PSEB 9th Class SST Notes Civics Chapter 3 Establishment of Indian Democracy and its Nature

This PSEB 9th Class Social Science Notes Civics Chapter 3 Establishment of Indian Democracy and its Nature will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 9th Class Social Science Notes Civics Chapter 3 Establishment of Indian Democracy and its Nature

→ Man is a social animal and while living in society, he is required to follow certain rules.

→ It helps not only in one’s personality development but also helps in the smooth functioning of society.

→ To run society smoothly, the state forms certain rules which are formed according to the constitution of the country.

→ The Constitution is a legal document or a book of rules and regulations according to which a country is governed.

PSEB 9th Class SST Notes Civics Chapter 3 Establishment of Indian Democracy and its Nature

→ The process of the making of the Indian Constitution was initiated even before the Indian independence.

→ According to the clauses of the Cabinet Mission 1946, indirect elections for the Constituent Assembly were held.

→ The Constituent Assembly had 389 members which remained 299 after the Indian Independence as a separate Constituent Assembly was formed for Pakistan.

→ Many individuals gave great contributions to the making of the Indian Constitution and some of them were Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Jawahar Lal Nehru, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, J.B. kriplani, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, T.T. Kishnamachari, etc.

→ On 26th November 1949 rough sketch of the Indian Constitution was passed by the Constituent Assembly but it come into force on 26th January 1950. With this, India became a Republic country.

→ The Constitution starts with the Preamble which can also be called as the essence of the Constitution.

→ All the basic principles of the constitution are given in the Preamble.

→ Our Constitution is a written constitution in which all the rules of running the administration are given.

→ That’s why it is the lengthiest among all the constitutions of the world.

PSEB 9th Class SST Notes Civics Chapter 3 Establishment of Indian Democracy and its Nature

→ Many sources were used in the making of our constitution.

→ The constitution of Britain, U.S.A. Canada, Australia, Ireland, Germany, erstwhile U.S.S.R., South Africa, Japan, etc. were consulted.

→ The laws made by the British Parliament before 1947 also became its important parts.

→ Our constitution has given India the status of a Sovereign, Democratic, Republic, Socialist, and Secular State.

→ Indian Constitution has given us a federal structure which means powers will be divided among Central and State governments.

→ Along with this, a few unitary features are also given according to which the Central government is more powerful.

→ Democratic setup has been established in India which gives all the citizens the right to elect their government. It is known as Universal Adult Franchise.

PSEB 9th Class SST Notes Civics Chapter 3 Establishment of Indian Democracy and its Nature

→ Our Constitution can be amended but for this, consent of the Parliament as well as of the states is required.

→ First Constitutional Amendment was made in 1951 and till today, 103 amendments have been made.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 8 Cell Structure and Functions

This PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 8 Cell Structure and Functions will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 8 Cell Structure and Functions

→ All living things carry out certain basic functions.

→ Roots, stems, leaves, and flowers are the organs of plants.

→ Animals have also parts such as hands, feet, legs, etc.

→ You cannot observe small pores in your skin without the help of a magnifying lens.

→ All living organisms take and digest food, respire, and excrete waste products.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 8 Cell Structure and Functions

→ Each organism represents an individual of its own kind.

→ Cells in living organisms are complex structures unlike bricks in a building.

→ Cells found in living organisms show a variety of numbers, shapes, and sizes.

→ Single-celled organisms like Amoeba, Paramecium, and Bacteria are called unicellular organisms.

→ Cells in multicellular plants and animals have a variety of shapes. Cells are generally round or spherical in shape.

→ The yellow part of the hen’s egg is called yolk and it is surrounded by white albumen, yellow yolk represents a single cell.

→ All cells are bounded by a membrane called plasma membrane or cell membrane.

→ Plasma membrane encloses a liquid substance known as protoplasm.

→ The cell wall is present in plant cells which are made up of cellulose.

→ Both the plasma membrane and cell wall give shape to the cell.

→ Ostrich egg represents the largest cell visible to the unaided eye.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 8 Cell Structure and Functions

→ Each cell has smaller components called cell organelles.

→ Cell multiplies and organisms become multicellular and grow in size.

→ Cells in the living organism are basic structural units.

→ Different groups of cells perform a variety of functions.

→ The number of cells being less in smaller organisms does not affect the functioning of the organisms.

→ WBC in human blood is also single-celled.

→ A group of cells performing a definite function is called a tissue.

