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PSEB 6th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 1 Health

Punjab State Board PSEB 6th Class Physical Education Book Solutions Chapter 1 Health Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 6 Physical Education Chapter 1 Health

Physical Education Guide for Class 6 PSEB Health Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1.
How many kinds are there of health?
According to World Health Organisation “Health is a state to complete physical, mental & social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
Kinds of Health:
1. Physical Health
2. Mental Health
3. Social Health
4. Emotional Health

1. Physical Health:
A physical health is that all organs of the healthy person work properly. His body become active, healthy and ready to do the physical work. His body structure remains beautiful. He looks scout & beautiful. His all systems, circulatory, respiratory, excretory, digestive system work properly.

2. Mental Health:
Mental Health means a person should take right, decision with his mind. His confidence must be remained up. He adjusts himself according to the circumstances.

3. Social Health:
In social health, the relationship of a person describes with his family & society as we know man is a social animal who has to go in hand with his family & society to fulfil his daily needs. He gets respect from his family or society. A person is incomplete without society.

4. Emotional Health:
In a different situation, different type of emotions arise in our mind Fear, Happiness, Anger etc. These emotions require a great balance in our life. So, we can perform our work very well.

PSEB 6th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 1 Health

Question 2.
What kind of food should children eat?

  • Children should eat balance diet, it must consist of necessary elements, like children should eat pure
  • Balanced diet. It should contain all the necessary elements, like proteins, carbohydrates, oily substance, minerals & water.
  • Wash your hands properly before your meals.
  • They should not take hot & cold water.
  • Children should not take food while watching T.V. or working on computers.
  • They should take food while sitting straight, do not eat it while lying down.
  • Fast food like-Pizza & burger is harmful to health, children should prefer homemade food.
  • The food should be clean from dust & flies.
  • The fruits should be clean & wash properly before eating.

Question 3.
Which things should we take care of to remain healthy?
(a) Medical check up:
Children should take medical check up time-to-time. Vaccination is also important. If there is any injury treatment is necessary.

(b) Nature:
Children should lead happy life. Good nature also requires for health. Irritating nature has bad effect on our health.

(c) Habits:
Children should follow the good habits to maintain the health. To wake up, eat, read, play or rest in time. Somebody has rightly said in Punjabi “vele da kam, kuvele diyan takkran.”

(d) Exercise, Games & Yoga:
Children should do exercise and yoga daily to keep themselves fit. Yoga & exercise should be performed empty stomach. Airy & open environment should require. Before participating in any game children should warm up properly.

PSEB 6th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 1 Health

Question 4.
Which things should we take care of while eating?

  • We should wash hands properly before & after taking meal.
  • We should take balanced diet.
  • Always refrain from fast food and take homemade food.
  • They should not take hot & cold food.
  • Food should be taken according to need & chew it properly.
  • Don’t take food while watching T.V. & working on computer.
  • Don’t eat food while lying down.
  • We should take meal while sitting straight.
  • Fruits should be washed properly before eating.

Question 5.
Write a short note on the following:
1. Cleanliness of the skin
2. Cleanliness of the hair
3. Cleanliness of the eyes
4. Cleanliness of the ears
5. Cleanliness of the nose
6. Cleanliness of the teeth
7. Cleanliness of the nails
1. Cleanliness of the skin:
The skin covers all of our body parts and protects them. It is helpful in maintaining our body temperature. It beautifies our body. If we neglect the cleanliness of our skin, then skin pores will be blocked with dust particles, due to which unwanted & harmful elements do not exit our body & many kinds of skin diseases develop.

2. Cleanliness of the hair:
Long hair add charm to one’s beauty. Balanced diet contributes a lot to make the hairs beautiful & strong. Hair should be combed daily with a clean comb. The hairs should be dried properly after washing. Let lice not be developed. Lice do not develop if you want your hair keep clean and healthy.

3. Cleanliness of the Eyes:
Eyes are more sensitive part of the body. We cannot enjoy scenic beauty of nature without eyes. Therefore, care of eyes is very necessary, wash your eyes 2-3 times daily with cold water. Protect your eyes from dizzling light. Sunglasses should be used while going out in the sun.
PSEB 6th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 1 Health 1
4. Cleanliness of the Ears:
Cleanliness of ears is equally impotant as of the other orgAnswer: The ear drums of our ears are very delicate. We should not insert any sharp thing inside the ear, as it can tear the ear drum. Do not listen music on mobile while putting head phone.

5. Cleanliness of the Nose:
We breathe through nostrils & mouth, but breathing through nostrils is useful. Breathing through nostrils makes the inhaled air pure & in accordance with the body temperature when it enters the body. Nose works as a filter. The tiny hair in the opening of the nose like filter hold the dust particles & germs in them. If any tiny particle does not get stuck in these tiny hair of the nose, it sticks to the inner side of the nose. In this way the nose purifies the air that goes to our lungs. We should clean our nose also while breathing.

