing methods to minimise the effect of smoke let out by our autos and chimneys. In fact, environmental awareness is a social necessity. It is not only the duty of the government, but also a social responsibility of the masses to keep the environment free from pollution.
Yours truly

About The Problem Of Begging

Question 6.
You are Ramesh, living at 86, Sunam Road, Mansa. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper suggesting how the problem of begging can be solved.
Adarsh Vihar Dwarka 27 April 20-
The Editor
The Indian Express
Subject : The problem of begging Sir
The problem of beggars has assumed an alarming proportion in the city. Some beggars, no doubt, deserve our sympathy. They are handicapped. But the pity is that most of the beggars are able-bodied. Begging has become a profession for them. Some of them are criminals. They beg only to hide their crimes.
Begging should be abolished by law. Able-bodied beggars should be forced to work. If they go without work, they must also go without food. We should not encourage them by giving alms. People can thus play a big role in ending this evil.
Yours truly

PSEB 10th Class English Letter Writing

Application For The Job Of A Computer Operator

Question 7.
Write an application for employment in Hindustan Limited, New Delhi, as a computer operator. You are Manu Gupta, living at 811, Sector 15, Rohini, New Delhi.
811 Sector 15
Rohini New Delhi
25 July 20_ _
The General Manager Hindustan Limited
New Delhi
Subject : Application for the job of a computer operator
With reference to your advertisement in The Times of India, dated 20 July 20
I want to apply for the job of a computer operator in your company. As regards my qualifications, I have done Diploma in Computer Applications (DCA) after doing 10+2 from the CBSE. I have served for three years with a travel agency and am fairly good at all basic operations related to computer. If given a chance, I am sure you will feel satisfied with my services.
Yours faithfully
Manu Gupta

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Common Proverbs

Punjab State Board PSEB 10th Class English Book Solutions English Vocabulary Common Proverbs Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Common Proverbs

(2013, All Sets)

(a) Fill in the blank with a suitable word from those given in bracket :
This is good for a factory. (site, sight)

(b) Give one word for the following :
The art of beautiful writing.

(c) Use the following idiom in a sentence of your own :
Hard and fast.

(d) Give the meaning of the following proverb :
Might is right.
(a) site
(b) calligraphy
(c) There are no hard and fast rules of reading a book
(d) One who is powerful is considered to be just.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Common Proverbs

(a) Fill in the blank with a suitable word from those given in bracket:
It is not a defect. (miner, minor)

(b) Give one word for the following :
Articles sent out of the country.

(c) Use the following idiom in a sentence of your own :
Off and on.

(d) Correct the following sentence :
What is the time in your watch ?
(a) minor
(b) exports
(c) It rained off and on all day.
(d) What is the time by your watch ?

(a) Fill in the blank with a suitable word from those given in bracket:
She has a …… amount of sense. (fair, fare)

(b) Give one word for the following :
A carriage for the sick and wounded.

(c) Give the meaning of the following proverb :
Blood is thicker than water.

(d) Correct the following sentence :
This shirt is made with cotton.
(a) fair
(b) stretcher
(c) family relationships are stronger than others
(d) This shirt is made of cotton.

(2014, All Sets)

(a) Fill in the blank with a suitable word from those in bracket :

(b) Give one word for the following :
A loss which cannot be repaired or made good.

(c) Use the following idiom in a sentence of your own :
To end in smoke.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Common Proverbs

(d) Correct the following sentence :
Myself can do it.
(a) principal
(b) irreparable
(c) All her efforts to reform her drunkard husband ended in smoke
(d) I can do it myself.

(a) Fill in the blank a suitable word from those in bracket:
She has an ……….. nature. (amiable, amicable)

(b) Give one word for the following :
That which is against law.

(c) Use the following idiom in a sentence of your own :
To find fault with.

(d) Correct the following sentence :
A sun rises in the east.
(a) amiable
(b) illegal
(c) Stop finding fault with other
(d) The sun rises in the east.

