PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 8 Problem Solving

This PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 8 Problem Solving will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 8 Problem Solving

→ Getting angry is a very bad habit. Anger is a state in which a person feels very nervous and goes far away from peace.

→ In this case, he suffers such a loss which he has to bear for a long time.

→ We get angry when we don’t get what we want.

→ In such a situation, we lose our temper and. do wrong things.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 8 Problem Solving

→ Anger can be controlled in many ways such as thinking positively, reading good books, breathing, etc.

→ We can control our mental state by following a few small steps. It can also our behavior.

→ We can also develop our personality if we get rid of the flaws in us.

→ In this way, a society will be formed in which there will be people full of virtues and not vices.

→ Fear is also a part of our personality. Everyone is afraid of anything.

→ For example, a student who comes first in the class is afraid that someone else might come first.

→ That’s why he does a lot many efforts but his fear remains the same.

→ Many times fear becomes fruitful for us. We are aware of that fear and do nothing to let it overwhelm us.

→ The fear hidden inside you can be easily solved.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 8 Problem Solving

→ So, it is important to understand the problem well, think about it calmly, and embrace whatever the best solution is.

→ Concentration means concentrating completely.

→ When our state of mind stays at one place, we can say that the state of concentration has come.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 7 Decision Making

This PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 7 Decision Making will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 7 Decision Making

→ This chapter starts with the issue of selecting a career and which career one should adopt.

→ In fact, people are always confused about which profession or career they need to pursue with which they get more money and at the same time it must be interesting.

→ Many children are under the pressure of parents that which career they need to adopt whether they like it or not. This is wrong.

→ We should adopt only the career that we feel like doing.

→ We must not come under pressure.

→ At the same time, parents should take into account the wishes of their children.

→ They should be told about the pros and cons of each profession so that they can make the right decision.

→ Everyone should have the ability of decisions make.

→ Even though we make different decisions at different times, sometimes it takes so much time to make that decision that it becomes less important.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 7 Decision Making

→ So, the right decisions must be made at the right time.

→ We can develop our personality with good qualities.

→ This will not bring us bad thoughts and will bring us good qualities.

→ The person must also have full self-confidence to cope with difficult situations.

→ One needs to use common sense in every aspect of his life.

→ This way we don’t get caught up in difficult situations and all the problems are solved easily.

→ There are many occasions in life when it becomes quite difficult to make a decision about any problem. In such a situation, common sense is useful.

→ Everyone should have the ability of common sense and the skill to use it at the right time. It makes our life easy.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 6 Managing Emotions

This PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 6 Managing Emotions will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 6 Managing Emotions

→ Everyone has a lot of emotions such as happiness, sadness, restlessness, nervousness, scaredness, etc.

→ It is a must to keep control of these emotions or they can prove to be detrimental.

→ If we do not control our emotions, we will make a mistake that we will later regret.

→ If we develop a sense of self-reflection in ourselves, we can become better citizens.

→ Such emotions play a very important role in our lives.

→ We must keep a balance of Our emotions and express them only to a certain extent.

→ We have some positive and some negative emotions and they need to be properly coordinated.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 6 Managing Emotions

→ There should be more inclined towards positive emotions by getting rid of negative emotions.

→ There must be a tendency to hang around among friends and it is always there.

→ This allows us to get closer to them and share a lot of our feelings with them.

→ Doing so can help a person avoid problems such as depression or stress.

→ Many people like to write diaries and this is a very good habit.

→ In the diary, we can write the good or bad moments of our daily lives.

→ This diary later becomes a valuable document of our lives.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 5 Creative Thinking

This PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 5 Creative Thinking will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 5 Creative Thinking

→ This world is very beautiful but it depends upon one’s perspective that how one looks at a particular thing.

→ If we want to find goodness, everything is good or if we want to search for bad, everything is bad.

→ We keep a lot of expectations from others and think that they will complete our expectations.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 5 Creative Thinking

→ If the expectation is good, it will definitely be fulfilled.

→ In this way, we will fulfill each other’s expectations and will remain happy.

→ We must cooperate with each other.

→ We must spend time with others and cooperate in every possible manner.

→ It increases love and cooperation and we can work happily.

→ Family, school, and society always progress with the mutual cooperation of members.

→ If their members will not help each other, they will not do progress and will move on the way of destruction.

→ We must give respect and time to our elders.

→ With this, they will not feel lonely.

→ We must listen to their past experiences so that we must not repeat the mistakes which they may have done.

