Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class English Book Solutions Poem 4 Upagupta Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.
Class 11th English Book Poem Chapter 4 Upagupta Question Answers
Upagupta Class 11 Questions and Answers
Question 1.
Which lines in the poem prove that it was a dark night when Upagupta lay asleep?
The following lines prove that it was a dark night when Upagupta lay asleep –
Lamps were all out, doors were all shut, and
stars were all hidden by the murky sky of August.
Question 2.
How does the poet describe the dancing girl ?
The dancing girl was very beautiful. She was all decorated with shining jewels. She had covered herself with a cloth of pale-blue colour. She was drunk with the wine of her youth.
नर्तकी बहुत सुन्दर थी। उसका पूरा शरीर चमकते हुए आभूषणों से सजा हुआ था। उसने स्वयं को एक हल्के नीले रंग की चुनरिया से ढका हुआ था। उसे अपनी जवानी रूपी मदिरा का नशा चढ़ा हुआ था।
Question 3.
How can a face be austere yet beautiful ?
Beauty doesn’t lie in the physical ornamentation. It comes out of soul and lends charm to the face.
सुन्दरता शारीरिक सजावट में निहित नहीं होती। यह तो आत्मा से आती है और चेहरे को सौम्यता प्रदान करती है।
Question 4.
Why was the woman hurriedly removed from the town ?
The woman was struck with a horrible disease. There were sores all over her body. It was an infectious disease that could pass easily from person to person. So to save others from this horrible disease, she was hurriedly removed from the town.
वह स्त्री एक भयानक बीमारी से ग्रस्त थी। उसके सारे शरीर पर फोड़े निकल आए थे। यह एक छूत की बीमारी थी जो आसानी से एक व्यक्ति से दूसरे व्यक्ति को हो सकती थी। इसलिए दूसरे लोगों को इस भयंकर बीमारी से बचाने के लिए उसे शीघ्रता से नगर से निकाल दिया गया।
Question 5.
How did the ascetic help the woman ?
The ascetic sat down by her side. He took her head on his knees. He put water on her lips and applied balm on her body.
संन्यासी उसकी एक तरफ बैठ गया। उसने उसके सिर को अपने घुटनों पर रख लिया। उसने उसके होंठों पर पानी डाला और उसके शरीर पर मरहम लगाई।
Question 6.
Match the words in Column A with their meanings in Column B :
A — В.
murky — flourish
mantle — a group of trees
ascetic — spreading of a disease by touch
blossom — cloudy
rampart — abstinent / living like a monk
pestilence — ointment
contagion — cloak
balm — parapet
grove — epidemic
1. murky = cloudy
2. mantle = cloak
3. ascetic = abstinent / living like a monk;
4. blossom = flourish
5. rampart = parapet
6. pestilence = epidemic
7. contagion = spreading of a disease by touch
8. balm = ointment
9. grove = a group of trees.
Question 7.
Read the following lines :
The young ascetic answered, “Woman, go on your way.”
What was ‘her’ way and what was ‘his way?
‘Her’ way led to prostitution. And ‘his’ way led to asceticism that has nothing to do with physical pleasures.
उस (नर्तकी) का रास्ता वेश्यावृत्ति की ओर जाता था। और उस (भिक्षुक) का रास्ता तपस्या की ओर जाता था जिसका शारीरिक सुखों से कुछ लेना-देना नहीं होता।
Question 8.
“Suddenly the black night showed its teeth in a flash of lightning.’
How can you say that the figure of speech used is personification ?
The figure of speech used in this line is personification because the black night’ is personified here.
Question 9.
Write down the figure of speech used in the following line :
………. spotted with sores of small-pox.
The figure of speech used here is – alliteration. Alliteration is the repetition of the same sound, usually initial consonants of words, in any sequence of words.
Important Stanzas For Comprehension
Note : A complete Answer Key has been given at the end of the stanzas.
Stanza 1.
