The Farmhouse Cows Question Answer Class 6 English Solutions Chapter 1 PSEB Solutions

Punjab State Board PSEB 6th Class English Book Solutions Chapter 1 The Farmhouse Cows Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Class 6th English Solutions Chapter 1 The Farmhouse Cows Question Answers

The Farmhouse Cows Class 6 Questions and Answers

Activity 1.

Look up the following words in a dictionary. You should seek the following information about the words and put them in your WORDS notebook.
1. Meaning of the word as used in the lesson (Adjective/Noun/Verb, etc)
2. Pronunciation (The teacher may refer to the dictionary or the mobile phone for correct pronunciation)
3. Spellings

appreciate loaf lump creature
moving cheese delicious underneath

नोट :-
1. विद्यार्थी Lesson के आरंभ में दिए गए Word-Meanings पढ़ें।
2. Pronunciation के लिए अपने अध्यापक से निर्देश लें।
3. दिए गए शब्दों की spellings याद करें और इन्हें बार-बार लिखने का अभ्यास करें।

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 1 The Farmhouse Cows

Vocabulary Expansion

Activity 2.

Choose sounds of animals from the given box. Write in the given blank.
Two examples are given below.
a cow moos
a lion roars.
neigh, quack, croak, bray, bleat, caw, hoot, talk
PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 1 The Farmhouse Cows 1
1. a horse —- neighs
2. an owl —- hoots
3. a goat —- bleats
4. a crow —- caws
5. a parrot —- talks
6. a frog —- croaks
7. a donkey —- brays
8. a duck —- quacks

Activity 3.

Fill in the blanks. Select suitable words from the story.
1. Rajinder was ……………… because his parents had moved to the village.
2. Cows moo and lions ……..
3. Cows send us a lot of …………….
4. Rajinder pours …………… on his apples.
5. Mother eats a piece of …………… at teatime.
1. happy
2. roar
3. gifts
4. all the cream
5. cheese.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 1 The Farmhouse Cows

Learning to Read and Comprehend

Activity 4

Read each sentence. If it is correct, write ‘yes’ or if it is not correct then write ‘no’ in the given space:

1. Rajinder’s family moved from country to town. No
2. A cow moos. Yes
3. A cow gives us a lot of presents. Yes
4. Rajinder appreciates the cows in the end. Yes
5. Rajinder’s mother says that cheese is a delicious thing. Yes

Activity 5

Read the story and answer the following questions :

Question 1.
What is the name of the boy in the story?
कहानी में लड़के का क्या नाम है ?
His name is Rajinder.

Question 2.
Where did the boy and his family come from ?
लड़का और उसका परिवार कहां से आये (के रहने वाले) थे ?
They came from a city.

Question 3.
Where does the milk come from ?
दूध कहां से आता है ?
Milk comes from cows and some other cattle.

Question 4.
What present does the Mother get from the cow ?
मां गाय से कौन सा उपहार प्राप्त करती है ?
She gets cheese.

Question 5.
What does the boy say about the cow at the end of the story?
कहानी के अंत में लड़का गायों के बारे में क्या कहता है ?
At the end, he says, “I did not know they were so kind !”

Learning Language

The Noun
A noun is a naming word. It may be a person, place, animal, thing etc.
Noun किसी व्यक्ति, स्थान, पशु, वस्तु आदि का नाम होता है।
PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 1 The Farmhouse Cows 2
Let us look at some sentences.
1. Manpreet is a good boy.
2. Chandigarh is a clean city.
3. Snakes are friends of farmers.
The words in bold are nouns.
They are the names of a person, place, animal or a thing

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 1 The Farmhouse Cows

Activity 6.

Look at the table given below. All the words are nouns. Add some more to the table.

Place Person Thing Animal
India Raghav toy dog
Punjab Divyam flowers Cat
Delhi Amit oranges snake
park boys bat fox
class girls tree wolf
Amritsar men bag lion
Jalandhar women books cow
bus-stand player shirt buffalo
city singer turban monkey

Kinds of Nouns There are different kinds of nouns. They are :
1. Common noun
2. Proper noun
3. Concrete noun
4. Abstract noun
5. Collective noun.

