Lines Written in Early Spring Question Answer Class 11 English Book Poem Chapter 1 PSEB Solutions

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class English Book Solutions Poem 1 Lines Written in Early Spring Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Class 11th English Book Poem Chapter 1 Lines Written in Early Spring Question Answers

Lines Written in Early Spring Class 11 Questions and Answers

Question 1.
The poet describes a bitter-sweet moment. Why is the moment ‘bitter sweet’?
The poet was in a sweet mood and was filled with pleasant thoughts. Since extremes always meet, the pleasant thoughts led the poet to sad thoughts. This is the reason why the moment described in the poem is bitter-sweet.

कवि बहुत अच्छे मूड में था और उसका मन सुहावने विचारों से भरा हुआ था। क्योंकि चरम सीमाएं हमेशा मिलती हैं, इसलिए सुहावने विचार कवि के मन में उदासी वाले विचार भी ले आए। यही कारण है कि कविता में वर्णन किया गया वह पल खट्टा-मीठा है।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 1 Lines Written in Early Spring

Question 2.
Write a few lines about the simplicity of the language used in the poem, ‘Lines Written in Early Spring’.
Wordsworth’s poetry is straightforward and simple. He has written his poems in plain words from everyday speech. In this poem also, he has used words from the common man’s language. Through the use of simple language, he has made the scenes, described in the poem, seem real to the readers.

वर्डजवर्थ का काव्य सीधा और सरल होता है। उसने अपनी कविताएं आम बोलचाल की भाषा के सरल शब्दों में लिखी हैं। इस कविता में भी उसने ऐसे शब्दों का प्रयोग किया है जो आम आदमी की भाषा से हैं। सरल भाषा के प्रयोग से उसने कविता में वर्णित दृश्यों को अपने पाठकों के लिए वास्तविक के जैसा बना दिया है।

Question 3.
What abilities, according to the poet, does nature have ?
According to the poet, the nature has the ability to give joy and beauty. It provides beauty to the man’s eyes and it gives joy to his soul. It fills all its creations with joy and beauty. In fact, nature has the cure of all human ills.

कवि के अनुसार प्रकृति के पास प्रसन्नता तथा सुन्दरता प्रदान करने की योग्यता है। यह मनुष्य की आंखों को सुन्दरता प्रदान करती है तथा उसकी आत्मा को प्रसन्नता प्रदान करती है। यह अपनी सभी रचनाओं को प्रसन्नता तथा सुन्दरता से भर देती है। वास्तव में, प्रकृति के पास मनुष्य की सभी बीमारियों का उपचार है।

Question 4.
What does the poet lament about ?
The poet thinks that all objects of nature were full of pleasure. Man was also meant to be a part of nature. He could be happy like the various objects of nature. But man separated himself from nature. Now he has made himself unhappy by running after material things. It grieves the poet much to think what man has made of man.

कवि सोचता है कि प्रकृति के सब पदार्थ खुशी से भरे हुए थे। मनुष्य को भी प्रकृति के एक हिस्से के रूप में बनाया गया था। वह कुदरत के भिन्न-भिन्न पदार्थों के समान खुश रह सकता था। लेकिन मनुष्य ने खुद को प्रकृति से अलग कर लिया। अब उसने भौतिक चीज़ों के पीछे दौड़-दौड़ कर खुद को दु:खी कर लिया है। यह सोचकर कवि को बहुत दुःख होता है कि मनुष्य ने अपना क्या हाल बना रखा है।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 1 Lines Written in Early Spring

Question 5.
How does the poet glorify nature ?
According to the poet, nature is not something dead and lifeless. He thinks of nature as something living with a spirit of its own. And he believes that nature everywhere is beautiful and full of joy. He finds music in the different sounds of nature. He finds beauty in the different sights of nature. That is the reason why he talks of flowers as dancing in the breeze.

He talks of waves as jumping in pleasure. He talks of the tree branches as spreading their arms. In this poem, he expresses his attitude towards nature in very clear words. He says And it’s my faith that every flower Enjoys the air it breathes.’

