PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Modals

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class English Book Solutions English Grammar Modals Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Modals

1. निम्नलिखित सहायक क्रियाओं को अंग्रेजी व्याकरण में Modals कहा जाता है-
can, could, will, would, shall, should, may, might, must, have to, ought to, used to, need, dare आदि।

2. इन सहायक क्रियाओं को मुख्य क्रिया के रूप में प्रयोग नहीं किया जा सकता है।

  • He will go.
  • She might pass this year.

3. ये सहायक क्रियाएँ कर्ता के वचन और लिंग के अनुसार बदलती नहीं हैं।

  • I will study hard.
  • They will study hard.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Modals

4. इन क्रियाओं से पूर्व ‘to’ का प्रयोग नहीं किया जा सकता है। हम निम्नलिखित का प्रयोग नहीं कर सकते हैं-
to will, to can, to may, to must, to might, to used, etc.

5. इन सहायक क्रियाओं के साथ -ing नहीं जोड़ा जा सकता है।

6. इन सहायक क्रियाओं के साथ क्रिया के केवल मूल रूप का ही प्रयोग किया जा सकता है-

  • I will go home.
  • You can go home.
  • They must go home.

7. निम्नलिखित Auxiliary Verbs के साथ सदा क्रिया के मूल रूप V, का प्रयोग किया जाता है-

  • Shall, should
  • Will, would
  • Can, could
  • May, might
  • Ought to
  • Used to
  • Need
  • Dare
  • Must, have to, am to, etc.

The Use of Some Modal Auxiliaries

I. Can तथा Could का प्रयोग
(1) Can का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित स्थितियों में किया जाता है-
1. योग्यता सूचक
She can dance very well.

2. इजाज़त सूचक
You can go home now.

3. सम्भावना सूचक
It can happen to anyone.

4. Pt. Cont. की जगह
I can hear people talking.

(2) Could का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित स्थितियों में किया जाता है-

1. शर्त वाचक

  • I could lift this box (if I tried).
  • I could buy a shirt (if I had money).

2. प्रार्थना वाचक

  • Could (would) you tell me the time ?
  • Could (would) you bring me a glass of water ?

3. सम्भावना सूचक

  • He could be busy at this time.
  • He could help you if he were here.

4. Can क Past

  • He said that I could go.
  • He could come to me any time he liked.

II. May तथा Might का प्रयोग

(1) May का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित स्थितियों में किया जाता है-
1. अनुमति / इजाज़त सूचक

  • You may go now.
  • May I come in, Sir ?

2. सम्भावना सूचक

  • His statement may (can / could) be true.
  • His plan may (can / could) succeed.

3. इच्छा / प्रार्थना सूचक

  • May you live long!
  • May our country prosper !

(2) Might का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित स्थितियों में किया जाता है-

1. May का Past

  • He said that I might go.
  • I thought that he might help her.

2. भावी सम्भावना

  • He might (may) pass this year.
  • He might (may) reach here by evening.

3. इजाज़त होना

  • Might I have your pen ?
  • You might do me a favour.

(May की अपेक्षा might में अधिक झिझक और विनम्रता का संकेत होता है।)

III. Would तथा Should का प्रयोग

(1) Would का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित स्थितियों में किया जाता है-

1. Will का Past

  • I told him that I would come.
  • The doctor knew that the patient would die.

2. प्रार्थना वाचक

  • Would you close the window?
  • Would you tell me the time?

3. शर्त वाचक

  • He would pass if he worked hard.
  • He would have passed if he had worked hard.

(2) Should का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित स्थितियों में किया जाता है-
1. उपदेश वाचक – You should give up smoking.

2. सम्भावना वाचक – They should be here by now.

3. नैतिक फर्ज़ – You should do your duty.

4. Shall at Past – He told me that I should I would pass.

IV. Must, Have to तथा Had to का प्रयोग

(1) Must का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित स्थितियों में किया जाता है-
1. उपदेश सूचक

  • You must consult some good doctor.
  • You must work hard this year.

