Punjab State Board PSEB 7th Class English Book Solutions Poem 3 An Earthquake Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.
Class 7th English Solutions Poem Chapter 3 An Earthquake Question Answers
An Earthquake Class 7 Questions and Answers
Activity 1.
Look up the following words/phrases in a dictionary. You should seek the following information about the words and put them in your WORDS notebook.
1. Meaning of the word as used in the poem (adjective/noun/verb. etc).
2. Pronunciation (The teacher may refer to the dictionary or the mobile phone for correct pronunciation
3. Spellings
trembling | confirmed | crashing down | stood tall | fragmented |
crawls | rubble | debris | cosy | tombs |
Vocabulary Expansion
Activity 2.
Write five pairs of rhyming words from the poem.
1. awake-shake
2. fake-quake
3. tall-crawl
4. debris-trees
5. found-ground
6. shake-fake
7. down-town
Activity 3.
Have you ever experienced an earthquake? It may result in a disaster if the earthquake is big. There are two types of disasters-natural and man-made. Study the image below.
Look at the picture and make a list of all the natural as well as man-made disasters.
Natural Disasters — Man-made Disasters
1. Cyclones — Terrorism
2. Drought — Bomb explosion
3. Landslides — Industrial incidents
4. Earthquakes — Pollution
5. Floods — Epidemics
6. Famine — War
Learning to Read and Comprehend
Activity 4.
Answer the following questions.
Question 1.
What is the poem about ?
कविता किसके बारे में है ?
The poem is about an earthquake and disaster caused by it.
Question 2.
What happened as the poet lay awake ?
‘जिस समय कवि जाग कर लेटा हुआ था उस समय क्या हुआ ?
His bed began to shake as there was an earthquake.
Question 3.
How did the poet come to know about the earthquake ?
कवि को भूकम्प का पता कैसे चला ?
The trembling fan told him about the earthquake.
Question 4.
What confirmed the poet’s fear about the quake ?
भूकम्प के बारे में कवि के भ्रम की पुष्टि किस बात ने की ?
The trembling fan confirmed his fear about the quake.
Question 5.
What happened after the quake ? Make a list.
भूचाल/भूकम्प के बाद क्या हुआ ? एक सूची बनाइए।
(a) The houses crashed down.
(b) Houses, roads, parks-everything broke into pieces.
(c) There were heaps of debris on the ground.
(d) People came out of their homes crying.
Read and Understand
Activity 5
Explain the meaning of the following lines from the poem.
Question 1.
Kissing and talking to the ground.
Everything lay flat on the ground.
Question 2.
Some of which have now become tombs.
Some of them were now changed into tall heaps of debris.
Learning Language Prepositions
Read the following sentences.
1. Your pencils are in the box.
2. The woman sat on the bench.
3. The helicopter flew over the house.
4. The earthquake changed the houses into debris.
5. Simran felt the earth shaking beneath her feet.
इन वक्यो में in, on,over,into and beneath आदि शब्द दो nouns के बीच सम्बन्ध बताते है| इन्हें prepositions कहा जाता है।
इस प्रकार prepositions :
(a) nouns/pronouns का सम्बन्ध वाक्य में अन्य शब्दों से जोड़ती हैं।
(b) के बाद वाक्य में object का काम करने वाला कोई noun होता है।
Activity 6.
Choose suitable prepositions from the box to fill in the given blanks. The first one is done for you.
on | to | by | from | in front of |
with | at | into | behind | for |
1. There are trees in front of our house.
2. Look ………….. the blackboard.
3. Keep the bags ……………. the table.
4. The boy is looking ……………. an answer.
5. We went ……………. bus to Amritsar.
6. He travelled with me ………… Chandigarh to Patiala.
7. The girl stood …………….. the bench.
8. Look …………….. the bags for our papers.
9. Go …………… Sameer to the market.
10. Run …………….. call the man.
2. at,
3. on
4. for
5. by
6. from
7. on
8. into
9. with
10. behind.
Activity 7.
Using the words followed by preposition, make sentences of your own. The first one is done for you.
interfere with | fit for | confident of | sorry for | mix with |
make fun of | prays at | acted upon | bent on | superior to |
1. I do not let my music lessons interfere with my studies.
2. This water in not fit for drinking.
3. I am confident of my success.
4. I am sorry for this mistake.
5. Don’t mix with bad boys.
6. Never make fun of the poor.
7. She prays at home these days.
8. He acted upon his father’s advice.
9. The boy is bent on making a mischief.
10. Your box is superior to mine.
Activity 8.
Practise the following poem with your partner.
In a cold month
Under the cloudy sky
Near the dark forest
Beside the rumbling river
On the sandy bank
Under the green tree
Sat a twittering mynah. — Vandana Lunyal
Learning to Listen Dictation
Activity 9.
Listen to your teacher regarding an earthquake scene and fill in the blanks.
1. The ………………….. is creaking and rattling.
2. Books are ……………….. from the bookcase.
3. ………….. are swinging.
4. The bookcase …………………. on the floor.
5. The …………………. are rattling.
6. There are …………….. outside.
7. A car alarm ……………
8. Dogs are …………………..
9. A baby is ……………
10. …………….. are shouting.
11. The ……………… is making temple bells ring.
12. There are ………………. sounds from bricks falling to the ground.
13. Trees ………………….. are swaying.
14. Drop, take cover and …………………. on to an object.
15. Stay in the Drop, ………………… and Hold On position under your desk.
1. building
2. falling
3. Fans
4. falls
5. windows
6. noises
7. sounds
8. barking
9. crying
10. People
11. shaking
12. crashing
13. outside
14. hold
15. Cover.
Learning to Speak (Pairwork)
Activity 10.