कवि के अनुसार प्रकृति कोई निर्जीव या मृत वस्तु नहीं है। वह प्रकृति के विषय में ऐसा सोचता है कि वह एक ऐसी चीज़ है जिसमें स्वयं की एक आत्मा है। और उसका विश्वास है कि प्रत्येक स्थान पर प्रकृति सुन्दर है तथा प्रसन्नता से भरपूर है। वह प्रकृति की विभिन्न आवाजों में मधुर संगीत पाता है। प्रकृति के विभिन्न दृश्यों में उसे सुन्दरता नज़र आती है।

इसी कारण से वह फूलों के विषय में यह कहता है कि वे मंद पवन में नाच रहे हैं। वह लहरों के विषय में यह कहता है कि वे प्रसन्नता से उछल रही हैं। वह वृक्ष की डालों के विषय में कहता है कि वे अपनी बांहें फैला रही हैं और इस कविता में वह प्रकृति के प्रति अपनी भावना को बहुत स्पष्ट शब्दों में प्रकट करता है। वह कहता है ‘और मेरा विश्वास है कि प्रत्येक फूल आनन्द लेता है, उस हवा का जिसमें सांस लेता है यह।’

Question 6.
Give an example of personification of nature in this poem.
“To her fair works did Nature link……

Question 7.
Give the central idea of the poem, ‘Lines Written in Early Spring’.
The central idea of the poem is that man’s separation from Nature is the only cause of all ills and worries. Man has become greedy for material things. He has no peace of mind. He must go back to Nature if he wants to regain his lost happiness.

He should develop true love for Nature. He should accept Nature as his friend and guide. Only then can he be happy again. He can be as happy and carefree as Nature herself is. Such was Wordsworth’s firm belief and also Nature’s holy plan.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 1 Lines Written in Early Spring

Question 8.
Add more words that rhyme with the rhyming words given below :

  • Reclined, mind, find, rewind.
  • Link, think, sink, stink.
  • Measure, pleasure, treasure, leisure.
  • Sent, lament, tent, cement.

Important Stanzas For Comprehension

Note : A complete Answer Key has been given at the end of the stanzas.

Stanza 1

I heard a thousand blended notes,
While in a grove I sate reclined,
In that sweet mood when pleasant thoughts
Bring sad thoughts to the mind.

1. Give the name of the poem and the poet.
2. Where is the poet sitting ?
3. What does he hear?
4. Give the rhyme scheme of the given stanza.
1. The name of the poem is ‘Lines Written in Early Spring’ and the name of the poet is William Wordsworth.
2. He is sitting in a grove.
3. He hears numberless sweet sounds. They are as sweet as the harmonious notes of music.
4. abab.

Stanza 2.

To her fair works did Nature link
The human soul that through me ran;
And much it grieved my heart to think
What man has made of man.

1. Give the name of the poem and the poet.
2. What are the fair works of nature referred to in this stanza ?
3. Why is the poet grieved ?
4. Write the figure of speech used in the following line :
“To her fair works did Nature link.
1. The name of the poem is ‘Lines Written in Early Spring’ and the name of the poet is William Wordsworth.
2. ‘Fair works’ means the various beautiful objects in the world of Nature.
3. The poet is grieved to think what man has made of man.
4. Personification.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 1 Lines Written in Early Spring

Stanza 3.

Through primrose tufts, in that green bower,
The periwinkle traiļd its wreaths;
And tis my faith that every flower
Enjoys the air it breathes.

1. Give the name of the poem and the poet.
2. What type of flower is primrose ?
3. Where did the poet see the periwinkle ?
4. Give the words that rhyme in the given stanza.
1. The name of the poem is ‘Lines Written in Early Spring and the name of the poet is William Wordsworth.
2. ‘Primrose’ is a wild plant that has pale flowers in spring.
3. He saw the periwinkle trailing through the primrose tufts.
4. (bower – flower) ; (wreaths — breathes).

Stanza 4.

The birds around me hoppd and play’d,
Their thoughts I cannot measure
But the least motion which they made
It seem’d thrill of pleasure.