2. आवश्यकता सूचक

  • You must be back by evening.
  • The students must bring their books daily.

3. सम्भावना सूचक

  • The child must be hungry.
  • He must have made some big mistake.

4. बन्धन / मजबूरी सूचक

  • You must do as you are told.
  • He must clear his accounts before leaving.

(2) Must का प्रयोग Affirmative और Interrogative वाक्यों में किया जा सकता है, किन्तु Negative वाक्यों में must के विपरीतार्थक (opposite) के रूप में need not का प्रयोग किया जाना चाहिए।

1. Must she come tomorrow ?

  • Yes, she must.
  • No, She needn’t.

(3) Must की जगह has / have to का प्रयोग किया जा सकता है।

1. He must go now.
He has to go now.

2. You must obey your officer.
You have to obey your officer.

(4) जब कोई नैतिक बन्धन स्वयं वक्ता द्वारा लागू किया गया हो, तो must का प्रयोग किया जाना चाहिए किन्तु जब यह नैतिक बन्धन किसी बाहरी वजह से हो, तो have to अथवा had to का प्रयोग किया जाना चाहिए।

Mother : You must wipe your feet when you come in.
Child : I have to wipe my feet every time I come in.

(5) Must not की जगह is not to का प्रयोग किया जा सकता है।
1. He must not go there.
He is not to go there.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Modals

(6) Tense के अनुसार must के प्रयोग में होने वाले परिवर्तनों के लिए निम्नलिखित तालिका याद कीजिए-

Present Past Future
1. He must go. He had to go. He must go.
2. He must not go. He was not to go. He must not go.

V. Ought to तथा Used to का प्रयोग

I. Ought के साथ सदा to का प्रयोग किया जाता है। (Ought to = Should)
Ought to का प्रयोग (should की भांति) निम्नलिखित स्थितियों में किया जाता है-

1. नैतिक फर्ज़

  • You ought to respect your elders.
  • You ought to have helped the poor.

2. इच्छा-योग्य सम्भावना

  • Mohan ought to win the race this time.
  • You have worked hard, You ought to get good marks.

3. इच्छा-योग्य ज़रूरत

  • He ought to build a new house now.
  • There ought to be some more buses.

(इन सभी वाक्यों में ought to के स्थान पर should का प्रयोग किया जा सकता है।)

II. Ought की तरह used भी एक ऐसा modal है जिसके साथ to का प्रयोग करना ज़रूरी होता है।

  • He used to live here.
  • He never used to live here.
  • Used he to live here ?

Used to का प्रयोग भूतकाल के संबंध में किसी आदत अथवा प्रायः होने वाली क्रिया को प्रकट करने के लिए किया जाता है।

Used to + V2 = V2
1. He used to come to my house every evening. 1. He came to my house every evening.
2. She never used to tell a lie. 2. She never told a lie.
3. They used to consult me on all matters. 3. They consulted me on all matters.

VI. Need का प्रयोग Modal के रूप में Need का प्रयोग केवल Negative और Interrogative वाक्यों में किया जाना चाहिए।

(1) इसका प्रयोग किसी सन्देह (doubt) अथवा मनाही (prohibition) को ज़ोरदार ढंग से व्यक्त करने के लिए किया जाता है।

  • Need I go there ? No, you needn’t.
  • Need she come tomorrow ? No, she needn’t.

(2) Need का Third Person Singular सदा need ही होता है, needs नहीं।

  • Need Mohan go there now?
  • He need not worry any more.

(3) प्रश्नवाचक वाक्यों में need का प्रयोग तभी किया जाता है जब negative उत्तर वांछित हो।

  • Need you go there?
  • No, I neednt.

(4) Interrogative और Negative वाक्यों में need के साथ to का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है ।

  • Need he do any work ?
  • No, he needn’t do any work.

