PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 2 Components of Food

This PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 2 Components of Food will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 2 Components of Food

→ Nutrients are the substances that are needed for the proper growth and development of the body.

→ Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, and vitamins are the main nutrients in our food.

→ In addition to these, our body needs water and roughage.

→ Carbohydrates are made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. These are instant sources of energy and are called energy-giving food.

→ Bajra, jowar, rice, wheat, jaggery, mango, banana, and potato are the main sources of carbohydrates.

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 2 Components of Food

→ We have two types of carbohydrates. These are simple carbohydrates and complex hydrates.

→ Examples of simple carbohydrates are glucose, fructose, sucrose, lactose, etc.

→ Examples of complex carbohydrates are starch, cellulose, glycogen, etc.

→ Carbohydrates sweet in taste are called sugars.

→ Sucrose is known as table sugar.

→ Fructose is called fruit sugar.

→ Lactose is called milk sugar.

→ Starch is tasteless and insoluble in water. It is made up of many glucose units.

→ The main sources of starch are potatoes, wheat, rice, maize, etc.

→ During digestion, starch is first converted into glucose and finally into carbon dioxide and water. So, starch is not an instant source of energy.

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 2 Components of Food

→ Starch detection can be done by an iodine test. It gives a blue-black colour with iodine.

→ Proteins are made up of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. They are called body-building foods.

→ The growth and repair of body cells is the main function of proteins. These also protect us from many diseases.

→ Plants and animals both are sources of proteins.

→ Proteins from plants are called plant proteins and proteins from animals are called animal proteins.

→ Beans like soybeans, peas, and pulses like gram and moon are sources of plant proteins.

→ We also get proteins from spinach, mushroom, broccoli, etc.

→ Mean, fish, poultry, milk, and milk products are the main sources of proteins.

→ Some proteins speed up various reactions occurring in our bodies. These are known as enzymes.

→ Enzymes are proteins that speed up various activities inside the body of a living organism.

→ Proteins when added to a solution of copper sulphate and caustic soda gives blue colour. This reaction is used for detecting the proteins.

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 2 Components of Food

→ Fats also give us energy. They give larger amounts of energy in comparison to carbohydrates. They do not release energy instantly.

→ Fats are known as the richest source of energy. Carbohydrates are known as instant sources of energy.

→ Important plant sources of fats are vegetable oils like mustard oil, coconut oil, and sunflower oil.

→ Other sources of fats are cashew, almonds, groundnut, and sesame seeds.

→ Important animal sources of fat are meat, eggs, fish, milk, and milk products like butter, ghee, etc.

→ Fats give energy, prevent heat loss from the body.

→ The presence of an oily patch on paper confirms the presence of fat in any food item.

→ Our bodies also need minerals. Calcium, iron, iodine, and phosphorus are important minerals. These do not give us energy.

→ Iron is needed for the formation of haemoglobin and calcium is needed for forming bones.

→ Phosphorus provides strength to bones and teeth.

→ Iodine is needed for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

→ Vitamins are essential for the proper functioning of our body.

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 2 Components of Food

→ We have different vitamins like A, B, C, D, E, and K.

→ Sources of vitamin A are eggs, meat, milk, cheese, green leafy vegetables, carrot, papaya, etc. It is needed for healthy eyes and skin.

→ Sources of vitamin B are milk, green vegetables, peas, eggs, cereals, mushrooms, etc. It is needed for normal growth and proper functioning of the central nervous system and digestive system.

→ Sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits (lemon, orange, etc.), amla, tomato, broccoli, etc. It is needed for fighting against diseases.

→ Sources of vitamin D are dairy products, fish liver oil, exposure to sunlight, etc. It is needed for healthy bones and teeth.

→ Sources of vitamin E are almonds, peanuts, sunflower oil, soyabean oil, leafy vegetables. It is needed for protecting cells from damage and helping our body to lower different problems.

→ Sources of vitamin K are green leafy vegetables, fish meat, eggs, cereals, etc. It is needed for the clotting of blood.

→ Nutrients: are the substances that are needed for the proper growth and development of the body.

→ Balance diet: The diet that contains an adequate amount of all the essential nutrients, roughage, and water for proper growth and development of the body is called a Balanced diet

→ Deficiency Diseases: The disease which is caused due to shortage of nutrients in our diet for a long time is called deficiency disease.

→ Goiter: A deficiency disease caused due to deficiency of iodine and its main symptom is an enlargement of the gland in the neck.

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 2 Components of Food

→ Scurvy: It is a disease caused by deficiency of vitamin C and its main symptoms include bleeding gums.

→ Beri-Beri: It is a disease caused by a deficiency of vitamin-B.

→ Rickets: It is a disease caused by deficiency of vitamin D and its main symptoms include softening and bending of bones.

→ Anaemia: It is a disease caused by deficiency of iron and its main symptoms include weakness, fatigue, and pale skin.

→ Roughage: The fibrous indigestible material present in food is termed roughage.

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