→ Each organ is made up of a number of tissues.

→ Organ: These are the smaller parts of all living organisms. Each organ is made up of a number of tissues.

→ Tissue: A group of cells performing a definite function is called a tissue.

→ Cell: It is the basic structural and functional unit of all living organisms.

→ Unicellular: Some living organisms are made up of only a single cell that performs all the metabolic functions. Such organisms are called unicellular.

→ Multicellular: Some organisms are made up of a number of cells. Such organisms are called multicellular. In these organisms, different cells perform different functions.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 8 Cell Structure and Functions

→ Pseudopodia: These are finger-like false feet of amoeba.

→ White Blood Cell (WBC): These are some of the components of blood cells that engulf harmful foreign materials. These are single-celled.

→ Cell Membrane or Plasma Membrane: It is a thin covering present outside the cell which gives shape to it.

→ Cytoplasm: It is a liquid portion present between the cell membrane and nucleus of a cell.

→ Organelles: These are the living components of cells present in their cytoplasm.

→ Cell Wall: It is an extra covering present around the cell membrane of only plant cells. It gives shape and rigidity to the cell.

→ Nucleus: It is the round part of the cell which is called the controlling centre of the cell.

→ Nucleolus: It is a component of the nucleus which is dense and has a spherical body.

→ Nuclear Membrane: The nucleus is separated from the cytoplasm by a membrane called the nuclear membrane.

→ Prokaryotes: The organisms whose cells are without a well-organized nucleus i.e. lacking nuclear membrane are called prokaryotes.

→ Eukaryotes: The organisms whose cells have a distinct and clear nucleus bounded by the nuclear membrane are called eukaryotes.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 8 Cell Structure and Functions

→ Vacuole: The fluid-filled organelles present in a cell are called vacuoles.

→ Plastids: Small coloured bodies present in plant cells only are called plastids.

→ Chloroplasts: Green plastids present in plant cells are called chloroplasts.

→ Gene: Genes are dot-like structures present on chromosomes that help in the inheritance of characters from parents to the next generation.

→ Chromosome: These are thread-like structures present in the nucleus of a cell.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 7 Conservation of Plants and Animals

This PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 7 Conservation of Plants and Animals will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 7 Conservation of Plants and Animals

→ These days the forests are being cut down and that land is used for other purposes.

→ Some natural causes of deforestation have been forest fires and severe drought.

→ Deforestation increases the temperature and pollution on the earth. It disturbs the balance in nature.

→ Deforestation also leads to global warming, change in soil properties, results in soil erosion, leads to a decrease in water holding capacity of the soil.

→ The government has framed rules, methods, and policies to protect and conserve plants and animals in forests.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 7 Conservation of Plants and Animals

→ The biosphere is that part of the earth where organisms live or which supports life.

→ Biodiversity can be defined for a specified geographical region, or for the entire biosphere.

→ Biosphere reserves are the areas meant for the conservation of biodiversity.

→ The plants and animals found in a particular area are known as flora and fauna respectively of that area.

→ A species is a group of populations that are capable of interbreeding with each other.

→ The areas where wild animals are protected and preserved area known as wildlife sanctuaries.

→ It provides protection and suitable living conditions to wild animals.

→ Sometimes the protected forests are not safe because the people living in the neighbourhood encroach upon them and destroy them.

→ National parks preserve flora, fauna, landscape, and historical objects of an area.

→ The forest teak of India is found in Satpura National Park.

→ Project Tiger was launched on 1st April 1973 by our government to protect the tigers of our country.

→ Endangered animals are those which are facing extinction.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 7 Conservation of Plants and Animals

→ The ecosystem consists of plants, animals, and micro-organisms in an area alongwith non-living components.

→ Red Data Book is a book that keeps a record of all the endangered animals and plants.

→ Migratory birds fly too far away from specific areas every year during a particular time because of climatic changes.

→ Paper is one of the important products we get from forests. So we should save paper.

→ Reforestation is the restocking of the destroyed forests by planting new trees.

→ Biodiversity: It refers to the variety in life existing on earth, their interrelationships, and their relationships with the environment.

→ Deforestation: Cutting and clearing trees on a large scale is called deforestation.

→ Desertification: The conversion of fertile land into the desert is called desertification.

→ Ecosystem: The relationship between a living community and its non-living environment is known as an ecosystem.

