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PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 2 Relationship of Sociology with Other Social Sciences

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 2 Relationship of Sociology with Other Social Sciences Important Questions and Answers.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 2 Relationship of Sociology with Other Social Sciences

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
Who wrote the book ‘Das Capital’?
(c) Marx.

Question 2.
Which of these is not directly related with Economics?
(a) Consumption
(b) Religious activities
(c) Production
(d) Distribution.
(b) Religious activities.

Question 3.
What is the contribution of Sociology to History?
(a) History uses the material of Sociology
(b) History has included many Sociological concepts in its subject matter
(c) Social History studies sequal development and changes of any institution
(d) All of these.
(d) All of these.

Question 4.
Whose words are these, “Society is the detailed form of society”?
(a) Maclver
(b) Aristotle
(c) Weber
(d) Durkheim.
(b) Aristotle.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 2 Relationship of Sociology with Other Social Sciences

Question 5.
Which of these is the biological feature of human society?
(a) Ability to stand
(b) Developed brain
(c) Ability to speak
(d) All of these.
(d) All of these.

Question 6.
What is the difference between Sociology and Economics ?
(a) Subject matter of Sociology is whole of society but study of Economics is confined to economic activities
(b) Outlook of .Sociology is social and of Economics it is economic
(c) Sociology studies the group but economics studies an individual
(d) All of these.
(d) All of these.

Question 7.
What name Comte gave to his philosophy ?
(a) Idealism
(b) Positivism
(c) Experimentation
(d) None of these.
(b) Positivism.

Question 8.
Which of these branches of Psychology is related with Sociology ?
(a) Social Psychology
(b) Economic Psychology
(c) Structural Psychology
(d) Cultural Science.
(a) Social Psychology.

Question 9.
Sociology takes the help of to study historical facts.
(a) Economics
(b) History
(c) Political Science
(d) Anthropology.
(b) History.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 2 Relationship of Sociology with Other Social Sciences

Question 10.
Which of these methods is used in Psychology ?
(a) Historical Method
(b) Comparative Method
(c) Experimental Method
(d) Structural Method.
(c) Experimental Method.

Fill in the Blanks:

Question 1.
………….. called Sociology and Anthropology as twin sisters.

Question 2.
There are areas of the study of Anthropology.

Question 3.
………….. is related with the development of man.

Question 4.
…………… stresses on the study of human events.

Question 5.
Society is made up of …………..

Question 6.
…………. is related with production, consumption and distribution.

Question 7.
studies the functions of state and government.


Question 1.
Astronomy is a natural science.

Question 2.
Economics takes the help of sociology to understand social problems.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 2 Relationship of Sociology with Other Social Sciences

Question 3.
Aristotle is known as the father of Political Science.

Question 4.
Sciences can be divided into four parts.

Question 5.
Outlook of Political Science is social.

Question 6.
Inductive and deductive methods are used in Economics.

Question 7.
Economics is related with production, consumption and distribution.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 2 Relationship of Sociology with Other Social Sciences

One Word/Line Question Answers:

Question 1.
With what does Anthropology relate ?
Anthropology is related with evolution and development of individuals.

Question 2.
Which branch of Anthropology is related with Sociology ?
Social and Cultural Anthropology is a branch of Anthropology which is related with Sociology. >

Question 3.
On whose study History gives stress ? .
History stresses on the study of human experiences of the past.

Question 4.
What is society made up of ?
Society is made up of humans.

Question 5.
Give examples of natural science.
Chemistry, Astronomy, Physics, Biology etc.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 2 Relationship of Sociology with Other Social Sciences

Question 6.
Why Sociology depends upon History ?
Sociology depends upon History to understand modern society.

Question 7.
What type of Science is History ?
History is a concrete science.

Question 8.
With what Economics is related ?
Economics is related with production, consumption and distribution.

Question 9.
Why does Economics take help of Sociology ?
To understand social problems, Economics takes help of Sociology.

Question 10.
Which method is used by History ?
History uses descriptive method.

