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PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 4 Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and His Teachings

Punjab State Board PSEB 12th Class History Book Solutions Chapter 4 Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and His Teachings Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

PSEB Solutions for Class 12 History Chapter 4 Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and His Teachings

Long Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Give a brief account of the contribution of Guru Nanak to Sikhism.
When Guru Nanak Dev Ji was born in the 15th century, the political, social and religious condition of India was pitiable. The Muslims belonged to the ruling class. They hated the Hindus and perpetrated cruelty on them. Religion had been reduced to the level of mere outward show. People were groping in the darkness of ignorance. The condition of women-folk in society was very deplorable. Guru Nanak Dev Ji undertook travels in the various parts of the country and abroad to dispel superstitions prevalent among people and to bring awareness in ’ them.

Guru Ji preached to worship only one God, to lead pious and truthful life, to give equal rights to women and to shun superstitions. Wherever he went, ‘ he deeply impressed people through his teachings. Guru Ji raised a voice against the tyranny of the ruling class and officials and injustice. He founded two institutions namely Sangat and Pangat. A new religious brotherhood had come into being in the lifetime of Guru Nanak. Before he immersed with Immortal in 1539 A.D. Guru Nanak appointed Lehna (Guru Angad) his successor. The appointment of Guru Angad proved very significant for the development of Sikh Panth.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 4 Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and His Teachings

Question 2.
What do you n$ean by Udasis? What were the aims of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’ Udasis?
What were the aims of the Udasis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
Udasis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji mean the travels undertaken by him. The main objective of Guru Nanak’s Udasis was to dispel the ignorance and superstitions of the people. He wanted to convey the message of the universal brotherhood of mankind and worship of the only one God to the people. Both the religions — Hinduism and Islam had gone astray and forgotten their true principles. The priestly class whose duty was to guide people had themselves turned corrupt and characterless.

When the religious leaders themselves grope in the dark, it is not difficult to ascertain the condition of the common people. The people had started worshipping a number of gods, goddesses, graves, trees, snakes, stones etc. In this way, the true spirit of religion had disappeared. Society was divided into many castes and sub-castes. People of one caste hated the people of the other castes. The condition of women-folk in society was pitiable. They were not treated as equal to men. Guru Nanak started his Udasis to show a new path to the people who were groping in darkness.

Question 3.
Write a brief note on any five important Udasis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
1. Saidpur: Guru Nanak Dev Ji started his first Udasi from Sultanpur and reached Saidpur (Eminabad). When he reached there, Malik Bhago, a landlord of the village, invited Guru Ji to a feast, but Guru Ji stayed in the house of a poor carpenter Bhai Lalo. Malik Bhago compelled Guru Nanak Dev Ji to explain his conduct. Guru Nanak Dev Ji took the food of Malik Bhago in one hand and the rough and dry bread of Bhai Lalo in the other hand and pressed them. Blood dripped from Malik Bhago’s food, whereas milk dripped from Bhai Lalo’s bread. In this way, Guru Nanak Dev Ji proved that we should earn our livelihood by honest means and hard labour.

2. Talumba : Guru Nanak’Dev Ji met Sajjan at this place. He had built a temple and a mosque within his Haveli. During the day, he served these travellers nicely but at night he used to rob them and sometimes killed them and threw their bodies into a secret well. He was planning to play the same trick with Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Bhai Mardana. However, when at night Guru Nanak Dev Ji recited his melodious Bani, Sajjan thug was moved and he fell at the feet of the great Guru and sought his pardon for his bad deeds. Guru Nanak Dev Ji forgave him. After this incident, Sajjan gave up cheating and killing, became a true Sajjan and spent his remaining life propagating Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings.

3. Gorakhmata: After Haridwar, Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Gorakhmata. Here, Guru Ji told Sidh Jogis that one cannot get salvation by wearing earrings in the ears, by applying ash (vibhuti) to the body or by blowing horns, by holding sticks or by shaving of heads. These Jogis were so impressed with his teachings that they became his disciples. Since then, Gorakhmata is called Nanakmata.

4. Hasan Abdal: On his return journey to Punjab, Guru Nanak Dev Ji stopped at Hasan Abdal. Here an arrogant Faqir, Wali Kandhari in a fit of rage, rolled a very heavy stone rock downward from the hilltop to kill Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Guru Nanak Dev Ji stopped it with his palm. This place is known as ‘Punja Sahib’ these days and there stands a splendid Gurdwara.

5. Mecca: Mecca is the birthplace of the Prophet Mohammad. According to Sikh tradition, when Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Mecca, he slept with his feet towards the Kaaba. When Qazi Rukun-ud-Din noticed it, he flew into a rage. Guru Nanak Dev Ji explained to him that Allah is present everywhere.

Question 4.
Give a brief account of the First Udasi of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
1. Saidpur: Guru Nanak Dev Ji started his first Udasi from Sultanpur and reached Saidpur (Eminabad). When he reached there, Malik Bhago, a landlord of the village, invited Guru Ji to a feast, but Guru Ji stayed in the house of a poor carpenter Bhai Lalo. Malik Bhago compelled Guru Nanak Dev Ji to explain his conduct. Guru Nanak Dev Ji took the food of Malik Bhago in one hand and the rough and dry bread of Bhai Lalo in the other hand and pressed them. Blood dripped from Malik Bhago’s food, whereas milk dripped from Bhai Lalo’s bread. In this way, Guru Nanak Dev Ji proved that we should earn our livelihood by honest means and hard labour.

2. Kurukshetra: Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Kurukshetra on the occasion of a solar eclipse. Here, Guru Nanak Dev Ji told the gathered people that one should lead a simple and precious life. His words worked like magic and many people became his disciples. The majority of historians don’t agree with this incident.

3. Gorakhmata: After Haridwar, Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Gorakhmata. Here, Guru Ji told Sidh Jogis that one cannot get salvation by wearing earrings in the ears, by applying ash (vibhuti) to the body or by blowing of horns, by holding sticks or by shaving of heads. These Jogis„were so impressed with his teachings that they became his disciples. Since then, Gorakhmata is called Nanakmata.

4. Kamrup : When Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Kamrup in Assam, a famous witch Nur Shahi along with some other beautiful women, tried to cast a spell on Guru Nanak Dev Ji by her alluring gestures and extraordinary display of tempting charms but she failed. Guru Nanak Dev Ji showed them the right path.

5. Jagannath Puri : After a visit to Assam, Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Jagannath Puri in Orissa. The priest of Jagannath Puri temple asked Guru Nanak Dev Ji to pay homage to their Lord Jagannath. Guru Nanak Dev Ji told them he did not believe in formal worship of aarti. Nature, all the time, is busy with the worship of that Almighty God. So, there is no need of offering artificial worship to Him.

Question 5.
What do you know about the Second Udasi of Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
1. Kailash Parbat: Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Kailash Parbat (Sumer) via Tibet. The Siddhas were greatly surprised at Guru’s arrival there. Guru Nanak Dev Ji told them that the truth had disappeared from the world and falsehood and corruption prevailed everywhere. Guru Nanak Dev Ji advised them to serve humanity.

2. Ladakh: Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Ladakh from Kailash Parbat. Impressed by the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, many people became his disciples.

3. Kashmir : Guru Nanak Dev Ji held a very lengthy religious debate with Pandit Brahm Das at Mattan in Kashmir. Guru Nanak Dev Ji explained to him that mere reading or reciting of the Vedas and the Ramayana could not bring salvation. Salvation can be attained only by one’s actions in accordance with the teachings of these holy scriptures.

4. Hasan Abdal : On his return journey to the Punjab Guru Nanak Dev Ji stopped at Hasan Abdal. Here an arrogant Faqir, Wali Kandhari in a fit of rage, rolled a very heavy stone rock downward from the hill top to kill Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Guru Nanak Dev Ji stopped it with his palm. This place is known as ‘Puuja Sahib’ these days and there stands a splendid Gurdwara.

5. Sialkot: Guru Nanak Dev Ji met a Muslim saint named Hamza Ghaus at Sialkot. He was angry with the people of this town over some issue and he was determined to destroy the whole, city with his power. But, when he met Guru Ji he was so impressed that all his anger disappeared. This incident impressed the people.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 4 Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and His Teachings

Question 6.
Give a brief account of the Third Udasi of Guru Nanak Dev Ji
1. Multan : Mhny Sufi saints lived in Multan. Here Guru Nanak Dev Ji met a famous Sufi saint Shaikh Bahauddin. He was greatly impressed with Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings and became his disciple.

