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PSEB 7th Class English Vocabulary Prefix and Suffix

Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class English Book Solutions English Vocabulary Prefix and Suffix Exercise Questions and Answers, Notes.

PSEB 7th Class English Vocabulary Prefix and Suffix

A- Prefix

Prefix : mid-
mid+way = midway
mid+term = midterm
mid+west = midwest
mid+stream = midstream
mid+day = midday
mid+night = midnight

PSEB 7th Class English Vocabulary Prefix and Suffix

Prefix : re-
re+read = reread
re+write = rewrite
re+think = rethink
re+start = restart
re+act = react

Prefix : over-
over+do = overdo
over+dose = overdose
over+load = overload
over+throw = overthrow
over+leaf = overleaf
ab+normal = abnormal
ab+sent = absent

Prefix : mis-
mis+manage = mismanage
mis+take = mistake
mis+use = misuse

Prefix : pre-
pre+view = preview
pre+test = pretest
pre+plan = preplan
pre+position = preposition
pre+tend = pretend
pre+caution = precaution
pre+judge = prejudge

Prefix : in-
in+vade = invade
in+ability = inability
in+action = inaction
in+effective = ineffective
in+visible = invisible

Prefix : dis-
dis- dis+agree = disagree
dis+able = disable
dis+grace = disgrace
dis+loyal = disloyal

PSEB 7th Class English Vocabulary Prefix and Suffix

Prefix : un-
un+well = unwell
un+able = unable
un+trained = untrained
un+do = undo


Suffix : -able
favour+able = favourable
objection+able = objectionable
reason+able = reasonable
remark+able = remarkable
value+able = valuable

Suffix : -ance
accept+ance = acceptance
allow+ance = allowance
defy+ance = defiance
guide+ance = guidance

Suffix : -ment
agree+ment = agreement
attach+ment = attachment
fulfil+ment = fulfilment
pay+ment = payment
refresh+ment = refreshment
settle+ment = settlement

Suffix : -ful
beauty+ful = beautiful
care+ful = careful
grace+ful = graceful
hope+ful = hopeful

PSEB 7th Class English Vocabulary Prefix and Suffix

Suffix : -er
begin+er = beginner
build+er = builder
invade+er =invader
make+er = maker
command+er = commander

Suffix : -less
art+less = artless
hope+less = hopeless
noise+less = noiseless
taste+less = tasteless
weight+less = weightless
help+less = helpless

Suffix : -y
cloud+y = cloudy
fault+y = faulty
sand+y = sandy
sleep+y = sleepy
rain+y = rainy

Suffix : -en
gold+en = golden
silk+en = silken
light+en = lighten
soft+en = soften
bright+en = brighten

PSEB 7th Class English Vocabulary Prefix and Suffix

Suffix : -ous
grace+ous = gracious
nerve+ous = nervous
courage+ous = courageous
mystery+ous = mysterious
danger+ous = dangerous

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