→ Everyone has the ability to understand things.

→ Life cannot be complete without understanding.

→ To play games, to communicate with others, to live in society, we need understanding.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 5 Creative Thinking

→ It is also important to have a creative mindset.

→ It means a wish within an individual to do something new.

→ Those who have such capability, contribute to social progress.

→ It helps in the development of self and also, brings social prestige for the person.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 4 Empathy

This PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 4 Empathy will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 4 Empathy

→ We live in society and while living in society, we treat others with respect. This is because we have the quality of sensitivity.

→ There are two different words-pain and sympathy.

→ Pain means one’s own pain and sympathy means to understand the collective pain of all.

→ At home, children often complain that parents love their siblings more than they do to them.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 4 Empathy

→ At School, boys often complain that why a girl is made monitor of the class.

→ Things like this are indicative of our lack of gender sensitivity.

→ Our parents often do different works at home.

→ We must help our parents with their work.

→ It helps in our personality development.

→ Everyone has some desires in their life.

→ We must keep limited desires to get these fulfilled easily otherwise life becomes full of contentment.

→ Even if the desires in life are less, we should also keep in mind the social rules while fulfilling these desires.

→ There are some critical issues in family and society that need to be carefully resolved.

→ It is not possible for everyone to solve such critical issues.

→ So, it is important to understand the wisdom and delicacy of the occasion. For example religious or linguistic issues.

→ Sensitive issues cannot be solved forcefully.

→ That’s why, we need to know the basic reason for the issue, talk to the concerned parties and try to solve the issues.

→ Every individual in this world is of distinctive personality.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 4 Empathy

→ Just as we are all different from each other in appearance, so too is the personality of each individual is different.

→ We have to accept everyone according to their distinctive personality.

→ Although we are different from each other, still we learn a lot from each other.

→ Friends are of great importance in student life.

→ No matter how many friends we make in life, no one can replace our school friends.

→ While living in society, we want to change in society, but we want the change according to our will which is not possible.

→ Its solution is that we should accept others as they are.

→ It will help in solving many of our social problems.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 3 Inter-Personal Relationship

This PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 3 Inter-Personal Relationship will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 3 Inter-Personal Relationship

→ This chapter starts with a small play that tells us to respect our elders.

→ The play starts with the conversation between grandmother and her grandson (Romi) which shows eternal love and sympathy between them both.

→ Then enters the daughter-in-law (Simran) who wants to keep her son (Romi) away from his grandmother.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 3 Inter-Personal Relationship

→ Then grandmother’s Son (Karanbir Singh Brar) comes in front and his wife (Simran) tells him that her mother-in-law is provoking Romi against his mother (Simran).

→ She asks Karanbir either should send his mother to an old age home or she will move out of her house to go to her own mother’s house.

→ Finally, grandmother comes and says to her son Karanbir to send her to old age home as she can’t live here.

→ On one side Karanbir sends his mother to an old age home and on the other side Simran threatens her brother to take care of the mother or she will take the mother to her home.

→ The scene changes after six months when Karanbir receives her mother’s call to meet her.

→ Karanbir and Simran think that it is her last time and that’s why they both agree to meet her.

→ At the old age home, a grandmother tells her son Karanbir to donate two fans and a fridge to an old age home as people are facing a lot of problems over there. Karanbir agrees to donate the things.

→ At this moment, the manager of the old age home comes recognizes Karanbir and tells him that thirty-five years ago, his father Hardev Singh adopted him from here only.

→ If he could not have adopted him, he could have been bigger somewhere.

→ After listening to the manager, Karanbir and Simran realized that they have done wrong with their mother.

→ They say sorry to her and take her to their home.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 3 Inter-Personal Relationship

→ This short play tells us that we must not misbehave with our elders.

→ Instead, we should respect them and take blessings from them.

→ There is a social limitation of every relationship and we must care about such limitations.

→ All the relationships are important and while keeping their importance in mind, we must remain their limits.

→ There should be love and intensity in close and far relationships.

→ That’s why one should live within the limits of relationships.

→ One builds many kinds of relationships in life. Some relationships last a lifetime and some break down along the way. Some relationships just stay in the heart.

→ Imagine if we need to leave a relationship, we should keep a few things in mind.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 3 Inter-Personal Relationship

→ We should say thanks to each other, share phone numbers, etc.

→ We must behave well with the children and this good behaviour becomes an identity of our personality.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 2 Critical Thinking

This PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 2 Critical Thinking will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 2 Critical Thinking

→ For centuries, there has been discrimination between boys and girls in our society.