2. Mecca : Mecca is the birth place of the Prophet Mohammad. According to Sikh tradition, when Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Mecca, he slept with his feet towards the Kaaba. When Qazi Rukun-ud-Din noticed it, he flew into a rage.When the Qazi turned Guru Ji’s feet to the other directions, the Kaaba also began to turn towards those directions. At this, the Qazi and other Muslims present were deeply impressed. Guru Nanak Dev Ji explained to them that Allah is present everywhere.

3. Medina : From Mecca Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Medina. Guru Nanak Dev Ji gave here his message of love. He had a religious debate with Imam Azim here.

4. Baghdad : Guru Nanak Dev Ji met Shaikh Behlol in Baghdad. He was so much impressed with the Bani of the great Guru Nanak Dev Ji that he became his disciple.

5. Saidpur: When Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Saidpur at the end of 1520 A.D., Babar attacked this town with a view to occupy it. The Mughal army put to death thousands of innocent people during this attack. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was also arrested along with them. But when Babar came to know that Guru Nanak Dev Ji was a great saint, he set free not only Guru Nanak Dev Ji but many other prisoners also.

Question 7.
Briefly describe the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
Give a brief account of the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
The Nature of God : Guru Nanak Dev Ji believed in one God only. He laid stress on the oneness of God in his Bani again and again. According to Guru Nanak Dev Ji, God is the Creator, Sustainer and Destroyer of the world. He is Nirguna (without attributes) as well as Saguna (with attributes). He is the absolute Lord. He is the greatest of all.

2. Maya : According to Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Maya is the biggest obstacle in man’s way of attaining salvation (mukti). An unregenerate (manmukh) man always indulges in the vicious circle of worldly things like wealth, status, power, luxury, beautiful woman, son etc. It is Maya. Thus, one who yields to Maya is caught in the cycle of transmigration and his chains are not cut.

3. Denunciation of the Caste System: The Hindu society of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s time was divided not only into four main castes but into many sub-castes also. The members of the upper castes hated the people of the lower castes and treated them very badly. The practice of untouchability was very common. Guru Nanak Dev Ji condemned the caste system in unequivocal words. Guru Nanak Dev Ji preached the principle of universal brotherhood of mankind.

4. Denounced Ill-treatment of Women : During the time of Guru Nanak Dev Ji the condition of women in Indian society was extremely pitiable. Many evil practices had crept in. Guru Nanak Dev Ji condemned emphatically all such evils as were prevalent among women of that time. Guru Nanak Dev Ji laid emphasis on the equal rights of men and women.

5. Importance of Guru : Guru Nanak Dev Ji regarded the blessings of the Guru as most important in order to reach God. According to him the Guru is the ladder by means of which one reaches God. It is the Guru who leads a man from darkness (ignorance) to light (enlightenment). But it is not an easy affair to find out a real Guru. Man cannot find the real Guru without the blessings of God Himself.

Question 8.
What was Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s concept of God?
What were the views of Guru Nanak Dev Ji about God?
1. The Unity of God : Guru Nanak Dev Ji believed in one God only. He laid stress on the oneness of God in his Bani again and again. According to the Sikh tradition the letter ‘IK ONKAR’ (afi) which appears in the beginning of the Mool Mantra stands for oneness of God. According to Guru Nanak Dev Ji, God is the Creator, Sustainer and Destroyer of the world and His direct exercise of these functions reduces all other deities to meaningless shadows. They are just a tiny star before God.

2. Nirguna and Saguna: God has two forms. He is Nirguna (without attributes) as well as Saguna (with attributes). In the beginning, God created the earth and the space and He existed in Himself. It was His Nirguna form. Then, He created this world and through it He revealed Himself in His creation. This is His Saguna aspect.

3. Creator, Sustainerand Destroyer : God alone is the Creator, Sustainer and Destroyer of the world. By His order (Hukam) men, animals, birds, rivers, mountains, forests etc. Came into existence. God does not merely create.He is also the Destroyer and Recreator of the world.

4. Immortal: The universe created by God is unstable and impermanent but God is immortal. He is beyond the cycle of birth, death and rebirth. Thousands of Mohammads,
Brahmas, Vishnus, and Ramas stand in obedience before Him. All of them are mortal, whereas God is immortal.

5. Greatness of God : According to Guru Nanak Sahib, God is the greatest of all. His greatness is beyond description. Thousands of Saints and Bhagatas have sung songs in praise of His greatness, yet not a fragment of His greatness could they express. His praise, His mercy, His knowledge, His gifts cannot be described.

Question 9.
What was Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s concept of Maya?
Guru Nanak Dev Ji regarded Maya as the biggest hurdle in the way of man’s salvation. The.multicoloured Maya allures man to itself. An unregenerate man remains engrossed in worldly things such as wealth, status, beautiful women, sons etc. It is called Maya. In fact, the entire creation is God’s Maya. It is a snare. An unregenerate man does not know the difference between the Creator and His creation. He does not realize that all other than5 God is subject to annihilation. Maya whom he loves so much does not accompany him after his death. It separates man from God by keeping him absorbed in worldly things. One who yields to Maya also remains caught in the cycle of transmigration. By accumulating riches-gold, silver etc.-a man considers himself to be a great person of the world. But actually, he is collecting poison for himself. Thus, he ruins his life by being caught in ‘dubidha’ (misery arising from affiliation to anything other than God).

Question 10.
What is the importance of ‘Guru’ in Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings?
What was the concept of “Guru” according to Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
In his teachings Guru Nanak Dev Ji laid much emphasis oil Guru. The Guru is a ladder by means of which one attains salvation. Without the Guru’s guidance no one can attain salvation. An unregenerate man remains engrossed in worldly enjoyments. It is the Guru who purifies his mind. He can become one with the God if he follows the instructions of the Guru. A meeting with the Guru results in killing the ego. The misery born of vices ends and the good fortune is awakened. The Guru gives knowledge about Truth, Nam and Shabad. The Guru dispels the darkness of ignorance. Only the Guru leads a man from darkness (ignorance) to light (realisation). It is not easy to get a true Guru. One cannot get Guru without the Nadar (grace) of God. It is worthy to note that when Guru Nanak Dev Ji talks of Guru, he does not refer to any human Guru. The human Gurus are blind. A true Guru is God Himself who is revealed through the Word (Shabad).

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 4 Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and His Teachings

Question 11.
Throw light on the importance of Kirat Karo, Nam Japo and Wand Chhako.
Nam Japna, Kirat Kama and Wand Chhakna are the three basic principles of Sikhism. Remembering Divine Name : Remembering the Divine Name or Simran is considered to be the highest form of worship of God. Guru Nanak Dev Ji said that on one hand remembering the Divine Name eradicates all sins of the heart, on . the other hand it becomes placid. For this reason, man’s sorrows come to an end. All his fears are dispelled. By remembering the Divine Name, a man’s works are accomplished easily because God Himself helps him in all his works. Without Name, man’s life on this earth is futile.

Honest Labour : Kirat means honest labour* Honest labour is extremely important. It is the ordain of the Absolute (Hukam). We observe everyday that every creature earns his livelihood through Kirat. Hence the need for honest labour is extremely essential for man because he is the head of all creatures. A person who does not perform honest labour cannot keep his body fit. Such a person actually performs a sin against the Absolute.

Sharing with the Needy: Sikhism hasgreatlyemphasised on Wand Chhakna. Wand Chhakna means to share with the needy. Sikhism does not advocate sharing after eating but sharing before eating. It also inspires to treat others as brothers and sisters and to share with them. Sikhism believes in donating Daswandh. It means that one should spend one tenth of one’s income towards the cause of social welfare.

