PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 11 Female Foeticide and Domestic Violence

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 11 Female Foeticide and Domestic Violence Important Questions and Answers.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 11 Female Foeticide and Domestic Violence

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Why is female foeticide takes place?
(a) Wish to have a son
(b) To save dowry
(c) For the continuation of family
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

2. After how many weeks of pregnancy, sex determination test is conducted?
(a) 10 weeks
(b) 14 weeks
(c) 18 weeks
(d) 22 weeks
(c) 18 weeks

3. What is sex ratio in India?
(a) 1000: 943
(b) 1000: 956
(c) 1000: 896
(d) 1000: 953
(a) 1000: 943

4. In 2011, what was sex ratio in Punjab?
(a) 1000: 846
(b) 1000: 895
(c) 1000: 876
(d) 1000: 882
(b) 1000: 895

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 11 Female Foeticide and Domestic Violence

5. ……………….. district of Punjab has the highest sex ratio.
(a) Ludhiana
(b) Patiala
(c) Amritsar
(d) Hoshiarpur
(d) Hoshiarpur

6. Which district of Punjab has the lowest sex ratio?
(a) Patiala
(b) Bathinda
(c) Amritsar
(d) Ludhiana
(b) Bathinda

7. When was the Pre-Natal Diagnostic Technique (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act passed?
(a) 1994
(b) 1995
(c) 1996
(d) 1997
(a) 1994

Fill in the Blanks:

1. In female foeticide, female foetus is terminated in the ……………… of mother.

2. Wish to have a ………………… is the major reason of female foeticide.

3. Female foeticide disturbs ………………..

4. Abortion is not allowed under the section ………………… to ………………… of Indian Penal Code.
316, 320

5. In ………………., members of family are beaten.
domestic violence


1. Punjab in India, has the highest sex ratio.

2. Bhatinda in Punjab has the lowest sex ratio.

3. It is illegal to know the sex of foetus.

4. Domestic violence is done against women.

5. There is no mental violence against women.

One Word/One Line Questions Answers:

Question 1.
What is meant by crime against women?
It means physical or psychological atrocities against women.

Question 2.
Give few examples of crimes against women.
Rape, sexual violence, abduction, beating, orostitution etc.

Question 3.
What is meant by female foeticide?
After knowing the sex of foetus, terminating of female foetus is called female foeticide.

Question 4.
After how much time of pregnancy, test is conducted?
After 18 weeks of pregnancy.

Question 5.
What is meant by sex ratio?
Number of females behind 1000 males in a given area.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 11 Female Foeticide and Domestic Violence

Question 6.
What was sex ratio in India in 2011 A.D?
Sex ratio in India in 2011 was 1000: 943.

Question 7.
What sex ratio in Punjab in 2011 A.D?
It was 1000: 895 in 2011 A.D.

Question 8.
Which districts of Punjab have highest and least sex ratio?
Hoshiarpur (961) and Bhatinda (869) respectively.

Question 9.
Give one reason of female foeticide.
Wish to have a male child and to arrange dowry.

Question 10.
Give one result of female foeticide.
Bad impact on female’s health and disturbance in sex ratio.

Question 11.
What is meant by domestic violence?
Beating up of wife and children is known as domestic violence.

Question 12.
Give types of domestic violence.
Physical violence, sexual abuse, emotional violence, verbal abuse etc.

Question 13.
What is the normal reason of wife battering?
Dissatisfaction from dowry and problem with wife.

Question 14.
What is the most common form of domestic violence?
Wife battering and violence against women.

Very Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Female Foeticide.
People wish to have a boy and that’s why when their wives get pregnant, they conduct a sex determination test. In case of female foetus, abortion takes, place and female foetus is killed in the womb of mother. It is known as female foeticide.

Question 2.
Sex Ratio.
Number of females behind 1000 males at a particular given time in a particular area is known as sex ratio. Just by looking at sex ratio, we can come to know about the status of women at that place. It was 1000: 943 in India in 2011 A.D.

Question 3.
Reasons of Female Foeticide.

  • People wish to have a boy and that’s why they opt for female foeticide.
  • Dowry is given at the time of girl’s marriage. To save dowry, people opt for this work.
  • Boy is headed for the continuation of family. That’s why people opt. for female foeticide.

Question 4.
Consequences of Female Foeticide.

  • Sex ratio of society gets disturbed and number of females declines.
  • Violence against women increases such as rape, prostitution, beating, abduction, etc.
  • It leads to lower status of women in India.

Question 5.
Domestic Violence.
Domestic violence is a type of socially unaccepted behaviour which one member of family does against the other members such as beating giving threat, showing fear etc. It mainly happens with females and children.

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Generally the word Gender is used to express the physical and social differences between a male and a female. It means that which are physical differences between a male and a female which are given by nature and which are social differences between them which they get only while living in society. So the word Gender is used to express these differences.