Upagupta, the disciple of Buddha, lay asleep in
the dust by the city wall of Mathura.
Lamps were all out, doors were all shut, and
stars were all hidden by the murky sky of August.
Whose feet were those tinkling with anklets,
touching his breast of a sudden ?
He woke up startled, and a light from a woman’s
lamp fell on his forgiving eyes.
It was the dancing girl, starred with jewels,
Wearing a pale blue mantle, drunk with the wine of her youth.
1. Give the name of the poem and the poet.
2. What woke up Upagupta ?
3. Why have the ascetic’s eyes been described as forgiving’?
4. Write the figure of speech used in the line ………….
a light from a woman’s lamp fell on his forgiving eyes.’
1. The name of the poem is ‘Upagupta’ and the name of the poet is Rabindranath Tagore.
2. The touch of a woman’s feet and the tinkling of her anklets woke up Upagupta.
3. The dancing girl had touched the ascetic’s breast with her feet, yet the ascetic did not get angry. That is why his eyes have been described as forgiving.
4. Alliteration.
Stanza 2.
She lowered her lamp and saw the young face
austerely beautiful.
“Forgive me, young ascetic,” said the woman,
“Graciously come to my house. The dusty earth
is not a fit bed for you.”
The young ascetic answered, “Woman,
go on your way;
When the time is ripe I will come to you.”
Suddenly the black night showed its teeth
in a flash of lightning.
The storm growled from the corner of the sky, and
The woman trembled in fear of some unknown danger.
1. Give the name of the poem and the poet.
2. What did the dancing girl say to the ascetic ?
3. What was the ascetic’s reply to the girls invitation ?
4. Write the figure of speech used in the following line :
Suddenly the black night showed its teeth…………
1. The name of the poem is ‘Upagupta’ and the name of the poet is Rabindranath Tagore.
2. She invited him to visit her house. She said that the dusty earth was not a fit bed for him.
3. He replied that he would visit her when the ripe time came for it.
4. Personification.
Stanza 3.
The branches of the wayside trees were aching with blossom.
Gay notes of a flute came floating in the
warm spring air from afar.
The citizens had gone to the woods for the
festival of flowers.
From the mid-sky gazed the full moon on the
shadows of the silent town.
The young ascetic was walking in the lonely street,
While overhead the love-sick koels uttered from the
mango branches their sleepless plaint.
1.Give the name of the poem and the poet.
2. Why were the streets lonely ?
3. Who was walking in the lonely street ?
4. In which line of the given stanza is the figure of speech ‘alliteration’ used ?
1. The name of the poem is ‘Upagupta’ and the name of the poet is Rabindranath Tagore.
2. The streets were lonely because people had gone to celebrate the festival of flowers.
3. The young ascetic Upagupta, was walking in the lonely street.
4. “Gay notes of a flute came floating in the warm spring air from afar.’
Stanza 4.
Upagupta passed through the city gates, and
stood at the base of the rampart.
Was that a woman lying at his feet in the
shadow of the mango grove ?
Struck with black pestilence, her body
spotted with sores of small-pox,
She had been hurriedly removed from the town
To avoid her poisonous contagion.
1. Give the name of the poem and the poet.
2. Who did Upagupta see lying in the shadow of the mango grove ?
3. Why was she lying there?
4. Write the figure of speech used in the following line :
……spotted with sores of small-pox.’
1. The name of the poem is ‘Upagupta’ and the name of the poet is Rabindranath Tagore.
2. He saw the dancing girl lying in the shadow of the mango grove.
3. She was suffering from a terrible disease. The people had turned her out of the city.
4. Alliteration.
Stanza 5.
The ascetic sat by her side, took her head
on his knees,
And moistened her lips with water, and
smeared her body with sandal balm.
“Who are you, merciful one ?” asked the woman.
“The time, at last, has come to visit you, and
I am here,” replied the young ascetic.