Common Noun

A common noun is the name of people or things in general, e.g. boy, country, river, bridge, city, evening. Common nouns do not begin with a capital letter if the word is in the middle of a sentence. Let us look at some sentences.
PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 1 The Farmhouse Cows 3
Common Noun आम लोगों तथा वस्तुओं के नाम होते है | लिखते समय वाक्य के अंदर यें ताम Capital Letters (A,B,C……..) से आरंभ नहीं किए जाते
1. Men are playing.
2. Women are running.
3. These fruits are sweet.
4. Animals are beautiful.
All the words in bold are common nouns

Activity 7.

Write common nouns in the space given and make small sentences.

1. Common Noun : book
Sentence : I have many books.

2. Common Noun : bag
Sentence : I have bought a new bag.

3. Common Noun : fruit
Sentence : Mango is a sweet fruit.

4. Common Noun : City
Sentence : Ludhiana is a big city.

5. Common Noun : toys
Sentence : Toys are playthings.

Proper Noun

A proper noun is the name of a particular person, place or thing, e.g. India, Delhi, Monday, Jamuna, Aman. In written English, proper nouns begin with capital letters.
किसी विशेष व्यक्ति, स्यान, वस्तु आदि का नाम बताने वाले Nouns, Proper Nouns कहलाते है| proper Noun अंग्रेजी में Capital Letter से आरम्भ होते हैं।

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 1 The Farmhouse Cows 4
Let us look at some sentences :
1. Radha is playing.
2. Mr. Sen and Mrs. Sen are running.
3. Mumbai is beautiful.
4. Gopal slipped in the class. All the words in bold are proper nouns.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 1 The Farmhouse Cows

Activity 8.

Underline proper nouns and encircle common nouns in the story given below :

Story Amit sells ice-cream in the Atal park. His ice-creams are of different flavours strawberry, vanilla, chocolate and many more. Harjot wants some ice-cream. He tells his mother, “I want to go to the park to buy ice-cream.” Harjot’s sister Joyti laughs and claps her hands. She also loves ice-cream. Mother says, “I have to go to the grocer’s and also to the supermarket. So let’s go by our jeep. We will go to the park by Gandhi Road. There is less traffic there. We will reach the park soon and then we can buy ice-cream there.” Harjot and Jyoti are very happy.

Activity 9.

Look at the picture given and list the common and proper nouns in the table given below :
PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 1 The Farmhouse Cows 5

Common Nouns Proper Nouns
Cap Jamuna
Clock Tajmahal
Chair Gurinder
Watch Babli
Road Delhi
Building Raghav
People Joyti
Tiger Hyderabad
Petrol Divyam
Cauliflower Earth
Forest Rosy
Blanket Kamlesh

Reading a short passage

The Right Way to Brush Not many of us know how to brush out teeth properly. Proper burshing takes at least two minutes twice a day. Brushing should be gentle. Use small headed tooth brush beacuse it can reach all the areas of the mouth. You must clean the outer surfaces of your upper teeth and then your lower teeth. You must clean the inner surfaces of your upper teeth and then your lower teeth. Also clean the chewing surfaces. You must not forget to brush your tongue too. Brushing of tongue removes bacteria and freshens the breath. You must replace your toothbrush every three months. You must also change your toothbrush if you have had a cold or any other form of mouth infection. It is because the bristles can collect germs that can lead to the same infections once again.

Activity 10.

Choose the correct option :

Question 1.
Brushing must be done at least :
(a) three times a day
(b) once a day
(c) twice a day
(d) twenty minutes a day.
(c) twice a day.

Question 2.
We should change our toothbrush every ……………. months.
(a) five
(b) three
(c) four
(d) six.
(b) three.

Question 3.
We should use large-headed toothbrush.
(a) true
(b) false
(c) not given
(d) none of these.
(b) false.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 1 The Farmhouse Cows

Question 4.
We should brush our teeth for about ………..
(a) two minutes
(b) 2 hours
(c) 15 minutes
(d) 30 seconds.
(a) two minutes.

Question 5.
Brushing of tongue removes :……….
(a) virus
(b) bacteria
(c) saliva
(d) none of these.
(b) bacteria.

Learning to Listen

Activity 11 (Pairwork)

The teacher will read out the story to the students. Listen to the story carefully and write the names of the people/animals from the story . The first letter of each word is given.
Examples :
(a) C ………….. cow.
(b) h ………… hen.
1. I …………… lion
2. ………….. goat
3. …………. horse
4. r ………… rabbit
5. k ………
6. d ………….duck
7. m ……….. mother
Now say them aloud to your partner.