→ Boys are considered superior to girls and the major reason for this is the male-dominated society.

→ In modem times, science and technology have largely eliminated this gender discrimination.

→ Although this discrimination is reduced still this discrimination still prevails in many areas.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 2 Critical Thinking

→ We have many examples in history which show that when required, females have shown great courage.

→ This also shows us certain qualities in females such as courage, helping others, etc.

→ While living in a society, we must oppose every type of discrimination and try to bring equality in society.

→ We must use time wisely and not misuse it.

→ If we do not value time today, tomorrow will not value us.

→ It is a must for us to make a timetable and live life according to it.

→ It will bring discipline into our lives and we will be able to do everything at the right time.

→ We must use social media in a better way.

→ We must get good knowledge and only devote that much time to social media which is required.

→ For entertainment, we can use other means as well except social media.

→ We must use mobile, the internet, and other means of communication in a constructive way.

→ They provide us with very good material to study.

→ By using them in a proper way, we can create a better personality.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 2 Critical Thinking

→ It is a must for every student to use them in a constructive way.

→ There is a lot of negativity spread around us.

→ We must avoid any kind of negativity and must try to adapt and spread positivity.

→ At the same time, we must avoid the misconceptions that exist in society.

→ We must use our discretion and mind to avoid misconceptions and try to remove them from society.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 1 Self-Awareness and Self Discipline

This PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 1 Self-Awareness and Self Discipline will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 1 Self-Awareness and Self Discipline

→ Every individual is having some talent and this talent can be of any type.

→ There is definitely a need to polish the talent which an individual possesses and it can be polished through repeated practice.

→ To become a master of any work, repeated practice is a must.

→ Without practice, no one can do any work in a proper way.

→ That’s why practice is one of the means to polish someone’s talent.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 1 Self-Awareness and Self Discipline

→ Humans and their nature, both are changeable.

→ The way in which change comes in nature, in the same way, the nature of an individual also changes with time.

→ An individual must be of flexible attitude and must welcome every change.

→ A person with a rigid attitude cannot remain happy and make others unhappy as well.

→ A person with a rigid attitude cannot handle his relationships well.

→ He cannot hear his criticism. An individual must develop quality within himself of listening to his criticism and must change that aspect of his life for which he is being criticized.

→ An open-minded individual accepts every change with an open heart and does progress in life.

→ Open-minded person adapts himself according to the changed situation and does progress.

→ If we have adopted modem technology, it is because of our open-mindedness.

→ An individual must not be of rigid attitude.

→ Instead, he must be of flexible nature.

→ If something is going wrong around us, we must try to improve it so that our future generations do not have that problem.

PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Notes Chapter 1 Self-Awareness and Self Discipline

→ Everyone must work to become responsible citizenship and must accept everything that comes in his way.

→ The most important thing is for the person to see his tendency.

→ A person should work in the same field in which he is inclined otherwise he will not be able to do any work properly.

→ After seeing the trends, he should work hard in that field.

→ In this way, he will become aware of the career to come.

PSEB 10th Class SST Notes Civics Chapter 5 Indian Foreign Policy and United Nations

This PSEB 10th Class Social Science Notes Civics Chapter 5 Indian Foreign Policy and United Nations will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 10th Class Social Science Notes Civics Chapter 5 Indian Foreign Policy and United Nations

Aims and objective of the Foreign Policy:

  • Foreign Policy means the policy which a country adopts towards other countries to solve international problems.
  • Its main aim is to maintain the country’s security and world peace.

Basis of Foreign Policy of India:

  • The main aim of the foreign policy of India is Non-alignment.
  • This means that India remains aloof from military alliances or power blocs.
  • The basic principle of our foreign policy is to cooperate with the U.N.O. and to have friendly relations with neighbouring countries.

PSEB 10th Class SST Notes Civics Chapter 5 Indian Foreign Policy and United Nations

Non-Alignment movement:

  • It is the basic principle of India’s foreign policy.
  • India was the first country that initiates the policy of Non-alignment.
  • The founder members of this movement were India, Yugoslavia, and Egypt.
  • The membership of this movement has considerably increased.
  • Now, this movement is called Third World.

India and its neighbours:

  • Pakistan, China, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka, Bhutan Myainmare are our neighbouring countries.
  • India aims at having good relations with these countries and our country has solved disputes with some countries.

India and Pakistan:
Pakistan has been claiming Kashmir since independence whereas it is an integral part of India.

