PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 Form of Governments: Unitary and Federal

Punjab State Board PSEB 11th Class Political Science Book Solutions Chapter 13 Form of Governments: Unitary and Federal Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 11 Political Science Chapter 13 Form of Governments: Unitary and Federal

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Discuss the meaning and features of Unitary government.
In the modern age there are big States and each State is divided into many units or provinces. In ancient India, the State was divided into many provinces. Each State was governed by a Governor or a Subedar and he was responsible for the smooth running of the administration of that State. Now-a-days we find two types of Governments in each State:
1. Central Government and
2. Provincial Government.

On the basis of- relationship between the centre and the provincial governments, there can be two types of governments-unitary government and federal government.

Meaning of Unitary Government:
The whole power of the State is concentrated in the hands of the central government from which the local governments derive their existence and powers. Under this system, the Constitution does not divide the powers between the central government and the local governments.

But for administrative convenience, the State is divided into a number of local areas which are placed under local authorities. They exercise powers within limits set by the central government which is responsible for the government of the people. The local governments are merely the agents of the central government and are subject to its control. In this type of government the entire country is ruled from one seat or authority. The definitions of Unitary government are given below:

1. According to Garner, “Unitary government is that system where the whole power of government is conferred by the Constitution upon a single central organ or organs from which the local governments derive whatever authority or autonomy they may possess and their very existence.”

2. According to Strong, “A Unitary State is one organised under a single Central Government.”

3. According to Dicey, “Unitary Government is the habitual exercise of supreme legislative authority by one Central power.”

Features of the Unitary Government:

On the basis of the definitions given above, we come to know about the following features of the unitary types of government: .
1. Single Administration:
The entire authority of administration is vested in the central government. The central government is all powerful and it can make any, law it likes.

2. No Division of Powers: The Constitution does not divide the powers between the Centre and the States.

3. Powers of Local govts, are not Original:
The existence of local government depends upon the will of the central government. The central government allots power to the local governments and it can take them back if it so desires.

4. Written or Unwritten Constitution:
The Constitution of Japan and India is written whereas Constitution of England is unwritten. The Constitution can be written as well as unwritten.

5. Flexible or Rigid Constitution. The Constitution can be flexible as well as rigid.

6. Parliament Supreme. In a unitary government parliament is supreme. In England there is supremacy of the Parliament.

7. Single Citizenship: The citizens are given single citizenship.

8. Judiciary Not Supreme:
The Judiciary is not considered as the supreme authority and it is not given the right to reject a law passed by the Parliament. Unitary governments exist in Great Britain, France, Japan, China etc.

Merits Of Unitary Government:
Following are the merits of a unitary government:
1. Strong Administration:
In a unitary type of government the administration is quite strong. All the powers are concentrated in the hands of central government and it can enforce the laws strongly in all the parts of the State. No State can dare revolt against the central authority because the States are always at the mercy of the central government. The disputes between the Centre and the States very rarely arise.

2. Uniformity of Administration:
The main advantage of unitary government is that there is uniformity of administration. Such uniformity in legislation and administration enables the central government to act quickly, promptly and vigorously in all matters. There is no duplication of functions and authorities. Thus waste and unnecessary expenditure is avoided. Both in external and internal matters, such a government can speak with one voice and follow a consistent policy. In a federal type of State the units make their own ties but in a unitary State, it is the central government which is the fountain head of all authority.

3. Administration is Simple and Flexible:
The unitary government had the advantage of flexibility and simplicity. There is no multiplicity of law issued by different authorities which it is difficult for a common man to understand. There is no need of a rigid and written Constitution. In a monarchical system of government there is never a Constitution and the entire authority rests with the king.

In a unitary type of government also the central government exercises supreme power and it can use all the powers according to his own sweet will. As the Constitution is flexible so it can be changed with the change of time. The British Constitution is very flexible. The Parliament can change it wholly or partially by an ordinary majority.

4. Less expensive Government:
The unitary type of government is less expensive. There is only one central legislature which frames laws for the entire country. This central government runs the administration of the whole country. This way quite a less amount is spent on the administration of the State. The money which is spent on State legislatures and executives is saved.

5. Useful in Time of Emergency:
The unitary type of government is very useful in time of emergency. As the central government controls the entire administration so it can well face the situation during emergency. It can take quick decisions and implement them speedily. It is not essential that the central government should seek the advice of the States. The central government can successfully face an emergency because it possesses wide powers.

