PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 7 Getting to Know Plants

This PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 7 Getting to Know Plants will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 7 Getting to Know Plants

→ We have a large variety of plants around us. These differ in size, shape, colour of leaves, flowers, etc.

→ Plants around us are usually grouped inter herbs, shrubs, and trees

→ Herbs are small-sized plants with soft green stems which generally lack branches.

→ Shrubs are medium-sized plants with hard stems and branched near the base or near the ground. Trees are tall and long with strong stems called trunks.

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 7 Getting to Know Plants

→ Parts of a plant consist of two types of system – root system and shoot system.

→ The root system is the underground part of the plant. It anchors the plant to the soil.

→ Roots absorb water and minerals from the soil.

→ The shoot system is the portion of the plant above the ground.

→ Two types of roots are taproots and fibrous roots.

→ Stem conducts water to leaves and other parts of the plant.

→ Stem conducts water to leaves and other parts of the plant.

→ The green colour of leaves is due to the presence of a pigment called chlorophyll.

→ Leaves perform photosynthesis and transpiration.

→ The leaf is made up of two parts-petiole and lamina.

→ The lines on the leaf lamina are called veins and in the centre is called midrib.

→ Venation is of two types: Parallel venation and Reticulate venation.

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 7 Getting to Know Plants

→ A flower is the reproductive part of a plant.

→ The flower has sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils.

→ Stamen is the male reproductive organ.

→ The pistil is the female reproductive organ.

→ Creepers: Herbs having a weak stem that cannot stand upright and spread on the ground are called creepers.

→ Climbers: Plants having a weak stem that cannot stand erect and take support of nearby objects to climb up are called climbers.

→ Taproot: The root which has a main root and branched smaller roots is called the taproot.

→ Fibrous root: This root has no main root. It is like a bundle of thread-like growth. All roots seem similar and are known as fibrous roots.

→ Weeds: The unwanted plants grown with the main crop are weeds.

→ Venation: The design made by veins in a leaf is called venation.

→ Parallel Venation: When the lines/veins are parallel to one another then it is known as parallel venation.

PSEB 6th Class Science Notes Chapter 7 Getting to Know Plants

→ Reticulate Venation: When there is a network of veins then the venation is reticulate venation.

→ Herbs: The plants with small size, green and tender stems are known as herbs.

→ Shrubs: Plants having strong stem branched at the base are known as shrubs.

→ Trees: Trees are tall-sized plants in which the main stem is hard, broad, and thick at the base, and branches are found on the upper part.

→ Trunk: The main step of a tree which is woody, hard, broad, and thick at the base, and bare branches is known as the trunk.

→ Photosynthesis: The process by which plants prepare food using carbon dioxide and water in the presence of chlorophyll and sunlight.

→ Transpiration: Loss of water vapour from plants through stomata.

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