1. Give the name of the poem and the poet.
2. Why did the woman call the ascetic ‘merciful one’?
3. Why did the ascetic say: ‘The time, at last, has come to visit you.’ ?
4. Write the figure of speech used in the very first line of the given stanza.
1. The name of the poem is ‘Upagupta’ and the name of the poet is Rabindranath Tagore.
2. The girl was suffering from a horrible disease. The ascetic came to help her when nobody would come near her. Therefore, she called him the merciful one.
3. In her youth, she had invited the ascetic to visit her. But he had refused saying that he would visit her when the ripe time came for it. Now when she was in sore need, everybody had deserted her. That is why the ascetic said, “The time, at last, has come to visit you.”
4. Alliteration.
Upagupta Poem Summary in English
Upagupta Introduction:
This poem is about the strength of character of a great Buddhist monk named Upagupta. He was a true ascetic. He had wonderful self-control. Once a young and beautiful girl invited him to come to her house. Upagupta simply looked at her with pity.
He said that he would visit her when the ripe time came for it. And when the time did come, he proved how his heart was full of the milk of human kindness. He felt no hesitation in nursing the woman who was suffering from a horrible disease. This poem is, in fact, a great tribute to Upagupta.
Upagupta Summary in English:
Upagupta was a disciple of the Buddha. One dark night, he was lying asleep on the ground near the city wall of Mathura. All the lamps had gone out. All the doors were shut. All of a sudden, Upagupta was awakened by the tinkling sound of anklets. A dancing girl’s feet had touched his breast.
Upagupta woke up with a start. The woman had a lamp in her hand. Upagupta saw that she was a dancing girl. She was all decorated in shining jewels. She was drunk with the wine of her youth. The dancing girl bent down and lowered her lamp. She saw the handsome face of the monk. She begged him to forgive her. She invited him to her house.
At this, the ascetic replied, “O woman, go on your way. I shall visit your house when the time is ripe for it.’ Some time later, it was a spring night. All the people of the city had gone to the woods. They had gone there to celebrate the festival of flowers. The full moon was shining high up in the middle of the sky. Upagupta passed through the city gates, and stood near the outer wall.
Just then the monk saw a woman lying near his feet. She was struck with a horrible disease. There were sores all over her body. She had been driven away from the city because of her dangerous disease. The ascetic sat down by her side. He took her head on his knees. He wetted her lips and applied balm on her body.
The woman asked, “O merciful one ! Who are you ?” The young ascetic replied, “Perhaps you remember, once you invited me to your house. I told you then that I would visit you when the ripe time came for it. Now at last the time has come to visit you and I am here.”
Upagupta Poem Summary in Hindi
Upagupta Introduction:
यह कविता उपगुप्त नाम के एक महान् बौद्ध भिक्षु के चरित्रबल के बारे में है। वह एक सच्चा संन्यासी था। उसमें गज़ब का आत्म-नियंत्रण था। एक बार एक जवान तथा सुन्दर औरत ने उसे अपने घर आने का आमंत्रण दिया। उपगुप्त ने उसकी तरफ सिर्फ दया-भाव से देखा।