Question 11.
Who is considered as the father of Political Science ?
Aristotle is considered as the father of Political Science.

Question 12.
Who wrote the book ‘Arthashastra’ ?
Arthashastra was written by Kautilya or Chanakya.

Question 13.
In how many parts can we divide Science ?
Science can be divided into two parts-Natural sciences and Social sciences.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 2 Relationship of Sociology with Other Social Sciences

Question 14.
Name the branch of Sociology associated with History.
Historical Sociology is a branch of Sociology associated with History.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Division of Science.
In Science, we try to find new concepts and methods. That’s why we can divide science into two parts and these are :
(i) Natural Sciences
(ii) Social Sciences.

Question 2.
Natural Sciences.
Natrual Sciences are the sciences which are related with nature and biological phenomenon about which they try to find new facts, concepts, theories etc., for example, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy etc.

Question 3.
Social Sciences.
Social Sciences are the sciences which try to find concepts, facts and theories related with human society. In these scientific study of social life is done; for exmple, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Anthropology etc.

Question 4.
History studies the past time of human society. It tries to understand and explain social life on the basis of past time events. It is mainly concerned with life and events of different kings, important years of their lives etc.

Question 5.
Economic Institutions.
Economic institutions study economic aspects of humans. They study how the money can be produced, distributed and consumed. In simple words, all the economic activities of human society are studied by “economic institutions.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 2 Relationship of Sociology with Other Social Sciences

Question 6.
Political Science.
Political Science is related with the political aspect of human s’oeiety. It studies origin of state, its development and features, organisation, system of government, other political institutions, associations, their functions etc.

Question 7.
Literal meaning of Sociology.
Word ‘Sociology’ is made up of two words ‘Socio’ and ‘Logos’. Socio is a Latin word which means society and Logos is a Greek word which means science. So, the literal meaning of Sociology is science of society.

Question 8.
Methods used in Sociology and Economics.
Economics uses Inductive method and Deductive method but Sociology uses a number of methods such as Observation, Interview, Schedule, Questionnaire, Case study, Sociometry method etc.

Short Answer Type Questions 

Question 1.
Division of Science.
In Science we research for theories and methods and on the basis of this we can divide Sciences in two parts :
(а) Natural Sciences
(b) Social Sciences.

Question 2.
Meaning of Natural Sciences.
Natural Science is that branch of science which is related with nature and biological phenomenon with which it tries to find the related facts and theories; for example, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy etc.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 2 Relationship of Sociology with Other Social Sciences

Question 3.
Meaning of Social Sciences.
Social Sciences are those Sciences which find facts and theories related with human society. Scientific study of Social Life is also being studied in this; for example, Economics, Political Science, Anthropology, Sociology etc.

Question 4.
Relation of Sociology with other Social Sciences.
All Social Sciences are not only different from each other from the point of view of their subject matter but they are also different from their outlook and point of view. But all the Social Sciences are studying the human society because of which we cannot differentiate one Social Science from another.

For example, Economics is related with economic problems but these economic problems are the one part of Society. That’s why we have to take help of other Sciences to find its solution.

Question 5.
How is Sociology the mixture of Social Sciences ?
Sociology is known as the mixture of the other Social Sciences. It depends upon other Sciences for many things and sometimes it depends upon others to solve its problems. Every problem, which exists in Society, cannot be solved by just Sociology. That’s why* we can not differentiate Sociology from other Social Sciences. Sociology alone is unable to find solution of any problem. That’s why taking help of others is known as mixture of Social Sciences.

Question 6.
What is History?
History studies the past time of human history. It also studies phenomenon occurred in past and tries to understand ideology of Social Life on the basis of that phenomenon. In this way it analyzes both the situations ‘what was’ ? And ‘How it happened’ ? In this way we can come to know about Social organization, customs, traditions etc. of human history.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 2 Relationship of Sociology with Other Social Sciences

Question 7.
Give difference between Sociology and History.
These both Social Sciences study same subject matter from different point of views. History studies some specific phenomenon but Sociology finds rules of general phenomenon and explains their inter-relationships. Sociology uses comparative method but History uses descriptive method.