Question 12.
Write the views of Guru Nanak Dev Ji about the women.
The condition of women-folk during Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s time was very miserable. They were considered not equal in status to men in society. Many evils existed among them like-child marriage, polygamy, purdah system, sati system and divorce etc. For these reasons, birth of a female child was considered an ill- omen. Guru Nanak Dev Ji strongly criticised the prevalent evils relating to women. He launched a forceful campaign to enhance the respect of women in society. He opposed child-marriage, polygamy, purdah system and sati system etc. He was in favour of according women equal rights with men. In this regard Guru Nanak Dev Ji allowed Women to join Sangat and Pangat. Guru Nanak Dev Ji said that woman who gave birth to great emperors, should not be called inferior. He was in favour of giving education to women also.

Question 13.
What was the social meaning and significance of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s message?
What was the impact of teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
The social meaning of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s message is very important. His message was for everyone. Any man or woman could take the path shown by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. The path of salvation was open for all. Guru Nanak preached social equality. Guru Nanak Dev Ji condemned the caste-system in strong words. In order to put his message of social equality into practice, he founded two institutions-Sangat and Pangat. No discrimination of caste was observed while preparing the Langar. Guru Nanak Dev Ji strongly criticised unjust policies of the rulers and corruption existing in his time. Besides the ruling class, Guru Nanak Dev Ji condemned in unequivocal terms the corrupt officials of the government. In this way, Guru Nanak Dev Ji identified himself with the masses.

Question 14.
How far were the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji different from the Bhakti reformers?
The teachings of Gum Nanak Dev Ji were different from the teachings of other religious preachers in many ways. According to Guru Nanak Dev Ji, God is formless. He never acquires the human form. The Bhakti preachers regard Krishna and Rama as the incarnations of God. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was deadly against idol- worship while the other religious preachers had full faith in it. Guru Nanak Dev Ji nominated Guru Angad Dev Ji his successor for preaching Sikhism and continuing the Gurgaddi. On the other hand very few Bhakti preachers continued the tradition of establishing Gurgaddi. As a result they couM not maintain their identity for long. Guru Nanak Dev Ji believed in leading a married life. The Bhakti preachers thought it to be a big hurdle in the way of salvation. Gum Nanak Dev Ji founded two institutions of Sangat and Pangat. Anybody could join these without any discrimination of caste and creed. The Bhakti preachers .did not set up any such institution. Guru Nanak Dev Ji did not consider Sanskrit a holy language. He preached his teachings in Punjabi, the language of the masses. Most of the Bhakti preachers gave Sanskrit the status of a holy language.

Question 15.
How and where did Guru Nanak Dev Ji spend last 18 years of his life?
Guru Nanak Dev Ji established Kartarpur (Abode of God) on the banks of the Ravi in 1521 A.D. He spent the last 18 years of his life with his family at this place. During this period he set up the institutions of Sangat and Pangat. Sangat meant the congregation which gathered to hear the Bani of the Gum everyday. Every man or woman could join the Sangat without any discrimination. Only the name of God was recited and chanted in the Sangat. Pangat means to sit in a line and take food together. In this Langar (the community kitchen), no discrimination of caste, creed or religion was observed. Both these institutions proved helpful in the spread of Sikhism. Besides Guru Ji composed here 976Shabads. This work of the. Guru proved extremely useful for the development of Sikhism. Main Bani of Guru Nanak Dev Ji includes Japji Sahib, Var Majh, Sidh Gosht, Var Malhar, Barah Maha and Patti etc.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 4 Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and His Teachings

Essay Type Questions:

Question 1.
Give a brief account of the life of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
The life time of Guru Nanak Dev Ji can be divided into three periods. Accordingly, the first period, 1469 to 1499 A.D. is related from his birth to enlightenment. The second period, 1499 to 1521 A.D. is related to the Udasis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. The third period, 1521 to 1539 A.D. is related to his stay at Kartarpur wdth his family and his work for the spread, growth and development of Sikhism.

First Period : 1469 to 1499 A.D.:

1. Birth and Parentage : Guru Nanak Dev Ji was born on 15 April, 1469 – AD., on Purnima (the day of full moon) at Rai Bhoi Ki Talwandi, a place-now situated in Sheikhupura district of Pakistan. This holy place is now known as Nankana Sahib. His father Mehta Kalu Ji, a Patwari of the village, belonged to Bedi Kshatriya family. His mother, Tripta Ji, was a pious and religious minded lady. According to Sikh traditions, many miracles were witnessed at the time of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s birth.

2. Childhood and Education : Guru Nanak Dev Ji was quite serious and thoughtful by nature since his childhood. He was not much inclined to games and was interested in the worship of God. When he was seven years old, he was sent to the Pathshala of Pandit Gopal for elementary learning of Hindi and Mathematics. He surprised Pandit Gopal by his spiritual knowledge. Later on he learnt Sanskrit from Pandit Brij Nath and Arabic and Persian from Maulvi Qutub-ud-Din. When he was nine, Purohit Hardyal was called to perform the ceremony of the sacred thread (Janeu). Guru Nanak Dev Ji categorically refused to wear the sacred thread and remarked that he would wear the thread of kindness, satisfaction, truthfulness and restraint which would never break, burn or get besmeared.

3. In various occupations: Having noticed the over indulgence of Guru Nanak Dev Ji in his thoughts, his father was alarmed. So, he tried to keep his son busy with one work or other. First of all, he was asked to graze buffaloes, but Guru Ji did not show any interest. Consequently, his father decided to set him in trade. He gave Guru Ji a sum of twenty rupees and sent him to the market to strike a profitable bargain. On way to the market, Guru Ji met a group of sadhus, who were hungry for many days. Guru Ji spent the whole amount on feeding those sadhus, and returned home empty handed. This event is known as ‘Sacha Sauda’ (true bargain) in history.

4. Marriage : Mehta Kalu Ji married him to Sulakhni Ji, daughter of Mool Chand of Batala. He was 14 years old then. In due course of time, he was blessed with two sons named Sri Chand and Lakhmi Das.

5. Service at Sultanpur Lodhi: At the age of 20 years, Guru Nanak Dev Ji was sent to Sultanpur Lodhi by his father Mehta Kalu to his son-in-law Jai Ram (Guru Ji’s brother-in-law). On his recommendation, Guru Nanak Dev Ji got a job in Modikhana (the store). Guru Nanak Dev Ji did this job honestly for ten years.

6. Enlightenment: While at Sultanpur Lodhi, Guru Nanak Dev Ji used to go to the rivulet Kali Beip daily in the morning to take a bath. One day, he went as usual for taking bath and remained untraceable for three days. During these three days Guru Nanak Dev Ji gained true knowledge. At that time, he was 30 years old. After enlightenment, Guruji uttered, “Na Ko Hindu, Na Ko Musalman”.

7. Udasis: After attaining enlightenment in 1499 A.D. Guru Nanak Dev Ji started his travels in India and abroad. These travels were called the Udasis. These Udasis were conducted with the objective to dispel the ignorance of the people and to preach the unity of God and brotherhood of mankind. In India Guru Nanak Dev Ji travelled from Kailash mountain in north to Rameshvaram in south and from Pakpattan in west to Assam in east. Outside India Guru Nanak Dev Ji travelled to Mecca, Madina, Baghdad and Sri Lanka. We get important information from his Bani about the travels of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. He spent about 21 years in these Udasis. Guru Nanak Dev Ji succeeded in his aim to a great extent during these Udasis.

8. Settled at Kartarpur: Guru Nanak Dev Ji founded a town named Kartarpur (the abode of God) at the banks of the Ravi river in 1521 A.D. and spent the last 18 years of his life at this place. He started the institutions of ‘Sangat’ and ‘Pangat’ during this period. Besides, he composed 976 Sabads, which also proved extremely helpful for the spread and development of Sikhism. The prominent Banis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji are Japji Sahib, Var Majh, Asa di Var, Sidh Goshti, Var Malhar, Bara Maha and Patti.

9. Nomination of the Successor: Guru Nanak Dev Ji nominated Bhai Lehna Ji, his famous disciple as his successor, before he immersed in Eternal Light. Guru Nanak Dev Ji placed one coconut and five paise before Bhai Lehna Ji and bowed his head. In this way, Bhai Lehna Ji came to be known as Guru Angad Dev Ji. Thus, Guru Nanak Dev Ji planted a sapling, which became a dense tree at the time of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. According to Dr. Hari Ram Gupta,

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 4 Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and His Teachings Img 1

” The appointment of Angad was a step of far-reaching significance.”