(5) किन्तु निम्नलिखित वाक्यों में need के साथ to का प्रयोग किया गया है

  • He needs to go now. (Affirmative)
  • He does not need to go now. (Negative)
  • Does he need to go now? (Interrogative)

यदि ध्यान से देखा जाए तो पता चलेगा कि इन सभी वाक्यों में need को मुख्य क्रिया (Principal Verb) के रूप में प्रयोग किया गया है, न कि Modal Auxiliary के रूप में।

(6) Need not की जगह haven’t got to / don’t have to / don’t need to का प्रयोग किया जा सकता है।

  • He need not go.
  • He has not got to go.
  • He does not have to go.
  • He does not need to go.

(7) जब needs का प्रयोग must के साथ किया गया हो, तो यह एक adverb का कार्य कर रहा होता है। वास्तव में needs एक Possessive Case है जिसमें Apostrophe (‘) का लोप किया होता है।

इस प्रकार – needs = need’s = of need = of necessity = necessarily (adv.)
इस प्रकार हम देखा कि needs को एक adverb क्यों माना जाता है।
He must needs finish his work by evening.

VII. Dare का प्रयोग

(1) Modal के रूप में dare का प्रयोग नीचे लिखी स्थितियों में किया जाता है-

  • Negative वाक्यों में।
  • Interrogative वाक्यों में।
  • सन्देह (doubt) प्रकट करने वाले वाक्यों में।
  • ऐसे वाक्यों में जिनमें hardly, never, no one, nobody का प्रयोग किया गया हो।

(2) जब dare का प्रयोग Modal के रूप में किया गया हो तो इसके साथ to का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता।

(3) Dare का Third Person Singular सदा dare ही होता है न कि dares.
Examples :

  • He dare not fight with me. (Negative)
  • Nobody dared ask him about his intentions. (Negative)
  • Dare he come to my house ? (Interrogative)
  • How dare he say such things about me ? (Interrogative)
  • I wonder whether he dare try.(Doubt)
  • He will hardly dare go there again. (Doubt)

1. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the most appropriate modal.

(a) 1. He said that he …………… not come the next day.
2. ………….. you please stop talking ?
3. We ……………. speak English fluently.
4. She ………….. obey the rules.
5. He works hard so that he ………….. pass.
6. …………… you please help me lift the bundle ?
7. If I were you, I …………… not do it.
8. The pupils ………… to obey the orders.
1. would / might
2. Would
3. can
4. should / must
5. may
6. Could / Would
7. would
8. ought

(b) 1. ………….. God bring you a lot of prosperity !
2. He …………. inform me if he was in trouble.
3. I do not know whether I …………. be able to spare money.
4. There are clouds in the sky. It ………….. rain tonight.
5. If I were you, I ………….. have helped Kapil.
6. A poor man ………….. spend his money wisely.
7. Your father …………… be nearly eighty now.
8. …………… God protect you !
1. May
2. could
3. would
4. may / might / could
5. would
6. must
7. must
8. May.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Modals

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable modals from the brackets.

(a) 1. Can I smoke here ? No, you ……….. (should / may / can’t)
2. He said he ……………. come the next day. (may / would / can)
3. The driver ………… to have been more careful. (should / ought / must)
4. I will do it myself. You …………… come. (mustn’t / needn’t / oughtn’t)
5. Usha asked if she …………… bring her dog. (might / could)
6. Rajiv ……………. speak five languages. (may / can / should)
7. You ……………. pay your debts. (must / should I can)
8. Candidates …………… answer all questions. (must / should)
1. can’t
2. would
3. ought
4. needn’t
5. could
6. can
7. should
8. must.