6. National Unity:
In a unitary State there is greater degree of national unity. All the citizens are governed by the same laws of the land and the same government governs all the people. People do not develop the spirit of provincialism because the States are not given powers. The people of different States do not have ill-will against each other.

7. Single Citizenship:
In a federal type State there can be double citizenship as in case of U.S.A. Double citizenship results in the division of loyalty and the individuals loves only his own State and not the other States. In a unitary type of State there is only single citizenship and every individual is a citizen of the whole State and not of a province. This way his loyalty is not divided and he remains loyal to the country.

8. Suitable for Small States:
A unitary type of government is most suitable for small States. It is not good to divide a State with a small territory into small States. If in each small State a Government is established, it will be a very expensive proposition.

Demerits Of Unitary Government:
1. Central government becomes despotic:
The main objection to this type of government is the danger that the central government may take for itself all important powers delegating very insignificant functions to the local units. In the hands of people who are power drunk, such powers may lead to the creation of a despotic State.

2. It is harmful for big States:
Unitary government is not suitable to a country with a large size and with a population with varied cultural interests, different political standards, ideals and levels of economic achievement. The problems of these different areas requiring different treatment and uniform treatment may not be desirable.

3. It cannot fulfil local needs:
Each State or each locality has its own needs. The central government cannot fulfil the particular needs of a State or a locality. The central government makes laws which are applicable in all provinces. It does not make separate laws for a particular State. A particular law may not suit all the States.

4. Administration become inefficient:
In a unitary government it is the central government which is to bear the entire responsibility. National and provincial issues are to be handled by the central government. The central government becomes over-burdened with work and it loses its efficiency. Even the national problems are not tackled properly.

5. People do not get political education:
People do not receive political education even in a unitary type of government. The entire administration of the State is run by the officials of the central government and the people do not participate in the administration of the State. There are not frequent elections and the people have no opportunity to make use of their votes frequently. In a unitary type of government it is the bureaucracy which reigns supreme.

The unitary government has its merits and demerits. In some countries this system of government is very suitable and in some countries it does not bear fruit. Some of its principles are desirable but they are not practicable. There is a unitary type of government in Britain but at the same time local government have also been established in the country. The unitary form of governments is not very popular these days because it cannot be a success in big States.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 Form of Governments: Unitary and Federal

Question 2.
What do you understand by Federation? Discuss its characteristics.
The federal system of government has its origin in U. S. A. when after independence some independent States formed a federal type of government. Subjects of national importance were-given to the central or federal government and subjects of local importance were given to the local governments.

According to Hamilton, Federation is an association of States that form new ones. Indian federation has not come into existence by the union of interdependent States. The federation in India has come into existence by the integration of independent States into the British provinces.

According to Prof. Garner, “Federal government is a system in which the totality of government powers is divided and distributed by the national Constitution or the organic act of Parliament creating it, between central government and the government of the individual States or other territorial sub-division of which the federation is composed.” According to JelKnek.” A federal State is a sovereign state formed out of several states.”

According to Montesquieu, “Federal government is a convention by which several similar states agree to become members of a large one.”
According to Dicey, “It is a political contrivance intended to reconcile national unity with maintenance of state’s rights.”

Essential Features Of Federation:
Following are the essential features of a federal type of government-
1. Division of Powers,
2. Written Constitution,
3. Rigid Constitution,
4. Supremacy of the Constitution and
5. Independent Judiciary.

1. Division of Powers:
The powers of the government in a federation are distributed between the centre and the States. Matters of national importance which require uniformity of legislation and administration, such as defense, foreign affairs, coin and currency, railway, post and telegraphs customs, etc. are put under the control of the federal government.

Subjects of local importance like health, education, industries, law and order, jails, justice and works of public welfare etc. are controlled by the States or units. There is one government for national affairs and a number of local governments for local affairs. Generally the Constitution gives three list of subjects. Subjects on which state authorities can legislate (state list); subjects on which the centre is competent to legislate (federal list); and subjects on which both the centre and the units might legislate (concurrent list).

2. Written Constitution:
A written Constitution is essential in a federation in the sense that both the centre and states should be definite about their sphere of action. In an unwritten Constitution, the distribution of powers is not definite and it leads to disputes between the centre and the States.