उसने कहा कि वह उसके पास आएगा, जब इसके लिए उपयुक्त समय आएगा। और जब वह समय आया तो उसने सिद्ध कर दिया कि वह दयालुता की भावना से भरपूर था। उसने उस औरत की देखभाल करने में कोई हिचकिचाहट न दिखाई जो कि एक भयानक बीमारी से पीड़ित थी। यह कविता वास्तव में उपगुप्त के प्रति एक महान् श्रद्धांजलि है।
Upagupta Summary in Hindi:
उपगुप्त बुद्ध का एक अनुयायी था। एक अन्धेरी रात को वह मथुरा नगर की दीवार के पास धरती पर सोया हुआ था। सभी दीपक बुझ चुके थे और सभी दरवाज़े बंद थे। अचानक उपगुप्त पाजेबों की छन-छन से जाग उठा। एक नर्तकी के पाँव उसकी छाती से छू गए थे।
उपगुप्त चौंक कर उठ बैठा। उस स्त्री के हाथ में एक दीपक था। उपगुप्त ने देखा कि वह एक नर्तकी थी। उसका पूरा शरीर चमकते हुए गहनों से सजा हुआ था। उसे अपनी जवानी रूपी मदिरा का नशा चढ़ा हुआ था। वह नर्तकी झुकी तथा उसने अपना दीपक नीचे की तरफ किया। उसने भिक्षुक के युवा तथा सुन्दर चेहरे को देखा। उसने उससे क्षमा माँगी तथा उसे अपने घर आने के लिए आमंत्रित किया। इस पर संन्यासी ने उत्तर दिया, “ए औरत, तुम अपनी राह लो। मैं तुम्हारे घर आऊँगा जब इसके लिए उपयुक्त समय आएगा।”
कुछ समय पश्चात् बसन्त की रात थी। नगर के सभी लोग वन में गए हुए थे। वे वहां फूलों का त्योहार मनाने गए हुए थे। पूर्ण चन्द्रमा ऊंचे आकाश में चमक रहा था। उपगुप्त नगर के दरवाज़े से बाहर आया तथा बाहर वाली दीवार के पास खड़ा हो गया। – तभी भिक्षुक ने अपने पैरों के समीप एक औरत पड़ी हुई देखी। वह एक भयानक बीमारी का शिकार हो गई थी। उसके पूरे शरीर पर फोड़े बने हुए थे।
उसकी भयानक बीमारी के कारण उसे नगर से बाहर निकाल दिया गया था। संन्यासी उसके पास बैठ गया। उसने स्त्री का सिर अपने घुटनों पर रख लिया। उसने औरत के होंठों को पानी से गीला किया तथा उसके शरीर पर मरहम लगाया। उस स्त्री ने पूछा, “हे दयालु पुरुष! आप कौन हैं ?” युवा संन्यासी ने उत्तर दिया, “तुम्हें शायद याद होगा – तुमने मुझे अपने घर आने के लिए आमंत्रित किया था। तब मैंने तुम्हें कहा था कि मैं उपयुक्त समय आने पर तुम्हारे घर आऊँगा। अब आखिर में वह समय आ गया है तथा मैं यहां तुम्हारे पास हूं।”
Upagupta Poem Translation in Hindi
(Lines 1-6)
Upagupta, the disciple of
Buddha, lay asleep in the dust by the city wall of Mathura.
Lamps were all out, doors were all shut, and
stars were all hidden by the murky sky of August.
Whose feet were those tinkling with anklets,
touching his breast of a sudden ?
Explanation : Upagupta was a disciple of the Buddha. One day, he was lying asleep on the ground near the city wall of Mathura. It was late night and all the lamps had gone out. All the doors were shut. It was a dark August night and there were no stars in the sky. All of a sudden, Upagupta was awakened by the tinkling sound of anklets. It was a dancing girl. Her feet had touched against the breast of the sleeping monk.
उपगुप्त बुद्ध का एक शिष्य था। एक दिन वह मथुरा नगर की दीवार के समीप धरती पर सोया पड़ा था। देर रात हो गई थी और सभी दीपक बुझ चुके थे। सभी द्वार बन्द थे। यह अगस्त मास की एक अन्धेरी रात थी और आकाश में कोई सितारे नहीं थे। अचानक उपगुप्त पाजेबों की छन-छन से जाग उठा। यह एक नर्तकी थी। उसके पांव सोए हुए भिक्षु के वक्षस्थल के साथ छू गए थे।
(Lines 7-16)
He woke up startled, and a light from a woman’s
lamp fell on his forgiving eyes.
It was the dancing girl, starred with jewels,
Wearing a pale blue mantle, drunk with the wine of her youth.