Learning to Speak

Activity 12.

Speak five sentences about cow in your group using the following hints :
milk, cream, butter, moo, kind animal, delicious things, horns.
1. The cow is a kind animal.
2. It has big horns.
3. It moos.
4. It gives us milk
5. We get many delicious things like cream, butter etc from a cow.

Activity 13.

Fill in the blanks using the information given in Activity 12.

1. A cow is a kind animal.
2. Cow gives us a lot of milk.
3. It gives us other gifts too.
4. We can make many delicious things from cow’s milk like custard and cream and butter.
5. Though it has big horns we should not be afraid of it.
6. It is a friendly animal.
Now remove the numbers and put the sentences above in a paragraph form.
A cow is a kind animal. It gives us a lot of milk. It gives us other gifts too. We can make many delicious things from cow’s milk like custard and cream and butter. Though it has big horns, we should not be afraid of it. It is a friendly animal.

Learning to Use Language

Activity 14.

Have you seen a buffalo ? How does it look like? Write 5 sentences on a buffalo of your own.
1. My buffalo is black.
2. Most buffaloes are black or dark grey in colour.
3. A buffalo is a big animal. It looks like a bison.
4. It has four feet and a bushy tail. (गुच्छेदार पूंछ)
5. It has big horns which are bent. (झुके हुए)
6. It gives us a lot of delicious milk.
7. We make many things like curd (दही), cream, butter etc. from its milk.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 1 The Farmhouse Cows

Comprehension Of Passages

(1) Read the given passages and answer the questions that follow each :
Rajinder got very happy that his parents had bought a farm in a village, where they were moving from a city. It was so different ! There were small green lanes instead of busy streets, big trees instead of tall buildings, and a lot of animals and birds.

Rajinder counted the animals and said to his mother, “There are thirty two goats in the fields and six little kids. Mom !” said Rajinder to his mother, “and there are nine horses at the farm, and I saw two rabbits this morning and about twelve ducks. I could not count them properly because they would not stay still in one place. The hens would also not stay still”.

(i) Where were Rajinder’s parents moving to ?
राजेंद्र के माता-पिता घर बदल कर कहां जा रहे थे ?

(ii) Name two things in the village which were not in the city,
गांव की दो चीजों के नाम बताओ जो शहर में नहीं थीं ।

(iii) Choose true or false statements and write them in your answer book.
(a) There were thirty-two goats in the field.
(b) The hens were staying still.

(iv) Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage.
(a) Rajinder could not count the ducks properly because ……..
(b) There were six little kids in ……….
Match the words with their meanings.

(a) Still young one
(b) kids motionless stay

(i) Rajinder’s parents were moving to a farm in a village.
(a) Small green lanes
(b) a lot of animals and birds.
(a) True
(b) False.
(a) Rajinder could not count the ducks properly because they would not stay still in one place.
(b) There were six little kids in the fields.
(a) still – motionless
(b) kid – young one.

(2) “No, they are very good friends ! They give us delicious gifts,” said mother. She took down a jug of milk. She poured it into a mug and gave it to Rajinder. He drank it. “So, did that come from the cow ?” he asked. Mother nodded, “Well, it was simply delicious !” At lunch time mother put down a dish of sweetened apples for Rajinder.

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 1 The Farmhouse Cows

He looked around for the custard that mother usually made for him with this dish. There was none. “The cow has sent you this gift instead !” said mother and she gave Rajinder a little jug full of thick cream. How lovely it was ! Rajinder poured it all over his apples.

They tasted much nicer than usual. “So that comes from the cow too !” said the little boy, “Well, it must be a very kind animal !” “Yes it is. All these things are made of cow milk.” said mother. Rajinder was surprised to know that cows give so much milk that his mother could make so many things out of it.

(i) Who gives us delicious gifts ? Name the two gifts.
हमें स्वादिष्ट उपहार कौन देता है ? दो उपहारों के नाम बताओ।

(ii) What increased the taste of Rajinder’s apples ?
राजेन्द्र के सेबों का स्वाद किस चीज़ ने बढ़ाया ?

(iii) Choose true or false statements and write them in your answer book :
(a) Mother usually made custard for herself.
(b) Rajinder did not know that milk is delicious.