→ Reforestation: It is the restocking of the destroyed forests by planting new trees.

→ Endangered Species: The species which are facing the danger of extinction are called endangered species. e.g. Leopard, Wild dog, etc.

→ Fauna: The animals found in a particular area constitute the fauna of that area.

→ Red Data Book: A book that contains a record of all the endangered species is called a red data book.

→ Endemic Species: These are exclusively found in a particular area only which may be any geographical unit.

→ Flora: The plants found in a particular area constitute the flora of that area.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 7 Conservation of Plants and Animals

→ Extinct: It means the disappearance of the species from the earth.

→ Migration: Going far away from the original habitat of some species during a particular period of the year is called migration.

→ Sanctuaries: These are the places where killing or capturing any animal is strictly prohibited.

→ National Parks: These are the reserves or places which preserve flora, fauna, landscape, and historical objects of an area.

→ Biosphere Reserves: It is a specified area in which multiple uses of land is permitted by dividing it into certain zones and each zone is specified for a particular activity.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 6 Combustion and Flame

This PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 6 Combustion and Flame will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 6 Combustion and Flame

→ Fuels of different varieties are used for various purposes.

→ Fuels are used in homes, industries, automobiles.

→ Cowdung, wood, coal, charcoal, petrol, diesel, natural gas. L.P.G. etc. is various fuels.

→ Some fuels burn with flame and some do not give a flame on burning.

→ Combustion is a chemical process in which a substance reacts with oxygen to give off heat and light.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 6 Combustion and Flame

→ Fuel is a substance that gives off heat and light on burning.

→ Food is fuel to one’s body.

→ Fuels can be classified into solid, liquid, or gas fuels.

→ The substance which can burn to give light and heat are called combustible substances.

→ The non-combustible substance cannot react with oxygen on burning and cannot give light or heat.

→ Wood, Paper, Kerosene oil, Straw, Charcoal, Match sticks are combustible substances.

→ Iron nails, stone pieces, glass, etc. are non-combustible substances.

→ The lowest temperature at which a substance catches fire is called its ignition temperature.

→ The burning of various combustible materials requires different temperatures.

→ Inflammable substances are those substances that have very low ignition temperature and they easily catch fire with a flame.

→ Petrol, Diesel, LPG, alcohol are a few examples of inflammable substances.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 6 Combustion and Flame

→ Forest fire is very harmful.

→ Oxygen is necessary for combustion.

→ Three requirements for producing fire are:

  • Presence of oxygen
  • Presence of combustible substance
  • Minimum ignition temperature of the substance

→ To control fire, one of the requirements for combustion is to be removed.

→ Water is mainly used to control fire as it lowers the ignition temperature.

→ Oil or petrol fire cannot be controlled by water as water is heavier than oil, it gets settle down below the oil and oil continues to burn.

→ Being a good conductor of electricity water is also not used in case of fires produced by short-circuiting.

→ Sand/soil is used to control fires caused by the burning of liquid fuels or electricity.

→ Fires can be controlled either by cutting off the supply of air or bringing down the ignition temperature or removing the combustible substance.

→ Different types of fire extinguishers are used to control fire.

→ Combustion is of many types such as Rapid combustion, Spontaneous combustion, Explosion.

→ Flame is formed by the burning of vapours or combustible substances.

→ The Blue non-luminous zone of the flame is the hottest part of the flame.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 6 Combustion and Flame

→ A luminous zone of flame usually contains unburnt particles of carbon.

→ The calorific value of a fuel is energy produced by the complete combustion of kg of the fuel.

→ The unit of calorific value in kilojoules per Kg (KJ/Kg).

→ No fuel is an ideal fuel.

→ The burning of fuels is caused by air pollution, health hazards, global warming, acid rains, etc.

→ Global warming is a slow rise in the temperature of the environment of the earth.

→ Nitrogen and Sulphur oxides produced by the burning of fossil fuels, dissolve in water to produce acid rains.

→ Acid rain is harmful to crops, buildings, and soil.

→ CNG is a clean fuel as it causes no air pollution.

→ Combustion: It is a chemical process in which a substance reacts with oxygen to give off heat and light.

→ Combustible Substance: The substance which on burning produces light and heat, is called a combustible substance.

→ Non-Combustible Substance: The substance which cannot produce light and heat and cannot react with oxygen on burning is called a non-combustible substance.

→ Ignition Temperature: The lowest temperature at which a substance catches fire, is called its ignition temperature.