10. Immersed in Eternal Light : Guru Nanak Dev Ji Immersed in Eternal Light on 22 September, 1539 A.D.

Question 2.
Write a note on the Udasis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. What was the aim of these Udasis?
What is meant by Udasis? Give a brief account of the Udasis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
Briefly discuss the travels of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. What was their aim?
Give an account of the Udasis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
Describe briefly the Udasis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. What was their impact on society?
After attaining enlightenment in 1499 A.D., Guru Nanak Dev Ji set out on long travels in India and in foreign countries. He spent about 21 years in these travels. These travels of Guru Nanak Dev Ji are known as Udasis because he wandered like an Udasi (unconcerned, unattached) during these years and renounced his home and family. The historians also disagree on the total number of the Udasis undertaken by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. However, the latest researches have proved that Guru Nanak Dev Ji undertook three Udasis.

Objectives of the Udasis:

The main objective of the Udasis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, was to remove the ignorance of the people and to give the message of the unity of the God and universal brotherhood of mankind. The Hindu, Brahmans and Jogis, whose main function was to show the right path to the misled people, were themselves corrupt and characterless. The people worshipped countless gods and goddesses, graves, trees, snakes, stones etc. The Muslim religious leaders had also degenerated. Although the Quran forbids sensual merry-making, music and dance, yet many Muslims led a life of sensual pleasure. The society was divided into many castes and sub-castes. The members of high caste hated those belonging to the low castes. The condition of women in the society was the most deplorable. Guru Nanak Dev Ji undertook his Udasis to show the new path of enlightenment and salvation to those, who were wandering in the darkness of ignorance. In the words of a famous historian, Dr. S. S. Kohli, “The Great Master did not confine his mission to this country, he travelled far and wide, to far off lands and countries, in order to enlighten humanity as a whole.”

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 4 Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and His Teachings

First Udasi:

Guru Nanak Dev Ji started his first Udasi at the end of 1499 A.D. Bhai Mardana, who was a famous follower of Guru Ji, also accompanied him during these travels. Guru Nanak Dev Ji completed this Udasi in 12 years. He travelled from the east to the south. He visited the following important places during this Udasi:

1. Saidpur : Guru Nanak Dev Ji started his first Udasi from Sultanpur and reached Saidpur (Eminabad). When he reached there, Malik Bhago, a landlord of the village, invited Guru Ji to a feast, but Guru Ji stayed in the house of a poor carpenter Bhai Lalo. Malik Bhago compelled Guru Nanak Dev Ji to explain his conduct. Guru Nanak Dev Ji took the food of Malik Bhago in one hand and the rough and dry bread of Bhai Lalo in the other hand and pressed them. Blood dripped from Malik Bhago’s food, whereas milk dripped from Bhai Lalo’s bread. In this way Guru Nanak Dev Ji proved that we should earn our livelihood by honest means and hard labour.

2. Talumba : Guru Nanak Dev Ji met Sajjan at this place. He had built a temple and a mosque within his Haveli. During the day, he served these travellers nicely but at night he used to rob them and sometimes killed them and threw their bodies into a secret well. He was planning to play the same trick with Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Bhai Mardana. However, when at night Guru Nanak Dev Ji recited his melodious Bani, Sajjan thug was moved and he fell at. the feet of the great Guru and sought his pardon for his bad deeds. Guru Nanak Dev Ji forgave him. After this incident, Sajjan gave up cheating and killing, became a true Sajjan and spent his remaining life in propagating Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings. According to K.S. Duggal, “Sajjan’s den of an assassin was transformed into a dharamsala.”

3. Kurukshetra : Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Kurukshetra on the occasion of a solar eclipse. Guru Nanak Dev Ji told them we should lead a simple and picess life. His words worked like magic and many people became his disciples.

4. Delhi : Guru Nanak Dev Ji stayed at ‘Majnu Ka Tila’ in Delhi. It is said, while living in Delhi, Guru Nanak Dev Ji brought back a dead elephant of Sultan Ibrahim Lodhi to life, but Sikh tradition doesn’t agree with this incident.

5. Haridwar: When Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Haridwar he saw many Hindus had gathered there to wash away their sins by a dip in the sacred water of the Ganges. While taking a bath, they were offering water to their forefathers (Pitras) facing the Sun. On seeing this, Guru Ji started throwing water towards the west. Astonished at this, many people gathered around him and asked what he was doing. He answered that he was offering water to his fields in Punjab. People laughed at his answer and asked how this water could reach his fields situated at a distance of 300 miles. Guru Nanak Dev Ji remarked that if their water could reach the Sun, which is situated millions of miles away, why his water could not reach his fields. Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s answer impressed them deeply.

6. Gorakhmata : After Haridwar, Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Gorakhmata. Here, Guru Ji told Sidh Jogis that one cannot get salvation by wearing earrings in the ears, by applying ash (vibhuti) to the body or by blowing of horns, by holding sticks or by shaving of heads. These Jogis were so impressed with his teachings that they became his disciples. Since then, Gorakhmata is called Nanakmata.

7. Banaras : Banaras was also a famous place of pilgrimage of the Hindus. Here Guru Nanak Dev Ji held a long discussion with Pt. Chatur Das about idol worship. Guru Nanak Dev Ji convinced him by saying that idol worship is as futile as watering the barren land. Highly impressed by his teachings, Chatur Das became a Sikh along with his Brahman friends.

8. Kamrup : When Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Kamrup in Assam, a famous witch Nur Shahi along with some other beautiful women, tried to cast a spell on Guru Nanak Dev Ji by’her alluring gestures and extraordinary display of tempting charms but she failed. Guru Nanak Dev Ji showed them the right path.

9. Jagannath Puri : After a visit to Assam, Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Jagannath Puri in Orissa. The priest of Jagannath Puri temple asked Guru Nanak Dev Ji to pay homage to their Lord Jagannath. Guru Nanak Dev Ji told them he did not believe in formal worship of aarti. Nature, all the time, is busy with the worship of that Almighty God. So, there is no need of offering artificial worship to Him.

10.Ceylon : After visiting South India Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Ceylon (Sri Lanka). At that time Shivnath was the ruler of Ceylon. He was greatly impressed by the personality and hymns of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. As a result he became the follower of Guru Nanak Dev Ji along with many other people.

11. Pakpattan : During his return to the Punjab from Ceylon, Guru Nanak Dev Ji stayed at Pakpattan. Here, he met Sheikh Brahm the follower of Sheikh Farid. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was greatly pleased to meet this famous Sufi saint. Sheikh Brahm was also very much impressed by Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

Second Udasi:

Guru Nanak Dev Ji began his second Udasi towards the East at the end of 1513 A.D. Guru Nanak Dev Ji spent three years in this Udasi. He visited the following important places during this Udasi:

1. Hilly States : Guru Nanak Dev Ji passed through the Punjab and visited the hilly states of Mandi, Rawalsar, Jawalamukhi, Kangra, Baijnath, Kullu etc. Many people of these hilly states were impressed by the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and thus became his followers.

2. Kailash Parbat: Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Kailash Parbat (Sumer) via Tibet. The Siddhas were greatly surprised at Guru’s arrival there. Guru Nanak Dev Ji told them that the truth had disappeared from the world and falsehood and corruption prevailed everywhere. Guru Nanak Dev Ji advised them to serve humanity.

3. Ladakh: Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Ladakh from Kailash Parbat. Impressed by the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, many people became his disciples.

4. Kashmir : Guru Nanak Dev Ji held a very lengthy religious debate with Pandit Brahm Das at Mattan in Kashmir. Guru Nanak Dev Ji explained to him that mere reading or reciting of the Vedas and the Ramayana could not bring salvation. Salvation can be attained only by one’s actions in accordance with the teachings of these holy scriptures.

5. Hasan Abdal : On his return journey to the Punjab Guru Nanak Dev Ji stopped at Hasan Abdal. Here an arrogant Faqir, Wali Kandhari in a fit of rage, rolled a very heavy stone rock downward from the hill top to kill Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Guru Nanak Dev Ji stopped it with his palm. This place is known as ‘Punja Sahib’ these days and there stands a splendid Gurdwara.