(b) 1. He …………… hear. He is deaf. (must not / won’t I can’t)
2. He ………….. come home by the morning train. (ought / used / might)
3. The Headmaster ………….. check all these accounts. (should I dare)
4. …………… his soul rest in peace ! (May / Might)
5. We …………. do as we are told. (can / should)
6. I …………… rather die than beg. (would / should I will)
7. He ………….. not help laughing. (can I could)
8. ……….. you possibly lend me a thousand rupees ? (Could / Will)
1. can’t
2. might
3. should
4. May
5. should
6. would
7. could
8. Could.

Miscellaneous Exercise (Based on the Textbook)

(a) 1. You …………… be careful while driving. (must / need)
2. We …………… preserve our forests. (must / need)
3. Sudha …………… appear for an interview at Telco’s Pune office at the company’s expense. (used to / had to)
4. She was sure that she …………… not get the job in the famous automobile company, Telco. (should / would)
5. She …………… to wake up in the morning and get me ready for school. (ought / used)
6. He looked as if he …………… only have lots and lots of grandchildren. (could I can)
7. We …………. not use bookish knowledge to contradict and condemn others. (ought / should)
8. The teacher said that he ………….. be punished for his mistake. (will / would)
9. You ………….. impose discipline on yourself first. (can limust)
10. Some of us are worrying about whether the stock market …………… crash. (will / should)
1. must
2. must
3. had to
4. would
5. used
6. could
7. should
8. would
9. must
10. will.

(b) 1. Time on books …………… be spent according to their quality. (need / should)
2. An officer ………….. display high standards of discipline in his own (must / can)
3. We …………… never get anything without paying something for it. (should I can)
4. We …………… blame the government or the system for all the ills. (shouldn’t I needn’t)
5. Globalisation ………….. help to fight the problem of poverty in the world. (can / could)
6. A leader ………….. be ready to accept responsibilities and self-discipline. (should / may)
7. She …………. not help me with the lesson. (could / ought)
8. Take an umbrella with you; it …………… rain. (can / might)
9. ………… I come in, sir ? (May / Might)
10. ………….. that I were a king ! (Should / Would)
1. should
2. must
3. can
4. shouldn’t
5. can
6. should
7. could
8. might
9. May
10. Would.

(c) 1. Kalam says that future generation ………… have the freedom to sustain their lives on the earth. (should / would)
2. As he ………… not afford to pay his fees, he approached the principal for help. (could / would)
3. Since the Earth’s water supply is fixed, we ………….. preserve the quality of water available to us. (must / can)
4. The absence of water …………. turn fertile lands into dry, barren lifeless tracts of death. (can / must)
5. Malcolm thought that Barb …………… not love an ugly person like him. (can / could)
6. It …………. rain tomorrow. (may / shall)
7. You ………….. have liberty without discipline. (can’t I may not)
8. We …………. not eat in public during Ramadan, in Dubai. (dare / must)
9. Tomorrow …………… be Sunday. (may / will)
10. He ………….. be thirty next birthday. (shall / will)
1. should
2. could
3. must
4. can
5. could
6. may
7. can’t
8. dare
9. will
10. will.

(d) 1. If a woman proposed to a man in a leap year, he …………… accept it unless he was already engaged. (had to / used to)
2. Barb was so afraid that she …………… not make a reply to Malcolm. (could I can)
3. Junod suggested that a rescue expedition ………….. be organised at once. (should I would)
4. A new war …………… leave nothing behind worthy of mention. (would I could)
5. Force alone ………….. solve man’s problems. (can’t / mustn’t)
6. I did not know who headed Telco. I thought it …………… be one of the Tatas. (need / must)
7. The film …………. to be a great success. (should / ought)
8. My hostel-mates told me I …………. use the opportunity to go to Pune. (should / would)
9. She …………. never have been pretty. (can I could)
10. You …………… start somewhere, otherwise no woman will ever be able to work in your factories. (may / must)
1. had to
2. could
3. should
4. would
5. can’t
6. must
7. ought
8. should
9. could
10. must.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Modals

2. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the most appropriate modal.