1. Give the name of the poem and the poet.
2. What were the birds doing?
3. Could the poet know the thoughts of the birds ?
4. Give the rhyme scheme of the given stanza.
1. The name of the poem is ‘Lines Written in Early Spring’ and the name of the poet is William Wordsworth.
2. The birds were hopping around the poet.
3. No, the poet could not know the thoughts of the birds because there was no channel of communication between them.
4. abab.

Stanza 5.

The budding twigs spread out their fan
To catch the breezy air;
And I must think, do all I can,
That there was pleasure there.

1. Give the name of the poem and the poet.
2. What was there on the branches of the trees?
3. What were the budding twigs doing?
4. Which figure of speech is used in the very first line of the given stanza ?
1. The name of the poem is ‘Lines Written in Early Spring’ and the name of the poet is William Wordsworth.
2. There were delicate buds and blossoms on the branches of the trees.
3. The fresh twigs of the trees were sprouting forth their leaves. It appeared as if they were trying to catch the gentle wind.
4. Personification.

Stanza 6.

If this belief from heaven be sent,
If such be Nature’s holy plan,
Have I not reason to lament
What Man has made of Man ?

1. Give the name of the poem and the poet.
2. What ‘belief’ is the poet talking about ?
3. What is the holy plan of nature, according to the poet ?
4. Write down the figure of speech used in the following line :
‘What Man has made of Man’.
1. The name of the poem is ‘Lines Written in Early Spring’ and the name of the poet is William Wordsworth.
2. Here the poet it talking about the belief that there is a close relationship between man and nature.
3. It is nature’s holy plan that all her creations should live in peace and harmony.
4. Alliteration.

Lines Written in Early Spring Poem Summary in English

Lines Written in Early Spring Introduction:

Wordsworth was a great lover of Nature. He found in nature the cure of all human ills. He thought that separation from nature was the only cause of modern man’s unhappiness. Man leads an artificial life in cities. He lives away from the beauties of nature.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 1 Lines Written in Early Spring

He is caught in the rat-race of earning and spending. In this poem, he expresses his joy at the sight of beautiful objects of nature. But the thought of man’s misery makes him sad. He thinks that man is himself responsible for the misery. He can get back his joys by returning to nature.

Lines Written in Early Spring Summary in English:

It was early spring. The poet was sitting in a grove. He was resting there. He heard numberless sweet sounds. They were as sweet as the harmonious notes of music. These sweet sounds filled the poet’s mind with pleasant thoughts.

By a natural transition, these sweer thoughts led the poet to the realm of sad thoughts. The same soul runs through man and nature. There is a close relationship between man and nature. Nature gave the same soul to man and her fair works.

But it pained the poet much to see what man has made of man. In other words, man’s separation from nature grieved the poet’s heart. This very separation, according to the poet, was the cause of all ills in the world of man.

The poet saw a creeper of periwinkle trailing through the branches of primrose. He believed that all objects of nature are living things. They are full of joy and beauty everywhere. It was his firm faith that every flower enjoys the air it breathes.

The birds were hopping around the poet. They were playing joyfully. The poet could not gauge the thoughts in their hearts. But their frolics showed that they were immensely happy. The least motion which they made was an expression of joy.

There were delicate buds and blossoms on the branches of the trees. The branches with their leaves looked like spread-out fans. It appeared as if they were trying to catch the gentle wind. The poet could not but think that the trees and plants were also enjoying themselves. The poet thought that his belief in nature as a living reality was sent by heaven.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 1 Lines Written in Early Spring

It was nature’s holy plan that all creatures should live in peace and harmony. There is a spiritual relationship between man and the beautiful objects of nature. But man has separated himself from nature. That is why he is unhappy. The poet says that his lament over man’s miserable fate is justified since it is of man’s own making.

