PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 11 The Creation of an Empire – The Mughal Empire

This PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 11 The Creation of an Empire – The Mughal Empire will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 11 The Creation of an Empire – The Mughal Empire

→ Establishment of the Mughal Empire: In 1526 A.D., in the first battle of Panipat, Babar defeated Ibrahim Ijodhi and founded the Mughal Empire in India.

→ Humayun: The Mughal Emperor Humayun was defeated by Sher Shah and the state of North India slipped out of his hands. But after the death of Sher Shah, Humayun regained his lost state.

→ Sher Shah Suri: He was a capable army general and administrator. He built many roads and inns for the welfare of the people of his state. He is known as the predecessor of Akbar the Great.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 11 The Creation of an Empire - The Mughal Empire

→ Akbar: Akbar was the son of Humayun. After Humayun’s death in 1556 A.D., Bairam Khan made him wear the crown. He started his winning expeditions with the help of Bairam Khan and founded a powerful Mughal Empire.

→ Jahangir: After the death of Akbar, Jahangir ascended the Mughal throne, but the real authority was in the hands of his wife Nur Jahan.

→ Aurangzeb: He was the last great emperor of the Mughal Empire. After his death, this empire almost declined.

→ Taj Mahal: A unique contribution of Shah Jahan was in the field of architecture. This building is world famous even today.

→ Abul Fazl: The author of Akbarnama and Ain-i-Akbari.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 10 The Delhi Sultanate

This PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 10 The Delhi Sultanate will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 10 The Delhi Sultanate

→ The Slave Sultans’, because some of them were slaves and some were sons of slaves who became Sultans.

→ Qutab-ud-din Aibak, Iltutmish and Balban were the main slave Sultans.

→ Khalji Sultans: After the slave dynasty, there came the period of the Khalji dynasty in 1290 A.D.

→ Alauddin Khalji was the most famous and most ambitious Sultan of this dynasty.

→ Tughlaq Sultans: From 1320 A.D. to 1413 A.D., Delhi was under the control of Tughlaq Sultans.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 10 The Delhi Sultanate

→ The most famous was Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq.

→ Lodhi Dynasty: The rulers of the Lodhi dynasty ruled from 1451 A.D. to 1526 A.D. over Delhi.

→ In 1526 A.D., in the first battle of Panipat, Babar defeated Ibrahim Lodhi and laid the foundation of the Mughal Empire in India.

→ Administrative System: The King was the chief of the Sultanate. He was called the Sultan.

→ Wazir and Bakshi were his main helpers.

→ Mukadam, Patwari, Munsif, etc. were other officials who ran the local administration.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 9 Political Developments in South India (A.D.700-1200)

This PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 9 Political Developments in South India (A.D.700-1200) will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 9 Political Developments in South India (A.D.700-1200)

→ States of South India in Medieval Period: Many Rajput states were there.

→ The three most powerful states were Pallavas, Panday’s, and Cholas. These would be fought to exert their own authority.

→ Pallava Rulers: The main rulers of this dynasty were Mahendra Varman I and Narsimha Varman I.

→ They expanded their kingdoms and made Kanchi their capital.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 9 Political Developments in South India (A.D.700-1200)

→ Pallava’s Art and Architecture: They were great patrons of art and architecture.

→ The famous chariot temples of Mahabali Puram have been built by them.

→ These have been built by cutting a single rock.

→ These temples are unique specimens of Pallava art.

→ Pandya Kingdom: This state was established in the southern part of Tamil Nadu.

→ Its capital was known as Madura or Madurai. It was the main centre of education.

→ Chola Dynasty: It was established by Vijayalaya. Other famous rulers were Prantaka I, Raj Raja I, (985 – 1014 A.D.), and Rajendra Chola (1014 – 1044 A.D.)

→ Assemblies of Cholas: Under Cholas, there was organisation of village assembly to run the village administration properly.

→ Village assemblies were of two types:

  • Ur. It was the assembly of common people.
  • Sabha or Mahasabha. It was the assembly of scholarly Brahmins.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 9 Political Developments in South India (A.D.700-1200)

→ Functions of Village Assemblies: The village assemblies got their functions performed through different committees.

→ These committees took care of roads maintenance, justice, education, religious festivals, temple maintenance, irrigation, and land-related functions.