(a) 1. We ………….. read good books with full concentration.
2. If a man lacks reasoning, he …………. study law and lawyers’ cases.
3. A book …………. not be read to condemn or refute others.
4. No one …………. avoid doing something he …………… do.
5. Our nation …………… be strong not only as a military power, but also as an economic power.
6. We ………….. become self-reliant and not run after imported things.
7. In Jeddah, we …………. not go out without covering our head.
8. The poor people …………… live in very dirty conditions.
9. Globalisation ………………. lead to new opportunities, faster growth and higher standard of living
10. We ……………. preserve our forests, fisheries and the diversity of living species.
1. must
2. should
3. should
4. must should
5. should
6. must
7. dare
8. have to
9. can

(b) 1. Without water, life ………….. become impossible on this earth.
2. Malcolm ………….. decide whether Barb still loved him.
3. The lovers ………… face many hardships.
4. We …………… set things right before it is too late.
5. Those people too ………….. not survive long, who had fled from Hiroshima after the explosion.
6. The General realized how destructive an atomic war …………. be.
7. All possible efforts …………. be made to save mankind from itself.
8. “How ………….. anyone love a freak ?” thought Malcolm.
9. Barb ……………… not give up writing to Malcolms even though he never responded.
10. The books of lower quality …………. be read by proxy.
1. would
2. couldn’t
3. have to
4. must
5. could
6. could
7. must
8. can / could
9. would
10. should

Exercises From Grammar Book (Fully Solved)

Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with ‘will or ‘shall’.

1. I ……….. surely help you. (determination)
2. If you make a noise, you ……….. be punished.
3. ……….. you have tea ?
4. He ……….. play the match tomorrow. (information about future)
5. You ………. not leave this place. (order)
6. ……….. I bring some tea for you ? (offer)
7. I ……….. take care of your brother. (promise)
8. I ………. send him to jail. (threat)
9. How ……….. you solve this problem?
10. I ……….. take care of your brother. (promise)
1. will
2. shall
3. will
4. will
5. shall
6. Shall
7. will
8. will
9. will
10. will.

Exercise 2
Fill in the blanks with ‘would’ or ‘should.

1. I told him that he ……….. pass.
2. You ……….. respect your elders.
3. Walk fast lest you ………. miss the train.
4. They ……….. sit for hours talking together. (Past habit)
5. ……….. that I were the Prime Minister !
6. You ………. take your medicine regularly.
7. I ……… rather fail than cheat.
8. I ………. like to have a cup of tea.
9. You ……….. not leave this job.
10. ………. you meet him, give him this book.
1. would
2. should
3. should
4. would
5. Would
6. should
7. would
8. would
9. should
10. Should.

Exercise 3
Fill in the blanks with ‘can’ or ‘could’.

1. She ………. read and write English well.
2. I told him that he ……….. accompany me.
3. He ………. drive a car at the age of twelve.
4. I ……….. not help laughing.
5. You ………. go now.
6. He ………. help you if you want.
7. He ……….. come to meet me any time.
8. I ………. have availed myself of the opportunity. (But I didn’t)
9. Who ……….. be kinder than God ?
10. Three years ago, he ……….. not even walk.
1. can
2. could
3. could
4. could
5. can
6. can
7. can
8. could
9. can
10. could.

Exercise 4
Fill in the blanks with ‘may’ or ‘might’.

1. ……….. I go home now?
2. She asked if she ……….. read my book.
3. We eat so that we ……….. live.
4. ……… God bless you !
5. It ………. rain today. (weak possibility)
6. You ……….. have won the race if you had taken an early start.
7. If you apologise, he ……….. forgive you.
8. She ……… have applied for a job, but I am not sure.
9. ……….. his soul rest in peace.
10. He is working hard so that he ……… stand first in the class.
1. May
2. might
3. may
4. May
5. may
6. might
7. may
8. might
9. May
10. may.

Exercise 5
Fill in the blanks with ‘used to’ or ‘ought to’.