6. Sialkot: Guru Nanak Dev Ji met a Muslim saint named Hamza Ghaus at Sialkot. He was angry with the people of this town over some issue and he was determined to destroy the’ whole city with his power. But, when he met Guru Ji he was so impressed that all his anger disappeared. This incident impressed the people.

Third Udasi:

Guru Nanak Dev Ji began his third Udasi at the epd of 1517 A.D. This Udasi also took four years. Guru Nanak Dev Ji visited many countries of Western Asia during this Udasi. Bhai Mardana also accompanied him. Guru Nanak Dev Ji visited the following important places during this Udasi:

1. Multan : Many Sufi saints lived in Multan. Here Guru Nanak Dev Ji met a famous Sufi saint Shaikh Bahauddin. He was greatly impressed with Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings and became his disciple.

2. Mecca: Mecca is the birthplace of the Prophet Mohammad. According to Sikh tradition, when Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Mecca, he slept with his feet towards the Kaaba. When Qazi Rukun-ud-Din noticed it, he flew into a rage. When the Qazi turned Guru Ji’s feet to the other directions, the Kaaba also began to turn towards those directions. At this, the Qazi and other Muslims present were deeply impressed. Guru Nanak Dev Ji explained to them that Allah is present everywhere.

3. Madina: From Mecca Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Madina. Guru Nanak Dev Ji gave here his message of love. He had a religious debate with Imam Azim here.

4. Baghdad: Guru Nanak Dev Ji met Shaikh Behlol in Baghdad. He was so much impressed with the Bani of the great Guru Nanak Dev Ji that he became his disciple.

5. Saidpur: When Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Saidpur at the end of 1520 A.D., Babar attacked this town with a view to occupy it. The Mughal army put to death thousands of innocent people during this attack. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was also arrested along with them. But when Babar came to know that Guru Nanak Dev Ji was a great saint, he set free not only Guru Nanak Dev Ji but many other prisoners also. After it, Guru Ji reached Talwandi. Thus, his Udasis came to an end in 1521 A. D.

Impact of the Udasis:

The Udasis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji had a profound impact on society. He succeeded to a great extent in removing the superstitions prevalent among people and brought in them a new awakening. He won over great scholars, Jogis, Siddhas, Brahmans, thieves, thugs and criminals by his sweet hymns. Guru Nanak Dev Ji completely changed the minds of such persons. Thousands of people became his followers after being greatly impressed by his personality and his teachings. To conclude, we fully agree with these words of Dr S.S. Kohli, “He had a holy mission to perform and his performance was no less than a miracle.”

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 4 Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and His Teachings

Question 3.
Describe in detail the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
What were the main teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji? What was their social importance?
Study the main teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. what was their influence on society?
Describe the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
Study the main teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
Briefly describe the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
The teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji were simple but impressive. His teachings had a miraculous effect on the minds of the people. His teachings were not meant for any particular class, caste or province. They were concerned with the whole humanity. His main teachings are as given ahead :

1. The Nature of God : Guru Nanak Dev Ji believed in one God only. He laid stress on the oneness of God in his Bani again and again. According to Guru Nanak Dev Ji, God is the Creator, Sustainer and Destroyer of the world. There are hundreds and thousands of deities but only one God. God is known by countless names, like Hari, Ram, Gopal, Wahe Guru, Sahib, Allah, Khuda etc. His manifestations may be many, but He is One and there is no other. Guru Nanak says, “Remember the one God who is contained in sea and land.”

God has two forms. He is Nirguna (without attributes) as well as Saguna (with attributes). He is the absolute Lord. Every thing happens in accordance with His will. He alone is the Creator, Sustainer and Destroyer of the world. He is immortal. He is the greatest of all. His greatness is beyond description.

2. Maya : According to Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Maya is the biggest obstacle in man’s way of attaining salvation (mukti). An unregenerate (manmukh) man always indulges in the vicious circle of worldly things like wealth, status, power, luxury, beautiful woman, son etc. It is Maya. Thus, one who yields to Maya is caught in the cycle of transmigration and his chains are not cut.

3. Haumai : An unregenerate (manmukh) man has a very strong feeling of Haumai (ego). As a consequence of his haumai, he remains trapped in the worldly evils. The results are disastrous, for instead of leading a man to salvation, his haumai binds him more firmly to the wheel of transmigration.

4. Evil impulses : An unregenerate (manmukh) man is always surrounded by evil impulses. Kam (lust), krodh (anger), lobh (greed), moh (attachment) and hankar (pride) are five enemies of man. He commits sins and deceives others under their influence. Consequently, he is caught in stronger chains of transmigration and therefore he is destined to suffer the pains of hell.

5. Denunciation of the Caste System: The Hindu society of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s time was divided not only into four main castes—Brahmans, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras but into many sub-castes also. The members of the upper castes hated the people of the lower castes and treated them very badly. The practice of untouchability was very common. Guru Nanak Dev Ji condemned the caste system and untouchability in unequivocal words. Guru Nanak Dev Ji preached the principle of universal brotherhood of mankind.

6. Condemnation of Idol Worship: Guru Nanak Dev Ji condemned idol worship in unequivocal terms. He preached that idols are lifeless stones. If they are thrown into the water, they themselves would sink. How can those idols, which cannot save themselves help men to cross the ocean of the world? So, idol worship is useless and the worship of only one God is desirable.

7. Condemnation of Empty Rituals : Guru Nanak Dev Ji denounced empty rituals and blind faith which were in vogue in the society, in strong words. He told the people that they could not attain salvation (mukti) by putting a tilak on the forehead, applying ash on the body, by wearing earringsfby blowing of horns (shells), by keeping fasts, by undergoing penance in the forest, by offering water to the Sun, and by worshipping graves, khankahas, snakes, trees etc. Guru Nanak Dev Ji called all such acts as vain ceremonies. According to him, the religion of only such a man is true, who is true and pure at heart.

8. Denounced Ill-treatment of Women : During .the time of Guru Nanak Dev Ji the condition of women in Indian society was extremely pitiable. Many evil practices had crept in. Guru Nanak Dev Ji condemned emphatically all such evils as were prevalent among women of that time. In order to raise the status of women Guru Nanak Dev Ji laid emphasis on the equal rights of men and women. He says, “Why belittle her who gives birth to Rajas?”

9. Recitation of Nam and Sabad : Guru Nanak Dev Ji considered the recitation of Nam and Sabad as the highest form of God-worship. Man can get deliverance through Nam and Sabad from the world which is full of diseases and sufferings. Man’s arrival in this world (his birth) is futile, if he does not recite Nam and Sabad. Man remains entrapped in all sort of sins and in the vicious circle of transmigration without Nam. The Nam should be recited with a true heart and inner devotion (faith)* Dr. Dewan Singh aptly says, “Nam is the only and most efficacious source and agent for the redemption and salvation of the sinful and self-engrossed mankind.”

10. Importance of Guru : Guru Nanak Dev Ji regarded the blessings of the Guru as most important in order to reach God. According to him the Guru is the ladder by means of which one reaches God. It is the Guru who leads a man from darkness (ignorance) to light (enlightenment). But it is not an easy affair to find out a real Guru. Man cannot find the real Guru without the blessings of God Himself.

11. Hukam : The doctrine of Hukam (order) or the will of God occupies a crucial position in the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Happiness or misery is in accordance with his Hukam. God’s Hukam cannot be evaded. Man should always obey the Hukam of God. He, who does so, is blessed by God and gets salvation. On the contrary, he who does not bow before the will of God, is bound to wander from pillar to post.

12. Sach Khand : According to Guru Nanak Dev Ji, to reach the Sach Khand was the ultimate goal of human life. A man has to travel through Dharam Khand, Gian Khand, Saram Khand and Karam Khand in his journey to Sach Khand which is the final stage. Here, the soul merges with the Super Soul and all worries and sufferings disappear.

Importance of Teachings:

The teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji had a tremendous impact not only on religious and social fields, but on political fields also. His teachings went a long way in eliminating blind faiths and superstitions from the society, as the darkness of the horizon disappears before the sunrise. Consequently, a new awakening took place among people. They discarded useless rituals and started worship of one God. Guru Nanak Dev Ji laid the foundation of a new social order by condemning caste system, by propagating brotherhood of mankind, providing equal status to women in society, and by establishing institutions of ‘Sangat’ and ‘Pangat’. His teachings gave a rude jolt, even to the rulers of the time. According to famous historian Dr. I.B. Banerjee,
“The age of Guru Nanak Dev Ji was an age of ignorance and an age of strife, and we may say at once the message of Nanak was a message of truth and a message of peace.”