India and China:

  • August 1962 invasion of India by China had created a rift between India and China.
  • But now there is some improvement in relations between the two countries as a result of meetings between the prominent leaders of India and China.

Relations with Bangla Desh:

  • The causes of disputes between the two countries were the boundary disputes, Farakha barrage, and migration of Bangladeshis to India.
  • The boundary disputes between the two countries have been solved by present governments.

PSEB 10th Class SST Notes Civics Chapter 5 Indian Foreign Policy and United Nations

On April 29, 1954, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, the then Prime Minister of India and P.M. of China, Chou-en-Lai formulated five principles of Panchsheel of co-existence for the nations of the world.

India’s relations with the U.S.A.:

  • India’s relations with the U.S.A. have been changing from time to time.
  • The main cause of tension was India’s refusal to sign a Non-proliferation treaty because this treaty is biased.
  • But now India has friendly relations with the U.S.A. Now both countries are fighting to eradicate Islamic terrorism.

India’s relations with Russia:

  • India has very good relations with Russia.
  • Russia has supported India on every issue.
  • Russia has contributed a lot to the improvement of India’s economy.

United Nations Organisation:

  • UNO was established on 24 October 1945 to stop wars and establish world peace.
  • It has six organs and many specialized agencies.
  • They have contributed to the development and progress of backward countries.

PSEB 10th Class SST Notes Civics Chapter 5 Indian Foreign Policy and United Nations

India and UNO:

  • India has full faith in the aims and principles of the UNO.
  • So the aim of the foreign policy of India is to support UNO in the establishment of world peace and solving international disputes through peaceful methods.

PSEB 10th Class SST Notes Civics Chapter 4 Indian Democracy at Work

This PSEB 10th Class Social Science Notes Civics Chapter 4 Indian Democracy at Work will help you in revision during exams.

PSEB 10th Class Social Science Notes Civics Chapter 4 Indian Democracy at Work

Types of Democracy:

  • Democracy can be either Direct or Indirect.
  • In a direct democracy, the people run the government directly but in indirect democracy, the government is run by the representatives of the people.
  • For the success of democracy, it is essential that public opinion plays an important role.
  • Healthy public opinion is a check on the political parties.
  • In the formation of public opinion, many constituents such as newspapers, electronic media, political parties, and many social service groups play a very important role.

Expression of Public Opinion:

  • In the formation of public opinion, its means are also considered.
  • The political parties indicate the opinion of the people.

PSEB 10th Class SST Notes Civics Chapter 4 Indian Democracy at Work

Modern Public Opinion:
Modem age is the age of indirect public opinion because the modem states have large areas and have big populations.

Right to Vote:

  • The right to vote means that, the citizens have the right to elect their representatives.
  • In India, the basis of voting is one person one vote.

Secret ballot:

  • In most democratic countries, the method of the secret ballot has been adopted.
  • It means that in the elections, the citizens can vote for a candidate of their choice.
  • Any voter cannot be compelled to vote for any particular candidate.
  • He cannot be told for whom he has to cast his vote.

Election Process:

  • The Election Commission conducts the elections by a particular process.
  • This process has different stages:
    • To fix the date of the election
    • Nomination of candidates
    • Scrutiny of nomination papers
    • The date of withdrawal
    • Election campaign
    • Voting
    • Counting of votes
    • Declaration of results.

The Election Symbols:

  • Every political party has its own symbol. Independent candidates are given different symbols.
  • The allocation of symbols to the candidates makes it easy for the voters to vote for the candidate of their choice.

Election Propaganda:
With the announcement of the election, political parties and independent candidates start election propaganda and try to influence the voters.

PSEB 10th Class SST Notes Civics Chapter 4 Indian Democracy at Work

Election Manifesto:
An election manifesto is an important document of a political party in which each political party declares its aims, objectives, and programmes.

Role of Political Parties:
Political parties help to create public interest without which there can be no public opinion.

Party Systems:
The single-party system, bi-party system, and multiple-party system.

Names of National Political Parties:
Indian National Congress, Bhartiya Janata Party, Communist Party of India (Marxist), CPI, National Congress, and Trinamool Congress.

India’s important Regional Parties:
AIDMK in Tamilnadu, Telgu Desham in Andhra Pradesh, Akali Dal in Punjab, National Conference in J&K, etc.

PSEB 10th Class SST Notes Civics Chapter 4 Indian Democracy at Work

Role of Opposition:

  • The opposition not in power criticizes the government.
  • It serves as a check on the government.