Sociology studies human groups but History gives emphasis on the study of human action. History is related with phenomenon of past but Sociology is related with the Society of present.

Question 8.
Sociology depends upon History. How ?
Sociology takes helps of History to understand modern Society because we can get Social facts of ancient Society from History. To use historical method we need the matter of History because of which Sociology depends upon History. Different Social institutions change because they affect each other and to understand this change historical material helps us. Historical Sociology is a branch of Sociology with which we can understand social circumstances.

Question 9.
What is Anthropology ?
Anthropology is made up of two Greek words ‘Anthropos’ and ‘Logy’. ‘Anthropos’ means human and the meaning of Logy is Science which means Science of Man. Subject matter of this Science is quite wide. That’s why it has been divided in three parts.

(i) Physical Anthropology. In this human physical features are being studied from which we can come to know about the origin, development and races of man.

(ii) Pre-historic Archaeology. In this branch the early part of human history is being studied about which we don’t have any written proof like by digging of ancient buildings.

(iii) Social and Cultural Anthropology. In this complete human society is being studied. In this every thing of one Society like economic system, political, religion, art etc. is being studied. Social Anthropology studies primitive society.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 2 Relationship of Sociology with Other Social Sciences

Question 10.
What is Psychology ?
Psychology studies the individual behaviour and it uses Neuro glandular system to understand mental behaviour and processes of humans. In this the related factors of memory, intelligence, attitude, sympathy etc. are studied. Main centre of its study is human. That’s why it studies the behaviour of man.

Question 11.
Give relation between Sociology and Psychology.
Actually the social phenomena are related with individual phenomenon and Society cannot be made with humans. We cannot differentiate man and society. Social relations, which exist in society, have been made by humans. Without society man is just like an animal. In this way they both are related with each other.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Discuss the relation of Sociology and Anthropology.
How can you say that inspite of different from each other, Sociology and Anthropology are complementary to each other ?
The source of origin of Sociology is History but the source of origin of Anthropology is Biology. If we look at the methods, subject matter of these two, then they are different from each other but their relation is very deep. They cannot be separated from each other. They take each other’s help for their existence. To understand both of these, let us study their subject matter so that we can understand their relation.

Sociology is the study of modern society. Sociology studies social relationships, social institutions, social groups and their inter-relations. With that Sociology also studies different parts of culture and many types of institutions of society.

The word Anthropology has been made by two Greek words ‘Anthropos’ whose meaning is human and ‘Logia’ whose meaning is science. So its literal meaning is science of humans. Anthropology is the science of man’.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 2 Relationship of Sociology with Other Social Sciences

Anthropology studies the origin and development of man from physical, cultural and social point of view. Scope of Anthropology is very wide.

That’s why it has been divided in three parts :
1. Physical Anthropology:
This part of Anthropology studies the physical features of man with which humans came into being and developed.

2. Pre-Historical Archaeology:
This part of Anthropology finds that part of history about which no written evidence is available. Digging up of old buildings, skeletons, ancient things come under this. With these physical proofs a light is thrown on the origin, development and the culture of man. In this way it tries to find human culture during ancient times.

3. Social and Cultural Anthropology:
It studies completely the human society. It studies everything of a society like economic, political, family system, religion, art, beliefs etc. It analytically does comparative study of contemporary structures, institutions and behaviour. Kroeber called these both as Twin Sisters. According to Malbet, “Sociology and Social Anthropology in their broadest sense are one and the same.”

According to Kluckhon, ’’The sociological attitude has tended towards the practical and present, the Anthropology towards pure understanding and the past.” According to Redfield, “Viewing the whole united states, one sees that the social relations between Sociology and Anthropology are closer than those between Anthropology and Political Science.”

The branch Of Anthropology, the Social Anthropology is very closely related with Sociology. Sociology studies social relationships, their forms, institutions, groups and processes and Anthropology studies ancient society, ancient human’s origin, development and culture.