→ Mandalam: The Chola provinces were known as Mandalams.

→ Valanadus: Mandalams were divided into Valanadus. Every Valanadus had many villages.

→ Chola Society: It was an ideal society. Brahmins, traders, and craftsmen had a pride of place in society.

→ All the classes of society worked together to fulfill common objectives.

→ The women folk also had great honour in society.

→ Raja Raja I: He was the most important ruler of the Chola dynasty.

→ He invaded the states of the Pandya and Chera dynasty as well as some parts of Mysore.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 9 Political Developments in South India (A.D.700-1200)

→ Rajendra I: He was another most ambitious Chola ruler.

→ He kept up the victory policy of his father Raj Raja I and fought many battles in the southern subcontinent.

→ The decline of Chola State: The inheritors of Rajendra I were incapable and weak, so by the end of the 13th century the Chola kingdom declined.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 8 New Kings and Kingdoms (A.D. 700-1200)

This PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 8 New Kings and Kingdoms (A.D. 700-1200) will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 8 New Kings and Kingdoms (A.D. 700-1200)

→ States in the early Medieval Age: In the early medieval period, in north India, there were states of Gurjara- Pratiharas, Palas, Rajputs, and in south India, there were Rashtrakutas, Pallavas, Pandayas, and Cholas.

→ Gurjara Partiharas: These rulers ruled the kingdoms in some areas of Rajasthan and Gujarat. The main rulers of this dynasty were Nagabhatta-I, Mihirbhoj, Mahendrapal, and Rajyapala.

→ Pala Dynasty: These rulers ruled over modern Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand. This dynasty was established by Gopal (750 A.D.). Other main rulers were Dharmapala and Devpala.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 8 New Kings and Kingdoms (A.D. 700-1200)

→ Rashtrakut Dynasty: Established by Dantidurg in 742 A.D. The rulers of this dynasty Taught against Palas and Pratiharas to occupy Kanauj. They gave patronage to art and education.

→ Society, Religion, and Economic Condition: In this period, the caste system was very rigid. The main religions were Hinduism (Vaishnav and Shaiv), Jainism, and Buddhism.

→ Chauhan Dynasty: The most famous ruler was Prithvi Raj Chauhan. He ruled from 1179 A.D. to 1192 A.D.

→ Rajput Period: After the death of Harshvardhana, in north India mainly Rajputs ruled over different states. So this period is known as the Rajput Period.

→ Struggle for Kanauj: Kanauj was very important from its location point, of view. So there was a great struggle among Palas, Pratiharas, and Rashtrakutas to occupy Kanauj.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 8 New Kings and Kingdoms (A.D. 700-1200)

→ Mahmud Ghaznavi: He was the ruler of Ghazni and attacked India 17 times. He took much of the gold, silver from India to his country.

→ Muhammad Ghori: The ruler of the Gaur kingdom defeated Prithvi Raj Chauhan in the second battle of Tarain (1192 A.D.) and established Turk Empire in India.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 7 The Medieval India

This PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 7 The Medieval India will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 7 The Medieval India

→ Periods of History: The History of any country can be divided into three periods: Ancient, Medieval and Modern.

→ Medieval Period: The period between the ancient period and the modern period is called the medieval period.

→ In India, the period between the 8th century and 18th century is called the Medieval Period.

→ Importance of the 8th century: 8th century is known as the transformation century because, in this century, many social, political, economic, cultural, and religious changes took place.

→ Name of India in the Medieval Period: The Indian sub-continent was called ‘Hindustan’ or ‘Bharatvarsha’.

→ Countries that were part of the Indian subcontinent in the Medieval period.

→ Six countries were part of the Indian subcontinent, namely Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and India.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 7 The Medieval India

→ Sources of the Medieval Indian History: Two sources are available

  • Archaeological sources
  • Literary sources.

→ Archaeological Sources: These include monuments, temples, inscriptions, coins, utensils, arms, ornaments, pictures, etc.

→ Literary Sources: These include autobiographies, biographies, chronicles, details about kings and dynasties, documents, etc.

→ Reports and accounts by Foreign Travellers: During medieval times, many Muslims and European travellers travelled to India.

