This PSEB 10th Class Agriculture Notes Chapter 3 Rabi Crops will help you in revision during exams.
PSEB 10th Class Agriculture Notes Chapter 3 Rabi Crops
→ Crops that are sown in October-November are known as Rabi Crops.
→ Rabi crops are harvested in March-April.
→ These (Rabi crops) can be categorized into three types-cereals, pulses and oilseeds, and fodder crops.
→ The main cereal crops are Wheat and Barley.

→ China is the leading country in the production of wheat.
→ Uttar Pradesh is the leading state in the production of wheat ! in India.
→ The area occupied by wheat is 35 lakh hectares in Punjab,
→ The average yield of wheat per acre is 18-20 quintals.
→ The cool climate is suitable for wheat during the early stages of its growth.
→ Wheat can grow well in medium loamy soil with moderate water holding capacity.
→ Improved varieties of wheat are H.D. 2947, P.B.W. 343, D.B.W. 17, durum, etc.
→ Durum wheat flour is used for making pasta.
→ If weed problem is seen before sowing wheat then use gramoxone herbicide without ploughing.
→ The seed rate for wheat is 40 kg per hectare.
→ If wheat is sown between the time period of the 4th week of October to the 4th week of November then fewer weeds are found in the fields.
→ To get rid of broadleaf weeds like Maina, Maini, Bathu, Senji, 1 Kandiyali Palak, etc. use Algrip or Aim.

→ Use any of Topic, leader, stomp, etc. for Gulli danda.
→ The fertilizer requirement for wheat is 50 kg nitrogen, 25 kg phosphorus, and 12 kg potash per acre.
→ Deficiency of zinc and manganese occurs in light soils.
→ Termite, Aphid, armyworm, and gram pod borer can attack the wheat crops.
→ Major diseases of wheat are Powdery mildew, loose Smut, Kamal bunt, Yellow rust, Brown rust, ear cockle (Mamni), yellow ear rot (Tundu), etc.
→ Barley production is highest in Rajasthan in India.
→ The area under the cultivation of barley is 12 thousand hectares in Punjab.
→ The average yield of Barley is 15-16 quintals per acre.
→ Barley can be grown in salt-affected soils.
→ Varieties of Barley are – PL 807, VJM – 201, PL – 426.
→ The seed rate for barley is 35 kg per acre for irrigated and timely sowing, for non irrigated and late sown conditions seed rate is 45 kg per acre.
→ The time of sowing for barley is 15 October to 15 November.
→ Different types of chemicals are recommended for different types of weeds, e.g. 2, 4-D is for bathu, Avadex B.W. for Jaundhar, and Puma power for Gulli danda.
→ The fertilizer requirement for barley is 25 kg nitrogen, 12 kg phosphorus, and 6 kg potash per acre.

→ Insects/pests for Barley are aphid and diseases are-stripe, covered smut, loose smut, yellow rust, etc.
→ Dining Rabi season lentil, grams, and field pea are sown in some areas in Punjab.
→ The area under gram cultivation is two thousand hectares and the average yield per acre is five quintals.
→ It is a crop of low-rainfall areas.
→ Grams can grow well in well-drained light to medium textured soil.
→ Improved varieties of grams are -GPF – 2 and PBG-1 for Desigram (irrigated) ; PDG-4 and PDG-3 are for Desigram (rainfed).
→ Kabuli gram varieties are-L-552 and BG-1053.
→ The seed rate for Desigrams is 15-18 kg per acre and for Kabuli, grams is 37 kg per acre.
→ The time of sowing for rainfed decigrams is from 10 to 25 October.
→ Weed control can be done by using treflan or stomp in grams.
→ Fertilizer requirement for Desi and Kabuli grams is 6 kg nitrogen per acre, for desi grams 8 kg per acre of phosphorus and for Kabuli grams 16 kg per acre of phosphorus.
→ Insects pests that can attack gram crops are termite and gram caterpillar.
→ Diseases of gram crop are blight, grey mould, wilt, stem rot, etc.
→ Lentil occupies an 1100 hectare area in Punjab.

→ The average yield is about 2-3 quintals per acre for lentils.
→ All soils are suitable for lentils except saline, alkaline or waterlogged soils.
→ Improved varieties of lentils are L.L. 931 and L.L. 699.
→ The seed rate for lentils is 12-15 kg per acre.
→ Lentil is sown in the second fortnight of October.
→ Fertilizer requirement for lentils is 5 kg nitrogen per acre when seeds are inoculated then phosphorus requirement is 8 kg otherwise it is 46 kg per acre.
→ Insects/pests which damage lentil crops are pod borers. Blight and rust are their main diseases.
→ The highest oilseed producing country is the united states of America.
→ The highest oilseed-producing state in India is Rajasthan.
→ Oilseed crops of Rabi season are- Raya, Gobhisarson, Toria, Taramira, Linseed (alsi), Safflower (Khusambha), Sunflower, etc.
→ Raya can be grown in medium to high rainfall areas.
→ Raya can be grown in all types of soils.
→ Improved varieties of Raya are R.L.C.-1, PBR – 210, PBR-91.
→ The seed rate for Raya is 1.5 kg per acre.
→ The time of sowing Raya is mid-October to mid of November.
→ The fertilizer requirement for Raya is 40 kg nitrogen, 12 kg phosphorus per acre.
→ Insects pests that can affect Raya have painted bugs, mustard aphid, mustard sawflies, leaf miners, etc.

→ Diseases of Raya are Altemaria Blight, white rust, downy mildew, etc.
→ Gobhisarson is one of canola variety. It contains very less amount of erucic acid and glucosinolates.
→ Varieties of gobhisarson are PGSH 51, GSL-2, GSL-1.
→ Canola varieties are – GSC-6, GSC-5.
→ The seed rate for gobhisarson is 1.5 kg per acre.
→ The time of sowing for gobhisarson is 10 October to 30 October.
→ For controlling weeds in gobhi Sarson Basalin is used before sowing and isoproturon can be used after sowing.
→ Sunflower seeds contain 40-43% oil, which has less cholesterol in it.
→ The highest sunflower production is in Ukraine in the world.
→ Sunflower is grown in 20-21 thousand hectares area in Punjab. The average yield is 6.5 quintals per acre.
→ Well-drained, medium-textured soil is suitable for sunflowers.
→ Improved varieties of sunflower are – PSH 996, PSH 569, Jawalamukhi.
→ The seed rate for sunflower is 2 kg per acre.
→ Sowing should be done by the end of January for sunflower.
→ 40 kg green fodder is required for an adult animal in a day.
→ Fodder crops of Rabi season are-Berseem, Shaftal, Lucerne, Oats, Ryegrass, and senji.
→ Berseem is the king of fodders.
→ Varieties of Berseem are BL 42, BL 10, BL1.

→ The seed rate for Berseem is 8 to 10 kg per acre.
→ Make Berseem seeds free from Chicory (Kashni) seeds.
→ The time of sowing for Berseem is the last week of September to the first week of October.
→ Poa annua (Bueen, common name) can be controlled by spraying Basalin.
→ After berseem, Oats are rich in nutritive value.
→ Varieties of oats are O.L – 9, kent.
→ The seed rate for oats is 25 kg per acre.
→ The time of sowing for oats is from the second week to the last week of October.
→ Weeds in oats can be controlled by hoeing.

→ Fertilizer requirements for oats are 15 kg nitrogen and 8 kg phosphorus per acre at the time of sowing.
→ Three to four irrigation are required for oats including rauni (pre-sowing irrigation).