1. We ……….. serve our country.
2. My grandmother ……….. tell me stories.
3. You ……….. change your job.
4. I am not ……….. driving alone.
5. I ………. visit my sick brother.
6. We ……….. obey the laws of our country.
7. They ………. miss their classes to watch a movie.
8. The students ……….. be regular and punctual.
9. The employees ……….. come late, but now they have become punctual.
1. ought to
2. used to
3. ought to
4. used to
5. ought to
6. ought to
7. used to
8. ought to
9. used to.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Modals

Exercise 6
Fill in the blanks with ‘must, ‘dare’ or ‘need.

1. The candidates ………. answer five out of ten questions.
2. How ………. you touch my things ?
3. I ……….. finish this work by Monday.
4. ……….. I go to school today?
5. He ………. not oppose me.
6. You ………. not wait for him.
7. Does she ………. to argue with you ?
8. You ……….. not go to the market as I have brought vegetables.
9. ………. you have taken all this trouble ?
10. You ………. be joking.
1. must
2. dare
3. must
4. Need
5. dare
6. need
7. dare
8. need
9. Need
10. must.

Exercise 7
Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals.

1. ……….. you please stop talking ? (will / shall)
2. You ………. go home whenever you like. (may / might)
3. We ……….. not tell lies. (would / should)
4. You ……….. get a prize if you finish your work in time. (shall / will)
5. My grandmother ………. go for a morning walk in her youth. (used to I might)
6. He ……….. read and write Spanish. (can I could)
7. The rich ……… help the poor. (should / would)
8. If you have a ticket, you ………. go inside. (could I may)
9. He said that it ……….. be true. (would / could)
10. ………. you hear that sound ? (may / can)
1. Will
2. may
3. should
4. will
5. used to
6. can / could
7. should
8. may
9. could
10. Can.

Exercise 8
Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals.

1. I tried to climb up the tree, but ………. not.
2. He worked hard so that he ……….. win the gold medal.
3. ……….. that I were a princess !
4. Death ……….. come any time.
5. ………. you prosper in life !
6. Cars ……….. not be parked in front of the gate. (may / must)
7. She is three years old, but she ………. not speak as yet.
8. You ……….. not drink here. (will / shall)
9. If it ………. rain, we will have a holiday. (should I could)
10. ………. you mind my sitting here ? (would / should)
1. could
2. could
3. Would
4. can
5. May
6. must
7. can
8. shall
9. should
10. Would.

Exercise 9
Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals.

1. You ……….. help the needy. (moral obligation)
2. If I were you, I ……….. not behave like that. (conditional sentence)
3. I ……….. never tell a lie. (determination)
4. He told me that he ………… not let me down.
5. Walk slowly lest you ……….. stumble.
6. My uncle ………. have reached by now. (possibility)
7. The patient is critical. He ……….. be taken to the hospital. (compulsion)
8. You ………. not laugh at her mistakes.
9. How ……….. you call her names ?
10. I ……….. play hockey when I was a student. (past habit)
1. should
2. would
3. will
4. would
5. should
6. might
7. must
8. should
9. dare
10. used to.

Exercise 10
Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals.

1. What ……….. you like to have, tea or coffee ?
2. ……….. I smoke here? (formal permission)
3. One ……….. do one’s duty.
4. I ……….. smell something burning.
5. I ……….. rather die than beg.
6. It ………. rain today. (less certain)
7. I told him that he ………. take the test. (can I could)
8. She ……….. not insult me. (will / must) (insistence)
9. We ……….. respect our elders. (can / ought to)
10. I ………. help him with money. (will / shall)
1. would
2. May
3. should / must
4. can
5. would
6. might
7. could
8. must
9. ought to
10. will.

Exercise 11
Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals.