She lowered her lamp and saw, young face
austerely beautiful.
“Forgive me, young ascetic,” said the woman,
“Graciously come to my house. The dusty earth
is not a fit bed for you.”
Explanation : Upagupta woke up startled. The woman had a lamp in her hand. In its light, she saw Upagupta’s face. There was a look of forgiveness in the monk’s eyes. He saw that it was a dancing girl. She was all decorated with shining jewels. She had covered herself with a cloth of pale-blue colour. She was drunk with the wine of her youth.
The dancing girl bent down and lowered her lamp. She saw the young and handsome face of the monk. Then she begged the ascetic to forgive her and invited him to her house, saying, “Please do me the favour of coming to my house. This dusty earth is not a fit bed for you.
उपगुप्त चौंक कर जाग उठा। उस स्त्री के हाथ में एक दीपक था। इसके प्रकाश में उसने उपगुप्त का चेहरा देखा। भिक्षु की आंखों में क्षमा का भाव भरा हुआ था। उसने देखा कि वह एक नर्तकी थी। उसका पूरा शरीर चमकते हुए आभूषणों से सजा हुआ था। उसने स्वयं को एक हल्के नीले रंग की चुनरिया से ढका हुआ था।
उसे अपनी जवानी रूपी मदिरा का नशा चढ़ा हुआ था। वह नर्तकी झुकी और उसने अपना दीपक नीचे को किया। उसने भिक्षु के जवान और सुन्दर चेहरे को देखा। फिर उसने संन्यासी से क्षमा मांगी और उसे यह कहते हुए अपने घर. आमन्त्रित किया, “कृपया मेरे घर पधारने की कृपा कीजिए। यह धूल-भरी धरती आपके लिए उपयुक्त शैय्या नहीं है।”
(Lines 17-23)
The young ascetic answered, “Woman,
go on your way;
When the time is ripe I will come to you.”
Suddenly the black night showed its teeth
in a flash of lightning.
The storm growled from the corner of the sky, and
The woman trembled in fear of some unknown danger.
Explanation : At this, the ascetic replied, ‘O woman, go on your way. I shall visit your house when the time is ripe for it.’ Suddenly, there was a flash of lightning in the dark black night. A thundering storm began to blow from a corner of the sky. It frightened the woman and she began to tremble in fear.
इस पर संन्यासी ने उत्तर दिया, ‘ए स्त्री, तुम अपना रास्ता लो। मैं तुम्हारे घर आऊंगा जब इसके लिए उपयुक्त समय आएगा।’ अचानक वहां काली अन्धेरी रात में बिजली चमकी। आकाश के कोने से गरज के साथ तूफान चलने . लगा। इससे वह स्त्री भयभीत हो उठी और डर के मारे कांपने लगी।
(Lines 24–35)
The branches of the wayside trees were aching with blossom.
Gay notes of a flute came floating in the
warm spring air from afar.
The citizens had gone to the woods for the
festival of flowers.
From the mid-sky gazed the full moon on the
shadows of the silent town.
The young ascetic was walking in the lonely street,
While overhead the love-sick koels uttered from the
mango branches their sleepless plaint.
Upagupta passed through the city gates, and
stood at the base of the rampart.
Explanation : Some time later, it was the spring season. The branches of trees on the roadside were full of blossoms. In the pleasant spring air, gay notes of the flute were coming from afar. All the people of the city had gone to the woods to celebrate the festival of flowers. The full moon was shining high up in the middle of the sky.
It seemed to be looking below on the shadows of the silent town. At this time, the same young ascetic was going through a lonely street of the town. The koels were sitting in the mango orchards. They were singing their love-sick songs in the silence of the night. Upagupta passed through the city gates, and stood near the outer wall.