Lines Written in Early Spring Poem Summary in Hindi

Lines Written in Early Spring Introduction:

वर्डजवर्थ प्रकृति का बहुत बड़ा प्रेमी था। उसे प्रकृति में मनुष्य की सभी बीमारियों का अर्थात् बुराइयों का इलाज नज़र आता था। वह समझता था कि प्रकृति से खुद को अलग कर लेना आधुनिक मनुष्य के दुःख का एकमात्र कारण था। मनुष्य शहरों में एक बनावटी जीवन गुजारता है। वह प्रकृति की सुन्दरता से दूर रहता है।

वह कमाने और खर्च करने की भाग-दौड़ में फँसा रहता है। इस कविता में वह प्रकृति के सुन्दर नज़ारों पर अपनी खुशी व्यक्त करता है। परन्तु मनुष्य के दुःखों के बारे में सोच कर वह उदास हो जाता है। उसका विचार है कि मनुष्य अपने दुःखों के लिए खुद ज़िम्मेदार है। वह प्रकृति की गोद में वापस जा कर अपनी खुशियाँ फिर से प्राप्त कर सकता है।

Lines Written in Early Spring Summary in Hindi

बसन्त ऋतु के आरम्भ का समय था। कवि एक वृक्ष-वाटिका में बैठा हुआ था। वह वहां विश्राम कर रहा था। उसने अनगिनत मधुर आवाजें सुनीं। ये आवाजें इतनी मधुर थीं जितने संगीत की सुरीले सुर होते हैं। इन मधुर आवाज़ों ने कवि के मन में मीठे विचार भर दिये।

एक स्वाभाविक परिवर्तन के द्वारा मीठे विचार कवि को कुछ दुःख भरी बातों की याद की ओर ले गये। मनुष्य तथा प्रकृति में एक ही आत्मा निवास करती है। मनुष्य तथा प्रकृति में एक घनिष्ठ सम्बन्ध है। प्रकृति ने मनुष्य को तथा अपनी सुन्दर रचनाओं को एक जैसी आत्मा दी हुई है।

किन्तु यह देख कर कवि को बहुत दुःख हुआ कि मनुष्य ने अपना क्या हाल बना लिया है। अन्य शब्दों में, प्रकृति से मनुष्य के अलग होने को देख कर कवि के दिल को बहुत दुःख पहुंचा। कवि के अनुसार, यही अलग होना ही मानव संसार में सभी बुराइयों तथा दुःखों का कारण है।

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 1 Lines Written in Early Spring

कवि ने पेरीविन्कल की सदाबहार बेल को बसन्ती फूलों वाले पौधे के गुच्छों के बीचों-बीच ज़मीन के साथ-साथ बल खाते हुए और फैले हुए देखा। उसका यह विश्वास था कि प्रकृति की सभी वस्तुएं जीवित पदार्थ हैं। वे सभी जगह खुशी तथा सुन्दरता से भरी हुई हैं। उसे यह पक्का विश्वास था कि प्रत्येक फूल उस हवा से आनन्द प्राप्त करता है जिसमें यह श्वास लेता है। कवि के इर्द-गिर्द पक्षी फुदक रहे थे। वे खुशी से खेल रहे थे।

कवि उनके मन के विचारों को जान न सका। किन्तु उनकी हरकतों से यह पता चलता था कि वे अति प्रसन्न थे। उनकी प्रत्येक छोटी-छोटी हरकत खुशी की सूचक प्रतीत होती थी। पेड़ों की टहनियों के ऊपर कोमल-कोमल कोपलें और फूल थे। पत्तों से भरी टहनियां ऐसे लगती थीं मानो उन्होंने अपने पंख बिखेर रखे हों।

ऐसा प्रतीत होता था मानो वे मधुर पवन को पकड़ने का यत्न कर रही हों। कवि यह सोचे बिना न रह सका कि पेड़ तथा पौधे भी आनन्द मना रहे थे। कवि का विचार था कि उसका यह विश्वास कि प्रकृति एक जीवित वास्तविकता है, ईश्वर द्वारा ही दिया गया था और इसीलिए सच्चा था।