1. ……….. I answer your question ? (should I need)
2. I wish I ……… help you, but I have my own problems. (can I could)
3. Walk carefully lest you ………. sprain your foot.
4. You ……….. not see him; just write a letter. (dare / need)
5. We ……….. go to the station by taxi, it is getting late. (may / should)
6. You ……….. do as you are told. (order)
7. The children asked if they ……….. have an ice cream. (could / would)
8. ……… we play cricket ? (suggestion)
9. ……….. you have tea ?
10. It ………. rain tomorrow. (prediction)
1. Need
2. could
3. should
4. need
5. should
6. must
7. could
8. Shall
9. Would
10. may.

Exercise 12
Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals.

1. ……….. I bring some tea for you? (Do you want me ?)
2. ……….. I use your pen ? (very polite)
3. You ……….. attend the class. (compulsion)
4. He told me that he ……….. join the Army. (possibility)
5. ………. he insult you? (challenge)
6. Play well so that you ……… win the match. (purpose)
7. Everyone ……….. love his country. (may / ought to)
8. He is your father, you ……….. obey him. (obligation)
9. You ………. not worry about it, I will handle it.
10. You ……….. do your homework regularly. (advice)
1. Shall
2. Might
3. must
4. might
5. Dare
6. may
7. ought to
8. should
9. need
10. should.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Modals

Exercise 13
Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals.

1. I ………. hear her reciting a prayer. (might / could)
2. You said that you ……….. be absent. (should / would)
3. I ……….. bring a chocolate for you tomorrow. (promise)
4. You ……… not hurry, there is plenty of time.
5. I ……….. try to do better next time. (promise)
6. ……….. you please help me ? (should I would)
7. ……….. God save our souls !
8. I ……….. type ninety words in a minute. (may / can)
9. You ………. read a grammar book to understand these concepts. (may / ought to)
10. The doctor told me that the fever ………. go. (would / will)
1. could
2. would
3. will
4. need
5. will
6. Would
7. May
8. can
9. ought to
10. would.

Exercise 14
Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals.

1. A leader ……….. be ready to accept responsibilities. (shall / must)
2. Take an umbrella with you, it ……….. rain. (should I may)
3. If we are not free, no one ……….. respect us. (will / shall)
4. Some books ……….. be read thoroughly. (may / must)
5. We ……….. preserve our heritage. (can / must)
6. They ……….. to complete their lessons. (dare / need)
7. One ………. not have liberty without discipline. (can / may)
8. You ……….. see a doctor.
9. He ……….. be thirty next birthday. (will / shall)
10. ……….. we drink salty sea water ? (can I could)
1. must
2. may
3. will
4. must
5. must
6. need
7. can
8. must
9. will
10. Can.

Exercise 15
Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals.

1. ……….. we play cricket ?
2. I ……….. invite you to the party. (intention)
3. You ………. not attend my class. (order)
4. He ……….. have helped you if he wished.
5. He ……….. come today. (remote possibility)
6. She ……….. come late to school every day. (past habit)
7. Don’t put off till tomorrow what you ……….. do today.
8. He did not ……….. to offend me.
9. I think I ……….. go now. (could / should)
10. I ……….. do or die. (compulsion)
1. Shall
2. will
3. shall / must
4. could
5. might
6. used to
7. can
8. dare
9. should
10. must.

PSEB 11th Class English Grammar Modals

Exercise 16
Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals.

1. Reading ……….. make a full man. (may / can)
2. We ……….. learn how to govern better. (must / might)
3. The teacher said that he ………. be rewarded for his good work.
4. You ……….. follow the traffic rules.
5. How ………. you do this to me ? (could / would)
6. ……….. I bring you something to eat ?
7. He ………. play the match. (willingness)
8. You ………. not waste time on it. (necessity)
9. Had the doctor come in time, he ……….. have saved the patient.
10. Had you hurried up, you ……….. have caught the train. (could / can)
1. can
2. must
3. would
4. should / must / ought to
5. could
6. Shall
7. would / will
8. must
9. would / could
10. could.

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