From this given description it is clear that Anthropolgy studies the ancient societies. The meaning of ancient society is those groups which live in smaller geogrpahical area, less in numbers and who have less contacts with outer world and which use simple technique.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 2 Relationship of Sociology with Other Social Sciences

Contribution of Anthropology to Sociology. Sociology takes a lot of help from the study of Anthropology. Physical Anthropology, which studies groups and races, is used by sociologists to understand various institutions and systems. Exept this Sociologists have tried to understand social stratification on racial basis.

Except this Anthropology also tells us that institutions, system and organization of ancient society were very simple which helps Sociology to understand modern society. Anthropology has given material of origin of relation to Sociology.

In this \yay Sociology shows very keen interest in ancient society which is the subject matter of Anthropology. Sociology has borrowed some concepts of cultural area, cultural trait, cultural complexity, cultural lag etc.

from Anthropology and they are very useful for sociological study. That’s why a new branch Cultural Sociology has been developed. According to Samuel Koening,“Our present forms of social life, our customs, or ways of living have their roots in the past that one can best explain them by tracing them back to their sources.”

Contribution of Sociology to Anthropology. It’s not that only Sociology takes help from Anthropology, but Anthropology also takes help from Sociology. It is necessary for Anthropology to understand social interactions and relationships for the origin and development of culture which come in the area of Sociology. No society is without any culture and its origin depends upon interactions and relations.

One more contribution of Sociology to Anthropology is that the Anthropology has made many hypotheses on the basis of knowledge of modern societies to understand ancient societies which have given a lot of help to Anthropology to understand its subject matter. Anthropology has included some of the concepts and methods of Sociology in its own subject matter. Anthropology has studied the cultural and social facts which produce social solidarity.

Difference between Sociology and Anthropology :
1. There is a difference of subject matter between Sociology and Anthropology. Sociology studies social relations, organizations, social system etc. but Anthropology studies the entire society. It means that it studies every aspect of society like religious, political, economic, cultural etc. That’s why it is also known as science of social heritage because it takes care of culture.

2. Anthropology studies those cultures which are small, and static. But Sociology studies those cultures which are large in size and changeable in nature. On this base we can see that Anthropology grows very fast and is known as better than Sociology.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 2 Relationship of Sociology with Other Social Sciences

3. Anthropology and Sociology are different sciences. Anthropology studies man and his culture of ancient times. But Sociology studies same subject matter in modern system. In this way Sociology goes even in future but Anthropology keeps itself upto the limits of past.

4. The methods used by Sociology and Anthropology are also different. Anthropology uses participant observation and inductive method and Sociology uses survey, schedule, questionnaire, statistics methods.

5. Sociology is related with social relationship and Anthropology is related with the whole society. In this way there is a difference of scope between both of these.

Question 2.
Explain the relation between Sociology and Economics.
Explain the relation between Sociology and Economics with their differences.
Sociology and Economics are both interrelated and as well as different from each other. That’s why to know their relation and difference first of all it is necessary for us to understand the meanings of Sociology and Economics. In simple words, whatever economic activities are being done by a person, are being studied by economics.

Economics tells us that how a person can fulfil his unending demands or wishes with limited resources. Economic demands of a person are fulfilled by money.

That’s why the study of human behaviour related to production, distribution and consumption of money is being done by Economics. In this explanation, much emphasis is given to money but modern economists give more importance to humans instead of money. According to Dr. Marshall, “Economics is the study of activities of simple business of human life.”

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 2 Relationship of Sociology with Other Social Sciences

In this way Economics studies money on one side and on the other side it also studies humans which are more important. Economics tries to find that how a person earns the money and how he spends that money. At another place Dr. Marshall has written that, “ Economics on one side is a study of wealth and on the other and more important side a part of the study of man.”

Sociology studies human institutions, relations, groups, traditions, folkways, values, mutual relations, system of relations, ideology and results and changes which come in them. Sociology studies the society which is the web of social relationships. Every economic activity of the the person is the result of interactions of humans.