प्रकृति की यह पवित्र योजना थी कि सभी जीव शान्ति से तथा मित्रता से रहें। मनुष्य तथा प्रकृति के सुंदर पदार्थों के बीच एक आत्मिक सम्बन्ध होता है। किन्तु मनुष्य ने स्वयं को प्रकृति से अलग कर लिया है। यही कारण है कि वह दुःखी है। कवि कहता है कि मनुष्य की दयनीय स्थिति पर उसका विलाप करना उचित है क्योंकि यह मनुष्य ने स्वयं बनाई है।

Lines Written in Early Spring Poem Translation in Hindi

(Lines 1-4)

I heard a thousand blended notes,
While in a grove I sate reclined,
In that sweet mood when pleasant thoughts
Bring sad thoughts to the mind.

Explanation : It was early spring. The poet was sitting in a grove. He was resting there. He heard numberless sweet sounds. They were as sweet as the harmonious notes of music. These sweet sounds filled the poet’s mind with pleasant thoughts. By a natural transition, these sweet thoughts led the poet to the realm of sad thoughts.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 1 Lines Written in Early Spring

बसन्त ऋतु के आरम्भ का समय था। कवि एक वृक्ष-वाटिका में बैठा हुआ था। वह वहां विश्राम कर रहा था। उसने अनगिनत मधुर आवाजें सुनीं। ये इतनी मधुर थीं जितनी संगीत के सुरीले सुर होते हैं। इन मधुर आवाज़ों ने कवि के मन में मीठे विचार भर दिये। एक स्वाभाविक परिवर्तन के द्वारा मीठे विचार कवि को कुछ दुःख भरी बातों की याद की ओर ले गये।

(Lines 5-8)

To her fair works did Nature link
The human soul that through me ran;
And much it grieved my heart to think
What man has made of man.

Explanation :
The same soul runs through man and nature. There is a close relationship between man and nature. Nature gave the same soul to man and her fair works. But it pained the poet much to see what man has made of man. In other words, man’s separation from nature grieved the poet’s heart. This very separation, according to the poet, was the cause of all ills in the world of man.

मनुष्य तथा प्रकृति में एक ही आत्मा निवास करती है। मनुष्य तथा प्रकृति में एक घनिष्ठ सम्बन्ध है। प्रकृति ने मनुष्य को तथा अपनी सुन्दर रचनाओं को एक जैसी आत्मा दी हुई है। किन्तु यह देख कर कवि को बहुत दुःख हुआ कि मनुष्य ने अपना क्या हाल बना लिया है। अन्य शब्दों में, प्रकृति से मनुष्य के अलग होने को देख कर कवि के दिल को बहुत दुःख पहुंचा। कवि के अनुसार, यह अलग होना ही मानव संसार में सभी बुराइयों तथा दुःखों का कारण है।

(Lines 9-12)

Through primrose tufts, in that green bower.
The periwinkle trailed its wreaths;
And ’tis my faith that every flower
Enjoys the air it breathes.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 1 Lines Written in Early Spring

Explanation : The poet saw a creeper of periwinkle trailing through the branches of primrose. He believed that all objects of nature are living things. They are full of joy and beauty everywhere. It was his firm faith that every flower enjoys the air it breathes.

कवि ने पेरीविन्कल की सदाबहार बेल को बसन्ती फूलों वाले पौधे के गुच्छों के बीचों-बीच ज़मीन के साथसाथ बल खाते हुए और फैले हुए देखा। उसका यह विश्वास था कि प्रकृति की सभी वस्तुएं जीवित पदार्थ हैं। वे सभी जगह खुशी तथा सुन्दरता से भरी हुई हैं। उसे यह पक्का विश्वास था कि प्रत्येक फूल उस हवा से आनन्द प्राप्त करता है जिसमें यह श्वास लेता है।

(Lines 13-16)

The birds around me hopp’d and play’d,
Their thoughts I cannot measure —
But the least motion which they made,
It seemed a thrill of pleasure.

Explanation : The birds were hopping around the poet. They were playing joyfully. The poet could not gauge the thoughts in their hearts. But their frolics showed that they were immensely happy. The least motion which they made was an expression of joy.