(a) Fill in the blank with a suitable word from those in bracket:
She to me off and on. (rites, write)

(b) Give one word for the following :
Government of the people, by the people, for the people.

(c) Use the following idiom in a sentence of your own :
Tooth and nail.

(d) Correct the following sentence :
Come and see me at Sunday.
(a) writes
(b) Democracy
(c) We shall oppose the new; taxes tooth and nail
(d) Come and see me on Sunday.

(2015, All Sets)

(a) Fill in the blank with a suitable word from those in bracket :
The ………. drops looked very beautiful. (due, dew)

(b) Give one word for the following :
The art of management practised by statement.

(c) Use the following idiom in a sentence of your own :
All in all.

(d) Correct the following sentence :
You kept me in dark.
(a) dew
(b) Diplomacy
(c) My father is all in all in our family
(d) You kept me in the dark.

(a) Fill in the blank with a suitable word from those in bracket:
I am feeling ……well today. (quiet ; quite)

(b) Give one word for the following :
A list of things to be discussed at a meeting.

(c) Use the following idiom in a sentence of your own :
To end in smoke.

(d) Correct the following sentence :
Let us go and bathe in river.
(a) quite
(b) Agenda
(c) All plans of the enemy ended in smoke
(d) Let us go and bathe in the river.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Common Proverbs

(a) Fill in the blank with a suitable
word from those in bracket :
Arun is my …….. friend. (deer, dear)

(b) Give one word for the following :
A person with a bad reputation.

(c) Use the following idiom in a sentence of your own :
Apple of one’s eye.

(d) Correct the following sentence :
The stitch in time saves nine.
(a) dear
(b) notorious
(c) He is the apple of his parents eye.
(d) A stitch in time save nine.

(2016, All Sets)

(a) Fill in the blank with a suitable word from those given in bracket :
Parents ………. the character of their child. (farm, form)

(b) Give one word for the following :
One who can read and write.

(c) Use the following idiom in a sentence of your own :
Crocodile tears.

(d) Correct the following sentence :
Simran is my cousin sister.
(a) form
(b) literate
(c) The wicked wife shed crocodile tears over the death of her husband
(d) Simran is my cousin.

(a) Fill in the blank with a suitable word from those given in bracket :
The wind ……….. points to the north. (vain, vane)

(b) Give one word for the following :
A place of permanent residence.

(c) Use the following idiom in a sentence of your own :
To take heart.

(d) Correct the following sentence :
Anita is my older daughter.
(a) vane
(b) domicile
(c) He took heart, tried again, and was successful
(d) Anita is my! elder daughter.

(a) Fill in the blank with a suitable word from those given in bracket :
Hold the ………. of the horse carefully. (bridal, bridle)

(b) Give one word for the following :
A person who does not believe in God.

(c) Use the following idiom in a sentence of your own :
A bed of roses.

(d) Correct the following sentence :
Politics are a dirty game.
(a) bridle
(b) atheist
(c) Life is not a bed of roses for the poor
(d) Politics is a dirty game.

(2017, All Sets)

(a) Fill in the blank with a suitable
word from those in bracket : Apply the ……….. to stop the car. (break/brake)

(b) Give one word for the following :
One who does not eat meat.

(c) Use the following idiom in a sentence of your own :
With flying colours

(d) Correct the following sentence.
Fifty miles are a long distance.
(a) brake
(b) vegetarian
(c) Those who work hard come off with flying colours
(d) Fifty miles is a long distance

(a) Fill in the blank with a suitable word from those in bracket :
Do not …….. in the class.

(b) Give one word for the following :
One who never dies.

(c) Use the following idiom in a sentence of your own :
To carry the day

(d) Correct the following sentence.
He wrote very good poetries.
(a) doze
(b) immortal
(c) Indian team carried the day against Pakistan
(d) He wrote very good poetry/ poems.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Common Proverbs

(a) Fill in the blank with a suitable
word from those in bracket : Open the ……….. (gate /gait)

(b) Give one word for the following :
That which cannot be heard.