→ Inflammable Substance: The substance which has low ignition temperature and catches fire easily.

→ Fire Extinguisher: A device used to control fire.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 6 Combustion and Flame

→ Combustion: The process of burning fuel to give light and heat.

→ Calorific Value: The energy produced by the complete burning of 1 kg of fuel.

→ Global Warming: The slow rise in temperature of the environment of the earth.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 5 Coal and Petroleum

This PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 5 Coal and Petroleum will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 5 Coal and Petroleum

→ Various materials are necessary for basic needs.

→ Materials needed can be classified into

  • Natural materials
  • Man-made materials

→ Materials obtained from nature are called natural resources.

→ Natural resources are soil, water, minerals, plants, and forests.

→ On the basis of the availability of various resources in nature, they are classified as Exhaustible and In-exhaustible natural resources.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 5 Coal and Petroleum

→ The resources which are unlimited in nature and cannot be finished or exhausted by human activities are called Inexhaustible Natural Resources.

→ The resources which are limited in nature and can be exhausted by human activities are called Exhaustible Natural Resources.

→ Coal, Petroleum, and Natural gas are Exhaustible Natural Resources.

→ Fossil fuels are formed from the dead remains of living organisms and include coal, petroleum, and natural gas.

→ Coal is hard, black in colour, and is used as a fuel.

→ On burning, coal produces carbon dioxide gas.

→ Destructive distillation of coal produces coke, coal tar, and coal gas.

→ Coke is a tough, porous black substance and is a pure form of carbon.

→ Coal tar is a mixture of about 200 substances. It is a black thick liquid with an unpleasant smell.

→ Coal tar is starting material for synthetic dyes, drugs, explosives, plastics, perfumes, paints, photographic chemicals, roofing material, Naptha balls, etc.

→ Petroleum is a dark oily liquid with an unpleasant odour. It is a mixture of many constituents.

→ Constituents of petroleum include LPG, Petrol, Diesel, Kerosene, Lubricating oil, Paraffin wax, and Bitumen.

→ The process of separating different constituents of petroleum is known as refining.

→ Coal and Petroleum are limited in nature. So they should be used judiciously.

→ LPG is Petroleum gas in liquid form.

→ Fuels: The substances which are burnt to produce heat energy.

→ Fossil Fuels: The combustible substances that were formed from the remains of the plants and animals which got buried under the surface of the earth over millions of years.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 5 Coal and Petroleum

→ Carbonisation: The slow process of conversion of plants and animals buried inside the earth under high temperature and pressure to produce coal.

→ Destructive Distillation of Coal: The process of heating coal to high temperatures (above 1000°C) in the absence of air.

→ Refining: The process of separating petroleum into useful fractions and removal of undesirable impurities.

→ Exhaustible Natural Resources: Those resources which are being finished by the Various activities of human beings are called exhaustible resources or limited natural resources. Examples: coal, petroleum and natural gas, etc.

→ In-exhaustible Natural Resources: Those resources which can not finish or exhaust by human activities are called in-exhaustible or unlimited natural resources. Examples: air, water, and solar light, etc.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 4 Materials: Metals and Non-Metals

This PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 4 Materials: Metals and Non-Metals will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 4 Materials: Metals and Non-Metals

→ Materials can either be metals or non-metals.

→ Metals differ from non-metals in physical and chemical properties.

→ All metals share certain physical and chemical properties.

→ Metals are usually shiny, hard, sonorous, malleable, and ductile.

→ They conduct heat and electricity.

→ They are solids at room temperature with the exception of mercury which is liquid.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 4 Materials: Metals and Non-Metals

→ They have high melting points.

→ Non-metals exhibit a dull luster.

→ They are poor conductors of heat and electricity, non-sonorus, and are brittle.

→ They exist as solids, liquids, or gases at room temperature.

→ They have low melting points.

→ Metals usually combine with oxygen to form basic oxides.

→ Non-metals usually combine with oxygen to form acidic oxides.

→ Rust is formed by the action of water and air on iron.

→ Some metals react with water. Sodium reacts vigorously even with cold water forming sodium hydroxide and hydrogen. Gold does not react even with steam.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 4 Materials: Metals and Non-Metals

→ Sodium is stored in kerosene oil.

→ Phosphorus is kept in water as it reacts vigorously with air.

→ Non-metals do not react with water.