कुछ समय पश्चात् बसन्त ऋतु का समय था। सड़क के किनारे उगे हुए वृक्षों की टहनियां पंखुड़ियों से भरी हुईं थी। बसन्त ऋतु की मधुर पवन में बांसुरी के मीठे स्वर दूर किसी जगह से सुनाई पड़ रहे थे। नगर के सभी लोग फूलों का उत्सव मनाने के लिए वन में गए हुए थे। पूर्ण चन्द्रमा आकाश के मध्य में ऊंचा चमक रहा था।
वह नीचे की तरफ खामोश पडी नगरी की परछाइयों को देखता हआ प्रतीत हो रहा था। इस समय वही जवान संन्यासी नगर की एक सुनसान गली में से चला जा रहा था। कोयलें आमों के उद्यान में बैठी हुई थीं। वे रात की खामोशी में अपने प्यार के व्यथा-भरे गीत गा रही थीं। उपगुप्त नगर के द्वार में से निकला और दीवार के समीप खड़ा हो गया।
(Lines 36-48)
Was that a woman lying at his feet in the
shadow of the mango grove ?
Struck with black pestilence, her body
spotted with sores of small-pox,
She had been hurriedly removed from the town
To avoid her poisonous contagion.
The ascetic sat by her side, took her head
on his knees,
And moistened her lips with water, and
smeared her body with sandal balm.
“Who are you, merciful one ?” asked the woman.
“The time, at last, has come to visit you, and
I am here,” replied the young ascetic.
Explanation : The monk saw a woman lying near his feet in the shadow of the mango grove. She was struck with a horrible disease. There were sores all over her body. She had been driven away from the city because of her dangerous disease. The ascetic sat down by her side.
He took her head on his knees. He put water on her lips and applied balm on her body. The woman asked, “O merciful one ! Who are you? The young ascetic replied, “Perhaps you remember I told you once that I shall visit you when the ripe time comes. Now at last the time has come to visit you, and I am here.
भिक्षु ने आमों के उपवन की परछाई में अपने पैरों के समीप एक औरत को पड़े हुए देखा। वह एक भयानक बीमारी से ग्रस्त थी। उसके पूरे शरीर पर फोड़े बने हुए थे। उसकी भयानक बीमारी के कारण उसे नगर से बाहर निकाल दिया गया था। संन्यासी उसकी एक तरफ बैठ गया। उसने उसके सिर को अपने घुटनों पर रख लिया।
उसने उसके होंठों पर पानी डाला और उसके शरीर पर मरहम लगाई। उस स्त्री ने पूछा, ‘ओ दयावान ! आप कौन हैं ?’ जवान संन्यासी ने उत्तर दिया, ‘शायद तुम्हें याद हो – मैंने तुम्हें एक बार बतलाया था कि मैं उपयुक्त समय पर तुम्हारे पास आऊँगा। अब आखिर में तुम्हारे पास आने का समय आ गया है और मैं यहां तुम्हारे पास बैठा हूँ।’
Upagupta Central Idea Of The Poem in the English
This poem brings out the strength of character of a great Buddhist monk named Upagupta. He was a true ascetic. He was forgiving by nature. He had wonderful self-control. He was full of the milk of human kindness. He felt no hesitation in nursing a woman who was suffering from a horrible disease. This poem is, in fact, a great tribute to Upagupta.
Upagupta Central Idea Of The Poem in the Hindi
यह कविता उपगुप्त नाम के एक महान् बौद्ध भिक्षु के चरित्रबल को स्पष्ट करती है। वह एक सच्चा संन्यासी था। वह स्वभाव से ही क्षमाशील था। उसमें अद्भुत आत्म-संयम था। वह मानवता के प्रति प्यार से भरा हुआ था। उसे उस स्त्री की सेवा करने में कोई झिझक अनुभव न हुई जो एक भयानक रोग से ग्रस्त थी। यह कविता, वास्तव में, उपगुप्त के प्रति एक महान् श्रद्धांजलि है।
A Panorama of Life PSEB Guide Pdf Poetry