(c) Use the following idiom in a sentence of your own :
A hard nut to crack

(d) Correct the following sentence.
When he left ?
(a) gate
(b) inaudible
(c) To solve the Kashmir issue is a hard nut to crack.
(d) When did he leave ?

(2018, All Sets)

(a) Fill in the blank with a suitable
word from those in the bracket :
The bread is made of ……….. (floor / flour)

(b) Give one word for the following :
(i) To send articles out of the country.
(ii) One who eats human flesh.

(c) Use the following idiom in a sentence of your own :
Hard and fast

(d) Correct the following sentence :
It is no use to cry over spilt milk.
(a) flour
(b) (i) export (ii) cannibal
(c) There are no hard and fast rules of reading a book
(d) It is no use crying over spilt milk.

(2019, All Sets)

(a) Fill in the blank with a suitable word from those in the bracket :
When were you ? (born/borne)
(b) Give one word for the following : something that can be heard.
(c) Correct the following sentence : Shelly is my cousin sister.
(d) Frame a sentence using the following idiom :
at par
(a) born
(b) audible
(c) Shelly is my cousin
(d) Death treats the rich and the poor at par.

1. A fool and his money are soon parted :
One who cannot take care of his money, loses it.

2. A good beginning makes a good ending :
A well-begun task ends in a good state.

3. A house is not a home :
A home is known by real love and affection, and not by walls alone.

4. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step :
Every huge project has a humble beginning.

5. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing :
Lesser knowledge leads to damage.

6. A new broom sweeps clean :
A fresh leader or administrator gets rid of the old and brings in new ideas and personnel.

7. A penny saved is a penny earned :
Saving is as important as earning.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Common Proverbs

8. A picture paints a thousand words :
A picture speaks the mind of the painter.

9. A problem shared is problem halved :
A work or job may be very difficult but if many hands together solve it, it becomes easier.

10. A prophet is not recognized in his own land :
A person may be very talented but cannot get due importance among his own people.

11. A rolling stone gathers no moss :
A person who never settles anywhere will never do well.

12. A stitch in time saves nine :
An action or thing done at the right time saves much trouble.

13. A volunteer is worth twenty pressed men :
A man who does his job willingly is certainly better than many upon whom the work is thrust.

14. Actions speak louder than words :
One is judged by what he does, and not by what he says.

15. All that glitters is not gold :
Appearances generally deceive people.

16. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy :
A man cannot achieve the best by overwork. Recreation is also necessary.

17. An apple a day keeps the doctor away :
A person who takes an apple daily remains healthy and does not need to visit a doctor.

18. As you sow so shall you reap :
As your actions will be, the same kind of reward will be received by you.

19. Barking dogs seldom bite :
Those who boast and talk too much of themselves, are of low and weak mind.

20. Beggars can’t be choosers :
A person who depends on others cannot have anything of his own choice.

21. Better safe than sorry :
It is better to take precautions than to be regretful.

22. Birds of a feather flock together :
Persons of same calibre and position like to mix more with each other.

23. Blood is thicker than water :
Family relationships are stronger than others.

24. Boys will be boys :
Young boys, and sometimes grown-up men, occasionally behave in a childish way.

25. Charity begins at home :
A person’s first duty is to care for and help his or her own family.

26. Cleanliness is next to godliness :
Being clean is a sign of spiritual purity or goodness.

27. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you :
Do not think ill of the person who helps you.

28. Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched :
Do not daydream.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Common Proverbs

29. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket :
Do not invest all your money at a single place or you can be ruined.

30. Don’t try to talk before you can crawl :
Do things according to your calibre.

31. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise :
One should sleep early and get up early to be healthy, wealthy and wise.

32. Empty vessels make the most noise :
One who doesn’t have any good quality in him, shows off more.

33. Every dark cloud has a silver lining :
Even the greatest sorrow has some happiness hidden behind it.

34. Everybody want to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die :
Everyone wants luxuries in life, but no one wants to work for them.

35. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread :
The inexperienced do something that the more informed people would avoid.

36. Fortune favours the brave :
God helps those who dare.

37. God helps those who help themselves :
One has to do his own work; self-help is the best help.

38. Handsome is that handsome does :
Beauty lies in action, not in ‘physical’ appearance.

39. Haste makes waste :
If you do a job in hurry, it can be spoiled.

40. History repeats itself :
Man does what his ancestors did.

41. Home is where the heart is :
A home is where one is loved not where one lives.

42. If God had meant us to fly, He’d have given us wings :
Do not try doing things for which nature does not permit you.

43. If wishes were horses, beggars would ride :
It is easy to wish, but difficult to achieve.

44. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery :
One is flattered by the thought that he is considered worth imitating.

45. Into every life a little rain must fall :
Everyone should taste a little bit of adversity to admire the good things.

46. It takes a thief to catch a thief :
Thieves are the experts when it comes to thieving.
They would know best how to catch other thieves.

47. It’s better to give than to receive :
The person who helps others is respected more than the one who asks for help.

48. It’s better to light a candle than curse the darkness :
Instead of cursing the bad circumstances, one should try to change them.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Common Proverbs

49. It’s no use crying over spilt milk :
One should not waste one’s time lamenting the loss.

50. It’s the early bird that gets the worm :
One who comes first is served first.

51. Jack of all trades, master of none :
One who tries to learn many things never becomes a specialist of anything.

52. Laugh and the world will laugh with you; weep and you weep alone :
No one likes the company of one who remains sad and dejected.

53. Laughter is the best medicine :
Those who laugh in illness recover quickly.

54. Let sleeping dogs lie :
Do not trouble the troubles until the troubles trouble you.

55. Life is what you make it :
There is no use cursing others for your failures. Your success or failure lies entirely on yourself.

56. Like father, like son :
Children tend to do the same as their parents do.

57. Live for today, for tomorrow never comes :
We should not worry about future.

58. Look before you leap :
One should think of the consequences before doing anything.

59. Man does not live by bread alone :
Man has not a stomach alone, but heart also is to be taken care of.

60. Marry in haste, repent at leisure :
One should be careful while choosing his life partner.

61. Money doesn’t grow on trees :
One makes money by working hard, so it must not be wasted.

62. Money makes the world go round :
One can do anything and go anywhere if he has money.

63. Necessity is the mother of invention :
You make new things only if you need them. Ingenuity is stimulated by difficulty.

64. Never judge a book by its cover :
The true worth of a thing can’t be judged by its external looks.

65. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today :
Tomorrow never comes, so one must do one’s work today.

66. No man is an island :
Man is a social animal and cannot live alone.

67. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent :
If you hold your head high, no one can let you down.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Common Proverbs

68. Nothing is certain but death and taxes :
Death comes to all and everyone has to pay his dues.

69. Oil and water don’t mix :
People of different tastes and nature do not mix up with each other.

70. Opportunity only knocks once :
You cannot get chances again and again.

71. Out of sight, out of mind :
You are likely to forget what you don’t see more often.

72. People who live in glasshouses shouldn’t throw stones at others :
If you do something bad yourself, never forbid others to do it.

73. Power corrupts : absolute power corrupts absolutely :
A person’s sense of morality lessens as his or her power increases.

74. Practice makes a man perfect :
One becomes efficient at something by doing it again and again.

75. Pride comes before a fall :
If one becomes proud of his success, he is likely to fall.

76. Rome wasn’t built in a day :
It takes time and patience to do any great work.

77. Spare the rod and spoil the child :
The children study only if they have some fear.

78. Still waters run deep :
Those with extraordinary qualities never show off.

PSEB 10th Class English Vocabulary Common Proverbs

79. The Devil finds work for idle hands to do:
People who have no work to do, often do wrong things.