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 4 Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and His Teachings

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question 1.
Give a brief account of the contribution of Guru Nanak Dev Ji to Sikhism.
When Guru Nanak Dev Ji was born in the 15th century, the people were groping in the darkness of ignorance. Condition of wom’en folk in society was very deplorable. Guru Nanak Dev Ji undertook travels in the various parts of the country and abroad to bring awareness in them. He founded two institutions namely Sangat and Pangat. Before he breathed his last in 1539 A.D. Guru Nanak Dev Ji nominated Bhai Lehna Ji (Guru Angad Dev Ji) as his successor. The nomination of Guru Angad Dev Ji proved very significant for the development of Sikh Panth.

Question 2.
What do you mean by Udasis? What were the aims of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Udasis?
What were the aims and importance of the Udasis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
Udasis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji mean the travels undertaken by him. Main objective of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Udasis was to dispel ignorance and superstitions of the people. He wanted to convey the message of universal brotherhood of mankind and worship of the only one God to the people. Guru Nanak Dev Ji started his Udasis to show a new path to the people, who were groping in darkness.

Question 3.
Give a brief account of the important Udasis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
Write a brief note on any three important Udasis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
(a) Guru Nanak Dev Ji started his Udasis from Saidpur. On being asked by Malik Bhago, he told that we should earn our bread by honest and not by foul means.
(b) At Gorakhmata, Guru Nanak Dev Ji told the Sidh Jogis that man cannot attain salvation by wearing earrings or by rubbing ashes on the body but through purity of soul.
(c) Guru Ji proved at Mecca that God is Omnipresent and not confined to any particular place.

Question 4.
Write an essence of the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
Give a brief account of the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
Write any three teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

  • According to Guru Nanak Dev Ji, God is one. He is formless and omnipresent,
  • He is immortal. He is omnipotent and kind,
  • He is the Creator, Sustainer and Destroyer of the world. So, we should not worship any other god or goddess except Him.
  • The Guru accepted Maya as the biggest hurdle in the way of salvation,
  • The Guru told that lust, anger, greed, attachment and pride are the five enemies of man.

Question 5.
What was Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s concept of God?
What were the views of Guru Nanak Dev Ji about God?
Guru Nanak Dev Ji believed in one God only. God has two forms. He is Nirguna (without attributes) as well as Saguna (with attributes). By His order (Hukam) the universe came into existence. According to Guru Nanak Dev Ji, God is the Sovereign Lord. Everything happens in accordance with His will. Guru Nanak Dev Ji says that the universe created by God is unstable and impermanent but God is immortal. He is beyond the cycle of birth, death and rebirth.

Question 6.
What type of religious beliefs and rituals were condemned by Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
Guru Nanak Dev Ji condemned all the blind faiths of religion prevalent in society. He opposed idol-worship, Vedic rituals, going on pilgrimages, and other rituals connected with important occasions of life. The Brahmins were the main supporters of these rituals. He did not approve of the ideology of the Jogis for two reasons-

  • The Jogis lacked faith in God.
  • They remained away from society and shirked social responsibilities.

Question 7.
What was Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s concept of Maya? Explain in brief.
Describe Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s concept of Maya.
Guru Nanak Dev Ji regarded Maya as the biggest hurdle in the way of man’s salvation. The multicoloured Maya allures man to itself. Maya to whom he loves so much does not accompany him after his death. It separates man from God, by keeping him absorbed in worldly things. One who yields to Maya also remains caught in the cycle of transmigration. Thus, he ruins his life.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 4 Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and His Teachings

Question 8.
What is the importance of guru in Guru Nanak Dev’s teachings?
What was the concept of “Guru” according to Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
Guru Nanak Dev Ji laid much emphasis on Guru. The Guru is a ladder by means of which one attains salvation. Without the Guru’s guidance, no one can attain salvation. An unregenerate (manmukh) man remains engrossed in worldly enjoyments. It is the Guru who purifies his mind. The Guru gives knowledge about Truth, Nam and Sabad. The Guru dispels the darkness of ignorance. According to Guru Nanak Dev Ji, a true Guru is God Himself, who is revealed through the Word (Sabad). ,

Question 9.
What is the importance of ‘Nam’ in Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings?
Guru Nanak Dev Ji considered the recitation of Nam as the highest form of God-Worship. Man can get deliverance through Nam from the world which is full of diseases and sufferings. Those who recite Nam are free from all illusions and all their sorrows come to an end. Such a person’s soul blooms like a lotus. A man remains entrapped in all sorts of sins and in the vicious circle of transmigration without Nam.

Question 10.
What is the importance of Hukam in Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings?
The doctrine of Hukam (order) or the will of God occupies a crucial position in the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. The world moves in accordance with the will of God. Birth and death of a creature, appreciation or dishonour, happiness or misery is in accordance with His Hukam. His Hukam cannot be evaded. He who obeys the Hukam of God is blessed by God and attains salvation.

Question 11.
Write the views of Guru Nanak Dev Ji about women.
The condition of women during Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s time was very- miserable. They were not considered equal to man’s in society. They were regarded as a commodity of sensual pleasure. Many evils existed among them like child marriage, polygamy, purdah system, sati system and divorce etc. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was in favour of women’s equal rights with men. He was in favour of giving education to women also.

Question 12.
What are Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s views on Caste?
Guru Nanak Dev Ji criticised the prevalent caste system in unequivocal terms. His main aim was to remove the social discrimination from the society. In his view no one could be rich or poor on the basis of the caste. In the court of God karma and not the caste decide the fate of a man. Guru Nanak Dev Ji opened the door of Sikhism for downtrodden classes.

Question 13.
What was the social meaning and significance of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s message?
What was the impact of teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
The social meaning of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s message is very important. His message was for everyone. Any man or woman could take the path shown by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. The path of salvation was open for all. Guru Nanak Dev Ji preached social equality. Guru Nanak Dev Ji condemned the caste system in strong words. In order to put his message of social equality into practice, he founded two institutions i.e. Sangat and Pangat. No discrimination of caste was observed while preparing the Langar.

Question 14.
How far were the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji different from the Bhakti reformers? ,
According to Guru Nanak Dev Ji, God is formless. He never acquires the human form. The Bhakti preachers regard Krishna and Rama as the incarnations of God. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was against idol-worship, while the other religious preachers had full faith in it. Guru Nanak Dev Ji believed in leading a married life. The Bhakti preachers thought it to be a big hurdle, in the way of salvation. Guru Nanak Dev Ji founded two institutions of Sangat and Pangat. The Bhakti preachers did not set up any such institution.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 4 Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and His Teachings

Question 15.
Guru Nanak Dev Ji was a great poet and musician. Explain.
Guru Nanak Dev Ji was not only a great religious saint but also a great poet and musician. There are 976 Sabads (hymns) in Guru Granth Sahib which are composed by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. It shows that Guru Nanak Dev Ji was a great poet. The poems of Guru Nanak Dev Ji touch the concept of God and Humanity and the relationship between both. He took the help of music to spread his message. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was well versed with many types of Ragas. His music had deep influence on the minds of the listeners.

Question 16.
How and where did Guru Nanak Dev Ji spend last 18 years of his life?
Guru Nanak Dev Ji spent the last 18 years of his life with his family at Kartarpur. During this period, he set up the institutions of Sangat and Pangat. Sangat meant the congregation, which gathered to hear the Bani of the Guru everyday. Pangat means to sit in a queue and take food together. In this Langar (the community kitchen), no discrimination of caste, creed or religion was observed. Guru Nanak Dev Ji composed 976 Shabads.

Objective Type Questions:

Question 1.
Who was the founder of Sikhism?
Guru Nanak Dev. Ji.

Question 2.
When was Guru Nanak Dev Ji born?
1469 A.D.

Question 3.
Where was Guru Nanak Dev Ji born?

Question 4.
With what name the birthplace of Guru Nanak Dev Ji is now called?
Nankana Sahib.