3. Rigid Constitution:
The Constitution should be rigid so that it is not easily changed by impatient hands. The amending procedure is invariably more difficult than the enactment of ordinary laws. In almost all federal states, amendments require favourable action by the federal government and a large majority of the states.

4. Supremacy of the Constitution:
In a federal type of government it is the Constitution which distributes the powers between the Centre and the States. Therefore it is essential, that the supremacy of the Constitution should be maintained. Both the Centre and the States should run the administration in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and should not violate any of the provisions.

5. Independent Judiciary:
The presence of an independent and powerful judiciary is most essential in a federation. It is the business of the Supreme Court to see whether or not the Constitution is being faithfully acted upon by the Centre and the units. The Supreme Court serves as the guarctum of the Constitution. It has the special function of interpreting it and deciding all disputes that may arise with reference to the Constitution.

Other Features:
The above-mentioned features are essential for the formation of the Federation. Besides these features there are certain other features but they are not found in all the federations. .

1. Double Citizenship:
Some people are of the opinion that the presence of double citizenship is also essential in a Federation. An individual is citizen of his state as well as he is a citizen of the Central Government. In America there exists double citizenship. In India there exists only single citizenship.

2. Bicameralism:
Some people are of the opinion that the legislature in a federation should be bicameral. The units should get equal representation in a Upper chamber of the Parliament. In America and Switzerland the States have been given equal representation in the Second Chamber of the Parliament but in India it is not so.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 Form of Governments: Unitary and Federal

Question 3.
Discuss the merits and demerits of Federal Government.
Merits of Federal Government. Following are the merits of federation:
1. National Unity and Local Autonomy:
A federation combines the spirit of nationalism with the zeal for localism. People do not mind certain powers being enjoyed by the Central government if they are able to enjoy a big share in the control of their own affairs. They thus get political training in managing their own affairs.

Local initiative is encouraged and people naturally come to realize their responsibilities to the State. The component States keep their separate entity and enjoy complete sovereignty in their own affairs. Thus a federation affords the benefit of both the centralized as well as the local government.

2. Efficiency in Administration:
The administration of a federal type of State is always very efficient. There is a division of work between the Centre and the States. The central government is not over-burdened with work. The central government can control matters of national importance quite efficiently and State governments can handle the local affairs.

The States are left free to deal with the State subjects and central government is not to bother much about the administration of the States. It is only a federation that the component states together with their citizens can get the best opportunity to improve the conditions
because being on the spot, they can find a better solution than the central government situated at far-off distance.

3. Central Government cannot become Despotic:
The powers in a federation are rigidly distributed between the central and State governments and hence there is no danger of central government becoming dominant and despotic and overriding the liberties of people. The federation creates conditions whereby people can enjoy their freedom without difficulty and this is always safeguarded by the Constitution and the Supreme Court.

4. It is useful for Big States and Small as well:
The federal type of government is very useful both for the big States and the small states as well as small States by merging themselves into a federation become strong. They enjoy defence advantages such as large army, navy and air force. For this advantage they are not to sacrifice much.

The central government also becomes strong by the merger in it of so many small States. The federation is economically advantageous. The States are not to maintain many departments and it is the central government which shoulders the entire responsibility.

5. Political Education:
The federal type of government provides political education to the people. In a federation local matters are put under control of local citizens. This stimulates interest in public matters and gives them efficient training in matters of administration. The citizens are thus prepared, for higher responsibilities in political and administrative work.

6. Interest in Local Affairs:
People start taking interest in local affairs in a federal type of government. Local problems are to be dealt by the people themselves and this way they develop interest in matters of local concern. People think that they have a share in the government and the government is their own. They become politically conscious and share responsibility of administration.

7. A step towards world State:
A federal type of government is a step towards the establishment of a world State. Peace can be maintained in the world only if there is a world government. When some States can form a federation then world federation can also be formed. A world State would usher a new era in the world.

Disadvantages Of Federal Government:
We must not overestimate the merits of a federation because there are some main defects in this form of government. The defects are as follows:
1. Weak Government:
A fedreal type of government is weak in the conduct of internal as well as external affairs. The division of powers between the central government and the State governments always results into a conflict of legislation and administration between the two governments. In the conduct of foreign affairs, the federal government possesses an inherent weakness which is not to be found in a unitary type of government. Such a defect exists because the governments of component. States always interfere in the administration of the central government and put great difficulties with regard to the performance of international obligations.