With this, social relations and social system are also affected by economic activities. That is why to know about Social system, we should know about economic institutions and to know about economic activities we should know about social interactions. After looking at the meanings of Sociology and Economics we come to conclusion that both the sciences are related with society and its humans.

Sociology studies the social aspect of society and Economics studies the economic aspect of society. Person is related with both social and economic activities while living in society. Economist is related with economic conditions of a person and Sociologist is related with social conditions of that same person. According to Karl Marx, “Economic factors are responsible for change in society.”

Contribution of Sociology to Economics. Now we will see that how economists need the help of sociologists. Economics tells a person how to fulfill his unending wishes with limited means. Economist can help a person, if he knows about the social conditions of a person and to know about this he needs the help of a Sociologist.

For example, the problem of poverty. This problem is an economic problem. But the reasons behind the occurrence of this problem are social. Until or unless an economist is able to understand the social conditions, he cannot help us in solving that problem.

It means that our society is surrounded by many ideals which forced the person not to do any work like when caste system was prevailing in Indian society then every person used to adopt his hereditary occupation.

If he vas going against this rule, he was generally thrown out of the caste. In this way, we can see that the ties of caste system have been loosened but still persons of higher castes are feeling shy of doing any work. Another is that even today women are not allowed to come out of the house to work in interiors of India.

So after looking at the problem if any economist thinks that by giving money to poor people, this problem can be solved then it will be incorrect. We have to bring change in social conditions to eradicate poverty. We have to make new social ideals by eradicating old social ideals. So, from this given description it is clear that Economist cannot do anything without the help of Sociologists.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 2 Relationship of Sociology with Other Social Sciences

It means that they neither can bring social progress nor they can solve their problems. In this way we can say that economists depend upon sociologists for the study of their subject matter. So, we can say that every economic activity of a person is the result of social interactions. That’s why every economic activity can be understood by keeping it in social context. So, if we want to do economic progress of society or we want to make economic planning then we need to take care of social aspect of that society.

That’s why Economics depends upon Sociology. Contribution of Economics to Sociology. Sociology also takes a lot of help from economics. All the aspects of the society are affected by economic activities in modern society. Many famous sociologists like Max Weber, Karl Marx, Durkheim and Sorokin had studied the social sector after studying the economic sector.

Whenever any change came in society due to economic factors then our society was also affected by this. Whenever sociologist wants to study this why social relations of our society are breaking or why humans are adopting individualistic approach then he always studies the economic activities of that society.

After that he feels that the way in which the need of money in society is increasing, in that same way people are trying to get things which give them more facilities. With this the outlook of society also becomes capitalistic. Every person has to work hard to live in society.

That’s why joint families are disintegrating and person becomes individualistic. Except this Sociology also has to take help of Economics to study many social problems; for example, the problem of Drug addiction. . Because of this problem our young generation is weakening day by day.

The main reason of this problem is economic because the way in which people are earning more money with illegal means (smuggling), in that same way they are misusing that money. So, the problem of drug addiction is weakening our society. We have to check those illegal means of earning, to solve this problem so that the other related problems of dowry, drug abuse, gambling etc. can be eradicated. So, Sociology depends upon economics to solve these problems.

In modern times many new economic classes are coming forward like labourer class, capitalist class, consumer class, producer class etc. That’s why to understand the relation of these classes it is necessary for Sociology to understand the economic relations of these classes. To understand their economic relations Sociology needs the help of Economics.

Difference between Sociology and Economics. Sociology and Economics are very much related with each other and they both use each other’s rules and results. But still they are different from each other in many ways.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 2 Relationship of Sociology with Other Social Sciences

Their differences are given below :
1. Difference of Scope:
The Scope of Sociology-and Economics is different from each other. Sociology gives a clear picture of different sectors of society. That’s why the scope of Sociology is wide. But Economics is confined only to the study of economic sector of society. That’s why its scope is limited.