→ They wrote about their journeys. These also give a good account of the Medieval Period.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 6 Human Environment – Settlements, Means of Transport and Communication

This PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 6 Human Environment – Settlements, Means of Transport and Communication will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 6 Human Environment – Settlements, Means of Transport and Communication

→ Man: Man is a dynamic organ of the environment.

→ Agriculture and Industrial Revolution: It has given man a permanent lifestyle.

→ Human life: It appeared on earth only a few million years ago.

→ Nomadic life: For the major part of his life, the man was a hunter, gatherer and led a nomadic life.

→ Technology: Man invented fire, progressed from stone age tools to building shelters, agriculture, clothing, etc.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 6 Human Environment - Settlements, Means of Transport and Communication

→ Civilisation: It represented cultural development and a stage of life of living in cities.

→ Settlements: Development of permanent villages, towns, and cities.

→ Sites for settlements: Preference-based on the availability of water called Wet Point’ settlements.

→ Other influencing factors: topography, availability of transport and communication, commercial activities.

→ Global village: As the distances have become shorter the world has become a global village.

→ Importance of Transport: Roads, Railway, Air, Shipping, Pipelines.

→ Roads: Offer ‘door-to-door’ service, can be constructed in mountainous regions.

→ Railways: Starting with steam engines, today use diesel or electricity – Metro rail (underground) in cities.

→ Shipping: Cheapest means today’s mechanized boats, trawlers, and ships in use.

→ Air transport: Fast but costly.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 6 Human Environment - Settlements, Means of Transport and Communication

→ Pipelines: Used for distribution of oil, gas, or electricity.

→ Communication: Radio, telephone, television, newspapers, internet-global access even sitting in any corner of the earth-information and knowledge-based communication today.

→ Mass communication: Radio, T.V., and newspapers are effective means of mass communication.

→ Temporary settlement: A type of settlement that is occupied for a short time is called a temporary settlement.

→ Permanent settlement: A type of settlement in which people build homes to live permanently.

→ Transport: The means by which people and goods are being carried from one place to another.

→ Roadways: The widely used means of transport for short-distance journeys are roads. The roads can be metalled and unmetalled.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 6 Human Environment - Settlements, Means of Transport and Communication

→ Railways: The railways are used to transport heavy and bulky goods long-distance.

→ Waterways: The use of rivers, canals, seas, and oceans to carry goods and passengers through ships and vessels are called waterways.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

This PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

→ Natural Vegetation: Natural vegetation means the flora which takes seed on its own.

→ Because of differences in surface and climate, many types of vegetation are found on earth.

→ Parts of Natural Vegetation: It can be divided into three parts:

  • Forests
  • Grazing fields
  • Desert bushes

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

→ Types of Forests: The annual rainfall, climate change, and temperature affect the different types of forests.

→ The forests have been divided into three types:

  • Equatorial forests
  • Monsoon or deciduous forests
  • Coniferous forests

→ Hot Deserts: These places lack rainfall and vegetation and there is sand and sand on all sides.

→ Cold Deserts: In these areas, there is snow everywhere. When the snow melts sometimes, some flowery plants grow.

→ Animal Kingdom: In the world, there are many species of animals. Many colourful birds are also found.

→ Many species of wildlife have become extinct because of human activities.

→ Animal Sanctuaries: For the protection of wildlife many sanctuaries have been made so that the wildlife can be saved from extinction.

→ Forests: A tract of woodland or a type of biome in which the dominant plants are trees.

→ Grasslands: The areas of the world where natural vegetation is made up of grass.

→ Tropical Evergreen: The forests of areas with an annual rainfall of 200 cm or more.

→ Tropical Deciduous Forests: These forests are the typical type of natural vegetation of monsoon regions.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

→ Mediterranean Forests: These forests are found in areas with hot summers and mild rainy winters.

→ Thorny bushes: These are the typical vegetation of dry deserts. Xerophytic vegetation grows with long roots.

→ Tundra Vegetation: The vegetation of extremely cold regions consists of mosses and lichens.

→ Coniferous Forests: These are also called Taiga. Trees are tall, softwood, and have a conical shape with needle-like leaves.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 4 Ocean

This PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 4 Ocean will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 4 Ocean

→ Oceans: The big reservoirs of water on earth are known as oceans. The Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, and Indian ocean are the main oceans.

→ Pacific Ocean: It is the longest and deepest ocean on earth. It is so deep that even the highest peak Mt. Everest can sink in it.