(iv) Complete the following sentences according to the meaning of the passage :
(a) At lunch time mother gave Rajinder a ……………….
(b) Rajinder was surprised to know that cows give …………
Match the words with their meanings :

(a) delicious tasty
(b) nicer usual

(i) Cows give us delicious gifts. Two of them are-milk and cream.
(ii) Thick cream increased the taste of Rajinder’s apples.
(a) False
(b) True.
(a) At lunch time, mother gave Rajinder a dish of sweetened apples.
(b) Rajinder was surprised to know that cows give so much milk.
(a) delicious — tasty
(b) nicer — better.

Use Of Words/ Phrases In Sentences

1. Afraid of (frightened) —
I am not afraid of this dog.
मैं इस कुत्ते से नहीं डरता।

2. Instead of (in place of) —
Instead of tea I drank milk.
चाय की बजाय मैंने दूध पिया।

3. Lead to (take in the direction of) —
This road leads to Khanna.
यह सड़क खन्ना जाती है।

4. Delicious (tasty) —
This mango is very delicious.
यह आम बहुत ही स्वादिष्ट है।

5. Creature (animal) —
Ant is a small creature.
चींटी एक छोटा सा जीव है।

6. Appreciate (admire) —
I appreciate him for his good act.
मैं उसके अच्छे काम के लिए उस की प्रशंसा करता हूँ।

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 1 The Farmhouse Cows

7. Serve (lay) —
Who will serve food ?
भोजन कौन परोसेगा?

8. Lump (chunk) —
I broke the lump of salt.
मैंने नमक का ढेला तोड़ा।

9. Lift up (pick up) —
I lifted up my coins from the ground.
मैंने ज़मीन से अपने सिक्के उठाये।

10. Reason (cause) —
What is the reason ? You are late today.
क्या कारण है आज आप देर से आये हैं ?

Word Meanings

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The Farmhouse Cows Summary in Hindi

Rajinder got very ………………………. simply delicious !”

राजिन्दर के माता पिता ने शहर से गांव में जाने के लिए गांव में एक खेत (फार्म) खरीदा था, इसलिए वह बहुत खुश था। यहाँ सब कुछ भिन्न था। यहाँ पर व्यस्त सड़कों के विपरीत छोटी-छोटी हरी-भरी गलियां (सड़कें), ऊँची इमारतों के विपरीत बड़े-बड़े पेड़ और ढेर सारे पशु-पक्षी थे।

राजिन्दर ने जानवरों को गिना और अपनी माता से कहा, “माँ, खेतों में बत्तीस बकरियां और छ: छोटे-छोटे बच्चे हैं। खेत पर नौ घोड़े हैं और मैंने सुबह दो खरगोश तथा लगभग बारह बत्तखें भी देखी हैं। मैं उन्हें ठीक ढंग से नहीं गिन पाया क्योंकि वे एक स्थान पर नहीं टिक पा रही थीं। मुर्गियां भी नहीं टिक रही थीं।” माता ने पूछा, “गायों के बारे में क्या?” “क्या तुमने उन्हें गिना है?”

राजिन्दर ने कहा, “मुझे गाय पसन्द नहीं हैं। उनके सींग बड़े-बड़े होते हैं और वे मुझ पर गरजती (गुस्सा करती) हैं। माता ने कहा, “अरे, नहीं। शेर गरजते हैं। गाय तो केवल भाएं-भाएं (Moo) करती हैं।” राजिन्दर ने कहा, “ठीक है, मुझे तो यह शेर की आवाज जैसी लगती है।” “मैं गायों को बिल्कुल भी पसंद नहीं करता ।

वे बुरी होती हैं।” माता ने कहा, ” नहीं, वे बहुत अच्छी मित्र होती हैं। वे हमें स्वादिष्ट उपहार देती हैं।” उन्होंने एक दूध का जग नीचे उतारा। उन्होंने उसे एक प्याले में डालकर राजिन्दर को दिया। वह उसे पी गया। उसने सिर हिलाकर मां से पूछा, “तो, क्या यह गाय से मिला है? अच्छा, पर यह तो स्वादिष्ट था।”

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 1 The Farmhouse Cows

At lunch time …………………………. out of it.