2. General and Specific:
Sociology is a general science because it studies every type of social phenomenon which are not related with one aspect of society but are related with the whole society. But Economics is a special science because it is confined only to the economic activities of society.

3. Different point of view:
Sociology is .related to understanding the social activities which exist in society and it studies the social problems. That’s why its point of view is social. On the other side, Economics is related with materialistic happiness of a person like how to earn more money, its distribution and consumption. That’s why its point of view is economic.

4. Difference in unit of study:
Unit of Sociology is group. It studies the behaviour of a person living in group. But on the other side Economics is related with study of economic aspect of a person. That’s why its unit is one person or human being.

5. Difference in methods:
Sociology and Economics both use different methods:
to study their subject matter because the subject matter of both is different. Sociology uses historical method, comparative method, sociometry method. Economics uses inductive method and deductive method.

Question 3.
Discuss the relations of Sociology and Psychology.
What is the relation of Sociology and Psychology ? Explain it with differences.
Sociology and Psychology both are deeply inter-related. They both study the behaviour of man. According to Cretch and Cretchfield, “Social Psychology is the science of behaviour of the man in the society.” In short, Sociology studies the social relations and Psychology studies mental relationships. Now we will see literal meaning of Social Psychology.

Social Psychology studies individual behaviour. It means that whatever effect of society is exerted on mental part, Psychology studies that effect. To understand individual behaviour it is not necessary to see its social circumstances but it is necessary to see Neuro Glandular system. Mind, Reflection, Learning, Love, Hatred, Emotions and these are mental processes which are actually studied by Social Psychology. Sociology studies, scientifically, these social processes.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 2 Relationship of Sociology with Other Social Sciences

Both these sciences are very much inter-related. According to Maclver, “Sociology in special gives aid tp Psychology just as Psychology gives special aid to Sociology.” According to Allport, “Social Psychology is the study of the behaviour of the individuals in their reactions with other individuals and the behaviour through which individuals stimulate one another in such situations.”

From this given description we can say that the base of scientific study of social phenomenon is Psychology and we can observe it directly. So, in this way they both are inter-related and that’s why a new branch of Psychology called ‘Social Psychology’ came into being. Contribution of Psychology to Sociology. In Sociology we study social relationships.

To understand social relationships, we need to understand human behaviour because the mental and physical needs of a man affect its relations with other human. Psychology studies these mental processes, thoughts, ideas of mind minutely.

To understand behaviour of man and society, Sociology needs the help of Psychology, For this a branch of Psychology, Social Psychology is very helpful which studies experiences, behaviour and personality of humans in the social context.

Sociologists are also of the view that psychological bases are very important to understand the changes of society. In this way we can say that to understand society we need to understand behaviour of man which is the work of Psychology.

Contribution of Sociology to Psychology. Psychology also depends on Sociology to understand human behaviour because behaviour of man is influenced by culture of society and Sociology gives knowledge of that culture.

Man is a social animal. Humans are more dependent upon parents and society than animal. While living in society and with the process of socialization, a number of qualities develop within individuals.

There are certain laws to live in society. Humans can learn these laws by living in society and these laws change with the passage of time and generations. Every culture develops a personality and this personality is the result of cultural experiences of childhood age.

To understand Political Science studies the origin and development of state, organization of state, administrative system of government and functions related with institution. It studies the groups and institutions related with political life of a person. Political Science studies the political life of a person and the related institutions.

It also studies the origin and development of state, characteristics, organization of state, government and its administrative system and the institutions related to state. In this way Political Science studies only political relations. On the other hand Sociology studies social relations, different forms of relations, groups, customs, norms, structures, institutions and their inter relations, mores, traditions, etc.

Political Science studies the politics means state and government and on the other side Sociology studies the main agencies of social control i.e. political institutions. These both sciences study the whole society. Sociology looks at the state as political institution and Political Science looks it in the form of law and organization of state.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 2 Relationship of Sociology with Other Social Sciences

On the basis of given description we can say that Political Science is related with study of the institutions which exist in state, government and its organization but Sociology is related with study of institutions of state. But the scope of Political Science is a part of whole society which is being studied by the Sociology. In this way both these are interdependent.