6. Cleanliness of the teeth:
Teeth help us in chewing the food. Chewed food is good for digestion. We should daily brush our teeth in morning. Always gargle properly after eating anything, so that no food particle should be left stuck in teeth. Teeth start becoming hollow inside which results in the weakning of teeth.
PSEB 6th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 1 Health 2
7. Cleanliness of the Nails:
Cleanliness of nails of hands & feet is also very important like other parts of body. Dirt gets stuck in long grown nails. As a result of it enters our body while eating. That is why we should wash our hands & feet properly. Nails should be pared once or twice in a week.

PSEB 6th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 1 Health

Question 6.
Write about five healthy habits to maintain good health.

  • Always take balanced diet and fresh food.
  • Internal organs of our body like lungs. We should know the complete knowledge of all organs.
  • Take proper sleep according to your age.
  • Always take medical check up time-to-time.
  • We should exercise & stall according to the age.
  • Always inhale from nose.
  • Always live in fresh air.
  • We should wear the clothes according to the seasons.
  • Always remain happy.
  • Always keep standing posture, sitting & walking posture.
  • Always wear neat & clean clothes.

PSEB 6th Class Physical Education Guide Health Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
Write the types of health.
(A) Physical health
(B) Mentle health
(C) Emotional health
(D) All mentioned above.
(D) All mentioned above.

Question 2.
Which type of foods you will provide to the children?
(A) Balanced diet
(B) Clean the hands before taking meals.
(C) Don’t take food very hot.
(D) All mentioned above.
(D) All mentioned above.

PSEB 6th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 1 Health

Question 3.
Which things be born in mind to lead healthy life?
(A) Medical check-up
(B) Good habits
(C) Exercise, games & yoga
(D) All above.
(D) All above.

Question 4.
How you will keep your skin clean?
(A) Taking bath with fresh water everyday.
(B) You must go toilet before bath.
(C) Don’t take bath after taking meal.
(D) All above.
(D) All above.

Question 5.
How you will clean your teeth?
(A) Keep your teeth clean early morning and sleeping at night with brush.
(B) Don’t take very hot milk or tea.
(C) Never prick the teeth with iron stick.
(D) All above.
(D) All above.

Question 6.
Write the rules of personal hygiene.
(A) Clean and Balanced diet
(B) Inhale with nose
(C) Always be happy
(D) All above.
(D) All above.

PSEB 6th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 1 Health

Question 7.
How you will clean your hair when hair fell the clutch of dandruff?
(A) Take 250 gram fresh water and pour borik of one spoon and wash your hair.
(B) Use coconut oil in hair.
(C) Use glycerine with lemon in hair.
(D) All above.
(D) All above.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What we should call the Science which give us knowledge of health?
Personal Health Hygiene.

Question 2.
Where the healthy mind lives?
In Healthy Body.

Question 3.
If we do not clean the skin properly which diseases are caused?
Internal & External diseases.

PSEB 6th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 1 Health

Question 4.
What parts of eyes are called in our body?
Soft and costless.

Question 5.
What we should do in a day to clean the eyes?
Wash it with cold water.

Question 6.
What we should do daily to clean our teeth?
Brush or Datun.

Question 7.
How for we should keep the eyes from books?
30 cm or 1 feet.

Question 8.
If we do not clean the teeth then what will happen?

Question 9.
What should we do to clean the skin daily?
Taking bath.

PSEB 6th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 1 Health

Question 10.
What type of clothes we should wear after bath?
Neat & Clean.

Question 11.
Do, we read books while sitting on train or bus?

Question 12.
What thing is not used to clean our ears?
Pen or sharp objects.

Question 13.
If anything enters in our eye then what we should do?
Do not rub your eyes.

Question 14.
Which posture is harmful for us to study?
Lying down or bending while sitting.

Question 15.
In which disease we should have to give more attention to the child?
Chicken pox.

PSEB 6th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 1 Health

Question 16.
Which part of our mouth is safe to respirate?

Question 17.
If teeth are not present in our mouth then what would happened?
Our Taste will end.

Question 18.
In which stage permanent teeth will grow in a child’s mouth?
6 to 12 years.

Question 19.
If dust is collected in our ears then which thing is used to clean it?
Hydrogen Peroxide.

PSEB 6th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 1 Health

Question 20.
By which things nails should not be cut?
With mouth.

Question 21.
If peek is collected in our ears then how should we clean it?
By using Boric Acid Or Glycerine.

Question 22.
How we can cut our growing nails?
By using nail cutter.

Question 23.
The hair present in our nose work as a?

Question 24.
Beautiful hair make a lady?

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Give five steps to live healthy?

  • Eat neat & clean food.
  • Always respiratef through nose.
  • Take proper sleep.
  • Always be happy.
  • Take regular medical check-up.

PSEB 6th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 1 Health

Question 2.
Why should we always respirate through nose?
We always respirate through nose because small hairs-are present in our nose. When we respire with oxygen we also inhale a lot of impurities. These hair catch that impurities in it & fresh air passes to wind pipe. If we take breath through mouth then the impurities also enter in our lungs through wind pipe, it causes many diseases in our body.

Question 3.
If we do not clean our skin then what will happen?
Skin makes safe our internal body organs. If we do not clean skin then skin pores will be blocked with dust particles, due to which unwanted and harmful elements do not exit our body and many diseases develop.