2. Threat to National Unity:
If has been observed that in a federation there is always a threat to national urpty. In certain federations the people are given double citizenship. An individual is a citizen of the State and at the same time he is a citizen of the component unit in which he resides. It is difficult to maintain national unity under such circumstances. An individual owes loyalty to the central as well as his State Government.

This divided loyalty is not always desirable. People generally are more loyal to their units than to the State. People demand the creation of new units on the basis of language, religion and other things. Federation creates so many local and selfish interest by dividing the component States into different groups as a result of which the whole of the national solidarity and unity is destroyed.

3. Possibility of Revolt:
There is always a danger in a federation of the revolt by the States against the central government. The component units have their own governments and they run the administration as it suits them. If there is a difference of opinion between the Centre and the States over a particular issue, the States can arise the banner of revolt against the Centre. It is possible that the federating units on account of their grievances against the centre may form themselves into groups and factions. If this happens the federation would become a scene of hell and its dissolution might take place any moment. In 1991 U. S. S. R. disintegrated into Fifteen Republics.

4. Expensive Government:
There is a multiplicity of government in a federation. There is central government and there are State governments. Such multiplication of authorities is always expensive. People have to pay the taxes imposed by the central as well as the State government. Elections are held to the central as well as the State legislature and this is a very expensive proposition. The candidates also spend a huge amount of money in the elections. It is a misuse of public money.

5. Constitution does not change with the time:
The Constitution in a federation does not keep pace with the times. The Constitution in a federal State is always very rigid and it cannot be changed easily. With the passage of time the Constitution becomes out-dated and it fails to satisfy the people.

6. No Uniformity of Administration:
The federal State suffers from the defect that there is no uniformity of administration in the whole of the country. Each state makes laws according to its needs. Each State imposes its own taxes. In all the component units the people are governed by different sets of laws. The taxes of different articles vary from State to State. Moreover, in such a system of government, people develop the spirit of provincialism.

7. Double Citizenship is Harmful:
In a federal type of State the citizens are granted double citizenship. But double citizenship is harmful to the interests of the state. A citizen is to remain loyal to two sets of governments. No citizen can loyally perform his duties and” responsibilities towards the central and state governments. Generally the people are more loyal to their units as compared to the central government.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 Form of Governments: Unitary and Federal

Question 4.
Distinguish between unitary and federal forms of government.
On the basis of relationship of the units with the central government, the government is divided into two ways-Unitary government and federal government. In a unitary type of government the supreme authority is vested in the central government but in a federal government the authority is divided between the centre and the states. Sir John Seeley did not consider that there was any vital difference between the unitary and federal states. To him there was no difference in ‘kind’ between them. But Merriott declares that the distinction is one of kind and not merely of degree. Following are the main points of differences between the two types of government.

1. Firstly, in a unitary government there is a concentration of powers in the central government, whereas in a federal government powers are divided between the Centre and the Units.

2. Secondly, in a unitary government the units are created for administrative convenience and they are mere parts or agents of the central government, whereas in a federation the units possess their own entities. In a federation the units derive their powers from the constitution and not from the central government and for their existence the units do not depend upon the central government.

3. Thirdly, in a unitary government there is a single government in the country, while in a federation there is double set of government-one at the centre and the others in the units. Federation makes provision for separate legislatures and executives for the centre as well as the units. But in a unitary government there is one legislature and one executive for the whole country.

4. Fourthly, a unitary state is unity while .a Federal state is only a union, not a unity.

5. Fifthly, a federal constitution generally is the outcome of a government by which the constituent units create a new state for common purposes while retaining autonomous powers for themselves. Hence, such a constitution can be altered through a special method of amendment. But the constitution of a unitary government is not the outcome of a treaty. Hence the procedure of amendment is simple.

6. Sixthly, in a unitary government it is not essential that the constitution should be in a written form. British constitution is unwritten. But in a federation it is essential that the constitution should be in a written form. The constitution of U. S. A. and India are written one.

7. Seventhly, in a unitary government there is a single citizenship, whereas in a federation generally there is a double citizenship. In U. S. A. and in Switzerland citizens enjoy double citizenship.

8. Eighthly, in a unitary government the constitution may or may not be rigid. For example the constitution of England is flexible whereas the constitution of Japan is rigid. But in a federation the constitution is rigid.