कवि के इर्द-गिर्द पक्षी फुदक रहे थे। वे खुशी से खेल रहे थे। कवि उनके मन के विचारों को जान न सका। किन्तु उनकी हरकतों से यह पता चलता था कि वे अति प्रसन्न थे। उनकी प्रत्येक छोटी-छोटी हरकत खुशी की सूचक प्रतीत होती थी।

(Lines 17-20)

The budding twigs spread out their fan
To catch the breezy air;
And I must think, do all I can,
That there was pleasure there.

Explanation : There were delicate buds and blossoms on the branches of the trees. The branches with their leaves looked like spread-out fans. It appeared as if they were trying to catch the gentle wind. The poet could not but think that the trees and plants were also enjoying themselves.

पेड़ों की टहनियों के ऊपर कोमल-कोमल कोंपलें और फूल थे। पत्तों से भरी टहनियां ऐसे लगती थीं मानो उन्होंने अपने पंख बिखेर रखे हों। ऐसा प्रतीत होता था मानो वे मधुर पवन को पकड़ने का यत्न कर रही हों। कवि यह सोचे बिना न रह सका कि पेड़ तथा पौधे भी आनन्द मना रहे थे।

(Lines 21-24)

If this belief from heaven be sent
If such be Nature’s holy plan,
Have I not reason to lament
What man has made of man?

Explanation : The poet thought that his belief in nature as a living reality was sent by heaven. It was nature’s holy plan that all creatures should live in peace and harmony. There is a spiritual relationship between man and the beautiful objects of nature.

But man has separated himself from nature. That is why he is unhappy. The poet says that his lament over man’s miserable fate is justified since it is of man’s own making.

कवि का विचार था कि उसका यह विश्वास, कि प्रकृति एक जीवित वास्तविकता है, ईश्वर द्वारा ही दिया गया था और इसीलिए सच्चा था। प्रकृति की यह पवित्र योजना थी कि सभी जीव शान्ति तथा मित्रता से रहें। मनुष्य तथा प्रकृति के सुन्दर पदार्थों के बीच एक आत्मिक सम्बन्ध होता है।

किन्तु मनुष्य ने स्वयं को प्रकृति से अलग कर लिया है। यही कारण है कि वह दुःखी है। कवि कहता है कि उसका मनुष्य की दयनीय स्थिति पर विलाप करना उचित है क्योंकि यह मनुष्य ने स्वयं बनाई है।

Central Idea Of The Poem in English:

The central idea of the poem is that man’s separation from Nature is the only cause of all ills and worries. Man has become greedy for material things. He has no peace of mind. He must go back to Nature if he wants to regain his lost happiness. He should develop true love for Nature. He should accept Nature as his friend and guide. Only then can he be happy again. He can be as happy and carefree as Nature herself is. Such was Wordsworth’s firm belief and also Nature’s holy plan.

PSEB 11th Class English Solutions Poem 1 Lines Written in Early Spring

Central Idea Of The Poem in Hindi:

कविता का केन्द्रीय भाव यह है कि प्रकृति से मनुष्य की जुदाई उसकी सभी बुराइयों और चिन्ताओं का कारण है। मनुष्य भौतिक चीज़ों के लिए लालची बन गया है। उसे कोई मानसिक शान्ति नहीं है। उसे प्रकृति की तरफ़ वापस जाना होगा, यदि वह अपनी खोई हुई खुशी फिर से प्राप्त करना चाहता है। उसे प्रकृति के साथ सच्चा प्यार बनाना चाहिए। उसे प्रकृति को अपना मित्र और मार्गदर्शक स्वीकार करना चाहिए। केवल तभी वह फिर से प्रसन्न हो सकता है। वह उतना ही प्रसन्न तथा चिन्तारहित हो सकता है जितनी स्वयं प्रकृति है। वर्डज़वर्थ का ऐसा पक्का विश्वास था और यही प्रकृति की पवित्र योजना भी थी।

A Panorama of Life PSEB Guide Pdf Poetry

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