Question 4.
How we prevent dandruff present in our hair?
If dandruff is present in our hair then take 250 gms water put one spoon of Boric Powder, mix it well and wash your hair with it. After washing your hairs put coconut oil in it. It is always prevented by Glyerine or lemon.

Question 5.
Why it is important to clean our teeths?
Teeths are the important part of our body. If our teeths damages then heart also. Our mouth also releases bad smell. A person can also make irritate others. It also causes a disease named Pyorrhoea. That’s why it is important to clean our teeth well.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Why it is important to clean our hair? How we can clean them?
Long hair add charm to one’s beauty. Long and beautiful hair make our body beautiful and attractive. If we don’t give proper care to hair then they become weaker and falling down. They causes with dandruff and some more diseases can also cause. So, that’s why it is important to clean our hair. We should clean our hairs by following these steps-

  • Comb your hair before sleeping at night.
  • Properly comb your hair with clean comb.
  • Comb them daily at morning also.
  • Do not use sharp pins in your hair.
  • Do not leave your hair more oily and more rough.
    PSEB 6th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 1 Health 3
  • Always take proper hair wash & after washing it rub it with clean towel.
  • Wash your hair with Egg, Amla, Curd, Soap or Shampoo of better . company. In summer in one week wash your hair atleast for 2 times and in winter atleast one time.
  • Sometimes also put some coconut oil in your hair.
  • In your daily food eat, butter, cheese, salad, green vegetables & fruits.

PSEB 6th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 1 Health

Question 2.
What is called Personal Hygiene?
To take care of your body is called personal hygiene. It is made of two words-Personal and Hygiene. Personal is a English word which means Self and Hygiene is a European word Hygienous which means without diseases. Now-a-day it means life test. To prevent from diseases there is compulsory to have a knowledge about personal health.

Personal hygiene is that part which gives the knowledge to maintain ourself. By this education we know about environment, its causes & prevention also. By this knowledge we also physically & mentally developed. The importance of health of a person is like a fragrance of flowers. To live healthy personal hygiene helps us a lot. It is that branch by which we get the knowledge about the rules of disease free life.

Question 3.
What rules are followed to science of personal hygiene?

  • Always take fresh food.
  • Take proper knowledge about internal and external parts of our body.
  • Take proper sleep according to your age.
  • Take proper medical check up time-to-time.
  • Do exercise daily.
  • Always respirate through nose.
  • Take breath in open air.
  • Wear clothes according to climatic conditions.
  • Always be happy.
  • Always stand, sit & walk in a good posture.

Question 4.
Write the harmful effects of dirty hair.
If we do not take proper care of our hair then it causes a lot of problems which are as follows-
1. Dandruff: Dandruff takes place at rough hair. They cause due to dust particles and soap.

2. Treatment:
If there a lot of dandruff is present in your hair then take 250 gms water and one spoon of Boric powder mix it well and wash your head with this mixture. Before washing your hair massage your hair with coconut oil. It is also prevented by glycerine as well as lemon. It is also prevented with the usage of amla.

3. Lice:
If we do not give proper attention to hair then lice grow in our hair. One louse gives 300 eggs at one time. After two weeks these eggs break and they start growing. Except daily cleanliness some suggestions are also there to prevent from lice; these are-

  • Do not use others comb, handkerchief, cap, turban etc.
  • Do not lie down your head on seat of bus, cinema hall on chair.
  • Use clean comb. Try to place the comb at dust free area in clean box.

4. Falling of hair:
If we don’t take proper care of hairs then they start falling down. To prevent from these give proper attention to your hair. Always take proper balance diet and use shampoo of good company.

5. Change in Colour:
If we do not take proper balanced diet then our hair become white before old age. If we want to prevent it then eat well balanced diet, and clean your body daily.

PSEB 6th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 1 Health

Question 5.
Why hair of our nose are advantageous for us?
We breathe through nose and mouth, but breathing through nose is useful. Breathing through nose makes the inhaled air pure and in accordance with the body temperature when it enters the body. Nose works as a filter. The short hair in the opening of the nose like a filter held the dust particles and germ in them. If any tiny particle does not get stuck in these tiny hair of the nose, it sticks to the inner side of the nose. In this way the nose hair purifies the air that goes to our lungs. We should clean our nose also while bathing. This results in protecting our body from many diseases. So, that’s why hair of nostrils are more advantageous.

Question 6.
How we clean our feet?

  • It is also important to clean our feet as same as our body. During bath we also have to wash & clean our feet and spaces between our fingers of foots.
  • Always wear neat and clean socks.
  • Before sleep at night we should also have to wash our feet and properly rubbed with towel.
  • Always wear slippers & shoes of your own size.
  • Do not move without slippers.
  • Cut your nails of feet at proper time.
  • Sometimes massage your feet with oil or glycerine.

PSEB 6th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 1 Health

Question 7.
How should we dean our hands?

  • Always wash your hands with soap after and before taking meal.
  • Always keep your hands soft and clean.
  • Massage your hands with cream or glycerine.
  • Wash your hands with clean water. By which we can prevent it from a lot of diseases.

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