→ Some metals react with acids (hydrochloric acid) and replace hydrogen atoms in their molecules.

→ Gold, copper, and silver are unaffected by hydrochloric acid.

→ Metals in their increasing order of reactivity with oxygen, water, and acid are Gold, Silver, Copper, Iron, Zinc, Aluminium, Magnesium, and Sodium.

→ More reactive metals replace less reactive metals from their compounds.

→ Hydrogen gas burns with a pop sound.

→ Metals have wide use in industry, kitchen, household items transport, etc.

→ Non-metals are also widely used.

→ Oxygen is essential for life sustenance.

→ Nitrogen is used in fertilizer and crackers.

→ Iron, Magnesium, Sodium, etc. are needed by the human body.

→ Malleability: The property by which metals can be hammered/beaten into sheets.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 4 Materials: Metals and Non-Metals

→ Ductility: The property by which metals can be drawn into wires.

→ Sonorus: The property of metals to give a ringing (tinkling) sound when struck.

→ Lustre: The property of materials having a shining appearance.

→ Conductance: The property by which heat or electricity can be transferred from one end of a metal to another end.

→ Acidic Oxides: The oxides of non-metals are acidic oxides as they dissolve in water to give acids.

→ Basic Oxides: The oxides of metal the basic in nature as they form bases on the addition of water.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres and Plastics

This PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres and Plastics will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres and Plastics

→ Clothes are made of fabrics.

→ Fabrics are made by using fibres.

→ Fibers can be obtained from natural or artificial sources.

→ Synthetic fibres are also known as man-made or artificial fibres.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres and Plastics

→ Synthetic or natural fibres are chains of small units joined together. Long chains are called polymers.

→ Cellulose is a natural polymer.

→ Rayon, Nylon, Polyester, or Acrylic are man-made fibres.

→ The Source of natural fabric (cotton, silk, etc.) is plants or animals.

→ The Source of artificial fabric is either plants (wood) or fossil fuels (coal etc).

→ Nylon was the first fully synthetic fibre.

→ Different fabrics have different strengths, water holding capacities, cost, durability, availability, and maintenance requirements.

→ Plastics are also polymers having different types of arrangement of units.

→ Plastics are of two types:

  • Thermoplastics
  • Thermosetting plastics

→ Polythene is a type of plastic.

→ Plastic is a light, strong, durable, non-corrosive, poor conductor of electricity and heat.

→ Plastic waste is not environmentally friendly. It is non-biodegradable.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres and Plastics

→ On burning, it produces harmful gases and a bad odour.

→ Dumping in the soil makes the soil barren because it does not decompose quickly.

→ 4R principle (Reduce, Reuse. Recycle and Recover) must be used for the disposal of synthetic waste.

→ Man-made Fibres: The fibres made by human beings are called man-made fibres.

→ Polymer: A large unit made up of a chain of smaller units of chemical substances or a large unit made up of many repeating units.

→ Rayon: A synthetic fibre having properties of silk and is also known as artificial silk.

→ PET: A familiar form of polyester used for making bottles, films, ropes, and utensils, etc.

→ Thermoplastic: A type of plastic that gets deformed on heating and can be bent easily is known as thermoplastic.

→ Thermosetting Plastic: A plastic that does not get deformed on heating is called thermosetting plastic. It can be moulded only once.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 2 Microorganisms: Friend and Foe

This PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 2 Microorganisms: Friend and Foe will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 2 Microorganisms: Friend and Foe

→ Micro-organisms are very small organisms that can be seen with the help of a microscope.

→ Micro-organisms can survive in almost all kinds of environments like hot springs, ice-cold water, saline water, desert soil or even in marshy land.

→ Micro-organisms are classified as bacteria, fungi, protozoa, algae, and viruses.

→ Micro-organisms exist in all types of habitats.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 2 Microorganisms: Friend and Foe

→ Generally, they are single-celled (unicellular) sometimes occur in a chain or group of cells.

→ Micro-organisms play an important role in our life.

→ Bacteria are present almost everywhere and are smaller in size.

→ The average size of bacteria is 1.25 times one-thousandth of a millimeter in diameter.

→ Bacteria are divided into three types

  • Bacillus or rod-shaped
  • Coccus or round-shaped
  • Spirillum or spiral

→ Bacteria are autotrophic as well as heterotrophic in nutrition.

→ Bacteria reproduce by cell division or binary fission.

→ There are many similarities between algae and bacteria.