→ Seas: Every ocean is divided into small parts. These small parts are known as seas.

→ Speeds of Ocean Water: The ocean water has three speeds waves, currents, tides.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 4 Ocean

→ Waves: Ripples in ocean water caused by winds blowing over the sea.

→ Current: When the ocean water starts moving in a specific direction it is known as oceanic current.

→ The speed of oceanic current normally ranges from 2 km/hr to 10 km/hr.

→ Tides: Regular rise and fall of ocean water as a result of the gravitational pull of the sun and the moon. It happens twice in 24 hrs.

→ High tide and Low tide: On a full moon day the tides of the sea rise to the highest level. It is called high tides.

→ When the oceanic tides rise to the lowest level it is called low tides.

→ Water cycle: Unending movement of water between hydrosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere, and back to the hydrosphere.

→ Groundwater: Water that soaks underground, roots of plants help water go underground.

→ Transpiration: Water vapours are returned to the atmosphere by plants.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 4 Ocean

→ Water budget: The balancing of precipitation on the ground with evaporation and transpiration in the atmosphere.

→ Waves: Ripples in ocean water caused by winds blowing over the sea.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 3 Atmosphere and Temperature

This PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 3 Atmosphere and Temperature will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 3 Atmosphere and Temperature

→ Atmosphere: The big protective layer surrounding the earth.

→ Composition of Atmosphere: Atmosphere is a mixture of different gases. Two gases are main Nitrogen (almost 78%) and Oxygen (almost 21%).

→ Layers of Atmosphere: Four layers.

  • Troposphere
  • Stratosphere
  • Mesosphere
  • Thermosphere

→ Troposphere: This layer is the closest to the earth. All the happenings take place in the troposphere. This layer protects us from the dangerous ultra-violet rays of the sun.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 3 Atmosphere and Temperature

→ Factors affecting the atmosphere: Three main factors affect the atmosphere

  • Latitudes
  • Height above the sea level
  • Distance from the sea.

→ Global Warming: The increase in global temperatures brought about the increased emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

→ Troposphere: It is the lowermost layer of the atmosphere.

→ Weather: It is the description of the atmospheric conditions of a particular place at a particular time for a short period of time.

→ Climate: It is the composite or integrated picture of the weather conditions over a long period of time such as a season or a year.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 2 The Internal and External Face of the Earth

This PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 2 The Internal and External Face of the Earth will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 2 The Internal and External Face of the Earth

→ Lithosphere: It includes the earth’s crust called Sial. The normal width of this part is almost 100 kms. It has more Silicon and Aluminium.

→ Minerals: These are those natural substances that are made up of one element or a combination of elements.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 2 The Internal and External Face of the Earth

→ Rocks: The combined form of natural minerals is called Rocks. These are of three types Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic.

→ Magma: In the depth of the earth, most substances are found in a melt state called Magma.

→ Lava: When magma reaches the earth’s surface, it is called lava.

→ Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks:

  • The molten lava cools down, gets solidified, and thus comes into existence-Igneous Rocks.
  • Metamorphic rocks come into existence through Igneous and Sedimentary rocks.
  • In fact, Igneous and sedimentary rocks undergo a transformation that is chemical as well as structural because of pressure and heat.
  • As a result, the construction and structure of these rocks changes, and these are called Metamorphic rocks.
  • Example: Granite is an igneous rock while Gneiss made up of Granite is a metamorphosized rock.

→ Metallic and Non-metallic Minerals: Metallic minerals contain metals like iron, silver, etc. while Non-metallic minerals don’t contain metals like Abhrak, Potassium, Gypsum, etc.

→ Preservation of Minerals: It takes hundreds of years the make minerals, so these must be preserved.

→ Crust: The outermost layer of earth.

→ Core: The innermost layer of the earth.

→ Sedimentary rocks: Any rock formed by the deposition of sediments.

PSEB 7th Class Social Science Notes Chapter 2 The Internal and External Face of the Earth

→ Mantle: The mantle is the intermediate layer between the crust and the core of the earth.

→ Minerals: A mineral is a naturally occurring substance having a definite chemical composition and physical properties.

→ Lithospheric plates: A large segment of earth crust that can ‘float’ across the heavier, semi-molten rock below.