Question 5.
Who said it, “Satgur Nanak Pargatiya Miti Dhund Jag Chanan Hoa”?
Bhai Gurdas Ji.

Question 6.
What was the name of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s father?
Mehta Kalu Ji.

Question 7.
To which caste did Mehta Kalu belong?

Question 8.
Who was Mehta Kalu?
He was the father of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

Question 9.
What was the name of the Mother of Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
Tripta Ji.

Question 10.
Who was Tripta Ji?
She was the Mother of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

Question 11.
What was the name of the sister of Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
Bebe Nanaki.

Question 12.
What was the name of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Wife?
Bibi Sulakhni Ji.

Question 13.
With how many rupees did Guru Nanak do Sacha Sauda?
20 rupees.

Question 14.
Why was Guru Nanak Dev Ji sent to Sultanpur Lodhi?
To do a job.

Question 15.
When was Guru Nanak Dev Ji enlightened?
1499 A.D.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 4 Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and His Teachings

Question 16.
What was the first utterance of Guru Nanak Dev Ji after enlightenment?
With which words did Guru Nanak Dev Ji start his preaching work?
“Na Ko Hindu Na Ko Musalman”.

Question 17.
What is meant by the Udasis of Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
His travels.

Question 18.
What was the purpose of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Udasis?
To dispel the ignorance prevalent among people and to preach Holy Name.

Question 19.
When did Guru Nanak start his first Udasi?
1499 A.D.

Question 20.
From wh§re did Guru Nanak Dev Ji start his first Udasi?
Saidpur (Eminabad).

Question 21.
Name any two places visited by Guru Nanak during his first Udasi.
(a) Delhi and
(b) Kurukshetra.

Question 22.
Who was the constant companion of Guru Nanak Sahib Ji?
Who was the companion of Guru Nank Dev Ji during Udasis?’
Who was the companion of Guru Nanak Dev Ji at the time of Udasis?
Bhai Mardana.

Question 23.
Which instrument did Bhai Mardana play while performing kirtan?

Question 24.
Who was the first disciple of Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
Bhai Lalo.

Question 25.
Why did Guru Nanak Dev Ji refuse the food of Malik Bhago?
Because it was not earned by honest means.

Question 26.
Where did Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji met with Sajjan?
At Talumba.

Question 27.
Where had Guru Nanak Dev Ji watered the fields facing towards West?

Question 28.
Which Sufi Saint did Guru Nanak Dev Ji meet at Panipat?
Shaikh Tahir.

Question 29.
What was Gorakhmata named as after Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Udasi?
Nanak Mata.

Question 30.
Who was Nurshai?
Nurshai was the famous witch of Kamrup.

Question 31.
In which temple Guru Nanak Dev Ji explained the meaning of true Aarti to the people in Orissa?
Jagan Nath Puri.

Question 32.
What did Guru Nanak Dev Ji preach the Sidhs of Kailash Parbat?
To do social service.

Question 33.
Which ruler of Ceylon met Guru Nanak Dev Ji?

Question 34.
At which place did Guru Nanak Dev Ji move Kaba during his Udasis?

Question 35.
With which Qazi Guru Nanak Dev Ji had confrontation?

Question 36.
With what name is Hasan Abdal now known?
Panja Sahib.

Question 37.
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji met with which Shaikh at Baghdad?
Shaikh Behlol.

Question 38.
When was Guru Nanak Dev Ji arrested for some time?
Answer: 1520 A.D.

Question 39.
Who was the Mughal ruler at the time of Guru Nanak Dev Ji?

Question 40.
Name any one prominent teaching of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
God is one.

Question 41.
What was Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s concept of Maya?
Guru Nanak Dev Ji considered this world as Maya.

Question 42.
How many enemies of man have been identified by Guru Nanak Dev Ji?

Question 43.
What is the concept of Guru in Sikh religion, according to Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
Guru is the ladder by which one reaches God.

Question 44.
What is the importance of meditation of God according to Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
Without the meditation of God the coming of man into this world is fruitless.

Question 45.
Name any two traits of Manmukh (Unregenerate Man).
A Manmukh is always surrounded by sensual lust.

Question 46.
What is self-surrender?
To give up ego.

Question 47.
What do you mean by the word ‘Nadar5?
What is meant by ‘Nadar5?
Grace of God.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 4 Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and His Teachings

Question 48.
What do you mean by Hukam?
The decree of God.

Question 49.
What is the concept of Kirat?
Earning by one’s honest labour.

Question 50.
What is meant by ‘Anjan Mahe Niranjan5?
Leading a simple and pious life amidst the impurities of the world.

Question 51.
Which three things did Guru Nanak Dev Ji ask his disciples to follow?
Write the essence of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings in three words.
Do honest labour, utter Nam and eat after distributing.

Question 52.
Who started the tradition of Kirtan?
Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

Question 53.
Write the name of the town established by Guru Nanak on the bank of Ravi.

Question 54.
What is meant by word Kartarpur?
The abode of God.

Question 55.
Which two institutions were established at Kartarpur by Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
Sangat and Pangat.

Question 56.
What is the meaning of Sangat?
Sangat means the congregation which listens to the hymns of Guru.

Question 57.
What is the meaning of Pangat?
Pangat means a group of people sitting in a queue to eat langar.

Question 58.
Which Guru Sahib started the system of Langar?
Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

Question 59.
What do you know about ‘Guru Ka Langar’?
Which Guru Sahib started the Langar system?
(a) Guru Ka Langar was started by Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
(b) All men and women in the congregation take their meals together without any discrimination.

Question 60.
Give a difference between the teachings of Guru Nanak and other Bhagats.
Guru Nanak Ji was against idol worship but other Bhagats were not.

Question 61.
Where did Guru Nanak Dev Ji spend his last years?
Kartarpur (Pakistan).

Question 62.
How many Shabads were composed by Guru Nanak Dev Ji?

Question 63.
Name the main two compositions of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
Name only two compositions of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
Which two ‘Banis’ were composed by Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
(a) Japji Sahib,
(b) Asa Di Var.

Question 64.
Which Guru Sahib pronounced Babar Bani?
Guru Nanak Sahib.

Question 65.
Where did Guru Nanak Dev Ji immerse in Eternal Light?
1539 A.D. at Kartarpur (Pakistan).

Question 66.
Whom did Guru Nanak Dev Ji appoint his successor?
Guru Angad Dev Ji.

Question 67.
Why did Guru Nanak Dev Ji give the name of Guru Angad Dev to Bhai Lehna Ji?
Because he considered him as the part of his body.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 4 Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and His Teachings

Fill in the blanks:

1. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was born in ……………….
1469 A.D.

2. The name of the father of Guru Nanak Dev Ji was ………………
Metha Kalu

3. ……………… was the name of the sister of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
Bebe Nanaki

4. The name of mother of Guru Nanak Dev Ji was ………………..
Tripta Ji

5. Guru Nanak Dev Ji did Sacha Sauda with ………………. rupees.

6. Guru Nanak Dev Ji worked in Modikhana of ………………..
Sultanpur Lodhi

7. Guru Nanak Dev Ji got the enlightenment at the age of ……………..

8. After enlightenment, Guru Nanak Dev Ji uttered the first words, ………………
“Na Ko Hindu, Na Ko Muslman”

9. Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Udasis were his …………..

10. Guru Nanak Dev Ji started, first Udasis in ……………….. A.D.

11. ……………….. was the companion of Guru Nanak Dev Ji at the time of Udasis.
Bhai Mardana

12. Guru Nanak Dev Ji visited ………………. first during his first Udasi.

13. Guru Nanak Dev Ji met Sajjan thug at …………………

14. Guru Nanak Dev Ji watered his farms at …………………..

15. Guru Nanak Dev Ji told the importance of actual worship (aarti) at …………………
Jagannath Puri

16. Guru Nanak Dev Ji met the Siddhas at ……………….
Kailash Parbat

17. At the time of Udasi of Mecca, ……………… was the Qazi there.

18. Guru Nanak Dev Ji spent his last years in …………..

19. Guru Nanak Dev Ji established the two institutions of ………………… and ………………..
Sangat, Pangat

20. Guru Nanak Dev Ji believed in …………….. God.

21. Guru Nanak Dev Ji ……………….. the caste system and Idol worship.

22. There are ……………….. enemies of man as told by .Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

23. According to Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the ultimate aim of human life is to reach ……………
Sach Khand

24. Guru Nanak Dev Ji immersed in Eternal Light in ………………….
1539 A.D.

25. Guru Nanak Dev Ji appointed ……………… as his successor.
Bhai Lehna Ji

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 4 Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and His Teachings

True or False:

1. Guru Nanak Dey Ji was born on 15th April 1469 A.D.

2. The birth place of Guru Nanak Dey Ji is called ‘Punja Sahib’.

3. The name of the father of Guru Nanak Dey Ji was Mehta Kalu.

4. The name of the mother of Guru Nanak Dey Ji was Sabrai Devi.

5. The name of the sister of Guru Nanak Dey Ji was Bebe Nanaki.

6. Guru Nanak Dey Ji was related to Beth family.

7. Guru Nanak Dey Ji did the Sacha Sauda with Rs. 40 only.

8. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was married to inhabitant of Amritsar, Sulakhni.