9. Ninthly, in a unitary government it is not necessary that the judiciary should be supreme and independent. In England judiciary is not supreme, there is supremacy of parliament. But in a federation judiciary is supreme and independent.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 Form of Governments: Unitary and Federal

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What do you understand by Unitary Government?
Unitary form of government is a system of administration in which all the powers of the state are vested with the central government. The centre sets up administrative units and grants some powers for the convenience of administration. The powers of these units solely depend on the Centre which can reduce or enhance their powers as the circumstances demand. The Central government is fully empowered to alter the boundaries of these units. In short, the very existence of these units is dependent upon the Centre.

Question 2.
Define a Federation.
According to Hamilton, “ Federation is an association of States that form new once.” Indian federation has not come into existence by the union of independent States. The federation in India has come into existence by the integration of independent States into the British provinces.

According to Prof. Garner, “Federal Government is a system in which the totality of governmental powers is divided and distributed by the national Constitution or the organic act of Parliament creating it, between central government and the government of the individual States or other territorial sub-division of which the federation is composed.” According to Jellinek, “A federal state is a sovereign state formed out of several states.”

Question 3.
Discuss the main features of the Unitary government.
Following are the main features of the unitary form of government:

  • All the powers of the states are concentrated in the hands of the central government.
  • The constitution does not distribute the powers between the central government and the local governments.
  • The local governments are merely the agents of the central government and are subject to its control.
  • The entire state is ruled from one seat of authority.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 Form of Governments: Unitary and Federal

Question 4.
What do you mean by Federal type of Government?
The word ‘Federation comes from the Latin word ‘Feodus’which means “agreement”. The federal government is a type of agreement by which many states with similar objectives, decide to become the members of a bigger unit. Under federal type of government, all the states that form federation enter into a government.

The first example of this type of federation is of America. These 13 states entered into an agreement after freedom and formed a federation. Under the agreement they granted all matters of national importance to the federal government and retained the local subjects with them. Federation is always formed by independent states. In India, the federation did not come into being as a result of independent states. Federation has been formed by provinces and states and the powers of both have been fully defined.

Question 5.
Describe the merits of Unitary government.
Following are the merits of a unitary form of government:

  1. In this type of government the administration is quite strong. The disputes between the Centre and the states rarely arise.
  2. The main advantage of this government is that there is uniformity of administration. Such uniformity enables the government to act quickly and promptly.
  3. The unitary government has the advantage of flexibility. As the constitution is flexible, it can be changed with the change of time.
  4. This type of government is less expensive. The money which is spent on State legislature and executives is saved.

Question 6.
What are the demerits of a unitary government?
Following are the demerits of a unitary government:

  • This form of government leads to the creation of despotic state.
  • It is not suitable to a country with a large size and population with different cultural interests.
  • It cannot fulfil the particular needs of a state or a locality.
  • In this type of government the central government becomes overburdened with work and it loses its efficiency.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 Form of Governments: Unitary and Federal

Question 7.
What are the essential features of federal type of government?

  1. Written Constitution: A written constitution is essential in a federation in the sense that both the centre and the states should be definite about their sphere of action.
  2. Division of Powers: The powers of the government in a federation are distributed between the centre and the states.
  3. Independent Judiciary: The presence of an independent and powerful judiciary is most essential in a federation.
  4. Bi-cameralism: Some people are of the opinion that the legislature in a federation should be bi-cameral.

Question 8.
What is the difference between the Unitary and federal forms of government?
1. In unitary form of government, there is one central government for the whole state. But in federation, there are two types of government-central government and the state governments.

2. The constitution may be written or unwritten in unitary form of government, but there is definitely a written form of constitution in a federation.

3. In a unitary form of government, the citizens have single citizenship, but in a federal government, they have dual citizenship. .

4. In Federal Government the powers of the state are distributed between the centre and the state governments. But in unitary form of government they are vested with the centre only.

Question 9.
Mention the merits of a Federation.
A federal government has following advantages:

  • A federation develops the spirit of nationalism. It also affords the benefits of the local government.
  • The administration of a federal government is always very efficient. The central government can control the matters of national importance efficiently and the state government can handle the local affairs.
  • In a federation the central government cannot become despotic.
  • This type of government is useful for the big states and the small states as well.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 Form of Governments: Unitary and Federal

Question 10.
What are the demerits of Federal Government?