→ They are called cyanobacteria. They are helpful in fixing atmospheric nitrogen and in increasing soil fertility.

→ Diatoms are microscopic algae that occur in springs, estuaries, sediments, and the ocean.

→ Fungi are saprophytic or parasitic in their mode of nutrition.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 2 Microorganisms: Friend and Foe

→ Some fungi damage and spoil food products, leather, paper, and textile whereas others are pathogenic to crops and animals.

→ Yeasts are unicellular and saprophytic fungi used in fermentation to produce beer, wine, and other beverages.

→ Viruses are the smallest parasitic organisms that have the ability to replicate inside the living cells.

→ Protozoans are unicellular organisms that cause serious diseases like dysentery and malaria.

→ Food poisoning is due to the consumption of food spoilt by some microorganisms.

→ Micro-organisms that grow on our food produce toxic substances.

→ The common methods used to preserve our food are chemical methods, salting, sugar, oil, and vinegar, by heat and cold treatments.

→ Protozoa: These are single-celled microorganisms, which may cause some serious diseases like dysentery and malaria.

→ Fungi: Fungi are non-green plants (micro-organisms) that spoil most of the food items.

→ Virus: These are micro-organisms that are present on the borderline between living and non-living. They reproduce only inside the host organism.

→ Bacteria: Bacteria are microorganisms that are present almost everywhere ant) are smaller in size. They are autotrophic as well as heterotrophic in nutrition.

→ Yeast: Yeast is fungi that are unicellular used in fermentation to produce beer, wine, and other beverages.

→ Rhizobium: It is a bacteria that helps in the fixation of nitrogen. It is present in root nodules of leguminous plants.

→ Soil Fertility: It means enriching the soil with nutrients especially nitrogen. It is done by some bacteria and blue-green algae.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 2 Microorganisms: Friend and Foe

→ Micro-organisms: These are very small organisms that cannot be seen with the naked eye. They can only be seen under a microscope. They exist in all types of habitats.

→ Microbes: The other name of micro-organisms is a microbe.

→ Lactobacillus: The bacteria present in curd is called lactobacillus which promotes the formation of curd.

→ Carriers: Carriers are insects and other animals which carry the disease-carrying micro-organisms.

→ Antibodies: When a disease-carrying microbe enters our body, the body produces antibodies to fight the invader.

→ Antibiotics: These are the chemicals that are produced by micro-organisms and are used to kill harmful micro-organisms.

→ Vaccine: It is a dead or weakened microbe which is introduced into a healthy body.

→ Pathogen: The disease-causing micro-organism is called a pathogen.

→ Fermentation: The conversion of sugar into alcohol with the help of micro-organisms is called fermentation.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 2 Microorganisms: Friend and Foe

→ Nitrogen Fixation: The process of conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into nitrites and nitrates with the help of Rhizobium bacteria is called nitrogen fixation.

→ Nitrogen Cycle: When atmospheric nitrogen after going through various phenomenon like nitrogen fixation, nitrification, denitrification again enters the atmosphere, it is called the nitrogen cycle.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 1 Crop Production and Management

This PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 1 Crop Production and Management will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 1 Crop Production and Management

→ Any plant grown and cared for in a field for some output is known as a crop plant or simple crop.

→ Crops that are raised basically for obtaining cash are known as cash crops.

→ In addition to crop plants, vegetables, fruits, and flowers are also grown on a large scale. These come under horticulture.

→ The necessary conditions for the healthy growth of plants are oxygen, water, sunlight, and nutrients.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 1 Crop Production and Management

→ Agriculture involves the systematic use of some basic practices that fulfill the needs of plants grown in a field.

→ The process of loosening and turning the soil is known as tilling or ploughing.

→ This allows the roots to penetrate freely and deeper into the soil.

→ The supply of water to crops at different intervals is called irrigation.

→ The sources of irrigation are wells/tubewells, ponds/lakes, rivers, dams, and canals.

→ The latest irrigation methods are sprinkler systems, drip systems.

→ Seeds are sown in the field by hand or by using a seed drill. This is called broadcasting.

→ Seedlings are tiny plants. The transference of seedlings from nurseries to the main fields is called transplantation.

→ Humus is a layer of mixed organic matter on the topsoil which is made of partially or fully decomposed plant and animal remains and wastes.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 1 Crop Production and Management

→ Manure is made of waste products of animals and plants.