You have read a newspaper report on the Tsunami warning issued for Kanyakumari. Tell your partner about what you have read. Your partner will ask you questions on Tsunami. The given image will help you to understand what a Tsunami is.
Manav : Ankit, do you know there is a Tsunami warning for Kanyakumari in the today’s paper ?
Ankit : Oh, no ! when is it expected ? What is Tsunami ?
Manav : It is expected any time between 10 a.m. to 12 a.m. today. A Tsunami is a huge sea wave rising about 25 feet high from the sea level. It is very dangerous as it brings a lot of death and destruction with it.
Ankit : How does it originate ?
Manav : It originates due to an earthquake in the sea-surface. Volcanic erruption under the sea also gives birth to a Tsunami.
Ankit : Are there any precautionary measures ?
Manav : People have been warned to go to land from the seashore. Fishermen have been warned against the danger. They are asked not to go for fishing for the day.
Ankit : What happens during Tsunami ?
Manav : It hits the sea-coast and washes away everything that comes in its way. It runs at a very high speed. Buildings crash down, electric poles and big trees are uprooted. Communication system is damaged. People and cattle near the sea-coast are washed
off. Nothing survives.
Learning to Write (Group work)
Activity 11.
India and the whole world suffered an attack of novel coronavirus due to which everyone had to stay at home. It was done to stay away from other people who might be infected with the virus. It is called ‘SOCIAL DISTANCING’. Make a list of Do’s and Don’ts that the Government and the TV channels were telling us.’
Do’s | Don’ts |
1. Wash your hands for 20 seconds regularly many times a day. 2. Stay at home. 3. Cover your mouth and nose with a mask. 4. Keep social distancing. 5. Sanitise your hands if you touch something. |
1. Don’t touch your mouth and nose time and again. 2. Never go out without a mask. 3. Don’t move on road without any purpose. 4. Don’t spit in the open. 5. Never use a used mask/mask used by anybody. |
Learning to Use Language
Activity 12.
Study the following table and the picture. Take hints from the picture and write 5 points on how you saved yourself and your friend when an earthquake came when you were having lunch during your school break.
Your Location | Do | Don’t |
Indoors | drop, take cover under a strong table or desk and hold on. stand near the inner wall or sit by strong furniture and cover your head and neck with your arms. | stay close to windows, fire places, appliances such as the fridge or TV. stay close to cupboards or furniture or any other object that may topple or fall. |
Outdoors | stay in an open area, away from any walls or trees. | stay close to any walls or trees, electric poles, power lines, street lights, etc. |
Last year in the month of April, my friend and I were sitting alone in our classroom. It was break time and we were having lunch. Suddenly, I saw the fan in our class shaking. I realized it was an earthquake. We got scared. We heard children screaming. I quickly dropped myself down and took cover under a strong table. My friend tried to peep out of a window.
I asked my friend not to do this and cover his head and neck with his arms. Then we crawled out of the door. Now we came in the open. We kept ourselves away from the school walls and trees. But there was a power-pole near us. To avoid it we crawled to a place nothing heavy or dangerous near us. Soon the quake was over. We thanked God that we were safe.
Comprehension Of Stanzas
Read the following stanzas carefully and answer the questions that follow each :
(1) As I lay wide awake
My beds began to shake.
Was my fear real or fake ?
The trembling fan confirmed the quake.
The houses came crashing down
“Oh my God !” cried the whole town!
1. Name the poem and the poet.
कविता और कवि का नाम बताओ।
2. What confirmed that there was an earthquake?
भूचाल आने की पुष्टि किसने की ?
3. What happened to the houses?
मकानों को क्या हुआ?
1. The name of the poem is ‘An Earthquake and that of the poet is Vandana Lunyal.
2. The trembling fan confirmed that there was an earthquake.
3. The houses crashed down.
(2) A moment ago, the town stood tall
Now fragmented, on the ground, it crawls.
Turned to rubble, Changed into debris
Houses, roads, parks and trees.
Everywhere, everything is found
Kissing and talking to the ground.
People out of their cosy homes
Some of which have now become tombs.
1. What has changed the scene of the town? How does it look now?
शहर का दृश्य किसने बदल दिया है ? अब शहर कैसा लगता है?
2. What has happened to the cosy houses?
शहर के आरामदायक घरों को क्या हुआ है ?
3. What is the central idea of the poem?
कविता का केंद्रीय भाव क्या है ?
1. An earthquake has changed the scene of the town. The town that stood tall is lying in broken pieces on the ground.
2. The cosy houses of the people become tombs of debris.
3. The poem is based on the idea that an earthquake brings death and disaster with it. Tall buildings, roads and poles get badly cracked and turn into pieces. There are heaps of debris all around. Cries of people render every heart.
Word Meanings
An Earthquake Summary in Hindi
यह कविता एक भूकम्प और उससे होने वाले विनाश के बारे में है। कवि जाग गया था और अपने बिस्तर पर लेटा हुआ था। अचानक उसका पलंग हिलने लगा। उसके मन में भूचाल का डर पैदा हुआ। उसी समय उसका पंखा कांपने लगा और कवि जान गया कि यह वास्तव में ही भूचाल है।
सारे शहर में हाहाकार मच गया। लोग चीखते हुए अपने घरों से बाहर आ गये। ऊंचे-ऊंचे मकान नीचे आ गिरे। सड़कों, वृक्षों आदि के टुकड़े हो गए। सब कुछ सपाट हो गया। ऐसे लगता था कि पूरा शहर धरती पर लेट गया है। जगह-जगह मलबे के ऊँचे-ऊँचे ढेर लग गए। इस प्रकार भूचाल ने एक विनाशकारी दृश्य प्रस्तुत किया ।
Class 7 PSEB Solutions Poetry