Question 2.
Gender Discrimination.
In simple wqrds the differences exist between male and female are given the name of Gender Discrimination. Two types of Humans Male and Female, live over in this world. Any one can be differentiated only by looking at its physical features that whether its male or female. Nature has also kept few differences among them. Male and female both have their different physical features. On the basis of these features, we can differentiate between them. So whatever difference exists between them, is given the name of gender discrimination.

Question 3.
Sex Ratio.
In simple words, the number of females for every 1000 males is given the name of sex ratio. It means that, in any particular area, how many females are there behind every 1000 males. It is known as Sex Ratio. Sex ratio is related with demo-graphic traits of any country’s population and the knowledge of sex ratio is necessary to get knowledge about population. In 2001, Sex ratio in India was 1000: 933.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 11 Female Foeticide and Domestic Violence

Question 4.
Cause of Declining Sex Ratio

  • People want to have a boy child and they never hesitate to abort the female foetus. It leads to a decline in sex ratio.
  • Sex ratio declines with increase in female foeticide.
  • Sex ratio declines with the custom of killing new born girls i.e. female infanticide.
  • Emigration of males from one place to another also leads to decline in sex ratio.
  • In traditional societies birth of girl is considered as a curse because of which boys are preferred over girls. It also leads to decline in sex ratio:

Question 5.
Consequences of Declining Sex Ratio.

  • Declining Sex ratio leads to increase in violence against women.
  • The custom of polyandry encouragement with declining sex ratio.
  • Declining sex ratio leads to lower social status of women.
  • Health of women deteriorates with it.
  • Trade of women also takes place with declining sex ratio.

Question 6.
Sex Ratio in India.
The condition of sex ratio in our country is quite worried. According to census survey of 2001, there were only 933 females behind every 1000 males. In our country, only Kerala is a state and Puduchery is a union territory where females are more as compared to males. In rest of the states and union territories, females are less as compared to male. This situation is quite worried in Punjab, Haryana, Mizoram, Chandigarh etc. Sex ratio is continuely declining in our country.

Question 7.
Sex determination test.
In our society, this problem is going on from least few decades. When a lady becomes pregnent, then her in laws family expects that the new born baby should be a baby boy. That’s why after sometime of her pregnency, they opt. for an ultrasound test so that the sex of child could be determined in the womb of the mother. This is known as sex determination test. If the child in the womb is boy then its fine but if the child is a girl then lady is forced to abort the child. This is the reason that sex ratio in our country is going down. Presently this is 1000: 940.

Question 8.
Domestic Violence.
The concept of Domestic violence is a complex concept. It is very difficult to define it. When any dispute occurs in the two members of the family and one member is physically and mentally tortured by other member then it is known as Domestic violence. In this pushing, slapping, punching, knifing, shooting, throwing things etc. are included. It not only physically hurts the members but it tortures the person mentally as well.

Question 9.
Definition of Domestic Violence.
According to Pagelow, “Domestic violence is an act of commission or omission by family members and any condition resulting from such acts which deprives other family members of equal rights and freedom and interferes with their proper development and choice of freedom.”

Question 10.
Cause of Domestic Violence.

  • People use alcohol to get relief from the tension. When wife and children ask them not to do so then they start to beat them and increases domestic violence.
  • Many people are angry by nature and become angry even on small-small things and beat their children.
  • Many persons are drug addict. If they are unable to get money to buy drugs then they beat their family members to get money.
  • Many persons always remains in tension due to poverty and many times they beat up their wives and children due to this.

Question 11.
Wife Battering.
This is one of the major disadvantage of male dominated society that wives are physically assaulted by their husbands. Meaning of wife battering is use of violence by husband for his wife. Actually husbands feel that wives are their slaves and whatever they will say, wives need to accept that. But actually, these days, women are getting education with which they come to know about their rights. Now they strongly oppose the wrong doing of their husbands and that’s why they are physically assaulted.

Long Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Explain the causes of declining sex ratio in India.
There are number of factors which affect sex ratio in any society and these are given below:

1. Biological cause. If sex ratio in any country decreases then its first reason is always biological. It is quite possible that more numbers of males are born in any particular society which leads to decline in sex ratio. From few researches it has been seen that, in our country, the rate of death of girl child, up to the age of one month, is more as compared to male child. As a result, sex ratio has been declined in our country. During the decade of 1981-1990, only 100 girls were there for every 109.5 boys in our country. In this way biological factor could be considered as a cause of declining sex ratio.

2. Migration: Emmigration or migration could also be considered as a cause of declining or increasing sex ratio. It is quite possible that few male members of a state might went over-to other state in search of job. It can increase or decrease sex ratio of both the ’states. Generally it has been seen that when any one migrates from one place to another in search of employment then he never takes his wife and children with him. He stays there for many years to earn money and occasionally he visit his native state. This visit is generally for a short duration because longer duration can lead to loss of money or even employment. We can take example of Punjabi youths who went over to foreign countries or natives of U.P. Bihar, who generally come to Punjab to earn money. This leads to change in sex ratio in the state like Punjab.