→ A fertilizer is a mixture of chemicals rich in potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus.

→ When added to soil, manure and fertilizers replenish the soil with nutrients.

→ Weeds are unwanted plants that grow in the fields along with crops. They are removed by spraying weedicides.

→ Pests destroy our crops which are removed by spraying pesticides or insecticides.

→ There are two groups of crops according to the season

  • Kharif
  • Rabi

→ In harvesting, crops are removed or cut close to the ground.

→ The process of separation of grains from the chaff is known as threshing.

→ Winnowing helps in separating seeds from the chaff.

→ Mixed cropping is the process of growing two or more crops together.

→ Animals such as cows, buffalo, poultry birds, and fish are reared for major food items like meat, eggs, and milk.

→ Domesticated animals need proper feeding, weeding, and protection against diseases and parasites.

→ The animal food output can be increased through proper animal husbandry practices as well as through cross-breeding.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 1 Crop Production and Management

→ Special festivals are associated with the harvest season such as Pongal, Baisakhi, Holi, Diwali, Nabanya, and Bihu.

→ Agricultural Practices: Cultivation of crops involves several activities undertaken by the farmers spread over a time period. These are called agricultural practices.

→ Soil Preparation: Before growing a crop, the soil is first prepared by ploughing, levelling, and adding manure. This is called soil preparation.

→ Sowing: Sowing is the process of putting seeds in the soil.

→ Manure and Fertilisers: The substances which are added to the soil in the form of nutrients for the healthy growth of plants are called manure and fertilizer;

→ Irrigation: Giving water to the fields at different intervals for the growing crops is called irrigation.

→ Weeding: The removal of unwanted plants (weeds) from the field is called weeding.

→ Harvesting: The cutting of crops after maturity is called harvesting.

→ Storage: The storing of grains after harvesting and threshing in large godowns is called storage.

→ Animal Husbandry: The study of all aspects such as food, shelter, health care of domesticated animals is called animal husbandry.

→ Silo: Silos are the storage structures for storing food grains on small scale.

→ Granaries: Granaries are the storage structures for storing food grains on large scale.

PSEB 8th Class Science Notes Chapter 1 Crop Production and Management

→ Threshing: The process of separation of grains from the chaff is known as threshing.

→ Weeds: Unwanted plants which grow along with the crops in the field are called weeds.

→ Weedicides: The chemicals which are used to destroy the weeds are called weedicides.

PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Notes Chapter 11 Important Current Issues in Agriculture

This PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Notes Chapter 11 Important Current Issues in Agriculture will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Notes Chapter 11 Important Current Issues in Agriculture

→ Man has been practicing farming since time immemorial.

→ By using specialized genetic engineering technologies crops can be genetically modified by the transfer of genes of other plants or organisms into the crop.

→ Such improved crops are known as G.M. or transgenic crops.

→ Bt is an abbreviation for the soil bacterium Bacillus thuriengiensis.

PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Notes Chapter 11 Important Current Issues in Agriculture

→ A crystalline protein is produced in Bt cotton which is highly toxic for bollworms; insects pests of cotton.

→ Initially Bollguard-I hybrid had only one Bt gene and later on, Bollguard-II had two Bt genes.

→ The yield of Bt cotton is five quintal lint per acre.

→ After the introduction of Bt cotton use of insecticides has reduced a lot.

→ GM crops of Brinjal, soybean, maize, rice, etc. have been developed.

→ Some organisations, social activities consider GM crops have an adverse effect on the environment, human health, biodiversity of plants, and species of cultivated plants.

→ The government of India enacted ‘protection of plant varieties and the Farmers’ Rights Act (PPV & FR act) in 2001.

→ This act provided protection for general crops for six years and the protection period can be extended for 15 years.

→ Trees and vines were protected for 9 years and the period can be extended for 18 years.

→ One can get information about registration from the site

→ Developed countries are using the new concept of precision farming, for this, they are using sensors, G.P.S., etc.

→ In developed countries nitrogen sensor is used to find out the requirement of nitrogen in different sections of a field.

PSEB 9th Class Agriculture Notes Chapter 11 Important Current Issues in Agriculture

→ We can save water by using a laser land leveler and Tensiometer.

→ In some of the developed countries, G.P.S. is used to accurately measure the fields.

→ According to reports, due to global warming earth has warmed by 0.5°C over the past 100 years.

→ Green House Gases are Carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), methane, etc.