The Contribution of Sociology to Political Science. Political Science considers a person as a political person but it never tells us that how and when he becomes political. For this Political Science takes help of Sociology.

If Political Science takes help of the rules of Sociology then it can make studies related to a person very easy and correct. When Political Science is making its policies then it has to keep in mind the social values, and social ideals.

While making laws, political science has to keep in mind the social conditions of society. Our social customs, traditions, values, culture etc. are made to control the members of society and to run the society in an organized way. But when these are accepted by government then they become laws; for example, we can see that different countries have different customs. Status of women was very low in India. People tried to change this custom.

When some leaders tried to uplift the status of women with some movements, many laws were made to uplift the status of women. It was so because social sanctions were there behind these movements. Actually we cannot overlook the social traditions and customs while making laws for society. Sometimes public movements come into being due to laws made by government.

When government tries to overlook the customs made by society then the society moves toward the situation of social disorganization which can create obstacles in the way of social progress. Political Science depends upon Sociology to know about social conditions or customs. We can solve many problems of society with the help of laws.

So from the given description it is clear that Political Science needs a lot of help from Sociology to study its subject matter. It helps in social progress, development and maintenance of organization. But it doesn’t mean that only Sociology gives help to Political Science. Infact Political Science also gives help to Sociology.

Contribution of Political Science to Sociology. If Sociology gives something to Political Science then it also takes a lot from Political Science. Sociology also depends upon Political Science and it takes its help. We cannot imagine any society without controls, which come from Political Science in the form of law. Sociology has one branch known as Political Sociology.

If we look carefully then we will come to know that Sociology gets real social life from Political Science. Progress of society, organization, institutions, processes, traditions, culture, social relations depends upon this element. If we discuss the ancient society, when Political Science was not started in its complete form, then the life of a person was very simple and the simple life was controlled by informal means of control.

Slowly and slowly with the development of society, it started to feel the need of laws to control the people. For example when caste system was in its full swing in India then many castes were in very good conditions and they were running the society in their own way. But people of lower castes were living in the hell like circumstances. They were tired of these rules. The main reason of origin of caste system was to maintain social balance.

PSEB 11th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 2 Relationship of Sociology with Other Social Sciences

When Political Science strengthened its roots then it started to control the people with the help of laws. Customs of social evils, which were a type of burden on people, were removed or eradicated with the help of laws. Because every one was equal in front of law that’s why people started to respect those laws. Except this it was not possible for society to eradicate those social evils. In that case Political Science came forward for its help.

On the basis of given description we can say that problem is whether social or political, we need help of both the sciences. Sociology and Political Science both study society from different point of views but still their problems are related with society and that’s why they both are inter-dependent.

Difference between Sociology and Political Science:
1. General and Special:
Sociology is a general science and Political Science is a special science. Sociology is related to the study of every aspect of every person of the society. All the social processes, customs, social control etc. come in this. It means that Sociology studies all those phenomenon which are related with every type of human activities.

It studies the whole society and that’s why it is a general science. But on the other hand Political Science studies the political aspect of human life. It means that it studies all those activities which get legality and security from humans, government or state. That’s why it is a special science.

2. Positive and Idealistic:
Sociology is a positive science and Political Science is an idealistic science because it is related with the form of state. Socially sanctioned rules are accepted in this. But Sociology with complete independence means it studies with objectivity.

3. Difference of Scope:
Sociology and Political Science both are quite different from each other from the point of view of their subject matter. Sociology studies the mutual relations of social, religious, historical, psychological, economic institutions and tells us about individual life. But Political Science tells us about the individual life by studying only state and its different parts.

It is related only with state and state’s government but Sociology is related with the relations which exist in every type of social institutions. That’s why its subject matter is wide. Sociology is related with unconscious processes but Political Science is related with the conscious activities of a person. That’s why it is related only with organized communities.

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