3. Female Foeticide: In last few decades, the major cause of declining sex ratio has been the female foeticide. Meaning of female foeticide is killing of unbprn girls in the tomb of her mother. People generally like to have a male child because of which they conduct a sex determination test on the pregnant lady. If it is boy then it’s fine but if it a girl then they opt for abortion. In this way they kill the girl child even before her birth. Female foeticide leads to decrease in number of girls as compared to boys and sex ratio shows positive trend toward boys. Yet, these days, sex determination is legally banned and even abortion is also legally banned and strict punishment is there for both of these but still this test and abortions are going on.

4. Female Infanticide: In many groups of our country, it is a tradition to kill the girl child right after the birth. This custom was quite popular in many tribes of our country. According to this custom, people used to kill their girl child exactly after the birth. They are helped by the mid wives to do this work. The main reason of this is the belief that they need to upbring the girl, then they will have to give dowry at the time of marriage. So to save their money, they prefer to kill the newly born girl child. British government and even Indian Government tried to eliminate this custom, but still it is going on. As a result, sex ratio declines.

5. Traditional Society: Sex ratio declines more in traditional societies as compared to developed societies. If we compare developed countries like America, Japan, Germany etc. with traditional societies like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc. then we will find that sex ratio is less in traditional societies. It is so because people have a tendency in traditional society that they want to have a boy as compared to girl for the continuation of family and they could perform rituals after death. Due to different tendencies of traditional societies, sex ratio declines over there. In this way sex ratio declines in traditional societies.

6. Wish to have a male child: People generally want that they must have a boy so that he can help in continuation of family and he could perform rituals after their death. Except this, people want to have a boy because they know about the fact that they will have to shell out a lot of money at the time of her marriage. Even after marriage they are required to give a lot for rest of her life. That’s why they prefer to have a boy and they does lot of efforts to take a boy. They never hesitate to opt for abortion. In this way wish to have a boy leads to decline in sex ratio.

7. Leaving girl child after her birth: From last few years, a common tendency is developing among people that if the girl child is born then they leave their newly born girl child at railway station or bus stand. It is so because they think that they already have one girl at home and they don’t want another girl child. Instead they want to have a male child. When the girl child takes birth then they leave her to die. She dies in the absence of proper care which leads to decline in sex ratio.

8. Sons are considered pivotal for family welfare. There is a general tendency among people that sons are considered pivotal for family welfare as they not only take care of them in their old age but they will take cpre of the family as well. That’s why they do everything to have male child and they never hesitate to abort the girl child. It also leads to decline is sex ratio.

9. Dowry System: Dowry system is also one Sf the cause of decline in sex ratio. People know about the fact that at the time of marriage of their girls, they will have to shell out a lot of money to give dowry. Even they will have to take the loan to meet the demands of parents of bridegroom. But if they will have a boy then dowry will come to their house. That’s why they prefer to have a boy child instead of girl child which leads to decline in sex ratio.

10. Daughter means Double Loss: A number of people feel that daughter means a double loss to them. Double means when she will marry then she will not only leaves her family but she will be a source of marriage expense. People will have to spent a lot of money on daughter even before her marriage and after marriage she will go to another family which means a double loss for them.

PSEB 12th Class Sociology Important Questions Chapter 11 Female Foeticide and Domestic Violence

Question 2.
What are the consequences of the declining sex ratio in India?
Following are the consequences of declining sex ratio:
1. Violence with women. First consequence of declining sex ratio is that it lead to increase in violence with women. Girls are being killed before birth, new born girls are being either killed or they are left out to die. Women have to face violence because they have given birth to girls not to boys. Sexual violence can also increase like rape, abductions prostitution etc.

2. Polyandry. One of the wrong consequences of declining sex ratio is that it gives encouragement to polyandry. When sex ratio declines then number of females remains less then number of males in society and as a result, one female will have to marry with two or more then two males. That’s why polyandry or fraternal polyandry gets encouragement. All the brothers become husbands of that female. It will have wrong impact on her health. Morality comes down in society and status of females also comes down in society.

3. lower social status of women. A declining sex ratio leads to lower status of women as well. If any female is unable to give birth to a male child then she is forced to go for abortion. After this she is always taunted to unable to give birth to a male child. Social evils and social institutions are also responsible for this and they are also responsible for lower status of women,

4. Bad effect on Health. It any females is unable to give birth to a male child then she is being taunted and even is tortured. She is forced to conduct sex determination test and if the sex of foetus is female then she is forced to opt for abortion. It exerts a bad impact on her wealth and even on her mental health as well.

5. Purchasing of women. The declining sex ratio also leads to the purchase of women. If any one is unable to get married then he tries to purchase women to fulfil his sexual desires. In
ancient times, a custom of bride price was also there.

6. Shortage of females. The declining sex ratio also leads to shortage of females in society. In India sex ratio is 1000: 933. It means that only 933 females are there behind every 1000 males. In this way declining sex ratio leads to a shortage of females in society.

7. Increasing imbalance in society. The declining Sex ratio leads to imbalance in society. More number of males as compared to less number of females creates a lot of problems in society. It can even lead to quarrels Jor women in society. In this way, we can say that declining sex ratio leads to drastic consequences on society.

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