9. Sri Chand and Lakhmi Das were the sons of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

10. Guru Nanak Dev Ji got a job in Modikhanna of Goindwal Sahib.

11. After enlightment, Guru Nanak Dev Ji uttered, “Na Ko Hindu, Na Ko Musalman.”

12. At the time of enlightment, Guru Nanak Dev Ji was 35 year old.

13. The travels of Guru Nanak Dev Ji are called Udasis.

14. Guru Nanak Dev Ji started his first Udasi from Saidpur.

15. Guru Nanak Dev Ji stayed at the house of Malik Bhago.

16. Guru Nanak Dev Ji met Sajjan Thug at Kurukshetra.

17. Guru Nanak Dev Ji offered water to his fields at Haridwar.

18. Guru Nanak Dev Ji explained about the real worship of God Almighty to the priests of Jagannath Puri.

19. At Mecca, Guru Nanak Dev Ji slept with his feet towards the Kaaba.

20. Guru Nanak Dev Ji believed in one God only.

21. Guru Nanak Dev Ji started two institutions of ‘Sangat and Pangat’.

22. Guru Nanak Dev Ji believed in caste system and idol worship.

23. Guru Nanak Dev Ji laid emphasis on the equal rights of men and women.

24. Guru Nanak Dev Ji immersed in Eternal Light in 1539 A.D.

25. Guru Nanak Dev Ji nominated Bhai Lehna Ji as his successor.

PSEB 12th Class History Solutions Chapter 4 Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and His Teachings

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Who was the foundier of Sikhism?
(a) Guru Nanak Dev Ji
(b) Guru Angad Dev Ji
(c) Guru Hargobind Ji
(d) Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
(a) Guru Nanak Dev Ji

2. When was Guru Nanak Dev Ji born?
(a) In 1459 A.D.
(b) In 1469 A.D.
(c) In 1479 A.D.
(d) In 1489 A.D.
(b) In 1469 A.D.

3. Which was the birth place of Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
(a) Kirtpur Sahib
(b) Kartarpur
(c) Talwandi
(d) Lahore.
(c) Talwandi

4. What was the name of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s father?
(a) Mehta Kalu Ji
(b) Jai Ram Ji
(c) Sri Chand Ji
(d) Pherumal Ji.
(a) Mehta Kalu Ji

5. What was the name of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s mother? .
(a) Khivi Ji
(b) Tripta Ji
(c) Nanaki Ji
(d) Gujari Ji.
(b) Tripta Ji

6. Who was Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s sister?
(a) Nanaki Ji
(b) Bhani Ji
(c) Dani Ji
(d) Khivi Ji.
(a) Nanaki Ji

7. With how many rupees Guru Nanak Dev Ji did Sacha Sauda?
(a) 10
(b) 20
(c) 30
(d) 50
(b) 20

8. Name the wife of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
(a) Ganga Devi Ji
(b) Sulakhni Ji
(c) Bibi Veero Ji
(d) Bibi Bhani Ji.
(b) Sulakhni Ji

9. Where did Mehta Kalu send Nanak to do a job?
(a) Multan
(b) Lahore
(c) Sultanpur Lodhi
(d) Kiratpur Sahib.
(c) Sultanpur Lodhi

10. At what age did Guru Nanak Dev Ji get the enlightenment?
(a) 20 years
(b) 22 years
(c) 26 years
(d) 30 years
(d) 30 years

11. What was the purpose of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Udasis?
(a) To dispel the prevalent superstitions among people
(b) To preach Holy Name
(c) To spread the message of universal brotherhood of mankind
(d) All of the above
(d) All of the above

12. From where did Guru Nanak Dev Ji start his first Udasi?
(a) Gorakhmata
(b) Haridwar
(c) Saidpur
(d) Kurukshetra
(c) Saidpur

13. Where did Guru Nanak Dev Ji meet Sajjan Thug (Cheat)?
(a) At Talumba
(b) At Saidpur
(c) At Delhi
(d) At Dhubri.
(a) At Talumba

14. Where did Guru Nanak Dev Ji meet with witch Nurshahi?
(a) Gaya
(b) Kamrup
(c) Dhubri
(d) Banaras.
(b) Kamrup

15. At which place Guru Nanak Dev Ji told that Nature all the time, is busy with the worship of God.
(a) Haridwar
(b) Kurukshetra
(c) Banaras
(d) Jagan Nath Puri
(d) Jagan Nath Puri

16. Which ruler of Ceylon met Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
(a) Krishandev Rai
(b) Bholenath
(c) Shivnath
(d) Shanker Dev.
(c) Shivnath

17. Which of the following place is now called Punja Sahib?
(a) Pakpattan
(b) Sialkot
(c) Hasan Abdal
(d) Gorakhmata.
(c) Hasan Abdal

18. Which Qazi stopped Guru Nanak Dev Ji to sleep with his feet towards Kabha at Mecca?
(a) Bah-ud-Din
(b) Qutub-ud-Din
(c) Rukun-ud-Din
(d) Bahlol.
(c) Rukun-ud-Din

19. When did Guru Nanak Dev Ji settle at Kartarpur?
(a) In 1519 A.D.
(b) In 1520 A.D.
(c) In 1521. A.D.
(d) In 1522 A.D.
(c) In 1521. A.D.

20. What is the nature of God according to Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
What was the concept of God of Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
(a) He is all powerful.
(b) He is immortal.
(c) He is Nirguna and Saguna.
(d) All of the above.
(d) All of the above.

21. Which of the following is not the nature of Unregenerate man?
(a) He always indulges in vicious circle of Maya.
(b) He always worships God.
(c) He has a strong feeling of ego (Haumai).
(d) He is always surrounded by evil impulses.
(b) He always worships God.

22. Which of the following was not denounced by Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
(a) Priestly class
(b) Caste system
(c) Idol worship
(d) Equality of men and women.
(d) Equality of men and women.

23. What were the means of achieving the Ultimate object of Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
(a) Recitation of Nam
(b) Self surrender
(c) To obey the Hukam of God
(d) All of the above.
(d) All of the above.

24. How many enemies of man have been identified by Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) Five
(d) Five

25. Which things did Guru Nanak Dev Ji ask every man to follow?
(a) To do honest labour (Kirat Kama)
(b) To utter Nam (Nam Japna).
(c) To eat after distributing (Wand Chakna).
(d) All of the above.
(d) All of the above.

26. Who started the tradition of Kirtan?
(a) Guru Nanak Dev Ji
(b) Guru Amar Das Ji
(c) Guru Arjan Dev Ji
(d) Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
(a) Guru Nanak Dev Ji

27. Which of the following fact proves that Guru Nanak Dev Ji was a Revolutionary?
(a) Establishment of new institutions
(b) Opposed the caste system
(c) Condemned the Idol worship
(d) All of the above.
(d) All of the above.

28. Whom did Guru Nanak Dev Ji appoint his successor?
(a) Bhai Jetha Ji
(b) Bhai Durga Ji
(c) Bhai Lehna Ji
(d) Sri Chand Ji
(c) Bhai Lehna Ji

29. In which year Guru Nanak Dev Ji immersed in Eternal Light?
(a) In 1519 A.D.
(b) In 1529 A.D.
(c) In 1539 A.D.
(d) In 1549 A.D.
(c) In 1539 A.D.

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