  • A federal type of government is weak in the conduct of internal as well as external affairs.
  • The division of powers between the central govt, and the state governments always results in a conflict of legislation and administration between the two governments.
  • It has been observed that in a federation there is always a threat to national unity.
  • There is always a danger of the revolt by the states against the central government.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What do you understand by Unitary Government?
Unitary form of government is a system of administration in which all the powers of the state are vested with the central government. The centre sets up administrative units and grants some powers for the convenience of administration.

Question 2.
Define a Federation.
According to Hamilton, “ Federation is an association of States that form new once.” Indian federation has not come into existence by the union of independent States. * The federation in India has come into existence by the integration of independent States into the British provinces.

Question 3.
Explain the main features of the Unitary government.
Following are the main features of the unitary form of government:

  • All the powers of the states are concentrated in the hands of the central government.
  • The constitution does not distribute the powers between the central government and the local governments.

Question 4.
What do you mean by Federal type of Government?
The word ‘Federation comes from the Latin word ‘Feodus’ which means “agreement”. The federal government is a type of agreement by which many states with similar objectives, decide to become the members of a bigger unit.. Under federal type of government, all the states that form federation enter into a government.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 Form of Governments: Unitary and Federal

Question 5.
Explain the merits of Unitary government.
Following are the merits of a unitary form of government:

  • In this type of government the administration is quite strong. The disputes between the Centre and the states rarely arise.
  • The main advantage of this government is that there is uniformity of administration. Such uniformity enables the government to act quickly and promptly.

Question 6.
Discuss the demerits of a unitary government.
Following are the demerits of a unitary government:

  • This form of government leads to the creation of despotic state.
  • It is not suitable to a country with a large size and population with different cultural interests.

Question 7.
What are the essential features of federal type of government?

  1. Written Constitution: A written constitution is essential in a federation in the sense that both the centre and the states should be definite about their sphere of action.
  2. Division of Powers: The powers of the government in a federation are distributed between the centre and the states.

Question 8.
What is the difference between the Unitary and federal forms of government?

  1. In unitary form of government there is one central government for the whole state. But in federation, there are two types of government-central government and the state governments.
  2. The constitution may be written or unwritten in unitary form of government, but there is definitely a written form of constitution in a federation.

Question 9.
Discuss the merits of a Federation.
A federal government has following advantages:

  • A federation develops the spirit of nationalism. It also affords the benefits of the local government.
  • The administration of a federal government is always very efficient. The central government can control the matters of national importance efficiently and the state government can handle the local affairs.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 Form of Governments: Unitary and Federal

Question 10.
Discuss the demerits of Federal Government.

  • A federal type of government is weak in the conduct of internal as well as external affairs.
  • The division of powers between the central govt, and the state governments always results in a conflict of legislation and administration between the two governments.

Question 11.
Write the names of three modern states having federal form of government.

  1. U.S.A.
  2. India
  3. Switzerland.

Question 12.
Write the names of four modern states having unitary form of government.

  1. U.K.
  2. Japan
  3. China
  4. Bangla Desh.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 Form of Governments: Unitary and Federal

One Word to One Sentence Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Mention any one feature of Unitary Government.
The Constitution does not divide the powers between the Centre and the States.

Question 2.
Mention any one demerit of Unitary Government.
In a Unitary System Central government becomes despotic.

Question 3.
Write down any one merit of Federal Government.
The administrator of a federal type of state is always very efficient.

Question 4.
Write down any one demerit of Federal Government.
A Federal type of government is weak in the conduct of internal as well as external.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 Form of Governments: Unitary and Federal

Fill in the blanks:

1. In a Unitary type of government the administration is quite …………………… .

2. A …………………… Constitution is essential in a federation.

3. In a federal type of state the citizens are granted …………………… citizenship.

True or False Statement

1. According to strong, A Unitary state is one organised under a single central govt.

2. Unitary government is a Expensive government.

3. The presence of a federal sentiment is very necessary for the successful working.

PSEB 11th Class Political Science Solutions Chapter 13 Form of Governments: Unitary and Federal

Choose The Correct Answer

Question 1.
Unitary form of government is found in:
(A) U.S.A.
(B) Switzerland
(C) U.K.
(D) India.
(C) U.K.

Question 2.
Federal form of government is found in:
(A) India
(B) Japan
(C) U.K.
(D) Nepal.
(A) India

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