दोपहर के भोजन के सश्चश्चमय माता जी ने राजिन्दर को सेब वाला एक मीठा पकवान खाने को दिया। उसने कसटर्ड के लिए, इधर-उधर देखा जो साधारणतया उसकी माँ उसके लिए इस पकवान के साथ बनाती थी। वह नहीं था। माता ने राजिन्दर को मोटी गाढ़ी मलाई से भरा एक छोटा सा जग दिया और कहा, “गाय ने तुम्हारे लिए यह उपहार भेजा है।” कितना प्यारा था यह। राजिन्दर ने इसे अपने सेबों पर डाल लिया।

ये पहले से अधिक स्वादिष्ट लग रहे थे। छोटे बच्चे ने कहा, “तो ये भी गाय से मिलती है! अच्छा, तो यह एक दयालु जानवर होगा।” माता जी ने कहा, “हाँ, यह तो है। ये सभी चीजें गाय के दूध से बनती हैं।” राजिन्दर यह जानकर हैरान था कि गाय हमें इतना सारा दूध देती है जिससे उसकी मां इतनी सारी चीजें बना लेती है। चाय के समय माता जी ने ब्रैड के एक पीस घर का बना जैम लगाकर मेज़ पर परोसा। सामान्यत: यहाँ पर ब्रेड के स्लाइस (टुकड़े) और मक्खन होता था। राजिन्दर देखो, “गाय ने मेरे लिए भी एक उपहार भेजा है।”

माता जी ने यह कहते हुए पनीर वाले बर्तन का ढक्कन उठाया। राजिन्दर ने उसके अंदर घर में बने पनीर का बड़ा सा ढेर देखा। माँ ने अपने लिए पनीर का एक टुकड़ा काटा और कहा यह बहुत स्वादिष्ट है। राजिन्दर ने कहा, “क्या मैं अपने ब्रेड पर भी थोड़ा सा लगा सकता हूँ।” राजिन्दर ने कहा, “ओह! मेरे भगवान ! कितना अच्छा मित्रों जैसा जीव है गाय ! अब न तो मैं इससे घृणा करूँगा और न ही इससे डरूँगा।”

माँ ने कहा, “इसका कोई कारण भी नहीं है।” राजिन्दर ने कहा, “मैं गायों के खेतों की ओर जाने वाले गेट पर जाऊँगा और वहाँ खड़े होकर गायों का धन्यवाद करूँगा। मैं नहीं जानता था कि वे इतनी दयालु होती हैं !” और अब राजिन्दर गायों से बिल्कुल भी भयभीत नहीं है और वह उन्हें बहुत पसंद करता है। वह कहता है कि ये उसकी मित्र हैं। आप क्या कहते हैं ?

Retranslation Of Isolated Sentences

1. There were small green lanes instead of busy streets.
यहाँ पर व्यस्त सड़कों की बजाय छोटी-छोटी सी गलियां थीं।

2. There are thirty two goats in the fields and six little kids.
खेतों में बत्तीस बकरियां तथा छ: छोटे बच्चे हैं।

3. I could not count them properly.
मैं उन्हें ठीक से नहीं गिन पाया।

4. They have big horns.
उनके सींग बड़े-बड़े होते हैं।

5. They roar at me.
वे मुझ पर गरजती हैं।

6. They give us delicious gifts.
ये हमें स्वादिष्ट उपहार देती हैं।

7. She poured it into a mug.
उन्होंने उसे एक प्याले में उंडेला।

8. The cow has sent you this gift instead.
इसकी बजाय गाय ने तुम्हारे लिए यह उपहार भेजा है।

9. Well, it must be very kind animal.
अच्छा तो यह बहुत दयालु जानवर होगा।

10. Rajinder poured it all over his apples.
राजिन्दर ने इसे पूरी तरह अपने सेबों पर डाल दिया।

PSEB 6th Class English Solutions Chapter 1 The Farmhouse Cows

11. Rajinder was surprised to know that cows give so much milk.
राजिन्दर यह जानकर हैरान रह गया कि गाय इतना सारा दूध देती है।

12. What a nice friendly creature the cow is !
कितना अच्छा मित्रों जैसा जीव है गाय!

13. I did not know they were so kind.
मैं नहीं जानता था कि वे इतनी दयालु होती हैं।

14. They tasted much nicer than usual.
उनका स्वाद पहले से अधिक अच्छा हो गया।

English Class 6 Solutions PSEB Prose

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